StrokerZwarte Piet goes America |
SummaryA beastly little boy, of unremembered Dutch heritage, behaves so badly that Zwarte Piet is forced to abduct the lad and teach him a valuable lesson: one must be good for goodness’ sake.
Publ. Nov 2013
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CharactersTerry (9yo) and Zwarte PietCategory & Story codesFantasy storyMb Fb – non-cons mast anal oral – magic (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at tomwaller(at)gmx(dot)com or through this feedback form with Stroker – Zwarte Piet goes America in the subject line. |
It was Christmas Eve. Terry had bullied his mother into revealing the contents of all his presents and even had torn the wrapping off the video game which he had insisted she buy him. He didn't believe all that Santa 'crap' but knew she would place a heap of new presents under the tree when he slept and she would play the old, "These are from Santa" game once again. Terry would play along 3; he got more presents that way. She had sent him up to bed after laying out the stupid cookies and milk thing. Rather than sleeping, however, he slipped the new game into his Xbox and started digitally murdering members of the rival street gang and earning himself a faster motorcycle and more dangerous weaponry. After playing for an hour his mother gently eased open his bedroom door. "Terry, please, dear. You must get to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Santa will have been. You will go to your dad's for the evening: a full, full day. You'll need your sleep." "Out! Out! Out of my room. This is private. Mine. You are never allowed in here." As he railed at her he charged across the room pushing her physically out the door. "That's why dad left you. You can never do what you are told. Stay out. I'm nine years old now. I'll do what I want." He was now screaming at her through the door. Theresa, leaned her back against the boy's bedroom door and wept as she listened to him. She blamed herself. She had spoiled him, especially after his father left. She gave him everything he asked for. She was very well set up financially after the divorce but had fallen into the who will Terry love most game. She realized, too late, that she had created a loutish little brat. Theresa slumped down in a fetal position and hugged her knees, her back still pressed against his door. She heard him thud across the floor to his computer. He cranked up the sound and navigated to some hardcore porn site. The screams, moans, "fuck, cunt, suck me off you bitch, hurt me, lick my asshole" 3; phrases shot through her like darts. She had tried to put gateways and protection on his machine but he just logged in as her and watched filth; always with the volume blasting and echoing through the house. She knew he did it to hurt her, to torment her. Terry liked pissing her off. She deserved it. Always trying to boss him around. Lay down rules. He also enjoyed looking at the grown up ladies cunts, tits and asses. He could not believe some of the things that adults did to each other. At first it had even frightened him but now he began to enjoy knowing everything about fucking and stuff. He had begun to fantasize over doing all this to the little girls at school and around the neighbourhood. He had even stuck his hand up Gwen Dolan's dress while they were playing on his swing set. She slapped him and ran home. There was a big uproar from her parents and his dad was brought over. His mother was mortified. That made it worth all the hassles from his dad. He knew she could hear it all now as she leaned on his door. He pulled on his little dicky with his hands inside his pajamas. She had seen him do that too. She had tried to scold him but he would defiantly keep wanking. If she continued to try and stop him he would take his cock out and play with it in front of her. That always made her run out. He smiled knowing she was still out there. He could hear her at the door. He hoped that she guessed he was wanking on his dicky. With the computer blaring he still managed, somehow, to fall asleep atop his bed covers 3; He drifted into a strange and fitful dream; as if he were being jostled and pulled about, seeing the rooms of his house pass by through a rough patchwork weave, dark, dangerous. It was a terrible dream of hands and thumps and loud, gruff voices, a rushing whirling vortex of wind then a jarring thump. Nightmares plagued Terry lately. Such that he now slept through many of them. He soon fell into a deep breathing, comatose slumber. *** He awoke and before he opened his eyes he remembered that it was Christmas day: more presents. His eyes popped open and to his amazement. He found himself stuffed in a rough hewn sack, slung in a dark closet. "Hey! Hey! Where am I help! Mom! Mom! Mommy!!" He was shouting now at the top of his lungs and thoroughly lost, thoroughly confused, thoroughly terrified." The door swung open. "Mommy! Mommy! Help me!" a gravelly voice mocked him, imitating his cries to the letter. Then strange hands worked at the knot which sealed the sack. As it fell free of him he blinked to behold a powerfully built black man; disproportioned like a dwarf. Gathered behind him and peering over his shoulders were a collection of gnomes and dwarfs both male and female dressed in various gaudy colored outfits and outlandish hats. "Where am I? Where is my mom? Who are you?" The dark dwarf bowed and doffed his feathered cap with a flourish: "Zwarte Piet 3; Black Pete" he intoned with sarcastic gallantry. He reached in and took the boys face in his disproportionately large hand. Terry did not care for the way the man stroked his cheek, intimately, fondly, suggestively. "I want to go home. Now. How did I get here?" "It's Christmas, my dear. Little boys and girls in Holland who have been fowl creatures all year don't get gifts from their Sinterklaas, who's Santaklaus' grandfather. Oh no. They get spirited away. Spirited away my beauty." "I am not your dear, or your beauty or your anything. And I don't live in Holland. I live in America. Ohio" He slapped the man's offending hand away from his face. "Not from Holland? Not from Holland?" Piet bellowed angrily. He grasped the boy by the arm and pulled him into the candle lit cottage. He dragged him over to a dusty embossed book and flung it open, traced his finger through columns of names. His finger stopped and he looked up into the boys face. "Terry, Terry Appledoorn, Hollander." "I've never been to Holland never even thought about it, wooden shoes and shit 3; that's all I know. My Grandparents yes. I don't even see them." "You carry it with you my love. Holland is inside you." A pied gnome scurried across the room with another tome with the name Terry Appledoorn emblazoned across the cover. He spread it open before Zwarte Piet. After reading and grunting, huffing and wheezing, the dark dwarf leered up at Terry. "You like to watch people fuck." Terry did not like the sound and implications in the man's degenerate voice and tried to bolt. "Hold him. Hold him still. Terry felt hands all over his arms, legs, neck, hair vice-like grips that rendered him completely immobile. Zwarte Piet oozed so close to the boy that Terry felt his breath on his face. "And you like to play with this." Piet reached inside the waistband of Terry's PJs and covered the boy's cock with his hoary hand. "You like to pull on your cock and watch adults fuck. You show your mommy your cock. You fondle little girls. You want to be an adult. You want to do adult things with your proud tiny cock, do you?. You will see adults fuck here my beauty. Adults do many things with cocks Terry." His both hands were now exploring Terry's cock. One finger snaked between his legs and found the boy's asshole. "I love proud little boy's cocks my lovely. I do lots of things with pointy, smooth boy dickies." "Ada, Noddy, show Terry how you fuck. You can watch them fuck and this little dicky will get all hard and stiff for me won't it my beauty?" Piet lovingly eased the skin of Terry's cock back and forth and traced his asshole. He licked Terry's face with a foul sloppy tongue. "No please. Leave me alone. I don't want to. I want to go home." "But you hate you mother, your home. She is a pest. A nuisance. We have seen you. Heard you. But me, my sweet, I love you. I love your cock. I can't get enough of your pretty cock. This dicky that you are so proud of: I have been aching to play with it like this. I've seen you do this to yourself and I have been dreaming about having it all for myself. Piet dropped to his knees and gently folded down the boy's pajamas. " You watch them fuck and I'll show you how much I love your little boy's cock. I must kiss it. Lick it. Suck on it. " Noddy sat down on a straight backed wooden chair and dropped his pants to the floor. He had an enormous gnarled cock for such a tiny man. One of the small females walked over to him and raised her skirts and petticoats. She lowered her pantaloons and showed Terry thick furry cunt. She faced the lad and lowered herself onto Noddy's cock. She splayed her legs and held her outer lips wide open for Terry. "Oh fuck yes 3; I love it 3; fuck me Noddy 3; I love your thick cock 3;Stick me 3;Fuck me." She urged Noddy on as she slammed herself down over and over on his glistening cock. All the while Noddy and Ada stared into Terry's eyes. Zwarte Piet began to kiss the end of Terry's cock. "Please stop. No. I don't like it. Stop." The boy cried out and his eyes filled with tears. He was completely terrified, horrified by the feeling of the breath, lips, tongue on his cock. "Welcome to adult sex, Terry. This is what you wanted. Watch them fuck. Let me please your cock. Let us both enjoy it." Piet spoke sporatically between licks and slurps and busses. Piet began to suck on the boys cock in earnest, slurping and licking it as he did so. In spite of himself the lad began to pump his hips. Eventually, Piet's expert cock sucking brought the boy to a shuddering climax. Ada and Noddy were lost in their own ecstasy and four other pairs had begun to fuck as the aura of sex filled room had a hypnotic effect on all of them. Some perverse magic had overcome them all. Terry also felt drugged and aroused by the magical spell. The cottage was strewn with naked bodies, fucking, licking cunt, sucking cocks in groups both small and large. Terry was used to controlling his cock and his erection but now it remained rigid as a poker even after he had cum. All the cocks around him were obscenely stiff and pulsing. A miasma of fantastic sexual potency washed over the room. Terry was lead from scene to scene by prying and invasive hands. His turgid cock was handled and inserted into wet cunts, willing mouths, open asses. A loud whirling music played with increased intensity as he had some form of sex with every person in the room. His bald boy cock never softened, never failed. Men and women sucked on it, fucked it took it up their bums and encouraged him to "Fuck, fuck, fuck, stick, stick, stick." Incredibly lewd and crude comments were made by both onlookers and those he fucked. His head was swimming when the music finally stopped and he stood in the middle of the room, his cock rampant, glistening, his fists opening and closing. He was overcome with lust, fuck crazy. His heart was pounding. Zwarte Piet approached him. He too was naked. Everyone was naked by now. "It's your turn now Terry. We will fuck you. That's how adults fucking works my beauty. You fucked us all and now we fuck you." Piet pushed Terry down to his knees. Again he was held in place. The dark dwarf took his gnarled vicious cock in his hands and brought the engorged head to the boy's lips. "Suck it. Suck my cock. Suck me off, my lovely." The cock was forced down his throat and Piet took Terry's head between his hands. He pumped his cock and worked the boys face back and forth. Terry thought he would pass out. The crowd of spectators hooted and hollered their huzzahs. Next, Zwarte Piet exploded into Terry's mouth. Great gobs of cum pumped into the boys mouth down his throat over his chin, cheeks and chest. Piet roared then stepped aside. Each man in the company replaced him, jostling and pushing for position. Each one performed the same savage act on Terry's mouth. Terry collapsed in a heap when the men had finished only to be dragged to the base of a chair where each female took turns opening themselves up and pulling the boys face into their oozing cunts. He was held in place as each fucked his face mercilessly, demanding that he lick, suck, nibble, lap. Some of them came quickly while others seemed to take forever bruising his lips with their demanding hairy cunts. He had no idea how long this all lasted but he was broken and sobbing by the time they had finished with him. One of the ladies kindly offered him a drink. "Here, dear, take some refreshment. You are all done in." When he approached the table, however, she pushed him into a pair of dwarves who grasped his wrists and stretched him out: bent over the rough hewn tabletop. A few more dropped down and secured his ankles, spreading him like a wishbone. Piet came up from behind him. You have seen enough videos to know what we want next. "You have to stop. You have to let me go. Please. Mom! Mommy!" Terry cried out desperately, pleading for his mother. "Terry? Terry?" He heard his mother's voice calling from beyond the cottage door. "Mommy? Mommy! Help Me!" He cried out with the last glimmer of hope. Zwarte Piet covered and muffled the boys mouth. Then he spoke in an exact duplication of Terry's voice 3;. "Out! Out! Out of my room. This is private. Mine. You are never allowed in here." Terry remembered the phrases and sank into a petrified despair. They all laughed at the boy's anguish and Terry felt the massive head of Piet's cock press against his tight little bum hole. "He's tight as a jar of pickles," Piet laughed and continued to force his cock into the soft flesh. Finally the cock head plopped in and Terry screamed against the hand over his mouth. "Adult sex. Adult fucking. Adult fun." Piet whispered lewdly to the boy. He began to pump his massive cock into the boys tight passage like an old ram. He fucked the lad repeatedly despite writhes, twists, clenches, and spasms. Tears streamed down the boy's face. Would the invasive fucking ever stop? Then, Zwarte Piet came up Terry's ass. A flood of hot thick cum filled the boy's bowels. Piet fell off with a laugh and a thud, pulling Terry to the ground with him. The thud set off a type of lightning bolt effect within the enchanted room. The pair crashed to the floor but landed on a rug. Terry's rug. The rug in his bedroom. His own room. "Terry? Terry? Are you okay? Did you fall out of bed again." Theresa rushed into the room and picked Terry off the rug. He hugged her about the neck and kissed her repeatedly on the neck and cheek. "I love you mom. I love you so much." Theresa reacted as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped upon her. Then, she regained her self. She started to cry. "I love you too Terry 3; ever so much. Oh my lovely boy." A sex video still played on his computer and he ran to shut it off. As he ran he felt how sore he was back there, in his bum. And, there was a gooey, sticky liquid running down his legs. He shut of the computer and began to cry. Terry ran back and into his mother's arms. "I'm sorry mom. Mommy. I'm sorry for everything. I'll be better you'll see. You just wait and see." They cried in each other's arms until their tears turned to laughter. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever." Terry said. Theresa held him at arm's length and whispered 3; GOD BLESS US EVERYONE. The End |
Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Stroker – Zwarte Piet goes America in the subject line.