None of America's medical experts predicted the arrival of a genetic mutation known as the Shrinking Gene. When hundreds of adolescents began mysteriously shrinking to approximately six inches [15 cm] tall, people all across the United States, and even throughout the rest of the world, panicked. For almost a year there were mass riots occurring every day. The President of the United States and Congress frantically mobilized the world's top doctors to find a cure. Their allies in the U.K., France, Russia, and other countries also aided them in this search for a remedy to the mass shrinking of so many teenagers, but the epidemic remained entirely contained within the borders of the U.S. This is what finally led scientists and doctors to agree that this uncanny transformation was not being caused by a virus or bacteria, but by a complex genetic mutation. After three years, world leaders conceded that there was no cure. Scientists dubbed this mutation the Shrinking Syndrome. Oddly enough, society adjusted itself fairly well after that.
Only one in a thousand people actually developed this mutation, and it always revealed itself in the years during puberty, before the age of twenty. Thus, anyone twenty and older counted themselves fortunate and went on with their lives.
As for those teens who were not so fortunate and who suddenly found themselves rapidly shrinking one day, they found that, although some public officials were doing their best to accommodate them, most people considered them as something less-than-human, more like pets or toys than actual people. Some law officials were doing their best to prosecute those that harmed or mistreated Shrinkies, but the cases were so numerous, with even more unreported, that the task soon proved impossible. Most Shrinkies entered a nightmare world where people treated them however they wished.
Chapter One The Big Shrink
Jimmy was a normal, cute, adorable twelve-year-old with short blond hair and blue eyes. He had a decent life, good parents, and good friends.
But it all changed on one fateful bus ride home
Jimmy was sitting next to a big jock on the school bus on the way home. He did not choose to sit there, but when he got on the bus, everywhere else was full. He glanced nervously up at the jock and then looked quickly away. Slowly people began to get off the bus one by one. Even though more and more seats were becoming available as the other kids got off, he couldn't get up and move, the jock had made him sit next to the window, so he was blocked in.
And then, all of a sudden, he felt dizzy and his clothes begin to feel heavy on him. He closed his eyes as he felt himself sinking lower and lower in his seat, his clothes growing larger and larger on him.
Next to him, Nate, the eighteen-year-old jock with dark hair, watched in amazement and delight as the cute twelve-year-old boy began to shrink next to him. He watched with fascination as the boy's body got smaller and smaller, soon he was smaller than a baby!
Jimmy was engulfed in some sort of circus tent, completely naked!
Oh no! he thought as the dizziness went away and panic replaced it .
"I've – I've shrunk! AHH! I'm a Shrinky now!" he cried, looking down at his naked body.
Smiling in excitement, Nate reached into the clothes, fishing around for the boy who he'd just seen shrink. Soon his fingers found a warm, smooth body and he wrapped his fingers around it. He pulled the boy out of his clothes, smiling as he watched his little legs kicking wildly through empty air. He scooted over to the window, sitting on top of the boy's clothes in the process, and stared at the cute naked boy in his palm.
Jimmy felt the giant hand grasping his hairless smooth body and lifted him out of the circus tent. When he was high above it, he saw that the circus tent has been his clothes, now way too big for him.
"Hi, cute boy," Nate said, "My name's Nate. What's yours?" he began rubbing the boy's chest with the forefinger from his other hand.
Jimmy flinched as the finger touched his chest and begin rubbing him up and down, from his chest to his belly and back again.
"J-J-Jimmy," he stammered nervously, and then before he could stop himself, he let out a cry of desperation. "Please! You gotta help me! I've – I've
3; .shrunk! I'm a Shrinky now! Can you take me to my house? "
Nate chuckles and Jimmy's heart sank, it didn't sound like a reassuring chuckle
3; .
"Why should I help you?" Nate asked, still chuckling. "You're so cute. Can I play with your nuts instead?" He pinched Jimmy's hands and dangled him in the air in front of his face, making sure no one noticed. Fortunately the bus was almost empty.
Jimmy mistakenly thought Nate was referring to the food nuts, rather than the testicles between his legs.
"But I don't have any nuts!" he said. "Please put me down, you're hurting my arms!"
Nate chuckled. "Sure you do. What are these?" he asked, poking Jimmy's ball sack. He began to tickle it, grinning happily. "Coochie-coo, Jimmy's nuts," he taunted.
Jimmy's body jerked when the giant forefinger made contact with the loose skin of his ball sack. This violation startled him and he began squirming, unintentionally adding more pressure on his arms, as both his hand were still held together above his head by Nate's fingers.
"Ahh!" Jimmy cried, his body jerked again, trying to swing away from those fingers. "Stop it! You're not supposed to touch me there; you'll get in big trouble!"
"Ahhh," Nate taunted. "Is the little boy embarrassed because I'm touching his private parts? What are you going to do about it?" he asked. He dropped Jimmy into his lap.
"Oof!" Jimmy grunted as he landed on one of the jock's knee, draped over it in an ideal position for a spanking He raised his head and glared defiantly up at Nate. "I'll tell the bus driver!! Help! HELP! MMF!"
Nate pushed the twelve-year-old into his leg with his hand, smothering his cries, and then pinched his butt with his forefinger and thumb from his other hand. "Be quiet, little boy, or I'll have to spank this cute little butt!" he hissed.
"MMM! MMMM!" Jimmy was still trying to call for help, but it came out very muffled.
"Hmm, this butt feels really good actually," Nate said, sliding an index finger back and forth on Jimmy's bare butt, tracing the tiny little line of his butt crack. Then he took both butt cheeks between a finger and thumb and squeezed it again, loving how soft and firm it felt.
Jimmy struggled, his legs kicking, crying for help in a muffled voice until his body went limp with tiredness
Nate flipped Jimmy over onto his back on his lap, but still holding him down with a hand. "So, which should I play with first, little boy? Your nuts or your butt?"
Jimmy didn't answered the giant jock, he just lay there, staring up at the bus ceiling, gasping and panting
"Guess I get to choose then," said Nate. "I choose
3; your butt!" He flips Jimmy over onto his face again, but doesn't push him down as hard, and begins fondling his bottom.
"Hey Lemme go!" Jimmy yelled, kicking his legs again, the only thing he can move with his arms pinned to his side.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a cute ass, little naked boy?" Nate asked, petting and squeezing Jimmy's miniature, tight buttocks. "Can I call you that from now on
3; Little Naked Boy?"
"NO! I'm Jimmy!" the tiny, six-inch [15 cm] boy cried. "You can't treat me like this!"
"Okay then, it's settled, your new name is Little Naked Boy," Nate said, ignoring the tiny naked boy's protests.. "And I'll do whatever I want to you, because I'm eighteen, which makes me the grownup. Obey your elders, Little Naked Boy. Plus, you can't stop me anyway." He squeezed Jimmy's buttocks between forefinger and thumb. "Beep, beep!" he chuckled, "Squeezy, squeezy. I love this ass!"
Jimmy rolled over onto his back and grabbed the giant fingers with both hands, trying in vain to stop him
Nate grinned. "Oh okay. I guess you want me to play with your preteen dick instead, huh? Sure thing!" He batted Jimmy's hands out of the way and began flicking Jimmy's little penis around, chuckling throatily as he did so, loving the feel of that tiny penis beneath his fingertip.
"Ahh! Stop it!" Jimmy yelled, but his hairless dick begin to stiffen, he blushed and tried to cover up with his hands
"Ooh, do you like that, Little Naked Boy? Do you like being helpless and naked while an eighteen-year-old jock like me molests your preteen nuts?" Nate laughed, he pinned Jimmy's arms to his side again and started tickling Jimmy's hard-on.
"No! NO!" Jimmy struggled but he couldn't do anything with his arms pinned to his side
Nate lifted the wriggling boy closer to his face and watched him squirm while he played with his erect penis. He had a cute face and nice body.
"It's fun to watch your little boner bounce around when I toy with it," Nate said, almost giggling. "It's so nice of you to get hard for me so I can play with your boner."
"Stop playing with it! I don't like this
3; please, stop!" sobbed Jimmy
But Jimmy's begging seemed to make Nate want to play even more
"Ah, is Little Naked Boy sad because he's getting molested?" Nate taunted in baby-talk. "Are you embarrassed because your preteen pecker belongs to me right now, along with the rest of your cute shrunken body? Come on, isn't this fun?" Nate started tickling Jimmy's testicles relentlessly. He laughed because Jimmy couldn't free his arms to stop him.
"No! it isn't fun!" Jimmy stopped struggling, having once again tired himself out.
"I think I'll see if I can jerk you off," Nate said. "How does that sound, Little Naked Boy?" He began flicking Jimmy's penis around again.
3; No
3; don't
3;" Jimmy said weakly.
Nate glanced up and then looked at Jimmy, writhing and twisting feebly in his hand.
"Oh," Nate said in a slightly disappointed voice. "My stop is coming up, so I'll have to play with you later." He tickled Jimmy's ball sac one more time and then placed him into the cargo pocket of his jeans. He zipped up the cargo pocket, cutting off any possibility of Jimmy escaping. Then he stood up slightly, hunched over so people wouldn't see him stand up, He moved Jimmy's clothes aside and stuffed them into his nearly empty schoolbag.
Then he reached down for Jimmy's shoes and socks and held them up. Deciding that they weren't going to fit in his bag, he tossed them out the open window as the bus was going over a bridge, where they landed in the water below.
Until his stop came a minute later, Nate sat there, enjoying the feeling of a squirming lump in his pocket that was Jimmy. He stood up at the bus stopped, hoisted his backpack onto his shoulder, and made his way out of the bus, the palm of his hand on his pocket, feeling the lump within.
Chapter Two Into the Lair of the Giant Jocks
Jimmy felt his pocket prison swaying with every step Nate took down the bus, and then he felt this up-and-down motion as Nate descended the steps off the bus. He was still in the state of mingled dread and disbelief. He could not believe what has just happened! He had shrunken out of his clothes and now he was six inches [15 cm] tall, naked and being taken by one of the weirdest jock he has ever met.
Anyone who gets a kick out of touching his privates and molest him, he regarded as weird. He was dreading what would happen when Nate arrived at his house and took his new 'pet' Shrinky out of his pocket, though he was relieved at the fact that the giant jock doesn't seem to want to hurt him, just play with his naked body. The thought gave him no pleasure at all.
Nate walked into his house, loving the sensation of the tiny preteen sitting in his pocket. He sat down on his couch in his living room and stuck his hand inside his pocket, but he did not pull the shrunken boy out right away. Instead, he proceeded to feel him up, smiling as he ran his fingers all over the boy's warm, wriggling body. Nate's penis hardened a little more each time his fingers brushed or bumped Jimmy's miniature penis or tiny buttocks.
Jimmy struggle to fight off the fingers touching him in his pocket prison, but with little to no success.
Smiling to himself, Nate used his fingers to manipulate Jimmy's body until he was face-up against Nate's palm. Then he pinned his arms to his sides and, using his forefinger, scraped his fingernail down Jimmy's body to his genitals, where he pressed his fingertip gently against Jimmy's penis and ground it tenderly beneath his finger repeatedly. He could feel Jimmy's legs kicking against his own leg inside his pocket. He chuckled.
Jimmy wriggled and twisted in the giant hand. "Stop
3; stop
Nate finally pulled Jimmy out of his pocket and held him up to his face. He cupped his palm, forcing Jimmy to either sit or stand up in it. He grinned at the naked boy.
"You are so cute, Little Naked Boy," he said. "What should I do with you now?"
"Let me go!" Jimmy yelled up at him
Scared of falling out of the giant's hand, Jimmy sat down on the palm of giant's hand, uncomfortably aware of his bare butt on the giant's hand.
"Cute butt, Little Naked Boy," Nate said again. "Has no one really ever told you what a cute ass you have?"
Jimmy stopped struggling, having tired himself out yet again. He look warily into the jock's billboard-size face. "No
3; no one's ever commented on my butt
3;" he said timidly.
Smiling, Nate curled his other hand around Jimmy's body and lifted him off his palm. "That's hard to believe," he said. "So can I play with your butt some more?" He tickled Jimmy's chin with his forefinger from his other hand.
3;" Jimmy said, sadly aware that he really didn't have a choice in this, but voiced his objection anyway.
Nate shook his head. "Well, I'm going to do it anyway. And I'm the grown up, so you have to do what I say!" He opened his hand enough to allow his thumb to rub and stroke Jimmy's penis. He stood and walked down the hallway to his bedroom as he did this, snickering at the shrunken boy's struggles. "I've got fun plans for you, Little Naked Boy."
Jimmy would have screamed, but he couldn't summon the energy to do so, and he went limp in the giant's hand
Nate grinned, realizing the boy's struggles had worn him out. He carried Jimmy into his bedroom and over to his writing desk. He set him down on the desk and began rummaging in the top drawer of the desk, eagerly searching for something. Soon he lifted up a roll of tape and winked at Jimmy wickedly.
Jimmy felt his insides turn cold and numb, he wanted to get up and run, but he was too tired!
Nate pressed Jimmy face-down against the desktop and taped his arms and legs down rapidly. When he was finished, Jimmy was face-down and spread-eagled against the desk. Nate ran a finger slowly down Jimmy's muscled back and began petting his tiny bottom.
There was nothing Jimmy could do. He lay there, too tired to even cry, accepting his fate
Nate began pinching and squeezing Jimmy's buttocks. "Isn't this crazy, Little Naked Boy? When you got up this morning, bet you never thought you'd be naked and helpless while a hot guy like me played with your cute little butt, did you?"
That was true, he have heard of people shrinking and becoming Shrinkies, but he never thought it would happen to him. In fact, he never even thought about the Shrinkies, not even once today
3; Until he himself shrunk, that is.
Jimmy winced as Nate pinched his butt, his body jerked and twisted against his bonds, finding the pinching and squeezing to his butt painful.
"Ouch!" he cried. Knowing the giant wasn't going to stop playing with his butt, but preferring a more painless alternative he said timidly. "Um
3; excuse me, Mr. Giant
3; Jock, sir. C-c-could you j-j-just rub my b-b-butt? The p-p-pinching hurts."
"Sure," said Nate, and he began to gently rub and petted those tiny little globes. "If you're a good boy and do as I say, I'll be gentle with you."
Jimmy sighed in relaxation, enjoying the giant finger massage on his butt. Although deep down, he still find it creepy that a teen older than himself, wanted to play with his butt, but it also felt pleasant to have his butt rubbed and massaged as opposed to having it pinched and squeezed.
3; But if you're a bad boy and disobey me
3;" Nate said, and pinched hard on Jimmy's butt. Then the fingers were removed from the tiny butt. Puzzled, Jimmy raised his head to see why the teen stopped fingering his butt, only to get a split-second glimpse of Nate pulling back on a rubber band before he felt a very painful flick of the rubber band on his butt. Jimmy yelped loudly, his whole body jerked in reaction to the pain. "Get the picture?" Nate asked, putting the rubber band away and putting a finger on Jimmy's butt again, trying to rub away the pink line that the rubber band had caused.
Jimmy whimpered, tears filling his eyes. He had never been whipped with a belt before in his life, and at this size, a rubber band was a perfect substitute for a belt. He felt the pressure on his butt as Nate pressed hard on his butt with his index finger.
"Get it?" Nate asked again, and Jimmy knew then that he was expected to answer questions Nate ask him.
"Y-y-yes, sir
3;" Jimmy said, suppressing a sob.
"Aw, don't cry, little baby." Nate cooed in a mocked baby voice, leaning forward and kissing Jimmy's tiny little butt. "Just do as you're told and I won't have to use the big bad rubber band again."
Nate slowly and gently pulled the tapes off of Jimmy four limbs, flipped the tiny boy over onto his back and then reapplying the tapes.
Jimmy gazed in fear up at the giant jock who was looming over, his eyes locking on Jimmy's hairless crotch, his flaccid penis on full display.
Nate grinned and begin to rub and flick Jimmy's tiny penis, attempting to get it erected.
"I still haven't jerked you off yet, Little Naked Boy," Nate said, "so I want you to get a boner again so I can do it."
Jimmy twisted and strained against his bonds. "No, no! Stop it! I don't want this! Stop touching my privates!"
"Your privates are no longer private," said Nate with a smirk."They belong to me now, Little Naked Boy, get used to it! They're all mine to play with whenever I want to, along with the rest of your cute little bod. What a cute little penis you have, and your balls are so loose. " he said, prodding the loose and wrinkled skin of Jimmy's ball sack, while the six-inch [15 cm] boy twisted and writhed in protest.
Just then, the doorbell rang. Nate jumped, startled.
"I'll be right back, Little Naked Boy." he said, and he covered Jimmy with a piece of paper that was his graded-F math test and left the room to answer the door.
Jimmy spent five minutes staring up at the failed math test, but in his state of dread, it felt like an eternity. Suddenly, the paper whipped away and Jimmy found himself staring at two jocks, one was Nate, the other was a boy Jimmy only knew by sight as one of the football players. He was handsome, with brown hair, hazel eyes and long sideburns.
Both of them stood shoulder to shoulder, leering down at him,
"See? What did I tell ya, Josh ol' buddy?" Nate said, slapping the other boy on the back. "He shrunk right out of his clothes on the bus! It was lucky I just happen to be sitting next to him as he shunk!"
Jimmy was feeling extremely uncomfortable, with his four limbs spread out and taped down to the desk, on top of his twelve-year-old gentails being displayed to the new giant
Josh stared down in fascination at Jimmy, he bent down so that his face was an inch from Jimmy's whole body, and looked him up and down.
3;" he breathed. "He is like a naked action figure, but so lifelike!"
"Yeah, exactly!" Nate said happily, he gently removed the tapes, picked Jimmy up and handed him to Josh.
Josh took Jimmy into his cupped hands as though the Shrinky boy was fraile and gazed at him and wonderment.
"Wow, you were right, Nate," he said, eying Jimmy's miniscule face. "He is so cute!" he gently patted Jimmy's blond head with a finger. "What's your name, little fella?"
"J-Jim–" Jimmy started to say, but Nate interrupted him.
"His name is Little Naked Boy." he said, "Isn't that right?" he glared down at Jimmy.
Jimmy gulped and curled into a ball in Josh's hand.
Josh frowned at Nate and then looked down at Jimmy, "It's okay, little fella, you can tell me," he cooed gently
"M-m-my name is
3; Jimmy
3;" Jimmy said, with a frightened look at Nate. "B-b-but he renamed me Little Naked Boy
3; because I'm little and naked.
"That's right!" sneered Nate, and he snatched Jimmy out of Josh's hand (Josh appeared shocked at this treatment of the Shrinky boy.) placed Jimmy on his back on the desk and taped his four limbs again. Jimmy gazed up at Nate in terror. "Now, time to see if I can jerk you off."
Jimmy cried out in fear and protest as a giant finger the size of an adult's fist touched the underside of his penis and pushed it up, grinding it against his lower belly and begins rubbing it back and forth.
"Nate!" cried Josh, shocked. "What are you doing?! You're molesting him!"
"So?" Nate said carelessly, still rubbing Jimmy's miniscule penis, which started stiffening under his finger. "Look, he likes it," he said, removing his finger so that Josh could see Jimmy's little boner. "Besides," he shrugged. "Even he doesn't like it, who cares? He's just a Shrinky now with little to no rights."
Josh looked unconvinced and uncertain. On one hand, he could tell that Jimmy was NOT enjoying the attention to his genitals, that much was obvious, judging by the squeaks of protests that the tiny little boy was uttering. On the other hand, he was curious about Shrinkies and their tiny bodies as well, but he had kept a lid on that curiosity.
"Isn't he cute?" Nate asked, now stroking Jimmy's chest and belly with a finger from the other hand. "And he likes it when a hot dude like me plays with his cute little dick! Don't you, Little Naked Boy?" he cooed at Jimmy, still rubbing his penis in a gentle, circular motion with his index finger.
By now, Jimmy was in the state of blissful oblivion, he was feeling pleasure such as he had never experienced before. He never knew that having someone touch him there would feel so good.
"Hmm, yessss
3;" Jimmy moaned in pleasure, his eyes closed and his face was relaxed in a big smile.
Josh stood there, looking uncertain and confused. One minute, the tiny boy was squeaking in protest, and then the next, he's enjoying it! He knew it felt really good to jack off. but he wasn't sure if it would feel the same for a preteen kid, especially since it was being done against the kid's will.
Jimmy was having mixed feelings, even though it was starting to feel really good having his peins rubbed and massaged, deep down he still felt violated. The feeling of violation was slowly fading away with each passing minutes. Then just when the pleasurable feeling reached its' peak, he felt the urge to release, though at the moment, he confused it with the urge to pee.
Jimmy's eyes flew open and he begins straining against his bonds. "Stop it! I gotta pee!"
But Nate just grinned widely and continue to rub and stroke Jimmy's peins and testncles. Josh watched eagerly, forgetting his concerns for the Shrinky boy. Will he cum or will he have a dry orgasm? That was the question of the moment
"AAAHHHH!" Jimmy yelled in erotic pleasure, but instead of peeing like he expected to, his penis twitched and jerked, as though it was trying to squirt something, but nothing came out.
"Aww," said Nate in a babyish, disappointed voice, still rubbing Jimmy's crotch as his little penis deflated and shrunk back to its' flaccid state. "Looks like Little Naked Boy is still too young to squirt cum."
Jimmy just lay there, gasping and panting. His little chest rose and fell rapidly.
Finally, Nate removed his finger from Jimmy's hairless crotch and turned to Josh.
"Do you want to play with his little cock now?" Nate asked Josh.
Josh grimaced, appalled at the question. But when he looked down at the nude, shrunken boy taped to the desk, curiosity stirred inside him. He stepped closer to the desk and peered closely at the miniaturized preteen. Jimmy's blond hair was drenched in sweat. His blue eyes stared with exhaustion and apprehension up at Josh. His chest still heaved as he attempted to catch his breath, toned pectorals straining against his fair skin. Before Josh realized what he was doing, he was petting and stroking that chest with his forefinger, swirling his fingertip across the boy's nipples.
Jimmy grunted, lifting his head to watch Josh's finger rub his chest.
"Stop it, please," Jimmy whimpered.
But Josh could not resist the urge to continue touching Jimmy. His body was so adorable, with lean muscles and invitingly fair skin, but all doll-sized. Josh could not help but smile when he slipped his finger lower and felt the toned abdominal muscles of Jimmy's stomach. The preteen's abdominals were not especially cut, but Josh could feel them just below the surface of the skin.
He looked lower and saw it: Jimmy's soft penis and fleshy testicles, quivering with each of his movements. Jimmy's genitals were so tiny, yet so lifelike. Josh had to touch them. He lifted his fingertip off Jimmy's stomach and held it directly above Jimmy's penis.
"No! Don't! Please!" Jimmy begged.
"Come on man, what are you waiting for?" Nate asked, nudging Josh with his elbow. "It's fun."
Josh shook his head, turmoil raging inside him. He knew it would have been wrong to do this to a normal twelve-year-old, but Jimmy was a Shrinky. He was no longer truly human, or so some people said. He lowered his fingertip lower, barely touching the tip of Jimmy's penis.
"No, stop," Jimmy panted.
Plus, Jimmy had certainly enjoyed himself moments earlier, when Nate had been attempting to jerk him off. How could he enjoy that and suddenly ask Josh not to touch him?
"He's just a Shrinky," Nate assured him.
Josh looked at Jimmy's adorable form lying spread-eagled beneath his hand. He could not resist it any longer. Besides, it was not like he was hurting Jimmy or anything.
"You're right, he is just a Shrinky," Josh agreed.
"What? No, not you too!" Jimmy squeaked. "No! No!"
Josh pressed his fingertip down on Jimmy's penis and began twirling it gently, rotating it around beneath his finger. It felt soft yet unyielding to the slight pressure he applied to it, a wonderful sensation. Josh smiled in satisfaction.
Jimmy strained against the tape on his limbs, but he was much too tired from his earlier struggles and from his recent sexual passion throws to struggle greatly. He watched the new giant jock smile as he molested him. He could feel this giant teen's finger invading his intimate area between his legs, manipulating his penis. His only comfort was that Josh was much gentler with his penis than Nate had been. However, this did not change the fact that his penis was being touched against his will by a giant high school boy
3; again. He closed his eyes and tried not to cry.
"Hey, Nate!" Josh said excitedly, still twirling Jimmy's penis. "He's getting hard again!" He removed his finger to reveal Jimmy's erection.
3; stop
3;" Jimmy moaned weakly, his protests sounded feebler and feebler as the pleasure started to build up.
"Cool, don't stop!" Nate said, walking out of Jimmy's line of vision to his attic.
"I like your cute little boner," Josh whispered fondly down at Jimmy, still toying with Jimmy's erection.
"Stop, please, I don't like this," Jimmy panted.
"But it feels good, doesn't it?" Josh questioned. "Have you ever jerked yourself off before?"
"N-no, I
3; I don't understand. I don't think so
3;" Jimmy answered weakly. "Please, stop touching my privates!"
But Jimmy knew it did feel good, sensing Josh's forefinger stroking and manipulating his hard penis. He felt pleasure building again, just like it had when Nate had been molesting him.
"Squirt for me, Little Naked Jimmy," Josh said lovingly, pleased with himself for modifying Nate's new name for the shrunken boy. "Please! It will feel great, I promise, and it will be fun for me."
"No! I
3;" Jimmy gasped for breath, then moaned in forced pleasure, unable to finish his sentence.
Josh adored the sight of the cute, helpless, nude preteen lying prone on the desk, his head lolling around in ecstasy on his shoulders, his hard penis bouncing and springing about beneath Josh's finger. He pinched that penis between forefinger and thumb and began pumping it, doing his best to milk any possible boy juices out of it.
"I know you can squirt for real this time," Josh said. "I have faith in you, Little Naked Jimmy."
Jimmy looked up into Josh's handsome face. His burly, jock shoulders twitched slightly from the movements of his molesting hand. Jimmy could not help thinking that Josh was attractive, and that feeling, combined with the sensual touching his penis was experiencing, became too much for the healthy young boy's body to handle.
Jimmy threw his head backward and shouted in pleasure at the ceiling. This time, to Josh's delight, white semen squirted between his fingertips from Jimmy's penis.
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Jimmy shouted in pleasure.
"Yes!" Josh shouted happily.
When Jimmy finished shooting his preteen load, Josh wiped the white substance off on his pants. He tickled Jimmy's testicls affectionately.
"Didn't that feel great?" he asked the shrunken boy.
"Yes," Jimmy said in satisfaction. "What was that?"
"That was your first real orgasm," Josh told him. "And you had it with me! Yay!"
3; I did?" Jimmy questioned. Suddenly he felt sick and violated. "You raped me!" he shouted accusingly up at the giant jock.
"You're a Shrinky, so I didn't rape you, I just did what I wanted," Josh said good-naturedly, convincing himself as he spoke. "You're so cute Little Naked Jimmy. I'm going to ask Nate if I can buy you for myself."
"No, no," Jimmy said weakly. His chest heaved one final time before he slipped into unconsciousness, worn out from the sexual games Nate and Josh had played with his loins.
Josh smiled at the sleeping boy, brushing one cheek tenderly with his finger. His finger traced an invisible line down Jimmy's side to his hips. Suddenly curious about the boy's other side, Josh began peeling the tape off Jimmy's body. He flipped him over and laid him carefully on the table, face down this time, and reapplied the tape to his limbs.
Jimmy's back was lean and halfway between scrawny and muscled, typical of a boy his age. Josh traced the contours of the shrunken boy's back, but his finger was instantly drawn to Jimmy's two pale buttocks.
He smiled widely as he began fondling the soft, yet firm, globes of flesh. They felt like bouncy silk beneath his fingertip. His own penis hardened further than it already was in his pants when he realized he was touching the naked butt of a helpless preteen boy. He squeezed Jimmy's buttocks between his forefinger and thumb, enjoying the feel of those butt cheeks pressing together beneath his fingertips.
"Such a cute butt," he whispered to himself.
"I'm back!" Nate called, striding into his bedroom again. He was holding a glass hamster cage in his arms. "I'm going to put him in here," Nate said. "Oh, I see you like his little butt too."
"Yes," Josh said emphatically. "It's so cute."
"Mm hmm," Nate replied.
Minutes later, twelve-year-old Jimmy lay sleeping in a hamster cage, while two high school jocks watched him hungrily through the glass wall.
Chapter Three Jimmy's New Life as a Shrinky
Jimmy's Dad was pacing back and forth in front of the principal's desk while Jimmy's Mom sat in a corner, crying silently into a handkerchief. They had came marching up to the school when Jimmy didn't come home that afternoon, after waiting a couple hours and calling all of Jimmy's friends, asking if they've seen Jimmy get off the bus.
The principal hang up the phone and surveyed Jimmy's parents with a grim. serious expression.
"That was the bus driver." he said, gesturing to the phone. "He says he saw Jimmy get onboard the bus, and that he rode the bus, but strangely, he never saw him get off. It was like he vanished on the bus."
The parents glanced at one another, they couldn't see how their beloved Jimmy could have just disappeared on the bus.
"Which led me to believe that Jimmy has become a Shrinky on the bus." the principal went on gravely. "There has been quite a few cases of kids between the ages of twelve and eighteen mysteriously vanishing off of playgrounds, buses and even their classroom, always leaving their clothes behind. The truth of the matter is that they've shrunk out of their clothes and the other kids finds them and take them home with them."
"Then we should investigate all the kids and find out which one of them has Jimmy!" Jimmy's Dad said at once, he didn't care if Jimmy has shrunk or not, he just wanted his boy back, his beautiful little boy!. Jimmy's Mom nodded in agreement, still crying softly into her handkerchief
The principal's face paled, he hated this part of the job, to tell the shrunken kids' parents that they might never see their kids again. He inwardly cursed the new Shrinky laws for putting him in this awkward position.
"I'm afraid," he said with a pained grimace. "that if your son has indeed become a Shrinky, there is nothing we can do."
"What?!" Jimmy's parents cried together, looking most upset and furious.
"Not only would it be hard enough to find one specific Shrinky, there's also a finders-keepers law on Shrinky," the principal said sadly. "Anyone who finds Jimmy are within their rights to keep him and do whatever they wanted with him, even sell him to other kids if they wanted to."
3; so
3; even if we find him, we can't take him home?" Jimmy's Dad asked in hollowed voice, his face deflating like an old tire.
The principal nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so, unless Jimmy's captor is willing to sell him or give him back to you, you cannot do anything. Legally, he belongs to the person who found him, and he'll belong to the buyer if the captor sells him."
"My son is not a rat to be kept as pet or sold as such!" Jimmy's Dad shouted indignantly, furiously kicking a chair over. "That law is absolute rubbish!"
"I agree," the principal said. "That law has caused nothing but grief to the kids and their parents."
"When I find out who's got my son
3;" Jimmy said in a low, deadly voice. "They will hand him over, or they will wish they've never been born! Shrinky law be damned!"
And with that, he left the office, taking his sobbing wife with him.
Meanwhile, back at Nate's House, Nate and Josh were bent double, their heads together, staring through the plastic cage at tiny naked Jimmy.
"Isn't he adorable?" Josh sighed, gazing at the tiny sleeping boy in the hamster cage.
"Yeah, he is
3;" Nate said with a look of greed. "He's going to make me rich, so I buy an older Shrinky from the pet store! Or I may just trade him for an older one!"
Josh backed away from Nate, looking shocked. "What? You're going to sell him?!"
"Sure, why not?" Nate said, shrugging carelessly. "I only ride the bus so I can catch a teen Shrinky, this Shrinky is no teen, he's a PRE-teen."
Josh looked slightly disappointed but said: "Then why did you catch this one?"
Nate shrugged again. "He may not be a teen Shrinky, but he's a Shrinky nevertheless. I wasn't about to pass off the chance to look at him and play with his butt and nuts."
Josh glanced at the cage, he would love to have this Shrinky as his pet. He had always liked younger boys anyway. Then he looked back at Nate.
"Well if you're selling him, I'll buy him, name your price."
A few minutes later, Josh was leaving the house to his jeep, a hamster cage that contains a Shrinky boy tucked under his arm. Behind him, a shocked Nate stood in his doorway, looking at the large wad of cash in his hands, his eyes were huge and staring at the money, his mouth hanging open.
As Josh drove through town toward his apartment, he couldn't help looking sideway at the sleeping little boy in the hamster cage in the passenger seat every time he came to a Stop sign or a red traffic light. Each time, he had to resist the temptation to take Jimmy out of the cage and fondle his cute little butt some more.
Finally, he reached his apartment building and parked his jeep. He got out and walked toward his apartment, leaving Jimmy in the jeep.
"Gotta get rid of the cats first
3;" he muttered as he turned the key in the lock and went inside.
Next moment, five or six cat went flying out the door, meowing and screeching indignantly.
"And stay out!" Josh yelled after them. "Go live with Mrs. Figg!"
Once his apartment was cat-free, he came back to his jeep and took the hamster cage out and then went back inside, carrying the tiny naked boy in the hamster cage.
He sat down at his desk and set the cage down on the desktop next to the keyboard to his computer. As he checks his emails and surfs the web, he glance at the sleeping boy every minute or so. He wanted to play with the boy now, but he knew he had to let the boy rest for a while. So he aimlessly surfed the web to pass the time.
About an hour later, Josh was watching a video on YouTube about a boy shrinking, when he noticed Jimmy stirring. He put the video on pause and took the lid off the cage, then he put a hand in and gently prodded the tiny boy on the shoulder.
"Little Naked Jimmy," he whispered, watching the boy twitch as he was being prodded awake by a giant finger. "Little Naked Jimmy, wake up, cutie!"
Suddenly, Jimmy sat bolt upright, staring away. All the memories of becoming a Shrinky and being molested came flooding back to him. For a moment, he could hardly breathe!
"Wakey, wakey, Little Jimmy," Josh said as he gently took the tiny boy in his hand and lifted him out of the cage. "Did Little Naked Jimmy have a nice nap?" he cooed at the boy.
Jimmy stared at Josh for a few seconds and then burst into a storm of crying. Josh was startled and he instantly hated to see the boy upset. He petted Jimmy's body in an attempt to calm him down.
"Shh. don't cry, Little Jimmy," Josh said gently, pressing Jimmy to his cheek as a kind of giant cuddle. "Shhh, you're safe with me, buddy. No more big bad Nate to bother you."
"I want to go home!" Jimmy sobbed. "I d-d-don't want to be t-tiny and n-n-naked anymore, I want to go home! I want my Mom and D-D-Dad!"
"Oh, but Jimmy, you are home." Josh said in a soothing voice. "I bought you from Nate, so you're mine now. My home is your home,"
But that just made Jimmy's crying worse, not better. Josh tried everything to calm him down, nothing worked. So finally, he started rubbing Jimmy's tiny penis
Jimmy struggled and screamed a teary protest. Despite feeling bad for making Jimmy even more upset, Josh continued to rub Jimmy's penis. He got an erection within minutes and as the pleasurable feeling started to build up, Jimmy's cries, protests and struggles all ceased His body went limp and his hips started bucking against the finger. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh and a moan of pleasure.
"There, that's better," Josh cooed, and he took his finger off of Jimmy's boner and pressed his lips to Jimmy's tiny body in a kind of giant kiss. "Just remember, if you cry, I rub this." he said, pressing a finger against Jimmy's tiny groin.
Jimmy hiccuped in an attempt not to cry. "Please, I just want to go home," he begged.
Josh shook his head. "No, no, little guy," he said in a parental tone. "You belong to me now. You'll be safe with me."
"No," Jimmy whined pathetically, twisting slowly but angrily in Josh's hand. "I don't want to be naked and kidnapped! I want to go home!"
Josh ignored him. He was enthralled by the sight and sensations of holding a miniature preteen boy in his hands. He began rubbing Jimmy's body with his thumbs, starting with his chest and working his way slowly downward. Jimmy grunted and wriggled as Josh touched him, but Josh continued on, smiling fondly at his new pet boy. He yearned to touch Jimmy's cute little penis again, but since he had informed the Shrinky that touching it was a form of discipline, he slid the fingertips of his fingers over Jimmy's butt instead, loving the feel of those silky smooth, firm buttocks beneath his finger pads.
"Not my butt again!" Jimmy whined, kicking and twisting in Josh's grasp.
But Josh could not resist. He rotated Jimmy around in his hand until the boy was facing away from him, with his shrunken hips pressed into Josh's palm. Josh lightly stroked and tickled Jimmy's bare butt, occasionally pinching and squeezing Jimmy's buttocks together.
"Stop touching my butt!" Jimmy squealed, thrashing his legs.
"Your butt is so cute though, Little Naked Jimmy," Josh cooed tenderly. "I can't stop touching it!"
"No!" Jimmy sobbed.
"Jimmy," Josh scolded. "Are you crying? Do I have to rub your dick again?"
Jimmy shook his head in frantic denial.
"Good," Josh said.
Jimmy lowered his body against Josh's palm in defeat and closed his eyes. He had no choice but to let the giant high school kid fondle his butt.
Amid his examination of Jimmy's rear end, Josh accidentally bumped his computer's keyboard with his elbow. The video of the shrunken boy he had been watching instantly resumed playing. He turned and looked at his computer screen. The person who made the video had obviously done the best they could on a low budget, but seeing the boy actor portraying the boy suddenly appear next to a fake-looking giant pencil, followed by a tacky special effect of a giant hand pretending to grab him, made Josh frown. He looked back at the nude shrunken preteen lying face-down in his palm, and his frown reverted to a smile once more. Having his own real Shrinky was so much better than the shrunken fetish video he had just been watching
Suddenly Josh was struck by an epiphany: Having his own Shrinky was much better than a shoddy Youtube video, and he knew he was not the only one who would think so.
"Hmm," Josh mused to himself.
He placed Jimmy on the computer desk and leaned his head forward to peer at him. Jimmy covered his crotch shyly and glared up sullenly at Josh.
"Hey, how would you like to help me earn some extra money, and have fun too?" Josh asked.
Josh placed the tip of his forefinger lovingly against Jimmy's cheek.
"What do you mean?" Jimmy asked.
"We can star in our own webcam videos!" Josh said, pointing at his laptop computer. "People will love you!"
Jimmy's eyes widened in shock. "You mean more people will see my privates? No, I don't want that!"
"Shush, shush," Josh said, placing his fingertip over Jimmy's mouth. "I'm older than you, and I know what's best. This will be fun!"
Jimmy slapped Josh's finger away. "No! No!"
Thomas slipped shyly up to his room, hoping his parents would not try to talk to him tonight. Twelve-year-old Thomas was shy and awkward, especially since discovering he liked boys. At least he thought he did. He always wanted to see more of the boys at school when they changed into gym clothes, but he never got the chance because the shower stalls had doors.
Today he was feeling especially curious about other boy's bodies. He slumped glumly into the chair in front of his computer desk and began surfing the internet. He opened up Google's page and typed in 'naked boys'. When the results popped up, his eye was caught by an ad in the upper right corner of the screen. It showed a boy that appeared to be around his age being held in a giant fist. Something about seeing that aroused Thomas. He felt his penis harden in his shorts. The ad read Josh and Little Naked Jimmy, the webcam Shrinky sensation. He moved his mouse icon over the ad and clicked it.
A new website appeared on his computer screen. A picture of a handsome, athletic teenage boy holding a nude, Shrinky boy in his cupped palms adorned the majority of this website's homepage. Along the left side of the page were links to various interesting facts about the day-to-day-life of 'Little Naked Jimmy' and his 'friendly' owner, Josh. Thomas smiled for the first time in a long time, intrigued. Directly below the large photograph of the Shrinky and his owner was a hyperlink in bold red lettering that read We're Online Now. First Session Is Free!
With his hand trembling, Thomas clicked on the video. A 'waiting for response' icon appeared on his darkened computer screen.
Seconds later a video began to play. Thomas saw that there was a text field on the screen below it so he could type messages. He smiled in spite of himself when he saw the handsome teenager grinning directly at the camera, smiling and waving his hand. His eyes were hazel and his hair was shaggy, with long sideburns.
"Welcome and hello!" the teenager said cheerfully. "Ready for a great show?"
Thomas nodded even though he knew the teenager could not see him. Then, remembering the text field, he typed in, "Yes!"
Reading his own computer screen, the teenager smiled. "Okay. Let's start! I present to you, Little, Naked, Jimmy!"
"No! I don't want to do it again! No!" Thomas heard a tiny voice squeak.
The teenage boy lifted a wriggling, nude, shrunken boy into view. His arms were pinned to his sides. He thrust the boy toward the camera, showing Thomas every inch of his miniature body.
"No!" the tiny boy wailed.
Thomas smiled and settled in for a good show.
For the next several months, Josh kept Jimmy as his pet.
When Josh would get home from school, he would rush excitedly to his room to hold and cuddle the shrunken preteen in his palm. Jimmy fought him every time, but made certain not to cry. Josh had promised not to touch Jimmy's penis except as punishment, so he spent most of his time fondling the helpless preteen's butt, pinching and squeezing it delightedly. Jimmy always cringed when he heard Josh walking through the front door, because he knew moments later he would be face-down in a giant hand while huge fingers pinched his butt.
Even more humiliating for Jimmy was having Josh bathe him. Poor Jimmy tried to tell Josh he could bathe himself, but Josh would not listen. He would carry the struggling shrunken boy into the shower with him every morning and place him in the empty soap dish. After cleaning himself off with his bottle of body wash and shampoo that hung from the shower faucet, Josh would retrieve Jimmy from the dish. Jimmy would watch Josh's giant, muscular body in awe every time, especially Josh's gigantic manhood that wobbled with each of Josh's movements and flopped around when Josh washed it. Then he would recoil in horror when Josh turned and reached for him through the steamy shower water like a titan emerging from a waterfall.
Josh would lather Jimmy up in body wash, including his hair. Secretly, this was why he refused to let Jimmy bathe himself, because it gave him an excuse to touch Jimmy's penis. The shrunken boy's soft sexual member became hard beneath Josh's finger every time he cleaned it, causing Josh to smile lovingly. He would give Jimmy's privates a thorough cleaning every day. Jimmy could do nothing to stop him.
Yet the most horrific part of Jimmy's new life as a Shrink pet were the webcam shows. Every night Josh would drag him in front of the camera on his computer and perform for eager, paying viewers.
Jimmy could see their messages to Josh appear in a text window on the computer, below an image that showed him exactly what the camera and all those viewers were seeing. Their requests would stream across the page, and Josh would do his best to please them.
Let us see him again! Hold him up!
Hang him by his arms, I want to see him.
Turn him around so we can see his butt.
"Please Josh, stop this!" Jimmy would beg, humiliated to be seen naked by so many people.
"Shush Little Naked Jimmy. I know what's best," Josh would chide.
Spank him! Spank him!
"No Josh! I haven't done anything wrong! Please don't spank me!"
"We'll just pretend. It's okay," Josh said soothingly.
With Jimmy lying face-down on his palm, he would gently flick Jimmy's butt with his forefinger and thumb from his other hand.
Another frequent request from Josh's viewers about Jimmy's butt was never faked, however:
Squeeze his cute little ass! Squeeze it!
Pinch his butt. Play with it.
Rub and pinch his naked ass.
"See, everyone else likes your butt as much as I do," Josh would often say with a smile, as he proceeded to do just as his viewers directed, fondling and petting Jimmy's bare buttocks.
But there was one request that came over and over, which Josh always ignored:
Touch his cock.
Rub his dick.
Play with his penis!
Until one night
Josh was rubbing Jimmy's chest for a special private session client. Jimmy fought and struggled of course, but he dared not struggle too much.
Rub his little cock!
Josh shook his head. "I don't do that. Sorry," he said into the camera.
Josh shook his head again. "Nope. Sorry."
I will pay you $600 right now, via paypal, if you'll do it.
Josh's hand froze. He stared at the computer screen, speechless.
Moments later he received a chime from his computer notifying him that he had new email. He placed Jimmy on the computer desk. Jimmy watched warily as Josh's hand landed on the computer mouse, which Josh then used to check his email.
Josh could not believe it. The man watching his live video had deposited six hundred dollars into Josh's paypal account. The most Josh charged for each private session was thirty dollars.
Come on man, what do you say?
Josh looked guiltily down at Jimmy. He could not turn down that much money.
3; I'm sorry Jimmy, but that's a lot of money."
"What? No, no! You said you'd only do it if I cried!"
Jimmy backed fearfully away, but there was nowhere to run. Josh grabbed him easily and lifted him up to the webcam, pinning his arms to his sides with the hand holding him. He held Jimmy so that the man watching the show could see him and Josh from the side, and so that the man could easily see Jimmy's tiny penis.
"Sorry, Jimmy," Josh said sadly, shrugging.
"No! You said! You said! I didn't cry! No! Stay away!"
But Josh touched Jimmy's penis with the forefinger from his other hand, flicking it around and gently rubbing it.
Yes! Fondle it! Tickle it!
"No!" Jimmy squealed, as Josh tickled Jimmy's penis and testicles with his giant finger.
Soon Jimmy became quiet, then started moaning in forced sexual pleasure. He developed an erection from Josh' s molesting.
Jerk him off.
"No! Not again," Jimmy whined quietly.
"Sorry Jimmy," said Josh. "But this will be fun. It felt good last time, remember."
Josh pumped and stroked Jimmy's penis sensually. Soon the helpless shrunken boy was moaning loudly. Finally he ejaculated between Josh's fingers, convulsing, stretching his legs and groaning loudly in orgasmic ecstasy.
Oh yes that's right nice job that was great!!! Good show man!
"Thanks," Josh said to the camera.
Jimmy hung his head and cried.
So from then on, Josh gave up using touching Jimmy's penis as a punishment and simply did it whenever he wanted, or whenever his viewers wanted him to.
Huddled in his cage one night, Jimmy remembered something that Nate, the jock who captured him, had said: "Your privates are no longer private."
"He was right," Jimmy sobbed. "They're not. I've gotta get outta here!"
But escape from Josh was seemingly impossible for Jimmy, the giant jock likes to play with him so often, that Jimmy very rarely had any time to himself. When Josh wasn't playing with him, Jimmy was padlocked inside his hamster cage. So even in his rare Josh-free moments, he couldn't figure out a way to escape.
Finally, at long last, Monday came! The second weekend with Josh seemed to have drag on forever, like one gigantic History lesson – no, it was worst than that, as Josh kept playing with his tiny, miniscule preteen penis and his smooth, firm butt cheeks and then, he broadcast them on the Internet!
Jimmy was very glad Monday came around, because it meant more free time to himself from Josh, as Josh will be in school for ten hours a day for the next five days. Seven hours for school, three hours for football practice.
A giant shadow came over Jimmy and he looked up to see Josh's hand reaching down into the cage for him. Jimmy groaned as he allowed himself to be scooped up in the hand. At first, he'd try dodging it and eludes capture but the hand would always catch him in the end, so he stopped trying to get away.
"Good morning, Little Naked Jimmy!" Josh said, sounding bright and cheery, which caused Jimmy's stomach to do a somersault. There was only one thing that could make Josh this cheery on a school morning – the dreaded morning shower. "It's time for a shower and then we'll have breakfast!"
"Oh no
3;" Jimmy groaned as Josh carried him to the bathroom. He only just realized that Josh was already naked. It was hard for Jimmy to tell sometimes because Josh sleeps only in his boxers, always shirtless.
Josh stepped into the tub, turned the water on and then the showerhead with his left hand, still holding Jimmy with his right. Then he took the bar of soap from the soap dish and begins lathering Jimmy's little body with it. This was different from how the shower usually goes. Josh would usually wash himself first, then Jimmy, but with body wash instead of a bar of soap.
Jimmy struggled and sputtered as his body was lathered from head to toe in soapsuds. Only Jimmy's face was visible under all the soapy white foam that covered his little naked preteen body.
"I've decided that this morning, you're going to be my soap." Josh said, grinning. "As suggested from last night's viewer."
"W-what?" Jimmy stammered, but before he could protest, he was being pressed to Josh's bare chest and rubbed in a circular motion against it. Jimmy cried out and tried to struggle, but he couldn't. His body was trapped between Josh's hand and chest, sandwiched between them. His front side was being rubbed up and down against Josh's muscular chest and abs, and to Jimmy's horror, the soapy contact with this giant's chest and abs was giving him a boner! And Josh felt it!
"Hmm, what's this?" he asked, grinning as he pulled Jimmy away from his body and looked down at his little soapy boner. "Looks like someone likes being my soap. You're popping up a nice one, Little Naked Jimmy."
Jimmy would have cried and yelled in denial, but by that time, he was lost in blissful pleasure that he actually wanted to get back on Josh's chest again.
Josh chuckled as he pinched Jimmy's boner lightly between an index and a thumb and began pumping it. Jimmy cried out in pleasure, his head was swung back as he moaned. Josh jerked Jimmy off until he cummed a preteen load. Then before Jimmy could recover, Josh resumed using him as a soap, rubbing Jimmy against his armpits, butt cheeks and then his own penis.
It was pleasure such as Josh has never experienced. It felt wonderful to have a little miniscule boy rubbing against his manhood! And then he unleashed his biggest load ever, covering Jimmy in soap and cum!
After that, Josh cleaned Jimmy up again, and then spent ten minutes playing with his boyhood and his butt.
The shower was over, Josh set Jimmy gently back into his cage. Jimmy just sat there, staring straight ahead, horrified by the uses he has been subjected to.
"Here's your food for today," Josh said, pouring a little bit of Cheerios into the cage, which looks like donuts to Jimmy. "Oh, I'm late!" Josh cried suddenly, he placed the lid onto the cage, seized his bag and dashed out of the room.
Chapter Four The Not-so-Great Escape
It took Jimmy half an hour to recover from the shock of what just happened to him. He felt like breaking down and crying, but by this time, he had no more tears to shred. He sat there, with a half-dazed, half horrified expression and then he stood up. The desire to escape was now stronger than ever as he struggled to block out the memory of the terrible ordeal he had just endured.
He looked around, trying to clear his head, to think of ways to escape. While considering a far-fetched idea of how to escape, which was to ram himself against the cage until it either turn over or fall off the desk, he remembered that Josh had just left for school in a great hurry. He drew hope from it, as he knew people were more prone to mistakes when in a rush.
He looked eagerly around, looking for a weak spot in the cage, something Josh was too much in a hurry to cover. After about a minute, he spotted it. Lying on the desk, a foot away from the cage, was the padlock that usually hung on top of the cage, holding the lid firmly shut.
"Ha!" Jimmy yelled triumphantly. "He forgot to lock the cage! Now's my chance to get outta here! "
The lid was placed properly on the cage, but without the padlock, Jimmy jumped up and easily pushed it open. Then he climbed out.
He looked around and then down the edge of the desk. Josh's black leather chair stood beneath him. At his size of six inches [15 cm], it looks like a long way down. He took a deep breath and hopped off the desk, the wind blew through his blond hair and roared in his ears as he fell. It felt like a two-story drop to a big mattress that was the chair. It was a soft landing, but the impact was such that Jimmy felt dazed for a moment, seeing stars. The easy part was done. Now comes the hard part: getting down to the hardwood floor without breaking a limb.
It took a moment to recover from being dazed by his fall. Once he recovered, he look down the edge of the seat and saw the floor far below him. It would be another two-story drop from this giant chair, except this time he was facing hardwood floors without cushions. He gulped, he couldn't see any way down without breaking an arm. a leg or his neck. The chair had a single leg with four wheels on the bottom of it, so climbing down one of the four legs as he had first intended was out.
"Now what am I going to do?" Jimmy asked shrilly. if Josh came home and sees Jimmy out of his cage
3; Jimmy did not want to think what his punishment for this escape attempt would be.
He looked around himself again and an idea struck him and he let out of cry of joy. He got off the seat cushion on the chair and begin to push it off the chair and onto the floor. It was no easy task, it was like a normal twelve-year-old boy trying to push a king size bed across the floor. For several minutes, he pushed and rammed his shoulder against the cushion with all of his might. Inch by inch, the cushion slid across the chair toward the edge of the seat.
Jimmy gave the cushion one final, almighty push, and he fell flat on his face on the seat of the chair as the cushion fell off the chair and onto the floor.
Jimmy laid there on the chair, panting, recovering from his effort to get the cushion onto the floor. Once he recovered, he looked down at the cushion on the floor, took a deep breath and jumped off the chair.
The second landing knocked the breath out of him, and laid there, feeling dazed again. It took a little longer for him to recover from a second fall.
After ten minutes, Jimmy stood up and went dashing across the bedroom, through the open door, down the hallway and off into the living room. Running toward the front door, he dived right through the cat flap in the door and he was free! Free, and naked
Feeling embarrassed by his nakedness in the open air, he quickly dashed into the grassy lawn. There he found the leaves and bendable twigs that he made into a makeshift green toga.
Happy that he was at last clothed, he sat on a pebble and started thinking about his next move. His best friend, Andy lives in this area, perhaps he should contact him. He stood up and started the long, long journey to Andy's house, darting here and there along the way, trying to avoid being seen.
He never made it to Andy's house. Two days into his journey, he had stopped for a drink, when all of a sudden, a fist closed around his body and picked him up. Jimmy squealed in shock at being caught so suddenly and found himself face to face with a giant boy!
"Oh wow, how neat!" the boy cried in delight, looking Jimmy up and down while the tiny boy wriggled and squirmed in his hand, trying to get loose. "A Shrinky boy! I always wanted a Shrinky pet!"
"AAHH! Lemme go, lemme go!" Jimmy cried, still struggling to break free, but it was hopeless.
"No, I found you, that means you're mine. My Dad says it's the law now – if I find a Shrinky, I get to keep it!" he said and then he squealed in excitement. "Oh this is so cool! A Shrinky of my own! This is gonna be so much fun! What's your name, Shrinky boy?"
"J-J-Jimmy," Jimmy stuttered nervously, as the giant boy stroked his blonde head lovingly with a finger. Jimmy thought that this boy must be a year or so younger than he was, he seemed to be eleven or ten, at least. His hair was blond, like Jimmy's, but much shorter, and his eyes were a mixture of blue and gray as they stared intently at Jimmy.
"Hi, Little Jimmy. My name's Nicholas, but everybody calls me Nicky," the boy said, pinching Jimmy's tiny hand lightly and shook it. "Now let's get these clothes off you."
"W-what?" Jimmy stammered in shock. "Why?"
Nicky shrugged. "I dunno, my big brother says Shrinkies are best kept naked."
"But – but how you would like it if some giant kid took your clothes off?" Jimmy said desperately.
Nicky's hand paused in the act of reaching to pluck the leaves that was Jimmy's makeshift clothes off of Jimmy's body. Jimmy could see that Nicky was blushing, as if embarrassed.
"I wouldn't like it," he muttered. "I wouldn't want to be naked and in the hands of another kid
Jimmy sighed with relief, thinking he had managed to talked some senses into the giant kid, but it was short-lived
"But I'm not the Shrinky here, you are," Nicky said grinning, and then he grabbed Jimmy's makeshift clothes and ripped them off his body. Jimmy screamed in shock as his clothes were torn off him. "And my Dad and my brother both says that Shrinkies are supposed to be naked. I would prefer you clothed, but since you're supposed to be naked, I can't let you have any."
3; but
3; what if you become a Shrinky?" Jimmy asked pleadingly. "How would you feel if you were the Shrinky
Nicky snorted. "Like that's gonna happen
3; Okay Little Jimmy, time to go home."
3; ! NOOOO!" Jimmy cried helplessly as he was shoved headfirst into Nicky's shorts pocket.
Jimmy tried to scramble back out of the pocket, but Nicky held it firmly shut as he walked briskly across the grass to his house. Jimmy was thrown to and fro in the pocket with each of Nicky's strides.
Five minutes later, giant fingers dove into the pocket and grabbed Jimmy, lifting him swiftly into the open air. Nicky held shrunken Jimmy by his hips. Nicky's giant face filled Jimmy's view as he grinned at the shrunken boy.
"Like my room?" Nicky asked loudly, causing Jimmy to cover his ears with his hands momentarily.
Jimmy looked around him and saw that Nicky stood in a bedroom. A bed was pushed up against one corner of the room, with a Disney's Cars blanket and pillow case atop it. Toys of all kinds were stacked on white shelves next to the bed, as well as strewn across the cream-colored carpet in front of them. Clothes hung from hangers in a closet across the room. In another corner sat a small TV and Nintendo Wii. It looked very similar to Jimmy's own bedroom, except that Jimmy's bed had Spiderman blankets and sheets on it. Remembering this made Jimmy homesick, sad, and frightened to still be naked and captured by a giant.
"You can't keep me here like a pet!" Jimmy shouted at Nicky. "I want to go home!"
Nicky shook his head emphatically. "Nope. I told you the rules, silly Shrinky. I found you so I get to keep you. You're mine now."
"No!" Jimmy wailed, twisting in Nicky's grasp and thrashing his legs.
"Let's play!" Nicky piped happily.
Nicky tromped over to his toys and knelt in front of them. He set Jimmy roughly on the floor. Jimmy fell over onto his side. He stood up quickly, staring up at the giant, crouching Nicky apprehensively. From Nicky's gargantuan boyish features looming over him, with his delicate nose and lips, smooth, hairless legs, and giant childlike hands, Jimmy was again convinced that Nicky was at least a year younger than him. One of those childlike hands streaked past Jimmy and grabbed a Transformers toy robot.
"Okay, you have to fight this guy, Here he comes!" announced Nicky.
Nicky shoved the toy robot against Jimmy, knocking him over.
"Ah! Get away!" Jimmy cried.
Nick laughed and pressed the toy robot on top of Jimmy, pushing him into the carpet. Fibers from the carpet scraped and scratched Jimmy's bare backside. After several seconds, Nicky lifted the robot off Jimmy, but only until Jimmy managed to stand up again. Then Jimmy was knocked off his feet again and smothered by a plastic robot once more.
So it went, game after game with Nicky's toys. Jimmy was forced to fight a Spiderman action figure, a stuffed animal dolphin, a rubber snake, and three different versions of a Batman action doll that was twice as big as he was. At first, Jimmy was annoyed and infuriated by these games. But as he lay in the carpet for the tenth time, while Batman mock-punched him in the gut, it occurred to Jimmy that he had finally been found by a giant who did not seem interested in his body.
It's because he's younger than me, Jimmy thought. He doesn't care about my privates. Thank goodness!
So Jimmy endured the games with Nicky's toys gratefully, not really cooperating but not truly fighting him either.
"Sit here!" Nicky said,
He grabbed Jimmy and placed him on a remote control race car.
"Whoa, wait," Jimmy said, clutching the top of the car.
Nicky did not wait. He hefted the remote into his hands and pressed forward on the joystick. The car beneath Jimmy lurched forward and zoomed across the carpet with a mechanical whine.
Jimmy clutched the top of the car more tightly and screamed wordlessly in shock. Carpet fibers, toys, and giant furniture streaked by in a blur, while wind rushed over his face, through his air, and past his nude body. Jimmy continued to scream in fright as the car turned sharply this way and that, nearly throwing him off.
"Help!" Jimmy shouted.
But gradually, though the bucking of the car continued, Jimmy realized that riding the race car reminded him of riding an inner tube on the lake with his family and friends. He always enjoyed that. Gritting his teeth, he adjusted himself on top of the race car and buckled down for a wild ride.
To Jimmy's surprise, he began to have fun on the toy car.
Left and right, round and round, always forward, with the wind whistling by his ears, Jimmy rode the toy car through Nicky's bedroom. Adrenaline coursed through his body and he even managed a smile.
"Yee-ha!" he called triumphantly.
Fifteen or twenty minutes later, the car slowed to a stop in front of Nicky. Jimmy let go of the top of the car, flexing his stiff fingers, then ran those fingers through his windblown hair. He looked up at giant Nicky cautiously.
"Wasn't that fun!" Nicky beamed.
"Uh, yes, it was," Jimmy stated, keeping any emotion out of his voice.
Nicky snatched Jimmy off the car without warning, causing Jimmy to chirp in surprise. Nicky lifted Jimmy to his face.
"Now for our next game," he said.
"Please, that was fun," Jimmy said. "But I'd like to go – "
"And the game is
3; playing with my army men!" Nicky announced loudly, either ignoring Jimmy or unable to hear his plea.
Nicky stomped over to a plastic container on the floor and overturned it, dumping a pile of green plastic toy army men onto the floor. He placed Jimmy next to them, and began using his hands to pretend that the army men were attacking Jimmy. It was disconcerting for Jimmy to see that the toy army men now stood as high as his waist, but other than that this game was not too difficult to endure.
All day long Nicky played with Jimmy and his toys, using Jimmy to battle his G.I. Joe dolls, placing Jimmy on a trading card and sliding him around on it like a slid, setting Jimmy on a Hot Wheels car and pushing the car down a toy race track, forcing Jimmy to use a strand of string as a jump rope, on and on.
Jimmy grew tired of these games, and began to bruise slightly in some places, but he did not complain much, because this was so much better than what he had been undergoing at the hands of giants.
At one point during the afternoon, however, some conflict with Nicky did arise. While searching for the strand of string for Jimmy to jump rope with, Nicky dropped a white handkerchief out of the drawer he was rummaging through. Jimmy pounced on it without thinking, desperate to cover his nakedness.
"No!" Nicky said sternly, snatching the handkerchief away. "I said no clothes for you."
Jimmy stared up at the giant boy, stunned that he had overcome his earlier indecisiveness about Shrinky nakedness so quickly.
"Please?" Jimmy asked.
"No," said Nicky. "And if you try to cover yourself again, I'll have to punish you."
After that, it was back to Nicky's games.
Unfortunately, Jimmy did not take Nicky at his word, and, at the end of a long day of playtime, Jimmy caught sight of a G.I. Joe army vest lying on the carpet. He cast a quick glance at Nicky, but the giant boy was busy putting his toys away. Without thinking, Jimmy darted over to the vest and grabbed it, wrapping it around his waist like a towel. He reveled at the sensation of having clothes again.
But not for long.
"I told you no clothes," Nicky called across the room in that stern tone again.
His giant, sneaker-clad feet thundered over to Jimmy before the shrunken boy could escape, and Nicky's giant fingers wrapped around him. Wind rushed through Jimmy's hair as Nicky lifted him rapidly up to his face. Nicky opened his hand and yanked the article of doll clothing off Jimmy's body.
"Please, I just want some clothes!" Jimmy begged.
Nicky tossed the vest to the floor. "Now I have to punish you, naughty Shrinky," he said.
Jimmy screamed and fought, but he was helpless against Nicky's giant hands, even though the boy was only eleven years old. Minutes later, Jimmy found himself taped spread-eagled to a short, wheeled chalkboard in the corner of the room. The tape was only scotch tape, but it held his wrists, ankles, and waist firmly against the board. The chalkboard was cold and oily against his nude body.
"No!" he screamed, straining against the tape.
"Now I'm going to spank you with a ruler," Nicky said.
"What?" Jimmy squealed incredulously. He tried to look over his shoulder, but he could not turn his head far enough to see Nicky.
Seconds later, however, he felt something flat and rigid slap his bare buttocks.
The ruler slapped against Jimmy's bare butt.
"Eek! Ouch!" Jimmy screamed. "Stop!"
"You shouldn't have tried to put clothes on," Nicky said. "You have to stay naked."
Nicky swung the ruler again.
And again.
"Stop!" Jimmy wailed, back muscles flexing as he struggled to break free of the tape restraints.
Nicky ignored him and continued to swing the ruler.
Nicky could not help smiling to himself as he did this. Jimmy's bare butt quivered in pain with each of the ruler's swats, and his butt cheeks were turning red. Nicky thought this was very entertaining.
Jimmy turned his head as far around as it would go, looking over his shoulder, wondering if Nicky was finished with the spanking
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Jimmy began to sob and cry. He could not believe that he was naked, taped to a chalkboard, and being spanked by a ruler.
"I'm sorry! Stop! I'm sorry!" Jimmy cried.
But to his horror, Nicky was laughing.
"I'm slapping your little naked butt, this is so funny!" Nicky chuckled.
"No! No more!" Jimmy pleaded, tears running down his face. His buttocks burned and stung horribly.
Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack!
"Nicky! It's time for dinner!" a female voice called sweetly from
somewhere outside the room.
"I'm busy, Mom!" Nicky called back irritably.
"Get out here and eat your dinner, or you'll be late for soccer practice!" shouted the female voice, much less sweetly this time.
"Ah! Fine!" Nicky sighed in frustration.
Jimmy heard the ruler plunk to the carpet, followed by the thunderous sound of Nicky traipsing out of the room.
Jimmy sighed in relief, his entire body shaking in shock and pain. Then he realized that Nicky had left him taped to the chalkboard.
Several hours passed.
Jimmy was dozing fitfully, his cheek pressed against the chalkboard, when he heard and felt giant footfalls approaching. At first he thought it was Nicky, but these feet sounded like they belonged to someone heavier. The feet stomped into Nicky's bedroom.
"Wow. I thought I was seeing things when I passed his room, but it looks like my little bro really did find his own Shrinky!" exclaimed a male voice. It sounded like it belonged to an older teenage boy.
"Who's there?" Jimmy called over his shoulder.
Something thudded dully behind him. Maybe the giant teen's knee?
"I'm Nicky's older brother. My name's Parker," said the teenager.
"Older? Uh, how much older?" Jimmy asked.
"I'm seventeen," the teen answered.
"Please, get me off of here!" Jimmy shouted.
"Hmm, I will, but I've got to check out this cute little butt first. Wow."
By this time, Jimmy's buttocks no longer stung, which was fortunate, since Jimmy suddenly felt two giant fingertips pressing against them.
"What are you doing?" Jimmy asked in surprise.
"I think you have the cutest little butt I've ever seen," Parker said. "It's adorable, all naked and tight."
His fingers began rubbing and stroking Jimmy's rear end.
"Um, thanks?" Jimmy said. He could not believe how many compliments he had gotten about his bottom since shrinking.
He felt Parker pinch his buttocks, squeezing them gently together.
"I can't believe Nicky left you taped to the board like this, with your butt all exposed and waiting for me," Parker chortled. "I've got great timing, walking by his room when I did."
He flicked a finger across Jimmy's rear end, then squeezed it again.
"Okay, can you stop please?" Jimmy asked meekly. He did not mind having his butt played with as much as his penis, but he still did not like it. It made him feel like an object, and he thought it was creepy.
"I can't, actually, your little ass is too cute," Parker said.
He was rubbing Jimmy's buttocks with his finger, slipping and sliding it over them.
"Stop! Stop!" Jimmy growled, pushing against the pieces of tape.
But Parker continued his fondling, undeterred.
Finally, ten minutes or so later, Parker's fingers left Jimmy's butt, and seconds later giant fingers clawed at the piece of tape over Jimmy's right wrist, peeling it off. Moments later, Parker peeled off the last piece of tape and Jimmy fell into his hand. Giant fingers curled around Jimmy and lifted him away from the chalkboard.
The hand holding him swung around, and he saw Parker for the first time. The giant teenage boy was indeed kneeling on the floor. His hair was dark, not blond like Nicky's, and his face was both alluring handsome and goofy in appearance, with wide brown eyes, arching eyebrows, a large nose, and a wide mouth to match his eyes. Muscles in his legs flexed as he knelt, and he wore only a tank top, which showed off a toned, tanned upper torso.
Parker's fingers that held Jimmy forced Jimmy's arms to his sides and pinned them in place. His eyes stared ravenously at Jimmy's body. His face was illuminated by the setting sun that shone through Nicky's bedroom window.
"No!" Jimmy protested, because he knew Parker was studying his nude body.
"Gee, what a hot little bod you have, kid. How old are you?" Parker commented and asked.
"Twelve. Please, I want to go home!"
But Parker's forefinger from his free hand dove upon Jimmy, who felt it enter his private area between his legs and touch his penis.
"Don't! No!" Jimmy yelled, horrified that he was being molested again.
Those wide eyes of Parker's stared intently while his finger rubbed Jimmy's penis.
"You have a cute little preteen dick," Parker commented. "It's just as cute as the rest of you."
He tickled the length of Jimmy's penis with his finger, causing Jimmy to convulse in his hand.
Without warning, Parker stood, sending Jimmy's stomach reeling as he rushed upward.
"Please, take me home!" Jimmy begged.
Parker shook his head. "Nope, you're going to be my second pet Shrinky boy. I already have one. You're too cute to let go. Nicky probably thinks you're his, but our dad will never let him have a pet Shrinky yet. He's too young. Mom and Dad won't want to worry about helping him take care of you. Me on the other hand
3;" Parker grinned widely and goofily. "They won't mind if I have two Shrinkies."
He turned and marched toward the room's exit.
"No! You can't do this! Put me down!" Jimmy screamed, wriggling and squirming in Parker's hand. "No! No!"
Chapter Five Andy's Tale
Parker carried Jimmy into his bedroom, with the shrunken boy still kicking and screaming. Jimmy hated the sensation of once again being nude in a giant teenage boy's hand. It did not help that Parker continued to rub Jimmy's penis with the thumb of the hand that held him. Jimmy never imagined his penis would come to interest people so much.
Sports posters covered the walls of Parker's bedroom, and a weight bench stood in one corner, with weights, dumbbells and barbells stacked nearby. Clothes were strewn across the bed and everywhere else.
"Time to meet your fellow pet," Parker said.
He carried Jimmy to a corner of the room where a glass cage sat on the floor. He knelt over it and placed Jimmy inside.
Staring around the inside of the cage, Jimmy saw a Shrinky bed, complete with Shrinky-size blankets and pillows, a Shrinky-size clay pot that must have been designed for Shrinkies to go to the bathroom in, and two Shrinky-size porcelain bowels, one filled with rice puffs like the kind fed to infants, the other filled with water. What startled Jimmy the most, however, what shocked him beyond belief, was the person standing in the middle of the cage.
It was his friend, Andy!
"What are you doing here? How?" Jimmy questioned loudly.
"I have the Shrinking Gene. I shrank two weeks ago!" Andy said sadly. "I didn't know you had it too!"
Andy's shaggy brown hair fell in waves on his neck and hung across his forehead. He had always been more athletic than Jimmy, with a thick chest and arms that were also thick, at least for his age. His legs were toned and his calves were large. He was the same age as Jimmy, and he was also the same height as Jimmy, the same as before shrinking, of course, and he managed to look slender despite his bulk. Jimmy was devastated to observe, though, that Andy was as naked as he was. Even now he stood with his hands covering his privates shyly.
Seeing this, Jimmy covered his own privates as well.
"I'm so glad you're here!" Jimmy said. "Now I won't be alone!"
"I'm not! This is terrible!" Andy groaned. "Now we're both pets for Parker!"
"You guys know each other?"
Jimmy jumped in surprise. Parker's huge head hovered above the cage and his voice echoed loudly off the walls.
"That is so funny," Parker continued.
Both his hands swooped into the cage. One hand grabbed Jimmy and the other hand nabbed Andy. He lifted both of them out of the cage, while simultaneously sitting cross-legged on the floor. He held them up to his face triumphantly, like a bear holding two fish he had just caught.
"Two shrunken boys all for me. This is great," Parker said jovially.
"I hate you! I wish you'd never found me!" Andy shouted, twisting in Parker's fist.
"We're only twelve. You can't do this to us!" Jimmy yelled.
"Ha, ha," was Parker's only reply.
He placed Andy on the carpet between his legs. The shrunken boy had nowhere to run. He was surrounded by Parker's crotch on one side and the legs of his shorts on the other.
Holding Jimmy in his hand, Parker began to examine his newest pet carefully, taking his time as he poked, prodded, stroked and touched the shrunken preteen. Jimmy grunted and whimpered, fighting with Parker's probing finger as it slipped across his chest, arms, stomach, and genitals. It lingered there, tickling and jostling Jimmy's penis to and fro. Jimmy squealed wordlessly in frustration, kicking his legs and punching Parker's forefinger.
"Don't touch me there!" Jimmy cried. "That's private!"
"Not anymore. You're a Shrinky, which means I can touch your cock and balls whenever I want," Parker said confidently.
He hefted Jimmy's testicles on his forefinger, analyzing them.
Abruptly he flipped Jimmy around in his hand, ran his forefinger down Jimmy's back and pressed in on Jimmy's right buttock.
"I freaking love this cute butt of yours," Parker breathed.
Andy, meanwhile, noticed that Parker's crotch was bulging in arousal. Andy backed away, his stomach churning nauseously.
Jimmy grumbled and writhed while Parker fondled his bare butt, petting and pushing in on his butt cheeks.
"Hey, I wonder which one of you has the cutest butt!" Parker said suddenly.
He snatched Andy in his other hand and lifted him swiftly up next to Jimmy, holding Andy so that he faced away from him, in a similar fashion to Jimmy.
Parker smiled and gazed at the backsides of the two shrunken preteens as the shrunken boys wriggled in his hands. Their back muscles flexed and their little butts jiggled and trembled with their movements. He could feel their penises grazing his palms, and occasionally he caught a glimpse of their hanging testicles between their moving legs.
Jimmy looked over at Andy and frowned empathetically at him. Andy merely grimaced woefully back at him and looked away. Both boys continued to struggle, each one knowing that his rear end was being scrutinized by the eyes of a giant seventeen-year-old boy.
Parker pressed his thumbs hard against the two shrunken boys' butts, fondling them, rubbing them in a circular motion.
"Hmm," Parker said thoughtfully, as the two tiny boys went limp in his hands, having worn themselves out from the struggle. He eyed Jimmy's butt, then Andy's. "It's official, Tiny Naked Andy, the blonde has a cuter butt than yours. Alright, blondie," he said, setting Andy back into his cage and held Jimmy up to his eyes. "What's your name?"
"Jimmy! Let me go!" Jimmy yelled, straining against the giant fist that held him.
Parker chuckles as he petted Jimmy's head with a finger, rather like petting a pet mouse.
"Not anymore, from now on, your name is Cute-Butt Jimmy," Parker said "I'll call you Cute-Butt! And so will he
3;" he added, glaring down at Andy.
Andy gulped. "O-okay, he's C-Cute-Butt." he said nervously, and when Parker turned his attention back to Jimmy, Jimmy noticed Andy looking disgusted with himself.
"The name fits you well." Parker said. "You have a cute butt
Jimmy yelled in anger and protest as Parker fingered his butt.
"A cute dick
More anger and protest was uttered, which fell on deaf ears again.
"A cute body."
Parker fingered Jimmy's chest and belly, sliding his finger up and down them.
"And a cute, adorable little head," he finished, bringing Jimmy up to his lips and kissed his whole face. "Oh, I'm never gonna get tired of you, Cute-Butt!"
Jimmy cried out in shock as he was suddenly turned upside down, moments later, he exclaimed loudly in disgust as he felt Parker's lips pressed against his butt! Parker was kissing his butt!
"Well, I'll see you two later." Parker said finally, setting Jimmy in the cage with Andy. And then he rose from his chair and left the room, Jimmy heard a click as the lock slid into place.
"He's locking his own door?" Jimmy said with a confused look, who locks their bedroom door when they're not in the room?
"He locks it to keep Nicky from getting me, well, us now." Andy explained. "What happened to you, Jimmy, Where and when did you shrink?"
Jimmy sat down next to Andy and told him the whole story, his shrinking on the bus, how Nate found him and what he did to him, how Nate sold him to Josh, how Josh treated him during the two weeks he spent with him, up to the point where he was found by Nicky and just now stolen by Parker. He deliberately left out the part about the spanking though.
3;" said Andy sympathetically. "What you went through
3; it was just as bad as what I went through
3;" He took a deep breath and begin to tell his story of how he shrunk.
Andy's day nearly a month ago started out like a typical Saturday. He awoke with the happy thought that there was no school today. He played football with some friends in the nearby park that morning, then they all rode their bikes to the nearby McDonalds and ate lunch.
Afterward, Andy begged his mom to take him to Walmart so he could buy some new clothes to impress a girl at school. (That was the only thing that ever motivated Andy to go clothes shopping). His mom agreed, but ordered him to shower first.
Andy was standing in the shower, relishing the hot, steamy water rolling down his muscled back, when he heard his mom pounding on the bathroom door.
"You've been in there for fifteen minutes! That's long enough!" she shouted through the closed bathroom door.
Sighing, Andy turned off the shower faucet and stepped out of the shower. He stood naked next to the shower stall, toweling himself dry and shivering slightly.
He slipped on his boxer shorts, a pair of cargo jeans, and a T-shirt with a Captain America logo on it. He stepped out of the bathroom, padded barefoot down the hall to his bedroom, and slipped on his socks. He laced up his tennis shoes tightly, then sprinted down the stairs.
"I'm ready Mom!" he announced loudly.
At Walmart, his mom sent him off to the boys' clothing department while she wheeled the grocery cart to the cosmetics section, and Andy was more than happy to leave her to her own shopping.
After sifting through the boys' clothing, it did not take him long to find a pair of basketball shorts that he liked, and five T-shirts, each with different superhero symbols or funny sayings on them, that he really liked. He piled them into his arms and wound his way to the fitting rooms.
Andy entered one of the fittings rooms and closed the door behind him.
He laid the pile of new clothes on a bench in the cramped stall, and was about to begin undressing, when the sight of himself in the stall's mirror distracted him. Andy was proud of his appearance and he always liked to check himself out in a mirror. He held his right arm up and flexed it proudly, watching his bicep rise and bulge.
"Heh, heh," he chuckled smugly.
Suddenly he felt dizzy. He stumbled against the bench and sat down on it, absently shoving the pile of new clothes aside. He swooned forward, holding his head in his hands, wondering what was happening to him.
He gasped when he felt his shirt billowing up around him. It seemed to be growing in size, consuming his upper body. His feet were slipping out of his shoes and socks and rising toward the bench.
'Oh no!" he whispered in horror. "I'm shrinking. I must have the Gene! Oh no!"
Only two minutes later, Andy had shrunk right out of the clothes and underwear he had so carefully chosen after his shower a half hour ago, and stood nude on top of his shirt that lay discarded on the bench. He stared at his surroundings in shock. His shirt was now the size of a circus tent to him. He could feel the hills of his jeans beneath it, and he knew that somewhere under there were his boxer shorts as well. The pile of new clothes stood on the end of the bench like a tiered warehouse made of polyester and cotton fabric. The changing stall itself now appeared as big as a city block to him, its walls like the sides of skyscrapers forming a vast rectangle all around him, its ceiling as high up as the sky.
Andy clenched his fists in anger that this had happened to him, and here of all places. He was horrified, frightened, and sickened by this sudden twist of fate. He was now a Shrinky, and his life would never be the same. Worse, he was in the middle of Walmart!
"Help me! Help!" he shouted.
But no one came. He decided that his voice did not carry far enough at his new size.
He sat down and waited fearfully, not knowing what else to do: The floor was too far below him to risk jumping off the bench.
An hour or so later, he heard the store's loudspeaker crackle and a woman's voice came on, announcing that there was a 'Code Adam' and that a mother had lost her son. She then proceeded to describe someone whose physical description sounded a lot like Andy, and he knew the announcement was about him. His mother must be looking for him.
Another half hour or so passed, and Andy continued to sit in the changing stall, waiting for he did not know what.
Suddenly the handle on the door of the stall rattled, and the door swung open. Andy was startled to realize that he had forgotten to lock the door. He stood up.
Into the stall stepped Parker, although Andy did not know who he was at the time. All he could tell was that this teenage boy was much older than him, probably seventeen or eighteen. His handsome, yet goofy face wore a bored expression, until he caught sight of the clothes on the floor and bench. He squinted at Andy, and then his facial expression blossomed into bewildered surprise and he dropped a new shirt he was holding.
"Holy crap!" he breathed in wonder.
"I shrank! Help! Help!" Andy called across the room.
Parker shut the door behind him and locked it. Andy wondered why. The older teenage boy stood in front of the bench after only two strides. He loomed over Andy, frightening the freshly shrunk preteen, staring down at him like someone who had just found a hundred dollar bill lying on the ground. This made Andy uncomfortable and apprehensive. He covered his exposed genitals with his hands.
"Help!" he called up again.
Parker knelt, bringing his giant face hovering directly above Andy within seconds. His warm breath wafted over Andy's body.
"You're just shrank, didn't you?" Parker said. "You're a Shrinky now!"
"Yes!" Andy agreed sadly. "I need to find my mom!"
Without warning, a giant hand swung toward Andy, fingers extended toward him.
"No!" Andy shouted in protest.
Parker's huge fingers wrapped around his body and lifted him off the wooden bench. He was startled by the sensation of his naked body coming into contact with the skin of Parker's palm and fingers. He squirmed and wriggled in terrified resistance, but this only caused his butt and privates to scrape over the skin of the hand holding him in its fist.
That fist stopped when it floated in front of Parker's giant face. Andy gazed at that huge face in fright, amazed at how much detail he could see now in the texture of Parker's skin, or the several shades of brown in his eyes
"I need to find my mom!" he said loudly again.
Parker grinned.
"You're a Shrinky now, so technically, according to the new laws, since I found you, I get to keep you."
"What?" Andy asked incredulously. "You can't keep me! I'm a person just like you!"
Parker stood, sending Andy shooting upward so fast he yelped with momentary vertigo. The fist holding Andy began drifting lower, past Parker's chest to his waist. Andy squirmed and stretched his neck over the side of the fist, and saw Parker's other hand stretching open a pocket in Parker's pants. Andy's heart began racing in panic.
"No! Don't put me in there! Help! Somebody help! No!"
Andy continued to shout, but his voice began to sound like someone else's voice. He heard his shouts become screams and squeals as he was lowered closer to the maw of the pocket. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest with each beat. Finally, just as the fist opened and dropped him into the pocket, he fainted from the mental trauma of the last hour. As he passed out, he felt his nude body strike the bottom of the pocket, while in his ears he heard the woman's voice over the store's loudspeaker again:
"Repeat, we have a Code Adam: We have a mother looking for her twelve-year-old son. He is wearing a Captain America T-shirt, jeans, has brown hair, athletic build
Andy blacked out.
When Andy started to slowly return to consciousness, he became aware of a hand rubbing his left pectoral, its grainy skin grating against his nipple. He slapped at it weakly, wondering what in the world was going on. He opened his eyes.
He screamed.
Parker's giant face stared down at him, smiling, flanked by a gray ceiling of some kind. Sunlight shone through a window next to Parker's face. The hand on Andy's chest was not a hand at all, but Parker's forefinger from his other hand.
Andy scrambled to his feet, then realized he was standing in Parker's cupped palm. His shaggy hair whipped through the air as he stared frantically around him. It took him a few moments, but he finally discerned that Parker was sitting in the driver's seat of a car. A gigantic steering wheel rose up behind Andy, in front of a huge windshield. Andy was amazed at the size of all the gages and buttons of the dashboard compared to him. Turning around to face Parker again, he saw that the space behind the front seat appeared immense to him, stretching out of sight. Andy could sense that the car was parked. He heard and felt no engine running.
"Welcome to my car," Parker said. "What's your name, kid?"
"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Parker."
Parker's forefinger from his other hand had been lurking nearby. It returned, prodding Andy in the chest, then sliding downward to his stomach where it began to rub his abdominal muscles.
Slapping at the finger with one hand, while covering his privates with the other, Andy shouted up at the older teenage boy, "What are you doing to me? Let me out of here!"
Parker shook his head. "Nope, you're mine now, little boy."
"You can't keep me!" Andy yelled. "I want my mom!" he cried.
"Ah, does the poor naked boy misses his mommy?" Parker taunted.
Parker's giant forefinger slipped lower on Andy's stomach, slipping to and fro over Andy's pelvic muscles, knocking Andy's wrists aside as he did so.
"Why are you doing that?" Andy shouted.
"I'm just checking you out," Parker said. "You're a cute kid."
Suddenly the hand that Andy stood on titled up, knocking Andy off his feet while simultaneously grabbing his sides with its huge fingers. Those fingers wrenched Andy's arms off his privates and brought them to his sides, pinning them there and leaving the entire front side of his body exposed to Parker's view.
"No!" Andy screamed in horrified disbelief and surprise.
Then, to Andy's shock and horror, Parker's forefinger from his other hand swooped in and touched Andy's penis.
Andy could not remember ever being touched there by anyone else before, except during doctor visits. His mind reeled with indignities and alarms. He could not believe this giant boy was touching his private area intentionally. He thought Parker would remove his finger quickly, but it remained, its giant tip sliding up and down the length of Andy's soft penis.
"What are you doing? Don't touch me there!" Andy cried.
The athletic preteen felt his muscles flex as he writhed and kicked in Parker's grasp, but he could not free his arms from his sides, and his kicks were useless, striking only empty air. Parker did not respond, vocally, but continued to rub Andy's penis. Andy gazed up at the giant teenager, and with sickened revulsion saw that Parker's face wore an expression of amusement and curiosity, like he was playing with a frog or mouse that he had just captured.
Parker's finger began to flick and jostle Andy's penis around. Andy screamed wordlessly and struggled with all his might, hating the sensation of someone touching his private parts. His teachers at school had taught him how wrong this was, and here this giant boy was doing that very thing to him.
Then something strange happened. Andy's penis began to feel really good. He gasped and looked down at it in confusion. Parkers' ridged fingertip felt great on it now. Andy was confused. He did not understand why his privates were enjoying this now. He felt his penis inflate and harden.
"Ha!" Parker said, speaking for the first time since beginning to play with Andy's penis. "You like this, little boy? You're getting a boner."
"A what? Please stop! I don't like this!" Andy squealed.
"Not going to stop. You're my Shrinky and I can do whatever I want to you," Parker said. "And I don't want to stop playing with your little dick. It's too cute. Besides, I can see you're starting to like this!"
"No, I'm, I'm not!" Andy panted, but Parker's touching was starting to feel great.
"Ah, too bad I have to stop!" Parker said suddenly. "I have to get to basketball practice"
His finger withdrew from Andy's genitals, and Andy breathed of relief.
But a couple hours later, Andy longed to be alone with Parker in Parker's car, compared with what he was enduring now
Parker had hidden Andy in his locker after arriving at the gym for basketball practice. Andy had sat in the darkness of the locker, smelling the musky odor of the locker room and hearing the conversation of other teenage boys punctuated by the slamming of locker doors. Then there was silence for hours.
However, shortly after the thunderous sounds of the high school basketball team stampeding back into the locker room, the locker door flew open and a giant hand snatched Andy out of the locker. He struggled in a fist, his eyes blinking and watering as they adjusted to the light.
"This is my new Shrinky that I was telling you guys about," Parker announced proudly.
He thrust the fist holding Andy forward.
Andy yelped wordlessly when he saw a crowd of giant teenage boys staring in awe and delight at him, their combined warm breath and their sweaty bodies deluging his breaths with salty moisture. Some of them wore basketball jerseys, the rest stood shirtless, their perspiring torsos glistening like polished Colossuses. Their eyes gazed intently upon Andy,
"Sweet, man!" exclaimed one of the giant teens. "He's a little kid!"
"Looks fun to play with," commented another teen, grinning wryly, brushing hair out of his eyes, and scratching his shirtless torso. He held out his hand. "Can I see him?"
"Sure. I wanted you guys to get a look at him," Parker said proudly.
"No!" Andy shouted as he was dumped into another giant teenage boy's hand.
Once more giant fingers pinned his arms to his sides. He was brought before an elongated, yet handsome teen boy face, whose eyes looked him up and down. The boy's forefinger from his free hand floated up and began stroking Andy.
"He's an athletic little kid," the teen touching Andy commented. "Look at his little muscles." His finger zipped lower in the blink of an eye, and lifted Andy's penis with its fingertip. "And check out his cute little pecker!"
"No!" Andy screamed.
The boys in the locker room mumbled and chuckled loudly and eagerly, nudging each other in an attempt to peer over the shoulder of the boy holding Andy and get a look at Andy's genitals. Andy was humiliated and mortified as the high school basketball team stared ravenously at his privates, while the boy holding him continued to play with his penis.
"Look at it bounce around," laughed the teenage boy holding Andy as he played with it. "This is freaking hilarious, and fun!"
"He's totally playing with the kid's package. Sweet!" laughed another boy in the crowd.
"I know, freaking funny, isn't it?" Andy heard Parker agree.
"No! No!" Andy squealed, straining and writhing with all his might as he felt his penis being flicked and stroked by a giant teenage boy's finger. That boy's elongated, giant face filled his vision, smirking at him. "No!"
Then, to his horror, he felt his penis harden like it had before. The touching his penis was receiving started to feel sensually great again.
"No," he said again, but this time he whispered it to himself.
"Ha, he's getting a hard-on!" shouted the boy who held Andy.
"I know! He did that to me too," Parker said. "He really likes being played with, I think."
"More like he can't help it," said another basketball team member. "He's just a horny little boy."
Andy closed his eyes and tried not to cry. His penis continued to harden from the giant teen boy's touching.
"That's it, my turn!" someone called. "I want to play with it."
"Me too. I want to play with his boner."
"So do I."
"Me first."
"I want to touch his boner."
"Me too."
"Don't forget me. I want to see it."
"Calm down guys, I've got a solution," said a boy in the back. Andy heard the sound of something stretching, and saw the teenage boy lift a taut strand of bandage tape above the heads of the crowd. Shoes scuffed and thundered on the floor as the boys turned to look at him. "We'll tape him up, then we can all play with it."
The basketball team loudly voiced their agreement, many slapping each other on the back or shoulder. Andy's ears rang from the noise.
"Great idea!" Parker called out amid the excitement.
"No!" Andy screamed as the boy holding him marched swiftly through the throng of teens to the boy with the tape. Andy thrashed his legs wildly.
Moments later, Andy's back slammed against the cold metal of a locker door, a giant, sweaty teen hand forcing him onto it. The sound of tape stretching and tearing filled his ears, while giant boy fingers slapped strands of tape across his limbs. In almost no time at all, the shrunken preteen was taped spread-eagled to the locker door.
He saw the crowd of giant teenage boys pushing and shoving toward him like a herd of living, fleshy mountains, the nearest ones so close to him that he could see the grains of skin on their faces and feel their moist breath on his nude skin. Their sweaty bodies once again filled the air with the taste of salt.
Andy exhaled a long, wordless scream of terror.
Then they touched him. Giant finger after giant finger battled with each other for a chance to stroke his penis. Sweaty, greasy forefinger after forefinger lifted his erect penis on its tip, or jostled it playfully, or tickled it, or stroked it, or flicked it. His testicles were tickled too, or hefted on a fingertip, or rubbed. He screamed and shouted at their huge faces, begging them to stop, but his voice was swallowed by their loud murmurs of conversation, their raucous cries, and their deafening laughter.
Soon Andy hung his head in defeat while his body continued to struggle and buck against the tape restraints. In his mind he saw himself standing in the shower hours earlier, normal-sized and content, having no idea that later that evening he would be as naked as he was in the shower, the size of a doll, and taped to a locker while his hard preteen penis was molested and toyed with by every member of a high school basketball team.
When the giant boys had finally sated their curiosity with Andy's penis, they backed away from the locker he was taped to and began speaking amongst themselves.
"Hey wait guys, I want to see if I can jerk this little boy off," Parker said. His giant face appeared in front of Andy, and he grinned and winked at the shrunken boy.
Andy did not know what Parker meant. But whatever it was, he did not want a giant teenage boy doing it to him.
"No! No!" he protested shrilly.
"Yeah, do it!" chanted some of the teens.
"That would be hilarious. Let's see!" called another teen.
"Do it! Do it!" the entire team began to chant.
Parker chuckled smugly and reached toward Andy's genitals. The chanting in the room turned into excited murmurs and laughter when Parker pinched Andy's hard penis between his forefinger and thumb.
"No!" Andy wailed desperately, staring down at his penis trapped between two giant teenage boy fingers. "Don't do this!"
"I'm raping you," Parker snickered in Andy's face. "And you'll love it," he assured him. He began to pump and twiddle Andy's penis purposefully.
Tears welled in Andy's eyes, but did not run down his face, as he finished telling his story to Jimmy.
"I squirted for him," Andy said bitterly, "with all those boys watching. It felt so good, but so dirty at the same time."
"I know how you feel," Jimmy said quietly.
"He took me home and kept me as his pet, even though I yelled at him not to," Andy went on. "He
3; plays with my privates every day."
"It's okay. I'm here now," said Jimmy. "We're in this together."
He hugged Andy. Andy's body stiffened, betraying his discomfort with hugging Jimmy, but Jimmy continued to hug him and run his hands down Andy's muscular back, hoping to comfort his friend. Andy finally laid his head against Jimmy's neck and let his friend embrace him.
Chapter Six Lessons Learned
Andy and Jimmy managed to doze quietly in their cage, each lying on his side and near the other boy. But they were startled from their sleep by heavy footfalls vibrating the floor of the cage. Each of them sat bolt upright with a gasp. They both looked up fearfully, and sure enough, there was Parker's giant, goofily handsome face leering down at them.
"Hi, Cute-Butt and Andy," he said. "I had fun earlier. Now I want to decide which of you has the best set of balls!"
He reached both his hands into the cage.
"No!" Andy and Jimmy squealed in unison, as a giant teen fist engulfed each of them.
Parker lifted the two wriggling preteens out of the cage and held them up to his face. Jimmy heard Parker's knees thudding against the floor far below him. Parker held him around his hips and lower back, while the thumb of the hand holding him slipped down to his penis and began rubbing and hefting his testicles on its tip. Jimmy squealed wordlessly as he felt Parker's ridged fingertip stroking his penis, and felt Parker's fingernail scraping his ball sack. Amidst his struggling and twisting, Jimmy saw that Andy was suffering a similar fate in Parker's other hand.
"Hmm, I don't know," Parker said.
The hand holding Andy drifted closer to Parker's scrutinizing face.
"I think Andy may have a bigger set of balls than you, Cute-Butt," Parker commented.
"I don't care if he's got bigger balls than me, put us down and stop touching us like this!" Jimmy screamed with a mixture of fury, fear and hopelessness.
"Yeah, stop it!" Andy added his two cents, but only half-heartedly, knowing from experience that it was useless. He was so disgusted as Parker rubbed his testcles that he wanted to do or say something, whether it works or not.
Parker glared at them. "You dare tell me what to do, tiny little naked boys?! You dare tell me not to play with MY toys!"
Jimmy and Andy flinched, feeling fearful of Parker, who looks angry.
Parker set them both on the desk. rummaged in a drawer for a moment and then pulled out a roll of tape.
"I guess I'm going to have to show you who's boss, just like Nicky was doing to you, Cute-Butt."
Jimmy yelled and struggled as Parker pinned him face-down on the desk and taped his lower back and then all four of his limbs to the desk. Jimmy heard Andy crying out too and he turned his head to see that Andy was being pinned and taped down next to him.
Both Jimmy and Andy felt their butts being pinched and rubbed for a moment and then Parker removed his fingers.
"What to use on them," Parker muttered to himself, "A ruler or a rubber band?" After he made his selection of a punishment tool, he said: "You two are my pets, your butts, crotch and balls are my toys to play with! And whenever you try to stop me or tell me to stop – I WILL SPANK YOUR LITTLE NAKED BUTTS!"
Next to Jimmy, Andy let out a loud yelp of pain, he turned his head to see Andy's face contorting with pain. He barely had time to sympathize for his friend when a sharp pain hit him squarely on the butt, and he yelped loudly, just like Andy did. He turned his tearful face to look at Parker and saw that Parker was using a rubber band on them!
"That hurts, didn't it?" Parker sneered at them. "This is what you get for telling me not to play with my toys! And what are my toys?"
"Our-our butts
3;" Jimmy sobbed
"And?" Parker said, giving each boy's butt another flick with the rubber band
"YOUCH! Our – hicc! – crotch and – hicc – balls." Andy said, sobbing between hiccups, tears running down his face
"That's right! So don't tell me to stop playing with them ever again!" Parker said very sternly. "That was two flicks each, three more to go."
Whap! Whap! Whap, went the rubber band against Andy's butt.
Jimmy knew he was next and he closed his eyes, bracing himself.
Whap! Whap! Whap!
Jimmy's body was quivering. He sobbed and sniffed. His butt felt like it was on fire, heat radiating off it.
Giant fingers clawed at his tape restraints, peeling them off his body. He stood and watched Parker's hand levitating away, holding wads of tape in its grasp. Andy was sitting beside him, also free of the tape. Both boys stared at each other sadly.
A giant hand grabbed each of them off the desk. Jimmy found himself once more in front of Parker's face, as the giant teen's thumb found his penis and testicles again.
"That's better," Parker said. "Such cute little balls you have, Cute-Butt," he said to Jimmy. "But Andy here has the bigger set."
Jimmy looked over, and saw that Andy was also once again held in Parker's hand, while Parker's thumb molested his preteen genitals.
"I know you have a good pair of balls," Parker said to Andy, "since I made you squirt three times in one day once. Remember that?" He laughed loudly. Andy looked away in shame. "I think I'll call you Cute-Nuts from now on," Parker said to Andy. "Ha, that will be great!" he added with a sneer. "Cute-Butt and Cute-Nuts. Perfect!"
Jimmy looked over at Andy, and saw that the other boy appeared ready to cry again. Jimmy wondered how Andy must have felt, a formerly happy, cocky athletic boy now reduced to having his privates molested by a boy older than him and having his name changed to Cute-Nuts. It must have been terribly humiliating. Just as bad as being called Cute-Butt, Jimmy assumed.
But the humiliation didn't stop there, Parker set them in a sitting position next to each other.
"I want each of you to reach over and play with the other's crotch," he said
"What?" Jimmy said, looking horrified, it was bad enough getting molested by a giant, but now his giant molester was wanting him to molest a fellow Shrinky and friend while getting molested himself
"No way!" Andy yelled. "I'm not touching him like that and he ain't touching me!"
Parker simply looked annoyed as he swung a rubber band around on one finger. "Do I need to spank you two again?"
Both boys cringed and reached sideway for each other's penis.
"That's better, now start jerking each other off," Parker ordered them,
Both Jimmy and Andy felt a great sense of wrong and humiliation as they started stroking and pumping the other's penis. They looked at each other miserably and apologetically.
"That's it," said Parker encouragingly. "That's it, keep doing as you're told and I won't have to spank ya!"
And then, the humiliation went even further as Parker produced a video camera and started recording them doing each other.
"Hello, ShrinkyTube! This is my first video review of my two pet Shrinkies! Just look at them go, jerking each other off!"
Jimmy and Andy looked away from the camera and each other, each feeling so embarrassed and humiliated as they are filmed doing this kind of stuff.
Then Parker picked Jimmy up and held him in front of the camera.
"This here is Cute-Butt! He's a cute little guy, isn't he?" Parker said, then he turned Jimmy around so that his butt was facing the camera. "So-called, because he has the cutest, most adorable little butt I've ever seen on a Shrinky!"
Jimmy felt Parker's thumb rubbing his butt.
"See? He has the sweetest little ass! And it's all mine to play with, isn't that right, Cute-Butt?"
Jimmy wished he'd just disappear right then and there. He turned his slightly red and tortured face to the camera and said: "Y-y-yes, P-Parker."
"He is so cute, I just love this little guy!" Parker said, recording himself kissing Jimmy's little head, then he flipped him around and kissed his butt.
Jimmy was set back down on the table and then, Parker picked Andy up.
"Now, I'm sure you all remember Andy from my previous video, right?" Parker said for the camera. "Well I've decided to call him Cute-Nuts from now on, because he has such cute little nuts! Cute-Butt has cute nuts too, but Cute-Nuts' is a little bigger."
Parker zoomed in on Andy's crotch, focusing on his balls. He josited them with his thumb, making them roll around in their sac, causing Andy moan and squirm.
"See what I mean? I made this one squirt three times in one day once! And now, for some entertainments," he said, placing Andy back on the desk next to Jimmy. "Cute-Butt and Cute-Nuts will now jerk each other off. Get to work, you two or it's another round with the rubber band!"
Jimmy and Andy cringed and hastily did as they were told, reaching across each other and grasping each other's penis.
Jimmy thought it felt somehow even weirder having his penis held in the hand of a fellow Shrinky, even more so than having a giant finger touching him. He could tell Andy was feeling the same way
"That's it, just look at 'em go!" Parker said, filming their little jerk-off session. "Make each other squirt!" he ordered them.
Jimmy felt his face start to glow hot as his penis started to build up such pleasure, sending him into a sexual haze, the more they went on, the less Jimmy cared about touching another boy or being touched by the said boy. A soft moan from Andy told him that he was feeling the same way.
"Oh, oh, oh," Jimmy moaned.
"Mm, mm," Andy huffed.
"Check it out! They're really enjoying this!" Parker exclaimed happily as he continued his filming.
Jimmy suddenly felt himself ejaculating. On a whim, he looked over at Andy, and saw that the other boy was staring at him also. The two boys gazed into each other's eyes as they both ejaculated at the same time, their mouths open in tiny O shapes. Jimmy felt Andy's boy juices splatter onto his hand, and felt his own juices spewing out of his penis, spraying Andy's hand and Jimmy's own legs.
"Ah God!" Jimmy cried out happily.
"Damn it, yes!" Andy shouted enthusiastically.
"Yes! Yes!" Parker crooned triumphantly. "And there you have it, folks. Those two boys just jerked each other off! Hilarious!"
Jimmy should have felt sad and degraded, like he had when he had been forcibly jerked off before. But not this time. He felt venomous loathing for Parker, of course. But he found himself still staring into Andy's eyes, and saw that the other boy still gazed back, and he felt a sense of warmth and comfort, somehow bonding him to Andy. He slowly let go of Andy's penis, which was now deflating. At the same time, Andy released his hold on Jimmy's penis. Both boys wiped their sticky hands off on the desk, still casting glances at each other.
Suddenly the video camera crashed down on the desk, causing both boys to flinch in fright. Parker's face dipped down until his chin nearly touched the desk. He glared at the two shrunken boys with a crooked grimace.
"Let that be a lesson to you, Cute-Nuts and Cute-Butt!" Parker said. "Don't disobey me again! Or you know what will happen
Without warning he snatched Andy up and pressed him facedown on the desk.
"No! What are you doing?" Jimmy squealed, afraid for his friend.
With his thumb holding down Andy's legs, and his other fingers holding down Andy's upper body, Parker lowered his free hand and flicked Andy's butt with his finger.
Andy yelled wordlessly in pain.
3;This! This is what happens," Parker said, his tone angry but punctuated by a chuckle.
He lifted his hand off Andy, who scrambled to his feet, cupping his butt protectively with both hands.
"I didn't even do anything! I did what you told me to that time!" Andy shouted up at him.
But Parker was already heading for his bedroom door.
"I'm taking off again. I'll be back in a few minutes. Stay on that desk!"
His bedroom door closed loudly behind him, shaking the desk slightly beneath the boys' feet.
Jimmy walked over to Andy and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry he made me jerk you off," Jimmy said.
3; it's okay," Andy said, smiling weakly at Jimmy.
"How is your butt feeling?" Jimmy asked in concern.
"It hurts, but he only flicked it once that time," Andy said. He held one arm at his side now, but his other hand still rubbed his left butt cheek.
Staring into Andy's handsome face, seeing his athletic, nude body near him, and remembering he how had felt when Andy jerked him off, as well as feeling the need to comfort his friend, Jimmy could not help extending his arm and cupping Andy's other buttock.
He began rubbing it soothingly.
"I'm sorry he spanked you again," Jimmy said, his heart racing as he gazed at Andy.
Andy's eyes widened, as did his smile.
"It's okay. Th-that makes it feel better. Thanks."
Jimmy smiled back. He rubbed Andy's butt a little longer, then withdrew his hand.
But Andy stepped closer to him.
"You know, that Parker bastard is right," Andy said. "Your butt is cuter than mine."
He reached around Jimmy and cupped Jimmy's butt with both hands, one to each buttock. He began fondling and squeezing them gently.
Jimmy squirmed for a moment, but soon relaxed. For some reason, having Andy fondle his butt felt good, unlike when giants did it.
"Thanks," Jimmy said shyly. "I
3; I also think Parker was right about your
3; nuts."
Impulsively, Jimmy lifted his hand up and cupped Andy's testicles in his palm.
Andy shuddered, then grinned.
Suddenly Andy pulled Jimmy forcibly against him, squeezing their genitals together. Jimmy's heart pounded in sexually excited surprise. He could feel Andy's hard body against his own, as well as Andy's soft penis grinding across his. Andy's warm breath blew across his face. Andy's toned arms encircled him.
And to Jimmy's surprise, Andy's penis suddenly hardened against his own.
"Mmh," Andy moaned, nuzzling Jimmy's neck.
"A-Andy," Jimmy stammered. "Are you getting a hard thingy again? But you just jerked off."
Andy chuckled in Jimmy's ear. "Guess I've got lots of stamina," he whispered.
Jimmy smiled. "Okay
Andy grasped Jimmy's left buttock firmly. "Come on, Cute-Butt," he said jokingly into Jimmy's ear. "Make me squirt again."
"Y-you want me to?" Jimmy asked, surprised but delighted.
"Yeah," Andy said.
"But, are we, like
3;? I mean we're both boys," Jimmy said.
"I don't care. I think I'm starting to love you, Jimmy," Andy breathed.
"Oh," Jimmy said.
He pushed Andy out at arms' length and gazed into his handsome, jock-like face.
"I guess, I'm starting to too," Jimmy said. "I've always liked you a lot, but now, sharing this awful experience of being a Shrinky with you
Andy grabbed Jimmy's face with both hands, and swiftly kissed him on the lips.
Jimmy's body convulsed momentarily in surprise, but soon he was kissing Andy passionately, lapping his tongue around inside Andy's mouth while Andy did the same to him.
Jimmy lovingly traced an invisible line down Andy's left side with one of his hands, until his hand reached Andy's hard penis. He grasped the erection and began to pump it.
"Mmh God," Andy huffed, pulling away from Jimmy and closing his eyes. "Mmm!"
Jimmy smiled nervously, but continued to pump. His own penis hardened slightly in arousal, but he knew it would be a little while longer before he could squirt again.
The table quaked suddenly beneath them, and Jimmy heard the bedroom door slam into the wall.
"I'm back, my pets!" Parker called.
Jimmy and Andy pushed apart from each other, startled.
But it was too late. Parker had seen. His face twisted into a horrible mixture of anger, amusement, and disgust.
"You two are hot for each other?" Parker asked in an incredulous, derisive tone.
He stomped over to the table. Jimmy hugged himself and gazed up at the giant teen fearfully. He saw Andy doing the same.
Parker's face swooped down to hover in front of Andy, leering at him.
"So, you were going to have him get you off again, huh?" Parker said.
"Leave me alone!" Andy shouted back.
Parker grimaced in amusement.
"I'm impressed that you're ready to shoot again already," he said to Andy. "But you only get to shoot when I say so. I can't have you actually enjoying this too much. Then you wouldn't really be my pet."
He grasped Andy in his fist and stood up to his full height, lifting Andy up to his face.
Jimmy rushed to the edge of the desk. "Leave him alone!" he shouted up at Parker.
"I know you don't like it when I jerk you off," Parker said to Andy with a wicked grin. "So
His other hand flew up and then down into his palm, where his fingers of the hand holding Andy parted, allowing his free hand to pinch Andy's penis between it. He began to pump and twiddle the hard preteen cock.
"No! No! I want Jimmy to do it this time! Please! I liked it last time!" Andy begged, writhing in Parker's hand.
Parker laughed. "Nope. I'm jerking you off this time, Cute-Nuts!"
"Stop!" Jimmy cried.
"God! No! No!" Andy wailed.
His body bucked in Parker's hand as white fluid squirted out of his penis, between Parker's giant forefinger and thumb.
Parker cheered and laughed raucously.
"That's right, squirt for me whether you want to or not, Cute-Nuts!"
Jimmy hung his head in sorrow for his friend and looked away.
Moments later, when Andy was finished with his orgasm, Parker dumped him on the desk beside Jimmy. Jimmy knelt beside his friend and hugged him protectively. Andy hugged Jimmy closely in response, nuzzling his cheek against Jimmy's. Both shrunken preteen boys stared pitifully up at Parker.
"And don't forget," Parker said, waggling his index finger at them as if scolding a small child, "you are my pets, and you only get to enjoy ejaculating when I say so! You belong to me, my little naked boys!"
The End