PyroThe Lonely Prince |
SummaryModern fairy tale about a 14yo gay boy who becomes the crown prince of a Europen kingdom.
Publ. Mar-May 2004 and July 2005(Nifty); this site Jan 2017
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CharactersAdam William Ryan (14yo)Category & Story codesBoyfriend storytt – nosex (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's CommentsYears ago, in 2011, Pyro wrote me that he wanted to publish his stories on PZA. I gave him my e-mail and never heard anything again. Then I forgot, but recently I found his stories again, mostly in my archive. I will check them and a few of them I will publish in the next months/years. Pyro also contributed to Sid G's series Arkansas Vacation . His e-mail address is no longer available, thus like several other authors, Pyro has vanished... |
I would like to thanks Sid for editing this story and Sid and Mike for their continuing support and love that they have shown me over the years. Thanks Guys>
Chapter 1Adam William Ryan was average 14 year old. He had deep red hair, and deep blue eyes. He was short for his age, only going to 5'4 [1.63 m] tall, he weighed about 110 pounds [50 kg]. He had a flat stomach and no real muscle. He wore braces and needed glasses when reading. To some he looked cute but most boys at his new private school saw an easy target. Adam was gay and he knew it, which was one of the reasons that he keep away from all of the boys at school. The older boys pushed him around and tripped him up all the time. They knocked his books out of his hand and slapped him up side the head. He was very weary of it all, but no one seemed to care. His dad died when he was eight and he lived with his mom. She was a nice and pretty lady for her age. She was 35 and a real estate agent and made a pretty good income. Mary Ryan was 5'6 [1.68 m] tall and 125 pounds [57 kg]. She had the same color hair as her son but her eyes were hazel. Adam got his eyes from his father. Adam's father had died in a plane crash while returning from a business trip from Europe. He was on his company's private plane. As the plan was crossing the Atlantic Ocean the engines stalled and the plane went down. No one survived. Mary knew all about the problems that Adam was having including the fact that he was gay, but there was little she could do. She told Adam to go to the principal and when he did the taunting and the beatings only got worse. One day he came home and his eye was so bruised from being punched that it was closing and he couldn't see out of it. She had taken him to the hospital and the x-rays found that his orbital socket was broken. He couldn't go to school for two weeks. When he finally did go back to school one of the bullies 'accidentally' hit his books up causing them to hit his eye and cause the swelling to start up all over again. She wished she knew what to do but she had no idea what else she could do to protect him. Finally on this day Adam had had enough. After having his eye cracked and not being able to see for almost a month he had had enough. As the last bell for the day rang out, Adam had his book bag and was on his way out the side door when two of the biggest bullies cornered him, Butch and Max. "Well hey there pipsqueak," Butch said grinning, Max was behind him with a sadistic grin as well. "What do you want?" Adam asked them staring them down. "Hey look he thinks his all tuff," Butch replied laughing to himself. "Look I am tired and I want to go home. Just leave me the hell alone finally. I haven't done anything to you two and all you do is pick on me. Well find yourself another target." With that Adam went to go around them but Butch grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and stopped him. "I don't think so we like you to much." With that Butch hit him in the stomach causing Adam to fall to the round. Tears came immediately to Adam's eyes. As he tried to get back up Max kicked him in the ribs and they all heard a load crunching sound. Not caring the two boys balled up and was going to start using him as a punching bag. As Max and Butch were looking down about to hit Adam they noticed two sets of feet appear behind them. "Leave him alone," they heard. Both boys turned around and saw two men in suits standing there wearing ray band glasses. Both men were over 6 feet [1.80 m] and had solid muscles showing through their suits. "Hey man this doesn't concern you, leave now and I won't have to tell my father about you and have you fired," Butch said standing up. "Son I don't know who your dad is and I don't care. All I care about is the boy you're hurting. Leave him alone now or you will be arrested," the headman said in a strange accent that sounded almost British but not quit. About that time they noticed two cop cars and a limo out in the car lot. The police were heading their way. For the first time Max and Butch looked scared. As they turned to go they noticed Adam was standing and holding his ribs. Adam too noticed the men and the police and got scared. Not wanting to get into trouble he turned and ran before anyone could stop him, within ten seconds he was in the woods and was gone. The police got there and took Max and Butch into custody and lead them away. The headman in the suit talked into a radio hided in his cufflink. "The Prince has run." With that the two mean turned and walked towards the waiting limos. Adam kept running. He knew if he got to the edge of the woods he was home free. It was near his home. As he started to slow due to the pain in his chest he couldn't believe that he just ran all three miles to the end of his street through the woods. Adam turned and looked behind and didn't notice anyone following him. He turned and walked out onto the street only to be meet by a ton of people in front of his house. There were TV cameras all over the place and police as well. Adam feared that his mother was hurt or worse. As he walked near two of the reporters recognized him. "There he is," they hollered out as they ran towards him. The other reporters followed along with the police. Cameras were being shoved in his face and people were hollering questions at him. He stood still and between the fear that something was wrong with his mom and the pain in his chest he collapsed there on the ground just as the police and Secret Service caught up with the reporters. Adam woke up to a beep and a searing pain in his chest. He thought it was all a dream. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed his mom sitting there watching him. "Mom" he croaked out. Mary smiled at him. "Hey baby boy. How are you feeling?" she asked feeding him ice chips. "I hurt real bad. I thought something was wrong with you when I saw all the reporters and the police," Adam said swallowing more ice chips. Mary smiled at him. "No baby nothing is wrong. Actually there are some things that are going on but they are all good baby. I promise. Why don't you rest and we will talk later. Ok?" she said smiling at him. Before he could respond the door opened and a nurse walked in. Adam turned and looked at her then noticed behind her outside of the door were the same two men in suits from the school standing there. "Mom why are they here?" he asked pointing at the door and the two men. One of the men heard him and turned and looked inside. He came into the room. "Baby this is Special Agent Brandon from the Secret Service. Baby they are from the Secret Service from Seary," Mom said smiling at me. "Where's that?" he asked. Before his mom could tell him Special Agent Brandon spoke up. "Sir it is up in the northern part of the Atlantic between Great Britain and Norway," he said and Adam remembered that strange accent he heard when he stopped Max and Butch from hurting him. "Oh ok," Adam said, before anyone else could say anything the medicine that the nurse gave him caused him to go back to sleep. Adam woke up around 9 that night. His mom was there watching TV and the door and curtains were closed. He turned and made a sound of pain that attracted his mom. "Hey honey, how are you?" she asked. "Still hurting mom. What happened at the house?" he asked with a scared look on his face. Mary wiped his face with a wash clothes and looked at him. "Son I am not going to tell you why the Secret Service is here or why they were at the house. Not right now anyways. I will explain that when you get out of here. But apparently what I was told was that after the reporters and cameras got in your face and were hollering questions at you, you passed out. I guess you thought that something bad happened huh?" she looked him in the eyes as she asked. He started crying and replied. "I thought you were dead," he chocked out. Mary bent forward and gave him a hug. "Awwww honey no nothing like that happened at all. Something good is happening. I will explain that all to you when you get home. But we need to talk. Max and Butch have been arrested. They are being charged with assault and battery and attempter murder and a few other charges that I will explain to you later. For now I want you to get some rest. Tomorrow the doctor will be in to look at you and say if you will be able to go home or not," Mary said. A nurse came in about that time; Adam noticed that two new agents were at the door. "Time for your meds, your 3;" She stopped with a look and a shake of the head from Mary. "I mean Mr. Ryan," she smiled at him, gave him his meds, and helped him wash it down with water. She then turned and left. Shortly Adam fell back to sleep. The next thing he knew was the morning light coming in from the window behind the light curtains. His mom was reading a paper and turned when she heard his rustling. "Morning sport, you sleep ok?" she asked. "Yes ma'am," About that time the doctor came in. Agent Brandon followed him in. "Well Adam how are you feeling this morning?" he asked looking him over, with push and prodding on his chest. "My chest is still hurting, and I have a headache but other then that I'm ok. Can I go home please?" Adam asked. "Well you are going to be sore for about a month. I am going to tell you now, you can go home but with the following restrictions. No traveling for at least a month, maybe a month and a half. You are on bed rest for the next two weeks, other then getting up and going to the bathroom or trying to sit at the dinner table no real moving. After two weeks you will be back in here to see me and if I think it is ok you can go to school. But nothing else," he said. "Ok doc thanks," Adam said with relief. "Ok now Mrs. Ryan if I can have you step out I need to take out his catheter," the doctor said. She nodded her head and left the room closing the door behind her. The doctor turned towards Agent Brandon. "You can leave to," he said. "Sorry Doc I can't. I am not aloud to leave my protectee. We're all men here and we all have the same thing." With that he went and leaned against the wall. He did it so Adam would feel like he had a little bit of privacy. The doctor sighed. "Ok now Adam what I want you to do is relax. I am going to deflate the balloon in your bladder. Now you are going to feel like you have to pee but you really won't have to. And if you do try and hold it, it may sting some but that is normal ok?" he asked Adam as he lifted up the gown. Adam nodded his head. The doctor started pulling out the catheter and with only a light hiss it was out. "Ok Adam you can get dressed now. And don't forget what I said about not moving too much." With that the doctor left. Mary was about to come in and help him get dressed but Agent Brandon stopped her. "Ma'am maybe it would be better if I helped. You know how boys at this age are," Mary nodded her head and blushed and walked back out the room to wait. "Come on sir, let's get you dressed," At first Adam just stared at the man not trusting him then decided that if his mom trusted him then he could to. Adam let Agent Brandon help him with his pants, socks and shoes. He helped Adam put his arms through his shirt and left it there for Adam to button up. Agent Brandon went and opened the door to let in Mary. "Ok honey here's the wheel chair, you ready?" she asked as he sat in the chair. "Yes ma'am," he said. They went down the elevator and noticed that they were in the basement instead of the main lobby. "What's going on?" Adam asked kinda scared. "Standard protocol sir. We are trying to minimize your chances of being seen by the media." They wheeled Adam to a limo that had other agents around it along with the police department. Agent Brandon helped Adam into the limo with Mary right behind him. Agent Brandon and the other agent from the school got in back with them sitting at the other end. Adam noticed two more agents getting in the front seat while the others got into a black truck behind them. With police both in front of and behind the two vehicles they were off. Off to what ever was happening and going to change Adam William Ryan life forever. Chapter 2As they approached, Adam and his mom's house Adam noticed the TV crews and reporters that were there. He also noticed a white canopy over the driveway. It was enclosed on all sides and lead from there to the front door. Just like with the driveway the walkway leading up to the front door was encased is cloth as well. "Why is everything covered up?" Adam asked looking at his mom. "Baby they did that for your privacy. So the reporters won't be able to bother us right now," she said. Adam only nodded his head as they pulled into the driveway. He noticed that two other agents lifted and closed the end flap keeping out the reports and other media types. An agent opened the door to the limo for them. As Adam was about to get out Agent Brandon stopped him. "No sir I must get out first." With that he got out and looked around making sure that no one was there that wasn't supposed to be. "You can get out now sir," he said. With that Adam and his mom got out. They were escorted to the house and let in. When Adam walked in he was shocked to see that in his living room was what appeared to be some kind of command center or something. Mary took Adam by the arm and led him upstairs. Adam walked in and noticed all the blinds in his room were down. "Why are the blinds down?" he asked. Mary looked at him, sighed and with a sad smile told him why. "Honey it is for your protection. Right now you can't open the blinds or any of the windows. I'm sorry son," she said hugging him. After hugging him she helped him onto the bed. She handed him his pajama bottoms and called for Agent Brandon. "I can do it mom," he said. Adam bent down to take off his shoes and a throbbing pain shot through his chest causing him to fall forward. Agent Brandon caught him in his arms. Smiling he said. "Let me help sir. I don't need you getting hurt on my shift." With that he took off Adam's shoes but left the socks on. Mary stepped out of the room while Agent Brandon helped Adam change into his pajama bottoms. A minute later he called Mary into the room. "I will be downstairs if you need me ma'am. There will be an agent in the hall in case of trouble." With that he turned around and left them alone. Adam lay back in bed and Mary covered him up. "Will you please tell me what is going on now? Please?" he asked looking into her eyes. "Yes son I can now," she said sitting on his bed next to him holding him. "Let's see where to start. Do you remember the name of the country that I said those men were from?" she asked him. "Seary," he said. She nodded her head. "Ok well baby they are here to protect you and I. You see there are some things you don't know about your father. You know that I meet your father at college in my sophomore year right?" she asked and Adam nodded his head. "Well as you know we got married after we both graduated. Me in real estate and your father in business, honey your father wasn't from this country. He came here to go to college, to get his degree so he could run Seary when it was time," she said she stopped to let all of this sink into Adam's head. "What do you mean by run?" he asked looking at her confused. "Adam honey I know I should have told you sooner but your father originally wanted to wait till you were older, but we no longer have that time. Honey your father was Prince Alex William Ryan of Seary. You are the Crown Prince Adam William Ryan of Seary. Your father was to be king but he died too soon," she said looking at him and waiting to see what he thought. Adam couldn't believe it. This was some mistake or a cruel joke. "You're lying. I know you are," he said starting to cry, Mary tried to hug him but he pushed her away. "No I can't believe this," he said. "Awwww honey it is the truth. You see your grandparents and I decided to wait till you turned 18 to tell you, but there was an accident and we can't wait any longer," she said. "Why?" was all he asked. "Adam we wanted you to have a normal life a life away from the palace and the ceremonies and all that being a prince entails. But as I said there was an accident. Your grandfather William has died. I know you never meet him and you only received gifts from them but now you know why." "So what does this mean?" he asked after sitting there for nearly five minutes in silence. "Well your Grandmother wanted to come and tell you herself but we felt that that might do more damage then good. Honey we're going home," she said. Adam turned and stared at her. "You mean were moving over there?" "Yes honey we are," she said smiling. "You can start over and make friends over there, and start a whole new life. No more bullies no more threats. And maybe you can find a certain young man to make you happy," she said smiling. Adam whipped his head around and looked at her. "You 3; you 3; know?" he chocked out. Mary went and hugged her boy. "Yes son I know. I have known for a few years now, but honey that is ok. I don't care about that. As long as you are happy that is all that matters to me. I don't hate you and you will always be my son. Nothing else matters," she said holding him and letting him cry. After a few minutes Adam stopped crying and Mary handed him some tissue. "Feeling better now?" she asked. Adam nodded. "So you're not disappointed in me?" he asked looking at her with unshed fresh tears. "Oh baby of course not. I am happy to have you as my son, as I said I don't care that you are gay. I only ask that you be careful and use protection," she said. That made Adam blush and giggle. "OK thanks mom. So when do we leave?" he wanted to know. He finally got it around his head that he can start over and maybe have some real friends now. Mary smiled at him. "Not for at least a month to a month and a half. Remember you have to heal some more. Plus there will be a trial because of Max and Butch. But don't worry we already have lawyers on that to get it moving fast," she said. She noticed that when she said the two bullies names that Adam flinched and paled some. "Don't worry baby no one can hurt you any more. As of now Agent Brandon and Agent Michael are your personally protection detail, you will also have more people with you when you leave the house. And to ease your mind I'll have some protection too," she said smiling. Adam smiled at that. "Good I was worried for a minute." "I have an idea why don't I have Agent Brandon come up here and tell you a little about Seary," she said. Adam nodded his head. "Hey mom while you go and get him can you bring me something to drink please?" he asked. "Sure honey," she said as she walked out the door. A few minutes later she returned with Agent Brandon in tow. She handed Adam his water and sat on the bed next to him. After taking a sip Adam turned to Agent Brandon. "You can sit down if you would like," Adam said looking up at Agent Brandon with a smile. "Thank you Your Highness but I would prefer to stand. Your mother tells me that you wish to know about Seary. Is that correct?" he asked looking at Adam. "Yes sir it is. What is it like? What do the people do there? That sort of stuff," Adam explained. "Hmm well Your Highness, there are about 3 million people on Seary. It is ruled by the Monarch, in this case the Queen and one day you. They deal in wines, and some fruits. Seary owns several colonies around the world. Their main source of income is wine and farming. Thanks to Seary certain countries have plenty of clothes and other resources that your Grandfather the king helped them with. You Your Highness and your mother will live with your grandmother in the royal castle. A castle that has stood against the ages of time, it is stone but the interior has been renovated for central heating and air. New electrical circuits have been installed and every few years it is updated for modernization, but only on the inside. The outside is still stone and brick. Once you get there you will see all of it in great detail and will be taught all about the history of Seary. I can tell you that the castle has over 100 rooms, that includes the kitchen, dining room, sitting room, the formal sitting room, library, the bedrooms of course, also several rooms on each floor are taken up for security. I love the castle I have been there almost since I became an agent," Agent Brandon said. Adam was smiling the entire time he was told of the castle. "Wow that sounds so exciting. What are the schools and the other kids like?" he asked fearing that they were all bullies. Agent Brandon just smiled. "The kids are pretty much like your kids here. You have both the good and the bad that goes with any school. You will probably be taught at the castle for the first month or two you are there. The only reason for that is so that you can learn about the history of our country and about the school system and how it works. Then after you are ready you will be enrolled in one of the schools there. Also the schools are very academic. You pretty much have the same kind of class but they are all on a more advanced level. From what I read about you and what your mother told me you will fit in just fine there with all of them," he said. Agent Brandon then looked at his watch. "If you will excuse me Your Highness, ma'am I need to go and check on security. "Ok thank you," Adam said. Agent Brandon returned the smile and left the room. "So what do you think?" asked Mary. "I don't know yet, I think I will like it but until I get there I won't know for sure," he said. Mary just nodded told him she was going down to fix lunch then left him there with his thoughts. For two weeks all Adam did was stay inside and watch TV or talk on his computer. The school sent over his schoolwork and the superintendent called to say how sorry he was about Adam getting beaten up. Adam's mom let him know that the school was irresponsible in their ability to protect her son. She also told him that if she finds out that another student is being beaten or hurt she would call the school board and the Secretary of Education and let them know what is all going on. Now Adam is back at the doctor's getting looked at. As they left the house that morning to go there he was still wondering why so much security went in to protecting him. Agent Brandon said that it was the way that things happened. Adam just shook his head but let it go, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it. On arrival to the doctor's office the agents pulled around back and hustled him into the office before any reporters could really see him. Once inside he was sent into an examination room immediately. He kinda grumbled about having to do that but when Agent Brandon looked at him Adam was smiling; Agent Brandon smiled back and just stood there waiting on the doc. The doctor looked at him and said he was ready for school but no long distance traveling for another month. Adam and his mom thanked the doctor and left. They exited out the back again. As they were getting into the limo a photographer appeared out of nowhere and started taking pictures. Agent Brandon got Adam and his mom in the car and slammed the door. At the same time another agent grabbed the photographer's camera and ripped out the film exposing it to the sun. They all got into the car and the truck behind them and left the photographer standing there dumb founded. Since today was Friday Adam would start back on Monday. That night Agent Brandon sat down with Adam and talked about what was going to happen. "Ok Adam here's the drill, we pull up in front of your school there will be a lot of reporters and photographers there. What I need for you to do is not to answer any questions and just head straight inside as fast as you can. Now while you are at school there will be four agents myself included that are going to be with you, and no there is no negotiating that one. I need you to say as little to your friends as you can about what is all going on. It is already out that you are the Prince of Seary but they don't know a lot about what will happen or anything like that," Agent Brandon said. Adam just looked at him then put his head down. "Don't worry I don't have any friends and I know that the only kids that are going to be nice to me are the ones who are going to want something from me. I eat by myself and I would like to keep it that way," Adam said. Agent Brandon nodded his head. "No problem at lunch when you sit down we will be there and we will not let anyone get near you. Don't worry you're going to be ok. Also anytime your ribs start hurting you and you don't think that you can last much longer out and about let us know and we are gone. You have nothing to worry about ok," he said. "Yes thank you Agent Brandon" Adam said. Mary said the same thing to him. "You two are welcome so don't worry." With that Agent Brandon got up and left to do some work. That weekend went by very slow for Adam. Occasionally he would peek out his window to see if the reporters were still there. They never saw him but he always saw them. At night when he couldn't sleep he would hear the agents checking the house and even coming into his room to make sure that no one was in there but him. It was kind of annoying but he was glad that they were there to protect him. Finally Monday came. Adam was up at 6 and took a shower and did his morning business. His mom made him breakfast and they ate and talked about his school and her work. Finally at 7:30 Adam, Agent Brandon and three other agents left the house to take him to school. They got in the limo and pulled out of the makeshift canopy. The reporters saw this but to the Adam's amazement none followed them, which could only mean one thing. As they pulled up to the school they saw reporters all over the place. Students were standing outside watching the reporters. When the limo drove up the reporters tried to rush over but the police were there along with several other agents that had been there since early that morning. They kept the reporters back from the limo so that Adam would have a safe trip into the school. "Well here we are," Agent Brandon said. "You ready?" Adam looked at him for a few minutes. "I guess so, time for school," And with that one Agent opened the door and Agent Brandon got out first. After making sure that the coast was clear he allowed Adam to get out of the limo. Adam looked up at the school and sighed, he knew this was going to be a long day and hopefully a short trip to the end of one life and on to his new one. Chapter 3Adam walked through the hallways to his homeroom. Students stared at him and the four bodyguards that surrounded him. When he arrived at his homeroom the teacher looked but said nothing. Adam took his usual seat in front of the class and waited for the school day to begin. Agent Brandon and Agent Michaels sat in the seats next to him and the other two agents went and stood on opposite ends of the classrooms by the wall. "Excuse me gentlemen I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to get up. Those sits are for the students," the teacher said. "Ma'am I'm special agent Brandon, I am afraid I cannot do that. Prince Adam must have two of us near him at all times. There is nothing we can do about that, we have already gotten the approval from the principal's office," he said staying where he was. She was about to respond when the principal came in. "Mrs. Rivers is there a problem?" he asked. "Yes sir there is. These two men say they must sit next to Adam. I am afraid I need the seats," she said staring at first the agents then Adam. When Adam saw the look that she gave him he sank down lower in his sit. One of the Agents was about to come over and say something when Adam shook his head. The agent nodded and stood where he was. "Well Mrs. Rivers I am afraid you will just have to work around them. He is their protectee and from what I understand they must be near him. Not only to stop reporters but to stop the bullies as well. Since we could not stop them these men will. Have a good day." With that the principal left. Mrs. Rivers sighed and looked pissed but knew better then to say anything. The other students started to come in and the two boys that usually sat there were told to sit in the back. They didn't like it but shrugged and went to the back. Mrs. Rivers did the attendance then told them of the upcoming rally and the usual school notices. "Also class as you can tell there are four men in this room. To let you know they are here to protect Adam," she stopped when she got a look from the four men. "I meant Prince Adam, they are here for his protection, so please be careful with what you say and how you act around them," she said staring out at her students. "You may talk among yourselves until the bell for first period rings." Adam sunk lower in his sit trying to vanish. Agent Brandon stopped him and made him sit up. "Your Highness do not worry no matter what she says she can't hurt you. Also you must learn to sit up properly. There will be a man from Seary coming this evening that is going to start teaching you the etiquette of the Royal Court. You will be learning from one of the best men in the country," he said. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know we were expecting company. But why is he coming now instead of waiting on me to come over there?" Adam asked. "So you will already be prepaired and know how to present yourself to the people of your country. Also your grandmother is going to want to see you be proper when she first meets you. Also so you know when you are in public with her she will seem like she is cold and not very comforting but not to worry in private she will be loving and caring towards you. She will hug you and talk with you as her grandson and not as the prince. That is the way that the royals all over the world are," Agent Brandon said. "Ok thank you," he said. The students were talking quietly so as not to scare the agents and get hurt. When the bell rang Adam tried to get up but was stopped. "Wait till they clear out," Agent Brandon said. Adam nodded his head. After the last student left Adam and the agents left the room to start Adam's school day. Most of the kids were cool and stayed out of the way but a few tough guys who thought they were bullies said some comments that caused them to have several agents in there face. All of the teachers said the same thing about not letting the agents distract them from there work. They said it mostly nicely and did not have a problem with the agents that sat around Adam. Finally lunch arrived. Adam walked in and started walking to the lunch line but was stopped. "Your Majesty please come with me over here and sit. One of the agents will get your lunch," Agent Brandon said. Adam nodded and went and sat at the same small table in the corner that he always sat at for lunch. The agent that went for his lunch appeared shortly with his food. Adam ate then took out his homework from his previous classes and started on it. Agent Brandon watched and shook his head. Agent Brandon didn't think it was right that Adam didn't have any friends. He hoped once they returned to Seary that he could find some friends and finally be happy. After about 45 minutes the bell rang and he was off to another class. Just like before the teachers said the same thing and were all nice about it except his gym teacher. "Excuse me what do you think you're doing? You guys can't be in here while the boys are changing," said the gym teacher looking at Adam with a hateful look. He went forward to drag Adam to his office but was stopped with a strong hand on his arm. A few seconds later he found himself on the ground with his arm-twisted back and a knee in his back. "Sir if you even think about moving you will be sorry. I will break every bone in your arm," Brandon said. Adam stood still not believing what just happened. Once the coach came forward two of the agents grabbed Adam and put him in between them protecting him. While Agents Brandon and Agent Michael grabbed the coach. "You can't do this. That little shit is my student. Let me up." He tried to move only to feel a pop in his shoulder. The coach screamed. "I told you so. As of now you are under arrest. Move and I may have to shoot you and yes I can do this. I am sanctioned in the USA for protecting my protectee. You have tried to hurt him." The agents picked him up off the floor. Agent Brandon looked at Adam seeing how scared he is and talked into his cuff mic. "Code red," was all he said in less then two minutes the room was covered in agents. They had their weapons drawn and out. "Stop," Adam said everyone looked at him. "You don't need to do this ok. I'm alright he didn't get near me, let the rest of the students go," he said. At that Agent Brandon looked at him and then nodded his head and the new team disappeared. About that time the principal came in. "What is going on?" he demanded to know. "Sir this man here tried to grab my protectee and hurt him. You could see it on his face, as of now he is under arrest," Agent Brandon said. "No he isn't" Adam spoke up. "What?" Agent Brandon said. "Look he didn't get near me, let him go I just want to go home now," Adam said and started walking towards the door before anyone could stop him. Agent Brandon couldn't believe it, but he smiled he knew that Adam was going to be a great King one day, one with heart and passion for his people. Agent Brandon let the coach go while the other agents went after Adam. "Consider yourself lucky if I had my way I would have had you arrested then sent to Seary. Over there you wouldn't have seen the light of day," Agent Brandon said. "I would have that arm looked at. It looks like it is dislocated." "Don't worry about this Agent he will have all the time he wants. You're fired," the principal said looking at the coach. Agent Brandon just smiled. "You can't do that to me," the coach said. The principal got up in his face. "Yes I can. I told you all what was going on and what had to be done, but you blatantly disregarded what I said. You broke the rules and now you are gone," he said. The principal turned and walked out of the locker room leaving the coach and the other students there. You could hear him tell the other teacher that the coach was fired and that he would be taking over all the students today. The agents caught up to Adam as he walked out the front door. No one not even the teachers tried to stop him. As he got to the car one of the agents caught up to him and opened the door. Adam climbed in and shut the door. A few seconds later the door opened and agents Brandon and Michael climbed in. The agent outside shut the door and the other two got up font. On the ride home they were quite. Adam didn't want to talk and Agent Brandon didn't know what to say. They arrived at home and pulled into the canopy, an agent opened the door and agent Brandon got out first. After a second he let Adam out. Adam ran up the walk way and into the house. He ran up to his room and slammed his door and locked it. Agent Brandon knocked and didn't get a reply. "Your Majesty please open the door. I would like to talk with you," he said. He didn't get a reply. He posted two agents in the hall now instead of one in case of trouble. Adam lay on his bed and cried himself to sleep. A few hours later there was a gently knock on the door. "Honey can you open the door please. I would like to talk with you," Mary said. Adam woke up and opened the door. Mary walked in and looked at her son sitting on the edge of his bed with fresh tears poring down his eyes. "Awwww honey what's the matter what happened?" she asked hugging him. Adam started really crying and hugged her back. After a few minutes he stopped and told her all that had happened. "Honey you know they are only trying to protect you," she said. "I know and it isn't really that, it's that all this year the coach has been mean to me and it's as if he really wanted to hurt me. Then when I saw what agent Brandon did I felt sorry for the coach. I didn't want him hurt I know why he did it but still I can't stand to see people hurt even people that are mean to me," Adam said. About that time agent Brandon walked in. "Your Highness if I may say," he started. Adam nodded his head. "Sir I think you are going to be one of the best kings ever. You have a good heart and I heard what you said. You don't like to see people hurt even your enemies. That is a sign of a truly good man with an honest and caring heart. You Your Majesty will make a fine young man and an excellent king. I'm sorry you had to see what happened but now you know when we go and protect someone we do it with everything we have. I know we scared the kids in there today and I am sorry for that but still my main objective was to protect you. Then seeing how you took charge and had us just leave everyone. That is the sign of a true king. As of now Your Majesty I pledge my allegiance to you, and to your future children," Agent Brandon said getting on one knee and bowing. About that time agent Michaels came into the room. "As do I Your Majesty," he said getting down and bowing at Adam. "We do to," said the other officers in the hall and on the stairs. It seemed that his entire protection detail were on his side and were pledging their support and allegiance for Adam and his future. "Thank you all," Adam said smiling. They got up and left him and his mother by themselves. "Wow honey you showed them what a true king is. You should be proud of yourself," she said hugging him. Adam hugged her back and thought about something for a minute. "Mom, do you think we can try and get a tutor here. I don't want to go back to that school again," Adam asked. "I'll see what I can do. Come on downstairs dinner's almost ready," she said. Adam followed her downstairs and into the kitchen. The burgers were almost finished. Adam grabbed the cheese, broke up the lettuce and cut the tomatoes. He grabbed the chips and put them on the dinning room table. "Agents would you like me to cook you all something as well?" she asked them. Agent Brandon came into the room. "Thank you ma'am but our resident chef just pulled up. I went ahead and called him in. I know that you would probably like to cook for yourself but if at anytime you don't want to he can cook for you," he said. "Ah ok thank you" she said. She took the food into the dinning room and she and Adam had a nice dinner just talking quietly and relaxing. The next day around ten in the morning a man showed up and was escorted into the dinning room where Adam was. "Sir your tutor is here," Agent Brandon said. "Thank you Brandon," Adam replied. The night before he asked agent Brandon if he could just call him Brandon. Brandon liked that and agreed to it. The tutor saw the four men in the room and opened his case showing he had nothing but books in there. The tutor started teaching Adam and by three o'clock he was finished for the day. The agents lead him out. For the next month that was how it was. The tutor would come at ten and leave by three sometimes 3:30. Adam was well and truly ahead of his class. Finally the day for the doctor came. Adam was in the room and the doctor came in. He looked Adam over and said he had healed up nicely. He could now travel. Adam was relieved. They thanked the doctor and left for home. When they arrived home they noticed a moving van in front of their house. "What's that for?" he asked. "Well honey they are going to be boxing up all of our stuff and shipping it to Seary. So we won't have to pack anything but a carry on bag and a suitcase," Mary said. "Oh ok," he replied. They got into the house and Adam went ahead and started packing his suitcase and his carry on bag. He packed his game boy and some of his books, and some personal items he didn't want anyone seeing. After he finished with his carry on he did his suitcase. He finished up about four and set it all by the door. "Mom what about my schoolbooks?" he asked. Agent Brandon came into his room about then. "Sir they were taken to your school this morning by one of the agents. They dropped them off and left. No one said a thing," he said. Adam looked kind of down. "I was hoping someone would have said bye." "Well the principal did. I'm sorry sir, but I do believe that you will have a better time in Seary. I think you will make plenty of friends and not just because you are the royal prince," Agent Brandon said. Adam thought about this for a minute and smiled. "Yeah I think you're right," Adam and Agent Brandon went downstairs. At nine the next morning the limo and the trucks carrying the agents pulled into the general aviation section of the airport. There stood a Jumbo 747 with the royal seal of Seary on it. The jet was white with a red strip down its side. The royal seal of a stag on all fours with a crown on its head, around the stag was a red circle going all around it. The limo and trucks stopped and the agents after making sure that no one was about that shouldn't be opened the door. Adam and his mom got out and looked up at the plane. Agent Brandon came over and stood with them. "Wow that's awesome," Adam said smiling. "Yes sir it is. If you're ready let's get you on your way to your new life," Agent Brandon said. Adam looked at his mom then back at Agent Brandon and nodded his head. With Agent Brandon in front of him his mom beside him, Agent Michael behind him and several more agents surrounding them they headed up the stairs and onto a new life. Chapter 4Flying over the Atlantic Ocean was a new experience for Adam. He kept looking out the window at the colors of the ocean and the sky. To him the sky seemed a lighter blue and the ocean a darker blue. Adam still couldn't believe that other then his mom and himself the only other people on this huge plane were the pilots, security guards and the cooks. He was amazed when four hours into the flight one of the stewards came in and brought sandwiches and chips for his mother and himself. "Wow thanks," he said. The steward smiled back. "Your welcome Your Highness. I hope you like it when you are finished just punch three on the phone and someone will come and retrieve everything. Have a good flight," he said bowing then walking out of the room. "Mom, why does everyone bow to me?" Adam asked his mother. He thought he knew why but he still wasn't quit sure. "Honey you're the prince. It shows a sign of respect," she replied. "Oh ok thank," he said smiling at her. She returned the smile and they both sat quietly finishing their lunches. After lunch they headed into the lounge to watch some television. There were over 200 channels from around the world to choose from. They decided to watch some TV from the UK. Four hours later there came an announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen we are now four hours out of Seary. Just wanted you to know and I hope that you have enjoyed the flight so far," the captain said. "Wow only four hours how long have we been flying?" asked Adam. Mary looked at her watch. "Hmm, eight hours now. Wow we have been flying for a long time but at least it has been in comfort," she said. Adam nodded his head and turned back to the television show. After the show was over Adam went to the video cabinet and looked to see what they had. He saw they had the movie Clue an excellent comedy in his opinion and decided he wanted to watch it. He showed his mom and she nodded her head in agreement. Just as the show was ended another announcement came over the intercom. "Ladies and Gentlemen we are now flying over England and if you look out the side windows you can see the beautiful landscape. We are about thirty minutes out so please be prepared to sit tight" the captain said. Adam and his mom looked and saw the landscape and some of the houses that were scattered around the countryside. In the distance he was able to make out Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and the Parliament building. He was amazed at its size. "Mom do you think that our castle is that big?" he asked. Before Mary could reply Agen Brandon walked in. "Yes and no sir. It is roughly the same size in width but it is taller. Some of the rooms are bigger than that in Buckingham Palace and some are smaller. From what I understand you are going to have three rooms of your own," Agent Brandon said. "Really? Why?" asked Adam. "Well one is your bedroom with a bathroom attached. The other is a sitting with a half bath in it. And the last is basically a playroom. Where you will have your games and books and so forth in there," Agent Brandon replied smiling watching Adam's face light up with joy. "Wow that is going to be so cool," Adam said. Mary and Agent Brandon laughed at him. "Ladies and Gentlemen please take your seats and galley please let me know when you are locked down. We are landing in ten minutes," the captain said over the intercom. Adam, Mary and Agent Brandon sat back and talked more about the castle. Agent Brandon told him about the dinning room and kitchen and all of the other rooms that were at the castle. He also went ahead and told them what would happen when they landed. He warned them that the media will be there and that a lot of people will also be there to get a look at the new prince, the next king of Seary. The plane landed without any problems and very smoothly. Adam and his mom put got up and put on their shoes while Agent Brandon went and coordinated with the other agents. They saw the stairs where put by the front of the plane. Adam and his mom walked up there and waited on the other agents. "Right please remember what I said. Wait till I give you the go ahead," Agent Brandon said. Adam and his mom nodded their heads as agent Brandon opened the door. Agent Brandon looked and noticed all the people behind the fence and all of the media from around the world covering this important occasion. Agent Brandon looked down and saw the other agents standing there, making sure no one got to close. Another agent opened the limo door and waited for the royals to come down. After a minute or two of making sure everything was all right agent Brandon let Adam and his mom come out. As Adam and his mom stepped out onto the top of the stairs they looked and noticed all of the people and media, but what got Adam's attention the most was beyond them he green lands of Seary. When the crowd saw Adam and his mom they started cheering and calling out there names. Adam and his mom descended the stairs and got straight into the limo for the ride to the palace. The ride to the palace was fast but delightful. Adam was able to see a lot of the city as they traveled to the palace at the edge of town. The main city of Greenwich was very beautiful the downtown area looked like the past with the modern world thrown in around it. The people of Greenwich lined the streets cheering for the new prince and his mother. As they approached the palace Adam saw that the gates were closed but started opening as they approached them. The police were there to help make sure that no one got past the gates. They drove in through the gates and they closed behind them then they drove for about five minutes before they came up to the front of the castle. Once at the doors an agent opened the limo door and Agent Brandon got out. He looked and made sure there was no direct threat. After feeling sure that nothing was wrong or would happen he let Adam and his mother out of the limo. They approached the door and it was opened for the by what looked like a butler who bowed as they went past him. The doors were shut and Adam was in his new home, safe and happy. The butler led them through the foyer and into the steady. Adam noticed that once the doors were shut most of the agents seemed to have disappeared, he was happy that he wasn't surrounded by them all the time now. They entered the formal lounge and standing there in a white gown with a crown on her head was his grandmother. Queen Katharine was 60 years old but didn't look over 50. She had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She stood straight and proper. When Adam entered he stopped and stared at her. "Grandmother?" he asked. Queen Katharine looked and smiled and with tears flowing down her cheeks she ran up to Adam and hugged him. "My dear boy, my dear sweet boy," she said. Adam hugged her back with tears running down her cheeks as well. After about five minutes of hugging Adam's grandmother the Queen released Adam and pulled Mary into a hug. "How is my daughter doing?" she asked smiling at her. Mary returned the hug. "I'm fine mom how are you?" she asked. "I'm doing better now. Now that you both are here," the Queen said turning to face Adam. "Now young man I am sure that you have a lot of questions that you would like to ask," she said leading Adam and Mary to the couch. "Yes ma'am but I'm not sure where to begin," Adam replied sitting down. "Well what's the first thing to pop into your head?" asked his grandmother. "Hmmm well I know why you all keep this a secret from me, but I still don't know the whole thing of why," Adam started off. "Well as your mom told you we wanted you to grow up and be a normal boy for as long as you could. But with the death of your father and now grandfather that had to be cut short. We are sorry for that, but let me tell you the story of your grandfather," And with that she started telling Adam how his grandfather decided the whole thing and what should happen. "So you see Adam your grandfather was the one who wanted you to have the normal life that he never did." "Oh I see. So I am the crown prince and no one can take that away right?" he asked. She smiled at him. "No Adam no one can take it away. This Friday will be the official coronation for you. You will have a crown placed on your head and you will be announced as the official Crown Prince of Seary. So you will have this week to learn how to act and what you will have to do," she said smiling at him. "What about my mom?" he asked looking over at his mother. "Son your mother already has a title. She is known as Princess Mary Meredith Ryan Princess of Seary. But she will not have the throne and she already knows it. If your father were alive then she would become the new Queen and him the King. But the way our law works you will become the next King and your mother will always be a Princess," the Queen said. Adam looked at his mother in wonder. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked her. Mary just smiled at him. "I wanted to wait till we got here. As you noticed if you were to think back we didn't let you see any newspapers or watch the TV. I just wanted you to think of me as your mom, not as a princess. I hope you will forgive me," she said looking deep into Adam's eyes. "Of course I forgive you. You're my mom and I love you," he said getting up and giving her a hug. "Ok what crown will I have put on me?" Adam asked with curiosity and wonder in his voice. Adam's grandmother smiled and picked up the phone. "Bring it in please," she said. A few moments later the doors opened and in walked a man carrying a red velvet pillow with a crown on top. The crown was gold and round. In the middle of it stood four stones. At the top was an oval shaped diamond and going to the right was an oval shaped emerald, on the bottom was a ruby and on the left was a sapphire. Adam stared at it with awe. "Wow that is amazing. May I hold it please?" he asked. The Queen nodded her head and the man holding it went to one knee in front of the prince and bowing with his head held the crown in front of Adam. Adam picked up the crown and felt its weight, which to him felt very heavy. He noticed on the inside names that were in craved there. "Whose names are these?" he asked showing the names to his mom and his grandmother. "Those are all the names of the princes who wore that crown before you. Once you become king you will get a different crown. The day before your coronation the crown will be sent to have your name and the date of the coronation in craved there as well. Right under your father's name," she said. Adam looked and saw his father's name there. Tears glistened in his eyes. "I know my child I miss him too." "Thank you. Can I get something to drink please?" he asked. The Queen looked at one of the servants standing there and he went and got them all some water. "Why don't I show you to your room. You mom already knows where her's are," the Queen said. After drinking his water Adam nodded his head. Queen Katharine led Adam and his mother to the stairs and headed up the stairs. "Adam your room is on the fourth floor on the left. What we call the east wing. Your mother's is on the south side and mine is on the west," she said. Once they reached the fourth floor they turned right and came to a set of double doors. With his grandmother's prompting Adam opened the doors. Adam couldn't believe what he was looking at. In the room was a formal sitting room. He had a couch, a love seat, a dark wooded coffee table, and chairs scattered all over the place. They were a sat on a lovely Chinese rug that covered the whole floor. There were art and antique vases were all over the entire place. "Wow this is huge," Adam said. His grandmother and his mom laughed. "Go to your right," said his grandmother. Adam went and opened the double doors on the far end of the wall. The doors were heavy dark wooden oak. There to his amazement was his bedroom. Almost as big as the formal sitting room. There was a king sized four-poster bed with dark wood surrounding the base of it. The four-poster was made of the same dark wood as the bottom of the bed. To his right was a dresser with five drawers in it. The dresser matched the wood of the bed. On the other side stood another item that looked like a dresser but he knew it wasn't. "What's that?" Adam asked. "Open it and find out?" his grandmother said. Adam went over to the item and opened it. There was a 30-inch TV, VCR, DVD combo. "Oh My God, that is amazing. Thank you," Adam said. Looking in the three drawers on the bottom he noticed that was a place to place his movies in. Looking next to the TV cabinet he saw a door there. Wondering what it was he opened it and inside was a huge bathroom. With a sink, separate bathtub that could be used as a Jacuzzi, and a separate shower. He had a double sink and a toilet with another strange looking toilet next to it. "What's that for?" he asked. His grandmother and mom laughed. "That is a bidet. It is used to wash your backside when you are finished used the bathroom," His mom said. Adam blushed and shook his head. Adam left the bathroom and looked on the other side of his room and saw another door. Adam opened the door and noticed that is was a walk in closet. The closet was about 20 feet by 20 feet [7x7 m]. It was huge and he loved it. Coming out of the closet he noticed the balcony doors. Adam went over and opened them up and stepped out onto his own private balcony that stretched to all three of his rooms. Looking he could see that the land seemed to go on for miles and miles. "How much do you own?" he asked his grandmother. Coming up and putting her hands on his shoulders she replied. "Dear we, as in you, me and your mother own about 1000 acres out there. It is all fenced in. You will still have to go with guards but if you want to look about the land that can be arranged. Come on there is till one more room to look at," she said. Adam's grandmother led them into the bedroom and shut the door. She then led Adam and his mom through the sitting room to another set of dark oak doors. She pushed Adam gently towards the doors and he opened them. In side was a game room that he could not believe. There was a pool table, a foosball table, pinball machines and many other games. Including a huge wide screen TV that had an x-box, PS2 and many other games hooked up. He also noticed that there was a VCR and DVD built into it. Adam looked and saw a cabinet with video's and DVDs in there and plenty of room for more. There were chairs and beanbags thrown all over the room. "Wow," Was all Adam could say. "Yes I imagine it is a wow. This is all your, Adam. Your father had it built when you were a boy. We just updated it as the years went by. There is a table over there on the far wall for your computer. Also that door over there leads into a half bath room with a sink and toilet only and there is another half bathroom in the sitting room. When your stuff gets here I will have some of the servants help you put everything where you want it," Adam's grandmother said. Adam turned and hugged him grandmother. "Thank you," he said. She smiled at him. "Well it is almost 7 o'clock now. Why don't we head downstairs for some dinner?" she said. "Yes please," Adam replied. Adam taking his grandmother hand in one hand and his mother's in the other; led them through the sitting room and out the doors, only stopping long enough to close them. Taking there hands again he led them downstairs for dinner. Adam was excited he loved his rooms and his family, but he knew that a lot of work was to come in the next week before the coronation. He was both excited and scared, but he knew with his mom and grandmother there with him he would be all right. Chapter 5Over the next few days Adam was taught how to be a proper Seary Royal. He was taught how to eat with the right utensils. Learned how to walk properly and even how to wave. Over the next few days he was also taught how to walk into a room and the proper etiquette for appearing in front of the Queen when they were in a public setting. Over all Adam did remarkably well, for someone who had no real training. A tutor came and taught him about the school there and started him on his lessons. He enjoyed this greatly, and he seemed to excel in everything he did. His tutor was most impressed with Adam and told him so on many occasions. During the next few days before the coronation Adam sat down with his grandmother and told her he was gay. All his grandmother did was smile and said she already knew. She told him not to worry that that would not affect him in being prince or king. She did tell him that he would have to marry but that would not be a problem because she knew a princess who she heard was gay. So that would do for show. She also told him not to worry he was only 14 and there was plenty of time for that. Adam was happy that she was not upset at him being gay, he cried in her arms for almost an hour. Also during the week all of there stuff came from the States. With several servants helping him he was able to put up all of his stuff in the proper place that he wanted. At night he would either sit on the balcony and watch the sky or play in his game room. Finally Friday came. Adam was nervous all morning he knew that the coronation was to start at one sharp. With servants help he was dressed in a shirt with a button up type of shirt that looked like a jacket to him. He had the matching blue pants and black wingtips that were shined to perfection. He thanked the man then left. Adam walked through the castle and watched as the people got everything set up. The only room he was not allowed in was the throne room. That he had to wait to see till the coronation started. Finally one o'clock came around. There were many guests there including the Queen of England and her family, and many other diplomats and famous people were there as well. He asked his mom why the President of the US wasn't there. His mom said was that there were personal reasons involved. Finally his mom was called in. Adam was by himself and had to wait. After about ten minutes the doors opened and it was his turn. "Welcome Adam William Ryan Prince of Seary," said a gentleman on his left. As Adam walked in everyone either bowed or curtsied to him. Adam walked up towards the thrown and even though he walked proper his mind was racing with all the decorations and crest that were there. Adam came to the front of the thrown and bowed to his grandmother. "Welcome Adam, Prince of Seary," she said. Adam smiled back. "Thank you Your Majesty," he replied. From her left came a Priest holding the Bible and a large piece of parchment. Following him was another man holding the crown that would be placed on his head shortly. The man came and stood in front of Adam. "Sir my name is Pastor Robbins. Please place your right hand on the Bible," Adam did so. "Do you Adam William Ryan promise in front of the God, before your Queen, and before your countrymen and these honored guest to uphold your duty and honor, to your country and your people?" he asked. Adam looked at the man and replied. "Yes I do," he said. The man smiled, another man came and took the Bible from the priest. The priest took the parchment and held it out in front of Adam. "Please place your right hand on the parchment. Adam did so. "This parchment is the original law that was writ when the kingdom was first created. From there other laws have been made and through this original work the kingdom stands and works for the people," he said. "Do you Adam William Ryan do solemnly promise in front of God, before your Queen, the People of this country and this honored guest that you will uphold this law? That you will hold it in your heart and learn from it? Do you promise to act fairly and truthfully to your country and your people?" he asked. "Yes I do so solemnly promise," Adam said. The priest nodded his head and handed the parchment to his assistant, and took the crown from the other person there. "Please kneel," the priest said. Adam knelt on both knees in front of him, the priest held the crown over Adam's head. "With the power of God and the Queen of Seary. In front of these witnesses and in front of the country of Seary I proclaim you: Prince Adam William Ryan, Crown Prince of Seary and the colonies," with that the priest put the crown on Adam's head. Adam stood up and bowed to the priest as a sign of respect then turned and bowed to the guest then finally turned and looked at his grandmother. They smiled to each other and Adam bowed to her. The Queen stood and took Adam's hand and he walked up to the thrown next to the Queens. While she held his hand she said. "I present to you your Prince and future King: Prince Adam William Ryan." With that they both sat down and everyone started clapping. After about an hour the last guest was presented. Adam let out a silent sigh. "Thank you every one for coming," the Queen said as she stood. "Now let us all head to the ball room, for dinner and dancing," Adam got up and placed his arm out for the Queen to set her on his. Together they walked down the stairs from the throne and headed out the doors to the ballroom. Then the other guest joined them. Later that evening after the guest left, Adam decided to turn in for the night. His crown was placed back in the vault. He told him grandmother and mom good night and headed up stairs to bed. Over the next month Adam stayed in the castle. He was tutored on the country and the people and his class work. He went out riding on his horse and swimming in the swimming pool. He didn't talk with anyone outside of the castle and it was beginning to depress him. Finally on Friday he told him mom and grandmother that he wanted to go to a park in the city. Maybe try and make so friends. They thought that was an excellent idea. It was about time that he wanted to get out. Saturday morning he left with his security detail and for the first time since he arrived went into the city. They passed many parks but there really wasn't anyone there finally they came to the middle of the city and off to the side there was a big park. The park was named after his dad William. He smiled at the name and started to walk into the park. There he saw a bunch of kids playing games, cricket, rugby and even soccer. He went and sat on the swings that were nearby and watched them all. He asked Agent Brandon to scatter some of the detail or he won't be able to make any friends. They agreed and some of them went back to the car and waited. One of the boys playing rugby looked and saw Adam sitting there at first he didn't recognize him but after a few moments he saw all of the guards and knew who it was. "Hey that's the prince. Want to go and see if he wants to play?" asked one of the boys. They all agreed and started walking over towards Adam. Adam saw them and at first was scared. The security team seemed to just appear right before the boys got to him. They all stopped seeing the men with their hands in their coast. They knew that they were arms. "We just wanted to see if he wanted to play," said one of the boys. "Its ok guys let them come up," said Adam. The security detail scattered again. "Hello Your Majesty my name is Noah Woods. Would you like to play some rugby? Were only playing tag rugby so it is nothing to hard," he said. Instantly Adam liked Noah. To him he was beautiful. He had fine blonde hair and green eyes. "I would like to but I have never played before. Sorry guys, but I liked watching ya'll all play. I never really got into sports," Adam said then lowered his head, he thought that they would just laugh and walk away but they didn't. "Hey that's cool, if you want I can sit out and explain it to you so if you want to play one day you can," Noah said. "Really?" asked Adam. "Sure." With that the other guys took off but not quite as far and Noah began to teach Adam about the game. "Wow it looks like fun but I was never any good with sports, I seem to not be any good at anything but reading, writing and tennis," Adam said. "Hey that's cool, but it doesn't mean that you can't watch right?" asked Noah. "Yeah I guess I can," Adam said with a smile, Noah smiled back. "So how old are you if you don't mind me asking Your Majesty?" asked Noah. "I'm 14, but please call me Adam," Adam said. "What about you?" "I'm 14 also are you sure it will be ok if I call you Adam?" "Yeah it will be fine. What school do you go to?" "I go to St. Paul's. What school do you go to?" "No where yet but I start on Monday at St. Paul's as well," Adam replied. "Cool maybe we will be in some of the same classes together. So do you have any games to play at the castle?" "Yeah a few, I am still learning some and they seem kinda hard but I'll figure them out eventually, if I don't die from frustration first," Adam said and laughed. Noah laughed with him. "I know what you mean when I first started playing geostrob I kept dying and I got pissed real fast." They both giggled at that. "So do you miss your friends back home in America?" Noah asked. Adam put his head down. "No I didn't have any. I was too much of a geek for everyone, because I didn't like sports or I liked to read, and because of my glasses and braces," he said. He felt the tears coming to his eyes and stood up and turned away from Noah. Noah got up and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey man, don't worry. We won't we won't make fun of you. I know that my friends are cool enough to accept everyone as they are. You don't have to worry about that. Besides I'll be your friend," Noah said. Adam turned around and faced him. "Really?" he asked. Noah just smiled and held out his hand. Adam took his hand and shook it. "Now come on let's get closer and I'll explain the game to you. Even if you don't play at least you will know what it is all about," Noah said putting his arm over Adam's shoulder and leading him closer to the other boys. For the next hour they sat and watched the game and Noah explained it to him. Several times the boys had Noah come in and take someone else's place, and whenever that happened another boy would come over and talk with Adam and explain things and answering questions where Noah left off. By the time that the game was over Adam had met all of the guys. Then Adam had a really good idea. "Hey guys if you want to play someplace where you won't have to worry about hitting anyone I could see if you could come to the palace and play there. We have something like 1000 acres," Adam said. All the guys started smiling. "Cool man," said Noah. "Ok I'll ask my grandmother and call you," Adam said with that all the guys left and Adam went back to the castle. When Adam arrived he told his mom and grandmother about the boys he meet and about how they explained rugby to him. He told them that they were all very nice and that they seemed really interested in getting to know him as a friend and not the prince. He also told them about inviting them over to play rugby out on the backgrounds if it was ok with his grandmother. Adam's grandmother smiled at him. "Adam you don't have to ask my permission to invite someone over. This is your home just as much as it is mine," she said smiling at him. Adam got up and went over and hugged him grandmother. "Thank you, I need to call Noah," Adam got up and was about to walk out of the room when he stopped and turned back to his mom and grandmother. "I forgot to get his number," Adam said. His mom and grandmother watched as his face fell. Adam turned around and was walking towards the doors to leave with his head down when Agent Brandon walked in and came up to Adam and gave him a slip of paper. "Here you go," he said. Adam took the paper from him and read it. It was a note from Noah.
Adam turned around ran back to his mom and grandmother and showed it to them. They both smiled at him. Adam turned and left them room this time. Adam ran up to his room and went into his bedroom. He sat on the bed and called Noah's house. After a few rings a man answered. "Hello?" said the man. "Hi my name is Adam is Noah there?" Adam asked hesitantly. The man chuckled. "Yes Your Highness he told me you would be calling, hold on please," In the background he could here the man called for Noah. Noah picked up a few seconds later. "Ok dad got it," Noah said. His dad hung up. "Hello." "Hey Noah; it's Adam. Thanks for the note, when I noticed I didn't have your number I kinda gave up till on of the security guards gave me your note," Adam said. Noah giggled. "Yeah I kinda figured that you forgot about the number. So how are you doing?" he asked. "I'm fine thanks. How are you?" "I'm doing ok. All me mates really enjoyed hanging out with you today. We thought maybe next Saturday if you wanted we could all get together and go to the movies or bowling or something," Noah said. Adam couldn't believe it. "Wow really?" he asked. "Yeah man I told you they like you. They don't care that you're the prince or anything," Noah said. Adam smiled on his end of the phone. "Cool yeah I'd love to. I will have to check to make sure that my mom or grandmother doesn't have anything planed. Oh by the way my grandmother said that all of you can come over when ever you want to play rugby," Adam said. He could here Noah smile on the other end. "Cool," Noah said. They talked for a few more minutes then hung up from each other. Adam slept great that night and the next morning he was well rested and ready for church. They went to the local church and Adam enjoyed himself immensely. He noticed that Noah was there as were the boys from the park. When church let out and his mom and grandmother were talking with the priest Adam went and talked with Noah and the other boys. Adam told them that they could come over anytime that they wanted to just call ahead and make sure he was there. They said cool and they couldn't wait. Adam's mom Mary and his grandmother Queen Katharine approached. When the boys saw them they bowed to her. "No boys do not bow to me we are on holy ground the only one you bow to is to God and his son Jesus. So Adam these are the boys that you met?" asked his grandmother. "Yes ma'am. This is Noah here, then there is Zack, Bobby, Rusty, Chris, Matthew, Mike, Roger, and Brad," Adam said. "It is nice to meet you all," said Mary. "You to Your Majesty," Noah said. "Ok boys I know that Adam told you all about coming over. Just make sure you call ahead of time to make sure that we are there. I hate to break this up but we need to get going," said the Queen. "Yes ma'am" said Adam. Adam said bye to all the guys then him and his mom and grandmother left for home. Adam had a great time that day at church and after. Later that night Adam was both excited and scared. Tomorrow he would start school. He didn't know what it would bring or whom he would meet. All he knew is that it was bound to be a great adventure. Chapter 6Adam was up at 6 am Monday morning. He took a shower and used the bathroom. After the shower he got dressed in his school uniform, which consisted of black trousers, a dark blue shirt, a black blazer with the school emblem on it and a black tie. To top it all off he had to have either black socks or navy blue socks with black loafers. His gym kit was already packed. He already had all of these because a week before a tailor came by to fit him for his school clothes plus a new wardrobe appropriate for a prince. Adam headed downstairs and went into the dinning room to have breakfast. His grandmother and mom were already there waiting on him. "Good morning honey how did you sleep?" asked his mom smiling at him. Adam smiled back. "Great thanks. I'm really excited but also scared," he said. "I understand honey. But remember no can hurt you. You will have two bodyguards this time instead of four. Since were home it is less likely that anyone will hurt you, but also if something is wrong in less then two minutes another group will be there. But baby you have nothing to worry about," His mom Mary said. "I know but still you know how I am," Adam replied starting to eat. "Don't worry Adam everything will be alright. Matter afact I already got your schedule for you," his grandmother said and handed it over to him. Adam took it from her thanked her and looked it over. "Hmm ok so I have English, science, history, gym, lunch, math, government, and finally politics. Ok I see why about all except the last two," Adam said putting it next to his plate and finishing eating. "Honey you are the next King you have to learn about your country, the way the government works and about the politics in it. So you have to take those classes," said his grandmother. Adam just nodded his head. At 7:30 Adam was out the door, in the car and on his way to school with Agent Brandon and Agent Michaels. They pulled up outside the school and watched the students standing there talking and waiting on school to start. Agent Brandon and Agent Michael got out and looked around. The students standing there stopped and stared. A few seconds later Adam emerged and looked around as well. With Agents Brandon and Michael next to him he made his way up the stairs and into the building heading to the main office. Once there they walked up to the desk and got the secretary's attention. "Yes how may I 3;" she started then stopped when she saw who it was. "Your Majesty I apologize, here is your schedule," she said handing it over to him. Agent Brandon took it from her looked at it then handed it to Adam. "Thank you 3;" he started then stopped and looked at the name plate on her desk. "Thank you Mrs. Harrison I already have it. I was told to stop by and let you know to let the headmaster know I was here," he said smiling at her. They left the office and headed to his homeroom. As they walked down the hall the students stopped and got out of their way. They all knew who he was but everyone was too scared to try and talk with him. Farther down the hall Noah saw him and smiled. He hurriedly got his books from his locker and walked up to his friend. "Adam hey. How are you?" he asked shaking his hand. Adam smiled back. "Fine Noah and you?" he replied. "Doing great. So got your schedule yet?" he asked. Adam nodded and handed it to him. "Cool looks like we have three, no four classes together also homeroom together and lunch. Cool most of the guys have lunch with us as well. And I am pretty sure that you will have at least one of us in all of your classes," Noah said handing it back to Adam. Adam smiled at him and was happy to know that he at least would have someone in most of his classes that he knew. They approached the homeroom talking the entire time. When they walked in the teacher saw them and smiled. "Hello Your Majesty. I'm your homeroom teacher Mr. Harold, how are you this morning?" he asked smiling. "Fine, thank you," he replied. The teacher looked and decided where to put him when agent Brandon stopped him. "Sir it would be best if he sat somewhere near the back by the other door. I know that it is locked from the outside. If we have to get him out of here in a hurry it will be better that way," Agent Brandon said. Mr. Harold nodded his head. "You're right. Well Your Majesty Mr. Woods here sits on the last seat. But he can scoot over one and you may sit there. But gentlemen no talking unless allowed or I will separate you too," he said smiling at him. "Sir you offend me I'm an angel," said Noah grinning. Mr. Harold chuckled. "Yeah and I'm the king of England," he said. They all laughed about that and Noah and Adam took their seats. The other students started coming in and talking. Adam noticed that Rusty, Bobby, Brian, and Zack where in the same homeroom as he was. They smiled and waved and he smiled and waved back. Mr. Harold called the class to order, and started the roll call. When he got to Adam's name, he simply said. "Mr. A. Ryan," Adam smiled and silently thanked him and responded with a here. Adam's day went very well, he liked all of his teachers and they all liked him. Not for who he was but for the fact that he was a sweet adorable young man, well mannered and very bright. Adam got along with all of the other students and they all seemed to like him as well. By the end of the day he was tired but very happy. Agents Brandon and Michael walked him out the front door and to the waiting limo. He told Noah he would call him later that night and he did. When he got home he told his mom and grandmother everything that happened that day. They were both very happy that he met so many new friends and he seemed well liked. After supper that evening he went and called Noah, they talked for nearly an hour before Noah was told to go to bed. They said goodnight and off Noah went to bed. Adam stayed up a little while longer and thought about Noah and how he felt for him. He liked Noah as a person and a friend but inside of his heart he knew he was falling for Noah and in doing so that could cause trouble not only for his friendship with Noah but also because he was the crown Prince of Seary. Adam finally feel into a restless sleep, dreaming of Noah and what could all happen if he told Noah of his feelings for him. Unknown to him Noah was home and dreaming of Adam as well. He dreamed of holding him and protecting him, and most importantly of loving him. The next morning Adam awoke tired and exhausted. His mom and grandmother noticed this and questioned him about it. "I don't know I guess all of the excitement has finally caught up to me. Nothing to worry about I'm sure it will pass," he said. They weren't very sure of that but let it go anyways. At school Adam seemed to drag himself from class to class, all of his friends noticed this as well and questioned him about it. He told them the same thing that Over the next three weeks, Adam seemed to get more exhausted, and not only that he seemed more moody. On several occasions he snapped at his friends and family. During the first week Adam only seemed to be dragging a little bit. At lunch one day his friends and him were talking about a game that was coming up even though they knew that Adam didn't like to play they always seemed to ask his advice. Bobby turned to him for his opinion. "Adam which one do you think will work better, left forward, or back right?" Bobby asked. "Sorry don't know," he said turning to stare out the window again. "Awwww come on you always seem to know which one is better," Bobby said. Adam turned and stared at him. "I said I don't know and I don't care right now. Ok. I'm sorry but I have a lot on my mind," Adam said forcefully. Adam got up and started walking out of the lunchroom. One of the school officials tried to stop him but he just shrugged off his hand and keep on walking. Agents Brandon and Michael went out the door right after him. Noah watched with worried eyes and sadness for his friend, he wished he knew what was going on and try to help him. He was afraid that Adam was going off the deep end. Adam didn't seem to get any better over the next two weeks. Every day Adam seemed to come to school looking worse. Dark circles started appearing under his eyes, and his attitude seemed to get worse. His teacher and friends were all worried about him and he told them it was nothing. Noah knew something was going on and he was getting scared that his friend was really getting carried away with how he acted towards his friends and family. During one of these episodes Adam and his mother had a huge fight. "Adam honey come over here and sit down," she said to him. They were in the sitting room and wanted to talk privately. The shadows under Adam's eyes were so dark they almost seemed pure black. "Dear I love you and I am worried about you. What is going on honey?" she asked him, putting her arm around his shoulders. Adam shrugged them off. "Nothing the matter," he said kind of sharply towards her. He got up and walked to the outside doors. "Adam that is what I mean. What is going on with you? You are getting dark circles under your eyes and you are starting to have a short attitude. Honey what is going on that has you in this condition?" she asked walking up to him. "Nothing now leave me alone," he yelled at her and ran out the doors, he headed to his rooms. Once he got there he slammed his doors and ran into his bedroom, he slammed that door to and started crying. Adam sat on the floor for many hours thinking about his mom and how she will take it all. She knew he was gay but still knowing and actually seeing it are two different things. He didn't know what to do, he knew his grandmother told him not to worry but he still did. Everything seemed to be weighing him down more and more. Finally Adam couldn't even sleep. He would spend his night sitting out on his balcony looking up at the sky and contemplating what he should do. The night would seem to go on forever but then just as he thought it would never end towards the east a light glow would appear. The sky slowly turned from black, to gray, to a light blue, then finally to true blue skies. He loved to watch when this happened. It was at this moment that he knew that God did exist and that he was there for him every step of the way. Finally in the middle of the fourth week everything seemed to start crashing down on Adam. How he felt about Noah, what the country would think and how his mother and grandmother would react when they finally actually see him with another boy. Noah loved Adam and he didn't know what to do but he didn't let it show to anyone, especially to Adam. Even though he knew how he felt and was worried about what everyone else thought he didn't let it get to him. His biggest concern was Adam, and what would happen to there friendship. At school Adam got strange looks but no one said anything to him, they all knew better. Adam seemed to go to class then leave it all in a daze, but finally after Math on Wednesday things hit home all at once. Adam was in the hall walking to his next class when he stopped. Slowly tears started coming to his eyes and he couldn't breath, Noah was all he thought about. Adam saw Noah look at him and try and say something to him but he couldn't hear it, finally complete fatigue and exhaustion took hold of him and he collapsed in the middle of the hall way. Noah stood there in shock along with the rest of the students. Agents Brandon and Michael went immediately to work. "Code Red, Prince has passed out. Send ambulance immediately," Agent Brandon said into his radio. Noah knelt down next to Adam, agents Brandon and Michael didn't stop him, but they did stop any of the staff or other students from getting to close. "Adam, Adam come on man, don't do this to me, wake up please. Please God let him be ok. Come on Adam I need you," Noah said, no one but the two agents heard him. After about five minutes the ambulance and more security personal showed up, they loaded Adam into the ambulance and took off, Noah being the only person other then agents to be aloud in the ambulance. They arrived at the hospital shortly after leaving the school. The Queen and Princess were already there. "What happened?" asked Mary and the doctor at the same time. "I don't know ma'am we were walking down the hall then the Prince just stopped. He started crying then passed out," Agent Brandon said. The doctors and nurses took Adam into trauma room one. They took his vitals and waited on the blood results, Noah never left his side and no one tried to make him go away. Finally after about fifteen minutes the doctor came back in with the results. "Well Your Majesties he seems to be fine. His white blood cells are a little high but according to you he wasn't sleeping. All I can say is that he is simply exhausted and it has finally caught up to him. Does anyone have any idea why he wasn't sleeping?" he asked. "No doctor we don't but we will find out," said the Queen. The doctor smiled. "Good but don't push him to hard or he may relapse again," A few minutes later an orderly took Adam and family up to his room. With guards posted at the entrance to his room and on both ends of the hall leading to his room. After about two hours Adam slowly seemed to wake up, Noah and the Queen and Adam's mom were there by his side. "Adam, can you hear me?" asked Noah. "Mmm-mmm 3;. Noah?" Adam asked barely conscious. Noah smiled. "Yes Adam it's me and your grandmother and mom. Are you ok?" he asked. "Head hurts," Adam said. "I know," Noah said slowly starting to cry. Noah closed his eyes and let the tears escape, a few seconds later Noah felt a hand wipe away his tears. Noah opened his eye and looked down into Adam's eyes now wet with tears. Adam whispered to Noah three simple little words that only Adam, Noah, his mom and grandmother heard. But to Adam and Noah it was shouted out to the universe. "I love you." Noah stared at Adam for a moment and then a small smile appeared on his face. Adam was scared at first when Noah didn't say anything, but when he saw the smile on Noah he relaxed and smiled back. "I love you too," he said. Noah bent down and gently kissed Adam on the lips. "I'm worried about you," Noah said. Adam's smile left him and he turned his head away from Noah. "I can't" was all that Adam said. Noah made Adam look at him. "Adam I love you with my whole heart. I know that what ever the matter is that we can work through it. I am here for you and I will not be leaving you, so talk to me," Noah said. At first Adam didn't say anything, then he turned towards his mom and grandmother and told them. "I'm scared." With a single tear running down his cheek. "Why dear?" asked his grandmother. Adam didn't speak right away; he was trying to form his words so they wouldn't hurt anyone. "You know I'm gay and you say you are ok with it, but I didn't know how you would react when you actually saw me with another boy. And then there's Noah," Adam said turning towards Noah. "I didn't know how you felt about me and I was scared you would hate me," he said letting more tears fall. "Also what would the country think if they ever found out? It would ruin the entire family, I don't think I could handle anyone getting hurt," Adam said finally letting it all out with the tears, of pain, worry and anguish with it. Adam's grandmother took his hand and smiled at him. "Adam you have nothing to worry about. Your mother and myself love you for you, and nothing will ever change that. We knew that eventually that you would find a boy to love, and you found an excellent young man to want to be with. We are not worried about seeing you two holding hands, or kissing or even cuddling. All we ask is that you do it indoors and not outside. As for the country they won't find out, as I said I have talked with a King over in Europe and his daughter is gay as well. We have talked and decided that when the time comes you two will marry. But that doesn't mean that you two will have to sleep together, it will simply be for appearances. Even if the country were to find out then no big deal, we will handle it and it will not ruin us. Trust me my grandson everything will be all right. As for Noah, I think that the kiss and his telling you that he loves you is your answer to that question," His grandmother said. Adam turned and looked at Noah. "She's right, I love you Adam and I am not going to leave you, so don't worry. We will work around what ever we have to do so we can be together. I love you Adam and nothing will change that," Noah said leaning down to kiss Adam. Adam accepted the kiss. "Noah you know in the Bible how it says that a man named Noah saved his family from the great flood, and helped to create a new world?" Adam asked. "Yes," Noah replied. Adam smiled at him and took his hand. "You are my Noah, and you saved me from a life of drowning. I love you Noah," Adam said. "And I love you." They kissed again. Chapter 7For several weeks after Adam returned home a tutor was brought to the house to teach him his lessons so he wouldn't miss any of his schooling. The school offered to send over a counselor but the Queen refused stating that everything was already handled and that things were fine at the palace. Adam slowly recovered with the help of his mother, grandmother and of course Noah. Noah came over everyday after school and helped Adam with his homework and just spent time talking with him. They both loved to cuddle and kiss and no one in the palace ever said anything about that. Some days both boys went for walks on the palace grounds, and with the high fences and hedges no photographers were able to see them holding hands or sitting under a tree talking and holding each other. Finally Adam returned to school, Noah met him at the entrance and walked with him to his locker and then his homeroom. Mr. Harold met them at the door. "Everything alright now Adam?" he asked with concern evident in his voice. "Yes sir everything is fine now, thank you," Adam said taking his seat in the back of the class room. The other students all filed in as well and said hi to Adam and then turned and started talking with each other like nothing ever happened. Mr. Harold called the class to order and things got underway. Throughout the day Noah was with Adam when ever he could be and at lunch they sat with all of their friends and talked. Agents Brandon and Michael never bothered him when they were with his friends and sat at a table nearby instead of the same table. Slowly the weeks flew by and it was summertime. A ball had been set up to announce the summer holidays and some of the most prestigious royal families in the world were invited. The night of the ball Adam was getting dressed with Noah at his side and they were both laughing at Noah not being able to tie his bowtie. Adam wore the same outfit that he did when he was officially crowned so he didn't have to worry about one. "Do you want me to get one of the guards?" Adam asking laughing, knowing that with this many people in the palace that there were guards stationed at the doors to his room and on every floor of the palace. Growling Noah nodded and Adam laughed again. Adam opened his door to see Agents Brandon and Michael there. "Can one of you two come and help Noah with his tie, he has never worn one before and neither have I. If I have to keep waiting on him I am going to die from laughing at him," Adam asked, giggling some still thinking of Noah trying to tie the tie. Both agents chuckled and Agent Brandon went in. "I hear were having some tie problems?" he asked walking up to Noah who was scowling at Adam that only made Adam laugh harder. "Shut up or no more kisses tonight," Noah said and Adam stopped laughing after a few more giggles. "Ok Your Highness you need to watch because there are going to be times when you have to wear this yourself," he said as he turned Noah around and tied the tie with them both watching. "That looks harder to do then anything else I have ever done," Adam said still watching Noah and Agent Brandon. "It can be, but after a while you get used to it. Ok now that I am done we need to talk before you go down," he said having both boys sit on the couch in the room. "Now Noah you're going to have to go down after I'm finished and Adam in a few minutes you will be going down. I know you two want to hang out all night but Adam you're going to have to go and talk with everyone. Noah you can of course off and on be with him but you cannot make it obvious that you're always waiting on him. So I suggest that you talk with some of the other guests," he said and both boys nodded their head. With a final kiss Noah headed downstairs leaving Adam by himself. Noah was escorted into the ball room and took his place in the line next to one of the other guests. A few moments later Adam was announced and brought in. As Adam walked down the line, he shook everyone's hand and kissed the hands of the women and ladies. He got to the bottom of the thrones steps, turned and faced the door. Trumpets blew and the Queen was announced. She did have her hand kissed by the gentlemen as they bowed and shook the hands of the woman and lady's as the curtsied. She met Adam at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the thrones and Adam took her arm in his and led her up the stairs. The Queen stood for a moment looking at everyone and smiling then announced. "For hundreds of years this tradition has been handed down from one generation to the next. We have all gathered him to celebrate the beginning of summer, to bring in a new year of warmth and life. Thank you all for being here to celebrate it with us, and now, at the hour approaches it is officially summer," she said and everyone clapped. The Queen and Prince Adam lead everyone into the banquet hall where tables were set up. Everyone went to their marked table and sat down. With a silent bell chime dinner was brought in and everyone started talking with the people at their table. Naturally Noah sat with Adam and they talked with the other guests at the table. Some of them were surprised to learn that Noah was Adam's best friend and that was why he was there, but they were also happy that he wanted to share his experiences with his friend. After dinner everyone went back into the ballroom where they all danced after the Queen and Adam had a dance first. The hours flew by and everyone was having a great time. Around 10 the Queen took Adam and Noah into a side room where two young ladies were waiting with a set of Parents. "Adam I would like for you to meet Princess Rose from Greece , and her friend Sarah. Ladies I would like for you to meet Prince Adam and his friend Noah. Adam, Noah these are the two young ladies I told you about," she said smiling at them. At first Adam wasn't sure what she meant until Princess Rose, took Sarah's hand in hers then it dawned on him. "Oh ok I get it, it's nice to meet you both," Adam said. "Adam, Noah this is the King and Queen of Greece," the Queen said. Adam gave a slight bow to the king who returned it and he kissed the Queen's hand, and Noah followed suit. "It is a pleasure to meet you both," Adam said smiling at them. "And it is a pleasure to meet you as well Your Highness. When your grandmother called and told us about what happened to you we weren't sure what we could do until she told us that you and Noah were like your Rose and her friend Sarah. We talked with them and they have agreed to what we have arranged," he said. "Oh ok and what is the arrangement?" Adam asked offering them a seat. Once everyone was seated Noah grabbed Adam's hand and smiled and Adam returned it. "You see Your Highness, like you our daughter is gay and she is with someone that she loves very much. If this works out then I think that both of our kingdoms will benefit," he started. "You see this is what I propose we should all do in the best interest of both our kingdoms." And from there the King of Greece told them what they came up with. They decided that at the age of 21 Princess Rose would marry Prince Adam, and a few weeks later if Sarah is still with Rose and Noah is still with Adam, then Sarah and Noah will wed. Noah would be Adam's personal assistant and Sarah would be Rose's. No one would think it odd that Sarah and Noah were with Adam and Rose all the time. Adam asked a few questions that he had and once he had the answers he turned towards the two young ladies. "So what do you think?" he asked. "When they first told me about it I was thinking no real fast, but over time I thought that it would work. This way we can still be with the one we love and no one would say anything. I think that maybe we should go out and dance with each other and let rumors start that there is a relationship building between us. We are going to be here all weekend at the request of her Majesty the Queen. Sarah will be here with me and Noah with you and when they see the 'two couples' they will think that we are all talking about dating. I can still be with Sarah and you can still be with Noah and no one has to know the real relationship between any of us," she said smiling. Adam sat there thinking for a few moments. "I like it but Noah, Sarah what do you think? I mean this is going to involve you two as well. And if neither of them want to do this then I can't," he said with all honestly. Everyone nodded at that then turned to look at Sarah and Noah. "I have already been asked about it and I have already talked it over with Rose and her parents, I think it will work and I think it is a great plan. Noah what about you?" she asked and everyone turned and faced Noah. Noah sat there for a moment and looked between them all and thought about the plan and going over it in his head. "I like it, I mean I can be with Adam and Sarah can be with Rose. All we have to do is make sure that no one can find out; and I think we should start tonight. All of us go and dance me with Sarah and you Adam with Rose," Noah said smiling at Adam. Adam smiled back and agreed. They finished talking about the finer points on how everything should go and then decided to go and make a show of the two couples. Later that night after the ball had ended and all of the guests had left, Adam with Noah at his side, and Rose with Sarah at her side sat on Adam's balcony and talked about what the future would be like. They laughed and had a great time not worrying about anything but knowing that everything will be alright. That weekend Adam and Rose made sure that they were seen in public on many different occasions holding hands and laughing. They had a 'date' and the photographers even got a picture of Adam giving Rose a kiss on the cheek. It was late at night that no one saw Adam giving Noah more then a simple little kiss; for when Adam and Noah kissed they always kissed with passion and love. *** Rose returned home but made several trips to Seary as did Adam make several trips to Greece. Sometimes Noah could come with him and sometimes he couldn't; the same for Sarah, sometimes she went with Rose and sometimes she didn't. Slowly the years went by and soon Noah and Adam graduated from high school and went off to university. They both decided to go to Harvard where they each got a degree; Adam in political science with emphasis on government and Noah with a degree in political science with emphasis on international policies. A few years after they graduated from college Adam and Rose got married, the celebration was a huge event and all the royal families attended along with several presidents and dignitaries from around the world. A few days later Noah and Sarah got married in a much smaller ceremony, like Noah was Adam's best man and Sarah was Rose's; Adam was Noah's and Rose was Sarah's. With in a year with the help of a doctor that was sworn to silence and with his help the couples had children through artificial insemination. Adam and Rose had twins and named them: Adam William Ryan II and Mary Katherine Ryan; Noah and Sarah surprisingly also had twins. A boy they named William Noah Woods, and a girl they named Rachael Katherine Woods. Queen Katherine decided that it was time to retire and she stepped down from the throne. In the spring time of 2016 Adam William Ryan took the throne and became His Majesty Adam William Ryan I King of Seary and Rose his wife became Her Majesty Rose Elizabeth Ryan Queen of Seary. As far as anyone knew they were the perfect couple, they had two great children and they were happily married. No one ever knew that they never shared a room and they have never shared a bed. A year after Adam took the throne Queen Mother Katherine died. It was a sad time in the royal family at her passing. The funeral was a long and slow precision throughout the city and everyone came out to pay their respects to the late Queen. Within a week after her death Adam declared his mother to be the new Queen Mother. That had never happened but no one had questions the King on this because since he took the throne Seary had flourished into an even better country and had become an even better nation to the world. Eventually Seary became the only country in the world where two people of the same sex could get married. That came after a debate that was caused by a teenager who had killed himself because he wanted to marry his boyfriend and they were told no. In a speech Adam said he never wanted to hear of something like that happening ever again. He told them that he felt that everyone had the right to be happy and to have love even if it was with the same sex. Two weeks later after that announcement was made Adam signed in a law giving two people of the same sex the right to marry he also signed in a law giving the married couples the same rights and privileges to benefits of a married couple. Several countries tried to talk him out of it but he finally told them that unlike them he does not want to see people hurt because they are not aloud to love and unlike them he wants his people to be happy. As time went on King Adam and Queen Rose became the best monarchy in the world and in the history of Seary. Unknown to everyone else in the world except a select few Adam had Noah by his side and Noah helped make a lot of the laws and helped run the country. Sarah was there by Rose's side in helping to put together several rights and privileges to the people of Seary. No one ever knew that in the end it wasn't Adam and Rose who ran the country but Adam and Noah. With his love at his side he learned what happiness and love was, and he learned that life really was a great adventure to experience. And in the end the lonely prince was no longer lonely, but was happy and content with his love by his side for the rest of his life. The EndAuthors Note: Thank you all for reading this great story, I have finally found a perfect ending for it, and sadly this is the end of this story. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading The Lonely Prince as mush as I have enjoyed writing it. Thank You |
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