- PZA: Special Secrets PZA Boy Stories

Justin Davis

Special Secrets


Six short stories of boys with special secrets.
  1. The Gold Coins – Publ. 19 Mar 2004 (2,000 words / 4 pages)
    Ten year old Clayton's special secret is how he earns gold coins.
  2. Extra Credit – Publ. 21 Mar 2004 (3,500 words / 7 pages)
    Eleven year old Timmy's special secret is how he gets extra credit for history.
  3. Addicted – Publ. 23 Mar 2004 (3,500 words / 7 pages)
    Sixteen year old Bobby's special secret is how he earns the money for drugs he's addicted to.
  4. Annual Physicals – Publ. 23 Apr 2004 (2,750 words / 5½ pages)
    Dr Jacob Watts' special secret is the way he examines young boys.
  5. Motorcycle Commando – Publ. 27 Apr 2004 (4,000 words / 8 pages)
    Fifteen year old Jason's finds out what is the special secret of the Happy Time Video Arcade.
  6. Timmy's Penis Publ. Jan 2005 (2,500 words / 5 pages)
    Eleven year old Timmy's special secret is his penis.
Publ. 2004-2005 (ASSGM); this site Feb 2012
Finished 18,250 words (36½ pages)


Various boys (10-16yo)

Category & Story codes

Various stories
Mb Mtcons - coerc mast anal oral – first


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes involging young males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.


The Gold Coins

Ten year old Clayton's special secret is how he earns gold coins.

2,000 words (4 pages)
Clayton Williams (10yo) and Jimmy Anderson (40yo)

Prostitution story
Mb – cons anal oral

It's nice to have special secrets, and ten-year-old Clayton Williams thought he must have the best special secret of all. Clayton dashed off the school bus and up the front walk toward his house and didn't take Clayton long to unlock the front door, take off his back pack and lay it down by the door, then close the door and lock it again. Today, it would be way past six before his mom got home.

Clayton made sure the door was locked, then quickly sprinted off down the sidewalk, his brown mop of hair blowing in the breeze, toward the red brick house near the end of the block. He was almost out of breath as he dashed up the front steps and rang the doorbell.

"Oh, hi, Clay! Your mom working late again today?" the tall, handsome, forty-year-old man asked when he opened the door.

"Uh huh," Clayton replied, still trying to catch his breath from his almost two block run.

"So, I guess you want to play our special game again?" the man asked.

"Uh huh," Clayton responded, nodding his head that he did.

"Okay, come on in," the man said, and stood aside so that Clayton could enter.

Clayton swiftly entered through the front door, and once inside, began to strip off his clothes, leaving a trail of them from the entryway toward the living room.

"My, we're in a hurry today," the man commented as he closed and locked the door.

Clayton didn't respond but continued to shuck off his clothes until he was naked. Then, he hurried over to the familiar stuffed lounge chair, plopped himself in it, then grabbed hold of his legs and pulled them upward, exposing his butt hole, and grinned.

"Oh! So we want that right off today do we?" the man asked.

"Oh yes, Mr. Anderson, I like it," Clayton responded.

"I told you you could call be Jimmy," the man said, as he walked toward where Clayton sat.

"Uh, okay, Jimmy," Clayton replied.

Clayton watched as the man walked over toward the chair in which he was sitting, then, once there, get down on the floor upon his knees, move his head forward, and then began to lick and probe at his hole with his tongue.

"Oh yeah!" Clayton exclaimed at the tingly feelings all over his small but now well-violated hole.

In less than a minute, Clayton's circumcised three and one half inch [8½ cm] dink was rock hard and his hole hummed with the tickly feelings he loved so much as a result of the man's excellent rimming.

"Oh yes! Uh! Uh!" Clayton wailed, as the man's tongue probed deeper into his anus.

Jimmy Anderson was in heaven. He had had sex with lots of boys in his time but in twenty years this was the best (The Mother Lode), for Clayton was an over-sexed imp far beyond his years.

"Oh! Suck my peter now! Please!" Clayton pleaded.

Jimmy Anderson stopped his ministrations to Clayton's hole and immediately slurped his prick into his mouth and began to siphon it, making sure to swirl his tongue on the head as he did so.

"Oh yeah! Uh! Ahhhhh! Yeah! Ooooo!" Clayton wailed.

If his mouth hadn't been occupied, Jimmy would have smiled. After all the times before he could tell this was gonna be a special 'gold coin' day. Jimmy continued his ministrations to Clayton's dink and took the first two fingers of his right hand and began to insert them into Clayton's hole.

"Oh! Uh! Ahhhhh! Yesssss!" Clayton wailed, as the gooey feelings increased and the man's fingers began to probe his butt.

Jimmy Anderson took his mouth off of the kid's stiff peter.

"You wanna go ahead and cum and then earn another gold coin today?" he asked.

"Yessssssssss!" Clayton hissed.

Jimmy smiled up at him, then went back to siphoning the boy's prick.

"Ooooooo-Oh-Ooooooooooo!" Clayton cooed, as Jimmy expertly sucked and swirled his tongue on his little prick, while at the same time fucking two fingers in and out of his hole.

Soon, Clayton's breathing became more labored, his nostrils began to flare and his tummy began to heave.

"Oh! Yes! Uh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Clayton wailed as he had his dry cum.

Jimmy could feel the pricklet begin to twitch in his mouth and made sure he gave it even more attention with his tongue, his own seven-inch [18 cm] cock straining for relief inside his shorts.

"Oh gosh! Gosh! That felt so good," Clayton said afterwards as he lay back in the chair catching his breath.

Jimmy got up off of his knees, stood up, then began to remove his clothes.

"My turn now," he said as he peeled off his shirt.

Clayton got up out of the chair and stood by it while Jimmy finished removing his clothes.

"It's already hard," Clayton said, then giggled, in reference to the man's rigid penis.

"Yeah, it's been a few days since you've been here," Jimmy replied, stepping out of his boxers.

Jimmy seated himself in the stuffed lounge chair, spread his legs, and then leaned back, his rock hard, circumcised, cock lying flat up against his muscular belly.

"You want me to suck it first?" Clayton asked.

"Yeah, let's do that first," Jimmy replied.

Jimmy watched as Clayton got down on his knees, positioned himself between his legs, then took hold of his hard cock with his hand, pulled it upright, and lowered his mouth toward it.

"Oh yessssssss!" Jimmy hissed, as Clayton began to lick the head all over like it was an ice cream cone.

If ever there was an example that good cock suckers are born then made Clayton was it. He had taken to it like a duck to water and had followed Jimmy's instructions to the letter. At home, he had even practiced on Blow Pops so he could please the older man.

"Oh yeah, Mmmmmmmmm!" Jimmy moaned, as Clayton took half of his turgid missile into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down upon it.

For almost ten minutes Jimmy savored the boy's mouth on his cock.

"Okay, that's enough. I don't wanna cum yet," Jimmy said.

Clayton took his mouth off of the man's cock and released his grip on the thick cock letting it flop back upon Jimmy's belly.

"You gonna do my butt now?" Clayton asked looking up at the man.

"Yeah, which way you wanna do it?" Jimmy asked.

"I wanna sit in your lap some first," Clayton replied.

"Okay, you know where the stuff is," Jimmy responded.

Jimmy waited as Clayton went over to one of the end tables beside the couch, opened the drawer, got out the tube of lube, and then walked back to the chair in which he was sitting.

"Okay, come on up here sexy," Jimmy said, patting his thighs with his hands.

Clayton escalated himself onto the man's lap, popped the cap open on the tube of lube, squirted a liberal amount in his left hand, and then began to slick up the thick, hard, penis.

"Use as much as you want," Jimmy said, as the boy worked the stuff over every inch of his hard member.

Finally, when Clayton was satisfied that the thick sausage was slick enough, he closed the cap on the tube of lube and let it fall to the floor.

"You ready now?" Jimmy asked.

"Uh huh!" Clayton replied.

"Okay, go for it," Jimmy said.

Clayton repositioned himself in the man's lap so that his feet were on either side of the older man's thighs. Then, he took hold of the thick missile with his right hand, pulled it upright, raised his butt so that it hovered over the head, and then lowered his butt a bit.

"Oh! Gosh! Mmmmmmm!" Clayton exclaimed, and bit his lower lip, as the huge head slid into the entrance of his rectum.

"Take all the time you need, Clayton. There's no hurry, " Jimmy assured him.

Jimmy loved it that Clayton liked to impale himself this way on his cock. Since the boy was totally in control, Jimmy could sit back and watch Clayton's expressions as he slowly lowered himself on his thick stalk.

Clayton moaned, let go of the man's cock and began to slowly rock his hips.

Inch by inch the thick missile began its journey into Clayton's insides. His brow furrowed when three-quarters of the thing was inside him. Then, when his butt was resting on the man's pubes, he let out a huge sigh and lay his body forward upon the man's chest.

"All in?" Jimmy asked, running his fingers through the kid's brown mop.

"Mmmm! Uh huh!" Clayton replied.

"You wanna just sit still for a minute?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah," Clayton responded.

Jimmy sat holding the boy, his cock completely inside his tight rectum, and every now and then Clayton would wiggle his butt a little and emit a loud sigh.

"You like it up your butt don't you?" Jimmy asked, still running his fingers through Clayton's hair.

"Yesss," Clayton cooed, nodding his head that he did.

"Just tell me when you're ready. We can sit like this as for long as you want," Jimmy said.

"Okay," Clayton replied, then wiggled his butt a little and sighed again.

For over ten minutes, Jimmy sat holding the boy and running his fingers through his hair while Clayton alternately wiggled his butt and sighed.

"My thing's hard again," Clayton eventually said, looking up at the man.

"So, you ready now?" Jimmy asked.

Clayton nodded his head that he was.

"Okay, hang on," Jimmy said.

Clayton put his arms around the man's neck, and Jimmy, his cock still up the boy's butt, got up out of the chair. As he did so, Clayton wrapped his legs round the man's waist. Then, with Clayton's arms and legs wrapped around him, and all of his cock still up Clayton's butt, Jimmy made the short walk to the bedroom.

Once there, Jimmy maneuvered the two of them upon the bed so that Clayton was underneath him and looking up at him.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked, looking into Clayton's eyes.

Clayton, his brow slightly furrowed, nodded his head that he was. Then, he wrapped his arms around the man's neck and his legs around the man's waist again and let out a small gasp and closed his eyes as Jimmy began to slowly fuck him.

As it usually was, it was a long slow fuck that day. Jimmy saw no need in pounding his groin into Clayton's butt. It was much more enjoyable listening to Clayton coo as his cock slid in a out of his rectum, not to mention the sight of the boy's eyes flying open and the sounds of his wails as he had his anal orgasms.

After it was over, Jimmy watched as the lad headed away up the sidewalk toward home, another gold coin tucked into the pocket of his jeans and sperm leaking out into the crotch of his Jockey shorts from his still dilated hole.

Not that Clayton minded. He was used to it now. He would change into a fresh pair of underwear when he got home, that is after he put the gold coin in the special box he kept hidden in back of his closet. He had fifteen of them already and this would make sixteen.

Clayton had decided he would try to get at least fifty of them, not that he knew how much they were worth. All Mr. Anderson had told him was that they were very special coins and to keep them tucked away where no one could find them. As for Clayton, he just thought they were pretty and he knew Mr. Anderson had lots of them.

As for James Anderson, well, he had made a fortune in the underground arms market and then found a quiet neighborhood in which to settle. He had no one to leave his fortune to. Why not give some of his gold coins to someone who was willing to earn them? And besides, getting to put his cock up Clayton's butt was well worth a Krugerrand.


Extra Credit

Eleven year old Timmy's special secret is how he gets extra credit for history

3,500 words (7 pages)
Timmy Jackson (11yo) and Nathan Boyd

School story
Mb – cons anal oral

Nathan Boyd sat behind his desk in his empty classroom at Debonair Private School for Boys grading the latest fifth grade history tests when there was a light knock on the frame of the open doorway. Nathan looked up from the test papers and was greeted with the sight of eleven-year-old Timmy Jackson standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" Nathan said.

"Uh, I was wondering if I could talk to yah a minute, Mr. B?" Timmy asked.

"Well, sure, Timmy. Come on in," Nathan replied.

Nathan watched the lanky four-foot [1.20 m] tall kid with the blonde-haired mop, dressed in his soccer uniform, approach his desk and then stop in front of it.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about, Timmy?" Nathan asked.

"Well, uh, I didn't do so good on the last test," Timmy replied.

"No you didn't. As a matter of fact, you flunked it rather badly I'm afraid," Nathan said.

"Yes sir, I was kinda afraid of that," Timmy replied looking down at his feet.

"You know, Timmy, that is the third test you have flunked this grading period and I'm afraid you will make an 'F' this time and probably for the Spring Term," Nathan said.

"Ohh! Geez! That means I won't get to play soccer this summer and get to go on the tournament trip," Timmy replied looking up at Nathan.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," Nathan responded.

"Oh gosh, Mr. B. Isn't there something I can do to bring up my grade, like some extra credit or something?" Timmy asked.

"Well, Timmy, I'm afraid not. I don't give extra credit assignments," Nathan replied.

"Uh, you let my older brother do stuff for extra credit," Timmy replied.

"Your older brother?"

"Yeah, my older brother Danny. He's a freshman in college now," Timmy replied.

"Oh yes, Danny Jackson. He's your older brother?" Nathan asked, suddenly remembering the kid and how much Timmy was a miniature version of him at the same age.

"Yeah, and he said you let him do extra credit stuff," Timmy replied.

"Oh he did did he?" Nathan replied, laying down his grading pen and rearing back in his chair.

"Yeah, he told me to ask yah. He said you'd know what I was talking about," Timmy said.

"Just what did he tell you?" Nathan asked, his heart pounding and suddenly afraid that his special secret had gotten out.

"Uh, nothing really. Just that because you gave him extra credit he passed fifth grade history," Timmy replied.

"Well, yes. That's true. I don't normally give extra credit except to the seventh and eighth graders. However, your brother was an exception," Nathan replied.

"How about me, then?" Timmy asked.

"Well, Timmy, three failing test grades are hard to make up with extra work. I don't think it would really do any good," Nathan replied.

"Danny had four, sir," Timmy responded.

Nathan looked the kid in the eyes.

"Timmy, I don't think you're telling me the whole truth about what your brother told you. Now, what all did he really tell you?" Nathan asked, scared and hopeful at the same at what the kid's response would be.

"Uh, he just said he had done some extra credit stuff for you and that you would tell me what I could do, " Timmy replied.

"What kind of stuff, Timmy?"

"Uh, well sir. Uh, sex stuff," Timmy replied.

Nathan's heart leapt up into his throat at the kid's response.

"And you'd be willing to do the same extra credit assignments?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah," Timmy responded.

"Very well. You know where the Millstone Apartments are about three blocks down the street?" Nathan asked.

"Yes sir," Timmy replied.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Can you come around about nine in the morning?" Nathan asked.

"Yes sir." Timmy said.

"Okay, I live in apartment number twenty four. Be there at nine in the morning and we'll talk some more about the extra credit.

"Wow! Okay! Thanks! I'll be there, Mr. B." Timmy replied, his face beaming.

"Okay, now run along. I've got to finish grading these papers," Nathan said.

"Sure, see yah tomorrow," Timmy said, and headed out of the classroom.

Nathan watched Timmy run happily out the door still wondering how much Timmy's older brother had really told him about the assignments. Then, he shrugged his shoulders and went back to grading papers.


Sure enough, at five after nine the next morning the doorbell rang and Nathan, dressed only in his blue terry cloth bathrobe and slippers, went to answer the door.

"Well, Timmy, you're right on time! Come in," Nathan said, and stood aside to let the kid who was dressed in a baggy tee shirt, baggy shorts, and trainers enter.

Timmy looked around the living room of the apartment a bit, then, promptly went over and plopped himself down upon the couch while Nathan closed and locked the door.

"Well, Timmy. I figured it would be much better to talk about your extra credit assignments in private," Nathan said, seating himself in the stuffed chair near the couch.

"Uh, yeah sure. You gonna suck my peter now?" Timmy asked.

"Boy! One thing for sure, you don't beat around the bush," Nathan replied, then chuckled.

"Well, I kinda figured that would be some of it," Timmy said.

"Well, yes that's true. Has anyone ever sucked your peter before?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, no sir," Timmy replied.

"Well, I assume you do masturbate?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, yes sir," Timmy said, blushing and kind of putting his head down a little.

"What about rimming. Do you know what rimming is?"

"Uh, no sir. What's that?"

"In due time, my boy, in due time. Have you ever masturbated with another boy?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, well sir. Tommy Wilson and I did that once," Timmy replied.

"Did you touch his penis or did he touch yours?" Nathan asked.

"Oh no sir!" Timmy responded.

"I see. So just what do you know about gay sex?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, I know gay guys suck each other's peters sometimes," Timmy replied.

"Anything else?"

"Well, uh, I've heard they put their peters in each other's butt sometimes but I don't know much about it," Timmy said.

"Yes, and there in lies the problem for you," Nathan replied.

"Problem sir?"

"Yes, for example, if I sucked your peter, as you say, that wouldn't be worth but ten points on one of the three tests you flunked," Nathan replied.

"Oh gosh! I didn't make higher than 50 on any of um. You'd have to do that a zillion times between now and when school's out," Timmy replied, causing Nathan to chuckle.

"Well, not that many. But, true enough, I'm afraid you're in a tough position grade wise," Nathan said.

"Yes sir, I know," Timmy replied in a dejected tone.

"Yes, just as bad as your brother was," Nathan said, and thought back seven years to when Danny was sitting on the same couch pondering his problem.

"Uh, so what do I need to do to pass?" Timmy asked.

"Well, like I said. It's up to you. It depends on whether you want to earn the major bonus points," Nathan replied.

"Bonus points?"

"Yes, bonus points. Your brother got all of them," Nathan said.

"Uh, like what?" Timmy asked.

"Well, for example, if I eat your hole, that's what's called rimming, and suck your peter and you do the same for me, that's worth extra bonus points," Nathan replied.

"Oh geez!" Timmy responded, shaking his head.

"Well, I'm not forcing you to do any of this, Timmy. We don't have to do anything you know," Nathan said.

"How long we gotta do all this stuff?" Timmy asked.

"Well it's six weeks until school is out," Nathan responded.

"What about the final exam. If I fail the final exam I'll fail the class," Timmy said.

"Well, Timmy, there's a chance you might pass the final exam," Nathan replied.

"Oh gosh, Mr. B! I just gotta pass and play soccer this summer!" Timmy exclaimed.

"Yes, I know." Nathan replied.

"I'll do it all!" Timmy proclaimed.

"All?" Nathan asked.

"Yes sir, I'll do anything. You just show me what to do," Timmy responded.

"Are you sure, Timmy?"

"Yes sir. I'll do it all like I said," Timmy replied.

"Fine, then strip naked kiddo and let me see what I'm going to be getting for all those grade points," Nathan said.

Nathan watched the lanky kid kick off his trainers, then peel of his tee shirt, and then shuck down his shorts and step out of them, making two things obvious right off the bat. First, the kid hadn't worn any underwear so he was ready for action. Next, his circumcised peter, which Nathan judged to be at least four inches [10 cm] long, was already hard.

"Come here and let me get a closer look at you," Nathan said.

Timmy walked over and stood directly in front of the chair in which Nathan sat.

"My, already getting pubes," Nathan commented, referring to the few strands of blonde hair that were growing above the boy's penis.

"Can you cum yet?" Nathan asked.

"Yes sir, but not a whole bunch," Timmy replied.

"Oh, and such a nice penis and balls for someone so young," Nathan commented, and reached out his hand to fondle the thick four-inch [10 cm] prick and prune-sized balls.

"Oh! Mmmmm!" Timmy exclaimed at the man's fondling.

"You like this?" Nathan asked, rubbing the head of Timmy's dick with his fingers.

"Oh yes sir!" Timmy replied, then gasped at the gooey feelings.

"Yes, quite lovely," Nathan commented, then lowered his head and swooped the entire prick into his mouth and began swirling his tongue over the head of the delectable morsel.

"Oh gosh! Uh!" Timmy exclaimed, then began to moan at the wonderful feelings he was having.

Nathan ministered to the hard prick for a bit and then took his mouth off of it, prompting a gasp from Timmy.

"Turn around and bend over and let me see your butt," Nathan said.

Timmy did as he was told exposing his pink hole for Nathan to observe.

"Yes, beautiful as well," Nathan said, then moved his face toward the pink rosebud and began to rim it with his tongue.

"Oh God! Uh!" Timmy exclaimed, having never felt anything like it in his young life.

As with the boy's peter, Nathan ministered to the delectable ass lips for a bit then stopped, again prompting a gasp from Timmy as the wonderful feelings suddenly went away.

"That's what's called rimming. You like that?" Nathan asked.

"Oh gosh yes!" Timmy replied.

"Okay, you can turn around again," Nathan said.

Timmy did as he was told and Nathan noticed immediately that a small drop of pre-cum had begun to form on the boy's piss slit.

"Yes, Timmy. I think you'll do nicely. Now, listen carefully. Today, I'm going to eat your hole and suck your peter until you have cum in my mouth three times. Then, you're going to do the same for me. You understand?" Nathan said.

"Uh huh," Timmy replied.

"Okay, take my hand, and let's go get started," Nathan said, as he got up from the chair.

Once in the bedroom and on the king sized bed, Nathan immediately moved in and raised Timmy's long legs and dove in and began to eat his hole in earnest. Timmy's wails of delight were music to Nathan's ears. However, they were nothing compared to Timmy's soprano howls when he came, spurting his sweet cum pellets into Nathan's mouth. Twice, three times, Nathan dove in and ate the boy's hole until his peter got hard again and then sucked him off until he came. Then, he got out of the bed and removed his bathrobe.

"My turn," Nathan said, looking down at Timmy lying upon the bed.

"Geez! It's huge!" Timmy commented, looking at Nathan's hard eight-inch [20 cm] cock.

Nathan climbed back onto the bed, his long thick cock wagging from side to side as he did so.

"I'm gonna sit on your face and you're going to eat my hairy hole while I wank. Understood?" Nathan said, figuring the kid would back out.

"Uh, yeah I guess so," Timmy replied.

Nathan repositioned himself upon the bed so that his butt was hovering over Timmy's face. Then, he lowered himself upon it. Finding it difficult to breathe at first Timmy squirmed a little. But, he soon got the knack of it.

"Oh Shit! Yeah!" Nathan exclaimed as he felt the kid's tongue start working on his hole.

For about fifteen minutes, Nathan rode Timmy's face and stroked his own cock. It had been so long and it felt so good he wished it could have gone on forever. But, all too soon he began to feel his load boil upward from his balls and he sat back on his haunches removing his butt from Timmy's face.

"Do I get the points now?" Timmy asked, looking up at Nathan then smiling, his cheeks and lips covered with his own spit.

"Not yet. Open your mouth, you're gonna drink my sperm," Nathan replied, still stroking his cock.

"Oh gosh! Oh geez! Do I gotta do that?" Timmy said.

"If you want the bonus points," Nathan replied, prompting Timmy to open his mouth wide.

Still slowly stroking his cock, Nathan moved forward putting the top three inches [7½ cm] of it inside the open cavern.

"Now close your mouth and put your lips around it," Nathan instructed.

Timmy did as he was told and soon had his lips tightly sealed around the top three inches [7½ cm] of Nathan's cock while Nathan increased the pace of his stroking.

"It won't be long now. If you spit up and spill any on the sheets it doesn't count. You understand?" Nathan asked.

Timmy nodded his head slightly that he did.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna cum now. Get it all! Uh!" Nathan exclaimed.

Timmy's eyes widened as the first blast of Nathan's cum load flooded his mouth. Quickly, he swallowed the salty goo just in time to receive another mouthful. Nathan continued to slowly milk his cock and groaned at the sight of the kid's tiny Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed his cum load like it was a chocolate malt.

"How about now? Do I get the extra points?" Timmy asked, wiping the cum residue from his lips with the back of his hand after Nathan had removed his cock from his mouth.

"Oh yeah! You just got an 'A' on the first test you failed," Nathan replied, totally surprised that the kid, unlike his older brother who had had to try three times before he could swallow a load, had gobbled it all down the very first time.


The next Saturday morning Nathan was astounded yet again as the kid bobbed his head up and down on his cock. Granted, Timmy had gagged a couple of times at first. However, in no time at all he was burying his nose in Nathan's pubes and deep throating him like a pro while swallowing his cum load. Not that Nathan was a passive partner. No, he siphoned the kid's peter and ate his hole and relished the wails and squeals that Timmy made.

By the third Saturday, Timmy wasn't even making pretence of why he was there. Almost before he was inside the door of the apartment his was stripping off his clothes, his peter already hard and ready for Nathan's mouth. Then, came the moment Nathan had been waiting for the most.

"Well, Timmy. That's about all the extra credit I can give you," Nathan said, the fourth Saturday as Timmy was putting his clothes back on in order to leave.

"What about the final exam, I gotta pass that?" Timmy asked as he slipped on his tee shirt.

"Well, you might want to just study real hard for that," Nathan replied.

"Why? Is it cause you don't think I've already figured out what I gotta do so I'm sure to pass the final exam?" Timmy said, pulling on his shorts.

"And just what is that, Timmy?" Nathan asked.

Timmy looked up from the couch where he was seated putting on his trainers.

"You wanna put your dick in my butt. It's the only thing we haven't done," Timmy replied.

"Well, yes, we haven't done that," Nathan replied.

"Okay, then next Saturday. I gotta hurry I'm late getting back home," Timmy replied.

All the next week, every time Nathan looked at Timmy in class Timmy would smile at him and Nathan's cock would start to get hard just thinking about burying it in the sexy imp's rectum.

Saturday came, and Timmy was soon lying upon the bed naked, breathing nervously and watching Nathan lube up his eight-inch [20 cm] tube.

"I'm gonna eat your hole and use my fingers in it like I've done before when I've sucked you. It'll help you relax," Nathan said as he climbed onto the bed and raised Timmy's legs.

As he had before, Nathan groaned and gasped as Nathan ate his hole and then moaned steadily as Nathan fucked him with two then three of his lubed fingers and siphoned his peter. As he did so, Nathan did think it a little odd that he was able to get three fingers in Timmy's butt this time but just thought the kid was relaxing.

"You think you're ready now?" Nathan asked, taking his mouth off of Timmy's peter.

"Yeah, I guess," Timmy replied nervously.

"Don't worry. I'll go slow," Nathan said.

Nathan repositioned himself upon the bed, moved forward, took hold of Timmy's legs and placed them on his shoulders, then grabbed hold of his cock to guide it toward the Timmy's waiting hole.

"Oh shit!" Timmy exclaimed, when he felt the huge head touch his ass lips.

Nathan applied a little pressure with his hips and there was a little resistance at first. Then, the head popped in.

"Ahhhhhhh! Ouch!" Uh!" Timmy exclaimed, his tummy heaving with his breathing.

Nathan remained still.

"Just relax. Tell me when you're ready." Nathan said, looking into the boy's blue eyes.

Timmy bit his lower lip and nodded his head that he understood.

"Okay," Timmy soon said.

Nathan pushed a little and he could feel more of his cock slide in.

"Oh! Stop!" Timmy gasped.

"You sure you wanna do this? We can stop right now," Nathan said.

"No! I can do it! I know I can. Just go real slow," Timmy replied.

Nathan pressed his hips forward again and this time over half of his cock slid into Timmy's butt.

"Oh! Uh!" Timmy exclaimed.

"You okay?" Nathan asked, looking at Timmy whose brows were furrowed and whose eyes were closed.

Timmy opened his eyes and looked up at him.

"Yeah. Go ahead but start slow," Timmy replied, halfway smiled, then reached for his peter and began to wank it slowly.

Nathan began to make small fucking strokes and in no time at all his pubes were brushing Timmy's butt cheeks on the in stroke, his cock totally enveloped by Timmy's rectum.

Needless to say, Nathan was astounded. Timmy's older brother had wailed at the ceiling and cried and carried on like crazy. It had taken thirty minutes to get all his cock into Danny's rectum. Timmy, on the other hand, had it all in him in nothing flat.

"Oh! Ooooooooooooo---Ah-Oooooooooooo," Timmy cooed as Nathan began to fuck him.

"Oh yeah! Fuck! Fuck!" Nathan chanted as his balls began to slap on Timmy's butt cheeks.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Mr. B! I'm gonna cum!" Timmy soon exclaimed, his voice quivering.

Then, Timmy squealed and began to shoot cum pellets all over his tummy and Nathan hollered loudly as the boy's ass muscle spasms began to milk his cock.

"Oh! Uh! Yeah! Yeah!" Nathan chanted increasing the pace of his fucking while Timmy grunted beneath him with each thrust.

"I'm gonna do it! Here it comes! All up your butt! Ahhhhhhhh!" Nathan exclaimed, and began to blow his load; Timmy moaning beneath him as he felt the man's warm sperm began to flow into his insides.

"Did I pass the final?" Timmy asked later, and grinned, as the two lay side by side basking in the afterglow of their fuck.

"Yes, but on one condition," Nathan said.

"What?" Timmy asked.

"You haven't been really truthful with me," Nathan replied.

"About what?" Timmy asked.

"Well, for example. How were you able to take my cock up your butt so easily?" Nathan asked.

"Oh that. I knew you were gonna wanna put your peter in my butt a long time ago. I been practicing for three weeks with cucumbers," Timmy replied, prompting Nathan to chuckle.

"And what about sucking my cock. Where did you learn to use your tongue like that?"

"I practiced on Blow Pops."

"And eating my cum?"

"I figured if I could eat mine I could eat yours. Yours is saltier though."

"And eating my hole?"

"I practiced by cutting a hole in oranges and trying to get the stuff out with just my tongue."

"You got anymore special secrets I don't know about?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, just one," Timmy replied.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"I like doing this stuff," Timmy said, and then grinned.

"You are absolutely amazing!" Nathan said, shaking his head and pulling the kid toward him and giving him a hug.

"We got time to do some more stuff before I have to go home," Timmy said, looking up at Nathan.

"You don't need any more extra credit," Nathan replied.

"I know. How bout we just do it for fun from now on. It's three years before I go to high school," Timmy replied, and smiled.

"So it is," Nathan replied and smiled back.

Then, he began to move his head downward toward Timmy's already stiffening peter.



Sixteen year old Bobby's special secret is how he earns the money for drugs he's addicted to

3,500 words (7 pages)
Bobby Sanders (16yo), Kevin (12yo) and José; with Clay (adult)

Non-consensual (coercion) story
tb – coerc mast anal oral

Sixteen-year-old high school hunk Bobby Sanders lay naked in the middle of the king-sized bed under the bright floodlights with his hands behind his head that were resting on one of the pillows.

"Please, don't make me do this! I'm really beginning to hurt. Let me have some of the stuff," Bobby said to the form of the tall dark-headed man he only knew as Clay that was standing behind the cameraman, the features of both men obliterated by the bright floodlights.

"In a little while Bobby. Now, hold still while we get some shots of those nice arm pits of yours," the man called Clay said.

It had all begun a month ago. Bobby had wanted to score some pot so he could get Sally Rogers high and fuck her brains out. Sally, like all the girls at the high school, thought Bobby was the hottest thing on two legs, and of course who could blame her.

Five feet ten-inches [1.78 m] tall, bushy blonde hair almost bleached white from the sun, darkly tanned skin, a six pack to die for, long muscular legs with bleached fuzzy down, and a circumcised cock that was five inches [12½ cm] flaccid and hung over egg-sized balls, Bobby was a hunk.

Bobby had been told by one of his friends about a man named Clay who always had some real good pot. So, he called the number his friend gave him, met the tall man in the park, and scored. More importantly, however, the man named Clay had given him some pills to try and after he had smoked a couple of joints he had.

Instantly, Bobby felt better than he ever felt before in his life. It seemed as if his whole body was alive with wonderful sensations and for two days he enjoyed the high. Then, when the pills ran out and the drug began to wear off, Bobby was miserable. His whole body ached. He had to have more.

Clay had told him there was an even better way to take the drug and it would last a lot longer. So, Bobby learned how to inject the drug into his veins and he stayed high for two days on one injection. Then, the drug began to wear off and he was frantic for more. By the end of the month, Bobby had become totally and completely hooked on the powerful drug and he met up again with Clay in order to buy another week's supply.

"Five thousand dollars for a week's supply!" Bobby had exclaimed, when Clay told him that's how much it would cost. "I don't have that kind of money," he had protested.

Bobby had pleaded and begged with the man for just one dose of the drug, for his body had begun to ache and he felt as if he was going to die. Yet, the man named Clay had insisted on the price.

Bobby begged even harder and began to cry. He had to have some. He offered to pay Clay every day for a week, he would steal stuff. He would do anything for just one injection. Still, it was no deal. However, Clay had offered him enough to get him high until he could buy the full amount. Of course, that was the man's plan, and twelve hours later, when Bobby called him for more, the man knew it was time to put the rest of his plan into action.

So, Bobby had met the man at the motel and now lay naked upon the bed under the floodlights hoping he would soon get the drug and his misery would be over.

"Okay, now put your feet up on the bed and spread your legs a little. We want to get a good shot of that nice cock and those big low-hanging balls of yours," the man called Clay said.

"Please don't make me do this!" Bobby pleaded.

"Hey, I ain't makin you do anything. Go ahead and put your clothes on and leave," the man said.

"But I need some of the stuff!" Bobby wailed.

"Then, let's see you spread those legs for the camera," the man replied.

Bobby moaned and did as he was told and lay there while the camera zoomed in and got a good shot of his almost hairless balls and thick piece of flaccid meat.

"Okay, Ed. That's enough. Now Bobby, I want you to say hello to the good folks who'll be seeing this video. Here! Here is a short script of what you're to say," the man named Clay said, and went to the foot of the bed and handed it to Bobby.

Bobby began to read the sheet and then stopped.

"I can't say this!" Bobby exclaimed.

"I got all the good shit you need Bobby. You're gonna feel sooooooo good! Now just be a good jock and read what you are supposed to say," Clay said.

"I can't, it's sick! Besides, I ain't gonna do none of this!" Bobby wailed.

"Okay! Ed let's pack it up. Too bad he's gonna die in pain screaming for some really good stuff," Clay remarked.

"Oh shit! Oh no! Okay, okay! I'll say the stupid shit!" Bobby exclaimed.

"Alright, now sit up in the bed pretty like and just say the lines. Don't forget to smile and look happy," the man named Clay said.

Bobby looked at the sheet of paper once again, groaned, and began.

"Hi! I'm Bobby. As you can see I'm a stud high school jock. But, what you don't know about me is my special secret. You see, even though you think I might like fucking girls I really like sucking dicks, and licking assholes, and taking huge cocks and all kinds of things up my butt. I'm happy you bought the video cause you are gonna be so glad," Bobby said, then collapsed on the bed crying.

"Hey, kiddo! That was great! Now just a sec while we set up some other stuff here," Clay said.

"Oh please, man! Please give me the stuff. I'm startin to hurt even more!" Bobby begged.

"In a little bit, Bobby. We got some more to do," Clay responded.

Bobby moaned and curled up in the fetal position on the bed. He felt so bad and wanted to feel so good.

"Okay, Bobby. Let's see you get that thing of yours hard now. Jerk on it for us," Clay said.

"Oh God! Please! I hurt so bad I can't," Bobby replied.

"Well, if you want some of the stuff you better whip that meat of yours," Clay responded.

Again, Bobby moaned and took his right hand and began to stroke his cock. Soon it was semi-hard but not totally to its full eight inches [20 cm].

"You need to give it a little help Bobby. Put a couple of fingers in your butt," Clay instructed.

"I never do that! Oh, I hurt so bad! Please gimme the stuff," Bobby pleaded.

"In a little while. Now, let's see you put those fingers in your butt," Clay replied.

"Oh God!" Bobby moaned, and took two fingers of his left hand and started working them into his hairless pink hole.

In spite of how badly he felt, Bobby's fingers had the desired effect and soon he was stroking eight inches [20 cm] of fat cock for the camera.

"Okay, you keep doin that for Ed and the camera and I'll be right back," Clay said, and headed into the other part of the motel suite.

Bobby did as he was told and continued to stroke his dick.

"Bobby, I got someone here I want you to meet," Clay said a few minutes later.

Bobby tried to see through the glare of the floodlights but could only make out the form of someone obviously much smaller than Clay.

"Say hello to Bobby, Kevin," Clay said, and the smaller form moved closer to the end of the bed.

"Hello!" the young voice said.

Bobby looked at the kid with the green eyes and brown mop of hair and immediately quit wanking his cock. The kid couldn't have been more than twelve. His flaccid circumcised peter hung above a pair of balls that couldn't have been much larger than seedless grapes and there were just a few dark hairs on his groin. The kid's green eyes were glazed and had a far off look.

"Kevin has come to play with you Bobby. Haven't you Kevin?" Clay asked.

"Uh huh!" The kid replied nodding his head.

"What's goin on?" Bobby asked in a panic.

"Well, Kevin here gets lots of the good stuff all the time, don't you sweetheart?" Clay said.

"Oh yeah!" the boy sighed, again nodding his head.

"In fact, he got some more awhile ago and he feels real good now. Don't you Kevin?" Clay asked.

"Oh yes!" the boy sighed.

"Oh God! Give me some, please!" Bobby begged, knowing how good the kid felt and wanting to feel that way again himself.

"In a little while, Bobby. Now climb up on the bed with Bobby, Kevin." Clay said.

The naked imp escalated himself upon the bed next to Bobby and smiled at him.

"Okay Bobby, here's the plan. We're gonna film you sucking Kevin's peter for awhile until we tell you to stop. Then, we're gonna film you eating his hole and then he's gonna fuck your butt," the man named Clay said.

"I can't do that! I'm not gay!" Bobby wailed.

"Well, I'm afraid that today you are, that is if ever want anymore of the good stuff. Now, lay back on the bed Kevin, and let Bobby suck your peter for a bit, " the man named Clay said.

"Oh please! God! Give me some stuff! I'm hurtin worse!" Bobby begged.

"Suck his peter, Bobby. It won't be long," Clay replied.

Bobby re-positioned himself upon the bed and bent his head downward, took hold of the boy's peter with his fingers and put the first penis in his mouth in his entire life.

"Oh! Mmmmmmmm!" Kevin exclaimed in response to the tingly feelings.

Bobby couldn't believe what he was doing. It had always been some chick with her mouth on his piece of meat. Now, here he was with some kid's peter in his mouth that was getting harder by the second.

Soon, Kevin's four-inch [10 cm] peter was rock hard and he was moaning like crazy as Bobby sucked him.

"Lick it all over the head for us," the man named Clay said.

Bobby began to run his tongue all over the head of Kevin's peter and Kevin groaned and yipped in response.

"Okay, that's enough of that. Kevin raise your legs so Bobby can eat your hole for us," the man named Clay said.

"Oh God no! That's awful! I can't do that!" Bobby wailed as Kevin pulled his legs back exposing his tiny hole.

"If you want some stuff you better eat it!" Clay replied.

Tears started forming in Bobby's eyes as he looked at the kid's tiny hole then at the kid's face that was grinning at him. Then, he moaned and moved his head down and licked at the tiny orifice with his tongue.

"Oh yeah! Eat my hole!" Kevin wailed as Bobby's tongue began to lick.

"That's it Bobby. Get more of your tongue in there. Fuck him with your tongue!" Clay demanded.

Tears began to run down Bobby's cheeks as he began to fuck his tongue in an out of the kid's hole while the kid yipped and yelped with delight, all the time telling himself that his pain would soon end and he would get some of the stuff.

"Okay, that's good enough. Lay back on the bed and raise your legs so we can get a good shot of your hole, Bobby," the man named Clay said.

"Oh God! Please! Give me some of the stuff now!" Bobby begged.

"We'll talk about it after he fucks yah," Clay replied.

"Oh fuck no! He can't do that!" Bobby wailed.

"Lay back and raise your legs like a good stud, Bobby," Clay demanded.

As he lay back and raised his legs, exposing his hairless pink hole, Bobby began to whimper both from what he was being asked to do and from the fact that he was beginning to hurt more and more by the minute.

"Okay, Kevin. I know how horny you are. Get up there and fuck Bobby's hole but don't shoot off in him. You know what we want you to do, right?" the man named Clay asked.

"Uh huh! Oh yeah!" Kevin replied.

"Go to it kiddo!" Clay said.

Quickly, the kid was between Bobby's legs and looking down at him.

"Please, don't do it!" Bobby pleaded, looking up at the kid's glazed eyes.

Of course, Kevin never heard him. He was too busy hunting for the place to hide his hard peter.

"Oh fuck! Ouch! Ow!" Bobby hollered, as the kid jammed all four inches [10 cm] of his hard peter into his butt.

Kevin began to yip and yelp loudly, as he fucked Bobby's butt like a rabbit, and Bobby began to cry again at the indignation of it all. Here he was, the most sought after jock in high school, and some little kid was on top of him fucking his butt.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna do it! I gonna cum!" Kevin hollered a few minutes later.

Quickly, the kid jerked his penis out of Bobby's hole, moved his body toward Bobby's head, and then began to wank his peter, shooting his cum pellets all over Bobby's face. As he did so, the camera got a good close up of the kid's cum mixing with Bobby's tears and running down his smooth jock-like face.

Once finished, Kevin got up off of the bed and disappeared behind the glare of the floodlights.

"Can I have some of the stuff now! Please!" Bobby begged.

"In a little while. We've got some more stuff for you to do yet," Clay replied.

"I did what you asked me to! I'm about to die! Pleasssssseee!" Bobby pleaded.

"We ain't through yet. Since you're loosened up, fuck yourself for us with this," the man named Clay said, and tossed a cucumber onto the bed along with a tube of lube.

"Oh shit no! That thing is huge! I won't do it! Oh God I hurt!" Bobby exclaimed, as another wave of pain wracked ever fiber of his body.

"Really, Bobby. This is getting tiresome. Here's some lube. Grease the damn thing up and put it up your butt," Clay demanded, tossing a tube of lube onto the bed beside Bobby and the cucumber.

Slowly, Bobby picked up the thick green cucumber and opened the tube of lube and squirted some lube on the end of the dark green missile, positioned his legs, then moved the tip of the thing toward his hole.

"Ow! Oh God! It's too big!" Bobby wailed as he tried to insert the cuke into his butt.

"Take all the time you need, Bobby. We got plenty of time," Clay replied.

"Uh! Oh fuck it hurts!" Bobby wailed, as he got two inches [5 cm] of the green monster into his butt.

"It'll feel better soon, Bobby. Start fucking yourself with it. Let's see you get it all in your butt," Clay replied.

"Oh please no!" Bobby pleaded.

"Do it!" Clay demanded.

"Ow! Oh! Ow!" Bobby wailed as he began to bugger himself with the cuke.

It took almost fifteen minutes for Bobby to work the green vegetable into his rectum, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he did so.

"That's it, sweetheart. Fuck that jock pussy of yours! You can't fool us or yourself, your dick is all nice and hard now, my pet!" Clay remarked.

Bobby started to cry again because it was true. He was fucking himself with an obscenely large cucumber and his dick was hard as a rock.

"I think he'll be ready soon. I'll go tell José to come in here," the man called Clay whispered to the cameraman.

While Bobby continued to fuck himself, the camera zoomed in and got a close up of the green tube moving in and out of his hole. Then, it panned upward to get a shot of Bobby's hard cock that was now leaking pre-cum all over his six pack tummy.

"Bobby, I want you to meet José. After he fucks you you can have all the good stuff you want," Clay said.

At Clay's remark, Bobby quit fucking himself with the cucumber and looked toward the lights at the tall form he couldn't quite make out. Then, when the form moved to the end of the bed and emerged from behind the floodlights, Bobby squealed like he hadn't done since he was a little kid.

The tall lanky Hispanic had the biggest cock Bobby had ever seen. It had to be a foot [30 cm] long and it was rock hard and set above a pair of balls that were bigger than his own and hung down like bull nuts. It was at least as thick as the cucumber and it literally jutted out of José's hairy groin like a torpedo.

"No way! No! No!" Bobby protested, shaking his head from side to side.

Then, his scream echoed off the walls of the room as his body was wracked by a wave of pain a thousand times worse than all the others were. In fact, it left Bobby curled up on the bed panting and immobile.

As a result, Bobby could only whimper as the lanky Hispanic crawled onto the bed and began to raise his legs in order to fuck him. Then, when he felt José remove the cucumber from his rectum Bobby began to sob like a little kid because he knew what it was going to be replaced with. Fortunately, the cucumber had loosened Bobby up enough so that he only screamed once as José inserted the plum sized head of his long, thick, cock into his butt.

Both Clay and the cameraman Ed smiled at the ensuing fuck that followed.

José was great at fucking. That, coupled with the sight of his huge cock traveling in and out of Bobby's up turned stud butt, and José's low-hanging balls bouncing off of Bobby's butt cheeks, accompanied by Bobby's yelps and grunts, would sell hundreds of thousands of copies of the video.

Naturally, they both chuckled when Bobby cried out and blew his cum load all over his stud, six pack, tummy as he felt the molten river from José's cock began to flow into his rectum. The close up of that would be hot for many viewers, as would the one that showed Bobby's dilated hole regurgitating José's sperm down his ass crack onto the sheets.

Later, as Bobby sat naked in one of the stuffed chairs happily drugged up again, having injected himself with the stuff he so desperately needed and craved, Clay and his friend Ed talked about the next video they would do starring Bobby.

Although Bobby heard bits and pieces of the conversation he could have cared less. He would feel good from now on. He would do whatever was asked. He would suck kid's peters and older boy's cocks, take anything up his butt, anything and everything he would do. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was how good he felt.

Bobby looked over at Kevin and José, both of whom were also naked and sitting in the other stuffed chairs with the same pleasant look on their faces. He smiled at Kevin and Kevin smiled back. Then, Bobby got out of his chair, crawled across the floor on his hands and knees toward the chair in which Kevin sat, and once there, began to suck Kevin's peter again. This time, wanting the sexy little imp to cum in his mouth. In response, little Kevin moaned, wrapped his long legs around Bobby's neck, grabbed hold of his head with his hands, and then began to fuck Bobby's mouth.

As for Clay and Ed, well, they chuckled at the scene, then took another hit from the joint they were sharing.

It was their special secret that it would be a least a year, maybe even two, before the drug, imported from the jungles of Brazil, began it's deteriorating effects. After that, Bobby would slowly begin to look thirty years older than he really was.

Then, as the drug began to no longer have any effect, Bobby would go insane from the pain. In the meantime, however, Bobby would be good for a lot more videos right along with Kevin, José, and a couple of other hot studs and kids the two of them had gotten hooked on the drug.


Annual Physicals

Dr Jacob Watts' special secret is the way he examines young boys

2,750 words (5½ pages)
Dr Jacob Watts, Tommy (14y), Jared (16yo) and Billy (10yo)

Medical story
Mt Mb – cons mast oral – first

Dr. Jacob Watts loved his practice in the suburbs far from the hustle and bustle of the big city. As was typical in most suburban communities everyone knew just about everything about everyone. However, Dr. Jacob Watts had many special secrets that no one knew about and he doubted that anyone would ever find out about them. He certainly wasn't going to tell. This particular day, Jacob looked at his appointment schedule for the morning and smiled.

First on the list was a physical exam for fourteen-year-old Tommy Bradley. Tommy was an especially lovely kid. Smart, very well developed for his age, a star on the junior high swim team, Tommy's exam would be fun like it always was.

Next on the list was sixteen year old Jared Smith. Tall, good looking, hung like a moose, quarterback for the local high school football team, Jacob's cock twitched when he thought about Jared's physical.

Last for the morning, it seemed, would be ten year old Billy Davis. Cute as a button with his brown mop of hair, Billy was an up and coming star in the local youth soccer program. His exam would certainly be fun since it would be time to introduce Billy to some knew facets of the physical exam.

Jacob looked at the rest of the appointment list and sighed. The rest of the morning would be taken up with female patients. Well, one couldn't have everything all the time. Jacob shrugged his shoulders, then picked up his metal clipboard and headed for Examination Room A where he knew Tommy waited.


"Well, Tommy. How are we today?" Jacob said, as he opened the door to the room, entered, and then closed it behind him.

"Uh, fine, Doctor Watts," the blonde-haired blue-eyed kid sitting on the examination table in his plaid boxer shorts replied.

Jacob went through the usual routine of checking Tommy's ears and mouth, his eyes, listening to his heart, checking his reflexes, and the usual things, making small talk about the swim team and school as he did so.

"Well, everything seems to be fine so far," he said.

"Uh, guess it's time for the other stuff?" Tommy asked, looking at the doctor.

"Yep, you need to stand up and shuck off your shorts," the doctor replied.

Tommy jumped down off of the examination table and began the process of taking off his shorts. As he did so, Jacob sat down upon one of the stools then turned and got a pair of latex gloves from the box and began to put them on.

"Oh my! You are developing quite nicely," he said, after he had turned back around and was looking at Tommy naked.

"Uh, thanks!" Tommy replied, and blushed a little like he always did.

"Okay, you need to come a little closer," Jacob said from the stool upon which he was seated.

Tommy moved closer to the doctor. As he did so, Jacob couldn't help but admire how the kid's abs were already beginning to show definition and how there was now just the beginnings of a tiny trail of blonde fuzz from his navel down toward his small bush of blonde pubes.

"Oh gosh!" Tommy exclaimed, as the doctor began to fondle his flaccid, circumcised, penis.

"Tell me, Tommy. Have you masturbated lately? Jacob asked.

"Uh, three days ago. Oh! Mmmmm!" Tommy replied, as the doctor began to twirl his fingers over the head of his penis with one hand while he fondled the boy's date sized balls with the other.

"Well, that should be long enough ago so that we can get a good sperm sample," the doctor replied.

"Mmmm! Oh yeah!" Tommy said, his dick now almost completely inflated to its full five-inches [12½ cm].

"Just a moment," the doctor said, and turned to get the tube of jelly.

"Oh gosh!" Tommy exclaimed, at the sudden absence of gooey feelings.

Jacob turned back around, opened the cap of the tube of jelly, and then squirted a liberal amount on three fingers of his right hand.

"You gonna check my butt now?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, here's the beaker. You know what to do," Jacob said.

Tommy took the small beaker from the doctor, turned around so that he was butt first to him, then he bent over slightly exposing his hole.

"Okay, you can begin now," the doctor said.

Holding the small beaker in his left hand Tommy began to slowly wank his hard dick with his right.

"Oh! Ummmmm!" Tommy then exclaimed, as he felt two of the doctor's fingers begin to enter his rectum.

As he had done times before, Jacob inserted his fingers then began to slowly fuck Tommy's hole, probing deeper and deeper with his fingers.

"Oh gosh! Mmmmmm!" Tommy exclaimed.

Finally, Jacob could feel the walnut sized object he was looking for and began to fondle it with his fingers.

"Oh god! Oh man! Oh yes!" Tommy exclaimed.

"About there?" Jacob asked.

"Uh, yeah! Oh!" Tommy replied, increasing the pace of his wanking.

Jacob began to fuck his fingers in and out of Tommy's hole more rapidly, stopping every now and then to fondle his prostate.

"Oh Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Tommy cried out and began to shoot his cum load into the beaker.

Jacob could feel Tommy's anal spasms as he came so he made sure he fondled Tommy's prostate as much as he could in order to cause him empty his balls.

"That's all," Tommy soon said, his voice quivering.

Jacob removed his fingers from Tommy's butt and Tommy stood up straight again, turned around, and handed the doctor the beaker.

"My, that's a lot of sperm for someone your age," Jacob commented.

"Yeah, I shoot more than anyone I know," Tommy replied.

"Yes, I'm sure you do." Jacob replied, then chuckled. "You can go ahead and get dressed. You're in fine shape, Tommy," the doctor said handing him some tissue so he could clean his dick. Oh, and here's your Blow Pop," the doctor added, giving Tommy one of the Blow Pops from the box on the counter.

"Thanks!" Tommy replied, handing the doctor back the tissue after wiping his dick with it.

"Tell your mom I'd like to see you back again in six months. And by the way, next time no masturbating for five days before you come in." Jacob said.

"Five days!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Yes, I have a new examination I want to try," the doctor replied, as he headed for the door.

"Oh, okay," Tommy responded, picking his boxers up off of the floor.

"You be a good boy now," the doctor said, and opened the door, went through it, and closed it behind him.

As he headed for Examination Room B, where Jared awaited him, Jacob couldn't help but smile. Tommy was certainly going to love his next examination much like he knew Jared would like his.


Once he got to Examination Room B and opened the door and entered, it was a much more confident teen that awaited him, for sitting naked on the examination table, his legs spread wide with seven-flaccid inches [18 cm] of circumcised cock and egg-size balls resting on the table, was Jared. No shyness here, the black-haired teen was a stud and he knew it.

"Jared! Nice to see you," Jacob said as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey, doc! How's it going?" Jared asked.

"Fine, how about you? Any problems lately?" Jacob asked.

"Nah, everything's been cool," the teen replied.

Jacob made the usual inquiries and there was idle chitchat about football and other things as he checked Jared out.

"Well, everything seems okay up top. Time to check down below," Jacob said.

Jared smiled, then hopped down off the table as the doctor sat down upon the stool and reached for a pair of latex gloves from the box on the counter.

"You know this is the part I like best," Jared said, prompting the doctor to chuckle.

"Yes, I know you do," Jacob said as he turned back around, putting the gloves on his hands as he did so.

Jacob didn't have to tell Jared to come closer because by the time he had turned back around Jared had already moved so that his crotch was inches from the doctor's face. The kids ripped abs, the dark trail of hair that ran from his navel to the full bush of pubes that surrounded his thick slab of flaccid meat and low hung balls was a far cry from Tommy's development.

"Oh! I like that," Jared commented as the doctor began to fondle Jared's man-sized meat in his hand.

"How much you got now when it's hard?" Jacob asked.

"Uh, last time I measured right at ten inches [25 cm]," Jared replied.

"You masturbated lately?" Jacob asked.

"Not for five days before I come to see yah, just like always since I was fourteen," Jared replied.

"Good. I think we can do the sperm check now," Jacob replied, taking hold of the flaccid hunk of meat and smiling up at the hot teen stud.

"Oh yeah! Mmmmmmm!" Jared exclaimed as the doctor began to swirl his tongue over the head of his cock.

Immediately, Jared's cock began to inflate and in no time at all it was at its full ten inches [25 cm].

"You ready?" Jacob asked, momentarily pausing his attentions to the thick piece of meat.

"Oh yeah, doc! You do it better than any chick," Jared replied.

"Okay, hang on," Jacob replied.

Jacob began to bob his head up and down on the massive tube, swirling his tongue on the head as he did so, to the accompaniment of moans from Jared who soon grabbed his head with his hands and began to fuck his face.

"Oh yeah! Fuck yeah! It ain't gonna be long doc!" Jared exclaimed, minutes later as the gooey feelings intensified.

Not that he needed to let the doctor know. Already, Jacob was enjoying a feast of pre-cum that exuded from the hot teen's penis like drips from a leaky faucet and he could already feel the massive piece of meat become even harder as it fucked his mouth.

"Oh, doc! Here I go! Oh fuck yeah! Big load on the way!" Jared exclaimed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he then cried out, fucking his hips rapidly.

Instantly, Jacob's mouth was flooded with the first volley of Jared's always-copious load of hot teen spunk. Greedily, he swallowed the first blast, then the second. It was only after the fifth ejaculation that the quantity began to taper off. Finally, when there was nothing but a dribble or two, Jared groaned, stopped his fucking motions, and then removed his cock from the doctor's mouth.

"Oh man! Doc you do that sooo good!" Jared said.

"Glad you like it. Here's some tissue," Jacob replied.

Then teen took the tissue and began to wipe off the head of his dick.

"You are practicing safe sex I hope?" Jacob asked.

"Oh yeah! Condoms all the way, well, except from when I come here," Jared replied, and handed the used tissue back to the doctor.

"Well, that's a good idea. I don't think I'll need to see you again for about six months. However, you can drop by for a visit anytime you like," Jacob said.

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. I started to ask you last time. I really like the way you do my cock. You want me to keep saving it up for yah before I come by?" Jared asked.

"Sure! Oh by the way, here's your Blow Pop," Jacob said, and handed the hunky teen a Blow Pop from his pocket.


Jacob made some notations on Jared's chart while the teen started to dress himself, said goodbye to him, then exited the examination room and headed to Room C where little Billy awaited him.

"Well, Billy. How are we today?" Jacob said as he entered the room.

"Uh, fine," Billy answered from the examination table where he sat clad only in his Superman boxers.

"Well, just the same, let's take a look at you," Jacob said.

As with the others, Jacob made the customary checks.

"Well, everything seems okay, Billy. You can get down off the table now and pull down your underwear," Jacob said, sitting down upon the stool and reaching for a pair of latex gloves from the box on the counter.

Jacob turned back around little Billy was standing with his hands covering his genitals.

"Now, Billy. I've seen lots of boys. Come here, no need to be shy," Jacob said.

Billy moved closer, still covering his genitals with his hands.

"Okay, remove your hands so I can check to see if things are okay," Jacob said.

Slowly, Billy removed his hands, unveiling his uncircumcised dink and grape-sized balls.

"Well, you're developing nicely for a boy your age," Jacob said as he reached out and touched Billy's genitals.

"Oh gosh!" Billy exclaimed as Jacob began to inspect his private parts.

"Tell me, Billy. Are you masturbating yet?" Jacob asked.

"Master what?" Billy replied, as Jacob let go of his genitalia.

"Masturbating. Well, that's the proper term. However, the slang terms are wanking or jerking off. Some boys even call it jacking off," Jacob said.

"Oh gosh no! That's nasty!" Billy replied, prompting Jacob to laugh.

"Well, not really, Billy. In fact, it's quite normal. Have you ever done it?" Jacob asked.

"Oh no!" Billy replied.

"Well, just one more check then," Jacob said, and reached for the tube of jelly that was on the counter.

Billy looked at the doctor and wondered what kind of check he had to do next, as Jacob picked up the tube of jelly, opened the cap, and squirted some of the stuff on his fingers, then set the tube back upon the counter.

"Now just relax, Billy. This won't hurt," Jacob said, then retracted the foreskin of Billy's penis and began to apply the jelly to the small head and shaft.

"Oh gosh! Mmmmm!" Billy exclaimed.

"Am I hurting you?" Jacob asked.

"Oh no! It feels good," Billy replied.

In a matter of seconds, Billy's dink inflated itself to its rigid three inches [7½ cm] as Jacob gave special attention to the head with his fingers. Then, he began to slowly milk the small, turgid, member.

"Oh gee! Uh!" Billy exclaimed.

"You see, Billy, masturbation really feels quite good. You want me to stop now?" Jacob asked.

"Oh no! Please! It feels soooooo good," Billy replied.

"Well, in a moment it is going to feel even better. Now don't get scared when things start to feel funny," Jacob said as he continued to slowly milk the boy's dink.

"Oh, ummmmmm! It feels weird," Billy said after a few minutes.

"Just relax and let it happen Billy," Jacob replied.

Soon, Billy's breathing became rapid, his tiny nostrils began to flare, and his tummy began to heave.

"Oh geez! I think I'm gonna pee!" Billy panted.

"No you're not. Just let it happen Billy," Jacob replied.

"Oh! Uh! Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Billy cried out.

As Billy's knees buckled under him from his first ever orgasm, Jacob caught him with his free arm and propped him up as he finished the last strokes on the boy's dink.

"Oh gosh! Oh gosh! That was so good!" Billy said, looking at the doctor through glazed eyes.

"Now you know about masturbation. It's our little secret," Jacob said.

"Oh gee! I love it!" Billy said, still overcome by awe of his first orgasm.


Later, as he prepared for his next patient, Jacob checked the coded notations on the charts of the three patients he had just seen and they seemed to be in order.

Next time he came in, Tommy would get to experience giving a sperm sample down Jacob's throat for the first time. Jared would be ready to experience shoving his ten-inch [25 cm] fuck stick up the doctor's ass. And as for little Billy, well he would get to experience being masturbated and having his tiny prostate played with at the same time.

Doctor Jacob Watts put the files of the three boys in the stack to be filed, then picked up the chart for his next patient and headed for Examination Room A. As he did so, the thought how nice it was to have so many nice patients to play with, each one a special secret.


Motorcycle Commando

Fifteen year old Jason's finds out what is the special secret of the Happy Time Video Arcade

4,000 words (8 pages)
Jason (15yo), Billy (16yo)

Other story
t-machine – cons mast anal

Fifteen year old Jason Grayson, dressed in the usual baggy T shirt, baggy shorts, and trainers, set at the console of the Master Blaster game located near the entrance way to the Happy Time Video Arcade and punched the buttons rapidly.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, having just gotten wiped out three hundred points short of his highest score.

Jason reached into the pocket of his baggy shorts to pull out another token and noticed one if classmates, fifteen year old Billy Mason, enter the arcade.

"Hey Billy! Sup?" Jason asked.

"Oh, not much," the buzzed-cut red head replied.

"I just crapped out on this game. You wanna go one on one in some Commando Raid?" Jason asked.

"Uh, nah! I got something else I'm supposed to do. Thanks though," Billy said and walked toward the counter were the manager of the Arcade, a guy in his early twenties everyone just knew as Scott, was sorting out some stacks of tokens.

Jason shrugged his shoulders, brushed his long blonde locks out of his face, and then inserted another token in the machine and began to play. Out of the corner of his eye, Jason noticed Billy was engaged in some kind of intense conversation with Scott and he began to divide his attention between the game he was playing and watching the two. As he did so, he noticed Scott take a chain from around his neck, from which hung a key, and give it to Billy, who obviously said something in response. Then, Billy headed back toward the hall area where Jason knew the restrooms were located.

Again, Jason shrugged his shoulders and focused his attention back upon the game he was playing not really thinking much about Billy until almost and hour later when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Billy walking past him headed out of the Arcade. Billy seemed to be walking strange, almost as if he was unsteady on his feet.

"Hey Billy!" Jason hollered, causing the boy to stop and turn around and look at him. "You okay?" Jason asked.

"Uh, yeah! Billy replied, his eyes obviously blood shot and traces of tearstains on his cheeks.

"You don't look so good, man," Jason commented.

"No, I'm okay. I gotta go. I'll see you later," Billy replied, and turned and headed somewhat unsteadily out the door of the arcade rubbing his butt.

For a moment, Jason wondered what could have happened to cause Billy to seem so out of it. Then, deciding he needed to pee before he left the arcade, Jason hopped down off of the stool upon which he sat and headed back toward the restrooms.

It wasn't until he was heading down the small hall that Jason noticed there was a door at the end of the hall where there hadn't been one before a month ago when he last came to the arcade. Upon the door were the huge letters Private in bright red paint.

Again, Jason shrugged his shoulders and entered through the door of the men's restroom, walked over to the urinal, pulled down his shorts, and then aimed his circumcised, four-inch [10 cm], flaccid penis at the urinal and began to pee.

The whole next week Jason really didn't give the whole incident with Billy much thought, that is not until the next Saturday afternoon when Billy again showed up at the arcade again and obtained the key from Scott then disappeared again. This time, Jason played one of the pin ball machines and watched the time closely. Thirty minutes passed, then almost an hour.

Concerned about Billy, Jason abandoned the pinball machine and headed back toward where the restrooms were, thinking that maybe Billy was sick in the restroom or something. Then, just as Jason was about to push the door open to the restroom, he thought he heard faint noises coming from behind the door marked Private.

Quickly, Jason turned toward the door, went up to it and tried the knob. It was locked. Then, he put his ear up to the door and listened. Faintly, Jason heard what sounded like the sound of a motorcycle. For awhile, Jason listened and it sounded as though the motorcycle was alternately racing and slowing down then going full speed again. Suddenly, the motor stopped altogether.

"You have failed again," a barely audible male voice said.

"Oh no! No!" a much younger voice replied.

Even though the voice was barely audible Jason recognized that it was Billy's.

Then, there were more muffled sounds from Billy Jason couldn't make out. What happened next, though, sent chills down Jason's spine.

At first, there was the muted sound of Billy crying. Then, there was a faint scream and the crying immediately became hysterical bawling.

"Oh gosh! Oh gosh!" Jason exclaimed as he headed back down the hall.

Once he got back out into the game room, Jason plopped himself down upon one of the stools in front of one of the machines and sat there breathing heavily. The muted bawling coming from behind the door sounded as though Billy was being murdered and Jason could only imagine what horrible thing was happening to Billy.

For almost another half-hour Jason sat worrying about his friend. Then, Billy was at the counter again and handing the key back to the young man named Scott. That done, he turned to head out of the arcade.

Jason noticed that as before Billy was walking strangely as if in a daze. Again, there were tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot. Obviously, he had been crying awfully badly for his face to look like it did.

"Billy! Billy! Are you okay?" Jason asked, having walked toward Billy and then grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Uh yeah! I'll be okay, I gotta go!" Billy replied, and tried pull away.

"What the fuck is goin on back there in that room?" Jason asked.

"Uh nothin! Now let me go!" Billy replied.

"You better tell me, man! I'm gonna tell the police or somethin if you don't," Jason said.

"No! You can't do that! It's okay, really!" Billy said, a look of fear on his face.

"You better tell me!" Jason replied.

"I can't. It's a secret. I'm not the only one. It's a game, that's all," Billy replied.

"What kind of fucking game makes you holler and cry like that?" Jason asked.

"Look, ask Scott. I can't say nothin," Billy said, and tore away from Jason and hurriedly walked halfway bow-legged out the door or the arcade.


Jason hung around one of the machines a bit until Scott was unoccupied at the counter then walked over to the counter.

"I wanna play the game," Jason said, walking up to the tall, skinny, blonde.

"What game?" Scott said.

"The special game back there," Jason said, motioning toward the hall where the locked door was.

"You can't," Scott replied.

"Why not?" Jason asked.

"Because you just can't," Scott replied.

"Look, either I get to play the game or I'm gonna tell the cops something strange is going on here," Jason threatened.

"You wouldn't do that," Scott replied, panic in his voice.

"Try me!" Jason replied.

"Okay, look. I close at eight. Come back then," Scott said.

"Fine! I'll be here," Jason replied, then turned and left the arcade.

"Colonel, we've got another one," Scott said over the phone moments later.

"Do you think he fits the bill?" the Colonel asked.

"Yes sir. He's in here all the time and holds the record on quite a few games in here. He's as good as Richard, maybe even better," Scott replied.

"Fine, show him just enough to whet his appetite," the Colonel replied.

"Yes sir. I will. He's coming back later after I close," Scott said.

"Good, let me know how it comes out corporal," the Colonel said.

"Yes sir! I will. Goodbye sir!" Scott said.

"Goodbye corporal," the Colonel replied, and hung up the phone.

As he had said he would, Jason showed back up at the arcade around closing time and once Scott had shooed the customers out and closed and locked the door he asked Jason to follow him to the private room.

"Holy shit!" Jason exclaimed, when the locked door was opened and he saw the contraption sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Yes, it is something isn't it?" Scott replied.

"Yeah! It's something else!" Jason said starting at the huge contraption. "What is it?" he then asked.

"It's a simulator for a new type of combat motorcycle the military is developing. As you can see, from the wrap around plasma video display, it is virtual reality all the way," Scott said, motioning toward the display with his hand.

"Where are the wheels?" Jason asked.

"Well, since it's a simulator, those hydraulic tubes you see at the front and back move it in various positions much like an aircraft simulator. Really, it's almost impossible to tell once your are on the thing that it's not real. Even the sound seems real," Scott replied.

"Where's the seat?" Jason asked.

"Well, there isn't one. Come on and I'll show you," Scott replied, and closed the door to the room behind the two of them.

Jason walked over with Scott and stood by the futuristic looking contraption.

"How do you ride the damn thing?" Jason asked.

"Well, you see how most of length of the top of the cycle is molded like the shape of the top part of a human body. You can see where the chin rests into that part up there and how the top part of your body rests here. Your legs on each side of the bike go into the part of the form that flares downward and your feet are inserted into those stirrup like things on each side where they rest upon the clutch and shift levers." Scott replied.

"How come you don't fall off of the thing?" Jason asked.

"Well, once your hands are on the controls up front, and your feet are on the clutch and shit levers these things are activated and your hands and feet are locked into place onto the controls," Scott said pointing out the foam padded bands. "Then, from the openings, like this one here, padded bands come out and hold the legs and upper body in place," he added.

"So, even though your head down and butt up like on a regular fast bike you can't fall off?" Jason replied.

"Right," Scott replied.

"I wanna try it," Jason said.

"Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I ride my cousin's Honda all the time," Jason replied.

"Well, I can put it on demo mode I guess," Scott replied.

"What's these things?" Jason asked, pointing to the metal circles that dotted the bottom of the body mold-like seat.

"Those are sensors. They monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and do all kinds of things," Scott replied.

"And this?" Jason asked, pointing to an oblong slit located about where someone's groin would have rested.

"Well, that will become obvious if you really want to try it," Scott replied.

"I wanna do it!" Jason said.

"Okay, champ! Strip naked and climb on. I'll set the thing up," Scott replied.

"Strip naked?" Jason exclaimed.

"Well, duh! How do you think the sensors are gonna work unless they can contact your skin. You aren't a wus about being naked are you?" Scott said.

"Uh, no!" Jason replied.

"Then strip while I set the thing up," Scott replied, and began to walk over toward the computer console that controlled the machine.

Out of the corner of his eye, Scott glanced approvingly as Jason removed his clothes. The kid's flaccid peter was more than ample for the machine to have fun with in the demo mode and he knew that Jason was in for a motorcycle ride like none he never had experienced in his life. In fact, only a handful of guys, himself included, had experienced what Jason was about experience.

While Scott busied himself at the control console a naked Jason crawled up on to the futuristic motorcycle and lay down.

"It's sure not very comfortable. These metal things are cold and my dick and balls are mashed against the thing," he remarked.

"It'll get better in a sec. Put your hands on the controls on the handlebar and your feet in the stirrup compartments," Scott replied.

Jason did as he was told and a humming sound came from the contraption. Soon it felt as though the part of the form in which his upper body rested was adjusting itself. Which, of course, it was.

"Oh gosh!" Jason exclaimed, as the round metal sensors became pleasantly warm and adjusted themselves so that each of his nipples and his 'outtie' navel rested upon a sensor while others made contact with other parts of his upper body. "Hey! What's goin on?" he then exclaimed, as the oblong slit underneath his groin opened up and swallowed his dick and balls and then closed firmly around them.

"The cycle is adjusting itself to your body. Feel more comfortable now?" Scott asked from behind the control console.

"Uh, yeah. I guess," Jason replied.

"Okay, everything is set I think. All we need to do is put the helmet on you and we should be ready to go," Scott said, as he walked toward the cycle holding a helmet in his hands from which a cable made up of a bundle of wires trailed.

"What's that for?" Jason asked as Scott walked toward him.

"It's got sensors in it to monitor your brain waves and stuff," Scott replied.

"It ain't gonna hurt me or nothin is it?" Jason asked.

"No, it doesn't do anything that's painful at all," Scott replied.

Jason remained still while Scott placed the helmet on his head and tightened the strap. Then, he watched as Scott walked back toward the console and made a few adjustments.

"Okay, I set the demo for thirty minutes. I'll come back and check on you in awhile. Push the red starter button next to the brake grip on the left handlebar when you're ready to start," Scott said, and headed for the door.

Jason pushed the red starter button and immediately the room was filled with the realistic sounds of and idling motor cycle while underneath him the machine vibrated like a real motorcycle would have. Then, the plasma surround screen came to life and it was as if the cycle was sitting on a paved road in a desert-like environment.

"Good evening, Motorcycle Commando," a deep male voice said. "The first part of this demonstration is to help you familiarize yourself with the controls. At this time, please grip the throttle which is the twist grip on the end of the right handle bar," the voice added.

"Duh!" Jason said, and twisted the grip back and forth causing the engine of the cycle to rev up and down.

Scott opened the door of the room and turned a looked back at Jason. Then, he smiled and left Jason alone in the room, closing the door behind him as he went.

Jason listened to the voice and followed the instructions as he familiarized himself with the controls, the only major difference from what he was used to riding being that the brakes were operated by a twist grip on the end of the left handle bar and his feet rested on pedals inside the elongated stirrup-like enclosures.

"Now that you are familiar with the controls, you will be given a series of three test runs. At the end of each there will be a pause. You may begin when you are ready," the voice said.

Jason made sure the brake was released and opened the throttle a little and the cycle began to move down the make-believe desert highway. Soon, as he went through the gears and picked up speed it was if he was actually riding the thing for real. Small tubes along the sides of the contraption began to blow air over his naked body so that it actually felt like air was rushing over him faster and faster as the cycle gained speed. In fact, Jason could even feel the air flowing over his open butt crack.

Up hills, and around curves, the simulator imitated all the proper motions and the ride began to seem more and more real as time went on. Then, the display reset itself back to the opening scene, the cycle engine stopped, and Jason lay upon the machine wondering why the simulation had suddenly come to a halt.

"That was very good. We will now take a short pause for your reward," the male voice said.

Immediately, the metal discs that lined the mold in which Jason lay face down began to emit impulses where they made contact with his body. Instantly Jason's nipples were stimulated, as was his navel. As for the rest of his body, it felt like fingers were gently caressing its length clear down to his feet.

"Oh my god!" Jason exclaimed, having never felt such sensations in his life.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jason then cried out, for the low powered laser beams inside the helmet had begun to stimulate the pleasure centers in his brain.

Instantly, his dick grew rock hard and he began to pant, for it was like he was on the verge of orgasm and hanging there just about to blow. Then, inside the cycle simulator, where Jason's hard dick and balls were, a gel-like sleeve enveloped his dick and began to move up and down and suction it.

"Ohhhhhh! Fuck!" Jason hollered at the top of his lungs.

Then, the whole thing was over as quickly as it had started and Jason lay there panting.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Jason murmured, still trying to catch his breath from the most intense sexual sensations he had ever had in his life.

"The next simulation will be an obstacle course," the voice said. "I am assuming you would like to continue. If so, please start the cycle," the voice added.

"Oh shit yes!" Jason exclaimed, and quickly pressed the starter button.

For five minutes, Jason rode the simulator through the virtual obstacle course, knocking down only a few of the cones as he did so, and again the simulator reset it self. Once again Jason's cries of pleasure filled the room as his body was stimulated from his head to his feet while he hung just at the apex of orgasm.

"The third and final demonstration will be off-road. You will have five minutes to run the dirt course in order to receive your final reward," the male voice said.

Still panting and trying to regain his breath, Jason started the cycle simulator and began to race over the dirt course.

"That's very good. Three minutes and thirty seconds," the male voice said. "You have earned your final reward."

As before, Jason emitted cries of pleasure as his body was stimulated. Then, something strange happened.

"Ouch! Uh!" Jason hollered, for it felt like something the size of a finger had inserted itself into his rectum.

Of course, in the face down position he was in there was no way Jason could turn his head and see that a compartment had opened just behind his butt and indeed a finger-like rubber probe had been inserted into his rectum.

"Oh my God!" Jason cried out, as the thing began to vibrate and stimulate his prostate.

Jason thought he would die! Not only did it feel as though he was hanging just at the edge of orgasm, but the sucking action on his cock had increased as had all the stimulation to other parts of his body.

Soon, deep down inside Jason, there began a low guttural moan that began to rise higher and higher in volume as he felt the cum began to boil upward from his balls.

"Oh-oh-Oh-Oh--Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jason screamed at the top of his lungs, going over the top and having the most intense orgasm he had ever had in his life. In fact, cum spewed from the slit of his penis so violently that it almost hurt.

"Well, I see you did well," Scott commented to a still panting Jason as he re-entered the room.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Jason murmured over and over again.

Scott went over to the console and pushed some buttons and the bands holding Jason's body as well as his feet and hands were retracted, as was the small probe that was in his butt.

"When you feel strong enough you can get up. That's the end of the demo," Scott said.


Later, after a very much weaker Jason had dressed and left, Scott prepared the simulator for Richard, the hunky sixteen-year-old that was to arrive soon. Soon, there was a knock at the closed door and Scott went to open it.

"Hey, Richard! You're early," Scott said.

"I know. This time is where I start getting penalized isn't it?" Richard asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, Richard. If you screw up the penalty is severe," Scott replied.

"I still wanna try," Richard replied.

"Look, you don't have to. Like I said, the penalty for failure is severe," Scott said.

"Like what?" Richard asked, starting to take off his shirt and jeans in order to get naked and mount the cycle.

"Sexually, what would be the thing you would fear most in the world, Richard? In fact, I don't know any boy that wouldn't fear it the most," Scott said.

"Oh my God! You're fucking shittin me! You mean if I screw up that thing is gonna fuck me in the butt!" Richard exclaimed.

" Yep," Scott replied.

"No way, man! I'm outta here!" Richard said, and picked up his discarded shirt off of the floor and headed for the door.

"Suit yourself, Richard. If you make it to the top level and get accepted you're gonna be a very wealthy young man down the road," Scott said.

Richard stopped in his tracks and turned around and faced Scott.

"It ain't the money man. It's the game," Richard replied.

"And how good it feels when you do well and get rewarded, huh?" Scott replied and smiled.

"Yeah," Richard said, and hung his head.

"So, you gonna ride or not?" Scott asked.

"My butt! It's gotta be my fucking butt!" Richard exclaimed.

"Well, what are you gonna be concentrating on while your riding the thing?" Scott replied.

"Not getting my butt fucked! That's for damn sure!" Richard shot back, prompting Scott to laugh.

"That's the idea bro. Now what you gonna do?" Scott asked.

"Scott, I'm good at this shit. You know it. I'm gonna take a shot. I think I can beat the son of a bitch," Richard said, and walked back and threw his shirt upon the floor and started unsnapping his jeans.

Indeed, Richard was good, maybe even the best among the twelve boys that now knew the special secret about the cycle simulator. However, the level that he was now attempting was difficult. It was intended to be that way for a reason. He made it almost all the way through the simulation before he got blown up.

"Oh fuck no!" Richard hollered, as a whirring sound started behind him.

"You have failed the test, Motorcycle Commando," the male voice said.

"Oh God! Oh shit!" Richard hollered to an empty room and struggled futilely in his restraints.

Then, as the ten-inch [25 cm] long, thick, rubberized, probe jammed itself into the entrance of his rectum his mouth opened into a huge "O" and he quickly began to howl at the ceiling as the thing began to fuck his guts out.


Two weeks later, confident that he could handle anything the simulator could throw at him, Jason had his first experience at failure, and he howled and bawled like Billy and all the rest, as he got his butt fucked. Yet, like all the others, it was the challenge and the wonderful reward that followed success that made Jason crawl back up onto the simulator and try again.

In fact, Billy had tried the top level so many times and failed that he had started to have anal orgasms and shoot off as the probe fucked him and Scott had come to suspect Billy had begun to enjoy it since Billy didn't cry anymore but just yelped the whole time.

The 'Dirty Dozen,' they were called, and they were a total mystery in Iraq where they were sent. To this day, stories abound in that country about naked boys on speeding futuristic motorcycles killing insurgents and clearing a pathway for American troops as needed.

They were good, very good, and of course, their existence was denied. For every tear-stained cheek that had emerged from the simulation room upon failure there were countless foes killed. Yes, they had gotten their butts fucked by the simulator when they failed, but by the time they all got into the real action none of them failed at all and they became very wealthy teenagers.


Timmy's Penis

Eleven year old Timmy's special secret is his penis

2,500 words (5 pages)
Timmy (11yo) and Dr. David Gibbons

Medical story
Mb – cons mast – first

Just two months shy of twelve, eleven year old Timmy Jones, all four feet eight inches [1.42 m] of him, sat nervously on the examination table, clad only in his plaid boxer shorts. He glanced around the room as he waited for Dr. Gibbons. It was time for his annual soccer physical and he hoped it wouldn't take long.

Dr. David Gibbons stopped outside the door of Examination Room B and pulled the medical chart folder out of the tray, opened it, and smiled as he saw who the patient was, for David had been Timmy's pediatrician since he was three.

"Well, Timmy! How are things going?" Dr. Gibbons asked as he entered the examination room.

"Uh, okay I guess," Timmy replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Time for the annual soccer physical I guess," Dr. Gibbons commented as he lay the folder down on the counter.

"Yeah, we gotta have one if we're gonna play," Timmy replied, as the doctor looked at his medical chart.

Dr. Gibbons took note that Timmy's blood pressure, height, and weight, which the nurse had already checked, were exactly the same as last year.

"Well, let's take a look at you then," Dr. Gibbons replied, and began to position the Stethoscope that hung around his neck so he could check Timmy's heart and lungs.

Dr. Gibbons checked Timmy's heart, lungs, and then his ears, abdomen, and all the other things that are normally checked during a routine physical. All were in very good order for someone Timmy's age.

"Well, Timmy, everything looks okay. You're in good shape. You're tummy is beginning to get some muscle definition, too, I see. Soccer seems to agree with you. Okay, now hop down off the table and let me check things out. You don't have to pull off your shorts, just pull um down," Dr. Gibbons said.

"Oh gosh, Dr. Gibbons! We gotta do that?" Timmy exclaimed.

"I'm afraid so, Timmy. It's part of the exam."

"Oh gosh! We really gotta?" Timmy replied.


"Ohhhhhhh!" Timmy whined, as he got off of the examination table, stood, and shucked his boxers down.

"Damn!" the doctor exclaimed softly, not able to contain himself at what he saw.

A year ago, Timmy had had the typical small dink and balls that any normal ten-year-old might have. Now, Dr. Gibbons was staring at a flaccid, uncircumcised, penis, which had to be at least close to four inches [10 cm] in length, above a set of low-hanging balls that were the size of large walnuts. Additionally, there was a small tuft of blonde hair that was the beginning of a pubic bush.

"Is something wrong?" Timmy asked.

"Uh, no, Timmy! I was a little concerned that you hadn't grown in height or weight over the last year. However, I can see you have grown in other ways," the doctor replied.

"Yeah, I know!" Timmy replied, in a not too happy tone.

"Well, for someone your age it's a remarkable penis. You probably should go ahead and take off your shorts. I need to check things out more thoroughly than I had planned to do," the doctor said, as he reached for the box of latex gloves on the counter.

"Oh gee!" Timmy groaned in response, and pulled his boxers the rest of the way down and stepped out of them.

"Tell, me Timmy. Have you had any unusual problems with your penis lately?" the doctor asked, as he placed the stool in front of Timmy and sat down upon it.

"Uh gee, I don't know! Well, yeah kinda I guess. I wear boxers now cause briefs are too tight. My balls kinda hurt when I wear briefs. In fact, my balls hurt sometimes even when I'm naked," Timmy replied.

"I see! Well, put your hands behind your head and stand still for me. This may only take a moment," the doctor said as he reached for Timmy's impressive equipment with his gloved hands.

"Oh gosh! Unh!" Timmy exclaimed, as the doctor fondled his penis and balls inspecting them, then retracted the foreskin to inspect the head.

"Mmmmm! I see you've have been making sure to keep your penis clean like I told you a long time ago. I'm a bit surprised, though, that your foreskin is so tight," the doctor said moving the foreskin back and forth over the head of Timmy's penis.

"Oh gosh! Oh gee!" Timmy exclaimed as the doctor worked the foreskin slowly back and forth over the sensitive head of his penis.

"Tell me, Timmy. How often do you masturbate?" the doctor asked as he began to inspect Timmy's balls more closely.

"Uh, master what?" Timmy replied.

"You know, beat off, wank, jerk off," the doctor responded.

"Oh gosh! Oh no! I don't do that! I don't touch myself down there except to pee and clean it in the shower. Mom says it's evil and I'll die and go to hell if I touch myself too much down there," Timmy replied.

"Surely you've heard other boys talk about it," the doctor said.

"Uh, yeah! I don't do that though. I don't want to die and go to hell," Timmy replied.

"Tell me if this hurts," the doctor said, and began to lightly squeeze Timmy's balls.

"Oh! Unh! Yeah! It kinda does," Timmy replied.

"Mmmm? That's what I was afraid of," the doctor commented.

"Is something wrong?" Timmy asked.

"Well, yes and no. Now, I want you to turn around for me and lean over the examination table and spread your legs. I need to check inside your butt," the doctor said, and reached for the tube of KY that was on the counter.

"My butt!" Timmy exclaimed.

"Yes, it's a normal procedure when someone reaches your level of sexual development. Especially so soon," the doctor said.

"Ohhhhhh!" Timmy whined, as he leaned over on the table and spread his legs.

"Now this won't hurt! I'm just gonna check things out," the doctor said, his finger now coated with lube.

"Oh! Ahhhhhh! Arrrrrrrgggggghhh!" Timmy hollered, and almost crawled up on the table as the doctor's finger slipped into his butt and contacted his prostate and began to inspect it.

"There! That's done! You can turn back around now," the doctor said, removing the glove and discarding it in the trash can and then reaching for another. "Timmy, do you know what sperm is?" he then asked.

"Uh, no!" Timmy replied.

"You've never heard the other boys talk about sperm, or cum, or spunk?" the doctor asked.

"Uh, I've heard guys say the word cum before but I don't know what that means," Timmy replied.

Dr. Gibbons shook his head, got up from the stool, and then picked up the handset on the phone on the counter.

"Janice! Reassure the other patients for me. I'm going to be a little longer with Timmy," the doctor said, and hung up the phone.

"Oh gosh! Is something wrong?" Timmy asked.

"Well, like I said. Yes and no," the doctor replied as he sat back down upon the stool and noted that there was a small drop of pre-cum on Timmy's piss slit as a result of the prostate exam. "Now, I want you to come here and stand between my legs and face the wall."

Timmy did as the doctor instructed and stood between the doctor's legs with his back to him.

"Move a little closer! That's fine! Now, I want you to put your hands behind your head again and just relax," the doctor said, and squirted a liberal amount of KY on the fingers of his newly gloved right hand.

"What yah gonna do?" Timmy asked, not able to see what the doctor was doing behind him.

"Well, let me say this, Timmy. It's unhealthy in several ways for a boy your age not to masturbate. First of all, you need to loosen up your foreskin so that it is fully retracted when you have an erection. Secondly, your balls will continue to ache more and more as you get older if you don't masturbate."

"Why will they ache?" Timmy asked.

"Your balls produce sperm, Timmy. It's what makes babies. In fact, you could probably get half the women in town pregnant right now I suspect. Now, just relax and enjoy what I'm gonna do," the doctor said, and reached his hand around and took hold of Timmy's penis.

"Oh gosh! Ahhhhhh!" Timmy exclaimed, as the doctor retracted his foreskin and began to lube up his penis.

Needless to say, in no time Timmy's dick was rock hard and at it's thick, full, six inches [15 cm].

"I want you to notice, Timmy, how sensitive the area of your penis is right here," the doctor said, and began to twirl the head of Timmy's penis with is fingers like a tuning knob on a radio.

In response, Timmy gasped loudly, and then began to moan.

"Boys and men who are uncircumcised usually have highly sensitive heads on their penis. Now, I want you to watch as I show you how to masturbate," the doctor said.

Hands still behind his head, Timmy looked down and watched as the doctor began to masturbate his man-sized penis and groaned loudly as gooey shock waves started coursing through his body.

"See how I slide the foreskin back and forth with my hand. Sometimes, its even better if you make sure the foreskin is retracted all the way and just do this," the doctor said, masturbating the top part of Timmy's penis with his lubed hand, having retracted the foreskin all the way with the other.

"Arrrrrrrggghhhhhh!" Timmy exclaimed, the shock waves and tingles becoming even more powerful.

"You don't have to do this very rapidly at all, Timmy. Just nice and slow like this," the doctor said, setting up a slow steady rhythm with his hand.

"Ohhhh! Unh!!!! Oh gosh!" Timmy exclaimed, never having felt anything so good in his life.

"Just nice and slow like I'm doing right now. You don't have to rush it. Just nice and slow," the doctor said, as his hand slid back and forth over Timmy's impressive meat. "How does it feel, Timmy?" the doctor asked.

"Oh gosh! Mmmmmmm! Oooooooo!" It feels sooooooo good!"

"Yes it does! Are the tingles getting stronger?" the doctor asked.

"Uh, yeah! They go away some and come back. Like now! Ooooooooooooooo!"

"They, will get stronger and stronger, Timmy! I don't suspect it will be long," the doctor said, noting that pre-cum was beginning to ooze profusely from Timmy's piss slit and that his breathing was becoming heavier.

"Oooooooooooo! Ohhhhhhh!" Timmy exclaimed, the last shock wave of pleasure going clear down to his toes.

For a few more moments the doctor continued his stroking of Timmy's gleaming tube to a litany of moans and groans and coos from Timmy. Then, Timmy began to pant and the doctor noticed his buttocks began to clinch and unclench and that his balls had drawn up so tight that they looked as if they were trying crawl back into his body.

"It's gonna happen soon, Timmy. You're gonna cum. It's probably gonna feel like you have to pee but you're not. Then, it's going to feel wonderful and sperm will shoot out of your penis. Don't be alarmed when it does," the doctor said, noticing that pre-cum was leaking from the head of Timmy's penis profusely.

"Okay! Mmmmmmmm!!!" Timmy exclaimed, his voice quivering.

The doctor concentrated his stroking more on the head of Timmy's penis for a few moments and the response was immediate.

"Oh! Ahhhhhhh! I gotta pee" Timmy exclaimed, the gooey feelings growing stronger and stronger and not going away and coming back anymore.

"Your not gonna pee you're gonna cum!" the doctor said, and began to stroke Timmy's penis faster, concentrating the strokes on the sensitive head.

Instantly, there was a guttural noise from Timmy and his whole body began to tremble. Then, he gasped and reared his head back and his knees started to buckle, prompting the doctor to quickly grab hold of him with his left arm in order to hold him up.

"Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Timmy then squealed, and a huge rope of cum exploded from the slit of his penis and splattered on the wall three feet [90 cm] away.

Two more of equal intensity and distance followed Timmy's initial blast, as months of pent-up sperm sought to get out and impregnate something. Then, his whole body began to convulse with each stroke of the doctor's hand as smaller spurts erupted from his piss slit and fell upon floor.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Timmy panted, as he finished his cum, prompting the doctor to chuckle as he removed his hand from Timmy's dick.

"Here, Tiger! Clean yourself up with these," the doctor said, handing Timmy a box of tissues.

"I guess I kinda made a mess," Timmy said as he looked at all the cum on the wall and floor.

"Don't you worry about it. I'll clean it up. Now, I'm gonna give you a tube of stuff to take with you. I want you to promise me you'll masturbate at least once a day for a week and come back and see me. If you feel like doing it more go ahead. But, I want that foreskin of yours nice and loose and those balls of yours empty enough so they don't hurt. Okay?" the doctor said.

"Oh yes! Gosh yes! I promise I will!" Timmy replied, again prompting the doctor to chuckle.

One week later, Timmy reported back as instructed and the doctor was satisfied that his foreskin was already almost fully retracting itself when Timmy's dick was hard. Then again, it should have been looser. Timmy had wanked at least thirty times that week and had begun to experiment with all kinds of ways to make his dick feel good and cum.

Naturally, it shouldn't be any surprise that not long after learning about the joys of masturbation Timmy discovered that he could get his mouth on his hard dick. He had already tasted his own cum out of curiosity and found that he liked the taste. So, the result was obvious. Now, Timmy often headed off to school with a load of his own sperm in his tummy, having sucked himself off before taking his morning shower.

Of course, that was Timmy's special secret that he wasn't going to tell anybody,

The End