Chapter 1 Karl Lomax, rising star
3; Cut!"
Little Karl Lomax smiled at the director. It was his tenth commercial in the past six months since his godfather and legal guardian Christian Smiths had convinced his mother that Karl had everything to become a child star. Karl's life had become a rollercoaster since then. By now, he'd appeared in ten TV commercials and he'd also played some minor roles in some TV series, the likes of CSI and the sort.
He was dressed in a school uniform since they were shooting a cereal commercial and the director though it was supposed to be a school morning. All the shooting crew surrounded little Karl to congratulate him on how well he'd done in the commercial. Karl loved the attention every adult gave him and he also loved the notion of becoming a star. Nobody knew that better than Christian Smiths, his godfather, whose job now was to make sure the kid would become a successful child celebrity.
Christian Smiths was a young good looking man and a long time friend of Karl's mother, Julianna. He had come into their lives as a blessing since Julianna was a single mother and worked most of the day as a cashier at a supermarket. Since Karl's third birthday, Christian had actually moved in with them to give his full attention to little Karl. Christian loved little Karl the way he didn't love anyone else, he was more than happy caring for the boy and spending afternoons with him while Julianna was at work.
Not seven months ago, Christian had seen this announcement for a TV commercial casting and had talked Julianna into letting him take Karl to the audition. As expected, Julianna had been reluctant at first, but Christian had pointed out that, if Karl made it in show business, Juliana would even be able to get a part time job and spend more time with her son.
Karl's looks had definitely helped him get the role. The boy was a natural beauty of jet black hair and olive skin. He had dark almond-shaped eyes, a blunt nose and a lovely small yet full mouth. During the shooting of his first commercial, it had also been proven that the kid had a natural talent for acting and being directed.
So, after the first commercial came a second one, and then a third. It was after his third commercial, that Karl had been requested to go to an audition for a minor role in a TV show. In this episode, Karl was to play a boy who was kidnapped and then abused by his captors. The boy was just so adorable that the casting director had immediately offered the role for a two episode chapter and Karl had made his first serious money.
So Christian had quit his job to dedicate himself in body and soul to Karl's career. Of course Julianna had signed all the proper legal documents to make the man Karl's legal guardian, so he could make whatever decisions related to Karl's best interests.
"Ok, champ!" a good looking tall and young man told Karl as he picked him from the set into his arms, "Time to change into your regular clothes while your godfather is given your paycheck!"
"Sure thing, Brent!" Karl said.
Brent walked away to the dressers with Karl in his arms. Christian turned around to talk to the director and get Karl's paycheck, when a young looking man elegantly attired approached him. The man was tall, with a nice tan and dark hair.
"Mister Smiths?" the man asked.
"Yes. What can I do for you, Mister
3;?" Christian replied.
"Chapman. Emir Chapman," the man said extending his hand in introduction.
"Nice to meet you, Mister Chapman."
"Are you the young man's agent?" the man asked.
He smiled and gave Christian Smiths his card. It was an expensive looking white card with embossed letters. It read Emir Chapman, Talent Agent. Christian's eyes shone and his attitude towards the man changed completely.
"Mister Chapman! What a pleasure! Yes, yes! I'm Karl Lomax's agent. And his godfather as well!"
"I see! Well, then, looks like I'm talking to the right man!"
Both men smiled just as little Karl came back thanking Brent and all the shooting crew for being so kind to him. He rushed to meet his godfather Christian and smiled wide when he approached the man.
"Uncle Chris!" he said.
"Hey, buddy!" Christian Smiths opened his arms and little Karl jumped onto them, "How was it?"
"It was super kewl!" Karl said placing his lovely arms around his godfather's neck, "Brent gave me this big bag of candy and Cassie and Jenny kissed my cheeks once and again and told me I was super cute! They said I'll be popular with the girls when I grow up!"
"You'll certainly like that young man!" Emir Chapman said.
"Eeeeew, no!" little Karl said, "Girls are gross!"
"Well, that's what you say now, Karl," Christian said, "But wait till you grow! Then we'll talk!"
"Then I'll be dead because of too many cooties!"
"That's not how it works buddy!"
"Nu uh! My classmates told me so! Sometimes you even turn into zombies"
"No more scary movies for you pal!"
Karl and his godfather laughed and so did Emir Chapman. Christian placed young Karl on the floor and he took the boy's hand, so both started walking alongside Emir Chapman. As they walked, the man talked to Christian about a job offer for little Karl. It was for a clothing catalogue, Mister Chapman explained, of a very prestigious clothing brand.
"Very exclusive," the man said, "Their products are sold all over the world and there's big money in this industry. 'The Boy Model Agency', which I own and run, has been working for this clothing brand for some time now."
Christian asked how that would give Karl the projection he was looking for, since catalogue pictures where not precisely a platform for rising stars. Emir Chapman did agree a bit with Karl's godfather. The money, however, was real good, the man had told him.
"Tell you what, Mister Smiths," Emir Chapman said, "drop by 'The Boy Model Agency' tomorrow. We're having a massive photo shoot casting. You can bring Karl, see if he wants to participate and we can talk about the contact details. I assure you, my agency strikes the best deals for its models. There's great money and great perks."
Christian Smiths put the man's card in his pocket and told the man he'd talk it over with Karl and his mom. Emir Chapman asked Christian Smiths to give him a call to arrange for someone to pick both Karl and his agent the following day I case they were interested in the deal. Christian agreed and shook hands with the man before he took off in a great looking black limo.
"Wow!" Karl said as the limo took off.
Christian Smiths continued to walk holding Karl by his little hand and amazed at the limo. Maybe considering this modeling job was not a bad idea after all. True, little Karl wanted to be a TV star, but if there was as much money in modeling as the man had told him, maybe it was Karl's lucky break
3; and his.
Talking Julianna into accepting was a piece of cake. And Little Karl usually took his godfather's advice since he was so eager to become a star. So, Christian knew it was up to him. He had a lot of thinking to do for the rest of the afternoon, so he could call Chapman. He was not gonna call just now, no, Karl was becoming a bit more known and so he had to play at least a bit difficult to get. Christian wanted to get any possible advantage for the boy
3; and for his own pocket.
Yes, this was a great opportunity and Christian was not going to let it go. So as soon as Julianna was home, Christian and Karl talked to her about this new opportunity for young Karl Lomax. Julianna was reluctant about it.
"But mom!" Karl said interrupting his mother as she showed hints of doubt about the proposal, "I love to pose for pictures! Plus, I'll get to try new clothes before everyone else does!"
"Ok, honey, calm down," Julianna said, "And you know it's rude to interrupt whenever grown-ups are talking. Go back to your room and play for a while. Your godfather and I will call you out later."
"I'm sorry mom!" Karl apologized and kissed his mom.
He then hugged his godfather before running into his room in his undies. Chris just smiled at the boy's lack of modesty around the house. It made him so much cuter at his age.
"He really loves you, you know," Julianna said smiling, "About this proposal, Chris, It's your call. I trust you enough with this decision. Ever since you came into our lives, things have been a lot easier. You've been for Karl more than a real father."
"Julie, you know I would never let anything happen to Karl. He's like the son I never had."
"I know, Chris."
"Look, if somehow anything goes wrong, I'll cut the deal immediately?"
"Thanks, Chris!" Julianna said.
They hugged for a bit and Julianne walked into her room to get dressed and prepare for her night shift. When she was ready, she came to say goodbye for the night.
"There's dinner in the fridge for you boys!" she said as she was leaving, "Have fun!"
"We will!" Karl shouted from his room apparently listening to their conversation again.
"Jeez Karl, every time!" Chris shouted playfully as he ran to Karl's room.
Just as she was stepping through the door, Julianna reminded Chris to give Karl a bath.
"Hey buddy, It's time for your bath!" Chris said.
"OK!" Karl replied all smiles.
As he walked towards Christian, Karl beamed again.
"Uncle Chris?"
"Yes, Karl?"
"Can we please watch some movies after my bath? I'm not that sleepy yet!"
"Well I guess it's still early
Before Christian could finish the sentence, Karl pulled down his undies and started jumping around in joy, his boy bits bouncing before running for the tub. Christian was speechless as little Karl ran for the bathroom and giving his godfather a glimpse of his lovely butt. He had seen the boy naked so many times during his baby sittings, but since the boy turned 7, his toddler physique was already gone, and Christian found himself having some strange feelings about it, like an admiration of some sort.
Chris slowly walked inside the tub after regaining his composure and saw the naked boy already filling up the tub.
"Uncle Chris, could you wash me again before I climb into the tub?"
"But you're almost nine buddy, you have to do it yourself."
"I know, but it feels very nice when you do it to me, even more than when mom does."
"Ok, but don't tell your mom, she might think I'm spoiling you a little bit too much"
Chris started lathering the wash cloth with soap, but for some reason unknown to him, his heart started pounding faster than usual. It was also funny that little Karl was quite silent as Chris washed his back since he usually never stopped talking about what happened at school, and all that stuff a boy his age normally talks about.
"Ok buddy turn around," Chris said.
As Karl turned around, Chris saw the reason why little Karl was so quiet; the boy had an erection.
This has never happened before, Chris thought.
He looked at the boy's face and saw him blushing yet he managed to smile.
"I got a stiffie!" Karl giggled and started playing with his little boner.
Chris felt his jaw drop and looked at the boy's face.
"I, Uh
3; yeah I can see that kiddo, that's normal
3;" Chris said, "I
3; um
3; I think you should jump in the tub now. It's already overflowing."
Karl quickly jumped back in the tub grabbing his toys and shouting playfully in the process.
"I have to do something buddy," Chris said, "I'll be right back
Chris left the bathroom to get a towel. He was flushed for some reason, and he hadn't even realized that he got some activity going down on his pants. After getting the towel, Chris fetched himself a cold glass of water before returning to see Karl a few minutes later.
"Ok, buddy, time to get off before you prune up."
Karl stood up raising his arms and waiting to be picked up by his godfather. Chris picked him up to his room to be dried off. He did notice the boy was no longer sporting a boner as he was wiped dry by his loving godfather.
"So, what do you wanna watch?" Chris asked once he'd put Karl's underwear on.
"Zombies!" the boy gleefully replied.
"I don't think so buddy!" he said as he tickled the little boy mercilessly.
"Stop, stop, stop Uncle Chris!" Karl said as his godfather tickled all over his tummy and arms.
"Not until you say no zombies!"
"Okay, okay, no zombies!" Karl said laughing.
Chris noticed that, while Karl had been tickled, his little cocklet had grown stiff again. That alone was enough to make Chris' own cock stir inside his underwear.
Why is this happening to me? Chris asked himself as he felt his hard throbbing erection inside his underwear, This is so very fucked up!
"Are you alright Uncle Chris?" Karl asked, his boner still obvious under his underwear.
"Yup! I am, champ!" he said, "Let's watch a movie. No zombies!"
He placed a movie on the player and sat back on the bed with Karl resting by his side. He hoped his godson would fall asleep real soon, for he didn't want to feel those funny things he'd been feeling all day long.
Chapter 2 Little Tim Hurley
It was noon when the limo stopped outside the Lomax's. Christian had made sure little Karl looked as shining as he could look. Christian Smiths came out of the house holding Karl by the hand. The chauffer of the limo was already standing next to the door of the vehicle and opened it for both of them to hop in.
"It's that same long limo from the other day!" Karl eagerly said, "But it would have been cooler if they had sent a racing car!"
"Karl, I think you mean a sports car. We would not have fit in a sports car, silly boy."
"I still think racing cars are cooler!" Karl replied.
Chris just chuckled at his godson trying to be a smartass again. He really loved that attitude in Karl because it made him more innocent hence cuter.
Inside, a young blonde man was preparing drinks for both him and the kid's agent. He'd also gotten a milkshake for little Karl.
"Mister Smiths," the handsome looking man said, "I'm Lyle Young, Mister Chapman's personal secretary."
"Nice to meet you," he said extending his hand for the man to shake, "Christian Smiths."
"And you must be Karl Lomax!" Lyle said excitedly as he extended his hand for Karl to shake it, "I've been really looking forward to meeting our new rising star!"
Little Karl giggled at being called a star as the man shook his hand.
The car was the ultimate luxury and Christian imagined that probably Karl's future was definitely with 'The Boy Model Agency'. It certainly looked like the agency treated its models as if they were movie stars.
"Uncle Chris! The car is sooooooooooo much bigger on the inside!"
"I know, right?" He smiled at his godson.
"So, Mister Smiths," Lyle Young said, "I've prepared a portfolio for you to see what we do as an agency while we're underway. Once you've checked it up, we can talk money if you decide to put your boy's career in our hands."
"Okay," Chris said and took the portfolio. He figured he had plenty of time before they arrived in the agency.
The Agency was a rather small building on the outside and Christian Smiths found himself second guessing his decision to bring young Karl here, but he soon stopped doubting when Lyle Young explained to him that most of the Agency was underground.
"You see, this is a state of the art building with huge basements, all of which serve as photo studios, so most of the agency is literally underground, save for the reception. You'll see this is a rather large agency and we represent a lot of talented kids ranging from eight to twelve years old."
They walked inside the building and onto an elevator.
"Our boy models get the best deals and make lots of money for their future
3; which also ensures fat checks for their Managers. There's lots of money for young and hard-working men like you in this business, Mister Smith," Young said.
The elevator opened and they came out in one of the basements. There were lots of boys coming and going in swimming suits and a lot of adults going to and fro with props, cameras, lamps and all the expected paraphernalia.
"Right now we're shooting a swimming suit catalogue, as you might've guessed," Lyle Young said, "And these are all boys represented by our agency."
"I see," Chris said.
"So," Lyle said addressing little Karl, "would you like to participate in our photoshoot today?"
"Of course I would, I mean
3; I would if my uncle Chris says so! Can I, Uncle Chris?" Karl said enthusiastically like a boy arriving at a play park for the first time, "Please, please! Can I?"
Chris looked at his godson and then at Lyle Young.
"Doing this photoshoot would not imply a commitment, Mister Smiths," the man said, "It will give Karl the opportunity to work with our photographers and assistants to see if he feels comfortable. It will also mean a one-time freelance check for both of you paying for the session."
"What will the figure be?" Christian asked.
"This is what Mister Chapman had in mind," Lyle Young said handing the check to Christian Smiths.
Christian's eyes opened wide as he saw the amount paid for this free-lance session and smiled at the man.
"So, can I, Uncle Chris, can I, can I?" Karl asked.
"Yes, buddy, you can!" Chris said.
Lyle Young then walked them around and called for two assistants to take Karl away. Two young men approached Chris and Lyle.
"Hello, Karl!" the first of them said, "I'm Arthur and will be your main assistant for today!"
"Hi, Arthur!" Karl said, "You're tall!"
Everybody laughed at that. Arthur was indeed tall, probably about 2 mt [6"6'] tall and very thin. He had short and spiky blond hair and deep-blue eyes.
"I'm Max," the other one said, "I'll be your second assistant, Karl!"
"I get a second assistant!?" Karl said in surprise since it was usually only his uncle Chris that helped him around in his shoots and auditions and the occasional make-up lady sometimes, "The owner of this agency must be rich!"
The grown-ups chuckled.
Max was shorter and at all sights younger possibly twenty if old. He was slightly athletic and of white complexion. Max had dark hair and lovely hazel eyes. Out of the two, he was the cute one.
"You're too adorable for your own good, aren't you?" Max complemented Karl and the boy gave him that smile that made his eyes squint and showed his dimples.
"Okay, guys," Lyle Young said, "Please take Karl to a dressing room and see for Louie to provide four different changes for our guest star."
"Will do, sir," Arthur said as both he and Max took Karl's hands and walked him away.
Karl waved goodbye ominously at his guardian "See you later Uncle Chris!"
Chris looked apprehensively as his godson was taken away. In his brief and fruitful career, Chris had never left Karl alone at any time.
"Don't worry too much, Mister Smiths," Lyle Young said passing his arm over Chris' shoulder, "Our models receive nothing but the best treatment the market could offer. All our assistants are carefully profiled to ensure the boys' wellbeing. Believe me, there's nothing to worry about."
"I'll take your word for that," Chris said and smiled.
"Let's go to Mister Chapman's office to talk numbers in the meantime."
Chris walked alongside Lyle trying to relax. The check in his pocket was helping him relax a lot too. Maybe he was just being apprehensive for nothing.
Little Karl Lomax was taken to a room a bit far away from the studio, but he didn't find it odd. There were many little cubicles all over the walls and Karl imagined those would be dressing cubicles as those in department stores. All the way to the dressing room, he'd kept talking to Arthur and Max about how much he wished his Uncle Chris would let him work with the agency. Both Arthur and Max were extra nice to him and the boy knew he liked the attention.
"Come on, Tim!" A couple of men said bringing a boy for a new clothes change inside the room, "We still have three more changes before the day is over!"
The boy was older than himself, Karl noticed, probably ten and he was a red-haired. His young face was covered in freckles and he had beautiful green eyes.
"Do I really have to?" the boy asked.
"You know you do. So, come on, don't keep us waiting."
Both men seemed young and they entered a dressing cubicle pushing Tim inside. Karl just looked as the men and the boy disappeared in the cubicle as he waited for Arthur to return, one of the man turning on a sign that said occupied.
"That's Tim Hurley," Max said as he dragged Karl inside the cubicle next to the one occupied by Tim and his two assistants, "And the men are John and Hugh, his assistants. Let's wait for Arthur in here."
He sat and then carried Karl and sat him on his lap, cuddling him.
"You're gonna like it here very much," Max said his cock going rock hard as little Karl rested on the man's lap.
"I think I already do!" Karl said, "I really want to be a star!"
"I guess you do!" Max said, "You seem to like our attention well enough!"
"I do!" Karl said and giggled, "I like you, Max, you're very cool!"
In the cubicle next door, Tim was standing over a changing stool and both John and Hugh asked him to remain quiet as they helped him undress. John placed his hands on Tim's buttocks as Hugh did the proper over Tim's little bulge. Tim whimpered a bit but did not complain.
"Be still, Tim!" John commanded, "We need to get you in your new outfit!"
Both men kept on touching Tim in a rather inappropriate manner and the boy just stood still. Hugh was particularly fond of cocklets, so without modesty he bent down a bit and started sucking at the boy's cocklet over his swimming suit.
"You are one of our best looking models, Tim!" John said sarcastically as he rubbed the boy's asscheeks and his colleague sucked on the boy's hardened cocklet, "We're so proud of being your assistants!"
Sweet words kept pouring out of Tim's assistants as they took advantage of the young model every chance they had. John pulled his pants and underwear down revealing a big and hard uncut veiny cock. He sat on another dressing stool and Hugh carried Tim and sat him on his colleague's lap. Once he was sitting on John's lap, the man started caressing the boy's nipples and Tim slightly moaned.
Hugh knelt before Tim and pulled the boy's swimming suit down. Tim's pre-pubescent hard cocklet showed in all of its erect glory, and Hugh took it in his mouth again as John got busy caressing and pinching Tim's young lovely nipples. Both men were really horny abusing little Tim, and the boy just let the men do as they pleased.
Tim had been a model for the agency for almost two years now and he knew he had to let his handlers do as they wanted. And
3; he did like the funny feeling in his pee pee when they sucked him for a while.
Arthur came inside the cubicle to find Karl sitting on Max's lap. They were chatting non-stop and Arthur didn't fail to notice Max's hands were resting on little Karl's legs and rubbing it very close to the boy's crotch, even casually pulling the ends of his shorts higher to make more room for his hands.
"Did you guys miss me?" Arthur asked coming inside and locking the cubicle.
"We did! Didn't we, Karl?" Max asked.
"Uh huh!" Karl excitedly said, "Max was telling me how cool it is to be a model for the agency and about the big parties and all the perks, attention and
"Whoa! Slow there, buddy!" Arthur said, "You still have to see for yourself whether you like modeling for our photographers, and if they will like you!"
"I know I will if they're as nice as you are!" Karl said and giggled.
"Come on up, little star!" Arthur said pulling Karl from Max's lap, and noticed his partner was sporting a painful boner, "This is your first swimming suit for the photoshoot, so let's get you ready!"
Karl's assistants showed him multiple swim wears that's they'd selected for the boy to wear on today's shoot. All of the pieces looked like your common speedo trunks, but noticeably confectioned in a lot thinner fabric. The swimsuits lacked designs or colors, they basically ranged from light shades of blue, red and even white colored ones which looked a lot more like regular underwear.
Little Karl was going to start undressing with that lack of modesty young boys have, but Arthur stopped him.
"No, no!" he said, "You don't have to dress or undress!"
"I don't have to?" Little Karl asked while in the middle of yanking his shorts.
"No!" Arthur replied, "That's why you have two assistants! What's the point of being a star and having assistants if you're doing things yourself?"
"I guess you're right! That's pretty neat!"
"So, since you are the guest star in the agency, let us, your humble assistants, do things for you! Deal?"
"Deal!" Karl said, "What do I do?"
"I'm bringing you up to the changing stool and just stay still."
Little Karl was positioned over the changing stool and Arthur and Max started helping the boy undress. First, the both placed their hands under Karl's shirt and slowly started pulling the shirt up. They both made sure the boy could feel their hands but not overly, after all, they didn't want to scare him out before he was signed in. If his Uncle decided to sign with the agency, they'd have plenty of opportunities to assist little Karl Lomax. As the shirt was pulled up, both men managed to accidentally brush the boy's pinkish nipples.
Arthur was more than satisfied as Karl's little knobs went hard almost instantly and knew this kid was gonna be a lot of fun.
Then, they both pulled the boy's shoes and socks, just to find the cutest pair of feet they had ever looked upon
3; and they had seen plenty of naked boys working for the agency. Then they pulled the boy's pants down and took their sweet time to adore his seamless white undies. As they removed his undies, Arthur managed to accidentally brush the boy's little uncut cocklet, which was now hiding behind its heavy fraenelum.
The boy shivered and Arthur decided to tease the boy a bit further.
"Oh, you're ticklish!" Arhtur said, "Max, our guest star is ticklish! Let's have tickle wars!"
"No, no, please!" Karl said releasing the cutest giggling as both men started tickling him all over his tummy and armpits.
Both Arthur and Max continued to tickle little Karl mercilessly in his tummy, armpits, legs, cheeks and little cock and balls, though they managed to make the genital tickling seem accidental for little Karl to not suspect anything odd.
Tim heard the new boy model on the cubicle next door being tickled and remembered his very first time as he was innocently tickled as a guest star before his father decided to sign him in. Now both John and Hugh were down sucking at his young cock and balls and all he could do was moan in ecstasy as his orgasm approached.
He felt the contraction in his tummy as his dry orgasm hit and knew what was next. As soon as he'd had his orgasm, John stood up and sat on the stool. He then pulled Tim towards him and pushed his wet cock inside the boy's mouth. Hugh did not waste any time and, taking advantage of Tim's slightly bent position, pushed his hard cock against the boy's rosebud.
"Please, stop it, please!" Tim heard little Karl giggling as he was tickled to madness, "I'm gonna pee myself, please stop!"
As Karl pleaded for his assistants to stop tickling him, John's cock throbbed in Tim's mouth and the boy knew the man's cum was close. He pulled his head up and encased John's cockhead and sucked frantically at it, the way John liked to be done when he was cumming. Tim soon got his reward as John's pecker started shooting jet after jet of his adult spunk inside Tim's mouth.
The boy had come to really accept eating his assistants' cum on a regular basis and eagerly swallowed all of John's. At the same time, he felt Hugh breathing heavily on his back and knew his second assistant was close to cumming too.
He removed his mouth from John's cock and, as Hugh removed his huge cock from the boy's ass, little Tim knelt so as to receive his second load in the mouth. Hugh came in the boy's mouth but spilled a bit next to the boy's mouth.
"Okay, time to get you ready for your next shoot," John said and picked the new swim suit Tim was gonna be using. It was the same as Karl's pair but more of high cut in design.
When Tim left his cubicle a bit exhausted, he found little Karl Lomax already wearing his swimming suit and approached him.
"Ready for your first shoot?" Tim asked tousling little Karl's hair.
"Uh huh," Karl said and smiled at Tim very sincerely.
"Oh, you're really gonna love it here!" Tim said sarcastically as he noticed Karl's little boner under his swimming suit.
"What's that on your mouth?" Karl asked.
"Oh!" Tim said, "a bit of cucumber cream, "Wanna try?"
"Is it any good?" Karl asked.
"You have no idea!" Tim said scooping Hugh's cum from his mouth with two fingers and placing them to Karl's mouth, "Open up!"
Karl did as instructed and opened his mouth. Tim placed his two fingers inside Karl's mouth and ordered him to lick them clean. Karl did as asked finding the flavor slightly odd, a bit sweet with a bit of a bitter chlorine-like after taste, but tried his best not to complain. That in itself elicited mischievous grins from both Tim's and Karl's assistants.
"You're really gonna like it in here!" Tim said and laughed as he walked outside the dressing room, leaving Karl waiting for his assistants to take him to the photoshoot.
Chapter 3 Karl's first photoshoot
Karl was taken to the studio where some other boys were already preparing for the shoot. There were nine boys including him wearing all sorts of different swimming suits. His swimming suit was somewhat tight, but he did not complain.
"Okay boys!" A dark haired and blue-eyed young man said, "For this specific shoots you are all to be friends having fun on the pool, so I want happy faces, alright?"
All boys nodded and some cheered. A couple of men were standing on the back of the studio with a hose and a small kind of tub.
"You're new, right?" the man asked little Karl.
The boy nodded and the man smiled.
"I'm Matt, the assistant photographer."
"Nicce to meet you, Matt, I'm Karl Lomax!"
"Oh, yes!" Matt said, "The cereal commercial boy, right?"
"You know me?"
"Of course I do!" Matt said, "Everybody here has seen your commercials! You're a rising star!"
Karl loved being recognized and got all smiles and giggles. Unbeknownst to him, the other boys seem to be whispering something behind his back.
"Look, Karl," Matt said, "You see those two men with the tub and the hose back there?"
Karl nodded.
"Go get in line, they're gonna get you wet, so the shoot is a lot more realistic, okay?"
Little Karl went to the line to wait for his turn to be wet. He saw how every boy in the line would sit in the tub as the men watered him and helped the water reach every spot with their hands. He waited and waited until it was his turn.
When he looked at the men from a short distance he recognized them as Tim's assistants. Without waiting for instructions, he jumped in the tub and sat, wanting to show these men he really belonged in the agency.
"Karl, right?" John asked.
Karl nodded.
"Good, let's get you wet!"
Having said so, John started moving the hose up and down little Karl as Hugh helped the water run down the boy's body. Hugh made sure to brush the boy's nipples as the water ran down his chest and tummy. He then pulled the elastic band on Karl's swimming suit to help the water fall inside. Ever so casually, he cupped the boy's cock and balls to get them thoroughly wet, as he explained the boy, who didn't seem to care whether he was casually touched. Then Hugh and John helped the water reach every single part of his lovely boy anatomy with their hands.
When all the boys had been properly wet, and many of them were sporting tiny cute erections, Matt started directing them. Every now and then the boys were sent back to get wet again. Matt made sure Little Karl Lomax passed by the tub more than necessary. A couple of times it was Matt himself who help Karl get wet, particularly on his boy-parts. The young and promising photographer loved nothing more than hard boyhoods showing through wet tight swimming suits, especially as revealing as these ones.
Christian Smiths was brought back in the studio by Lyle Young after a talk at Mister Chapman's office just in time for the photoshoot. Everything had been carefully timed so that Christian Smiths would not witness any inappropriate touching of his godson.
"I will leave you to see the photoshoot while I attend to some other matters," Lyle Young said, "but I will leave Arthur here with you, he was your boy's 1st assistant."
"Thank you, Mister Young," Chris said.
"Do think of our offer!" Young said as he walked away.
The photoshoot went uneventful for an adult's eye, and Karl was taken away for a couple more changes through the shooting. There was always someone around to keep Christian Smiths busy as his boy was helped into a new outfit by his caring assistants. Every single change of outfit was, of course, accompanied by its series of tickle wars performed by Karl's assistants Arthur and Max.
It was possibly seven o'clock at night when the whole shooting was over and Karl was taken away from his godfather while the man talked to Mister Young.
Karl entered the changing cubicle followed by Arthur and Max who were there to assist him. Arthur picked Karl up and placed him on the changing stool where he asked him to stand.
"So," Arthur said as he and Max pulled down Karl's last swimming suit, "Did you like your photoshoot?"
"It was suuuuuuuuuuuuper kewl!" Karl said.
"You were awesome!" Max said and kissed Karl on the cheek.
Little Karl blushed a bit and Arthur feared that Max had crossed the line, but Karl giggled and kissed Max back in the cheek.
"You were awesome too!" Karl said giggling after having kissed the man.
"So, was I awesome too?" Arthur asked keeping Karl still naked, "Do I deserve a kiss too?"
"You do!" Karl said and kissed Arthur's cheek.
"Hey!" Max said, "Why don't we show Karl our special buddy kiss?"
"Oh, no!" Arthur said getting falsely serious, "Karl is just a guest star, it wouldn't be appropriate! Plus, what if he can't keep a secret?"
"Oh, I can!" Karl said jumping over the stool, his lovely little cock bouncing up and down as he did so, "I can keep a secret!"
"I don't know
3;" Arthur said.
"Please, Arthur, please!" Karl said, "I will keep the secret if you show me your special buddy kiss! Please, please!"
"What do you say, Max?" Arthur asked.
"Well, I'm not sure
"Please, Max, Please!" little Karl said in his lovely voice, "I will keep it a secret, please!"
"Okay, but this is a secret between us assistants and star, okay? You can't tell anyone, not even your Uncle or your mom."
"I won't, I promise!" Karl agreed.
Max then approached Karl and asked him to make a kiss mouth. As Karl did, Max approached and placed his lips over the boy's.
"There!" Max said, "Super Buddy's special kiss!"
Karl went silent for a few seconds and exclaimed "Kewl!"
"Hey!" Arthur said, "I haven't gotten mine!"
At that, Karl pursed his lips in a kiss position inviting Arthur to give him the 'special buddy kiss', and the adult kissed the boy.
"Now we're all Special Buddies!"
"We all are!" Karl said and started jumping on the stool, "We are all special buddies!!!"
"Hey, Karl!" Arthur said reinforcing his previous point, "remember this is our special buddies secret, okay? You can't tell anyone about our special kiss!"
"I know, you silly!" Karl said and giggled.
"You know?" Max said suddenly faking sadness.
"What is it?" Arthur asked following Max's lead.
"I was thinking
3; What if Karl doesn't come back, now that we're all special buddies
"I want to come back!" Karl said, leaning towards Max still naked.
"Well, I don't know, Karl," Arthur said approaching them and placing his hand on Karl's back, "What if your uncle decides not to sign with the agency?"
"But he can't do that!" Karl said.
"Well, technically he can," Arthur said rubbing Karl's back tenderly, "He's your legal guardian
"But I really really want to!" Karl started whining, "I want to work with the agency, and I want you two to be my assistants and
"Calm down, buddy," Max said now rubbing Karl's tummy as Arthur kept on rubbing the boy's back, "Your uncle is the one who needs to decide."
"But, but
3;" Karl said.
"You know what I think?" Arthur said still rubbing Karl's back, "If you really liked it in here, maybe you could convince him
"I can, I can!" Karl said, "What do I do?"
Arthur's hand fell a bit lower and even when he was still rubbing Karl's back, he was managing to slightly rub the boy's beautiful bubble butt. Max's hand was still rubbing Karl's tummy, but his hand was slightly caressing a bit too close to his pubic mound.
"You can tell him how much you liked the photoshoot. You can tell him you really enjoyed working with us and that you know we can make you a real famous star
"I can totally do that!" he said becoming cheerful again, "I will tell him how much I liked it in here!"
Little Karl was so excited he hadn't even noticed that Arthur was now rubbing his butt and Max's was now openly massaging his pubic mound.
"Well that should do it!" Arthur said, "Now let's get you ready to go home."
Just as he was about to get dressed, Matt, the assistant photographer showed in the cubicle.
"Hi guys!" he said, "I'm here to congratulate our guest star on his photoshoot today!"
"Was I any good?" Karl asked jumping on the stool, his lovely flaccid noodle bouncing up and down.
"You were terrific, buddy!" Matt said approaching the boy, lifting him from the stool, and sitting him carefully on his lap.
"I was?" Karl innocently asked looking up at matt while playfully playing with his feet.
"Oh you were!" Matt said now friendly rubbing Karl's tummy, "You were ever so natural! Wasn't he, guys?"
"Oh, he was amazing!" Arthur and Max said in unison as they both rubbed Karl's cheeks and tousled his hair. All the while Karl giggled softly loving the attention from the 3 grown men.
Matt felt his hard-on pushed against little Karl's back as he rubbed the boy's tummy. Fuck, little Karl Lomax was so fucking hot! Matt decided to try something new, so, as he kept whispering sweet words of praise to little Karl, he continued to rub the boy's tummy with his left, and his right hand started exploring Karl's smooth milky legs.
"You know Karl, you're the only seven year old we've ever had in 'The Boy Model Agency' that isn't a whiny brat, you've quite mature compared to them," Matt said.
Arthur chuckled because Karl Lomax was the youngest kid the agency had ever tried to sign up. That was more likely why Chapman labeled the boy as 'Little Star' and a high priority talent. Everyone at 'The Boy Model Agency' now knew the boy would be a very valuable asset. Chapman and everybody else who'd seen Karl Lomax knew this kid would rack up millions in the industry. While other promising boys had been merely labeled as 'Honor Student' or 'Teacher's Pet', Karl would become the 'Little Star' the Agency's audience had been craving for, for some time now.
As Matt's continued his sweet words on the naiuml;ve kid's ear, all three adults noticed the boy was getting more comfortable because little Karl was casually spreading his legs a bit, as if inviting Matt's touch. Arthur and Max noticed the boy's noodle was no longer limp; Little Karl Lomax was sporting an erection. Both Karl's assistants instinctively took out their phones and pretended they were texting, when in reality they were taking multiple shots of the erotic scene, shots that would later on be shared with Mister Chapman, so he would see to their right distribution.
Matt annoyingly knew his time in this small dressing room was limited and decided to cut the show short. After all, he still had other models to 'inspect'. So, after kissing the rising star in the cheeks, he said goodbye to little Karl.
Arthur and Max then dressed the guest star up, not without accidentally brushing his boy-parts several times over. Karl was completely oblivious to the fact that these men were in reality molesting him and getting a kick out of it.
When Karl had been readied, both Arthur and Max brought him to his legal guardian and godfather Christian Smiths, who was saying goodbye to Lyle Young and Emir Chapman, promising to consider their offer.
Arthur put Karl down after having brought him in arms and Christian didn't fail to notice the bulge on 1st assistant Arthur's pants – a boner? Christian Smiths felt slightly uncomfortable at the sight of the man's evident hard-on, but was quickly brought back to reality as Lyle Young told him the check for the freelance session was already payable and Smiths forgot about Arthur's hard on.
"I'm off to work, guys!" Julianna said shouting from the living room as she usually did.
"You have a night shift again?" Christian asked coming to her.
"Yes, Donovan called in sick, and Mr. Carrigan asked me to fill in again."
"Wow, that's what I call exploitation!" Chris said as Julianna kissed his cheek.
"Tomorrow you can tell me all about the audition. Take care of Karl, okay?"
Chrstian suddenly remembered the odd incident with Karl's assigned assistant Arthur's boner. Was it possible this man had somehow gotten hard carrying his nephew? What if this so called assistant was nothing but a barefaced pedo? What if he was placing his beloved Karl in a position of vulnerability? Mister Young had said their employees were carefully profiled. What if the man was wrong?
"You know he's like a son to me," he told Julianna, but it was more to convince himself.
"I know silly," she said winking and walked away.
Little Karl came running from inside his room in nothing but his tight undies and jumped into Christian's arms, who immediately picked him up. Christian thought of not coming back to 'The Boy Model Agency' ever again and it was decided.
"So," Karl said, "are we signing with the agency, Uncle Chris?"
"I don't think so, Karl." Karl stopped smiling and looked at his god father in the eyes.
"But why?" Karl asked, "I really want to be a star!"
"I know, Karl," Chris said carrying the boy to the bedroom, "but I'm sure there's a lot more agencies where
"I don't want a lot more agencies!" Karl said throwing a tantrum, "I want this agency! I want it! I want this one and no other!"
"Karl, you're being an unreasonable spoiled brat right now," Chris tried to reason and calm the seven year old down.
"But I want to be a star! And they said they can make me a star!" Karl whined and looked away from his guardian. Chris thought he look looked cute when he pouted, but this scene kind of broke his heart.
Christian Smiths sat down on Karl's bed and brought little Karl to his lap trying to be patient. Was it possible he had imagined the whole thing? Maybe he was just being stupid and paranoid. Maybe Arthur was not sporting a boner but was really well endowed? And most of all, he asked himself, why the heck was he even thinking of that other man's junk's girth? He felt even more stupid now.
"Karl, buddy," he said, "I'm just concerned about you and
"Then why?" he asks with those teary dreamy eyes.
"Well, you know I love you so much
3;" he said, "Did
3; did anyone make you feel uncomfortable today?"
"Uncomfortable? What do you mean, Uncle Chris?" Karl asked.
Christian Smiths decided he was being an asshole and decided to leave it at that. He kissed Karl's soft lovely forehead.
"You really liked this agency, didn't you?" he asked.
"I really did! Everyone is so kind and cool! I even made a new friend named Tim, and I'll have two assistants Uncle Chris! I'll be a star! I really, really want this agency Uncle! I promise to be extra good and do whatever you tell me!"
Christian could see the passion in little Karl's eyes and realized he didn't want to break the boy's heart any more.
"Okay, I'll talk to Mister Young then to make an appointment. Is that okay with you?"
Little Karl nodded and kissed his godfather in the lips much to the man's surprise, but thinking nothing of it, Christian Smiths decided to put him in bed.
"Good night buddy."
"Good night, Uncle Chris! You're the best Uncle ever, ever!"
"Hello?" Lyle Young said on the phone.
"Mister Young? Christian Smiths here."
"Mister Smiths! I'm glad to hear from you so soon!" Lyle Young said in utter surprise as he caressed Stephen Addler's dirty blond hair.
Lovely eleven year-old Stephen Addler looked up from his position and Lyle Young could see how he'd managed to push all of his 18 cm [7"] thick cock up to the hilt in Stephen's mouth. Stephen's eyes were watering, but then again Lyle's cock was not easy to swallow.
"Mister Young," Christian said, "I was wondering if we could schedule a meeting tomorrow to discuss Karl's future with your agency?
"Oh, wow!" Lyle Young said as he pistoned inside Stephen's mouth.
"Mister Young?" Chris asked, "Is this a bad time? You seem to be out of breath."
"No, no! I was just working out and you just took me by surprise, most agents do take a little more time to make up their mind."
Stephen was now seriously struggling with his gag reflex, so Lyle Young pulled out and slapped his cock repeatedly on Stephen's lovely cheeks.
"Tell you what, there's another photoshoot tomorrow at noon for the same brand of swimming suits we did today. Karl would be perfect for the shoot."
"But we still haven't
"I was thinking," Lyle Young said now struggling to hide his labored breathing due to Stephen's sweet eleven year-old tongue lapping at Young's cockhead as he would a lollipop, "Come to my office say around ten and we can discuss our contract. Arthur and Max can keep Karl entertained while we talk business."
"That sounds good," Christian said apprehensively as he remembered the incident with Arthur's alleged boner.
"It's a deal, then, Mister Smiths," Lyle Young said, "I'll see you tomorrow then."
As he hung up, he removed his cock from Stephen's mouth and slapped the boy.
"Do you want to ruin my new deal?" he asked.
Stephen shook his head.
"You should know better than to suck so intensely while I'm on the phone!" the man said angrily.
Stephen started sobbing and Lyle Young lifted the boy's face to face his.
"I'm sorry, Stephen," he said, "I get temperamental before closing a deal. Let me make it up to you."
And having said so, Lyle Young placed young Stephen over his desk. With sheer determination and hunger, Emir Chapman's agent engulfed eleven year-old Stephen's 11 cm [4½"] hard cock with his mouth and started sucking.
The teen boy started whimpering almost immediately as the man's mouth started pleasuring him. He felt dirty every time he was used by any of these men, but it was his dream to become a star and he knew this was the only way to achieve it. He cried silently as his still young rod started spitting all of his teen cum in the man's mouth.
Chapter 4 Closing the deal
Christian Smiths was received at The Agency by a shining Lyle Young. The man seemed utterly happy that Little Karl was going to be the new acquisition of 'The boy Model Agency'. Soon as they got to the Chapman's office, Arthur and Max showed to pick up little Karl and get him entertained. Christian Smiths' concerns regarding the assistants went a bit away as he saw how kind they were to his godson, but in the back of his mind the image of Arthur's boner kept bothering him.
"Okay, Mister Smiths," Lyle Young said, "let's talk business. This is the first draft of the contract, and, as you'll see, it's a rather long document, so this is what we'll do. I'm gonna leave you to read it calmly and be back in, half hour is that fine?"
Christian Smiths nodded and Lyle Young stepped outside the office.
"Where are we going, guys?" Karl asked as Arthur carried him in his arms.
"We're taking you the model room!" Arthur said.
"The model room? Whoa!?" Karl said not exactly sure what the model room was.
Matt, the assistant photographer felt his heart start beating faster as little Karl Lomax entered the model room carried by Arthur. His cock throbbed inside his pants almost immediately at the sight of the boy whose lovely little dick he'd handled on the last photo shoot as he helped him get wet. Karl's wearing wide legged shorts didn't help either, since every time the boy sat down his undies showed.
"Karl Lomax!" he shouted, "Are you here for today's photoshoot?"
"I don't know, you silly!" Karl said and giggled, "My Uncle hasn't signed the contract yet!"
"But he will, I'm sure!" Max said.
"Come here, buddy!" Matt said and took Karl from Arthur's arms and sat the boy on his lap.
The men didn't fail to notice that the Karl seemed very comfortable sitting on any stranger's lap. It became very obvious to the boy's assistants and photographer that he was so naïve that inappropriate touching didn't seem to bother him at all.
Someone seems to have skipped the boy's lessons about good touching and bad touching, Max thought, and we will certainly use that to our advantage.
"Where are the other boys?" Karl asked as he noticed there were only adults around.
"Oh! Today's photoshoot only stars you and adult models in swimming suits, isn't that cool? You'll get all the attention! This shoot is only for you!"
"Really?" Karl said, "Wow, that's super kewl!"
"It is, isn't it!" Matt asked placing his left hand on Karl's leg and the other one on the boy's tummy. Karl's only reaction was just smiling back at his molester.
"I'm gonna go fetch the suits you'll be wearing today," Max said, "I'll be back in no time!"
A man came into the room in that moment wearing nothing but a rather revealing white tight swimming suit. He was tall and blonde with gray eyes and a smooth and tanned body.
"Hi there!" the man said, "Is this the wonder boy who'll be in the photoshoot with us today?
Karl giggled at being called a wonder boy.
"He is," Arthur said, "Our new super star, so you'd better treat him right!"
"By all means!" the blond man said, "Hi there! I'm Adam!"
"Hey, Adam!" Karl said extending his hand, "I'm Karl Lomax!"
"I know who you are buddy," Adam said, "I saw your performance in that two-episode story for CSD (Crime Scene Detectives)!"
"You did?" Karl asked with excitement.
"Oh, Karl," Adam said, "Of course I did, you're truly gifted!"
"No, I'm not!" Karl said giggling.
"Oh, you are!" Adam said and then rubbed the boy's cheeks tenderly as he kissed his forehead.
"He's really naïve, now, isn't he?" Emir Chapman asked his personal assistant Lyle Young as they both looked through the one-way mirror at little Karl Lomax sitting in Matt's lap as Adam sucked up to him telling him how great a performer he was.
On his lap, Emir Chapman had young Tommy Fields completely naked. The boy was a beauty, still slightly underdeveloped, Tommy looked a bit more like a ten year older, than his actual twelve. The only thing that gave him away, was the size of his uncut teen cock, which was now around 12 cm [4"] when hard. He was white and had dark blonde hair over a beautiful face.
Chapman and Young had just recently started becoming acquainted with Tommy, who was still represented by his father, a 35 year-old boy lover himself.
"He is, Mister Chapman," Lyle said playing with Tommy's balls – he loved pre-teen and teen balls more than anything – "I wonder what he'd say if he knew everyone he'll be interacting with has been briefed on who he is and what he's done professionally so far."
"Do you think he'll resist?" Chapman asked as his left hand was busy pinching and tweaking at Tommy's left nipple, and his right hand polished the boy's teen cockhead.
"He seems like a very docile kid, sir, eager to please. He has a big ego like most kids his age, which will make our job so much easier."
"Adam is really good at this," Emir Chapman said.
Young Tommy was breathing heavily as both men touched him in his most private parts.
"He's a great performer, sir. And his little brother, Stephen, has proven an obedient boy. I can tell he doesn't really enjoy being used like little Tommy here, but he'll eventually come around. He has big dreams of being a star!"
"They all do," Emir Chapman said kissing Tommy's ear as he manipulated the boy's hard-on, "Isn't that right Tommy?"
"Yes, Mister Chapman," the boy said breathing heavily.
"That's the key to our success, Lyle," Chapman said, "I wonder if little Stephen Addler knows he'll be soon starring his first real Holywood movie as a teen star!"
"We haven't yet break the news to him, sir," Lyle said slightly slapping Tommy's young balls, "After all, before we give him the big role as the main star in Diary of a mini-spy he first has to shoot Secret desires of a boyscout were his brother Adam will star as the man who gets the men for his uncanny hunger for adult cum."
"I have not yet seen the final version of the script for that new release," Emir Chapman said speeding up Tommy's masturbation.
"I'll see to it that you get it ASAP sir. It remained mostly the same, save for the final sequence which was changed according to your suggestions."
"Great," Chapman said, "I do think ending the movie with an orgy where Stephen ends up with his lovely angel face covered in the cum of all seven adult co-stars as his brother fucks him raw would be just fucking amazing."
"I couldn't possibly agree more, sir."
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tommy said as his lovely teen cock started spurting his yet immature cum.
"Tommy's definitely a heavy cummer, now, isn't he, Lyle?" Chapman asked.
"He certainly is, sir. And I think he does love the attention!"
Emir Chapman smiled as he licked Tommy's cum from his own fingers.
Matt's hard cock was pressed against little Karl Lomax's back but the boy was oblivious to it as Adam and Matt himself kept telling him how great an actor he was and how famous he would become if he worked for 'The Boy Model Agency'. Matt's left hand was still rubbing Karl's Tommy as his right hand had accidentally landed very close to Karl's crotch, while Adam's right hand was gently rubbing Karl's right leg.
"Hello there!" an Afroamerican man said as he came into the room.
"Mike!" Arthur said running to greet the man.
Mike Rey was one of Chapman's favorite adult models because not only was he handsome in features with very expressive eyes, but because his big and thick cock looked delightful as it fucked a young boy. Mike was now wearing a very loose bathing suit in the style of short pants.
"Hey, guys!" he said, "Is little star Lomax ready for the photoshoot?"
"Almost!" said Max coming back into the model room, "I just went to get his outfits. Come here buddy! Let's try your first suit!"
3;" Little Karl said, "but my uncle Chris hasn't said I can do the photoshoot yet
"Oh, I'm sure he will!" said another man coming in.
"Andrew!" Arthur said, "I didn't know you'd been cast for today's session!"
"Last minute call!" Andrew O'Reilly said, "Mister Chapman said I'd be a nice addition for the wet sequences."
"Great!" Arthur said.
Andrew O'Reilly was possibly the youngest model of them all at barely twenty. He was a red-haired boy with glasses and the typical next-door college student look. He had a toned body and was wearing a rather revealing mesh speedo like suit. It was very obvious that the reason why chapman had gotten him for the shoot was the fact that Andrew had a big dick too. Matt had been specifically instructed to make a show of pointing out the difference between the men's cock sizes and Karl Lomax's.
"So, is everyone here?" Max asked.
"No," Matt replied, "we're still missing Jordan!"
"Here I am!" Jordan said as he came in.
The man was certainly the tallest of them all and built. He had a clean shaven head and angular features which somehow emphasized his blue eyes. He was wearing a tight boxer trunk in very thin fabric which allowed for anyone to guess his cock shape, size and girth.
"Okay, Karl," Arthur said, "time to try your first outfit!"
"But, my Uncle
"What is it, Karl?" Matt said, "Don't you trust me, Arthur and Max? I thought you were a very professional model and actor
3; I am!" Karl protested.
"So, let's do this!" Matt said, "Let's show your uncle how much you really want to be part of this team!"
3;" Karl said and smiled shyly.
"Up here, buddy!" Arthur said carrying little Karl and placing him on the stool.
Both Arthur and Max then proceeded to remove Karl's shirt. They did it slowly, making sure all Matt, Adam, Mike, Andrew and Jordan could take in Karl's lovely boy anatomy. Then they removed the boy's shoes and socks one at a time, and then they pulled down his shortpants. Karl was now down to his undies.
Arthur and Max proceeded to pull down Karl Lomax's tight white undies and the seven year older was now completely naked. Little Karl didn't even make the effort to cover his boy bits, since he lacked in modesty around his house, like many boys his age.
"Karl!" Mike said, "You're really the cutest boy in here! You're gonna rock this photoshoot!"
"No, I'm not you silly!" Karl said giggling.
"Oh, you are!" Adam added.
"He is, he is!" Andrew said, "So cute I really want to tickle him the way I tickle my nephews!"
"Tickle wars!" Max shouted and all men quickly surrounded Karl.
They all started tickling the boy, who almost immediately started laughing and giggling and begging the men to stop. Hidden cameras were recording everything happening in the room.
"Hold him! hold him!" Adam said laughing, "He's our tickle prisoner!"
Arthur carried the boy to a table conveniently placed aside and placed him as he would in bed. Matt himself held the boy's wrists gently and Adam and Mike each took an ankle.
"Stop! Stop!" Karl said giggling completely unaware that these men were looking for nothing but taking advantage of him.
The tickle wars finally began with Karl squirming and laughing as every single male in the room tickled him everywhere. While he was madly tickled in the armpits, soles and neck – most vulnerable spots – the men started casually tickling his balls and cocklet.
Little Karl Lomax didn't even realize that as he was tickled, Andrew was now caressing his nipples ever so casually.
"Stop! Stop it please!" Karl said laughing big time, "I surrender, I surrender!"
Karl slightly kicked and Adam took the advantage to bring the boy's leg up, giving the others now access to the boy's asscheeks and hole. Jordan took the hint almost immediately and ever so casually started tickling the boy's nether region on and off, so he wouldn't really notice. Karl hadn't noticed, but Matt was taking a whole bunch of pictures of the whole situation, with some very interesting close ups to the boy's cock, balls and ass.
"Guys, please stop, stop!" Karl said laughing real hard now, "please stop, I
3; I
3; I'm gonna pee myself, please stop now!"
Andrew was now deliberately tickling Karl's cock which had now become hard as Max tickled the boy's balls more openly and Jordan was now rubbing the boy's asshole in circles. Karl didn't even know what was happening since he was being tickled madly on the armpits and neck which were his most vulnerable spots.
3; it!" Karl said laughing hard and running out of breath.
The tickling kept going on for a while so that each of the men could have a go at tickling Karl's lovely prepubescent cock and balls while the others made sure the boy wouldn't notice by tickling him hard on more regular spots.
"No more!" Karl laughed but feeling a bit of desperation building up as the men didn't seem to want to stop, "I'm gonna
3; pee myself
3; no! St
3; stop
3; it!"
And then it happened.
From his hardened cocklet a golden stream started flowing. Matt felt his own cock twitch while he captured every single moment as Karl bathed himself in his own pee. All men stopped the tickling altogether holding Karl in place so he could finish peeing all over himself.
3; I'm
3; I'm sorry!" Karl said and started pouting, "I'm
3; I'm really sorry! I
He started sobbing and was very close to crying, when Adam broke the tension by taking his cock out and started peeing as well.
"You're the star, Karl!" Adam said, "You pee, we pee, right guys?"
"Pee wars!" Andrew shouted.
As if on cue, all men took their cocks out and started peeing all over each other as they all laughed. Most of them made sure, as they peed, that Karl felt more comfortable as they made the boy's first golden shower something casual and unimportant.
"Karl peed on me!" Jordan said.
"Well, pee on him!" Mike said laughing and Jordan directed his golden streamed toward the boy.
Before Karl could feel bad, all men were laughing hard and peeing each other. They also made a point of peeing all over the little star who was now laughing hard at the same pace as his molesters. Matt couldn't help it and ejaculated inside his shorts as he took shots of the best casual golden shower of a model boy he'd ever be able to do again.
When the euphoria had passed, Arthur spoke.
"Now, guys, all of us are covered in pee, and that won't be good for the shoot, so I think we all must hit the showers so we can get started."
All models were sporting huge boners now, but Karl was still so naïve he didn't really understand what had just taken place.
"Boy, you're fun!" Andrew said as he tousled Karl's hair making the boy slightly blush at the compliment.
Then they all entered the shower cubicle and removed their swimming suits.
"Am I?" Karl asked.
"You're the best fun boy I've ever met!" Andrew replied.
"I guess I am, aren't I!" Karl said and giggled.
All men entered the same shower cubicle with the boy and started the water running. Arthur placed the boy under the shower as he told everyone they had only five minutes to get ready. Jordan suggested they helped each other shower so, very soon all men were soaping each other's backs, torsos, legs and everything that got in the way.
Arthur asked Karl to close his eyes so he could shampoo his head and Karl complied. As Arthur shampooed the boy's head more than necessary, all of the others helpfully started soaping Karl. Jordan took the rear almost immediately and soaped Karl's butcheeks and crack. Mike was soaping Karl's chest and tummy with emphasis on the boy's nipples. And Andrew and Adam were soaping Karl's noodle and balls.
Karl just stood still giggling as all men bathed him. He couldn't really open his eyes due to the shampoo bubbles all over his head, so he just stayed there enjoying all the attention from what he thought was the coolest group of grownups he ever worked with. He loved being the center of attention and he totally lacked the malice to understand how these men felt about groping every single inch of his body. Each man took a turn then at soaping the boy's cockle until the young model felt a funny sensation, an erection!
He really didn't think it was bad since it felt good because these men were very nice to him. He also remembered his Uncle Chris had once explained to him it was very normal for every boy to get a stiffy every now and then. It seemed, however, that his uncle had forgotten to mention that strangers causing him to have an erection was most definitely not appropriate.
Fuck! Arthur thought, this little boy has to be the most gullible boy ever! And he's so fucking hot!
"So, Mister Smiths," Emir Chapman said, "Are you ready to sign with us?"
3; I almost am," Karl's guardian said.
"What's preventing you from doing it, then?" the owner of 'The Boy Model Agency' asked.
"There's this clause which troubles me
"Which one, Mister Smiths?" Chapman asked knowing exactly what Smiths was talking about.
"This particular clause says I rescind legal rights over Karl to you. That
"Oh! That!" Chapman said, "It's a mere formality. This clause basically refers to any right to decide over the boy's career."
"See, that can be a problem, since I usually run everything by his mother and
"I understand your hesitation, Mister Smiths
3; Christian, right?"
Christian Smiths nodded.
"Look, Christian, I understand your hesitation. However, I want you to take a look around this room. What do you see?"
"Child stars
"Exactly!" Chapman said smiling, "Corey Ham, Ralph Mackie, Billy Zoom. Countless boys who have made it in show business because of us. As my assistant told you, we only strike the best deals for our models and actors. They make us money, we make them careers. Putting your boy in our hands will make him famous and will make you rich."
Chapman paused to drink from his scotch and spoke again.
"You did read the clause where we talk about his monthly payment?"
Christian nodded.
"Whether he works or now, he'll received his fixed wedge and so will you. Every work will be paid separately from this fee. Think about everything you've dreamed of. The boy's mother could stop working at that horrible place she works. We're offering you a life of wealth and fame for your boy
Christian Smith nodded and then signed before he could second guess himself.
"You've made the best choice you could've ever made, Mister Smiths," Chapman said, "Welcome aboard, partner! Let's toast to that so we can go see the photoshoot!"
Chapter 5 Wet or dry?
Little Karl Lomax and all adult models to take part in his first real photoshoot were ready to begin, when Arthur's phone rang. The man moved slightly aside recognizing Emir Chapman's number.
"Mister Chapman," he said.
"Hello, Arthur," the man said, "Mr. Smiths has just signed his contract of exclusivity with us, so I just wanted to give you the thumbs up to proceed with the photoshoot."
"Very good, Mister Chapman," the man said, "I'm sure Little Karl Lomax will be thrilled that he now officially works for us."
"I'm on my way with Mister Smiths to see the photoshoot," the man said.
"I'm not sure that would be a very good idea sir," Arthur said, "given the nature of the shots on today's schedule."
"That's just wonderful news," Chapman said using the code to express he'd make a change of plans for the boy's former legal guardian, "I'm sure he'll be pleased to see the shots."
Arthur hung up and turned to look at the models.
"Guys, guys!" he said, "It's a beach photoshoot and you should all be wet by now! Please go in the showers with your outfits 'coz we need to get this shoot going!"
"The studio is being readied for the shoot, Christian," Chapman said, "let's go on to see your boy on his first official photoshoot
Chapman was interrupted midsentence as his phone rang.
"Emir Chapman here," he said, "What?
Oh, Lyle!
Yes, certainly
Mister Smiths? Yeah, he's with me
Oh, we're on our way to the photoshoot
Oh, I see!
Well, that's wonderful news!
Oh, you mean like, now?
Ok, let me talk to him
Yeah, sure, bye."
"Is everything okay, Mister Chapman?" Christian asked.
"Yes, yes. That was my assistant, Lyle Young, telling me someone is interested in talking to you about casting Karl for a TV show
"Oh, wow!" Christian said, "That fast?"
"To be completely honest with you, Mister Smiths, Lyle has been working his ass off to break deals for Karl since we first spoke. Now that he's officially one of our models, he's just double checking on deals he's been preparing."
"So, what's the problem?" Christian asked.
"The problem is the Casting Executive wants to discuss this with you over lunch, in exactly
twenty minutes."
"Oh!" Christian said knowing he'd have to leave Karl in the studio alone during the shoot.
"I can always ask Lyle to contact the Casting Executive and ask him to re-schedule
"No, no! That would be rude! I guess we could
Would Karl be alright?" he asked.
"Christian," Chapman said throwing his arm over the young man's shoulder, "As Lyle already told you, all our employees are carefully profiled to ensure that our talents are treated like nothing but the best, believe me, there's nothing to worry about."
"Well, in that case
" Christian said, "I guess we could see this Casting Executive
"I wouldn't want to impose
" Chapman said.
"No, no! I insist!" Christian said.
"Let me then call Lyle."
Arthur and Max took little Karl Lomax to the photo studio where the shoot was to be held. This particular studio was a bit away and hidden from the rest of The BMA's other facilities, but given the nature of the shoot, Chapman preferred it that way.
Most of the floor of the studio had been covered with sand so as to make a more believable background for the pictures. Not that it mattered, since the camera was going to mostly focus on Karl and his boy bits, and the adults taking innocent advantage of the new boy model.
Matt couldn't really hide his boner anymore and just walked to and fro sporting a huge tent.
"Okidoki, Karl," Matt said, "For the first shoots, you'll be playing in the sand with Adam, who will play the role of your dad, okay?
Karl giggled and nodded.
"So, kneel next to the sand castle and pretend you're building it."
The boy did as instructed.
"Okay, Adam," Matt said, "Now, I need you behind Karl as if you were helping him build his castle and having lots of fun with him."
The man knew exactly what he was supposed to do and knelt behind the boy. His physique practically covered little Karl and the man's bulge accidentally rubbed Karl's bubble butt every time both models moved directed by Matt.
"Good, good!" he said, "Now Karl, turn around and look at the camera and give me dreamy eyes!"
Karl did his best to do dreamy eyes oblivious to the final result of the pic in which he was looking at the camera with dreamy eyes as Adam was positioned behind him as if fucking him doggy style.
"I think we need someone else
" Matt said as if coming up with an idea which had already been suggested by Mister Chapman, "Andrew, come join the scene."
The red haired walked towards both Karl and Adam and waited for instructions.
"You're gonna play Karl's older brother so
I got it! Karl you're gonna continue having fun building your castle, Adam stay in your position helping Karl. Andrew, kneel next to Karl as if you're looking up at the sky."
The result for the next set of pictures was Karl with dreamy eyes while Adam appeared behind him rubbing his cock on the boy's behind and Andrew's cock leaned against the boy's shoulder.
"Okay, Karl, now stand up and give me your back, but turn to look at the camera. Adam, Andrew, you guys stay in place looking at Karl,"
They did as instructed and Matt stopped taking pics.
"No, no, no!" he said, "It doesn't look natural! Arthur, Max, would you please hose Karl a bit so he's wet again?"
Arthur and Max quickly came to the boy and started hosing him, making sure to get him wet in every spot, continuously using their hands to wet the boy in his strategic spots.
"Good! That's a lot better! Adam, Andrew, would you help me rub some sand on Karl so he looks more like he really is at the beach?"
Adam and Andrew both took a handful of sand and followed directions. At Matt's request, Adam put a bit of sand inside Karl's swimming suit on the back. Andrew did the proper covering little Karl's chest, tummy and crotch with plenty of sand. The application of sand took a lot more time than expected since the boy had to be hosed and rubbed sand until Matt was completely satisfied with how the boy looked
or, better, until Matt thought the boy had been sufficiently rubbed in every single spot.
By that point, Karl's noodle had gotten hard and showed marvelously under the boy's wet swimming suit it its full 6 cm erect glory.
"Great! That's a lot better!" Matt said taking a whole new set of pictures.
Karl was then made to pose in all sorts of suggestive poses, always looking at the camera. On all fours, sitting with legs crossed as Adam and Andrew stood behind the boy always looking at him lasciviously, sitting on Andrew's lap with Adam close to them.
"I think it's time for a new suit," Matt said.
Arthur and Max jumped in and, arguing they were away from the dressers, proceeded to change the suit on the very studio. Arthur put his hands upfront Karl's suit and Max behind and they both removed the suit rather slowly, only to place the new suit in the very same fashion. Then they both hosed Karl again and then all Arthur, Max, Adam and Andrew proceeded to sand the boy.
"You look gorgeous, Karl!" Andrew said unable to hide his boner under his mesh suit.
"I do, do I?" Karl asked.
"Oh, you fucking nailed it!" Adam said.
Karl Lomax giggled as the men complimented him and covered him in sand. When he was ready, Matt asked Jordan and Mike to join in the frame for the next shoots. He started directing them and then he suddenly stopped.
"I know what's off!" Matt said.
"What?" Andrew asked.
"If you're all on the beach, your nipples have to be hard because of the exposure to the elements, do you agree with me?"
All men agreed and Karl found himself nodding if only not to appear like he didn't know a thing, after all, he wanted to impress all these men he thought to be the coolest group of models ever.
"Mike, Adam," he said, "you guys do have hardened nipples, but Jordan, Andrew and Karl do not. Mike, would you help me get Jordan's nipples hard? Adam, Andrew, would you help me get Karl's nipples hard?"
All men agreed and Mike got to work on Jordan's nipples. Karl gasped as he saw how Mike was touching Jordan's, but he gathered it must be okay if Matt was directing them to do so. Andrew and Adam both approached Karl and kneeling before him started rubbing his young yummy nipples. Matt, of course, didn't take pictures since Karl was attentive, but the hidden cameras were at work making both pics and video of the session.
"Okay," Matt said, "Mike, I think Jordan's nipples are hard enough. Karl's however, are not. Would you guys help Andrew and Adam?"
All men now surrounded little Karl and started taking turns rubbing the boy's tiny pink knobs, that were by the way, hard enough. Little Karl's Lomax face showed a funny blush on his cheeks as all four men rubbed him. He hadn't even noticed his little cock was getting hard again too.
"G-guys?" he said flushed, "I think my nips are as hard as they're gonna get
"Let's see," Matt said and approached the boy to gently rub his nipples himself, "It's true, let's continue!"
He took a new set of pictures until he was satisfied, not without having the adult models helping Karl get his nipples hard every now and then. Then he ordered the last swimming suit and Max and Arthur proceeded to help Karl into his last suit which was a red g-string a bit too small for Karl.
"Arthur," Matt said, "Give Karl those cool sunglasses you got from the prop department since next sequence is sunbathing."
Arthur did as instructed and a poolside bed was brought in the set. Adam was asked to sit on one end and then Karl was directed to lie face down on his father's lap. Andrew and Mike were then directed to rub suntan lotion on Karl's back. Matt directed the boy to look at the camera while he was being applied the lotion making as happy a face as he could.
Mike and Andrew started rubbing the lotion all over Karl's back, arms, legs and butt while the boy looked at the camera with Adam's cock nestled against his cheek. Matt was hard beyond belief as the boy was rubbed more than necessary in the butt.
The time had come for the final set of pics and Matt asked the boy to lie face up. The scene was quite the same, only this time Mike and Andrew got to apply suntan lotion all over the boy's chest and tummy. Jordan was invited to join the scene.
Adam and Jordan started applying the lotion to Karl's chest as Andrew and Mike worked on the boy's lower section. Karl giggled first loving the attention he was receiving from all four grownups as he was photographed and made his best to act out every face Matt required of him. Little by little Andrew and Mike started getting closer and closer to the boy's crotch. Andrew was really good at playing innocent, so he started to accidentally rub the boy's balls as he oiled his legs. Mike on his part was now brushing Karl's noodle as he applied lotion on the boy's tummy.
"Arthur, Max," Matt said, "Would you please prepare Karl's bath for when we're done?
Both assistants took the cue and left the studio. It was possibly one of Chapman's best way of ensuring that the boy would not suspect his assistants of being involved in all this. It was part of the way he usually made sure the bond between assistants and star wasn't broken, at least at the beginning. Chapman always wanted to keep the sessions a secret so as to have enough blackmail material to coerce both the models and their guardians.
Before Karl could even notice, Adam and Jordan had focused the lotion application on his tiny nipples, and Mike was now openly squeezing the boy's hard cocklet through the skimpy thong. Karl wanted to complain, but what if they though he wasn't professional? So he didn't complain at all, until Mike's hand went inside his suit.
"Stop, you silly!" he said trying to sound casual, "I'm ticklish!"
"Really?" Mike asked looking at the boy, "How ticklish?
And having said so he pulled the g-string down.
"No, wait," Karl said.
"Are you ticklish here?" Mike asked rubbing Karl's cocklet up and down with his hand covered in lotion.
"Or maybe here?" Andrew asked playing with Karl's little marbles in his hand.
"Please, guys
" Karl said trying not to sound scared, "I'm truly very ticklish!"
Adam pulled the boy closer to his crotch so that he could have the boy leaning against him as he attacked the boy's nipples now openly and not caring. They had taken the shoot to where Chapman wanted it to go.
" he said, "please?"
But nobody acknowledged his plea. Mike pulled down Little Karl's foreskin releasing the cutest boy pink cockhead ever.
"P-please!" he said now pouting.
"Oh, don't be such a baby, Karl!" Matt said, "We're making great pictures here! Pictures that will make you a star!"
Mike poured a new amount of lotion on Karl's tiny cockhead and started polishing the cute pink knob as Andrew played with Karl's little nuts in both his hands. Jordan knelt on the other side of the poolside bed and started rubbing the boy's little hole.
"No, no, no, stop!" Karl yelled this time.
But the men wouldn't stop. He wanted Arthur and Max to come down and help him, but they were nowhere to be seen.
Andrew then left Karl's balls alone and joined Mike in stimulating the boy's pink cute knob of a cockhead. Karl was now breathing heavily as he was expertly manipulated by all four adults and Matt continued to take pictures of it.
guys!" he said feeling a funny tingling sensation on his little cock, "I th-think
I-I need
to p-pee
Matt knew they were closer now and directed Adam to remove the boy's sunglasses, since he wanted to capture every single expression of pleasure on the boy's face. The men continued to rub Karl's nipples, cockhead and asshole until the boy was gasping so uncontrollably they knew he was very likely going to experience his first orgasm.
Little Karl Lomax felt something tingly and amazing as he had his first dry orgasm ever. He was subconsciously moving his hips as all four men manipulated him. He didn't know what to make of the sensations he was experiencing but he sure knew it felt sort of weird but so good he didn't even know how that had happened.
"Perfect!" Matt said, his cock completely wet inside his shorts, "And we call it a wrap!"
Karl's expression was one of bliss and confusion. He was breathing heavily as if the little kid has just finished running a lap and at the same time as all men started standing up from their positions.
"You were amazing, Karl!" Andrew said, his hard on completely evident now.
"I-I was?" Karl asked.
"Oh, you have to be kidding!" Mike said, "You're a natural, Little Star! Isn't he guys?"
"He is!" Adam agreed, a huge stain of precum on his swimming suit, "The best ever!"
"I really wanted to capture some family fun and you did an awesome job, Karl!" Matt said now.
Little by little all five men praised him, squeezed his cheeks playfully, tousled his hair and patted his back and butt as friends would do. Max and Arthur returned at that very moment to take little Karl for his bath to call it a day.
Karl was still so overwhelmed by what had just happened that he didn't even noticed as Stephen Addler, Adam's eleven year old brother and boy model for the BMA was brought inside the set. After all, all four adult models needed a place to drop their loads on.
Just as the younger model was about to exit the studio, Stephen called out the boy waving.
"Hey, Karl!"
Karl turned and saw the cute blonde showing a sincere smile. Karl smiled back and saw the boy quickly walking towards him wearing a tight skimpy speedo suit. Karl suddenly became self-aware and blushed wondering if the boy had seen what had happened during the photoshoot. For the first time he felt embarrassed as if he knew what had just happened was somehow not supposed to have happened.
Stephen knelt in front of the younger boy and introduced himself not losing his charming smile.
"I'm Stephen, but you can call me Steff. I've heard you're doing very great on your first day!" He said reaching to give the kid a fist bump instead of a handshake.
Karl though it was funny and smiled a little still blushing.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" the younger kid said being unusually polite.
"We should play sometimes when you're not doing anything, They have a playroom and a huge pool here. I might as well introduce you to the other kids here!"
Karl's eyes opened wide in genuine excitement.
"Yeah, that'd be super kewl!" Karl replied before his assistants nudged his arm telling him they had to go.
"What was that all about?" Matt asked Stephen when little Karl Lomax was gone.
"I-It's nothing sir," Stephen said nervously, "I-I just thought he might need a friend, he looked really nervous out there."
Matt's right eyebrow arched.
"A bit sympathetic with the boy, are we?" Matt asked, "Well, that might be a really bad idea in Mister Chapman's eyes. You know he really feels like punishing boys who fraternize without his permission. Are you trying to fraternize with our Little Star, Stephen?"
"No sir, it's not like that, I just
" Stephen said blushing and looking down.
"Ok that's enough," Matt said, "let's do this shoot already, we're way behind schedule and we do need several shots of your cum-covered face!"
As Karl exited the room, the adult models started removing their last piece of clothing and gathered around Stephen.