PZA Boy Stories


A Five Little Boy Slaves Story

The Aftermath


In chapter 52 of his amazing story I Bought Five Little Boy-Slaves author Patrick brings his saga almost to a close. Jan and Marcus have now been freed and Mike has acknowledged Marcus as his son. But, what does life hold in store for Mike and Marcus and the five remaining slaves. Mike had worried what might happen to all of them when they were no longer boys. And he grieved that their land had to be deprived of such outstanding young talents 3; boys whose only 'crime' was youthful exuberance.
Publ. Sep 2011
Finished 14,500 words (29 pages)

Foreword by Patrick

When I started I bought five little boy slaves four years ago I never planned to go so far. I would never been able to do so without all the encouragement by loyal readers and fellow writers. But there was one of them who not only liked my story but got into it so deeply and wrote to me so often, I sometimes thought he could read my mind. It was almost as if the characters got their own life. He became an important part of that life.

I am proud to call him a friend. Of course this guy is Maiocxx, the author of many wonderful stories. And he continued to write his own version of Five little boy slaves, changing it ever so often something new happened in my chapters. It would be a shame if the readers of PZA wouldn’t be able to share that masterpiece of penmanship. So here it is, with my blessing and with just two words from my heart: "Thank you!"



Free Persons: Mike Alexandrov – long time slave owner; Marcus Shay (11 yo) – former slave and now acknowledged as Mike's son; Jan Mikhailowitsch – former slave in Mike's household
Slaves: Sebastian Martin (13 yo); Timo Senolli (12 yo); Julian Bond (12 yo); Chris Dantz (12 yo); Thunder (Michael Lange) (15 yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
Mb bb slave cons oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at maiocxx(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Maiocxx - The Aftermath in the subject line.

The story starts after Part 52 of
Patrick's I bought five little boy slaves

It was a restless night for both Mike and Marcus. To allay Marcus's sadness and fears, Mike took him to his own bed, and just held him. Finally Marcus spoke, "Oh, Father! I never dreamed!" he managed to choke out.

"I know, son. Nor did I. I hope you can forgive me for all those years I did not know about you. If I had been a responsible person, I would have found you." As the two of them lay together, he convinced Marcus to accept what had happened and they were able to sleep.

The next morning, at Mike's request, Jan brought Chris to the castle and Mike released the rest and assembled them all in his living room. All of them were anxious and a bit frightened to know what he was going to say to them. "Please sit back and look up at me."

For a while Mike and Marcus just stood there locked in an embrace while the others waited nervously. Finally Mike said to the rest of them, "I know this comes as a shock to you all. You cannot imagine what a shock it was to me. And to Master Jan as he has shared my secret for some time. Chris, you will remain with Master Jan as his slave. The rest of you will remain with me. And Marcus will now be your master, too."

That realization suddenly struck Marcus like a hurled javelin. What did Father mean? Was he to forget all the pain and suffering they had endured together? No! They were his friends and he would never forget them.

It had been strange, indeed, that morning, to sit at table 3; fully clothed 3; with his father, and be served by Timo and Sebastian. And to eat foods he had not tasted in years. He felt guilty! What was going to happen to the others? Who would lead them?

"Marcus is no longer your prefect," Mike told them, "he is your master, just as I am. You will call him 'Master' and obey him just as you do me. If you fail to do so, you will be punished hard. Timo, you are to be the new prefect. I expect you to keep all the rest in line and if you fail to do so, you will be punished."

"Master, yes Master," he replied. They had all come into the room with smiles on their faces, but they had now faded into looks of doubt.

"Marcus, do you have anything to say to your slaves?" inquired Mike.

"Yes," he answered, swallowing his momentary fright and trying to sound severe. "You are now my slaves just as you are Father's. I expect you obey me and I will not hesitate to punish you if you do not. You all have your responsibilities and I expect you to work hard at them." There! That was what Mike had told him to say.

But he didn't stop there. "But I want you to know that I am still your friend and I will never, ever abandon you." The expressions changed to looks of hope.

"What are you doing, Marcus!" Mike fumed after he had dismissed the slaves. "You have got to be a strict master to them! You can't be their friend!"

"Father," he answered softly, "the others and I have been through hell together. I will try to be a good master to them. But I will not be cruel to them and I will be their friend. The court has made me a free boy and you have acknowledged me as your son. It is an honor I am truly grateful for. I love you and I know you have always loved me, even when you didn't know I was your son. But I can never be truly free and never fully your son until they are free. In memory of my mom, I would like to keep her family name, 'Shay'."

Mike just stared at him. Breaking in this newly freed boy 3; his son 3; was going to be harder than he imagined.

That night, when they retired, Marcus got another shock: he could no longer sleep with Mike. "Father, what is wrong? Why can't I sleep with you and take care of you like we always have?"

"You're a free boy, now Marcus and my son. It wouldn't be right."

"But why, Father? I still love you and I want to make you feel good!"

"You just can't, Marcus. You will have to have your fun with one of your slaves, just as I did."

Marcus was appalled! He was expected to rape his friends who were now his slaves? His new room and bed were lonely. And, truthfully Mike also missed that warm body next to him. But he knew that could never be again.

As the weeks passed with no change in their situation, the slaves began to have doubts. Maybe Marcus had forgotten them after all. Maybe he was no longer their friend, only their master. Everything they had suffered together; maybe that meant nothing now that he was free. And slowly despair began to set in once more.

For Marcus, the heady joy of freedom and being acknowledged as Mike's son had soon given way to more practical things. He had to learn how to be a free-person again and the well-being of his former slave-mates was, necessarily, shoved into the background.

Truthfully, he had little time to think of anything except learning how to be a boy again. In some ways, it was harder than learning to be a slave. He must make decisions about his life! Decisions he had almost forgotten about. Simple things, like, "What should he wear, today? What should he do, today? How can he truly be Mike's son?" He sometimes wished he could be a slave again, but Mike would not let him sink back into slavery; he punished Marcus if he faltered, but with love, not savagery.

Mike insisted that he learn to be a strict master to the slaves and he was constantly caught between his duty as Mike's son and his friendship for the others. He had promised them he would not abandon them, but it became increasingly difficult to resolve the conflict between what Mike wanted him to be and what he wanted to be. For Mike, strict discipline and hard punishment was the norm and he expected Marcus to hew to that line as well.

One morning Timo spilled a glass of milk on the kitchen floor while pouring it for Marcus's breakfast. Wondering why it was taking so long, Marcus walked into the kitchen to see Timo frantically wiping up the mess. "Master," said Timo on his knees, "I was careless and you should punish me."

"It's all right. I'm sure it was an accident. Just clean up the mess," replied Marcus.

By this time Mike had come upon the scene. "No it is not all right. Son, you cannot excuse such behavior with a mere apology. Slaves must be punished when they make mistakes. You must show them who is boss. Now, I want you to give this miserable creature fifty cuts of your short whip."

When he was their prefect, he had often punished one of the other slaves with several cuts from his whip, but fifty? For spilling a little milk? Marcus looked at his father in shock! Timo just closed his eyes and assumed the position with his ass in the air; he knew he was being used as an object lesson.

Mike handed Marcus the whip and commanded, "Go to it! I want to see stripes after each one!"

Steeling himself, Marcus began. The first few cuts elicited only a hiss from Timo, but by the tenth he was openly crying. By the fiftieth he was howling with pain and his ass and upper legs were crisscrossed with inflamed red welts. Marcus only just refrained from crying himself.

"You may go back to work, slave," said Mike.

"Master, thank you Master," sobbed Timo.

"You see," Mike told his son, "now they know who is boss. It's not like when you were their prefect."

"Yes, Father," answered a visibly upset Marcus. He excused himself and went to his room and bawled. He was horrified at what his father had forced him to do! He could still hear the sound of the whip hitting naked flesh and Timo's cries of pain. It was all he could do to compose himself before Mr. Martin arrived to begin his daily schooling.

For the next several days he avoided Timo. The sight of his still inflamed ass was enough to send Marcus to his room in tears. One evening at bedtime, he found a note under his pillow. "Master, I know you had no choice and I forgive you." It was unsigned but Marcus spent the night weeping bitterly. Maybe he wasn't cut out to be a slave master. Maybe he would never satisfy his father.

Mike continued to 'discipline' Julian every day. He invited Marcus to take part, but Marcus adamantly refused and Mike did not press the issue. Several times he had to take care of the beaten and bleeding boy and it sickened him. Yet, he never doubted that Mike loved Julian 3; in his way 3; nor did it lessen his love for Mike. It was just the way his father was and he would have to learn to live with that.

But all was not the joy and excitement he had believed life as a free person would be. In addition to the strict behavior Mike expected from him, he had seen the others' looks of hope fade and, at last, he could not not bear any longer the reproach in their eyes. He must do something to reassure them.

"Father," he told Mike one evening, "you have told me that our slaves exist to serve us and for our pleasure. I should like to take one of them to bed with me tonight."

Mike was taken aback! This was certainly a change. Perhaps Marcus was beginning to throw off the burden of his foolish friendship with the others. "Who did you have in mind?"

"Sebastian, I think."

"No, I'll take Sebastian. You can have Timo."

"OK! He should be fun." Marcus secretly smiled; that was the arrangement he wanted. It was Timo he was closest to.

It was a completely beaten and dispirited Timo who knelt trembling in Marcus's room that evening. Marcus was no better than Mike; he was his master. He was no longer his friend and that was that. As Marcus came into the room, Timo whimpered, "Please Master. Don't hurt me."

Marcus was devastated! He hadn't realized the depth of the others disappointment and despair. Kneeling beside his friend, he put his arm around him. "Timo, I will never willingly hurt you! Yes, you are my slave, but you are my friend first of all. The day Father made me beat you was the worst day of my life, even worse than that first day in Father's slave pen. That you could forgive me for that is just, just, just 3;" He couldn't go on as sobs racked his body.

"Oh, Master," Timo wept, "we have been terrified that you forgot us. I'm ashamed! We should not have doubted you! How can you ever forgive us ?"

Drawing Timo up to his feet and taking him in his arms, Marcus replied, "I'm sorry you have felt that way, but it has been a difficult time for me, too. Mike is my father and I must obey him. But I will never be truly free until you are free too. I hope I haven't lost your friendship."

Timo sighed. "I was foolish! I knew you would always be my friend, Master, but I just couldn't 3;"

"Timo," Marcus interrupted him, "when we are together like this, just you and I, you are not my slave. You are my friend and I want you to call me by my name, just as you always have."

Timo gasped! "Y-Y-You mean I should call you M-M-Marcus?" he stammered.

Marcus nodded. Timo burst into tears as his friend drew him close. "If it were up to me," Marcus continued, "I would set you free today. But the law won't let me. But there is hope!"

"H-H-Hope, Marcus? What do you mean?"

"Do you remember when Father freed Jan he said there was a law that said a slave who had spent more than half his life enslaved could be considered for clemency. It's called 'amnesty' and it could apply to you and the others."

"Really! We could really be free again?"

"Yes, but it won't be for a long time. But I pledge to you I will do all I can to help you get ready for that day. And I believe with all my heart it will come 3; for at least you and Sebastian and Chris."

"You would do that for us?"

"Yes, Timo. That's what friendship means," replied Marcus as he, too, began to weep. "Please tell Sebastian."

For the next little while, they simply held each other, rekindling the bond that had been so strained. Finally, Marcus led Timo over to the bed, shed his clothes and the two of them cuddled together, luxuriating in the sensuous feel of their naked bodies pressed together.

After a bit, Marcus rolled Timo onto his back and released his chastity clips. Timo, gasped and immediately took his friend's boyhood into his hands. They stroked each other for a while until Marcus broke it off.

Puzzled, Timo thought he had done something wrong! But, before he could ask he felt Marcus's warm lips engulfing his prick.

"M-M-Marcus! What are you doing?"

"Just enjoy it, my friend. You have deserved this for a long time."

The feelings coursing through him soon had Timo in another world altogether. With a squeal of pleasure, he shot his small load into Marcus's mouth.

Allowing Timo to return to this world again, Marcus asked, "Beat's 'milking' doesn't it?"

"Oh, yes! I never knew it could feel like this!"

"I know. And I promise we can do this often."

"But Marcus! I haven't served you!" Timo said in distress.

"Just your being here with me is enough for me tonight, my friend. Come, it's time for sleep."

They rolled into each others' arms and were asleep in seconds.

"Well, how was your time with Timo last night?" Mike asked the next morning.

"Very good, Father!" replied Marcus. "Can we swap tonight?"

"I guess so. But be careful with Sebastian. He's still a bit fragile, you know."

"I will, Father. Can I have his key?"

Mike looked at his son quizzically. He wasn't at all sure this was a good idea. "You know he's never been out of his cage for over a year except for milking?"

"I know."

"He's been milked regularly but he's never had an orgasm."

"Yes, Father, I know. I want to be the first to give him one."

Mike frowned for a minute; something was going on. But then he handed over the key.

"Oh and one thing more. Please don't hurt Timo." Marcus pleaded. Mike didn't reply.

So, that evening it was Sebastian who crouched trembling on the floor beside Marcus's bed. "Master, is it true? Will we be free some day? Timo told me, but I can't believe it."

"Yes, my friend," replied Marcus lifting his slave up and taking him in his arms.

"Oh, Master," said Sebastian, starting to tear up. "That is more than I ever could hope for!"

"Well, you understand it will be a long time away, but you have a lot of things to learn to get ready and I pledge I will do everything I can to help you get ready."

"Oh, Master! I knew you hadn't forgotten us!"

"First thing is this; when we are alone, just you and I, you are not my slave. You are my friend. And you must call me Marcus just like you always have."

Sebastian stood wide-eyed staring at Marcus. "OK, M-M-M-Marcus," he stammered.

Before he could say another word, Marcus led him over to the bed and laid him down on his back. Shedding his own clothes, he told the clearly nervous boy, "Just relax! We're going to have some fun. Now lie still while I get this thing off you."

Taking the key that Mike had given him, he eased the cage off Sebastian's cock. "Are you going to milk me?" Sebastian asked, fearfully. Although his prick was not used to being free, he immediately became rock hard.

"No! Something much better." replied Marcus as he lifted Sebastian's legs over his shoulders and took his friend's hard prick into his mouth.

Sebastian gave a strangled cry as he felt Marcus's lips and tongue engulf him. "M-M-M-Marcus! What are you doing?" he gasped.

Marcus didn't answer; he just kept on with his task. The feelings soon overwhelmed poor Sebastian and he sank into a state of catalepsy. But quite soon, he filled Marcus's mouth with a gigantic load of cum, forcing him to swallow to avoid being choked.

When Sebastian's orgasm had finally run its course, Marcus slid up on the boy's body and pressed them together, grinding his prick into his friend's groin. And, shortly, he shot his own small load onto Sebastian's belly.

As the next few weeks passed there was a noticeable change in the slaves. They were more animated again, and seemed almost proud of their service. Eager to please both Mike and Marcus. All of them, except Julian. He was his usual surly self, just waiting in torment for Mike's punishment. Mike wasn't sure what had happened, and he quizzed Marcus about it.

"I told them about 'amnesty'," Marcus confessed.


"I told Timo and Sebastian they might be free one day and I would help them."

Mike was aghast! His son had openly defied him! "How could you do that?" he raged, striking Marcus for the first time in anger. "They will never submit to slave discipline again!"

"Father," replied Marcus through his tears, "have you had any cause to be disappointed by them?"

"Well, no. But 3;"

"They will work hard to earn their place here because they now have something they have not had for a long time."

"That's ridiculous! They have a very easy life as slaves. They each have their own rooms, now. What didn't they have that they could possibly want?"

"Hope, Father."

"What! That's ridiculous! What could they possibly hope for?"

"Father, that is the point. Until now, they have had no hope."

"What are you talking about?"

"Father, Nico lost the one hope he had left. That he might some day be a boy again. When he did, his life was over. Just as surely as if you had killed him outright. So, he went to the next world."

"That's absurd, son! Look at what happened to Thunder. He became a criminal because he hoped it would save his little brother. And even more stupidly, he followed a boy he thought he loved into slavery. And look what it got him. This hope of yours is absurd!"

"No, Father. It is not. Without hope, the human spirit dies! Without hope I would have died. Even if that hope is unrealistic. Mother told me I would change the life of everyone I touched. And even when it was darkest, that hope kept me alive."

"And just how does this apply to them?"

"Father, you told them over and over they would be slaves until they died. And they believed you. They would have nothing to look forward to except endless years of toil. Never know the joy of their own family and children. Never be free to make their own way in the world."

"Look at Chris; he's a computer genius. But he would never be able to expand his knowledge. He loves Jan deeply but he'd never be able to love him fully and Jan would never be able to return that love fully."

"Timo is a gifted cook, but he'd never be able to be a world-renowned chef. All Julian has to look forward to is pain. And, Sebastian 3; what of his dream to be a professional footballer? Instead he is still frightened out of his wits at the least little thing."

"You have given me a future, but my soul still longs for their freedom too. I am free to be the son you have never had. But, am I a fool to love you? Am I foolish to believe you love me?"

Mike simply could not believe what he was hearing.

"No Father, I love you and will love you forever. And I know you love me. But, I will not abandon my friends! I would not be the kind of boy you think I am if I did that."

In his heart, Mike knew that was true, but he was still unsure. "What else do you plan to do behind my back?" he asked sarcastically.

"I don't know 3;yet?"

"I think this is foolishness, Marcus. You will never be a good slaveholder if you let them walk all over you."

"Father, give me six months to prove that treating each one with respect and love will work."

Mike thought for a few minutes. "All right, you can have all of them except Julian."

Truthfully, Marcus wasn't sure Julian could ever qualify for amnesty anyway. He could not survive as a free person; he needed 3; he thrived on 3; the pain Mike gave him. And Thunder? Because of the seriousness of his crime, he might never be considered favorably. But, Timo and Sebastian; he would see them free. Of that he was sure. And he was sure, also, that Jan shared his goal; Chris would be free as well.

The next morning, he called three of them together. "Father has placed me in complete charge of you and we have a lot of hard work ahead. We 3; all of us 3; have to prove to him that respect and love is better than whipping and punishment."

The slaves stood with their mouths open.

"Don't expect a lot of changes quickly. I still have to obey Father and will have to move slowly. But, please give me the chance."

"Master, we will, master," they chorused with their foreheads pressed to the floor.

"Timo and Sebastian, I want you to keep the house immaculate and I'm willing to help if you need me. Thunder, I want you to take care of Julian after Father has finished with him each day. I know that will not be easy, but it's important. Clean him up and get him started on whatever tasks Timo has for him, but don't ever remove his restraints. Once you've settled him for the day, you can help Timo." They nodded and he sent them on their way.

Timo and Sebastian had no problem with their assignments and the house was soon shining.

Thunder, on the other hand, grit his teeth and ministered to Julian with grim determination. One morning, after about a week of treating cuts and bruises on the child, Marcus found Thunder crying hysterically having just taken an unconscious Julian down from the rack following a particularly savage beating. "M-M-M-Master, why does he treat him so? He's done nothing wrong! Why? Why? He beat me when I first came here, but I deserved it. Julian doesn't."

As Marcus tried to comfort his hurting slave, he realized he would have to be honest with Thunder. "Julian has a sickness in his mind that makes him want the pain that Father gives him. And Father has a nature that causes him to like torturing young boys. All of us have been beaten and tortured by him at one time or another. Without the pain Julian receives, he would go completely 'round the bend. Yet, Father loves him and Julian loves Father. Just as each of us does. I know it's hard to understand, but that's just the way he is. As long as he has Julian as his toy, the rest of you are relatively safe from his dark moods. Just please try to bear with it. The care you give Julian is vital and you can take pride in it."

Thunder gathered himself together and prepared to carry his unconscious burden to his room. "Thank you, Master, for explaining. I will do my very best to help poor Julian and I am proud you chose me."

Marcus was determined to move a step forward. The next day at the close of his session with Mr. Martin he looked at him hopefully and said, "Sir, I have a large favor I wish to ask."

"You want me to teach the others, too, right?" answered the teacher.

Marcus looked astonished. "How did you know?"

"I remember the slave boy who accompanied young Luke to school and how eager he was to learn. And how hard he worked on the exercises I sent home. I had to be a bit careful then, but now I am retired and I can teach anyone whom I want. How much did my efforts help when you were freed?"

"Very much, sir. And I have been keen about your continuing to teach me."

"There's the point. I know you wish to see Sebastian and Timo and Chris free and an uneducated slave would never be able to survive. So, yes, I will teach them. I think my first attempts seem to have paid dividends."

Marcus blushed slightly. "Oh thank you Mr. Martin. How can I repay you?"

"I'll have to think about that. Now let's see how we can arrange this. I know all the slaves have work to do and not much free time. Suppose I were to shorten the sessions to two hours and come three afternoons a week. Could you handle that?"

Marcus agreed at once.

"Include your personal slave, too. If he is to be with you for life, you should not have an uneducated slave." So, the four of them, along with Marcus, went back to school.

They did well and their regular work did not suffer, so Mike said nothing. He was secretly very pleased that Marcus had taken the initiative with his teacher.

They had been in class only a few days when Martin stopped Marcus. "You asked earlier how you could repay me. Well, I've decided. Give your slaves a good bath. They stink!"

Marcus had to admit they did have a characteristic odor that cold morning showers did not remove. All except Chris, that is.

Mike was out of town on business, so the next morning, Marcus went exploring in the underground part of the castle. After several hours, he located the plumbing that served the shower the slaves used. Sure enough, the hot water valve was closed.

Not telling any of them, he made sure he was near when they showered the next morning. A whoop came from the room. He cautiously peeked in to see the three of them standing together under the warm spray with a look of perfect joy on their faces. When they spotted him, Timo released the valve and they all went wetly to their positions. "What is it that you look so pleased about," Marcus asked them.

"Master! We have warm water," answered Timo.

Handing each of them a bar of soap and a towel, he replied, "Yes! And I want you to scrub yourselves until you shine! Mr. Martin says you stink!. So get busy and don't use up all the hot water."

Timo and Sebastian handed their soap to Thunder and advanced on Marcus. Marcus, sensing what they were up to, backed away but they quickly caught him. Gently stripping him, they retrieved their soap and pulled Marcus into the shower with them while Thunder stood back amazed. Marcus laughed and did not struggle at all as they gave each other a warm, sensuous scrubbing and they all soon emerged with nothing more than a good, clean boy odor.

But suddenly, a wave of intense sorrow overtook Marcus. Breaking away from the others, he ran dripping to his room and threw himself on his bed, leaving three shocked and frightened slaves behind.

For a while he simply sobbed into his pillow, unable to even verbalize what was so troubling. But shortly he thought "Why did they do that to me? Don't they understand? That was something we did before 3; 3; But the sadness left him just as suddenly. No! I'm the one who didn't understand. They were telling me that I am still one of them, just as we were before 3; 3; What Have I done? They must be terrified I will punish them! How could I have been so stupid?"

He rolled over and sat up, but before he could move, there was a rhythmic tapping on his door. It was the 'code' he and Timo had used when they were very young. Steeling himself, he called, "Come!"

Timo entered carrying Marcus's whip and went immediately to his position. "Master, we should not have done that. It was wrong! It did not show you respect."

"Timo," answered Marcus, "get up, close the door and come here." Seizing the whip, he threw it into the corner and pulled his trembling slave down beside him. "It probably wasn't the best slave discipline, but it was an act of courage and kindness and I will not punish you or Sebastian. I'm sorry I behaved the way I did, but I was suddenly just so sad at what has happened to all of us. I remember we used to do that in the shower at school. And I missed Nico, too."

Timo studied his master for a minute. "Yes, you were the smallest of us and we usually trapped you when you came in from the gym, stripped you and hauled you off to the shower so we could wash you. You fought a little bit, but then always giggled and enjoyed every minute of it."

"Yes, you're right, I did. It was fun and I knew you guys wouldn't hurt me and it felt goooood and I was just happy you guys let me hang with you."

"Well you sure helped us with our schoolwork. And you were a pretty good footballer, too. I guess we picked on you a little 'cause you were the smallest."

"Nico always was the one who pulled off my jock while you and Sebastian held me down. And then he would play with me until we were both hard. And then you would laugh at me 'cause I was so little."

"Yeah and we would get hard watching you both getting hard!" Timo chuckled.

"I didn't get a lot of love from my foster parents, and it really felt so good. And the gym teacher always watched us until we all got hard and pointed them right at him and he would run away embarrassed."

"Chris was sometimes part of it, but he was afraid he would be punished." Marcus mused, "but never Julian."

"No, the gym teacher took Julian into his office for 'counseling'," said Timo. "He said needed a lot of help 'cause his parents just ignored him. I was there one time when he came out and he was crying and he had a hard-on and his ass looked like it was on fire. And the next time he would always ask the gym teacher for more."

"I didn't know about that," Marcus said softly. A vulnerable young boy whose parents didn't love him very much. And a teacher who took an interest in him, even if it wasn't right. A man who gave him painful sex!"

"Do you think maybe the gym teacher taught him to like pain?"

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I do, Timo. And maybe something else, too. Julian was always a bully and he was always trying to get us into trouble. I asked him one time why he wanted us to do such crazy things and he said the gym teacher wanted us to prove we weren't sissies."

Timo sat up with a wild look on his face. "Do you think the gym teacher put him up to the apple thing?"

Marcus sighed. "Yeah. And we were stupid enough to follow him."

"But he said we were sissies and threatened us if we didn't 3; 3; Oh my God! How could we have been so dumb!"

"We were just kids, Timo. We didn't know any better. Look what it cost us!" And they both began to weep again. After a while, Marcus sat up and rubbed his friend's back. "We can't change it Timo, but I am more determined than ever to see you freed some day. We must look forward."

"I know, Master. 'Specially now since you told us about amnesty. But the memory of the good times we had together was all that kept us from despair before that. When Sebastian first was rescued, it was all he had to hold on to and we vowed we would never forget. I tried to tell you once, but you told me a miracle would happen. But it still is a help to us. I just wish Nico could be here to hope with us."

"Yes. What my father did to him was the one thing I could never forgive him for. He left him with the hope he might be a boy some day again."

"Yeah, he was real sad about that, but you know, he was the one who helped most to nurse Sebastian. Maybe he knew more than he ever told us."

"Well, you know he had the same thing done to him as Sebastian had, only much worse. The drugs he was given were much worse and would have killed him horribly in a few more years. I think he knew he was going to die and the one hope he had was that Father might let him be a boy again before he 3; When he was sure that was not going to happen, there was no reason for him to go on."

Both boys sat quietly for a while, grieving for one of their number who had been lost.

"Can we all get in the shower again, Master?"

"Yes, when Father is away. Now that I know how much it means to you. But you must invite Thunder, too. Which one of you is going to pull my pants off and play with me?" Marcus chuckled.

"Master Mike wouldn't understand, would he?" asked Timo.

"He might understand, but he wouldn't know what to do about it. He would probably punish us all."

Once their morning chores were over, Sebastian came to him. "Yes, Sebastian. We're alone," Marcus assured him.

His slave went to him, threw his arms around his waist and sobbed, "Thank you for the time in the shower. It was the happiest time I've had since we were caught. Oh Marcus, it's really going to happen, isn't it? Tell me it is, please!"

"Yes, my friend, it is. I just wish it was today."

That evening, Mike returned and the next day he remarked to his son, "Mr. Martin says your slaves smell better and you do too."

The one aspect of his former life as a slave that Marcus wished he could have continued was the mind-blowing sex he and his master had had almost every night. While it started as simply Marcus pleasuring Mike, it gradually developed into exciting sex for both of them. Mike had wanted his little slave to enjoy their coupling and eagerly taught him the many ways two males could enjoy each other.

Even now, Marcus could remember riding Mike's cock while Mike squeezed his balls and teased his boy pole resulting in a shuddering orgasm for Marcus just as Mike was pumping his cream into the boy's ass.

But after Marcus had been freed and acknowledged as his son, Mike no longer invited him into his bed, claiming it was both illegal and immoral. Why it was quite all right to enjoy the body of a young slave but not the body of a free boy 3; even if it was the same body 3; was a distinction Marcus could not understand.

Mike's usual bed-partner now was Julian with whom he could engage in rough, even painful, sex. Marcus had his choice of the others, but he longed for the excitement he and his father had shared for so long.

Yes, his bed-time fun with Timo was pleasant and loving, but Timo simply wasn't big enough to give him what he wanted most; a stiff cock shoved up his ass. And Sebastian was simply too gentle. More and more he was drawn toward Thunder, who was the oldest and most developed. At age fifteen, Thunder was almost as big as Mike.

So one night Marcus decided to see if Thunder could fill his lust.

They had lain together for a while, just stroking, when Marcus sat up and asked, "Thunder, would you be willing to do something that would make me very happy?"

"Yes, Master. Whatever you wish."

"I ask this of you as a friend, not your master."

Thunder gulped. Marcus had never called him 'friend' before.

Reaching into a drawer in the bedside table, Marcus pulled out several lengths of soft rope. Handing them to Thunder, he said, "I want you to tie my hands and feet and pull them together into a hog tie. Then I want you to force me to give you a blow job."

"WHAT!" gasped his astonished slave. "I can't do that. I'm a slave and you're my master. I can't do that to you; it wouldn't be right!"

"Please, Thunder! Please! I beg you!"

Thunder gulped again. Should he really do what Master asked? But then, he really had no choice. He was a slave. Picking up the ropes he began to tie Marcus as he had asked.

"Pull them good and tight, Thunder. As tight as you can." Once he was thoroughly trussed, Marcus continued, "Good! Now slide me up between your legs and force my mouth down on your prick. Don't stop until you cum no matter how much I shout or struggle."

Glassy-eyed, Thunder complied with some reluctance. But once he felt his tool engulfed by that warm mouth, instinct took over. Grabbing Marcus behind his head, he slammed it down until he almost choked him. Marcus's tongue worked overtime and, with a cry of ecstasy, Thunder soon filled the boy's mouth with a huge load. With his prick pressed into the bed, the rocking motion stimulated Marcus to orgasm, too.

Once Thunder had released him and they had both recovered, Marcus gave him a big kiss, "Thank you Thunder! That was extra special brilliant!" They spent the rest of the night, sleeping in each others arms.

The next night, Marcus's request was even more astonishing. "I want you to fuck me!"

"But I'm bigger than you. It'll hurt too much."

"Yeah a little at first, but then it feels wonderful! There's lube in the table drawer."

After preparing both himself and Marcus's hole, Thunder raised Marcus's legs, positioned himself, and hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"Do it!"

The initial pain of entry made Marcus yelp and almost caused Thunder to withdraw. "Keep going!" Marcus gasped.

And soon they both enjoyed waves of pure pleasure. The action on Thunder's prick in that tight, warm hole and on Marcus's 'love button' caused them both to cum at about the same time.

Far from feeling jealous or left out, Timo and Sebastian realized Thunder could give Marcus something they could not. Besides, now that their chastity devices had been 'retired', they had each other. And, occasionally, the four of them held an all-night orgy.

For the three slaves 3; even with Marcus's help 3; to be able to keep the huge house in good shape, he often had to drive them hard. But with encouragement, not beatings. But somehow they succeeded. Although he knew he was nearing the end of his six-month 'trial', he was unprepared for Mike's comment one evening.

"Marcus, you know your six months are up tomorrow."

"Yes, Father. Have I met your expectations?"

Mike ignored his question and asked instead," How often have you used the whip on them."

"Not once."

"Not at all?"

"No Father. It hangs on the rack where I remind Thunder to dust it each morning."


"When one of them makes a mistake, it would be much easier for me and, probably, for them, to give them a few welts on their asses rather than sitting down and working the problem out together. Rather than perhaps repeating the error again because a sore ass doesn't help them see what is wrong, they know what they must do to correct. Not once have they ever made the same error twice. Julian, of course, thinks I'm crazy."

"I guess I have a choice to make tomorrow, don't I?" Mike responded. The way he said it made Marcus shiver.

The next morning, making sure Julian was securely fastened to the cell wall, Mike called the others into his office.

"I gave my word that you would have six months to prove yourself," he told Marcus as the three slaves cowered in their 'positions'. "You tell me that you have not whipped any of them during that time. I simply find it impossible to believe that."

Was his father calling him a liar?

"It is certainly not how I told you slaves must be disciplined! Not at all!" Mike continued. "Look at them!" Marcus tore his gaze away from his father and looked down at three slaves who were trembling.

"So, I have decided to sell them!"

Marcus stared at Mike, his face a mixture of shock, sorrow and anger. "Nooooooooo!" he wailed, as the three on the floor burst into tears. His father whom he loved could not be doing this to him! To them!

"Marcus, do you have a one-pound note on you?" Marcus nodded dumbly, feeling too betrayed to even think. "Give it to me." Marcus fished in his pocket and handed Mike the note.

"Good!" he told his son. "You've just purchased three slaves."

It took a full minute for Marcus to comprehend what his father had just said. For the second time in a few minutes, the trio on the floor bawled like little kids, only this time there were tears of joy.

Finally Marcus caught his breath, "Father, thank you. Thank you very much!"

"Slaves, you are released," Mike addressed them. "What do you have to say to your new master." They all rose and Timo stepped forward and knelt before Marcus.

"I am Timo and I will be your loyal and faithful slave for as long as you shall be my master."

"I accept your service, Timo, as your master and your friend and pledge to be kind and thoughtful to you for as long as you remain my slave."

Timo bowed low and his place was taken by Sebastian.

"I am Sebastian and I will be your loyal and faithful slave for as long as you shall be my master."

"I accept your service, Sebastian, as your master and your friend and pledge to be kind and thoughtful to you for as long as you remain my slave."

Last came Thunder.

"I am called Thunder and I will be your loyal and faithful slave for as long as I shall live."

"I accept your service, Thunder, as your master and friend and pledge to be kind and thoughtful to you for as long as you shall live."

Mike frowned a bit; they were not the traditional pledges. But then he smiled; they were quite appropriate.

"Please wait for me in my room," Marcus told the three. They bowed low and left.

Marcus turned to Mike and flew into his arms. "Well son, you've got what you wanted, at least as much as I can give you."

Marcus stepped back and stared at the floor. "I'm so ashamed! I was afraid you were going to take them away again. But never in my worst fears did I think you would sell them away."

"Son, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. It is against all the principals I have believed. They are now in ruins. But perhaps they should be. In any event, there are some things you need to know about the future."

Marcus nodded and Mike continued, "You will have an allowance from which to care for this entire creaking castle and its grounds, manage your slaves and keep us suitably. I will not interfere in your management unless a dire emergency arises. I will support you in your efforts to prepare Timo and Sebastian for eventual freedom. Thunder, of course, is yours for life and I will file the necessary papers for all three with the court. Since you are not yet of age, I will be your guarantor."

"Father, what about Julian?"

"Don't be greedy, Son. Julian will remain my property. But he is still to labor with the rest."

"Father, how can I ever repay you for your trust in me?"

"Marcus, beware that word 'trust'. There is no person, save you, that I would ever fully trust and you would do well to be careful. As for repayment, be the son I very nearly squandered and grow into the man that I could never be. Go and take care of your slaves."

When Marcus entered his room, all three of the slaves were in their 'positions'. "Please rise and celebrate with me."

They mobbed him with hugs and kisses. He told them what Mike had promised and finished with this statement. "We 3; you and I 3; have a difficult road ahead. Taking care of this place and caring for Father and Julian will be exhausting. But if we all work as hard as we have been, we'll succeed. Somehow we'll continue to work on your schooling, too, I promise. Freedom will come; of that I am sure." Thunder knew he meant only for Timo and Sebastian, but he wasn't sad.

Meanwhile, a block away, Jan and Chris were now secure in their own world. Since Marcus had left them, any pretense they were master and slave inside the house was nil. They were lovers! Chris had moved quickly beyond what Mr. Martin could teach. His future profession was assured and the training and education he needed were quite available on the Internet.

While Jan was studying for his CPA, he was able to do bookkeeping for several small firms 3; and for Mike 3; and they were soon self-sufficient. Mike did contribute to Chris's success by investing in a state-of-the-art engineering and computer lab in the 'castle' and Chris soon qualified for several systems engineering certificates 3; except that he was a slave.

So the two of them were daily visitors but kept their house separate. Always perfect slave discipline outside and enthusiastic lovers within.

By dint of exhausting labor, Marcus and the three 3; four if you counted a reluctant Julian 3; kept the house running flawlessly and still continued their education with Mr. Martin. But Marcus was increasingly concerned about the extensive grounds that would need care once winter was over. He simply did not see how they could possibly keep all the balls in the air and he was too proud to ask Mike for help.

But suddenly, help arrived from a very unexpected quarter.

One afternoon a huge truck backed up to their storage warehouse and unloaded a sizable packing case marked 'Caution – Live Animals'. Although he wasn't expecting any such shipment, Mike routinely went to sign the manifest. To his surprise, the shipment was addressed to Marcus and he sent for his son at once.

Opening the packing case, they discovered two young boys in slave transfer cases and several other boxes, along with a letter which Marcus read aloud

I greet you, Marcus, as a free person and our honored brother.

News of your freedom and accession as Mike's son finally reached Us and there was much rejoicing in Our heart. We know you wish freedom for the other five and that, too, will bring much joy when it comes.

"He doesn't know that Nico is gone and that Jan is already free."

To assist you in this haj, We have sent you two young boys. They are not slaves. They are indentured servants, willingly giving of themselves so that an older brother may pursue a college degree. They are yours to command for a period of ten years. Unlike the ones previous, they will not suffer death at the end of their service but simply return to us as free persons. Unlike the ones in the past, they will freely talk if you wish but will not enter much into the life of your home, remaining separate.

Their names are Barack and Hussein and are ten summers old. They are of the Islamic faith and require a small place where they may honor Allah and The Prophet. Unless you have made extensive changes to the building, there is adequate space for suitable quarters and for this purpose on the fourth level of the west wing. You must guarantee them complete privacy in their quarters. Please also understand they are NOT available for sexual pleasure.

I pray you will find them diligent workers and faithful servants.

Please convey my deepest respect and honor to your illustrious father. We pray daily for his and your health and prosperity.


Words cannot convey the thankfulness Marcus felt at this huge gift. The two servants would be the answer to his dilemma. With them, they could succeed.

They quickly removed the little boys' catheters and butt plugs, revived them with water and food and they were soon about and instantly ready to begin their service. They were, as before, black as midnight with shining white teeth and perfect bodies. They wore only small coverings over their genitals throughout their entire time.

"Welcome to our home," Marcus told them. "You may speak freely and I am Marcus. This," he said indicating his father, "is one whom you know as 'Mike' but you must call him 'Sir'."

By this time, everyone else 3; including Jan and Chris 3; had gathered. Motioning him forward, Marcus said, "This is Timo and he will be your boss and give you your work. You will learn the names of the others quickly, I am sure. Our friend Hassan has designated your quarters and you may practice your faith there as you choose."

"Thank you, most honorable effendi," Barack replied.

"Please call me Marcus."

"Thank you, most honorable Marcus effendi," Hussein replied.

"I'll have to work on that," thought Marcus. Later, he told all the others, "They are a matchless gift and must be treated with utmost kindness and respect. I know I can count on you all in that. No one is to enter the fourth level in the west wing as that is their private place. It has been locked all this time, but they have the only keys, it would seem. Attractive as they might be, do not invite them into sex of any kind. Timo, you will have to help them prepare food that meets their dietary requirements."

Mike had watched the proceedings with feelings of thankfulness and pride. He was intensely proud of how Marcus had stepped up to this new challenge.

Within a few days, Barack and Hussein became the almost invisible hands that kept things running smoothly, inside and outside, freeing the others for study. In their 'free' time, the two studied quietly in their 'lair'. The only 'family' activity they participated in was the sometime football [soccer] matches. During those, they behaved like any other young boys and the others accepted them completely. At football, Sebastian was the natural leader and both Mike and Marcus were glad to see he was able to regain his former skill, lead the others and come out of his shell. The six would have made a formidable team.

Mike often watched them, but frequently had to retreat to his room. It was too painful. There they were, just as he remembered them from before the 'apple caper'. Yes, older, but still hauntingly beautiful boys simply enjoying what little life had offered them.

He poured out his feelings to Marcus one evening. Marcus understood and told his father, "Yes, I've sometimes wondered what might have happened if we hadn't been so foolish and let Julian lead us. But, it's useless to do so. And I turn white with fright when I think what might have happened to all of us if you had not bought us. I'm convinced it was no accident; someone was guiding you."

Mike was anything but religious, but Marcus's words gave him pause.

Early in their stay, both Marcus and Timo noticed the 'Shadows' as they came to be known, were very careful about their appearance 3; they had a working shower and toilet facilities in their wing 3; always scrupulously clean and well groomed. And never without their covering. Speculation was they might be castrati 3; they really hadn't seen much of their boy parts when they had gently removed their catheters. But that speculation went unproven.

Ten tumultuous years later when they returned to their homeland, the Shadows had grown into exceptionally beautiful young men. All they needed was the flowing white robes and dashing horses to be a vision right out of the Arabian Nights. They held a gala banquet in their honor, the last such at the Castle; it would be sold soon thereafter, with Hassan's blessing and more suitable quarters secured. But they made sure the little graveyard on the hill above was deeded to the city as a memorial park.

Although he drove them hard and challenged them every lesson 3; they were now going to school a full half day five days a week 3; Mr. Martin told Mike one day they would soon be beyond his capacity. They would be the equivalent of sixth year students. It was time to think about professional or technical education.

Mike told Marcus what Martin had said and they agreed it was time to move ahead.

For Marcus, that meant continuing to work with Mike, learning the business of managing investments. Marcus had, even as a slave, demonstrated a flair for this and was soon quite comfortable in the world of stocks, bonds and other instruments of high finance. His personal portfolio prospered right along with those of his clients.

Marcus invited Timo into Mike's office one morning. "Timo," he told his slave, "we must think about preparing you for a profession. It is 3;"

"Master," he broke in, "I think you already know that I want to be a chef. The greatest chef in all the land. But, I'm not sure how I can go about it."

"Timo," Mike answered him, "I will build you a kitchen that will be worthy of a great chef. Your father is one of my oldest friends. And he has recommended a young chef just starting out who will come several times a week to coach you. You can, with Marcus's permission, of course, have the two Shadows as your assistants. I suspect we will have some interesting meals."

"Father," added Marcus, "I think this is an excellent time to do away with slave gruel. Timo will need to practice his skills on a larger group of people than just the two of us."

Trapped! He trapped me neatly, thought Mike. What ever happened to 'little' Marcus?

There was great rejoicing among the slaves that evening. Timo prepared a simple stew, but the expressions of joy on four young faces was priceless. It was a feast and even Julian was pleased. Thereafter they would eat after Mike and Marcus had been served; when Mike was out of town, Marcus joined them.

After Timo told him about his plans, Sebastian took matters into his own hands. After dinner one evening, he asked to speak with Mike and Marcus.

"Masters, I have something I want to show you," he told them. And he handed Mike a worn spiral notebook. "Sir Martin says I have skills as a writer and he wants me to practice and he will coach me and correct my writings. He says I could earn enough to support myself."

Marcus was surprised, but not Mike. He had often seen the boy's ability to put into words the most complicated situations and his often surprising powers of observation. It was he who had first told Mike he knew that Marcus was his son.

"Please, Master, will you read my poor efforts and tell me what you think?" And he withdrew.

The next morning, Mike appeared for breakfast, haggard and tired. "I stayed up all night," he told his son. "Do you know what this is? He has kept a journal ever since he started to recover. And he went back and talked to each of you about the first days you were here. He told me things about myself and about all of you that I would never have believed. But it's all true! Move over Shakespeare and Milton and Scott; you have a new star in you firmament!"

Marcus hadn't seen his father so excited in many months and he was eager to read the 'journal' as well. Sebastian had titled his work simply, I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves and he wrote under the pen name, 'Patrick'.

Marcus spent the rest of the day with the volume.

It was all there! Their arrest and conviction. Their first terror and pain-filled days as Mike's slaves. His own nearly forgotten recollections of the mine… mostly a haze of pain… but then a growing recollection that he was somewhere else; that Mike had rescued him and he was now safe. The difficulty they all had giving up their former lives as free boys and accepting the prospect they would never be free again. Yes, Mike punished them, sometimes brutally, but all of them came to know how much he did really love them.

The time Mike had entertained their former parents and the anguish they all felt at what had happened to their sons, but the realization that they were safe with Mike. His little brother Luke's visit and, much later, his foolish attempt to 'rescue' him that had ultimately resulted in the disintegration and loss of his family. The flu epidemic that almost wiped them out and how his mom… soon to be gone forever from him… had nursed them all back to health.

But he told about some good times, too. The day they played 'Cowboys and Indians' at the forest park; Marcus's tenth birthday party, and the times Mike had taken them swimming.

He wrote eloquently about the curse Mike and Julian shared: one of them craving pain and the other disposed to giving pain. The tragedy of Nico's death and Chris's unsuccessfully attempt at suicide. Jan's arrival and the changes that brought. Thunder's imprisonment and even bigger changes.

And all throughout it, Marcus's steadfast belief in the future as he tried to rally them from despair. And the sheer joy and euphoria when Marcus was redeemed from their horrible situation and the hope they might be free again one day.

The prose was magnificent and Marcus often had to put it down for a few minutes to recover. It's very hard to read with tears streaming down one's face.

The next morning, he returned it reverently to Sebastian. "Go for it my friend," he told his kneeling slave. "I want you to spend at least a half day every day. Write about anything. If you want to share with Father or me, we will be thrilled to do so. Mr. Martin can be your critic, too. I'm sure he has much to give you."

The 'castle' was certainly a busy place with all its inhabitants working hard to keep it running smoothly. Jan was doing all the bookkeeping for Mike's business 3; well, it was now Marcus's, too. Chris had advanced to where Mike began to give him simple 3; and not so simple 3; tasks in the engineering side of his business. His clients were not fussy; they just wanted good work, done right the first time and Chris obliged them.

One morning Marcus walked into Mike's office with Thunder in tow. "Father, Thunder has something he wants to say. Something very important."

"Please rise and tell me what is so important."

"Master, I know I shall never be free. My crime was too horrible. I made a very bad mistake and I must pay for it. I know Timo and Sebastian hope to be free some day, but that hope is not for me. I will be happy for them if it comes, but I will not be sad for myself."

"When I first came here, you beat me and humiliated me. I hated you! I deserved it. But Nico's death made me think a lot. I could have followed him. But I didn't want to do that. There was something I was missing. When I told you my story, you began to treat me just like the other slaves and I gradually realized you loved all of us, even me. It was the first time in my life that I felt truly loved."

"Master Marcus has showed me something I had never realized. That my life is worth something. That I can have a life of usefulness and dignity, even as a slave. So, I want to pledge myself to care for you and Master Marcus for as long as I shall live. I will be happy here with you and will always do my best." And he dropped again into his 'position'.

Mike observed Thunder for a bit, looked at Marcus who nodded, and then he said, " I will not accept Thunder's pledge, but I will accept Michael's pledge. Thunder has left us; perhaps he is with Nico. Please rise as Michael, an honored slave of this household 3; forever."

"Thank you, Master, thank you."

With Michael's status now resolved, that left only Julian at loose ends.

But one afternoon Michael came to Marcus in a panic. "Master, I cannot find Julian any place."

Mike had come back with a roaring headache from seeing a client, taken some pills and lain down. The door to his bathroom was open and Julian had gone in to clean, his assignment for the day.

Marcus entered quietly and saw the medicine cabinet was standing open. And several bottles of Mike's 'medicine' were missing. A cold, frightening feeling coursed through him.

Shouting for Michael to join him, the two of them ran outside and up the hill to where Nico was buried. As Marcus had feared, Julian lay there on his back, several empty pill bottles and a water bottle giving ample evidence of what the slave had done.

Michael immediately knelt and took the not quite dead slave's head in his lap. There was a crudely written note on the ground beside him.



Mike, having been awakened by Marcus's shout came trudging up. Pushing Michael out of the way, he started to pick Julian up. "Marcus! Quickly! We must get Julian to a vet!"

Marcus reached for his father and pushed him back down. "No Father. Let him go. He is at peace."


"He's at peace, Father. Look at his face." Relaxed from his usual expression of pain, Julian's face looked as if he were asleep. He was really a good looking boy with his long, dark eyelashes.

Mike bowed his head and continued to hold Julian until he breathed his last, his tears falling on the boy's chest.

He stood up in a daze. Suddenly he turned to Michael and dealt him a stinging blow across his face, knocking him to the ground. "You insolent and ungrateful scum! YOU PUT HIM UP TO THIS! This is the way you reward my generosity! You are Thunder again and I will punish you until 3;until," he screamed at Michael as he advanced on him. "Marcus, give me your whip!"


Whirling to face Marcus, "What do you mean 'No'?"

"Father," replied Marcus, stepping between them, "You sold Michael and the others to me. Except for Julian. You do not have the right to punish Michael. If he or any other of my slaves are to be punished, I will do it. In this case, Michael has done nothing wrong. If you must punish someone, punish me." And he handed Julian's note to Mike.

Mike stared open-mouthed at Marcus. For some time there was only the sound of the wind and birds. Then he read Julian's note, sank to the ground, buried his face in his hands and wept.

Marcus extended his hand to Michael, helped him to his feet and told him, "Go and get the others, please. And bring a shovel."

When Timo and Sebastian arrived, Marcus helped his father to his feet. "Do you want to say something before we bury him?"

"Yes." Mike squared his shoulders and began, "For the second time a young slave, a beautiful boy, lies dead by his own hand. I was too blind, too uncaring. Yes, it was I who killed him. It was my lust that drove this boy to take his life. He did it as an act of love. It is an act I have trouble understanding, but I believe it is honest."

"Julian is in a better place now. One where he will never feel pain again. One where he will never crave pain again. I promise I will not rage and take my sorrow out on all of you as I did with Nico. You were right, Marcus. Hope is what keeps us going and Julian had lost hope."

The three slaves, knelt in their 'positions'. As Mike released them each rose, put their arms around him and gave him a hug, "I am sorry, Master; I will miss him, too."

One afternoon, Mike came back from meeting with a client and immediately sent for Marcus and Timo. "I have invited a very important client to dinner next Wednesday evening. Chief Justice McDaniel is an old and honored friend and his wife and I were students together at university. "Timo, can you produce something special for the occasion?"

Marcus nodded and Timo replied, "Master, I will do my very best. I'm excited by several new recipes I just received." If that statement made Mike nervous, he didn't show it. He had utmost faith in Timo's culinary prowess.

Timo and Marcus discussed the situation later and agreed to go all out. "There's something afoot, here," Marcus told him, "but I don't know what it is. I think Sebastian and Michael should serve; we'll give the Shadows a night off, don't you think?" Timo agreed and started at once to plan and prepare. Several dinners that week were cold sandwiches.

Timo's food was superb and the service from Sebastian and Michael was exquisite. Dressed in their silver collars and only a small pouch covering their boy parts 3; both were well into puberty 3; they received loving caresses from both Justice McDaniel and his lovely wife, much to the amusement of Mike and Marcus. With their bodies oiled to perfection, Sebastian 3; with his dark complexion 3; resembled a polished brass figurine while Michael's light skin gave him the appearance of a carved ivory statue.

At the end of the meal, Mike's guests were effusive with their praise. "Mike, that was absolutely the finest meal I have ever eaten," crowed His Honor. "I certainly would like to find someone who could cook like that," added his wife. "Can we meet him? I would like to find out which fine restaurant you stole him from."

Mike nodded to Marcus and he went to get Timo.

In the kitchen, Timo objected, "Master, I'm not covered." Although he was now almost thirteen, puberty had not yet taken hold and he really didn't have much to cover, and he was somewhat sensitive about it."

"That's OK. Just put your chef's hat on and come with me."

"Yes, Master."

Entering the dining room, Timo immediately went to his position.

"Mike, are you trying to make me believe this little boy 3; obviously a slave 3; prepared that outstanding meal?" asked McDaniel.

"Yes, my friend, he planned and prepared it." To Timo, "You may rise and speak freely."

"How old are you, boy?"

"Almost thirteen, sir."

"Well, you are certainly the cutest chef I've ever seen," gushed Mrs. McDaniel.

"Thank you, ma'am," replied Timo, blushing a bit. Mike, Marcus and the other two slaves were maintaining their composure with difficulty.

"Where did you learn cook like that?"

"Sir, my father has a restaurant. The Belvedere; you may have heard of it. And I helped him right up until the time I was 3;"

"And now receives some training from a young chef," added Marcus. "And he gets to practice on Father and me. We eat very well."

Justice McDaniel and his wife sat with mouths open looking at Timo and then the other slaves. "Your servers did a fine job, too. I'm very impressed, Mike. How did you ever find such boys and train them?"

"Why don't we go into the library for coffee," suggested Mike, "and I'll tell you about them. It's quite a story." His guests nodded their agreement. "You may go back to your duties," he told the three. "We'll take coffee in five minutes."

"Yes, Master. At once, Master!" they chorused, bowed deeply to the guests, waited until they had left and began to clean up.

Mike, Marcus and their guests sat at ease in the library while Sebastian poured coffee and withdrew. "Now, what about these slaves?" demanded McDaniel.

Mike began, "They were all just young kids out for a good time." And he went on to tell about their prank that had misfired, their trial and sentencing and their life with him.

The listeners just shook their heads in consternation. "I'll bet the trial judge was Madam Chaing?" said Mrs. McDaniel.

"Yes," confirmed Mike.

"Well, as usual, her sentence was way over the top. Life slaves! The very idea! You know, Mike, she became so out of touch we finally had to remove her from the bench. Where are the six slaves now?" asked McDaniel.

"The cook and the dark-haired server are here with us," answered Mike. "Another one is with a different master and two have 3; died."

"That's only five."

"I was the sixth one," answered Marcus. "But my conviction was overturned."

"But you're Mike's son," protested McDaniel.

"Yes, but we didn't know that until after I was freed," Marcus answered.

"What about the other server; the blonde one."

Mike sighed. "He came to us later."

"What was his crime? Cutting school?" McDaniel asked sarcastically.

"Unfortunately, it was selling drugs to kids," and he went on to tell the full story of Michael's enslavement.

"Well, that's unfortunate, indeed."

"But can't you help these other poor boys, dear?" asked Mrs. McDaniel.

"Mike, I have a bill pending before parliament that's a direct result from Judge Chaing's excesses. It establishes sentencing guidelines for judges who deal with children and teens. For example, the maximum sentence for a child under age twelve is five years unless the crime is murder, rape, drug distribution or if the child is deemed a continuing danger."

"After what I've heard and seen tonight, I'm going to amend my bill to make it retroactive 3; to make it so that the owners of slaves who were not sentenced according to the new guidelines can ask to have their slaves considered for clemency. It seems to me that the purpose of our juvenile justice should be to turn kids away from crime and make them into responsible citizens. Punishment as a slave under a strict master might be warranted, but not for life."

Marcus immediately knew what that could mean to Timo, Sebastian and Chris. It was all he could do to contain himself, but he must be careful to be polite to the Chief Justice.

"I think that might be quite proper," agreed Mike.

They talked on, debating the merits of the idea for some time, but finally Mike bid his guests good night.

Marcus made an immediate dash for the kitchen, but Mike beat him. As they entered, all three of the slaves went to their knees. The had just about finished their dinner and cleaning up.

"I want to tell you how proud and pleased I am with the dinner and its presentation this evening," Mike told them. "The Chief Justice and his wife are old friends and you knocked the socks off them. Well done!" Marcus fidgeted in the background, dying to tell them.

"Master, thank you, Master!"

"Well, I have an early meeting tomorrow morning, so I'll leave you in Marcus's hands. I think he has something he wants to tell you."

Marcus threw his arms around Mike and hugged him, "Thank you Father. You knew about this, didn't you?"

In answer, Mike kissed him and left.

"Guys! Get up and come here! I have tremendous news." And he told them what Justice McDaniel had said including the part about it being retroactive. It never occurred to any of them that he might not see fit to exercise the new provisions.

Timo and Sebastian were stunned. "That means we could be free in two more years?" asked Timo, his voice choked up with emotion. Marcus nodded and the two of them began to dance about the kitchen like demented fools. Michael hung back.

Suddenly Timo stopped and said, "But it won't apply to Michael, will it? That sucks!"

"But you'll be free and for that I can be happy too. As I've said, I'm content to serve my two masters for the rest of my life."

The merrymaking went on for some time, but finally settled down.

"I'll call Jan first thing tomorrow and let him know," promised Marcus. "He and Chris will be equally happy."

"Two years," mused Michael. "I'd better get busy and learn to cook. Someone has to take care of Master Mike and Master Marcus after you are freed and leave."

At the mention of the word 'leave', Sebastian gasped, his face suddenly a mask of fear."

"Sebastian, what's wrong," inquired Marcus.

"Timo has a f-f-f-f-family to go to," he replied bursting into tears and sinking to the floor. "My family is gone! I'll still be a kid and who will take care of me? I'll starve; no one will hire me! How will I live?" he sobbed.

Marcus immediately saw the problem, knelt beside him and drew Sebastian into his arms.

"Sebastian, we have been friends since I was in kindergarten. You were always my big brother who I loved and admired and wanted to be like. Slave or free, you will always have a home in this house for as long as you need it. A place where you will be loved and cared for. And, Timo, that goes for you, too, if the need should ever arise."

Inviting both Timo and Michael into a warm group hug with Sebastian, he assured them, "Friends forever!"


Five young men, all in their early twenties, sat around a table while a house servant poured glasses of wine. "Michael," invited Marcus, "please pour yourself a glass and come join us."

"Yes, you were part of Mike's family, too," added Sebastian.

"Thank you, Master and Sir, I will do so."

"You may drop the 'master and sir', Michael. We're all family here."

"Thank you, Marcus."

Marcus rose and lifted his glass. "To Mike, who kept us safe through the terror, pain and despair of an unjust slavery and helped us prepare for freedom once more!"

"TO MIKE!" they all chorused.

"And to Nico and Julian," Marcus continued softly, "whom we miss. But we know they are in a better place, free from pain and sorrow in that far off place we will all go to some day."

"Here, here!"

"It hardly seems possible he's been gone a full year," mused Timo.

A lot of things had changed in that year. Marcus had spun off the business into a separate corporation with all five of them as equal stock-holders. He remained as CEO and Jan was his CFO, with Chris the Engineering Manager for that part of the business.

Sebastian had finally received an adequate settlement from the mining company for the illegal drug device they had implanted in his body years before. And he had moved to 'the big city' to pursue his writing career. Chris and Jan had built a new facility just north of the town where they now employed twenty-five workers, mostly free persons, but a few promising young slaves as well.

With Hassan's blessing, the 'castle' had been sold and Marcus and Michael had a new house about six blocks from Timo's restaurant.

"Well, since we're all together, I can report some good business news," announced Chris. "The tests on the government project will begin next week and it is looking very promising."

"I didn't know we had a government project."

"You're not supposed to, Timo. And, no I can't tell you what it is. Even Marcus doesn't know. But it could mean a lot to our future."

"But I can tell you all," said Jan, "that both parts of the company are doing very well. I must file our second-quarter tax report next week and you'll all receive copies of it."

"Well, I have some exciting news, too," crowed Sebastian. "You all know my novel comes out next month, but a movie company has finally agreed to terms to film our story."

"That's great!" said Marcus.

"I wonder who they'll get to play 'Mike'."

"I wonder who they'll get to play all of us !

"Not to worry!" Sebastian assured them. Under the contract, I retain both script and casting control. You'll just have to trust me."

There was general approval.

"But the really big news is this. I really like my new apartment because, well, I have a friend living there with me. She and I are going to be married."

"Well, you old romantic, you," laughed Timo. "Hey! I know where you can get a caterer for the wedding."

"We'll be around to see you one of these days, never fear."

"I guess our news," said Jan, "is we just today signed adoption papers."

"Way to go!"

"His name is Jasper and he's seven and we rescued him from a brothel," explained Chris. "When he's settled in and not afraid of everyone and everything, we'll have you over to meet him, but not quite yet. I guess you can identify with that, Sebastian."

"Yeah, I sure can! Will you need any help?"

"No", answered Chris. "I've got some very good team leaders and they can carry the day-to-day stuff, so between us, one of us should be able to be with Jasper all the time."

"Well, please ask if you need help," interjected Marcus. "By the way, Timo, how's the restaurant doing?"

"Pretty well. We're almost back. Dad left things go a bit before I was freed and it's taken some time to build things up again. Biggest problem is keeping him out of the kitchen. He thinks I'm still ten-years-old. But Mom and I manage."

"By the way, Marcus, when are you coming to supper? Jenny's been after me to get you to come. And you better hurry! Danny will soon be at the age you like best."

"Timo!" screeched Marcus, "you know I would never touch Danny."

"Just yankin' your chain a bit." chortled his friend, as the others laughed at Marcus's apparent discomfort.

Truthfully, Marcus had enjoyed Danny in his lap when he last visited. Even at four-years-old the kid was getting quite an ass on him. "Stop that!'" he admonished himself. He would never touch Danny. Well 3; 3;, never was a very long time. And Danny was a growing boy.

"Do you still intend to have him slave trained?" asked Jan.

"Yes, once he's old enough," replied Timo. "I want him to know what it means to be slave and what it's like to suffer and then be free again. And, I'm counting on you, Marcus. There's no one else I would trust to do it right. And with love for Danny."

Marcus nodded. He could envision the scene.


The naked little ten-year-old boy knelt crying on the floor in front of Timo. "Daddy!" he wailed. "Why are you doing this to me? You keep saying I'm a good boy! Why are you punishing me?"

"I'm not punishing you, son," replied his father. "But I want you to know and understand what the life of a slave is. The life that Uncle Marcus and Uncle Sebastian and Uncle Chris and I experienced."

"And if you work real hard and become a good slave, I'm sure your master will treat you well and even may free you sometime." He didn't want his son to know that the longest time he could be a slave was five years.

"Uncle Marcus is now your Master and you must always call him that. He will hurt you sometimes, but remember he loves you very much. Just as your mother and I do."

The boy continued to sob for a few minutes but then quieted down.

Marcus approached him. "Put your forehead on the floor and your ass up in the air." Danny complied and Marcus looked hungrily at the virgin pink ass before him. Sighing, he gave the boy a cut across it with his short whip.

Danny screamed!

Author's Note: Will we get to hear about Danny's experience? Hmmm?


"Michael, you haven't said much." asserted Jan.

"No, Master Jan, but Master and I have a project in mind. But I'm not going to tell you about it."

"That's right and we'll tell you all about it once we get going, I promise," added Marcus.

There was much speculation about what kind of a project Marcus had hatched. Finally, Timo told him, "Marcus, I'd better get going. I have a wedding reception tomorrow afternoon."

"Anyone we know?" joked Chris.

"You bet! Justice McDaniel's granddaughter."

"Wow! Think how much that man has meant to us!" said Sebastian. "Seriously, I better go, too. Our first script meeting is tomorrow."

One by one, they all gave both Marcus and Michael hugs and left.

Michael started to gather the glasses, but Marcus interrupted him. "Michael, please put the tray and glasses down and come here." He had wanted to tell his slave something for a long, long time and this seemed like the right time.

Taking the slave into his arms, he told him, "Michael, I think you probably have known for some time that my feelings for you extend well beyond that of master and loyal slave."

"What are you saying, Master?"

"Hey! It's Marcus, remember!"

"All right, M-M-Marcus," Michael stammered.

"I love you Michael. That you are a slave and always will be means nothing to me. I have loved you from the very first day, but I somehow knew you loved someone else."

"Marcus, you were the only one who tried to be kind to me at first. I deserved the punishment Master Mike gave me, but you still tried to comfort me and it got you into trouble with him. After Nico left us, if it had not been for your care, I would have followed him. And you have taught me that I can have a life of dignity and honor with you. Oh, yes, Marcus! I love you with all my heart."

They had often shared their bodies, but as master and slave. This night would be the first time they shared as lovers. It was WONDERFUL!

The next morning, they ate a quiet breakfast, both of them too full of wonder of the night before to talk.

Finally Michael broke the silence, "Marcus, last night was the most wonderful time of my life. My parents always felt my brother and me were a nuisance. They never really loved us, just put up with us. But, last night you really loved me; the first time anyone has ever done that and I am so filled with gratefulness. Freedom isn't important to me any more. 'Cause I know I'll always be with you and you'll always be here for me. I only hope I can love you enough."

"My lover, my Michael! Before he passed away, my Father was the most important person in my life. But he is gone and you have taken his place in my heart. I felt strongly about you from the first day, but you were in love with another."

"But that was just a schoolboy attachment. And, because of it I did a very stupid thing and I will pay for it forever. But that doesn't matter any more. You and the others showed me that even a life slave can have a life of meaning and worth."

They both sat gazing into each others eyes for a short time.

Finally Marcus broke the moment, "Well, Michael are we ready for our new venture?"

"Oh yes, Master." Michael had slipped back into his master-slave mode.

"Do you think three is too many?"

"Master! There were eight of us here a one time. Surely we can handle three, Master."

"I suppose you're right. You do know we will have to hurt them at first."

"Yes, Master. Until they accept their status. But we won't hurt them for enjoyment."

"We'll only have them for five years. We'll have to work hard to make them into something."

"It didn't take you that long, Master."

"Ok. I've had a hold on three for several days. I'll call the Slave Office and have them delivered."

"What was their crime, Master?"

Marcus chuckled, "Stealing apples!"

The End

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