PZA Boy Stories


Wishus and His Easter Adventure
Wishus Does Elizabethtown


To all the readers of Three Weeks to Heaven (Book One and Book Two), who wanted to know what happened to Wishus and Teg later on in their lives. Here are two letters that will tell bits of that story.

Publ. 2002 (Nifty); this site Oct 2008
Finished 3,000 words (6 pages)


Wishus (10yo) and Teglin (37yo); Wishus (10yo) and Rolando (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb tb cons oral anal


If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Copyright 2002 by Teglin. You may freely copy this boylove romance and distribute it. Please have the courtesy not to alter it in any way.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Teglin - Three Weeks to Heaven in the subject line.


Wishus and His Easter Adventure
A Boylove Short

Dear Bill,

Thought you'd like to hear about our Easter morning here. I've certainly been wondering how Rolan and Metrio fared. Not to mention Joey – but I suppose he and Tonio have had their own private celebration?

Well, we'd been half-awake for a while, since dawn, when Wishus finally slid forward and let my half-hard penis plop free from his slick bottom. I laughed as he sat up, and his little pucker fluttered loudly – I had certainly pumped him enough – he had to be full of something more than air! He groaned and slapped my thigh, then leaned forward and shook his perfect little hiney at me. The gown shifted down, quicky shutting off my view of his still gaping hole, already dripping with our combined juices.

His eyes were barely open, and he had to part the fly-away tangle of his hair to see the Easter basket at the foot of the bed. I just waited as he finally realized what it was and rasped, "Oh Teg, why did you do this! I'm too old for this."

"Too old for the Easter Bunny?!" I asked. He looked back below his shoulder at me, oh so very offended. I just raised my brow conspiratorially.

"It's not the Easter Bunny," he answered in his drollest, driest voice. "It's you. And Uncle Bill. I know he sends you stuff to put in my basket. I saw some of it in his closet when I was there."

"Wishus! Whatever are you talking about?" I tried to act wounded.

He gave me a look of disgust, but it was weak and half-hearted. Funny how he suddenly seemed very intent indeed, as he crawled forward on his knees and pulled the basket up onto the bed and started exploring it. Eleven years old, but not too old for a chocolate bunny, it seemed (I'll let you tell him how hard it was to import that all the way from Switzerland!).

Then, satisfied that either you, or I, or maybe the Easter Bunny, had taken care of him in the candy department, he slid off the bed with his basket in hand and non-challantly sauntered towards the living room, his bare feet silent upon the wooden slats of the floor. Nothing on his mind. Oh no, not this boy. Just waking up.

Yeah, right! I followed him on tippy-toe, knowing better, and loathe to let his beautiful form out of my sight anyway.

Sure enough, when he saw the first colored egg peeking up out of his shoe, by the front door, he squealed like a 5 year old, and ran to it, and plopped it into his basket. Then he turned with the widest grin on his face, which transformed instantly into 11 year old glum self-consciousness as soon as he saw me. He reluctantly tossed me a smile anyway, but then stuck out his tongue at me, and said, "well, whoever left them, I might as well find them."

"Yep, I agree." I said, innocently.

So that began ten minutes of him scampering about the place looking for eggs and counting them in his basket.

When he sat down at the kitchen table at the end, I sat down with him, and started brushing his hair, feeling such a rush of love for him. That incredible thrill that comes EVERY TIME I touch him, even for the millionth time.

"I can't wait to tell Rolan and Metrio how many I got this year," he said excitedly, concentrating on the basket's contents, still taking inventory. "Hmmh, I don't see one of those that I found in Uncle Bill's closet. Teg!" he turned to me, and then climbed right up into my lap. I felt the wetness of my own semen trickling from his bottom onto my thigh. "Teg, do you think, well, maybe I ought to go back over there for a visit soon?"

"Well, sure, sweetheart. Maybe the Easter Bunny visited there too, you think?"

He chattered and counted and ate chocolate and real eggs, while I just sat there holding him close, combing his locks, and thanking whoever, whatever, that this wonderful boy is a part of our lives.

Your friend, Teg

Wishus Does Elizabethtown
A Boylove Short

Dearest Teg,

I'm having so much fun here in Elizabethtown! I was kind of scared when you left to go back to the ranch, but Uncle Bill is just as sweet to me as you said he would be – he always seems to look after my wishes first. The boys are just the same . No matter what me and Rolan and Metrio are doing during the day, they always let me decide on things. They're spoiling me! You said they would, and they do. Well, you're pretty good at spoiling me too, aren't you.

It's fun, for sure, but I'm missing you. I miss every little moment together with you, and not just the uhh, umm – well, remember when you said it would be alright to do things here? You know? That you wouldn't get mad? You said it was only natural that when boys like us get together that something might happen. I'm sure glad you told me that, because, well, I was kind of missing that too! It's not the same with Rolan, because you're my man, and there's a whole lot more to it than just getting my rocks off, like you call it, but we kind of been doing stuff, Teg. Like every night. And practically all day too! You told me not to feel guilty. So I'm trying not to. But I keep thinking of you all alone there, and me with the boys here. And what we're doing all the time.

Rolan is always horny, Teg! And so cute! And Uncle Bill has been letting him sleep with me while I'm visiting. Maybe Uncle Bill wants a rest! Rolan always has his hands down my pants. Practically any time we're alone. Doesn't matter where we are, either. Yesterday we were climbing all over this big mining dredge and when we got into this little cabin where all the controls are, Rolan got down on his knees and started unbuttoning my pants, begging me to let him suck me. And there were miners right down there on the ground working!

He's got a crush on me. Uncle Bill says Rolan's in love again, but Rolan says he just wants my dick! He's always staring at me, smiling when I look at him, trying to kiss – even in front of Uncle Bill, who just laughs and tells Rolan to save a little bit for him. Rolan says he can handle us both, any time, any place. I don't know what I feel for him. It's not like with you, for sure. Like what we say – you and me are One together. But with Rolando, Teg, sometimes I look at him and it just bowls me over, he's so beautiful. He's growing his hair long again – like when you first found him. I really like that! He's just as gorgeous as you said he was.

He kind of feels the same about me. He loves to just hold my hand, or put his arm around me, or run his fingers through my hair. And he loves to just play with my dick! I can't keep his hands out of my pants. Even if I wanted to. It does get a little dicey though, when we're not here at home, and he slips his hand down there with people around – maybe we're standing around the corner from a store or somewhere like that. Sometimes, especially right before we put out the lights at night, when it's real quiet in the house, he pushes up my nightgown and just lays his head on my legs, right below my balls, and touches me all over, lifting my balls, jacking me. He always ends up sucking me. Most times he begs me to let him fuck me too, but I haven't let him go that far. Doesn't seem right, somehow. Only you have even seen me there.

Sometimes I do him too. His dick is a lot bigger than mine – maybe four inches [10 cm] now and twice as thick as mine. Uncle Bill says Rolan will get hair down there pretty soon. That his balls are getting heavier and hanging down real low. And guess what! He's shooting cum already! But his dick is a lot different from yours. Darker, of course, and a lot smaller. And his foreskin stays up, covering his dickhead, even when he gets hard. Still, in the important ways, it's the same as yours. You both get rock hard for me!! Ha ha. You both are always rock hard for me. Am I so beautiful?

I think I must be. Rolan can get hard just looking at me, from across the room. He get's hard smelling my hair. He'll get hard just sitting next to me at breakfast! He says I'm a very powerful magic for him!

You know what we did this morning? Normally when I wake up, Rolan is laying by me, already awake, "just watching you breathe", as he says. He's hard of course, always, doing that, so I get hard too. Lots of times we like to just snuggle together then, and rub our bodies together until each of us cums. It can get pretty messy when he shoots up between our bodies! Not today, though. I woke up first, for a change.

Aha! My chance to play with him soft, for once. So, very carefully I pulled down the covers and there it was! His big balls (almost as big as yours, but still hairless) were hanging down across his thigh, and his dick was just laying lazily down, too. His dickhead is more pointy than yours, and totally covered up by his foreskin, and it's really, really sensitive! I wondered if I could get him in my mouth without him waking up, he's so sensitive. So I lifted his limp dick up very gently, and weighed it for a second. Heavy! A lot of boy meat. Remember you once called yours man meat?

Then I leaned down and opened my mouth as wide as I could, and got him inside. When I put the tip of my tongue up against the opening of his foreskin and pressed in, he moaned in his sleep. Talk about soft! His foreskin is so soft to the touch, and now with his whole dick soft, it was like melting in my mouth! I licked around lightly, loving the salty, earthy flavor.

Well, that did it of course. He started getting hard, even in his sleep. So I quickly stuffed as much of his soft dick into my mouth as possible, and let it grow inside me! It was fun! Before I knew it, his dickhead had swelled up against the back of my throat, and his shaft was stretching my jaws and lips, and it was big enough to make me feel like I was going to choke all of a sudden, but then I remembered to just breathe through my nose.

So I have his hard dick filling my mouth now, and he's still asleep! But not for long. I didn't move my tongue, or my head, Teg. I decided to do something totally different. I don't think I could do this with you, but with Rolan 's foreskin, it turned out to be real easy! All I did was start sucking the air out of my mouth, making the sides of my mouth close even tighter around his shaft, and also drawing his foreskin up on his dickhead a bit. Then I'd loosen the suction, then start again, back and forth!

He woke up, of course. About on my third suction. He started to move, and put his hands on my head. Like lightning, I grabbed his butt and slipped my other hand under his hip, and held on for life! Rolan catches on quick, of course, and he whispers something sweet in Mexican. Most times I don't know what he's saying, but I can tell it's sweet. So he relaxed back again, and let me keep sucking.

Uncle Bill explained it afterwards, what I was doing. He knows all this stuff. He said I was creating a vacuum inside my mouth, every time I sucked the air out. Rolan described the feel of the sides of my mouth, and my tongue, collapsing tightly around his dick. It was like slow, but pleasant, torture, he said. His natural urge was to start pumping into my mouth. He expected me any time to start pumping up and down on his shaft. But he stayed still, and so did I! It was all that vacuum action, Teg!

Well, I kept doing that. And pretty soon Rolan is moaning almost non-stop, and getting louder, begging me to start pumping up and down on his dick. I was afraid we would wake up Metrio, so I quickly put my right hand up against his mouth, to quieten him. He quit moaning so loud, but kept squirming like he was about to go out of his mind. Then I got this idea to stick a couple of fingers in his mouth! That was really, cool, Teg! You wouldn't believe how surprised he was, and how he sucked my fingers in, and started doing the same thing to them that I was doing to his dick!

Before long, I had him wriggling about on the bed almost like a snake. He couldn't keep still! I wasn't moving at all. I decided when I started, that I would keep doing it forever and ever, never moving my head, or tongue. Rolan said later that it was maddeningly slow torture. He felt his cum building up for what seemed like eternity, with just that slow, soft buildup of pressure everytime I sucked in, and the slight stretch of his foreskin over his dickhead.

Near the end, he started to thrash about so much, that I had fun watching his big balls jiggling around. They were almost hypnotic! So I finally cupped them in one hand, and played with them too. Rolan said that when I did that, when I squeezed them a little, it helped him finally shoot. Man did he ever shoot!! I felt the first spurt of his hot cum in the back of my throat, like a bullet!

Now you know I like to taste cum, so Rolan had taught me that if I wanted to taste it, I had to pull the head out so the cum could hit my tongue. That's what I did. Of course, Rolan 's dick had other ideas, and while he was lost to the world cumming, he was slamming his dick in and out of my mouth, no matter what I tried to do! It was awesome, Teg. I just love having you or Rolan cum inside my mouth. Almost as much as I love it when you cum inside my bottom!

After he came, I settled him down real slow and easy, licking his cock from the tip all the way to the base, making sure all his cum was cleaned off. I did such a good job of it, that he never got soft! Of course he wanted to fuck me right then, but I told him I was ready to try for a second shot in my mouth. He yelled out NO! and said he couldn't take that kind torture again without some rest. Imagine that coming from Rolando!

I just jumped out of the bed, wiggled my fanny at him, and said I was hungry, and if I couldn't have any more cum, then I was going to go ask the cook for breakfast. He tried to grab me, but you know how fast I can be!

Well, that was our morning fun. It's been one thing or another like that every day, all day. I have a lot to tell you when you get back here to pick me up!

Ummm. I'm almost afraid to ask you this, but here goes. What if I did let Rolan fuck me, Teg? Would that be bad? I don't want to do anything that would hurt you, but I'm used to having you in me practically every day, and sometimes I just feel so empty, you know? It wouldn't be like with you, I know, but he does keep begging me, and I kind of would like to try it.

Yeah, I know, you said 'trust my own judgment.' I guess I'll have to. I wish you were here!

Even if I do it with him, Teg, you will always have all my love. I miss you sooo much! Can't wait till you get back.

Your boy forever, Wishus

The End