PZA Boy Stories




A 14-year old boy runs away in the freezing cold when he sees that his partents had found his gay magazines.

Publ. Feb-Mar 2003 (Nifty); this site Jan 2017
Finished 8,000 words (16 pages)


Brian (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Boyfriend story
tt – nosex


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Céladon's Comments

Pyro, who used first the pen name T B, wrote between 2000 and 2005, thirteen stories about gay boys of 13-14 year old, who find homophobic bullies, teachers and other adults on their way to happiness. Despite the fact that Pyro wrote that In Time is his first story, because of certain similarities in style I suppose the story Shape by 'Luke' (1999-2000) is also by him.

Years ago, in 2011, Pyro wrote me that he wanted to publish his stories on PZA. I gave him my e-mail and never heard anything again. Then I forgot, but recently I found his stories again, mostly in my archive. I will check them and a few of them I will publish in the next months/years. Pyro also contributed to Sid G's series Arkansas Vacation . His e-mail address is no longer available, thus like several other authors, Pyro has vanished...

Author's note by Pyro

I would like to thank Sid for the editing and grammar check. Thanks Sid. Also check out his Story Arkansas Vacation. It can be found on PZA.

Thanks Everyone Pyro (


Chapter 1


Running through the woods it was all I thought about. I had to get away. I couldn't stand to see their faces in my mind. The hurt and pain I put them through I couldn't bare it.

I'm Brian McCalister and I'm 14 years old turning 15 in one month. I am a freshman at St. Leo's High School. I'm only 5'6 [1.68 m] and weigh about 147lbs [67 kg]. I have brownish-blonde hair and blue eyes.

I'm running because when I came home I saw my mom and dad sitting there with some gay material from my room. The hurt and the pain I saw I couldn't stand, so I ran. I heard my dad calling after me but I didn't stop, I fell and cut open my leg, I felt branches, and thorns hitting and cutting my face, arms and body but still I didn't stop. I couldn't. I was too afraid.

They probably wanted to throw me out but I beat them to it, I left. Whether I did the right thing or not I don't know, I just had to run and run fast.

It's about 35 degrees [+1°C] right now and darkness isn't far off, but right then and there I didn't care, all I cared about was not seeing the pain and hurt I have caused my family.

You see two years ago I figured out I was gay. All of my friends started looking at the girls and talking about how hot they were, I pretended to notice them to and talk about them as well, in reality I didn't care about them at all. I only thought about my friends and what they looked like naked, and holding them close to me, or better yet having them hold me.

While on the computer one night I stumbled across the nifty archives and started reading stories like Chris and Nigel, Simon's Story, Julio, Starting Over, For the Love of Pete, and so many more. I actually started printing some of them out. I thought I hid them so well, I guess I didn't.
[Editor's note: the stories mentioned are published in Nifty in 1999-2000 respectively by Iomfats, Teller of Tales, Miguel Sanchez, Pyro himself, and Dewey]

I didn't care about the sex in the stories not that I didn't get off on some of them, but I was looking more for the love and romance, like in the story New Life.

My best friend Scott Davis noticed a few things different about me and even went as far as asking but I always told him it was nothing just being bored or something at the time, I think he bought it but I'm not sure.

Once Scott and I even jacked off together that was cool, but after that he started talking about Jennifer and Sarah two of the hottest girls at the school. I agreed with him that they were hot. Sure, I mean I can look and tell if a girl is hot or pretty or whatever, they just don't do anything for me. While he was talking about them I was thinking about him.

I wasn't in love with him like some of the stories where best friends fell in love, I just thought he looked hot and wished we could have messed around, but even I knew that would not have been cool.

Now Chris Daniels is another story, him I fell in love with. I have been in love with him for like two years now but I don't think he even notices me. Every now and then I'll stare at him but he doesn't even notice, so I know I have nothing to worry about.

Chris is beautiful where Scott is about 5'9 [1.75 m], 175lbs [80 kg], with brown hair and brown eyes, Chris is so different he is like 5'10½ [1.79 m], maybe 170lbs [77 kg], lean swimmers body, with light blonde almost white hair and dark green emerald eyes.

Scott and I have lived here our whole lives in this small ass town in northern Georgia, but not Chris, he moved here our beginning year of 6th grade and has been here since.

Scott and Chris play on the baseball team together and they seem to be pretty good friends, but as for me whenever Chris comes over I either leave or don't show up I'm too scared he will find out how I feel about him.

All of this was going through my head as I ran, I know I was bleeding and hurt but still I didn't care, I was to scared to stop so I just kept on running.

It must have been about 8 when I stopped, I couldn't hear anyone behind. It was dark and must have been about 30 degrees [-1°C] now or lower so I stopped for a moment and noticed a log. I went and sat down and just cried. Cried for my mom and dad and the rest of my family like Wil my older brother and Jessica my older sister, I was the baby.

Wil was 18 with brown hair and blue eyes like our dad, he's 6'2 [1.88 m] and about 210lbs [95 kg] and all muscle. He's in his first year of college; he was going to Mercer University and came home on the weekends.

Wil is a major jock, anything sports and he will get involved. He used to pick on me because I was more into reading and writing and the computer then doing sports. My parents made him stop it, but every now and then he makes a comment about me being so small and such. I don't think he realized how bad he hurts me when he says those things or maybe he just doesn't care.

Jessica looks more like my mom, she just turned 17 about 5'9 [1.75 m], 135lbs [61 kg], with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm the only one who looks like both my parents. She is a senior at the high school and is ok.

She has a tendency to act stuck up once in a while and sometimes even talks down to me, like she is better then me. She even says I'm a little sissy because I don't like sports, but she only does that when mom and dad aren't around. She is a cheerleader and a damn good one. So it seems I'm the odd man out.

I don't know how long I sat there thinking about them but I soon noticed it was getting colder and starting to snow, I put my arms inside my jacket, shirt and sweater and wrapped them around me making sure that my shirt and sweater were tucked in tight.

I was starting to get really cold with the snow and all, between the sweat that was running down my body now and the cold air I started shivering, but I didn't dare try and return home. I was too scared I would be beat up or something. No my parents never have hit us other then the occasional spanking when we were younger, but for this I'm sure I would have been hurt worse.

I was getting tired but knew I should stay awake and moving. I tried but I couldn't do it, slowly my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep and strangely I noticed that I didn't feel anything.



When I got the call from Scott that Brian ran off upset into the woods I didn't know what to think other then why, but Scott didn't know anything. All he said was that Brian came home and saw his folks sitting there with some personal things of his on the coffee table and took off running.

They tried to catch him but he ran into the woods, by the time his dad came to the edge of the woods he couldn't be seen or heard, so they came home and started calling his friends, as of now that was about eight or nine hours ago we have been searching every since.

We had to call it off by midnight because it was snowing and getting way to cold, all I could do was hope and pray that he would be all right.

I came home and my parents asked if we had any luck and I said no. My mom put a candle in the window.

"Just in case he comes this way he may think to come here and at least get out of the cold," she said. My mom and dad are cool like that. I came out last year at 14 and told them I was gay and if they couldn't handle that then to let me know now and I'll find some place else to live 3;

At first my mom cried and my dad sat there looking shocked, so I went to my room and started packing my things, I was crying some but I wouldn't let them see me cry. I was just zipping up my suitcase when they both came into my room. My dad unzipped my suitcase and started putting things back up.

"We don't care, as long as you are happy and safe. We won't try and pretend we understand about this, but you are our son and we love you. If your brother and sisters can't handle that then tough, they will just have to get over it. We love you Chris and we just want you to be happy ok?" my dad said coming over to me and giving me a hug. My mom was already holding me and telling me how much she loves me.

Chad my big brother came in about then.

"Hey what's going on?" he asked seeing us all in tears. My dad looked at me and I nodded putting my head on his shoulder.

"Son your brother just told us something that made him think that we would not want him. He packed up his stuff and was getting ready to leave when your mother and I came in here and unpacked it all. Chad your brother is gay, I know you are 17 and this is your last year in high school, if you have a problem with that then just think that this is the last year you will have to deal with it. You will not treat your brother any differently."

About that time Michelle my twin and Jamie the youngest came to the doorway. "You two I just told Chad that Brian just came out to us and if you have any problems with that then as for you two get over it. Chad if you want I can find other living arrangements for you. You're basically an adult now I can deal with you leaving, but not Brian. Michelle, Jamie you are both to young to leave so you will just have to deal with it," he said. I was crying now with all of what my dad had said to them for me. I just hugged my dad and loved him more.

"Also girls I will not have either one of you making snide or rude comments about your brothers sexuality. I will also not have you be rude to him or his friends, I am pretty sure he is single and no one knows about this and we will keep it that way until he decides other wise. If I find out that either one of you have said anything to anyone you will be grounded till the end of the school year and then I will decide about the summer. Understand me?" she asked. I just smiled and hugged her too while I was crying.

My brother and sisters stood speechless.

"Hey I don't have a problem with it. Just don't stare to long dude, besides I know a few people who are gay and don't want anyone to know. I'm old enough and smart enough to understand the problems you'll have. No problems coming from me. Come here," Chad said giving me a hug. Michelle just kinda looked then walked away, while Jamie just stood staring at me.

"I really don't care if he likes girls or boys as long as he doesn't try and steal one of my boyfriends," Jamie said giving me a hug.

"I won't I promise," I said returning her hug. Michelle was the only one who I was hoping on to stand beside me more then anyone else. I told everyone I wanted to talk to Michelle and they understood. I went to her room and knocked on her door.

"What?" was all she said.

"Ummm it's me can I come in?" I asked not really knowing what I was going to say.

"I guess." I opened the door and walked in shutting it behind me. Michelle was on the bed with a pillow in her lap looking down at it.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she responded.

Great I thought.

"What's wrong Michelle?" I asked sitting on the end of her bed facing her. "Come on talk to me we tell each other everything," she looked at me.

"I thought we did too, but you didn't tell me about this. I don't care that your gay I'm just more angry that you didn't tell me already," she said getting upset. "Like you said we tell each other everything but you didn't even tell me this."

"I'm sorry I was too worried and scared that you would've hated me. Come on Michelle, this isn't exactly an easy thing to go and tell someone," I said pleading with her. She just stared at me.

"I know and I'm sorry but it still hurts ok," she said tearing up again. I hugged her.

"Well I can tell you something that I haven't told anyone else yet and I may not either," I said. She looked at me waiting. "I can tell you who I have a crush on," I said smiling at her. She beamed at me.


"Well you know that short boy the one our age with the brownish-blonde hair. His name is Brian McCalister," I said smiling at her. She looked surprised and happy at the same time.

"Him? Oh My God I can't believe it. Wow, he is so cute," she said giggling and smiling.

"Yeah I know." With that we sat and talked for ages about him.

3; Over the last year I noticed him staring at me, he just didn't think I did but I really did. Hell I even looked at him when he didn't know it.

Well now we are here, how I came out and what happened, now all we have to do is find Brian and make sure he is ok.

I was still worried about him and that night I dreamed about him, finding him dead in the woods; I woke up in a cold sweat and noticed Michelle asleep in the chair in my room. I got up and went over to her and shook her arm.

"Hey wake up. What are you doing here?" I asked her.

She yawned and looked up at me. "Thought maybe you could use a friend, with Brian out there and all. Are you ok?" she responded getting up and putting her arm around me. At that point I started crying.

"I don't know I'm so worried about him. I don't know what to do or where to go. I think I'm going to go deep into the woods and look for him. It's about 6 now," I said. I got up off my bed we were sitting on and grabbed some jeans and put them on over my long johns. I grabbed a heavy sweater and my jacket and hiking boots from my closet and finished getting dressed. "Do me a favor and tell mom and dad I went out to look again for him ok?" I said looking at her.

"Ok good luck, love you bro," she said, hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Be careful" with that I left.

I started walking towards the part of the woods that I was told that Brian entered. When I got there I noticed there were already some people there. Mr. McCalister, Scott, Wil and even my brother Chad. They turned around when they heard me. Chad came up and gave me a hug.

"Hey why didn't anyone call me to let me know ya'll were going back in this morning?" I asked excepting a cup of hot coco from Mrs. McCalister. I didn't even see her at first.

"You helped out till nearly midnight when we all stopped at 10. We thought you would want to rest," Mr. McCalister said. I just smiled at him.

"That's ok I feel I need to help him," I said and looked away. Scott stared at me kinda funny but didn't say anything Chad looked and smiled.

"Well lets get going, everyone go ten paces from the person next to you and lets go in," Mr. McCalister said.

I don't know how long we walked I know it must have been over three hours because the light from the sun coming from the clouds above was getting kinda bright.

As I walked I remembered that there was a log about another five minutes from here and decided to rest when I got there.

As I approached I noticed something lying in front of the log, at first I thought it was an animal and stopped, but when nothing happened from the sounds I was making I walked a little more closer, soon I noticed it was a person and from the look of the jacket it was Brian.

I ran up to him and noticed him lying there with his arms inside his clothes. His lips were blue and he was so cold he was almost too cold to touch.

"I found him, I found him," I started hollering. I held him close to me to try and get some warmth going but nothing seemed to be helping. I heard footsteps and soon everyone was there.

"He has hypothermia we have to get him to the hospital right now," said Mr. McCalister. I was till crying and just held on to his head as Mr. McCalister, Chad and Wil picked him up and started walking back the same way we came with Scott following behind us.

I found him and I was glad for that, I just pray we were in time.

Chapter 2


We got Brian into the McCalister's truck and headed towards the hospital with me riding with Wil, Chad and Scott in Wil's car.

When we got to the hospital there was an emergency team waiting for us. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. McCalister called ahead to let them know we were on our way. I prayed the entire time there for him to be all right

We waited in the waiting room while the doctors worked on him; it must have been four or five hours before Dr. McGriff, the head doctor, came out to let us know Brian's condition. He walked over to the McCalisters and stared at them for a minute, Chad, Wil, Scott and myself all huddled around them.

"Mr. and Mrs. McCalister, I have some good news and some bad news," the doctor started off. "The good news is that he is alive and stable at the moment."

We all breathed a sigh of relief.

"The bad news is that because he was out in the cold for so long he not only got hypothermia and slipped into a coma. Now before you start worrying to much I must tell you that sometimes the body will do that to protect it self.

"You see he was so cold that when he fell asleep his body acted voluntarily and shut down any function that he didn't need right away. In the process his body put him in a coma so and with the hypothermia he hasn't felt anything. He will come out of it, we just don't know when."

Mr. and Mrs. McCalister were crying along with the rest of us.

"When can we see him?" asked his dad. The doctor just smiled.

"In a few more minutes. We are getting him warm and need to get him up to a room. For right now we are going to be putting him in ICU until he wakes up," the doctor said.

"We understand and thank you doctor, for everything," Mrs. McCalister said getting up and giving him a hug. The doctor returned the hug shook Mr. McCalister's hand then walked out.

"Ok boys go on home and get warmed up and changed into some dryer clothes. You can come back later to see him ok?" Mr. McCalister said. We all nodded and left.

"I want to stay," Wil said.

"No son, you need to take these brave boys home and all of you need some rest," Mr. McCalister said.

It was a quiet home ride for us, but Scott did ask the one question that was on all our minds.

"Why did he do it Wil? What made him want to run away?" he asked. Wil just sat quietly for a few minutes.

"Scott you will have to ask him that when he wakes up," was all Wil said. Scott nodded his head and continued to look out the window. He dropped Chad and me off first then continued on to Scott's, then home. He said he would be by about 4 to pick us up to take us back to the hospital.

When we got inside I took a long hot shower, by the time I was finished Chad was ready for his.

I went into my room put on fresh clothes then headed to Michelle's room. I knocked then walked in seeing her sitting on her bed, she looked up then got up and gave me a hug I started crying then. We sat on her bed and she just held me comforting me and letting me cry myself out. When I finished she handed me a tissue and I wiped my eyes and blew my nose.

"Thanks," was all I could say. She just smiled at me.

"It's ok bro. How is he?" she asked. I teared up again thinking about finding him.

"He's ok I guess, the doc says he has hypothermia and is in a coma. Because of the cold his body shut down for a while. The doc said that he will be ok but we don't know when he'll be waking up, I found him Michelle, me, I did, not Chad, Scott, Wil or Mr. McCalister, I did. He was so blue, and cold to the touch. I thought I was going to lose him and he doesn't even know how I feel about him," I said starting to cry again. Michelle held me until I quieted again.

"Are you going to tell him?" she asked me, I just nodded my head yes. "Good you need to. When?"

"Today when we go back," I said smiling at her.

"Cool," was all she said.

I left her and headed down stares to eat.

I fixed a sandwich with some chips and a soda and downed them fast. I was feeling really tired now from all the walking and searching I headed upstairs to my room to lie down.

As I lay there thinking about Brian all I could see myself doing was holding him and loving him, making him warm and never letting him go.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep and while I dreamed I dreamed of no one else but Brian McCalister.



I think I'm in heaven it's warm and I'm no longer cold. I see my grandma and grandpa there waving at me and I wave back I miss them so much. I start going towards them.

When I reach them I hug them for all I'm worth and they return the hug.

"Son remember we love you no matter what and as far as you being gay that doesn't matter to us or to this place, as long as you do good and right, and most of all try and be happy. You will find love when it is the right time and I believe it will be soon," said my Grandpa. I smiled at him.

"Cool, I know, I love it here and I miss and love you two so much. It is so nice and warm here I'm no longer cold," I told them.

"We love and miss you as well my child, we will always be here for you, but it is not your time. Not yet, you have a long ways to live before you will be here," my Grandma said smiling at me.

"I don't want to go," I protested. They smiled in returned and hugged me and each gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"We know son but it is not time, not yet, go back to your family and tell them we love them all and are watching over them, besides there's a young man waiting for you. He misses and loves you very much," Grandpa said smiling at me.

"Really who?"

"Go home and find out," I felt myself slipping away from them.

"Wait I want to be here with you. Please let me stay," I begged. I saw them smiling at me and waving, I suddenly felt tired again and then there was nothing, I was just floating and relaxed.

"Please let me stay."


"Shhh Brian everything will be all right now," Mrs. McCalister said stroking her son's forehead.

"It appears that he's coming out of his coma. He will be groggy and tired; a coma really isn't sleep. Just let him rest and he'll be ok," said the doctor. He grabbed Brian's hand. "Welcome back," and with that he walked out into the hall smiling.


We arrived back at the hospital about 4:45 pm. We followed the nurses directions and found ourselves outside of the second floor ICU area with the doors shut. We had to push the intercom to get someone's attention.

"Yes may I help you," said a female voice.

"Yes I'm Wil McCalister, my brother Brian is here, we were told we could come and visit him," Wil said to the lady.

"One moment please," she said. About a minute later the doors opened and standing there was Dr. McGriff. Wil was startled and started getting upset.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked.

The doctor just smiled. "Nope everything is fine. Matter afact we heard him talk a while ago, he's coming out of the coma," he said smiling at us. We all cheered then quieted down because of where we are. "Now as I told your parents he will be tired and groggy when he first wakes up. So don't try and rush him into anything, just let him go at his own pace. It will be a few days before he'll be able to do too much including staying awake for long periods. We will be moving him to the 3rd floor, to the teen unit," he said.

"Cool I can't wait to see him. Can we go on in?" Wil asked.

"Sure just be quiet," the doctor said. We all agreed we would and went to room 236. There lying under blankets with wires running under the blankets to his body was Brain. I about teared up right then and there, but I held it in.

"Hey boys come on in," Mr. McCalister said. We all came on in and stood around Brian's hospital bed.

"We saw the doc and he told us about Brian saying something. I'm glad that he's going to be ok. I don't think I could have handled him being dead," Wil said with tears running down his cheeks. We all agreed and remained quiet for a few minutes.

"I'm glad that you're all here. I want to thank you for helping to find Brian, we didn't nor do we want anything to happen to him. We love him and that is all that matters," said Mrs. McCalister.

"Thank you," we all said, then Scott asked again.

"Ma'am why did Brian run out?" he asked looking at Mrs. McCalister. Before anyone could respond Wil got in his face.

"Look I told you to ask him when he wakes up. It's family business and it is his decision to tell you why he did what he did. Now stop asking or I'm going to make you leave. Got it," Wil said looking deep into Scott's eyes.

"Yeah I got it, but damn man he's my best friend. I just want to know what was going on that's all, but I'll wait till he wakes up if that is what you want, but I want you to know that as my best friend I don't care what caused him to run like he did. I just want him to know that I love and care for him like the brother I don't have and I don't want anything to happen to him that's all," Scott said breaking down into tears.

Mrs. McCalister walked up and gave him a hug and held him as he cried.

"Shhh it's alright and we understand why you want to know. Wil apologize to him now," she said looking at Wil. Wil lowered his head.

"Hey sorry man, I know your concerned and all, please forgive me," he said holding out his hand. Scott looked at it then shook it and Wil pulled him into a hug. I just smiled at them.

"Well what are you boys going to be doing tonight?" Mr. McCalister asked.

"Well we were hoping to go and get something to eat about 6 then come back by 8 and see how Brian is doing," said Chad looking at the McCalisters.

"Hmmm seems like a good idea. Look here's $60 bucks go and eat something and keep the change for your selves. Come back about 8 ok?" Mr. McCalister said.

"Ok thanks dad, we'll be back in a while come on guys," Wil said. We all said our good byes then headed out to eat. We went to the Golden Corral and had a great dinner. We talked and even joked some but no matter how much we talked or joked we always came back to Brian and his condition.

After eating we went to the mall and hung out for a while just killing time. Finally 8:15 arrived and we headed back over to the hospital.

We had to stop at the service desk and find out what room he was in.

We got off of the elevator and headed towards the teen wing. We found room 387 and knocked on the door. Mrs. McCalister opened it.

"Hey come on in. They just got him up here about 15 minutes ago. How was dinner?" he asked.

"Cool I'm glad he's ok. We went to the Golden Corral, it was really good then we hung out at the mall for a little while to kill some time. How's he doing?" Wil asked.

"Good glad ya'll had a good time. He's doing fine no real changes so far. He seems to be dreaming about your grandparents though. Don't know what that's all about," Mr. McCalister said. We all nodded.

"I have been praying that he'll be alright and that everything will be ok for him. I know it's not much," I said with my head down. Mr. McCalister took my chin in his hand and made me look at him.

"Son that is one of the best things that anyone could do for him right now and it seems that God has once again answered our prayers. So thank you," he said hugging me. I started crying there on his shoulder. I wanted so much to tell them what I was feeling, but I was to scared that they may not like me being gay.

"Umm can I say something to him?" I asked.

"Yeah sure go on," said Mrs. McCalister getting up and letting me have some privacy. Everyone else went to the other end of the room and talked quietly. I took a hold of his hand and when no one was watching I gave it a quick kiss and whispered in his ear.

"Brian I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I want you to know something. I have liked you for a long time. Matter afact I've fallen in love with you, I don't know if you are gay or not if you aren't I hope you won't say anything to anyone. I have noticed you watching me every now and then and I have been watching you too.

I love you Brian if you are gay I want you to be my boyfriend. I love you with all my heart please come back to me," I said.

I bent down and kissed him on the forehead. When I leaned back up his eyes were open and he was looking at me. It looked like he was going to cry or something.

"Yes" was all he said before his parents noticed he was awake and came and gathered around him. We stared at each other before he turned his head and smiled at his mom and dad.

He fell asleep a few minutes later.

Chapter 3


I thought it was all a dream what Chris said to me. I woke up again later that evening and saw my mom and dad still in there. Apparently everyone else already left, I groaned and my parents came up to me.

"Hey honey, you alright?" my mom asked. I tried to speak but couldn't, my throat was to dry. My mom went and got a cup of water as my dad went and told the nurse.

I sipped the water and tried again and it all came out in a whisper.

"I'm fine, I thought I dreamed everything," I said looking at the IV in my arm. "Guess not," I said and turned my head away from my mom and started crying as the nurse and my dad walked in. The nurse smiled at me.

"Don't worry I know you hurt but it'll be ok. This pain medication will help ok?" she said. I just nodded my head. My dad stood behind her and tried to catch my eye but I wouldn't look at him. Soon I felt sleepy and slipped back into dreamland.


I woke up the next morning and called Wil and asked him to take me to the hospital so I could see Brian. He agreed and I finished getting dressed.

Wil picked me up, and we headed to the hospital via McDonalds.

We ate as we drove and got there about 9. We went up to the hospital room and found Brian still asleep. His mom and dad told us that he woke up for a bit but then went back to sleep when the nurse gave him some pain medication. They still had not talked to him. I did not ask what about because I figured that was there business.

We waited and around 11 Brian woke up. He was groggy at first then started focusing more. The doctor came in and we all stepped out so he could examine Brian in private. He was in there for about thirty minutes or so and we kinda figured that he was talking to him about what made him go out in the storm, he came out and told us that Brian was fine and was recovering fine and would need to stay in the hospital for several more days.

He also told us about the fact that Brain will get cold very easily now because of the extensive time that he was out in the cold and that he will probably want to stay warm when ever it gets to cold, but to wait for him to make that decision because other wise he may get to hot if anyone forces him to get warm.

We went back in and talked for a few more minutes When Scott and Chad came in. We all talked for a while then the McCalisters asked us to step outside.


I enjoyed Chris, Chad, Scott and Wil being there and I was hoping that mom and dad would not say anything yet, they didn't until they asked them to step out.

After a few minutes of silence my dad started.

"Son we don't know what you were thinking and were not sure how to help you but we want you to know that we love you no matter what," he started out saying.

"Help me," I said. "What do you mean help me, you saw the stories, you saw the magazines and you say you want to help me. Help me how? By changing who I am? Make me into someone that I'm not or try and have me exorcized? Is that it? Well guess what I'm gay. That is who I am, and if you don't like it then fine I'll move out, or I'll run away again and this time I'll make sure you want find me," I was starting to cry by then and turned away from my parents.

My mom tried hugging me and I pushed her off and tried to get out of the hospital bed I stood up and everything went black.

The next thing I knew I was back in bed and there was a doctor standing over me.

"Well young man next time you get out of bed try and go a little slower ok? Your equilibrium is out of balance and will take a while to get back to where it is suppose to be," the doctor said. I nodded my head and he walked out. After he left my dad came over to me and took my hand I pulled it out of his.

"Son we're sorry we didn't word it right. What we we're trying to say is that we don't know how to help you, to make it easier on you to be gay. No son we don't know a lot about the gay life style and we don't know how to help you but we love you for who you are. Son we are sorry if we upset you, and yes we know you ran because of what you saw on our faces but son they were not the pain of you being gay but the pain of how hard the life style will be for you," my dad said. He slowly took my hand again; I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," was all I was able to get out, as the tears continued, my dad bent down and hugged me. We talked for a while longer and agreed that unless I decided to tell someone that no one would find out. I was fine with that, I did tell them what Chris said to me and that I would like to talk with him in private before anyone else came back in. They agreed, gave me kiss and went and got Chris.

Chris walked in here with a scared look in his eyes.

"Hey," I said with a smile, he smiled back and came over and stood next to the bed on my left hand side.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" he asked. I took his hand and squeezed it.

"Fine now," I said. I could see his eyes shine bright not with tears but love.

"Good, you had us all worried. So I'm assuming you remember what I said to you?" he asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah I do, and I remember me telling you yes. Chris I have loved you for a very long time, and I want you to know that my parents know about me being gay. You see that is why I was running. I came home and saw that some gay magazines I had and some gay stories I had from the Internet were on the coffee table in front of them. I got scared and just ran. I guess I have been running for a while now.

"I told my parents what you said and they are happy that I have found someone that wants to be with me. So you don't have to be scared ok," I said seeing the worry in his eyes."

He relaxed after a few minutes.

"Ok I trust you," he said. I smiled at him.

"Now the next part is embarrassing," I said blushing. He started to laugh.


"Well they made me promise not to have sex with you till I was really ready and we talked with them first," I said turning red. Chris too turned red and laughed.

"I can live with that. I just love you Brian and I want this to work out. My parents know I'm gay also Chad, Michelle, and Jamie already know that I'm gay and Michelle knows that I'm in love with you," he said.

"Cool. Well Scott doesn't know what is going on as far as I know and I don't know how to tell him," I said.

"I don't either but I'll be here for you when you do tell him," Chris said. I smiled at him and pulled him closer to the bed. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled, then slowly out lips came together and we kissed.

There was a knock on the door, which broke us from our kiss. We smiled at each other and Chris went and sat in the chair by the bed.

"Come in," I said. Wil, Chad, and Scott all came in. They were all smiling at me and gave me a hug.

"Hey bro how you feel?" Wil asked me.

"Tired but ok. How are you?"

"Were fine just worried about you bro," I smiled at him. I have been waiting for Scott to ask me the question and I didn't have long to wait.

"Hey man. I'm glad your ok and everything and I hope you never do that again, but dude why did you do it the first time?" Scott asked coming up to my bed and taking my hand in his. He walked passed Wil ignoring the pissed off look on his face.

I just stared at him for a minute and was deciding how to answer him.

"Well Scott there's some stuff you don't know about me. Stuff I haven't told anyone not even my family but they found out anyways. Scott you and I have been friends since we were born, but Scott there's something you should know about me," I started out saying. I looked at him and could see the anxiousness in his eyes. "Scott the reason I ran because when I walked in the other day I saw pain and hurt on my families faces, and the reason that there was pain and hurt is because they found out that I'm gay," I said.

Scott just stood and looked at me for a minute, I don't think it really hit him, but then it did. He took his hand from mine and just continued to stare at me.

"You're a fag?" he asked, now that hurt. "Man you can't be. I've known you my whole life, you can't be a fag," he said, I just stared at him, out of the corner of my eye I saw Chris get up and take my other hand and stare at Scott.

"The terms gay, he's 3; no we're gay. This is my boyfriend and if you don't like it then get out. I will not have you hurt him anymore then he has already been hurt," Chris said.

Scott just stared at us like we had two heads each.

"Man I can't believe this, I don't know you anymore," Scott said walking out. I saw Wil getting pissed and was about to go after him but I stopped him.

"No Wil let him go. If he can't handle that then there's nothing we can do about it," I said. Now tears were falling. I mean he has been my best friend for nearly 15 years, I thought we were tighter then that. Chris took my hands and held on to them. I turned and smiled at him. He lent down and kissed me, neither of us cared that our brothers were they're watching us.

We talked some about what has been going on when mom and dad came back in. They said they saw Scott leave and muttering something about a fag. I told them I told him about me and he didn't like it but that there was nothing I could do about it.

About noon the doctor came back in and said I was ok and that by the end of the week I should be able to go home. I felt relived to here that.

We talked some more and my mom and dad said that they said they would call Scott's parents and have them make sure that he didn't tell anyone. I told them no, I would take care of Scott.

Everyone left early that evening because I was getting very tired and needed my rest. Chris gave me a goodbye kiss right in front of my parents and all, but no one said anything especially after seeing the smile on my face and the light shining in my eyes. I don't know if I'll ever cry again, to many tears in to short of a space of time. I'm tired of crying.

With the hypothermia and all I was getting colder all the time, and I knew that when I left the hospital they would have to bundle me up really good or I may end back up in here.

As for school I know everything will be ok. I don't know how I just do I'm not worried about Scott saying anything I know him way to well and he'd be to scared that people would think he was gay and all.

My family is great they have been supporting me all this time now and I think things are going to be great. Whenever Chris stays the night they don't say anything about us snuggling up on the couch or holding hands or anything.

Chris and my relationship has been great and no no sex as of yet. We want to wait and let it be magical. I love his eyes and his hair still. He is still taller then me and I love it because we can do great slow dancing together.

As for me well I'll make it. I have gotten better and the doc said no permanent damage has been done I'll just be more susceptible to the cold then most people. As long as I'm with Chris I won't care, he'll keep me warm.

I had to get braces, but hey according to everyone they make me look sexy. Chris loves them and says they make me look so good he wants to go and get some for himself and we can compete for the longest kissing contest hehe. I liked that idea.

As I said I'll be going back to school soon but that is another story I may write about it I may not I don't know. Right now this is the end.

The End

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