PZA Boy Stories


The Photographer's Assistant

a porn fantasy


High schooler Cooper is been persuaded by his uncle to assist at his photo studio in California in the 1970s. Cooper discovers that he enjoys the job far more than he ever would have expected.

Publ. 2015 (damnd1.tumblr.com); this site Feb 2017
Finished 16,500 words (33 pages)


Cooper (15yo), Uncle Jim (adult)

Category & Story codes

Other Boy story
Mt – cons mast – photoshoot


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

All work is 100% digital. No live actors have been used in the creation of these pieces.

I encourage you to share, reblog, download or store my art for your future enjoyment. Just please don't modify it – each piece already tells EXACTLY the story I want it to tell (with the author's consent, for publication on PZA a small change has been made in this story).

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Damnd1: The Photographer's Assistant in the subject line.


Chapter 1
Jed's first shoot

"Hey Cooper, if you promise never to tell your father about it, I have a lot more work for you. Are you interested?"

Cooper looked at his uncle Jim with curiosity. What could be so secret that the man needed to swear him to secrecy first?

"Ummm, okaaay."

Cooper had just turned 15, and he'd been working weekends for his uncle for two years. At first he merely assisted around his uncle's photo studio; running errands, cleaning up, changing sets, and doing a hundred other menial tasks that would otherwise have interrupted the flow of his uncle's photography.

Jim owned his own studio, but he primarily contracted his services to one of the largest modelling agencies in LA. He produced the full range of images, from head and shoulder shots, topless, full body, portfolios, and even glamour work. It was the sixties, and model agencies had books full of young hopefuls who had come to Hollywood in the hope of making it big.

After six months, it became clear from his questions and his close attention to Jim's work, that Cooper was interested in learning about the art of photography, so Jim was only too willing to accommodate his only nephew. In fact, he now saw the kid as more of an apprentice than an assistant. But there was one area of his business that he'd never revealed to the boy, or anyone else in the family 3;

"Are you sure Cooper? Once I tell you about this, it will change the way that you think of me forever, and I gotta repeat, you can NEVER tell your dad, or anyone else."

"Can you give me a hint what it's about uncle Jim?"

"That's difficult without giving it away. Let's just say it's an area of photography that wouldn't make it onto the cover of Newsweek."

Cooper considered for a moment what his uncle's cryptic comment might mean. Then it occurred to him – nudes; his uncle was talking about nudes! Visions of a studio filled with Playboy models filled his mind. His eyes widened at the prospect, and he all-but-salivated at the thought.

"Okay, I promise never to say anything to anyone."

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart," Cooper said, making a cross on his left breast with his right hand.

His uncle smiled.

"Excellent. Look, in the evenings, I photograph glamour. Stuff for guys to beat off to. It pays a lot more, but for obvious reasons, I don't advertise it. If you want to, you can stick around this evening, and get a feeling for what it's like. If you're okay with it, I can give you a lot more work 3; and a lot more pay."

Cooper didn't hesitate for a second.

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Very good, well you'd better phone your pop and tell him you're going to be a few hours late. Tell him you're going to be helping me out in the studio. When you've done that, just run down to the deli and get us a couple of subs and some chips."

When Cooper returned with the food, he walked into the studio to find his uncle photographing a teenage boy. The kid was a little older than Cooper, with light brown, flowing shoulder length hair, and freckles. He was wearing bell-bottomed hip-hugger jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, denim jacket, and a cowboy hat. Apart from the hat, they were exactly the kind of clothes Cooper liked to wear.

The kid looked up as Cooper entered the studio, then back at Jim with a quizzical expression as if to say, "What's this kid doing here?"

"This is Cooper. He's my assistant."

The kid looked back at Cooper.

"Cooper, this is Jed. He's my model for tonight. It's his first time."

Copper nodded towards the boy.


"Hey man," Jed drawled, with studied Texan coolness, but Cooper could tell he was nervous, just like they all were when they started a shoot. His uncle was a master at helping the models to relax so that he could get the best out of them, and tonight was to be no exception.

As always, Jim started slow, giving Jed some easy poses to build his confidence, keeping his instructions simple and unambiguous.

"Jacket open. Look straight at the camera. Turn to the left. Jacket off. Over your shoulder. Chin up. Look over there."

As he talked in a continuous stream of short instructions, Jim peppered his talk with banter, and small compliments to give the kid's ego a boost.

"That's the way. You're doing great. Yeah man. The girls are going to love you. What a stud. Man what a great find."

Cooper watched his uncle work, as always, impressed by the man's easy manner, and the skill with which he rapidly turned a nervous model, into a glamour centrefold. Jim's words literally sculpted the kid's ego and his photographic persona into the person Jim wanted him to be.

After half an hour, Jim got the kid to take off his sneakers and his shirt, so that he was showing off his tanned body. He was lean and hard. As he continued snapping with his Leica M4, Jim said,

"Hey Coop, Jed here's an authentic cowboy, isn't that right Jed?"

"Sure is," Jed replied, proud of his career. "Been ranching ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper."

"Cool," Cooper replied, genuinely impressed. "That must be why you've got such a great tan."

"Nawww. Can't ride baretop. You'd get burned to a crisp in next to no time. That's from walking around on the beach here, impressing the lay-dees!"

Cooper chuckled. He was all about impressing the ladies.

"Do you work out much?" he asked. "You look like you do."

"Thanks man. Not really, that just comes from hard work and good living."

Jim allowed the conversation between the two boys to continue. The more at ease Jed felt, the better he looked to the camera. Occasionally he'd throw out another instruction and Jed would comply, but just as Jim had hoped would happen, the two boys got on like a house on fire.

"Okay, you wanna take your jeans off now please Jed."

Jed did as he was asked. He was wearing fancy silk underwear.

"Hey, your shorts are terrific, but not quite what I'm looking for. You wanna try these on instead?"

Jim handed Jed a pair of white hipster briefs made of soft cotton. Jed took them, turned his back and put them on in place of his shorts. The briefs were snug around the waist, but loose enough in the pouch to show off what Jed had.

Jed looked uncomfortable, but Jim said, "Yeah, that's great. You look fantastic in those. They really show your package off well."

Jed looked at Jim and could trace no sarcasm in his face. Until he'd come here, he thought that he was pretty ordinary in the dick department, but as this professional photographer spoke to him, he started to realise that he had a lot to offer.

Jim continued giving Jed posing instructions, increasingly focussed on showing off his package.

"Good. Hands on hips. Pelvis up. Thumbs in the top of your briefs 3;"

Cooper found it fascinating to see how a professional glamour shoot was handled. He'd expected it to be sleazier somehow, but it was no different to a normal shoot. His uncle was just as confident; just as professional.

After an hour Jim said, "Right if you just want to take your briefs off now, and throw them over there please."

This was the moment that many beginners balked at, but by focussing on where the underwear had to go, rather than the fact that they were undressing, Jim found that many models made the transition more easily. Jed paused for just a moment, and glanced at Cooper, then, as his bravado kicked in, he pulled his briefs off in one motion and threw them over to the place that Jim had indicated. Jim had hoped that having Cooper present would produce that reaction, and reduce the small number of guys who never overcame their fear of nudity. So far, so good.

Jed stood with his hands on his hips, almost defiantly, as if to say, "What? I've got nothing to be ashamed of!"

It was a typical bravado reaction to the embarrassment of nudity, and Jim was already snapping away. It was hard to simulate that deliberate cockiness, and a lot of his customers loved to see that awkwardness.

Cooper didn't immediately look at Jed's genitals. It was partly because he sensed the other boy's discomfort at being nude, but also due to a misplaced sense of schoolboy code, where you just didn't look at another guy's junk unless he deliberately drew your attention to it.

Jim issued a stream of instructions, and Jed complied with a mixture of professional pride and deferential obedience to an elder. Jim had worked on his tone, mostly warm and friendly, but sometimes, as now, clinically assertive and in control. When he used the latter tone, it cut through their insecurity and self-consciousness, and seemed to trigger a models' innate eagerness to please.

As Jed began to follow Jim's instructions, Cooper eventually allowed himself to take a good look at the boy's genitals. Jed was pre-occupied, so Jim felt quite safe to have a long hard look. In fact it was probably the longest he'd ever stared at another boy's junk. Jed wasn't all that big – a bit longer than him, and quite a bit hairier, especially on his balls, but it was a soft, fluffy kind of fuzz, rather than the rough wiry hair found on an adult. He had a decent sized pair of nuts that hung a little below the end of his dick. He was also uncircumcised, which surprised Cooper. He was also uncut, but he was the only boy he knew of that was natural.

Cooper watched, fascinated, as this macho boy was instructed through an increasingly sexualised series of poses. Jed's penis appeared to be getting ever so gradually larger, like a slowly inflating balloon. Cooper's uncle was skilled in selecting poses that would both show off the boy's assets, and arouse him at the same time. He told the boy to crouch, knees wide apart, with his pelvis thrust forwards, leaning back on one arm. Jed complied, and Cooper noticed that almost immediately, Jed's penis lifted its head in a series of rapid surges as the posture excited him. Cooper wondered if Jed was remembering some girl he had fucked in this position, or if against his conscious will, his body was preparing to do so.

Jim cooed reassurance and instructions to the boy.

 "Oh yeah, that's it. Very nice. Great cock. I bet the ladies love that. Pull your foreskin back. Now start beating your meat. Yeah, perfect. Amazing."

Jim continued with a stream of instructions and ego building comments, and Cooper watched intrigued. He'd never seen another guy jacking off, and if he stopped and thought about it, he'd have been weirded out by it. He'd never been one to ponder his sexuality. He liked girls, and that was as much thought as he'd given the matter. But now as he watched this boy masturbating, and clearly getting more and more into it, he became fascinated. At first he was primarily interested in comparing the boy's physical attributes against his own, and getting an idea of what further changes he could expect as he got a little older. But after a while, his interest shifted to the boy's technique; again, comparing against his own masturbation method. Jed seemed comfortable to take more time working himself up than Cooper did. For Cooper it was still all about the destination, not the journey, and his masturbation sessions were fast and athletic.

Initially, Jed used a traditional pumping action, but as he became harder, and his penis reached its full length, his foreskin retracted fully down his shaft.  He shifted to a shorter-pumping corkscrew action with each stroke of his hand.

"There's lube there if you want it," Jim said.

He gestured towards a bottle on the side and Jed opened it and greased his palm generously.

Jim had never even heard of lube. He always masturbated dry, depending upon his foreskin to protect his glans from chafing. He could see that Jed was barely pumping at all now, instead using his fist in an endless cycle of circles; twisting and releasing as though he was trying to unscrew his glans from the rest of his penis. Jed was concentrating totally on his penis now, and Jim had stopped speaking to him, allowing him to work on himself. Jed suddenly looked up, straight into Coopers eyes, and a slow, horny mixture between a leer and a smile spread across his face. Cooper blushed furiously and looked away, unsure why the boy's look had made him feel so self-conscious. He had a perfect right to be here, watching.

He looked back at the cowboy. Cooper could see that Jed was maintaining almost continuous and firm contact with his glans. The lube on his hand made a squelching noise as he massaged his glans. Cooper wondered how it felt. When he'd tried rubbing his cum-lubed glans with a finger after ejaculation, it had almost made him jump at how sensitive it was. He'd felt tiny bolts of electricity shooting down to his balls that had made him twitch his knees together at the intensity. He wondered how Jed could bear to rub his glans like that. It must feel as though his nuts were exploding! Perhaps it was the lube, or the fact that he hadn't already cum yet that made the difference?

"I'm almost there," Jed announced.

"Great. Move your hand off and pump it. Let's have a big cum shot. Tell me just when you're about to shoot. Once you start, move your hand down on your dick, and stop pumping so that I can see the jizz squirting."

Cooper was surprised at how much planning went into making porn. He hadn't seen much, and what he had seen had been all heterosexual, but he'd just assumed that it happened naturally. He didn't realise how choreographed everything was.

Jed did as he was told, and started pumping furiously, and within 15 seconds he tersely grunted, "Now!"

Jim zoomed in, just as the boy released a massive cumshot, splashing the first jets high up onto his chest, and leaving a sticky puddle from there, in streaks, right back down to his pubic hair. Cooper was thoroughly impressed. He had reached his own chest with one or two squirts on quite a few occasions, but he'd never produced such a volume of jizz. Jed was writhing and groaning completely oblivious to the other people in the studio as he came, thrusting his pelvis upwards in what was clearly an extremely stimulating orgasm.

Eventually he stopped writhing and moaning, and opened his eyes.


"Yeah," Cooper agreed, lost in the moment.

He looked at Jed, his mouth slightly open and his bottom lip pouting loosely. He felt like a curious little boy seeing his father naked for the first time.

Jed looked surprised at the power of his orgasm. He looked down at the rivulets of gooey semen that lined his stomach. Jim moved in for reaction shots, then closer still to snap away at the creamy ribbons that streaked Jed's abdomen.

"Fantastic job man! Now run your finger in it, like you're wondering what it is. Great, smear it around. Now pick some up on your finger and hold it in front of your face. Look at it. That's it. Make out you've never seen cum before. Terrific. That's great, let that long bit dribble down. Now hold it over your mouth, and open your mouth."

Jed stopped and looked at Jim disgusted.

"Ain't no way I'm doing that man. It's disgusting."

"Awww come on," Jim purred, feeding Jed's ego. "You've been such a professional up to now, and chicks love that shit. Trust me."

Jed looked at him sceptically. Jim raised his eyebrows and nodded, urging Jed on. The kid lifted the streamer of semen above his mouth, and opened his mouth timidly.

"Yeah, thattaboy! Wider. Look right at it, like you're looking forwards to the snack."

Jed tried his best to look enthusiastic.

"Yeah Jed. That's the look. Man what a pro! Now lower it slowly into your mouth."

Jed shot him a disgusted look. Jim laughed.

"Don't look at me like that. This is what it means to be a professional. This what I'm paying you for."

The implication was clear. Jed looked back at the jizz, and slowly lowered it into his mouth.

"Nice. Really. You're the man. Now lick your finger clean and show me your tongue."

Cooper watched breathlessly. He kept wondering where the kid's limits were. He was amazed at how easily his uncle manipulated this tough young cowboy. How easily he used his authority to compel the boy to go way beyond his comfort zone.

Jed licked his finger clean, and showed the camera the puddle of jizz that was on his tongue.

"Fantastic. That's the way. Now swallow."

Jed complied, with the same grimace that a small boy might make swallowing medicine. Cooper chuckled to himself. He recognised the face, and found himself wondering what Jed's cum had tasted like.

Jed had come in full of macho swagger, and now, just a couple of hours later, he was drinking his own jizz.

Jim continued snapping away as Jed cleaned himself up with a towel. Jed rose to his feet, his penis at half mast, and got dressed. He was quieter, and less confident than when he'd started. He wouldn't meet Cooper's eyes now. He didn't feel like the big man any more. He kept thinking about the jizz he'd gulped down. He wished he'd drawn the line there and refused. But he didn't want to lose the money. He realised that he was no better than a 5 dollar whore, doing the most disgusting things for a bit green. Cooper felt bad for him.

"Man that was really amazing. I've never seen so much cum."

Jed looked at him wanly.

"Thanks man," he said quietly.

"You're welcome dude. I bet you get laid every night," Cooper said, trying to stoke the kid up again. "I wish I could cum like that," he added, sincerely.

Jed started to lift his head at Cooper's words, starting to feel a bit more like the man in front of this obviously less-mature kid.

"Great shoot!" Jim said. "Here's your money. And because you were such a pro, there's an extra 25 for you. I know it's not much but 3;"

Jim knew that $25 was a lot to the kid, but by underplaying it, he made the kid feel like the big man again. Like $25 was just small change to him.

Jed was brightening all the time, and by the time he walked out, he was almost back to his old self.

"Hey Jed, it was a pleasure working with you. I might have more work for you in the future, so keep in touch. He handed the kid a business card that read, Mason Studios, and said goodbye.

As soon as the door was closed, Jim turned to Cooper and said, "Well, what do you think?"

Cooper pondered his answer.

"It wasn't what I was expecting."

His uncle laughed.

"That's why I didn't tell you the details in advance."

"Do you ever do girls?" Cooper asked, hopefully.

"Nah. There's a million studios doing women. There's no money in it."

Cooper didn't bother to hide his disappointment, as his visions of watching hot chicks go through the same routine as Jed had, went out the window.

"That's a shame."

Jim laughed again.

"Maybe it's just as well," Cooper added, as he considered it more deeply. "I imagine it would be pretty hard to concentrate on work with a big boner sticking out of my pants all night."

"So you've got a big boner?"

Cooper blushed, and looked at the floor.

"Naw," he admitted, "I was just saying 3;"

Jim tousled his hair.

"I was just messing with you Coop. By the way, you did a great job at the end there. Jed was feeling down. A lot of 'em do. You know how it is after you nut. You said exactly the right thing."

"He just looked embarrassed. I wanted to let him know it was okay. That he did good."

"And what you really think of his performance Coop?"

Cooper shrugged.

"I don't know. I've got nothing to compare it against. It seemed like he did what you told him, and he sure did cum a lot."

"Yeah, he was a good kid."

"Do you err, do you always make them drink their sperm like that?"

"No, not all. I play it by ear. But because he was so cocky, I thought the customers would enjoy seeing him come down a couple of pegs."

"You seemed happy. Do you often pay them extra like that?"

"Oh yeah, unless they're shits, I always pay them an extra $25 – sometimes more. I build it into my quote when I offer them the work. That way, they walk away feeling good about themselves. If I meet someone exceptional that I know the customers will like, then I might throw him a little more, just to make sure they're available for more work in the future."

"Wow, that's smart," Cooper said, impressed by his uncle's business acumen. "I notice you saying a lot of nice stuff to him, especially at the end when you wanted him to, eat his stuff."

Jim smiled at his nephew's momentary discomfort at using the word 'jizz' or any of its synonyms.

"Yeah, most models are like nervous puppies. You gotta coax 'em along gently. Build their confidence so that they feel safe and comfortable. But sometimes you've gotta use strong tactics. Be like a cop. Or their dad."

"I noticed you doing that. I was impressed."

"Thanks Coop. I can teach you all that if you like. Soo, you gonna come work for me?"

Cooper thought for a moment.

"I guess so. Just so long as I don't have to do anything like that myself."

He waved in the general direction of the set.

"Nah, of course not. You're just here to work."

That evening Cooper got home tired, thinking about the nude shoot. He felt like he'd looked into a new world. That night, as he was masturbating, he decided to try making it last a bit longer. He was hard in no time. He pulled his foreskin back with his left hand, and spat on his right. He wanted to try Jed's technique.

He twisted at the end of his penis, and just as he'd expected, he found it almost unbearably arousing, but he stuck with it. He started fantasising about a girl at school, but his thoughts kept switching to Jed's performance. He repeatedly forced his thoughts back to the girl, but just as he was about to ejaculate, he found himself thinking about the wild thrashing and thrusting as Jed reached his orgasm. Cooper ground his fist faster and faster, and reached a very satisfying orgasm of his own. As he cleaned himself, he realised that he had cum to the thought of another boy. He contemplated it briefly, but, confident in his sexuality, he rolled onto his side under the covers, put it from his mind, and went to sleep.

Chapter 2
Learning the trade

Cooper has been persuaded by his uncle to assist at his photo studio where he produces gay pornography. After his first session, Cooper is surprised to discover that his body responds to watching another teenage boy getting it on.

"Hey Coop, all ready for the shoot?"

"Sure, who have we got tonight?"

It was the seventh gay shoot that the boy had assisted with, and he was getting comfortable around the models now. He got a boner every single time, and he no longer questioned what it meant, he simply got on with the job at hand.

"It's a guy called Mason. I think this one is going to be a bit more difficult than most."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a construction worker. A bit older than the others. I saw him at a bar. He's desperate for the money, but I don't think he's going to be all that flexible about what he needs to do to earn it."

"Why, what are you gonna ask him to do?"

"Oh nothing more than usual, but he just seemed kind of macho and uptight. We're going to have to handle him carefully, but don't you worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Cooper grinned. He was so impressed by the way his uncle handled the models, putting them at their ease and getting the best out of them.

"There's just one thing 3;"

Cooper looked at his uncle, curious. It was clear that this was going to be important.

"What's that Uncle Jim?"

"I don't think it will help matters if this guy sees you with a boner right off the bat. It will probably spook him, and you can never be quite sure how that will turn out."

Cooper blushed bright red. He'd been pleasantly aware of his erections, but it never occurred to him that they were visible to anyone else, especially his uncle.

"W 3; what do you mean," he stammered, caught completely off-guard.

"I'm talking about the tent you pitch in your pants every time we start work of course!" his uncle said with an amiable grin.

Cooper glowed even brighter. He opened his mouth instinctively to deny that he was getting hard, but he didn't want to insult his uncle's intelligence. He closed his mouth again without speaking, embarrassed to have been busted. His uncle saw his discomfort and effortlessly put him at ease.

"Hey Coop, it's ­nothing­ to get bent out of shape over. Watching other guys having a great time is damned horny. I'm fucking sure that none of your buddies from school would be any different. In fact, I'm pretty sure that a few of them would have jizzed in their shorts by now. I'm impressed by your self control!"

Cooper scrutinised his face to see if he was patronising him, but the man was an expert at hiding his real feelings. Jim wrapped his right arm around the boy's shoulders and gave his nephew a warm hug.

"You're doing a great job kid. The boner is just a bonus for you to enjoy!"

Cooper looked up to his uncle, and he knew that the man would never deceive him. He accepted the hug in the spirit it was meant, and grinned happily, his cheeks still patched with pink.

"I can't help it. It just happens," Cooper admitted.

"Course it does, course it does!" his uncle agreed heartily. "You're a teenager, and your dick has a mind of its own at your age!"

Cooper dropped his head, and looked at his uncle sheepishly. He gave the slightest nod.

"Yeah," he affirmed softly.

"Anyway, best thing would be for you to take care of business before Mason arrives. You've got fifteen minutes yet."

Cooper furrowed his brow.

"Take care of business?

Then the penny dropped and he gaped slightly as he realised what his uncle was suggesting.

"You mean 3;"

Cooper lowered his fist to his groin and made a slow masturbation gesture. His uncle Jim nodded with a grin. Cooper's blush returned with a vengeance and his eyes widened. He and his uncle were close, but this was far more candid that they had ever been. The boy stood uncertainly.

"What, now?"

"Well, I think it'll freak this guy out even more if you do it in front of him!"

Cooper gave an awkward, lop-sided grin. Then he shuffled off in the direction of the bathroom with all the enthusiasm of a boy on his way to the headmaster's office.

His thoughts were whirling. Knowing that his uncle knew that he was getting turned by watching guys do gay porn was unsettling, but now being ordered to go and jack off so that he could maintain some semblance of control was really weird. Still, he rationalised, it wasn't like he thought that his uncle didn't already know he spanked it regularly. Jeez, his uncle made porn for Christ's sake! But still, there was something weird about jerking it whilst his uncle knew exactly what he was doing.

Cooper considered trying to strap his dick to his belly, or using his belt to keep it up and out of sight, but he didn't want to disobey his uncle, and he certainly didn't want to risk ruining the shoot, so he dropped his jeans and his underwear, and took a grip. To his surprise, he was already half hard. As bizarre as it was to be ordered by his uncle to beat off, he was also strangely excited. It felt a little like exhibitionism.

His dick was fully rigid in seconds, and he tugged at it in short, fast strokes designed to bring him off as quickly as possible. The last thing he wanted was to get all stinky just before having to work. He leaned forwards, supporting himself using the wall behind the lavatory. He looked down, so that he could aim his dick at the bowl, but his vision was a million miles away. Without realising it, Cooper had started to anticipate and even fantasise about the young men that his uncle would be photographing on the way to work each weekend, and now his mind replayed some of their performances, fuelling his own arousal. His dick-head was swollen and tight, and in a little over 90 seconds, he was spurting a generous load of teen cum into the toilet bowl. He closed his eyes and let out a little moan. He swayed back and forth once, weak kneed with ecstasy, then steadied himself. His lips parted, his thoughts floating freely, no longer thinking of anything, but carried away on his own euphoria, he continued pumping until he was drained.

Finally he was done, and he opened his eyes reluctantly, uncertain of how much time had passed. He cleaned what little thin cream remained on the tip of his still bloated glans with a few sheets of soft toilet tissue. He looked into the bowl, and he could see ribbons of his jizz slowly sinking and merging into a shapeless tangle at the bottom of the water. He watched for 30 seconds. He loved to see his jizz under water, especially in the bath. It was like seeing himself cum in slow motion.

He tugged at his penis slowly to clear his tubes, running his knuckles up the back of the urethra. A final bead of cream oozed to the tip. He wiped it with the same wad of tissue then threw it into the bowl, and pulled the flush handle. He pulled his underpants and jeans back up over his softening dick and returned to join his uncle.


"Good one?" the man asked.

Cooper looked at him with a very sheepish grin and nodded. His face was still blotchy pink, but this time it wasn't embarrassment that coloured his cheeks.

"Good. Look, we may have to play this one a little different usual. Here's what I need you to do 3;"


Mason arrived late, twenty minutes later, with no apology. Jim let it slide without mentioning it, but Cooper took an instant dislike to the man. It was common for the straight ones to exaggerate their  sexuality with adolescent swagger, aggressive language and talk about all the girls they'd fucked, but Mason was different. Cooper thought he was a real asshole.

Mason took one look at Cooper and demanded, "What's the kid doing here?"

"He's my assistant. I need him to do the shoot."

"I ain't doing it with no boy watching," Mason said, emphasising the word 'boy' to make it clear what he thought of Cooper.

His uncle answered calmly.

"He's essential. I can't do the shoot without him."

"And I'm not doing it with a boy in the room."

"Then you won't get paid, and you may as well leave now."

"You never said anything about no boy!" Mason said, angrily.

"I didn't tell you what camera I'd be using either. Cooper is older than he looks. Now do you want the work or don't you? I don't have time to stand around to argue with you. If you're not interested you can fuck off now!"

Cooper was surprised at his uncle's aggression. The man stood up with his hands on his hips waiting for Mason to respond. For the first time, Cooper saw his uncle as others saw him. The man was buff and quite imposing.

Mason's aggression drained away in the presence of a superior alpha.

"I suppose it'll have to do," he grumbled, as though making some epic concession.

"Good, that's exactly what I thought," Jim said. "Now take your stuff and go over there."

He gestured to the set.

From time to time, Jim liked to place his models in sets that were appropriate to their careers or interests. It created a nice little fantasy for the viewers, and helped them feel like they knew the models better. For Mason, Jim had set up a fake construction yard, with a few up-ended paving slabs, some scaffold, and a bright yellow 'hard hats' sign on the wall.

Mason walked over to where he had been sent.

"Have you got your props?" Jim asked.

Mason nodded.

"Put them on then, and we can get started."

The man reached into his bag and took out a yellow hard hat, a tool belt, and sleeveless safety vest. He put them on over the t-shirt and jeans he had arrived wearing, then stood waiting to be told what to do.

Jim guided the man through a series of poses, gradually  undressing until he was nude except for the hard hat. The man had a superb body – lean muscles, a bulging six-pack, healthy tan, and now naked, Cooper could see that he also had six inches [15 cm] of flaccid meat hanging between his legs and a hefty pair of medium low balls. Cooper was impressed but not particularly interested. Mason easily had the biggest cock he'd seen so far, but the man's surly attitude and refusal to smile in any shots really made the boy dislike him.

In spite of his dislike for Mason at the start of the shoot, Cooper did his best to put the man at ease. Initially he had murmured encouragements: "That's great; man great abs; wish I had biceps like that 3;" and so on, but after Mason continued to show him nothing but contempt, Cooper stopped trying, and instead concentrated on moving the various props in and out of shot, setting up lighting, and angling reflectors so that his uncle could get on with the  photography.

"Okay, pull yourself. Make it hard for me please," Jim instructed.

Mason glared at him, and it was clear that he was resenting every second of the experience. Cooper wondered what sort of straits the man must have gotten himself into to do something that he so clearly despised.

Mason pulled at his sausage-like penis. It flopped heavy but limp in his hand. He continued working at it, but it resolutely refused to respond. He tried focussing just on the glans, rubbing it between his thumb and the side of his index finger, but there was no hint of life. Mason was getting angry at himself.

"Fucking thing. I usually have trouble STOPPING it getting hard!"

Yeah, know what you mean, Cooper thought.

Mason was embarrassed at his inability to perform.

"This has never happened before," he said defensively.

"No problem. It happens to most models the first time," Jim lied smoothly. "Maybe porn would help?"

"Yeah maybe. What have you got?"

"What do you like?"

"I dunno. Blondes. Big tits, tight pussies. Young."

Jim walked over to a bookshelf and rustled through a bunch of magazines, pulling a few from the pile. He handed a couple to Mason. The young man looked at the covers and nodded appreciatively in spite of his gruff demeanour – they were precisely his sort of thing. Working his cock in one hand, he leafed slowly through the pages with the other. Every now and then, he'd pause on a particular page and scrutinise it for a minute or two, clearly fascinated. Yet no matter how much interest he had in the scenes before him, he just couldn't overcome his discomfort at being naked in a room with two other males. Finally he threw the magazines down in exasperation.

"This is not gonna fucking work!" he said, as though it was Jim's fault.

"You're just out of your element. You're more used to banging chicks. You just need to relax that's all."

Mason was only too willing to accept the bone being thrown to him.

"Yeah man. That's what it is. It's just freaking me out with you two here."

"Like I said, it's no problem. Do you drink? Maybe a beer will help you relax?"

"Yeah, that might do it," Mason said, glad for an excuse to stop modelling for a moment.

"Bud okay?"

"Yeah that'll be great," Mason said, starting to warm to Jim's easy-going, patient manner.

Jim walked into a small kitchen attached to the main studio and took two bottles out of the refrigerator. He walked back to the studio, removed both caps in front of Mason, and casually handed over the bottle that he had drugged earlier. He always kept an emergency bottle on hand.

Mason took the bottle gratefully and chugged half of it in a single gulp. He finished the rest in two more swigs.

Jim said, "What say we just do a few more soft shots?"

Mason nodded, unaware that the drug had lowered his inhibitions and more susceptible to suggestion.

"We'll do some oiled shots. Coop, can you take care of the oil?"

This was the moment he had briefed the boy on earlier. Cooper went and got a bottle of oil from the oven where it was being kept warm. He walked in with the bottle and unscrewed the lid. The oil was fragrant. Mason watched the boy pour some onto his hand, and he looked at Jim as if to ask what the kid was doing.

"It's easier if Cooper applies it. He knows what I need. Just relax and let him get on with it."

Mason no longer felt as sharply hostile to the boy anymore, nor so nervous about his nudity. He turned back to Cooper with a shrug.


Cooper cautiously approached and rubbed a big handful of oil on the man's well defined chest. The scent of the oil was intoxicating. Cooper had had nothing to drink, and even he felt as though he had slipped back in time to a Roman bordello. He put the bottle down and used both hands to spread the oil across Mason's well defined pectorals.

"I'm just gonna tweak your nipples to make 'em stand up more," Cooper warned.

Mason didn't object, and Cooper lightly pinched the man's brown nipples giving them a pull. When he released them, they stood up as though aroused.

 "Arms up please."

Mason lifted his arms and Cooper rubbed the oil up his lats and into his arm pits. Then the boy poured more oil and continued working over the front of Mason's body, making him shine. Neck, arms, face; no part was spared. He worked down over the man's sculpted abs, and down towards his groin. Cooper rubbed the oil on his lower abdomen and even in his pubic hair but stopped short of touching Mason's genitals. Then the boy dropped to his knees and started working his way up the man's legs. It was strange to be kneeling with his face so close to such a Herculean piece of meat. As he reached the V near the top of Mason's legs, he allowed his fingers to brush the man's penis, then he stopped and said, "Turn around and kneel down please."

Mason was drowsy, and starting to feel a tingle in his dick. The massage was mesmerising and the exotic scent soporific. His thoughts felt like they were coming through warm treacle; slow and with an artificial sweetness.

The boy started to oil his back, starting at the nape of his neck, and working down. When Cooper reached Mason's waist he said, "Bend over and put your hands on the floor in front of you please."

Normally, the pose alone would have set off violent alarm bells in Mason's mind, but it didn't seem important somehow. He obeyed the boy's request, and knelt patiently like a bitch in heat waiting to be serviced.

Cooper continued oiling, rubbing the warm liquid slowly and methodically into Mason's calves and feet. His uncle had explained earlier, that the purpose was not to make Mason oily, although the glistening fluid certainly added an appealing lustre to his skin; the purpose was to relax the man and lower his inhibitions enough so that he would perform.

Cooper worked his way up Mason's thighs, and then continued rubbing the oil into the kneeling man's buttocks and rump. Mason knelt, quiet as a lamb and let him do it.

"Make sure you're thorough," Jim commanded. "Get that oil right in between his cheeks. Right in there."

Cooper was feeling rather ambivalent about doing this. He was doing his best to be professional, and he had already been warned in advance exactly what he would be doing, but it still fell mighty strange to be rubbing a grown man's bottom.

He spread Mason's cheeks with his finger and thumb, and dribbled fresh oil into the crack, then he put the bottle down and ran his palm between the warm orbs, smearing the oil along the inside of Mason's butt cheeks. His finger touched Mason's hole. It was unexpectedly smooth and devoid of hair.

There was only one area of Mason's body that had not been treated. Cooper oiled his hand, reached through the muscular young man's thighs, and gently gripped his testicles. Mason remained calm and docile as the teenager slowly massaged oil into his scrotum.

"That's it Cooper, take your time. Don't miss anything."

His uncle's commands were all part of the predetermined act that ensured that Mason's drug-addled brain would find the whole process plausible.

Cooper was almost as impressed by the size of Mason's balls as he was by the size of his penis. They were at least twice as large as his own, and he was astonished at how cool they felt through the man's soft, thick scrotum. Cooper made a mental note to check if his were that cool later. He couldn't resist squeezing them gently out of curiosity as he continued meticulously massaging oil into them. Whenever he squeezed his own testicles, Cooper had difficulty separating the feeling in his fingertips, from the feeling in his balls. He didn't expect that Mason's would be soft, but they felt far more delicate than he had anticipated. He'd assumed that they would be firm like an unripe plum, but instead they had the delicate feel of cooked liver.

"Don't miss his gooch," his uncle instructed.

Cooper ran his slippery finger and thumb back and forth along Mason's perineum. Mason squirmed involuntarily and gave a little quivering breath of excitement.  Jim smiled. The man was almost ready.

"Alright, last but not least 3;" Jim said.

Cooper poured a generous handful of oil and grasped Mason's penis in his fist. The thought flashed through Cooper's mind that this was what it must be like to actually have a dick that big: to hold it whilst you take a piss or get dressed. He felt mildly jealous, but he continued with his job. He tugged his hand down the hefty organ like he was milking a cow. Once his hand slipped off the bottom, he opened his fist, gripped at the top again and repeated, and repeated, and repeated.

Mason looked straight ahead, placid, absolutely no expression on his face, but his body was responding. Cooper could feel the man's dick thickening and hardening in his hand. He continued the milking action until he felt Mason's dick was rock hard, then he concentrated solely on the glans, twisting his oily hand in circles like he was trying to unscrew the lid off a soda bottle. Mason started to moan and squirm.

"Okay, that'll do Cooper, you can stop now," his uncle said. Cooper stopped and moved away, using a towel to wipe the oil from his hands.

"Mason can you hear me?"

"Sure thing man," Mason responded, in a voice that sounded like he was stoned.

"I want you to stand up and turn around so that we can see you."

Mason did as he was told. His penis was magnificent nine inches [23 cm], thick as a salami and pressed up flat against his belly. His balls were pulled up tight to the base.

"Perfect T," Jim commented, looking at Cooper.

Cooper frowned not understanding.

"The shape of his dick and balls."

He drew an upside down T between Mason's dick and balls.

"A perfect T. The clients go nuts for a guy that gets that horny."

Cooper grinned, taking strange pride at his role in achieving such perfection.

Jim addressed Mason again.

"Okay, I want you to start jacking off slowly, like it's the best thing you ever felt. Look at the camera, lips open, tongue out a little, that's it, great 3;"


45 minutes later, Mason was lying upside down on his shoulders, a dildo in his ass, and his own cum dribbling down his face and into his mouth, with a look of total rapture on his face. Jim always made the difficult ones do the most depraved stuff. It was his way of getting even for all the attitude they gave. He really enjoyed breaking the most wilful heterosexual stallions utterly. He considered it a civic duty to knock them down a few pegs.

He pulled the dildo out of Mason's ass and wrapped it in a paper towel to wash later.

"Okay, you can get dressed now Mason. No need to clean up first."

Mason stood up and pulled his shorts up over his still hard dick, then continued dressing, seemingly oblivious or unconcerned by the half cup of his own cum that was splattered all across his face.

"You can pack your things away as well," Jim said, as Mason finished dressing. Mason did as he was told, like a man in a trance.

"Thanks for your time, you can see the photos next week if you like."

Jim handed Mason the agreed upon fee and ushered him to the door.

"Thanks for your time Mason."

"Oh um, yeah, thanks," Mason replied, walking through the door, money in hand.


As soon as the door shut, Cooper burst out laughing.

"That was NASTY," he said. "I can't believe you got him to do all that stuff!"

"Yeah, like I said, it's the massage and the beer."

Jim hadn't told his nephew about the drugs IN the beer.

"But he was so uptight at the beginning. I didn't think you'd ever get him to relax."

"You did all the work. All guys like having their dicks stroked, and they don't care who's doing the stroking once they get over the whole fag panic thing."

"Fag panic?"

"Yeah, most guys are terrified of being accused of being fags, even though they're quite happy to do fag stuff. Once they get over the fear of being caught, they can usually have a good time."

Cooper sniggered.

"Sending him out with all that jizz on his face was evil. What if he meets his friends?"

"What if he does? He desperately needed to be knocked off his horse. That'll certainly do it. When he remembers this tomorrow it's really gonna blow his mind!"

"Yeah, he was SUCH an asshole," Cooper reflected. "The way he kept calling me 'boy' made me want to hit him in the face." He paused and thought for a few moments. "Still, he did have a goddamned huge cock. Do you see many that big?"

His uncle smiled and draped and arm around his shoulder.

"Nah, I doubt if you'll ever see another one quite that big in here."

He handed the boy his pay.

"Now you get home quickly. You look like you need to take care of business again."

Cooper looked down at himself and was shocked to see the front of his pants was sticking out like a pup tent. He groaned.

"How long?"

"Since the moment you touched his dick," his uncle responded.

Chapter 3

Cooper continues to discover that he enjoys the job far more than he ever would have expected.

"Give me a hand can you Coop?"

Cooper's uncle Jim was standing at the end of a heavy couch. The couch was usually used for the models to relax on before the shoot. It gave Jim time to put them at their ease whilst they went through the formalities with proof of age documentation and signed release forms.Cooper walked to the other end of the couch.

"Okay lift – use your legs not your back," his uncle cautioned.

Cooper adopted a wide stance, and picked up his end of the couch, then he and his uncle walked it to the back of the set.

"Use the lounge set. We're going to need a bit more space for today's shoot Coop. We've got two in."

Cooper wheeled in the false living room walls behind the couch, then started to arrange the lights so that the scene would be well lit.

"Two?" he queried.

It was the first time he'd attended a shoot with more than a single model. After more than two dozen solo masturbation shoots, he'd automatically assumed that that was the only type of shoot his uncle did.

"Yeah, nothing special. It's their first time together, but they're friends, and one of them has done solos so it shouldn't be a problem."

Cooper continued arranging the set in readiness for the shoot, then he went into the small kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Whilst he was there, he heard a knock on the door, and the sound of his uncle answering. A few moments later, he heard the sound of voices. One of them was familiar. Cooper poked his head out of the kitchen doorway.

"Anyone want coffee?" he asked, using it as an excuse to see who's voice he recognised.

He saw two guys, one dressed in California beach casual, the other was wearing a Stetson.

"Oh hi Jed!" Cooper said, recognising the first model he'd ever helped with, and his favourite.

Jed looked over, and a smile of recognition lit up on his face.

"Hey man, good to see ya. Coffee would be great. Strong, black and sweet please."

"Sure thing," Cooper acknowledged.

He turned to the other guy. He was tall, and skinny, with far less swagger than Jed.

"What about you, want coffee?"

"Nah, not before 3;"

He left the sentence hanging.

"I won't be able to 3; finish."

Cooper was bemused by the guy's reticence to use sex talk. He was about to bare all for the camera, but he was uncomfortable with the words 'jack off' and 'cum'. Cooper wondered if the guy was going to be a problem.

"This is Michael," Jim said, gesturing towards the nervous kid, who looked to be late teens – a year or two older than Jed.

"Hey Michael," Cooper said, with a nod and a friendly smile.

He was getting comfortable in his role now, and he had quickly learned that the more relaxed he was, the more relaxed the models were.

"Hey Cooper," Michael responded, with a nervous grin.

Michael wore rectangular glasses, and he looked to Cooper, as though he'd walked straight out of an English class.

Cooper returned to the kitchen and made coffee for his uncle, Jed and himself. When Cooper returned to the studio with the drinks, Jed was already naked apart from a towel around his waist. He looked as though he had just come out of the bath. He was sitting on the end of the couch, and Michael was standing at the other fully clothed and looking down at Jed.

Cooper looked at the tableau, bemused, but as his uncle was already snapping away, he quietly put the coffees down, and waited for instructions. He knew better than to speak and interrupt the flow. Cooper had learned early on, that this kind of work was often about creating a fantasy for the viewers. When the models also got into the fantasy, they got more turned on, and the results were far more arousing. If he started talking, it might snap the models out of the imaginary world his uncle was weaving, consigning the shoot into something quite mundane.

Jim was talking constantly, both directing the models, and describing the scenario.

"Okay Michael, so you've just come around to your friend's house, and he's just come out of the shower. He's sitting there on the couch in his towel. He lifts his leg up and you get a flash of his junk. That's it Jed, just a bit."

Jed raised a leg, revealing his genitals.

"That's great – not too much for now."

Jed lowered his leg until just the bottom of his genitals was visible.

"Good. So Michael, you catch a glimpse. You can't help looking closer. Good that's it. Jed catches you looking and decides to show you more to see if you're interested."

Jed lifted his nearside foot and put it on the couch, slowly spreading his knees, whilst Jim snapped away furiously.

"Michael, you can't help it, you lick your tongue – nervous and excited at the same time. You've fantasised about seeing your best buddy naked for years, and now he's giving you a show. You can't look away. Jed, you let the towel slip down your knee. Now you're blatantly showing your junk to your friend. You're getting off on showing him. That's it, look him right in the eyes, like you're reading how far to go."

Jed's penis very slowly started to inflate. He was clearly getting turned on by the voyeur fantasy Jim was creating. Cooper watched as the kid's dick gradually started to fill with blood. It lifted from his lap, but rather than rising all the way, it stopped half way, curved downwards – what Cooper's uncle would call a 'lazy lob'. Jim got in close and snapped like crazy. The punters loved boys who got hard without touching.

When he stood back to continue the narrative, there was a rigid lump running up from between Michael's legs towards his hip. Jim discreetly snapped it. Most of his models claimed to be straight, and until they admitted anything different, Jim knew that it could ruin a shoot if he said anything to the contrary. Even drawing attention to the fact that Michael was turned on by the sight of Jed's dick could be enough to send a closeted model into panic and kill the whole mood.

Acting as though the kid was not already obviously hard as nails, Jim said, "Great, now Michael, you reach down and start stroking your dick through your jeans."

"Fantastic, make it hard. That's it, cup it between young fingertips and your palm and slide your hand slowly up and down it. Greaaat."

Everything Jim said was designed to inflate his models' egos, and make them feel fantastic about themselves. His tone was a mixture between reverential hero worship, and lustful awe. Everything about his articulation made it clear that each model was the hardest, the best looking, with the greatest dick he'd ever seen. Cooper had witnessed it time after time, and from the outside, it was clear that it was all part of the act designed to help put the models at their ease, and think of themselves as porn superstars, but it worked almost without exception. Cooper had to resist grinning as he listened to his uncle working the models' emotions as effortlessly as he worked the camera.

Jim continued.

"Now Jed, your buddy has showed he's interested, let that towel slide off your knee completely and start working your dick. Great."

Jed did exactly what he was instructed to do. He was totally at ease in front of the camera now, and he effortlessly worked his semi up to a full erection. Meanwhile, Michael was continuing to work on his denim-covered cock, and Cooper suspected that Michael would have been turned on even if he wasn't getting paid for it.

"Michael move in and sit on the other end of the couch. Keep looking at Jed's cock."

Michael didn't need to be asked twice.

"Take your shirt off. Now slide your jeans down. Fantastic! Move your hand so that we can see your bulge."

Michael moved his hand, and Cooper could see the kid's penis tenting the front of his underpants. It was clear, even through his underpants, that his penis was considerably longer than Jed's.

"Film change," Jim announced.

He had three Leica cameras – two more loaded on standby so that he never needed to interrupt the mood of the shoot. He picked up another, and Cooper picked up the first, and changed the roll, hiding the camera under a black velvet hood that prevented the light from destroying the shots.

Jed kept slowly working on his dick, and Michael needed no help to keep hard. He continued watching Jed work. A small wet spot appeared on the front of his underpants. Cooper finished changing rolls, and he saw that his uncle was snapping at the wet spot. Jim was an expert at noticing the little details that might turn his audience on, and precum was golden because it demonstrated that the models genuinely very horny, and were not merely going through the motions.

"Fantastic. You guys are real professionals. Now slide your underpants down and start working on yourself Michael. Look Jed in the eyes like he's the only person in the world."

Michael complied. His cock sprang free eagerly, from the confines of the damp cotton. His cock was as long and pallid as he was. It was only since working for his uncle that Cooper had taken much interest in penis sizes, and he correctly estimated Michael's tool at seven and a half inches [19 cm]. It looked odd on such a, skinny, geeky looking guy. It had a narrow glans, that curved smoothly on the backside into a tight circumcision scar. The skin there looked over-tight, and Cooper wondered if it was uncomfortable.

"That's it," Jim purred, "Look into his eyes like you love him."

Michael started to blush, and Jim snapped away. The boy's embarrassment would look great on film, but he'd have to be careful not to push him too far.

Cooper was certain now that Michael was either queer, or had a crush on Jed. He wondered what their relationship was away from the studio.

"Now Jed lean back into the corner and start working your cock like you mean it. Give Michael a cocky smile, like you knew all along that he couldn't resist you."

The expression came effortlessly to Jed's face, and it was one that Cooper could all too easily imagine the kid giving it to a girlfriend as he pounded her into quivering tears of ecstasy. Jed's dick was not in any way exceptional, but he had the confidence that came from having a fantastic, lean body, flowing light brown hair, freckles, a killer smile, and a great personality. Cooper really liked him a lot. He watched intensely as Jed slowly jacked off. Cooper was as hard as Michael.

"Now move close Michael. Jed, sit up so that you're sitting side by side, with your arms and legs touching. Good, very good."

Michael's eyes were wide with excitement. Cooper wondered if this was a fantasy that he had entertained for real. If it was, he could completely understand why.

"Jed, lean over and get that bottle of baby oil. Grease yourself up good, then offer it to Michael. That's it, hold the bottle out to him and hold 3;"

Snap. Jim captured the moment.

"Good. Just keep on jacking yourselves. Yeah, now we're having fun. Michael look down at Jed's dick like it's the only thing in the world that matters."

Michael didn't need prompting twice. Even the way Jed worked his dick was arrogant: sure of himself. Whilst Michael was pounding away with all the sophistication of a 14 year old frantically spanking it before school, Jed was using a far slower, more studied, half twisting, half tugging action.

Just the schlpp schlpp schlpp sound of Jed's oily masturbation was making Cooper feel weird deep in his stomach. He'd never felt so excited before. His mouth was watering like crazy just watching, and he couldn't seem to stop swallowing.

Jed looked across at Cooper, looking pointedly at the younger teen's very obvious erection. Jed flashed him that self confident grin.

Easily adopting the photographer's abbreviation of Cooper's name, he said, "Enjoying the show Coop?"

Cooper gave him a guilty, self conscious grin.

"Yeaah," he admitted.

Michael watched the exchange, relieved that he wasn't the only one so turned on by Jed.

"Slow down Michael. Don't want to blow your load yet and spoil the shoot," Jim cautioned.

Michael switched his attention to the photographer.

"Slooowwwer," Jim repeated, and made a slow masturbation gesture in the air in front of him.

Michael complied with Jim's request.

"Fantastic Michael. Now, Jed, just put your left leg across Michael's thigh, and pull his leg towards you so both your legs are open a bit so we can see those nuts. Yeah, just like that. Great. That's just great."

Cooper knew it was all just an act for Jed, but he wished that it was his leg that the cowboy was wrapped around.

"Michael, let go of your dick and start jacking Jed's. Jed lean back against the couch like it's your right to be jacked off. Yeah, arms behind your head, that's a great touch."

Jed leaned back and closed his eyes – cock of the roost, alpha male, and allowed Michael to service his cock.

Michael's cock was drooling precum profusely as he masturbated Jed.

Jim asked, "Michael do you think you can jack yourself at the same time?"

Michael glanced at Jim.

"I can try."

"That's the spirit!" Jim said, encouraging him.

Michael gripped his own penis in his left hand and jerked himself in rhythm with his pumping of Jed's dick.

"Okay, you can go all the way now. Don't forget to let me know when you're about to shoot."

Michael continued to pump Jed. At first it seemed that his left hand was tracking in time with his right as he did his best to pleasure the freckled young cowboy, but after a while, his rhythm and technique changed and it was clear that he was pumping Jed in time with his own rising excitement. Michael started to breathe hard at the effort, and after just three minutes of serious pumping, Jed started grinding his hips and he announced with a casual drawl, "Ah'm gonna cum."

Michael beat him to it. Whether it was the knowledge that he was about to draw an orgasm from Jed, or that he just had an even quicker fuse, it was impossible to tell, but cum he did. He pumped both fists in a frenzy, and pounded each all the way down its respective penis, stretching the skin taut.

Thick gobs of cum spurted from Michael's dick, rising a few inches into the air. What he lacked in distance, he more than made up for in volume, and his fist and pubic hair were quickly saturated with thick, creamy juice. Cooper couldn't believe how long Michael kept squirting.

Jim noticed Michael start to cum, but he didn't want to draw his attention away from Jed; the real star of the production. He twisted the zoom ring on the camera so that both guys were in shot, and captured as much of Michael's orgasm as he could.

Before Michael had finished, Jed thrust his hips violently forwards, and launched a jet of his own far thinner jizz into the air. Jim caught the first spurt off-centre in the shot then immediately redirected his camera to give the boy his full attention. He wasn't disappointed. The first jet flew past Jed's shoulder, landing on the back of the brown padded leather Chesterfield couch. The next landed on the upper curve of his lightly tanned left pectoral, where it was quickly joined by two more squirts. They immediately started to trickle down his chest in narrow rivulets. The virile wrangler continued to launch jets of watery cum at least half a dozen more times, each landing a little lower than the one before, until finally he had no more to give. He stopped thrusting his hips and let out an exaggerated sigh, then he lay still, face tilted up to the ceiling.

Michael continued to pump them both at a much slower pace, decreasing his tempo until just after a minute, he stopped. He looked up at Jed's face, and the smile of satisfaction on his own was unrehearsed and completely genuine. He released Jed's penis and his own.

Jim said, "Good, just hold it there for a minute. Don't 3; move 3; a muscle. Just need to do finishing shots."

He buzzed around, zooming in on all the places that the boy's spunk had cum to rest, taking close ups. Michael was looking at Jed's wet chest, and it made for a few great shots. Then Jim focussed on Jed's face. His eyes were still closed, and he looked thoroughly sated.

"Eyes open now please Jed. Look over at Michael. Rub your fingers through all that juice in his pubes."

Jed gave a wry grin as he did what he was told.

"Oh yes – great expression Jed. You're a natural."

Jim finished off the last few shots.

"Okay, clean up. Coop?"

Cooper reached over and picked up a roll of paper towel. He tore off a dozen sheets and handed them to Michael. Then he tore off half a dozen more. Jed reached for them, but Cooper tore off another half dozen sheets and gave them to the cowboy. Jed furrowed his brows momentarily puzzled, then reached down and started to clean the spunk off his dick. Without asking, Cooper leaned forwards and started to wipe the jizz from Jed's chest. Jed looked up at Cooper surprised, and their eyes met. Cooper was just a kid taking a sneaky chance to get close to someone he was rapidly developing a crush on. He stared apprehensively back and waited to see how Jed would react. The glance seemed to last an eternity. Then Jed gave him a warm grin.

"Thanks Coop."

The boys finished cleaning up then they got dressed. Jim paid them, and gave them the usual spiel about keeping in touch. Then Michael and Jed headed for the door, where Cooper was waiting to see them out. Just before they passed through, Jed leaned close to Cooper and said in a low voice, "Thanks for the help Coop. Looks like you need a little clean up yourself.

Before Cooper had time to ponder the meaning of the comment, Jed reached down, and using the side of his index finger, he rubbed Cooper's still hard penis a couple of times through his jeans, targeting the boy's glans perfectly. Cooper inhaled sharply and looked down at himself. The entire front of his pants was dark and damp. He flushed bright crimson, and Jed gave him a grin and a friendly wink, before he and Michael walked out into the night.

Chapter 4
The Substitute

Cooper continues to discover that he enjoys the job far more than he ever would have expected.

Cooper glanced up at the clock for the tenth time in 30 minutes – it was 6.45pm. Their evening appointment was over an hour late.

"I guess he's not coming," Cooper said, stating the obvious.

His uncle Jim shook his head and sighed heavily with feigned exasperation.

"I think you're right. Dammit. This is really gonna fuck me up!"

Cooper tilted his head and furrowed his brow.

"Why's that Uncle Jim?"

"It's just 3;"

He smacked his mouth with mock irritation.

"It's just that I made a commitment to a publisher on the East coast. I really needed this kid to come in. They have specialist tastes, and I was depending on this one to seal a deal I made with them."

"What will happen when you don't send the photos?"

"It will almost certainly mean the end of our business deal. To be honest, it's going to cost me a LOT of money."

"Can't you just get another model?"

"It's not as easy as that. Stephen was special. Young looking. They're hard to find. And I have to get these sets off to the publisher tomorrow."

"Oh," Cooper said, out of ideas.

His uncle let out another huge sigh.

"Not to worry. Can't be helped. It's not your fault. Let's pack up and go get a burger."

Cooper looked at his uncle's despondent face. It wasn't like him to get so down about things. He wished that there was something he could do. He moved towards the set, ready to start disassembling it.

"Unless 3;" his uncle said, leaving the word hanging out there as though he was mulling over a new idea.

Cooper turned to face him, curious.

"Unless what?"

"Well look, I really hate to ask, but I'm going to lose out on the opportunity of a lifetime here, so how would you feel about modelling for me? It would really be doing me a solid."

"M 3; me?" the boy asked, surprised. "But I'm only fifteen."

"That's okay. That's legal, and like I said, this publisher likes his models younger."

Cooper's heart was pounding in his chest. He didn't want to let his uncle down, but nor did he want to model for him.

"Umm, I don't think I'd be a good model," he said.

He knew it was a lame excuse.

"Of course you would. You're in great shape, you know what's expected of you, and you're a good-looking kid. The camera will love you, and so will my publisher."

"But it would be too weird being naked in front of you. Letting you see my 3;"

He trailed off, unwilling to say the word 'boner'. Cooper had seen plenty of shy models who were coy about using sex words, even though they were about to model naked. It always amused him, and now here he was – a porn photographer's assistant, and just as bashful.

"Look you know most of the models are nervous the first time. And it's not as if I haven't seen your hard-on pretty much every day since you started helping me. It's not like a layer of cloth did much to hide it!"

"I can't. I just can't. I'm really sorry Uncle Jim. What if my friends saw the photos?"

"Nobody you know will EVER see these photos except me. My publisher has a very limited clientele overseas, and these photos will never appear in any magazines."

Cooper was starting to feel increasingly under pressure, as though his objections were unreasonable, and he was being selfish for denying his uncle's request. He tried to formulate an objection that would resist his uncle's counters but he couldn't come up with anything.

Jim sensed his nephew's resolve weakening.

"Look Coop, I know you feel shy, and you know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't totally desperate, but this contract could totally transform my life."

Cooper stared at him silently, unhappy but unwilling to be the one who robbed his uncle of his happiness.

"And anyway," his uncle reasoned, "it's only a dick. It sure as hell won't be the first time you've jacked yourself off will it?"

He gave Cooper a wry grin, and Cooper lowered his head and returned with a bashful smile.

It all sounded so reasonable when his uncle put it like that, but Cooper still felt a deep sense of dread, as though he had been backed into a humiliating corner. He took a deep breath, and with a huge sigh that was not exaggerated, he said, "Okay Uncle Jim. I'll do it. But just this one time okay?"

"Of course, of course. Thanks a lot Coop. You're one hell of a regular guy."

Cooper smiled wanly, grateful for the strangely outdated compliment, but deeply troubled by the situation.

"So what set do you want to use?" he asked.

Jim nodded over at the set that he had selected with his nephew in mind from the start.

"Might as well stick with this one huh?"


Cooper stood on the set wearing a football uniform that unremarkably, fit him to a tee. He had the full kit, from cleats to helmet. and he was wearing a loose shirt over body armour, and tight, white, crotch hugging pants. Behind him was a tiled section of wall, a bench and a row of lockers, designed to give the illusion that he was in a changing room after a game.

Jim moved a couple of heaters in close, to warm the already warm studio up more. Cooper watched him bemused.

"I'm already warm enough thanks Uncle Jim."

His uncle smiled at him.

"It will all become clear soon enough."

He cranked the heaters up to maximum.

"Before we start, I need you to jog on the spot for a few minutes."

"Excuse me?" Cooper clarified.

"Just jog on the spot for me. I want you nice and sweaty, like you just came in from the game."

Comprehension dawned on Cooper's face, and he started jogging. After a few minutes he was still barely warmed up.

"Faster," his uncle instructed.

Cooper picked up the pace.

After five minutes his uncle said, "Hmm, fit kid. Tell you what, drop and give me 50 squats."

Cooper obeyed, and by the end of the squats he was starting to work up a sweat.

"Almost there," his uncle informed him. "Now 50 press ups should do it."

Fit as he was, Cooper was unaccustomed to doing press-ups. By the time he reached 15 he was starting to struggle, and by 25 he was nearing his limit.

"C'mon, push them out!" his uncle urged.

Cooper strained and struggled through six more, his arms trembling at the effort. On his 31st pressup, he got half way up, but simply could not finish it. He strained and grunted and heaved, but it simply wasn't in him, and after ten seconds of effort, he accepted defeat and collapsed to the floor, exhausted.

"Great effort."

"Sorry I couldn't do them all," Cooper responded.

"Not at all. It did the job. You're red and sweating. Now stand up and we can start the shoot."

"My arms are like jelly," Cooper said, rising to his feet.

His uncle smiled.

"Okay, hands on hips. Look straight into the camera 3; Now off into the distance."

Jim dropped to a knee so that he could focus on the bulge at the front of Cooper's pants.

"Great, now thumbs in your waistband, fingers near your package. That's it; stick your hips out just a bit like you want draw people's attention. Perfect 3; Untie your pants and pull them open so that we can see a flash of underwear."

Cooper had seen it all, and he complied effortlessly.

"Okay, now boots off, and pull your pants down."

Cooper obeyed. He already changed into the plain white briefs that his uncle favoured. The pouch at the front was baggy and the leg holes were damp with sweat.

"Great, chin down. Stare at the camera like you're challenging it to a fight. That's it – stern."

Cooper's face was red, and his hair was sweat-matted to his forehead in dark strands. He glowered at the camera beneath furrowed brows in his best impersonation of a tough guy expression. Beads of sweat covered his face.

His uncle snapped away for a few minutes.

"Just gotta damp you down a bit more."

He pulled out a squirt bottle that was used for moistening the leaves of plants, and started pumping the handle. A fine spray was ejected, and he aimed it at his nephew's legs to simulate sweat. Then he thoroughly drenched the front of the boy's underpants.

Cooper was not happy about it.

"What are you doing that for?" he asked.

"Fake sweat," his uncle answered.

Cooper frowned. The answer was explanatory, but he felt as though there was more to tell.

Jim stood, apparently satisfied, and continued shooting.

"Yeah, that's it. They're going to love you. Look straight at the camera. That's it, nice."

Cooper would probably have been even less comfortable if he'd realised that the spray had made his briefs semi transparent. The curve of his penis and his tight nuts were perfectly revealed as they pressed against the thin cotton. Even the tight wrinkled pucker of his foreskin showed as light and dark stripes against the wet material.

Jim worked his way around the boy, shooting from every angle and taking plenty of the boy's wet underwear. And then came the moment that Cooper was dreading.

With studied casualness, Jim said, "Fantastic. Now if you'd just like to slip your undies off and throw them over there."

He gestured to the floor out of shot.

Cooper felt a surge of panic. He briefly considered declining but he'd come too far to say no, and his uncle was depending on him for this shoot. In a single movement, he slipped his briefs off and threw them out of shot, tossing them further than he had been directed, subconsciously putting them far from reach as if to make it clear to himself that changing his mind wasn't an option.

He stood with the upper half of his body still fully clothed in his football uniform, but apart from his socks, his lower half was now naked. To his knowledge, it was the first time his uncle had ever seen him nude, and every fibre of Cooper's body screamed at him to cover up. With supreme effort, he resisted the urge, but it felt so wrong to be with his pornographer uncle like this.

"Look at me" his uncle said, not allowing the boy any more time to think. "Turn your body at an angle but look straight into the camera."

Cooper obeyed, and his uncle continued working. Jim was glad that he had strapped his own penis up beneath his belt, and he had deliberately worn a long, loose-fitting sweat shirt. He knew that it wouldn't do his nephew any good to see his throbbing erection.

Cooper's penis was shrivelled small and firm from the exercise. Jim's clients would like that. The boy's scrotum was tucked up tight, pulling the boy's nuts up close underneath the root of his cock in a small round knot of flesh. Although the studio was hot, the boy's scrotum was deeply grooved.

It was unusual for boys to be uncircumcised at that time, but on the West coast away from the heartland of Christianity, people were more liberal. Cooper's great grandfather was a Polish immigrant, and as a result, the males in his family had never been clipped.

To Jim's surprise, the boy was smooth as a billiard ball, without even the merest trace of stubble or five o'clock shadow around his groin.

"You shave?" he asked, careful not add any inflection to his question just in case the boy was a very late bloomer.

It wasn't until his underwear was halfway down that Cooper remembered he'd done it. He wished now that he hadn't.


"Looks good on you," Jim said, building the boy's confidence. "When did you start?"

"A couple of months after I started helping you with the porn."

"You liked the look huh?"

"No. It's not that. It's just that 3;"

Cooper trailed off, suddenly realising what he was about to say.

"What?" his uncle asked.

Chit chat with the models was generally beneficial. It put them at their ease, but Cooper was clearly uncomfortable. But Jim's curiosity got the better of his judgement. He pushed.

"What is it? Come on, 'fess up."

Cooper squirmed.

"Well, a couple of the guys said it makes your dick look bigger."

Jim looked at the shrivelled three inch [7 cm] maggot protruding from his nephew's crotch. The tactic didn't appear to have worked.

"Ahhh," he said. "Good call."

Cooper felt ridiculous, as though he was just a little boy in front of his uncle.

Jim started snapping again. The boy's visible discomfort contradicted his tough guy clothing. The audience would recognise that the real person was not as cocky as the character he portrayed. It was a complicated emotional mix, but one that usually went down well with them.


Over the next hour, Jim conducted a very thorough session, gradually undressing his nephew, and taking shots from every conceivable angle until the boy was completely naked.

"Okay, can you make it hard for me," he asked as though it was perfectly normal for a man to ask his nephew to masturbate for him.

Cooper had gradually been relaxing over the past hour, but the moment his uncle asked him to start jacking, the tension was right back on his face.

His uncle soothed in a reassuring tone, "Relax, it's nothing to worry about. You've done it hundreds of times before I'm sure. Just do what you normally do."

Cooper's penis had relaxed in the heat and was hanging a soft four inches [10 cm]. He took it in his fingers, and drew his fist down, unsheathing the glans. Then he slid his fist back, covering the head again. His moist foreskin eliminated the need for lubricant that the cut guys all used.

He continued working his penis, and it ever so slowly started to fill with blood. After a few minutes, it was clear to Jim that the boy's cock was not rising well to the occasion. It was a little thicker, but quite obviously not standing to attention. The last thing the boy needed was to add performance anxiety to the mix.

"Wonderful," Jim encouraged. "Take your hand off and let me photograph it before it gets all the way hard."

Cooper let go of his dick. It stuck out from his groin at right angles, but the head drooped like a cut flower starved of water.

"Yes, that's exactly right," Jim said, in an effort to make Cooper feel as though this was precisely what he was looking for. "Perfect."

He snapped away, then lit some incense sticks. He'd found that they could create a soporific atmosphere that helped some models to relax. But Cooper had seen it all before.

"Tell you what, before you get a full boner, why don't we do some rear shots?"

"Alright," Cooper said turning around.

"Why don't you grab that football," Jim said, indicating the oval leather ball that they had been using as a prop.

Cooper picked up the ball.

"Now kneel on the floor in front of the bench leaning far forwards. Yes that's it. And now prop the football on its end between your legs so that it's pushing up against the top of your cock."

This was new to Cooper. He'd never seen his uncle use a prop quite like this. He positioned the ball between his legs and tilted it so that it was standing on its point, then he lowered his body until the other end was pressing against the root of his penis between his testicles.

"No not like that," his uncle corrected, "poke your cock back between your legs so that the ball is pressing against the top of your cock. We want to see your cock from this side."

Cooper did as he was told. The ball was pressing into his pubis at the top of his cock.

"Both hands on the bench in front of you."

Cooper obeyed. He wasn't keen on the position. He felt like bitch offering herself to a dog.

"That's the ticket. Now look over your shoulder at me."


"Now lick your top lip."


"Now pull your foreskin back."


"Hold your butt cheeks apart with your hands."


"Now put your index finger against your hole."

Cooper frowned.

"Do I have to Uncle Jim?"

"Of course you do. That's what it means to be a professional."

Cooper had never claimed to be a professional but his uncle's words were carefully chosen to appeal to the boy's desire to do right by him, and not to be worse than all the other models that he'd seen. Cooper held his buttocks apart with the fingers of his left hand, just as he'd seen many other models do before. Then, he placed the index finger of his right hand against his hairless white hole.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

"Now slip it in, just to the first joint."

Snap. Snap. Snap.

"A little further."

Snap. Snap.

"Okay, you can take your finger out. Hands back onto the bench. I'm just going to rub some oil on you to give you a bit of a shine. I'll be back in a jiff."

Jim walked into the kitchen and took a pot of oil from the oven, where it had been on a very low heat in readiness. He returned to find his nephew still dutifully down on his knees, facing away from him, rump facing outwards, his penis framed by the football. Cooper was watching him over his shoulder. Jim gave his nephew a wink, and Cooper gave a half smile back. Daddy's little trooper.

Jim dipped his fingers into the warm oil and scooped up a generous portion. He rubbed it onto both hands and slowly started to smear it all over Cooper's neck and back. Jim reloaded his hands and worked his way up the boy's thighs, allowing his fingers to brush the boy's glans lightly. More oil, and he started to massage his nephew's buttocks. He spread the boy's cheeks, and without asking, he slipped the oily tip of a finger into the boy's hole. Cooper gasped.

"Stay still please Coop."

His uncle reloaded his hands one more time and started smearing oil on the boy's penis. He slowly drew his hand back and forth in a masturbatory motion, giving extra attention to the glans. Cooper had never tried oil on his helmet before. Little tingles were zapping to base of his nuts. Jim stopped oiling the boy's penis, and transferred his attention to his teenaged nephew's scrotum. The boy's bag was riding high, but this time it wasn't caused by fear. Jim used his thumbs to methodically rub oil into the boy's ballbag, and the kid's nuts slipped and slithered beneath his fingers. Jim continued the scrotum massage for over three minutes

"I know what you're trying to do," Cooper said.

"What's that then," Jim replied, playing dumb.

"You're using the massage to try to give me a boner. You taught me to do it. It won't work. I just don't think I'm gonna be able to jerk it today."

"Hmmmm, we'll see," his uncle said, looking down at the raging boner that was straining between the boy's legs.

Jim used this pose for the most nervous models because the pressure of the ball on their pubis made it hard for them to tell what their penis was doing. It was more subtle than using a cock ring. All he had to do was hold them in that position for a few minutes, and the model literally could not avoid getting a throbbing hard on.

Jim looked down at the puddle of precum beneath Cooper's penis and smiled to himself. It always amused him when a model didn't even know the feel of his own body. He cleaned his hands thoroughly on a towel, then resumed shooting.

"Push the ball back just a little – about an inch so that it lifts your cock up. That's it. Perfect."

Cooper's penis was facing directly towards his uncle. Hanging from the eye was a drooling string of glistening precum five inches [12 cm] long – the same length as the boy's penis. Jim snapped it from multiple angles. Cooper was going to make him a lot of money.

"Nice, nice. Now turn around and sit back up on the bench."

Cooper rose and turned, glancing at his penis a he did so. He frowned.

"I've got a boner!" he said, genuinely surprised.

"Of course you have."

"How long have I been hard?"

"About ten minutes. Pretty much since you put that ball between your legs."

"Wow," Cooper said. "I couldn't feel it at all."

His uncle smiled.

"That's the idea. Now let's do something with it while it's still strong. Hold it in your fist and look down at it."


"Now jack yourself."


"Now lift your leg onto the bench. Legs apart so we can see your balls."


"Finger in your hole."

Snap. Snap.

"Okay, now all we need is a cumshot. Let's get you jerking it to some porn."

Jim went to his porn stash and returned with a magazine. He opened it to a spread and lay the magazine on the bench beside Cooper.

"Right, I need you to beat off whilst you look down at the magazine okay."

Cooper was still sceptical that he would be able to cum whilst his uncle was watching.

"I'll try."

He looked down at the magazine, expecting to see the same hetero porn that Mason had been given. Instead, staring up to him, finger up his own asshole, was Jed. Cooper's heart started pounding. Did his uncle think he was queer, or was it just a prop?

"Okay, start jacking," his uncle said.

Cooper felt himself breathing heavily. It seemed as though time was stretching out. He stared at the magazine for what seemed like an eternity, but he wasn't seeing the photograph, he was panicking over how to handle the situation. Eventually he said feebly, "But it's a boy."

"Of course it is. It's Jed. You almost came in your pants watching him the other week."

"No 'almost' about it," Cooper thought, but he didn't feel any urge to set his uncle straight.

His thoughts were racing. He was at a crossroads. He could try to make out that he wasn't aroused by Jed, or all of the other models, or he could just go with the flow and act like it was no big deal that his uncle knew that he liked guys. He loved his uncle dearly and was not in the habit of lying to him. He decided to play it cool. He started jacking himself.

For a few minutes, he still didn't really see the magazine in front of him. He felt like he was in another dimension – somehow isolated from the room. His pulse was pounding. His actions felt surreal.

"That's it. Ohh you are a natural!" Jim purred.

He started snapping again.

His nephew didn't have a sophisticated masturbation technique: straight up and down, but damn the kid's pecker looked hard as wood! There were pale veins bulging along its length, and the head was bloated, far bigger than the meat it was attached to.

The rushing in Cooper's ears began to subside as his brain reordered to match the reality in which his uncle knew that he was queer. In which HE knew that he was queer. He realised that he'd been hiding from the fact ever since he had started working at his uncle's other business, and now he was finally, grudgingly forcing himself to accept it. It was crazy, he reasoned, to be fearful of his uncle knowing his sexual tastes. After all, the man's business was all about catering to other queers. And never once had the man expressed any negative judgement.

Cooper looked at the magazine, seeing it clearly now. He remembered the shoot; remembered Jed's cocky attitude and easy mannerisms. He looked at Jed's cock, finally able to truly appreciate it. His hand started to move faster on his own cock.

"Great job, now put your fingertip back in your hole," Jim said, recreating a classic pose that he included in almost every shoot. "Use your middle finger this time."

Cooper obliged.

"Now pump your finger in and out."

If Cooper had had the mental clarity to think about his uncle's request, he would have realised that the stills camera was barely going to show the difference from one position to the other as he finger fucked his pucker on command; that the action was intended for his pleasure, not viewer's, but he was beyond the point of questioning his uncle. He simply obeyed.

"Outstanding," his uncle praised. "Jack yourself faster. Push your finger deeper."

Cooper was staring at the magazine. His vision was alternating between Jed's face, his penis, and his hole. He felt like Jed was the one finger fucking him, and he liked it. Cooper was breathing very heavily now, his breath coming in noisy gasps. He obeyed his uncle's command without hesitation. He'd never felt so horny. He had no idea that his hole could provide such pleasure. Meanwhile, his right hand was flying up and down his rigid shaft. He'd never been so hard in his life.

His uncle realised that Cooper was lost in a private fantasy now. The boy was chewing his lips and trembling with euphoria. His abs were tight, and his expression made it clear that he would give anything if Jed was there sucking his member right now. Jim stopped snapping the boy's rapturous face and turned his entire attention to his nephew's lower abdomen. The boy was going to cum soon and it was going to be worth recording.

Jim snapped away, silent now, leaving Cooper to enjoy his own fantasy world undisturbed. Suddenly the boy moaned.

"Uhnnnnn 3;"

A jet of cum rocketed from his tightly clutched dick and flew past the photographer standing four feet [1.2 m] away. Jim knew better than to be too close when a boy was this turned on.

There were two ways that it could go at this time. Some boys would stop pumping, and take pleasure from watching their own orgasm, even going so far as to let go of their penis entirely. Jim always found that rather narcissistic, although it certainly made for better shots. Then there was the other type, so eager to intensify their own orgasm, that no request for professionalism or calm could derail them from their frantic, animal pumping, and their primal desire to ejaculate as hard as possible. Jim noticed that the less experienced wankers usually fell into this category, and Cooper was no exception.

His hands moved even faster, his fist becoming a blur, flinging spray after milky spray from his cock, and out into the studio. Cooper's head was thrown back, his eyes closed, and he was panting emotionally, his tone a cross between sobbing and jubilation, unused to this level of emotional and erotic abandon.

Gradually, Cooper's fist slowed on his penis, and then eventually stopped. He reclined, his mind still on overload. His uncle was still working the camera, quickly capturing the aftermath of the boy's gargantuan orgasm. Cum was sprayed everywhere. Cooper's hand fell from his penis, its job done, and Jim quickly snapped his nephew's rapidly deflating cock. The head was deep purple from the pounding it had taken and even his balls looked rosier than they had at the start.

Cooper's ability to think rationally slowly returned. He slipped his finger from his hole. The he opened his eyes, staring up at the opposite corner of the room, unwilling to make eye contact with his uncle right away.

Post orgasm self-loathing. If Jim had seen it once, he'd seen it a hundred times. The realisation by a model, that they have just abandoned themselves totally to feelings they never even knew they had. It could destroy any chance of working with a good model again. What Jim said in such moments made all the difference.

"That was ffuc-king incredible!"

He was not exaggerating. Few models were overtaken so fully by their lust.

Cooper lowered his gaze cautiously and met his uncle's eyes. His face was a mixture of scepticism, sadness and exhaustion.

"Wow Cooper, you are a total superstar. One in a fucking million!" his uncle gushed.

Praising the models was an ingrained habit for him by now, but his enthusiasm was genuine. He put his camera down and walked quickly over to where Cooper was sitting, still slightly shellshocked.

"Get up. C'mere," his uncle said.

The naked boy stood, and his uncle gave him a bearlike hug. Cooper was surprised. They were not a family that was afraid of physical contact, but this level of ebullience was way beyond his experience. At first he stood arms by his sides, allowing his uncle to hug him, but then he wrapped his arms beneath his uncle's, and returned the hug.

"I can't believe I've had such a goddamned megastar working for me all this time. Coop, you are inn-CREDIBLE!"

Cooper started to believe his uncle. He'd never seen the man so effusive in his praise before. He put his head on his uncle's shoulder, starting to feel good about himself.

Jim reached between Cooper's legs and cupped the boy's nuts, rolling them in his palm. Cooper flinched with surprise, but didn't move away.

"Who knew these guys had so much fucking cum in them Coop? Jeez, you could seed an entire college with these!"

Cooper grinned at the thought.

Finally his uncle uncupped his nuts and released him from the hug. Jim moved back a pace, smiling at his nephew with genuine warmth. Cooper looked at him and smiled back uncertain what to say.

Jim said, "Suppose I'd better start cleaning up all this mess you fucking stud!"

The man didn't swear a huge amount as a matter of course, so his unrestrained profanity only served to convince Cooper that the man was not simply playing him. His smile broadened into a grin.

"Sorry uncle Jim."

"Yeah sure you are," Jim said, grinning right back. "Now why don't you get dressed while I clean up?"

Cooper did as he was told, but he couldn't hide the perpetual smirk on his face. He actually felt pretty good about himself.


When Cooper was dressed, his uncle said, "Just help me put the sets away can you Coop?"

"That's not a job for the talent," Cooper quipped.

"You cheeky 3;" his uncle swung at Cooper's head with the now closed porno magazine. Cooper skipped lightly out of range with an impish grin on his face.

Jim grinned right back at him. He held out the magazine. The title was Cowboy special.

"You can keep this if you like."

Cooper stopped, his expression instantly serious. Last chance to back away. He stared at the magazine. He considered his options, and looked his uncle in the eye. There was nothing malicious there. He reached out and took the magazine. The new Cooper was born.

"I think I will actually. Thanks."

The End

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