#1 Inn Boy
After his car broke down near a Scottish village, Joe goes to the local inn, where 10yo orphan Jimmy works as servant. His services to male visitors are very special.
Jimmy (10yo)
Mb – cons anal oral – prost
Chapter 1
I walked into the little village in the Scottish countryside. My car broke down five miles back and the rain started as soon as I started walking. I was cold and wet and hungry and grumpy.
I found a large house that had a shingle out declaring the home to be a bed and breakfast. I was ecstatic.
The door creaked open and I was greeted with a warm blast of air smelling of bread.
"Welcome! Come in and sit down young man!" A portly woman cheerfully called to me. "Oh, My! You look chilled to the bone!"
"My car died a few miles back. Good god I don't think I will ever be warm again. Would you have a room by chance?" I chattered at the woman as she hurried to bring me a blanket.
"Absolutely! Jimmy! Get your lazy backside in here and help this man up to room twelve."
A gorgeous little boy of perhaps ten came hustling into the room. He was blonde hared and fair skinned. He also carried himself like a servant that had been beaten one too many times. He hunched over and shied from every move near him.
"This way sir." He mumbled at me. He took my arm over his shoulder and tried to help me up the stairs. I did all the work and we both entered the small room. It had a large inviting bed to one side and a large tub in the corner.
I stumbled toward the bed as he hurried to the bath tub. "Shall I draw a bath for you sir?"
He didn't wait to start the water.
"I would kiss you for a warm bath Jimmy."
I actually would do any thing for this stunning boy just on sheer principals I tried to get undressed but my hands were so cold I could not feel the buttons and zippers.
"Should I help you sir?"
"Call me Joe. I really could use a hand Jimmy."
I shivered as he walked back toward me. He helped me off with my shirt and then he unbuckled my belt.
"Jimmy. Maybe I should do this part."
"You cant hardly stand sir. Let me help you or Mrs. Horn will strap me again."
The boy unbuttoned my pants and then slid the zipper down. I could feel every tooth of that zipper as it slowly went down my crotch. I was so cold it was impossible to get an erection.
He tugged my pants to my feet and slipped my shoes off. He then drew the pants over my soggy socks and he tossed them in a heap next to the bed. He worked my cold, wet socks off my numb feet and they too joined my shirt and pants. I grew increasingly nervous. As he reached for my boxers I shied back.
"I think you should go now."
"It ain't like I haven't seen one before mister. I see a lot of things here."
He grasped the elastic surrounding my hips and tugged them down. I grew red as my man hood, shriveled and puny, came into view.
"It sure must be cold out there, mister. I ain't seen one try too crawl up inside someone like that before."
"Well it's about as cold as a witches tit in December out there."
I walked toward the warm bath.
"You want me to take your clothes to the wash now? I need to get you some towels and soap."
He gathered up the wet mess and headed for the door.
"I will be back in a minute with the towels, Joe."
And he disappeared. Much to my relief.
"Now you get you behind up there and help that poor man with his bath Jimmy. He is near frozen to the bone. You take care of him tonight till he falls asleep." She berated the poor boy. "On second thought you get a blanket and sleep in his room in case he needs something in the night. His clothes won't be wearable until morning anyway and I don't want a naked man running around my house."
The door creaked open and Jimmy shuffled into the room. He carried a pile of towels and a tray in his small arms.
"I brought you dinner and the towels and soap, sir. Should I help you with your bath?" He asked as he placed all the items carefully on the dresser.
"I could use some help with my back, Jimmy." I replied. I was nervous but excited.
The lad took a wash cloth from the pile and a bar of soap. He lathered up the cloth and began to work on my back. I relaxed into the warm water and relished his hands on my skin.
Soon he began to wash lower and around my chest. "How is that sir?"
"Heavenly Jimmy. You cant believe how good this feels." I moaned.
"I should get in with you, Joe. If I get wet the misses will get mad at me. She would make me go naked around the house till they get dry too."
"She would?"
"She did before. I only got one set of clothes. I put my clothes in the wash before I go to bed and have to put them in the dryer before I get up in the morning. One day she made me go all day and night naked cause she was doing the linens."
"Even with clients in the house?"
"Yes. I got so I don't care much any more who sees me. But it is cold now."
"If you want to go ahead and climb in. I think I should repay your kindness. Have you ever had a massage?"
"No." He simply replied as he undressed. He wore no underpants under his thin trousers and he was a pale white. He also looked a bit malnourished. His ribs stuck out more than was healthy. I watched, mesmerized as the boy climbed into the tub with me. I always dreamed of bathing with a cute boy. Now I was in a tub with a stunning lad and I was so scarred I could not speak. He took up the cloth and began to scrub me clean. I concentrated on the wonderful feelings I was experiencing and prayed my penis would stay down. As he approached my crotch I stopped him.
"My turn to wash you Jimmy."
"I do need a bath." He handed me the cloth.
"Turn around kiddo." I whispered. He gave me a knowing glance as he slipped around.
I spent an hour washing every square inch of the boy slowly and lovingly. He relaxed so much I thought he went to sleep.
"This feels better than anything I have ever felt, Joe."
"Do you want me to wash all of you?"
I was hoping – praying – he would say yes.
"No. Let's go to the bed Joe." He stood up and I could see he was as erect as I was under the soapy water. "We can't do much here in the tub."
"Jimmy. We don't have to if you don't want to."
"Joe. I like you. You make me feel good. I want to."
He led me, dripping to the bed as he gathered up the towels. We dried each other carefully. He gently rubbed all the water from my body in slow and sure strokes. He knelt before me and reached for my manhood. I shuddered as the rough terrycloth scraped over my sensitive penis head.
I nearly came in his hands as he stroked me slowly. I stopped his ministrations and took a fresh towel. "Now I get to dry you."
I started with his hair and worked my way down. He smiled and let me do every inch of him. I worked around his penis without touching him. He grinned as my hands cradled his backside tenderly.
"You missed a spot, Joe."
He looked like he was going to burst into a giggling fit.
"I know."
I leaned forward and kissed his left nipple. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my head in a soft hug. My tongue reached out to titillate his nubile little nipple.
"That feels good Joe. No one ever did that to me."
He slipped close to my body. I felt my erection push against his equally rigid member.
I slowly licked my way across his chest to his right nipple. It stood straight out and was a soft sort of pointy as my tongue touched it. He groaned a little as I gave his nipple a good dose of attention. He reached up and pushed my head down his body slowly. I let him guide me downward. I always loved little boys belly buttons and I stopped to tickle his a bit with my tongue and suck all the water out. He giggled as I blew into his little pucker. I glanced down and saw heaven approach as I lowered my head to his little crotch. I reached to his bottom again, letting the towel drop away, to grasp his tender, firm, little buttocks in my hands and lift him to the bed. He placed his knees on either side of my head and sat on my chest with his legs splayed wide obscenely. I saw the height of male perfection jutting to the sky. Uncut, Jimmy had a penis that was only two inches [5cm] hard. The head struggled to poke out of the foreskin. I could see the bright purple head stretch the skin tight over the glans.
Blowing gently on it I could feel him shiver slightly on my chest. His hands reached behind him as he leaned back. I could feel him grope for my penis with his left hand as his right rested on my thigh. As his cool, moist hand encircled my shaft I leaned down and licked his boyness from his immature testicles to the tip of his rigid cocklett. He moaned loudly and thrust his hips at my face.
"Do it! Please, no one ever would do it for me!"
I obeyed him and kissed the tip and let it slip between my lips as I sucked it in like I would a straw.
He squeezed my cock hard and tried to stoke it. It wasn't easy and he gave up after I told him to let it go and let me do all the work. He was happy to have someone pay attention to him and want to give him pleasures.
I let him savor the warm feeling in my mouth as I savored the hot, hard, silkiness of his baby soft skin on my tongue. He moaned and began to thrust little pushes into my face. I stroked his silky smooth bottom as he slowly got his rhythm and grew bolder. He left my screaming penis and leaned forward. His hands fell to the sides of my head as his thrusts grew longer and faster. I limited the length of his stoke by holding his bum and feeling the length of his cocklett in my mouth. I swathed his rod with my tongue paying attention to the tip and letting the slamming of his hips set a tempo of lust. He was horny as hell and so was I.
I sucked gently, slowly increasing the vacuum and pressure of my tongue on his member. He grunted and groaned like an animal as he drove himself to climax inside my mouth. I let him abuse my face as long and hard as he wished. I was higher than any drug could make me with his sweet boy meat pounding in and out of my mouth. If I died right then I would have been satisfied with my life.
He started to loose his rhythm and stroke as he approached orgasm. I could tell he was near by the tension in his ass and the hard pulsing in his little pecker. He panted and heaved as he approached nirvana. Suddenly he pulled out and sat down.
"What's wrong?" I asked, worried.
"Nothing," he smiled. "I was just done."
"Not by a long shot Jimmy. I am taking you to levels of pleasure you never imagined before." I dove my face back to his hard little lolly pop. He tried to pull my head off and I looked up to him. "Trust me. What you were feeling only gets better."
I knew he was approaching orgasm and he grew afraid of what was coming next. He obviously never reached a full blown orgasm. Like me when I was young, he reached the precipice and left it at that. Frightened of what would happen. Fear of the unknown.
I decided to take him over the edge and closer to heaven.
He let my head return to the ministrations I gave his little tool. He grinned wide as I stroked him up and down with my mouth. He moaned loudly and began to thrust again into my waiting mouth. Soon he slowed and stopped thrusting. He again tried to push my head off. I refused to let him. The tension I felt in his body grew and grew. I bobbed my head up and down several more times as he squeaked and panted.
Soon he whined and grabbed my head tight as I pushed his penis beyond any point in which he had experienced before. He went as rigid as a board and he gazed at the ceiling.
I let his penis slip out of my mouth and it slapped against his taught tummy.
"I know exactly what you mean baby." I cooed as he melted into my arms.
"That was so much better than anything I ever did. None of the others ever did that for me. They just wanted me to do them and that was it."
"Other men?" I know it was a stupid question.
"Yea. Men who come here. I have a few regulars that pay me to do things." He sat up and looked at me. "Like the professor. He comes by every first weekend of the month. He wants me to bathe him and then he puts on his robe. He lights a pipe and he tells me to undress in front of him. It gets hard while he watches. He waits till I am naked then he has me suck him till he spews in my mouth. I have to swallow it all or he makes me suck again. Then he tells me to put a rubber on his thing and I have to bend over the bed. He puts some greasy stuff on me and fucks my butt. At first it hurt some but after a few times it stopped. His wiener is kinda long and thin. Yours is a little thicker but shorter than his. When he gets done he tells me to put my clothes on and he goes to bed. He never offered to do the things you did."
"I don't want to know any more. I just want to give you pleasure." I hugged him tight and enjoyed his warmth.
"Well," He said after a few minute. "I cant just let you do that for me and not give you some back."
I let him go as he slid down and rubbed his smooth, hairless boy face against my raging manhood. I wanted too shoot right then and almost did.
He nibbled the head and breathed on it with his hot passionate breath. I moaned and rubbed his silky, still wet hair. He slowly slid his mouth over me and played with my glans with his tongue. I moaned loudly and began to thrust into his mouth obscenely. Before I knew it he had the entirety of my penis shoved down his tinny throat and his nose buried in my pubes. I hadn't had anyone to have sex with in years and I really was enjoying the whole experience. The smell of a young boy, laying on top of me and the feeling of skin on skin. The sliding, sucking and stroking. Soon I felt my orgasm climbing and the pressure in my balls grow. Jimmy slipped his mouth off me and he kissed the head gently.
"Now for the good part."
He grinned like the Cheshire cat and climbed off the bed. I watched his tight little ten year old ass as he ran to the dresser and picked up a small tube and then stopped to dig into his pants.
"What ya doing Jimmy? I really could use a hand over here." I teased. Actually I was going insane with desire.
He came padding over to the bed and climbed onto my legs. "You did all of the work the first time, now let me do this." He smiled as he clutched a package in his little hands.
"All right Jimmy." I nodded.
He took a small, square package and placed it to his teeth and tore it open. A small rubber ring dropped to my nuts. "OOPS!" He giggled. Taking it up he put the condom at the tip of my rigid member and slowly slipped it down over my throbbing rod. Whoever taught him about sex at least taught him prudence in using protection.
When the latex had thoroughly engulfed my penis he took the small bottle of hand cream out and squirted some onto his hands. He grasped the tip of my rubber encased tool and masturbated me a few times to coat me well and then he took some more and reached between his legs to grease up his anus.
"Jimmy, we don't have to do this. I would be just as happy with what we were doing."
"Nope! I like to do this with nice men. Only a couple really are nice to me. Most just do it to me, pay me and say 'get out'." He scooted forward and took my pecker in hand. "But you gave me something special so I want to give you something too."
Pointing the weapon at his most private spot he sat back and onto me. I grimaced as he bent my steel hard dick in half when he missed his hole by a bit. Then he found his hole and I could feel the heat coming off him on the head of my penis.
I was amazed by how easy it went in. It didn't pop in or hesitate. It just slid right into his hole as if his bum was a hungry animal devouring my meat. He sat back slowly letting his bum grow used to the presence of me inside him. The heat was incredible and he was tighter than I thought he would be considering he was basically a prostitute. Soon he was sitting all the way on my throbbing cock and grinning widely at me.
"Thanks for getting me off, Joe. Now I want to make you feel as good."
He rocked back and forth slowly and gently. I moaned and gripped his hips tightly. He did things with his ass that I never felt with a hand. I think he had some instruction from a person who knew the kama sutra.
I let him ride my pole as fast as he wanted and as hard as he dared. He picked up the pace slowly and steadily. We both were panting and grunting at each other with smiles as wide as the grand canyon. All too soon he was bouncing up and down with wild abandon and the springs of the bed set up a squeaking racket that was sure to be heard all over the small building. I really didn't give a shit right then.
I felt my balls pull up tight and the rising in my abdomen that meant I would shoot all too soon. Jimmy had his hardon in hand and was jerking himself to another immature orgasm. The clenching of his rectum on my manhood and the visual of this little angel pleasuring himself on me and with hand was too much for me.
I grabbed his hips hard and began to slam into him as hard as I could and he giggled uncontrollably as he rode me to an explosive and massive ejaculation. I was certainly glad I had a condom on for it would save us a mess to clean up and explain come morning. He collapsed into my arms as he rode me to his second orgasm in a few minutes.
"Jimmy, that was so good! I really want to thank you for this. You don't know how much it means to me."
"I was just going to charge you like I do all the men who screw me. But your different. I knew that in the tub. You wanted to make me feel good. You were gentle, tender. Most of the men just want to stick their dick in me and that's it."
"Do you like living here?"
"No. The lady tries too steal my money all the time. She knows the men I sleep with and she charges them more. Some get mad at me. They say they got to pay twice for it. But I save my money and soon I am going to have enough to run away. Go to London and get away from her." He sighed. "I just want a real daddy and mommy. I don't remember mine. I am an orphan and the state sent me here."
"Jimmy, if I could I would take you with me to the States. I don't have much, but it would be better than this."
I was depressed about having to leave this little god here alone.
"You would? I wish you could. What are you here for?" he asked playing with my chest hairs.
"I got a letter that I had to come to settle some estate or some damned thing. I don't know anyone who lived here."
"You're rich?" He asked beaming at me.
"No. I have no idea what this is all about. But I am definitely NOT rich. If I were I could take you away without a problem."
"OH. You're not going to live in Scotland then?"
"I am afraid not love. I will be passing through here again in a few days. Should I come by for a visit?"
"YES! If you don't I will never forgive you."
"I think we could have a good time. I would take a few days here and talk the dragon lady into letting you show me around the countryside."
"That would be so cool!"
We cleaned up and ate the plate of food. Then we cuddled together until we fell asleep.
Chapter 2
"Mr. Drew?" The little man stood before a pile of ash and rubble.
"Yes I am. Are you Fredrickson?"
"Yes. I am afraid there was a fire yesterday. The house was destroyed." He shook my hand.
"Who's house was it?"
I was curious as to who lived on the beautiful green grounds that surrounded us.
"Why yours, sir."
"Duhunh?" I asked intelligently.
"Why sir, weren't you told? This entire estate is yours. You have inherited it."
"I don't have any living relatives."
I was indeed all alone in the world.
"Actually, Lord Joseph was your great grand uncle on your second cousins side or some such thing like that. I am not privy to the details of it. I am here just to see to it that you take proper possession of the property. As his only living relative, he instructed my company to find you and inform you that you are his sole heir."
"How much of what are we talking about here?"
"Four hundred acres of land and all the buildings on it. His stocks, bonds, cash. The personal property was turned to ash as you can see. Lord Joseph liquidated most of his assets before he became ill. The good news is the house and all the belongings are heavily insured. "
"How much in stocks, bonds, and cash?" I swallowed dry.
"In American dollars almost three million."
I turned to him with my mouth open wide.
"Let me guess, there is a huge debt of some sort on the property. I get the property but have to pay off some loan or tax lien or some such thing."
"Actually no. The Lord made certain to be absolutely debt free for you. The land and moneys is all yours. The figure I gave you is after the tax accounting. You clear almost three million American that is yours to do with as you wish." He smiled at me. "Oh. And the insurance moneys."
I sat in the mud.
"Mr. Drew? Are you well?" The mousy lawyer stood over me smiling.
"I'm fucking rich." I whispered to myself.
"That would sum up your current situation sir." He held out a hand to help me up. "What is the first thing you are going to do with your newfound wealth?"
I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Save one little boy from purgatory, Fredrickson."
"That would be a worthy use of your money. Can I ask who this young man is?"
"Actually Fredrickson, you can do more than that. He is a boy in the village south of here, an orphan who is a ward of the state in the care of a lady keeping an inn there. He is not happy or being treated well. I need your help in getting him out of there."
"What exactly would you like too see happen sir?"
"I want to build a home here. If I could I would like to petition to the authorities to take custody of him. He impressed me when we met and he is definitely not in a good home now. I can't stand the idea of living the good life while he is being treated worse than a household pet."
"Sir, I know a local judge. He might be willing to hear your story. I won't say he will be able to do anything. However he will listen."
"When can we see him?"
"Joseph Macmillan, I have read your petition and want to ask you now if you have anything to add."
The judge was a stern-faced old prune. But he was a gentle and fair man. I gleaned that much from the lunch I bought him the week prior.
"Only that I hope to change the life of one bright young man who impressed me very much with his compassion and intelligence sir."
"Mrs. Horn, do you have anything to say?"
"I can't believe these accusations sir! I never mistreated the lad or made him feel anything but loved. In fact he is like my own son. I would be lost without him. Please don't take him away from me your honor! I love him so much!" She turned on the faucets full blast.
"I have heard two sides of this story. I could render my decision here and now." He leaned back in his chair. "However I want to hear from one more witness. Jimmy, come up here to my bench."
Jimmy mouse walked up to the bench and stood with his head hung. He was terrified. The judge told him to come around the bench and the boy moved slowly. Afraid to look up or even breath.
I watched as the judge took the boy in hand and spoke quiet, gentle words to Jimmy. Tears dripped from the lad's cheeks and he nodded and whispered to the man that would decide the child's fate.
Soon their conference broke and Jimmy took a place between Mrs. Horn and myself. He was shaking and wringing his hands in front of him.
"I have made my decision. But first I want to ask both parties if they are willing to forgo any appeals and long drawn out, money consuming efforts to change a decision that will not be changed no matter how much money is thrown at it?."
I was taking a horrible gamble in this. "I agree sir."
"So do I your honor." Horn looked like a cat that ate a canary the gold fish and the pet gerbil.
"Now, I have listened to both the testimony of Mr. Macmillan and Mrs. Horn. I have heard things that upset me and disturb me. Accusations against one of this communities most prominent citizens brought by it's most recently wealthy residents. I also listened to the testimony of one bright young man who has expressed his wishes and what has occurred in a most eloquent manner to myself."
He leaned forward and glared at us both.
"All rise."
We all stood. My legs felt like jelly.
"It is the decision of this court that Jimmy Wood be placed in the custody of Mr. Joseph Macmillan. I truly believe he is currently in a place that is not nurturing or loving. With this placement I hope to correct an error made two long and difficult years ago." He turned to me as Mrs. Horn began yammering at her lawyer about being incompetent and a fool. "Mr. Macmillan, Understand that this is a temporary placement. The children's services will be coming by to speak with you. Should they decide to remove Jimmy from your custody, I will not interfere. They make the final placements and I hope you will abide by their decision."
"I will your honor. Can I ask a question though? Will the fact that I am not a British citizen preclude me from becoming Jimmy's guardian? I intend to make this community my home and want to give what I can back to the community that my long lost relative loved so much."
I know. I was laying it on thick.
"I will speak on your behalf in that. But I will not try to influence their decision. They will me the final authority on this." His gavel fell.
Jimmy an I drove through the countryside to our temporary home in the next village.
"What did you tell the judge Jimmy?" We both were jazzed.
"Just what Mrs. Horn did and said to me. I knew the judge would believe me."
"He was my best paying customer! One I liked to play with because he was so nice to me."
I laughed out loud. "Your shitting me!"
"Nope. He told me he wanted me to be happy. He also told me he would miss our time together." Jimmy smiled. "I'm going to miss him too. But I am so glad to be out of Mrs. Horn's inn."
"Well, Jimmy, the next thing we really need to do is get you a wardrobe."
The fork in the road had a sign indicating a left would take us to the inn we would be living in and the right would take us to Glasgow, two hours away. "Wanna go shopping?"
He cheered and we turned right.
The End
#2 The Boy Prostitute
Man meets a 10-year-old boy prostitute. He offers him a long term contract.
Seth (10yo)
Mb – oral mast – prost
Chapter One
I stood in the darkened door way waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dimness. The din that greeted my ears was worse by far than the dark that assaulted my eyes. I hadn't been to an arcade in months and I was looking forward to blasting some aliens.
The company I worked for assigned me to a major merger and takeover. I was stuck in my office for the better part of the winter and all of the spring. Up at five and home after ten in the evening.
Well, the takeover was successful and the merger went off without a hitch. yay. I worked my ass off and sacrificed my social life so that my employers could reap huge rewards and make my superiors look all that much better. I was promised a promotion and transfer to a new city of my choice if it went off well. I almost got that.
I was transferred all right. To a city my boss knew I hated and would never choose to go to. But it was far from him and he knew this. Not even a thank you, 'good job', suggestion of a raise or measly bonus or even three extra days of vacation.
"Jack, we are sending you to New York."
"Say what? I hate New York. You know that Dan."
"It's done. Your going. You wanted a transfer so quit whining."
At least they gave me extra time off to pack. Without pay of course. I decided to take all of my accumulated vacation time in one lump. Four weeks. I wandered around my old neighborhood and said good-bye to all the people I knew. I made a lot of acquaintances over the last three years here. I would miss a lot of them.
My truck and the rental trailer was packed and I was at the wheel driving into hell. I lived in New York once. I promised myself I would never go back. Grow up in hell's kitchen and tell me if you would like to go back.
The road slipped by under me as I drove the three thousand miles [5,000 km] back east. I moved to Los Angeles because it was the farthest I could go away from New York without leaving the states or going to Alaska or Hawaii. I hated my job.
Five days on the road and I was parked at the border to New York state. This was it. I had to choose. I could go do a job I now hated or I could turn around and start a new life somewhere. I still had two weeks of vacation and no one would miss me until I was gone far away. I had $10,000 in my bank account and two thousand shares of stock that was ballooning in value every minute because of efforts I put into an ungrateful and miserable company. I had at my disposal approximately $75,000 if I sold all my stock. The condo I had had not sold yet so I had no money from that yet. If it sold for what I wanted I would take in another 12,000 after I paid off the loan.
The day was strange. The road behind me was clear and sunny. A beautiful day was back there becoming me to enjoy it. The road that led into New York was dark with rain clouds that reflected my mood. Dark and ominous.
I was still young and healthy. Twenty six and a graduate of a good business school. I had a masters in management and four years of experience in acquisitions and mergers. I could go almost anywhere and get a job that would support me. What the fuck was I doing sitting in my truck even considering going back to a place that tried to kill me once?
I slammed my foot to the floor and drove my vehicle over the median onto the highway leading the other direction. I didn't give a fuck where I was going. I wasn't going there and that was all that mattered. I would eat up as much of my vacation time and all my sick days before telling the company to fuck off. After I secured other income of course.
I had three weeks of vacation and another two weeks of sick days to use up. I drove to Albany and checked into a nice hotel. I bought several maps of the surrounding states and sat in my room with the phone in hand.
"Dan, I need to take my sick days."
"What? We need you in the Jersey office right away!"
"Dan, My dad had a heart attack. I need to go tend to his affairs."
"How long?"
"Six weeks at the most Dan. I have a lot to do."
"SIX!? Out of the question."
"Dan, company policy states quite clearly that in the case of family illness and or emergency an employee can take as much of his or her vacation time and sick days as they need. I have five weeks between the two. I am sure I will be in the Jersey office by that time."
He was pissed and ranted and raved at me for a good five minutes. I knew he had no leg to stand on. I didn't even have to report to him. It was that I had no one to report to yet. I was in transition and had no superiors to report to but I had to do this right and I had to tell someone.
"God Damn! We need you there NOW!"
"Get a clue Dan. I need this time and this time policy supports me. I'm calling company personnel to get this done now. Have a good fucking life." I slammed the phone down and called personnel. the lady on the other end was kind, considerate and helpful. I got six full weeks to do with as I pleased. Five with pay and she was sending an emergency check to me next day air for the whole amount. And no, my dad was not sick. He died six years earlier.
I had a fist full of cash and a tank full of gas. My future was wide open to me and I never felt more free. I wandered around for two whole weeks. I just woke in the morning and went outside. the first bird I saw I watched. When the bird flew off I went that direction. I had updated my resume and sent it to several companies. I wasn't really interested in working at the moment so I just took my own sweet time about it.
Thus it was that I found myself in Washington DC. A real pit. most of the town at least. Some of it was quite nice. Here I decided to waste a day at the movies and playing video games.
My eyes grew accustomed to the dimness of the arcade and I wandered in. I got five dollars in tokens and stuffed them in my pocket. My movie started in an hour and I was going to enjoy myself. When I was a teenager and in collage I hung out in arcades to watch the boys. Now I was just playing a game. I hadn't thought about boys in a couple years. Well, not much anyway. The job kept me busy and I let it crowd out my attraction to the lads. It kept me out of trouble.
I played a few old favorites and tried a couple new ones. I had to admit the quality of the games certainly improved over the days of 'space invaders'. I did take a look around the arcade and noticed several cute boys there. What struck me was the total lack of girls there. Usually you could find girls where the boys were. Another thing that caught my eye was the way they were dressed.
All of the boys were young looking. I put the oldest at perhaps twelve. The youngest at around eight. All wore shorts that were a size too small so they hugged little hips a bit close. Three of the boys were shirtless and four had on tank tops. They all were near the counter looking my direction as I played a racing game. I kinda got a feeling I was being hunted.
The one that caught my eye was a cute little tow headed boy of perhaps ten. He wore a white tank top that showed most of his chest and his shorts were so tight I could tell he had no unders on. He wandered to the bathroom and I tried to be less than obvious about watching to see him when he came out.
As he approached the counter the arcade owner motioned him over and talked to the lad a bit. I checked my watch and saw it was ten minutes to show time. I was feeling a bit odd so I decided to go to my show.
As I got up from the game the boy came over and asked, "Mister, you got a token?"
"Umm I have a couple left. I was going to the show, I guess you could have them."
"Cool, whatcha gonna watch?"
"Lost In Space."
"I want to see that one but I don't got no money." He looked a bit sad.
"I would take you but I don't think that your parents would like a total stranger taking you to a show."
"It's OK! I can ask!" He ran to the counter and yammered at the man for a moment. "OK, lets go!" He chirped at me when he came running back.
I glanced at the man and he nodded at me so I took it to mean I could take the tike with me to the show.
I got a second ticket and we went inside. I paid for sodas and popcorn and a candy for each of us and we took our seats. There were no others in the auditorium when we got there and we walked tot he center of the room and found some comfy looking seats. I sat down and put my drink in it's cup holder and the boy tried to get the seat down but could not. I pushed it down and he hopped on my hand.
"Your sitting on my hand there kiddo."
"Yea!" He grinned at me.
I could feel his perky little cheeks flex against the back of my hand and he wiggled his behind in the seat.
"Well are you going to give me my hand back?"
"Nope," he giggled.
I turned my hand over under him and he giggled more. I held the entirety of his butt in my hand for a moment savoring the feeling.
I felt a familiar stirring in my loins as he continued to wiggle on my hand. I pinched him playfully and he hopped up and inch add I pulled my hand free.
"That's what ya get for sitting on my hand," I giggled at him.
We waited till the previews started telling bad joked back and forth. I decided to get up and pee before the show so I would not have to go during it. The boy followed me and we entered the restroom together. The large washroom was vacant. I walked up to a urinal and pulled my half hard penis out and began to pee. The boy took the stall next to me and pulled his shorts down over his butt, then he held his little dick in his hand while he peed, slowly stoking it the entire time. I was amazed and aroused at this whole display. By the time he was finished peeing I was done and hard as a rock. He looked at me and smiled.
"I think you should pull your pants up before someone sees you."
"If you want me too. But I know you don't want me to mister." He smiled slyly at me. I knew he planned this.
As we walked back to the show I said, "My name is Jack. What's yours?"
"Seth." He took my hand and we walked back to the show.
We munched on our snacks for about fifteen minutes before he shivered and asked in such a little boy sort of way. "Jack I'm cold." It was a mite cool in the theater.
"Want to sit in my lap?" I wanted to wrap my arms around him so bad.
He hopped up and crawled into my lap and snuggled in close and we watched the show.
He kept wiggling his ass against my renewing erection and he even flexed his cheeks against it. I had my arms completely around him and inside his shirt rubbing his small chest gently. I was horny as hell and enjoying the whole experience.
After about ten minutes he leaned his head back and whispered in my ear, "I can take care of this," he flexed his ass cheeks and they gripped my boner, "for you if you want."
"What do you mean?" I stammered.
"I can suck it or jack you off. I know you want it. I am real good at sucking."
"Sure. There aint anyone else here."
"If you want to." I was excited and terrified at the same time.
"But I got to charge you for it."
"Yea. If I jack you off it is fifteen bucks, if you want me to suck you it's $25."
I was so hot right then I would have paid anything for him to suck me. "OK. $25 it is," I whispered.
He got down on the floor and faced me. His little hands reached up and undid my belt and slowly pulled the zipper down. He smiled at me as he reached inside my boxers and pulled my erection free. He started at it in the flickering light and licked his lips.
I sucked in my breath as he slid it into his throat. He was so hot and his tongue so wiggly I nearly shot right then but he managed to keep me hovering on the brink of explosion for a solid twenty minutes. I kept expecting someone to walk in or the police to come arrest me and cart my happy ass off to jail.
I settled back and let him do all the work. After all I was paying him wasn't I? He took his sweet time as he stroked me gently and firmly to orgasm with his mouth and hands. He didn't even blink as I exploded into his mouth with days of pent up semen. He didn't spill a drop as he sucked all of me in and licked me clean. I closed my eyes as I floated back to earth. he tucked my softening penis back in my pants and tidied up my clothes as I wondered what it would be like to get sucked by the cutie on the screen in front of me.
As Seth climbed back into my lap I thanked him and told him I would get his money when the show ended.
We cuddled for a few minutes and I asked, "Do you want me to do you now?"
"Well usually I charge for that too."
"How much?"
"Five if you jack me off and ten if you suck me."
"Do you want me to do you? You did say 'usually' didn't you?"
"Yea. You got me all hard in the bathroom. If you would do me I can knock off five from the price of the blow job."
"You want me to suck or use my hand?"
"Your hand. It's cold in here and I don't want to take my shorts all the way off."
I put my feet up on the seats in front of us and moved Seth's legs to straddle me. He leaned back against me and I slipped a few fingers under the waist band of his shorts. He shivered again and I slid my hands further in. I could feel his heat as I approached his little dickie. He was so small there and hard as a steel rod. Silky smooth skin greeted my fingers and he moaned a little as I stroked him up and down a few gentle times. I was shaking badly by this time. I had never touched a boy like this and he was so willing and hot it overwhelmed me.
I slowly and gently picked up speed as the movie approached the ending and he soon was wiggling and stretching in my arms as I brought him off to his boyish dry orgasm.
He relaxed against me and I cuddled him with my hands in his shorts as the credits started to roll. I pulled them out and straightened his clothes as he did mine for me. We held hands as we went to the bathroom to quickly pee and leave.
Outside we were greeted by the sight of a dozen police cars across the way at the arcade.
"Oh Fuck!" the boy moaned. "Tony got busted!"
"Are we in trouble?" I asked terrified.
He turned us away and quickly began to walk with his little hand in mine. "Don't look just keep walking. I hope they didn't see me. If they didn't, we can get away before they check out the theater. Some of us take our tricks there for a quickie instead of the motel."
We quickly made our way to my car and drove to the hotel I was staying at.
Inside we sat down and stared at each other. Neither of us had a clue. We turned on the TV and watched the local news.
"And in headlines today Arcade owner Tony Tony was arrested for running a prostitution ring out of his Arcade. The sad thing was that the man was using boys as young as three for his prostitutes. Sources say he controlled the boys using drugs and physical as well as sexual force."
"That's bullshit!" Seth exploded. "He aint never let us even think of using drugs! He kicked out Anthony for smokin pot! And he never let babies turn tricks! The youngest is David and he's nine! He aint never hurt none of us or made us turn tricks!" The boy was incensed.
"Calm down Seth. The press always does this. It generates ratings for them. Don't let them get you so worked up."
The boy stabbed the off button on the TV and sat heavily next to me. I watched as his rage melted away and tears streamed down his face. "He took me in when my folks up and left me. He's all I got. What am I gonna do now?" He buried his head in a pillow and bawled like the little kid he was.
I cradled him and wondered what was coming for us in the future. I knew I wasn't going to leave this angel on the street.
I ordered Chinese food for us both and we waited for some revelation to save us from the uncertainties of our future.
Chapter Two
Seth fell asleep crying into a pillow and I sat at a chair confused and worried. What was he going to do? Who would take care of him? How would he live?
Unfortunately I knew the answers already. Seth would go to turning tricks in the street and having a pimp of some sort taking all his money, probably getting hooked on drugs and dead in a gutter somewhere in a couple years.
The clock turned to the new day before I crawled into bed and cuddled up to Seth and drifted off to disturbed sleep.
When I woke up Seth was whimpering into the pillow again and shaking like a leaf.
"What?" he mumbled.
"We need to talk about this and figure out what to do."
"What I need to do. Your gonna be gone and I am the one that needs to figure out what to do."
"I'm not comfortable just leaving you. Maybe we can both think of something."
"Why do you care so much?" He sounded bitter.
"Because I do. Call it a big heart and a soft head. I want to help. I cant stand the idea of you turning tricks on the street."
"I wont do the street. To dangerous. I will probably have to go to Panky. He has a whole stable of hookers. He's the only one I know of sides Tony." Seth turned too look at me. "He aint none to nice though. I hear he beat one of his girls near to death for not making her quota."
"You're not going there. We can think of something else. cps maybe can help."
"Fuck them! They stuck me in a foster home once. The faggot in there just wanted me to fuck. He already had a girl and two boys making movies for him. cps didn't believe me and took me back when I ran off. The next time I got to the highway and hitched to DC," he giggled a little, "the sign said 'Grass, Gas or Ass. No one gets a free ride'. He didn't think I would take him up on it."
I let that drop right there. "I can stick around till we think of something Seth."
"Yea. Then what?"
"I don't know, I don't know." I was getting depressed. "I'm going to take a shower guy. Once we get some food in us we need to get you some clothes and do some serious thinking." I crawled out of bed and walked to the big bathroom. I liked this hotel chain because they had nice accommodations.
Neglecting to lock the door, I stripped and climbed into the shower. What the hell was I going to do with a ten year old hooker?
I washed and shampooed without a revelation of any sort. Frustration began to set in and I climbed out of the shower and put on my robe. Seth was sitting on the edge of the bed in his half top and skin tight shorts. He looked absurd at the moment.
"You need a shower Seth?"
"Yea. Did you leave me any hot water?"
"Plenty! Take your time and we can get some breakfast."
Without hesitating Seth stood up and pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the bed. Then he skinned his shorts off and dropped them with his shirt. I stood staring at him like a goof. He was gorgeous. Thin and healthy with a light tan that only accentuated his beauty. His boyhood hung straight down and was no longer than an inch and a half [4 cm]. He had one of those penises that was uncut but the head still poked out a bit. I could feel myself responding to his body almost immediately.
"What, you never seen a boy naked before?" He asked with a smile on his angelic face.
"Not a live boy in many years, Seth."
"Well here's your chance! If you want I can be naked all the time for you. That is if you want to pay me. I need the money."
"Seth, if I could afford to I would do just that." I stared in wonder and drank in his lithe beauty as he sidled up to me and ground his small body into my terrycloth covered body. I was hard as a bone and he knew this.
"Well maybe I can do something that you can afford."
"Well I already sucked you. A handjob is cheaper but not as much fun as far as I am concerned. If you fuck me between the legs it's $25. Up my hole is $150. No negotiation and you have to wear a rubber. If you got a camera you can take my picture. That's $50 an hour. Movies are $75 an hour if I'm alone."
"Umm. I want to. But I'm scared." I was as honest as I could be. "I want to, that's about as obvious as can be. But I'm not so sure about it."
I sat on the bed and took his small hands in mine. "I really want to. You know that. But it's all so new to me. When I dream of sex with a boy I dream of giving the pleasure. Like when we were in the theater. I really enjoyed that much more than when you sucked me."
"Not from the expression on your face!" He snickered.
"Well at least as much."
"Jack, I need the money. I want to do it with you not just for the money, but I have to have it so I can eat."
"While your with me I will provide for you. I wont ask for sex or anything like it. If you want we can get another room and sleep in separate beds even."
"And when you leave? What will I eat then Jack? If you wont pay me then I gotta go to someone that will."
"You know people that will?"
"Yea. They aint so nice and some of them stiff me for the money, but I gotta work to eat. I don't want no mommy or daddy to take care of me. Mine dumped me and I don't want to be left like that again. I want to make my own money so I don't get dumped like that again."
"Look! Do me or let me go." He was adamant.
"I wont 'do you'. But I wont just open the door and watch you go either. What would you charge me to be my companion? You just be with me like my own son and let me provide for you till I find a solution to this mess."
"Any sex?"
"I don't know. Maybe some, Maybe none."
"Lemme think about it. I never figured out a long term contract before."
I stared in amazement at this lad talking about prices and contracts about his body in such a matter of fact sort of way. He walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower without closing the door.
I got dressed and packed my suitcases. I was insane for considering this and almost decided to withdraw my offer and drag him screaming to the CPS office.
"$250 a week with sex five times a week. Not up my hole or you pay regular rates for that and nothing freaky. I decide what is and aint freaky. You get me some clothes and stuff."
"Kinda steep."
"If you want me that's the price. I don't want you thinking I'm yours or nothin."
"$150 in cash and the rest due at the end of the contract. That way when we do part you get a lump to live on. Partial weeks are paid as a full week for more than three days, otherwise half."
"Done." He stood before me straight as an arrow and shook my hand. He dripped water on my shoes as he held a towel in his hand. "Don't forget the twenty for the blow job." He was all business.
I knelt in front of him and took the towel. "Yup. Now lets get you dry. With those shorts, if you get wet they would be completely see through."
"That's the idea. Lets the johns know what they are getting." He was blunt.
"Well I can see quite well what it is I'm getting Seth. Let's eat and we can figure out what to do." He let me rub him dry as he stood before me smiling like a cherub.
When he dressed again I saw that he was going to draw a lot of attention when we went out in public. Attention I didn't want. "Here, put one of my T-shirts on over that. I don't want some pervert to be looking at your butt." I joked.
"Yea. You want to look at it all yourself." He joked back as he slipped into my shirt.
We went to breakfast and shopping that morning. I almost felt lie a real father. I got to choose and decide while suggesting and guiding Seth in his wardrobe choices. He was a bit extreme in his selections. He was still trying to dress like a hooker. I wanted him too look and be a normal boy while he was with me. He ran up quite a little bill since he had nothing to wear that I would be caught in public with him in. Underwear, socks, pants, shorts, T-shirts, slacks, shoes. It is amazing how fast five hundred dollars can add up.
"Five hundred?" Seth gaped at the bill.
"Yea. Ouch."
"I didn't think it would be that much! I figured a hundred, maybe two tops!"
"Don't worry about it Seth. Your worth it." I really could not afford to spent money this fast on the boy. He was worse than a drug. Instantly addictive and cash draining. And he was devastatingly cute too boot.
We didn't even bother with pajamas or a swimsuit. I reached my limit and then some with just what we got. I would have to sit down and calculate my options and my expenses carefully before we went to much further in this relationship.
All that morning we talked about me and my life. He avoided going into details about his own life and I didn't press too much. If he wanted to he would talk. If not then I would leave it.
Basically we wasted the day window shopping and picking up a few small things for the lad. We went to a show and then drove to another hotel across town. The receptionist didn't even blink at me and the handsomely dressed boy with me as I checked us in as father and son.
The room was a bit larger and had a single king sized bed. I had asked for a double, but they were booked solid and seth decided it with a quick "That's OK, dad, I can sleep with you!" At just the right moment. I liked the sound of 'dad' coming from him.
We lay in the bed watching TV and tossing ideas back and forth as to what to do. Nothing worked.
I sat up straight in bed and whimpered loudly.
"What!?" Seth asked.
I pointed to the business news on the TV
"And in a stunning announcement today, Darken incorporated has made an unprecedented bid to buy rival company Hawthorne investments. Hawthorne stocks opened today at $32.50, closed at more than three times that at $113.75."
"WHAT!?" Seth demanded.
"I own stock in that company." I whimpered.
"Which one?"
"Hawthorne. one hundred and thirteen dollars a share." Fucking wow.
"How many shares?" He was interested.
"Two thousand."
"Over 250,000 dollars? Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk. You're rich."
"Not quite. But closer than I was a few minutes ago." I laid back heavily. "I gotta call my broker." I snatched the phone off the table and dialed the number.
Come morning I would have enough money to keep me and my boy in twinkies for a long time. I knew a few investments that would pay nice, secure dividends that would almost equal my annual income at my current, soon to be former, employer. I also made a few discreet calls to a few close friends and grew concerned.
It seemed that Darken Inc. was strapped for cash and was struggling to come up with the money to make their takeover bid happen. If they failed the stock would plummet again. If things went horribly bad they would wind up on the block and Hawthorne would walk in and gobble them up like they did to any company that was silly enough to draw their attention.
If my broker sold off my stock like I wanted I would be secure. If I played my cards right I could double my money. Darken was going for $25 a share at the moment and if the deal slipped their stock would drop. If Hawthorne swung a counter offensive Darken would then skyrocket with a takeover bit coming from Hawthorne.
"Sell the Hawthorne and use half to buy Darken." Seth was thinking just what I was at the moment. "If the whole thing goes bust you will still have a bundle."
"I like the way you think Seth. I know for a fact that if Hawthorne even smells a weakness in Darken's position they will counter attack."
"How do you know?"
"Because I worked for them. I know what they like to do and if you piss them off they will take you over just to destroy the company. Darken is going to have to play their cards very well or Hawthorne will tear them apart at the seams."
"Isn't this insider trading?" Seth questioned me.
"Nope. I gave the sell order before I found this out. The next step might be considered that. I do have information that others generally don't. But anyone that looks at Hawthorne's track record will know what they will do in this situation. It has happened before. Just keep quiet and we can make some real money kiddo." We smiled and giggled like school children.
The next day proved interesting. We both stuck to the TV and waited for the word. I called my broker and gave a buy order for Darken at market open and placed a $100 sell on the Darken stock. It would be sold if it hit a hundred. If not I would have to make another call.
We generally wasted the day in the hotel room waiting for a situation that never happened. Neither company moved. Hawthorne stock climbed another fifteen points and leveled out. By the time the bell rang I had taught Seth most of the basics about the stock market and he picked up quickly. What I did realize was that he had a talent for numbers and particularly money.
After we got back from dinner Seth started to undress as he walked to the bathroom. At the door he was down to his bvds and he turned to me, "I'm gonna take a bath. Wanna help?"
I looked at his little hips clad in the snug fitting white cotton briefs and melted. The prior night I was so worked up about the stock I hadn't thought about him in that way at all and he fell asleep next to me fully clothed. Now I was definitely interested.
"You bet I am tiger!" I growled as I stalked him into the little bathroom.
He reached for the elastic band that helped cover his boy body and I reached out to stop him. I sat on the toilet and drew him close to me. He smiled at me like he was the cat that ate the canary.
My hands rested on his hips and I looked him in the eye. I leaned forward and kissed his button nose and slid my hands over his tight little bottom. I gently squeezed his cheeks and hugged him to me. We touched lips and kissed softly and slowly. He was a much better kisser than I was, after all he had a lot more experience kissing men than I did kissing boys.
I slipped my fingers into the elastic holding his underpants up and slowly worked them down over his tinny hips and to his knees. I slid my hands up again and savored the silky firmness of his little handful sized buns as our tongues danced and played. I worked my hands back down and slipped his briefs off and tossed them back into the outer room leaving him completely naked for me to enjoy.
As I stroked and petted his tinny body, Seth unbuttoned my shirt and helped me take it off. He tossed it after his underwear and then worked on my pants. He unbuckled my belt and we kissed and he allowed my hands to roam his chest and bottom to my hearts content as he unzipped my pants. Soon my trousers and boxers joined the other garments and I stood as naked as he did and we inspected each others bodies. He was a work of art and I was stone cold horny for his little body.
"We should get wet if we are gonna take a bath Jake," he whispered.
I set the water to running and we climbed in together and waited for the warm water to cover us. Seth didn't mention the erection the he leaned his little body back to as I hugged him close to me.
"Should I wash you?" Seth asked as we snuggled in the warm water.
"No. I want to wash you first."
I picked up the soap and began to lather him up. I neglected the washcloth and found a new eroticism in rubbing my hands over his slippery bare skin. I gently massaged him all over and he let me do all the work as he relaxed into my arms. as my hands stroked the inside of his thighs, he moaned and took my hands in his. He guided mine to his crotch and I could feel his boyness as hard as could be and throbbing in desire. I stroked him and let him twist and wiggle in my arms a bit before I stopped.
"Why'd you stop?"
"Lets take this to the bed where we can have some room Seth."
I stood up and stepped out of the bath. He waited until I had finished drying before he joined me and let me dry him off once again. Picking him up I carried him to the bed and laid him down gently. He was so beautiful laying there and proud in his beauty.
I laid next to him and took him in my hand again and stroked him softly. He giggled and said, "That tickles. Put some muscle into it Jack!"
I tightened my grip and continued a slow rhythm that drove him nuts after about ten minutes. He was moaning and wiggling trying to get me to bring him off faster. I refused to let his release happen to quickly. I wanted to please him as much as I could and I was driving him bonkers with my ministrations.
He grabbed my hand and began to thrust his little hips into it in a desperate bit to reach orgasm. I took his hands away and sped up my pumping to reward him for his beauty. He smiled at me as his little penis throbbed toward climax and I thrilled in watching him glow and twist as he reached the goal he was demanding.
"Oh wow! No one ever did that for me. Most just jerk me for a couple minutes and stop. They leave me horny as hell and jerking myself."
"Like I said Seth, I want to pleasure you. It makes me feel good to know you feel good."
"Well I think I should return the favor then Jack." He pushed me down to the bed and growled at me like a kitten. I smiled and let him do to me as he wished.
He sat on my legs and lowered his brown haired head to my crotch. I could feel his hot breath as he licked the tip a couple times and rolled my nuts in his hands. I moaned as he gripped my shaft in his hot hands and slowly rubbed it up and down a few times. I could not believe this. He was so angelic and beautiful sitting over me willing to grant me the ultimate pleasure. I almost forgot I was paying him for this.
He made gobbling sounds as he swallowed my shaft and bit gently on me to let me know just how much he had in his mouth. Almost all of my 7" [18 cm] thin pecker was inside his mouth. He then began to masturbate me with his mouth and tongue. I watched his head bob up and down and felt his hands massage my balls.
He worked me over for a long time bringing me near orgasm at least three times and relishing the power he had over me. He played me like a harp and I loved the song he was composing with my body. His hands left my balls and roamed up to my chest. He sought out my nipples and gently pinched them to attention as he played with them and introduced me to new waves of pleasure. I had never touched my self like that and had never considered my own nipples to be a pleasure center.
Soon I tensed up feeling my climax rushing upon me and he knew this. Increasing the tempo and pressure on my penis, Seth drove me toward the most erotic experience I had to date. As I began to spurt into his mouth I lost control and thrust my hips into his face. He took it like the professional he was and let me thrust as he gulped and swallowed my cum as fast as I shot it into his mouth.
When was spent and collapsed back to the bed he conned to suck and lick the last remaining drops of semen from me. When he finished he crawled back into my arms and I hugged him close to me.
"That was so amazing Seth," I panted.
"I thought you would like it. I got lots more stuff we can do if you want."
"Not right now love. Let's just cuddle and watch some TV. We don't have to be having sex all the time you know."
"If your as good at sucking as you are at handjobs I think I would want to be having sex with you all the time."
He grinned widely at me and we lay naked and happy in each others arms as I scanned the channel for something to watch.
The End
#3 Sammy or Figure Studies
A Graduate School student babysits the seven year old son of his friend. The innocent boy has some questions.
Sammy (7yo) and John (c20yo)
Mb – cons
mast – first
I sat at the desk in my one room apartment.
The stack of paperwork in front of me refused to diminish no matter how hard I worked on it. Graduate School shit. I never knew it was going to be such a pain to get in much less keep my ass in. I plodded through the rings the director of the Photographic Arts department set for me. She hated me from the word go and wanted me out. I refused to go. The classic irresistible force and unmoveable object theory. The details don't matter of this.
What does is the small knocking that disturbed me.
I found my neighbor standing at my door. She looked worried and desperate. I knew she recently had to take a job as an airline stewardess. She divorced her husband who ran off with his lover. His male lover. She took it rather hard.
"John! Thank god your home! I have to find someone to take Sammy!"
"Ummm. Take him where?" I asked like the college graduate I was.
"For the weekend! I just got called to do a flight to London and then to Hong Kong and back here! Around the world and if I don't go it could mean my job!"
"Slow down! You want me to sit for Sammy for three days?"
"Yes! I cant find anyone! You are the only one I have, please say you will!"
"Susan, I have a ton of work to do. I cant possibly take care of a 5 year old."
"He can take care of himself! He's seven by the way. All I need is for someone to watch and make sure he doesn't burn the building down."
I really did not want to have a SEVEN year old terrorizing me and my work right now. The look she gave me struck a nerve though. I had known her for the last year and a half since she moved in. He ex left six months ago. I knew Sammy only in passing and had never had much contact with him outside tossing him in the pool a couple times.
"OK! But he has too keep quiet so I can work."
"Great! I have a bag packed and some games for him to play with. I get paid Monday and will have a check for you when I pick him up then!"
Suddenly I had a shy seven year old in my living room staring at me.
"Hi Sammy. I can't say it will be a fun weekend. I have a bunch of school work to do and can't play much."
"OK." He whispered. "When will my mommy be back?"
"Monday. I know you will miss her but she has to work."
"I know. Can I play my games now?"
"Yes. I will be at my desk. Dinner will be in a couple hours."
With that I left the boy to his games. If I didn't get this crap done I could face being bounced out of the masters program. I nibbled away at the paper work and largely ignored the kid. He played quietly and I forgot he was even there.
I was almost done with my work. It amazed me that I had nearly finished the stack of papers I had to grade. I wasn't even a TA. It was that the Dr. Bitch gave me this to make my stay in her department that much more enjoyable.
I looked up annoyed.
"When are we gonna eat?"
I glanced at my watch and saw it was almost 9:00.
"Damn! I lost track of the time. I am so sorry. How does pizza sound?"
I figured I could do the rest after I sent the boy to bed.
DAMN! I did not have another bed. Or a couch for that matter. Just a full sized bed in the bed room and a recliner in the living room.
"Sammy, can you sleep on the floor? I don't have a second bed or a couch."
"OK." He was not a man of many words.
"Why don't you hit the bath and I will order the pizza. I have some sodas in the fridge."
I watched as he went to the bathroom and I called for a pie from Pizza Hut. Two more papers later, Sammy came out of the bath dressed only in his undies. It was the first time I had really looked at the boy. He was four foot [1.20 m] and he had brown hair that was plastered to his head. He had not dried particularly well and he was still dripping. He had hazel eyes that looked at me like a child. No judgment or preconceived ideas. Just curiosity and innocence. He was thin like his parents and he had a nice all-over tan. At least as much as I could see. He liked to play in the pool at every opportunity. He wore his unders well and I thought they looked good, if a bit thread bare, on him. Not loose and baggy and not too tight. With the wetness of them I could see right through them in places.
"Sammy, you gotta learn to dry yourself better. You are dripping water all over." I took the towel from his shoulders and started to dry his hair.
"Mommy always does it for me."
"Well, you are getting to be a big boy and need to learn these things for yourself."
I moved down his shoulders and back and realized he was indeed a nice looking kid. I never looked at a boy before. Well, I have but never really LOOKED. I broke up with my girl friend a few weeks ago because of the workload I had to endure. I didn't have any time for her.
The door bell broke my revere.
I sat at the dinner table eating pizza and soda with Sammy thinking he was a handsome lad and kinda wishing I had a son like him. We joked and chatted till ten and I sent him to bed. I didn't have the heart to put him on the cold floor. So I tucked him into my bed and went back to work on my torment.
After midnight I finished and actually felt good. I had two whole days to myself. Well – almost myself. At least I didn't have to do anything other than what I wanted to.
I got into my sweats and climbed into bed with a seven year old. It felt strange and I stayed on one side of the bed.
Morning found me with the boy in my arms and a wicked hardon poking him in the ass. I crawled out of bed quickly and headed to the shower. I had grown used to waking up with a morning erection since I became single. But this situation disturbed me. I liked the feel of his tight little bottom against my member. I soaked in the shower till the water ran cold and climbed out to dry off. I had my head buried in the towel scrubbing my hair when I felt a breeze on my exposed genitals.
"Sammy! Don't you ever knock?"
There he stood staring at me. Well he wasn't staring at me so much as he was my penis. I dropped the towel to cover up and he blushed and disappeared.
When I finished I found Sammy in the living room in a pair of very short shorts and a tank top. He barely glanced at me.
"Sammy, I want you to know I am not angry."
"I thought you were."
"You surprised me. I am not used to kids being in my home."
"I shoulda knocked. I'm sorry."
"It's not a problem." I wanted to ask what he was staring at so intently but I thought a second time about it.
We spent the day just hanging around the apartments. I had little money and he kept occupied by playing with some of the kids in the neighbor hood. I left my camera in the apartment and wished I hadn't. The kids played and I studied. I had not yet chosen my final project. That had pissed off the department director. But then the slut had not given me the chance to choose yet. I thought about that now. I had two days to think and I set my mind to it. The idea of a masters project in photography sounds easy.
It is not.
I had to come up with something good and it had to be attention grabbing as well as be able to impress the hell out of the people that would decide my fate. Some of my friend suggested figure studies. Some thought that still life's were the way to go. Everyone knew what I should do but me. Nothing I thought of felt right. By evening I had gotten no where.
I was preparing some burgers for dinner when Sammy and a kid named Joey came back to my place. Sammy had abandoned his tank top somewhere and Joey was dressed in his speedoes only.
"John, can we play with my games here a while?"
"Sure. Dinner will be ready in a bit. Joey, would you like a burger?"
"Yes Mr. Long! Thanks! Mommy is making liver." He made a gross face.
"OK." I threw another burger in the grill.
As they cooked I watched the kids in the living room. They both looked like Greek gods. Well toned and so much like a cherub that it was not funny. We ate burgers and Joey went home. The sun had set and I sent Sammy to the bath again. The thought of figure studies held some charm for me. But I was thinking that Sammy and Joey would make excellent models for me.
Sammy came out of the bath drier than last time and wearing a different pair of underpants that were as threadbare as the ones he had on the night before.
"Sammy, I think you need some new unders."
"Mommy packed all my good ones. The others have holes all over."
I knew she was hurting for cash, but this was not a good sign.
"Well if that's all you have then I guess it will do."
I sat in the recliner as Sammy laid out on the floor to watch TV for a while before we went to bed. I kept looking at him and the idea of him as my masters project got stronger in my mind. We went to bed again and he didn't even give me a chance to sleep on the other side of the bed. He just snuggled up to me and fell straight to sleep. I gave up and joined him in slumberland.
The next day I took him to the mall and we wasted a lot of time window shopping. I could not believe how much fun it was to have him with me.
The day flew by and we slept another night together. The worst thing was that I liked to have his warm butt pushed up against my groin and would miss it when he was gone. I also felt incredible guilty at the feelings I had.
"John, how did it go?" Susan sounded relieved at being home.
"Everything went well. I got my work done and we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves."
"Good! I was worried."
"Nothing to worry about. How did it go for you?"
"Too well I'm afraid. They want me to do that run twice a month. I don't want to but it means more hours and better pay."
"Well, I am not adverse to having the little man stay here when you need to be gone. But I don't have a bed for him."
"I have an inflatable mattress you could have!" She was very eager to have me do this. "I can pay too! The company has agreed to give me an additional supplement to pay for his care! They really are good to work for. It isn't much."
"It will be enough. He is quiet and I almost forget he's here. Besides I need the money."
"Great! You are a life saver!"
I felt good to help her and actually looked forward to seeing the boy for two weekends a month.
Sammy didn't like the fact that his mom was going to be away that much but he loved the idea of staying with me.
"Johnny, what did you say?"
"Sheila, I want to do my masters project on kids. Figure studies to be exact."
"Your fucking insane."
"No. Listen. I need a cool project to grab some eyeballs and turn some heads. Almost nobody has done any serious figure studies of children before. And only a few shoot kids to any extent at all. This is the project that will do it. Dr. Bitch wont be able to do jack cause she is not on the board and if I do this right I can make a name for myself."
"You mean stir up a shit storm. Nudes of kids will get you arrested and I KNOW Dr. Bitch will be your hangman."
"Not nudes necessarily. Who ever said they had to be nude?"
"Well isn't that the way it is usually done?"
"Yes. But considering that it is children I can have them in some sort of outfit. Leotards or something. The fact is that I have come up with my masters project and need you to help me present it to the board."
"I cant believe you are considering this."
"Yes I am."
"John? Can I ask you something?" Susan asked me with a concerned look on her face.
"Sure." I had hoped she would want to get to the business of setting up Sammy's next weekend with me.
"Sammy has been asking a lot of questions."
"What kind?" I began to grow concerned.
"First, is there anything that happened last time he was here I should know about?"
"Other than the fact that he walked in on me in the bathroom, nothing of note occurred."
"What happened?"
"I just got out of the shower and he just walked right in. It was morning and I think he was still asleep and didn't think. I am not used to locking the doors."
"Oh. Good."
"Good? I was wasn't too thrilled about it at the time Susan."
"I mean it explains a lot."
"So what is the problem?"
"Well. He never has seen a man naked before."
"Even his father?"
""Drew was rather uptight. Sammy never saw him in his underwear much less naked."
"So you can imagine the questions he is asking me. And specifically about YOU. It is rather embarrassing."
"I see." I could feel my face burn.
"I was hoping that this weekend you could answer any questions he has. I could but – well – it is a guy thing."
"I see." I began to repeat myself.
"If you don't want to
"It's not that. It is just that I don't know how to handle this."
"Just answer in the most straight forward way you can. He wants to have answers and I am afraid of the answers he will get in the school yard and in the street."
"I can try. Is there anything you definitely don't want me to talk to him about?"
"Like his father? No. Just field whatever he has to ask. If he wants to know about gays and that then talk to him. I don't want him wondering if it was him or anything like that."
"I will do my best, Susan." How was I going to handle this?
The weekend came slowly. The powers at the school tentatively agreed to allow my project. I was in a mind storm. I had no work this weekend and we had a lot of time to fill. Susan came to my door.
"John, can you take Sammy shopping. He needs some new clothes. I didn't realize his underpants were so worn out." She covered well.
"I can do that Susan. And while I have you here, can I ask your permission to take some pictures of the little man this weekend? I want to get some practice in and maybe it will get me to deciding on a final project for school."
"That would be fine. But I get to have copies of them. Here is the number where you can reach me. The airline will patch you through to me."
"OK! Thanks and you keep safe, lady."
She kissed and hugged Sammy good-bye and I was alone with the boy for three days. We ran to the indoor swap meet near by. I knew I could get almost anything there and it would cost a lot less than a department store. Sammy was in awe.
There was a lot for a seven year old to see there. I sought out a kids clothing place and found one that was run by a Korean couple. They had a wide selection of boys undies there. Some from a company called Swan. I think the designers were perverts. And I thought they would look good on the boy.
I purchased three boxes of three. Different styles and colors. He looked at me funny when I also grabbed a couple packages of Fruit of the Loom brand.
We also sought out some odd items he needed. I wanted him to have all the clothes he needed at my place. If he was going to be there all this time it made sense.
We got home and he asked me "John, why did you get so many underwears for me?"
"I want you to have some clothes here so when you stay you don't have to lug all your stuff back and forth."
"Oh that makes sense."
We watched rented movies till the sun went down and I sent him to the bath. I noticed he didn't take his new unders with. I was going to say something but didn't.
Soon I heard. "John! Can you bring me my undrewears?"
I grabbed a box of the Swan brand and pulled out a bright red pair. They looked a bit sexy for boys briefs.
"Here ya go." I handed them through the crack in the door. I saw he was hiding behind the door but looking in the mirror I could see his bare behind in the reflection.
I started to get a woody.
"What are these?"
"Underwear silly. Put them on. The show is going to start."
"No buts. Just get them on and come out."
The door closed and soon he tentatively opened it again. I became fully erect at the sight. Those were definitely made to make boys sexy. They cradled his behind and hugged his privates.
He blushed.
"I think these look good on you."
"Just don't let my mom see OK?"
"OK. We can keep them here."
We went to the living room and he watched the movie. I kept looking at his cute ass. I was ashamed of myself. Soon the show ended and we went to the bed room.
"John, do I have to sleep on the floor? I want to sleep with you." I could not resist his puppydog eyes.
"OK." I went to the bathroom to get into my sweats.
When I came out Sammy was laying on the bed. I saw as he jerked his hand from the front of his underpants. He has a hardon. I didn't know a kid could get hard.
"Well, kiddo, let's get to sleep now." I wanted under the sheets fast because I was getting a boner as well.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Mommy said I can ask you some stuff."
"What sort of stuff do you want to ask?"
"I don't know. I got so many questions I don't know what to ask first."
"Well, whenever I get like that I just pick one and ask it."
"OK. But I am embarrassed." He was blushing.
"Is it about what you saw when you came in the bathroom last time?"
"Well ask away. I will answer whatever you ask as well as I can."
"Yours is different from mine."
"My what?"
"Your thingie. Your peepee."
"How do you mean?"
"Yours looks like a mushroom. Mine don't."
"I think it might be that I was circumcised as a baby. Yours probably is not."
"The top isn't the same. I don't know how to describe it." He looked frustrated.
I was going to move on some and come back to this but he stood up and pushed his underpants to the floor.
"See?" He was blushing all over now.
"Ummm." Indeed I saw.
He had a small but well formed penis. And two wonderful looking balls below. He was not circumcised and he was still half hard.
He stepped out of his unders and walked up to me.
"Mine don't have a tip like yours does. And it's tinny. And I don't got no hair. And why does it get hard?"
"Sammy, Yours has a tip like mine. It's just covered by some skin that I had cut off when I was born. It's there you just have to pull the skin back to see it."
He reached down and played with it a bit but he could not seem to get the idea.
"You do it for me?" He asked with all the innocence of his seven years.
I could not believe this. My head was cloudy but his naked form was crystal clear.
"Sammy, if I touch you there I could get in trouble."
"Oh. That. I wont tell anyone. Not even mommy. I want to learn this stuff."
I felt my hand reach out and take his little member in my big hand. It was silky smooth and hot to the touch.
"Well the tip here is covered in skin. If you slide it back you can see the tip." I pulled his foreskin back to expose his dick head.
"WOW!" He breathed as I felt his penis swell in my hand. "That feels so good! Why is it purple?"
"That is just you. Some are red. Some are pink and others are purple."
"It feels so good! Why do they call it bad touch? I like it!"
"So do I Sammy." I breathed.
"Can I touch yours?"
"Sure!" I could not believe this.
I dropped my pants and his eyes bulged when he saw my raging erection.
"It's a lot bigger than last time I saw it!"
"Well yours is bigger than it usually is now isn't it?"
"Yeah!" He giggled.
I nearly spewed my load as he touched it. He poked it at first. Then he ran his fingers lightly over it. Soon he wrapped his hands around it and slid them up and down.
"OOOOohhhhhhhhhh! That feels good!"
"Mine does to when I do this."
I let him stroke me nearly to orgasm.
"Sammy you have to stop now. If you don't something will happen that you might think is gross."
"The stuff will come out?"
"You know?"
"Joey told me about his brother doing it. He said white stuff comes flying out. Is it true?"
"Yes, dear. It comes out and is messy."
"It wont hurt me will it?"
"No, honey." His hands still gripped my penis like a vise.
"Then I want to see it."
"OK. Keep doing that and I will tell you when it is coming."
He tugged and pulled on my cock with all his might and I relaxed into the feelings. He turned around to get a better angle on it and I could reach his butt easily. He giggled as my hand stroked his silky buttocks. I couldn't hold it any longer.
"Here it comes, Sammy!"
"Good I'm getting tired!"
Suddenly my load shot out of my cock in long spurts and arched high in the air to land directly in Sammy's lap. I shuddered and groaned until it came to an end.
"WOW! There sure was a lot! And it got all over my weenie!"
My hand rested on his ass and I thought he looked beautiful.
"I am sorry it got all over you. Let me get a towel to clean you up." I went to the bathroom and came back.
He had some on his hands and was smelling it. A tentative tongue flicked out and tasted it.
"I kinda like the taste of it!"
I supressed the urge to talk him into oral sex. I wiped the mess carefully off the lad as he yammerd about the experience to me. His penis grew to full staff as I gently stroked the white mess off his privates.
"Do you want me to do that for you?" I asked in eager hope.
"Yes!" He threw himself to the bed spread eagle and smiled at me broadly.
I reached down and took him in my fingers. I was terrified I would break him if wasn't careful.
"OOOOOOo that feels good. Will stuff come out of mine?" He had a hopeful look on his face.
"I don't think so baby. When you get hair down there you will. But not yet."
He looked a bit sad but a few gentle strokes made him forget his concerns. He wiggled and wriggled as I stroked his little toy up and down. He smiled and grimaced as he approached orgasm. I took his body in my arms and held his ass in my left hand as I stroked him with my right.
"Don't fight it honey. Trust me and it will feel better than you could imagine."
"UNHGUNUMMAH!" He groaned as his pelvis arched to meet my pounding hand.
He collapsed in my arms and smiled at me out of his glowing orgasm.
"If I knew it felt that good I woulda come over a long time ago, John!"
We cuddled in each others arms and drifted off to sleep.
I taught him much more and he did star in my masters project with Joey. Both did the majority in speedoes and a few nudes. I graduated and started my Ph.D. studies to stay near the lad. We stayed lovers up until he fell in love with a girl in his sophomore class and she fell for him as well.
We still love each other.
The End
#4 Seducing the Sitter
Two 10 and 11 year old boys seduce their sitter to have sex with them.
Jeremy (10yo), Mickey (11yo) and Bill (adult)
Mb – cons mast oral anal
It was Friday evening.
I had my usual one weekend sitting job. Samantha would be flying to London this month. Last month it was Hong Kong. She always brought us the coolest things when she came back the following Monday. Jeremy and I finished our obligatory Friday movie and pizza. Every Friday we went to the movies and pizza. He even stopped asking. We just climbed into my beat up Dodge Colt and went. Flubber was the selection and we were pooped. The lines were not too long but we had to take the late show. The 7:00 show had sold out.
11:00 PM and we were tired.
"Bill? Can I sleep with you tonight?" He never stopped asking. I knew he would ask. He always did. And I let him. Every Friday like clockwork.
"You know you can. But I would think you would get used to it by now."
"I still miss mom." Ten and still a bit of a momma's boy. He was getting better.
"I know. Go take your bath." He ran his cute behind to the bathroom. I followed to brush my teeth.
Jeremy splashed in the water as I brushed my teeth. I never slept much when he was in my bed. I resolved to that months ago. It was a small price to pay to wake up to his smiling face in the morning. I finished and went to the bedroom that was mine. Samantha had one prepared in her big house for me. I kept some clothes and necessities there. I stripped naked and fished out my sweat pants.I never liked pajamas. I could never get used to sleeping nude either. If I wore my underwear my legs stuck together.
Just as I finished pulling them up Jeremy came in. He did not knock. I wished he would. I didn't want him to see me naked. Actually I DID. But I resolved to avoid it.
We climbed into the bed and I hugged him to my chest. He wore his white Hanes to bed. I usually asked him to put on his pajamas or sweats. This time I was bushed and just enjoyed the feeling of his skin against my chest. It took a while for me to gain the self control to keep from getting aroused when he was in bed with me. I found it necessary to avoid any embarrassing questions. He was asleep in a few minutes and I lay holding him for a couple hours until sleep came for me.
The next day he invited a friend of his over.
Mickey. Another boy god. With jet black hair and black eyes. A strong chin and dark brown tan, I lusted after him. Again I denied myself. I knew the two would spend the day playing in and out of the house. I also knew they would swim in the pool. Samantha had a nice, immaculately kept backyard with a wonderful pool in it.
Mickey was 11 and Jeremy's best friend. The two were inseparable since birth.
Largely I puttered around and did my homework. I wanted to be with the boys but I knew I would get in the way of their play. If they wanted me to join them they would ask. Often they did. Today they were quiet.
Too quiet.
I snuck out back too see what they were up too. As I approached the pool, I could hear them moving in the water. I came up to the side and found them both in the water facing each other. They snapped their heads up and looked at me in surprise.
"Hi guys. I was wondering what kind of trouble you were getting into out here being all quiet."
"Nothing! We were just talking!"
"Hmmmmm. Me thinks thou doth protest too much." I knew they were up to something.
I looked around the pool area. Their towels were on the lawn chairs. I didn't expect too see much more if they were indeed up to nothing. What I did find was their swim suits laying on the chairs as well. I walked over and picked them up.
"Ooooohhhhh! I see now! Actually I DON'T see. But I get the idea!" I carried Jeremy's trunks and Mickey's Speedoes to the pool side with me.
The boys reached up for me to hand them over. I noticed they didn't reach TOO far up. Both were grinning from ear to ear. I could see their naked behinds in the water. The two faced the pool side so I could not see any more. I placed the suits on my shoulder.
"Come on Bill!" Mickey begged.
"Why should I?"
"Cause we're naked!"
"So? You were happy to be naked a moment ago. I think if you want them you will have to come get them." I turned around and picked up their towels as I headed for the house.
"No fair! We need our towels!"
"You can dry in the sun before coming inside. I hope you put lotion on your privates before you went bare assed."
I snickered to myself as I walked to the house. I knew it was no big thing for me too see them nude. I had seen them both in the tub many times. But this was something naughty. They weren't supposed to be naked. Soon I heard the sounds of the two splashing and laughing again. I went back to my homework. I had no worries about them in the back yard. It had a nice eight foot [2 m] wall all around and trees above that.
About a half an hour later the two came sneaking back. The tried to grab their towels from me while I wasn't looking. I waited until they were close and casually reached over and moved them without acknowledging the presence of the two damp boys.
"If you want them you have to ask."
"Oh come on. It's not like I haven't seen your things before. You act like its a major situation."
The boys hid behind the counter out of sight. They looked at each other like they had just received a major revelation. The two stepped out in the open. These were definite proof that God indeed exists and is a Boy Lover. I could see that they both were half hard. I began to wonder what they were up to out there. They stood side by side. Proud and tall.
Well, as tall as a ten and eleven year old can stand.
"Can we have out clothes now Bill?" Jeremy asked politely.
"Yes, you may." I handed the items to the boys.
As they turned around, without covering themselves, I asked. "Do you often skinny dip?"
"No!" Jeremy said emphatically. "Mom would have a cow! This was the first time."
"Did you enjoy it?"
They grinned from ear to ear and nodded enthusiastically.
"Well. I guess if you two want to I can let you swim naked when I am sitting. I won't tell anyone if you don't." I let a bit of the devil out.
"Cool! You are the greatest Bill!" Mickey cheered.
"Thanks. Now get upstairs and get dressed. Mickey needs to get home soon."
"Can I spend the night? Mom and Dad won't mind!"
I knew Mickey had an older brother of eighteen as well. I think they all would enjoy a Saturday night without worrying about a sitter.
"Call your parents and ask. I don't mind."
"YAY!" The two bellowed.
Of course his parents said yes. He had slept over a number of times.
We went to the mall and played a few games before renting a couple movies and picking up takeout Chinese for dinner. While at the mall the boys told me to stay put in the arcade while they went to get something. I knew they had brought their money and hoped they weren't going to spend it on me. I had to resist the urge to follow and see what they were up to. I trusted them, but I also was are of the fact that the whole evening they spent giggling and whispering behind my back and when they thought I wasn't looking. I was almost afraid to find out what they were up to. Did I take it too far with the towels? Were they planning some sort of revenge? Soon they came running back with a opaque black bag tight in their little hands.
"So, what did you get?"
"It's for later." Was the response I got.
We fed our faces a bunch of food and then I went to cook the popcorn. It was still early. Only seven.
"Bill, we're gonna take a bath now." Jeremy stated.
"Now? It's still early."
"Ya. We want to get it done now so we don't have to after the movies."
Mickey said as they headed for the bathroom.
"You going to take it together?"
"To save time! We don't want the movies to start before we get done!"
Jeremy called after glancing at his cohort in mayhem. I wondered at this. They had never been so secretive. I thought of putting the fire department on alert.
Wait a minute! I wasn't going to start the tapes without the both of them being here and they both knew it! Now I was worried.
I subdued my concerns and cooked a huge bowl of popcorn and poured sodas.
I trusted them.
I trusted them.
I still wanted to know what was going on.
7:15 I used it as an excuse to knock on the bathroom door.
"Are you sure?"
"I know it! He will love these." The two chattered "But they
"Don't worry."
"How can you be so sure."
"Did you see they look in his eyes today? He like seeing us that way."
"But nothing! I know it."
"Now quit worrying!"
"His favorite color is red. He like white ones too."
"Oh. Not blue?"
"Trust me."
I was scared now. I went back down stairs and called up to them.
"Boys! It's time for the show! Get out before you turn into prunes!"
No sooner had I called to them than the door opened. I sat down and picked up the remote. The pair came to the living room in their bath robes.
"You guys ready for the show?"
"Well." Jeremy started. He glanced at Mickey. They both looked at me like they were going to do something naughty. "We thought we would show you what we bought."
"Ummmm. I'm afraid to ask."
"We bought some new underwear. We thought you would like it."
"Ummmm. Why would I like your underwear?" Actually I would like any underwear they had on.
"We KNOW you will like these!" Mickey almost burst out laughing. "But we want to wear these to bed and tonight."
The two had spent the night in their briefs a couple times in the past. I saw no problem tonight.
"Sure. I have no problem with that."
"Cool." The two did the rock, paper, scissors thing. Both got paper.
"So what now? Do we do it again?"
"How about together?"
"OK!" Jeremy chirped. "On three."
"One! Two! Three!" The called in unison.
They both dropped their robed together.
What stood before me were the two most beautiful boys I had ever seen. What they wanted to show me was the cutest pair of briefs I had seen on a boy. They were snug and smooth. Jeremy wore plain white ones that hugged his hips and backside like a second skin without squeezing him. Mickey wore the exact same style in bright red. I must have looked goofy.
"Bill, your mouth is open." Jeremy giggled.
"I told you he would like them." Mickey snickered.
"Do you like them?" Jeremy asked.
All I could do was nod.
"Good! Cause we got three pairs each! Can we keep them in your room? Mom might think they are too sexy for us to wear."
I nodded again as I stared open-mouthed still. I had a locking trunk in the room. Samantha insisted I have one for my personal belongings. I would have to keep them in that trunk.
"Ummm." I snapped back to my senses. "We should start the movies."
"Wait till we get our blankets!" The two ran their wonderfully scantily clad behinds up to their room to grab a blanket and pillow.
"Wow." I whispered to myself. I noticed the tightness in my pants and wondered how I would keep my hands off these two tonight.
I managed to as they laid on their blankets in front of the TV with their behinds teasing my tortured eyes. I never watched either movie. I could not help but marvel at these two godletts who teased me as they wiggled their backsides at me. I know they knew I was watching them. Mickey would look back at me and giggle and whisper at Jeremy.
Then, a little while later, Jeremy would do the same thing. I was a nervous wreck as the show on the TV ended. It was nearing midnight and we had to get to bed.
"You guys get to bed and I will clean up here."
"OK!" was all I heard as they disappeared upstairs.
I was intending to take a long, cold shower and then hope to get to sleep sometime this millennium. When I finished, I slowly headed up to the bathroom. The cold water did nothing for me. I gave up and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to my room. The light was off and I just closed the door and sat on my bed. The image of those boys was burned into my mind and I wanted to hammer my pecker for some release.
A small hand touched my shoulder and I jumped to my feet.
"Jeezus! What are you guys doing here?"
"You told us to go to bed." Jeremy said with his best innocent look on his face.
"You never said who's bed!" Mickey grinned impishly.
"I think it would be best if you two went to your room now." I could make them out in the moonlight that made them glow in the dark. I could see them now that my eyes had adjusted to the darkness some.
They both laid in my bed. Covered by only a sheet. The two had taken off he blanket.
"We want to sleep with you. And we think you want to sleep with us too!"
Mickey was looking like the cat that ate the canary.
"It would not be a good thing right now. I think you should get into your pajamas and go to Jeremy's room." The towel did little to cover the fact that I had a raging hardon.
"We got what we are going to sleep in on now." Jeremy smiled at me.
"Those underpants are not much."
3;" He said as the sheet was drawn back from behind him.
I about shot my load right there as his body became uncovered. He was as naked as the day he was born. His right leg was drawn up to cover his privates and he held his hand on his hip. He was as sexy as I dreamed him to be.
"Do you like?" Mickey asked.
I could see his hips snuggled up behind Jeremy. He was as naked as the younger boy.
"We wanted to surprise you."
"You certainly did that." I whispered.
"Bill, you have a woody." Jeremy giggled.
"I think you both should go now." I stuttered.
"See, I have one too." He cooed as he lowered his leg and exposed his own erect little penis that I had dreamt of seeing hard for almost a full year.
"I want you too go to your room now." I stuttered again.
"Bill, we know you want to. We have known for a long time. Since you bought those speedoes for me. We want to with you."
"You don't know what your talking about."
"I do." Mickey grinned at me. "My brother and I do it a couple times a week. He taught me all sorts of stuff. Sucking. Handjobs. He even taught me about Fucking. We want to do it with you."
"Do you know what will happen if I do and we are discovered?"
"Yes. But no one will know. We want to do this and we won't tell any one about it."
"I can't."
"Then maybe we need to give you something to change your mind." Jeremy crawled out of the bed and took my towel in his hands and tugged.
I let it fall away. He stared wide eyed at my erect penis. I was not particularly big. But I must have looked huge to his tiny eyes.
"I never saw it before! It looks so big." He whispered.
"Go on, Jeremy, touch his thing. I bet if you do he will give in."
I watched, willing myself to leave as he reached out a tentative hand. He touched the head like a butterfly.
"Oh, God!" I whispered.
"I told you! Touch him some more!"
Jeremy slid the palm of his hand up my shaft until he had felt the whole thing. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft and I was amazed at the erotic feeling of his warm little hand. I looked down to see Mickey and Jeremy sitting on the floor in front of me. Mickey was behind Jeremy and had his hands wrapped around the smaller boys hips. He held the small penis I longed to touch in his fist as he stroked it up and down slowly.
"Do his like I'm doing yours Jeremy." The boy whispered to my dream lover.
I almost came immediately as he started to stroke me up and down.
"Don't cum yet Bill. I want you to cum in my butt the first time we do it." Jeremy whispered.
"I don't think I can stop it, Jeremy!"
"Mickey, suck him quick!"
"I want his first anything with me to be in my butt. If I make him cum then it will be ruined!"
Jeremy had stopped stroking and turned to Mickey.
I wanted release and nearly started doing the job myself.
"I thought you wanted his first time with a boy to be with you."
"I want both! But he's going to cum and if I have to choose I want his first with me up my butt."
"OK man." He said licking his lips as he moved forward to take Jeremy's place.
"You ready to have the best blowjob of your life Bill?"
I had never had a blowjob. Of course this was going to be the best one.
I nodded.
The little boy I had admired from afar was kneeling before me with my hardon in his hand and looking at me like I was his next meal. He licked his lips and bent his head to his work. I felt his tongue stroke up the underside of my pecker as he tasted the whole thing. I was certainly glad I had showered before. When he reached the top he planted a lingering kiss on the head of my member. Almost as if he were kissing his lover. I watched in amazement as the small child opened his mouth wide and engulfed my penis after winking at me. He took the head in first and breathed deeply a few times as his tongue played with the sensitive parts of my painful hardon. Slowly he slid the entire length into his mouth and throat. I had only dreamed of such a thing. I never had sex with anyone outside myself. Now here I had a gorgeous eleven year old boy on his knees, all but chewing on my erect penis.
As he started to bob his head up and down I could feel my orgasm rushing upon me. I was helpless to stop it and wanted it here NOW. Mickey could sense my impending explosion and he took my penis out of his throat to receive my gift. I felt like I was flying as it hit me. I spurted wad after wad of my semen into his awaiting mouth and took his head in my hands and began to thrust into his angelic face. He allowed me to do this and took it all like a pro.
I continued until I could no longer stand and fell to my knees before the boys. Jeremy rested his head on Mickey's shoulder and held the wonderful boy's erection in his hand and worked to give the beautiful boy his own orgasm.
I watched as the two moved in unison and rubbed against each other. Their flesh sliding against one another like they had been at this a very long time. It was as if they were meant to be together. Jeremy knew exactly what would make Mickey squeak and he played the boys body like a fine violin.
Soon Mickey was quivering and shaking in orgasm. He didn't moan or groan. Shout or shriek. He just whimpered and collapsed in Jeremy's waiting arms.
They kissed and snuggled for a bit. I watched as they held each other.
"You two have been doing this a long time."
"Ya. A couple years now." Jeremy explained. "Mickey's brother taught him and he taught me."
"Why did you do this with me?" I was curious.
"I like you. I know you want me. I have for a long time. We decided to do this a couple weeks ago. I knew you would like those underwear when I saw you looking at them in the mall last time you sat me. You looked at them then at me. Then at them and back to me. When you walked off I went to see what you were looking at. I knew then. Mickey knew when you got him those cool speedoes. He told me but I didn't believe him."
"I can't believe this."
"Well the best part is coming." Mickey grinned at me like a cat after a mouse.
"What do you mean?"
"Bill, I want you to have sex with me. I want you to stick it in my butt."
"I don't think that will be such a bright idea."
"Bill, I have been getting ready for this for two whole weeks! You are not leaving this house until you fuck my ass!" Jeremy was serious.
"What do you mean by 'getting ready'?"
"My brother gave me a few dildoes. All different sizes. He told me to stick the smallest in my butt and work my way up the sizes. That way I could take his dick in my ass and not get hurt. I gave them to Jeremy so he could get ready for you." Mickey was not at all embarrassed or shy about it. But then he just had my pecker in his mouth.
"So I want you to fuck me tonight Bill. I liked the dildoes but I want your thing in my butt."
I was speechless.
Jeremy crawled over to me and sat his cute, tight little bum on my raging hardon.
"Mickey, get the KY."
I fell to my back as Mickey ran to the other side of the bed. He came back with a tube in his hand and squirted some on his palm. Jeremy looked into my eyes and smiled. I gasped as the cold gel was smeared on my dick by the tinny hand.
"Sorry it's cold. I didn't warm it up."
"It's OK. But if you keep doing that I will come again." Mickey was sliding his hand over the length of my manhood and watching my face.
"Oh, sorry. You need some Jeremy?"
"Yeah, rub it in good. Just don't stick it up my hole. I want his thing to do that."
I felt Jeremy lift up as Mickey worked his backside. I wanted to plunge my cock into him so bad that I could hardly control myself. I knew he had to take it at his speed. Anything faster would violate him.
"Okay, Jeremy. All greased up."
"Thanks, Mickey." Jeremy looked back down at me.
Mickey took my penis and aimed it at Jeremy's hole.
Jeremy sat back and rested on the end of my pole. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Then he rested more weight on me until I felt the head pop into his rectum.
"Are you OK Jeremy?" I was concerned. He gasped and stopped.
"I'm fine. Just a bit different than that vibrator. Lemme get used to it."
"Yea. The dildoes don't have a head on them. Just go slow."
"Your bigger than the one I used this afternoon."
"I told you to use a bigger one Jeremy!"
"It's OK. I'm getting used to it now."
I relaxed and let him do his thing. Or rather my thing his way. His insides were so hot I thought I would get burned. He was so tight I could not move. He slid down the shaft by the tinniest bits. Mickey sat on my legs behind the boy holding him tight and cooing in his ear. I rubbed his chest and legs. I worked the courage up to touch his penis. It was standing straight up and was as hard as mine was. I held it's silky hardness in my hand like a fragile gem. It was so beautiful. I had never been so close to his perfect boy hood. The head stuck out of his foreskin like a flag. Angry red and demanding attention. I reached to his behind and stoked it a few times as I collected some lubricant from his hole and my shaft. He moaned and shivered as I rubbed the slippery substance into his most private part. I shivered as he slid down a couple millimeters more. I started to rub his pole up and down slowly building speed. He smiled broadly and grunted a few times. I think he forgot my penis was half buried in his ass as he placed all his weight on it and relaxed into the feelings I was giving his lovely boyness. As he relaxed he slid further onto my shaft until he bumped my pubic hair. I concentrated my efforts on his penis. He just melted into Mickey's arms as I rubbed faster and faster on him.
"Your all the way on Jeremy. He's all the way inside you." Mickey whispered.
"I can feel it. I feel it's pulse. God this feels SO GOOD!" He moaned loudly.
Soon he began to tense up and wiggle his ass on my rod.
"Un, Unh! Oh god! You gotta try this Mickey! He is so big in me and HOT. It feels better than anything we did so far!"
His eyes were wild with lust. He began to thrust up and down on my rod.
I gripped his hips and sat him back down. "I want to do this for you. Quit moving of I will come again."
He settled down some but I could feel the muscles in his backside tensing and relaxing. It was serving to stimulate me further.
"It's getting bigger Bill!" Jeremy called out.
I kept stroking my angel to heaven. He flew into a fit as his passion swept over him and he exploded into an orgasm that nearly drug me into one as well.
He fell into Mickey's arms and panted for breath.
"Oh god! Man that was good!"
I sat up and hugged the boy to me. "I am glad I could make you happy Jeremy."
"But you still haven't fucked me yet." He smiled wickedly at me.
My penis was still well buried in his behind.
"You want more of this?" I asked as I gave a little thrust.
He grunted and smiled. "Oh Yea! As much as you can give me."
I laid him on his back and smiled down to him. He had a look of pure lust on his face. I slowly pulled my penis out until I reached his tight anal ring. Then I slid it back as slowly as I could. A few long slow ones like that and he said "Faster, Harder. Give me a good pounding."
I could not believe he was talking like this. I increased the tempo and he rocked back and fourth under me with his legs slung over my shoulders.
He laughed and called out "Ride me cowboy!"
I could not help but chuckle at this. I watched his face for any signs of distress and found the opposite. He wanted more, faster, harder. I gave it to him. I gave into my lust and could hear my pelvis slapping his cheeks as he moaned and grunted. Urging me on and begging for more.
I almost think he was addicted to it .
Soon his slick insides, hot and tight, were filled with my load as I hammered his tight soft behind. "Oh god! I'm coming Jeremy!"
"Me too Bill! Do me hard!" He whimpered as I rode him to a mutual climax.
I slammed my pelvis against him and held it there in the throes of my ejaculation.
He smiled at me and I was indeed in heaven.
I rolled to my back dragging the small form of my lover with me. We held each other for the time it took us both to loose our erections and regain our strength.
"God! What a show!" Mickey looked at us from the bed still stroking his deflating penis. "I never get to see that from this angle."
"Mickey, you have got to try this." Jeremy smiled at his friend and lover.
"How many times have you done this?" I asked.
"You're my first Bill." Jeremy cooed as he stroked the hair on my chest.
"I do it with my brother a couple times a month. Less if he gets laid. More if he can't score. Once I did three of his friends in one night. He told me they would pay me for it. I didn't like it as much. But they did pay me! I bought my moms Christmas present with what they paid me."
"I think you should not do that Mickey. If you do something like that then just pick one person and stay with them."
"I know. Tom is going away to college this year. I was hoping to find someone I liked a lot."
"Bill, He wants you to do it with him. So do I. We want to be lovers with you."
"Guys. This can get us, particularly ME in a lot of trouble."
"We won't tell. We want to do it with you. We know you won't hurt us and you like us a lot. We love you and would never get you in trouble like that. Please?"
I could see that if I said no It would crush them. Also, I could see them seeking this elsewhere. In places and people that would be harmful to them "All right. But only when I am sitting. And we don't have to if you don't want to."
"All right!" they cheered.
I slept that night naked with two beautiful angels in my arms.
It would be the first of many wonderful encounters we had over the next few years.
The End