PZA Boy Stories

The Devil's Advocate

Ah Paris

(Laura's Vacation)

The challenge was to write a short story which (1) takes place - at least for a part - in Paris, (2) includes a game of chess and (3) involves a snorkel but not in water.


Laurence thinks that being turned into Laura is the worst thing that could possibly happen to her. She is about to learn that this is not the case.

Publ. Dec 2014
Finished 15,500 words (31 pages)


Laurence/Laura (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-consensual Femdom story
Mb Fbnon-cons Fdom anal – humil bond incest watersport toys "and a few other naughty things"


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

I know I said there probably wouldn't be any more stories in the Robert Series. However, I think of this as a kind of intermission for the "Christian School of Humility 2" (also on PZA). Laurence/Laura and her family is introduced in the first half of that story. The second half of "Christian School of Humility 2" is finished and will be coming soon.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with The Devil's Advocate - Ah Paris (Laura's Vacation) in the subject line.

Chapter 1


Twelve-year-old Laura jumps up in her bed in a cold sweat. She had the nightmare again. The one in which her mother lures her to this place and hands her over for training. This place being the Christian School of Humility [want to know more about this school? Read Christian School of Humility.]

Humbled Girl. That is what they call the students here. Only the richest families can afford to send their kid to the school. Even then there is a very in-depth selection process. It is worth the effort though. That is because almost every graduate goes on to become leaders in the community, high paid executives and what have you. Even the girls that barely graduate are highly sought after by rich bachelors looking for wives.

While most local girls know they will never get into the school, they still fantasize about being a Humbled Girl. If they only knew what takes place here. Sure, there are normal classes like any other school. However, mixed in the curriculum is a lot of sex education. Hands on sex education.

While the local girls want to be Humbled Girls, Laura sure as hell doesn't want to be. That is because she isn't really a girl. Her real name is 3;

"Laurence. Holy shit," Laura says out loud.

For a moment she had forgotten her real name. It had only been a second but it still scares the hell out of her that she actually forgot it. She tries to blame it on her sleepy mind but she knows it is more than just that.

She has been in this place for almost three months now. Eventually, she will be allowed to go home and attend the school just like any other student. For now, however, she is confined 24/7 in the a secure area of the school. Her trainers refer to it as her sissy orientation.

As part of her training, she has learned how to do her hair and makeup. She has also learned how to walk, talk and act like a girl. While all of this is humiliating, the worst has been learning how to satisfy men. It is this that has warped her mind. She sometimes convinces herself that her mind is intact but she knows it isn't. How could it be?

Laura snaps back to reality when she hears the metal door down the hall open and then close. She jumps from her bed and rushes to her door and to her knees. There is a large hole in the door. Laura brings her face near it and waits. This procedure has become second nature for her. It has been a requirement for her since her first week.

Her face turns red in humiliation as she hears foot steps getting closer. She is required to suck or lick whatever is presented to her. Normally it is a cock. However, sometimes she is rewarded with a female visitor. Though, most of those visitors present their backside. Laura still views those visits as a treat. It certainly could be a lot worse. Like a man presenting his backside.

The wait at the door can sometimes be just as bad as what is finally presented to her.

At first it was just Laura's trainers and a few people on the staff that would visit the hole. However, over time more and more people started visiting. And right when she would think she was getting used to it, they would send someone unexpected to the hole that would renew her humiliation. When she got used to the male staff members they started sending females also. Then they started mixing in other sissy students. Then a few female students.

The worst of course was when Laura's own mother visited the hole. Laura still cries in shame sometimes when she thinks about that visit. It isn't just that she had licked her own mother's front and back side. It is that she had done so without at least first begging not to. Sure, she would have been punished. However, she still wishes she had at least tried to beg her mom for a reprieve.

She has no windows and she forgot to check the clock. However, she can easily tell that it is late and thus probably just a guard. That said, she did go to bed early today. Maybe the nightmare that woke her happened right away. In that case it might still be early enough for a 'special' visitor.

Her face turns a brighter shade of red at the thought that it might be her mother again. She tells herself that if it is her mother that she will beg this time. However, as the steps get closer she faces the reality that she is too scared to do so. No, she will be a good little girl just like last time.

Laura lets out a sigh of relief when the person comes into view and she sees that it is indeed a guard. Steve to be exact. Of all the guards, Steve is the one Laura likes to suck off the most. Well, she doesn't 'like' sucking any of them off. Steve simply has the more manageable cock. It's 8 inches [20 cm] long and about 1.75 inches [4½ cm] thick. It is small compared to some that visit her hole.

The largest belongs to one of the other guards. His cock is 10 inches [25 cm] long and 3 inches [7½ cm] thick. Though, he never uses the hole in the door. Laura has become rather good at sucking cock but even she can't handle a cock that large. Not yet anyway. It isn't from a lack of trying though.

Ray always comes into her room and uses a different hole. Laura's ass clit tingles just at the thought of that huge thing forcing it's way inside her. It used to hurt like hell. Now, however, she can easily accommodate it. Wearing butt plugs every day has had a lot to do with that. They only have her up to a 2.75" [7 cm] plug but she has worn it so long that she can easily stretch enough to accept the 3" [7½ cm]dick.

Steve stands outside her door for a moment and then moves toward it until his crotch is against the hole. Laura quickly reaches up and unzips the man. She then fishes out his already hard cock. Laura stares at it for a second and then leans in and gives the head a gentle kiss.

The kiss is a requirement of course. She feels no real love for the cock. Sure, when she was still Laurence she was a little bi-curious. However, she never once even thought about grown men. It was always boys near her own age that she fantasized about. She thinks about grown men a lot now. However, they are seldom good thoughts.

Laura licks her lips and swallows hard. She then leans back in and lets the head of the cock enter her mouth. She squeezes her eyes shut hard and forces her face forward. The head of the cock presses hard against the entrance of her throat for a second and then slides down inside. Laura doesn't stop until the cock is completely buried in her throat. She reverses direction until only the head is in her mouth. Then she reverses once more and quickly deep throats it again. It isn't long before she has a good rhythm going.

Some of the men at the school like Laura to start slow. They like her to lick their cock and balls for several minutes before she begins to fuck their cock with her throat. Steve isn't one of those men. He likes to 'skull fuck' sissies. Or at least that is what he calls it.

Laura has mixed feelings about being 'skull fucked'. It is scary and often a bit painful. However, the ordeal is usually a lot less humiliating and is over much quicker.

Given the choice, Laura would prefer not to be skull fucked. However, the reason goes beyond just those mentioned above. There is also an emotional aspect to it. When she is skull fucked she feels like an inanimate object or something. However, with the more tender approach there is almost a feeling of affection. As though the men actually care about her.

Of course, affecting that decision is all the estrogen they give her. She is only going on three months and her breasts are already starting to develop. The rest of her body is becoming more feminine as well.

A tear runs down her cheek as she thinks about the estrogen. It won't be long and no remnant of Laurence will be left. She has gone through denial, anger and bargaining. She is still stuck on depression though. She doubts she will ever reach the stage of acceptance. Or at least she prays she doesn't. Because once that happens she knows Laurence will be truly gone.

Laura fucks her throat on the cock for several minutes before Steve starts assisting her. Steven begins humping against the hole in the door as fast and hard as he can. Laura's throat has no choice but to relax as best it can and accept the assault.

In and out. In and out. In and out.

It becomes too hard for Laura to tell when the cock is entering and when it is exiting. In order to stay in sync she focuses on the sound of Steve's belt banging against the other side of the door.

Thankfully, she doesn't have to struggle for long. Steve suddenly halts with his hips pressed hard against the door.

He's cumming! she thinks with dread.

Laura's instinct is to pull away. However, her training kicks in and she presses her face forward instead. Steve's cock pulses and a split second later a jet of cum shoots down her throat and into her tummy. Many men that come to her door would pull back at this point so they can finish off in her mouth or possibly on her face. Steve, however, likes to directly deposit all his cum.

This is one aspect of Steve's approach that Laura likes. There is less humiliation this way and she doesn't have to taste much of the cum. She still has to taste some of it though. Once Steve's climax ends he pulls back so Laura can suck the last of it out of his cock.

Laura gets about a teaspoon of cum from the cock. She swishes it around in her mouth with her tongue like she has been taught. She then swallows. Or at least she swallows the bulk of it. The sticky vicious fluid is still coating her mouth, tongue and throat. It will be at least 15 minutes before all of the cum and it's nasty flavor is actually gone.

Steve steps away from the hole and puts his cock away. He doesn't leave though. Laura falls backward in surprise when the door suddenly opens. Steve has come into her room many times before. However, he has never done so right after using the hole.

Laura looks up in confusion as the man pulls a long box from his pocket. Fear is quickly added when she sees him open the box and pull out a hypodermic needle. She gets most of her estrogen in her food but they sometimes give it to her via an injection. However, it is always the doctor that gives her the shot. She fears that this shot might include something other than estrogen. She slowly starts to back away.

"I can give you this shot in your left ass cheek or your left nut," Steve growls at her. "Are you going to be a good girl?"

Laura quickly freezes. She is pretty sure that Steve is bluffing. She doubts that they would inject medication into one of her balls. However, she doesn't doubt that Steve might still poke her ball with the needle a few times out of anger. Plus, she is smart enough to know she is going to get that shot regardless.

Laura reluctantly gets up on her hands and knees and turns so Steve can give her the shot. She is careful to angle herself though so that her balls aren't an easy target for the man.

Steve lightly glides the tip of the needle back and forth on her rump for a few seconds before he finally sinks it into her ass cheek. A few seconds later and the needle's contents are inside her. A few seconds after that and the room begins to spin. The next thing she knows she is lying flat on the hard floor.

"Wh 3;"

Everything goes dark before she can even formulate a question.

Chapter 2

Dean Charles Miller concentrates hard as he looks over the chess board. It is only his second move in the game but the Dean is the type to take every move seriously. That said, he has already decided to let his opponent, Joyce, win. Which is no small sacrifice for the Dean. He loves to win. Especially when he has a $1,000 bet on the game.

Joyce is Laura's mother. While the Dean likes to treat the parents of his students well, he would normally never intentionally let them win a bet of any kind. However, he knows it will go a long ways toward calming the woman's nerves. Plus, she can use the extra money. She is rich but no where near as rich as the Dean or most of the other students' parents.

"The Queen's Gambit," the Dean mumbles as he inspects Joyce's last move.

He watches Joyce's reaction out of the corner of his eye. He gets nothing from her though. He was hoping for an indication of whether she played the opening move on purpose or just happened into it. It would give him a good idea of how hard he should try. If she is good and he doesn't try hard enough it will become obvious. However, if she isn't any good and he tries too hard then he might win by accident.

He decides to go easy for now. The chess set belongs to Joyce but it is blatantly clear she doesn't take chess too seriously. It is far from being a high end professional set that someone serious would play on. In fact, it is the type of chess set you might rent for a kid's birthday party. Assuming of course that the kid and his friends are a bunch of nerds.

The board is about 10 feet [3 m] squared. It fills up a good portion of Joyce's living room. Each of the board's pieces are made of hard plastic and stand about 2 feet [60 cm] tall. It's a silly looking setup but the Dean has to admit that it adds a bit of fun to the game.

"Pawn to A5," the Dean announces after a moment.

Danielle, the Dean's 15-year-old daughter/son glances around the board in confusion. She watches her father play chess all the time. However, usually she is focusing more on her father's cock and the cocks of their guests. She knows the names of all the pieces but has never paid much attention to the numbering system. She is smart enough to know it is on one of the sides of the board but she isn't sure which.

Thankfully, Donald, Joyce's husband, is well aware of the board layout. He is also a reasonably good player. He has little choice but to be good at the game. His wife gives him 'rewards' if he can beat her. And he gets severe punishments if he loses. Forgetting the board's number system of course garners punishment as well. However, it has been a very long time since he has made that mistake.

Both Donald and Danielle are naked. However, that is the least of their concern and embarrassment. It is moving the pieces that is really humiliating.

Donald crawls over to the pawn in question and leans up so he can lick the round trailer hitch-like ball on top of the piece. Once it is sufficiently lubricated, Danielle stands over it and slowly lowers herself onto the ball.

"Oh!" Danielle grunts as the ball pops into her asshole.

The balls on the top of the pawns are the biggest. They are 3.25" [8 cm] thick. The balls on the other pieces are only 2.5" [6 cm] thick. The king is the only exception. Instead of a ball, the king has a stubby cross on top. The 2.5" [6 cm] wide cross may not be super wide but it still takes some effort to get into one's hole.

Danielle has managed many objects larger than 3.25" [8 cm] before. However, the balls on the pieces are made of cold hard plastic. They are very uncomfortable.

Once the ball is seeded, Danielle moves forward such that the piece tips forward. She then drags it about 3 feet [1 m] to it's new location. The piece is hollow. However, the bottom is weighted down. Danielle has to squeeze her hole as tight as she can to keep the balled top from popping out as she drags the piece along.

"Oh!" Danielle grunts again as she gets the piece positioned properly and then unhitches herself from it.

Donald quickly crawls over and starts licking the piece's ball clean. Danielle is one of the select few sissies attending the Dean's school. Like all their students, Danielle takes frequent enemas. Thanks to this, all Donald gets is a faint taste of ass juice. There is a hint of strawberry mixed in also.

Donald noticed the flavor earlier as well. He can only guess that the sissy uses some kind of strawberry flavored oil in her enemas. Joyce makes Donald take an enema every morning also. However, his are almost always just plain water. Part of him feels a little hurt. Why doesn't his mistress/wife get him fancy oils for his enemas? Has he not been a good boy? He almost feels like crying.

Donald knows that it is only the estrogen that makes him so emotional. Joyce started giving him estrogen about three months ago. At first she did it without his knowledge. However, once his breasts started to bud she had no choice but to inform him. Donald resisted of course. However, like normal, his resistance was very fleeting. He still cries some nights, however, at the thought of what his wife is turning him into. Of course, he was crying most nights long before the estrogen started.

What started out many years ago as just fun and games in the bedroom has escalated into something Donald would have never imagined. During this time Joyce went from being his wife to being his mistress. Donald has hated almost every moment. Yet, at the same time a part of him deep down loves it. Well, 'love' probably isn't the right word. He isn't sure what word fits best 3; maybe 'need'. As much as he sometimes hates his wife for what she has done to him, he can't imagine ever being able to live without her control. It doesn't really make sense to even him.

Donald quickly pushes these thoughts from his head. He has other things to worry about right now. Like the ball on the next pawn to be moved. It is his wife's turn to move and that means Danielle gets to lick and Donald has to move the piece. A tear runs down his cheek as he looks the board over. He can already tell that the game will be a long one. And there will be many more pawns to move before they get to the other more manageable pieces.

Joyce cuddles up to the Dean as she contemplates her next chess move. This may be the first time they played chess together but it isn't the first time they have 'played' together.

They have had sex three times in the past. Joyce is pretty sure that tonight will become the fourth. Joyce has no illusions. She knows their relationship isn't going anywhere serious. Their relationship is only special in that she is an adult and not a young kid like most of the partners the Dean normally enjoys.

This is fine by Joyce. She doesn't want a serious relationship with the man. She is married after all. And despite all the nasty things she does to Donald, she still loves him. In fact, she loves him more now than she ever did before they started playing their 'games'.

No, the only thing she loves about the Dean is the man's very large cock. The man's cock is 2.5" [6½ cm] thick and a good 9" [23 cm] long. It is the largest cock Joyce has ever gotten to play with. As much as she enjoys the cock, her main goal is to see the Dean use it on her husband.

Joyce has made her husband satisfy a variety of men and even a few sissies. However, very few of those men have cocks even close to the size of the Dean's. The thought of her husband riding that huge thing is almost enough to make her cum. The Dean let's Donald watch. He even allows Donald to lick them clean afterward. However, that seems about as far as the man is willing to go. Joyce's hope is that once the estrogen does all of it's work that the Dean will find her husband more appealing.

The Dean, however, is not the reason Joyce started giving her husband estrogen. She was the one that enrolled their son, Laurence, in the school's sissy program. In fact, her husband still doesn't know about it. Anyway, it only made sense to sissify her husband as well. Not that the man wasn't already half way there anyway.

After all, the saying does go, "Like father, like son". Though, in this case it is more along the lines of, "Like mother, like father, like son".

"Pawn to D5," Joyce announces.

The move captures one of the Dean's pawns. To Joyce, it seems the only logical move with the current setup. Joyce only takes her time in the decision because she is a bit confused by the Dean's previous move. Either the man has something unexpected up his sleeve or he simply doesn't know much about chess. Had it been her, she would have sacrificed the pawn also. However, she would have brought a knight out, not move the other pawn.

Donald and Danielle both rush to the center of the board. Donald licks the black pawn currently at D5 while Danielle licks the white pawn that is about to take it. Once both pawns are lubricated, Donald and Danielle switch pawns. Donald squats down on the white pawn as Danielle does the same to the black one.

"Oh!" the two groan in unison as the large balls sink into their holes.

Donald is getting the better end of this exchange. He only has to move his piece about 3 feet [1 m]. Danielle, however, will need to drag the defeated pawn all the way across and then off the board. On the bright side, the board isn't that congested right now. She won't have to zigzag around any other pieces.

As Donald moves his piece, he watches Danielle struggle with hers. Danielle moves the heavy piece to the edge of the board and then gets down on her hands and knees so she can drag the pawn in a more horizontal position.

The defeated pieces have to be dragged all the way to the far side of the living room and the thick carpet is a little harder to drag the piece on than the board's hard surface. Not that the pawn drags any easier in the horizontal position. However, it does allow Danielle to rest faster between tugs. And time is of the essence. If she takes too long with the piece then her father may decide to quicken her pace with a belt.

Donald's piece is in place before Danielle even gets hers onto the carpet. He can't unhitch himself, however, until Danielle is ready to do the same. As he waits for Danielle, Donald steals glances at his wife and the Dean. His wife watches Danielle for a few seconds and then turns her attention back to the Dean. She kisses the Dean as her hands work on the man's trousers. It doesn't take her long to get his huge cock into the open air.

Donald blushes and quickly averts his eyes when he notices the Dean glance his way. The Dean, however, isn't interested in him. He is just deciding his next move.

The rules they set for the bet clearly stated that they could not distract the other during their moves. Technically, it could be argued that his move doesn't start until the current pieces are unhitched. Besides, the Dean doesn't mind the distraction. Joyce knows just how best to massage a cock. The Dean suspects it comes from spending countless hours teasing her husband's cock, yet seldom ever letting him cum.

Donald hates seeing his wife play with other men. Especially when the men look and act so much manlier than himself. Granted, now days it would be hard to find a man less manly than himself. With his new budding breasts and hint of other female attributes, Donald isn't sure he can even consider himself fully male anymore, let alone a man.

"That is what I'm turning into," Donald thinks as he glances back over at Danielle.

Donald starts to get hard as he watches the sissy drag the pawn. He tells himself that the reaction is just the huge ball pressing against his prostate. However, he knows it is more than just that. Donald may not be gay but Danielle is hardly your average boy. The young sissy looks more female than male. In fact, one would never guess she really is male if it weren't for the hard 7" [18 cm] uncut cock swinging back and forth between her legs.

Donald knows that cock all too well. He knows the look, smell and taste of it. He also knows what it is like to be fucked by it. He and Danielle have put on several performances in the past few months. Usually, those performances are just for his wife's viewing. However, sometimes the Dean is present as well.

"I've got the power!"

Everyone looks to the Dean as the man's cell phone starts playing the song, The Power by Snap. Donald can't help but think it is the perfect ring tone for the Dean. It matches the man's ego. Plus, he indeed has tons of power. Donald has to admit that the Dean's power makes the man a perfect match for Joyce.

The thought of Joyce and the Dean becoming a serious couple brings another tear to Donald's eye. Would she really leave him for the Dean? Or even worse, would Joyce and the Dean become a couple and keep Donald as some kind of pet? Joyce often says that she loves Donald. However, does she really? Donald can't think of a reason she should. Just look at him and what he is turning into.

"Thank you," the Dean says into the phone after listening for a few seconds.

The Dean hits a button on the cell phone and places it back into his vest pocket. He then informs Joyce that "the package is on it's way".

Donald has heard mention of 'the package' several times in the last few weeks. However, he has no idea what the package is. All he knows is that it almost certainly has something to do with his and Joyce's upcoming Paris trip. They leave for the trip tomorrow and the timing is too coincidental.

What concern's Donald is that Joyce never seems that happy when the package deliver is discussed. If anything, she seems angry or sad about it.

To make matters worse, Donald doesn't even know for sure what they will be doing in Paris. His wife says it is part of his training but won't say anything beyond that. All Donald knows is that it isn't going to be a vacation.

This doesn't keep Donald from coming up with all kinds of wild and scary theories. While he has ruled out most of the theories, there is one that he fears might actually be true. In this theory they are going to Europe in order to get Donald a sex change at some kind of specialized clinic. And the 'package' is simply silicon implants or some other medical supply(s) they will need.

As horrifying as this scenario may sound to Donald. He would be a thousand times more horrified if he knew the truth.

Chapter 3

The flight to Paris is a very long one. Donald spends most of the flight fidgeting in his seat. His hole is still sore from the long night of playing chess. On the bright side, at least Joyce didn't make him wear a plug on the flight.

Not only would the plug be uncomfortable, but he can just imagine the humiliation of trying to get through airport security with it. Granted, if he got caught they might put him on the no fly list or at least delay his travel. That would be a plus. He doesn't know for sure what his wife has planned for him in Paris but he is certain that he won't enjoy it. For Joyce to go to all of this trouble, what is about to happen will no doubt make last night look like child's play.

Donald blushes just at the thought of the prior night. The chess game lasted for over two hours. Not only did his hole get a good workout, so did the rest of his body. The pieces are heavy but not extremely so. However, his muscles have gotten a lot weaker since Joyce started giving him the estrogen.

On the bright side, his wife won the match. This was good for Donald for two reasons.

One, it was his money Joyce was betting. Well, he earned it anyway. He would never dare imply that it is actually his money and not Joyce's. His wife owns him and thus everything he 'owns' or earns.

The other benefit of the win was that Donald got a reward. That reward was that he got to fuck Danielle. It was hardly something he wanted to do. However, had he lost then it would have been Danielle fucking him instead. The only thing Donald finds more humiliating than being used by a man is being used by a sissy.

While Donald didn't want to fuck a sissy, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it to a certain extent. He couldn't help but enjoy it. It had been almost three weeks since he had been allowed a regular climax. Sure, he milks a lot of cum when he puts large objects in his hole but it just isn't the same.

Joyce and the Dean watched as Donald and Danielle played together. It was even worse later, however, when Donald had to watch his wife have sex with the Dean. And then of course there were his cleanup duties. He isn't sure which he hates worse, licking the Dean's cock clean or sucking all the cum out of his wife's pussy.


Donald grunts as they finally touch down in Paris. The landing is an especially rough one. His hole is sore but the rough landing surprises him more than anything else. For a split second it had felt like someone had just jammed one of the pawn's 3.25" [8 cm] balls into his hole.

It is another half hour before they are off the plane and through customs. They are met in customs by their driver. The man is holding a small box. Joyce takes it from him and hands it to Donald.

Donald's hands are shaking as he opens the box. This may very well be the package Joyce and the Dean have been speaking of.

A great sense of relief comes over him when he sees the contents. It is a large butt plug. A 3.25" [8 cm] thick 'Man In A Barrel Butt Plug' to be exact. The last thing he wants to do is stick something up his sore asshole. Especially something shaped like this plug. He has used this brand of plug before. There isn't much of a taper to the top of the plug. Your hole has to expand almost the full 3.25" [8 cm] all at once. To Donald it always feels like he is trying to stick some kind of large rubber beer can up his hole. It is always a major struggle for him. That said, he was expecting something much worse. Of course, there is still a good possibility that this is not the package his wife and the Dean have been speaking about.

"Be out front in 10 minutes," Joyce tells her husband as she turns and starts walking away with the driver.

Joyce needs not give any further instruction. This isn't the first time he has been given an order like this. He has 10 minutes to get the plug in place and make his way to his wife. And every second counts. Every second he is late will most likely result in an extra hit with a belt later.

Thankfully, they are only about 50 yards from the exit. Donald gets the plug in place and makes it to the curb with 30 seconds to spare. It is a very uncomfortable task but he can't help but be joyful that he managed to accomplish it in time.

"Good girl," Joyce says as Donald gets into the limo with her.

Donald is pleased with the praise. However, this is the first time Joyce has referred to him as a 'girl'. And she did it in front of the driver. Donald blushes profusely. He doesn't dare complain. His wife is happy with him right now. Why change that?

Donald fidgets in his seat as their limo zigzags back and forth through the congested traffic. It is a very uncomfortable and rather scary ride. Donald counts at least three car accidents along the way. He almost feels like kissing the ground once they get out at their destination.

The small mansion they stop at isn't much better than the one he and Joyce live in. However, Donald is certain that it probably cost the owner at least five times more to buy considering the location. They are near the outskirts of Paris, but it is still Paris.

Donald does his best to walk and act normal as they are escorted inside the house by a beautiful maid. The huge plug, however, makes it a near impossible task. The maid doesn't laugh but it is clear that she can tell he is plugged.

The maid takes them to the living room. Before leaving them, the maid gives Donald an odd look. Donald can tell that the maid is well aware of whatever is about to take place. He can also tell that she feels sorry for him. This makes Donald even more scared than he already was.

A large man in his mid to late 40s walks in about a minute later. He greets Joyce with a kiss on each cheek. He only gives Donald a dirty look.

"Welcome to my home. Everything has been prepared per your request. The maid will show you to your room."

Or at least that is what Donald thinks the man said. His French accent is very thick and Donald is pretty sure one or two of the words were actually French and not English.

The maid reappears as the man finishes his statement. Joyce and Donald start walking toward the maid. Donald is quickly halted by the large man though.

"I have a special room for you," the man growls at him.

Joyce looks back and sees the concern on Donald's face.

"Be a good girl for Isaac," Joyce tells him. "He is going to teach you a few things over the next several weeks."

"Bu 3;"

Donald starts to complain but the look Joyce gives him quickly shuts him up. He just blushes and looks down at the floor in defeat and submission. Donald now realizes that in the past few weeks he probably should have been focusing more on his wife's mentions of 'training' and less on the mysterious package.

Chapter 4

The maid leads Joyce upstairs and to a very plush bedroom and then leaves.

Joyce is impressed with what she sees. Isaac is clearly a very rich man. This is no surprise to her considering how much the man charges for his services.

Taking her husband to a special trainer is not something Joyce wanted to do. She still isn't happy with it. She feels she has done an excellent job training her husband. However, the school insisted on it. It was one of the stipulations they made her agree to before they would accept their son as a student.

In order for the school to function smoothly, it has to maintain a certain control over the parents. For most parents, that control is easy since the parents want their kids to be there. Even the ones that later question their decision are kept in check because of the legal and other consequences of going back on their decision.

Donald is a wild card though. They were able to trick him into signing a few documents but he never really approved making his son a Humbled Girl. And there is little doubt in anyone's mind that he will strongly object when he finds out about his son's sissy training. Thus, it is vital that they know the man can be sufficiently controlled by Joyce once he finds out.

This is where Isaac comes in. His job is to evaluate Donald's current training and provide additional training where necessary.

Believe it or not, this is not a first for the school. They have had several similar situations in the past. Though, in all of those other cases it was the father that was the dominate and the mother that was the submissive and required the evaluation and additional training.

Why go all the way to Paris? Well, if this was a normal case then they wouldn't have had to. The school has plenty of contacts in the states for training females. However, Donald is not only male but is currently transitioning into becoming a sissy. To say that it was hard to find someone qualified to evaluate and train him is a major understatement. Hence the long trip to Paris and the exorbitant fee.

Joyce notices a large pitcher and a small funnel on a nearby dresser. She goes over and looks at them in confusion. They seem out of place in what is otherwise a very organized and lovely room. She just shrugs it off. Instead, she starts going through the dresser drawers to ensure all her clothes and other necessities that she shipped ahead of time indeed made it. As she does so, she can't help but think about her husband.

Joyce likes to be hard on her husband. However, the next several weeks are going to be especially hard on him. Isaac is specialized in breaking men like her husband and rebuilding them. Her husband will be taken into the cold damp basement and there he will stay until Isaac has finished his job. And Joyce knows that the Donald that enters that basement won't be the same one that exits.

Joyce finds this to be both sad and thrilling at the same time. It is thrilling because her husband will finally be the person she has been slowly pushing him toward becoming. It is sad, however, because she wanted to be the one to walk him those last few steps 3; not some stranger. The only consolation is that she will at least be here to participate and watch it happen.

Her mind snaps back to the present when she looks over and notices one of her outfits already out on the bed. It is one of her more revealing leather dominatrix outfits. It has long sleeves and a corset made of black leather. However, the entire chest and shoulders area is nothing but fishnet. And the entire bottom of the outfit is pretty nonexistent. Just high heal boots, thigh high black stockings, garter belt and a black thong.

She gets a small tingle when she realizes that Isaac is probably the one that selected this outfit. If so then it is a clear message that he is interested in more than just playing with her husband. Maybe the next few weeks will be more enjoyable than she expected.

She puts the outfit on and admires herself in the mirror. Even she has to admit she is in pretty good shape for someone in her late 30s who has had a kid. She worked hard for her body and is proud of it. This was not always the case though. She has always been a large woman. She isn't fat though. In fact, in addition to her very female curves she also has a touch of muscle tone mixed in. Charles (the Dean) often refers to her as his Amazon warrior.

While some men, like her husband, are highly attracted to her 'Amazon warrior' appearance, not many teen boys ever were. High school was a very unpleasant experience for her. She was often made fun of. She is not blind to the fact that this is probably why she enjoys abusing and bossing her husband around so much.

"I should really put on a lace bra," Joyce says to herself as she picks one out from a drawer.

The corset supports her breasts but doesn't cover them. The bulk of her D-cup breasts, to include her hard nipples, are clearly visible through the outfit's fish netting. Going without a bra would send a very clear message to Isaac that she is interested in his attention. However, does she really want to come off as being easy to get? She smiles as she tosses the bra back into the drawer and closes it.


The moan draws Joyce's attention to the room's walk in closet. Her smile gets bigger at the knowledge that 'the package' is awake.

Joyce opens the closet door and takes a step back in shock. Safely hanging there from her wrists is a very frightened Laura. Or at least Joyce hopes it is Laura. It is hard to tell because the kid's small form is almost completely encased in black rubber. The only exception is the boy's cock and balls which are currently dangling in the room's warm air.

The kid's head is also enclosed. However, there is what appears to be a snorkel coming from the boy's mouth, through the rubber suit and then upward where it is duct taped to the same bar in which the hands are tied to.

The snorkel is made of clear plastic but you can't see through it that well because of all the fogging from the kid's breath. And right now the boy is breathing a tad heavy. The small closet is filled with the whooshing sound of air rushing in and out of the snorkel. The only other sound is the boy's moans and a quiet beeping sound.

It doesn't take Joyce long to discover where the beeping is coming from. There is a small box attached to the outside of the rubber suit where a left breast pocket would normally go on a formal shirt. On this box is a blinking red light which matches the beep precisely.

"Nice safety feature," Joyce mumbles to herself when she realizes the box is monitoring her son/daughter's heart rate.

She listens to the beeping for about 15 seconds and determines the heart rate is around 100 beats per minute. This suggests a slightly fearful state. Joyce is certain she can increase that a bit. At first, she considers torturing Laura's balls.

Laura's balls are a very appealing target. Like all sissies from the school, Laura's balls are void of all hair. Not that Laura has grown much there anyway. Most sissies have had their pubic hair permanently removed. Joyce was offered that option for Laura but decided against it. Joyce prefers that Laura have to constantly wax the area. Laura got to watch a video of Laura waxing for the first time. Her daughter made the loveliest squeals.

As tempting as it might be, Joyce decides not to torture Laura's balls. She decides it would be best to hold off on that until later. Maybe after Laura has done something to warrant a small punishment.

Joyce thinks for a moment and then suddenly she remembers the pitcher and funnel on the dresser. It dawns on her what they are most likely for. She walks back into the main room and grabs both items. She puts the pitch on the floor and squats over it. A second later and she is filling it with piss.

Once she is done, she takes the pitcher and the funnel to the closet with her. She puts the funnel in the top of the snorkel but she doesn't pour the piss in right away. Instead, she savors the moment. This will be the first time her new daughter has gotten to taste piss.

Among the many school forms she had to sign was one in which she was required to check off all the things she wanted Laura to be taught in regards to sex. Potty training was on that list. However, Joyce didn't check that box. It isn't that she has anything against water sports. She just doesn't want her daughter to get used to it. She wants every time to seem just as disgusting for Laura as the first time.

Joyce runs the fingers from her free hand lightly across the rubber covering her daughter's face.

"If you only knew what I have planned for you," Joyce whispers.

The comment, of course, is in reference to more than just the piss. The piss is just one of many things Joyce has planned for Laura.

In the beginning, turning her son into a sissy had been purely a way to take Donald further along in his training. It was also a kind of test for her husband to see if her control over him was enough to get him to go along with training their son/daughter. She only wishes she would have been allowed to administer that test prior to Isaac's training.

To be honest, she never really looked at her son in a sexual way before. That quickly changed, however, as she watched Laura go through her training. It wasn't long and the same thrill she got from dominating her husband also applied to her new daughter.

Joyce raises the pitcher up high and quickly pours the piss into the funnel.

"MMM!" Laura protests when the piss hits her taste buds.

She tries to stop the flow but the snorkel's large mouthpiece makes it too hard to block the hole with her tongue. The large mouthpiece is held snuggly in her mouth by the tight rubber encasing her head. She quickly realizes that her only choices are to swallow or try to blow the piss back out the way it came. And there is no way she is going to swallow.

When she tries to blow, however, she discovers that she can't. She doesn't know it but Joyce has already removed the funnel and has her hand covering the top of the snorkel. Heck, Laura doesn't even know who is doing this to her. She has been in darkness ever since she woke up. All she knows is that a lot of piss just shot into her mouth and she can't seem to force it back out.

"Be a good girl," Joyce whispers as she holds her hand over the top of the snorkel.

Joyce doesn't know if Laura can hear her through the rubber or not. It doesn't really matter though. She knows that the phrase is already playing in Laura's head. The phrase has been used over and over during her training.

The beeping from the heart monitor goes into overdrive. It is now going too fast for Joyce to get any kind of accurate estimate on the rate. She guesses that it must be at least 160. As much as the beeping turns Joyce on, the sound of Laura moaning and struggling in her rubber suit is enough to almost make her cum.

Laura struggles in her rubber suit for about a half minute before she suddenly goes still. A second later and Joyce notices the pressure under her hand on the tube goes from outward pressure to a suction. She removes her hand and the remaining piss in the snorkel quickly shoots down and into Laura's mouth. There is then the sound of Laura swallowing the putrid liquid. This is followed by the rapid whooshing sound of Laura breathing through the snorkel once more. The breathing is frantic but Joyce is pretty sure she also hears a few groans of disgust mixed in.

Joyce gives her daughter a minute to catch her breath. She then puts the funnel back on and pours more piss in until the snorkel is about half full. This time she does not put her hand over the top. Instead she stands back to see if her daughter will be a good girl or not.

The piss level in the snorkel's tube remains the same for several seconds. There is then a moan of helplessness from her daughter. A second later and the piss level quickly drops as Laura swallows it down.

"Good girl," Joyce says rather loudly.

This is a praise she hopes her daughter can hear. It is well earned. Even her daughter's cock got hard while drinking the piss. Granted, it was probably the lack of oxygen and not the taste of the piss that caused the erection. It is still a good sign nonetheless.

There is a lot of piss left in the pitcher but Joyce decides not to make her daughter drink the rest of it. It will be her way of rewarding her. Plus, Joyce doesn't want Laura to get used to the flavor. Otherwise Laura might not be as disgusted with it the next time Joyce makes her drink it.

Joyce pours the rest of the piss down the toilet. She then comes back to the closet and stands there. Joyce is anxious to unwrap her daughter and play with her. However, she wants Laura to hang there in her own little dark world for a bit thinking about the after taste of the piss. Laura is also curious if her daughter will manage to hold the piss down. She is also wonders how long Laura's cock will stay hard while savoring the flavor.

Joyce waits over 10 minutes. She is very happy that her daughter not only doesn't get sick but stays hard the entire time. It pleases her to see how well trained her daughter is. However, she is equally pleased that Laura seems to take some pleasure in it. Or at least her body does. She wouldn't stay this hard for this long otherwise 3; right?

Despite what she is doing to Laura, Joyce has no desire to hurt her. Not really. She is still Laura's mother after all. All she wants is what is best for her daughter. Laura might not realize it now but all of this is in her best interest. Laura will get a great education and eventually a wealthy husband. Possibly even a nice career as a lawyer or something.

Even the sexual aspects of her training are for Laura's benefit. At least that is how Joyce sees it. When Laura was still Laurence, Joyce's son showed a sexual interest in boys. Granted, a lot of that had to do with Joyce leaving all the gay/sissy porn out for her son to find. Her son still went for it though. And now her new daughter is living what she witnessed in a lot of that porn. Joyce figures it is simply a fantasy come true for Laura. Her daughter just needs a little time to realize all of this.

Laura blinks her eyes hard several times once the mask comes off. She has been in darkness for several hours now. The last thing she remembers seeing was the guards hard dick. Then she woke up in her sea of darkness.

She blushes profusely when her eyes finally manage to focus and she realizes the person removing her bindings is her mother. Laura had never tasted it before but she is pretty sure that the foul liquid she was made to drink was piss. And since her mother is the only one she can see in the room then it stands to reason it was her mother's piss. It makes the act all that more disgusting and humiliating for the sissy.

Joyce smiles when she notices the blush. If there was any doubt in her daughter's mind in regards to Joyce's nature then it is surely gone now. Despite the smile, a part of Joyce is a little sad. The love and admiration that her child once felt for her is now forever tarnished. Of course, Laura is reaching that age where these things would have been greatly diminished anyway. On the bright side, thanks to the training, that childhood love is now being replaced with a new kind of love. Or at least obedience and respect. This is a lot more than most parents get from their kids once they near their teens.

As the last of the rubber suit comes off, Laura is tempted to hide her hard cock with her hands. She knows better though and keeps her hands to her sides. Just like she knows better than to try to beg her mother to stop this insane hell. Laura doesn't want to be a sissy or a Humbled Girl. She never has. However, she can tell her mother already knows this. Begging will accomplish nothing other than maybe earn herself a punishment.

"Come," Joyce says once the rubber suit is off.

Laura's legs are stiff but she manages to follow her mother out of the closet and into the room. Other than it obviously being a bedroom, there isn't much else Laura can tell. There is something a little foreign about the furnishings. However, it doesn't dawn on Laura that they might actually be in a foreign country. There is a window but the glass is an ocean of ripples which completely distorts all the light coming in.

Laura slows a bit when she realizes they are walking directly toward the room's bed. Laura has licked her mom's pussy and asshole a couple times in the past few months. However, it was always through the hole in her door. The idea of doing it in a bed seems much worse. It will be so much more 3; personal. With the door she could just pretend it was someone else she was licking. In a weird kind of way it was almost like it never happened. That will be impossible now that they are face to face. Well, maybe not actually 'face to face'.

As Joyce crawls up on the bed, Laura has to admit that if it wasn't her mother she would probably find the woman rather sexy. She may be a tad big but she has very nice curves to include a lovely ass and tits.

God! Laura screams in her head when she realizes what she is thinking.

This is her mother! She shouldn't think such things. Laura tries to blame the thoughts on the cock cage they put her in. However, they took that off many days ago. What pent up cum she may have possessed has long since been drained from her.

"Come to mommy," Joyce says as she lays back on the bed.

Tears form in the corner of Laura's eyes but she doesn't hesitate to obey the order. She slowly closes the distance to the bed and then climbs up on it. Joyce holds open her arms and Laura goes into them.

Laura can feel her mother's almost bare breasts pressing against her own much smaller budding ones. Despite this, the hug feels wonderful to the sissy. It is the closest thing to real affection she has felt since her training started. The warmth of the embrace along with the familiar smell of her mother's hair makes Laura think of a time long before this nightmare started.

"Mommy," Laura mumbles as the tears start running down her cheeks.

"It's okay sugar," Joyce replies. "Mommy is here."

For a split second, Laura dares to hope that maybe the nightmare has actually come to an end. However, that hope is quickly dashed when she feels her mother apply a slight downward pressure. Laura only resists for a second before she slowly starts moving downward.

The pressure stops once Laura's face is near her mother's bosom. Laura blushes as her mother undoes the snaps holding the fish netting in place. A moment later and the side of Laura's face is pressing against her mother's bare flesh. Joyce cradles her like that for a moment. She then angles Laura's head so her daughter's mouth is over a nipple.


The word is said very quietly but Joyce clearly hears it in the otherwise dead silent room. Joyce can't tell if this was her daughter's way of begging not to suck the nipple or her way of thanking her for it. Joyce would like to think it is the latter but is pretty sure it is the former. However, all that really matters is that her daughter only hesitates a second before sucking the nipple into her mouth.

Laura only suckles on the nipple for a couple seconds though before she quickly pulls her mouth away. Something had squirted into her mouth when she sucked on the breast. She looks at her mom in confusion. That look becomes one of disgust as the liquid hits her taste buds and it dawns on her that it is milk.

Joyce simply smiles and gently pulls her daughter's mouth back down to her nipple. Laura freezes with the nipple between her lips. For a second, Joyce is certain she will have to administer a punishment. However, Laura is a good girl and starts suckling on the breast again.

Laura finds it extremely humiliating and disgusting to be feeding from her mother's breast. However, she has to admit that it is a lot better than drinking more piss. Which she is pretty sure would have been the punishment had she not started feeding again.

For Joyce, the ordeal is nothing short of heaven. The sensation is enough to almost make her cum. The feeling is more than just physical. It is also mental. It takes Joyce back to the time when Laura was just a baby. There is nothing like that bond between mother and child during feeding. It is a closeness that you just can't get any other way.

Joyce spent the last few months training her breasts to produce milk once more. She took a few hormones but mostly it was breast pump session after breast pump session. To have her baby feeding from her once more makes all that effort worth while.

Joyce plans to breast feed her husband as well. However, she saved the first feeding for Laura. Well, technically anyway. While her husband hasn't fed directly from her breasts yet, Joyce has covertly put breast milk in about everything her husband has eaten or drank in the past month or so. Cereal, coffee, baked goods, you name it.

She of course doesn't plan to breast feed them forever. Maybe just a year or so. She knows it is a bit of an odd thing to do. However, it also seems logical to her since both her husband and son are being reborn.

"Good girl," Joyce whispers occasionally as her daughter feeds.

As Laura suckles, Joyce uses her fingers to gently comb through her daughter's hair. Laura's face is still a bright red. However, Joyce notices that the look of disgust is gone. It has been replaced with a kind of peaceful look. Not that unlike what Joyce remembers her child looking like when he/she fed as a baby.

Laura feeds on her mother's breast for about 10 minutes before Joyce lets her up. However, Joyce immediately moves her to the other breast. Laura gives her mom a pleading look and moans in despair. She doesn't want to feed anymore. Not only is it too humiliating but her tummy already feels full. She doesn't resist though.

"Good girl," Joyce says as Laura begins feeding again.

It is another 10 minutes before Joyce lets her daughter stop feeding. Laura's tummy feels a little bloated but it pales in comparison to the humiliation she feels. As she lifts her head up from the breast, she can't bring herself to look her mom in the eye. Of course, that means she has to look elsewhere. She ends up staring down at the breasts she just fed from. They are so big that it is hard to look elsewhere. The areola and nipples are large as well. The areola are about as round as an old dollar coin and the nipples are a good inch and a half [4 cm] long and as thick as her thumb.

I hope my breasts look like this some day.

Laura is shocked when the thought enters her mind. Where had that come from? She doesn't want breasts at all! She hates having breasts 3; doesn't she? She quickly pushes the thought from her head before she has time to answer it. The truth is that with all the training and hormones they are giving her, she is seldom sure of anything these days. Things that disgust her often also arouse her. People she hates she also often starts to fall in love with. It is all very confusing.

She is almost thankful for the distraction when her mom pushes her downward once more. Joyce lets go once Laura is near her stomach area. Laura keeps moving downward though. There is nothing to be gained by making her mother order her to finish the journey.

Joyce spreads her legs and Laura positions herself between them. Laura may have eaten her mother's pussy before but she still can't believe she is about to do it yet again. She feels as though she is in some kind of nightmare that she can't wake from.

Laura knows that a proper girl would resist at this point. However, most proper girls probably don't have mothers as intimidating as Joyce.

To add to Laura's humiliation, Joyce piles a couple pillows below her own head so she can easily watch her daughter at work. Being watched like this was something she didn't have to endure while servicing her mother through the hole in the door. Sure, the room's cameras were always watching but it is far from being the same. The humiliation is so great that Laura now almost can't wait to bury her face in her mothers crotch, if for no other reason than to partially hide from her mother's gaze.

Laura slowly lowers her face between her mother's legs until her rosy lips touch the delicate fabric of the g-string. She gives the patch of cloth at the front a gentle kiss just like she has been taught to do. She then seals her lips to the material and starts licking and sucking at it.

"Mmm," Joyce moans with pleasure as her clit is manipulated through the thin cloth.

This feels so much better than when she visited her daughter's door. That hole was so impersonal. Plus, there was the knowledge that others were probably watching them via the cameras. On top of that, the angle is now much better and the reclined position makes it easier for Joyce to relax.

Laura licks and sucks at the patch for a good two minutes before she finally backs away from it. When she looks down she notices that the thin black material is rather transparent. She can easily make out most of the details of her mother's cunt. The large labia and especially her mother's engorged clit.

Laura licks her lips as she uses her fingers to pull the material off and to the side. She can't help but grind her hard cock against the mattress as she thinks about how good her mother's pussy will taste.

She knows she should be disgusted. And part of her is of course. However, eating pussy is something Laura normally only gets to do when she has been an extra good girl. It is the greatest reward one can give her. She didn't always view it this way. In the beginning she found it revolting. However, the "reward" was often accompanied with other rewards. Plus, it quickly dawned on Laura that eating pussy is probably the closest she will ever come to losing her virginity. Well, her virginity with a woman anyway.

Ironically, Joyce is thinking of Laura's virginity as well. As her mother, Joyce would like nothing more than to take Laura's virginity. And a cock would feel so good inside her right now. However, losing one's virginity can be a huge part of a boy's journey into manhood. That is the opposite direction they are trying to take her.

Joyce stopped having intercourse with her husband long ago for similar reasons. Well, she hasn't completely stopped. She still gives her husband a tumble a few times a year. Though, that will probably have to stop now. Otherwise it may seriously hinder a lot of the training her husband will be getting from Isaac. It just wouldn't be fair to her husband to put him through all of this only to ruin it all. They would probably end up having to come back within a year for additional training. Of course, the thought of bringing her husband back to Isaac each year for training does have a certain appeal. However, she knows she couldn't afford it.

"Well, maybe sex once a year won't hurt," Joyce tells herself.

She could maybe have sex with her husband on his birthday each year. As for Laura, however, it will probably be best to wait until she is at least 16 or 17. Joyce figures her daughter will be well beyond any hope of ever becoming a real man by then. Then again, maybe Laura should remain a virgin forever. A sissy that has yet to lose her virginity to a woman might be very appealing to a possible future husband. A decision doesn't need to be made now though. Joyce has many years to think it over.

"Oh! Good girl!" Joyce moans as Laura starts licking and sucking on her labia.

Laura blushes but deep down she feels a wave of pride. She has been trained to feel pride when she pleases a man. However, the pride she feels when pleasing a woman comes to her naturally. If she closes her eyes while listening to the moans, there are moments where she almost feels like a boy again. Those moments are very fleeting, but they are there.

Laura nibbles and licks at her mother's labia for over a minute. She then pushes her tongue deep into Joyce's hole and sucks and laps up as much as the juice that she can. As she savors the taste, Laura has to struggle to keep from grinding her cock against the bed below her. She knows that she will cum if she does so. Her mother will probably punish her if she cums without permission. Even if she didn't get punished, the humiliation would be extreme. Especially if her mother watched her clean the mess up. A good girl always licks her messes up.

She works on her mother's hole for a minute and then goes back to her labia. Then the process starts all over again. Laura repeats this several times over the next 15 minutes. Joyce provides her plenty of juices to swallow down but the process is more foreplay than anything else. The really good part comes when she finally centers in on her mother's clit.

And what a clit it is. It is as thick at as a finger and sticks out a good inch. It reminds Laura of some of the smaller sissy cocks she has had to suck. Okay, maybe those sissy cocks were much bigger than this. However, her mother's clit still seems huge compared to the other women she has given oral sex to.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Joyce moans over and over as Laura attacks her clit.

Joyce can't believe how much better her daughter has gotten at this since her last visit to the door. It's more than just the pleasure though. There is also something about the way her daughter manages that pleasure. It gets extremely intense and then tapers off right when Joyce thinks she is about to cum. It is almost as though the little devil can read her mind.

"God, you are going to have to teach your father this," Joyce says before she can catch herself.

It was not her plan to let her daughter know Donald would be joining their activities. At least not for several more weeks. Joyce wanted it to be an equal surprise for both father and daughter. With luck, Laura will think it was just something said in the heat of passion. Though, Joyce figures that by now Laura has surely figured out that Donald would eventually play some kind of role in her training. After all, for the past few months her male trainers have required her to call them 'daddy'. Joyce is pretty sure though that Laura will still be rather surprised when she sees that her daddy isn't quite her daddy anymore.

"OH! SHIT!" Joyce all but screams as this last thought puts her over the edge.

Laura's original plan is to suck her mothers clit throughout the climax. However, her mother starts squirting. Her mother never did this at the door. One of Laura's trainers often did this though, so she is only shocked for an instant.

The first gush hits Laura's chin and neck. She quickly pulls back though and catches the rest in her mouth. Well, most of it anyway. She gulps it down as fast as she can in order to try to keep up with each squirt.

The squirting only lasts for about 10 seconds but it is more than enough to cover her face and fill her tummy. She can feel the juices churning around in her tummy along with all the milk she drank earlier. She knows it should make her feel ill but it somehow has the opposite effect.

"Oh! Oh!" she squeals as her own climax starts shooting against the covers below her. "I'm making squirties! I'm making squirties!"

The intense pleasure lasts for several seconds. It is then quickly replaced with shame and revulsion. She can't believe what she just did with her mother. And she came while doing it! And she doesn't even want to think about how she announced her climax. Only the sissiest of sissies say that phrase. Why had she done so?

Her humiliation becomes even greater a moment later as she licks her mother clean and then her own mess.

Chapter 5

"Ah, Paris," Joyce says as she enters the dining room and sees the morning's spread of delicacies.

The rest of the view isn't bad either. It has been almost seven weeks since their arrival and they have all but given up the formality of wearing clothes around the house. The maid and Laura are currently wearing nothing but small aprons and maid caps as they finish setting the table.

Joyce eyes her daughter's hard cock first. She finds it cute how it bounces up and down as she rushes to finish her morning duties. She notices the maid stealing glances at it as well. However, the maid seems more disgusted than pleased.

Joyce and Laura discovered their first night here that the maid had something hiding under her skirt as well. A nice 8" [20 cm] cock. Apparently the maid is one of Isaac's 'graduates'.

Joyce has seen the maid and Isaac 'play' together many times during her stay. It is clear that the maid enjoys the company of men. She/he doesn't like playing with Laura though. Joyce hasn't figured out yet if it is because Laura is a sissy also or if it is just the young age. Despite the disgust, the maid never fails to get hard. Just like she is now.

"Oh!" Laura yelps as her mother gives her rump a bare handed love tap as she passes.

Laura is carrying a pitcher of orange juice but doesn't spill it. The slap was far from unexpected. Her mother seems to love hitting her ass whenever she can. And she will use about any excuse to dish out more severe punish to it as well. It is night and day compared to how Joyce treated Laura back when she was still Laurence. Back then it was extremely seldom that Laura got a spanking.

The only thing worse than the spankings during the last seven weeks has been the countless hours between her mom's legs. Playing with the maid all the time hasn't been that much fun either. One of Laura's instructors at the school is a shemale. However, at least that instructor was dominate and not a sissy like the maid.

A grown man acting like a sissy is just 3; gross. Of course, Laura finds it gross to have sex with any grown man. However, Laura discovered months ago that there are different levels of gross when it comes to sex. Having sex with young sissies is gross but not that bad. She even enjoys it sometimes. Having sex with a young non sissy boy is pretty gross. Having sex with a grown man is much worse. A fully grown shemale is even more so. However, so far the fully grown sissy maid is the absolute worst.

Laura has thought about the maid a lot since her arrival here. It is hard not to. At first Laura thought she was just grossed out by the maid because she was so different from what she was used to. However, it has been about seven weeks now and she is still just as grossed out. Laura is starting to conclude that the real reason the maid grosses her out is because it reminds her of what her own future has in store for her. She may or may not become someone's actual maid, but there is no doubt in her mind she will be a sissy for the rest of her life. She gave up thinking otherwise many weeks ago when her breasts started budding.

Laura continues to one end of the table and pours three glasses of orange juice. The first two are for her mother and Isaac. The third is for the guest who has yet to arrive. They seem to have a new guest over every other day. Sometimes they show up early, sometimes on time or late. They always show though. That is because they know they will get to play with the maid and Laura.

Laura prays that it is a man this time. Having sex with men might be gross and rather embarrassing but at least it is normally a somewhat brief experience. The women that show up often play with Laura for hours. They also often bring strap on cocks that are considerably bigger than the real ones the men have. The extra large fake cocks rub her ass clit nicely. However, once she is sufficiently milked those cocks become more torture than anything else.

She puts the pitcher of orange juice back in the kitchen fridge and rushes back to the dining room. She goes to the opposite end of the table and stands there. The maid rushes into position next to her. The maid gets into place just seconds before Isaac enters the room. The maid swallows hard at the knowledge of how close she just came to earning a punishment.

Both sissies are supposed to be looking down at each others cock. However, Laura instinctively glances up when she realizes Isaac isn't alone. It shocks her that their guest somehow got into the house without her knowing. Her and the maid are required to answer the door whenever guests arrive. Laura hopes that she was between her mom's legs at the time of the guest's arrival. Otherwise she probably has a serious punishment coming.

"Crap," Laura thinks when she sees that it is a female guest.

Even worse, the woman looks a little butch. Not that Laura stared that long. She only got the briefest of glances. The woman was wearing a pretty feminine outfit. However, her hair was somewhat short. Laura has concluded that the shorter a woman's hair the more butch she acts in the bedroom. All of the women visitors treat her poorly. However the ones with the shorter hair are normally a ton more aggressive. It is as though they care more about causing Laura misery than getting any actual pleasure for themselves.

"Begin," Isaac says with a thick accent as he and the guest take their seats at the other end of the table.

Laura and the maid immediately turn to face the table and scoot toward it until their thighs are against the edge. They both reach to the side and grab each other's cocks. They then start masturbating each other.

Both Laura and the maid have been giving this exact same performance at the table since day one. They both resisted a little on the first day. A spanking quickly fixed that problem. The performance may be routine for them now but the level of embarrassment and disgust is still just as high as the first day.

Laura and the maid are still looking down at each other's cocks. However, Laura can see out of the corner of her eye that her mother and Isaac have started eating their breakfast. The guest seems more intent on watching the show. This is nothing unusual.

As humiliating as the act is, Laura still does her best to force herself to accept the pleasure coming from the maid's hand. If she takes too long to cum then she will most likely get another spanking from her mother.

The maid is first to cum. There is a bowl on the table in front of them. Laura senses the impending climax and makes sure the maid's cock is pointed at that bowl. A second later and several jets of thick cum shoot into the bowl. The maid shoots a good three or four tablespoons of the goo. It seems a bit more than normal. Laura can only guess that the maid is extra excited for some reason today.

Seeing all of the maid's sissy cum shoot out disgusts Laura. However, like normal, it still somehow triggers her own climax.

"I'm doing squirties," she gasps as several ropes of her own load joins the maid's in the bowl.

"Good girls," Isaac says between bites.

The two sissies barely notice the praise. With their climax over, they are now overflowing with humiliation and disgust.

They only hesitate a moment, however, before initiating the next stage of their morning performance. Laura grabs a small pitcher of milk as the maid grabs a box of cereal. Laura pours the milk in the bowl first. She feels like gagging as she watches the cum swirl around and mix with the milk. The maid then pours the cereal on top.

The two sissies take their time in putting the milk and cereal back down on the table. Neither one is looking forward to their breakfast. They can only hesitate so long, however, before they risk earning a punishment.

Reluctantly, they each grab spoons next to the bowl and start digging in. Isaac often refers to it as their 'American breakfast'. Both sissies feel ill as they feed from the bowl. Not only is there cum mixed in with the breakfast but the milk was earlier pumped from Laura's mom. And who knows what Isaac might have added to it.

That said, the disgust is mainly psychological. The bowl of cereal, Cheerios to be exact, doesn't taste that much different than what Laura remembers from before she became a sissy. There is just a slight odd taste in the background. Though, even this could just be her imagination.

"God! Is that Laurence?"

The sudden outburst from the guest gets Laura to look up from the bowl. She stares at the woman in confusion. This woman clearly knows who she was before becoming Laura. However, Laura doesn't recognize the lady. There is something about the voice though. It is feminine, with a hint of masculinity mixed in. And that male tone sounds rather familiar. It isn't until Laura looks into the woman's horrified eyes that all the pieces come together.


Laura's instinct is to jump from the table and run away. However, she knows better and instead looks down at the table.

She knew there would come a day when her father would see her all dolled up. She thought she was prepared for that day. Now that the moment has arrived, she realizes she was just fooling herself. And God, what she just did in front of her father! Not only did she jack a sissy off but they were currently eating the evidence.

The humiliation is beyond anything Laura has experienced before. She turns beat red and for a moment feels as though she might pass out. She is so humiliated that she stares down at the table for almost a full minute before it fully dawns on her that her father is dressed like a woman.

She slowly looks up to ensure she hadn't imagined the whole thing. Sure enough, her father is in full drag. Thankfully, her father is no longer looking at her but instead is being lectured by Isaac and Joyce. Her father seems upset but he isn't talking back to them. He is just sitting there submissively while they bring him up to speed on Laura's training.

Her father is submissive and dressed like a girl. It doesn't take Laura long to add those two together and conclude they have done the same to her father that has been done to her.

Laura squeezes her eyes shut tight. She isn't sure why she does it. Maybe it is just her mind's way of trying to hide from reality. Or maybe deep down she thinks this is all just a horrible nightmare she needs to wake from.

Regardless of the reason, when she opens her eyes back up she is still sitting at the table. And so is her now sissified father.

"Did we say you could stop eating?!"

The growl comes from Isaac and is clearly meant for her and the maid. Laura quickly looks down at the bowl when her father looks their direction. The tears in her father's eyes makes it clear he is not happy with the situation. However, it also makes it clear that he is no longer man enough to come to her rescue.

The maid quickly starts eating from the bowl again. It takes Laura a few seconds to comply as well. As she brings a spoon full of the cereal to her mouth, Laura can feel a part of her mind break. It isn't painful though. In fact, a lot of the humiliation and disgust suddenly disappears. She feels almost as though she is now just a passenger in her own body. She is in shock. Though it will be at least an hour before she fully realizes this.

During this time, everything seems to move very slow and very fast at the same time. Every second feels as though it is being forever etched in her memory. Yet, she has trouble holding onto those memories. It is as though one part of her brain is writing everything down in detail while another part is following behind wiping everything with an eraser.

She doesn't forget everything though. She remembers finishing the bowl of cereal. She also remembers clearing the table and washing the dishes. And somehow she made her way to where she is now, making out with the maid on the floor in the living room. She isn't sure why her brain picked this moment to snap out of the shock. All she knows is that she couldn't have picked a worse time to come back to reality.

As she is making out with the maid, Laura gets glimpses of her father orally servicing Joyce and Isaac. It becomes very clear that this is not her father's first time doing this. Her father eats Joyce's cunt out first. He does this for at least 10 minutes before Isaac orders him to suck his dick. It isn't until then that Laura finds out her father's new name 3; Donna.

Before obeying the order, Donna glances over at Laura. Their eyes meet for an instant. They both blush profusely and quickly avert their gaze. Laura focuses on the maid while her father centers her attention on Isaac's large 9" [23 cm] cock.

Laura tries to ignore the sounds of her father sucking on the large cock but it is near impossible to do so. There is a moment, however, where her brain does blank the sound out for a few seconds. It is when she starts wondering if her father is really her father anymore. Technically, isn't he/she now her mother? Or at least her second mother? It is a silly and complicated question but it at least works to distract her for a moment.

It is another 10 minutes before Donna is finally let up for air. Isaac has her remove her cloths. He then pushes her toward the other two sissies.

"I think Donna and Laura need some mother and daughter time together," Isaac says with a chuckle.

The maid moves away. However, Donna and Laura just look at each other. Laura is amazed at how feminine her father looks. It is night and day from several months ago. Her father even has breasts now. Or at least the start of breasts. Her hips and waist are very feminine as well. At that moment, Donna is thinking the same thing about Laura.

Of course, this is far from being the main thing on their minds. Of much greater focus is the thought of what they are clearly being ordered to do together. Deep down, they both knew this moment would come. They have known it since they recognized each other in the dining room. However, neither of them could bring themselves to face reality until now. That reality being that they are no longer father and son. They aren't even really mother and daughter. They are to become lovers.

"I'm getting impatient Donna," Isaac growls. "Am I going to have to make you put on a show with Fred?"

Fred is Isaac's dog. A large dark haired Beauceron. Though Laura thinks of the dog as a German Shepherd. She spent plenty of time in the past seven weeks feeding the dog and stuff and she couldn't tell what the difference between the dog breeds might be. Not that there was a German Shepherd there to compare it against.

The mention of Fred makes Donna's eyes get big in fright. Laura notices the maid has a similar look on her face. Laura isn't completely sure what kind of show Isaac is talking about but she is pretty sure it is something sexual and very horrifying.

Laura doesn't get much time to think about it. Donna quickly closes the distance between them and takes Laura into her arms. At first, the embrace is simply one of comfort. However, Donna knows Isaac won't be happy with just this. So, one of her hands slowly slides down Laura's back and onto her ass. She then backs her head away just far enough to start kissing her daughter's neck.

This is all it takes for their training to take over. The next thing they know, their lips are sealed together and their tongues are dancing around in each other's mouths. They don't want to enjoy the kiss, but their cocks get rock hard anyway. They know it is just a natural reaction, but it doesn't keep them from being ashamed.

They are utterly disgusted with both the act and themselves. Yet, they don't break the kiss. In fact, their embrace becomes even more erotic. It isn't long and they are lying on the floor necking, their hands exploring each other's now feminine form.

"Oh! Daddy!" Laura suddenly grunts when she feels Isaac's huge cock push against her hole from behind and then sink inside.

It is unclear to everyone, including Laura, whether the response was just her calling Isaac 'daddy' as her training dictates or if the comment was meant for her real daddy. Whatever the reason, she repeats it several times as Isaac seeds his cock all the way inside her and then begins to breed her hole.

The maid slides in behind Donna and lines her cock up. A second later and it is Donna now moaning. Donna noticed earlier that the maid's cock is pretty close to the same size as Laura's. She can't help but wonder if Laura's cock would feel the same in her hole. The thought gives her a fresh wave of disgust. She tries to push the thought out of her head but it keeps returning.

Both sissies have to struggle not to come as their ass pussies are thoroughly raped. The erotic kiss along with their bodies rubbing together doesn't help matters any.

"Mmm 3; Mmm 3; Mmm," they keep moaning into each other's mouth as their ass clits are worked over.

Neither of them are sure how, but they both manage to endure their respective rape without cumming. They lost track of time but the ordeal had to have lasted at least 10 to 15 minutes before Isaac and the maid finally came in them.

Isaac rolls away from Laura in exhaustion. He catches his breath and then motions for the maid to separate from Donna as well.

For a moment, Donna and Laura get their hopes up that the ordeal is all over. However, this was far from being the case.

Isaac grabs hold of Laura and has her turn such that she and Donna are now in a 69 position. Laura doesn't resist until Isaac tries to get her to put her mouth on Donna's cock. Not that one would really consider her response much of a resistance. It only lasts for a few seconds before she complies.

After everything that has happened tonight, Laura's brain feels like mush and there simply is no more resistance left in her. Besides, sucking her father's cock is hardly worse than passionately French kissing him. Or at least that is what she tries to convince herself.

I'm sucking my father's cock! she screams over and over in her head.

Then, something even worse happens. She feels Donna's mouth engulf her own cock. The 'worse' part isn't that her father is sucking her. It is that she feels a wave of pleasure as it happens.

The two sissies are very reluctant at first. However, their pleasure quickly builds and soon they are eagerly bobbing their heads back and forth on each other's cocks.

"Mmm!" Donna moans as she shoots her sissy goo into her daughter's mouth.

She is still shooting her load when she feels her own mouth and throat being coated with jizz.

The two sissies grab each other's asses and squeeze each other tight as they ride out their climax. The pleasure they feel is almost immeasurable. However, as that pleasure diminishes it is quickly followed with an equal degree of disgust and humiliation.

"Suck out every drop," Isaac growls when the two sissies begin to part.

Donna and Laura feel ill but they obey the command and keep sucking at each other's cocks. They keep sucking for another two minutes before they dare try to part again. They are grateful when Isaac doesn't growl at them this time.

However, once they part and look up at the man they see he is still waiting on something. They aren't sure what though.

"You still have two more loads of cum that need to be sucked out," Isaac says with an evil grin.

It only takes the sissies a second to process what the man it commanding them to do. They look up at him in both horror and disgust. For a moment they both consider disobeying. That moment doesn't last long.

A moment after that and Laura finds her lips sealed to Donna's asshole as she sucks the cum from it. She sucks and tongues the hole for almost 5 minutes before she is certain she has gotten every drop. Donna then performs the same process on Laura.

By the time they finish they are both in tears. Neither of them can believe what their lives have turned into.

Joyce is in tears also. Some of those tears are of joy that her plans are finally coming to fruition. However, some of those tears are those of sadness. She is certain that her husband and son will some day thank her for changing them like this. However, right now they are upset and despite the makeup, hormones and all of the training, they are still her family 3; her loved ones.

Joyce walks over to them and sits on the floor between them. She wipes the tears from their eyes and then pulls them toward her until the sides of their faces are pressed against her shoulders.

"It's okay. Mommy is here," she whispers as she pulls them in even closer so their mouths can reach her nipples.

She then gently combs her fingers through their hair as they begin to feed.

The End

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