Chapter 1 Subway Ride — Ethan —
Characters: Ethan (12yo), Leonard, Ethan's brother (19yo) Norman, the suited man (42yo) Nathan, the blond man (30yo), Lucas, the red haired (27yo) Barry, the wrestler like chub (21yo), Herbie, the Shaggy (26yo)
Ethan seriously regretted having stayed playing soccer with his friends until late. Now it was nine p.m. and he still had to get home. It was good though, that is parents were living away and he wouldn't get into trouble with them, at home, only his brother Leonard would be, but Leonard hardly paid attention to him at all, what with college and all.
He made his way to the closest subway station and paid for his ticket. There was a crowd, so he pushed his way inside the cart in time before the doors closed. He felt a little awkward at noticing the subway was mostly crowded by men coming from her jobs and he was virtually the only boy. Being twelve, his 1.47 meters [4'10"] tall made him feel as if he were in the midst of giants.
The Subway started on his way and he sort of relaxed knowing it would only take him thirty minutes to be back home. The door opened and closed in the following station and the subway got even more crowded. He suddenly felt the man behind him seriously pushed against his back, but he couldn't really move. Ethan's left hand was held from one of the vertical poles and his right one holding his backpack which hung on his side.
One more station and more people hoped in. Ethan started to feel a bit desperate as he couldn't see anything given his height. The subway jerked slightly and the man in front of him – a tall and built man with a clean shaven head, a suit and a salt and pepper French fork – slightly pushed against him, his hand accidentally brushing Ethan's short up front. Ethan did not really pay attention to it believing it was the subways natural motion that had pushed the man's hand.
The subway jerked once again and the man's hand brushed against Ethan's crotch once more. The Subway came to a halt and the doors opened pouring still more working men inside. Ethan was slightly pushed forward and his crotch was now completely pushed against the man's hand.
Perfect! Norman thought as he felt the fabric of the sweaty and good looking dark haired young man's shorts in front of him.
The boy was definitely beautiful, 1.47 meters [4'10"] tall, skin as white as milk and dark wavy hair. His eyes were hazel and he had a round nose and thin lips. He was thin and his face seemed a bit bigger than the rest of him, though it might've been his shaggy abundant hair. Norman knew they'd chosen their victim correctly, and it had only taken three weeks of following the boy around. One of his school friends had spit out Ethan's information way too easily.
Ever so carefully, Norman took advantage of the subway's natural motion to slightly move his hand and brush against the boys navy blue shorts, feeling the still soft cock guarded underneath. When he felt completely safe, he looked up at the man standing behind Ethan and nodded.
Nathan recognized Norman's signal and pushed a bit tighter against Ethan, his adult cock pushing against the teenager's low back.
Ethan felt slightly uncomfortable as he felt the man behind him push against him and tried to move away from him, pushing himself into the suited man's hand. The subway jerked again and went completely still in the middle of a tunnel as the lights went out.
Norman smiled to himself as the lights went out right on schedule. He then started moving his hand rubbing at the inviting mound under the boy's shorts.
Ethan froze cold when he felt the man's hand moving and most certainly caressing his crotch. He wanted to say something, but the shock didn't let him react. The man's hand was now moving over his shorts and started gently squeezing his dickie. He sort of moaned trying to say something, when a hand covered his mouth from behind.
"Don't move," Nathan whispered in young Ethan's ear, "Don't make a sound. Stay still and this will be over soon."
Still in darkness, Ethan lay still as Norman's hand now freely and openly fondled his twelve and a half centimeters [5 inch] teenage dickie. The lights flickered and Ethan now took a good look at the man fondling him. The man was certainly tall and muscular. He had a clean shaven head and a dark French fork. His face had a somewhat sinister grin. The hand on his mouth had gone away and Ethan new this was his chance to ask for help, but his mouth just wouldn't open. The man behind him was now openly rubbing something hard against his lower back. He noticed he was trapped between four men. He looked at the man on his left side – a thin red haired guy, possibly in his twenties with a shaggy mane, deep green eyes and freckles all over his face – decided to ask him for help, when he noticed the young freckled faced man was grinning. He turned then to his right and noticed the man – a blonde haired chubby wrestler like man with gray-green eyes and bushy eyebrows – was beaming as well and openly squeezing his own cock.
The lights went off again. The man behind him covered Ethan's mouth again with his right hand, and his left suddenly went down to grab the youngster's dick. The man in front released the boy's dickie and went down to start fondling his still young balls. At the same time he felt a hand going inside his shirt and he gathered must have been the red haired.
3; why is this happening to me? he thought.
The lights flickered on again and the subway wet back in motion. Ethan sighed as he thought the ordeal over, but then he noticed a fifth man closing the circle. He was tall, probably 1.90 [6'3"], and he was also slightly built, as if he worked out. He had short spiky blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Even when the subway was in motion and the lights were on, the five men wall around him prevented anyone from peaking inside the circle. The suited man then stopped the child play and put his adult hand inside Ethan's underwear getting ahold of the teenage cock which, against Ethan's will, was completely hardened now. Ethan whimpered.
Norman licked his lips as he felt the youngster's stiff cock in his own hand. It was slightly thicker than a thumb and possibly a bit over twelve centimeters [5 inch]. The red haired's hand moved inside his shirt and suddenly started rubbing Ethan's left nipple. The feeling sent a jolt of pleasure Ethan did not understand because, even when he was thirteen already, he'd never touched himself, his mind still busy on child things and sports. Suddenly, the man on his left also put his hand inside Ethan's shirt and got busy on the boy's right nipple.
Noticing that Norman wouldn't let go of the boy's cock and growing impatient, Nathan put his hand inside Ethan's underwear from behind. Ethan gasped as he felt the man's hand freely caressing his butt as the man in front kept on gently rubbing his virgin cock up and down and the men on the side mercilessly rubbed and squeezed at his young nipples. Ethan suddenly realized something slimy was oozing from his dickie and panicked. Were dickies supposed to do that?
Stop! he thought, Please stop!
As the subway stopped on the next station, Ethan tried to move away from the men, but the suited one tugged at his ballsac and Ethan slightly bent due to the pain he felt on his teen balls which immobilized him. The subway moved again and then jerked again in the next tunnel.
No, no, no, no, please don't stop, please don't stop! Ethan thought as the men continued to rub him all over his most secret spots causing him to feel strange sensations throughout his body, his cock still oozing the slimy thing.
As if on cue, the subway stopped mid tunnel and the lights went off again. He suddenly felt his pants and tighty whiteys being pulled down and he whimpered again. The man behind him covered his mouth once again as his other hand ran feely about his butt crack.
"Stop whimpering," the man whispered in his ear again, "It'll be good."
With his pants down in the darkness and unable to do anything, Ethan kept quiet. There wasn't a hand on his cock and he wondered why his pants had been taken down. The answer came rather quickly as he felt something wet on his cock, quickly realizing it was a tongue. The sole idea disgusted him, why would anyone want to lick someone in the dickie? Suddenly, the man on the back took his dickie again and he felt how the skin that covered his dickie's head was pulled back. The suited man then started licking his dickie's head and Ethan whimpered once again.
The man behind him kept squeezing his dickie and the suited man swallowed his whole dickie's head. He felt how the man's tongue danced around his stiffy as the other man now fondled his young balls and the other two men leaned down to lick at his nipples. The only one who did not seem to participate in his raping was the 'Shaggy'. Ethan was now completely in shock and ecstasy at the same time, unable to understand what was happening to him, wanting it to stop and at the same time feeling so many sensations that opened the gates of pleasure before him.
The man behind him started rubbing his poop chute in circles and Ethan found himself discovering other pleasure he never would have imagined. The rubbing and licking intensified and Ethan started to feel a strong urgency, like that of peeing, unable to understand that he was getting close to having the first orgasm of his life. He felt his legs buckle under him as he was rubbed in the ass, licked in the nipples and sucked in the dickie.
Before long, he slightly grunted and then he felt something being expelled from his stiffy as the man continued to suck him off. When the whole ordeal was done, his clothes were repositioned just in time as the lights flickered back on. The subway suddenly started moving and the train started getting empty, but his attackers were still around him. He didn't dare say anything and just looked at the men. The suited man licked his lips lasciviously as he looked at Ethan in the eye.
His station was the next, so, gathering all his courage, he looked at the suited man and spoke.
"Sir," he said, "would you let me pass? Next station is my stop."
"Certainly, yum
3; er
3; young man," the man replied.
As the suited man was moving to the side to let Ethan pass, the man behind him approached his ear and whispered, "You know where to find us."
Ethan ran to the door and as soon as it opened he ran and didn't stop until he was home. He turned around fearing he might have been followed, but he hadn't and he sighed as he inserted his key in the door lock.
"Hey, you," Leonard said from the living room where he was finishing some homework, "Where were you? It's almost ten thirty."
"I'm sorry," Ethan said, "I was playing soccer and didn't notice when it got so late."
"There's pancakes if you're hungry."
"I'm gonna go to bed now," Ethan replied, "I'm not hungry at all, I just wanna take a shower."
"Okido," Leonard said and went back to his homework.
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom and, after locking the door, went to his own bathroom. He took of his soccer shirt, his shoes, his socks and the navy blue slightly tight shorts. He stayed in his tighty whities and looked at himself in the full-body mirror. He noticed his nipples were a bit swollen and the area around them, raw red. He then took of his underwear and peeled his foreskin back to see if he had been hurt, only he hadn't. His dickie's head, however, was read and extremely sensitive.
He went inside the shower and opened the hot faucet. When he soaped his chest, his still tender nipples sent a shiver down his spine. He looked down to notice his dickie was going stiff again. He peeled the foreskin once more and started rubbing the head with soap, only to realize he had started feeling those strange and pleasurable sensations wash over him again. He panicked and stopped what would've been his first masturbation.
He dried himself and went to his room, so he could go on to sleep.
When the alarm went off, Ethan felt so tired. He hadn't really slept that well, since all through the night he'd had dreamt of what had happened the day before on the subway. He hurried up to groom himself since he had school at 8 and still had to get some breakfast.
School was boring as it usually was and Ethan felt ever so glad when the last period bell rang. Some of his friends asked him if he wanted to play soccer, but he said he wanted to move on with homework and the sort. The same scene repeated itself all week long, with Ethan running home as he was off from school.
At home, every single night, he'd rush through his shower trying to avoid touching his dick and balls as he bathed. But at night, in his dreams, images of his ordeal would haunt him and he'd wake up just to find some of the slimy goo oozing from his pee-slit. He did not understand what was happening to him.
Friday came and Ethan did stay for soccer with his friends. At nine p.m. sharp he said goodbye to his friends and walked to the subway station. He didn't really understand why he was doing this, but he knew inside his heart he inexplicably wanted to be in that wagon once again. He even made sure to wait in the exact same spot so he could jump inside the right car.
As the doors opened, he heaved a sigh and walked inside the wagon, his heart racing inside his chest. This had been a stupid idea and he'd probably be better going back home and wash himself. When he was about to turn and exit the wagon, he felt a tap in his shoulder. It was the suited man, suited the very same way he had been suited before.
As Ethan turned towards the man, the one who'd been behind him the first time pushed behind him, cornering him over the suited man. The red haired and the chub one joined their partner at his sides and finally the one with the shaggy hair and the goattee. Ethan knew it was late for him to do anything and wondered once again why he'd gone there in the first place.
This time the men did not wait for a lights out. When he'd been properly surrounded by the five men, the suited man placed his hand inside the boy's underwear.
"Hmm," the man said approaching Ethan's face and whispering, "You're already hard down there."
The man behind him was already fondling his young ass and Ethan asked himself how it was possible that he had returned to the subway to put himself in the same situation as before. But as the suited man's hand jerked his dickie, he knew exactly why he had done it. It felt so glorious as the hand worked his dickie while another man's hand was so sensuously caressing hit butt hole.
This time, however, there was no light out and the train kept on moving. So this time all men were rather discreet in their touching Ethan and his dickie was not sucked as he had hoped it would. One station before his, and with the suited man's hand inside his underwear, he said in a quivering voice.
"Sir, would you let me pass? Next station is my stop."
"Sure thing, young man," the man replied and squeezed on Ethan's sensitive knob.
Before the man removed his hand from Ethan's underwear, the man behind him approached his ear.
"We could still go to the end of the line," he whispered, "And make you reach that point you're so craving, Ethan. What do you say?"
The suited man's hand sped the rubbing of his dickie's head as they approached Ethan's station. He couldn't bring himself to say yes or no, but he didn't want the suited man to let go of his dick. The train then came to a halt and the doors swished open.
"I believe this is your station, young man," the suited man said as he squeezed and rubbed the boy's now oversensitive cockhead.
Ethan could not reply, the sensations on his dickie taking completely over his will.
"I think Ethan has somewhere else to go, right?" The man behind him said.
Ethan did not say anything but nodded.
As they passed the next tunnel, the subway jerked and stopped and all the lights went off. Ethan sighed as he felt the suited man's mouth wrap around his stiff and oozy dick. Like the previous time, the men on his sides started licking at his nipples. He heard a zipper and knew the man behind him had opened his fly, because almost immediately, the man placed his hard cock against Ethan's back and started rubbing it around as he massaged the boy's hole with his hand.
Ethan fell delirious at all the licking taking place over his body and shuddered. Suddenly the finger moving around his hole stopped the round movements. The finger was quickly replaced by a tongue and that was just about too much. Without warning, Ethan's dickie started spurting inside the suited man's mouth.
Once the thing was over, his clothes were repositioned and the train lights flickered back on, the transportation resuming its course. As it stopped on the next station Ethan walked out, and the man behind him left the wagon as well.
"I think you have to go one station back, right Ethan?" he said.
"I do," the boy said looking at the man for the first time.
He wasn't very tall, probably 1.85 [6'1"] and had shaggy hair and a goatee. The man somehow reminded Ethan of Scooby Doo's shaggy, but with a more built body. The man's bulge under his pants gave Ethan a clear idea of what had been rubbed against his back.
"I can give you a ride back if you want," the man offered.
3; um
3; I'm not sure that's a good idea," Ethan replied.
"Come on," the man said, "I'm Nathan. Funny, huh? I'm Nathan and you're Ethan."
Ethan did not say anything as the man threw his arm over the boy's shoulder and walked him outside the subway station. They walked for a couple of blocks and, just as Ethan was starting to feel horribly nervous, the man stopped by a black sports car.
"This is the one," he said, "hop in!"
A bit more relaxed now, Ethan jumped inside the car as Nathan opened the door for him. Nathan hopped in the other side a put the key to the ignition.
"You like it, don't you," Nathan asked.
"What?" Ethan asked.
"Being sucked in the dick," Nathan said, "what else?"
"No!" Ethan said, but as he said it, he noticed how his teen dick started swelling again.
"You do!" Nathan said placing his hand on Ethan's crotch.
"Now, I'd like to introduce you to my best friends. Well, you've met them already. In the backseat there's Lucas, Norman and Barry."
"Where's the other one?" Ethan asked.
"Gone for now."
Before he could say anything, he felt Lucas' pushing a wet cloth over his mouth and nose. He wanted to fight, but realized he couldn't, because his eyes started feeling heavy. Just as he was drifting off, he though he heard laughter and someone saying they were gonna have such a good time with him. And then the whole world went black.
Chapter 2 Daddy's Boyfriend — Corey —
Characters: Corey (12yo), Bob, Corey's father (34yo), Daryl (30yo)
Corey had just turned twelve and his father had given a great birthday party for Corey and all his friends from school. Ever since his mother left upon Corey's sixth birthday, his daddy had made is best to make up for the absence of a mother figure.
Corey loved his father above all, and he even liked the friends he'd had over the years. Bruno, Peter, Gerry. Now, being twelve, Corey understood that his dad felt better in the company of men but he still was not mature enough to understand that his dad was gay. Today, his dad had brought a friend over, a tall blond man, possibly ten years younger than his father.
Corey had been watching a movie in his room when he suddenly felt like going to pee. So he paused the movie and walked outside his room. He could hear his dad talking with the man and also a bit of soft music coming from the living room. He ran to the bathroom and opened the fly of his pajamas to let the golden stream flow.
He heard someone clearing his throat and turned around, a look of shock in his face.
"I'm sorry," the man said, "I didn't mean to interrupt you. Bob told me I could use this bathroom."
"It's okay," Corey said blushing at having been caught peeing.
The man was tall and blond as he'd noticed before. He had short wavy hair and deep blue eyes. Corey noticed he was also muscular.
"Done!" said Corey when he'd finished peeing.
"Thanks, buddy!" The man said as Corey moved away from the toilet to wash his hands.
"It's Corey," he said.
"Daryl," the man said extending his hand.
When Corey turned to shake the man's hand, he noticed the man's weenie was hanging from his open fly. Corey had never seen a weenie that size and his eyes opened in shock.
"You okay, Corey?" Daryl asked.
"Yup," Corey said blushing again, "I gotta go to my room. Bye!"
Daryl took one long piss and then left the bathroom without washing his hand to go downstairs. When he arrived in the living room he found Bob sitting comfortably and holding his hard cock. Bob had picked Daryl at a gay bar that very night hoping to get laid. Daryl had thought the man was rather handsome; 1.90 [6'3"], dark haired and with dark eyes. He had a tanned skin and a lightly built body.
Now, Daryl had suddenly lost interest in the man. His thoughts had now gone to Bob's son, Corey. The teen was beautiful at his 1.33 mt [4'4"] tall, white skin and lovely wavy red hair. He had piercing green eyes and freckles all over his face. Daryl's mind kept replaying the scene that had unfolded in the bathroom and couldn't forget the image of Corey's young cock peeing. He had to do something about it and he knew it.
He was glad Bob had invited him to his house, because he now had an excuse to come back to Bob's and see gorgeous Corey again.
"You got a nice cock," Daryl said.
"You can suck me off if you want," Bob replied.
"I can totally do that."
"I'll make drinks for the two of us," Daryl said and winked.
"Good. I'll go take a leak then."
As Bob went to the bathroom, Daryl made a couple of drinks. The one for Bob he spiced with three sleeping pills and went back into the living room. He had to have Corey tonight. Bob came back almost right after him.
"Aren't you gonna invite me to your room?" Daryl asked flirting with Bob.
"I'm not sure about that," Bob said suddenly remembering his boy was sleeping upstairs, "I
3; um
"I get it, I'm sorry," Daryl said falsely apologetic.
"No, no, it's
Bob thought for a second, why couldn't he invite this gorgeous blonde into his bedroom? It wasn't like Corey was likely to come out of the room being midnight. And he was definitely into Daryl.
"It's fine, really," Daryl said playing emotional blackmail.
"Come up," Bob said and took Daryl's hand.
They went upstairs and into Bob's bedroom. The guy was cute, yes, but for Daryl nothing was more of a turn on than a teenage boy, and Bob's son, Corey, was definitely what he wanted. They kept talking for a while and then they moved on to sex. When they were done, Daryl cuddled with Bob and fondled him as he thought of Corey.
"Okay, let's finish our drinks," Daryl said, "bottom's up!"
Bob was already partially drunk and it wasn't long before he passed out.
It was one in the morning. Daryl made sure the man was out cold before standing from the bed and leaving the bedroom. He went to the bathroom were he picked a small towel. He searched in his pocket and took out the small vial in which he kept his chloroform, always ready to spring into action. He wet the towel with the liquid and walked towards Corey's bedroom.
He entered the room ever so quietly. Corey was sleeping face up. Life was good. Daryl approached the bed and placed the towel against the boy's face. Corey was so tired he didn't even notice as he was drugged. Before five minutes had passed, Corey was completely out.
Daryl sighed and smiled to himself. He first pulled Corey's shirt up and looked upon the most beautiful twelve year old torso he'd ever seen. He was so white and freckled! The nipples were small and pink and he caressed them. He leaned down and licked at the little knobs, which hardened immediately. He took his time savoring the boy's chest and nipples.
With his right hand, Daryl started fondling Corey's young cock as he bit on the boy's nipples. Young Corey moaned in his slumber, and his moans were music to Daryl's ears. As he sucked, licked and bite at Corey's nipples, Daryl continued to fondle the boy's cock over his pajamas.
Not wanting to lose more time, Daryl pulled down Corey's pajamas and underwear. The young cock was now fully erect and Daryl thought it was a wonderful tool, probably 11 centimeters [4½ inch]. It was thick, probably a bit thicker than a thumb and covered by a heavy foreskin. The boy's balls had already dropped down and Daryl smiled once almost sure the boy was probably able to ejaculate.
He used his thumb and index to peel down the foreskin and a gorgeous knob shaped red glans came into view. The narrow pee slit was already lubricating and Daryl couldn't help himself anymore. He went down to lick at the inviting young rod. As he licked and sucked on Corey's cock, he also took his time to play with the boy's young nuts. He caressed them, tugged at them, squeezed them. He loved the flavor of Corey's immature precum and kept on licking at the pee slit and sucking on the boy's cockhead.
Being so young and more likely never blown, Corey's cock started throbbing very quickly and Daryl, recognizing the arrival of Corey's cum, sped up his sucking. Very soon, the twelve year older started cumming in Daryl's mouth, moaning in his slumber and oblivious to the molestation he was being victim of.
Daryl licked his lips and continued to rub on the young cockhead. As he did so, he went down and licked at Corey's young balls. He then sucked Corey's left nut inside his mouth and sucked on it. He then sucked on the right one. He then sucked both balls inside his mouth and sucked fiercely on them as he continued to rub on the boy's now oversensitive cockhead.
He went back to licking and sucking on the boy's cocklet and very soon he forced a second load of semi-transparent teen cum. He licked his lips once again and then he laid himself next to Corey. He kissed the boy gently on the lips and continued to fondle his now completely tenderized young cock. Daryl was hard beyond belief and his trunks were now completely wet with his own precum.
Anyway, he couldn't stop, Corey was too beautiful a boy and too much of an opportunity to go to waste. He continued to kiss Corey for a while and managed to get the boy hard again. Corey was now moaning a bit more constantly and Daryl wondered if the effect of the chloroform was wearing off, but Daryl was way too invested to stop now.
Corey felt something funny is his weenie. Funny like when he wanted to pee but different. He wanted to wake up but his eyes were heavy. He felt warm and wet in his weenie and balls and the funny feeling kept growing. He was worried he was going to wet the bed, but no matter how much he fought he just couldn't open his eyes. The funny feeling suddenly turned into a warmth he couldn't really understand and he felt as if his weenie was exploding.
Daryl sucked fiercely as Corey's third load erupted in his mouth. The boy was young but he sure could cum, and Daryl knew he'd found paradise.
Corey managed to partially open his eyes and saw the tall blonde man, Daryl, sucking at his weenie.
"Huh?" he said half asleep.
"Shhhhh," Daryl said, "It's a dream."
Corey closed his eyes once again and fell deeply asleep. Daryl pulled the boy's pajamas in place and, as he'd done when he came in, Daryl went out with no sound. He went back to Bob, who was still out cold. He cuddled against the man still licking his lips. Corey's cock was the best thing that had happened to him and he was not willing to let go. He had to see Bob again and, if possible, become his boyfriend. He was sure he could handle wild sex with Bob if only to keep enjoying young Corey.
When Corey woke up it was probably around nine in the morning. He was entangled in his sheets and bedspreads and, as he moved them aside, he was surprised to find his pajamas and underpants down. Embarrased that he'd pulled them down during the night, he pulled them up and went outside his bedroom and into his father's room.
"Hey there!" Daryl said.
3; Hi
3; Daryl?" Corey asked confused at finding the man in his dad's bed
3; with his dad.
"You remembered my name!" he said.
"I did."
"Your dad is still asleep."
"I can see that. I
3; um
3;" Corey stammered.
"You okay?" The man asked.
"I usually come to his bed on Sundays to sleep late."
"Oh! Well," the man said, "I have a very good idea!"
"What's that?"
"What if you cuddle with your dad while I make breakfast" the man said patting the bed.
Corey smiled and jumped inside the bed.
"Would you do that?"
"Oh you bet!" Daryl said, "Like pancakes?"
"I love pancakes!" Corey replied.
"It's a deal then! Go on and sleep for a while."
Daryl stood up completely naked and Corey looked at the man's huge weenie once again. He thought it was much bigger than his dad's and with a lot of blond fuzz around it. Daryl smiled as he noticed how Corey looked at his cock, exactly as he'd done the night before in the bathroom. Maybe, just maybe, having little Corey wouldn't be so hard after all.
"You okay, Corey?" asked Daryl.
Corey blushed completely and turned on his side to hug his dad who was sleeping face up.
Daryl found his way in the kitchen very quickly and made pancakes, fried eggs and bacon for all three of them. He waited for probably fifteen minutes after he had finished, when he decided to go back into the bedroom.
"Wake up, sleepyheads!" he said almost shouting.
Corey moved from his dad's side and opened his eyes, which once again got glued to Daryl's cock. Daryl picked up his trunks and put them on. Bob woke up in that very moment and smiled at Daryl as he hugged Corey.
"What did I miss?" he asked.
"Daryl made breakfast for us!" Corey said.
"He did, huh?" Bob asked feeling a horrible hangover.
"Pancakes, eggs and bacon," said Daryl.
"Go wash your hands, Corey," Bob said.
Corey jumped from the bed and Bob playfully hugged Daryl and kissed him.
"You didn't have to."
"Oh, but I wanted to!" Daryl replied, "You don't meet someone wonderful every single weekend!"
Bob smiled thinking Daryl was referring to him, oblivious to the fact that the man was talking about young Corey. Daryl smiled as he remembered how it felt to have Corey's cock erupting in his mouth just some hours ago.
Three weeks had passed and Daryl had found the way to make himself appreciated at Bob's household. Every Friday and Saturday he would come over and fuck with Bob and drug him. He had also continued to treating himself with young Corey, always using his wetcloth magic trick to have his way with the boy's gorgeous teenage cock.
This Sunday was no different and Daryl had made breakfast again, the flavor of Corey's young cum still fresh in his throat. All three sat down and had breakfast together. Bob had to recognize Daryl was talented in the kitchen and found himself liking the blonde more and more. Corey seemed to like Daryl well enough and Bob wondered if Daryl was a good man enough to settle down with. Suddenly, the phone rang.
"Dad, it's Sunday!" Corey protested.
"I'm sorry Corey, I need to take it."
Bob walked outside the kitchen to pick up the phone. Daryl noticed Corey's sudden change of mood and stood from his place to sit down next to the boy.
"You okay, Corey?" he asked.
Beautiful Corey did not reply, but Daryl could see the boy was angry and had stopped eating.
"Is there something I can do for you?"
Corey moved his head negatively as tears welled up in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" he insisted, "I'm good at listening."
Corey nodded again the minute Bob stepped inside the room.
"I have to go to the hospital. There was an emergency and they need me for brain surgery."
"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" Corey shouted.
"Corey, please. Go get ready so we can get going."
"I don't wanna spend my Sunday at the hospital, I hate it, I hate it!"
Daryl couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten this time when he swathe argument between father and son. He smiled as he imagined hat with such an opportunity he would be able to, first, win Bob over, and second, he could have Corey all to himself for the whole day.
"Guys?" Daryl said, "I don't want to intrude in your family argument, but I have an idea."
Both father and son turned and looked at Daryl quizzically.
"I could stay over and spend Sunday with Corey."
"Oh, Daryl!" Bob said genuinely moved, "I wouldn't want to impose! Usually this kind of thing takes all day, and you do so much already as it is
"No, I mean it!" Daryl protested, "Corey and I get along well, it wouldn't be an imposition. You could go check on your work and Corey and I could watch movies or something together."
Daryl's mind was more on the or something. He looked at Bob and Corey waiting for an answer. Seeing that none of them reacted, he turned and looked at the boy of his dreams.
"So, Corey," he said smiling broadly, "What do you say?"
Corey's face was still streaked by the tears, but the boy wasn't crying anymore. He looked at Daryl and a partial smile showed in his face.
"Would you do that?" Corey asked.
"I'd love to, Corey," Daryl said.
"Great!" he said, "I'm gonna go find a good movie"
And having said so, he ran upstairs.
"Daryl, darling," said Bob, "you don't really have to do this
Daryl embraced Bob and gave him a peck on the lips. Bob was ever so happy to have found Daryl and Daryl was ever so happy to have found Corey.
Chapter 3 Matthew's New Home — Matthew —
Characters: Matthew (12yo), Mr. Miller (41yo)
(Matthew's story has been partially inspired by the orphan story Caring for Cody)
Matthew was happy he was finally going to have a home. He had just turned twelve and had grown in the State Orphanage. He was on Mr. Rosenbaum's car riding to his new home and he felt restless. Finally after half an hour or so, the car stopped in front of a nice looking house and Matthew felt excited. Mr. Rosenbaum, the representative of the State Orphanage for legal affairs opened the door for him and helped him carry his backpack with what little stuff he had.
Mr. Rosenbaum rang the bell and waited. Matthew waited anxiously for the door to open and it seemed an eternity before the man showed through it. Mr. Miller was most definitely different from what Matthew had originally imagined, not very tall but built. He had jet black hair with gray on the sides. He had a model-like nose and deep blue eyes.
"Mr. Miller," Mr. Rosenbaum said, "Glad to see you."
"Likewise, Mr. Rosenbaum. Please, come in."
"Oh, I'd like to, Mr. Miller, but I have some other matters to attend to. I just came by to drop Matthew."
"Good. Hi, Matthew," Mr. Miller said.
"Hi, sir," Matthew replied shyly.
"Is this your stuff?" Mr. Miller said taking the backpack from Mr. Rosenbaum.
Matthew nodded.
"Well, then," Mr. Rosenbaum said, "I gotta get going. Thanks again for adopting Matthew, you'll see he's an obedient and well behaved little boy."
Having said so, Mr. Rosenbaum walked back to his car, and Mr. Miller closed the door bringing Matthew in. The boy was a dream, 1.30 meters [4'3"] tall with blonde hair and droopy dreamy blue eyes. He was wearing a worn out T-shirt and a pair of short pants that were probably two sizes smaller, which allowed Mr. Miller to see the perfect bubble but of his now foster son. That was why he'd chosen Matthew over the many other boys in the orphanage, that and the fact that the boy was a quiet and obedient little one, perfect for what Steve Miller had had in mind for a very long time.
"Let's go up so I can show you to your room," Mr. Miller said, "Boy's first!"
Matthew began up the stairs, the perfect excuse for Steve Miller to see the boy's ass cheeks as he walked up the stairs. Steve Miller was glad he had all the money he had amassed over the years, because it had helped in being able to adopt Matthew even if he was single.
"Ok, this is it!" Steve Miller said opening the door.
Matthew's jaw dropped open as he saw the place, it was a big bedroom with all sorts of toys around and a huge closet.
"Wow!" was all he said.
"Now, Matthew, first thing in schedule is taking a bath."
"But I did take a bath this morning at the orphanage," the boy said.
"But I didn't see that and I'm very strict about hygiene rules, Matthew. I expect you to obey me, since I am now your legal guardian. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Mister Miller," Matthew replied shyly.
"Now," Steve Miller said, "Undress."
Matthew felt slightly uncomfortable at the request, but he didn't want to disobey Mr. Miller once more, fearing that he might decide to return him to the State Orphanage. He first took his shirt off and dropped it to the floor.
"No, no," Mr. Miller said, "fold it and place it on the bed. That will always be routine, okay?"
"Okay, Mr. Miller," Matthew replied and folded his shirt as told.
He then took of his mended old shoes and socks and placed them next to the bed.
"Good boy," Steve Miller said.
Matthew then unbuttoned his shorts and took them off also folding them and placing them on the bed. Steve couldn't believe how gorgeous little Mathew looked down to his tighty whiteys and smiled. Matthew was still boy shaped, thin but with that wonderful baby fat in his lower abs.
"Yes," Mr. Miller said, "your underwear too."
Matthew took the elastic band and pulled his underwear down, his face completely blushed at getting naked in front of the man, but then again, Mr. Miller was an adult and knew better. He then stood up and modestly covered his tender parts with his hands.
"Hands on the sides, Matthew," Mr. Miller ordered.
"Yes, Mr. Miller," the boy replied sheepishly.
Steve Miller looked at Matthew with a strong sense of satisfaction. This boy was for sure the most beautiful creature he'd ever looked upon. Not only was his body beautiful, he had a nice cock which was possibly five centimeters [2 inch] as it hung limp, the head completely covered by its foreskin. His young balls had already dropped down and hung nicely under the young tool.
Steve Miller took the boy by the hand and into the bathroom and started filling the tub.
"Hop in so I can bathe you," Mr. Miller said.
Matthew blushed even more and Steve Miller made an effort not to laugh at the boy's obvious embarrassment.
"I know how to bathe myself, sir," Matthew argued.
"That's what you say, Matthew, but I need to make sure you do know how to do it. I think I had made myself clear when I said you were to obey. Should I call the orphanage and ask them to switch you for another of the boys?"
"No, no, Mister Miller, I'm sorry!" Matthew said apprehensively, "I will be very obedient, but please, please don't switch me!"
"Fine, then," Mr. Miller said, "In the tub."
Matthew jumped inside the tub and the warm water somehow helped him relax. Mr. Miller poured the bubble bath and smiled as he noticed Matthew feeling a lot more into it.
"I'm going to see a couple of things, but I'll be back in ten minutes, Matthew," Mr. Miller said, "I'll be back to properly bathe you."
Mr. Miller left the room and Matthew started splashing about the tub. He felt ever so happy he now had a home and someone to care after him. He wondered whether Mr. Miller would be a good father, but he thought he would. He also wondered if Mr. Miller would want him to call him Daddy.
Ten minutes later, Mr. Miller came inside the bathroom again.
"Ok, Matthew," he said, "I'm going to wash you now. Stand up for me."
Matthew did as instructed making sure this time he kept his hands to the side. Mr. Miller looked at the lovely boy and started shampooing the boy's head. When he was done, he opened the hand shower and rinsed it.
"Turn around for me, Matthew," Mr. Miller instructed and the boy did as told.
Then Mr. Miller put soap on the bathing mitten and began scrubbing the boy's back. He went a little south and scrubbed the boy's lovely ass cheeks taking his time, his cock already stiffened. As he finished, he did the boy's legs.
"Okay, Matthew," he said, "Turn around again."
Matthew turned around and Mr. Miller started scrubbing his arms. Upon finishing the arms, he proceeded to scrub Matthew's chest and tummy. He made sure to rub the fiber mitten well enough over Matthew's nipples.
Matthew was not yet aware of sexuality in any way, but as Mr. Miller rubbed his nipples with the mitten, he felt something very pleasurable wash inside him.
As he rubbed on the boy's nipples, Steve Miller noticed how the boy's dick started stiffening and knew he was moving in the right direction. He then removed the mitten and soaped both his hands.
"Matthew," he said, "Do you know how to wash your penis correctly?"
3; um
3; I think, sir," Matthew stammered.
"Do you ever wash the head?" Mr. Miller added.
"Yes, sir," he said.
"Let me show you the right way to do it."
Having said so, Steve Miller started rubbing the boy's cock from the shaft, making sure to manipulate him enough to get him worked out. Then with thumb and index he started pulling Matthew's foreskin back and heard the boy gasp, but never moved.
"It is very important that a boy's glans is always clean to prevent any possible infection in there," he said as for an explanation.
"Okay," Matthew said.
Steve Miller started now rubbing Matthew's cockhead with his soaped fingers sending shivers through the boy's body. Matthew was very hard now and breathing heavily. Steve Miller smiled to himself as he felt the boy's legs trembling a bit. Now that the boy was fully hard, his cocklet was a good twelve centimeters [5 inch] long and slightly thicker than a thumb. It was all smooth and the cockhead was pink almost on the red side. Knowing what feelings he was causing to the naïve and inexperienced boy, he continued rubbing Matthew's glans.
"Now, Matthew," Mr. Miller said without stopping of the rubbing of the cute cockhead, "As you wash your glans, you have to make sure your little nuts are always clean. Let me show you."
Mr. Miller started then rubbing the boy's balls playing with them as he rubbed on the young cockhead. Matthew was not sure what it was he was feeling, but he certainly didn't want Mr. Miller to stop and he didn't say anything.
Steve Miller noticed the boy was close to cumming and then stopped his manipulations on the boys cock and balls. Matthew slightly whimpered as Mr. Miller stopped and the new foster father felt delighted he had been able to edge young Matthew and then bring him to experience frustration at not being allowed to cum.
"Turn for me again, Matthew," Mr. Miller said.
Matthew turned around once more and his lovely bubble but was now facing Mr. Miller's face. The man soaped his hand again and this time started rubbing the boy's ass cheeks.
"It is very important for me, Matthew," Mr. Miller said as he started rubbing the boy's crack, "That you are always clean in every spot. Am I clear?"
"Yes, Mister Miller," Matthew replied as the man's hand moved up and down his crack.
"It is also very important to keep your hole clean," Mr. Miller said now rubbing his middle finger in circles around Matthew's virgin asshole.
3; Yes, Mr. Miller," Matthew said unable to process the new wave of pleasurable feelings this particular kind of rubbing produced in him.
"Do you ever wash inside your hole, Matthew?"
3; no, sir
3; I didn't know I had to
"You do. This is how you do it," Mr. Miller said suddenly pushing his soaped middle finger inside the boy, "Am I clear enough, Matthew?"
"Yes, Mister Miller," Matthew said feeling slightly ashamed at being put a finger inside his ass.
"When cleaning the inside of your hole, you have to make sure you reach and rub all over the walls of your insides," Mr. Miller continued now rubbing at the boy's little prostate.
Matthew didn't know what was happening, but his twelve year old weenie was stiff again and new and unknown pleasurable sensations filled him as Mr. Miller rubbed him inside.
Steve Miller was having the time of his life rubbing Matthew's prostate and hearing the boy's labored breathing. Just when he felt a prostatic contraction, he rubbed a bit more. He moved a bit so he could see the boy's pecker throbbing and he knew the boy was very close to cumming. Steve Miller wondered if young Matthew could cum already, and knew he was about to find out.
Matthew was gasping as the new sensations took over is body, he didn't understand what was happening but he didn't want Mr. Miller to stop. He felt his weenie jumping and felt the weirdest of urges, as if he wanted to pee but stronger.
Steve Miller stopped moving his finger inside the boy and, to his surprise, young Matthew started wriggling his ass, so he could get more of that feeling. The man then resumed the prostatic simulation and smiled as Matthew's pecker started spurting a wad of semi-transparent young cum. The boy's legs buckled and Steve Miller made sure to hold the boy so he wouldn't fall.
"Are you okay, Matthew?" Mr. Miller asked.
3; um
3; I am, Mister Miller.
"Well, I think you're clean enough now, Matthew," Mr. Miller said.
Matthew didn't know why but it had felt wonderful as Mr. Miller had washed his ass, weenie and nuts.
3; Mister Miller
3;" he said trying to be a good boy.
"Let's go on to your bedroom," Mr. Miller said after drying the kid with a soft towel, "We need to get you dressed."
Having said so, the man carried Matthew in his arms and took him to the bedroom. He was so glad he had shown Matthew how wonderful it was to cum by being stimulated from the ass, because from now on, he was planning on keeping the boy edged and not allowed to cum until he deemed it proper. He had shown young Matthew paradise, so he would crave it more than anything in life. Keeping him frustrated would make the boy become more obedient, turning him into the perfect slave.
"Now," he said, "You'll take a shower every morning and every night like clockwork. I expect you to clean your weenie and your boyhole the way I showed you. Can I trust that you'll do it correctly, Matthew, or do you want me to help you bathe every day."
3; uh
3; I don't know, Mr. Miller
3;" the boy said.
"Yes you do, Matthew. It's very simple, you can decide to do it yourself, but, if you're not sure you can do it properly, I can do it for you," Steve Miller said knowing that Matthew was going to choose being bathed by his new foster father if only to feel those wonderful sensations in his virgin and never before touched young body. Little did the boy know Steve Miller was not planning to let him experience orgasms like that unless he wanted to, "Whatever it is you choose, I'll be happy to respect your decision."
Matthew pondered the question being laid before him. Though it had been kind of awkward for Mr. Miller to have bathed him since he was not a little child anymore, Matthew had really enjoyed all the pleasurable sensations he had been given, especially when he had felt that wonderful explosion in his groin. He did want Mr. Miller to make him feel that way again.
"I think
3; um
3; I think it would be best if
"Yes, Matthew?" Mr. Miller asked amused at knowing the boy didn't want to sound too eager but was dying to be touched again.
"It would be best if you did it, Mister Miller," Matthew said, "at least while I learn how to do it properly."
"Fine, I'll do it for you then," Steve Miller said, "Let's get you dressed."
Mr. Miller opened the walk in closet and went in. A couple of minutes later he came out holding the garments he had chosen for Matthew to wear today. He asked Matthew to sit on the bed and began putting the boy's socks.
"Stand up for me, Matthew," Mr. Miller said and the boy complied.
He then asked the boy to put his legs up one at a time to put his underwear on. When he'd pulled it completely up, Matthew noticed that his underwear – which was more like a speedo-type swimming suit – was a bit too tight and that it also had a funny hole upfront surrounded by a black elastic band. He was about to ask Mr. Miller about it, when the man suddenly put one of his hands inside his underwear locating his weenie, and with his other hand he pulled the boy's foreskin passing the little cock through the elastic band and positioning the hole all the way down the boy's shaft. The pressure of the band made him a little stiff.
"Mister Miller?" Matthew asked.
"Yes, Matthew?"
"Why is there a hole for my weenie in this underwear?"
Steve Miller smiled at the boy.
"So that this little thing," Mr. Miller said playfully tugging at Matthew's foreskin, "can be ready whenever you need to pee and we avoid a little accident. I hate boys peeing all over themselves."
Matthew was going say he was old enough not to pee his pants, but knew better than to argue and just nodded. He didn't complain either about the fact that the elastic band was a bit too tight and was making his weenie get a bit stiff.
Steve Miller then asked Matthew to pull his legs one at a time once again to put his trunks on him. The boy once again did as instructed.
When his trunks were in place, Matthew noticed those too were a bit tighter than he would like, but he said nothing about it either.
Steve Miller smiled as he saw Matthew wriggle a bit trying to get more comfortable in his trunks, which was exactly what Miller didn't want. The trunks were tight on purpose, and the front side of them was covered in a slightly rougher fabric. With his cock outside his underwear slightly strangled by the black elastic band rubbing against the rough fabric of his trunks, Matthew would be in a constant state of arousal, involuntarily edging himself all through the day which was exactly what Miller wanted.
"Are you alright, Matthew?" Mr. Miller asked amused.
"Yes, Mister Miller," the boy said, "I'm alright."
"Good, now come, it's dinner time."
As they both ate, Steve Miller smiled as he noticed how Matthew wriggled in his seat and he couldn't imagine how uncomfortable must have been to have his stiff cock rubbing against the rough fabric of his trunks. The idea of what the boy must be feeling was enough to make Steve Miller's cock go hard inside his pants.
After dinner, Steve Miller brought Matthew to the TV room and allowed Matthew to pick a movie for both of them to watch. Steve sat down on the love seat and had Matthew sit next to him. As they watched the movie, the man threw his arm over the boy and held him close against his side and caressed his leg.
Matthew wriggled as Mister Miller's touch, for some reason unknown to him, caused his dick to stiffen and rub against the funny fabric of his trunks sending those funny feelings all over his young body again.
Around nine, right after the movie, Mr. Miller announced it was bedtime. Mr. Miller walked Matthew to his bedroom explaining that there would be no bath tonight since he had bathed a few hours ago and the boy said it was fine but the man caught the boys' frustration almost immediately. Mr. Miller then sat on the bed and asked Matthew to approach him so he could be changed into his pajamas. Once again, Matthew thought it was a bit strange that the man wanted to do it, since Matthew was not a little kid anymore but a twelve year older now.
When Steve Miller removed Matthew's trunks, he felt satisfied that the boy's cock was still stiff due to the edging torment inside his weird clothes, through all the day's stimulation. He pulled the tight underwear's front side to release the boy's cock from the elastic band's grip.
"Ow!" Matthew said.
"Be quiet, Matthew," Mr. Miller said.
"I'm sorry, Mister Miller," the boy said, "It hurt a bit."
"Ok," Mr. Miller said "let me give you something for it."
Steve Miller walked outside the room and came back holding a pill, and a glass of water.
"This pill is for the swelling," he lied as he gave the boy the sexual enhancement pill to still bring him into a higher state of arousal, "Take it now."
Little Matthew took the pill without hesitation truly believing it would make him feel better.
"Are you going to pee or poo before we go to bed, Matthew?"
3; um
3; I thing I might have to pee," the boy said.
"Ok," Mr. Miller said, "Let me take you so you know how to properly clean yourself after peeing."
"Do boys clean after peeing, Mister Miller?" the boy asked, "I thought only girls did."
Steve Miller took Matthew's hand and took him to the bathroom. Once there, the boy noticed the bathroom had two different doors, so it connected both his bedroom and Mr. Miller's.
"Okay, Matthew, let's do this," Mr. Miller said, "Stand in front of the toilet."
Since Matthew was not wearing his pajamas yet, Mr. Miller grabbed the boy's cock and then pulled the foreskin back.
"It is very important to move your foreskin back so the pee does not remain in there thus making your penis dirty," Mr. Miller said noticing the boy's cock had started stiffening at the attention, "Now, pee."
Matthew felt funny as Mr. Miller held his weenie as he peed, but then again his new foster father probably new better. When the golden flow had stopped, Mr. Miller asked Matthew if he was done. When the boy nodded, Mr. Miller asked him to hold his foreskin back so the man could clean it, and young Matthew once again did as instructed.
"Now, this is a baby wipe," Mr. Miller said carrying in his hand what in reality was an after-shave wipe, "and every time you pee I want you to wipe your glans like this."
As the man put the wipe in Matthew's cockhead and started wiping, Matthew felt a fresh, then hot, then burning sensation on his already tenderized weenie-head.
Steve Miller smiled once again satisfied that Matthew did not complain even when he was in obvious discomfort, but as he wiped, the young cock started stiffening once again. Little Mathew was indeed naïve.
"I think you're done now," Mr. Miller said, "Let's go back to the bedroom."
Once back in the bedroom, Steve Miller opened a drawer and got a ribbed butt plug the size of an index finger. He rubbed some lube over the object and then he walked back to where Matthew stood still naked from the waist down.
"Now, during night time you're not allowed to go to the bathroom, and the way for us to secure your boyhole from pooping is this," he said holding the plug, "Now, bend over for me so I can put it in."
Matthew did as instructed, and Mr. Miller positioned himself kneeling behind the boy. He squirted a bit of lube over the boy's asshole and started rubbing his middle finger in circles. Matthew slightly moaned and Miller smiled to himself.
"To make sure you're not hurt, I need to open your hole a bit," the man explained, "so I'm going to put my finger in as we did when I showed you how to wash inside, okay Matthew?"
3; Mr. Miller," the boy answered anticipating those good sensations he had experienced as the man washed his insides.
Steve Miller knew what he was doing and he rubbed at the boy's prostate for a good two minutes, noticing Matthew's cock was hard again.
"Okay, here it goes," the man said.
Steve Miller removed his finger from the boy's ass and started pushing the plug inside. Matthew gasped at the new intrusion. Having the size of a finger the plug entered rather quickly and the man pushed at the base a bit more to further stimulate Matthew.
"Now, Matthew, lay face up on the bed."
The boy did as instructed, his young cock stiff at the recent stimulation.
"Now, we also need to make sure you don't wet the bed, so
"But I don't wet the bed
3;" Matthew started to reply.
"What did I tell you Matthew?" Mr. Miller asked getting slightly angry.
"I'm sorry, Mister Miller," the boy said genuinely apologetic.
"As I was saying, we need to make sure you don't wet the bed, so we'll also be plugging your pee hole," Mr. Miller said.
The man stood up and went to one of his drawers. He took a different sort of lube and something Matthew had never seen before. It looked a lot like a thin metal rod with a sort of metal ring attached.
"Oh, Matthew!" Mr. Miller said with a look of disappointment, "Your weenie has gone soft and I can't work this if it is. I'm gonna have to make it stiff,okay?"
Matthew nodded anticipating a new round of pleasurable sensations. With lube in his thumb and index, Mr. Miller took the boy's cock and peeled the foreskin back. The cock went stiff almost immediately, but Steve Miller took the opportunity to bring young Matthew worked out and close to orgasm once more. When he felt the young cock throb more repeatedly, he stopped.
"I think you're ready now," he said, bringing frustration to the boy's face once again.
With the young cock fully erect, Steve Miller was sure he was going to be able to insert the Cum through penis plug he'd had made in boy size for this time. He took Matthew's cock with his left hand and pushed some of his special lube inside the boy's pee hole. The young cock twitched and Steve Miller smiled. Then, he started inserting the plug in the boy's urethra, making sure he'd go slow so he could plug all eleven centimeters [4½ inch] of it.
Matthew felt the funniest of things as Mr. Miller plugged his pee hole. He'd never heard of such items to prevent a boy from wetting the bed, but Mr. Miller had been very caring all day long and he did not want to disobey. As the plug pushed its way in, however, Matthew found that he felt a new and different sort of pleasure.
When the whole plug had gone in, Steve Miller secured the metal ring around the young cockhead and tightened it up so the pressure would keep the boy's cock hard enough for the plug to remain inside all night long.
"There you go!" Mr. Miller said, "Now, let's get you ready for bed."
Steve Miller then put on the boy's night briefs, once again a tight speedo like thing with the special fabric on the front side. Now that the boys cockhead had been sufficiently tenderized and squeezed in the plug ring, he was going to have an all-night hard-on, which was exactly what Miller wanted. When done, Steve Miller asked Matthew to raise his arms so he could put the upper part of his pajamas, which was basically a tight tank top made in the same rough fiber than the front of Matthew's underwear, so as to tenderize the boys nipples and add up to the ongoing stimulation.
"Okay, Matthew," Mr. Miller said, "Let's get you in bed."
"Yes, Mr. Miller."
Mr. Miller pulled the bedspreads aside and then placed Matthew in bed himself. Matthew felt weird at the thing plugged inside his boyhole, as Mr. Miller called it. He also felt weird at the plug in his weenie. He kept trying to make himself comfortable inside the underwear which caused his weenie to stiffen even if he didn't want to. But he never complained because he was an obedient boy who wanted to make his new daddy proud.
Steve Miller smiled as he noticed the bulge of Matthew's hard on under his ever-edging tight underwear and the ribbed butt plug. He then took the covers over the boy leaving his arms and head free from those, and he sat down on the bed next to his new foster son.
"So," Mr. Miller said, "How did you like your first day in my household, Matthew?"
"I really enjoyed it, Mister Miller," Matthew said.
He had truly enjoyed feeling cared for after having grown in the State Orphanage. Even if Mr. Miller had some strange ideas, Matthew was sure his life was now going to be so much better having a new father to look after him.
"I'm glad you did, Matthew," Mr. Miller said, "You sure made me happy today, you being so obedient and everything. I knew I had chosen right."
"Thank you, Mister Miller," Matthew said blushing.
"Have a good night, Matthew."
"Mister Miller?"
"Yes, Matthew?"
3; uh
3; It's something silly, really
3;" the boy stammered.
"You won't know if it's silly if you don't say it, Matthew. Go ahead."
"Could you, I don't know, could you kiss me good night?"
Steve Miller smiled genuinely at the boy's request.
"Told you it was silly. I'm sorry Mister Miller, I'll never ask again, I promise," Matthew said feeling a bit apprehensive that he might have screwed up.
For an answer, Steve Miller leaned over the bed and gently placed his lips over Matthew's. Matthew had never been kissed good night let alone in the lips and felt a warm thing inside him.
"There, good night, my boy."
"Thank you, Mr. Miller. Good night."
Steve Miller stood up and started walking towards the bathroom door that connected both bedrooms. He turned towards the boy as his hand found the light switch and smiled a bit more as he noticed Matthew's wiggling under the bed, most likely with a raging hard-on.
Chapter 4 One Hell of a Party — Tyler —
Characters: Tyler (12yo), Armin, Tyler's father (32yo), Norman appeared in Chapter 1 (42yo), Herbie appeared in chapter 1 (30yo), Lucas appeared in Chapter 1 (28yo), Brian (37yo) Joe (35yo), Arnold (32yo)
Lately his dad made a lot of parties over the weekend, always asking Tyler to remain in his room till the party was over. There were always four or five men during parties and they all drank and laughed and sometimes played loud music. Most of the time Tyler would fall asleep as the party took place and he sometimes woke up early morning and found that the party sounds had dimmed into soft music and sometimes moaning.
Tonight was Saturday and his daddy was giving a party once again. As usual, his dad had asked him to remain in his room around nine p.m.
Norman was not particularly horny, though he'd come along with two of his drinking buddies Brian and Joe. He was not into men over fourteen, but Brian had told Norman about Tyler. Brian and Joe had been regularly fucking Tyler's dad, Armin, in private orgies the man organized every other weekend. In one of those occasions, Brian had seen the man's son, Tyler, and knew immediately the kid was Norman's type. Norman still hadn't seen the guy, but Bryan knew him oh so very well.
The whole plan had been set in motion and Norman went upstairs to the bathroom. He took one long piss and then left the bathroom. Knowing Armin was busy, he wandered on the upper floor of the house. He opened the door and found the boy watching TV.
"Hi, there!" Norman said.
Tyler was a dream, he was probably 1.35 meters [4'5"] tall and with olive skin. He had wavy hair to his ears and was slim. He had round nose and full lips, with slightly heavy eyebrows and lovely lashes.
3; hi!" Tyler said looking at the tall man with the clean shaven head and dark French fork.
"I'm Norman, I'm a friend of your dad's."
"I've never seen you before," Tyler said.
"True, but we've been friends for some time. Well, I'm gonna go back to the party now."
"I didn't mean to be rude, sorry."
"It's okay, no need to apologize."
"How come you're not at the party?"
"I went to the bathroom and then I saw your door ajar, so I thought I might say hello. Your dad talks a lot about you."
"He does?" Tyler asked smiling.
"A lot!"
"I'm Tyler!" the boy said.
"I know! A pleasure to meet you, Tyler."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yeah, why not
3; but
"Were am I sitting?"
"Next to me, duh!" Tyler said and moved aside on his bed.
"You know what? Maybe I should go back to the party, what if your dad gets mad?"
Tyler's face of disappointment was an obvious delight to Norman and the man tenderly cupped the boy's face in his hands.
"I have a better idea," Norman said.
"What?" Tyler asked obviously excited.
"What if you came down to the party?" Norman asked.
"Dad won't let me. He always tells me to lock my room while he parties."
"Tell you what," Norman added, "Let me talk to your dad about it, you'll see I'll convince him."
"Will you do that for me?" Tyler asked.
"I'll only be glad to. You have to promise something, though."
"What, Norman?"
"You have to promise you'll stay awake for a while, convincing your dad might take some time."
"Will an hour do?" Tyler asked smiling.
"An hour will do. I'll see you later at the party," Norman said winking at the beautiful and young Tyler.
When Norman arrived in the living room Armin was on all fours being fucked by Arnold and sucking at both Brian and Joe.
"You gotta try this mouth man!" Joe said.
"Maybe later," Norman said and sat down.
Armin was having the time of his life with three cocks for his own enjoyment, but Norman was just wondering if Brian had carried out the plan. When Armin, Arnold, Brian and Joe had finished their orgy, Norman served drinks for everyone else and sat down next to Brian.
"Did you do what I asked?"
"I did," Brian said, "I've given the man a diluted pill in every drink."
"Good. Arnold and Joe?"
"They're hitting the road now. I texted Herbie and Lucas. They should be about to arrive."
"Great. Let's wrap it up."
Norman stood up from his place and sat down next to Armin. He noticed immediately how the man was almost knocked out by the sleeping pills.
"You got a nice cock," Norman said.
"You didn't join us," Armin replied jokingly, "You could've sucked me off as I was attacked on all fronts."
"Maybe now."
"One on one?" Armin asked, "Not my kind of thing."
"Too bad
"Guess so
3;" as he said so, Armin suddenly fell out cold.
Norman stood up and called Brian.
"Sup, man?"
"Have Arnold and Joe get going and I'll take Armin to his bedroom. Double check on Herbie and Lucas' ETA. It's time for some fun."
"You're wicked man!"
"Have you ever done a teenager?" Norman asked smiling.
"You're so gonna love it!"
Norman took Armin and double checked that the man was completely out now. He carried him upstairs and placed him in his bed. It was 12:30 and he was going to probably be out for the rest of the night. When he'd placed the man on his room and after closing his door, he went to Tyler's room.
"Hi, Ty!"
"You came back!" Tyler said excited.
"I said I would!"
"So," the boy asked, "What did dad say?"
"Unfortunately he was tired and went to his room. But he said you could join us if you wanted."
"Really," Norman said, "So, are you coming?"
For an answer, Tyler stood from the bed and hugged Norman.
"You're cool!" The boy said.
"You have no idea, Tyler," Norman said.
"Wait!" Tyler said, "I have to change!"
"No, you don't!" Norman said smiling, "Your PJs are super cool. And you don't need a shirt, your undershirt is ok."
"Yeah. Come on, let's party."
Norman threw his arm over Tyler's shoulder, feeling his warm skin for the first time. He felt his cock twitch in anticipation as he felt Tyler by his side. This was gonna be a piece of cake. When they arrived in the living room, Brian, Herbie and Lucas were already having a drink.
"Hey there!" Norman said, "This stud here is Tyler!"
"Hey Tyler!" Herbie said grabbing his crotch indiscreetly.
"Hey, Ty!" Lucas said obviously excited.
Brian couldn't even speak, he thought Tyler was a bit too young for his taste, but he was equally eager to participate in the night's game.
"Hi guys!"
"Well, let's have a seat. Brian, a drink for Tyler!"
"Yes, Tyler?" Norman asked.
"Dad won't let me drink
"But you are partying with us now. You got your dad's permission. And if you're partying now, it means you're one of us, one of the guys, right?"
3; I guess," Tyler said.
"And if you're one of us, you do have to party like a man, right?" Norman asked.
3; um
3; I guess you're right."
"Drink for my man, Tyler!" Norman said.
So the drinks came and finding one and another reason to toast, Norman managed to have Tyler drink a couple of whiskies.
"Want a party candy?" Norman asked taking a pill from his pocket.
"What is it?" Tyler asked.
"Something that'll help you relax. It feels cool."
A little bit too naïve to refuse, Tyler nodded. Norman smiled and placed the pill in Tyler's mouth and gave him a little bit of whiskey to wash it down.
"There you go!" Norman said, "You're a big guy now!"
Tyler smiled feeling a bit weird. Lucas, the red haired guy stood up from his place and came to sit down next to him. Now he was sitting between Norman and Lucas. He felt a bit weird with the drinks and he also noticed he felt slightly hot. Was it the party candy?
"You okay, Tyler?" Norman asked him.
3; um
3; I'm a bit hot."
"It is hot, isn't it guys?" Norman asked, "Let's take off our shirts!"
On cue, all of them took off their shirts and Tyler felt slightly embarrassed.
"Come on, Ty!" Norman said, "It's just you missing!"
Without thinking too much, young Tyler pulled his shirt up and they all made a toast to that. Before he could react, Norman started caressing his boy chest and so did Lucas.
"My, you're so well shaped!" Norman said.
Tyler felt strange as the two men caressed his chest but did not know what to say or how to react. Norman then stopped the motion of his hand and pinched Tyler's left nipple.
"Ouch!" Tyler said, "I
3; guys, maybe
3; you should stop?"
Norman did not answer and continued to squeeze and pinch on Tyler's left nipple as Lucas did the same on the right one. Norman then winked at Herbie and the blond and handsome man came to take Norman's position. Norman kneeled in front of Tyler and placed his hands on the boy's thighs and started running them up and down.
3; what
3; what
3;?" Tyler stammered.
"Relax, Ty," Norman said, "You're one of the guys now
Having said so, he pulled Tyler's pajamas down, leaving him only in his tighty whiteys. With no warning, he placed his hand over the teen bulge and started caressing it.
"No! No! Wait!" Tyler said, but Norman wouldn't stop.
Lucas and Herbie, now holding Tyler's arms so he wouldn't struggle, were busy licking at the boy's nipples as Norman ran his hand freely over the boy's underwear.
"Stop! Stop! Please, stop!" Tyler said.
For an answer, Norman opened the underwear's fly and pulled out Tyler's young penis. It was just as Norman had imagined and he smiled to himself. Brian wouldn't move. He was sitting in front of the action with a boner that hurt beyond belief in his tight jeans. He found the whole situation so arousing that he didn't know how to react. Lucas and Herbie now worked on Tyler's nipples as Norman started rubbing the boy's cock which started to swell almost immediately.
"Stop! Don't, please!" Tyler said again.
He couldn't really understand the feelings he was experiencing but he knew it was wrong to be touched the way he was being touched and there were three men touching him. He was scared but his body sent the opposite message into his slightly drunken teen brain. He got even more scared as Norman pulled down his tighty whiteys leaving him completely exposed. His weenie, however, was hard.
"See, Ty?" Norman asked, "Your cock does like this game!"
And having said so, Norman went down and took the stiff teen tool in his mouth. With all his experience at cock sucking, he used his tongue to pull Tyler's foreskin back and lick at his young teen cockhead. The boy struggled in the men's hands as he was sucked, but Lucas and Herbie were strong and held him in place.
3; please
3; please
3;" he begged once more.
"I think this boy needs a gag, don't you Norman?" Lucas asked.
Norman nodded still sucking at Tyler's cock.
Lucas stood up from his place and undid the button of his pants. He unzipped his fly and took out his huge 20 cm [8 inch] cock. He pulled Tyler's hair to make the boy look straight into his already oozing rod and smiled.
Tyler was not sure what was going on, but Lucas' cock was right in front of his face. It was big and pink headed and veiny all over. The man has an equally big set of balls which hung low under his huge meat.
"Open your mouth, kid," Lucas commanded.
Tyler shook his head, there was no way he was going to suck a man's dick, the sole idea made him feel nauseated.
"I said open your mouth!" Lucas repeated.
When Tyler didn't react, Lucas slapped him hard on the face. Still, he wouldn't open his mouth. He was not going to suck the man's dick. The next minutes a succession of hard slaps against his face made Tyler feel a bit less brave.
"Are you gonna open now, kid?" Lucas asked.
With tears running down his cheeks, Tyler opened his mouth shyly and Lucas pushed his cockhead through the boy's mouth. Why were these men doing this to him? Why was he forced to suck n his man's dick? If he'd only listened to his father and locked his door. Tyler was in shock as the man's cock went inside his mouth. He hated it, he hated the fact that he was being forced to suck on a man's dick. The idea was revolting and he felt nauseated as the big cock pumped inside and out his mouth.
Brian couldn't help himself anymore and approached the group. As Lucas pumped his cock inside Tyler's mouth and Herbie and Norman played with the boy's nipples and cock respectively, He approached Norman.
"Hey man," he said, "Need a hand somewhere?"
"We can always use a hand," Norman said removing Tyler's cock from his mouth, "Wanna give me a hand sucking Tyler here?"
Brian didn't think twice, he kneeled next to Norman and then both started sucking on Tyler's teen cock. They would alternate between his cock and balls making the boy growing delirious with pleasure.
"Guys?" Lucas said, "I think Tyler here needs another flavor of popsicle!"
Herbie stood from his place and undid his pants and took out his gorgeous uncut 18 cm [7 inch] white cock. He approached Tyler and started rubbing his oozing meat on the boy's left cheek. Lucas took his cock our from Tyler's mouth and Herbie pushed his in.
Tyler couldn't believe this was really happening. He was now sucking on a different cock and Norman and Brian were sucking at his. He wanted this madness to stop feeling ashamed at being forced to suck dicks. He knew what men who did that were called, they were called faggots and cocksuckers and fairies. He didn´t want to be a faggot, he was only twelve and he wanted to grow to have a wife and get married. He hated sucking these men's dicks, he felt disgusted at the situation and the cocks face-fucking him, but at the same time he felt ashamed at recognizing he liked being blown by Norman and Brian. How was that even possible? How could he feel so revolted and at the same time feeling such pleasure? Before long, he felt something funny in his crotch, something like an itch, something like he wanted to pee but different.
Norman recognized all the signs and took Tyler's cock only for himself, asking Brian to work on sucking at the boy's young balls. Tyler's young cock started throbbing repeatedly with the unequivocal signs of orgasm.
Tyler felt something unlike anything he had experienced before as his orgasm hit. The heat in his crotch was unbearable as he came for the first time. Just as his midsection contracted, Lucas fucked his face faster and started cumming in his mouth. Tyler had heard the older boys at school talk about marturbation and cumming, but he never thought it would be this horrible. Lucas cock was making so much cum Tyler forced himself to swallow so as not to choke. The thing was slimy and weird and he suddenly felt like he was gonna puke.
"Fuck!" Lucas said, "Oh, fuck man, Tyler! You're one hell of a suckpiece!"
Lucas' remark made Tyler feel even more ashamed. Lucas' comment made him feel like he was nothing but a suckpiece, a hole for the man to throw his cum into. When Lucas withdrew his wilting cock from his mouth, Herbie's cock took its place, as the man announced his eminent cum.
"Oh, fuck, yeah!" Herbie said as his cock started spurting.
Tyler was now swallowing Herbie's spunk. Jet after jet of the man's slime hit against the back of his throat seeming to never stop. He wanted to puke again because Herbie's cum was of a stronger flavor and more abundant, and Tyler kept sucking as the man continued to spurt inside him.
Norman smiled to himself as he noticed Tyler's resistance as he was forced to swallow his friends' spunk. Here was nothing Norman found more attractive than a boy being humiliated this way, being forced to become a sexual toy for their nasty apetites. He sure wished the boy was going to resist once Norman came in his young mouth, forced to swallow the huge load that was being worked inside him. After all, Norman had always been a heavy cummer and right now he was so worked-up he knew he was going to cum in industrial quantities.
Tyler thought the ordeal to be over once he and the man had cum, but the night was far from finishing.
Norman stood from his place and took Tyler in his arms. He gave the boy a long sip of whiskey and then placed him face down on the coffee table. With the help of his friends, he tied the boy's wrists and ankles to the legs of the table.
3; what are you going to do?" Tyler asked a bit scared once again.
"Brian?" Norman said.
"Yes, man," The Afro American replied.
"Can you gag Tyler, please?"
Brian needed no further instruction. He kneeled facing Tyler's face and offered his already drooling cock as he smiled.
Tyler was shocked once more. If Lucas and Herbie had big cocks, Brian's was the biggest of them all. He'd never seen a black cock before, not even at school, and he found the thing scary. This time, however, he didn't need to be encouraged to take Brian's cock in his mouth. He opened and first licked on the man's pee slit. His precum was a lot slimier than Herbie's and Lucas'. Even when Brian's dick was a lot bigger, Tyler found himself trying harder to accommodate the huge dick inside his mouth as if his life depended on it.
Norman smiled as he saw Tyler struggling to suck on Brian's cock and felt his own member stiffen a bit more. He kneeled facing Tyler's ass and started licking on the boy's crack. He went up and down until he found Tyler's virgin asshole. He licked on it savoring the boy's sweet tender taste. He then started pushing with his tongue as to relax the boy's backdoor right before he inserted his middle finger in the never before used pucker.
Tyler wanted to complain as he felt something inserted up his ass, but he couldn't since he had Brian's 23 cm [9 inch] of cock pumping in and out his mouth. He then was sure Norman was pushing a finger up his ass. When he was getting accustomed to the intrusion, a new pierce pain shot through his spine and he felt two fingers.
Norman loved the way Tyler's ass squeezed on his two fingers and pushed a third one in. This boy was definitely one hell of a ride. He couldn't wait any longer to fuck the virgin hole and stood up from his place asking his partners to help him untie Tyler from the coffee table.
Tyler felt a surge of hope as he was untied from the table, thinking the nightmare was over, but before he could completely relax, his wrists were tied behind his back. Norman gave him a new sip of whiskey, this one a lot larger. He was then placed on the coffee table once again but this time face up. The men had placed cushions all over it so he wouldn't hurt his arms. As soon as he'd been placed, Brian brought his huge black cock to his face and Tyler opened his mouth to receive him without refusal.
Norman waited until Tyler's mouth was stuffed and pushed his already lubricated cockhead against Tyler's asshole. Having been fingered, the cockhead went in pretty easily. The challenge was going to be to push the rest of his 20 cm [8 inch] rod.
Tyler felt a burnt in his ass and wanted to scream but he was muffled by Brian's huge black meat. He didn't need to be a genius to know someone had put a dick inside his ass. When he felt like the pain was going away, a new pain shot through him as more of Norman's dick was pushed inside him a bit more. He tried to concentrate on sucking harder at Brian's throbbing meat so as to block out the pain in his ass.
As the boy was being pounded by Brian and Norman in both ends, Herbie went down and took Tyler's stiff young cock in his mouth. As he started sucking on the teen rod, he played with the boy's balls with his left hand. Lucas followed Herbie's cue and went down to work on the boy's nipples.
Tyler felt new ripples of pleasure as his nipples an dick were worked by the perverts and suddenly a new pleasure was born as Norman's cock rubbed against something inside his ass. He found himself sucking Brian at his own pace and suddenly realized it didn't taste that bad anymore. Or was it the whiskey?
Norman was close to cumming and he did not want cum inside Tyler, he wanted to cum in the boy's mouth and force his load down his throat. So he stood from his place and asked Brian to switch places. When Norman approached Tyler's face, the boy opened his mouth wide to receive the man's throbbing cock.
"Here it comes, baby boy!" Norman said as he pushed inside and out Tyler's mouth.
Brian pushed his huge black cock inside Tyler and the boy moaned with Norman's cock in his mouth.
Tyler was far gone into a frenzy he couldn't understand as his body was stimulated at every end. Without even noticing, he had started pushing himself against the black rod pounding his ass as he now sucked on Norman's dick with a little bit too much enthusiasm. As Herbie sucked his now irritated cock, he found himself enjoying every single one of the men's move.
Norman removed his cock from the boy's mouth to let him breathe and Tyler spoke.
"Norman?" he said.
Norman looked at the boy askance.
"Can you untie my wrists," he said between moans, "so I can touch your dick?"
Norman smiled at the request and nodded, so the men withdrew from the boy. He untied Tyler's hands and rested him back against the table. Once there, the boy spread his legs opened so that Brian could go back inside him. When the black man had taken his place back at pounding the boy's ass, Tyler took Norman's cock in his teen hands pulling it towards his mouth. Lucas and Herbie stood up from their positions and kneeled at both sides of young Tyler.
Tyler was confused but horny and, as he sucked on Norman's dick, his hands found Lucas' and Herbie's and he started jerking both men.
Brian got even hornier and started pounding the boy's ass more savagely. Norman felt his own cock throb repeatedly announcing his orgasm.
"Drink it, baby boy! Here it comes!" Norman said.
Tyler sucked even harder only at Norman's dickhead and he quickly felt the man spurt the first jet of cum. Then a second. A third. The flow didn't seem to stop and Tyler thought he liked Norman's cock better as well as his cum. It was thick and slimy and he found himself thinking it was delicious. As Norman came in his mouth, Lucas and Herbie started cumming all over his chest and face and Brian inside his ass. When Brian's first rope of cum hit his insides, Tyler started cumming without even being manipulated.
When Norman was done cumming, Tyler wiped his cock clean. The other men circled him so he could suck all of them clean too and Tyler found it that he was enjoying wiping all four cocks with his tongue. He was then brought up on his feet and Norman kissed him deeply. Lucas, Herbie and Brian also took their turn kissing him as Norman went down to lick the boy's cock clean.
When Norman sat down after the abusive orgy, Tyler cuddled against him. Herbie sat next to Tyler and started kissing the boy's neck as all of the men caressed his violated body. Norman kissed him once again and looked into the boy's eyes.
"You were one hell of a fuck, Tyler," he said tenderly, "We definitely have to do this again."
Tyler started whimpering as he realized he had been violently abused by four men and he had liked it. His ass now felt empty without anything inside and he played with Norman's cock in his teen hands as tears bathed his face.
"We have to get going now," Norman said.
They stood up and started dressing. Tyler looked as the men dressed and felt terrified at the prospect of being left alone to face his father the following morning he knew he wouldn't be able to look his father in the eye after tonight. When all men had finished dressing, Tyler approached Norman.
"Norman?" he asked.
"Yes, Tyler?"
"Can I go with you?"
"Go with me? Where?"
"Wherever you're going," Tyler said, "I can't stay home. Not after tonight. I can't face my father. I
3;" he started whimpering again.
"Hey," Norman said, "Quiet down. I'd like that a lot, but we can't do it just tonight."
"Please, please!" Tyler pleaded.
Norman slapped Tyler hard across the face.
"Man up!" he said, "If you're coming with me I expect you to be obedient and never talk back. I'm not an easy person to live with."
"I don't care!" Tyler said, "I wanna go with you! I can't stay!"
Norman pondered the situation and took the boy upstairs. He helped him get dressed and asked him to write a letter to his father saying he was running away from home because he couldn't live with the fact that his dad was gay.
When the letter was done, Norman took Tyler down stairs and, as they jumped in the van, Brian sat Tyler in his lap and put his hand inside the boy's underwear. Tyler moaned as the Afro American started fiddling with his limp cock. As Norman drove, Tyler saw his house disappear in the distance not completely sure of what was to become of him.
Chapter 5 Runs in the Family — Sebastian —
Characters: Sebastian (12yo), Robert Walker, Sebastian's father (40yo), George Hayes, school counselor (37yo), The man in the leather mask (?yo)
Mr. Hayes was standing at the school's door as every morning to receive his teenagers. He'd been a school counselor for over ten years now and he had made a habit out of receiving the kids to school every morning. He was a loved man, and kids and parents respected him all the same. He was greeting everyone when he saw Sebastian Walker accompanied by his father, Robert.
Sebastian was one of Mr. Hayes' favorite students. Every year he had one or two that he liked very much, and Sebastian was definitely his top favorite this year. He was about 1.60 and slender with milky white skin and jet black hair. Definitely tall for his age, but a late bloomer, as Mr. Hayes had verified during swimming class, noticing how Sebastian's bulge under his speedo looked more like that of a ten year older. Sebastian smiled and waved his hand at Mr. Hayes and the man smiled widely. Mr. Hayes loved the way Sebastian smiled, more with his small brown eyes than with his mouth.
Robert Walker, Sebastian's father, approached Mr. Hayes as the boys walked inside the school.
"George," Robert said, "Good morning."
"Good Morning, Robert."
3; do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you about something."
"Sure thing. Come into my office."
Robert Walker followed George Hayes inside the school and into the man's office. Mr. Hayes sat behind his wooden desk and signaled Robert to sit on the chair across from him. Robert was sure he was doing the right thing talking to George. They'd known each other since Sebastian was eight and Robert totally trusted the man.
"You seem troubled, Robert," George said, "Is everything okay?"
Robert looked at George hesitating once more if he wanted to let the man know what was going on, but he made up his mind.
"Well, you know how hard it was for all of us when Mary Ann died, and how hard it's been for Sebastian to reach out," he said.
"I know. Is he having issues again? Nightmares?" George asked.
"No, George, not really. It's a different sort of thing."
"Well, Robert, I'm listening," George said smiling.
"I caught Sebastian masturbating a couple of nights ago."
"Robert, dear," George said, "You know that is perfectly normal for a twelve year older. Sebastian has probably reached the age where he's going to start exploring his own sexuality. I don't think you should worry about that."
"I know. I know it's perfectly normal, however, since than night he won't talk to me. I want to tell him it's okay to masturbate, but he has just locked inside himself again and doesn't want to let me in."
"Do you want me to talk to him, Robert?"
"He trusts you," Robert said, "As we all do."
"I appreciate that, Robert," George said.
"It's true. I don't know if you're aware of how much trust you engender, George."
"You think Sebastian would talk to me
"You're not his father, George. He trusts you like all the kids in this school. And you're a counselor and a therapist."
George smiled and nodded. It was true he was loved and trusted and a very respected figure, probably more than the principal himself.
"Tell you what," George said, "Bring him by my private office today and let's see what I can do, okay?"
"You're an angel, George," Robert said smiling.
"Oh, shut up!" George said and grinned.
He stood up from his chair and walked Robert outside the school. He found it funny how parents got a bit too worried over boy's discovery of masturbation, especially considering that they had gone through that process themselves. George, however, did not have any children of his own and wondered how he would react.
Anyway, it was early morning and he had a lot of stuff to do, so he went to his desk to see about the day's agenda.
Sebastian felt uncomfortable that his father was taking him to a counseling session with Mister Hayes, because he knew it had to do with the fact that he'd been caught jerking his dick. On the other hand, he felt good that he was taken to Mister Hayes, because he really liked the man. He was kind and gentle and always had a good word for the boys. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad now that he thought about it.
Robert was relieved that Sebastian had agreed to see Geroge. He was sure his son would talk to the kind man. Robert had omitted telling George that he'd caught Sebastian masturbating to an S&M magazine. He had purposefully omitted that fact since he didn't know how he would've explained that fact that the magazine was his. Since his wife had died almost five years before, he had not found the time to date. He had, however, found the time for masturbation and exploration of his own sexuality.
He did not remember how the S&M Magazine "Owned" had come into his possession, but it had very quickly piqued his interest. Over the past three years he had had all sorts of fantasies about bondage and torture, and he'd even bought some toys with which he experimented on himself, but he'd never gotten involved with anyone, he was way too scared to take action.
The fact that Sebastian had been jerking off to the magazine had made Robert feel ashamed at himself for not being careful enough to keep his magazines safe. He was scared that he could affect Sebastian's sexual perceptions with his naughty and morbid fascination for S&M.
George Hayes smiled as Robert and Sebastian entered his office.
"Hello Robert, Sebastian," he said.
"Hello, George," Robert said.
"Hi, Mister Hays!" Sebastian greeted.
George Hayes asked Sebastian to sit down and then asked Robert to step outside his office while the counselor talked with his son. Robert knew his boy was in good hands and walked outside the office. George Hayes walked to his own chair and sat down while Sebastian drummed the arms of the armchair with his fingers showing nervousness.
"So," Mister Hayes said, "how are you, Sebastian?"
The boy shrugged in response and beamed shyly.
"Not very talkative today, are we?" he asked grinning.
Sebastian shrugged again.
"Your dad is worried you know?" he said in a soothing voice, "not because he caught you masturbating
Sebastian's eyes opened wide at the easiness with which Mister Hayes had said the word masturbation.
"… but because he thinks you're kicking him out."
Sebastian stared at the floor as Mister Hayes spoke. Maybe his father didn't understand that he was okay, but he didn't want to talk about his masturbatory sessions. He felt embarrassed enough as it was and he didn't need to feel more ashamed by talking to his father about how he'd felt when his father had come into his room and had found him pants and underwear to his ankles wanking his still short 13 cm [5 inches] dick to one of his weird magazines.
So far, Sebastian had wanked to regular fantasies until he'd come across the magazines. Over the past six months he'd seen most of his father's "Owned" magazines and he even had his favorite ones. He didn't know why, but seeing the women and men in his father's magazines tied to chairs and gagged as they were fucked in their holes by different dicks and objects had made his young dick stiffen. He found it arousing and wasn't sure if it was something he had inherited from his father, the taste for that kind of thing.
"Sebastian?" Mister Hayes said.
"Yes, Mister Hayes?" Sebastian said still looking at the floor.
"Can you look at me?"
Sebastian nodded and looked up. Mister Hayes stood up and walked towards Sebastian sitting down next to him.
"You know there's nothing to be ashamed of, right?" Mister Hayes said, "Masturbating is a very natural thing for every boy to do when puberty hits. I know it's still a topic which is considered taboo in this day and age, but believe me, there's nothing wrong with it."
"For real?" Sebastian asked.
"For real. You know what I think?"
Sebastian nodded waiting for the piece of advice.
"I think you and your dad should sit down and talk about this like father and son."
"You think?" the boy asked.
"I do. We could do it here, you know? I could ask him to come into my office so we three could talk about it."
Sebastian went silent pondering the situation before he uttered an answer. He wasn't sure that was a good idea, but he did want to talk to his father.
"What do you say?" Mister Hayes asked.
"No," Sebastian said firmly, "I'll talk to him."
"You sure?" Mister Hayes asked.
"I am."
"Good. I'm going to ask you to now wait outside while I talk to you dad, okay buddy?"
Sebastian stood up and, out of the blue, hugged Goerge Hayes. The man felt delighted and tried to push away so Sebastian wouldn't see the physical reaction he'd caused in the man, namely, a hard throbbing erection.
George Hayes had always felt physically attracted to boys around Sebastian's age and the boy was a beauty who stood out among his peers. The reason why George Hayes was single was a mystery to mostly everyone, but he well knew he'd never be able to have a relationship, since anyone he felt attracted to was thirteen or under.
Robert came into the office and closed the door behind him. George offered the man to sit down on the chair across from him.
"So," Robert said, "How did it go?"
"He's going to talk to you," George said as he smiled, "I talked to him about how it was not wrong to masturbate and that there was nothing shameful on it. He said he'll talk to you and I trust he will."
"Thanks, George. I truly appreciate it."
"I think you should give him some space, you know?" George said.
"How so?"
"When was the last time you dated, Robert?"
Robert felt himself blushing at the question.
"I imagined so. Robert, Mary Ann passed away almost five years ago. Don't you think it's time you went back in the scene? You're a young and good looking successful man, I'm sure plenty of ladies would die to date you."
3; uh
3; I'll think about it, George."
"You know what you should do? You should go out over the weekend, give yourself an escapade, give Sebastian some room at home to maneuver about his recently discovered favorite hobby, if you know what I mean," George said making a jerk off motion with his right hand.
"I'll think about that too. Thanks, George. Really."
Robert felt relieved and left the office not without thanking George for talking to his son. George Hayes had gotten offended as Robert had asked how much he would be charged for the counseling session, so he'd just shown Robert why everybody loved him so much.
The whole road back home both Robert and Sebastian had been quiet, probably because they didn't know how to begin the awkward conversation they needed to have. As soon as they arrived home, Sebastian went to his room, but Robert wasn't going to let his son slip away and lock him out again, so he walked to his son's bedroom. He knocked on the door and waited.
"Sebastian?" he said, "Can I come in, son?"
"Sure, dad," Sebastian replied from the other side of the room.
Robert came inside to find Sebastian sitting on the bed and he sat down next to him.
"So," he said, "Was it good with George?"
Sebastian nodded.
"Son," Robert said, "I'm really sorry about invading your privacy and
"You didn't," Sebastian said, "It was just so embarrassing that you knew I'd taken your magazine to jack off, you know?"
"That's what I wanted to apologize about, Sebastian. I think I should've been more careful in placing my magazines out of your reach. You're still so young and
"Dad," Sebastian interrupted him, "I like your magazines."
"That's what I'm talking about, son. I'm an adult and
"Is there something wrong with me liking your magazines, dad?" Sebastian asked.
Robert remained silent for a second. He did not know what to say so as not to confuse his son after George had told him it was perfectly normal to explore his sexuality.
"No, Sebastian," he said, "there's nothing wrong with you liking my magazines, it's just that
3; it's not the average thing a teenager jacks off to. Most kids your age masturbate to playboy and the sort and
"Why do you like them, dad?" Sebastian asked.
"Why do you like your magazines? Most of them are women tied and fucked," Sebastian said matter of factly, "but in a couple of them there's also men tied and fucked. Some of them have very strange objects over their dicks and balls."
Robert felt his face burning as his son touched the point, but he had to be open and honest to Sebastian if he wanted his son to ever trust him again.
"I'm not completely sure, Sebastian," he said, "I find them arousing. The whole bondage
3; tied up thing makes something click in my brain
3; it just makes me horny, I guess."
"Do you
3; do you feel like doing this to someone, or do you want someone do this to you?"
Robert knew that what Sebastian was now asking was whether his father was a Dom or a Sub, even if he didn't know the proper terms. Robert felt utterly nervous at having this conversation with his thirteen year old son, but he wanted to be truly honest to him.
"To tell you the truth, Sebastian," he said, "I don't think I have it clear."
Sebastian nodded.
"How about you, son?" Robert found himself asking.
"I don't know. Maybe I'd like to be the one doing the stuff?"
"Is that so?" Robert asked.
Sebastian nodded. So Sebastian was showing signs of leaning towards being a Dom.
"But the pics really make me horny," Sebastian continued, "Actually
"Yes, son?"
"Both women and men pics make me horny, dad. What
3; what does that mean, dad? If I like men tied and fucked
3; does that mean I'm a faggot?" he asked with concern in his face.
"That's a horrible word, son," he said.
"That's what people call them, dad."
"I know, but it's still a horrid word. I think homosexual or gay are better terms," Robert said.
"So, am I gay?"
"I'm not sure if seeing bound men being fucked means you're gay, but I think we both now share a secret, huh?"
Sebastian nodded and Robert dragged his son against him to hug him.
"You know I love you, Sebastian, don't you?"
"I do, daddy."
"I want you to grow free, son. And I want you to never ever feel embarrassed or ashamed at your own sexuality. I'll never stop loving you, no matter what. You can ask me anything, anything."
"Can I borrow your magazines tonight?" Sebastian asked smiling.
"Of course you can, you devil!" Robert said winking at his son.
He stood up from the bed and started walking outside the room, when Sebastian called.
"Yes, son?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Sebastian," he said and went to his own bedroom.
Robert was in his living room right after dinner. Sebastian was in his room and Robert had just finished doing some numbers. He had decided to carry on with George Hayes' suggestion, so he walked to the phone and dialed the counselor's number.
"Hello?" George said.
"George? It's Robert Walker."
"Oh, Robert! Everything okay?"
"Everything great, George. Thanks for asking. Listen, I wanted to ask you for a huge favor."
"Yes, Robert. What can I do for you?"
"I decided to follow your advice and give Sebastian some room. I'm going off over the weekend and, well I was wondering if you'd be willing to babysit for Sebastian."
"Robert," George said, "If you have someone babysit for Sebastian, he won't have the room you're planning on giving him over the weekend."
"George, I can't leave him home alone, he's just twelve!"
"Robert, nothing will happen to him over a couple of days. I think you should talk it over with Sebastian and leave him in charge. I'm sure he'll appreciate that."
3; "
"Robert, are you still there?"
3; um
3; George, are you sure?"
"Robert, believe me, Sebastian will be better off on his own, with plenty of time to play with himself, if you know what I mean."
"Will you," Robert said, "Will you at least drop by over the weekend to see if he's alright?"
"I can totally do that, Robert. But I don't think it's necessary, I think Sebastian will be perfectly okay on his own."
"Thanks George. I'll feel a lot safer if you drop by a couple of times."
"You can count on it. Do make sure Sebastian has my phone number in case he might need something, okay?"
"I'll do that. Thanks again George."
"Bye now."
Robert hung up and walked upstairs to tell Sebastian about the weekend. Sebastian's door was ajar and just as he was about to come inside the bedroom he stopped. Sebastian was lying on his bed, pants and underwear down to his ankles. From this vantage point Robert knew Sebastian couldn't see him, since the magazine covered the boy's face.
Sebastian was holding the magazine with his right hand close to his face as he masturbated with his left one. Robert felt ashamed at having walked in on his son again as he jerked off, but for a reason unknown to him, he did not walk away. He stopped there behind the door looking at his own son jacking off to one of his favorite issues of "Owned", the one in which a man was X-tied with his cock and balls being electrified.
As he looked at his son pumping his teen cock up and down, Robert felt his own cock swelling inside his underwear. This was wrong. It was sick. And yet, he couldn't keep his eyes from his son's cock as Sebastian worked himself up. Almost instinctively he grabbed his cock and squeezed on it through his pants. He could feel the wet stain of his precum inside his boxers as he watched his son wanking.
It didn't take long for Sebastian to shoot his load and Robert rushed to his bathroom. Once there, he locked the door and started jerking as if there was no tomorrow. As he worked his rod images of Sebastian masturbating in his bed filled his head.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he exclaimed as he spurted his load thinking of Sebastian.
When he was done cumming and started wiping his cock clean with a towel, he felt ashamed at himself for having jerked off to his son. How was it possible that the image of his own son masturbating had gotten him so horny? He felt dirty and ashamed, but he couldn't get the image of Sebastian cumming to his favorite issue of "Owned". George was right, it was time for him to start dating.
Sebastian sighed as he let himself fall on the couch in the living room. His dad had gone away for the weekend and he had the house completely to himself now. It was Friday afternoon and his dad wouldn't be coming back until Sunday night, so he was glad he was going to have time to wank for a while over his father's magazines.
Knowing he'd be alone for the weekend, his cock was already hard anticipating the masturbation of a lifetime under the spell of the several issues of "Owned" magazine his father had left for him to have fun with. He went to the kitchen to heat up the pizza his dad had left for him two hours ago, as he departed. When the pizza was done, he took it to the living room and turned on the TV. They were giving V, and he sat to watch as he ate.
He was halfway through his slice when the bell rang. Sebastian stood up from the coach and went to the door. Before opening, like a smart boy, he asked.
"Who is it?"
"Mister Hayes!" Sebastian said opening the door for his school counselor, "What can I do for you?"
"Actually my dear, I dropped by to see if everything's okay back here. You know? Your dad was worried about you staying home alone and the sort, and he asked me to keep an eye on you."
"I'm fine, Mister Hayes. Would you like to join me for a slice of pizza?"
"Not really, Sebastian," the man said, "I just stopped by to check in, and since you're okay, I'm going home. Lock the door, please. And don't stay up late!"
"I won't, Mister Hayes. Thanks for dropping by!"
Mister Hayes left and Sebastian locked the door after the man. He then went back to the living room to watch TV and finish up his pizza. It was probably nine o'clock when he went to his bedroom, anticipating a great time with his dad's magazines.
He was placing the magazines on the bed when he had the distinct impression of hearing noise downstairs. He approached his door and opened it paying attention to see if he could hear anything. He walked the aisle to the stairs and stopped there.
"Hello?" he asked now obviously nervous.
He didn't hear any other noise but stood there looking down.
"Hello?" he asked again.
There was no reply. He sighed assuring himself he was just being paranoid and walked back to his room. He entered the bedroom and started walking back to his bed, when someone grabbed him from behind placing a cloth over his nose and mouth.
Sebastian panicked. There was a burglar in the house and he was home alone! He tried to struggle but the man seemed strong. As he struggled, he noticed how his eyelids started feeling heavier by the minute until, eventually, he lost consciousness.
Chapter 6 The House — Stephen —
Characters: Stephen (12yo), Alec Lovett (32yo), Andrew (27yo), Three (28yo), Seven (22yo), Doctor Summers (40yo), Mister X (?yo), Brother Alpha (37yo), Brother Echo (40yo), Brother Sierra (34yo), Brother Tango (32yo), Brother Whiskey (36yo), Nineteen (14yo)
"Stephen?" Alec said, "You can go home now, I can finish the cleaning."
"No, Mr. Lovett," Stephen said in his sweet boy voice, "We're almost done. I'm fine."
Alec Lovett smiled. Stephen was the sweetest boy ever, and Alec really appreciated what Stephen did helping him in the Shelter for Homeless that Lovett ran. He knew Stephen was a loved kid because he was a boy who would always do anything in his power to help people. That was the reason why all his classmates and neighbors liked him so much. He'd always been a good student and a very kind-hearted boy.
"Stephen, really," Alec said looking at the blue-eyed dark haired boy, "I can finish this up. Go home."
"Are you sure?" Stephen asked.
"Absolutely!" Mr. Lovett said.
Stephen smiled at the man and took off his apron.
"Thanks for everything, Stephen," the man said.
Stephen smiled and said goodbye. It was around seven in the afternoon, but being winter it was already dark outside. Stephen put on his gray and blue puff jacket, his winter hat and his scarf and walked outside the shelter.
His house was only a twenty minute walk, but the street look deserted and Stephen tried walking faster getting slightly nervous. As he walked, he wondered if he should've stayed and waited for Mr. Lovett, but he told himself he was just being paranoid.
He decided to cut through the park and headed that way. It was dark and the park was deserted. Stephen started walking a bit faster and didn't really know what hit him. He remembered falling to the ground when the whole world went black.
Andrew had been at "The House" for several years now, and he'd become a pro at snatching boys. He was more than satisfied with himself as he cuffed Stephen. He had been observing the boy for nearly a month now and knew he'd chosen correctly. The boy was a docile teen and always reaching out to help people. Mr. X was going to be more than pleased with the acquisition.
Looking around one more time to verify there were no witnesses, Andrew picked the boy up and put him in the back of the van where Three and Seven awaited. Before gagging the boy, he took out a syringe and administered the strong sedative, just to be on the safe side. After all, he didn't want Stephen to become awake before time was called.
Three and Seven smiled as Andrew handed them the young boy. Three's cock stiffened almost instantly as he saw Stephen. The boy was white as milk with very dark hair. His cheeks where slightly blushed more likely because of the weather. He was 1.40 meters tall and slim.
Andrew walked to the driver's seat and put the van in motion. It was a 50 kilometer drive and the sooner they got on the road, the better. Seven moved on to removing the boy's snickers and socks, while Three uncuffed Stephen so he could take off the boy's jacket, shirt and undershirt. As Three removed the undershirt, Seven took off the boy's pants and underwear.
Three realized once again that Stephen was quite the catch. Even if the boy was still in an early stage of development, his body was slim and showing a possibly muscular body as he grew. His nipples were so pink Three felt a droplet of precum staining his leather suspender. He noticed the boy had a cock that was a bit too big for his age. It was around five cm [2 inches] as it rested limp over the boy's also well sized balls crowned by a heavy patch of black pubes.
"Master Drew?" Three called at the man driving the van.
"Yes, Three?"
"This boy seems a little big for his age, if you know what I mean," he said, "Are we sure he's within age range?"
"I certainly hope you are not overstepping your position to question a master, Three," Andrew said, "But yes, he is twelve. He is over-developed for his age, which was the reason why I picked him for Mister X. When hard, his cock is almost 16 cm [6 inches]. And you have yet to see the size of his cockhead."
Three smiled as he fondled the young boy's cock and the thing came to life. Master Drew was right, the boy's cockhead was evidently big even through the heavy foreskin covering it. He peeled the foreskin back and a red knob-shaped well sized cockhead showed. Three squeezed on it and a gob of precum rolled down.
The boy's balls were also big for his age and hung low, Three was sure this boy was most definitely going to become one of Mister X's favorites. Maybe even one of Mister X's famous milk boys. Three smiled to himself as he remembered that he himself had been a milk boy to Mister X when he had been kidnapped almost sixteen years before and for almost four years after; once past sixteen Mister X thought boys were past his prime.
When the boy had been removed all his clothes, Three placed the boy's collar which had a small plate with the number 27 embossed on it. Once the collar had been secured, Seven turned the boy around and Three lubed the boy's rear entrance. He then lubed and inserted a ribbed small butt plug up the boy's ass. Stephen mumbled something unintelligible, since he was still heavily sedated.
Three's cock was definitely very hard now and the man wished it wouldn't be long before he had a chance to do the boy himself.
Once Stephen had been properly plugged, Seven placed the soft ball gag on the boy's mouth and fastened the straps behind the boy's back. Unlike Three, Seven was not particularly aroused by the kidnap. Back at the house, there were still some masters that enjoyed having their way with Seven's body, and for him that was more than enough.
When Stephen came back to his senses, he noticed his hands had been placed leather mittens and then tied behind his back with padded cuffs. There were two men in the room whose faces were covered by similar leather masks. Stephen wanted to ask what was going on when he realized there was a sort of gag inside his mouth and attached to the back of his head.
He noticed then the men were naked from the head down, save for a sort of leather pants opened up front with their dicks hanging freely. Both men placed him inside a tub and scrubbed him clean in a rather harsh manner with cold water.
When they were done, one of them held him while the other applied a sort of ointment on his pubic region and balls. Ten minutes later and using a cold wet cloth, the man who had applied the cream wiped all of it. When the man was done, Stephen noticed his black pubes no longer existed.
Once he'd been showered, Stephen was taken to a dark room where his wrists were uncuffed. Stephen felt a certain degree of relief which didn't last, for he was made to bend over a weird looking contraption and his arms and legs tied to the four legs of the object. Even if he was gagged, Stephen started complaining.
"If you take it like a man," one of the masked guys whispered in his hear as he removed Stephen's ball gag, "they won't hurt you much."
Stephen turned as much as his restrains allowed him to. A group of men now entered the room and approached him. One of them placed his adult hands over the boy's back.
"Don't touch me!" he shouted.
Before he could say anything else, he received a hard slap on his left cheek. Shocked by the fact he'd been slapped, Stephen remained silent. The man who had touched his back was now openly caressing his back and then moved down to caress the boy's wonderful looking bubble butt.
"Stop it!" He yelled.
A new slap across his face.
Another man approached and started touching his ass cheeks too. Both men were now openly touching the boy's butt and Stephen felt an embarrasment unlike anything he'd ever experienced before in life.
"My father will be looking for me!" Stephen shouted this time.
This time he received three slaps in succession as one of the man said, "Shut the fuck up, bitch!"
"I'm not a bitch!" Stephen yelled back.
The man slapped him three more times. Tears were now running down Stephen's cheeks.
"The sooner you shut up, the better," the man said.
"Hello, Twenty seven," a deep voice said from somewhere in the room.
3; where am I?" Stephen asked in his still preteen's voice.
"I don't think there's any good in you knowing where you are, Twenty seven," the man said, "What you should know is you are never leaving."
"Why?" Stephen asked.
"Because now you're mine. You're ours."
"Let me go!" Stephen said only to be silenced by two new slaps.
"We expect full cooperation from our slaves, boy," the man with the deep voice said.
"Slave? I'm not your slave!" Stephen shouted again.
The man with the deep voice approached the light and Stephen was able to look upon him for the very first time. He was wearing a hood, which prevented the boy from looking at the man's face. He was also wearing a leather jacket with zippers all over, and a jockstrap, like the ones worn by the boys in the football team, but made out of leather.
The man approached Stephen and all of the other men withdrew. It was obvious to Stephen this man was sort of a leader among these people.
"You have one big mouth Twenty seven," the man said, "Let's see if that big mouth can accommodate one big cock."
The man unzipped his leather jockstrap letting his huge 20 cm [8 inches] hard cock show. He commanded Twenty seven to open his mouth, but the boy did not reply. The man slapped the boy's face and commanded again. Tears were now welled up in the boy's eyes, but he still wouldn't open.
"I think Twenty seven needs a bit more encouragement," the man said, "Brother Echo, would you do me the honor?"
"I'll be pleased to, Brother Alpha," the other man said.
Stephen was just going to ask what was going on, when a searing pain shot through his back. He muffled his scream refusing to open his mouth.
"Meet Brother Echo's cane," Brother Alpha said, "You'll open that big mouth of yours by the time Brother Echo has finished with you."
By the sixth stroke of the cane Stephen finally screamed and Brother Alpha slapped him hard for screaming. Brother Echo, however, did not stop until he'd reached twelve strokes of the cane. Stephen was frantically screaming and the tears now freely ran through his sweet, tender face.
"So, Twenty seven," Brother Alpha said bringing his cock very close to Stephen's mouth, "Are you ready to open your mouth for my cock now?"
Stephen looked at the huge cock in front of him, a funny slimy transparent liquid oozing from the pee-slit and he automatically closed his mouth once again.
Brother Alpha tended to be a patient master, and he felt like he had to give Stephen the chance to change his mind before inflicting more pain. So, he rubbed his cockhead all over Stephen's lips, smearing his abundant precum on the boy's mouth.
"So, Twenty seven," Brother Alpha said, "are you gonna open that big mouth of yours?"
Stephen was now whimpering as Brother Alpha's cock was rubbed all over his mouth and cheeks, but he couldn't bring himself to open his mouth to take a cock inside. The sole idea of sucking at the man's cock was so disgusting he felt nauseated.
"Brother Echo," Brother Alpha said losing his patience, "I believe Twenty seven needs further encouragement. Would you please try a different approach?"
When Brother Echo walked to the end of the room and came back, Brother Alpha grinned noticing the instrument on Echo's hand; the man was definitely a sadist. Brother Echo stood behind Stephen and without warning gave him a stroke of the flog
3; in the balls.
Stephen screamed to the top of his lungs as a sharp stinging pain ran all the way from his balls to his brain. He felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he hadn't had time to recover when it happened again, and again, and again.
Brother Alpha signaled Brother Echo to stop and brought his cock to Stephen's mouth once again.
"Are you ready to open now, Twenty seven? Or do you want brother Echo to continue punishing you until you do so?"
Stephen reluctantly opened his mouth not wanting any more pain.
Brother Alpha's patience had won out, so without any consideration, he pushed half his cock inside the boy's mouth. He pushed in and out, getting Twenty seven accustomed to the size of an adult cock. Later on, he'd make sure the boy was properly trained on cock sucking.
Stephen felt the man's cock piston in and out his mouth mercilessly, each time a larger portion of it, until he started gagging.
As Brother Apha kept on face-fucking Stephen, he nodded for the other brothers of the order to approach the boy. Brother Echo, who had enjoyed making Stephen squirm in pain, went down to have a go at the boy's genitals. His favorite boy part was always the balls, so he started by slightly slapping and tugging at Stephen's young baby makers.
Brother Sierra knelt next to Brother Echo and started caressing the boy's asshole, his top favorite boy part. He started by caressing the boy's hole in circles as Brother Echo had fun with the new slave's balls. Brother Alpha was now clearly deepthroating the boy relentlessly.
"Brothers," Brother Alpha said, "I'm very close now!"
Stephen noticed other men approaching him. He wasn't really able to see much since he was tied up on all fours with Brother Alpha's cock shoved down his throat, but he noticed that all of the other men approaching were also wearing hoods over their heads, their cocks also free and all of them hard as hell. All men started masturbating around Stephen, when Brother Alpha announced he was cumming.
Brother Alpha pulled his cock almost completely out from the boy's mouth, save for his cockhead, just as his first rope of thick cum erupted in the boy's mouth. The boy tried to jerk away, but Brother Alpha kept his head steady so he could empty his balls inside the boy.
"Swallow, Twenty seven," Brother Alpha said, "Swallow it all!"
Stephen had no choice but to swallow the thick liquid as it was shot to his mouth, some of the spurts hitting the back of his throat. All the men around him started cheering Brother Alpha up as Brother Echo kept abusing his young balls. The other man, Brother Sierra, was openly finger fucking Stephen.
No sooner had Brother Alpha removed his cock from Stephen's mouth, when a different one was shoved inside his mouth. The man had probably been masturbating all the way through the ordeal, because he came rather quickly, forcing a new and differently flavored load inside his mouth and down his throat.
Then came another.
Then Another.
And another.
Stephen lost track of how many cumloads he had swallowed, when he felt something moist and warm around his own cock, quickly realizing someone was sucking his dick.
Brother Tango was genuinely surprised as he started sucking at Twenty seven's cock. The boy was definitely well endowed for a twelve year older. His hard cock was probably around 16½ cm [6½ inches] and around 13 cm [5 inches] in girth. The boy's cockhead was helmet shaped and large.
"Hello, Twenty seven," a new hooded man said, "I'm Brother Whiskey."
Stephen had very little time to react as a cock was removed and Brother Whiskey brought his own cock to the boy's mouth. It was possibly the longest cock Stephen had seen in the room and gasped. The thing was huge and veiny all over with a cockhead which couldn't possibly be real.
Brother Whiskey smiled as he slapped his twenty four centimeter rod on the boy's cheeks, smearing his abundant precum all over the boy's face.
Stephen knew better than to refuse and he opened his mouth wide to receive the huge cock inside his mouth.
"Now, that's a good boy," Brother Whiskey said, "and I always know how to treat a good boy."
The man did not force himself upon the boy, in fact, he let Twenty seven suck him at his own leisure.
Stephen knew better than to react negatively to the man, who by all means had been the most considerate with him. With a feeling of confusion in his own mind, Stephen found himself wanting to reciprocate the man's kindness by sucking him at the best of his poor oral abilities and sucked fiercely on the purple huge cockhead. Adding up to his confusion, Brother Tango's mouth in his young cock was building up a heat from within which he didn't understand, but was more than pleasurable.
"Take your time, Twenty seven," Brother Whiskey said, "There's no rush. Yeah, keep sucking it like that
Brother Whiskey found it arousing that, of all the other brothers whom Twenty seven had sucked already, he would be the one the boy would suck willingly. Ever so tenderly, Brother Whiskey started caressing the boy's hair as he was given a sloppy yet willing blowjob.
It didn't take long for Brother Whiskey to feel the contraction of his balls which announced his eminent orgasm.
Stephen did not have to be coerced into swallowing the man's thick cum, he thought if he'd already had swallowed everyone else's, he would swallow this man's all the better, since he had been the ony one who had so far been nice to him. The thick and long cock throbbed inside Stephen's mouth and Brother Whiskey's first rope of cum was shot hitting the back of his throat. The man was not only well endowed, but also a heavy cummer, so Stephen found himself swallowing an endless flow of thick man cum.
"Brother Tango," Brother Alpha told the man sucking at Twenty seven's cock, "It would be wise to stop now, we don't want Twenty seven to spill his seed before his physical."
Brother Tango stopped sucking at the boy's cock and stood from his place.
"Three," Brother Alpha turned to address one of the slaves who had brought Stephen in, "Twenty seven should be in Doctor Summers' office in one hour. Make sure he's clean and ready."
"Will do, master," Three answered sheepishly.
One by one all of the brother's left the room and Three and Seven gathered many of the other slaves still present to have them assist in removing Twenty seven from the rack. Three placed the ball gag on the boy before proceding to releasing him from the horse rack. Untying the new one was a process which many slaves took advantage of to touch, poke and squeeze at the new boy's tender areas.
Stephen was again unable to complain as he was fondled by a group of possibly nine slaves of ages ranging from thirteen to twenty eight. One of the slaves, a young red haired boy addressed as Nineteen was as bold as to take Stephen's cock in his own mouth to suck him for a while.
For the very first time since his arrival, Stephen -or better, Twenty seven- became aware of the fact that he was more likely never leaving that place.
Chapter 7 Leonard — Ethan —
Characters: Ethan (12yo), Leonard, Ethan's brother (19yo), Norman, the suited man (42yo), Nathan, the blond man (30yo), Lucas, the red haired (27yo), Barry, the wrestler like chub (21yo), Herbie, the Shaggy (26yo)
Leonard woke up when the clock under his nightstand lamp read 10:00 am. He had been so very tired the night before after having had wild sex wit his boyfriend, that he went straight to bed without checking on his brother and he felt a bit guilty.
But he felt happy as well, sex with his boyfriend was wild and amazing. The only thing Leonard regretted was the fact that they had to hide from people. It was Leonard's fault, he was still not ready to come out and his boyfriend had not insisted.
He stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take his morning piss.
When he was done, he walked out of his bedroom and knocked on Ethan's.
"Wake up sleepyhead!" he said, "it's 10 am already!"
When there was no answer, he knocked once more time.
"Ethan?" he said, "Are you sleeping buddy?"
When there was no reply, Leonard opened the door only to realize the bed was made and there was no sign of Ethan.
"Ethan?" he said coming out of the room and walking downstairs, "Ethan?"
As he walked through the stairs the bell rang twice. Leonard ran the rest of the stairs down and opened the front door of the house. There was nobody at the door and he walked a couple of steps, only to trip with a package. It was one of those yellow folder sized envelopes. Written by hand it only read Leonard Campbell.
Leonard picked up the envelope and walked inside the house. Curious as he was, the nineteen year older tore the envelope as soon as he'd closed the door. There was a videotape inside whose label only read Ethan. Puzzled by the tape on his hands, he ran back up to his bedroom, turned on his TV and inserted the superbeta on the VCR.
The tape began with his brother, Ethan, tied up in an X position over a weird looking contraption which reminded Leonard of a surgeon's bed. Little Ethan had been blindfolded and had been placed a weird sort of ball gag in his mouth.
"What the
Someone walked into the frame, a naked man with a hood over his head. He was tall and muscular and Leonard could make out a beard, goatee or french fork under the man's hood.
"Well, what do we have here?" the man said, "Little Ethan is already awake!"
"So I see!" another naked man said walking inside the frame. This one was a bit chubby and slightly built, as if the guy wrestled.
"Well, then, let's make our guest comfortable," the first man said.
Leonard fell on the bed in shock as both men ripped his little brother's shirt and started caressing his chest. Each of the men started rubbing their nipples in circles. Ethan was moaning through his gag as his nipples were played with.
A third man came into the frame. This one was white, his body wall all covered in freckles, so Leonard figured he was a red haired. As his partners played with Ethan's nipples, the red haired pulled down the boy's soccer shorts to reveal the boy was not wearing any underwear.
Leonard got even more shocked at noticing that his little brother's cock was hard as hell and he kept moaning through his gag.
3; how
The freckled man went down and started sucking on his little brother's cock. Even when restrained, Leonard could clearly distinguish how Ethan was still moaning and grinding his hips as if he wanted to hump the man's mouth. The men on the sides went down to lick at Ethan's nipples as the other one was still busy sucking on his young cock.
"Well, well," a fourth man said joining in, "looks like young Ethan is seriously enjoying his treatment as our guest!"
The new man was slightly muscular and his chest was covered by lots of golden hairs.
"I know," the wrestler like chub said, "Maybe even more than last week when we attacked him on the subway
3; oops! Did I just say that?"
"I think Ethan's seriously having fun now, but I think that lovely boypussy seems a bit unattended," the hairy blonde said and knelt facing Ethan's boyhole.
The camera started moving around, and it was then that Leonard realized there was a fifth man in the room. What the fuck was going on? It was outrageous! But, even when he was shocked, angry, worried, he could not bring himself to stop the video.
The camera moved towards the man knelt before Ethan's asshole and zoomed in. The video was now showing an extreme close up of Ethan's ass and cock being eaten by both adults. The one rimming his brother moved slightly aside so the camera could catch Ethan's rosebud twitching as he kept moving his hips and moaning through a gag.
"Are you horny enough now?" the freckled man said removing Ethan's cock from his mouth looking directly into the camera.
Leonard realized the man was talking to him and became instantly aware of the fact that he was squeezing his own cock.
"I thought so!" the man said as if he could see Leonard squeezing his cock.
Leonard felt absolutely embarrassed with himself as he noticed he'd been squeezing his rock hard cock seeing his little brother being helplessly abused by those four men as a fifth one videotaped the whole victimization of little Ethan. He looked down and noticed a huge precum stain on his blue briefs.
This is so wrong! he thought. But even if it was wrong, he was precumming seeing Ethan being molested. He turned back to the TV to see a close up of his little brother's cock as the cockhead was squeezed and an obscene amount of transparent precum rolled down the boy's cockhead. Ethan moaned again.
The man rimming Ethan's ass stood from his position and walked around so he could kneel facing Ethan's face.
"Do you want us to make you cum, Ethan?" the blonde man asked.
Gagged as he was, all Ethan could do was moan and nod.
Oh, my God, Ethan! Leonard thought.
But his shock was not preventing him from rubbing his own cock through his briefs.
"There's a little problem, Ethan," the blonde man spoke again removing Ethan's gag, "so far we have made you feel so good, twice in the subway, and right now. You do understand nothing in live comes without a price
3;?" Ethan asked between gasps now that the red haired had intensified his sucking to bring Ethan closer to orgasm.
"If you want us to make you cum
3; well, you'll have to make us cum too
Leonard witnessed how the blonde man stood up and placed his 18½ cm [7½ inches] cock to Ethan's face. Leonard saw how his brother automatically closed his mouth and the man rubbed his oozing cock against his little brother's lips.
"Open up, Ethan," the blonde man said, "Don't make me force you to do it
3; and I can certainly do it."
"It is only fair!" The chub said stopping the nipple licking for the time being, "Norman has sucked you to orgasm twice!"
"Yes, I have!" the one with the french fork said releasing the boy's left nipple to reply.
What? Leonard thought, Ethan's been blown til cumming?
Leonard could not deny it anymore, the video was making him hornier than his boyfriend had ever made him. Yes, it was a horrible thing to get horny seeing his brother abused, but the more Ethan resisted and closed his lips tight, the harder Leonard was getting. He didn't really noticed when he'd done it, but his 18 cm [7 inches] cock was already outside his briefs and he was rubbing his sensitive red helmet shaped cockhead as he witnessed his brother's ordeal.
"Well, then
3; Guys," the blonde man said, "could you help me make Ethan open that gorgeous mouth of his?"
The man didn't have to ask twice, in unison, the chub and the one with the french fork bit his brother's nipples and the red haired bit on his young balls. Ethan screamed and the blonde man pushed his oozing cock in his little brother's mouth.
"See?" the blonde said, "It was so very easy!"
The man started pushing his 18½ cm [7¼ inches] thick veiny uncut rod in and outside Ethan's mouth as he pulled the boy's head getting him accustomed to a bobbing of the head. The chub left his position and knelt so he could start eating Ethan's asshole. The red haired got busy having his little brother's two nipples for his own pleasure.
Leonard stood up from the bed and removed his briefs. He sat again and, as he rubbed his oozing cockhead, he used his other hand to play with his balls. He loved playing with his balls as he wanked.
On the screen, a new close up shower how the chub lubed a finger and pushed it inside Ethan's no longer virgin asshole. Poor Ethan moaned but could not complain as he was stuffed in the mouth with the blonde's huge cock, which seemed to sink deeper within his mouth with each new thrust.
Leonard intensified the rubbing of his cockhead as the chub inserted a second finger up his little brother's ass.
The camera man zoomed in on Ethan's mouth as the blonde man's cock pistoned in his mouth. The camera moved up and the blonde man looked at the camera.
"Are you close to cumming now?" he asked looking at the camera.
Leonard knew the man was talking to him, but he couldn't stop now, this was by far the most intense jack off session he'd ever had.
The chub, the red haired and the frenck forked, Norman, is that what the other one called him?[7¼ inches] cock so the red haired could push his in.
The red haired man's cock was really thin but possibly a good 20 cm [8 inches] in length and slightly curved down. He pushed his cock inside Ethan's mouth and went in with a lot more ease. The red haired, however, was not as slow as the blonde, and he pushed all the way to the hilt. Ethan's face clearly contorted and Leonard imagine it was his brother's gag reflex.
The red haired removed his cock and the chub pushed his.
Now, that is a fat cock! Leonard found himself thinking as the man pushed inside his brother's mouth.
The chub's cock was certainly not very long, possible your standard 16 cm [6 inches], but Leonard had never seen a cock that thick in girth.
Last, but not least, was the french forked guy, whose cock was 20 cm [8 inches] as thin as the red haired's and as veiny as the blonde's.
They kept Ethan sucking on all of their cocks but his young cock was now completely unattended.
Leonard was frantically wanking his cock and squeezing at his balls. His precum was now a non-stop transparent flow running from his pee slit to the hand with which he was jerking off.
Then, something happened. The camera went back to an angle were all the action could be taped, and the camera man finally revealed himself to Leonard, waving at the camera and winking at it. This man was not wearing any mask to conceal his identity.
Leonard went as pale as a ghost. No one in the world looked more like a muscular version of Scooby doo's shaggy than Herbie, his boyfriend. How was this possible? His boyfriend?
Herbie walked away from the camera, and then turned. He took his own cock in his right hand, squeezed it and then released it, so Leonard could see the cock in all of its splendor. Herbie lubed his cock and, as Ethan's mouth was stuffed, he pushed his cockhead inside. Little Ethan opened his eyes wide in shock and grunted, but at the moment he had Norman's cock up to the hilt so he couldn't complain at all.
"Oh, man!" Norman said, "this mouth is a piece of work! I think I'm just about to shoot!"
That was just a bit too much! Leonard was wanking maniacally as Herbie finally pushed all his 20 cm [8 inches] of cock inside his little brother's ass. Leonard knew Ethan would soon start moaning in pleasure being fucked by that cock Leoanard knew all so well. Because Herbie's cock was slightly curved upwards, it always rubbed against his prostate bringing him usually to amazing anal orgasms.
Right in that minute, Leonard wished it was his ass being pounded by Herbie and squeezed and tugged at his balls, the way Herbie did when he fucked him.
"It's coming baby, it's coming!" Norman announced and pulled his cock out of Ethan's mouth save for the cockhead.
Ethan's face was one of surprise and then of shock as Norman's spunk was shot inside his mouth. Little Ethan tried to back away, but the chub pushed the boy's head against Norman's cock, so he did not let any amount of man milk leak out.
"Man, I'm gonna cum too!" the red haired announced.
Norman removed his cock from Ethan's mouth and the red haired pushed his cock in just in time for his first rope of cum to be shot inside his little brother's mouth. Ethan swallowed so he wouldn't choke with the man's cum.
Norman was not fucking Ethan's ass at his own rhythm and the chub had pushed his cock to cum in the boy's mouth.
"Brace for impact!" The red haired joked, "Barry's a heavy cummer!"
The man was not lying as Leonard could vouch, the Chub stayed inside little Ethan's mouth longer than the others had and kept thrusting in and out. When Barry was done cumming, the blonde man pushed his cock inside the boy's mouth and announced.
"I'm so worked up, I'm gonna cum just now!"
"Fuck, this is some tight boypussy," Herbie said, "I'm gonna cum too!"
The image just turned into one hot scene as the blonde's cock erupted in Ethan's mouth and Herbie's in his ass. What made the scene even hotter was that, as both men came inside both his holes, Ethan's young pecker started squirting its transparent cum. It was more than Leonard could take and he too started cumming in synch with his little brother.
Leonard's cock would simply not stop shooting, and he felt the most delicious and intense orgasm he'd experienced in his brief sexual life. He had started having sex just six month before, when he'd met Herbie, but he'd never come close to feeling the way he did right now.
Is it possible that I'm such a freak that I'm perving on my brother being abused? Leonard thought, I'm sorry, little brother!'
Now that he'd orgasm, Leonard started feeling the guilt, but he could not deny the fact that the videotape was the hottest porn he could've ever seen. It was so bad he had gotten so horny and yet, as the orgy was coming to an end, his cock had started swelling again.
He was about to remove the tape from the VCR, when the phone rang.
"Hello?" he said picking up the extension on his nightstand.
"Hi, Leonard," a deep baritone voice said on the other side of the line, "How did you like the tape we've sent you as a gift?"
"You motherfucking
3;" Leonard started.
"Let's stop the drama," the man said interrupting Leonard, "I know you liked what you saw
"You're wrong! I
"If I were wrong," the man said, "Your abs and torso would not be covered in your own cum
"What?" Leonard asked turning around to the only two windows on his room.
"That's right, Leonard," the man said, "I saw you wank through and through. Tell me, what kind of a sick pervert gets his rock off on the videotaped rape of his younger brother?"
3; "
"You'd better not call the cops, Leonard," the man said, "it would be a shame if they saw your tape wanking to your little brother's ordeal."
Leonard fell on the bed in shock.
3; what do you want me to do?" Leonard asked.
"Expect to hear from us very soon," tha man said.
Leonard nodded.
"Herbie sends his regards," the man said, laughed and hung up.
Leonard sighed. He could obviosuly not go to the police if, as the man had said on the phone, he had been videotaped. Besides, he was not sure he wanted to go to the police. A very dark place inside him was eager to watch that video one more time. Or maybe more.
Ethan was sound asleep when someone kicked him on the side and he opened his eyes. He was naked and chained to a pipe from his collar. He'd been gagged and chained the night before rigth after he'd been abused by his captors.
"Morning, Ethan," Herbie said, "Time for your morning milk!"
Ethan moved his head sideways in a negative, but Herbie didn't care.
"No what, bitch?" he asked, "You have no saying in any of this. I am your owner and I know better. Every good bitch needs his share of protein to remain healthy!"
Norman approached Herbie, his cock already out and oozing precum.
Ethan started complaining through the gag, and tears welled up on his eyes. He was starting to think these men were never gonna let him go and that scared the shit our of him. He only hope Leonard would be looking for him and that he would find him.
The sooner, the better.
Hurry up, Leonard! he thought as all of his captors approached, their cocks ready to be serviced by his inexperience mouth.
Ethan couldn't blame anyone but himself, he had let his cock make decisions for him. And he was now going to pay for his mistake.
Chapter 8 Daryl's True Colors — Corey —
Characters: Corey (12yo), Bob, Corey's father (34 yo ), Daryl (30yo)
Daryl smiled as he and Corey waved Bob goodbye through the window. Corey was truly excited that he wasn't going to spend one more Sunday at his dad's job, and Daryl was so happy he was going to have a full Sunday to have Corey.
First thing was making Corey have a couple of sexual enhancing pills which Daryl had done right after he heard they'd be alone, spicing Corey's orange juice. He now found himself thinking on how to approach the situation. Corey, fortunately, had not changed and was only wearing lose boxers and a t-shirt and that certainly simplified things.
"Daryl?" Corey asked.
"Yes, Corey?"
"Are we gonna watch the movie or what?"
"Oh, we are!" Daryl said, "Race you to the TV room!"
Daryl ran after Corey paying close attention to the boy's physique. He couldn't believe how lucky it had been that Bob had been called out and that he would more likely take all day long. They both arrived in the TV room, which was on the basement and Corey sat on the rather comfortable love seat.
"So," Daryl said, "What are we watching?"
"How about sci-fi?" Corey said, "I have lots of Sci-fi."
"You're on! Pick one and I'm going to the kitchen to get some sodas and popcorn."
Daryl went back to the kitchen to pick the sodas and the popcorn. He took a slight detour to go into the storage room and pick a couple of ropes and a brand new dust cloth. Coming inside the basement, he left the ropes and dust cloth behind the love seat and sat next to Corey.
Ten minutes later, he and Corey were watching the movie. Daryl had sat very close to Corey and he felt the heat radiating from the teenager. He couldn't wait to make his move, but he was also waiting for the pills to kick in.
Twenty minutes into the movie, Daryl threw his arm over Corey's shoulder and the boy didn't seem to feel bothered by it.
Corey kept eating popcorn when he noticed Daryl was now caressing his right leg. He found it a bit awkward, but didn't say anything. Daryl was so nice to him and there was nothing wrong with a bit of physical contact, now, was there?
Noticing Corey didn't voice any disagreement Daryl decided to take one step further and moved his hand over Corey's inner thigh getting dangerously close to his crotch.
"Daryl?" Corey said, "I think you shouldn't
"Don't get nervous, Corey," Daryl said moving his hand all the way to Corey's balls through the loose boxers.
"Hey!" Corey said now, "Why
3; why are you touching my balls? St
3; stop!"
For an answer, Daryl started playing with Corey's balls and tightened his grip over the boy's neck.
"Stop, Daryl, Stop!"
"Enjoy it, Corey, it's gonna be good!"
"No, no, no! It's sick! Stop!" Corey said.
Daryl moved his hand a bit more and grabbed Corey's cock which was now stiffening against the boy's will, thanks to the pills Daryl had slipped in the boy's orange juice.
"See? You like it!" Daryl said.
"No, I don't!" Corey replied shouting already.
"But your dick is hard! That means you like it!" Daryl said now rubbing Corey's fully erect 11 cm [4½ inches] teen cock.
"Stop, stop!" Corey said now trying to free himself from Daryl.
Daryl stood up and Corey ran to the door, but the man had already locked the basement door and he had the only key. He ran after Corey and using one of the ropes, he tied the boy's wrists behind his back. Corey kept struggling but Daryl was bigger and muscular and there was little he could do.
"Stop, please, stop!" Corey shouted again.
After tying the boy's wrists, Daryl used the dust cloth to improvise a gag. When Corey had been wrist-tied and gagged, Daryl carried him back to the love seat.
"I wanted to do this nicely, Corey, but you haven't given me any choice," Daryl said.
Kneeling before Corey, Daryl tied his ankles together and was definitely free to proceed with his plan. He started caressing the boy's legs all the way to his thighs and then inside his boxers. Thanks to the sexual enhancers, Corey's young cock was still stiff and Daryl smiled. He jerked the boy's cock up and down with his left hand as he manipulated the young balls with his right.
Corey struggled unable to understand why Daryl was doing what he was doing, it was sick and perverted and wrong and, at the same time, the ripples of pleasure going from his dick to his brain confused him. Why was his dick hard if he was afraid and he did not like what Daryl was doing? Daryl took his dick and nuts out the boxer's fly and Corey's eyes opened in shock as he saw his own dick so hard and oozing a transparent substance. He struggled a bit more, but that didn't seem to stop Daryl.
Daryl was in heaven. Corey's cock was so hard and beautiful Daryl was surprised how well the pills had kicked in. Corey was still struggling, but Daryl knew it was a matter of time before he completely submitted to his ministrations. With thumb and finger, Daryl peeled Corey's foreskin back and he was regaled with a nice droplet of teen precum, which he used to lubricate and polish Corey's virgin knob.
"My, my!" Daryl said, "Look at that gorgeous droplet of precum! You are one horny naughty boy, Corey!"
Corey was confused and experiencing the most disturbing sensations. Daryl was wrong! He wasn't a horny naughty boy! But if he wasn't, why was his dick so hard as Daryl manipulated it? While he continued to struggle, he also felt the newborn sexual sensations all over his body. His teen mind was so very numbed and it felt weird as Daryl stimulated his dickhead. He wanted Daryl to stop and at the same his dick felt strange and nice and warm.
Noticing that Corey was obviously enjoying the feelings in his young rod, Daryl sped up the rubbing of the boy's cockhead, which was now continuously dripping precum. Corey struggled a bit more, but he was not shouting through the gag anymore, he was now only whimpering. Daryl took advantage of Corey's now fading resistance to flip him over.
"Well, let's see what we have here!"
The boy's cheeks were a wonder of nature and Daryl started caressing them, taking his time savoring Corey. The he ran a finger along the boy's crack and Corey started squirming and wriggling again as he once again tried to shout through his cloth gag. Daryl lowered himself and bending Corey, exposed the boy's virgin hole. He ran his finger in circles about the place and Corey wriggled a bit more.
Corey was still more confused as Daryl caressed his asshole. What was the man going to do? He was terrified, but his young dick was still hard as a rock. He then felt something wet on his hole and realized it must've been Daryl's tongue. He felt disgusted at knowing a man was licking his most intimate part, but his dick throbbed every time the tongue lapped in his never before touched asshole. He was terrified and wanted Daryl to stop.
Daryl noticed Corey's nervousness and separated from the boy's hole. He fished in his pocket and took out a party drug. He slightly licked it and then pushed it inside Corey's ass using his index finger. He then went back to licking Corey's back door. As he did so, Daryl took his time to start jerking Corey's lovely cock once again.
Corey felt new funny sensations all over his body and wriggled. He didn't know Daryl had pushed a new pill up his ass, but it was as if every single part of his body had turned into a giant nerve ending. He wanted Daryl to stop his perverted actions but his cock kept betraying him as Daryl fondled him.
Daryl flipped Corey once again, but this time he carried him as one would a baby. In that position, Daryl pushed his middle finger up Corey's ass and at the same time started kissing the boy's nipples gently. He felt Corey's resistance finally fade away and he felt happy that it had. The best part was now about to begin. He found Corey's prostate and started rubbing eagerly as he licked and bite at the boy´s now swelling pink nipples. The boy started wriggling about, but this time Daryl knew it was not struggling, but the helplessness of approaching orgasm and being unable to help it.
He then positioned Corey back on the love seat and knelt before him. He fingered the boy once again going relentlessly at his prostate as he lowered down to engulf the boy's cock in his mouth. With the might of an expert, he licked and bit at the knob as he went up and down the small teen shaft and fingered the previously virgin hole.
Corey felt the strangest of feelings as Daryl sucked his dick and fingered his hole. He didn't understand what was happening inside his body and he felt like he wanted to pee, but different. Every single move Daryl made turned his body into a melting mood. He wasn't expecting the contraction he felt in his crotch as his first orgasm ever finally hit. He felt the most pleasurable of releases as Daryl's finger moved inside his ass with uncanny speed and his mouth sucked on the no longer virgin teen cock.
Daryl felt delighted as Corey's body convulsed in orgasm. He increased the pressure and the pumping of the boy's cock as it erupted all of its hot teen spunk in the man's mouth. It was even better than it had been at night when he would put the boy to sleep and abuse him. This was so much better! It was much better because young Corey was awake as Daryl took him and that gave the man a wonderful sense of satisfaction and ownership. Corey was going to ultimately submit to Daryl's desires if only to feel himself being taken into orgasm. And if he didn't, Daryl did have ways of coercing the boy.
Corey was spent, but strangely for him, his teen dick was still very hard.
"That was lovely, Corey!" Daryl said, "Your cum is just so delicious!"
Corey didn't know what to think of what had just happened, but he was still delirious. He knew what Daryl had done to him was bad but it had felt so good. How could that be possible at all?
The phone rang that very minute and Daryl stood up to pick the basement's extension.
"Hello?" Corey heard Daryl say, "Bob, darling!
3; No, we're okay
3; of course! You really needn't worry
3; No, Corey's fine
3; Yes, darling, we're having lots of fun
3; No, no, Corey is coming along just fine
3; Really, darling, everything's fine
3; To the phone?
3; He's in the bathroom right now
3; Do you want him to call you later?
3; Oh, okay!
3; Like 10:00 pm? No problem, Bob
3; I mean it, I can put Corey in bed
3; Sure thing, I'll let him know
3; kisses to you too, babe
3; see you tonight
3; Bye, now!"
Corey's eyes reflected fear, but his drugged organism kept his cock real hard. Daryl smiled as he approached the boy and started rubbing his tenderized cockhead with thumb and index.
"That was your dad," Daryl said, "He wanted to know if we were having fun, and I told him we were. Right?"
When Corey did not reply, Daryl squeezed the boy balls being vicious for the first time.
"I asked you a question Corey!" he shouted, "We're having fun, RIGHT?"
This time Corey nodded, tears showing to his eyes. Daryl then rubbed the tender balls after the punishment to make him relax. He approached the boy's face.
"I'm going to remove your gag, Corey," he said, "And you'd better not scream!"
Corey nodded again and Daryl removed the boy's cloth gag. Corey looked at his tormentor as he started rubbing the teen cock again. Corey started whimpering but he wasn't sure it was out of fear or out of pleasure.
"Your cock is rock hard, Corey! Look how hard it is!" said Daryl.
Corey sure noticed how his dick was still hard as Daryl rubbed it up and down and didn't know what to say. His dick felt as if it was on fire and he wasn't sure why he kept on feeling so aroused even when he knew this was utterly wrong.
3; why are you
3; doing this?" Corey asked between gasps.
"Oh, Corey, Corey!" Daryl said, "Because I like you. Because since the very first time I saw you I fell in love with you and wanted to have you just for me! Plus, you seem to be liking it well enough."
Corey started whimpering now still unable to process what was going on, when Daryl went down and started sucking the boy's dick once again.
3; not again
3; I can't
3;" Corey said.
"Yes you can, Corey, babe," Daryl said taking the boy's cock out of his mouth, "Look at how hard you are!"
Daryl took Corey's dick in his mouth again and started sucking. Corey whimpered out of fear and also out of pleasure as his father's boyfriend had his way with him. He wasn't really sure, but as Daryl sucked him, he started feeling those glorious sensations on his body again and started wondering why was he feeling so good if this was so very wrong.
Noticing Corey's hesitation, Daryl sped up his sucking as he pushed his middle finger inside the boy's ass to stimulate his prostate. As he sucked and fingered Corey, Daryl added his free hand to fondle the teen balls. He cupped them, caressed them, tugged on them and squeezed them as Corey moaned and whimpered.
3; Daryl, please
3;" he said once and again, "Please stop
3; please
3; oh, God!
3; please, please
3; I beg you
3; stop
Corey's begging only turned Daryl more anxious to make the boy cum for a second time. He kept on rubbing at Corey's prostate as he sucked him wildly once again.
3; please
3; Oh, God!" Corey said as he started cumming in the mouth of his father's boyfriend once again.
"Your cum is just so delicious!" Daryl said.
Corey felt spent as his orgasm subsided. But Daryl was far from over, so he stood up from his place and smiled at his lovely bound red haired boy. He opened his fly and took his gorgeous thick 20 cm [8 inches].
"Do you remember my friend here, Corey?" Daryl said, "I remember you paying very close attention the day we met on the bathroom."
"What? No!" Corey said.
"I think it's you and he get acquainted!" Daryl said slapping his cock against Corey 's cheeks.
Corey closed his lips tight imagining what Daryl expected of him. Daryl smiled at Corey knowing it was just a matter of time before the boy turned to his own desires.
"Corey, Corey," he said, "I have many ways of making you open those lovely red lips of yours. Some of them are very nasty ways of doing it. Some of those nasty ways involve pain."
Corey started whimpering and opened his mouth for Daryl. The man smiled as he pushed his red pulsating cockhead up the boy's mouth. Since the day he'd seen Corey in the bathroom, Daryl had fantasized about this moment, the moment when he could finally have lovely Corey suck him to orgasm, and he was planning on doing it more than once.
"Take your time, Corey, baby," Daryl said, "taste your man and get used to it. You're gonna be doing this rather often!"
Corey sucked on the head as Daryl started moving in and out of his inexperienced mouth.
"Careful with your teeth, Corey," Daryl said.
Corey tried his best to please Daryl and started running his mouth around Daryl's cockhead, just the way he'd felt Daryl do to him to make him cum already twice. Corey figured if he did it well, this ordeal would be over real soon. He sucked at the cockhead being careful not to use his teeth and kept his tongue dancing around the huge head.
"That's good, rub your tongue around my cockhead," Daryl encouraged him, "you're doing great so far, I knew you liked my cock since the very first time you saw it!"
Corey was confused. Did he like Daryl's cock? No, that couldn't be true. He didn't like cocks. He wasn't a fag. Daryl was wrong. When they'd met the first time, he'd been shocked to have seen such a big dick, but he didn't like it. And he didn't like sucking on it. Fortunately, Daryl's cock didn't taste bad at all, as he imagined a cock would taste.
"Start bobbing your head, Corey," Daryl said, "I want you to eat my cock up and down."
Corey did as told and Daryl found himself getting closer to orgasm. Caught in the wonderful sensations Corey was giving him, he started thrusting at a faster rate, more facefucking Corey than letting him suck the thick rod. Corey started gagging, and Daryl retreated a bit, so he could give the boy a bit of room to breathe. But as soon as Corey had taken three deep breaths, Daryl resumed the facefucking.
Corey was finding it difficult to keep up with the facefuck, but he did his best to let Daryl do as he wanted in the hope that the ordeal would be over soon. Soon, he noticed Daryl's cock was throbbing inside his mouth, but nothing could've prepared him for what was next.
Daryl felt his balls boiling and getting ready to shoot the load he'd been building up since Bob had been recalled to the hospital. As his cock prepared to shoot it's load, Daryl's mind traveled to the moment when he met young Corey in the bathroom with his young cock out, letting a yellow stream flow.
He remembered all those nights he'd been put Corey to sleep so he could suck him dry night after night. Those Sundays he would wake up next to Bob with Corey's flavor in his mouth, still tasting the immature teen cum.
And then, he felt the first contraction which announced his orgasm.
Corey felt the first rope of Daryl's cum hit the back of his throat. It was thick and slimy and there was a weird flavor to it, so he tried to pull back.
"Oh, no Corey!" Daryl said pulling the boy's head towards him, so he couldn't escape, "I've swallowed your spunk twice, so you will have to swallow mine!"
Daryl had been so worked up that he kept cumming for far longer than he should have, and Corey had no choice but to swallow the whole thing until it was over.
When Daryl's cum flow finally stopped, he removed his cock from Corey's mouth and rested on the couch, playfully tugging at Corey's cock, which, thanks to the enhancing drugs, was still at full mast.
"Daryl?" Corey ventured.
"Yes, Corey?"
"Are you gonna untie me now?"
Daryl burst into laughter.
"What?" Corey asked, "Why are you laughing?"
"Corey, babe." Daryl responded, "It's barely two o'clock! Daddy's coming back a ten. You know what that means?"
Corey started whimpering. Daryl couldn't possibly be serious! He couldn't keep him tied and forced to cum for eight more hours! Certainly he wouldn't, now, would he?
"Oh, Corey!" Daryl said, "please stop whimpering! It isn't funny anymore! You shouldn't be complaining anyways. Look at how hard your fucking cock is! Corey, you're really gonna enjoy this!
"No, I won't!" Corey said with all the anger he could gather.
For an answer, Daryl slapped him across the face.
"Don't try my limits, Corey," he said, "I love you big time, but I hate sissies. Having such a cute cock and balls, you do not want to be a sissy, do you?"
Corey started crying in silence as Daryl stood from where he was sitting and left the basement, locking it from the outside.
Five minutes later Daryl came back with a box in his hands.
"I have some things to attend to, Corey," Daryl said, "However, I cannot leave you unattended, so I brought you a little surprise."
Corey looked as Daryl started taking the strange gear from within the box. First, ther was this box that looked like an alarm clock and Corey found himself asking what it was for. Then, Daryl took some weird rubber loops and cables from the same box.
"This," Daryl said, "Is a rubber loop, which I'm gonna be placing just here!"
Having said so, he placed the loop around Corey's cock shaft right at the base.
"And this," he said, "Is called an E-stim corona glans strap. Wanna see where it goes?"
Corey saw as Daryl brought the thing to his small cockhead. Wait! The thing had a metal thin rod, probably a an inch long! He couldn't possibly
3; But before Corey finished the sentence in his head, Daryl placed the thing around his cockhead, the thin rod going inside his peehole. It felt horribly strange! Then, Daryl adjusted the loop strangling Corey's cockhead.
"Daryl, please
3;" he begged, "Please stop!"
Without paying attention to young Corey, Daryl plugged a couple of cables from the loop around his shaft and the corona as well, to the power box.
"Here we go!" Daryl said and turned the power box on.
Suddenly, Corey felt the electricity traveling around and inside his cock. It was possibly the most horrible feeling he'd ever felt.
"Well, then," Daryl said, "I'm gonna leave you alone for some time. The box is not in orgasm mode so it will just keep you stimulated til I come back. Have fun, Corey babe!"
And having said so, he left the basement. Corey started struggling against his bindings, but there was nothing he could do. The electricity started changing intensity and lapse, and Corey started whimpering again. Daryl was such an evil man.
Chapter 9 Mister Miller Likes his Way — Matthew —
Characters: Matthew (12yo), Mr. Miller - Steve Miller (41yo)
Morning came in the Miller's household and Steve Miller woke up. It was 10 in the morning, but he was in no rush. He walked into Matthew's room through the shared bathroom and found the boy sound asleep. He sat on the bed and slightly squeezed on Matthew's young cock, only to find it was still stiff as intended. He then leaned over the boy and kissed him on the lips.
Matthew's eyes fluttered open as he felt Mr. Miller's lips over his own.
"Good morning, Matthew," he said, "How did you sleep?"
"Super fine, Mister Miller," Matthew said, "the bed is awesome!"
"Good. Now, let's get you ready for your bath before breakfast."
Matthew nodded.
Steve Miller moved the spreads aside and asked Matthew to stand up. He started undressing the boy starting from his tank top. The cute pink knobs that were the boy's nipples were red and slightly swollen, just as the man wanted them to be. He then pulled the boy's pajamas down. Finally, he removed the boy's trunk releasing the pressure on Matthew's young cock. Thanks to the plug ring, his foreskin had remained retracted, so the boy's cockhead was raw red. And thanks to the pressure of the same item, the cock was beautifully purple.
Without any warning, Steve Miller unfastened the ring around Matthew's cock, causing it to throb. He then started pulling the urethral plug out little by little.
Matthew gasped as Mr. Miller removed the plug from his pee hole and felt a fast urge to pee, but his new foster dad was taking his time removing the plug, causing his weenie to experience those funny and wonderful feelings. When he was done, Mr. Miller asked Matthew to turn around so he could remove the plug from his boyhole. Matthew felt really strange as the object was removed, he felt sort of empty.
"Do you want to pee, Matthew?" Mr. Miller asked.
"I do, Mister Miller."
"Go ahead," the man replied.
Matthew started towards the bathroom and Mr. Miller followed. Matthew stood before the toilet and turned towards his new dad.
"Mr. Miller?" he asked.
"Yes, Matthew?"
"Can you show me again how to move the skin to pee and how to wipe?" he asked blushing.
Steve Miller smiled knowing the boy was dying to be touched again and being given those wonderful pleasurable feelings.
"Of Course, Matthew," he said and knelt before his new son.
He carefully brought the boy's foreskin back letting the lovely red cockhead out. He made sure to slightly squeeze the cockhead to stimulate Matthew.
"Now, pee," he commanded.
Matthew let go and his golden flow started flowing, giving him a funny feeling in his slightly irritated pee canal.
When Matthew was done, Steve Miller shook the young cock to let the last of the boy's pee out and then went to get the baby wipe and then passed it all over the boy's raw cockhead. He imagined the burning sensation of the wipe must have been unbearable now that the cockhead was so tenderized, but Steve Miller felt satisfied that young Matthew didn't complain at all.
"Do you want to poo before your bath?" Asked Mr. Miller.
3; I do, Mister Miller," the boy replied.
"Okay, I'll leave you alone to do it. When you're done, wipe your boy hole with a baby wipe. I don't have toilet paper in my household."
"Yes Mister Miller."
Steve Miller walked away and left young Matthew to take a dump. He went to his room, where the closed circuit showed the bathroom and the boy. Steve Miller noticed the boy had started rubbing his cockhead while he poo. That made him smile, young Matthew had learnt how to make himself feel good, but Steve was not going to let his new son climax, no sir! The boy's orgasms belonged to him and only to him.
When he noticed little Matthew was squirming a bit too much, he knocked on the door.
"Are you okay, son?" he asked.
Matthew stopped touching himself in shock and started wiping his ass with the after shave wipe.
"I'm done, Mister Miller!" he shouted.
Steve Miller came inside the bathroom and smiled.
"Well, let's gt our bath ready."
"Yes, Mister Miller," Matthew replied.
Steve Miller prepared the bubble bath and then asked young Matthew to jump inside the tub.
"Since there isn't much hot water today," Steve Miller said, "We are bathing together. I hop thats okay with you, son."
Matthew nodded. Mister Miller had called him son for the second time today!
Steve Miller got naked, making sure Matthew could take a good look of everything he had to show. When he was ready, he sat down inside the tub and asked little Matthew to sit between the man's legs.
He started shampooing the boy's hair, but he wasn't planning on spending that much time on his the boy's head, so he rinsed it rather quickly and then went ahead with business. He went ahead to soap Matthew's chest and tummy, and took his time soaping the boy's raw nipples in circles. The boy squired a little and Steve Miller imagined it was more likely the fact that his tender nipples were raw, but obedient Matthew didn't complain.
His hands then went south, and he started working on Matthew's lovely cock and balls. Lovely little Matthew only sighed as his foster dad masturbated him with the excuse of having him completely clean.
"Are you okay, Matthew?" Steve Miller asked when the boy started gasping a bit too much, only to make the boy uncomfortable.
"Yes, da
3; I'm sorry! Yes Mister Miller!"
"Were you gonna call me daddy?" Steve Miller asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he apologized, "I didn't mean to be disrespectful! Please, don't send me back to the State Orphanage!"
"Son," Steve Miller said, "I won't send you anywhere. You are my son now, and it is perfectly fine if you wanna call me daddy, okay?"
"Really?" Matthew asked, his face glowing.
"Yes, son. Now, please stand up and bend down so I can wash the insides of your boyhole."
"Yes, daddy!" Matthew said as happy as he'd ever been.
Matthew bent down and Miller started finger fucking the boy. He liked the tightness of his sweet young ass, he couldn't wait to fuck him. But he was taking his time, after all, he had Matthew for the rest of their lives.
When he felt the boy's prostate contract, Steve Miller removed his finger from Matthew's ass, leaving him once again close to orgasm. Matthew felt so frustrated that his new dad would not make him feel those funny lovely things he had the day before, but he did not voice his frustration.
"Maybe you should show me you're learning how to wash yourself properly, son," Steve Miller said.
"Do you want me to wash myself, daddy?" Matthew asked.
"No, you're already clean. Tell you what, wash me."
Having said so, Steve Miller stood from the tub, his hard cock showing in its full 22 cm [8¾ inches] of thick man meat.
"Go on, Matthew," Mister Miler said, "We don't have all day!"
Steve Miller went delirious the minute Matthew's young hands peeled his foreskin back and started soaping the cockhead non-stop, pretty much the way daddy had shown him. Miller had almost forgotten how wonderful it was to have a twelve year older fondle his cock and let himself get lost in the wonderful sensations Matthew was providing.
"Rinse it," he told Matthew, feeling himself getting close to orgasm.
Matthew took the hand shower and started rinsing his daddy's cockhead.
"Not like that, Matthew," he said, "use the hand shower with one hand, and with the other hand rub the soap off, as I do with your glans."
The feeling of Matthew's hand was bringing him close to orgasm, so he asked the boy to stop. He did not want to cum just yet. Saturday was a long day and he had great plans for both himself and his foster son.
"Turn off the shower now, son," he said.
Young Matthew turned around to turn the shower off as he'd been instructed.
"That was good, son," he said, "you did well making daddy happy again. Now, let me show you how much daddy loves you."
Having said so, Steve Miller kissed Matthew on the lips, long, and the he started french kissing the boy. As he did so, his hand went down and after peeling Matthew's foreskin back, he started rubbing the boy's raw cockhead.
Matthew felt those glorious wonderful feeling as Mister
3; Daddy rubbed on his young pecker. He rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until Matthew started feeling that wonderful warmth around his crotch. And the daddy stopped. And Matthew whimpered in frustration.
"Come on, son," Daddy said, "We have a long day ahead of us."
"Do we,?" asked Matthew smiling.
"We do!" Daddy said, "Saturday is movie day, so I'm taking you to the movie theater. Come on, let's get you dressed."
Steve Miller took naïve Matthew's hand and guided him to the boy's bedroom. Once there, he took the special tank top and asked Matthew to straighten his arms so he could put it in. The man was thinking on what excuse to come up with to plug the boy's butt before going out, when, as he slid the tank top down to the boy's chest, little Matthew farted.
"Did you just fart, Matthew?" Daddy asked with a serious tone.
"I'm sorry, daddy!" he said.
"Sorry's just not enough, Matthew. If you wanted to fart you should've asked for permission to go to the bathroom. Now, I'm gonna have to ground you."
"No, Daddy, please!" Matthew said at the prospect of not going to the movies with his new dad, "Please, I'll be good, Daddy!"
"Sorry, Matthew, I can't take you out if you're gonna be farting in public. You know, I want my own son to be disciplined and obedient."
"I'll be good, Daddy, please don't ground me!"
"We can't take you out to embarrass me in public with your passing gases, son," he said, and then smiled as if he'd just had an idea, "Unless
"Yes, Daddy?"
"Unless we plug your boyhole like we do at night, so you can't fart in public. What do you say?"
Matthew nodded and smiled. Daddy was weird, but he was willing to be plugged so he could be taken to the movie theather.
"Okay, then," Daddy told him, "Bend over and touch your toes so I can plug your boyhole. I'll need to be strecthing out a bit first, so the plug won't hurt."
"Yes, Daddy," Matthew said.
Steve Miller lubed one of his fingers and pushed it inside Matthew's lovely love hole. He pushed in and out and then added a second finger. Matthew just moaned as his Daddy stretched him, oblivious to the fact that his foster father was once again rubbing his prostate and stimulating it to orgasm.
"I think you're wide enough," Daddy said.
Matthew hated it when Daddy stopped just as the warmth starting running down his crotch. What were those feelings he experienced as Daddy manipulated him?
"Matthew, you naughty boy!" Daddy said.
"Daddy?" he asked confused.
"You penis is hard. Are you enjoying being touched in the ass?" Daddy asked feigning anger.
"No, Daddy!" he lied unable to explain himself, "I don't know what
"I think you do need punishment, Matthew. Wait here."
Matthew looked aprehensively as Daddy left the room.
I think I screwed up big time now! he thought, Daddy's angry at me now! But, why would he be angry if he makes me feel those funny things? Maybe I'm not suppose to feel them and I'm just a freak?
"Something on your mind, son?" Daddy asked coming back inside the room.
"No, Daddy," Matthew replied shyly.
"Come over here," Daddy said, "This, is a very special plug. You wanna know why it is special?"
"Why Daddy?"
"This part will go into your boyhole," Daddy explained showing the thing. It looked like one of those flame shaped bulbs used in fake candelabra, but it was connected to a sort of metal ring with a sort of plastic armour shaped as a penis, "And this ring will go around your penis and testicles."
Steve Miller let the information sink in before he continued to explain, "The plastic structure will then prevent your naughty penis from becoming hard. That way, we're gonna make sure first, that you don't fart, and second, that your penis will remain in its normal state, okay?"
"Yes, Daddy," Matthew replied again.
Steve Miller knelt before young Matthew and secured the ring around the young cock and balls, and then he placed the plastic armor around the boy's cock.
"This opening here," Daddy told him touching his little cockhead from an opening on the armor, "Is here in case you want to pee
Steve Miller made sure to touch the boy's pee slit more than needed, so he could show Matthew how he wouldn't be able to get his cock hard, no matter how much he tried.
"Now, if you really do want to pee," Daddy added, "you'll have to ask my permission, because this particular penis training for naughty boys, has this."
He showed Matthew a metal slightly curved rod, possibly a good 5 cm [2 inches] long and lubing it, he pushed it inside Matthew's little peehole.
Daddy is serously angry at me! Matthew thought, Good thing he's kind enough not to ground me and he's so good he's even helping me with my problem. I'm so glad he adopted me!
Once done, he asked Matthew to bend down again and pushed the plug in in one single thrust and secured the outter end to the boy's chastity device.
"There we are, all set!" said Mister Miller.
He then finished dressing the boy in his tight speedo like trunks and then made sure to use a pair of loose pants and a loose T-shirt over his special tank top.
Matthew was having a great time eating his popcorn with his dad arm over his shoulder as they watched 'Gremlins'. He was thankful his new dad had forgotten about his screwing up and was kind to him. He felt uncomfortable, however, that his dick was encased in that funny plastic armor.
Right after leaving the house, his new daddy had taken him to the mall where they had breakfast, and then took him to the arcade where he let him play for possibly a good two hours. Right at the mall they had run into Mister Rosenbaum, the Representative of the State Orphanage for legal affairs. The man asked Matthew a couple of things about how he was feeling with Mister Miller and for an answer he'd hugged his new dad.
My new daddy's so cool even if he's got weird ideas, Matthew thought as they watched the movie.
Steve Miller had made sure to buy Matthew a jumbo soda, so that the boy's bladder would be full, because the man was not planning on let the boy pee until they got home. He was so going to enjoy fucking Matthew's tiny pee slit with the urethral sound he'd inserted in the boy's lovely cock.
The movie showed the main character's friend screwing up big time spilling water over lovely Gizmo, and Miller knew it was time for part two. He placed his right hand inside the pocket of his jacket and turned the remote on.
Matthew felt the weirdest of things as the plug in his boy boy started vibrating.
Is it supposed to do that? Matthew asked himself, Maybe I should ask daddy. No. what if I've fucked it up and it's doing that?
Still thinking he might've done something to activate the thing, Matthew remained silent, or as much as he could, as the ribbed plugged vibrated inside him and oblivious to the fact that it had been devised to stimulate his prostate through his rectal walls.
A good five minutes later, Steve Miller hugged his son and stopped the vibration mode. He ran his thumb on the control's buttons, which he had now memorized it and pushed the zapping button.
Matthew jumped a bit as he felt a sort of electric discharge inside his butt.
Now, I've done it! he thought as he felt a new discharge, I've seriously fucked the plug!
"Are you alright, son?" Daddy asked him.
3; I am, Daddy," he said.
Steve Miller's cock was rock hard and precumming like there was no tomorrow as he looked at young Matthew squirming on his seat. He was controlling how high and how often a discharge his son's ass was zapped with and imagined how much the boy would be precumming now. He turned to notice how Matthew had finished his jumbo soda and was glad when the lights came on for people to go buy stuff for ten minutes before the movie resumed.
"Come on, son," Daddy told him, "Let's go get more soda."
Steve Miller laughed to himself as Matthew stood from his seat and tried walking with his ass being zapped. He was fucking hard seeing Matthew struggling as his father madly abused him without even touching him.
Ten minutes later they were back inside watching the movie. Steve Miller hugged his son once again as he turned the zapper to its maximum setting. He felt how his precum had pooled inside his underwear imagining what Matthew was going through being zapped in the ass and unable to get his young cock to an erection. He made sure to have Matthew drink a lot more soda as the movie carried on.
Young Matthew couldn't concentrate on the movie anymore, the electricity inside his ass was driving him nuts and he was having those weird pleasurable feelings again. He just wanted the movie to be over so they could go home and he could be removed that thing from his ass.
When the movie was finally over, and with the zapping buttplug set on max, Steve Miller took his son by the hand and walked towards the parking lot. As he started the engine, he pushed one more button and a high amperage shock was sent to his boy's ass before turning off.
Matthew could help it as his bladder pushed all of its contents out with the final discharge.
Steve Miller turned to see how the urine stain on Matthew's lose pants grew larger and smiled to himself. He didn't say anything on the road home and had Matthew jumped from the seat.
"What you've done now, Matthew, is just totally out of place," he said once they were in the house.
Matthew started whimpering and apologizing unable to explain what had happened. He couldn't tell his daddy he'd fucked up the plug and it had gone berserk shocking his little boyhole.
"Get naked now!" Daddy ordered him.
Still crying, Matthew took all of his clothes and folded everything next to his bed, except for the wet pants. Daddy knelt before him and removed the plastic armour around his penis. He couldn't help it, his penis went rigid almost immediately.
Steve Miller couldn't have been more pleased, because going stiff, the curved sound would be harder to remove, which was exactly what he had intended.
"Let's unplug your penis," Daddy said and started pulling out.
Matthew nodded, still fearful of what his punishment would be.
"It's stucked!" Daddy said pushing it back in, "Let's see if we can take it out. I'll give it one more try."
Pretending to be trying to remove the penis plug, Steve Miller started fucking Matthew's peehole with the curved sound ind and out, in and out.
"I just
3; can't get the fucking thing out
3;" he lied pushing the thing in and out.
Matthew was going insane with pleasure as his pecker was fucked over and over by his foster father. These sensations were going to make his daddy mad, btu he just couldn't help feeling that lovely warmth in his crotch.
Noticing that Matthew might be getting closer to orgasm, Steve Miller finally pulled the plug leaving the kid on the brink of orgasm once again. He then removed the but plug and released the boy's cock from the ring. He placed Matthew face down on his lap.
"Now, for peeing in your pants, a good smacking is in order," Daddy said and Matthew started whimpering.
"A boy
3;" he said smacking the boy's butt with all his might, "
3; never
3;" smack!, "
3; ever
3;" smack!, "
3; wets
3;" smack!, "
3; his
3;" smack!, "
3; pants!" smack!, "Are
3;" smack!, "
3; we
3;" smack!, "
3; clear?" smack!
"Yes, daddy," Matthew replied crying. He felt like his ass was on fire, but he knew he'd earned the smacking for peeing his pants.
3;" smack!, "
3; don't
3;" smack!, "
3; hear
3;" smack!, "
3; an
3;" smack!, "
3; apology!" smack!
"I'm sorry, daddy, I'm sorry!" he said crying, "I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"
"Shut up, Matthew!" Daddy shouted.
Matthew looked at his new dad. Mister Miller looked so angry Matthew was terrified.
"Go in the tub and wait for me," was all Daddy said.
Three minutes later, Steve Miller joined his son in the tub completely naked.
"Kneel!" the man said and Matthew obeyed.
He slapped Mattthew across the face.
"For inappropriate behavior, namely wetting your pants, there's only one punishment that fits. Open your mouth."
Matthew did as instructed and his Daddy let a golden stream fall to his mouth.
"You'd better swallow, Matthew," Daddy said stopping the flow, "unless you want to lick my urine from the tub. And cold it's a lot worse!"
Matthew didn't have to be told twice and wanting to make his daddy happy again, he approached Daddy's cock and engulfed the cockhead in his twelve year old mouth.
"What are you doing?" Miller asked.
"This way I won't spill any, Daddy," Matthew said shyly.
Miller let go of his sphincter and started peeing inside his boy's mouth. He had taken so much soda he knew he'd be peeing for a while. Matthew did amaze him as the boy swallowed with uncanny speed not wanting to make his new dad angry again. When he was done, he ordered Matthew to bathe himself.
"Daddy?" he said.
"Yes, Matthew?"
"Are you gonna bathe me?"
"No. You're punished. Do it yourself. And better hurry up, I want you ready for bed in five minutes."
Matthew felt sad Daddy was mad at him and he was also sad Daddy was not gonna make him feel those good things he felt went he washed his boy penis and his boyhole insides. Sobbing he jumped inside the tub to wash himself.
Five minutes later, he was back on his room, dried and naked. Mister Miller then began his night ritual with Matthew, plugging first his ass, this time with a rubber ribbed prostate massager which was attached to a loop to go around Matthew's cock and balls. Once in place, he started masturbating Matthew to bring his young cock to an erection so he could fit the 11 cm [4¼ inches] 'sleeping' sound. Once again, he stopped just as Matthew was on the verge of orgasm, frustrating the boy again.
When ready, he placed the cockhead loop around Matthew's cockhead and tightened it so his foreskin would remain retracted and pulled up the boy's special trunks and tank top.
"You're ready for bed now," Daddy told him and covered him with the spreads.
Matthew started whimpering.
"Matt?" Daddy asked him.
"I'm sorry, daddy, I'm sorry!" Matthew said now openly crying, "I'm sorry I screwed up and I'm sorry I made you mad!"
"Son," Steve Miller said, "You don't seem to understand how important discipline is for me. It's something I learnt from my dad and something I seriously value."
"But I don't want you to be mad at me!" Matthew said still crying.
Steve Miller sat next to his son and asked him to sit down. When Matthew was sitting, Steve Miller hugged him and kissed him on the lips.
"You wanna make daddy happy again?" he asked.
Through tears, Matthew nodded.
"Okay, I'm gonna give you but one more chance to make things even. But you must do as I say."
Matthew nodded again.
Steve Miller leaned down and started french kissing his foster son. As he did so, his right hand landed on the boy's trunks and started squeezing at he lovely painfully erect twelve centimeter rod. Matthew moaned in his daddy's mouth as his cock was manipulated but said nothing.
There was something in this world Steve Miller loved more than anything, and that was abusing a boy's lovely young nuts. So, his hand moved south and he started squeezing the boy's balls, first slightly and moving up in intensity.
He then ordered Matthew to remove his trunks and come back to his position. The boy complied rather quickly and came back to Daddy's arms.
Mister Miller went back to french kissing Matthew and started his squeezing routine on the boy's balls. He made sure to get the boy tighter in his grip as he started slapping the still small orbs.
Matthew felt a rather stinging pain as Daddy slapped his balls, but he new better than to complain, so he took it as a man.
Daddy then stood up and got naked. He ordered Matthew to sit on the bed with his legs hanging and approached the boy. He placed his throbbing cockhead before the boy's mouth.
"What are you waiting for?" he asked, "Daddy wants you to show him how sorry you are by woking his cock."
Matthew showed his tongue and started lapping at the weird transparent liquid oozing from his daddy's cock.
"I'm sorry, daddy
3;" he said whimpering.
"Show me you're sucking me properly with your mouth. Open wide and suck on my glans."
Matthew really wanted to make Daddy happy again, so he complied without a fuss, taking Miller's big knob-shaped purple glans in his mouth.
"Suck harder!" Steve Miller said, "Like you mean it! Like you're really sorry for screwing up!"
Matthew started sucking harder at his new daddy's cock. Daddy had some strange ways of punishing, but Matthew was so naïve, it never ocurred to him that his new dad was such a pervert that he had managed to get his twelve year old foster son to blow him.
"Harder!" Miller said, feeling his balls contract.
Matthew sucked with all his might and felt his daddy's cock throb in his mouth. Then something happened. Daddy's cock expelled something thick and goey inside his mouth and Matthew tried to back off, but daddy pushed him against his cock.
Steve Miller's cock shot rope after rope of his thick man cum in Matthew's young mouth. He had been building up all they long and Matthew had a big load to swallow down.
"Swallow, Mathew," he said, but he wasn't shouting anymore, "that's your prize for sucking daddy clean, that's daddy's life milk. Swallow it all, son!"
As Matthew did his best to swallow his daddy's thick goo, he noticed how daddy was now tenderly caressing his wet hair, so he imagined he wasn't mad anymore.
When Steve Miller was done cumming, he knelt before Matthew and looked him in the eye.
"Good boy," he said, "Now daddy isn't angry anymore. Go on, put on your trunks, it's bed time."
Frustration in his face, Matthew put his trunks back on and jumped on the bed.
Steve Miller laughed to himself at seeing how Matthew wanted so desperately to be taken into orgasm.
Not tonight, Steve Miller thought, Maybe tomorrow if I feel like letting him relief himself.
"Time for your pills," Daddy told him and handed him two pills, a red one and a blue one.
"What are these for, daddy?" he asked.
"Supplements," Miller lied, "You are after all growing, and I want you to be a healthy boy.
The red pill was a sexual stimulant, like the one he'd given Matthew the night before, but three times as potent. The Blue one was a sleeping pill, He didn't want young Matthew jacking off during the night. When the boy was done, Steve Miller bent down to Matthew and kissed him good night.
"Are you still mad at me, daddy?" Matthew asked.
"No, baby," Daddy said and walked out after turning the lights off.