PZA Boy Stories

Amador Pueri

The Boys of Thailand


An American tourist describes his experiences with young boys in Bangkok.
Publ. Jun 1994 (ASS); this site Jul 2012
Finished 19,000 words (38 pages)


American tourist and several Thai boys (6-12 yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy Prostitution story/interracial
Mbprost oral anal mastinterr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Chapter 1

I arrived in Bangkok much like I arrived in other Asian lands, on the spur of the moment, without planning, and without knowing a soul. For me this always seemed to be the nicest way to travel, to be just thrust into a new land and have to figure things out as you went along.

I checked into a moderately priced hotel, knowing that this could not last too long, as always, I was two steps away from being broke. I knew that I had to find a place to settle quickly, and only had a clue or two of how to go about it.

I had heard of a few Americans who lived in Thailand, but how to go about finding them was another story. For a few days I wandered around Bangkok, getting lost, and enjoying the sights. I quickly found a few places where boys would hang out, however, since language was a real problem, I did not talk with any of them.

One of my most enjoyable times during this period took place while I was out walking one night. I passed a restaurant and out in front of it were an older man with a boy of about nine in tow. They were begging for money, a common occurrence in most Third World countries. What set the pair apart from others, however, was that the boy was pantless. He was dressed only in a tattered shirt. It only took me a few minutes to figure that one out. The boy owned pants, however, the older man decided that they could get more money by having the boy go about bottomless. The Thai people would feel sorry for the pair, and would be embarrassed by the boy's nudity and would give to get rid of them. It was a good plan.

I gave a few coins to the boy, enjoying a good view of his little genitals and buttocks in the process. Both boy and man smiled widely as I handed him the money. I watched for a while from a distance, admiring the boy.

Later that evening, back in my hotel, I began to think about the boy again, and so out I went, seeing if I could find him. After wandering around for about a half-hour in the area where I had seen them, I ran across them sitting off the side of the street. They were sitting on a stump from a tree.

With a smile on my face I walked over to them. I handed the boy a ten baht note ($1=25 baht) and when they did not seem to object, I sat down next to them. The man and boy said a few words, but we soon realized that we could not talk with each other.

I spent a few minutes running a finger on the boy's cheek, patting his shoulder, and once hugging him to me. As we sat there, I rested my hand on the boy's leg, about six inches [15 cm] from his crotch. He didn't seem to mind this, and so I began to rub my hand around a bit.

When it seemed as if my attention was not minded by man or boy, I took out a 20 baht note, held it out to the boy, and placed my other hand over his genitals with a questioning look on my face. The boy looked up at me and then the older man. When I smiled, they smiled, however, I wasn't sure that my intent was understood.

The older man got up, smiled, and walked over to the edge of the road with his back to us. The boy took the note, smiled, and spread his legs open for me. I caressed him to an erection, and them masturbated him to a bumpy climax. Afterwards I hugged to boy to me and kissed him on the lips. He grinned as my hands caressed his little buttocks.

The next evening I returned to the spot at which I had seen them. I found them fairly quickly, and was a little surprised when the boy was in pants. Upon seeing me the little boy tugged on the man's arm and said something to him. Both man and boy smiled at me, and we began to walk together. In a minute or so I realized that we were heading back to the tree stump.

When we got to the stump the man stopped at the roadside and the boy pulled on my hand, leading me over to where we had sat the previous night. Instead of going to the stump, however, we went behind it, where there was an area of grass out of sight from the road. The boy smiled at me, pulled down the front of his shorts, and showed me an erection.

I pulled the boy to me, slid one hand down the front of his pants, and kissed him on his lips. The boy began grinding his penis into my hand, and returned my kisses, eventually letting my tongue penetrate his mouth.

The boy did not object when I pulled his shirt over his head, nor did he object when I pulled his pants down and off from him. When I had the boy naked before me, I ran my hands over his body, caressing every inch of him.

When I took his tiny nipples into my mouth to suck, he giggled, but did not pull away. Although the boy was a little dirty, I found the sensation pleasant. I worked my way down his body, licking and tonguing away at him, until I reached his little cock, which stood out straight from his body.

I sucked his cock and then his little balls into my mouth, and sucked away at them for a few minutes. The boy seemed to love this, and he put his hands onto my head to hold me into position. Disengaging for a moment, I laid the boy down onto the ground and spread his legs open wide. I then began to leisurely suck and nibble on his cock and balls. The little boy squirmed with delight under me.

I sucked the little boy off about three times. Each time he climaxed I could feel his little penis grow even more rigid, and then could feel it throb against my tongue. After each climax I continued to suck, and the little boy did not object. Finally after the third climax he pulled my head away. He was worn out.

Standing the boy up in front of my, I turned him around so that his buttocks were facing me. I fantasized fucking him right there, but instead I took my penis out, slid it between his legs and humped away on him. It took all of two minutes before I was cumming between his legs. I wiped him off with a handkerchief, handed him twenty baht, and helped him dress. He walked together to the road, I smiled at the older man who had kept watch for us, and then headed back to my hotel.

The next night I eagerly awaited darkness. When I reached the spot where I had found them a few times and they were not there, I headed to the stump. Sure enough, there they were, waiting for me. As soon as I came near the stump the older man stood up. Instead of leaving right away, however, the man tried to talk with me. When he could not make himself understood, he placed one hand against my crotch and then moved it to the boy's mouth. He then returned his hand to my crotch and then to the boy's buttocks. He had a few finger motions, which are universally known as signs for intercourse. He then, with his fingers, indicated 50, first the five, and then the zero.

The message was as clear as if he had spoken it in English. Blow job and fuck for fifty baht. I smiled and shook my head up and down in agreement. The man smiled and held his hand out for the money. When I counted fifty baht out into his hand, he smiled and gave the boy a few instructions. The boy smiled at me, and took my hand, leading me back behind the stump. Once there, he began to take his clothes off. He wasn't waiting for me to undress him; he wanted his sex right then.

I played with the boy for a few minutes, and sucked him a bit. He pulled my head off his penis, and reached for my belt, struggling to undo it. I helped him out by unbuckling it, and he then took over, unsnapping my pants and pulling down my zipper.

Needing no more help from me, the boy pulled my pants and then underpants down. He then began tugging at my leg. It took me a few minutes to understand. The boy wanted me to undress as well. I was very nervous at the prospect of getting naked there on the side of the road. I could not imagine what excuse I could have, a foreigner, being found naked behind a tree stump with a nine-year-old Thai boy.

Perhaps because the boy was so persistent and eager, I finally gave in and stripped away my clothes. The boy's hands played over my genitals, and I could see his eyes open in surprise as my cock grew erect in his hand. I thought that my size would scare him away from wanting to be fucked, but once hard, he just continued to play with me like it was nothing new to him.

Chapter 2

I wanted to have as much fun possible with the little boy in the shortest possible time, and so I lay down on the ground on my back, hoping that I would not be eaten alive by insects. I pulled the boy down on top of me and turned him until we were in a sixty-nine position. I played with the little cock perched above my face, and the little boy followed suit with mine. Holding his buttocks in one hand, I pulled him downward, and guided his cock into my mouth. Holding him firm against me, I began to tongue all around his little erection.

In a few minutes the boy followed suit. I felt his mouth cover the tip of my penis, and for a few minutes I felt him suck the tip, and run his tongue out along its ridges. Releasing his buttocks, I reached down and put one hand on the back of the boy's head. Slowly I pushed downward, feeling his mouth go lower on my cock. I then released pressure and his head came back up. I guided his head for a few minutes, showing him how he should suck. The boy was a fast learner and soon began bobbing his head up and down on my dick. Every once in a while he would try to take more of me into his mouth. He did quite well for a little boy, but he could not manage it all.

Returning to his cock, I put both hands on his hips and began to guide him up and down into my mouth. I showed him that I wanted him to fuck himself into my mouth. He picked this up as fast as he did sucking me, and I relaxed as the boy began to fuck my mouth while he bobbed his head wildly up and down on my cock.

After a few minutes more of his heavy sucking, I was ready to shoot. I wanted to cum in his mouth, but I wasn't sure how he would take it. I decided to give it a try, and so I put a hand on his head and gently held his head down on my cock as it began to pulse and then shoot.

The boy was surprised by my cum. He tried to wiggle his head away at first; however, I hung on to him. I could feel his cheeks swell with my load and was about to release him so that he could spit it out, when he swallowed. I released his head thinking that he would be turned off, however, after releasing my cock for a moment and looking at the remaining cum dripping out, he dived back down on me, and licked the rest of it up as well.

Afterwards I had him lay on top of my in the sixty-nine position, with my soft dick in his mouth. The boy wanted to suck, but each time he tried, I held his head still. I wanted him to lie there without sucking while I played with his little bottom.

I moved the boy a bit, and placed his legs on either side of my chest. In this position his little bottom was positioned right in front of my face. After running my hands over his smooth little bottom, I parted his cheeks and ran a finger down between them. I wasn't sure how clean the boy would be there, but I wanted to rim him. I also knew that if I were going to fuck him, I would have to rim him, as I did not have any lubrication with me, and it would be impossible to get into him without something to easy the way.

The boy had a little musty odor and taste, but he was otherwise fairly clean, and I soon forgot my reservations and settled down to rim him thoroughly. From the way that the boy squirmed, bumped, and ground against me, he was totally enjoying it. I didn't stop him when he began to suck on my cock again.

Before I left off rimming him I made sure that I had placed as much saliva around and in his anus as I could. When I tested him with a finger, I found that he was fairly slippery, and when my finger went into him without any real problem, I realized that I could probably succeed at fucking him. I was to find out as time went on that even younger Thai boys could be as easily fucked, and that almost all of them liked it once they were use to it.

I laid the little boy on his stomach and positioned myself over him, my dick resting against his little opening. I wasn't sure that it was going to work. I felt how tiny his opening was when I rimmed him with tongue and fingers. My cock was much larger, and I thought that it would be impossible to get totally inside of him, let alone fuck him. I didn't want to hurt the boy, and so I began slowly.

With only a little pressure applied I felt the very tip of my dick pass his anal ring. The feeling was as wonderful as always, that initial penetration of a young boy's ass. The pleasure was even greater, however, feeling such a small hole, and knowing the boy was so small.

When the entire head had passed through the ring, I stopped for a few minutes, half for his comfort and half because I felt as if I were ready to cum. I thought about letting go right there and at least cumming inside of him, however, I wanted to see if he were able to take more.

We lay together for a few minutes. I was holding myself back, enjoying the feeling of my dick head being inside of him. When I relaxed a bit, not really putting weight or pressure against him, I was surprised to feel myself sliding into him a little more. It was a natural sliding action. When he moved his buttocks around a bit during this process, I slid further inside of him.

I was intrigued about how far I could enter him just lying there with no pressure. Every once in a while I would begin to slide a bit further. Eventually I realized that when he moved himself around a bit, this would cause me to enter more. I decided to lay there and let him direct the rate of penetration. Whenever he felt comfortable, he would move or wiggle and more would enter. He could control how much he took in that manner. It was exciting for me to lay there and feel him do the work.

I was enjoying the wonderful feeling of his backside. The tightness and warmth of his anus was fantastic. I had never quite felt anything like it before. Eventually I noticed that I had not moved into him anymore, despite feeling him wiggling around a few times to admit more. I knew that we had reached the point at which I would have to feed him more if we wanted it. Reaching down to feel how much he had already, I was pleased to find that we were about halfway there.

I reached down and parted the boy's buttocks a little further and held them open with my hands. Gently, but firmly I began to apply pressure. After a moment of resistance, I felt myself begin to slide once more. The boy gasped once as about a half inch [1 cm] went in all at once, and I stopped to allow him time to get use to it. When the boy tightened and loosened his anus against me and wiggled his butt a bit, I understood his signal and began pressure once more.

We repeated the same procedure a few more times, until my pubic hair was resting firmly on his buttocks. The boy had taken all of me inside of him. While allowing him to get use to me, I glanced around nervously. I could just imagine being found in this position, deeply implanted in the boy's ass. There would be no explaining that one off.

Slowly I began to thrust in and out of the boy's ass. At first the sliding was not very smooth, and I could feel him grimace, but as time went on and I continued my slow movements, things became better and I found him much better lubricated. I believe that it was my pre-cum that made it possible for us to fuck without friction.

Eventually I was able to pull almost all the way out and then back in again into the little boy. I continued this long-dicking of him for a few more minutes before I settled my weight down on top of him a bit more and began to hump him in earnest.

The boy gasped a few times as I began to increase my tempo, but then he began to relax and I felt him begin to respond under me. At first it was just a little movement, but then he began to squeeze himself against me, and then he began to wiggle his butt around as I fucked down into it. In a few more minutes, the boy began to bump and grind back against me as I fucked down into him.

I wanted to jack the boy off as I fucked him, and so I pulled out of him and positioned him on his back. I pulled him up into my lap and spread his legs so that they went a ways around my waist. The boy's bottom rested in my lap, and his head lay on the ground. With a few adjustments, we found a comfortable position like this, and I entered him once again. After he got use to this position, I began to fuck him a little faster and harder, while jacking him off quite rapidly.

After bringing the boy to a few climaxes, I decided that it was time to cum. I had been there in that area too long and the fuck needed to end before someone discovered us. Grabbing onto the boy's hips, I began to move them back and forth, on and off of my cock. I had always liked to do that, move a boy's body on my cock while fucking instead of thrusting in and out of him, however, short of a few well-fucked eleven and twelve-year-olds, I had never been able to find boys who liked that.

The little boy did not seem to mind, and as I moved his body back and forth, he grabbed onto his dick and began to jack himself off. Finally I could not hold off any longer, and with one final pull on his body, I lunged forward, thrust fully inside of him and climaxed. It felt as if I filled the little boy's ass with gallons of cum, and it felt as if I would never stop cumming. I experienced one of the best orgasms I had ever had with that little boy.

Afterwards we cleaned ourselves up with my handkerchief, dressed, and headed back to the road. His older friend (father?) was a few feet down the road, but it seemed as if he had been keeping watch. I pulled the boy to me, gave him a quick kiss, and tucked a ten baht note down the front of his pants, caressing his, still hard cock, once more before I left. Both man and boy smiled widely as I walked away, heading back to my hotel.

Chapter 3

The next night I eagerly headed back to find my little friend, but he was no where to be found. I looked around, and waited around an hour, but he didn't show. When he didn't show the next night as well, I figured that either the boy didn't want a repeat, or that the cops had rousted them for their begging. I knew that the cops did that frequently, and since the boy seemed so happy when he had parted, and the man was smiling, I decided that it had to be the later.

Eventually I met up with a few fellow countrymen and I found a place to live that was cheaper than a hotel. I found a room in a fairly cheap local rooming house. It was perfect. It was local, on the edge of a tin hut neighborhood, and there was a small restaurant downstairs in the lobby. When I first explored the neighborhood I found that the boys played throughout the area, including right out in front of the restaurant.

For the next few days I was treated to dinner theater as I watched boys from three or four to fourteen or so playing outside of the open restaurant as I ate. I was especially pleased when some of the younger ones, in the six and younger age group would be out playing naked. I enjoy watching little kids playing naked, and so this became a fun time for me.

Eventually a few of the kids became braver and came into the restaurant to try to talk with me. A few had a couple of words of English and they practiced them with me. The kids were pleased when I would pay attention to them, and the adults laughed watching the children's antics trying to show off.

One of my better meals occurred when a group of about nine or ten boys surrounded my table with a few new English words. Pressed into the pack with the rest of the boy was a very pretty little six-year-old who always played naked in the front area. He was naked that day as well, and I felt his little body being pressed into me by the other boys trying to get closer to talk.

I could feel the little boy's cock rubbing against my bare leg, and this, along with the closeness of all of the other boys and their fresh sweat odor, gave me a roaring hard-on. Luckily it was covered by the table in front of me.

Nonchalantly, I let one of my arms go down under the table, half to straighten my cramped erection, and half to perhaps let it wander to see what would happen. I let it wander over to where to six-year-old stood pressed against me. The boy had repositioned himself so that his dick was on top of my leg instead of being smashed up against it. In my eyes this was a wonderful solution. I ran my fingers lightly over the boy's dick, and he pulled away a bit and looked at me, but he didn't say anything. In a few minutes I felt him pressing against me again, and I returned my hand and felt his little cock. Once again he pulled away and looked at me.

When this happened yet again, I reached over when he pulled slightly away, and pulled him back a little, leading him by his foreskin. He moved without complaint, but then again, he was being led and had little choice. I removed my hand from him a minute, smiled at him, and then put my hand back onto his cock. I felt him tense a little, but he did not pull away.

Thinking that he was willing to let me play with him, I ran my hand over his dick and then his balls. With soft caresses I managed to bring him to an erection. It was a cute little one, perhaps two inches [5 cm] in length and very slim.

Slowly and gently I began to masturbate him. Instead of pulling away, the boy leaned into me further and sighed a little, a serious look on his face. While the boys were chatting away in Thai and throwing out a few English words, I was jacking the little guy off under the table. I realized that the boys would be helpful in my learning their language. They were patient with me, and would point to things and say their name in Thai and wait for my English word for it.

I felt the little boy shutter under me, and I realized that he had cum. After a few more seconds he pulled away a bit, and I realized that his little penis was sensitive. The boys were told to leave me in peace a few minutes later, and they good-naturedly moved off. I was a little embarrassed to see that the six-year-old still had a half-hard penis as he moved away from the table. The other boys noticed this and joked with him about it.

As the boys played outside and I continued to eat, a few eight and nine-year-olds were deep in conversation with the naked little guy. Every once in a while they would glance towards me and smile. I knew at once that the little boy told them that he had been jacked off under the table. I was anxious to see how they would all react to that. Although the neighborhood was use to boys "jacking off" with the few foreign men who lived there, it was usually with the older boys in the twelve and up crowd. I wasn't sure how the younger ones would react or how the adults would if they learned about it as well. Although nervous about it, I realized that jacking off a naked six-year-old was a good way to find out.

The following day things seemed to be quiet. There was no fall out over my enjoyment of the little guy's cock, and so I thought that I would enjoy living there. A fellow countryman stopped by for a bit to me new room. I was almost totally void of furniture, a few portable mattresses that spread out into a bed the only place to sit.

Later that afternoon he came back by and with him were two local boys who I had seen playing around outside. They were about eight or nine, and too young for him as he told me. He said that I might enjoy having them around a bit.

When he left the boys and I were left to our own devices. It was somewhat strained as we could not talk with each other, but after a few minutes we began to fool around and wrestle a bit. The two boys were like most other little Thai boys, they wore no underwear, and when they parted their legs, or rolled around on the floor, all could be seen. For me there is nothing more erotic than this, to be able to spy on boy's genitals showing from their short pants. This is erotic to me, even if I have already seen the boy naked or played with him.

Eventually it became obvious to the two boys that I was interested in their dicks. They would talk back and forth and giggle; however, I didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about. When finally I parted their legs purposely and openly and obviously stared at their genitals, they did not seem to be too put out by it. They were a little shy initially; however, they eventually allowed me to caress their penises by sticking my hands up the legs of their shorts. I was in heaven, one boy cock in each hand.

Both boys were handsome. "Bo" was the more extroverted of the two. He was a slim little boy, and rather pretty. He had a well-formed and muscular little body, and a nice penis with a floppy foreskin. "Nong" was a little more shy. He was a little chubbier than Bo, but it was more baby-fat than anything. He was still kind of cute, but not quite the looker that Bo was. Perhaps, however, Bo was more striking because he was more outgoing.

Before the two boys left, they allowed me to suck on their penises for a few minutes. They seemed to like this and left happily. Both boys returned later, and that time allowed me to pull their pants down to their ankles and stroke and suck them. Both boys laid silently, their little hard-ons pointing up in the air waiting for me to move back to them.

The second night a few other boys came around with Bo and Nong. By the time that all were there, there were six boys in my room, including my two little friends. Two were about eleven or so, and medium cute. One was about twelve and a little chubby, but none-the-less cute. The last boy was a living doll. He looked to be about seven or eight, slim, gorgeous, and a smile that melted you right away. He was super friendly right from the start.

The boys wandered around checking out my meager possessions and eventually discovered the bathroom. Indoor plumbing and showers were a luxury to them, and so when I indicated that they could shower if they wanted to, clothes began to fly in every direction, and I had six naked boys in the bathroom.

Not wanting to lose out on that good fortune, I got out my camera and went to the door to take pictures of them bathing. I wasn't sure if they would mind, and was pleased to find out that they didn't. While they washed themselves and clowned around for the camera, I snapped away, shooting almost an entire roll of film.

The youngest of the crowd came out of the bathroom first and dried himself off. When I motioned him to come over to my newly spread out bed, he did so without hesitation and flopped down onto it naked. He eagerly arranged himself in suggested poses while I shot away. When I reached over to play with his penis, he smiled and spread his legs, allowing me access. When I lowered my head into his lap, he placed one hand on my head urging me not to stop. Before the other boys came out of the bathroom, I had managed to suck him off, suck his balls for a while, and run my tongue around his little anus. He had one of the cutest and smoothest little backsides that I had ever seen, and he seemed to love being licked there. I was hoping that I could rim him proper before the night was over.

When the boys came out of the bathroom and dried themselves off, the older ones put their clothes back on after a few more photos. All of the other boys, except for the cute seven-year-old followed suit. I eventually arranged all of the boys on the mattresses, having them lay side by side. Once everyone was in position, I began to caress their genitals through the cloth of their pants. When I reached my naked little friend, I took his erection into my fingers and jacked him off a bit.

When I went back to the beginning of the line, the first boy allowed me to bring his cock out from the leg of his pants and I jacked him for a while as well. I went down the line, each boy allowing me to play with his dick. Ending back up with the little boy again, I lowered my head into his lap and took his erection into my mouth. The other boys began to giggle and whisper to each other, and each of them moved closer to watch me sucking the little kid off.

Chapter 4

After showing them how much the little guy enjoyed it, I had the boys get back in line, and I took each of their dicks out and sucked them a bit. When I came around for the second time the boys were willing to have their pants pulled down. On the third time, after licking the younger boy's ass a bit, the boys removed their pants just before I got to them, pulling up their legs offering their bottoms for licking.

One of the eleven-year-old had a fabulous dick. When soft it was fairly long and slim. He had one of my favorite foreskins, the type that hang down over the dick quite a way and has a little rounded point at the end. When he was hard, he had an impressive dick for a boy his size, not too small, not too large, just right for sucking.

The other eleven-year-old was average for a boy his size, and the twelve-year-old had a fairly small and fat dick and no pubic hair. He did, however, give me something none of the others could; he gave me a few drops of clear, sweat boy cum.

The boys allowed me to photograph them with hard-ons and then with them jacking themselves off. When I decided to expand the play a bit, and began to pull my shorts down, the games ended abruptly. The boy with the nice eleven-year-old dick, said the equivalent of "Oh, no!" and began putting his pants back on. The other boys followed suit and I was left by myself.

I figured that the boys were not yet ready to see my dick or to see me naked. Hopefully they would not be so shy in ones or twos. The next afternoon Nong showed up by himself. I was pleased that he was brave enough to do so. A few minutes after he arrived, I had him naked and was kissing, licking, and sucking him. He loved every minute of it. I wanted to get naked with him and have him return some of the games, but I didn't want to scare him off. I took his hand and placed it over the front of my shorts, letting him feel my hard-on.

At first he just let his hand stay there motionless, however, after a few squeezes of his hand, he began to explore, and started feeling me and tracing the outline of my dick through my shorts. He was only a little shy when I took his hand and placed it down inside of my shorts. When he was less shy, he began to rub his hand around.

Eventually I felt that he was calm enough, and I took my dick out of the leg of my shorts and let him see it for the first time. He looked wide-eyed for a few minutes and then reached out to touch it. He said over and over a few times, "yai," which I later learned meant "big."

In a few minutes Nong was stroking my erection with well-practiced strokes. It was obvious that he was not a novice to masturbation, and he obviously had some experience jacking off larger cocks. I decided that the younger boys must service older brothers or neighborhood kids.

Nong eventually allowed me to undress completely, and happily climbed on top of me, and rubbed off on my stomach. All the while that he was humping me, I was kissing him and running my hands over his little buttocks.

Laying Nong onto his back, I lowered my head and sucked his dick and balls into my mouth. I sucked him like this for a few minutes before I released his balls to give him a proper blowjob. Nong enjoyed being blown. He enjoyed it very much. I had the idea that he would lay there with me naked for hours if I would blow him. After paying close attention to his little, marble size balls, and the smooth skin between his legs, I pulled his legs up a bit and began licking his buttocks and area around his anus. Nong seemed to like this as much as being blown, and so I rolled him onto his stomach and spread his buttocks wide, diving down to bury my tongue between his cheeks.

Nong had a tasty little backside, and his anal ring was typical of boys his age, it was pliable, allowing my tongue to slip inside with little difficulty. Once past his ring, I buried my tongue as deeply inside of him as I could, and began rimming him. It was obvious that the boy had never been rimmed like that before. After a few minutes, with my tongue buried deeply inside of him, he came. I could feel his muscles tighten up against my tongue, a pleasure which I have never tired of.

Like other boys his age, Nong was a fast recoverer, and in a few minutes he was hard again and ready to go. After sucking his dick a little, I lay back on the bed and pulled his hand to my dick. He began to jack me off with one hand, while with the other hand he played with my balls. I reached a hand up behind his head and tried to get him to blow me, but he resisted doing so. After a few more tries I gave up and settled him into a side by side sixty-nine position. While Nong continued to jack me off, I sucked his cock, his balls, and then I returned my tongue to his ass.

Once Nong was totally enjoying being rimmed, I removed my tongue and moved my dick towards his lips. When I brushed against his lips, they were closed. A little prodding did not help; he was not going to open his mouth. I returned my tongue to his ass and rimmed him a few more minutes, and then tried my dick again. Eventually he got the message. I would rim his ass as much as he liked if he would blow me.

Pushing my tongue as far as it would go into his ass, I laid still waiting for him to begin. The unspoken message was, you start, I continue. To add emphasis to this I softly prodded my dick against his lips. A few seconds later I left his tongue swipe my dick. The minute that he did this, I moved my tongue inside of him a bit and then stopped. Another swipe of his tongue and I moved again. This continued a few more times until he began to move his tongue around my dick without stopping. The minute that he started this, I began to rim him again, this time with more vigor than before.

The more that Nong's pleasure increased, the faster and better he licked. I was rimming him non-stop, my tongue flying in and out of his little hole, which was open widely to accept me. When I prodded my dick against his lips the next time, he parted them a little, and took me part way into his mouth. I took his dick into my mouth for a few minutes to give him instruction, and eventually he began to follow suit, matching me blow for blow. When I thought that he had it down, I returned to his ass.

Nong began sucking quite well, and I was sure that mine was not the first cock that he had ever sucked, however, I doubted that he had ever sucked an adult, especially a foreign one. Nong shuddered to another climax, and about a minute later I came in his mouth. He didn't seem to be alarmed at this, but I did not see or hear him swallow. His mouth remained on my dick until I finished cumming, and then he calmly got up, went into the bathroom, spit the cum out and washed out his mouth. He returned with a big smile on his face and we cuddled for a while. I was sure that Nong had had experience with cocks that could cum. He handled it quite well.

After a while of cuddling Nong rolled over onto his stomach, offering me his buttocks. At first I thought that he was telling me that I could fuck him, but I soon realized that he wanted to be rimmed again. I complied, and for about ten minutes brought him to several climaxes. Afterwards I had him remain on his stomach, and I began to massage him, using some of my hand lotion, which I used during sex, to smooth him down.

Nong loved the massage and attention, and after spreading lotion all over and between his buttocks, I spread a little into his hole. Gently I inserted a finger and began to finger fuck him for a while. Nong loved this, and moved his little bottom up to meet my finger as it headed back down into him. From the way that he reacted to rimming and fingering, I knew that Nong would be willing to be fucked, but that had to be approached carefully so as not to make him scared of it.

I spread a little lotion between Nong's legs and then spread some over my dick. He was watching me as I did so. When I tried to get on top of him, however, he rolled over with a worried look in is eyes. I realized that he already knew about fucking, and wasn't too eager to get fucked by me.

I kissed and caressed him and then pointed to between his legs. To make my point, I moved over to him and put my dick between his legs. Lying side by side, I fucked in and out between his legs for a while, reaching down to kiss him now and then.

Eventually Nong let me turn him around so that his buttocks were facing me and I slid my dick between his legs in this fashion. After a moment or so, I rolled him onto his belly, and got on top of him and continued to fuck him in this manner, a position I enjoy when the boy is able to support most of my weight.

Every once in a while I would move my dick between his buttocks and rub it up against his hole. I wouldn't enter him, just rub off on his hole. He began to enjoy this and relaxed a bit whenever I neared his hole. Shortly before I came, he allowed me to apply a little pressure and a bit of the tip of my cock entered into his hole. I held firm, not going in further. Reaching down, I started jacking off. I knew that it would only take a minute or so like that. Just as I was beginning to cum the head of my dick slipped into his hole, and I fought to hold back any more entering him. I was successful, and was able to cum inside of him, a very pleasant experience.

After we showered we lay together cuddling more and he allowed me to kiss him proper for the first time. As my tongue probed his mouth, he opened and allowed me entrance. As he got the hang of it, he began to return the kisses and tongue explorations. Nong was soon to become one of the best tongue kissers I have ever known.

Later that same afternoon that Nong and I first made love, I was lying around my room, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. I was pleased with the arrangements I had there, even though I was on the verge of poverty and living in a room with almost no furniture.

I heard the commotion in the halls of a child playing, and shuddered for a moment. Although I can never refuse a boy, I was enjoying being alone at that moment. Eventually my curiosity got the best of me. I looked out into the hall, and not seeing anyone, I looked down one more floor. There on the stairs was the six-year- old boy from the restaurant jack off playing by himself. This time, however, he was dressed in a pair of short-short pants, and nothing else. I got hard immediately looking at him and remembering the time with him.

He looked up and said me and I smiled at him. I went downstairs to the restaurant and bought a coke, and headed back up the stairs. The boy had stopped his play and was watching me. I smiled, walked over, and offered him sip of my coke. He took one, and smiled. I smiled back and then slowly walked up the stairs back to my room.

For the next few minutes it was quiet. I didn't pull my door shut all the way, half in hopes that he would come up. A few minutes later I seen the door move a bit and his little head came peeking around. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He stood there a minute not knowing what to do. When I held out the coke bottle again, he smiled and came into the room. After taking a sip he headed back towards the door. I thought that he was going to leave, but he surprised me by shutting the door and fiddling with the lock a minute or so. When he couldn't lock the door, I went over and did so for him. He smiled and followed me over to the mattresses that were piled up and sat down leaning back against them with me.

For the next couple of minutes we sat there sharing the coke. When the bottle was gone, the boy looked up at me and said "yeeo," or something to that effect. I wasn't sure what he wanted, but it looked urgent. Finally the boy stood up and headed towards the bathroom. I followed and found that he had to urinate. He looked much relieved when he was done, and he didn't seem to mind my watching him.

When we returned to the bed-couch, I began to play with him tickling and things like that. He giggled and played along with our game. Once in a while I would lift up the leg to his shorts and peek and smile at him, and he would giggle. Eventually most of my actions were peeking up his legs at his penis. When I changed my tactics and pulled out the front of his short pants to peek, he giggled again. I did this a few more times, until one time I moved my head over to look, but didn't pull out his shorts first. I looked at him puzzled and he laughed and then pulled out the front of his shorts to show me. We both beamed our smiles at each other.

Chapter 5

Eventually the little guy got braver and pulled open the leg of my shorts to peek at me. He did this a few times and then pulled out the front of them to get a better look. His eyes were big, but there was a definite bulge in his pants. When I pulled his shorts out away from his body again, I was right, he had a little boner.

Deciding to play it brave, I pulled my erection out of the leg of my shorts. I smiled at him and looked at his crotch a few times. He reached down and pulled his out as well. I took my hand and started stroking myself, and he followed suit. I found that particularly erotic. I love to watch boys, especially little ones, jacking themselves off.

When I reached over and took a hold of his hard-on, he did not flinch. I took hold of his hand and placed it on my cock, but he moved it away. After a few more attempts and smiles, he took hold and began to explore me. He was a little clumsy at first, but after a little practice he got good with his hand.

After a while of jacking each other off, I reached over and began to pull his short pants down. I stopped and looked at him, and asked one of my few Thai questions, "Dai mai?" which means, is it all right. The boy smiled brightly at my using Thai and said "Dai!" and began tugging down his shorts. Once he was out of his, I shed mine and pulled him on top of me. Like most other boys, he began almost at once to rub off on me. All while he squirmed on my stomach, I stoked his satin-like little buttocks.

Standing the little boy up in front of me, I reached out and played with his cock a bit. Now came the moment of truth. Slowly I moved my head towards his dick. I stopped several times and looked up at him smiling. He was watching my every move. I moved forward more and kissed the tip of his cock. He squealed with joy and almost shouted, "Om kuay!" Luckily I didn't know what that meant at that time or I would have shuddered at his loudness. He had shouted literally, "suck cock", as in "suck my cock."

Even though I didn't know that he was asking me to do it, I had it planned anyway, and so once again I ventured forth and licked the end of his cock. When I went back in to lick again he grabbed onto my head and thrust his crotch in my face. That was green light enough, and I swallowed him whole. I gave that little boy a blowjob that he wasn't likely to forget for a long time. I sucked him like there was no tomorrow, and from his reaction, he didn't mind at all. His climax was fairly fast and powerful. I felt his cock jump and pulsate in my mouth and felt a tremor run through his body. I had "om kuay'ed" him well.

The second moment of truth was now at hand. Would he return the favor? I laid back, held my dick up with one hand, pointed at his mouth and my dick and asked the infamous "dai mai?" He smiled, but shook his head and said, "Mai dai!" which was of course, NOT! I made a sad, puppy dog face and he giggled. When I tried a few more approaches, he wouldn't budge, and I was about to give up, happy with what he would do with me, when I remembered a boy who once told me that a coin in hand worked wonders. He had a fondness for being blown by little boys.

I reached over and took a one baht coin from my pants. It was a small coin, not much worth. I again pointed to his mouth, my dick, and then held the coin up. He looked lovingly at the coin and then my dick, and said "Dai." I had found the password! The boy lowered his head and took a little of my dick into his mouth. He bobbed his head down once, coming up to say "neung", down and up for "song", and so forth until he reached five, at which time he stopped, smiled and took his coin, wiping his mouth on the back of his arm. This was the way in which I learned Thai numbers, was from him that afternoon. It seemed that he had a meter. One baht for five sucks.

I tried another coin, hoping for a discount rate, however, he gave me exactly five sucks and then took the coin. I was in a bind. I wasn't sure how many sucks it would take to get me off, and wasn't sure I could afford it. Finally I took the plunge. I took a ten baht note out and showed it to him. This interested him to no end. I figured that 10 x 10 equaled 100, and perhaps more importantly, a chance to cum.

The boy took the ten baht note and went back down on me and began to suck. At first it seemed as if his meter was still running, and that he was counting his bobs. Eventually, however, it seemed as if he gave the meter idea up. I figured that he did when I figured he reached one hundred and fifty bobs of his head. On bob number one hundred and sixty eight, I tensed and shot off inside of his mouth. He stayed with me a minute and then pulled his head off and watched me shoot. I noticed that what cum had been released in his mouth was no longer there.

When I finished cumming, he ran his fingers through it, and then took my dick back into his mouth once again, effectively cleaning it off. He played his tongue in a little pile of the cum on my stomach and it disappeared, however, he stopped there, seemingly filled.

I went and got a towel and washed the cum off and wiped his hands, chest, and mouth. With twelve baht in hand he didn't stay around long. He almost forgot his pants, and I stopped him just in time to pull them on for him.

I began to wonder what parents or others would say when the boy showed up with money or goods bought with the money. The conversation "I got it from sucking off the foreigner" didn't seem as if it would pass inspection.

By three hours later, and no knock on my door, I figured that things were safe. When a knock did come sometime later, however, I was a little alarmed. I relaxed when I seen it was the somewhat chubby 12-year-old, named Ben, who I had blown before. In tow were three little boys, none of which looked older than five. Ben smiled and came in like he had been visiting for years. The three munchkins followed him in the door, and naturally I locked it, wondering what was about to transpire.

After a few minutes of looking around, the little boys settled down next to Ben. Ben livened up things by hauling his penis out of his pants. He laid back and began playing with himself. The other boys giggled, but soon followed suit. I stood there watching wide-eyed. My 12-year-old friend was there pulling on his dick with three babies following suit. What would come next?

Out came Mr. camera, and after a little initial shyness on the part of the babies, I got some nice shots of little guys pulling off. Clothes were quickly discarded when I made it clear that I wanted naked pictures as well. Hands began to be swapped, led off by Ben, and for a while I couldn't figure out which hand belonged to which boy. Ben said something to the kids and they laughed and looked at me. He said something else, and one of them lowered his head and sucked Ben's dick. He stopped after a minute or so and the next boy took over, until all three had sucked him. He then returned the favor, briefly, on each boy.

The four boys sat there looking at me, hard-ons poking up in the air, and smiling. I had been so engrossed, I forgot to take some pictures, so I got my point across and they complied and this time I was ready.

Ben looked at me, and in a tone that indicated that he was talking to an infant he said something to the effect "ten baht, om quay, see khun" It didn't take much for me to figure that one out. They were offering to let me blow them each for ten baht. I was proud of myself for being able to figure that out. Forty baht would kill me, but I wanted them all badly, so I pulled out twenty baht and shrugged my shoulders, like "this is all I got." Ben looked it over, quickly said "Dai" and made room for me to get between them.

When I sat between them, however, Ben unzipped my pants and pulled my dick out. The other boys chattered among themselves about it, perhaps because it was big, white, and circumcised. Ben talked to them again and seemingly asked them to all agree on something. I found what that something was when he lowered his head and took my cock into his mouth. I was stunned and wrong! The forty baht was for them to suck me not the reverse. I felt guilty at that minute that I was so cheap, only offering twenty. To have a blowjob from four boys, three of them mere infants, was a bargain.

Ben made a good showing, and then told the closest boy to do it. The boy hesitated for a minute, but then put his mouth on my cock. He was not all that good at it, and he had very sharp teeth, and so I pulled him off after a few strokes and smiled at him. The next boy took over, and whereas he knew not to use his teeth, he could not handle more than the head of it, and sucked with his mouth almost totally open, not really touching my dick.

I was beginning to think that twenty baht was a fair price and that Ben was going to have to save the day, when number three went down on me. He was a cute little guy who had a short and fattish little erection and bigger balls than the other two. The moment his mouth wrapped around my dick, I knew that he had sucked cock before, and often. He couldn't take much of me into his mouth, but what he couldn't take inside, he licked around. What he took inside he treated to many delights. The boy was a talented cocksucker.

He stayed with me for a few minutes and then stopped, perhaps seeming a little embarrassed to be doing it for so long. I turned to Ben and motioned him back down again. He started to complain, but stopped and complied. Ben wasn't bad at sucking; however, he was no match for the younger boy.

After a few more tears from sharp teeth and open mouthed, boring, blow jobs, I decided to settle in with the talented boy. I offered the shower to Ben and the two boys and they accepted eagerly. The fourth boy was about to join them when I pulled him back to me. He smiled and I went down on him, pulling him down onto the mattress. I guess that for him a blowjob was better than a shower, because he stayed.

Flipping him up on top of me, he dove down on me just as I took his cock back into my mouth, and free from the others watching, he began to show just how talented he is. I have met a few little boys in the past who were good at sucking cock, but none quite as good as he was.

The boy sucked me right up to the point of climax. When I was ready to cum, I felt him slide my dick out from his mouth. I thought that he was going to have me cum outside, but all that he did was to position me so just my head was inside his lips. When the cum started shooting, he began to swallow, almost as if it were the natural thing to do. The boy took every drop that I had to offer, and when the flow stopped, he took me further into his mouth to finish me off. This boy definitely had older brothers.

Money in hands the boys left quickly, as I soon learned all of them did. The way to insure privacy is to award a boy with a few baht as soon as he showed up, and he would be back out again in seconds. Money burned holes in their pockets and they wanted to spend it as fast as they could. One good thing, however, is that most of these boys used their money for food.

Later that evening, Bo, Nong, and a few others showed up for a while. There were a few pictures, showers, and brief blowjobs for all of the boys, however, I was too worn out to be much fun. They left after having busted their nuts, happy as always.

Chapter 6

The next afternoon I was doing some serious work, like writing letters, when Nong and a new boy, slightly younger and smaller than him, showed up. I smiled kindly at them, but continued on with my work. They seemingly wanted to hang out, and so I left them to their own devices. A few minutes after I realized that it was awful quiet and looked around. Out on the ultra-small fenced in patio were the two boys, pants pulled to their knees, jacking off. I motioned them inside, as it was possible that someone might see them. The sight of the two boys jacking off, especially a new one which I had not yet seen naked or played with, proved to be too much, and so I stripped them naked and began stroking and sucking them. The smaller boy was quite shy. He had the body of a little Greek God, and I wanted very much to worship it and him. He eventually let me have my way and I got my fill of his little dick, balls, and nice smooth ass.

I laid the boys down on their stomachs side by side and spread lotion between their legs, although I believed the little one was so smooth he didn't need it. For good measures and in case I could play at cracks again, I spread some lotion there as well. I humped Nong for a while so the other boy could see that it was safe and felt good. I was in heaven when I began to hump the new boy. He was smoother than I dreamed, and the lotion accented it even more.

I switched back and forth between the boys for a while, knowing where I was going to cum when it was time. After a while I decided to try something which I always liked, watching younger boys fuck each other. I spread a little cream on Nong's backside and had him get on his hands and knees. I spread more cream on the other Boy's dick and positioned him at the entrance. With one hand I guided his dick and with the other I pushed on his buttocks. He went in with little trouble, and in a few minutes he took over his own movements, and began to fuck Nong. I doubted, by their reactions, that either of them had ever fucked each other before.

After it looked like the boy had cum, I had them change positions and greased Nong up. He was eager and willing and I had to hold him back so that he wouldn't thrust forward to quickly. He entered the boy's ass also with no difficulty, and I was jealous at once as he began to hump away at the boy's ass. The younger boy did not complain, even though Nong was fucking him pretty hard and steady. I filed that away for future reference. Nong is beautiful when he cums. It is visibly obvious, whereas with other small boys it is not always so. Nong clenched his buttocks, his feet began to twitch, and he sighed a long, sexy sigh. He had shot!

After the boys relaxed a bit, I decided it was my turn to cum. I wanted to do so in their mouths, but decided to thigh fuck them instead. I worked back and forth between them, when I thought of away that I could accomplish my goal of cumming between the smaller boy's legs without having Nong feel left out.

I positioned Nong in front, his buttocks facing us. Next I placed the smaller boy in back of him, his buttocks facing me. I pushed them up together so that they were close. On a second thought, I reached down and placed the boy's, hard again, penis between Nong's buttocks. I figured that if he could get it back inside on his own, he would have a fuck as well.

I ran a lotion covered hand through the legs of both boys and then got my cock ready. I spread a little lotion on the boy's crack as well, letting a finger toy at his hole a little. I was pleased to see the hole nibbling at my finger. I slid my cock between the boy's legs and pushed it through so that it went somewhat between Nong's legs as well. Now I could fuck both boys at once.

I decided that I was in no hurry so I settled down for a long leisurely fuck between the boy's legs. Every movement was like a piece of heaven. As I slowly moved in and out of his legs, I began to play around with the little boy's hole with my finger. The nibbling continued, and without any real discomfort, it slid part way into his anus. I fingered him gently like that for a while.

As time went on I found that I could get my entire finger inside of the boy and that he handled it without any real problems. I began to wonder if he could handle my dick as well. All indications were that he could. I had to find out.

Reaching over the boys, I grabbed onto Nong's hard-on and began jacking him off. That would keep him happy and unknowing as I tried the other boy's ass. I replaced the finger at his opening with my cock, and I felt him tense his body as he felt my dick touch him. I moved it around a bit, letting it rub across his opening without penetrating. After a few minutes he relaxed and I placed my dick up against his opening. Slowly I applied a little pressure and then stopped. I wanted to see if it would work. Sure enough in a few seconds his hole began to nibble again, opening and closing against my cock tip.

When this occurred, I pushed forward a bit, and the head of my cock slipped inside of him. I stopped at this point to let him get use to the feeling. He was warm and tight, but not so tight as not to be accessible. I knew at that moment that I could easily fuck this boy if he were so inclined to let me. I moved in and out a bit, keeping the same penetration level, and when he seemed comfortable with this, I moved forward a bit more. When I stopped the next time, the boy took over. He repositioned himself a bit and then I felt him move back against me. He was pushing his ass back onto my cock. All I had to do was to lie there and let him do his thing.

The feelings resulting from his self-penetration I cannot describe in words, only to say that it was beautiful. I had fucked many boys in my life, but never had I experienced such sensations. They were almost religious in nature. The boy stopped moving backwards only when there was no more to put inside of himself. He had taken me entirely inside of him with little to no effort or discomfort. I had only met three or four boys of his age and size who had been able to do so. With other boys it had been a long and slow process, taking place over days, weeks, and even months. This boy took all of me in a matter of moments.

I began fucking the boy almost as soon as he stopped pushing. I knew that I couldn't last long, and I wasn't sure how much he could take, so I decided to act quickly. At the last minute I decided that he could take more, and to save from shooting off, I pulled out of him and was just able to control my climax.

Wanting to last longer before I came, but not wanting to make him sore, I went back between the boy's legs. When I pushed forward through his legs I came across Nong, but he was positioned a little lower and I met his buttocks instead. I thought that it would be neat to try to get inside of him a little through the other boy's legs, and so I moved him a little, pulled him back closer to us, and wiggled my dick between his buttocks. He began to move away until I started jacking him off, and then he stayed put.

He allowed me partial entry. I ended up with a little more than the head inside of him and was able to fuck him for a couple of minutes before he pulled away saying "Jep. Phaw lau" Yep, I understood, it meant that something hurt. Phaw lau I learned later. It means "that's enough, or finished."

I didn't want to turn off either of the boys, nor hurt them, so I pulled out and went back to their thighs. When I was ready to finish it off, I went back against the smaller boy's ass. He didn't push back that time, but laid there and let me enter him. I accomplished this almost as easily as he had taken me.

Once inside of him I began to gently rock back and forth and then move in and out. He stayed with me all the way, and I even sensed a little wiggling of his butt against me. About halfway through, he reached down between him and Nong. I thought that he was going to jack off, but when I seen Nong jump a minute later and then moan and talk to the other in Thai, I knew that he was being penetrated again. The little boy had managed to get himself back inside Nong, and he was fucking Nong while I fucked him.

Somehow knowing the boy was fucking Nong while I was fucking him made it all the more enjoyable for me, and a few seconds later I thrust deeply inside of the boy and shot off. I lay there inside of him and felt as he continued to fuck Nong, and then reach his own climax. His anal muscles squeezed me as I lay there. Afterwards the boy allowed me to stay inside of him until I was soft and totally satisfied. I could not have expected a better fuck from a boy his age or size.

When he all separated, I kissed him long and passionate, and he not only allowed this, but also returned my kisses, his sweet breath and saliva like honey in my mouth. After showers and another blowjob for each boy, I slid ten baht into each of their pockets and sent them off on their way.

Chapter 7

When no more than five minutes after that my little six-year-old friend showed up at my door with his request "Om kuay, dai mai khap?" I almost screamed. By now you know that "om kuay" is suck cock and "dai mai" is a question like can I, or is it all right. Khap is a polite ending that is used in most sentences in Thai. Now I was not good enough to understand if he wanted me to suck his cock, he wanted to suck my cock, or both, but I wasn't about to let him go away unhappy. My golden rule was always keep the boys happy.

The little boy was out of his short pants in a matter of seconds and was jumping into my lap, offering his sweet little lips for kissing. I love to lay around after sex with the boy, cuddling, kissing, and just enjoying each other. I decided that perhaps I could substitute the little boy for the boy I just fucked and lay around naked with him. My only problem was that I had a horny boy on my hands and he probably would not want to just lie around.

My guess was right, for after a few kissed and cuddles he asked me to suck his cock, quite sweetly, with an innocent little boy look on his face. I laughed, and complied, bringing him to a few climaxes before I stopped. He was then ready for cuddling and kissing and we spent about a half-hour doing so.

Of course I realized that the boy liked having his cock sucked, almost every boy does. I knew, however, there he was also there for another possible gift of ten baht. When it looked as if I were not going to request him to suck my cock, which I wasn't, he began sliding down lower. I knew what he was about to do, but my second golden rule was never stop a boy who wants to suck your cock.

The boy teased my cock with his tongue, lips, mouth, and teeth before he got down to serious business, and began sucking me. Since he was more relaxed with me now, he seemed to suck better, and in no time he had me roaring hard again. Some people believe that there is nothing better than a very young boy's mouth on your cock. Some ancient Romans or Greeks were fond of taking unweaned babies into the baths and having them suck their dicks. Myself I am partial to any young mouth as long as it knows what it is doing, and the little boy was getting there quick.

Faster than I had expected, the boy had me at and then over the brink and I spilled a little cum into his mouth. I was greatly depleted by the earlier fuck, so the boy only got a little, but he treated it as if it were a bucketful. Perhaps to him it was. He also improved on his handling of cum. The previous day he had swallowed some, sucked a little more up, and then licked up a bit of it, showing that he was not adverse to swallowing. This time, however, he kept my dick in his mouth and swallowed all that there was to offer, and afterwards coaxed more out, smacking his lips as he waited for it to roll out.

Ten baht in hand the little guy threw on his clothes and headed out the door. Watching his little butt wiggle as he left, I made a mental note to rim him the next time he was here, and perhaps introduce him to a little finger play.

Luckily for me, the flow of boys did not begin right away, as I feared it would. I wandered down to the restaurant and had a meal and sat around resting and watching a few boys at play. They would smile sweetly at me when I looked, and every once in a while I would see them whispering to each other and then they would laugh and look over at me. It seemed that the word was out. I was in town and I liked little boys. From the telltale bulges in their short pants I knew that it would only be a matter of time before they showed up on my doorstep.

That evening I got a visit from a few older boys, in the twelve to fourteen-year-old range. They were not necessarily out of my age range, but since I was in a little kid mode, I was not too interested in them at that point. It seemed that this was fine for them, as they were just being sociable and friendly anyway. Since their command of English was a little better than that of the younger boys, I got information from them.

Nong was the younger brother of one of them "Knu." There was also one other brother, Nang who I had not yet had in my room. Bo and Ben were brothers as well as the little boy whom I had loved so much to fuck, and they were all younger brothers of another boy present, "Bee." Looking closely at Bee I could tell that he was their brother.

The older boys said that the little kids were happy because all of the other men liked older boys like them, and that I was the only one who played sex with the little ones. I was happy to hear that because I could have them to myself, sometimes a nice thing. Bee also told me that his little brother had told him that he didn't want to come to my room again because he didn't like having sex with me. I asked him if he knew what we had done, and he said, "Yeah, you fucked him." No big deal. I told Bee that he seemed to like it and that he fucked Nong while I fucked him. All he said, was the infamous Thai saying that I would come to love later "Mai Pen Rai." or it doesn't matter. Little brother came up and got fucked, loved it at the time, but didn't want to do it again, no big deal, little kids were quirky like that, so don't worry about it.

At a request to older brother, Nang, the missing brother, showed up the following day with Nong in tow. Nang was a cute kid, who kind of looked a lot like Reggie Jackson, except with more Asian features. Nang was not shy at all and was out of his clothes in a manner of minutes. He loved to be sucked and sucked in return. He seemed to like sex and sucked quite well. The brothers played around with each other upon my request, and I noted that Nang rimmed his little brother without batting an eye when I suggested it with my version of sign language.

It turned out that Nang would rim anyone who asked him, for a few minutes later his tongue was buried in my ass, and he rimmed as if it were the most natural thing to do. What surprised me even more was that Nong followed suit and seemed happy to please me by spending as much time with his tongue between my cheeks as I liked.

When it was Nong's turn to suck, he came on strong, seemingly not wanting to be outdone by older brother. Nong, it turned out, could suck a mean cock when he wanted to. I also filed this away for times when he gave half-assed blow jobs. The boy was good, both boys were good!

Nang had one other nice feature about him, and that was that he rolled onto his stomach at the tough of a finger and offered up his backside. Once properly lubricated and turned on, Nang proved to be a nice fuck, and a boy who could handle any type of fuck you could throw at him as long as you were gentle at first. Nang didn't know the meaning of the word no. He always wanted to please. It might have been that he was around eleven, and he felt that if he didn't put out he would be cast aside for the younger boys. When I got to know him better, I learned that he was just an easy going boy who loved to please, and who loved sex a lot.

About five minutes after I got through fucking Nang, I asked him if I could fuck him again, this time with him on his back and his legs in the air. He said yes almost without thinking, which went further towards proving my point that he was easy going and agreeable.

Nang and Nong became two of my regular boys. Their parents, however, were not happy about them coming to visit me, and so they had to sneak off when they wanted to visit, something that always made me leery.

I later found out the reason. One of the women who worked in the restaurant did not like the fact that I liked the little boys. They were kind of use to the men liking the older boys, but she felt the younger ones should not play. One day about six boys of assorted sizes and ages showed up at the door and within minutes were naked and in the shower. I snapped a few pictures and then heard banging on the door.

I hurried the boys to get dressed and when I opened the door it was that woman. She yelled at the boys and told them they were bad for getting water on the floor and bothering me. She scared them into leaving and then growled at me. She told one of my countrymen who was fairly fluent in Thai that she was mad at me, but she wouldn't tell him why. For my part I ignored her, but entered into a game to slip my boys past her. It was a real pain, especially since she only worked there and did not own restaurant or building, but that is just one of those little crosses which one has to 3; bare.

A short time after all of this one of the countrymen living in the same building decided to move to another nearby building with a little classier surroundings. When he left I had claim to all of his furniture and so I had now the luxury I needed, a real bed and odds and ends. Out went the mattresses.

The second thing that happened was that some ten and eleven-year-olds began to work down at the restaurant. They lived in the other part of town and often had to travel back and forth, or sleep down in the restaurant, something that they did not like at all. The kids worked long hours for little pay, and since I had met them before, I felt bad for them. I invited them up to my room, and while there I told them that if they wanted to they could sleep in my room while they were working down below. They all agreed and seemed happy with the offer.

Chapter 8

That night after the restaurant closed the three boys came up looking tired. They wanted to shower and did so, only a little shy with me around. I wanted to watch them as they bathed, of course; but then again, it was no secret to them that I liked boys.

After bathing I gave them each a pair of my brief-style underpants and they wore them. They looked very cute in them, even though in two of the cases, they were a little baggy. Camera came out and underwear pictures followed. One boy had a skin rash, a common ailment of Third World boys, and I took his underpants off and applied some medicine to help clear it up. He giggled as I photographed him naked, covered in my medicine.

The boys were not too uninterested in playing sex games. One was fairly horny and allowed me to suck him right off. The other took a little coaxing and the third was really shy, but finally he gave in and allowed me to pleasure him.

All three boys had nice dicks. They were just beginning to grow a bit and all had wonderful foreskins. Two of the three blew me a little, but they were to shy to go all the way. I decided not to push it, as we would have plenty of time ahead. The third, and very shy, boy wouldn't blow at all, but that was all right with me, since I found him extremely attractive and wanted to know him better.

The boys requested that I rent a VCR and a few tapes. At first I thought that it would be for porno, but they rented a few Chinese movies dubbed into Thai. They were extremely happy laying there and watching movies and sipping cokes. They purred like kittens when I would play with their dicks and rub their butts. All but one lost his underwear quickly. My little shy boy was more modest.

When we finally went to sleep, all in one bed, I sandwiched myself between the boys, making sure that my shy boy was near me. Three of us went to bed naked. My shy boy allowed me to take his underpants off when the lights went off. He also allowed me to fondle him a bit. I was in heaven when he reached over and fondled me in return. When my lips met his, he kissed back and I was in love. Head over heels in love.

When I awoke in the morning the boys were gone. I lay around a bit until I heard a noise. I looked over to where a small couch was in the corner of the room and there laid one of the boys, still naked. He was on his stomach, his bare butt sticking up in the air. I lay there watching him a few minutes and eventually seen him peek out from under his arm and then pretend to be asleep again. I had a feeling that the boy was offering me to come over to him. It was one of those six sense things where no words were exchanged.

The boy lying in that position with his bare butt out in the open meant only one thing in my mind. He was offering himself to me, even though he was too shy to approach it directly, he wanted to get fucked. I considered this for a few minutes and then got up and went over to him. I stroked and petted his butt and heard him begin to breathe heavily. He didn't respond when I called out his name, "Du", and so I guessed the game. He was going to be "sleeping" and I could do with him what I wanted. Since his butt was in the open, I guessed what he wanted.

I spread his cheeks and played with his hole a little. While there I checked to make sure that he did not have the same skin ailment as his friend, or that he didn't have scabies or anything like that. The boy's skin was perfectly clear, soft and lovely, and so I skipped breakfast to enjoy rimming his cute little ass.

Getting up I went to the bathroom and took the bottle of lotion down from the cabinet and then grabbed a hand towel. I stood there rubbing lotion over my dick. I could see the boy peeking up at me, and knew that he could see me lubricating myself. It didn't take much imagination to guess what I was going to do, especially him lying there with his butt uncovered.

I returned to the bed and rubbed some lotion onto his anus. The boy didn't respond or move away, and so I knew that I was right. He wanted to be fucked. Gently I entered the boy and found little resistance. After settling in a bit, I began to fuck him like one can only fuck an older boy. Fucking young boys or small boys is fun and very enjoyable, however, I have always found that there is that one particular age or stage at which a boy is the most fuckable, and when he is at his best time for being fucked. Du was at that stage when I entered him. The sex with him was mad, wild, and passionate. Although he responded under me and moaned and groaned throughout, obviously in great pleasure, he maintained his game that he was sleeping.

I ejaculated inside of him with more force than I had done in years, and felt as if my entire existence was flowing out of my dick and into the boy's ass. I though that perhaps it was boys like Du which had made the Greeks come to believe that knowledge and good traits were passed to a boy while fucking him, by injecting him with semen.

Afterwards I got up and went to the shower, leaving Du to figure out how he wanted to handle things. A few minutes later he was in the shower beside me and we washed each other. He did not indicate that he had just been fucked, or that he enjoyed it, or anything, we just smiled and washed each other. Going to my knees I sucked Du off, receiving a small but sweet reward for my efforts.

That night was a repeat of the previous. The boys came up, showered and got into underpants. We rented the VCR and movies and ate munchies while I nibbled on their munchies. "Noi" the boy with the skin rash was clearing up, and we slipped off to the bathroom for "another shower." Noi proved to be a good cock sucker and eager swallower. He gave me what had to amount to one or two drops of fluid when I returned the favor, showing that he was on the verge of coming of age. Noi also interested me by allowing me to rub my dick against his opening while all soaped up. We got to the point of about half penetration, before he told me that it hurt as asked me to stop.

Some boy-lovers whom I have met have always told me that once you start fucking a boy don't stop until you cum. They say that a half-fucked boy is ruined for fucking forever. They justify their reasoning with the fact that the boy will probably like it towards the middle or end of the fuck, and so it should continue. My thoughts have always been that if a boy complains of discomfort, stop or try a different approach. If it still hurts him, or he requests you to stop, you stop, regardless of how high and dry it leaves you feeling. I have had many of times when I was likely to go crazy after having to stop in the beginning, middle or end of a fuck, but when a boy says enough, it is enough, and that's that.

I half wanted to invite Du into the shower to finish my fuck, however, since he played at sleeping during our morning fuck, I didn't want to ruin it by confronting him with it while he was "awake." Noi sensed my discomfort and offered his smooth little legs for getting off. The way that he held them tight and the way that he played with the end of my dick as it thrust through his legs soon had me forgetting about the aborted fuck, and I came happily onto his stomach and the bathroom wall.

The third, and yet to be named boy, was called Thoi, a nickname which he invented for himself sometime prior. Going back into the bedroom I wandered over to Thoi and pulled his underpants down to his knees while I lay beside him. At first he gave me a warning look, but he then softened and allowed me to caress him as he watched the movie. It was only a matter on moments before I had his underpants off, and his legs spread wide. I feasted on his genitals. Since I had not been able to enjoy him so freely prior to that, it was especially enjoyable. The fact that the other two naked boys lay near half-watching us, made it even more exciting.

Thoi came to a rather bumpy climax, and I was interested to see that it was totally dry. He had not yet begun to produce boy juices, however, I decided that it would not be too long before he did. His genitals were in that between stage, half way between a little boy's and an older youth's. At times, and on certain boys, I loved this stage. On Thoi I loved it, they fit him well.

Late that evening when we were sleeping, I was awakened by what felt like a mouth on my cock. When I came fully awake I looked over and seen Du heading off towards the couch. He was naked as usual, and when he lay down, he did so on his stomach, buttocks facing up. I waited about five minutes to give him time to "go to sleep," and then I headed over to the couch.

I ran my hands over the silky skin of his buttocks, and parted them, brushing my finger up against his anus. When he did not respond, I realized that he wanted to be fucked again. Quietly I got up and got the necessary equipment. Entering him was as easy as the first time, and once firmly implanted inside of him, I settled in for a long and leisurely fuck.

Chapter 9

There are times that I like to fuck in the style of the ancient Japanese. When they use to fuck their boys, it would be an affair that would last for hours, if not all night. Once they were fully inside a boy's rectum, they would lie motionless for hours and just savor the feeling of the boy's ass hole. Every once in a while I liked to do this and would like to stay inside a boy for hours if he would allow this. There were only a few boys who really ever let me do so. With a few boys that I had fucked numerous times, once they fell to sleep I would enter them and then just lie there inside of them. Sometimes we would stay joined until morning; however, most became irritated in their sleep and moved off of my cock at some point during the night. One of the most wonderful feelings in the world is to grow hard, then soft and then hard again inside of a boy's body. Nothing in the world is quite like that.

I settled into Du, knowing that this was going to be a long and "Japanese" fuck. After a little while, however, it was obvious that Du did not share my interest in classical sex. He began to squeeze himself against my dick, and then when this didn't work he began to move himself around a bit, all while pretending that he was moving in his sleep. His message was clear. Fuck Me!

I decided that first I would satisfy him and then when he was happy I would settle in for my night inside of his ass. I began to fuck quite abruptly, catching him by surprise. I heard him gasp as I began to thrust. He recovered quickly, however, and in no time he was keeping up with me. I noticed that he was a little more active in the area of participation. He was really getting into wiggling and squeezing against me.

After a few minutes I rolled him onto his slide and began jacking him off as I was fucking him. I could feel his cock pulsate, and stopped several times just before he was ready to cum. Du wanted to get fucked, and fucked he got. I pulled out of him and pulled him onto his hands and knees. It was a little awkward as he pretended to be sleeping, but when I held him firmly in place, when I let go he remained there. I entered him and rode him with some fever for a few more minutes. Pulling out I rolled him onto his back and putting his legs onto my shoulders, I entered him and began to power fuck him, something I liked to do with boys who were able to do so.

Fucking Du in this position proved to be a little more than I could handle, and after a few more strokes I buried myself inside of him and came. The orgasm that I experienced subsequently was as powerful as the first time, if not more so. I felt Du's body shudder and just as my hand reached his cock, his cum came flowing out. It seemed to be that there was more of it that time. Gathering up as much as I could with my fingers, I brought them to my mouth and tasted his refreshing sweetness once more.

Perhaps Du was expecting me to go back to my bed after we came, but I think that I surprised him by rolling him onto his side and sliding back inside of him. I wanted to get back in before I went totally soft and was unable to. Once inside I pulled him close and settled in for a night of Japanese pleasure. I heard Du sigh as we slipped off to sleep.

Much to my great pleasure I woke the next morning still deeply inside of Du. I had a morning piss hard-on, but I was sure that I could manage to cum before the urge to empty my bladder was too overwhelming. I began to move in and out of Du. He jumped a little startled as he woke, but when he realized where he was, who was inside of him, and what was happening, he calmed a little and moved a bit so that I could have a better angle with him. I decided that the time had come to "wake" him up and have him an awake and active participant in our sex. I knew just the way to accomplish that goal.

Pulling out of him slowly, savoring his ass muscles squeezing against me trying to hold me inside, I climbed over him and laid down in front of him, my back to his front. Taking the lotion in hand, I lubricated my anus, and then his penis which was, like mine, totally hard. Holding him in one hand, I moved backwards and positioned him up against my anus. I wiggled back a little to make sure that he was firmly planted at my entrance, and then I reached behind him, grabbed onto his buttocks, and pushed him forward.

Du was in a difficult position. I could tell by the way that his body tensed and his cock jumped, he wanted badly to fuck me. In order for him to do so, however, he would have to be awake. It was just what I had intended. Du laid quietly for a few minutes while I guided his buttocks, pushing him into my and then pulling him out. A few minutes later I stopped and waited to see what he would do. After a short hesitation I felt him begin to thrust forward. Once he had penetrated fully, he stopped for a minute, and then pulled back out. Lust took over, and the boy began to thrust steadily in and out of me.

When it seemed as if I had captured his interest, I pulled away from him, and positioned myself on my hands and knees. I backside was readily available to him, but he would have to get up onto his own knees, re-penetrate me and then fuck, which meant that he had to be fully awake. It did not take long before I felt Du jabbing at my backside again. The boy was too horny to play his sleeping game. He wanted to fuck.

Du was at the age at which his genitals were starting to grow, and I was pleased to feel his fairly hefty boy-man cock plowing in and out of me. I was equally happy to feel his balls slapping up against my buttocks as he thrust. I wanted to give Du as much pleasure as possible, and so once again I moved away from him. This time I settled myself on my back, and pulled my legs up to my chest, offering him my ass once again.

This time Du had to fuck me face to face, something which he had not yet done. He looked a little sheepish as he got onto his knees, but he took hold of my legs for balance, pushed his erection inside of me, and started to fuck me fairly fast and hard. Within minutes Du was giving me a fuck which was making me gasp and pant. The young boy was a hell of a power fucker, but it was obvious that he couldn't last too long doing that. I could feel his body beginning to respond, and I believed I could feel his dick grow fatter, a sure-fire sign that he was about to bust his nuts inside of me.

As gently as I could, I pulled away from him. He had a wounded look on his face. He wanted to cum, but I kept stopping him from doing so. I knew that he could not stand much more of that, and so I positioned for the final fucking style in which I would let him cum. Du looked a little confused as I laid him down on his back. As I started to crawl up towards him, he began to lift his legs up. I guess that he figured that his fuck was over and that it was my turn. I was tempted to fuck him in that position, but I decided to save that for later. I wanted to feel him shoot his boy load inside of me.

I pushed Du's legs back down and crawled up on top of him, straddling him in the process. I positioned myself so that my anus was just over his dick, and then holding him with one hand, I lowered myself down onto him. To this day I wish that a camera had been present to capture the look on his face as my ass slid down his cock. The boy had such a look of surprise and pleasure on his face; it would have been a priceless photograph.

I started immediately to fuck myself up and down on his cock. When he began meeting me on my down strokes, I knew that he was ready. I began to ride him for all that he was worth, madly thrusting myself up and down on his cock. This was a little too much for Du to handle, and with one last upward thrust, he let out aloud groan and I sank myself down onto his groin. I felt his cock swell, pulse, shoot, and then repeat the same actions over and over again. All the while that he was cumming, Du was moaning and wiggling around wildly. I could feel him shoot inside of me with great force. He must have pulsed and shot five times before he finally sagged back down onto the mattress.

I stayed on top of him for a few more minutes, every once in a while thrusting a little, and squeezing his deflating penis with my anal muscles. When I felt him going even limper, I bent forward, and bringing my face down to his, I kissed him firmly on the lips. It took only a few seconds of prying with my tongue before he finally opened his mouth and responded. We laid in that position cuddling and kissing for about ten more minutes.

Finally nature called, and we both headed to the bathroom to relieve ourselves. As I rounded the corner to the bathroom I noticed that Thoi was awake and watching us. I assume that he had watched most, if not all of our fuck. I smiled at him, and he blushed a little. His hand was down inside of his underpants, and the garment was tented out quite impressively.

Chapter 10

While in the bathroom Du and I decided to shower. We soaped each other and washed each other's bodies lovingly. I rinsed off his dick for his second cum of the day. I sucked him to climax, kneeling on the shower floor, swallowing his sweet boy cum. I was rewarded soon after with a kneeling blowjob from Du. He kept sucking me as I came, and afterwards he made a small show of spitting out my cum. However, I noticed that whereas I had cum at least a "gallon", he had not spit hardly anything out from his mouth. My little lover had swallowed, perhaps, his first load of cum, or at least his first load of foreign man cum.

We soaped ourselves up again, and enjoyed rubbing up against each other. Finally Du turned his back to me, bent over, and spread his ass cheeks, looking around his body at me, smiling. It was his first awake invitation to take his ass. He wanted me to fuck him right there in the shower, our first standing fuck. I wanted to take him back out to the bed and fuck him "properly," however, I knew that Thoi was awake, and probably the others as well, and I did not think that Du was ready to be seen being fucked in front of his friends.

Gently, I entered him and began to rock back and forth in his ass. After a few minutes, I stood still and began moving his hips back and forth on my dick. I enjoyed the feeling of a boy's body sliding on and off my dick perhaps more than actually thrusting in and out of him. Boys who were physically small enough for me to hold in my arms, I would pick them up, hold them to my chest, and then lower them out straight from my body, supporting their bodies with my arms at their necks and lower backs. I would then slid into them and fuck them a bit. Slowly I would move my arms down their backs until I was holding their buttocks or hips. At that point they would have to support themselves in the horizontal position. They usually accomplished this by wrapping their legs around my waist. Holding their buttocks or hips, I would then move them on and off my dick until I came inside of them.

I decided that as much as I wanted to try this position with Du, he was a little too big and heavy for me to be able to do it, especially standing in the shower. I was happy, however, to find that out standing position was just as pleasurable. When I stopped sliding Du on and off me for a minute to re-foot myself, I was surprised to find that he took over the action. He began to slide himself back and forth on my dick. I decided to relax and enjoy him fucking himself on my dick. Although at first I thought that I might not be able to cum like that, Du soon became quite good at it, experimenting with various things to increase both of our pleasures. Within minutes I buried myself deeply inside of him and filled him with my cum. The boys left for work a few minutes later, the other three complaining that we took too long in the shower, making them have to rush, and I went back to bed with dreams of having Thoi in the shower sliding his backside on and off my dick.

During the day I decided to go out roaming around. I only got lost a few dozen times, but I managed to find all of the places I had intended to find. A few blocks away from my apartment I ran across one of the most beautiful Thai boys I had ever seen. He was nicely dressed, and looked extremely available. It is quite easy for boy-lovers to spot an available boy. It is like a sixth sense. The body language given off by a boy in this mode is especially designed for boy-lovers to translate.

Gathering my courage, hoping that I was right, I approached the boy. He had a little bit of practice with English. I would learn later that his English was boy hustler English. He learned what was necessary to turn tricks with foreign men. I quickly learned that the boy was named "Noi," that he was eleven 3; almost twelve, and that he wanted to come and visit me at my house. When I told him where I lived, he frowned a little. Perhaps he had visions of a rich tourist taking him back to his suite.

Realizing that he might have made a mistake, he quickly turned to business. He told me that he would come back with me, and we could "play," all for five hundred Baht. Now I might have been new in town, but twenty dollars for some play with a boy in a land where almost any boy was willing and able, was a little steep.

Thinking that something good could come from the adventure, I pretended that I understood him and said, "Come on," heading off towards my apartment. I walked into my building without too many people noticing my companion. Once inside I told him, and motioned for him to take his clothes off. Without batting an eye, the lad stripped off his clothing and stood before me totally naked. I decided that just in case things went badly when he learned that I wanted to negotiate his fee, I took out my camera and began snapping photos of the beautiful boy. The boy seemed pleased that I was paying so much attention to him, and so he posed in all of the positions that I suggested. Just as eagerly he stroked himself to an erection for my lens. The boy was perhaps among the most beautiful I have seen anywhere in the world.

One of my favorite shots of him was him lying on his back with his legs spread wide, giving a clear view of his erect penis, his droopy testicles, and his tiny puckered anus. If awards were given for boy photos, that photo would have been a first prizewinner.

Figuring that it was time to get to know him better, I undressed. I watched his expression as I undressed. He was looking me over as each article of clothing came off, seemingly waiting until I bared my penis for him. I was sure that if he were a professional boy, he would be a little interested in the size of my cock. A small or medium size would mean an easy time for him. I was sure that part of his bag of tricks was offering up his backside, so I was equally sure that he was hoping that I would not be too big in the dick department.

I hated to disappoint him, however, I was not so small in the dick department. I was wishing at that moment that I could explain to him that he need not be concerned as I was quite versed in fucking boys and that my size would not hurt him, but I could not get that point across. I watched his eyes grow large as he saw my erection pop into view. The boy totally turned me on, my erection proof of that.

After seeing my dick, the boy seemed as if he wanted to re- negotiate our agreement, however, he simple sighed, seemingly accepting his fate. His next move, however, was one that I had never seen outside of New York's 42nd Street. The boy demanded his payment in advance. That was something which I later learned was unheard of in the East.

Knowing that things would not be going well in the next few minutes, I made an honest search of my pants pockets. I looked shocked as I pulled out a bunch of small notes and coins. I looked through all of my pockets, looking bewildered that I had so little money. To add to the drama, I looked through a few drawers and things, and then sat down a little sad looking. The boy watched closely as I counted the bills out, adding a few coins to the pile to make an even amount. The impressive looking pile, however, turned out to be only two hundred Baht. I was three hundred short of his requested fee.

With a little sad look on my face, I pulled fifty Baht from my pile. I handed it to him and reached for his short pants, handing them to him at the same time. I looked at him sadly and told him that I didn't have enough. The fifty Baht was his for letting me take pictures of him. The boy looked angry at first for his time being wasted. My sad face, however, was having an effect on him. I think that he was beginning to feel sorry for me.

Looking at me one more time, he spread his legs a little, held up the fifty Baht, and said, "OK, you suck me fifty Baht." My little hustler was giving me his dick for fifty baht. I suspect that he had never even let a tourist seem him naked for fifty Baht. Not wanting to lose the chance for a least a little sex with him, I dove down on his dick and sucked him to a rather bumpy climax. Just when he was pushing my head away, indicating that the blowjob was over, I said one minute and began sucking on his balls. This quieted him a little, but only for a few more minutes. When I began to lick lower between his legs, however, he quieted a bit. When my tongue ran up against his tiny opening, he spread his legs further, and lad back. Seemingly he was quite interested in me rimming him.

A little concerned where his ass hole had been in the past, I dove into him and rimmed him better (I hoped) than he had ever been rimmed before, if any tourist had ever ventured to lick his ass before fucking him.

Finally he seemed to be satisfied, and I realized that I was soon to lose him. I decided to try another ploy to have him with me longer. I pulled out another fifty Baht and asked, "You suck me?" He looked at me as if I were crazy, and saw my face as it dropped. I put on one of my best pouts, guaranteed to melt all but the hardest boy. He looked at me, back at the fifty Baht, and back at me again. He had an aggravated look on his face, but I could tell that he was a little sad at my sadness.

The End