PZA Boy Stories

Abcent Guy

Mike and Richie's Slave Adventures

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

The challenge was to write a short story with more or less the following story begin (idea by BoyMike):
Story synopsis: Richie and Mike (12/13 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods, so the tracking device send an alarm to the authorities. The older brother(s), who saw them playing, wanted to teach their younger brother(s) a lesson and told the slave police that their two new young slaves had wandered away.

This is Abcent Guy's version. Click here for the other versions.

Publ. June 2012
Finished 9,500 words (18 pages)


Mike (12yo), Richie (13yo)
Mike's brother Roderic (16yo), George (8yo), River (14yo), George's father (adult)

Category & Story codes

Slave-Boy story
Mb tb bb slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort spank


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Keep reading about boy slaves, but never hurt kids in real life, they can break faster then you think. They are human-beings with feelings and with rights. One of them is the protection against rapists and other scum.

Remember, love kids, and don't hurt them.

Peace, Abcentguy.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Abcent Guy - Mike and Richie's Slave Adventures in the subject line.


Glad school was over; young Richie jumped from the first step of the school building and landed right on his feet.

His parents were never getting Richie from school since they both worked as doctors in the clinic which was 30 minutes from his school, so they just trusted him to be all right.

Richie ran the dirt road into the forest; there were twelve houses in this part of the forest.

He did this every day when he was returning from school. He passed the Benson house, where his best friend, Mike, lived with whom he had planned the entire school vacation.

"Hey Richie, what's up bro?"

Richie was ripped out of his thinking by that shouting.

He looked around and saw Mike hanging out of his window. Like usually, no shirt on since it was a very hot day and it was the last day of school, so it was time for celebration anyway.

"Hey Mike, how was your last day?"

"Ah, took for ever, I went in the bathroom to jerk off during the third period to lighten the day." He smiled while he said that.

"Man, you are impossible; you wanted detention on your last day of elementary school?"

"Yep, that should have given me enough bad boy attitudes for the rest of junior high."

"Can I come in? I need to jerk off so bad and that's impossible with my brothers at home."

"Sure, my dad and my brother are away until tonight, I see you need it, you got a boner like a rock, come in and let me help you."

His 13 year old boner was indeed hard as hell and the idea that Mike's hands were going to stroke it made it even worse.

Mike was one of those 12 year olds who could play with dicks all day long, his own but also another boy's dick was no problem.

One day he even took Richie's dick down his throat. That was actually on Richie's birthday two months ago.

They had a sleepover at Richie's house, just Richie and Mike, when they started to masturbate each other Mike started to lick his dick and let it in his throat without a problem.

"I'll be upstairs in just a sec, ok?"

Richie ran inside, up the stairs and into Mike's bedroom where the horny boy was already jerking on his dick.

"Unbelievable, you are already jerking off? Couldn't you wait ten seconds?"

"Nope, I'll admit it, I'm a horny slut."

They both started laughing while they lay on the bed jerking each other off, Richie came first. After about 15 seconds he squirted his thin white boy juice all over his body.

Right after Richie came, Mike started to squirt too, he only had a small amount of boy juice but it squirted up to where his heart was. Mike cleaned it up with his hand and licked it all off.

"Hey Richie, I found this really cool stuff in my dad's garage, wanna see it?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

They both went in the old garage where Mike's dad kept all his old stuff; there Mike opened a drawer and took two slave collars out.

"I didn't know you had slaves?"

"We don't, I don't even know where they come from. They might be for some future slaves dad might want to buy. Mom was against slaves, but after mom died, dad started to talk about getting one for our household."

"We can use them to play slaves in the forest, slaves masturbate all day long, and they do it to each other too."

"That's why I'm telling this to you," Mike now smiled and his face was shining like the brightest sun.

"Come on then. Let's try them on."

Mike first took one collar out and put it around his neck, he didn't close it, but since this was the model that closed behind the neck, it fell of every time he released it.

"Man, they are hard to keep on," said Mike while he kept on trying.

But Richie found the lock and clicked his own collar till it fell in the lock.

"Want me to close your collar too?"

"Can we open them after we are done playing?"

"Sure, why not, we are no real slaves, it won't stay on forever."

Richie pressed Mike's collar till it clicked in its lock too. Now they were two young slave boys who would play with each other all day long.

No one would forbid them to play in the forest, if someone should see them. Slaves were not seen as human beings, they were seen as animals, and animals can't be stopped when they do dirty stuff, only their owner could stop them by using his whip, or a good strong hand could do the job to, but they didn't have an owner.

"Let's remove our clothing, slaves don't wear clothes."

"Yeah, you are right Richie, where our manners, but wait, slaves are aren't allowed to walk around without a free person to guard them."

"Yeah, maybe I could hide my collar under this sweater, wear this hood and then I'll play being your master. Later we change and then you can be my master."

"Deal, let's do that. Come on master, let's go for a walk."

There was also a chain in the drawer to attach to each collar.

"It's me who has to say that." They both were laughing.

"Don't you think it would be better to do it somewhere deeper in the woods, if some stranger sees us then he might think I'm really a slave."

"Let's go to the other side of the forest, we've never been there, it's like an adventure and no one comes there."

Mike took his clothes and put them back on to hide his slave collar. They left the house again and felt the sweat as soon as they came into the hot summer sun.

After about five minutes walking they went off-road deep in the woods. They never went into this part of the woods, it was too dangerous, and a lot of wolves lived there.

Carefully they made their way between the trees taking care they didn't step on animals.

It seemed like it took forever before they reached the end of this dense part of the forest, but it only took about fifteen minutes.

There they saw something wonderful, there was an entire village.

"This must be district 5, Mike, nobody knows us here, we can have real sex here and no one would say anything."

"Come on, I'll take off my clothes for you 3; Master."

Mike took of all his clothes and it felt great, he could just let his boner hang free upon his hairless balls and nobody looked at him.

Richie took the chain in his hand and lead Mike for some time around the village.

An old lady looked at them and yelled, "hey boy, your slave has a huge boner, if you allow that, then he will think he can do anything, beat the crap out of that little bitch of you."

Richie was really shocked by what she said, why would a master beat his slave for having a boner when he can fuck his slave too?

"Sorry, but I prefer to fuck him as his punishment."

She looked really strange at them, "well then, you don't have to wait, I have seen enough masters fuck there slaves."

"Yes Miss, but I prefer to do it in private."

Two minutes later they saw a little boy walking, he was maybe 7 or 8.

"Woooow mister, your slave has a big weenie, may I touch it?"

Richie looked at Mike and said he could.

The little boy grabbed Mike's dick and squeezed it hard, Mike almost screamed but it lasted only two seconds, and then out of nowhere Mike started to cum all over the boy's hand.

"Yuck, dirty slave. You should be ashamed, mister, you need to train your slave. I'm getting one next week, for my eighth birthday. I would never allow that."

Richie started to laugh, "What's your name kiddo?"

"I'm George mister."

"Well George, I'm sure you will be a great master. Come on slave, I need to give you a big punishment for making this nice mister's hands dirty."

They went back in the woods but still close enough so that little George could watch.

Richie took off his pants and stuck his rock hard dick deep inside Mike's throat. Mike almost gagged at first, but after he got used to this feeling it actually felt good.

He swallowed the dick in every time Richie went to deep throat him; this caused Richie to squirt his semen deep into Mike's throat, yes, it felt like it was almost right in his stomach.

"Turn around slave, and keep your asshole wide open."

"Yes master."

Mike turned around and stood with legs and butt wide open to Richie. They had never done this before and he was not sure he would love this, but he was the slave, he had no choice.

Richie felt the same as Mike. He had never put his dick in another boy's ass and didn't know if he was doing it right. With shaking hands he put the head of his penis against Mike's little asshole and pushed it in a little bit. His penis really got squeezed and it hurt like hell. A slap on Mike's butt made his ass less tense and it felt much better. Once the head passed, his dick was guided in like he was fucking the next best boyslut.

Mike started to make grunting noises while Richie started to move back and forth in his ass.

"Oh my god, this feels wonderful, my dick is about to explode already, and I'm only in for ten seconds."

"Yeah, it feels great too here. Go on, fuck me harder master."

With those words Richie moved faster and faster. By that time his dick was hard as steel and he felt how his balls were ready to erupt his semen in Mike's boyish cunt. His balls slapping against Mike's lower ass made the difference. They both squirted like they never did before.

Mike felt everything in his ass turn wet and warm; he screamed it out, not from pain, but from pure pleasure.

"May I try that too, mister?"

The little boy had kept silent the entire time they played, but now he saw how much fun it was he wanted to do it too.

"Sorry kid, wait until you have your own slave."

"Oooh no, come on, may I just touch him?"

Without another word Mike and Richie both step backwards quickly.

"What a weirdo, I wouldn't want to become his slave boy."

"Why not? Mike, you're not really a slave, and if you were, then I would own you."

"Dude, it would kill me if I were your slave, I will not able to sit down for weeks, just after one fuck."

"Come on, let's get back in the forest, then I'll be your slave."

They both turned around and walked back on the track so they wouldn't get lost in the forest. But nevertheless, they got lost; it looked if they were walking in circles. After walking for two hours Richie felt like he was going to throw up. He fell down on the ground, his entire body was covered with sweat and his clothes were all wet.

"Mike, hold on, I gotta get off these clothes man, I can't stand it anymore, I'm dying here."

"But 3; what if someone sees us, I may not be seen without a free person to guard me."

"Mike, we are in the middle of nowhere, I just have to rest for an hour or so, and then we continue to look for our way back home 3; after having sex 3; again."

"All right then, let's have a short nap then."

Richie took off all his clothes and put them behind a tree. They both lie down and fell asleep within a minute 3;


"There they are officer, our runaway slaves."

Mike woke up by the sound of his older brother Roderic yelling. FINALLY. They were saved. Roderic would bring him and his friend home, but wait 3; What did his brother say, runaway slaves 3;?

Richie got pulled out of his sleep by the officer who pulled him up by his arm. He screamed and shouted from the pain in his sore body. Roderic grabbed Mike and was shaking him hard.

"You see officer, they wear our collars."

"Yes, I see, I'll take them back to the station. They broke the law on slavery so they will have to get a slavery trial."

The officer dragged away the still sleepy-numb body of Richie, who was still too confused to say a word.

Mike's brother dragged Mike away.

"Roderic, come on man, this isn't funny, you know I'm your brother. Wait till father hears about this."

But he didn't listen; he just grabbed Mike's balls and twisted them around.

"Slaves always try to get away with this, I see it every day," said the officer with a bored expression on his face.

"Yup, this one here caused trouble from the beginning. He is too stupid; my father spoiled him by giving him some meat leftovers."

"What? Everybody knows that you should keep slaves away from meat, it makes them aggressive."

They talked on and on while they dragged the two friends through the forest. After 10 minutes Mike saw a van with the logo of the slave police.

"All right, you hold down the little one while I'll put this one here in the van. It will make them totally harmless to themselves or to us."

The officer grabbed Richie's butt, stuck a finger up his arse and pushed him in the small van. Inside the van he locked Richie with his slave collar to an electronic lock with magnetic power. Then he started to play with Richie's dick while his own dick started to grow.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with you in the police station, I'll make you pray that you never had ran away, you and your little friend over there will leak shit for days."

He then turned around to face Roderic.

"Mr. Officer, I wanna become a part of the slave police later," Roderic said.

"Oh you do? So how old are you?"

"I'm almost 16 now."

"Well, then I'll guess you can put away that little brat in your arms."

"With pleasure, sir."

With way too much force he dragged Mike in the van.

"Are you two faggots comfortable in there?"

"Roderic, if our dad finds out you did this; you will be grounded until your high school graduation."

"Shut the fuck up, dweep, with you gone, it will be much nicer in the house. I had to clean up you sperm every morning; your bed is soaked with your semen, filthy faggot. I know what you guys used to do in that bed together, I watched it and I saw what you just did with each other in that village."

This time it was Richie who spoke, "dude, tell that officer you were joking, we won't betray you, or else we will be sent to the slave market."

"That's the whole point, stupid kid, with Mike gone I get everything I want."

Roderic went out of the van without any more talking and nodded to the officer. "They are safe, what will happen now?"

"Well, runaway slaves are trialed as adults. A judge from court can put them in jail, re-assign them to a master, but that's only possible with your father's written consent."

"Euhm, they were 3; they are my slaves, I'll sign now."

"You've gotta wait till the court makes the final verdict, I'll send you a court letter to be at the trial, your address is in the identification chip on the collar of the slaves."

Without any more words the officer closed the back of the van, started his engine and drove away.

After what seems like forever they finally stopped but Mike and Richie were not released. Mike felt his warm piss against his leg while he was half hanging at the slave lock on the wall of this too small van. "You think we are going to be slaves forever, Richie?"

"How the fuck should I know, it's your fuckin' brother who betrayed us."

Mike started crying, "What do you mean by that? It's not my fault we are here."

"No, but it's your fuckin' brother's fault."

"You are right 3;"

Then the van doors went open and two officers with huge shotguns stood there next to two unarmed officers.

"Both of you are coming with us, you walk slowly and no one runs away or these officers will shoot you."

All officers were laughing when they saw that Mike's leg was wet.

"Let's first take our piss boy here, or our van will smell like piss all year."

One armed officer pointed his gun at Mike while the other officers released him. After he was released the other armed officer pointed his gun against Mike's ass, the cold iron made Mike jump.

"Easy faggot, you've got enough up your ass to take that gun up all the way."

They leaded him inside and locked him up; then they did the same with Richie. Both boys were locked in cells on each side of the room. After some time one officer took Richie out and held a device against his collar. The device made some weird sounds and eventually started to print data on a computer screen.

"That's strange, this collar was never registered under our jurisdiction, and maybe someone has forgotten to put the data in the system."

Both the unarmed officers looked at Mike, grabbed him and scanned his collar too. Same output, unregistered slave ID.

"Well, that means that our two boys here are now property of the State. Tomorrow they will go to the state slave storage until we have a buyer. Let's hope it will be one of those rich kids. They get more slaves per year then we get haircuts."

Two days later at Mike's home

"Roderic, did you put that letter on the mail to your brother?"

"Yes dad, yesterday morning."

"I'm so happy he and Richie got the chance to go on an internship at the Antarctic zoological research center for two months."

"Yeah dad, me too 3;They learn a lot there."

Roderic found his own joke great, zoological research 3; Everybody knew that slaves were kept as animals, or to be more accurate, animals had more rights than slaves.


"Roderic, will you answer the door, I'm in the bathroom."

"Yeah dad."

At the door was an older man in a suit. "Hello, are you Roderic, master of those two runaway slaves?"

"Euh, yes sir, should I come to court?"

"No, the slave collars were not registered, so they belong to us now."

"Oh well, that's good, they were only making trouble here, it's my dad's fault, giving them meat."

The officer looked amazed

"Meat? Then I need to talk to your father, he should be ashamed."

"Yes I know, but we're gonna get some new ones and I'll make sure they only get spanks on the meat, both eat animal meat."

That seemed to satisfy the man and he turned around.

"Oh, and you should make sure you register them this time, else they are illegal in our country."

Roderic nodded and closed the door.

He was finally released from his filthy brother's sperm.

Next day in court

The court was packed with people like always. They came to see if a slave was going to be beaten in public. Usually it were people who couldn't afford slaves.

And now it were two young boys who had to stand on trial. That attracted even more people since most of the runaways were caught while they ran away and then the person who caught them could beat him up and sometimes buy him for very little money. In most cases they were sold to them for only $1. So they were always fast to catch the poor boys that had the courage to run away.

This court was held by a rather young woman. She looked friendly but for slave boys, no one was friendly enough to forgive them and set them free.

"Stand up slaves," yelled the judge.

"You two were so stupid to run away from a master who was treating you very good and even give you meat to eat."

Everybody looked and made noises.

"I'm will assign you both to another master. You will be sold together at the stock sale later today in a not to be named village where nobody knows you."

Mike wanted to yell but he knew that this court wouldn't understand that they were only playing slaves in that wood.

It must have been the shortest court session in history, only three minutes including waiting time. Richie and Mike both knew that they could end up in some monster's house with big torture devices. They would end up crying every night 3;

Still numb of the disappointment of not being released they didn't even feel when a police guy put his fingers in their asses. He kept his fingers in there the entire three minutes; the judge saw it but said nothing. After the judge banged her hammer, he pulled his fingers out slowly; it was then that both boys noticed they were in there the whole time.

They were both escorted to the special carrier bus from SlaveSafeTrans Inc., a company specialized in slave transport. They got the contract from the State because they had the reputation of being really brutal to young slave boys.

In the bus there were seats and chains. Mike and Richie were chained up on two seats but there was only one handcuff on each seat and a belt to make sure slaves couldn't stand up.

"This isn't as bad as they always say. They must trust us really good, don't you think Mike?"

"Yeah, I heard they treat slaves bad, but if one handcuff and a belt are bad then 3; Auw."

Mike felt a big dildo-like butlock being pushed roughly in his ass.

"What's the matter Mike? Are you getting cramps? 3; AAAAUW."

Now Richie felt it too, a butlock went deep into his inner body without any lube or even some spit. Then both locks went open inside their bodies and they couldn't move an inch without getting hurt or worse, being ripped open. It was clear that these locks were meant for bigger boys, maybe 16-17 years of age, not 12 and 13 year olds.

Now they both knew why SlaveSafeTrans Inc. was called brutal.

Not knowing how long they would have to sit there until they were released from this torture chair, they both started to cry when the bus started to drive. They really felt every bump and every hole in the road since the bus was old and had no bump protecting.

Three hours later the bus stopped.

"Finally, we are there," Richie said in a hopeful voice. But then they both saw the driver entering a restaurant to eat.

"He is gonna eat and leaves us in here?"

"I guess so, we have to wait until fatso is stuffed."

They were so hungry that they could eat a pig since they had had no real food since they were arrested. They only got slave food. The smell of the food got in the bus and they both started to feel even hungrier.

It took the cop three hours to eat and to crawl back to his bus. He didn't bring any food for them. He stepped in his bus and looked at Richie, then let his belly burst a huge burp. The boys actually felt some of the wind that was a natural reaction of the air that moved. They smelled the delicious food that this half pig half human had eaten.

Another 30 minutes later they finally stopped at a huge building with bars in front of the few windows. A hundred or so cops were protecting this place.

"I have to unplug the ass locks myself by hand since its mechanic lock is broken, just let me do it and I don't want to hear any complaints or I'll hit you so hard 3;"

He opened Mike's handcuff and started to feel up his entire body, his hands felt rough and unfriendly, no wonder he worked at SlaveSaveTrans Inc. Mike felt the guy was playing with his little dick, then he felt a shock in his body, but it went away very soon when the guy pulled out the ass-lock.

He quickly did a rope around Mike's neck and made a very big knob. Mike couldn't get air and started to turn purple very soon.

"What's the matter pussy? This will teach you to never run away again, filthy brat."

A kid entered the bus. They could see that he was no slave since he was wearing clothes and the cop was friendly to him.

"Ah Jake, did you start your summer job already?"

"Yes sir, today is my first day here."

"Good, then you may help me with these two runaways. You take the rat on the rope here, lead him into the auction room; he is part of lot 33C."

"All right, sir."

Jake took the rope and let Mike walk next to him; he walked slowly because he knew about the but-locks in the bus.

"Yow slave, don't you know that runaway slaves are sold to masters who can't afford fresh slaves, or to brutal masters who need new slaves every three to six months?"

"B, but I didn't run away, I was trapped by my older brother, I 3;"

"Oh, you are that kind of slave, in that case I got orders to not allow anything but letting you shut up and walk next to me like the slut you are."

"Sorry man, I got betrayed by my brother and 3;"

"You call me sir, not man."

"Euh, you are only 13 or 14, come on, we are all kids here."

"No skunk, I'm free and you are a filthy slave, I have a slave like you at home, it's for him that I need to do this vacation job, to pay for his food. I already put him on a diet of two bowls of cheap slave food instead of three, but that animal slut keeps on getting food from my mom. I should beat him more, but then again, I already beat him up three times per day."

By now Mike was inside the auction room and he was getting tied up with his friend Richie, since they would be on a bargain sale together.

38 minutes later

"Now we come to the bargain sales. We start with lot number 33C, two runaways who just need a good beat-up, they are good slaves for when you have two kids, or one kid, but they are not appropriate for girls since they need a strong hand to control them. We start at $50, anyone?"

After a minute, one hand went up.

"Ok, we have $50, anyone gives more? 3; No one? 3;. Ok, lot 33C is sold for $50 to the man at seat 18."

Mike and Richie got taken away from the podium into a very small room. The man who bought them came in later with a young boy. It took Mike and Richie not more than ten seconds to recognize the boy. It was the boy who they talked to in the other village, George.

"Daddy, are they really my birthday present?"

"Well, I bought them for you. They are all yours. Go take a look at them while I pay."

George walked to them and started to touch both boys. "Hey, I know you two, you were in my village a while ago. Did your slave run away? Did you become a slave for that too?"

None of the two boys dared to talk to the boy who would become their new owner and boss.

"Well, anyway, I'm planning to train you two for the annual boy-fight competition in six weeks. Daddy, may I train them for the competition?"

"Yes, but remember, if they misbehave then you gotta be harsh and not afraid of them, or else I will take them away."

"Daddy, I promise, may I train them now?"

"Yes, but remember, I'll keep an eye on you and on 3; those two."

Mike and Richie knew the annual boy-fights. There was always one kid, the toreador, and then there was the bull - a boy slave who was chased by the toreador on his horse - another boy slave who carried the boy and who had to run harder than the bull.

The bull and horse were slaves of the toreador. Their training was hard and painful. The toreador had to be very light-weighted since then he could be carried faster.

"Come on slaves, we go to your new home."

Mike and Richie followed the boy to the father's car.

"Daddy, I think they will be great as boy-fighters, thanks for this birthday gift."

"You're welcome son, I will need to talk to them before you start."

"Why? They are my slaves."

"Son, slaves are filthy animals who can't control 3; some needs, I need to make sure they behave."

Father started his new big car and drove to the big house in the village where Mike and Richie had played their slave game. Now they would be real slaves, forever 3;

Once home father opened the gate to the mansion where he lived, it looked like a castle.

"You two will live and work here to please my son, listen to him and make sure you two keep your dicks away from him. If I hear him talk about that then I'll cut off your dicks without any doubt, understood?"

"Yes sir, we will behave and listen to your son."

Then Richie wanted to know something that was on his mind. "Sir? Will we really be trained as boy-fighters?"

"My son will have to decide that. It's up to him, look at him as your new father, listen to him and that's all you have to do, be good slaves, and good sons to my boy."

"Sir, we are not slaves, we were set up but my big brother."

They both got a firm slap in the face, "if you ever talk bullshit like that then I'll fuck both your asses raw, now go to master George, he will tell you what to do."

George had a huge room with a 60' TV and all of the latest cool stuff.

"There you are, now, that older slave, sit next to my bed on the ground and go to sleep, the younger slave must lick my dick."

Richie looked at Mike but did as he was told. Mike stood there and looked at his young master.

"What shall I do 3; M, master?"

"Well, put my dick in your mouth, you did this before, and your friend over there will be doing it tomorrow."

George had an evil smile on his young face, the kind of smile that some people would describe as satanic.

"Come on, I'm not gonna wait here, lick and suck me, or else I'll have to use this," he took a rod that was made for young masters, one of those rods that were made by a company called YoungMasters Ltd. They were light but very flexible, meant for young masters who want to give a slave a lot of pain while they didn't need to be strong.

Mike took the dick of his new young master in his mouth, it was still very small but it was stiff as hell.

Lucky for Mike there was no hair, as with all 8 year olds.

He kept the rhythm of his master to avoid getting a whip; he also managed to keep the small but rather thick dick in his mouth all the time.

"So, you did a great job slave, now you gotta carry me around and sing me to sleep."

"Euh, really? Isn't that 3; Our moms did that when we were two years old."

"Slave, do as I tell you, NOW!"

Mike took the boy in his arms and started to walk around singing Old lullaby songs that he remembered from movies and TV. Master George was heavier then he looked, after around 15 minutes Mike was so tired that he dropped Master George by accident. George's arms were around Mike's neck but it didn't matter, Master George fell on the ground and he started crying.

"Wheeeeh, daddy, this slave is not nice to me 3; Wheeeeeh."

Mike could feel the floor crack when Master George's father walked up to the room.

"What's going on in here?" buldered the big man.

"Daddy, he tried to kill me, he threw me on the floor, without a reason, please punish him daddy."

"Son, I told you, he is your responsibility, you take care of this."

Then his father walked out again.

Master George stood there, he was even more scared than Mike. He held his rod in his hands but got scared, he had to do this, but his hands were shaking.

"Master George, I'm really sorry sir, I understand that you are angry with me now, but let me sing you a song in your bed until you are asleep 3;" BAM, Mike felt the whipping rod cut his torso open.

And another one 3;

After two he fell on the ground, and then the boy whipped his back several times.

"That was for dropping me," he then put his hand under Mike's hand, lifted his face and kissed him.

"That's for not telling my daddy you had to suck me, now go to sleep, we have training tomorrow."

The next morning Mike and Richie awoke earlier than George, but they had no idea about what to do so they just stay down. Mike's torso still hurt from the day before and his muscles also fell sore from carrying George.

"Should we wake him up, it's almost 10 and the sun is shining, he said he was gonna train today."

"Mike you do know that he meant training us, right?"

"You think he was serious about that?"

"Yeah, he was serious, didn't you get it, and last night was a test, to see how far you could carry him until you broke."

""Tha 3; That means I'll be the bull every time?"

"Yeah, seems like it."

Suddenly the bedroom door went open and George's father entered the room. He made a sign to be quiet and to go with him. He took both boys to the attic where he had his study. Only he was allowed in there, the boys saw why that was, everywhere there were mixtures of naked young boys, and on a small podium there was a boy, maybe 14 years old.

"All right River, remember to keep the boys alive, they are my son's birthday present."

"Yeah, I know, wow, he is a lucky boy. I'll make sure to not damage them to much, but when I'm done, they will be good boys, they will never harm George again."

Father left and locked the door.

"So you boys were hurting my friend?"

"N, no, he asked me to wiggle him to sleep but I couldn't hold him anymore 3; Really, you must believe me."

"Well, I don't, come here."

"Sorry sir, it will never happen again, I promise."


Mike walked slowly to the older boy.

"If your master asks you something then you do it, without dropping him."

George grabbed Mike by the back of his neck and pushed him on a frame where he clicked Mike's slave collar in a lock. He then did the same with Richie who was locked next to Mike. They both got some device on their dicks and balls.

"Now let's see how you guys react to this."

He started to lick on Mike's nipple. By natural reaction he got a rock hard boner, but 3; It really hurt now, needles were tormenting his dick and balls.

"AAAAUW , man that hurts."

"Yeah, well, you shouldn't have hurt my friend, now you won't be able to get a boner for the rest of your miserable short life, you filthy faggot."

Richie's cock device was of the same kind, only, his was bigger so that he could get a semi-hard dick.

"Now let's have some fun, Shall we?"

He took a whip from the wall and started to touch the skin of Mike and Richie with some sensuality in it. Then out of nowhere he smacked Mike really hard, then another one and another one. Mike started to bleed all over his chest. Ten strokes later he was crying and there was even some snot all over his face.

"Please, stop, I can't take anymore, please stop."

"Please stop who?"

"Please stop 3; Sir."

"All right, I did promise to not permanently harm your body, and then I'll guess you give the rest to your lame excuse for a friend."

"Come on, you got me, now let us go, we won't hurt Master George."

Then the father came in and nodded River to come with him.

After five minutes River came back and released the boys, but he didn't unlock the chastity cages.

"They will stay on, you don't need your cock for anything anymore," he said laughing.

They both ran back to George's room. The boy was already up and looked furious. "Where have you two been? you two are wandering around without my permission, I am your master, you need to ask me when you go away. You will have to run ten rounds each before training today."

"Yes Geor 3; Euh, master."

Then George opened his arms and hugged both boys.

"Sit down both, and close your eyes, I 3;"

George looked beneath and saw the two chastity devices.

"What the fuck did you two do? I wanted to play with them tonight."

"Master, your father let another boy do this so we wouldn't be able to do things with you master," said Richie in a higher tone then normal.

"Don't lie to me slave, I had it with your lies."

George went downstairs, mad and disappointed because he knew this slave was right.

George didn't talk to his father during breakfast, only after the household slaves started to clear off the table he talked to him. "Daddy, I want the penis cages removed from my slaves, by tonight. They are my slaves so I decide the punishments."

"George, listen boy, they are older than you and they could do 3; things to you that you don't like 3; Slaves are animals, not humans. They must wear them, else they do stuff, also to each other that will look scary to you. They'll keep them on or they are send back to the auction house."

"Daddy, come on 3;"

"No, and you don't touch them there either, you can do whatever you want, but no playing with that."

George knew that he could count on it that by tonight his slaves would be all ready for him to play. His father would allow him to take off the cages for the night or maybe forever.

So with that said, he grabbed his stuff for the training today. They had almost everything there for a young master to train his slaves, only a few thing were not allowed to rent. A whipping rod and a shock teaser. He got his lessons paid by his father to learn how to ride and train his two slaves. Father had let him work with some of the younger slaves of his household, but they were all in their 20s and 30s. Teen slaves were always harder to handle since they still had some playfulness in them. Father also told him how to protect himself from a slave if he attacked him.

Slaves were always naked, so he learned he had to grab them by their balls and twist them, or in the case they were wearing cock cages, to grab the cage and pull that as hard as he could. Every time he tried that, the slaves felt on the ground begging to stop.

It was pretty mean, but that was the only thing to do when he got a slave that wouldn't listen.

"Are you coming son? we're about to leave, I've put them in the car already."

"I'm coming daddy."

The arena where he trained his slaves was the same as where they the annual boy-fights every year took place. His father had paid a lot of money to rent this arena with a professional trainer, and George was under the biggest impression of this whole arena.

"Come on both of you, ten rounds before the training, and make it fast."

Both began to run at a good pace. They ran on the inside of the arena so that Master George could still see them. They could have taken George down anytime, but then he would call his father and he on his turn would call the slave police. After round six both boys were half death and the cages were hurting them a lot.

"Come on now, don't slow down slaves, its still four rounds to go."

Three more rounds later the trainer was there and George was lifted on Richie's back.

"Now, the secret is that you need to make sure he runs hard enough. They usually are lazy, but with a bit of pain, they run harder than the wind, try it."

Sadistic as George was, he lifted his whip high and landed it hard on Richie's torso.

The result was that Richie almost fell and he started running like he was drunk.

"Come on, George, correct your horse, in competition, this would be fatal."

Again he hit Richie's body with his whip. This time Richie's body hurt so much he couldn't hold George. George smacked in the sand, his body was in a strange position now.

"If your father didn't pay me for this and you weren't already registered to enter the competition, then I would have told you to just quit boy-fights and to kill your slave," the trainer said.

"M, mister trainer, my arm hurts, and it's in a strange position too."

The trainer looked at George's arm and he saw that it must have been broken.

"Look, I'll call an ambulance, don't move."

Then he pointes his attention to Mike. "You will be sorry when this poor little boy is in the hospital, I'll beat the crap out of you two."

After ten minutes the ambulance arrived, doctors came out in white coats with a carrying brace.

"Where is the wounded?"

"There he is, he fell off of his slave while training."

"Well, I wouldn't like to be that slave, he sure will ge 3; Richie?"

Richie turned around, already afraid that there would be some brute standing there to teach him a lesson. His whole body was numb from the whipping and sore from running.


"Richie, boy, what are you doing here, you were supposed to do an internship. Mr. Benson came to tell me personally."

"We are set up by Mike's brother Roderic, he said we were his new slaves."

"Who are you mister?" asked the trainer.

"I'm his father, I demand to know what's going on here."

"These two slaves are being trained to become boy-fighters mister, until this ungrateful slave here dropped his master."

The trainer kicked Richie so that he fell again. This time his father took action and hit the trainer on the nose.

"First, let's take our patient here to the hospital, and then let's talk."

Before he entered the hospital, he already communicated with the cops to investigate this whole case.


After investigation they found out that Mr. Benson had 38 other unregistered slave collars. He had an arrangement with the mob to steal slave collars from the slave police. The mob abducted little boys from rich families or even richer enemies and then sold the kids to as slaves to the highest bidder.

Roderic was arrested for putting two innocent minors into slavery.

George's dad was the person that Mr. Benson sold the collars to, so he too was arrested for having connections and working for the mob.

River and his kid brother turned out to be the persons who lured all the kids from their homes, then they tortured them before they sold the kids, they got in jail too.


After three days of living with Richie and his parents Mike was happy to receive a letter from court.

Dear Mike Benson

As the victim of an inhumane crime, being put into slavery without court order, we ask you to join us in court tomorrow for the trial against your brother and father.

Please bring this letter with you as proof that you are allowed into the courthouse during session.

Friendly Greetings

Court substitute Angela Vanguard

"Richie? did you got the same letter as I have?"

"You mean from court?"

"Yeah, they're gonna enslave my dad and brother, I guess."

They walked to Richie's father. "Dad, can we go to court tomorrow?"

"Yeah, why not, Mike has the right to be there."

Next morning

Mike was awake at 05:38, he kept having nightmares about his short time being enslaved. He was sitting on the bed next to Richie's.

"Richie? you awake?"

"Yeah, now I am," Richie mumbled angry.

"May I come into your bed, I feel lonely."

"Sure, come in."

"What do you think will happen today? Will I ever have to live with those two assholes again?"

"I hope not, they should be burning in hell by now."

"But then, what will happen to me when they are enslaved?"

"My parents will adopt you, I'm sure they will."

"Thanks Richie, I feel so bad about what happened, my brother did something awful to us."

"Don't think about it, it's all over now."

"Yeah, but still, I get nightmares every night, can you hold me, just until I sleep?"

"Sure buddy, come here."

Richie kept Mike in his arm pressed against his body even after Mike fell asleep.


"Boys, wake up, it's time for breakfast, then we are gonna go to court, they always start at 9, And we don't want to be late."

"Yeah dad, we are coming."

Both boys were downstairs faster than usually.

After breakfast, they went in the car, also faster than usually.

"I see that today you guys are faster than normal."

"Yeah mom, we wanna see those bastards rot in hell."

"Richie, don't talk like that."

"Mom, he forced us in to fuckin' slavery."

Now mom didn't had any reply to that. She just kept quiet until they arrived at court.

In court there were only 18 people since this was a private session only for the people who were involved. Not even Mike's parents were allowed in. The reason for this session to be private was that there would be photos shown of two naked free boys in the evidence. Sex with slaves was ok, even if they were only 8, you could rent out your slaves even to the sickest, most horrible man on earth, no one would give a shit, but you were not allowed to show a free boy naked in public.

"This court is in session now, Roderic Benson, you said to the slave police that your own brother and his friend were your new slaves?"

"Y, yes sir, b, b, but 3;"

"No but, I sentence you to life-long civil slavery."

Roderic fell on his knees and started to cry loud and long, one moment he looked at his brother in the audience but Mike avoided any eye contact.

"Now, Matthew Benson, you had 40 slave collars in your possession?"

"Yes sir."

"How did you get that many unregistered slave collars?"

"I got them by strafing them from the police office."

"You have been selling them to the mob?"

"Yes sir, I'm really sorry."

"For this you get life time slavery into the coal mines in Alaska."

He didn't really care that he was a slave now. He was dragged away to the same kind of bus that Mike and Richie had brought to the slave center.

"Auch, he gets his ass plugged soon enough."

"Yeah, I guess he won't he sitting on that ass again for at least three days."

Both boys giggled.

George was standing next to Roderic, but without his father.

"George Juneau, I received the message that your dad has hanged himself last night?"

"Yes 3;" he burst into a long cry, "it's all the fault of those two fuckin' assholes, I hate them both."

"No George, it's all his own fault. You were the master of the two boys there?"

"Y 3; Yes sir, I wanted to train them for the big 3; boy-fighters competition."

"You should get the same sentence as your father, but because the coal mine owners don't want minors into the mines, I sentence you to life long civil slavery. Lastly, River Bell and Jack Bell, both of you have been working with the mob to earn money, but again, I can't put a 12 and 14 year old in the coal mines. So both of you are also sentenced to life time slavery. As for the two known victims, Richie Peters and Mike Benson, they both get all possession and all the money on the bank accounts of all convicts in this case."

Mike and Richie both looked at each other and couldn't believe that they would be fuckin' rich.

They had seen the house where the Juneau's Benson's lived, that house was HUGE, and they must have more money than anyone in the country.

"The four young slaves, Roderic Benson, River Bell, Jack Bell, and George Juneau, are being offered to the victims. If they want to have them, they are free to do whatever they want with them."

Mike turned red, he was now his brother's master, they were rich and they wouldn't have to work their for their whole life.

Richie was so excited that he jumped right up and asked, "Where do I sign?"

"Since you two are victims of mistakes from an official instance, we give you two the right to live on your own. With the money you got, you can live your entire life without worrying. As soon as you signed the contract that I write for you in a second, then these four are all yours."

"Mike, we are rich and we have our own slaves. Look at them, they deserve this, we can torture them, and beat them up as much as we want. We can have sex all day long and 3; And 3; What's the matter?"

"I still think it's wrong, I mean slavery and stuff."

"Dude, listen, I'm gonna live there and get a good payback on these four, are you joining me or not?"

"All 3; all right"


Two horny boys living alone in a big mansion, with four naked forced-willing slaves, tied up in four big rooms, you can imagine what will happen.

Richie went every evening to Roderic, who was tied up, bent over to a table. His ass was prominently showing and ready to get fucked every. Richie took every time his time to make sure he got a rock-hard boner.

One evening he went in while Roderic was sleeping. "Hey there hotshot, you seem like you can use a good fuck."

Roderic looked like he was really scared, he didn't like the idea of a 13 year old being in charge and he didn't like it to get fucked in the ass by anyone.

"Come on then, I'll have a surprise for you tonight."

Richie had Mike with him, who hadn't went into any room that had a slave in it.

"Mike will be your entertainment for tonight. I'll go check out our good friend George, he seems lonely tonight too."

Mike was told he was gonna watch how Richie fucked Roderic.

"Richie, come on, I can't fuck him, sorry man I 3;" but before he could finish, Richie had left and locked the door.

"You can only get out after you fucked that whore," he shouted trough the locked door.

Mike stood there; he knew he wanted to fuck Roderic, for a whole year year now.

"All right, you know that I'm going to fuck your ass?"

Roderic didn't look up to face his brother.

"Roderic, listen, I'm really sorry this had to end up like this, I'll try to be gentle."

This time Roderic looked up. "Mike, I know I deserve this, go ahead, I was an asshole to you and Richie, I can never be more ashamed of what I did than I am already. The slave police tied me up on this for you and Richie, it's your duty to rape me, so go get your fun."

Mike could hear George scream in the other room, the boy was screaming to stop hurting his ass.

"Well, I guess you will have less pain then with Richie, Right?"

"I don't care anymore, look at my ass, it's all ripped and open."

Mike took a look and indeed, it was all red and there was blood sticking on his ass cheeks.

"Wow, he must really hate you."

"It's ok 3; Bro, you should give me an enema before you start, it makes my ass clean, and else I have to lick my own shit from your dick. Please man, don't make me do that. I'll be a good slave, but don't make me do that."

Mike took a hose from the wall that was attached to a big bottle and stuck it in Roderic's ass, opened the water and waited.

"Whaaaaaaa, its c, c, cold."

"Come on Roderic, you are gonna be good this time."

Mike just waited a bit longer and let the water do its job. After six minutes he took out the hose and allowed Roderic to empty his body. There was some shit in the brown water.

"All right, now be good and don't let me use the whip."

Gently he let his dick get in the ass of his big brother. Mike felt every muscle in Roderic's body tense when he entered his ass. Part by part he stuck his fairly large boy dick in until he was in completely. With some force he managed to get into a steady pace, in, out, in, out 3;

His whole body tickled while he was riding his big brother, his balls started to tickle too, it was time for Mike to release his load into his brother's ass. The warm sperm floated out like water, he felt the warm sticky stuff get onto his own dick. Without a warning his dick got stiff again while he was still squirting so he had no choice then to just continue.

The second time was even better, he lasted longer and Roderic's ass was less tense. But the load of sperm was even bigger, it was so big that Roderic's ass couldn't take it all. To make sure he didn't spill anything he pulled out as quickly as he could, ran to Roderic's mount and pushed against his lips.

Because it was all so fast, Roderic didn't know what was going on and he was just lying there. Mike kept pushing his brother's lips with his now heavy leaking dick. By the time Roderic knew what to do, Mike's dick had already stopped leaking.

"What's the matter? is my dick not good enough?"

Before Roderic could answer there was a whip in Mike's hand.

"I'll teach you, you ungrateful slave."

Mike let the whip bang hard on Roderic's back, at the same time, there were screams from George's room to, and sounds of a whip hitting meat.

The second bang was right on Roderic's right thigh.

He started screaming like hell, from that moment there were no more sounds from George, but a second later Richie entered the room.

"Good job mate, good job, let them feel you are in charge."

From that moment on both Mike and Richie had a steady ritual; they both fucked four times per day. When they woke up they both had a fuck with one of the four slaves. Around noon, after lunch, they had another fuck. At 4AM they fucked again. Around 8AM they had a last fuck and at 10AM they each beat up a slave, just for fun.

Two years later they bought two girl slaves, both were 12 years old. Both girls were made pregnant by a doctor with IVF.


Mike and Richie are now married to each other, the four slaves are still in the house, and they now do heavy labor in the house and the garden. Both girls now work in the kitchen to make dinner for Mike and Richie

The kids they got, two boys, were adopted by Mike and Richie.

Next week they turn 9, guess what they will get from their daddies?

Right, they both will get a slave boy, but that is not part of this story.

The End

Happy birthday PZA.
Thanks Celadon for this great website.

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