PZA Boy Stories


Amtrak Across America


A teacher takes Amtrak from Chicago to Los Angeles for a two week vacation. He meets an 11-year old boy in the train and falls in love with him.
Publ. 1996 (Angelina's website); this site Aug 2010
Finished 18,000 words (36 pages)


Bob Green and Joey 'JC' Allen (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-boy story/love
Mb cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story. The site where we found it, Angelina25's site at Fortunecity, is an archive site and the contact information is obsolete. Are you the author, please contact me. Btw, this Angelina25 site includes about 70 stories without index, all story-titles start with A or Ba and Be; has anyone seen a 'sequel' to this site?

Chapter 1

I think by far this was the best vacation of my entire life. Its the summer of '94, schools out and Im free for the summer 3; hmmm 3; what shall I do first when I arrive at my destination. These thoughts were present in my mind as I boarded the Amtrak Superliner destined for Los Angeles Calif. This was my Teacher Of The Year Award from my school, a two week vacation in California to just kick up my heels and relax, how wonderful, peace and relaxation, no screaming, hollering, foul mouthed over-sexed kids to annoy me for the entire summer. Good grief, schools been out for only a week and I miss those little pain-in-the-ass rascals already.

I boarded the train in Chicago and was escorted to my private First-Class cabin by the attendant, wow, my own cabin? how shiek! It was magnificent, spacious, my own small private bathroom and shower, this place was almost bigger than my bedroom at home. It had a huge picture window that offered the most excellent view of the passing landscape and two fold-out beds for night use and converted to bench seats in the day. I was most impressed with the attendant, I don't get this kind of treatment at home, he took my suit bag and neatly hung all of my clothes in the small closet then proceeded to store my other bags away in the compartment, adjusted the lighting and temperature, asked me if I needed anything else then politely excused himself, returned a few minutes later with a cup of hot coffee and a newspaper for me. This was incredible, never in a million years would I have thought a train trip could be this pleasurable.

I took my coffee and paper and decided to get ambitious and explore my environment a little, I was in the last of two sleeper cars as they are referred too, this was First-Class at its best. Walking on a moving train is tricky in itself. I watched the attendant as he darted up and down the walkway, making it look so easy. I had to walk and steady myself with the walls to the other rooms on board. I passed through the second car and upon entering the next car I found myself inside the dining car.

It looked like a very posh restaurant on wheels, tables on either side of me, very clean tablecloths, and all the accessories on the tables like silverware, salt and pepper shakers, cream and sugar pourers and of all things, a rose in a vase on each table. I was very impressed with the fresh rose in the vase because I wondered what kept them from falling over? The train ride was very stable indeed for the most part but when you hit a rough section of track, the train would jar a little but those vases stayed right where they were, I decided to see for myself and tried to pick one up, I really didn't expect it to move but it did, I held it in my hand and examined it and it looked and felt like a normal small vase with a rose in it, incredible, what the hell kept these things from falling over?

The dining room attendant asked me if I would like to be seated and I decided to try the cuisine. Oh well, not much can be said for train food, its about the same as airline food, everything packaged and quite possibly microwaved. The lunch was tolerable but not worthy of the fancy dining room settings.

I finished my meal and wandered into the next car which was called the Observation Lounge, this car was excellent, it was virtually a totally exposed car, windows all around so you could see the country side without any obstructions, even glass on top of the car as well, beautiful view.

About this time, we had just pulled out of the Kansas MO Station from picking up and dropping off passengers. I had just begun to relax and read my newspaper when it happened, a cyclone blew in, what I mean by that is out of nowhere the 'kid from hell, Satans son, the demon seed,' blew through the Lounge car with all the forces of hell behind him. I thought to myself, 'Holy shit 3; who moved the rock?!' He soon disappeared into the car in front of us, a few minutes later he came through again and disappeared again into the dining car in back of us.

It was quiet for about 20 minutes and then he came through again, laughing and singing this annoying tune over and over again about some underdog or some crap like that. At the time there were only about five other people in the car with me and they didn't even seem to take notice of his annoying presence, probably had kids of their own. He noticed me watching him and begin really putting on a show for my benefit, running between the seats, singing, jumping between the support poles until the inevitable finally happened, he miscalculated, dodged left when he should have dodged right, ran smack into one of the seat support poles and collapsed to the floor without uttering another sound.

'Oh my god,' I thought and ran over to him.

He was laying there squirming, holding his chest, gasping and turning really red.

"Hey kiddo, you ok?" I asked him.

"I c-c-cant b-b-breathe mister," he stammered, eyes wide and full of panic.

"Ok, listen carefully," I said, "you just got the wind knocked out of you, try and relax just a little and you'll catch your breath."

By this time a few of the other passengers had come over and one of the train attendants as well, he said the boy and his parents had just got on in Kansas, and he would go get them. I told the rest of the passengers that he got the wind knocked out of him and he would be fine, they were relieved and went back to their seats.

The boy finally relaxed to the point where his breathing restarted and his color returned. I picked him up and carried him back to my seat and sat him on my lap. He very affectionately rested his head on my shoulder as I massaged his chest, whimpering every so often when I touched the area where he impacted with the pole, I was sure no serious damage had been done though.

"Well kiddo," I said, "youve been onboard less than an hour and already you tried to break the train!"

He responded with a little smile and giggle, placed his hand on top of mine as I massaged his sore chest, and sighed very softly.

"Does it hurt real bad?" I asked.

"No, not to bad," he replied.

"Well, maybe not now," I added, "Ill bet youre gonna feel it in the morning though!"

A few minutes later the attendant came in with the boys parents in tow.

"Joey, you ok honey?" his mother asked, hugging him tightly.

"Oww, mom youre hurting me, Im ok," the boy replied.

"What have you been up too young man?" came the voice from his father.

"Nothing dad," the boys smile disappearing quickly." I was just playing and ran into a pole, thats all, I didn't see it, Im ok though, this man saved my life, he did CPR on me."

I immediately started laughing from his statement and explained what had happened and he only had the wind knocked out of him and he was fine except for the bruise. They both started laughing as well and Joey says, "hey, that wasn't funny, I could have died, yeah that's it, I could have caved my whole chest in from hitting that pole!"

"Yeah," I said, "thats probably true, as hard as you hit it, Im surprised you didn't derail the whole train, I'll bet the engineer felt that impact all the way up in the locomotive!"

By now, everyone in the car, including Joey, was laughing.

I decided to introduce myself, "Hi, Im Bob Green from Chicago."

"Hi Bob, Im Joseph Allen from St. Louis, this is my wife Elizabeth and youve already met my son! its a pleasure to meet you Bob, and thank you for saving my sons life!"

"My pleasure, anytime he feels like running into a pole, just make sure Im around first," and we all had another laugh from it.

"Ok, little man," his dad said, "what say you come back to the cabin and take a nap, youve done enough damage for one day."

"Ok dad, he replied, "bye Mr. Green, thank you," and waved at me as they left.

'Hmm, what a kooky little kid,' I thought to myself and continued reading my paper.

A few hours later I went to my cabin to change for dinner and discovered the Allens were only three cabins down from mine. I thought it was still a little close for my liking cause that kid was obviously screwball and dangerous, but I felt with two cabins between us, I was relatively safe. I went back into the dining car and was promptly seated and waited for my 'ahem' meal, or a reasonable facimile to one.

"Hi Mr. Green," came the voice of terror.

I turned and there he was, "hi Joey, feeling any better?" I said.

"Yes sir thank you, I'm feeling pretty good," he replied, "can I eat with you?"

Such a very polite boy I thought, not really used to that from a kid, "but where are your parents?"

"Oh, their back there, they said its ok as long as I didn't bother you 3;.is it Ok? please?"

"Sure," I said, have a seat and join me. I would love somebody to keep me company."

He immediately sat down and stared at me in wonder. I thought to myself, I've seen that look before, many times in some of my students, that unmistakeble 'hero-worship' look. I took the opportunity to look him over as well. He looked to be about eleven, very handsome boy, gonna be a real heartbreaker when he grows up, short brown hair, sparkling brown eyes and the cutest little grin. He had a set of headphones around his neck.

"What ya listening to?" I asked.

"Just some music I recorded for the trip," he said, "wanna listen in?"

"Sure I said," rolling my eyes, expecting to hear some god-awful shrieking and screaming coming from the headphones. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard what came from them, music, I mean REAL music, oldies, songs that I grew up with. I stared back at him and wondered what is this kid's problem, what the hell is HE doing listening to stuff like this?

"You actually listen to this stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, I really like it, I think its cool," he replied and I saw his smile begin to fade and I knew he probably felt I was making fun of him.

"NO, I didn't meant it like that Joey," I added, "I meant that it took me by surprise, you're the first kid I ever met that actually appreciated this kind of music, most kids these days don't even like classic rock and roll."

He smiled again and said, "I love that stuff, my dad has a bunch of tapes that I listen to all the time, I much don't like rap or acid rock or stuff like that but I think this kind of music is perfect for train riding."

I had to agree with him, I hated to take the headphones back off, what great memories that music brought back to me.

Soon our dinner came, interesting thing about train food is you don't really have much of a choice, they have about three different meals that you could choose from, not like eating at a restaurant but it was still nourishing. I had the steak dinner and Joey or JC as he asked me to call him, had the kid's meal which consisted of a cheeseburger, fries, side-salad and cookies 3; hmm, truth was, his meal looked better than mine did!

We had the most intense conversation during dinner in the dining car and after dinner in the lounge car, I found myself forgetting I was talking to an eleven year old kid. I couldn't believe how intelligent, bright and mature he was. For that matter, I couldn't even believe this was the same kid that boarded the train earlier.

He talked about his home town and his friends and his school there which he wasn't all that proud of and he flipped out when I told him I was a teacher at my school. It was so incredible, he had moved right next to me in the lounge car and we talked and watched the scenery go by, if you have never watched a sunset disappearing over the landscape from a moving train, it's the most incredible sight you have ever seen.

I sent him down to the snack bar to bring us back some chips and soda's and we talked and joked well into the night. I couldn't believe how comfortable and relaxed I felt around him, his parents are very fortunate people to have been blessed with someone like him. I eventually got him out of the habit of calling me Mr. Green and just calling me Bob.

About 10PM his parents called him saying it was time for bed.

"Aww mom, were on vacation remember, do I have to go to bed so early on vacation?"

"Well, we sure aren't going to leave the poor train attendants alone with YOU, that's a fate I wouldn't wish on a dog!"

I started laughing again and JC turned red as a beet. "My god, you must be a holy terror," I said, trying to control my laughter.

"Please mom 3; please?" he kept begging.

"Listen," I stepped in, I know we just met and all, my cabin is three doors down from yours, if its ok with you, I'll keep an eye on him and when he gets real sleepy he can sack out in my cabin."

"YES, OH YES!" he said, "please mom, I'll behave myself, I promise, please say yes!"

"Well, I don't know Bob," she said, you may be in for a long night, he'll talk you to death if you let him."

"Believe me, I welcome the company," I added, "I have never met any kid like him, not even in my school and we have hundreds of kids but I have never met anyone like him. I would love the company."

"Ok Bob, he can stay with you, and may God have mercy on your soul!"

Once again we laughed, JC ran over and gave his mom a good night kiss and hug and was smiling from ear to ear. She left and both parents came back a few minutes later and she handed me a small bottle, "if he should get a little out of control, give him one of these and it should put him right out."

"Ok, I understand," I said and put the bottle in my pocket.

His dad asked, "are you sure its ok with you?"

I replied, "of course, I haven't had a conversation this stimulating with anyone in a long time."

"Well 3; it would be kinda nice to be alone with the little lady for a night, if you know what I mean," he said and winked at me.

"I sure do," I replied, "you two have a great night together and I promise you I'll protect your son with my life."

"Thanks again Bob," he said and shook my hand, "see you both in the morning."

After they left, I looked at the bottle of pills and asked him, "what's wrong with you kiddo?"

"Nothing really," he said, "I just have a real bad sleep disorder and Im real hyper too."

I said, "oh yeah, that combination goes together like gasoline and a lit match!"

Then we both started laughing again.

Chapter 2

Along about midnight, three sodas, two candy bars and four bags of chips later, the lounge car had emptied out, there was no closing time but we decided to make our way back to my cabin. I was pleasantly surprised when we went it, the attendant had already lowered and prepared the beds for us, the covers had been turned back and on each bed there were two after dinner mints. JC looked up at me and he didn't have to say a word, I knew what he was thinking. I said, "sure, you can have the window bed."

"YIPPIE!" he cried, stripped down to his underwear and jumped right into bed.

I changed into my pajamas and climbed into my bed and found it surprisingly very comfortable.

"nite Mr. Green, Im sorry, I mean Bob," he said.

"Good night JC, sleep tight kiddo." I dozed off.

We hit a real rough section of track during the night and I woke up from it. I looked at my watch and it was almost 2AM. I looked over and JC was still wide awake, had his stereo headphones on, staring totally transfixed out the window and of all things, had his hand inside his underwear and was playing with himself, don't think he even noticed I had woke up. I chuckled to myself and watched him for a long time and found myself getting aroused from it.

I had been aroused by other boys in the past but nothing as strongly as this. I couldn't take my eyes off him, watching his little hand moving up and down inside his shorts. I got up and walked over to him, he never even heard me approach. Thank God that window was made out of safety glass because as soon as I touched his shoulder he almost jumped through it.

"Oh shit, I didn't know you were awake, I'm sorry Mr. Green, I didn't mean it, I wont do it again, please don't tell my parents, please dont!" the poor kid was crying hysterically.

"Hey hey hey, come on son, its ok," I said, "I'm not angry, you weren't doing anything wrong, come on, everybody does that, come on now, dry those tears."

Poor kid was beside himself with fear and shame. I lay next to him in the bed and held him, "it's ok, don't worry, I do that myself, I know how good it feels, it's really ok."

He finally stopped crying, "you do it too?" he asked.

"Yes, I do it a lot, there's nothing wrong with that, all kids your age do it, and big kids my age too."

I began rubbing his chest again as I did earlier. He sighed very softly again and began to relax. I continued rubbing his chest and noticed the front of his shorts stuck out like a little indian tee-pee. I wondered if he would mind me touching him there? I continued to rub, slowly working my way down to his stomach, he continued to sigh softly and his eyes met mine and he looked at me, almost hypnotized by my eyes. He placed his little hand on top of mine and smiled.

My hand worked its way down and very gently rubbed the front of his shorts, he jerked slightly but his eyes never looked away from mine and his smile never changed. I rubbed his erection a little harder and a slight murmur came from his throat and his smile got a little bigger, he liked this, he liked this a lot. I moved my hand back up and inserted it inside the waistband of his shorts and caressed his naked little dick. Oh wow, it felt so wonderful, so smooth and soft and warm. I moved my hand down a little further and found his ripe little balls and fondled them gently. His breathing became a little more rapid as I continued exploring him, my hand came back up to his dick and slowly wrapped around it, rubbing my thumb along the side till I reached the top.

'Oh my,' I thought, 'he's uncircumcised!'

What a pleasant surprise, I've never touched one like this before. I gently played with the skin that covered the head and very gently worked it back exposing it. His legs were beginning to move around and his breathing got increasingly rapid.

"Please Bob," he whispered, "please play with it some more, I like that, it feels really nice."

He released the hug he recently had placed on me, lifted his hips slightly, slipped his shorts down to his legs and kicked them off. He lay there naked before me still smiling. I kissed him very tenderly on the lips, oh he has such pretty brown eyes. I continued playing with his dick and slowly began to masturbate him. In return he would thrust his hips up each time I would move my hand down on his dick and pull back each time I worked my hand up. We had a pretty good rythmn going. He stopped dead when I suddenly leaned forward and kissed the head of his dick. I looked at him and he smiled again from ear to ear and his eyes widened as he saw his dick slowly begin to disappear inside of my mouth.

"Oooh maannn!" I heard him cry softly.

I begin sucking his little dick very fast and hard and his entire body begin to shiver and shake. I ran my hands up and down his smooth hairless legs and thighs, toying with his swelling balls and massaging his firm little ass while he squirmed and thrashed around madly. His hips were jerking up at my face wildly as I sucked him as fast as I could.

"B-B-Bob, I t-t-think you b-b-better stop n-n-now, somethings g-g-going to happen," he stammered.

I knew what was going to happen and I wanted it to. I didn't want to stop till it did so I increased my sucking even faster and harder.

A few seconds later I heard, "Ooohhhhh B-Bob 3;..," his body arched up and his dick jerked around in my mouth like a frantic worm, spraying cum everywhere, coating my tongue, tonsils, teeth and gums. He kept jerking and shooting over and over until the final drops oozed out and his body finally relaxed back onto the bed. I had begun to remove my mouth from his spent little penis when he quickly stopped me.

"Please don't stop, Bob, there's a little more," he said.

I thought, ;what? impossible, not as hard as he just shot,' but continued sucking him anyway. Less than two minutes later that little dick swelled up and shot yet another load of sweet cum in my mouth, "kid recovers fast," I thought to myself again. I licked the last residual from his little dick and moved back up to him. His eyes met mine and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water gasping for oxygen, he was trying to say something but it was almost like he was choking, he was trying to talk in between breaths, finally out it came,

"B-B-Bob 3; I 3; love 3; you!"

Next thing I knew, his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out. I smiled, feeling very proud of myself at the moment, kissed him, and lay down next to him. I watched the passing scenery for a few moments, looked over at my nightstand where his pills were and said, "sorry fellas, wont be needing ya tonite!" and fell asleep right next to him.

8AM and the attendant knocked and gave us our breakfast call, I managed to open my eyes and JC was still passed out right next to me.

"So much for the Energizer," I chuckled to myself and shook him gently, "hey kiddo, you gonna sleep all day?"

He opened his eyes, smiled at me and gave me a huge hug and a kiss,

"Hi Bob, you ok today?" he asked, "that was so incredible, I never felt anything like that in my life, thank you Bob, a million times thank you!"

"Well Im glad you enjoyed it, so did I, but you have to remember something, this isn't the sort of thing you run and tell people about ok?"

"Ok Bob, I won't tell a sole I promise, I sure would like to do the same thing to you, can we play again tonight, please?"

"Well, we'll see if your parents let you stay the night again then we can play some more."

"COOL!" he replied.

I got up and opened the door for the attendant, he had my breakfast pass, a cup of coffee and a newspaper for me. I explained that JC was from the cabin down the hall and he spent the night with me so his parents could have some quality time to themselves, the attendant left and promptly returned with a glass of orange juice for him.

"Hey, we better finish, take a shower and meet your parents for breakfast before they think I kidnapped you or something," I said.

"Oh, don't worry about that," he joked, "the last person that kidnapped me ended up having to pay my parents to take me back!"

This was really a funny little kid.

We each took showers, I would have loved to have taken one with him but the shower was only built for one so I had to settle for the privelege of watching him shower. He loved the fact that I was watching him and he took great pleasure in torturing me, soaping up his little butt and working the towel in between the crevice, wrapping that warm soapy towel around his dick, laying back against the shower wall and jacking himself off, shooting cum clear across to the other wall, "oh my god!"

I also had the pleasure of drying him off and kissing every inch of him. In a way that wasn't such a good idea because we ended up having to wait almost another half an hour for his erection to go back down. After the shower and we were dressed, once again he hugged me so tightly and said "I love you Bob," and I replied "I love you too kiddo."

We met up with his parents in the dining car and had a leisurely breakfast together. "Morning Bob," his dad said, "glad to see youre still alive."

"Good morning to you both," I said, "oh yes, Im very much alive, JC was a perfect gentleman and we had the most incredible conversations, you must be very proud of him."

"Oh yeah, we most certainly are, he can be a handful sometimes and there are a few occasions that he can be just a little hard to take but we cant really imagine life without him."

"I understand," I added, "I know with kids there are good and bad days, but usually the good days greatly outnumber the bad days."

"Very well put," his mother said.

We made several stops along the way in different towns, dropping off and picking up passengers and at a few of the stops, we were allowed to get off the train and walk around while they washed, and refueled which usually took about 20-30 minutes. On our way into this one small town, we saw a Burger King from our window and once we stopped, we calculated it to be about a block and a half from the depot so me and JC decided to go for it. We made a mad dash to that fast food place, got burgers and fries and shakes for us all and dashed back to the train within that 20 minute layover. We were a little nervous there for a moment, its a real unsettling feeling to watch the tail lights of your train as it leaves you stranded in the middle of a strange town.

It was so great to have real food that day (if you can call fast food real food) and we all gathered in their cabin and ate, drank sodas and played Monopoly which they had brought along with them. If only they knew how terribly attached I had gotten to their only child. We spent the rest of the day exploring the train together, watching the sights go by, jumping off at stops and picking up little souvenirs and trinkets from the venders who come to meet the passengers and hopefully sell them their products.

We got to Alberquerque NM and there we stopped, got off and found a little food vendor and it was there that JC was introduced to his very first burritto, he loved it, we bought several of them and some chips and sodas and got back on the train. I discovered that anything was better than train food. I thought to myself, if fast food restuarants moved a little closer to these stations, they could make a small fortune off the passengers that stopped in their little towns.

The sun was starting to set again and in a way we were sad, we knew this would be the last night on the train together, tomorrow morning we would reach our destination in Los Angeles. We both would be getting off and chances are after we say goodbye, we might never see each other again.

I think JC felt it as well, during our talk in the lounge car that night, I could sense sadness in his voice and he clung to me so tightly and made me feel so special that I just wanted to grab him, jump off at the very next stop and run away with him forever, far away where no one could ever find us and take him away from me. We held each others hand the entire evening as we talked and once again his parents had given the permission for him to stay the night with me, we both were so thrilled. We talked again for a very long time and called it a night about 11 that evening. We walked back to my cabin, hand in hand, soon as we entered, he hugged me tightly and I hugged him as well, I squatted down a little so we were at eye level and I could see the tears forming in his eyes and we embraced again.

"Oh Christ Bob, I don't want to say goodbye to you tomorrow, I really dont!"

"I know JC, I don't either, but we don't have a choice, I don't want to say goodbye either. I can't believe I've fallen in love with you this quickly and I don't want to let you go but we don't have a choice."

I hugged him tighter, stroking his hair, wishing this trip could last forever and never end.

"Hey kiddo," I said, "if this has to be our last night together, let's make it a very special one ok?"

He kissed me and said, "Ok Bob, lets make it very special, a night we'll both remember as long as we live."

I locked the cabin door securely so we would not be disturbed and began to undress my beautiful little boy. He stood there in total silence and let me remove his clothing offering no resistance and yet offering no assistance either. He let me lift up his leg to take off his sneakers and socks and he even giggled as I kept trying to support him because he would pretend to be falling off balance from being on one leg. I removed all of his clothing except for his undershorts then I let him undress me. His little fingers fumbled and shook from the prospect of undressing a grown man.

I could see his dick pushing out the front of his shorts and I wanted so badly to reach out and grab it, to hold it and squeeze it, to feel it throb in my hand but decided to wait. Soon after a few painstaking minutes for him to get my clothes off, I too was down to only my briefs. His trembling little hand reached for the bulge and cupped his hand around it and squeezed till his fingertips were touching each other. I groaned and it began to get hard and grow.

"Wow," he muttered as he watched the bulge get bigger and bigger, forcing his fingers apart and making his hand open, "jeez, its so big!"

I slowly began to move towards the bed, JC followed me never once taking his hand or his eyes off the huge bulge in my shorts, I sat on the side of the bed and he climbed over me next to the window, his little hand still clutching and squeezing my dick.

I lay back on the bed, placing my hands behind my head and let this marvelous little boy explore me as I had done him the night before. He let go of the bulge and lifted the waistband of my shorts, looked at me for approval and I smiled at him. He smiled back and began to pull my shorts down and off my body.

"Omigod," he said when my dick sprang out at him, "you're even bigger than my dad!"

"Do you and your dad do this?" I asked.

"No, we go skinnydipping at my uncle's lake though so I've seen his," he said.

He straddled one of my legs and took my dick in both hands, running them up and down, feeling every vein and tracing his finger down the lengths of each one and driving me crazy in the process. Soon he reached down and caressed my heavy ball sac, running his fingers through all the hair that surrounded it. He looked inside his own shorts and wondered why he didn't have any hair.

I explained to him as he got a little older it would come. He still seemed fascinated with my bush though, he put his face lower to my groin and kissed my ball sac and I shuddered.

He smiled up at me, went back down and ran his hot tongue across my sac and I really shuddered then. That was all the encouragement he needed because soon his tongue was running all over my sac, licking and swiping and I could feel his sharp little teeth gently nipping at my sac. This was way to good to be true, I was squirming around like crazy, I couldn't control my lower body anymore, soon my squirming threw him off balance and he fell over between my legs but his mouth action never stopped on me, in fact it got ten times better cause he forced my legs wider apart and really went to work on me. He worked and worked till finally he got his little mouth open far enough to where he took my entire ball sac in, I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my mouth cause I wanted to just scream out in pleasure and I know everyone in the entire sleeper car would have heard me if I did. His mouth was opening, closing and sucking my sac so wonderfully, I could feel my balls heating up and instinctly I tried to grab and jack myself but each time I reached for my dick, he would reach up and shove my hand away from it. He made it clear, that my dick was now his, he wanted it all for himself and I was not allowed to touch it.

He soon, much to soon for me, pulled off my sac and licked it once more for good measure (he could have sucked all night and it still wouldn't be long enough for me) then he ran his tongue along the V crevice of my thighs and groin, up one side and down the other.

"JC," I said, "youre killing me here kiddo."

He grinned like a little devil at me and continued licking down one side and up the other, across my belly below the belly button and finally began licking around the base of my dick. His tongue flicked out again and again like a little lizard, teasing at the sides of my dick then he licked slowy up the underside all the way to the tip, propped himself back up on his knees between my legs, took my dick in both hands and grinned down at me again.

He then took his thumbs and spread the piss slit open and stuck his tongue inside as far as he could, in and out as if his tongue were a dick and my pee hole were a little pussy, oh yes, he was driving me out of my mind with this foreplay. He then opened his mouth as wide as he could and decended on my dick, taking as much in as he could, forcing his mouth down and down and yet he still couldn't engulf it all. He stopped for a second to rest and then he started sucking me fast and furious. His mouth had closed so tightly around it I wondered how he was breathing at all as he sucked. My hips starting bucking like mad and I tried to steady myself so as not to injure the boy. He stayed right with me though and once again I placed the pillow over my face to stifle my screams of joy.

I could feel his skinny little fingers down between my legs pumping and squeezing my balls, they hurt a little but it was a good hurt, I knew I was going to cum harder than I ever had in my life and I wondered if I should shove him off of me before I did, had he ever tasted another mans cum? would he want the stuff in his mouth? I suddenly remembered him trying to warn me the night before, he surely must have had the same thoughts then that I was having as well now.

"JC," listen kiddo, Im gonna cum in a second, you don't have to take it in the mouth if you don't want to, I'll understand."

Did he listen? hell no, his sucking got louder, faster and harder and I knew I couldn't hold it back any longer, I groaned like a wounded bear and felt my balls explode.

I could feel the sperm making its run from my balls, through the sperm tube, pushing through my dick and flooding out into his mouth. I couldn't slow down the speed it gushed out at, I could hear him choking but yet he continued swallowing against the head of my dick. I could feel my balls still pumping sperm out and my dick still throbbing and shooting and his neck and throat muscles working frantically trying to swallow every drop I shot, I could still feel his little hand squeezing at my balls, trying to force more out. His mouth kept working long after my balls had stopped pumping.

"Hey JC?" I managed to say, "you did it kiddo, you got it all, you can stop now."

He pulled off my dick, still saw a few drops oozing out and bent back down to get it, then he sat back up and looked at me peculiar.

"Hmm, kinda has a taste like buttermilk,' he said, "pretty good though, a little salty but pretty good, did I taste good last night?"

"Oh yeah my little friend, you tasted delicious."

I reached down and grabbed him under the arms, picked him up and moved him closer so I could kiss him, he lay on top of me, chest to chest and I kissed him for a long time, running my hands down along his back and feeling his tight little butt. I could feel his rock hard little dick burrowing its way into my belly and I wanted him again.

I began sliding his body up along mine, licking and kissing my way down his chest as he giggled hysterically, he knew where I was headed and begin to work his undershorts down off his body as I worked my way down to his hard dick. Soon his long slender legs were straddling my head and at last I was able to suck his little balls into my mouth. I could hear his squeals of joy as I sucked and chewed on his rubbery sac, his legs squeezing tightly against my head and his dick bouncing up and down off my forehead.

My hands kneaded his asscheeks and I began to insert my middle finger inside his hot hole, his moans of pleasure began to increase and I knew he couldn't stand much more of this action, opening my mouth wider I took his rock hard dick inside as well and sucked tenderly on it. His hips began to jerk violently. I knew he was getting closer and closer to a thundering climax, quickly I let his balls slip from my lips and concentrated on sucking his dick fast and furious, my finger plunging in and out of his asshole with increasing speed and soon he was humping my face as fast as he could, moaning and panting and a few seconds later, he thrust his groin against my face as hard as he could and popped his nuts. I could feel his sperm jetting out of him and flash flooding down my throat. I shoved my finger farther up his ass, he groaned more and continued shooting wad after wad of fiery cum into me. His jerking and spasms soon ceased and his body relaxed once more, I removed my finger from his hole and he lay back down on top of me again.

"Oh God Bob, that was the best one yet!" he said.

"Oh yeah my little friend," I said as I kissed his forehead, "you sure know how to make a person feel real good."

He finally rolled off me and we lay together looking out at the passing scenery, wishing the night would never end, wishing we could just stay like this forever.

"WOO, hey!" JC giggled and smiled, he had been goosed when backed up right into my still hard dick, "watch where youre pointing that thing!"

"Hmm," I murmured, "I think it likes you and wants more."

He reached behind him and grabbed my dick again and slowly stroked it, "Boy its so big!" he said.

He rubbed his thumb across the head again and scooted back further so his butt was nestled right up against it, he was trying to aim it for his hole.

"Hey, Joey, what are you doing?" I asked, "let's not do that."

"I'm sorry," he said, "I was just wandering how it would feel that's all, your finger felt real good, would it hurt bad with your dick?"

"It just might son, youre kinda small back there."

He didn't say anything for a few minutes then released my dick and climbed back on top of me.

"I want to try it," he said, "if it starts to hurt, I can take it out, ok?"

He didn't wait for me to reply, he grabbed my dick and sat back on it, letting the head slide in, we both moaned at the same time, he hesitated for a moment then let it slide in a little more.

"OOOHHHH," he moaned a little louder. "JC, lets stop kiddo!"

"NO!" he said, "its ok, just stung a little," and sat back a little more on it.

'Oh God,' I thought, it was so good and tight, I couldn't have stopped him if I wanted to, this was just to good a feeling.

He sat still for a few minutes, getting used to the feeling inside of him and started a slow experimental humping action on me. He felt good from it and increased his movements, I could feel my balls swelling again and knew I was going to shoot if he kept this up. I began to sit up on the bed and as I did, he repositioned himself so he was sitting up with me. He wrapped his legs around my back, grabbed my shoulders with his hands and begin humping me for all he was worth. I kissed him and pulled him closer and tighter to me as I thrust my hips into him as well, the up and down motion between us felt so great, I could feel his hard dick trapped in between our sweating bellies and slipping and sliding with our gyrations. I was going to cum again, I couldn't believe it and especially couldn't believe this soon after he had just sucked me dry only a few minutes earlier.

"Oh Bob, it feels so great." I heard him moan then I felt wetness on my stomach, looked down and he was shooting again, spurting cum all over our bellies, upon seeing this, my balls began pumping their load as well, making its rush up and out my thrusting dick. I felt him tense up and squeal in joy, my dick spurting in his ass, filling him with cum and dripping out back onto my balls and onto the bed sheets. We stayed in that position for a while, kissing each other, hugging each other tight, feeling the cum begin to dry on our hot sweaty bodies, I pulled out of him and we lay side by side, tenderly kissing each other till we fell fast asleep in each others arms. The next morning we awoke, looking sadly at each other knowing our trip would be over in only a few precious hours. We showered and dressed and met his parents once again in the dining car for our final meal together. We stopped in San Bernandino, dropped and picked up a few passengers and knew we had about an hour left before we pulled into Los Angeles.

"How long will you be staying?" I asked.

"We'll be here a week then we'll be headed back," said his dad, "how about you?"

"I'll be here for two weeks, my ticket is non changable," I replied.

Joey looked even sadder and continued to pick at his breakfast, he didn't seem to have much of an appetite, neither did I for that matter as I stared at my half eaten breakfast. The attendant announced the Los Angeles station coming up in about 20 minutes so we went back to our cabin to gather our things together. As I packed my overnight bag, I discovered inside it a pair of underpants, boy's underpants. I picked them up and smelled them, a souvenir from my little friend. We got off at the station and went through the lobby, out into the shuttle area and waited for our Motel shuttles to pick us up.

"Joey," I said, "I want you to know that if it wasn't for you, this would have been one very lonely trip for me, thank you for spending it with me"

"Thank you Bob," he said, grabbed and hugged me so hard it almost hurt, "Im sure gonna miss you, thanks for keeping me company."

"Anytime little brother." I added, "hey, can I call you that? my little brother?"

"Id like that a lot," he said, "can I call you my big brother?"

"I would be honored," I replied.

I said my goodbyes to his parents and JC noticed the case I was carrying.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Thats my computer I carry with me," I said, "I use that to get my e-mail from Prodigy when I'm out of town."

"YOU HAVE PRODIGY?!" he yelled, so loud in fact, half the station heard him. "I HAVE PRODIGY TOO!!"

"Ok ok ok, calm down there kiddo before you hyperventilate," I said, "I know just what we can do."

We exchanged our Prodigy nicknames and e-mail addresses on the spot.

"There," I said, "that way we can always keep in touch with each other ok?"

"Yes oh yes," he said and hugged me once more.

His parents were really moved by this, "you guys really got attached to each other in the past few days didn't you/" his mom said.

"I'll say we did," I replied, "we have a lot in common, I would love to keep in touch with him through Prodigy, I don't get very stimulating conversations with most kids like I did from your son these past few days, and I know some of the kids from my school would love to talk to him as well, most of them have Prodigy as well and a lot of times, we come on after school and just talk and joke and have a real good time together, I think it would do them good to actually meet and talk to some one like you, I'm sure going to set up something when I get back home, I really don't want to lose touch with this little guy, he is very special."

"Yes, I agree, he is very special to us as well," she said.

A few minutes later, the Hollywood Ramada Inn shuttle bus pulled up and JC looked at me surprised, "youre staying at this hotel too?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, "what a nice coincidence, what room are you guys in?"

"We're in room 406," his dad said.

"Hey, Im in room 347," I said, "one floor down from you guys."

Joey grinned from ear to ear again, "think maybe we can all go out together and see some of the sights?" he said.

"I don't see why not," replied his dad, "that sounds like a good idea to me."

"No," said Joey, "that sounds like a GREAT idea!"

We both smiled at each other as we boarded the shuttle, we knew exactly what the other one was thinking, "both of us together 3; in the same hotel 3; for a whole week 3; this was going to be a great vacation!"

Chapter 3
Hollywood Calif.

I sat on the Hotel Shuttle next to my very special little boy and we talked amongst ourselves as we rode to the hotel. I unzipped my overnight bag and flashed him the waistband of his underpants that he left me as a souvenir, he smiled and winked at me and I smiled and winked back at him. Our shuttle pulled into the hotel about 20 minutes later, we checked in and were taken to our rooms.

"See ya a little later JC," I said, and winked.

"Ok Bob," he replied, winking back.

My room had a king size bed which looked big enough for three people, a desk, a dresser that had a TV and VCR on top, a vanity table of all things and a patio that offered a excellent view of the quad and swimming pool. I stood out on the patio for about ten minutes, breathing in the air and looking at the sites. The building seemed to be circular in design, and overlooking the security fence you could see clear into the downtown LA area. The weather was incredibly cool, this time of year in Chicago you'd roast alive but here, even though the temp was close to 80 [27°C], it was definately not a sweltering 80 [27°C].

Suddenly I heard a loud whistle, looked right then left, heard the whistle again and looked up and across the quad, there was JC, looking at me from his own patio, waving and jumping up and down. I waved back at him and as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared back into his hotel room. A few seconds later, my phone rang and I had a feeling I knew who was calling,

"Hi JC," I said as I picked up the phone.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked.

"Oh, I just had a crazy feeling it was you and not the welcome wagon," I replied, listening to his laughter, "what ya up to?"

"Well," he started, "I was thinking about taking a dip in the pool, you game?"

"Sure, why not, meet ya down there," I said.

"COOL!" he said, "bye, love you!"

Hmm, kid must have been reading my mind, the pool looked very inviting indeed. I dug out my trunks, put on my sandals, grabbed a towel and headed for the pool area. I met JC in the lobby, he was dancing around impatiently waiting for me, grabbed my hand and we walked out to the pool. I knew I had better keep my hands off him for now. He was barefoot, had a towel around his shoulders and only wearing these green and white speckled trunks, not skin tight mind you, but sure as hell wasn't far from it. You could see his soft dick pushing the material out in front, the elastic around his waist and legs were tight and the outline of his butt was wonderful, the trunks left little to the imagination and altogether. He was one hell of a voluptuous sight and it was all I could do to keep from snatching those trunks off him right there on the spot and sucking his balls dry.

We got to the pool, he stood there for a few seconds and I asked him what was wrong, he claimed he had never seen a pool so big before, he was right, neither had I. The pool was huge, had three spring boards, a water slide about 20 to 30 feet [5-10 m] in length and off to the sides of the pool were two jacuzzi's and a small kiddy wading pool as well, most impressive.

"Hey, whats that?" I said, looking down into the water.

"Hunh!" JC said looking closer at the water. "I don't see anything."

I smiled and pushed him in 3;. SPLASH!! I heard him squeal in joy.

"YOU RAT!" he sputtered, "Ill get you for that!"

"Gotta catch me first," I said and dove in.

I swam past him and out into the pool. He tore after me and we played 'follow the leader' until I decided to let him catch me, then he preceeded to dunk me under and I tossed him up in the air a few times and let him splash back down. He got ambitious a few times, jumped out, ran to the spring boards and dove off them back into the water. He wasn't a excellent swimmer but he did very good on the spring boards. A few times when he got a little tired, I held him up as he floated lazily on top of the water on his back, my hands were under him, one supporting his head and the other supporting his firm little butt. I could see his dick pushing up the material as he floated there smiling at me, my mouth watered for his tasty dick so badly. The urge to touch him there was so strong I could hardly contain myself. I had to settle for gently massaging his butt as he floated there happily.

"No JC," I said, "this is not the time or place, too many people, too many eyes, I know you want it as bad as I do."

"I understand Bob," he said, "I can wait if you can."

We frolicked in the pool for almost two hours before we called it quits. We stopped by the souvenir shop to pick up a few postcards I wanted to mail back to friends in Chicago then I took him back to his room. He looked at me so sadly outside his door.

"Hey JC, come on, we'll get together real soon," I whispered to him.

"Please Bob, why not now?" he whispered back, "my parents are probably still asleep, they said they were going to take a nap while I was at the pool, they wont miss me for a little while longer yet, please Bob 3; Please?" His voice sounded so pitiful.

"Ok," I said, "but just for a little while, ok?"

"Yessss," he said softly, and hugged me.

In a few minutes we were safely in my room and in a way, I was so glad he was there with me. I quickly secured the door and soon he was standing on tip-toe's squealing in joy as I immediately stuck my hand inside his trunks and grabbed his dick and balls, he put his arms around me and sighed very happily as I fondled him, my other hand went down inside the rear of his trunks and massaged his ass. I wanted him so badly, his moans and grunts of pleasure was arousing me more and more and my own cock began to grow and push up between us, throbbing and demanding attention. I felt his little hands release the hold from my waist and work its way between us, finding their way down inside my trunks and wrapping around my own hot dick. I looked down and Joey was staring straight up at me glassy eye'd, still balancing on his tip-toe's, his chin resting on my chest and such a wonderful look of happiness and bliss shining from his angelic little face, as I pumped and squeesed his little dick and balls. His little mouth opened and spoke to me.

"Bob 3; oh boy does that ever feel good!"

"Oh God Joey, I have to have you now," I said.

I pulled my hands out of his trunks and squatted lower to him, forcing his hands to break their grip on my cock as well. I grabbed his trunks and snatched them down off his waist and he stepped out of them. I dove down and took his dick and balls into my mouth while he was still in the standing position, reaching under him, grabbing his ass and hoisting him into the air. I held him up in mid-air, sucking and chewing on his cock and balls while his legs flung about madly in the air, my hands squeezing and kneading his ass cheeks, my fingers finding their way inside his crevice and finding his hot little hole. His moans and pants of joy were getting louder and louder. I continued chewing and sucking on his privates, tasting the chlorine residue left behind from the pool water, nibbling and sucking on his little sac and feeling it expanding, swelling, filling with sweet boy-cum that I knew would be shooting into my mouth very soon. His trembling hands were clutching at my head as he tried his very best to hump into my face, he was trapped though and he knew it, he couldn't hump any faster or harder than my firm grip on his ass would allow, he cried and whimpered in pleasure as he allowed my cock torturing mouth to continue its assault on him. I let his balls slip from my mouth and sucked his hard dick as fast as I could, matching my finger fucking action in his ass stroke per stroke as I sucked him, suddenly I felt his body tense, his legs straightened, he cried out to the heavens and shot his wad. It came in spurts, shot after delicious shot, hitting the roof of my mouth with incredible force as I continued sucking him dry, feeling him grinding his crotch hard against my face, his hands clutching my head so tightly I thought for sure he would rip my hair out.

"Oh god, oh jeez, oh jeez!" he continued to cry out during the throes of his orgasm, "please keep sucking!"

His little body began to relax as I sucked the last few drops from his balls and licked his dick clean of the remaining cum, he was stroking my hair and whimpering uncontrollably as I finished him off. I sat him back on the floor and ended up having to hold him up, his legs kept buckling and once again I thought for sure he was going to pass out from the pleasure I brought him.

"Come on JC," I said, "dont black out on me kiddo!"

"Im ok Bob, just a little dizzy, I'll be ok," he replied and hugged me ever so tightly. "Boy Bob, I feel like you sucked the life right out of me!"

I carried him over and lay him on my bed, lieing right beside him. I kissed and hugged him and held him tightly in my arms, listening to his rapid breathing and sighs of happiness. I felt his hands sliding down my chest and stomach and finding their way once again into my trunks, grasping my dick and balls, tugging and massaging them, making me hot and hard again. He was smiling up at me again, watching me with those pretty brown eyes as he pumped my dick and balls. His gentle kneading and massaging was so good, in the past few days he has made my dick harder than its ever been in its life.

He released it and began working at getting my trunks off my body, he kept tugging and pulling as I lay there and chuckled at him, offering him no help, just as he did me while on the train. He would reach under my ass, grab the waist band and pull down a little, move to the front and do the same thing and soon he worked the band down enough to where he grabbed the sides and pulled them down my legs, cheering and laughing as he did, pleased that he had triumphed over the tight trunks. He jumped back on the bed again, squatting between my legs and grinning wickedly at me. He took my dick into his mouth and suck tenderly on it, his head moving up and down slowly, not applying a lot of pleasure as he did before, mostly just running his tongue all over and around it, making it wet and slippery. After a few minutes, he pulled off and smiled at me again, turned his back to me and proceeded to sit back and insert my dick into that tight little ass of his. I sat up a little, supporting him under his arms as he guided my dick into his hole, the insertion went a little easier since he had the fore thought of slicking up my dick before insertion, he sat back comfortably, turned around and kissed me. I managed to sat up straight, hold him around his waist as he began to ride my dick, oh this was so good.

"Oh my sweet boy, ride me son!"

"It feels so wonderful Bob, I love you!"

"I love you too baby, do me faster son, do me harder!"

His humping became faster and harder as he closed his asscheeks tighter around my dick, I felt down his chest to his now hard and jerking dick, grabbed it and masturbated him while he humped me, kissing and sucking at his neck and shoulders. My balls began clenching and unclenching and my hips started to buck widly, he sensed my approaching climax and closed his ass tight as he could around my thrusting dick. My head fell back in total pleasure as I felt my nuts explode and shoot cum into his tight little ass, at the same time feeling his little penis jerking and spurting out its second load of cream, spilling out on his legs and thighs, running down my chest and onto the sheets. I fell back onto the bed and he lay back as well, my dick still lodged in his ass and I hugged my little boy, stroking his chest, fondling his rubbery little dick, bringing my hand back to my mouth to lick his sperm from my fingers, listening to him moaning and gasping for breath.

"I Love You So Much Bob!" he gasped.

"I Love You Too My Little Baby!" I replied, "I Love You So Much It Hurts!"

"Oh my goodness," I said, looking at my watch, "I'd better get you back to your room!"

We jumped in the shower together and washed the spent cum and the smell of sex off our bodies, soaping each others dicks and rinsing each other off. I dried him and got his tight little trunks back on his beautiful little body and walked him back to his room. He knocked and his mother answered the door.

"Well, did you guys have fun today?" she asked.

"Boy did we ever," JC replied, "I think Im waterlogged!"

"Thank you Elizabeth," I said, "thank you for sharing your son with me."

"Thank you for putting up with him Bob, were going to do some sightseeing tomorrow, youre more than welcome to join us if you like."

"Yes yes yes!" JC danced in place, "say yes 3; please say yes!"

"I would like that very much," I said, "see you tomorrow."

I could hear JC's cheers and whoops of joy coming from the room as I walked back to mine, this was turning into one great vacation. I figured I had better take advantage of it while I could cause he was only going to be here for a few precious days, then I would be alone again. I already dreaded having to go back to Chicago all alone in less than two weeks. Since this little boy has come into my life, I cant seem to think of nothing else but him.

I ordered my dinner sent up to me and sat out on the patio eating it, watching the patio across the quad hoping that maybe JC might come out. It was getting late and he was probably already in bed for the night. I sat out on the patio, till almost 11 that night, watching the other guests splashing around in the pool and finally watching the pool close down at 11:30, I retired as well.

I lay in bed thinking of Joey's hot little body, enjoying the smell of his underwear, slowly stroking my dick and wondering if he was laying in his bed and jerking off thinking about me as well. I finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about him through most of my slumber.

The next morning I arose, shaved and showered and right at about 8:30, the phone rang.

"Morning Bob, were meeting in the dining room for breakfast, please come eat with us!"

"Id love to my little friend, I'll be there."

We ate a hearty breakfast and JC's dad mentioned he had to order a rental car for our sightseeing trip. I explained that a rental vehicle had been included in my trip and since they were so very kind to include me in their lives on this vacation, the least I could do is provide the transportation. The vehicle was mine for two weeks, didn't cost me a cent, they were more than welcome to use it and that way they could spend their money on other things and not have to worry about transportaion. The deal was made and we discussed the days plans.

We visited Universal Studios as our first stop of the day, it was magnificent. We toured the different movie stages and exhibits, stayed for a excellent tram tour and stayed for a live taping of a kids show on the Nickelodeon set. It was great and we all had a wonderful time. We spent the afternoon in downtown Hollywood, looking at the sites along the Hollywood and Vine walk of Stars, the Chinese theatre and visited the Hollywood wax museum. We ate dinner and then as our final stop of the day, we visited the Griffith Park Observatory where JC had been anxious to get to all day long. The tour was magnificent and he spent most of it, looking through the mini telescopes they had for tourists and finally got to go in and view the solar system through the big telescope as well. The entire day went fabulous. On the way back to the hotel, he fell asleep in the back of the car. I couldn't resist holding him and letting my hand rest in his lap where I was able to rub and fondle his sleeping dick. I felt him squeezing my leg, signaling me he knew what was happening and not to stop. He still pretended to be asleep when we arrived and I felt honored to carry him up to his room. As soon as I lay him in his bed he opened his eyes, smiled and winked at me. I got him into his pajama's, tucked him in and kissed him goodnight.

"Nite Bob, I love you," he grinned.

"Nite JC, you little faker, I love you too."

I stayed with him till at last he dozed off and I said goodnite to his parents and went back to my room, tired but very happy.

The next morning I got a frantic call from JC.

"Bob, its me," he said, "I need help big time."

"Whats wrong kiddo," I said, now wide awake and listening to his panic stricken voice.

"Mom's in the shopping mood," he continued. "she's gonna drag us all over town shopping and I don't wanna go, Id rather go to the dentist and have a long slow painful root canal done than go shopping with her!"

"Ok," I said, laughing almost hysterically, "tell your mom I'll keep an eye on you if its ok with her."

"Thanks Bob, I will, I love you," he said and was gone.

Less than half an hour later, he was knocking at my door. He was standing there grinning and carrying a small nylon tote bag. He was wearing a bright yellow matching tank top and shorts with white socks and sneakers.

"You look pretty good there kiddo," I said, "Hmm, whats in the bag?"

"Ummm, swim suit, towel and sunblock," he said smiling.

"And what might they be for 3; Hmmmm?" I said back to him, smiling.

"Weeellll 3; I 3; ummm 3; thought that maybe, just maybe 3; we could 3; ummm 3; go to the beach 3; maybe 3; maybe 3; just maybe 3; please?" he whined pitifully.

"Just to satisfy my own curiosity, are you going to use that sad little face and squeaky whiney voice on me everytime you want me to do something?" I asked.

"Yes, long as it works," he smiled and giggled.

"Ok, I just wondered," hugging him and ruffling his hair.

I got my swim gear and met his parents in the lobby, they dropped us at the pier and off they went to do shopping. I could tell the look in his dad's eyes that he was in for a long day. The pier was excellent, they had all kinds of rides and games for kids young and old. We played skee-ball and the video and pinball games, we rode the different rides they had there. JC tried to murder me in the bumper cars, it was a single car assault, he ignored every other bumper car in the rink and came after me and me only! I think we went on that one three times that morning. We walked the pier, playing some of the other skill games they had there and soon found ourselves at the base of the skytram that ran the length of the pier. Now personally, Ive never been that crazy about heights but I decided to swallow my fear and go with him. We were loaded in and we hadnt gotten a good 20 feet [6 m] away from the platform when he jumped in my lap and stuck his hands down in my pants.

"SURPRISE!!!" he giggled and began squeezing.

"Oh my goodness," I moaned, "Joey, I don't think this is the place for this!"

"Why not, no one can see us up this high," he said.

"Ooooohhhh," I moaned again and looked around.

There were a couple in a tram car about five cars behind us and absolutely no-one in front of us. 'Why not,' I thought, reached inside of his shorts and began fondling him as well, he moved around and straddled my legs facing me, never breaking his grip on my dick and we sat facing each other, laugh- ing and jerking each other off. I was getting really hot and excited.

"C-C-Can you s-s-see the people in back of us?" I asked.

"Yes he said," moaning, squirming and jerking me faster.

"Are they looking this way, do they seem to even notice us?"

"No," he gasped, "they aren't paying shit attention to us at all, oh jeeeezzzz, Im gonna shoot Bob!"

Quickly I bent forward, got his shorts down, took his dick in my mouth and tightened my lips around it just as he squealed and began spurting, shooting his delicious juice in my mouth. We were just approaching the turn around point and I pulled him up and sat him next to me, he was breathing pretty hard and had a huge shit-eating grin on his face as we reached it, made the turn and started back to the main landing. We passed the other tram and waved at the people on it. Soon as they were out of range, JC dove down on my still hard cock and began sucking like a madman, his mouth felt like a vacuum as he sucked me. I lay my head back on the headrest and just moaned and humped my hips lightly up at him. I could feel his teeth gently dragging along the sides of my dick. I looked back down at his head as it moved up and down, watching his hair blow gently in the cool breeze that was present at this height, I groaned once more as I felt my balls tighten and begin to pump my seed out and into his mouth. I rubbed his back gently as I watched his jaw muscles expanding and contracting as he swallowed my load. He pulled off me, licked me clean, stuffed my satisfied dick back inside my pants and zipped me up. We reached the landing a few minutes later and got off, giggling like two school girls.

"Did you plan that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I don't know why though," he said, "I looked up, saw the tram and just had the urge to be sucked off while riding it, thought it would be so cool!"

"I like the way your mind works," I added, laughing.

We had lunch on the pier, spent a few hours swimming and playing in and on the beach and finally went back to the drop off point where his parents picked us up and we all went back to the hotel. His dad looked like he just came back from the Persian Gulf War, poor man, shopping with a woman is as dangerous as trying to make friends with a rabid dog! The trip back was very nice though, me and Joey sat in the back seat. It had started getting dark, JC was feeling a little sleepy so he lay his head down in my lap, I reached inside his shorts and fondled him for the entire ride to the motel. He wanted more and reached over, grabbed my fondling hand and squeezed, then I begin to jerk him off inside his shorts. He sighed happily and in only a few minutes, I felt his hips begin to jerk and could soon feel the warm sticky wetness soaking my hand. I love the force at which he cums, each one hard, violent and strong. I continued milking out the last few drops from his dick, leaned over, kissed him and whispered softly to him,

"When you get back to your room, take off these underpants and save them for me, ok?"

"Ok," he whispered back, smiled and kissed me gently on the lips, "I love you big brother Bob."

"I love you too little brother," I said, "more than you know."

The next day we ventured down to San Diego for a day of fun and relaxation in the California sun. We decided to start the day off and make Sea World our first stop. It was a pretty long drive from Los Angeles to the Aquarium and JC was getting restless as most kids do on long car trips. His back seat antics were getting to be a nuisance, playing with the power window buttons, electric door locks, firing spit balls out the window at other cars and from time to time, trying to grope at me. I couldn't believe how horny this little monster stayed, I had sucked him off once yesterday afternoon, jerked him off a few hours later in the car, he said he had jerked off once more before he went to sleep and this morning when he arrived at my hotel room, he had his cum stained underwear hidden under his shirt for me, wearing a grin and another hardon, I ended up having to suck him off first thing this morning before breakfast, and now here he is in the back seat, groping at me and I could see his boner pushing the front of his shorts outward. I wonder what his parents are feeding him and if it would work for me?

We finally arrived at Sea World and in a way it was a blessing, he was so excited to see the place he immediately forgot how horny he was and his boner vanished.

Chapter 4
Hollywood Calif.

Sea World was excellent, creatures from virtually all points of the globe right here for you to view, we watched the porpoise and seal shows, watched a presentation in an underground aquarium viewing area where you could see sharks and other fish up close. I think JC got excited and frightened the most from the Moray Eel tank, hard to believe that something that looks so gentle could be so evil tempered. The final attraction for our visit was the Shamu show, it in itself was spectacular, the largest tank in the entire park in fact and we had no trouble finding it. Naturally we sat in the 'splash zone' which were seats painted blue, these were the seats that you could possibly get wet while watching the show. Altogether there were three killer whales in the show and it was fantastic to watch them perform. After the show, we purchased souvenirs and the day was practically half over so we headed for our final stop for the day, the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

We reached the park about two hours before closing time, we had spent the majority of the day at Sea World but neither of us were disappointed that we did. The animal park was also great as well, JC's parents decided to visit the exoctic bird sanctuary and JC and I decided to take the tram to see the rest of the park. It was quite interesting, leastway's to us is was, the tram was two cars long and looked like it could seat about 80 people, the first car was full but there was only about 10 people in the second car including us, we sat in the last row and relaxed while on the tour. The great thing about the tram were the high back bench seats so noone in front of us could see you below the shoulder area, in JC's case, you could barely see him at all. About ten minutes into the ride I rested my hand on his bare leg and immediately I saw the front of his shorts stick straight out, he looked up at me and smiled,

"Help yourself," he grinned.

"Oh thank you," I replied, "don't mind if I do!"

I began rubbing his privates through his shorts very briskly, listening to him moan and watching him squirm about. He was enjoying this so much, reaching down to grasp my hand, he pulled it off his shorts, pulled back his waistband and shoved my hand down inside to nestle against his naked flesh. I moaned at the sheer warmth of it and fondled him happily, glancing up towards the front of the tram to make sure we werent being observed. He began working his shorts down to his knees as I fondled him, and his breathing became more and more eractic. I knew he was very close, I looked around once more, leaned over and took his sweet dick in my mouth and sucked him very fast. He moaned again and shot his juice deep into my throat, humping madly up against me as he whimpered and gasped in pleasure.

This was truly heaven, never have I had such fun with anyone before in my entire life. I slowly rose up, camera in hand and fiddling with it to give the appearance I had dropped something in case anyone was looking, no one had even notice my short absence. In less than a second JC was fumbling at my fly and reaching in to pull my own dick out, I spread my legs for him and let him have me. I love the gentle sucking action his little mouth has and the way he squeezes my balls cant be explained, its like sparks of electricity flows from his fingers into my ball sac amd spreads outward from my head right down to my toes and it just drives me crazy, makes me cum harder than I ever have in my life. When my climax came I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming out and alerting the entire tram. I think the humorous part was after the ride was over and we met back with his parents again.

"Hey guys, what all did you see out there?"

"Uhhhh," JC stammered, "well we saw some elephants, and ummm some zebra and ummm a few camels and oh and some mountain goat and ummm oh boy, can't remember much else."

"Wow, Im glad we didn't go then, sounds like it was pretty boring!"

"Well, it had its moments," I added, "but definately worth the ride."

We started the long journey back to Los Angeles and I knew I only had two days left to enjoy with this youngster before they had to start their journey back. I wanted to spend every precious minute of it with this kid if I could. The trip back took about two hours and JC slept the entire ride back and once again. I had the pleasure of carrying him to his room and putting him to bed, I kissed him gently on the lips and went back to my own room.

The next day was pretty uneventful, we visited Disneyland, and a cultural market down in the Las Angelos area which proved quite interesting, it was like an outdoor mall for every kind of nationality shop you could imagine. Here you could find restaurants like italian, greek, chinese, japenese, korean and any other food your heart desires. We sampled many of their cuisines and delicasees and most definately spent the rest of the afternoon and evening paying for our mistakes, certain foods should never be mixed together like chili and squid or gumbo and hot tamalli's!

Soon Friday came, the last two days we would be together, they would be leaving out that Saturday evening starting their long journey back to Missouri and taking my precious little boy back with them as well. What ever will I do, I would still have another week here to go before I head back to my own state, one week of being utterly alone without him, what ever would I do?

We spent that Friday morning and afternoon roaming through the streets of Los Angeles again, checking out every little shop along Hollywood boulevard, peeking in windows of the expensive shops, hoping to catch a glimpse of some famous actors and actreses as they shopped, we bought souvenirs and had lunch. We were passing by what could only be described as a very fine restaurant and JC's parents stopped to peak inside the window, what they saw seemed to interest them very much and decided they would like to come back later for dinner. I suggested that since it was their last night here they should spend it on a night out on the town and I would watch JC back at the hotel, it was a brilliant move on my part and JC looked at me and grinned, the plans were set and we headed back for the hotel later that afternoon.

JC and his folks appeared at my door right at 6PM carrying his little overnight bag and I told them to have a great time and not to worry about us, we would see them in the morning. Shortly after they left I called room service and ordered our dinner and desert and we ate out on the deck and chatted all throughout the meal. The food was marvelous at the hotel, better than most restaurants Ive eaten in. Then we went back into the room and watched tv for awhile to let our food settle, he lay on the bed next to me smiling and talking away. I reached over and let my hand rest on his stomach and rubbed gently then let my fingers roam down to the little bulge that was present in his pants. I rubbed it briskly and he reached down with his own hand, placed it on top of mine and squeezed, urging me to rub harder and faster, which I did.

His little body began to relax more and more and that little bulge got stiffer and stiffer. I stopped and got off the bed to close the patio drapes, didn't want anyone peeking in on us and when I turned around he was standing there waiting for me. I moved back over to him and began undressing him, he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Slowly please," he said, "ever so slowly."

This was our last night together, he knew it as well as I did and he wanted it to last as long as possible, wanted it to last forever if possible and I too never wanted this night to ever end. I lifted his arms up, slowly removing his shirt and as it finally slid off his arms, I kissed them all over, licking and kissing his shoulder blades, down his arms to his elbows, kissing and sucking each of his fingers in turn and the whole while, massaging his skinny little bare chest as he stroked my hair with his free hand, I looked at his beautiful little face and I noticed a single tear on his cheek, I immediately hugged him so tightly.

"Hey, its ok little bro, its gonna be ok," I said.

"Christ Bob, I don't want to leave tommorrow, I wish I could just stay with you and go back with you when you go."

"Yeah, I wish you could too little bro, I don't think your folks would be that understanding though so lets just make this night a special one ok, no more tears, just happiness ok?"

"Ok Bob, no more tears, I'll try real hard, I promise."

"Alright, thats my boy!"

I continued to undress him, he stood motionless and silent and let me finish, he offered no help at all, just let me do all the work and grinned at me. I enjoyed it all and soon he stood before me wearing nothing but a hard-on and a big grin. He motioned me to stand up, move closer to the bed, then he proceeded to undress me as well, jumping up on the bed to reach the high places and jumping back down to get the low places, I couldn't resist feeling and stroking that hard little pecker of his as he worked on getting me undressed. Soon he was slowly pushing me back onto the bed and climbing on top of me, laying chest to chest and kissing me full on the lips. I could feel his pecker squashed between our bellies as he ground it into my belly and licked and kissed me all over my face. I reached up and grabbed his firm little ass and helped him grind his dick tighter between us. My dick was raging hard and he clamped his skinny legs tight around it, trapping it between them and rubbed his thighs together briskly.

"Oh my God little bro," I moaned. "mmmm <kiss> that feels <kiss> real good Bob."

"Yes my boy <kiss> it certainly <kiss> does."

He began licking and tongueing at my neck and chin, pulling my skin into his mouth, nipping at me ever so gently, sucking ever so gently and driving me insane from this. His tongue continued working down, licking down the center of my chest, moving first to my left nipple, sucking and chewing on it, then to my right doing the same, his dick probing together with my own, having a sword fight with each other and he continued to ravish my body with his tongue, continuing down to my belly button, sticking his tongue inside and reaming it out. I could feel my dick poking him in the throat as he continued working inside my belly button, he soon licked down past my dick and balls, forcing my legs farther apart as he licked underneath and stuck his firey little tongue in my ass. I couldn't help but moan out loud from this, it was so wonderful. He licked it out so clean and good, I almost passed out from the sheer pleasure of it. He then licked back up to my scrotum and began gently nipping at it with his teeth, it felt so good, his hot tongue running all around it, tracing a spit line between the nuts moving around inside, making my sac heat up and began filling with sperm, my dick began to ache terribly and throb, begging for attention. He felt the hard dick boucing off his forehead and knew it wanted him desperately, he moved up and engulfed the head of it and only the head, sucking it, pushing his tongue into the hole, chewing at the tip and running his tongue all around the ridge. I sat up far enough to reach and grab his waist and without breaking his rythmn on my own dick, I swung his little body around to where I could suck him as well. I could see his dick jerking and quivering and his little ball sac so tight underneath it, I opened my mouth and took all of it in;

"Mmmppphhh" I heard him grunt as he shoved his groin hard against my face.

His head dove all the way down on my dick as he felt for my balls and began massaging and pumping them, I sucked and chewed on his little rubbery dick and balls, my mouth filling with spit and coating them completely, I reached up, grabbed his ass and began sucking him for all I was worth, shoving my index finger into his tiny little asshole and thrusting it in and out. His body shook and quivered as he humped at my face.

His sucking and kneading of my balls was taking its toll on me and the strain in my groin was becoming unbearable and my hips thrust upward at him, urging him on and on. His mouth tightened its grip and his sucking became harder and faster. I continued chewing on his tender privates as he humped down at me as hard as he could, suddenly his body jerked violently and he shoved down on final time and popped his nuts, his dick was jerking madly as it shot its load deep into my mouth, pulse after delicious pulse and it caused my own dick to start spurting as well, he reached down with both hands and kneaded my balls, urging all the juice out as he sucked and swallowed as fast as I could shoot. We both lay there for a few minutes gasping for air.

"Oh man Bob," he said, "that felt so incredible!"

"My little boy, YOU are incredible, that was the best one yet you little scamp, I Love You!"

"I Love You Too Bob, let's keep playing."

I was sure all for it, this horny little stud might kill me before the night was over but heck, what a way to go! He jumped back on top of me and kissed me long and hard, we could taste the sperm in each others mouths as we tongued each other, oh God I never wanted to let him go, not ever. I could feel his dick swelling up again, pressing into my stomach as we frenched madly, squirming about on the bed. I began rubbing his back again, massaging it, rubbing and kneading his shoulders and he begged me not to stop, he slid off me and onto the bed as I continued working his back and sides, gently kneading his muscles and rib cage, working my way down to his ass and kneading his cheeks for him, running my fingers along and between his crack, feeling the little pucker in his ass and my dick began to harden again as well.

I leaned over him, he sensed my intentions and raised his little ass up to meet me, he grunted slightly as my dick slid into that tight little ass.

"Oooooo Bob, that's so good, a little more please."

"Oh yeah my boy, its so tight, don't want to hurt you, it feels so wonderful."

I felt my balls resting against his bare ass and I reached under him and gently grabbed his dick, I begin to jerk him as I slid in and out of him. He began to lower himself slowly back onto the bed, making his ass close even tighter around my thrusting dick, the heat and tightness were incredible as I began to move faster on him, the rythmn he had set was so wonderful, his dick was sliding almost out of my hand at the same time my dick was sliding all the way into him on each thrust he made up and the opposite would happen as he thrust down, my balls were slapping against his ass and aching terribly, they would have to release their load soon. I squeezed and jerked his dick faster, reaching down with my other hand and fondling his swollen balls, he was close to cumming himself and I thrust faster.

"Ohhhh Bob, I-Immm g-g-gonna cum again 3;"

"Me too my boy," as I humped him faster.

Soon my body shuddered and I felt my balls explode and shoot its load deep in his ass. He cried out and I felt his dick jerking in my hand, spewing out its load on the sheets and his belly as well, his body twitching and humping like crazy as he shot more and more, my own dick spewing out what felt like gallons into that tight little ass of his. I felt happier than I had in a very long time. I pulled out and lay next to him, he moved closer to me and we embraced each other and lay there in each others arms, his head right at my mouth as I pulled in a mouthful of his sweet hair and sucked at it gently. He hugged me tighter, I could feel his little heart beating like a trip-hammer and his little pecker was still hard and poking me in the stomach.

We had dozed for maybe an hour, I woke suddenly and my sudden movement startled JC. We lay there giggling for a few minutes, it was almost 11PM and we both were awake and he was sure raring to go at it again. He moved down a little, fonding my dick and balls, trying to wake it up but I had a feeling it was finished for the night but he refused to believe that. His probing hand worked down under my balls and found its way back to my asshole and he inserted his finger inside and wiggled, I moaned loudly, he smiled and began fingerfucking me and watching my reaction as I squirmed around, trapping his finger there, closing my ass tighter against his hand. I relaxed my ass a little and he pulled his finger out and sat back and just looked at me.

"Hey little bro, whats wrong?" I asked.

He didn't speak.

"Come on kiddo, whats the matter, spit it out." I asked him again.

"Welllll 3; I was wondering," he started. "Ummm, would it b-b-be ok if 3;"

"Hey bro, don't be afraid, just say it." I said.

"Ok, could I stick you there, you know, like you did me?"

"Oh yes my boy, I would like that very much!"

I had wanted him to stick his dick in me and fuck my brains out right from our first meeting on the train, I wasn't sure if he would approve and I certainly didn't want to scare this wonderful little boy off by moving too fast and too soon with him. He smiled from ear to ear and I rolled over on my stomach and raised my ass up a little for him. He climbed on top of me and I felt him poking around with his dick trying to find my hole, soon I felt him sliding in and heard his moans of pleasure;

"Oh wow bro, its so hot and tight in there," he said, his body shuddering, "It feels so great!"

"Mmmmm, oh yeah my boy," I moaned, "It sure does, you do it as fast and hard as you want!"

He lay motionless for a few seconds, getting used to the tightness and warmth that surrounded his dick, enjoying the new sensations flowing through his loins then he began to thrust into me, he spread his legs along my sides and really began humping into me hard, squashing his balls against my ass each time he slammed down and whimpering like a puppy, he lay completely flat on my back, humping and whimpering, reaching around me and grabbing my now rock hard dick and jerking me in time with his thrusts;

"I Love You Bob 3; I Love You Bob 3;" he kept uttering over and over again between thrusts.

"Oh yes my boy," I replied, "fuck me good and hard!"

I tightened my ass just a little more around his dick and he moaned even louder. I knew he probably wouldn't be able to hold out much longer at this rate. He was jerking and squeezing my dick really hard and if I wasn't sure before, I was positive he was going to get one more orgasm out of me before he let me go. I could feel my balls clenching and unclenching and his jerking and fucking became really eratic. I felt my dick swell up and begin spitting cum out on to the sheets and I heard him squeal and felt him shudder, his legs shot straight out and I could feel his dick jerking and spurting in my ass. I squeezed my ass a little more tighter, milking out every drop of cum from his thrusting dick, listening to him grunt and moan during his orgasm, then I lay down on the bed with him still on my back and me impaled on his little dick. I could hear him breathing heavily and grunting in pleasure. I release my grip on his dick and he pulled out and lay back along side of me.

"Thank you Bob, that felt so wonderful, I thought my dick was going to pop right off my body."

"Oh I know my boy, it feels so good sometimes you sure think its going to happen, don't worry though, its on there real good so you don't have to worry about it popping off."

"I Love You Bob, I wish we didn't have to leave."

"I Love You Too lil bro, I wish I could keep you too."

We fell asleep in each others arms and slept through the night together.

I was so unhappy to open my eyes and see morning had come so quickly, it was 7AM already, Joey was still asleep in my arms and I stroked his hair lovingly, why did it have to end today, why couldn't I just try to convince his parents to let him stay with me another week and I would be more than happy to pay his way home when I left the following week. I'm sure they would never understand why I was being so nice. So far they haven't suspected a thing other than we're just good friends who met on the train. If I make an offer like that then they would no doubt get suspicious. I lay there thinking and stroking his hair till almost 8AM then he began to stir and wake up.

"Morning Bob," he greeted me smiling.

"Good morning my little boy, did you sleep good?"

"Yes I sure did, I hope you slept good too."

"Oh I sure did lil bro, I slept great."

We lay there talking for about a half an hour then decided to get up and take a nice long hot shower together, it was wonderful soaping and washing each others body, the warm water felt good and we each got boners once more and sucked each other off in the shower under the warm splashing water. We met his parents for breakfast in the lobby at 9 and ate heartliy. They talked about the days events and how they needed to pick up some provisions for the long trip back home. They decided that since the food on the train was so bad then the ideal solution was to pack some cold fried chicken and cold cuts and bread and that way they wouldn't have to eat many train meals. I made a note to do that myself before I left the following week, train food does leave much to be desired.

By late afternoon all the packing was finished and I told them I would take them to the station to see them off. I had been taking pictures of Joey for most of the stay and shot up an entire roll on this last day alone. We left at 7PM, the train was due at 8 and it was a 20 minute drive to the station. We talked as we waited out on the platform for the train to arrive and Joey was looking very sad. I held my arms out to him and he hugged me without hesitation, he needed that really bad. Neither one of us wanted to say goodbye to the another but we knew it had to be done, he had given me the best week of my life and I would never forget him for it, no vacation I ever had never did or probably never would ever come close to this one.

We could hear the whistle of the Superliner as it came closer, the lights getting larger as it neared and the vibrations in the platform where we were standing getting more pronounced, soon we could see the details more and more clearly as it approached, the sound of the whistle echoing all around us, the sound of the massive deisel engines, the wheels squealing as it slowed its approach, the hissing of the hydraulic brakes as the liner finally came to a stop.

"Goodbye Bob," he said, "Thank you for the best trip of my life, I Love You."

"Oh no, thank YOU Joey, you made this the best vacation of my life," I said as I hugged him tighter.

"Thanks for looking out for him and keeping him company for us Bob," his parents said to me.

"Thank you both for sharing him with me on this trip, you all please have a safe and pleasant journey home."

"Dont forget me on Prodigy Bob," Joey said as he got on the train.

"I won't," I replied, "In fact, when you get home, youll have a letter waiting in your mailbox from me so check it."

"I will," he replied and waved, "I love you, bye."

I watched them board and stood on the platform waiting for the train to pull away, a few minutes later I heard a faint tapping sound. I focused and looked down a few windows and I could see the faint outline of a face in the window. I walked to it and saw it was Joey. I could hear the engines start up and the train began to slowly move. I put my palm against the window and Joey did the same from his side and I silently mouthed a "goodbye and I love you" to him as the train began moving quickly away. I stood there with tears in my eyes watching the lights of the train growing dimmer and dimmer until they were no more and then I started back to my car to finish my vacation, alone and miserable again.


The next morning I woke up, had absolutely no desire to even leave my room because I was so miserable but decided I had to snap out of it and do something. I had breakfast and sat out by the pool reading the morning paper when I noticed I was being observed by a small boy about 12 years old sitting a few chairs away from me. I had seen him before watching me and Joey a lot. He moved over and spoke to me, I spoke back and asked him what the problem was. He said he had noticed I was alone and was wondering what happened to the kid he always saw me with. I told him he went back home last night. He explained that he was there on vacation as well but his dad was mostly on business and always left him alone at the motel most of the time and wondered if he could keep me company. I kinda glanced at him and he looked real nice. He said his name was Aaron and he was 12, he then took my hand, smiled and winked at me and said we could have a lot of fun together. I then noticed the little bulge in his trunks and I said sure why not, I could use the company.

Then I thought to myself, 'the rest of this trip might not be so bad after all.'

The End