Damnd1Puppies |
SummaryA teenage boy endures a much more pleasurable take on an ancient Roman torture, and discovers what it's like to become a human puppy.
Publ. (damnd1.tumblr.com); this site Mar 2017
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CharactersDaniel (teenager)Category & Story codesProstitution boy storyt-machine Mt – cons mast – petplay prost (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteAll work is 100% digital. No live actors have been used in the creation of these pieces. I encourage you to share, reblog, download or store my art for your future enjoyment. Just please don't modify it – each piece already tells EXACTLY the story I want it to tell. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Damnd1: Puppies in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Daniel stood in his white underpants feeling self-conscious and silly. His slim body, washboard abs and swimmer's physique were the reason he was here now. He looked down at the object in front of him standing in a pool of light in the mostly-darkened room. It looked like a large robotic puppy with strangely thick back legs. The outside was painted white with blotchy patches in brown and tan like a beagle puppy. Chris looked at Daniel with amusement, then reached down and lifted the entire back off the puppy. The back legs were bisected along their vertical axes, and the backs came away with the upper half of the dog. Daniel could see that it was hollow inside and made of metal, and there were multiple canvas straps inside. Chris continued adjusting the metal dog. The face was hinged on the lower part of the snout, and he folded the face downwards. Daniel was surprised to see some complicated pipes and wires attached to the inside of the face mask and there was another strap. "Get in," Chris instructed. Daniel frowned, uncertain how to comply. "Kneel at the back and lay down on your stomach," Chris clarified. Daniel looked down at the rear legs. There were soft pads at ground level inside the paws. He knelt on the pads with his thighs pressing against the inside of the legs, then leaned forwards and lay down on the inside of the puppy's stomach. The metal was cool against his bare skin, and Daniel was grateful that he was doing this in the summer. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder at Chris. "Like this?" "Yes, that's spot on," Chris confirmed, but put your arms inside the front legs." Daniel did as he was told. Although his arms were not secured, with them inside the smooth legs the posture was one that would make it awkward to stand from unaided. Chris pressed a small adhesive patch to the base of Daniel's spine. It had electrical contacts on the side touching Daniel and wires leading outside the puppy. "Rest your chin on the jaw." Daniel looked to the front and did as he was told. With his chin on the puppy's jaw, his body he was stretched out and he was forced to look straight ahead. Chris nodded to two assistants who were standing nearby with smirks on their faces. They moved in and wrapped the straps around Daniel, securing him to the metal puppy. One strap wrapped around his waist, one around his back at chest height, and the third around his neck. Daniel felt a rush of panic. All he could move was his legs, and it was doubtful he could do anything meaningful with them. "You're not going to need these," Chris said gripping the sides of Daniel's briefs. With that he pulled them down to the ground. Daniel's penis was pulled down between his legs by the departing underwear. The top of it was cold against the metal, but he was more concerned by his total nudity. He was glad that he was in the puppy now. His nudity seemed less revealing. He was only too aware that he was being watched by a group of people sitting in the dark at a nearby table. "Knees up," Chris said, and as Daniel lifted his knees from the floor, Chris pulled the boy's underwear off completely. "Okay, you can kneel down again now." The two assistants moved in behind Daniel and lifted his lower legs, folding them at the knee until his heels were pressing against his bottom. "Relax or you'll get cramp," one of them cautioned. Daniel obeyed and they pulled straps from the top of each of the rear puppy legs and secured his feet in place. Daniel was glad that the padding beneath his knees was so thick. Chris moved to the front of the puppy, crouched down and lifted the puppy mask towards Daniel's face. Reaching into the snout of the mask he pulled out a pair of nose plugs attached via a Y connector to narrow-gauge corrugated rubber piping. "Don't panic," he said quietly, "This won't stop you breathing." Daniel frowned, unable to resist even if he'd wanted to, and Chris pressed the plugs into place in his nostrils. Daniel snorted and lifted his head in a moment of panic that was gone as quickly as it started. The snorting sound was amplified through the tubes, but his breathing was unimpeded. "Mouth open," Chris instructed. Daniel was slow to comply, so Chris squeezed the fingers of his right hand together and pressed the edge of his index finger underneath Daniel's nose applying pressure between the boy's septum and philtrum. Daniel lifted his head in response to the discomfort, opening his mouth as he did so. As soon as he did, Chris used his left hand to insert a three-inch-[8 cm]-wide, oval rubber pipe into Daniel's mouth. "I suggest you poke your tongue through the middle." Daniel complied with the suggestion, poking his tongue into the hole in the tube. Chris lifted the puppy mask and it clicked into place, locking in position. It pushed the mouthpiece in deeper and held it there. The puppy had comically large, manga-like eyes made of one way glass. Daniel could see through them clearly from the inside. "Make a noise to let me know that you can still breathe alright." Daniel grunted through the mouthpiece. It was connected to the front of the puppy's mouth. "Good. Now I just need to attach this voice changer." Chris wrapped a collar around Daniel's neck. It fitted him like a scarf and had wires coming out of it. Chris adjusted its position then said, "Say something." Daniel tried to say, 'What are you doing to me?' but what came out was "Rrow, rrow, rrow," in a high pitched puppy tone. Everyone in the room except Daniel roared with laughter. "Yeah that's working fine," Chris said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "And in case you're wondering, it takes every sound you make and patches it through a synthesiser. A noise canceller in the collar and nose plugs stops the sound of your real voice. From now on, the only sound you can make is dog noises." Chris moved to the rear side of the puppy. He lifted the top piece of the metal animal, and firmly gripped the puppy's tail and pulled it. A curved section of metal roughly a foot [30 cm] in diameter came away. On the inside was a rubber coated butt plug. The two assistants looked at it and grinned broadly, knowing that it was going to be an unpleasant shock for Daniel. Chris smiled back at them, and gave them a wink as he lowered the upper half of the metal puppy onto the lower half, encasing Daniel completely inside it. He slid four catches along the sides, locking the top to the bottom. Now it was utterly impossible for Daniel to escape without help. Chris picked up a tub of lube that had been out of sight in a box and smeared a generous portion onto the tips of his right hand. He put the tub down then reached for Daniel's exposed buttocks. As he started to spread the cheeks of the boy's bottom with his hand, Daniel panicked and started to shout in alarm. With the pipe in his mouth, he was unintelligible. "Rrrow rroow rrrrrrow!" The urgency of his protestations was clear, even though the actual words were not. The assitants and several of the other people present all bellowed with laughter again. Even to Daniel, his voice sounded comical and pathetic. Chris ignored his complaints and smeared the lube onto his hole. Daniel yowled as he felt Chris push a slick middle finger into his hole. It sounded like the shocked yelp of a small dog that had been stepped on. Chris wiped his fingers clean on a towel then picked up the tail section. "Open wide," he warned Daniel. Then he slowly pushed the tail section into place. The butt plug was not all that big – about four inches [10 cm] long, and only two inches [5 cm] wide at its widest, tapering to a one inch [2½ cm] neck that would help to hold it in place. Daniel instinctively tensed against the unexpected anal intrusion but the plug was slick with lube and thanks to its tapered head, there was nothing that he could do to prevent the inevitable. As tightly as he tried to pucker his hole, it slowly, implacably penetrated him, until after 30 seconds of steady pressure, it passed the widest point and before Daniel could compensate for the narrower diameter, it suddenly slipped into place. He felt it filling him: not uncomfortably, but he felt the need to use the lavatory. Chris locked the puppy rump into place with two more small sliders. Now, no matter how much he squirmed, the most that Daniel would be able to do would be to pull the plug an inch out of his hole, to its widest, most uncomfortable point. He would quickly realise that that was not a position that he wanted to remain in for long. "I have another surprise for you Daniel." Daniel said nothing. He'd agreed to this initiation with no idea what it entailed, and now he had no choice about whether or not to complete the process. Chris reached between the puppy's spread rear legs and gripped a panel there. He pulled it away and Daniel's genitals flopped out like luggage falling from an overhead locker, then bounced and swayed serpentine, dangling exposed for all to see. In spite of the cool metal and his apprehension, he still had a thick five inches [13 cm] soft, with a good-sized pair of nuts. His genitals dangled pale and smooth. "Ahh excellent, you're already shaved. That will save me doing it." Daniel wasn't sure whether to be glad that he'd already shaved just a few days ago, thus negating the need for Chris to do the job, or humiliated that his smooth genitals were on display for all to see. Shaving was a minor kink that he enjoyed, and occasionally revealed to any girls that he fucked. "Okay, I can't do much with you while you're soft." Chris took out a remote control and pressed a button. Daniel felt the thing in his rectum moving. A soft latex tongue emerged from the end and started stroking his prostate. It was a disturbingly pleasant experience, but it was nothing compared to how disturbed Daniel became when almost immediately his dick started hardening. Behind the mask, his eyes widened with horror. "Well that didn't take long," Chris said, addressing the ten other people in the room. Daniel's penis rose until it was almost parallel to his belly. It was white, clean, sleek looking. It had a thick wrinkled foreskin that still covered its arrow-shaped head. It was as white and clean-looking as the rest of the boy's cock. Chris knew that his clients would appreciate such an aesthetically pleasing cock. He said, "Let's get you measured up." He got out a one foot ruler and knelt where he could easily reach Daniel's penis. Daniel could feel him pressing the ruler against the top of his cock. "Six inches [15 cm]," Chris said to no one in particular. It was the least of his concerns, but Daniel wondered why Chris was giving the wrong measurement. He knew that he was a good seven and half inches [19 cm]. Chris picked up a device. It was a metal tube, much thicker than Daniel's penis. At the bottom end was a plate that fitted into the missing panel on the puppy's belly, and in the middle was a hole with a gasket for his cock to fit through. Chris held Daniel's penis just behind the head. Although the boy was exposed, he still flinched at the man's touch. Chris moved his fist towards the root, drawing the kid's foreskin back. His shiny glans was a very light pink; almost a pale as the rest of his cock. Chris held Daniel's penis in his hand and slipped the tube over it. Daniel could feel a delicious frisson as hundreds of small latex beads embedded in the inside of the tube and coated in lube, brushed against his penis. Chris pulled the tube all the way to the root of the boy's cock, leaving the inch and half [4 cm] long glans protruding from the end. Then he pulled a loop of rubber from one side of the tube, behind the base of Daniel's cock, and attached it to the other side of the tube, holding it in place.Chris picked up another part: it was a flat semi-circular slab of rubber about five inches [12 cm] in diameter, an inch [2½ cm] thick with a semi-circular notch a little thicker than a thumb carved out of the central edge. There was a raised rubber ring encircling the notch. There were two metal rods at opposite sides sticking up out of the rubber. Chris lifted the rubber slab and attached it to the belly of the metal puppy using the two inch [5 cm] metal rods. Daniel's balls were tight in his smooth scrotum. He felt his balls touching the rubber with apprehension. Shoving things up his ass was faggy but understandable, playing with his cock even more so, but when it came to his balls he could see no reason for Chris to touch him. He trembled with nervous apprehension. Chris picked up an identical piece to the first. The boy's nuts were tight now. They all got like that once the tongue got to work in their assholes. Even the straightest, most homophobic guy just couldn't stop his body from becoming incredibly turned on. Chris cupped the boy's nuts. They were smooth, wrinkle-free, the right quite a bit larger than the left. They formed a firm knot of tender meat clinging to the root of the boy's cock. Chris wasn't gay, but he had a formed a definite appreciation for the things that appealed to his clientele. He gripped the boy's nuts gently, digging his fingers into the boy's scrotum to work them away from his body. He pulled at them firmly but softly, coaxing them to relax. When he had drawn them an inch down from the boy's body, he slid his grip up to the neck of the boy's bag, crimping it into a narrow tube of flesh, then he slipped the other rubber part into place. The two halves formed a perfect circle, with the boy's balls protruding through the small hole in the centre. Chris locked the second pair of rods into place underneath the puppy's belly. The boy's nuts protruded in a compact bulge beneath the rubber circle. Chris swatted at it with his hand to ensure that the boy's scrotum was not trapped between the slabs. The balls bounced perkily, too tight to swing. Chris walked to the front of the puppy carrying two objects. He wanted to show Daniel what he was about to do. "Your balls are a bit small," he lied, "so I wanted to give you a bigger set." He showed Daniel a three-quarter-spherical object. It was shaped like a scrotum but considerably larger than a grapefruit. "While I'm at it, I thought I might as well give you a dick to be proud of." He showed Daniel a prosthetic penis. It was 9 inches [23 cm] long and as thick as the tube that already encased the first five inches [12 cm] of Daniel's penis. "You're gonna like this bit," Chris said. He turned the prosthesis on its side so that Daniel could see inside it. The first two inches [5 cm] were filled with nodules made of latex. It was like looking into the gullet of a sea anemone. It didn't take much imagination for Daniel to figure out how good they were going to feel against his dick. He frowned, dismayed that his body was going to betray him still further. Then he noticed a small pipe sticking out of the middle of the penis. There was no doubt where that was going to be inserted. He hoped that it wouldn't hurt too much going in. Chris moved back to Daniel's side, kneeling on the other side of the audience so that they could see as he worked. He lifted the large metal scrotum, surrounding Daniel's balls with it, and attached it to the raised rim that fully encircled the hole. Then he attached a small pipe to a valve at the rear. Next he took the artificial cock and carefully inserted the pipe an inch into Daniel's urethra. To Daniel's relief, it was very soft and smooth and didn't hurt going in. Chris moved the rest of the prosthesis up until it was surrounding Daniel's glans. As Daniel feared, the tiny nodules felt delicious against his sensitive skin. A quarter turn locked it into place on the base tube. Once the artificial genitals were assembled, Daniel pressed a quarter inch [5 mm] support rod onto the top of the prosthetic penis, and pressed the other end into a receptacle on the puppy's belly. He stood back to survey his work. The metal puppy stood, with licking butt plug tail, voice changer, a thick 14 inch [35 cm] cock pressed up against its belly and balls the size of a coconut. He smiled. "Looks like you're just about set." Daniel's heart plummeted. He was already humiliated and incapacitated. What else could Chris have planned for him? Chris pressed another button on his remote and Daniel got a whole new understanding of just how good his body could feel 3; Suddenly half a dozen erogenous zones lit up at once. Daniel's whole body contracted. His abdominal muscles were tight and rippled. The front of his thighs bashed against the inside of the puppy and he bit down on the rubber pipe in his mouth, letting out a grunt that was translated by the mouthpiece into a yelp. The audience laughed. Most had seen it before. He quickly recovered from the overwhelming surprise of being stimulated in so many places at once, and he was able to isolate each of the many ways that his body was being teased. The first thing he noticed was his asshole. As a male, it was an area of his body that had always been strictly off limits to sex play, but now he was discovering just how disturbingly pleasurable it could be. The latex tongue continued to slurp at his prostate, finding it with unerring accuracy, and licking with small strokes like a gigolo working on a client's clit, using just enough pressure to drive Daniel wild. But what also surprised him was the neck of the plug. It started undulating as a metal ring inside the rubber moved up and down the narrow shaft. The effect was to stimulate the sensitive nerves of his sphincter. Daniel had always enjoyed a good shit as much as the next guy, but it had never occurred to him that the reason was because his hole had a high density of nerve endings, making it one of his body's primary erogenous zones. Now he was discovering why gay guys were so into anal, and it was not a discovery he was happy to make. But he couldn't deny his body's response. His cock got even harder. He felt like his dick-head was so swollen that he could use it to play a xylophone! It didn't help that his cock was being played with the expertise of a virtuoso either. The rubber beads along the inside of the lower shaft all contained iron cores, and now an electro magnet was sending pulses of current through the shaft; not to deliver a shock to his penis, but to make the small beads move. As the current pulsed, each of the dozens of soft beads, each no larger than a lentil, vibrated and readjusted, massaging the length of his shaft. Like most teens, Daniel had quickly discovered that his shaft was not really where the fun part of his penis was. Rather, it simply provided a handle for his hand to slide up and down as he masturbated, and an extension for his glans, enabling it to reach deeper into a girl's pussy. But now he was discovering that even though it lacked the nerve density of his glans, when massaged properly, his shaft could be used to heighten his overall arousal. Not that he needed it. The penis extension that fitted over his glans was driving him crazy with lust. He'd tried the 'knob polishing' type of masturbation once after seeing it in a porn video, but his glans was so sensitive that he'd found it unbearable. He attributed his sensitivity to the fact that he had a foreskin which protected his glans from the constant friction that he presumed cut boys experienced. Now however, every millimetre of his glans and the soft skin behind the corona was being lightly massaged by a dome lined with latex nodules, each of which moved in tiny circles a millimetre or two in diameter. He tensed the root of his cock, gasping at the intensity of the sensation. The mask amplified the noise of his panting, and to the audience he sounded like a thirsty dog on a hot summer's day. Daniel could hear his own breathing and he tried to quieten it down but the feeling was just too intense, and the best he could do was convert his panting into trembling gasps. That sounded even worse to him, so he gave up trying. "You alright in there Daniel?" Chris asked. "Sounds like you're having a good time." "Turn it off. Let me out," Daniel immediately retorted, momentarily forgetting the voice changer. "What was that Dan? Rrow rr to, reh re rooow? I'm sorry, I don't speak dog, but I guess you were saying thank you." Chris smirked at his companions and they all grinned back, encouraging him. Daniel knew it was pointless to try to reason with them when his protests only added to their amusement. "By the way Dan. I don't know if you've noticed, but that new set of nuts is sucking your nuts. It's a vacuum. We'll give you a proper man-sized pair by the time you're finished. Can you feel it?" It was just one of many unaccustomed experiences, but now that Daniel focussed on his balls, he could indeed feel them swelling inside the much larger hollow of the puppy scrotum. They felt they a vast, tight balloon between his legs. Inside, his testicles hung, dangling free in space for the first time in his life, no longer in contact with the inside of his scrotum. Two Christmas baubles inside a straining balloon. And the entire artificial scrotum was vibrating. It was a bizarre feeling. His nuts were softly rattling against each other but it was not uncomfortable. Rather, it felt as though they were being charged, forced to flood his seminal pipes ready to ejaculate. He had a feeling of expectancy in his nuts like the last seconds before an orgasm, but he just couldn't go that last step and start squirting. Instead he simply remained on high arousal, a millisecond from orgasm but never quite crossing the line. Then Daniel became aware of an unexpected feeling. There was pressure on his nipples. He hadn't seen anything on the chest of the puppy as he climbed into it that suggested he would be teased there, but there was undeniable suction downwards on each nipple, and a strange intermittent tweaking feeling, almost like someone pinching them rhythmically between their finger and thumb. The final part of the puppy's repertoire was on his tongue; the sides of his tongue more precisely. A low current was passing into it via metal contacts in the rubber, making the whole thing tingle. When he became aware of it, Daniel tried to move his tongue to one side, but that only pressed it harder against the opposite contact. Eventually he gave up. It wasn't unpleasant – just 3; weird. His mouth seemed to be watering a lot more than usual even though it was open and he was mostly nose-breathing. Daniel's attention leapt from place to place as different stimuli drew his attention. He'd feel a little tremor of pleasure in his hole, then the nodes on his glans would touch him just right, then his vibrating balls would jangle against each other and his focus would shift again. He found it impossible to hold his attention on any single source of pleasure for more than a few seconds before his attention jumped again. In his mind, his genitals assumed monstrous size as he imagined a scrotum the size of a volleyball and a cockhead as big as a fist. Even his hole felt massive and stretched. He was aware that to the audience, all they could see was a static metal puppy and he was glad of it. He would have been deeply ashamed if they could see how crazed with lust he was, especially having his hole reamed. Chris said, "I think we can assume that Daniel's having a good time. Let's give him for a while to heat up." He returned to the others and they sat and played poker around a green baize-topped table, occasionally glancing towards the metal dog. After fifteen minutes, Chris said, "Hmmm, looks like Daniel is getting really turned on now." Daniel had been panting and gasping continuously since the puppy had been activated, but Chris was referring to something else. He walked over and the others followed him. Bending over, he pointed to the thick, six inch [15 cm] streamer of crystal clear drool that was hanging from the end of the puppy's 14 inch [35 cm] metal penis. Steve, one of the spectators said, "That's crazy. It's such an odd thought knowing that his much smaller cock and balls are inside are making that." He said what everyone else was thinking. Watching a 14 inch [35 cm] artificial cock as thick as an arm drooling precum, but knowing that it was actually leaking from Daniel's regular-sized dick inside was an odd thought, and strangely arousing, made all the more horny by the knowledge that the captive within must be feeling desperately turned on. The lifeless puppy could easily be placed in a public art exhibition, and this single clear dribble was the only visible sign that there was a real person inside it going insane with lust. Daniel had never even produced pre-cum before. When he got horny he masturbated or if he was very lucky, he had sex. He never stayed horny long enough to produce pre-cum, and he'd certainly never been so expertly stimulated as he was now. He squirmed and twisted inside the metal puppy, desperate to somehow alleviate the tormenting teasing. But no matter how he moved he could not withdraw his genitals from their confinement, nor dislodge the butt teasing plug that was introducing him to entirely new erotic sensations. He panted and groaned continuously – a bitch on heat begging for a dog to scratch its itch, but never quite managing to cross the threshold to orgasm. He wouldn't have believed that he could feel this turned on without cumming, but he was not aware that it was the electrical patch on his back that was preventing the orgasm signals from reaching his genitals. The traffic along his spinal cord was one way – from his genitals to his brain. He could feel the pleasure signals, but his brain could not get the signal back to his genitals that would trigger an orgasm. A few days of this edging would be enough to literally send the strongest man insane, reducing him to a gibbering, bawling wreck, no longer capable of rational thought. Daniel couldn't believe how bloated his dick head felt. It was throbbing – achingly hard, shiny as a pool ball. And his testicles, gradually swelling within a scrotum that dangled like a punch bag inside the metal globe, not quite large enough to touch the sides, but growing slowly by the minute, trembling and vibrating. His testicles were 50 percent larger than their normal size and working overtime in response to the stimulating vibration.Chris said, "I think we'll give him another 45 minutes to simmer. Who wants a brandy?" Daniel heard Chris's words and groaned in exasperation. It came out as a pitiful puppy whimpering for attention. Much as he found this initiation humiliating, his greatest concern now was to cum. He wasn't comfortable with nudity but if Chris had said 'Get out and jack yourself off in front of us' he would have done it instantly, glad of the chance for relief. The others laughed at Daniel's response to Chris's words, then continued playing whilst a hostess poured the brandies .By the time Daniel had been edged continuously for a full hour, Chris walked over to him and stood behind so that his guests could see clearly. Once again he knelt, there was a puddle of pre-cum as large as a dinner plate on the red marbled industrial linoleum floor and Daniel was continuing to add to it, with a long strand of sticky liquid almost reaching the puddle from the metal dog cock. Chris reached beneath the metal puppy and ran his finger over one of the two small teats. It came back with a small coating of thin white fluid. "Looks like you need milking," he said. Daniel misunderstood and thought that Chris was offering to let him ejaculate. "Huhhh, huhhh, huhh, huhhh," he whined in a high pitched voice like a two week old puppy desperate to be let out for a pee. Chris laughed. "Don't worry, I'm going to let you cum now." Daniel was beyond dignity or self respect. He grizzled, thankful that he was finally going to be allowed released, and his voice sounded even more pathetic converted into puppy tones. The audience joined Chris in laughter. Chris pressed a button on his remote and several things happened: first, all of the appliances attached to Daniel went into overdrive, working faster, harder, and even more teasingly. For a moment, Daniel panicked, fearing that he was simply going to be tormented even more intensely. Then the inhibitor on his lower back disengaged, and rather than preventing an orgasm, started to trigger one. Current also tingled around his scrotum and on his prostrate. The first few seconds of his orgasm were so violent that in spite of the fact that he was tightly secured and confined, his thrashing inside the puppy sounded like half a dozen people kicking a metal door. He yelped and then roared as he was finally granted release, and he experienced the most powerful orgasm of his life. However, because the diameter of the puppy's 'urethra' was more than twice as large as Daniel's own, his semen simply dribbled from the end of the metal cock. One second the audience could hear him thrashing, then a couple of seconds later a rivulet of creamy cum started to pour from the puppy's cock. And throughout it, the puppy stood perfectly still. "All that noise, then it just dribbles out of his cock like that," someone said. "Yeah, but look how big that cock is," someone else pointed out. "I doubt if you could squirt very far if you were wearing that either." The audience watched mesmerised. What Daniel seemed to lack in explosive power, he was making up for in volume. Chris left him on 'ejaculate' for a full minute and Daniel continued to deliver for almost 40 seconds, a slow motion torrent that dumped half a cupful of white juice onto the floor. "Jesus fucking Christ, look how much he's cum. When's he going to stop?" someone asked. "Whenever I like," Chris said, waving the remote. He turned Daniel off. "That's a minute." There was a huge puddle on the floor, slowly spreading. Daniel was snorting through the nosepiece and whining. The nosepiece amplified the sound. "It's like that Roman torture," someone said, "where they used to cook people inside a metal bull." "Very good," Chris acknowledged. "That's where I got the idea. It was in the movie Immortals. Daniel is the fifteenth boy to use it." He patted the puppy's metal rump. "Well done Dan. That was impressive. You just have 11 more to go then you'll have passed the test." Daniel whined at the thought of going through that 11 more times but this time he didn't need the voice changer to give him a high pitched voice. "I think we'll increase the size of your hole a bit too while we're at it." He typed some numbers into the remote and the plug in Daniel's rear started to increase in diameter at an imperceptible rate 3; Chapter 2Twelve hours after he had first been strapped into the metal puppy, Daniel whined and trembled, and his giant metal puppy cock finally stopped dribbling. A final two minute orgasm had drained every last residual drop of fluid from his sex organs, leaving his balls and the root of his cock feeling as though they were in a vice. Chris said, "Well done Daniel, you've passed the audition. Let's get you out of there." Daniel was too exhausted to hear, much less comment. Chris addressed one of his colleagues. "Can we have some light please?" Somebody turned the room lights on and for the first time since Daniel had arrived, the room was fully illuminated. Chris tapped the remote and all of the appliances attached to Daniel's body stopped operating. He reached down and disconnected the penis extension, with its lining of tiny latex tentacles first, sliding it away from Daniel's glans. He tipped it on its end and three quarters of glass of pre-cum and semen trickled out, thin and watery, to join the massive puddle on the floor. Daniel's glans was a deep bruised purple colour, and the sensitive skin of his fraenulum and the inside of his peeled back foreskin was a livid red from twelve hours of continuous teasing. It would be weeks before he could touch his cock for pleasure again. Next, Chris slipped the metal tube off that encased the main shaft of Daniel's cock. The boy was still so hard that his prick sprang up against the puppy's belly once it was freed from its sheath. "His dick looks like the surface of a golf ball," one of the spectators said. He was right; the pale length of Daniel's penis was covered with hundreds of small indentations from the latex massage beads. Chris smiled. "Let's check how his balls are looking." He undid the volleyball-sized metal scrotum. It came away with a hiss as the vacuum pressure was released. Chris pulled it down away from Daniel's body and within, the boy's scrotum plopped free from its now snug confinement. Over the past twelve hours, his scrotum had been slowly inflated to match the diameter of its metal prison. "Jesus Christ, that's a fucking big bag," someone said. "How big are his nuts?" Chris grabbed Daniel's sack to show the audience. The kid's nuts were each the size of grapefruits and his formerly pale cream coloured scrotum was now a deep crimson colour. "Damn, how did you do that?" the questioner asked. "It's the vacuum," Chris explained. "Over twelve hours, it doesn't just stretch his bag, the internal pressure makes his nuts swell. They're full of water from his body." "Wow, THAT is impressive technology right there," the man said. "How long does it last?" "Hmmm, well normally anywhere from a few days to two weeks." Dan's cock was starting to wilt. Chris pulled apart the two rubber plates surrounding the teenager's scrotum and the boy's genitals flopped heavily down beneath the puppy's painted metal belly. Chris moved to the front of the metal puppy and pulled its hinged snout forwards. Inside, Daniel looked at him through heavy lidded eyes like a man who had been drugged. His skin was sheathed in sweat. "You alright in there Dan?" Daniel blinked in slow motion and moaned softly. Although the mouthpiece was no longer in his mouth, his voice was little different to a soft puppy whimper. "Let's get these out," Chris said pulling the nose pieces out of the boy's nostrils. He moved back to the rear of the puppy. The butt plug had returned to its original smaller diameter. Chris removed the rump panel and the butt plug slid easily from Daniel's hole. He looked inside and a hole an inch wide showed him the inside of Daniels rectum. "Excellent. You'll want to be careful for the next few days. You might have trouble controlling your bowels," he warned. Daniel heard what Chris was saying but the words didn't really register. He was mentally and physically shattered, and now his brain was wrapped in a thick cotton wool fog that made it hard to think properly. Chris gestured to his assistants, and they removed the top of the metal puppy. Daniel was tightly restrained, still completely at their mercy, but with his now completely flaccid genitals dangling beneath for all to see. Chris removed the straps holding Daniel's head in place, but the kid barely moved once released. As Chris started to remove the noise cancelling collar from Daniel's neck, his assistants undid the straps around the boy's legs. Once they were removed, they lowered Daniel's feet to the floor and he finally found his full voice again. He bellowed in agony as his previously confined joints regained their full movement and blood flow. It felt like a mixture between the worst cramp and when your fingers have been freezing for a long time and you go back into the warm. Daniel lifted his head and squirmed against the pain, the sharpness of it finally rousing him from his torpor. But he was still constrained by straps at his chest and waist, and he was weak from twelve hours of constant edging, interspersed by epic milkings. "That will go away in a minute or so," Chris informed him in a calm, low voice. Daniel gritted his teeth and tried to limit his pained outbursts to quieter guttural groans through his gritted teeth. The assistants removed the remaining straps holding Daniel in place, and he struggled to stand, but he was too weak from such long confinement. Even if he'd been fresh, the position, with his arms and legs inside the metal puppy limbs was too awkward to stand from. He allowed the two men to lift him from the metal puppy. His genitals slid free as they lifted him, and placed him in a soft vinyl-covered chair. Daniel reclined, exhausted and breathing heavily, his legs immodestly wide apart. He was too tired to care about modesty now. His head drooped to his chest and he looked down at his groin. His scrotum was enormous – like a half deflated volleyball resting between his thighs, and his flaccid cock looked a good inch or two longer than he'd ever seen it before, and much thicker. It's helmet reminded him of a plum, both in size and colour. His cock flopped over his scrotum, droopy and utterly lifeless, foreskin still retracted. It put Daniel in mind of a dead snake. If he wasn't so utterly exhausted, the thought might have put a smile on his face. Chris said, "I think Daniel needs some time to recover. Steven some water please." One of the assistants walked to a mini-bar near the poker table and poured a glass of water from a glass jug, then returned to Daniel with it. The boy was too exhausted to lift his arms, so Steven lifted the glass to his lips. Daniel sipped at the cool water gratefully, gradually regaining strength. After a few minutes he reached up and took the glass from Steven. "Thanks," he said, his voice hoarse. Chris said, "We'll give you a bit longer to regain your strength. Steven would you attend to him please." Steven nodded, and Chris and the others returned to their card game. *** 25 minutes later Steven called to Chris. "Chris, I think he's ready to go now." Chris left his card game, watched by his guests, and walked over to Daniel. The boy was sitting up and wiping his face and body with a towel, and although he still looked extremely tired, he looked capable of conducting a conversation. Chris handed the boy his clothes. "You can get dressed now." Daniel took his clothes and started to dress. The first thing he put on was his white underpants. As he pulled them up, he became aware that his massive testicles and tender red scrotum were not going to fit comfortably any more. He pulled the front of his underpants away from his body, gingerly allowing his immense bull balls to fall into the crotch as he raised them around his waist, then even more carefully, he reached inside and adjusted his massive testicles so that they rested evenly on each side. To his surprise, they were not soft and malleable as he would have expected. In his mind, they should have been like two water-filled balloons, but in both size and consistency, they felt like his half tensed biceps. Daniel put on his t-shirt then leaned down to pull on his socks. He was unaccustomed to having such massive testicles and he grunted in pain and surprise as he squished his nuts into his crotch. He adjusted himself, lifting his nuts out of the crack of his crotch, then continued dressing. With his socks on, he picked up his trousers. When Chris had told him how to dress, he had thought that it was strange that he was ordered to jogging pants. He had assumed that it was to do with the position he was auditioning for, but now, Daniel viewed them in a whole new light, and he was grateful for Chris's forethought. He looked up at Chris, and Chris was watching him with amusement. Ironically, Daniel had a puppy dog expression on his face now. Half sad, half quizzical; hangdog eyes beneath a mop of black hair. Chris nodded. Daniel pulled on the joggers and using both hands, he lifted the huge mass of his nuts into the basket of the pants. The front of his pants was bulging in a comical parody of large genitals, as though he had a pillow stuffed down the front. All that remained was to pull his sneakers on and put on his jacket. He leaned forwards slowly to put his sneakers on, and his immense bulge literally impeded his ability to bend. He opened his legs wide, and leaned forwards again to put on his sneakers. It was the fastest tie in sneaker history, and when he sat up again, his eyes were watery and his face was sheathed in beads of sweat. He reclined in the chair with a comically large gasp of relief, lifting his hips right off the chair as though straightening his body would bring additional relief. The audience laughed loudly at his behaviour. He was unwilling to bend at the waist anymore so he lifted himself from the chair like a pregnant woman rising to her feet, supporting his weight on the arm rests, and lifting his body as high as possible before standing. Once he was up, his nuts threatened to pull both his underwear and his joggers down. He held his nuts to support them, and awkwardly pulled on his thin cotton jacket. "Congratulations Daniel, you've passed. You're exactly the kind of boy that we want. You start on the 27th. And make sure you're completely smooth down there." Chris handed him a wad of notes. One thousand dollars as promised. Daniel accepted the money, and stuffed into his inside pocket. "Steven, would you drive Daniel home please?" Steven nodded then walked slowly towards the door. Daniel walked carefully, like a man with elephantitis of the scrotum. The other people in the room laughed loudly. Chapter 3Daniel has undergone an initiation test where he was turned into a horny, pre-cum dribbling human puppy for 12 hours straight. Now he gets to find out what he was auditioning for 3; One month later Daniel got out of the car that had been sent to collect him, and he looked up at a nondescript door in a side alley brick wall of a downtown building. He was ushered inside, and once through the door was greeted with a classy sign saying, 'Puppies'. His driver pointed him towards the staff area. He went where he was directed, and Chris was waiting for him. He greeted the boy warmly. "Daniel! Great to see you again. I'll show you the changing area." Chris lead him to a changing room and inside were half a dozen more teenage boys already preparing for their shift. Each of them was naked or nearly naked and wearing various types of puppy attire. Daniel had been told by Chris what to expect, but it still came as a major shock to actually see. Each of the 'puppies' had a different look. One boy had perky brown ears, a full brown furry snout and he was wearing a studded leather collar. A very muscular black boy had his genitals in a full wire cage that was attached to a belt, and he was wearing a mask that made him look very much like a Rotweiller dog. "You'll be dressed up as a beagle. You never, and I repeat NEVER use human words to, or in earshot of the clientele. They pay a lot of money for this fantasy, and if you mess it up even once, it'll be the last time you work here and you won't get paid. The customers understand that there are strict rules about what they can and can't do. They can pretty much SAY whatever they like, and a bit of touching is acceptable. If you don't mind allowing them to jack you off, then that's your business, but you won't get penalised at all if you decline POLITELY. If you do allow yourself to be jacked, you can expect at least a hundred dollars from the client as a reward. If that doesn't happen, let me know, and I'll sort things out. They might ask you to do any kind of thing from getting on your hands and knees, sitting on their laps, pissing on one of the fake trees, or more. They are expected to tip generously for everything. The more you are willing to do, the more you'll earn, isn't that so puppies?" Four of the other boys turned. Each of them signalled his agreement according to his own unique idiom. "Ooooh." "Rrrrooow." "Rurr!" One boy simply twerked his butt left and right, making his rubber tail wag side to side. "You'll get a base pay of 500 dollars per night provided you treat the clients with respect. Any tips you earn are yours to keep, and are not deducted from your base pay. Any questions?" Daniel was feeling a little overwhelmed. He wondered if he was supposed to answer in puppy talk as the others had, but he couldn't even conceive of a way to ask questions in character. "Um, is it okay to um, talk normally here?" he asked timidly. "Yes, yes, of course. They're just getting into character. It makes it easier. What did you want to know?" "Oh good. So what are my actual duties? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing." Chris smiled. "Good question. You're what's known as a host. That means that your job is to circulate, give the clientele something young and pretty to look at, take orders on a pad, serve drinks. Just keep them hard and happy." "Hard? How am I supposed to do that? I'm not jacking anyone off." "That's okay, I don't expect you to, but if you choose to, that's between you and the client. They'll get hard just looking at you pretending to be a puppy. The more you get into the character, the happier they'll be." Daniel looked sceptical, but he was relieved to hear that he retained the choice over how far he took things. Chris was used to nervousness from his new puppies, and he knew how to ease them into things gently. "Okay Daniel, let's get you ready. Undress over there. You can leave your clothes in this locker. Nobody will touch them." He pointed to a locker. Daniel moved to the changing area Chris had indicated. There was a long mirror with lights around it. He nervously started to undress. Next to him was a boy about his age. The boy was just putting the finishing touches to some white face make up in the mirror. Daniel looked at the kid in the mirror and the boy winked and grinned. "Ro!" Daniel looked back. It was ridiculous. He grinned at the absurdity, but if Chris was willing to pay him $500 for pretending to be a puppy for a few hours he was not going to turn it down. He undressed, leaving his briefs on. Calvin Klein. His special underpants. He only wore his expensive pants when there was a chance he would get seen in them. Or when he might get laid. Chris watched him change. When Daniel was down to just his pants he said, "I thought we'd start gently. Here, take your pants off and put this on." He handed Daniel a posing pouch. Daniel accepted the small piece of material. He held it up and looked at it. It was tiny; a jockstrap made of silky white Lycra and some strips of material to wrap around his waist. He looked back at Chris. "I don't think this will fit me." "Yes it will," Chris reassured. "Unless you'd prefer to work nude?" "No. No thanks. I'll try it." "That's the spirit. Remember the idea is to show as much skin as possible. Give our clients lots to get horny about. Remember a horny client is a generous client." Daniel dropped his expensive briefs and pulled on the thong. He was right, it was extremely snug. He had to adjust his penis to squeeze it in. He looked in the mirror at himself. His balls bulged at the bottom and the curve of his penis was clear. He could even see the outline of his glans. He was reminded of a comment his grandmother had once made. She was complaining about boys wearing skinny jeans. She said that they were "so tight that you could tell their religion." Daniel laughed about it at the time, but now it didn't seem so funny. "It's way too small. You can see everything in this." "That's the idea. It's perfect. They're going to love you." Daniel looked back in the mirror. The pouch really left almost nothing to the imagination. He glanced at the boy next to him. He was wearing nothing at all except a pair of ears and a collar. He was painting a white circle onto his nose. The kid had even put white paint onto his smooth genitals. They stood up perkily. The boy was much smaller than Daniel down there. The kid lifted one foot onto the counter in front of the mirror, and carefully squeezed a lubed butt-plug attached to a tail into his hole. Daniel felt like he had fallen down the rabbit hole into a different world. He turned back to Chris. "Here, put this on." Chris was holding out a pair of ears attached to a plastic band. It reminded Daniel of the headbands he used to wear on Halloween to attach antennae to his head. He accepted the ears and put them on. "Now this." Chris handed him a puppy snout. Daniel took it and placed it over his nose, pulling the elasticated strap behind his head to hold it in place. He turned to the mirror again. He looked ridiculous, in a cute kind of way. He'd seen people who liked to dress up as animals on the internet, but until now had always viewed them with the same sense of mild amusement as he viewed kids who liked to dress up as their favourite comic characters. "Face me please," Chris said. Daniel did as he was told. "Eyes closed." Daniel closed his eyes and Chris smeared black paint on his eye sockets in two circles. "Okay, you can open." Chris wrapped a leather collar around his neck. "Turn to the mirror." Daniel turned to the mirror as Chris fastened the buckle at the rear of the collar. He looked at himself in the mirror. The collar had a name-plate; 'Danny'. His eyes look big. Daniel was surprised at how, well, damned cute he looked! He smiled at Chris's reflection. As he looked in the mirror, Chris said, "You'll make a lot more money if you stick your tongue out, and lift your paws up occasionally. Play along." The boy next to him demonstrated. He drooped his tongue out, lifted his 'paws' to his chest and opened his eyes wide like a cartoon dog begging its master to play with it. Daniel stuck his tongue out like the boy showed him. He felt ridiculous again. He was feeling that a lot. "That's it," Chris encouraged. "Try panting too." Daniel did as Chris suggested. He felt even more stupid. He was on the verge of pulling the nose off and calling it quits. "It feels silly at first, but when you have your first three thousand dollar night, you'll appreciate that feeling silly is a small price to pay for that kind of income." Daniel's eyes widened at the thought of three thousand dollars in a single night. He glanced in the mirror at the boy next to him and the boy raised his eyebrows and nodded to confirm what Chris was saying. For the money, Daniel said to himself. Chris handed him a butt plug tail. "Last thing. You know where it goes." Daniel looked at the small plug. It was already lubed. He accepted it, and with a sigh of resignation he lifted his foot onto the counter as he'd watched the other boy do. He placed the plug between his cheeks and guided its slick head towards his hole. "It goes in easy if you relax," Chris said. Daniel did as his new boss suggested, then pushed the plug. He could feel his hole opening, and then suddenly the small plug slipped inside and his sphincter snapped shut around its narrow neck, holding it in place. Daniel twisted the tail so that it curved upwards, then he dropped his foot back to the floor. Chris gave Daniel a small computer pad on which the waiter ordering software was installed, and in two minutes, he explained how to use it. "Excellent. Time to get you started." *** Two minutes later Daniel was following Chris into the club. It was a large room, perhaps 50 yards across. In the centre was a round glass-floored stage. Surrounding the stage were dozens of tables each with between two and four chairs. The room was dark. So dark that apart from the tables closest to the softly lit stage, he could barely make out the rows that formed a second concentric circle beyond. Tiny halogen bulbs twinkled, recessed into the ceiling like stars. To one side of the room was a bar, over which, in subdued neon strips, read the word 'Puppies'. There were illuminated exit signs over two doors. Daniel scanned the room quickly, curious about the place that he would be working. There were at least 50 men seated at the tables, and over a dozen other puppies moving among them. Some of the puppies were serving drinks, others remained near particular tables, fulfilling whatever fantasies the clients had in mind for them. Nearby, Daniel could see the black boy in the Doberman snout. He was on all fours alongside a table. One of the men seated at the table was petting the boy's head, whilst at the other end, the other man was reaching between the caged boy's legs and fondling his nuts. The boy was wiggling his rear like a contented dog. Daniel looked to the stage and there were two boys performing. They were both naked, wearing puppy snouts, but they also had paws on their hands and feet and they were wearing strap-on tails rather than the butt plug tails all the other puppies seemed to be wearing. They were on all fours, stalking each other like two wolves circling for a fight. One of the boys pushed his nose underneath the other's belly. The other boy lifted his leg allowing the first boy better access, and the audience a clearer view of what was happening. The boy underneath made theatrically loud sniffing noises for a few moments as he burrowed his snout into the other boy's genitals, then he stuck out his tongue and gave a single, slow lick of the other boy's nuts. He pulled his head out and the other boy moved behind him and made a show of sniffing at his anus. The first boy lifted his bottom higher and the sniffer started licking at his hole. Daniel was a little disgusted. That was definitely a performance he was never going to give. The licker continued working on the other boy, who was now getting hard. Then he climbed on top, so that his belly rested on the other boy's back, and he rubbed his soft dick against the crack of the bottom boy's ass. He continued for a few minutes, playfully nipping at the other boy's neck and making growling noises. The bottom boy would yip as the top bit him playfully. After a few minutes of grinding, the top clambered off. His dick was long, very hard and clearly dribbling pre-cum. Both boys turned to the audience sat back on their haunches, erections straining between their legs, lifted their paws to their chests and made panting noises. There was appreciative clapping and money was thrown onto the stage, which the performers collected with nods and barks of gratitude. Then the boys left the stage in different directions, heading towards nearby tables. "Those two will both be getting fucked this evening. More than once I'm certain of it," Chris informed Daniel. "You can make a LOT of money if you're willing to go that far, but you don't have to." Daniel shook his head adamantly, and Chris smiled. "That's okay. You definitely don't have to, but maybe one day you'll change your mind. Anyway, let's get you going. Please follow me." Chris walked to the stage. As he strode confidently to the centre of the stage, Daniel hovered at the edge uncertain what to do. "Good evening gentlemen. It's time to introduce a new puppy." He gestured to Daniel and the boy walked into the pool of light and stood beside him. "This is Danny, this is his first night as a beagle. Please be gentle with him and respect his boundaries. I give you 3; Danny!" The men seated at the tables clapped appreciatively and made a surprising volume given their small number. Daniel smiled self consciously, looking around at the nearest tables, but he was happy to follow Chris out of the light as his employer left the stage. "Just walk around, take people's orders, get to know the customers if they call you over, and remember, never, ever speak. The better you stay in character, the more money we both make, got it?" Daniel looked at Chris. "Rrrow!" Chris smiled. "Thatta boy. Now get out there and have fun." Daniel looked around, men on several of the nearest tables were gesturing towards him. He smiled at the nearest and approached. The man at the table said, "Hello Danny, nice to see a new face." Daniel smiled. "I'd like a Jack on the Rocks, and a whisky Sour please." Daniel nodded and entered the drinks on the pad he was holding. He looked back up at the man. Suddenly he felt really stupid standing there in his puppy costume and posing pouch. If he allowed that thought to grow he knew that he was going to be unable to function. He pushed it from his mind before it could take root. He felt that he'd better make some kind of sound to acknowledge that he'd successfully recorded the order. What was an appropriate sound? The man looked at him. He felt as though he was being scrutinised. "Rrow!" he barked, mimicking a dog that wanted its owner to throw a stick. The man beamed at him and patted his butt. Daniel resisted the urge to pull away. "Good boy. Good doggy!" the man said. "Now go fetch our drinks will you please." Daniel made a panting happy noise and lifted his 'paws' to his chest, then he turned and walked to the bar. There were no stools and the clients were not permitted to approach directly. "Hey Danny," the barman said, looking down at the order on the pad Daniel was holding out to him. "First day huh? Feels weird but you'll get over it soon enough. So long as you keep your voice down, and there are no customers nearby it's okay to speak here." "Thanks uh 3;" Daniel looked at the man's name badge. "Thanks Jamie." "No problem, and feel free to come to me if you have any questions." Jamie was fixing the drinks. "This is the Jack," he said, pointing to the rocks glass. Daniel watched the stage. A solo performer was on. A boy who looked a little too young to be working. He was doing some kind of dog dance, jumping up and down, twisting around. Then he moved close to the edge of the stage and lay on his back with his legs open like a dog inviting its owner to rub his tummy. Daniel grinned at the boy's antics, especially when, to the cheers and laughter of the audience, a man came over from a nearby table and started rubbing the boy's tummy. "Good boy!" the man said. Daniel would quickly learn that that was the most common way for the clients to show approval. The man continued to tickle the boy's tummy, then his hand wandered down to the kid's groin. He gave the boy a few more tickles, which the audience seemed to find hilarious. The boy squirmed, arching his back left and right as though he was enjoying the experience immensely, but when the man removed his hand, Daniel could see that the kid was still soft. In fact his penis was quite tiny; little more than a lifeless slug between his legs. Daniel looked closer and frowned. "Has that boy got any nuts?" he asked Jamie. "Naw." "What happened to them?" Jamie pushed the tray over to Daniel. "You'll have to ask him that when your shift is over." Daniel was anxious now. "No-one's gonna try and do that to me are they?" Jamie smiled. "Nah, of course not!" Daniel picked up the tray and walked back to his customers. He held out the sour to the other man who accepted it with a smile and a nod, then offered the Jack Daniels to the orderer. The man held out two hundred dollar bills. "Good boy. Why don't you come sit with me for a few minutes?" Daniel looked at the money and swallowed. He was unsure what to do. The man reached for his waist and he allowed himself to be guided to the man's lap. As he sat, the tail jammed the butt plug deeper into him and he stood up with a start at the unexpected intrusion. "Tail a bit deep for you?" the man asked with a grin. Daniel nodded. "I'm sure you'll get used to it soon enough," the man said, pulling Daniel back onto his lap. Daniel sat, feeling the plug burrowing into him, and the man rubbed his tummy. It was weird but not too uncomfortable. Daniel watched the stage, separating himself from the man's actions, but as the man's hand moved to his inner thigh, he couldn't ignore it any longer. "Owrrr," Daniel said, in what he imagined was a plaintive puppy noise and he shook his head. "A little soon for you Danny? I expect you'll be more comfortable once you've been here a while. Anyway, I'm happy to be your first customer." He held out the two hundred dollar bills held between his index and middle fingers like a cigar. Danny reached for them gratefully, but the man pulled them away at the last second. With his other hand he pulled at the front of Daniel's posing pouch. He looked inside at the boy's penis curled within, smooshed on top of plump testicles. Smiling, he pushed the money down into the pouch, his fingers brushing against the top of the boy's smooth-shaved penis. Daniel watched and in that moment he knew exactly what he was; a well paid whore. He made what he hoped was the sound of a grateful puppy, and rose from the man's lap ready to serve the next customer 3; The End |
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