DirtThe Purchase |
SummaryChen, a precocious and sex driven 14 year old, allows someone to 'molest' him and to train him in the art of man-boy sex. It's what happens next that he had not anticipated. He is sold to someone who is intent on procuring and training someone to become his permanent slave. By various 'stages' his new 'boy' gradually discovers just what it means to be a true slave. Eventually it is not just his body which becomes his master's property as they both eventually discover desires and emotions somewhat beyond the traditional slave-master relationship.
Publ. 9 chapters, May-Jul 2007 (Lolita bondage); this site May 2008
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CharactersChen (14yo) and Magnon, his masterCategory & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt – Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification pierc spank chast electr interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThe story, originally published on the Lolita Bondage website, is edited by the author especially for this site.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1It now had been going on for about three months. And each time we met, he had me do more and more so that by now, when I was led into his bedroom, I immediately started this sexy routine as I gradually took off all my clothes. Although I was still a bit embarrassed by parading naked in front of someone, this added to the sexual thrill I experienced. But as I wiggled my naked butt the way my friend Greg liked, something entirely different happened. Before I had done much more moving, he picked me up and laid me onto his bed face up. I was used to doing as he said and allowing him to do with me as he wanted so I didn't think much about this."Ok Chen, what I'd like you to do now is just a bit different." I was excited. Every time he'd use that word 'different', we did something that made me feel even sexier. "Now be a good boy and close your eyes. This will be a big surprise. Now that you are completely trained as a sex toy there is one last step." For the life of me I couldn't think what could be next but I was so sexually aroused and generally exited, I was determined to follow his instructions. It didn't even bother me too much that he accidentally called me his sex toy instead of sex boy. Then a smelly cloth was pushed into my face and I started to struggle thinking that I was being smothered and then 3; When I woke up I was so disoriented I couldn't understand what was going on. I then tried to move and realized that things were REALLY wrong. I was like in this airbag. I could wiggle a bit but that was all. I finally opened my eyes against the glare of the lights and heard: "He's coming around. Won't he be surprised!! There were two other men in the room smiling down at me. I tried to speak but there was this horrendously big gag in my mouth. I started to panic. "Wo, little boy. We don't want you to hurt yourself." This was one of the other guys. He was big and black. Well at least compared to me he was big. But most guys were, and wow was he BLACK. "I just bought you boy and don't want you to hurt yourself. Your friend here promised me a well trained boy who really liked things done to him. But I didn't believe him when he said you were also as cute as you were compliant." I was trying to make sense of what I just heard without believing what I thought it meant. I needed my friend. The guy, looking concerned at my near panic, took the gag out of my mouth and I had trouble with my stiff muscles. "GREG! Please help me!" As I was looking upward (I couldn't move my head with the weird airbag around me) Greg moved into my view. He smiled. What the hell was happening? "Greg what's happening? Please help me." Greg was 30 and I was really attracted to him. Especially after he introduced me to all that neat sex stuff. He was part 'something' that gave him a dusky look and his special parts were somewhat darker than the rest of him. And I simply fell in love with his brown pucker hole. I was a really horny 14 year old and even when he first 'lured' me to his house, I sort of really figured out what he wanted. And though too shy to ask out right, I secretly was hoping that he was going to 'molest' me. I read all that stuff on the Internet what to watch out for with men like him, so I knew all the signs to look for. And I was THRILLED! And he was really kind, giving me all that game stuff. I didn't mind; I'd have done all that sex stuff even without all the 'come-on stuff'. But best of all, he had always made sure that when we had sex, that I was enjoying what he did to me. In fact he refused to fuck my butt hole until he had gradually opened it up over a two month period. I knew he'd help me now he was here. "Hi there Pup! Sorry about this but I got to make a living." What the fuck? I struggled but it was near impossible to move more than a few muscles here and there. And I wasn't real strong anyway. I was barely over 5 foot [1.50 m] and was under 90 pounds [40 kg]. I started crying as I realized that he was part of all this. I guess I was still in too much of a shock to get real scared yet. "I thought you said you loved me?" "I sure do Pup but you know, business is business. I will say that of all the boys I've trained for sale over the years, I really enjoyed your spirit. And you're also one of the cutest. And look Pup, I made sure that the guy I sold you to will take real good care of you." I was bereft. I felt completely betrayed. Strange, I still wanted him too. I guess I was all mixed up. I suddenly realized what was REALLY happening. I was being sold. SOLD! It was finally getting through to me. SOLD? But I had my whole life ahead of me. I CAN'T be sold! That would mean every thing I know is all over! Of course there's some things I WON'T miss. But DAMN! All my friends – ok they weren't that close but still – and school, and everything. It was all too much to believe. "What's going to happen to me? Please don't do this. Please!" "Sorry Pup. You're too valuable to me as a piece of merchandise. Now don't fret. The guy I sold you too will be perfect for you. You have a big submissive streak in you and I know you will have a lot of great sex. Just not quite like you ever imagined." So I was still naïve, or maybe too horrified to believe the worst. I looked at the guy who said he'd bought me. "How long do I have to be with you?" "Look kid. This is the real world. I've been looking for the right slave for a couple years. It will be forever. You're young yet. But you've been trained for sex. And all the tapes I've seen prove that you are a natural submissive. Shit, you LIKED being in restraints. You even mentioned to Greg that being forced to do stuff turned you on. And those CDs showing slave boys really turned you on too. So I will just be fulfilling your fantasies. Now I will train you to be MY slave boy. Even when you get older, you will still be my slave boy. Of course by that time you will be so trained that you won't be able to be anything but my slave." My arousal betrayed me. I started breathing hard and had a big erection just thinking about what was going to happen to me. Besides, I figured it couldn't be much worse than where I was living. My step-mom barely tolerated me because I was part 'chink' is the word she used. My Dad seemed not to care about me at all. Especially since he found out I was gay. And this guy was even more physically attractive to me than even Greg. I guess I liked 'dark' guys. And I really didn't have any REAL close friends – except for Greg. And now not even him. But what did I know. I did have some vague plans and hopes. And what about school? "I will be your real slave?" "That's straight boy. But I don't want you because you are just a boy. In fact I was looking for someone a little older. But I want someone like you – who are turned on by being in restraints. And being a slave. And you're young enough to make sure you're trained as a slave and won't know anything else. This is forever boy." I was scared, angry at Greg, and worried what will happen to me. But I was also SO aroused. I guess this guy knew that about me. "Are you going to hurt me?" The black guy actually smiled. "I will be training you boy. When you don't do exactly as I command, you will be punished. Punished severely. But I want a slave I can eventually trust. So I don't intend to be cruel. That's not what I am all about. I will, however, demand complete obedience. And I also will want to maintain total control. That's what you will be trained for. To relinquish to me total control over your body." "May I ask you your name sir? Or I guess it's master?" Greg butted in: "Didn't I say he'd be perfect?" Greg was smiling along with my new master. The third guy there didn't seem to care one way or the other. I found out later that he was only the guy that would transport me to my master's home. "My name is unimportant. You will for now always call me master." I was eventually put into this weird crate with air tanks and all. While I was unconscious they had even put a tube up my dick and a plug into my butt. That big gag had a thing connected to some liquid so I wouldn't get too thirsty. The air bag was for keeping me unhurt. I was so scared when they closed the crate but my new master even kissed me on my forehead just before and I was thinking well maybe things weren't as bad as I thought. Some traitorous part of me even LIKED the idea of being a slave. I just HATED pain. So I was determined to be as good a slave as I could be. Chapter 2I couldn't believe that my life as I knew it was totally over. But as I had all that time to think as I was being transported in that box I started to have hope that maybe I'd be OK. I had to admit that the idea of being a slave was sort of getting me aroused. But it was strangely more than that. I was looking forward to this like it was some kind of adventure. I was going to hold onto my hope until I couldn't anymore. I kept dozing on and off, but it still seemed so long and I started getting scared again.Finally, something was happening. I mean something different. I think I was in some truck or something for quite some time. But now both the noise and movement stopped. And I was getting hot. I seemed like forever but was probably just 15 minutes or so and finally I could hear some faint noises. Then my box was being lifted. I was scared all over again. All my figuring about how things would be OK could be just me being naive again. I couldn't believe how my emotions were all over the place. It seemed like forever before all the motion stopped. And I could feel the top of my box opening. And I was blinded. "Here boy." And a pair of wrap around sun glasses was put onto my face. I took sometime but I could finally see. The guy was smiling. I was again hopeful but now I just wanted out of that blasted box. Twenty minutes later I was shivering. I was hung by my arms in an open shower area. I guess I really stank. My master – he insisted I call him master – seems to be a mix of two people at the same time – very considerate and caring but also expecting me to obey him explicitly. Just as my wrists were starting to really hurt, this black guy – I mean my master – , who was as naked as I was, unhooked my wrists, and carried me to a padded table. My penis was about to erupt after he had dried me with a very soft towel. His was pretty rigid himself and I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. It was perfectly black and standing almost straight outward. I wanted to touch it SOOO bad. It was about 7 to 8 inches [18-20 cm] long and perfectly formed. His testicles swayed below as he moved. They were so big I was wondering if I could fit them into my mouth even one at a time. I was also so amazed at his such really black skin. No one would mistake him for a body builder but I sort of was turned on by his very slim body. He was plenty big enough to easily lift me. And I guess Greg was right. The more aroused I got, the more I just lie still wanting to be made to do things, or have them done to me. I was laid onto the table on my back with my 5 inch [12½ cm] penis was hard as steel and dripping. I SO wanted to touch myself but the one time I did that, right after he got me out of that crate, he gave me a terrible swat with a heavy leather strap. "OK boy, we will soon start teaching you all the rules but for now just the most important ones. One, you will never ever touch any of your own erogenous zones. You understand what that means?" I learned all about those places from Greg. He loved showing them to me when we first got together. "Yes, master." I ALWAYS had to call him master. "Good boy. Two, you will ALWAYS obey without hesitation. Three, you will NEVER interfere with what I am doing to you. In fact you will always cooperate." "Yes, master." My voice seemed to be getting husky. I realized that I was getting so turned on just by all these rules and calling him master. I knew he was gong to molest me and I couldn't wait. At least that was what Greg called it. I was a bit worried about him using my butt right now though, since he was a lot bigger than Greg. "Now, I am now going to show you the kind of sex we will have a lot of. The exception will be at night time when we are in bed together." I was thrilled hearing that I was going to be sleeping with him. Even Greg and I didn't do that. So far I was starting to believe that maybe this will all be OK after all. My master had me lay quietly as he said he needed to get some things. A minute later he brought over a cart filled with straps and a few other things I couldn't get a good look at. Then he took out a small section of padding on the top middle edge of the table, turned me on my stomach, and told me to place my face into the indentation left by the missing padding. I started lowering my head and suddenly stopped since I couldn't figure it out. There was this big knob thing in it. He saw my hesitation. Another swat, this time on my butt again brought tears. I decided to do what he said realizing just what that knob was for. The area was shaped to fit my face with a small hole at my nose and the knob I was forced to put into my mouth. It felt scary and thrilling at the same time. Next I felt this half shell piece being fitted over the back of my head. Soon I couldn't move my head at all, nor could I see anything. Sounds were pretty muffled. It felt like my head was not part of my body somehow. I mean that my body was now totally at the mercy of my master. I was so aroused by all this I was trying to move my penis to the edge of the table to rub it there but then a wide strap was fitted around the back of my waist and somehow I was pulled very tight onto the table. I just went limp and left happen what was going to happen. I was so aroused that I forgot all about being scared. Then he grabbed my right hand and forced it through a hole in the table. I must have missed it being there. My entire arm was now dangling below the table since the hole was right below my shoulder. Then I could feel some mitt thing being pushed onto my hand which forced it into a fist. The top part was wrapped around my wrist and tightened somehow. Them I felt something happening to the end of the glove and suddenly my arm was pulled very hard downward. The same thing was done to my other hand and arm. My arms were pulled so tight I could hardly move them. Wow was I aroused. Greg and I NEVER did anything like this although his CD's sometimes had a little of this stuff. Well let me tell you. The real thing is ten times better. My legs which were bent over the back end of the table allowed my toes to barely touch the floor. My legs were then stretched a lot sideways and my ankles were fitted into some cuffs so that I couldn't move them very much. 'Please master, please do something to my penis.' I thought. I was so hard I thought my penis was going to explode. He must have read my mind. He grabbed my penis but then I started to yell as something was shoved into my penis slit. It was more the surprise than any pain. It went in pretty easy so I suspect it was lubricated thank goodness. But I got scared again. What the hell was this about? Then a moderate sized butt plug was inserted into my butt. It felt pretty good and I almost came right then as it hit my prostate. Then I was just left like that for quite a while. Suddenly fire lit up my butt. It was so unexpected and so sudden, and hurt so much I couldn't even scream right away. Then I let out a yell that would have been heard a block away if I wasn't so muffled. "NOOOOO. Please stop!." At least that's what I tried to yell. My master kept hitting me with some kind of strap. It didn't stop. I lost the ability to even try to count. The only thing I was capable of thinking about was the pain. Then it all ended. I was sobbing convulsively. My back, butt, and legs were on fire. Then suddenly I felt a tiny tingle in my butt. And then inside my penis. Then it felt stronger, and stronger. And then it started to feel like my penis and butt were being kicked all over the place with stinging slaps. I started wailing. This went on for a hundred years or at least five minutes. Finally it stopped and I sobbed in relief. Then both the rod and plug were taken out and I could feel some smooth cool stuff being rubbed into my butt with a couple fingers and all over my penis with a second hand. I was so suddenly aroused I erupted immediately. It had to have been twice as intense as any orgasm I'd ever had! I just came and came seemingly forever. And even after it seemed nothing more was coming out I was still experiencing some spasms. Finally the hand left my butt and my now quite sensitive penis. The previous torture was totally forgotten. Well almost. It still hurt somewhat. Then a very soothing liquid was poured onto my back and my entire back was being massaged. Almost instantly the fire in my back disappeared. My master then began to massage my butt and legs the same way. It started to feel wonderful. I just lay there and enjoyed the sensation. I think the enjoyment was twice as good because of the previous pain. Then it stopped for a while and I could feel a very soft towel drying me off. The coolness remained. Then another gooier liquid was being rubbed all over my butt, and into my crack. It felt so good. My master's two hands then roamed all over my testicles, my butt crack and finally inside me again. He kept hitting my prostate and I was as hard as a steel rod again in spite of the previous mind blowing orgasm. I was slowly building up again. Then I felt a very thick something at my butt hole and realized what was about to happen. I was a little worried since I'd never had anything quite that large inside me before. I tried to relax my butt hole as much as possible. Suddenly it was pushed inside and I gasped in pain. Fortunately he stopped and I was able to finally relax again and most of the pain went away. My master kept this up and gradually pushed his monster penis into me in small stages. I was quite grateful he was being so patient. Then he started withdrawing and pushing back in. After a short while I could dismiss the pain and feel the wonderful fullness inside me. I always liked being fucked by Greg after I got used to it. But this was so much bigger. But it was starting to feel even better. His slow strokes in and out were again hitting my prostate and I was on fire with arousal. It was my entire world again. And somehow being strapped down and with my head so encased, took on an almost fantasy quality. The strokes got faster and more forceful. A few minutes later I again started to tighten down with heavy spasms onto his penis with my sphincters as I had another remarkable orgasm. At almost the same time I could feel him come inside me. Afterwards I was totally drained, and apparently my master just lay there on top of me too. Several minutes later my master pulled out and I felt empty. He must have gone somewhere for a while but finally the straps were released and my legs and arms were freed. Then my waist and head were next. My jaw I realized was a bit sore and he had to help me up off of that big bulb thing. I had to move my jaw a few times before it felt like I could close my mouth right. Finally, my master picked me up and I collapsed into his strong black arms. My back, butt, and legs were hurting enough that they stealing a lot of my attention. My master easily carried me bodily into a small open elevator, hit a button and soon we went up two floors and he carried me down a corridor and into one of the largest and most opulent bathrooms I'd ever seen. There was a hot tub in operation in one corner with jets of water swirling in a lot of different places. I'd never seen such a thing except in the movies. I tried to speak but he shushed me by putting his fingers on my mouth. "For now boy, let us just enjoy this. You just gave me the two best orgasms I've had in years. And I hope you'd enjoyed yours also. You sure came a lot." I was remembering the entire episode in quite some detail and suddenly started to cry. He stepped into the tub and sat down bringing me into the wonderful feeling of swirling hot water. I was wondering if he had put something in the water because soon I was feeling no pain. I also liked cuddling up against his beautiful body, and I held on like he was a life vest. But I still couldn't stop crying, the emotions were so overwhelming. He started hugging me and finally asked: "Why are you crying boy?" "Master, it hurt so bad. You hurt me so bad." "How did you feel after you had your first orgasm?" "That was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt." "And then why are you crying now?" I was SO mixed up. "I'm not sure master. I think because you hurt me so bad but that's not really quite right. I think it's more because I'm so very scared." "And why is that boy?" I had trouble admitting this. But finally I simply had to say something. "I hated the pain when you hurt me. But I think it was because of that that I had such an amazing orgasm. And that scares me." My master kept hugging me and rocking me back and forth. And in spite of what he had done to me, I held onto him and wondered why I didn't hate him for what he had done. I was SO mixed up. I realized that even though I hated the pain, I LIKED what he had done to me. And I know that don't make any sense, but it's as best as I can explain. And I eventually told him that. "Boy, I confess that I was going to wait a while before I had sex like that with you but I got so horny and I did it anyway. And I am so happy with your reaction. I have good hope that you will start to enjoy those sessions as much as I do." He must have felt me shudder in fear. Sessions? "Don't get too worried yet boy. We will certainly not be doing that every day. Probably more like once a week." I didn't what I felt from what he said. In spite of being so afraid to feel all that pain again, I was strangely still lured by the idea at the same time. Chapter 3I was certainly feeling better but so drained at the same time. And the memory of those two amazing orgasms kept intruding into my thoughts. And wondering what else my master was going to do with me. Finally we got out of the tub and went into a huge open shower. My master reminded me that only he would be allowed to clean my body from now on."Your body belongs to me now. Only my hands are allowed to clean all your special sex parts." I felt more like the master and he the slave as he did all the work and I just relaxed and enjoyed it immensely. My master kept asking me exactly what things I liked best about what we did, and how I felt about things he was doing. I tried to answer the best I could. He seemed genuinely interested. "Look boy. I will be your master forever. But you still have no real idea of what this will mean for you. What just happened between us is just a small part. I will train you to allow me to maintain complete control over you at all times. Now a lot of the time this will mean that I will have you in various stages of bondage and sometimes even extreme bondage. One reason I picked you specifically was because I saw that you LIKED that done to you. I want you to enjoy the sex between us, and our relationship as much as I do. Do you understand all this boy?" I was a bit overwhelmed by everything that had just happened and had trouble understanding everything he was trying to say. And some of this stuff scared me now that I was not under the spell of being so sexually aroused. "Master, I liked a lot of that stuff but definitely NOT the pain part. Why do you have to do that?" My master sighed. "Look boy, you are required to satisfy MY sexual fantasies. And sometimes I just like the power it gives me and even the very idea that I am hurting you. You will just have to resign yourself to it. It will be part of your regular duties. But I promise that I will ALSO try to fulfill YOUR sexual fantasies. You will quickly find out that our relationship will be much more than just sexual. I don't want JUST a sex slave. I want a boy who will mature into a man, and who will be my ever attendant companion. But as a slave you will always be mindful of your position to ALWAYS obey me." I shuddered at the implication of what my master was saying. It was finally starting to get into my total consciousness that I WAS A SLAVE. It was starting to feel more real. And although I was quite scared at this prospect, a small part of me was also thrilled. A LARGE part of me liked the prospect. If only the pain stuff could be left out. I simply answered: "Yes master." He held me tighter and started kissing me. I was so aroused again that I was quite willing to have him do anything he wanted. I kissed him back. I loved his thick black lips. I also noticed that he even had some black coloring inside his mouth. I'd never noticed that on anyone else before. But he suddenly stopped, and went to a huge walk-in closet. He opened it. I was stunned to see quite a variety of paddles, straps, canes, and lots of other things I could only guess at. He came back with a simple leather cuff with a long leather strap attached. He pulled my left ankle to the end of the bed, put my ankle into the cuff, and it snapped shut. I could see a key hole. He than attacked the other end by wrapping it through and around a ring that was anchored right into the floor at the lower side of the bed. That was clasped shut with another lock. He looked up with a smile. "I see you sporting quite a boner boy. You like the idea of being anchored here?" I realized he was quite right. I was sort of thrilled by the very idea of being anchored to the ring in the floor. I smiled back. I was so horny. I was so comfortable ensconced in my master's bed. And it was then I realized that my bruises no longer hurt either. "Sort of master." "Well, you ARE my slave. And until I can absolutely trust you, and sometimes even then, I will ALWAYS make sure that you can not escape. But this estate is huge. You will have a variety of things to keep you entertained. When you are not attending to me that is." We slept until late morning. Our sex session lasted a couple hours and then there was another session when we awoke earlier that morning. I was thrilled as I roamed my hands and mouth and tongue over his so very black skin. He kept insisting that I do exactly as instructed and was I REALLY happy to cooperate. I liked him taking charge. And he did a lot of neat stuff to me. I must have had another couple orgasms in our first session. It was right after he had fucked my butt real good and came in buckets that the first 'problem' occurred. He eventually pulled out much to my disappointment and then he sat right on my chest, pushed his now slightly smelly penis onto my lips and told me to clean him up. I could even SEE some small spots of brown. "No master I can't do that!" I was horrified at the prospect of being forced to lick even my own shit off of his penis. Greg always made sure I was completely cleaned out. For the first time that evening I was so scared again. He only sighed, and went to his closet. I cringed as I saw him return with a slim cane and a real heavy strap. "Your choice slave. The hurt from the cane is deeper and lasts longer. The strap hurts like hell but gets over quickly. Ten flogs with the strap or three with the cane?" I started crying. Strangely it never occurred to me to beg him not to do this. Somehow I realized that that would be impossible. I KNEW what that strap felt like and I wanted no more of that tonight. "Master, I'll take the cane." SHIT! NEVER could I have imagined how much that slim thing could hurt. I couldn't believe him when he said that it was the easiest of the canes he had. I was so glad there were only three swats but I had so much trouble keeping still for the second two remembering the first. I made a big blunder when I tried to put my hand behind me for the second swat. My hand erupted in pain. But then he did something that surprised me. When he came back from the closet this time he brought a small bottle and a pair of latex gloves. "Lay over the side of the bed boy." I did. And I felt his gloved hand smear some of this thick liquid onto my so sore butt. It immediately felt so much better. "That will take care of the surface pain boy, but you will have a tender butt for several days." He lifted me onto the bed and simple took up where we had left off. I still was so repulsed, and pleaded with my eyes for him to stop. I was then stunned when he did just then. "You would really hate that wouldn't you boy?" "Please master. I think I could even get used to some of the torture stuff if I have too, but not this. Please!" My master, remarkably, thought for a moment, and then went into the bathroom and came back with a partly wet towel. "OK boy. The punishment was necessary because you broke a rule. However, on this one point I will not insist. I DO want us both to equally enjoy are sex together. As I said, I want MORE than just a slave." I eagerly cleaned his penis – with the towel. There seemed to be some cleaning solution on the end of it. I sure LIKED touching his black penis. And all his other parts. I was so totally excited by the beauty of his perfectly formed black penis and the huge dangling testicles. And there was almost no hair except around the base of his penis. It was quite kinky like that on his head. I loved the feel of it. "Now boy. As I've maintained. I WANT to know exactly how you feel about things. You never know when I will see merit in what you think. I want a submissive slave, but I want one that can also ENJOY BEING that submissive slave." For the first time I was starting to feel so much better about things. And I suddenly realized that I was actually starting to like my new master. And for the first time I started wondering if just maybe being his slave was not a GOOD thing. Maybe. Our sex that night was a DAMN good thing. And again that morning. And again that LATE morning. If he'd just cut out some of that pain stuff, I could REALLY get to like this! We went down to breakfast/lunch and I ate almost as much as my master did. The food had been actually delivered right to his house. Along with a few different newspapers. "Master. Where did this come from master?" I always had to start with master, except for yes and no. "I have most of my meals delivered at precise times. When you learn enough, I may have you prepare some of our meals." I was wondering if whoever delivered all this stuff knew what was happening upstairs. I sort of blushed thinking about it. But smiled also. He made me wait on him and kneel at his chair naked waiting till he wanted something else. All I had on were some leather cuffs on my ankles with a small chain attaching them and making me take only small steps. They felt neat. I fell a couple times before I got used to it. There was also a belt around my slim waist which had a cuff in the back with my left wrist in it. I could only use my right hand. I got so horny when he did this to me and I was quite surprised when he immediately sucked me off right then and there. It was amazing. "Can't have my slave leaking all over the floor can we?" I had helped him get dressed before I lost the use of my left hand. I even sort of liked doing this stuff. He kept making jokes about what I was doing and the fact that I was starkers. I liked that too. I was SO hungry, when he finished his main meal and I poured his third cup of coffee. "OK boy. Get your own plate out of the warmer and also whatever you want to drink from the silver refrigerator, bring it over and eat. You may sit." I was getting used to waiting for him to tell me what to do. I couldn't believe it. I was ALREADY being his slave. And I LIKED it! And I think it was because I was also starting to like my master. (Except for the pain stuff, he's been real considerate. He also kept asking questions about how I was feeling). I never had Eggs Benedict before but really liked them too. I also had orange juice and cold milk. While I was finishing up my breakfast, my master was reading the papers he had and sometimes even asked me what I though about some of the stuff he read to me. NOBODY at MY house asked my opinion about ANYTHING. "So you think this war is immoral boy?" "I think so. We are tearing their country apart for no result." "A bit simplistic but in general I agree with you. But always remember boy, nothing is usually as simple as it seems." "Master. Well, I always thought of a slave as someone who did all the work. What will you make me do?" My master laughed. "Well boy, you will certainly be my slave. But most of the actual work on this estate, like caring for the place and grounds, and the cleaning and so on I hire others to do that. Your time with me is much too valuable, however, for you to do such mundane things. I'm rich enough that I can be unconcerned about such things. You, on the other hand, besides being my sex slave, and my companion, will probably only do those things that are personal services. Like helping me dress, and in the shower, and even preparing some of my meals. Most of your role will be sexual and companionship. Even the clean-up here will be done by hired help. They know to allow me complete privacy." I was amazed. And pleasantly surprised. I was even thinking that I could REALLY get to like this guy and being his slave. And maybe I could even get used to that torture stuff once in a while if only to please him. (Of course I still shuddered at the future prospect). My master asked me what I was thinking and I told him. His smile was even bigger than my own. Then he went back to his paper as I finished my breakfast. I was quite surprised when I saw that he was now holding up my own town newspaper. It had been delivered. It was last night's paper. He started reading something: "Boy Killed in Rail Tragedy" There was more and I was shocked when my master told me the boy was later identified to the press as one Chen Lee Stevens. I gasped and spilled some of my milk. "I'm not dead!' I shouted. "And I didn't even run away from home!" My master smiled. "When you are as rich as I am, these things are easy to arrange." And seeing the horror on my face he quickly added: "No boy. I never hurt anyone. The boy who was found was a convenient body from a morgue several cities away. And with some friendly people in the right places, nothing will be discovered that will disprove the above story. You are now officially dead boy." I didn't know how to feel. I was only a bit homesick but didn't seem to care if my parents would ever be looking for me. "Boy, go to the dungeon downstairs – use the elevator – grab a twase from shelf two, and bring it here." My master explained what a twase was yesterday. I was afraid I was going to be punished again. But somehow it never occurred to me to disobey. Or to even try to escape the house – or the estate. The whole time I was instead trying to figure what I'd done wrong. I came back and fearfully approached my master. I trembled a bit as I looked at my master and asked: "Master, I'm really sorry. But master, what did I do wrong?" He even laid his hand on my shoulder and then caressed my back as he answered: "You failed to address me as master, boy. That is very important. You should never let yourself to be unmindful of the fact that you are my slave. Do you understand?" I spouted an intense boner as I felt his tender hand and I answered: "I understand master." I also realized at that moment, that I LIKED calling him master. "We need to fill in some additional rules but that can wait for now. Kneel and offer me the tawse boy." I did as instructed but was shaking. "Boy, you are now being punished because you shouted at the table and didn't preface your remark with respect. You failed to address me as master." And then he smiled as he continued: "And I see that you picked the softest one. I see you areas smart as advertised. I like that." I was worried but relaxed a bit when he even laughed. "Turn around boy, and grab your ankles with your hands. I will hit your back and legs since your butt is still pretty sore. Also note that the small of your back, in the area of your kidneys will NOT ever be hit. I will explain why later." He never did say how many. When he reached four I was crying unabashedly. At ten I was pleading for him to stop. He stopped four strokes later. "Boy, I suspect you will always remember that rule." Through my tears I answered. "Yes master." Then he had me sit down and he gave me two typed pages of rules. "You will memorize these by tomorrow boy. I will make sure you are left undisturbed for this." He snickered as he said this. I was wondering what exactly he had in mind. "Master, how about today?" "Boy, read rule seven right now." I did. "The slave will never question his master unless invited. This invitation has only three procedures:
"From now on boy I expect that rule observed. Do you understand?" "Yes master." By this time I had calmed down. I tried to comply with rule seven, part 'C'. "Master, may I ask a question?" He gave permission and I asked. He answered. "Today will be very filled with getting you fitted for your various gear. I will also show you exactly where and how you will provide for your own hygiene. Even some clothes, for those rare times that you will be away from this estate. I also have several doctors and a dentist coming. Don't worry boy. I just want to make sure you are healthy. This will also take a good portion of tomorrow." "Master, may I ask a question?" "No need boy. You will remain naked the entire time. All these people know me very well and will not be surprised to see you naked."
Chapter 4"Now this is something that is MOST important. I need you to be perfectly honest with me. When I ask you a question, even if you think I won't like your answer please understand I will only get angry if you lie or not tell me the exact truth. You are supposed to be quite intelligent I've been led to believe. Do you understand all this?""Yes master. But please master, I'm scared. I don't want you mad at me." "Don't worry boy. Just follow the rules and you won't have any problem. I'm so thrilled just having you, and I want us both to be comfortable with each other. I know that you enjoy this kind of sex so just enjoy it with me. I fully intend to allow your own enjoyment but it will always be as I direct. You will eventually be trained to only do as I command." I started to get worried again. How could I do only that? What else will I be doing? "Master I am scared. How will I do stuff when you are not around? Will you always be giving me some instructions?" "Not quite boy. First of all, we will be together most of the time, and when we are not together, I will make sure you know what I expect of you. Don't worry about that now. I can't expect you to learn everything all at once. For now just let me direct you." "Yes master." "Good boy. I want to know what you are now feeling about what I am doing to you." "You 3;, sorry. Master, you mean over all or just now?" I forgot to start with the word, 'master'. He must have had the strap near by because I got quite a wallop right on my thigh before I realized it was coming. I couldn't hold back the instant tears and the loud yell. Strangely, although I certainly hated the pain, I was so turned on by the fact that he was forcing me to follow his rules precisely. Even if I were punished for mistakes. "Now boy I have several questions and I need the best answers you can give me. First, how do you feel about my buying you and making you my slave?" I had trouble understanding how I felt myself. It was real mixed. I told him that. He seemed to be happy that I liked it even a little. "I get real sexy feeling when I think about being forced to do stuff, especially sex stuff. I even liked being made to follow your rules. But it's hard to explain. I think it's more than just the sex stuff. I sort of like – at least a little bit – about being a slave. But I can't understand how I can do that ALL the time. Sorry master. You said you wanted the truth. And I'm scared about what you will do to me later. And how about going to school and all?" "Boy, you are in school. My school. To become my slave." I was really shaken when I realized he was serious. I keep being surprised when I AGAIN get conformation that my master REALLY intends to make me his slave. It seems too unreal but I was again brought to its reality. It is FINALLY sinking in. It seems like my brain could only process it a part of it at a time. "Master, I still have trouble believing all this. People simply aren't made into slaves." "You will get used to the idea. And eventually you will not be able to think of yourself as anything BUT my slave. I've seen it happen. And you're much younger which will make it easier." It was about an hour later, when the first of four different men came to the estate to measure me for things, which I came to really understand what slavery meant. I was treated almost like I wasn't person at all. I felt about 25% completely embarrassed, 75% excited, and 100% owned. My master told me to answer the side entrance door when we heard the chime. He said that it was someone that needed to see me, and already knew that I was my master's slave. My master made me go answer the door completely naked. I was SO embarrassed as the guy totally looked me up and down. "A little young, don't you think Mag?" So my master's name was 'Mag'? My master brought me into the main lounge where there was a rug you could sink into. I was moved, stretched, measured, prodded, touched in my sex places, and totally treated like a slave. I was REALLY starting to feel like one. Then this guy opened a large satchel and measured just about everything about me. Head, neck, body, arms, legs, feet, and circumferences of everything. My penis was bone hard and it too was measured along with my testicles. They pushed several rods into my piss slit which hurt even though it was lubed up. Then they shoved my penis into a glass of ice water and it was measured shriveled up. Then the weirdest one. They pushed something into my mouth, and minutes later sprayed it with something and put it in a bag. Then it was done again but this time my mouth was forced way open. I got nervous thinking that I was being measured for some kind of gag. But I was so turned on I didn't dwell on it, especially when he then started next measuring my butt hole. He kept lubing up these smooth shaped plastic tubes until they got big enough I started yelling for him to stop. (I was punished later for disobeying rule three. I objected to what my master wanted to do to me. He said that was the same as interfering. Five swats with the tawse later and I believed him completely). By the time this guy was half done I was so sexually excited I was just letting him do anything he wanted. Next was a dentist. At least he said he was a dentist. All this guy did mast make impressions of my teeth. I never did understand why. He then measured how far my teeth were apart when my mouth was forced all the way open. Soon after came a bald older man. He had a small satchel and claimed to be a doctor. He looked over at my master and said: "You sure picked a cute one. But I never realized you were into boys." "Doc, this boy is the perfect candidate. I'd been looking for years. In spite of his age I am sure he is already starting to realize that he will thrive being my slave." "That true boy? You want to be this man's permanent slave?" I was entirely surprised. It had never occurred to me that I would be asked this question. But before I cold answer my master shouted to me: "Boy, you are not to answer that question." I was totally conflicted. For the past couple days I had been so frequently thinking about how I could get out of this situation. To get free. But at this question I was amazed that right now I was not sure. But before I could say anything it was the doctor who responded. "Magnon, I am truly surprised at you. If your boy doesn't want to be your slave then how can you possibly believe that he will obey that order you just gave him?" I suspect that my master knew me better than I knew myself. I actually smiled at the situation. I decided to ask my own question – if permitted. "Master, permission to ask the doctor a question." My master was surprised at my request. After a small hesitation he said: "Granted." "Doc, if I said that I was here against my will would you do anything to free me?" The doctor laughed. My master commented: "I said he was intelligent." It had suddenly occurred to me than my master would have hardly invited anyone here who was not sympathetic to what he was doing. When the doctor finished doing all his doctor stuff, including drawing blood, he hit my butt with the flat of his hand – hard. I yelped. My master intervened: "No more doc. That boy is MY property. Solely my property." For some reason I was delighted hearing that. But what was going to happen next started me possibly regretting my momentary inclination for wanting to be my master's slave. After the doc left, my master brought me into his dungeon. It looked pretty modern for a dungeon, but the things in there certainly made it qualify. I was both scared and excited. I was brought over to a chair and strapped into it. Completely. There were separate rests for my arms and legs. I was so aroused I allowed my master to do anything he wanted. About ten minutes later this scruffy looking guy with a full beard walked in. He had a case that seemed pretty heavy. My master then told me to cooperate fully, and that it wouldn't hurt that much. I of course got really scared again. Especially when this guy opened the case and I saw a whole bunch of different shaped needles and other things. By the time it was all over, I had screamed enough to get entirely hoarse. My master even tried to console me as it was happening. I just wanted it to stop. Afterwards he put something on all my new holes that took away all the pain. And he also sprayed my throat with something that helped to soothe it. Finally, when I had calmed down, my master took me into his arms and started asking all his questions again. "You did well boy. I'm proud of you. The last boy I'd seen done, fainted. But I want to say that you will look real good with all your new jewelry." I had stopped crying from the pain, but was now sort of dazed. "Master, what jewelry?" "Yes, all your rings and attachments. They will be ready by the time all these holes are healed." All 'those holes' were now fitted with temporary rings and things. The one through the septum of my nose hurt the worst. Even more than the big hole near the end of my penis. Or the one through the top middle of my scrotal sac just below my penis. The two in my nipples just throbbed a bit right now – they were a lot smaller and the temporary rings pretty small. The one through the area between my butt hole and my testicles was throbbing much more, but it too didn't hurt much any more. The one that went through me right at the very base of my penis where there were it extended from my abdomen hurt quite a lot. The few pubic hairs there had been pulled out with tweezers. This one was actually the worst because it took so long to do. He said he had to find some ligament that was supposed to be there. The guy even used an anesthetic for this one. Looking down I now saw the two prongs of this weird U-shaped metal thing. It was quite wide and when he last pulled on it I could feel it anchored around something more than just my skin. I guessed it was that ligament he had mentioned. He had to put something on it to stop all the bleeding. He also left different things to use on these holes to help them heal and to keep them from getting infected. Just when I was finally calmed down from all of this, the chime rang again. My master looked up at a monitor on his desk and addressed me. "Ahh. They are here. Boy, I have a little surprise for you. I will be a few minutes so just relax here." I was so emotionally tired out that I was so glad that my master went to let him in. There was quite a delay but my master finally returned. I watched as my master exited the elevator. Immediately behind him was a well dressed oriental man probably in his early 40s. I was surprised to see the man holding onto a chain. But what was at the end of the chain shocked the hell out of me. Chapter 5Surprise was quite an understatement. The person at the end of the chain lead was mostly naked, except for bits of metal and leather attached in such a way to not only restrict his movements, but also made him so sexy looking. I boned up so hard I thought I'd break my penis. If I had not been so entrapped by the bonds keeping me in the chair I would have been hard pressed to keep my hand off my own penis. If my first thoughts were about my arousal and sex, my next reaction was to think about the guy at the end of the leash. Was this the guy my master was talking about when he said: "I'd seen it happen"?My feelings were now at war. I was so aroused seeing this guy so entrapped within his bonds, but was so scared when I FINALLY realized my master was indeed totally serious. I WAS to be made into his slave. Looking at this guy who was so obviously totally controlled by another finally made the entire idea so real for me. I think I started moaning or something since my master slapped my thigh again with the leather strap. He added verbally: "Be quiet boy. And pay attention." By this time I kept staring at this guy's slave still trying to believe what I was seeing. There was some kind of strap connecting the cuffs around his ankles. A metal and leather belt went around his slim waist and from it was a part that went between his legs and a very obviously testicle and penis shaped metal piece that totally covered his equipment but also seemed to be more arousing than if he had been naked there. The only thing that puzzled me was that his penis seemed pretty small for a grown man. (I only realized later that his penis was being severely restricted). His arms were being held behind his back and were somehow attached to the same belt around his waist. His hands were also in some kind of mitt. Though I seemed to be more attracted to darker guys, this whole thing so turned me on that I thought that I'd have an orgasm without anyone even touching me. And what was so completely frightening and arousing at the same time was the strange thing he had covering his mouth. There was a metal piece entirely covering his lips. If there was some kind of gag attached to it, it was not obvious, but this form fitting metal piece extended above and below his lips and seemed to hold his mouth closed. Along the entire border there seemed to be things that looked like rivets and in my imagination I could almost feel these rivets puncturing his upper and lower lips holding the diabolical piece in place. To me this was astonishingly arousing. I almost wished it was me in all these restrictive things. Finally my thoughts were jolted back as my master was addressing the older Chinese gentleman. " 3;so I am very glad that you both could make it here today. My new boy needs to begin realizing that my intention to make him my permanent slave is totally serious." My master – just thinking that now seemed to have much more impact – looked at me and smiled. He continued: "And I am so grateful that I have chosen so well. Boy, your obvious arousal at seeing my friend's slave, along with his restraints, shows that I have chosen well. Just think boy, in a few weeks, you too will be introduced to your very own restraints. And my friend here has a specialty – facial masks." I looked at my master quite puzzled. And then wondered if he was going to fit something onto my mouth that this other slave had on his. I was commanded to rest my head back onto the back of the chair. My master then forced a large gag into my mouth which forced it open as far as it could go without being painful. Then the man proceeded to spread a thin coating of something onto my entire face including over and behind my ears and way below my chin. Then he spread a coating of this rubbery stuff after inserting tubes into my nostrils so I could breathe. And now I got really worried. My master had said 'facial masks.' I got both incredibly aroused and frightened at the same time. A few minutes later it was peeled from my face like a rubber mask. I was not permitted to speak until given permission but I was bursting with questions. Fortunately my master answered my unasked questions: "I have decided to have a few different masks made for you. They will be made so that they fit your face exactly. Just one more way in which I will control you boy." My imagination went wild. I was thinking of all kinds of bizarre scenarios. But a lot of them I definitely did not like. Again my master must have read my thoughts: "Don't worry so much boy. Nothing permanent, just for fun and games at times – sexual games." And he smiled. As the man was putting all his stuff away, my master re-raised the back of the chair and I could again see the man's slave. He now had his hands released from his mitt things and was helping his master. My master saw me looking and stated: "The slave here is Marco. Mr. Yew here has had him now for 16 years." I thought the guy looked about in his later 20s so I figured he had to have been about my age when he was made this guy's slave. Wow. But I was a bit off as I then discovered. "Mr. Yew had him over his house for a weekend of sex when he was 20. Mr. Yew liked him so much he decided to keep him." I was astonished at the idea of it and then realized that I was in a similar situation. My master then turned to the slave. "That right Marco?" But the slave did not answer but instead turned to Mr. Yew who stated: "You may answer boy." Marco turned toward us and nodded yes. My master then asked: "Would you want to be freed boy?" Again the same thing happened. Apparently this guy Marco did nothing without his master's permission. Again his master gave permission. Marco shook his head – a definite NO. "Just think Chen (the first time my master used my name all day, nor did he like my nick name Chen) 16 years from now you will be so accustomed to being my slave you too will not think of being anything else." I shuddered at the thought but at the same time I was also quite aroused at the idea. I even seemed to be excited about all this bondage stuff my master had been hinting at. My master must have seen the concern on my face. "Don't get too worried boy. I have every intention of seeing to it that you enjoy your enslavement. Or at least most of it. After all, besides being my slave, I want you as my partner." For the first time today I was starting to believe that just maybe things won't be too bad after all, although there was this constant background fear in the back of my mind that had been worrying me. I know my master had said things like this before but for some reason right now I really believed him. And I was even surprised at my own reaction. I started to cry. My emotions suddenly exploded. My master released me from the chair and took me into his arms. "Don't worry boy. I will always care for you." I believed him and cried even harder as I held on to him tightly. And I also realized that a good part of me LIKED what he was doing to me. Especially since I now felt that in his own strange way he DID care for me. And 'til then I didn't realize just how bereft my life had been of someone who really wanted me. Even Greg I was beginning to realize only cared for me because of the sex. That night the sex with my master was even better than ever. My ankle was again secured via cuff and strap to the ring in the floor. I even sort of liked the idea that I was captive. I just wished all my new holes weren't so distracting – especially that one just at the base of my penis. My master put some stuff on them that took most the pain away but still. Of course by the time my master had a couple of his black fingers up my butt hole and was sucking on my penis I forgot all about a few inconvenient holes. I was also so happy to reciprocate. I was even happy to suck on his own huge black penis and all the things in the vicinity. Sessions usually ended with his big penis in my butt hole. It didn't hurt anymore and in fact I really got to like him in me. And that black puckered anus of his had its own special allure. Someday I felt I was sure to become more intimately acquainted. But I also now knew to do only and exactly as he commanded. And this abandoning of myself at times like this was as arousing as all the rest. Maybe my master was right about me. Over the next couple of weeks my master just allowed me to get accustomed to the usual routine. As his slave of course. He said that I needed to be trained to always consider what he wanted of me before doing anything. This was quite a lot more difficult that you might at first think. I forgot how many times I had to be 'reminded' of this and at the same time keeping all his rules. This reminding usually consisted of either that double ended strap burning the hell out of me, or that thin cane, or sometimes a paddle – whatever he felt like using at the time. There was the time that I jumped out of bed in the morning because I simply forgot for the moment that NOW I was a slave. I just looked back at my master until he commanded me to bring him my instrument of punishment. This time he asked for the light cane. I had just enough slack in the strap attached to my ankle to reach the right shelf. I shuddered as I brought it over to him and as according to rule eight I turned, bent over and grasped my ankles with my hands, and awaited my master's pleasure. I cringed and hoped he wouldn't swing as hard as he could. Two medium whacks later and he told me to replace the cane. I knew better than to wipe the tears that I could not keep from dripping from my eyes. And I got off easy. Strangely, after only two weeks, I merely considered this a proper part of my training. And it's strange. I know it's been only a couple weeks, but I am starting to feel at home here. The more I feel like I'm finally pleasing my new master, the more I seem not to care that he has been training me by using physical 'reminders' that HURT! These are always accompanied by my master explaining exactly why he found it necessary to discipline me in this manner. He then expects me to describe how I am feeling. And I am starting to understand that in his very strange way, my master truly cares for me. "Eventually boy, you will find it completely natural that I control your every movement, and that your pleasure will be derived by submitting to me completely. Part of this will be accomplished by making your responses as sexual in nature as possible. You will almost always be naked. You will also be made aware of your sexual needs during most of your waking moments and find sexual fulfillment only at my discretion and will. My plan is to keep you sexually aroused as much as possibly and all your moments of enjoying your sexual pleasure and climax will be in response to your submission to me." I was not as dismayed by my master's proclamation as you might have thought. Or as I might have thought. It seemed that the very process of becoming a true slave to my master was exceedingly sexually arousing to begin with. My master kept telling me that he had chosen well and that I was already inclined toward total submission before he had purchased me. And although my life now was totally in my master's control, it wasn't all one dimensional. Long periods each day were devoted to his teaching me about his business interests and he mentioned his eventual intention of having me as his business partner. Although he called these sessions my schooling, I was so interested and excited by the prospect of actually being his financial partner that I hungrily learned everything he was teaching. (Of course you might make an easy guess how my uncommon but eventual lapses were handled). It was during one of our frequent strolls through the grounds of his estate when I made my first visit to his stables. I was still so self-conscious my near total nudity so that I kept looking to see if anyone else was watching us. There were a few instances when one of the part time help in his house would see me naked while being lead by my master on a leash. The first of these was when I earned one of my most severe punishments trying to hide my usually rigid penis, and exposed testicles. This incident resulted in his putting me into a wooden stock in his dungeon and using what he called a light 'cat' on my naked back, butt, and legs. I realized that he was even hitting me with only a portion of his strength but DAMN did that hurt! The next time I suddenly found myself in the presence of the 'help' I made no attempt to hide my assets. My master praised me and I received an extra 'reward' that night when my master not only sucked me to an amazing orgasm, but led up to it by rimming my so sensitive anal opening for quite some time. I was glad that I had been especially attentive to cleaning my self up earlier that day. Although I am not allowed to touch myself there with my hands, I have been instructed in the process of using his bathroom and its appliances to make sure I am always clean for my master. He always checks and completes the process. Of course during these times my penis and testicles are always placed into a chastity devise. I both love and hate the few different models he has installed me in. The simplest is merely plastic tube that fits over my shrunken penis and is fastened by a simple wide metal hoop of metal that is hinged to the back portion of the tube and which is locked around the base of my penis behind my testicles. This confinement drives me crazy whenever I get sexually aroused which my master deliberately tries to make as often as possible. Well, during this trip to his stables my penis and testicles were completely free and naked except for the 'temporary' rings which were still in place. All the holes, except for the one at the base of my penis were just about healed. But to keep me in his control, my ankles and wrists were put into simple leather cuffs and a short hobbling chain connected my ankles. Also the cuffs on my wrists were connected behind my back. I could not believe how I have already become acclimated to this kind of minimal bondage and restraint. It helped I guess that I found it so very sexually arousing. For this trip I was also wearing a comfortable pair of leather sandals. There was also a simple leather collar around my neck. My master said that my permanent 'jewelry' would be ready for me when my new holes have been completely healed. I suspected it would take about one more week. It was when I entered the spacious and well kept stable when I got quite a surprise and also a profound shock. The surprise was the amazingly beautiful horses which were in several partly open stalls that opened to the field beyond the stable. The shock was the two 'stable hands' who greeted us. They were dressed in what one might think of as typical stable hand clothes except that tight pants left their groins and asses almost entirely naked. There was only a stiff leather band around their waist from which was a slender leather extension dropping down in front, through their legs, and coming back tightly pulled into their ass cracks and fastened in the back. As the belt extension passes by their penis and testicles, it has a hole through which these items are extended and thus held pushing out in front. Their entire get up was quite arousing. The two stable hands appeared to be in their low twenties and were quite good looking. But this entire thing was really weird. Then they greeted my master. "Master Magnon, we are happy to see you." "Continue what you were doing. My new slave and I will be taking King and Star on a short ride." "Very good master. We will get your mounts ready right away." I was aching to ask a million questions but my short training has already been sufficient to keep me quiet. My master will explain if he sees fit. But the entire situation had me quite excited, and only some of the excitement was sexual. While mounted on Star, my horse, I was totally excited by the ride, AND AROUSED because of the special saddle into which I had been attached. There was a small plug extending from the saddle into my butt, my testicles and penis was wrapped into a leather pouch that was in turn fastened to the front of the saddle, and my legs and feet were tightly bound to the strap going from the saddle under the horse. I was thrilled by the entire experience and I could see the enjoyment my master was having giving me this experience. I was continuing to become more emotionally attached to my master. He started to explain about his estate through which we were riding and when we stopped on top of a hill overlooking the stables he then explained about his two unusual stable hands. "Miguel and Alex are former slaves. They decided to stay on after I freed them. Their slavery was voluntary and contingent on a period of service. I've allowed them to stay on if they would dress specifically for my own enjoyment when seeing them. Quite impressive aren't they?" "Yes master." I was matching up the name Miguel with the guy with the dark complexion, and the brown 7 inch [18 cm] penis and darker pendulous testicles. Alex was blond with a 6½ inch [16½ cm] penis and even larger testicles. I was grateful that for this ride my penis was free to engorge. I was hoping that my master was going to allow me to have an orgasm this evening. Of course, if the horse kept bouncing me as earlier, I may have an orgasm much sooner. I was looking at the stable and I realized that my master was looking at me. "Boy, you on the other hand I will be keeping as a permanent slave. And I am proud of how far you have come in just a couple weeks." That night, if possible, our sex was even more satisfying. I was now wanting to do all I could to please my master. Somehow it makes things even better for me. As I was falling to sleep in my masters black arms, I was wondering how come he had not tortured me since that first day. (OK, according to Rule One, My body belonged to my master to do with what he wants). I wondered what he'd do if he also felt the pain that I felt. Of course thinking about the several punishments I've endured this past week, for some reason the IDEA of it still got me aroused. How weird is that? After my usual morning ritual my master looked over all my holes – the newly manufactured ones – and announced: "I think it's time for something special today boy." I sprang an instant hard boner. My master smiled.
Chapter 6I could not move a single portion of my body except my eyes. This was the something 'special.' I couldn't even move a single toe or finger. I was so aroused that I was now constantly dripping. I should have been scared witless but somehow I was just focused on my sexual arousal. My body was tightly strapped onto a padded table. Four straps encircled my horizontally stretched arms and four more held fast my legs quite wide apart. My feet were strapped onto projecting foot pads which had individual minor straps for each individual toes. My hands and fingers were likewise held immobile. A harness kept my head immovable. A severe mouth gag also kept my mouth and tongue in place. I was so aroused that my now free penis was dripping copiously.My naked master approached the table and hit a switch. The table gradually brought me into a vertical position. I was so tightly affixed to it that my body barely moved. I looked at my master's naked black body and if possible I became even more aroused. His black penis was sticking out a good seven inches [18 cm] indicating that he was possibly as aroused as I was. I suddenly had the thought that I was happy to see that I could so please my master. Of course there was a thought I could not erase from my mind that the last time I was immobilized was the last time my master tortured me. And although I was dreading that, I was still somehow happy to be forced into this situation. My thoughts were so mixed up. My master then removed the gag. I had to move my mouth to help relieve the stiff muscles. I knew better than to speak though. I watched intently as my master picked up a small object from nearby bench. "Listen closely boy. I will be subjecting you to a moderate amount of torture this evening. We are months away from really severe pain but I need to know how you are able to cope with what we do tonight." I could not help it. I started crying. I almost disobeyed rule four and begged him not to hurt me again like this. It took a lot of will power but I resisted. "Listen very carefully. I want you to do the following. I want you to resist yelling or screaming as long as possible. Will you do that boy?" Through my tears I answered: "Yes master." "Also I want you to resist as long as possible from begging me to stop the torture. Will you do that?" "Yes master." I was pretty sure that I would not last very long. Strangely, later when my master interrogated me about what I was thinking when I was being tortured, it never occurred to me to think he had no right to do this to me. I just wanted it to stop – but realized it wouldn't. "Good. This small object has a strong internal battery and will inflict electrical shocks when it touches you. As long as I keep touching your skin you will experience a continuous series of painful shocks." At this he touched my navel area and I tried my best not to yell. I tried. I really tried. But only after a few moments all I could think about was stopping the pain. Then he moved the thing to one of my nipples. It was worse. I started yelling and screaming. I felt so helpless. He kept moving it back and forth. All I could think about was the pain. Then he stopped and all I could think about was relief. I was whimpering and then yelled in fright as he moved his hand to my penis. After the first touch I couldn't take any more. But while he kept touching me I couldn't make any words. After quite a while he stopped again and through my tears I begged him no more. I had held out as long as possible. "Master, please no more. Please." But he had this weird look. And I could see that he was aroused. His black penis was pointing straight out. "Boy, you need to do better than this. It was only half strength and you only lasted several minutes. I'm really disappointed." But I was so relieved when he returned the table to lying flat. My master then released my feet and legs and his touches were so completely arousing I never wanted him to stop. Even when he attached my ankle cuffs to a long bar stretching them wide apart again and this in turn he attached to a cable and hitting a remote, my legs were stretched far over my head. I then knew what he was doing and my only thoughts were that he'd also let me have an orgasm too. He lubed up my butt hole and inserted a couple fingers. When he then also grabbed my penis I was on the verge. I blocked out everything else. But just as I felt on the edge he stopped and I moaned in frustration. "Please master. Please let me cum!" I realized my mistake as soon as I spoke. It was against rule seven. I knew I was going to be punished. "Ah boy. You know you are not allowed to speak unless invited. You DO know that I must punish you for this infraction boy. Do you agree?" "Yes master." I would have been more worried if I had then known what he had in mind. And I realized later that even without my transgression, the following torture would still have happened. Strangely, the entire time I watched him preparing my next ordeal I was as hard as a rock. He wheeled over a small cabinet and removed several items including some wires. Now I got really scared. He picked up this small tube shaped butt plug, lubed it well, and gradually inserted it into my butt. He twisted it enough that I was really revved up again. He then turned the bottom portion and I could feel part of the plug expand. I moaned as I started getting pretty uncomfortable. But at the same time I WANTED it there. I was now possibly as aroused as any time in my life. But he wasn't finished. My master then picked up a slender rod, lubed it also, and I was pretty shocked when he grabbed my throbbing penis and started pushing the end of the rod into my piss slit. I never felt anything like this before and was both scared and excited. Fortunately it didn't hurt too much and by the time the rod was shoved in at least five inches [12 cm], I was moaning with both excitement and arousal. If my master had kept touching my penis much longer I would have had an orgasm. My master brought me back reality when he attached wires from the cabinet to both the rod and to my butt plug. I was totally scared again. I almost broke a rule by speaking and only remembered just in time. "OK boy. We won't use any of the other connections this time. And only low voltage. You will really like this!" I could see by his breathing and actions that he was sure liking this himself. I then had a weird stray thought. I was glad that I could arouse my master like this. He was also smiling as he hit something on the remote again. WOW. I felt the tingling in both my butt and penis. It was sort of a sharp feeling but the minor pain was totally overshadowed by the other feelings I was having. I could not stop moaning. But then suddenly I felt a very sharp sting. And another. And another. My entire penis and butt started to spasm. I couldn't help but scream. As each jolt hit me it got worse. Pretty soon, I couldn't stop screaming as my butt and legs would not stop shaking. "STOP! PLEASE STOP! Master, PLEASE!" But then it got so bad I couldn't think about anything but the pain in my genitals and butt, and even deep inside. It got so bad that eventually I sort of felt like it was happening to me yet I was just observing it also. Like I was somehow only partly connected to my body. Finally it stopped and I could only think about one thing. Please no more. Please. But then with the pain suddenly gone I was startled as my master pulled out the rod and plug, grabbed me by my hips, and shoved his large black penis into my butt. He kept going and going and suddenly I felt my self climaxing. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. I felt my rectal muscles clamp tight and then my master was moaning louder then I was. After he collapsed on top of me, I was not only feeling so pleased with my own orgasm, but a small part of me also was glad for my master. Soon my master was releasing me from my bondage and my legs felt like rubber. He actually carried me to the elevator, and brought me to the suite of rooms that included his bedroom and walk-in shower, and Jacuzzi like tub. It was warm and ready to go. It felt wonderful. All the while my master was saying how fantastic I was and how much he loved me, and how he would always care for me. I was starting to believe him even if I realized that his 'taking care of me' included some periods of torture. And I even had the thought that just maybe I could put up with the torture sessions if all the other great things came with it. Of course I then remembered his words: "We are months away from really severe pain." And I got scared all over again. My feelings were at war. I wanted my master to 'take care of me.' But I couldn't believe that I could take any worse than I had this evening. Then I had the thought that it didn't matter. As my master said on a number of occasions, I ALREADY WAS his permanent slave. And as my master attached a short chain which connected my right wrist cuff to a well anchored ring in the wall above after I was placed into the hot Jacuzzi, I realized that he was determined that I will REMAIN his permanent slave. As he sat me onto of his lap and was soaping me up, I decided to just let things happen for now. I so much enjoyed his attentions and again my penis was as stiff as a metal rod. I could also feel his stiff member poking my butt. "What were you just thinking now boy? I could see you were momentarily distracted." I tried to explain both all the things I enjoyed about our relationship but then my great fears. "Mater, you mentioned about the torture getting even worse. I can't even believe that I can keep taking what you did to me tonight. I'm scared." My master looked concerned. "Thanks boy for being open about this. I can only say a few things. First you did great tonight. And those last jolts were actually as bad as I ever intended to do to you. And I am pretty sure, seeing how you are already responding, that a couple years from now you will be anticipating our torture sessions. I will go slowly. But I have to admit that I really get aroused by torturing you. I also like our times of easy intimacy. I think that our sex tonight will be as good as we have had. We need to talk about this some more, but I want to ask a very important question. You know that you are being trained as my permanent slave. And we are only partway there. Soon I will be putting you into more restrictive bondage. I want you to tell me how you feel about this." I was totally mixed up. I knew that a lot of this had me REALLY sexually aroused. And as long as I could also enjoy are lives together, and not just the sex stuff, I was actually excited about being his slave. But then I get worried about the torture stuff and also will I really be allowed to participate in other aspects of my master's life. And somehow my master was able to coax all of this out of me. I could not help crying, not because I was sad, but merely because it was also overwhelmingly emotional. I then repeated my worst fear. "Master, I really like the idea of being your slave. Especially if what you mentioned about you also training me to be you partner. But I am so scared about this torture stuff. I'm sorry." "I think this is as good as I could have hoped for right now. I am very pleased boy. But also remember. You have no choice. I intend to never allow you one. You WILL be my slave and I expect you to obey me and follow all my rules. In fact very soon all your new holes will be healed and your restrictive bondage will not only get more severe, but except for our nights together, and the occasional trip away from this estate, your bondage, to one extent or another, will always be maintained." Instead of this causing me worry, I was for some strange reason excited about this prospect. This part of my slavery I somehow liked. What I also found to my liking, was the almost continuous companionship with my master. And in spite of being a 'slave' I really have never been made to do too much work. I liked that too. Then I had another thought. "Master, is there something wrong with me?" "Why do you ask this boy?" "Well, when you talk about this bondage stuff and slave stuff I get all excited. All this being chained to this wall for example I LIKE. I was wondering if something was wrong with me." "Definitely not boy. Many people get excited by this stuff. It can be quite sexually arousing to some people. And this was part of the reason why I decided to buy you. Because I believe as long as I still treat you as a person, I think you will be happy as my slave." The sex we had that night and the next morning was fantastic. I really liked submitting myself to him this way. And somehow all that torture from the evening before seemed to enhance the sex we had that night. I decided to just let things happen. I had no other choice anyway. And my master, after securing my foot to its usual ring, mentioned that we would be going to a special dentist the next day. I was wondering if this was about the trouble I was recently experiencing with my teeth. Well I decided to worry about it tomorrow. I WAS excited about the trip itself. And about what my master just started doing with my testicles and penis. And for the first time that night he had me lick all around his own butt hole. At first I was repulsed, but after 10 swats with the heavy strap I was convinced to obey. And later I was wondering how come I so upset by being forced to do this. My master did it to me all the time and I loved it. So I guess it was only fair. And besides, I started to get turned on by it after all.
Chapter 7The next morning, after all the usual bathroom duties and serving my master his breakfast, my master said he had a surprise for me. So as soon as I finished clearing the dining room table, he led me by my leash into the anti-room for his huge garage. And I saw this weird looking wheel chair."I had this specially built Chen. It should be comfortable since I had it made to your specifications. Let's get you installed." Just hearing the word 'installed' had me so exited. As I was led to the chair I realized that it was much more than a wheel chair. It did have these small fat wheels but it was actually built onto a solid platform. The seat and high back were padded and when I looked at the seat I gasped at what I saw. There was a rather large dildo-like projection sticking up from the seat near the back. "That thing not only swivels and can be inflated, but it also is perfectly situated for your butt." My master made me sit down on the thing and it wasn't overly large. I was thankful for that. But then he hit a button on a remote and the thing started expanding inside me. I started squirming and could not stop from squealing as it got bigger and bigger. Just when I thought it was getting TOO big, it stopped. But I was now truly anchored. My master then made short work with my 'installation.' My legs were placed into two grooved and padded foot rests and then these plates were placed over my legs. When all the clips were engaged, my feet and legs were totally unable to move. Then two wide straps were fitted around my stomach area and then my upper chest. And pulled pretty tight. My arms and hands were then placed into hollows perfectly shaped for them and again when padded plates were clipped into place, my hands were forced into fists and they and my arms were now also totally immobile. The only thing I could now move was my head. My penis was rigidly standing up and even leaking. Then my wide leather collar was hooked to rings to either side of my neck. Finally, my master brought over this molded form that totally covered my body from neck to feet. My entire body was now being held immobile within this chair. Grips in the back, along with electrical controls, allowed my master to bring me anywhere he wanted. I was then wheeled out into the immense garage and wheeled over to a large van. But instead of being put into the back somewhere, I was delighted to see that there was an actual compartment beside the driver position into which my chair was locked into place. "What do you think boy?" "This was the first time my master gave me permission to speak during the entire operation. I also knew that when we got back I would be punished for that gasping noise I inadvertently made. But right now I was too excited not only about the trip, but also by my such total immobility within the maw of this chair. "Master this is amazing. Wow. I am so hard right now I think my penis is going to explode. May I ask where we are going?" "First I am so glad you like your restrictive bondage. This is almost as severe as it will ever be. As to where we are going, we are going to a special dentist friend of mine. A while back you were administered a drug, and during the past couple weeks this same drug had been put into your food. You may have noticed that your teeth have become slightly loosened recently. Today we will be removing all of your teeth." I couldn't help myself. I was shocked by this announcement. "But you can't do this to me. I can't eat without my teeth. Master please." I realized I was going to be punished for this outburst but right now didn't care. I can't loose all my teeth! My master touched control on remote and I felt quite a bad jolt in my rectum. I couldn't help yelling. But it did make me stop complaining. "Chen. Who is your master?" "You are master." I said through some tears. "And who decides everything that happens to you?" "You do master." "Good. Remember that. All additional responses on your part that do not completely allow this to happen will be severely punished. You understand the gravity of this boy?" Through silent tears I agreed. The trip was not quite as exciting anymore, and I felt grave dread when we arrived at a warehouse type building and drove inside. I was quickly wheeled into a small room that was set up as a dentist's office. Well there was a dentist's chair and several trays and a cabinet. I was quite shaking when a perfectly normal looking man entered behind my master and myself. He spoke: "Ah, so this is the boy. He's so young for this. Are you sure?" My master responded: "Definitely. The medication had already done its job. All his teeth should be loose by now. And his oral inserts are already being made." The dentist looked at me with some concern. "You ready for this boy? It can't be undone." I was too frightened to answer. I looked pleadingly at my master. It was he that answered for me. "He is a slave, and therefore has no say in what I want done. It is my decision to decide if I will take his wants and desires into account. Isn't that right boy?" My master smiled as he looked right at me. I shuddered but replied: "Yes master." And for some reason I found that I was ragingly aroused. My master then told the dentist that I need not change chairs. Ten minutes later my mouth was stretched wide open, a suction tube was inserted, and the dentist had administered several ampoules of Novocain. I was wondering how my mouth would feel with no teeth.