Length (Words/Pages)
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
3,250 / 6½ |
Funtails |
- s&f/fant/magic
15,000 / 30 |
Boy-writer |
- prostitution
10,000 / 20 |
23 Days To Go and other stories
Gamin Paramour |
- cons.man/boy
11,000 / 22 |
26 Cousins
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
155,000 / 310 |
44 Days
Platypus & Sam T. Sleaze |
- non-consensual
22,000 / 44 |
Ganymede |
- real-life
122,000 / 244 |
88E469SD Ward of the State (The Program I)
Howdy Doody |
- real-life
105,000 / 210 |
Aaron's Story
I Am Username |
- boyfriend
14,500 / 29 |
The Abandoned House
Bunjji2000 |
- non-consensual
2,750 / 5½ |
Benjamin Hanson |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
79,000 / 158 |
About a Boy
Patrick |
- boy-slave
(12,000) / (24) |
About being tied up
Shakey Psyche |
- tie-up
23,000 / 46 |
Shakey Psyche |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
74,000 / 148 |
Adam Plaster Hands
Sam Johnson |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Adan's Story
Adan Rios |
- cons.bdsm - tie-up
6,000 / 12 |
Adnauseam's Emporium
Parrafan |
- other
5,500 / 11 |
Adopted to be a Bondage Star
MaxStevens |
- cons.bdsm
(24,500) / (49) |
Boy-writer |
- cons.man/boy
1,100 / 2¼ |
Adoption Story
Mister Red |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
Adrift in Space
Just Another Grimm |
- s&f/fant/magic
(3,000) / (6) |
Adventure Quest (The Boy Planet)
Kyle Aarons |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
180,500 / 361 |
Adventures of 10-year-old boys
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
24,000 / 48 |
Adventures of 11-year-old boys
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
24,000 / 48 |
The Adventures of Brother Timothy
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
28,000 / 56 |
The Adventures of Captain Steve Johnson I: A Souvenir from Scotland
StoTelAlex |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
31,500 / 63 |
Adventures of Collin, Jeff and Thomas
William Rush |
- cons.man/boy
25,000 / 50 |
The Adventures of Stampley Plantation
WannabeWhitman |
- hist.-slave
145,000 / 290 |
After Swim Practice
Systemisdown |
- boyfriend
(7,500) / (15) |
The Aftermath
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Age of Full Use
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
29,000 / 58 |
Agency Boys
John Stevens |
- prostitution
19,500 / 39 |
Anonymous |
- cons.bdsm
6,000 / 12 |
Ah Paris (Laura's Vacation)
The Devil's Advocate |
- woman-boy - non-consensual
15,500 / 31 |
Alcohol Madness
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
6,500 / 13 |
Dux |
- woman-boy
4,500 / 9 |
Alien Ground Zero
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic
63,000 / 127 |
Alien Probe
Parrafan |
- other
3,000 / 6 |
Alleen maar een knoop
Boisterous |
- cons.bdsm
4,000 / 8 |
Almost Brothers
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
41,000 / 82 |
Al's Summer Vacation
Diabolical |
- woman-boy
40,000 / 80 |
Amano - My Life As A Slave
Cho |
- boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Amazon Steppes
Pueros |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
8,000 / 16 |
Amsterdam, 2015
Bill |
- prostitution
3,000 / 6 |
Amtrak Across America
Taurak |
- cons.man/boy
18,000 / 36 |
Ancient History
Sarge |
- real-life - school-camp
3,750 / 7½ |
Andrew - A Boy Rescued
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy - boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Andrew my Love
Charles Baudot |
- s&f/fant/magic
19,000 / 38 |
Andromeda Rising
Chillun |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Andy's Shed
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
2,500 / 5 |
The Angel Gabriel
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
15,500 / 31 |
Another Country
Zelamir |
- non-consensual
(97,000) / (194) |
Anton -
Pennywise |
- boyfriend
13,000 / 26 |
Anything For Luke
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
21,500 / 43 |
Moonweezle9 & Dēda |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
(413,500) / (827) |
The Apple Scrumpers
Jason Masters |
- cons.bdsm
20,000 / 33 |
The Apprentices
Michael Jacks |
- hist.-slave
13,500 / 27 |
April Interlude
Eff Del |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
6,500 / 13 |
The Archonshire Academy
Cutlass |
- school-camp
34,000 / 68 |
The Arena
Paul Paris |
- prostitution
19,500 / 39 |
An Argumentative Day
Greenfrog |
- boy-slave
7,000 / 14 |
Ari's Awakening
Bbillings |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
Arkansas Vacation
Sid G |
- cons.man/boy - cons.bdsm
444,000 / 888 |
Around the World
Herb Cat |
- cons.man/boy
58,000 / 116 |
Arrangements for Michael
Anonymous |
- non-consensual
10,000 / 20 |
The Arrivals
Bara |
- s&f/fant/magic
40,500 / 81 |
Art and Jamie
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
25,500 / 51 |
At Day's End
Arthur |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
65,500 / 131 |
At Their Mercy
J.O. Dickingson |
- non-consensual
76,500 / 153 |
Atheense Jongens – 460 v.Chr.
Bill |
- hist.-slave
25,000 / 50 |
Athenian Boys - 460 BC
Bill |
- hist.-slave
25,000 / 50 |
Athens, Ga.
Dorvis Slaughter |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Aufnahmeprüfung und andere kurze deutsche Geschichten
Anonym |
- boyfriend
3,500 / 7 |
The Aurora School for Boys
Zackary Dillon |
- boy-slave - eunuch
3,500 / 7 |
Austin and His Brother Cole
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
10,500 / 21 |
Azrael de Wonderjongen
Istari |
- boy-slave
2,200 / 4½ |
Azrael the WonderBoy
Istari |
- boy-slave
2,200 / 4½ |
Pueros |
- other
9,000 / 18 |
Anonymous |
- non-consensual
11,500 / 23 |
Babysitter's Dirty Little Secret
Sam the Ham |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
Bad Idea? How I Became My Family's Human Pet
Katie Dale |
- woman-boy
18,500 / 37 |
Baghdad 782 AD
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
9,500 / 19 |
Baghdad 790 AD
Funtails |
- boy-slave
5,500 / 11 |
Bbillings |
- boyfriend - other
6,500 / 13 |
Balkan Boy
Bill |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Baseball Camp
Mike S |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
(49,500) / (99) |
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
9,000 / 18 |
The Basketball Players
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
Battle Boys
Sam the Ham |
- other
(23,500) / (47) |
Beach Boy
Fan Cha Phaw |
- cons.man/boy
1,250 / 2½ |
Beach Boys
Paolo |
- cons.man/boy
63,500 / 127 |
Beach Front Boy
Koos Smit |
- prostitution
(138,000) / (276) |
Becoming Myself
Niklas Sverige |
- boyfriend
6,500 / 13 |
Before the Soccer Game
Shorty |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
Begegnung an der Ruine
Bonbononkel |
- cons.bdsm
7,000 / 14 |
Barrett Robinson |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 9 |
The Beggar Boys
Storytime |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
70,000 / 140 |
Freebeer |
- prostitution
3,500 / 7 |
Being My Big Brother's Bitch
Oskar M |
- other
5,500 / 11 |
Belinda's Boy Scout Camp Out
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
5,500 / 11 |
Belinda's Scoutskamp
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
5,500 / 11 |
The Bellatrix IV Chronicles
Dēda |
- s&f/fant/magic
13,500 / 27 |
Ben in the YMCA Shower
Jacob |
- cons.man/boy
2,500 / 5 |
Benin, A Roman Slave Boy
Brianski aka Brian |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
51,000 / 102 |
Brian |
- cons.man/boy
159,000 / 318 |
Benji - Earning Money For Dad
Bill Jonners |
- prostitution
41,500 / 83 |
Knabenstories |
- prostitution
12,000 / 24 |
Best Friends
Cutter09 |
- boyfriend
11,000 / 22 |
The Best Halloween Outfit Ever
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
2,000 / 4 |
The Best Uncles are Adopted
Randu |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
The Bicycle Tour
Anonymous |
- cons.man/boy
16,000 / 32 |
Billie The Magician's Assistant
Katie Dale & bc99 |
- s&f/fant/magic - woman-boy
32,000 / 64 |
Billing above the Title
RaziHaze |
- cons.man/boy - other
13,500 / 27 |
Billy and Bob
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
30,500 / 61 |
Billy and Katy's Chat Session
Cutter09 |
- boyfriend
5,500 / 11 |
Billy the Thief
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
Billy's Physical
Mister Red |
- cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
Birthday Interrogations
Platypus |
- non-consensual
1,400 / 3 |
A Birthday Surprise
Eithan Cole |
- cons.man/boy
3,250 / 6½ |
The Bitch
ToolUser |
- non-consensual
17,500 / 35 |
Black Boys' Slave
Bman |
- other
2,750 / 5½ |
Black Jack
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
6,500 / 13 |
Blincoe's Casefile: 1 The Cross Murders
Pueros |
23,000 / 46 |
Boarding School
Sarge |
- school-camp - non-consensual
23,000 / 46 |
Boarding School
Jason Masters |
- school-camp
6,300 / 12½ |
Boarding School Boy
Bill |
- boyfriend - school-camp
23,000 / 46 |
Boarding School Teacher
Bill |
- school-camp
28,000 / 56 |
R. Preston |
- cons.bdsm
30,000 / 60 |
Bobby's Holiday
Phill later Brian |
- cons.man/boy
26,000 / 52 |
The Bond
Sarge |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
41,500 / 83 |
Peter Pierce |
- s&f/fant/magic
65,500 / 131 |
Born to Serve
Steam Train |
- boy-slave
2,300 / 4½ |
The Boss
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
Bound for Freedom
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
11,500 / 23 |
Bound To Heaven
Jason Masters |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,000 / 6 |
Rpike |
- boy-slave
6,500 / 13 |
The Boxer Rebellion
Parrafan |
- school-camp
12,000 / 24 |
The Boxing of a Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
27,500 / 55 |
Boy at the Window
That Guy |
- cons.man/boy
63,000 / 126 |
Boy Auction in the Old West
Parrafan |
- hist.-slave
10,500 / 21 |
Boy Batter
ToolUser |
- cons.man/boy
35,500 / 71 |
Boy Brothel
Joe Stevens |
- prostitution
2,750 / 5½ |
Boy Doll
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
30,000 / 60 |
Boy For Hire
Bill W |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution
39,000 / 78 |
A Boy for Pleasure, Short Stories
Alan Edward |
- other
47,000 / 94 |
Boy Fuck on the Titanic and other short stories
Todd Sayre |
- non-consensual
30,000 / 60 |
Boy God Darren
Bara |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
Boy in the Bathhouse & other stories
David |
- cons.man/boy
22,300 / 45 |
The Boy in the Woods
- other
30,500 / 61 |
A Boy in Trouble
P. Writer |
- boy-slave - other
(190,000) / (380) |
Boy Massage
Corbin Wells |
- other
1,000 / 2 |
The Boy Master
Phillip B |
- non-consensual
11,000 / 22 |
Boy on a Motorcycle and other stories
Amador Pueri |
- cons.man/boy
25,500 / 51 |
Boy Power House
Herb Cat |
- other
33,500 / 77 |
The Boy Prostitute
Zzathras |
- prostitution
7,000 / 14 |
The Boy Punisher
Platypus |
- school-camp
6,000 / 12 |
Boy Scout Science Project
Sid G |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
Boy Sketches
Jason Masters |
- cons.man/boy - boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic - prostitution
24,000 / 48 |
Boy Swap
Dirt |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
Boy Vacations Inc.
Dēda |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution
52,500 / 105 |
Boy Vignettes
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
56,550 / 113 |
The Boy Who Became a Doll & other stories
Evade |
- other
19,500 / 39 |
Boy Whore
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
17,000 / 34 |
The Boy With No Name
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
The Boy with the Cigarette
Sid G |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
Boyhood Discoveries (Five Short Stories)
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
Boyhood of a Clone
Bill |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
14,500 / 29 |
Boyhood Sex Lessons
Bill |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Boy-Maids of the Enclosed City
Master's Maid |
- other
8,000 / 16 |
A Boy's Balls In Men's Hands
My Evil Twin |
- eunuch - non-consensual
5,500 / 11 |
Boys' Detention Centre
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
9,750 / 19½ |
Boys Gone Bonkers
William Rush |
- boy-slave
15,000 / 30 |
The Boys Guardian Force
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
17,000 / 34 |
Boys in Space
Hamilton Joyce |
- s&f/fant/magic - prostitution
10,000 / 20 |
The Boys in the Field (The Program II)
Howdy Doody |
- real-life
50,000 / 100 |
The Boys in the Garage
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
19,000 / 38 |
Boys in the King's Navy, 1807
Bill |
- prostitution
22,000 / 44 |
A Boy's Life
Dark Side |
- boyfriend
3,500 / 7 |
A Boy's Life: Adventures of an orphan boy
Patrick |
- boy-slave
(8,000) / (16) |
The Boys Lounge
Verryevil |
- prostitution
8,000 / 16 |
Boys Love Torture
Scott Westwood |
- non-consensual
670,000 / 1340 |
Boys of Aertha: Three short stories
William Rush |
- boy-slave
16,000 / 32 |
Boys of Bamtene
Randy Craig |
- prostitution
23,000 / 46 |
The Boys of Cockney Hills
Zackary Dillon |
- boy-slave
20,500 / 41 |
The Boys of Thailand
Amador Pueri |
- prostitution
19,000 / 38 |
Boys of the CIA
Sid G |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
77,000 / 154 |
A Boy's Tale
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
142,500 / 283 |
Boys: Road to the Abyss
Yaro Minnaar |
- non-consensual
(66,000) / (132) |
BoyToys, Inc.
Dirt |
- boy-slave
51,000 / 102 |
Brad's Buddy Kyle
Cutter09 |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
brandon.doc & other stories with 15-year old boys
LizardGuy |
- boyfriend
5,500 / 11 |
Brave Enough
ToolUser |
- prostitution
11,500 / 23 |
Breaking Angels
Ric O'Chet |
- non-consensual
25,000 / 50 |
Adam Bookbinder |
- woman-boy
17,000 / 34 |
Bren, the Slave Boy / Bren & Cat
Sid G |
- boy-slave - prostitution
4,500 / 9 |
Koos Smit |
- hist.-slave
(93,000) / (186) |
Brenda's Twin-boy Temptation
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
4,000 / 8 |
Brenda's verleidelijke tweeling
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
4,000 / 8 |
Bren's Games
Parrafan |
- boyfriend
10,000 / 20 |
Brewster Adventures
J.O. Dickingson |
- other
(154,000) / (308) |
Bridgeport Slave
Sasuke Sarutobi |
- non-consensual
20,500 / 41 |
Brothel-Boy in Harlem
Bill |
- prostitution
6,000 / 12 |
The Brotherhood
Pueros |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution - eunuch
24,500 / 49 |
Brotherly Love In Paris
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
4,250 / 8½ |
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
13,500 / 27 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
10,500 / 21 |
The Brown Mountain Incident
Charles Baudot |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,000 / 6 |
Bruce and the Boy Waiter
Bill Jonners |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
Bryan Willowsby, a boy named
P. Writer |
- boyfriend - other
241,000 / 482 |
The Bully and the New Boys
Spike |
- school-camp
6,500 / 13 |
A Business Proposal
Shadey Grey |
- cons.man/boy
5,000 / 10 |
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
11,000 / 22 |
Busted on the Beach
Bbillings |
- non-consensual
8,500 / 17 |
Buying Gavril
Anonymous |
- boy-slave - eunuch
14,000 / 28 |
Cosmo |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
10,000 / 20 |
Cabin Boys – 1785
Bill |
- boyfriend
4,000 / 8 |
Cabin Sunsets
Daddy Rob 2 |
- cons.man/boy
(5,500) / (11) |
The Cage Story
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
3,000 / 6 |
Cai, The Slave Boy from Britannia
CalvinC |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
2,500 / 5 |
Camillus Famulatus
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
4,000 / 8 |
Camp Initiations
Treacle Tower |
- school-camp - tie-up
5,000 / 10 |
Camp Time
Pyro |
- boyfriend
7,000 / 14 |
Camp Wanafuk
Debonair |
- school-camp
16,000 / 32 |
Campbell Boys
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
149,000 / 298 |
Can You Spare a Quarter?
Tiger Paw |
- real-life
60,500 / 121 |
A Canadian Story, c. 2100
StefanIsMe |
- eunuch
5,000 / 10 |
The Captive Boy
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
40,000 / 80 |
Captive Breeding Program
Damnd1 |
- woman-boy - other
9,000 / 18 |
Capture and Enslavement
Dirt |
- boy-slave
60,500 / 121 |
Captured by Boyscouts
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
2,000 / 4 |
The Caretaker
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
5,000 / 10 |
Caring for Cody
TeenTales |
- cons.man/boy
25,000 / 50 |
Caring for Cody
Anonymous |
- other
7,500 / 15 |
Niklas Sverige |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
Mr. Cabinet |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Carol's Callboy Adventure
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
2,700 / 5½ |
Carwash Capers
Parrafan |
- other
5,000 / 10 |
Castaway Hotel
Bill W |
- real-life
l,476,500 / 2953 |
Castaway Hotel: Next Generation
Bill W |
- real-life
298,000 / 496 |
Amador Pueri |
- cons.man/boy
19,000 / 38 |
Diversasy |
- cons.bdsm - woman-boy - tie-up
(155,000) / (310) |
Certain Rules for a Gay Childhood
Oskar M |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
Chad, the Ideal Lad
Herb Cat |
- cons.man/boy
23,500 / 47 |
Chance Encounter
Gabe Wallis |
- cons.bdsm
30,000 / 60 |
A Change in Life's Direction
Dēda |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
Change of Regime
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
12,500 / 25 |
The Changeling
Arthur |
- cons.bdsm
16,500 / 33 |
Changing History
Giorgii Williams |
- hist.-slave
34,500 / 69 |
A Charitable Sacrifice
Benjamin Hanson |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
52,000 / 104 |
Charles and Carlos Meet
Sid G |
- cons.man/boy
13,500 / 27 |
Charles Taken in Charge
Bill Underhill |
- prostitution
14,000 / 28 |
Charlie Visits PZA
Unknownwriter |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,500 / 7 |
Damnd1 |
- prostitution
5,500 / 11 |
Chase under the Blanket
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
25,000 / 50 |
Chastity for Boys: A Parent's Guide
Istari |
- other
5,000 / 10 |
Cherry Picker
The Devil's Advocate |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
Chesapeake Boy 2203 AD
Bill |
- boy-slave - prostitution
39,000 / 78 |
Chicagoland Boy
Cory DePalma |
- boyfriend
19,000 / 38 |
The Choir
Zadziu |
- cons.man/boy
(8,000) / (16) |
The Chosen One From Nongkhai
J.O. Dickingson |
- cons.man/boy
32,500 / 65 |
Chris in the Middle
Pyro |
- cons.man/boy
11,000 / 22 |
Christian's School of Humility
The Devil's Advocate |
- school-camp - non-consensual
209,000 / 418 |
Christian's School of Humility 2: The Awakening
The Devil's Advocate |
- school-camp - non-consensual
124,500 / 249 |
A Christmas Carol
Anonymous |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,000 / 10 |
A Christmas in New Atlantis
William Rush |
- boy-slave
6,750 / 13½ |
Christmas Morning
Sam the Ham |
- cons.bdsm
2,500 / 5 |
The Christmas Present
Greenfrog |
- boy-slave
4,500 / 9 |
Christmas Presents
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
19,000 / 39 |
A Christmas Promise
Sam the Ham |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
4,500 / 9 |
A Christmas Story
Baloo |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
A Christmas Story
Gymnopedies |
- boyfriend
9,500 / 19 |
Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter
Steam Train |
- boy-slave
94,000 / 188 |
The Chronicles of Thomas Connors
Shawn Hunter |
- boy-slave - other - non-consensual
98,000 / 196 |
Chun Wang Lee
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
22,000 / 44 |
Clay and Tom
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
The Clinic
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
The Clone Master
Josh |
- prostitution
(2,000) / (4) |
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
3,500 / 7 |
Closing the Books - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
35,500 / 71 |
Clubhouse Initiation
LizardGuy |
- other
6,000 / 12 |
The Codicil
Pueros |
- boy-slave
71,000 / 142 |
Cody and Lucas: A Personal Slave Boy Story
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
242,000 / 484 |
Cody and the Wombat
Sockluver |
- boy-slave
72,500 / 145 |
Cody West, Bull Rider by day, Boy Rider by night
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
2,800 / 5½ |
Cody's Companions
TeenTales |
- cons.man/boy
32,000 / 64 |
Coffee Morning
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
2,500 / 5 |
Cold Hands, Warm Heart, Hard Dick
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
Cole's Adventures: Discovering William
Eithan Cole |
- cons.man/boy
225,500 / 451 |
The Collar
Mathieu |
- boy-slave
4,000 / 9 |
Bill Underhill |
- boy-slave
(54,000) / (108) |
The Collector
Anonymous |
- non-consensual
19,000 / 38 |
The Collector
Sam the Ham |
- other
1,400 / 3 |
Le Collier
Mathieu |
- boy-slave
4,000 / 9 |
Eff Del |
- other - non-consensual
12,500 / 25 |
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
(17,000) / (34) |
Confessions of a Boy Slut
Mich Boyle |
- prostitution - woman-boy
10,000 / 20 |
Conrad Evans Family Legacy
Robertx5sf |
- school-camp - other
57,500 / 36 |
Consiglio's Bed
Ganymede |
- real-life - eunuch
32,500 / 65 |
The Constant Grocer
Bruce Bramson |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
The Contest
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy - other
16,000 / 32 |
Shakey Psyche |
- other
5,250 / 10½ |
Copping A Feel
Parrafan |
- other
9,000 / 18 |
Cordova's Boys Home
Wild-bill |
- school-camp - woman-boy
(95,000) / (190) |
The Corruption of Pauly
Cosmo |
- boyfriend
34,000 / 68 |
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
14,500 / 29 |
The Country Manor
James Stuart |
- hist.-slave
225,000 / 450 |
Ignacious |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
(24,500) / (49) |
Crime and Punishment
Bill Underhill |
- boyfriend
11,500 / 23 |
The Crying Puppet
Jason Masters |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,000 / 6 |
Cub Cam
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
21,000 / 42 |
Cubs & Baby Stuff
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
45,000 / 90 |
Curiosity Can Get You Into Trouble
Maiocxx |
- boyfriend - boy-slave
6,000 / 12 |
The Curious Odor
Dillon |
- cons.man/boy
2,000 / 4 |
The Curse of Chindi Springs
Darkfire Knight & Kyle Aarons |
- non-consensual
(177,500) / (355) |
Customs Official - Taking work home
Sally |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
The Cycle of Violence
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
4,250 / 8½ |
The Cyclist
Damnd1 |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,000 / 10 |
Daan de krantenjongen en Juf Els
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy - woman-boy - other
12,000 / 24 |
Daan de krantenjongen en Meester Erik
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy - other
11,000 / 22 |
Dougd |
- cons.man/boy
17,000 / 34 |
Danny Bird
Pennywise |
- cons.man/boy
20,000 / 40 |
Danny's Education - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
40,000 / 80 |
Danny's Escape
Antonio Green |
- cons.man/boy
21,000 / 42 |
Danny's Little Problem
Justin Davis |
- s&f/fant/magic
7,500 / 15 |
Daring Duo
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
32,000 / 64 |
Huntinup |
- cons.man/boy
56,500 / 113 |
Davie and David
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
86,000 / 172 |
The Day I Met Fred Savage
Standing Bear |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
The Day I Met Rick
Sarge |
- boyfriend - tie-up
13,000 / 26 |
A Day in the Life of a Dog, A Birthday Story
Greenfrog |
- boy-slave
4,000 / 8 |
The Deal
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Dealing With The Bully
Bara |
- other
6,000 / 12 |
Dealing with Unwanted New Boys
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
6,500 / 13 |
Debating Love
Funtails |
- boyfriend - school-camp
46,000 / 92 |
The Delacorte School
Platypus |
- school-camp
10,000 / 20 |
Derek on the Island
Leonard |
- non-consensual
7,000 / 14 |
Desire (Nexus Series 2)
Mercury Wakusei |
- cons.man/boy
(42,000) / (82) |
Desire Boys
Doctor X |
- cons.bdsm - s&f/fant/magic
10,500 / 21 |
Desperate Measures
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
11,000 / 22 |
Devon and the Club
Boisterous |
- cons.man/boy
13,000 / 26 |
Devon McCourtney
Dillon |
- boyfriend
9,000 / 18 |
Diary of a Shota Boy
Cosmo |
- prostitution
199,500 / 399 |
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
A Different Kind of School
Dirt |
- boy-slave
11,500 / 23 |
Different Points of View
Erastes |
- cons.man/boy
282,000 / 564 |
Digital World
Diversasy |
- boyfriend - woman-boy
(23,000) / (46) |
Dimitri's Return
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
(32,000) / (64) |
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
9,000 / 18 |
Dirty Little Secret
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
6,250 / 12½ |
Discovering My Father's Secret
Bill |
- cons.man/boy
25,000 / 50 |
Distractions in the Pool
Dēda |
- cons.man/boy - other
5,700 / 11 |
Doc For A Day
Parrafan |
- cons.bdsm
13,000 / 26 |
Doctor Dick
Gary Cutter |
- other
12,000 / 24 |
Doctor Thomas' Good Little Boys and Girls Club
Stroker |
- woman-boy - other
(25,500) / (51) |
The Documentary
Sam the Ham |
- prostitution
3,500 / 7 |
Dog Boy
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
20,500 / 41 |
Dux |
- woman-boy
(4,000) / (8) |
Dor'rel's Experiment
Mike S |
- s&f/fant/magic
(19,000) / (38) |
Double Trouble
Randu |
- cons.man/boy
23,500 / 47 |
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
5,000 / 10 |
Down and Dirty with Danny
Oskar M |
- cons.man/boy - other
4,750 / 9½ |
Bara |
- s&f/fant/magic
10,000 / 20 |
Dreams of Stardom
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
22,500 / 45 |
Dressing Down
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
31,500 / 63 |
Dunn's Chronicles
Diabloa5 & The Aconite Acolyte |
- school-camp - s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
(197,000) / (394) |
Early Boyhood Discoveries (Three Short Stories)
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
11,000 / 22 |
The Easter Holiday
Davey |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm - school-camp
12,500 / 25 |
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic
12,000 / 24 |
Educating Quinn
Istari |
- boy-slave
65,500 / 131 |
Eight and Bullied
Debonair |
- non-consensual
4,000 / 8 |
Elijah - A San Carlos Island Story
Josh |
- prostitution
12,000 / 24 |
Arthur |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
166,500 / 333 |
Elite Academy Programme & The Trial of Tristan 440
CalvinC |
- boy-slave - eunuch
22,000 / 44 |
Empirical Companion
Paolo |
- s&f/fant/magic - eunuch
11,500 / 23 |
Endsor Academy
Boisterous |
- school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
Storyschreiber |
- prostitution
54,000 / 108 |
Erlhantos: The First Book of The Times and Life of Torak-Zoza
Giorgii Williams |
- boy-slave
75,000 / 150 |
Eternal Adventures
Quantum Fantasy |
- other - non-consensual
77,500 / 155 |
Even the Modest Must Serve
Steam Train |
- boy-slave
54,000 / 108 |
Arthur |
- boyfriend
133,000 / 266 |
David Clarke |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
286,000 / 572 |
An Eye For an Eye
Doctor Fap |
- non-consensual
(6,000) / (12) |
The Fab Five: You Can't Make Me
Just Another Grimm |
- boy-slave
(41,500) / (83) |
Fall Little Star, Rise Great Sun
Angela Mynah |
- real-life
15,000 / 30 |
Family Drama
Sam the Ham |
- other
4,250 / 8½ |
Family Ties: A family domination tale
Yaro Minnaar |
- cons.bdsm - other - non-consensual
(25,500) / (51) |
Family Trip
Sam the Ham |
- other
4,000 / 8 |
Fantasy Lives
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
23,000 / 46 |
The Farm Hand
DouglasCR |
- cons.man/boy
1,300 / 2½ |
Fate (Nexus Series 4)
Mercury Wakusei |
- cons.man/boy
(20,500) / (41) |
The Fate of a Poor Man's Son
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
78,000 / 156 |
Father Christmas
Bill |
- hist.-slave
2,500 / 5 |
A Father's Love
Alex M |
- cons.man/boy
(10,000) / (20) |
A Father's Story
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
The Fifth Slave Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
24,000 / 48 |
Fight Club
Billy the Kid |
- boyfriend - non-consensual
2,000 / 4 |
Fight Night
Pervitron |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
Filthy Rich
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
Finally A Break For Toby
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
37,000 / 74 |
Find Your Way Home
Pale Rider |
- boyfriend
8,000 / 16 |
Finding Love
Bill W |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
73,000 / 146 |
Finding Refuge
Bara |
- cons.bdsm
88,500 / 177 |
The Finn Fantasies
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
13,000 / 26 |
First Kid
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
First Light
Eff Del |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
4,250 / 8½ |
A First Time for Everything
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
8,500 / 17 |
The Fishing Trip
Scrub aka Simon |
- other
17,000 / 34 |
Flavius Aulus
Bara |
- boyfriend - boy-slave
356,000 / 712 |
Flight of the Jay
CalvinC |
- s&f/fant/magic - eunuch
10,000 / 20 |
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
17,000 / 34 |
Football Camp
Bbillings |
- school-camp - non-consensual
5,500 / 11 |
For Joey
Parrafan |
- cons.bdsm
8,000 / 16 |
For Money or Love
Ganymede |
- prostitution
60,500 / 121 |
For Want of One
Paolo |
- s&f/fant/magic - eunuch
32,000 / 64 |
For Your Own Good
Paolo |
- school-camp - eunuch
81,000 / 162 |
The Forever Slave
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
20,500 / 41 |
Forever Wet
Quantum Fantasy |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
17,500 / 35 |
The Fortunate Ones
William Rush |
- school-camp
42,500 / 85 |
The Four Dancers
James Stuart |
- hist.-slave
15,500 / 31 |
Free Day
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
28,000 / 56 |
The Fremont Stakes
Istari |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
From Beyond the Grave
Bill W |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
3,500 / 7 |
From Son to Slaveboy
Barefoot Guy |
- cons.bdsm
27,000 / 54 |
From Two Slaves To Four
StoTelAlex |
- boy-slave
4,500 / 9 |
From Vasia with Love
Boisterous |
- prostitution
9,000 / 18 |
FSL Boys
Dirt |
- boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Full Circle
Bara |
- boyfriend - boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
Fun Bag
Corbin Wells |
- other
2,250 / 4½ |
Fun witch Chuckles
Daemon Way |
- other - non-consensual
159,000 / 318 |
Future Shock
Zorakk |
- s&f/fant/magic
101,000 / 202 |
Gabriëls nachtmerrie
Darkfire Knight |
- boy-slave
(50,500) / (101) |
Gabriel at the Farm
Debonair |
- non-consensual
4,000 / 8 |
Gabriel's Nightmare
Darkfire Knight |
- boy-slave - non-consensual
(105,000) / (210) |
Gagnon Story
YoungFox |
- prostitution
4,000 / 8 |
The Gamakyr Stories
J.O. Dickingson |
- s&f/fant/magic
8,800 / 17½ |
The Game
Damnd1 |
- other
10,000 / 20 |
BoyThrasher |
- cons.bdsm
8,000 / 16 |
The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity
J.O. Dickingson |
- s&f/fant/magic
409,000 / 818 |
Brian Jones |
- cons.bdsm
13,000 / 26 |
Gay Anonymous
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
5,000 / 10 |
Geile mannen en lekkere jongetjes
Edgar Kirin |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Geisha Boys
Bill |
- prostitution
5,500 / 11 |
Geisha jongens
Bill |
- prostitution
5,500 / 11 |
The Geppetto Project
Howdy Doody |
- real-life
850,000 / 1700 |
Getting Jimmy
Billy the Kid |
- non-consensual
4,000 / 8 |
The Gift
Zadziu |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
The Gift of Brotherhood
Patrick |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
3,800 / 7½ |
The Gift of the Songbird
J.O. Dickingson |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
Ginger Chicken
Debonair |
- prostitution
6,000 / 12 |
Gipsy Boy
DouglasCR |
- non-consensual
2,800 / 5½ |
Gladiatorjongens Wereldwijd
Istari |
- boy-slave
(207,500) / (415) |
The Goal Incentive
Treacle Tower |
- tie-up
3,500 / 7 |
The Gods of Babylon
Alan Edward |
- other
36,500 / 73 |
Going Back
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
24,000 / 48 |
Ramrod |
- non-consensual
1,500 / 3 |
Een Grand Tour in 1928
Bill |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution
45,000 / 90 |
Grand Tour, 1928
Bill |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution
45,000 / 90 |
Granddad's Dungeon
Cowra |
- cons.bdsm - non-consensual
(72,000) / (144) |
Grandpa's Boys
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
5,000 / 10 |
The Grazed Elbow and Other Calamities
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
15,500 / 31 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
3,250 / 6½ |
Green Moss
Mr. Cabinet |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,000 / 6 |
The Green Tree Updates
Howdy Doody |
- real-life
(64,000) / (128) |
Grunts, Grommets and Gadflies
Arthur |
- cons.man/boy
13,000 / 25 |
The Guardian
Erastes |
- cons.man/boy
433,500 / 867 |
Halloween Pleasures
Debonair |
- s&f/fant/magic
4,000 / 8 |
Halloween Pranksters
Daemon Way |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
6,500 / 13 |
A Halloween Trick Or Treat?
Bill W |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
6,500 / 13 |
Hampdon Boys
Eithan Cole |
- school-camp
2,500 / 5 |
The Hampton Club
Daemon Way |
- school-camp
6,500 / 13 |
Hard in Their Cages
Purveyor of Silent Thoughts |
- boy-slave - woman-boy
(10,500) / (21) |
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
10,000 / 20 |
The Hart Legacy
Cutter09 |
- s&f/fant/magic
30,000 / 60 |
Haunted Holidays
Boymike |
- boy-slave
4,000 / 8 |
The Haunted House
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
The Haunting of the Hadley Home
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
Heavy Collars
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
2,500 / 5 |
Hedgewick Academy
Justin Davis |
- school-camp
26,500 / 53 |
Helen's Hot Boy Lusts
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
6,000 / 12 |
Helot: The Adventures of Ayas the Slave-boy
Zelamir |
- hist.-slave
172,000 / 344 |
The Herd
Daemon Way |
- s&f/fant/magic
18,000 / 36 |
Hey, Dude! Whoa, Dude!
Exmon |
- boyfriend
49,000 / 98 |
The Hidden Village Secret
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
2,500 / 5 |
L' Histoire d'un garçon
Dark Side |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
Hockey Night
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
26,500 / 53 |
Hoe bestaat het?
Kritios |
- cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
Hogan's Heroics
Parrafan |
- cons.bdsm
5,500 / 11 |
Noone Special |
- prostitution
34,000 / 68 |
Home for Wayward Boys
Robert V. Walker-Smith |
- school-camp
10,500 / 21 |
Gracchus |
- woman-boy - non-consensual
17,000 / 34 |
Hop Sing - A San Carlos Island Story
Paolo & Slammr |
- prostitution - eunuch
93,000 / 186 |
The Horse Boy of Hofenberg
Unknownwriter |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
Hospital Deams
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
3,000 / 6 |
The Hostages
Greenfrog |
- non-consensual
55,500 / 111 |
House Pet
Handgaglover |
- woman-boy
(93,000) / (186) |
The Houseboys
Bara |
- boy-slave
99,500 / 199 |
How I Ended Up With Five Sweetees
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
35,500 / 71 |
How I Got Here
Anonymous |
- prostitution
5,500 / 11 |
How I Met Thomas
Treacle Tower |
- tie-up
4,750 / 9½ |
How it all began
Paul S |
- cons.man/boy
4,500 / 9 |
How to Breathe
Cainanite |
- eunuch
122,000 / 244 |
How To Cage a Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
35,000 / 70 |
How to Make it in Show Business
Jack P |
- non-consensual
(25,500) / (51) |
Hungry for More
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
4,250 / 8½ |
The Hut
Pennywise |
- boyfriend
12,000 / 24 |
Hypnotism for Beginners
Parrafan |
- school-camp
14,000 / 28 |
I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves
Patrick |
- boy-slave
201,500 / 403 |
I bought five little boy slaves (Alternate ending)
Maiocxx |
7,000 / 14 |
I Hate My Little Brother
Evil Bubble |
- woman-boy
15,500 / 31 |
I Have a Strange Fetish
Daniel |
- cons.bdsm
31,500 / 63 |
I Leaned Against the Wall
Sid G |
- boyfriend
13,000 / 26 |
I Spy
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
I Want to be Punished
James Williams |
- cons.bdsm
11,500 / 23 |
I Will Not Cry
Dillon |
- school-camp - non-consensual
9,000 / 18 |
IFSIR: The Institute of Father-Son Incest Research
Dirk Carlor |
- other
53,000 / 106 |
I'm a Monster
Shawn Hunter |
- cons.man/boy - other
3,500 / 7 |
Im alten Rom
Flo |
- hist.-slave
3,750 / 7½ |
Leonard |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
(33,500-31,000) / (67 max & 62 min) |
Imp's Special Christmas
Cyberboy |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
7,500 / 15 |
In the Care of Mr Clay
Mister Red |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
In Time
Pyro |
- boyfriend
58,500 / 117 |
The Incredible Italians
StoTelAlex |
- other
(34,500) / (39) |
Indecent Proposal
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
3,750 / 7½ |
Indecent Proposal
Shakey Psyche |
- non-consensual
21,500 / 43 |
Indentured Stepson
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
23,000 / 46 |
The India Story
Fan Cha Phaw |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
Inn Boy
Zzathras |
- prostitution
5,000 / 10 |
Innocent to Indecent
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
22,000 / 44 |
Inside Job
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
9,250 / 18½ |
The Institution
Backwoodsman |
- school-camp - prostitution
142,000 / 284 |
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
4,000 / 8 |
Inter-dimensional milking
Damnd1 |
- s&f/fant/magic - other
(64,000) / (128) |
An Interesting Sight
Funforhere |
- cons.bdsm
6,500 / 13 |
Into Care
Zelamir |
- school-camp
18,500 / 37 |
Into the Trap
Bbillings |
- non-consensual
5,500 / 11 |
Corbin Wells |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
Invasion of the Room Snatcher
Sam the Ham |
- cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
Ion Storm: Escaping the alien cave
Damnd1 |
- s&f/fant/magic
4,000 / 8 |
The Island
Unikue |
- boy-slave
3,000 / 4 |
The Island of Dr. Monroe
Quark Master |
- boy-slave
68,000 / 136 |
The Island of Naked Boys
Emma Star |
- boyfriend - other
5,000 / 10 |
The Island of Naked Boys
Dēda |
- boyfriend - other
11,000 / 22 |
The Island of Naked Boys
Erastes |
- boyfriend - other
13,000 / 26 |
The Island of the Boys
Erastes |
- prostitution
85,000 / 170 |
The Island of the Boys
Huntinup |
- prostitution
29,000 / 58 |
The Island of the Lost Scouts
Calvinus |
- s&f/fant/magic
36,000 / 72 |
Isle of Boys
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
12,000 / 24 |
It's Not Funny to the IPA
Y Lee Coyote |
- boy-slave
3,000 / 6 |
John C |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
Jamie's Christmas Special
Fan Cha Phaw |
- boyfriend
3,250 / 6½ |
The Janitor
Jason Masters |
- school-camp - tie-up
6,250 / 12½ |
Pyro |
- boyfriend
42,500 / 83 |
Jason Here
Jeremy Stone |
- woman-boy
4,000 / 8 |
Jawhar, Consensual Slaveboy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
54,000 / 108 |
Jenny and Johnny
- woman-boy - non-consensual
26,000 / 52 |
Jeremy After Football Practice
Anonymous |
- eunuch - non-consensual
14,000 / 28 |
Jeremy Fielding Collection
David Clarke |
- boyfriend
143,500 / 287 |
Jerry and the Newspaper Boy
Anonymous |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
Jimmy Makes a Match
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
30,000 / 60 |
Jimmy's Journal
Cyberboy |
- boyfriend
16,000 / 32 |
Jiu-jitsu Kid
Zadziu |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Joe, Kevin, Andy, Alan, Bobby, Jeremy, Charlie, Phil, Richie, Gary & Five Boys
Boy Blow |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
30,250 / 60½ |
Joe's Job
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
32,500 / 65 |
Joey's Saviors
Boy-writer |
- cons.man/boy - school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
Koos Smit |
- school-camp - boy-slave
58,500 / 117 |
John Thornton
Tommy |
- non-consensual
17,500 / 35 |
Johnny's Boys
Torrentiality |
- cons.bdsm
(4,500) / (9) |
Johnny's Punishment
Diabolical |
- woman-boy
39,000 / 78 |
De Jongens in de garage
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
19,000 / 38 |
Timmetje |
- boy-slave
37,000 / 74 |
Jongetjes vinden seks gewoon lekker
Edgar Kirin |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
The Joseph Experience
Shakey Psyche |
- boy-slave
77,500 / 155 |
Brian |
- boy-slave
58,000 / 116 |
Josh - Eleven-year-old's Boylove
Dan Rawknot |
- boyfriend
6,500 / 13 |
Josh and B.O.
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Journal of Male Pediatric Sexuality
Peter Pierce |
- boy-slave - other
2,000 / 4 |
The Journey Between
Sam the Ham |
- s&f/fant/magic
9,000 / 18 |
Julien and the Nine Worlds
Engor |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
309,500 / 619 |
Julien et les Neuf Mondes
Engor |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
291,500 / 583 |
Jupiter, the Pony-Boy
Istari |
- boy-slave
8,500 / 17 |
Just Like Old Times
Bill |
- prostitution
30,000 / 60 |
Justin's Little Brother
LizardGuy |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Juvenile Deterrence
Steam Train |
- boy-slave
108,000 / 216 |
The Kandric Saga
Kyle Aarons |
- s&f/fant/magic
(748,000) / (1496) |
Karl and Jhoon's Vacation
Gracchus |
- tie-up
23,000 / 46 |
Keeping Daddy Happy
Phill later Brian |
- cons.man/boy
7,500 / 15 |
Keeping Master Happy
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
7,500 / 15 |
Benjie |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,250 / 10½ |
Kiddie Treatment
Anonymous |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,800 / 5½ |
Sid G |
- boy-slave
12,000 / 24 |
The Kidnapping of Edward
The Inquisitor |
- other
10,000 / 20 |
Kim's Summer as a Slave Boy
Kim Abredo |
- cons.bdsm
35,000 / 70 |
Kinnick's Demon
Bill Underhill |
- s&f/fant/magic
10,000 / 20 |
Der Kleine Dieb
Anonym |
- prostitution
4,500 / 9 |
Knaben - Ferien
Likejunx |
- prostitution
9,000 / 18 |
Knock Knock
Sam the Ham |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
Knot Alone
Boisterous |
- cons.bdsm
4,000 / 8 |
Konosuke & Teacher, Teacher
David |
- cons.man/boy
22,500 / 45 |
Kyle - A San Carlos Island Story
Slammr |
- prostitution - eunuch
18,500 / 37 |
The Lady's Club
Zork2006 |
- woman-boy
31,500 / 63 |
A Lamb for the Lion
Attis |
- eunuch
56,500 / 113 |
Het Landgoed
James Stuart |
- hist.-slave
225,000 / 450 |
The Landlord
Bman |
- other
1,500 / 3 |
The Latvian Gambit
David Clarke |
- boyfriend
6,000 / 12 |
Lawn Work
Coybum |
- non-consensual
5,000 / 10 |
Learning with Ryan
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
10,500 / 21 |
Lekkere jongetjes zijn er klaar voor
Edgar Kirin |
- cons.man/boy
12,500 / 25 |
Lessons in Loving
Boisterous |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
Lester DelRay's Revenge - A San Carlos Island Story
Josh |
- prostitution - other
2,000 / 4 |
Letter from Siapan
Blackflag |
- prostitution
6,000 / 12 |
Letter to My Precious Boy
Dirt |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
The Letters
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
8,500 / 17 |
Liam and Luke's Halloween Adventure
Cowra |
- boy-slave - non-consensual
9,500 / 19 |
The Library
Bbillings |
- real-life
2,500 / 5 |
Life is a Ball
Ganymede |
- real-life
61,500 / 123 |
Life Is Not All Fun and Games
Anonymous |
- other
10,000 / 20 |
Life Repays in Kind
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
Linda's Lust for Boys
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
11,500 / 23 |
The Lipstick Adventure
The Devil's Advocate |
- boy-slave
35,000 / 70 |
Little Black Boy's Bitch
Rick the Dick |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
Little Black Death
Sam Johnson |
- other
9,500 / 19 |
Little Boy Friends
aR Jey |
- boyfriend
10,000 / 20 |
Little Boy in The Big City
Cyberboy |
- prostitution
(7,000) / (14) |
Little Boy Lost
Ruthless |
- cons.man/boy
40,000 / 80 |
The Little Brother
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
3,500 / 7 |
Little Brother Bobby
Daremenow |
- cons.bdsm
(1,500) / (3) |
The Little Helper
Storytime |
- boyfriend
12,500 / 25 |
Little Henry
Bill Underhill |
- boyfriend
6,000 / 12 |
Little Joey Goes Down the List
John Smutt |
- cons.man/boy
(22,500) / (45) |
Little Naked Boy
DBZFanGoten |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
21,500 / 43 |
Little Peter
Tommy |
- non-consensual
15,500 / 31 |
Little Rich Boy
Julia Hardacre |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Little Runaway
aR Jey |
- cons.man/boy
22,000 / 44 |
Little Slave Boys
Timmetje |
- boy-slave
31,000 / 62 |
The Little Soul
Dirt |
- boy-slave
7,000 / 14 |
Little Star
Yaro Minnaar & Dexter |
- other - non-consensual
(23,000) / (46) |
Little Timmy Rides in the Cockpit
John Smutt |
- cons.man/boy
21,500 / 43 |
The Little Voyeur
Debonair |
- boyfriend - cons.bdsm
2,500 / 5 |
The Lives of Owen and Bobby
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
101,500 / 203 |
Livestock Show
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
(4,000) / (8) |
Locked in Love
Boys-stir-us |
- cons.man/boy - eunuch
20,500 / 41 |
Locked Into Love
Jason Masters |
- boyfriend
6,000 / 6 |
London, 1892
Bill |
- prostitution
7,500 / 15 |
Lonely Men and Poor Boys
aR Jey |
- cons.man/boy
11,250 / 22 |
The Lonely Prince
Pyro |
- boyfriend
20,500 / 51 |
The Long Way Home
Pyro |
- boyfriend
15,000 / 30 |
Lorraine's Little-Boy Lovers
Mich Boyle |
- woman-boy
4,500 / 9 |
Lost and Found Along the Outer Rim
Robertx5sf |
- s&f/fant/magic
(23,500) / (47) |
Lost Everything
Jack P |
- non-consensual
(25,500) / (51) |
Lost in London
Debonair |
- school-camp
35,000 / 70 |
Lost in the Dark
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
(28,000) / (56) |
Lost in the Fog
Sarge |
- non-consensual
6,000 / 12 |
The Lost Shoe
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
A Lost Team Spirit
StoTelAlex |
- non-consensual
1,750 / 3½ |
Love Among The Zombies
Rhommboid |
- boyfriend
2,500 / 5 |
The Love Boat - A San Carlos Island Story
Josh |
- prostitution
1,800 / 3½ |
Love Needs Learning
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
16,000 / 32 |
Lucas and Kit
Treacle Tower |
- boyfriend - tie-up
9,500 / 19 |
Ludus: A Story of a Roman Gladiator School
Calvinus |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
130,500 / 261 |
Lulu's Butt
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
8,000 / 16 |
The Lycian Prince
Pueros |
- hist.-slave
147,000 / 294 |
The Lycian Prince (New version)
Pueros |
- hist.-slave
28,000 / 56 |
Made Myself Into a Boy-Slave
Cyberboy |
- cons.bdsm
22,000 / 44 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
Tristam DeJong |
- real-life
52,000 / 104 |
Magnolia Manor
Cutter09 |
- hist.-slave - other
10,000 / 20 |
The Making of a Slave: Paul's story
Sid G |
- prostitution
19,000 / 38 |
Malchik 19
Bingo |
- prostitution
4,300 / 8½ |
Malcolm's Emancipation
Parrafan |
- school-camp
11,000 / 22 |
Male Development
Gtownboy |
- school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
Mall Punk
Sid G |
- cons.man/boy
123,000 / 246 |
A Mall Story
Dorvis Slaughter |
- boyfriend
4,500 / 9 |
The Mall Wizard
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
9,500 / 19 |
Man and Boy Chronicles
Sam the Ham |
- cons.man/boy
10,500 / 21 |
Marc's Secret Files
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
28,500 / 57 |
Marek and Us
Debonair |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
Mark's New Home (The Program III)
Howdy Doody |
- real-life
179,000 / 378 |
Marlboro Country
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
Master and His Little Slaveboys
Tommy |
- boy-slave
27,500 / 55 |
Master Chat
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
22,000 / 44 |
Master Maxwell's House of Slaves
MaxStevens |
- boy-slave
(10,000) / (20) |
Mastering Alex
Istari |
- cons.bdsm
128,000 / 256 |
The Master's Son
Steam Train |
- boy-slave
2,000 / 4 |
Matt Gets Shortened
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
17,500 / 35 |
Max: The Illustrated Boy - A San Carlos Island Story
Paolo |
- prostitution - eunuch
44,000 / 88 |
The Meeting
David Andrews |
- cons.bdsm
3,750 / 7½ |
Dux |
- woman-boy
(52,000) / (104) |
Memorial Day Weekend 2012
Bill Anderson |
- prostitution
7,000 / 14 |
Memories of a Monitor in Coach Peterson's PE Class
Dēda |
- school-camp
3,750 / 7½ |
Memory of Alex
Owen M |
- cons.bdsm
52,500 / 105 |
Memory Ties
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
30,500 / 61 |
Mentor's Boys
Nate Mentor |
- real-life
11,850 / 23 |
Merit Badges
Zzathras |
- cons.man/boy
9,500 / 19 |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Ganymede |
- real-life
138,500 / 279 |
Anonymous |
- other
6,500 / 13 |
Michael and Jeff
Shakey Psyche |
- tie-up
16,300 / 33 |
Michael's Birthday Party
Bara |
- boy-slave
2,500 / 5 |
Michael's Strict Regime
Anonymous |
- non-consensual
10,000 / 20 |
Mijn Ierse slaafje
Edgar Kirin |
- boy-slave
4,500 / 9 |
Mijn nieuwe speeltjes, Daan en Bobo
Abcent Guy |
- boy-slave
10,000 / 20 |
Mike and Richie's Slave Adventures
Abcent Guy |
- boy-slave
9,500 / 18 |
Mike's Diving Class
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
The Milk Bus
Damnd1 |
- woman-boy - other
5,000 / 10 |
Damnd1 |
- other
7,000 / 14 |
Milo Stark
Arthur |
- cons.bdsm
24,500 / 48 |
Miriam's Dark Obsession
Stroker |
- woman-boy
(4,500) / (9) |
Shakey Psyche |
- non-consensual
14,000 / 28 |
Mistress and Her Little Slaveboys
Tommy |
- woman-boy
27,500 / 55 |
Modern Love
Debonair |
- prostitution
3,200 / 6½ |
Modern Slavery
Dēda |
- boy-slave
3,500 / 7 |
Mom and Dad's Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary
Daemon Way |
- cons.man/boy
2,500 / 5 |
Monastery Tales
James Stuart |
- cons.man/boy
76,000 / 152 |
Monty's Python
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Debonair |
- prostitution
9,500 / 19 |
Mothers' Club
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
7,500 / 15 |
The Motocross Competition
J.O. Dickingson |
- cons.man/boy
2,500 / 5 |
Mr. Agato's Son
Cyberboy |
- cons.bdsm
12,000 / 24 |
Mr. Hemming's School
Anonymous |
- school-camp
11,000 / 22 |
Mr. Needles
Platypus |
- non-consensual
19,000 / 38 |
Mr. Payne
Anonymous |
- school-camp
5,300 / 10½ |
Muscle Boy Island
Lead Guitarist & Tags/Solo3 |
- other
49,000 / 98 |
Museum Piece
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
30,500 / 61 |
The Music of the Night
Dēda |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
My 14th Birthday
Dirt |
- boy-slave
3,250 / 6½ |
My Baboobaba
Platypus |
- cons.man/boy
2,600 / 5¼ |
My Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
10,000 / 20 |
My Brother's Kids Are Now Mine
Larry Clayton |
- cons.man/boy
118,000 / 236 |
My Brother's Sons Keeper
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
My Cousin's Boy
Mister Red |
- cons.bdsm
4,500 / 9 |
My Dad, My Hero
Hayes |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
My Dominant 12-Year-Old Brother
Bill |
- boyfriend
6,000 / 12 |
My First Days as a Lifeguard
Dēda |
- other
3,500 / 7 |
My Ganymede - Elijah's Visit - Ethan Lets Dad Do It
Alex Hawk |
- cons.man/boy
18,500 / 37 |
My Last Road Trip - The Trip To Paradise
StoTelAlex |
- s&f/fant/magic
3,000 / 6 |
My Little Brother (Nexus Series 1)
Mercury Wakusei |
- boyfriend
24,000 / 48 |
My Master
Debonair |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
My Naked Summer
Dēda |
- other
15,000 / 30 |
My New Boyfriend
Blackflag |
- non-consensual
4,500 / 9 |
My Parents are Weird
Sam the Ham |
- other
7,500 / 15 |
My Son David
Bman |
- cons.man/boy
1,500 / 3 |
My Son's Baby
Ramrod |
- s&f/fant/magic
1,500 / 3 |
My Special Sleepover
StoTelAlex |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
My Start as a Slaveboy
Pepe Manero |
- cons.bdsm
20,000 / 40 |
My Summer at the Beach
Dēda |
- cons.man/boy
(10,000) / (20) |
My Time in Eden
William Rush |
- boy-slave
43,500 / 87 |
My Tow Headed, Blue Eyed, Good Looking Nephew
Fan Cha Phaw |
- cons.man/boy
1,000 / 2 |
My Worst Day
Billy the Kid |
- non-consensual
13,500 / 27 |
The Mysterious Z-Battler
Anonymous |
- s&f/fant/magic
24,000 / 48 |
Mythra Trilogy
Arthur |
- cons.bdsm
141,000 / 282 |
Parrafan |
- school-camp
14,000 / 28 |
Nate's Story - A San Carlos Island Story
Curious Guy |
- prostitution - eunuch
11,000 / 22 |
Nathan's Tale
Platypus |
- boy-slave
9,000 / 18 |
Nathans Verhaal
Platypus |
- boy-slave
9,000 / 18 |
The Neuro-stim
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave - eunuch
16,500 / 33 |
Never Speak to a Stranger
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
8,500 / 17 |
The New Additions
Sockluver |
- non-consensual
38,000 / 76 |
A New Beginning - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
35,500 / 71 |
New Boy In Juvenile Detention
Bill |
- school-camp
6,500 / 13 |
A New Kind Of Family
Johan Fourie |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
(11,000) / (22) |
The New Life of Timothy Greene
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy
20,000 / 40 |
The New Little Brother
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
14,000 / 28 |
The New Neighbor Boy
- cons.bdsm - eunuch
140,000 / 280 |
New Shoes
Pedros |
19,000 / 38 |
The New Student in the Reform School
Classic Rider |
- school-camp
3,500 / 7 |
The New Year Shrink!
DBZFanGoten |
- s&f/fant/magic
1,500 / 3 |
The Nexus Trilogy
David Clarke |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
455,500 / 911 |
Nicholas's Story
Herb Cat |
- prostitution - other
12,000 / 24 |
Dēda |
- real-life
1,500 / 3 |
Zelamir |
- school-camp
10,000 / 20 |
Nicky's Story
Dorvis Slaughter |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
A Night at the Races
Barefoot Guy |
- cons.bdsm
12,500 / 25 |
A Night for Passion [poem]
Leonard |
- other
1,300 / 2½ |
Luz Rojo |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Jeremy |
- real-life - boyfriend
7,000 / 14 |
Nintenga School for Boys
Cho |
- school-camp
27,000 / 54 |
No Hands
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
1,500 / 3 |
No Signs of Life
Damnd1 |
- s&f/fant/magic
16,500 / 33 |
No Such Thing As Coincidence
Dirt |
- boy-slave
35,500 / 71 |
Not as it Seems
Sam the Ham |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
The Note
R. Preston |
- cons.bdsm
1,750 / 3½ |
Now and Then
R. Preston |
- cons.bdsm
4,500 / 9 |
Nudist Friend
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
3,000 / 6 |
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
(2,500) / (4) |
Nuts and Bolts
Debonair |
- s&f/fant/magic
9,500 / 19 |
An Obedient Boy
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
12,000 / 24 |
An Odd Sort of Day
Yokedboiz |
- boy-slave
8,500 / 17 |
Odd-job Boy
Veneration |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Of Boys and Sex, vol. I
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
25,500 / 51 |
Of Boys and Sex, vol. II
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
22,250 / 44½ |
Of Boys and Sex, vol. III
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
27,000 / 54 |
Of Ice and Men
Cyn Diquill |
- s&f/fant/magic
4,000 / 8 |
The Old Scout Hut
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
38,000 / 76 |
Oma Leni
Flo |
- boyfriend - woman-boy
3,750 / 7½ |
On A Wing And A Prayer
BC Dude |
- cons.man/boy
96,500 / 193 |
On the Valuation of Boys
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
1,500 / 3 |
One Hot Parisian Night
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
5,500 / 11 |
One night in Green Crow
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
5,400 / 11 |
One Percenter
Peter Pierce |
- boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Onion the Orphan
Jason Masters |
- cons.bdsm
9,000 / 18 |
The Only Boy on Calisto
Bill |
- s&f/fant/magic
9,000 / 18 |
Oom Jan leert zijn neefje pijpen
Edgar Kirin |
- cons.man/boy
32,000 / 64 |
Open Plains
Pyro |
- boyfriend
26,000 / 52 |
The Operative
Shakey Psyche |
- other - non-consensual
264,500 / 529 |
Oracle (Nexus Series 3)
Mercury Wakusei |
- cons.man/boy
(13,000) / (26) |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
4,750 / 9½ |
The Organ
Damnd1 |
- other
4,500 / 9 |
The Orgasm Project
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
9,000 / 18 |
Orgy Boys
Blackflag |
- prostitution
8,000 / 16 |
The Original Joy
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
18,500 / 37 |
The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays, Eunuch version
Pueros |
- school-camp
42,500 / 85 |
The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays, Nialos version
Pueros |
- school-camp
65,500 / 131 |
Our Papa, Our Pimp
Antonio Green |
- prostitution
52,000 / 104 |
Out of Africa
Zelamir |
- boy-slave
14,500 / 29 |
Out of the Frying Pan
Parrafan |
- prostitution
15,500 / 31 |
Over jongens en seks, deel I (Zeven korte verhalen)
Wolf |
- cons.man/boy
1,500 / 3 |
Over the Fence
Sasuke Sarutobi |
- non-consensual
7,250 / 14½ |
The Overseer
Daniel Climins |
- hist.-slave
4,200 / 8½ |
Pain Factor
Platypus |
- non-consensual
33,000 / 66 |
Painful Training and Discipline
Greenfrog |
- boy-slave
(26,000) / (52) |
Pamela en Niels
Timmetje |
- woman-boy
11,000 / 22 |
The Panthers and the Giant Hue-manz
J.O. Dickingson |
- s&f/fant/magic
9,500 / 19 |
Papa Bear and Baby Bear
Zzathras |
- cons.man/boy
71,000 / 142 |
Ganymede |
- real-life - prostitution
84,000 / 168 |
Paradise Island
John C |
- cons.man/boy
(667,500) / (1335) |
The Paris Years
Debonair |
- cons.bdsm
5,000 / 13 |
Arthur |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
44,000 / 88 |
Paul Tanner's Schooldays
Dave Manning |
- school-camp
11,000 / 22 |
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy
35,500 / 71 |
Pax Romana
Atilla |
- boyfriend
3,750 / 7½ |
Paying the Bills
Parrafan |
- other
7,000 / 14 |
Pelion's Legacy
Nate Mentor |
- real-life
19,500 / 39 |
Pelion's Promise
Nate Mentor |
- real-life
15,500 / 31 |
The Pensbrooke School for Boys
LizardGuy |
- school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
A Perfect Match
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
5,000 / 10 |
The Perfect Opportunity
Criscramov |
- non-consensual
4,000 / 8 |
The Perfect Slave Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
66,000 / 132 |
Perfect Son: Daddy's Perfect Lover
Axel Chamberlain-Smith |
- cons.man/boy
89,500 / 178 |
Personal Slaveboy
Barefoot Guy |
- boy-slave
35,500 / 71 |
A Perverse Tradition
Debonair |
- school-camp
3,000 / 6 |
The Photographer's Assistant
Damnd1 |
- cons.man/boy
16,500 / 33 |
Picture Day
Bobby Trabieso |
- other
2,750 / 5½ |
Kent the Writer |
- prostitution
11,500 / 23 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
The Pirate
Anonymous |
- hist.-slave
4,250 / 8½ |
A Place in My Heart
Bill W |
- boyfriend
68,500 / 137 |
A Place to Call Home
Sarge |
- cons.man/boy
18,000 / 26 |
A Place to Hang Out
Boisterous |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
A Planned Surprise
Unknownwriter |
- other - tie-up
23,500 / 47 |
The Plantation Owner's Son
Callum |
- boy-slave - eunuch
42,000 / 84 |
The Planter's Son
Mark Smith |
- cons.man/boy
23,000 / 46 |
A Pleasant Surprise
Atilla |
- boyfriend
3,000 / 6 |
Pleasing Mr. Petrov
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
8,500 / 17 |
Pleasure Island
Jeff Spencer |
- prostitution
6,000 / 12 |
The Pleasure Slave
Greenfrog |
- boy-slave
12,500 / 25 |
Plugged In
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
15,000 / 30 |
Polly, the Mystery Boy
Xero |
- boy-slave
2,500 / 5 |
Pony Boy Racers
Barefoot Guy |
- boy-slave
12,500 / 25 |
Poor Little Rich Boy
Dirt |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
66,500 / 133 |
The Porn boys
Cosmo |
- cons.man/boy
141,000 / 282 |
Pounding the Starfish
Boisterous |
- cons.man/boy
11,500 / 23 |
The Power of Notes
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
55,000 / 110 |
The Prague Dream
Jozzy |
- prostitution
9,000 / 18 |
A Precocious Debauchery
Oskar M |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
President's Kid
Boy-writer |
- other
9,500 / 19 |
The Prince Coco Project
Gary Cutter |
- cons.man/boy
67,500 / 135 |
Pueros |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
20,500 / 41 |
The Prince's Boy
Sid G |
- s&f/fant/magic
16,500 / 33 |
The Prince's New Servant
Storytime |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
18,500 / 39 |
Prisoner of the System
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
9,500 / 19 |
Processing Garret
Istari |
- boy-slave
13,000 / 26 |
The Profile
Bill Underhill |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
The Public Pool
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
5,000 / 10 |
The Puer Research Institute
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
17,500 / 35 |
Punishing Brandon
Istari |
- boy-slave
13,000 / 26 |
The Punishment and New Life Of Ethan
Arne |
- eunuch - non-consensual
35,500 / 71 |
The Punishment Challenge
Johan Oliver |
- cons.bdsm
16,500 / 33 |
Punishment on Draconis 3
Damnd1 |
- s&f/fant/magic - other
5,500 / 11 |
Punk Kids or Brent's Big Boner
Glaucon55 |
- non-consensual
86,000 / 172 |
Damnd1 |
- prostitution - other
11,000 / 22 |
The Purchase
Dirt |
- boy-slave
27,000 / 54 |
Pure As The Driven Snow
Sam Johnson |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Putting the Acid on a Sweet Boy
Sam Johnson |
- cons.man/boy
4,250 / 8½ |
The Quality of Mercy - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
23,500 / 47 |
A Question of Time
Charles Baudot |
- s&f/fant/magic
42,500 / 85 |
The Quiet Kid
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
17,500 / 35 |
Rajiv's Ride
Bbillings |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Randy and His Boys
Lonely Randy |
- cons.man/boy
(15,000) / (30) |
Randy has Easter Fun
Lonely Randy |
- cons.man/boy
2,000 / 4 |
R. Blue |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
Ruthless |
- non-consensual
13,500 / 27 |
The Rape of Christopher Owens
Bbillings |
- non-consensual
7,500 / 15 |
The Rape of Jacob Morris
Dillon |
- non-consensual
7,500 / 15 |
Ray's Revenge
Sid G |
- boy-slave
18,500 / 37 |
Razor's Edge
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
4,800 / 9½ |
Recollections of a Reluctant Gelder
Anonymous |
- boy-slave - eunuch - other
(93,000) / (186) |
Red and Green
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
11,500 / 23 |
Red Rock Canyon
Sam the Ham |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,000 / 10 |
Red, Black and Blue
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Reform School Boys or Thompson's Lesson
Mark E. Dassad |
- school-camp
2,700 / 5½ |
Peter Pierce |
- cons.bdsm
53,000 / 106 |
The Reluctant Slaves
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
9,500 / 19 |
Reluctant Young Boys
Mikey Smith |
- cons.man/boy
29,000 / 58 |
Rent Me
Debonair |
- prostitution
5,200 / 10½ |
Shakey Psyche |
- prostitution
50,000 / 100 |
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
9,500 / 19 |
Reprocessing Garret
Dēda |
- boy-slave
14,000 / 28 |
The Rescue
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
The Resort
Sockluver |
- boy-slave
79,000 / 158 |
Dillon |
- cons.man/boy
6,500 / 13 |
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
17,500 / 35 |
The Reunion
Pennywise |
- cons.man/boy
14,000 / 28 |
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave
24,000 / 32 |
Bill W |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
10,000 / 20 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
(20,500) / (41) |
Richie Lotta and the Poor Boylover
J.O. Dickingson |
- cons.man/boy
5,500 / 11 |
Riding the Pole
Herb Cat |
- boyfriend
3,500 / 7 |
Righteous Break-in
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
6,000 / 12 |
Riley's Revenge
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
13,000 / 26 |
Herb Cat |
- cons.man/boy
31,500 / 63 |
Road to Ruin & Tool Shed Surprise/Redux
Gunga Dick |
- cons.man/boy
11,000 / 22 |
Robopocalypse and other stories
Johan Johnson |
- s&f/fant/magic
9,250 / 18½ pages |
Roger's Closet
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy
33,000 / 66 |
Role Reversal
Bill W |
- s&f/fant/magic
6,500 / 13 |
A Roman Holiday
Zelamir |
- hist.-slave
112,000 / 224 |
Roman Slave-Boy, 143 AD
Bill |
- hist.-slave
23,500 / 47 |
Romeinse Vakantie
Zelamir |
- hist.-slave
(112,000) / (224) |
Dillon |
- prostitution
9,000 / 18 |
The Runaway
Shakey Psyche |
- cons.bdsm
76,500 / 153 |
Pietje Puk |
- cons.man/boy
41,000 / 82 |
Pyro |
- boyfriend
8,000 / 16 |
Russian Boys
Bill |
- prostitution - other
8,500 / 17 |
Russische Jongens
Bill |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
Shakey Psyche |
- cons.bdsm
160,000 / 320 |
R. Preston |
- cons.bdsm
31,000 / 62 |
S.P.O.I.L.-ed Twins
MaxStevens |
- s&f/fant/magic - other
44,000 / 88 |
Transport Boy Cages
Dirt |
- boy-slave
6,000 / 12 |
Sailing in Thailand
David Jonathan |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Sailing With Seven
Thole |
- boy-slave
6,800 / 13½ |
A Salesman's Surprise
StoTelAlex |
- cons.man/boy
(1,800) / (3½) |
Daddy Zach |
- cons.man/boy
4,700 / 9½ |
Sammy or Figure Studies
Zzathras |
- cons.man/boy
4,500 / 9 |
Sam's Dilemma
Sasuke Sarutobi |
- non-consensual
2,500 / 5 |
Sam's Saga
Barefoot Guy |
- cons.bdsm - non-consensual
30,000 / 60 |
Samurai, Inc.
David |
- cons.man/boy
368,000 / 736 |
San Cabri
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
1,200 / 2½ |
The Devil's Advocate |
- woman-boy - non-consensual
11,000 / 22 |
Pok Bepxtep |
- real-life
97,000 / 194 |
Sander & The Basket Case - A San Carlos Island Story
Paolo & Cutlass |
- prostitution - eunuch
(17,500) / (35) |
Sander's Story - A San Carlos Island Story
Timothy, with Curious Guy and Slammr |
- prostitution - eunuch
50,000 / 100 |
The Sandman
Ben |
- boy-slave - prostitution
35,000 / 70 |
Saturday Morning With Daddy
Fantasy Boy |
- cons.man/boy
1,500 / 3 |
Scarface and the Alien
David Clarke |
- boyfriend
104,500 / 209 |
The Scholarship Boy
Skrimshaw |
50,000 / 100 |
School Camp
StoTelAlex |
- school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
School for Safety
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
1,500 / 3 |
School Stuff
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
15,000 / 30 |
StoTelAlex |
- school-camp
7,000 / 14 |
Scilio and Artred
Eff Del |
- hist.-slave
(9,500) / (19) |
A Scottish Road Trip
Dēda |
- other
3,500 / 7 |
Scotty's Graduation Present
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
8,500 / 17 |
Ruthless |
- prostitution - other
25,500 / 51 |
The Scoutmaster
Scout65 |
- non-consensual
73,000 / 146 |
Scoutmaster Murphy
Mister Red |
- other
3,000 / 6 |
The Scrubs
Barefoot Guy |
- boy-slave
48,000 / 96 |
Sean's Story
Shakey Psyche |
- boy-slave
30,000 / 60 |
Seaward Plantation
Lance Kyle |
- hist.-slave
122,000 / 244 |
Secret Lives of Good Little Boys
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend
15,500 / 31 |
Secret Wishes and Wants
Sam the Ham |
- other
2,500 / 5 |
Secrets & Lies
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
79,500 / 159 |
Seducing the Sitter
Zzathras |
- cons.man/boy
5,250 / 10½ |
Zelamir |
- hist.-slave
110,000 / 220 |
Seksinstituut voor Jongens
Randu |
- cons.man/boy
1,800 / 3½ |
Self-Serve Punishing Huts
Platypus |
- non-consensual
10,000 / 20 |
Selling Dylan
Istari |
- boy-slave
9,500 / 19 |
Separation Day
Dillon |
- hist.-slave
5,500 / 11 |
The Serpent's Kiss
William Rush |
- other
8,500 / 17 |
The Serum Conditioning
Leonard |
- s&f/fant/magic - non-consensual
38,500 / 77 |
Sex Candy (A Christmas tale)
Debonair |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
7,000 / 14 |
Sex Institute for Boys
Randu |
- cons.man/boy
1,800 / 3½ |
The Sex Offense Prevention Reformatory on Pluto
Yaro Minnaar |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
(8,250) / (16½) |
Sex, Lies and Videoboys
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Sexing For A Million
Sam the Ham |
- other
62,000 / 124 |
Luke |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
23,500 / 47 |
Shark's Tooth
Stevie Washington |
- non-consensual
21,500 / 43 |
Shawn and Doc
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
9,500 / 19 |
Boystory |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
Short Ass
Arthur |
- boyfriend
39,500 / 79 |
Short Stories
StoTelAlex |
- other
4,000 / 8 |
A Short Story of a Boy Rape
Phill later Brian |
- non-consensual
11,500 / 23 |
Shy Boy at Summer Camp
Bill |
- school-camp
14,500 / 29 |
Shy Boy Dirty
Sam Johnson |
- cons.man/boy
9,000 / 18 |
Silas und die drei Männer
Pieter van Bos |
- prostitution
3,500 / 7 |
Silence Is Golden
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Silent Night
Stevie Washington |
- non-consensual
6,500 / 13 |
Silent Service
Shadey Grey |
- cons.man/boy
2,600 / 4¼ |
Simon's Unfinisheds
Scrub aka Simon |
- school-camp
10,000 / 20 |
A Simple Plan
Sasuke Sarutobi |
- other
20,000 / 40 |
Sinterklaas (Santa Klaus), the Origin Story
Maikeli |
- boy-slave - eunuch
40,500 / 81 |
Arthur |
- cons.man/boy
29,000 / 58 |
The Siphon
Shakey Psyche |
- cons.bdsm
12,000 / 24 |
The Sitter
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
6,250 / 12½ |
The Skewed World
Skadadel |
- boy-slave
11,000 / 22 |
The Skin Trade
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
2,000 / 4 |
Skyler's Story
Jack P |
- non-consensual
(4,000) / (8) |
Slave Act World Vignettes
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
3,500 / 7 |
Slave Boy Hunter
Zelamir |
154,000 / 308 |
A Slave is a Slave
Bill Underhill |
- boy-slave - prostitution
(75,000) / (150) |
The Slave School
Unikue |
- boy-slave
4,000 / 8 |
The Slave Whisperer: Opening Jeffy
Skadadel |
- boy-slave
14,000 / 28 |
Slaveboy From Moscow
Pueros |
- boy-slave
11,000 / 22 |
Slaveboy From New York
Pueros |
- boy-slave - eunuch
24,500 / 49 |
Slaveboy Trilogy
Dicaleb |
- boy-slave
20,000 / 40 |
Slaveboys From Moscow & New York
Pueros |
- boy-slave
37,500 / 75 |
Slave's Birthday
Istari |
- boy-slave
2,500 / 5 |
A Slave's Tale
Patrick |
- hist.-slave
3,000 / 6 |
Slaves Walk Together
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
2,500 / 5 |
British Boy |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
(13,000) / (26) |
So be good, for goodness sake!
Daemon Way |
- non-consensual
17,000 / 34 |
Sold to the Yakuza
Scout65 |
- non-consensual
8,000 / 16 |
Soldiers and Boys in Wartime
Bill |
- prostitution
(26,500) / (53) |
Herr der Ringe |
- prostitution
7,000 / 14 |
The Son
Zzathras |
- cons.man/boy
26,000 / 52 |
Son Bondage
DouglasCR |
- cons.bdsm
2,750 / 5½ |
Son of a Preacher Man
Bill W |
- boyfriend
44,500 / 89 |
Son of a Whore
Debonair |
- non-consensual
10,500 / 21 |
Sonata in C Major
Dillon |
- boyfriend
7,500 / 15 |
The Sons of Jan and Christopher Dantz
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy - boy-slave
48,500 / 97 |
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anonymous |
- s&f/fant/magic
10,500 / 21 |
South American Adventure
Scrub aka Simon |
- non-consensual
4,500 / 9 |
The Space Dustbin
Spacemonkey |
- s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
Space, The Final Boy Frontier
Peter Pierce |
- s&f/fant/magic
8,000 / 16 |
Spartan Boys
Pueros |
- other
19,000 / 38 |
Special Breed of Boys
Daniel Master |
- prostitution
5,500 / 11 |
Special Secrets
Justin Davis |
- other
18,250 / 36½ |
Het Speelgoedknaapje
Timmetje |
- boyfriend - boy-slave
25,000 / 50 |
Damnd1 |
- other
5,000 / 10 |
Spring Chicken
Gipetto |
- cons.man/boy
4,500 / 9 |
The Squires of Telisan Keep
Robertx5sf |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
(82,500) / (165) |
The S's and the M's
Fan Cha Phaw |
- boyfriend
8,000 / 16 |
St. Petersburg Vacation
Justin Davis |
- prostitution
18,500 / 37 |
The Star
Blake |
- non-consensual
21,500 / 43 |
Starting Over
Pyro |
- boyfriend
28,500 / 57 |
The Stash
Debonair |
- other
16,000 / 32 |
Stefan, das Fotomodell
Lilbo |
- other
4,000 / 8 |
Boy-writer |
- cons.man/boy
14,500 / 29 |
Stepping to the Side
Eff Del |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
Steven at the New TK Institute
Jason Masters |
- other
5,500 / 11 |
Stevens School Runaways
Platypus |
- non-consensual
41,000 / 82 |
Steven's Summer in Chains
Istari |
- cons.bdsm
(89,000) / (178) |
The Stolen Hour
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
3,500 / 7 |
Veneration |
- cons.man/boy
18,000 / 36 |
The Story of Gracchus
Vittorio Carvelli |
- hist.-slave
(124,000) / (248) |
The Story of Parlassi
Yentoci Ciawdacsa |
- cons.bdsm
39,000 / 78 |
The Story of Tim
Jack Rowan |
- cons.bdsm
51,000 / 102 |
De straf van Brandon
Istari |
- boy-slave
12,500 / 25 |
A Strange Arrangement
Bbillings |
- boyfriend
4,500 / 9 |
Strange Thoughts
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
18,500 / 37 |
Street Brothers
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
10,500 / 21 |
Street Rat
David |
- prostitution
21,500 / 43 |
Strip Poker
Zorakk |
- boyfriend
11,000 / 22 |
Stripped by Teens
Billy the Kid |
- hist.-slave - non-consensual
4,000 / 8 |
The Strongest Poison
Calvinus |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
52,500 / 105 |
Stuck in the Park
Treacle Tower |
- boyfriend - tie-up
4,500 / 9 |
Stupid Johnny
Teglin |
- cons.man/boy
132,000 / 264 |
Stuttering Sammy
Debonair |
- boyfriend - other
6,250 / 12½ |
Submissive Camp Counselor
Bill |
- prostitution
5,250 / 10½ |
Suburban Sinners
Debonair |
- boyfriend
3,600 / 7 |
A Suitable Candidate
Bill Anderson |
- prostitution
(3,000) / (6) |
The Sultan's Favorite Boy
Bill |
- hist.-slave
48,000 / 96 |
Bunjji2000 |
- cons.bdsm
1,100 / 2½ |
Summer Dreams
Ganymede |
- cons.man/boy
72,000 / 144 |
Summers at GG's
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
42,000 / 84 |
Dirt |
- cons.man/boy - hist.-slave - s&f/fant/magic
23,000 / 46 |
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic
8,500 / 17 |
Sweaty Tie-up in Satiny Shorts
Grégory |
- tie-up
15,000 / 30 |
Swim Team 1956
Dēda |
- real-life - school-camp
3,500 / 7 |
A Swimmers Season
Karl O'Sullivan |
- cons.bdsm
18,000 / 36 |
Swing Short
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
12,000 / 24 |
Switching Back
Funtails |
- s&f/fant/magic
8,000 / 16 |
Symbionts: Ultimate Cut
Yaro Minnaar |
- non-consensual
(73,500) / (147) |
The Taken
SanibelBoys |
- non-consensual
113,000 / 226 |
Taken for Granted
Pok Bepxtep |
- cons.man/boy
17,000 / 34 |
Taken on the Plains
Cowra |
- non-consensual
(33,500) / (67) |
Taking Austin
Systemisdown |
- non-consensual
(49,500) / (99) |
Taking Care of W
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
9,000 / 18 |
Taking Wally to Gaytown
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
29,000 / 58 |
A Tale of a Favorite Boy of the King
Dēda |
- other
31,000 / 62 |
Tales of a Summer Afternoon
Dēda |
- boy-slave
6,000 / 12 |
Tamerlane's Boys
Pueros |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
235,000 / 470 |
Taming the Tigers
Istari |
- cons.bdsm
7,500 / 15 |
Tanner's best days
Damnd1 |
- other
6,500 / 13 |
Quantum Fantasy |
- school-camp - non-consensual
29,000 / 58 |
Herb Cat |
- cons.man/boy
20,000 / 40 |
Daemon Way |
- s&f/fant/magic
580,000 / 1160 |
Zadziu |
- other
3,250 / 6½ |
Tempting the Babysitter
Boy-writer |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
Ten Shorts: Slave Boy Genesis
Dirt |
- boy-slave - non-consensual
81,500 / 163 |
Terry's Lessons
Shaver Boy |
- cons.bdsm
47,000 / 94 |
That Boy
Bruce Bramson |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
Theo's Teddy
Dirt |
- boy-slave
17,500 / 35 |
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
3,750 / 7½ |
The Thirteenth Slave Boy
Jason Masters |
- boy-slave
5,000 / 10 |
This Charming Boy
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
This Could Be Heaven Or This Could Be Hell
Jason Masters |
- school-camp - woman-boy
2,000 / 4 |
This Love Lost in My Heart
William Rush |
- cons.man/boy
25,500 / 51 |
This Must Be Love
Daddy Rob 2 |
- cons.man/boy
4,500 / 9 |
Thorgil's Boys
Sid G |
- s&f/fant/magic
8,500 / 17 |
Three Dads and Five Boys
Herb Cat |
- cons.man/boy
8,500 / 17 |
Three Houses in Sydney
Sid G |
- prostitution
14,500 / 29 |
Three Orphans
Sid G |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Three Slaves
Dirt |
- boy-slave
68,500 / 137 |
Three Weeks to Heaven
Teglin |
- cons.man/boy
225,500 / 451 |
The Through The School Trip
Treacle Tower |
- other - tie-up
6,250 / 12½ |
Throw Away Kid
Erastes |
- cons.man/boy
209,000 / 418 |
The Ties of Brotherhood
Diversasy |
- non-consensual
57,500 / 115 |
Tigerboy's Boy
Cory DePalma |
- cons.man/boy
13,500 / 27 |
Tim Comes Home
Nick Turner |
- real-life
66,500 / 133 |
The Times I Remember
William Rush |
- cons.man/boy
21,000 / 42 |
Brian |
- boy-slave - eunuch
51,000 / 102 |
Timmy and the Travellers
David Clarke |
- boyfriend - school-camp
157,500 / 315 |
Timmy in Chains
Sid G & Erik |
- boy-slave
21,500 / 43 |
Timothy's Contribution to Medical Science
Tadzio |
- other
11,500 / 23 |
Timothy's Enslavement
Dirt |
- boy-slave
13,000 / 26 |
To Become a Slaveboy
Whipjunx |
- cons.bdsm
3,500 / 7 |
Todd's Bad Deal
Jason Masters |
- non-consensual
5,500 / 11 |
Tom Brown's Schoolboy
Alexander |
- cons.man/boy
48,500 / 97 |
Tommy, A Sexual Fantasy
Neighbor |
- cons.man/boy
44,500 / 89 |
Tommy's Report
Maikeli |
- eunuch
38,000 / 76 |
Toms nieuwe school
Kritios |
- cons.man/boy
9,000 / 18 |
Tony's Friend
Maiocxx |
- cons.man/boy
4,000 / 8 |
Too Hot To Wash Cars
Sam Johnson |
- cons.man/boy
6,000 / 12 |
Tour to Hell & The Resort From Hell
BoyMasterUS |
- boy-slave
7,500 / 15 |
The Tourist
Corbin Wells |
- cons.man/boy
2,750 / 5½ |
The Toy
Sub39m |
- boy-slave
3,000 / 6 |
The Toy Collection
Fisal & Fisal Fan |
- boy-slave
(37,000) / (74) |
Toys Will Be Toys
Debonair |
- other
14,000 / 28 |
Mark E. Dassad |
- prostitution
2,500 / 5 |
Tragedy in Black
Zelamir |
- boy-slave
30,500 / 61 |
A Tragic Love
Bill W |
- real-life
47,000 / 94 |
Training Ben
Tommy |
- other
30,000 / 60 |
The Traitor's Son
Zelamir & Pueros |
- hist.-slave
173,000 / 346 |
Trampoline Boy
Dkshota |
- cons.man/boy
2,500 / 5 |
Phillip B |
- non-consensual
26,000 / 52 |
Diversasy |
- real-life - boyfriend
(53,500) / (107) |
Debonair |
- prostitution
3,000 / 6 |
The Traveler's Tail
Boy Blow |
- cons.man/boy
9,500 / 19 |
The Travels of Antosh Teshna
William Rush |
- boy-slave
65,000 / 130 |
Travels with Drew and Li
Maiocxx |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
66,000 / 132 |
Travels With Nicolau Ribeiro
J.O. Dickingson |
- cons.man/boy - prostitution
(450,500) / (901) |
Trespasser in the Toilet
DouglasCR |
- cons.man/boy
1,775 / 3½ |
Trevor: "The Fire That Burns Sight"
Cyberboy |
- s&f/fant/magic
15,000 / 30 |
Trevor's Traditions
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
16,500 / 33 |
Pueros |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
72,000 / 144 |
Tricky Shorts
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
26,500 / 53 |
The Trip
Charles Baudot |
- real-life
35,000 / 70 |
Troy of Helen
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy - other
4,500 / 9 |
A Trucker and a Boy
Hamilton Joyce |
- prostitution
6,500 / 13 |
Truth, Beauty & Justice
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
12,500 / 25 |
Try Boys
Beautiful Creamer |
- cons.man/boy
57,000 / 114 |
Richard Perkins |
- school-camp
107,500 / 215 |
Turn for the Worse
Handgaglover |
- woman-boy
(49,000) / (98) |
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
10,500 / 21 |
Zelamir |
- school-camp
4,500 / 9 |
Two Boys in the Reformatory
Caliban |
- school-camp
30,000 / 60 |
Two Christmas stories
Justin Davis |
- cons.man/boy
11,500 / 23 |
Two Collars
Sam the Ham |
- boy-slave
8,500 / 17 |
Two for Ten
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
(20,000) / (40) |
Two Little Fundraisers
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
10,000 / 20 |
Uncle Frank Babysits His Nephews
Bobby Trabieso |
- other
3,500 / 7 |
Understanding Modern Indenture
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
29,500 / 59 |
Doctor Fap |
- cons.man/boy
9,000 / 18 |
The Unexpected
Todd Sayre |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
9,500 / 19 |
An Unforgettable Xmas
Debonair |
- boyfriend
2,500 / 5 |
Unfortunate Friends
Boygymnast |
- boy-slave
(14,000) / (28) |
The Uninvited Guest
Sam the Ham |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
2,500 / 5 |
The Uninvited Guest
Debonair |
- cons.man/boy
4,800 / 9¾ |
Unleashed in the East
Debonair |
- prostitution
8,500 / 17 |
The Unwilling Model
Scrub aka Simon |
- other
3,400 / 7 |
The Unwilling Sperm Donors
Damnd1 |
- other
7,500 / 15 |
The Upper Fremont Pony Club
Istari |
- boy-slave
(29,000) / (58) |
Upstairs Downstairs at the Boyagio
Leonard |
- prostitution - non-consensual
(56,500) / (113) |
Vacancy in Room 108
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
12,000 / 24 |
Vakantie 1: Op Reis
Kritios |
- cons.man/boy
30,000 / 60 |
Vakantie 2: Jongensparadijs
Kritios |
- cons.man/boy
97,000 / 194 |
Van zes tot veertien
Edgar Kirin |
- cons.man/boy
17,000 / 34 |
Ishy Ishfahan |
- s&f/fant/magic
29,000 / 58 |
Een verhaal uit India
Fan Cha Phaw |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
De verkoop van Dylan
Istari |
- boy-slave
9,500 / 19 |
Vermont Summer
Jason (Vt Kid) |
- boyfriend
31,000 / 62 |
De Verwerking van Garret
Istari |
- boy-slave
13,000 / 26 |
A Very Special Halloween
Debonair |
- s&f/fant/magic
6,250 / 12½ |
Video Games
Pedros |
28,000 / 56 |
De Vier Dansers
James Stuart |
- hist.-slave
15,500 / 31 |
R. Preston |
- cons.bdsm
20,000 / 40 |
The Vision
Arthur |
- boyfriend - cons.man/boy
44,000 / 88 |
Vlad the Bat-Boy
Jason Masters |
- s&f/fant/magic
7,500 / 15 |
The Voice That Can't Be Heard
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
24,000 / 48 |
A Walk in the Park
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy
11,500 / 23 |
Wally's Sleepover
Mister Red |
- boy-slave
/ 19 |
The Wanderer I
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
47,500 / 95 |
The Wanderer II
Storytime |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
49,000 / 98 |
The Want Ads
Boisterous |
- cons.man/boy
3,750 / 7½ |
The War
Sarge |
- boy-slave
33,000 / 66 |
The War of Boys
Iyoio2000 |
- boyfriend - s&f/fant/magic
5,500 / 11 |
James Bondage 007 |
- other
4,500 / 9 |
The Water Makes Me Hard
Dēda |
- other
3,000 / 6 |
A Week With Twins
Cutter09 |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
What Money Can Buy
Unikue |
- boy-slave - eunuch
2,000 / 4 |
What Uncles Do Best
Debonair |
- other
4,000 / 8 |
Whatever Happened To Tommy Vescu
Dirt |
- boy-slave
92,000 / 184 |
What's in Store?
Unknownwriter |
- tie-up
14,000 / 28 |
What's The Big Deal?
Mister Red |
12,000 / 24 |
When You Were Ten
LizardGuy |
- boyfriend
9,000 / 18 |
When You're At The Bottom
Bara |
- boy-slave
92,000 / 184 |
A White Boy Enslaved
Sailorboy |
- hist.-slave - eunuch
10,500 / 21 |
The White Rat
David Clarke |
- boyfriend - school-camp - boy-slave
261,000 / 522 |
White Slave Boy
Hamilton Joyce |
- prostitution
6,000 / 12 |
Whizz Kid
Zadziu |
- cons.man/boy
2,250 / 4½ |
Why I Hate Wearing Glasses
David Clarke |
- boyfriend
141,000 / 282 |
Why not me?
Teglin |
- cons.man/boy - s&f/fant/magic
52,000 / 104 |
Wicked Garden
Debonair |
- cons.bdsm
6,500 / 13 |
Wie ich Felix kennenlernte
Bonbononkel |
- cons.man/boy
1,000 / 2 |
Wiener Boy
LizardGuy |
- non-consensual
21,500 / 43 |
A Willing Boy's First Whipping
John Andrews |
- cons.bdsm
12,500 / 25 |
A Willing Masochist's Initiation
Timo Diego |
- cons.bdsm
7,000 / 14 |
Winning The Lottery
Bara |
- boy-slave
94,500 / 189 |
Winter Wonderland
Debonair |
- prostitution
3,250 / 6½ |
Wish Me Luck!
Dillon |
- boyfriend
9,000 / 18 |
Wishus and His Easter Adventure & Wishus Does Elizabethtown
Teglin |
- cons.man/boy
3,000 / 6 |
Witness Protection
Parrafan |
- non-consensual
11,000 / 22 |
Worldwide Boy Gladiators
Istari |
- boy-slave
(216,000) / (432) |
Worldwide Boy Gladiators (continuation)
BoyMaster |
- boy-slave
(3,000) / (6) |
Pueros |
- hist.-slave
27,000 / 54 |
Xanadu Pleasure Dome, Part I The Stables
Dirt |
- boy-slave
43,000 / 86 |
Xander: A Slave to the Sport
Paolo |
- boy-slave
(24,000) / (48) |
Kip Hawk |
- cons.man/boy
25,500 / 51 |
Paolo |
- s&f/fant/magic
202,000 / 404 |
Funtails |
- cons.man/boy
2,500 / 5 |
Cliff |
- cons.man/boy
2,250 / 4½ |
Yong's Story & Angel in the Human World
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |
You Pass This Way But Once
Bill W |
- boyfriend
101,000 / 202 |
Young Black Master
Zelamir |
- boy-slave - non-consensual
(93,000) / (186) |
Young But Daily Growin'
Eff Del |
- cons.man/boy
(588,000) / (1172) |
Young Dragon 1: Hell
David |
- non-consensual
29,000 / 58 |
Young Dragon 2: Recovery
David |
- cons.man/boy
21,000 / 42 |
Young Dragon 3: Firefighter
David |
- cons.man/boy
128,500 / 257 |
Young Juan's Awakening
Tomas Sabas |
- cons.bdsm
22,500 / 25 |
The Young Muggers
The Story Teller of 1997 |
- cons.bdsm
73,500 / 147 |
The Young Seducers
Parrafan |
- cons.man/boy - other
12,000 / 24 |
Your Last Morning
Ramrod |
- cons.man/boy
1,300 / 2½ |
Zack - A San Carlos Island Story
Slammr |
- prostitution - eunuch
16,500 / 33 |
Zero, the Special-Needs Slaveboy
Paolo |
- boy-slave - s&f/fant/magic
(240,500) / (481) |
Zwarte Piet and the Naughty Boy
StorySam |
- s&f/fant/magic
4,000 / 8 |
Zwarte Piet goes America
Stroker |
- s&f/fant/magic
2,750 / 5½ |
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
16,000 / 32 |
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
40,000 / 80 |
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
18,500 / 37 |
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
1,200 / 2½ |
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
24,000 / 48 |
Anonymous |
- non-consensual
11,500 / 23 |
阿勇的故事 和 落入凡間的天使
Johnny Kape |
- cons.man/boy
7,000 / 14 |