PZA Boy Stories

Rick the Dick

Little Black Boy's Bitch


A female tenant offers her 11-year old black son as a rent payment to her white landlord.
Publ. 2004 (Nifty); this site Jun 2012
Finished 14,500 words (29 pages)


Landlord, Shawn (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/interracial
Mbcons oral anal interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy "politically incorrect" fantasies without promoting racism in real life. Author and publisher do not SERIOUSLY believe in the inferiority of black males, or condone hatred or violence in any way. There's a big difference between using racial epithets and the rhetoric of white supremacy in an obviously erotic context, versus attacking black males in a way that is literal and hateful.

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Part 1

I had bought an inexpensive six-unit apartment building in a really bad part of town – a friend at work convinced me that was the road to riches – but what a mistake! I just had chronic problems with everything and everyone. Nobody would pay on time, everybody complained, stuff was always breaking down, but I was kind of stuck with it and as a part-time landlord at that. And nobody had taught me how to be a landlord, so I'd always give in and let late payments and things ride.

Well I had this one chronic late-rent payer who was a single mom with two kids. She was on welfare and AFDC but I couldn't get section 8 subsidies so she had to pay cash, which I knew she could afford from her payments, but she always had some excuse why she couldn't (I'm pretty sure it went to drugs).

Finally I was tired of it. She had missed two payments, so I went over to her unit and told her I'd let last month go, but she had to pay for this month or I'd start eviction. She let me in, tried her normal excuse thing at first, then tried anger, then tried pleading. I wasn't going for it, because she had played me like that for over half a year.

Then she tried bartering. "You want my stereo? 3; You want smokes? 3; Meth? 3;" but I just looked at her like I'd had enough. I really did. I had a mortgage I couldn't afford unless everybody paid, and explained that to her.

Finally she asked "You want ME?" which made me chuckle a little, because she knew I was gay (the topic had come up when I was telling her about the place and myself, no big deal), but I reminded her anyway.

Then she said "You want my son then?" and my eyes widened. Her son wasn't even into puberty, maybe only 11 or 12 tops (11, as it turned out)! I couldn't believe she'd suggest something like that, offering 'him' as a rent payment?! Did she just assume all gays were into little boys or something?

Apparently she took my stunned hesitation as interest, because she started selling him up. "He ain't gay, but he'll fuck anything 3; that's what you guys like, right? Getting it up the ass and stuff?"

I just sat there incredulously as she kept trying to 'sell' him to me. "He got a big dick, too, I know y'all like THAT." I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow up – an 11 year old with a 'big dick?' And how the heck would SHE know?!

"Shawn!!!" she yelled toward the bedrooms. "Come here!"

Her son came out of his room and sauntered up to the dining room table we were at, looked over at me like 'who's THIS dude?' (apparently he didn't remember me), then looked at his mom.

"Shawn, show him your dick." Oh my god, I couldn't believe she said that! What kid would do that? But Shawn just yanked down the front of his shorts and proudly showed me his dick, like he did it everyday to anybody who asked! And it WAS 3; big 3; I think. It was pretty long, totally bald and I couldn't see his balls but he was definitely nowhere near puberty so it was only going to get bigger as he got older, was my thought at the time. Then I sort of whistled like "Lucky kid!" as he flipped the front of his shorts back up.

"He ain't got a hardon, but I seen it and it gets a lot bigger," his mom added, boastfully. I would have been horrified if my mother said that, but Shawn just looked a little proud, if not somewhat disinterested! I still couldn't believe they were just talking so openly about that. This was either a really freaky family, or just part of a totally different culture I knew nothing about!

But I was intrigued. Obviously if she was even suggesting such a thing, offering him as 'payment,' there was no danger of him 'telling' 3; and the thought of having sex with a preteen was just a naughty, taboo concept that by itself stirred my interest. But, this kid also had a REALLY hot body, like a lot of black kids that age do. Very muscular and lean, broad shoulders, tight bubble butt, clearly-defined biceps and pecs, just generally a really tight package that most adults have to work YEARS for in a gym. Yet Shawn wasn't even into puberty 3;and to top it off, he was also really cute!

As taboo and dangerous as it all sounded, something just clicked with me and I found myself really getting aroused by the thought. But I wasn't entirely sure one time was worth the $375 rent, so I suggested maybe I could 'take him out' a couple times that month. And just for that month, then we'd have to talk about the next month later (just in case Shawn wasn't into it, or I wasn't, or something).

His mom looked relieved. "You want to do that, Shawn?" she asked, looking at him.

He looked back at her. "Do what."

His mom grinned. "He's a GAY, he wants you to fuck him in his ASS," she explained, looking over at me for confirmation. "Right?"

I just kind of shrugged, and gestured 'or something' (I wasn't sure yet myself 3;)

Shawn looked at me a little incredulously, then made a kind of 'ewwwww' expression and asked "You WANT me to bust a nut in your ass?"

I just shrugged again. "Well, sure, or maybe 3; ermmm 3; I could blow you or something," I muttered. That's not a very easy thing to talk about to an underage kid in front of his mother, definitely.

Shawn raised his eyebrows. "You want to BLOW me?" he asked, looking at me in disbelief. I couldn't help but look down, as I was starting to get embarrassed. They were just being way too direct! This wasn't an easy topic for me to talk about, but Shawn continued. "Why, you LIKE sucking dick?!"

I shrugged again, and responded "Yea, well, I'm gay."

Shawn guffawed like he couldn't believe a guy would WANT to blow him or get fucked in the ass! He looked in disbelief like somebody was asking if he wanted free money!

"But that's all he'll do," his mom interjected, looking at me. "Just your mouth or your ass, ok?" I nodded and muttered ok, and she turned to Shawn. "Is that ok? You wanna do that?"

"Bust in his ass?" he repeated, now kind of sizing me up. I think he was starting to get off on the thought of controlling an adult man like that. I don't think – especially looking back – he even saw it as 'gay' at all, it was more a power thing and just sexual release. Or even part of the macho attitude in his 'ghetto' culture, like black guys in prison who have sex with white 'bitches' but just do it for the power and to get off, not because they're gay.

"Pfffffff, ok." Shawn exclaimed, lightly running his hand up his stomach. He looked at me a little puzzled, though. "And you WANT me to do it, right? You'd LIKE it and shit?!" he confirmed again, now adopting a kind of tough-guy pose.

"Yes, I'm gay," I told him again.

Shawn snickered and continued his physical posturing. "Yeahhhhh 3;" he sneered, lifting up his chin. "I'd make you suck it ALL, too, man 3; take it all up your ass and shit 3; damn, you'd be like my bitch!" he giggled.

And I blushed! The whole thing seemed absurd – this 'little' boy with his still-high husky boy voice, his hairless dick, making me his 'bitch?!' The whole race thing was kind of weird to, a black kid buttfucking an adult white guy 3; hmmmm 3; absurd 3;yet for some reason I was REALLY aroused by the whole thing! And still a little embarrassed and ashamed at talking about all this in front of his mother!

But his mom looked both relieved and suddenly happy at not having to come up with the rent for that month, like a huge burden was lifted (and it was, I suppose). That's all she seemed to be concerned about!

I felt I needed to clarify again it was only for this month, and I'd get to 'take him out' twice.

"I don't care, it's up to y'all. He could probably do it all day if you let him," his mom bragged, apparently proud about her son's 'virility'.

Shawn just giggled (almost saying 'yea'), but then pondered seriously for a second and mentioned something about school and basketball, so I said no, it wouldn't be every day, just twice was ok for that month. They both shrugged as if saying 'ok, have it your way'.

Then there was a moment of awkward silence. "So 3;" I began, " 3;do you want to start this tonight? Or 3;"

Shawn and his mom looked at each other, then his mom looked over at the clock. I think it was about 8 or 9, but I remember it was dark out, and she seemed to consider something for a moment. Then she said "Well, ok, but you might get there and he'll be too tired." I looked at her a little quizzically, and she added " 3;he usually goes to bed in about an hour."

"Oh," is all I said. More silence.

"You want to just go do it in his room real quick or something?" she finally proposed.

I just stuttered an "Uh 3;.," but Shawn spun his head toward me eagerly, lifted his eyebrows as if saying 'do you?' and absentmindedly started to flip up the bottom of his shirt, exposing flashes of his rock-hard belly. That did it for me! My throat starting closing a little from my nervous excitement, so I suggested to him almost with a gasp, "Ok, how about if I just suck your 3;" then my voice lowered, " 3;dick 3; maybe?"

Shawn guffawed as if about to say 'You kidding? Hell yea,' but actually said it more like "pfffffff 3; ok, come on," grinning in disbelief. It was almost as if he were expecting to have to pay ME to suck him off, and here I was offering it for free.

He turned around and started swaggering toward his bedroom, now with his hand pushing up the front of his shirt, which lifted up the back enough to reveal his really tight, round bubble butt ('ghetto booty'). I remember I was so hard right at that instant, I was sure I was making a mess in my pants, but I didn't care. Meanwhile, his mom just leaned back in the chair and took a long drag on her cigarette, apparently thinking about something else entirely.


I followed Shawn toward his room, and he turned around holding the door waiting for me to enter, with a bemused almost-sneer on his face. He closed the door behind me, then turned to face me. I looked around his room; he just had a bed and a desk, and some box-like crates, and it was also pretty messy. But the spot by the door was clear, so I just spun around and sat down on my knees. That made him giggle for some reason, and he stuck out his groin toward my face, though still clothed. I told him he should take off his shirt, which he did, and for a moment I just stared, mouth agape, at his incredible torso! He was the absolute definition of lean and muscular. Wowee, he had a very contoured chest, and really nice nipples that were neither little-boy dots, nor oversized, they were just nice and entirely proportionate to his pecs which seemed pretty well defined, at least for an 11 year old. He also had broad shoulders and a tapered waist, and a definite four- or maybe six-pack that was admittedly more from being lean than working out or anything. Yet he wasn't 'skinny,' just had a very hard body. And not bulky, either. I was absolutely transfixed.

Shawn saw my ogling and snickered again. Then he untied the front of his shorts (which was the style of shorts at the time), hooked his thumbs in his waistband and slid them down to his thighs. His dick seemed about the same size as from when I saw it earlier, but was sticking out a little more. His balls were still small, and were just starting to darken and roughen a little in the front, but he had no peach fuzz even. I think the combination of his small testicles, small frame and narrow waist helped make his dick look bigger, but even entirely flaccid it was already several inches long.

Just going on instinct I scooted in a little further, lifted up his dick with my finger and thumb, and put the whole thing in my mouth (which went all the way to the back of my tongue, still soft)! Then suddenly – and almost immediately – I could feel it swelling, and 'pushing' itself out as I struggled to push it in further. Quickly it got up to full hardness, but I could see there was a considerable amount of shaft still outside my mouth, so I took it out completely to see just how big this thing was 3; and it was HUGE 3; well 3; not 'HUGE' in a man sense, but for someone his size and weight (75 pounds [35 kg] at most) it just seemed really long. I 'measured' it with my hand and fingers (then measured that later – it came out to just over four and a half inches [11½ cm]), and concluded his mom was right, he did have a 'big' dick! I guess the stereotype was true, at least for him.

But Shawn put his hands on the back of my head and pulled it toward his groin, so I put it back in my mouth and tried to take it all. I wasn't a terribly experienced cocksucker in practice (though mentally I had done it thousands of times, of course), so it took a little while to get it as far back as I could without gagging, and without suffocating. Finally I just relaxed and breathed through my nose, tried to open my throat, and the natural upward arching of his erection also helped to keep it away from pressing on the back of my tongue and causing a gag.

A couple times he did shove my head too far in, and I'd get just a quick moment of gag reflex. After several minutes more, though, I was able to get all but about an inch in without any gag, and sometimes all of it entirely. I also soon figured out how to give good tongue and mouth contact along all or most of it, and a little suction on the out-stroke. I thought I was doing pretty good, anyway, and started to wonder if he could even shoot, and how much, and how I might be able to handle that (it turned out he couldn't shoot yet, but he could definitely climax)!

Shawn was a moaner, and really very active and into it. He thrusted hard and grabbed my head hard, but I got used to it. Then at one point maybe five minutes in, with my nose rhythmically bouncing against his groin, I was getting just a tiny bit bored and wanted to go to the next phase with him hopefully shooting something in my mouth. I really wanted to taste it 3; all I could taste up to then was skin, and my tongue could only feel the smoothness of his cock, which felt soft like silk even though he was fully hard. I remember noting I couldn't feel or taste any pre-cum, though. (I was still ignorant about 11 year olds and their lack of development, up to that point).

Then just a little while later, he started guiding my head faster, his breathing changed, and then all of the sudden he pushed my head away, wrapped his fist around his cock (which sprung up and bounced a little when it first popped out of my mouth, I remember), and hurriedly said "Let me bust in your ass."

I wasn't used to that lingo, and his 'ghetto' accent, so didn't quite process it at first and just said "What?"

"LET ME BUST IN YOUR ASS," he said again urgently, and a little annoyed. "Turn around!"

Just instinctively I began the impulse of turning, but then I realized I probably wasn't ready (clean, empty, etc), and I knew that just spit wasn't going to work too well as lube. I could also tell by his urgency and his squeezing his dick he was close to finishing, so I said "No, just do it in my mouth." Shawn hurriedly stuck it back in, grabbed my head and squeezed it toward him tight (a little painfully at first). It took just a moment to start breathing right again, but then I got it and let it go all the way in again while he started up his hard rhythm.

Maybe ten seconds later was all, he climaxed. He loudly said "ahhhhhhhhhh!" then said something like "Yeahhhhhh, BITCH!" and just sighed. I sure tried hard to taste anything (or feel anything), but I just couldn't. (I remembered later I had had dry orgasms at his age, too, so I figured that's what it was).

Damn it, I really wanted to taste his cum! But I was still really aroused by getting to suck him off like that, and also somewhat proud I was able to make him climax (so I couldn't be THAT bad at it, apparently 3;).

Shawn pulled out, sloppily pulled up his shorts and opened and walked out the bedroom door holding out his hand like it had something gross on it (my spit 3;well, I guess that might be gross), as he stepped across the hall to the bathroom. I was still reeeeeealllly aroused and erect, and for a moment wondered if I could just jerk off right there. But the logistics wouldn't work, the door was open, and it wasn't a good idea in general, so I got up and went back to the living room where his mom was sitting.

I was stunned at what I had just done (or was allowed to do, rather), and still aroused, and in that moment of weakness I told his mom "Tell you what, I could just let you guys stay here for free, if we could 'keep doing this'." (I still couldn't mention sex, it was too weird 3;).

She smiled just a little and said "Yea, all right 3;" but almost seemed like she was trying to stifle a gleeful cackle as if just pulling off a con. I guess it was a con in a way, because that was actually a lot of money she'd be 'making' for something her kid gets off doing anyway!

But I was happy. I simply told her "Thanks," and she replied "No, thank YOU!"

I drove home really excited. It definitely seemed to be a win-win for all three of us 3;


They didn't have a phone, so I just picked a Saturday late afternoon to come over for the second time, about a week after our first session. Shawn wasn't home, but his mom pointed to a field where she thought he was hanging out at, then told me not to go over, she'd go get him (a white guy walking up to them would be too weird, I guessed). I waited there, and some time later she came back with him, and asked to 'borrow' $20 bucks (I said fine). Then she just went inside.

I told Shawn we could go back to my condo, trying to gauge his interest in 'doing it' again, but he just kind of shrugged and smirked at me oddly. I still wasn't sure, so asked him if he wanted to do it now, or some other time.

"Now!" he finally smiled.

We got over to my place – he didn't want to talk much on the way over, just turned on the radio to the urban station, turned it way up and 'danced' in the seat, mouthing along with the words – and I was ready to show him around or make small talk, but he just glanced around a bit and said 'nice place'. He wasn't nervous at all, just acted 'cool' and casual, almost disinterested.

I on the other hand was nervous! I had prepared myself for getting fucked, had the lube and wet towels and stuff laid out, but I was going to be open for whatever he wanted to do, or nothing at all if he wasn't into it.

I didn't know how to start the topic, so I finally said "Do you want to go up to the bedroom or something?"

Shawn thought a second, looking at me and kind of sizing me up again, then said "yea, ok" and let out a smirk 3; then a sneer. As I walked ahead, he then declared that "This time I'm gonna bust in your ASS."

"Bust" 3; there was that phrase 3; but I just looked back and said "ok," except he wasn't paying attention. He was just doing this kind of tough guy swagger as he rapped along to the song that had been playing in the car. We didn't even make eye contact as we entered the bedroom, as he was still wrapped up in that song in his head he was whispering along to.

Then I whipped off my shirt, slid down my pants and underwear, and had an obvious erection, which he saw and exclaimed "Pfffffff, yea, you fag, you likin' this, huh?" He didn't mean it insultingly, I don't think – he said it more dismissively, as in 'yea, it figures'. But I didn't respond. Meanwhile, he took off his t-shirt (WOWEE there was that torso again, I drooled 3;), and sort of delayed with his pants as he started mouthing and bouncing to the song in his head again.

He saw I was staring at his torso again, and giggled. "Ha, you like this?" he mocked, flexing both his arms and kind of jutting out his chest. I just nodded my head yes and he sneered again. "You be liking my COCK in your ass, too 3;cuz I'm gonna riiiiiiiiiiide you, bitch!" (It sounds like he talked 'dirty' to me like that a lot, but actually I think it was just the lingo he normally used. He didn't get off on that or anything, I don't think!)

I was still erect and just sitting on the edge of the bed staring. Shawn started gyrating his hips, though his pants were still on, and I just wanted his cock so badly I got down in front of him and asked if he wanted me to take his jeans off. He just guffawed again, "Pffffff, why, cuz you want to suck my dick again?"

"Yes," I gasped, tugging at his zipper.

"Ha, yeaaaaaaaahh, you're gonna suck it till it's hard, then I'm gonna bust it in your ass, bitch!" Shawn was being serious! His macho posturing and jail or ghetto talk was making me a little fearful, actually, but I didn't say anything, just kept tugging at his snap and zipper. Shawn got impatient, and popped it open himself, pushed me away and laughed when I lost my balance on my knees. Then he slid his pants down and pulled them off.

He wasn't very hard, I could tell through his underwear (which I remember was VERY bright white – tighty whities – and a stark contrast to his skin, which was light or maybe medium-dark. But still an oddly strong contrast). He grabbed his dick through the cloth, and tugged at it a couple times, just watching me with amusement while I stared literally with my mouth open. He giggled again in disbelief that I appeared to be 'getting off' looking at his body.

"Come here, bitch," he said after a few moments. I scooted over on my knees, fixated on his firm stomach and groin, and clothed cock outline especially. I wanted to see it so badly, I was almost shaking, and he was being a tease! But then he pushed his underwear down in one motion, jiggling his knees until it fell to the ground, and picked up his somewhat-hard dick so it pointed at my face. "Suck it 3;then it's going in your ASS."

I reached up to help put it in my mouth, and he dropped his arms to his sides and stuck out his groin, looking down at me with a domineering smile. As soon as I closed my lips around it, like the previous time, it immediately started swelling up, and he reached up his hands onto the top and back of my head. His cock only took about six seconds to get fully erect, and in my eagerness to take it all and 'deep throat' (or however close to it I could get), I might have brushed my teeth against it or something because he winced and said "ahh!". But then I corrected myself and he shifted a little and started rocking my head in and out with a strong rhythm. Meanwhile, he moaned a little, muttered things like "yea, bitch 3;" and I was starting to think he'd maybe just do the whole thing in my mouth and skip the fucking, which would have been fine with me.

But only after about 30 or 45 seconds of that, he pushed my head away, and his cock sprung up, glistening in my saliva. He looked down at it and let out a little grunt, started tugging it outward, then while holding it out tight like that, looked at me and sneered "you're taking it in the ASS now, turn around!"

I just gulped and spun around on all fours, then looked over at the K-Y I had set out and reached for that, turned back and held it up like 'do you want this?' But he just looked at it blankly, so I squirted a bunch of it onto my fingers and quickly reached back and put it around and just inside my ass. Then I put more on my hands, rubbed it a little to warm it up, and reached up to smear it on his cock and masturbate him a bit – he was extremely hard still – and he seemed to be into that for a few moments, but then suddenly said "Come on bitch, turn around!"

I had set out a pillow on my bed I could put under my groin, while laying down, because I didn't think being on all fours would work (too high for him). So I did spin around, but then started going up on the bed and said "let's do it here" and he just followed close behind me, trying to lay on top of me on the bed. I got down into position, although he had already covered me and was trying to poke it in, then I adjusted the pillow so my butt was up higher. He kneeled up at that point, and I think saw my butt up like that and laughed again. "Yea, you LIKE taking it up the ass, huh."

His cock was so hard and just looked so potent that I really, really, really badly wanted it in me! I meekly answered 'yes' and he laughed again as he leaned forward and shifted his legs around trying to get into some kind of position. He found it pretty quickly, and I felt the warm rod of his erection jammed up against my sphincter, which wasn't cooperating at first.

"Let it go in, bitch! I'm gonna riiiiiiiiide your ass 3;"

I focused on relaxing, and just a little bit was all it took, then the head suddenly just sort of popped right in. He immediately leaned forward, let out a big "uhhhhhhhhhhh" and exhaled sharply as he pushed forward way too hard. That hurt worse than I expected, I was surprised! Besides that quick pain of the initial shove, there was also a long, deeper ache that that just stayed there, and wasn't going away when he started rocking hard about ten seconds later. I winced, let out a little bit of yell and without thinking reached back my hands to keep his hips back, but he just kept pressing up and shoving hard to get it in all the way.

"I'm gonna bust right in your ass 3; you're taking it ALL, man" he said.

And with each of his thrusts, in addition to the continuing ache, there was another sharper pain, so I was definitely not liking it! I tried not to make a noise but couldn't help but shout out "ahhhhh!", which he mistook for some kind of moan because he giggled again and said "Yea, you're liking this too, huh 3;"

I turned my head as far as I could and grimaced "No, don't do it so hard, go slower!" while still trying to push his hips back more, but the more I pushed the more he shoved in harder as if he was getting off on me being in pain! And he just kind of ignored me while he kept breathing and humping hard.

I don't know why I didn't just buck him off (I suppose I could have, I was more than twice his weight), but I decided to just relax as much as I could and hope it would subside. I concentrated on relaxing my sphincter as much as possible, and even though it would clamp up reflexively when he shoved, I managed to lessen it so it was more of an annoyance than a sharp pain. The ache also subsided to more just a feeling of fullness, and I laid my head on the bed and just closed my eyes.

Shawn was mostly silent by now, just breathing hard and occasionally grunting. His cock was definitely going all the way in by this point, and his body heat was becoming very noticeable to where I was sweating a little. I don't think he could even sweat on his chest, but he was definitely starting to on his temples, and I remember some of it dripping down to my upper back and feeling cold.

His dick popped out a few times, but he quickly got it back in before my sphincter could recoil, and also I'd concentrate on relaxing it as much as possible when that happened because I knew he'd just try to jam it back in anyway. At one point he shifted position, up kind of on one foot but legs splayed far apart, and he got a lot more leverage that way so his hard thrusts started to ache again. But it was actually starting to feel pleasurable, probably not as much the physical part as the emotional part of his penis all the way in me, and my hope that he would (if he could) ejaculate into me. There was also the pleasant closeness of his body, his hands sometimes up on my shoulders, and the fact he was getting off on ME and my body (well maybe not entirely, but kind of), that was almost exhilarating emotionally, although I was probably reading far too much into it considering he probably just thought of me as a warm hole to 'bust his nut' in. But still, I was definitely starting to enjoy it.

He kept going for longer than I thought he'd go. I didn't note the time, but I'd guess it was around 15 minutes. I was getting a little eager for him to finish, and asked at one point if he was 'going to come' and he grunted 'almost'. Then maybe a minute later, he whisper-grunted "oh yea oh yea oh yea oh yea" while he changed to a harder rhythm, held the inward thrusts in for a little longer, then finally shouted his orgasmic "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and pushed himself up (like a pushup) by pushing his hands into my back. That hurt, but I also got really aroused again thinking about him 'ejaculating' in me (even though probably nothing came out).

Finally Shawn took his arms off my back and pulled out. I flipped over to get the wet washcloth I had set aside, and he saw my (mostly) erection and snickered "Ha, you liked me busting in your ass, didn't you."

Well, it was true 3; I responded "yea" and he just said "pffffffff" and smirked while he stood up.

I started wiping off his dick, but the water was cold I guess and he recoiled and said "ah!". I went out to the bathroom to warm it back up, and soaped it up a little, then came back but he was already pulling up his pants. I convinced him to let me clean it (although it wasn't visibly 'dirty' or anything, just still wet and a little smelly), and he just looked down amusedly as I did.

Finally, I took him back home, because he didn't seem to want to do anything or hang out or go anywhere like a movie. He was in a good mood, but we didn't talk about the sex or anything. Not until we got close to his place, then he asked when we were going to do it again. I said I didn't know, when do you want? He shrugged and said "I don't care," so I suggested next Saturday, and he smiled and said "ok." Then he kind of sneered again and sized me up as if thinking "Geez, this guy LIKES me doing this?" for just a moment, before dismissing me with a "pffffff, punk 3; see ya!" when he got out of the car.

Wow, what a little stud 3; I drove back home in a daze.


I must have jacked off a dozen times over the next few days, and by about mid-week I couldn't stand it anymore. Shawn fucked a little too hard, but damn, he was sure into it. I figured I'd try to get him to go a little slower and deeper, instead of all that jabbing, which would probably feel better for both of us. But I really didn't care either way, I just wanted to have that tight body of his and have his cock in me again!

I thought up some 'excuse' to go to the apartments, something about having to 'fix' something in the one vacant unit. I brought my toolbox as cover, but just stood in the living room the whole time peeking out the windows looking for him.

Finally he and some of his friends came around the corner and were hanging out in the front grassy area, kind of wrestling with each other. My heart jumped into my throat, and I walked out to 'get' something from my car in the lot just so I could – I don't know – 'see' him closer.

Then as I was walking back, he finally noticed me, quickly told his friends he 'had to go,' and ran over! I wasn't even expecting to talk to him since we weren't going out till Saturday, but he was all ready to go right then.

"Hi, we goin'?" he asked.

"Um, I didn't think it was till Saturday, but 3; if you want to, I guess we can," I replied, trying my best to mask my nervous excitement.

"Let's go man 3;I gotta bust!" he said, a little too loud – we were still standing outside! Fortunately nobody seemed to hear him, but I was pretty alarmed so kind of gestured at him to be quiet. He picked up on that, but I could see he was grabbing at his cock through his jeans so I thought we should get out of there quickly before he got too agitated and somebody saw. We got in the car, but then I asked if he should OK it with his mom first.

"Pffff, she don't care 3; let's go man."

I was still a little worried, but excited too (especially at his obvious eagerness to do it), so without even locking up the vacant unit or anything we just headed out on the 20 minute drive to my place. The whole way, he kept talking on and on about some neighbor teenage girl who apparently a little earlier had given him and his friends some kind of striptease.

"Man, she was fiiiiiiiiiiine," he described, as we drove along through the downtown area. "She got some BIG tits too 3;she was lettin' us touch them and shit 3;uhhhhhhhh!" he grunted as he pushed and rubbed downward on his obvious erection that was bulging up the upper left leg of his jeans. I was afraid he'd keep rubbing and orgasm right there in the car then we'd have to turn around and go back, so I tried to take his mind off it. But he wasn't listening, he just kept talking about that girl and getting himself more and more agitated and aroused.

Finally at the condos I told him to not talk because neighbors might hear – it was odd enough walking up to the door with a kid obviously not mine, let alone a visibly erect kid – but I was by then pretty aroused myself and not really thinking clearly so wasn't TOO worried. But nobody was out anyway, and thankfully we weren't seen.

Then as soon as we got inside the door, Shawn grabbed me by the shoulder with his one hand, directing me in a beeline toward my bedroom, while his other hand squeezed his hardon through his pants. He had a big mischievous grin the whole time, I remember. Then when we got to the door he told me "Hurry up and lay down man, I'm about to bust." He muttered something about the girl and her 'titties,' which I don't think was some kind of cover act or anything, he was still just REALLY horny about it!

I broke off and told him I had to go to the bathroom to get the 'stuff'. There I got myself ready and lubed up my butt pretty well. I could see through the bathroom mirror he had taken off his clothes in the meantime and was just standing at the edge of the bed with a huge hardon, that he kept tugging at and then started to jerk a little. I was afraid he'd orgasm right there, so I hurried out. I just really wanted to suck his hardon so badly, I was literally drooling as I knelt down in front of him, but he immediately told me to lay on the bed.

"Come on, don't you want me to suck it for a little while?" I almost begged.

"No man, get on the bed!" He commanded, trying to pull his cock even farther out despite already being as hard and long as it could physically get.

"How about if I just 3;"

"GET ON THE BED!" Shawn shouted angrily, then added " 3;bitch!"

I just automatically hopped up and reached up for a pillow to put under, then I realized I forgot the KY in the bathroom, and though I was already pretty lubed up back there I thought he would need it too so I started getting up. But as soon as I raised my torso a little, he shoved me back down against the bed with a lot of force, his hand pressing firmly into my back, and growled "Lay down, bitch!"

I started to explain about the K-Y but right away he was on top of me and jabbing his raging hardon into my butt, holding it down with one hand and still pressing down on my middle back with his other. His hand jamming into my back actually hurt more than the pain when his cock found the hole and he forced his dick into me, so as soon as he got it all the way in and lifted his hand off my back, it was a relief and actually felt good! There were then a few moments when he had to shift somewhat to get into a position to thrust, with his dick still in me all the way but not moving, and during that time it felt physically pleasurable. I remember feeling a surge through my own cock and I started to get hard.

But those moments didn't last long at all, unfortunately. As soon as he got his legs up more, he started humping away too forcefully. The biggest pain was really the irritation on my sphincter, not the deeper part. I tried to tell him to slow down, but he wouldn't respond, and when I looked back I could see he was just in fantasyland with his eyes shut and biting down on his lip. He moaned some and grunted some, but mostly just breathed really hard and kept rocking.

I just decided to concentrate on trying to completely relax. After about a minute, the deeper ache was starting to go away, but the skin irritation was still a little uncomfortable. I started debating with myself whether to get up and break his 'trance' to get more K-Y or what, when he suddenly propped up on his hands to 'refresh' his leverage and then REALLY started fucking hard, both with stronger strokes and a little faster. THAT started to hurt, so I reached back my hands to keep him from pushing forward as much, which really didn't help any, so then I started getting up to just buck him off. And right then, he pressed his chest into my back, clamped his hands around my torso, and orgasmed!

Well, THAT was pretty quick 3; maybe three minutes?

It was hardly satisfying to me, but it still felt good when he pulled out, a little, just from relief from the discomfort. I wasn't hard, but I was still pretty horny! Meanwhile, Shawn started to get up, but then instead just flopped over on the bed onto his back, and stretched out. I was horny, but also a little angry he just kept fucking me hard and wouldn't slow down when I asked, so I almost scolded him, "Shawn, don't do it so hard all the time!"

He looked up at me and responded "Why, I thought you like it."

"Not when you do it so hard! You gotta go slower!"

He thought for a second, then replied "How come? That's how I fuck 3;that's how girls like it."

"Well I don't like it."

"Then how come you let me do it?" he asked.

Good question! I had to think about that 3; and just shrugged.

Shawn giggled again. "It's cuz you're my BITCH!"


We got dressed and drove back. He was in a friendly mood, but I was having questions about the whole thing. Why WAS I doing it? What I really wanted to do was just suck his cock, but what HE wanted to do was just fuck. And I couldn't understand his whole obsession with 'busting in my ass' – an adult man's ass at that! I assumed it was either an urban ghetto thing, or possibly a jail or juvenile detention thing (a lot of kids from that neighborhood were in and out of Juv-E a lot, not sure about him though). It was a mystery to me, but I wasn't about to complain.

I guess he was right 3; I WAS his bitch!

Part 2

I was sitting in a traffic jam on the way to work when I got a crazy idea – I could just move into that vacant unit! I had wondered how picking up Shawn regularly on some specific day to travel back to my place would work out, because what if he jacked off just before we met, and wouldn't be interested? Or just otherwise wasn't horny?

But, I figured, if I lived two doors down from him, maybe he could just come over whenever he felt the need, even multiple times a day! (Or so I fantasized 3;)

So that's what I did. I really couldn't afford missing out on another unit's rent payment, but the thought of a cock in my ass maybe daily was worth far more than that to me. I still kept my condo, but went out and bought some basic furniture at Goodwill, plus a new bed, and got the utilities turned on. By the next week I was officially 'moved' in to my new apartment, and that's where I slept.

And there I sat every evening 3; waiting 3; and waiting 3; peering out the window, waiting for Shawn to walk by. But I kept missing him!

Finally after a few days I saw him outside. He didn't seem interested, just arched his eyebrows and smirked when I told him I had moved in and he could come over any time he wanted "for whatever."

Several more agonizing days passed without any sign of him, then finally I got a knock on my door. "Hey, man" he greeted, looking at me briefly then looking back over his shoulder.

I gulped. "Hey."

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, I guess 3;" I replied.

"What're you doin'?"

"Uh, just hanging out 3; playing Nintendo."

Shawn's eyes widened. "You got Nintendo? What cartridges you got?" he exclaimed, as he looked past me into the living room.

"Casino, and uh 3; football 3; and golf."

Shawn pushed his way in and went over to the TV, picked up the cartridges, looked over them for a second, and put in the football one, which I hardly ever played. Within moments he was clicking through the screens, eyes fixated on my 70's-era TV.

I shut the door, and my skin flushed again. Here he was, in my new place, that cock of his just feet from me, the lube in my bedroom and all ready to go. I grew a raging hard-on 3; how could I get him to fuck me again??

But Shawn just stayed absorbed in that dumb football game. I tried to walk around, to the kitchen and back, sticking out my butt a little as if that would somehow attract him. It didn't. Then I laid down in front of the TV, on my stomach with head propped up on my elbows, and butt stuck up as far as I could hold it, but he still didn't seem to notice.


Eventually Shawn tossed down the controller and leaned back on the couch, slouching into the cushions. He stared at me for a few seconds, then looked back at the TV for another few seconds before closing his eyes and moving his hand to his crotch.

Finally he jumped up and simply said, "Let's do this, man, I gotta bust," somewhat urgently, as if annoyed I hadn't suggested it already.

Well it was ABOUT TIME!!! I'd been waiting almost two weeks for that! But I tried to play it cool. "Ok, do you want me to suck you or something first?" I suggested.

"No, just lay down man!" he said, becoming annoyed.

I was actually a little annoyed, too! I really wanted to suck him, but all he ever wanted to do was just fuck, which I certainly liked, but I kind of preferred sucking. I started to suggest something about how he might enjoy sucking better to start with, but he glared directly at me and said "Shut up, bitch! I know you like this shit, why you always talkin' all the time and shit?!" (That was kind of true, I was a little nervous around him and tended to talk.)

"Ok, sorry 3;" is all I could think to respond.

"Just lay down and don't talk and shit. And take off your pants."

Unfortunately the lube was in my bedroom, where I had fantasized this would take place, so I wasn't sure if I should go get it, or get him to move in there somehow, so I just muttered something about 'the stuff'. He wasn't paying attention, though – his eyes were glazed and he was looking out at nothing while tugging at his cock through his jeans. So I just snuck into the bedroom and quickly lubed myself up pretty well.

When I returned, he had pulled down just the top of his jeans, exposing his cock which was ragingly hard with either anger or horniness, I couldn't tell. He was squinting his eyes and seemingly off in some fantasy at first, but as I entered the room, he suddenly focused back on me.

"How come you like this, man?" he finally asked, apparently noticing my erection. "Lettin' me stick my dick up yo' ass and shit. You LIKE bein' a bitch?!"

"Yes," I shyly admitted, kneeling into position.

Anyway, he had asked me all that before, plus I didn't want to really talk anymore, so I just silently stared for a moment at his angry erection before spinning around and crouching down to put my ass at his groin level. Shawn quickly grabbed my hips and pulled himself into place, his jeans still just down to his thighs, and his hyper-aroused cock out and pointing upward. He scooted in a little closer and pushed it down with two fingers, guiding it in until it was pushing up firmly against my well-lubed asshole.

I had re-accustomed myself to receiving cocks in my ass over the past week by stretching out my sphincter with a dildo and my fingers, and had re-learned how to relax better, so this time there was hardly any resistance at all as his engorged cock head quickly popped in, allowing the rest of his dick to slide up with ease. Soon I felt the deeper poke, and heard him sigh gently, which I did too.

Unfortunately, once he got it all in, he started thrusting too forcefully for my comfort, although I did note his rhythm was a lot better than before. I don't know if he'd been practicing or what, but it was noticeable. He also firmly held onto my waist for leverage as he jabbed, which felt oddly comforting as I laid bent forward in my usual position, face smushed against the carpet, my body completely subserviant to his young primal drive to 'bust' in me as quickly and as deeply as possible.

After only a few minutes of his rhythmic jabbing, though, he slid his hands toward my shoulders and leaned forward to readjust, stopping the thrusts for just a few seconds, his dick still fully up my rectum. I spread my legs some more, not sure if he was trying to put his own legs in-between or what, when he suddenly pulled his cock out and reached down to shove my legs back together! I complied as his hands directed, but then he changed his mind and pushed me down by my lower back until I was laying flat. I couldn't figure out what he was looking for, or what position he wanted me in, so as we both kept adjusting a bit he'd keep missing my asshole when he'd try to push his dick back in. That made him more and more frustrated, until he finally pressed me down hard against the floor and angrily demanded "Stop movin', man, I'm tryin' to do this!"

I complied initially, but then stealthily crouched up a little and stuck my butt up more, before holding still again to receive his cock. That helped, because he quickly found the spot and pushed back in. It took only another 15 or 20 seconds more of pretty forceful thrusting until he came with an audible, firm grunt, then collapsed onto my back. He continued rocking a little, although more and more slowly, until finally he stopped altogether and pulled out.

"Awwww, man 3; that was good," he sighed as he got back up. He silently got dressed and seemed to want to ignore me, so I didn't say anything. But as he headed toward the front door, he suddenly turned to me and announced "I'm comin' over again tomorrow 3; so you better be here 3; BITCH!"


The next day at work I was a mess, anxious about Shawn coming over again. Finally I got home and stared out the window waiting, but there was no sign of him, and no knock that evening. This went on for a few more days! I feared he had either lost interest, or maybe I had pissed him off by talking back to him. I thought he had really seemed angry the previous time when he told me to just lay down and not 'talk all the time'. I vowed to just do what he said so he'd come over more often. I didn't want trouble, and I didn't want this continued uncertainty about whether or not he was coming, which was too stressful and frustrating.

Finally on Saturday I got the long-awaited knock. I opened the door, and it was Shawn, though with another little black kid maybe only 7 or 8 years old, who Shawn explained was his cousin Michael whom he had to watch for the day. I was a little hesitant, and I guess a little disappointed at this younger kid suddenly being there, but they both had their shirts off since it was pretty hot out, and looking at Shawn's bare torso with his genetically well-defined pecs and those rounded biceps of his just made me really, really horny. I figured his cousin could stay in the living room and play Nintendo while Shawn and I went off to the bedroom to do our stuff, and he'd never even know.

Meanwhile the two of them pushed their way in, with Shawn heading for the kitchen and Michael just gazing around. Quickly Michael saw the Nintendo and went over to it. I helped him turn it on, as Shawn opened up the refrigerator and took out a coke. I was trying hard to gauge Shawn's attitude and interest, but couldn't tell if he was horny and wanted to 'bust' again or was just there out of boredom. But as he took a drink out of the can, he kind of puffed up his bare chest which almost made me faint. I actually dropped to my knees without realizing it! He didn't notice that, but then came over in front of me so he could see the TV, leaving my face less than a foot from his tight bubble butt, his well-shaped smooth calves only inches from my hands. Without thinking, I reached out and tapped him on his bare lower back to get his attention. He didn't notice, just kept watching the TV and his young cousin fumbling through the game menus. I tapped Shawn harder and tugged a little downward at the top of his shorts, which made him spin his head back, annoyed.

"Do you want to go in there?" I half-mouthed and half-motioned toward my bedroom. I was very horny and absolutely desperate to have his cock in me, one way or the other! But Shawn just glanced toward the bedroom, looked back at me a little disgustingly, then turned back to the TV to watch his cousin playing the stupid video game. A moment later, however, he looked back at me and pointed to one of the belt loops on his shorts and told me to put my finger in it. I had no idea why, but after I hooked my finger in the loop he got a broad smile and told his cousin Mike to 'look,' and Mike looked at it and then back at me and sneered something about me being 'Shawn's bitch'. I don't know why hooking my finger in his belt loop signified me as his bitch, but they seemed to think it did!

After a few more minutes, Shawn moved back onto the couch, with my finger still hooked in his belt loop, and we sat down with me instinctively curled a little toward him. I couldn't keep my finger in the back loop from that position, so Shawn told me to put my hand 'there,' pointing toward his thigh by his right knee. We sat like that for a minute or so as I got more and more anxious, because I just wanted to go back to the bedroom with him and suck his cock, basically. Shawn seemed to love delaying it, though, and making me squirm. He put his hands behind his head with a contented smirk. Then after a few moments of that, he said "Mike, look!"

Mike was up excitedly on his knees playing the video game, but after a couple seconds he turned back to see me sitting 'curled in' toward Shawn with my legs crossed effeminately, and I think sort of sneered at the sight. "Man, he yo' fag bitch, huh?" he said to Shawn. I suddenly felt a little embarrassed at this 8 year old kid seeing me being passive like that toward his barely-adolescent cousin. But I figured he didn't really understand what he was saying or seeing for that matter. Anyway, I was focused on Shawn!

Shawn grinned back at Mike as if saying 'see, I told you' and then Mike looked at me for a brief moment, scrunched his face in disgust, and spun back around to play his game.

Shawn and I continued sitting on the couch like that for another couple minutes, while I was going crazy! Shawn seemed wrapped up watching his cousin play the game, so I looked down to see if he was hard. I couldn't tell for sure through his shorts, but didn't think so, so I moved my hand up to his crotch and squeezed a little (I still couldn't tell), which Shawn didn't even notice. He just kept staring at the stupid game. Then I tugged a little on the top by the zipper and whispered "Come on, Shawn, don't you want to go back there?" motioning toward the bedroom.

That just seemed to annoy him and he pushed my hand back toward his knee. "Stop it." he said, as I put my hand back, with an apologetic look on my face. Then Shawn scrunched HIS face dismissively. "Pfffffff, man, why you always wantin' my dick so bad?" he asked, too loud for my comfort, although fortunately Mike didn't seem to hear.

"Don't you want to go to the bedroom?" is all I could repeat. I was desperate! I continued, "I'll do whatever you want. I'll even suck your dick," trying to hint at what I really wanted to do. When Shawn didn't respond, I added a too-desperate "Please!"

That desperation must have shown, because it made Shawn snicker, and he looked over at Mike. "Mike!" he said loudly, as Mike looked back. "He all beggin' to suck my dick!"

Mike looked at me and giggled, then turned back to his game and I think muttered something about 'fag bitch' again. I was a little alarmed at his becoming somewhat involved in this, but still figured he had no idea what we were talking about, so likely Shawn and I would be able to sneak back to the bedroom without Mike either noticing or caring.

I tried to motion to Shawn to be quieter, and started stroking his thigh a little, awkwardly trying to 'seduce' him. "Please. come on, let's go" I whispered, finally starting to get up.

That made Shawn angry. "Sit down, man, I'm watchin' this!" he yelled, holding me back and moving his head so he could still see Mike's game on the dumb TV. I quickly sat back down, and he looked over at me angrily. "Man, why you always movin' around and talkin' and shit?!" he asked rhetorically. "You a BITCH, man. You be takin' a dick up yo' ass if you keep doin' that shit!"

It took me a moment to understand what he was saying through his ghetto accent, then I got confused. Was 'taking a dick up my ass' supposed to be punishment? I thought that's what we did anyway, but decided not to say anything. I think he was just talking tough, so I sheepishly looked back down but couldn't help but eventually gravitate my hand toward his crotch again.

Shawn laughed at my feeble moves. "Maaaaaannnn. you want my dick so bad, how 'bout I just make you SUCK IT!" He laughed again and reached down to undo his button and zipper while lifting up his hips, but then suddenly he got a big mischievous smile and looked over at Mike and said loudly "No, wait 3;you gotta suck MIKE'S dick!" and laughed, dropping his waist back to the couch.

I was alarmed. that kid was too young, and wasn't supposed to be involved in this whole thing anyway, cousin or not. I didn't like where this was going, and said "No!"

"Mike 3; come here, he wants to suck yo' dick!" Shawn laughed again.

No, I didn't want to! I wanted Shawn's! "Shawn, no 3; it's just for us, not him!" I pleaded, but Shawn wasn't paying attention as he was now giggling at Mike who looked back with a puzzled grin. "Just keep playing, Mike," I told him. I certainly wasn't about to suck off this little kid!

But Shawn stifled an evil laugh as Mike suddenly got up and started to walk over, his hand on the top of his shorts like he was about to undo them. I don't know why Shawn thought it was so funny, because I was a little disgusted, if anything. Although Mike had his shirt off, revealing a 'nice' body in the sense of a lean torso with a hint of biceps and pecs like a lot of little black kids have, he WAS just an 8 or 9 year old kid and a little too young! It just wasn't happening for me. Maybe in five or ten years, but not now. All I felt was embarrassment and some disgust. I stared at Mike and a little timidly repeated "No," and again told him to go back to playing his game. Mike stopped and looked at Shawn for a reaction, or maybe permission.

I turned to Shawn myself. "Come on, Shawn. I'm supposed to just be YOUR bitch, I thought 3;" I pleaded, hoping he would stop this whole thing with his cousin.

"Why, cuz you like havin' my dick in yo' mouth?!" he snickered at me. I meekly nodded. "Pffff 3; yea, how 'bout I just bust down yo' THROAT then?!" he almost snarled, finally undoing the top of his shorts and sliding them down enough to reveal the bottom half of his semi-erect cock pointing down his left leg, the rest hidden by his underwear. My mouth salivated, but I realized Mike was still standing right there, which made it awkward.

"Mike, go back and play," I asked him again, figuring he had no idea what we were about to do. Mike looked at his cousin's crotch for a second and appeared uninterested, then turned around and went back to the game on the other side of the coffee table. Meanwhile, Shawn pulled out the rest of his flaccid-but-long dick so it was hanging outside his shorts, which made my eyes widen. For a moment I was going to suggest we go back to the bedroom where Mike wouldn't be able to see us, but then I figured Mike had probably seen or done it before, or just wouldn't care. I wasn't thinking straight at the time. All I wanted was Shawn's cock in my mouth, NOW!

I quickly lowered my head down and took all of Shawn's penis into my mouth. As happened before, it immediately started swelling, but I was practiced with him and knew how to let it all swell further into my mouth without any of the shaft getting out. I had him all the way in and even part of his balls, with no gag whatsoever, and was giving great suction and motion, I thought! Shawn must have felt it, because he inhaled sharply and let out an "ahhhhhhhhh," either in pain or intense pleasure, though I quickly figured it was pleasure because he wrapped his hands around my head and pulled it more tightly into his groin. I felt proud, because it was the first time I had gotten that good of a reaction from him. Shawn then lifted his knees up and I could tell he was REALLY liking it as he stared with glazed eyes at the TV as I sucked a bunch more strokes for about a half minute.

Then abruptly he pushed my head away, and jumped up from the couch while he squeezed his erection with his right hand. "Let's go, bitch!" he commanded, then looked over at Mike who was absorbed in his game. "Mike, I'm goin' to pop my bitch's ass 3; I'll be right back!"

Mike looked back briefly and giggled, then turned back to face the TV. "Maaaaaan, he yo' bitch-ass punk, huh?" he said mostly to himself. Fortunately he didn't seem otherwise interested, which was a relief. But part of me was alarmed at this new kid now knowing about us, even though I felt he didn't really understand anything. In any case, Shawn and I were headed off to the bedroom, where Mike wouldn't be able to see.


I followed Shawn down the short hall, staring at his naked backside the whole way with his broad shoulders and smooth muscled back. I desperately wanted him IN me again!

As he entered the bedroom, I stepped aside into the bathroom to get the lube. For a moment I even thought I might skip the lube because I wanted his cock SO badly I'd even let him enter me dry and rip me open. But that was just a quick thought. I dropped my own shorts in the hallway and lubed myself up, then brought the tube into the bedroom, shut the door, and knelt down to lube his dick too.

Shawn faced me and closed his eyes, wrapping his hand around his hard-on, so I tried to lift his hand away and he obliged. I was so eager I forgot to warm up the lube with my hands before putting a gob on his cock, and he suddenly looked down and winced, so I quickly rubbed it around with my hand to warm it up. I barely got it spread around, though, when he suddenly pushed me away and told me to lay down on the bed, so I hopped on the bed and into position, grabbing a pillow to stick under my groin.

Shawn got up and knelt behind me, holding down the head of his erect cock against my sphincter. As I relaxed and we waited the few seconds for it to pop in, he asked somewhat seriously, "Why do you always got a boner when you take a dick up yo' ass?!" as if that question hadn't already been answered.

I was still gasping from my arousal, but answered him again as I had before. "I just do. I like it."

Almost simultaneously, my sphincter gave way and Shawn's cock started its way in. I wasn't sure at first if Shawn had heard my answer, as he moaned "unhhhhhhhhhh" and exhaled then inhaled deeply. "I know man, it feels gooooooood, don't it?!"

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so just closed my eyes and loosened myself as much as possible while he began to rock, to help him get himself all the way in with each stroke. It was working, because unlike previous times he wasn't forcibly jamming his way in, instead gliding it in and out with ease, I'd say pretty passionately fucking my ass!

For the next few minutes, Shawn mostly kept his hands around the sides of my waist, but then he shifted a little and breathed in deeply, then slid his hands up under my shirt to my shoulders. His hands were very firm and yet tender, almost massaging my back which felt really good and very sensual. He had never done that before! I gasped again, and got fully aroused again myself. I concentrated on trying to feel his almost-four inches [10 cm] hopefully deep inside me, which I wasn't sure if I could feel for sure, but I could definitely feel his warm, firm, lean groin smacking against my ass, and could feel his strong young arms and hands gripping onto my shoulders. I looked back and could see Shawn's eyes were closed, his mouth hung a little open, and I noticed for the first time how his pecs and almost-six-pack abs flexed with each thrust each time he injected his young cock into me.

As he continued to passionately fuck me, I started to figure out how I could maybe clench down with my ass muscles to delay his orgasm as long as possible. I wanted this fucking to last all day!


Suddenly, though, his cousin Mike flung the door open and walked right in! I looked back and immediately yelled at him to get out!

"I'm gonna watch," he casually announced. It took his eyes a few seconds to focus on the scene, but when he saw his cousin naked and on top of me, and me with my pants off and ass sticking up, he broke out into an evil giggle, his eyes widened, and he actually reached down to grab his crotch! I was horrified this little 8 year old kid was seeing all this, and yelled at him again to get out.

Shawn was still pumping away and didn't even look up, I don't think, but then another few thrusts later he finally looked over at Mike and said "Look Mike, I'm ridin' his ass 3;" which made both of them snicker.

I was very embarrassed and again told Mike to get out and go back to play his game, but both of them ignored me.

"Watch this," Shawn said to Mike again. I just closed my eyes. I was shocked at the interruption and was trying to think of a way to get this kid out of the room when I felt Shawn's cock pull all the way out. Mike made some kind of excited giggle I think when he saw Shawn's long-ish erection come out of me. Then Shawn told him "Now watch it go in."

Shawn pressed his dick back against my asshole, which was mostly still open, so it quickly slipped back in. Then he shoved hard to try to jam it all the way up, until his groin was pressed as far as it could possibly go against my butt. He held it like that for a second or two, then twisted his torso a little and pulled apart one of my butt cheeks apparently to let Mike see better. Both giggled again, then Shawn let go of my cheek and went back to rapidly fucking, still too forcefully. Gone was the passion from before – now I felt he was just showing off for Mike.

I didn't know what to think. I did not like the whole situation with Mike now watching, and couldn't think of a way to keep him out. I still wanted Shawn to fuck me, just not with Mike there, but the bedroom door didn't have a lock. So I ended up just laying there with my eyes closed, unable to do anything except hope Mike would go away on his own.

Soon, their giggling and snickering stopped and there was just heavy breathing as Shawn got back into his rhythm. I then started to think that if I just laid still without 'gripping' Shawn's cock or rocking into him on the instroke or anything, it would take him longer to come, so Mike might just get bored and leave. Then maybe Shawn would fuck me more passionately, like he was doing before, instead of forcibly jamming into me to appear macho in front of Mike.

Probably only a few more minutes passed, but it seemed like much longer. I peeked back to see if Mike was getting bored yet, but he was standing back with his eyes wide and mouth in a smirk, still holding his crotch, watching Shawn's slender groin rhythmically slap against my ass. I felt ashamed at myself for letting this little kid watch a grown man getting fucked, when he should be outside playing in a sandbox or something!

I closed my eyes out of shame, and put my head back down. Then I decided I should switch tactics with Shawn and maybe counter thrust against his pushes to help him come sooner, so they'd both leave sooner. But just as I was about to spread my knees more, Shawn shifted his own legs farther apart and wrapped his hands around the front of my upper thighs to pull me against him more tightly, which I knew from previous sessions meant he was close to coming.

Shawn moaned a couple more 'mmmmm--mmmmm's then turned his head toward Mike and proclaimed "Watch, I'm gonna bust in his ass now!" Mike snickered, then I peered back and saw him trying to look in closer, still with a manic smirk, and still holding his crotch but now squeezing his legs and fidgeting somewhat like he had to pee. Shawn made some more exaggerated thrusts, then leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my upper stomach. With his cock completely inside me, he stopped thrusting altogether and shouted "AH! AH! AH!" with the spasms as he came, again just showing off. Mike just giggled. Then Shawn pushed himself back up so he was kneeling upright, except with his cock still in me and groin still pressed up against my butt.

I continued to lay there with my eyes closed, waiting for him to pull out and hop off so I could get up and shoo them both home. I was also becoming more and more alarmed at Mike's involvement, because even though Shawn's mom knew about everything, and Mike was his relative, I had no idea if Mike's mom knew or how she'd react. I just wanted them both out of there!

But Shawn didn't hop up, he just stayed in me another second or two then finally told Mike to "Look." I then felt him spreading my butt with his hands, I guess to show Mike his dick still in my ass. Mike laughed, then asked "Did you pee in him?"

"I busted in him!" Shawn said proudly.


Shawn made another exaggerated moan as he pulled his dick out. I laid still, savoring the moment somewhat and waiting for him to hop off the bed so I could get up, but then I heard rustling and felt Mike apparently hop onto the bed too, both of them exchanging giggles. I told them to get off, but they just ignored me as I felt more bouncing and shuffling. Then I heard Mike say "I'm doin' it now!" which made me suddenly perk up – there was no way that was going to happen!

I loudly stated "Get off!" but they didn't hear me or just ignored me. Then I felt a pair of hands on my back, and suddenly the whump of Mike's whole body jumping onto my butt and lower back. He couldn't have weighed more than 50 or 60 pounds [23-27 kg], but it hurt, especially after enduring a semi-sweaty almost-adolescent grinding into me for the past 10 minutes!

Mike held his hand down against my back and said "Stay there, bitch!" which I didn't really process at first. Meanwhile, I felt Shawn hop off the bed, so I looked back, watching him as he left the room nude and still erect, and for a brief moment I got a surge of arousal again looking at his muscled-up little body, especially the side view of his thick thighs and round butt, and glistening cock still arching upward, reaching up a little past his waist. I whimpered, but then Shawn was gone from view as he went to the bathroom to clean up, which made me whimper again.

Then I realized this kid Mike was still on top of me, and at first I thought he was just trying to wrestle me or something, which I didn't feel like doing at all because I just wanted them both to go home so I could jerk off. I got up on my knees with his arms still clinging around my waist, and tried to pry them off. Then I looked back, about to tell him to let go, when I noticed he had his pants down, and his penis was out and fully erect! This 8 year old was trying to fuck me! I just stared at him, stunned. the notion seemed ridiculous. He only had a little-boy wiener, too, not much longer or wider than my thumb. But it sure was erect, head flared and vein popping and straining upward trying to enter me! What was this kid thinking?!

After I regained my composure, I didn't know whether to laugh at the absurdity of a 8 year old trying to fuck me, or be annoyed, or what. Meanwhile, he kept trying to push me back down on the bed, but I resisted each push and said "No way," growing more alarmed.

"Let me DO it!!" he shouted, reaching up to my shoulders and trying to force me back down. I resisted again, and his mood suddenly turned darker. "Get down, BITCH!" he now growled.

"Come on, don't 3;" I almost begged, trying to push his hands off my shoulders.

Mike apparently let loose with all his strength, because just then he punched me solidly in the lower back. He must have hit the right spot, because it hurt like hell and made me yell.

Mike was definitely angry now. "I tol' you to GET DOWN, BITCH! Or do you want me to hit 'chu again?!" he threatened, as I looked back in surprise and bewilderment. I collapsed back onto the bed out of the pain and shock, fearful this kid was going to punch me again!

Immediately he jumped on top of me and started jabbing around my waist area with his groin. I couldn't feel his penis poking anywhere or anything, so I didn't resist at first. Within a few seconds he settled into just wildly humping my upper left butt cheek while I continued to lay there, recovering from the kidney punch and still partially in shock.

But then he found a bony area that must have been giving enough friction, because he latched onto that one spot and got a pretty good rhythm going, actually. As that went on for another fifteen or 20 seconds, I decided to just close my eyes and lay still to let him finish, since it seemed from his now-heavier breathing that it wouldn't be much longer.

Suddenly, though, he shifted his body lower and toward the middle, until I could feel his erection now probing around my upper butt crack, searching for the hole. My eyes popped open – there was no way I was about to let an 8 year old enter me! And anyway, I figured his thumb-sized cock wouldn't even be long enough to get to my sphincter without some serious leg-splaying on my part, which I physically didn't feel like doing at all. So I just tried to clench my cheeks together to hopefully give him enough friction, so that he'd finish the whole thing more quickly and just leave.

But Mike kept trying to stick his cock lower, except at that angle with me lying flat, my ass was simply too thick. His erection could only barely reach the opening, and certainly couldn't push past. That just made him more frustrated and angry, so I pointed back to my upper butt crack and suggested he just "do it up there," but he either wasn't paying attention, or didn't like the idea.

"Man, get yo' ass up!" he ordered, trying to lift up my hips with his hands. For some reason this kid just wanted to stick it in my ass! Meanwhile, I was tired, aching, a little sweaty, and didn't feel like arguing or scuffling again, or sitting there for another half hour while he humped my tailbone. So my thought at the time was "fine, whatever 3;" as I gave in and leaned over the bed to get the lube. I swabbed a couple fingers' worth around my asshole, as well as inside about an inch or so, while Mike clamped his arms around my waist. I told him to wait a second while I reached for some pillows to put under my groin, except then I got the idea it might be easier if I just curled up in the fetal position, but face-down. That turned out to be perfect for his angle, actually – as soon as I scrunched up and my cheeks began to spread more, he clamped right on and I could feel his cock head begin to press inward against my sphincter. Within a few seconds he got the head in, then a few seconds later he got much or most of the rest.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww 3;" Mike half-groaned and half-giggled. Then he began thrusting, except more up-down than in-out, pushing down on my upper butt with his hands to lift himself up! I knew up-and-down wiggling wasn't going to work, so I reached back and guided his hips more in-out until he found the right rhythm for his angle. But after just a couple thrusts on his own, his dick popped out, except he didn't pause to get it back in, instead just kept jabbing in the general area.

"Stop, try to keep it in," I suggested. Mike stopped and looked down to guide it back in, then when it slid in again he started rocking almost too far, so I reached back with my hands around his ass to hold his groin tighter against me, to keep his dick from falling out again. I think he got the idea because he then started rocking as fast as before, but not as far outward.

That went on for another couple minutes, though he didn't seem to be getting close to coming because he wasn't grunting much like before, so I reached back to pull his hips closer against mine again and suggested he push even harder. That must have helped, because then he splayed apart his knees a little more and began thrusting hard and fast, starting to pant and grunt again after a few moments. As he humped, he also reached around my waist to pull my ass toward him, making me lean back more and more as he kept pulling, until it seemed from my view he was sitting almost fully upright on his legs, with my ass in his splayed lap! Well, whatever worked for him, I thought, as he continued to hump away for another few minutes. Then he pushed my waist back forward, causing his dick to pop out. I leaned back so he could get back in again, but I didn't feel him press up, so I looked back to see why, and he was just sitting up on his legs, apparently resting a moment, with his hands still on my waist.

"Aren't you gonna keep going?" I asked.

"I busted, man! Right up yo' butt!" he giggled at me, still breathing heavily.

Woops, I guess I missed it! But I was relieved it was over and he was done 3;FINALLY. I got up and wiped him off and then myself. He pulled his shorts back up, and still smirking he looked back and yelled "Bye 3; bitch!" as he literally ran out the door and out of my life.

I sat back on my bed and contemplated the whirl of events. I felt ashamed at allowing this little kid to fuck me – what was I thinking?! And why was Shawn so casual about involving him? Who else knew about all this?! The whole situation made me way too uneasy to continue, so I knew I had to put a stop to everything. I worried how I'd explain it to Shawn's mother, who I'm sure was counting on the free rent. It was going to be a very delicate situation.

But first, I desperately needed to jerk off.


Explaining it to Shawn's mother WAS in fact a very delicate situation. I said it had been something 'interesting' to try, but it was better for us if we went back to just paying normal rent, and Shawn not coming over anymore. She shrugged like 'have it your way,' but I could tell she was disappointed. We agreed the following month we'd go back to normal rent, though I said I'd knock off $100 a month to help out.

Meanwhile I had moved out of that unit and back to my condo to avoid Shawn or his cousin coming over. A few weeks later though I was feeling really horny for Shawn's cock, and that tight body of his drilling into me, and had a change of heart. I went back to the apartments to talk to her about another arrangement, but nobody answered. Then I peered through the shades and noticed their furniture was gone. They didn't even lock the door – they simply left. I went in and looked around a bit, and found no clues or notes or keys or anything. They hadn't called me, either, but that's often how it goes in the low-rent apartment business.

I felt a mix of emotions – part of me was distressed at the loss of Shawn, part was relieved that the awkward arrangement was finally over, and part paranoid that maybe somebody was coming to get me. I locked up and went back home, waiting for the police or an angry uncle or someone to show up, but nobody ever did.

I finally went back and prepped the place to rent out again, and got back to normal life. I never did find out where they went or what happened to them. Eventually I sold the building and moved on myself. But I'll always fondly remember being Shawn's bitch!

The End

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