#1 Antonio Goes West
An adult finds an adult friend that introduced him to a man that allows men to have sex with his son
Antonio (24yo) and Sean (9yo)
Mb – cons oral anal
I was 21-years old when I moved from Cincinnati, Ohio to Los Angeles, California. My family was of Italian extraction and never would have understood that I was gay and had a strong attraction for younger boys.
When I arrived in Los Angeles I knew no one. I had no family there, or known acquaintances. I had heard the Hollywood was the place to be for gay men. I took my meager belongings there and looked for a cheap place to live while I looked for a job.
The second day I was there I met a guy that I would fall in love with. His name was Tyler. Being in a strange town I was happy to have a friend, even though I prefer the company of much younger boys. I just naturally have a taste for boys just entering puberty, say between the ages of 10 and 12.
While I was looking for a job Tyler invited me out to dinner. When we returned to his residence near Santa Monica Boulevard he made a pass at me. I was not about to reject his friendship. He assured me that he did love big men.
I am a six-foot three [1.90 m], 190 pounds [86 kg] of solid muscle. I had played college football back home. That was why I had waited until I was 21 before leaving home. Tyler was thrilled when he got me out of my pants and found that I had nine-inches [23 cm] of swinging meat. No one had ever been able to swallow all of my cock. Tyler was able to deep-throat my cock.
Our friendship continued after I found a job and established myself. I did not hide the fact that I was gay but didn't advertise my desire for young boys. When I frequented the gay bars I flirted with the other men but didn't make a habit of picking them up. Even Tyler and I drifted apart over the next three years. I was not suited to long relationships. After Tyler and I went our own way, I just wanted to have fun.
Then I met Mike in one of the gay bars I frequented regularly. He was a nice looking businessman, blond hair, blue eyes, nice ass and cock. He looked younger that his 22-years. I was attracted to him because he was so young looking. We were seeing each other for six or seven months. It was not a monogamous relationship. There was a group of about 40 men that sometimes partied.
Mike knew more about me than most. One evening, he told me he wanted to take me someplace. He insisted that I had to promise not to freak out on him. I must have promised him, I would keep his secret a dozen times over the next couple of hours. He flipped open his cell phone and made a call. He made sure I didn't hear what the conversation was about. When he closed his phone he had me get in his car, and we drove south to the MacArthur Park area.
I was only vaguely familiar with the area. It is not the kind of area you like to be around after dark. You could see drug dealers on almost every corner of the lake. It is strange that the area should be so rundown because Wilshire Blvd. runs right through the middle of the park just north of the lake. You didn't have to drive very far to the west to be in very expensive property full of offices of lawyers and plastic surgeons. Mike drove into the area with a single minded purpose. He parked in front of an old Victorian house set back from the street. The house had double doors. We walked up the old cracked concrete walkway to the porch. Mike knocked on the door.
A deep voice on the other side of the door asked who it was. Mike gave his name and said that he had come to see the boy.
I had no idea what he was talking about.
The big wooden door opened and a big man was standing there, wearing no shirt or shoes. He had a big hairy chest. When he saw me he reacted with an unpleasant expression. Mike assured him that it was cool.
I noticed that his fly was down and I could see a couple of wet spots on the crotch of his pants. I assumed he had just finished jacking off. It would have been impolite to draw attention to what I saw.
The gentleman led us into an adjoining room. As soon as I entered I froze where I stood. Sitting on the couch was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. I suspected that he was no more than 9-years old. The youth didn't have a hair on his body. He was sitting cross legged on the couch with his little cock was sticking straight up. When he saw user the room he just looked up and smiled at us.
I forgot the name of the man that had greeted us. He walked over to the boy, he addressed as Sean and reached down to take hold of his little cock and began to stroke the boy's cock while looking at us. The boy just leaned backwards and smiled at us while the man masturbated him. I wanted to go over and join in on the fun.
I removed my pants as fast as I could, to show off my 9-inch [23 cm] cock. I noticed that Mike was down to his underwear. When he removed them he had a cute white cock. It was just a mouthful.
When I approached the couch, the man told the boy, "Sean, suck his cock!"
The obedient boy that he was he reached for my cock and he wrapped his hand around the base of the shaft and licked the head of my cock before opening his small mouth as much as he could before putting it in his mouth. He was only able to get the head in his mouth, but I had never felt anything so good in my life. I just had to place my hands on the sides of his
head and began to as much of my cock into his mouth as I could.
The man that had let us in and was stroking the boys cock slid to the floor. It was crowed between my body and the boys. He uncrossed Sean's slender legs exposing his little shitter. The little hole was wrinkled and brown. It was closed tighter that corked bottle. The man moved his head between the youth's legs and started licking the boy's hairless nut sack and the crack of his ass. I was so busy watching the action going on under me that I could not concentrate enough to cum.
While continuing to cling to Sean's head with on hand I pulled my cock out of his mouth and squeezed my cock to force some pre-cum out of my cock so that I could smear it on the boy's lips, just like it was lipstick. I shoved my cock back into his mouth forcefully to make him gage on purpose. Just as he gagged I pulled my cock all of the way out and then back in. By that time the man had Sean's ass soaking wet and lubricated nicely.
He told me what to do at that point. He had me take his place on my knees so that I could fuck his son. I almost lost my load finding out I was about to fuck his son. That turned me on more than ever. I knelt between the boy's legs and took a good look at the small brown opening before I placed the head of my cock right against the boy's asshole. I didn't think it would be able to take my cock. I pushed my hips foreword and the tip spread his little asshole and slid in.
Sean's face registered pain. I was concerned about hurting the boy. His father told me not to worry; Sean often cried the first time a man fucked him. I pushed another three or more inches [8 cm] in. I started pulling out a little and back in, setting up a rhythm. I had never fucked a tighter ass in my life.
Mike was sitting in a nearby chair jacking-off. Sean's father was sticking his own cock in the boy's mouth. I was past the point of no return. I could not hold off any longer. I pulled my cock out until my head was just touching his opening and creamed all over his hole leaving a while coat of cum all over his bottom that was dripping on the floor. Sean's father screamed here it comes, son. He was squirting cum all over his son's face and chest. He was telling Sean to swallow whatever you have in your mouth. By the time we were done Sean was crying but he had a smile on his face from ear to ear.
When we were back in the car I was asking mike if he had more friends like that. Mike smiled and said, "Maybe."
The End
#2 David Finds His Sex
A boy is seduced by a teenager and then meets three boys and has sex with them and their father
David (13yo) and Chad (16yo)
tb Mb – cons oral anal – first
I was one of those boys that knew very young that I was not like the other boys. I didn't like sports at all. I loathed the rough house games the boys in my neighborhood played. I would rather play house with the girls. It was not that I didn't like guys. I worshipped several of the guys, but I just could not compete with them when it came to sports.
I had very little knowledge of sexual matters. It was not until I was about twelve years old that I found out about sex. But rather than dream about some female with big tits, I was dreaming about a gorgeous black Irish boy in school with dark curly hair and the sexy sky blue eyes. I had no knowledge about what he looked like without clothes, but I deemed about him being naked at night.
I had heard guys talking about this guy or that guy being a fagot, as if it was a dirty word. I was teased enough about being a sissy that I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself. I simply did what I had to at school, and went home to play video games by myself.
My parents were very self-righteous Southern Baptists. They believed in segregation strongly and the damnation of any sexual conduct deemed inappropriate. Their revulsion of any news item on the evening news about gay's, be it about some gay being beat up or gay rights, they spit venomous remarks about what should be done with all fagots. I knew that if they ever found out how I felt, that they would disown me. There was no way I could discuss my feelings with them.
Shortly after my thirteenths birthday was when it happened for me. I was an only child. My parents belonged to a country club. They wanted to go to a holiday party that was the big social event for the season. They didn't want to miss that party. During my birthday party the subject came up in front of my mother's sister. Her son was 16-years old, named Chad. She called him over and told him about my parents wanting to go to the party, but didn't want to leave me alone. He volunteered to babysit for me, that night if they wanted to go to the party.
He came over to our house early. As my parents were leaving for the party, they told us not to wait up for them. It was likely to be an all night party.
Chad was planning on staying overnight anyway. Chad was popular with the girls, so I never suspected him of being gay. After they left Chad and I watched a movie on the TV and played a video game. We stayed up a little later than my normal bedtime. When I decided to give it up and go to bed, I stripped for bed. I was in the habit of sleeping in the nude.
Chad came into my room and asked, "Where do I sleep?"
I had not even given it a thought. Well I had a full sized bed. "Well if you don't mind sleeping with a nude thirteen-year old, and you stay on your side of the bed, jump in."
Chad striped down to his boxer shorts. I was thinking, "My GAWD he was cute." It was only a few minutes before he started asking me questions like, do you jack-off yet? Can you cum? How many times a day do you jack-odd? Have you fucked a girl yet?
My answers were; YES, to jacking-off. YES, to being able to cum. At least 3 times a day, to how many times a day. No, to fucking a girl, but I added that I didn't I liked girls that much. BIG MISTAKE!
Chad asked, "What's it like being gay?"
I responded, "I don't know! I have no idea what it is like."
Chad hand went to my crotch, "Want to find out?"
Up until that point all I had ever done was jerk-off and stick my finger up my ass. My 5-inch [12½ cm] cock was rock hard and dripping pre-cum.
Chad told me, "Go ahead and feel my cock David." His 8-inch [20 cm] cock was just as hard as mine. "Do you want to give me head?"
In response I rolled over and took his cock in my mouth, and started sucking on it.
"Watch your teeth!" he said.
After a few attempts he loved what I was doing to him. He grabbed me by the head and shoved my head down until my lips were pressed against his nuts. I felt the head of his cock actually going down my throat. I thought I was going to choke to death.
Chad announced, "I got something for you." He lifted my head up until only the head of his cock was in my mouth, and then he filled my mouth with his warm cum.
I actually love my first taste of a guy's cum. I had tasted my own cum before, but his tasted much better. I lay back on the bed and savored the taste of another guy's cum.
Chad leaned over my body and took my cock in his mouth. He was sucked me until I was about to cum. Then he got a better idea. He sat up and moved his legs closer to my butt as he lifted my ass up.
I knew what was coming and was scared. After all this was going to be my first time. His 8-inch [20 cm] cock was poised right against the opening of my ass.
Chad asked, "Where is the rubber and lube? Got any?"
"No!" I said.
"Then forget it!" The head of his cock pressed against my virgin ass. "Relax David, act like you're taking a big shit!" All 8-inches [20 cm] tore up my un-lubed ass.
I let out a screamed in pain. It sure was lucky my parents were not home. The way I screamed would have drawn some unwanted attention. Chad was fucking my ass fast and furiously. I could not believe it when cum shot from my own dick without anyone touching it. It was fun watching my cum squirting up my body all the way to my chest.
Chad stopped moving and I felt his dick swell up. I felt it jerk, and I knew he was squirting his cum in my ass. At least his cum was lubing my ass. It started feeling good as he started fucking me again. When he would pull his cock almost all of the way out of my ass, I could see the white cum frothing up around the base of his cock. The dark hairs were clued to his body. When he pulled his cock all of the way out of my ass, he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He even jabbed his tongue into my mouth. I liked that. We rested for awhile.
Chad said, "I hope your mom and dad stay all night, because I am going to fuck you all night. I felt his cock pressing against my crotch. It was right between my right leg and my nut sack. It was getting stiff again. He sat up again and lifted my ass up again by placing my heels on his shoulders. He was slipping his cock back into my ass. This time the cum was lubing the way. It felt a hundred percent better.
Only a 16-year old could possibly do what he did. He fucked my ass four more times before the sun started filtering through the east windows. I was one exhausted boy, when I made my way to the bathroom to take a shit. I could not help but check out my stool, because there was a lot of his cum in the bowl and coating my turds. After that I had to check if my parents had stayed out all night. They had. I had a ragging hard-on, by the time I got back to my bedroom.
Chat saw it and grabbed me by the cock and asked, "No mom or dad yet?" as he kissed me.
"No! Not yet! We better get dressed" I said.
"Not before I fuck you again." Chad said.
He bent me over my desk and drove his cock up my ass. He slammed it all the way in and then pulled it all of the way out, only to do it all over again. It was like he was trying to hurt me. He did not stop until he squirted cum in my ass again. When he was done he wiped his cock off with my underwear, before he got dressed.
I said, "Chad you were trying to hurt me!"
He didn't respond. Chad and I only saw each other once or twice a year. But when he said, "You will probably have a boyfriend the next time I see you!" It hurt my feelings.
Chad and I never had sex with each other again. In fact it was two years before the next time I saw him. He had been right though, it was only two weeks after he babysat for me that I was in bed with another guy.
I met three brothers one afternoon in a park playing. I joined them in a game and while we were horsing around the boys started groping my crotch. It was the youngest one that invited me to stop by and visit with them. The prospect of having sex with three brothers was enough to make my dick hard.
I was disappointed when we got to the trailer park where their trailer was, because their father was there. I thought there was not going to be any sex. Little did I know! As soon as the door was closed the boys were dropping their pants. I thought their father would reproach them.
To my astonishment the youngest son stripped all of his clothes off, and sat on his father's lap. He kissed his father on the mouth and told him, that I was their new playmate. While he was doing that he was pulling his father's zipper down. The man didn't stop the boy. I watched, as the boy pull the big cock out of his pants and started jacking-off his father.
The two older boys were pulling at my clothes. I had tried to resist until I saw what the youngest one was doing. I could not believe that a man the age of my father would allow his sons to be so sexual. The boys were jacking me off until I was hard. Then the younger of the two knelt in front of me and sucked my cock while the older brother spread my ass. I even stuck my ass out as he stuck his cock in my ass. When he was finished cumming in my ass the father took me to his bedroom and fucked me too. While he was fucking me the youngest boy straddled my head and fed his little cock to me. I eventually learned that he was 38-years old.
I visited them almost every day for the next six weeks. It was a surprise when I got to the trailer park one day and the space was vacant. I never found out why they moved without warning.
I could not keep having sex with men forever, without my family finding out. They did kick me out of the house and disown me. It was funny that one of the members of their congregation that took me in. Of course I was allowing him to fuck my ass and I was sucking his cock daily. Over the next eleven years I have had sex with men and boys, between the ages of 11 to 62.
I have become a sex slave to any man that is willing to house and feed me.
The End
#3 Roy Joins the Club
A teenager had his first sexual enounter at 15 with a friend. He joins a church group where adults further his education and expose him to more boys that are like minded
Roy (15yo)
tt – cons oral anal – orgy ws
A friend of mine named Clark, invited me to join his family on a summer vacation trip. We were 15-years old at the time. We were sharing a room one night. Clark got ready for bed and chose to sleep in just his French bikini underwear. They were made out of an elastic material that bareley covered his private area. That night he rubbed my face against the crotch of his underwear. I simply sucked him off through his shorts. I found that I liked it.
A few months later I was invited to join a 'Boys Club' that was sponsored by our church. It was explained to me that it was special club for special boys. I was intrigued by the implication that I had been deemed special enough to be a candidate for a special club.
It was explained to me that there was going to be weekly meetings on the upper floor over the old church. The leadership of the club had been selected by the leaders of the church. They selected two young men in their twenties that had a great reputation for their pious leadership of youth. I had to wonder just how much they knew about these two men.
These two young men dictated the rules of the club. One of the requirements for membership in the club was that each boy to have a private meeting with one of them. I was told by the one I met, Derrick, said that I had to have a discussion with him and take a sex test. The discussion was held in private one afternoon, when there wasn't a regular meeting.
Derrick's discussion made me very nervous at first. He started off talking about condom usage, etc. Derrick started talking about my knowledge of masturbation. He asked me how many time a day I masturbated. I was reluctant to even admit that I jacked-off, let along tell him how often I did it.
I was at a loss when he asked me, "How mature are you?"
I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me that he would show me. He demanded that I stand up and drop my pants.
I stood up and my hands were shaking as I started unbuttoning my Levis. Derrick represented an authority figure to me. I pulled my jeans down. He told me to pull down my underwear down too. I only hesitated a moment before I pulled down my 'Hanes' jockey shorts. I was embarrassed standing there in front of an adult, naked to my knees!
Derrick wore thick glasses, with big rims. I remember very well how his voice sounded. It was a non-threatening smooth sounding voice.
He leaned forward in his chair and told me, "This is how you tell, the tightness of your pubic hair!" He slowly ran his fingers through my pubic hair. Guess what? My 15-year old penis reacted by rising up to its majestic 6-inches [15 cm] pointing up at Derrick's face.
Derrick seemed to pay little attention to my throbbing cock, at least at first. He told me, "Relax, don't be embarrassed, we were both boys. It is normal for guys to react like that. All boys fool around together. Erections and masturbation is perfectly normal for everyone."
Derrick explained to me that I had some sexual hang-ups and offered to help me confront them before I could become a member of their group. He started off by touching my penis. He encouraged me to play with his dick too. We met a few times and he had me suck on his cock in exchange for sucking on mine. He would hug me and kiss me on the mouth. The last think he did before making me a member of the club was to have me drape myself over a desk with my pants down and he greased up my asshole before he actually fucked my ass.
I loved it and promised him that he could do that anytime he wanted. That was when I was introduced to the other club members. I knew all of them but had never suspected that they had the same sexual desires as me. When I was accepted as a member they each came up and greeted me by hugging me. They kissed me on the mouth and groped my crotch. I soon had a boner as the guys stepped forward to greet me.
The two leaders divided the room into two groups of five. Then they had the group I was in write our names on slips of paper. They had the other group select a slip of paper from a hat. As the guys read the name they had selected we paired up. I was told that I was the property of the guy that drew my name.
Nothing was done at the meeting place just in case someone stumbled into the room. Before the meeting ended the leaders announced that we were going on a retreat next weekend. There was a lot of excitement among the guys about the upcoming retreat. I had been selected by a guy named Robert. We were in the same school. As we left the old church he told me that we were going to his home. While we were walking to his home I asked him about the retreat. He told me that we would meet at the church and be bused to a cabin where there would be men waiting for our arrival. I got the idea right away.
He led me to the home of one of his uncles. The uncle was very understanding and offered to let us use his home. I didn't know he was going to watch. As soon as I thought we were along the two of us stripped off our clothes and got down to some serious cock sucking sex. I sat on a chair and sucked his cock wile jacking-off myself. After I swallowed his cum it was my turn to stand in front of him, he sucked my cock for me while sticking a finger up my ass. I was in heaven.
I was informed to meet at the church on Friday night. There were ten of us in the old school bus that had been painted while with the name of the church pained in blur on both sides. We took the interstate north out of town for a couple of hours before the driver took an off ramp it took a good half hour before he stopped a gate unlocked it. He closed and locked the gate behind the bus before driving down a dirt road for another thirty minutes. When we arrived there were three of us on the bus that had never been on retreat before. The older guys on the bus blindfolded us with sleeping masks that were tied on good and tightly.
We were led off of the bus. I could tell we were crossing a gravel parking lot. We were let up some stairs into a building. By the sounds I had the feeling that we were in a pretty large room. I heard the voices for adult men talking to the guys leading the three of us. A pleasant sounding adult male voice told me that he would be my guide.
He placed his hand in mine and led me to a smaller room. He cautioned me to keep the blindfold on while he helped me. I could only guess how old he was by his voice. I assumed he was at least as old as my father. He seemed like a very nice man. It was strange to stand there and allow the man to undress me. I assumed the other three were being undressed too. When the man knelt to take my shoes and socks off I placed my hand on his back and felt his bare flesh. I assumed the he was naked. When he stood up I deliberately brushed against his body and I could tell that he was naked too. I tried to reach for his cock, but he took hold of my hand and led me back to the larger room.
He led me to a steel folding chair that felt cold on my ass when I sat down. I had the feeling there were people all around me because I could hear chairs moving on the wooden floor and the sound of metal chairs bumping together. I felt the naked thigh on my mentor pressing against my leg. I reached for his lap but the man's hand grasped my hand and held it still. Then I heard a familiar voice welcoming us to the company of men. I knew the voice but I rejected the obvious conclusion that it was the voice of the church's minister.
The voice said, "We are gathered here to welcome three new members to or club of men. Each of you have been tested and found worthy of membership into the company of men. When this evening is over you will know that no matter where life takes you, you will always know that there are men that you can draw upon for help and support."
When he was speaking the strong hand placed my hand in his lap, palm down so that I could feel the pressure of his cock against the palm of my hand and my fingers were resting on his scrotum. My wrist was resting against the fuzzy pubic hair. When I was busy feeling the man's meat I felt his hand reaching between my legs. The hand felt me up very gently before the finger wrapped around the shaft of my cock and started gently squeezing and relaxing.
Apparently the person sitting on my other side had a free hand because I felt an arm reach across my body and the fingers started rolling the nipples on my chest. Each of them started kissing me on the cheek.
The voice announced that it was time for the new candidates to be allowed to meet their mentors. I felt a Hand behind my head untying the blindfold. It took a moment for my wyes to adjust to the light. When I looked at the man attached to the cock in my hand I almost jerked my hand away.
The white hair man was Mr. Cooper, one of the churches twelve, the governing board of the congregation. He was not much taller than me and a little overweight. When I looked at the lectern the voice had truly belonged to our minister. I was stunned he was married and had three children. I wondered if they knew that he was at a meeting standing there totally naked in front of a bunch of men and boys that were holding onto each other's dicks.
The minister came down from the podium and went to each of us candidates and blesses each of us.
It was very distracting to have him place his Hand on my head while I was looking right at his long dick pointed right at my face. He did have a nice looking cock, with scrotum dandling between his legs. The sack had a few dark hairs on it. The pubic hair was dark too. There was a trail of hair running up to his belly button. I wanted to reach out and touch it. Just as I was building up the nerve to do it he moved on to the next candidate.
As he did I looked at the man on my left that had been playing with my nipples and kissing my cheek. That was another shock it was the uncle of the guy I had gone home with. His nephew was on the other side of him and he was jacking his uncle off.
Mr. Cooper pulled me to my feel and led me to the side of the room while other boys and men rearranged the room. The folding chairs were put away while big leather covered benches were brought. The three of us candidates were led to a bench where our mentors sat on different benches. We were bent over in front of them.
I knew what was expected and opened my mouth. I licked the balls of Mr. Cooper before I started sucking his cock. I placed my hands on his thighs and relished the feeling on the fat knob of his dick filling my mouth. It was difficult to see what was going on around me. I felt hand on my legs as someone sat on the floor between my legs. I got a look at the top of his head and recognized one of my classmates. He moved his head between my legs and started sucking on my dick like he was a pony and my dick was the tit of the mother mare. While that was going on there was more hands rubbing my butt.
I had no idea who it was. I just felt something cold being worked into my asshole. I knew what was coming and relaxed when I felt something being pressed against my anus. When the knob of a dick entered my ass I let out a moan as Mr. Cooper's dick went down my throat. I could not believe what was going on. I was sucking a fat cock, having my dick sucked by a friend and an unknown cock was fucking my ass. I was the first to cum. The guy sucking me didn't miss a drop.
The person fucking my ass gripped my hips hard and rammed his dick deep into my ass and I knew he was coming because I felt liquid running down the seam of my scrotum and dripping onto the boy under me.
Mr. Cooper finally came too. I did my best to swallow it all. When he let go of my head I lifted my head and some white goo slid down the shaft of his cock matting his pubic hair down. I turned my head around to see who had been fucking my ass. It was the uncle of my friend.
I sat the other two candidates were being treated to the same initiation as me. The other teenagers were paired up with other adult men and were either jacking each other off or one or the other was suck cock.
By the time the weekend was over I had sex with ever guy there including the esteemed minister. I knew that from that day on there was never going to be a time I would not have dick to play with. I had many adventures with club members and adult members of our little fraternity.
Now that I am middle aged I still am only close to a few men. About six months ago I met Conrad. One look at each other and we knew what the other wanted. He has been living with me. We loved showering together. I also insist on sucking his cock every night before we go to sleep, and I suck him off in the morning. Sometimes he can't control his bladder and he pees in my mouth. I just keep on sucking. Being his toilet is my ultimate gesture of my love for him. I even rim his anus as a gesture of my love for him.
The End
#4 The Beach Outing
A youngster seeks out older men to have sex with
Roy (c13yo) and TJ
Mb – cons oral anal – interr
Winter is a good time to go to the beach because people don't like the cold air. They don't understand that the water stays pretty close to the same temperature year round. I was always begging my mother to take me to the beach. Our family had moved to Encinitas because of the dust bowl drove them out of Oklahoma. Everyone in the family either worked for the San Dieguito Water District or the flower industry. So I was the fourth generation born in San Diego.
My parents lived in an old farm house left behind as the land became too valuable for housing development than to farm. This winter's day my mother relented and drove us to Half Moon Beach. The beach is not known to too many people. It is a small beach created where a stream carved a valley through the bluff. During the summer the beach is crowded with locals and tourist, but during the winter if the waves are up there might be a half dozen surfers on the beach and some surf fishermen may work their way up the beach. By late afternoon the beach is pretty deserted. There is no lifeguard on duty during the winter. The concession stand is closed and locked up. You might run into some bums or illegal Mexicans using the showers to clean up or using the restrooms.
This day was warm and there were more people on the beach than normal. During the winter there is not much of a beach. The high surf scorers out the white sands out and carry the sand to off shore deep trenches. That leaves behind the black granite rocks that have been pounded into smooth rounded, flat rocks in a variety of sizes. During the winter if you don't want to walk on the rocks you have to walk right on the surf line in the wet sand.
This day, my mother had on her one piece black swimsuit with the skirt on it because she intended to get wet. The best you could say about her was that she was portly. My mother laid out our towels on what little dry sand there was that was not occupied. She put on a hideous flowered rubber bathing cap and tucked her dishwater blond hair under the cap as she walked towards the water. She no more than got knee deep than she whined about it being too cold and came back to the beach.
There were some boys out in the water. I had seen one of them around town before, but the other's I didn't know. I was more interested in body surfing and went out past them. At one point I rode a wave close by them. After the wave petered out I headed back out to deeper water. As I pasted the guys, I overheard the guy I has seen before telling the other guys that it was not safe to use the bathrooms after dark because there were too many fagots hanging around.
That got my attention. I had found some gay pornography on the internet. I was fascinated with the idea of guys sucking and fucking each other. I had just gotten old enough to grow some pubic hair and produce a little cum when I jacked off. Sex was the most important thing in my life. I just had to find a way to get back to the beach on my own.
I convinced my mother that I wanted to camp out overnight. There is not much undeveloped land close to town anymore. What I did was take my tent down fairly close to the freeway I-5. Stowed my gear under some brush and waited until it got dark, so I could work my way down to the beach. When I got to the bathroom I entered and took up a vigil in one of the toilet stalls.
It was not long before I hear footsteps on the sandy covered concrete. I held my breath waiting to find out who was coming in. I heard them talking in muffled tones. I was looking through the crack in the door. I was fascinated by the two men. One of them was a pudgy looking white man about 40-years old with a receding hairline. He was dressed in warm clothes. The other guy was a relatively tall black man dressed in work clothes.
The two guys approach the stainless steel urinal and pulled out their cocks and started peeing. When they were finished peeing they shook their cocks but rather than putting them back in their pants, they reached for each other's cocks and started jacking each other off. The white man went to his knees in front of the black man as the black guy started using his finger to swing his cock back and forth, slapping the guys face before he stuck his cock in the guy's mouth. The black guy was holding his head while he fucked him on the mouth. While they were doing that, I pressed too hard on the wall of the stall and the door unhooked and swung open making a squeaking sound. It startled the two men. The white guy stood up quickly. The black guy turned to face me. They were not thinking about their cocks.
I was staring at their cocks. The older white man's cock was no more than 5-inches [12½ cm] long and very fat. The black man's cock was hanging down and looked to me like it was a foot [30 cm] long. I could not believe it was real. They cut off my escape from the bathroom and confronted me.
The white man snarled, "Do you get off spying, on people?"
I just stood there stammering, without being able to make a coherent sound.
The black man said, "Maybe he wants a taste of cock!"
The white man changed his tone, "Is that right? You want to taste a cock?"
All I could do was shake my head up and down.
The black man grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the stall. He started undressing me. The white man started helping. They were talking about what a sweet looking boy I was. They ruffled my shaggy blond hair. Look at how white he is. He even has freckles on his ass. When I was stripped of all of my clothes the cool nigh air made my little dick shrivel up and my nut sack shrivel up drawing my nuts up into my body.
The black man used his strong hands to spread my ass. The chubby white man got a hard-on and he spit on my asshole before he shoved his cock into my ass. It hurt like hell, but I actually wanted it. I could not have run anyway. The black man was holding me by my arms. When my ass was full, the black man let go of my arm and grabbed me by the head, and forced my head down to his cock. He held his cock up with one hand while holding me by the back of the neck. He wiped my lips with his cock. Then he slapped my face with that limber tool.
The man's cock had a foreskin that covered the knob of his cock. While he was rubbing my lips all over the knob he was peeling back the foreskin. His cock was wet and smelled strong. While he was slapping my face it was leaving spittle was being wiped all over my face. He forced me to open my mouth and he rammed my head down on his cock until I had to swallow it. He cautioned me not to bit him with threatening voice.
The white man was holding me by the hips, and fucking me hard and fast. I was bent over sucking that cock while being fucked in the ass. It was so strange, as dirty as I felt, the more it turned me on. When the white man rammed his hips hard against my ass he must have cum. He finally pulled out of my ass. When he pulled out I felt a cold breeze on my ass and warm cum dripping out of my ass and down my leg.
The old man put his cock back into his pants and straightened up his clothes. He left the bathroom to me and the black man.
When the white man left the black man backed into an empty stall, and pulled his pants down to his knees. He made me suck his cock a little longer. He eventually picked me up bodily and placed me straddle of his naked hips. He held that monster cock up while he forced me to sit on his cock. It was a good thing that there was cum still in my ass. It greased the way as I settled down on his cock. He bent his head down and took my cock in his mouth. He was lifting me up and down, fucking me while sucking my cock. I was so excited I squirted my little clear cum into his mouth. Then I felt his cock jerk. I knew he was squirting cum in my ass.
When he was ready, he placed me on the cold concrete floor. He stood up and stuffed his limber cock into his shorts and pulled up his pants. It took me some time to gather up my clothes and put them on. He hung around, and kept an eye on me. When I was dressed he walked me up the hill on the south side of the beach to the parking lot. There was only his car there. I asked why the other guy was so quick to leave.
The black man said the guy was married and could not hang around too long. Then he offered to drive me anywhere I wanted to go.
I told him I was camping out up near the freeway. He asked me if I would like to spend the night with him. I was thrilled to do that, so he drove his car up to the area where I had hid my gear and we put it in his car. Then he drove me to his home. I noticed that he lived close enough to my house that I could walk home. I didn't mention that, of course.
When we got in the house he offered to let me shower, but I figured it would be unwise to go home smelling of soap. I knew I would have to get into some grease wood too. I would have go home smell like the vegetation where I was supposed to be camping out.
My new friend told me his name was Thomas, but his friends called him TJ. The house was nice and warm. We were comfortable when we took our clothes off. My underwear was cum stained so he rinsed them out and dried them in his drier. It was neat being able to run around naked in his house. We went to his bedroom and sprawled out on it. I got to check out my first adult man. His chest was like black plates and very hard. The thing was he liked it rough sex. He held me down and fucked my ass again. He alternated between sucking my cock the fucking my mouth, before fucking me in the ass again. We were wallowing in nasty sex most of the night.
The next morning he dropped me off near where I hid my stuff and I hiked back home through the brush. When I got home my mother got a whiff of me, and made me take off all of my clothes off before I could enter the house. My clothes were put in the washing machine before I could shower. I showered and put on fresh clothes.
I had TJ's phone number. I gave him a call the next evening. I wanted to know if he had any friends that I could meet. TJ assured me he had several friends I might like to meet.
It was arranged that I would spend the night with a classmate on Friday night. When Friday evening arrived I walked to TJ's house and he drove me to a nice home east of the Balbo Zoo, in San Diego. The house was spacious and out of the way. It was located in an avocado grove. We were met at the door, because the gravel driveway must have announced our arrival. The man that met us at the door was the age of my father.
He was a nice looking man. He had on a silk dressing gown that looked like it should be on a woman. It was covered with colorful flowers all over it. It was a Japanese kimono. He must have liked what he saw, because the front of the gown was tented out in front of his body. He kissed TJ and hugged me before he kissed me. TJ introduced him as Charles to me. Charles ushered us into his home. When we entered the family room Charles could not keep his hands off of my body as he helped me take off my jacket.
He asked me, "TJ tells me that you have just discovered that you like sex with adult men. Is that true?"
I blushed at the question, dropped my head and weakly said, "Yes."
Charles lifted my head by my chin and kissed me very tenderly on the mouth. It was still strange for me to kiss a man like that. Women's faces are so smooth but men have stubble of a beard on their face even if they have shave recently. While he was sticking his tongue into my mouth he was unbuttoning my sports shirt. I didn't have an undershirt on. He complemented on what nice looking body I had. He said, "You look just like Tom Sawyer because of the freckles on your shoulders and chest." He toyed with my nipples with his fingers, before bending over and sucking on my nipples. He had to stop sucking on my nipples before he could kneel before me to remove my 'Kids' skater shoes and socks. He had his hands on my tummy before he unbuckled my belt and pulled on the metal buttons of my jeans. He pulled them down my legs. I rested my hands on his shoulders as I lifted my legs one at a time to step out of my jeans.
When Charles reached for my jockey shorts I had a ragging boner. He deliberately pulled the shorts down so that the elastic pulled my dick down. He was pleases to see that my newly grown pubic hair was strawberry blond. He even kissed the little clump of hair. While he was doing that, he was pulling the shorts down. When the elastic cleared the end of my dick it sprang up and slapped Charles on the bottom of his chin.
He sat back while I stepped out of the shorts, and admired the young cock in front of his face. At that age my cock reminded me of a pink 'Oscar Myer' wiener. It was about the same diameter and length with a purple knob at the end. When he was satisfied with my young cock he gently held my little scrotum in his hand and felt my balls before he took my cock into his mouth and sucked on my cock.
It felt so good that I had a hard time to keep standing up. I had to cling to his head and shoulders. When I did cum in his mouth I sank to the floor while still clinging to him. When my cock came out of his mouth I was still squirting clean cum. Some of it smeared his chin and neck. I kissed his mouth and tasted my own cum on his face. I remember that he had on the cologne 'Kelvin Cline's KC One'. I still enjoy that smell on men. While he was sucking my cock TJ had removed his clothes.
TJ was not only taller that Charles he was younger too. That chocolate body was enough to give me another hard-on. TJ picked me up boldly and had me stand up. Charles had a jar of some sort of lubricant handy. He greased my asshole, before parting his kimono so he could grease up his cock. He had a nice looking cock. I could see the blood veins coursing up his cock to the scar where his foreskin had been cut off as a baby. The knob of his cock was big and purple. TJ turned me around so that my ass towards Charles. He inspected my ass and proclaimed that it was as smooth as a baby's butt, before he greased up my asshole.
I knew what was coming and relaxed as much as I could before he inserted his cock into my ass. I even strained like I was taking a poop. That made it much easier for him to insert his cock into my ass. When he had all of it in he grabbed me by the hips and fucked me good and hard. TJ bent me over and forced my mouth down to his cock. I was getting the same treatment I had received in the beach bathroom. I could not believe how much I was enjoying sex with men. TJ deliberately didn't let me suck him off. He wanted the pleasure of depositing his load in my ass too. Charles was satisfied to sit down and watch TJ take over use me.
TJ draped me over the big armrest of the recliner Charles was sitting in. He didn't even grease up his cock because he knew I was full of cum and grease already. He spread the cheeks of my ass drove his cock home. It was all the way in before I expected it. My head was resting in Charles' lap while TJ was ramming his cock home. I was smelling Charles' perfume, sweat and the odor of his sex organ covered with the smell of my own ass all over it. I opened my mouth and swallowed his limp dick. While I was being fucked in the ass, I was bringing our host to another erection. Poor Charles was exhausted and had only a drop or too left of the white stuff to give me.
We longed around enjoying the feeling of naked flesh pressed against flesh. My relationship with TJ grew stronger and my mother must have guessed what our relationship was like. She just never talked about it to my father.
The End
#5 Jerry and Dad
A father teaches his son and shares him with his friends
Jerry (boy) and his dad
Mb – cons oral anal
I don't know if my father started playing with me first or if I was the one that started playing with him. I was always closer to him than my mother. I loved the smell of his body and always wanted to sleep next to him, when I could. If I got out of bed during the night, I would crawl into bed on his side of the bed. Dad slept in pajamas and the fly was always open. I was fascinated with the sight of his cock through his open fly. It was much larger than mine, so I would deliberately brush my legs or hands against his cock. I was thrilled when the thing would respond. It would go from lying limply on his leg to sticking out horizontally to the bed, while he was lying on his side facing me.
Dad never stopped me from playing with his cock. There were times while I was cuddled up against his body that he would place his hand on my backside slipping his hand into my pajamas and stroke the valley of my butt. It would cause my little dick to get hard and stiff, as his finger would rub my asshole. I didn't understand why my dick acted like that, but it felt good. I wanted him to continue doing that.
Other times he would take hold of my dick with his finger and thumb. He would pull on the skin causing the skin to cover the little knob and then he would pull it back exposing the knob. That felt good too. I would also wrap my little hand around his cock and pull on it too. There were even times he would squirt his cum all over my pajamas. Dad would rinse them out in the morning, so my mother would not suspect what we were doing.
Long before I was old enough to go to school dad would come into my bedroom to give me goodnight kiss. He would pull my blankets down and reach inside my pajamas and play with my dick until it was hard. He would even bend over and suck on my dick and balls. His dick would be dangling out of the front of his pajamas. He did not object when I would reach for his cock. I would milk his cock until he would lift my pajama top so that he could cum all over my belly, afterwards he would rub it in, before returning to his bed with my mother.
I don't know how much my mother know about what we were doing. She never let on that she knew what we were doing. She did have some girlfriends she visited a lot. Four or five times a year they would go to the city for a long weekend to have a girl's night out as they called it. Her absence allowed us to engage in a lot of games.
We would bath together on those weekends and go to bed without our pajamas. When I got big enough to swallow all of his cock he would let me suck his cock until he would cum in my mouth. By the time I was in the third grade he was also sticking as many as three fingers into my asshole. He told me that as soon as I was stretched enough he was going to fuck my ass. The prospect of my father fucking me like a girl inspired me to stick items up my ass in an effort to stretch my asshole faster. On other weekends we would visit some of his friends.
It was always fun to visit his friends. Most of them were single. A few of them had sons of their own. A typical visit would begin with all of us taking off our clothes. The men would play with me. They would suck my cock, stick fingers in my asshole and have me suck their cocks until they would squirt their cum in my mouth. While these men were doing whatever they wanted with me, dad would be sitting there watching. He would jack-off until he was ready to cum. At that point he would approach us and squirt his cum on us or in our mouths.
If the men had sons of their own, both of the adults would watch us boys, as we engaged in mutual oral sex. Sometimes the boys would allow me to fuck their ass. It was only a matter of time before I was ready to be deflowered.
I will never forget the first weekend we had the house to ourselves, and dad greased up his cock and my asshole. He had me on my back with my legs resting on his shoulders. Dad took hold of my little dick and was jerking me off while he slid his dick into my asshole. He fucked me three times in a row. He only rested after the third time because his balls were empty.
After that he had me get dressed and we drove over to the home of his best friend. Mr. Baker had gone to school with my dad. They had known each other almost all of their lives. He was practically a member of the family. I even called him Uncle Jim.
I had no idea what to expect as we arrived at his home. I thought my dad and I were just coming for one of our normal visits. After the greeting we retreated to his living room where the two adults sat facing each other. Dad had me stand between his legs and sit on one of his legs. My father announced to Jim, "I took Jerry's cherry last weekend."
Jim sat up straight, "You have actually fuck Jerry's?"
Dad grinned as he unbuckled my pants and unfastened them. He put me back on my feet so that he could pull my pants and undershorts down. He placed his hand on my crotch allowing my dick to stick between his forefinger and his middle finger. He wiggled his fingers making my little dick swing up and down until my dick had a raging hard-on. I was terribly embarrassed at being exhibited and used like that in front of Jim. That was not the worst of my embarrassment.
Dad turned me around and pulled me face down over one leg with my butt facing Jim and used both hands to spread my ass, to show him how much my asshole would spread.
Jim said, "Give me a taste of that little rosebud!"
My little dick was bouncing up and down in my excitement as he pushed me towards Jim.
Jim took hold of my hips and pulled me between his legs. Jim pulled my shirt off and took off my shoes and socks. He pulled my pants and underwear down my legs. I didn't resist him. He had undressed me many times before. When I was naked he played with my dick and little scrotum. Jim stuck his index finger into my mouth to make sure his finger was moist. While he was bending over to suck my little dick he reached around me and stuck his finger in my ass. I was so excited that I had a dry climax. My knees went limp. I was so unstable I almost fell over. Jim caught me and turned me around to sit on his lap. I felt Jim's big cock working between my legs.
When I looked down his cock was sticking out from between my legs. It looked like I had two dicks, a big one under my own little one. It is worth mentioning what Jim's cock looked like.
Dad and I were both circumcised, but Jim was not. His cock was 7 or 8-inches [18-20 cm] long, thicker at the base. His cock tapered to the end. The foreskin dangled well past the end of his cock. I reminded me of a big earthworm. When he pulled the foreskin back to expose the knob it was very rounded.
Dad's and mine have a darker roll around the head of our cocks, making them look like a helmet. Jim's looked more like an uneven mushroom. The knob was always moist. If anything his cock head was more sensitive than ours. Whenever I licked the head of his cock would cause him to jerk away. He would cushion me to be careful with the end of his dick. While I was looking down at it Jim picked me up so that his cock could stand up.
He positioned me over the end of his cock and lowered me down. I felt his cock spread my asshole. It didn't hurt as much as the first time dad fucked me. He lowered me down on his cock. I felt my butt resting on his pubic bone. I knew it was all the way in. I placed my feet on his knees and started bouncing my butt up and down. Jim was reaching around me and playing with my dick. When Jim came in my ass I felt the slippery stuff leaking out around the base. When he lifted me off of his lap and stood me on my feet, I had to see his cock. His cock was wet from his own cum and the hair around the base was plastered to his skin. Dad was had been busy too.
Dad had been jacking-off while watching us. He stood up and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled my head down to his cock. He shoved his cock past my lips. He fucked my mouth a couple of times before he squirted his cum in my mouth. I swallowed every drop.
I knew that I had been born to be a cock worshiper. I was willing to satisfy any fashion of man with my boy pussy. I cleaned Jim's cock with my mouth. I just loved the taste of my own boy pussy on another man's cock. I loved it when men pulled, twisted and pinched my nipples, cock and balls. Men were always trying to see how much they could stretch my boy pussy. I was a natural silky blond head with fair complexion. My shoulders and nose were sprinkled with freckles. I was even rather small, more like a girl. Being a boy pussy suited me just fine.
The End
#6 Seth and Family
The story of a western New York boy being trained by his older brother to please other relatives
Seth (4-6 yo), Adam (12-14 yo) and uncle Vernon (adult)
tb Mb – coercion oral anal
My brother was 8-years older than me. We didn't look anything alike. Adam was tall, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was never able to tan. Any time he got out in the sun he would get burned. As he got older he became one of those hairy guys that looked almost like an ape. On the other hand, I was a small delicate boy.
I had sun-bleached hair, dark brown hair. I tanned easily. I was not a skinny child by any means but I was always small for my age.
I don't know when he started playing with me. I suspect it was between the age of 3 and 4. My earliest memories of my brother Adam was of him bathing me in the tub with him. He would place me between his legs in the tub. He would wash my body all over, but he would pay special attention to cleaning my dick and asshole. I could feel his cock poking my bottom. I can vividly remember him saying, "Seth stand up so that I can clean your bottom. When I would stand up he would soap up my butt and work his fingers up and down the crack of my ass. He would stick his soapy finger into my asshole and wiggle and turn it around to clean my hole (as he called it). He would also soap up my little dick and milk it, on the pretence of getting it clean. It felt good. I don't even remember when I had my first dry climax. We also shared the same bedroom.
Adam would have me get in bed with him after our parents had checked that we were in bed. He would lift his blanket and call out, "Seth, come here. I want you to play with my dick."
Almost every night I would get in bed with him. He would have already pulled his pajamas down. He showed me how to jack him off. One of the things he would do was make me get under the blanket and kiss his cock. By that time he was squirting a little cum. While I was kissing and sucking on the knob of his cock I could taste and feel the pre-cum leaking out of the head of his cock. Adam was always working to get me used to sucking his cock. By the time I was able to get half of it into my mouth he had already squirted cum into my mouth. I was swallowing his cum regularly.
When he was 12 and I was 4 our patents went on a honeymoon, and left Adam in charge of me. The first nigh we were alone was the first time he greased up my asshole and fucked my ass. It hurt like hell. I was begging him to pull it out. His engorged cock stretched my asshole farther than it had ever been stretched before. All of my pleading was ignored. He fucked my ass whenever he could get a hard-on. I don't know how many times he fucked me during that week. I am sure he fucked me at least four times a day. By the time our parents returned home I was able to endure being fucked by Adam enough that he could continue fucking my ass even with our parent at home. I learned to enjoy it even before they got home.
Over the years it was common for our parents to ship the two of us off to visit our uncle Vernon and his son Timothy. We lived in Malone, New York. That was a small town on Interstate Highway 11. It is actually southwest of Montreal, Canada. Uncle Vernon lived about 20-miles southwest of Malone.
Uncle Vernon was a nice guy that spent a lot of time outdoors working on his farm. His face and hands were tanned. His hands were calloused from hard work. Tim was two years younger than me, and even looked a lot like me. He had blue eyes though. His mother had died as a result of colon cancer before I knew her.
When we visited the farm the three of us shared a bedroom. Adam would help Tim get ready for bed and take the opportunity to play with Tim's dick and tickle his asshole. He was bringing Tim along just like he had me. To show Tim how much fun it was he would have me suck his cock and fuck my ass. He would also encourage Timothy and me to suck each other while he watched. In time he even got Tim to let me fuck his ass.
I think I was 6-years old the summer when we were visiting uncle Vernon's farm. The first night we were there Adam was watching me and Tim getting ready for bed. Before I had taken my clothes off, he took me by the hand, and led me to uncle Vernon's bedroom. He told me that uncle Vernon was going to give me a bath tonight, and I was going to sleep in bed with him. He opened the door, pushed me in, and closed the door behind me.
I was terribly nervous about that. Adam had always told me to never tell anyone what we did. Uncle Vernon was very nice about the whole thing. When I had entered uncle Vernon had already striped off most of his clothes. All he had on was boxer shorts. He ushered me into the adjoining bathroom. He sat on the toilet while he slowly undressed me for my bath.
He was very complimentary while undressing me. He would hug and kiss me. As he undressed me he played with my dink and my ass while massaged my body. I was so used to Adam doing that to me that I didn't think it strange for my uncle to be doing that to me.
It surprised me when Vernon told me, "I know that Adam has been making you feel good while in the bath tub, and how he had made me feel good. Can I make you feel good the same way your brother does?"
I didn't know what to say, so I simply nodded my head.
I must sat uncle Vernon was even better at making me feel good that Adam. The one thing that almost frightened me was the size of my uncle's cock when he took off his shorts to get in the tub with me. It was at least twice the size of Adam's. It looked huge to me. It did fascinate me.
Uncle Vernon allowed me to play with it. I jacked him off like Adam had taught me. He was a big man and had a hairy a body like Adam eventually had. Now that I look back on it Adam looks a lot like uncle Vernon did. He encouraged me to kiss it and suck on it.
There was no way I could get all of his cock in my mouth, but I did the best I could. I sucked on his cock for a long time while he sat on the back of the tub. I even tried to stick my tongue into the hole at the head of his cock. I had no idea that he would produce so much more cum than Adam. It felt like there was ten times as much cum that came splashing into my mouth. I remember that I coughed on it. When I coughed it up Vernon wiped it up from his belly and rubbed it on my asshole.
That felt to hot! I had a dry climax while he was finger fucking my ass and sucking my cock. When my body stiffened with the dry climax I thought I would never breathe again.
My uncle dried us off and led me to his bed. It was a very heady night. He cuddled me and stroked my body until he had another hard-on. My uncle did not want to force his cock into me, so he laid on his back, and let me grease up my asshole before I straddled his body facing him. I look under myself as I sat on the knob of his cock. I didn't think it would stretch that much, but to my surprise I slowly settled down on his cock. It all went into me. I was actually sitting on his hairy balls. I never felt anything more satisfying than when my uncle squirted cum in my ass.
That was the start of a long relationship with the four of us.
The End
#7 Old Baldy
A story about a young teenager and a cousin discovering oral sex and then the teenager being introduced to anal sex by an older man.
Mike and Daniel (10yo) and Burt (adult)
bb Mb – cons mast oral anal
My uncle and wife lived just off the road to the Old Baldy ski lift village. They had one son, named Michael Allen Donaldson. He was born the same week that I had been born. We were closer than brothers.
My parents lived in the valley. It was more than an hour's drive to my uncle's cabin. I don't know if our parents picked our named on purpose. I was named Daniel Albert Mayfield. We found it amusing that his initials were MAD and mine were DAM.
I spent as much time with my cousin as possible. Old Baldy was almost 1200 feet [365 m] high. There was snow on the peak nine months out of every year. The skiing was decent six months out of the year. The ski lift was used for sightseeing during the summer months. The village was not all that large because the restricted space in the narrow space. The commercial buildings were wedged against the walls of the canyon to allow as much parking space as possible during the ski season. The permanent residences were scattered along the road where ever there was enough space to place a cabin.
My uncle's cabin was just about the 4000 foot [1200 m] level. That meant there was only snow on his cabin a few weeks every year. It was kind' a fun to sleep in the front bedroom on the second floor with the window open and rest your feet in the snow on the roof of the front porch. The heat from the pot bellied stove downstairs over headed the rooms on the second floor.
Mike and I hiked up and down the creek that flowed down the canyon all of the time. The water flowed year round. The ground water supplied the water when the snow was gone.
The summer of our tenth year we were playing downstream from his cabin where there was a small waterfall that had scoured out a small pool. The water was about waist deep on an adult male. For us it was chest deep. During the summer the canyon would get as much as 98 degrees [37°C] and rather humid under the thick canopy of trees. We were hot and sweaty, so we got the bright idea to strip off our clothes and swim in the pool.
When we entered the water we found that the water was so cold that it was painful. We planned to toughed it out in hopes that we would get used to the temperature of the water. We figured that if we kept moving we might warm up. When we started having chills and our scrotum had shriveled up drawing out nuts up into our bodies we gave up and got out of the water. We stretched out on a flat rock on the side of the pool.
The absorbed heat of the rock felt good on our backsides. We felt out scrotums and giggled because we could hardly find our nuts. I reached for Mike's cock and started jacking him off. Mike didn't resist at all. He simply reached over my arm and took hold of my cock and started jacking me off too. We were so busy with our activities that we didn't hear the footsteps coming down the creek over the sounds of the water fall and the birds in the trees. When we felt the shadow being cast over us, we looked up to see the man standing over us.
The man must have been between six-foot four or six [1.95-2 m] and slender built. He was dressed in hiking clothes. Light lose fitting khaki pants, sturdy boots, lose fitting long sleeved shirt with a fanny pack around his waist. He has a gray mustache and goatee thick eyebrows and he was bald headed. When we saw him we let go of each other's cock and tried to cover our own crotches.
The man was standing between us and our clothes. He said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your game. Please continue playing with each other! If you don't mind I would like to use your pool to cool off too."
I felt like a fool when I said, "It's not our pool."
The man took off his clothes and sat on the rock so that he could slide into the pool. When he was in it he splashed cold water on his chest. Both Mike and I got a good look at his body including his cock and scrotum. We were impressed by the size of his cock. It was long and even in its limp state it swung freely between his legs as he moved. The scrotum was a long sack with the left testicle handing lower than the right. The man rubbed the cold water all over his body and exclaimed, "Damned that is cold, but it feels good."
When he waded out of the water he was pulling on his balls with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. I was impressed that his cock recovered from the cold water so fast. In no time it was fully erect and standing out straight in front of his body.
He sat down on the rock next to us and asked us if we enjoyed playing with each other's cock? We didn't know how to answer that question. His next question was, "Have you ever sucked each other's cock?"
All we did was blush.
The man asked, "Why don't you show me how the two of you do it?"
I looked at Mike and he sat there looking at me. We didn't say anything to each other. I reached over and took hold of his hips as I placed my head between his legs. His cock was about the size of an Oscar Myer wiener, both in length and diameter. Mike was un-cut and his foreskin covered the knob completely. It looked like an earth worm in a way. I opened my mouth and started sucking on his cock. I held his little scrotum in my hand and rolled his balls between my fingers. While I was bent over sucking my cousin's cock the man started running his hand over my ass.
It felt good having his big hands roaming over my butt. I felt his finger sliding up and down the crack of my ass. It tickled, so I was wiggling my butt around. When his finger touched my asshole I jerked suddenly and his finger entered my asshole. I froze because no one had ever stuck their finger in my ass before. It felt strange. When I relaxed it actually felt good having his finger in my ass. Mike was watching the man finger fucking my ass while I was sucking his cock. He must have been enjoying the view because his dick was jerking in my mouth. Both of us were too young to cum but we sure enjoyed the feeling.
While Mike recovered and I was relaxing my jaw the man took hold of his own cock and jacked off, fast and furiously for a few minutes and then shot while gobs of cum into the pool of water. It floated on the surface for as moment before dispersing in a milky cloud as it flowed down stream. When he was finished her started getting dressed. He suggested that if we were up to it that we should meet there the same time tomorrow. He told, "You boys might enjoy finding out what boy pussy is all about."
He headed back up stream before we could respond. We sat there discussing what he was talking about. We knew what pussies were and knew we didn't have one. Mike asked me what it felt like when he stuck his finger up my ass. I confessed that it felt funny but good. It made my dick hard. He wanted to find out what it felt like too. I told him to roll over and I will show you. Mike rolled over and got on his hands and knees. I positioned myself behind him and spread his butt open. I spit on his asshole and started rubbing my finger up and down the crack. I spit on his asshole one more time before sticking my finger in his hole. Just like I had done he showed very little discomfort as the finger entered but when I started finger fucking his ass he relaxed and I saw his dick growing as it swung between his legs. Then it dawned on me.
"That man was talking about our assholes as boy pussies. He wants to fuck our butts like we are girls."
Mike said, "Do you think you would enjoy that? I mean, do you actually think he could stick that cock of his in your butts?"
I thought about it for a moment while I thought about the cock I had seen. "I guess it can be done. I might enjoy it."
We eventually got dressed and headed home too. That night while we were in bed together, we sucked each other's cocks and finger fucked each other's asshole. As horny as boys can be we eventually exhausted ourselves and fell asleep. His mother called upstairs the next morning for us to get up and make our bed before breakfast. We bailed out of bed and got dressed before she decided to come upstairs to get us out of bed. We had breakfast and were out of the house in no time.
We followed the water upstream all of the way to the village. We rummaged around in the Dempsey Dumpsters for things that had been discarded that we might use. We had found things like broken ski poles. We would use them for hiking poles. Broken skis were cut to make skis that would be our size or fashion bobsleds out of four portions of skis. We had found lost or broken camping gear. Everything was fair game for our imaginations. Sticks were fashioned into guns and discarded packs were combat gear. The games would fill our mornings. Hunger would remind us of mealtime. We headed home for lunch and stowed away our discarded treasures. In the afternoon we looked at each other because we knew it was getting close to the time we were to meet that old man.
When we were outdoors Mike asked me, "Do you think we should actually head for the pool?"
I said, "I want to find out whatever it is he wants to do with us."
We headed downstream for the pool. When we got there we took off our shoes and dangled them in the water. To pass the time we tossed rocks against the rooks on the opposite side of the stream. When the rocks struck the other rocks the noise was a cracking sound like the sound of a rifle report. Time passed while we waited for the arrival of the man. Typical of boys our age we were so busy talking and making noise we didn't hear him approaching down the stream until he was close enough to say, "Hi boys!"
His greeting startled us. We both stammered, "Hi!"
He approached us and sat down on the rocks next to us. I had noticed that this time he was dressed far more casually. He had on tan shorts with large cargo pockets, the same hiking boots that he had on the other day and an olive green cotton shirts that had the sleeves rolled up above the elbows and strap buttoned to hold them up. His bald head was covered with a floppy brimmed felt hat. He asked, "Have you boys come to find out about boy pussy?"
I looked him in the eye, "I know what boy pussy is! I don't think your dick can fit in our butts."
The man laughed, "You would be surprised what could fit in your butts. It will take a little time but eventually we could stretch your butts enough that you can have two men my size in your ass at the same time."
I closed my eyes and tried to picture what I would look like with two dicks in my ass. It was a hard picture to believe.
The man had a day pack slung over one shoulder. "I'm glad that the two of you chose to meet me here today. I take it the two of you want to find out about boy pussy?"
I felt sheepish when I said, "I think so."
The man said, "That's great. As much as I would enjoy having sex with the two of you here by the pool, I think it would be better if we found someplace a little more private."
There was a pause as he waited for us to think about his statement.
He continued, "I'm staying at a cabin up the canyon, not too far. We would not be disturbed there."
I had been told to never get in a car with anyone I didn't know, but I felt a little safer because my cousin would be there. I agreed and Mike nodded his head in agreement. We followed the stream up the canyon. We didn't draw attention to the fact that we passed Mike's cabin on the way. I had no idea just how far we would have to walk to it to his cabin. I can only guess that it was another three quarters of a mile to a mile [1200-1600 m] before the man led us up the bank to another log cabin not all that different from Mike's cabin.
When we were inside the man offered them soft drinks and told them his name was Burt. We told him our names and sipped our drinks. I was checking out his cabin. It was what you would expect, distressed rustic maple furniture, chandler made out of deer antlers and rock fireplace blackened from many years of use. There were some lanterns around the place with smoky chemises from use that added the smell of coal oil to the cabin.
The man said, "Can I show the two of you some pictures that you might enjoy seeing?"
I nodded my head up and down affirmatively.
Burt pulled a box from a bookshelf and handed it to me. When I opened it I found a stack of photographs. The one on top caught my eye right away. It was a picture of a naked boy no older than me jacking off, with a naked man standing slightly behind him holding his own cock too. I handed the picture to Mike. He looked at it and turned it face down while I was already looking at the second picture. The collection was a series of the boy sucking the man's cock the last few were of the man actually fucking the boy's asshole. The look on the boy's face was pure joy. There were a couple of more groups of pictures of other boys having sex with men. I was passing them to Mike when I finished looking at them.
The last group of pictures shocked me when I saw the boy in the photos were of Mike! There he was buck naked jacking off for the camera. When I looked at him he had the biggest grin on his face. The following pictures included Burt. He was able to swallow all of Burt's cock. There were pictures of him lying on his back with his legs resting on Burt's shoulder while the man's cock was disappearing into Mike's asshole. I looked at him and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. "I didn't know how to tell you about me and Burt. We figured it was best to let you find out slowly."
While we were talking Burt had removed his shirt and shorts. He didn't have on an undershirt or underpants. That long dick was dangling there for us to admire. Burt and Mike both had big grins on their faces as they started laughing.
Mike stood up and peeled off his clothes while Burt felt him up. I shed my own clothing while Burt picked up a tube of lubricant. He applied a generous amount of the stuff on the fingers of his right hand and greased up his cock. Mike draped his body over the back of the couch. He spread his own butt with both hands. Burt assumed the position behind Mike and used his greasy fingers to lubricate Mike's asshole. I was sitting so close I could smell Mike's ass, Burt's body and even the fragrance used in the lubricant. I watched as Burt placed the head of his cock against Mike's asshole. The opening slowly stretched as the knob penetrated the hole. Every now and then Burt would pull back a little and the skin on Mike's asshole would stretch out as if the skin didn't want to let go of the meat. Slowly but surely Burt stuck all of his cock in my cousin's ass. When the man's pubic hair was pressed against the smooth boy's butt, he started rocking his hips back and forth while he clung to Mike's hips.
Mike had shown some signs of discomfort when the cock entered his ass, now he was moaning in pure joy. From my view point I saw that Mike's cock was dangling between his legs. It was pressed downwards by the back of the couch. The thing was a hard as I had ever seen.
Burt asked, "Are you ready to find out what it is all about my son?"
I could not speak, so I nodded my head again. Burt told me to position myself next to Mike. When I did as I was told Burt put some more lubricant on his fingers and while he continued fucking Mike, he stuck his greasy fingers into my asshole. It felt strange having a man's long finger or two stuffed into my asshole. My own cock was stabbing the back of the couch.
Burt shifted his body after pulling his cock out of Mike's ass. He lined himself up with my little brown hole and pressed the knob against my hole. I felt my asshole spread. I instinctually puckered my ass and it hurt like hell as the dick pressed against my opening. Burt slapped my ass and told me to relax or I would never enjoy this.
It was strange but when I pushed like I was going potty the knob slid in past the opening. Burt would slowly work his cock in and out, with each thrust he went a little deeper until I actually felt his body pressed against me butt. I knew that he was all the way in by that. I felt some pain but nothing I could not handle while Burt fucked my ass.
Mike had moved behind Burt and was holding his balls up. He even slipped the hand under Burt to take hold of my cock. That way Burt and my balls were resting on his arm. It was driving me crazy, having my cousin playing with my dick while the man was fucking my ass. At one point Burt slammed his hips against my butt and froze while gripping my hips had as he pulled me backwards against his body. I knew he was squirting his cum up my ass.
He eventually withdrew his meat from my ass and went around the couch and sat down. He pulled me over the back of the couch and placed my head in his lap. His dick was covered with cum. I felt the slimy stuff all over my face as he rubbed my face against his cock. I opened my mouth and swallowed as much of it as I could. It was so strange to feel my mouth filled with warm meat. The only thing Burt objected too was me trying to stick my tongue into his piss hole.
Burt assured me that in time I would enjoy being fucked as much as Mike. We lounged around and relaxed while we recovered. My ass was throbbing at the same time it felt empty. We looked at more pictures of boys having sex with men. There were pictures of boys being fucked in the ass while another man was sticking his cock in the boy's mouth. Just looking at all of the nasty pictures was turning me on. Burt encouraged us to play with each other's dicks. We masturbated each other and sucked each other until Burt was ready again.
Burt had Mike lay on his back on the floor with his butt resting against the couch and his legs knees almost resting against his shoulders and his toes on the floor. Mike's butt was lewdly exposed between Burt's legs.
I watched in fascination as Burt grasped his cock and pointed the knob at my cousin's asshole. I watched as Burt squatted over his body and drove the cock deep into his asshole. Burt fucked him and invited me to milk Mike's cock for him. It was thrilling to jack him off while Burt fucked him. This time when Burt was ready cum he withdrew and squirted cum all over Mike's balls and my hand. He encouraged me to lick up his cum to find out what he tasted like. It was getting late so we cleaned up and got dressed before heading home.
That night we talked about what had taken place that day. Mike told me he had met Burt earlier that year. We took turns fucking each other that night before going to sleep. The next day we headed back up the creek to Burt's.
Burt was pleased to see us. When he allowed us into his cabin he had a video on his television. It was a bunch of boys about our age playing in a forest. They were all naked. When they came to a cabin they were greeted by a bunch of men. The orgy was something to watch. Boys were lying on their sides jerking themselves off while men were behind them fucking their asses. Several of the men pulled their cocks out the boys butt before they came and stuck their cocks in the boy's mouths so that the boys could taste their cum and clean their cocks of the taste of boy ass.
This time Burt wanted to fuck my ass. The only question was how he was going to do it. It was Burt's idea that he should sit in his favorite maple armed chair after we had all removed out clothes. I stepped up onto the chair facing him and squatted down until the head of his cock was lined up with my asshole. I slowly lowered my body until it entered me. I had never felt so full. I started rocking back and forth so that his cock was pulled half way out and then sat back driving his pole up my ass. I was not happy until I felt his warm flesh pressing against my butt. My little cock was bobbing up and down. It was stiff as a rod of steel. It came as a shock when I shot cum all over Burt's belly without either of us touching my cock.
Burt used his finger to wipe his belly and he sucked on his fingers while I was still fucking myself on his rod. When he was ready as I rocked forward Burt lifted his ass driving his cock home and he arched his body like an English long bow. Cum was oozing out of my ass making his pubic hair wet. When he finally allowed me to dismount, he pulled my head down to his lap. I had been sweating so much that my hair was damp.
What can I say his cock was covered in his own cum and the slimy residue of the walls of my ass. I started licking his cock and swallowing his cum and my secretions before he pulled my head down, driving his cock down my throat. I was still sucking cock when Mike picked me up.
When I was standing, with my legs spread and knees bent he stuck his cock in my ass, while holding onto my hips as he fucked me. Mike came fast in my ass. When he pulled out I felt some warm cum splashing on my back. Burt pulled me across his lap and licked Mike's cum from my back.
I was never the same. I visited Burt even when Mike was visiting other people. When my uncle would take the family to visit relatives I would get a ride on the pretence of visiting my cousin. I would get out of the car on the road and walk up the creek to Burt's.
Sometimes Burt would have company. If it was another man I would get the pleasure of being fucked while sucking cock. If it was another boy we would put on a show for Burt by sucking each other and riming ass before Burt would fuck us. One time he had a male guest that had brought along his young son. The boy didn't even look old enough to be in school. He did enjoy jacking off in front of us though. The father let me fuck his son while he fucked my ass. Burt got to fuck the man and me after they left.
Sex became my one consuming passion. I was trying to seduce every boy I met. I almost got in trouble one time when I befriended the son of the minister of my parent's congregation. When we were alone I talked him into a mutual jerk-off. But when I tried to stick my cock in his ass, it hurt him and he threatened to tell his father if I tried that again.
He was not above helping me seduce other boys in the church. We had a group of ten boys that were dropping their pants for an ass fuck and sucking cocks.
The End
#8 Cinema Attraction
A youth in drawn to a gay movie where he meets an old man into oral sex and
exhibition of the youth's wet shorts
Tony (12yo) and Sailor (adult)
Mb – cons mast oral anal
When I was a youth of twelve I was sent to spend the summer holidays from my boarding school with an aunt. She lived in Chelsea, known as an arty/crafty area of London. The area is filled with stately Victorian houses in squares mixed, among antique and curious and other small shops.
I had developed a strong interest in sex from my chums at school. I had been producing cum for almost a year. I had not had sex with a man at that point. Staying with my aunt, I had a lot of time on my hands, because there were no school chums around to socialize with. There were no guys around close to my age. I had a lot of time on my hands, and little do. As a result I spent a lot of time at the cinema.
There was the Cameo Theater located on the main road, where all the shops were located. Some of the movies were classified and boys under 16 had to be with an adult. That was not that much of deterrent, because there were always single men hanging around looking a boy to escort in. That was how I met the old man I called Sailor.
There was a movie showing that I wanted to see, knowing full well that they would not let me in unescorted. I hung around outside until this old man approached me, and asked me if I would like him to escort me in to see the movie. There was just something about this old man that made me like him. He had on a pee-coat on, like sailors wear. I had visions of him being and old salty sailor. I took him by the hand and told him that my name was Tony.
He bought us tickets and we entered the theater. It was obvious by the look of the manager's face that he knew what was going on. We entered the theater and found a seat not to close to anyone. There was nothing to do until the lights went down. I was thinking about the movie we were about to see. It was billed as being based on the diary of a French Foreign Legionnaire that had been on patrol with his company and captured by Bedouin slave traders.
There were not a lot of people in the theater so we had the row to ourselves. When the lights went down, the screen light up with the logo and credits. It was a French cinema with English subtitles. You didn't need translation for the action on the screen.
There were several men dressed as Legionnaires. They were living in a barracks in Marico. There were typical things like them drilling under the watchful eye of a non-commissioned officer that was sadistic. The way the narrator got out of dirty details and hard work was to suck the cock of the sergeant. He and his buddies also spent a lot of time sucking each other's cocks. In the story there came a time when the small band of buddies thought they had been given a cushy assignment to stay behind at a watering hole, while the company went looking for a band of known Bedouin slave traders. They laid back to enjoy the shade of date palms and wash their clothes. While they were sleeping the same Bedouins they were looking for arrived.
They were captured by Bedouins without a shot being fired. They were dragged to a hideout where they were held captive. They were destined to be sold as slaves but while they were being held captive they were raped by the dark blue robed natives. The Legionnaires were forcefully having the dark men's long brown circumcised cocks forced into their assholes. My eyes were glued to the screen.
I was only slightly startled when the old man's hand rest on my bare thigh below my school shorts. I looked at the man, by the reflected light off of the movie screen; I could see that he had a smile on his face. I had no idea how old he was. All I could tell was that his hair was gray and the stubble on his face was gray too.
The man gave me a warm smile. When I didn't make a move to remove his hand he slid his wrinkled, weathered old hand up the inside of my thigh under the loose leg on my corduroy shorts. As his hand crept up my soft inner thigh I felt my Willie get as stiff as I had ever felt. It was standing straight up straining against the zipper of my shorts.
My mouth felt dry and my heart was pounding. I can vividly remember the way it felt when his fingers slipped under the leg of my undies. He played with my Willie during the rest of the movie. When the movie ended he pulled his hand out of my shorts, as the house lights went up. We left the theater and went our own ways after agreeing to meet there the next evening. We met there several times. He did enjoy my baggy legged school shorts. I made the mistake of wearing tight flannel shorts one time. Sailor let me know in no uncertain terms that I was to never wear tight shorts again. He eventually leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Son would you like to come home with me so we can play some more?"
I didn't say anything. I just stood up and followed him out of the cinema. I could swear that the manager smiled at me as we exited the theater. It felt cold as we stepped into the night air. We walked briskly the few blocks to his flat. It was a small three room thing. It was not kept very neat. Clothes were scattered around hap dastardly. It smelled of dust and stale cigarette smoke.
The old man asked me if I would like to take off my clothes so that we could see each other while we played. The prospect of getting naked like the Legionnaires in that movie had my dick hard as rock. I pulled my big baggy wool sweater over my head and my T-shirt too. I was watching him undressing too.
The man had a wool pea coat on over a flannel shirt and an old T-shirt. When he stripped them off I saw that his chest was covered in white hair and his pectoral muscles looked like small tits. His belly sagged too. He sat down on a couch and bent over and removed his shoes and socks.
I used my toes to remove my loafers and bent over to remove my socks, while keeping an eye on him. My shorts were held up by a web belt with a brass buckle. They were baggy enough that as soon as I released the buckle the shorts almost fell off my slim hips without even unfastening them. The old man had to stand up to unfasten his pants.
When he removed his pants, his legs were slinger and hairy. His undershorts were not all that clean. He pulled them down and stepped out of them. I was fascinated by the sight of his dick. It was almost hard but still drooped a little. His pubic hair was gray too. His scrotum was a loose wrinkled sack dangling between his hairy legs. When he was totally naked he cupped his balls and lifted them up before he took hold of his cock and tugged on it a few times to make it good and hard for my benefit.
When I dropped my shorts and undies, my boner was sticking straight out in front of me, like a horizontal flag pole, it was so hard it was almost painful. My foreskin was pealed back exposing the head of my dick.
The old man was almost drooling at the sight of my young dick and small little scrotum held tightly against my body. He knelt in front of me, and sucked on my dick while gently hold my balls in his calloused hand. I was so excited I thought I was going to pee but nothing happened. When I could not stand it anymore I started to squirt cum in his mouth. I tried to push his head away, but he hung on to my hips and swallowed every drop.
The old man sat down and placed his hand on his crotch with his dick sticking between his index and middle fingers, and wiggled his cock back and forth, before he jacked-off for my benefit. When he climaxed, he shot an unbelievable amount of yellowish cum all over his belly. It was late so I had to get dressed, and go home right after that.
The next evening I was at his door early so that we would have more time to play. We took off our clothes right away and sucked my cock at least four times, while he jacked-off. With each time he came he had to rest longer before he could get hard again. While he recovered we wanked each other slowly, and he kissed me on the mouth. His beard was like sandpaper on my face. I was visiting him almost every night after that. The only time I could not visit him was when my family had something planned.
I don't remember how many times he sucked my cock. I was always fascinated by how much spunk he produced. Many a time he would tickle my asshole while sucking my dick. Eventually he stuck his finger in my ass. Eventually he asked me if he could fuck me if he didn't actually stick his cock in my ass. I pictured those dark skinned Arabs in that movie sticking their dark circumcised cocks on the butts of those white skinned Frenchmen. I did not know if I could believe him not to stick his cock in my ass.
He had me lay on his bed and he spread my butt and spit on my crack. He mounted me and put his cock between the crack of my ass. He virtually fucked me between my legs. My own boner was pressed between my body and the bed. When he was ready to cum be sat back on my legs and squired cum all over the valley of my ass. Cum was running down, and covering my balls. I could feel it pooling on the mattress under me. He did enjoy seeing cum dripping from my ass. Eventually he revealed a fetish of his that was strange and more than a little embarrassing to me.
He would insist that I could not clean up after he fucked my ass. He would take me by bus to the street where I lived or sometimes to the park. He had an eye for men that were eying the greasy spot on the back of my shorts. He would strike up a conversation on the bus or in the part with these men. He would have me stand close to them, so that these men could feel my ass. Some of them would even stuff their hand down the back of my shorts and feel my bum. Sometimes having them play with my bum was enough to make me cum. I would be standing there making the front of my shorts wet.
Sailor liked to see me parade in front of other men at the park, so that they could see the dark wet spot on the seat of my sandy corduroy shorts. He enjoyed watching the men's eyes as they recognized the greasy spot on the back of my shorts. I could feel the milky liquid oozing out of my underwear and soaking through my shorts.
It was surprising to me how many men were interested in the sight of a young boy with cum stains on his shorts.
One elderly clergyman that we met, with white hair, approached me and asked me to describe every detail of the way Sailor sucked my cock and fucked my bum. He would surreptitiously jerk himself off while I was telling him about the way Sailor used me. Then make me pull my underwear and shorts up with them full of his jizz, and how it felt to have cum running down my legs as seedy sorts for the most part, but some were well dressed, felt me up in public places. Other men would wipe their fingers up my areas so that they could smell their fingers to assure themselves that it was cum staining my shorts. It was quite and education in the eroticism of old men for boys. I loved the attention. I was eventually ready to seek out an old man to give my areas to. As I got older I got to find out what it was like to stick my dick in the butts of men and boys too.
The End
#9 Teaching Mike
A young teenager's teacher raped him and he begins to seek not other men
Mike (14yo) and Mr. McFadden (adult)
Mt – reluc/cons oral anal
My parents were getting a divorce when I was 14-years old. I was a freshman in high school. I didn't take it well. I was not sleeping well. I felt like it was my fault. I thought that if had been a better child they would not have argued. The fact that my father had knocked up some young cocktail waitress meant nothing to me.
I did not have close friends and did not feel comfortable telling anyone what was going on at home. My father had moved out of the house and there was talk about having to sell the house. I didn't know if I would even be living in the same area in a short time. We might have to move in with my mother's parents. That would defiantly mean I would have to change schools.
I had been home schooled by my mother until the subject of divorce came up. She had to find a job so I was enrolled in the local public high school. There was no dress code at the school, so when the weather was hot we dressed very casually.
At first I was unaware of what was going on between my parents. It was a new adventure being able to go to public school. I started off doing well in school. When I finally became aware of the rift between my parents I became upset and my school work suffered.
One Friday afternoon as the class was coming to an end my teacher asked me to remain after school to talk to him about what was bothering me because my grades were falling behind. When the bell rang the other students gathered up their belongings and made a hasty retreat. Most of them were looking forward to the Friday night football game.
That was Mr. McFadden's last class for the day. My home was within walking distance of school so staying after school, so staying after school was no problem. We sat down in a couple of student desks next to each other and he asked me, "Mike, is there something wrong? Your grades have suddenly shown a marked down turn."
I could not bring myself to tell him that my parents were getting a divorce. I tried to avoid answering the question. I gave him a lame excuse that no one would believe. I figured our conversation was over and got up to leave. Big mistake, I must have pissed Mr. McFadden off.
He came out of the desk and grabbed me by the arm. His face looked like he hated me and could kill me. He spun me around as he used his free arm to sweep everything on top of his desk. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm up behind my back, as he forced me to prostrate myself across the front of his desk. He took hold of my other wrist and brought it behind my back and over lapped my wrists so that he could grab both wrists with one hand.
I was completely at his mercy. He leaned over me and whispered in my ear, "I have wanted to do this to me since the first day of school!" He used his free hand to rip my baggy shorts down along with my underwear. The next thing felt was his hand unbuckling his belt and sound hear was the zipper on his pants being pulled down.
I turned my head as much as I could and watched his white thigh become visible as his pants fell to his ankles. I only got a quick glimpse of his boner and brown pubic hair, before he leaned back over my back and whispered, "You need to spread your legs!"
I started crying while whimpering, "Please don't do this to me!"
Mr. McFadden practically spit in my ear as he said in an angry voice, "Spread your fucking legs!"
I tried to stand up. He put his full weight against my back while still grasping my wrists so tightly that he was shutting off the blood flowing to my hands. This time when he leaned over me I felt the head of his cock seeking out the opening of my asshole. As it spread my hole I started crying uncontrollably. My sobs echoed off the walls of the classroom.
Mr. McFadden told me, "Go ahead and cry. The more you cry the better. There is no one around to hear you."
I suddenly lost control and started blubbering like a baby. I felt ashamed of myself. The blood to my arms was shut off. I don't know which hurt the most, the throbbing in my arms or grip of his hand grasping my arms. Any thought about the pain in my arms was quickly forgotten when the head of his cock forced its way into my asshole. He fucked me fast and hard. The pain was mind numbing. I don't know how long it took but eventually he rammed his cock deep into my ass and stopped moving. He leaned over my body and whispered in my ear, "You're the best piece of ass I have had for a long time."
When he pulled his cock out of my ass I felt something trickling out of my ass. I thought it my own blood. When he allowed me to straighten up I saw that there was white goo dripping onto my underwear. I realized that it was his cum leaking out of my hole.
Mr. McFadden wiped his dick on my ass before he stuffed it back in his pants. He allowed me to pull up my underwear and shorts. While I was gathering up my book bag he cautioned me, "Don't tell anyone what I did to you boy!"
I waddled home and drew a hot bath to ease the throbbing in my butt. I had the whole weekend to think about what had happened. I figured that I deserved the pain for breaking up my parent's marriage.
I never said anything to anyone about what happened. When I returned to school on Monday I felt like everything had changed. I wondered if everyone could tell that I had been fucked. I also wondered how many other guys had been fucked too. When I entered Mr. McFadden's class I was a nervous wreck, there was nothing about the way he acted that indicated that anything had happened. I made sure my homework was properly done to insure that I would not be called upon to stay after class again. Weeks later he even commented in class how pleased he was that my grades were back up.
I had managed to place the rape in the back of my mind. I had returned to doing the things I normally did. One of the things I enjoyed doing was logging three or four miles [5-8 km] on the school's football stadium's track in the evening. Football season was over and track season was still a couple of months off. There were relatively few people using the track in the early evenings. A few of the track team used it to keep in shape year round.
One late evening I finished logging four miles, 16 laps, around the track. The lights were not on at night when the school was not using the field. The bleachers were typical frame construction of steel with aluminum planks for walking and sitting on. There was women and men's bathroom under the bleachers. They did not have doors on them, allowing community residents to use them year round.
I had left my jacket and a towel on one of the bleacher benches while I was working out. When I finished I stopped at the bleachers to dry off and put on a jacket before walking home. I walked around the end of the bleachers with my mind wondering so much that I had not even noticed that everyone else using the track had left long ago. As I rounded the frame of the bleachers I was confronted by Mr. McFadden. I was stunned when he grabbed me and pulled me under the bleachers. He forced me to follow him through the framework to a place he felt comfortable that we would not be seen by any passerby. He unzipped the front of his pants and pulled out that limber dick of his and jerked off enough to make it hard. He forced me to my knees and slapped my face with his cock several times before stuffing his cock in my mouth. He hissed, "Don you dare bite my dick boy!"
He grasped me by that back of my head and fucked my mouth until he squirted his cum in my mouth. He made me swallow his cum before he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He was about to stuff his cock back into his pants when I grabbed him by the backs of his legs and pulled him back so that I could lick his cock and balls.
He commented, "You like cock don't you?"
In response to his question I swallowed his limp cock and rimmed the knob with my tongue. I sucked on his cock until he got another hard-on. I sucked his cock until he climaxed again. This time there was not very much of the white cum, but I savored every drop. He had to push me away so that he could put his cock back in his pants. He left me sitting on a cross member savoring the taste of cum in my mouth.
After that night I stayed after school on my own and volunteered to get under Mr. McFadden's desk to suck his cock for him. That was not enough for me. I found out where the gay bars were and would hang out around the parking lot looking for men that would pick me up. I would even allow them to fuck my ass for allowing me to suck their cocks. I found out which public restrooms were known to be frequented by perverts that like young tail.
One evening I had been hanging out near the urinals until a man showed me his cock and asked me if I wanted to give him a blowjob. I knelt in front of him and was busy sucking his cock when three more men came in. Their response upon seeing he sucking cock was to pull me to my feet and pull my pants down. The alpha man spit on my asshole. I knew what was coming and relaxed my sphincter. He stuffed his cock in my ass and held onto my hips while he fucked my ass. The other two men stood on either side of me with their cocks out so that I could give them hand-jobs. I got to suck all of their cock and even cleaned their dick with my mouth after they fucked my ass.
One night I ran into a little old gray haired man outside a notorious bay bar. He was kind of chubby. I reminded me of a beardless Santa Claus. When I asked him if he wanted a blow-job he beamed. I followed him to his little old Mini Copper. As soon as he had the car in high gear he reached for my crotch. He was very gentle handling my dick. When we arrived at his little old house he parked the car in the driveway. The house must have been built in the nineteen-twenties. The old wooden siding was in need of weather treatment. The plants around the building were so old the trunks were thick and lifting the ground. The bushes almost hid the stained glass windows and front door. The furniture inside was old and worn thin. The Persian carpet showed heavy foot traffic wear.
The man leg me straight to his bedroom. The bedroom furniture was made with birds-eye laminate. Some of the laminate was starting to peel off. The bedspread was old too. Everything about the house told me that this old man had lived in this house all of his life.
He sat on the bed and pulled ne between his legs and started undressing me. I felt like a little boy being undressed by my grandfather. When I was naked he turned me around so that he could admire my smooth skin. When my back was towards him I bent over at the waist and spread my butt so that he could see my asshole. He let out a moan and licked my asshole. I had never had a man tongue fuck my ass before. I was very pleased with the man's efforts. While he was sucking my ass he reached between my legs and milked my dick. My scrotum was resting on his wrist as he jacked me off. I squirted a load of cum on the hook rug on the floor.
The old man stood up and lovingly placed me on top of his bed spread. I watched him remove his clothes. There was hardly any body hair on him. His flabby chest looked like an old woman's tits resting on his pot belly. His thick thighs almost hid his sex organ. The pubic hair was gray too. The balls were large and looked about the size of a softball. The head of his cock peeked out of the balls. As he climbed on top of the bed I reached for his cock.
He was circumcised but the shaft was hidden by his fat body until the skin covered almost his entire knob. As I wrapped my hand around his cock I forced the fat layer back until I was able to grasp the entire shaft of his cock. I pulled him towards me so that he straddled my chest. I licked his balls while clinging to his cock. He was very sweet the way he leaned over my head without placing any of his weight on my head. I sucked his cock until he climaxed. I had to see what his cum looked like. I let him withdraw before he was finished squirting so that he could squirt some on my face. His cum was thick and for some reason it was kind of yellowish. Later he put a pinch of chewing tobacco inside his cheek. That may have been what discolored his cum.
I assured him that I could spend all night with him. He was thrilled at the prospect of having he spend the night. He assumed the submissive position on all fours so that I could fuck him. What a thrill it was to cling to his fat butt and ram my dick into his ass. When I came in his ass and pulled out, cum dripped out of his ass. He reached between his legs to wipe his ass. He savored the cum on his fingers.
When he was ready I lay on my back and placed my heels on his shoulder as he moved close enough to stick his short chubby dick in my ass. By that time I had been fucked so many times that I was able to take his cock comfortably. He was such a sweetheart he wanted to cuddle with me all night. I was the one that was more interested in the smell of his crotch. I turned around as we lay on our sides so that I could rest my head on his thigh so that I could smell his crotch. I sucked him off at least three times that night.
In the morning he fed me and insisted on driving me home. He gave me a card with his address and phone number on it. I knew that I would visit him many more times.
The End
#10 Stepparents are Fun
A youth is seduced my an old man. The man's son marries his mother and the two men use him suntil he reaches puberty. Then the stepfather and him seduced the two half brothers
Jack (3-5yo) and "grandpa" (adult)
Mb – cons oral anal – ws
This entire story took place during the late sixties. I was only three years old when my mother moved into a country farmhouse well out of town, because the rent was cheap. It was not a bad house at all. It was sun bleached and in need of a new coat of paint. The only thing that separated our house from the neighbor farm was a row of Italian cypress trees that were more than 20-years old.
The fact that my mother had to work to support us made it necessary for her to leave me in the hands of anyone willing to sit for me, the cheaper the better. When the next door neighbor offered to look after me for no charge was welcome news to her.
The farm next door was owned by a nice old man. It was still a working farm, with a barn on the property that served two purposes. It was for both a hay storage and workshop. The old man repaired trucks and tractors in there. He also had out rider sheds on the property where he stories machinery, chemicals and seed. His son was the one that actually worked the farm. His days were spent tilling the soil, arrogating, harvesting storage and sale. I hardly saw his son during the day. I spent the day following the old man around while he worked.
It was natural that I started calling him grandpa. One day I fell in a mud puddle so grandpa took me to his house. There was a screened in back porch, with a linoleum covered wooden floor. He stripped my clothes off of me, then carried me to his bathroom where he washed me. I got a boner when he washed my little dick. I did like the way he handled my dick. After he emptied the tub and dried me off, he put my clothes in the washing machine. He told me that I could go ahead and play outdoors as I was, while my clothes dried on the clothesline.
That was a new thrill to me. I enjoyed roaming around the property naked. He went about his normal duties with me following in his footsteps. There was no mention about me getting dressed. As the day wore on I managed to get dirty. My feet were practically black. Dusty dirt had covered most of my legs. My hands were dirty too. Grandpa insisted that I take another bath before I got dressed before mom would get home. He did another thorough job of washing me, including my thing. I did get another boner, and grandpa played with it for awhile before drying me off and helping me get dressed.
The next day I asked him if I could take my clothes off again, so that I would not get my clothes dirty. He assured me that it was a good idea. I took off my clothes every day after that. He would always wash me before I got dressed and played with my dick.
One afternoon while we were in the barn, grandpa produced a gray shoebox. He pulled out a few Polaroid photographs of naked boy about my age. In the pictures, they were playing with each other's dicks. I was fascinated by the pictures. There were some of boys sucking each other's cocks. There were even pictures of boys on their backs, legs in the air and they were sticking large rubber dicks into their assholes. I actually got a boner looking at the pictures. Grandpa was behind me, looking over my shoulder, and making comments. He would say things like, "Doesn't that look like fun?"
I would agree, and when I got a boner he reached around me and gently played with it. If I was looking at a boy sticking a rubber cock in their butts, grandpa would slide a finger up and down my sweaty crack. He would demonstrate to me what it felt like to have my dick sucked by bending down and sucking on my dick, while I studied the photographs.
As the days turned into weeks and months, grandpa showed me pictured of boys also playing with adult men. He had pictures of boys jacking off hairy old men. He would remove his denim bib overalls and allow me to play with his cock while looking at the pictures. The next step was to show me pictures of boys sucking adult cocks. I was more than willing to find out what his cock tasted like. It was all I could do to get that tube into my mouth. He didn't wear underwear under the overalls so his crotch smelled of the coarse blue denim, sweat and his flesh. It was a strong odor. I found that I liked the smell. I would lick his cock and balls before I started sucking his cock like the boys in the pictures. He did warn me what cum was. When he came I tasted it before swallowing it.
On another day after we sucked each other's cocks he turned me around and bent me over and licked my asshole for me. I could not believe how good that felt. He even stuck his tongue in my asshole. When he was finished, there was no doubt that when he turned around and spread his own ass that I would not ream his asshole too.
After we had been sucking and reaming each other for a few weeks grandpa asked me to kneel in front of him and he placed his cock against my lips. I thought he was going to have me suck him again. Instead he started peeing in my mouth. It filled my mouth quickly and was spilling out, running down my body. The warm salty, ammonia smelling liquid was running down my legs and dripping from my dick. I was covered in the yellow liquid. He even pulled back and sprayed the liquid all over my face. My sandy colored hair was dripping wet. When he was finished he asked me if I like the golden shower.
I assured him that it was fun. My own bladder was full by then. Grandpa knelt in front of me and took my dick in his mouth before I let go. He drank my pee like a pro. When I was finished he hugged and kissed me on the mouth. Our mouths tasted of the salty ammonia urine. It was thrilling. A new game had been added to our games.
While I was becoming grandpa's play thing, his son was dating my mother. That allowed grandpa and I sleep together while they were dating. I was four-years old when they told me they were getting married. I was very pleased with the idea that he was going to be my stepdad and his father was going to be my step-grandpa. My stepdad was 30-years older than me and my step-grandpa was 60-years older than me. Mom continued to work and my stepdad was still working the farm.
After stepdad moved us into their house it was natural that grandpa and I shared a bedroom. What more could I ask. I was sucking cock every night. My days were a naked orgy. I had no idea that stepdad knew what we were doing. One night when mom announced that she needed to visit her sister, because she was having an operation, stepdad assured her, "There is no problem the three of us could batch it for a few days."
She took the bus the 500 miles [800 km] to her sisters, to look after her. That left us to look after ourselves. That night I was lying on top of grandpa's belly sucking his cock while he was sucking on my little dick, when stepdad came into our bedroom.
When I looked up, he was standing in the doorway silhouetted by the light in the hall. He was totally naked. I tried to roll off of grandpa but I was being held down. Grandpa also was sticking a couple of fingers into my asshole while he was sucking my dick.
Stepdad crossed the room and knelt behind me and placed his long cock between my butt cheeks and started rubbing it up and down the valley. I could not believe what was going on. He did that until I felt warm liquid squirting all over my back. I was sucking both of their cocks for the next week and a half.
When mom came home, stepdad continued to come to the house for lunch so that he could get a blowjob. At night he would say goodnight to us and let us take turns licking his ass while the other sucked his cock. He would stop short of coming so that he could go to mom's bed and fuck her.
I think she knew what was going on, but she never said anything about it. After all he did save his nightly load of cum for her.
On my fifth birthday we had a small party planned after mom got home. When it was lunchtime stepdad came to the barn. We were naked as always. The two of them had been stretching my asshole, even stretching my foreskin and urethra. He took off his clothes and announced that my birthday present was going to be my first fucking. He placed a blanket over a bale of hay and placed me face down over it. They had a jar of Vaseline handy. He greased up my asshole and his cock before he mounted me. I thought my asshole was on fire. I had never felt anything like that before. When he started fucking my ass the pain was replaced by numbness. I felt on own little woody being driven into the blanket covered bale of hay. By the time he squirted cum in my ass I had actually worked a hole in the bale of hay and stuffed the blanket unto the hole.
I spent the rest of the day waddling around like I had a pole up my ass, which it felt like. Grandpa had licked my ass clean. I was soaked in a hot tub until my asshole felt better. I was a happy puppy by the time mom got home and we had cake and ice cream.
It got so blatant that I didn't bother hiding my attraction for men from my mother. I would reach inside the sides grandpas coveralls and jack him off while we were watching TV. I'm sure she saw me sucking his stepdad's cock more than once. She never objected or even acknowledged seeing anything.
Everything was great until I reached puberty and my cock fully developed and I grew pubic hair. Apparently they preferred younger boys. By then I had a couple of stepbrothers. The three of us soon had the two of them well trained.
The End
#11 Small Town Fathers
A small town boy raised by his father become his sex toy. They meet another father son and include other youths
a boy (8yo), Kenneth (8yo), their fathers and friends
Mb bb – cons oral anal
I was raised by my father in a small resort town. The older part of town was small wooden summer cottages that had become permanent residence for middle class residents within the town. The newer part of town was larger properties that had larger brick homes built on them. I was fascinated by the wealthy 'Snow Birds' as the locals called them because they flocked to the warmer climate during the winter like migrating birds.
My father had married young and had me by the time he was only 22-years old. My parents were divorced by the time he was 25. My Father's name is Christian. He was the town's local mechanic. Everyone in town brought their cars to him to be repaired or serviced. He had a small garage/workshop with an attached house behind it, just a bit outside the city limits. I worshiped the ground my father walked on, and daddy loved me too.
Daddy was a real hottie, blond, blue eyes, muscular and very little hair on his body, a beautiful hard butt. He kept in shape working out at the local fitness center. I was also fascinated by his dick too; it was at least eight and a half inches [21 cm] long, and swung between his legs while he walked around the house naked after showering. It was uncut and his balls were equally large and swung too. His pubic hair was blond as well. They formed a large bulge in his work pants. He preferred not to wear underwear, so the friction of the fabric of his blue denim jeans seamed give him a hard-on all of the time. Dad was like a kid himself; he was living every boy's dream. He was building real cars in the place of plastic models. Dad liked to roam around the house naked. The sight of his naked body excited me very much. I would get a boner just looking at his swinging dick.
Dad's workshop was just a few steps from the house. He could check on my anytime he liked. He would stop during the day for a coffee break, lunch, another coffee break and supper. I was not much help to him when I was 4-years old, but I loved to be around him while he worked. Dad would lay out the parts he would need on his workbench in advance. When he would need a part he would say, "Would you bring me such and such part, big buddy." I thought I was very clever being able to help him. I thought I was daddy's helper. While daddy was leaning over the finder of a car working, he would say, "Would you pop the pipe for Daddy?", as he called it.
I was very experienced at unbuttoning the fly of his tight fitting coveralls. I would pull his half hard pipe out of his coveralls. If space allowed dad would say, "Handballs too, big buddy!" I would stuff my hand in the fly to pull out his big balls out too. That was when everything was ready for popping. I would pull on his dick until he would squirt a big load of cum. I was very proud of myself. I would grab a coffee mug and hold it under him to collect every drop of his cum. That was milk for me. Dad would say, "That's good big buddy, you make daddy feel so good."
There was nothing more exciting to me than to make daddy feel good. We were inseparable. When we went to bed I would suck his cock until he would fill my mouth with his daddies' milk. We had a regular contest to see how much milk I would swallow. Every time I excited an old mark I was proud of my accomplishment.
Daddy would take my little dick and tight little balls into his mouth and swab my balls with his tongue before sucking my dick. I was proud of how big my dick would get while he sucked on me. While daddy sucked me he would often cum a second time without touching his cock. He would make sure he squirted it on my body. It was my skin lotion. Afterwards we would fall asleep with me being spooned in his lap. It was my decision if I wanted his cock in my ass or not. I did love the feeling of that pipe in my ass.
Dad had trained me to accept objects in my asshole by sticking his finger in my ass until he stretched me enough to accept his cock finally. I think I was 6 the first time he stuck his cock in my well greased ass. I remember it was a sunny day about noon. Life was different after that day.
I really was daddies' 'big buddy', a real man's boy. I was in heaven on our little estate, the sky was bluer, the grass was greener, and the breeze sweeter. From that day I was ready for anything. I started teaching my school buddies. Dad and I would do it in the forest and in his row boat on the lake. I was really a help in the garage or the house.
When I was eight, dad had to repair the car of one of my classmate's father's car. His name was Kenneth, and his father's name was John. John and Kenneth lived in the new part of town in one of those nice new brick homes. Dad normally had little use for the rich people in the new homes, but I know the two men got along right away.
They may not have had the same education but they both were history and science buffs. They both liked beer too. I came home from fishing that afternoon dressed in tight little shorts. Dad offered me a soda while they were drinking beer. Dad may have been a little embarrassed about my shorts. They were so tight that they were creeping up the crack of my ass and my little package was wedged over to the left leg and may have been visible below the leg of the shorts.
John smiled at the sight of my little foreskin protruding below the leg of my shorts. When dad saw the smile on his face he knew John had an appreciation for young boys. Dad asked John, "Do you like boys?" John gave him a big grim and assured him that he did. Dad reached down and grasped the left cheek of my butt and gave it a strong squeeze. John placed his hand on the other cheek and squeezed. I felt his fingers dig into the crack of my ass. We stood right there in the garage while dad encouraged me to see if John needed to have his cock milked.
I unfastened his pants and pulled out his cock. It was a nice long circumcised cock almost as long as dad's. John slid his hand up my back as I approached his throbbing dick. I milked his cock a little while before I put it in my mouth. I sucked on him until he was about to cum. He stopped me short of that point. Dad unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down. He draped me over the finder of an old car and greased up my asshole. Then he pulled John foreword and watched as John guided his dick in my ass. John took a long time to fuck me. It was after four before he put his cock back into his pants to go home.
By that time I kept the account books. When the car was repaired called John to let him know that his car was ready. John brought his son, Kenneth, along with him. I recognized Kenneth from school.
Kenneth was a small boy for his age, even if we were the same age. He was wearing very small shorts and a tight T-shirt. John told me he had bought them the day before, because he liked the way I looked in mine. They sure did show off his little bulge and his little bubble butt nicely. Dad said that I could take Kenneth to the creek and show him how to fish.
I picked up my gear and led Kenneth to the creek where I like to fish. I gave him my pole and stood behind him to guide him in the ways to cast his line. I could not resist rubbing my hard-on against his tight little butt. It was not long before we forgot about fishing. We just stood there with me humping his bubble butt with my hard-on. Kenneth was bumping his butt hack against my bulge. I even had one of my dry orgasms and he turned his head to me and smiled at me sweetly, and said that was fun. When we got home dad and John were still talking at the kitchen table. They were laughing while they drank their beers.
John asked, "Did you two buddies have a good time?"
I sure had a good time but didn't know if I should say why. Kenneth gave him a big smile. Both men must have sensed the situation. They turned their chairs to face us. They wanted to tell us something, but they both had big hard-on's tenting up their pants.
Dad said, "We were talking. If the two of you boys would like to play, the four of us could really have a good time."
John said, "We could pop pipes and all of that."
Kenneth may not have understood what he was saying, but I knew right away, dad had not used that term in a long time. I blushed at the knowledge. We simply used the term jack-off now. I was speechless. Kenny was the one that yelled "Yesssssss" can we do it now? We just dry humped by the creek."
The two of them gathered us in their arms and placed us on their laps. They rubbed our crotches and squeezed our butts. They were laughing and saying all kinds of nice thing to each other's son. We were giggling hysterically as we straddled their legs so that we could bounce up and down on their crotches. There was no doubt that our dad's had huge boners in their pants.
John said, "Take it easy boys. We don't want to cum too soon. I assure you we will have a real good time together. There will be plenty of time for the two of you to enjoy our cum."
We had to pull ourselves apart long enough to clear the table. Dad and I set the table for supper while John and Kenneth drove to the local pizza parlor to pick up our meal. They took the newly repaired car for a spin to find out how it handled.
After they left dad wanted to talk to me. Dad said, "I'm very excited, John is a nice guy. They are just like us, big buddy. Do you think you would like to find out what John's cock is like?"
I said, "Sure Daddy, I'm a big boy now."
Dad said, "Sure you are, and brave too."
I said, "I know Kenneth from school. He is a nice guy. I humped Kenny down by the creek. I had a cummer (what we called a dry cum).
Dad finished, "Yeah, I'm sure the four of us will have a great time this evening. I didn't know there were two people like us in the bluenose part of town."
We prepared the table for our guests and got the house ready for the evening's celebration of a new and potentially long lasting friendship. When John and Kenny arrived back with the pizza's we had a great time! We consumed the pizzas while the men washed them down with beer and Kenny and I washed ours down with soda pop.
John was a big man, a bit chubby, not anywhere as fit as my daddy. Little Kenneth was such a small boy. After we finished eating we cleared the table. We gathered in the living room. The men were ready to enjoy cigars with another beer. It was John that suggested that Kenneth might feel more comfortable without clothes on.
Kenny was quick to peel off his clothes in front of us. I had to do the same of course. The men did enjoy the sight of the two of us hugging, kissing and pulling on each other's dicks. Dad and John unfastened their pants and pulled out their cock and balls. They both played with them until they were good and hard. Then John asked me to come have a taste. I let go of Kenny's dick and went to his dad and knelt in front of him. I took hold of his circumcised cock and jerked him off a few times before licking the head of his dick. Before I put my mouth over the knob I looked over at dad and saw that Kenny was peeling back daddy's foreskin and licking the wet knob. That evening the two of us had sucked off both of our fathers a couple of times.
We were to become the best of buddies, over the years the four of us even went on holidays together.
Daddy did have a thing for young boys. Daddy would stop work anytime a boy like me passed by. Most men hardly gave my underdeveloped classmate, Kenneth, a second look but my daddy never missed a chance to look him over.
John was an educated man with dark hair. He was older than my dad, and a widower. The two men would spend a lot of time discussing history and science stuff, while my dad worked or they were sitting around with a beer in hand.
After the four of us became friends I had to introduce my best friend from school to them. Adam lived in one of the old wooden bungalows in the old part of town. He was blond like me, but his dark eyes were playful. The three of us boys had an older buddy named Michael.
Michael was every bit as strong and muscular as my father. His hair was black and his skin was dark. The three of us soon found out that his cock was at least seven inches [18 cm] long and was circumcised. We adored being in his company. We loved being allowed to play with his cock. We took turns sucking his cock. Michael wanted to fuck our butt-holes all of the time. All of us learned to enjoy the feeling of his dick up our asses. We would giggle at the sight of each other being fucked and proclaiming "Me next, me next" while we would be caressing his manly chest.
I will always remember the sight of Michael's big greased up cock sliding into Kenneth's little body. Michael especially liked to have us sit on his lap with his cock up our asses and have us bounce up and down on his shaft. He would grip us around our waists he lifted us up and down. Other times he would have us lay face down with our little asses up. He would straddle our hips and ram his cock between our butt cheeks to fuck us.
Our games took place in a number of places. When we had my house ourselves we fucked on the sofa, carpeted living room floor, my bedroom or the garage. If we were at Kenneth's we did it in the spacious bathroom and on the leather furniture. At Adams place it took place in the small upstairs bedroom.
The End
If you enjoyed these stories and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to whitewold999(at)icqmail(dot)com