- PZA: Unikue – The Cage Story PZA Boy Stories


The Cage Story


Two brothers get enslaved early at the Cage Store.

Publ. July 2016
Finished 3,000 words (6 pages)


Deivyd (12yo), Jaden (9yo)

Category & Story codes

Slave & Eunuch-Boy story
Mb tbslave oral anal – castr chastity incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue: The Cage Story in the subject line.


The Cage Store

"Come on Deivyd!" his mother yelled up the stairs. Deivyd the twelve year old and his older brother Michael were in their bedroom when the yell came up. "You better get down there, you want to be sure to pick the most comfortable cage you can!" Michael teased.

"I don't know why you get out of Thrall Day!" Deivyd complained.

"I'm too old you nitwit. You and Jaden are the only ones in this family going out cage shopping today," Michael shot back, "Do you know what kind of cages thralls usually get? They are made from steel and have no padding."

Deivyd contemplated it, he was already going to be naked for at least the next four years. The thought of being stuck at twelve rather appealed to him, he was familiar with his body and didn't much care for all the hair Michael had. Of course, he thought, Jaden probably hadn't thought much of it either. The boy was nine, they might keep him at nine. But he will probably be enthralled for longer because he is younger.

It wasn't just the thought of the cage though, pondering about his friend Aaryc, when his parents sold him on a contract last year. He got a big collar around his neck, and until his training was over he was usually handcuffed to his collar. He lives in a brothel now, and has two evenings off every two weeks. He told me about what to do with my cock, he was doing it enough with men and boys.

Jaden was nine and already in the car. So they were just waiting on Deivyd. Just as his mother was about to yell up again, he came down the stairs in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Are you wearing any underwear young man?" she inquired.

Damn Deivyd thought, he wasn't supposed to wear underwear, but he had it on anyways. "Yeah, I do, mother!" he sneared.

"Just for that young man you will take off your underwear AND shorts!" she insisted.

"Oh mom, please don't make me do that!"

She looked sternly at him, "Do you know what happens with disobedient slaves?"

He quickly took his shorts and underwear off. His t-shirt would be his only protection. Hopefully she would let him put them back on soon. Disobedient slaves might just had a whipping, or might go into a pain amplifier booth.

He was about to get into the front of the car, when his mother stopped him, "Get into the cage in the back. You earned this young man."

She had a small cage in the back of the car meant for transporting slaves, as it was illegal to put them in the seats of the car when you had cages available. She opened the door, and he climbed in. She closed it. It was tight in there, but he would have to make do.

She got back into the front of the car and she asked Jaden, "Honey, did you remember to not put on any underwear?"

"Yes mom!" the nine year old snickered looking at his naked brother behind him in the cage.

Deivyd could only think of the cocks that might go into his insolent little brother after he was a thrall, would serve him right.

So they drove off to Hammond's Slave Supply on the other end of town. It was early enough to beat the rush. Thrall Day was soon, so all the good cages and supplies would be sold. Jaden got out of the car, and his mother let Deivyd out of the cage. She warned him, "If you aren't perfectly obedient, you will spend him contemplating it."

"I will be mom," he said, worn out after that hell of a cage.

They walked into the store and they were greeted by an older man, "Welcome to Hammond's, what can I help you with today?"

Their mother replied, "I need to get two comfortable cages, and another steerage cage. Perhaps some punishment supplies as well."
[Author's note: A steerage cage is a cage permenantly installed in a car. It is so named because steerage was the lowest deck they would put cargo that wasn't entirely closed off – and later poor passengers aboard ship]

The man offered, "We have a special going on right now, if you buy one of our higher end stationary cages, you can get half off a steerage cage of equal or lesser value," he offered.

"Lets take a look," she asked.

So the older man took the family back to see the higher end cages. He showed them a cage with a black padding over the bars which was about half a boy's height. "This is the 'Porche' model, it is meant for slave between 11 and 13 and has padding for some level of comfort. You can try it out if you like," he offered.

"Deivyd, get in the cage and try it out," she said.

The man opened up the cage and Deivyd started motioning towards the cage, but the man stopped him, "Take off your shirt, we only let naked boys in the demo models."

Deivyd huffed a little, but took off his shirt. Once he was fully in his birthday suit, he climbed into the cage. He loved the padding on it, if he was going to be a slave, he would rather be one in this cage.

"How is it darling?" his mother asked.

"The padding is nice mom," he said enthusiastically.

"How much is this cage, sir?"

"This model is 4300 and comes with a 6 month warranty," the salesman replied.

"Its a little expensive for our budget, do you have anything between one and two?" she asked.

"We have a few models, and there is a very special one for your little one," he offered.

He walked them down to another cage, it was about half the size as the other one and had a sign advertising 1400. "This is our Vlad, it is meant as a starter cage for slaves between seven and ten."

She noticed the little poker on the door, pointing at it she said, "Does it have to come with the poker?"

He replied, "By law, all junior cages must be equipped with a poker. If your son is clean inside, he can try it."

She thought for a minute, all the cages below a thousand have hard bars on them that leave marks. Everyone knows that you bought a cheap cage. But the more expensive cages are too much.

"Jaden, take off your clothes and get in the cage," she said.

"Yes mom!" Jaden started as he enthusiastically took off his shorts and shirt.

Jaden could only get into it head first on his back. The man went around to the back and held his hands down to the restraints, and he closed the cage. The poker slid right into his bum and he screamed. The man commented, "This is a small one" essentially saying that it would be the smallest plug he would ever have.

"Ma'am, have you gotten a Thrall Broker yet?" he asked as she watched her son squirm in the cage.
[Author's Note: A Thrall Broker is a private agent that will enslave boys on or before thrall day]

"Not yet, we were looking at our options," she said.

"We do have an offer that we have had on all week, until the end of business today. Because of the enhanced fees we get from the government for enslaving before Thrall Day, we can offer you 50 to 60% off some of our cages – including the higher end ones. We also have a licensed vet on contract," he offered.

"Lets take a look and see what it would be," she said.

The man led them around to various cages, Deivyd most liked the padded one, but ended up with something a little less comfortable. Jaden got the Vlad+ that has various impaling options. The steerage cages were not as fancy, but were designed so that the slave in them would most likely survive a car crash.

"Okay, the cages comes to $6230 after the promotion is applied. Because you got the Vlad+, I can also offer you our Tungsten collars with gold trim for only $200 each," the man offered.

"Lets do that," she accepted.

"Because of your youngest being nine, we automatically offer free smooth castration. Your older boy would only be $50 to castrate, or $75 for a maglock with testihance," he added.

"Jaden can be castrated, and we can lock up Deivyd. What is testihance?" she asked.

"Testihance makes a boy crave sex, but is denied by the maglock. The only way he can be satisfied is with a cock or a buttplug," he stated.

"The way he has behaved lately, lets do that too," she said.

"Our last option is a dentilock gag, it costs $50 for the gag and $75 for installation. We remove the incisors top and bottom, and replace them with studs to hold in a semi-permenant gag. A dentilock gag includes either a feeding tube through the gag or into the stomach," he explained.

"I don't want to do that yet, maybe if they are bad."

"I have seen dentilocks add 50% to the auction price," he said.

"Not right now."

"Okay, the total is $6705."

"Lets put it on my AMEX," she gave the card to him and he swiped it.

"Okay, your slaves have to be processed now," he started. "I have to take them to the back. Any difficulties will result in whipping and possibly judicial impaling."

She didn't want them to go through Judicial Impaling. Any thrall appearing in court is automatically set upon an impaler, and the most difficult slaves that are still eligible for impaling have been given a week on the torture devices. The ones that are more difficult, well, they sometimes see the rope.

"Deivyd and Jaden, you are now thralls and you need to be processed. If you give this man any difficulties, you can be whipped or impaled. So cooperate fully." she ordered.

The two naked boys walked back into the processing room. The two boys had their hands cuffed behind their backs and led to a table. Jaden was sat on the table first. He had his collar around his neck, and it was tight and heavy.

The vet ordered him, "Open your legs, young man."

The slave opened his legs and the man locked them open. He took his scalpel and cut open the testical sac. The boy cried as his manhood was removed. The bag was taken off with a special tool that left no scar under the small penis. The vet injected him with an aging arrester, so that he would slowly age to twelve over the next seven years.

Deivyd was next on the table, his collar was bigger and heavier than Jaden's. But to his surprise, his balls didn't get chopped off. Instead a clear plastic plate was installed such that he could see his cock but never touch it. He was later given his testihance injection, along with an age stopper, so he would remain twelve.

The two boys were leaned over the same table and without warning a hot iron was applied to their bums. It had their registration numbers, and the logo of the store. The cage salesman and the vet then started giving the boys their first fucking.

After having ejaculate injected into their anuses, they were given large phallic plugs. The naked slaves were lead out to their mother's car, and put into the steerage cages.

They were at the beginning of their slave journey.

After the Cage Store

Michael was watching his brother Jaden do the gardening. The boy had been a slave for three weeks, bearing the weight of the tungsten collar, planting row after row of vegetables for his mother, and of course withstanding the brunt of the plug they put up his ass – that vibrates every hour. When he his put back in his cage, the one plug is taken out and the cage has a plug to fill the space.

Jaden finished planting the squash, and he knelt on all fours before his brother. Michael loved the sight of his naked brother, "You may rest young slave."

Jaden regarded his brother and master, "Master, why did Mistress have my jewels taken?"

Michael thought about it, "Jaden, do you understand that you will be nine for the next four years, and upto twelve for some time after?"

Jaden replied, "I am not sure Master. Nobody has said anything to me."

Michael said, "Jaden, because you were the right age you became a slave. If you were any younger you probably wouldn't have been, and if Deivyd had been two years older, he wouldn't have been either. You have seen the plastic over Deivyd's cock right?"

Jaden replied, "Yes, Master. He grows more restless every day. Although he can't say so because of his gag."

Michael informed, "You are very observant, that will do you great credit as a slave, but be careful who you say things to. I believe mother had you castrated for two reasons: the first being that your value as a slave will be two to three times that otherwise, and second to save you from what Deivyd is going through."

Jaden asked, "Can you tell me exactly what Deivyd is going through, Master?"

Michael thought for a moment, "It is hard to tell you Jaden because you are young. I can help demonstrate for you, but you need to do something that may seem unpleasant at first."

Jaden asked, "Master command me!"

Michael pulled down his shorts and underwear, "You see my cock Jaden?"

Jaden replied, "Yes master."

Michael ordered, "Jaden, I want you to put your mouth on it. I will direct you, don't try to speak."

Jaden got up and the naked nine year old regarded his brother's huge cock before his face, and he went down on it. Waiting for instructions.

"I want you to use your tongue and go up and down my shaft. Do not let your teeth touch my cock."

Jaden started to lick his brother's cock, going up and down. Michael was in bliss for a solid five minutes when he felt close.

"Now this part is very important, you will feel something in your mouth, do not spit it out, you must swallow it."

Jaden wasn't sure what he meant, until he heard his brother make noises of profound pleasure, and he felt his brother shoot something into his mouth. It filled quickly and he swallowed. It tasted like his food ration.

"Now you must lick my cock to make sure nothing is spilt."

Jaden cleaned up his brother's cock and then said next to him.

Michael spoke, "Jaden, what you have just done is called a blow job. You will probably have to do it a lot. What did it taste like?"

Jaden said, "Master, it tastes like my food. A little saltier."

Michael never thought about it before, when he fed the slaves it came in a tube and was a dull white colour. Rather cleaver of them to make a slave eat something tasting like cum. "What you got from me is the same thing that your brother makes. We both need some relief from it, you could see how much pleasure you gave me. Well, your brother hasn't been allowed release in three weeks and he is getting a little randy. He also got a shot to increase his those feelings and desires."

Jaden was shocked, "Master, why is Deivyd being punished like this? Did he do something wrong?"

Michael said, "He is not being punished, it is part of his training. Do you remember when we got the dog, and we had to teach the dog how to do his business outside? We also visited the farm that had the dogs watching the sheep?"

Jaden nodded.

Michael continued, "Well your brother and you are now the dogs and the livestock. You are being forced to learn how to plant, your brother has to be trained to desire release."

Jaden thought, "Am I still your brother, Master?"

Michael had a tear come to his eye, "You are both my brother, but I also have to do what is best for you both. At some point you will stand before a bunch of people naked and with chains. They will bid on you, and you will be taken away to a cage that has other boys your age. You will all be naked and in chains. Chances are not a single one of them will have balls. But you will live with them four out of every six months, caged up by night, and planting by day. Your brother will be expected to have one of these," he pointed at his cock, "in him a few dozen times a day. So that is why he has become so randy – because tonight I have to fuck him. He will not get release like I have, he will have to get relief from men."

Jaden came to a realization, "Master, That is what it means to be a slave? To be property?"

Michael replied, "You are property, you are not expected to have any will of your own. Don't think that it is just your brother that will be fucked, why do you think that plug is inside of you?"

Jaden replied, "Master, I thought it was just another way of giving pain."

Michael said, "It probably is. But every other boy your age has one of those up their tight asses so that when the time comes, which is soon, those boys will have real cocks up their asses. I will have to fuck you too. If you didn't have that plug, you would be injured."

Jaden said, "When we were processesed Master, they fucked both of us, just after cutting me and branding us."

Michael said, "It isn't a crime against you, it would be a property crime. I am sorry this has to be done, but I would rather you feel my kind hand than the training centers at the schools."

Jaden said, "If I have to be fucked, I would rather it be you, Master."

Michael blushed, "Thank you Jaden. Now lets see about getting your brother his first release."

The End?

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue – The Cage Story in the subject line.