PZA Boy Stories

Scrub aka Simon

The Fishing Trip


A father takes his sons on a fishing trip. On the first night they were captured and used as actors in sex films.
Unpublished old story, on this site Jan 2009
Finished 17,000 words (34 pages)


Boy (12yo), David (11yo), Steve (16yo), Jimmy (7yo) and their father

Category & Story codes

Other Boy story
Mb – nc oral anal – humil


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

These are old stories and published as is. Theyt were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.

Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:

  1. The official: Once I have set the scene the reader can complete his taste in his mind and this I cannot do for him.
  2. The real: get bored with the story which has been written for my fun.
If you shouldn’t be reading it, you shouldn’t be reading it but I can’t stop you so just ask your mum! But you better not show her.

If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!

Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author.

Thanks for reading.


I suppose I better start by introducing you to my kith and kin. (What's the difference between kith and kin?)

I will start with me naturally. The local priest says I'm a bonny twelve year old. (Correction: the story starts on my thirteenth birthday treat.) The sweet shop owner doesn't call me a bonny thirteen year old! He calls me a bloody thief.

Like the rest of my family I have curly light brown hair and green eyes. Unusual aren't we? My skin is very pale unless I have been sunbathing when it turns a lovely brown. I spend as much time as possible swimming and fishing, and I wear as few and as skimpy clothes as I can manage. Since it is the end of May I already have a beautiful tan. Not that I am too keen on showing off my body as I have no muscles to speak of. My father is a foreman on a building site. He never wears a shirt unless it is winter or pouring with rain. I think he likes people admiring his physique. One day I hope to be like him.

Steve is my sixteen year old brother and is very keen on tennis and plays for a junior county team or something. He is very fit and spends all his spare time on the tennis court. Steve is still thin and his arms don't bulge like Dad's but he looks like me and all the girls run after him. He says they will run after me too when I am his age. I don't know that I really want that because they can be awful spoil sports.

Then there is my little brother David. Only he is not really so little. He is ten months younger than me but he is three inches [7½ cm] taller. At school he is in the form below mine. I am still tough enough to handle his tantrums and I tease him a lot which is great fun.

Besides my father and us three kids, we had a mother until recently. She was very ill for the last couple of years. She has now had a 'merciful release' at least that what everyone says to us kids.

There is also the baby. He is seven. Since my mother became ill he has lived with our old nurse. Dad has paid her to look after him. Dad and Nurse think he is now old enough to live at home. We, kids, are not so sure. We don't want a baby messing up the place and giving us all extra chores. The nurse became rather unwell recently but she had agreed to continue to look after the baby 'for a bit'. She wants him to come home. She said "He is no longer a baby and can do most things for himself. I know how to look after babies but not children!"

We all help to keep the place reasonably tidy. Although for a time Dad had a daily to help, we all decided it isn't necessary. Money is tight and paying a daily might mean we would have to move to a cheaper house.

Having got through the boring 'intros' I can now start the story.


As a thank-you and as it is my birthday, Dad is taking us on a fishing trip. A man, he met in a pub, offered to lend us a cottage for the ten days of half term. We will live by an isolated Scottish lake so we have packed all the food we will need. The only disadvantage is that I will have to share a bedroom with David. This means that I can't do the nice private thing that I enjoy doing every night before going to sleep. I have only done it since Christmas and no one knows. I shouldn't do it but I get that glorious feeling. In fact I'm a bit worried why a few drops of water come out but it doesn't seem to be pee so I don't think it matters.

We had a long journey. I slept most of the way but Dad just had to drive and drive. We finally arrived at six pm. It was a lovely spot. Dad showed us how to use the Calor gas and stressed that if we wasted the gas it would run out. Steve cooked a meal. After we ate, we climbed a hill nearby.

It was beginning to get dark but we could only see the lights of a single house and that was very far away. We went back to the cottage and went to our bedrooms.

I don't know what the time was but suddenly our door burst open and three strange tough looking men strode into the room. Neither David nor I had a chance to gather our wits and put up a struggle. We were frog marched down stairs. Poor David's pyjama trousers fell down. The men just made him continue with them round his feet until they slipped right off.

In the only room downstairs, Dad and Steve were sitting – tied to chairs! Dad had his underpants on but Steve was quite naked. (I knew he always slept in the raw).

I never had the opportunity to study properly Steve's equipment before. Now, while fully realizing the perilous nature of our predicament, I examined him covertly. His 'thing' was naturally much longer than mine but it was not much fatter either soft or, when later I saw it, hard. Steve saw me looking and immediately it filled out a bit much to my pleasure and his chagrin.

They soon had David and me tied similarly. The chairs were heavy wooden kitchen chairs. They used a thick rope to join our ankles. It ran behind the chair's front legs and was wound round its stretcher. The men obviously knew what they were doing. The rope was not so tight as it hurt but there was no play in it. Our wrists were in soft lined handcuffs. They pulled the centre of the cuff down and tied it to the back of the chair. We were allowed to wriggle as much as we liked. All we could achieve was to tip over the chair. This might hurt us but wouldn't help us get loose. They put the chairs in the four corners of the main room.

They sat drinking beer, laughing and talking. At one point Dad said "You can do what you like to me but please let the kids go." It seemed to me that he was saying it as he felt it had to be said but without expecting them to agree. The men just laughed and ignored him anyhow.

I was still sleepy and after a bit I dozed. I think we all were soon half asleep as there was nothing to do. We had tried pleading, shouting and so on but the men either ignored us or were simply amused.

I remember noticing that it was getting light. It was still very early and it was the famous cool, clear, steely light of dawn. The birds were singing: they were not tied up! The men had finished drinking and were taking turns going to the bathroom. They were doing the things that we should have been doing before going out to fish. We were mostly just ignored but the men checked our fastenings from time to time and adjusted the odd rope. Dad had tried to talk again but had got his face slapped for his pains. Steve lost his temper at this and started shouting "Leave my Dad alone!" One man went over to Steve. He grabbed his balls "Any more sauce from you and you can post these home Sonny."

David piped up in his high pitched voice "I need to go to the lavatory please. It's urgent." The biggest man stood over him and asked "Which way?" Poor David was tongue tied. We would use words like piss and shit with our friends but we had no adult words to use in front of Dad. He attempted "Both" but the man wasn't satisfied. He wanted full details and David settled for the "Number one and number two" of young kids. He just got the comment "You will just have to do it where you are. Won't you then?" David struggled to avoid going but a few minutes later an arc of pee went half way across the room. He avoided shitting.

I also needed to pee. Rather than beg them and get nowhere, I decided just to go. It is not so easy to pee publicly while sitting on a chair! I was just about to let go when the same man came over "You are not toilet trained yet? I will help you." He had an empty aluminium water jug and he took my prick in one hand "Now pee." It was nearly impossible with a stranger holding my privates. Eventually my body took over and everyone could hear my pee half filling that jug. The man knowing that everyone was watching started playing with my cock until it was hard. I just wished I was dead.

After a bit I stopped caring who was watching and was luxuriating in that all persuasive feeling of being about to cum. The damned man stopped! I even begged him to finish me off not caring who heard me! He just smiled and walked over to Dad. "You have a perverted son: don't you?" He waited then squeezed my father's groin "Don't you?" Eventually my father had to agree that I was perverted. My quivering rod was ignored or more accurately every one kept on looking at it, The men had no intention of finishing me off!

It was Dad's turn now. They cut off his remaining clothes. He must have been very embarrassed as his cock was hard. I don't know why. I had twice seen Dad when he was peeing next to me in a public toilet but he had been soft then. It was the first time I had seen an adult erect and it was Dad's! His cock must have been ten inches [25 cm] long. I now know it is very large even for an adult. He had a mass of hair round it which almost hid his balls unfortunately. I will not describe it in any more detail although I later got to see it much better! I still feel odd talking about my father's equipment. For the record it, like ours, was uncircumcised.

David was the only one of us still dressed but the men soon rectified that. I had not seen his equipment recently. I have occasionally seen him getting changed at the swimming pool where all the boys, who pay half price, change in an open room. His cock was now longer than mine! His balls were definitely larger and he already had a little hair while I still had none. He was as hard as I was. I was relieved to note that his cock was at least thinner than mine. It was unfair for him to be so well equipped as he was nearly a year younger than me.

We were warned not to talk to each other and the men left to have breakfast. As soon as they had left Dad said: "They are quite mad. The only thing to do is to humour them. Don't do anything to annoy them. Just do as you are told. They will have to let us loose eventually. I think they intended to squat here but found us already in situ. Once they have had their fun they will leave. If they make you do anything normally evil, you cannot be held responsible. We are being forced against our will. You must not worry if your 'bodies' do things you don't want. They are not always under our control. It would be very dangerous not to cooperate with them. For the time being, do whatever they want however unpleasant it might be."

Dad had finished speaking before the men returned. They fed us 'breakfast'. A foul tasting thick porridge. When we had eaten it all, they gave us a syrup to drink. They washed it down with plenty of water. After this they moved our chairs into a semicircle facing the fire place, video and television. The oldest man started to talk. He was about Dad's age. I cannot recall everything he said and indeed it would take up too many pages to reproduce here but the gist was:

You will be wondering who we are and why we are here. First I run The Organisation. You will hear plenty about this while we are here. I am a qualified psychologist with certain unusual interests. These have meant I cannot practice normally.

I specialise in certain drugs – not habit forming ones you will be pleased to hear. You have taken some interesting things in your breakfast. Some will make you want to tell us about everything we want to know. Most of these things would normally be shameful secrets. Other drugs will control parts of your body.

The man on my right is a surgeon and he also cannot work in hospitals anymore. He specialises in operating on penises. I know he is pleased none of you are circumcised! (It would be different in North America where he came from. There nearly all kids are circumcised as babies.)

The small wiry man is a very important member of the team. He is an excellent video, and still, camera man. You will be seeing much of his work.

Then there is the red head. He was a teacher but lost his job for what the authorities considered was excessive use of the cane. The man is expert with all sorts of instruments nowadays.

The last man here is our driver, cook and general helper. There will be plenty of other visitors but you will meet them later.

Now before we go on, I would like your father to read out the letter that arrived at your home yesterday but we got it before you did

Dear Family,

It was nice to hear from you and even nicer to feel the family will be reunited. While Jimmy has been happy with me, I do not feel it was a permanent solution.

I am only a bit sad that he is going home by hired car as it would have been nicer for him to be collected, but I quite understand that as you are all going on holiday you cannot collect him yourself. It will be lovely to be together on holiday.

I have explained to Jimmy and he is looking forward and is not worried by the idea of a strange car. That just shows how poor my upbringing has been. You will find him in lovely condition and the new clothes that I have got him are lovely.

I hope you have a lovely time. Catch all the fish you can eat.

Love and Kisses

Your Old Nurse

I will now show you a short video. We could not record more of Jimmy before we had to leave to come here but other people will continue the good work. I will ask you all questions on the video so you better watch it carefully. Remember it is your little brother (or son). I will talk you through it. We start in the back of the car and you see Jimmy being kissed goodbye by nurse. He is wearing jeans, plimsolls and a rather good T-shirt.

Both Nurse and he were surprised to see three men in the car. He was pleased to be allowed to sit in front.

This is about half an hour later. Jimmy is being treated to an ice cream and a drink. It was so hot and sunny that he was happy to take off his T-shirt and get a bit of sun. Watch carefully and you will see me put some powder into his coke.

It is now twenty minutes later. Just listen to him begging for us to stop so he can pee. In a minute he will start crying. Isn't it fun? If you listen carefully, you can hear his crying change as he starts to wet himself.

This is only about half an hour later. We are in the middle of the country side so it doesn't matter that he is standing in the road. Look at the mess his jeans are in. He is making quite a fuss so we let him take them off. Notice how kind we are to leave him in his white underpants. (They are a bit yellow I know.) We have to protect the car seats so we had to give him some plastic pants. Yes I know they are unusual. Baby ones are not completely transparent.

They are much too small for him and he has to struggle to get them on. If you look, you will see his little Willy has come out of the underpants' fly. Do you see him looking directly at the video camera in horror? This was the first time he had seen it. He doesn't like being a film star; does he?

We are back on the road. You can see him better now that he is in the middle of the back seat. Yes he is begging again. There is no need to stop since he has already wet himself once. Look carefully you can see the pee coming out of his little Willy. But there is something else happening. See I am pulling him over my lap. Yes he is just starting to shit. What a mess! The plastic pants will keep it all in and stop any smell.

Some two hours later he is still making a fuss. We have just got to his temporary home. Yes he is now on the stage of a small 'school' assembly room. He doesn't like the other boys seeing him in just underwear and very messy plastic pants. Does he?

I will not show you any more of the video for now but I want you to understand this. If you do not do EXACTLY what we want, you may be punished. He will be punished much more severely and he will be told exactly whose fault it is. Do you understand? Now for the questions 3; When did he lose his plimsolls? 3;"

I think we were all equally upset but we managed to answer most of the questions correctly. He then said:

You are all about to become film-stars. We make many specialist films. Some are 'educational and instructional' but others are just for entertainment. We select film-stars quite carefully as we want them to satisfy our clients' wishes. You are of the right age groups and reasonably good looking. Your most important quality is your curly hair which a particular client has asked for. When your father took up my offer to lend you this cottage, it sealed your fate.

The shots will not be taken in any order. The film will take shape on the cutting room floor. Until you get invited to a showing, you will have little idea of its final content. To get you used to being filmed as you are inexperienced, you will stand in front of the fireplace. You will then tell us ALL about yourselves. You must include name, age, school, friends, hobbies, sports and so on. After that you will each read a passage from this machine here. Don't worry if you find it embarrassing just continue reading. You won't be punished for your blushes. Expect to be punished if you make mistakes.

We will then fire questions to you and you will answer every question. (You can't lie as you have taken some special drugs).

The last of these initial sessions will be tomorrow. You will have to do exactly as we tell you. I know it will be even more embarrassing in front of the family and you will have no drugs to help. Just ignore these feelings as you will be punished until you perform correctly. Jimmy will also be punished for anything you do wrong. He will get twice what you get!

Dad was untied and had to speak about himself as the video camera was filming him. He tried to ask if he could wear something but was told "Just get on with it – for Jimmy's sake." He was made to put his hands on his head. When he tried to cover his front "Stop playing with yourself – unless we tell you to."

His prick was straight in front of my eyes some three feet [90 cm] away from me. I didn't know where to look. More accurately, I couldn't tear my eyes away. He was very hard and it quivered continuously. At one point I saw that the school teacher was also making a video but of us kids – including me.

They didn't pressurise Dad but just let him tell them everything about himself. Sometimes he dried up and they just waited. When he thought he had finished he was prompted. In particular they wanted to know exactly what he did with his girl friends. I thought that no adult did that sort of thing except with his wife and only then when they wanted babies. Suddenly the Psychologist said "You have had your half hour. Now it is Steve's turn."

Dad was tied down again then Steve was released to stand exactly where Dad had been. They tied his hands behind his back however. Steve started confidently enough. He spoke about his tennis trips to various competitions. When he ran out of steam, the doctor said "When you are on these trips who shares your room?" It was John his doubles partner. "Do you share a bed?" Poor Steve said that they did and then admitted that they were 'lovers'.

The Doctor said "I want full details. Jimmy will be punished otherwise." Poor Steve was blushing and stuttering but he gave, what he hoped were, 'full details'. I didn't know that boys did those things together. However my mind was also watching a pearl of glistening liquid. It gathered on the tip of Steve's quivering cock. It was only inches from my face. Suddenly Steve stopped in mid sentence and a stream of liquid shot out from his cock all over my face. I wasn't allowed to wipe it off and it just dried there.

I took Steve's place. It is difficult for me to speak even in class as I am rather shy. I found it awful just giving my name, address and 'phone number. I admitted that "I have learnt to play with my thing in bed."

They asked how I knew how to. I said that one day in the school toilets I had watched an older boy in the cubical next to mine. They then rather lost interest and passed onto David.

David also had an easy time of it. The pure minimum of 'Name, Age and Rank' was enough. He had said he was a keen scout and seemed willing, if not anxious, to carry on indefinitely. He started to chat about games he played with other boys but they cut him off sharply. They wanted to remain clearly in control. If David was happy to chat about these things then it wouldn't be fun for them.

It was now the time for us to read the passages from the clever machine. You can see similar machines in any T.V. news studio. David was first off – since he was already on his feet. The passages that they gave him to read were a sort of pornographic dictionary. There was a word any then a lengthy discussion on it. Unfortunately the words were not ones that youngsters would use in polite society. Their definitions were mostly based on activities between men and boys. Thus, David's section included:

Fucking. This is an activity between men and boys where the man forces his erect penis up the boy's arsehole. He then frictions it against the wall of the hole until he cums. Most boys find this painful and demeaning as they are being used as if they were girls. It gives the men much pleasure and the boy must learn to accept it. Boys who are fucked regularly get to like it. Some of them can cum themselves during the action without touching their cocks. Boys, who refuse a man this service, should be severely punished.

Wanking. All boys, from about ten years old, experiment by trying to do this. They develop their own technique but principally it consists of rubbing their penis until it gets excited and a liquid comes out. Very young kids can do it. They get a similar 'glorious' feeling but without producing liquid.

Many fuddy duddies try to teach boy that wanking is wrong, evil etc. The only thing that is bad is not to invite your mates or any interested adult to join in. Boys should not wank in bed at night but in a more public place preferably with your friend watching or helping. Again you should always be completely nude when wanking. You should take care that you make sufficient sound that anyone nearby knows what you are doing. Thus in a public toilet you should strip, leave the door unlocked or even ajar and check that all 'peek holes' are unblocked. You should then wait until you hear someone come in before starting. It is much better if someone else's hand does the work. It is easy to find willing volunteers if you make the effort.

He had to read for a good twenty minutes (as we all had to). Some things difficult to say in front of Dad and Steve and me but he managed to. He was crying quietly from the humiliation. I was next to read and I had to read from the same series of articles. Only about half were the same as David's and I realised that they had been chosen carefully. The passage that I remember best was:

Small Cocked Boys. Some boys have unnaturally small cocks for their age. They can try repeated masturbation as it can help. Wanking to be effective must be carried out at least twelve times every day and each time liquid must be produced. While their cocks are small, they must use their mouths and arseholes to make up for this disability. Most normal boys tease small cocked boys as being sissies. The boy must expect and accept this. He must let other boys play with his little cock as they might manage to make it grow. Boys with small cocks must expect to be treated as little boys and bullied by other boys their own age or younger. Often small cocked boys will start to be bedwetters within a few months of being able to produce watery cum. There is no cure.

It was then Steve's turn to read the same basic dictionary. It had been much more changed than mine. The passage concentrated on boys who wore girl's clothes and boys who showed off on a tennis court. It also had several entries on boy fucking boys and boys in love with other boys. It upset Steve and it was the first time I saw him cry for many years.

Dad had to read a different thing altogether. It was a story about twelve boys who went on holiday alone. The story was told through the eyes of the oldest boy who was obviously a weed. Another fifteen year old ran the holiday. The boys split up into two groups the Masters and the Slaves. Most of the other older lads were masters but the youngest kid of twelve was also a master. This boy was the storyteller's young brother which added piquancy to the story. All the sex is described in great detail. Poor Dad found it almost impossible to read this in front of his sons. Several times there was a whispered "Think of Jimmy" before he forced himself to continue.

All this had taken a long time and it was now mid afternoon. A small car arrived with a driver, a man in his twenties, and two boys, brothers we were told, of twelve and fifteen. The men decided to have a break. They sent all my family and these two visiting boys fishing! The visitor boys were made to strip 'to be like us'. We were all chained to each other with loops of thin chain round our cocks and balls. The chains were quite long. It was so arranged that a visiting kid was always close to each of us. We could fish quite happily even if it was a bit chilly.

The men warned us not to talk 'or else'. The visitors were told to watch out and report any talking. Even Dad decided not to talk. There was nothing to be said anyhow. We all felt we had said too much in the sessions inside. Dad and I actually caught some fish and life seemed to pick up ever so slightly. They couldn't keep us forever and we were due back at school in nine days time.

I wanted to pee and shit badly. I was never keen on doing it in public. Now was my chance. I grasped my cock and mentally told it to let go. Nothing happened. After several tries I decided the damn doctor's pills had done something. When I tried to shit the same thing happened. It wasn't as if I were constipated. The muscles just didn't react. David was trying to go to the toilet with the same effects. When he also gave up he started to play with himself in spite of being so much in the public view. One of the visitors tapped him on the shoulder and shook his head. David left go of it. I decided not even to try.

Eventually we all went back to the cottage and had a good meal. The men gave us wine. Dad started to say that David and I were not allowed to drink yet. The men told him to shut up and both of us drank the wine. I didn't realize the significance of this then. Dad lost any authority that he still had over us and we started to ignore Dad's wishes. When we left Scotland, we had learnt that Dad was just another person and we could do just as we liked. He has never regained his authority.

Finally we finished eating. David and I had drunk no less than three glasses of wine apiece. We sat down just with the loose chain connecting us but otherwise untied. We had learnt to live with being nude and having erections continuously. I, anyhow, was almost able to ignore the video camera. In the centre of the room was the double bed. It was just covered with a plastic sheet and a pillow. This time Steve was the first to be selected. The doctor explained that he would be questioned on anything that the men wanted to know. He would have to answer "If you hold anything back 3;"

The men told him to lie on the bed and make himself comfortable. He closed his eyes. David and I sat on either side of the bed at shoulder level and we were told to stroke his nipples. Steve started to squirm but we had to continue. Dad was told to take Steve's balls in his mouth and suck them 'properly'. I thought Dad was losing his temper but after a good thirty seconds he did as he was told. The men started questioning Steve. His voice seemed far away and sometimes he paused as if he was about to refuse to answer but common sense prevailed.

"When did you start to wank?" I was just twelve. I went to a scout patrol camp. We didn't use one big tent but two-person 'pup' tents. The patrol leader let me share his tent. When we went to bed, he zipped our sleeping bags together and took my pyjamas off. He played with me twice that night and those were the first time I came. I had been having wet dreams before.

"What happened during the rest of the camp?" In the morning he made me prove to the rest of the patrol that I could cum. He then had me move each night to a different tent. I didn't like it and left the scouts.

"What happened next?" Nothing for a bit. I was spending all my time practicing my tennis. I thought that wanking was bad for my tennis so I tried not to do it. There were few chances for me to fool about with other boys. After tennis the coach always came into the changing room and made sure we washed properly and didn't fool around – I'm sure he wasn't thinking we might do that sort of thing.

"And then?" About two years ago John and I were selected to play at Junior Wimbledon. It was a great honour. We and our coach stayed in a boarding house near the courts. John and I shared a bed. When we play John is the senior partner. The coach insists that one of us decides what to do on court. He says it is better if the same boy makes all decisions off court as well. That way we won't quarrel. Well at Wimbledon John took my pyjamas away and said they were sissy. He still wears pyjamas however. When we were in bed he started to play with me. I objected – really I did. He just told me to let him wank me off. I hadn't come for a couple of months and I shot torrents. John then taught me to suck him off 'to return the favour'. In the morning over breakfast he told the coach! Both of them thought it a huge joke.

"Go on." We were there the full two weeks. The coach started giving John advice on what I should do in bed! On the last night he came in to show John how to fuck me as John had said I was too tight. Since then the three of us share a bedroom when we go away. John only lets me suck the coach. My arse is for John's use only. However sometimes the coach has a party and we are invited. On these occasions John cannot keep all the men away!

"How often do you cum?" Not very often. The coach always knows. When I have, I get twelve of the best after practice; Six from him and six from John. Now immediately after the punishment I have to shower. The sports centre's showers are always crowded. After a beating the coach will not let me even take a towel into the shower room. John makes sure I shower 'properly'. He often has me there for half an hour. A few times he has written on my back "I have been punished for wanking". He uses a waterproof ink which just will not come off. Once I was made to keep on the inscription for a whole day although I had swimming at school.

"Now what about these which were found hidden in your room?" {The man produced some woman's tights and underwear. I particularly remember a bra}. Please I don't want to talk about them. Please I will do anything.

The man continued to quiz big brother. The coach likes me to wear women's clothing at his parties so no one can get to my prick. It amuses John as well.

"O.K. I understand that but why were these at your home and why hidden and there was only underwear there?" Please 3; I find it sexy to wear them at night instead of pyjamas. I just pretend I am a woman. That way I can't wank even if I dared.

"Why then are there dried white stain on them?" It was three minutes before he answered. Then it was whispered at first (naturally he had to repeat it out loud). Sometimes I just shoot when I am wearing them without even touching myself down there. Is it wicked?

The man told him that he was mentally ill.

I have only given a summary of the questions and Steve's answers which lasted a good half hour.


It was then David's turn. I licked one of his nipples and Dad the other while Steve licked his balls. "Not his cock, we don't want him shooting." He was forced to tell us all of the activities of the 'Under thirteen' football team. The captain was a domineering boy and had David eating out of his hand. After Friday training sessions which went on from 4.30 to 6.30 the boys showered. The captain would give some of them old football kit. David explained:-

He got some kit that had belonged to some eight year old boys. An adult friend of his boiled the shorts in soda. They became very thin and almost transparent. We can just squeeze into them. He does not wear them himself. He makes any boy going to the cinema wear them. We just stand by the cinema queue and soon some man or other will ask us, if we want to go in. One man will be asked to take the captain in as well as the boy of his choice. The rest of us go in just with a man. The captain often has me with him. He will sit on one side of me and the man on the other. When the lights go down, the captain starts on me. The captain pulls my shorts down to my knees. If I am lucky, there is no one else nearby or the man might put a macintosh over my lap. Often there is a row of us footballers and the men who are paying for us. Then the captain usually strips me starkers. If we are not with the captain the men just feel us through our shorts until we get excited and 'wet' them.

Until a couple of months ago the men just played with us but the captain is teaching us to use our mouths. They give the captain quite a lot of money when we do while we get an ice cream 'to take the taste away'. I don't mind doing it but I don't like the slippery feel of their cum. Two weeks ago the captain and I met this man in the normal way. Instead of going to the cinema, we went to his house. It was a pleasant house. The man said I don't want my furniture dirty you better both take off your dirty football kit. Then I was made to dance and wave my cock around. After some time the man tried to push his thing up my backside. It was too tight so the captain fucked me first to loosen me up. After he had shoot up me the man managed to get up me. I didn't mind the captain doing it but the man hurt. I haven't had to do it again. I think the coach knows all about every thing that goes on. He is the captain's uncle and they are thick as two thieves.

David then said that he had been shown three years ago how to wank (at the under nine's football coaching). He had spent every night for months trying to produce that elixir. He was eventually successful two days before his tenth birthday. Davis sometimes has friends over and they would usually share his bed. Officially there were two beds in his room. He particularly liked it when the other boy didn't know much about 'things'. He had given five boys their first climax – and fucked them all afterwards. David gave all the boys' names. I was staggered as I knew them all.

My nipples had never been played with before but Dad and Steve made me almost mad with excitement. I was less turned on by David licking my balls but I was so very jealous of him and his exciting life. I felt ashamed that I had so little to say. I told the men about what I did in bed. Then I had to admit I thought about a couple of older boys when I did it. There was nothing else that I could think of to say. I wanted to show that I was as on the ball as my brothers but I never had the chance. I was quite ashamed of my innocence!

Dad had been left to last. I was set to licking his balls and the others worked on his nipples. "Please don't make my kids do to that to me and I will tell you everything you want to know." The men just laughed and one said "We know you will." They told us to continue or else 3;

They asked him about the various women he had gone with. Other than the fact that his kids were listening he didn't mind talking about his conquests. He enjoyed detailing how good each woman was and her particular kicks. He was not even phased when they produced a lot of his 'marital aids'. They had been found in his room. He was happy saying how that vibrator turned on Sally or whatever. Some things were less easy to talk about: Enema equipment for one but he continued and talking was blanking his mind out from realising that we were avidly listening.

It was more difficult for him when he had to talk about what he had done with our mother. That subject didn't turn us kids on a little bit. It was all a bit too close to home! This didn't stop the questioning and the men continued their relentless quest for the full truth.

After all this Dad was allowed a break. They had quizzed him for well over an hour and we thought this was the end of this 'round'. Indeed we were untied and let off the bed and the two brothers took our place. They had sex together. But not as they might have liked it but as the men demanded. It was really a lesson for us.

They made us get really near the older boy's prick as it was plunging in and out of his brother's hole. My father started to swear and object. The men just gagged and handcuffed him. I was the main boy being 'educated' as my brothers were so much more knowledgeable.

After the show the men said that the brothers had spent the night with Jimmy. He was surviving but was rather unhappy. He particularly wanted to get those plastic pants off. Especially as other boys had used them as a toilet. We were shown a clip from a video of Jimmy. His hands were secured behind his back and these brothers were pulling the elastic waist of the pants out and peeing against Jimmy's stomach. Jimmy was then told he could have something to eat if he was willing to lick the food off the boys' cocks. He refused and wasn't forced.

Dad was then ordered back on the bed and the gag removed. We went to the same positions as before and the men resumed their relentless questioning. This time it was about what he had got up to as a kid. Apparently he lived in a semi-detached house. The window of his room looked across the narrow gap between his house and the next. He was about twelve when an uncle and his nephew moved next door. The boy had the matching bedroom which faced Dad's. Dad was younger than the boy but in the form above him as he had missed a lot of education. It was summer and the nephew slept nude without any sheets etc. There were no curtains on his window and there was even a night light burning all night.

On the first night the uncle pushed him into the bedroom stark naked. The boy said "Please Unk I need to pee." Unk ignored the boy's plea and he was ordered onto the rubber covered bed and his hands secured to the brass headboard. The man went out and Dad said he could hear the key turn in the lock. A similar scene took place every night. Dad was interested and made it his business to get to know the boy better. He organised some 'normal' bullying. There was no obvious sexual element. The boy suffered the sort of thing that can happen when a boy comes to a new school at the wrong time of year and when he has no older friends. He then told the boy that he would stop the bullying if the boy would do certain unspecified things. The boy was soon sucking his young neighbour daily.

Dad found out that the boy had gone to a posh day school before he had come to live with his uncle. At his old school they wore a uniform which included grey flannel shorts. At Dad's school no one had to wear uniform and no one did. More significantly shorts were seen as juvenile and beyond the pale. Soon the boy was wearing his old school uniform – but without underwear. He was also 'forgetting' his gym kit so frequently that the games' master decided he should do P.E. nude.

One day the uncle caught his nephew, stark naked with his hands tied, sucking tearfully Dad's stiff cock. The man said to Dad "I don't blame you. It is a lovely way to wank but he will be punished for doing that to a younger boy. If you want, you can watch tonight." Dad was in his room early so he could watch. The naked boy was almost carried into his room then tied down on the bed and flogged. Dad paused and was obviously recollecting. We were forgotten as he relived his youthful pleasures. "The boy was 'only' beaten with a tawse that time but he got several dozen." Uncle indicated that Dad should climb across the passage. "He has been punished for being a cocksucker so you might as well use him whenever you want to."

Dad said that after that the boy's window was open every night. My Dad spent more nights in the other bedroom than in his own. After a few months, Dad got a 'job' keeping the other house tidy. Uncle encouraged him to abuse his nephew and not only sexually. Quite often the man would invite his friends to join in. The man also selected clothes for his nephew which would encourage even more bullying. Twice Dad had gone on holiday with them. "It all ended when I was sixteen and got interested in your mother." Dad concluded.

The Doctor asked "Do you remember the boy's name?" Dad had to think a bit before he said "It was, I think, Lionel Blake." The doctor asked "Do you recognise me?" Dad swore and said "You are the boy. Aren't you?"

The doctor said "Your family now know why they are here. I dealt with my uncle some time ago and now 3;"

"Your family has entertained us so well that I think we should now return the compliment. We will show you the first video our two young visitors made. It was in late spring that the action takes place 3;"

The video started with some very professional title pages, Actors names and then some advertising material. I would have likes to watch the cuts from their other films but he fast forwarded it so I couldn't. The first frame after he went back to normal play was:

The video started. Everything, which had happened that day, had put all of the family into a mental stupor. I thought nothing else could be done that would have made any mental impact on me or the rest of the family. This film was however a different kettle of fish. It shattered me, and I think the other members of my family, to the core.

It started in a court room with bewigged judge, jury, policeman, lawyers and so on. The judge said "Bring in the defendants." The two kids entered. They were in heavy chains and looked very unhappy. One had a black eye the other a cauliflower ear. They were accompanied by two burly prison guards. It looked as if they had used their heavy truncheons on the kids.

The boys' clothes were torn and in a mess. "Of what are they accused?" the judge asked. A weedy man, the court usher, stood up. "On the eight of this month they absconded from the detention centre in which they had been placed. They broke into a house and stole food and some clothes. When apprehended, they claimed that the warden had got some senior boys at the centre to molest them. This story has been checked and the warden and boys deny it. We can safely conclude the story is a malicious fabrication."

"How do the defendants plead on this serious charge?" The judge asked.

The older boy said "Yes. We ran away and broke into the house but they had done 3;"

The Judge said "It has been established that nothing untoward happened at the centre so you only make it worse by continuing those lies. Are you guilty as charged or not?"

"Yes but 3;" was not accepted and a few moments later both boys whispered "Guilty."

Expectedly the judge said "Jury discharged. There is nothing to decide in this case. We will adjourn into my chambers. I want to find out the details of these kids' slanderous statements. There may be other things that I need to know before passing sentence. Send in the warden and those three senior boys who are in court to give evidence in my chambers. I don't think we will need anyone else other than the defendants, of course. We will adjourn for two hours. I will sentence the boys when the court resumes."

Scene moves to the judge's chambers which are a large book lined room with a large desk a few comfortable and two wooden chairs. Everyone comes in. The jailors seat the two boys on the wooden chairs and handcuff their wrists roughly to the chair uprights. At the judge's request, he was given the keys to the handcuffs. While this was going on, he made a 'phone call. He asked a Dr Jones to come over as he thought a medical inspection should be given.

Dr Jones (Dr Lionel Blake) comes in. The Judge said "I want these boys examined. Try to find out to what extent they have been interfered with." The younger boy was lifted still cuffed to his chair onto the desk and the chair laid on its back. The boy struggled as his trousers, underpants, shoes and socks were removed, but the doctor remarked "We don't want anyone kicked." The camera moved in close and examined the struggling boy's private areas. His cock was small and soft. The camera moved to his backside. There was a slight redness which the doctor commented on. Then the doctor produced an instrument which he forced straight up the boy's arse hole. It was a transparent plastic cylinder. It was about eight inches [20 cm] long and the thickness of a large candle. It obviously hurt the boy as he increased his struggles and his crying but it went in. The doctor forced it in to about two-thirds of its length and then wriggled it about. The boy was left with it in. "You will be severely punished if you let it slip out even half an inch [12 mm]!"

His brother was given identical treatment but the protoscope used on him was much fatter and about three inches [7½ cm] longer. He made even more fuss than his brother.

The doctor then returned to the younger brother. The camera watched him slowly wank the boy "To see if having anything inside his bum turns him on." The lad was quivering with excitement when the doctor turned his attention to his brother. It took a long time to get him stiff. The man then went from one to the other and moved the candles in and out keeping the boys at fever pitch. They were untied, the candles removed and they were "allowed" to suck each other off to relieve the pressure. The senior boys then stripped and the doctor said "I want to see each of you enter each of these lads to see how easily they can open that much." It was quite a show.

Then the doctor said "These boys are not virgins and they have been entered frequently. However whoever fucked them had a much smaller cock than those of these seniors. I can only conclude that they fuck each other regularly."

The film reverts to the court-room. The judge addressed the court "These boys have pleaded guilty to the crime with which they have been charged. I find no extenuating circumstances. Indeed their despicable attempt to smear the characters of the staff at the detention centre is deplorable. I am limited in what punishment I can officially award.

However they have signed full confessions and have asked to be punished in whatever way I feel is justified. This will be done but my sentence will not be spoken in open court. For the record they will return to the centre and stay there until the warden decides that they should be released. During the time that they are there, I urge that their lying is remembered. Any suggestion that they make that they are being bullied or otherwise abused should be ignored. I also urge that they should spend as much time nude or so scantily dressed that they should not consider absconding again.

This doctor is interested in the perpetrators of certain unmentionable crimes. He has asked if he can make a detailed record of their physical and mental development. Naturally I concur and trust that the warden and his staff with aid in this work. I will visit the centre as the Chairman of the Governors more frequently. When I visit, I will take an especial interest in these lads.

In addition they will go in three weeks time, heavily escorted, to the house from which they stole goods. They will give to the householder all their own possessions as some recompense for what they stole. Their clothes hopefully may fit one or other of the sons of the house. These boys will receive part of their unofficial punishment while there. I hope that as many people will be present as practical as it will make their lesson all the better."

The next scene was set in the cells of the court house. At the back there is a large heavily barred cell and the judge and jailors are talking. The talkative judge says "These are the papers the boys should sign and they should witness each others. The first part of their unofficial punishment can then be given. They are both to be tied over the old saw horses you have. They should then be flogged. I suggest that two dozen might be the right number but who's counting? It would be most amusing if one of you gave a quarter of one boy's strokes. Then the other one of you punishes the other. A short break might let them think that it is all over.

You swap over and continue the sequence until the punishment is concluded. After that you may naturally enjoy the boys' bodies but I hope you won't mind if my friends stay on. Some might enjoy some action."

The camera followed the men into the cell. The boys hardly resisted when they were stripped yet again. They were then given the papers to sign. They were not even given a chance to read them. The older boy seemed about to argue but was told "I will count to five any extra will be repeated on your backside." He signed in two seconds! By the time the jailors had tied down the boys, most people had come down to the cells. After some thought, the men used whalebone switches and from the noise they were very effective. The strokes were given every ten seconds as someone called out "Now." After the first half, the jailors asked the senior boys to wash the brothers' bums with soap and very hot water. It eased the boys' pain but then they were left wet for the next few strokes which increase their effectiveness. At the half way stage someone produced drinks for all the adults, and the senior boys. The brothers must have thought they had been forgotten about. There was a clock and I saw that the pause actually lasted twenty minutes.

They made a frightful noise when they found there were more to come. The men were very turned on by the end. They couldn't wait to warm their cocks in the channels so openly displayed in front of them. At the end, the strokes given were therefore less forceful than the earlier ones. Anyhow the bums were numbed by then. After the punishment had actually finished, the doctor used salt water on some open cuts and iodine on the rest. (There were remarkably few after such a beating). Then the adults had an orgy.

The film had lasted a couple of hours and I was very much turned on by it all. Suddenly the screen showed not a picture but writing:

The men then gave us more to drink. This time they gave David and me whisky almost neat. After a small sip I tried to put mine down but was told not to waste it. David drank all his down at once and the two refills they gave him. The leader now spoke again "I hope you enjoyed the show. You may see part two someday. I am afraid the actors enjoyed neither making it nor watching it now. I am going to show you a five minute snippet of film which I want to discuss with you. We want your advice on what to do."

The video was of Jimmy and the older boy visitor alone in the room that was Jimmy's prison. It obviously had been very quickly edited. Its quality was not nearly as high as the films we had seen earlier. You see I was already becoming a connoisseur of pornographic videos! It was taken without either youngster realising that they were being filmed and posing the other.

Jimmy was looking very much a 'battered boy'. The plastic pants were bulging. He looked as if he had very little sleep recently. Soap and water would not come amiss on any part of his anatomy! The older lad was as naked as he could ever be and looked quite content. At the start of the video a voice said "You will be looking after our latest acquisition for the next two hours. If you need anything, ring the bell but not unless it is urgent as I want to get some sleep." It was obviously late at night. The speaker left. You could hear the noise of a door shutting and being bolted. Immediately the boy climbed on the bed with Jimmy and started rubbing himself against the child. Not satisfied with that he forced Jimmy to open his mouth and shoved his cock into it.

The whole family started shouting when we saw this but there was nothing we could do. Anyhow the video just continued and showed the boy actually coming in our little brother mouth. Jimmy was bawling his head off and was obviously very frightened. The older boy visitor was obviously shocked when he saw this video and clearly hadn't known this had been recorded.

The man turned the video off. "This time you are the judges. Consider carefully your sentence."

Steve was asked first he said "I don't know how much he was forced but what he did was unforgivable. He should not be allowed near Jimmy again. He should apologise to Jimmy." The man replied "Well it wasn't you that he interfered with but I am surprised to find you so lenient." Dad was asked next. He replied "Flog him unmercifully – hard. I don't know what else you can do. No. I don't know how many." At this point he started crying.

I was asked and said "Make him suck us. Just as he made our little brother suck him." Well I was quite drunk and I was horny but it was not like me to suggest it – in front of Dad and everyone. David was even more drunk than me but that could hardly explain his answer. "Do what Dad and my brother suggested but let us watch him and his brother having sex together- NOW. Let me do part of the caning and 3;"

The man stopped David "Right then the boy is to suck of all the members of Jimmy's family that seems very suitable. He is to be flogged. I think, since no numbers were suggested that two dozen is suitable. His brother will give half and the young sadist, David, here can give the rest. If any strokes not hard enough, they will be repeated by the school teacher. He will give one stroke for each such stroke – both to the boy who gave the sissy stroke and to its receiver. I think the kids might then like to see him fucked by all the adults and then any kid who wishes to try it."

This is what happened. The boy first sucked Dad who came quickly but the boy spat it out. The doctor made him lick it up off the floor and warned him to swallow all the rest. Steve couldn't get hard and was so embarrassed. The doctor laughed and I was pleased as I feared the same might happen to me. When the boy started licking me, I had no problem getting hard. However, I was unable quite to reach my peak. If I could have touched myself, it would have been different. He must have been working on me for twenty minutes before he was called off. I was just on the verge but I had been like that virtually continually. I wasn't allowed to finish myself off. It was agony. I tried if I thought nobody was looking but someone, David particularly, always saw.

David had no trouble getting hard or coming and he enjoyed himself. However immediately after coming he grabbed the back of the boy's head and pulled it into his groin and peed. The doctor was amused and congratulated David. The boy was then made to bend over the foot of the bed but he was not tied. "If you move the stroke will just be repeated" the doctor warned.

I have already described several beattings and this one was just as hard. The cane was longer that a school cane, which I knew well enough from personal experience. The boy's brother was told to give his first six. No less than four were judged to be not hard enough. David was determined to keep his own backside unpunished and he swung with all his might. The strokes were quite hard enough but they were all over the place and two were on the boy's thighs. These were judged not to be 'good'. Then came the second six from the victim's younger brother and led to another five being faulted! David was careful and he only failed once. So the schoolmaster would give a round dozen to the already well marked boy, three to David and nine to the other lad. When these numbers were announced I realised that the numbers were too 'round' to be genuinely dependant on the number of faulty strokes. That was just an excuse.

David was punished first. The man used the same cane but didn't hit very hard. He didn't need to as he was so skillful that they all caused a strong reaction in David. I had been asked to hold one leg. Steve held the other. This meant that I could watch very easily. It amused me that after each stroke you could see the muscles in David's arse moved involuntarily.

On reflection I enjoyed watching my little brother punished and did not feel at all sorry for him. My prick which had been wilting was quivering yet again. I was still not allowed to touch it. I began to wonder if one of the doctor's preparations was responsible for me not actually coming. At the end of the three strokes David was allowed to get up. His eyes looked damp but he was not in tears and his cock was still quite rigid.

The main victim was next and got his 'first' six. We had been told that the schoolmaster was something of an expert and he clearly was. All the strokes landed in a two-inch [5 cm] band on the juiciest part of the boys buttocks. Each left its own clear mark immediately it landed which then gradually changed hue. There was no way, which the marks made by the boys earlier, could be compared to his. It only took two or three strokes to break the boy down and for him to start crying. The man then slowed the pace. He waited long enough for the crying virtually to stop. Then, unannounced, the next stroke set him off again. Between the fifth and sixth stroke, there was a four minute twelve second gap! I timed it as the wall clock had a second hand.

The boy had to be helped to his feet. He was then pushed down onto a wooden chair. Everyone laughed as he jumped up again just like a Jack in the Box.

His younger brother had nine to come and they were given in one go. He was very brave and didn't make a sound until he had received the first five strokes. The schoolmaster then took a heavy five tailed tawse and gave the rest with it. It marked the skin differently but seemed quite as painful especially as the man put much more effort into the strokes. The man again spaced out the strokes over time but they all were on a small strip of the boy's bum.

It was twenty minutes before the other boy was called on to resume his position on the bed. This time, while Steve and I took our usual positions, Dad and David kept his upper body almost immobile. The man used a different instrument for each stroke. Again he took his time and seemed hardly to put any energy into the strokes. That is until you looked at the boy's backside.

Once the punishment was finished the little bit of video was replayed (To inflame us again). Dad was told to fuck the lad and we were invited to follow. Dad came in seconds but was allowed a rerun which took about five minutes.

The only one of us who wanted to fuck was, of course, David. I was too worried about not actually coming and Steve had similar fears I think. David put on a show that made me pleased that my performance wasn't to be compared to his.

After this we had another meal. At least they were not starving us but I never knew what medicines I would have along with the food. Our meals appeared on the plate direct from the kitchen. Each had a name on the plate saying whose it was. After dinner, each man went into the small room downstairs with the visiting brothers. We did not know exactly what happened but I heard once "No! It's too big" and another time "Please. I'm sorry. Give me another chance."

The visitors left. They took several videos with them. We were sent to bed. I remember being dragged up and put in the room with David. There were no sheets on the bed or curtains or anything else that could be used on the bed to cover us up. It had a plastic sheet attached to the mattress. I said "Please I've got to pee. Let me go before you leave." It did no good and I heard the lock being turned. It was only then I saw the resemblance with Dad's experience watching the boy being locked in! Especially when I realised the light in the ceiling could not be turned off.

There was no boy watching. I didn't count David. He was just that bit younger than me that Dad had been younger than that Lionel. I was very tired but unlike David I had not come at all since I had arrived and my balls ached. However I went to sleep. I had a dream with Dad holding down David while I fucked him and Steve, in woman's tennis kit, photographed the scene. When I woke up it was just getting light and I had a boner which was as hard as it could be. I needed to pee. David was asleep at my side. I spent some time admiring his silky smooth backside and erect cock which was just visible and throbbed from time to time. I wondered if I was in his sexy dream and decided I would not like any action which he was dreaming about if it involved me.

Eventually I got up to go to pee. I put my hand on the door handle but it gave me a nasty electric shock. Then I tried using my shoulder on the door. Unfortunately it opened inwards, so there was no luck that way. I thought of peeing out of the window but that was locked with a burglar proof device. As there was nothing else to do, I laid down on the bed. To take my mind of my need to pee, I started playing with my cock. It worried me that David was so near but he seemed to be out to the world.

When I get excited, I close my eyes and roll about the bed. This must have disturbed David because I suddenly felt his hand on my cock. "Take your hand away at once. I will do it" he said. He wasn't speaking in a friendly voice but rather as I would speak to him at school when I was teasing him. David knew exactly what he was doing. I did not hesitate and pulled my hand away. His own hand moved over and grabbed my cock. "Lie back and close your eyes." Again I did as he told me. David was no longer my little brother whom I could bully as I wished. I can't explain why my whole attitude to him had changed. I was afraid and regarded him as my master just as a dog regards its owner. The main difference was that there would be a loving relationship between dog and master. 'Loving' was not how anybody would describe the relationship between us. Not I wanted anybody to know about it. David's hand was quickly bringing me to a peak. The drugs had worked off, I suppose. I felt it getting ready to shoot much more quickly than when I do it. I tried to warn David but he said "Sch! Baby I know what your body is doing. Let it happen."

I came over my body. It seemed that I produced more than I had ever done before. I almost lost consciousness. Moments later I came to feeling David's hand continuing to rub my now over sensitive cock. I tried to move away. "Lie still until I finish." Unquestioningly I did just that. David's idea of finishing turned out to mean bringing me off twice more. Something I didn't know was even possible. However, David had not finished with me. He had further plans.

"Now I want you to thank me properly for doing that to you. I know you enjoyed it." I put out my hand trying to find his cock. "Not that way. Use your mouth. Dumb baby!" I didn't even argue. The idea revolted me but He had told me to suck him off so I did just that.

After a bit he said "You will become a fine cock sucker with a little training." This made me feel very proud! He then rolled over so I was still sucking him but I was on my back and he was kneeling over my face. It took him only a few moments to come his load which he ordered me to hold in my mouth. He then made me open it wide so it could see the stuff lying on my tongue. Only then was I 'allowed' to swallow it. "Now I have something else for you. You can swallow this as it comes out. There will be quite a lot of it." I knew what he was about to do and what he actually wanted me to do. The whole idea disgusted me but he wanted it. On the other hand I was the older brother and it was I that bullied him. On the other 3; The flow started so I began to swallow his pee. He controlled it so I could get my breath from time to time but it all went down my gullet. By the time he finished, I felt bloated, dirty and a slave. I knew he could make me do whatever he wanted.

The next test was not long off. I still needed to pee and I told him so. He got off the bed and told me to kneel on it "Now pee but just a little. The less you pee the better for you." I did as he told me, but I thought for a moment that I had lost control. About a teacupful spilt onto the bed. "Now lick it up. No. Don't move your knees just bend forward and take care you don't fall!" It was impossible I fell forward and soaked myself but the I started licking. Eventually he was satisfied. I was allowed to relax.

Within minutes, the door opened and the doctor came in "Breakfast time. You have a busy day ahead of you. Hurry up! At least you don't have to wash or dress. There is a curious smell in here. On second thoughts, I think you better have a dip in the loch before breakfast."

David then said "If you let Big Brother here, he will mess in the loch. He said he wanted to piss. Do you want him to do that?"

The doctor went to his bag and took out a curious thin plastic tube. It was completely covered in rubber. It still was no thicker than a knitting needle and was about three inches [7½ cm] long. I saw there were many of these tubes in his bag and he had selected one of the smallest. He worked it inside my cock carefully. He didn't stop until there was only a loop of string which was attached to it sticking out. He then put a rubber thing, like a finger stall, over the outside my cock. It was rather like a single finger of a glove but it was very tight. A little loop of chain ran from it and padlocked round my balls. My cock was now a prisoner! There was no way I could pee until someone, who had the key, took it off.

He hadn't finished. He pushed what I now know as a butt plug up my backside. He attached a bicycle pump and blew up a balloon inside me. There was a valve like that on a bike tire so the air couldn't come out again. There was a little gadget which he showed me which allowed the air to escape but he kept it in his pocket. Now I couldn't pee or shit until I was unlocked.

We were sent for a swim. Luckily I didn't go in far as suddenly I started getting cramp. Not the sort one can get in cold water but because I needed to shit. David was given a towel but I had to 'drip dry'. We went into the cottage and soon Steve and Dad joined us. They were as naked and David and me. The doctor gave David some football kit to put on. This made me feel ten times more naked. When we had finished breakfast, the doctor gave David the key and the valve bleeder. "You can use them when you like."

I begged David to let me go to the toilet but David made conditions. First I had to tell Dad and Steve what I had done in the bedroom that morning – in full detail.

Next I had to display on both of them my new found skill as a cocksucker. The men had to hold Dad down before he would let my mouth get anywhere near his prick. He continued to struggle for the first three minutes or so. Then something happened inside him and they let him go as all he wanted was to sink his cock deeper into my mouth. I didn't think it was possible but suddenly it went right down my throat. I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe. Soon I felt Dad shooting right down my throat. He quickly pulled his cock out. I was crying as I was so very frightened but the men thought it funny.

Steve proved quite different as I had to work hard to get him stiff. Then it took him a very long time to come. My mouth was sore when eventually he let out a dribble. David made me open my mouth and show Steve's spunk on my tongue and only then was I allowed to swallow it. Naturally every thing was filmed on video. Worse still, the next few minutes were also recorded. The doctor's things were taken off me and he told me to use a glass baby's potty, right there in front of everyone.

A man had arrived just before I sat on the potty. In some ways it was worse that everything else to have to perform in front of a complete stranger. After I had finished doing everything into the potty, he was introduced to us. He was a Scottish tailor and was to measure us all and design some new clothes specially for us. I, and I think the rest of the family, were worried about what he would make. David was measured carefully first. After the 'normal' measurements were made, the tailor measured some less standard things such as the lengths of his erect and soft cock, and the exact position of his arsehole.

The doctor took David for a day out. This didn't mean that everyone else had an easy time of it. I, strangely enough, felt betrayed by David leaving me. I couldn't have explained it. I still regarded him as my horrible little brother.

The first thing that happened once they had left however was not painful for us. The tailor went to his car and brought in his son. (I don't know if the boy was his real son or not). The man then said to the school teacher "My son needs to be punished severely. I examined him last night after a boys' club outing. His arse had no sperm in it and when I wanked him he came as if he had not shot even once that day."

The boy, Ian, was fourteen. He was tall and very slim. He had reddish brown hair and dark eyes. Ian was wearing a kilt with most of the trimmings. His father pointed out that there were some unusual elements to Ian's clothes. Normal adult kilts come down to the middle of the knee but his ended rather higher than mid thigh. He wasn't wearing a sporran. He stood in a slight crouch. When his father told him to stand up properly, he revealed several things that should not be on show. Boys, up to about six years old, wear kilts which button onto their blouses. His kilt buttoned like this with very large buttons which no one could miss. His father said "I don't want him able to pull the kilt down. I like everyone to see his pretty thighs." Poor Ian was nearly in tears.

The school master asked how hard was he to punish the boy. He got the reply "In four days time we are spending a few days at a nudist camp. I don't want anyone to miss the fact that he has been punished. I will let it be known he was punished just before we arrived at the camp. The marks should be severe enough to be still very vivid and fresh looking in four days' time."

Ian then had to stand on the breakfast table and do a strip tease. As each thing came off, there to a commentary from his father. He talked either about the garment and how it was made or about the boy and whatever part of him was revealed.

I had noticed that Ian was beginning to get a moustache but only on the one side. It was not obvious enough for him to look very lop-sided. The down gave an orange tinge to part of his upper lip.

When he took his boots and long stockings off, I noticed that one leg was rather hairy while the other was silky smooth. I hadn't noted it on his thighs earlier as they were all most hairless anyhow. The father did not mention it and I decided it was a trick of the light.

The boy then had to touch the ceiling with the palms of both hands and stay like that while he shuffled round in circles. This way, he revealed his all. His father wanted to go further. He tied a broomstick between the boy's ankles. The boy had much more difficulty in rotating but there was an even better show.

The boy was clearly wearing nothing under his kilt. "Some boys wear trews which are like girl's panties. They are either green or the same tartan as the boys' kilts. Ian here has underwear he sometimes wears but I think he prefers not to wear it. The man then gave the boy a pair of translucent frothy girl's panties which he put on. Their legs which were not elasticated came well below the bottom of his kilt even when he was allowed to slouch. I know I would have preferred complete nudity to that garment! The boy was told to take off his kilt. The panties were almost decent put there was an inch [2½ cm] of bare flesh between them and the blouse. I found this very erotic strangely enough.

It was pointed out that the kilt was made of cotton rather than heavy tweed as is normal. This effected the appearance "and without a sporran the boy cannot conceal an erection." Ian's father showed us the garment's inside. We could see the accumulated result of many climaxes. The man also pointed out it fastened up of the girl's side something any Scot would notice at once.

He then turned out attention to his son's blouse. It had various female characteristics which I would not have spotted unless they had been pointed out. The material was sateen and the whole cut of the collar was wrong. It had an elasticated waist but more significantly to Ian the blouse's buttons and button holes were reversed.

Ian had to show us another thing. Over each of his nipples was a vertical slit about four inches [10 cm] long. These were normally hidden as the blouse was quite loosely cut. Ian had to hold them both open. I was not aware of any sexual connotations of male nipples but Ian was clearly well aware of this extra shame. Eventually Ian was told to take the blouse off. I think he was only too pleased to do so. The panties soon followed suit leaving him stark naked.

For the first time I could see what had been done to him as he was told to explain it all. He broke down in tears from having to tell us what his father had done. The man kindly took over. "Above his waist, he has no hair on his left side. However, I have not interfered his eyebrows, his eyelashes or the hair on his head. Even his left arm pit is hairless." His other side was quite hairy but a curious orange unlike the carroty hair on his head. The father explained. "I have used electrolysis on the one side of his body. Even if I stopped today the hair there will remain very thin and quite unlike that on his other side. Recently I have used carpet dye on the hairy side it seems very effective and lasts about a month before it fades. The rings round the hairless nipple was drawn this morning with a substance that will take a couple of months to wear off. They should show through his thin blouse which he wears when he gives exhibitions of Scottish dance as he is due to tomorrow night.

"Below the waist, currently I just use a razor to keep his hair under control. I may choose electrolysis once the roots have established themselves better. It takes much longer to do and is infinitely more painful process if the hairs are thicker. You will notice while I have denuded his upper left side it is the lower right side that I am treating. Let me know if you prefer the green colour on his lower body or the orange higher up. I like both and prefer them to the other colours I have tried but I will continue to experiment."

The boy had then to bend over the edge of the table so we could see his backside. There were several marks on it. His father asked him about his recent punishments and how had made had caused these rather unprofessional looking marks on the boy's rear. They didn't took as if they were given by his teacher.

"No. These strokes were not given by the dominee. (Teacher) He usually gives me the tawse on my palms. If have had six on each hand before the day is over, he gives any others on my backside. I have to put on rubber pants so these marks don't last. I am normally the only boy that on a typical day gets more than six on both hands. You did ask him to be extra strict on me. These marks are mostly from Jamie and Donald."

He then had to explain who these boys were. "Jamie is the youngest boy in my form. He shares my desk. Donald is his older brother and he is just sixteen. I don't have a key to my house and they live just down the road. After school I have to go to their home until you collect me. There are just me and the three of them (They have an eleven-year old brother) as their parents are out all day. You have given them permission to punish me as much as they like and never ask me, or them, what it is for. I think you know it is usually just for fun! Sometimes I get it for not giving good sex. They usually use the cane you gave them rather that their family's tawse. Donald can really hurt but Jamie gets over-excited and his strokes go anywhere. The strokes you can see were given about a week ago. Jamie had five kids from our form over. I refused at first to put on a show as one of them was a girl."

It was then time for his punishment to start. Since I was the youngest there, I was told to give the first half dozen. This turned out to be more than twice that number as most were 'not hard enough to count!' Steve gave a similar half dozen with the same sort of difficulty. Dad on the other hand had no problem. We were then told that Ian could give the same number of strokes to us as we gave to him. The trouble was that I had given him fifteen in all. When he returned the fifteen, even more were rejected so I ended up with twenty-three in all. Steve did even worse and felt the effects of twenty-eight strokes. The men were not so interested in Dad and he got only eight.

We were then taken outside where the school teacher gave us half an hour of "Physical Jerks". I don't know why we had to do it. If it was so, they could look at us, naked beaten boys so be it. It also stopped our muscles getting stiff.

We went in to eat and as we ate Ian was 'asked' to tell us about the nudist camp. "There are six or seven families maybe six men and four women who have got together to run the camp. There were ten boys between ten and sixteen at the Easter camp. Additionally there were six girls between eleven and fifteen. Not all the people there were from the families some were guests for example Anne my girlfriend visited us. The adults wore normal clothes as did a couple of the kids. The rest of us 'lost' our clothes when we arrived. We got them back, when we left, six days later. There is no privacy there. Indeed the adults make us do the most private things in a sort of circus ring. There is some caning but not as much as I get at home. If I do exactly what they want without even having to be told, my backside might just get off scot-free."

"You haven't told everyone how Anne and you entertained everyone at the camp. I am sure they would like to hear full details."

"Please 3; I had to lie over two trestles. One would be at mid-thigh and the other at chest level. I have to hold onto the upper trestle with both hands. This leaves me completely exposed. Anne straps on a double dildo. The part sticking out has been larger each time we have done this. Must I go on? 3; She then climbs on me and inserts the thing up my backside. She then uses me as if she were a man and I his girl! She however reaches round and wanks me until I have come as often as the adults want. Isn't that enough? 3; I have to keep the whole dildo in me until Anne is allowed to do it to me again. If I come three times on the second occasion that is the end. Otherwise we are allowed to recover for a day or two and the whole thing is repeated. Once I am fifteen years and three months old my sperm will be inserted in her quim after each show. This will go on until I am sixteen. As I am three days older than Anne we will then can marry under Scottish law. My father has said we may share his home under certain conditions. We don't know what they are!"

"Oh Dad! Why can't I be like other kids? Most kids don't get caned more than once a day. I try to do whatever you want."

He then broke into tears just like a little boy so I felt he deserved it all. I had only a few moments to wait to see how much he actually got.

Once we had finished eating and the remnants cleared away, Ian was back bent over the table. The school master took a lot of trouble to get him in the ideal from the caner's viewpoint. A small cushion, doubled over, got his crotch well off the table. Ropes to the far table legs pulled his own legs as wide apart as they could go. Poor Ian was almost doing the splits. His arse was open and his ring was on show. A bit lower his cock, fully erect, was vertical but even so it didn't quite reach the surface of the table. His hands were also secured to the same table legs pulling his body well onto the table. Once the school teacher had finished Ian's whole trunk was completely immobilised.

I was waiting for the caning to start. I was so excited that I could hardly breathe. My poor drained cock had recovered its strength too. The schoolmaster was unfortunately still not quite ready. Maybe he was using the time to work the kid up to an even higher state of anxiety. He greased the boy's hole and worked the grease well in with his fingers. He then pulled the boy's foreskin back and looped a noose of rough string round the dip behind the helmet of the cock. The boy started making a fuss although he had accepted all the other preparations noiselessly. This string was tied to a twenty-pound [9 kg] weight on the floor. The man took great care than it was as tight as possible. A lariat of thin leather bootlaces was put round his ball sack. It was pulled down hard and tried to the same weight. The boy gave a short cry of pain. The man went to the boy's head and kissed him fondly. He continued until the boy's breathing calmed and his crying stopped.

The man then displayed a large number of punishment 'weapons' just by Ian's head. He discussed each one with Ian as if they buying food in a supermarket. "This cane looks interesting. It is longer than you are used to I would imagine and much thinner. So many people think a thin cane is light and therefore will not hurt as much. This one is nice and whippy. See I can almost bend it in a loop. Now what do you think about it? If you don't answer, I will have to try it out so you do have an opinion."

Every time the boy quietened the man would make him answer such stupid questions.

I counted the instruments. When the man finished laying them out, there were twenty-eight different things. They ranged from a heavy wicket keeper's glove to what the man called a 'cat of nine tails' which looked impossibly savage. About a third of the instruments I suspected were only for show and would never be used. I now know better!

At last he was ready to start. First he selected a woman's riding quirt for Ian's virtually unmarked backside. He showed us that while it looked harmless enough, it had a thin whippy metal core with leather in a braid all round it. At its end there was about three inches [7½ cm] of a loose leather 'shoelace', a stinger, which I ignored until I saw the marks it made on Ian's rump. He kept up a conversation with no one in particular. It covered

the instrument he intended to use

the area of Ian's backside that he wanted to hit

the marks that were being produced

the noise that Ian was making

the effect it was having on me and the other people watching.

From time to time he would address a comment to Ian and when the boy didn't reply repeated the question and the previous stroke.

Long before the man finished Ian had fainted. They used smelling salts to bring him round and would usually have a short break to let him recover. It was a long time before I realised how effective these breaks were. The nerve endings in Ian's rump, which had been effectively numbed, also had a chance to recover.

Ian was tied down it that position for just over two and a half hours.

During this time he received sixty-seven normal strokes and twenty-two extra ones for not answering a question fast enough. Seventeen instruments were used. These figures were the result of careful counting on my part. Steve also counted and our figures were very different. He thought, for example, that the boy had one hundred and six strokes altogether. WE were agreed however that he received too many!

Eventually they let him get up. We had to help him stand. He then had to hold out his hands for a dozen with a five-tailed Lochgelly tawse. It was too much, I thought, although Ian did not move his hands. He had clearly had enough. The man however had not quite finished.

Ian was told to wank himself and that he better be quick about it. His blistered hands were almost useless. When he touched his cock, it went soft. He was soon weeping bitter tears but eventually he succeeded to get hard and, half an hour later, he came. From time to time, the man, who was watching his watch, said "Another one."

After he came, he got his final punishment on his cock as it had taken so long to come! The man gave him a dozen and let him off the last two "I will hold those over until next time." These strokes were given with a bundle of leather shoe laces each of which, we were told, was seven and a half inches [19 cm] long. The man put on his left hand a heavy leather glove and held the boy's prick just ass he wanted it. He then brought the bundle down with full strength with his other arm. He seemed more interested in catching Ian's balls and the helmet (He had pulled the foreskin right back) than the rest of the cock.

We, the boys, carried him outside, as instructed, and threw him into the loch. He spluttered and I was worried he would drown but the icy water brought his senses back to him. When he came back in he was seated on a hard kitchen chair and his father finished measuring us.

The punishment might be over but all the men that had been watching, and us boys for that matter, were sexually turned on. Ian's mouth and anus were well used while his Dad watched and got on with his measurements. There was no father and son coupling which disappointed me. However, the man said to his son "You will still be hot and tight for me in bed tonight so you better give them all a good time now." I had my first chance to fuck but as was now becoming usual, I immediately lost my erection. I wanted to think it was the work out that David had given me that morning but it had been rock hard when I had been watching Ian's punishment and I wasn't sure. A part of the problem may have been that I was worried about why the new clothes and why the tailor was to make them specially rather than buying them from a shop. At that time I was very vain and liked new clothes. Now I realise their attractiveness depends on their source.

We were allowed to fish for a bit. Indeed Steve and I caught everyone's supper. By supper time, the doctor and David had returned. David was full of having flown in a private helicopter. He was less forthcoming on what they had done. He did say to Steve that he had spoken to John but then shut up like a clam!

Ian was still having to sit quietly on a wooden chair and hadn't eaten much. David was allowed to examine Ian's marks and ask the boy about which weapons had been used and which he 'liked'. Just before they left the tailor said that Ian hadn't been as co-operative as he expected him to be. There would, therefore, be two final punishments.

He asked David to go behind Ian's chair and hold the boy's arms away. He explained that there were plenty of marks on the boy's prick if you looked for them. A casual glance, at his front, might miss these and the naked boy might appear to be unpunished from the front. He then took a heavy tawse and brought it down full strength on the soft fronts of the boy's thighs.

I wondered how he could do it so hard and be sure to miss his son's privates. He did miss them however even if only by a fraction of an inch. This punishment clearly really hurt Ian and the boy was crying much harder than he had earlier in the day. I think the man wanted to show off his skill to the school teacher.

The other punishment was not intended to hurt – physically at any rate. The boy's eyebrow on the hairless side of his face was removed. The man used a product designed for women's legs. It took ten minutes before the man gave Ian a hand mirror to hold. The boy watched as the man wiped away the cream and the loose hair. The boy resumed his crying. We took him to the car and belted him into place where the passenger seat normally is. It had been replaced by a short piece of wood which hadn't even been planed. The man said "Ian knows if he moves he will end with splinters in his backside." At that they drove away.

The final communal event of the day was the viewing of another video. This was of David and me that morning! It was clear and I soon was bawling as much as Ian had been from the embarrassment of the family seeing me do all sorts of things at David's behest.

It was then time for bed. As we were about to wash ourselves, David asked the doctor if I could wear the same inserts as I had when I went for a swim. I soon had them inserted. The doctor even let David blow up the anal plug. David kept the keys. David put on a pair of my favourite pyjamas – so he had been home! All I wore was a pair of handcuffs!

When we got to the bedroom, David made me do all sorts of things to him and I did not even complain when he peed again in my mouth. He even had me licking his backside. Luckily it was clean enough but the whole idea was disgusting. When we was ready to sleep I had to lie on the floor so he could stretch right out.

The End ?