Mister RedBilly's Physical |
SummaryA stepdad brings his very shy new stepson for a physical.
Publ. Dec 2010
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CharactersBilly (13yo), the doctor and his stepdadCategory & Story codesConsensual storyMt – cons mast oral anal (implied) – med (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis is an adult erotic gay story. If such stories offend you or if it is illegal to read such stories where you're located, please go away now. If you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, go away quickly and get some help. However, this is not a slam-bang hard sex story! It is about the sexual tension of a young hetero teenage boy being undressed and embarrassed in front of (and along with) his hetero father. So it includes intergenerational and family themes along with nudity, humiliation, voyeurism and masturbation. You've been warned.This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author redbeardedsf(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Mister Red - Billy's Physical in the subject line. |
It was the end of my office hours for the day and I wasn't in a very cheery mood. I had just gotten a message from my favorite boy prostitute that he had to cancel our tryst that night. That would mean going home to my wife even though I had already told her I had "an important business appointment" that night. Damn. When I went into my waiting room to escort the last patient of the day back to an exam room I saw Billy and his father at the desk trying to make an appointment. The man was saying that Billy needed the physical in order to be on his school's wrestling team and swim team (and in the spring the school baseball team). The two of them got my attention. Billy was just about the cutest boy I'd ever laid eyes on. Yet nothing girly about him. He was all-boy, a scattering of freckles, messy hair that was too dark to call blond but too light to call brown. His upper arms and his neck had thickness that suggested a solid body. But his hips were slim. Billy's dad did not look like any relation to the boy. The man was big everywhere, tall and stout with a round middle. He had a trimmed salt-and-pepper beard and white hairs coming out of the collar of his shirt. Perhaps this was the grandfather? My attention turned back to Billy. With my tryst for the night canceled I figured this physical exam might be a nice way to end the day. It would be fun to see this boy undressed and touch him up. Being a doctor I knew none of those actions would ever be questioned. I interrupted at the desk and told them I had time to stay late and offered to perform Billy's physical right after my final appointment. My secretary and nurse both told me they had to leave for the day and I told them I would be able to close up. I gave the dad and son the long list of questions to fill out while I went back to the exam room with my final scheduled patient. Normally Billy would have been escorted to an exam room before I was available so he could already be stripped and wearing a short robe when I came in. But I had an idea I wanted to be present to watch the boy stripping. On the way back to the exam room I casually asked, "You're the boy's father?" The man replied, "Stepfather. I only married Billy's mom about a month ago. But we're already one big happy family." I asked Billy how he liked his new stepdad, although I knew it was a loaded question with his stepdad present. But Billy's enthusiasm was palpable. "He's real good to me and my mom. We got this great house now instead of that crummy little apartment. And he bought me a new ten-speed bike and an X-box and I even have my own TV in my bedroom." Dad said, "I don't know how an old goat like me got so lucky with a young pretty wife and a fine young boy." There was something about the way the man referred to the boy that made my sixth sense tingle. He quickly added, "Would you believe my young wife is even cuter than this little fella here?" I asked where mom was and Billy quickly tossed in, "She's out with friends tonight." Dad went on, "She likes to go out drinking with her girlfriends. After all, I'm usually asleep by ten even on weekends. She's still young. I don't wanna cramp her fun." He squeezed Billy's shoulder and added, "And now she doesn't have to worry about leaving this lad on his own. He has a daddy to stay with him." My dick was chubbing up in my pants as I put the pieces together. A pretty young wife who married the man for security. An elderly stepdad who didn't mind his wife stepping out with other men and leaving him alone with his cute stepson. Looking at the papers that were filled out I saw that Billy had just turned thirteen. I figured the stepdad was getting close to sixty. Once in the exam room I looked Billy up and down and instructed, "I need you to strip bare ass naked, son." (Of course I could have simply said "remove your clothes" but I got a kick out of using that phrase "strip bare ass naked" to a boy this age.) Billy froze in response. His dad helpfully commented, "Billy is very shy about showing his body. I've been his dad for a month and I've still never seen the boy nude. I've barely caught glimpses of him in his tighty whities." I saw the look in the man's eyes. I could tell that he had tried to "catch glimpses" of the boy and he was here to see this show. The boy was slowly taking off his sneakers and white ankle socks. I helpfully prattled on, "Of course you don't want to get naked in the middle of main street or in front of your mom. But you have a dad now. No reason to be shy in front of each other. In fact, your dad should be checking on your development." Billy slowly took off his t-shirt to reveal a well-formed chest with the beginning of some definition. His tummy was flat and firm. He immediately put his arms over his chest to hide himself. I looked over at Dad who seemed delighted by the things I was saying and decided to push further. "Dad, do you know whether Billy has any hair around his penis yet?" Dad shook his head in the negative so I said to the boy, "Y'see that's just the sort of thing you should be sharing with your dad. A father is proud to know when his son starts getting hair. Do you, Billy? Do you have hair yet around your penis?" Just looking at the boy's pink skin, his smooth upper lip, and having seen his smooth underarms I knew the answer would be negative. Billy just looked down at the floor and mumbled something. Dad leaned over to me and whispered, "Thanks, man." I mumbled back, "Stay cool." I stood beside Billy then and my big hand moved up and down his smooth back. "It's OK, Billy. You're with your dad and a doctor. Tell you what, son, just take down your pants and you can keep your underpants on for the time being." Then as if a brand new thought just came into my head I asked, "Gee, Billy, are you shy about undressing because you're concerned you may get an erection in front of us? You know: pop a stiffy, get wood, throw a bone." The boy was shaking now under my touch. One thing I knew for certain, talking about erections (with various dirty words thrown in) was a sure way to get a boy this age boned. I glanced over at Dad who was adjusting his large cock in the front of his pants, trying to make his erection less obvious. "If you have a hard-on, Billy, that's a good thing because your dad and I should both have a chance to examine it." With shaking hands the boy opened and slowly pushed down his jeans revealing a bright white pair of briefs. The underpants fit snugly and were caught in the crack of his nicely rounded butt. There was a tent showing in the front. Not a large tent but a tent nonetheless. I guided him over to weigh him and take his height. My hand kept lightly landing on the boy. Not on his butt where I really wanted to touch, but on the exposed smooth flesh that felt so warm. As I went through these procedures I kept up the patter. "I'll tell you a little secret, Billy. Even old guys like your dad and me get boners." Glancing at the Dad I said a perfunctory, "I hope you don't mind me telling that to the boy." In a quiet, supportive voice I asked the youth, "Billy, have you ever seen a grown-up hairy man all naked?" He shook his head no. I went on casually, "Gee, maybe your stepdad would let you take a shower with him sometime." There was a long contented exhale from the older man when I said that. Billy looked mortified. I told him to put his hands on his head and then I proceeded to peel down the white briefs to his feet. His penis was sticking straight up pointing at his chin. But what surprised me was that, for a boy his age who was so athletic and exuded young masculinity, his penis was surprisingly small and totally bald. Now I knew why Billy was so shy about undressing. I had him turn his head and cough as I fingered his hairless balls. If his dick was a disappointment, his round smooth butt cheeks certainly fulfilled every fantasy I'd had about the boy. I patted his butt lightly and told him to turn around and bend over the exam table. Smiling at the Dad I said, "Usually a doctor wouldn't do a prostate exam till a boy is older. But in this case I'd like to check out some things, Dad." The older man was grinning at me, adjusted his hard dick in his pants once again. I saw a wet spot already formed on his pants. I stuck my greased up index finger into his tight opening and the boy squealed an "Ow!" So I pulled back and worked that finger around and around the virgin anus before I let just the tip of it enter the youth. Then I worked that tip in and out pushing a little more in each time I entered him. My other hand was massaging and squeezing one of his round cheeks. My own pants were now wet with my dribbling pre-cum, thankfully hidden behind my white doctor's coat. Dad was staring as if he was hypnotized by the sight. I broke his reverie and offered, "Gee, Dad, maybe you ought to learn to check on Billy's prostate. You could finger him like this before your showers." The man leaped up beside me. Thankfully we were behind the bent-over Billy, otherwise the boy would certainly have seen the big lump and wet spot on his stepdad's pants. I greased up some of the man's fingers and guided one gently into his son's bottom hole. Billy grunted. The large man enthusiastically fingerfucked the boy, soon adding a second finger. Suddenly Billy gasped and stood up even with his father's two thick fingers still in him. He grabbed at his pulsing dick. I saw a splash of liquid on the floor and knew it was mostly clear boy cum. His fingers trying vainly to cover his small penis were dripping with it. He was out of breath and looking away from both of us, as if ashamed. Billy's other hand went behind him and he touched his Dad's wrist. "Please," he whispered and urged the man to vacate his rear end. Dad's two thick fingers slid out slowly. I was impressed that his fingers were clean. The boy had good hygiene. "Don't be embarrassed, Billy. In fact I wanted to collect your semen to test. You should be proud that you could make such a nice big load at your age, sport." I then had him wipe his hands into a petrie dish. I used the excuse to finger his dick, still hard as ever, and shake the remaining drops into the petrie dish, knowing I would lick it up later. I told the boy he could put his clothes back on. He kept his back turned to us. Amazing how a boy like that could be so shy about showing his penis, never realizing that men like me are more interested in looking at his bare ass anyway. After Billy had pulled up his briefs and held his jeans in his hand he turned and I could see he was trying to ask a question. "It's OK, Billy. There are no foolish questions in here. It's always good to ask a doctor what's on your mind." Looking down at the floor again he mumbled, "It's about s-size, doc. Am I ummmm 3; I mean, am I b-big enough for my age?" "Well, son, there is no exact normal for your age or any age. There's a wide range of sizes. Some boys develop later and some boys 3;" This time he boldly interrupted me. "And what about hair, doc? Isn't there something you could give me to make hair grow and make it bigger? Some kind of treatment?" I looked this beauty up and down. I looked over at his stepdad and began slowly, "Well as far as medical science goes, as far as treatment approved by the FDA, well 3; there isn't exactly any medically approved way of speeding up a boy's development." Billy was insistent, "But is there some way? Medically proved or not?" His stepdad spoke up and said, "Well there are some old family treatments. Y'know like folk medicine. Certainly what my dad gave me." I met the man's eyes and said, "You're talking about man cream?" We were in synch with each other. Without missing a beat he said, "My father called it daddy cream. And look how big and hairy I got to be. Dang, I had a bush round my pecker at my twelfth birthday party." Billy mouthed a "Wow" and the big man continued, "Of course my dad had started much earlier. I'm not sure about starting you out when you're already thirteen, sport." He looked to me slyly. "There are mixed results. Sometimes it works tremendously, other times it just has a little bit of an effect." Billy jumped in and said, "Even if it helps only a little bit 3;" "But you also ought to know, Billy, that these days society isn't as accepting about a man helping his son in this way. If you wanted to try this you would have to keep it a secret," I said solemnly. His dad added, "Your mother wouldn't understand. Women in general don't understand, they make a fuss and want to even call the cops. You couldn't even tell your buddies about this. They might tell someone and get me in trouble for helping you." "Oh, I would never want to get you in trouble, Dad," the boy quickly interrupted. "You've been so good to us and that great house and the swimming pool you're gonna install." "Do you want this Billy? Do you really want your dad's cream?" I asked. When the boy nodded, his stepdad told him, "Get naked again, son, and get on your knees." The boy did as he was instructed. Stepdad lifted his weight from the chair and immediately started opening his pants. When he pushed them down to his thighs it was easy to see the big tent and wet spot on his boxer shorts. "Take off your shirt as well, so you'll be more comfortable," I said. I don't know what possessed me to want to see this hulking man more exposed. With his shirt off he revealed thick upper arms with a Marine tattoo, a broad chest that indicated he was once a bodybuilding hunk, and a big tummy hanging over the waistband of his boxers. All this was covered with thick tufts of white hair. Billy's eyes were wide as his stepdad peeled down his boxers. The large old man was naked to his thighs with his long thick penis sticking up stiff in front of him. He came near to Billy and caressed the boy's cheek. "Start off by licking it, son." The boy pulled back and turned to me asking, "B-but wouldn't that be like ummm 3; c-cocksucking?" He looked down at the floor on the last word embarrassed to say it. "Oh, Billy," I replied in a lighthearted way. "This isn't like homos sucking some stranger's dick in a men's room. This is your dad ready to feed you his cream." Two things I had sensed about the boy at this point: First, he was straight, a totally heterosexual boy; second, he was not the sharpest pencil in the box. I grinned at the big man. He had found a perfect setup: a wife who was probably as dim as the boy and glad to get out of the house to do her own thing, and a stepson as dumb as he was cute. I watched as the boy wrapped his lips around the head of that leaking cock. A moment later he was gagging and pulling away. His stepdad was caressing the boys face and urging him forward again. In a quiet voice I suggested, "Back when I was too little to take much in my mouth my dad used to masturbate into my mouth to feed me." The man was content to just hold the head of his dick in the boy's mouth. But instead of taking my advice and masturbating himself, he took his son's hands and put them on his thick tool. "Go on, boy, you know about jerking off. Jerk daddy off till I shoot in your mouth, son." The youth did as asked, looking up at his stepdad's big tummy. The man was still swaying his hips easing a little more of his cock into the boy's mouth but never pushing too far. The big man began a litany, "I'm gonna feed you, son. You're gonna get a big thick hot load of daddy's cream and you better swallow it all. You're gonna be a good boy and not waste a drop, Billy." Suddenly the huge cock was shoved deeper into the boy's throat. I watched his adam's apple bobbing and knew he was trying desperately to swallow. There was some white cream that dribbled out of the boy's lower lip. The boy had just been fed his first load of daddy cream, but this would not be his last. When the man extricated his thick cock out of his son's mouth, the boy obediently followed directions and licked the remnants off his stepdad's cock and pubic hair and balls. Dad kept brushing the boy's hair with his fingers and cooing, "What a good boy you are. You're the best boy any dad could have." The boy seemed more voracious as he heard this. Growing up without a dad he was probably starved for male affection. Well, he would get a lot of it from this man. As Billy started to stand up and reach for his clothes, his stepdad stopped him. "Not so fast, son." The man looked at me, winked, and said, "Since we're starting so late in feeding you man cream, maybe the doctor would be willing to help us out. Could we impose on you, doc, to feed my son a load?" My white coat was off in a flash. I shoved down my pants and boxers and my thick tool was sticking out stiff and dripping. I guided Billy over to a chair where I sat down and pushed his head toward my lap. He wrapped his lips around my throbbing erection and wrapped his fingers around the base of my dick. "Slow and gentle, Billy," I said as I fingered his soft messy hair. He was an obedient boy who did as he was told. While I was enjoying the feel of the barely-experienced mouth and fingers, I smiled at dad and said, "My dad also used to give me his cream in 3; well, the area closer to where it's needed. That is said to be more potent. But it could be a little painful at first, so only if Billy is a strong boy and brave." His head popped up and he piped in, "I can take a little pain, doctor. I'm strong and brave."
The next week the dad and son came in at the same time so that we were once again the only ones in the office. I used a different exam room, one usually reserved for a gynecologist. We were able to lay Billy back on the table and lift his legs up into the stirrups. The Dad was generous enough to let me be the first to enter Billy's virgin rear end. I became good buddies with that stepdad. He felt I had done him a good turn and he had something sweet and tender to offer me in return. It was the following spring when the boy's mom ran off with another man. Fortunately, stepdad had already legally adopted the boy. The courts gave him full legal custody. It seems that the initial impetus for the boy to get man cream to speed up his development has been forgotten. The youth has just the barest signs of pubes now and his penis has hardly gotten any larger. But the boy is now sharing his stepdad's bed. He bends over to be fucked whenever asked. And I have even watched the two of them engage in a prolonged session of french kissing. When I spoke to the boy briefly about his role in the house, he merely praised his stepdad. "If not for him I would be in foster care or some terrible group home. I'm so lucky to have him. And since he's raising me and looking after me he really can't get with a woman, so it's only right I take care of his needs." Amazing. Was it possible this dimwitted straight boy still hadn't realized what his stepdad was? Or maybe it was simply easier for the boy to live with the myth that he was standing in for a woman in his stepdad's bed, instead of acknowledging that his slim boy body was the object of desire this big man wanted all the time. The EndFeedback, comments, thoughts, suggestions are welcome through this feedback form with Mister Red - Billy's Physcial in the subject line. Flames ignored. |