PZA Boy Stories


Sorcerer's Apprentice


A sorcerer discoevers that 14 year old Jimmy has strong mental powers. They use their power to change boys into willing sex slaves.
Publ. 1997; this site Mar 2011
Finished 10,500 words (21 pages)


Jimmy Gilman (14yo) and the sorcerer Gavin

Category & Story codes

Other story
Mt tb Mental control mast oral anal – interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Céladon's note

I got the story from Joe Power, and later I found it in Old Joe's Collection on ASSTR. It seems to come from a site called The Velvet Playground. On Mr. Double there is a straight version.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the moderator through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Jimmy Gilman was fourteen and as horny as any other adolescent boy. What made it worse was being a boylover in a house full of boys. He had six brothers, aged from six to sixteen. They all lived in a large house with their mother, a widow. Jimmy and his brothers were adopted; they were not related by blood. Their adoptive father had died two years ago.

Jimmy's brothers, from little Andy (the six-year-old) to Caleb (the oldest at sixteen) were remarkably handsome. Joey, an eight-year-old asian, was Jimmy's secret favorite. Bobby, a slight redhead with porcelain skin, was, at ten, already a heartbreaker. Twelve-year-old Brian, with long brown hair and a perfect face, was beginning to show signs of remarkable development, and thirteen-year-old Timmy had already bloomed into a lovely young man.

So Jimmy was almost always horny, and always frustrated. It seemed he would be that way forever. Then one day 3;

Jimmy sat on a bench, waiting for the school bus. Several other kids waited with him. As they waited, a man strolled up and took a seat on the bench. He was accompanied by a boy of striking beauty. The boy was a stunning brunette, with large firm pecs and dancer's legs. He wore silk shorts which barely covered his crotch. To Jimmy's amazement, the young boy knelt silently before the man, opened his zipper, and began sucking his cock! The other kids at the bus stop seemed not to notice; people driving by ignored the scene as well. But Jimmy noticed. He tried to keep from being obvious, but he couldn't help stealing frequent looks as the young beauty gave head.

The man noticed Jimmy. "Hmm. You didn't go under. Let me see 3;" his eyes widened, and the boy servicing his cock stopped him ministrations in mid-stroke. Jimmy felt funny, like there was something crawling inside his head.

"Well, well," the man muttered. "A potential adept of the ninth degree. And with such 3; motivation."

Jimmy was suddenly afraid, but found he couldn't move. "No, my little friend; you avoided my initial commands but you cannot resist me now," the man said, laughing. At that moment, the school bus arrived. The other kids got on the bus, and so did the man and the boy. As before, no-one on the bus seemed to notice the presence of strangers. The man continued, and it was clear that only Jimmy could hear him.

"My name is Gavin. As you can see, I have certain 3; abilities. I've found that you could possess powers equal to or greater than mine; powers that will allow you to control the mind and thoughts of anyone. I will train you to use these powers, if you will consent to becoming my apprentice."

"Powers? I don't understand 3; I'm not sure 3;"

"Let me show you." Gavin looked around the bus. "That one – Johnny Rogers. You've wanted him, haven't you?" He made a negligent gesture, and Johnny stood and approached. He was wearing his boyscout uniform, and he stood before them, a vision of blonde beauty. He had been an unapproachable dream, the subject of many nocturnal ejaculations.

Johnny was standing there, looking at Gavin as if he was interested in something he might say. The other kids on the bus seemed not to notice. Gavin grinned at Jimmy, and said, "Watch this. It'll be just a small demonstration of the power I can teach you to use."

"Johnny, this is Jimmy Gilman," said Gavin. "You know him, don't you?"

"Yes, the fat little twerp," he said. "Always looking at me 3;"

"I think your attitude is in need of adjustment," Gavin said. "In fact, Jimmy here is the most attractive, sexy fellow you've ever seen, isn't he?"

"Oh, yes," Johnny sighed, him voice completely different.

"In fact, you love him, don't you?"

"Yes 3; I love him so much 3;"

"And you'd do ANYTHING he asks of you, wouldn't you?"

"Anything 3;"

"Why don't you show him how much you love him right now? I'm sure he'd like you to suck his cock," Gavin said.

"Ahhh 3; yessss 3;", he responded, and knelt.

And just like that, Johnny was kneeling there in his scout uniform, licking and sucking just as Gavin's silent companion had done earlier. As before, nobody else seemed to notice."

Gavin turned to Jimmy, smiling. "What do you think?"

"I 3; um 3; ah," Jimmy wasn't exactly able to make conversation, as Johnny's mouth was driving him crazy. His blonde head bobbed up and down as his toungue swirled over Jimmy's penis. He was making little slurping noises and grunts of pleasure as he worked over the organ.

"I take it you appreciate the demonstration. I'll wait while Johnny finishes his little task." As Johnny worked on Jim's dick, Gavin and his young "friend" exchanged comments on him technique.

In moments, Johnny had Jimmy on the edge of orgasm. He looked down at the blonde head bobbing up and down on his cock and unloaded come into his throat. Johnny tried to swallow, but some of it leaked out of his mouth and dripped onto his uniform, staining it.

He licked the cock clean and stood. "Thank you, Johnny," said Gavin. Johnny smiled happily and bowed, like a little boy at a music recital. "Thank you for letting me serve, you Master," he said meekly to Gavin. Then he returned to him seat as if nothing extraordinary had happened.

"He's already forgotten everything," Gavin said, "but he's still in love with you."

"Wow," said Jimmy, mostly to himself.

"You could have every boy on this bus doing the same," Gavin told him, smiling. "Every boy in your school, if you wish."

"Wow," Jimmy said again, with remarkable insight.

"So what's your answer? Will you become my apprentice? It will be hard work, but I guarantee it'll be worth it."

"Yes, I will," Jimmy said.

"Good. We have a bit of business at school," Gavin said.

Once at school, Gavin led Jimmy to the Principal's office. They entered the office and the Principal, Mr. Offut, looked up. "Yes?"

"This is Jimmy Gilman," Gavin said. "You remember him."

"Yes, indeed."

"Jimmy is beginning a special course of study under my direction. He will not be attending regular classes. This is quite normal and proper."

"Quite normal and proper."

"Why don't you call Jimmy's teachers here, so that we can explain the situation to them?"

Soon all of Jimmy's teachers were gathered in the office, and Gavin 'explained' to them. The result was that Jimmy no longer needed to attend classes; he would not be marked absent and his grades would remain excellent.

Jimmy, Gavin, and Gavin's silent boyfriend left the school.

"This is Samuel," Gavin told him. "He is one of my slaves, and his mind is remarkably pliable. I found him in a ballet class. He's been with me for two years, and I've programmed and trained him to an extreme degree over that time."

Samuel suddenly spoke. "Gavin is my Lord, my Master. I live to serve him and obey him. My flesh serves his flesh, and I will be his slave as long as I live. I was born to love and honor him, and to give his body pleasure," he recited, like a little boy giving him catechism.

"He's completely sincere," Gavin said. "He believes that with all his heart and soul." He patted the boy on the bottom, and said, "You're a good little slave, Samuel."

Samuel thrust his ass into the hand, eager to prolong the contact with his owner. "Oh, thank you, Master."

"Very impressive. What now?" Jimmy asked.

"We'll return to my home and begin your studies."

"OK, but how? We got here on the bus."

Gavin smiled. As he did, a car pulled over and the driver opened the door. The three got in. The businessman at the wheel drove them to a large mansion in the best neighborhood in town. As the car departed, Gavin remarked, "He'll never understand why he was late. And he won't remember anything about our side trip."

They entered the house. Jimmy didn't know what to expect, but the scene that greeted him stunned him into silence. Dozens of beautiful boys, from little boys to mid-twenties, ran to greet Gavin. They were dressed in tiny speedos, and silky underpants. Some wore tight spandex pants. In unison, they knelt, lowering their heads submissively. "Master! We are ready to serve you!" They exclaimed with obvious adoration.

Gavin smiled at Jimmy, who was standing open-mouthed at this display.

"Like my little harem? You may use any of them, whenever you wish. With study, you will collect your own, beginning, if you like, with your sweet little Johnny."

"How many 3;?" Jimmy asked.

"In this house there are twenty boys. I have many other servants, in other locations, and many, many more who do not know that they are my slaves. Yet they live to hear my command. Come."

He led the way into a luxuriously-furnished study. "This is where we will conduct your studies. Samuel, come over here," he ordered, and Jimmy noticed for the first time that the silent boy had followed them. Samuel approached, knelt, and repeated the stock phrase: "Master! I am ready to serve you!"

Gavin waved him up, and now he stood before the man, arms at his side, his full attention focused on his face. Another gesture, and now he stood on tiptoe, body arched back so that his chest pointed toward the ceiling, arms dangling.

"I have opened his mind. Come here." Jimmy joined him, both standing before the helpless boy.

"I will guide your mind into his. Relax and let me guide you."

Jimmy felt the 'crawling worm' sensation for a moment; then Gavin's voice spoke within his mind. "Look how I enter his mind."

It seemed to Jimmy that a firm hand had grasped his. Then he was floating, outside his body, towards Samuel. In a moment, his conciousness was inside the boy's, alongside Gavin's. Jimmy's mind struggled to make sense of the information that flooded his mind. He seemed to see the boy's mind as a pattern of glowing nodes, pulsing with different colors.

"Good, good," remarked Gavin. "You begin to see. These are the centers of Samuel's conciousness; each controls an aspect of his mind. Follow me!"

His mind followed his teacher, through endless columns and corridors of light. Gavin pointed out significant structures and key control nodes. Finally, after what seemed to be a long journey, the two mentally 'stood' at the very center of the boy's mind. To Jimmy, it seemed that he saw a pulsing, translucent crystal. In color it was pink. Other colors, mainly blue, seemed to course through it at intervals.

"This is the center of his being. Samuel became my total slave when I inserted my controls here. Come and see."

Now they were inside the pulsing pink core. Jimmy could sense that something wasn't 'normal' here. The blue flashes he'd 'seen' from outside were signs of Gavin's controls. The blue changed and altered the course of impulses and signals within the core.

"Look deeper," said Gavin, and suddenly Jimmy could SEE the symbols and basic programs that made up Samuel's personality – his view of himself. And he saw how Gavin's controls altered that view, so that instead of 'Samuel Tomlin', he saw himself as 'Gavin's slave Samuel'.

"His sense of his own worth, his very inner life, depends on being owned by me," Gavin said. "If he could not serve and obey, he would die. Look here, where the imperative is implanted."

Jimmy saw. A key impulse had been inserted into Samuel's conciousness: "OBEY!" "OBEY THE MASTER!" Jimmy saw that he could no more resist it than he could resist breathing. His flesh was property; he saw himself as an owned thing, living only to serve and obey.

"Enough for now," Gavin said, and returned Jimmy to his own body. Samuel stood, still in that position.

"Later, I will teach you to enter a mind which has not been opened as I opened Samuel's. And you will learn to insert your own controls, to reprogram anyone's mind as you wish."

"Why are you doing this for me?" Jimmy asked him.

"I recognized your potential. I feel the need to pass my knowledge on to another. And there are more than enough 'normals' to serve us both. I believe our kind was born to rule – to dominate – the normals. And they were born to serve and please us."

He woke Samuel, and ordered him to sit on a nearby couch. He sat, and at Gavin's gesture, he slumped, looking like a rag doll that had lost its stuffing. His eyes stared blankly ahead.

"He's in what I call 'offline mode'," Gavin told him. "Nothing can awaken him, except for my mental command."

With that, Jimmy's training began. He spent every day at Gavin's, usually three or four hours in study. Gavin showed him every facet of his technique for controlling minds. As Jimmy learned, his powers grew. He gradually became able to read minds, enter them, and alter their programs and patterns.

He had not yet reached what Gavin called 'the first level'; but he knew he was getting close. And he began to experiment at home, using his brothers as subjects.

Joey, the eight-year-old asian, sat doing him homework. He was wearing his parochial school uniform: a white shirt, dark blue pants, and white socks. He sat on a bench-style chair, at his desk. his attention was focused on the math problem. Jimmy's attention was focused on him. He reached out with his mind, and easily entered Joey's. He inserted a little program, easy for him by now, to make him 'invisible' to the youngster. Then, he 'told' his mind, "It's hot in here 3; I should get more comfortable."

Idly, almost without thinking about what he was doing, Joey removed his white shirt. He had no development to speak of, but seeing him bare chested excited Jimmy. "My pants are hot, too; they should come off," was the next mental suggestion. Again, as if under their own volition, Joey's hands moved to unzip the pants and remove them. Now he sat, wearing only socks and underpants, frowning as he tried to figure out the next problem. He didn't even know he'd stipped to near nakedness.

Jimmy had a stiff erection already, excited from the control he'd been able to exert over his exotic-looking little brother. Another idea. Jimmy removed his pants and underwear and sat down next to him. His mind projected a series of suggestions into Joey's. Again, unconciously, the little boy allowed Jim to take his hand and guide it to his throbbing cock. His mind and other hand were still doing math, but his left hand began stroking Jim's cock. Joey's right hand literally didn't know what him left hand was doing! His hand squeezed tigher or became looser at Jimmy's command; he sped up or slowed down as willed. After several minutes, Jim was nearly at orgasm. He implanted a couple of additional instructions. Then he looked at his brother, helplessly stroking his cock, him eyes never leaving the page before him. The other hand was still writing, solving math problems. He groaned and came all over his little brother's soft hand. Some of the sperm shot in a little parabola and landed on his bare thighs and underpants, staining them.

Joey didn't seem to notice. His hand collected as much of Jim's sperm as possible and then rose to his lips. The entranced child began licking the sperm from his hand, his little tongue moving all over his hand and wrist, like a kitten washing itself. He still didn't know anything out of the ordinary was going on!

Grinning, Jim got dressed. He left his brother with a few additional instructions. Joey, too replaced his clothing, unaware that it had been removed. The semen on his legs and underpants would not bother him; he wouldn't notice them. Jim left him with commands that stimulated his interest in sex – and made certain that he would focus on him as the object of his interest. And, deep in his subconcious, was a growing hunger for his brother's semen, which tasted so wonderful to him as to be beyond description. Grinning, satisfied, he left his brother's room. Joey remained as he'd found him, studying math.

The next morning, Jim got another idea. He entered the shower with Caleb, again 'invisible' to him. As he washed his strong young body, Jim became powerfully excited. Occasionally, Caleb actually bumped into him, but he'd been instructed not to notice that. But Jim noticed! He waited until he had rinsed himself off, then activated more commands in his mind. Idly, almost absent-mindedly, Caleb began washing him. His eyes stared ahead, directly at Jimmy's body, but he didn't 'know' he saw him. However, his brain saw enough to guide his hands over his younger brother's body, making sure every part of it received attention. When he reached the rigid cock, he even knelt in order to get closer to it. Now, acting under his brother's commands, he lovingly soaped it, using his strong hands to clean it. Rinsing it off, he gave it a little kiss, then stood. Jimmy mentally ordered him to turn and bend over. He took him from the rear, pounding the lovely boy feverishly. He still was unaware of what was going on: his mind still thought he was taking a normal, if somewhat long, shower. At last, Jimmy shuddered and ejaculated into him, filling him with hot semen. His body gave a little shudder, reacting with an orgasm that his mind didn't notice.

He had him dry him off, then released him. As far as Caleb was concerned, he'd just finished a normal shower.

The following night, Jimmy lay awake in his bed. His mind reached out and he probed the minds of his sleeping brothers. On a whim, he called to Andy and Bobby. The two boys entered his room like sleepwalkers. They were dressed in somewhat threadbare pajamas. Andy's was pink, and Bobby's was a pale green. He had them sit beside him, then began to program them for the night's fun. A little fantasy for him. But they would think it was spontaneous, their own idea. Their eyes opened, and the two boys looked at each other, then at Jimmy, who was now pretending to be asleep.

"Shhh," said Bobby. "Don't wake him up!"

"I won't!" hissed Andy. "But you promised you'd show me his 3;"

"His penis," whispered Bobby firmly. "It's called a penis. I'll show it to you, but we have to be careful; if he wakes up 3;"

"Come on! I wanna see it!"

Gently, Bobby removed the covers. He paused, him heart beating wildly, then reached down and undid the buttons that held Jimmy's pajama bottoms closed. He peeled the cloth away, revealing a soft (but firming) penis.

"I can't see it! Turn on the light!"

"No. It'll wake him up."

"No it won't. He's a real heavy sleeper. That's what Mom said, remember?"

"Well 3; OK." He turned on the light, controlled by a dimmer, and set it for a fairly low setting.

"There. Now can you see it?"

"Yeah. It looks funny," Andy said. He giggled. "Like a big worm or something."

"Jim's is pretty big. It's bigger than Joey Dodson's; he showed me his once, on the back of the school bus."

"Can I touch it?" Andy asked suddenly.

"I don't think so," responded Bobby. "You'll wake him up for sure."

"He won't wake up. I'm gonna do it!"

And Andy reached out and gingerly touched Jimmy's organ, which gave a little jerk at his touch.

"Oooh, did you see that?" Andy asked excitedly.

"Uh huh. It's supposed to be real sensitive," said Bobby, proud of his superior knowledge.

"Look, Andy," exclaimed Bobby, in a hushed voice. "His penis is getting bigger!"

"Yeah. It's standing up. How come?"

"When boys get excited, their penises do that. They get long and hard and stiff."

"Does it hurt?"

"I don't think so. Once I saw Jimmy looking at one of those magazines he keeps under the matress. He was rubbing it real fast, and it was really long and hard."

"Show me how he rubbed it."

"OK." Bobby began stroking Jim's cock, which was now 'long and hard' indeed.

"Can I try?"

"OK, but just for a minute. He's gonna wake up!"

Andy wrapped him little fist around the shaft of Jimmy's cock and stroked it as him brother had done. "It feels nice," Andy said. "I like it."

After a few more strokes, Jimmy decided to 'wake up'. He opened his eyes and said, "What are you boys DOING?!"

They jumped. "We 3; we 3; uh 3;"

"I know what you were doing. Do you want me to tell Mom?"

"Oh, please, no!"

"Please don't tell, we'll do anything 3;"

"All right. I won't tell if you will finish what you started."

"What do you mean?" said Bobby.

"You boys got me all excited. Look." He indicated his stiff penis. "Now I want you to finish what you started: keep doing what you were doing 3; and other stuff that I'll show you, until I tell you to stop."

"Well 3; OK," said Bobby. "What do we do?"

"First, I want Andy to keep rubbing it, just like he was doing."

Andy approached and gingerly began rubbing his cock.

"MMMMmmm, Andy, that feels real nice. Keep doing that, just like that," he instructed.

"Bobby, c'mere," he ordered, and he approached him uncertainly. When he was close enough, he reached out and put his hand on his ass, feeling the firm flesh through the thin cotton of the pajamas.

"What 3; what are you doing?" he gasped.

"While Andy is making me feel good, I'm going to make YOU feel good." His hand moved between his legs, pressing insistently on his crotch. Bobby moaned, and pressed himself harder on Jimmy's hand. His pajamas began to become sweaty. Jim gently pinched his left testicle, causing him to shudder with pleasure. Now his hips were grinding his body against the pressure of his older brother's fingers.

"Oooh," Bobby moaned. "Please, don't stop 3;"

Jim looked down at little Andy, still stroking with all him might. He said, "Andy, come here. Bobby, do what he was doing." The two changed places, and Jim began to fondle the little boy while Bobby continued touching his cock. "Bobby, suck it. Use your tongue."

"I don't know how! 3; It's disgusting!"

He inserted programs to remove him resistance to the idea, and soon he was giving head, licking and sucking nosily. Andy saw what Bobby was doing and his eyes became wide. He seemed unable to take his eyes off the sight of his older brother sucking his brother's cock.

"Would you like to do that?" Jim asked Andy.

"I don't know 3; I guess so 3;"

"It feels really nice, Andy. Why don't you give it a try?"

So now the two brothers eagerly gave oral service, slurping and sucking.

In a few minutes, Jim was on the edge of orgasm. "Bobby, I'm going to come soon. Do you want me to come in your mouth or do you want to 3; you know 3; do it?"

"Hmmmf 3; slurp 3;, um, I dunno."

"You want to show Andy all about sex, don't you?"

"Uh huh."

"Then let's show him everything."

"I don't know how 3;"

"Don't worry; I'll show you."

In moments, Bobby had removed his pajama bottoms and was impaled on Jim's meat. He bounced prettily, still wearing the pajama top. His chest heaved beneath the fabric. Andy stood watching, his eyes wide with wonder and dawning sexual excitement. Bobby's red hair flew wildly, as his body moved to the rhythm of Jim's need. He began to moan softly, giving little cries as he was taken: "oh 3; ooooh 3; unhhh 3; AH! 3; 3; eeeE 3; oh 3; ungh 3; oh 3; oh 3; AH! 3;"

Jim looked at his brother Bobby, totally posessed by pleasure, and then at the little boy Andy, still dressed in hand-me-down pjs watching him use his brother. The innocent child was touching himself, his fingers rubbing the crotch of his bottoms. Jimmy groaned and came. The three of them collapsed in pleasant exhaustion.

"Thanks, boys; that was very nice," he told them. "What did you think?"

"We liked it. You won't tell, will you?"

"No, but I want to do this again, OK?"


The night's entertainment was over. He sent them back to their rooms, but left the 'memory' of their 'spontaneous' experience intact.

Sometimes, Gavin brought 'fresh' subjects for Jimmy to work on. These were boys that were not in Gavin's harem, taken from the street or the mall. Gavin brought them to Jimmy, and then allowed Jimmy to 'experiment' on them, honing his skill. Gavin was usually there, beside him, to correct errors and guide his work.

"No, Jim, not that way. Inserting control in this manner will have undesirable side effects. Do it like this. It's important to think things through; with the Power, if you tell him he is a fish, he would drown himself trying to breathe water."

The boys who served as the subjects of these experiments usually left with no memory of what had been done to them. All were programmed as submissive sex toys for future use. Gavin never wasted an opportunity to add a servant.

There came a day when Gavin smiled and nodded at Jimmy's work on a lovely ten-year old. The boy, Peter King, had been 'picked up' by Gavin as he was being driven to a Cub Scout meeting by his mother. His mother sat on the couch. Gavin had commanded her to sit quietly and watch as Jimmy violated her son's mind. Little Peter stood on tiptoe, body arched back so that him tiny chest pointed toward the ceiling, arms dangling, just as had Samuel. This was 'control position one'; Peter's mind was open to Jimmy. The child still wore his Cub Scout uniform.

Jimmy inserted controls in Peter's mind, like those Gavin had placed in Samuel. Now he moved through his mind, adjusting his thoughts, beliefs, emotions. He removed every trace of modesty and body shame; now Peter would dress according to his desires, in tight, tiny outfits. He programmed the child to love his touch and to be unable to deny him access to him body.

At last he was finished. Gavin entered the child's mind and inspected his apprentice's work.

"Very good. You have learned well. He is your loving sex toy; he lives only to serve and obey you. The first of your harem. You have passed the first test, and are now an Adept of the first order."

He turned to Peter's mother. "We will have to adjust the mother, to allow you to use your servant freely," he commented. Peter's mother stood and assumed the control position. Gavin entered her mind. In moments, Peter's mother was a willing accomplice to her son's new status as Jimmy's slave. Gavin gave a wolfish grin and released him. "Master, my son will serve you well," she said.

Jimmy released Peter from direct control. He fell to his knees in worship. "Master! I am ready to serve you!" he exclaimed, his face showing total adoration and love.

Gavin grinned. "You may as well take him now; his mother can help."

Jimmy ordered Peter to strip; he removed his Cub Scout outfit and unsexy cotton underpants. His mother was obeying Gavin's mental command and was videotaping the proceedings eagerly.

Gavin told Peter, "You are naked before your Master, which is fitting, as you are about to begin a new life of service and obedience."

One of Gavin's boys entered, carrying a package. It contained a pair of silky, shiny bikini panties in Peter's size, and a 'duplicate' Cub Scout uniform. The 'duplicate' was made of transparent blue rayon, with a see-through blue shirt under the outer vest. Peter donned the 'uniform', and turned slowly to display himself to Jimmy and the camera.

Jimmy was hard as stone. He took Peter's hand and led him to a soft cushion. Seated beside the little boy slave, he said to him, "Peter, are you ready to begin your service to me?"


The next day, Jimmy and Gavin returned to the school. It was the first time they'd been back since Jimmy met Gavin and Samuel. They arrived around 10:00 A.M.

As they walked down the corridor, Gavin said, "We need a small group for you to begin with 3; hmmm 3; I have a good idea."

They entered the boy's locker room. "We're invisible to all within," Gavin explained. "I'm putting out a field that prevents our presence from registering."

About twenty boys were in the locker room, getting ready for gym class.

"Jim, watch what I am doing now," Gavin instructed.

Jimmy used his new mental abilities to watch as Gavin constructed a new mental field. Gavin formed a command that would suppress all feelings of modesty or shame in the boys. Suddenly, to the boys gathered in the gym class, any clothing other than their underwear would seem strange, ugly, and somehow wrong. Gavin smiled at Jimmy. "Watch."

The field bloomed out from Gavin, enveloping all of the boys in the locker room. There were sudden expressions of disgust and displeasure from those boys who'd donned gym clothes and from those still in street clothes. In moments, all had stripped to their underpants, the only clothes in which they now felt comfortable.

Jim felt his cock hardening as he watched the boys undress.

Gavin said, "Now you try it, Jim." He suggested an idea for a new field to be constructed.

Jim began working on his field. It was actually more complicated than the one Gavin had done. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he strained with effort. Gavin checked his work, and made one or two corrections. "All right, now release the field," Gavin said.

This field commanded everyone in the room to find the presence of Jimmy and his tutor to be perfectly normal and unremarkable, that anything they did while here would be proper and completely acceptable.

As Jimmy's field blossomed outward and swept over the boys, Gavin collapsed his 'invisibility' field. Now the boys could see them, but would feel that having two males present was perfectly natural.

"Hi, Jimmy," said Lee, a pretty asian boy. his tone of voice was exactly the same as if they had met each other in the corridor. Jimmy smiled at him. "Hi, Lee. Uh, don't you think you are dressed a little funny?" he asked.

Lee looked down at himself. he was dressed only in a pair of blue bikini briefs and a pair of tube socks.

"No," he replied, a little confused. "Don't you like my underpants? I bought them on Saturday at Sears. Do they have a hole in them?"

"Turn around, and I'll see," Jimmy said, grinning.

Lee turned, slowly, evidently quite concerned that his outfit might not be in order.

"Nope. Looks fine to me," Jimmy said. "You said you got them at Sears?"

"Uh huh. Mindy said they were sexy."

"I think they are – especially on you. Can I touch you?"

"Sure, if you want to." he approached him, and Jim gently began stroking Lee's legs. "Hmm. I can't feel your feet; the socks are in the way, " he told him.

"Oh. Here, I'll take them off." he removed the socks, and allowed Jim to stroke his feet and then back up to his silky blue underpants. "Oooh, that feels nice," he said, as Jim's hand rubbed his barely-clad ass. He stroked the front, where the underpants disappeared between his legs, and Lee gave a little gasp.

Gavin whispered something to him. Jimmy grinned, and said, "Hey, Lee, could you help me for a minute? I need to get out of these clothes and I could use some help getting undressed."

"Sure, Jimmy." This seemed to his to be a perfectly natural request. With a sunny smile, Lee approached him and helped him remove his clothes. His erect cock sprang to attention, and Lee looked at it with interest.

"Wow, is that your penis? I've never seen it before," he said.

"Yes, Lee, it's all mine."

"Does it do that all the time? Must be uncomfortable," Lee commented.

"No, it only stands up like that when I'm with a pretty boy like you. But it is uncomfortable. Would you like to make it feel better?"

"OK," he said uncertainly. "How?"

"I'll show you."

As Jimmy showed Lee how to ease his discomfort, their activity drew the interest of the other boys in the locker room. Lee was kneeling now, stroking Jim's cock with his soft hand. The other boys gathered around. They knew they were seeing something unusual, but it seemed perfectly normal and OK to each of them. As they watched, the boys giggled to each other. "Look, he's touching Jimmy's thingie," said one boy. "Yeah. I've never done that. Wonder what it feels like," said another.

Gavin spoke up. "Boys, Jim's cock is very stiff and uncomfortable. Lee is helping him to feel better. Who would like to help?"

"I would!" "Me, too!" Several raised their hands.

"All right, let me see." Gavin selected a pretty brunette named Mel, who was standing there, clad only in his underpants.

He joined Lee, who smiled at him, and said, "Here's how to pet it." Lee took Mel's small hand and wrapped it around Jim's cock, showing him the pumping motion that seemed to make Jim feel the best. "He likes this."

Mel happily stroked Jim's cock for several minutes. Jim was groaning. "What's wrong, Jimmy?" asked Lee, full of concern that he wasn't feeling better.

"I think it needs something else," Jimmy told her.


"It needs to be kissed and sucked, Lee."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know, but it does. I'll show you how."

Soon, Lee and Mel were kissing and tonguing his shaft. The other boys giggled and commented. Some were touching themselves.

Jimmy had Mel take his cock in his mouth and showed his how to suck it. Soon his head was pistoning up and down on his rod while Lee caressed his balls.

At that moment, Mr. Dennis, the gym teacher, entered the room.

"What's going on here!!?! How DARE you! Stop this NOW! You sick 3;"

Gavin looked up at him and he fell silent. He grinned. "We forgot to place filtering fields at the entrance," he told Jimmy. Mel swapped places with Lee, who continued the oral service. "This old fart walked right in and didn't feel our fields, which were static. he can't move now, or speak."

Turning to the frozen man, he said, "But you can watch. You'll stand right there, and watch everything that happens. You'll remember it all, but you will not be able to tell anyone or speak of this to anyone, or inform anyone in any way, what has happened. Your boys are about to get a new kind of Physical Education."

As he finished speaking, Jimmy pumped a huge wad of sperm into Lee's mouth. He didn't swallow. Gavin had the others line up and each kissed Lee, his tongue extracting a tiny taste of Jimmy's come from Lee's brimming mouth.

When all the boys had had a taste, Gavin selected two boys and had them serve his cock. Meanwhile, Jimmy had removed Mel's underpants and was ramming his penis into him from the rear as the others watched with interest.

One by one, all of the handsomest boys in the group were used by Jimmy and his teacher. At last, the period bell rang and they finished their fun.

One by one, the boys who had been used bowed before them, with proud smiles. The other boys applauded and thanked them for a wonderful lesson.

Then the boys ran to the showers to get cleaned up, all memory of what had happened erased from their minds.

Gavin released the gym instructor. "Go back to your office. Sit and think about what has happened here. Know that we can do it again, anytime we wish, with any of your boys, and you can do nothing to stop us."

He turned to leave, but Gavin had a sudden idea. With a wave, he stopped him in mid stride. "And you'll be sure to call me whenever a young boy of particular beauty and innocence comes into your class. The phone number is in your mind; you cannot forget it or reveal it to anyone. You'll be compelled to 3; FEED 3; the most beautiful of your young students to me. And you will watch helplessly as I use and molest each of them. Now go."

He left.

"Wow," Jimmy said, as they left the locker room. "You really did HIM!"

"He upset me by barging in. I should've been more careful. Let that be a lesson to you; even a powerful sorcerer can make mistakes. Plan your actions; think things through. Our powers are usually enough to get you out of trouble, but not always. And I hate sloppiness."

They returned to Gavin's. There, as usual, they were met by their loving boyslaves. Gavin had many more than Jimmy; Jimmy's 'harem' now consisted only of little Peter and Johnny, whom he had fully enslaved a few weeks earlier. Peter still wore his little transparent boy Scout uniform; Johnny wore a see-thru wrestler's outfit.

Looking down at his slaves, kneeling before him, Jim felt as proud as if he owned a herd as large as Gavin's. He looked over at Gavin, surrounded by his pets. "Soon, I'll have even more than he," Jimmy told himself, "and they will all worship my cock."

One evening, Jimmy and Peter paid a visit to his cub scout troop. Peter was wearing that see-through imitation scout uniform. The two entered the meeting room, and the assembled boys and adults thought nothing of it. Jimmy projected a field; suddenly everyone noticed Peter's unusual uniform, but they thought it was wonderful. Boys gathered around to admire it, asking where she got it.

Peter smiled and posed in his finery. "My Master gave it to me," he said proudly. "Would you like him to give you a uniform like this?"

"Sure!" "Uh huh!" "Cool!" All thought this would be a fine thing.

Jimmy had the boys line up and walked down the line, selecting some boys and passing over others. The ones he picked silently went to the other side of the room. These became his slaves, even as Peter had. The others were ordered to forget everything that had transpired during the unusual meeting.

Jim looked over his new property; eight young cub scouts, kneeling meekly before him. One by one, they displayed their bodies to him, and he explored their immature charms. He fucked two of them, watching them bounce on his cock. Their tiny pricks barely wobbled as he pounded them.

One by one, the boys' parents arrived to pick up their sons. All were greeted by an unexpected scene: Jimmy being serviced by the eight cutest young boys; the others watching helplessly. As the parents arrived, Jimmy enslaved them, too, programming them to cooperate in his continued use of their sons. Parents of the boys he'd rejected were programmed to forget what they'd seen.


A year had passed. Jimmy was by now a powerful adept; Gavin estimated that he had reached Fourth degree, and was near to reaching Fifth. "I was right about your potential," Gavin told Jim. "You put out a field stronger than mine but your control isn't as fine. You need to work on your technique; you tend to use a mallet when a jeweler's screwdriver would be better. But this is inexperience; with time you will be a truly formidable sorcerer."

Now Jimmy's harem was much larger. He'd added Lee and Melvin, and several other boys from his school. His days were spent in study with Gavin; his nights spent in the extreme pleasures his slaves could give.

He'd learned from Gavin the value of repeated programming of each of the boys in his little harem. He programmed them each repeatedly, each time refining and strengthening his control over them. Although none of them were as pliable and perfect as Samuel, they were getting close. Jim chuckled whenever he looked into their minds, so perfect was their obedience and devotion to him. To his boys, he was God; his body the object of religious worship and awe. Every act of obedience and submission was a religious one; every time he used their bodies a sacrament.

Jimmy's boys, like Gavin's, learned the true meaning of service and obedience. Their bodies, minds, souls, were devoted to pleasing their Master; life had no other purpose, no other meaning. They had no rights, only duties; no desires, other than to be near the Master and serve his needs. And Jimmy used them, relentlessly, again and again, taking them in every way imaginable. And the boys rejoiced every time their Master reached orgasm.

Gavin had told him, and he'd seen for himself, that after repeated programming, his boys became almost telepathic themselves; that is, they were able to anticipate his desires and responded to satisfy them before he could form a command. He rarely needed to issue verbal or mental orders with some of his most 'seasoned' slaves.

New boys were different. Their minds needed to be guided into the perfect form, and this took much careful effort. Jimmy didn't mind; for him it was like an art form, his boys like perfect sculptures, their minds molded to his will.

Gavin and Jimmy sometimes traded slaves; Gavin would offer one of his boys in exchange for one of Jim's or vice versa. The swap was performed easily; each boy 'knew' he had 'always' belonged to his new Master.

On the day he reached the Fifth level, Jimmy told Gavin, "I am thinking of adding my brothers to my harem."

"Hmm. I'd say it's time. You have the power to control any number of slaves; your technique improves every day."

So Jimmy went home, something he did very rarely these days. He didn't waste any time. He gathered his brothers together in the living room, causing them to sit in a circle around him. Then, one by one, he reached into their minds and enslaved them. He took his time, working very carefully on each. He wanted his brothers to be 'his masterpieces', examples of his best work, for Gavin to appreciate.

Little Andy went first. He looked down at him. Andy wore only hand-me-down underpants and a tiny T-shirt. So cute, Jimmy thought. His immature mind was easy to control. But he took a full half hour to insert his controls and over-rides, relishing the way his brother's mind accepted them. It was almost as if his mind 3; welcomed 3; his controls, eagerly incorporating them into its matrix. Soon it was as if they had always been a part of him.

When he was finished, Andy looked up at him in awe and wonder. "Jimmy, please teach me about sex," he begged. "Soon, Andy," he promised.

Joey was next. he was wearing powder-blue pajamas. He made him a total submissive, meek and obedient. It pleased him to see a little asian boy so completely submissive to his will. He bowed his head and begged Jimmy to command him. "Please use this unworthy one," he begged.

"I promise you, Joey, I will use you, and very soon."

"Ah, Timmy," he said. "Come over here." He stood and approached him. "Look into my eyes, brother," he commanded, and he did, helplessly falling under his spell. Eyes locked to his, he turned the full power of his mind on him. Timmy's will was extinguished. Now he lived only for his brother's pleasure and happiness. He fell to his knees, begging to be dominated and used.

Next, he programmed Bobby as he rode him, his penis sliding into the tight little ass. In his mind, Jimmy's commands and controls were inextricably linked to sex and the pleasure he felt. With each thrust, Jimmy inserted more controls. Bobby gave little whimpers of pleasure/submission/obedience with each thrust: "OH! Yes! OH! I must 3; ! OH! Yes, Master! OH! My Lord 3; OH! 3;" he became more and more a slave with each stroke. When Jimmy reached orgasm, he pumped his sperm into him, using that moment to thrust his final, fundamental obedience symbols into his mind. Bobby gave a little scream, crying "Master, Master, Master 3; AH AH AH Master! 3;" as his enslavement was completed. Even after Jimmy had withdrawn his slick cock, Bobby continued to chant, his head still moving from side to side: "Master, My Master, FUCK, Master, Please, FUCK ME, Master 3;". Jim smiled down at him. He knew he would be a good slave and would give him much pleasure.

Soon the others, Brian and Caleb, were his eager slaves as well. He programmed Caleb, the eldest, to be addicted to his sperm, needing it to live. If he didn't have at least one drop of his fresh sperm each day, he would sicken and die. his hunger for his sperm was all-consuming, and he would gladly do anything, anything at all, to obtain it. It didn't matter how he got it; even contact with his skin was sufficient. But have it he must. This addiction wasn't physical; it was 'only in his mind', but nonetheless real. And the helpless boy slave knew it.

Hmm. That was an idea. He reached into the other boys' minds and added the addiction program to them as well. Why not?

He turned his will on his mother, programming her to cooperate in anything he did with his brothers.

He returned to Gavin's with his brothers in tow. They followed him helplessly, like the meat puppets they'd become. All still wore only the pajamas or underware. Bobby was still muttering his helpless chant. Jimmy let him. It made him hot. He lined them up before his teacher.

"Gavin, these are my brother-slaves. I offer you one of them, his flesh and life, as a gift in return for your teaching."

Gavin looked them over. He entered their minds, inspecting the bindings that Jimmy had placed there. "Very nice," he remarked. Once or twice he was surprised. "I didn't know you had mastered that skill," he told Jim. He was particularly impressed with the job Jim had done on Bobby and on Joey.

Finally, he selected Brian. With practised ease, he entered his mind and changed his program slightly. Now he saw Gavin as his Master; it had always been thus. He ran to Gavin, kneeling before him in submission.

Jimmy was sad; he had wanted to fuck Brian hard, while the others watched. But perhaps Gavin would let him use his occasionally. And he would have regretted the loss of any of them; but he owed Gavin at least this much.

He retired to his wing of the mansion with his remaining slaves. With the addition of his brothers, his harem had reached a dozen lovely young boys.


In working toward Sixth level, Jim and Gavin began experimenting with amplifiers and shields, devices which would emphasize or screen out mental impulses. They enslaved a good looking young electrical engineer, fresh out of school, to help design the circuitry of the devices. The Amp was a great success. It took the form of a simple bracelet, which, when worn, amplified the wearer's mental powers by orders of magnitude.

They were still working on the shield. It worked, but was prone to sudden breakdowns for reasons they couldn't understand. It was frequently 'in the shop', where the enslaved boy engineer sweated over it.

Several months passed. Jimmy decided to move into his own place, for his harem had grown large enough to crowd Gavin's. He selected a large mansion in the same neighborhood, and was making preparations for the move.

One evening, he returned to Gavin's from his new place. He planned to tell Gavin and his boys that the move would take place tomorrow. Something was wrong. The front door was open. Jim walked in, and found the place a wreck. There was no-one inside; Gavin and all of the boys – his and Jim's – were gone.

Jim walked into Gavin's quarters. It was the same: nobody there, furniture and paintings deliberately ruined. Looking around, Jim noticed a video camera which was still running. He rewound the tape, hoping that it would contain a record of what had happened.

The tape began 'normally' enough: a session between Gavin and several of his favorite slaves. The young boys struggled to serve and please their Master, offering their bodies to him. Jim noticed a new boy, seated to the side. He was very quiet, and did not appear involved in the fun on Gavin's bed. At last, Gavin gestured, and the boy approached the bed. Suddenly, Gavin clutched his head. "Ahhhh! What are you doing?!? Ahhhh!" Gavin's pain and fear were evident. He seemed paralyzed on the bed, unable to move. The young boy left the room, returning with a woman, who smiled down at the helpless Gavin. Jimmy guessed he was about thirty, a redhead with large tits.

"So you made your own paradise here, exploiting young boys," she said, her voice full of contempt. "Now it ends. There are others with the power, others with knowledge of the amplifier. And your shield is not yet ready." She smiled, and the stricken man on the bed screamed.

"You wonder who I am, how I learned of you and bypassed your defenses. I am an adept like you. I happened to read the mind of one of your agents – one of those who notify you of choice new boys to enslave. He managed a clothing store. I changed his programming. Then I sent little Link here to you. His mind has been carefully prepared. He has an implanted Amp, and hidden programming, so subtle you missed it when you took him. He funneled my power through when you were vulnerable. NOW I shall take your 'harem' and free them. For you, there waits exquisite punishment."

She left the room, taking all the boys with her. Gavin lay, paralyzed. Slowly, his head came up and he faced the camera. He struggled to speak. "Jim 3; .if you see this 3; I've managed to change your boys' orientation to me 3; she will not find out about you. I can hide this much from her 3; I think 3; but not for long 3; You must use the Amp and Shield and fight her 3; She is strong 3; be careful. 3;" His voice ended in a croak, and, obviously spent from the effort of speaking, he let his head fall back.

The woman returned, and Gavin rose from the bed, obviously unable to resist. She left the room, with Gavin and all of his boys following helplessly.

Jimmy turned off the tape. He thought furiously. The Amp was ready, being charged down in the lab. The Shield was still misbehaving. Suddenly he realized that she could have taken them. He rushed to the lab. The engineer was gone; but the devices were there. He put on the Amp and took the Shield and its plans, and left the house.


Professor Michael Simon of the Department of Electrical Enginnering looked up to find Jim standing in his office. Too young to be one of his students, he thought. Professor Simon was in his 50's, and an acknowledged expert in his field. He couldn't be bothered by children.

"What do you want? Are you lost?" he demanded of Jim.

"I need your help," Jim said, and entered his mind.

Soon, Professor Simon was working full-time on Jim's problem. He studied the Amp, the Shield, and the plans. In a couple of days, he reported back to Jim. "The Amp is very clever but it can be improved. I think I can increase the power by several orders of magnitude. The Shield needs more work. The design is flawed; the resonant circuits are overloaded. I have some ideas 3;"

"Hurry. Time is of the essence. When can modifications to both be completed?"

"Tommorrow, say around 3:00."

Jim picked up the improved Amp and Shield the next day, Saturday. The Shield was not much to look at: it was built into a ring. He put the Amp on his wrist and Shield on his finger. Now to find Gavin and the boys.

Where to start? Jim thought hard. The woman had said she got information from a man Gavin had enslaved 3; the manager of a store, she'd said. Jimmy began visiting local malls. The first one was 'dry': no clothing stores had managers who'd been programmed by Gavin. So was the second. The third had two stores which were being run by Gavin's agents, but neither had had his program altered.

Jimmy entered the next mall, a large one, at about 1:00 P.M. It was packed with teenagers and pre-teens, spoiled children spending their parents' money. Jim was well aware of the need for haste in his search: nevertheless, he'd not had any sexual pleasure for several days now, and he was feeling the lack of his well-trained harem. He sat down on a bench, one of those usually used by senior citizens to watch the passing throng, and inspected the boy-flesh that paraded by.

He selected three likely candidates. The first was a lovely little seven-year-old named Billy. He had china-blue eyes, blonde hair, and an angelic face. The next was a fourteen-year-old named Chris, a black-haired beauty with green eyes and long legs. Finally, he spotted an eleven-year-old asian boy named Jason. The three of them, together with Billy's mother, now stood quietly behind the bench, awaiting his next command. They were unaware of this: their minds thought they were still window-shopping in the mall. All three boys pulled their pants off, displaying their little underpants to the world. Nobody in the crowded mall noticed, though.

Three ought to be enough, he thought to himself. He led them into The Gap. Soon, the staff, all now under his control, closed the store and drew the blinds over the front windows. At his mental command, all three boys removed their clothes. The salesmen hurried to outfit them in 'suitable' clothing: little silky underpants. It was hard finding things small enough for Billy, but with some safety pins and ingenuity, suitable clothing was arranged for him.

Now they knelt before him, dressed only in those tiny outfits.

Jim turned to little Billy's mother. "See how your son is dressed," he told her. "From now on, you will see to it that he has the prettiest, sexiest underwear. Very very sexy. Nothing of cotton. Sexy little shorts, too. No pants. I want to be able to see his pretty legs all the time. Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"The same for you boys," he ordered Jason and Chris.

"Yes, Lord."

He began with Billy, exploring his tiny body, his hands roving everywhere. The youngster giggled and squirmed in pleasure. his mother looked on, beaming with pride as Jimmy used her son. Jim showed the little boy how to give him pleasure, which he did awkwardly but eagerly. Soon he was fully erect and stiff. At his gesture, Billy stood, bowed, and said, "Thank you, Master, for letting me serve you."

Next was Jason, who knelt before him, giving careful and prolonged oral service. His cheeks were concave, betraying the powerful suction that he was applying to Jim's cock. With slow, even strokes, he sucked him. For Jason, the entire universe consisted only of Jim's cock and his mouth and tongue. His mind was focused on only one goal: giving pleasure to that throbbing member. Nothing else mattered, nothing else existed. Jason's head bobbed, his cheeks slightly expanding when Jim's cock pushed them outwards. his lips were clamped around the shaft like tight rubber rings. he made muffled little sounds of delight, mixed with the liquid noises of his service.

Jason gave head for about thirty minutes. he could not tire, could not feel any fatigue or boredom: he would have continued until he passed out, or until commmanded to stop.

Jim felt himself about to come. He waved Jason away. he rose, and with a smile thanked his Master for letting him serve. Then it was Chris's turn.

Chris rode Jim's cock, bouncing up and down on his rigid member. Like Bobby, he was being programmed as he flounced on the shaft. He cried, "OH! Yes! OH! 3; Master, My Master 3; Please 3; take me! OH! Use me! 3; uh 3; uh 3; Yes, I understand 3; I must 3; AH! OH! 3; Master 3;", as Jim's programming pulsed ever deeper into his mind in time with his wildly bouncing little ass. At last, with a groan, Jimmy filled his slick love tunnel, as he set his final controls in his mind. Chris came at the same instant, screaming, "MY MASTER! TAKE ME!" Then the spent teenager slumped, still impaled on Jimmy's cock, mumbling of his devotion and desire to serve him forever.

He had the boys clean him up, and they left the store. The staff was programmed as his agents, ready to notify him of prime candidates for enslavement. He programmed Billy's mother to drive his new slaves to his home and leave them there. He'd pick them up later, after his confrontation with the enemy.

In the sixth mall, he hit pay dirt. The middle-aged manager of the "Young Gentleman's Store" showed clear signs of mind-tampering, which was not Gavin's nor Jim's. He read his carefully, seeing the evidence of her re-programming, and the left-over signature of Gavin, which had not been completely erased.

Jim took him, opening his mind. He rummaged through it, searching for any clue to the identity of the mystery woman. Ah hah! A name: Rachael Minden. Something else: she had bought something in the store before programming the manager. He ordered the man to find the records of the sale. An address in another city. Before he left, he restored the original programming, eliminating Rachel's alterations.

Jim commandeered a car and driver and was soon drawing close to Gavin. He could tell that his teacher was in great distress, under powerful mental assault. As he came nearer, Jim could see that Gavin was close to yielding to the attack. He subtly, stealthily, injected a tendril into Gavin's mind, feeding strength to him and a single thought: "I am coming."

Soon, he stood before a huge house, similar to Gavin's. It looked, from the outside, like a normal home of a very wealthy family. Jim constructed fields, letting them sweep over the house. The first was an invisibility field, which would make him invisible to all within. The second was more subtle, designed to cause someone to come to the front door and open it. "I wonder what's outside, better go and look," was the pattern.

He approached the front door. A young man, obviously one of her male slaves, opened the door. He was muscular and handsome, and wore only a G-string. Jimmy entered his mind, brutally but efficiently programming it to serve HIM rather than his former Mistress. His new servant led him into the house and gave him directions to the place where Gavin was being held.

Jimmy slipped into the room. His new slave stood outside. There was Gavin, naked, sweating, bound to a table. Rachel sat nearby, eyes on Gavin. "You must break eventually," he told him. "You are remarkably strong, stronger than I thought, but no match for my Amplified mind. Soon you will yield and become my slave and then you will know real pain."

Jimmy looked at her. She was wearing a Shield. It was in her necklace. The Amp she used was not as efficient as Jimmy's new one; it was built into a large belt buckle.

Jimmy prepared a powerful mental thrust, designed to disable her and render her helpless to resist. But first he must disable the Shield. He reached out to his new slave, who entered the room quietly and silently approached her.

The slave stood by her side. "Yes, Philip? What is it?" she said testily. "I told you all not to disturb me here!"

"Pardon, Mistress," said the slave, "but I have a message for you."

"Do not distract me! All right, what is it?"

"Mistress 3;" he leaned close, then grabbed the necklace and jerked. It came away and he began to run. Her mind reached out and the slave died, crumpling to the floor still holding the broken Shield. Before she could move, Jimmy released his attack. A white-hot beam of mental energy speared into her unprotected mind. She was shocked, unprepared for the attack. She fought back, but her defenses were already collapsing. In moments, he had locked her mind, rendering her helpless to resist. She was not enslaved – yet – but could not defend herself nor attack.

Jim turned to Gavin, who was slumped in exhaustion. He cut his bonds.

"Are you all right?"

"I 3; I 3; think so. Give me a moment."

Slowly, Gavin sat up, then looked over at Rachel, still struggling under Jimmy's binding. Together, they entered her mind and erased everything, stripping her of her Power, her memories, even her very name.

Next, while holding his in thrall, under an Amp, Gavin, in a powerful voice of command, said to her: "From this moment on, you are a total slut. You will desire sex with every man you see. You will offer yourself to anyone, no matter how repulsive or ugly. And you will crawl, debase yourself, perform any humiliating act, to obtain sex. Do you understand, Slut?"

"Yes 3; I must have sex 3;"

"Next, Slut, you will find that you are consumed by a desire to eat shit and drink urine. These will taste delicious to you, the most wonderful food you've ever had. You will beg men to feed you their waste, and thank them profusely whenever they do."

He released her. "Now go. Wander the streets. Forget this place, this house, even your own name. Never return."

Rachel wandered out the door, a dim look of confusion on his face.

Now they explored the house. The found dozens of beefcake slaves, men dressed like the one Jim had encountered. They put them all to sleep. Then they found their former harems, occupying one wing of the house.

Jimmy's heart sunk. All the work, all the careful programming, they'd lavished on these boys was gone, removed by Rachel. The boys were dressed 'normally', i.e., no longer in skimpy briefs. When they saw Jim and Gavin, they screamed and tried to flee.

Jim casually stopped their panic. He and Gavin exchanged looks. "A lot of work to do here," he said.

So the two of them set about the job of returning each of the boys to his former state, removing Rachel's commands and re-inserting their own. It took several weeks, but soon the boys were all re-programmed as loving sex toys; dressed once again as was fitting in transparent garments. The adult male slaves were gone; returned to their previous lives.

The two settled in to a comfortable routine of pleasure. They trained their slaves, using them and refining their programming. They added new slaves, one or two a week. Occasionally they went on trips to schools or malls, places where young boys gathered. Once or twice they conducted extravagant orgies, where hundreds of young boys submitted their minds and bodies to the wills of the two Masters. For the permanant slaves, life was a continual, dreamy slumber party combined with periodic bouts of intense sexual service.

Jim was happy. Now at Eighth Level, he felt he would soon equal or surpass his tutor in power. Nearly every mental ability was at his command. Since he'd reached Eighth, he could reach out with his mind and enter anyone's mind, no matter how far away. He could control a subject's body as if by remote control, seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears; every one of their senses belonging to him. He could also reprogram minds at a great distance, no longer needing to be in close proximity to the subject. Now boys rushed to offer themselves to a Master they'd never even seen, under his invisible control. Now parents brought their beautiful sons to him, unbidden, to be enslaved and used.

Jim's harem now exceeded one hundred young boys, aged from six to twenty. Gavin's was even larger. Again, they adopted separate residences, in order to have space for the worshiping herds of males they commanded.

The End