The Devil's AdvocateChristian's
SummaryJack, now Janice, completes her initial sissy training and is allowed to leave the school's confinement area. She is far from free though. Will life get better for her or worse?
Publ. Aug-Nov 2014
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CharactersJack/Janice (13yo), Danielle (14yo), Dean Miller, Dr. StanfordCategory & Story codesSchool & Boyfriend storyMt tt Ft tg – non-cons[Mt]/cons[tt] oral anal – Mdom humiliation cross-dressing chast incest toys spank bond (Explanation) |
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. |
Author's disclaimerThis story contains sexual encounters with young kids. Pretty much all of my stories include domination/submission, nonconsensual sex, incest, and… well, it just goes down hill from there. If this type of story does not interest you then please don't continue. If you are under eighteen then please do not read it either. If this sort of story is illegal in your particular jurisdiction then do not continue reading. All of the material in my stories is fictional. I don't even pull ideas from news stories. So, if anything in my stories sound "familiar" then it is just a coincidence… nothing more. Also, don't try this at home! I do not condone such activities in real life. Also, I do not recommend that you try duplicating anything mentioned in my stories; even if you are doing them legally. I try to keep most of the activities semi realistic, however, many of these things can and probably would cause severe damage. |
Author's noteThis will probably be the final story in the Robert series. You can find the full Robert series at: you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Perversedreams(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with The Devil's Advocate - Christian's School of Humility 2 in the subject line. |
THE STORY SO FAR: This story takes over where "Christian School of Humility" left off. In that first story a 13-year-old boy named Jack gets a job at the school as a janitor. The private school's curriculum involves a lot of sexual activities with the students. Needless to say, Jack loves his new job. Unfortunately, he makes the mistake of sneaking in to an off limits area. There he discovers that not all the students at the school are actual girls. Some are boys dressed like girls. They catch Jack spying and as punishment they decide to make him a student as well. Or was this their plan all along? Bill, Jack's father and the headmaster at the school, not only gives them permission to turn his son into a sissy but participates in the training as well. By the end of Christian School of Humility Jack is well on his way to becoming a very obedient and well trained sissy. Preface:Eight months. Had I known they were going to keep me locked up in here this long I probably would have killed myself the first week. Okay, I guess it isn't so bad here now. However, I remember how bad it seemed back then. Being turned into a sissy seemed horrible back then. Granted, I was barely 13 at the time. Not that I'm 14 yet. The really strange thing is that now I almost welcome the transformation. I barely even remember my old name, 'Jack'. Now I just think of myself as 'Janice'. Sure, there are moments here and there where I miss being Jack. There are also many times when I still feel ashamed and embarrassed when having sex with men. I don't feel I'm gay 3; not really. Yet, I've had gay sex so many times that it kind of seems natural now. Just like dressing up like a girl seems natural. All of that said, if I had a choice I would probably choose to be Jack again. Provided of course that I would no longer have to have sex with men. While having sex with men doesn't bother me as much as it used too, I very seldom actually enjoy it. It is normally just a task that needs to be performed 3; kind of like brushing your teeth. Having sex with girls, however, is still very enjoyable for me. Not that I really get to do any of that. Casey, one of my trainers, is female. However, I never get to actually fuck her. If I'm a good girl then sometimes she will let me use my tongue on her as a reward. It isn't much but it still reminds me sometimes of what it was like to be a real boy. It is supposed to be a reward but normally I end up crying for an hour or two afterward. The closest thing I actually get to fucking a girl is when they have me play with other sissies. For a few months I even had a sissy 'girlfriend' named Danielle. I guess technically she is still my girlfriend. However, for the past five months I have only gotten to see her a few times. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. That was true with Danielle for the first few weeks we were separated. However, during that time I started thinking about her role in my training. I want to believe that she really loves me but deep down I know her only role was to kick start my training as a sissy. Well, that and to help convince me to pick her father, the dean, as my 'mentor'. They take the student/mentor relationship very seriously in this school. The mentor not only keeps track of your progress but performs a ton of your 'specialty' training both during and often outside the school environment. Of course, right now all the time I spend with my mentor is in my little prison here in the 'secret' secure area of the school. Picking your mentor is about the only choice they give students around here. Not that I was given much of a choice. They only gave me a choice between four people: my father, Victor, Dr. Stanford or the Dean. My father was out of the question. First off, there is no way I would want to live with my mentor. And second, he's my father! Sure, as part of my training they have made me do things with my father. Plus, I'm sure they will make me do even more down the road. However, I'm not about to volunteer for it. Victor is an instructor at the school and also a very long time close friend of our family. Despite him being Mexican and obviously not a blood relative, I grew up calling him Uncle Victor. For a long while I thought about picking him as my mentor. However, I feared it would mean additional sex with my father since my father and Victor spend so much time together. Plus, as the days went by during my training I quickly realized that Uncle Victor isn't the type of person I thought he was. Let's just say he hasn't taken it easy on me during my training. Dr. Stanford was my number one choice for about two seconds. He apparently can't get hard so at first I figured he would be perfect considering I'm not gay. However, I quickly discovered that Dr. Stanford enjoys causing as much pain to his patients as possible. Picking him as my mentor would have meant years of physical torture in one fashion or another. No way did I want any part of that. That left me with the Dean. I had various reasons why I picked him. However, looking back I now realize almost all of them are bullshit. When it comes down to it I picked him because I was blinded by love for Danielle, his son/daughter. I still don't fully understand what came over me in regards to Danielle. She is really a boy after all. And like I've already said, I'm not gay. So, how could I fall in love with her? I can only guess it is because I already had a crush on her from when I thought she was really a girl. That and the fact that she clearly took advantage of my time of weakness during those first few weeks and tricked me into falling for her. I now see this of course. I know I should hate her now that I can see this, but strangely a part of me still loves her 3; in a non gay kind of way of course. Chapter 1Janice sits in front of her mirror putting on her makeup and fancying up her black shoulder length hair. She is so happy that she can't help but giggle from time to time. Today marks a milestone in her training. She is going to finally get to leave the confines of the secure area she has lived in for the past eight months. She is so excited. Yet, a small part of her is also a little scared. She has come to feel safe in her little prison. There are lots of dangers out there. These dangers aren't just from others, but from herself as well. In her secure little habitat there is only so many things she can mess up and get punished for. Out there is a whole world of random permutations that could result in her messing up. Yes, it is scary as hell out there. However, it pales to the excitement of finally tasting freedom. Not that it will truly be freedom. The non removable wrist watch she wears has a gps tracker built into it. They will also ensure they have a pair of eyes on her at all times. Sometimes it will be via hidden cameras and other times it will be a physical presence. Still, it is a ton more freedom than she has experienced since they locked her in here so many months ago. "Hurry up, Nancy," Janice growls at her soon to be ex roommate. Nancy is actually Janice's second roommate since her imprisonment started. Her first roommate was an eight year old redhead named Emily. It pisses Janice off that Emily only had to stay in the secure area for training for two months. It ticks her off even more that the same will probably be true for 9 year old, Nancy. The reason for their short stay is obvious even to Janice. They are younger and it takes less effort to get them brainwashed. Plus, both of the little boys had some home training prior to being enrolled at the school. Janice had no prior training and was 14. She is old enough to know they are trying to brainwash her into becoming a proper little sissy. Therefore, it has taken them considerably longer to accomplish the task. Even now Janice doesn't feel they were successful. She doesn't really feel any different. She still doesn't feel gay or anything like that. Not really. Sure, she will quickly obey about any sexual demand put on her, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is brainwashed 3; does it? Janice also no longer wants to escape this place. Well, deep down she kind of does. However, she has come to accept that there is no easy escape. Sure, she could run away from home and the school but she will never be able to escape what they have turned her into. Her transformation is more than just mental. For the past eight months they have been drugging her with their own special cocktail of estrogen and who knows what other drugs. Her body no longer looks like a boy's. Her body is very soft and curvy now. Her breasts are also growing at an alarming rate. She is almost to a B cup already. Her breasts are almost as big as Danielle's. And Danielle has been taking estrogen for years now. Janice sometimes still cries when she thinks about her new body. However, most often she is proud of it. She is proud of how sexy she looks. Especially once she paints her nails and does her makeup and hair. She might not want to have sex with men but she enjoys the power her body has over them. Even the Dean sometimes drools over her. With a little more seduction training she is sure she will have her mentor eating out of her hand. Janice isn't stupid. She knows that she is really still a boy. However, that is what gives her the real power trip. The idea that with her looks and enough training she could probably seduce about any man. Even the heterosexual ones that know she is really a guy. She knows it is possible because that is exactly what Danielle did to her. The school of course provides a lot more than just seduction training. It has the best academic record in the state. Once she graduates she will not only have the pick of whatever college she wants to attend but will be able to breeze through the courses like they are child's play. "Nancy!" Janice pulls herself out of her daydream and heads to the bathroom to see what is taking Nancy so long. Janice finds the little boy kneeling in front of the sink trying to put his butt plug in. "It's too big," Nancy says between sobs. Even Janice has to admit that Nancy looks cute kneeling there trying to force the large plug up her ass. Nancy has the cutest button nose and beautiful long curly blonde hair. If it weren't for her tiny penis you would swear she was a real little girl. Yeah, Nancy is going to make a very good Humbled girl. Even the way she pouts has a certain seduction to it. Janice can't let Nancy's quivering lower lip and pouting get to her. Like Danielle was once Janice's trainer, Janice is now Nancy's. Or at least for another 40 minutes or so. Janice isn't sure what will happen after today. They told Janice she would be going home after classes let out. However, they have played cruel jokes on her in the past. It is possible they will escort her right back here. Janice lets Nancy struggle with the plug for a minute before taking action. "Stand up and show me the plug." Nancy is still pouting but Janice notices the hint of a grin on the little girl's face. Janice gets a little angry at the thought that the girl might be playing her. Today is Nancy's first day with her new number 2 plug. It is 1.75" [4½ cm] thick at it's widest point so it is entirely possible that it is too big for her. When Nancy holds the plug up it becomes clear what the problem is. Nancy didn't lubricate it first. Nancy is new here but she isn't THAT new. The little minx is trying to get Janice to downsize her back to the smaller number 1 plug. Well, that isn't about to happen. Not that Janice has the authority to make that decision anyway. "Listen you little shit," Janice growls as she stares down at Nancy. "If that fucking plug isn't up your ass in the next minute then you will be getting a special visit from the Headmaster." Nancy swallows hard at both Janice's tone and the mention of the Headmaster. Nancy has gotten a visit from the Headmaster before. It was not a pleasant experience. The Headmaster is in charge of dishing out the more severe punishments. The man didn't even remove Nancy's plug before administering a very severe spanking. Then the man made her 3; do naughty things. Needless to say, the plug is in it's proper place well under the one minute deadline. Janice doesn't like being mean to Nancy. However, she knows life will be a lot worse for Nancy if she isn't trained properly. Not that Nancy needs much training. Nancy is just that 3; a nancy boy. The boy is either naturally gay or he was trained to be a sissy since birth. About the only thing Janice had to teach the boy was school procedures and rules for sissies. Of course, Nancy's hole needed some training as well. Apparently, Nancy's dad has a small dick. Nancy could barely manage the 1" [2½ cm] plug when she first arrived. That might suffice at home but not in this school. Most of the teachers and employees here have rather large cocks. Hence the ever increasing sized plugs. Janice has to bite her lower lip to keep from giggling as Nancy rushes to get the plug into place. She has to bite her lip harder when Nancy gets it into place and slowly walks bowlegged out of the bathroom. Janice chastises herself for finding it funny. She knows from personal experience that a new size plug is always uncomfortable. Still, Nancy looks so cute doing her little duck walk. It will probably be a few days before the little girl will be walking normal again. In a couple weeks though they will just upgrade her yet again and it will start all over. Janice is currently on a number 7 plug. It is exactly 3" [7½ cm] at it's widest point. It is huge, but nothing Janice can't handle. Not after this many months of anal stretching. The truth is that she could probably handle an eight or 9 if she had too. Luckily, her trainers seem content at keeping her on a 7 plug. Either they don't want her getting too loose or they plan to hold on to the larger plugs as potential future punishments. As Janice helps Nancy do her makeup, she debates letting the girl know she is probably not going to see her again for some time. She decides against it. In the past few weeks Janice has evaluated Nancy's kissing techniques, blowjobs and a few other intimate things. However, she has tried to keep it somewhat 'professional'. She doesn't want Nancy falling in love with her like she had with Danielle. She is sure Nancy will still miss her but her heart isn't going to be broken. Leaving without saying goodbye will just make it even easier on Nancy to get over it. And it isn't like they won't ever see each other again. Assuming they let Janice go home today like they promised, they will probably still send her back to the secure area occasionally to give Nancy additional training. Plus, they will see each other in the halls between classes once Nancy reaches her next training phase. Nancy looks almost like a perfect little China doll by the time they finish with her makeup. The makeup is a bit too thick for a child this young but this is what Nancy's real daddy wants. Not that Nancy will ever be allowed to be seen in public this way. It would draw too much attention. However, most Humbled girls spend very little time outside school and home. There are several little girls at the school that wear heavy makeup like this. They get teased a little sometimes by the other students but not too badly. Of course, they do often get a little extra attention from the instructors. "God, Nancy is going to break a lot of hearts some day," Janice thinks to herself as she looks the pretty little girl over. Before leaving her, Janice leans down and gives Nancy a long kiss on the lips. At first it starts out with just their rosy red lips touching. However, it isn't long before their tongues are dancing against each other. Janice knows Nancy hates kissing boys other than her daddy. However, Janice knows it has to be done. Kisses like this will help convince Nancy it is okay to be intimate with other boys. The sooner Nancy accepts this the easier life will become for her. It of course isn't the first time they have kissed like this. Still, it is the best parting gift Janice can think of. As they finally part, Janice notices that Nancy is blushing profusely. It bothers Janice that Nancy still finds the kisses so embarrassing. She feels she has failed Nancy as a trainer. Janice is only upset for a few seconds. She is leaving today! Nothing can put a shadow on that. She grabs her books and practically skips to the secure door at the end of the hall. Shivers of excitement tingle all over her body as one of the security guards open it from the outside. She takes one last look back at her all too familiar prison. She sees a very confused and concerned Nancy peaking out of one of the doors. Janice blows her a kiss and then turns and walks away. Chapter 2"Fresh fish." Janice turns in her seat to see which of her classmates made the remark but there are a half dozen girls smiling at her. When she faces front again she hears more remarks but she does her best to ignore them. The girls don't know it but Janice actually has the upper hand. For the past eight months Janice has been attending the classes via the rooms' cameras. Janice not only knows everyone's names but also which ones are the smartest and which ones are the trouble makers. Unfortunately, the teacher sits her next to some of the trouble makers. And of course it isn't long before they are doing just that 3; causing trouble. Less than five minutes into the English class lecture Janice sees a wad of paper fly over her right shoulder and toward the teacher. The teacher turns back toward the class just in time to see it. He snatches it out of the air with lightening reflexes and his eyes follow it's trajectory right back to Janice. "Fuck!" Janice screams in her head as he motions for her to come forward. Janice wants to deny throwing it but she knows the teacher is probably already aware of it. She also knows the teacher is going to blame her for it anyway. It is hazing 101. Janice seen this exact scenario play out with a few other new kids in the past. Someone frames the new kid and then the teacher accepts the obvious frame up. Janice could never tell for sure but it often looked like the teacher and various students planned it all out ahead of time. She just wishes she could wear her leather collar. Having the Dean as a mentor has some privileges. One is that you wear a special leather collar. Anyone that sees that collar knows the Dean has a special interest in the wearer. If everyone knew the Dean is her mentor then they would probably leave her alone. Unfortunately, she isn't allowed to wear the collar or let anyone know about her mentor for another two weeks. It would look very odd if she showed up on her first day with a mentor already. All the other students would know there was something very fishy going on. Not that some of them don't already know about the school's sissy program. First, there are about 17 other sissies enrolled in the school. Janice has seen most of them visit the secure area of the school a few times and they have seen her as well. A lot of those sissies have one or more sisters that attend the school. Those sisters know about the sissy program but not necessarily who all the sissies are. Or at least Janice doesn't think they do. Janice has three sisters of her own that attend the school. Thankfully, she has no classes with them. Not yet anyway. This semester ends in just a few weeks. Depending on her final academic tests, it is entirely possible they might move her up a level or two in this or that subject. In that case she could end up sharing a class with one of her older sisters. And of course all the teachers and guards are aware of the program and who all the participants are. Janice knows her English class teacher all too well. Mr. Donovan has visited Janice in the secure area on several occasions. In many ways, Mr. Donovan reminds Janice of Victor. They aren't the same race or anything like that. However, they both seem to enjoy embarrassing her. They also both enjoy making Janice do some of the 3; um, less appealing sex acts. Janice tries not to think about some of the things they have made her do. "So, we have a trouble maker on our hands," Mr. Donovan growls as he motions for Janice to approach. "What do you think I should do with you?" "I don't know, sir," Janice whispers. The answer is far from truthful. Janice can think of a large variety of punishments for disobedience. Granted, many of them she can't say in front of the other students without them catching on that she isn't really new here. The other punishments 3; well, she just dreads those. "Hmm," Mr. Donovan says and then pauses for a moment. "Maybe I should send you to the Headmaster for a proper punishment. Would you like that Janice?" "No, sir!" Janice says a bit too loud. Being sent to her father for punishment is the last thing she wants. Her father spanks very hard and you almost always are required to suck his dick afterward. It has been many months since she was made to suck her father's dick. She knows they will eventually make her do it again, but the longer they put that off the better. "Well, it is your first day. I guess I can be easy on you. Has your daddy taught you how to suck cock yet?" Janice blushes at the question. She blushes harder when she hears several of the girls giggling. Janice just nods in response. "Do you like sucking your daddy's dick?" Janice tries not to cry but can't help it. It is just so embarrassing. That combined with the estrogen in her system is all it takes these days to get a few tears out of her. Crying always makes Janice feel more like a sissy and that in turn usually makes her cry harder. "Yes, sir," Janice manages to whisper in response. She and everyone else in the class knows that this is the only acceptable answer to the question. There is still a series of giggles in the class when they hear her reply. All it takes is a snap of Mr. Donovan's fingers to get them to quiet down. He then reaches down and unzips his pants. "Oh, God!" Janice thinks when she realizes he wants her to suck him in front of the class. In this school sex acts in front of a class is nothing unusual. In fact, when Janice was still Jack and worked here as a janitor, the teachers would often call him into a classroom to perform this or that sex act with a student. Of course it was different then. Back then he was having sex with girls and it was always the girl being humiliated and not him. Janice thought she was prepared for this moment. She knows the teachers can't expose the fact that she is a sissy and not a real girl. However, that still leaves tons of room for various sex acts and such. And heaven knows she has been watched doing much worse than this during her training. Still, it is normally only a couple other people watching her. Now there are at least 20 other sets of eyes on her. On top of that, they are all close to her own age. Janice swallows hard and then kneels down in front of her teacher. She makes sure she doesn't bend over too far. The last thing she wants is for the back of her skirt to raise up too high. She has white cotton panties on under her short tartan skirt, so they would probably only notice her plug. That would still be horrifying. Her hands tremble as she reaches up and pulls her teacher's cock out. The cock is circumcised and about 8 inches [20 cm] long and 2 inches [5 cm] thick. Believe it or not, the cock is on the small side for an instructor at this school. Janice still hasn't figured out if the teachers have huge cocks because of medications the doctor might be providing them or if having a large cock is just a prerequisite for getting the job. Mr. Donovan's all too familiar cock smells manly. The smell makes Janice's own penis stir. Lately the smell of cock has caused this reaction in her. Or at least the manly smelling ones. The sissies Janice sometimes plays with always have their cocks scented with perfumes and such. Those cocks normally smell like flowers or strawberries. Her cock getting hard from the manly smell has confused Janice for some time. She makes various excuses to herself as to why it happens but the truth is she just doesn't know. Luckily, Janice remembered to wear her cock cage today. She would get into some very serious trouble if her dick started to tent out the front of her skirt. This particular cock cage is a gift from Danielle. At the time the gift seemed a little cruel. However, she is very thankful for it now. Not that she would want to wear it 24/7. They kept her in a cock cage like that for her first three months here. It was absolutely horrible. There was a weird kind of constant arousal, yet she could never actually get hard. Her balls hurt all the time also and sometimes even turned bluish. She seldom could wear the thing for a full week before she was begging to be milked. Milking consisted of them massaging and/or electrocuting her prostate 3; or ass clit as they like to refer to it. They would only milk her if she had been a good girl that week. It didn't take long before she was striving to be the bestest girl in the whole world. The worst part about the cock cage is that it, combined with the estrogen, kept her very emotional. She would often get very affectionate also, even with males sometimes. For a short time she thought she was even falling in love with the Dean. It was a very confusing and humiliating time for her. Not only did she feel she wasn't gay but the Dean is a horrible man. To fall in love with him is unthinkable, yet she almost had. Since then she has only been forced into the cock cage a week or two here and there. For the most part it is now usually her decision. Not that the decision is that hard to make. Nothing is more humiliating than getting hard during her training. So, she normally wears it most days and only takes it off at night. No one had to warn her to wear it to class today. She would get into major trouble if she got hard during class. She can only imagine what kind of punishment that would result in. The thought makes her cringe. It is early morning and Mr. Donovan's cock still tastes fresh and clean from his morning shower. Janice is thankful for this. She manages to take all of his dick rather easily. After eight months of training there is only a few staff members she can't deep throat. The Dean of course is one of them. His cock is 9" [23 cm] long and 2½" [6½ cm] thick. It is absolutely huge for Janice's tiny throat. She can sometimes get it started down her throat but it is just too tight and painful. It is one of the huge drawbacks of having the Dean as her mentor. She not only is going to get fucked a ton in the next few years with that huge cock but the Dean isn't going to be happy until she can deep throat him. There are a couple other staff members with cocks about as big as the Dean's. However, the biggest cock of them all belongs to Ray, one of the guards. His cock is an unbelievable 10" [25 cm] long and 3" [7½ cm] thick. Janice can barely get the head into her mouth it is so big. Believe it or not, Ray has managed to squeeze that monster up Janice's asshole many times. Ray often provided Janice snacks and other gifts in exchange for sexual favors like this. She doubts her sanity would have survived her training without these gifts. Yet, she is happy to now be free of their little arrangement. Or at least she hopes she won't be going back to that secure area anytime soon. Janice is pretty sure that Ray will probably now make a similar agreement with Nancy in order to meet his needs. Not that he would be able to get that dick of his inside her. "Oh, your daddy has taught you well." The comment from Mr. Donovan gets another round of laughter from the students. Janice's blush deepens but she keeps on sucking. Her embarrassment seems to double every second she kneels there. She can only imagine how red her face must be right now. Mr. Donovan let's her suffer in silence for over a minute before he continues with his lecture. Janice is grateful that his lecture will take some of the attention off her sucking him. However, it also means it will take him considerably longer to climax. On top of that, she is having trouble focusing on the lecture. That can be very bad if they have a pop quiz later on the material. It is another 15 minutes before Mr. Donovan finally climaxes. Most of his load goes straight down her throat but there is just enough deposited on her tongue to give her a good taste. It has a manly bitter taste to it, not sweet like the other sissies and herself often taste like. The manly flavor makes her own dick twitch in its cage again. She knows it is just her training and the doctor's special estrogen cocktail that makes her dick get hard whenever she tastes cum. Still, her reaction always disgusts and humiliates her. You can tell that Mr. Donovan has lectured like this many times before because he doesn't even pause as he unloads in her throat. The only way the students know he is cumming is because they can see Janice gulping his huge load down. Mr. Donovan also instinctively puts a hand on the back of Janice's head. A Humbled girl would never pull her mouth off a cock during ejaculation so there is no real purpose for the hand going there. It is just instinct on his part. Janice slows her rhythm down in order to ensure no discomfort to her teacher. She doesn't stop completely. She just keeps gently nursing on his dick. It is another ten minutes before he finishes his lecture and finally lets Janice stand and return to her seat. A fresh rush of humiliation goes through her as she heads toward her seat and sees all the knowing stares from her fellow classmates. The next class is uneventful. However, Janice physically shakes through the entire class, nervous that someone might frame her again. She also blushes through most of it knowing that a few of the students in this class were also in her last. Every time someone looks her way she just knows that someone probably just passed them a note or something telling them about her prior class. Janice knows she shouldn't really be this humiliated. It isn't like every one of these girls hasn't had to do the exact same thing or worse multiples times. Still, she just can't help herself. By the time her third class arrives, Janice is starting to calm down a bit. "Maybe the worst is over," she tries to convince herself. She knows better. Sure enough, five minutes in and someone frames her again. This time someone tosses a folded note on her desk and the teacher turns just in time to see her grab it. "It isn't mine, Mr. Moore," Janice instinctively says as the teacher asks her to bring the note forward. Mr. Moore isn't buying it. He takes the note and unfolds it. "I can't wait to suck Mr. Moore's dick." Janice blushes profusely as the teacher reads the note out loud. Everyone in the room, to include Mr. Moore, start laughing. Well, almost everyone. Janice didn't find it that funny. "I hate to disappoint you Janice but someone in my last class already beat you to it," Mr. Moore says with a chuckle. "I'm sure the Headmaster might be able to help you though." "Please, I won't do it again," Janice begs as tears begin to run down her cheeks. "I'll be a good girl, Mr. Moore. I promise." Janice sees no need to deny ownership of the note any further. She learned a long time ago that if a faculty member says you are guilty of something then you are guilty of it. Denying it too much just means a worse punishment. Mr. Moore ignores her and goes to his desk. He grabs a disciplinary notepad and fills in a few blanks. While still janitor, Jack seen several disciplinary slips while visiting his father's office. They are pretty simple. It has three boxes on it with a word next to each one: light, medium, heavy. Each of course being the degree of punishment the girl is to receive. Janice is glad to see that Mr. Moore checks the box in front of 'light'. Janice still cries. She can't believe she is being sent to her father for punishment. Okay, it isn't really that big of a shocker. Still, she had hoped she would make it a few weeks before it happened. As she takes the note from Mr. Moore it becomes clear from his expression that the punishment and probably even the passed note were all preplanned. Janice knew her hazing wasn't over for the day but she had prayed that the worst of it was. Yet, sucking Mr. Donovan's cock in front of the class was child's play compared to being sent to her father for punishment. The only consolation prize is that the other students probably don't know yet that the Headmaster is her father. It saves her a little bit of embarrassment but not much. The distance from her class to the Headmaster's office is only about 200 feet [60 m] but it seems like 10 miles [16 km] to Janice. It is tempting to make a dash for one of the school exits. She doesn't dare do it. She lost the willpower to try to escape months ago. Besides, there are cameras everywhere in the school. She would be lucky to get a half block before the guards caught up with her. Janice does slow her pace significantly. She can't go too slow since the disciplinary form has a time on it. If it takes her ten minutes to walk 200 feet [60 m] then the punishment will be significantly worse. Slowing down at least gives her a chance to get her tears under control. If she is going to be punished by her father then she wants to face that punishment like a man 3; not a crybaby sissy. She manages to get her tears to stop just in time to enter her father's office. As headmaster, Bill is in charge of disciplinary actions at the school. He is also in charge of various administrative functions. It is the Dean, however, that has the real power. The only one that can override the Dean is the school committee. Well, Dr. Stanford can also on medical related issues. While Bill doesn't have that much power, many argue he still has the best job at the school. Most minor discipline takes place by instructors in the classroom. However, several students are still sent to Bill every day. They range from 6 years old all the way up to 18. Though, a majority of the kids that get into trouble are normally 15 and below. The older children are just too well trained. Bill has a small waiting area with six chairs outside his main office. Janice is happy to see that all those chairs are currently empty. A line would have meant a rather long and humiliating waiting experience. Her father's door is open slightly and she can hear someone getting spanked in the next room. This is good news. It means she has a few more minutes in order to pull herself together. Janice's eyes immediately go to a large box of tissues on the coffee table in the center of the waiting room. When she was still the janitor here, she must have walked through this room 30 times and never once paid any attention to those tissues. They are a life saver right now though. She uses them to help dry her eyes and clean up any makeup that might have run. It isn't that she wants to look pretty for her father, she just doesn't want him to know she has been crying. It is her first real school day. What would her father think if he found out she has already broken down and is crying like a little girl? The spanking stops right as Janice is finishing her touchups. It is another minute before the student walks out. The girl is maybe 6 or 7. Even with the tears and runny nose, the little brown-haired girl looks absolutely adorable. When she was janitor, Janice got to see most of the students at one point or another. This girl doesn't look familiar which means she is probably new here. "Yep, she's new," Janice says to herself as the girl starts to sit down and then jumps back up as her sore rump touches the seat. The little girl decides to stay standing as she uses tissues to clean herself up. A minute later she leaves, having never acknowledged Janice's presence. Janice doesn't blame the girl. If she is new then all of this probably seems very horrible and embarrassing for her still. Not that it will ever get much better. "Next!" her father yells from his office. Janice stands on shaky legs and makes her way toward the office door. Earlier she was happy that no one else was there to see her waiting for her punishment. Now she wishes there was. It would mean a much longer wait until her turn came up. It would have also meant a much greater chance her father wouldn't be horny when her time came. However, Janice knows her father is probably very horny right now. When Janice was still the janitor, her father let her help with punishments sometimes. The really young kids seemed to turn her father on, but her father seldom ever did anything sexual with them. Well, they would sometimes play with the kids a little bit sexually, but it wasn't that often they would cum on them or anything like that. During the first few years at the school, the younger kids normally only do sexual things with each other and a very select few instructors/trainers. Their trainers or mentor have to give the okay before the rest of the staff can start seriously playing with them. Her father is probably horny from spanking the young girl and there are no other students waiting behind Janice. Yeah, the timing of Janice's punishment couldn't be any worse for her. As she reaches the door she has to wonder if maybe the timing is more than just a coincidence. Janice holds her tears back but can't help but blush as she walks into her father's office. It has been over a month since she seen her father last and a part of her wants to run into his arms and give him a hug. However, with the utter embarrassment of the situation, Janice can't even find the strength to look him in the eyes. There of course is a ton of shame mixed in there as well. A year ago Janice was Bill's macho son. Now look at him. He isn't even really a him anymore. Janice can only imagine how disappointed her father is in her. Janice jerks when her father snaps his fingers and holds his hand out. She reaches out and puts the disciplinary slip into his hand. "Hmm," he says as he glances at it. "It's your first day and you are already getting into trouble." Janice remains quiet. She knows her father's job very well. The headmaster is the executioner in this school, not the judge or jury. Pleading her case to him would probably only make her punishment worse. Besides, she knows he is well aware of the type of hazing that goes on in the school for new students. He knows she didn't get into trouble just so she could be sent to the Headmaster. Or at least she prays he doesn't think that. The thought brings a fresh blush to her face. "Take your plug out," he orders. Janice blushes and swallows hard when she hears this command. A bare hand spanking is always done with the anal plug in place. That means her father probably plans to give a more severe punishment. As she thinks this she sees her father reach over and pull a paddle out of one of his drawers. Janice freezes for only a second before she reaches for her panties and pulls them down and steps out of them. She neatly folds the dainty white cotton panties and places them on the corner of the desk for the whole world to see. Janice lets out a grunt as she pulls her huge 3" [7½ cm] plug from it's confines. Her face feels like it is on fire with shame as she brings the plug to her lips and starts licking it clean. A good girl always cleans up her mess. It was rule number one in her training. It's a rule she has learned all too well. Thankfully, her regular enemas ensure her plug is always clean of anything too nasty when it comes out. Still, it is very embarrassing licking it in front of her father. Bill has mixed feelings as he watches his son, now daughter, clean the plug. On one hand, he can't help but admit that his sissy son looks rather cute. On the other hand, he is very disappointed that his son was so easily turned into a sissy. It was all the Dean's doing. Okay, maybe Bill is partially at fault also. Bill had made some bad investments and the economic crash hadn't helped any. Bill makes decent money from his job at the school but most of his retirement money was gone following the crash. He has many years left before he reaches retirement but if he wants to build that fund back up then the family was going to have to sacrifice a lot. They would need to move to a smaller and cheaper house, get rid of the fancy cars, etc. The worst part was that Bill would have to pull his girls from the school. While it is true that the school pays for most of their tuition because of Bill's position, there is still plenty of other costs involved. There are uniforms, books, special outings and other events, frequent medical checkups, and lots more. Bill could technically still afford these things. However, there isn't any point expending it if he can't afford to send the girls on to decent colleges. The purpose of sending your kids to the Christian School of Humility isn't just so they can be turned into sex objects. If that was all the parents cared about then they could accomplish most of that on their own at home. No, the biggest benefit of the school is for it's academic program and the perks that come with being a Humbled Girl. The girls with the best grades go on to become top CEOs in companies, political leaders, etc. They do so not just because they are smart but also because other Humbled Girls in high positions open up doors and provide opportunities for them. Even girls with only okay grades make out very well. That's because every male of importance in the surrounding states want a Humbled Girl as their wife. However, many of the husbands aren't willing to take a graduate before the girl attends a prestigious college. It just doesn't look right in their social circles to be married to someone that doesn't have a degree from a top end college. Sometimes Humbled Girl's look out for their parents once they hit the big time. Usually they don't though. Not after years of sexual and other abuse. However, having a Humbled Girl as a daughter is still something to brag about at socials and such. Especially if they go on to graduate from a decent college and get a great job. Plus, who doesn't want the best for their kids? Anyway, about a year ago it was looking rather bleak for Bill and his family. That's when the Dean stepped in. It was a rather simple proposal. Bill hands his son over and the Dean gives Bill a nice chunk of money. While it is true that the Dean thinks Jack is extremely cute. The proposal was mostly just a business investment on behalf of the school. First off, making Jack a Humbled Girl meant the janitor position was open. On the surface that might seem extremely trivial. However, any position at the school is highly sought after. The pay is decent and the perks are beyond measure. The janitor position is pretty low in the chain of command. It is one of the reasons that it is usually given to the Headmaster's son 3; as a job perk. Low in the chain or not, the position still gets the person's foot in the door. Once your foot is in the door then you are one of the first ones considered for future higher positions that open 3; provided you are at least partially qualified. With the headmaster's son out of the way, the school was free to sell the position for a reasonably large sum. For an entry level job they usually get at least enough to pay for the position wages for a couple years. However, that amount can sometimes go way over that if the person applying is rich already and more interested in the perks. This amount, however, pales in comparison to what the school will get once Jack graduates. Almost every Humbled Girl marriage is arranged. This is especially true with their newer sissy program. Rich men from surrounding states pay a large fee to go onto a waiting list. They are matched up with a graduate and if the two like each other and get married then the men pay the school a very large fee. For legal purposes, the school likes to call it a reverse dowry. Most men want actual girls. However, the few that prefer sissies are willing to pay extremely large sums. "Hands on the desk," Bill says as his mind snaps back to the task at hand. Bill doesn't have to elaborate on the exact position he wants the boy in. There are hand prints painted on the top of the desk and foot prints painted on the floor. There are three sets of each. One for the younger kids, one for the medium aged ones and one for the older ones. Janice wants to use the larger set but she can only comfortably reach the middle set. Despite this, Janice is still glad to be using one of the sets at all. All prior punishments in the secure area had been with Janice on her hands and knees 3; sometimes with her over the punisher's lap. As she positions herself, Janice wonders if this new position means something special. Has she graduated to the status of being considered an equal to the girl students in the school? Or, is this just how punishments will take place outside the secure area? Or does it mean something completely different? WHACK! "AHH! One, headmaster!" Janice screams as the paddle slaps hard against her rear end. She goes to her tippy toes but she manages to keep from stepping out of the prints painted on the floor. She swallows hard when she feels her father lift the back of her pleated skirt and tuck it into her waistband. WHACK! "AHH! Two, headmaster!" The hit on her bare skin hurts almost twice as hard this time. This new punishment position for her might hold some secret special meaning. However, it sure as hell doesn't feel special. It hurts just as bad as prior spankings. WHACK! "AHH! OH! OH!" This hit makes Janice dance around and double over. When the paddle landed it had somehow managed to contact her balls as well. It wasn't a full contact but it still hurt like hell. "Th 3;three, headmaster!" Janice manages to say as she gets back into position. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "AHH! F 3;five, headmaster!" Janice quickly realizes that she has miscounted. She should have said six. It is too late now. An attempt to correct the count would just result in additional hits. On the bright side, a miscount in itself doesn't result in more hits as long as the error is lower than the real count and not higher. WHACK! "OH! OH! OH!" The paddle makes contact with her balls again. Janice dances around much longer this time. She also concludes that this new punishment position is definitely not a reward. When she was punished on her hands and knees her legs were together and she could easily protect her balls. The foot prints painted on the floor though are at least 3 feet [90 cm] apart. That leaves her balls completely vulnerable. Especially considering how low her balls are hanging these days thanks to all the ball weights she has had to wear over the months. All her father has to do is angle the paddle slightly and he can easily contact them. "Six, headmaster!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "AHH! Nine, headmaster!" WHACK! "AH! OH! OH!" Yet another ball contact. Janice tries to convince herself that the ball contacts are accidental. However, she knows better. Her father has years of experience at this and is a master at it. Plus, the fact that the ball hits came as single hits seems a bit too coincidental. "Ten, headmaster!" Janice patiently waits, but the next hit never comes. However, she hears the all too familiar sound of a zipper. Janice blushes profusely. Despite the embarrassment, she can still feel her cock trying to get hard in it's tight cage. Janice has never been so glad to be wearing a cock cage before. She would absolutely die of shame if her father seen her cock get hard at a time like this. The worst part is that Janice would get hard at all. The thought of having sex with a guy is bad enough. However, sex with her own father is horrible. Yet, for months now this has been a common reaction whenever she sees or even thinks about a cock. Like everything else, she blames her training and the drugs they give her. Janice shivers in fear, but she manages to keep her hands in the painted prints on the desk and her feet in the ones on the floor. Her shivers get worse when she hears her father move closer. Is he going to breed her? She certainly is in the right position for it. "Please don't, daddy!" Janice screams it over and over in her head. She sucked her father off several times during her training but so far she has been spared the indignity of being fucked by him. Janice's cock tries even harder to stiffen as she feels warm skin touch her rear. For a moment she thinks it is her father's cock. However, the skin moves and it dawns on her that it is just his hand. The hand rubs back and forth on her freshly paddled rump. She is tender back there right now but the soft touch actually helps sooth the pain. The touch itself doesn't really give away what her father's intentions might be. Her father almost always rubs a kid's rump after spanking it. This occurs sometimes even with Janice. Janice isn't sure if her father does this to help sooth the pain or if he does it just because he likes the warm feel of a freshly spanked ass. Her guess is that it is probably a mix of both. Janice lets out a sigh of relief when her father's hand leaves her rump and touches her head. He applies a tiny bit of pressure and Janice quickly turns and goes to her knees. The thought of sucking her father off disgusts her but it is a million times better than the alternative. Janice stares at her father's cock and balls for a moment. It has only been a few months since she sucked him off last so she knows they haven't changed. Yet, they somehow seem bigger now. She can only guess that it is the lighting. Because the measurements themselves are clearly identical. He has nice size balls and his cock is 2" [5 cm] thick and 8" [20 cm] long with a slight bend to the left. His smell hasn't changed either. His cock has a musky manly aroma with a hint of Old Spice in the background. It is very similar to how 'Uncle' Victor smells. Janice leans forward and gives her father's cock a lick. She gets a good coating of precum on her tongue. Yep, same manly flavor. As sweet as the reunion might be, Janice knows she has to get to work. She leans forward again and takes the head into her mouth. She suckles on it for a moment and is rewarded with about a teaspoon of precum. Janice stirs the precum around in her mouth with her tongue and then lets it slowly slide down her throat. It is a disgusting maneuver but she knows it will help lubricate her for what is about to come. Sure enough, she feels her father's hand tighten and apply pressure to the back of her head. Janice doesn't fight. She moves her head forward, taking the rest of the cock into her mouth and then down her throat. It is a big cock but her throat is trained well. 'Uncle' Victor made sure of that. "Oh!" her father moans with pleasure. Janice was pretty good at giving blowjobs the last time she sucked her father off. However, she has learned many tricks in the months since then. Disgusted with the act or not, it makes Janice proud that she can make her father moan with pleasure. It isn't something he does that often. At least not with her. Janice doesn't hold anything back either. She bobs her head back and forth eagerly. She applies just the right amount of suction and even wiggles her tongue as the cock slides back and forth across it. While doing this she also ensures there is the perfect amount of saliva, pressure from her lips and even looseness in her throat. And of course no blowjob is a good one unless she vibrates her throat. Of all the skills, the vibration is the hardest to master. It of course is easy to do while making loud humming sounds. However, not all the men like the loud noise. And Janice hates making the noise. It is so embarrassing. In time she learned how to make vibrations without hardly any noise. It is something she is very proud of. It is also something her trainers often praised her on. Learning all these skills had been hard and very degrading. However, right now she is glad to have them. The better the blowjob the faster this ordeal will be over. Plus, Janice has to admit that she is eager to impress her father. It is still possible the decision to take her home today isn't set in stone. She wants to make sure he knows she is a good girl. That she deserves to come home and not be put back into her little prison. "Oh, my!" her father moans again. Bill is indeed impressed. Victor is Janice's main trainer when it comes to blowjobs. The man has told Bill many times in the past few months about how good Janice is becoming. However, Bill and Victor are buddies and he thought the man was just joking around. Possibly trying to embarrass him by reminding him that his son is being turned into a cock sucking sissy. It is now clear to him that Victor's praises are not exaggerations. Bills moans and groans start coming in greater frequency and volume. While the noise makes Janice proud, it also highly embarrasses her. Her father is making more noise than he did in all the prior blowjobs put together. Luckily, it is only another three minutes before her father peaks. Her father goes stiff and his cock expands slightly. The underside of the cock pulses against her tongue and 1/100th of a second later a jet of hot cum shots into the back of her throat. It is a thick wad but she easily is able to let the viscous fluid slide down her throat and into her tummy. The second shot quickly joins the first. Janice backs up on the cock for the remaining few spurts. These shoot against her tongue and gather in her mouth. She chastises herself for doing this. She doesn't want to taste her father's cum. However, it had been instinct. This is what Victor taught her to do. According to Victor you should always catch the last of the cum in your mouth so you can savor the taste. It somehow made sense when Victor said it. Right now though it just makes Janice feel icky inside. She still waits though until her father finishes before she swallows the gunk. It slithers down her throat and joins the rest of the load in her belly. While the bulk of the cum is now in her stomach, she can still feel a lot of it coating her mouth. She can also tell her father's dick is still drooling more of it onto her tongue. She wants nothing more than to get her father's cock out of her mouth and run to the nearest water fountain so she can get rid of the taste. However, that isn't what good girls do. So, she patiently suckles on her father's cock until it gets soft and he finally removes it. Janice blushes as the cock comes back into her view and she sees her red lipstick marking the sides of it. It is a memento that her father will see every time he has to pee today. That of course is assuming the next little girl that comes in for punishment doesn't lick it clean. She tries to control her blush but Janice can feel her face burning as she looks up at her father, licks her lips and then opens her mouth so he can ensure she has swallowed it all. Some men at the school prefer you display the cum before you swallow. Thankfully, her father doesn't seem to care either way. Showing an empty mouth is humiliating enough. Janice isn't sure but it looks like her father is blushing a little as well. "Good girl," Bill praises. "You can go now." "Thank you, daddy," Janice says as she quickly stands. It is the exact same phrase she says to all the men she has sex with. It takes on new meaning when it is your real father. "Oh!" Janice yelps a moment later as she pops her 3" [7½ cm] plug back in place. She really should have taken more time with it but she is eager to get out of the room. It is utterly humiliating to be in the room with her father after what they just did. She quickly puts her panties on and adjusts her uniform. Thankfully, she doesn't have to wait for her father to fill out any kind of return slip. Once given a punishment slip, students are on the honor system to actually go to the headmaster for punishment. However, none of the students are stupid enough to believe that the teachers don't later verify that the student indeed showed up. Janice suspects that the 'honor system' is just a way for the school to temp students into possibly doing something stupid like not show up for a punishment. She doubts that even the dumbest students ever fall for it. There is a nice size mirror in the room for her to use in order to adjust her hair and makeup. However, she decides not to hang around to do so. She goes straight for the door. She will worry about her hair and stuff once she is in the waiting area. It isn't until she starts to open the door that it dawns on her there might be students out there waiting. Janice goes beat red when she gets the door open and sees there is not one but three students waiting. The worst part is that they are her three sisters: Amber (14), Beth (16) and Mary (17). Beth and Mary start laughing. That doesn't surprise Janice one bit. Even before she became a Humbled Girl the two older siblings were always making fun of him and stuff. Amber has a smile on her face but Janice knows it's just because the girl is happy to see her. They get along pretty well. Janice doesn't analyze the situation for long. It doesn't take a genius to know that they probably overheard the entire punishment session. Her father made sure of that with the hard paddling and later with his loud moans of pleasure. It is also pretty obvious that the reason they were sent there was to do just that. Janice tries to hold back her tears but can't. She quickly crosses the room and goes into the hallway. She is half way down the hall before she realizes how stupid it was to leave the waiting room. Walking the halls with your hair and makeup a mess is a punishable offense. If someone sees her she could end up right back in her father's office. That would be a lot worse than a little embarrassment. There are no mirrors in the hall but thankfully Janice has practiced enough that she can touch up her makeup and hair without one. She also remembers where all the camera blind spots are in the hallways. She memorized them when she was janitor. They were good spots to slack off from work a little. There of course are much more private areas you could do this. However, the janitor had no real duties in those areas so if you got caught in those spots then it was pretty clear you were slacking off. In the halls, you could lean up against the wall. Then if someone opened a door or something then all you had to do was start walking. Jack's favorite, however, was to take a water bucket and a sponge to one of these spots. Then, he could even sit there on the floor and relax. If someone came then all he had to do was pretend to be scrubbing an imaginary mark or something off the floor. Janice goes into one of these blind spots and cleans herself up the best she can. She has to make it a rush job. If someone is looking closely they will realize she disappeared from one camera and never showed on the other. It would be hard to explain a gap of more than a half minute or so. Janice walks the remaining short distance back to Mr. Moore's class. She takes a couple deep breaths and then opens the door. Everyone in the class looks her way. They each give her a knowing smile. Janice's blush deepens. She freezes for a second and then glances over at Mr. Moore. The man is sitting at his desk. Janice can make out the small blond head of one of the students bobbing up and down in his lap. The man just motions for her to take her seat. Janice is thankful that he didn't ask her to replace or join the other kid under the desk. That's not to say she won't probably end up there the following day anyway. Most classes follow a very basic pattern. The first 30 minutes usually involve a lecture from the teacher. The last 30 minutes are a kind of study time. Basically, the students read their books, do worksheets, or what have you on the topic that the teacher just lectured on. It is this final 30 minutes that the students always dread. That is because the teachers almost always select one or two kids to play with. The kids are normally selected by who has gotten in trouble the most or who is currently getting the worst grades. Of course, new students get selected a lot as well. Usually the selected kid or kids spend those 30 minutes under the teacher's desk giving oral sex. Sometimes the teachers will even fuck the student on the desk. And there are times one or more of the students are simply embarrassed the entire time 3; like making them play with themselves or each other. And it isn't that uncommon that a teacher will take a student out of the class and play with them in one of the special rooms set aside for just such things. The sex and humiliation is bad. However, the worst part is that it means they have to make the 30 minutes up later at home after school. That is assuming you even get any free time after school that day. A Humbled Girl's schedule is rather busy. After normal academic classes, the students then have specialized seduction and other credits they have to earn. Those classes normally go until 6 or 7 p.m. On top of that, each student has a minimum monthly amount of time they have to spend getting specialized training with their mentor. You don't spend time with your mentor every day but the days that you do normally last for hours. Tack on homework and that 30 minutes becomes extremely precious. And you have six classes which means you could end up getting selected multiple times in the same day if you are unlucky. "Oh!" Janice grunts as she sits. It had been a small punishment but it still left her rump and balls rather sore. The grunt gets a round of laughter from everyone in the class. This makes Janice start to cry again. Thankfully, the class only lasts another couple minutes before the bell rings. Janice chastises herself for not staying in her father's waiting room earlier. She was allotted five minutes to do so. Not only could she have cleaned herself up easier but class would have been out by the time she finished. The rest of her academic classes go pretty smoothly. Apparently word got around that she was punished by the headmaster. She hears chatting and giggling about it but the girls at least ease off the hazing. That said, Janice does get selected by a teacher to go under the desk during the second half of her social studies class. The newer kids always stand a good chance to go under a desk so it is no major surprise for Janice. What is a surprise is that the teacher that has her do it is Janice's only female teacher, Ms. Hill. Ms. Hill is in decent shape and looks okay. However, Janice is turned off a bit by her age. She looks to be in her late 40s. That might not seem that old to some but for a 13 year old that is ancient. Janice has had sex with older men a ton lately. Some are even in their 50s. Somehow that seems okay to her. A much older woman though? After lusting after teenage girls so long, giving oral sex to the older woman just seems 3; icky. It is also very embarrassing. While janitor, Jack had been called into Ms. Hill's class on many occasions. The teacher would often have one of the girls suck Jack off or something in front of the class. It is one of the perks of being janitor. Teachers are often pulling you into classes to perform with a kid as part of the lecture or simply as student punishment. Ms. Hill, however, pulled Jack into her class a ton more than the other instructors. Jack assumed that she did it because she was female and needed a man for some of the class activities. He also suspected that she might like him. As Janice crawls under Ms. Hill's desk it dawns on her that maybe the teacher likes her a lot more than she had thought. "Show mommy what you can do," Ms. Hill whispers as Janice gets into position. Ms. Hill also says something about spending lots of time under the desk in the weeks to come. Janice doesn't hear all of it but she still blushes. Thanks to her female trainer in the secure area, Janice is rather skilled at eating pussy. Ms. Hill tastes a bit more tart though than what Janice is used too. The woman also holds her climax off for a rather long time. It is as though Ms. Hill doesn't care about her own pleasure and is more concerned about humiliating Janice. During her training, Janice came to think of eating pussy as a reward. As such, the act doesn't bother her as much as Ms. Hill probably wishes it did. Or at least the first 20 minutes don't bother Janice that much. However, at the 20 minute mark her teacher scoots down in her chair and brings her knees up. Janice backs away for a second. It is clear the woman wants her to eat her asshole. Janice is trained on how to do this but thankfully doesn't have to do it that often. Her main hesitation is that the woman wants her to do it while in the classroom. Sure enough, Janice can hear some of the girls giggling. They obviously noticed the woman's new position in the chair. Janice blushes and starts crying tears of shame. They might not be able to see her under the desk but they know full well what is going on. Janice is certain that all of them have at one point done this for Ms. Hill as well. However, Janice still isn't sure how she will ever be able to face her classmates again without blushing. Embarrassed or not, Janice only hesitates a few seconds before moving her face forward. She uses her hands to spread Ms. Hill's cheeks apart further and then darts her tongue between the crack. The crack is a little dank but there isn't much flavor to it. Just a slight salty earthy after taste. Janice licks up and down the crack for a minute before she finally hardens her tongue and starts making little pokes at the woman's anus. It isn't long before she is darting her tongue in and out of the hole. There isn't much taste but it is still mentally disgusting. The worst part is that in order to do it properly she has to wiggle her tongue around inside, kiss the hole, slurp at it, etc. These things result in a lot of sound. Or at least it seems like a lot of sound in the otherwise quiet room. Janice just knows everyone in the room can hear her. The occasional giggles tell her as much. As Janice eats Ms. Hill's asshole, she prays that her teacher will make her continue for at least ten more minutes. If it is ten minutes then the bell will ring and everyone will be leaving the class as she gets out from under the desk. Unfortunately, she is not that lucky. "Good girl," Ms. Hill says around the nine minute mark. "Your real mommy must make you practice that a lot." Ms. Hill then backs away from the desk and motions for Janice to crawl out. Janice is beat red and tears are running down her cheeks as she makes her way to her desk. The others know how horrible it is for a new girl in the school. That still doesn't stop them from giggling. A few even give a light applause. A minute later the bell rings. Janice is in her next class before she can get her tears under control. Chapter 3Seduction training. You won't find the title written down anywhere in the school records or class schedules. What you will find listed is 'Home Economics'. Of course, any outsider with a brain looking at the schedule would quickly wonder why the school feels the students need two to three hours of Home Economics at the end of almost every day. The Home Economics title isn't completely misleading. Cooking, sewing, cleaning, and what have you are indeed sometimes taught during these hours. The school just adds in a few extras is all. The two key things taught are seduction and sexual acts. The first hour is normally lectures and book work. Believe it or not, this is always Janice's favorite part of the day. In particular, Janice likes learning about seduction. Even after eight months of watching the lectures via the school's camera system, Janice is still absolutely fascinated by the topic. Back when she was still Jack, seduction was just a word to her. Back then Janice understood the concept and all that. However, it wasn't until she started watching the classes that she realized there is a ton more to it than just a short definition in the dictionary. For Janice, it was like discovering a whole new world. A world where she could go from helpless victim to the one in charge. And the wild thing is that if done right she can take charge while still giving the illusion she is helpless. Sometimes she even managed to do this with her trainers and others that visited her little prison. For brief moments they became the prisoners and she became the guard. And those individuals are even aware of all the techniques and stuff. Janice can't wait until she can practice some of these things on the people outside the school system. She just knows she will have everyone kneeling at her feet. It is a definite power trip. And it is sometimes so simple to do. The first thing you do is analyze your target. An old rich man, for example, normally responds to vastly different things than a young rich one. The seduction itself always starts out very subtle. You might play with your hair a certain way or give them a special look. The way you talk, walk, smell, etc 3; it all matters as well. You want to make sure they notice certain things, yet you don't always want to make it that obvious. To say it is an art is a major understatement. Janice is past the doodling stage but she knows she still has a ways to go before she can paint a masterpiece. That first hour takes place in various classrooms with about 20 students per room. For the most part the class is very similar to others. There is lecture followed by book work or other assignments. While Janice loves the first hour of seduction training, she absolutely hates the following hour or two. That is because those hours are dedicated toward teaching the sex acts. While she was in her little prison the video feed would normally go off after the first hour. Then she would often get a visitor or two and plenty of 'hands on' training. She isn't sure what will happen today but she knows it won't be any better. The ironic thing is that while janitor, the sex training portion used to be Jack's favorite time of the day. Granted, these hours were often all he would get to see. Jack had his own school to attend after all. Thanks to a special arrangement with his school, he would leave early enough to arrive here usually during the 5th period. However, often there were lots of tasks for him to complete. Thus, unless a teacher pulled him into class, he didn't get to view much until sex training. He not only got to watch sex training but often played an active role in the teaching process. Yeah, he is very familiar with sex training procedures. The bulk of the students go to the gym for sex training. However, some parents want their kids to get advanced training in this area. There are special secure training wings in the school for that. Each wing has a series of rooms. Normally, it is only one or two kids per room. A trainer will manage one to three rooms at a time. Needless to say, this advanced training can only be afforded by the richest families. A lot of what is taught in these special rooms is the same as what is taught in the gym. The main difference is that there is a ton more one on one time. In the gym it is normally about 20 students per trainer. A student learning to suck cock in the gym might only get five minutes of actual real cock in their mouth during class. A student in one of the wings, however, usually gets at least 20 minutes. This advanced training program has the side benefit of helping mask the fact that they have sissies training in the school. That's because the sissy wing of the school looks no different from the outside than any other one. They all have the same secure entrances and what have you. As far as most of the students are concerned, the kids going into that area are no different than the kids going into the other wings. Just a bunch of spoiled rich brats. Okay, all the kids at the school belong to rich parents. However, the ones going into the secure areas usually belong to the super rich. The sissy area is a bit of an exception. While some of the families are indeed super rich, most aren't. With sissies, the school makes most of their money off the dowries. They also have teachers that are willing to take pay cuts in order to help train the sissies. And of course there are several parents and other dignitaries that will pay handsomely to visit the area from time to time and participate in the training. All of this also takes place in the other wings of the school with the actual girls. However, the sissies are a much more scarce commodity and thus fetch significantly higher prices. There is a little concern about secrecy, but not much. No one dares go public with the ins and outs of the school. Who would they tell? Almost every position of authority in the area is either held by a Humbled Girl graduate or someone married to one. The school also has tons of influence with federal agencies. Any 'rumors' that get out about the school are quickly squashed. The people that leak those rumors are often dealt with as well. They might not kill them but the person's career and social status most certainly ends. Today, the first hour of seduction training goes by all too fast. Janice soon finds herself standing outside the secure area she spent the last eight months in. She stands there for over a minute. She is scared that once she goes in they might not let her back out. She feels she did okay in school today. Sure, she cried a little but what Humbled Girl doesn't cry from time to time? However, what if they decide she isn't ready yet after all? Will they lock her in the secure area for another eight months? Janice feels safe in there but it is still captivity. She isn't sure she could handle eight more months of it. Janice is physically shaking in fear, but she still forces herself to swipe her ID card and punch the code into the keypad which opens the door. She prays that in the next hour or so they will give her the code that allows her to exit. Okay, she could probably sneak out with some of the other sissies when they leave. However, she probably wouldn't get far. That is especially true if they decide to put her shock collar back on. She wore that damn thing for almost five months. She prays that they don't take her that far back in her training. "Did you enjoy your first real day of school?" Janice is hit with the question the second she opens the door. She takes a step back when she sees who is asking. It is Dean Miller. He is a rather large and intimidating man. Janice still can't believe the man is her mentor. "Yes, sir," Janice whispers and then blushes. The Dean moves his bulk to the side. Janice gets the hint and walks inside. "First door on the right," he informs her. Janice almost jumps for joy when she hears this. It is a very good sign. Her normal training area for the past eight months was several doors down and on the left. The first few rooms are training areas for sissies that don't have to live in the secure area. She isn't out of the woods yet but it is certainly promising. As she makes the short trip to the door she sees Nancy peak out from the all too familiar door far down the hall. Janice is glad to see that the sissy girl only looks confused and not that sad. Nancy's look turns to fear though when she sees the Dean standing in the hall. Janice almost laughs as the little girl quickly shoots out of sight. Janice has her own fears to worry about. She opens the first door and looks inside. She has never entered this room before but she immediately recognizes it. She seen many training videos and live feeds of this room. This is also one of the rooms she spied on back when she was janitor. The same spying that got her in trouble and turned into a Humbled Girl 3; or so she thinks. It is one of the more plain rooms. All it has is a sink, plastic cover couch and some mats on the floor. The couch is normally used for one on one sessions and the mats for group sessions. Janice swallows hard when she sees there is another sissy already in the room sitting on the couch. Janice just barely made the hall bell so she is certain no other sissies will be joining them today. This is probably going to be one of the more intimate one on one sessions she often had to watch. Only today she won't be just watching. "I'm Sarah," the girl says as Janice approaches. Janice has seen the sissy many times before in the videos. She is rather cute like all the other sissies. She has black hair like Janice only it is much longer. She also has a very feminine face and body. Janice can tell the girl has been on female hormones a lot longer than herself. That said, Sarah's breasts are only maybe B cups. Sarah is still in her school uniform, but Janice already knows the girl has a small penis. It is only 4" [10 cm] long and maybe 3/4 of an inch [2 cm] thick. Like Janice, Sarah looks to be about 13 years old. So, it is possible the girl's penis is still developing. However, it is equally possible that it will never develop thanks to the estrogen. Janice's trainers told her once that they had two formulas they use on sissies when it comes to estrogen. One allows the sissy's cock to continue to develop a little and the other not only stops the development but even often reverses it. They refused to tell Janice which formula is being used on her. It is yet another mind game. It works though. There isn't a day that goes by that Janice doesn't check the length of her cock at least once. So far she hasn't noticed any shrinkage. It seems to stay at it's normal 7" by 1¾" [18 x 4½ cm]. It is actually pretty impressive for her age. Though, it still concerns her that it hasn't grown any in the past eight months. Is that the estrogen or is she simply done growing? "I'm Janice," she says as she sits on the other end of the couch. Janice can tell that Sarah wants to chat. However, Janice makes it clear by her position on the couch that she isn't interested. Part of her actually wants to chat. However, she is too busy fighting off the butterflies that are flapping around in her tummy. Despite all her months of training, Janice still gets nervous and embarrassed whenever she 'plays' with someone new. This is especially true when it is someone close to her own age. Despite the butterflies, Janice still feels her penis press against the confines of it's cage as she thinks about what they might make her do with Sarah. Janice might not feel gay but she has to admit that Sarah is rather cute. Janice's blush goes a brighter shade of red when she suddenly remembers the topic of her previous hour. It centered on how to make out with a boy for the first time. The following hours of seduction training normally shadow the first one. Add in the fact that Janice and Sarah have never been together before and it doesn't take a genius to guess what they will probably be doing soon. The thought of kissing boys, even sissies, still grosses Janice out a bit. Yet, like everything else, her training and the drugs have conditioned her such that it still somehow turns her on. Or at least she prays that those are the reasons. The possible alternative is too horrible to face. Janice and Sarah quickly stand as the door opens. Janice blushes further when she sees it is Victor. Victor teaches many things during seduction class but his specialty is teaching girls and sissies how to suck cock. Not that he sucks cock himself. Only a faggot would do something like that. Victor's Mexican cock is about 8" [20 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick. It isn't all that huge by the school's standards but it is still rather big for untrained students. Victor has a talent for making it fit anyway. Janice knows this all too well. "Remove your shoes and cages but leave the rest of your clothes on," Victor orders. "Once you are ready, get on the couch and show us what you learned in the previous hour." At that, Victor turns and leaves the room. Both Janice and Sarah let out a sigh of relief. They had feared Victor might have planned to spend the next hour or two fucking their throats. Not that he might not end up using some of the time for that anyway. The two sissies blush as they start thinking about what the actual assignment is. They both turn away from each other in embarrassment as they remove their cock cages. Janice has to undo a couple buttons on her white shirt so she can reach into her training bra and retrieve the cock cage key. She now feels silly for having hidden it there. One of her pockets would have sufficed. For some reason it had made her feel safer to hide it instead. She fishes the key out and quickly buttons back up. Her blush brightens as she pulls her panties down to her knees and then lifts her skirt. It takes her several second to unlock her cage. She drops her skirt back down as the cage comes off. She then quickly pulls her panties back up in hopes that no one will notice her cock is already starting to get hard. And there is no doubt in her mind that someone is watching. Not only are there surveillance cameras in the room but one wall has a huge two way mirror. It is possible Victor is working with sissies in one of the other rooms. However, it is equally possible that he is sitting in the cubby on the other side of that mirror watching her. Janice sits on the couch and then reaches down and removes her black Mary Jane school shoes. A proper lady always removes her shoes before making out with a boy. It is one of the many things they mentioned in the previous hour. It makes perfect sense to Janice. If you don't remove the shoes then they might get scuffed. This would be especially true if you decide to later get down on your knees and give the boy a special treat. Janice quickly shakes the thought from her head and chastises herself for thinking it. Janice puts her shoes neatly on the floor next to her cock cage. Before straightening back up, Janice takes the opportunity to ensure her knee high white socks are neatly in place. It isn't going to matter much in a few minutes whether her clothes are neat or not. It is just instinct. With nothing left to do, Janice slowly turns to face Sarah on the opposite end of the couch. She knows she should scoot over to the girl but the butterflies are holding her in place. Thankfully, Sarah doesn't seem to mind coming to her instead. Janice nibbles on her lower lip as the girl gets closer. Sarah doesn't stop until their sides are touching and their faces are only inches apart. Sarah's rosy painted lips come closer and touch Janice's. Sarah's lipstick is cherry flavored and Janice's is strawberry. Thankfully, the color of both are virtually the same and will blend well together on their lips. It is a very tender and delicate kiss at first. However, it quickly gets more heated. Janice blushes but doesn't hesitate to play an active role in the kiss. They are being evaluated after all. Proper Humbled Girl kissing is a lot more complex than one might think. You want to make your kiss seem eager. Yet, you want to make it seem like you are holding something back. Just enough that the boy will keep striving to acquire what you might be denying him. Having students kiss each other is an excellent training method. That is because it brings into the mix it's own set of challenges. The obvious one being that they are normally kissing others of the same gender. While this adds a humiliation and gross factor, it also adds a technical challenge as well since they are both wearing lipstick. You want your kisses to be passionate, yet at the same time you have to ensure lipstick doesn't get smeared all over you or the other student's face. The extra hurdle helps them master their skills. It makes kissing men seem like a cake walk 3; from a technical perspective anyway. The inside of Janice's mouth tastes like a sugary sweat strawberry/cherry cotton candy mix as their lips press together and their tongues dance against each other. The next thing she knows, Janice finds herself lying on the couch with Sarah on top of her. For the life of her, Janice can't figure out how they managed to so quickly get into this position considering their prior positioning. By all rights, Janice should have ended up on top. She can only chalk it up to Sarah's obviously superior amount of training. Janice isn't so hot with the position. She still has her 3" [7½ cm] plug in and the extra weight on her is pushing her insides against it. Plus, every time she tries to raise a knee up or something to offset the weight, Sarah takes advantage of the parted legs by bring her own thigh/leg up to press against the plug. Worse yet, the position gives Sarah most of the control. Janice feels that it is herself that should be in the dominate position. She is a lot more manly than Sarah. Heck, less than a year ago Janice was wearing boy clothes and fucking girls. Sarah probably has spent her entire life playing Barbie. Janice tries to switch positions but Sarah isn't having it. Janice is subtle about it at first but then starts applying more and more muscle toward her goal. Sarah easily holds her ground. The estrogen along with the reduction of exercise during the past eight months has done a number on Janice's strength. The struggle for power lasts for about a minute but to anyone watching it just looks like two girls hugging and kissing. A tear runs down the side of Janice's face as she realizes that she can't even overpower a sissy boy like Sarah. It is very humiliating. Finally, Janice has no choice but to give in. Not only is she getting tired but if they don't start focusing more then they risk failing the assignment. The kisses so far are okay but they have many other things they have to practice on each other. And Victor did not let them know exactly how long they have. This is not Janice's first time making out with another sissy. She has done it many times in the past eight months. Though, normally it was with younger sissies and Janice was normally the dominate one. All of that said, what they are practicing today is a bit more advanced than she is used too. In the past it was pretty much seal your lips and have a tongue of war in each other's mouth. The kisses they are supposed to be practicing today are a lot more tender and passionate. Janice wants to start the assignment but Sarah keeps dominating the action. It is clear that Sarah isn't going to let them continue until Janice gives up complete control. It is another two minutes before Janice finally gives up all signs of resistance. She doesn't even resist when Sarah thumps her plug a few times. Convinced she is now in full control, Sarah eases her face away for a moment. She stares into Janice's eyes and then slowly comes back in. She nibbles on Janice's lower lip and then licks lightly across the upper. She pushes her tongue between those lips and the two are back into a French kiss again. Janice has to admit that the lead in and the kiss feels very romantic. She can understand why a guy might like doing that or having it done to him. The two tongue each other for a minute and then Sarah backs away yet again. This time when she comes in she lets Janice do the nibbling and licking. Sarah might like being in control but she isn't about to let that control force another student to fail. She wants control over the other sissies, not make them her enemy. Sure, the newer sissies always hate her at first. However, over time they learn their place. Well, the weaker ones do anyway. It takes her a bit more time to dominate the stronger ones. She almost always succeeds though. The two take turns like this for several minutes before they switch to a different kiss. This one is a combo. You do a light kiss on the lips; kiss on the cheek; nibble the ear; kiss the cheek again; then French kiss. Sarah puts her own twist onto the end of the sequence though. Instead of going straight in for the French kiss, she sticks her tongue out slightly and tenderly licks at Janice's lips until she too is enticed into sticking her tongue out. The two tongues make love in the open air for a few seconds and then they lock lips and complete the French kiss. The kiss is so yummy that Janice can't help but grind up against Sarah. She can feel Sarah's little dicklet grinding back down onto her own. The grinding causes the head of Janice's dick to slide out the top of her cotton panties. As she continues to grind she can feel the tight elastic waistband of the panties gliding up and down the underside of her cock. The feeling is very delicious. Janice freezes when she realizes she is about to cum. She manages to stave off the climax but it got so close that she is sure at least a couple drops of cum probably came out. As she gets herself under control, Janice chastises herself for getting so excited by something as disgusting as kissing a sissy. Or at least she thinks it is disgusting. It certainly felt that way several minutes ago. Now that she is so close to climax she isn't sure what she feels. Janice tries not to think about it and just focuses on the assignment. When it comes her turn, the combo kiss is hard to perform from the bottom. Janice manages it, but only with a little help from Sarah. Janice finishes the kiss with a standard French kiss. The dancing of the tongues out in the open is kind of erotic but it is also very embarrassing. She is kissing another boy after all. Plus, someone is probably watching. This last thought makes Janice freeze. She suddenly remembers what Victor said before he left 3; " 3;show us what you learned 3;". He said "us"! It takes Janice a few seconds but she manages to convince herself that Victor was only talking about himself and maybe the Dean. She prays that there aren't others in there watching 3; like maybe her father! Janice quickly focuses back on the assignment. If she gets a failing grade then she will surely be sent to her father again for punishment. She will take embarrassment over punishment any day. Especially considering that punishment always comes with embarrassment when your father is the Headmaster. Altogether, Sarah and Janice practice ten different kiss sequences. They then move on to the more complex combinations of kisses, groping and grinding. As much as she hates the kisses, the groping and grinding are much worse. Okay, she actually enjoys the grinding. However, that is the problem. Like earlier, she enjoys it way too much. Without her cage on she is constantly having to concentrate on not climaxing. This is especially true with that damn huge plug rubbing her ass clit constantly. Sarah's little dicklet rubbing back and forth against her own through their skirts doesn't help matters either. The groping, however, is just plain disturbing. On one level it feels very sexy and erotic. However, Janice feels like jumping out of her skin every time her sensitive nipples get rubbed or squeezed. Yet, at the same time her sensitive nipples make her dick lurch and threaten to shoot it's sissy load. They continue the groping and grinding for about 20 minutes. Then they start all over with the kisses again. They rinse and repeat the sequence for an hour and a half before Victor finally steps back into the room. By now the two are lost in each other. Both of them are also desperate to cum. The only way they find strength to break apart is the hope that Victor might let them do just that. Of course, the possibility of punishment if they don't part is a nice motivator also. "Who wants to practice with me?" Victor asks. Both sissies quickly raise their hands. They are both expected to eagerly volunteer. Janice blushes when she realizes that part of her really wants him to pick her and not Sarah. Janice would do about anything right now to be allowed to cum. It has been over three days since her last climax and the make out session with Sarah has really gotten Janice primed. Janice almost starts crying when Victor picks Sarah. "Goodie!" Sarah squeals as she goes into Victor's arms. Victor doesn't waste any time in getting Sarah on the couch. The girl doesn't dare try to fight Victor for position. She already knows that is a fight she can never win. That said, it doesn't mean she isn't going to try to get control of the make out session. That is the point of the assignment after all. "Oh!" Sarah grunts as Victor pulls her plug out. Victor drops the plug to the floor. Janice feels like picking it up and handing it to Sarah so the girl will have to lick it clean. However, she remembers this is a make out session. Janice doubts that Victor wants Sarah licking a plug clean right before kissing him. Chances are he would make Janice clean it instead. Janice watches closely from the sidelines as the two start making out. At first, Janice just thinks it looks icky. A grown man kissing a sissy, yuck. Sure, she does it herself sometimes but watching it seems even more disgusting than doing it. It is especially disturbing to see Victor doing it. Uncle Victor kisses Janice on rare occasions but usually they never do any of the mushy stuff. Victor is normally just interested in training Janice's throat or asshole. And of course during all of those times with Victor, Janice never really tried to control the encounters. To be honest, she doesn't even think it is possible. The guy is pretty big and strong. He also seems to have a short fuse. Janice wants to see how Sarah manages to control him. At first it doesn't look like Sarah can gain any control at all. Victor is all over her, deep kissing, groping, etc. Very slowly, however, Sarah gains more and more control. Janice is very impressed. How Sarah does it looks so simple, yet seems so genious. Sarah starts out doing the more aggressive combos with Victor. She basically gives Victor what he is demanding. However, she gradually transitions into slower and more tender combinations. It is basically the opposite of what her and Janice did earlier. Within ten minutes Sarah has Victor wrapped around her finger. Victor is still doing a little grinding and groping but it is tame compared to how they started. Their kisses are also very tender and loving now. Janice would have never believed it had she not just seen it with her own eyes. This assignment clearly has more value than she thought. "Good job," Victor says after a few more minutes. "I think someone deserves a reward." Sarah giggles in response to the high praise. Janice feels like having a fit. She has known Uncle Victor all her life. Victor should have chosen her and not Sarah. It should be her getting the reward right now. Janice blushes when she realizes what she is thinking. She knows what kind of reward Victor is talking about. That isn't something she should be eager to get. Yet, she would be allowed to cum during the process. That would be so yummy right now. "Janice!" she screams in her head. She can't believe she is thinking such things. It isn't like they don't allow her to masturbate each night if she wants. The only reason she goes days sometimes is because she is required to do it in front of the cameras. And she is also required to eat her own jizz afterward. She has done this tons of times in the past but she still finds it utterly disgusting and humiliating. So, she normally goes a couple days between climaxes. Provided of course she doesn't accidentally have a climax during her training sessions. Which does often happen. She only waited longer this time because she knew she might go home today. That means no more cameras watching her or her having to eat her own climaxes after masturbating 3; right? "Get us ready," Victor orders. Janice blushes when she realizes he is talking to her. This not only embarrasses her but makes her very irate. It just isn't fair. She didn't even get a chance to win the reward. And yet here she is having to help give it out. Victor leans up onto his side. Janice doesn't have to be giving additional direction. She leans in and unzips his pants and then delicately pulls out his 8" [20 cm] long, 2" [5 cm] thick cock. She stares at it for a moment. Had he picked her for the assignment then this might be going into her ass pussy right now and not Sarah's. The thought of the thing rubbing back and forth against her ass clit makes Janice squeeze her ass muscles against her plug. This in turn makes her cock lurch under her skirt. Janice leans in closer and licks the precum off the head of Victor's cock. She then sucks the tip into her mouth and starts suckling on it. A few seconds later she is deep throating it. She does this for a minute and then pulls away. A fresh blush paints her face as she does so. Sucking Uncle Victor isn't as bad as sucking her father but it is still embarrassing. She has no choice but to do it though. It is one of Victor's rules. A sissy never looks at a cock unless she plans to touch it. And a sissy never touches a man's cock unless she plans to suck it. In short, if you see a cock then suck it. "Me too," Sarah giggles as she shimmies out of her panties and lifts up the front of her skirt. This really gets Janice's blood boiling. "This bitch actually wants me to suck her!" Janice is about to refuse. However, she remembers Victor's rule. Sarah's little dicklet hardly qualifies as being a cock. However, Victor is right there watching. He isn't going to let her try to get out of it on a technicality. Janice reluctantly leans in. Before taking the little 4" [10 cm] penis into her mouth she gives Sarah an evil grin that screams, "I'm going to bite your fucking dick!". They both know that Janice doesn't have the nerve to do such a thing. However, there is just enough doubt to wipe the smile off Sarah's face. Janice easily gets all of Sarah's dicklet into her mouth. The tiny thing doesn't even reach into her throat. Janice wants to stand and pull her own cock out so Sarah can see who the real man here is. To help prove how small Sarah is, Janice even sucks the sissy's marble size balls into her mouth. Sarah of course already knows she is small. Her daddy pays extra so the school will give her drugs to ensure it stays that way. Plus, her daddy and trainers take every opportunity to remind her how small her dicklet is. For a long time she used to cry herself to sleep every night over it. However, recently she came to realize that they wouldn't go to so much trouble to keep her small if it didn't somehow please them. That makes her special 3; right? Janice lets go of the little cock and balls when she feels Victor adjusting his and Sarah's position on the couch. He gets them into a spooning position with Sarah in front. Janice is really jealous now. She loves having her ass pussy bred in this position. Wait, that didn't come out right. She doesn't 'love' it. She hates it. She just doesn't hate it as much as most other positions. This position means she doesn't have to face the man fucking her. It is a lot less humiliating this way. Plus, without her dick rubbing against the man she is sometimes able to keep from accidentally cumming. Granted, the position does give men easy access to her sensitive boobies. This gives the men a lot of control over her. A little rubbing and light pinching and she is usually squirming all over and giving their cock a heck of a ride. The men's moans of pleasure are often almost as loud as her girly squeals. "Oh, daddy!" Sarah gasps as Victor's cock slides inside her. Victor isn't her real father. It is just how every Humbled Girl is required to address their trainers during sex. Victor gets in nice and deep. He then reaches over with his upper hand and starts rubbing and tweaking Sarah's nipples. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" This gets a giggle from Janice. It is good to see that Sarah's nipples are sensitive also. Unfortunately, the giggle gets Victor's attention. He motions her closer. He then grabs a fist full of her hair and moves her face down to his large balls. Janice immediately starts licking and sucking on them. Victor then moves her head so her mouth is next to the base of his cock shaft. For an instant, Janice tries to pull away. That cock has just slid out of Sarah's asshole! Janice quickly gives in. All Humbled Girls give themselves frequent enemas so it's not like there is anything too nasty on the cock. Plus, it isn't like she hasn't licked her own ass juices off a cock before. It just seems kind of 3; icky 3; to be licking another sissy's juices off one. Sarah realizes what is going on and slides up to the tip of the cock in order to give Janice more lollipop to lick on. Janice reluctantly licks up and down the length of it. Victor then moves Janice's mouth back down to his balls. Sarah sinks the cock deep inside again as Janice moves downward. Sarah then glides back up so Victor can have Janice lick the shaft clean again. Victor lets go but Janice knows she is required to repeat the process over and over until told otherwise. Victor then moves his attention back to Sarah's nipples. A second later Sarah's girly squeals fill the room once more. Despite being antsy from all the nipple play, Sarah manages to keep her strokes to a slow pace so that Janice can keep up with her cleaning chore below. This goes on for another ten minutes. Victor then pulls Janice's face away from his cock and balls and places it over Sarah's cock. Janice scrunches her nose in disgust as she sucks the little dicklet back into her mouth. She knows her mouth isn't coming off this time until after she swallows the sissy's cum. Victor holds Sarah's hips still as he starts pounding her ass pussy from behind. It takes him only a minute to start cumming in her hole. "Oh, daddy!" Sarah squeals again as she too begins to climax. Janice is less than pleased as she accepts the sissy's cum into her mouth. Thankfully, it only amounts to a half teaspoon at best. Janice can easily shoot out at least six times as much cum. She would giggle at the sissy's pathetic climax if she wasn't so busy being humiliated by just having eaten it. All three freeze in that position for over a minute. Finally, Victor pulls back and his cock pops free. Janice lets out a small groan as Victor grabs her head and moves her mouth to his cock. This isn't her mess 3; she shouldn't have to clean it! She does it anyway of course. She passively licks and sucks at the cock for over a minute. She struggles though when Victor grabs her head and tries to move it toward Sarah's rear end. "I won't do that! I won't eat cum out of a sissy's asshole!" Yeah, she doesn't actually say that out loud. Her struggles don't even last a full five seconds. She knows she has no choice but to obey. If she doesn't then they will punish her and make her do it anyway. Plus, they would then ensure she performs the same act over and over again in the weeks to follow. Besides, she's done something similar to this in the past anyway. It isn't something she likes to reminisce on though. She slowly moves her face to Sarah's ass. She gives the crack a long lick and is rewarded with a coating of cum on her tongue. She scrunches her nose in disgust as she forces herself to swallow it. She looks at Victor in hopes that he is happy with just that. He isn't. He just uses his hand to help part Sarah's ass cheeks. Janice feels ill as she leans back in and seals her lips to Sarah's nether hole. She takes a deep breath and then sticks her tongue out. It is disgusting but she manages to lick out some of the cum. She then goes back for more. This time she adds suction as well. She keeps tonguing and sucking at the hole until she has almost a mouth full of the gunk. She finally pulls back and opens her mouth so Victor can see how much she has collected. "Good girl," he praises. Janice has to struggle not to be sick as she closes her mouth and swallows hard. She keeps her stomach under control but only barely. The school bell rings not soon after. Janice is still in a bit of shock and everything becomes a bit of a blur. The next thing she knows she is standing in the hallway. At first she doesn't know what she is supposed to do. Then she remembers Victor telling her to just wait there. A minute later, Janice's face turns beat red and she starts crying tears of shame as she sees her father and Dean Miller come out of the observation cubby next to the room. They seen everything that just happened! Janice just wants to crawl under a rock and die. Chapter 4The drive home should be an exciting and joyful one for Janice. She is finally going home. Instead, she spends the entire time trying to hold back tears of shame. The worst part is that Janice knows there is no real reason to be so upset. Sure, what she just did with Victor and Sarah was horrible, but her dad surely has seen her do almost as bad in the past. Janice always prays that her father isn't watching her training via cameras and two way mirrors. However, she isn't stupid enough to believe he never has. Still, at least with those possible prior occasions the two of them could always pretend it never happened. It is impossible to pretend about what just happened. Janice seen her father walk out of the observation room and her father knows she seen him. While Janice is upset and silent, her three sisters aren't. Her two oldest sisters, Beth and Mary, are chattering back and forth about the day's activities. Amber joins their conversations from time to time. However, Amber's main focus is on Janice. Amber and Janice (Jack) have always been close. It concerns Amber that Janice is so upset. She tries to brighten her mood by telling her how pretty their room at home is. This only seems to upset Janice further. Beth and Mary don't speak to Janice but they certainly speak "of" her a few times. In particular, they gripe about how they got sent to their father's office for punishment as a result of Janice's hazing. Mary is especially upset about this. The higher in grade you are the greater the consequences for getting into trouble. Hazing or not, the demerit still goes on her record. For someone as low in grade as Amber, a demerit usually just means a quick punishment by the headmaster and maybe a little extra rough or humiliating treatment by her mentor for a few visits. Beth will get only slightly worse. However, it will take Mary at least two or three weeks to rid herself of all the consequences. It is total BS considering she didn't really do anything wrong other than be the sister of a new student. Mary of course would never lodge a formal complaint about it. That would just make things worse. That said, she makes sure her conversation about it with Beth is loud enough for her father to overhear. With luck he might put a good word in for her. She isn't going to hold her breath though. He is the headmaster after all. She knows her daddy loves her. However, she doubts he will let it interfere with his job. Janice's family owns a nice $500,000 home. Well, the bank actually owns it. It will be many years before Bill gets anywhere near paying it off. It is technically a six bedroom house. However, one bedroom is set aside for guests and Bill converted another into his personal study. While the house is pretty nice, the real reason it costs so much is because of it's location. It is in a very nice community not all that far from the school. Their $500,000 home is one of the cheaper ones in the neighborhood. There are some houses only a block away that go for well over $1,000,000. For Bill, the extra cost is worth it. He doesn't get much free time to mingle with all the other rich families, but his wife does. Staying in everyone's good graces helps ensure Bill's job security. He isn't stupid, he knows there are plenty of people constantly after his job. It is always good to have friends in high places when it comes to such things. As their house comes into view, Janice notices two vehicles parked in the driveway. She recognizes one of them immediately. It is her grandpa's car. "Grandpa John is staying with us for a few days," Bill announces to everyone as they pull into the driveway. Janice frowns. She loves her grandpa but isn't looking forward to seeing him. She can only imagine what her grandpa probably thinks of her now that Janice is a sissy boy. Janice doesn't have to imagine hard. Back when she was still Jack, her grandpa was always bragging about him. Jack had even been named after their grandpa. Janice noticed that her grandpa apparently was no longer going by Grandpa Jack. That in itself speaks volumes. Janice forgets about all of that for a moment as she steps out of the car. This is the first time she has been outside in the open air in eight months. Well, she technically went outside when they got in the car earlier. That didn't really count though since they were in a parking structure still. It feels odd. For eight months she dreamt of going outside. Now that she is, it just feels wrong. In fact, it is kind of scary. She isn't necessarily scared of something happening to her. She is more scared of what she might do. It would be so easy to just take off running. She thought she was past wanting to escape. She knows she wouldn't get far but she can feel the temptation itching away in the back of her mind. It truly frightens her. She feels almost like she is standing on a very high mountain ledge and something in her head is telling her to jump. In her mind's eye she can almost feel her body trying to sway out toward the ledge. Yet, at the same time she is scared to death of falling. She knows that doing so would have dire consequences. "How do you like my car!" Mary says as they hop out. Janice is thankful for the distraction. That doesn't stop her from rolling her eyes. Like having a car is a big deal. What use is it? Mary obviously doesn't even get to drive it to school and back. Factor in homework and the thing probably sits in the driveway 99% of the time. Okay, maybe Janice is a little jealous. The worst part is that Janice knows how cheap their father can be sometimes when it comes to presents. Chances are the car is still in his name. And once Mary leaves the house the car will go to Beth 3; then Amber 3; then her. By the time she gets it the thing will probably be all worn out. It isn't that fancy to begin with. It is a red Honda Civic. It is okay and all, just not fancy compared to what most of the neighbor kids drive. That said, Janice is already thinking about what color dress and shoes would look best on her while driving it. Janice is thinking a pink or white dress with red shoes. Oh, even better, maybe a white sun dress with pink and red roses on it. Yeah, that would be delicious. Janice doesn't spend much time thinking about it. She is too worried about seeing her grandpa. It has also been many months since the last time she seen her mother, Sierra. "Grandpa!" Amber, Beth and Mary all scream it at the same time as they enter the house. The three run to John who is sitting in the living room with Sierra. The girls always greet their grandpa like this. Usually, the obviously over the top welcome would make Janice groan in disgust. However, this time she is thankful for it. It helps draw the attention away from the elephant in the room 3; that being her all dolled up. John gives each of the girls a big hug. He also hands out a wrapped gift to each. In the past, Jack always got the best gift. Janice quickly notices that this time her grandpa only has gifts for his sisters. As his sisters work on opening their presents, John looks toward Janice. She in turn blushes. Her grandpa gives a disappointing look and then turns and starts talking to her father. Tears form in Janice's eyes and she quickly runs across the room and up the stairs to her room. "Janice!" She hears her mother yell after her. Janice just ignores it. Her mother no doubt is upset that Janice hasn't greeted Grandpa Jack 3; err John. Janice already knows from his look that her grandpa has no desire to greet her. Going back to do it now would just make things worse. It is hard for Janice not to obey. She would normally obey anyone at the drop of a hat. Eight months of intense sissy training will do that to you. Luckily, they tapered her training back a bit in the past month. This was to help her transition. Besides, she is well aware of school rules. They are just that, rules that apply at school. Home rules are left up to the parents. The only exception is when you are officially with your mentor. Then it is a mix of school rules and your mentor's personal school approved rules. So, until told otherwise, Janice plans to go by the same home rules she obeyed back when she was still Jack. Ignoring a guest will probably just get her a strong talking too. Okay, since it is her grandpa then maybe a small spanking. However, it will be a normal home spanking, not one of the humiliating types she would get at school. Janice can easily handle a home spanking. Janice freezes, puts her hand over her mouth and takes a step back when she opens the door to her room. "Oh my god," Janice says to herself in shock. "What did they do to my room!" Janice then remembers it is no longer just her room. It now belongs to her sister, Amber, as well. Way back in December, Janice even gave her sister permission to decorate the place. It felt like a bad decision back then and seems even worse now. There is so much pink radiating from the room that it is almost blinding. Pink bed sheets, pink dresser, pink study table 3; hell, even the walls are painted pink. They have hardwood floors, but Amber managed to cover almost every square inch with thick fluffy pink throw rugs. And of course Amber has her Powderpuff dolls lined up everywhere. There is also a Powderpuff lamp. And of course the pink bed sheets and pillow cases have prints of the Powderpuff girls on them. Part of Janice had hoped her sister would have at least grown out of the Powderpuff Girls stage by now. The cartoon is meant for little kids, not 15 year olds. Janice can only guess that the Powderpuff Girls probably remind Amber of a more peaceful time before becoming a Humbled Girl. Janice would feel sad for her sister had she not just destroyed her old room. Janice stands there shocked for almost a full minute. It is so drastically different than her living arrangements had been in the school's security area. She spent the last eight months staring at bland beige walls and tan carpet. Even before that when Janice was still Jack, his room in the house had been a simple white with touches of Navy blue here and there. Sure, if it were left up to Janice she probably would have incorporated some pink in the room also. However, this is just ridiculous. Once she gets over the color, Janice quickly notices there is only one bed. She blushes when she realizes she will be sharing the bed with her sister. It is a twin size also. It is going to get a little too close for comfort at night. Janice isn't sure why it embarrasses her so much. At least her sister is a girl. Plus, it's not like they didn't have sex a few times back when Jack was the janitor at the school. Of course, a lot has changed since then. Back then Jack was just starting to turn into a man. Now he is almost all girl. Janice hears someone coming up the steps so she quickly rushes into her room and closes the door. She goes to lock the door but finds there is no lock on it anymore. So, instead she holds her breath and puts her ear to the door and listens. Thankfully the foot steps go the other direction down the hall. For a moment there she had feared her dad might be coming up to punish her for earlier. Janice goes to her bed and sits down. Despite everything, she has to admit it feels good to be home. Or at least it feels good not to be locked up in her little school prison. She reaches down and pulls her Mary Janes off and then her socks. "Oh," she moans with pleasure as she wiggles her toes on the plush rug. Pink or not, that rug really feels yummy on her feet. It isn't until then that it dawns on her that she has nothing to change into. All she brought home was her school bag full of books. "Maybe Amber has something I can wear," she thinks to herself. Janice's eyes light up with joy as she opens the closet door and sees it is stuffed full of clothes. The best part though is that it is sectioned in half with Amber's name on one side and Janice's on the other. And Janice's side is full of clothes also! There are even shoes on her side! Janice feels almost like she died and went to heaven. Clothes and shoes 3; what more could you ask for? Janice can tell that most of the clothes are just hand-me-downs, but it still makes her want to jump for joy. She quickly gets out of her school clothes and starts trying on outfits. Her goal at first is just to find something that fits well. However, it isn't long and she has tried on almost every item. She even finds one that would look good in Mary's new car. Granted, Janice will long outgrow the dress before Mary lets her anywhere near the car. Janice takes mental notes on which outfits look best. She also notes which ones will need to be adjusted to fit better. Thankfully, she learned a lot about sewing and stuff in the past eight months. Janice is puzzled when she reaches the end of the rack and discovers several familiar dresses. They are outfits she was given while in the secure area. There is a yellow one, pink one and a purple one. There is also a sexy maid's outfit the Dean bought her. That outfit makes Janice blush when she sees it. At first, she thinks the outfits might be replicas. However, after eight months, she knows every stitch in those outfits. These are the originals. She seen them in the secure area of the school earlier this morning. So clearly someone must have collected them today and had them delivered to the house. With the exception of the maid's outfit, Janice is thankful for whoever delivered these extra outfits. Especially so for the yellow one 3; it is really yummy. She decides to wear this one for the rest of the night. She puts it on and starts tidying up the closet. While in captivity, Janice was required to keep everything perfectly arranged. For example, the tops of hangers were required to be exactly 2" [5 cm] apart. Janice notices that Amber's side of the closet is not perfectly aligned. Janice concludes that the rule doesn't apply at home. Still, it doesn't feel right not arranging them properly. So, she spends a minute doing so. As she finishes it dawns on her that the clothes given to her at the school were not the only gifts she received. Her eyes get big and she swallows hard. Most of those other gifts are things she doesn't want to have anything to do with. She quickly looks around in the closet again to make sure none are there. When she finds none of the items, Janice slowly turns and surveys the room once more. She looks for anything out of place. It isn't a hard task 3; if it isn't pink then it is out of place. Nothing pops out at her. Janice can even see all the way under the bed. That leaves only two other possible hiding places: the drawers on the study desk and those on the dresser. She knows the dresser is the most likely candidate 3; so she goes to the study desk first. She knows she will end up looking everywhere, but she dreads actually confirming they are in the dresser. She sighs with relief when she finds nothing at the study desk except a computer, pens and paper. Janice holds her breath as she goes to the dresser and opens the top drawer. It contains a variety of socks, panties, training bras and nightgowns. She gets distracted with the panties. Could these be hers? They look like they might fit. Some are plain white school panties. However, there are several others that are very sexy and pretty. She unfolds these and inspects each one. Then carefully folds them back up. "Hey! Those are mine!" Janice almost jumps out of her skin. Amber barged right in without knocking. Not that she needs to knock 3; it is now her room also. Janice turns bright red at being caught inspecting her sister's panties. "S 3; sorry, I thought this was my drawer," Janice tries to explain. "Mmhmm," Amber replies, not fully believing her sister. "You get the bottom two drawers." Janice quickly closes the top drawer. As she kneels down she notes that there are five drawers. This upsets her a bit. Not only did Amber take the top drawers but she took an extra one as well. It isn't fair! Okay, technically it probably is fair since Amber is older. However, it still doesn't feel fair to Janice. This entire room was hers just eight months ago, now she isn't even getting equal drawer space. Amber goes to the bed and starts chatting. Janice just tunes her out. Instead she focuses on her first drawer as she slowly opens it. She is relieved when she sees that it also contains just socks, panties, training bras and a couple nightgowns. She notes right away that the nightgowns are the same ones she had worn during the past eight months. She notices that all her panties from her school prison are here also. There are a few new pairs as well. The new ones look very pretty. She is tempted to try them on. However, she is a little embarrassed with Amber in the room it. After all she went through during her training, Janice has to admit that it is a tad silly to be embarrassed about something as simple as trying on panties. Yet, she is. So far, Amber has been pretty cool about her younger brother being a sissy now. She hasn't teased him or laughed at him. Yet, Janice is still reluctant to do anything to bring additional attention or invite conversation about her new status. Janice is about to close the drawer when it dawns on her that the panties are folded slightly different. Most would never notice the difference. During her training, Janice's panty drawer, among other things, was inspected on a regular basis. Janice had to make sure the panties were folded in neat little 3" [7½ cm] squares and nicely pressed. She sometimes spent over a minute on each panty to make sure they were perfect. Thus, any deviation in the perfection of the fold stuck out to her like a sore thumb. These panties have definitely been refolded. It makes sense that they would get messed up in transport and need to be refolded. What strikes Janice as odd is that they are very neatly refolded. They aren't as good as she would have done them. However, whoever did refold them clearly has training. She knows one of her sisters wouldn't have been pulled out of school to perform a task as trivial as this. It is possible one of her trainers delivered and folded the panties. However, it is more likely that her mother did it. Janice feels like crying when she realizes this. So, her mom folded her panties for her? It really isn't that embarrassing. Janice chastises herself for letting her emotions get away from her. She knows it is all the damn estrogen they keep feeding her. One minute she feels in control and the next she is crying for no apparent reason. Not that she doesn't get plenty of reasons to do so. This happens with more than just sadness and embarrassment. For example, if a man is 'playing' with her she might hate his guts one minute and think she is falling in love with him the next. Every emotion is a constant roller coaster ride. The lack of control makes her feel so helpless. Janice groans when she cracks her second drawer open. It is chucked full of various sex toys and other devices. Some of them she quickly recognizes from her prison cell. One that stands out is a gun shaped laser hair removal device. She uses this device on her arms and legs. Any hair that grows on her face, underarms or pubic area gets quickly removed by the school doctor using an electrolysis machine. Janice still cries sometimes when she thinks of that electrolysis machine. The device has wires coming out of it with needles on the end. The needle gets pushed into the follicle of the hair. A little jolt of electricity is applied and then the hair is plucked out with some tweezers. While it isn't very comfortable, what actually makes Janice cry is the fact that the process permanently removes the hair. It really bothers her that no matter what happens she will always be bald in those areas. Sadly, in time, the laser system is supposed to do the same thing. "I've got a drawer full of toys also." The comment draws Janice's attention back to her sister. She quickly shuts the drawer when she realizes Amber is peeking inside. Amber shrugs it off and starts removing her school clothes. Janice opens her panty drawer again and pretends to be surveying the contents. She tries not to glance at her sister but it is hard not too. They might be related but it has been many months since Janice has gotten to see a naked girl in person. Even Janice's female trainer no longer got fully nude during their sessions together. Amber's small blush makes it clear that she knows Janice is peeking at her. Amber is used to being watched but it is a bit different when it is someone in the family. That said, it is far from being the most embarrassing moment of her life. "You get the bathroom first in the mornings," Amber says as she changes into a yellow dress of her own. "The schedule is posted on the door." The comment comes out of nowhere, but Janice is happy for the break in the awkward silence. It's a simple comment but it still takes Janice a few seconds to process. It just doesn't make sense that she would get the bathroom first. It all becomes clear though when she walks over and sees the schedule. "4 a.m.!!" Janice screams it in her head but it only leaves her lips as a whisper. Even during her training she seldom ever got up that early. Lately, in the control area at the school they had been letting her sleep to almost 6 a.m. It only takes Janice a few seconds to figure it out. The schedule allots her 30 minutes. That is about how long it takes for her morning enemas. If she rushes she can get in a quick shower as well. That is 30 minutes the next person in line gets to sleep. That person is Amber. Beth is after her. Mary, isn't on the schedule. For a moment, Janice is jealous of their oldest sister. She then remembers that her oldest sister has to share a bathroom with their parents. Janice is certain that arrangement has it's own set of drawbacks. Focusing back on the schedule, Janice notices that her sisters only have blocks of 20 minutes. That tells her they are either better at giving themselves enemas or their enemas aren't quite as extensive as her own. She suspects that it is the latter. Sissy standards are a bit strict when it comes to 'cleanliness'. Janice uses about a half gallon in her enemas and repeats the process several times before she meets Humbled sissy girl cleanliness standards. Real girls at the school of course have to be pretty clean back there as well. However, their rear ends don't get 1/10th the attention as a sissy's does. While the schedule makes sense, Janice still isn't happy with the idea of a 4 a.m. wakeup call. Janice becomes even more upset when she looks down further on the page and sees she has additional duties. At 5 a.m. she and Amber have cooking duty. Then later they have dish washing duty. That isn't the end of the list either. There are also days where Janice has to do laundry, clean floors, etc. "This is just as bad as my training was," Janice says to herself. Okay, nothing can be that bad. It is still a ton of duties. It is night and day from when Janice was still Jack. Back then all she had to do was take the trash out and maybe cut the grass once a week. Looking at the schedule, Janice can't imagine when she is supposed to get all of her homework done. Especially once you factor in her mentor appointments. It seems so overwhelming that it makes her feel a little ill to her tummy. "Did you take your plug out?" The comment draws Janice away from the schedule. "No," Janice whispers as her face turns red. The thought of removing the plug at home never occurred to her. While in captivity she wore the thing until bed time. "You have to do it in front of me," Amber says as Janice turns to go into the bathroom. "It's house rules," Amber adds when she sees the concerned look on Janice's face. "No toys go in or come out without someone else being present. Dad says it is for safety purposes." The way Amber says the last part makes it clear she doesn't believe the purpose behind the rule. Janice is of the same belief. It is a lot more likely the rule exists simply to humiliate them further. "You can't masturbate without someone watching either," Amber adds to help emphasize how bogus the reasoning behind the prior rule is. "I'll 3; I'll keep it in," Janice says, not sure how else to respond to the toy rule. Janice realizes that the response is rather silly. She is going to have to take the thing out eventually. She also knows that Amber is the best choice for watching her do it. It will still be humiliating but at least Amber won't make fun of her. "You can't keep it in, silly," Amber says with a giggle. "You will get into serious trouble if dad or mom finds out you are still wearing your school plug." Janice is about to ask how their parents would ever find out. However, for now it seems better she doesn't know. She's not sure she could handle knowing right now that they have hidden cameras or something in the house. Janice lingers there for a moment before she finally pulls her dress up so can access her panties and plug. "Oh!" Janice grunts as the plug pops free. She blushes as she pulls the plug out from under her dress. "Wow, that's huge!" Amber says in shock when she sees the 3" [7½ cm] thick plug. "Mary said siss 3; you used large plugs but I thought she was kidding." Janice's blush becomes fire engine red. She also has to wipe away a few tears of shame. It doesn't help matters that Amber had almost referred to Janice as a 'sissy'. Janice knows she is a sissy but she doesn't like being reminded of it. Janice is ashamed of being a sissy. So, when she is all dolled up Janice just tries to convince herself that she is a real girl. It's a lot easier than facing reality. It seldom works of course. However, it's relaxing during the ten to 20 minute periods here and there where she does manage to forget she is a boy. During those brief moments she feels almost normal. Like she is no different than any other Humbled girl. Her face turns even redder as she brings the plug to her lips and licks it clean. She is half way done before she realizes that maybe you don't have to lick your toys clean at home. Amber doesn't seem surprised by the maneuver so Janice is pretty certain she did the right thing. "How big is your plug?" Janice asks, trying to draw attention away from herself. As an answer, Amber goes to her dresser and pulls a plug out of one of her drawers. Janice is humiliated and a tad angry when she sees the size of the thing. It's only 1.75" [4 cm] thick. Amber has been a Humbled girl for years now and her plug is barely over half as big! "Usually, only newer students have to wear plugs," Amber points out. "Most of the time we just wear beads. Dad makes us wear beads at home also." They never made Janice use anal beads during her training. However, she is well aware of what they are. When she was still janitor Jack got to play with several girls that had anal beads up their rear ends. However, most of the girls he played with had plugs. For a moment Janice thinks her sister is lying to her. However, it dawns on her that a majority of the girls she got to play with back then were either new or the school's equivalent of trouble makers. The newer students would have plugs like Amber pointed out. The ones in trouble would probably have them usually also as an additional form of punishment. All of that said, Janice knows there is no reason for her to be hopeful. From what she can tell, every sissy at the school wears plugs. A couple minutes ago Janice had been fine with wearing her plug. She used to hate it but after a few months it felt natural to be wearing one. Now, however, she is angry about it. It just isn't fair that she has to wear something that girls at the school most likely view as punishment. Janice opens her 'toy' drawer and neatly arranges the freshly cleaned plug inside. "Don't forget your beads," Amber says as Janice starts to close the drawer. It isn't until Amber says this that Janice fully processes the house rule mentioned earlier. Janice had been so focused on the aspect of not having to wear her plug that she hadn't given much thought to anything else. Janice looks in the drawer but sees no beads. There is a pretty large box in the drawer though. Janice seen it earlier and had hoped she would never have to open it. She can only imagine what might be inside. She didn't want to open it earlier and she especially doesn't want to open it now with Amber looking over her shoulder. She sees little option. Besides, Amber is going to have to be present anyway in order for Janice to put the beads in. Janice is starting to hate the 'toy' rule more than she thought she would. Janice feels like crying when she opens the box and sees what is inside. There are a variety of sex toys, ball weights, etc. Janice quickly locates the only set of anal beads and shuts the box before her sister gets too good of a look inside. Janice stands there staring at the anal beads in shock for several seconds. Amber is staring wide eyed at them as well. There are four rubber-like beads tethered together with a long cord. The first three beads are 2.5" [6½ cm] thick each. The final one, however, looks at least 3.5" [9 cm] thick. "Those are big," Amber finally says. "No shit." Janice thinks it but doesn't say it. Instead she focuses most of her attention on the final bead. She isn't all that sure she should be trying to put something that big inside herself. She has had things inside her before that are that big but not that often. She feels a little more confident, however, when she grabs it with her hand and gives it a squeeze. It's rather squishy. It's almost like it is one big, round gummy bear. Once she is over the shock of the size, Janice remembers she is going to have to put this inside herself while Amber is watching. She looks at Amber and sees that the girl is still staring in shock. However, Janice sees more than just that. There is also a kind of excitement or anticipation in her sister's eyes. It becomes clear to Janice that Amber can't wait to see how Janice is going to manage to fit all those large balls inside. This angers Janice a bit. Amber is not just her sister, she is supposed to be her friend. She should be showing sympathy or concern, not excitement. For an instant, Janice considers denying Amber. However, she then remembers that if Amber doesn't watch then someone else in the family is going to have too. Unless of course Janice wants to break the house rule. Yeah, that option just isn't on the table. The risk of discovery is way too high. Plus, she is certain the penalty would be a lot worse than the humiliation. Reluctantly, Janice brings the first ball to her mouth and starts licking it with her tongue. Once it is sufficiently lubricated, she moves on to the next. Amber is so entranced that her new sister is on the third ball before Amber realizes she forgot to tell Janice that at home they are allowed to use lubricants. Amber knows she should speak up, but she doesn't. She is curious if Janice can manage to fit all the balls with just saliva as lubricant. She decides she will wait until tomorrow before telling her sister where they keep the lubricant. She hopes that Janice will buy that it was just a lapse in memory. "You 3; you should lift your dress up," Amber says as Janice snakes the string of beads under the dress and out of sight. "I need to make sure you don't hurt yourself." The comment is technically true. After all, safety is the reason their father claims he created this rule. Of course, everyone knows that reason is BS. As such, normally they don't watch each other that closely when they are putting a toy in or taking one out. Normally, you just ask a family member if they will watch. If that person agrees then you perform the task. However, the observer seldom ever actually observes. They usually just continue with whatever they were doing and maybe just glance briefly a few times. With the exception of their father, the observer normally could care less if the act is hidden out of sight under a dress or what have you. In this case, however, Amber is anxious to see Janice squeeze those huge balls inside. She knows she shouldn't want to see such a thing, but just look at the size of those things! Janice hesitates for a moment. Giving such an intimate display is hardly new for her. Yet, it is the first time she has had to do something like this in front of her sister. However, she knows the longer she waits the more awkward it will become. Her blush reddens as she slowly lifts her dress up. The dress is a long one and it is a bit hard to hold it up while at the same time trying to push one of the large balls inside her asshole. Amber sees Janice's dilemma and steps in to help. She grabs hold of the bunched up dress, thus freeing Janice's hand. Janice is thankful for the help, yet at the same time embarrassed that her sister now has an ever closer view. "Oh!" Janice grunts as the first 2.5" [6½ cm] ball pops inside. In the past eight months, Janice has had a large variety of objects up her asshole. This is the first time for a round ball though. It feels kind of yummy. Of course, lately about any object going inside her ass pussy has felt yummy. Anything going up her asshole always makes her dick twitch and drip precum. Often she even climaxes from it. Her reaction of course has not gone unnoticed by her trainers. Her trainers tell her that her reaction makes her an anal slut. They say it as though it is a compliment but Janice sees it as anything but. Janice quickly notices that there is an added weird sensation. She can feel her insides trying to pull the ball even deeper. Her insides tug until the next ball along the cord is pressing against her hole. Janice gently bites her lower lip as she uses her fingers to push the second ball inside. Her insides seem happy until she reaches the third ball. She manages to get it inside no problem. However, her insides suck that ball in which in turn pushes the other balls even deeper. It isn't painful, but at the same time it doesn't feel comfortable either. Janice swallows hard when she feels the 3.5" [9 cm] thick ball press up against her hole. She is a bit fearful how it will feel when she presses that monster inside. She fears not just how wide she will be stretched but also how deep it will push the other balls. For a moment, Janice thinks about pulling all the beads out and then going to their father with her concerns. However, she quickly comes to her senses. He isn't going to let her off that easy. He will just make her try again. Only this time he will make sure she has a much larger audience. Plus, he will make her keep at it for hours if necessary in order to fit them all inside. Janice starts to push on the final ball but lets off when she realizes she needs a better angle in order to force the huge object past her ass ring. She thinks for a moment and then decides that getting onto her hands and knees will probably work best. Once into position she reaches back and starts pushing again. The ball squishes down and elongates but it still stretches Janice to her limits. "Oh. Oh. Oh," she starts grunting as her hole is stretched wider and wider. "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. OH!" The ball pops inside and Janice lets out another long, "oh" as her hole sucks the ball inside and pushes the other three even deeper. Janice freezes in place and pants for a minute as she tries to get used to having something so deep inside her. It is even a little deeper than Ray's 10" [25 cm] cock normally gets. Janice is in her own little world of anal sensations. Her insides are trying to suck the larger ball inside while at the same time trying to push the first three balls out. And in the middle of all of that her ass clit is sending out all kinds of delicious naughty tingles from all the added pressure on it. There is a cord still sticking out of her hole with a small ring at the end of it. She wants to pull on that ring and yank all the balls out, yet at the same time she almost wishes there was another ball she could push inside. Yes, it is uncomfortable. Yet, there are such yummy naughty tingles radiating from her tummy. In the middle of all of this Janice suddenly realizes that she is licking her sister's hand for some reason. She freezes as the taste of cum registers in her mind. It takes her a few seconds to figure out that she had an anal orgasm. Her sister obviously seen it leaking out of the cock cage and collected it. And now she is feeding it to her. Janice feels disgusted with herself for having the climax. She is also ultra humiliated at having done it in front of her sister. And there are no words to describe how ashamed she is to be licking the mess from her sister's hand. Janice knows that if there was any doubt in Amber's mind that Jack was gone then it just disappeared. All that exists now is sissy Janice. Despite the shame, Janice only hesitates a moment before she goes back to licking her sister's hand clean. "If you make a mess then you clean it up." That is sissy rule number one. Chapter 5Janice spends the next 30 minutes studying. Or at least she tries to. It is hard to concentrate with the anal beads in place. Every time Janice shifts, the beads seem to move around inside her and fill her full of naughty tingles. Janice is tempted to go into the bathroom and masturbate. Maybe then she could concentrate more. It is a good plan but she fears that there might be hidden cameras in there. The last thing she wants is to provide her parents with footage of her playing with herself. Plus, she would get in trouble for violating the house rule on masturbation. No, it will be better if she waits until bed time and the lights are out. She will then be able to masturbate under the covers. It will be a little awkward with her sister next to her but if she is quiet enough then Amber will never know. Of course, it will mean having to dispose of the evidence covertly. The best way to do that is to lick it off her hands. Janice hates eating her own cum but it's better than getting caught or not cumming at all. "Concentrate!" Janice screams it in her head when she realizes she just spent the last five minutes thinking about masturbation. Within a few minutes though, Janice is thinking about masturbation again. It quickly becomes clear that she will never get her assignments done at this rate. She also realizes that this is no doubt part of her training. If she doesn't study or get her assignments done then she will get bad grades. And bad grades equal punishment and additional time under her teachers' desks. And that equals more bad grades. The only way to end the vicious cycle is to relieve her sexual urges as often as possible. And that of course means losing what few sexual inhabitations she might have. Deep down, Janice knows that she has no choice but to give in. However, the thought of masturbating in front of family members is so 3; icky and embarrassing. After the past eight months one would think something as simple as masturbating in front of a family member wouldn't even phase Janice. However, it does. Janice struggles with the conflict for several minutes. Finally she decides to ask Amber to watch her masturbate. However, before she can ask their father enters their room. Janice feels like screaming at their father. She is at home now and not in her little prison at school. She feels she has at least earned a knock at the door from her father before he just barges in. What if he had done that several minutes ago while she was putting her beads in? Janice swallows hard when she realizes that he could have barged in a few minutes later when Janice would have probably been masturbating for her sister. Just the thought makes her face turn red. "Your mother is ready for you in the kitchen," Bill informs them after taking a quick glance around the room. Bill turns and leaves. Janice quickly gets up and runs after him. She only gets a couple feet, however, before she is overcome by the beads squirming around inside her. She doesn't give up. She forces herself to continue after him. The sensations inside her become so intensely yummy that by the time she catches up to her father in the hall she is walking on her tippy toes. "Dad, do I have to stay with Amber?" Janice asks. "Why can't I stay in the guest room instead?" Janice has been thinking this question ever since she seen her new pink room. The house rules gave her all the more reason to want her own room. If she has her own room then she will be able to find all kinds of ways to secretly violate those rules. She knows her father will probably say "no" but she has to ask just in case. "I understand your concern son," Bill says after thinking about it for a moment. "It wouldn't be fair to your sisters though. You are not only younger but also in a lower grade than they are." Janice doesn't hear most of what her father says. She focuses mainly on his first sentence where Bill referred to her as, 'son'. Janice knows it is just a slip of the tongue on her father's part. However, it still makes her feel special that their father sees her as more than just another daughter. She does hear enough of the rest of his statement to know she is being denied. As a last ditch effort, Janice gives her best puppy dog eyes. While this approach was touched on in one of her seduction classes, Janice knows that it isn't the best approach for this situation. Their father is not one to be easily affected by sympathy. No, the better approach for dealing with their father would have been to give a small touch of seduction and then hint that if she had her own room then it would make it easier for the two of them to have alone time together. Better or not, she isn't about to take that approach. Hinting at the promise of sexual favors for her father is icky and humiliating. Even worse, it might actually work. She could end up having a visit from her father every night. "I tell you what," Bill says after a few seconds. "To help you adjust, you can stay in the guest room for a few days. How does that sound?" "Thank you!" Janice says as she rushes to her dad and gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Janice blushes as she backs away. Her reaction is probably a little overboard. Yet, she can't help but be ecstatic. First her father refers to her as 'son'. Now he gives this gift without any implied favors of sex in exchange. This tells Janice that her father still loves her. The next time she has to give him a blowjob she will make it extra special. "JANICE!" she screams in her head. She can't believe she just thought that. She really needs to masturbate soon. Her constant arousal from the beads is messing with her thoughts. She is very thankful for her cock cage. Without it she would be walking around the house with a tent in front of her dress. Janice turns and tippy toes back to her room. She isn't sure but she thinks she hears her father giggle at her walk. It upsets her but not enough to override how thankful she is to him right now. Janice enters the dining room about five minutes later. It would have been earlier but walking with the beads inside her is a bit of a chore. She kept having to stop in order to prevent having another anal orgasm. She also took a couple minutes beforehand to change clothes. She went with a shorter brown dress. It is a rather plain and boring dress. It is her least favorite dress but she hopes it will help keep the attention off her. Besides, if she spills something it will be easier to get a stain out of brown than bright yellow. The only drawback to the dress is that she only has one pair of shoes that really go with it that well. They are a pair of tobacco brown high heal pumps. The heals are several inches tall and she finds them a bit uncomfortable. They are also a bit much to wear to a casual dinner. Her trainers tell her that high heals make her rump look pretty. Janice still prefers much shorter heals. Not too short though. Janice finds a 2" [5 cm] heel to be about perfect. They are a ton more comfortable. Yet, they still give a nice touch of lift back there. They are also much easier to walk in. And any Humbled girl knows that how you walk makes all the difference in the world. Janice often likes to use the straight line method. It is similar to how runway models walk. You draw an imaginary straight line on the ground and then you make sure every step is on that line. It really accentuates the rump. Not that she walks this way for men. Well, not really. She does it sometimes just for the satisfaction of knowing she can grab everyone's attention in a room if she wants. Attention is normally the last thing she needs. However, for some odd reason she often finds herself wanting that attention. The conflicting needs are often confusing for her. "Did everything fit okay?" her mom asks as Janice walks into the kitchen. Her mom is glancing down toward Janice's rump as she asks the question. Janice blushes as she realizes her mom isn't asking about the clothes. She is asking about the anal beads. "Yes," Janice whispers in response. She actually wants to say "no". She wants to tell her mom that the beads are way too big. However, such a complaint would surely start up a long discussion on the topic. And their father would no doubt be called in to join. Janice wants nothing to do with that kind of embarrassment. Besides, it would be hard for her to make her point when clearly the beads all fit inside her. Sure, there is still some discomfort but she isn't bleeding or rolling around on the ground in pain. As they start, Janice is pleased to see that most of the meal is already prepared. Apparently, their main duty today is making some of the sides which are quick and easy. They also end up being in charge of plating the food. Janice is good at plating. They taught her about plating way back when she was still on a dog food diet. If you can make a plate of dog food look good then you can make about anything look good. The main dish is just meatloaf but it still makes Janice's mouth water. Even after her dog food diet was mainly over they still never served her anything fancier than bologna sandwiches. And a few times a month they still fed her the dog food as well. This will be the first cooked meal she has had in a very long time. Janice and Amber put the food on the table and then rush to the bathroom to wash up. Everyone is sitting by the time they return. There are two seats left along one side of the table. One is directly across from their grandfather and the other is on the far end. Both walk briskly for the one at the far end but Janice's speed is hindered by the large beads churning around inside her. She gives Amber a dirty look and then proceeds to the chair across from their grandfather. Janice feels both ashamed and embarrassed as she takes her seat. She gingerly settles down on her chair in order to reduce the impact on her beads. She still lets out a small "oh" as the large beads shift inside her. She keeps her eyes downcast to her plate but she can feel her grandfather's eyes boring into her. "Dad, Janice says she wants to share your room while you are here," Bill says immediately after they finish saying grace. "Are you okay with that?" "What!?" Janice says before she can catch herself. She never asked for such a thing! Wait 3; or did she? Technically, she had. She asked to stay in the guest room. And that is where their grandfather is staying during his visit. Her father compromised and said she could stay there for a few days 3; which happens to be the length of their grandfather's visit. Janice feels like crying as she realizes she has been tricked. She clearly hadn't meant she wanted to stay in the room while their grandfather was there. Janice hears Mary and Beth giggle. They of course have good reason to be cheerful. During his visits, their grandfather normally sneaks into one of the kids' rooms each night. If Janice is bunking with him then there is less chance of that happening. In answer, their grandfather lets out a mix between a grunt and a groan. In grandpa talk that is a reluctant "yes". The reply makes Janice blush. Her eyes water up but she manages to keep from leaking any actual tears. There is a long awkward silence. Bill then starts talking about miscellaneous stuff. Janice doesn't give any of it much attention. She is just happy the conversation is off her for now. She can still feel her grandfather looking at her though. She glances up at him a few times to make sure and each time they lock eyes. Each time just makes her blush get worse. Around the middle of the meal, Janice looks down and notices something awkward. Mary, who is sitting next to her, has removed one of her shoes. It is awkward because Janice can clearly see that her oldest sister still has the other shoe on. Out of curiosity, Janice looks for the bare foot. It isn't anywhere in sight. Janice blushes when she realizes that her sister's foot is raised off the floor and no doubt in someone's lap across the table. Janice looks at the angle of the thigh and follows it across the table and directly to their grandfather. Their grandfather is staring at Janice still with a smirk on his face. Janice blushes profusely and quickly looks back down at her plate. Her grandfather clearly believes it is her foot in his lap. First the request to stay in his room and now this. Janice could just die. The meal lasts about 35 minutes but it seems like an eternity to Janice. She is happy when their mother gives them the okay to leave the table. Of course, for Janice and Amber that just means it is time to clear some of the table and start washing dishes. Janice doesn't mind that much. In her prison at school, if she wasn't studying or training then she normally sat around and did nothing. It got extremely boring. About any activity was something to look forward to. Even things she hated to do were often not that bad compared to boredom. Janice still rushes to get the dishes done. She has plenty of homework waiting for her. Plus, the longer she takes the greater the chance her father or grandpa will come into the kitchen and mess with her. Janice finishes the dishes and spends the next two hours working on her homework. Or at least she tries to. Amber spends the entire time trying to catch Janice up on everything that's happened in the past eight months. "Don't you have homework to do?" Janice finally asks. "You do realize that we don't have to go to school for another three days, right?" Amber asks. Janice growls and then slams her book closed. The holiday completely slipped her mind. There was no reason to take note of it. The school is so strict that it seemed logical that they would not get the holiday off. It is night and day compared to Janice's prior school there they would have gotten the entire summer off. "What… What are we supposed to do?" Janice asks after a moment. What Janice really means to ask is, "Exactly what are we allowed they do?". Amber ignores the question and keeps on jabbering. It isn't long and Janice gets caught up in the conversation. While school comes up, they primarily talk about various current events that took place while Janice was gone. Janice would normally find the conversation boring. However, she finds it relaxing to talk about something other than school for a change. They do some additional schoolwork, but they end up spending most of the night chatting. It is so relaxing that Janice forgets for a while that she has an appointment with her grandfather. It isn't until it's almost time for bed that she remembers. For a minute, Janice thinks about ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. She knows that's not a real option. She knows her only option is to go. The only question is when? Part of her wants to wait as long as possible. However, if she goes early and can manage to get to sleep then maybe her grandfather won't bother her. It's unlikely, but at least worth a shot. Janice changes into her nightgown. She also removes her daytime makeup and replaces it with a lighter more subtle night time version. She blushes as she applies some cherry lip gloss and tells Amber her plan. Amber seems sympathetic. However, the look in Amber's eyes tells Janice that her sister might be questioning the motive. It bothers Janice that Amber probably thinks that she is anxious to meet up with their grandfather. Janice manages to make her way to the guest room without being seen. However, she is unable to get to sleep. Every time she hears movement in the house she fears that it is their grandfather coming to bed. Eventually, that fear comes true. Janice lies on the bed on her side with her back to the door hoping that her grandfather believes she's asleep. It takes her grandfather only two minutes to get ready for bed, however it seems like an eternity to Janice. At first, their grandfather stays on the far side of the bed. After a moment, he slides over to Janice and spoons behind her. Janice shivers in both fear and disgust. She tries to pretend that it is someone else but his familiar smell keeps reminding her. It isn't a smell one can easily ignore. Their grandfather smokes a pipe and the stench of it on him is overwhelming. There is also an all too familiar smell of alcohol on his breath. Jim Beam to be exact. At first her grandfather just lays there spooning behind Janice with his arm over her side. Janice evening starts to get her hopes up that he might fall asleep. However, the hand over her side starts to roam. She can also feel the distinct hardness of his manhood on her rump through the thin material of the nightgown. Janice tries to stay still. However, she fails to do so once her grandfather starts playing with her sensitive nipples. "Grandpa," Janice pleas in a whisper. "Be a good girl now," her grandfather says as he pinches one of the nipples hard. Janice blushes but it is sadness that dominates her emotions. She can't believe that her grandfather is doing this to her. However, part of her isn't surprised. After all, their grandfather used to be the headmaster at a school very similar to the one Janice now attends. It is possible they had sissies also that he attended to. For several minutes, her grandfather seems content with playing with her nipples. During this time Janice is moaning and squirming all over the place. "Get undressed," her grandfather finally says as he pulls back the covers. Tears run down Janice's cheeks as she gets on her knees and then slowly lifts her nightgown up and then over her head. Her face and shoulders turn red as she takes a deep breath and then pulls her panties down and off. "Everything," her grandfather growls. There are only two things left, her cock cage and her beads. Janice decides to remove the cage first. Before coming to the room she put the key to her cage on a thin necklace. The necklace is already sitting on the nightstand. She grabs it and with trembling fingers unlocks the cage and removes it. She blushes as her 7" [18 cm] cock immediately becomes stiff. She looks at her grandfather in hopes that the cage is all that he wants off. The look on his face makes it clear that he wants the beads removed as well. Removing the beads is easier said than done. The larger bead has retaken its round shape inside her and doesn't seem to want to squeeze back down in order to pop out. In an effort to get it out Janice has to get on all fours and raised her rear end up high. She grabs the cord dangling from her hole and starts tugging on it. "Oh!" Janice moans as her hole tries to expand far enough to allow the bead out. "It's too big grandpa!" "You got it in there, you can get it out," her grandfather says with a chuckle. "OH!" Janice screams as the bead finally pops out. Janice's hips hump back and forth and she begins to climax. The sensation is overwhelming but she still remembers to reach down to catch the cum before it can hit the covers. The last thing she wants is a spanking from her grandfather. Everyone in the house probably already heard her scream as the bead came out. She doesn't want to give them even more to talk about. "They taught you well," her grandfather says as Janice brings the hand to her mouth and starts licking it clean. Janice blushes and freezes in place. Catching the cum and eating it was pure instinct. After eight months of training it has become as natural to Janice as breathing. However, she can't believe she just did this in front of her grandfather. The more she thinks about it the more she realizes that she really doesn't have much choice in the matter. Tears drip down onto her hand as she brings it to her lips and finishes her task. Once the cum is gone, Janice reaches behind her once more and starts tugging on the beads again. Janice's hips hump the air again as the rest of the beads pop out. However, she manages to keep from cumming again. At first, Janice thinks about putting the beads on the nightstand without licking them clean. However, she knows her grandfather is well aware of the rules when it comes to students cleaning their messes. Thankfully, the bead came out rather spotless and there is no real mess to clean. She still gives it a good once over with her tongue just to make sure. "Why don't you show me what else they taught you," her grandfather says as he pulls the covers back further. As her grandfather lays back Janice can't help but inspect his body. She has to admit he's rather fit for someone that is 67 years old. She also can't help but be impressed by his hard 8" [20 cm] long and 2¼" [6 cm] thick cock. His large plum size balls are pretty impressive also. Janice can already tell that her grandfather's cock will taste manly. Its size will fit nicely in her throat as well. "Janice!" she screams in her head. Thanks to her training, the thought had come to her automatically. "A sissy never looks at a cock unless she plans to touch it. And a sissy never touches a man's cock unless she plans to suck it." Janice remembers Victor's rules very well. She might hate most of Victor's cock sucking rules but she has to admit that men treat her a lot nicer when she follows them. Still, this is her grandfather. The rules shouldn't apply at a time like this. Yet, even as she thinks this she finds herself leaning in toward the cock. "No!" she screams in her head when the head of the cock is only millimeters away. Janice freezes in place. The thought of sucking her grandfather's cock is disgusting. It is just as disgusting as the first time she had to suck her father. Yet, the manly musky scent of it is somehow so inviting. After so many months of training, sucking cock has become like a bad habit. Janice often thought of it a lot like when she used to pop her knuckles. She got no pleasure from popping her knuckles and sometimes even hated that she did it. Yet, for the life of her she just couldn't stop doing it. In fact, the harder she tried to stop the more she felt like doing it. The way she managed to stop her knuckle popping habit was thanks to the school doctor. Not that Janice is really thankful. Popping her knuckles is unlady like, so they had the doctor inject something in the joints of her fingers. Janice doesn't know what it was but it made them hurt like hell. And they hurt ten times as much when she popped them. Despite the pain, it still took three months of frequent injections before the habit was finally broken. In regards to her grandfather's cock, Janice knows she will eventually give in to her internal 'need' to suck it. Yet, she knows she will never be able to look at herself in the mirror again if she doesn't at least try to resist the temptation. Thankfully, her grandfather takes the decision out of her hands. One second she feels her grandfather's hand at the back of her head and the next thing she knows she has a throat full of cock. Janice isn't happy about it but she is grateful he decided to force her down on the cock and not wait for her to take the initiative. It is one less thing that will haunt her soul. Her grandfather's hand disappears but Janice doesn't hesitate to continue her task. She holds the cock deep in her throat for almost a full 30 seconds before her lips slip back up to the tip. Her grandfather's cock has a fat mushroom head that fits nicely in her mouth. As she sucks and licks at it, she is rewarded with a good amount of manly precum. She makes sure she gets her mouth well coated with the stuff before she finally let's the viscous fluid slide down her throat. Janice used to think of precum as being utterly disgusting. Now she primarily just thinks of it as natural lubricant. Just another tool of the trade. And it is a valuable tool also. Janice has found that any kind of lubricant is worth it's weight in gold to a sissy. This is her grandfather so of course Janice wants to be disgusted by the precum. While a part of her is, she can't deny that lubricating her mouth and throat with it had sent naughty tingles through her body. "It's just your training! It's just your training!" Janice keeps saying it over and over in her head. It is the only way she can accept the existence of the tingles and the lurching of her cock. Considering any other explanation would surely drive her insane. Janice toys with the head of the cock for a full minute before she feels her grandfather's hip's make a subtle jerk upward. This is the signal Janice has been waiting for. It is a sign her grandfather is at his peak of desire for more. Janice lets the head of the cock squeeze back into her throat. She now starts slowly fucking her throat with it. "Oh! They really did teach you well," her grandfather says with pleasure. Janice has heard this exact praise many times in the past. She knows it is a compliment. While she always gets a sense of pride, it never fails to humiliate her at the same time. This is especially true now that her grandfather is saying it. "Oh! Yeah, that's a good girl!" "Don't stop sugar!" "That's it, all the way in!" The comments keep coming as Janice works on her grandfather's cock. The comments are embarrassing on the surface. However, they are even more so as Janice realizes that others in the house might be able to over hear them in the otherwise quiet night. While all of the comments bother her, there are two that really grab her attention. In one her grandfather mentions how he was wrong to object to turning Janice into a sissy. The comment makes Janice's heart flutter. She realizes that the anger she felt coming from her grandfather earlier in the day might not have actually been directed at her. Instead, her grandfather might have been angry at her father for doing this to her. And even if the anger was meant for her, it is now clear his attitude has changed a bit. Janice doesn't like the idea of her grandfather being happy that she is a sissy. However, it is much better than being a sissy and him hating her for it. At the end of the day she will still be a sissy either way. Better to be liked for it than hated. Though, she highly doubts her grandfather will be going back to calling himself 'Jack' anytime soon. Another comment that draws her attention is when he says he never knew sissy's were so good at sucking cock. At first the comment just humiliates Janice. Then she realizes that this is a valuable piece of information. First, it tells her that the sissy program is probably unique to her school. If it existed in the school her grandfather used to work at then he would no doubt be a lot better informed. He would also probably have first hand experience already. It is this second part that warms Janice's heart. She is her grandfather's first sissy. It makes her feel extra special that he would choose her to be his first. Though technically, Janice was kind of pushed onto him. Still, it is her grandfather that decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Knowing she is his first, Janice doubles her efforts. She pulls out every trick she can remember in order to increase her grandfather's pleasure. The task is still disgusting to her and she knows she should be ashamed of trying to increase his pleasure. However, it is clear to her now that the more he enjoys himself the less angry he will be about her being a sissy. Granted, the added pleasure has the unfortunate side effect of increasing the frequency and volume of her grandfather's comments. The walls in their house are pretty thick and sturdy. She knows that sound doesn't travel through them that easily. However, she finds it unlikely that no one can overhear their grandfather at his current volume. Especially if others in the house are trying to listen in. Amber would probably not do such a thing. Janice also doubts that her mother and father would go out of their way to listen in. However, she is pretty certain that Mary or Beth probably have their ears to the heating vent, trying to hear their grandfather's voice echoing through it. Or worse, they are out in the hall with their ears to the door. The thought of being overheard is humiliating. However, it is worth the price to Janice in order to have her grandfather like her again. Besides, it's not like everyone didn't already know what was probably going to happen in the room. Plus, it isn't like this is their grandfather's first visit. Janice is pretty sure that each of her sisters have spent their fair share of time on the end of the old man's cock. It is unlikely that any of them have been spared that indignity. With luck, those past memories will help keep them from teasing her too much. Janice takes her grandfather to the brink but refuses to take him over the edge. She wants to get the ordeal over with but her training is too strong. "Anyone can suck a cock. Your job is to make love to it with your mouth." It is yet another one of Victor's blowjob lessons. To a street hooker or untrained person the two sentences are synonymous. To a Humbled Girl, however, they are virtually antonyms. This is especially true for sissies. Janice hates sucking cocks so of course it was a hard lesson for her to master. Technically, she never did master it. She simply found an alternative method. It was clear to her at the time that the point of the lesson was to maximize the man's climax. If you make love to his cock then his emotional response to that love will be a greater climax experience. So, what Janice did was cut out the middle man. Instead of trying to fall in love with each cock like other sissies do, she focuses on the climax itself. She treats each blowjob as though she is creating a piece of art. In her mind it is like drawing. She brings the man near his climax but not over the edge. She does this as a kind of sketch of what the final climax will look similar too. She then builds on that sketch with a nibble here, a lick there. She keeps getting the image near completion and then going back and adding even more detail. She keeps getting the man close to climax but not close enough that he feels cheated when you start refining it further. Janice keeps doing this until the drawing looks as perfect as she can make it. Then she gives it her final touch and swallows down the masterpiece she just created. Okay, it sounds better in her head than it looks on paper. However, it got her a passing grade. Victor of course knows Janice isn't falling in love with the cocks like she is supposed too. However, her techniques are beyond approach. He knows that eventually she will start falling in love with the cocks. Once that happens her blowjobs will be beyond perfection. The beaus will be lined up at her front door. And since the school arranges those "dates" it means more money for the school. It also means more money for Janice's father, Victor's best friend. Janice works on her grandfather's cock for over 20 minutes. Every time he gets close she changes things up just enough to keep him from cumming. She focuses on the head then later his balls. She gives his cock a tongue bath the likes of which it has never experienced before. And of course in between she deep throats the cock several times to ensure he stays primed. "Not yet, grandpa," she keeps whispering each time. Janice keeps at it until her grandfather becomes so vocal that Janice fears the neighbors across the street might overhear. She also suspects she has her grandfather on the verge of a heart attack. Yep, it's time. She whispers as much to her grandfather. She goes in one last time and starts throat fucking herself with his cock. Only this time she doesn't let up. In and out 3; in and out. She takes the cock deep in her throat over and over. She makes sure her lips keep the perfect friction as they slide back and forth, painting the side of his cock with a fine layer of lip gloss. The lip gloss is pretty transparent but Janice can taste the cherry flavor as her tongue flicks back and forth across the underside of her grandfather's cock on each pass. While all of this is going on, one of Janice's free hands is playing with her grandfather's balls. Some men like their balls gently handled while others prefer a more rough approach. Her grandfather seems to respond more to the rough treatment. Not too rough though. She tugs on them and gives them gentle squeezes. She takes them to the point of discomfort and then lets them go. Then, right when they think they have escaped, she goes right back in and starts all over on them again. Her grandfather's normally baggy ball sack suddenly tightens up and Janice knows his climax is not far behind. His cock expands slightly and then she feels the bottom of it pulse against her tongue. A split second later and a jet of thick hot cum shoots down her throat and into her tummy. In the midst of this, Janice notices that her grandfather has gone stiff and rather silent. It is as though he needs every ounce of his strength to unleash his thick load. Any other time and Janice would fear her grandfather is dying. However, his pulsating cock tells her he is very much alive. Her grandfather feeds Janice five more jets of cum. Each thick jet is proceeded by a deep grunt. Janice lets the first three go down her throat and directly to her tummy. She pulls back and lets the final two fill her mouth. "A Humbled Girl always savors her reward." It is the rule Janice hates the most. From what she can tell, most sissies at the school seem to enjoy the taste of cum. Janice just thinks it is icky. While sissy cum is normally sweet, most men seem to have a salty bitter flavor. The viscous fluid also sticks to her entire mouth and takes sometimes an hour before the flavor completely goes away. Janice is a good girl though so she follows Victor's rules the best she can. She captures the last two jets of cum and then wiggles her tongue around in it to ensure all her taste buds get a good coating. The flavor and feel of it is disgusting. Yet, the act sends naughty tingles through her body. It is these tingles that always concern Janice. She gets them whenever she accepts a man's cum in her mouth or ass pussy. Is it her mind's way of coping with doing something so nasty? Does the manly cum remind her body of what it once was? Janice has no clue what the reason is. While that is enough reason for concern, what really bothers her is how good those tingles feel. They are very addictive. She fears that one day she might not be able to go without them. Janice savors her grandfather's cum for several seconds and then swallows. The gunk slithers down her throat and joins the rest in her tummy. She then starts licking and sucking on her grandfather's cock to make sure it is cleaned up properly. Once the cock is clean, Janice puts the head back in her mouth and suckles on it. It will be another few minutes before the cum stops oozing out. Some men push Janice away at this point. However, normally, they quickly get randy and fuck her throat or ass again. Janice suckles for only a minute when she hears snores coming from her grandfather. It doesn't surprise her that much. Her grandfather is kind of old and it was a rather large amount of cum. While Janice is thankful that her grandfather fell asleep, part of her can't help but be a little angry. Everyone knows that a sissy needs a cock in their ass pussy in order to be satisfied. Or at least that is what her trainers always tell her. Janice hates being bred but her grandfather doesn't know that. It is kind of rude of him to just ignore her needs and go to sleep. Not that being bred is a need of hers. Not really. Sure, having a nice thick warm cock sliding back and forth across her ass clit does feel pretty yummy. However, the act is just so wrong 3; isn't it? "Of course it is!" She screams it in her head but the truth is she isn't so sure. Had you asked her just 30 minutes ago there would be no doubt in her mind that it is wrong. However, those naughty tingles have made her rock hard. She can never think straight when she is hard. Janice has to admit that a cock her grandfather's size would feel delicious in her hole. The thought makes her suck on the head of the cock harder. She also lets it go deeper into her mouth. Before she knows it she has the entire length down her throat. She bobs her head on it several times. She tells herself that she is just making sure it is clean. However, deep down she knows she is trying to keep it hard in hopes that her grandfather might wake and ravage her anally. "Janice!" she screams in her head when she realizes what she is doing. Janice lets the cock pop from her mouth. She then backs away and stares at it in shock. She can't believe what she just did. How could she want such a thing? With her own grandfather no less. It is an all time low for her. Janice knows that it is all the cum she has built up in her that is causing her to think such naughty thoughts. She had an anal orgasm earlier but there is still plenty in there. She decides to masturbate. It's for her own good. If she doesn't then the naughty thoughts will continue. Even worse, if her grandfather were to wake up and take her in her present state then she would get way too much pleasure from it. That is something she isn't sure she could live with. Janice reaches down and grabs hold of her hard 7" [18 cm] cock. It feels so good that if she wanted she could probably cum immediately. However, if she climaxes that fast then she won't get enough cum out. She will end up probably having to masturbate a second time to get rid of all the naughty thoughts. Janice toys with her cock. She teases it until she nears climax and then backs off. She does this over and over, much like how she treated her grandfather's cock earlier. This thought brings her attention back to her grandfather. She can't help but stare at his cock. She chastises herself and looks away. She tries to think of girls but Janice's mind keeps going back to her grandfather's cock. It is hard not to with the hard thing sitting right next to her in the bed. Before she knows it, she is staring at it once more. Her grandpa is still very stiff. It would be so easy to mount it right now. She could stand with one foot on either side of her grandfather and then squat down. If she was gentle and slow enough she might not even wake him. Oh, how wonderful that thick cock would feel rubbing her ass clit! Nice and slow 3; in and out 3; over and over again. Just the thought of it makes her want to reach over with her free hand and grab hold of her grandpa's warm thick cock. Her hand reaches out toward it but her climax hits her before she gets there. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Janice grunts over and over as thick jets of hot sissy cum shoot out of her cock. She gets her free hand back just in time to catch it all. There is so much of it that it overflows her hand and runs down the underside. The intense pleasure is quickly followed by tears as she realizes what she just fantasized about. How could she fantasize about riding her grandfather's cock?! Somehow, thinking it seems even worse than had she actually done it. Had she done it then at least she could tell herself the act served a purpose other than her own pleasure. That she was just performing her sissy duties. It would have been a lie, but it would have been one she could probably convince herself of. Janice continues to cry as she brings her cum filled palm to her lips and sucks the pool of gunk out of it. She swallows and then licks and slurps the rest up. She keeps licking for over two minutes before she is certain she has gotten it all. It is another minute after that before she realizes that she didn't even try to find a way of disposing of the cum via some other method. Sure, it would have been breaking a rule. However, who would have ever known? Besides, it's not like she didn't just break a house rule by masturbating in the first place. Her grandpa was there but he wasn't conscious, let alone watching. Janice lays there and cries for over ten minutes. Her pouting is interrupted when she feels her grandfather shift in the bed. He turns toward her. His tobacco and alcohol breath hits Janice and she quickly turns to face the other way. Janice hears her grandfather mumble something in his sleep as his hand slides over her and pulls her to him. The mumble sounds a lot like her grandmother's name. Their grandmother passed away a few years ago. Janice can't help but feel sad for her grandpa. "Mmm!" Janice moans a few seconds later when she feel's her grandpa line up and then enter her asshole. Her grandpa goes deep in one long slow push. Janice waits for him to start humping but he never does. Another minute goes by before Janice realizes that her grandpa is back asleep. She can hear him snoring. He also continues to mumble on occasion to his now deceased wife. It dawns on Janice that her grandfather is dreaming. They lay still like that for what seems an eternity. Janice is used to having large things in her hole for long periods of time. However, this is maddening for her. This isn't just some rubber toy inside her. It is a real cock. Yet, it isn't pumping in and out of her. Every fiber of her being tells her she should start humping her grandfather's cock. It just seems the natural thing to do. Plus, it would feel so yummy rubbing her clit 3; just like she fantasized about. "No!" she quickly yells in her head when she realizes she is fantasizing again. Instead, she lays there as still as she can. Her hips occasionally make small humps but overall she does a good job. However, she quickly realizes that she will never be able to sleep like this. Fighting off the naughty thoughts require too much work. Slowly, Janice pulls herself up the length of the cock. She is almost to the tip when her grandfather's hand pulls her back down. She holds her breath, fearful that she just woke her grandpa. The snores start back up though almost immediately. Janice tries the maneuver a few more times but has the same results. Finally, she decides she will just have to wait until her grandpa goes soft. It isn't until then that Janice realizes that something isn't right here. Her grandpa has been asleep for some time. Why hasn't he gotten soft? Now that she thinks about it, her grandpa didn't get soft after his climax earlier. She finds it hard to believe that someone of his age could be this youthful down there. Especially considering he didn't even have the vitality to stay awake after his climax. The answer hits her like a ton of bricks. Her grandpa is on Viagra or some other male enhancement drug. While it makes sense to her that someone his age might take the drug, what doesn't make sense is why he would take it before getting in bed with her. Her grandpa doesn't like her being a sissy. Or at least he didn't before her expert blowjob. Plus, this is her grandpa's first time with a sissy which means he clearly has no fetish for sissies. Janice blushes when the answer finally comes to her. It wasn't her grandpa's idea to take the Viagra. Her father no doubt spiked their grandpa's drink or meal with the stuff. Their father's way of ensuring something naughty happened between the two. Janice's blush deepens further when she realizes their mother might actually be the guilty party. It would be their mother's way of helping Janice and her grandpa to start getting along. Janice tells herself that she just has an overactive imagination. However, it is hard to convince herself of this when she has the hard evidence deep inside her ass. Chapter 6Janice gets some sleep but not much. At one point she wakes to the feel of her grandfather breeding her. However, she is so out of it by then that she falls back to sleep before she can find out if her grandfather is awake or just sleep fucking. She is woken the next morning by Amber gently nudging her. "Shhh 3; don't wake grandpa," Amber whispers as Janice starts to come to. Janice wants to go back to sleep. However, she wants to get away from her grandfather's embrace even more. Thankfully, her grandfather's cock is no longer inside her. All she has to do is slide out from underneath his arm. She grabs her cloths and beads and the two sisters sneak out of the room. They are already back in their own room before Janice is fully awake. It quickly dawns on her that the daily schedule is in effect regardless of holidays or weekends. She expected as much. "Thanks," Janice tells her sister once they are secure in their room. Janice is truly grateful. Had Amber not woken her then she would have gotten in trouble for not adhering to the schedule. Plus, there is a good chance her grandfather would have woken up at the same time. That would have made for an embarrassing and awkward moment. Amber doesn't say anything. She just lays down and pulls the covers back over herself. She only has 30 minutes until it is her time, but 30 minutes is 30 minutes. Janice goes into the bathroom and starts her enema process. Janice used the bathroom the day before. However, it isn't until now that she realizes she never surveyed where the enema equipment is stored. She is relieved when she opens a cabinet and sees a box labeled, "Janice". When she opens the box she sees not only an enema bag but several bottles of fragrances and stuff. She immediately recognizes everything. It is her kit from school. This doesn't surprise her that much. The doctor gives her a shot each month but she is pretty sure they also put estrogen and other medications in the bottles of fragrance. It's also possible they put it in her food. For a moment, Janice thinks about using one of her sisters' stashes instead. It is a very fleeting moment. Everyone else in the house is probably asleep but any hidden cameras that might be in the room are no doubt wide awake. Besides, at this point stopping her estrogen treatment would hardly do her any good. She looks very feminine now even without her makeup. She has female facial features now, soft curves, and even breasts. Sure, if she stopped the treatment then some of these features might become more masculine. However, she knows that in the end she will never actually look male again. At best, she would look like an ugly female. If she is going to look female then Janice prefers she look like a pretty one. "What scent goes with 4th of July?" Janice whispers to herself as she looks through her box full of enema scents/oils. Peppermint, strawberry, candy cane, cherry 3; Janice has 20 different bottles to choose from. The only one she doesn't like is the baby powder one. All of the oils taste just like they smell. And apparently baby powder tastes like dirt. Flavor matters a lot also. After a man breeds you then you have to lick them clean. Unfortunately, most of the men that visited her during her training responded best to the baby powder smell. She still went with other scents sometimes but usually it was the baby powder. She has no trainers to impress today though. "Oh! Apple cinnamon!" Janice says when she sees the bottle. She used this scent in the past but not much. She likes the smell but it never seems to go well with most occasions. It is perfect though for July 4th. Hotdogs and apple pie 3; nothing more patriotic than that. She giggles when she realizes "hotdogs and apple pie" will have a double meaning if she gets bred today. The same thought makes her want to cry as well. She sticks with the giggles. She has had enough crying lately. Janice does a half gallon and then expels it. She normally repeats this four to six times. With only 30 minutes she will be lucky to make 4. She is on her hands and knees accepting her third enema when the bathroom door opens on Beth's side. "I'm in here!" Janice quickly growls. "Oh, give me a break," Beth says as she rolls her eyes. "You're a Humbled Girl now, you better get used to losing your privacy if you plan to live in this house." Beth is by far the crudest and meanest of Janice's sisters. Janice is pretty sure it is because Mary is the oldest and gets all the new clothes and stuff and Amber is the youngest sister and is constantly spoiled. That leaves Beth in the middle with virtually no special treatment at all. Janice isn't sure yet where she fits in the mix. When she was still Jack she got to do anything she wanted and was often spoiled like Amber. Now that Janice is a sissy she isn't sure how her parents will treat her. Beth is completely naked. Despite the embarrassment of the moment, Janice can't help but get hard. Even eight months of sissy training hasn't taken away her appreciation of the female form. "I've been thinking a lot about your tongue since our last time together," Beth says after a moment of just standing there. Janice looks down at the floor in shame. It was six months ago but Janice vividly remembers it. The family visited her in her training area for Christmas. Beth had snuck back after everyone else left and made Janice lick her pussy and asshole. "You can't make me do that again," Janice whispers as she keeps her eyes downcast. The statement is technically true. Six months ago she was at a stage in her training where she was required to do anything anyone told her. She still has to obey trainers and other authority figures but most students have no more power over her than she does over them. Beth stands there smiling for a moment. She then walks over and sits on the edge of the bathtub, not far from Janice. "Did Amber let you know that I'm running for class president next semester?" Beth says. "There is a good chance I will win." Janice looks up at Beth in horror. Is she serious? The look she gets back tells Janice that Beth is. Janice was warned about class presidents a long time ago. The final four grades at the school get to have a class president and it is a very prestigious and powerful position. That said, only the bravest of students campaign for the position. The reason is because the winner gets virtually all the same powers over other students (the same grade and below) that a teacher does. Thus, if you run for the position and lose then the winner will more often than not make your life a living hell. This makes it less likely you or anyone else will campaign against them the following year. Normally, having a sister as class president would be a very good thing. However, with a sister like Beth? Yeah, not so much. Janice can tell by the look on Beth's face that she isn't joking. The more Janice thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Beth definitely has the guts to try. And while she probably isn't the most popular girl in her class, she could easily intimidate most into voting for her. The votes aren't secret either, so you certainly have to vote wisely. If you vote for someone that wins then life at the school usually becomes a lot easier for you. Not only did you help put them in 'office' but they know you will vote for them next year probably as well. If you vote against someone that wins then life at the school has the potential of becoming very unpleasant. This isn't always the case of course. If the president happens to be a nice person then they might leave you alone. So, of course the logical thing to do is hedge your bets and vote for the crueler candidate. Voting is not required. However, those that don't vote are normally treated no better than those that voted against the winner. "You know, if you treat me nice now I might treat you nice later," Beth says as she parts her legs. Tears form in Janice's eyes. For months she worried about how she would deal with Beth once they allowed her to come home. Having the Dean as her mentor gave Janice a little prestige. If that wasn't enough to keep Beth at bay, then Janice was prepared to go to all out war against her sister. Or at least she was willing to make the bluff. She doubted that even someone as brave as Beth would call that bluff. Being at war with someone you live with would be a losing position for both parties. However, Beth has a ton more to lose. For example, if one of Janice's homework assignments magically disappeared then Janice would get maybe a trip to the headmaster and a few other minor punishments. Being a higher classman, Beth would get ten times the punishment. If Beth becomes a class president then that would easily trump what little leverage Janice currently has. In a war with a class president, Janice's only hope would be to befriend several upper classmen higher in grade than Beth. However, the price for those kinds of allies would probably be much higher than anything Beth will ever demand of her. Plus, Janice still has to keep secret the fact that she is really male. Thus, about the only other classmen she could get as allies would be other sissies. And Janice doesn't like the idea of owing older sissies a ton of favors. The room is silent as Janice thinks over her lack of options. Beth sees no need to rush her. She knows that her sissy brother will come to the only feasible decision. There is a slight draining sound as the last of Janice's enema goes down the tube and into her bowels. Janice is thankful for the distraction and reaches back and pulls the nozzle from her rump. She also realizes that if she sits on the toilet and expels the water it might gross her sister out enough to get her to leave. "No!" Beth growls as Janice starts to stand. "Stay on the floor where you belong!" "But 3;" Beth snaps her fingers and point's at Janice. This along with Beth's glare sends a clear message and Janice swallows her complaint immediately. The fear of angering her sister further easily overrides Janice's need to expel the enema. There is no need for further commands. Beth simply parts her legs. Tears run down Janice's face as she crawls between those legs. Janice hesitates for a second and then leans in and starts licking. One might think that a sissy wouldn't be good at eating pussy. One would be wrong. While it is true that a majority of her training is with men, Janice has been well trained on pleasing women as well. Or at least she has learned to do so with her tongue. For eight months now, the only thing she has been allowed to get her dick wet in has been other sissies. "Mmm," Beth moans as she stares down at her little sissy brother. Janice's tongue feels exquisite, but for Beth at least half the pleasure is just her dominance over her sibling. However, Beth warns herself not to get too overconfident. This is a huge first step toward turning Janice into her little play toy but the war isn't over yet. Beth knows that as Janice learns more about being a Humbled Girl she will also learn that the more power a Humbled Girl gets the more she is held responsible for the use of that power. Yes, she might eventually get the power to make Janice's life a living hell. However, if Janice's grades start dropping because of it then odds are that Beth will be held at least partially responsible. Dominating another Humbled Girl is like walking a tightrope. It is a constant balancing act. You don't want to push them too hard or they might lose their balance. You also have to constantly be thinking about your next step. Having her own dedicated cunt lapper is nice. However, Beth already has plenty of Humbled Girls under her control that will do that for her. No, she has bigger plans for her little brother. Among other things, Janice will become her own personal urinal. Beth has thought about this ever since she found out about Janice's toilet training. Just the thought of it almost makes Beth cum. Having someone that will drink your pee is a huge turn on. Having a boy that will do it is doubly so for Beth. Men have been dominating her all her life. Getting the chance to turn the tables is a fantasy come true. And you can bet her brother won't get away with just drinking a little pee and licking her naughty spots. Beth plans to give him lots of spankings. His dick and balls will get plenty of punishment as well. If all goes as planned, her brother will end up spending most of his time in her room when he isn't studying or doing chores. She will even have him stay with her each night. She will have him lull her to sleep each night with a nice long rim job. He will sleep on the floor next to her bed and every morning when Beth wakes her brother will be kneeling there waiting for her morning pee. "Oh! Uh!" Thinking about the plans for her brother brings Beth over the edge. She convulses and pulls her brother's face hard against her pussy. Janice can do nothing but ride it out. She continues to suck and lick at her sister despite Beth's death grip. "Wow, not bad," Beth praises a moment later as she catches her breath. "You are even better than Amber. Maybe next time I will have both of you lick me at the same time. Amber could work on the front while you take the back." Janice blushes in shame. Not only does her sister plan to make this a recurring activity but she plans to bring Amber in on it also. What is even worse is that part of Janice almost looks forward to it. She doesn't want to be Beth's play thing but Janice has to admit that the idea of teaming up with another girl in order to please a third is kind of erotic. She just wishes the two girls weren't his sisters is all. The thought still manages to make her dick lurch. Beth notices her brother's hard dick as Janice licks her clean. Beth reaches her bare foot out and gives her brother's cock and balls a gentle tap. "Mmm," Janice moans with pleasure into her sister's pussy. Beth gives the groin a slightly harder tap with the top of her foot. She then repeats it over and over. She makes the little kicks harder and harder until Janice isn't sure if she is in pain or pleasure. Beth decides to hold the intensity at that level. In the months to come she will increase the intensity until there is almost nothing but pain. Of course, by then her brother won't be able to distinguish the difference. In his little sissy brain pain and pleasure will mean the same thing. Or at least that is the plan. "Mmm!" "Mmm!" "Mmm!" Janice moans over and over into her sister's groin. The mixture of pain and pleasure is scary, yet she can't help but enjoy it. It has been a very long time since an actual real girl has given her any degree of pleasure. While part of her still hates Beth for treating her this way, another part of Janice is happy to be treated almost like a normal boy. It is enough to almost make Janice fall in love with her sister's foot. "MMM!" Janice moans loud and sucks hard on her sister's pussy. A second later Janice is cumming all over her sister's foot. The climax is so wonderful that Janice almost loses control of her enema. She squeezes her ass pussy tight though and manages to keep any from dripping out. Janice moans and humps the air for several seconds. As she comes down from her sexual high, Janice blushes profusely and pulls her mouth away from her sister. She can't believe that she just came like this. She is utterly ashamed of herself. Beth smiles down at her sissy brother for a moment. She then raises her cum covered foot until it is next to Janice's lips. Janice blushes further and her eyes tear up as she starts licking her mess up. "Yeah, I think we are going to have lots of fun together," Beth says with a giggle. |