Chapter 1 I run away
Okay, I admit it. It was probably the wrong thing to do at the time; running away, that is. I was ten years old at the time that I ran away from my parents. When I tell people about it, they are shocked that I ran away from home.
"A person needs a home first to run away from," I always state.
I never had a real home with my parents. My father was in the military and as strict as he could be. Rules, regulations, haircuts, all had to be strictly followed or get in trouble. And trouble usually meant a spanking. His philosophy was that boys are to have short hair, and that was that. My mother, being the weakling that she was, always did as Father said. The larger problem than that was that she would use me and my brother as stepping stones to elevate her self esteem.
First, a little about myself at the time. I was blond haired (now light brown that I hate), blue eyed (they haven't changed) and kind of gangly. I had (and still do) a very high metabolism that burns off energy without me even trying. So, as a child, and adult, I was very skinny. I've gained only a few pounds as an adult, but still very slim. As far as other features, well, let's just say that I was still using my dick to pee with, and that was it.
Well, anyways, back to the story. The straw that broke the camel's back was another argument about the fact that I wanted longer hair and my father didn't want it. So, I sat still again as my mother butchered my hair with a pair of scissors. I looked in the mirror and hated the cut.
"Well, if you would just sit still for the haircut, Andrew, it would look better," my mother told me.
"If it didn't have to be cut, Mom, then it would look better," I answered back. That was all it took for another spanking from my father as well as a week's grounding.
We had just moved to a new city and I was starting a new school, and I certainly didn't want to go to the new school looking like some sort of reject of 'Revenge of the nerds' because I was too nerdy looking. But that was the case anyway, thanks to the brand new haircut I was supposed to be proud of. Not to mention the red butt and grounding I just got.
During my week of grounding from the TV and any hope of friends, I plotted my escape from this hellhole. I'm not saying I was ever abused by my parents, at least not physically, but life could have been a whole lot better than they were making it. Looking back, I think that they did abuse me and my younger brother, Michael, but only verbally. We were never really encouraged to do anything, unless we did it right the first time.
By that Friday, I had a plan in mind. My parents always shut their door during sex (like that would help dampen the sound of my mother's larger ass being spanked or whipped), so I thought that I was able to make my escape during that time. I knew where my father kept his wallet and I had a little money stored up as well.
I waited all weekend to make my further plans of escape. I looked on a map to see the best place to go as it was approaching winter and I didn't want to head north. I also packed up a bag and held it in waiting. Inside the bag were a change of clothes, my father's small hunting knife, a spare toothbrush and paste tube, and lastly, the map of the country. I was looking for California, and hopefully southern California.
I continued to wait for the opportune moment to run. During the week, I wrote my runaway note. I'll spare the minor details and tell you that it basically said, "Fuck off". I waited all week until that Friday night. I went to bed with my pants on and my mother closed my door and headed back to her bedroom. When the door was closed, I grabbed my shirt and put it on, and slid out of bed to slip on my sneakers over my socks. I moved my pillow and a few stuffed animals in place to make it look like me in the bed.
Their door closed, and I quietly opened mine. My backpack was behind my door and I grabbed it also. I took the note I had written from my pack and placed it on the table I used as a desk. Returning to the door, I heard the familiar swat of my father's belt across my mother's backside and flinched a little. I took a deep breath and headed to the spot my father always keeps his wallet. When I opened it, it had about $80 in it, and add that to my $20 and I thought I had a gold mine. I slipped the money in my shoe and headed to the front door. I also saw my father's watch and grabbed it, thinking that I might be able to pawn it somewhere if times got tough.
The belt was still swinging in the back bedroom and my mother was still trying to take it. By the sounds of it, she wasn't taking it very well. I smiled at the fact that at least she was getting what she deserved. I cracked the front door open and waited with bated breath to see if they heard it. A crack of the belt told me I was safe from them. In an instant I slipped through the small fissure and out into the night air.
I gently closed the front door. I knew I only had a limited amount of time before I was discovered missing; about eight hours. So, I had to put as much distance between me and their house as possible before the dawn broke. I made my way through the suburb that we lived in to the main drag. Keeping to the shoulder as much as I could, I made my way down the street to a highway off the road. I stole a look at my watch and it read, ten thirty-five. I had about seven to eight hours left before my mother woke me up.
Chapter 2 First Blow-job
A truck stop at the corner of the main street and the highway was just what I was looking for. I waited to see if a truck was coming off the road and headed in the direction I needed. I got lucky, actually. Well, lucky as far as waiting only about fifteen minutes. A truck exited the highway and stopped at the fuel pumps. I over heard the conversation from him to the station guy and he was saying he was going to Phoenix. At least that was most of the way there.
As he was filling up his truck, I quietly climbed into his cab and slipped into the back of it where he sleeps. I bundled up my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them to keep them from being noticed. It seemed like forever before he finished with his refueling. Finally, he climbed back inside, started the diesel and jammed the gears into forward, leaving the station behind. The truck shook as it took off, but we were on our way out of site soon enough.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the truck took the highway westward. I was not sure where my life was headed, but it had to be better than the one I was leaving. I contemplated what my mother's reaction was going to be in the morning when she finds that I wasn't there. It was mental gymnastics and it kept me from being too bored from nothing to do on the ride.
The darkness and motion of the cab, not to mention it was way past my normal bedtime, caused extreme drowsiness, and I fell asleep. I woke as the truck made a downshift and was beginning to slow. I pulled my legs back into my chest as they had relaxed during the ride. The truck stopped and the driver put the parking brakes on. To my horror, he opened the divider curtain and got the shock of his life.
He had black and grey balding hair with a round face. It complimented his round belly achieved from too many truck stop meals. He was wearing a normal flannel shirt and jeans which he had unbuckled to get ready for some sleep.
"What the fuck?" was pretty much his rhetorical comment.
"Please sir, all I need is a ride west," I pleaded with him.
"You runnin' away?" And I figured that since I was in his cab that honesty was the best policy in this case and nodded to his question. Besides, anyone with half a brain could figure out a ten-year-old on his own in the back of a truck wasn't there to collect for the newspaper. "And you want a ride west, huh?" Again, another nod. "Well, what do I get in return for this favor?"
"I dunno," I shrugged at him.
"I gotta have somethin', kid," he stated with a slight grin.
"What do you want?" I wasn't sure where this line of questions was going.
"A blowjob," he said with a sadistic grin.
"A what?"
"A blowjob. Suck my dick, kid. I've been on the road too long without some relief, and I want it."
"No way," I said with little conviction.
"Fine, I'll return you to the city, then," he said and turned back around to the wheel, removing his keys from his pocket as he turned.
I quickly computed what he told me and what he was doing. I moved forward and pulled the curtain aside.
"Wait," I said, quietly. He turned around to look at me. I nodded, looking down at the seat.
"Glad to see you came to your senses," he answered with a big shit-eating grin.
He climbed back into the sleeping compartment with me and lowered his jeans. He reached down and pulled his shoes off and his jeans followed them. He hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of his briefs and lowered them as well. That was the first look I ever got of an adult's cock. Under his fat, hairy belly was this little piece of meat hanging down between his legs, silhouetted by short pubic hair. His fuzzy nuts were dangling downward also, propping up his little man. I remember wondering if all cocks were that size. If so, it was nothing to look forward to. I guess I was staring too long and not doing anything.
"Well, go ahead. It won't bite." He prompted me.
I had forgotten my end of the bargain. I reached over and took his thing in my hand. It looked and felt like mine, only slightly fatter. The difference came when I moved my hand around it and it began to get bigger and fatter. He moved his hand down and wrapped it around mine. He guided my hand along his wakening member, continuing to make it grow. My smooth hand was guided along its length several times until it stopped growing. It must have been about six inches [15 cm] long at its total length. To an adult, it was probably normal, but to my ten year old hand, it was pretty large.
"Use your mouth, kid," he said with his eyes closed. To say I was reluctant would have been an understatement. He opened his eyes to look at me, demandingly. I lowered my head to his filthy crotch and licked the head of his dick. It didn't taste too bad, but the smell of his groin was a little nauseating. The guy could stand a shower.
He moved his hand to the back of my head and forced my head down onto his cock. I had no other choice but to open my mouth and take it inside. The stiff prick found its way to my gag reflex and I backed off. He pushed down again, not caring that I was gagging. When the filthy thing hit the back of my throat again, he thrust upward with his hips and shoved it down my throat. With his hand behind me and his hips in front of me, I again, had no choice in the matter.
"Ooo, yeah, kid. Now, close your lips, but not your teeth," I heard him say. I did as he instructed, and it must have felt very good for him as he cooed again. Meanwhile, I was finding the whole process disgusting. My head kept fighting with his hand as I kept backing off for more air.
Keeping my head in place, he began to pump his hips and fuck my mouth as best as his fat body could. Without fucking for as long as he said he had, it didn't take him long before his body tensed, his cock twitched and hot semen shot down my throat. I wasn't prepared for it, and choked on the liquid. He released my head too soon, and I pulled off him. Some of his semen shot in the air, landing on his sheets between his legs.
I had to get out of there, quickly. I scrambled to the side door and flew to the ground. My guts wretched and my stomach rejected everything that was inside it on to the dirt. I stood there with my hands on my knees, and thought about what I had just done. More vomiting followed with that thought. I wiped my mouth off when I thought I was finished and stood back up fully.
The driver opened the door was sitting down on the seat when I turned back around to the truck. The colossal prick didn't even bother putting his underpants back on. I guess he figured there was no one around, so why bother? And he was right. There was no one at the rest stop we were at.
"Want some soda?" he offered. I nodded and took the bottle with a sour look on my face. I was finding him disgusting just to look at. I swigged the soda around my mouth to get the vomit taste out and spit it on the ground.
"You did good your first time, kid," he said, and I guessed that it was some sort of praise, so I thanked him, but not without a little sarcasm mixed in. "Now, now, don't look at me like that. If you're gonna make it on your own, the only thing you can sell for money, is yourself. So, you'd better get used to the taste of jizm, kid.
"Say, kid, what's your name, anyway?"
3; Anthony. Tony for short," I lied, and I think he knew it, but didn't press his advantage.
"Well, Tony-for-short, I think we'd better get some sleep. I've got a long haul to make and have to be there by closing time tomorrow."
I nodded, and without having any other option, I climbed back into the truck. He maneuvered his fat butt back into the back of the cab and I followed him. I pulled off my shoes and lay down beside him. I curled up into a ball and faced away from him, towards the curtain. He rolled over onto his side and laid his arm across my body. I was revolted that he was touching me again, but made no move to stop him. I think he took that as an invitation for more.
I felt his hand move down the length of my body and wiggle into my jeans. I moved my leg up to block him as well as I could, but he moved it away with his fingers. I guessed that I was going to have to do something else for him, so I just let him do what he wanted to me.
His fat hand found its way over my briefs and across my groin. Each finger began molesting my young package through the thin layer of my underpants. Without any thought from me, my dick began to stiffen. I tried not to make it that way, as he would probably see this as another invitation, but it had a mind of its own.
With some prodding from his hand, he wanted me to roll onto my back, so I did. That made it easier to do what he wanted. He pulled his hand out of my pants, unzipped and unbuttoned them, and pulled them apart to reveal my briefs to him. He went back to massaging my cock through my underpants, but I figured that he wasn't going to stop there. I was right.
He moved his hand to the jeans again and pulled them down my body, even though I didn't raise my butt up to help him. Now my entire middle was bare, save my shorts. That didn't stop him from continuing his manipulations of my groin. He reached back up and with his forefinger and thumb, he pulled the waistband of my undershorts down past my hairless balls. He ran his finger around the waistband, pulling them downward and over the hump of my butt to give him more access to my small jewels.
I held my eyes closed the entire time, hoping that it would deter him as well, but that didn't help either. He was going to molest me no matter what I did or didn't do. I felt his rough hand envelope my little stiffy and begin to stroke it, as I had done him. As he stroked, tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of what he was doing to me. No one had done this to me, and I certainly didn't want a strange, fat man to be the first one to do it. The tears broke free from their moorings and ran down the sides of my face, pooling up in my ears. I just ignored them.
The driver continued with what he was doing to me, totally oblivious to my reactions. The coarse skin on his hand made it worse, if it could get worse. As his hand continued to stroke, though, a feeling in the pit of my stomach began to arise. Even though it was unnatural to me, the feeling felt actually pretty good. Before long, my mind exploded in a sensation of emotion I had never felt before.
3;what was that?" I asked him as I calmed back down.
"That was a climax, or orgasm, Tony. And that's the reason sex is so fun."
I wiped my face of the tears and pulled my pants and underpants back up to cover my groin. Even though it felt good, I wasn't sure I wanted another one. Especially from him. I rolled over to get some sleep in the same position I was before he began messing with me and he put his arm back to the same place as well. I drifted off to sleep, thinking about what my life was going to be like now.
A couple of hours later, I woke to the driver crawling over me to get to his steering wheel to begin his day of driving. The sun was creeping into the sky behind us, making the darkness in front of us more of a purple color. I watched as he slipped his fat butt down the side of the passenger's seat and onto the ground for his morning piss. I cleared the sleep-junk from my eyes and sat up in the back.
While he pissed, I got out and stretched my legs for a minute or so. He walked back up to the truck and we got on our way. I rode the rest of the way to Phoenix in the passenger's seat. Along the way, we listened to the radio and CB. During the drive, through the desert, he wanted another blowjob while he was driving.
Reluctantly, I lowered my head to his nasty groin again and he unzipped his fly. I reached inside and pulled his pathetic pecker out as best as I could. The fat that was around his middle made it extremely difficult to get to the small piece of meat. I had to actually get down on my hands and knees in front of him while he drove the truck to get my mouth around the pathetic thing. I also had to push his fat belly upward to reach it. The whole thing grossed me out.
He was able to still drive the truck with me there, due to my small stature, but it was still a tight fit down there. I had a hell of a time doing a proper one, but he didn't seem to mind in the least. He was getting his rocks off, that's all he cared about. He blew his load in my mouth again and this time I was ready for it as it assaulted my oral cavity. I took a deep breath just before I knew the stuff was going to shoot out. From my past experience, I knew he would want me to swallow the stuff, so I gulped it down as best as I could.
When he was finished with me, I eased back over and sat back down in the passenger's seat, trying not to think about what just went down my throat. I looked out the window at the dry scenery as it flew by and ignoring him. I just wanted this drive to be over with.
"Am I going to have to do that again?" I asked him finally when I saw that we were about thirty miles [50 km] out of Phoenix.
"Listen, kid," he began.
"Tony," I said, interrupting him.
"Whatever. You're gonna have to get used to that if you're gonna live on the streets of any city as young as you are. You won't be able to find a job anywhere, so you'd best get used to it, and soon."
"I'm not doing that to live," I stated, matter-of-factly.
"We'll see," he said and very smugly, too.
The last half hour we traveled was in silence, thankfully. As we pulled into the depot, he let me out at the gates. He actually reached over to shake my hand. I was apprehensive to do so back, but I did anyway. He handed me two twenty dollar bills and said good luck to me as I slid down the side of the cab. I shut the door and he drove off. I never got his name, and didn't need it. I haven't seen him since, and good riddance, I say.
Chapter 3 L.A.
I hitched up my back pack higher on my back and made my way further westward. As I was entering the middle of town, I got something to eat at a small diner. I was famished. The waitress just looked at me with some skepticism while I ate my meal, but didn't ask any questions. I paid her, left a small tip, and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and use the toilet.
As I was sitting on the commode, a black man I had seen earlier in the diner, walked in the small room. Since there was no door on the stall, he got to see all of me in my splendor as I sat there excreting undigested food. He took one look at me and smiled a yellow toothy smile. I nodded back, a little on guard, but he didn't do anything to me. I watched him, though, and saw just exactly what a man's cock should look like.
When he opened his trousers, this huge piece of meat flopped out of them. I must have gasped at it because he turned and smiled at my shocked expression. He fingered it a little as he opened the slit and pushed urine out of his body.
"Nice, huh?"
All I could do was nod stupidly. I looked down at mine as it stuck out from my shrunken balls and felt inadequate. I heard the black man laugh at my reaction then.
"Don't worry, little one, it'll grow as you get older."
I looked up to see him finish his piss and put his black python back in his pants. He walked out of the room and that was it. For some strange reason, that memory always sticks out in my mind. I finished what I was doing and walked out of the room after him. I went to the register and bought a sandwich and soda for the road from the waitress.
As I paid her with the money the driver had given me, a card fell out of the fold. I had used my own twenty for the meal earlier, so I hadn't touched his money yet. I picked the card up and read the front of it.
"Mainland Productions," the ink on the front of it told me. On the back, it read in his scribble, "Just in case, kid." I shrugged and put the card away just as the lady was bringing me my sandwich and soda. She also threw in a bag of chips, free of charge. I thanked her and left the diner.
I pointed myself west and continued to walk. The rest of the day and early evening was spent getting through the city of Phoenix. As the buildings were dying away and open road stretched out before me, I arrived at a small rest stop and ate my paltry dinner. As I was finishing up, another semi truck pulled up and stopped. A slimmer man got out to use the facilities. I wadded up my trash and headed over to the truck, but not in enough time to slip inside unnoticed.
"And just where do you think you're goin'?"
"West," I simply replied.
"Not with me, you're not," he answered back.
"Please, mister? I only gotta short distance to go."
"Where you goin'?" he asked, with a sigh.
"Los Angeles," I said, with as much of a pitiful look on my face as I could muster.
Another sigh and he waved me on. I thanked him and climbed into his cab. We got started a few minutes later. We rode on a few miles in silence before he spoke again.
"So, what's in LA?"
I had to think fast on that one before telling him a sick aunt.
"And your parents couldn't afford to fly you or give you a bus ticket?"
"No sir. They're very poor." Another lie, and this one could tell as well that I was lying. My clothes were too good looking for us to be that poor.
"What's your name, Kid?"
"Tony," I said without hesitation.
"Well, Tony, just relax and I think we'll get there just fine."
"Thank you, sir. I really do appreciate this ride."
"Sir? Who's sir? The name's Chad." We shook hands and said that it was nice to meet each other.
We talked a bit while we rode onward, but I started getting sleepy about three hours out of Phoenix. My head drooped and hit the window once too often and he suggested that I get in the back to get some sleep. I nodded a "thank you" and crawled in the back for some sleep.
I slept a while, but not the entire journey that night. I woke up as I saw lights flashing around the cab. I covered my eyes to a flashlight being shined in my eyes.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Is this man your father, boy?" the cop asked me.
"Yes sir," I said, looking in the vague direction of Chad.
The cop backed off and looked at Chad. I crawled to a sitting position to see more of what was going on.
"What's going on, Dad?" I asked, helping keep up the pretense.
"Nothing, Tony. They're just looking for drugs being smuggled into the state from Mexico."
"Have we made it to LA, yet?"
"No, now go back to sleep, son," he said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
The cops left and waved us onward after searching the whole truck. I crawled out of the back and sat down in the passenger seat next to Chad. As we got about a mile or so from the road block, both of us breathed a little easier.
"That was close," he said, and I agreed. We looked at each other and laughed. It definitely reduced the tension level in the cab.
We both knew I was lying about my identity and reason why I was on my own, but it didn't seem to matter to either of us. I had not gotten caught by the police and it was Chad's doing that got me out of the trouble. I owed him one. Two, if you really think about it. One for the ride, and one for covering for me with the road block.
I kept staring out the window for a few minutes until I made up my mind to repay him for his kindness. After all, he would have been in trouble as well for giving a runaway a ride. I slid over next to him and leaned against his arm. He turned and smiled down at me and put his arm around me.
I casually reached over to stroke his dick through the fabric of his jeans. He flinched and pushed my hand away with his driving hand then resumed driving with it. I pulled back away from him.
"Chad, I owe you a favor for helping me. I want to repay you." I said to him.
"But you don't have to do that, Tony," he said, calmingly.
"You sure?" I asked, skeptically.
"Yeah, I'm sure, kiddo," he said, smiling. I liked him, and wished I could stay with him, but both of us knew that was impossible.
I smiled back up to him and relaxed and watched him drive the truck. I must have passed out at some time because the next thing I knew was that the sun was coming back up and we were making it into Los Angeles. I had never seen a city this big before, or one so filled with smog. Later on, people were calling it Mr. Smog.
He let me off at a gas station after paying for a meal and giving me another twenty dollars for keeping him company. I saw him drive away and felt kind of sad at seeing him go. I sighed and headed off downtown.
Chapter 4 A Job
I was smart enough to stay hidden from the street gangs and druggies. The last thing I needed was to be seen. The problem was, as the shithead driver pointed out, was money, or lack there of.
Within a week's time of eating, my money had run out totally. I was given to wash myself in fountains at night as well as sleep on the beach. Life out here was no picnic; that was for sure. After another two days of starving, I reached into my jeans and pulled out the card the shithead had left me. It had an address on it, but no phone number.
I made my way to a convenience store and pocketed a map from the stand and left the place like hell itself was on my heels. When I got a safe distance away, I opened it up and found that the place was only about ten miles [15 km] away from where I was. I memorized the route and began walking. I figured that it would take me a while, but taking four hours was a bit much. I had to dodge cops, more street gangs, more druggies, pimps and other lowlifes along the way. It slowed my progress down greatly.
I arrived at the building at about midnight, so said my father's watch. For some reason I couldn't pawn it. The building was an old abandoned warehouse by the looks of it. I sighed and walked up to the door. On the third knock, a small sliding panel was moved, revealing a small window in the door. A pair of eyes surrounded by black skin was looking out at me.
"Yes?" the eyes asked.
"I got this card from someone on my way here," I started, but didn't finish. The panel slid back in place and the door opened. A huge black man walked out to greet me. He was over six feet [1.80 m] tall and had cold black skin. His shoulders were broad, and he looked like he worked out a lot. He smiled a warm, inviting smile and stuck out his hand to me. I took it, cautiously, and shook it.
I remembered seeing the black man in the toilet of the diner and thought about the man's cock. It must be huge, I thought to myself. Then the thought, get a grip, came through loud and clear.
The man beckoned me inside. Not having any other options, I followed, not caring what happened to me. I was not going home, and I was tired of being hungry on the streets. He led me down a narrow corridor and to a flight of stairs leading downstairs. We turned a corner at the bottom and went through a set of double doors to another long corridor.
There were no doors on either side of the hallway as we walked, and light was limited. All I could make out was the back of the man's shirt as we walked. Finally, he stopped at another door and opened it. He led me into a room where there was a desk and another man was sitting behind it.
He was well dressed, not suiting the surroundings he was in, and neatly groomed. At the present, he was talking on the phone. When he saw me, his demeanor changed with the person on the other end of the phone call.
"I'll have to call you back, Barry" he said and was about to hang up, but "Barry" on the other end said something. "No, I will call you back, but something just walked in the room. Bye." And this time did hang up without hearing another word from the other end.
"Hello, little one," he said with a sly smile. I hate being called that, but I needed to impress this guy to find out if there was a job for me here. What I didn't know, was that I had the job the second I walked in the door.
"Hello," I answered back with a nod.
"What's your name?" he asked, sounding a little bit sissified.
"Tony," I answered, keeping to the lie. By this time, I was used to the name anyways.
"Well, Tony, my name's Sylvester, but people call my friends call me Sly, and you can call me that if you want to, also." I nodded at him that I understood. "Good. Now, why are you here?"
"Well, Mr. Sly," I started.
"Just Sly," he said, holding up his hand.
"Well, Sly," I began again, "this man gave me this card," and I handed it to him before going on. "He said that I should come here for a job if I needed one. And I need one, sir."
He looked the card over and smiled back at me.
"Do you know what the job is?" I shook my head, no. "Well, then, let me show you."
He held out his hand for me to follow him and I did. We walked to my right and out the door there. The short hall cornered and led to another door. He opened the door to a room with padding on the walls. But it wasn't the padding that got my attentions first. It was what filled the room that did it.
The room was as long as the corridor that the black man had led me down and half as wide as the building itself. Inside were cameras, chairs, make-up counters with lighted mirrors, and stage settings. It looked just what I imagined a movie set up would be like.
"We make movies here, Tony. Porno movies," he was explaining.
"Porno movies?"
"Yes. They are movies involving sex. Most of the flicks we make are legal, but not very profitable. The other ones we make are more profitable. The ones with young children as the stars."
"You mean I'm going to be in a movie?" That excited me. I mean, all I had to do was probably give some guy a blowjob and that was it, right? And I had already done that twice and was willing to do it again.
"If you want to be, then yes," he said, kneeling down to my level. The look in his eyes was intense.
"How much do I get paid for it, Sly?" It didn't matter too much to me, but I was curious anyway.
"Well, we'll start with five hundred for the first film," he began.
"FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS???!!!" I jumped back. It was a true gold mine. My eyes must have been doing that stupid thing like on cartoons where they roll around and show dollar signs when they stop. He laughed at my comment and picked back up where he left off.
"For the first film, yes. If you're any good, well pay you more for the next ones. Want to do one?" I nodded very enthusiastically. I couldn't stand still at the thought of getting that much money for a film of just giving a guy a blowjob. "Good, then we'll start first thing in the morning."
"Uh, Sly?"
"Could you give me a little ahead of time so I could get something to eat?"
He laughed and told me that he would get me something to eat for free. He led me back into his office and up a flight of stairs from a door behind his desk. The stairs led to the top floor of the building; five flights up from where we were. Sly opened the door at the top of the stairs and there was a large room with nothing in it. It was an empty warehouse, after all.
"This is your room, Tony, for you to stay in," he said, gesturing to the empty space.
"All of this for me?"
"For as long as you make movies for me, then this is your room, kiddo. Now, there's the shower over there. Go take one and join me back downstairs with Kenyan, then we'll go get something to eat."
I nodded and he left me alone. The shower and bathroom were something trashy, but it wasn't something I wasn't used to. The whole thing was filthy, dirty, and moldy; you name it. I took a quick shower and got dressed into my other clothes, as they were the semi-cleanest. After getting dressed, I headed back down the stairs to the basement of the building, where Sly and the black man were waiting for me. He hung up the phone as I entered the room.
"I was just setting things up for tomorrow, kiddo, and we're all set," he announced when he saw me.
"Great," I answered back, with a little enthusiasm.
He formally introduced me to the black man, calling him, Kenyan, and the three of us left for the restaurant. I ordered a simple plate of spaghetti with a Sprite and they had some other dishes with red wine, which Sly let me taste. I didn't care for the taste. Afterward, he dropped me back of to my new home, so to speak, and the two left for theirs.
I headed to the fourth floor the only way I knew how. I saw a single sized bed in the corner and pulled it out to lie on it. I sat down and looked around for a few minutes at the room. I put the backpack on the bed and used it as a pillow for the night. No blanket was available, but it was still warm, so I didn't need one.
Chapter 5 First Movie
For the first time since running away, I fell asleep with optimism for the future. But I woke to the same dingy room in the morning. After brushing my teeth, I headed downstairs to see if Sly had made in yet. When I got to his office, I noticed that not only had he made it in, but there was a host of other people there. I walked in the room he had showed me the night before to see him standing and talking to a man in a black suit. I walked up to him as they were finishing their conversation.
"Good morning, Tony," he said, seeing me for the first time. I returned the greeting and he introduced the man he was talking to. "This is Jock."
Jock was about as tall as Kenyan and as well built, but Caucasian. He had on a black leather pair of pants and boots. His chest was crossed with leather straps with silver studs on them. They linked in the middle of his chest by a ring. Two straps were over his shoulders, two were around his chest to his back, and the last two were connected to his leather pants. Leather cuffs were around his wrists with the same studs on them. A similar leather collar was around his neck. His head was shaved bald and he had a hard look about him. He looked like something out of a biker magazine I had seen once. Of course, I was immediately intimidated by him, and it showed.
"Oh, don't worry, Tony. This is all for show and the movie. Jock is perfectly harmless." I didn't know whether Sly was trying to convince me or himself.
Jock gently put out his right hand for me to shake it. I took it, and his hand swallowed mine whole. We shook and separated, I turned back to Sly for instructions.
"Now, Tony, here's what you have to do to get ready for this. First, I want you to go into that room over there, and do what the girl in there tells you to do. Then, I want you to come out here and be ready for the camera. Got it?" I nodded.
The room he was referring to was the room to the right of the door we use to enter and leave the main filming room. I went inside, and there was a very nice bathroom set up inside there. I was thinking that I should have used this one for my shower. I was well lit and a lot cleaner than mine upstairs.
The girl that he had referred to was a woman probably in her thirties wearing a bikini bathing suit. She had blond hair and was built pretty well for being an adult. She beckoned me over and I walked to her.
"Tony, right?" I nodded and she continued telling me what she was about to do to me. "What we're going to do is clean out your insides as well as your outsides. So, the first thing I need you to do, is take off your clothes and get into the bathtub, please."
"But all I'm gonna do is give some guy a blowjob, ma'am," I told her, still believing that was all there was to this.
"First, the name's Susan. Second, you're going to do a lot more than give Jock a blowjob, Tony. He's going to fuck you in your asshole as well as down your throat." She said it as if it occurred to me everyday, or something.
"What do you mean in my asshole?" Now I was getting a clue.
"Well, silly, he's going to put his cock in your asshole. Now, come on, we've got to get this done." The realization then slammed into me like a Mack truck.
I remembered the cock of the black guy in the diner and the size of him. I did a short analysis of the size difference between his cock and my asshole, and ran from the room. There was no fucking way I was going to let this happen. Sly was waiting to catch me as I cleared the door of the bathroom.
"Yeah, I thought you might have some second thoughts, kid," he said, grabbing me tight. With me struggling to get away from him, he carried me back into the bathroom I had just vacated. "Give us a minute, please, Susan," he said as he plopped me down on the toilet.
The blond left the room, closing the door on her way out. Sly was still trying to stop me from running out. Finally, seeing the futility in it, I stopped. He knelt down to look me in the eye before he said anything.
"Now that that's out of your system, Tony, we can talk about what's going to happen to you."
"I know what's going to happen to me. You're gonna have Jock fuck me in the ass. That's what." I spat at him. He was not happy and slapped me across the cheek to get my attention.
"Don't ever disrespect me like that again, brat, or I won't care what happens to you. Understand that?" I nodded as I held my throbbing cheek. "Good. Now, yes, Jock is going to fuck your behind. You can't escape from that. But you can take it gently, or you can take it hard. It's your choice."
"Gentle," I said after a few minutes of looking down at the ground between his legs.
"That's what I thought," he said with his smile back in place.
"I want more money, then," I said with a little force. I thought for a second I had over stepped my bounds, but he looked back at me.
"How much more? Don't get too greedy, Tony," he warned.
"Double," I said and then added, "and I'll put on a good show. That's what you want, isn't it?" He actually laughed at my statement.
"Okay, kid. One thousand, but if I don't get a good showing, you get the agreed upon amount of five hundred. Deal?" I nodded and we shook on it.
He left the room and told Susan to get back inside it. She walked in as I was taking my shirt off. She walked up behind me to help get it over my head. I kicked my shoes off and pulled my socks off afterward. My pants were next to go, leaving me in a room with a bikini-clad woman and my undershorts on.
"Those too, Tony," she said, smiling.
"I know, Susan," I threw back at her. Her smile faltered a bit, but she recovered quickly. I think she realized that I was about to get something stuck up my butt that wasn't supposed to go up there.
I hooked my thumbs inside the waistband and hiked them down my legs and off my feet, piling them on the floor with the rest of my clothes. I looked down and my dick had something different in mind as it stuck straight out. Susan smiled when she saw it, and I covered it up quickly, trying to hide my embarrassment.
As I stepped into the tub, I began wondering how in the world she was going to clean my insides out. My question was answered as she attached a silver hose to the top of the showerhead. The taps were turned and cold water shot out of the top of the shower. A toggle was then turned and the water began squirting out of the silver hose. It was turned back off to allow the water to flow over me again. Before she continued, she moved the showerhead out of the way to make the water hit the wall and not us. She then had me bend over at the waist and turn around.
I did as she told me, and I was now facing the wall away from her. She was getting a very good view of my anal flower shining right at her. She had me reach back and grab my buttcheeks and pull them apart. I was now really embarrassed, but I did as I was told. I felt her rub something slippery up my crack and she wormed her finger inside my rectum. I bolted right up, and with the other hand, she bent me right back over.
Wanting to see what she was doing, I leaned over so far that I could see her between my legs. Susan then began to push her finger into and pull it out of my ass while I just held my cheeks wide open for her. As I continued to watch what she was doing, I saw her reach in with her other hand and press in another finger. I grunted at the additional assault on my backside. With those two fingers, she began to spread my sphincter muscle open as wide as she could without doing any damage.
I grunted and groaned throughout the entire process. I changed my mind about wanting to watch when I saw her withdraw her right hand and pick up the silver hose. It was rounded at the tip, but still it seemed too large to fit inside me. They say that size doesn't matter. I beg to differ.
She pressed the nozzle of the hose against my anus, but I wasn't budging. She knew it.
"Bear down like you're taking a shit, Tony. It'll make things go a lot faster and easier," she said, still trying to smile in a friendly way.
Faster and easier; easy for her to say. She wasn't the one getting fucked in a few minutes. I did as she instructed again and the tip of the nozzle found its way inside me. I had to stand up at the intrusion of that thing. I asked her to pull it out, as I felt like it was too large. She smiled, but held it there for a minute or so to allow me to get used to it.
I wiggled around, trying to dislodge it, but was unsuccessful. Finally, when I settled down enough, she switched the toggle to allow the now warm water to flow inside me instead of on the wall. She pushed me back down to lean on my hands as the water ran inside my lower intestines. It was a weird feeling as I felt the water cascade into me. As my belly filled up with water, the skin began to stretch from pressure. I squinted my eyes closed as it began to hurt. Finally, she turned off the water, just as I was about to complain about it.
"Well, you look pregnant, Tony," she joked. I smiled cordially back.
She told me to hold in as much water as I could and I nodded that I understood her. I figured that she was about to pull the nozzle out, and I was right. I clenched my cheeks closed as tight as I could and I felt the silver intruder withdraw from inside me.
I saw her pick up a plug and lift it to my butt. Surly she wasn't going to put that thing inside me also? I squealed as the rubber plug was inserted into my rectum, totally against my wishes. I stood up and felt the water move around. My belly was protruding heavily, and definitely making me look pregnant.
She had me step back and stand there as she washed the outside of me now. Everything from my head to my toes were wiped down and cleaned. My face, chest, arms, underarms, 'pregnant' belly, groin (I rather liked that part), legs and feet were wiped down. She turned me around and did my backside as well, starting at the top and going down. She even played with my butt around the plug (I kinda liked that also).
When she was totally finished bathing me, she turned off the water and picked me up out of the tub. A towel was used as she dried me. It was almost as if she was worshiping my body the way she was taking care of it. When I was totally dry, she had me sit on the toilet as she pulled out the plug. I released the contents of my innards into the bowl.
It was a little embarrassing to do so, as the water and chunks made noises when they came out. Not to mention the added sounds of passing gas. Susan waited patiently till I was totally done dispelling all of the contents. I wiped myself clean and she inspected me from head to toe for any traces of dirt. Finding none, she turned me around and marched me out into the open room; naked as the day I was born.
Sly was waiting for me on the set. It was built to look like a boy's bedroom. The cameras and lights were set up around the room in different spots. Another man was waiting with Sly as I walked out. He introduced the other man as Larry. Larry looked like any other man. He was a little shorter than Jock, but a lot thinner. He had black wavy hair and wore black rimmed glasses, giving him the 'Clark Kent' look, only thinner.
"Larry will be playing your father for this scene, Tony. Here, you're going to play a boy that was caught doing something wrong and Larry is going to try and discipline you by bringing in Jock. There's no script, so I want you to improvise. Got it?"
I nodded and he showed me the clothes he wanted me to wear for the scene. They were simple boy's clothes; a pullover shirt, jeans, socks and sneakers. I put them on and waited, trying to remain calm. Sly sat next to me on the bed and watched me get dressed before talking some more to me.
"Remember our deal, kiddo. I want a good scene from you."
"I remember, Sly. Don't worry, you'll get what you want, just pay me what you owe me when it's over with."
"I will. Now, your name in the film is Bobby, got it?" I nodded and he smiled at me. "Good. Now, places everyone, places." He clapped his hands and Larry walked onto the set with me standing there by the bed.
"Ready?" he asked me. I nodded back and took a deep breath to relax a little more.
"Ready everyone?" Sly called from behind the camera. The lights were brought up a little brighter and he settled every one down.
The marker clapped shut like I've seen them do in movies and the man carrying it left from in front of the camera. Larry and I took our places to the side of one of the cameras and Sly called out, "Aaaand Action!" Larry grabbed me by the back of the shirt, twisted it around his fist and practically dragged me onto the set.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to run in the house, Bobby?"
"I'm sorry, Dad, I won't do it again."
"I've heard that from you before, son. I've had it with you. I told you what would happen if you misbehaved again. I'm calling Jock!"
By this time he had me by the bedside and was looking down at me in a fatherly way and shaking in forefinger at me, very father-like. He screamed the word, Jock, at me to emphasize the 'threat'. I got the hint and took it from there. My eyes got real wide and I pleaded with him.
"No, please, Dad. Don't call Jock. I'll be good; you'll see. Just please don't call him. Please?"
"It's no use begging, Bobby. I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me again and you didn't listen. Now, we have a broken vase downstairs thanks to you."
Taking the cue again, I kept pleading.
"Please, Dad, I'll get the vase fixed. Just don't call Jock."
"It's too late, son," he said and stormed out of the 'room'. It was more like storming off the set and off camera. The door at the end of the room was slammed shut. I began to cry and threw myself on the bed, just as Sly called out, "Cut!"
"Great, excellent, Tony. Well done, boy." He walked up to me on the set and patted me on the back. He turned around before going on to tell everyone to get everything else set up for the next scene. Larry even walked up to congratulate me on a good show. Jock walked on the set next to take his place.
"Here's where the real action starts, kiddo. The door at the back is going to open and close while you're still on the bed. Larry's going to introduce you to Jock and then leave the two of you alone. From there, the action's going to heat up. He's going to give you a spanking on your bare ass, and then the sex will begin. Got it?"
I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Good. Then let's get everyone in place." He clapped his hands again and left the stage. I turned around and laid myself on the bed, waiting for the scene to begin with Larry and Jock.
The marker clamped shut, the man left from in front of the camera again, and Sly called out, "Aaaand Action," from behind the camera. The door was opened and shut at the far end of the room. A microphone was used to help record the sound of the door for later editing.
"Bobby?" I didn't move. "Bobby?" Larry repeated.
I slowly raised my head to look at Larry. Jock was standing there next to him with a black leather trench coat covering his leather gear on his body. In his hands was a black suitcase. I made sure my eyes widened and got a scared look in them.
"Bobby, this is Jock. He's going to teach you to behave."
"Oh God! Please Dad, don't do this to me. Please!!!!!!" I was really hamming it up well, not to mention my own real fears were starting to play a real part in this. After all, besides the spanking, I had no idea what Jock was going to do to me.
"It's too late, son. The crime has been committed and your punishment is here. Now, you'd better do everything Jock tells you while I'm gone, or it'll be worse."
"You're leaving?"
"Yes. One of Jock's rules is that he does what he does alone. Good-bye." He turned and left the small room.
"DAD!" I screamed after him, but he didn't come back, as I suspected. I thought of the worse thing in the world to help me produce tears and it worked. I had real tears running down my cheeks, as my 'dad' left me alone with this gorilla.
"Shut up, kid. Your father's not coming back till I'm done with you. Till then we gotta deal with your acting up." Jock started and the suitcase landed on the floor. Menacingly, he took his leather trench off, showing the camera for the first time his physique. Again, I made my eyes widen in fear.
I scrambled to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm to stop me from going anywhere. With his other hand, he ripped my shirt off my body and sat down on the bed at the same time. He pulled me across his lap and yanked off my shoes and socks. I was kicking and screaming to get away from him, but it was no use. He had one hand on my back while he stripped them off me.
"You'd better simmer down, kid, or it's going to get a lot worse for you later," Jock warned me, but I didn't listen. For the show, I was making it look like I wanted the hell out of there. It wasn't too far from the truth. I knew what was going to happen to me, and I wasn't looking forward to it. Not at all.
Now that my feet were unclothed, my butt and legs were next. So, as the cameras rolled, Jock stripped the last vestiges of my dignity away from me. My pants and underpants were yanked down so fast off my legs, that I didn't even have time to register them missing until it was done.
"You either keep your legs still while I do this, or I will tack on more, Bobby," he warned. As part of the scene, I didn't listen and kept kicking. Jock had had enough. "That does it, you little brat."
He dropped me to the ground, naked as the day I was born and went to the suitcase he had 'brought' with him. After opening it, he pulled out a short leather strap. Turning around, he advanced on me, menacingly holding the strap in his right hand. With his left hand, he grabbed me by my throat and lifted me in the air. He dropped me into the bed and turned me over onto my stomach. With my face buried in the covers of the bed, he used his feet to keep my legs down on the floor.
"Scream if you want, you little brat, no one will hear you or care," he hissed at me and brought the leather strap down across my bare ass. I screamed into the covers when the leather made contact.
I flailed my arms around uselessly trying to stop the strap from hitting me, but the position Jock had put me in, it was a futile effort. The strap continued to assault me mercilessly. Jock was beginning to really scare me at this point as to how many times he was going to hit me with that thing. Finally, the onslaught ceased, and the strap was dropped to the bed.
I was crying, a little more than I should have been. The strap hurt, but I got the feeling that Jock didn't use his entire strength behind the lashes of that thing. My butt definitely hurt, but not nearly as much as it could have. He released my neck and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Now, Bobby, get back over here, and take your punishment like a man," Jock ordered.
"What?" I asked, feigning ignorance.
"This was punishment for not obeying me. We still have to do the spanking I was going to give ya from the beginning. Now, get over here, unless you want another round of the strap?" I shook my head and wiped my tears away as I sat back up.
I flinched and hissed as I turned over and sat on my red butt. It didn't hurt as bad as I let on, though. I draped my torso over Jock's lap, willingly, and he pulled me closer into his groin. My side felt his erection through his leather pants. The side camera got a real clear view of my naked, red ass now.
With my hands and arms drooped over his left side, and my butt in prime striking position, Jock raised his hand and brought it down against my ass with a resounding, "SMACK!". The sound filled the entire room, and I grunted as the pain assaulted my mind. That did hurt, by the way, as it felt like was not holding anything back. With my ass already red and a little sore from the strap, it wasn't able to handle the added torment of Jock's large hand.
"SMACK!" came another hit against my backside. I raised my head up and began to fidget at the barrage of his hits.
"Keep it up, kid, and I get the strap again," he warned me. I went back to hanging down, limply.
I grabbed his boot and hung on for the next swat of his hand across my butt, and God, did it hurt when it landed. My whole ass was on fire by this time, and he only had four swats under his belt. As the fifth on landed on me, I could feel him urging me to slide downward towards his cock, and, for the sake of the movie, I did just that.
It didn't stop the swinging of his hand against my ass, though. I had to endure five more vicious swats of his large hand. My whole ass was burning when he was finished with me.
"Now," he said as he pulled me up when he was finished. I dried my eyes with the back of my and turned to face him. "That was for disobeying your father again, Bobby. Do you understand?"
I sniffed some snot back up into my nose and nodded.
"Now, my payment for doing this for your father; I require you to do something for me. Do you know what a blowjob is?"
I shook my head, no, as I was probably supposed to. Jock smiled back at me.
"Well, you're gonna learn; real fast-like," he said, still smiling, but it turned to into a slightly sadistic grin.
He curled his finger up to motion for me to come to him, and I did. I didn't want another round of his discipline. Jock opened his legs to allow me to step between them. Without saying a word, he pushed me down to my knees and opened the flap to his leather pants. His hard cock sprang out in salute to me kneeling in front of him.
Jock placed his and at the back of my head and pulled my face towards his hard-on. I fought back a little to make it seem more real.
"If you fight me on this, there'll be another round with the strap, boy," he warned again. Since I really didn't think my ass could handle another round, I stopped fighting. "That's better, boy. First, use your hands to massage the length of it."
I reached up with both hands and surrounded the girth of the cock in front of me. He sighed at my gentle touch. I began to slowly grip it as best as I could. The thing was larger than I had thought. With both hands around it, I could barely touch my fingers together. I began to stroke it at his insistence. He moaned at my motion along his cock.
"Good boy, Bobby. Now, lick it," he said and I made a disgusting face at him while backing my head away from it. "Now, now, boy. Do I have to get the strap?" I shook my head. "That's the last time I'm going to warn you. If you don't do exactly what I tell you from now on, I'm going to give you another ten with the strap. Got it?"
"Yes sir," I nodded. I believed him.
I reached forward and cautiously licked the tip of his cock. It was oozing precum, and I tasted it. It actually didn't taste too bad; sort of slimy. I did it again and again until he moved it forward with a movement of his hips. The tip went inside my young mouth. It was significantly larger than the driver's pathetic pecker, but I managed to get it inside. At least the tip fit inside.
With the hand that was behind my head pressing me forward, I had no choice but to take more of his cock inside my mouth. I remembered what the shithead said about not using my teeth, so I made sure they were out of the way and not rubbing against his cock's surface. When the head made contact with the back of my throat, I gagged again and I had to push back away. He let me up a little, but pulled me towards him again, making me gag again.
"When that happens again, Bobby, make believe you're swallowing a piece of food," he said with a smile. I nodded, thinking that there was nothing to smile about.
He forced my head towards him again, and I did as he instructed. The tip of his cock eased passed my gag reflex and slid down my gullet very easy this time. Even thought it was bigger that the last one that invaded my throat, I was able to take it. It was like swallowing a large mouthful of food. I rose up to swallow more of him as he moaned louder with more of my mouth covering his manhood.
My throat was in line with his hardened cock and he shoved it all the way inside. My nose was now buried in his pubic hair. Thank God he had showered that day, as opposed to the shithead driver. My bare butt was opened to the room of cameras again while he was buried down my throat. I backed off him and got some air when his length cleared my air passage. He pushed it back inside once I got some air.
As his cock filled the whole of my mouth, I didn't have to close my lips around it to make a tight seal. But none of that seemed to matter to Jock. He rose up off the set's bed and began to use his hips to fuck my mouth and throat. Jock grabbed my head with both hands as his hips did all the work now. It didn't take him much longer than the truck driver to cum, but when he did, I was ready for it. He groaned and I felt his cock jump inside the lining of my throat. Hot cum began to shoot within the walls of my esophagus.
Regaining my senses, my acting kicked into gear and I began 'choking' on his cum. I made my eyes water as well, making the scene even more powerful.
The camera caught the cum dribbling out of my mouth as I spit it out. When he pulled out of my mouth, his cock had one more shot left in it and a line of his jizm sprayed along the edge of my nose. I made another disgusted face at the sheer idea of what had just happened.
"If you don't obey your father, the next time you see me, things will be worse for you, Bobby," Jock threatened me with his finger as he put his softening dick back in his pants.
"CUT!" Sly was ecstatic. He kept hopping around behind camera. "Wonderful, wonderful, abso-fucking-lutely wonderful." Before he thought about it, he ran over and gave me a kiss; square on the mouth. He backed off and spit out the semen. Everyone in the place laughed like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. Even Sly laughed at it.
Susan came over and handed me a towel to wipe off my mouth, and I thanked her.
"How's your butt, Tony?" Jock asked.
"Sore, but, not too sore. I know you didn't use all of your strength. Thank you for that."
"Well, I had to make it look good, though," he said, ruffling my hair. "You did good for your first time, kid. Good job." I thanked him and we parted.
I turned and stood up to face Sly. He was gargling with soda water. I waited till he was finished gargling to ask my question.
"What next?" I knew I wasn't finished with this, yet.
"Well, we take a break first, Tony. We weren't expecting you to actually suck him off to finish, so we break for a while."
"I'm sorry," I said, thinking that I had done something wrong.
"Oh, you didn't do anything wrong, kiddo. In fact it worked out better than I had hoped. As far as you getting fucked up the ass by Jock, well, we'll see about that later, okay?"
I breathed a small sigh of relief. I wasn't sure I wanted to go through another session with Jock at the time. He beckoned me into his office, and I followed. Using a key, he opened a drawer to the desk and pulled out a wad of money.
"Here's the agreed upon amount of five hundred," he said, handing me the money. I didn't really believe I would get the full thousand since Jock didn't fuck my asshole, so I didn't complain. "Now, go and enjoy the rest of the week. You have until Monday morning off, so enjoy it."
"Thank you," I said, nodding to him. I took the money, went back into the filming room's bathroom and grabbed my clothes.
Chapter 6 Home Improvement
I washed my face off and rinsed out my mouth. I grabbed my clothes and got dressed as quickly as I could. With my money safely tucked away, I ran from the bathroom, through the filming room, Sly's office and then the building. I decided to splurge a little and get some new clothes. I was smart enough not to get something really fancy, but I needed new clothes.
When that was taken care of, it was almost lunch. I only had Jock's jizm inside me all day, so I was famished. Lunch was at a place by the beach I always wanted to eat at, but had no money for it. It was an outside restaurant with only a couple of barstools for seats next to an open window. The man working the place always smiled at me when I would walk by. Now I was able to sit and eat at his place for lunch.
"Hey, beach kid," he said as I plopped my aching butt down on the stool. I returned his smile. "What'll it be?"
I ordered a gyro and Sprite. It appeared on my plate within minutes. I ate it ravenously. We chit-chatted for a while and I found out his name was Paul. He had owned the place for over thirty years. When I was finished, I carried my new clothes back to the building that would be my home for a while.
Back on the fourth floor, I took a good look around for the first time and didn't like what I saw. The place needed a good cleaning, especially the bathroom. I disappeared from the room and building again to get some cleaning supplies from a small grocery store down the street. I came back and scrubbed the living hell out of the bathroom. When I was done with it, you wouldn't believe the difference. I swept and dusted and cleaned the rest of the opened space the rest of the day. Rain began falling that night as I lay down to sleep. I saw it run into the room from a window near the ceiling. I enjoyed listening to the rain as it struck the metal roof. Too bad I drifted off to sleep after only a few minutes of listening. I was apparently exhausted.
The next day, I took a real inventory of my situation. Although I found the idea of a large piece of meat being shoved up my butthole repulsive, for the first time in a while, I was feeling totally optimistic. I showered and ran downstairs to see Sly. He was on the phone when I walked in the room, so I waited for him to finish.
"Hey, Tony," he said, swiveling around to see me when he was finished.
"Hey, Sly. I gotta question."
"Shoot," he said.
"Can I do anything to fix up the upstairs room?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, like make improvements and stuff. If I'm going to be living there for a while, I'd like to make it as comfortable as possible."
"It's your money, kiddo. You can do what you want with it. But let me caution you about a few things first."
"Okay," I said, apprehensively. I was afraid this was going to be it. He was going to tell me I had only one movie in me and he was done with me.
"Well, to be honest, you have about only four or five years of this before your time is up. You'll be too old by about fifteen or sixteen for my purposes. When it's over, it's over. No more filming from me. I would be able to get you in touch with others, but you wouldn't be making as much with them as you do with me." I nodded that I understood what he was telling me.
"So, you'd better start thinking about what you want to do for the future. You can't keep making flicks like this forever. You might think about putting some money into savings or other things also. Don't spend all of it now; put some away."
Again, I nodded to him.
"Also, one more thing. You might want to also think about an education as well. You're a pretty smart kid, Tony, that's why I chose you."
"You chose me because I walked in your office, Sly," I said, with a sly smile of my own. He laughed at me.
"Fair enough, kid. See, this is what I'm talking about. You're smart; don't let that go to waste, okay?" I nodded for a final time. "Now, as for your movie; it was a smash hit. I've got orders already in the hundreds from several of my clients. They like you, so the next film you will get the full thousand we agreed upon, but you do know what that means, right?"
"Yeah, I know that means I take Jock up my butt," I sighed.
"You got it. Now, go enjoy the rest of your week." It was only Thursday morning, so I had four days to begin my project of improving my room. I guess you could call it my home, really.
Knowing that I knew nothing about home improvement, I decided to learn everything I would need to know. After showering and getting dressed, I headed out to a hardware store I had seen earlier. I bought a few things like a long tape measurer, four how-to-do books and a flashlight. I headed to another store for paper and pencils. A local bookstore had them as well as a few text books. I bought ones on English, math, and history. I headed home with my purchases and some work.
I measured the whole room and wrote down the dimensions in a spiral notebook. I found the floor space was fifty feet by two hundred feet [15 x 60 m]. By my multiplication chart in my math book, I had ten thousand square feet [900 m2] to work with. The ceiling was seventeen feet [5 m] high. I had a whole lot of room to mess with, that was for sure. I drew out a very rough sketch of what I wanted to do to the place.
I sprinted back to the bookstore for a more useful type of paper to draw out specific things to do with my space. I drew for the rest of the day and by evening time, I had everything laid out perfectly. All I needed now was money for purchases.
The next few days and the weekend were spent taking more measurements and I actually began studying my school books that I had bought. Sunday night arrived and I knew what was waiting for me the next day, so I decided to splurge a little and went for pizza for dinner. I didn't like leaving the building that was fast becoming my home as I didn't feel very safe outside. Inside was safe; it just wasn't everything I wanted. Yet.
Chapter 7 The Second Movie
I woke the next morning with severe trepidation at the day ahead. Being skewered by the large cock I sucked a couple of days ago was not my idea of starting the week off very good. But, if it got me the money I wanted and needed, then so be it. I didn't bother with the shower or any breakfast. I doubted that I would be able to keep anything down anyway.
I made my way to the filming room and back into the bathroom. Susan was already there and waiting for me. I stripped my clothes off and assumed my 'enema' position, waiting on her to make the next move. The water was turned on with cold hitting me first, then gradually warming up to lukewarm, and then finally warm. She had me pull my cheeks apart again and then put the lubricant on it with her forefinger. Her lubed digit invaded my inner sanctum without the original resistance from the previous week. The second invader met the resistance, though. I had to bear down a little to let it slip past the first one.
She used them in concert to widen me up for the silver nozzle to fit. It hurt a little as it did the previous week, but I saw it a means to an end. I wanted all the money I could get from these people before it was time to check out of this gig. If I had to take a large (more like huge) cock up the ass, then I will.
The fingers were withdrawn and the nozzle was inserted with minimal effort from either of us. The toggle was thrown and water gushed back inside my lower intestines. Within minutes, my belly began to fill and I began to look like I was impregnated again. I held out as long as I could, and just as I was about to say something, Susan turned off the water.
"Ready?" I nodded, knowing what was coming next, and I clenched my buttcheeks together as tight as I could. I felt the nozzle slip out and the plug slip in.
My skin was bathed next, and I was getting to like this part. As she washed my groin, my cock decided to wake up for the morning and present itself to her. She smiled and licked it with her tongue. I shivered at the lick. Now, I knew why other men wanted this done to them. It felt good, real good, and my cock responded with a jump of its own.
"Do that again, Susan," I asked her. She smiled and repeated the action. Now, I was hooked. She didn't stop with that lick, though. Several more followed in rapid succession.
I put my hand on her shoulder to steady myself as she continued the cock-licking. Without me watching, I wasn't able to see her reach between my legs and grab the buttplug in my butt and begin playing with it. With one twist of the plug, she swallowed my cock in one swoop of her mouth. I really needed to hold onto her then.
She sucked my cock like a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world, and I wanted more of it. She wasn't going to disappoint me, either. With the dual manipulation, she had me cumming within a few minutes. I fell to my knees, shaking as I heard, "CUT!"
I swung my head around to see Sly with a camera and operator in the open doorway. Both Susan and I got red-faced and snickered.
"Good show, you two, but finish up with him soon, Susan. We do need to get started sometime today with the real shoot." She nodded and turned back to me.
We smiled, and she finished bathing me. As she did last week, she also toweled me off and guided me out of the tub to the toilet. The plug was released, as well as the entire contents of my intestinal track. In a rush, my intestines emptied into the water of the toilet, and I sighed in relief. I got cleaned up and walked out to the set again, ready to get it on with Jock.
Jock was dressed in the same leathers that he was the previous time, and ready for me. Larry, playing my father, was dressed in a nondescript shirt and slacks. Everyone on the set got ready as I made my appearance. Sly was positioned next to a camera going over a few last minute details with Larry. Jock was way off camera, slipping on his second boot. Shaking a little, I walked up to Sly.
"Are you ready, Tony?" he asked, turning from Larry.
"I guess so, Sly. Do I really have to take it this time?"
"It's gonna happen sooner or later, kiddo. My clients will only pay for so many blowjobs before they want the real thing from you. Your looks and acting abilities have made you a star real quick, but we need to give them everything before they go somewhere else, and both of us are out of money."
For some reason, that made some kind of weird sense to me. I breathed in deep and walked on to the set. My 'Bobby' clothes were lying on the bed, ready for me to wear for a short time. Sly turned to me once we were in place.
"Now, you've misbehaved again with your father, and he's calling Jock to come and straighten you out again. Ready?"
I nodded once again as I got the last of the clothes on and stood in front of Larry. We smiled at each other, but mine was a little shakier in nature. Sly called for quiet on the set and assumed his spot in the chair. The man with the marker walked up, slapped it closed, and left the stage.
Larry had grabbed my shirt again in preparation for the scene. When 'marker man' left, he got in my face, ready for the verbal assault on me. I, too, was getting psyched up for crying believably. In truth, the only thing that was scaring me was Jock's giant cock splitting me open.
"How many times do I have to tell you, son? Don't run in the fucking house!" He was inches from my face as he berated me again.
"I'm sorry, Dad. Please believe me, I really am." Tears were welling back up in my eyes while I tried to plead my case with him.
"Perhaps the last time Jock was here didn't convince you I was serious. I guess a refresher will help you remember."
"NO! Please, I'll do anything, just don't call Jock! I'll do anything you want; just don't call him."
"CUT!" Sly called from behind the camera. The camera stopped and he walked onto the set to address the two of us, but me primarily.
"Okay, Tony, I just got a brainstorm. What if Larry, playing your father, does you first?" Turning to the backdrop of the set, he called to Jock. "You good not to have to work today, Jock? I'll pay you a little for your trouble."
Jock walked up to the three of us. He was a little frustrated, of course, but nodded his acquiescence to Larry to deflower me first.
"But I get the kid next week," he said, holding my head by my chin. He smiled and left the set to get undressed and back in his street clothes. He didn't leave the set until the flick was finished being filmed.
"Okay, Tony, you get another reprieve from Jock, but you're not getting out of it with Larry. Got it?"
"Got it," I said, emphatically.
"Good. While we're breaking here, you might want to go ahead and get lubed up for it."
I nodded and left the set for the bathroom. Susan lowered my pants and applied the lubricant to my anus. She wiped off the excess and I returned to the set and Larry. We assumed our positions we had before Sly cut us off and waited for the marker. It slapped shut and Sly called out, "ACTION!"
"Anything?" Larry asked, picking up where we left off.
"Anything, Dad. Just don't call Jock." Tears were falling again, making the scene look very realistic.
"Jock said that you gave him a blowjob. Is that right?" I nodded. "Good. You can start with that."
"Yes sir," I said and reached for his slacks.
With hands that showed more nervousness than actually was happening, I lowered 'my father's' slacks down to his ankles. Larry was wearing boxer shorts under them and I lowered them as well. My hands went back to his stiffening rod and began stroking it like I had done to Jock in the previous film. While I was stroking him, he led me over to 'my' bed and sat down on the edge. Making sure I didn't stop his cock from hardening, I reached in and licked his cock's head. It reacted immediately by jumping in my hand. He widened his legs to allow me better access to his privates.
His dick grew to an impressive seven to eight inches [18-20 cm], but wasn't very thick. My boy-sized ass could handle it a lot easier than Jock's thicker cock. Not that I'm saying it was going to be easier, but I had seen Jock's fuck tube, and I was in no rush to allow him to fuck me with it. I slipped his cock into my mouth and, with practiced ease, down my throat.
"Don't make me cum like you did with Jock, son. There's something else I want you to do for me."
"Okay, Dad," I said, sliding off his cock for a second to answer him.
I slid my mouth back over the entire length of his cock again, taking him back down my throat. My throat muscles loosened up and allowed him to pass. He rode my mouth a few times before pulling back out of me.
"Strip, boy. Now!" he ordered.
I nodded and stood up. I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks. I pulled my shirt over my head and then parted my pant's fly. The garment was lowered and I was standing before 'my father' with only me briefs on.
"Those too, son," Larry said, point to the cotton underpants.
"Yes sir," I said, and hooked my thumbs in the waistband. They were lowered and I stood back up to face Larry again. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to his hard cock again. I continued to give him the head job he wanted while his hands began roaming over my ten year old body.
"Enough, Bobby. Now, go and lay on your bed, face down."
"But why, Dad?"
"Because I said to, or I call Jock," he warned. I got real wide-eyed and did as 'my father' instructed. I went to the bed and lay down with my face in the covers.
I felt the bed creek as he knelt down on it behind me. His hands moved my legs apart and he crept up behind me on the bed. I felt the head of his dick at my backdoor's entrance and I turned around to face him.
"Please don't, Dad
3;" I pleaded with him. He backed off suddenly and got off the bed.
"Fine, I'll just go call Jock," and with that, he left the stage area to the side of one camera.
"Wait, Dad," I said, and Larry answered me off camera. "Okay," I said back to him in almost a whisper.
"That's the last time I'm going to just threaten you. Next time you don't do what I want you to do, I go call him. Understand?" he said, entering the picture again. I nodded and turned back around to face away from him.
A camera was facing me to see the reaction on my face when Larry was going to start fucking me and another one to the side and behind us to catch the action. Larry mounted the bed again and lined up behind me for his 'prize'. His hands roamed over the skin of my back and butt for a few seconds before he replaced his cock to the door of my anus.
The head just touched me, and I flinched, clenching my buttcheeks closed.
"If you don't relax and let it happen, Bobby, it's going to hurt a lot worse," he warned me. I nodded again, and tried to relax.
I felt him climb onto my back, with his weight bearing down on my back. To help the camera get a real good view of him skewering me, he forced my legs open with his. I heard Sly move the side camera around behind us for the better vantage point, making sure to keep the other camera to the side for both mine and Larry's reactions to what was about to happen next.
He put his hands over mine to keep them from flailing around when he actually did enter me. His dick lined up to the small entrance of my butt again and with a powerful thrust, he shoved it deep inside me. At least I thought it was deep. It turned out to be only an inch or so past the head. It hurt just as much, though.
"AAAGGGHHH!! Take it out, take it out! It hurts, Dad! Please, take it out. I can't stand it!" I screamed at him. It didn't hurt as bad as I was making out, but it did hurt some. The wincing was for real.
"Quiet, son, right now, or I'll make it hurt a lot worse," he advised me.
I shut up, but kept my eyes tightly shut to the 'pain' he was putting on me. Thanks to the lube job Susan had given me, Larry's cock didn't hurt all that much, but I did need to make it good for the cameras. He began to feed the rest of his long prick to my innards. I struggled against him, but he held my hands down in place.
"CUT!" Sly called from behind us.
"What's wrong?" Larry asked from above me, not moving anything, yet. Besides having a man's dick up my ass, I could see nothing wrong, myself.
"I want you to raise the two of you up, so we can get some good shots of you really fucking the kid's asshole. Okay?"
"Got it," he said back to Sly, then turned to me. "You okay, Tony?"
"Oh yeah, I'm just perfect, Larry," I said, sarcastically. I heard some snickers from the rest of the room.
Sly called for quiet and marker man walked up to do his thing. Sly then shouted out, "ACTION!" and Larry began to pull out of my asshole.
As per Sly's instructions, he lifted his body off the bed, pulling me with him and held onto me by my hips. He put me on my hands and knees as he began fucking me doggy style. I gripped the sheets as he lanced my hole again with his long, thin prick. He didn't 'have' to control me any longer, so he could actually enjoy the fuck of his day.
I held on to the covers of the bed while Larry built up speed and rode me as hard as he could. He was really plowing into me as I was grimacing at the assault on my backside. I wasn't used to something plowing into me that fast or hard. Our skin slapped with each thrust of his hips. The room was filled with our grunts (for different reasons, of course) and our skin slapping together.
With a final, guttural lunge, he sent a hefty amount of semen flying deep into my bowels. But being the experienced porno star that he was, he pulled his cock out of my ass and sprayed some across my butt and back. Meanwhile, I collapsed on the bed, tired from the fuck he had given me.
Larry lowered his head down to mine once his dick had stopped spurting cum to whisper to me.
"That's what Jock's going to do to you the next time I have to call him, Bobby, so straighten your shit up right now!"
"Yes, Daddy," I said back to him.
"CUT!" Sly practically screamed it out loud. "Perfecto, Tony, absolutely perfect. It couldn't have been better if I wanted it to be."
I smiled a thanks at him as Larry climbed off my back again. Susan was there to wash the cum off my back with a warm, damp towel. She also wiped up the sauce between my legs that had managed to ooze out of my ass. It was almost like having my own personal valet.
"You okay?" Larry asked me as he walked around the side of the bed. Susan was still cleaning me up at the time.
"Yeah, I think so. I still feel like there's something up there, though." It was a very peculiar sensation.
"From what I hear, that normally happens, but it will dissipate soon enough," he told me. Sly walked over as Susan was just finishing my rectal cleaning.
"Good job, kiddo," he smiled down at me. "How 'bout lunch? My treat?"
I was definitely up for that. Not having to worry about Larry's jizm leaking all over the place, I got dressed in my 'Bobby' clothes quickly. I was a little sore around the anus, but none too worse for wear. Thankfully, there was no spanking involved in this shoot, so I wasn't as sore as I could have been.
Sly led me out to his office again to pay me. The thousand dollars was handed to me in cash and I took it upstairs for safe keeping while we went to eat. No one was allowed upstairs in my room unless either myself or Sly gives consent. He always called it my little sanctuary away from the world. I agreed with him on that.
Chapter 8 At the Beach
We had lunch at the same restaurant he had taken me to the last time, and I gorged myself on a chicken parmesan dinner with a side of pasta. He let me try another type of red wine. That one wasn't as harsh to the taste buds, so he let me have half a glass. During the meal, Sly got a little tipsier than he should have and Kenyan had to drive him to his house.
The rest of the day was spent alone in my room with my school books. I remember that night I slept in fits and waking up not well rested. I had work to do, though. The first thing I needed was to find a broker for my money. There was a large firm with an outlet shop in a strip mall not too far from the building. I guess I'd better start calling it, 'my home'.
Anyway, I opened an account with them, needing only an ID card, which I had. I got it the previous week. I tucked away two hundred dollars in a new account at the time called, mutual funds. The broker said that if I deposited the same amount every month, two hundred dollars, then by the time I was eighteen, the account would be worth approximately fifty thousand dollars. I decided to do three hundred a month. It was not enough to draw questions from anyone, and the broker knew better than to say anything to anyone about me.
The rest of the day, I bought a small table saw and some lumber from the local hardware store and headed home. One thing at a time was lugged up the stairs and to the room. It was a lot of work to do, but I made it and began my project. The rest of the week was spent doing the work on the room.
I had the framework done on a second story loft done by Friday night. I had bought the right tools and materials I needed to do the work, thanks to the man working at the store. He helped me a lot by telling me everything I would need to do the job. Friday night arrived and I was tired. I needed a respite from the room and the work.
I headed to the gyros shop on the beach for a small dinner that evening. Paul was there, and we talked about nothing important. I never told him anything important about myself. Not even my new name.
I stayed there until way past sundown, enjoying the light as long as I could. It was close to ten o'clock when I made my way back home. Eluding the gangs was getting easier now, as I knew the streets better, but I was still very cautious. I took a break from building over the weekend for two reasons. One, I was out of building money. I had budgeted about five hundred a week to building the room and with the tools and supplies that week, I was out of money. I still had some spare money, but I needed that for food. Two, I needed the break. I was sore and tired and I knew what was waiting for me around the corner of the week. Jock and his large cock. That should have been a song.
That Saturday morning, I was at the beach playing in the surf for a while. I laid down to get some rest and work on my tan when a man walked over to me and knelt down on the sand next to me.
"Could I ask you something, son?" he asked.
"Firstly, sir, I'm not your son. Secondly, you just did. And thirdly, I'm a little busy. What do you want?" I was now getting quite a smart tongue from hanging around Sly too much. I was a little annoyed at the man interrupting my quiet time.
He didn't know how to proceed after that, so I exasperatingly asked him what he wanted.
"I wanted to know if I could paint you," he said, pointing to his canvas and painting equipment.
"Paint me?"
"On canvas. You lay still like you are, and I draw and paint you as a model. One catch, though." Here it comes. "You gotta take your trunks off." I knew something like that had to be it. "I'll pay you for your time, of course."
"How much?"
"How about fifty bucks? All you have to do is lie still and I do the work."
"Why me?" It was a fair question, since there were other kids around the beach. It was a Saturday, after all.
"Because I've been watching you for a while, and I don't see any parents with you."
I guess he had me on that one.
"Okay, sure, mister," I said. We shook on it and he handed me over a fifty dollar bill. I put it in my sneaker and shucked my trunks onto the sand, giving the sun its first ever view of my white ass. It was something I was going to have to work on over the next couple of weeks.
A couple of girls about my age saw me strip nude and snickered to each other. I ignored them and laid back down on the towel. I put my arms under my chin as I had done earlier and he liked that. He adjusted my body by telling me just exactly where to place different parts. For comfortability's sake, I had to squirm my dick into the sand a little, but otherwise, I did exactly what he wanted.
I looked between his legs and he was actually soft; not a trace of an erection. He was either not into boys or totally legit in being an artist.
After an hour or so of him drawing me, one of the giggling girls walked up and sat down Indian-style in front of me. My eyes went straight to her exposed inner thighs. Of course her sex was covered by her suit, naturally. I looked up farther to see the rest of her. She had wavy locks of long blond hair, even her eyebrows were blond. Her eyes were a nice shade of blue and she sported a pert nose with slight dimples. All in all, very cute and attractive.
"Why you naked?" she asked, innocently.
"Because he wants to paint me this way," I said, nonchalantly, nodding my head in the direction of the artist. She looked his way and back to me.
"I'm Brittany," she said sweetly, offering her hand.
I took it without moving too much of my body and we shook them slightly while I told her my name was Tony. She said that she and her mother brought her little sister here for the day. I told her that my parents both worked on the weekends and I wanted to see the beach before the end of the season. It was approaching November soon and it would cool off, even in So. Cal.
She and I continued to talk while the artist continued to draw. The whole time we talked, her eyes would flit to my naked butt and back to my eyes when she saw me look up to her. I smiled at her innocence. A woman looking strikingly like Brittany walked up to us.
"There you are," she said.
"Mom, this is Tony," she said, introducing me to her mother. I waved up to her and she looked at me and back to her daughter, and then back to me and my naked butt again.
"What's going on here?" she asked and that was when the artist got involved.
"Hello," he said, walking over and taking Brittany's mother's hand. She skeptically took it. "I'm David and this is my nephew, Tony. He's helping me with a project."
A good lie. Clean and can easily be explained. Obviously, he heard me tell the girl my name and picked up on it. A quick liar.
"I see," she said, taking Brittany's hand. "Well, David, I'll take Brittany out of your way so that you can get back to work."
"Bye," she said, waving to me and I waved back with the same sentiment.
"Interfering people," David said under his breath.
"No kidding. Although, she was nice."
David smiled and resumed his seat beside me. He picked his pencil up and went back to drawing me.
"Nice lie, by the way," he said while he was making his marks. I was a little shocked, but recovered my wits quickly.
"You too," I said, and resumed my position.
Everyone that passed looked in our direction, but made no attempt to stop Dave or me from doing what we were doing. Even two LA cops walked by. I figured the fun would stop right there, but they just smiled, gave Dave a 'thumbs up', and kept walking. The rest of the time I laid there, we went unmolested by the passersby.
When the sun was going down, he closed up his tools and showed me his work. I was less than impressed. He could see the disappointment on my face, and laughed.
"If you'll return tomorrow morning, I'll be able to finish it by tomorrow evening. I do suggest you bring some sun block. They say it's supposed to be a little overcast tomorrow."
I nodded and we went our separate ways. I put my trunks back on as I left the beach. The walk home was uneventful and I stopped off at the local pizza place for some dinner. I bought three slices and a Sprite then headed to the loft that was becoming my home.
The next day, I picked up the sun block on the way to the beach, and Dave was there as I walked up. This time, he had an easel and paint with him, as well as the canvas he had started on the day before. I stripped off my trunks and laid down on the towel. I put the sun block on my legs, thighs, and butt. I had to have him apply the ointment to my back and shoulders.
I had brought a few of my text books with me so I could get a little work down while he painted me. The day actually passed too fast for me, knowing what was next. Before the day was over, he and I were shaking hands and saying good-bye. He showed me the picture, and I was now impressed. He was good.
"If you want to do this again, Tony, just call me," he said, and left me his card. I nodded and put it in my shoe.
The walk home was filled with thoughts of conflicting nature. On one hand, the two wonderful days of the past weekend, and the other held dread for my job the next day. I went into a fitful sleep that night. I wasn't so sure that trading Larry for Jock last week was exactly a smart move. As it gave me another week of reprieve from having something that large being violently shoved into a place that it wasn't supposed to go, but it also let me know just how painful a more slender dick is. Jock's cock is going to hurt like hell, and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.
Chapter 9 Jock
The next morning, I woke, but not well rested. I made my way downstairs for my weekly enema by Susan. She was especially nice to me again as she cleaned me out and up. My body was dried off with her usual care and concern.
"Okay, Tony, no more delays," Sly stated as I walked naked up to him and Jock. I nodded at my apparent fate. "Now, in this one, Bobby's misbehaved again and his father has already called Jock to come over. I want you sitting on the bed waiting for him as he enters the scene. Also, I want you lubed up and ready to go."
"If I ever find 'Bobby', he's dead. He's getting into trouble, and I'm taking the punishment," I said, trying to make the tension lighter for me.
Sly and Jock laughed, jovially as I walked onto the set. I rested my hands on the bed as Susan walked up behind me with a little tube of lubrication. I spread my legs apart and she applied the ointment to the crack of my ass. She was being as gentle as she could, but I told her to never mind, as I was about to be split by a telephone pole. With that, she pulled her fingers out of my asshole, slapped it and turned back to the camera area.
I pulled Bobby's jeans back up and turned to sit on the bed, waiting my sentence with Jock. I got myself psyched up for the scene by making myself worried at what was about to happen. Marker man did his thing and disappeared behind the camera again. Sly called out for the cameras to begin rolling. They closed in on me sitting there, looking worried at the prospect of another visit from Jock. The door opened and closed and I looked up to see Jock 'walk' in the room.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my old buddy, Bobby," he announced to the obvious room.
"Please, Jock, don't punish me. I promise that this time I won't do it again," I pleaded, my character hoping that he wasn't going to do what he was here to do. I knew it was going to happen, though. D-day had arrived.
"Pleading isn't going to save you this time, Bobby," he said, and I could see a sadistic smile spread across his face. "First, get up and strip those clothes off, right now."
I did as he said, taking my time with it, though. When I was completely nude again, Jock walked up to me and put my face to his leather clad crotch. He was standing on a small platform that put his crotch at the perfect height for my face. Using the same hand behind my head, he ground my nose around the flap of leather dividing me from his manhood. It was getting harder the more he did it.
"You feel it getting hard, don't you, kid?"
I nodded against his middle. He kept it up for a few minutes while he rubbed his free hand along the length of my back. Finally, with one hand still he holding me in place, he swatted my ass with the other, and HARD! I winced and screamed into his crotch. He swatted again, and I screamed again, but also lifted a leg at the pain. He brought his hand down upon my ass a total of twenty times and each one stung like hell. My ass was a dark red when he was finished with that part of this.
I was fidgeting from one leg to the other, trying to make my ass less sore; as if that would help. It didn't. Jock was as hard as a rock by this time, and ready for the next step. He shoved me to the bed and I climbed on the covers. I was on my back, looking up to the top of the set and noticed a new camera had been installed that week. It was mounted over the bed and pointing downwards to cover the whole thing. With some trepidation, I got onto 'all-fours'; ready to get this over with.
"Good, Bobby, you learned from you lesson with your father last week," he said, sort of praising me, but not really. I turned to look at him and he laughed. "Yes, he told me what you two did, and I'm sorry he did that. You see, now I don't get a cherry boy for myself. I just get you, and you're gonna scream when I get this into you." With that, he opened the flap, releasing his hard-on to myself and the room. I circled around to face him while still on my hands and knees.
He walked up to the bed and presented his cock to me. I took it into my mouth without force or prodding from him. Remembering my lessons, I was able to swallow his cock without any gagging. As it disappeared down my throat, he took to swatting my upturned ass again. I had to make sure not to bite down with each strike of his open palm. These swats weren't as hard or stinging as the first ones, but they didn't exactly feel good, either.
He moved his hips in time with my throat's constrictions, feeling the tightness of the muscles around him. Knowing what it felt like for Susan to do that to me, he must have been feeling something good. I was becoming the avid cocksucker very quickly. I made him feel good for some four or five strokes before he pulled out of my throat and climaxed all over my face. His cum got in my hair, all over my nose and lips, and finally ended up running down my cheeks and dripping from my jaw bone and chin.
"CUT!!!" Sly was on the scene in seconds. "You were to take his ass this time, Jock," he explained to the larger man.
"Who says that I can't do that later? We just shut down for a few minutes while I recover and then I come at him again."
"Let's finish the scene and then take it from there, Sly," I suggested to him.
"Fine," he said, throwing his hands in the air and returning to his chair behind the camera. Jock and I smiled knowingly at each other before getting our stage faces back on. Marker man made his quick appearance and retreated.
"ACTION!" Sly shouted, but there was a little disappointment in his tone.
I got a disgusted look on my face real quick and Jock began circling his cock around my face, rubbing his cum into my skin. He ordered me to lick his cock clean, and I did, swallowing everything that entered my mouth. When he was cleaned, he backed off and raised the flap to his leather pants.
"Now, get your face clean. When you're done with that, I want you to sit on your bed and think about what you've done. I'll return later for more of your discipline." With that being said, he turned and left me kneeling on the edge of the bed. Before the cameras ceased taping, I ran my tongue around my lips, gathering in all the jizm it could.
"Cut!" Sly stated and walked over to me. "Not bad, Tony. I don't want you to leave yet."
"I understand, Sly," I said. I knew he was disappointed in me for not doing what we had talked about, but I had managed another stay.
Susan walked up and mopped my face off of Jock's sperm with a warm towel as I crawled sorely into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. When she was finished, she turned and left with a wink of her eye. I was sitting there thinking about all that I had to do upstairs when Jock walked over and sat next to me.
"How's your ass?"
"Sore," I answered back to him.
"I'm sure it is, kiddo, but you handled it well. I was just telling Sly that I think this video we're making will sell better this way than if I had just walked in and screwed you ass."
"I hope so, or both of us could be in trouble and not just me," I told him.
It was totally surreal to be sitting there having this pleasant conversation with a man that in a few minutes was going to be fucking me up the ass. As we were talking, I got an inspiration. I left him sitting there, wondering what I was up to. Sly was in his office working on another problem with another shoot somewhere else. I waited till he was finished to discuss my idea.
"What is it, Tony?" he asked.
"I was thinking about something, Sly. What if Larry joined the scene with me and Jock this time?"
"You mean have him take your ass again?"
"No, I know that goes to Jock this time. I mean have me sucking his cock while Jock does me up the ass."
"Hmm, not a bad idea, kid," he said, rubbing his chin. "I like it. Let me call him. Good thinking, Tony." He picked up the phone and made the call. I made my way back in the filming room with Jock still sitting on Bobby's bed.
"What're you up to?" he asked, suspiciously.
"You'll see," I said, smiling. I figured if this was going to happen, then we'd better do it right the first time. I wasn't stupid enough to think that this would be the last dick that was going inside me, but for the first time, I wanted to get it right.
Sly walked back inside and told us to wait for a while until Larry arrived. Jock laughed at me.
"So, you think that," he began, but I cut him off.
"No, Jock, I don't. I know it's your turn at me, but I figured we could get 'my father' involved in the scene. Maybe have me suck his cock while you take me, or something."
"Ooo sounds nasty," he said, with a smile.
"Yeah, Sly thought so also," I said, smiling back. He got up to use the restroom and I laid down on the bed for a few minutes respite.
I closed my eyes and started thinking about Dave and him drawing me nude on the beach. Without warning, my cock began to harden on its own. I wondered if there was a way to achieve the orgasm that I had without someone else doing it to me. My hand slowly slid down and began stroking my young dick.
I remembered what the shithead driver did to me in his cab that night and began to stroke it the same way. My other hand reached down and began fondling my almond-sized balls at the same time. I spread my legs apart to allow better access. I totally forgot everything in the room, except my own lust. It was beginning to feel very good after only a few minutes of stroking. My butt was still sore, but it didn't matter all that much to me at the time. All I wanted was the climactic feeling I had before. I began stroking faster and faster, building towards the orgasm I wanted. Finally, in one glorious exhilarating moment, my body exploded into a fountain of pleasure as waves of rapture crashed over my young body.
My body twitched as I came down from it and I opened my eyes for the first time since I had laid down. The room burst into applause at the show I had just given them. My face must have turned seven shades of red.
"That was quite a show, little one," Jock said as he approached the bed.
"Thanks, Jock, but I wasn't doing it for the cameras. It just felt good; that's all."
"Doesn't matter why, Tony. It matters that you did it and we got it all on film."
"Great, my life in pictures," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Larry's almost here, by the way," he said and left the bed. I nodded and sat back up.
We only had to wait about a few more minutes before 'my father' arrived on the scene. He walked in and asked Sly what was going on. He told him my idea, and he liked it immediately. Who wouldn't?
"I was thinking that as Jock walks back in 'my' room, you could follow and assist in 'my discipline'," I told Larry.
"I like it," Sly said when I was finished. Turning to the larger man, he asked if he was ready, and Jock nodded. "Okay, then, places everybody. Let's get everything turned on."
"Including Jock and Larry," I butted in. The two laughed at my effort of trying to be at ease about this.
"We need to redden your butt a little, Tony," Sly said to the side. I rolled my eyes and presented my backside to Jock. He lined up beside me and grabbed my shoulder closest to him. With several swats to my upturned ass with his gloved hand, he had it sufficiently red again.
I stepped onto the stage and waited for Susan to lube me up again. When she was finished, I sat down, waiting for everything to start. Jock and Larry were waiting just off camera and Sly was getting to his seat. Marker man walked up and clapped the marker to the scene and I took a deep breath.
"ACTION!" Sly shouted from beside the camera. I had my head bowed and was waiting for Bobby's punishment. The door opened and closed and Jock started.
"Hello again, Bobby. I hope you've thought about what brought me here again." Jock was still off stage when he began the speech, but walked up to stand in front of me when he was finished.
"Yes sir," I said, lifting my tear-filled eyes to him.
"Good, because I've decided to get your father involved into the discipline this time," he said the air of a man threatening something to someone.
"Oh God, not Dad!?" I was obviously supposed to say.
"Yes, your father," he said to me then turned back to the 'door' and Larry. "Come in here, Bruce." The door opened and closed again and Larry walked onto the stage. He was as naked as I was. "You remember what we discussed, don't you?" Larry nodded.
"Get on your hands and knees again, Bobby," Jock told me. I scrambled upon the bed and knelt on my hands and knees. I was facing the two men before Jock turned me to the headboard of the bed. There was the camera above me, one to my left, and one behind me, filming every detail of this. I had no idea what they had in mind for me, but I was sure it wasn't going to be pleasant.
Larry climbed onto the bed after me and knelt down in front of me. He rose up and pulled my arms into the crooks of his knees, pinning them there. He pulled my face to his crotch while he pulled my arms through his legs. Out of duty, I licked his cock and he slipped it into my warm mouth. It began to grow due to the sensations I was giving it and eventually slid down my throat. I pumped my head back and forth along the lengthening digit while waiting for Jock to line up behind me.
The bed creaked behind me and I felt the head of Jock's cock tease my anal muscle. He used his legs to spread mine wide open to get a clearer target, as if he needed one. He rubbed his cock along the length of my buttcrack, getting my anus more lubricated up with his precum. The moment of truth had come at last when I felt Jock begin to force it inside me. It took two times before the head speared my asshole, and when it did, I fought like hell to get it out.
I flailed my hands around outside Larry's knees, trying to get them loose, but that was useless. I screamed into his crotch, but with his cock down my throat, not much sound came out, but a person watching could tell I was in some severe pain. He didn't stop there long, either. Pressing his advantage, he forced me to take his whole python before he stopped feeding it inside.
I was still screaming, crying, bucking, flailing, and doing everything I could to escape the invading missile of his cock. Everything I did was useless. His cock continued to assault me until he had it buried to the hilt inside me. When he was all the way inside, I could feel his hairy crotch against the smooth skin of my buttcheeks. Even though it hurt like hell itself, I still had to remember that I had Larry's cock down my throat and to not bite down on it. Instead, I dug my fingers into his thighs when I stopped flailing my arms around.
"Jesus, this kid's tight," Jock remarked. Well, what the hell did he expect? I wasn't a total slut yet.
Once Jock was satisfied that he had totally dominated my asshole, he began to withdraw from my rectum. His hands grabbed my hips in effort to keep me as close to the position that I was as possible. It hurt being taken out just as much as it did going in. When I felt his cock's head at the entrance again, he pushed it back inside, impaling me again. It felt like being totally ripped in two. I cried out as best as I could again, trying to get him to stop, but it fell on two pairs of deaf ears.
Again, after totally burying the monster fully inside me, he began to pull it back out. I was in full crying mode by this time from the pain. It didn't stop Jock from continuing his fuck. Another full pumping and he began to pick up speed. If it hadn't been for the blowjob I had given him earlier, he would have cum by this time, I'm sure.
I settled down enough to continue sucking Larry off, but it still hurt enough to matter to my asshole. If still felt everything was on fire back there. It didn't take Larry long to bellow out in orgasmic pleasure and pull out of my throat to send his semen splattering all over my face as Jock had done earlier. And even though he was done, he still held me down while Jock fucked my ass.
With one, final, guttural lunge, Jock peaked and upon pulling his cock out, he sprayed his jizm over my spinal cord. He milked his cock of all the cum he could and Larry released me from under his legs. I just laid there, feeling the pain of having just been used by two men at once. And with one, final, and hard swat to my red ass, Jock climbed off the bed.
"Next time, it'll be much worse, kid," he hissed sadistically into my ear. The two men turned and left the camera's view, leaving me crying on the bed.
"Cut! Cut! Excellent! Perfect! I want to see that immediately." Sly was happier with this than the last two films I had done for him. I still hadn't moved.
Susan came to the bed to wash me off, and I pushed her away. I didn't want to see anyone or to know anyone was even there for a while. I buried my face in my hands and felt ashamed of myself. I cried lightly. I wish I could have stayed that way forever after what I had just endured. She left me alone, and so did everyone else, including Sly.
I remember lying there for what seemed like my own eternity, trying to capture a little dignity and composure. I finally pushed myself off the bed into a push-up position and went back to kneeling on my hands and knees. I stretched my back and wiped off my face of tears. Blood had dripped down and dried on the sheets of the bed and I looked down to see where it had come from. I had come from between my legs.
I carefully reached back between my legs to feel my asshole, and it hurt even to my tender touch. I hissed and winced at the dull pain left by the enormous cock. When I pulled my finger back to look at it, blood had leaked onto it as well.
When I looked around, the room was totally empty. Everyone had left and I hadn't even noticed. I think Jock cleared the room for me, but I wasn't sure at the time. Later on, I found that it was Larry who had done it. I slipped off the bed and walked to the restroom to shower off. I ran the water for a while to get it hot, and then stepped into the tub.
As the water hit my face, it felt real good. The dried cum washed off and I felt a little better. I looked down to see pink water running along to the drain. I turned around to let my back get clean of Jock's cum next. I opened my buttcheeks to get some water to clean off any blood there as well. After that, I sat down just to let the water cascade off me. It was like a baptism of sorts.
I pulled my legs into my chest and wrapped my arms around them while I sat there. It felt good just to sit there like that; washing away all traces of my shameful deed. After some time, the door opened and Larry told me to take the envelope Sly was leaving me in the top drawer.
"Okay," I answered him back.
"You really did good today, Tony," he said from just on the other side of the glass divider. Even though he couldn't see me, I nodded and he turned to leave me alone again.
I stayed in the shower for another ten to fifteen minutes before getting out. When I pulled the divider back, there was a white towel waiting for me on the toilet. I noticed some blood was on the towel as I dried off my body, and knew my asshole was still bleeding. So, I wadded up some toilet paper and stuffed it along my crack before putting on my underpants.
After getting dressed, I walked out to Sly's desk and found the envelope inside the top drawer. When I opened it, it held two thousand dollars with a note. The note stated that I had done a very good job, coming up with the dual fuck idea, so I got a double amount of money. I smiled and went to put it away upstairs.
I had some lunch (it was too late for breakfast) and went back to the hardware store for more supplies. For the time being, I abandoned the bed room and went to work on the kitchen. I was tired of eating out at night. I had a definite sketch and idea of what I wanted for the kitchen/dinning area.
I got all the materials I needed to turn the floor area into a very nice hard wood floor base. Wooden studs were also purchased for the walls. I took my materials back home and spent the rest of the day building the floor and laying the studs to the brick walls for the inner walls.
It was the night that I hated the most. With nothing to do, I reflected on the day's events. The blood had stopped around mid-afternoon and I removed the toilet paper from in between my asscheeks. But that evening, my body was still paying the price for the money I had made. I cried a little as I fell asleep again.
The next day was more of the same when it came to studying and building, but with a difference. I went upstairs to the roof to do some nude sunbathing while I studied. It was math that day, if I remember correctly while I baked my whole body brown. I remember it because Sly visited me at about noon as I was about to pack up.
"How're you feeling, Tony?" he asked as he got on the roof.
"Fine, Sly. Did you need anything?"
"Not really. I was just checking on you and to give you this." He handed me a rectangle box. I opened it and saw a tape inside. "It's a copy of your first movie with me. I'm going to give you a copy of each of them for your library of movies."
"What if I don't want to have a library of me having sex?"
"Then throw them away. Destroy them. I don't care. If you don't want them, then tell me, and I won't bother." He seemed like a parent that had a gift rejected by a child.
I thought about it for a half a second.
"No, that's okay. I'll take them if you want to give them to me."
"That's the spirit, kiddo," he said, ruffling my hair.
He stayed up there with me for a while and we talked about minutia for about an hour more. He had to leave, and I had to get back on building my room the way I wanted it.
With that day, I got into a pattern. I would study outside on the roof for about three hours a day while sunbathing, and then build on the room for the rest of the day till dinner time. For Tuesday thru Friday that was my routine. By that Friday, I had the whole floor done and the studs up for the kitchen. It was the first area that you would enter after leaving the stairs and I wanted it to look good.
Saturday day morning, I grabbed my towel and headed back to the beach. I was significantly browner, but still looking to get darker. I got there and put my personal items in a locker for safe keeping. About an hour of nude sunbathing, Dave walked up and sat down beside me again.
"Enjoying the sun?" he said.
"Actually, I was. Until now, that is," I chided him. He laughed back at me.
"Up for another fifty?"
"Sure. What do you got in mind?"
"Stand close to the water, looking out to sea. I'll paint you from behind and the sun at your back."
There was hardly anyone at the beach at this time of day, so I agreed that it would be fun to do. I set up to standing where he wanted me. He directed me to cross my arms over my chest and unclench my fists. My feet were spread about shoulder-width apart. We made sure the sun was behind me and he sat there also to begin. I held the pose as he worked with his pencil on the canvas first.
I let my mind wander during the time he drew me. I thought about what had happened earlier in the week as well as what I was doing to the room in the building. I thought about why I ran away from home in the first place. It wasn't the ideal future I had in mind, but it was my own and no one could tell me what to do with it. Not even Sly.
A few morning joggers ran by us, closer to the water, so they got a good shot of my front. One of them was concentrating so hard on me, that he lost his footing and fell into the ocean for a morning dip. It was hard to concentrate for a few minutes after that.
About noon, or so, people were really filling up the beach and the sun was starting to shift to the west more, so we called it quits for the day. It wasn't before over a hundred people got to see my birthday suit, though. I saw the drawing he had done, and it was better than the last week's at the finish.
"Could you paint me with longer hair this time?" I asked.
"I don't see any reason why not, Tony," he said with a smile and handed me my fifty dollar bill. "I'll see you tomorrow to finish it up." We shook hands again and he left for his home.
I got lunch at the gyros place after putting my suit back on. The man operating it talked to me again and told me I had a nice ass. I thanked him and left. To be honest, looking back, I would have to agree with him.
Anyway, after another three hours of playing at the beach, I made my way back home via a different route. I always chose a different route home in case someone was watching me. Paranoia might be irrational, but it keeps me safe.
The next day, Dave was there again and we went to the colors. The sun was lighting up my backside perfectly as I stood in the same exact place I did the previous day. We got the same lookers as we did the day before, but with one notable exception. Brittany paid us another visit. Even I was a little put out this time.
"Your thing looks funny," she said, walking up from my left. Great way to start a conversation. Stupid girl.
"Considering the source of that, I'll take it as a compliment," I shot back at her. Dave snickered from behind his canvas.
She scowled, but made no other mention of my 'thing'. She also didn't stick around very long. After only a few minutes of strained conversation, she left. I was glad she left us alone. I didn't need someone asking a lot of questions about me.
At noon, Dave put down his brush and declared the painting finished. I took a look at it and it was very good. I liked it better than the first one, not that I'm saying the first one was bad, but this one was better.
"See you next week?" he asked.
"Sure thing," I answered, and then added, "if the weather cooperates."
"See you then." He packed up his things, being mindful of the wet oil paint, and left.
I put my suit back on and played in the surf for the rest of the day. I returned home at about dinner time that evening. I was wondering what Sly had in store for me the next day. As I fell asleep that night, I was actually not that worried. I had weathered the worst of it with Jock and was still intact, for all intents and purposes.
Chapter 10 A New Movie & A Refrigerator
The next day I woke and headed downstairs for work. Susan was in her proper place and gave me another wonderful shower and not-so-wonderful enema. She always took care of me, no matter what happened on the stage. I walked out to the staging area and Sly was talking to a man I had not met yet.
"Tony, this is Mitch," he said as I walked up. I shook hands with Mitch as Sly introduced me to him. Mitch was about the height of Larry, but a little stockier. He had short black hair that was graying and a mustache that was also graying.
"Now, today, Mitch will be playing your father. You're gonna be asleep and he's going to come in and play with you in the bed."
"If he's going to be my father, don't you think my hair should be black?"
"Excellent idea, Tony," he said.
We waited while someone went to get some temporary coloring from a store. I got to know Mitch a little better while we were waiting. It turns out he had a son that was my age. He called him MJ; short for Mitch Junior. He wanted to know if he could bring him by to meet me, and I shrugged a "why not?" at him.
"I usually go to the beach on Saturdays and Sundays, though." And then I had a thought. "Are you getting him into this?" I asked him.
"I was thinking about it. Why?"
"Oh, just wondering," I shrugged.
A few minutes later, the camera man that was sent for the dye returned and Susan dyed my hair black. It was certainly a change. I wasn't too sure I liked it. Susan lubed up my asshole with her usual care and I walked back out to the filming room where everyone was waiting for me. Sly asked if I was ready, and I nodded. He handed me a pair of pajamas and a pair of underpants. I slipped them on and got into bed.
"Am I supposed to like this or not?" I asked Sly as I slipped beneath the covers.
"Let's try for a feel that you've done this before and you don't want to do it again, but once he begins to work on you, you kind of start to like it."
"Gotcha," I said, and lay down on the pillow.
I heard Marker man do his thing and snuggled down into the mattress a little more. I was facing away from the doorway that Mitch would be using to enter the room. Sly called for the cameras to begin taping and the door quietly opened and then closed, bringing Mitch into the picture.
I felt him move his hand along my arm, but I didn't move. He played with my hair for a little bit, and still I didn't move. The bed creaked as he lay down behind me and I kept my eyes closed, feigning sleep. The covers were moved to make room for him to lie right behind me. His arm draped over my body to rest on my chest and I made my first move; I rolled away from him to lie on my stomach.
Mitch moved the covers down to reveal my pajama-clad body to the room. He began rubbing my back with his right hand and then moved it under my pajama shirt to rub my bare back. After a few rubs, his hand began moving south to slip under the waistband of my underpants. I felt him grab my buttocks in a firm grip and I groaned.
"Dad, Mom will hear us," I told Mitch. His hand jilted for a second but he adlibbed his line a second later.
"She's sleeping with Prince Valium tonight. A tornado could rip through the house, and she'd still be asleep. So, don't worry."
"But Dad, I don't want to do this anymore," I said, turning my head towards Mitch.
"Well, that's your privilege, of course, but I could always let it slip that you were out too late last week," he threatened me. I was, of course, supposed to be afraid of that. I sat up in a flash. He was totally, buck naked.
"You said that you wouldn't tell Mom about that," I said quickly.
"And I won't. Just give me what I want, and I'll keep my mouth shut."
"Can't you do this with Mom?" It seemed reasonable to me. I mean, he did 'marry' her.
"You know what your mother looks like. She's totally let herself go since having you boys. She's not the same person I married, son."
I sat there, looking at the mattress, wondering how I was to answer that and then Mitch took over.
"Please, son?" he asked, looking a little pathetic. I sighed and nodded. I pulled my shirt over my head and lay back down on my stomach. I put my hands under my pillow and head to give him better access to my whole torso and lower frame. His hand went back to roaming around on my bare back. He didn't stop till he got under my briefs again.
Using both hands, he slipped my pajama bottoms and briefs down my legs to pool up at my ankles. His hands slid back up my legs to rest inside my thighs. He pulled my legs apart till my pajama bottoms wouldn't stretch any farther.
I felt one hand slide into the crack that separated the globes of my ass and a finger probe my anus. Gently, he slipped it inside, and I groaned again into my pillow. He used the middle finger of that hand, being the longest to loosen me up. After all, we didn't want to wake 'my mom' up when he eventually nailed me. His finger pumped my anal portal for a few times before he withdrew it totally.
The bed moved to indicate to me he was maneuvering into position to impale me on his cock. I felt the head of it touch my backdoor, and I flinched my cheeks a little at the touch. He waited a few moments for my anxiety to pass before easing it into the entrance that was my hole. I groaned as I felt his cock permeate my insides.
I noticed by the degree of pain that he was smaller than Jock, and I was thankful for that. It was either that, or I was already broken in to having a cock up my ass that it didn't affect me like it did the previous week. I gripped the pillow tighter as he fed his cock to my rectum, inch by inch, till I felt his pubic hair against the smooth skin of my asscheeks.
I felt him lower his body down to lay on my back when he was buried fully inside me. He lowered his face to my ear and whispered in my ear.
"You okay, son?" I'm just fucking peachy, "Dad". I nodded into the pillow that I was okay, and he took me at my word.
His hips raised off my buttocks and I felt his cock pull out of my asshole. He reached under my body to grab my hands. Even though the cameras couldn't see it, I grabbed his in return to hold on due to the pain he was giving me. Using only his hips for leverage, his cock began to slowly pump in and out of me. I was still very tight, so it didn't take him long to cum. He didn't bellow when he came; it was sort of a loud hum and very uncharacteristic of the men I had known up till now.
He did manage to pull his cock out just as the semen began to fly. It spurted all over my back and butt. I just laid there and took it, grateful that this was over with for this week. He rubbed the semen into my back and butt before laying back down beside me.
"Thank you, son," he said, and closed his eyes as I nodded back to him.
"CUT!" Sly called out from behind us. Both of us opened our eyes and smiled at each other as Sly mounted the stage. "Good job, both of you. Very well done." He was smiling, even though he wasn't as excited as last week's film.
I waited for Susan to wipe off the cum that was on my backside as he climbed off the bed and got dressed off camera. Susan did wipe me off and I followed him from the set. I was still nude as I stood in front of him again.
"How's your asshole?" he genuinely asked.
"It'll be fine, Mitch. No offense, but you weren't the largest cock I've had up my ass recently." He laughed a little and told me he wasn't offended.
"Do you mind if I bring MJ by on Friday evening? He could stay the weekend with you if you two get along pretty good."
"Sounds fine to me, Mitch, but I only have one bed to sleep on."
"No problem. I'll just have him bring his sleeping bag with him."
"Okay, see you then."
He smiled and left the room for his pay. I went to the bathroom to check on my backdoor to see if there was any blood this time. I wiped off and no blood was found, thanks to Susan's lube job, and I slipped on my underpants. Sly was in his office as I walked in, and on the phone again. He handed me my grand and the tape of my second film, but I waited a few minutes to talk over an idea I had. He hung up, and I took my opportunity.
"I got an idea, Sly."
"What's that?"
"Mitch was telling me that he wanted his son, MJ, to get into this," I started telling him.
"Yeah, he told me the same thing," he said, nodding to me.
"He's bringing MJ to stay with me for the weekend. Maybe he could join me next Monday morning. Do you think a video of two ten-year-olds having fun would sell?"
"That's not a bad idea, Tony, not bad at all. What do you have in mind?"
"Something longer than we've been doing. Maybe with a few ropes, gags, blindfolds, playing with each other, and other things like that. Also maybe expanding the room. Could we shoot upstairs on the first floor next week?"
"We don't have the time or budget for that, but we could take out a few unnecessary things from the stage and make it larger. We do have the other half of this area to use as a storage."
"Okay. I'll come up with a sort of storyline and plot by Friday and discuss it with MJ over the weekend."
"Sounds good, kiddo. See you next week," he said.
I went upstairs for a shower to take the black out of my hair and get freshened up a little better before going out. That Monday, I got all the dry wall I needed for the kitchen/dinning area and a few 'do-it-yourself' cabinets to go in the kitchen. I also ordered the refrigerator. They were just coming out with stainless steel appliances at the time, and I liked the look of them. The rest of that day was spent getting the dry wall up and put in place. I had to fill in the cracks and get ready to cover it, but they were looking very good. The trickiest part was getting around the outlets that were there.
The next day, I was upstairs working on my full body tan and studies when I heard knocking on the door downstairs. I ran to the edge of the building's roof and saw men delivering the refrigerator that I had ordered. I shouted to them that I would be right down. I was so excited at this, that I totally forgot to get dressed.
I took the stairs two at a time. I made it to the door in a matter of a few minutes. When I opened it, both of them gawked at me. It was then that I noticed I was naked as a jaybird. I was a little embarrassed at forgetting my clothes, but I motioned them inside. They didn't know what to do, being invited in by a nude ten-year-old. And a cute one at that.
"You gonna deliver that, or stand there all day looking at a naked boy?"
One of them turned to his partner and wanted to vote on the second option.
"Very funny," I said, getting a little hot at his attitude. "Look, I was upstairs, sunbathing, and I forgot my clothes when you knocked. Now, follow me, please." I'm sure the one man would have followed me into hell itself.
I led them to the loft on the fourth floor. They took the five flights of stairs very well with the fridge. I showed them where to put it when they got it up there.
"You a runaway?" the one man asked as I was signing for the appliance.
"Why? You like little boys?" The guy was starting to get on my nerves.
"Well, I could tell someone that you're here, and the cops would get involved, and
"Okay, I get the picture. What do you want for your big mouth to be silent?"
"You." Now, how did I know that was coming?
"Fine. It's not like I have a choice. One or both of you?" Since I had done that already, it was no big thing. The man smiled, and I knew I was going to have to take both of them. The tag on the first man's uniform read, "Tom", and his partner was Stan.
It was then that I really took a hard look at the two of them. Tom was the older one; probably in his late thirties with salt-n-pepper hair. His body was also starting to show signs of aging as his belly was getting a little larger. Stan was the younger and slimmer one. He looked like he was still in high school, but he was probably about eighteen or nineteen. He had short blond hair that was a little unkempt. He was the quiet one of the two and I liked him better.
So, I walked up and unzipped his overalls. I slipped my hand inside to fish out his cock from the uniform. While I was working on that, Stan walked around behind me and began running his hands up and down my body, paying particular attention to my best feature; my ass. When Tom's cock finally cleared the denim fabric, I licked the stalk from base to tip. He groaned at the thought of having a ten year old blond kid lick his cock. It wasn't terribly big, compared to Jock, he was average.
I took a few swipes of my tongue before enveloping the tool with my mouth. I bobbed my head along the length of it like I had been taught over the past several weeks and he was getting into it very well.
Meanwhile, Stan had begun to lick my body. He used his hands to pry my legs apart and get to my rear flower. His tongue met my sphincter, and I voluntarily opened them even wider. It was to be my first rim job and Stan was doing a very good job of it. While he tongued my assring, he also began stroking my preteen cock. I had a very difficult time concentrating on Tom's blowjob.
Not being used to the stimulations that Stan was giving me, I came after only a few strokes of my cock. It didn't stop Stan from continuing his rim job. He seemed to like giving it to me, and I wasn't going to stop him. With my orgasm over, Stan just held onto my hips while he continued rimming me.
Tom pulled me off his cock as he was getting to close to cumming. I knew he wanted my ass. Most men do. He pulled a chair over to the two of us. He sat down in it and pulled me over to him while Stan was still going at my ass with his tongue.
"That's enough, faggot, you can drink my juices when I get finished with him."
"I was just getting him slicked up, Tom," he said, explaining himself, but I got the feeling that he actually enjoyed it.
"Yeah, right, Stan. Besides, the kid has probably taken so many cocks up his ass; this won't bother him at all. Right, kid?" I shrugged at him as he pulled me in between his legs and turned me around.
He shoved his finger inside me without any gentleness to it. I hissed at the suddenness of it, and tried to evade his digit. Tom grabbed my arm, to make double sure I wasn't getting away. He didn't have to; a deal's a deal. Besides, if the two of these talk to the police, they would be in a whole lot more trouble than I would be.
Tom lifted me off the ground, using only the finger embedded in my ass. I cried out at the pain of it. He brought me back to sit on his lap, lining up his cock to my asshole with his free hand. And, while pulling his finger out, he inserted his cock at the same time. His finger and cock had occupied the same small hole for a brief period of time before he totally took his finger out. Sadistically, Tom forced me all the way down on his average cock in one push. I cried out again.
"Gently, Tom," Stan told him.
"'Gently'? I don't think so, you little faggot. The kid likes it, after all." Then to me, "Don't you?" I knew better than to bother answering his rhetorical question.
He grabbed my waist and began raising me off his lap, then lowering me back down again. I placed my legs outside of his to help widen my rear hole a little and ease the pain some. I also put my hands on the seat in between his legs to hold my steady. Stan was just standing there, watching the show, till I motioned for him to walk over to us.
I opened his fly as I did Tom's and fished out his cock also. Even as Tom was bouncing me up and down on his lap, I managed to vacuum Stan's cock into my mouth and down my throat. As I bounced on Tom, my mouth would slide naturally along Stan's hardness. Obviously, both men were enjoying themselves.
Tom came first, sending jizm deep into my bowels. He didn't pull out to spray me, he just let my guts take the juice and keep it. Stan wasn't far behind him with his climax. His manstuff shot down my throat like a water pistol shooting water. When he was finished with me, he didn't put his cock away immediately; he sank to his knees and sucked my cock in return. Tom held onto my hips until I came again a few minutes later.
When Stan pulled away, he sat down on the new floor I had laid the previous week and relaxed for a time. Tom just pushed me off him, callously and zipped his fly back up.
"Not bad, kid. You're a pretty good fuck." Tom told me as he ruffled my blond hair. I didn't bother returning any sentiment and he didn't seem to want any. Stan, on the other hand, was different. He had a look of shame on his face as he gathered himself together again.
The two left without another word. I cleaned up the cum from my legs and asshole and got busy putting the refrigerator into operation. By the time all that was done, it was noon and time for lunch.
The rest of the day was spent doing the cabinets for the kitchen. That evening, there was a knocking at the front door. I made my way there, stood on a stool, and opened the sliding panel. It was Stan.
"Can I come in?" he asked, shamefacedly. I nodded and slid the panel closed.
I opened the door and let him inside. He followed me to Sly's office where I sat down in his chair. He took the seat on the other side of the desk.
"This your dad's office?" he asked upon sitting down.
"I'm a runaway, remember?"
"Oh, yeah, right," he said as realization sets in.
"What do you want, Stan?" I asked him, getting a little put out with being interrupted.
"Well, I was worried that we had hurt you this afternoon."
"Is that all?" I asked, and he nodded. "I'm fine, Stan. Really, fine. I'm getting used to having men shove their cocks up my butt. Is there anything else?"
"Could I, um, do you again, please?"
"What? No candle light dinner first? No movie?" I asked with a little more than a smidgeon of sarcasm sprinkled in. He laughed, but it was a nervous one. "Look, Stan, I tell you what. I've got to purchase an oven next week. Make sure you deliver it, and I'll make sure you get a good tip, okay?"
"Sounds fair to me," he sighed. He got up to leave, but it was more of a mosey than a walk as he left the office.
"Are you gay?" I asked him when he got to the door to the office. He stopped and turned back to me. Looking down at the floor, he nodded.
There was something different about him, though. He wasn't as aggressive as the other men I had met so far. At the time, I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was different about him. Apart from being gay, that is. So far, all I had met were men interested in just a simple piece of ass (literally), but Stan was different in not wanting that. He seemed to want more than something quick.
"I'll see you next week, Stan," I said, dismissing him. He nodded and left.