PZA Boy Stories


The Changeling


This is the story of Tony from chapters 9-14c of Child of Mythra (Mythra Trilogy, book 2) told by himself. It's not finished, but the end of the story is in the next chapters of Child of Mythra. To understand the story better, you'd first read the first two books of the Mythra Trilogy.

Publ. Aug 2003 (Nifty); this site Jan 2017
Finished 16,500 words (33 pages)


Tony (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual man-boy BDSM
Mt tt – cons oral – bdsm spank

Disclaimer & Author's note

This story is total fiction and any similarity to those living or dead is purely by design.

The story and all its contents and characters are copyright of the Author and may not be used for any purposes without the Authors consent.

All age restrictions apply and if Gay material or acts upset you then you should not be in here to start with.

For contact with the author please e-mail Artcart65(at)gmail(dot)com or send a message through this feedback form with Arthur: The Changeling in the subject line.


NB: Texts in this font are identical with those in Child of Mythra.

Chapter 1

[Child of Mythra, chapter 9]

Well here we go again, another boring sex talk by some guy who thinks we're still 10 years old. Wonder who the Headmaster has lined up this time. Don't suppose the guy's talking about all that S&M shit is real, can't see the Head getting some big hairy tough guy in here for that sort of thing.

Hmmmmm, looks as though the whole school is here for this. If it is that S&M shit then that little homo we gave the bash to this morning would love it I bet. Stupid little queer, coming to school with that dog collar thing on and that gold earring dangling down. Well we certainly taught him a lesson even if he did get a couple of hits in, still he'll know not to mess with Dave, Tommy and me anymore, stupid poof.

Wonder why the Head put us three down here at the front, still we're going to get a good look if it is all the shit they reackon it will be. I can just see it now, all whips and chains and things with some old guy six foot six [2 m] tall and big muscles with a hairy chest and wearing all that cool leather shit. Fuck I'm getting hard, I'll have to ask Colleen to give me a hand job later. Funny that, Hmmmm, last time it was hard to get it up when she put her hand on it, still some day I'm going to get it in her for real. Damn here comes the Head, more bloody blather to listen too.

"Good afternooon boys, as you can see we have a special assembly today, this is because this morning three cowards attacked one of the new third formers, bullying and then beating him because he was a little different than them. I'm also told that he put up a pretty good defense against three bigger and older cowards."

The noise ran through the auditorium as the Headmaster revealed why they were there.

"Thank you boys, I'm sure the boy concerned appreciates your guesture. Now then I want to do something today thats never been done either here or anywhere else in the country. As you know we have a full study course on sex education here, we try to teach you all you should know and we have always answered any and all questions honestly for you, agreed?"

A chorus of agreement went around the hall.

"Right then so far we have taught you about all types of life styles except one. You know all there is to know about heterosexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, prostitution and everything in between, today you are going to see the last one of the lifestyles that there is for you to know about. This lifestyle is called Bondage and Discipline, it's not widely known about and is practised only by very special people. The basic principle is that one of the people is a teacher, he is called the Master, the other is the student he is called a submissive and also at times a Slave. I'm sure most of you have read or heard about these sorts of people."

Again all the boys agreed with the Headmaster.

"OK enough, enough, right then, I have asked some people who know a lot about this type of life style to come here today to tell you about it and themselves, what they do and why they do it. I'm sure they will let you ask questions as well but, one warning, the Master is a real Master not a comic book one, you will at all times show him respect and call him sir. He will not be played with so I'm warning all of you, be on your best behaviour with him. Ok that's all so now I introduce you to Founding Prime Master James and his boy."

What the fuck is this shit, bondage and discipline and who the hell is this guy all dressed up in a fancy suit. Why the fuck is he looking at us. Jeez the look on his face would curdle bloody milk. What's he crooking his finger at Dave, Tommy and me for. Fuck him, I'm not going up there who does he think he is, Prime master someone, bullshit. Fuck he wants me. Is he for real, shit those eyes are killing me. Why me? hell can't keep looking into those eyes, he's looking right inside me feels like.

Damn why are Dave and Tommy going up there, ah fuck it I have to go, can't stop looking at his eyes. Old bastard has hard eyes, wonder what he wants. He's not like all the web sites say a Master is like. Oh shit don't get hard on me now, not in front of this old man.

"You boys will stay there till I tell you to move, no talking, understand?"

Why are we all saying "Yes Sir" he can't order us around.

"That's your first mistake, I said no talking, KNEEL."

Fuck he's serious, I better kneel like he said, why am I feeling so good about this, I know it's not me but I want to do it. This is so fucking weird, it's like he knows something I don't.

"Hands clasped behind your head, elbows out to the side, DO IT."

Now what the hell am I doing this for. Argh, this is bloody hard, he can't leave us like this for long. Fucking Tommy is nearly pissing himself, better keep my head still, this old prick is going to yell at me any moment.

"You pee on my floor boy and I'll have the skin off you. Blink your eyes once if you understand."

"Boys, stay as you are, do not move, that's the last time I tell you."

Shit my knees are starting to hurt. Come on you old fart let us blokes stand up. Better stay still just in case he gets shitty. Hey what does that preppy bastard Kenny think he's asking about us being slaves, I'll make sure he gets the bash after school.

Ow, fuck this floor is hard, shit my dick is hard, why now? The prick can't keep us here much longer. Fuck this, I'm getting up and fuck him and his hard eyes. NO, wait better not, he'll see my hardon. Come on hurry up my fucking knees are killing me and my arms are falling off. Holy shit, who's this in the cape, looks like Halloween or something.

Eric! Eric! where do I know that name from. Holy fucking hell, it's that little homo from this morning. All done up in fucking leather shit and calling this old fucker Master. Hah, well the little shit is a slave, all fucking poofs like him should be slaves.

Jeez my dick hurts, why do I feel all fuzzy like, this is getting fucking weird. Ow fuck this hurts, can't stay down on the floor like this much longer. Come on you fucker, let me stand up for christ's sake. Shit look at Dave's head on the floor, how the hell did that guy see him move. Shit it's nearly over, thank fuck it's three o'clock he can't do anything to us now. Oh no, the Head is asking him to come back again on Thursday. No way ass hole, I'm going to play fucking hockey that day, no more of this shit. Why doesn't my dick go down, shit I need a wank real bad.

[Child of Mythra, chapter 10]

"Master James, ahh, what about these three boys?"

"Ah yes, these three, well headmaster they're going to be busy this afternoon, so I wouldn't worry about detention or anything else for them."

What the fuck does he mean we're going to be busy. Colleen is going to be busy with my hard dick in her hand is all I'll be doing.

"Why would that be, Master James?"

Now the bloody Head is getting in on the act.

"Boy 'Present', you see these cowards here?"

"Yes Master."

"At 3.45 this afternoon you will go to the front door. If these cowards are not standing there at 'Present' with their shirts off, their bags at their feet with their shirts neatly folded on them, you will report to me so I can ring the police and have them charged with assault and battery."

"Yes Master, 3.45 exactly, Master."

"Now headmaster will you be so kind as to give these scum my address and impress upon them that I keep my word, if there is no sign of them or they arrive late then at 3.46 I ring the police and charge them."

What's all this shit about arresting us, just cause we gave the bash to that little poof. Well I for one am not going to this psycho's fucking house, I need a wank and that comes first in my book, Fuck him.

Well we made it and we still got five minutes to spare. Nice place he's got, not fancy just nice and the beach is really close. Wonder if that launch is his. Now why the hell did I come here, I'm not into this shit. What if all the neighbors see the three of us standing here with no shirts on and my dick's hard again. Didn't even give us enough time to find Colleen to wank me off. Come on you old prick opent the fucking door and let us in, this is bloody embarrassing standing out here like this. Why doesn't my dick go down I got to get a load off soon, my balls are aching like shit.

What's the fucking time, we been standing out here for ages, better not put my hands down to look at my watch, he might open the door. Ahh the door's opening, oh for fucks sake it's that little poof Eric. Why is he closing the door on us, come on homo let us in side, I can't stand this shit much more. Mum and Dad are going to be pissed about this little bit of bullshit.

Well this is worth a chuckle, fucking Dave and Tommy are near shitting in their pants. Open the fucking door you little poof, for fucks sake this is getting stupid but why is my cock so hard. Ahhh at last the little homo is opening the door, looks like he wants us to go inside, better follow him. He doesn't look to bad in all that leather shit, hmmm nice ass. What the fuck, where did that come from, I'm not a fucking Queer like him.

Keerist, who the fuck is this dude, he doesn't look the same as at school, all that black leather gear and those dark glasses make my spine tingle. This dude looks a real evil bastard and that little poof is kneeling down beside him like a little dog boy. No way is this dude getting near me. Ha, Tommy is nearly crying and pissing himself, though he was staunch but he's just another pussy boy like that homo.

What was that he said?

Scum, I'm the Founding Prime Master, third position, NOW."

Third position, which one was that, oh yeah that's right head on the floor and ass up, he's got to be kidding. Fuck no I better do it, he doesnt look as soft as this afternoon at school. This prick has changed just like that, now he looks real fucking evil. Wonder if I can make a run for it, no better do it this time.

"Get your butts up higher, NOW."

"Right this is my boy, he's the Child of Mythra, you will go to the second position and bow your head to him in repsect, NOW."

Bow my head to that fucking little homo, no way dude. oh shit Dave and Tommy are doing it. Why am I bowing like this with dick as hard as a fucking steel bar, this is way weird.

"Boy stay, if any of them move without my permission you will tell me."

"Yes Master."

"You, the leader of this cowardly scum, stand at 'Present', NOW."

Now what's going on, oh well Dave will tell me as soon as he gets back, I sure aint going anywhere with this old phsyco.

"Follow me."

This guy is fucking serious. Jeez what did they do? Dave looks like he could die right now, never seen him like this before, he's real staunch, not a flake like fucking Tommy. There goes Tommy, I must be last, well this old prick won't scare me like these two.

Holy shit this is hard to kneel like this all the time, my knees are killing me and my arms are numb. How does that little poof stand like this all the time with no strain showing on his face. Here he comes back again, jeez Tommy looks like he is going to die, wonder what he's seen?

So looks like my turn, well you old fucker you don't scare me, well not much anuhow.

"Right darky, 'Present'."

Ok I'm getting up asshole.

"Come boy."

Boy! who the fuck he think he is, I'm fifteen in a month, I'm not a boy 3; so why am I following him like a little puppy dog? So this is where we're going, a fucking bedroom, well cunt you not going to play with my dick, hard as it is.

"When I tell you to move you will take three steps forward and stop, do not look around and do not move."

"Move boy."

Ok so I'm inside this dark room, brr, feels funny in here, wonder what it is?

"Do not move or speak, I don't want a sound out of you boy."

Bloody hell these lights are bright, holy fucking shit, look at all the shit he's got in here. Some of this stuff has got to be hundreds of years old. Oh no he's not going to torture us is he?' what did he say?

"You can forget those ones on the front boy, they're for real men. The table at the back has your punishment laid on it."

Thank fuck for that, that old shit would kill you, but that other stuff, hmm why do I feel I want to try it, hell my underpants are getting wet. NO, not here in front of this queer dude.

"Seem you decided that Mythra's Child needed a lesson. Then it's only fitting that I let him decide which of those you get later. Now turn and follow me, boy."

That was weird, what does he mean that the homo gets to decide what we get?

"Well boy, did they behave themselves?"

"Yes Master."

"Right boy, I think you and I can do with a drink about now before we decide what sort of punishment they should have."

"Yes Master, will you have a large whiskey, Master?"

"Yes boy, make it a good strong one, I like to be a little drunk when dealing with the likes of these three."

Oh no way dude, this guys an alchie, he's going to get zonked and then try to kill us or something. I don't mind trying some of that gear out but not with a drunken prick like this one.

"You three, 'Present'. You three follow us."

Well he can't do much to us with three witnesses, fucking wimp Tommy is crying, so much for being a tough guy Tommy. Now why are they looking over at the table.

"Well boy, if you were only a boy like them, what would you like for your punishment?"

"This Master, six with the tawse would be all a boy could take."

"Good decision boy."

Oh god that sounds so fucking wicked, jeez I could blow my load right now.

"Now boy, as you are the Child of Mythra, what would you think was a more fitting punishment?"

"Master, six with the tawse, then five with the strega amd lastly five with the two clawed cat."

"Is that what these cowards deserve then?"

"Yes Master, they do."

This kid has got to be joking, no way could he do all that, shit I have twice the muscles he's got and I bet I couldn't take it all. Mind you I would like to try some of them out. Nah not even, I'm not a fucking poof like them.

"Well boy looks as though they don't have the guts like a real man, do you want to show them what Mythra's Child is like and if so, what will you take."

"Yes Master, and I will take as stated sir."

"You three, look up an see what a Child of Mythra can do."

Whats all this Mythra shit he goes on about. Must be some sort of gang stuff.

"Watch boys and learn, wait, you darky come here."

Why me?! better do as he says. He still looks mean as shit.

"Arms above your head boy."

Whats all this. Oh fuck this feels so kool. Didn't know it would feel like this. Christ I can feel my hard on ready to blow.

"You like that, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

Sir! why am I calling him Sir. Damn I'm going to blow my load right here.

"Can you stop from cumming till I tell you?"

How does he know I want to unload. I want to try to stop for him. Why does he have this sort of power thing over me, like I want to do it for him.

"I'll try, sir."

"Good boy, if you can do that then I will have something special for you after they have gone home."

"Would you sir? thank you sir."

What's he going to give me. Damn this feels so kool hung up here, look at those other two, nearly crapping in their pants, fucking wooses.

Hey he winked at me, maybe he's not that much of a hard ass as I thought.

"You try your best, boy."

"Yes sir."

"Good boy."

Jeez he took the kids leathers off and he's got a bare ass. He's not even embarrassed.

"You are under the no cumming rule boy."

"Yes Master."

"Then sing your song of harmony boy."

He's got to be joking, the kid, sorry Eric, can't sing with that guy, oops, Master, whacking his ass with that thing. What's happening to me, I hate poofs, but this kid 3; ah Eric is one cute kid. If he can sing while he gets his ass pounded by that whippy thing then he has to be a bit of a tough cookie.


Fuck he hit him full force and the kid 3; er Eric didn't even move and he just keeps humming to himself as though nothing happened. He's gotta be kool, jeez I don't think I would be like that.

Ha 3; look at Tommy spewing his guts out, the fucking wimp, looks as though Dave won't be far behind him, jeez and I thought they were tough. Damn I gotta blow soon, this is way out there dude.

"You ok, boy?"

"Yes sir, but ooohhh I'm so close, sir, sir?"

"Yes boy?"

"Sir, could 3; you 3; like 3; uhm 3; loosen my 3; uhm 3; zipper, sir?"

What am I doing? I'm not a homo, fuck it I got to get this load off. Please, please, open my pants, I gotta drop it.

"Sir, could you 3; well 3; you know 3; like take me out, sir."

"What about the other boys?"

"I 3; I 3; I don't care sir, please sir?"

Me the homo hater of the school begging him to hold my dick, what am I doing here. Oh damn that feels soo kool.

"Ok boy, do you think you can wait till I say so?"

"I'm trying sir, but it's ooohh so close sir."

"Keep trying boy I'm proud of you, you're a good boy, not like those to whimps."

He likes me, he says he's proud of me, no one has ever said they were proud of me, not even my 'rents. I got to try real hard for him, I don't want to disappoint him now.

"Just try to hold on boy I'll tell you soon. Listen to Mythra's Child's song, can you hear him?"

"The humming sir, yes sir. How does he do it, sir?"

"Only he knows boy, that's why he's Mythra's Child. You ready now boy?"

"Yes sir."

Fuck that cat thing must hurt like hell, I can't hold it any more. Aarrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck me I never shot like that before. I can't keep my legs under me. Damn, damn, can't get my breath.

"You ok boy, I'm really proud of you holding on like that boy, you did really well."

Oh god it's so good to be lying down, this guy, 3; er Master, is so great and he says he is really proud of me for holding on. I could do anything for him after this, I just want to lay here and float away. I've never had anything like this before. Wonder if he would do some of that stuff with me if I asked him.

Well those two look like real wimps, what'd I ever see in them before. This Eric kid is real kool and he's a real tough nut too. Can't understand him saying he loves an old guy but maybe I been wrong all the time. Well I know I'm not a p 3; well one of them but they do real kool stuff together. I better go tell Eric that I'm sorry for being an ass hole this morning, I bet he could be a real neat friend. Well if he let me after what we did to him. Probably want to kick my ass out of sight.

"I'm so sorry for what we did to you today Eric. Please can I be your friend?"

Please, please be my friend now, I really need someone like you. Why am I being like this. I'm not like him, shit come on be honest, that's just what you do want.

"Of course you are my friend. You are one of us, did you like that, up on the chains?"

"Oh yes Eric it was 3; like real cool, you know hanging there and the sound of that cat thing."

Damn I want to get hard again, and he wants to be my friend. What does he mean I'm one of them now?

"You want to feel it some time, you like tingle all over."

"Really, it looked real hard."

"Not if you had a Master like mine, he knows how to make you feel real good."

"D'ya think he would let me try some time?"

"Maybe, you have to ask him. Not now maybe next time you come here."

"I can come back again?"

"Of course, you're my friend aintcha?"

Damn I can come back again, never thought today would be this good

"Ok you two, enough. Come on let me see to Eric. You go wait with the others."

"Yes sir."

"Good boy."

He really likes me, damn I would love someone like him, makes me feel real important all the time and to think I thought he was an asshole today. Ha well look at those two, bloody wimps, wait till I see them tomorrow at school.

"You darky will stay to clean up the mess your friends left in my room, you other two can go home and remember the lessons you saw today. You bigger kids should be protecting the smaller ones not picking on them. I hear of you doing it again and it'll be your asses on the cross next time, understand boys?"

"Yes sir"

"Yes sir"

"Then get out of my sight, NOW."

Well that gets rid of the wimp brigade, now wonder what he's got for me? Yeew I got to clean up Tommy's mess, still I suppose it's only fair we did give Eric the bash pretty bad. Yech hope I don't spew when I do it.


"Yes boy?"

"Where's the cleaning stuff sir?"

"What for boy?"

"To clean the floor sir."

"That's ok boy, that was for their benefit. I just thought you might like to stay and talk with Eric when he's finished his bath and I fix his back. Would you like a coke?"

After all this and I donb't have to clean up the mess Tommy left, this guy 3; er Master is so neat.

"May I sir, thank you sir."

"You're a good boy, why hang with those two?"

Yeah, why do I hang with those two wimps?

"I don't know Sir, I was kinda looking for something, but I didn't know until today what it was."

"And you think you know now?"

"Oh yes Sir, I'd like to be like Eric."

Is that what I really want to be? Damn it yes I do, he is one brave dude.

"He's so cool and all the things he say's and does, he's so brave and sorta cool with it."

"Yes you're right, Eric is a very remarkable boy."

"Can I really be his close friend, sir."

"What did Eric say?"

"He said I could sir, but I thought I better ask you too."

Why did I say that, hmm this Master must be something special, never thought some one would be this kool and he likes me as well not like the 'rents, they don't seem to care one way or the other.

"You're a good boy, you did the right thing, whats your name boy?"

"It's Tony, sir."

"Well Tony, Eric won't be long now, I'll get you a coke and we'll wait for him together, ok?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Chapter 2

[Child of Mythra, chapter 11]

Well this is quite cool, Master James is really ok. Don't know how he can switch off so easy though, must be sort of two different guys at the same time. Wonder when he will let me do things? Hmmm he seems ok now maybe he'll answer some questions for me. So much bloody confusion in my head after today. Why do I like doing this stuff and why does Eric call me "One of them?" Oh well I can only ask and he can only say 'No' so here goes.


"Yes Tony, and you can call me James now, the lessons are over."

"Oh ok, thanks James, uhm, can I ask you some questions, I didn't have a chance at school, I was sort of occupied at the time."

Yeah really occupied, better not giggle like a girl but is sort of funny.

"Sure Tony, fire away."

Now where do I start, I don't want to say the wrong thing and spoil it all.

"Well there's so many I want to ask, you don't mind?"

"Not at all Tony, I think I know whats going on in your head, and I understand so just let it rip."

"Ok, thanks, well first, when you were punishing Eric in the room, what did he do wrong? I mean at school you said he only got punished when he did something wrong, but today you gave him a real hiding."

Yeah that's the one I want to know, he said one thing then it looked like he did the oposite.

"I was not punishing Eric, Tony, I was punishing you and your two mates. Eric took the strokes for the three of you so that I would not break my word to your headmaster. Eric took the position of what we call, a Helot, that is he took someone else's punishment, so they would not be hurt physically. You saw your two friends, in their heads they will see Eric on the cross for a long time."

"Yes so will I James, he really did that for us?"

"Yes Tony, it was his duty to me, he was saving my honour."

"But you could have given mine to me."

Yeah like I could handle all those strokes, but still it should have been me and not Eric up there, I suppose I got a lot to learn about this stuff.

"No Tony, I made a promise to your headmaster, I couldn't break it, not even if you had asked me too. I could tell that you were wanting to feel it that's why I let you hang in the shackles, so you would get a little feeling and fun for yourself. I could tell even when I first saw you in the auditorium what you wanted."

"You knew even then what I liked?"

How did he know, shit even I didn't know I wanted it till we came here and saw Eric on the cross.

"Yes Tony, I've been doing this a long time and you get to be able to work people out before they even know themselves what they want or need."

"Mmmm, ok, does Eric always wear all that leather stuff, like all the time?"

And does he always look so sexy. Better not say that though, damn he is fine looking.

"Yes most of the time, there are times that I let him work without them, but mostly he has them on all the time."

"Are they just to sort of make him look good or do you use them for something else."

"No, they are part of his learning tools, just like the paddle and other things, they have special uses."

"Uhhm, like what do you do with them?"

The smell of that leather gives me a hard on all the time, I'd love to be dressed in something like all the time but I'd never keep my dick down.

"I think that we might ask Eric later if he'll show you, how would that be?"

"Oh, you ask him, I thought you could just do anything you wanted to him."

This is even stranger, he says one minute that Eric is a slave and now he says he has to ask him. This is definitely not like those stories on the net where the kid has the shit knocked out of him then is chained up all the time.

"I could Tony, but this would not be punishment, it would be a demo and I have to respect his position the same as he respects mine when it comes to something outside his normal bounds."

By the sound of things Eric is nearly finished, wonder if he will have a bare ass again or put some clothes on, don't think I could walk around in front of people naked all the time.

"James, is it easy to find someone like you, you know a Master, to look out for you, if you wanted to be like Eric?"

"No Tony, not if you want to be safe, there are plenty of people that like to hurt others. They're easy to find, but to find a good man as a Master is not easy. See it's not just a plaything, we take our life style seriously, we have very strict rules to follow. It's a way of life for people like Eric and I."

Should I ask or will he think I'm stupid, ah shit here goes nothing.

"If 3; uhm 3; if I 3; ahh 3; wanted to be like 3; ahhh 3; Eric, 3; umm 3; what should I do?"

"You try to find someone you can trust, then talk to them about how you feel and what you think you want to do. But make sure you trust them to tell you the truth, there are those who will try to take advantage of you, they can hurt you really badly."

"I trust you James, would you help me?"

"Is that what you really want Tony, I mean deep down inside you, do you really want that, or are you just wanting to play at it?"

Is it what I want 3; yeah stupid, you know fucking well it's what you want. Come on you woos get it out in the open for once, just tell him and stop lying to yourself.

"Please James, I know I really want to be like Eric, he's so happy all the time, I want to be like that, have someone to look after me and do things with me like you did. It made me tingle all over when I was hanging up in the chains, I wanted you so badly to do it to me, James?"

"Yes Tony?"

Damn here comes Eric, 3; sheeit he looks so 3; well 3; so sexy. By the way that James talks to him he's really happy with him. Now what is it I really want, some one like James 3; YES 3; to be like Eric 3; YES 3; so now what do I do. Fuck what is this all about?


"What were my orders for the back room boy?"

What's going on here, Eric looks as though he just shit himself and James has gone all big boss again, this is so fucking confusing. He's sitting here all nice with me then he is into Eric like a rat up a drain pipe. Now why is Eric on the floor in that position for.

"Speak Boy?"

"Master, I have disobeyed you and would ask for your punishment for my bad behaviour."

"Disodedience is ten strokes. Boy, get the paddle."

"Yes Master."

Fuck he is going to give him a hiding again, what did he do wrong. Let's see now, he had a bath like he was told 3; right 3; he went a cleaned up that back room like it should be 3; right 3; so what the fuck has he done wrong?

"Boy, you deserve ten strokes, is that right, speak."

"Yes Master."

"However, you broke my rules with good intentions in mind, is that right, speak."

"Yes Master."

"Right, because of your good intentions you will recieve only five strokes. Do not go to harmony Boy, this is punishment. You will count them off, where is your plug, Boy? speak."

"It is inside Master as you ordered."

"Remove it."

Plug 3; what's a plug 3; holy fuckin' hell he has that in his ass all the time. That thing would split you wide open. Damn what a time for the phone to ring.

"Tony, do you think you could answer that for me?"

"Yes James."

Now how should I do this if I was a real slave 3; Hmm ok I'll try it that way it should sound right I think.

"Good afternoon, this is the home of Master James, may I help you?"

"Yes boy, is that Mythra's Child?"

"No sir, I'm Tony sir."

"Right, ok is Master James there?"

"Yes sir, he is sir, but he is engaged at the moment sir."

"I see well my boy are you a new slave like Eric? if not you should ask Master James to take you under his wing. He knows how to train a Boy properly."

"No sir, but I would like to be like him sir."

"Is that Eric's butt getting a work out that I can hear?"

"Yes sir, it is sir."

"Ah even Mythra's Child makes mistakes now and again my boy, Now then would you tell Master James to ring Master Alton when he is finished?"

"Yes sir I shall pass that on, sir."

"Good Boy 3;.Hmmm that sounded like a good one, was it a hard swipe, Boy?"

"Yes sir, very hard sir."

"Well my Boy I must go and don't forget to pass on the message."

"Yes Sir, thank you sir."

Well now I suppose I am a slave after that call. Fuck Eric is jumping about, they must be really hurting him. Shit that's five hard ones and Eric has tears in his eyes, they must really hurt. Don't think I could take them that hard, he's a tough little fucker that's for sure. Hey that looks nice the way James cuddles him and Eric looks sort of happy as well. This is way strange.

"You feeling better, little dove."

"Yes James, oooooohhh that was a real butt burner."

Shit his butt is as red as beetroot, bet that stings like hell.

"Well you deserved it didn't you?"

"Yes James, I was wrong, I should've asked you first. I'm sorry I just didn't want our room to stink."

This is way weird, Eric goes and cleans up another guys mess and he gets his ass tanned for it. There's so much going on here I don't understand. Oh well maybe James will tell me what's going on now.

"Yes I know what you were trying to do, but you have to remember all the rules all the time."

Ahh, so that's it, rules and things.

"Yes I know James, it was silly of me to forget."

"Ok kiddo, it's done and over, Tony who was that on the phone?"


"Just James, Tony."

"Sorry, it was a man called Alton, he asked if you could call him back."

"Ok, what were you two chatting about?"

Should I tell him or will he think I'm being a smart ass.

"He wanted to know, 3; well if I was your new 3; you know 3; Boy."


"He asked if I wanted to be like Eric so I said 'yes'."


"Well he msut have heard the first swat and asked me if it was Eric getting heated up, and then he said something really nice to me."

"What was that, Tony?"

This is embarrassing, still it would be cool if James did do it.

"He said, I was a very good boy and should ask you to, well take me in."

"Is that what you'd like to do, you know that you would have to stay here and not at home?"

Well here goes nothing, it's now or never and it would be cool to be Eric's friend and be with him all the time.

"Oh that's not a problem, Dad's always overseas on business, Mum is away a lot doing charity things and my older sister is out with her boyfriend all the time. I think that's why I hung around with those guys all the time, it was boring at home alone."

"But what would they say if you said you were moving out to live with someone else, especially a man."

"I came out to them last year, since then they don't seem to care very much what I do as long as I don't get into trouble."

Yeah right, I had to tell them about what I felt but had to keep it from everyone else or I would have got the bash like we did to Eric. Is that why the 'rents don't care what I do anymore. Yeah maybe it is, oh shit why not, at least James would be here and listen to me and I'd be with Eric. If I do this then things at school could get pretty shitty though. Oh fuck it why not, in for a cent, in for a dollar and fuck the rest of them at school.

Well if your serious Tony, I think I could find someone to look after you. I can't do it as much as I would like too, you see Eric is very special and I have to be here for him alone, he is going to be very important in our scene later on and I need to spend all my time with him, to train him properly for his role in the future."

Oh no, is he going to tell me to leave and forget it all, after I said all those things to him and all these new feelings in my gut and head.

"Do you really, I mean really deep down want to be like Eric?"

"Yes, yes, I really want to have someone like you."

"Look Tony, I know a man who might like to meet you, he may be able to help you if you'd like to meet him."

What?? oh god I hope he can help me like James helps Eric, will he like me though and will I be good enough for him?

"Could I? 3; really."

"Ok then, let me finish with Eric then I'll make a phone call, would you like to stay for dinner tonight?"

"Yes please, can we talk some more?"

"Of course, but I think you'd be better talking to Eric about a few things as well."

"Ok, that'd be great."

Yessss 3; this is neat, at last someone that knows what I want and I can talk to Eric tonight as well.

"You ok now kiddo?"

"Yes James, thank you, I love you."

"I love you too kiddo. Ok bend over let me put your plug back then you clean your leathers while I make a phone call or two. You and Tony can talk while I get dinner on."

"Ok, love you."

Damn this young spunk and the old guy really seem to have something for each other, wish someone would be like that with me. Mum and Dad never give me a hug or nothing, not even when I was a kid. Wonder what it feels like to be hugged like Eric.

"Would you like a hug, Tony?"

Damn yes. Oh fuck this feels so great, his arms are strong and yet they sort of feel all soft and safe, why didn't I find this all out before.

"Ok you two, I got things to do. Would you like to help Eric do his cleaning, Tony?"

"Can I?"

"Yep sure, he'll show you what to do."

Great now I get to feel and work on all those leather things, now what did he call them? 3; ah yes that's right 3; Restraints. Well this is cool and Eric really takes a lot of time doing this polishing.

"Uhm 3; Eric?"

"Yep Tony?"

"What's it really like, you know, being with an older guy all the time, 3; have you 3; well 3; done 'IT' yet?"

"Hey it's real neat, James looks after everything for me and all I have to do is obey him. I've got no pressure to have to think of everything all the time and that lets me concentrate on the more important things, and No, we haven't done 'IT' yet but I really want him to. That's why he has me wearing the plug all the time so I get big enough for him."

"You 3; you mean, you want him to do 'IT', well you know put his dick in your ass. That's gotta hurt like hell."

"Tony, I'm gay, you know that, it's what I really want to do. To me it will be the final proof that he loves me and really wants to care for me. It's what I need in my life, someone to care for me and protect me."

"But you going to let him screw your ass 3; how can that be protecting you?"

"It's who I am Tony, I'm pretty sure that if I didn't want to have him inside me that he wouldn't do it. You'll learn about it if you think you want to go to a Master of your own. I know all about the internet stories and everything they say but James says that is either jerk off stuff or is based on pure sadism."

"So what's the difference. He gives you a belt on the ass and then he ties you up with all this leahter gear, isn't that sadistic?"

"No, see he does it with a lot of care. I have my safewords and he would obey them to the letter if I use them. It's all about trusting your Master, Tony."

"But I mean he whacks you with whips and that paddle thing as well as all that other stuff he has in that room."

"Tony, I'm what's called a Masochist, I like the feeling that sort of thing gives me. It makes me hard and I go to a real great place in my head when he does it to me. I don't know how else to explain it, it's just who I am."

"You think I'm like that?"

"I don't think so but you should ask James, he knows all about guys like you and me."

Well this all gives me something to think about. I know I liked what James did and the good feeling I get when he tells me to do something but I don't know about all that pain and stuff. Hmm wonder if I can get James to give me a whack with that paddle to see what it's like.

"Is this all we have to do Eric?"

"Yep that's the lot, we'll just wait for James to come back and tell us what he wants then you can probably go off home and I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"D 3; does 3; does that mean I have to go home, now?"

"Nah, you stay as long as you like, what about your 'rents?"

"Dad's gone to Aussie and Mum is out till after midnight at some art thing, don't know what Sis is doing."

"Oh ok, here comes James, lets see what he's got in mind."

Maybe he'll let me stay all night with Eric. That'd be cool to sit up and talk all night with him. He's so different than I thought at school today. Looks all calm and happy, like, uhm 3; damn what's that word 3; ahh yes, content, yeah that's it 3; he looks real content.


"Yes James?"

"I have four guests coming for dinner, would you like to dress up like Eric for them? It's not needed you're fine as you are or you can go home and change into something more casual if you want to."

Is he for real, I can stay for dinner and see some of his friends, do I want to look like Eric in all that stuff with my ass out for others to look at, 3; Hmmm well it might be a bit embarrassing but 3; shit 3; what the hell, might be fun 3; yeah might as well go with it.

"Could I, just like Eric does?"

"Well not completely but I have a few things if you want to."

If I want too 3; course I want to.

"I'd love to, but I don't know what to do?"

"You just follow what Eric does, you won't have to do anything hard, I want you to have fun, but I thought you might like to dress up a bit."

"Yes, oh yes please, I'd love to do it."

"Ok then, you can have a shower later and Eric can explain what he does when I have visitors, and what you do. Don't worry if you make mistakes, nobody is going to laugh at you or say anything mean to you. These people are very understanding and will only help you, they will never make you feel uncomfortable."

"Thank you James, I'll try my best for you."

Yeah I'll try real hard, this has got be the bestest day of my life, all this new stuff and a friend like Eric on top of it.

"I know you will, just remember, you're allowed to make mistakes, you're not going to be punished for anything you do, just be yourself and enjoy the night."

Wonder if I should ask him about a whack from that paddle thing now?

"Ok Eric come here kiddo let's get you dressed. Tony you can grab a seat if you want while I dress Eric."

Ah this is the time I should do the tings Eric told me about. Now what was it 3; yeah that's right, I go to the left of James' chair and then kneel down with my hands on my head like he showed me. What was it called again 3; ahm 3; ah yes Rest, that's right.

"Ok smarty pants, who's idea is this?"

"Mine James, I wanted to show Tony how we were going to do it tonight."

"Well Tony, that was excellent, you do it very well, you sure you're happy with this?"

Yesss, I got it right, and he happy with it, this is such a cool feeling, knowing he likes it.

"Yes James, it feels so right somehow."

"Ok enough you two, Eric, want to lap dance. You grab a seat and get comfortable Tony, I'll just give the boy a special hug then we'll see what we can do to make you look the part for tonight."

Damn Eric looks so happy sitting on James' lap, funny I never thought an old guy could be so caring about a young guy. All I wever hear is how we fuck up all the time. This shit is certainly different from what the stories say.

"How's your back and butt, kiddo?"

"Good, the stinging has gone, that oil is really great, you really laid that paddle on."

"That's not as hard as I can make it though."

"Really, oooh, better not get you mad then, eh?"

"I never get mad Eric, not when I punish or teach you, it wouldn't be good for you or me."

So that's one of his secrets, he never gets mad so he can be in control all the time. Maybe this is a good time to ask.


"Yes Tony?"

"Could you, well kinda, uhm, give me, well one 3; ahhm 3; hit with that paddle thing. I want to see 3; well see what it's like."

Shit did I just say that?

"Tony, it's not a play thing. I know and understand how you feel, but I don't think it's a good idea, it's a form of punishment not for just feeling good."

Damn, now how can I make him give me one to see what it's like.

"It's ok James, I understand, but 3; well 3; I did do those things to Eric and well I think you should have punished me and not Eric in that room today. Well you see, I think I should get at least one to pay Eric back."

Yeah that's the one.

"You really think you should, Tony?"

"Yes James, I think it's only fair."

"You know it's going to hurt like hell don't you?"

Well not too much I hope.

"Yes James."


Now Eric said to hold it tight and be proud at the same time, elbows right back, head up, and ankles tight together. Fuck this is just as hard as the other position to hold.

"Strip Boy, Eric go get the paddle off the floor and bring it to me."

"Yes James."

Oh fuck, forgot about this part, so what! he's saw it all before but this feels sort of different now we're not in that room. Ahh shit here goes nothing.

"Everything Boy."

Uho 3; looks like it's a bare ass job, wish I could stop blushing.

"Come here, Boy, and take the third position."

Well at least I know what that one is, omph, this's not as easy as Eric makes it look.

"Straighten your thighs Boy, get your butt up higher."

Higher, damn my ass cheeks are tight as fuck now, didn't expect this part, I thought he would just give me one while I bent over. Oh well I made my bed as Dad says so I got to wear it now.

"Boy, at your request you are recieving one stroke of the paddle as punishment for your conduct at school today, do you understand Boy?"

"Yes Master."

"Count it out, Boy."

Omph 3; argh 3; fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckin' hell that stings like shit 3; ooh 3; shit, shit, shit.

"What you say, Boy?"

"Ohh, argh, one 3; one sir 3; thank you sir, oh damn that hurts."

"Come here Tony."

Yeow, fuck my ass feels buggered, at least he's going to give me a cuddle for it 3; fuck how does Eric take it every day.

"Ok, Tony, you're ok, here lay down on my lap and I'll put some oil on it, it'll take the sting out."

Well this feels kinda neat laying on his lap, fuck my dick hasn't gone down yet, wonder if he can feel it on his leg.

"So what do you think of your first paddle, Tony?"

"Damn that thing was like getting hit with a Mack truck."

"Oh really and you get hit with a Mack truck a lot do you?"

"No, no, you know what I mean, James."

"Yeah I know Tony, I'm just kidding with you, stings doesn't it."

Stings 3; yeah fuckin right it stings.

"Hell yeah, how does Eric do it?"

"Because he's special Tony, ok all done, feel better, why don't you go with Eric and he'll show you where the shower is and you can have a clean up while I go look for some things for you to wear tonight. Eric you help him to relax ok?"

Special, ok yeah that works for me, 3; ooh damn my butt feels better with that oil stuff but damn it's still going to be touchy for a while to sit down.

"Ok Tony, want to get in thew shower and I'll give you something to make you feel better."

Now why is Eric smiling like that. Mmmmmmm this water feels soooo good 3; oh god 3; oh fuck 3; what's he doing 3; oh yeah that is soooo good, his mouth feels so hot 3; now, oh god let me shoot now, his mouth is so fucking hot 3; got to pull out and shoot 3; no 3; no 3; he 3; he 3; he's swallowing it all 3; shit, shit, shit 3; fuck I'm going to faint 3; I've never shot like that before 3; damn that's sooo good 3; got to catch my breath 3; he's smiling at me 3; damn that was better than any jerk off from that stupid bitch at school. Better finish this shower and go to James. Ahh here comes Eric again, just dry off and I'll use the towel, waste of time getting dressed again if he's going to put some of those restraint things on me.

"Ok Tony, I've seen it all before, you can drop the towel and come over here so I can dress you."

Yep he's seen it all anyway so what the hell, here goes.

"Ok Tony I'm going to explain it all to you as we go. These are not the normal leathers you'd wear if you were to belong to someone, these are called trainers. You see how Eric's are all locked on, well these are held on only with studs so you can remove them if you don't like the feel."

Don't like the feel? shit this is the best I've ever felt.

"Instead of a chastity belt I'm going to put you into a pair of short pants, they should fit you tightly and they'll feel just like a belt but you should be more comfortable in them for your first time. The cuffs and collar are the same, they are for looks only and not the real ones you'd have if you were someone's boy."

Yeah if someone wants me that is.

"Right now let's get you into the pants first, here step into these, now pull them up to your waist and I'll show you the tricky bit. Good, now I've got to take hold of your dick, you ok with that?"

After that blow job from Eric I don't care what he does. Was that fucking intense or what.

"Yes James, you do what you have to, they feel so great already and that leather smeel is so cool."

"Ok, now you see this flap at the front? Good, now see that little pouch in the bottom we have to put your dick in that. It will keep it pulled down under your groin and stop you from getting hard, it's a little uncomfortable at first because your balls are pushed upwards."

Well one thing to go, I got to try this or I'll never know. I hope it doesn't hurt too much but Eric seems to like it.


"Yes Tony?"

"Do you think I could have one of those things Eric has, you know in his 3; ahhm 3; butt?"

"Are you serious about that Tony? you really want to try a butt plug?"

That's why I asked 3; oops better stop thinking things like that, got to get control of my head or he will see it.

"Could I?"

"Ok Tony, wait I'll get a small one for you. Take the pants off and go with Eric, he'll show you how to have an enema. Not too much Eric, just a small wash out, ok?"

Enema? what's an enema.

"Yes James, you're gonna love this Tony, c'mon."

So what's Eric grinning like an ape for. This had better be good.

What's he getting that bag thing out for and what's that tube and nozzel for. Oh fuck 3; he's not going to 3; oh damn he can't be serious.

"Jeez Eric, you gonna shove that up me?"

"Not shove, I'll just ease it into you. Wait I'll put some lube on you, bend over, ohh Tony?"

"What, what?"

"Nice ass."

"You think so? ohhhh thats cold, oh, oh, oh thats nice, oh wow, is that your finger?"

Sheeeit, didn't know you could feel like this when sonmeone plays with your ass hole.

"No, see nice isn't it? wait I'll just push a little more."

"Oh god, thats so cool, oh damn, how far you pushing it in 3; oh 3; oh 3; oooohhhh. What now, oh god what's that?"

Jeez is this hot or what. Christ what's that 3; oooohhh feels nice.

"Huh that's warm, hey I'm filling up, oh god how much more 3; ngh 3; oh no more Eric, I'm full."

My gut feels like it's gonna burst 3; ugh 3; damn it's starting to hurt a bit.

"Ok thats all of it, can you keep the water in while I pull the nozzel out? Yeah thats it, try to hold it long as you can, when you can't hold anymore just sit on the loo and let it go."

Can't hold it in much longer 3; got to go 3; fuck got to go now 3; shit 3; oooh fuck 3; yech 3; that stinks 3; fuck was that inside me.

"Whew, oh yuk, jeez that stinks, god I feel so empty, poo the stink, how often you do this Eric?"

"I have to do it two times every morning before I put my plug in."


"Yep everyday, but you get to like it after a while, well except for the bit of pain at first but the feeling of the water going in and that real neat clean feeling afterward is great."

"If a Master takes me will I have to do it like that?"

"Yes probably, most Masters like their boys to be clean all the time, both inside and out, that's one of the good things, you feel clean all the time, it's great. Ok that's all clean up and we'll go get you dressed."

"Uhm, one thing more Eric 3; why do you do it? I mean there has to be something more than just being clean?"

"Ok well it's so I can have my plug in all the time and I don't need to take a dump during the day."

"You mean that great big thing in your ass?"

"Yep, it's part of my routine in the mornings, I put my own plug in as well, except when James has a bigger size for me then he does it the first time for me."

"What they feel like, you know the plugs?"

"It's so cool, when you sit or move around you feel it move around inside you. It rubs your prostate thingy, feels so awesome. Of course I can't cum with my belt on, so every time the belt comes off I go so hard straight away."

"So you get to have a wank and things then all the time?"

"Hell no, not unless James says I can."

"You mean you can't jerk off or anything unless he tells you, damn that must be hard?"

Now what have I got myself into, no jerking off without the Master's ok, fuck I couldn't last half a day without getting off.

"No, my dick gets hard, hehehe. You have to understand, in my head I belong to James, he protects me and looks after me. The least I can do is obey him, he never does anything wrong to me, and boy you got to feel it when he says I can cum. He made me go without for two weeks when I first came here but boy when he said I could cum it was like flashing lights and everything."

"Jeez don't know if I can last that long, I got to do it two three times a day."

"No it's ok, a good Master shows you how to do it. Ok you're done now lets go back and see you dressed."

"Ok Tony, I'm going to lube your butt for you, then I'll ease this into you slowly. It's smaller than Eric stated with but it should feel nice for your first time. Ok now bend over, that's the boy, now this is my finger, you're ok?"

Oh fuck yeah, that feels sooooo good.

Chapter 3

"How does that feel Tony?"

How does it feel? damn what is that thing touching, I can feel my dick going up now. It's a bit tight and sort of feels full back there, but whatever it's touching is sure making me feel good.

"Sort of full but nice James, it's touching something inside me and making me feel little shocks when I move."

"That's because of the bend in it Tony, it's rubbing against your prostate, we call it your 'fun button'. I it ok for you?"

"Yeah James, it's cool."

"Ok, let's get those shorts pulled up and then I want you to go to the 'Rest' position for me."

"Yes James."

Hmmmm this tight leather feels really cool, now got to tuck my dick in that pocket thing. Shit that feels weird and my balls feel funny all tucked up like that. Ahhh that's it, now to go to Rest. let me see now. Kneel, hands behind my head, elbows out straight, head up looking straight ahead, legs straight and toes on the floor, heels together. Right, damn this's still hard to hold.

"Well done Tony, I think the Master I have for you is going to be very pleased with your good posture."

I did it, he's happy with me, damn this feels so good for someone to like me.

"Right Tony, first I'm going to put on your wrist cuffs."

Jeez it feels nice with him standing so close behind me. Mmmmmmmmm, those cuffs feel so cool.

"Now Tony, you can spread your legs a little while I fit your ankle cuffs, that's the boy."

Yessss 3; now I'm starting to feel good, all this gear smelling so cool and fitting nice and tight. Wonder what I look like.

"Right Tony, put your legs back together, good. Now then I'm going to give you what we call a 'Temporary Bonding' so that you can wear a collar and it will give you your protection for tonight. You ok with that?"

"Yes Sir."

Better get used to saying that now I got this rad gear on.

"Boy 'Present'."

"Boy, you are a free man you are not bonded to any other, is this true?"

"Yes sir."

"Boy, you asked to be bonded for this one night, is this true?"

"Yes sir."

"Then Boy, I place around your neck this collar and bind you to me for this one night only, do you agree?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

"Your position in this house will be below that of the Child of Mythra, do you agree?"

"Yes sir."

"Then Boy go before the Child of Mythra and take the second position and state to him that you will follow him for this one evening."

"Yes Sir."

Now I'm a slave, and I know Master is going to protect me. This is really base, damn it feels good.

"Child of Mythra, I follow you for this evening."

"Bonded Boy, I'm honoured."

"Ok Tony come here let me give you a welcome hug, you too Eric, come on a groupy."

Mmmmmmmmmm, I could do this all night. It's great having someone hug you like this.

"Nice timing boys, PRESENT."

"Eric you will take this boy with you to answer the door, explain to him what to do, go now."

"Yes Master, come with me Tony."

Well here I go for my first test. Got to do this right, now stand to Eric's left and then follow him just behind his shoulder.

"Welcome Master Alton, welcome sir, Master James awaits you sir may I show you to him?"

Now kneel at Master's left and wait for him to say something to me.

"Boy, you will take the boxes from Master Alton's boy and place them over there in the corner then return to me."

"Yes Master."

Wow, he's giving me something to do, this is getting to be a real rush.

"Ok James, how did you do it this time, he's not a double as well is he?"

"Unfortunately not Alton, what you think of him?"

"Well you kept him well hidden from us, I see you've got him in trainers. How long has he been with you, he moves well and looks good and solid in his positions."

Shit, this is the Master that was talking to me earlier and he likes me, wonder if he's the one James was going to give me to.

"This afternoon, Alton."

"You're joking of course."

"Nope, he's a freeman, I've bonded him only for tonight, he came here this afternoon for the first time."

"How the hell do you do it, one day and he's as good as I've seen, well except for this one here."

He's a tough looking Master this one, but damn he likes that boy of his by the look of his actions.

"Those two look like bookends beside you."

"Yes, his name's Tony, he's a good looking boy, hope to find someone for him."


"Yes Master?"

"Take the boy with you and get some drinks for us, I'll have a Glen as usual, Rum and coke for you Alton?"

"Thanks James."

"You heard him, go to it."

"Yes Master."

That's the drinks done and there goes the door bell again.


"Yes Master?"

"That will be a Prime Master, explain to the boy his duties and then open the door."

"Yes Master."

Prime Master, that's the same as James, sheeit, I better get this one right.

"Prime Master of the Chair, welcome and welcome to you sir, my Master awaits you sir. May I show you to him?"

Oh my god, this Master has so much power but he is a lot younger than James, I think, boy would I like to be with him, pity he has a boy already, I'd love to try to be good for him.

"Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you Sir."

"Founding Prime Master, you honour me sir."

"Master Alton I greet thee."

"Prime Master of the Chair, you honour me sir."

Jezz these Master's really keep it all formal.

"Ok thats over, what'll you have to drink Nigel, Glen?"

"Yep that's fine thanks James, and how's our Child of Mythra this evening?"

"Speak Boy."

"I'm very well thank you Prime Master of the Chair."

"Good, and who's this James, you gone and done it again?"

"No Nigel, he's not a double, worse luck, he's bonded for tonight only."

"Hes got good posture James, he's going to make someone a very good boy."

"Well Nigel, thats why I asked you here, I thought you might consider him as you loose Brian this weekend?"

"Are you serious James?"

What! James is going to let him be my Master, yesssssss. Please say Yes James.

"Very, he's a good boy, learns very quick and wants to know more and he has a spark, when I saw him I thought of you and what this weekend meant to you, would you consider it?"

"Would you allow my boy to look him over?"

Look me over? uhm now what do I do.

"I'm sure he would be honoured Nigel, Boy, Present yourelf before Prime Master Nigel's boy."

Well here goes nothing. Ohhh god that feels sooo good, yes, yes, closer 3; ooh 3; ahh, that is so rad. Mmmmmmm could stay like this for ever, this guy's hands feel so good rubbing me all over. Fuck I wish I could blow a load right now. Eh 3; what was that 3; oh shit Master is calling me.

"BOY, come."

"Well James, I have to agree with my Boy's judgement."

"And what would that be, Nigel?"

"Well if the boy agreed to it, he says that he could not find a finer boy to take his place, also he said that he must be a very good boy to be plugged already."

"The plug is at his request, Nigel."

"Really, May I speak to him?"

"Of course."

How did he know I had that plug thing in.

"Boy do you like the feel of the plug?"

How do I explain it. What 3; why is Eric hissing at me 3; oh shit thats right got to look at James to answer first.

"Prime Master of the Chair, Founding Prime Master James has made me feel very good sir."

"Well said boy, but we're not formal now, just sir is enough for now. I compliment you on your good manners and the honour you show. Wwould you like to be trained correctly?"

Got to wait for James to say ok this time. Ahh there's the nod.

"Yes sir, I would like that very much, sir."

"Do you know that you would have to leave your home to stay with me full time?"

Wait for James, ahh got the nod again.

"Yes sir, it would not be any trouble sir."

"Thank you boy. He's going to need a few days to sort out his home life, James, do you think he might like to join us all on the weekend?"

"What do you think Boy, want to come to a gathering with us on the weekend?"

"Yes Master, I would like to very much Sir."

Gathering, wonder what that's all about, oh well must be fun, everything they do seems fun.

"And would you be happy for Master Nigel to take you for your training?"

Hell yeah.

"Yes Sir, I would be happy to be with the Prime Master sir."

"Well there's your answer Nigel. After Sunday you'll be responsible for young Tony here, if you have no objection Mythra's Child and I would like to be present at his commitment ceremony."

"What say we make it on Sunday. Alton could you have his leathers done by then?"

"If James would let me be a little late with the rest fo Erics wardrobe I'm sure I could do it. What about Greg though he'd needs time to do the tags."

"No, that's no problem we can transfer the ones from Brians gear after the ceremony on Saturday night."

"Ok then Nigel, Peter and I'll have it all ready, can we measure him up tonight James?"

Measure, shit they get things done quick round here, but my own personal gear, that's going to be cool.

"Sure after dinner should be ok, speaking of which, Eric?"

"Yes Master?"

"Take the boy with you and start to serve dinner please."

"Yes Master."

"Ah James?"

"Yes Nigel."

"Perhaps we can send all the boys together to serve tonight, if you had no objection. We have a little extra planning to do now, will give us some peace to sort all the details out if they're all busy in the kitchen."

"Well if Alton has no objections I don't see why not Nigel, Alton?"

"None at all James, boy go help the others in the kitchen."

Well this is a turn up for the books, wonder if I'm allowed to talk in here or not.

[Child of Mythra, chapter 12]

"Hey Tony relax, we're all slaves in here, it's only while we're in front of our Masters we have to really behave but when we're alone we can relax as long as we do our duties."

"Uhm 3; thanks Brian."

"No probs brother slave. Hey you gonna get really well looked after with Master Nigel. He's an ace in the dungeon."

"Well thanks Brian, uhm what will he do to me?"

"Oh don't worry Tony, he has a way of knowing just what you like, only one thing though."

"What's that?"

"He starts you off by not letting you cum for the first month. He milks you every three or four days to keep the pressure down, but damn when he let's you go, boy do you unload after a month."

"A month, shit don't know if I could stop for that long."

"Don't sweat it Tony, you'll be in chastity all the time."

"You mean like Eric wears, that belt thing?"

"Same sort of thing but Master Nigel uses a differnt sort. Wait I'll show you."

Shit he's dropping his pants. Oh fuck, what's that steel thing, looks like a steel cock and balls with a padlock on the top.

"See, Master Nigel keeps the key and only unlocks it for me when I need to clean it."

"Is it heavy, how do you piss?"

"Yeah it's got a bit of weight to it but it feels real cool on your skin, and you can see the small hole in the tip, I just sit down to piss, goes straight out the hole and then each day I wash and clean it so I don't get sore."

"Does it just sit on there, I can't see any straps?"

"Yeah it just stays on, it's tight around the top like a cock ring so it can't fall loose."

"Cock ring? what's a cock ring?"

"Oh boy, brother slave, have you got some fun coming your way."

Fuck I'm feeling horny already by this stuff.

"So Peter, how do you keep your plug in without a strap like Eric has?"

"Muscle control Tony, you get to learn after a while. I bet Eric could keep his in without the strap, that right Eric?"

"Yes Brian, I could but I just like the feel of the strap rubbing between my legs, sort of helps to move the plug inside me."

"You been broken yet, Eric?"

"Not yet Brian, but I hope it's damn soon, I want to feel Master James in me so bad."

"Oh well Eric, you know what the Masters are like, keep us waiting and it's better when it happens."

"Yeah that's true Brian. You looking forward to this weekend and your raising?"

"Yeah, but it sort of seems strange, after five years with Master Nigel as a slave and all of a sudden I'm going to be responsible for someone one day."

"Ahm, Brian?"

"Yes Tony?"

"Is this the gathering thing on the weekend?"

"Yes, why, oh that's right, you don't know. I'm being raised up to be a Junior Master this weekend, that's why Nigel will have time to take you in, and frankly Tony I'm damn pleased he is, you're a great kid and you're going to make him a really good slave. He needs someone as good as you, he doesn't do too well by himself."

Now this is what it's all about, I feel so important sort of, and these other guys are letting me help with serving and everything, wonder what else goes on. Ah we can go eat now, the Masters want to talk about us I bet.

"Come on Tony, bog in, don't wait to be served or you go hungry."

"Thanks Eric. Ahh when do we go back inside?"

"When we've finished here and cleaned everything up. The Masters won't call us unless it's important."

Jeez this is better than calling out for a pizza, didn't know they ate this fancy. The stories on the net always say a slave eats like shit all the time. This Mythra Society has some different rules if those stories are true.

"Ok guys we're all done, let's go back and look after our Masters."

"Ok Eric."

Neat, now what are we going to do, this is really getting to me, I don't feel embarrassed when I'm with the other guys and all the Masters treat me like someone sort of important as well.

Ah Master James is looking at me.

"Boy, Present."

"Go stand in the center of the room for Master Alton's boy to measure you. You will allow him to strip you for that purpose, understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

Well here goes, now they're all going to see my dick, oh well I'm just a slave so they can see it all they want, and those hands are going to be all over me again. Shit I hope I don't blow everywhere, just the thought of it and I'm trying to get hard. These damn shorts certainly keep you in place.

"Well chosen James, Tony's a great boy, stands well and follows his orders without question."

"Thanks Nigel, yes he's going to make you very proud of him."

This is the weird part, they talk about me as though I'm not here but it makes me feel good at the same time. Is this what I've been missing all this time.

"Come boy I want to unlock you, Master Alton will have some new clothes for you and will dress you this time, you will do as he says, understand?"

"Yes Master."

Ahh, now it's Erics turn, damn me, he is one tight little spunk and so comfrotable with being naked in front of others. Fuck look at that gear, all red leather, is that cool or what.

Jeez does that look good or is my ass grass. Shit that stuff is real gold, boy would I like that sort of stuff to wear. What's this, Erics going around to everyone thanking them. What now me, why me, I'm only a part time slave.

"Bonded boy, I am honoured by your presence and thank you for your attendance."

Whaaa 3; he's thanking me after what an ass hole I was to him, fuck me I got to owe this dude so much. I'm glad he said I could be his friend, what did I ever see in those other losers. Damn they love each other, fuck I got tears coming, hope no one laughs at me, no they wont, they llok just the same.

Chapter 4

[Child of Mythra, chapter 13]

Well it's now or never, first I have to do the Present right so here goes.

"Master may I speak?"

"Yes boy."

"Master I would like to respectfully request to be allowed to stay here this evening?"

"Why boy?"

"Master, I like to be dressed like this but I know I can't take it home with me, so I would like to sleep here with your permission Sir?"

"I see, well Mythra's Child will be with me this evening, so you'll be sleeping alone, can you handle that boy?"

"Yes Master, uhm 3; Master?"

"Yes boy?"

"Would you 3; uhm 3; make me feel good tonight 3; please Sir?"

Please say yes 3; please.

"Yes boy I can do that for you but you know that you're to be unbonded tonight?"

"Yes Master, well 3; I was hoping Sir, that you would do it in the morning Sir."

"You agree to being bonded overnight boy?"

Hell yeah, I wan't something more real bad.

"Yes Sir, very much Sir."

"Then boy consider it done."

Yay, it's going to happen.

"Thank you Sir."

Jeez was that a good night or what? All those others making a fuss over me and being nice and now Master James is going to let me sleep over with Eric. Hope he lets me wear these cuffs for bed, they feel so neat on my ankles and wrists but these bloody shorts sure are hard on my dick.

Can't wait to get alone in the bathroom, I got to have it off soon or my dick will break in half. Ahh here we go, time for bed, wonder what he's going to do with Eric in his bedroom? Maybe he won't do anything this time, pity, I'd like to try something after tonight.

"Ok Tony I'm going to show you how to star sleep, can you strip down now and leave only your collar and cuffs on."

Well this makes a change, I seem to be stripping every five minutes round here, oh well nothing ventured nothing gained.

"Good, now I want you to lay down on your back in the middle of the bed and I'll set your arms and legs to the restraints on the bed. If you have trouble during the night just pull hard on one of your cuffs and the snaps will release you."

Yessssss, this feels so right, Master James really knows what he's doing, my arms and legs are tight but not too much. I can sleep easy in this position but it feels sooo good being tied down like this.

"You feel ok Tony?"

"Ooooohhh yes."

"Good now Im going going to put a blindfold on you, ok?"

This is new, oh well it should be different.

"Yes please."

"Now Tony I'm going to give you a word, it's called a safeword, ok? if during the night you feel uncomfortable or you cant get your cuffs free you just call out the word and I'll come to you, ok?"

A safeword, Hmmmm well they think of everything but who would want to get out of this feeling?

"Yes Sir."

"Ok the word is 'freedom' say it for me Tony?"

"Freedom Sir."

"Good boy, now use that word if you feel you have to."

"Yes Sir."

No way Jose, I'm not a woos like those other guys and besides this isn't so bad.

"Good boy, now enjoy your sleep and I'll see you in the morning, Night boy."

"Good night Sir."

Ahh this is so good, now if I just move a little over this way then I'll be able to relax and sleep. It's so quiet, wonder what James and Eric are doing. Fuck I can't get my dick down, oh shit I can't have a wank now my hands are tied. Wonder if I pull one hand loose and jerk off, would James be mad at me? no I can wait a bit. Hmmm this is so relaxing, ahh my dick's going down at last. Yes that's better now to get some sleep.

WHAT! 3; what was that? 3; is someone moving in here? 3; nah, it's nothing, 3; sheeet, what's that?

"OH, fucking hell whats that, oohh god 3; don't stop 3; oooohhh, Damn, is that you James?"

Who is it? 3; oooohhhh fuck that feels good, damn my dick's so hard. What is that thing brushing my dick. Oh fuck I'm going to cum soon, shit I can feel my dick dripping, oh, oh, god yes let me cum. No, NO, come back, don't go. Fuck I have to cum. Who was it, it must have been James, oh my dick is so hard. Got to get my breath back, got to try to go to sleep, damn I'm so hard.

That's better now I feel I can sleep, so quiet and peaceful here. Good my dick is soft again, shit I hope he doesn't do that again or I'm going to unload all over the bed. Wonder how long it's been, must be hours, I'm so sleepy, time to sleep.


"Shit 3; fuck 3; ooh god nooo 3; oh fuck 3; oh,oh, oh shit, James? James, is that you, oh no, ohh fuck me 3; nooo 3; don't 3; don't 3; don't stop 3; damn."

Gotta cum 3; please I got to cum 3; no more 3;

Fuck where is it, why has it stopped 3; please let me cum 3; get my hands free and wank 3; no 3; no can't do it, use the word 3; no, got to be strong 3; fuck I have to cum.

So hard, can feel my cum dribbling down my dick. Got to wank, can't take much more, got to be strong, it's a test, I know it's a test, got to try harder. Fuck my dick is so hard. Sleep, try to sleep, relax, go to sleep, forget it, can wank in the morning, got to sleep. Hours, how many hours have I been here. What's those sounds coming from the other room. Must be Eric, fuck it sounds so hot. Shit, shit, shit, I'm so hard again, all that moaning and loud panting. Is James fucking Eric, got to wank 3; no can't. Sleep, forget the fucking in there, got to get some sleep.

Shit maybe if I flex my stomach I can cum 3; yes 3; yes that feels good 3; wha??? oh fuck that feels so good, lower, go lower, 3; yesssssssss, push it in 3; please push it in 3; ah fuck that's soooo fucking good. Do it more 3; No don't stop 3; oh fuck he's gone again, I can't stand much more of this. I can feel the puddle on my stomach, got to cum.

[Child of Mythra, chapter 14a]

Shit he's back again, how long has it been, how many times has he done this to me, I got to cum.

"Do you want to come little one?"


"In the morning little one, now go to sleep."

He can't leave me till the morning, James 3; please I have to shoot.


"In the morning BOY, now sleep Boy."

"Yyyyyyeessss Master, aarrrggghhh 3; "

Gone, he's gone again, no more, can't take anymore, got to cum.

He's here, ooohh yes do it, do it, ohh god that feels so good. Wait, what's he doing, my dick, he's stroking my dick, can't hold it back. YESSSSSSSS, shoot you fucker, yessssss, fuck I never shot that much cum before. Exhausted, got to rest, can't stop shaking, got to rest, sleep, must sleep.

"You ready for sleep now Tony?"

"James, James 3; you going to do me now?"

Yes you can fuck me, anything you want my Master, just give me that feeling again.

"No Tony I think that Nigel should have that privilege don't you?"

Yes, he's right, my Master Nigel should be the first one to really fuck me. I need it, I really need it, don't care if it hurts, just need to feel someone love me and fuck me.

"Uhm ok James, but it seems like something is missing that's all."

"Nigel will take care of your itch for you Tony, now go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning, I have to go see to Eric for a while, night little one."

"Night James, god that was awesome, thank you."

"Ok, see you in the morning."

Sleep, now I can sleep but I wish he had done it inside me, I want to feel it so bad. Ok homo, now you know what you are go to sleep, your Master Nigel will fuck you in time.

What's the time, oh shit, they're fucking in there and I've got a hard on again and it's not a piss hard. Fuck that's Eric, he must be really getting it. Now what? how do I get some action with my hands tied. Is that James? must be.

"Good morning Tony, how did you sleep?"

"James you know exactly how I slept, I thought this was all pain and hurting people but that was the most intense night I've ever had."

"Fun eh?"

Fun be fucked, I was up the wall with wanting to cum.

"No it wasn't, I thought I was going to die if I couldn't cum."

"Well Tony it does get better, wait till you join Nigel, he's even better at it than I am."

Better, how can it be better, I shot my spoof all over the place like never before.

"Really, shee-it I can't wait till the weekend."

"Ok Tony, I'm going to release you now, your bond is now over but I think you should go and have a shower and see if Eric can help you a little with your problem, you can tell him I said it was ok."

Eric, Eric can help me? yessss, at last I get to have something with that little spunk, wonder if he is allowed to try to fuck me. Maybe I can do him, wonder what that feels like or maybe he will give me a blow job, that'd be good.

"Hey Eric, James said I could have a shower with you and that we could do some stuff."

"Hey brother slave, did he, ok, but I have to go check with him first, nothing against you brother but it's what I have to do."

"Ok, I'm going to get under the water 3; uhm 3; Eric?"


"You are so fucking hot."

Did I really say that? yep you did you little homo, so get used to it. He is so fucking beautiful, his skin looks like silk, and by the way he's walking this morning he must have got plenty up him last night. Got to find out what it's like. Ok slave boy, time to shower.

Ahh he's back and smiling, looks like it's a go. That's right Eric slave boy, come in the shower with me. Fuck what's he doing kneeling on the shower floor. OOOHH FUCK 3; YES 3; YES 3; YES. His mouth is sooo hot, fuck I have to cum, too much load built up 3; oh god my legs are giving out, can't keep my feet under me 3; this is too much 3; gotta 3; gotta 3; fuucckk.

"Yaahhh 3; Eeric."

Got to get my breath back 3; stand up 3; too much 3; can't focus 3;

"Hey brother slave, feel better now?"

"Damn Eric, I never had a blow job like that."

"Then you got a lot of fun coming soon. Have you ever done it?"

"No never, what's it like to suck on a man's dick?"

"Well I like it but for your first time try to think of it as a nice hard lollypop. When you get the head in your mouth for the first time it sort of takes over and all you can think of is to get more of it inside."

"What about the pain thing?"

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure your new Master will know how to make it good for you. If you aren't used to it or like it like I do then they bring you along slowly until you can do anything. That's the difference with these Masters, they really care about us but at the same time we can't try to con them."

"What if you did try to con them?"

"That's when you find out about the real discipline, the rest of the time they use the toys to do things to make us feel good, you'll see when you go to Master Nigel."

"Shit brother, look at the time, we better hurry or I get a paddling before we go to school."

"Would James really give you a paddling before going out."

"Yep, it's part of the rules, come on lets move."

[Child of Mythra, chapter 14b]

Ah, here we go, I wonder if James is going to show the boys everything we did last night. God Eric looks so good in those leathers, I hope Nigel dresses me like that. Yeah, the clamps at last, wonder how I can get him to let me feel them. Got to work this right, I'll wait till he asks for questions. Ah this is the right time.

"Sir how heavy could Eric take of those clamps?"

"Because of who he is he could quite easily take the 'F's'."

Well here goes nothing.

"What do they feel like Sir?"

"Do you want to try them and find out?"

Shit yeah, it's got to be a buzz, I hope I don't yell out, the others will think I'm a woos, well if Eric can do it then I can 3; I hope.

"Yes Sir."

"Then come up here boy and take off your shirt."

Now I got to do this properly, first go to 'Present' now wait. Good James is whispering so the others can't hear.

"Eric will go into harmony for you, just watch him and try to hum with him, forget I'm here, it'll only be a small pinch and then it'll get better, I'm not going to leave them on very long so do the best you can, ok Tony?"

"Yes James."

"This young man is very brave to try this so I want you all to be very quiet until he has them taken off, Boy go to Harmony."

"Watch him Tony, listen to his song and follow it."

Well this is it, mmmmmmmm, that feels good when he rubs my nipples, didn't know they could feel this good. OOH FUCK! 3; shit, shit,shit 3; that stings like fuck 3; aah that's a bit better, keep humming, follow Eric 3; yes, that's better. James is reaching for them, going to take them off 3; yagh, fuck.

"Ouch 3; argh 3; shit that hurt."

"Ok Tony breathe deep and let the pain fill you and then disappear."

Breath, fuckin hell my nips are going to fall off. Ahh, that's a bit better, jeez that was painful but sort of sexy, my bloody dick is hard again. God everyone is going to see my hardon, ah fuck them, so what, at least I did it.

"Well done young fella, how do you feel?"

"Good thank you Sir, but they do sting don't they?"

"Yes they do, well if you go back to your seat and I'll finish off with Eric's restraints."

"Thank you Sir for letting me try them."

"That's ok Boy now off you go."

Jeez I'm still shaking, that was heavy but kinda cool, hope this weekend thing will be as good and I'll get a chance to see Master Nigel again then the fun should start.

[Child of Mythra, chapter 14c]

Saturday at last and we're nearly at the place for this gathering thing. Eh, oh Master James is talking, I better listen real close so I don't make a mess of things.

"Ok you two I want you to listen closely, Tony for today you are to act as though you are one of my boys. Only a couple of the Masters know you are going to Nigel and as far as the rest are concerned you belong to me. Your bonding tomorrow is to be a special surprise and we all want it to be special for you as well, ok?"

"Yes James."

Special? just for me, this is getting better all the time.

"Good boy, now things are going to happen today that you've never seen, if it gets too much for you I want you to say 'Kauri', ok? It's a 'go slow' word for you, you say that and I will take you away somewhere quiet to calm down. Don't be afraid to use it, this is your first time and Eric's duties are very intense but he knows what he has to do, so I want you to be happy with it in your own mind, ok?"

"Yes James, ahm 3; James?"

Now is the time to ask, got to get this straight in my head.

"Yes Tony?"

"What about sleeping tonight, where do we all stay?"

"When you see Greg's house you'll know, you and Eric will have your own room next to mine."

Hey that's cool, we get to sleep together, wonder if we can play a bit, Eric's mouth was so hot the other day, I could let him suck me for hours.

Shit, look at this house, it's massive, this is going to be some party, and look at those cars.

"Jeez look at some of those cars, a lot of Masters must have money?"

"No Tony, not really, a few are wealthy but most of them are just the same as your parents, they work at different jobs and earn money same as everyone else."

Well we're here, now got to do this right for James' sake. Helot, got to go to Helot and stay there.

This is different, all formal. What does James mean, I don't have a name! of well 'Helot' is better than missing out on this party. Hey all these slave guys are bowing to Eric, he really is different. He must feel so important but he doesn't get big head about it.

"Boy rise and take your place, don't disappoint me today, Eric keep an eye on him and let me know if he wavers from his duty."

Is he talking to me, shit he is, better do the best I can. Now what was that word again, oh yes 'Kauri'.

Wow this house is huge, now down to Helot. WHAT! that's the headmasters voice. Nah can't be 3; it is, fuck he's one of them, no wonder he could lay the cane on. What's he saying 3; shit this is embarrassing, he know's the shape of my ass. Damn why am I blushing and getting hard, they're talking about me as though I wasn't here.

Well time to go out and wait, will the other slaves talk to me or ignore me. I don't belong to anyone for real so maybe I'm not as good as them so they won't want to talk to me.

Look at them all, jeez some of them are must be over fifty, always though only young guys were slaves. Hey there's Peter, wonder who the Asian guy's is that he's talking to.

Peter's seen me and is waving me over, good at least I know someone. Now what do I do. James said I have to call everyone Sir, so maybe I better do it right.

"Hey brother Tony, good to see you again."

"Hello Sir, I'm glad to see you too Sir."

"Hey Tony you can cut the Sir, you only do it when a Master is around, the rest of the time us slaves like to be a bit looser. This is Lim, he's Master Greg's boy. Lim this is Tony, he's a new boy."

He's a nice looking hunk as well, never had much to do with Asians but this guy looks real cute, just like a little doll or something. Wonder how tough he is? he doesn't look very tough, so small and skinny, well not skinny, slim, yeah that's it, slim.

"Hello Lim."

"Welcome to my Master's house, brother Tony."

Brother! they all call me brother. It's just like having a real family, this is cool.

"So you're still with Prime Master James, Tony?"

"Yes Peter, he said I could be with him until some other Master wanted me."

"Has another Master seen you yet?"

"Yes, but I'm not allowed to say who it is, James said so."

"No problems Tony, the Masters always like to have their secrets from us, and each other."

I like the way Peter smiles. Woah! look at the marks on Lim's back, shit that must have hurt like fuck. Should I ask him?

"Uhm Lim, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Tony, anything you want."

"Well I don't want to be 3; well 3; nosey but 3; well did those marks on your back 3; sort of 3; well how did you get them?"

"Oh them, that's nothing, they're from my Master, he is so good with his Lansing."

"The Lansing, that's that real long whip isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's the one, it's really cool when you get used to it. He can make me cum just by touching me in the right places with it."

"What, no hands or nothing?"

"Yep, just gets me in the right spot and away she blows."

"How long have you been with him, Lim?"

"Three years now."

"How did you get with him?"

"I had to go to his surgery when I was beaten up on the street, he somehow knew what I wanted just by asking a few questions, so when I was fit enough he invited me here for a weekend and I've been here ever since. Don't think I want to ever leave now, he looks after me so good all the time, never knew it could be as good as this. He's even paid for all my schooling, next year I get my degree."

"Degree? but you can't be more than 17 or something?"

"No Tony, I'm 23, you know us Asians all look younger than we are."

This little spunk is 23, fuckin hell, he looks like a little small teen doll. What did Peter say?

"Well guys looks as though it's time to go back in, come on, time to pay the piper, see you later Tony."

"Thanks Peter and you too Lim, hope to see you later."

Now what do I do. Ah yes go to Master James and stand beside him at 'Present'.

Here ends Tony's account. You can read the rest of Tony's story from Master James' pov in the second part if chapter 14c and chapter 15 of Child of Mythra.

The End

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