PZA Boy Stories

Scott Westwood

Boys Love Torture


This is the continuing saga of a group of teenage boys who explore the 'realm' of BDSM. For some, it is merely a period of simple experimentation. But for many it is a time of intense excitement. Straight or gay, as a teenager, the hormones tend to run wild, seeking whatever outlet they can find for satisfaction. Couple that with the dark 'facts' about boys and you have the potential for some really crazy times.
Publ. Sept. 2008-... (Nifty); this site Nov. 2008-...
Under construction, Jan 2012; 670,000 words (1340 pages)


Chip (15yo), Dennis (14yo) & Steve Peterson (11yo), Pete and Andy (both 14yo), and Mark (12yo) and his brother Matt (16yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual (but Reluctant) Story/BDSM
bb tb Mbcons/reluc/nc oral anal – bdsm spank cbt humil ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


This story contains sexual acts between boys and at some point between men and boys. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Also be advised some of the scenarios will, at times, can be fairly cruel and barbaric. Again if this is not to your tastes, read with caution. Don't even bother flaming me about it! Just stop reading! It is as simple as that! If you continue to read and feel compelled to flame me 3; talk to your own therapist before you do 3; because you can't talk to mine!

This story is fictional.

Author's note

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at westwoodscotty(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. The Road Back To The House of Torture
  2. The Doors Chip Opened!
  3. The Brother's Dark Secret
  4. The Tunnel of Terror
  5. Deal or No Deal
  6. Pay Backs Can Be A Bitch
  7. Justyn Deserves Justice
  8. Sex and Torture 101
  9. At Last, The Moth To The Real Flame
  10. Dennis and Matt's Day In The Park
  11. The Birthday Present
  12. The Deal
  13. Slave Days
  14. The Slave Days Keep On Coming
  15. The Tables Are Turned And Turned!!!
  16. Chip's And Mark's Discovery + Logan's Time in Court
  17. Coach's Lessons and A Fateful Encounter + Coach Taylor's Slavery Evolves
  18. A 'Sexual Agony' Exploration
  19. Satan's Imp
  20. Chip and Mark's Long Term Slave Conquests
  21. Let The Games Begin and Some 'Forbidden' Love
  22. Arena Dawns
  23. Crosses and Plans, Plans and Crosses
  24. 'We Who Are About To Fight 3;'
  25. There's No Business Like Show Business
  26. CURTAIN UP 3; Let The Games Begin!
  27. What Fantasies Lurk In The Minds Of Men And Boys?
  28. Chris Crosses The Line
  29. Now That's A Big Deal
  30. Of Deals, Bets And Brothers!

Story Notes

A while ago, I read a story on Nifty that just sort of stuck with me. It was titled Tortured in an Alley by Boys by William C. Valentine II. It included two installments that first began On July 16, 2005. Sadly after the second submission on September 22, 2005, the series ended. Double sadly, I waited too long to get in touch with the original author.

William's story has continued to fuel a number of personal fantasy spin-off ideas. I tried contacting him to ask permission to try my hand at continuing the series but was unsuccessful at reaching him since his listed email is no longer working. His original story line has continued to 'haunt' me, and I finally decided to sit down and try my hand at a sort of sequel or perhaps more appropriately, a variation on the original theme.

William, if you are still out there, please accept my apology for taking this liberty. The central 'submission' theme remains and I hope you will enjoy my special 'twist'

And now for everyone else, if you have not read William's original story, I would encourage you to do so now for background purposes. It is entitled Tortured in an Alley by Boys and can be found in the Authoritarian Section of Nifty- 'Index of stories prior to 2006.'

I have taken the liberty of using the same main character names for continuity purposes only. Though some of the original story elements that inspired this variation are referenced, this is essentially a NEW STORY.

Recap of the Original Story

The story began when Bill, a man in his early thirties, found a story on the Internet that he wanted to act out in real life. It was about a guy like him, who submitted to a group of young boys who made him strip naked, then tied him up and proceeded to humiliate, torture and abuse him. He printed out the story and went out searching. Eventually he found a group of boys playing in an alley, and approached Dennis, the thirteen year old who was clearly the group leader. He shared the printout with Dennis, who thought it was sort of freaky. Nevertheless, he easily convinced his friends it would be fun to torture a naked adult man. And so they did.

The story really kicked into high gear with Part Two. Following the initial encounter with Bill, Dennis told his older brother Chip about what had happened and showed him the printout that Bill had given him. Fourteen year old Chip was totally blown away by the fact that a grown man would let a bunch of young boys do those things to him. He read through the story several times while he questioned his younger brother about the incident, and found himself getting painfully hard just thinking about the idea of humiliating and torturing a naked man.

The fateful moment came when Dennis pointed out that Bill's email address was included in the header. From that moment, Chip became obsessed with the idea of setting up another encounter with Bill. He emailed him and began scouring the Internet for information about ways to humiliate and sexually torment a man.

It didn't take long to set up another meeting with Bill, who seemed very eager to submit himself to a wide variety of humiliating and painful sexual acts. Chip found an abandoned farm house nearby, put together a group of boys, and spent the better part of the day, humiliating and torturing Billf . During that time, Bill was forcibly stripped, tied up, forced to suck the boys and drink their piss. His genitals were tortured by red ants and he had cactus needles stabbed into his hard cock and testicles. He also had to lick a boy's body who had not bathed for days and so on.

When it was all over Bill actually thanked Chip, and asked if they could do it again sometime.

The story continues to revolve around the three 'Peterson' brothers who are now a year older.

They include:

"Chip" (Real first name is Chester, after his grandfather. No one dared to use his real first name. Unless, of course they had a death wish). During the last year, Chip had transformed from a cute 14 year old to a well muscled, incredibly handsome teen aged stud. Most adults adored him as a polite, respectful All American boy 3; good looking 3; athletic 3; confident 3; compassionate and so on. Which is, of course the image he liked to project to adults. His parents saw him as the loving son, devoted and protective of his two younger brothers. They were partially right. Chip really did care for them a lot, but would rarely show it. Instead he chose to terrorize and dominate his two younger brothers every chance he got.

It was much the same with other boys, younger, older, it didn't matter. Chip was the clear leader, the boss, the master. Typical of 'teenage boy culture' Chip's power was based upon athletic prowess, which in Chip's case seemed to really manifest itself over the last two years.

He was a year-round jock now 3; football in the fall 3; wrestling in the winter 3; soccer in the spring and early summer. All of which he played with 'reckless abandon' with absolutely NO regard for his own safety.

Dennis was one year younger than Chip. He possessed similar 'All American Boy' looks, with short dirty blond hair, a pert little freckled nose, and piercing blue eyes.

As brothers, Chip and Dennis were fairly close, though you would never know it the way they went after each other. Being just a year apart in age, there was a natural rivalry which was further complicated by the fact that Dennis was an early 'pubescent bloomer!' His bodily transformation seemed to be totally synched with that of his older brother 3; arm pit hair, pubes, penis growth, testicular drop, muscle growth 3; all seemed to be in total synch. Except for one area 3; even though he was now fourteen, facially, Dennis could easily pass for a ten year old boy.

But there was another thing, just a year ago Dennis had been a confident, strong demanding boy. While he was still pretty much the natural leader of his own group of friends, Dennis had suddenly developed a shyness and self-consciousness when it came to his body. He no longer showered with the other boys after a soccer game and wouldn't even change clothes while his brothers were in the room. Chip had noticed it of course, and thought it was sort of amusing. One day, Dennis seemed to have no problem with his brothers seeing him naked, and the next, he seemed terrified.

And finally there was little 11 year old Stevie (Well, almost 11. His birthday was coming up in a week.) Stevie was a very cute boy. His hair was a little blonder than his two older brothers. Up until very recently he had been wearing it in sort of a bowl cut, but now it was styled with a short spike like effect similar to his oldest brother Chip. It was clearly an indication of some degree of hero worship. Which cold be further confirmed by the fact that Stevie had started to dress like Chip, and suddenly began liking the same musical groups and movies as Chip did.

Although he was not nearly as developed as his older brothers, he did have a nice smooth trim little body, which seemed destined to a full athletic development. Though he was impatient with the speed of his own physical growth he was pleased with his body, with the exception of his facial cheeks which were just a little too 'chipmunk like' for him. They were the type of cheeks that little old ladies seemed to always want to pinch as they said, "Isn't he cute!"

And as final 'background' for the story I offer the following 'Facts of Boy Life:'

Facts of Boy Life

While these particular 'facts' may not be entirely true for ALL boys, they are certainly true to a great extent for a lot of boys!

Boy Fact #1– Boys are 'pack animals' by nature. They tend to 'run' in packs of some sort, be it a gang, a team, a club, a fraternity or whatever.

Boy Fact #2– Boys are natural conspirators. They are intrigued by secrecy.

Boy Fact #3– Boys have an almost insatiable need to face challenges , to prove their worth to other boys. Even the most 'self-confident' boys are driven to continue to prove themselves over and over. This explains why they respond so quickly and easily to virtually any type of challenge or dare. The old game 'Truth or Dare' is a perfect example. Get boys involved in that game and the 'Truth' part of the game goes out the window quickly, and it becomes more like 'Dare or Dare.'

Boy Fact #4– Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process. The relative importance of the group is in direct proportion to the level of challenge included in the initiation and is further enhanced by the level of secrecy.

Boy Fact #5– Boys can be very cruel and sadistic when 'initiating' or punishing other boys. They can also easily justify acts that might otherwise be considered gay or perverse, as long as they are part of some initiation, penalty or punishment process.

Boy Fact #6– Initiations, punishments, or penalties (like those imposed as a result of losing a game or challenge) almost always involve nudity at some point!

Boy Fact #7– A horny teenage boy lacks common sense , or at best, has only fleeting moments of common sense.

Boy Fact #8– Teenage boys are pretty much horny 24 hours a day! Their desire to masturbate or engage in just about any form of sexual activity can become overwhelming. No matter how 'straight' a teenage boy is, once he becomes 'horned to the max', it is relatively easy to get him to engage in sex with other boys, with even the lamest justification.

Boy Fact #9– Most teenage boys go through a period of time when they are very self-conscious about their bodies (typically during the period when puberty is running in high gear and producing the most radical changes). However, once the major changes have solidified, the self-conscious feelings are typically replaced by extremely strong 'exhibitionist' ones. This is particularly true of jocks.

Boy Fact #10– Many boys are fascinated by the concept of torture which is often incorporated into the games they play as either an integral part of the game itself, or simply as a penalty for losing. As they enter their teen years, these 'tortures' tend to become increasing sexual.

And so, we pick up the story approximately a year later.


Chapter 1
The Road Back To The House of Torture

Fifteen year old 'Chip' Peterson stood in front of the mirror, admiring his naked body. He looked himself up and down and muttered to himself, "Oh yea, you are one fucking HOT dude!" as he flexed his muscles.

During the past year, Chip had really gotten into 'buffing up.' He worked out hard every day of the week and was now 'reaping the rewards.' He glanced over at a picture of him in a swim suit from just over a year ago. At fourteen, he had almost no signs of any teen muscle tone. And now a year later, here he was with a set of rapidly evolving teenage muscles and the clear indication of an emerging 'six pack.' The teen boy hormones had also been working overtime. What was once a modest patch of pubic hair had grown into a thick forest of dark hair with blond highlights. Or as Chip liked to call it, 'My Golden Bush.'

Chip loved looking at his body. He loved the fact that his muscles were really starting to show, but there was a lot more. Running his fingers through his short spiky blond hair he stared into the mirror with his warm brown eyes and mumbled, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the biggest stud of them all?"

Chip grabbed his cock which was once again fully engorged, showing almost seven inches [18 cm] of hard teen boy meat and started stroking. "Oh yea, baby, suck on it hard!" he gasped.

He was once again taking advantage of the fact that his two younger brothers were out of the house and the room the three of them shared. At fifteen, Chip was a fanatic masturbator, doing it usually four or five times a day.

Though Chip used many jack-off fantasies, for the moment he was pleasuring himself while thinking about the little blond chick who had given him a blow job the week before at his dad's company picnic.

"OH YEA, take all of my man meat Bitch!" he gasped as he prepared to shoot, "Yea EAT IT all."

As he felt his balls preparing to fire he remembered how he pulled out at the last second and shot a huge load all over her face.

"Oh Yea, BITCH!" he yelled as he gave in to his third orgasm of the day 3; sending four full volleys of rich teen jock cum onto the mirror. As his last blast hit, he heard a gasp from across the room. He turned his head and saw Dennis standing in the doorway watching him.

Dennis, was frozen in the doorway, and staring in awe as he watched what was happening. There was his older brother Chip, totally naked, standing in front of the full length mirror, cock in hand, shooting volley after of volley of thick white cum.

Chip glared at Dennis as he finished emptying his balls and shouted, "GOD DAM it Squirt, I told you before I don't like it when you go sneaking around spying on me! You could have a least made some fucking noise! And remember what I told you would happen if I caught you doing it again?"

Dennis remained transfixed for several moments as he stared at Chip's hard pulsing cock. He was, of course, pretty much guilty as charged. He had in fact snuck back in the house, knowing full well that his older brother was a frequent masturbator, and hoped he could catch him in the act again.

"UH, uh 3; well 3; um," he stammered.

While Chip felt a little embarrassed by the fact that his younger brother had caught him masturbating, and even worse, saw him cum, the truth was that Chip was actually even more turned on. But, being the older brother, he knew instinctively, that he needed to feign some level of outrage.

Chip looked at Dennis and snarled, "Okay, Okay, yea, I know it's your room too, anyway get your ass in here, close the fucking door and stop staring at my cock okay Squirt?"

Dennis slammed the door and did his best to avert his eyes as Chip pulled on a pair of cargo shorts.

Chip snapped at Dennis, "Like I said, what did I promise would happen if I caught you spying on me again?"

Dennis, blushed and mumbled, "Uhmmm, well, I guess you said you would punish me somehow 3;"

Chip gave Dennis a devilish smile and said, "That's right, and that is exactly what I'm going to do."

Dennis wined, "Ahhhh, come on Chip, please don't punish me, I promise I won't do it again. Can't you stop being a badass older brother this one time, and just forget about it?"

Chip laughed and said firmly, "NO Fucking way. You promised you wouldn't do it, and you did. So I am going punish you so maybe you will remember next time 3; got it?"

Dennis knew there was no sense continuing to argue. He knew Chip well enough to know that once his mind was made up, that was it. He lowered his eyes in surrender and said, "Okay, okay, whatever you say Chip." Needless to say he was not looking forward to being punished by his older brother. He knew how cruel Chip could be and had a feeling that Chip was going to be pretty hard on him. Then again, he thought, getting to see Chip shoot like he just did, made it a little worthwhile.

Chip turned back to the mirror and started fiddling with his hair, "We'll do the punishment in a little while, I think I have something in mind that fits your crime. Meanwhile what the fuck happened that was important enough for you to interrupt me while I was nutting? I thought you were going to be shooting hoops with Pete and Andy for a couple of hours?"

Dennis took a deep breath and then started chattering, "Well, me and Bobby and Pete and Andy were playing basketball in the old school yard, when guess who drove up in this big ass limo?"

Chip continued to primp his hair as he responded in a semi-bored fashion, "Oh hell, how the fuck would I know 3; was it George Bush?"

Dennis couldn't contain himself, "No, it was Bill 3; remember the dude we tortured a few times last year?"

Chip stopped primping, looked at Dennis and said mockingly "Yea, right, that Dude is long gone after what we did to him the last time. Remember how many times we emailed him since with no response. Yea it was fun, but get used to the fact that we won't be seeing him again." He turned back to the mirror and started checking out his muscles again.

Dennis moved closer and laughed, "Oh my fucking God, I can't believe this, my big brother really doesn't know it all! Holy Fuck!"

That seemed to get Chip's full attention. He turned from the mirror, glared at Dennis and snarled, "Okay Squirt, let's have it! And if you are bull-shitting me, I am gonna beat the fucking shit out of your sorry ass and make your punishment a lot worse!"

Dennis took another deep breath and then blurted out, "Honest to God Chip, it happened 3; we were shooting hoops 3; this big ass limo drives up 3; next thing you know Bill steps out and waves to me. I ran over and he asked me how we were all doing 3; and stuff like that 3; you know, just basic shit 3;"

Chip is already getting impatient, "I trust this will get better!" he snaps.

Dennis stammered, "Oh God, yes! 3; so anyway we talked for a little while. Then he asked me if you were still around. I said yea. He seemed pleased about that and gave me this business card thingee to give to you. He said it had his new Email address."

Dennis handed the card to Chip.

Chip looked at the card and laughed as he examined it. It included just three lines of text in simple black and white (Email address:

"Bill Awaits Orders From The Torture Boys Email: slavebill@live.com"

"You are so fucking lame dude! Anyone could print out something like this."

Now it was Dennis's turn to laugh, "Yea I know, but look at the back of the card!"

Chip rolled his eyes as he flipped it over and thought, "Lord my burden is heavy. Dennis is so easy to impress, I am gonna have to teach him a thing or two more 3;"

And then he saw it. The back of the business card was like something out of a fantasy/sci-fi dream. It was completely covered with multi-colored images which were also holographic. What was even more fascinating was the fact that as he moved the card around he saw a host of short textual snippets. Included among them were things like 3; "The ants attacked my cock and balls 3; I drank their piss 3; sucked their cocks, the boy leader fucked me hard 3;" and so on. All of which related directly to one of the days with Bill the year before.

Chip suddenly recognized the fact that what he was looking at required a LOT of technical savvy and money.

And with that Dennis had Chip's total attention.

It was Chip's turn to stammer, "Shit! Are you sure it was him? I mean that Bill Dude?"

Dennis smiled, "Oh yea! It was him for sure! He said he has been really busy this last year, but will make it up to us if we can get together again to do stuff."

Chip felt his cock begin to harden. Though he was straight, there was just something incredibly exciting about humiliating and sexually tormenting another guy, let alone an adult. Blood continued to rush into his cock as he started thinking about a return to the old abandoned farmhouse (which had since been dubbed, 'The Torture House.') Unbeknownst to his brothers and friends, he had actually been back to the house several times in the last month and had made some improvements, which he thought had probably been a waste of time. But now the urge was coming back 3; big time!

Dennis managed to suppress a smile as he noticed the bulge rising in Chip's shorts. He sensed there might be an opportunity to escape his own punishment by distracting Chip.

"So Chip, what do you think? Are you going to contact him and set up another torture meeting? Wow, the guys will be so excited about it 3; I mean wow!" Dennis blabbered.

Chip turned from the mirror and walked over to his computer and brought up his email program. He was, of course, totally hard all over again. He entered Bill's new address into his contact list and then sat back to think.

"God dam, here we go again," he mused. "What the fuck is wrong with me? One minute I'm blowing a huge load thinking about this hot chick blowing me, and the next I'm getting really worked up about humiliating and torturing a guy! God, I thought about doing some of this shit to girls, but it's not the same 3; maybe I really am just a freaking sadistic pervert after all."

Chip looked down at his crotch, saw the huge tent and laughed inwardly, "Okay, Chip you sadistic pervert, what should you do now?" He thought for a few moments and then started composing an email to Bill.

Dennis watched as Chip started typing furiously. He could tell Chip was really excited, and figured that all he needed to do was 'fan the flames' a little more to get Chip totally distracted.

"Shit, Chip you're emailing him right now 3; aren't ya? Setting up a meeting huh? God this is going to be great! I can hardly wait. I have some really cool ideas for some really bad tortures!"

Chip smiled and nodded, "Yea, I am emailing him now 3; and let's talk about all those great ideas of yours 3; I wanna hear them all 3;"

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief. His little distraction plan seemed to be working.

Chip pressed the send button, smiled and looked at Dennis, "There we go, we'll see how he responds. Meanwhile you and I need to take care of some business."

Dennis said excitedly, "Oh yea, wait until you hear these torture ideas, you'll love em 3;"

Chip raised his hand and said, "Hey hold on there tiger, we'll get to your ideas soon enough once he gets back to us. Meanwhile we have to take care of your punishment 3; which I know I will love!"

Dennis's mouth dropped open, "Oh 3; ahhh 3; okay 3;" he stammered. He really thought his little plan had been working.

Chip smiled again and said, "Okay Bro, we have at least five hours before mom and dad get home, so we need to get cracking."

Dennis stammered again, "Oh, okay, what do you want me to do Chip?"

Chip smiled yet again and announced wickedly, "What I want you to do is to prepare yourself for punishment 3; NOW!"

Dennis seemed totally lost, "Ummm, okay, whatever you say 3; ummm 3; okay 3; "

Chip looked his younger brother over. Standing in front of him in sweaty gym clothes, quivering in fear, he looked sort of cute. His look of total confusion added more fuel to Chip's fire. He thought, 'Damn, this may be more fun than I figured.' And as always, that's when it came to him in a burst of inspiration 3; 'Dennis's punishment must focus heavily on humiliation first 3; then pain 3; and then more humiliation 3; and what is the absolute best way to humiliate you Dennis? 3; what do you fear most right now little Brother? 3; I know exactly what that is! DAMN, I guess it's about time I just accepted the fact that I am a true sadist 3; still 3; why the fuck is doing this stuff to my own younger brother such a freaking turn-on?'

He glared at Dennis and shouted, "WELL?"

Dennis was clearly disoriented, "Uhhh 3; I don't know what you want Chip 3;"

The fire in Chip's eyes was really starting to scare him.

Chip laughed, and said mockingly, "Okay, since you are my brother I'll make it really simple and give you one word 3; STRIP!"

Dennis's eyes popped wide open as he stammered 3; "You mean like totally naked?"

Chip glared at him and simply nodded.

Dennis's lip started to quiver, he desperately wanted to beg, but the look on Chip's face said it all, and so, with trembling hands he slowly began to remove his clothes. It didn't take long before he was standing before his older brother completely naked with his hands covering his genitals.

Chip laughed and said, "Hands behind your head Squirt 3; NOW! No need to hide your inheritance."

Dennis reluctantly placed his hands behind his head, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and concentrated on trying to keep from passing out. He felt totally humiliated and violated. He knew, of course, that Chip was looking him over. The scariest part was the fact that he had a massive hard-on, which seemed to get harder the more he thought about Chip seeing it.

As if on cue, Chip grabbed Dennis'ss hard cock and said teasingly, "Wow little brother, looks like you have definitely inherited the 'Peterson Penis' genes, maybe I should share your manhood with some other guys as part of your punishment. I'm sure they could come up with some fun stuff to do to you."

Dennis whimpered, "Oh God Chip, please don't do that?"

Chip laughed, gave Dennis's hard cock a final squeeze and commanded, "Okay go get one of our desk chairs and bring it over here, one of the old wooden ones."

Dennis ran across the room, grabbed a chair and hurried back.

He watched suspiciously as Chip placed the chair in the center of the room facing the door. He figured he was probably in for a spanking over Chip's lap.

What Chip did next started to scare him. He watched as Chip retrieved a black back pack from the back of their walk-in closet. He knew that it contained a bunch of the stuff they had used to torture Bill out at the old farm house, and that really scared him.

Chip set the bag down next to the chair, opened it, pulled an item out and held it up in front of Dennis's face, "Know what this is Bro?"

Dennis hadn't seen it before, and had no clue where Chip had gotten it, but, based upon some of the twisted stories he had read on the Net, he was pretty sure it was a butt plug 3; and worse, a vibrating butt plug since it had a wire and a little control box dangling from it.

Dennis stammered, "Uh 3; ahhh 3; I guess it's a 3; you know 3; ummm 3; a butt plug?"

Chip laughed viciously as he smeared some baby oil over the plug, "Very good Squirt! And guess where it's going?"

"Chip 3; oh please 3; SHIT 3; don't 3; make me!" he begged.

Chip laughed as he placed the butt plug on the chair seat, "Too late for that little brother, I warned you before, now get your little ass over here and sit on this NOW! Or I promise you it will get a LOT WORSE!"

Dennis desperately wanted to plead more, but 'Chip was Chip' and he knew the case had been closed. And so, as a man condemned, he straddled the chair, lined his tight little hole up with butt plug and started to impale himself on it.

"Oh Yeah, Bro, go for it!" Chip chuckled as he watched Dennis wince while lowering himself onto the plug.

Dennis groaned, "OH FUCK 3; SHIT 3; GOD DAMN!" as he felt the plug forcing it's way into his most intimate area 3; "DAMN IT, CHIP 3; please 3;"

Chip looked at his sweating, suffering brother 3; and asked himself once again, "Damn, why is this turning me on so much? 3; Making my own brother suffer? 3; What the fuck is wrong with me?"

Dennis moaned again as he tried to lower himself further onto the nasty butt plug, "Oh Come on Chip 3; please don't make me go any further.. this fuckin hurts! I promise, I won't spy on you anymore!"

Chip placed his hands on Dennis's shoulders and said softly, "I know you're really sorry little brother, and know you won't do it again."

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief and stammered, "I won't 3; I promise 3; I really promise 3; I am so sorry Chip 3; and thanks!"

Chip laughed again, "Don't thank me yet Squirt! And I can guarantee after today, you will definitely not do it again! Now SHUT THE FUCK UP and take your punishment like a man!"

Before Dennis could respond, Chip raised himself up, placed his full weight on Dennis's shoulders, and pressed down with all his might.

Dennis was taken totally by surprise! The weight from above forced him to sit down on the chair completely! It happened so fast. One moment the butt plug had just barely started to part his tight hole, and the next moment it slammed into him and locked into place.

"FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3; GOD DAMM 3; SHIT 3;SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed.

Chip waited patiently for his brother's painful gyrations to cease.

His next order of business was to pull Dennis's arms up and over the back of the chair put his palms together, and tie his wrists to a cross bar.

Next he spread Dennis'ss legs wide. One by one he lifted his feet off the floor and tied his ankles to the rungs on either side. Finally he tied his knees to the chair legs. When he was finished, he stepped back to review his work. Dennis was totally immobilized. There was nothing he could do to protect his genitals which were totally exposed and accessible.

A wicked smile crossed his face as he knelt down, grabbed a piece of thin rope. Dennis moaned as Chip tied one end of the rope around his ball sack.

"Wwwhat are you gonna do to my balls Chip?" he stammered.

Chip chuckled, "Oh nothing too bad just yet," as he proceeded to pull Dennis's balls towards the front of the chair. Dennis looked down and saw his balls were now stretched out onto the center of the chair seat. His eyes widened as he realized Chip was tying the other end of the rope to the rung between the front chair legs.

When Chip finished, he tightened the rope a little more which caused Dennis to yelp. "EEEGGGhhhhh!"

Chip laughed, "Hey little brother, remember that knot I taught you from Scouts, the tautline hitch?"

Dennis nodded.

"Just wanted to let you know that's the one I just used, which means I can tighten it real easily, without having to retie it," he laughed.

And to prove it, he took hold of the knot on the rope and slid it just a little tighter. Dennis winced as he felt his balls being stretched out a little further. For the moment he couldn't take his eyes off of his poor balls which were stretched out and totally vulnerable.

Chip saw where Dennis was staring and decided to increase his fear. Without saying a word, he pulled a small toy hammer out of the back pack and placed it on the chair seat beside Dennis's balls.

Dennis instinctively tried to pull his knees together for protection. Which was totally impossible. "OH MY GOD, CHIP 3; please, please 3; NO!" he cried.

Chip smiled some more as he patted Dennis's balls gently, "Don't worry little brother I have a lot more planned for these nice babies. It's gonna be a lot of fun hearing you scream."

Dennis managed to pull his eyes away from his balls. He watched Chip walk over to the desk and pick up something. When he realized what it was he started to beg again. "Oh please Chip don't do that. Please don't take any pictures of me like this."

Chip just laughed as he stepped in front of the chair and started snapping off a bunch of pictures with the digital camera.

"Wow, these are looking great. Got some really great shots of you with that huge boner. In a couple of them you can even see the sparkle of some precum on your cock head Squirt. These pictures just may come in handy some day."

Dennis started blushing like crazy and began to breath really hard. It was bad enough that he was exposed like this, but now Chip had pictures as well. Tears filled his eyes as he imagined Chip showing the pictures to other kids.

Chip apparently had an uncanny knack for reading Dennis's thoughts.

He set the camera down, picked up a short piece of thin rope and tied it snuggly around the base of Dennis's painfully hard cock. "Hey little brother, you remember what this will do for a guy?"

Dennis nodded and stammered, "Yea 3; it uh 3; helps keep him hard 3; and makes it harder for him to cum 3; OH GOD Chip, please no more pictures 3; and please don't show them to anyone 3; I'll do whatever you want 3; I promise."

He patted Dennis's cock head and chuckled, "Oh don't worry little brother, you'll do that anyway 3; and I'll show them to whoever I want! Now let's see, I need a little something else for these next few shots."

Dennis trembled as he resigned himself to this incredibly humiliating fate and prayed silently, that it would all be over long before his little Stevie got home.

He lost track of what Chip was doing for a moment, then he saw him over at the mirror, scrapping some of his thick cum into a little paper Dixie cup.

When he was done, Chip returned and knelt beside the chair, he held the cup up in front of Dennis's face so he could see inside. Dennis was actually somewhat amazed as he saw just how much of Chip's thick white teen seed was in the cup.

Chip snickered, "Pretty impressive isn't it dude?"

Dennis managed to nod.

"Know what I'm gonna do with it now Squirt?" Chip asked ominously.

Dennis wanted to shake his head, but instead he managed to say softly, "You're going to have me eat it, aren't you?"

Chip laughed again and said, "Well not right now, there's plenty more where that came from, and besides I'd rather you got it straight from the horse anyway. No dude, think of this as sort of a prop or makeup for the next few pictures."

Dennis wasn't quite following until Chip went to work. He dribbled some of his cum onto Dennis's cock head, a little onto his pubes, and stomach, and then finished it off with a couple of generous dabs on Dennis's chin.

Then he stood up, grabbed the camera and proceeded to snap off another round of pictures as he giggled, "My my, little brother, it really does look like you just came all over yourself. These are looking really great."

Dennis wanted to scream. The pictures of him naked, with a hard-on were bad enough. But now Chip had a bunch that looked like he had just ejaculated. If anyone else saw them he would feel totally humiliated.

Chip smiled as he headed back over to the desk and sat down, "Well, I better get busy, I still have a bunch of things to get ready."

Dennis did not like the way that sounded at all, but knew there was nothing he could do. He turned his head and watched as Chip pulled out a magic marker, a bunch of 3 x 5 cards and started writing on them. From what Dennis could see, he seemed to be in a hurry.

As Chip finished the last card, he laughed and said, "This is gonna be a lot of fun little brother! Yea, a lot of fun! Damn, sometimes I amaze even myself."

Dennis watched suspiciously as Chip dragged another chair across the room and placed it beside him. His eyes widened as Chip proceeded to pull items from the black back pack and place them on the other chair seat, along with a 3 x 5 card.

The first item was a nasty looking little plastic handle with four short rawhide laces. Each lace had a knot in the end. Chip held it up in front of Dennis and asked, "Know what this thing is bro?"

Dennis shook his head, afraid to even guess.

Chip smiled and held up one of the 3 x 5 cards that had the words, "Penis Whip" on it.

Dennis's eyes widened as he muttered, "Oh God."

That seemed to please Chip, and so he continued to place more items on the other chair seat along with a corresponding "ID" card. They included:

A tube of Icy Hot – "Testicle Ointment"
A miniature paddle – "Ball Paddle"
A pair of tweezers – "Pubic Hair Remover"
A riding crop – "Chest, Stomach, Thigh Whip"
10 Clothespins – "Tit, Cock and Ball Torture"
A roll of Duct Tape – "Hair Remover"
Two feathers – "Stimulators"

Needless to say, by the time he was done, Dennis was totally terrified and whining like crazy, "Oh, please Chip, please 3; don't do that stuff to me 3; please no 3; oh God 3;"

Chip smiled as he picked up Dennis's dirty jockstrap, balled it up and forced it into his mouth as he chuckled, "Oh don't worry little brother, 'I' won't do that stuff to you!"

Dennis felt a momentary sense of relief which vanished quickly as he contemplated the way Chip seemed to emphasize the word "I" when he said, "'I' won't do that stuff to you!"

His fears began to rise as he watched Chip walk over and swing their bedroom door wide open. With the jock gag in place he couldn't speak, which was probably just as well, because he would have started screaming with what Chip did next.

Kneeling in front of Dennis, Chip picked up another 3 x 5 card and held it up in front of Dennis's face. It had two words written on it, "PUNISH ME." He trembled as Chip taped the sign on his chest. When he saw the next sign, which Chip taped to the other chair he started whimpering, loudly into his gag. It said, "FREE BLOW JOBS!"

Chip laughed, patted Dennis on the thigh, and said, "Well, well, I think you're finally starting to get the big picture little brother."

He was of course referring to the 'openness' of the Peterson household. Chip, Dennis, and Stevie were all popular boys with many friends. Their parents actively encouraged the boys to have their friends over as often as possible. And, in fact treated them all as members of the family. When the parents were home, as evidenced by cars in the driveway, the brothers' friends always went to the front door and knocked.

The process was different when the parents were clearly not home, for a very practical reason.

Chip, Dennis and Stevie liked to listen to music. When they were home alone, like most afternoons in the summer, they simply couldn't hear any knocks on the door, so there was an understanding with all their friends 3; "If there are no cars in the driveway, come around to the back door, if it is unlocked, it means that at least one of us is home, so come on in and come up to our room."

Needless to say, as popular as all three boys were, this resulted in an almost constant stream of boys coming through the back door. Especially in the afternoon, when the summer Arizona heat became almost unbearable, forcing most boys indoors. What better place was there to 'chill' than at the Peterson house 3; widescreen TV 3; all the latest video games 3; hot music 3; and access to Internet porn.

Chip smiled at his helpless, quivering brother as he continued his preparations, "Remember little brother this is punishment and this is really gonna make it fun for everyone 3;well, not for you of course, but everyone else!"

Dennis continued to tremble as Chip clipped his portable MP3 Player to the back of the chair and placed the headphones over his ears, "Dude, these are my best headphones, when music is playing, you couldn't even hear a gun shot in the room. Especially if my hard rock mix is playing, which is what I have in the player now 3; hahaha."

Finally, Chip placed a blindfold over Dennis'ss eyes. It also helped ensure that the headphones would stay in place no matter how much Dennis jerked his head around.

Chip laughed and said, "Okay Dude, you're pretty much all set. I've got to run to the store for awhile. I'm pretty sure you won't be alone for very long. In fact, I'm surprised that none of the guys have stopped by yet. So have fun."

That said, Chip picked up the control for the butt plug vibrator and turned it on. Dennis trembled and started whimpering again. His whimpers turned to soft screams as Chip turned on the MP3 player. Blindfolded with the music blaring in his ears, he had no way of knowing if anyone was in the room, let alone who it was. And that really scared him. "God," he thought. Anyone could be stopping by 3; Chip's friends, Stevie's friends, or worse his own friends. What would they do when they found him like this. Would they let him go? He had a fleeting moment of hope, which vanished quickly as he pictured what he would do if he found one of his friends like this and it wasn't a pretty picture.

Chip stood staring at his helpless younger brother. By the way he was breathing, he figured he was almost out of his mind with humiliation and fear. That aside, he was also clearly extremely aroused as evidenced by his throbbing hard cock.

Chip decided he should get moving. Some of the guys were bound to be dropping in soon and he still had a few things to take care of.

His next order of business was to launch the video recording program on his computer. He placed the video cam on a bookshelf above the monitor and aimed it at Dennis. After a couple of adjustments and checks, he turned the record button on and blanked the screen.

Satisfied he ran downstairs, grabbed a six pack of Pepsi from the fridge, a bag of chips and one of the kitchen counter stools and went back upstairs. He of course had no intentions of going to the store. That would mean he would miss the live show.

He smiled as he entered the bedroom. It was clear that his preparations were working. There was no indication from Dennis that he knew that anyone was in the room with him.

Chip placed the stool, the Pepsis and chips just inside the doors of the walk-in closet. He adjusted the louvers on one of the doors so that he could see through them. Then he sat down and waited. He had a perfect view from where he was and the closet was dark enough so he was certain he wouldn't be seen. "Yes," he thought, "This is gonna be fun.

About 15 minutes went by during which Chip amused himself by stroking his hard cock while watching Dennis sweat. He started to get concerned that no one had come and considered calling some of their friends to get things going. That's when he heard it 3; voices outside the house 3; at least two muffled boy voices 3; moving towards the back of the house. He closed his fingers and muttered a soft "YES!" as he heard the kitchen door slam followed by the thunder of feet on the stairs.

"Hey Dennis, are you here Dude!" someone called from the stairs.

Chip smiled and thought, "Perfect, must be Dennis's friends, probably Pete and Andy. They are just as sadistic and perverted as Dennis. And even better, pretty much constantly horny. They will probably show no mercy. This is gonna be awesome." As things turned out he was right on all counts.

"Come on Dennis what are you up to?" demanded Pete as he turned the corner, entered the room and stopped dead in his tracks. "HOLY SHIT! Andy check this out!" he whispered.

Andy's mouth dropped open and he stammered, "HOLY FUCK, it's Dennis!"

Chip watched as the two 14 year old jocks moved closer to their 'best friend' Dennis. Both were wearing the same baggy gym shorts that were popular with all teenage jocks. Though both were clearly in great shape, Pete was the more muscular of the two, a trait he liked to flaunt, as evidenced by the sleeveless shirts he constantly wore. Andy, on the other hand, was a little less of a show off. As a swimmer, he was, of course accustomed to people seeing his nearly naked body all the time. However, when away from the pool, he wore overly large t-shirts which hung down low. And as Chip reflected, served to cover up one of the smallest and tightest little butts he had ever seen.

Pete and Andy circled the chair slowly, speaking in hushed tones. Andy whispered, "Who do you think did this to him?"

Pete stopped, "Come on, now who else do you think! It had to be Chip. And by the look of this set up, he must have really pissed him off!"

Andy started to whisper something, but Pete cut him off. "Speaking of this set up, shut up for a second and listen."

They both stood there and listened. Chip leaned closer to the door. He heard the same thing they were hearing, the sound of loud rock music bleeding from the headphones covering Dennis's ears.

Pete smiled and spoke normally, "Yea, check it out. Dennis can't hear a fucking thing we say because of that music blaring in his ears. Which means he probably doesn't even know we are here. Got it?"

Andy's eyes widened as he considered this revelation.

Pete leaned closer to Dennis and said loudly, "Isn't that right Dude. You don't know we are here, do you shithead?"

Dennis didn't flinch or give any indication that he had heard anything. Which, of course he couldn't.

Pete smiled at Andy and said, "See what I mean? He doesn't know we are here, and of course who we are. Watch this."

He knelt beside the chair and placed his hand on the inside of Dennis's thigh. Dennis flinched and started whimpering into his gag.

"And of course, that means he has no clue who is touching him now. Hell it could be anyone, you, me, Chip, Stevie, or any of their friends. That's why this set up is so awesome."

Andy looked a little confused, "So what are you saying Pete, aren't we gonna just untie him and let him go. He is our bud you know."

Pete started rubbing Dennis's thigh, "Are you fucking kidding me? This is gonna be a lot more fun than playing video games, or even looking at porn. Now I don't know about you, but I'm already getting a little boned. And hell, you know Dennis has been pretty much of a prick lately, so I think it's time for a little payback."

Andy, was in fact, getting 'boned.' He was straight, of course, but like so many teenage boys, he could get turned on by just about anything. And the sight of Dennis bound and naked, with a monster hard-on was definitely turning him on.

Andy nodded and stammered, "So what should we do?" He looked at the other chair with all the punishment items spread out. "Ummm, should we 3; ummm start punishing him with that stuff."

Pete smiled, pointed to the "Blow Job" sign and said wickedly, "Well, actually I was thinking about making him take care of one of our more immediate needs."

Andy trembled as more blood rushed into his rapidly rising cock. "Holy SHIT, you mean we're gonna make him blow us? Holy shit!" he panted.

Pete laughed and said, "Holy Shit is right, but before we do that we need to fuck with his mind. Look at the way he is breathing already with just me rubbing his thigh. Go ahead and start playing with his nipples. Use both hands so he knows there's more than one guy here."

Chip chuckled to himself as he considered what was happening. In a moment Dennis would experience a 'mind fuck' indeed as he realized there was more than one guy playing with him. Hell, until now, for all he knew it could just have been Chip. Now he would know someone else was there for sure.

Dennis had been praying that the hand on his thigh was Chip's and that he had simply lied to him about going to the store. But when he felt a second set of hands on him he went into a state of total panic. Someone was rubbing his thighs now with two hands, while another pair of hands was pinching his nipples. He couldn't see a thing, couldn't hear a thing and had no clue who these guys were.

Dennis moaned and squirmed as his unknown assailants continued to play with his body for several minutes. Finally the fondling stopped and he breathed a sigh of relief as he began to hope for the best.

As if in answer to his hope, Pete pulled the jock gag out of his mouth and stepped back. Dennis sucked in a deep breath and began to jabber uncontrollably, "Damn, dude, thanks so much. Please untie me and I promise I'll make it up to you. Just let me go, okay 3; this really wasn't my fault 3; so please untie me 3; I promise I won't let anyone know who released me 3; and I will definitely make it up to you guys big time 3; just untie me 3; okay? Okay?"

Pete looked at Andy and winked, "This is gonna be a hell of a lot of fun. Check him out dude."

Pete gestured towards Dennis who was continuing his hopeful jabbering 3; his naked body was glistening with sweat and of course, his cock remained totally hard.

"Oh come on, whoever you guys are, please just let me go 3; okay?" Dennis begged.

"Yea right!" Pete laughed as he started running his finger around Dennis's pre-cum covered cock head.

Dennis pulled at his bonds and pleaded, "Man, please don't do anything else to me 3; I'm begging you man!" He was, of course becoming increasingly desperate and scared. It was embarrassing enough to be on display like this, but he also had a monster hard-on, which he just couldn't seem to lose, no matter how hard he tried to think about other things. And even worse, his desire to be able to cum was becoming overwhelming.

Once again Pete looked at Andy as he took hold of Dennis's painfully hard cock and started slowly stroking, "Man, our buddy Dennis could shoot at any moment, I guess we should get to the main event now."

He let go of Dennis's cock, stood up and quickly removed his t-shirt, shorts and jock.

Chip leaned closer to the door to get a better view. Pete's body was quite muscular, a fact that was highlighted by a glean of sweat. Though his chest, stomach and back were essentially hairless, he had a nice patch of pubic hair which was almost as think as Chip's, and fairly hairy legs.

Andy blurted out, "Dude, why the fuck did you get naked?"

Pete laughed, "Come on Dude, it's the best way to get a blow job. It make it more exciting. And when it's your turn, I expect to see a lot of skin too!"

"You WISH!" chirped Andy.

Pete smirked, "Trust me 3; anyway here we go!"

Dennis's hopes rose briefly after the teasing hand was removed from his cock. "Maybe they are done teasing me," he thought.

Several moments passed, then he felt it. And there was no mistaking what it was. Two bare legs were pressing up against the outside of his thighs. Which meant that one of the guys was straddling his chair and either he was wearing really short shorts, or worse!

His mind started racing, trying to deny the obvious. He took a deep breath and was about to start begging again, when another sense entered the picture. A familiar odor filled his nostrils 3; it was the odor of a boy's crotch 3; sweaty 3; with a hint of that musk he smelled whenever he was totally aroused. "OH GOD, this Dude has his crotch in front of my face 3; OH FUCK 3; SHIT 3; DAMIT 3; he's gonna try to make me suck him off 3; FUCKING A 3; no way!" he thought.

Chip tried to imagine what his brother's panicked thoughts were like as he stroked his own leaking hard-on through his shorts. "This is getting better and better every second!" he mused.

Meanwhile Pete seemed to be reading Dennis's thoughts; he grabbed the back of Dennis's head and forced his face into his groin so that his nose was imbedded in his sweaty pubes. "Yeah, SHITHEAD, get a good whiff of what a real man smells like!" he snarled.

From Dennis's standpoint the smell was overwhelming. He hated it with a passion. But the more he inhaled, the more aroused he got. Instead of continuing to beg, he locked his lips in a desperate attempt to fend off the inevitable.

Pete held Dennis's nose in his pubes for several minutes, then released his head and started rubbing his cock head across Dennis's clenched lips.

Dennis started shaking his head violently.

Pete laughed, turned towards Andy and said, "Okay, Bro, I think he needs a little convincing. So why don't you give his balls a few taps with that toy hammer."

The resulting taps were fairly light, but were enough to send pains shooting into Dennis's guts. Still he managed to keep his lips clenched.

"Again Bro, so he get's the picture!" Pete snapped, as he pressed his cock head against Dennis's lips.

Andy gave Dennis's outstretched balls four quick taps with the hammer 3; and he got the picture!

One moment he was putting up a determined resistance, and the next he was sucking this hard cock like crazy.

Dennis's senses were spinning out of control. Tears filled his blindfolded eyes as he thought about what was happening. He had never sucked a cock before nor did he want to. He had, of course, forced his little brother Stevie and his friend Jimmy to suck him on more than one occasion, and liked cumming in their mouths. And there was no way he would ever put another dude's cock in his own mouth. But now, here he was, sucking some guy's cock.

Dennis searched every corner of his brain to find some justification for what was happening. In the end he focused on the thought 3; "Okay, Okay, I am sucking this guy's cock, because if I don't his buddy will hammer my balls harder and harder 3; and that is the only reason I am sucking him like this!"

Dennis's mental strategy bought him several minutes of peace of mind which were short lived. Try as he might, he could not stop the flood of primal desires that descended on him.

He kept thinking 3; "Okay, Okay, I am sucking this guy's cock, because if I don't his buddy will hammer my balls harder and harder 3; and that is the only reason I am sucking him like this!" 3; as he sucked Pete's cock and periodically licked his balls.

The intellectual battle between reason and pure teen lust raged on in Dennis's mind for several more minutes 3; it was a stalemate 3; AND THEN IT HAPPENED, all at once 3; the 'musk' aroma intensified 3; the cock in his mouth seemed to harden dramatically 3; more blood forced itself into his own painfully hard cock 3; and all of a sudden all he could think about was getting this dude to cum 3;!

Pete sensed it too and began to fuck Dennis's mouth in earnest. Like Dennis, he was surrendering to his basest desires. Unlike Dennis, he was maintaining some level of reason. As such he turned to Andy and muttered, "Dude, do you have your cell phone handy?"

Andy stammered, "Uh, yea 3; why?"

Pete laughed, "Don't ask 3; just do what I tell ya FAST!"

Andy pulled his cell phone out and said hurriedly, "Got it! What do you want me to do?"

Pete kept fucking Dennis's face as he groaned, "Ahhh 3; Shit 3; ahhh 3; okay 3; use the fucking video thingee to get a closeup picture of my cock in his mouth 3; even with the blindfold you should still be able to tell it is Dennis!"

Andy raised the cell phone and snapped off a couple of pictures.

Pete kept pumping as he inquired, "Well? Did you get them?"

Andy checked the pictures in the phone's memory and announced proudly, "HOLY SHIT Dude, you should see them! His full face with a cock in his mouth, looking like he is loving it!"

Pete snapped, "Okay, Okay 3; good job! Now get ready for the big moment 3; cause this is what I am gonna do 3; I am just about ready to blow a major load 3; when I do, I am gonna try and coat his fucking tongue with the first blast 3; then I will pull out and try to shoot the rest all over his face 3; that's what I want you to take pics of 3; got it?"

Andy nodded and stammered, "Uh yea, ready when you are!"

Meanwhile in the walk-in closet, Chip was stroking himself like crazy as he watched his brother's two best friends mess with him.

"Okay, here I go!" Pete yelped.

Chip watched in total fascination as Pete's body convulsed. He almost came as he observed the first spasm 3; the one that was coating his brother's tongue with a hefty batch of teen jock jism 3; and miraculously he avoided falling off his stool as he saw Pete shooting the remainder of his load all over Dennis's face.

Several moments passed as everyone regained their breaths. By now, the bedroom and the closet were completely inundated with that incredible aroma of teen jock sweat and sexual arousal.

As soon as Pete gathered his senses, he stepped away from the chair, pulled on his shorts and shirt (leaving his sweaty jock on the floor), and inquired, "So did you get some pics of the last part Bro?"

Andy, seemed mesmerized as he reviewed the captures in his cell phone's video program.

"Uh, yea 3; uh 3; sort of 3;!" he laughed mischievously.

Pete stepped closer to Andy and smacked him on the head, "What the FUCK DUDE! Did you get pictures of that last part or not? FUCK! Did you screw it up 3; GOD DAMN IT!"

Andy held up the cell phone and laughed, "Dude, I got better than that 3; give me a freaking break and I'll show you 3;!"

Pete snapped, "Now what the fuck would be better?" as he grabbed the cell phone.

Andy laughed again and said, "You owe me for this one Bro 3; look at the screen and press the DOWN ARROW!"

Pete suppressed his desire to punch Andy. Instead he punched the DOWN ARROW, and now it was his turn to say "HOLY FUCK" as he watched the short, but explicit video capture replay on the cell phone's little screen. There it was, several seconds of Dennis clearly sucking a cock, followed by several more seconds of that same cock shooting cum all over his face.

"Wow, this is awesome!" he exclaimed. "Guess we should send some of these to Chip. He'll get a kick out of them."

He saw the concerned look on Andy's face and whispered, "Oh don't worry, we can always use a hotmail address, so it will be anonymous."

Meanwhile, Dennis was trying to figure out why he was so incredibly turned on. His mouth had just been fucked, he had tasted some guy's cum, smelled his pubes, and all the while he just kept getting hornier. And now, he should be begging to be released, but the words just wouldn't come out. Instead he was wondering if the other guy was gonna make him suck him off, and stranger still, what his cock would be like, how his pubes would smell, and what his cum would taste like. More blood forced it's way into his painfully hard teen pole and he actually began licking his lips.

Pete gestured towards Dennis, "Dude, check it out. Dennis is looking like some rabid horn dog. His dick head is covered with pre-cum and he's licking my cum off of his lips. That's wild. I can't believe he'd be this turned on."

Neither could Chip who was trying to imagine what Dennis was thinking. In fact, for a moment, he placed his hands behind his back, raised his ankles on either side of the stool, and imagine he was Dennis, tied naked and being used. To his surprise, he found himself getting harder.

He snapped out of his reverie when he heard Pete chuckle, "Okay Dude, it's your turn. You get the sloppy seconds."

Andy hesitated for a moment, then slowly pulled off his clothes.

Chip had to stifle a moan. He had of course seen most of Andy's tight swimmer's body before, but not completely naked, and never with a major hard-on like right now. Andy had a long cock, which was standing straight up. It was framed by a nicely trimmed patch of dark pubic hairs. He blushed brightly as Pete gestured towards his groin, "Wow Bro, looks like you are more than ready. He's gonna love that monster."

Andy stepped up, straddled the chair and pulled Dennis's face into his groin.

Once again Chip suppressed a moan as he saw Andy's tight little butt. It was so small, and looked so unbelievably tight. He rubbed himself as he thought, "God, how I would love to fuck that little butt of your's Andy 3; to hear you scream 3; oh yea 3; bet ya anything that little hole of your's has never had a cock inside."

Across the room, Dennis began breathing deeply. He felt light headed as the pungent aroma of another aroused teen's sweaty pubes filled his nostrils. He thought, "God damn 3; SHIT 3; why the hell does this smell so good 3;FUCK!" It was all there, the sweat, and that arousing musk odor. But in this case there some something else. It took Dennis a few moments to identify it as a faint scent of chlorine.

Pete picked up the little hammer and said, "Okay Andy, put your balls in front of his mouth."

Andy shifted slightly so his balls rubbed against Dennis's lips. Pete raised the hammer of Dennis's balls, but this time there was no convincing needed. As soon as Dennis felt the balls on his lips, he stuck out his tongue and began licking.

Pete set the hammer down and watched in total fascination as Dennis, their heretofore totally straight best friend, proceeded to service Andy's balls and cock with a drooling passion.

His mouth was all over Andy's manhood and it wasn't long before Andy gave into the feeling and began violently fucking Dennis's mouth. Both were sweating like crazy and breathing hard.

Fortunately, Pete didn't need to be reminded about the cell phone. He could tell Andy was getting close, so he snapped off a couple of close ups. He checked the pictures and was pleased to note that the cock that was now in Dennis's mouth was clearly a different one.

Unlike Pete, Andy shot most of his load into Dennis's mouth but still managed to splatter some on his face.

After he caught his breath, Andy stepped away from the chair, picked up his clothes and dressed quickly.

"So Pete, did you get any pictures? Sorry I forgot to warn you. Shit man, he sucks really good. It was awesome." Andy panted.

Pete nodded and said, "No problemo! I got a few good ones!" as he showed Andy the pics.

Chip leaned closer to the door slats and looked as his younger brother. Dennis was a total mess. His body glistened with sweat. He was breathing hard and his hard cock looked like it was ready to explode. "God, what must he be thinking?" he mused.

By now Dennis was pretty much thinking about just one thing, "I gotta cum! SHIT 3; FUCK 3; I can't ever remember being this totally horned 3; maybe now they will let me go 3; hell they both came in my mouth 3; what more could they want 3; maybe if I promised to blow them again 3; so other time, they'll let me go 3; FUCK what am I thinking??? SHIT! I gotta take care of this now! I have to CUM before my cock and balls explode."

He was about to start begging when Chip's balled up jock was forced back in his mouth. Dennis went crazy and started pulling at his bounds while screaming into the gag.

Pete stepped back and smiled, "Okay, we don't need his mouth anymore, might as well keep him shut up."

Andy laughed and said, so are we done with him? Shouldn't we just let him go?"

Pete chuckled, "Are you fucking kidding me? The fun is just beginning?"

Andy looked at the torture items on the other chair and asked, "So, what are we gonna do? Punish him with this stuff?"

Chip wanted to shout, "YEA, GO FOR IT!" But he kept quiet and listened as Pete continued, once again musing, "Why do I get turned on so much at the thought of Dennis suffering?"

Pete said, "Actually I have a better idea. Remember some of those 'nasty' games we used to play at camp when the senior counselors were away?"

Andy giggled, "You mean like when we stripped a guy, tied him up, and then saw how many times we could make him cum during the night?"

Pete laughed again, "Yea that was one of, hell what was the record with Jared?"

Andy snickered, "I think it was like ten times and the last few were really painful, cause they were totally dry!"

Chip liked the sound of this. "Damn!" he thought. "These Dudes are really pretty fucking twisted! But I love it."

Pete continued, "Yea that one was fun, but I was thinking more of that other one 3; the one we used on prisoners during Capture the Flag 3; to get them to tell us where their jail and flag was."

Andy perked up, "OH SHIT 3; YEAH! But dang, look at how excited he is already, it will be tricky."

They definitely had Chip's interest now.

He watched in total fascination as Pete moved the second chair aside and the two knelt on either side of Dennis. He said a silent prayer of thanks as he noted the fact that the computer camera had a totally unobstructed view of what was happening. He hoped the mike was picking up all the sound.

Dennis trembled as he felt their hands patting the inside of his thighs.

Pete smiled and said, "Oh hang on a second, I think this needs to be a totally sensory experience for our buddy here."

He picked up his sweaty jock and used the pouch to wipe the cum off of Dennis's face, chin and chest. Then he pulled the jock over Dennis's head, with the sweaty, cum soaked pouch covering his nose. "That should help keep him in the mood!"

Chip pulled his cock out of his shorts and started stroking himself. "Whatever this is, it's gonna be huge!" he thought.

Pete moved his hand towards Dennis's cock, he was just about to grab it when he paused and looked at Andy, "You know, I think you are right, this is gonna be real tricky, and we will have to be careful if want this to work right, so I just had a crazy idea to make it even more interesting 3; sort of a contest."

Andy chuckled, "Hmmm, okay, I'll bite what is it?"

Pete smiled and continued, "Okay, the basic idea is to keep getting Dennis to the very edge of cumming as many times as we possibly can without him cumming 3; And that's the torture part. Right?"

Andy nodded.

Pete said wickedly, "So we'll take turns bringing him to the edge. I am sure we both can tell if he's close or not. So the contest will be, if one of us goes to far and he comes, he loses and has to pay a penalty."

Andy smirked, "Like what kind of penalty?"

Pete responded with a nasty grin, "You know what kind!"

Andy laughed, "You mean like with a blow job or something?"

Pete smiled again and said smartly, "Well actually, since this is gonna be a major challenge, I was thinking more of a high stakes sort of penalty 3; I mean really high stakes 3; if you can handle it Dude. Unless you just wanna go for some little boy type of penalty?"

Chip had a feeling Pete knew his buddy all too well. He had just thrown down a major dare.

Andy looked defiant as he snapped, "Okay asshole, I'm in! What are the stakes? What's the penalty?"

Pete said, "Okay, I'll hold you too that! If either one of us makes Dennis cum, he'll be the loser, and will be the other guys TOTAL slave for a full day, with no holds barred. Anything goes!"

Pete glared at Andy.

Andy thought for a moment, then snapped, "Okay, okay, stop the bull shit and get started! You go first though!"

Pete smiled and said "So be it!" as he grabbed Dennis's cock and started gently stroking. Dennis, surrendered to the pleasure completely with the certainty that relief was now in sight. Little did he know the torment he was about to endure.

And torment it was for Dennis and Chip during the next hour as Pete and Andy went back and forth using every masturbatory technique imaginable to bring Dennis to the very edge and then simply stop. And each time the tormentor stopped, Dennis's reaction got increasingly violent 3; he pumped his groin 3; tugged at his bonds and screamed into his gag.

Chip lost track of the number of times he thought Pete or Andy had gone too far. Sadly for Dennis, the two were incredibly gifted at reading his cum signs.

After an hour had gone by, they paused. All four teens were drenched in sweat and boned to the max! Chip hiding in the closet. Andy and Pete kneeling on the floor and of course Dennis in the chair, who had been reduced to a quivering, whimpering mass of horny teen boy flesh. Willing to literally sell his soul to be able to cum.

By now the room was totally saturated with the odor of teen sweat and musk. All were on sexual sensory overload.

Pete panted, "Dude, maybe we should just call this a draw for now 3; and move onto something else."

Andy nodded and said, "Yea, I guess you're right. Though I was so looking forward to having you as my slave for a day!"

Pete chuckled, "In your dreams Bro 3; anyway, check out his cock 3; the dang thing looks like it will explode! DAMN, imagine what some lashes from that penis whip would feel like right about now!"

Chip pulled his own hard cock up into his pubes, gave the underside a few slaps as he imagined what Dennis would be feeling as the penis whip bit into his engorged manhood.

Pete took hold of Dennis's throbbing cock and pulled it up to expose the underside. He grabbed the penis whip and aimed.

And that is when he heard the same thing that Chip heard 3; VOICES 3; outside the house 3; moving towards the back of the house!

Andy half shouted 3; "HOLY SHIT, PETE, someone's coming! What should we do?"

Pete dropped the penis whip back on the other chair and muttered, "How the fuck should I know 3; SHIT 3; ahhh 3;"

Then it came to him in a flash 3; "Dude, let's hide in the closet and see what happens!"

Chip snapped out of his daze, pulled up his shorts, grabbed the stool, the Pepsi's and chips and retreated to the back of the walk-in closet. He managed to hide himself behind some hanging clothes just as Pete and Andy flew in, slamming the doors behind them.

All three caught their breaths. Chip from his hiding place at the back of the closet and Andy and Pete from just inside the doors. Finally Pete whispered, "Man check this out you can see into the whole room through these slats! SHIT, this could be fun!"

The muffled voices emanating from outside the house were young and boyish. Chip concluded they belonged to some of Stevie's friends, and maybe even Stevie as well. Andy and Pete heard the voices too. All three wondered when and if they would come into the house and head upstairs.

Dennis, meanwhile, was in a total state of sensory deprivation 3; he could not hear anything except the rock music blaring in his ears 3; he could not see anything 3; and could not feel anything except the ropes that bound him and of course the butt plug that continued to vibrate in his ass.

Chip now faced a major dilemma 3; from where he was he would clearly miss out on anything else that happened 3; he considered various courses of action, then finally decided to take the bold approach 3; the younger boys had not yet entered the house 3; so the time for action was now! And with that, Chip stepped out of his hiding place, held up two cans of Pepsi and said smartly, "So are you two twisted horn doggies thirsty, or what?"

Chapter 2
The Doors Chip Opened!

The Lead Characters

Chip Peterson – 15 years old, Short Spikey Blond hair, warm brown eyes, compact well proportioned athletic build with rapidly developing six pack abs, a cock that was a least 7 inches [18 cm] (or more), and a beautiful thick patch of pubic hair with golden highlights.

Dennis Peterson – 14 years old, short dirty blond hair, a pert little freckled nose, piercing blue eyes. With the exception of the six pack abs, Dennis's body was a mirror image of Chip's 3; he had the same well proportioned athletic build, a long cock, and a thick patch of pubic hair. Facially, though, he could pass for a ten year old.

Steve 'Stevie' Peterson – 11 years old (in a few days), bright blond hair which he was spiking like Chip, green eyes, and rosy 'chipmunk' like cheeks. His body was smooth and trim without an ounce of baby fat.

Pete and Andy – Dennis's 'best friends'. Both are 14 years old. Both are jocks. And both are constantly horny.

Mark – Literally the 'new kid on the block.' He is 12 years old, has a tight compact body, and a really nice little bubble butt. He is just as scrappy and self-confident as Chip was at that age, but having just moved into the neighborhood he is over-eager and desperate to make new friends.


Both Pete and Andy jumped as they heard Chip's voice from the back of the closet.

"HOLY SHIT, CHIP, you almost scared the piss out of us!" shrieked Pete.

Chip laughed as he handed them each a can of Pepsi, "Yea, piss would be about right, since after what I just watched neither one of you would have much cum left in your balls!"

Pete and Andy both blushed as they opened their Pepsi cans and took a long swallow. Andy chuckled, "Pretty intense wasn't it Chip?"

Chip smiled some more and said jokingly, "Oh yea Dudes, remind me never to have you guys around if I'm ever tied up naked."

The Pepsi seemed to help calm the two down. Pete thought for a moment and gave Chip a devilish look as he smirked, "Oh I don't know Chip, you just might enjoy it. I know we would. It might be fun to see just how long you could last before you started begging and promising the moon for us to stop. Bet it wouldn't take all that long."

Chip laughed, "Yea right. Even if you guys had all day, you'd never be able to get me to beg, so don't start dreaming about it, cause it ain't gonna happen."

Pete wouldn't let it drop. "Oh yea, care to put that to the test tough guy?"

Chip had no idea why he just didn't stop the conversation where it was. He had no intention of letting these guys try anything with him, even though he was absolutely positive they wouldn't be able to break him. He had a high tolerance for pain (as evidenced by his sports injury record). And as far as the sex stuff, well, he had tormented himself for hours and hours sometimes, just to make his eventual orgasm that much stronger.

The fact that he was letting the talk go on, was probably due mostly to the fact that, after seeing what the boys did to Dennis, he was horned to the max, and was therefore thinking with the wrong 'head.' Leading Pete on was sort of fun though, so what could it hurt to tease him by making him think it could happen.

Chip was pretty pleased with himself. He knew that Pete and Andy would really like to do things to him and even though this wasn't going anywhere, he'd have a fun time knowing that they would probably jack off just thinking about it. Still, he could not just say no. Since his 'tough guy' reputation was being challenged, he had to find a way to have Pete drop it.

He said smartly, "Like I said, it ain't gonna happen, so get over it. Besides you two couldn't handle the cost just to get me to do it, let alone the stakes. Yea the stakes would be really high."

Andy wanted to tell Pete to drop it. As fun as it would be to mess with Chip, he knew how tough a kid he was, and didn't want to consider the 'cost' or the 'stakes.'

Andy stammered, "Hey guys, why don't you just drop it, besides it sounds like those kids are down in the rec room and could be up here at any moment."

Chip and Pete thought for a moment. Pete said, "Oh yea, I almost forgot, so Chip who do you think they are?"

Chip held up his hand for quiet, and all three listened intently to the muffled voices. After a few moments, Chip smiled and said, "Well my little brother Stevie is definitely one of them, I'd know his squeaky voice anywhere. And I'm almost sure that Jimmy is there too. They are rarely apart. The other one I'm not sure of. This could get really interesting when they do come upstairs."

All three of them imagined the possibilities. Stevie was turning 11 in a few days. Jimmy was already 11 and the third kid was most likely the same age. As curious and devilish as boys that age can be, it would be interesting indeed to see what they would do when presented with the gift of a sexually well developed 14 year old boy, bound naked and helpless in a chair.

They started to get a little impatient as they heard the sounds of air hockey emanating from downstairs.

Andy said, "SHIT! They're playing air hockey!"

Chip laughed and said, "Don't worry, I have a feeling it won't be much longer. I know Stevie, and I'll bet he is gonna want to show his friends some of the new porn sites he found on the net."

And so they drank their Pepsi's, ate some chips and waited.

The three were pretty much thinking about what might happen next. All except for Pete who was thinking about Chip. He glanced down at Chip's shorts which were still tented obscenely. Then he peaked through the door slats at Dennis and imagined it was Chip. "DAMN!" he thought, "I gotta find a way to get Chip to do stuff!"

He muttered as 'matter-of-factly' as he could, "So um Chip, what would it cost for you to let us really 'test' you?"

Chip seemed distracted as he chuckled, "That would depend on what you wanted to do. I mean you are talking about one hot body here. And I ain't easy and I ain't cheap."

He was, of course, just kidding. Nobody had ever done anything to him before, with the exception of giving him blowjobs. He had fucked some guys as well. But being tied up, tortured and tormented, no way. He did that to other guys. Still it was fun leading Pete on, just to see how far he would go to 'get into his pants.'

Pete smiled and said, "Okay Dude, so what would it cost to have you be our torture slave for say 3; ummm 3; even just four hours 3;?"

Chip was getting a little exasperated, but was still amused, he thought for a moment and chuckled, "Dude, you really are hot for my body, aren't you? But, hell I can understand it, straight or gay, any one would love to get at this prime piece of teenage man meat!"

And with that, he pulled down the front of his shorts to reveal his incredibly hard, and large, cock.

He let Pete and Andy get a long look before he pulled his shorts back up and laughed, "Pretty impressive huh? So are you sure you wanna deal? Prime meat like that can be very expensive!"

Pete started stammering and Andy looked like he was gonna faint.

Chip was actually enjoying their confusion. He understood his own strengths and pretty much knew how to use them. Fueled by a rush of primal teenage desire, his mind went into maximum overdrive and formulated a plan that was as perverse as it was daring. There was, of course, some element of risk, but what the hell, that made it all the more fun.

[Boy Fact #7 – A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Chip glared at Pete and said mockingly, "Okay Dude, if you want a deal, I got one for you 3; and here it is 3; you two horny toads can do whatever you want with me for two hours 3; but JUST two hours 3; anything goes, except for stuff like blood, permanent marks, eating shit, and uh 3; NO picture taking. In return, I get to have both of you as my slaves for FOUR hours with the same conditions 3; that is the PRICE for getting me to go even that far! A side bet would have to be part of it too."

Pete thought for a moment, swallowed hard and much to Andy's chagrin stammered, "Ahh okay, ummm, so if we did do a side bet, what would be it be?"

Chip laughed inwardly as he thought, "These guys are like putty in my hands, this is gonna be fun. If they are dumb enough to take the deal, I can handle two hours, and then they will be mine!"

[Boy Fact #7 – A horny teenage boy lacks common sense.]

Chip laughed and said, "Okay, here is the 'FUN' part I will give you 3; IF you can make me beg to stop during those two hours, I will be your total slave for a full week! But if you can't, then you two will be my slaves for a full week! And in either case, anything goes!"

Chip figured that would pretty much end things and started refocusing on the matter at hand. And, as luck would have it, the 'matter at hand' intervened!

All three of them heard it at the same time, a mixture of thundering feet and giggles on the stairs, followed almost immediately by a high pitched shriek 3;


Chip, Pete and Andy dropped their conversation and peeked through the closet louvers.

Chip smiled as he saw his little brother Stevie and his best friend Jimmy standing in the doorway. There was another kid there too, who Chip didn't recognize. He whispered to Pete, "It's Stevie and Jimmy, but I don't know the other little dude."

Pete leaned closer and looked, "Ahhh, yea, I think that's the kid that just moved in down the block a couple of weeks ago 3; his name is Mike or Mark 3; or something 3; ahhh, damn, Dude 3; I think his older brother is that asshole that joined the soccer team last week 3; you know the one you beat the shit out of?"

Chip snickered and whispered, "Yea, his name is Matt, now HIM, I remember, he IS a bigger asshole than me!"

Andy looked like he was gonna start laughing until Chip signaled him to be quiet, "SHhhhhhh, this could be really interesting!" he whispered.

All three peered through the louvers, leaving any thoughts of 'deals' behind, for the moment.

Following what seemed like an eternity, Stevie, Jimmy, and Mark moved into the room and began circling Dennis's chair. At first they spoke in whispers, but it didn't take them long to scope it all out and realize that Dennis could not hear them talk, and was totally oblivious to their presence.

Surprisingly, it was Mark who broke the silence, "Who the hell is this?" he asked.

Stevie chuckled, "Well, ummm, it's my asshole brother Dennis!"

Mark's mouth dropped open wider as he read the signs, looked at the punishment/torture stuff and stammered, "Shit, Dude, what the fuck is going on 3; I mean check it all out!"

Stevie glanced at Jimmy for a second and then the two of them muttered in unison, "CHIP!"

Mark missed their comment as he looked at Dennis. It was like a 12 year old's masturbatory fantasy come true 3; a blindfolded naked teenage boy with a monster hard on 3; bound in a chair. And in Mark's case the fantasy was extremely intense. Dennis's body was almost as developed as his 16 year old brother Matthew. A body he so desperately wanted to mess with.

For Mark, time stopped as he reflected back on one crazy night, shortly before his twelfth birthday. Up until that time, Matt, seemed to want to have nothing to do with him. Matt was 16 and was a 'king of the world!' Handsome, athletic, and arrogant 3; he had it all. The typical brotherly spats and insults were there of course. When Matt was cranky, he'd take it out on Mark 3; a nasty wedgy here 3; a noogy (ie rubbing his knuckles across Mark's hair) or a pink belly there 3; It was all so typical.

Matt seemed to delight in sharing with his little brother Mark every detail of his sexual exploits 3; "I licked her pussy forever 3; and then she begged for me to do her 3;" etc.

Anyway, there was 'that fateful night.' Mark had just taken a shower. He walked into their bedroom wrapped in a towel. Matt was in one of his moods and yanked Mark's towel off. A playful, but short wrestling match followed. It didn't take Matt long to pin his little brother. And a 'pinning' meant an intense tickling session. It was fun for both. Then, all of a sudden Matt stopped.

Mark giggled, "Okay Mattie, you got me, I give, so let me up, okay?"

They had gone through this brotherly wrestling drill so many times before. But something had changed.

Mark struggled to free himself, but couldn't. Matt had one arm wrapped around his neck, the other around his thighs and they were chest to chest. Mark was about ready to beg some more when he realized Matt was staring at his exposed crotch.

Finally Matt stammered, "Holy shit little brother, looks like your time is coming!"

Mark was a little confused, then blushed deeply as he realized what Mattie was talking about. Recently he had begun to sport a small patch of hair above his cock, which was itself entering a growth spurt.

Matt kept Mark pinned down as he ran his fingers through Mark's little patch. "Wow, dude, you are really moving along aren't you?"

Mark was totally embarrassed! What was worse, his cock started to rise.

Matt chuckled as he saw the signs, "Hey little brother, what's up? Or should I say, what's coming up? Looks like you're about to 'sport some major wood!'"

Mark wanted to die. He didn't know what to say or do, so he just laid there as nature took it's course.

Matt, of course, teased the heck out of him, before finally letting him go.

After that night, things took a strange turn. It seemed that every chance he got, Matt made Mark get naked and do things for him. At first it was pretty tame. Mark had to strip naked and then do exercises while Matt watched. Sometimes he had to play with himself and other times Matt played with him.

As the weeks passed things got more intense and involved. Matt made Mark do a bunch of stuff while naked. Sometimes he had to go outside and run around the yard, or run across the street and touch the telephone pole and so on. And then there were the torture games, where Matt tied him up and did all kinds of nasty things to him. For Mark it was as confusing as it was exciting. It was also sad as well. Matt got to do all kinds of crazy things to him, but he never really got to do anything to Matt. Except, suck his cock and stuff.

And so here he was, staring at the naked body of a guy almost as old as Matt. With a chance to finally 'do things' to an older teenage boy. Things were definitely looking up for young Mark. Just a few hours before, he had been worried. He was in a new town, a new neighborhood, and about to enter a new school. His best friends had all been left behind, and he had doubts about ever having friends as good as they were. Then he met Stevie and Jimmy, who had to be the coolest guys around. What's more they really seemed to like him.

And now this!

Mark stammered, "Wow, can we really punish him? And like torture him and all?"

Chip, Pete and Andy leaned closer to listen. They couldn't wait to see just how far these little dudes would go with poor Dennis. Andy whispered, "SHIT, I'll bet you anything they'll go for the blow job first, just like us!"

Pete snickered softly, "Yea, shit who wouldn't!"

Chip was about to whisper something when he saw the look on his little brother Stevie's face. He had seen that look before. It was a devilish, impish look.

Pete whispered, "So Chip, what do you think?"

Chip whispered back, "Hang on dudes, and listen, something is up!"

As if on cue, Stevie responded matter-of-factly to Mark's question, "Well, yea, Jimmy and I can torture him, cause we are in the club, but only club members can do this stuff."

Pete and Andy looked at Chip and mouthed the words, "THE CLUB?" Chip shrugged and whispered, "Hang on, let's see where this is going." He smiled as he saw the look on Jimmy's face, which seemed to say also, "What club?" Another smile crossed his face as he saw Stevie wink at Jimmy. And he thought, "You are a little shit Stevie!"

Mark was, of course taken by surprise. He looked at Stevie and asked, "Uh, what club?"

Stevie leaned closer to Mark and said, "Well, it's a secret club. Sometimes we get to do stuff like this to someone who is an asshole, and other times we get on the internet and look at porn and stuff. Only members can do it though, cause we don't want to get into trouble."

It was everything Chip could do to keep himself from busting out laughing. Little Stevie was making this stuff up totally on the fly, and doing a damn good job. He managed to whisper to Pete and Andy, "This is total BULLSHIT, OH my GOD!"

Mark looked at Dennis tied in the chair. He looked at Stevie and Jimmy, two guys who he desperately wanted to be his friends. He thought about the 'internet porn thing' which was something neither he nor his older brother Matt had access to, thanks to Dad's embedded 'monitoring' program.

"So, uh, can I join the club?" Mark asked hesitantly.

Stevie thought for a moment, looked at Jimmy and asked, "So what do you think Jimmy? Should we let him join?"

Chip almost lost it again as he watched Jimmy's reaction. Jimmy was clearly not as 'fast on his feet' as Stevie was.

"Uh, I don't know, ummm ahhh 3;" Jimmy stammered.

Mark jumped in and pleaded, "Oh come on guys, please let me join 3; please. I promise I'll be a good member."

Stevie smiled and said, "Uh, well, okay, I guess we can let you in. You'll have to swear on your life that you'll keep it all a total secret though, and then, you'll have to do the initiation."

Mark lit up like a Christmas tree. "Dudes, I swear, I'll never tell anyone anything 3; and I'll do whatever the initiation is 3; no matter what 3; I promise 3; please let me join!"

Pete whispered to Chip, "What the fuck is this 3; what club 3; what initiation 3;?"

Chip chuckled, "Keep listening Dude, Stevie is making this up as he goes!"

Stevie thought for a moment and then said, "Well, okay. But just because we like you. You can join the club. The initiation takes about a month though."

Mark looked disappointed.

Then Stevie said, "Ummm, but what the hell, since you seem pretty cool, we can start your initiation right now with a couple of quick things, and if you promise to complete it, we'll treat you as a full member right from the start, and you can then help us torture Dennis 3; okay?"

Mark was ecstatic, "WOW, oh God Thanks! I'll do whatever you say, I promise!"

Meanwhile, in the closet, Chip had fallen on the floor and started to laugh his ass off. Pete and Andy were on him in a flash. They put their hands over his mouth to stifle the laughs. All three had tears of laughter in their eyes. After a few moments, Chip calmed down and the three returned to their observation positions.

Chip took a few moments to check out Mark. Like so many kids during the summer, he had hair that had been 'bleached' a little lighter than norm by heavy exposure to the sun. Unlike most of the other boys his age, he wore his hair fairly long, a testament to the fact he had, until recently, been in a much cooler climate.

Though he wore a baggy T-shirt and shorts, Chip got the impression that Mark's body was really tight. He carried himself like a gymnast 3; which, oddly enough, was exactly what he was.

Chip's curiosity was further aroused as he listened to more of the conversation. Mark did not seem to be at all concerned about what his supposed 'initiation' would involve.

[Boy Fact #4 – Boys accept the fact that some sort of 'initiation' is part of the 'group joining' process.]

Of course, Chip had no way of knowing that Mark was no stranger to initiations!

Earlier in the summer, before they moved, Mark went to his first Scout summer camp. Late one night, he had his 'initiation.'

A bunch of older Scouts dragged him out of his tent, stripped him naked and led him into the woods. He was tied to a tree and for the next two hours the other boys in the troop 'played' with him. As the end approached, the Senior Patrol Leader appeared with a candle. He dropped hot wax all over his cock and balls.

Finally, they untied one of his hands and made him 'jack-off' while they watched and jeered.

He had two similar 'initiation' experiences. One for the YMCA gymnastics team and the other for his best friend's 'club.'

[Boy Fact #6 – Initiations, punishments, or penalties almost always involve nudity at some point!]

For a moment, Stevie seemed confused. He was, in fact lost in thought.

Mark snapped him out of it by asking, "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Stevie paused for a moment and then said, "Well, Okay, take off your shirt."

To everyone's surprise and pleasure, there was no hesitation at all. Mark pulled off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. Chip smiled as he looked Mark over. His torso was fairly well developed for a boy his age, which Chip suspected was a little older than Stevie.

Mark waited for a few moments, and then looked at Stevie, "Okay, now what?"

Stevie hesitated and looked at Jimmy, who was no help at all.

Finally Mark jumped in and asked, "So I guess you are gonna want me to strip totally naked, huh?"

Stevie thought for a moment, sucked in some air and then regained his composure as he snapped, "YEA! Take it all off Dude!"

Mark smiled and said, "You got it!" As he pulled off the rest of his clothes."

What happened next was a mixture of pre-teen exploration and play. Under the 'initiation guise' Stevie and Jimmy had Mark do a bunch of exercises, play with himself and so on. Eventually, all three returned to the reality of the situation 3; with Dennis waiting in the chair!

At last Stevie said, "Okay Mark, I think you did enough for now, we'll do more later. Go ahead and get dressed now."

Mark dressed quickly as he asked, "So umm, how is the rest of my initiation gonna work?"

Stevie seemed a little exasperated as he 'grabbed for straws.'

"Ah, well, okay, this is what will happen 3;"

Chip leaned closer to listen.

Stevie thought hard and then blurted out a convoluted variation of various initiation stories he had read about 3;

"For the next month you will have to do whatever we say 3; no matter what 3; whenever we say! Okay?"

Mark swallowed and said simply, "Okay!" and waited.

Stevie looked surprised for a moment, then continued, "And you will face the three sacred challenges!"

Pete put his hand over Chip's mouth just in time!

Mark stammered, "Ahh okay 3; ummm what are they?"

Stevie got a hold of himself and was apparently now TOTALLY in the groove!

"Challenge number one is this, Anytime anyone approaches you and asks the question, 'Do you know where Pine Tree Circle is?', you will find a place to go and let him 'feel you up' for as long as he wants! Got it?"

Mark stammered back, "Ahhh, yea okay!"

Like it or not, Mark found himself getting more and more excited.

Stevie was getting more excited too as he continued 'on-the-fly':

"Okay, cool 3; Challenge number two 3; Anytime anyone approaches you and asks the question, 'Do you know where Oak Tree Circle is?', you will find a place to go, strip naked and let him do whatever he wants to you for 30 minutes! Got it?"

Mark stammered again, "Ahhh, yea okay!"

Stevie chuckled and said, "And for Challenge number three 3; Anytime anyone approaches you and asks the question, 'Do you know where Maple Tree Circle is?', you will find a place to go, and give him a blow job! Got it?"

The pause was very short, and came as a surprise to everyone.

Again Mark stammered simply, "Ahhh, yea okay!"

Time seemed to pause for everyone 3; Chip, Andy and Pete were mesmerized by what was unfolding before them. They were even further distracted by thoughts of the 'Deal' they had just been talking about, which Chip knew would 'not ever happen' 3; Stevie, Jimmy and Mark were entering their own world which was centered on Mark's upcoming 'so-called' initiation 3; their minds were all racing 3; their cocks were growing hard, and all were thinking about what to do next 3;

And then, Dennis moaned!

The moan was enough to bring everyone back!

Mark broke the ice as he asked, "Ahh, okay, so am I in the club now, to start?"

Stevie, responded, "Yea 3; Just remember you have a lot more to do!"

Mark chuckled, "Is cool Dude! Whatever!"

The three little Dudes looked at Dennis for a moment, then Stevie said, "Okay Mark, you are the new guy, so you get first dibs!"

Mark looked at the stuff spread out on the other chair 3; the penis whip 3; ball paddle 3; and so on. He thought for a moment and asked, "Uh, can I use something else?"

Stevie was taken by surprise and stammered, "Uh, yea, sure 3; if we have it"

Mark smiled and asked, "Do you have any candles?"

Stevie looked at his asshole brother Dennis, bond in the chair, cock and balls exposed and knew instantly where Mark was going, "Hell YEA, we have plenty!"

Within minutes, Mark had an assortment of candles at his disposal. He picked up one, lit it as he looked at Dennis's painfully engorged cock.

"Take this Mattie!" he thought as he let the first few drops of hot wax drop on Dennis's hard cock head.

Dennis was aware of others around him. And had been hoping for release. Then it came! Sharp searing pains on his cock and balls! He screamed into his gag 3;. And begged 3; for it to stop 3; But it didn't!

Everyone seemed to lose track of time as they watched Mark torture poor Dennis with the hot wax 3; first on his cock 3; then his balls 3; then his chest 3; then his thighs 3; then back on his cock 3; over and over again!

All were hard! All were wrapped up in the moment.

Dennis thought he was gonna lose his mind with the pain, which was intense. Every drop of wax burnt like hell, especially when they landed on his engorged cock head. After awhile he seemed to settle into a breathing rhythm which seemed to help him manage the pain.

Mark noted a change in the way Dennis was handling it. He lit a couple of the votive candles that were in small glass cups. He let them burn for several minutes. Once they both had a fair amount of melted wax inside, he picked one up and looked at Stevie and Jimmy, and snickered, "Watch this!"

He held the glass over Dennis's outstretched balls and paused thoughtfully, "Hmmmm, um Stevie, I was just wondering if we could remove his gag. I think it would be kind of fun to be able to hear him scream."

Stevie thought for a moment and said, "Well I guess so, I mean we could always gag him again."

Mark nodded, set the candle down and yanked the jockstrap gag out of Dennis's mouth.

Predictably, Dennis began to beg, "OH MAN guys, come on, haven't you had enough fun yet 3; please don't do anymore 3; can't you just let me go?" and so on!

Mark smiled and winked as he picked up the glass full of hot wax and held it over Dennis's balls. He tilted the glass and let a few drops fall onto Dennis's poor balls.

"OHHHHH 3; GODDDD 3; SHIT! DAMN IT!" he screamed as he pulled at his bonds.

Mark laughed, "See, isn't it more fun this way?"

The others nodded and stared wide-eyed as Mark poured the whole glass of hot wax onto Dennis's balls.


Chip thought Dennis might break the ropes, as hard as he was thrashing. Though he felt a little sorry for Dennis, he was becoming more and more turned on.

The wax torture continued for fifteen more minutes. By the time Mark blew out the last candle, Dennis was covered with sweat and had wax everywhere. He was slumped in the chair now and crying like a baby. And of course he was begging.

Jimmy looked at Stevie and said, "Ummm, maybe we should stop Stevie, I mean look at him 3; damn."

Stevie thought for a moment, then snapped, "Hell know. Remember the shit he did to us last month? Remember how we begged him to stop, and he laughed as he said, 'Mercy is for the weak!'"

Pete whispered into Chip's ear, "Dude that is one badass little brother you have there. Shit!"

Chip smiled as he reflected on the fact that this was a side of Stevie he really hadn't seen before. He knew he was a scrappy little kid, but this was something else.

Stevie said, "Okay Jimmy, you go next. Pick a torture item, and remember, NO MERCY!"

Jimmy looked at the items on the chair, thought for a moment, and to everyone'e delight, picked up the penis whip. Mark smiled and chirped, "Oh yea, hey why don't you see if you can use that to whip all the hard wax off his cock!"

If Jimmy had any reluctance it wasn't showing as he delivered one nasty lash after another to Dennis's poor cock. Bits of wax flew everywhere as the little knots at the end of the rawhide laces bit into Dennis's stretched cock flesh.

His screams were blood curdling and Chip started to get worried that the neighbors might hear and call the cops. Fortunately it was over fairly quickly. It didn't take long for the wax to be whipped away. By the time Jimmy finished, Dennis's cock had several red lash marks which were visible from the closet.

The thing that was most amazing for everyone was the fact that Dennis was still as hard as a rock.

Now it was Stevie's turn. Compared to what Dennis had just endured, Stevie's torture was fairly tame. He used the clothespins on Dennis's nipples, underarms and ball sack. Though Dennis yelped and squirmed, he didn't scream. Which was just as well, because Dennis was in a bad way, and needed a little respite.

Everyone took the time to catch their breaths, then Stevie said, "Okay Mark, your turn again."

Mark looked at the remaining torture items. He seemed lost in thought, then he picked up the pair of tweezers, pinched a couple of Dennis's pubic hairs, and then yanked hard.

"AGGGGHHHH 3; FUCK!" Dennis screamed as the pain shot into his groin.

Stevie chuckled, "That's cool, pull out some more!"

Mark pulled a few more out and the three really seemed to delight as Dennis went back into full beg mode again. Mark just ignored him as he pulled out more hairs. Finally he paused, looked a Stevie and asked, "Um Dude, I was just wondering, um do you have a razor and some shaving cream around?"

Chip whispered to Pete and Andy, "OH My God, he want's to shave Dennis's pubes off. Shit that will make Dennis go crazy." All three snickered as they watched the drama unfold.

Mark seemed to have taken control as he rattled off a list of supplies. Within a matter of minutes they had all they needed: a bowl of hot water, a can of shaving cream, a safety razor and a towel.

Dennis started to get concerned by the pause in the action. Even though the hair pulling had stopped, the pause started to concern him. "Hey are you guys still here? Um what's going on?"

Nothing happened for a few more minutes, then he felt it. Something wet and creamy was being rubbed into his pubic hairs. He couldn't figure it out at first, then he got a little whiff of it and panicked as he realized what it was 3; shaving cream! Someone was rubbing shaving cream into his nice pubic bush, which could mean just one thing!

"OH GOD, NO PLEASE NO 3; Oh my God, please don't shave my pubes!" he sobbed like a little boy. He wined and cried. He promised to do ANYTHING they wanted as he begged for mercy. Sadly for him there would be no mercy.

Chip was impressed with how quickly and efficiently Mark worked. In no time at all, he was wiping Dennis's groin with the towel and chuckling, "There we go, now he looks like one of us!"

He was right of course. With Dennis's boyish looks, he now really looked like he was ten years old. Except for his cock and balls, of course.

Stevie smiled and said, "Yea right, I have more hair than he does now."

All three laughed 3; and then it happened!

"Deel le da deel le dah, Deel le da deel le dah, dah dah dah!" emanated from somewhere.

Mark instinctively unsnapped his cell phone from his waistband, looked at the text display and said, "FUCK! I gotta go 3; SHIT 3; MY Dad's home and is pissed! Sorry! I gotta book!"

And with that, Mark was gone!

Chip thought, "Damn, this was just getting to be a lot of fun 3; oh well 3; at least Stevie and Jimmy are still there!"

Then another cell phone rang! It was Jimmy's! A quick exchange with a disgruntled parent and Jimmy was gone!

And now the big dilemma 3;

Chip, Andy and Pete were hidden in the closet. Andy and Pete also needed to get home soon. They also needed to get out without Stevie seeing them.

Chip thought for a moment, smiled and whispered, hang on as he pulled out his cell phone and entered a text message.

A couple minutes passed by before yet another Cell Phone started sounding. Pete and Andy peeked through the door as Stevie ran across the room, picked up his cell phone, looked at the display, shouted "OH FUCK" and then ran out.

Pete looked at Chip and said, "Ahh, Dude, what did you say?"

Chip smiled and said, "I'll tell you guys later 3; just get the fuck out now!"

They ran out!

As soon as they were gone, Chip sat down and looked over his brother Dennis 3; naked, tied in the chair, with a hard cock, balls and body splattered with wax and no pubes 3; as a brother he cared a lot for him 3; they were just a year a part 3; both had sadistic tendencies 3; both could be mean 3; but unlike Chip 3; Dennis could be downright cruel 3; and unlike Chip, Dennis seemed to lack any sense of honor 3; Chip had tried to make Dennis understand 3; to no avail!

Stevie was another story! Little Stevie worshipped the ground Chip walked on! He was as fearless as Chip was and would prove to be just as honorable!

Chip considered his options for several minutes. The message he sent Stevie would keep him occupied for awhile. So now it was a matter of what to do. The friends were all gone and it would soon be down to the three brothers 3; Chip 3; Stevie 3; and Dennis!

Finally he arrived at a plan. He hid in the living room and waited until Stevie returned. He gave him a few minutes, slammed the front door and ran upstairs.

He found Stevie standing beside Dennis in the chair.

Chip chuckled as he ran his hand over Stevie's hair, "What's up little bro?"

Stevie stammered, "Ahhh 3; ummmm 3; ahhh 3;"

Chip laughed and said, "Hey little Dude, what's wrong? You've seen Dennis naked before!"

Stevie seemed a little disoriented, and Chip knew it!

Chip laughed again as he gestured towards Dennis's wax coated balls.

"What's up with all that wax on Dennis's balls?" he said devilishly.

Stevie muttered, "Uhhh, that was Mark 3; uh he did it 3; sorry Chip!"

Chip laughed again, "Hey no problem dude, He deserved it! 3; you know Dennis!"

Stevie laughed, "Yea, he is a dick sometimes!" 3; "I mean ahhh 3; umm you know"

Chip chuckled, "No sweat little dude 3; he is a dick most of the time! So what happened to his pubes?"

Stevie blushed and stammered, "That was Mark too, he thought of it. I wasn't sure we should 3; ummm but 3; ummm 3; the sign said to punish him 3; so ummm 3;"

Chip laughed again and said, "Hey, don't worry about it. I think he looks really cute now. Even younger than you!"

Stevie obviously had something else on his mind. Chip smiled and said, "Okay Chipmunk, what's on your mind? Out with it."

Stevie swallowed hard and then stammered, "I was just wondering, um 3; what did Dennis do to get punished like this?"

Chip laughed again and said, "Well, remember what I told you guys about snealing around and spying on me?" Stevie nodded and Chip continued, "And remember what I said would happen if I caught either one of you guys spying on me again?"

Stevie thought for a moment and then said, "Uh, you said you'd punish us."

Chip smiled again, and chuckled, "Well Dennis did it again, and so I punished him by doing this. Pretty clever isn't it?"

Another nod followed as Stevie swallowed and asked, "So, um Chip, like if I did something wrong, would you punish me the same way? Like um, tie me in the chair and let guys torture me?"

His eyes were wide as he looked at Dennis.

Chip laughed as he ruffled Stevie's hair, "Well it would depend. Dennis got it this bad cause after the last time he promised he'd never do it again. You'd have to do something really bad for me to punish you like this."

That seemed to satisfy Stevie. However, he still seemed concerned as he continued, "But if I did something else that was wrong, you'd still have to punish me, right?"

"Do you think I should?" Chip asked.

Stevie thought for awhile and nodded, "Yea, it's like Dad says, you do something wrong, you take your punishment like a man, and then move on. And if I did something wrong I would deserve to be punished."

Chip chuckled, "And remember what else he says?"

They looked at each other, smiled and repeated in unison, "If you can't do the time, Don't do the crime!"

Stevie managed a nervous laugh and then asked, "So what now Chip? Mom and dad will be home in about an hour. So are you gonna let him go?"

Chip thought for a few moments, then said, "Well yea, pretty soon, but I need you to help me with something, if you're willing."

Of course he was willing!

Stevie stammered again, "Yea Chip whatever you want, this is kinda cool! What should I do?"

"Okay, I want you to wait out in the hall and stay totally silent. Don't come in until I call you okay?" Chip whispered.

Stevie nodded and then ran out of the room.

As soon as he was gone, Chip ran over to the computer, turned the screen on and checked to see if the camera was still running okay. It was, so he re-blanked the screen. Then he walked over to Dennis, knelt down and turned off the MP3 player.

Dennis took a deep breath and muttered, "Uh who's there?"

To his relief he finally heard a voice, as the head set, blindfold, and smelly jock were removed from his head.

Chip said softly, "Don't worry little brother it's me. I trust you had a fun day."

Dennis started to babble, "Oh my God Chip 3; you have no idea 3; shit man 3; I am so sorry 3; I promise 3; I won't do it again 3; SHIT 3; you really taught me a lesson 3; damn 3; so um could you just untie me please?"

Chip smiled as he looked at Dennis's painfully erect cock. His arms and legs had to be hurting too, but more than anything else, he knew that Dennis was totally desperate to cum.

Chip took the torture items off of the other chair and sat down. He patted Dennis on the thigh and said, "Okay Bro, I think you've learned your lesson and I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, you still have a couple more punishments left. The good news is, I will untie you after the first one. So how does that sound bro?"

Dennis really didn't want any more punishment, but he knew Chip, and was desperate. "Uhh, okay Chip, whatever you say 3; I am really sorry."

Chip smiled as he patted Dennis's thigh again and said reassuringly, "I know you are Bro! I know you are!"

If there was one art that Chip had totally mastered, it had to be the art of humiliation. He knew his brother well and had chosen two final punishments that would be totally humiliating.

He smiled at Dennis and said, "Okay, here's the deal, I know you want to get out of that chair, you just need to do one simple thing, and then I'll untie you 3; okay?"

Dennis seemed relieved, "Sure Chip anything! Whatever you say!"

Chip smiled and chuckled, "Great! So, here it is, I'll untie you right after I see you cum!"

Chip knew that having to cum while he watched would be extremely humiliating for Dennis.

Dennis blushed deeply while he thought. He really didn't want Chip watching while he ejaculated. That would be so embarrassing. But he was desperate. So he said, "Okay, okay. Just untie my hands so I can do it."

Chip laughed, "Dude, I said I'd untie you AFTER you came! So do it"

Dennis was confused. How in hell could he cum without touching his cock. He tried to think of the most erotic picture he could. That didn't work.

Then he tried to pump his groin in the air. Sadly each upward thrust caused him pain since his balls were still tied to the front of the chair.

He considered his options and finally mumbled weakly, "Ummm 3; ahh Chip 3; um 3; could you make me cum?"

Chip knew he had totally won! He snickered, "So what are you asking Dennis, you want me to masturbate you? Is that what you are saying?"

Dennis sucked in air and blurted out, "Yea, jack me off okay?"

Chip had Dennis right where he wanted him to be. So it was time to drop the big humiliation bomb!

Chip laughed, "Well, I don't want to do that, but I know someone who just might help you out 3; HEY Stevie, get your butt in here."

Dennis's eyes widened as Stevie came into the room.

Chip patted Dennis on the thigh again and snickered, "Okay Bro, I'll help you a long here and make it really simple. If you want me to untie you, you are gonna have to cum. And unless you can do it by fantasizing, you are gonna need some help. Stevie will jack you off. All you need to do is convince him.

Stevie's eyes widened as he looked at Dennis's hard cock.

It took just a moment for Chip's words to sink in. And sink in they did! Dennis's blush increased as he realized the only way out was to get his little brother, to jack him off.

Finally he looked at Stevie and stammered, "Uh 3; um Stevie, could you do me a favor here little brother and 3; um make me cum?" THERE! He said it! And he felt totally humiliated.

Chip looked at Stevie, who was really excited. He could tell he was about to say okay, so he jumped in.

"Umm, Stevie, if you do Dennis, this favor, I think he should give you something."

Stevie smiled and followed Chip's lead, "Uh, yea, so what's in it for me?"

Dennis could see the writing on the wall, "Damn it Stevie, jack me off and I'll do whatever you want!"

Stevie glanced at Chip who gestured to keep it going.

"Ahh, okay 3; so how about you blow me?" Stevie said tenuously as he glanced at Chip.

Chip laughed and said, "Oh come on Stevie, you should get more than that!"

Dennis sighed and said sarcastically, "Okay Chip what is 'he' gonna want me to do?"

Chip looked at Stevie and said, "Well, I think he said it, he wants you to blow him 3;it's just that he didn't finish his statement 3; so I'll finish it for him 3; if you want him to jack you off, you will give little Stevie here a blow job, whenever he wants for a month!"

Dennis snapped! He pulled at his bonds and shouted, "FUCK YOU CHIP! And FUCK YOU TOO STEVIE, you little ASSWIPE! NO fucking way!"

Chip snickered as he patted Dennis again, "My, my, temper, temper, I guess I'll just have to keep you tied up and let Stevie practice on you with some more of the stuff from the torture bag."

Dennis sucked in some more air. He was desperate to be released. And totally desperate to cum. And he definitely did not want to be tortured any more.

"Okay, okay, I'll blow him whenever he wants for the month! Let's get it over with!" he begged.

Chip laughed, "Good decision! But since you were so nasty just now when you said fuck you, it's gonna cost a little more. Do it again and it will only get worse! So the final deal is this 3;. Stevie will jack you off 3; and in return, you will blow him OR any of his friends whenever he wants for a month. Got it?"

Dennis knew he was beaten.

"Okay, okay, it's a deal!" he said meekly.

Chip smiled and said, "Okay Stevie, go to it! And use that Dixie cup to catch all of his cream! I want to see how much he is making these days!"

Dennis moaned as Stevie grabbed his cock and started stroking. He was in total 'sell your soul mode now' as he surrendered to this humiliating pleasure.

"OH FUCK, yea, make me cum Stevie 3; oh GOD!" Dennis panted.

Needless to say it didn't take long for Dennis to start screaming as he shot, load after load of his rich teen jock cream into the Dixie cup.

Chip took the cup from Stevie's hand, and looked inside. He was impressed by the fact that it was almost full.

He grabbed Dennis by the hair, pulled his head back and snapped, "Dang Bro! I am impressed. You are making almost as much cum as me. But you are gonna need it back, cause you have one more thing to do, and you'll need all your strength! So open your smart ass mouth and taste yourself!"

Dennis opened his mouth and gagged as Chip poured his own boy seed back into him.

Chip let Dennis taste himself for a few moments, then moved quickly to release him from his bonds.

Much to Dennis's surprise, Chip gently helped him get off the chair. His legs and arms were weak and cramped, which Chip seemed to recognize as he guided Dennis to the floor.

Dennis surrendered to a type of mindless euphoria, as Chip tended to him. The odor of baby oil filled the air as Chip massaged Dennis. He started with his legs and arms, then moved to his back and butt.

It was now Dennis's turn to be disoriented. It seemed like moments before he had been enduring an endless period of pain and torment 3; and now here he was, totally at peace as his older brother Chip tenderly massaged him from head to toe.

It took Chip a full thirty minutes to restore Dennis to his old self. When he was done, he gave Dennis a hard slap on the ass and chuckled, "Okay Bro, so are you ready for the last part of your punishment?"

Dennis yawned and snickered, "Ready when you are!"

Chip smiled, "Okay, get you ass over there and sit on the end of my bed."

Dennis seemed to be back to his perky self as he jumped up and did as Chip commanded. He sighed as he looked down and saw his denuded pubic area. Chip noticed and said reassuringly, "Don't worry bro, at your age they will grow back real quick!"

That seemed to perk Dennis up as he sat down on the bed.

"Okay Bro, here's the last part of your punishment, I expect you to take it like a real man!" snapped Chip.

Dennis stuttered, "Okay 3; uh 3; I will!"

Chip glanced at Stevie and inquired, "Are you ready to help Chipmunk?"

Stevie said, "UH sure, yes Chip 3; what should I do?"

Chip smiled as he said, "Start out by taking off all of your clothes."

Stevie's mouth dropped open, "You mean get naked?"

Chip laughed, "Yea, STRIP little dude 3; NOW!"

It was Dennis's turn to smile as he watched little Stevie pull off his shirt and shorts.

As soon as he was done, Chip started issuing orders to his two younger brothers 3;

When he was done, Dennis was laying on his back, with his ass at the edge of the bed 3; Stevie was straddling his chest facing the edge of the bed with his little ass over Dennis's face, and Chip was slowly stripping off his own clothes.

Chip snapped, "Okay Dennis lift your legs up so Stevie can grab you ankles 3; and Stevie you grab them and hold on tight.

Dennis and Stevie did as they were told. Positioned as he was, with his knees pulled up to his chest, ankles held securely by little Stevie, with his ass open and exposed, it didn't take long for Dennis to figure out what was coming.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw Chip, naked now, pouring baby oil all over his huge hard cock.

"Oh God Chip 3; NO 3; please don't do this to me!" he pleaded.

Chip gave his ass a hard slap and snarled, "Take it like a man little brother! And Stevie you just hang onto his ankles!"

Dennis continued to beg as he felt the tip of Chip's cock sliding up and down his ass crack.

Chip chuckled, "Well, your ass is gonna be mine tonight one way or another Bro. But I just might go easier on you if you do as I say."

Dennis panted, "I will 3; I will 3;!" He had never been fucked before and never thought he would be, so he was scared as hell, especially considering the size of Chip's cock.

Chip laughed, "Okay, you are asking for mercy it seems, so we'll start with this, you see Stevie's little ass is in front of your face, so how about you show him how much you care about him by washing his crack out good."

Dennis stammered in horror, "You mean like lick his hole and stuff?"

Chip snapped back, "Yea, if you are asking for mercy, then that is what I want to see you do right now ass hole, and you better do a great job!"

Dennis stared at Stevie's little ass, which was right in front of his face. He considered his options for a moment, then reluctantly stuck out his tongue and started to locate Stevie's little hole. It didn't take him long to find it.

Stevie moaned as Dennis's tongue found his hole and began probing.

The extreme humiliation Dennis felt by being forced to lick his little brother's ass began to dissipate rapidly as Stevie's pre-teen scent filled his nostrils. It was a sweet smell, a mixture of young sweat 3; and uh 3; something else, which was really exciting. Whatever it was, Dennis wanted more of it, and so he attacked Stevie's little hole with a lustful passion, trying to force his tongue in as deep as he could.

Meanwhile, Chip, the all powerful, the all controlling was on the verge of surrendering to his own lust. He pressed his cock head against Dennis's exposed virgin hole and started to push hard.

It was a tough battle 3; both gritted their teeth and groaned. The room filled with the smell of sweat and teenage musk as the "brotherly battle raged!"

Little Stevie squealed with delight as Dennis fucked his tight little hole with his tongue, looking for the mother lode of that intoxicating pre-teen scent.

Chip kept trying to force his way into Dennis's tight ass. The butt plug had obviously not loosened him up enough to be an easy conquest. So he was faced with a real challenge. One that he had to win.

Dennis clamped down as he felt Chip's cock head pressing harder and harder at the entrance to his last private sanctum.

Chip pressed harder and harder in a desperate attempt to get inside his brother. But the door held.

Chip was just about ready to give up when Dennis moaned, "Oh God, Chip come on, stop, please don't fuck me 3; give me a break 3; please!!!"

As it turned out, that was all Chip needed to find an opening.

Chip panted and snapped, "So I take it you are asking for mercy?"

Dennis used his last ounce of strength to keep his ass hole tightly clenched as he giggled, "Yea, yea, okay, you win Chip, give me a break, mercy please!"

Dennis was, of course, trying to shift things back to a playful mode. Unfortunately for him, Chip was well beyond that.

Chip looked at Stevie and asked, "Dude, what did Dennis tell you about mercy?"

Stevie was too caught up in his own pleasure to be following the drama, so he blurted out, "Oh yea 3; ahh 3; 'Mercy is for the Weak!'"

Dennis's surprise was momentary, but it was all Chip needed. One second Dennis's sphincter was locked hard and then it relaxed for a moment. Chip felt it, as he shouted "Mercy is for the Weak" and rammed his cock inside Dennis's ass.

Dennis screamed as Chip's massive cock rammed all the way in.


Somehow Stevie managed to keep hold of Dennis's ankles throughout it all 3; and somehow, Dennis managed to calm down 3; and somehow Dennis started to tongue fuck little Stevie again, while Chip slowly began fucking him.

Lust seemed to have taken over completely until Chip regained some control of his senses and reviewed the situation 3; Dennis was on his back, with Chip's cock buried deep in his ass 3; Stevie was straddling Dennis and had Dennis's tongue in his little ass, and Dennis was now stroking Stevie's cock 3;

Chip smiled and panted, "Okay Stevie, it seems your moment has arrived to become a real brother!"

Little Stevie was in lust as well and squeaked, "What should I do?"

Chip laughed and said, "You see Dennis's cock?"

Stevie nodded.

Chip chuckled and said, "Great, you can complete the circle, just lean down and suck him off!"

And so he did!

And that was it!

Lust took over and for the next five minutes they were on automatic pilot 3; Chip fucked Dennis's ass violently 3; Dennis 'tongue fucked' and stroked little Stevie 3; and Stevie sucked Dennis.

And like a dream come true, they all 'came' at about the same moment. All three brothers 'came' screaming and panting. Chip shot a monster load deep into Dennis's ass 3; Dennis spurted what he had left into Stevie's mouth 3; and Stevie 3; um dribbled onto Dennis. All three remained in their naughty brotherly embrace for an eternity 3; Chip's cock slowly softened inside Dennis's ass 3; Dennis reluctantly pulled his tongue out of Stevie's little hole, and Stevie felt Dennis's cock soften in his mouth.

Finally Chip broke the moment, "Yo Dudes, Mom and Dad are gonna be home soon 3; this place is smelling like a cat house 3; and we need to get cleaned up 3; pull your cocks back in and get moving!"

All three ignored their nakedness as they put their room back in complete order, which included opening the windows and turning on fans to get rid of the 'sex' smell.

Chip surveyed the room and announced, "We are looking good dudes, now we need to clean ourselves up cause we all stink, so who's gonna shower first?"

The three brothers looked at each other and sniffed.

Stevie wrinkled his nose and chuckled, "Yea, and you two stink the most, so one of you should go first!"

Chip was trying to come up with a smart retort when Dennis grabbed Stevie, rubbed his hair and snapped, "Yea, okay maybe we do stink, so how about this 3; why don't we all shower together 3; the new shower is big enough 3; and then you can make sure we smell sweet enough for your sensitive nose!"

A series of smart ass comments and physical jostling followed in quick succession 3; the end was predictable 3; they showered together!

By the time their parents got home, all was in order. Their room was cleaned and 'smelled' nice, albeit with a hint of baby oil. Mom gave all three of her 'All American Boys' a big hug and a kiss.

Dinner was a little tough. Mom started the small talk with, "So, what did you boys do for fun today?" Dennis looked like he was about to spit up.

Chip reached under the table, slipped his hand inside Dennis's pants, grabbed his cock and started stroking him.

"Oh, not a whole lot Mom. A bunch of guys came over to help Dennis with some stuff though. I hope that was okay?" Chip said in the most charming manner he could muster.

Meanwhile Stevie was losing it, he stammered, "OH, I have to go to the 3; you know 3; um 3;"

Mom smiled politely and said, "That's okay honey, just excuse yourself and go."

Stevie said, "Ahhh, excuse me." And then rushed off to pee and laugh his ass off.

Mom smiled and said, "That's fine. So who were these boys? Do we know them?"

Chip gave Dennis's cock a squeez.

He winked at Dennis squeezed his cock harder and looked at Mom, "Yes Mother, it was Pete and Andy, and they helped Dennis with some nutritional stuff 3; like the importance of fresh protein 3; stuff like that 3;"

Dennis's face flushed as Chip squeezed his cock harder.

Mom smiled and said politely, "Oh that's nice 3; so what about the other boys?"

Chip surveyed the table and asked, "Ahh Mother, do we have any more wieners?"

Mom, smiled and said, "Yes we do, I'll get them. It'll just take a minute." She jumped up and headed into the kitchen thinking about the fact her three little boys were hungry and growing. Dad was engrossed in trying to listen to the ball scores on the TV across the room, so Chip seized the moment! He leaned close to Dennis and whispered, "Drop yours pants and undies to your ankles NOW!"

Dennis started to protest, but backed off quickly as he looked at Chip's eyes. By the time Mom returned, he was sitting at the table with pants and undies at his feet, and with an embarrassing hard on.

Mom continued, "So Chester, who were these other boys? Do we know them?"

Chip winked at Dennis and said, "I'm not sure mother, one of them just moved in I think, but anyway, they are gonna be helping Dennis with some special physical training program for a month."

Mom smiled and said, "Oh that's really nice of them. Be sure you thank them Dennis."

Chip reached under the table, grabbed Dennis's hardon and started stroking. When Stevie returned he couldn't help but notice that Chip had his arm under the table. He sat back down to finish eating. By the look on Dennis's face and the way Chip's arm was moving, Stevie had a pretty good idea what was happening. He dropped his napkin, and bent down to pick it up.

When he saw Dennis sitting there, half naked, and being jacked off by Chip, he jerked up, hit his head on the table and said, "Holy Shit!"

Mom of course jumped right on it, "Now Steven, is that any way to talk.?"

Stevie sat back up. His face was all red as he said, "I'm sorry Mother."

Dennis tried to take his mind off of what was happening. But Chip wasn't helping him do it, in more ways than one!

Mom looked at Stevie and asked, "So Steven, how's that computer program working that Aunt Janice sent you for your birthday?"

Stevie said, "Oh it's pretty good, but it's hard!"

Chip squeezed Dennis's cock and whispered, "That's not the only thing!" Stevie heard it and almost choked on his food.

Mom smiled and said, "Well just keep working it, and it will come!"

Chip lost it, coughed and had to spit out a piece of wiener.

The situation was getting out of hand. Dennis was losing the battle and was getting closer and closer to cumming.

Fortunately for Dennis fate intervened.

Mom suddenly looked at her watch and announced, "Oh my, Allen, we've got to get moving, or we'll be late for the meeting. Boy's could you clear the table and put the leftovers away? We've got to go."

Chip smiled and said, "Don't worry Mother, we'll handle things!"

And with that they were off.

The three boys sat in silence until they heard the car pull out of the driveway, then Dennis pushed back his chair, pulled up his pants and snapped, "Damn it Chip! Why do you keep doing that stuff to me? You almost made me cum again!"

They started clearing the table as Chip laughed, "Oh come on Dennis, be a Sport, you have to admit, it is pretty exciting, I mean how many nano-seconds did it take you to get hard? Besides it's not like it's the first time. Let's see how many times has it been now that I made you cum under the table during a meal?"

Dennis was trying to sound miffed, "Oh hell, I don't know, uh, what, um maybe three times?"

Chip laughed louder as they carried the dishes into the kitchen, "Yea right, try maybe 15 times, or more. And you loved every time."

"Fifteen 3; NO FUCKING WAY!" Dennis snapped. "Tell him Stevie!"

Stevie blushed as he muttered, "Uh, I think he's right Dennis."

Dennis continued to argue until Chip put the dishes down and started counting off with his fingers, "Okay Dude, first there was that time at Aunt Janices, then the time at the family reunion, then Christmas at grandma's, actually that was twice at Christmas, then at least four times here, then during the Sports Awards dinner, then there was the time at Uncle Joes when you shot onto the floor and the dog ran under the table and lapped it up and then tried to lick your cock 3;"

Dennis rolled his eyes, raised his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I give!"

The boys quickly finished the dinner cleanup and retired to their room for an evening of video gaming, movie watching, and general horseplay.

When it was time to go to sleep, all three stripped down to their undershorts, and climbed into bed. Stevie and Dennis were in a bunk bed with Stevie on the top, Chip being the oldest had the single bed.

It didn't take long for the three to start drifting off to sleep. It had a very interesting and intense day. All were essentially exhausted, but even so, they had a little problem getting to sleep, since all three harbored some disturning thoughts.

For Stevie it was the 'secret club' thing with Mark. It didn't know what came over him. Mark was a really cool guy and he really liked him. What's more Mark seemed to be really excited about being initiated into their club, and Stevie was starting to feel guilty. He thought about telling Mark the truth, but was scared it would mean the end of this new friendship.

For Dennis it was the whole punishment thing he had endured. He felt sore in a lot of places and he figured he should be mad at Chip. For some strange reason he wasn't. He had been totally humiliated and tortured for hours and then he had been fucked by Chip. He faced a month of having to blow Stevie and his friends whenever Stevie said, and he should be mad about that too. The most disturbing thing was the fact that through it all, he had remained incredibly hard and when he finally 'came' it was so intense he almost passed out.

Chip was trying to come to grips with several issues. First there was the fact that humiliating his own brother and then watching him suffer through so much pain and sexual torment had been such a huge turn. Second was the fact that he had proposed such a strange deal to Pete and Andy. He reasoned he should have just cut the whole thing off, right from the start, so why did even make the offer he did, to let them 'do stuff' to him. He did those things to others and not the other way around. And finally, why was he getting really hard just thinking about all this.

At last all three fell asleep. And all three slept well.

As usual, it was Chip who woke up first. Just after dawn, he went to the bathroom for his morning piss. And pretty much as usual, he was in the bathroom when he heard the garage door close, which meant his parents were on their way to the train station and work.

He walked back into the bedroom and looked at his two brothers. Both were clearly sound asleep. Dennis had rolled over on his back and kicked the sheet off. Chip mused that he looked cool, laying there in just his tighty whiteys, and clearly 'sporting his morning wood.' He thought back to the afternoon before and all that Dennis had endured. As much as Dennis could piss him off, he really did care for him, and felt a strange sense of pride for what he had endured.

Then things started getting weird. Chip started considering what it had been like for Dennis 3; what he had been thinking 3; what he had been feeling 3;! He decided he needed to 'get into his mind' which would help him deal more effectively with Dennis and other guys in the future.

Moving as if in a daze, he grabbed the desk chair and placed it in the center of the room facing the door just like the day before. He glanced at Stevie and Dennis to confirm both were still sound asleep, which they were.

His dazed state continued as he stood beside the chair, dropped his own tighty whiteys to the floor and stepped out of them.

He tried to remember everything he had said and done to Dennis 3; to feel what Dennis must have felt 3; he ran over, swung the bedroom door wide open, then sat in the chair, put his arms over the back of the chair, spread his legs wide and raised his ankles on either side.

He tried to imagine what Dennis felt as he was tied into the chair, had Chip taking pictures of him, and so on. The more he thought, the more excited he got. Within minutes, he was painfully erect.

"Holy Shit!" he mused. "Damn little brother, you must have been totally blowing your mind the whole time!"

As much as he wanted to jack-off, he decided it would be too hard to explain if either brother caught him. So he put the chair away, and got ready for his morning run.

Chip's morning run was like a religious experience for him. He loved to run in the early morning, while it was relatively cool. He loved to push himself. He loved his various running courses. And he especially loved the slow jack-off session which followed during his long hot shower.

The community developers had built in and around a beautiful wooded area, maintaining the 'natural' setting with woods, open fields and so on. And there were plenty of trails within the woods.

Although Chip's running routine varied, he usually ended it the same way 3; a fast sprint to the start of wooded trail that ran behind the houses on his block, and then a leisurely 'cool down' walk down the trail to his back yard.

This morning was pretty much the same as all the others. He finished his sprint and started his walk down the trail. He was just about home when some unexpected movement in one of the back yards that bordered the woods caught his eye.

He stopped and peered through a break in the trees.

What he saw came as a surprise. This early, it was very rare to see anyone up and around in any of these back yards. But there he was, a young dude, about 12 or 13, shirtless and wearing a short pair of shorts, kicking a soccer ball around.

Chip watched as the kid ran a bunch of drills, spinning this way and that, and acting like he was up against a fast opponent. Chip smiled and thought, "Dang, that little dude is pretty good 3; nuts but good."

He continued to watch as the kid pushed himself hard. Chip noted he had a really nice tight and compact body, and a really nice little bubble butt, and that's when it hit him!

"Shit! That's that kid Mark! Stevie's new friend! The one who seemed so eager to join Stevie's stupid `secret club', and then ended up torturing Dennis and shaving off his pubes.

Chip watched as Mark pushed hard. Finally Mark started running hard towards the woods, keeping tight control of the ball, and then kicking it into a makeshift goal.

The ball sailed into the net, found a hole, and then rolled towards the woods.

Chip ran out of the woods, and stopped the ball with his foot.

Mark smiled, waved and shouted, "Hey thanks Dude!"

Chip said, "No problem Dude!"

Mark waited for Chip to send the ball back.

Chip was just about ready to kick it back, thought for a moment and muttered, "It's showtime!"

Now it was Chip's turn. He took control of the ball and started running towards Mark, demonstrating some of his best spin and control moves. Mark was clearly impressed. As Chip closed in, Mark instinctively went into full defensive mode determined to take the ball away.

Chip zigged and zagged 3; Mark followed 3; and then BAM! A quick kick and the ball shot between Mark's legs.

Mark stopped and watched the ball roll back into the yard.

He smiled at Chip and chuckled, "Shit Dude, you are pretty fucking good!"

Chip smiled back and chirped, "Well so are you! I thought you had me for a moment there!"

They caught their breaths and then started to chatter. It took just a few minutes for the two to become friends. And just a few more minutes to become really good friends! The fact that Chip was a full three years older didn't seem to matter one bit. For either of them! The small talk was rapid fire and within minutes, they shared their life stories 3; well most of their life stories.

It was Chip who finally took control as he chuckled, "Damn Little Dude, this is pretty cool 3; you just moved into the house my best friend used to live in 3; we did soccer `one on ones a lot' 3; you're pretty good 3; and uh, I run most mornings around this time 3; so if you're around maybe we can kick it around for a bit 3;"

Mark smiled and said, "That would be great! I like doing this early before things get too damn hot."

Chip chuckled, "Okay, sounds like a plan, catch ya later Dude!"

Mark smiled back and chirped, "Cool! I'll be ready for you next time.

It had been a fun meeting for both.

Mark trotted towards his soccer ball as Chip headed back to the woods.

Chip started thinking about his upcoming long hot shower and jack-off session as he jogged towards the woods. He was about to surrender to the 'feelings' when something crazy took over!

Without thinking, he stopped, looked back at Mark and shouted, "Yo Dude, can I ask you a question?"

Mark spun around and ran back to Chip, eager to continue talking with such a cool guy.

He smiled and said, "Sure, what do you want to know?"

Chip took a deep breath, his mind raced as he tried to figure out where he was going with this, then he looked at little Mark standing there, shirtless, glistening with a light sheen of pre-teen sweat and stammered, "Well, um 3; 'Do you know where Pine Tree Circle is?"

Coming up: – A "CHIP FLASHBACK" to something significant that happened when he was 12 years old – Chip 'uses' Stevie's 'club' ploy to take advantage of Mark – Chip's guilt becomes a bonus for Mark

Special thanks to all for your comments. They are most appreciated! I will try to respond to all individually as soon as I can.