PZA Boy Stories


Marek and Us


Boys in a village on the hunt for a treasure learn more than expected when they seek the help of a teenager.

Publ. 2007; this site Nov 2016
Finished 7,500 words (15 pages).


Narrator (12yo), Oskar (6yo), Julian (11yo) and Marek )(17yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Teen-Boy story/..
tb bb – cons mast oral anal


This is a work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your State or Country. Do NOT read this if you are easily offended or if you are not interested in fantasies involving young boys. This file contains sexually EXPLICIT material.

The author does not condone any of the acts in this file. This story was not written to advocate sexual activity with minors. Agatha Christie wrote about murderers all her life. She was not a criminal. Please support free speech and stop censorship.

Author's note

Feel free to distribute this story or archive it at your favorite site without altering its content.

You can send comments to debonair(at)hushmail(dot)com or using this feedback form with Debonair: Marek and Us in the subject line.

Flames are ignored.


"Will I find a believer.
Another one who believes.
Another one to deceive.
Over and over down on my knees.
If I get any closer.
And if you open wide.
And if you let me inside.
On and on I've got nothing to hide."
– F.F.

Chapter 1

Our tiny village was situated near the frontier between Poland and Germany. Twenty-three souls inhabited the cozy community of which only three were children: me – an adventurous boy of twelve with round glasses – Oskar, a rambunctious red-haired six-year-old and his brother Julian, age eleven, a redhead as well.

During the summer, the grown-ups went to work to the city of Szczecin. As a result, we nearly had the whole place for a playground. Our favourite spot was the pond beyond the chapel. We considered the area, sheltered by leafy shrubs and pine trees, a quiet haven. Most afternoons, you would find us there, skinny dipping under the scorching sun.

Oskar did not venture very far in the pond. The scrawny tyke preferred to wade about along the shore, avoiding the middle where the bottom dropped six feet [2 m] deep. As for Julian and I, twice his age, we certainly didn't suffer from the same phobia. We ran screaming and dove gracefully in the cool water.

Ever since my last birthday, my friends' bare asses and exposed genitals were responsible for many inner turmoils. My life as an innocent blond angel had ended with the onset of pubescence. It was especially troubling when I ruffhoused with my freckled-faced mates. The contact of their silky skin against mine inevitably roused my penis from its limp state. Sometimes, the damn thing wouldn't go down. I bore the brunt of the little one's mockery.

"You've got a stiffy!" Oskar would point out, giggling coyly.

To which I would respond by swaying my slender hips, making the rubbery tube wag up and down like a dog's tail, much to the amusement of the inseparable duo.

Puberty seemingly hit me overnight. I looked at myself and realized my hard-ons were five inches [12½ cm] long. My shoulders had broadened and my voice cracked. The brothers' parents were concerned that their beloved sons hung out with a big kid. But the two boys basically had no other options in order to elude long bouts of loneliness. Thus, they continued to play with me, despite their parents' admonition and despite my tormenting.

For I was very imaginative in devising elaborate games but also in finding ways to assert my status as leader of the pack. I shoved them in the mud, pushed them down a hill, whipped them with a branch. The resilient brothers submitted to my torture without shedding a tear and always remained loyal to me. Often, Julian formed an alliance with me. Poor Oskar became the target of our cruelty. We peed in a glass and forced him to drink it. We coerced him into licking our dirty feet. We put him through numerous bondage games. Good unclean fun.

None of us had been born in fortunate families. The only things we could claim ownership of were a few toys and the clothes on our back. Then again, we cavorted shirtless most of the times. In our world, pebbles were diamonds. A piece of wood became a sword.

When we weren't skinny dipping, our trio devoted a lot of efforts in discovering Pieter Schouten's hidden treasure. The legendary tale was a fixture of our village's folklore for over three centuries. Apparently, the famous Dutch pirate had concealed a great treasure somewhere in the vicinity.

We dug holes and searched for clues. Our primary terrain of exploration spanned the zone surrounding a peculiar stone with an X etched on it. Sadly, it never yielded anything of interest. Weird tombstones in the old cemetery attracted our attention, but we couldn't figure out if they were important in our quest. Usually, after hours of unproductive investigating, we'd resort to playing naughty games in Mr. Matejko's hangar.

Oskar's favourite naughty game was the 'hot dog in the bun'. A silly invention of mine. It consisted in wedging a raw wiener between his buttocks and have him run around. Julian and I chased the giggling tyke, telling him that if he dropped the sausage, we would spank him. The little scamp waddled awkwardly, clenching his asscheeks, fleeing our menace. Of course, I generally caught up to him first and devoured the wiener. For some reason, the idiotic romp turned me on.

Oskar reacted well to our intimate play. So that day of July, in the middle of a summer that would be life changing, I decided to do another version of the game. One more daring. I warmed the wiener in my hands and approached the naked butt of the small boy. The pliable tube of meat bent and threatened to break open as I endeavoured to insert it in his asshole. The brothers snickered when they understood where it was headed.

I slithered the hot dog in carefully, examining all six inches [15 cm] disappear into the pink orifice until the very end was poking out. The giddy demon squealed and wiggled his toes. It was probably the raunchiest thing in his six-year-old mind. After all, you are not supposed to have something from the table stuck up your fanny.

I knelt behind him and extracted the wiener out of the tight confinement with my teeth. "You taste sooo goood!" I exclaimed in between bites. Julian observed attentively how I munched on the sausage straight out of his little brother's ass. "There's more!" I said after chowing down the last chunk. My tongue plunged into Oskar's hole as I made it seem to him that I sought the residual bits. The youngster cooed and pushed his lil' white melons back to help me out.

The new variation of the game titillated us. My penis hardened in my shorts and Oskar's tiny pricklet as well. Immediately after I pulled away, he extended his neck, "Noooo! Don't stop! Do it some more, pleeeeeze!"

"OK, but just this once," I sighed. For a good while my jaw stayed sandwiched between in his buns. I licked his poophole well, perhaps atoning for the bad things I'd done to him in the past. Using long swipes, I lapped up the smooth crack, from the nutsac to the tiny indentation. My saliva gleamed in the valley. Oskar moaned, undulating under my chin. I slipped my whole tongue into his anus, driving him mad.

At this point, everyone in our group was horny as hell. I grasped the tyke's wrinkled nutsac and the randy little redhead humped my hand instinctively. From the corner of my eye, I watched Julian strip completely. In a snap, I rid myself of my shorts and undies. My stiff pecker jutted from the bald slope of my pubic mound. I wrapped my palm around the crying organ and flicked my wrist, doing what Julian had already commenced.

"Do like this!" We instructed our naive partner.

Oskar aped our actions, tugging on his teeny hard-on with two fingers, dragging the foreskin back and forth on the rosy head. All of us exchanged knowing glances, silently sharing the wonderful feelings of a boyhood wank.

We had acquired of knowledge of sex the old-fashioned way. By watching the adults. The three of us were incorrigible peeping Toms. Occasionally, we'd peered into the houses at night and see the rustic women of our village accomplish their marital duty. Stray dogs rutting were also a source of information.

But between us, sex was limited to masturbation and dick sucking. I initiated the party, crawled to Julian and suckled his little penis. Oskar, who never wanted to be left out, gobbled up my dick. After a while, I called a rotation, this time making sure everyone had a boner in his mouth. It didn't cross our minds then, but it would have been really embarrassing if someone stumbled in Mr. Majetko's hangar and discovered us sucking our peters in a daisy chain.

We traded blow jobs for long minutes. There was nothing else better to do. Once in a while, the pile of naked bodies shifted. I got on top one of the redheads, then under the other one. Butts, stiffies and hairless scrotums flashed in front of my face throughout the rearrangement of our entwined limbs.

As it was usually the case, the brothers took extra care of my dick, maybe because it was the biggest. Side by side, they kissed and licked, slobbered all over it. While one bobbed his head on my erection, the other one chewed on my balls and vice versa. I groaned, staring at the fiends' dedication to my happiness. They seemed to read each other's thoughts and knew exactly when to alternate.

Julian, who had been wanking the whole time he worked on my dick, came first. "OHHHHHH!" He cried out, holding on tightly to his quaking penis, drawing our attention to the dry orgasm wracking his skinny frame. Oskar awkwardly yanked his small peter, eager to reap the same reward.

"You gotta do it fast!" I said, pinching his penis between my fingers and pulling on it roughly. His short legs stiffened. He looked down at my ministrations, moaning from the mounting pleasure in his little peg. I toyed with the delicate morsel, enjoying his smirks of enchantment. The tyke's breathing intensified and his tiny boner twitched under my fingertips.

"Oh! This one was good!" He stated, grinning from ear to ear.

I returned to my aching erection, fisting the throbbing shaft. My jiggling balls were boiling hot, ready to explode. The siblings' climaxes had aroused me tremendously. I didn't need to manipulate my dick very long before it spit out timid globs of milky boyjuice. Both redheads thrust their noses in my lap to study the spurts with an inquisitive eye. Privileged to be the only one able to ejaculate, I flaunted my shooting canon and exhibited the small puddles on my belly.

Chapter 2

Every evening, once my mother snored, I'd sneak out of my bedroom to search for the treasure in our sleepy village. Owls hooted in the nearby forest. A sweet summer breeze swirled under my nightgown, caressing my legs. I squatted underneath the opened windows of the residents, eavesdropped on their conversations, hoping they would supply leads on the treasure, but mostly I heard the latest gossip.

Sometimes, I would see Marek skinny dipping in our pond. The teenager of seventeen was an intimidating figure in our village. A tall chap with a buzz cut hairdo and piercing gray eyes, whose personal training to become a soldier had chiselled his body like a Greek sculpture. Us pre-teens were scared of the young man ever since we had witnessed him slaughtering a pig with an axe.

Hiding behind a tree, I spied on the older boy out of his overalls. His silhouette glistened beautifully in the moonlight. My curiosity slanted towards a certain part of his anatomy. I thought my male attributes were large, but his were absolutely huge! Marek's penis and testicles dangled heavily from a dense patch of curly black hair like that of a bull!

Perhaps, the well-endowed boy held crucial information concerning the treasure? I mused. He had been in our village much longer than us. One evening, I gathered the courage to join him. After all, I was twelve, not a timorous little kid anymore. Marek smiled warmly to greet me. I removed my nightgown and jumped in the water next to him.

"Too hot to sleep?" he asked candidly.

"Yes," I retorted, dissimulating my unease under a layer of cockiness.

We swam nonchalantly for a moment. Marek staggered out of the water and lounged on the grassy shore. I followed him, stretching beside him under the flickering stars. The sound of our beating hearts and crickets chirping calmed my nerves. A minute or two later, I turned to him.

"Is it true that there is a treasure here?"

"What treasure?"

"The treasure of the Dutch pirate!" I chanted enthusiastically.

"Oh. Yes. That one," Marek replied, then whispering he added, "As a matter of fact, I know who has the treasure map 3;"

"Tell me Tell me Tell me! Pleeze!"

"No way!" Marek snapped back. "If you wanna know, you have to earn it."

I laid my head back on the ground, wondering what he meant with the last sentence. His stubbornness angered me but I kept my mouth shut, concluding that I shouldn't alienate him. Unable to restrain myself, I peeked at his impressive flaccid appendage. The teenager noticed my admiring gaze and grinned.

"I bet you've never seen a man's cock?" he asked. I shook my head.

"My dad used to say I frightened the horses!" Marek boasted. "C'mon look at it, you know you want to, sissy faggot," he insisted, seeing my eyes had drifted away from his crotch.

Out of the blue, he pounced on me. I managed to push him away, escaping the initial attack. But he was right on my tail. I ran ten feet [3 m] before he wrestled me to the ground. In lieu of the brutal beating I expected, he tickled me. A melodious refrain of shrill giggles soared from my throat. I trashed, kicking him and laughing. Marek lunged like a snake, poking me everywhere until I coiled into a quivering ball of shrieks and hiccups.

Against the sturdy Titan, I didn't stand a chance. I let him overpower me. The rugged boy straddled my chest and pinned my wrists down. Oddly, I relished our physical interaction. No one had ever subdued me that way. His beefy penis rested limply between my pecs, the bulbous circumcised head touching my chin.

"Get a good look 3; it don't bite," Marek said.

I stared at his penis, mesmerized by its size. The tall lad loosened his grip on my wrists, smiling over his triumph. Our confrontation had triggered my erection. I blushed beet red.

"Get up, I'll take care of you," Marek announced.

I rose to my feet. Before I got my balance, he had already grabbed my butt and dragged me to his face. His lips nibbled my balls. My boycock brushed against his nose deliciously. "Oh shit!" I blurted out, contemplating the kneeling teenager stroking his hardening monster prick.

His mouth let go of my dangling jewels. With his tongue he teased my glans. The fuzzy hairs on my neck stood on end. My mind reeled from the turn of event. Everything was happening so fast. I scanned all around, checking if someone was watching us doing this out in the open. Marek didn't express the same apprehensions. He took my stiff penis in his mouth and sucked it fast from the getgo.

"Oooooooooooh Ugghhh" I lamented, overwhelmed by the surge of pleasure. A rabid urgency best described Marek's suctioning. He bobbed his head furiously, engulfing my entire dick. In his sustained fervour to get me off, he bumped against my hairless groin and my wet balls bounced on his chin.

The crazy teen masturbated with the same frantic compulsion. His hand flew on his nine-inch-cock [23 cm]. I melted from his frenzied sucking, propelled to the point of no return. "Annghh Angghhhhh Angghh" I hollered, struggling to delay my climax and savour the euphoric stimulation of his sliding lips.

"Slower!" I exhorted him. "I I I'm gonna squirt!"

His hungry mouth unfastened from my dick. "Okay, do it to me then," he scowled. Prostrate at his feet, sitting on my heels and holding his fat cock in my fist, I knew it was the ideal situation to get what I wanted.

"Go on!" He urged me.

"You promise you're gonna tell me who has the map?"

"Yeah, SUCK IT!"

The organ's rigidity corresponded to that of a steel pipe in my hand. The peehole was slightly open, as if staring back at me. I stuck my tongue out and licked up the bloated shaft, from the base all the way to the knob where pre-cum oozed on my tongue. For a while, I lingered on the head of his cock, licking around it, hearing him hum. "Put it in your mouth and SUCK it now," Marek requested.

I went down on the thick pole. The vibrant organ throbbed between my lips. I lowered my head as far as I could, desirous of pleasing him, but could barely accept a third of his immense penis. My lips stretched in a wide "O" as I slurped noisily, making the tall boy huff and puff.

In the same manner, Marek had done it to me, I began to bob my head up and down his erection, loving the feel of his hard flesh filling my mouth. For a novice at sucking manmeat, I thought I possessed an exceptional talent. Nonetheless, Marek turned aggressive on me, grasping locks of my blond hair and pulling my head on his engorged member. I took it like a trooper, afraid to disappoint him.

"Yeah, that's soooo good. Eat my dick!" he grumbled, putting his hand on top of my head and pushing my mouth down further on his humongous pole. I nearly gagged when the plum-sized head pressed against my tonsils. The bulge in my throat constrained me to breath through my nose, and I could continue my oral deed.

Marek shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of my greedy lips milking his cock. I got a good rhythm going and slid up and down again and again, faster and faster. "Ohhhh get ready to eat my load," he declared.

I stopped abruptly, releasing his penis.

"No, that's not part of the deal!" I protested.

"Yeah it is! If you wanna know who has the treasure map, you gotta swallow."

"ORRGHHHH!" I roared.

It dawned on me that I should leave him there with blue balls. But I pursued the blowjob, taking his huge phallus again in my mouth. Marek's moans of joy were getting louder. I sucked him ravenously, sensing his impending climax. When his cock shuddered, I didn't back off. The first wad went straight down my gullet. The pulsing organ slipped away from my lips and blasted a shot of semen in my glasses. My vision blurred, I groped for his cock, aiming the thick jets of hot cream at my opened mouth. The eruptions flooded my oral cavity. I gulped down the copious flow, tasting fully the salty substance. Marek grinned wickedly, looking down at me swallow the last of his cock sauce.

Chapter 3

The land of a thousand holes. That's how people started to designate our tiny village. In our desperation to uncover the treasure of the pirate, Julian, Oskar and I punched a countless number of holes around town, turning the place into a giant piece of Swiss cheese. After all this unfruitful labour, we finally caught a break.

My pride forbade me to confess to my friends that I had sucked Marek's cock and swallowed his load. It was a pathetic story anyway, considering he did not divulge the slightest clue as to whom owned the treasure map. In retrospect, I reckon I should have been smarter. But at least the encounter, albeit humbling, proved to be worthwhile. I felt I was getting closer to the treasure and gleefully told the brothers that Marek spoke to me of a map.

We tailed the teenager, scrutinizing his every move for any hint that would tip us in the right direction. Treading warily, making sure our bare feet didn't smack on the ground, we lurked behind him. Three amateur sleuths in short pants. During our snooping, we learned that he lived alone with his deaf grandmother. That his discipline was unswerving.

Marek's daily routine began at 9 a.m. He did one hundred push-ups on the porch clad in underwear. Then, he put on army camouflage pants and strolled to the general store to buy a pack of cigarettes. The village folks seemed to treat him as a prodigal son. They patted his shaven head and enjoyed lively chats with the future soldier. This clashed with the image we had of him.

One evening, the three of us stood outside the seventeen-year-old boy's window, peering inside. Marek stripped naked. His rock-hard nine-inch [23 cm] prick swung left and right as he fetched a jar of petroleum jelly from his nightstand and hopped on his bed. Julian and Oskar gawked at his nudity, their grubby mugs frozen in shock.

The teen positioned his body in front of the wall, resting on his back. His feet climbed on the wall until he was almost upside down against it. Then he let his muscular legs keel over. Bent in two, with his big feet beyond his head, his pole hovered above his face. The limber contortionist barely had to raise his neck to reach his goal. He opened wide and engulfed a good portion of his monster prick. While he slurped on his own thick cock, his right hand groped on the mattress for the jelly. He scooped a gob of grease with his middle finger and index then introduced them in his arsehole.

We choked at the sight of the obscene boy playing with his neither region. The teen's firm buttocks were parted and we could clearly see the anal ring strangle the invading digits. Marek moaned sensuously, burying his fingers deep in his rectal opening. For ten minutes, he finger-fucked his asshole, sucking on his cock, stopping at times, to lick the mushroom head.

I squeezed my dick discreetly through the fabric of my shorts. My body was alive, from my little toes to the lobes of my ears. On my bare chest, the two nipples were hard as pink erasers. I cursed the damn boy for making me horny.

After a few minutes of oral stimulation, Marek gripped his cock and tugged on it over his opened trap. I figured immediately that he was primed to unload his sauce. The knob swelled and vomited ropes of cream. The viscous goo gushed into his mouth from the gravity.

Marek's slick hairy asshole winked with every jolt his ecstasy. He swallowed the mouthful of his jizz in one big gulp. Us youngins glanced at each other while the vile teenager cleaned his cummy dick, erasing all traces of sticky semen with his tongue.

Needless to say, I attempted to copy the acrobatic feat in my bedroom. But my lips didn't even come close to the tip of my penis and I settled for a good wank, however this time sticking a finger into my anus. The pain wasn't significant enough to dampen my pleasure. The two blended strangely.

In fact, the stimulation of my asshole seemed to accentuate the blissful sensations. I rubbed my peter, fingering my asshole at the same time. My legs jerked. My body wasn't mine anymore. In the throes of a premature orgasm, I grunted, staring at my penis squirt in the air.


From then on, I pestered Marek on the identity of the owner of of the map. But the teenager stood his ground, refusing to disclose the valuable information, arguing that I was too young, that I shall earn it. To us, it meant that the treasure was really stupendous. Gold coins or silver coins. Precious artefacts from a Spanish galleon. Something worth over a million zlotys! I decided to defy the teenager and walked straight into the modest home. His grandmother didn't notice me and continued to read. I entered his lair. "What the hell are you doing here?" Marek snarled, shoving me on his bed at once, nearly knocking my glasses off.

"Wait, Marek! Wait!" I screamed. The big boy encircled me with his arms and legs, like a spider seizing its prey. "You're an obnoxious lil' fuck!" He barked, twisting my nipple.

"OWWWW! I want the map!" I insisted. The musky aroma of his armpits and cheap cologne wafted up my nose. He crushed my neck in the V of his muscular arm.

"You have to earn it!"

"How can I earn it?" I asked him.

He leaned over and whispered softly the answer in my ear. It must have been really funny to see my eyes bulge out of their sockets after what he told me.


"Let's play the hot dog in the bun again," Julian and I suggested to Oskar in Mr. Majetko's hangar.

The little red-head chuckled and quickly removed his shorts and undies, presenting his butt. I dipped between his round asscheeks, darting my tongue right away at his minuscule anus. The imp popped a boner, which he fondled while I wet his hole for what we had planned. As with every time before, Oskar giggled loudly when I snaked my tongue into him and wiggled it.

"You didn't bring a wiener!" the tyke remarked all of a sudden.

"Yes, I have this one," I said, pulling out my boner.

"You wanna put it in my butt?"

"Yeah, it's just like the wiener."

The proposal did not deter Oskar's zeal. He went into another fit of high-pitched squeals and glanced at his brother for his approval. Julian nodded. I positioned myself behind the naive child, intrigued by the idea of slipping him my penis up the ass. Marek's explicit admission of what he wanted to do to Julian and I had disconcerted us. And we thought it would be best to try it on our favourite guinea pig.

"Tell me how it feels!" I said.


The pre-cum leaking profusely sufficed to stick my dickhead in. Oskar let out a 'Ouch' then giggled some more. With precise probing, I wormed in the hot tunnel, deflowering the tyke. My boyish erection may have been long, but it had not began its expansion in thickness. I plunged easily to the hilt in the elastic ring. The narrow opening strangled my penis in a most enjoyable way and my balls were comfortably nestled between the plump buttocks.

"Ooooooooouuuhh" Oskar wailed. "It's bigger than the wiener!"

"No it's not!" Julian butted in.

I knew bloody well the key to getting an orgasm was a vigorous stimulation of my dick. So, I bucked my hips, sliding my rigid boycock into the constricting hole to summon the similar tingles of a good wank.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh" Oskar exhaled every time I buried my whole dick in his bowels.

"Is it, nice?" I asked tentatively.

"My poophole tickles," He responded.

Holding his slim waist, I gave it to him good, delighting in the intense pleasure of my first coitus. It was all too clear to me why Marek yearned to do the same thing to us. The slippery friction was fantastic!

Julian touched my shoulder, requesting his turn. I rolled aside and watched him mount his kid brother. Once he had firmly embedded himself, the eleven-year-old boy moved his pelvis like an agitated puppy. His short stiffy kept popping out of the hole but he re- inserted it again and again.

I crawled under Oskar's tummy and sucked his pricklet while his brother fucked him, estimating the impatient tyke might grow tired of this new experience sooner than later. "Ughhhh ughhhhhh ughhhhhh!" Our little partner whined from the double stimulation. He remained still, granting us plenty of time to molest him.

The squishy sound of Julian's penis sliding into Oskar's asshole excited me. I couldn't wait for him to be done with it and take his place in the warm innards of his little brother. But Julian seemed to enjoy very much the activity. He banged Oskar's butt steadily.

Finally, I heard him emit a loud moan. He disconnected himself, smiling grandly. I scooted closer to examine Oskar's dilated hole. The red orifice glowed between the white cheeks. I plunged into it again. Oskar grunted, gyrating his hips to the rhythm of my incessant stabbing inside his rectum. I shoved myself into his little ass harder and faster. A few more thrusts and I reached the threshold of my climax. My yelp of bliss echoed in the vast depot. I pulled out of the clingy hole and sprayed my little pal's back with boyjuice, exceedingly satisfied but somewhat ashamed to have used his butt for my own selfish gratification.

Chapter 4

The curtains were closed in Marek's bedroom. I unbuttoned my shorts nervously. The teenager had already stripped from the waist down and lubricated his cock. The sheer sight of it made me squirm. I couldn't fathom how the immense pole would fit up my twelve-year-old butt without causing excruciating pain.

Julian sat in a chair, fiddling with his toes, oblivious to my anxiety. After a lengthy discussion with him, we had come to an agreement. There seemed to be no other avenue to obtain the map of the treasure but to sacrifice our asses. We had played 'Rock, paper, scissors' to determine who would go first. I had won the dubious honour.

My underwear off, Marek bent me over, poking his greased fingers rudely into my virgin anus. I cringed and tried very hard to relax. "Stretch over here – raise your knee – higher!" The teen directed me on the bed.

Resting on my flank with my leg in the air and Marek behind me, I awaited the pain. It came fast.

The robust cockhead pushed against my reticent hole. "AWWWW! AWWW!" I screamed. The pressure abated and returned. I flinched every time Marek attempted to penetrate me. At the moment I figured he would abandon, his fat cock surged inside me. My entire body stiffened. Tears sprung to my eyes. "AOOOOWWWWWW!" I yelled. My asshole smarted from the blunt widening. As much as I wanted to sob, I could not let Julian see me break down, convinced he would chickened out of our deal if I manifested openly how agonizing it truly was.

"Yeahhhh, I'm gonna fuck your lil' ass now," Marek mumbled, holding my leg securely, lunging at me, sliding his cock in and out of my ass. "It hurts! Please! AOOOW!" I cried out.

"You just wait a while," Marek whispered in a warm tone. He touched my deflated penis to divert my attention from the pain and resumed the sodomy with gentler strokes, lifting my upper cheek to look at his cock tightly gripped by my asshole. I didn't budge, taking it in the ass, grinding my teeth. The minutes passed slowly. When the huge log pulled out of me, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Nope. Get and your back and raise your legs."

I obeyed the command, humiliated that he wanted to take me like a girl in front of Julian. The strong teen lifted my legs, placing my feet on his shoulders then he leaned forward, planting an elbow on each side of my head. "Put it in," He said. I had gone too far to back out. I reached down, took his penis in my hand and poised the head against my quivering hole.

Marek sank into me. In this position, he almost plunged his entire cock in my upturned behind. I whimpered and squirmed again. However, this time the swollen tube of flesh grazed my prostate and my dick sprung to life. The teenager's muscular frame crushed me. He had absolute control and began to fuck my ass fervently. I gazed at his swollen penis slamming into my asshole, holding on for dear life to my sanity.

"Take my cock. Awww FUCK yeah! Your ass feels sooo good," The big boy raved, driving his fuckstick again and again, really hard. "UGGHH! UGHGHHH! UGHHHH ARGGHHH!!!" I yelled. So loud that I thought his deaf grandmother would hear me. There was still some pain left. Thankfully, tingles of pleasure made it bearable. My dick rose to the occasion. My glasses steamed up.

I wanted to jack off, but opted to lay like a wet noodle underneath him, feeling the violent thrusts of his ramrod into my rectum. "Ohhh yeahhhh! Take my cock in yer ass! Yeahhhh ORRRHH" Marek ranted, focused on his efforts to fuck me. The springs of the mattress creaked every time he descended in my guts. Brand new pleasures emerged as my asshole accepted the intrusion. Just as I was beginning to appreciate anal sex, he pulled out and motioned to Julian to take my spot.

We traded places. I trudged to the chair, happy but with a sore butthole. A certain sense of achievement lifted my spirit. I beamed, ready to witness if my younger friend would be man enough to take it up his lil' ass without crying. Julian clambered on the bed. His bubble butt was so small. I expected him to squeal. "Are you gonna do it hard like the last time?" he asked Marek.

'last time'? I repeated in my head. What? Had he done this before without telling me? How many times?

"Even harder," the teenager responded. "I'm gonna really nail you."

"Oh," Julian peeped, bowed forward and hoisted up his posterior.

Marek applied more grease to his cock. He approached the little redhead on all four and squatted to align his tool with the kid's pucker. Unlike my penetration, it went smoothly. Marek buried the end of his huge phallus on the first try. "OOOOuhh Ouuuhhh!!!!" Julian hissed, tilting his head back, going weak all over. For an instant, I thought he would forfeit and wreck our pact.

But the boy got back up, sniffing up his tears, clutching the bed sheets. Marek grasped his shoulders, sliding his teenage cock firmly. "ORHHHH, you're such a tight fuck!" He muttered. From where I was sitting, I had a perfect view of his fat cock splitting open my pal's bony ass. The obscene spectacle got me hot and I played with my dick.

"Yeahhh take it some more 3;" Marek said, thrusting deeper.

"ANNGGH!" Julian yelped, absorbing another inch of meat.

"Yeahhh That's it! take it some more 3;" Marek reiterated, thrusting deeper. "ANNNNNNGGH!" Julian hollered, absorbing another two inches [5 cm] of meat.

I watched intently as the dilated ring swallowed more and more cock until Marek crammed all nine-inches [23 cm] into it. At this point, Julian supported the full weight of the teenager on his knees. His freckled face was covered with the sweat from his forehead. I felt some compassion for the poor kid. He was doing it for me.

"Ohhh yeah! Get ready for the FUCK of your life!" Marek affirmed.

What ensued left me bewildered for days. It could not be compared to the playful fornication we had coaxed Oskar into. Marek began to fuck Julian gently, then quickly sped up, jamming and ramming into his anus. I stared at his huge cock vanish completely between my pal's white buns, squinting in utter disbelief.

"Anngghh angghhh angghhh!" Julian grunted, elevating his butt, receiving the piston like a good slut. Marek's hipbone collided with the boy's little ass. His pendulous balls began to slap on it, as if he was spanking the child.

"YEAHHH FUCK! FUCK YEAH!" the teenager roared, smothering Julian and driving his fuckstick deep into his rectum. At times, he paused, waiting for the pleasure to decrease. Then he pursed to bugger Julian with the same unbridled passion. Even the dogs I had seen copulate many times were not that excessive.

Julian's skinny body shuddered with every gigantic thrust. He wasn't big for his age. A real throwabout. Marek took advantage of his vulnerability and banged his butt ruthlessly. I was amazed by Julian's docility. Whenever he fell from the relentless hammering into his butt, he got back on his hands right away and spread his knees wide to enable the teenager to fuck him some more.

For longer than I had anticipated, he got pounded in the ass, cooing like a wounded animal, jacking off once in a while. Marek eventually extracted his pole out of his butt, inch by inch. I got a good look at my pal's red-rimmed anus before it was inundated with spunk. Marek gripped his cock and groaned. His thick white jizz gushed out repeatedly in the gaping crater.

"Oh shit! That was great!" He said in the end, getting off the bed and strutting to his clothes.

I waited for him to reveal to us who owned the treasure map, praying that we had not been fooled once again by the big lad. Marek put his underwear and his army camouflage pants back on, taking his time. I certainly didn't expect him to express remorse for the fact that he had fucked us, but I had presumed he would at the very least, be amicable.

"You gotta tell us now!" I begged.

"Mr. Pulaski has the treasure map," Marek said. "The old kook hides it somewhere."

Chapter 5

No one in our village locked their doors. Nobody owned anything of value. The notion of a thief entering a home and taking something was totally alien to the few members of our community. We all knew each other anyway.

This made it easy for us to search for the map of the treasure. Mr. Pulaski went to the chapel every day, trotting fastidiously, supporting himself on his cane. The ritual of the ninety-year-old man afforded us a solid hour to peruse through his meagre possessions for the coveted item. We waltzed into his house via the front door and searched every nook and cranny, carefully putting back the objects we had moved in their original spot.

Usually, after hours of unproductive investigating, we'd resort to fucking Oskar in Mr. Matejko's hangar or anywhere we wouldn't get caught. The willing tyke cherished the attention, although we were strictly interested in his small butt. Julian was the obsessed one. He fucked his little brother three of four times a day. Sometimes, I slipped into him while he did it to Oskar. The three of us were merged together. A pleasant way of sealing our friendship.

Julian got his first wet orgasm. We told Oskar that our dick juice was essential to the nutrition of a healthy lad. The little redhead diligently opened his mouth every time to capture our boyish spurts of cum and swallowed without objecting once.

Despite days of trespass, we could not find the location of the map in Mr. Pulaski's house. I didn't want to believe that Marek had lied to us. To be honest, I doubted we would ever discover the map but I esteemed the company of the would-be soldier too much to let a few weeks of sterile rummaging get in the way of my budding infatuation. Marek was a young God. He was everything that I aspired to become.

By then, we were having sex on a regular basis. I had grown accustomed to the incessant advances of the horny teenager. We gave each other hand jobs and blowjobs. In between sex, we listened to western rock n' roll music, smoked cigarettes and drank vodka. Marek made me feel older, important and useful. If my mother ever found out that I sneaked out every evening to go meet the older boy, nearly a man, she would have spanked my little butt black and blue. The risk associated with my improper conduct contributed to the exhilaration.

I was particularly fascinated with Marek's circumcised penis. How even in a dormant state, the large bare head at the end of it made it seem like he was aroused. Removing the foreskin was an uncommon chirurgical procedure for our part of the world. It turned out the boy had to be cut as a toddler for medical reasons. A blessing, for I spent hours licking the big knob, feasting on the smooth spongy flesh.

Periodically, I sat on Marek's spike. He held my waist while I lowered my little ass on it until the hot compact mass pierced into me. My ambition was to be fucked by the tall lad in the same fashion he had fucked Julian. Hard and deep. So, I impaled myself, training my reluctant hole. Having the prick of the boy I idolized so much inside me was invigorating. I bounced on the prong and jacked off, achieving terrific orgasms. A dozen of so little puddles of my cum dotted his flat chest afterwards.

Eventually, I presumed that I was ripe for the ride and let Marek take control. Laying naked on my tummy with two pillows under my midsection, my butt itched for the thunder of his brute strength. The teenager slapped my buns and proceeded to stuff his nine-inch [23 cm] cock into my waiting asshole. "Ughhhhn" I grunted when the big head burst inside me. My fingers clutched the sheets. His broad penis progressed rapidly into my guts and finally his prickly pubes tickled my crack.

I let out a moan. Marek kissed the back of my head and began to fuck me. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I exhaled, melting from the intense dose of pain and pleasure. Tiny jolts travelled up my spine. One moment, I could feel his bloated cock squeezed between my buttocks and the other it throbbed in my rectum. The big lad raved, "Ohhhh yeahhh ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh", as he drove his fuckstick in my twelve-year-old butt.

I regressed to the shy little kid that I used to be, dissimulating how much I enjoyed the feel of his thick meat stretching my asshole. Marek rested on top of me and accentuated his thrusts. His head next to mine, he slammed into me harder and harder and harder, until he pounded my butt, just like I wanted. Uncontrollable whimpers came out of my mouth as his weight crushed me and his pelvis smashed against my buns.

"Yeahhh ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh FUCK! Yeahhh!" He yelled out, obviously relishing the savage coupling.

My senses went into overload. My prostate quivered from the incessant jabbing. I raised my chin and wailed, spilling my boyish load on the pillow beneath me. Marek's erection swelled. His hot teenage cream gushed out into my rectum. We jerked in unison, savouring every fleeting second of our mutual orgasms.

Near the end of August, Oskar Julian and I multiplied our visits to Mr. Pulaski's house to find the map of the treasure. We checked everywhere again.

"I don't think it's in here," Oskar sighed, bored and discouraged by our raids.

"It's gotta be in here!" I asserted. Or perhaps not? It occurred to me that the wise man must have known that inside his domicile would be the first place someone would look for it. Thus, I dragged my young partners in crime outside.

It was Oskar who found it. The precious item was lodged under a loose plank on the side of the house. We fled with our loot to examine it in a safe spot. Our eyes aglow, we studied the yellowed cloth. It showed a drawing of our village with mysterious indications. Underneath, written in coarse black ink, were the directions to get to the treasure.

"This is it!" I yelled out. "Thank you, Oskar! You found it!" I rejoiced, kissing him square on the mouth. We raced to our respective homes to get our shovels and reunited at the town square. I read the directions aloud, marching cautiously with my buddies in tow.

"From the well walk north twenty steps," "Turn right after the big rock," "walk another hundred steps east into the forest," "Under the oldest willow tree is where ye shall find me."

Evidently, the oldest willow was the tallest. That we knew and promptly dug amidst the angry roots. Ten minutes later, Julian unearthed a wooden box. I dove in the hole, clearing away the dirt with my hands. The brothers kneeled beside me. I removed enough soil to open the lid. We glanced at each other, our tummies afire with pangs of jubilance.

"We're gonna be rich!" I cheered, hugging my friends. Julian screamed and Oskar jumped up and down.

The box creaked when I opened it.

Our eyes bore into what it contained.

In the middle of the velvet lining, there was a book. I adjusted my glasses and read the title.

"What does it say? What does it say?!" Oskar peeped.

"Folktales, Legends and Extraordinary stories of Eastern Europe" I muttered.

The two redheads didn't comprehend. I browsed through the pages, getting that sinking feeling that I was so familiar with. Under the name of our village, a short paragraph told of how the founder had fabricated the false tale to attract settlers. I should have been irate, dejected or in denial. But I laughed. I laughed hysterically. The brothers looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I tumbled on the ground, holding my sides, aching from laughing too hard.

Yes, we had been screwed.

In every sense of the word.

The End

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