Part 1 The Young Muggers
Peter is my young nephew of just 13 years of age and I am his favourite Uncle, which was no surprise as I am his only Uncle. Since he was five-year-old, I had looked after him every Saturday while my Sister and brother-in-law went away buying for their shop. They would drop him off early in the morning and pick him up early on Sunday as they often didn't return until late on Saturday night. So Peter would sleep over at my house for the night.
Peter is one of those boys that you just can't stop looking at and admiring.
When I take him out to the beach or whatever, you can't but help notice the sideways looks he gets from everybody. He has beautiful blonde hair and a wonderful body tan. Whenever the sun is out he would be stripped to his trunks and soaking up the sun's rays. That's assuming we were out in public but if we were out in the back garden, he would strip off everything. We never told his parents about it because they had rather strange ideas about nudity and so it was our little secret. I often wondered if they were been curious how Peter's body was always well tanned all over with no bikini line whatsoever.
Sometimes, when it was really hot, I would strip off as well. I often would study him when he was naked and wonder at his young beauty. Since he was ten, his body has developed into a young manliness with well-developed chest and a good tuft of pubic hair around his penis. He is wonderfully slim and has a lovely rounded pair of bum cheeks. It wouldn't be long before I would feel my own cock stirring after watching him and I would have to make some excuse for going back into the house and relieving myself. I'm sure he guessed what I was doing but we never talked about it. In fact, until quite recently and because he was my nephew, we never discussed anything sexual and apart from a little body contact during play we never made any form of sexual contact.
Last Saturday, for the very first time, Peter approached the subject of sex. It was a gorgeous day and we were sat out in the garden and both stark naked.
Unusually to normal, Peter seemed to be always sitting or standing more openly in front of me. It was as if he was trying to get me aroused. I was lying on my back on the sun lounger when he pulled up his chair close alongside me so that it was facing towards me. He sat on the chair with his legs spread wide apart and his arms resting on the arms of the chair. It was obvious that he wanted me to see as much as his nakedness as possible. I tried not to look but my eyes were drawn to him like a magnet.
"Do you like me?" he said.
"Of course I do," I replied.
"No I mean do you really like me?" he said as he placed one of his hands tantalisingly close to his penis.
"I think you're a fine young man," I said embarrassingly.
This was a boy I had always wanted but knew I couldn't have but here he was trying to lure me. "But wouldn't you like to have me," he said in a very tempting manner, "Wouldn't you like to touch me?"
I immediately felt my cock responding to his words and it began to rise. Peter noticed and stared at it.
"I'd be lying to say anything else and I would love to physically enjoy your company but it's just not possible Peter. I am your Uncle and you are my nephew and it's not possible for us to get involved," I replied.
"So you would like to but you can't," said Peter and continued, "I suppose your going to go and have a wank know?"
I felt quite uncomfortable at this last remark as he'd had obviously known for quite a while what I was doing. Unfortunately, he was right and I jumped up and went indoors and relieved myself.
The next day, my sister picked up Peter as usual and I was once again alone. For once I was glad to see Peter go and I could now get some time to myself to come to terms with what had been said. I couldn't get him out of my head. Later that afternoon I went for my usual walk. Something I did most Sunday afternoons. I enjoyed the solitude and I found it very relaxing. This Sunday, I had more than usual to think about!
As I walked over the dale and down past the stream, close to the woodlands, I noticed that I wasn't alone. Although I couldn't see anybody, I could hear people moving about and I began to walk a bit more briskly. Just when I thought I was out of danger someone jumped out in front of me brandishing a knife. He was wearing a mask but I would guess he was about 15 or 16 years old and quite well built. I froze for a moment and then turned around and tried to make a run for it. I soon realised that he wasn't alone and that there was another four younger kids behind me, all brandishing knives and wearing masks. I knew it was pointless trying to escape and once again froze.
The oldest boy shouted, "Hand over your money or we'll kill you!"
One never thinks one would get caught and at first I thought perhaps this was a wind up but after looking around I realised that they were serious. I put my hands in my pockets and handed over the little change I had in my pocket. "Is that all you have?" demanded the oldest boy.
"Sorry but yes that's all I have on me," I replied.
"Well give us your watch," he demanded.
I took my watch off and handed it to him. With that I could hear a couple of other kids approaching with another youngster. One of the kids had the youngster in an armhold and he shouted, "I got another one here!"
As they approached us, the older boy shouted back, "Did he have any money?"
"None at all," they replied. As they finally joined us the boy pushed the youngster towards me and it was then I realised that the youngster was my nephew Peter.
"What we going to do now," said one of the younger kids.
"I don't know," said the oldest one, "any ideas?"
A dark skinned lad spoke up, "Well I reckon that the kid is about my size and I could do with a nice new jacket like he's wearing. In fact all his clothes look better than mine!"
The older boy thought for a while and then said to Peter, "Hey kid, what's your name?"
"Well, Peter, you heard what my friend said. He'd like to have your clothes, so I guess you better start stripping off and giving them to him!" said the older boy.
The weather had turned and a cold wind had blown up. "But it's freezing," said Peter.
"Just do as your told," the oldest boy replied, "If you value your life, that is."
I looked at Peter and beckoned him to do has he was told. As Peter took off his jacket and handed it over to the dark haired boy, the older boy said, "Hang on a minute." He turned to me and said "What's your name?"
"Dave," I replied.
"Okay Dave. I think you should undress Peter."
I couldn't believe what was being asked of me. At long last I could get to undress my nephew. I lifted his arms and pulled of his jumper off over his head. I then I unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop to the floor. For a moment I forget the situation we were in and I run my hand over his shoulders and down over his chest.
"Wow! We got a right one here," said the oldest boy. "I think Dave's enjoying this! Come on Dave get stuck in. I want you to undress Peter as if you really want him!"
The boys all sat around us ready for the show. Here we were in the middle of nowhere and I was being forced to do something I have dreamt about for years. I began to kiss Peter's chest. I slowly sucked on his nipples that were now standing proud. I moved down to his stomach and curled my tongue into his deep belly button, something I'd always wanted to do as it looked so appealing. I run my fingers around the rim of his trousers and with a sharp tug released his trousers from around his waist and let them slip to the ground.
"Keep going and take his underpants off!" I hadn't intended to stop and I slipped my hand down the back off his underpants and fondled his beautiful round cheeks. I placed my face close to his groin and could see his organ standing erect in his pants and a small patch of pre-cum staining the front of them. I slowly tugged at his pants until his organ popped out from under them. Here I was only inches from his wonderfully formed circumcised cock.
"Suck it you Nancy!"
'Oh yes please,' I thought to myself. I slipped my lips over the end of his penis and let it slip deep inside my mouth. I was surprised how long his penis was and before I knew it was banging against the back of my throat. The taste of his pre-cum was like nectar and I couldn't wait to take his full load.
It wasn't long before Peter's body began to spasm and I knew I was soon to taste his nectar. The times I had dreamt of tasting it and now at long last I was about to. Once again Peter's body spasmed and jerked and I felt his first spurt of cum hit my throat and then the second and the third. I found it difficult to swallow quickly enough as wave after wave of his nectar left the end of his cock. For a boy of just 13 he certainly had a lot to give and his cum was thick and creamy. Peter had given everything and he collapsed to his knees in complete exhaustion.
"Very good!" said the oldest boy. "You obviously enjoyed that too much."
He began to converse with the other boys and I could hear them snigger at what he was saying. "Okay," he said turning back to me, "as you enjoy it so much then you're going to do all of us! Just like you done Peter, starting with me!"
The boys circled around me, making it obvious that although the oldest boy had given his knife to one of the other boys, there was no escaping. The oldest boy stood in front of me and said, "Come on then start stripping me and do it like you did it to Peter."
I did what I was told and slowly removed his clothes and started to work on his cock. This boy was obviously a lot older as I had first imagined and his body was that of young man with a fair amount of hair covering is older but still young body. His cock was surrounded by masses of pubic hair and it was thick and black. I would judge that his rod was some 7 or 8 inches [18-20 cm] in length as I found that when I took into my mouth, I couldn't reach the base of his shaft without gagging myself. I could see that this boy was more experienced than Peter was and he was moving his body in unison with my sucking motions. It wasn't long before I felt his load release itself inside my mouth. It wasn't as sweet as Peter's and I had trouble swallowing it, even though it was no more in quantity than what Peter had given me.
Once I had finished, the boy gathered his clothes together and redressed. The next boy stood in front of me and I started again. Then the next boy and so on.
Although each of them was wearing a mask, when I got to see their naked bodies, I worked out that they would taking it turns according to their age. Starting from the oldest down to the youngest. When I got to the sixth and final boy and undressed him, I could see that he wasn't any older than about 8 years old. He had no pubic hair whatsoever and his cock was no more than a couple of inches in length and his balls were still taught. I sucked and sucked his cock and several times I had his balls as well in my mouth. Although I could only see the boy's eyes, I could see that he was desperate to cum like his pals had but he just wasn't capable of it. I finally gave up and apologised to the boy.
The oldest boy turned to me and said, "I told you that you had to do the same to all of us and you have failed. For that you're going to be punished!"
He beckoned me to follow him and we all headed into the woodland. Once we were deep inside the woodland, he turned to me and said, "Okay, this will do. Take your upper clothes off!"
I did as I was told and stripped from the waist up. I had noticed earlier that one of the boys was carrying a large holdall and the oldest boy was now rummaging inside it. He produced some heavy rope and told me to stand facing a large nearby tree trunk. He tied my hands together so that I was wrapped around the tree trunk with my naked back exposed to the boy's mercy. The oldest boy handed a large branch off a tree to the youngest boy that I had failed to satisfy and told him to punish me as hard as he could. The young boy started to whip my back with the branch. Although he was only small, he had a tremendous strength and each swipe of the branch on my back caused me to jump with pain. It wasn't long before I could feel small trickles of blood running down by back. The swipes kept coming, one after another and the pain became unbearable and I slumped down, held up only by the rope around my wrists. One of the boys untied me and I fell to the ground.
The oldest boy turned to Peter and said, "I want you to clean up Dave. He's taken his punishment and I'm sure he'll do exactly as he's told from now on. By the way I want you to clean up his back using only your tongue!" Peter began to lick the blood off my back and shoulders. It felt good. I could feel his naked body on top of mine and didn't take long before I recovered from my ordeal.
Once again the group of boys huddled together and talked and giggled. I knew they were deciding what else they were going to do to us. Although I was fearful at what they may suggest, I found that my cock was throbbing with excitement. It wasn't long before they had agreed what was going to happen next and within minutes they had me tied over an old fallen tree trunk, stark naked with my bum standing out proud. The oldest boy once again started and pulled his pants down and within seconds his shaft was deep inside my anus. He rose up and down so that his shaft was almost out of my anus and then he would push with all his might so that his balls were pressing hard against by bum cheeks. He'd obviously done this before and the other boys were watching in fascination and keen for it to be their turn. After each boy had cum inside me, Peter had to clean him them up using his tongue. When the youngest boy tried he failed to reach an orgasm as before but pretended to enjoy it and no one commented that his cock was still clean.
Peter was then told to do what the others had done and so he mounted me and I felt his beautiful cock deep inside me. He pumped and pumped and I could feel his body shuddering as he came close to releasing his load in me. Before he could release his load, I felt some of the boys tying a rope around Peter and myself and within moments Peter was tied tight to my back, with his cock still deep inside me. The ropes were so tight that Peter was unable to pull his cock out. They released me from the tree trunk and I was ordered to stand up. They tied Peter harder to my back so that neither of us could breathe properly and we had to take it in turns to take a breath.
The group of boys forced me to walk with Peter attached to me for about two miles [3 km], deeper into the woodland. Every step I took I could feel Peter's cock getting gripped between my cheeks. Twice, I felt Peter's cum release itself inside me. Each time Peter would start breathing faster which would make it hard for me to breath. I could also hear his cum squelching inside me and some of it was running down my legs. My body was covered in small cuts as the bushes and branches cut into me as we passed them. One of the boys in front of me was purposely holding back the foliage and then releasing it as I was passing them.
When we finally were ordered to stop alongside a stream, they untied Peter from my back. I was ordered to follow three of the boys and was led to the stream and was told to going and wash myself down. The water was icy cold but I did as I was told and washed my body in the cold water.
When we rejoined the rest of the group, I could see that Peter had been staked to the ground on his front and in a spread-eagled position. The sun was starting to set and the sky was turning a subtle shade of orange. The light falling on Peter's body complimented his already beautiful tan and he looked so inviting.
The older boy turned to me and said, "Okay, you've been good and you obviously want him, so go ahead and enjoy it."
He was right of course! I knelt between his legs and stretched over his waiting body and stroked his shoulders and back. I could feel his young tender skin under my fingers. I wanted this boy so much but because he was my nephew, I had always held myself back but now I was being ordered to take him. My organ was fully erect and dangling waitingly between my legs. I caressed his buttocks and let my fingers run into the opening of his anus. I guessed that Peter had never received anal before and I wanted to loosen him up a little. I obviously loved this young man and I didn't want to hurt him more than I had to. I was astonished how easily his anus took my fingers and before long I had all four fingers deep inside him. He writhed as much as he could under the restraints that held him down. My cock was already glistening with pre-cum and so 1 wiped it onto my fingers and rubbed it into his opening for lubrication. I then rubbed my cock up and down his opening spreading as much of the pre-cum as I could before finally pressing the head of my cock into him.
He started to groan but I knew that I had to go through with it. I pushed harder and with a mighty slurping sound my cock went deeper into him. He groaned even louder. I decided it would be best to get the initial pain over and done with for Peter and pushed with all my might and my rod finally pushed all the way in and my balls were tight up against Peter's cheeks. Peter gave out an almighty shriek which slowly faded to groans of pleasure as I gently pumped my nephew's anus. The pumping got faster and faster and remembering that through all this ordeal, I so far hadn't had an orgasm, I was soon pumping my load into him. Wave after wave of my hot cum was releasing inside him. No longer was Peter shouting in pain but in shear ecstasy. I finally collapsed on top of him with complete exhaustion.
It was now virtually dark and it was obvious that the boys had to go home. The older boy turned to Peter and myself and said, "Okay, we've finished with you now. We've got to go home and we got to make sure that you don't follow us. What we're going to do is tie you both up and then leg it. By the way we know you're related, so don't get any ideas about going to the police as we'll claim that you mugged us David and I'm sure Peter's mother would love to hear that you raped her son."
They tied me to a tree with my back against the tree. I was still stark naked and so was Peter. The oldest boy picked up Peter by his feet and tied his legs around the tree so that Peter was dangling upside down facing me. Using more rope they tied Peter so that his cock was pressing against my face and was told to open my mouth and let his cock into my mouth. They then tied Peter's head so that he had to take my cock into his mouth. Try to imaging the picture, this was a vertical '69' position and the ropes were so tight that we couldn't release each other's cocks from each other's mouth. They left us and I could see them disappearing through the woods with the little vision I had between the legs of Peter. Regardless of everything that had happened and the concern of how we were going to get out of the situation we were in, I just could help myself. The taste of Peter's organ in my mouth once again was wonderful and I was soon sucking hard on his organ. Peter, being in an inverted position, wasn't reciprocating but I continued to play and tease his organ. It took along time before Peter finally gave up the fight and he released another full load of his cum inside my mouth. At the same moment I reached an orgasm myself and shot a load of my own cum into Peter's mouth. He began to choke as he couldn't swallow my cum because he was upside down. He began to cry and was quite distressed as he tried to breath. He tried to spit out some of the cum but into ran up his nose and made him choke even more. I realised what I'd done but I was helpless to do anything. What was I going to tell his mother, I killed him with my cum, the cum that he didn't have to take!
With that I was aware that we weren't alone. The oldest mugger reappeared from the bushes and began to untie Peter.
"I'm sorry that wasn't part of the plan," the mugger said and disappeared. He left me tied to the tree but had completely untied Peter and left him on the ground trying to regain his breath. He had also thrown our clothes in a bundle on the ground. Something else that he'd done was that he hadn't worn the mask that he'd been wearing all afternoon. I had recognised him as one of Peter's friends.
Peter finally got his breath back and without untying me he said, "I'm sorry for this afternoon." Before I could answer he placed his wonderfully formed lips against mine and gave a lovely deep kiss. He ran his mouth down my chest and settled on one of my nipples and sucked it. "I do love you Uncle Dave," he said.
"I love you too Peter," I replied. It had finally dawned on me that Peter and his friends had staged the whole afternoon. I had been taken in by the whole thing and what a wonderful time I'd had.
"Are you going for walk next Sunday, Uncle Dave?"
"Too right I am" I replied.
2nd Saturday
After the experience of last Sunday, the week seemed to drag as I looked forward to the weekend and meeting my nephew, Peter. Last Sunday was probably the best day I had ever spent in my life. I still bear some of the scars of all the cuts and bruises that I received but they were reminders of the wonderful time I'd had and the day I took my nephew.
At long last its Saturday morning and Peter is due to be dropped off at any moment by his parents. I'm dying to talk about last Sunday with him and I am hoping he still feels the same way about me. The doorbell rings and I answered it and there was Peter. I waved to his parents as they reversed out of the driveway and then closed the door. "Hi Uncle Dave" said Peter.
"Hi Peter," I answered, "By the way you don't need to call me Uncle anymore, when your parents aren't about. After last weekend, it makes me feel guilty and I think it might be better if we just consider ourselves as good friends and not relations!"
"Don't you mean lovers," said Peter.
His remarked almost embarrassed me but he was right and replied, "Okay lovers! So you still feel the same about me, do you?"
"Of course I do. And you?"
"Yes, I do. It's just I wasn't sure that in the cold light of day that you'd want to go on with a relationship. There's something else I been wanting to ask you
3;" I hesitated for a moment and continued, "Let's put it this way, I'm not gay and I like women as well, how about you?"
"No, I'm not gay but I guess we're both bisexual after last week. I love you but in a different way to how I feel towards girls. I love sex and I enjoy being with you."
I reached out and grasped his hand and pulled him towards me. His mouth beckoned me to kiss it and I surrendered to it. I placed my hands on his shoulders as our mouths were entwined. My hands soon moved down his back and under his pants and I began stroking the bare skin of his buttocks. Peter's hands moved down the front of my body and were unbuttoning my trousers and they were soon around my ankles along with my briefs. "Dave," he said, "last week I tasted your meat and it was nice but it nearly choked me. I'd like to try again but in the upright position."
"Be my guest," I quickly replied.
We were still in the hallway and was already stripped from the waist down with young lad giving me a blow-job. I wondered what sought of day we had ahead of us. His beautiful tender lips were wrapped around the crown of my penis. His young tongue was teasing the end of cock and I could feel the pressure welling up in my balls. I knew I couldn't stand this for long. For being only 13 he knew when I was near to exploding and he would stop and let the feeling subside and then start again. He was purposely prolonging my orgasm. I couldn't wait no longer and I put my hands firmly on his head and held him on the end of my organ. He continued and I exploded inside his mouth and he took the lot, wave after wave. He took it better than I had taken his load last week and managed to swallow the lot.
"Oh, that tastes good," he said to me after swallowing the last drop and then went about licking the rest of the end of my shaft.
I picked up my trousers and briefs and we went into the kitchen and I put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. I turned to Peter and asked him, "You know last week, when I penetrated you, I didn't hurt you too much did I?" It was something that I'd been worried about.
"Well, yes it did but once you were inside me the pain subsided. It's been a bit soar since."
"I am sorry. Would you do it again?"
"Yep! I know my friends were jealous of me last week. They've been asking me what it's like to have a big cock inside them. I told them that hurts at first and then it turns into something wonderful!"
"Was I the first?" I asked.
"Not quite. My friends and I have often played sex games and a ten-year-old boy once penetrated me but it was nothing like when you did it. His prick was only small and I hardly felt it."
I was disappointed that I wasn't the first but I somehow guessed that I wasn't.
His young anus was just a little too loose for a virgin.
We sat for while and talked and drunk our coffees. Then the doorbell rang. I quickly put on my briefs and trousers and started for the door. I wondered who it might be and I hoped whoever it was that they didn't stay too long as I wanted to explore Peter some more. I opened the front door and was greeted by a large group of kids.
"Hello Dave," said one of the kids, which I'm sure I recognised, "want to be mugged again?"
It was then that I recognised who they were. It was the group of kids that had pretended to mug me last weekend. I let them in and made them all a drink.
"We didn't hurt you too much last week, did we?" said one of the boys.
"Just I little," I said.
"Well we're sorry about that but we had to make it look real."
"I guess you did. Why have you all come here today?"
"We knew how much enjoyed last weekend," said another the lads, "By the way my name is Darren and I was the leader last week." I had already recognised him.
"We felt it was only fair that YOU should become the master and we'll be your slaves! That's why we're here today. We will obey your every command. Our parents think we have gone a trip and we're not due home until late this afternoon, so we're yours for the day."
The thought of having all these youngsters at my command gave me a quite a thrill and my cock grew uncomfortably inside my trousers. I wondered for a while that perhaps this was just a joke and that they were not really willing to do everything that I said. They seemed genuine enough, so I thought I would put them to the test. "Okay then Darren, let's see if you really mean what you're saying. I want you to go upstairs and go in to the first bedroom on the right. I want you to find the cane in the corner of the room and place it on the bed. I want you to then take your clothes off and lean over the end of the bed. I will be up in a minute and I'm going to give a good hard caning for what you did to me last week."
"Okay Dave," said Darren as he left the kitchen.
I left it a few minutes and told the others that they would each receive the same punishment. I went upstairs and entered the bedroom and was quite surprised to see Darren stripped and laying over the end of the bed with the cane alongside him. I went into the wardrobe and pulled out some rope and said "Just to make sure that you take your punishment, I'm going to tie your hands to the bedposts."
"Okay" replied Darren.
Good grief I thought to myself, he really willing to go through with this. I tied his wrists to the bedposts so that he was totally at my mercy. I picked up the cane and went about giving his bare buttocks some fairly hard swipes. I could see weal's appearing on his buttocks but he refrained from crying although he was having difficulty. His bum was bright red when I'd finished. I was about to untie him when I remembered what Peter had said about them wondering what it was like to have a cock inside them. I run my hands over his buttocks. They were red hot. I placed my fingers into his opening and he groaned. "Okay Darren, I'm going to enter you now!" I said.
"Okay Dave," Darren replied.
I knew that most of the pain I'd suffered last weekend was because of Darren, he was the oldest and the other boys obviously looked up to him. Yet here he was with his arse waiting for me and at my mercy. I got out of my clothes and without any hesitation I plunged my cock deep into his opening. He let out an almighty scream as I pushed my cock in all the way. I couldn't believe it but Darren was tighter than Peter had been. "Keep it quiet," I demanded.
"Yes, Sir,", he replied.
I let him get used to having my cock inside him before I started to slowly pump.
I pushed my hand under his body and found his cock. It was already erect and covered in pre-cum. This told me that he was enjoying what I was doing to him and I began to pump him harder and faster. He started to groan with pleasure as I increased the motion and before I finally released my load, he released his load all over the bed.
"Oh man, that was wonderful," he said in a soft voice. "Can I be of further assistance to you, Sir."
"Sure can," I said not believing that he still wanted to obey me, "You can clean up my cock and then you can clean up the mess you made of the bed."
I untied him from the bed and he started cleaning me up with his tongue. When he'd finished he looked at me for approval that he'd done the job properly and I nodded to him and beckoned him to clean the pool of his cum that was on the bedclothes. Using his mouth he drank the pool of cum.
"Who's the next oldest?" I asked him.
3; Jason. He's 14." He replied.
"Okay, now I want you call him up here and then come back here yourself, I haven't finished with you yet!"
"Yes, Sir!" he said as he left the room and shouted down for Jason.
Within in few moments Jason entered the bedroom followed by Darren. I sat on a chair in the corner of the room. I said to Jason, "Are you ready to receive your punishment?"
"Yes, Sir!" he replied. They'd obviously rehearsed their responses to me!
"Good boy," I said, "I want you to undress and put your clothes on top of Darren's."
Jason went about taking his clothes off while Darren and I watched. Jason was probably the least tanned of the group. He obviously didn't let the sun to his body all that often. His skin was very fair and covered in a good smattering of freckles. He was very thin and you could see his ribs clearly and his bum was virtually flat. His cock was of reasonable length but was very thin and his foreskin looked like it was too big for his penis as it dangled from the end of his organ. I asked him to sit across my still naked lap while I caressed his naked body. I whispered to him, "Now I want you to take your punishment like a man. Darren is going to cane you until your cheeks are nice and red and then when I tell him he's going to stick his cock inside your arse. It may hurt quite a bit, are you sure you want to go through with it?"
"Yes I'm sure," he said nervously.
I watched as Darren tied him down and administered several sharp blows of the cane across Jason's buttocks. I kept an eye of Jason's face to make sure that he wasn't crying and that the punishment wasn't too severe. After all, I wanted him to enjoy the experience. I wanted all of them to enjoy it and wanted to make sure that none of them did what they didn't want to do. I could see that Darren was enjoying it as his cock once again stood proud and so was mine! I told Darren that he'd caned him enough now and that he should have his way with Jason. A smile came across Darren's face as he guided his cock into Jason. Jason jumped but accepted Darren's cock with barely a murmur and was soon moving in unison with Darren's pumping. I saw the relief on Darren's face has he shot his load into his friends anus. He guessed that I'd want him to follow what I'd done and he untied Jason and told him to clean his cock with his tongue.
I told Darren to leave us and go into the next bedroom and wait. He went to grab his clothes and I told him, "Leave them there. You won't need then for a while."
After he left the room, I asked Jason who the next oldest boy was and he told me it that it was Chris and that he was 13. I told him to shout for him and within a couple of moments they arrived. Chris undressed and sat on my knee. Chris was quite tubby, something I'm not particularly fond of, but he was an Asian background so his skin was a golden brown colour. Although he was only 13, his body was covered in dark hair and his pubic area was thick with mounds of thick dark pubic hairs. Apart from his height and his obvious boyish face you would have thought that he was a man. His breasts, because he was overweight, hung like small tits from his chest. Unlike most overweight people, who's nipples usually fold and look uninviting, Chris's nipples were round and solid and were almost black in colour. I couldn't help myself and had one of his nipples in my mouth and was sucking on it as if I was trying to get milk from it. Chris was enjoying the attention that I was paying to his chest and I could see his already erect cock twitching with my every sucking motion.
"It's time for your punishment," I said to him. I knew with all the excess fat that Chris was carrying that tying him to the bed would be no good as he'd have too much cushioning from his fat and so I told Jason to tie Chris's hands to ankles so that his body was folded in half. This stretched the boy's buttocks so that the cane could penetrate the fat. Jason knew what to do and went ahead without any intervention from me and I just sat back and watched.
Next was James. He was 11. He was very underdeveloped for his age compared to the others. He had no body hair whatsoever but he was beautifully tanned. His body was slim and perfect. I remembered his jet black hair from last weekend and knew that this boy had the sweetest cum of the group. Possibly sweeter than Peter's. When he'd got undressed and he was standing in front of me stark naked my lips began to quiver and I knew I had to taste his nectar once more. I kneeled in front of him and started to suck on his organ. He grabbed the back of my head like a true professional and I was in heaven as I once again tasted his fluids. "For being a good boy," I said to him, "You can miss the caning but are you happy about Chris fucking you?"
"Yes, Sir!" was the reply.
I watched as he bent over the end of the bed and Chris began shafting him.
The next boy was Garry and he was also 11. He was the short for his age and a lot shorter than James. I would guess that he'd be ribbed in school about his height. When he undressed, he was perfectly formed and had a well developed chest. It looked like he looked after his body and had possibly done some weight training. He was blonde and had a good smattering of blonde hair on his arms and legs. He had a small amount of dark hair under his arms and a line of dark hair just above his circumcised cock. His lips were lovely and pink and well formed and I felt that they needed kissing. As James hadn't received a caning and as Garry didn't look strong enough to take a heavy beating, I requested that James gave Garry a good spanking instead. I checked that Garry was prepared to go ahead with a fucking and he told me he was and so I told James to get stuck in.
The last kid was a bit of a surprise. He was called Sam and was 10. I remembered the youngest boy from last weekend and how he couldn't yet manage to cum and I'd estimated as being about 8. The person that was in front of me I was sure wasn't the same kid. Remember of course I didn't see their faces last week but this kid was certainly taller. The kid was wearing a cap and had what looked like a feminine face but it isn't always easy to tell at this age. As before I demanded the usual stripping. As the vest was removed, I looked at the breast region and thought that something wasn't quite right.
'This boy looks more like a girl,; I thought to myself. The nipples were much larger and there was a small cupping under each of them. As the kid pulled down his trousers, I realised that these weren't boy's underpants or shorts but girl's knickers. This wasn't a boy at all but a young girl. She pulled down her knickers and sure enough there wasn't a cock. Instead there was a small bush of hair surrounding her small female opening. She then took off her cap and let her long blonde hair fall from under the cap and it fell down around her shoulders and down her back. Some of her hair fell forward and was just long enough to reach the top of her barely developed breasts.
"What's your real name?" I asked her.
"Sam," she replied, "short for Samantha."
"Okay Samantha," I said, "Obviously I didn't meet you last weekend!" I looked down at her private regions as if to point out the fact that she didn't have a cock. "So who are you?"
"You met my younger brother, Larry. I often play naughty games with Larry and his friends. I knew about last week but they wouldn't let me join in. Larry couldn't come this weekend, he had to go to my Gran's house. Larry told me about they had planned for today and I wanted to join in. The rest agreed that I could come and that it would be a nice surprise for you. Your not angry are you?"
"No, I'm not angry but I am rather shocked. I thought you were all boys and I've been rather tough on them as you might have heard," I said to her.
"I expect to be treated the same," she said.
I thought for a moment, I looked into her eyes and she was serious, she wanted to be treated as 'one of the boys'. I told to her to sit on my bare lap. Instead of sitting across my lap she straddled my lap so that she was facing me. Her young cunt was a couple of inches away from my cock. She looked down at my organ that was embarrassingly growing with excitement. It was excited even more when she grabbed hold of it and pulled it towards her pussy. It'd been quite a while since I'd had hetro sex and it was certainly the first time with a young girl.
"We can't do it, " I said to her, "You're obviously developed enough to bear children and I wouldn't want to risk that happening to you." She leapt off my lap. I thought I'd upset her but she picked up her jeans and pulled out a bundle of condoms. She re-sat on my lap and carefully opened one of the packets and rolled a condom over my cock. What more could I say. She raised herself and with one hand on my cock, she lowered herself down on it. She wasn't a virgin, that was obvious, but I don't think she'd ever had a grown-up cock inside her before.
She was tight but she persevered and forced herself down the whole length. It obviously hurt her but she was determined to continue. She raised and lowered herself up down the length of my cock. God did it feel good. I brushed her hair from around her breasts and started playing homage to them with my tongue. This really excited her and within moments she was quivering with her first orgasm. I could feel the lips of her opening gripping my cock and the feel of warm fluids oozing out of her as wave after wave of pleasure run through her little body. I was enjoying it as much as she was and I was consciously holding back my own orgasm. After a couple of minutes or so I couldn't hold back anymore and I released by hot cum. The feeling must have been so good to her as well as she started to shudder once again and hit a second orgasm. I think this was the first time that I've ever managed to get a second orgasm from a female to one of mine. It was wonderful.
After all the feelings had subsided she lifted herself off my organ and stood in front of me and said, "Now I'm ready for my punishment!"
"I can't punish you after what you just did. Besides I am punishing the others for what they did to me last week. You weren't even there!" I said to her, bemused that she wanted to be punished.
"I insist, Sir. I want to take my brother's punishment!"
I considered the situation for a moment and thought 'What the hell.' I turned to her and said, "Your skin is more sensitive than the boys and I wouldn't want to harm it. So instead I'm going to get Garry to whip you with this towel. It'll hurt just as much but it won't leave any marks. Are you sure you want to go through with it?"
"Yes, Sir," came that now familiar reply.
I instructed Garry to start whipping her. I told him to spread the lashes around her back, bum and legs. She jumped at every lashing but kept a smile on her face. I had decided that was all the punishment she should have. I was surprised when she turned back at me and said, "I don't think I've received all my punishment yet! What else do I have to do?" She smiled at me.
"Well, yes you're right, the other boys were forced to have anal penetration. You've already been penetrated so it doesn't count."
"Yes it does Sir," she replied. "I'm happy to take Garry inside my bum."
What could I say. I told Garry to fulfil her wish and I saw his eyes light up.
He'd been wondering if he was going to get any action out of it. Fortunately, Garry wasn't all that big in the cock department and he fucked her anus without causing any problems to her.
I told Sam and Garry to go and join the others in the next bedroom, leaving their clothes behind. I knew that the group would be wondering what was going to happen next to them but I decided to leave them stew on it for a while and I went downstairs to see Peter. "Do you know you're the only person in the house who has his clothes on?"
"I can soon alter that," he said and started undressing himself.
"No, " I said stopping him, "let me do it for you." He'd already taken his jumper off, so I started undoing his shirt. Peter never wore a vest or T-shirt under his shirt. I undid one button at a time and then let the beauty of the newly revealed skin hit me before undoing another. While the rest of the kids were great and each had their own beauty, none of them compared with Peter. As the last button was undone I pulled back his shirt and looked at his bare chest and stomach. There wasn't an inch of surplus fat anywhere to be seen and yet you couldn't see any of his bones. If there was a perfect weight ratio then this was it. He looked at me his wonderfully blue eyes and then lowered them to his chest as if to beckon me to get stuck in. I tickled each of his nipples with the end of my tongue, they tasted good. I wasn't going to be happy until my tongue had visited every square inch of his chest and stomach. When I'd finished, the front of his body was covered in my saliva.
I turned him around and pulled the shirt off his back and let it slip to the floor. I kissed and licked the back of his neck and very slowly moved down his back until I had covered every square inch. I could feel the quivers in his body as I progressed indicating that he was enjoying every second of it. When I got to the rim of his trousers, I put my hands around him and unfastened his trousers. Placing my thumbs inside both his trousers and shorts, I pulled them down and let them fall to the ground. In front of me was Peter's perfect little bum. I continued licking across the cheeks and own to the top of his legs and then returned to his little opening. Peter knew where I was going and leant over and put his hands on the kitchen table and spreading his legs a little as he did it. I could see the pink ring of his anus come into view and my tongue followed the view that confronted me. Peter groaned a little as I teased him with my tongue. When his ring was soaked in my saliva, I offered my aching cock to his pink ring and I let it slide deep inside. I was pretty sure that Peter enjoyed me fucking him last week but he was tied down. This time he was there in front of me and taking my cock freely.
"Fuck me! Fuck me good and hard!" Peter said as if to confirm that he knew what was going through my mind.
He groaned and groaned as I pushed my cock in and out. Each thrust pushed all the way home and I could feel my balls banging tight up against his cheeks. My hands were busy feeling around his body as I fucked him. A few times my hands came in contact with his cute cock and it was already dripping with cum. All of a sudden I could hold back no longer and I released my hot fluid inside his hot arse. Wave after wave of it squirted deep inside of him. After a felt the last drop leave me, I fell to my knees with complete exhaustion. Peter too was exhausted and joined me on the floor.
After a few moments of recovery, I turned to Peter and said, "We've got a room full of naked people upstairs. Any ideas what we going to do with them?"
"I have a few ideas," he replied!
Peter was excited that I was asking him about what we should do about the kids upstairs. He knew what each of them liked and most of their individual sexual fantasies. Over a period of time, each of them had confided in Peter about their fantasies but didn't particularly want the others to know, as they might feel embarrassed about it. He explained all this to me.
"So how are we going to go about it?" I asked.
"Well." Peter continued, "I have this idea about playing a game where we are the Masters and they are our pawns. Perhaps we could use some playing cards and each of them will take it in turn to turn over a card from the pack and place it in front of them. When two players have the same card value in front of them, you know like 'Snap', then those two players have to fulfil some act that we the Masters set for them."
"Sounds good to me," I replied. "You know what they want so you can set the tasks if you like."
"Okay with me."
We both went upstairs and entered the bedroom. What a sight, all those naked young bodies!
"Okay," I said, "Listen carefully." They all stood up and listened eagerly as I explained what was going to happen next. I didn't tell them that they were about to fulfil some of their personal fantasies as we decided that we could hide that fact from them. Each would think that it was pure coincidence that one of their own personal fantasies had been fulfilled. They all sat on the floor in a circle and a double pack of cards were placed in front of them. Obviously the idea of the game that I'd outlined to them had excited some of them as I could see some rather erect cocks around the room. Even Sam's nipples were standing proud in anticipation.
They took in turns taking cards off the pack and placing them in front of them.
After a few turns, Jason turned over a two of spades and that matched Gary's two of hearts.
"Okay," said Peter. "I command that the two of you position yourselves in the middle of the circle in a '69' position." Gary looked at Peter for clarification of what a '69' position was but before he could say anything Jason grabbed his arm and moved him to the centre of the circle and pushed him gently down on his back on the floor. Jason knew what he was doing and laid on top of Gary so that his face was inline with his cock. He arched his back slightly so as to bring his own cock inline with Gary's mouth.
"I want you to suck each others cocks until each of you has a mouthful of cum. Neither of you should swallow the cum. When you have both finished I want you to show us Masters that you still have the cum in your mouth. Okay now get stuck into it!"
They both did as they were told while the group watched every move. It was obvious that Jason came first and that Gary was holding a large amount of cum in his mouth. When he finally came himself, he nearly choked on the cum but he was determined not to swallow it. They both got up and walked over to Peter and myself.
"Don't swallow it mind," Peter told them. "Now open your mouths and show us that you each have a mouthful of cum!" They both did as they were told and then Peter said to them, "Okay that's fine. Now I want the two of you to French kiss and to mix all that cum together and then, and only when I tell you, you can both swallow!" They began to kiss each other and everyone in the room could hear the cum squishing about between their mouths. Both were having trouble breathing and Peter was watching with a wicked look on his face and just when I thought I would have to overrule him, Peter said, "And swallow." The boy's lips parted and they both swallowed immediately. "Okay you can sit back down" They were still trying to get their breath as they rejoined the circle.
The game continued until Darren and James had the same cards. "Darren," asked Peter, "Do your parents ever see you without your clothes on?"
"No." replied Darren.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay!" Peter turned to me and whispered in my ear. What Peter was telling me raised a little smirk from face as I got up and went into the bathroom. I returned with a shaver in my hand and handed it to James. Darren soon realised what was happening.
Peter turned to James and said, "I don't think it's fair that Darren has all that hair around his cock and navel, do you? I want you to make him the same as yourself, totally hairless. Use the beard trimmer on the shaver to cut off all his hair from around his cock and right up to and around his belly button. When you've finished that I want you to use the shaver head and remove any surplus hair so that he's totally smooth!"
Darren was well developed in the pubic hair region and it was thick, black and bushy. James had a smile on his face as he set about cutting it. Fortunately, the shaver had been serviced recently and it was cutting well with too much pulling of hair. As James got to Darren's balls, a couple of times the beard trimmer got to close to the loose skin and it cut the skin. Peter immediately told James that he had to suck Darren's balls until it stopped bleeding. When James had run the shaver head all over Darren's bare skin, Darren was smooth and hairless like a baby's bottom.
"Well done James," said Peter, "You've done a good job and you can sit back down. Darren, I haven't finished with you yet. I want you to go to each player in turn and let them play with your newly bare cock! When you've done that then you can sit back down." Darren went from player to player and each had a chance to fondle his hairless cock. He went slightly red when he had to let Samantha play with his cock and even more so when she noticed a globule of cum on the tip of his crown and she licked it off with her tongue.
The game continued until Samantha and Darren's cards matched. Peter pulled out a condom and went over to Darren and pulled it over his cock and said, "I want the two of you to lay down in the centre of the circle and let the rest of us watch you fuck. I want to inspect the condom when you've finished and it better be full!"
Darren and Samantha fucked in front of us all and fair enough when they'd finished, Darren's condom was full of cum. His newly shaved pubes had obviously made him feel good because his orgasm was reached in under a minute. "You hang on there for minute," Peter said to Darren. "Jason you're next! I want you to fuck Samantha just like Darren did and the same rules apply!" Peter put a condom on his eager cock. Peter knew that Samantha had always dreamed of being gang banged and she was now getting what she wanted. After Jason had finished, Peter made Darren clean up his cock by licking it. Each of the boys took it in turn to fuck Samantha and each time Darren had to clean them up. Peter then placed a condom on his own cock and was soon fucking her as well and then not long after I was following suit.
From then on, the cards were dispensed with and Peter just chose who was going to do what. The next task he set was for all the boys to line up so that their hands were on each other's shoulders and then into a circle. Each of the boy's arms were tied together so that you had a circle of boys with their bums facing outwards. Samantha got into the middle of the circle and played and sometimes gently sucked on each of the boy's cocks until each had an erection. This wasn't easy as they'd all just had an orgasm and will still recovering. Once she was happy that they all had a good erection she stopped touching them. It was then for Peter and myself to spank and whip each boy who Samantha told us was loosing his erection. She was allowed to help by squeezing their nipples but wasn't allowed to touch their cocks. This went on for about 15 minutes and each of them was having trouble keeping their cocks up and each had red skin on their back and buttocks where we had been hitting them. After a while we realised that they couldn't take any more but as we were about to untie them, Samantha asked us quietly if she could fulfil another fantasy. She explained what she wanted and we agreed. We placed a tick blanket underneath the boys feet and Samantha laid down in the middle of the circle.
"I want you all to start peeing on the count of three! I know it's not easy but I want to try and get your piss to land on Samantha. 1
The boys all started to pee over Samantha. Considering that none of the boys have been for pee since they arrived, all of them were fairly desperate to relieve themselves and Samantha was being drenched in their piss. She was obviously enjoying it and she was opening her mouth and trying to drink some it.
By the time the last they had all emptied their bladders she was totally soaked.
We untied the boys and I then picked up Samantha bodily and carried her into the bathroom and placed her under the shower. I enjoyed soaping her down and I made sure I didn't miss a bit of her!
Time had finally beaten us and it was time for the kids to go home. We chatted as they all dressed and everybody agreed that they enjoyed the day and wanted to do it again. Samantha told me that she was free tomorrow afternoon and was it okay if she came over and had a one to one session with me. I naturally agreed.
Gary said that he could come over on Monday evening for a couple of hours for a one to one. They all jumped on the idea and booked an evening with me, which meant I was going to busy all through the week. Then on Saturday we're all going to meet up again in the woods where I was mugged last week. I was a bit nervous about the suggestion that a few of them had more friends that would probably be interested in joining in but agreed that they were all sensible enough to protect our little group and wouldn't jeopardise it.
So my calendar is pretty full and I still got Peter for the night!
Peter I had a long discussion about the afternoon's activities as we sat and eat our tea. We had decided to dress when the rest of the gang was leaving and my cock was already itching to get out for the evening's session with my nephew.
I'd managed to get on the subject of Peter's fantasies and sexual turnons. He is only 13 and for such a young age he has a long list of enjoyable sexual activities. The most prominent interest was in corporal punishment followed closely by bondage. He told me about the time that his father really lost his rag with him when he'd been particularly naughty about 12 months ago. He had stayed out well past curfew and his father was trying to get out of him where he had been. He didn't want to tell his father that he'd been to a party so he refused to say. His father got more and more annoyed and Peter was trying hard to think of some excuse when his father threatened that Peter was too old to have his pants pulled down and have a good over knee spanking. Peter told me that this had excited him and he wanted his father to execute his promise. His father, failing to get a response from his son, pulled Peter towards him and undid his trousers and placed Peter of his knee. He pulled the back of Peter's trousers and pants down and gave Peter a good spanking. Peter told me that he was sure that his father must have felt his swollen penis against his leg! "So you really enjoyed it, did you?" I said to Peter.
"Yes I did. As far back as I can remember, I always enjoyed being spanked and I would often be naughty just so that I would get one. Suppose you think I'm nuts." He said to me.
"No not really. At my age we often fantasise about spanking but I never realised that kids of your age would. So what your telling me is that when we think that we are punishing kids, we may actually be pleasing them. Gosh! That's a turn up for the books. What about when the beating is particularly heavy and it makes you cry?"
"Even then! I still cry now and then when dad takes his belt to me but afterwards I usually go upstairs and beat myself off." He paused for while and then with one of his beautiful grins he looked straight into my eyes and said, "I've been a very naughty boy today and as my uncle I think you should punish me!"
"You want me to punish you now!" I said with astonishment but with a thrill running through my body.
"Yes," he replied.
"But I don't want to hurt you."
"I want you to hurt me," he said with a serious look on his face. "I want you to punish me hard and don't worry about leaving marks on me as I can hide them for few days from mum and dad. I want you to punish me and make me cry and to plead for you to stop."
"Are you absolutely sure?"
"Okay then but you tell me when you've had enough." I said to him and he gave me a wonderful wicked smile that he knew would melt me.
I guess that if I'm to do this properly I need to get pretty dominant with Peter and take control of situation. As if Peter had been reading my mind he lifted his knee and planted it into my groin. I let out an almighty squeal as the pain shot through my body. Peter had given me a reason to punish him. After I had got my breath back I turned to Peter and pulled off my belt.
"For that I'm going to take my belt to your back. So get that shirt off now!" I demanded. Peter quickly undid his shirt and through it to one side. I cleared the table and pushed Peter firmly down on the table's surface with his arms outstretched in front of him. With an almighty sweep a laid the first blow of my belt across Peter's bare back. His body jumped but he refrained from making any sound. Within moments a large weal appeared on his skin. I planted another blow across him followed by half a dozen more and still he failed to make a sound.
His back was bright red and covered in lumps and I knew it must have been hurting like mad but when I looked at Peter's face it was still smiling.
"Hands behind your back," I shouted at him. I tied his hand together and pushed him hard down on to the table. I guessed that his bare arms might be a bit tenderer and once again took several swipes of my belt across his back and arms.
Still he smiled. I picked him up off the table, undid his hands and told him to put his hands on the back of his head and then pushed him back down on the table but this time with his back to the table. With the belt I took a swipe across his stomach and he jumped up but quickly laid back down. I swiped him again and again slowly moving up his body until I was planting blows across his nipples. I could see he was in a lot of pain but at the same time enjoying it. Even stranger was the fact that I was enjoying it too.
"Stand up," I demanded. Peter picked himself up off the table and I could see that his upper torso was so red you couldn't have put a pin in bit of white skin. "Trousers off now!" I said to him. He did as he was told. I found the cane that I kept in the larder and with it I began to cane the back of his legs. A few times I hit him so hard his legs collapsed from underneath him and he fell to the ground. He would, however, pick himself back up and stand there for more.
I could see from the bulge in his pants that he was genuinely enjoying it. I couldn't believe that a young man like this could be getting off with such amounts of pain.
I got him to lie over the back of one of the kitchen chairs and then pulled his pants down. There in front of me was his beautifully rounded bum. I knew a simple caning of his bum wasn't going to break him. I got my vibrating dildo from the bedroom and inserted deep inside his anus and turned it on. This was the first time that Peter had made a sound. He groaned a little as he got used to the vibrator in his arse. I then took the cane and started hitting him across his bum cheeks and trying to purposely hit the end of the vibrator. This was starting to work and Peter was now starting to make quite a bit of noise as the pain shot through his body. I asked him several times whether he'd had enough and each time he would look at me and smile. When I'd decided that this wasn't going to break him I told him to get up off the table and sit in the chair. When he got up we both noticed the pool of cum on the table. He'd managed to orgasm with the pain. It was now becoming a challenge and I guessed that if I were going to break him it would have to be a balance of pain and humiliation. With that in mind I demanded that he licked up the mess he'd left on the table. He did and smiled at me.
I knew his young body was resilient and could probably take more than any adult but I was ever conscious of causing him any long term damage. However, I was determined to break him and for him to beg me to stop. I went to the garage and got a pair of special valve pullers. I'd used this device before but never in situation like this. It was like a calliper that when screwed would prise open anything that it placed in. The ends of the callipers were quite wide and flat.
I got Peter to lay down flat on his stomach on the table. I greased the opening of his anus and lubricated as deep as I could with my fingers. At the same time my fingers were plying the opening to increase the radius until I was satisfied that it was big enough. I took the callipers and placed the ends into the opening of the anus and made sure they were firmly placed. I then began to twist the screw and slowly the ends of the callipers were widening and so was Peters opening. I kept adding more and more grease to the edges of his opening and watching for any signs of tearing. Once the opening of his anus was about 4 or 5 times its normal diameter I decided that it wasn't safe to go any further and could see that Peter's eyes were closed as he contended with the probable burning sensation of his overstretched skin.
I made up a litre bottle of luke warm water and poured it into the opening. When an anus is stretched open like this, even a young one, it's amazing how much water it can take. I poured the whole lot in and only the last drop overflowed out. I left it soak inside him for a few minutes. Then a got the same bottle and carefully placed the neck of the bottle inside Peter's opening and then slowly released the callipers and removed them. Peter was now laying on the table with an inverted bottle sticking out of his arse. While holding the bottle firmly I made Peter get off the table and to stand up. As I juggled the bottle a little to let some are in, the fluid from within Peter came rushing back out and into the bottle. Some of it was running down his legs and some of it must have been absorbed inside him but I ended up with a half full bottle.
I poured the contents of the bottle into a glass. It was a muddy brown colour.
Peter's eyes were staring at me. He knew what I was going to ask him and I had a feeling that I was going to succeed in finally breaking him. "Drink it!" I demanded.
"No way!" was the quick reply.
"Drink it I said!"
"No you can't
3;" Peter cried. I could see a small tear running down his cheek.
"Are you going to beg me to stop?" I said confidently.
He thought for a moment or two and I was waiting for him to start begging me. To my surprise he picked up the glass and drank the lot down in one go.
Enough is enough I thought to myself. This kid is not going to give up! "Right you little bastard!" I said grabbing him by his hair. "Now I'm going to get tough!"
I pulled him by his hair up the stairs and into the spare bedroom. I tied a rope around his wrists and looped the other end of one of the beams and pulled him into the air and secured the rope. I could see fear in Peter's eyes but he kept the smile on his face. I put some nipple clamps on his nipples and tightened them as tight as I'd dare. I then placed a spreader bar between his ankles and secured it so his legs were spread wide apart. I tied a piece of string round the end of his young cock in a slipknot and pulled it tight and Peter squealed.
I tied the other end of the string to the centre of the spreader bar and pushed the bar up so that Peter had to bend his knees and secured it tight. Peter now had to keep his knees bent in order to keep the string from pulling too much on his cock. I hung some weights to the spreader bar so as to increase the pressure on Peter. He was struggling and his legs began to shake with the strain. His cock was stretching as he fought with the weight. I went to the bathroom and returned with my razor. Peter looked at me and his eyes began to fill with tears. I knew how proud he was with his little amount of body hair. I knew how much I liked his little tuft of perfectly formed pubic hair but this was a battle and sacrifices have to be made. Besides it'll grow back quickly enough I thought to myself. I took the razor and shaved all the hair off Peter's young body. Under his arms, off his legs and of course around his cock.
Peter was now crying streams of tears and it was running down his cheeks and dripping on his body. Still he wouldn't beg me to stop. I began to slap him about his buttocks and legs. Harder and harder and each time he'd jump and the string would tug on his cock. I added some more weights and continued. He was obviously in agony and I felt ashamed at what I was doing to the boy I loved so much. Yet he looked so beautiful with his red and tear soaked face. I'd never seen him like this before and I really wanted to hug and kiss him.
I decided that enough was enough and that he was going to beat me. I removed the weights and untied the string from his cock. I could see Peter's relief as I did so. I began to untie his feet from the spreader bar when Peter jumped as I lightly touched his feet.
"You're ticklish are you?" I said to him as I began to tickle him more. He was swinging about on the rope as he tried to get away from me. I got one of those feather dusters and began to tickle him all over.
"Please don't!" he cried.
I continued tickling him between his legs and around his nipples. This seemed to send him to a frenzy and he was trying everything to get away from tickling.
Eventually he begged me to stop.
"Are you sure? Do you admit defeat?" I said with a certain amount of pleasure and tickling him once more.
Yes! I admit defeat." He cried.
After all he'd gone through, who would have thought that I could have broken him with a tickle. I let him down from the ropes and untied him.
"I'm sorry for what I've put you through." I said to him as I hugged him.
"No problem Dave." He said as he lay on the bed. "I enjoyed it all and we must do it again soon. In the meantime I'm bursting to cum. Would you do me a favour and give me a blow job?"
We spent the night together and I kissed and licked the wounds that I'd inflicted on his young and beautiful body. He's one hell of wonderful boy.
I was sorry to see Peter leave today when his parents picked him up as usual.
Most of the marks on his body had faded away overnight but his arse was still quite sore. Knowing why, I could see that he was walking a little more carefully than he usually did but probably not enough for his parents to notice.
I'd hardly finished my lunch when the doorbell rang. I guessed who it was and as I approached the front door I could see the outline of a young girl through the frosted glass and knew it was Sam. I was surprised when I opened the door to see Sam dressed like a real girl instead of a Tomboy. Instead of a jeans and jumper that she wore the last time I met her, she was wearing an open neck shirt and a tight plastic mini skirt that barely covered her crotch. The shirt she was wearing was unbuttoned well down her chest and I could see she didn't have a bra on and I could see the edges of her small but firm little breasts. I was sure her parents wouldn't have let her out looking like this when I noticed she was carrying a small bag that probably contained the clothes she left the house in.
Sam looked more beautiful than I remembered. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back. This time she was wearing just a smidgen of makeup, which outlined her wonderful and natural features.
I asked her if she'd like a cup of tea and she did. I told her to take a seat while I made the drink. She sat down and she did her rather minute dress rose up her body and there staring at me was the bush of her little cunt. She wasn't wearing any knickers. I almost felt like forgetting the tea but I knew I had to restrain myself even though my cock was pressing hard against my pants. When I'd finished making the tea I put her cup on the table alongside her and I sat down with my cup.
She looked down at the obvious bulge in my pants and said, "Looks like your pleased to see me!"
"Guess so." I said with embarrassment.
She leapt out of her seat and on to her knees in front of me. I nearly swallowed the cup with the shock. She undid my trousers and pulled the front of my pants down and my rather swollen member jumped out to greet her. Without any hesitation she wrapped her lips around the end of my cock and started sucking hard on it. It was quite a surprise but I wasn't going to object. It was hard to believe she was only 10 as she gave me one of the most wonderful blow jobs I can ever recall. She didn't have to do it for long before I released everything I could give into her mouth. She took virtually the whole lot and swallowed it but as she got back up and sat down I could see that some of my cum had run down her chin. She drank her tea.
"Thanks," I said. "What do you want to do today?"
"Don't mind," she replied.
"Come on, this was your idea for you to come here today. You've obviously got some ideas."
She looked a little shy at my words. She gathered her thoughts and said, "To be honest at my age I'm always being told what to do and when to do it. Even when I have sex with a boy, he's always in control." She hesitated for a moment, not knowing how I was going to take what she was about to say. "With out trying to offend, you're old enough to be my father and I'd love to be able to tell my father what to do. Would you mind pretending to be my father but let me be the boss for a change?"
"Sounds okay to me." I replied.
"It'll mean that you'll have to do everything I say. My father treats me like a slave and I want to know what it feels like to be on the other side of the coin."
I guessed what she was trying to tell me and asked, "Does your father abuse you, sexually?"
"Yes," she said with tears in her eyes. I now knew where she got her experience from. "Don't get me wrong. I like sex, I like it a lot but I always have to do what HE wants and not what I want."
There was no way I could say no even if I'd wanted to. "Okay then," I said.
"You're the boss for the afternoon and I'll be your slave and do what ever you ask me!"
"Good and thanks. It means a lot to me." She said and gave a lovely smile. The smile soon disappeared as she put her hand into her bag and pulled out some clothes. They were women's clothes and not girl's clothes as I'd imagined. She handed me the bundle and told me to go upstairs and change into them and then to come back down. I took the bundle off her and disappeared upstairs. I went into the bathroom and undressed. I'd never tried wearing women's clothing before and this was definitely a first! I put on the rather skimpy knickers but found it difficult to get my cock in them but managed even though it was rather uncomfortable. I noticed the bra and that Sam had placed padding in the cups and put it on the best I could. The skirt wasn't much bigger than the one Sam was wearing and although it fitted I was sure that my balls must have been showing from underneath it. The blouse was made of a red chiffon type material and was very much see through. I tried to put on the high heel shoes but found that my feet were just too big and there was no way they going to fit. So I left them off and headed back downstairs to the kitchen. I was surprised to find that Sam wasn't there.
"Sam," I called out.
"I'm in here," came a voice from the lounge and I joined here there. She had drawn the curtains. "What did you call me?"
"Bend over!" she said revealing a cane.
"What I do wrong?"
"You called me Sam and nor Sir. Now bend over!" I did as I was told and she gave six hard swipes across by buttocks. "Where's your shoes?"
"Sorry Sir," I replied. "They didn't fit."
"That's no excuse," she retorted. "Bend over!" She planted another half dozen swipes with the cane. My bum cheeks were burning with the heat. She certainly had a strong arm when it came to caning. She went it her bag a pulled out a small case. "Right I want you take your skirt and knickers off and to lay down on the floor." I did as she said and I found that my bum smarted as it made contact with the floor. She went out into the kitchen and came back with towel and laid it over the footstool and then lifted my legs and placed the footstool underneath them. I felt quite humiliated laying there wearing only a bra and blouse with my privates in full view and with my legs raised. She opened the little case and took out a tube of shaving foam and started applying it to my legs. Once she had covered my legs in the foam she pulled out a razor and began shaving off all my hair.
When she'd finished and my legs were void of all their hair she said, "Okay get up and stand in the middle of the room!" I did as she requested. I was embarrassed at the fact that once again I had an erection. I think is was mainly due to a young girl ordering me about and that I was totally under her control.
"Not good enough!" she said. "I want you to sit down on the stool." I did as she requested. She stood behind me and pulled on my shoulders and forced me down so that my head and shoulders were on the floor. She went back around in front of me and forced my legs wide apart. So if you can picture the scene, I had my bum resting on the stool, my head down on the floor and my legs spread so that my cock was directly facing her and at her mercy. Once gain she got out the tube of foam and administered it all around my cock and balls. She also pushed my blouse up as far as she could and put foam all around my navel. As I expected she shaved me with the razor. I wondered if she was going to shave me anywhere else but she didn't. I do have a little hair on my arms but not enough to notice.
She told me to lift my weight off the stool but to basically stay in the same position. Once again she went into her bag and this time pulled out a vibrator.
She applied a little grease to it. She then grabbed hold of the end of my cock with a firm grip and pulled it upwards forcing me to lift my body as high as I could. Without any sign of gentleness she rammed the vibrator in to my anus and turned it on. My cock responded immediately and it was at it's maximum in size and I felt as if I was about to explode. Once again she went into her bag and this time pulled out a mass of bits and pieces. Amongst them was a length of thin tubing which she inserted into the end of my cock and pushed it all the way down the inside of my shaft. She then applied a large amount of grease around the length of my cock and around my balls. She left the room and later returned with a bowl of warm water. She added the contents of a small packet into the warm water and mixed it in. Then using a paintbrush she applied a coating of the warm fluid all over my cock and balls. The vibrator was still driving me crazy, buzzing away inside me.
"We'll have to let that dry for a minute." She told me. "We have to make sure that you don't lose that erection." She undid my blouse and undid my bra and started sucking on my nipples. I was sure I was going to explode for sure. The warmth of the fluid drying on my cock, the vibrator in my arse and now this lovely young girl sucking my nipples! After a while she added some more of the fluid over the top of the already dried and hardened application she made earlier. She then turned her attention back to my nipples. This process went on for well over two hours. I wasn't sure if I still had an erection or not as it was well encased in a kind of plaster material. Several times during the process my whole body shook with wave after wave of ecstasy but I had to hold back as I knew my cock was encased.
Finally she forced me to arch upwards and she removed the vibrator. Funny but for ages it felt as if it was still there. She went bag into her bag and pulled out a device that made my hair stand up on end. The hair that I still had left that is! It was a portable plaster cutter like those used in casualty departments for cutting of a plaster cast. She switched it on and started cutting a straight line down the length of my cock and over the top and down the other side and around my balls. I could feel the blade touching my skin but it only tickled. I did jump as she went over the crown of my cock as I'm circumcised and the blade was tickling the most sensitive part of my cock.
Within moments she had split the cast in half and removed it from me. She then pulled the tubing that was inside my cock and that's when I noticed that the other end had been put in to a jam jar and that there was a couple of inches of my cum in the bottom of the jar. All the time I thought I had been holding back I had in fact been cumming but because the tube had been placed so far down I hadn't had the normal feeling that I would have expected "Get up and follow me," she said. I followed her upstairs and into the spare bedroom. She took off the little clothing I still had on and tied my hands to the rope that was still hanging over the beam from yesterday. She pulled the rope that I was in sitting position. She tied some string around a pile of heavy books and tied the other end of the string to the end of my cock just under it's bell end. She pulled it really tight so that there was no way that it could slip off. She then tied a gag over my mouth. The vibrator came out once again and it was shoved back into my arse but this time thank god she didn't turn it on. She tied a piece of rope around the base of my cock and balls and pulled it tight.
She passed the same rope through the safety loop on the end of the vibrator and then up to the back of my gag. Feeding the rope through the gag she pulled the rope with all her might. My head lurched backwards as far as it could and I felt the strain of rope as it pulled on my cock and an almighty pain run through my body as the vibrator was pushed all the way into my arse. She pulled on the rope over the beam and attached to my wrists until I was forced to stand. She tied another rope to each of my ankles and with an almighty tug she pulled my feet from underneath me and secured the rope so that I was now suspended off the ground. She kept adjusting the ropes raising me higher and higher until the strain of the string tied to the end of my cock and to the pile of books had been taken up. She pulled more and more and my already strained cock was being stretched and it felt like it was going to be wrenched from me. I wasn't sure what was hurting the most, she certainly knew what she was doing.
I thought she could do no more to me but I was wrong. Out of her bag came another little kit. It was a small surgical kit. She unravelled some twine and fed it through a surgical needle, the type they use for stitching cuts. She pushed the needle through the side of one of my nipples and out the other side and pulled the twine through my nipple. She did the same to my other nipple.
Each piece of twine was tied in a loop and she then added some weights to each of the loops. My nipples were being pulled towards the ground and I was surprised that they didn't hurt as much as I thought. If I moved slightly they would sting a bit but it was quite sensuous.
"I'm going to leave you for a while. Now be a good boy while I'm away." She left the room and I was left to fight my restraints. She had meticulously worked out this plan. The rope from the back of my gag was both causing pressure on the vibrator and on my cock. The pressure on the cock was in an upward direction that put further strain on the string tied to it, which was in a downward direction. Pushing my head back even further could relieve the pressure on both my cock and arse a little. However this caused me to arch my back more and this would cause further pain in my nipples. There didn't seem to be a happy medium and I spent the next hour or so alternating between the two. My cock had turned blue but was no longer erect and that had taken some of the pressure off it.
"How you doing?" Sam said as she finally came back into the room. I tried to answer but it just came out as a muffle. "I guess it must be quite uncomfortable like that." She said and flicked the two weights hanging from my nipples. I felt a sharp sting in both of them. "Gosh! That didn't get much reaction, did it? Perhaps I haven't put enough weight on them!" she went in her bag and found some more weights. A lot more weights! She just kept piling them on and for a moment I nearly passed out with increased pain. It was no longer just a stinging sensation but burning and heavy pain was shooting across my chest. She was obviously enjoying my agony and she pulled on the rope that was supporting my legs. This moved me further away from the pile of books tied to my cock and it stretched my cock to breaking point. My cock when fully erect is about 7 inches [18 cm] long but it now felt like it was about 12 inches [30 cm] long and it wasn't even erect! She had found a basket in my house. It was one of those that had once had a flower display in it. The type of basket that has a big looped handle on the top of it. She placed the handle of the basket over my head. It was quite a big basket and the added weight was making it more difficult to keep my head bag.
"You've been quite a good boy and as a reward I'm going to let you see me undress." She'd been in the house for a quite a few hours and up until now all I've seen of her is a glimpse of her cunt when she first arrived. She slipped off her shoes and threw them in the basket that was over my neck. She then took off her socks and threw them in the basket as well. I greeted with the odour of her feet as the socks were less than a couple of inches from my nose. Although I was in a lot of pain and discomfort I actually found the odour quite pleasant and I could feel my cock starting to grow. Sam also noticed it.
"Get turned on by feet do you?"
She pulled up a chair so that she was directly underneath me and because of the basket she was out of my view. The next thing was that I could feel her bare feet touching my stomach. She run them up and down my body and them gently teasing the weights on my nipples and then teasing my cock. For a minute I thought she was mellowing and was going to be a little easier on me but I was wrong again. I caught the sound of rushing air a split second before I felt the blow of one her feet kicking me in the stomach. The blow winded me and I was gasping for the little air I could get passed the gag over my mouth. The blow had caused my whole body to swing causing great pain in my cock, arse and nipples.
She once again came back into view, standing a couple of feet in front of me.
She slowly undid each of the buttons on her shirt and revealing more and more of her small but exciting breasts. She let the shirt slide to the floor and she began to run her hands up and down her chest. God she was wonderful! She played with her long blonde hair letting it slide over her breasts and then she'd pull it away again. She sat down in the chair but this time so I could see her. She ran her hands up and down her long and sleek legs. She'd raise each leg as she did it, so as to give me a fleeting glance of her pussy. Finally she put her hand on the zip to her skirt and unzipped it. The skirt dropped to the floor and there she was standing totally naked in front of me.
She went into her bag and pulled out a rubberised cock. Within a moment I recognised it. It was a copy of my own cock. She also took out the jam jar of my cum. She opened the jam jar and dipped the end of the rubberised cock into the cum. Without any hesitation she sat low down in the chair and inserted the cock into her pussy. She pushed it in and out as she pushed her head back with ecstasy.
"Bet you never thought you'd watch me fucking myself with YOUR cock!" she said with a wicked smile on her face. She pushed in and out and I just wished it really were my cock. Within a couple of minutes her body shook and she shouted out with pleasure as reached an orgasm. Even though she was only ten, I could see her fluids running down her legs.
"Want a taste?" she said to me and untied the gag and rope around my mouth. "Now you can have a go at sucking your own cock!" She dipped it into the jam jar and then pushed it into my mouth. I felt it hit the back of my throat. "Suck it!" she demanded. I started to suck it. She started to push in and out of my mouth in unison with my sucking. With her other hand she'd picked up a small syringe that had been filled with my cum and when she thought it was time for my copy cock to cum, she inserted the end of the syringe into my mouth alongside the cock and squirted it's contents into my mouth. I felt it hit my throat and I had to swallow as quick as I could. Wow! She had managed to get me to suck my own cock and to swallow my own cum. She'd even warmed up the cum! She disappeared out of my view and I could feel her taking out the vibrator from my arse. It was immediately replaced with the rubberised cock. "Now you're going to fuck yourself!" she pushed the cock in and out and just like she'd done in my mouth, she injected my cum into my arse.
She undid the rope and string tied to my cock and I could feel the rush of blood reaching the end of my cock. It felt so hot! "Before I release you I need to replenish my supply of your cum." She placed the jam jar under my cock and began jerking me off. The jerking movement was causing the weights to swing on my nipples but they no longer felt as painful and they were acting like a stimulus.
Within moments I was ejecting wave after wave of hot cum into her jam jar. She didn't stop massaging my penis and within a couple of minutes I was once again filling her jam jar with more. She removed the weights from my nipples.
"I hope you want to have a pee!"
"Yes I do." I replied.
She got an old sheet from the airing cupboard and placed it on the floor underneath me. I no longer had any retrains stopping me from moving my head and I could now follow her around the room with my eyes. She laid down on the sheet and said, "Okay you can relieve yourself now." She had positioned herself directly under my cock and I watched her reaction as I released a bladder full of my piss all over her. She really seemed to get a kick from it.
She finally released the rest of the ropes and untied them. She demanded that I lay down on the soaking wet sheet. She straddled herself over me and pissed warm urine over my tired and shattered body.
We both took a shower together and soaped each other down and cleaned each other. We went downstairs and had a cup of tea and a chat. Although we were both still naked she was no longer the master and we relaxed in each other's company.
"That was some torture you put me through." I said to her.
"I wasn't too hard on you, was I?"
"Just a little" I said.
"I am sorry," she said apologetically.
"How did you learn to make a model of cock?"
"I had to do it for my father. All the gear belongs to him. He says that I need more fucking than he can manage and came up with the idea of making a copy of his cock so that I could fuck myself with it when he wasn't available."
"Does your father abuse you often?"
"Several time a week. When ever my mother isn't about. My mother also goes away for the whole weekend once every month and my father puts me through the same sought of thing that I've put you through this afternoon." She said with a tear in her eye.
"No wonder you wanted to see what it's like to administer rather than receive such punishments. Did you enjoy it?"
"It was great but I am sorry for putting you through it."
"No problem. In fact I quite enjoyed it but then I knew it was a one off but you have to face it all the time. I am sorry."
There was a deathly silence for while. We were both deep in thought. I looked at her and I knew that she couldn't possibly have made up such a story. Her father needed sorting out. I made an excuse that I had to have a piss and left her in the kitchen. I went upstairs and looked up the telephone number of Sam's home. I rung the number and her father answered.
"Mr Williams," I said down the phone.
"Yes," her father answered.
"My name is Dave and I'm with your daughter Samantha right now."
"Oh yes."
"She is sat in my kitchen stark naked."
"What you mean stark naked. What's happened?"
"I mean she's sat in my kitchen stark naked and I'm stark naked as well. We've just been talking about parental relationships and how you force her to take part in sexual fantasies that you have!"
"You had better not have touch her! You shouldn't listen to her wild stories, anyway."
"Well, yes I have touched her. We've been having a wonderful time but only because she wants to and not because she's forced to. They're not wild stories. I can see the tell tale marks on her. For example the marks on her nipples where you've been putting twine through them using surgical needles."
"And then there's the unnatural large opening she has in both her vagina and her arse! The rope marks are also quite obvious from very recent bondage!"
"Umm. It's none of your business what I do with my daughter." Her father said not sure what to say.
"I'm making it MY business. You have a very sexually active young daughter and while I don't believe anyone should stop her enjoying herself I will not stand by and let you abuse her without her consent. I will continue to see your daughter and if I hear that you have abused her in such away again or if I hear that you have punished her in any way for talking to me, then not only will I come and sort you out physically, I'll report you to the authorities."
"I'll report you too!"
"Just try it. I know who Samantha will support. She'll deny everything that's happened with me but I wouldn't like to guarantee she'd treat you the same. It's up to you mate!"
"Perhaps you're right. I guess I am ashamed of forcing her. I've always thought that she wouldn't want to know me if I didn't force her. Do you think she'll forgive me?"
"In time. I would suggest you let her boss you around for while and regain her trust. I must warn you though she can be tough! I know I've just been on the receiving end."
"I'll give it a try. I guess I can't stop you seeing her either. If she wants to see you then I'll have to accept it."
"Okay. The minute she says she's had enough with either of us then we must accept it no matter how much it hurts. Let's keep in touch with each other. Bye for now."
"Bye and thanks."
I went back downstairs and told Sam what I'd just done. She was a bit shocked at first and scared that her father would punish her. I assured her that we had come to an understanding and that she was free to enjoy sex from now on and not fear it. She liked the idea of being the boss with her father for while. I said that I'd like to go on seeing her providing she wanted to but that she was under no pressure to have to unless she really wanted to.
"If I really want to," she said. "Don't be silly, I love you. I love you as a father and I love you as a lover." She planted a lovely kiss on my cheek. "I guess I don't need to be home for quite a while. Fancy going to bed."
"Do I? You just stop me!"
"Hi Gary," I said as I answered the door. "Just finished school?"
"Yeah. I've got to be home by 8 o'clock so we've got a few hours," Gary said suggestively looking at my groin. I planted him a kiss on his lips.
Gary is 11 years old, short for his age, has lovely blonde hair and a wonderful face with well developed features. He had such wonderful lips that you just couldn't help kissing them. Even with his clothes on you can see that he has a well developed chest and I recently found out that he visits the gym a couple of time a week.
"So what do you want to do Gary?" I said to him.
"I'm not sure. It's a bit embarrassing being alone with you."
"I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do. Any suggestions?"
"Well I always seem to miss out on the strip poker games. I guess they think I'm too young or something. I like the idea of the anticipation playing games. We could make it that the winner becomes the King for say an hour after the game has finished. What you think?"
"Sounds good to me," I answered. Having a quiet session wouldn't be a problem after yesterday's antics with Sam. I'm not a brilliant poker player but then again Gary's only eleven so I doubt if he is either.
"Good," said Gary. "Let's make it 10 coins for each article of clothing. The ante will be one coin with double to see." His words shook me. He knew about poker. "Maximum raise is double and a free start of 10 coins for each player.
Clothing has to be surrendered immediately and shoes and socks count as one item. No jewellery counted and a maximum of 5 articles of clothing. Clothes cannot be repurchased and the loser is deemed when a player runs out of money."
"Yeah" I said with astonishment with the knowledge the boy had.
The game got underway and I started well. I had a couple of good hands and I tried to indicate that I was bluffing and Gary took the bait. He overbid his hands and lost after some heavy bidding. He'd offered his shoes and socks and later his jumper. I too had to keep up with the bidding and had given up my shoes and socks but now had a pile of coins in front of me. We were now into the third hand and I drew only two cards but had nothing to show for it. Gary must have had a good hand but was still unsure with my game. He needed more money and offered his shirt. We took a break from the bidding while he took his shirt off.
I watched with awe as he revealed his gorgeous body. He was small but his upper body was perfectly formed and he was quite a hunk. His perfectly round nipples were a deep pink and I had to refrain myself from leaping on him and sucking on them. He continued to match my bid but then I doubled on him and he bottled out and through in his hand. I took the pot.
The next hand turned out the same and once again he needed more money and offered his trousers. I watched with great excitement as he undid the top of his trousers. As he slid the zip of his fly down and finally let his trousers drop to the floor I could feel my cock getting excited. He stood there for a few moments. He obviously knew I was admiring him. He was a touch embarrassed about the underpants he was wearing as they were obvious kids underpants that he'd probably had for years but had not yet grown out of. I could also see that he too had a bulge in pants and it was pushing hard against the material of his ever so slightly too small underpants. A tell tale stain of pre-cum could be seen in his pants. We finally got back to the game and to my surprise my little trick didn't work and he called me. I only had a pair of threes and he had three queens. I lost a substantial pot.
From then on my luck turned as Gary had obviously sussed me. My game wasn't at its best as my attention was really on admiring Gary's body. Hand after hand I lost in a row and before long I too was only wearing my underpants. Gary had nearly all the money and I had little left. During the next hand I was dealt 4 kings but I had to offer my underpants in order to keep up the bidding. Gary's eyes were glued to my cock and he too started to lose interest in the game. I dealt another round of cards and once again I had a brilliant hand. My luck was changing back and perhaps I could get back all the money and get Gary to lose his underpants. I ached to see him take them off. Then again I knew it would probably be better if I was to lose the game and let Gary be in the driving seat. It was a dilemma but I decided that I was going to lose. I run up the bidding and Gary kept up with me and then I threw in my hand on the last bid.
Gary took the pot and I had no more money. I had lost the game.
"What is your command almighty one?" I said to him.
3; Let me think
3; I think I'd like to rape you!" he said sheepishly.
"Your wish is my command." I replied. It hadn't dawned on me that he might wish to penetrate me but what the heck I wasn't going to say no. "Sir would you like me to prepare you? Would you like me to remove your pants so that you may fuck me?"
"Yes I think that would be nice." He replied and it was like music to my ears. I kneeled in front of him. I put my fingers just inside the band of his underpants and ever so slowly lowered them. I could see the fine line of his pubic hairs appear and then the base of his penis. I continued and more and more of his penis came into view until with a sudden jolt his penis jumped out at me. I then more swiftly pulled his pants down to his ankles and he stepped out of them. I don't know why but I picked up the discarded underpants and put them to my nose and sniffed them. I could feel the dampness of his pre-cum against my face. The smell of his pants really turned me on.
"You like that don't you?" he said to me. I was a little embarrassed at what I was doing. "Well you can smell them more if you like!" He took the underpants from me and turned them inside out and then folded them into a ball. He picked up his discarded shirt and after pressing the rolled up pants against my nose and mouth he tied his shirt around my head so as to hold them there. No matter how I tried to breathe either through my mouth or nose, I could both smell and taste his perfume.
He grabbed my cock and pulled me upstairs. I could hardly see where I was going as his shirt was covering most of my vision. He told me to lay face down on the bed and I could feel him easing grease into my anal opening with his fingers.
Moments later he climbed on top of me and I could feel his wonderful little organ pushing its way into my rectum. He was laying on top of me and the feeling of his naked skin on my back was giving me shivers down my back. He pumped away at my opening and it wasn't very long before I could feel the warmth of his cum oozing inside me. He was panting as he collapsed on my back. He laid there for quite a while and I was enjoying the contact he was making with my bare back.
Eventually he rolled off me. He looked at me and I looked at him. He undid the shirt and removed his pants from my face.
"Was that good for you?" he said.
"Wonderful" I replied.
Within moments of speaking we were bear hugging each other and had our tongues down each other's throats. His cock was pressed hard against my stomach. My hands were exploring his body especially his cute little arse. His skin was so soft but his muscles were so firm that it was just a pleasure to run my hands all over him. I was soon licking him all over his wonderful little body and he too started returning the pleasure with his tongue. We ended up in a 69 position with Gary laying on top of me and we had each others cocks in our mouths and my fingers were in his arse. We both reached our orgasms at the same time.
Time had beaten us and it was time for Gary to go. I helped him dress and it was sad to see him go.
My sister Claire had called at the house. My parents had dropped her off. I had forgotten that my parents had asked me to look after her for a few days. I knew that tonight was the night that 15-year-old Darren was coming. Darren wanted very much to be a slave and we had previously arranged the evening's events.
There wasn't time to cancel and I was hoping that I could catch Darren as he arrived and to tell him that it wasn't convenient for him to come tonight.
My sister was a lot younger than me and had just celebrated her sixteenth birthday. I often wondered where she got her beauty from because she was a great looker. I guess you could say that I've fancied for quite a long time but because she was my sister and because of my parents, I'd never made any advances to her. Besides I'm sure she wouldn't be interested anyhow.
"Like a coffee?" I asked her. I wanted to get to the kitchen as Darren was due to be arriving.
"I'll get it," she replied. She was always the helpful type but now wasn't a good time. Before I could answer she was up on her feet and leaving the room.
"Shit!" I said quietly to myself. I wasn't sure what to do next. Then an inspiration hit me. Darren was due to call at the back door and so I decided to watch from the lounge window and to hopefully catch Darren walking up the driveway. That way I could stop him from embarrassing us all.
"David!" came a voice from the kitchen. It was my sister's voice. "You've got a visitor," she continued.
I felt the heat rise to my face. I dashed out of the lounge into the hallway. I stopped and froze. From the hallway you can see through the kitchen and see the back door. There stood in the doorway was Darren. He was standing there stark naked with his hands cuffed behind him. That's why I'd been so concerned. I had previously arranged for him to come around the back garden, to remove all his clothes and to hide them in the shed. He was to bring his set of handcuffs and was to apply them his wrists before knocking on the back door. He was desperate to fulfil the role of a true slave and he had agreed to my demands.
"Would you like a coffee as well?" I heard Claire asking Darren. He was as embarrassed as I was.
3;Yes please," he answered.
I had slowly moved up to the kitchen doorway and was keeping myself just out of view of my sister. She was acting very cool considering the situation. Both Darren and myself had red faces but when I caught my sister's face I could see that she wasn't at all flushed.
She finished making the coffee and she put the tray down on the kitchen table.
She took a fleeting glance at me but didn't say anything.
"You'd better sit down then," she said to Darren. "I'm Claire. I'm Dave's sister. What's your name?"
"Darren," Darren replied as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.
"Well hello Darren. Guess you can't drink your coffee with your hands behind your back so I better help you."
She offered the cup of coffee to Darren's lips and he drank some coffee.
"So you're my brother's slave are you?"
"Yes!" His face went even redder.
"I've never had a slave before. Do you like me?"
"Do you fuck women as well as my brother?"
"Sure!" was the only thing he could say.
"You're talkative aren't you?" she said as she offered him another sip of coffee. She shocked me as she turned around and looked at me and said, "You can't fuck your slave standing there."
I joined them in the kitchen and picked up my cup of coffee. I couldn't believe that Claire was acting so cool about the situation.
"Guess mum and dad would love to know about this!" she said to me with a smirk on her face.
"They don't need to know do they? I mean it would only upset them wouldn't it?"
"Probably would. Guess I might be persuaded not to tell them. As I've said I've never had a slave before. If I can have a slave tonight I think I might forget to tell them."
I looked at Darren and I knew he wanted to please me and would be prepared to be my sister's slave.
"Okay then, you can have Darren as your slave for the evening providing you tell our parents. Do you promise?"
"I don't want one slave. I want two slaves! If you'll both be my slave then I'll promise!"
"I'm not sure about that Claire."
"It's up to you." I knew she meant what she said.
"If that's what you want then I can't say no."
"Fine!" A wicked smile came over her face. "It's not fair that Darren is naked and your not! Wait here a minute." She disappeared and went upstairs. Moments later she returned with another pair of handcuffs. It wasn't until later that I discovered that my sister had known for a long time about my activities when she'd discovered the chest in the spare bedroom that was full of sex toys.
"Take these," she said as she offered me the cuffs. "I want you to do the same as Darren. I want you to go outside and to strip off. To hide your clothes in the shed and to put the cuffs on. When you're ready I want you to knock on the back door."
I went out the back and did as she said. When I'd firmly cuffed my hands behind my back I knocked on the back door. My sister answered the door as expected but instead of her inviting me back in she beckoned Darren to join us outside. She'd packed a little bag.
She turned to me and said, "I think we'll have you by here." She beckoned me to stand against the back wall of my house just in front of one of the drainpipes.
She pulled out a length of rope and tied me to the pipe. She brushed her hand against my cock and immediately it responded. "Do you realise I've never seen this before," she said pointing at my cock. "It's not normal for a girl to not see her brother's penis at some stage. By the time I was old enough to notice you, you'd already left home. It's such a nice beast as well!"
She left me there with my cock standing out proud. For the first time I was really studying my sister's sexuality. She was a stunner. My cock twitched at the idea of seeing my sister naked. Perhaps this evening I might but then again I might not. I started dreaming that perhaps I would and then my thoughts went to the idea of actually fucking my own sister. My mind was going into overload and I could see the pre-cum hanging from the end of my dick.
She had now tied up Darren to the other drainpipe. She kneeled in front of him and wrapped her lips around his swollen organ. My knees nearly collapsed at the sight. I was hoping that I was going to be next. She sucked and teased Darren's cock while squeezing his balls in hand. I could see Darren's body shudder as his cum left the end of cock and into my sister's eager mouth. She licked his cock clean before coming over to me.
Instead of giving me the same treatment she untied me. I was feeling a little disappointed but then again the evening was still young! She told me to untie Darren. "Follow me," she said.
My house backed on to a main road via a small overgrown wasteland area immediately behind my garden. The other side of the main road was a couple of fields and then woodland.
We followed my sister to the bottom of the garden and she told us to climb over the fence. She then led us through the little bit of wasteland and told us to wait on the edge of the main road. A few cars went passed and then the road was quiet. She told us that we had to run across the road and after double-checking that there wasn't a car in sight we both ran across the road. Just as we got to the other side we could hear a car speeding towards us. There was a hedge in front of us that stood about 4 feet [1.20 m] high and with all our efforts we rolled over it. Claire joined us moments later. She hadn't jumped, as she had nothing to hide. Both Darren and myself had quite a lot of cuts and grazes over our bodies where the hedge at cut into us.
"I want you to give Darren a piggy back across the fields," Claire said to me.
She pulled out the key to my cuffs and released me. She did the same for Darren.
Darren climbed on my back. "No not like that," she said. "I want Darren's cock inside you!"
"I don't think that's possible!" I replied.
"Just stop whinging and do as your told!" I'd never heard her be so dominant. I felt like telling her where to go but something inside me said that I should obey her. I bent over and let Darren push his cock into my arse. We didn't have any grease with us so it hurt like mad. I told Darren to hold me tight around my neck and I lifted his legs off the ground while at the same time lifting myself into a standing position. To my surprise his cock stayed in position. I began walking as directed by my sister. The friction of Darren's cock in my butt was killing me and I'm sure it must have been killing Darren. We hadn't walked more than about 50 yards when I felt the injection of warm cum being released. The movement was obviously exciting Darren. The cum helped to lubricate out linkage and it became easier to walk. Amazingly Darren maintained his erection and before we finally got to the woodland, I felt two more injections of hot cum.
"Okay you can dismount," my sister demanded. I let Darren slide down my back and we all heard the pop as his cock left my butt. Claire replaced the cuffs so that we both had our hands cuffed behind our backs. "Follow me," she said. We walked behind her as she took us deeper and deeper into the woods. Neither Darren nor myself were wearing shoes. During the walk across the fields I had managed to cut my foot and I was finding it hard to walk. Several times Darren and my sister had to stop and wait for me to catch up. Claire would tell me not to be a baby and give me a couple of hard slaps across my buttocks.
I had dropped back quite a bit again and I had lost sight of Darren and Claire.
I guessed that they would be following the pathway and continued. I began to speed up but I still couldn't see them. The pathway narrowed as it passed the edge of the side of a crevice. As I passed the point I heard a voice shouting.
It was Darren's voice. It was coming from below where I was standing.
"Dave, is that you?" the voice said.
"Yes," I answered. "Where are you?"
"We're down here. We lost our footing and slipped down the bank."
"Are you both okay?"
"No. I'm okay but your sister is in a bad way. She bleeding badly and we need help."
"I'm coming down," I said.
"No don't do that. It's too steep. Besides we need help to get us out of here and get your sister to hospital. There's no way out of here that I can see so you'll have to get some rope and a few people to pull us out."
"But I don't have the keys to the house. Claire has them." I said wondering how I was going to get help.
"There's no way of getting them to you. Besides Claire needs urgent attention and it's too far to go back to your house. There's a house nearby. I remember seeing it before. If you carry on the path your on until you come to a fence and then turn right you'll see it on your left."
"I can't go to a strangers house. I've got no clothes on or have you forgotten?"
"That's up to you," he replied. "It's your sister and if you don't get help pretty damn soon then I can't guarantee she'll survive."
"Shit!" I thought to myself. What a position to be in. I decided that I had little choice but to go to the house that Darren had suggested. How I was going to explain my nakedness and the cuffs on my hands I just couldn't fathom but I knew I had to get help. I followed the path and turned right when I reached the fence. Darren was right there was a house there. I ducked under the fence but caught my back on the barbed wire. It cut deep into my back. There was no time to worry about it and continued to the back door of the house. I was unable to use my hands to knock the door so I used my foot. The door was half glazed and I could see someone coming. Thank God it was a man. He opened the door.
"What can I do for you, Sir," he said to me. He seemed to be ignoring my nakedness.
"My sister and a friend need help back in the woods. My sister is badly hurt and needs urgent medical treatment."
"You better come in then," he said as he opened the door wider so that I could go in. "We've got a pervert here again Marge," he shouted out.
"Coming dear" I heard a reply. Within a few moments I woman walked into the room. "He's a nice one!" she said to her husband.
"It looks like he injured!" he said to her.
"Oh yes I see what you mean. We better see to that."
"No don't worry about me, it's my sister
3;" I protested but before I could finish she interrupted me.
"Now calm down. One thing at a time. First let's see to that cut and then we'll worry about your sister." She pulled out a first aid kit out of a drawer and began cleaning the cut on my back. For a second I forgot about the immediacy of my sister's condition as the woman soothed the pain on my back. It was then that I became conscious of my nakedness and the cuffs securing my hands. The woman's husband was sitting opposite me and I was surprised that he was staring between my legs.
"Go and get your medical bag," she said to her husband. She turned back to me and said, "It's okay he's a doctor and I'm a nurse. This cut on your back may be infected and he's gong to give you a tetanus injection. Once we've sorted that out then we'll get some help for your sister."
I began to relax. This couple knew what to do and we'd soon have everything sorted. I thought I'd better say something about my situation.
"I should explain why I haven't got any clothes on
"That'll wait!" she interrupted. "You can explain everything later."
The husband returned with his medical bag. I watched him as he prepared the injection. When he'd finished he stuck into my arm and injected its contents into me. Soon as he'd finished I stood up and spoke.
"Can we go and get my sister and friend now?"
They didn't answer so I asked then again. They still didn't answer. They just watched me. "Please help!" I shouted and with that my head began to buzz and I could feel my legs beginning to weaken and then nothing. A total blackness came over me. That was followed by a series of flashing zigzag lines. It seemed to go on for ages. After a while the flashing stopped and I opened my eyes.
Everything was blurred and I couldn't focus on anything. I tried to move my arms but couldn't. In fact I couldn't move anything. As the feeling returned to my extremities, I realised that I was tied down. My hands were clamped above my head and each of my legs was also clamped. Finally my eyes began to focus and I could see that I was alone in a room. A room that was full of all sorts of apparatus and resembled some kind of torture chamber. Then I remembered what had happened at that my sister needed help. I tried to shout out but I couldn't as I had a leather gag placed over my mouth.
A man walked into the room. I recognised him as the owner of the house, the one that had given me the injection. It wasn't a tetanus injection but some kind of anaesthetic drug. I wondered how long I'd been asleep. I knew my arse was hurting and that I'd probably been raped.
"He's awake," he shouted.
"Be there in a moment dear" was the reply from his wife.
He looked at me and he could see the fear in my eyes. "My wife likes tall men and your not very tall are you? I think we'll see if we can make you a little taller. My wife also likes men with long cocks and I'm afraid you just don't cut the mustard in that department either." He placed some kind of rubberised sheath over the length of my cock and then inserted a metal bar into the sheath. As he twisted the bar I could feel the sheath getting tighter and tighter around my shaft. He continued to tighten until the diameter of my cock was about half an inch [1½ cm]. The bell end of my cock stuck out like a big mushroom sitting on a thin stalk. It wasn't particularly painful but it was extremely uncomfortable. He secured a chain to the end of the sheath and secured the other end somewhere down by my feet. It was difficult to see exactly where as I had limited head movement. He then double-checked that my hands and feet were secure in their clamps before he picked up a little control box from under the table I was laying on. He flicked a switch on the panel and I could here a whirling sound. I immediately felt the slack being taken up as the machine pulled gently on my arms, my feet and on my cock. The whirling sound changed to steady hum and the pressure on my limbs increased very slowly. It was obviously a well-engineered piece of equipment.
I realised what this guy's intentions were and that this machine was going to stretch me to my limits. It was going to do it very slowly so as to cause minimal damage to me. The machine kept on humming and the pressure increasing.
It wasn't long before I lost the feeling in my hands and my feet as the pressure cut off my circulation to them. Although by now I couldn't see my cock, I knew that the end of my cock was probably in the same condition.
After about 5 minutes or so of this stretching I was beginning to suffer a lot of pain and discomfort. I was trying to scream out but I couldn't because of the gag. After a couple more minutes the wife entered the room stark naked but I was in no fit state to get excited. She asked her husband if he'd administered any local anaesthetic and he said no. She told him he was a sadistic bastard and that he should inject me straight away. He reluctantly got out his syringe and injected me in each of my ankles and my wrists and within moments I felt the pain in them subside. The pain in my cock and in my spine remained but it was more bearable.
"That's enough!" the wife said after about another 5 minutes or so. The husband flicked the switch and the humming stopped. I felt as if I was about 12 feet [3½ m] in length and my cock was about 2 foot [60 cm] long. I looked down the length of my body as best as I could and I could see all my ribs standing out proud. He pressed another button and the base from underneath me released and I was suspended in the horizontal position secured by my hands, feet and cock. A few more buttons and I was in the upright position and then turned upside down. The husband placed some crocodile clips to my nipples while the wife inserted an electrode into the end of my penis. The other end of the wires was plugged into some apparatus down by my feet. A press of a button and a jolt of electricity flowed through my body causing my whole body to jerk. He turned a knob and pressed the button again and a bigger jolt went through me. He then flicked a switch and a smaller charge of electricity alternated between each of my nipples and the end of my cock. The charge was a lot smaller and I soon got accustomed to it and after a while it became quite erotic.
That was when he took his cock out and kneeled down in front of my face. He removed the gag from my face and told me, "Be good and do as you're told and you won't be punished. Be naughty and you'll feel those bigger electric shocks and believe me the one you've felt were mild!"
"What about my sister?" I said. ZAP – another severe shock blasted my body.
"I warned you!" he said.
He pushed his cock into my mouth and told me to give the best ever blowjob or else. He was cut and I began to tease the end of his cock with my tongue. He seemed to like it. I slowly took more and more of his cock into my mouth building up a rhythm and he began to react. Before long he was fucking my face and pushing his rather large cock harder and harder down my throat. The rhythm got faster and faster and after a moment or two his hot cum was gushing down my throat.
"Good boy!" he said. "I guess you need to have your mouth washed out!"
He waited for his cock to soften a bit. He then ordered me to open my mouth as wide as I could. No sooner had I done as I was told when he started to piss into my mouth. It seemed like gallons of the stuff was hitting me and I couldn't swallow fast enough. It was running out of my mouth and up my nose and I was choking on his piss.
Then the wife offered me her cunt and I had to lick her out until she reached an orgasm. Like wise she too washed me out with her piss. I was then blindfolded and forced to go through the same routine with another male and another female.
I didn't know who they were but I could tell that they were probably a lot younger. I guessed that were probably their children.
I felt the motors start up and I felt myself coming back to a horizontal position. Then I felt myself turn over and I guess I was facing the floor.
Another motor started up and I felt the tension on my over stretched cock beginning to ease. After a while all the tension was gone and I felt someone removing the sheath from my cock. It was burning with the rush of hot blood reaching it. Yet another motor started humming and I felt a slight decrease in pressure on my legs and almost simultaneously another motor started and it began to spread my legs further and further apart. I thought it was never going to stop and I thought I was going to snap like a wishbone.
My arse was now wide open and available. I felt a piece of pipe being inserted into it and moments later I felt the gush of hot water swilling about inside me.
Then the pipe was removed and replaced by someone's cock. I think it was the husbands as it felt quite big and when he started to pump me I could feel his mighty length deep inside me. He pumped me with his cum. Then I felt another cock inside me and he too pumped me with his cum. During all this the electrodes were still connected to my nipples and feeding me with mild shocks to alternate nipples.
I felt the machine turn me over and it lowered me to the ground. I was beginning to feel life coming back to my wrists and ankles and the pain was beginning to return. I felt an injection piercing my scrotum and almost immediately I felt my cock rise. I don't know what he injected in me but I had an almighty erection, the biggest I'd ever felt. I felt someone cunt's being lowered over my erection.
This was no ordinary erection and it felt wonderful. Almost immediately I ejaculated into the offered cunt. The erection did not subside. Neither did the cunt and it continued to ride my shaft. Within a few moments I filled the cunt again. Then I felt the younger cunt being lowered over me and I filled that one twice as well. My balls felt like they were going to explode. I'd never been able to ejaculate four times in a row in a period of about 5 minutes! I felt a small prick in the top of my arm and I was once again sent off to sleep.
I awoke and once again had trouble focusing. I could feel that I no longer had any restraints on me. In fact I could work out that I was in bed and that there was someone lying alongside me. As my sight came back to normal I turned my head and looked at the person that was next to me. It was Claire and I was in my own bed at home. Claire was lying naked alongside me.
"Are you okay?" I said to her.
"Of course I am," she replied.
"But aren't you injured?" then it dawned on me. "You never were hurt were you?"
"It was all a set up wasn't it?"
"That means it was you and Darren that joined that couple wasn't it?"
"Yep. Darren has been my sex slave for about three years now. Are you angry?"
"Sure am. I think. Well not really. It's all a bit of a shock." I realised that I'd actually fucked my own baby sister. I haven't yet seen her naked but I'd fucked her and licked out her pussy! Then again she was naked now. I had an amazing erection. In fact I had an erection when I awoke.
"I've got something to tell you," she said as she could see me studying my erection. "Doctor James gave you some of his experimental serum. Your erection may last for a couple of days. I don't think you'll be able to go to work for while."
"I guess not. It seems a pity to waste it doesn't it?"
"I'd hope you'd say that!"
So far it's been quite a day. I awoke with a boner and it hasn't gone down yet.
I've at last seen Claire fully naked as she paraded around the bedroom first thing. She is a cracker. I knew she had a nice pair of breasts but seeing them in the raw was absolutely wonderful. Everything was in perfect proportion to everything else. Before getting dressed Claire has sucked me off twice, I've fucked her twice and I've anal fucked her once. The muscles around my cock are sore from all the activity and having to maintain such a huge erection. I feel so horny! When I dressed I had great trouble with my cock. There was no way I could keep it my underpants. So I walked around with my cock protruding from underpants and the top of my trousers. The head of my circumcised penis is very sensitive and if anything comes in contact it with it I immediately produce pre-cum and it oozes out the end of it.
14 year old Jason has just arrived straight from school. I introduced him to Claire but they knew of each other. Jason went to the same school as Claire used to although he was a couple of grades below her. Jason seemed a little uneasy about Claire being there.
"Do you have a problem with Claire being present?" I asked him.
3;sort of. I discovered a while back that my interests are with males and not females. I suppose you could say that I'm gay!" he answered.
"You're a little young to have come to that conclusion."
"Perhaps I am but that's how I feel. Don't get me wrong mind. I don't dislike girls and I like to see them without clothes on. It's just I have no interest in having sex with them."
I moved forward in my chair so as to get a little closer to Jason. As I moved my cock pushed its way out between my shirt and trousers. It was just sitting there. Jason's eyes were drawn to it like a magnet.
"Fuck me," he said. "What the hell is that?"
"It's a long story," I replied. "I've had a dose of an experimental drug and I've had that since last night. It just won't go down! No matter how many times I ejaculate it just stays there." I could feel my face reddening slightly.
Jason leant forward towards me and touched the end of my cock. It made me jump.
A globule of pre-cum appeared.
"Shit! That looks really sensitive. May I?" he said gesturing whether he could have a closer look.
"Be my guest."
He undid my trousers and pulled them down along with my underwear. He played with cock for a while. He liked the way I jumped every time he made contact with the tip of it. He touched the end of my cock with his tongue. It was like an electric shock. It had been quite a few hours since the last time that I'd ejaculated and it appeared that the longer that time went on the more sensitive my cock was becoming. He gently eased the end of my cock into his mouth. I couldn't control myself and I came straight away. It made Jason choke as the cum hit the back of his mouth. He wasn't prepared for me to cum so quickly.
"Fuck me," he said. "That's one hell of a fuck machine you have there!" He thought for a while. He got up and walked over to Claire and whispered in her ear. They both laughed and Claire nodded to him. "Claire and I would like to put your mighty cock to the test. We'd like to see how many times you can cum over the next few hours. Both Claire and I are willing to be your fuck slaves. You may fuck any of our orifices as you wish or we'll jerk you off if you prefer.
Claire and I want your cum all over us."
"I'm up for that," I answered. "In more ways than one." We all laughed. "Why don't you both strip off!"
They nodded in acceptance and took their clothes off. I also removed my remaining clothes. The two of them were standing naked in front of me. Their eyes were on my oversized cock. Meanwhile I was savouring the view that was feasting my eyes. Two wonderfully formed specimens of young bodies were there for my pleasure.
I had Jason lay down on his back on the floor. I raised his legs so that his feet were over his head. I told Claire to straddle over his chest and to hold his legs for me. I inserted a large amount of grease into the opening of Jason's anus. I slowly inserted my cock into his freshly greased opening and with a thrust I pushed it all the way home. I couldn't believe that a single stroke had been enough to cause me to erupt. I filled his arse with hot cum. I continued to pump him and with moments I filled him again.
I pulled out and kneeled in front of them. I began to jerk myself and within a short period of time I came all over them. I was manipulating my cock as I was coming so as to squirt as much I could over the two of them. It was dripping off them. This turned Claire on and she leant forward and took my cock into her mouth and I gave her a mouthful as well. I told them to change positions and I fucked Claire's anus twice and then her cunt twice. Jason sucked me off and I came over the two of them again.
The evening went on like this and I came a total of 33 times. I fucked the two of them in several different positions and they were both covered in my cum! My balls were giving hell. They were aching and swollen. Finally I was fucking my sister in her cunt and when I exploded for 34th time I pulled out. We all watched with ore as my cock finally decided to go limp. It shrank so much that it almost disappeared. It looked like it was going into hibernation in the sack of my balls. I was totally exhausted! I made my excuses and told them that I couldn't go on and had to go to bed to rest. They agreed. I gathered up my clothes and headed out of the room. I went to the kitchen to get a drink to take up to bed. When I passed the living room on my way up, I could see Jason fucking my sister. I guess he isn't as gay as he thought he was!
I had to go back to work today but my mind wasn't on my work. My boss took me into his office just before knocking off time. He was concerned that I wasn't looking too well and that I was not fulfilling my daily workload as well as normally did. If only he knew why! I made some excuses that I was a little off colour. He suggested that I take some time off. We agreed that I would take a couple of weeks off work with a combination of sick leave and holidays.
On the way home I began thinking about James whose turn it was to come over.
What was I going to do with him? From what I recall he's 11 year old and underdeveloped but he has the sweetest cum of them all. I was sure that Claire was going to like him.
As I put my key into my front door I sensed that we already had company. I walked into the lounge where I found Claire and James screwing each other on the floor. For a moment I didn't notice anybody else in the room as I watched the two naked bodies pounding on the floor. Then I realised that there was a man sitting on the settee and Peter sitting on the armchair. I recognised the man but for a moment I couldn't recall where. Then I remembered he was the doctor who drugged me earlier in the week. I nodded to him and sat down next to him.
None of us spoke, as we didn't wish to disturb the two youngsters on the floor.
For an 11-year-old James was sure putting a lot of energy into screwing my sister. I could see the sweat running down his back as he constantly pumped his cock in and out of my sister's cunt. Claire was grunting a lot and was obviously oblivion to the fact that I was watching. Then with a shout, James finally shot his load and collapsed on top of Claire.
"Hi Dave," Claire said to me peering from underneath James' body.
"Hi Claire," I answered. "I see you started without me!"
"Sorry about that. We couldn't wait. By the way Doctor James is here to have a word with you."
"I can see that," I replied. I looked at Peter and smiled and then turned to Doctor James and said, "Doctor James, what brings you here?"
"Call me Jeff. First of all I'd like to apologise for what we put you through the other night. Claire said that you'd accept our little deception but I was a little nervous taking a young girl's word for it." He said sheepishly.
"No need to worry on that score," I replied. "I must admit you had me going though. I thought for a while that I'd stumbled across a pair of nutcases and that I'd probably wasn't going to get out of it alive. I guess that added to the evening in a warped and strange way!"
"I found that to be so in many cases. The fear of the unknown can be an incredible sexual turn-on."
"Sure can. So I guess you get involved with young sex. I mean Claire tells me that you and her go back a while and so do several of her friends."
"Yes I guess you could say I have a large sexual appetite. Obviously youngsters are particularly interesting but I enjoy sex with people of any age and sex. I love to experiment with drugs in order to enhance sex as you're probably aware!"
He smiled at me.
"Too true! That injection you gave me was incredible. I had no idea that the male cock could produce so much sperm. So what can I do for you today?"
Peter intercepted the conversation and said, "I too know Jeff. I've known him for quite a while. He runs a junior outdoor pursuits club. It's only recently that we've got involved in sexual activities when we realise that over 70% of the members were sexually active."
"That's right," jumped in Jeff. "We've had a few parties and special functions for our X members as we call them. My friend Colin and I run the club. Colin knows about the X members but feels that while he has no objections to it he doesn't feel that he can get involved. To get to the point, the X club is going hiking next week as it's school holidays and I need another adult to help out."
He winked at me as he said it.
"In other words you want me to help you take a group of kids on a sex romp!"
"I guess you could put it that way. If you're offended by it then let's say no more about it."
"No, no. I'm not offended. I'm quite honoured that you've asked me. So what have you got planned?"
Everybody began to relax. They obviously weren't sure how I would take it. They were glad that I was keen to participate and so was I! Jeff started, "There's quite a few people going."
"How many," I asked.
"Thirty-six. Twenty-four boys and twelve girls."
"Fuck me!" I replied with astonishment.
"Not just now," Jeff replied laughing. "They're all between 10 and 16 years old.
I've spoken to them all and confirmed that they're willing to comply with all activities. They all know what's expected of them. I have a file here." Jeff handed me a folder. "In there is list of all the kids. There's also a personal file on each one, which shows what their limitations are, if any. It also highlights their sexual fantasies. You'll also notice that each one has signed that they are happy to take part and are under no duress to participate. I know that doesn't mean anything legally but I personally feel happier that each kid wants to take part and enjoy it."
"I have to agree with you there. If a kid wants to take part then he or she should be allowed to." I said.
"I know my uncle's feelings on that score," said Peter.
Jeff continued, "Good. We're leaving this Sunday at 10am and driving up to the Brazier Pass. We've borrowed a couple of mini buses as well as our own. If you can drive one, I'll drive another and Colin has agreed to drive the other one but will only drop off the kids and then return home. Each kid has been given a list of items to bring with them and each will have their own haversacks. We've chosen Brazier Pass, as it's one of the least populated areas I know of and once we've moved a couple of miles into the Pass we're almost guaranteed total privacy."
Claire, Peter and James joined in the conversation. We generally outlined what was going to happen starting from this coming Sunday through to the following Sunday. It was amazing that I'd been given time off work and that I was free to take part in the most exciting week of pure sex! Jeff was going to give each of the girls a new pill that would prevent any chance of pregnancy. All the kids are going to meet tomorrow evening when Jeff is going to give each a thorough physical and to check if any of them are likely to be carrying any sexually transmittable diseases. Unfortunately this meant that my evening with 13-year-old Chris would have to be postponed. Likewise, the proposed meeting on Saturday was also cancelled. Not to worry though I had a lot of shopping to do getting a rucksack, boots, etc., ready for the weekend. Claire was going home in the morning to pack and I was picking her up from my parents on Sunday morning.
We watched again as James got active again with Claire. When he'd finished, Peter stripped off and gave us a show as he also fucked her. Jeff and I simply watched and didn't take part. We were saving ourselves for next week!