Other stories by Bill |
Bill aka StoryguyBoyhood Sex Lessons |
SummaryA 23-year old university student moves in to the house next-door to a naive and lonely 13-year-old boy. The man decides to teach the boy about all the ways that guys can make each other feel good.
Publ. Aug 2009
10,000 words (20 pages) |
CharactersBilly (13yo) and Eric (23yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/LoveMb – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteLike it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
I was sitting up in the branches of the big maple tree in the back corner of our yard. It seemed like I had spent the whole summer up there, hiding out from the world, reading books, and daydreaming. I wasn't hanging out with friends, because I had no real friends. (Sometimes I would debate with myself whether that was a problem, or if I actually preferred being a loner.) It was late August, late morning on a weekday, and there didn't seem to be anyone around the neighborhood but me. The Carolina heat and humidity had already risen to their usual levels of oppression, bringing a sweat whenever you so much as walked around. In one hand I held a book that was quite unlike my usual diet of history and SciFi stuff. It was a romance novel titled Passion on the Prairie that I had snuck from the drawer of my mother's bedside table. My other hand was inside the elastic waistband of my khaki shorts. Inside my underpants too. I was blissfully fondling my boner as I re-read the book's 'good parts'. My whole body tingled as I got to the passage on page 127, which I had almost memorized in the three days since I'd first discovered the racy paperback.
Sarah had never been kissed like that – never really been kissed before at all – and she gasped for breath. And when the handsome cowboy began unfastening the small pearl buttons at the neck of the school teacher's prim white blouse, she felt her sense of propriety battling with her sense of adventure.I had no idea what it was like to feel a woman's breast. I'd never even seen one 3; except for pictures of native women in National Geographic magazine. I'd never been kissed either, but it excited me to read about such things.
The touch of his lips, the stroking of his hands, and the closeness of his strong body combined to fan the flames of desire that she had suppressed for so long.Now THAT was something I knew about! I hadn't discovered masturbation yet, but I had definitely discovered my cock. My adolescent growth spurt had begun earlier in the year, and as my body was growing taller and thinner, my cock grew as well – longer and fatter. It had gone from little-boy size to an erection that appeared to me (never having seen another boy's or man's erection) to be surprisingly large. And it had happened over just a few months. Almost anything – and sometimes nothing at all – could cause me to get a boner (not that I knew that word, or any other slang term for a stiff penis). Looking at a Sears catalogue, I would find exciting eroticism in the pictures of boys modeling underpants and the young-teen girls in ads for bras and panties. Pictures of busty movie starlet's wearing bikinis could certainly do it too. But so could watching the varsity athletes who had returned to college in mid-summer to train on the University's football and soccer fields, only a short bike-ride from my house. And whenever I stood in front of the mirror that was mounted on the back of my bedroom door, and stripped off my clothes, my penis would be rigid and pointing straight up even before I pulled down my underpants to gaze at my naked body. When I looked at my reflection, I was always reminded how much I disliked my face. The stubby nose, which might have been cute when I was younger, seemed now to be a flaw of catastrophic proportions. But at least I had a decent looking body – broad shoulders, taut belly, and slender hips – even though I didn't yet have any muscle development. And I was endlessly fascinated and impressed at the way my erection looked, and how it felt whenever I squeezed it in my palm or tickled its length with my fingertips, like I was doing now. I guess it was inevitable as I read the sex scenes in the romance novel – given my omnisexual orientation and the fact that it was written for women readers – that I found myself imagining being seduced by the cowboy. I was would visualize him with the face and muscular body of one of the college athletes I had been admiring recently. I didn't understand some of the book's euphemistic descriptions, but I was getting an exciting lesson in sexuality as I read the climax of the scene.
His surprisingly gentle fingers stroked the petals of her moist feminine flower, eliciting primal sensations she had never before experienced. Moaning softly as the surging pleasures energized every fiber of her being, she boldly spread her soft thighs wider, wordlessly inviting the cowboy to possess her completely.Just as I was getting to the crescendo of the book's erotic prose, a car and a rental truck pulled into the driveway of the bungalow next-door, coming to a stop quite close to where I perched up in the tree. Even though I was nearly invisible behind the leaves, I immediately pulled my hand from my pants and stuck the book in the crook of an upper branch. Two burly guys had got out of the car. I vaguely recognized them as linemen on the University's football team, and they were wearing team tee-shirts that confirmed their status. Another guy got out of the truck. He wasn't nearly as big or powerfully athletic looking as the other two, but my brain immediately registered that he was much more handsome. He wore athletic shorts and a tee shirt that said Cornell Lacrosse. Back then, I didn't know what either 'Cornell' or 'Lacrosse' were. They got to work unloading the truck, and the first thing down the ramp was a motorcycle. Not a big road-hog like a Harley, but a sleek-looking Japanese model with bright green trim and knobby tires that could go off-road as easily as on the street. The motorcycle was left beside the truck as furniture and boxes were moved into the small house. Almost immediately, the three young men took off their shirts, and their torsos glistened with sweat in the summer heat. My hand snaked down inside my pants again to caress my boner as I secretly watched them work from my perch up in the tree. I knew Mom was going to be angry at having college students living next door again. She frequently complained to the landlord about the tenants' parties and loud music, but he kept renting to students anyway. The place had been vacant all summer, but now there were three of them moving in, and Mom said that athletes were the loudest and rowdiest kind. All too soon they had finished unloading the truck, and the show of bare-chested masculinity was over. Instead of going into the house to unpack, however, the two football players got into their car and drove away, while the other guy put the motorcycle back in the truck and drove off as well. Reaching up and retrieving Passion on the Prairie, I turned immediately to page 127 – to the beginning the seduction scene between the handsome cowboy and the prim Old-West school teacher. Only about 10 minutes later, the guy in the truck returned, this time riding the motorcycle, still shirtless. He drove it to the end of the driveway and walked into the back yard. He opened the door of the small ramshackle shed, right underneath the broad branches of my tree, as I looked down on him. "Shit! No lawnmower," he grumbled to himself out loud, as he turned around and surveyed the over-grown lawn. "How am I going to get this cut?" I don't know why I spoke up. It wasn't like me to do it. "I'll cut your lawn if you like," I said from up above him. "Huh?" He looked around, and then up. "Oh; there you are! Come on down and let's talk about it," he said in a friendly voice. I climbed out of my tree (leaving the book up there) and stood on the other side of the scrawny waist-high hedge that separated the two yards. "My name's Eric," he said. "Eric Milford." He held out his hand to me. "I'm Billy Winters." Eric wasn't especially tall, but he was still a head taller than me. As we shook hands I looked up into his eyes and felt my chest tighten. His face was even more handsome up close. I felt my face blush and shifted my gaze down. But that just had me looking as his smooth and nicely-muscled torso, making me even more distracted. "I just moved here from up north," he said. "I'm starting graduate studies at the University, and I'll be working as a teaching assistant. I guess you're about to start school yourself, huh?" I nodded, not wanting to think about how awkward I felt among my peers at school. "Got any brothers or sisters?" he asked, keeping the conversation going. "No. It's just me and Mom. She works at the University too," I noted. "But she's just a secretary," I added deprecatingly, not wanting him to think she was a professor or anything. He didn't ask about Dad, for which I was thankful. He hadn't visited in almost 3 years, and hadn't even called me since the day after my 13th birthday, back in March. When I asked about the other two guys who had been with him before, he said they were just paid helpers – college athletes looking to make a few bucks, whose names he'd gotten the university's job placement office. We talked a bit more and then got back to the subject of the overgrown lawn. "I can tell you're a professional grass-cutter, Billy," he said with a wink. "How much do you charge for a lawn this size?" Actually, I had never cut anyone's lawn but our own. Several older teenagers in the neighborhood had the available business locked up. "I don't know," I said. "Whatever you say." I certainly wasn't much of a businessman either. "How about $5? But you'll need to bag the trimmings." "OK!" I replied, trying not to sound as excited as I felt. It wasn't a big lawn, and $5 back then in 1977 was the equivalent of more than $15 today. "If you want to do it now, just come to the back door when you're done and I'll pay you. In fact, I have some sodas cooling off in the fridge, and I'll treat you to one of those too. Deal?" "Deal," I replied with a shy grin. As Eric went inside, I climbed back up the tree to retrieve the book. I went into my house to put back the book just as I'd found it, and then put on some shoes. In just a couple more minutes, I had the mower cranked up and was attacking the grass next door. Fortunately, our mower had a grass-catcher, so I didn't have to rake the clippings, and I was through with the job in about 45 minutes. I was soaking-wet with sweat when I knocked on the back door of the bungalow. Eric opened the door and invited me into the kitchen. He was still bare-chested, wearing just athletic shorts and slip-on boat shoes. "Looks like you could use a cold soda. Have a seat," he said, motioning to a chair at the kitchen table. "I've got Pepsi, root beer, and ginger ale. What will it be?" "A root beer, please," I said as I sat down. There was a window-fan blowing air right onto me, and it felt good, even though it was making my sweaty tee-shirt feel clammy. He handed me the can of soda. "Man; you're soaking wet! Take off your shirt, and use this towel to dry off some." He tossed me a clean hand-towel from the counter. "Thanks," I said, as I pulled off the wet shirt and began wiping the perspiration. As he unpacked kitchen stuff, we talked – about the University and the neighborhood; about him and his graduate studies; and about how Mom finally let me stay home alone each day this summer, until she came back from work at 5:45 every afternoon. Sitting there at the kitchen table, drinking my soda, I could tell Eric was eying me as we talked 3; and then he admitted as much. "You have a great body, Billy; nice strong shoulders," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "So I guess you're 3; what 3; about 15 years old?" I smiled as if he was making a joke, but he looked and sounded sincere. "No; 13 3; and a half 3; almost," I answered awkwardly. "Well, like I said, you look really good. You're a pretty cool guy too. Maybe we can be friends." Nobody had ever said that to me before. I didn't have any friends my own age 3; not even any of the other geeky shy guys in my class 3; much less an older friend as handsome and charming as Eric. I could tell my face was blushing when I finally answered him. "I'd like that!" "Excellent!" he said. "Hold on a sec and I'll get your money for the grass-cutting." He disappeared for a minute and came back with a $5 bill in one hand and a magazine in the other. As he handed me the money he said "I'm thinking you're probably old enough to enjoy taking a look at this. I sure did when I was your age." He sat in the chair next to me and put the magazine on the table in front of me. I stared at the cover, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Barely Legal was the magazine's title. "From the Publishers of Hustler" was printed in smaller letters. Right on the cover was a photo of a pretty girl dressed as a high school cheerleader, sitting on a bench in an empty athletic locker-room. Her legs were spread, revealing her panty-less crotch. She was pulling down the top of her blouse with one hand to display her perfectly-shaped young breasts. The other hand was lifting her short skirt to reveal the lips of her shaved pussy. "Go on; have a look," said Eric. He reached over and flipped the magazine open, while moving his body a little closer to mine. I could feel my face blushing, but I was totally hypnotized by the astoundingly erotic images as I turned the pages. Naked and near-naked girls, all theoretically 18 years old, were posing in gloriously-obscene displays. Most were spreading their legs wide to blatantly display the 'moist feminine flowers' that I'd read about in the romance novel. I hadn't been able to visualize what a woman's vagina was like before, but now the pieces of my incomplete knowledge of sexual intercourse were joining together much better. "Wouldn't you love to slide your cock into that tight warm pussy, and give her a good fuck?" said Eric in a sly voice, as he pointed to a close-up of an especially luscious example of female anatomy. "Have you 3; you know 3; f-fucked lots of girls?" I asked, barely able to say the word that I heard on the playground at school but had never before uttered. "Yeah; I've been lucky. I never had trouble finding gals who like to fuck. No steady girlfriends, though," he added; "just some hot fun in bed with good-looking chicks." "How old were you when you first 3; you know?" I asked. "Fucked a girl? Let's see; I did it for the first time when I was 16. Before then, I guess I was 14 when I first kissed a girl, and 15 the first time a girl let me feel up her tits. See what you've got to look forward to?" "Wow!" I murmured. And without me even thinking about it, my hand had wandered to the crotch of my pants, and I was rubbing my achingly-erect penis through the material. When I realized what I was doing, I pulled my hand away and prayed that Eric hadn't noticed. "Is this the first time you've seen a magazine like this, with pictures of naked chicks?" "Yeah," I said in a near-whisper. "I was 13 years old when I saw my first one too. A older friend of mine in the neighborhood brought over a Penthouse Magazine, and we looked at it together, just like you and I are doing now." Eric's knee brushed briefly against me when he reached over to turn the page of the magazine. For some reason, just that light touch made a chill run through me. "I remember that first time really well," Eric continued, as his knee touched my leg again, and this time stayed in contact. "I remember how my penis got totally stiff as I looked at the pictures." I said nothing, but my erection throbbed inside my pants. "And my friend offered to teach me something that would make me feel unbelievably good." Eric's right hand moved onto my bare thigh, resting on it lightly. "Want me to teach you too?" My brain swirled with conflicting emotions – embarrassment, a little bit of alarm, but a lot of sexual excitement. The excitement won out. "OK," I said timidly, as my heart thumped powerfully in my chest. "But what is it?" Eric's hand moved gently upward along my inner thigh, inside the baggy leg of my khaki shorts, and touched the material of my white briefs. "Have you ever jacked off before?" he asked. Seeing the clueless look on my face, he added "Masturbated?" I'd never heard of either term (or if I had, it didn't register.) "I don't know," I answered. "I don't think so." "Well, when my older friend stroked my stiff penis with his hand in a special way 3;." Eric's fingers moved over the front of my underpants, rubbing up and down along the cotton-covered shaft of my cock, from the base to the head. " 3; he made me feel better than I'd ever felt in my life." His hand then slid beneath the leg of the briefs, wrapping around my boner. "You have a REALLY nice penis, Billy." His voice was warm and sensual. "Do you want me to keep going?" he asked, even as his hand was starting to expertly masturbate my straining cock, stimulating me in a way that I hadn't yet discovered how to do to myself. I bobbed my head in acceptance, biting my bottom lip, as my body slumped lower in the chair and I lifted my crotch up. "Let's go up to my room, so we can be more comfortable," he said, as he stood up and took hold of my hand. "Have you ever done anything like this with another guy?" "No," I whispered. "Great! It'll be just like that first time with me and my older friend, when I was your age. He taught me about some of the fun things that two guys can do together 3; long before I ever did anything sexy with a girl!" Eric led me up the staircase to the bungalow's small upper floor, with only one bedroom and a bathroom. The bedroom was a mess, with boxes of books and garbage bags filled with clothes not yet unpacked. But the bed was ready for us – a full-size mattress and box-spring sitting on the floor without a frame, made up with just a bottom-sheet and a couple of pillows. The air in the room was warm, pushed around by small window-fan, but I was shivering slightly with tension. He sat down on the edge of the bed and beckoned me toward him. "Stand here in front of me, Billy." I complied. His face was just about level with my stomach. As his hand rubbed lightly along my leg, he said "I don't want you to think that I'm trying to force you into something you don't want. Are you OK with what we're doing?" I nodded, though I was a lot less than 100% sure. "And I guess it's pretty obvious that we need to keep this a secret; right?" I nodded again, knowing instinctively that anything sexual, even fondling myself while sitting up in the tree, was something I could never talk to Mom about. He looked up at me with a friendly grin and winked his eye. Then his hands reached out and pulled my khaki shorts down to my ankles, and I stepped out of them, kicking off my shoes as well. Standing there in just my white briefs, with this handsome young grad student staring at my body, I felt the sexual exhilaration surging through my body. I looked down at myself, seeing my boner pushing out a ridge along the front of my underpants. And then Eric ran his hand over it, while his other hand slid around behind to gently caress my underwear-covered butt. I was struggling to breathe, savoring the exciting moment, and wondering what was coming next. "Let's see that handsome cock of yours," said Eric in a mellow, sexy voice. His fingers slid into the waistband of my briefs and slowly eased them down. By now it seemed like I wasn't breathing at all. But my lungs suddenly gasped for air as his hand enveloped my rigid penis and began to stroke it smoothly. "Yeah 3; a REALLY nice cock," he murmured softly, staring at my crotch and masturbating me, while his other hand cupped my pubescent balls in their soft scrotum. Then he looked up into my eyes. "Lie down in the middle of the bed; I'll teach you about jacking-off." I crawled onto the bed and lay on my back, with my head on a pillow. Eric sat next to me, still wearing his shorts. And when he took my cock in his hand again, my whole body shuddered with tension. "Once you learn how to do this," he said, as he began stroking in a steady rhythm, "it'll be something you'll do for yourself every day 3; and sometimes several times a day. Every teenage boy in the world jacks off, once he discovers it." I barely heard the smooth words he spoke. It was more like soft, pleasing background music that accompanied my growing sexual arousal. And I was DEFINITELY getting aroused! It was already far beyond anything I'd ever done while diddling my stiffie. And it kept getting better. As his stroking hand worked its magic, the tension was tightening every muscle in my body; my eyes were closed; my hips were lifting up off the bed; and my fists were grasping at the bed-sheet. The pressure in my groin was so intense it was almost painful, and I nearly told Eric to stop. He was using two fingers and his thumb to make a ring around my boner, swishing his hand up and down the whole shaft with his masturbation strokes, from its tip to the hairless base. But as he kept going, his stroking fingers focused increasing on the exquisitely-sensitive ridge of my cock-head. The pressure building up inside me quickly became almost too-intense. And just when I felt like I was going to explode 3; He stopped. His hand clamped on my throbbing boner, his finger and thumb squeezing firmly just below the ridge. I was breathing heavily, as if I had been running a race. For a moment I thought he was finished 3; that now I'd get up and get dressed, and that would be it. It definitely felt amazing, I thought to myself, but I suspected it would have been even better if he'd continued. "How are you liking it so far? Want me to keep going?" Eric's warm voice jostled me out of my introspection, and I opened my eyes. "Yeah!" I answered dreamily, grinning broadly as I realized that it wasn't over yet. "When I did this for the first time with my older friend, both of us were naked. How about I get undressed too? If you like, you can feel my cock while I'm stroking yours." "OK!" There was no shyness in my voice this time. I'd wanted to see him naked ever since the first moment he stepped out of the truck (though I wouldn't have dared to ask it). Eric stood up beside the bed. "How about you strip me the same way I did with you?" I scrambled over to sit on the edge of the bed. Eric stood close to me, and posed with his hands clasped behind his head, flexing his muscles. His body was fantastic 3; not big and over-muscled, but beautifully-formed and totally masculine. "Go ahead, Billy." My hands went to the waistband of the nylon gym shorts and eased them down his hips. To my surprise his underpants were ultra-skimpy black 'bikini briefs', showing so much skin that they were almost like a jockstrap. On someone else they might have been sissy-looking. But on Eric, they perfectly complimented his body's handsome masculinity. He could easily have been a model in an ad for them. Best of all, however, was the sight of his erection pushing the material out and upward. Beneath that thin layer of soft cotton was the stiff cock that I'd been fantasizing about. I'd never seen an erection other than my own, but now Eric's was right in front of my face, about to be revealed. My hands trembled and refused to move from their resting place on my knees. I wanted to do it, but my innate shyness still needed a push. "Do it, Billy. Strip me. Take down my underwear and feel my cock." I obeyed in an instant, pulling the front of his waistband forward to free his beautiful erection, which sprang straight up, pulsing with erotic energy. Then I pushed the briefs down the rest of the way, and he was completely naked. My eyes took it all in – the plump balls dangling below his cock 3; the manly patch of brown hair above. Eric's cock was of average length, and slightly less than average in thickness (not that I knew these things at the time). It was not so big as to be intimidating, but considerably more impressive than my own hairless and barely-adolescent endowment. Perhaps I'm biased because Eric was my first lover, but in all years since, I've never seen another man whose combination of features – face, body, and erect cock – better defined the esthetic of masculine perfection. It was as if Michelangelo had sculpted his statue of David with a full-on boner! Like mine, Eric's penis was circumcised, and my fingers went first to the finely-shaped glans. Then I caressed his cock-shaft lightly with one hand, while the other fondled his balls in their silken sack. "Let's lie down together," he said, "and we can get back to where we left off." And he playfully pushed me onto my back on the bed. He followed me down, poised over my body, supported by his hands and knees on the bed. The only parts of our bodies that touched were our cocks, as Eric moved his hips and made the two erections glide together erotically. His face hovered close to mine, and I could read the pleasure on it. He liked this as much as I did! As I looked into his eyes, an emotion surged through me that was totally new. I wanted to give myself to him, and I felt instinctively that I felt a bond with this man, trusting him completely. As much as I wanted for him to give me pleasure, I wanted just as much to pleasure him in return. In my naive and inexperienced frame of reference, it was perhaps inevitable that my mind flashed to the romance novel. Eric was the cowboy and I the inexperienced school teacher. I wanted him to 'possess me completely', just as the book had described. And as his face moved even closer to mine, I thought he was actually going to kiss me on the lips 3; and I wanted so much for him to do it! I closed my eyes, pursed my lips, and waited for it to happen. But instead I felt his nose swipe against mine a couple times – an 'Eskimo kiss'. I opened my eyes as his face had backed away. I felt foolish and embarrassed for imagining that Eric would actually have kissed me. But what he said next made my heart melt. "I really like you, Billy," he said softly. "You're totally awesome. Sexy too!" "I am?" I said awkwardly. "I mean 3; I like you too." "Have you ever been kissed before?" Oh my God! Was he reading my mind? I shook my head no, afraid to speak. "Want to see what it's like, so you'll be ready when you want to kiss a girl?" "OK," I said, just barely able to say the word. This time, when his face came closer to mine I kept my eyes open. His lips were moist and slightly parted when they met mine 3; pressing gently and then moving in the most deliciously sensuous way. And at the same time, he was taking me in an embrace, while our cocks continued rubbing together. The sensation was totally electric. After an eternity – probably only a minute – he broke the kiss, and I lay there stunned and dazed. "Want me to jack your cock some more?" he asked. "Yes! Please!" I begged in a whisper. He settled himself on the bed beside me, on our sides with our bodies snuggling together and my head resting on his strong bicep. I could smell the rich sexy musk of his body, and I loved it. At the exact moment that our lips touched again, Eric's hand returned to my boner and began to masturbate me once more. "Mmmmm 3;" I moaned through the kiss. It didn't take long for the tension in my body and the pressure in my cock to regain the same peak as when he was masturbating me a few minutes earlier. And as my hips arched up off the bed, Eric's tongue emerged, flicking out teasingly across my lips at first. I knew intuitively that I should meet it with my own, and I was amazed at how the sloppy merging of our two tongues accelerated the jolts of erotic energy that surged through my body. There was only one thing missing, and that was quickly remedied. My hand snaked down between our bodies, and wrapped around Eric rigid cock. I couldn't stroke it in this position, but just holding it in my hand and squeezing the hot throbbing shaft was wonderful. Eric must have thought so too, because he kissed me with greater passion. His masturbation strokes – now with just a ring of his thumb and forefinger, dancing back and forth across the ridge of my cock-head – became amazingly, agonizingly fast. I was quite literally out of my mind by the time the orgasm hit me. My consciousness seemed to be centered in my penis, swirling with ever-increasing hyper-sensation. I can't even say the build-up was totally enjoyable, because the immense pressure and tension within me were almost too intense to bear. But when the climax finally crashed through my body – the first orgasm of my life – all of that tension burst apart into waves of pure sexual pleasure. The explosion of semen onto my chest and belly was totally unexpected. As I remember back, it was a spray of tiny droplets in the first eruption, not the strings of cum that later masturbation sessions would produce. Eric eased up considerably on the stroking, but he continued to coax the last bit of cum from my dick, as my body shivered with each little aftershock. As the orgasm ebbed, Eric pulled his hand away and ran it slowly along my hip. "Pretty good, huh?" he said. "Oh 3;" was all I could sigh at first. "Oh, yeah!" Then I looked down at the splotches of semen. "What happened?" "You came," he said. "But let me give you the long answer." And for the next few minutes, as we lay close together on the bed, Eric gave me an instant education in the facts of adolescent-male sexuality, which most of my 13-year-old peers probably knew already. He talked about the feelings of horniness that I had already been experiencing but couldn't name. And he went on to explain masturbation, talking about orgasms and the semen they produced. He told me the proper sexual terms as well as the vulgar slang, like a sympathetic older brother explaining the secrets of sex. Or a totally-hip father, I thought to myself, as I visualized the man I had adored as a young boy 3; until his love of drugs had superseded his feelings for Mom and me. "But enough lecturing," Eric said, rolling onto his back. "I guess it's my turn to cum now, huh," he said, reaching down to give his cock a few strokes. "Want to help me with it, or would you rather just watch me jack off?" "I'll help you!" I said, enthusiastically. "Fantastic! This time, I'll show you how to do it with lubricant," he said, reaching into a box beside the bed and retrieving a small plastic bottle. He settled himself in a sitting position, leaning back against the wall. "Kneel here," he said, spreading his legs apart and patting a spot on the bed between them; "and hold out your hand." He poured a puddle of clear lube onto my palm. "Get my cock nice and slippery, and then start stroking it." Positioning myself between his thighs, I brought my hand to the beautiful boner, and began masturbating. It felt so incredible to stroke a man's cock for the first time – so excitingly different from anything I'd ever done, and yet so natural. As my hand slid up and down along the warm firm smoothness of Eric's stiff penis, he refrained from giving me any overt instructions for how he wanted me to stroke him. (That would come later, in subsequent lessons taught in his bedroom, during the months that I was his 'special young friend'.) But he let me know what pleased him, with sighs and moans of pleasure, and words of encouragement. "Mmmmm 3;. nice!" he said, as my other hand went to his balls. "Oh God! That's incredible!" when my hand twisted back and forth on his slippery cock-head, as if polishing a knob. "Oh yeah, Billy! Keeping going!" as my hand began to stroke the full length of his cock in a quickening rhythm. "Oh, man! I'm getting close!" he moaned with undisguised lust. "Finish me off fast and hard 3; and squeeze those balls! 3; Yeah, Billy; you're incredible!" And I felt incredible too, kneeling as if in prayer before this sexy, handsome man whom I worshipped 3; watching and feeling his body respond to the erotic stimulation that my hands were giving him. As my lube-slick hand raced along his beautiful erection, I ran my eyes up and down his writhing body, from his face to his toes, observing what I must have looked like in the moments before my own orgasm exploded. And then it happened 3;. "Here it comes! Uh! 3; Uh! 3; Uh!" Each sharp grunt was accompanied by a string of manly spunk flying out of the cock 3; far more semen than I had produced, splattering onto his chest and belly. I kept stroking, mesmerized by the sight. But soon his hand covered my own, stopping its movement, and the last of his cum dribbled down my knuckles and into his pubic hair. "That was amazing, Billy!" he said. I beamed with pride at my accomplishment. He ran his fingers through the globs of cum on his torso. "What a mess we both are!" he said with a chuckle. "How about you and I take a quick shower to clean the cum off? And then maybe you'd like to take a ride with me on my motorcycle. What do you say?" A ride on his motorcycle! "Sure!" "Let's do the shower and then we'll get going." The bathroom was right across from his bedroom door. We entered together, both of us naked, but I was presuming that we'd shower separately. I'd never taken a shower with someone else before, even as a little boy. Eric turned on the water, adjusted the temperature, pushed the curtain aside, and climbed into the tub. "Come on; you too!" he said, taking my hand and drawing me in. The water was refreshing, flowing from a shower-massage fixture that could be removed from its bracket on the wall. We stood under its spray, Eric behind me, as the water rinsed the semen from our chests. "I'll soap you up," said Eric. He pointed the spray toward the tiled wall and grabbed a bar of soap, working up some lather and rubbing the suds over my back, shoulders, arms, and chest. Then his hand reached down to wash my dick and balls, as his chest rubbed against my soapy back, and I could feel his soft penis brushing against my butt. "Feels good, doesn't it?" he said. "Yeah!" It really did! "Let's see how you like this," Eric said, as he worked up some more soap suds in both hands. While his left hand went back to my penis, stroking it in a more overtly sexual way and making it stiffen, his right hand was behind me, rubbing soap-suds all around my slender butt. Soon, his fingers were insinuating themselves into the cleft, and I jumped slightly when his fingertips rubbed across my anus. "Do you like that?" he asked. "Want me to do it some more?" I wasn't sure how much I liked it, but I trusted Eric completely. "OK," I replied, without much conviction. His soapy fingers on my dick increased their stimulation, rubbing my cock-head, and his other hand returned to my asshole. The sensation was surprisingly intense, and the more his fingertips massaged the nerve-laden anal flesh, the more it aroused me. But it was frustratingly brief. "Alright; let's finish up and go for our ride," he said, as he quickly soaped up his own body and took the spray-handle from its bracket and began rinsing us both. "Let me rinse you really good down there," he said, as the spray moved over my back and down to my butt. "Reach back and pull your butt-cheeks apart." To do this, I had to bend my knees a bit and push my buttocks back. It was kind of embarrassing to show my asshole that way. But when the dozens of swift-flowing needles of water assaulted my asshole from an inch away, all I could think about was how incredible it felt! "Try to relax your asshole a bit 3; push out slightly with the muscle." I didn't know why he was telling me to do that, until I tried it 3; and it felt awesome! My mouth hung open in one long gasp of aroused lust. This experience ended all too quickly as well, but the pleasure continued as Eric moved the spray around to the front, directing it onto my stiff penis and balls. Everything I did with Eric was a new lesson in sexual pleasure! But he only gave me a brief tantalizing taste before turning off the water and handing me a towel. As we dried off, I studied Eric's naked body again, focusing on his soft penis. It wasn't even significantly longer than mine, though thicker and with bigger balls, but it looked almost as beautiful as when it was stiff. I was about to put my smelly old briefs back on when Eric said "let me get you some clean undies; I've got some that are too small for me." He got some bright-red bikini briefs, the same style as the briefs he'd been wearing, but small enough to fit me perfectly! It was a special thrill to be wearing Eric's underpants, though I briefly wondered how they ever could have fit him. He also gave me a cotton tee-shirt that hung a good bit lower on me than it would have on Eric, but I decided it looked awesomely cool. "I'm going to leave my underwear off for a while," he said as he pulled on nylon athletic shorts. "Going commando, as they say." If I weren't so thrilled to be wearing Eric's underpants, I probably would have imitated him. "I've been reading up on some good places to explore," he said, grabbing a slender paperback guide to hiking and biking trails in the area around the University, and putting it in a light nylon day-pack. "Go down to the kitchen and grab a couple sodas from the fridge, in case we find a nice picnic spot. I'll get a blanket we can sit on. When he joined me downstairs, he added to the day-pack the two sodas I'd selected, then hooked the pack securely around the motorcycle's handlebars. He gave me a quick briefing on where to put my feet and how to lean with the bike on turns. "I've got a helmet for you, if you like. But there's no mandatory helmet law down here like there is up north, so I'm not using one." "Me neither!" I said with bravado. "You can either hold on here," he said, pointing to the strap across the middle of the seat, "or you can hold onto my waist." I started out holding the strap as we pulled out of the driveway, but was grasping his hip-bones before we'd gone even a block. As we zipped past the University's athletic fields, I barely glanced at the football players. In just a few minutes more, we had left the small college-town and were riding past woods and farmland. I wrapped my arms fully around Eric's waist as he accelerated on a straight stretch of country road. My body tingled with the thrill of zipping down the road, with the wind on my face and bare legs, and the rumbling vibration of the 250cc engine between my legs. And I clung to him even more tightly, pressing the side of my face against his back, as he cranked our speed significantly above the legal limit for a few exciting moments. Soon, we slowed and turned onto a single-lane road, heading through a thick growth of trees. As we cruised at a much slower speed, Eric took my right hand and guided it down to his crotch. His cock was totally stiff! "Play with it, Billy," he said, over the noise of the engine. My hand slid up into the leg of his nylon athletic shorts and grasped his boner, now unfettered by underwear. I was in heaven – riding a motorcycle on a deserted road through the woods, feeling the rigid erection of the man for whom I had developed an instant crush, pressing my body against his back. Before long he turned off again, this time on a seldom-used dirt road – more like a hiking trail – whose entrance was blocked by a chain strung between two metal posts. But the motorcycle easily got around the barrier, and we drove briskly down the forest road beneath a canopy of towering trees, seeing nobody else along the way. After several minutes, we stopped, and Eric pulled the guidebook. "Just a little farther, I think," he said, and off we went again. When we came to a hilly area off to one side, he turned off the gravel road and took us up-hill over a rough foot path. The motorcycle handled the terrain with ease. When we got to the top, Eric turned off the engine and put down the kick-stand. There was a small treeless clearing there at the hilltop, with some stones arranged in a fire circle. From the high vantage point, we could look down one side to a pristine valley with a stream running through it. In the other direction, the dirt road was barely visible through the trees. It was like we were in the wilderness, even though we were only 15 minutes away from my house! I walked around, taking in the view, while Eric unhooked his day-pack and spread the blanket on the grassy ground. As I was looking off into the distance, Eric came up behind me and gently pulled me into his embrace, his arms wrapping around my chest. "Nice isn't it?" he said softly. "Yeah!" I sighed. "It's beautiful. I never knew there was a place like this around here!" Eric's hands came up underneath my shirt, and he began to massage my chest 3; his fingertips playing with my tiny nipples. I leaned back into him, basking in the pleasure of his touch and our closeness. "I like being with you, Billy," he murmured, leaning down so his mouth was right next to my ear, and then kissing the back of my neck gently. "And you know what? It makes me horny when I hold you like this." One of his hands slid down my belly to the crotch of my pants, massaging my penis, which was now totally-stiff. "I see it makes you horny too!" "Yeah," I said with a giggle. "Want to do some more sex-stuff together?" I knew immediately that I wanted it. "Yes. Please!" I figured we'd get back on his motorcycle and ride back to his house. "Great!" he said, as he hugged me tighter. "I want you to get naked for me. Right now; OK? There's nobody around." "Well 3; OK," I said, as my arousal overcame any shyness I would ordinarily have felt about doing it outdoors. Still behind me, Eric pulled the shirt off over my head. "You have really strong shoulders," he told me again, massaging them briefly, making me glow with pride. "Let's go over to the blanket, Billy, and you can do a strip-tease for me." He led me by the hand, sitting on the blanket himself, but instructing me to stand in front of him and take off my khaki shorts and underpants in a teasing, sexy dance. I knew vaguely about the concept of strip-tease dancing, and had actually been doing it for my own visual pleasure, standing alone in front of my bedroom-door mirror. I began a slow, sensuous dance – or at least what I hoped looked sensuous – standing in one place but moving my hips and running my hands over my body. Eric lay on the blanket, propped up on one elbow, smiling up at me encouragingly. Then I began lowering the elastic waistband of my shorts, feeling erotic energy flow through me as I watched Eric's hand rub at his crotch. I was turning him on! And, needless to say, he was turning me on as well. The khakis dropped to the ground, and I stepped out of them. Now I was wearing only the snug bikini briefs, barely covering my slender ass and my rigid boy-cock. My hands rubbed at the front of my underpants and along my thighs as my hips swayed to the beat of an imagined song. Remembering how Eric seemed to find my butt sexy, I turned around and wiggled my butt at him, lowering the back of the briefs a little at a time. When I turned back around, flush with sexual arousal, Eric stoked me even more. "Oh, man! You look so good!" he said. "So damn handsome!" Did he really think so? It felt wonderful – and incredibly ego boosting – to hear him say it. As I continued dancing for him, trying to make my expression sexy, I parted my lips and let my tongue move back and forth, as if Eric and I were kissing again. "You've got me so horny I'm about to burst!" Eric said. "Show me that beautiful cock of yours. Strip naked for me." As I moved my body, and my tongue slid across my lips, I lowered the front of the bright-red briefs, revealing the tip of my erection. Looking at Eric, I could tell his eyes were fixed on my cock, and he really liked my show. I pushed the waistband down gradually to reveal my entire boner. "Take the undies off, Billy! Dance naked for me!" The boy-panties slid down my legs and I tossed them aside. Now that I was nude, the meager remnants of my inhibition vanished, and I was prancing around like a faggot slut, making my boner wag back and forth, and then up and down. "I know what you need, you sexy little tease," said Eric. "You need to have your cock sucked. Would you like that? You want me to suck your cock?" I had never heard of such a thing, but my brain instantly processed the concept. "Well 3; yeah! Sure, Eric!" Eric got to his knees and pulled me toward him, my boner right in front of his face. "Tell me that you want it," he said teasingly. "Could you 3;" I began tentatively. "Don't ask me. Tell me!" "I want you to suck it!" I proclaimed, my voice gaining authority. It was exciting to talk dirty like that. "Suck my cock!" Eric looked up at me and smiled as our eyes met. "That's it, Billy. Here it comes!" He licked his lips and brought his mouth down on me, capturing my cock-head and swirling his tongue around it. His lips moved down a little, then back up, then down again. With each bob of his head, he took more of my barely-pubescent boner. "Oh, Eric! Oh my gosh!" I was amazed by the intensity of sensation as his lips began moving rhythmically up and down the cock-shaft, as his tongue licked along it. With each plunging down-stroke, his mouth took my entire boner, from the cock-head to its hairless base. His hands caressed my butt cheeks 3; fondling them at first, and then pulling them toward his sucking mouth, wordlessly encouraging me to thrust my hips in a face-fucking rhythm. I could sense that if he sucked me long enough I would cum again, like I had when he stroked me with his hand. I was getting some of the same sensation, but it felt even better. But just as the feeling was building up within me, he disengaged and looked up at me. "Pretty good, huh?" "Oh, man!" I replied. "It's the best thing yet!" "Ya know; there are other things I can teach you, Billy. Things that guys do with each other – sexy things – to make each other feel good. Want me to keep going?" I didn't say anything, but my heart was pounding against my chest with excitement. I smiled and nodded my head. "That's my boy!" He pulled me down onto the blanket, quickly wiggled out of his shorts, and got on top of me, giving me a passionate, deep kiss. I lay passively on my back beneath him, eager for whatever might happen next. He kissed my mouth again, and then began to move down my body – kissing my neck, my nipples, and then my belly. When he reached my cock I fully expected him to begin sucking me again. Perhaps the last thing I expected was for him to lift up my legs, push them up toward my chest, and bring his mouth down to my asshole. His ass-play in the shower should have tipped me off to his interest, but I was completely astounded when his tongue began licking my anus. Almost instantly, however, my disbelief turned to surging erotic pleasure, as Eric's talented tongue lapped at the sensitive anal flesh and bored into the clenched hole. "Oh, yes!" I moaned. "Oh, gosh 3; YES!" As his tongue cork-screwed into my asshole, my body was literally vibrating and my breathing came in ragged gasps. I instinctively reached for my straining erection and held it tightly, increasing my pleasure even more. When he finally rose up on his knees, after rimming my ass for several glorious minutes, Eric was smiling and stroking his own stiff cock. "Do you trust me, Billy?" He was looking down on me with an expression that conveyed his excitement, kindness, and sense of adventure. "Of course I do, Eric!" And I DID; absolutely. "I'm going to fuck you 3; sliding my cock inside your ass," he said as he reached over to the knapsack and pulled out the bottle of lube. "It sometimes hurts at the beginning, when you're getting fucked for the first time. But I'll take it nice and slow, and I'll stop if you ask me to. But once we get going, I think you'll really like it. OK?" "OK," I replied. I had loved everything else he'd done to me, and I wasn't about to doubt him now. "Grab your legs and pull them back to your chest." As I did, Eric poured some lube directly onto my anal flesh, rubbing it around gently with two fingers. Soon, one of the fingers was entering the slippery hole, teasingly fucking into it just a little. He told me how to flex open the circle of muscle, as his finger easily slid in all the way. After a minute of slow, sensuous finger-fucking, a second finger joined in, gently opening me up, making me accustomed to the feeling. The sensation was not as intensely pleasurable as his hand or mouth on my cock, but it was still strangely compelling. I knew that wanted his cock inside me, filling me 3; just like the school teacher and the cowboy. JUST like it, I suddenly realized. "Put your cock in me, Eric," I said softly. "Fuck me." He grinned, looking so proud of me. "OK, lover." The word "lover" made my heart suddenly bounce around in my chest, and caused me to want him all the more. "Hold out your hand," he instructed, and he poured some lube on it. "Now start jacking your cock, just like I was doing to you back at the house. Take slow, though, and make it last. I started stroking my boner – the very first time I'd ever masturbated myself – while Eric lubed his stiff cock and positioned himself at my ass. "Flex your ass open as I push in," he said. And as his cock-head pressed into me, I accepted it as easily as I had his two fingers. With slow, deliberate mini-thrusts, more and more of his shaft entered my rectum. Although it wasn't feeling pleasurable, neither was it painful. (I would appreciate later, after experience with other men, my good luck that Eric's cock was fairly slender, and perfect for my first time.) It also helped that my lube-slick hand was sloppily stroking my boyish boner, adding overt sexual pleasure to the sensory ambiguity my first anal intrusion. "Doing OK, Billy?" Eric had stopped pushing forward, and I looked up into his handsome face. Then I realized that his cock was completely inside of me. His warm throbbing masculinity filled me and possessed me completely – just like the book had described – and I wanted to be fucked more than I'd ever want anything. "Yes, Eric. I love it!" "OK. Here goes!" He leaned his shoulders against the backs of my legs and his hips began to move – back a bit, then forward, slowly lengthening the stroke, speeding the rhythm. I was still gripping my own stiff penis, and I began matching my masturbation strokes to the cadence of his fucking. As he thrust his cock into my ass, my fist would slide down my slippery boner 3; and as he pulled back, my hand would slide up 3; in perfect unison. Before long, any hint of discomfort in my ass had disappeared completely. Now it was pure pleasure – both sensory and psychic. I was physically overwhelmed by the wonderful feelings produced by masturbating while being expertly fucked, and totally besotted with first-love for the handsome 23-year-old man who was dominating me. I have no idea how long it lasted. Time had no meaning in the place where my mind and body had been transported. But when the sensation of impending orgasm began rising up in me for the second time in my life, my mind came into focus. I began jacking my boner with an insane urgency, moaning and grunting with effort. Eric read the signal perfectly, and his hips began thrusting in piston-strokes, pushing himself toward his own orgasm. The rising wave of pleasure crested and began to crash. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh, yes! So good! Oh! Oh! AHHHHH!" Did I cum first or did he? I have no idea. I was blitzed into a state of ecstasy, with my throbbing penis in my hand and Eric's in my ass, both dribbling out the last spurts of hot cum. My consciousness only returned fully when Eric took me in his arms and rolled us onto our sides, kissing me gently and caressing my body. "You were great, Billy," he said at last. "Not bad for your first day of sex lessons, huh?" I didn't answer, but only beamed with the brightest smile, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him long and deeply. But my mind silently thought the words I dared not speak out loud yet. "I love you, Eric! I love you so much!"
The EndWrite to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo(dot)com