PZA Boy Stories

J.O. Dickingson

The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity


Suppose you were a beefy trucker who loved little boys? Suppose the favourite little boy in your life became pregnant, by you? Suppose you discovered the two of you were not alone and you all had in common an encounter with an inscrutable oriental with a pregnant frog statue? Suppose boys and men could express their love openly and without fear? Suppose the birth of your child marked the beginning of a new era of love, compassion and peace on earth? Suppose the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity wasn’t just an improbable fantasy? Come and let Billy Bob guide you.
Ch. 1-12 publ. 1999-2000 (ASSGM); cont'd on this site Dec 2008-Dec 2009
Finished 409,000 words (818 pages)


Billy (6-10 yo), Bobby (40-44 yo) and their son Billy Bob (0-4 yo), and many others
Full list of characters (in separate window)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb tb bb cons anal oral mast fantasy first interr
Warning: this story includes descriptions of willing oral sex and anal stimulation with toddlers


This story involves the attempts of a forty year old man to impregnate a six year old boy. It is not recommended that anyone try this, unless one day they find themselves in an ancient shop, talking to an equally ancient and mysterious oriental 3;

For posting at adult gay story sites only.

If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is dedicated to Bobby who knows why.

Chapters 1-12 were sent to ASSGM in 1999-2000 under the title 'Making a Baby'. Some small revisions were made for the publication here at PZA.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at authorsix(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please with J.O. Dickingson - Gargoyle in the subject line.


Chapter 1

If there was one thing Bobby hated more than shopping, it was shopping with his wife. When a man went to buy something, say a shirt, he went to the store, found it, and bought it. A woman, on the other hand, had to visit six stores, try on a dozen different blouses, and buy a skirt and scarf to go with it. Today was one of those days, and they were only on their fourth store. He had two more to go yet. Bored out of his mind, he told her he'd wait for her out on the street. Maybe if he was lucky some cute kid would walk by and relieve him of his boredom.

Bobby had been married for fourteen years, and he loved his wife dearly, but he had a fascination for young boys, really young boys. Now, he didn't believe in anything rough, he didn't believe an adult should trick a young gullible boy into something he could not comprehend, and he felt a person should never use their position to coerce a boy to do one's bidding. It would have to be totally consensual, with no force, coercion, bribery, or trickery. To tell the truth, Bobby didn't think he could actually do anything physical if the opportunity did arise. For him it was just a fantasy, something to amuse his mind. Like, a lot of men daydreamed about being an astronaut, but it didn't mean any of them were actually going to quit their jobs and go become one.

The picture in the shop window interrupted his thoughts. It was a picture of Bryce Beckham, the child star of an old television comedy called Mister Belvedere. Shit, he hadn't thought about him in years. Bobby stepped back and looked at the shop. He couldn't see any sign or name to indicate what it was. He'd been down this street hundreds of times and could not recall ever seeing it before, but it would be easy to miss. The store front couldn't be more than eighteen feet wide. It looked like it was being squeezed out by the two stores on either side of it, Jefferson Jewellery and Acme Office Supplies, and while the other two had bright, modern facades, this store looked like it belonged in the sixteenth century with its tiny windows and green wood exterior.

The inside of the store looked just as out of place as the outside. The long narrow store was cluttered from floor to ceiling with the strangest looking things. Bobby had been in plenty of second hand stores, but this one beat them all. It had everything, and there seemed to be no particular order to things. Expensive looking whicker baskets were stacked beside tacky plastic curtains, kid's toys next to ladies' underwear, stacks of magazines beside a section of electrical sockets which were beside what looked like a barrel of dried potatoes. Standing at six-foot-four [1.93 m], Bobby was constantly ducking to avoid some article hanging from the ceiling, and at two-hundred-and-fifty pounds [113 kg], he had difficulty manoeuvring down the aisles without knocking something off the shelf.

"How many I serve you?"

Bobby jumped at the sound of the papery, ancient voice. It came from an ancient man, with yellowed, papery skin and a long, wispy white beard. He was dressed in a black shirt and trousers that looked like pajamas. He was oriental, and he looked like he would crumble into dust the moment you touched him.

"Ah, I was just looking, thanks."

"Nobody comes in here just to look," the old man replied.

His tone was more prophetic than accusatory and Bobby didn't know how to respond.

"You have a need."

"Ah, yeah, I was wondering about the picture in the window, the picture of Bryce Beckham."

"No, you are interested in a boy, but not that boy."

What the hell? This old coot needed a lesson in salesmanship. You didn't contradict a customer like that. What the old man had said was more worrisome than that he had said it however. Bobby studied him carefully. There was no way the old man could know what he dreamed about, so how could he know he was interested in boys? The old man shuffled toward the back of the store and Bobby followed him. The ancient searched through the shelf of bottles of every possible shape, size and colour.

"Ah, look," Bobby interrupted ten minutes later. "I just saw the picture and was curious. I don't know what you think it is that I want, or what you're looking for 3;"

"No. It is what you are looking for," the old man replied firmly, continuing his search without even looking up.

Bobby did not know what was going on here, but diplomacy and clarity in conversation were not the old man's strong suits. His manner was not going to endear customers to shop at his store, whatever type of store this was.

"Ah, here we are," the man said at last, picking up a small vial hardly bigger than a pill bottle.

"Look, I don't know what you think you've found 3;"

"You wish to have a child."

"Ah, no," Bobby said with a smile. "Before we married my wife and I talked about that, and we agreed we were not interested in having a family. She had her career 3;"

"No, not that child."

The burley truck driver stared at the old man. Did he mean the boy child Bobby fantasized sharing his bed with, or did he mean the other fantasy that he had 3;? That was absurd. He had never shared either fantasy with anyone, so both were impossible.

"Give him one a week. There are four."

"Give who?"

"You will know who is the right one," the ancient said as he turned and began to hunt in the clutter again.

"The right one for what?"

"To fulfill your fantasy."

"Uh, huh, yeah," Bobby laughed nervously. This was freaky. "And just what are these supposed to do?"

"They will make the impossible possible," the ancient said, pushing aside a pile of boxes and squeezing beside them to check in the cupboard behind them.

"I see," Bobby replied, giving up trying to understand the old man. He was not sure he wanted to understand him anyway. The man's comments were too close to his darkest secret.

"There is in all things the incompatible. Oil and water, good and evil, the square peg and the round hole. Those will make the incompatible parts whole, the two into one so there can be a third."

"Right," said Bobby, tongue in cheek. When the old man was not treading close to his secret, he was babbling nonsense.

"All will become clear when you see the child."

"And when will that be?"

"You will know when it happens," the ancient said with a smile.

"Okay," said Bobby. The scene of Alice talking to the Mad Hatter came to mind. Maybe this fellow had been handling too much mercury in his life, or too much LSD as a young man.

"Ah, here it is!" the old man announced triumphantly as he bent over and retrieved an object on the bottom shelf.

"What is that?" Bobby asked, not expecting an answer that made any sense as he stared at the ochre coloured clay figure. It was fat and squat, looking like a pregnant frog with an extra pair of legs and a grotesquely large penis.

"The gargoyle of male fecundity."

"Which happens to be for sale."

"For loan. It is only good once, and then must be passed on to a new owner."

"I see, and the rental cost is?"

"There is no cost, only your belief."

"Come again?"

"Believe, and it will come true. The coming of truth breeds belief. Enter the cycle," he said, handing the figurine to Bobby.

He had to take it or it would have dropped, and then he would have had to pay. It felt strangely warm in his hands, almost as if it was pulsing with blood. The old man smiled.

"It knows your thoughts, your desires, your needs. It is responding already to your yang."

"All right, how much money?"

"Four hundred dollars for the suppositories."

"Yeah, right, four hundred dollars," Bobby snorted.

"A small price to pay for a boy wife."

"A 3;"

"The gargoyle will return when the child is conceived."

Bobby found himself paying the man. This was absurd, and impossible, but the man also knew things he was not supposed to know, things that were impossible for him to know.

"Each night you will think of the one whom you would like to bear your child, and the gargoyle will find such an individual. You will know the child has been conceived when the gargoyle leaves."


That night as he lay in bed beside his wife, Bobby thought about whom he would like to have bear his child, preferably a son. Someone blond, young. The penis head of the gargoyle seemed to glow a pale pink. Bobby immediately stopped thinking. Turning his back to the figure, he tried to concentrate on something else, but his mind kept coming back to blond, young, someone like David Gallagher or Zac Hanson when they were, say six. He rolled over and glanced at the gargoyle. The penis head was definitely pink. He concentrated on his wife, and on the repairs he had to do to the house, but his mind kept coming back to the same thing. He did not dare look at the gargoyle. Bobby did not sleep that night.

The next day he kept a lookout for his wife to be. He did not see him. Exhausted from lack of sleep, he went to bed early the next night. Again his mind went straight to the same image of his fantasy boy wife, and again the penis head of the gargoyle turned pink. This was impossible. Bobby tried to think of something else his job, his boss, the ancient oriental, a cute six year old blond boy. He no sooner fell asleep than the alarm rang for him to get up. The third night Bobby gave in and let his mind run with the thoughts. It was not because he had any real hope that the gargoyle would work, but because he had to get some sleep. Besides, it was a pleasant dream to fall asleep to, and he fell asleep quickly. Had he been awake, he would have seen the penis head of the gargoyle was blood red, and he would have been unable to sleep for a week.

Of course, in the off chance the thing did work, the next day Bobby swung by several playgrounds and school yards where such a boy might be, but as to be expected, although he saw a lot of cute little boys, he did not see the boy of his dreams.

The next night he and his wife entertained and by the time he hit the bed he was exhausted. He had no more than five minutes of daydreaming of his favourite boy before he fell asleep with a smile on his lips. The gargoyle also smiled.

Bobby had a forty eight hour round trip delivery to make the next day. As he pulled the eighteen wheeler out onto the highway, he watched for child hitchhikers and stranded families with young children. He watched for his blond cutie at the truck stops where he had his meals. He knew it was silly, but it was a pleasant, harmless diversion. He returned home Friday night.

Saturday afternoon the plunger in the toilet in the downstairs bathroom broke. He drove down to the hardware to pick up a replacement. That was where he saw him, in the hardware store, in the paint section. He was with an adult, probably his father, and they were waiting while the store mixed up the cans of paint they had purchased. Standing at forty-two inches [1.07 m] tall and weighing in at probably fifty pounds [23 kg], he looked to be about six. He was wearing baggy, faded blue jeans and a short sleeved shirt with a Star Wars logo on the back. His Nike runners were untied. While the adult talked to the clerk, the boy stood by idly, his hand in his pocket. From the movement of his hand, he was clearly playing pocket pool.

The boy looked up and their eyes met before Bobby could glance away. If Bobby wasn't trapped before, he was the moment those big wide turquoise eyes with long blond eyelashes met his. It was evident the boy knew he'd been staring at him. He could not deny it. It was also evident he knew what the boy had been doing, and the boy knew it. The boy smiled ever so slightly and fiddled with this dick more forcefully, as if daring the man to say or do something. Bobby did what the boy least expected an adult to do, he smiled back. The boy grinned wider, showing a row of perfect pearly teeth. Bobby winked. The boy walked over to him.

"Hi," the boy greeted.


"We're buying paint for my bedroom."

"I see. What colour is it going to be?"



"Cool, huh?"

"Well, different."

"Yeah. I'm different."

"I can see that."




Bobby smiled, not sure what he should say next.

"I always do it when I'm bored."

"Do what?"

"Play with my pickle."

"I see."

"You do?" he asked, glancing between his legs, and then looking up at Bobby with a mischievous grin.

Bobby grinned back, captivated by that smile. It was not the juvenile humour that amused him, but the boy's attitude. He'd never known a boy with such a cocky, confident attitude that came across cute rather than offensive. "I sometimes do it when I'm bored too," he found himself admitting, and it was true.


The two stood there staring at each other. Bobby was not sure what to say next.

"Maybe some time you'll come by and see my room after it's painted."

"Sure, I'd like that."


The boy gave him his address and phone number and Bobby repeated it over and over to be sure he did not forget it as he headed out the store. As soon as he got to his car, he wrote it down. He was travelling on the road that week, and there was not a waking moment that he did not picture the boy and think about him, about the two of them, about his fantasy. Even in his dreams he thought about it.


It was not until the following weekend that he had a chance to phone the boy. As he dialled up the number his heart raced and his six-foot-four [1.93 m], two hundred and fifty pound [113 kg] body was tense with excitement. He felt like a new boy on the block phoning a classmate and hoping he will be his friend. This was crazy, a grown adult phoning a little child to see his room. Mind you, it was even crazier what that adult wanted to do with that child. Craziest of all, was what that adult fantasized would be the result of such a union.


Bobby was relieved it was a young boy's voice. He would have felt strange asking the boy's mother or father for him.

"Hi. This is the fellow you met at the hardware store."


"Is your bedroom finished?"

"Sure is. Wanna come see it?"

"Sure, but your parents might find it a little strange a total stranger coming over to see your room."

"They aren't home right now."

"I'll be right over."

Bobby risked getting a speeding ticket heading over to the boy's home. The kid greeted him at the door. He was wearing the usual boy things, blue jeans, Disney T shirt and ankle socks. He took Bobby straight to his room. The walls were indeed painted black, as was the ceiling. Stars and colourful planets and decals of fanciful spaceships brightened it up. Assorted space models were hung from the ceiling, and some crude drawings evidently of space creatures were stuck on the walls.

"So whatcha think?"


"Really?" he asked, beaming.

"Yeah, really. You draw those pictures?"

"Yeah," the boy said hesitantly.

"Neat. You're a good drawer."

"Thanks," the boy said beaming even more. Bobby wanted to lift him off his feet and kiss those beautiful, tender lips.

"Now you gotta show me something."

"I do?"

"Sure, I showed you something, so now you gotta show me something."

"All right. What would you like to see?"

"Your cock."

Bobby snorted in shock and stared at him incredulously.

"I bet someone as big as you got a huge cock."

"Your father know you use words like that?"

"No. You gonna tell?"

"No," Bobby said with a grin.

"So you gonna show me?"

Bobby hesitated. Sure, in the fantasy that he'd had for years this was one of the first steps, and he had thought of dozens of ways his fantasy might begin. Since they'd met, the blond headed cutie had been in a number of those fantasies, but as for actually doing it, he never really thought that would happen. Now that the opportunity was there, he was not sure he really wanted to go through with it. He definitely knew this was not what he should be doing.

Still, the look of anticipation in the boy's voice, and his matter of fact attitude to it all was hard to resist. Besides, he was just showing the boy. Had they been standing together at the urinals in the mall washroom he would not have hesitated giving the child a look. Bobby slowly pulled down his fly, and reaching inside, he guided his cock through the openings of his boxers and jeans. The look on the boy's face the moment he exposed himself chased away any doubts.

"Oh man yeah, that is sooo huge!" he said, admiring it openly. "Does yours get bigger when you play with it?"

"Yes, it does."

"Let play with ourselves," the boy suggested, and without waiting for an answer, he pulled down his fly and pushed down his jeans. He was wearing tight blue jockey briefs. He pushed them down, revealing his cute little pricklet, soft and pink and resting daintily above two tiny little testicles barely larger than grapes. Sitting down on his bed, he unabashedly took his little pricklet and began to shake it and tug on it. It was no bigger than Bobby's littlest finger. Bobby's cock began to swell just watching the boy. He slowly began to run his fingers up and down its length.

"Take down your pants too and sit beside me," the boy offered.

This was going far beyond just showing the boy his cock. Bobby hesitated and then unsnapping his jeans, he pushed them down, and then his boxers. It was by the kid's invitation, and they were doing it to themselves, not each other.

"Wow, you got more hair there than my dad."

"You've seen your dad?" Bobby asked in surprise.

"Sure, when we change at the pool."

"Of course. Have you ever done this with him?"

"No, silly," the boy giggled. "He gets all upset if I play with myself."

"I see."

"When you seen me and didn't do nothing about it I knew you played with yours too."

"You did?"

"If you didn't, you'd make a big fuss about it. Sometimes I do it on purpose to see who do it and who don't. I wasn't that time though. I was doing it then cuz I was bored, like I said."

"I see."

"Got mine hard." The boy stood up and his little dick stuck straight out, the skin just barely pulled back from the tip. It couldn't be more than an inch and a half [4 cm] long.

"So have I," Bobby announced, standing up also. He had never gotten stiff so fast, nor had it ever felt so hard.

"Oh wow, its sooooo huge! I knew a big man like you would have a big one! How big is it?"

"I don't know for sure."

"Lets find out!" he said excitedly.

His pants and underwear still about his ankles, he shuffled over to his desk, his little erection bobbing up and down as he shuffled. He quickly returned with a ruler. Before Bobby could react - or maybe he didn't want to react - the child had grabbed his dick and lined the ruler up along it.

"Oh, wow, eight inches [20 cm]! That's so cool!"

"Glad you like it," Bobby said, not knowing what else to say.

"Feels good, don't it," the boy said, making more of a comment than asking a question as he flopped down on the bed and began fiddling with his little erection.

"Yes it does. What do you think about when you play with it?" Bobby asked as he sat beside the boy.

"Mostly how good it feels. What do you think 'bout?"

"A lot of things," Bobby replied. He thought for a moment and then decided what the hell, why not say it. "Lately about fucking a young boy like you."

"Fucking? You can't do that," the boy giggled. "I don't have a girl's thing."

"You don't have to have a girl's thing."

"Then how can you do it?"

"Up your bum hole."

"Ha, you'd never get your great big one up my little bum hole," he giggled.

"A bum can stretch a lot farther than most people think."



"Isn't it sort of yucky?" he asked, wrinkling up his nose. "I mean sticking it where a guy's poop is?"

"No, it doesn't have to be."

"Wanna fuck me?"

"Yes. I'd like to have a baby with you."

The boy laughed again. It was a delightful laugh, and Bobby wished he could hear him laugh all day. It wasn't loud, or vulgar, or shrill. It was the natural laughter of a child, the pure bell tones of boyhood. He told the boy his fantasy, and the strange meeting with the man in the store. He even had brought the tablets with him. The boy thought for what seemed a long time. As Bobby sat there in the little boy's room, the two of them sitting there amidst the spaceship models and magazine pinups, their pants and underwear about their ankles and their cocks jutting out stiffly, he realized how absurd this was, and even how more absurd his fantasy was.

"That would be cool. But I don't think my parents would like me having a baby," the boy finally said.

"Yeah, I don't imagine they would," Bobby agreed. "Doesn't matter, what we're talking about is impossible anyway."

"Don't you wanna try?"

"Sure," Bobby laughed. "I've thought about it for years, and it's all I've thought about since I met you."

"Then let's do it. I think it would feel cool to have you up my bum. And I think it would be cool to have a baby with a guy too. I'd rather have a baby with a guy than with a dumb ol' girl."

"I think you'll change your mind about that as you get older."

"Uh uh," the boy said, shaking his head, "I'm going to be gay all my life."

Bobby stared at the boy in disbelief. "Where did you ever hear that word?"

"All over the place. On T.V., in the newspapers, at school 3;"

"They teach you that at school?"

"No, silly," the boy said, giggling again. "At recess, when no teachers are around."

"I see."

"And on the computer," he continued. "Everywhere."

"But you don't know what it means."

The boy giggled again, and Bobby wanted to hug him. "Of course I do, I'm not dumb. It means guys who like guys, you know, who love each other and want to kiss each other and that junk. Right?"

"Yes, that is right," Bobby said. Things certainly change, he thought. He didn't know about that sort of thing until he was in junior high school. Of course when he was a boy the word wasn't splashed all over the place either like it was today.

"So let's fuck."

"Now? Here?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"No reason I guess."


Bobby could not believe he was actually doing this as he opened up the jar. "I guess the first thing we have to do is give you one of these."

"They're sort of big to swallow."

"I think I'm supposed to slip it up your bum."

"Yeah?" the boy said, his eyes sparkling. "Cool." He jumped off the bed and standing before Bobby, bent over.

The sight of the little, round, pink buttocks before him made Bobby's cock jerk excitedly. The boy's butt was beautiful beyond anything he had ever imagined. He reached out slowly, as if touching it would burst it, like a soap bubble. It was so soft, so smooth. He could not ever remember feeling anything so smooth. Bobby slowly pulled apart the ass cheeks and revealed the little buttonhole. It was dainty and puckered, way too small for a man's cock to penetrate, especially his cock. Even so, his cock jerked even more vigorously with the thought, and a drop of precum oozed from the tip. Taking the suppository, which was about the size of an almond, he placed it at the boy's anus and gently began to push it in. The boy opened up his sphincter and the tablet disappeared inside the boy.

The boy turned and faced Bobby. "Now what?"

"Now I guess we get naked and make a baby," Bobby said, pushing his jeans and boxers the rest of the way off.

"Your cock is leaking pee."

"No, that's called precum. It's to help make the hole a man's going to enter easier to enter."

"How's that?"

"It's sticky. It makes the hole slippery"

Bobby flicked the drop off with the tip of his index finger and applied it to the boy's hole. The boy squirmed and giggled.

"You're going to have to leak a lot of precum for your big cock," he observed seriously.

"That's why I brought this," Bobby said as he took out the tube of KY from his pocket and opened it up. Squeezing a generous gob of the gel onto his index finger, he told the boy to bend over. Spreading apart his ass cheeks with his other hand, Bobby wiped the gob off on the pucker and pushed it in with his fingertip, The boy squirmed.

"That feels funny," he said with a giggle.

Bobby took another gob and again smeared it on the little pink pucker. However, this time, when he pushed it into the boy, he inserted his finger to the first knuckle. When the boy did not object, he eased it in farther. He soon had all three and a half inches [9 cm] up the boy's hole.

"You sticking your cock up me?" the boy asked innocently.

"No, that is my finger."

"Cool. Why do you have to do that?"

"To grease you up inside, and help stretch your hole," Bobby explained.

As he withdrew his finger, the boy squirmed with delight. Bobby greased up his thick fuckpole, hoping that the KY would make this possible. He wanted desperately to fuck this young boy, but he did not want to cause him any pain. The boy lay down on his stomach, and as Bobby got on the bed above him, the bed creaked with the trucker's weight. The boy seemed so small, so slim stretched out under his body. If he were to lower himself, he would completely smother the young boy. His big cockhead found the boy's little buttonhole and he pressed forward. The boy grunted and strained to open up to him. He pressed harder and the boy grunted louder.

"If it hurts, let me know."

"Okay," the boy gasped.

He slowly felt his prick head stretching apart the boy's sphincter. He went slowly, an eighth of an inch [3 mm] at a time. He felt resistance at first and then the boy's flesh easing about his cock as he slowly entered his body. Fuck, he was entering the boy! He was actually doing it. He paused.

"How does it feel?"

"Sort of hurts, but not bad," the boy said honestly.

Bobby continued easing his cock in until he had about three inches [7½ cm] still sticking out, but he decided he had better not try to insert himself any further. He had no idea how long the boy's rectum was, but he was sure he was pushing the back of it with his cockhead. He slowly began to work his massive cock in and out, being careful to insert no more than five inches [12½ cm] up the young boy's butt. The boy squirmed and gasped as his body was rocked back and forth on his little bed by the muscular trucker above him. As he was rocked back and forth his little stiff dick was pushed up and down against the top sheet of his bed, a deep blue cover with designs of the planets and stars. As the big man fucked his ass, the little boy fucked Saturn.

The man's huge cock up his ass felt strange and created feelings in the young boy that were too powerful to describe. All he knew was that it felt great, like having a huge never ending poop, and the more the man did it the more his body itched for it, not just his bum hole but his whole body. It was totally awesome, and he squirmed and panted with the unique pleasure.

Bobby could not believe how great fucking the boy was. It was better than any fantasy he ever had dreamed up. He fucked the boy as slowly and gently as he could, the six year old's bed rocking as he thrust in and out of the boy's hot little rectum. As he began to approach his climax he could not help but speed up though, and the bed creaked under the strain until he was afraid they were going to break it. Feeling the end coming, Bobby closed his eyes and groaned in ecstasy.

The boy felt the man quiver and as he squeezed the boy so tightly he could not breathe, the six year old knew something different was happening. The man jerked forward, driving the boy along the bed. His hot, hairy belly pressed against the small of the boy's back and his broad hairy chest pressed against the back of the boy's head, driving his face into his bed. The man was panting loudly and the boy could feel the man's cock throbbing in his rectum. The man paused there for the longest time balanced on his knees and elbows, and then finally eased his cock out. Rolling off the boy, the big trucker sat on the bed beside him.

"That precum?" the boy asked, rolling over and looking at the huge thick cock that had been up his ass, and the string of whitish fluid hanging from the peehole.

"No, that's cum."

The boy looked at him quizzically.

"The stuff that makes babies."

"So, now I'm going to have a baby?" he asked innocently.

Bobby smiled. "Well, if you were a girl, and if it worked the first time, it takes nine months for a baby to grow before it is born."

"Yeah? Darn, I don't know if I can wait that long!"

"Well, like I said, you have to be a girl. And sometimes it doesn't work the first time. Sometimes a man and woman have to do it dozens of times."

"Yeah? I'd like that."

"Really? You liked what we did?"

"Sure. Didn't you?"

"Yes, I did, a lot."

"Wanna do it again?"

"Huh," Bobby laughed. "Sorry, but it takes a little while to load up again."

"How long?"

"Well, usually a while, but I am sort of excited. We can try again in half an hour."

"Cool. Wanna watch some cartoons while we wait?"

"Sure," Bobby replied with a grin.

As they sat there on the bed, the two of them naked and watching Wily Coyote getting flattened by the Road Runner and Captain Gadget and his young friends saving the world, Bobby felt a desperate need to fuck this cute little kid beside him pass over him. It was more than just being horny. It was a desperate feeling, the feeling a starving man must feel for food, or a man lost in the desert for water. His entire body ached and itched with the desire to screw this little blond cutie. His entire body felt like it was a cockhead being stroked. The way the boy kept glancing over at him and wiggling, it was evident the boy wanted it too.

They could only wait twenty minutes. Bobby once again lubricated the boy's sphincter and the boy eagerly lubricated Bobby's throbbing cock. He found it easier to penetrate the boy the second time, and as he began to ease his cock in and out of his hot little asshole, he marvelled at how great it felt. As he pumped his two-hundred-and-fifty pound [113 kg] frame back and forth, the force of his motions actually rocked the bed. When he paused to catch his breath, the boy impatiently pumped his body, sliding up and down on his massive cock, working Bobby's fat tube in and out of his ass himself.

Soon Bobby felt himself approaching his second climax and as he began to speed up the bed creaked ominously. Never had sex with his wife felt as good as this. Bobby could not explain it, but it was incredible. He gasped with the immense joy of climax, and he heard the boy inhale sharply too as he filled his butt with his seed once again. When they were finished, they snuggled up to each other on the kid's bed. Laying there with his little blond head against his broad, hairy chest, the kid felt so small and innocent.

"I'd like to meet you again," Bobby said as he finally reached for his underwear.

"Me too. Real soon. Tomorrow."

"We could go to the zoo."

"That would be cool. Can we fuck some more too?"

"Of course," Bobby said with a grin.


The next day they went to the zoo. It was fantastic seeing it with a child, far different from going there with his wife. The boy was so fascinated by everything, and ran from one place to the next with boundless energy. He had boundless energy later that afternoon too as they found a secluded spot in a nearby park and dropped their pants for some fun. Doing it there in the bushes on the fresh green grass reminded Bobby of his dating years and he felt like a teenager again. They did it twice before Bobby took the boy home, and they agreed to meet after school the next day and do it in that same spot again.

For the rest of the day and all the next Bobby could think of nothing else. Fucking the kid was the best thing that he had ever experienced and he could not get enough of it. He thought three thirty would never arrive. He picked the boy up and as they drove to the park the kid reached over and pulled down Bobby's fly. Reaching inside, he stroked the fleshy tube through his underwear and giggled as it grew firm and poked its way out of his boxers.

"Do you think I'll have a big one like this when I'm as old as you?" he asked, his big turquoise eyes wide with wonder and hope.

"I don't know," Bobby replied. "But no matter how big it is, it's still fun to play with." He reached over with his right hand and groped the little boy buckled up beside him. The kid had a hardon and the boy giggled as Bobby's fingers fiddled with it.

Arriving at the park, they headed right for the bushes. Both were hard and aching to get it on. Quickly removing his pants and underwear and tossing them aside, the boy eagerly lay on the grass and spread apart his ass cheeks. Bobby just as quickly and eagerly lubricated his cute little fuckhole and his raging cock. For the fifth time in three days he filled the boy's rectum with his hot slimy seed.

For the rest of the week Bobby was on the road, and he could think of nothing else but the blond headed loveboy and making a baby with him. He knew that actually being able to conceive was impossible, but hey, two weeks ago he would have said that him bumfucking a sweet six year old boy would have been impossible too.

Early Saturday morning he called the boy up and they went to the park to play catch, and of course to fuck. A week had gone by and Bobby inserted the second of the four suppositories up his little pink hole. It was crazy, but it gave a justification for the forty year old man to be fucking a six year old boy. They fucked first and then played catch, stopped to fuck, played some more catch, and then fucked before going home. They did the same Sunday.

That Monday it was raining when Bobby picked the boy up from school. The parking lot at the park was empty so they did it there in the back seat. The boy pulled down his pants and underwear and lay on the seat and Bobby just pulled out his stiff cock and crawled on top of him. It was awkward, but they managed to do it. Anyone passing by would only have seen a big six-foot-four [1.93 m] tall man doing pushups in the back seat of his car. If they listened closely, however, they would have heard a boyish giggle come from beneath the man as he quivered with his orgasm.


Bobby was on the road again for two days and he ached every moment he was away from the boy. When he got back Wednesday, it was midnight but he was desperate. He drove straight to the boy's home and rattled his bedroom window. The boy finally woke up, and still more asleep than awake, he stumbled over to the window and opened it up. Fuck, he looked so cute with his blond hair all tousled and his big turquoise eyes half lidded with sleep. He was wearing cute little white pajamas with teddies on them.

Crawling out of the window and slipping into the back alley, he fiddled with his pickle while Bobby found an old discarded tire and leaned it up against the fence. The boy had missed the man as much as the man had missed him. Standing up on the tire, the boy grasped a hold of the fence while Bobby pulled down his little pajamas bottoms. Easing his lubricated cock up the boy's eager hole, Bobby sighed with relief, and as he began to work his cock in and out of the little pajamas clad boy, the boy curled his toes in delight. It felt fantastic as they rutted there in the back alley like two alley cats, and made as much noise.

Saturday while his wife was shopping Bobby brought the boy home. He showed the boy the gargoyle of male fecundity and the boy thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. He rubbed the statue's cock with his index finger and it felt warm to his touch. Inserting the third capsule, Bobby fucked him there in their bed in front of the statue. It was like making an offering before a shrine. The two were too involved in what they were doing to see the drop of moisture forming at the tip of the gargoyle's grotesque cock. As they lay there afterward, Bobby's prick limp and sticky and the boy's bum leaking his cum on the bed sheets, Bobby noticed the boy stroking his stomach.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, sure, why?"

"You were rubbing your tummy."


"It okay?"


"You don't feel anything or anything?"

"No. What do you think it would feel like, if there was a baby inside?"

"I don't know. After a while you would feel it moving inside you."


"And of course your tummy would get bigger. You haven't been gaining any weight?"


Bobby felt the boy's stomach. It was so soft and smooth. He hadn't intended on it, but rubbing the kid's flat little stomach and thinking of them actually having a baby together got him so hot he could not help it. He fucked the kid a second time. They had just finished when he heard the car door slam. The two leaped out of bed and grabbing their clothes and dressing on the run, they rushed out the back door as the front was opening. The kid had not found his underwear. As soon as Bobby got back from driving him home he looked for them. He found the little white undies under his pillow. He decided he would slip them there each night and remove them each morning. Had he been more observant, he would have seen the gargoyle smile.


The boy had spring break that third week, and Bobby had some time off. His wife went to pay some bills and he picked up the boy and fucked him in their bed again, but this time they gave themselves plenty of time to straighten up the bed afterward. While his wife was at work he brought the boy home and fucked him in their living room, the boy standing and holding onto the back of the sofa and Bobby kneeling on the sofa cushions so his cock was the same height as the boy's bum. They fucked so hard they shifted the sofa a foot closer to the television, something Bobby didn't notice until his wife observed the change that evening.

On the third day, after getting fucked in the master bedroom, and then on the stairs, the boy went to take a pee. When he came out Bobby was so horny he fucked him right there in the hallway, holding the boy off the ground with one arm and humping him so hard he banged him into the wall. The boy thought it was wild and giggled all the while.

Bobby had a two day haul to make and the boy arranged to be supposedly sleeping over with a friend. He was going to actually, except it was not the friend he had told his parents, and they were not planning on doing much sleeping. They fucked in the truck's sleeper in the parking lot of the interstate truck stop where they had lunch. During the long afternoon drive the boy drew pictures of space monsters and they hung them along the back of the cab. They booked into a hotel room and they fucked in the shower, the big man pounding the boy up against the shower walls in his lust as the warm water splashed over them. They watched some shows on the Disney Channel and then fucked before going to sleep. Bobby woke the boy up at three in the morning and they fucked again, pounding the hotel bed against the wall in their lust. When they woke in the morning, they fucked before having breakfast. On the way home they pulled the rig over twice to have a go in the sleeper. It was a fantastic two day haul. By the time they got back Bobby's nuts were so empty they felt hollow.

That weekend they inserted the fourth and last of the suppositories. All they talked about when they were together now was having a baby. Every spare moment they had was spent with Bobby's eight inch [20 cm] shaft buried up the boy's little butt. He had not had sex with his wife for a month and hadn't missed it one bit, but he could not go a day without being inside the boy at least once. Thursday of that week he had an unscheduled haul to make, which meant he wouldn't be picking the boy up after school, and wouldn't be seeing him until Sunday. Bobby stopped in at the primary school at recess to tell the kid he wouldn't be picking him up.

"I'm going to miss you," the little blond headed boy said, looking up at Bobby with his big turquoise eyes on the verge of tears.

"I'll miss you too kid," Bobby replied, feeling like crying himself. "We'll make up for it when I get back."

"Can we play baby making before you leave?"

"I have to leave right away," Bobby said regretfully as the recess bell rang.

The boy took his hand. "Please?" he said, looking up at the burly trucker plaintively.

They slipped into the little boys' room. Sitting on the toilet with his stiff, soaped shaft sticking up between his legs, Bobby held the boy by the hips as he placed his hands on Bobby's thick, hairy legs and hoisted himself up on Bobby's lap. Bobby guided him as the boy lowered himself, easing his body down on the thick shaft that he had come to want just as desperately as the man wanted his ass. The boy giggled and squirmed as he felt the soaped flesh entering him, and then he bounced up and down in the man's lap, sliding his butt up and down the hot shaft. Fortunately nobody had to use the can while they were there. His bum filled with Bobby's seed, the boy returned to class to continue practising printing the letter "S" and Bobby headed for the road.

He called the kid up when he returned on Sunday but there was no answer. He called repeatedly far into the night but there was nobody home. Worried sick, he waited at the boy's school the next morning and was relieved to see him getting out of his parent's car. He found out that the boy's grandparents were visiting and they had gone out for the evening. His grandparents were down until next Saturday. His grandpa would be picking him up after school, and they would be doing things together all week, so it was going to be impossible for them to meet. Bobby was disappointed, but told the boy it was all right.

It was the longest week of his life, filled with mixed feelings. It gave Bobby a chance to really think about what they had been doing. 'Playing baby making' as the boy had come to refer to their fuck sessions had been really hot, and he had gotten so wrapped up in pretending they were making a baby he'd actually begun to believe it. Now that the four weeks were over, he was feeling guilty about fucking the boy. He desperately wanted to continue, but he could not go on pretending they were making a baby. That was not fair to the kid. As much as he didn't want to, he considered bringing this to an end. He was forty and the kid six for fucksake!

The boy's parents being out the following Saturday, Bobby went over to his house.

"Guess what?" the boy said excitedly as he met him at the door.


"I gained a pound [½ kg]!"

"Yeah?" Bobby looked at the boy but couldn't see any difference.

"Uhhuh, I been weighing every day. You think it's the baby?"

"I don't know," Bobby said honestly. He had been playing this game with the boy for so long now even he was speaking like it would happen. Of course he knew it could not, but still 3;

"If its starting to grow inside me, you think its still okay to fuck?"

"I don't know," Bobby repeated. "I suppose it wouldn't be a good idea." He saw this as the perfect excuse to put a stop to what they had been doing, and he regretfully decided to take it.

"We can still play with our pickles though?"

"Yeah, sure kid, we can still do that," Bobby replied. What the hell, he'd wean himself off the boy. The two went to the boy's room and pulled down their flies.

When he went home, he looked for the gargoyle. It was nowhere to be found. He even asked his wife, who claimed she had no idea where it had disappeared to, but he could tell from the tone in her voice she was glad it was gone. The following Saturday the boy claimed to have gained another pound, and the Saturday after that another one. By the end of two months, Bobby had to admit the kid was putting on weight, and all of it seemed to be around the stomach.

"Look how tight my underwear is." The boy pulled down his jogging pants and revealed his white jockey briefs. They were tight, but then they were always tight. "I'm sure it's a baby."

"Well," said Bobby, not wanting to disappoint the boy, "I guess we will see. We still have another seven months to go."

"Yeah, darn," the boy said with a disappointed frown.

They did not. By the end of June they had a problem. The boy's little belly was definitely swollen and even his parents had noticed. They were afraid he might have a tumour and were thinking of arranging for a doctor's appointment. Bobby was certain all the fucking they had been doing had somehow hurt the boy. Some of it had gotten really wild, and who knows what sort of damage his hard cock could have done inside the tender little boy. Of course he wanted the boy to find out and get medical attention, but if the cause was being fucked up the ass, he was going to have a huge problem. The boy wanted to know what was happening too, but his worry was that if it was a baby, he did not want his parents to know.

Bobby thought of the ancient who had sold him the suppositories. He did not know what he would say, or what help he could possibly give, but he decided to go downtown to the store. To his surprise, it was not there. Acme Office Supplies butted up against Jefferson Jewellery. The owners of both stores claimed this is how it had always been, for years. There was never a store between them.


With the arrival of summer holidays, Bobby devised a plan that would at least buy them some time so he could sort this all out. He found a two week summer camp that took six year olds, and the boy convinced his parents to let him go. They were hesitant, not just because of the unusual swelling of his belly, but because he was their baby. However, it was only for two weeks, and it was impossible not to give in to those big pleading eyes. Bobby picked him up, pretending to be the camp counsellor and to be picking up other boys in the neighbourhood, and they went to Bobby's summer cottage. Bobby immediately began contacting buddies he had met on the road in search of someone who knew a doctor who could be discrete.

The boy's belly got bigger each day, and although he said he felt all right, Bobby began to worry. He had a voracious appetite, eating as much as the two-hundred-and-fifty pound [113 kg] trucker himself. Toward the end of the second week, the boy claimed he felt the baby move inside him. Putting his hand on the boy's extended stomach, which by now was the size of a watermelon, Bobby could feel a movement. Whether it was his intestines or something else he could not say, but there was something moving inside the kid.

It proved to be much more difficult to find a discrete doctor than television shows would let you believe. The boy phoned his parents and told them he'd had so much fun, he wanted to stay for the next two week session. He assured them that his belly had not grown more and that he was quite all right. The truth was the boy had gained twelve pounds [5 kg] and his stomach was so huge he waddled when he walked. He looked like those malnourished children with distended stomachs that you saw in charity ads. Bobby was frantic and worrying himself sick.

He took time off from work so he could be with the boy and so he could devote every hour searching for a doctor they could trust. Fortunately his wife was dealing with a major project at work at the moment and did not notice his worried look, or question why he was spending so much time alone at the summer cottage. Another week went by.

After a breakfast of a dozen pancakes, three fried eggs, two thick slabs of ham, a dill pickle, and a can of Pepsi, the boy waddled over to the bed and lay there watching cartoons as was his habit every morning. Bobby joined him and the two lay there playing with each other's pickles while Wily Coyote got flattened for the millionth time by the Road Runner. The boy suddenly sat bolt upright with stomach cramps.

"It really hurts, Bobby," the boy said, looking at him plaintively.

Bobby ran his hands over the boy's swollen belly. It was hard and taut, feeling more like a watermelon than a little boy's belly. He could feel movement inside, and he hoped it was just gas pains from the breakfast, but he knew that was wishful thinking.

Laying on his back and raising his knees, the boy grunted and strained like a constipated old man. He reached down and grabbed his pickle and tugged on it in desperation, and the spasms in his little dick caused his butthole to open and close. He felt the thing in his belly move downward and the pain seemed to be less. He yanked harder and was sure he could feel something moving into his rectum.

"I think its going to happen!" he said excitedly, looking into Bobby's eyes.

As Bobby knelt between his legs, the boy threw his feet in the air and draped his legs over Bobby's shoulders. Bobby quickly stuffed the pillows under the boy's raised butt.

"Play with my pickle," the boy begged as he grabbed the bed sheets and clenched his eyes shut with the effort. Not knowing what else to do, Bobby reached over and tugged on the little boy's pickle as the boy grunted and strained. Bobby saw the boy's little pucker opening and closing desperately and wished there was some way he could help stretch it wider. He suddenly realized there was.

He placed the head of his still stiff cock against the boy's winking hole. The boy immediately pushed down on it, driving Bobby's cock into his rectum. Continuing to wank on the little boy's one-and-a-half inch [4 cm] cock, Bobby began to rock on the bed, working the top two inches [5 cm] of his thick eight inches [20 cm] in and out of the rapidly constricting and dilating rectum. The boy panted deeply, his face contorted in a combination of pain and ecstasy.

"Wank me harder!"

Bobby did and the boy frantically jerked up and down on Bobby's cock.


Bobby's fist was a blur as he pumped on the hard, hot little pricklet, totally encompassed by three of his meaty fingers. He rocked back and forth as rapidly as he could, pumping his cock in and out of the boy's asshole in short two inch [5 cm] long drives. With the excitement and after an absence of so many weeks, it was barely a minute before he felt his climax approaching.

"Oh fuck!" he cried as his cum gushed out of his throbbing cock and into the boy's rectum.

"Yes!" screamed the boy as his own dry orgasm hit, causing his body to jerk uncontrollably.

Pulling off of Bobby's cock, the boy trembled and gasped as his sphincter constricted and dilated and he felt something even thicker than Bobby's cock push at it from the inside and cause it to expand even further. "Fuck!" he cried out as he felt it pushing past his asshole muscle. He constricted his stomach muscles and pushed as hard as he could, as if he was shitting out the biggest turd of his life. It seemed to be stuck. "Darn!" he gasped, clenching his eyes and grunting as he pushed again with all his strength.

"Yes!" called out Bobby, "it's coming. Keep pushing! I think something's coming!"

It was a baby! Bobby reached down between the boy's legs, the boy's ankles still hooked over his shoulders, and guided the baby as it slid through his slippery cum, the head, the shoulders, the little chest. The boy grunted and strained as he forced it out through his distended sphincter. He sighed with relief as he felt it easing out faster until finally it was gone and his asshole closed. The two gasped and panted loudly, the boy laying on his back with his legs still draped over the big trucker's shoulders, and the big trucker holding in his hands a slimy, red, howling twelve pound two ounce [5,500 g] baby covered in shit and cum.

Whipping a pillow case off one of the pillows, he wiped the little pink bundle of joy off and handed it to the boy. He smiled down at the little baby.

"It's a boy!" he beamed. "He's got such a cute little pickle!"

He reached down and fiddled with the little pricklet no more than half an inch [13 mm] long. The baby immediately stopped crying and giggled. The man and boy laughed and the boy fiddled with the little pickle all the more. Bobby crawled up beside the two and the boy snuggled up in the curvature of his big body, feeling secure and happy beside the big man.

As the boy's soft, sweaty body pressed up against Bobby's hairy chest and stomach, he had never felt so contented in his life. He reached over and stroked the little baby's soft, silky bottom while the boy continued to tug on his now stiff little pickle. Running his forefinger up along the baby's butt crack, he found the little hole and caressed it with his fingertip. The baby cooed and pushed down against the finger, causing Bobby and the boy to laugh.

"How old do you think he has to be before we can fuck him?" the boy asked, looking up at Bobby. Bobby smiled back. He had been wondering the same thing himself.

Chapter 2

As Bobby wrapped an arm about him tenderly, the boy snuggled up to his beefy lover, nestling in against the crook of his arm and his massive, hairy chest. The six year old seemed so diminutive curled up against the six-foot-four [1.93 m], two-hundred-and-fifty pound [113 kg] trucker. He looked down at the love of his life. His blond hair was matted and plastered to his forehead, and his normally bright, pink face was streaked with dirty trails of sweat and tears. His naked body was flushed with heat. That was not a surprise considering what the youngster had gone through only an hour ago.

The boy, forty-two inches [1.07 m] tall and fifty pounds [23 kg], was cradling the cause of that pain and his current exhaustion, a twelve pound two ounce [5,500 g] baby boy. Who would ever have imagined that such a thing could be possible, for a six year old boy to give birth? Miraculous was a gross understatement. This was something that nobody would ever believe. It was something that Bobby, who had witnessed it, still could not believe.

Bobby smiled as he looked down at the boy and at his new son. There had never been any doubt in the boy's mind right from the beginning. Bobby caressed the boy's soft, tender butt cheeks lovingly, and he could not resist slipping his finger along the hot, sweaty crack and fingering the boy's butthole. Considering what had just happened, Bobby wondered if perhaps it was better referred to now as the boy's pussy. He didn't care for that name. He would have to think of something else. The term 'love hole' came to mind. The boy squirmed and pressed back against his finger and Bobby gently inserted the tip in the hot love hole. He marvelled at how only an hour ago the boy had been laying on his back, screaming and crying as he spread apart those little boy cheeks and strained to open that little hole in a desperate attempt to give birth.

Even more amazing was the little bundle in the boy's arm. Tiny, red, and wrinkled, he was the most beautiful thing either of them had ever seen. How he had been conceived inside the boy, and how the boy had managed to give birth to him, will forever be a mystery, and the greatest blessing of their lives. The boy was cradling him in the crook of his arm, as Bobby was cradling the boy, and he was fingering the little baby's butthole too as Bobby was fingering his, his tiny index finger gently stroking the baby's tiny little button. To the boy that was not a sexual action. To him it was as natural as another mother might brush away her baby's fine, silky hair or kiss his little wrinkled forehead.

The baby squirmed with pleasure and pressed its little downy head against the boy's chest. The lips found the little nipple, just a shade deeper pink than the boy's chest, and the infant instinctively fastened its lips to the protruding teat and began to suck. The boy had a baby sister at home and knew what the baby was trying to do. For some reason whenever that had happened with his baby sister his mother had sent him out of the room, which was totally dumb as far as the boy was concerned. It was so easy to slip outside and peep in the window if he wanted to, which he'd done twice before deciding there was nothing more worth watching. So the baby was eating. You don't send everyone outside when you sit down to eat, so why for a baby? Because he was able to see his mother's bare tit? So what? It was just a part of her body. The boy found adults so dumb sometimes. That was one thing he loved about Bobby. Bobby treated him like he had at least some brain. He didn't treat him like an adult, which would be dumb too. He was only six, seven next month. The big burly trucker just treated him as if he was worth something, worth talking to and worth listening to, and the boy cherished that.

His nipple began to grow hard as the baby's suction increased. Then it began to tingle. The baby pressed his stubby little nose against the boy's soft breast and sucked harder. The boy squirmed and hugged his baby more tightly. His nipple felt like his pee er did when he had to pee, sort of aching, but sort of good too. Then the boy gave a little sigh and the baby began to make little swallowing sounds. Bobby shifted his weight. He hadn't considered having formula ready for the baby, and he knew that the baby could not handle the real milk they had in the fridge. It would only be a matter of minutes before the baby began crying to be fed, and it was an hour's drive to the nearest grocery. That was not going to be a pleasant trip with a squalling baby. Bobby knew they had better get moving.

As he began to ease the boy off his lap, the baby's head slid along the boy's chest and the boy quickly reached up and stopped it. He knew from having a baby sister that babies could not control their body. A thin ribbon of milk and saliva ran the short distance along his chest, connecting the baby's mouth and the boy's teat. The boy quickly eased the baby's head back over to the hard, little teat with the tiny, milky droplet and the baby's lips eagerly encircled it.

"He's enjoying his drink," the boy said with a wide, proud grin as he looked up at the man.

"You 3; you're producing milk!" he said incredulously.

"Yep," the boy replied.

To the boy, it just seemed natural, even if he didn't know any other boys or men who had given birth. Bobby, on the other hand, got an instant erection. The thought of the six year old feeding the baby was just too wild to imagine. The boy was actually producing breast milk!

"You want to make some milk too," the boy said impishly as he reached down and wrapped his tiny fist about his lover's thick cock. He slowly began to pump his fist up and down Bobby's dick, knowing that gave the man pleasure. "We got to give our baby a name," he said as he watched his hand work his lover's foreskin up and down over the swollen, purplish knob. He loved Bobby's huge pickle, and was so glad the big man allowed him to play with it.

"We should name him William, after you," Bobby said with a smile as the boy pleased him with his hand. Having the boy playing with his cock while giving suck to his baby was so hot he was leaking precum in less than a minute. The boy playfully extended his pointer finger and smeared it over Bobby's cockhead.

"I think we should name him Bobby, after you."

"William Bobby," the man said, trying it out. "Doesn't flow right."

"How 'bout Bobby William."

"Maybe Billy Robert."

"Bobby Billy."

"Billy Bob."

"Yeah!" agreed the boy.

Billy Bob sucked contentedly on Billy's teat, unaware such a momentous decision had been made about him. Billy held him tight and smiled down at him as his fleshy boy breast squirted out a tiny stream of milk with each suck. That felt so fantastically wonderful. Bobby sighed with pleasure as he fountained, his thick, creamy load gushing out of his stiff cock and over the six year old's small fingers. God it had been fast, but it felt so fucking good.

They soon discovered that the baby needed to be fed every three hours, and that he did not take a break during the night. They also discovered there was a knack to putting on diapers so they would not leak, and that there were a lot of things to learn about taking care of a baby. Fortunately Billy had paid close attention when his little sister had arrived because Bobby did not have much of a clue, this being his first child.


Four days later found the three of them in the same position, doing the same thing as they had done already a dozen times, feeding their infant son and fiddling with each other's pickle, but Billy was no longer happy and smiling. Bobby was quick to notice.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Can we have another baby?"

"Another?" Bobby asked in surprise, "I think we've got our hands full with one."

"I'd like another one."

"Well, I think it's wonderful having a baby too, and I never thought about it but I suppose I wouldn't mind having a large family, but I'm afraid that's impossible. The place where I bought the suppositories and got the gargoyle that made this all possible is gone."

"Then we can't have any more babies?" the boy asked, looking up at Bobby, his blue eyes wide with innocence and beginning to moisten with disappointment. The boy was easily hurt and Bobby felt bad.

"I'm sorry."

"We can't ever make a baby again?"


A tear overflowed the boy's lower right lid and began to run down his soft, pink cheek.

"Hey, having one baby is all right. We can do all sorts of neat things with our son."

"It's not that," he said, his lower lip trembling as he tried his best not to cry. For a six year old, that was no easy thing.

"Then what is it?" Bobby asked, perplexed.

"I liked making Billy Bob so much," the boy said wistfully. "I wish we could do it some more. I wish we could make hundreds of Billy Bobs so you'd fuck me for years and years, even when I'm old like you."

"Well we can't make any more babies, but we can still fuck."

"We can?" the boy asked in surprise.

"Sure, it just won't result in a baby."

"That's okay," the boy said with a wide toothy grin. "That's all I really wanted. To do it you know, like we did it to make Billy Bob. I thought we only could do it to make a baby."

"We can do it any time, and as often as you like."

"Cool! Can we do it now?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure," Bobby laughed, amused by his eagerness and delighted with his purity and innocence. That was only one of a hundred things he loved about young boys. "As soon as Billy Bob is fed."

"Can't you fuck me now, while I'm feeding our baby?" he asked.

"Well, I suppose I could. I just never thought of doing it at the same time."

"That would be sooo cool," the boy said, and Bobby had to agree.

While Billy sat there on the bed nursing Billy Bob, Bobby got up and headed to the bathroom. As he had hoped, there was a small tube of Vaseline in the first aide kit. Returning and sitting on the bed, he began lubricating his already stiff cock. It had been a long time since he'd had his eight inch [20 cm] tool up the boy's rectum. What with his size, the fact they had not done it for months, and the degree to which the boy's tiny sphincter had to stretch to give birth to their son just three days ago, he did not want to take any chances hurting the boy.

With the baby still cradled in his arm and still sucking on his teat, the boy raised up on his knees and shuffled down to the middle of the bed. Bobby crawled into position, laying on his back and stretching a leg out on either side of the boy. Squirming down a little to be in a better position, Bobby grasped his upward pointing pole at the base as Billy began to sit down. After a few minor adjustments in position, the tip of his greased cock was poised at the boy's tender butthole. The boy slowly continued to lower himself as he sat down, and ever so slowly Bobby's knob stretched apart his sphincter and eased into his hot, moist rectum.

Ever so gradually Bobby felt his erection being engulfed by the boy's love hole. Sinking close to half way down the tremendous eight inch [20 cm] organ, Billy paused, and Bobby placed his hands on the boy's soft, warm butt, cupping the little boy's bottom in his meaty palms to stop him. Holding him up by his soft little ass, Bobby began to rock his hips back and forth, easing his cock in and out of his eager hole, four inches [10 cm] in and four inches [10 cm] out, about the maximum the young boy could take.

The boy's tight, moist hole grasped his rod eagerly. Bobby soon paused, needing to stop or he would climax way before he wanted to. The boy, not realizing why his lover had stopped, slowly began to rise, using his thigh muscles to draw himself up two or three inches [5-8 cm], and then slowly sank back down. Bobby smiled at the boy's eagerness and desire, and allowed the six year old to ride his pole for minute, and then he clamped his hands firmer about the boy's hips and stopped him.

He explained he had to pause or he would come too fast, and the boy understood. Billy sat there motionlessly, cradling the baby and giving it suck. He wanted this too last too. Bobby finally resumed his motions, slowly rocking back and forth and easing his cock in and out of the boy's bottom and at the same time reaching over and fondling the boy's little cock. Billy shuddered in ecstasy. The hot, hard cock stretching apart his asshole and stuffing his little rectum, the thick, fat fingers fiddling with his pricklet, causing it to grow firm and to itch with desire, and the hot little mouth of his baby sucking on his hard, little teat, causing it to squirt out his boy milk, was awesome. Never had his body been so stimulated in so many places. Never had he felt so good.

Bobby had missed fucking the tender youngster, and knowing how much the boy was enjoying having his bum fucked and his pricklet jerked, Bobby found he had to fight back the urge to speed up. As it was, he knew he was going to come far too soon. He did not have the willpower to stop it. No sane man could. The hot moist asshole contracting and dilating as if trying to shit out his cock, and the tiny one-and-a-half inches [4 cm] of boy cock hard as steel between his fingers told him his little beloved had missed this just as much as he had. Add to that the fact the boy was suckling their baby at the same time, and this had to be the wildest fuck he had ever had.

Soon Bobby's thick, hot cock was spurting the contents of his hard, tight nuts up the boy's rectum. While he was gasping and snorting with his orgasm, he felt the little pricklet in between his fingers throb, and the naked boy held up by the palm of his meaty left hand began trembling and quivering with his dry orgasm. The baby burped with what had to be the most unusual and unique way ever invented of burping a baby. A thin, white film of boy milk coated its tiny lips as deep within the boy's butt a load of a far different milk was being deposited. The three of them closed their eyes and breathed deeply and slowly, each enjoying the physical and mental pleasures flooding through them.

Bobby finally eased the boy up with his hands, lifting him up off his still stiff but now satisfied cock. The baby, having had his fill, had fallen asleep. Billy lay him on the pillows, and then lay down on the bed beside him. On impulse, Bobby crawled over on all fours, and bowing his head, fastened his lips about the boy's teat. He sucked gently on the tiny nipple. It was surprisingly hard and hot. He continued to give it short, forceful sucks. Suddenly there was a thin squirt of a warm, sweetish liquid. The delightful fluid collected in his mouth. He sucked and there was another spurt, and he sucked a third time and there was a third. He savoured the boy milk, and then swallowed. Never had he tasted anything so delicious. He looked up at the boy lying there on his back and smiling up at him.

"Bet making my milk come is like making your stuff come, except instead of my pickle it's my 3; my. 3;"

"Teat," finished Bobby.

"Teat," the boy repeated.

Bobby lay on his back on the bed beside Billy, the taste of the boy's sweet milk on his lips. He rolled over on his side as the boy also turned and snuggled up to him, his warm, soft butt cheeks pressing against Bobby's groin, his smooth back pressing against his hairy stomach and chest. Billy smiled as he felt his lover's coarse pubic hairs against his butt and furry chest against his shoulders. His love hole felt warm and he was sure he could feel Bobby's thick cum oozing out of it as he cuddled up against Bobby's huge, warm body. Billy Bob, his stomach full and his little bum glowing warmly as Billy gently massaged it with his middle finger, lay in the curvature of the young boy. The three were soon sleeping contentedly.


Coming up with an explanation how he had come into possession of a week old baby was not easy, and Bobby was already within the city limits before he came up with something he could use on his wife. That a distant cousin she had never heard of before had the baby out of wedlock and needed a home for it at least temporarily until the family could work things out was stretching it, but it was plausible. 'Temporarily' extended from a week to two and then to four. That the family was having difficulties coming to an agreement with what to do with the baby was also plausible, and the inconvenience even added reality to the story.

Billy and Bobby met as frequently as possible so the boy could give the baby his feedings, and in between they used a breast pump to fill several bottles Bobby could feed the baby when Billy was not available. Invariably, milking the young boy and watching the baby bottles fill up with his sweet, pale coloured breast milk got the two of them horny. If they could, they engaged in anal sex, Bobby of course being the dominant partner and jerking Billy at the same time, but if Bobby's wife was in and Billy's parents were home, they settled for mutual masturbation in Bobby's car. Billy joked that someday they should try the breast pump on Bobby's cock, and Bobby joked that they could use it to give Billy Bob a special treat.

Billy came over regularly and helped look after the baby when Bobby had to resume working, arriving after Bobby's wife had left for work, and leaving before she returned. Billy Bob grew rapidly in that first month. Then Bobby had to go back to school. As much as he enjoyed his new baby, he was looking forward to seeing some of his friends he had not seen since school had let out, and he was looking forward to being in grade two and learning new things.

Bobby's wife really did not care what he did about the baby, as long as she was not looking after it. They had agreed on no children, and she had meant no children. She loved her job, and she had no intention of becoming a housewife, especially to look after a child of some cousin she had not even met. She also made it clear that the money for a sitter was not coming out of her wages. She loved her husband, but there were limits. Bobby didn't care. It was his boy. His own little son. He and Billy worked out a schedule. He picked Billy up to take him to school and Billy gave Billy Bob his morning feeding. Bobby met the boy at recess, at lunch, during the afternoon recess, and on the way home from school for periodic feedings. When he had to go away on trucking jobs, the sitter and Billy Bob had to make do with formula. Billy Bob did not particularly like that, and nor did Billy. He enjoyed breast feeding his little son, not just because of the physical pleasure, but because he loved to cuddle and sing to his little boy. In grade two you learn a lot of neat songs.

When Billy came over in the evenings, he snuck the baby into the bathroom so he could give the baby suck and sing to him, or tell him a Space Rangers story. Whenever possible, Bobby arranged for late Friday afternoon to Sunday trips and took the boy with him. The boy's parents did not care. They actually appreciated it. If they could, they used the opportunity to be by themselves for a few hours, or treat themselves by going to a restaurant. Looking after the boy's baby sister was a full time job in itself for the young couple who both had jobs and were struggling to make ends meet. Bobby and Billy understood very well how demanding a baby could be.


Fall turned into winter, and winter into spring. Soon it was summer. The boy went off on what his parents assumed was a four week camping experience. Actually, Bobby had arranged his holidays to accommodate Billy and so that it was during his wife's annual performance review. He and the boy headed for a camping trip up into the Idaho mountains.

August third, Billy Bob's first birthday, was celebrated at Sandpoint. His fathers bought an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and put a single candle in it. They sang Happy Birthday and had balloons and bought their baby a new little rattle and a cute sun bonnet for camping. Billy and Bobby cut two large slices of cake for themselves, having no parents or wife to keep them from gorging themselves, and they fed Billy Bob his first ice cream. Billy, now a month away from his eighth birthday, beamed down at his little son. The baby had the boy's fine blond hair, blue eyes and complexion. He had Bobby's broad shoulders and large cock, and it seemed like every time they changed his diapers and wiped his little behind he would become erect.

Billy was still breast feeding, and when the baby was done and had fallen asleep in his playpen, he let Bobby have a treat. Their normal routine was to retire to the seclusion of their motorhome and to close all the curtains to be sure nobody could see. Then Billy would jump into Bobby's lap and Bobby would take the boy in his arms and give the seven year old a long, tender kiss. Billy's lips were so soft, his breath so fresh and sweet, Bobby could kiss the boy for hours, and sometimes he did. They both enjoyed that. The two would kiss tenderly, fondly, and the boy would run his fingers over Bobby's bear's furry chest. Bobby would sometime joke that he was the biggest teddy bear the boy would ever have, and Billy would reply that he would never want any other, and the feeling that passed between the two was even better than the feeling they had when Bobby came up the boy's love hole.

The forty one year old trucker loved to caress the boy's smooth butt. His skin was like satin, and the man who could crush drainage pipes with one hand stoked that bare bottom with the lightness of a feather. He'd caress the boy's tender little buttocks in a forever expanding and then constricting spiral, until the boy was quivering with anticipation, and then he would run his index and middle fingers along the boy's buttcrack. Bringing his fingertips to his nose, he would inhale the fragrance of the seven year old's ass and then run his fingertips along his crack once more and repeat the action.

Finally the boy would lay on his back and spread his thin, smooth thighs as far apart as he could. He loved having Bobby fuck him that way, so he could watch the father of his baby as he worked his cock in and out of his body. He loved looking up into Bobby's steel grey eyes while he was fucking, and to watch the smile slowly pass over his face as he approached his climax. Sometimes they would elevate his hips on a pile of pillows, and other times they would have him lay on his shoulders and support his lower back and hips on Bobby's thighs. Sometimes he would play with his little dick, but most times he let Bobby do that. He loved the feel of the big man's thick, firm fingers tugging on his pickle, as he liked to call it. As Bobby's breathing grew heavier, so would his, and as Bobby shuddered with his violent ejaculation up the boy's love hole, so would Billy shudder with his dry orgasm.

Then they would cuddle together on the big soft bed and enjoy the waning of their tension as they came down from their orgasmic high. Billy would sometimes say he wished they could have another baby because making something so special together was so cool. For that reason Bobby would wish it too, but he no longer needed that as a reason to fuck the boy. A year ago he had, but much had changed since then. Bobby was a boylover. He admitted that now, and was sorry he had not admitted it earlier in his life. He loved being with the boy. He loved the sound of his voice, the enthusiasm with which he greeted the day, and the joy he found in the simplest pleasures. Yes, he loved fucking the boy's small, tight ass, and he loved tugging on his tiny, hard little pricklet too, because that was the confirmation of their love for each other, just as it was for any couple. Love was what their relationship was all about.


The day after Billy Bob's birthday they continued on their way, heading nowhere in particular, just enjoying the countryside, and enjoying each other's company. Soon they would have to be returning home.


Bobby eased on the brake and glanced around but could not see what the boy was referring too. "What, was it a bear? A deer?"

"No, in the trailer in front of us."

Bobby looked at the trailer. It was a small trailer, a Bowler. It had a California licence plate. Other than that, he could not make out anything.

"In the window."

Bobby slowly pushed down on the gas pedal and drew up closer. Tailgating, he tried to make out what was in the back window. It appeared to be a child's drawing of an ugly frog, an ugly frog with an extra pair of legs and a huge penis. Bobby strained to observe every detail he could and yet keep his eye on the distance between them and the trailer. He could not believe it, but there was no question what the picture was of. There was only one way anyone could have drawn a picture like that. Easing off on the gas pedal, he followed behind the car and trailer. He would follow them wherever they went. He had to find out how they knew about the gargoyle of male fecundity. They were both heading in the same direction anyway, and he and Billy didn't have any definite destination.

They followed the car and Bowler for two hours, both man and boy growing anxious and impatient to meet the occupants. Noon arrived and the car continued. So did Bobby. The car pulled into the next rest stop. Bobby pulled the motorhome up beside it. A youth got out on the driver's side, a dark haired boy of maybe eighteen or nineteen, and a boy got out on the passenger side, a dark haired boy of about seven. While the teenager went into the trailer, the boy opened the back seat and took out a baby, a baby only a few months old. Bobby and Billy looked at each other, and at Billy Bob sleeping in the car seat behind them.

They watched as the boy went over to one of the picnic tables and sitting on the bench, cuddled the baby. The teenager emerged ten minutes later with a plastic container and began to spread their lunch out on the table. Bobby and the boy got out and headed for the three.

"Hi," greeted Billy to the dark haired boy holding the baby.


"Cute looking baby," Bobby said to the teenager.

"Thanks," the teenager said, and then quickly flushed. "Ah, that is, ah, yeah, he is."

"Yours?" Bobby asked.

"Mine?" the teenager asked with an embarrassed chuckle. Bobby could see the teen was flustered. He also noticed the quick glance the dark haired boy gave the teenager. It was a look of apprehension.

"We noticed the picture in the back of the Bowler," Bobby said.


The dark haired boy quickly got a very guilty look on his face. As the possible ramifications of his foolish action sank in, that look turned to a one of worry.

"What picture?" the teenager asked, looking at the dark haired boy. Seeing the look on the boy's face, a look of apprehension flickered also in his eyes.

"Ah, well, just a picture," the boy replied, thinking quickly. "Just something I saw, ah, on the net."

The teenager studied him for a moment, and then looked up at Bobby. He could tell Bobby was not buying that. Imagining the worst, he got to his feet and headed to the back of the Bowler. Bobby followed him. The teenager swallowed hard as he stared at the picture.

"Ah fuck," he cursed softly. He stared at the picture for a moment longer, deep in thought, and then turning to Bobby, he tried to look as convincing as possible. "I see why you mentioned the picture," he said. "I'm sorry. I try to watch what the kid brings up on the net, but you know, you can't watch them every second, and it seems the second your back is turned they find a dirty picture like that. I'll see that he's punished."

"That isn't necessary."

"No, he shouldn't be drawing obscene pictures like that."

"I've seen that gargoyle before. Me and the boy."

The teenager looked at him, his eyes widening with surprise and hope for a moment. Then Bobby saw his eyes narrow with suspicion and his guard go up. "Yeah, well, if Kevin found the site the pic is on I guess you could too."

"I don't mean on the net. I mean, the real thing."

"Yeah? Well, imagine that. Look, I'm sorry, okay. I'll be sure he takes it down." The teenager turned and headed over to the picnic table. The picture by itself was no indication of his secret, but it did draw attention to him and the boy, and that they did not want. That was worrisome enough, and that and the husky man's comment about seeing the gargoyle were enough reason for the two of them to lose this fellow as fast as they could.

As Bobby followed him back, he wondered how he could explain that he knew the boy's secret, how he could prove to the teenager that they had nothing to fear from them. Just then Billy Bob began to cry in the motorhome. Billy got up and began to go to him. "Bring Billy Bob out," Bobby called as he went over to the picnic table with the teenager.

The dark haired boy looked at the teenager questioningly as they returned. "Eat up," he said briskly, "we have to get going."

Bobby could tell he was clearly uncomfortable, and he could understand why the teenager would want to put distance between them. Bobby glanced anxiously over at the motorhome. Billy Bob had stopped crying, but Billy had not come back out. Bobby went over to the motorhome and stuck his head inside. Billy was nursing the baby. "I told you to bring the baby outside."

"He's hungry," Billy explained.

"Bring him out," Bobby repeated.

"But "

"Trust me."

Billy did, immensely. He would do anything the burly truck driver asked of him, anything at all. Easing the baby's lips away from his teat and cuddling him tenderly, Billy stepped outside with him. They returned to the picnic table. The teenager and boy, who had been wolfing down their sandwiches, looked at the baby with surprise, glanced over at the motorhome as if anticipating the mother, and when she did not appear, glanced at each other again.

"He's a cute baby too," the teenager observed cautiously.

"Thanks," said Billy. "His first birthday was yesterday."

"Cool," said the dark haired boy, admiring the baby and then looking up at the teenager.

Being away from his liquid lunch long enough, Billy Bob began to cry again. Billy tried to comfort him by bouncing, but he knew the baby's problem. He began to get up.

"You can feed him here," Bobby advised.

Billy looked up at Bobby, and then at the two strangers, and finally back at Bobby. They had talked about his mother hiding breastfeeding his sister from him, and had agreed that it was stupid, but Billy breastfeeding Billy Bob was a way different situation. He was no girl, and revealing his unique capability would result in attention they had both agreed they could not afford. Even though the two strangers also had a little baby, and had a picture of that strange frog looking thing, Billy had been drilled how careful they had to be and he was uncertain if he understood properly. "For real?"

"Yes," said Bobby.

Billy unbuttoned his shirt and cradled Billy Bob in his arm. The baby immediately sought his teat and began to suckle. The dark haired boy stared, and then looked up at the teenager.

"You have more than seen the gargoyle for real," the teenager said to Bobby.

"And I don't think Kevin has just seen it on the net."

Whether it was being woken up by Billy Bob, seeing the other baby being suckled, or just his time, but the baby began to cry. The boy looked at the teenager questioningly, and the teenager glanced around.

"It's safe. I made sure of that before I told Billy to nurse Billy Bob. There is nobody who can see us here."

The teenager smiled, and then nodded to the dark haired boy. He immediately unbuttoned his shirt and held his baby to his chest. Bobby felt his cock begin to swell as the tiny baby began to suck on the seven year old boy's nipple. He and the teenager sat on the other side of the picnic table in silence and watched their two boy wives give suck to their children.

"You're the first we've met," the teenager finally said.

"You too," said Bobby.

Of course they agreed to travel together and camp at the same campground that night. Needless to say they pulled in early, and camped side by side. They shared the evening meal together, typical camp fair of burgers provided by Kevin, potato salad made by Bobby, and corn on the cob by mutual agreement. The boys nursed their babies in the motorhome, and the four visited around the campfire, discussing their mutual passion and their common experience. Bobby explained his longtime fantasy of impregnating a young boy, and how he had accidentally stumbled upon the strange oriental in a very unique shop that disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. At the time he had assumed it had been accidental, but now he was no longer sure.

The teenager, Kyle, told how he too had always been turned on by boys younger than himself ever since he could remember. He explained how nine months ago a weird, ancient oriental had approached him in the local arcade and challenged him to a game of Road Warrior. The rest of the story was like Bobby and Billy's, the gargoyle, the suppositories, the meeting and instantaneous falling in love, the mad passion to make a child, and the miraculous birth.

After the babies had their evening feeding and had been put to sleep in the motorhome, the boy wives snuggled up to their husbands while the four of them continued talking, and before long, the four could not resist the urges they were feeling. They simply felt so much in love and so comfortable with each other, that their foreplay commenced naturally and unnoticed. It began with Kyle leaning forward and kissing Kevin on the cheek in response to Kevin's description how happy he was when Kyle had shown up for his Christmas concert at school just six weeks after they had met. He snuggled closer to the teenager and put his arm around him as Kyle told how brilliant an actor he was. Billy absent mindedly and naturally placed his hand in Bobby's crotch as his lover caressed his little butt and talked about Billy's honours marks in grade two and his knowledge about space and everything related to it.

As they talked their lovemaking progressed. Opening up shirts and running large hands over smooth, skinny chests and little hands over broad, hairy pecs, they made no effort to hide their growing arousal, nor did they have to express their thoughts in words. Finally the four of them stripped and the two boys lay on the bed on their backs side by side, their hips propped up on pillows. They looked so beautiful laying there, sweet, innocent and pure. Their bodies were almost identical, their limbs smooth and hairless, their chests soft and delicately contoured with nipples just slightly darker than their lightly tanned bodies, their stomachs flat, and their little boy cocks and balls hairless and inviting.

The boys beamed up at their two lovers as they stripped and glanced over at each other. Bobby's massive, two-hundred-and-fifty pound [113 kg], six-foot-four [1.93 m] body seemed even larger in comparison to the five-foot-ten [1.78 m], hundred and fifty pound [68 kg] teenager beside him. Bobby's chest had a mat of curly brown hair that extended down over his belly, and thick brown hair on his thighs, calves and arms, giving him a fuzzy bear look. Kevin's black hair was not as thick, but its darkness gave an impression that it was. Both men were sporting erections, Bobby's eight inches [20 cm] and thick, Kevin's seven inches [18 cm] and slender. Both were circumcised, and the skin was pulled back, revealing their dark, engorged knobs.

The two seven year olds spread apart their slender legs as the two men knelt between them and then slowly lowered their bodies. They squirmed and giggled and grunted and inhaled sharply as their lovers mounted them. Ever so slowly their little rectums were penetrated. Ever so slowly each felt the familiar but always exciting sensation of having his asshole stretched and stuffed by his lover's cock. They smiled with the unique pleasure as that hot, solid tube of flesh began to ease in and out of their flushed bodies.

Bobby and Kevin moved in unison, the two men slowly working their hips to and fro in that familiar rocking motion. Each eased his hard, aching cock in and out of his little boy's hot, moist hole, each being careful not to hurt his young boy wife. Each wanted only to bring pleasure to his young boy in a way that only men can.

Once they had established a rhythm, the two men reached for the little genitals that were still laying limply between their beloveds' legs. As Bobby and Kevin rubbed the silky soft skin of their boys' little balls and stroked their warm, limp tubes, the two men watched with delight as the little organs responded to their touch. Each little cock began to swell until it was firm and hot, jutting up below the smooth, hairless pube with eager anticipation. Each man took his boy wife's little cock between thumb and forefinger and began to stroke the hot, stiff projection.

The two boys slowly became more and more aroused as their lovers thrust their cocks in and out of them with a gradually increasing tempo. They began to squirm as they felt the ripples of pleasure coursing through their irritated little boycocks. Glancing over at each other and exchanging knowing smiles, the two boys leaned forward and kissed. Their young, soft lips touched gently, and then a second and third time with more force. The sight of the two boys, tousle haired blond Billy and the dishevelled, long haired brunette Kevin, kissing each other triggered their two lovers. As the two boys kissed a fourth time, this time with passion, their two lovers grasped their slim hips tightly and groaned in ecstasy as their cum gushed up the core of their throbbing cocks and into the moist, hot holes of the two kissing boys. The boys' lips parted and met again for a fifth hot, passionate kiss as their bodies trembled with their dry orgasms and they bucked their hips in an uncontrollable fit of pleasure.

The four cuddled on the bed for a long time afterward, totally spent, totally in awe of the force and beauty of their lovemaking. They had thought of repeating it, but it was too wonderful to duplicate, and so taxing, that the four of them had soon drifted off into a blissful sleep.

Bobby and Billy's vacation was over, and they regretfully said their good byes to their new friends. They promised to keep in touch, and they did over the following fall, winter and spring, mostly through email between Billy and Kevin. In May Kevin had exciting news. He and Kyle had located a third couple through the net who also had had a baby, and who said they knew of several others also. They were all planning to meet this summer. Bobby and Billy excitedly began making plans so they could again spend their summer vacation together.

Chapter 3

Bobby glanced at his watch. Nine minutes after two. Only three minutes had gone by since he had last looked. The big trucker pulled back the curtains in the living room window and looked up the street again. It was still empty. He should not have let the kid talk him into letting him come by himself. He should have insisted the boy meet him down the street from his house as he had originally proposed, as they usually arranged. Bobby cursed himself for letting the boy talk him into agreeing with his plan instead, but it was difficult denying him anything with those big turquoise eyes and that innocent, pleading look that only eight-year-olds can have. Besides, the boy would be nine in three months and he wanted so much to be grown up, to have responsibilities. Bobby glanced down at his watch again. Twelve minutes after two.

Suppose something had happened to him. Suppose he had gotten hit by a car, or gotten on the wrong bus. Suppose some pervert had seen him and kidnapped him. That could easily happen. The boy was too damn cute to risk leaving him alone by himself. If he had gotten hurt, he would never forgive himself. If the boy had gotten killed, he would not be able to continue living. He looked out the window for the hundredth time and his heart leaped at the sight of a youngster walking up the street. It was him! Bobby quickly stepped out onto the front step and watched him approach. The boy was so damn hot looking. He wore his Nike cap backwards like all kids these days and today he was wearing his black net Guess tank top and his flourescent green Vibrations shorts. Bobby could not believe how happy he felt just at the sight of the boy walking briskly toward him. Seeing him on the step, Billy broke into a run.

"Hi," the boy greeted with a large, gap-toothed grin as he turned into the yard, clearly proud that he had achieved his mission.

"You've lost a tooth."

"Yeah," he said. "Came out yesterday when I was eating a hotdog for lunch."

"Put it under your pillow?"

"No," he said, wide-eyed in mock surprise, "I finished eating it." He giggled at his joke. "Course I did," he said with a smile. "Got a dollar."

They stepped into the house. "Have to be quiet. Billy Bob is napping."

"Okay," he said immediately with a whisper. "Your wife gone?"

"Yes, she left about an hour ago."

"So, it's just you and me, by ourselves."

"That's right," Bobby said with a smile.

"Cool," Billy said, wrapping his arms about the burly truck driver and squeezing him tightly. Bobby slipped a beefy arm about the boy and pressed him against his two-hundred-and-sixty-five pound [120 kg] frame. Even though he'd been watching his diet, he had been gaining weight. "So 3; did you and your wife 3; did you 3; you know 3; do it last night?"

"No," said Bobby, his lips curling with amusement. He had a pretty good idea why the boy was asking. Billy had never expressed any jealousy over having to share him with his wife, but he was just a boy, and Bobby knew that Billy would have preferred to have him all to himself, both socially and sexually. The boy really did not have to worry about the sex aspect of their relationship. He and his wife had agreed long ago that they were not going to have any children. That had eliminated one reason for 'doing it', and with their busy schedules they were often either too tired, or one or the other was not home, which provided the second and third reasons for abstaining. His wife did not seem to have much need for sex anyway, and that suited Bobby fine. He had another outlet, an outlet he was willing to devote full time to.

"Great!" said Billy with that gap-toothed grin again. "So, can we, well, you know, do it now, before Billy Bob wakes up?"

"Well, I don't know," Bobby teased with a frown, knowing very well the young boy's sexual appetite. "Do you want to?"

"You bet I do!" Billy exclaimed excitedly, and then remembering Billy Bob, he looked about worriedly, not wanting to disturb their baby, and even more important, not wanting to spoil a chance for 'doing it'.

As they quietly walked down the hall and into the master bedroom, Bobby wondered if all eight-year-olds would be as eager for sex if they had the opportunity. He believed that they would. It was only because of society's repression that you did not have neighbourhoods of horny eight-year-old boys humping all over the place. Billy quickly crawled up onto the bed and Bobby sat down beside him. At fifty-nine pounds [27 kg] and fifty-one inches [1.30 m], the little blond boy was still as cute and cherubic as when Bobby had met him two years ago. He still had that impish grin that made his turquoise eyes sparkle and his cheeks to dimple and that made you wonder what mischief the boy had gotten into now.

Bobby untied his Nike runners and dropped them on the floor beside the bed, and then removed his dark-blue Nike socks. They were damp from his body warmth and perspiration having walked to the house from the bus stop. Bobby picked up his small, size six-and-a-half feet and inhaled. Unlike many boys his age, Billy kept his feet washed and they had that aroma of worn leather and naturalness that Bobby loved so much. The big trucker looked up and admired the boy for a moment. His skin, seductively visible through the net of his Guess tank top, was already beginning to tan. As Bobby reached up and took the bottom of the tank top, Billy raised his arms and Bobby pulled the tank off over his head.

Dropping it on the floor also, Bobby ran his hands over the boy's velvety smooth skin, delighting in the soft, rounded contours of the preadolescent body. Bobby's cock began to swell in response. As Billy's net tank top had revealed, the eight-year-old was already developing a bit of a tan, children having much more opportunity to go shirtless outdoors than adults. Bobby ran his finger tips over the boy's sensitive, slightly darker nipples and the boy quivered with his touch. His boy breasts were still soft and Bobby kneaded the flesh for a moment before returning to those sensitive nipples. As he ran his fingertips across them with a feather-light touch over and over, they quickly grew firm. Bobby so loved turning the boy on, and the boy so loved being turned on.

Billy lay on his back and smiled up at Bobby, knowing this position very well by then. As Bobby slipped his fingers under the elastic band of his Vibrations shorts, Billy raised his hips to allow him to slide the shorts down. For today he had chosen to wear white Jockey briefs, clean ones, although already there was a slight yellow tint where he'd been in a hurry and hadn't waited long enough after shaking to tuck his penis back away. Bobby smiled down at the boy, admiring his smooth, clean body. He so loved looking at boys who's only hair was on the top of their head. He wanted to draw the boy close to him and kiss his sweet lips, and then move on down his chest and flat stomach to his groin, but he had to finish disrobing him, and the delay would make the time when they did kiss all the more intense for both of them.

Bobby reached up and once again his fingers slipped under an elastic band, but this time the elastic band of the boy's underwear. Billy once again raised his hips as Bobby slowly and ceremoniously drew the cotton briefs down to reveal his hairless pubes. Slowly a tube of light pink flesh no thicker than his smallest finger was revealed, and two round, hairless testicles, each the size and smoothness of a hummingbird egg. He drew the briefs down the boy's slender legs and over his tiny feet and dropped them on the floor with the rest of the boy's clothes.

Unable to wait any longer, he took the boy in his arms and drawing him to his burly, muscular body, he kissed him on the lips. The boy's lips were so soft and warm, and his breath so sweet. He kissed the boy several times, and when he paused, the boy took the initiative and kissed him. There was nothing as erotic as making love to a tender, naked boy and Bobby found himself quickly becoming aroused.

Billy began to unbutton the trucker's navy blue silk shirt, slowly exposing his expansive, hairy chest. Pulling the shirt out of his trousers, Billy slipped it off Bobby's shoulders. Unable to resist, he ran his fingers through Bobby's mat of chest hair, delighting in the feel of the coarse hair between his fingers. Running his fingers in circles around Bobby's nipples, he knew that by not caressing them he was making Bobby itch for his touch, and he loved to make his big lover itch. He continued to toy with Bobby's hair until he knew Bobby could take it no longer. Over the past ten months he had come to know the large man very well. He finally massaged Bobby's teats, causing them to quickly harden. Billy wished that Bobby could produce milk like he had been able to. It would have been so cool to suck on his hairy teat and draw his warm milk out of his chest.

Working his way down Bobby's chest, Billy undid Bobby's belt buckle and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Bobby raised his hips to allow the boy to push down his pants. Billy had to struggle a bit to get them down his legs and off his feet, but that was part of the joy of being stripped by the eight-year-old. His fumbling, and the novelty of it all to the boy, added to the excitement and joy of being exposed by him. The youngster returned to the elastic band of Bobby's boxers, and slipping his small, warm fingers under the band, he began to ease the underwear down over Bobby's hips. Exposing Bobby's manhood, the young boy stared at it as he continued to slowly push and then pull the boxers down. Bobby was well hung, and even in a limp state the muscular, hefty trucker had an impressive-looking cock, especially to an eight-year-old. Billy continued exposing him, revealing his equally impressive, huge, hairy testicles.

Being disrobed by the naked eight-year-old was having its effect on Bobby. His cock was well on its way to becoming erect without even having been touched. Billy was well aware of that, and having removed Bobby's boxers, the boy eagerly reached back up to fondle the trucker's wonderful, swelling love pole. He loved having it get stiff in his hand. Bobby loved it too. The touch of those warm, small fingers as they wrapped around his growing flesh was like magic. Bobby's cock began expanding at triple the rate and it was soon jutting straight out ready for action, much to Billy's delight.

Bobby reached over to the night stand and took out the tube of KY that he had put there the moment his wife had headed down the street. As he opened it up, Billy lay on his back and threw his legs up over his head, causing his butt to be raised in the air and readily available to his lover. Applying a dab of grease to the tip of his index finger, Bobby spread apart the eight-year-old boy's cheeks with the other hand. Then stretching open the little boy's anus, Bobby deposited the dab of grease in the entrance of his love canal. Taking a second dab, he similarly deposited it at the entrance before slowly easing his finger tip into the boy's opening. Carefully and slowly easing his finger up the boy's hole to the second knuckle, he paused and then withdrew it almost to the tip, and then once more eased it back up the eight-year-old's ass. In that manner, he worked the KY into Billy's rectum for a full minute before removing his finger. Adding another dab to the entrance, he repeated the process. By the time he was done, Billy was squirming and wiggling his hips in ecstasy.

After applying a generous dab of KY to his cockhead, he knelt before the boy, spread apart his thin thighs, and placed his greased rod against the boy's similarly greased little pink pucker. He slowly and gently pressed forward, watching the boy's face for any sign of discomfort. Billy strained to relax and to accept his lover's rod. He inhaled deeply as Bobby's cock began to enter him, and Bobby too gasped for breath as he felt the boy's flesh slipping over his knob. His cock was thick, but Billy had been penetrated by him many times now and was getting skilled at uniting with him. It still took them a while, mostly because Bobby wanted to be as gentle as he could. Besides, there was no need to be in a hurry.

Bobby finally stopped and sighed, half of his eight-inch [20 cm] cock sunk up the boy's ass. He concentrated on the warmth and moistness of the boy's love canal and closed his eyes with the pleasure. There was no better feeling than having his eight-year-old boy-mate's hot, moist hole tightly gripping his aching cock. He savoured the feeling for as long as he could, not just for his own pleasure, but also to give Billy the opportunity to get accustomed to having his thick cock in his body. Bobby finally opened his eyes and he had to smile at the grin of achievement and satisfaction so evident on the young face looking up at him.

Billy was proud of himself. It seemed each time they fucked he was able to take just a bit more of his lover's shaft up his love canal, and he looked forward to the day when Bobby would be able to stuff all eight inches [20 cm] up his rectum. Right now he was quite satisfied with the four inches [10 cm] of hot, solid bone which had invaded his body. Earlier, when this was a lot newer to him, he had once tried to take more up his ass by pushing forward as his lover had eased down into him. The resulting pain and bleeding had been a shock, and a lesson to be patient and to trust the big truck driver. Getting his ass stuffed was no longer new now, but he never ceased to be amazed and overjoyed each time the big man initially entered him.

Now as Bobby began to slowly work his greased rod in and out of his itchy, burning hole and Billy's own little cock jerked and throbbed all on its own, waving in the air like the tail of a little happy puppy, he sighed with pleasure. Billy reached down and squeezed his little pricklet, and then slowly began to rub it up and down with his thumb and first finger in time with Bobby's humping, drawing up on his little cock as Bobby sunk his into him, and then drawing down as Bobby withdrew. He loved the tingling and rhythmic throbbing of his little pricklet, and the burning and pulsating of his asshole. The two merged into one overpowering rhythm that seemed to make his entire groin beat in time with the fucking motion of the burly truck driver.

Bobby was feeling much the same way as he slowly and carefully worked the top half of his cock in and out of the little boy's hot, moist love chanal. He could not imagine anything more delightful, and he was so grateful that he had the opportunity to experience such pleasure. Society usually banned those things that brought the most exquisite pleasure, so it made perfect sense that what he was doing was high, if not at the top, of the banned list. Well, as far as he was concerned, for those that supported that view it was their loss. This was something every man should be able to enjoy.

Bobby eased his massive body to and fro above the slender boy, relishing every little movement and making it last as long as he could by pausing frequently and allowing the urge to speed up to subside. Fucking the tender morsel below him was so pleasurable it was difficult not to give in to nature and cum. Doing it there in his bedroom, in the bed that he shared most nights with his wife, was even more erotic. He smiled down at the boy laying motionless beneath his massive body. Even Billy had learned to stop tugging on his little pricklet occasionally to delay his orgasm instead of beating himself to a dry orgasm as fast as he could.

Despite their efforts, the two lovers could not make their lovemaking last indefinitely, and nor did they want to. The orgasm that they were working toward was much too enticing. Over the months they had worked out their timing so their orgasms would be synchronous. Actually, they worked it out so that Billy would reach his dry orgasm first. As the first overpowering impulses throbbed through his irritated little cocklet, his breath shuddered and he emitted a whimper of ultimate delight and pain. The next impulse made a circuit through his spinal column to his pelvis muscles and initiated an uncontrollable convulsion that he could not avoid and which he could only lay there and enjoy. As his hips jerked violently with his dry orgasm, it caused him to bounce up and down on Bobby's irritated knob as if riding a bucking horse.

His hot, moist asshole convulsively rising and then falling on Bobby's cock and at the same time rapidly contracting and dilating, combined with the knowledge the eight-year-old was climaxing, triggered Bobby's orgasm. He grasped the thrashing boy's hips tightly with his huge hands and groaned with his own ecstasy as his hot cum began to rise up his shaft. As Billy raised his ass in his orgasmic cycle Bobby drove forward and at the same time the first shot of his hot, slimy cum spurted out of the burning opening of his cock. With the sudden infusion of his man juice up his love canal, Billy inhaled sharply and froze in ecstasy, allowing Bobby to continue with the uncontrollable gyration of hips. The large, sweating trucker withdrew and sank his spurting bone with short, rapid thrusts as his juice shot out of him with a violence his hand could never duplicate.

The bedroom was filled with the heavy, rhythmic breathing of the two lovers, the man and the boy, and the air, already heavy with the scent of sexual lust, became saturated with the aroma of fresh sperm. Billy squeezed his thighs about the big trucker's waist with all the strength the eight-year-old could muster, and Bobby squeezed the hot, panting boy's shoulders tightly with his beefy hands. Their lips met for a long, lingering kiss, a kiss of sexual relief and of passionate love. Their lips parted only so they could inhale and they quickly met again, the hot thick lips of the man sucking on the luscious, soft lips of the boy which sucked back with equal eagerness. They remained united below, Bobby's slowly softening cock seeped in his own cum and clamped in place by Billy's constricted anus as the two lovers kissed and enjoyed the blissful release of tension that follows a climax.

Finally Bobby withdrew and rolled over on his back, and Billy immediately cuddled up to the warm, soft body of his lover. Bobby put his right arm about the boy and drew him close to his body and the boy lay his head on his furry chest. The sensation of the small, tousle-haired head resting on his chest never ceased to create a glow of peace and contentment and Bobby closed his eyes and offered up a prayer of thanks for being alive and for being who he was. Sometimes they would lay like that for five minutes and then the eight-year-old would be up and off on something new, never seeming to be out of energy. Other times they would lay like that for an hour, each lost in his own thoughts. On this particular afternoon, it was the former.

Spotting the travel brochures and pamphlets on the night table, Billy reached over for them. Propping the pillows against the headboard, Bobby sat up and Billy snuggled up against him, using his huge, soft body for a pillow. Billy began to leaf through the pamphlets and brochures as Bobby put his arm about him and inhaled deeply, delighting in the softness and aroma of the youngster.

"This holiday is going to be so cool," said Billy as he looked up from the map of Idaho.

"Yes, it is," replied Bobby, still lost in his thoughts about how lucky he was to have found the boy.

"I wonder if Korby has grown as much as Billy Bob."

"I wonder."

"I can't wait to see Kevin and Kyle again. So much has happened!"

A lot had happened since they had left the nineteen-year-old Kyle and his seven-year-old boy wife last August. Bobby thought back over the past ten months. Upon returning home from their holiday, he and Billy had spent as much time as they could together with Billy Bob. With summer drawing to a close, Bobby's extended long-distance hauls were increasing and soon Billy would be returning to school, which meant the opportunities for the three of them to be together as a family would be becoming much less.

They had gone out for a Sunday picnic the first weekend back, just a bit more than a week after Billy Bob's first birthday. They had taken turns pushing him on the swing, something the baby seemed to never tire of, and then they had sat on the grass and rolled a large beach ball to each other. Eventually they had spread out the picnic blanket and had begun to empty the picnic basket. Billy Bob was standing between them with one little hand reaching up to hold onto his big daddy and one little hand on the shoulder of his little daddy as he watched, everything being new and fascinating to the little boy. Spotting the beach ball three feet [90 cm] in front of him, he suddenly let go and headed for the ball, taking a dozen wobbly steps and tottering forward and backward with each one until he collapsed on top of his goal. Billy and Bobby glanced at each other and broke into wide grins, feeling prouder of their little boy than of anything they had ever achieved themselves. Bobby was flushed with joy, and he was so happy they had been together to witness their baby's first steps.

He had never realized it but there were so many firsts in raising a baby. The first time he could roll over by himself, the first time he could stand up, his first tooth, his first words. He'd had no idea there were so many little things a little baby had to accomplish, and at such odds for one so small and fragile. Nor did he realize the amount of joy it brought a parent to see his youngster grow and take each of those little steps.

Of course not everything about raising a baby was all fun and wonderful. Since Billy usually was not around at night, there were the bottle feedings every three hours, and then every five, and eventually six. With proper timing, he finally managed to feed Billy Bob the latest possible hour and sleep most of the night before getting up and giving him his morning bottle. Unfortunately he had no sooner reached that stage in his feeding than Billy Bob had his first tooth. Now having your first tooth is exciting, but it's also frightening and painful for a baby. How do you explain to a six-month-old baby why his gums are aching with such pain? For Billy Bob even giving him baby Aspirin and putting Tempra drops on his gums did not help. They say the more difficult it is to get your teeth the longer you are going to have them, and in Billy Bob's case, evidently he was planning on never having false teeth.

With the occurrence of teeth also came the weaning off of breast milk and the introduction of solid food. Billy Bob did not take that well either, and nor did Billy. The eight-year-old enjoyed the bonding between him and his baby boy during those nursings, besides the physical pleasure of having the little baby sucking out his milk. He often said he imagined squirting out his milk must be a lot like how Bobby felt squirting out his cum, and Bobby himself had to admit that he enjoyed the rare treats when Billy Bob was done and he could sample a few mouthfuls of his boy-wife's sweet tit-milk. Sucking it out of his little, erect nipples was certainly a turnon, and not that unlike sucking a young cum-squirting cock.

Considering the taste of that sweet nectar and the taste and smell of the jars of mashed baby food, both parents could also see why Billy Bob objected to the change. Like all parents, they soon discovered what brands their baby liked over others, and which foods were preferred and which were a lost cause. They also learned little tricks like mixing a favourite like apple sauce with the nutritional but disliked mixed garden vegetable in the right proportions to disguise the one that otherwise would be spit out as fast as it was shovelled in. Just the idea of the two together in the same spoonful made Billy wince each time he stuck the spoon in Billy Bob's mouth, but it worked.

Billy had also discovered a little trick that likely few if any other parents would know. It was just a month after Billy's eighth birthday and two months after Billy Bob's first. It was a Friday and Billy had the day off from school because of some teacher's meeting or something. Of course Bobby's wife was at work so they took advantage of her absence. They had made love the moment Bobby had picked him up and brought him to his home and then they had snuggled together in the bed and talked. A bit later Billy Bob had woken from his nap and as Billy went to heat up his baby food, Bobby went to the bathroom. When he went into the kitchen after taking his leak, he was shocked at what he saw. Billy was standing on the top step of the highchair and Billy Bob was leaning forward, his mouth fastened to his younger father's little pricklet.

"Billy! What are you doing?"

"Feeding Billy Bob his lunch," Billy said with a grin, twisting his head around but being careful not to disturb Billy Bob who was eagerly and noisily sucking and lapping at his penis.

"You can't do that!"

"But he likes it," Billy argued, definite in his conviction but hesitant to argue with Bobby.

"But, wh-, h-," Bobby stuttered, not sure how to express his concern without alarming the boy who clearly did not see the implications and ramifications of what he was doing.

"It was an accident."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was feeding Billy Bob, and he kept spitting it back out like he always does, and then he hit the spoon and it went flying, but this time instead of landing on the floor, it landed in my lap. Well, you are always telling him baby food costs money and not to waste it, and so I was going to just scrape it up with the spoon and give it to him. Like, it was just on my pickle so it wasn't dirty or nothing like it was on the floor. But then I figured why bother with the spoon? So I stood up like this and as soon as he saw my pickle he put it in his mouth. I think maybe he thinks my pickle is like my nipple."

Bobby stared in disbelief at his fourteen-month-old son sucking happily on his eight-year-old boy-wife's little cock.

"Sides, I thought it would be okay on account of I'm feeding him mashed up peas," Billy said as he withdrew his little pricklet.

Billy stared at it. It was sucked clean. He looked up at Billy, not understanding the meaning of his comment.

"You know," Billy said with a devilish grin, "peas, from my pee-er."

"Billy, you didn't 3;!"

"Yuck, of course not," the boy said, wrinkling up his nose. "I just let him eat the food that had fallen on my pickle."

"Pickle," said Billy Bob, reaching out for his little father's pricklet and grasping it in his little stubby fingers.

That had been Billy Bob's first word back when he was seven months old, which was not a surprise considering how often that object was mentioned in his presence. His second word was dada, which delighted both fathers.

"See, he wants more," said Billy as he drew back out of Billy Bob's reach. He took a spoonful of the green mush and plopped it on his little penis.

"More pickle," said Billy Bob eagerly.

Billy giggled as he turned, and before Bobby could react Billy Bob had leaned forward and the boy's little food-spattered pickle disappeared in the baby's mouth once again. When he withdrew it a few minutes later, it was no longer spattered, and it was no longer so little. By the time he had finished feeding his little baby, his little pricklet was stiff and sticking up in the air. So was Bobby's big prick, something he could not hide considering he had not bothered to put anything on. Neither of them bothered dressing when they could be naked together, partly because it saved time, and mostly because they enjoyed being naked together.

Bobby glanced at his little baby, and at his little boy-wife. He had to admit that the sight of the little baby boy sucking and slurping on Billy's little cock had been highly erotic. That was also evident by the large droplet of pre-cum that had formed on the tip of his hard, throbbing cock.

"Now, for your reward for eating up all your din-din, a special desert," Billy said, lifting up the baby and turning around.

Bobby was expecting Billy to give him the baby to hold while he went and got the apple sauce. Instead Billy crouched down and holding Billy Bob in his lap, leaned the baby forward. Although it was much larger and darker in colour, Billy Bob evidently recognized the throbbing object before him, or maybe it was just the typical reaction of all babies to put whatever new faces them in their mouth. Anyway, before Bobby could object, Billy Bob's little lips fastened to the tip of his cock and he felt the baby suck.

Billy had often commented on the strength of the little baby's lungs and how firm his lips were, and Bobby knew that personally from Billy Bob sucking on his finger when he'd rubbed his aching gums with Tempra, but that did not prepare him for the sensation of having his little baby boy suck on his cock. Of course the fourteen-month-old baby could not take his entire fat knob in his mouth and could only suck on maybe the first quarter inch [6 mm], but even so, the strength of his little lips was amazing. Despite himself, Bobby felt another large dollop of his pre-cum ooze out of his cock. The idea of his little baby boy sucking him and drinking his pre-cum besides, and the look of joy and even hint of pride on Billy's face as he watched his baby boy sucking on his lover's big cock resulted in a third dollop of pre-cum quickly following the second.

Bobby backed away before the inevitable happened and a thin thread of clear pre-cum stretched between his cock and Billy Bob's lips, finally breaking and dangling from Bobby's now twitching bone. Billy Bob's tongue darted out and he licked his little rosy lips as Billy bent forward. Catching the end of the pendant of cum on his tongue, he followed it up to the source. The boy's hot, moist tongue licking the tip of his glans resulted in Bobby producing still another thick drop of the clear nectar. Billy flicked it off with the tip of his tongue, and pausing for a moment with his tongue out and the clear droplet of pre-cum beading the tip, he smiled up at Bobby and then over at Billy Bob before closing his mouth and swallowing.

"Tastes yum-yum, doesn't it," he said, grinning at his little boy.

"More," said Billy Bob.

"More pre-cum?" Billy asked.

"More ee-um," Billy Bob said eagerly.

Holding the boy up, Billy giggled as his baby quickly fastened his lips to Bobby's hot cock again.

"He sure likes to suck cock," he said with a wide, toothy smile like only an eight-year-old could smile.

Bobby did not know what to do. That this was a major turn on there was no denying. That getting sucked by a fourteen-month-old baby would be erotic was, however, also a major shock. Bobby struggled with his preconceived beliefs and mores while the hot moist mouth noisily slurping on his cockhead fought for equal consideration. Right or wrong? Stop or continue? At the same time as he struggled with the answers to those questions, he struggled with how he could resolve this, the arguments being the same for all three problems.

If he withdrew his cock, he was telling Billy that what they were doing was wrong. Certainly most adults would say a fourteen-month-old baby sucking his father's prick was more than wrong. Surely they would claim it was immoral and filthy. Although he'd never read anything anywhere about such a thing, surely it was also illegal. So, that he should end this immediately was his first impulse.

Another side of him argued against that impulse. What he and Billy Bob were doing together felt good, exceptionally good. Certainly there was nothing physically harmful about what they were doing. Nor could it be denied that Billy Bob was enjoying it physically, the baby having no knowledge about morals or laws to interfere with his enjoyment. As for himself, having the silky smooth but vicelike grip of a baby's lips tugging on his cockhead was more than just enjoyable, it was physically stimulating beyond imagination. Billy Bob's hot little breath blowing against the top of his glans as his lips eagerly sucked on the spongy cockhead in the hopes for more of that strange nectar soon produced the desired result, and Bobby groaned as he felt more of his pre-cum ooze out of his cock.

Should he put a stop to this, or allow it to continue? The last thing he wanted to do was to encourage Billy to do things that were illegal or sinful. On the other hand, he did not want Billy to think that sex was something that was disgusting and to be kept hidden. Nor did he did want to burden Billy with the same guilt and inhibitions that he was burdened with. This was not that unlike the sex between himself and the eight-year-old. Certainly that was not immoral and filthy in his mind. Their relationship was one of love and tenderness, one of mutually enjoying the bodily pleasures that nature and the good Lord had provided them. Was that not the same between himself and Billy Bob? So why not let him suck on his pickle?

Why came to mind that moment. The novelty, the excitement, and the pure eroticism of the incident all assaulted his mind at once. The mental and physical stimulation of having the hot, moist mouth of his infant son eagerly sucking on his cockhead combined with an explosive result. His balls suddenly tightened and even though he'd cum less than an hour earlier up Billy's ass, he felt his cum rising up his cock again. It was so instantaneous there was nothing Bobby could do to prevent it. All he could do was gasp as the first shot of his thick, gluey load spurted into Billy Bob's hot, moist mouth. It was quickly followed by a second shot and the two together filled the little baby's mouth. Bobby quickly drew back before his baby boy choked on his very first blow job. At the same time Billy Bob released his lips in response to receiving not just a droplet of sweet man nectar but a mouthful of mysterious, new food.

As the thick, creamy white man juice assaulted Billy Bob's taste buds and flowed out of the corners of his mouth and around his chin to hang in a thick pendent, Billy quickly lowered his head. His mouth enveloped Bobby's fountaining cockhead, catching his third and fourth loads of cum which, being his second ejaculate in an hour, oozed rather than shot out of his hot, aching cock. The big, hefty trucker's legs felt weak as he sighed with the pleasure of orgasm. The pleasure was unique, and he savoured every second of it. A strange feeling passed over him when Billy finally withdrew his lips and looked over at Billy Bob, and then the two boys, their lips glistening with a fine film of cum, his cum, swallowed his unique offering.

"Mmm-mm," said Billy as he licked his lips, his red tongue streaked with spittle and a smear of cum.

"Mmm-mm," mimicked Billy Bob, his little tongue darting out and similarly streaked.

Bobby reached out and flipping up the pendent of cum still hanging from Billy Bob's chin, he slipped the tip of his finger in his mouth and sucked it off. "Mmm-mm," he agreed as he wrapped his beefy arms about his two boys and drew their naked bodies close to his.

"Why are you smiling?" asked Billy.

"Mmm?" asked Bobby, still lost in his thoughts.

"I asked why you were smiling."

"Oh, I was just thinking about you and Billy Bob and how wonderful it is to have you both," he replied, returning to the present.

"Yeah," agreed Billy as he snuggled closer. "Bet Kevin and Kyle and Korby feel the same way."

"I imagine they do," Bobby agreed.

Considering that Kyle had impregnated Kevin, he imagined the youth did love his boy-wife just as much as he loved Billy. In light of their common bond, that of being boylovers, he was looking forward to visiting with Kyle again. It was one thing to email each other and to share parenting tips and significant events in their baby's lives over the computer, but it would be so much more personal to share it over a campfire, or snuggled in bed together with their boy-wives like their last night together last summer. Kyle was the only other boylover that he knew. There was, unfortunately, one problem with them meeting, and that was the event he'd just been thinking about.

If it had only happened that once he would have brushed it off as being an impulsive, one-time incident. However, it was not a one-time occurrence. That afternoon feeding was the beginning of what had now become a regular part of their lives. Billy had continued to feed Billy Bob by dabbing his food on his pickle, not just because he readily ate anything that way, but because the two enjoyed it. Besides that, at least once or twice a month ever since then Bobby had given into temptation and had provided the 'desert' for the two boys. That was not impulsive. He actually looked forward to those sessions, having consciously decided that there was nothing wrong with what they were doing. Now, knowing that in six weeks they would be meeting up with Kevin and Kyle, he had a problem with that decision.

If he told Billy not to mention this little act of family togetherness, he knew the boy would obey, but in doing so, he was telling Billy exactly what he did not want Billy to think, that what they were doing was wrong and to be kept a secret. Of course he could explain that not everyone felt about sex as they did, and Billy would understand that because he had learned that about their own relationship. However, the boy was only eight. It would be so easy for him to innocently blurt out their little secret some evening while the six of them were having a late night snack, or while the husbands were pleasuring their boy-wives together while their babies slept, which he was sure would happen. Besides, Billy was so looking forward to meeting with Kevin and sharing the events of their lives. Boys that age loved to share secrets, and considering that this was something Billy could not share with anyone else, it was hard to believe that he would not want to tell what he, Bobby and Billy Bob did together over a simple supper of vegetable stew. Bobby knew little boys, and Billy in particular, very well.

He was right. At that very moment, Billy was thinking of all the things he wanted to tell Kevin. He was so excited he squirmed on the bed, his entire body tense and his mind racing. There was Billy Bob's first word of course, and that now at twenty-two months he was eating scrambled eggs and bananas and vegetable stew and the soft centres of bread and would probably not be on baby food after this holiday. Besides stuff about Billy Bob, there was the spelling bee prize he'd won in the contest between his school and the grade three's in Crestwood Elementary which he was very proud of and which Bobby had made such a fuss about, the first place he'd gotten in the school's broad jump just last week, the surprise birthday party he'd planned for Bobby's forty-second birthday way back last November he especially had to tell Kevin about that.

As it turned out, Bobby's birthday was on a Saturday, and he and his wife had celebrated it the day before because his wife had to go away the next day. That was just perfect as far as Billy was concerned, and he'd talked to his parents about having a surprise party for Bobby as soon as he found out. They had gotten to know him quite well since whenever they wanted to have a break, Bobby babysat him and his baby sister and he didn't charge. Bobby had told Billy's parents it was part of his belief in doing a good deed for others, and since it took the two of them working to make ends meet, they were more than willing to let him.

Of course that was great. For one reason, he often brought Billy Bob with him and they could have some time together. For another, as soon as they had the two babies asleep, he and Bobby were able to be together. Sometimes they just played Nintendo or watched television or worked on a project for school. They didn't always do sex stuff, though Billy was delighted when they did. He loved the way it made him feel, and he knew it made Bobby feel good too, which made him want to do it even more. One of the hardest things was not telling all his friends how great it was so they could do it too, but Bobby had been very insistent on that, and he knew how dumb most adults were about it and the likely consequences if they found out.

Anyway, his mom and dad had agreed to the surprise birthday party, and had called Bobby and asked if he'd come over to babysit. Of course he said he would, figuring what luck that they would be going out on the day of his birthday. Billy grinned as he remembered opening the door and letting Bobby in, and the look on his face when he saw the streamers and the balloons and the big banner he'd made on the computer saying "Happy Birthday Bobby". What was even better was how happy Bobby was when they brought out the cake they had made specially for him. It was in the shape of an eighteen wheeler and Billy even had the baker write the name of Bobby's truck, 'Blueboy' on it.

Of course they sang happy birthday and he blew out the candles. Then they played 'Careers' which was a really fun game. Billy sat between his dad and Bobby, the two most favourite men in his life. Then at eight o'clock his dad turned on the television to watch hockey like he did every Saturday, and his mom took Billy Bob and his sister to give them baths. When he suggested Bobby come to his room to play Nintendo neither of his parents thought that was strange. His bedroom was his own private place, the one part of the house that really belonged to him, and he loved having his friends there. It was still painted black and he was still interested in space. Now there were a lot more models of spaceships, and many of them were gifts from Bobby. Bobby had even taken him to see the latest Star Wars movie and had boughten him a large poster of The Phantom Menace which he'd hung above his desk.

"So, were you surprised?" Billy asked as they sat on his bed.

"You bet I was! Was this really your idea like your dad said?"

"Yep," Billy said with a wide grin.

Bobby drew him close and gave him a hug. Wrapping his arms about Bobby's neck, Billy scrambled into his lap and gave him a big kiss. That was quickly followed by a second and a third. He could feel the truck driver beginning to swell and he wiggled his bum teasingly which made the big trucker stiffen even faster.

"Did you make a wish when you blew out your candles?"

"Sure did."

"What was it?"

"Now, you know I can't tell you. If you tell, it won't come true."

"Well I made a wish too."

"Really?" Bobby said with a smile.

"Since it's not my birthday, it'd be okay if I told what it was, no?"

"Oh, I think so."

"I wished before you left tonight we'd come to my bedroom and you'd fuck me."

Although Bobby normally loved it when Billy used that word, this night he glanced at the door of his bedroom nervously. Bobby was pleased with the revelation, but also concerned about the boy's brashness. He could hear the water running in the bathroom next door and he wondered just how thick the walls were. "Well, I guess maybe I was wrong," he said.

"About what?"

"About being able to tell me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm sorry Billy, but that is not going to be possible."


"Well, your parents aren't really planning on going out tonight are they?"

"No. But that don't matter."

"Billy, it's too risky."

"No, really. Once hockey starts Dad's not going to move. Mom says the house would burn down and he wouldn't notice. And Mom will be busy for a while giving the babies a bath. She can't leave them by themselves in the tub."

"Still, we can't take the chance," persisted Bobby, hating to disappoint the boy.

"But," Billy began, his voice beginning to waver and his eyes starting to moisten. "I wanted that to be my extra special birthday present."

"You already gave me many presents: the party, the cake, the belt buckle."

"B-b-but," he began, biting his lip as he tried his best not to cry.

He was almost nine. You didn't cry when you were almost nine. Still, they did sex far more often outdoors or at Bobby's home than at his house. Doing it there, in his bedroom, in his bed, and especially on this day, was going to be extra special. A tear overflowed his lower eyelid and ran down his right cheek. Bobby drew him close and kissed his forehead, and then his cheek. It was salty from his tear trail. They kissed on the lips, softly, and then more forcefully. Bobby felt his penis resume swelling. The boy's kisses were so damn tender, and his breath so damn sweet. He felt the boy's hot little hand in his lap.

"Your pickle wants us to do it," he said as he looked up pleadingly.

Bobby could never resist those big, turquoise eyes and fluttering long, blond eyelashes. His pickle grew larger, and he knew the boy could tell. He could hear the bathwater splashing in the tub in the bathroom beside Billy's bedroom and the giggling of the two babies. Billy's mother would be busy for a long time. Like all mothers, she would find the joy of bath time difficult to bring to an end. He could hear the television above the noise of the bath. Someone scored. He was about to also.

"Well, I did think we were going to be alone, and did bring the tube of KY," he said with a slight smile.

"Way cool," beamed Billy. "I love you!"

His hands could not touch behind the back of the burly truck driver, but the bear hug he gave the forty-two-year-old was tighter than many men could give. He eased Bobby onto his back. At six-foot-four [1.93 m] and two-hundred and sixty-five pounds [120 kg], his legs extended a foot-and-a-half [45 cm] beyond the foot of the bed and his frame pretty much took up the width. Billy gleefully straddled him, all fifty-nine pounds [27 kg] sitting on his stomach, and he excitedly unbuttoned the man's shirt. He massaged the broad chest and then twirled the thick hair on his chest with one hand while he rubbed the man's teats with the fingertips of his other hand. Bobby's nipples were almost instantly erect. His cock had been that way now for a while.

Billy inched his way down Bobby's body until he was sitting on his thighs, and then the boy deftly with many months of practice undid his belt and unbuttoned the top of his jeans. Bobby quivered with anticipation as he watched the eight-year-old pull down his fly, and he inhaled sharply as he felt the boy's small, hot hand cup his erection and his balls outside his boxers. Billy's one hand was too small to hold Bobby's privates and it felt so great having the boy hold them. As Billy reached up to draw down Bobby's pants, the huge man arched his body, easily raising the boy up at the same time. Drawing down the man's jeans, Billy reached back up and slipped his fingers under the elastic band of Bobby's boxers and began to pull them down next. Feeling the boy's small, hot fingers against his naked skin made Bobby's heart pound with desire, and the sight of the boy's bright turquoise eyes sparkling with excitement, and his tongue peaking out from his lips which were pressed tightly with concentration, caused the first drop of pre-cum to ooze out of his swollen cock just as Billy drew his boxers down off his hips.

Billy's head immediately swooped down and his tiny, pink tongue darted out and flipped the clear droplet into his mouth like a frog picking off a fly. Bobby thought of the gargoyle of male fecundity and thanked the gargoyle and mysterious oriental for granting him his dearest wish. As the tousle-headed blond angel drew his boxers down to mid-thigh to join his jeans, Bobby's cock oozed out another droplet of pre-cum. Again Billy's tongue darted out, and again the eight-year-old flipped the droplet of nectar into his mouth. As he savoured it, he unsnapped the clasp on his jeans and pulled down his zipper. Pushing his jeans and his jockey briefs down together, he quickly found the tube of KY in Bobby's trousers and opened it.

The young boy's breath shuddered with excitement as he applied a generous glob of gel to the knob of Bobby's fat, erect cock and then smeared it over the engorged glans. He slipped his sticky index finger up his eager rectum, and then constricting his anus to clean off the grease, he eased it back out. He then inserted his middle finger and did the same thing, and then his third finger. He then once again straddled Bobby's stomach, and while he raised himself and shuffled backwards, Bobby held his cock upright and aimed it at the boy's little butt. Once he felt it against his ass crack, Billy positioned himself so the tip was pressed against his anus and then the eight-year-old slowly began to lower his body, impaling himself on the trucker's stiff cock. Ever so slowly he continued to sit, and ever so slowly the greased knob disappeared into his body until the glans was engulfed by his hot, moist boyhole.

Billy paused like that, with Bobby's knob wedged up his rectum, and relished the sensation while he caught his breath. 'Fucking is hard work,' the boy thought with a smile. He did not wait long. He was too eager to start the fucking part and he soon continued to slowly push his butt down, easing it slowly down on Bobby's stiff cock. Knowing how far he could go from experience, he finally paused, and shuffling to provide himself the support he needed, he slowly began to raise his body. It felt so fucking good to have the stiff, hot cock easing out of his body, like he was taking a huge poop. Once he figured Bobby's cock was close to coming out, he paused and began to lower his body again. It felt even fucking better to have it easing up his rectum again. So Billy began to ride the forty-two-year-old trucker's shaft of meat, his wish come true.

His rectum easing up and down the thick, hot dick felt so good. He liked getting fucked no matter what the position, but this was one of his favourites. It was cool being the one doing the fucking, and it was even cooler that Bobby would let him. It was also so neat that they were doing it there in his room, in his bed, especially this night. He could hear his mom in the bathroom next door with his sister and his baby. If she only knew that Billy Bob was his very own, and that he loved his baby boy as much as she loved him. Actually, having his own baby made him realize more what it was like to be a parent. It also made him realize what it was like to have a lover. If she and Dad only knew that at that moment he and his lover were fucking, and how much he enjoyed getting fucked. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

Bobby felt it was the greatest feeling in the world too. Laying there on the boy's small bed, staring up at the space models hanging from his ceiling and knowing his parents were only minutes away was so erotic. Their little boy was riding his cock for all he was worth and enjoying every second of it. Bobby reached around and took the boy's little penis between his thumb and forefinger again. It was stiff, proof positive of Billy's enjoyment.

Bobby held his hand still and as the boy worked his body up and down his shaft, he drove his little dick in and out of Bobby's fingers. Billy giggled and squirmed as ripples of stimulation pulsated through his little stiffie. There were so many wonderful pleasures to experience when you knew a boylover. His breathing became dangerously loud as he closed his eyes and relished the sensations passing through his little boy cock and up his tight love canal.

Bobby's breathing was quickening also. Feeling the boy's little hot stiffie throbbing between his finger and thumb, and feeling his hot, moist hole pulsating around his cock, he could only enjoy the pleasures for so long before nature took its course. Unable to hold back, Bobby grunted and thrust with his orgasm, raising the boy in the air. Squirt after squirt erupted from his cock and shot into the dark depths of the boy's rectum. As he violently filled the boy's tight bottom with his cream, the boy's little cock jerked and throbbed in his fingers as it tried to spurt out the boy's cream too. The boy's dry orgasm following on top of his was delightful beyond words as the two lovers gasped and exhaled in exhaustion and sexual ecstasy.

Later that night after Bobby had returned home, Billy lay there under the blankets and inhaled deeply. His sheets smelled of Bobby, and the air was still scented with that unique aroma of fresh cum. Billy reached down and squeezed his now limp, inch-long [2½ cm] pickle as he marvelled at how it could change and how it could have such powerful feelings as to make his body jerk uncontrollably. He smiled with the knowledge that deep up his bum was Bobby's seed. Life was great. As he drifted off to sleep, he wished that life would never change.

Billy Bob's crying woke him up, but that was impossible. Bobby had taken the baby home with him. It took Billy a moment to realize that he was not laying in his bed, and that this was not November. It was May, and he was in Bobby's home laying on his bed. He had drifted off to sleep.

Billy and Bobby got up and went to Billy Bob's bedroom before he got impatient and tried to climb out of the crib himself. He had done just that recently, and fortunately at twenty-two months he was rubbery and limp enough that he had not hurt himself when he'd fallen out of his bed. It was evident why he was crying from the smell the moment they entered the room. That was another one of the unpleasant things about raising a baby. They had only this month begun trying to toilet train Billy Bob, and it looked like it was going to be a long process.

Of course, considering the attention Billy Bob got when he had his diaper changed, it should be no surprise he was in no hurry to be toilet trained. After wiping off his bottom and washing it thoroughly with a warm cloth, his two dads could not resist running their fingers along the little boy's velvety ass crack, and when Billy Bob squirmed and giggled, they could not resist pausing to finger his cute little bumhole until their baby was giggling and tossing ecstatically.

After rubbing him down with baby oil and powdering him they could not resist giving his little pee-er a couple tugs either. To be truthful, the two of them enjoyed playing with the little boy's penis as much as they enjoyed playing with their own or with each other's. Their play usually continued until little Billy Bob had an erection, an experience that never ceased to thrill all three of them. That was clearly evident as by the time the little baby boy penis was erect, so were the cocks of his two fathers. Just touching Billy Bob's stiff little nubbin caused the little boy to squirm and emit peals of laughter. His little dad's nubbin jerked excitedly in the air all on its own at the sight and sound, and his big dad's oozed out the delicious clear nectar that he'd come to enjoy so much.

Having changed Billy Bob, his two parents decided to go into the living room and play with their baby boy in a more conventional way for a while. They began with building blocks, showing Billy Bob how to pile them one on top of the other. At his age he was able to master one on top of the first, but rarely could he manage to have three blocks piled up in a row. After a while Billy Bob became bored and the three of them rolled his large plastic ball with the bells inside to each other, and then amused him with several of his windup toys. A bit later Billy Bob discovered his toes and amused himself with them, much to the delight of his fathers. That was followed by a healthy, boisterous round of tickling each other until the three naked bodies were flushed with excitement. Finally around six, Bobby asked his boys if they were feeling hungry.

"Billy Bob hungry," the baby replied with a grin.

"What would you like to eat?" asked Bobby.

"Pickle," Billy Bob replied honestly, and his two fathers laughed and hugged him. When he had first asked for pickle while Bobby was feeding him one evening while his wife was home, Bobby had been at a loss for words. His wife observed that he must have heard the word on television, and she commented on how it was a good example of the adverse effect television had on children. It was a plausible explanation, and Bobby readily agreed.

While Billy made Bobby and himself macaroni and cheese, his favourite meal, Bobby cooked Billy Bob an egg and rice cereal with banana. When he began to fuss toward the end of his meal, Billy dabbed the last bit of cereal on his limp penis and Bobby held Billy Bob in front of him. Of course the baby immediately slipped his mouth over his little dad's pickle and began to suck it clean. Billy reached around and began to rub Billy Bob's little bumhole at the same time. Spitting on the tip of his finger, he slowly and carefully inserted it into his baby boy's bottom up to his first knuckle. It was difficult to tell who enjoyed that more, the squirming baby, the grinning father getting sucked, or the rapidly swelling father watching the first two.

The two fathers knew that they were spoiling the boy, and that the only reason he fussed toward the end of his meal was for this treat, but they still did it. Of course it did not take long for Bobby to become erect, and both Billy Bob and Billy ended the meal with their usual desert of fresh pre-cum and the two boys having their assholes finger-pleasured while they sucked on big daddy's cock.

After doing the dishes, the family went to the park to play on the swings for a while, and then returned home. Billy Bob was tired, but he loved being with his dads and fought being put to bed until they agreed to move his crib into the bedroom. Even though he was only twenty-two months old, he knew that when his two dads were spending the night he could get away with that. While he lay there giggling and jabbering to himself, content to just be in the same room as his two dads, Bobby and Billy lay on the bed and talked about the upcoming vacation.

"I can't wait until Kevin and Kyle see how Billy Bob has grown," remarked Billy as he glanced over at his infant son proudly.

"Me too," agreed Bobby as he also looked over at their son.

Once again the problem that had been plaguing him ever since the topic of joining Kevin and Kyle that summer came to his mind. Why did life have to be so complicated? He glanced over at Billy Bob again. The boy's eyes were closed already. He had his younger father's fine blond hair and sparkling turquoise eyes, and his younger father's smile that melted your heart and made you agree to do anything he wanted. Of course he was not placing the blame on a little twenty-two-month-old baby. Having sex with him was just something that had happened, and as far as he was concerned, it was something that was natural. It brought pleasure to all three of them, and it hurt no one. There was no reason why a boy should not begin to experience the fun his cock can bring him, and the fun of playing with other cocks, the moment he was born. Bobby smiled. Billy had said that their baby had inherited his big father's cock. He had a feeling the boy was going to grow up with his beliefs and values also.

He believed in what they were doing, and he was not going to let anyone stop him. He would just have to caution Billy about what he could and could not tell Kevin when they met. It was probably a good time to remind him to be cautious about telling anyone about their secret life, not just what they did with Billy Bob, but also what they did with each other. The boy knew there were many who did not share their beliefs, but it would not hurt to remind him. He was only eight. Besides, he'd been chumming around quite a bit this year with one boy in particular, a cute looking boy by the name of Mark with brown hair and a cute looking butt. Bobby knew how easy it was for things to slip out between good buddies.

On the other hand, it was a real shame for a boy like Mark to never know the joys of having a boylover. It would also be a shame for Billy to not be able to tell Kevin about the special bond he had formed with his baby. Who knows what might happen if Billy did tell others. It was a new world where boys could be wives and boys and boylovers could have babies. Kyle had said there would be others like themselves at the campground this summer.

Bobby wrapped his arm around Billy and drew him close. Billy reached down and began to fondle his adult lover's limp cock and to his unceasing fascination and joy it quickly began to respond. Kissing Billy on the forehead, Bobby lifted the boy up, cradling him in his arm as the boy played with his cock so he could fiddle with his butthole. They would talk, later. First, they would enjoy each other's company and that special expression of their love that for them was so wonderful.

Much later as the burly trucker mounted his young boy-wife, both were too entranced by that pleasure to notice Billy Bob pulling himself up. Standing there in the crib and watching his two dads, he pushed down his poorly fastened diaper and began to fiddle with his little pricklet as his mind took in this new way to have fun with one's pickle.