Curious GuyNate's StorySan Carlos Island story #10 |
SummaryEight-year-old Nate visits San Carlos Island and something unexpected happens.
Publ. Eunuch Archive (2008) This site Feb 2011
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CharactersNate (8yo)Category & Story codesSlave Boy & Prostitution story/eunuchsMb bb – slave mast anal – prost castration & nullification mutilation (Explanation) |
DisclaimerFirst – this is a minor caution story. It may be illegal in your country to download or read this story. It isn't yet in the USA where it's being written. It's a work of fantasy and fiction, and no real person is depicted in the story. Neither does it advocate or condone anything that happens in the story. Although there is graphic descriptions of boys having sex with other boys and with adults, the descriptions are no more graphic than books that can be found on you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok?
a main theme of this story is the non-consensual or coerced nullification of young boys, that is cutting of their penis and scrotum. If you don't like stories with that theme, don't read further.
If this type of material offends you or if you don't like it, then
Author's noteI have gotten a lot of help from StefanIsMe with this story. Thank you Stefan. This story is not consistent with San Carlos Island stories written by other writers. You should consider them to be in different parallel universes.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Paolox31(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Curious Guy - Nate's Story in the subject line. |
My dad is real poor. Hell, almost everybody in my neighborhood is real poor. A few weeks before Summer vacation, my best friend, Lance, won a week at camp up in Alaska. He went just after school let out. I was very jealous. A few days after he got back, he and his twin brother, Larry, left to work on a luxury island in the tropics. Lance wouldn't tell me what he and his brother would be doing but he said they would make tons of money. I was even more jealous. A month after Lance left, he sent me an email. He said he showed pictures of me to his boss, Ben Toeber, and that Ben might hire me. As part of the interview, my dad and I would get a free four-day vacation on the island. Since Dad was out of work, he was glad to go. When I was on the flyer, Ben's assistant made me take a bath and locked a red collar on my neck. He told me I would have to be naked on the island except for the collar because it was traditional. I said, "I don't mind being naked in front of other boys or men, but what if a girl or woman sees me?" He said, "There are no girls or women on the island. Ben used to have a female assistant. She was the only female on the island and Ben only hired her as a favor to her father. When she left, he convinced the island board of directors to make the island male only because the clients and boys prefer it." "Did he fire her?" I asked. "No. She wanted to live and work in L.A. because her boyfriend lives there so Ben helped her get a job there." When the flyer landed, the assistant guy said, "Wait here. Your friend, Lance, will be here soon to show you around the island." Then Dad went off with the assistant to see Ben. When Lance showed up, he looked happier than I had ever seen him. He was wearing a green collar and his hair was cut better. Then, I noticed that his dick and balls were gone. I was scared but kind of excited too. I got a real hard boner and said, "Lance, what the hell happened to your dick and balls?" "Hello Nate. Ben cut them off. Doesn't it look great?" "It looks OK. But jeez, why in the hell did he do it?" "He does it to almost all his slaves 'cause it makes 'em better slaves." "Slaves? I thought you were working for him, not a slave." "I signed a contract, so I am his slave for two years." "Don't you hate him for cutting off your stuff?" "Heck no. Ever since I saw Sander without boy-parts I wanted to have mine removed so that I could be smooth and beautiful like he is. Now I am and it's great, just great." "But don't you miss your dick and balls and how do you pee without a dick?" "I don't miss 'em at all, not one little bit. I have a new pee-hole here." He touched himself just in front of his asshole and continued, "When I sit on the toilet, it points straight down. I just sit to pee." "Like a girl?" "Lots of guys sit to pee. It's no big deal for smooth guys like me 'cept when we are wearing clothes and we need to pee outdoors which doesn't happen that often. That's how I first saw Sander. He had taken his clothes off and was squatting to pee when a bunch of us boys from the camp saw him." "Aren't you afraid the same thing will happen to you?" "No. I want other guys to see how great I look all smooth." "If I work for Ben, will he do the same thing to me?" "Probably. He does it to almost all his slaves, but don't worry about being snipped, it doesn't hurt and you'll be glad he did it. Almost all the smooth slaves here are glad 'cept for some who were just done." "I see you have a boner. I think it's 'cause you want to be smooth like me. The idea excites you. I got a boner when I saw Sander." "Do not!" "Then why the boner?" "I don't know but it's not 'cause I want to be smooth. What about Larry, does he like being smooth?" "Larry isn't smooth 3; yet. I made a special deal with Ben that Ben wouldn't snip Larry until he wanted to be. I think he'll get snipped soon." "Can I make a deal like that?" "No, 'cause you don't have a twin. Do you want to touch my smooth-place?" "Smooth-place? Oh. You must mean the place where your dick 'n' balls used to be. Yeah, I'd like that." He led me into a room. We sat on the bed side-by-side and I gently touched him. He said, "Stroke me up and down." I did, and he really liked it. He lay back on the bed and he started arching his back. I stopped stroking because I was afraid that something was wrong. He said, "No! Please don't stop." After I started again, he started breathing real fast and grunting. Then he sort of collapsed. I was real scared so I stopped again. After about half a minute, he got a big smile on his face and sat up. "What happened?" I asked. "I had a real good orgasm." "What's an orgasm?" "It's sort of an explosion of pleasure you get from sex. You can probably get one by stroking your dick but the ones boys get from their dicks aren't as good as the ones nullos get from their smooth-place." "What's a nullo?" "That's what adults call boys who are smooth like me." "If 'nullo' is an adult word, how come you used it?" "I hear Ben and the clients say it so much, I say it sometimes." "How do you know smooth-place orgasms are better than dick orgasms?" "I had dick orgasms before Ben snipped me and the smooth ones are better. Do you want me to stroke your dick and give you an orgasm?" "Yes." He had me lay down beside him and he stroked my dick. It felt real good. I soon had my first orgasm. I couldn't imagine how it could be any better. After my orgasm, my boner went down but about ten minutes later I saw more smooth boys and my dick got hard again. I asked Lance, "What kind of work do you do here, anyway?" "I have sex with the clients?" "Do the clients pay to stroke your smooth-place?" "A few of them stroke or lick me. Sometimes I suck on their dicks but most of the time they stick their dicks up my butt-hole." "Doesn't that hurt?" "If they have real big dicks, it can hurt a little bit at first. After a little while, it feels real good. The orgasms I get from butt sex are even better than the ones I get from stroking my smooth-place. The bigger the dick is, the better my orgasm is." "How much is Ben paying you and how much do you think I could make?" "I'm not allowed to tell anyone how much Ben is paying me but I think all slaves get at least half a million credits a year." "Wow! Half a million. That's a fortune. Dad and I could live for 20 years on that." Lance took me to lots of places on the island. It was all very nice. I asked all the smooth boys I saw if they liked being smooth. Almost all of them said they did. All the ones that didn't were snipped less than a month ago. I was getting less and less scared of being snipped and more excited about it. While we were touring the island, we met Larry. I asked him how he liked the island and being a slave. He said, "I like the island and the work but I don't like having to be naked all the time. I keep getting boners and everyone can see them." Lance said, "You wouldn't have that problem if you would let Ben snip you." Larry replied, "I'm never gonna let him do that." He didn't sound very convincing. We met a slave named Randal. He looked at my boner and said, "There is a nullification ceremony tonight. You should go get yourself nullified and you'll never get another embarrassing boner again." "I don't want my dick and balls cut off and even if I did, my dad would never let me." "Here on the island, you don't need your parent's permission to be nullified. When I visited the island and saw all the nullos here, I got boners all the time. I had so many boners that my dad made me wear clothes even though it's traditional here for boys to be nude. I got nullified against my dad's wishes. He disowned me and I became a slave but I love being a slave. I wish I could have been nullified and become a slave when I was eight which is the minimum age." A few minutes later I asked, "Why does Randal say nullified and nullo instead of snipped and smooth-boy?" "He's not stuck up, or nothing, but his family is super-rich and he talks kind of upper class most of the time." Lance and I ate dinner in the cafeteria while my dad ate in the hotel. Only slaves and boys who might become slaves eat in the cafeteria. The food was the best I had ever eaten. I said, "Do you get food like this every day?" "Sure. It's always this good. I wasn't used to having food this good so I started eating too much and getting a little fat. The doctor has me wearing anti-appetite patches and I have to run a mile every morning. I didn't like the running at first but now I love it. I've joined the track team." After dinner, I met my dad. He said, "It was a mistake to come here. If you take the job, Ben will cut off your dick and balls. We should leave as soon as possible." I said, "I want to stay the full four days. It's real nice here and I want to be with Lance." "Doesn't it freak you out to see him without his dick and balls?" "It did at first but I got used to it." "OK. We can stay." After dinner, Lance showed me more of the island. Just before sunset, my collar told me to go to our room and to bed. Before I did, I asked Lance, "Are you sure it doesn't hurt to get snipped?" "The cutting didn't hurt at all but I was a little sore for a few days. It wasn't nearly as bad as the sprained ankle I got last year." Dad and I shared a big hotel room with two beds. Dad got me into bed, kissed me, and left. I had trouble getting to sleep. I kept thinking about how good Lance looked, how happy he was and how he liked being smooth. Finally, I stroked my dick until I had an orgasm. The whole time I was stroking, I thought about being smooth. It really turned me on. After my orgasm, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I knew I wanted to be snipped like Lance so I said, "Dad, I want to take the job." "But Nate, if you do, Ben will cut off your dick and balls." "I know, but I have talked to a bunch of smooth boys and all the ones who were done more than a month ago say they are glad they were snipped. Besides, if I don't do this, we will be evicted from our apartment and be homeless. Lance says I would make at least half a million a year." Dad's eyes lit up when he heard how much I could make. "You have been taking care of me my whole life. For the last five years, since Mom died, you've been doing it alone. Now I want to do this for you." "But to lose your dick and balls. That's too much to ask any boy." I didn't want Dad to know I wanted to be snipped so I said, "So, I'll have to sit to pee. It's no big deal." "But there are other things. If you aren't nullified, in a few years you could have sex and sex is very good." "I'll never miss something I never had." "You are a very good son. If you really want to do this, I won't stand in your way. We'll see Ben after breakfast." When we got to Ben's office, his assistant said, "Ben is busy in his office right now. Please sit and wait. It will only be a few minutes. Do you want something to drink?" Dad had coffee and I had lemonade. While we waited, Dad read a news magazine and I read a comic book. When Ben came out of his office, he said, "Hello again Charles and this must be Nate." I wanted to impress him so I stood up and said, "It's nice to meet you Mr. Toeber." I held out my hand and he shook it. He said, "It's very nice to meet you Nate, but I insist that you call me Ben, everybody does." "OK, Ben." Ben said, "I need to talk to Nate alone. You don't mind do you? I assure you I would never harm him." Before Dad could say anything, Ben took me into his office and shut the door. The first thing he did was make a video of me in all sorts of positions and while I did exercises. Then he asked a lot of questions. He asked my favorite color, TV program, movie, comic book, sport, school subject and a bunch of other things. He even asked me to get him a book from the bookcase. I got it for him and said, "Why all the questions? They don't seem to have anything to do with having sex with clients." "Most people think that beauty is the only thing important in a slave but it isn't. Beauty is important but personality is more important. I talked to Lance, Larry and some of your teachers about you but I needed to know more. The questions were so that I could learn more about your personality. I asked you to get the book to see how cooperative you are." "Did I pass the test? Am I good enough?" "You are more than good enough, my dear boy. I know Lance told you I would nullify you, if I bought you. What do you think about that?" When Ben said the word "nullify," I got a boner. I said, "When I saw Lance, I was scared and excited. The more smooth-boys I saw, and talked to, the less scared and more excited I got. I had trouble getting to sleep last night. I kept thinking about how good the smooth-boys looked and how happy they were. When I woke up this morning, I knew I wanted to be snipped. Please don't tell Dad. He thinks I'm making a big sacrifice. I don't want him to know I want to be snipped." "Don't worry, I won't tell him but I think you should." "Maybe later when he is more used to the idea." Ben said, "Let's get your father in here and talk business." I decided I liked Ben a lot. The first thing Dad said was, "Nate, did Ben have sex with you in here?" I decided not to tell him about the video so I said, "Hell no. He just asked me whole bunch of questions." Then Dad looked at Ben and asked, "If Nate gets a contract, will you cut off his genitals?" "Yes I will." "Can Nate get a special contract for less money that does not allow you to nullify him?" "No. It doesn't work that way. All contracts allow owners to nullify their slaves." "Is there a school here on the island? I don't want Nate to get behind in his education." Ben said, "We have one of the best schools in the world here." I was disappointed. I hoped there wasn't 'cause I don't like school that much. "So, if Nate gets a contract, how much will you pay him?" "A one year contract would be 800,000 credits plus two years of free college or trade school. A two-year contract would be two million credits plus four years of college. My slaves also get tips from their clients and bonuses from me if they do well. Many of my slaves earn more in tips and bonuses than they do from their contracts. Half the contract amount goes to the boy's parents. We put the other half in a trust fund for the boy. Tips and bonuses go mostly into the trust fund but we put some into the boy's store account so he can buy things here on the island." "Why is a two-year contract more than twice a one-year contract?" Dad asked. "Much of a slave's first year is spent in training and recovering from his nullification. Also, it usually takes months for a new slave to build up a client list." "Can Nate get a contract for three, or four, years?" "No. Two years is the maximum for a first contract. If he does a good job, he can get a new contract after the end of his first contract. He can continue to get new contracts until he is too old. Since Nate is just eight years old, he could work for six to eight years, maybe more. The new contract would pay at least 1.2 million a year. I had one slave for five years. In his last year, his contract was for 3.5 million." I said, "Let's take a two-year contract." I had already decided I wanted to stay on the island as long as I could. Dad said, "We need to think about it. How long is the offer good for?" "For the next two days. After that, I might still give Nate a contract but it would be for 5 percent less. You probably will not find a slave owner who would pay more except Lester DelRay. I warn you not to get a contract with him. He is a cruel man who abuses his slaves. Also, he never gives his slaves bonuses. I have been trying to get him kicked off the island for years but it takes a two-thirds vote and I haven't been able to do it yet. The last vote was 64 percent so I hope the next vote will do it." I stayed with Lance for about two hours and then my collar told me to meet Dad at our room. He said, "I found an owner who will pay 2.5 million for a two-year contract." "It's not with that DelRay guy is it?" "Yes it is." "But Ben warned us against him." "He probably just doesn't like the competition. I asked Lester and he said that he does pay bonuses and he doesn't abuse his slaves." When I met Mr. DelRay, I didn't like him at all. After he talked to us for a few minutes, DelRay left the room so we could talk. I said, "I don't like this guy. We should take the contract with Ben. I like him a lot." Dad said, "But he will pay us half a million more." We argued for several minutes and I agreed to sign with DelRay. After we signed, DelRay said, "Your duties as a slave won't start until your vacation is over and your dad has left. Until then, you can explore the island and play with your friends." He pressed a button on his desk and said, "Walt, come in. I need you to take a new slave to get his collar changed." When we were in the hall, I asked, "Why do you have to take me somewhere? Why couldn't you change my collar in the office?" "Anyone can put a collar on but for security reasons only a few people and robots can take them off. I'm taking you to one of those robots." The robot took off my red collar and Walt put a green one with gold stripes on me. I said, "Why does my collar have gold stripes, Lance's collar doesn't have them?" "The stripes mean you're not trained yet. Lance is fully trained." When I met Lance, he saw my collar and said, "Did Ben give you a one-year contract or a two-year contract?" I said, "I got a two-year contract with DelRay." Lance's eyes got wide and he said, "Why in the world did you do that? He's the worst owner on the island, by far!" "He offered more money than Ben did and Dad insisted on it. Ben warned us against DelRay but Dad talked to him. He said that he didn't abuse his slaves and he does pay bonuses." "DelRay is a big fat liar! I have seen the scars on a slave's butt from DelRay whipping him. I've talked to former slaves of his and NONE of them got bonuses. No slave of his has EVER gotten a second contract with him. Most of Ben's slaves get contracts until they are too old." I said, "HELL!" My collar gave me a shock and said, "Use heck instead." I said, "What the 3; uh heck was that?" I almost said "hell" again. "There are words slaves are not supposed to use so when we say them, our collars give us a shock and tell us what words to use instead." "What are the other words?" "I can't say them, silly, or I'd get a shock too but I can get you a list." There were a whole bunch of words on the list that I had been saying for years. I tried to memorize them but I often messed up for the first few days. Every time I said the same "bad" word again, the shock would get a little stronger. I never said the same "bad" word more than three times. DelRay snipped me at a ceremony a few hours after Dad went home. I wished it had been done sooner. Just before DelRay cut off my stuff, my dick was harder than it had ever been. Lance was right. It didn't hurt at all. When I woke up in the infirmary, Lance was there. He asked how I was. I said, "I'm fine. I'm sorry I lied to you." "When did you lie to me?" "When I said that my boner wasn't from being excited by the idea of being snipped. I was excited but I was scared too." Lance said, "Heck, you probably didn't really know why you were excited, most boys don't. I bet most boys our age would want to be snipped if they could come to the island for a few days and see how good smooth-boys look and how happy they are. I think the only reason Larry hasn't been snipped yet is 'cause I bet him five credits he would and he's real stubborn." "That's true. I really wasn't sure why I had the boner. I think almost all boys our age would get snipped if they could live with all smooth-boys afterwards. I'm a little worried about what will happen after I go back home and other boys see me without boy-parts." The next day, I could walk around. The day after that, the doctor took out the catheter. One day later, my smooth-place wasn't sore anymore so I tried stroking it. I had an orgasm and Lance was right. It was better than the ones I got with my dick. DelRay didn't have any trainers of his own so he hired one that worked for one of the other owners. When my trainer fucked me for the first time, it was wonderful, just wonderful. I was real glad I had signed my contract and been snipped. After my training was finished, DelRay said, "I've decided to have you work on my island for some special clients." I didn't want to leave San Carlos where Lance and my other friends were but I didn't say anything 'cause I was scared of DelRay. After we got on the flyer, DelRay fucked me for the first time. He was real rough and I didn't have an orgasm. My butt was sore afterwards. My trainer always gave me an orgasm. Also, he never made my butt sore and his dick was bigger than DelRay's. About half an hour later, DelRay had me drink some juice. A few minutes later, I said, "Why do I feel so sleepy?" "There's medicine in the juice." Before I could ask why, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was on my back, in bed, in a strange room. I was real groggy but I saw a boy sitting in a chair looking at me. I noticed something strange about him. When I realized what it was, I blurted out, "You don't have any arms!" He said, "Neither do you." "What are you talking about? I have arms." "Move them," he commanded. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. It puzzled me for a few seconds. Then I said, "It must be the drugs they gave me on the flyer. When they wear off, I'll be able to move my arms." He reached up with his right foot, grabbed the sheet between his big toe and the toe next to it, pulled the sheet down and said, "Look." I looked and my arms were gone, completely gone. I didn't even have stumps. I started to scream and the boy pushed a button on a machine beside the bed with his toe. I passed out. When I woke again, I kept my eyes closed. I thought, "Please let it be a dream. It MUST be a dream! My arms just can't be gone!" I heard the boy say, "I know you are awake. The monitor says so. Open your eyes and look at me." I looked. It was the same boy. He was naked except for a green collar. He was smooth and he had no arms at all. I said, "It wasn't a bad dream at all was it? My arms are really gone aren't they?" He nodded and I started to cry. He let me cry for a long time. Then he wiped my tears away with his foot and said, "You need to get up and walk around some. You've been in bed for days now. Before you get up, I have to remove your catheter, sensors and IV." He was in a chair with little wheels. He rolled the chair near my head and used his feet to take sensors off my head. He rolled the chair near my smooth-place to take out the catheter and then near my feet to take the IV out of my ankle. He surprised me by doing everything using just his feet. When I commented on it, he said, "It's amazing what you can do with your feet when you have to." "How long have you been armless?" "Almost two years. I am Mr. DelRay's first armless slave." I tried to get up for about a minute and said, "I can't get up. I need my arms to push against the bed with." I started to cry again. He said, "You can do it. Push with your head." I tried and he told me how to position my legs. After about a minute, I got up by myself. He said, "I knew you could do it. It gets easier after a while. In a few days, you'll do it almost as fast as you did when you had arms." After I was standing, I asked, "How do we open doors without arms?" "They hinged all the doors in here to swing both ways. We just push them open with our hips." While the boy was showing me the slave quarters, I asked, "Why did DelRay do this to me? It's horrible." "Some clients like slaves with no arms, or no legs, and they'll pay a lot more for them. Don't let Mr. DelRay ever hear you call him Lester or DelRay. It always has to be Mr. DelRay or sir." "How will I eat without arms?" I asked. "Stan and I eat with our feet but Mike just sticks his face into his plate or bowl. He's a pig. I think he does it 'cause he knows it disgusts us." "How many armless boys are there here?" "Counting you and me, there are four armless boys and two legless boys. You won't have any clients until your scars heal. That'll take about ten days. If a client asks you how you lost your arms, you MUST always say that you were born without them." The slave quarters on Mr. DelRay's island were not nearly as nice as the ones on San Carlos Island. The tour only took a few minutes. When it was finished, I was tired so I went to my room and lay down. The boy came with me and said, "My name is Kevin. What's yours?" I said, "I'm Nate. I guess we can't shake hands." He said, "We can shake feet." It was kind of awkward but nice. After we shook, Kevin said, "Would you like me to lick your nullo-place? It always makes me feel better to get a lick job." "You mean my smooth-place?" "Smooth-place, nullo-place, it's the same thing. Do you want the lick job?" I nodded and he licked me until I had an orgasm. It did make me feel better. I said, "It's my turn to give you a lick job." "You don't have to." I said, "I want to." He lay down on my bed and with some difficulty I turned so that I could lick him. It's surprisingly hard to move around in bed without arms. He had an orgasm and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I needed to pee so I walked around until I found Kevin. I asked him, "How do I dry my pee-hole after I pee?" He took me into the restroom and showed me the buttons on the floor that controlled the butt-hole washer, the pee-hole washer and the air dryer. He said, "You can't just use the dryer after you pee. The dried pee would irritate your skin. You need to use the washer and then dry with the blower." He left the restroom so that I could have some privacy while I peed. When I left the stall, I noticed a dental machine on the wall I could use without arms. My mouth felt and tasted kinda yucky so I used it. When I left the restroom, Kevin asked, "What took so long?" "I used the dental machine." "That's good. I should have had you use it when I gave you the tour but I didn't think of it." I asked, "Can I go outside and walk on the beach?" "Not until your scars heal. The clients might see you and they are supposed to think we were born this way." "That sucks!" "It sure does." "Where are the other slaves?" "They're either with clients or doing stuff." "What kind of stuff do you do here?" "All of us swim in a pool. We armless guys have a small place for skating and skateboarding and a soccer field. There's also a basketball court for the legless boys but there's not really enough of us for good soccer or basketball games. We think Mr. DelRay plans to have a lot more armless and legless slaves. The two legless guys often have wheelchair races on the paths. Me and the other armless guys walk and run on the beach a lot. We also have the media room I showed you earlier. Until your scars heal, that's about all you can do. I will stay in here with you unless I have a client." "How do you put skates on without hands? Do the legless boys help you?" "No. There's a robot that does it." I met the other slaves at dinner which wasn't nearly as good as the food on San Carlos. I shook their hands or feet with my right foot. The legless boys ate at a normal height table in their wheelchairs and we had a low table 'cause it was easier to reach with our feet. Mike, a very skinny, weak-looking, boy, sat at the high table and ate with his face. It was kind of gross to see him eat that way, so I tried not to look at him. I had a hard time eating with my feet. My milk and water were in glasses with straws so I didn't have a problem with them. The food was all in little pieces so I didn't have to do any cutting. I could get the food in the spoon and I could get the spoon into my mouth because it was extra long. My problem was, the food kept falling out of the spoon. I noticed that Kevin and Stan weren't spilling food all over the place like I was. I tried to eat with my feet for about a minute and said, "This is real hard. How do you guys do it?" Mike said, "You should eat with your face like I do. It's real easy." I said, "I won't eat that way. It's disgusting." Mike just grinned. Kevin said, "It gets easier with practice." Kevin and Stan watched me eat and gave me some suggestions. The suggestions did make it easier. I asked, "How does Mr. DelRay keep what he does to his slaves a secret when a slave's contract is over and he leaves?" The room was silent for almost a minute and then Kevin said, "None of us have left yet. My contract was over three weeks ago but Mr. DelRay didn't let me go. I think he told my mom that I took another contract. Slaves don't need their parent's permission to get second contracts. We don't think any of us will ever leave here." I thought about asking what happens when we got too old to be slaves but I didn't. I decided I didn't want to know or even think about it. When we finished eating, Kevin said, "Mike, please take a shower and wash all that food off your face." Mike said, "OK," and left. I asked, "How do we shower without arms?" Kevin said, "Mr. DelRay had the showers we use made special for us. You push a button on the floor. Warm water sprays on you for two minutes. Then the water turns off and the shower sprays you with soap. Be sure to close your eyes and bend your head down before the soap spray starts so you don't get soap in your eyes. After the soap stops spraying, you rub yourself on a big brush that covers one wall of the shower. There are also two poles you can scrub the insides of your legs with and brushes on the floor for the bottoms of your feet." I said, "The insides of my legs?" "The right side of your left leg and the left side of your right leg. When you finish with the brushes, you hit the button again to rinse off. After two minutes the water turns off and the shower dries you with warm air." "How stiff are the brushes? I don't want to rub my scars or my face against stiff brushes." Stan said, "The brushes on the left side of the wall and on the left pole are very soft. The ones on the right side and pole are stiffer but not that stiff. The only brushes that are stiff are the ones for the bottoms of your feet." I had spilled food on me so I took a shower right after dinner. The shower worked pretty good but I wished I could make it hotter. When I got out of the shower, I looked in a mirror. It made me real sad to see myself without arms. I also noticed that my hair was a mess. I told Kevin and he showed me how to use a hair machine. It brushed and combed my hair. I looked in a mirror and it looked pretty good. I liked the mirror in the room with the hair machine 'cause it was small and only showed my head. I decided not to look in the big mirror, ever again. Kevin and I watched a movie together. About half an hour after it started, I said, "I wish we could hold hands." Kevin said, "We can hold feet." I reached out with my right foot and grabbed his left big toe between my big toe and the toe next to it. It was nice but not as good as holding hands. From then on, whenever we watched videos, we held feet. We had all kinds of different ways of doing it and they were all nice. When we watched a movie we really liked, we clapped with our feet. That night, I noticed that Jeff and Sandy, the two legless boys, went to bed together. Mike and Stan also went to bed together. I went into Kevin's room and asked, "Can I sleep with you?" "Yes you can. I'm real glad you asked." When we were in bed together, I wished I had arms to hold Kevin with. We slept together every night from then on. That night, I dreamed that me and Kevin were playing on the beach. We both had arms and we were throwing a ball back and forth. In my dreams, I always had arms but I never had boy parts. When Kevin and I went to bed together, we would always touch and caress each other with our feet and legs. Sometimes we would lay head to foot so that we could touch each other's faces. We both had a hunger to touch and be touched. The next morning, I got Stan alone and said, "Why do you sleep with Mike? He's disgusting." "I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him because he has a beautiful face and he's very skinny. I've always liked skinny boys. I don't like the way he eats but it doesn't bother me that much. I'm glad you're sleeping with Kevin. He's a great guy and he deserves someone to love." Every day, and sometimes twice a day, DelRay would come into the slave quarters and fuck me. He never gave me an orgasm and always hurt me. I was always upset afterwards so Kevin always gave me a back massage with his feet. When Kevin was upset, I gave him a massage. Two days later, I was walking around the slave quarters. I was bored and a little lonely 'cause Kevin was with a client. I heard someone crying in the media room. I went in and it was Mike. He was just sitting there crying. He didn't even have a video or music playing. I said, "What's wrong?" "You can see what's wrong. First DelRay cut off my dick and balls. Then he had my arms cut off. I used to be a really good piano player. Now I'm just a freak with no arms, no dick and no balls." He started sobbing again. I said, "You are not a freak. You're a boy who had terrible things done to him. I can't hug you but I can give you a lick job. Do you want one?" "No." I thought for a few seconds and said, "Do you want a back massage?" He said, "Yeah." I sat in a chair and used my feet to help him lay on the floor, belly down. Then I massaged his back with my feet until he said, "That's enough." I helped him stand and he said, "Thanks for the massage. Please don't tell the other guys I was crying in here." "Don't worry, I won't and you shouldn't feel bad about crying. I cried a lot when I found out my arms were gone." "You're a good guy. Just so you know, I don't eat with my face to upset anyone. I do it because it hurts too much to eat with my feet." I said, "I'm sorry you can't eat with your feet and I'm real sorry they cut your arms off." Mike said, "It's not your fault. It's DelRay's fault. He knew I played the piano. He could have taken my legs and I could still play but he took my arms. I hate him! I want to kill him!" He paused for a few seconds and said, "No. I want to cut off his arms AND legs and let him starve to death because he can't feed himself." I said, "That's wicked, but I want to do it too, except I would give him water so that it would take him longer to die. I would also put all kinds of real good food where he could see it while he starves to death." Mike said, "I would do it too but we will never get the chance. I'm very sorry your arms, dick and balls were cut off." He kissed me on the cheek and left. The next time we were alone together, I asked, "Can I tell the other guys why you eat with your face?" "No. It's none of their business and I don't want their pity. I shouldn't have told you but I did 'cause I was feeling sorry for myself." "If that's what you want, I won't tell them." After I knew why he ate with his face, it didn't bother me as much as it used to. My first client was nicer than I expected him to be. He fucked me twice and I had real good butt-orgasms each time which was good because I missed having them. The only bad thing about it was that he kept telling me I was beautiful without arms. I thought about telling him to have his arms cut off but I didn't 'cause I would get in trouble. When my second client asked me how I lost my arms, I told him I was born without them. He didn't seem to believe me. He said, "I'm sure I saw you on San Carlos and you had arms." I said, "It must have been someone else." I was real scared 'cause I knew Mr. DelRay used our collars to record everything we said. I was afraid that if he got mad at me he would have my legs cut off too 'cause I heard a client say that he would pay twice as much to have a slave with no arms OR legs. A few days later, the sound of gunfire and shouting woke us up real early in the morning. We all hid in Kevin's room. About an hour later, a man in a bulletproof vest came in. His vest said, "UN POLICE." It was Ben! I was real glad to see him! He said, "Don't worry, none of you are in trouble. We are here to arrest DelRay and rescue you." Then he picked me up and said, "I'm so sorry he did this terrible thing to you, Nate. I should have found out what he was doing sooner and stopped it before you were hurt. I heard rumors but I didn't think even DelRay could be so cruel. It wasn't until one of my clients told me you were here without arms and gave me a condom with your DNA on it that I knew what was going on. I came as fast as I could. Can you forgive me for not preventing this?" "Of course I forgive you. It isn't your fault that DelRay is crazy. What will happen to us and DelRay?" "I don't know what will be the best for you guys yet but you will all be taken care of. As for DelRay, he will be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison. All of his money will be used to take care of you guys. If his money is not enough, I will pay the rest. We will find the doctor who operated on you and he will also be executed or imprisoned for life. If they go to prison, I hope they will have their arms AND legs cut off." I said, "I hope so too." The other guys agreed. Ben took us to San Carlos Island while the UN people decided what would be done with us. He brought with us all the special things we needed so that we could do things with our feet except the showers. They were too big to carry on his flyer. He arranged to have them shipped to San Carlos. Since we were already paired up, each pair of us got a big suite on the tenth floor of the best hotel on the island. I told Ben about my problem with mirrors and he had the ones in our suite covered with drapes. The suite I shared with Kevin had two big bedrooms, each with a big bed. We only used one bedroom and one bed. Right after we got to the island, Lance came to see me. He said, "I'm so sorry you lost your arms. It's all my fault." I touched his leg with my foot and said, "What are you talking about? It was DelRay that had my arms cut off. You had nothing to do with it." "But if I hadn't gotten Ben to bring you to the island you'd never have signed with DelRay and you'd still have your arms." "If I hadn't come to the island, I'd probably be dead. We were three months behind in the rent and about to be evicted. We would have become homeless and homeless people usually don't live long. I wish I still had my arms but I'm still better off here than I would be back in Marstown." Lance looked relieved and less guilty. I was glad 'cause I didn't want him to feel bad. Lance said, "If you need help of any kind, call me. I will come and help you." He paused and then said, "Can you call me without fingers to push the buttons on your collar?" "I can call you. My collar is voice controlled. Watch. Collar computer, call slave Lance2." Lance's collar rang and I said, "Collar computer, cancel call." Lance's collar stopped ringing and he said, "Cool. I'm glad you can call people." Lance told me everything that had happened on the island while I was gone and then he asked, "What do you miss most 'cause you don't have arms?" "I miss being able to hug people." "You can't hug me but I can hug you." He hugged me real hard for a long time. It was nice but I still wanted to be able to hug him and Kevin. After the hug, I walked over to the coffee table and picked up a banana in my mouth. I dropped it in front of my chair, sat and picked it up with my foot. I peeled it with my feet and started eating. Lance said, "I could have gotten it for you and peeled it." "I like to do things for myself." "You're real good at doing things with your feet. I couldn't peel and eat a banana that way." "You could if you had to and you practiced. The banana is so short now it's hard to get it close enough to my mouth. Can you hold it for me?" "I'd love to." After I finished the banana, I said, "When you hugged me, I noticed that you were a little stinky. I'm probably even stinkier but can't smell myself. Let's take a shower together." "You're more than a little stinky but I didn't want to say anything." "Next time you smell me, please tell me." "OK." I said, "I'll wash as much of both of us as I can reach and then you can wash the other parts." "You don't have to wash any part of us. I can do all the washing." "It will make me feel better if I can do something useful." "If it will make you feel better." I leaned against the wall, held a washcloth in my right foot and washed as much of Lance as I could reach. Then he surprised me by getting down on his hands and knees. He said, "Now you can wash my back, if you want to." After I washed his back, he turned over and lay on the shower floor so that I could wash his face, chest, belly and smooth-place. I said, "Thank you for letting me do this. I really appreciate it." He said, "Thank you. I like getting washed, especially my back." The first few times we ate in the cafeteria, all the boys stared at us but none of them said anything mean. I think boys without balls are nicer than boys with balls and they could all imagine what it would be like to be teased because they don't have boy parts. Mike ate with his face again. Just after he started, Ben came up to him and said, "You can't eat like that here. It upsets the other boys. You can eat with your feet, have someone feed you, or you'll have to eat alone. What do you choose?" "I'll let someone feed me." "Good. Does anyone want to feed Mike?" One kid raised his hand. Ben said, "Thank you Craig. Before you start feeding Mike, take him to the restroom and wash his face. By the way, you will get two store credits for every meal you feed him." When he heard about the store credit, Craig smiled and some boys looked disappointed. I bet if they knew about the store credits, they would have volunteered. Lance offered to feed me but I refused 'cause I wanted to feed myself and not be fed like a baby. Five days after the rescue, we gave Kevin a surprise party for his eleventh birthday. He was very surprised. He didn't think anyone on the island knew when his birthday was but Ben had found out. The party was real nice and we all had a good time. That night, after we went to bed, Kevin said, "I'm two and a half years older than you. Maybe you should get a lover more your age." I said, "No way! I only want you as a lover. I'll never want anyone else as a lover." He smiled and kissed me. We fell asleep with our legs twined together. The next day, they installed a special shower in our suite. They changed it so that we could control the temperature with our feet and they added manual controls Lance could use with his hands. We shared it with Stan and Mike until they got one two days later. Even though I had the special shower, if Lance was available, we showered together just like the first time except we used the floor brushes for the bottoms of our feet. We both thought all showers should have them. Eight days after we were rescued, Ben had a meeting with us. He said, "I'm sorry it took so long but I have hired the best prosthetist in the world to make you really good prosthesises. A prosthetist is someone who makes prosthesises which are artificial limbs. He will be here tomorrow."
The guy who made my arms was a German named Guenter. He talked with an accent but I didn't have much trouble understanding him. He said, "It vill be hard to make your arms because you have no stumps. I vish you had stumps. Even a few inches makes it easier to fit artificial arms." "I wish so too. If I did, it would be much easier to move around in bed and get out of bed." "Vut dat man did to you boys is just terrible. I spend my life helping people and he cuts healthy limbs off innocent children and doesn't even leave you stumps. I hear he vill be executed but dat is too good for him." I told Guenter what Mike and I wanted to do to DelRay. He said, "Dat is vut he deserves." My new arms were pretty good. I could do almost everything with them. It was nice not to have to eat with my feet and I could use a regular toilet and dry my pee-hole with toilet paper. Although Lance said he liked to help me, I didn't like having him dry my pee-hole. I didn't like having anyone do it but if it had to be done, I preferred that Lance do it. Once, I was at soccer practice and needed to pee. Lance wasn't there so I had to ask if anyone would do it. All the boys volunteered but I was real embarrassed having to ask. Someone must have told Ben 'cause a few days later they installed a special toilet at the soccer field. I could also push the buttons for the butt-hole washer and dryer on a regular toilet. They were mounted on the side of the bowl and I couldn't reach them with my feet while I was sitting on the toilet. All the toilets on the island had butt-hole washers and driers but almost nobody in Marstown had them. I could use a regular shower but when Lance was available, I showered with him and when he wasn't, I used the special shower 'cause I could wash the places where the harness for my arms went. If I wore my arms for more than an hour, I got real sweaty under the harness. After I got the artificial arms, all Lance had to do was help me and Kevin put our arms on and take them off. I wanted to pay him some store credits but he wouldn't let me so I gave Ben ten credits every day. He added it to Lance's bonus without telling him what it was for. I think Ben wanted to pay Lance but he let me pay 'cause he knew I had plenty of money and I wanted to. If Lance was with a client or sleeping, I called Ben's assistant and he sent someone to help us with our arms. My arms were so good that I could write and type but not very well or very fast. I mostly dictated into my computer. Kevin mostly wrote with his right foot. My artificial hands had some sensation. I could tell how hard I was holding things but they weren't as good as my real arms and hands had been. They weren't as strong and not nearly as sensitive. Guenter couldn't make legs that the legless boys could walk on 'cause they were missing both legs and had no stumps. The day after we got our artificial arms, me, Kevin and Stan could eat with them but Mike didn't even try. He still wanted Craig to feed him. After a week, Ben said, "You will have to eat with your artificial arms or eat alone with your face." Craig said, "I don't mind feeding him and you don't have to pay me." Ben said, "He has to learn to feed himself. You can feed him for three more days but not after that." Mike quickly learned to eat with his arms. Dad felt real guilty about making me sign with DelRay. He started drinking a lot so Ben got permanent custody of me. The UN judge decided that the rest of the legless and armless boys could go home or stay on San Carlos Island. They all decided to stay on the island. We could service clients if we wanted to but we didn't have to. If we took clients, we got to keep 80 percent of the fee. We all liked butt-sex so we all had clients. Many of our clients were the same ones we had on DelRay's island. They all said they didn't know DelRay had our arms or legs cut off but I think some of them did. They caught the doctor who cut off our limbs. The UN court sentenced him and DelRay to death. We could watch the execution on video, if we wanted to. Mike was the only one who watched it. He said he wished he hadn't. Kevin and I continued to sleep together and have smooth-boy sex. I wore my arms most of the time unless I was with clients, sleeping, or playing sports. Kevin was so used to using his feet that he didn't wear his arms much except to eat. He didn't like me to touch him with my artificial arms so I didn't except when I put his arms on him or took them off. I had a few clients that wanted me to wear my arms so I did. I had one very strange client. When I got to his room, he fed me a real good meal with all my favorite food. Then he gave me a bath and dried me. After he dried me, he put pajamas with no arms and bunny feet on me and put me in bed. He got in bed with me and hugged me. After about 20 minutes, I asked, "When are you going to make love to me?" "I will never do anything nasty like that to you." "But I like sex. It feels real good." "Sh. Don't talk like that. You are an innocent, helpless, little, armless-boy. You don't want to do anything dirty like that." I thought about telling him that sex was the only reason I took clients and that I did it several times a week but I decided it would only upset him. I was glad when the appointment was over and he took the p.j.'s off because they were too warm, they looked like something a four-year-old would wear and, with the feet, I couldn't use my toes for anything. None of us ever had a second appointment with him except Mike. I think Mike liked being babied. All four of us armless boys joined the soccer league and the track team because we couldn't play any other sports. Our artificial arms weren't good enough for sports. I got to be one of the best soccer players and I was the fastest runner on the island. I think it was 'cause I didn't have to carry around the weight of arms. Fourteen months after the rescue, we had another meeting. Ben said, "I have found a doctor who can make your limbs grow back." We all started shouting with joy and talking excitedly. Ben let us talk for several minutes. Then he said, "The process is not perfect. It takes more than a year for the limb to reach full size and the new limb will probably itch a lot when it first starts growing. The itching will last for two or three weeks. Do you still want new limbs?" We all said we did. Mike asked, "Can this doctor make our dicks and balls grow back?" "Probably not, but if he can, and you want it, I will have him do it." I said, "I don't want my boy-parts back." All the others, except Mike, said that they didn't want them back either. After we left the meeting, Mike asked, "Why don't you want your dick back? Don't you want to be able to stroke your dick and give yourself orgasms?" "I can give myself orgasms by stroking my smooth-place and they're better than the ones I got with my dick." "I can't get orgasms by stroking my nullo-place. It's no different than stroking my belly" Mike asked the doctor about regrowing his dick and balls. The doctor said, "Not yet. Penises and testicles are much more complicated than arms or legs. Maybe in a few years." I could tell that Mike was very disappointed. Mike said, "How come you can regrow arms but not dicks?" "Dicks have a spongy tissue in them that fills with blood when you get an erection. That tissue is much harder to grow than muscle, bone, cartilage and tendons. Also when they removed your penis, they removed the whole thing, including the interior part. With the interior part gone, there is nothing to start the growth process with. When they amputated your arms, a small part, the head of the humerus and some muscle, was left. That gives me a place to start the growth process." "Humerus?" Mike said in a puzzled voice. "That's the bone in the upper arm." I told Ben that Mike couldn't have smooth-place orgasms. He investigated and found that when DelRay snipped Mike, the doctor who took care of him afterwards didn't transplant the nerves from his dick into his smooth-place like Doctor James did to me. While the doctors couldn't make Mike's boy-parts grow back, they could make his dick nerves regrow into his smooth-place. After they did it, Mike could have smooth-place orgasms and he was much happier. The legless boys got both legs growing at the same time but we armless boys decided to have one arm grown at a time 'cause the new arms wouldn't be much use for months. We wanted to be able to have an artificial arm to eat with and do other stuff. Having a tiny little arm growing out of my right shoulder was very strange. It did itch a lot but it was totally worth it. They told us to exercise our new arms and hands at least two hours a day. At first we just wiggled our fingers and flexed our tiny wrists and elbows. Then we started holding and lifting small things. While our new arms were tiny, we had to wear cups over them when we slept and played soccer so that we didn't crush them. When our new arms were big enough to use, we had the other arm started. I enjoyed touching Kevin with my newly grown arms and having him touch me with his. When Dad found out I would get my arms back, he stopped drinking and Ben gave him a job on the island. He had spent almost all of the contract money on booze and female prostitutes. We didn't spend much time together 'cause he still felt guilty and I think he didn't like to see my smooth-place. After both of my arms were back to full size, he spent more time with me. When Mike's arms were nearly full size, he bought an expensive electronic keyboard and spent hours every day practicing. He took lessons from the island's music teacher for a week. Then the teacher said that Mike was so advanced, he needed a better teacher. Ben had a studio with a grand piano and a video wall built for him. He and arranged for Mike to take lessons with the best keyboard teachers in the world. They used the video link for the lessons. Being able to play again made Mike very happy. He said, "If I had to choose between being able to have orgasms or being able to play the piano, I'd choose the piano, hands-down." Then he looked at his hands, smiled and said, "It's so wonderful to have hands again. For years, I thought they were gone forever." I didn't understand why Mike would choose the piano over sex but I was happy for him. The clients who liked legless or armless boys were disappointed that our limbs were being grown back. We made less money but we didn't care. We all had several million credits from DelRay and we could live on the island for free as long as we wanted to. When our arms and legs started growing, Ben started buying slaves who really were born without arms. He also bought some whose legs were cut off because of accidents or disease. Ben made sure that everybody knew that if they cut off healthy limbs to sell boys, they would go to prison. I asked Ben why DelRay didn't just buy boys who were already armless or legless like he did. He said, "DelRay was very cruel. I think he liked to have limbs cut off. He actually helped the surgeon with the amputations. At the trial he said that it was really thrilling. He was proud of it. I'm glad he's dead and can never hurt anyone again." "I'm glad too." I talked to all the new armless slaves and I was surprised to learn that they didn't really want arms. I guess it was 'cause they had never had any. The doctor who made my arms grow back, said that if they had arms grown, they'd never be able to use them because the part of the brain that controls arms had never developed. I thought Kevin was good at using his feet but the new armless boys were way better. It must be 'cause they had lots more practice. One of them even played the cello. He put it on the floor and used one foot for the bow and the other to press on the strings. He was very good. He was the best cello player at his old school and here on the island. The End |