PZA Boy Stories

William Rush

The Fortunate Ones


A series in three parts.

I. Charlie & Calvin. (25,500 words / 51 pages)
This part follows the life a young boy named Charlie who is forced to live in a demented institution. It is intended to be a realistic look at the experience of abuse from the viewpoint of a child. It is much darker than my other stories. There are brief episodes of extreme violence and Sado-masochism, so if this offends you, then this story will not be something you'll want to read.

II. The Lost (14,000 words / 28 pages)
This part appears to already be infamous for it's violent portrayal of the abuse of a young boy named Zack Dillon who tries to escape the clutches of the 'Home'. It is told in a third person narative and has the most graphic scenes of abuse I've ever written. If the original The Fortunate Ones disturbed you, then I highly recommend skipping this story.

Publ. Oct 2009
Finished 42,500 words (85 pages)


Charlie (11yo), Calvin (7yo), Zack (10yo) and Anton

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mb tb bbnc/reluc mast oral anal – I: med spank; II: spank pierc bdsm

Disclaimer & Author's note

The content and opinions expressed in this story are not necessarily the personal view of the story's author and not necessarily those of anyone responsible for this archive or website.
This story contains depictions of sexually explicit erotic acts. In some cases these acts may be of a homosexual nature, if this is illegal where you are at, please stop reading now.
This story depicts simulated sexual acts between adults and minors and scenes of graphic violence. If this type of material is offensive to you, then stop reading now. By reading further you declare or affirm that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to read this material, furthermore you declare that you will not hold the author and the archive or website publishing this story liable for any damages incurred from reading this story.
The author grants permission for this work and all his other works to be reposted on any site as long as the site does not charge for membership and as long as it is legal to post the story on that site and that there is no illegal intent when posting the story. If a site charges membership, Permission must be granted prior to allowing the story to be published. The author retains all rights to the story and permission to publish this story does not alter or transfer those rights.
This is a work of fiction and as such, should be treated as that. I do not endorse anything that happens in this story, nor do I encourage anyone to participate in any activities like this. This is fantasy. If you feel that you are in danger of molesting or harming a child, then you should seek immediate psychiatric help. Remember in most countries there's nothing illegal about having those thought, but if you act on them that's an entirely different matter. Any similarities to real people or places, is completely coincidental.
This story is a work of fiction.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


I. Charlie & Calvin

This part follows the life a young boy named Charlie who is forced to live in a demented institution

Charlie (11yo) and Calvin (7yo)
Mb tb bbnc/reluc mast oral anal – med spank

Chapter 1

I was twelve when my father finally got caught in a scheme, well, caught before he could skip town. He was passing himself off as a painter, which in a previous life he had been, and he'd agreed to paint the only baptist church in a small town in the south, I can't remember its name. The congregation had gotten money together to pay my father so that he could buy some school clothes for my brother and I and make sure that we had food in our bellies.

We were cute boys, my brother and I. My brother was seven and I was almost twelve. We both had dark black hair and green eyes, with slender builds, yet we weren't skinny or muscular, just that slim body boys get when they are allowed to play and have their way with the world. We spent a great deal of our time outside, but even with our time in the sun, there was rarely ever a tan to show for it. It seemed my brother and I would be forever pale.

We were attending church the Sunday before my father was supposed to paint the building. He had packed up the stuff we'd accumulated over seven years of drifting into our car and parked it in the empty part of the parking lot. It was all going along pretty much like every other time. My father sat in the second row behind the preacher and the preacher's fiance, as the preacher welcomed him as a new member to the congregation.

The preacher told the congregation what a blessing my family was to the congregation. He said if only my brother and I could grew up to be half the man our father was, that we'd be shining examples of God's work.

My father had tears in his eyes, he always did when the preachers made this speech. The preacher's fiance handed him her hankerchief and my father blew his nose and handed it back to her. She declined with an uneasy smile.

The preacher explained to the congregation what an honor it was for them to be able to help such a good man in need, and the crowd gave their amens and nods of approval. Then the preacher moved on to announcements and I thought that was that, but it wasn't.

As the sermon wound down the Preacher looked out at the people staring up at him and asked if anyone had a testimonial to share with the congregation.

"I've got something to say preacher," my father said, raising his hand. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all Henry," the preacher said.

My father stood before the congregation with tears in his eyes and a hand over his heart. He could barely speak as he looked out over the crowd in front of him.

"I just want you to know," He said, stuttered a bit as he shifting from foot to foot, his head bowed. "That this is the kindest thing anyone's ever done for me and my boys and there's no way I can ever repay you, except to say thank you and thank Jesus for puttin' people like you in my life."

At that moment the crowd started clapping and saying amen, I don't think anyone heard the man hollering in the back of the church, or even noticed as he pushed his way to the aisle, pointing at my father, his face red as an apple.

"Shut up! Shut up!" The man yelled as he walked towards my father, stabbing the air with his finger like it was a knife.

"You," the man said. "I know you!"

"Mr. Williams," the preacher said, as he jumped down from the podium and grabbed the man. I guess he'd seen enough violence to know what that man intended.

As the preacher held the man back, Mr. Williams continued to shout, "I know you! I know you! You thought I'd forgot, but I know you!"

"Calm down Mr Williams," the preacher said, still standing between the man and my father.

My father had told me to leave, not with his mouth, but with his eyes, he looked at me and the door on the side of the church. I started to slide towards the end of the pew when a man from behind grabbed my arm and held me. I looked at my father and I saw it in his eyes, we were done.

"No, I wont!" The man screamed trying to get past the preacher, two men jumped up to hold him back. "He stole five hundred dollars from me!"

"I never met you before," my father said. "you must think I'm someone else."

"You aint no one but you," the man said. "I wasn't sure when I first saw you, then you said the same thing, the same exact words. You didn't even have the decency to think up a new lie for these people?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," my father said.

"And your boys," Mr Williams said, pointing at us. "You still got them. You still do this with your boys?"

"I aint never done nothing wrong with my boys," my father said.

"You lie in front of them," Mr Williams said. "You cheat in front of them. You steal in front of them. And you don't do nothing wrong with those boys?"

Mr Williams turned to me and my brother and said, "Andy. Patrick. I haven't got anything but love in my heart for you two. I know you can't help what your father does."

To be honest I wasn't feeling an awful lot of love coming from this guy, but at that moment, that was the least of my problems.

"Check his car," Mr. Williams shouted as a sheriff walked down the aisle towards them. "I bet he was going to leave right after church got out."

"Alright," the sheriff said. "Settle down now. It aint right to carry on like this in the house of the Lord."

"Thank you sheriff," my father said.

"You shut up," Mr. Williams screamed. "You have no right to speak in this house! No right at all!"

"Come on fellas," the sheriff said. "Lets take this outside and sort this out."

"My boys," my father said as he stepped down and followed the sheriff.

"They can wait in here," the sheriff said. "Ms Parker will you watch the boys while we sort this out outside?"

"Of course I will," Ms Parker said as she looked to see we had slid halfway down the pew. "Carl let that boy's arm go."

Carl let my arm go. I rubbed it, acting like it had hurt, but it hadn't. I just didn't know what else to do.

I watched as my father walked down the aisle on one side of the sheriff, Mr. Williams on the other. The preacher started up again as soon as the door closed behind them and I knew I had to get my brother out of there.

"I've got to go," I whispered to Ms. Parker.

"It's alright honey," Ms Parker said, patting me on the cheek. "The sheriff will sort this mess out."

"No ma'am," I said in an urgent whisper. "I've got to go!"

"Oh!" The woman said, as she stood up and took me by the hand.

"Charlotte?" the preacher said, stopping in the middle of the service.

"The boys got to go to the bathroom," Ms Parker said to the preacher.

"Oh," the preacher said. "Carry on then."

I can remember their eyes. Each one looking at me as I walked past them. I knew in my heart they'd found me out. They knew I didn't mean to go to the bathroom at all, that I was just going to get in there, find a window and get out.

Ms Parker stayed with me all the way to the bathroom, she even tried to come in with me, but I looked at her, as I held my crotch in my hand.

"I can go by myself," I said.

"Of course you can," she said.

"I got to go too," James said.

"You'll have to wait for your brother to finish dear," she said.

"Can't he help me?" James asked.

"I can help him," I said pulling James inside with me, then closing the door and locking it.

"Don't take too long boys," Ms. Parker said from the other side of the door.

I turned on a faucet and headed to the window and tried to pull it open, but it was stuck. I dug in my pocket and pulled out my swiss army knife, the only thing I could remember having for more than a year without having to leave it behind somewhere.

"Listen at the door," I whispered to James as I scraped away at the paint holding the window shut.

James kept his ear against the door, looking over at me now and again to see if the window was open. I kept scraping the paint away. Every once in awhile Ms. Parker would ask if we were okay and James would tell her we were fine, he just couldn't go yet.

It took me four minutes to open the window. As soon as it opened James ran over to it and I helped him climb out. Once he had gone through I crawled through myself, only to find myself staring at my brothers sneakers and some slick black dress shoes.

I stared up and saw a deputy looking down at me with a smile on his face. 'Everything has to end sometime,' I thought to myself as the Deputy grabbed my wrist and dragged my brother and I towards the front of the church.

"I caught them coming out the bathroom window sir," the deputy hollered out as he caught sight of the sheriff putting my father in the back of his police car.

"He's not telling me his real name," the sheriff said as we approached him. "He had five different I.D.s in his glovebox. Can you believe it? He looks like a John to me."

It had been so long since I had heard my father's name, I had almost forgotten it myself. I watched as the sheriff went to talk to Mr. Williams. I stared at my father in the back of the police car, his head leaning back, not even looking at me, lost in the revelation that his freedom had just been taken from him.

"Take them down to the station," the sheriff said. "Don't want them giving Ms. Parker the slip again."

The deputy walked us over to his car and opened the door, I stared at him, then my father.

"Get in," the deputy said, pushing me in the car, my brother following me. "You guys buckle up."

"What's going to happen Charlie?" My brother asked, as the deputy closed the door behind us.

"Don't call me that," I hollered at him. "You can't tell them our names, you promised."

"I'm sorry," my brother said. "I wont say it again."

"It's okay," I said. "He didn't hear you."

"The windows open you ass," the deputy hollered. "I heard him clear as rain Charlie."

"Damn," I said, kicking the seat.

The deputy laughed, as he walked around to the front of the car and climbed in. Regret leaves you wishing things were different, I'm sure my father did.

Chapter 2

My father had no way of knowing that a mark he had swindled five hundred dollars from four years ago in Arizona, would be in the congregation that day. It's bad luck, that's all, but it did present a problem, at least in the terms of his innocence.

If he had not packed the car, if he had not swindled three thousand dollars from a Presbyterian church, five hundred of those dollars from Mr. Williams own pocket, then he might've just been able to say they were mistaken, the problem was he had done all those things.

I was sitting in a small office at the county jail. The sheriff looked at me.

"One more time, what's your last name Charlie?" the sheriff asked.

"I want to speak to my attorney," I said.

"You're not under arrest Charlie," the sheriff said. "I'm just asking you your last name."

I stared at him in silence.

"Fine," the sheriff said, then stood up and walked towards the door. "Maybe your brother will be more cooperative."

"He wont tell you anything," I said. "Don't waste your time."

"We'll see," the sheriff said, closing the door behind him.

I waited in the room for ten minutes before I heard the sheriff shout, "What the fuck is wrong with these kids?"

I smiled, wondering if my brother had kicked him.

The door swung open and the sheriff walked in and pulled me out by the scruff of the neck.

"You want to act like an adult," the sheriff said. "We'll treat you like adults. Bring his brother to cell two."

"You can't put us in jail," I shouted. "We're juveniles."

"I can do what ever the hell I want kid," the sheriff said. "Lets just hope no one else is in the cell waiting for you."

"You can't do this," I screamed, trying to pull away from the sheriff.

"Don't fight me boy," the sheriff said as he dragged me down a hall into a bare white room and pushed me towards a counter.

He went over to a cabinet and grabbed a plastic glove and placed it over his hand.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, having watched enough television to get a general idea.

"Got to give you a cavity search if we're going to take you to cell two," the sheriff said. "Your brother too, Charlie."

"We're kids," I said. "You can't do that."

"I can and will," the sheriff said. "Now drop them."

"No," I shouted.

"Don't make me pull them down," the sheriff said as he walked towards me. "Or you'll be getting more than a cavity search before you leave this room."

"Tice," I said, as he reached out to grab me.

"What?" The sheriff asked.

"My last name is Tice," I said. "My brother's name is Calvin."

"See," the sheriff said, taking the glove off.

"You're an asshole," I said.

"Language boy," the sheriff said.

Calvin and I waited in the lobby of the sheriff's office. The sheriff had handcuffed our ankles to the chairs as a precaution.

"Jesus Christ Steve," a woman said. "Handcuffs?"

"They tried to run away," the deputy said.

"No we didn't," I said.

"Shut up," the deputy said.

"Don't talk to them like that, they're kids," the woman said as the deputy released us from the cuffs. "You can't handle two kids?"

"We didn't want them gettin' away," the deputy said. "Besides it aint like we can lock them up back there."

"Steve," the woman said. "If I ever come in here and find a child handcuffed again, I'm going to make sure that you will regret it in the worst way. Are we clear?"

"It aint like we hurt them," the deputy said.

"He squeezed my arm real hard," Calvin said, pulling up his shirt sleeve.

"Come on boys," the woman said, as she glared at Deputy Steve. "I'm going to take you to your new home."

"When are we going to see our dad?" I asked.

"Not for awhile I'm afraid," the woman said. "Until you do, you're going to have to sleep somewhere right?"

I nodded my head, not feeling at all happy about what was happening.

"Then lets get going," she said. "I guarantee you'll like this place."

We followed the woman to her car and got in. She drove for a long time before we reached our new home. It was a single story building inside a chain link fence with razor wire on top.

"You're taking us to jail?" I said, almost in tears.

"It's not jail," she said. "It's a home."

"Homes don't have chain link fences with barbwire on top," I said.

"Don't mind that," she said, pointing over to a group of children playing in a yard. "See they're not locked up."

"It still looks like a jail," I said, as a guard opened the gate and the car passed through.

"Do we have to stay here?" Calvin asked. "Can't we stay with our dad?"

"Dads in jail stupid," I said.

"Don't call your brother stupid," the woman said. "Don't worry Calvin, you'll love it here."

I had my doubts about that at the time, ends up I was right.

Chapter 3

The nice lady, Lisa Simms was her name, led us inside the building. As we entered I saw a tall muscular man with light brown hair and glasses sitting behind a desk by the only other door in the lobby, if you could call it that. The man's name was Steven Brady, every time Ms. Simms wasn't looking, he'd glance at me and my brother, and then look away quickly like he was doing something wrong. If I knew anything it's guilt. Ms. Simms explained the situation to Mr. Brady, but it didn't seem like he was paying much attention.

"Can't we stay with you Ms. Simms?" I asked, trying hard not to tremble.

"You'll be fine," Ms. Simms said, smiling at me. "I come here all the time and I'll be sure and check on you, besides they have a phone here. If you need me, all you need to do is call."

"I don't want to stay here," I said, almost in tears.

"I know honey," Ms. Simms said. "Mr. Brady will watch out for you, wont you Mr. Brady."

"Yeah," Mr. Brady said, smiling at us. "I wont let them out of my sight."

"See," Ms. Simms said. "Mr. Brady will take good care of you."

As I watched her leave an emptiness came over me. Mr. Brady looked at me and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Before Ms. Simms had even reached her car, Mr. Brady walked over and unlocked the other door.

"Come on you two," Mr. Brady said. "You'll be here for awhile, might as well get used to it."

As we walked through the door Mr. Brady reached out and stroked Calvin's hair. Calvin tensed up and pulled his head away.

"Now, now," Mr. Brady said. "I'm just trying to be friendly."

"He's shy," I said, pulling Calvin towards me.

I followed Mr. Brady down the hallway holding Calvin's hand. He led us to a small room with two doctor's table. It had cabinets and counters running along the wall and a small curtain to separate the two tables.

"Take your clothes off and hop on the tables boys," Mr. Brady said, looking at us.

"Why do we have to take our clothes off?" I asked.

"You know," Mr. Brady said, walking towards me. "You ask a lot of questions."

"I'm sorry," I said, stepping back.

"Get those damn clothes off and get on the tables!" Mr. Brady said in a loud voice.

Calvin jumped, then started to pull his shirt off, I hesitated for a second, then joined him.

"Good boys," Mr. Brady said. "Now was that so hard?"

My brother had taken his pants off and was standing in his socks and fruit of the looms. I could tell he was nervous.

"Those too," he said, pointing to my brother's underwear.

"Why does he have to take his underwear off?" I asked.

"One more fucking question from you and I'm going to smack you so hard, you'll feel it for a week," Mr. Brady screamed.

He started to walk towards Calvin and I hopped between them, my pants around my ankles, nearly naked.

"What the fuck," Mr. Brady said in a low voice, as he grabbed me by the shoulder and then slapped me across the face so hard I fell down.

My cheek felt like it was on fire, I sat on the floor sobbing, watching as Mr. Brady grabbed my brother's underwear and pulled them down in one swift motion.

"Step out of them," He said in a cold commanding voice.

Calvin did as he said, and Mr. Brady tossed the underwear with the rest of my brother's clothes.

"Socks too," he said, lifting my brother up onto one of the tables.

"You hit him," Calvin said, trembling.

"Yeah," Mr. Brady said. "And I'll hit him again if he doesn't listen."

"You can't hit me," I said, trying to convince myself that was the truth. "I'm a juvenile."

"Fucking aye," Mr. Brady said, turning to me. "I can tell you're going to be a hard case."

"Don't hit him," Calvin said grabbing the man's arm.

Mr. Brady turned to Calvin and smiled, reaching out to stroke his hair again.

"You're such a good boy," Mr. Brady said. "You know that?"

Calvin just sat there, still as could be, letting the man stroke his hair. Mr. Brady put his hand on Calvin's thigh and smiled, turning to look at me.

I thought about jumping at the man, but before I could the door opened and a short balding man with glasses, dressed in slacks and a lab coat, walked in.

"What's going on Bob?" He said, looking at me on the floor, holding my cheek, then at Mr. Brady standing next to Calvin.

"Just getting them ready for you doc," Mr. Brady said.

"That's not your job Bob," the man said.

"Just thought I'd help out a little," Mr. Brady said, stepping away from my brother.

"I think you've helped enough," the doctor said. "Now get out."

Mr. Brady paused, anger flashing across his face, then without saying anything he headed towards the door. As Mr. Brady left another man in a light blue set of scrubbs slipped by him.

"Are you alright?" The doctor said, as he reached out his hand and helped me to stand up.

"He hit me," I said.

"That looks like it hurts," the doctor said, pulling my hand away from my cheek. "Roger get an ice pack, would you?"

"Yeah doc," the man in the scrubbs said, as he walked over to a cabinet and unlocked it.

"How are you little man," the doctor asked my brother.

"He's an ass," my brother said.

"I wouldn't call him that to his face," the doc said. "But you're right, Mr. Brady is an ass."

The doctor patted my brothers leg and turned to me.

"Finish undressing and hop on the table boy," the man said, as he looked around the room. "For God's sake, where are your records?"

"I'll get them," Roger said, handing me an ice pack. "Put that on your cheek, it'll keep it from swelling."

I did as the man told me, trying hard to pull down my underwear with just one hand. The doctor laughed and walked over to me.

"Let me help," he said in a cheerful voice, as he reached out and grabbed my underwear and pulled them down. "There you go. Up on the table now."

I climbed up on the table and watched the doctor, wondering why we didn't have robes or anything else to wear while we waited. In fact, I could see some hanging on the wall behind the doctor, small ones that obviously were for kids.

"Can we put those robes on?" I asked.

"No need to now," the doctor said. "You'll just have to take them off anyways."

The door opened and Roger came in carrying two files.

"Not much on them sir," Roger said as he handed the doctor the files.

"Great," the doctor said in an irritated voice, as he looking over the files himself. "Well we have to give you a full exam to make sure you two aren't sick."

"I'm not sick," Calvin said. "I feel fine."

The doctor smiled, "well I'm happy to hear that, but we still have to check."

"Do you want me to get a speculum sir?" Roger said in a funny voice.

"Sure," the doc said, "We might need it to make sure they haven't 3; you know."

Roger nodded and walked towards the cabinet.

"Two Roger," the doctor said, smiling again. "We have two boys here after all."

Roger came back with two long metal round objects inside glass tubes and set them on a stand. He started to pull out other things from the cabinet and place them on the stand as well.

"It's alright boys," the doctor said almost absentmindedly, as he looked over the notes. "We have to take your measurements and weight first, we wont be using those for awhile."

"Now Charlie," he said as he stood by me. "Lay back on the table for me and relax."

Roger walked behind the doctor and pulled the curtain so that I couldn't see Calvin.

"Can't you keep the curtain open?" I asked.

"Oh no," the doctor said. "You need your privacy."

"It's okay I don't mind," I said.

"I know, but I do," the doctor said, patting me on the leg.

"Roger," the doctor said. "Could you get Calvin a robe and sit with him in the hall for a bit, while I ask his brother some questions?"

"Sure doc," Roger said, I watched as he led Calvin out the door.

Chapter 4

"Will he be alright?" I asked.

"Certainly," the doctor said. "Roger is very good with little boys, he'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about."

"I'm not sick," I said.

"I'm sure you're not," the doctor said. "But I have to be sure anyways."

I nodded as I felt him put his hands on my stomach and push in.

"Does that hurt?" The doctor asked.

"No," I said.

The doctor continued to push down on different parts of my stomach and each time I told him it didn't hurt. It wasn't until I felt him push against my abdomen that I started to get nervous.

"Okay Charlie," the doctor said. "We're going to have to check for hernias now. Do you know what that means?"

"No," I said.

"Oh," the doctor said sounding a bit surprised. "Well I have to feel your testicles and penis first to make sure that they don't have any hernias, okay?"

"Okay," I said, a bit uncertain.

The doctor reached down and started to roll my testicles in his fingers, while his other hand lifted my little hairless penis up and began to stroke it.

"Ah, circumcised I see," the doctor said. "Does this hurt?"

"No," I said nervously, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

He continued to stroke my penis and roll my testicles around. I could feel my penis stiffening in his hands.

"Please," I said.

"Please what Charlie?" the doctor asked.

"Please don't," I said.

"I know this may be a bit awkward for you," the doctor said, continuing to stroke my penis, now impossibly stiff . "But it 's very important that we check to make sure your penis and testicles are working properly."

I looked at him, as he reached over to the stand and grabbed a tube that said KY on the side. He squirted some onto one of his hands and ran the thick gel over his fingers.

"This wont hurt," he said, smiling at me, as he started to rub the gel over my penis and balls. "I just don't want it getting red from all the rubbing."

I nodded, thinking that made sense.

"How old are you Charlie?" The doctor asked.

"I'm eleven, sir," I said, trembling. "I'll be twelve in six months."

"My," the doctor said, as he started to stroke my penis and balls again. "You are a big boy then, aren't you."

I tried not to feel his hands, but I couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in my penis. I saw the doctor reach over and grab a measuring tape. He ran the tape along the top of my penis and smiled again.

"Almost four inches [10 cm] long," the doctor said. "Quite a good size for someone your age."

I nodded, not really listening, just wanting him to finish the examination. He wrote something down on the charts and then began to stroke my penis once more. I felt the tingles start to get worse and started to groan.

"It's alright," the doctor said, continuing to stroke me. "Just let it happen my boy."

"Please doc," I said. "I'm going to pee."

"You wont pee," the doctor said laughing. "But if you do it's okay, it wouldn't be the first time."

I tensed up, wanting nothing more than for him to just stop, not able to take the tingling anymore. I was certain something was wrong with my penis, it had never felt like that before.

"Oh doc," I cried at as an incredibly intense feeling suddenly shot through my penis and then the rest of my body.

My penis jerked and throbbed in the doctor's hands. I tried to roll away, but he held me in place with his free hand until it stopped.

"Dry I see," the doctor said, smiling as I continued to convulse under his grip.

"Stop please!" I cried out.

"Just a little longer," the doctor said.

I sobbed, my penis was so sensitive that it was overwhelming me, I tried to sit up and pull his hands away, but he just pushed me back down and smiled.

"That's enough of that," he said, still continuing with his torturous strokes. "We have to make sure everything is working alright."

"Oh doc," I said. "That wasn't right, I know it wasn't."

"What do you mean boy?" the doctor asked.

"I peed but nothing came out," I said, sobbing.

The doctor suddenly broke out in laughter, then told me,"You didn't pee you ninny, that was an orgasm."

"Orgasm?" I asked.

"Yes, you came," the doctor asked, seeing if I knew what he was talking about.

He looked at me squeezing my balls lightly between his fingers, when I said nothing he said,"When your penis is stroked for awhile it will cum. You just don't have semen or cum in your testicles yet, but you will someday, and then it will start to get messy. Be thankful it's dry for now."

"But," I said, not understanding. "I don't want to feel it again."

"Oh you will little buddy," he said, smiling, "in fact you'll have to have at least one more cum before we're done."

And the doctor actually brought me to two more orgasms, each one as intense as the last, and the last one seemed to last forever. I couldn't take it and I was thrashing around so much I thought I'd fall off the table, but he was right I did like it at the end. When I stopped sobbing, his fingers were just helping my little stiff penis stand up in the air. I knew I wanted to have another one later.

"You can make yourself have a cum," the doctor said, as if he was reading my mind. "Just do what I did, just try to use lotion if you can, it'll keep it from getting sore."

"I don't want to do it three times though," I said.

"You don't have to," the doctor said. "You only have to do it as many times as you want."

"Well I think your cock and balls are fine," the doctor replied, patting me on the thigh.

I was shocked that he called my penis and testicles that, but not too shocked. So far this was not like any other medical examination I'd undergone and I was pretty sure that Calvin wasn't going to like it.

"Okay, roll over," the doctor said.

"Why?" I asked. "I have to look inside your bottom," the doctor replied.

"My bottom?" I said, not sure if I heard him right.

"Yes," the doctor said, picking up a strange metal cylinder contraption that was nearly seven inches [18 cm] long and easily an inch and half [4 cm] thick. "I'm going to put this inside your bottom and stretch it out, 'til I can fit that inside."

I looked at the glass tube he pointed too and was certain there was no way that he was going to be able to put that in my butt. It was just a little smaller than the metal thingy.

"Why do you have to put it inside?" I asked, unsure that the procedure was needed.

"To make sure you haven't had anything up there before," he said, as if it was obvious.

"I haven't," I said. "I promise I haven't."

"I'm sure you're right Charlie," the doctor said. "But a lot of boys say they haven't when they really have. I need to make sure you haven't hurt yourself in there."

"Please doctor," I said.

"If you don't get in position, I'll have to have Mr. Brady come in," the doctor said. "You don't want that do you?"

I shook my head.

"Good," he said as he guided me up onto my knees. "This wont take long at all."

As soon as I felt the doctor's fingers touch my bottom I tensed up.

"It's going to hurt if you don't relax," the doctor said, as ran his fingers gently in circles around my butthole.

"Please," I said. "I haven't had anything up there."

"Well after this you will," the doctor said, not sounding very kind or gentle anymore. "Now stay still and relax."

I felt a sharp pain shoot up my bottom as his finger pushed inside of me. I started to whimper as he moved his finger a little bit further inside me.

"Does that hurt," the doctor asked.

"Yes," I said. "A lot."

"Well that's unfortunate," the doctor said. "I'm going to have to stretch you a lot more before we'll be able to get the speculum inside you."

"Oh please," I begged. "I don't want to do this."

"Silly," the doctor said. "You're not doing anything."

I sobbed as the doctor started to push his finger in and out of my butt. I started to feel a full sensation and then he hit something inside me and I jumped.

"Ah," the doctor said. "I see you have a sensitive prostate."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Never mind," the doctor said. "It's just going to make your stay here a lot more bearable, I'm sure."

The doctor pulled his finger from my bottom, leaving me feeling suddenly empty. I looked over my shoulder and saw the doctor grab the metal cylinder thingy. He started to turn something on the bottom of the cylinder and it started to shrink in diameter and become thinner. Even when he finished, I wasn't sure if the metal thing was going to fit, but the doctor didn't seem to care, he just applied some of the K-Y to the contraption, then, as he looked at me, I felt the cold metal push painfully against my anus, causing me to whimper.

"Almost there boy," the doctor said. "That little anus is quite the fighter."

"Please stop," I begged as I felt an almost unbearable pressure on my butthole.

Then suddenly it slipped inside me, my first instinct was to try and crawl away, but the doctor followed me, then suddenly grabbed my balls and held on to them like a leash, causing me to cry out.

"Stay still," he hollered. "God, you'd think I was killing you."

"It hurts," I sobbed, feeling painful spasm around my hole and an even sharper pain jolting up my spine.

"I've seen seven year olds handle things twice as big as this," the doctor said. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"I'm sorry," I said. "It just hurts."

"Well it's got to be done," the doctor said. "And you wont be leaving this room until the insert is all the way in, so calm down and take it like a man, or at least a boy, because right now you're acting like a little girl."

I tried really hard to calm down, but I couldn't. The most I could do was just try to stay still and that was nearly impossible with the metal insert being pushed further up inside of me.

"Is it all the way in?" I asked, wanting nothing more than for this to be over.

"I'll tell you when it's in," the doctor said, still gripping my balls.

"My balls hurts doc," I said, causing the doc to loosen his grip on them a bit. The pain only lessening slightly.

I had no way of knowing that the speculum the doctor had chosen was one of the largest that they sold, I just knew that it seemed bigger than anything that should go up by bottom, which until that day I hadn't even realized things could go up my bottom.

"Just a bit more," the doctor said, as he slowly slid the remaining inch of the insert inside.

I felt the cold rim of the insert against my anus. I shivered not expecting what came next. I felt the doctor move the metal thing a bit and then suddenly it grew inside of my bottom, stretching my hole even wider. The stretching was unbearable and the pain I had felt before was nothing compared to the sharp painful stabs that shot out around my anus and insides. Even with the doctor gripping my balls, I lurched forward, not even thinking. I screamed and I was sure he had pulled my balls from my body. I collapsed on the table, my head laying limp on my forehead, my eyes open wide, just inches from the blue cover of the table. I could see a single spot where someone had torn a tiny hole in the blue plastic, and suddenly I thought I was inside that hole.

The doctor continued to stretch me out and each time was worse than the first time, but only for a moment, then I'd find myself in the hole again, not paying attention to the pain.

"You're doing much better," the doctor said. "Just one more twist and you'll be ready."

The last turn was the worst by far, the pain literally knocked the breath out of me. I could feel the doctor rubbing my back.

"Breathe Charlie," the doctor said. "Breathe, it's all done."

I sobbed, I could feel my body trembling uncontrollably, I felt more full than I'd ever felt before. The pain in my bottom was worse than any time I'd ever had to go to the bathroom, even when my father made me drink prune juice.

I felt him shifting something around inside my bottom then it suddenly felt like he was removing the plastic thing from my ass, but I realized something else was getting left behind.

"You're not getting it all," I told him, afraid he'd lose something in my bottom. "Some is still inside."

"That's the speculum," the doctor said. "It's why I stretched you in the first place."

I didn't say anything, suddenly feeling very stupid. The sharp pain had finally become a bearable dull pain. The only time it hurt bad, was when he moved the speculum in and out for the examination.

"Well you look fine in there," the doctor said. "But just in case, lets leave it in for a bit, give your insides time to contour to its shape."

I was certain my insides could not become any more contoured than they already were and I started to believe the doctor was just doing this because it hurt me. I didn't say anything though, I just kneeled there quietly, waiting inside the little hole in the table, knowing that it had to be over soon.

I let out a groan as I felt the doctor slowly remove the speculum from my ass. Again I felt empty, but I was happy to feel empty and I prayed nothing else would go up inside my bottom for as long as I lived.

Chapter 5

I stood on the scale as the doctor took my measurements. I was four foot nine inches [1.45 m] tall and eighty six and a half pounds [39 kg]. He said that was about as normal as you could get for my age, then patted me on the bottom.

"All done Charlie, time for you to go out in the hallway while I examine your brother," the doctor said as he led me to the door without a robe.

"I need a robe," I said, looking over my shoulder.

"No," the doctor said. "Robes are for good boys, you'll sit out in the hall naked, that will give you something to think about before you come in for your next examination."

"But I was good," I said, pushing against him as he led me to the door.

"All that carrying on?" The doctor said. "Hardly."

"Please doc," I begged him.

"That isn't going to change anything," the doctor said. "It just makes you look pitiful."

I started to feel like I was going to cry, but I didn't, I just let out one single sob. I felt suddenly very cold.

"Roger," the doctor said. "I'm ready for the next one."

"Come on," Roger said, holding my brother's hand.

A look of fear was on my brother's face as he passed me.

"Be brave boy," the doctor said. "Unlike your brother."

The door closed behind them and I wanted nothing more than to go in and be with my brother during the treatment, but instead I just stood there with my hands covering my penis and balls.

"Ah," Roger said, spying the K-Y still on my private parts. "I see the doctor gave you a full examination."

I nodded.

"Was it your first time?" Roger asked.

I nodded again.

"That's always rough," Roger said. "But it has to be done."

He looked at me shivering and pulled me close to his body and held me. I didn't really want him to do that, but I was to scared to stop him.

After a few minutes I heard my brother cry out. I wondered if it was because of the orgasms or the speculum thingy. I hoped the Speculum thingy, at least then he wouldn't have much longer to go. Either way, just thinking about it caused my little penis to start to stiffen. This didn't escape Roger's attention.

"I see someone must have liked his examination more than he let on," Roger said as he reached down and gave my cock a few quick strokes.

"Please don't," I said.

"Just making sure it's not sore," Roger said in his defense as he looked at my little penis. "Looks a bit red."

I heard more screaming from inside the room and it didn't seem to stop.

"Roger," I heard the doctor call out. "Come in here, I need your help."

"No! No!" I heard my brother scream. "It hurts! It hurts! Stop!"

Roger was already at the table, my brother was on his back, the doctor trying to keep hold of his legs as he lifted them up. I saw the doctor's cock was hard and stiff, sticking out from the zipper on his pants. It was much bigger than the speculum.

"Close that door!" The Doctor screamed at me and I did.

I closed the door and stood there naked as my brother continued to scream and beg. I tried not to think about what was going on, but I knew now. I had heard the term 'ass fucked' too many times not to put two and two together. I started to cry, not believing this could be happening. My brother's cries had died down and I could only hear the occasional sob. I began to worry so I opened the door just a crack to see what was happening. As I watched through the crack I saw the doctor thrusting his hips back and forth towards my brother, Roger kneeled on the table above Calvin, holding his ankles. Each thrust caused my brother to gasp, his little face was red and tearstained. He had his eyes closed tightly as he let out soft little sobs.

"God he's tight," the doctor said. "Should've done this to his brother."

I blanched and let the door close. If I had been a good brother I might've run in and tried to stop it, but I didn't. I knew how bad it hurt and the pain outweighed any loyalty I held to my brother. I could still feel it inside of me, the dull ache.

I waited for a long time for my brother to come out, when he didn't I opened the door again. This time the doctor stood by the counter writing something down, Roger had his scrubbs down around his ankles, I could see his butt clench as he thrust his hips back and forth towards my brother's bottom. Calvin just lay there letting out an ocassional grunt, even when he caught sight of me watching he did nothing, just looked at me with his cold green eyes.

I closed the door and began to cry. I sat on the bench, waiting for this all to be over, hating my father for getting caught and hating this place I had come to. After awhile Roger came back out and got me. When I entered the room, my brother was wearing a robe, holding his clothes in his arms. He was standing there silently, tears streaming down his face.

"He didn't take it as well as I'd hoped," the doctor said. "The speculum tore his bottom a bit, he'll need to come down here a once a day so we can clean him up and give him some medicine."

I nodded, knowing full well it wasn't the speculum that tore his bottom.

"Roger is going to take you the shower room so you can clean up," the doctor said.

I just stared at him not saying anything, feeling very much like this could not be real, that I must be imagining this.

I didn't try to hide my body from Roger in the bathroom. I just washed up as quickly as I could. Roger held a towel out to me, then as I went to grab it pulled it away.

"What do you say?" Roger asked smiling at me.

"Please," I sobbed suddenly, feeling very small and sad.

He handed me a towel and laughed. He watched Calvin and me as we dried off and got dressed.

I was led to a room with no doors, just a curtain hanging in the doorway. Inside the small room there were four bunks.

"This is your room Charlie," Roger said. "Calvin will be staying in another room with boys his age."

"Can't we stay in the same room?" I asked.

"No," Roger said. "It's for Calvin's own good, don't want to throw him into a room full of older boys, no telling what they'd do to him."

I knew whatever they did, it couldn't be worse than what the doctor and Roger had done.

"Okay well you know where you're sleeping," Roger said. "I'll show you where Calvin's bed is, so you wont have to worry so much."

Calvin was quiet, he was always a bit quiet, but now he was absolutely silent, all he did was watch Roger, and I could see the fear in his eyes. We followed him to the next room and Roger made me wait by the door.

"No one older than ten can come in this room without a counselor," Roger said.

"Aren't you a counselor," I asked.

"Yes," Roger said. "And I don't want you coming in."

I heard Roger talking to my brother in a low stern voice. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I thought I had an idea. Roger came out and looked at me as if he was wondering what to say.

"Lets walk," he said.

"What about Calvin?" I asked.

"He's lying down," Roger said. "He's worn out from the exam."

I suddenly felt a crushing feeling inside me, wishing I had done something to stop them. I was sure I had betrayed my little brother.

"He'll be okay," Roger said, suddenly becoming friendly again. "Exams can be traumatic the first time, but you know that."

"I don't want to stay here," I said, looking at the ground.

"I know," Roger said, as I followed him down the hall. "But you'll have to and from the looks of your file, you wont be getting out of here for a long time, so you might as well quit thinking like that."

"What do you mean," I said, wondering what he was talking about.

"They didn't tell you?" Roger asked.

"They said we'd only have to stay 'til my father got out of jail," I said.

"Yeah," Roger said. "But he isn't getting out for a long time."

"That's not true," I said, suddenly panicking.

"I'm sorry," Roger said. "I know this must be hard on you."

"I don't want to stay here," I said. "I'm telling! I'm telling Ms. Simms!"

Roger suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me against the wall. He leaned down, his face just inches from my own.

"You wont be telling anyone anything about what happens to you in here," he said in a low voice. "If you do, no one will believe you and you'll just be brought back here anyways. You don't want to know what will happen to you then."

I stared at him trembling, looking into his eyes, knowing that he wasn't lying.

"Trust me on this Charlie," Roger said, suddenly letting me go. "You might not like me, but I'm one of the good guys here."

Tell that to my brother, I thought to myself.

Chapter 6

My brother and I have different mothers. I never knew my mother, but I knew Calvin's and he isn't missing much. She left when he was only a few weeks old. My father raised me and I raised Calvin. When he was little I changed his diaper and gave him his baths. I fed him and taught him his ABCs, my father, well he did what he did.

I don't hate my father because he did this, I didn't even realize I wasn't suppose to do what I did. I loved my brother and hated him at the same time. I couldn't do a lot of the things I wanted to because I had to take care of him all the time.

As I sat on my bed, my brother seemed to be a world away and more than anything else, I missed him and wanted to be near him. I remembered what Roger had said. I tried very hard not to cry, but I couldn't help it. After awhile I heard someone come in to the room so I wiped my eyes real quick and I looked up.

A boy about my age was standing in the doorway. He had long blonde hair and blue eyes and he was dressed in shorts and a tank top. I watched him as he looked at me and shook his head.

"They don't like it when you cry," the boy said. "You can't cry around them you know."

"I wasn't crying," I said.

"I don't care if you were," the boy said. "I'm just telling you they don't like it."

"Okay," I said, staring at the boy's feet.

"I'm Ronny," the boy said.

"Charlie," I said.

"How long you in for?" Ronny asked.

"I don't know," I said.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Did the doctor," Ronny paused. "You know."

I shrugged, not saying anything, feeling incredibly humiliated.

"It's okay," the boy said, looking at me. "He does it to all of us eventually."

The boy was looking in a cabinet by his bed. The cabinet held all kinds of things, that I didn't think a boy could get inside a place like this.

"I cried too," the boy said, while he looked for something. "Hurts like hell the first time."

I nodded, not wanting to think about it.

"You want to play?" He asked, pulling out an old worn baseball glove. "I just came in to get this. They're playing baseball out there. I'll share my glove with you."

"I can't," I said. "I have to wait for my brother. He got hurt and he's sleeping."

"Shit," the boy said. "That sucks."

"Yeah," I said.

"How old is he," Ronny asked.

"Seven," I said. "He'll be eight next month."

"That really sucks," Ronny said. "I got here when I was eight."

I looked at him, not believing what he'd said.

"Three years," he said. "It's not so bad once you get used to it. First years the hardest."

I closed my eyes silently praying I would not be stuck here that long.

"Well, I have to go," Ronny said. "Warren only let me in to get my glove. I'll be outside if you want to play ball. Just go down the hall to the double doors, that's the yard."

I laid down on my bunk but I couldn't go to sleep. I just stayed there for hours, just watching the clock on the wall. At four thirty I heard the clunking sound of the doors open in the distance, then the chatter of boys as they walked down the hallway.

Two boys walked in to my room, both around my age. One was a black boy, the other looked Mexican. They looked at me and started to laugh as they talked to each other, ocassionally looking over at me.

"What you here for," the black boy suddenly said.

"My Father went to jail," I said.

"What your mother in jail too?" The Mexican boy said.

"I don't have a mother," I said.

"We all got a mother," the black boy said. "What she run off on you?"

I nodded, wishing they'd just quit asking questions. Everyone asked too many questions.

"This your first time?" the mexican boy said laughing. "They're going to eat you up."

"Fuck you," I said.

"Don't get tough kid," the mexican boy said. "You'll get your ass kicked."

"Leave him alone guys," Ronny said as he stood in the doorway. "He just got here, give him a break."

"He better get ahold of that attitude," the mexican boy said. "Or someone's going to get ahold of it for him."

"He's cool," Ronny said. "Charlie, this is Miguel and Anton, they're our roommates."

"He starts talking like that to one of the counselors," Miguel said. "They'll tear him apart."

"He's cool," Ronny said. "Lets just drop it and get ready for dinner."

"Dinner?" I asked.

"Five o'clock," Anton said. "That's when we get our dog food."

"Dog food?" I said. "They feed us dog food."

"Fuck," Miguel said. "You are going to be a fucking target."

"I thought you were serious," I said.

"I know," Miguel said, with a little smirk. "Tell you what, you sit with us today okay? Well watch out for you, you can thank us later."

"Leave him alone," Ronny said.

"Peckerwoods always stickin' together," Anton said. "Makes me feel left out."

"Shut up Anton," Ronny said.

Chapter 7

I followed Ronny into the cafeteria and got in line. There were a lot of other boys in front of us, but no girls.

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"There are no girls here," Ronny said. "They're at another home across town."

"I thought I saw some girls playing in the yard," I said.

"Yeah," Ronny said, "don't talk about that."

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I trusted Ronny, so I just shut my mouth.

"When we get up there just tell them what you want and don't complain," Ronny said. "They'll spit in your food if you complain."

"Okay," I said.

"They probably already have," Anton said.

"Shut up Anton," Miguel said. "Don't make me think about that shit."

"You guys both better shut up before the counselors see you talking in line," Ronny said. "Unless you like being taken to confinement."

"What do you mean," I asked. "We can't talk."

"Don't look at me when you're talking," Ronny said. "Just look straight ahead and speak softly. Try not to move your lips."

"Whad do ya meem," I said trying to do what he asked.

"Okay move your lips a little," Ronny said. "You're not supposed to talk 'til you get to your table, then only the people at your table. Don't make eye contact with the counselors either, they don't like that."

"You got that right," Anton said. "You'll be lucky if you can sit next week."

"Remember that new kid," Miguel said. "What was that punks name?"

"Zachary," Anton said.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "Pretty boy, got his ass tore up 'cause he didn't listen. They like pretty boys so you gotta watch yourself."

"I'm not pretty," I said a bit upset.

"Fine," Miguel said. "You might not think you're pretty, but the counselors will and they'll be watching you, waiting for you to screw up."

I looked and sure enough, there were two men talking to each other looking my way. They didn't wear outfits, just polo shirts and jeans, with walkie talkies clipped to their belt.

"Why are they watching me?" I asked, trying not to draw their attention.

"'Cause you're new," Anton said. "They don't get a lot of fresh meat here, so when they do, they tend to want it bad."

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly worried.

"Well they don't just grab you out of line and take you to confinement," Miguel said. "They got to have a reason, and being horny aint good enough."

"Horny?" I asked. "You mean."

"Guys leave him alone," Ronny said.

"What," Anton said. "You want him to find out like Miguel did."

"Fuckin' right," Miguel said. "Let him know how it is, so he don't end up fucked up like Zack."

"What do you mean fucked up like Zack?" I asked, suddenly getting frightened again.

"The girls you see runnin' around in the dresses," Miguel said. "Zack's one of them."

"But you said there weren't any girls," I said.

"There aren't," Miguel said. "They make 'em look like girls, and 3; you know 3;"

I didn't say anything, I was nearly at the counter, all I could think of was having to wear a dress.

"What do you want kid," an overweight sweaty white woman asked.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you deaf," the women said. "Salisbury steak or Chicken?"

"Salisbury steak please," I said.

"Please," the women said, laughing. "You get an extra piece boy."

"Thank you," I said.

"Shit boy," the woman said. "You're gonna make me cry."

I walked down the line and got the rest of my food. When I got to the end I waited for Ronny and he led me to a table in the middle of the room.

"Why we sittin' here," Anton said.

"'Cause they wont bother fresh meat here," Miguel said.

"True enough," Anton said. "Good thinkin' Ronny."

"I know," Ronny said.

"You got to be on your toes boy," Anton said, looking at me. "You think what the doctor did was bad?"

I looked at him wondering how he knew about that.

"He did it to us all," Anton said. "That doc is fucked up man."

"Yeah," Miguel said. "Don't get sick. You don't want to go to the doc's office."

"But my brother's sick," I said. "I have to take him to the doctor's office, they tore 3;"

I stopped unable to finish my sentence. No one said anything, they just looked at their trays of food.

"Fucking cock sucking 3;" Miguel said, then stopped.

"Jesus man," Anton said. "How olds your brother?"

"Almost eight," I said, suddenly very sad again.

"That's fucked up," Anton said. "Someone's got to gut that pig."

"He'll get his," Miguel said. "When I get out, if I ever see his ass, I'm going to put him six feet under."

"You aint going to do shit," Anton said. "You'll probably run away afraid he's going to dick you again."

"Fuck you Anton," Miguel said. "At least when I got back I could sit down."

"Yeah, well I never had a dick in my ass before that punk," Anton said.

"Don't make me hit you Anton," Miguel said.

"New boy here," Ronny said. "Why don't you guys just fucking walk over there and get the fucking counselors, it'd probably be easier on him."

"Sorry," Anton said. "I've been on red for too long."

"Red?" I asked.

"We got color phases," Miguel said. "Red, yellow, blue, and gold. You get to do things dependin' on what phase you are."

"Yeah," Ronny said. "Red's the worst, you can only leave the dorm during rec hours."

"Yeah," Anton said. "I aint been to town in months."

"We get to go to town?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," Ronny said. "This isn't prison."

"Lets just finish and get out of here before we give them a chance to grab fresh here," Miguel said.

"Yeah," Anton said. "Don't you worry man, we got your back."

"I got to take my brother to the doctors," I said.

"Fuck man," Miguel said. "I feel for you man."

"Maybe we can help," Anton said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just get your brother to the bathroom before you take him to the doctors," Anton said. "We'll do the rest."

Chapter 8

I held Calvin's hand as we walked through the hall. I followed my roommates directions and took him to a bathroom along the way. Anton was waiting inside.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"We couldn't all come in here," Anton said. "They'd know something was up."

I nodded, that made sense.

"This your brother," Anton asked, which to me was a dumb question.

"Yeah," I said.

"Take your pants off," Anton said.

"What the fuck for?" I asked.

"Well," Anton said. "When they tear you, you get a scab, just like when you skin your knee or bust your lip. We tear that scab and he starts bleeding. They wont try to fuck with him 'cause he's still hurt. I'm going to show you what to do this time, you'll do it from now on."

"Is it going to hurt?" Calvin asked, obviously frightened.

"Yeah," Anton said, kneeling down in front of Calvin and unbuttoning his pants. "But it's for your own good man."

When he had Calvin bent over Anton looked at his butthole close.

"Yeah," Anton said. "Mother fuckers tore him when they entered him. I hope they fuckin' burn in hell, the faggots."

"Is it bad," Calvin asked.

"Nah," Anton said. "You'll be fine."

"But he's got to go there for the next few days," I said.

"Maybe not," Anton said. "But that depends on how much you love your bro here."

"What do you mean," I asked a bit worried.


The doctor's assistant Roger led Calvin to the door and told him to have a seat outside.

"So what did you want to speak to me in private about boy?" The doctor asked, I could see Roger shake his head 'no' from behind the doctor. I looked at Roger for a minute, then knew what I had to do.

"I know why you want my brother to come back," I said.

"And why's that Charlie?" The doctor asked, taking out a tube of KY and another speculum.

"To," I paused. "Examine him."

"Of course Charlie," the doctor said. "I have to examine him, he's a sick boy."

"I think what the boys trying to say 3;" Roger began.

"Shut up Roger and let the boy say what he's trying to say," the doctor said in a firm voice, smiling at me.

"I want you to examine me instead," I blurted out.

"You do?" The doctor said.

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head hesitantly.

"Well why would we examine you," the doctor said. "Your brother is the one sick."

I thought for a second, "Because he feels better and my bottom itches. I wanted you to check mine out instead to make sure I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" the doctor asked. "This kind of examination can be very painful."

"Yes," I said. "It itches really bad."

It was a lie, my insides still ached, but there was no way I could throw my brother into the arms of this doctor again, not without looking like a coward to the boys in my dorm room and never being able to sleep again.

And that was what led me to pull down my pants and underwear and stand there as Roger took my soft penis in his mouth and sucked it. The doctor coated his own hard uncircumcised penis with the cold KY jelly, stroking it as he watched Roger play with my hairless body. I felt completely helpless, like there was nothing I could do to get away from this, then I remembered the hole and for one brief moment I smiled.

"He likes it doc," Roger said taking his mouth off my penis for just a moment, then starting to suck on it again.

"Of course he does," the doctor said. "Why else would he deprive his poor brother of his chance to be examined."

"Please," I said as I felt Roger suck my balls into his mouth as well, causing me to wince.

"Do you want him to stop?" the doctor asked. "We could have your brother come in if you'd like."

"No," I said quickly. "It's just, he's hurting my balls."

"Roger," the doctor said. "Quit eating the boy's balls and bring him to the exam table. He's here for his treatment."

"Jesus," Roger said. "You are a cute one."

"Roger," the doctor said. "We both know looks never stopped you."

I crawled up on the table and kneeled, causing them both to laugh.

"On your stomach boy," the doc said, pulling my legs out from under me, causing me to fall on my stomach.

I laid there, my legs dangling over the edge of the table, feeling his finger prod my ass.

"We should've done this to you earlier and not your brother," the doctor said. "If you weren't such a crybaby, maybe your brother wouldn't have had to take your place."

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore what they were saying, yet believing in my heart that they were probably right. I felt him slide the head of his cock up and down the crack of my ass, just nudging my hole every now and again.

"Do you remember how long your cock was Charlie?" the doctor asked.

"Almost four inches [10 cm] sir," I said.

"Very good boy," the doctor said. "How long do you think mine is?"

"I don't know sir," I said. "It looks really long."

"Really long isn't a length Charlie," the doctor said. "Guess."

"Six inches [15 cm] sir?" I said.

"Seven inches [18 cm]," the doctor said. "As long as the speculum, but thicker. Most boys can handle something this big without any harm, did you know that?"

"No sir," I said, wondering what he was waiting for.

"How big do you think Roger is," he asked me.

"I don't know sir," I said.

"He's not as big as me," Doc said. "Guess."

"Six inches [15 cm]," I said.

"Yes," the doctor said. "You're correct."

"He's going to be examining you after I'm done," the doctor said. "Remember what I said about cum?"

"Yes sir," I said, trembling as he ran a hand up and down my spine.

"Maybe," he said. "If you're lucky and don't get us too excited, we'll show you some. Would you like that Charlie?"

I sat there quietly, wondering what the hell had happened to my life.

"Charlie," the doctor said, slapping my ass.

"Yes, please," I said.

"Good boy," the doctor said. "Now relax."

I tried to relax, really I did, but the thought of that huge cock, at least it seemed huge to me, entering my ass, made it impossible for me to just let it inside of me.

"Push out like you have to go to the bathroom," the doctor said, as he started to press the head of his cock against my asshole.

I did as he said, I pushed out and I felt my ass loosen up and in that moment I felt something bigger than anything I'd had so far enter me. I cried out, feeling the sharp pain and spasms again. Wishing that I was anyplace but there.

"Oh God," the doctor said. "He's so tight."

"We got an hour doc," Roger said. "Don't finish to early."

"Right you are," the doctor said, as he shifted his cock just a fraction inside of me, as if to loosen up the grip my hole had on him.

"Oh god," I said. "It's too big."

"Quit whining," the doctor said, his hands on my hips. "You asked for this."

"Jesus," Roger said, looking down to see my ass stretched taut around the doctor's cock. "Tight asses must run in the family."

"Yeah," the doc said. "I love boys like this. It'll take months for him to get loose."

"You think?" Roger asked.

"Oh yeah," the doc said. "He's going to be very popular here."

The doctor waited patiently for me to adjust to his cock and when I did he'd slide just a bit more in. He seemed to have a second sense about those sorts of things. As soon as the pain deadened, as soon as the spasms stopped, he'd push more in and it would start over again. I hated the doctor, I wanted to punch him, but all I could do was lay there as he pushed more and more of his dick in my ass.

"Fifteen minutes doc," Roger said. "I'd bottom out soon."

"That's why you tore the little one," the doctor said. "You never have patience. If you're father wasn't the director you wouldn't be working here with me."

"I'm sorry doc," Roger said.

"Yes," the doctor said. "You are."

I was barely able to listen to them talk, the pain had lessened since that first time, but it still hurt like hell and I couldn't help but sob, ashamed at what I was doing.

"Fucking crybaby is right," Roger said. "Toughen up boy or you'll never make it out of here."

I thought he was talking about the doctor's office, so I tried very hard to just hold it inside, this just caused me to let out a high pitched whimper when a spark of pain shot through my ass.

The doctor had bottomed out, I knew because I could feel the curly hairs that surrounded the base of his cock pressing against my bottom. Then I felt him pull out, slowly, leaving an emptiness inside, only to slowly push it all the way back in, causing more painful spasms in my ass. I let out a gasp as he thrust his cock the last inch.

"You're ass is so tight boy," the doctor said. "God your daddy didn't know what he was missing."

I thought how horrible it was to say something like that.

The doctor thrust inside me for what seemed like forever, but really it was just five or six minutes, by the end, the pain had died down and all I felt was an occasional stabbing pain when he went in too fast, which the doctor didn't seem to care about. The doc went at his own pace, thrusting and pulling out faster and faster, I could hear him breathing heavier, then he cried out and I felt his cock jerk inside of me as I felt a warm fluid rush inside of my ass.

"Arrggghhh," the doctor cried out, holding himself as deep inside of me as he could.

"God damn doc," Roger said. "Did you have to come inside?"

The doctor said nothing as he waited for the last of his orgasm to die down, then slowly he pulled out his cock, which was already softening.

"If you don't like it," the doctor said. "Get a blowjob."

Roger didn't care it seemed, because he got behind me and without any lube or anything, and thrust his stiff cock inside of me, causing me to cry out.

"Jesus he's tight," Roger cried out.

"I told you," the doctor said.

"I thought you'd stretch him out," Roger said. "But he still fits like a glove."

The doctor just laughed as he washed his cock off in the sink.

"Why don't you change tables," the doc said, "so I can bring his brother in and apply the antiseptic."

"Oh god," Roger said. "Can't you just pull the curtain?"

"Lazy," the doctor said. "Fine, I was just trying to spare the boy the pitiful sight of his slut brother."

"I'm not a slut," I shouted, knowing full well that it was one of the worst things you could call someone.

"Do you even know what a slut is?" The doctor asked.

I didn't, but I was sure I wasn't one.

"It's someone who begs other people to have sex with them," the doctor said. "You're a slut, whether you admit it or not."

"Shut up," I said. "I am not."

"That cock in your ass says different boy," the doctor said.

"You're a tight slut," Roger said. "If that makes you feel any better."

I just sobbed, realizing I couldn't win, if nothing else the doctor had actually loosened me up and Roger's cock was sliding fairly painlessly in and out of my ass.

I heard the doctor bring my brother in to the examining room.

"Charlie," I heard him call out.

"Leave your brother alone," the doctor said. "Roger is still examining him, unless you want to help them. No? Well then come over and pull down your pants and underwear."

As Roger thrust in and out I heard the doctor talk to Calvin, saying it had bled a little so he was going to put a pink plastic wristband on him so everyone knew he was sick and he could get some rest. Calvin cried out, but only because the doctor applied some antiseptic.

As Calvin was pulling up his pants, Roger cried out, "Take it! Take it you slut."

I felt his juice spurt inside of me, then suddenly he pulled out and I felt something slimy and warm land on the crack of my ass. I looked over my shoulder and saw the head of his cock cradled in the globes of my butt, semen spilling down onto my back. His cock throbbed over and over, more stuff coming out, then it slowly stopped coming out and his cock just lay there on my backside and throbbed.

"God you're good," Roger said. "So sexy. Such a sexy slut."

"I'm not a slut," I said softly.

Chapter 9

Three years was all I could keep thinking of as I walked Calvin to the TV room. Three years of having men do this to me, I wasn't sure I couldn't take it that long. I knew from what Ronny and the others had said that they weren't going to stop. I knew I had to get out somehow, I just didn't know how.

Calvin didn't want me to leave him, but his bedtime was set at nine and he couldn't stay with me. I tried to calm him down and I told him, no matter what he couldn't cry. I told him he had to be brave and soon Dad would come for us. I hoped in my heart that he would, but I knew my Dad.

I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned. Every hour a counselor walked through and checked the beds to make sure everyone was sleeping. They had a flashlight and they pointed it right at you. Ronny and the others slept through it, but it woke me up each time. When I did fall to sleep I had a nightmare.

Mr. Brady was chasing Calvin and me. I was holding Calvin's hand and I was trying to get away, but he was slowing me down. When I felt him get close I let go of Calvin and he grabbed him and tore his clothes off. I just watched and screamed. Robby woke me up and I almost hit him.

He stayed up with me for the rest of the night and we talked. He liked baseball. He watched all the games in the TV room. He liked all the sports, but his favorite was baseball. His father had taken him to a game in Altanta and he'd seen a bunch of the players. He had an autographed ball before he came here. The entire 1978 Atlanta team signed it. He told me it got better when school started up, that you spent most of your time there and the teachers there were cool.

I know he was trying to cheer me up, but all I felt was empty and worried. I didn't know what I was going to do. I could still feel the ache in my bottom, it never left and I wondered if they'd torn something in me too.

I was up when the sun started to shine through the windows. Ronny was asleep, snoring, sprawled out like most kids do when they sleep. I wondered how he could take it for as long as he had, how he could go through this day after day.

In the morning everyone got up at seven during the weekdays. From seven fifteen to seven thirty you could take a shower. I was going to take one, but a counselor was sitting in the shower room on a chair, watching the boys undress. I decided to wait 'til later.

From seven-thirty to eight you cleaned the area you were assigned according to the room you stayed in. My room cleaned the hallway outside of our room. It was one of the easier jobs. One of us vacuumed, another dusted, then another one emptied the trash. I was an extra, since for the last few months they'd only had three boys in my room, so they gave me some newspaper and blue fluid and had me wash the windows. Up until then the person who dusted did that.

At eight we lined up for breakfast. The choices were cereal or oatmeal, I chose cereal and sat at the table with my roommates. I saw Calvin sitting at another table with the other boys his age. A counselor sat with them.

From eight thirty to eleven thirty, if you weren't in any trouble you got to play. Anton had to help out in the kitchen for two hours in the morning washing dishes because he was on the red level. I was happy they started you out on yellow level, at least I could play.

The yard was big actually. It had a baseball field and a basketball court. The home had ten acres they told me. If you wanted you could walk around the trails through the woods, but Miguel told me not to do that, because the older kids from the home across the way would be walking there too and you didn't want to be alone when they were out.

At nine-thirty I saw Calvin and he ran over and hugged me like he hadn't seen me in years, I felt the same way. We sat on a bench and talked, at least we had as much of a conversation as you can have between a seven year old and an eleven year old.

He told me he couldn't sleep much either. He had fallen asleep but the sound of someone moaning woke him up. When he looked to see who was making the sound, he saw one of the guards standing in front of one of his roommates bunks, the kid was sitting on the bed in front of the man and the man had his pee pee in the boy's mouth. He shivered when he told me about all the white stuff that came out of the man's pee pee all over the kids face and clothes. He told me the man had caught him watching and made him promise not to tell anyone.

"You can't tell either or I'll get in trouble," Calvin said.

"I wont tell," I said.

"He wouldn't let him change his clothes or wash up," my brother said. "He just wiped it off Mikey's face and made him eat it. I don't want to eat that stuff Charlie."

"Me neither," I said.

I felt lucky that no one had asked me to do that last night, but I got this sick feeling it was coming sometime soon. I had to go to the bathroom bad, but Miguel stopped me, he said that a counselor would take me and I didn't want to go with Warren, the counselor on the playground. Miguel sat with me and Calvin and told us about the counselors you had to watch out for. Those were the ones who did stuff to you and he told Calvin that no matter how bad he had to go, not to go unless he was going with the rest of the boys in his room.

"Don't take showers alone either," Miguel said. "And you don't want to get dirty. If you do they might clean you up."

"What about Ronny," I said. "He went to the bathroom with Warren."

"Ronny don't care," Miguel said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You see all the shit in his locker?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"He got all that from the counselors," Miguel said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Why would they give him that stuff?"

"Cause he does stuff for them dummy," Miguel said.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Anything they want," Miguel said. "He's one of their boys."

"You mean he does sex things with them?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "Ronny's not like you or me. Ronny came here sexed up. His Dad was doing shit to him when he was a baby. That's why he's here. He can't be put in a home 'cause he always wants to do it."

"No," I said. "You're lying."

"I am not," Miguel asked. "Just don't go off with him and any of the counselors. He'll try and get you to be like him."

"No way," I said.

"Yes way," Miguel said. "He's tried it with everyone in our room. Me and Anton, even Vince, the boy here before you, but we don't swing like that, you know. They have to make us do that stuff."

"Shit," I said. "I don't believe you."

"Don't," he said. "But if he tries to get you to meet Glenn, tell him you don't want to."

"Who's Glenn?" I asked.

"He's the worst," Miguel said. "He likes to hurt you, just to hurt you. You listenin' Calvin?"

"Yeah," Calvin said. "Don't go off with Ronny and Glenn."

"Little man, you don't go off with Ronny period," Miguel said. "He's cool, but he's twisted."

It was hard for me to believe that Ronny would do things like that. He seemed like the coolest person around. How could he like doing those things. It didn't make any sense.

"They're going to take you to town tomorrow for clothes," Miguel said. "I got to go too for shoes. If we go, don't sit in the back seat or the front, sit in the middle. Bad shit happens in the back and front. You can fight 'em off in the middle if you say no enough."

"Fight off who?" I asked.

"Fuck man," Miguel said. "You don't get it do you? The kids here for years, some of them go a little crazy. They want sex all the time, but most of the time they just want it from other boys. They'll try to get you to suck 'em. They'll suck you too, but it's gross man."

"I saw Mikey sucking the counselor last night," Calvin said.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "You don't tell people that shit. You want us goin' around tellin' people the doc fucked you up the ass?"

"No," Calvin said, looking sad all of a sudden.

"Don't worry little dude," Miguel said. "You didn't know. 'Sides the Doc's done all of us, except the fat kids. He don't like fat kids."

"Guess I got to eat more," I said.

Everyone laughed and we started to talk about kid stuff again and for awhile my mind forgot about Ronny, the Doc, and everyone else.

After Lunch I took Calvin to the Doc's. Roger wasn't there, so I only had to do it with the Doc. It still hurt like hell, but he said I was loosening up and that pretty soon I'd be a pro at it. I didn't tell him I didn't want to be a pro at it. Doc gave me a cum too, stroked my penis 'til I felt the tingles. He made me thank him. It's stupid, but I felt happy about it. At least Calvin didn't have to do anything with him.

From around two 'til four-thirty I played four square with Calvin. He loved four square and I was happy that he didn't look so sad. He said his butt felt a lot better and I was happy for him. My butt still hurt, but not as much as the day before.

Everyone seemed to do everything they could to forgot everything they had to do. I saw it in the kids who were playing, then squeezing their legs together, looking over at Warren and not going to the bathroom. The one kid that did was a nine year old named Tommy. He came back, his face all red and he looked angry.

No one asked what he did. One of the other kids wiped some slimy stuff off Tommy's cheek with his shirt sleeve and patted him on the shoulder.

"That's why you don't go to the bathroom alone," Miguel said, as he offered me and Calvin a bite of a donut he'd smuggled from the cafeteria.

We sat leaning against a fence on the other side of the yard, watching some of the boy's playing baseball.

"Why are you in here?" I asked Miguel.

"You don't ask people that," Miguel said. "If they want you to know they'll tell you."

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't know."

"My Dads in jail and my mom," Miguel finally said. "She's like your mom I guess."

"Sorry," I said.

"You don't have to be sorry," Miguel said, "Thanks though."

"He's really good," I said, watching Ronny as he swung and hit the ball nearly over the fence.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "If he loves anything more than sex, it's baseball."

"He really loves sex that much," I said.

"Next time he comes back after he's been with a counselor," Miguel said. "Ask him what he did."

"He'll tell me," I said.

"He's got no shame," Miguel said. "He likes to freak you out."

"Lets not talk about this around Calvin," I said.

"Fuck man," Miguel said. "It's better to talk about this around him so he knows what goin' on. You keep him in the dark, he's gonna walk off with a counselor and he wont be speaking to no one for a week."

"They'll take him for a week?" I asked.

"No," Miguel said. "It just, you don't want to do anything when that shit happens to you."

"God I got to get out of here," I said.

"You can't get out of here," Miguel said. "And even if you did, where'd you go? The city? Fuck, it's a playground here compared to the city. At least here you don't have to worry about anyone killin' you."

"I could get a job," I said.

"A job?" Miguel said. "The only job you'll get out there is doing the same shit they want you to do in here. It might be better for a week, but wait 'til some pimp grabs you and strings you out, wont be cool after that."

"What?" I said, not understanding half of what he said.

"Kids like us in the city," Miguel said. "The only thing we've got to sell is our bodies. You sell it enough and a pimp notices and grabs you up. They take you to their home and fuck you for a week and pump you full of drugs. By the time they're done, you're fucking a dog for a fix."

"No way," I said, not wanting to believe it, but realizing that he was probably telling the truth.

"Don't try to run man," Miguel said. "We all think about it, but the kids they catch and bring back, most of them are worse than when they left."

"I wont try and run," I said. "Look," Miguel said pointing to what looked like a blonde haired girl in a short summer dress. "That's Zack."

"No way," I said.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "Only time he dresses like a boy is when they have inspections. He told on Mr. Brady."

"So they make him dress like a girl?" I asked.

"Not just that," Miguel said. "He's Brady's girl. He calls him Betty and comes and gets him and takes him to confinement. The other guards fuck with him too. You tell anyone about what's going on and that's you man, whether you like it or not. All the boys dressed like that are the counselor's girls."

"Why doesn't someone stop them," I asked.

"Who?" Miguel asked. "You know who the director of this place is? Mr. Simms. You know who his wife is? Ms. Simms. She's nice, but you think she'll believe you if you tell her that her husbands porkin' the little boys here?"

"Fuck," I said, suddenly very glad I hadn't called her.

"Yeah," Miguel said. "You got to know who you're talking to here man."

"How do I know you're cool?" I asked.

"Because I haven't tried to get you to suck me off," Miguel said.

Chapter 10

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I hung around with Miguel, Anton, and Ronny. We talked about different things, for the most part baseball, super heroes, and cartoons. We argued about who the sexiest girl on the planet was. It almost seemed like a normal life. That night after lights out, we laid in our beds and talked about things. For the first time in a long time I had friends, even if one of them was a wierdo.

I fell asleep while we were talking and I slept soundly 'til I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw a red haired man with a mustache looking down at me.

"You the new kid?" He whispered.

I nodded my head, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You know what a blowjob is?" The man asked me.

I couldn't believe what the man had just asked me, when he tried to reach for me I crawled to the back of my bed.

"Leave him alone," Ronny said leaning over the bunk to watch us. "I'll suck you."

"You'd suck a horse," the man said. "I want this guy to suck me. Seems like it's time he made little Carl's acquaintance."

"Please," I said. "I don't want to."

"I don't care kid," the man said. "If you don't want to suck me maybe I'll go over and visit your little brother and see if he wants to suck me."

"Come on Carl," Ronny said. "You're freaking him out."

"Shut the fuck up Ronny," the man said. "Or I'm going to fucking stick my fist up your ass."

Ronny blanched and was quiet for a moment.

"What if we both suck you," Ronny asked. "You can cum in my mouth and I'll show it to you before I swallow."

"Fuck you're a whore boy," Carl said. "Climb on down and join your boyfriend."

Ronny hopped down off his bunk and started to undress.

"You might want to do that too," Carl said to me. "Unless you want to get stains on your pajamas."

"I don't want to take them off," I said.

"I'm swallowing," Ronny said. "He don't need to take his clothes off."

"Pull your pants down at least," the man said, "I want to see that pretty pecker of yours."

I moved to the edge of the bed and slid my underwear and pajamas down. I watched Carl pull out his half hard dick, it was about as long as Roger's so I guessed it had to be about six inches [15 cm]. I noticed there were thick reddish hairs surrounding its base. Ronny was naked and I saw that he still had the skin over his dick, it was a little bit smaller than mine.

"Come on boy," the man said to me. "I still have my rounds."

"I'll go first," Ronny said, reaching out and stroking the cock in front of my face. "He's never done it before, I can show him how."

"Fine," the man said. "You get it wet for your friend."

I watched as Ronny took the man's thick cock in his mouth, his lips stretched as he kept taking more and more inside. I thought he was going to take it all, but he only took about four inches [10 cm].

"Fuck you got a mouth on you boy," Carl said. "You sure you're not a girl?"

"I got a dick," Ronny said, taking the man's cock out of his mouth and stroking it in his hand. "You've played with it enough times, you should know that."

"Fuck," the man said. "It's so tiny I almost forgot."

"Here," Ronny said, pointing it in my direction. "Just take it in your mouth and then move it in and out."

"And suck it," Carl said. "Like a lollipop."

I hesitated, but the man put his big hand on the back of my head and pulled me towards it, when it touched my lips I just opened my mouth and let it in.

I didn't move it around at first. I expected it to taste bad, but it had no taste at all. I tried to keep my tongue away from it as I moved my mouth back and forth, looking up at the man as he watched me.

"You're doing good," the man said. "You sure you haven't done this before."

I shook my head no without taking him out of my mouth.

"Don't stop," he said, using his hand to pull me on and off of his dick.

"Lick it while it's in your mouth," Ronny said. "It makes it feel better."

I don't know why I did it, but I did, I ran my tongue along the underside of the man's dick as I continued to suck on it and move it in and out of my mouth.

"God," Carl said. "You got a cute friend here Ronny. I can tell the little slut wants my cum."

"Let me taste your cum Carl," Ronny said. "You know I want it."

"Fuck," Carl said, pulling his dick from my mouth and thrusting it into Ronny's mouth again.

I felt a hand on my dick and I looked and saw that Ronny was stroking me while he was sucking Carl. I didn't push him away, I just leaned back and watched him suck the man.

"Oh God," Carl said. "You're too much boy."

Ronny made a, 'mmmpphh' sound, like he was agreeing but he never stopped sucking. I felt the tingles coming inside of my cock as he continued to stroke it and I watched his fingers fumbling as they pulled up and down on my dick.

Carl watched Ronny stroke my dick for awhile then pulled out of Ronny's mouth and pointed it towards me again.

"Your turn," Carl said. "Ronny suck you're little buddy, while he sucks me."

Ronny bent down and took me in his mouth as I started to suck the man's cock again.

"Fucking aye," the man said as he ran his hands through my hair. "You're one fast learner."

I could feel my orgasm and for a second I stopped sucking, only to have the man grab my head and force his dick in and out my mouth.

I whined as I felt a sudden flash of tingles run through my penis. I could feel it throbbing in Ronny's mouth and he sucked it all the way in and continued to run his tongue over it.

"Shit," the man said as he held onto my head tightly.

I felt his warm cum shoot into my mouth in spurts, I tried to pull off, but he held me in place.

"Don't bite! don't bite!" the man said in a threatening voice.

Even as the tingles of my orgasm continued to rush through my body the man's juice kept coming out into my mouth. It tasted salty and slimy like a raw egg. I thought I was going to throw up. It spurted about six or seven times. It seemed like my whole mouth was full of the stuff. The tingles in my dick were gone and Ronny took my cock out of his mouth and sat beside me, smiling as he looked up at Carl.

"Swallow boy," the man said, as his cock slowly stopped throbbing in my mouth.

"Swallow it," Ronny said, looking at me. "You wont get messy that way."

I looked at him, unable to pull away as the man held me in place by my hair, his cock still in my mouth. With a gulp I swallowed most of it, then with a second gulp I swallowed the rest. The man patted me on the head and pulled his softening dick out of my mouth.

"Good job," Carl said. "You're friends a natural Ronny."

"I feel sick," I said.

"You'll be fine," Carl said, as he zipped up his pants. "You might just be my new best friend."

I watched as Carl left. Ronny stood up in front of me, his penis stiff and throbbing.

"Suck me?" Ronny asked. "I sucked you."

"No," I said. "I don't want to."

"Please," he said, pushing it at my mouth.

I don't know why, but I let his cock inside me and just sat still as he pushed in and out 'til he made a little whining sound and held still inside my mouth, his penis throbbing.

"Thanks Charlie," Ronny said, smiling as he pulled his spit slick penis from my mouth.

I pushed myself back and leaned against the wall and sat there in shock. The salty taste of the man's cum still in my mouth. I wished I could get a drink to wash it out, but I was afraid to go to the hallway to get one.

"Let me taste your cum," Miguel said in a high pitched whisper. "You know I want it."

"Fuck you Miguel," Ronny said.

Chapter 11

As we walked to the cafeteria for breakfast, Miguel tried to get my mind off what happened the night before. He told me there was no way out of it and if I hadn't done it for him, he probably would've taken me to confinement and put his penis up my butt.

"You got to do things sometimes," Anton said. "Everyone does. Just try not to look like you like to do them."

"Yeah," Miguel said. "Ronny gets flack 'cause everyone thinks he likes to go with the guards."

"You guys are just jealous I got stuff and you don't," Ronny said.

"I don't want shit if it means I have to do that stuff," Miguel said.

"Yeah," Anton said. "It aint worth it man."

"Fine," Ronny said. "Next time you want cash for town, don't come to me."

"Don't be like that," Miguel said. "You like that stuff, we don't man. Don't be down on us. We aren't sayin' nothin' about you."

"Yeah, right," Ronny said, turning towards me. "What did they tell you about me?"

"No talking in line," one of the counselors shouted.

We all quieted down and stood in line, not saying anything.

"Shit," I said, when the counselor seemed to stop watching.

"Don't worry," Ronny said, "They won't do anything to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I thought 3;"

"Someone got you last night," Miguel said, cutting me off. "They wont try nothing again for a few days."

"What?" I asked.

"They can't just fuck you every night," Anton said. "You'd end up a mess like Zack and then what would the judge think?"

"What do you mean judge," I said.

"They try to keep you normal enough so you can pass in front of the judge," Miguel said.

"When do we see a judge," I asked, confused.

"Most of the time your first week," Anton said. "Custody hearing."

"Is that where they decide where we go?" I asked.

"Yeah," Anton said.

"So I could get out of here?" I asked.

"No," Anton said. "Ms. Simms manages most of our cases and she aint lettin' any of us out of here. Her man gets money for each one of us in here."

"She can't do that," I said. "That's a conflict of interest."

"She's not a fucking attorney," Anton said. "She's a caseworker. They don't care about conflicts anyhow."

'That sucks," I said.

"So does Ronny," Miguel said, snickering.

"Fuck you Miguel," Ronny said.

"Why do they bother you so much Ronny," I said, looking at the slim angry little boy. "The guards I mean."

"Ronny was already fucked up when he got here," Anton said. "The judge don't care if he's normal."

"Fuck you guys," Ronny shouted.

"You boy's just aren't listening," one of the counselors shouted. "Get your asses over here!"

Anton and Ronny looked at us as if the earth had come out from underneath them. I watched them walk towards the guards.

"You too," the counselor said, pointing to me and Miguel.

"Fuck," Miguel said. "Leave it to Ronny to get us all fucked up the ass."

We walked over to the counselors. I could feel my legs shaking. They watched us and I thought I saw one rub his crotch.

"You guys like to fuck around?" The counselor asked.

"No Glenn," Ronny said.

"It's Mr. Parker to you fuck face," the counselor said, staring at Ronny.

"I think we should take them down to confinement for awhile," the other counselor said, looking Anton up and down.

"Yeah," Mr. Parker said, "but someone has to stay here."

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" the other counselor asked.

I could not believe they were playing rock, paper, and scissors to decide who would be able to take us.

"Damn," the other counselor said. "Well don't keep them late, they still have to eat breakfast and I want to have some fun too."

I expected Miguel or Anton to say something, but they didn't, they just looked at the guard's shoes and I thought they were going to cry.

"Come on boys," Mr. Parker said. "You've got a long morning ahead of you."

We followed Mr. Parker through the hallway back down towards the Infirmary. There were a set of double doors right before you reach the doctor's office, and that was where they had confinement.

Confinement was where they took you when you misbehaved. They had rooms there that they would hold you in if you were misbehaving. Most of the time they took your clothes so you couldn't harm yourself with them, but really it was just so they didn't have to strip you down each time they wanted to do something to you.

"Get naked boys," the counselor said. "We'll put you in pairs."

You and Miguel," he said pointing to me. "Over there. Anton, you're with sugar lips."

"Don't call me sugar lips," Ronny said in a soft voice.

"But you are," the man said. "Don't you have sugar lips. I know they feel sweet when they're wrapped around my dick ."

I couldn't believe this man was talking like this in front of us. It's like he didn't care who knew what he was doing. Maybe he just didn't care if we knew, because in a few minutes we'd all pretty much know anyways.

Miguel stood next to me naked and trembling. He was a smaller than me by a few inches. I could tell his penis was smaller too, at least soft. He had skin over his tip too. I found it odd most of the boys did.

"Inside you two," Mr. Parker said, unlocking the door and pushing us in.

The room had a bed attached to the wall with a mattress and that was it.

"We're going to be fucked," Miguel said, almost whimpering.

"Nah," I said. "I got fucked yesterday."

"Yeah," Miguel said. "But we screwed up and you're with us. They wont let you leave without you having to do something. It's the only way they'll be sure you'll keep quiet."

"But I did something last night," I said, almost tasting the man's cum again.

"Don't matter," Miguel said in worried voice, then seeing how shaken I was added, "But they'll probably take it easy on you. Don't worry man."

I started to cry, standing there in the empty room with the single mattress. I heard Anton cry out in the distance, then continue to scream.

"He's hitting him," Miguel said.

"How do you know," I asked, sobbing a bit.

"'Cause he's still screaming," Miguel said.

"Are they going to hit us?" I asked.

"I don't know," Miguel said. "Maybe not. They're the ones they caught talking."

After a few minutes Anton stopped screaming. It was silent for awhile and then we heard a blood curdling scream from Ronny and then another.

I heard Ronny scream, begging the guard, "Please, no! Please no more! I'll be good! Please don't!"

"Hands on the fucking wall," Mr. Parker screamed.

Ronny screamed again and then kept on screaming and didn't stop. I could hear crack of something smacking him before each scream and I wondered what they were hitting him with.

I looked at Miguel hoping he knew what we should do, but he had his eyes closed and I thought for a minute he might've been praying.

Ronny's screaming died down after awhile and there was silence. I knew that probably meant they would be coming to our room next. We sat waiting for a few minutes and then the door opened to our room and Mr. Parker stood there, the fluorescent light casting his shadow across us.

"You boy's got a decision," Mr. Parker said. "The easy way or the hard way. They didn't get that choice, they got the hard way. You can decide. The easy way's going to be a lot less painful."

I looked at Miguel and he opened his eyes and said, "The hard way. I aint sucking your dick."

"Fine," the counselor said, pulling a strap from his pocket. "You know the drill."

Miguel leaned forward at an angle and placed his hands on the wall as he spread his legs.

I watched as the man pulled his arm back and brought the strap down hard across Miguel's bottom. Miguel screamed and lurched forward.

"Steady," the man said. "Or we'll have to start all over."

Miguel sobbed and flinched, thinking the man was going to hit him again, but the man just laughed and waited, then when Miguel wasn't expecting it, brought the strap down across his back leaving a thick red stripe on his tan skin.

"My fucking dicks dirty huh?" The counselor shouted, hitting Miguel across the shoulder so that the strap wrapped around and smacked across his chest.

Miguel screamed again, tears streaming down his small face. I could see he was visibly trembling and before the man could hit him again he pulled away from the wall.

I could see where the end of the strap had struck across his tiny brown nipple, it looked bruised, a drop of blood forming where the strap had cut his skin.

Miguel arched his back trying to avoid the strap, only to have it wrap around and graze his balls, sending him to his knees. He held his hands up, tears streaming from his eyes as he looked at Mr. Parker. "I'll suck you," Miguel said, as he cringed before the man, sobbing. "P 3;p 3;p 3;please. I'll do it."

"You had your chance," Mr. Parker said bringing the belt down across the boy's raised arms.

Miguel screamed as it curled around and struck his ear.

"Now you're going to get your ass fucked," Mr. Parker said, "And you're buddies going to get me wet. You better pray he gets me good and wet, because if he doesn't, this will be like a friendly swat."

He brought the strap down two more times, leaving welts across Miguel's chest and thigh.

"Please," Miguel begged. "Don't hit me anymore!"

The man stopped and looked at me, "You want to suck my dick?"

I nodded my head and dropped to my knees. The man laughed and then struck me across my arm and back with the belt causing me to cry out at the flash of pain.

"Just a little taste of whats' to come if you don't fucking do a good job," the man said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his circumcised cock. It was only half hard and already larger than the doc's. It must've been an inch [2½ cm] longer at least and I didn't know how he was going to get it inside of Miguel, but really all I cared about was not getting beaten so I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around the large head.

"Good boy," he said, looking at Miguel. "See, if you had just done this earlier, you wouldn't have had to go through that shit."

Miguel was huddled in the corner sobbing his hands rubbing his balls. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he watched us, a trickle of blood running down his chest from where the strap had cut him near his nipple.

I continued to suck the man, trying not to look Miguel in the eye. The man moaned and ran his hands through my hair. He thrust his hips towards me causing me to gag.

"Stay still," the man said, suddenly grabbing the sides of my head with his hands.

I felt him push in again, this time hitting the back of my throat. I gagged again. I thought he would stop, but instead he just pushed it into my throat again.

"Relax your throat you dumb fuck," Mr. Parker said as he stroked in and out, not seeming to care that I was gagging.

I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes, only to see him watching me sneering, as he continued to thrust his thick cock in and out of my throat. A long line of drool started to run from my mouth as he churned up the spit in my mouth.

"Yeah," he said. "He's getting me nice and wet. You better grab some of this spit for your ass dumb shit, unless you want to be fucked raw."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Miguel drag himself up on to his knees and crawl over. I heard the crack of the strap as the man brought it down across Miguel's back and I jumped.

"Fucking bite me?" Mr. Parker said, gripping my head so tight it started to hurt.

I whined as he continued to grip my head, thrusting in and out violently, then suddenly he pulled off and held my head in front of his dick. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"You like this Charlie?" Mr. Parker asked. "Yeah I know your name. I know all about you and your kid brother and all the nasty things your father did to you."

"My father didn't do anything to me," I said.

"That's not what the doctor said," Mr. Parker said as he let go of my head. "He said your brother had his ass torn up when he came in."

"That was the doctor and Roger," I said, defending my father.

"I can't believe you would blame that on a pediatrician who's served this community for twenty years!" Mr. Parker screamed, hitting me with the strap. "I should be fucking your ass for those lies, but it's your buddies turn now, isn't it?"

"I swear he didn't do anything," I shouted.

"Shut the fuck up," Mr. Parker said. "I don't care what he fucking did, just keep sucking my dick."

With that he thrust his cock back in to my mouth, letting me move it in and out, running his hands through my hair as he leaned his head back and moaned. Miguel let out a sob. I looked over and saw him shoving two spit coated fingers in his ass.

"I can't take it with just spit," Miguel said in a frightened voice. "Can't we get something else."

"You should've thought of that before," the man said as he pulled out of my mouth and grabbed Miguel by the arm, dragging him towards the only bed in the room.

I watched as Mr. Parker drooled his own spit down the crack of Miguel's ass and then shoved his finger in to the boy's bottom, stretching his hole. Miguel let out a whimper, but stayed still, his face buried in his arms.

"God you got a beautiful backside boy," the man said. "Those stripes make you look so sexy."

Mr. Parker pulled his fingers out of Miguel's ass and lined his thick prick up to the boy's tiny hole. It was the largest cock I'd ever seen. I could not see how he could get it in to Miguel, who was even smaller than I was, but he did.

Miguel cried out, not a howl, just a sharp cry of surprise, then he just lay there quietly whimpering as Mr. Parker fed more and more inside of the his bottom. I thought it would hurt Miguel more, but he made very little sound, just lay there quietly as the man pushed in ever so slowly.

"You're still tight," Mr. Parker said. "God, you're making me feel good."

I could hear Miguel sniffle, as he lay there crying, trying hard to be quiet.

I was shocked when I saw the man had nearly all of his cock inside my friend. Mr. Parker stopped with just the last inch left outside and groaned, holding still for a second. Mr Parker held Miguel by the hips as he pulled out, letting out a deep moan at the same time.

"Oh yeah," Mr. Parker said. "You slippery enough. Is it hurting?"

"It hurts a little," Miguel said.

"Come here little piggy," the man said to me.

I crawled over to him afraid he would hit me again, instead he just pulled his cock out of Miguel's ass and pointed it in my direction.

"You didn't get it wet enough slut," the man said. "Now you got to suck it again."

"No, please," I started to beg, not wanting to put it in my mouth after where it had been.

"Suck it bitch," the man shouted, grabbing me by the hair and shoving his cock in my mouth.

I choked as he savagely fucked my face. I felt a soreness in my throat and realized he had pushed deeper inside this time. His cock was so big, I couldn't even breath through my nose. I struggled to get away, but he held me there.

"Yeah, that's how you do it boy," Mr. Parker said, as he pushed all but two inches [5 cm] of his cock in my mouth.

"He can't breath," Miguel said, then tried to scramble away as Mr. Parker hit him again.

"You think I don't know that?" Mr. Parker said. "You're the one who wanted more spit."

"Please don't kill him," Miguel said.

"I'm not going to kill him," Mr. Parker shouted quickly pulling his cock out of my mouth, a long strand of spitting hanging off the end as it slowly dripped to the floor.

"Well grab it dumbshit," Mr. Parker said, causing Miguel to cup his hands under the man's cock to scoop up the spit. "Good boy."

Miguel reached back and pushed two fingers, slimy with my saliva, into his ass, he continued to feed his butt with my spit until he had no more to push inside. Mr. Parker laughed, and smacked his bottom.

"Time for more fun now," the man said as he pushed back into Miguel, causing the boy to groan one more time.

"Ugghh," Miguel cried out as Mr. Parker grabbed him by the hair and held him up.

"Kiss me boy," Mr. Parker said, turning Miguel's face towards him.

I watched as Miguel and the man kissed, even as the man drove his cock in and out of the boy's tiny bottom, a cock so thick it actually spread the boy's ass cheeks around it. My saliva was dripping off of Miguel's balls in a thick strand. Each time the man thrust inside Miguel, it caused the boy's tiny hairless penis to quiver.

I thought it would never end, but it did. Mr. Parker pushed Miguel back down and then grabbed the boy's hips and thrust in and out as quick as he could, trying to burry the last of his cock inside, despite its size. Miguel now grunted with each thrust.

"Steady," the man said, continuing his assault on the poor tan bottom.

I watched them, as I leaned against the wall, trying to distance myself from the scene. The man looked down at where his cock was entering the boy, almost as if he was watching his cock deep inside of Miguel's bottom, then with one final grunt, he thrust the rest of the way in and cried out, holding himself still as his cum shot out into the boy, grunting over and over as he continued to try to get more of his cock inside Miguel, only stopping after his orgasm had faded.

"You got my seed now boy," Mr. Parker said, out of breath. "Maybe you'll have my baby. You'd like that wouldn't you, a half white baby."

Miguel didn't say anything, he just lay there as the man kneeled behind him, Mr. Parker's softening penis still inside the his ass.

"There it goes," Mr. Parker said as the last of his cock out popped out.

Mr. Parker stood and pulled his pants back up. He was breathing heavy. He put his foot on Miguel's bottom and pushed the boy off the bed onto the ground.

"Now you boys don't go anywhere," the man said as he finished tidying himself up, then left the room.

I looked at Miguel as he lay on the floor not moving, his head resting on his forearm, looking off in the distance. I crawled over to him and sat beside him, wishing there was something I could do for him.

"I hate this place," he said softly, wiping a tear from his eye.

"I know," I said. "I do too."

I pulled him up off the ground to the bed and laid down next to him, holding him in my arms.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I could feel the warmth of his skin as I held him close to me, his hands holding on to my arms. After awhile Miguel turned over and looked at me, tears in his eyes still, We stared into each others eyes, not saying a thing. I watched as he moved closer to me and pushed his lips against mine, and pulled my body even closer to his. He kissed me for a what seemed like a long time and then quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I don't mind," I said, stroking his hair and smiling.

"Thanks Charlie," Miguel said, kissing me again.

It's those moments when life seems darkest that you cling to any sign of light. I did that and so did Miguel. From what seemed to be unbearable pain grew a love that had not been there. Not lust, but a deep abiding friendship that seemed to bind us together as close as any two boys could be.

When the door opened again, the other counselor stood there looking at us, his pants were unzipped and I thought he was coming in to do something, but I guess he had a thing for black boys. I felt sorry for Anton.

"Come on lovebirds, back to the cafeteria," he said. "We got some food for you."

I watched as he looked at the stripes across Miguel's back and the line of dried blood running from his nipple down to his thigh.

"Fuck Glenn," he said to no in particular. "I aint covering for you anymore."

He took Miguel to the bathroom, Anton, Ronny, and I stood in the doorway and watched as he got a warm washcloth and washed away the blood from Miguel's body.

"Does that hurt buddy," the Counselor said.

"No sir," Miguel said.

"James," the man said, smiling. "Call me James."

I felt jealous that the man was being so nice to Miguel, not because I wanted him to be nice to me, but because I wanted to be the one to comfort my friend. After Miguel was cleaned up and got dressed, he took us to the cafeteria and let us stand up to eat.

Chapter 12

Glen Parker was a man filled with anger. He hated everything and especially hated little boys. He took every opportunity that he could find to make our lives miserable. The things he did to us that day were nothing compared to some of the things he had done. He had been suspended, rather allowed leave with pay, several times because he had hurt one boy or another.

Everyone knew that he was the kind of man that would not go quietly. If he was forced out, he would take everyone down that he could, even if it meant taking himself down, so the staff avoided him, Mr. Simms hated him, and the boys had nightmares about him.

I found out that they did think my father had abused us. The doctor had told them that there were signs of sodomy. He even took pictures of Calvin's bottom to show the judge. The only man that we had been with was my father, so they blamed it on him, even charged him for abusing us. They asked us to testify, but we wouldn't say anything. We couldn't. In the end he pleaded guilty for a commuted sentence. He was already going to spend the next ten years of his life in jail. By the time he would get out my brother and I would both be legal adults.

Calvin and I both knew what would happen if we said anything, what happened to Miguel with Mr. Parker would be a walk in the park. I had seen the scars on Zack's penis. They had put hooks through his foreskin and tied them off to the floor. Then they took turns fucking him. Eight men were there, including Mr. Simms. They threatened to cut his balls off, but instead they put needles through his nipples and placed little gold rings in them. I didn't believe them, but I saw them when he was taking a shower. Every boy that squealed had them, they were a constant reminder of what happened if you decided to tell. The fact he had to dress up as a girl, made it even worse.

I loved my dad, but no matter what I said, he was going to jail. If they found out I squealed I would be going to hell. Besides, in a way, he was responsible for everything that happened. Maybe I wasn't angry at him, but what I did know is that if he had just lived a normal life, we wouldn't have had to go through this.

They never made us appear in court. They thought it would be too traumatic, so Calvin and I were told about what happened by Ms. Simms, who hugged us and said that if we needed anything to ask. She bought us soda and candy and cried. We cried too. It was sad to lose your father, especially when he was still very much alive.

Ronny was right, you did get used to that place, you had to. After being at the home for a month I saw a counselor taking Calvin to one of the offices, I didn't try to stop them or offer to go in his place. They'd already gotten him too many times when I wasn't looking. The younger boys got it the worst I found out. There were dozens of older boys on the cusp of manhood, but only a handful of young boys.

Cum was a godsend in a way. If you could made it, a lot of the guards wanted nothing to do with you. If you had hair down there, you were even better off. I remember how happy Miguel was when he got his first cum. When we were alone in the room, he laid back on the bed and I sucked him 'til I felt it in my mouth. He held my mouth to his little bald dick, holding his breath. There were only a few drops, but he was happy, hair was just around the corner for him.

You stayed in the house 'til you turned fourteen or got so big. They didn't want big kids around the little ones. Things tended to get complicated quick. It's bad enough when you've got a bunch of little boys all packed together, but when you add teenagers who will put their cocks in anything that moves, it gets worse.

I was popular with the guards, but not because I did what they wanted and smiled, no it was because I was cute, whether I admitted it or not. My long dark hair that curled at the ends, my dark green eyes, and my pale skin, the kind where you could still see the vessels around my thighs, the men liked that. I knew they loved to see my lips wrapped around their cocks. They always got this funny look when I did that. If I rolled my tongue over the head of their cock, more times than not, I saved myself from an ass fucking.

It was strange what men liked, at least back then. Miguel could tell who the counselors would want and who they wouldn't, Anton too. It took longer for me to figure out why they liked me so much or why they liked Ronny, it was more than just our looks, it was the fact that we would obey. They didn't like boys that complained too much and for the most part I'd just lay there and let them do what they were doing, trying as hard as I could to just not be there.

Anton got out about six months after I got there. His sister turned eighteen and had filed for custody. He said he'd save us, but when he told Mrs. Simms she thought he was a liar and threatened to send him back, he quit talking about it. We didn't blame him, we were happy he got out. I remember the first new kid in my room. His name was Peter and he was a really small boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a dark tan and smiled a lot. He quit smiling after he visited the doctor. We made it our job to get him to smile again. He did after a few months.

Ronny was a good kid to know if you were horny. As long as you sucked him, he'd let you do whatever you wanted to him. He liked to be hit too. I know it sounds fucked up, but he wanted me to spank him with a belt before I fucked him. He wouldn't let me stop until he was crying. Poor Ronny. His two loves were baseball and sex, I didn't have much hope that he'd end up normal.

Miguel was my secret friend. That's what we called each other. When no one was around we'd do things together, soft and gentle. We'd kiss and hug each other, run our hands over each others bodies. I loved the way his body curved and the way his cum tasted. I didn't get come 'til almost two years after he did. I ended up being a late bloomer, my first drops came a couple months before my fourteenth birthday. Mr. Brady was sucking me off when it happened. He smiled and showed it to me in his mouth and then kissed me so I could taste it, which I thought was gross. I didn't start getting hair 'til a couple months after that.

And then the time came for me to move on and I did. I was fourteen and I was actually looking forward to it. Miguel and Ronny had the same room in the home for teenage boys and they'd convinced one of the guys there to move out a couple days before I was to come over. It was cool because we ended up in the same room again. I loved those guys, they were my brothers every bit as much as Calvin, maybe more so. My life really took a turn for the better in that room.

Calvin had ended up like Ronny. He'd do it with anyone. I stopped spending so much time with him because when he found out I could come, he had asked if he could taste it. I don't know why he wanted to, but I let him. He sucked me and let me fuck his mouth as hard as I wanted. When I finally came he told me it tasted good and he wanted to do it again. We did.

There was something about Calvin, by the time he turned eleven he had this aura around him that just seemed to be sexy. It was like those models you see, the really sexy ones. The way they walk, the way they look at you. Ronny might've liked sex, but he didn't have it. Calvin though, he seemed to drown in it. I know you wouldn't think a boy could be sexy, and to most men they'd just call him a fag or effeminate, but to those men who wanted boys, they caught it immediately.

Maybe I'm just saying that so I have an excuse, because I never stopped doing it with him. I loved to see his lips wrapped around my cock and the way his bright green eyes looked up at me. He looked so much like me at that age that I sometimes fantasized I was fucking myself, that Calvin wasn't Calvin, he was me and I had gone back in time and found myself when I first arrived. Each time I pushed into his ass I punished myself for being such a little faggot.

I did it a lot with Calvin. Everyone knew what was going on, well the boys at least. They didn't care, if anything they tried to get in his pants too. Finally a guard caught us in a closet, but instead of lecturing us about both being brothers, he asked to watch us do it together. A bunch of the guards liked that. They'd watch me grease up my six inch [15 cm] rod and fuck Calvin, who always gave a great performance, with plenty of ohs and ahs. After I was done, the audience would have their way with him.

Years later I would feel horrible about that, but at the time it stopped being a big deal. Sex wasn't special to me, like it was to other people. To me it was like a massage that you couldn't get enough of. If someone offered to give you one, you let them and if someone bigger asked you to give them one, then you did it and prayed they didn't hurt you.

Anyways, that shit was all behind me when I moved on to the home for teens. Even though I was the youngest and the fresh fish, I didn't have to worry, because Ronny was my friend and also friends with one of the toughest kids there. Mike wasn't a gang member or anything like that, just a tough kid. He'd beaten up three older kids who'd tried to take him in the shower. Ripped one of the guys nuts out of his body, literally. Nearly killed him. The counselors never found out who did it. No one squealed and no one messed with Mike.


It was a normal summer day. I was fifteen and enjoying the the warm breeze blowing through the trees. School was out, so we didn't have to worry about that and I had worked a few hours in the cafeteria that week so I had some money in my pocket. Life was pretty good. Me and Miguel were sitting at the edge of the young boys home waiting for Calvin. He liked spending time with us and Miguel and I liked spending time with him. We had a special place in the woods off of the trails that we'd go and hang out. The guard at the shack would patrol the trail, but never went into the woods, so we were pretty safe.

Today Calvin was bringing along a new kid, a young nine year old blond boy named Stevie. He had brown eyes and tan skin and had been banged enough times now that he was used to it. Calvin had told him that he could earn some money if he did some things with us. At first he didn't want to, but Calvin told him all the nice things he could buy with the money and eventually the boy crumpled under the pressure. So we waited inside the tree line, hidden from the sight of the counselors, and Calvin brought the boy to where we were.

Calvin was right, he was cute. He was wearing a tank top and shorts that seemed to be a size too small for him. I was sure the counselors had bought them for him. I licked my lips thinking about the fun we'd have. The boy was laughing as the two of them were walking towards us. Miguel and I followed alongside of them through the woods as Calvin took the boy to the trail. They walked a little ways down it and we heard Calvin yelling at someone to leave them alone.

I ran to the trail and saw it was one of my friends James, a seventeen year old who was in the room next to Miguel and I. He was a great guitar player and when I asked him to teach me, he was more than happy to oblige. We hung out a lot and I knew he was into sex because he had tried to get me to blow him, but I wasn't interested.

"Leave us alone," Calvin said, trying to get around James.

"Come on," James said, smiling. "I just want to talk."

"James," I said. "That's my brother man, leave him alone."

"Dude," he said. "I didn't know. Sorry little man."

"Fuck you," Calvin said, pushing him and then walking over to me, dragging his little buddy along.

"Hey Charlie," James said. "If they aren't too sore after you get done, send them my way."

"Fuck you James," I shouted. "He's my brother."

"Yeah," James said. "Still has a tight ass. I'd tap it if he was my brother."

"James get lost," I said.

I led my brother and his friend into the woods to our hideout. It was a small clearing of grass inside of the woods. Hidden in a hole in one of the trees was a blanket we had brought out. We stored it in a plastic bag we got from the kitchen to keep it from getting wet. I pulled it out and laid it out on the ground for us to sit.

"Did Calvin tell you everything?" I asked.

"Yeah," the boy said. "Five dollars for a blowjob and ten for a fuck."

"No," I said, wanting more now that I'd seen the boy. "Fifteen dollars and you have to do things for us 'til the dinner bell."

"No way," the boy said. "I'm not doing that."

"Well fifteen dollars is a lot of money," I said. "How about you Calvin, you up for it?"

"Yeah," he said. "I want to buy some stuff in town."

"Calvin, I want to go back," Stevie said, almost begging.

"Go if you want," Calvin said, acting like he was angry. "You'll let the counselors fuck your ass, but you wont let my brother when he's going to pay you to do it."

"Calvin," the boy said. "I don't even know 3; well you know?"

"How big they are?" Calvin said. "Don't worry you can take them."

"All afternoon?" Stevie asked.

"No," I said. "Just 'til the dinner bell. Three hours tops."

He thought about it as he watched me unzip my pants and let my cock out.

"Calvin show him it's not so bad," I said.

Stevie stared at Calvin as he dropped down in front of me and sucked my thick seven and half inch [19 cm] cock past his soft lips. I ran a hand through Calvin's dark hair as he moved my cock in and out of his mouth.

"See," I said. "Calvin does it."

Stevie waited for a few seconds, then nodded his head.

"Okay," he said. "But only 'til the dinner bell."

I smiled, as I held my brother's head steady and fucked his face. Neither of the boys had to be told what to do, Calvin kept sucking and Stevie pulled off his clothes. As Stevie pulled down his underwear, his little penis, maybe three inches [7½ cm] long, popped up stiff as a nail. Miguel whistled as the boy finished undressed, then started to pull his own clothes off. Miguel and I had done things with Calvin before, so it wasn't like this was new to him, but we rarely had a fourth playmate.

I knew I might be a bit big for the boy and that it might scare him, so I planned to fuck my brother first. He could take me with a smile, so I knew that would encourage the little guy to earn his money.

Miguel was thrusting his five inch [12½ cm] cock in to Stevie's mouth, groaning. Stevie took it like a little trooper. He looked up at Miguel to make sure he was making him feel good, but I had no doubt that he was, it was hard for such a cute boy's mouth not to feel good.

I knew Calvin was trying to get my load, the little slut he'd become, and I wasn't about to deny him, so I just started to thrust faster and faster as he ran his tongue all over my dick.

Miguel was the first to cry out, shooting off inside of Stevie's mouth. I could tell by the look on Stevie's face he still wasn't used to the taste.

"Swallow," Miguel said, holding the boys head on his cock.

Stevie did as he was told looking up at Miguel. When Miguel took his cock out of Stevie's mouth, the boy stuck his tongue out and spit.

"Don't like the taste?" I asked.

"It tastes like rotten eggs," Stevie said.

"Don't say that, you'll hurt Miguel's feelings," I said laughing.

Calvin almost had me at the edge, but what I really wanted to feel was the boy I was paying for.

"Come here Stevie," I said, motioning for him to crawl across the blanket to where I was standing.

He did as he was told and when Calvin pulled out, he didn't fight when I put it in his mouth. Just like Miguel, he looked up at me with his little brown eyes, making sure he was doing a good job. I groaned, standing still, just letting Stevie do all the work. Calvin was sitting next to Miguel stroking Miguel's dick, getting it hard again. I could feel myself on the edge, so I started to groan, letting Stevie know what was going to happen.

Stevie didn't pull off, if nothing else the counselors had taught the boy to be an adept cum drinker. I felt the first spurt of cum shoot out into his mouth, he again made that same cute face, disgusted by the seed coming out into his mouth. I pulled out of his mouth and a shot of cum hit him right in the eye, I could tell he was shocked. I held him still by his hair as I unloaded the rest of my cum, blasting thick streams over his face and lips.

"Stevie," I said. "You're a natural born cock sucker."

I watched as he frowned, wiping my sticky cum from his face.

"Don't waste it," Calvin said, grabbing his hand so he could lick my juices off Stevie's fingers.

"Taste some Stevie," I said, smiling at the boy.

Stevie wiped some off of his cheek and put it in his mouth. My dick twitched.

We sat on the blanket in just our shirts. I had brought some snacks, candy bars and cookies. Stevie loved them. You could never get enough candy as a kid. Calvin couldn't stop stroking himself, his eleven year old hairless dink looked red and raw. I thought about telling him to stop, it was making me feel awkward, especially when he started to have one of his dry cums, but everyone jut ignored him.

A half an hour later I decided to have a go at Stevie's butt. I thought I'd have to convince him to let me fuck him by fucking Calvin first, but the little guy just crawled up onto his hands and knees and assumed the position.

He was kind of short, so it was hard for me to get behind him, so instead of doing it doggy style, I grabbed a towel from the tree (I don't think I have to explain why we had some towels) and rolled it up so it raised Stevie's hips off the ground. He had a cute bubble butt, the pale soft skin offset by his boyish tan. I looked at him as he stared over his shoulder, nervously watching as I moved behind him. He was a cute kid. Maybe as cute as Ronny at that age.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll take it slow, just tell me if it hurts."

"Okay," Stevie said, smiling at me.

I pulled a tube of KY out of my pocket, one of the perks of earning money, and dripped the jelly down Stevie's crack. The boy shivered as the cool jelly touched his little hole. I ran my finger around his tiny anus in circles, smearing the jelly as best I could. He was still watching me.

When I had gotten the outside of his butt nice and slippery, I pushed a finger inside of him slowly, watching to see if he winced. He didn't, he just had this look of intense concentration, like he was trying to figure out the capital of South Dakota. He was such a cute little guy, for a second I had a spark of guilt inside of me, but then I felt his tiny ass spasm around my finger and it was gone. I just looked down at him and smiled and he smiled back. I could tell he was the kind of boy that wanted you to like him, would do anything so you would be his friend. For Stevie this wasn't about money, it was about loneliness.

That didn't matter to me at that time, all that mattered to me was his tiny bottom and the soft almost invisible blond hairs running down his back to his spine. I marveled at the way his muscular little bottom jutted out to form a V shape, almost like it was an arrow to his tiny hole. And that tiny hole was still pink and tight, quivering just enough to let you know it wasn't worn out, that it still would fight when you went inside.

My dick throbbed as I removed my finger from his insides and I felt him shift nervously underneath me, trying to be brave, trying not to let me know that he was afraid I might hurt him when I pushed inside. I know I should've cared, but I had long since stopped caring about pain and sex. For me the two were so close together, that they were the same thing. Sometimes sex hurt and then felt good, sometimes in never felt good, the important thing was to try and make it feel good for you.

I pushed at Stevie's little hole. I could tell he was struggling to let me in, I saw it wink ever so slightly as I fought to gain entrance, and then with the force of my fifteen year old thighs, the tip popped in. Stevie gasped.

"It hurts," he said. "Stop! Stop!"

"Sorry," I said, staying as still as I could, focusing on the sensations of his warm bottom wrapped around the head of my cock.

It seemed like I was behind him forever. I heard the sound of Miguel's hips slapping against Calvin's bottom. I didn't look though, I hated watching them do things together. Little Stevie whimpered again and then wiggled his bottom.

"Okay," he said. "You can put it in."

I pushed further into the boy's ass, causing him to whimper. Stevie was tight, I could feel his insides stretch to let me in. I started to sweat, so I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the side. I continued to force my cock inside of him as I stroked his back softly.

"You're doing great buddy," I said. "You're really good at this."

He didn't say anything, he just lay there, resting his flushed cheek on his forearms, watching Miguel and Calvin, wincing every once in awhile. I tried to go slow, to take it easy, but the grip he held on my penis was almost hypnotic, drawing me further and further inside. He let out a gasp as I finally forced the last inch inside him, pushing past the tight muscles inside of his little chute.

I groaned this time, feeling the warmth. I thought I could feel his heartbeat through the walls of his ass, maybe it was my heartbeat. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see anything, just feel the incredible sensation. As I leaned over his body I could smell his hair, the sweet scent of baby shampoo caressing me. I held myself up on my elbows, slowing down the pace of my thrusts, trying to draw as much pleasure as I could. It dawned on me suddenly that the boy was smiling.

"What's so funny," I asked, thinking maybe he thought my dick was small.

"Nothing," he said, looking up at me. "You just make funny faces is all."

I laughed and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. He wiped away the imaginary slobber, but didn't seem to mind like some boys his age did.

"You're really cool Stevie," I said. "I like you."

"I like you too," he said, closing his eyes.

I wasn't sure if he really did or he had just learned to say that, but at the time I didn't care so much, his ass was still gripping my cock like a vice and it felt so good I knew it couldn't last forever.

I could feel the intense sensation of my orgasm as it built inside of my penis, it was dull at first, then started to gain strength, like a fish swimming up river. I held my breath as I lifted myself up so I could get deeper inside of Stevie's ass, thrusting in and out as fast as I could. Stevie gasped, a look of pain crossing his face. He closed his eyes.

"Unh," he grunted each time I bottomed out in him.

I kept thrusting, turned on by the sounds he made, wanting so much to get lost in that feeling and then suddenly I was there, that moment when time stands still, when everything around you becomes black and white and the world just slips away. I was lost then, in the sensation, in the rush of emotion and seed. I did not hear the boy below me pant or groan or cry out, all I felt was how big my penis seemed to suddenly get and how thick my seed was as it shot out in powerful spurts inside of the boy.

I cried out, head thrust back, holding myself above the boy, my arms pushing me up as far as I could go. Stevie's mouth formed a little O as he felt the rush of my warm cum inside his body.

It seemed like my cum lasted forever, and even after I stopped spurting seed inside of him, the sensation of each wave of my orgasm continued, causing my cock to throb inside of the boy's tight ass. I don't know what happened around me, only that when it was done, Miguel and Calvin were watching us, a look of awe in their eyes.

I looked down at where my cock was still impaled inside the boy's bottom and saw a white froth of cum and lubricant squeezing out around the tight ring of the boy's hole. I panted, trying to catch my breath as I held still and knew that nothing else I did that day would feel better than I had just felt.

I fucked Stevie once more before he had to go back for dinner. He even cleaned my cock after it had been inside of him. I didn't have much hope for the boy, but I did know I wanted to see him again and I did, several times over the next few years. He was one of my favorites.

And really that is how my life went 'til I turned eighteen. After that I went to a trade school and learned how to install cable into houses. I avoided kids period until I moved to New Jersey to room with Calvin and Miguel. The second day I was there I came in and Miguel was playing Nintendo with a little blond boy that couldn't have been more than seven or eight. They were both in their underwear. I asked to speak to Miguel in the kitchen. We argued for a bit, twenty minutes later I was laying back on the couch as the little guy tried his best to stuff my dick up his ass. I was more than happy to help him. After I came in his ass, Miguel took a turn. He called the boy every dirty name in the book and smacked him if he complained. After that he used his fingers to scoop cum out of the boy's ass and then forced him to eat it. I watched, slightly turned on, and wondered if he would still put the Doc six foot under if he met him on the street.