Cutter09Street Brothers |
SummaryGary meets a street kid. They have fun, but Gary wants someone even younger.
Publ. Dec 2016
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CharactersGary (adult), Corey (17yo), Josh (13yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Street Brothers in the subject line. |
I couldn't help myself. I'm just weak. I was back on that same corner again looking for Corey. Corey who didn't look his age. Corey who had been to my house three previous times. Corey who had been the first to 3; well 3; Let me go back and start at the beginning. Ever since I can remember, I have been attracted to males. More specifically boys. My cousin would visit, and I would find some reason we should change clothes, just so I could see him naked. I was ten, he was fourteen. I know now that he was aware of what I was doing. He would take his time getting dressed, sometimes being naked in front of me for twenty minutes or more. He knew I was looking at his swinging dick. I guess being older, he also knew he was impressive enough to not be embarrassed. He was the big boy, and I was just a kid. But I was fascinated by that dick. And every other teen dick I could find. Going to a restaurant with my family, I would spot all the teen boys around. If one of them headed to the restroom, I was right behind, hoping to stand next to him at the urinal. Same at movies, amusement parks, anywhere I could get the chance to see a boy. When I had to start taking showers after gym class, I was in hog heaven. I took longer than anyone else, undressing, showering, getting dressed after. My senses being overloaded with young boy dicks. Eventually I lost my virginity during a double date in my junior year. My friend said these sisters were 'a sure thing', they were, we did. Of course the only way I was able to, was by seeing my friend fucking his 'sure thing'. Well you get the picture. I realized I was attracted to boys, preferably 12-15 years old. Now, most people can tell you what 12-15 means. Yes 15-20 years in prison. And registering as a sex offender. So my obsession was never to be realized. Then one night I was leaving an office party, I'd had a couple of drinks, I was crossing to where I had parked my car, when this kid came up to me. "Want some company mister?" I had heard about the street kids, and what they did to get by. He was young, I was in a good mood. I said "Sure kid." "Fifty bucks." "Okay, no problem," I figured, hell it might be my only chance with a young boy. We got in my car, and he starts reaching for my zipper. "So for fifty bucks it's blow and go?" "Yeah," he answered. "What if I want to spend some time with you, like at my place?" He looked around at the car "Hundred bucks an hour." "Deal," I said. "You got the cash? I don't do plastic and shit." "I have cash," I said starting the car. We pulled into my parking garage, and went up to the penthouse. He was no longer concerned about getting his money. Under the brighter lights of my house, he didn't look quite as young as I had thought. No more than eighteen, probably seventeen, but not the fourteen I was hoping for. I got him naked and in the shower, after all, he is a street kid. He had a nice package. Bigger than a fourteen year old would be, but still youngish looking. I spent three hours rolling around in bed with him. He sucked me, I sucked him, twice. Then I gave him five hundred dollars, and said "If you know any younger boys, let me know. I'll give you a bonus for the right kid." A week later I was in the same neighborhood as I had picked Corey (his name I found out) up the first time. I saw him there on the same corner, and pulled over. He got in and we went to my place. Again we rolled around in bed for a couple of hours. And again I mentioned wanting someone younger. "How young?" he asked. "Twelve or thirteen would be best. Fourteen's okay too. How old are you?" "Seventeen. I just look younger. Let me think about it. Maybe I can find someone. If I do, will you stop seeing me?" "No. You're good. I might even want both of you." The third time I saw Corey was a couple of weeks later. I took him to my place, we showered and played. I'd had a few drinks, and I let him fuck me. Twice. I liked it the first time, so went for seconds. Being seventeen, he is able to accommodate. I can't believe I gave up my ass cherry to a street kid. But he was starting to grow on me. I wondered, then asked, why he was on the streets, and only got a vague response. When I asked if he had found anyone for me he said "I have someone in mind. He's never done anything though. I gotta know you're not going to hurt him or anything." "Hey, I'm not into rough stuff, you know that. If anything I'm more submissive." "That's the only reason I may introduce you to him. He doesn't want to get fucked either. He'll do you, but you can't do him." "Sounds good to me," I said with a lecherous smile. What are the odds that he really hadn't ever done anything. A virgin street kid? Unlikely, but I can dream. "It'll be expensive too," he added. "Not a problem." I gave him my number and told him to call me when he could arrange it. He did call. Ten days later. That's why I was back there. I cursed my weakness. Damned my proclivities. Yet there I was, back there, giving in to both. The second I saw them, my trepidation flew out the window. Corey was there, and even from a distance, I could tell he had found the right kid. "This is Josh," Corey said as they climbed into the backseat. Josh was like the vision I had in my head. Cute beyond belief, innocent looking, even his nervousness was attractive. Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, smattering of freckles across his nose. I almost unloaded in my pants just at the anticipation of maybe seeing his boy parts. "Hi, Josh. I'm Gary," I said, glancing in my rearview mirror, as I pulled away from the curb. The drive was quiet. I could see how nervous Josh was, obviously not accustomed to these situations. I finally broke the silence, "How old are you Josh?" "Th 3; thirteen." When we got to my place, I offered them Cokes. Corey suggested that Josh take a shower first. I agreed and Corey showed him to the bathroom. I had poured Coke into glasses of ice and was waiting, when Corey returned. "Do you have the cash?" he asked right away. "Yes, how much is it going to be?" "A grand each. And I have to stay, to watch out for him." "No problem, but you know I'm not going to hurt him." A little later, Josh came out wearing a terry robe. I could see his bare legs and feet. His hair was damp, his face shiny and smiling. "I love that shower. It feels good to get clean," he said honestly. We sat at my breakfast table with our Cokes. Mine had a splash of bourbon, to settle my nerves. I was appraising my two guest in the light for the first time. I noticed similarities between them, and it suddenly dawned on me, they're brothers. That would explain Corey's protectiveness. Again I couldn't help but wonder why they were on the streets. "So, Josh, do you know why you're here?" He looked down, but nodded. "Is that okay with you?" I wasn't going to force him, I'm not a rapist after all. He nodded again, then said "Corey promised you wouldn't hurt me, and we need the money." Josh reached for his Coke, and the sleeve of the robe slipped a bit. I noticed a circular scar on his arm. I had seen similar ones on Corey. Some on his arms and a couple on his back. "Will you stand for me?" I asked Josh. Still looking down, he nodded and slowly stood. He was right in front of me. Timidly waiting for whatever came next. I wanted to see this angel in all his glory. I reached for the sash on the robe. When I touched it, I could actually feel him trembling. I put my arms around him and drew him to me in a hug. I whispered to him, "I promise I will never hurt you." After a minute, he stopped trembling and put his arms around me too, resting his head against mine. "May I see you?" I whispered to him. He shook his head 'no' then said "Corey's here." I looked at Corey, who shrugged his shoulders in a 'I don't know' sort of way. I kissed his neck and whispered "Will you come with me to my bedroom?" He nodded into my shoulder, and pulled out of the hug. Taking my hand, he said to Corey "Stay here." I led him to my room, and I sat on the bed, with him standing in front of me again. "Now may I see you?" He nodded shyly. I untied the sash, and slipped the robe from his shoulders. The absolute epitome of perfection was displayed before me. The one blemish to his otherwise flawless complexion was the scar on his arm. His body was perfect, nice neck, smooth flat belly, hanging three inch cut dick. I was immediately reminded of all the young dicks I had seen as a boy, and what I found desirable in them. I didn't want to spoil this perfect child, but I wanted to eat him up. "Can I see you too?" he asked, without moving. I stood and started taking off my clothes. When he saw my tented boxers, his dick began to rise. By the time I slipped the boxers off, my seven and a half inches was pointing at him. His own four and a half inches were pointing at his belly button. We admired each other's bodies for a moment, then he turned back the blanket on the bed. I had a chance to see his cute bubble butt as he crawled into the bed. I could only stand and stare at him, lying there in his innocence, completely exposed. He patted the bed beside him, and I got in. I was on my knees, resting on my haunches, still staring in awe. "You can touch me, if you want to." Oh god, how I wanted to. I touched, caressed, stroked, licked, kissed, every inch of his body I could reach. I could count on one hand the few sparse hairs on his groin, and I got to see them up close as I inhaled his wonderful dick. After only a minute, he grabbed my head and thrust up into my mouth. I could feel his dick throb as he delivered his boy cream to me. It wasn't a lot, but it was precious to me. Pure manna from heaven, that I swirled around in my mouth before letting it slide down my throat. He relaxed back onto the pillow, and I continued to suck him. I wanted to see his face, so I maneuvered around and looked up at him. He was smiling down at me, his eyes twinkling. I never relinquished his dick, and resumed bobbing up and down on it. His smiling face watched me as I worshiped him. We didn't need to speak. It was just us enjoying nature's finest gift. After a few minutes, he closed his eyes. His thrusts became a little more frantic. I saw his stomach tighten as he grabbed two fists full of sheets. He grunted and his dick throbbed again, as he honored me with more of his boy cream. When he had come down from the clouds, he giggled and reached for me. Pulling me off his dick and up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "That was nice." "It was more than nice. It was wonderful," I replied. We stayed like that a minute, then he pushed me onto my back. He lay his head on my stomach, and grabbed my straining cock. Stroking it up and down, he examined it closely. I could tell he hadn't seen any up close. His brother was not unfamiliar with them. But Josh was pure. This added to my already excited state. I was about to cum, and Josh slid his warm wet mouth over the head of my cock. That was the end for me, and I exploded into his mouth. He gulped and swallowed what he could, but I had too much for him. My cum drooled from his lips as he tried to keep up with it. I finished my release, and Josh let my cock drop back to my belly. I handed him some tissue from the nightstand, and he dried his eyes. Then he wiped the cum from around his mouth, then his fingers. "You shoot a lot," he acknowledged. "Not always. You made me really horny." He seemed pleased by this, and gave me an angelic smile. "Will you hold me?" Oh my god. This child was a gift. I spooned in behind him, enjoying the closeness of this angel. I could soon tell he was sleeping, and I slipped from the bed without waking him. I put on my pants and tiptoed out of the bedroom. Corey was waiting nervously. "Is he alright?" "He's fine, just sleeping," I answered. "You didn't…?" "No, I didn't." He seemed to relax, then said "Do you have the money?" I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. Extracting a wad of hundred dollar bills, I started to hand them to him, then hesitated. "Not until you answer some questions." "What questions?" "How long have you and your brother been on the streets?" "A couple of months," he replied, then realized I had said his brother. "Did he tell you that?" "No, you just did. So, what's your story?" "Why do you want to know? You gonna turn us in?" he asked defensively. "No. I like you. I don't want you to get into trouble." Not to mention my ass would be in a sling. "My parents aren't nice, okay." "Be a little more specific." "If I tell you, will you give me the money?" "If I believe you." He was reluctant but finally said "Look, my parents have always been mean. I can't remember when they weren't. When Josh came along, even though I was little, I was worried they would hurt him. He was just a baby, you know. Well they never did do anything bad to him. Then a few of years ago they started doing drugs. First, just some grass, then cocaine. I don't know what all. They would get high and beat me and even burn me with cigarettes." "Is that what those scars on your arm are?" He looked down at them in shame, and nodded. "Then a couple of years ago, they told me I had to be nice to Clarence. That was their dealer. I didn't know what they meant till he showed up and my mom said "Do as Clarence says," and went into the other room. Clarence dropped his pants and his big black cock was hard. I knew then what I was expected to do. So I sucked him. He gave them their stuff and left. They treated me pretty good for a while then I had to do it again. I didn't care. At least they weren't beating me. So it went on like that for a while then Clarence said he would double what he usually gave them if he could fuck me. Well, at least they held out for triple before I was forced to let him fuck me. Clarence had a really big cock, and he wasn't too gentle. I screamed and cried, but that just seemed to turn him on more. He was cumming in my ass when I looked over and saw my parents watching. They were smiling too. I don't know if it was because of what he was doing to me or because they were getting a bunch of free drugs. That went on for awhile. Clarence would come over, fuck me, give them their drugs and leave. I guess I was paying for their habit by myself at that point. Most of the time they even watched. "One day Clarence fucked me, but before he left said "Don't y'all have another boy?" I got scared because I know what Clarence wanted. Up till then, my parents had only beaten me, never Josh. I guess he was asleep by the time they got stoned enough to start beating on me. But now they realized they had something else to trade for drugs. The next day, I came in to find Josh crying on the couch. I asked him what was wrong, and he showed me his arm where my mom burned him. I knew what was in store for him. I couldn't let them hurt him like they did me. I took him out of there right then. The little money I had only lasted a couple of days. Then I was on that corner hustling to get money for food. I didn't mind. I mean I had sucked dick before. At least now it was for me and Josh, not drugs. I had sucked a few different guys during the couple of weeks before I met you. When I showed up with all that money you gave me, Josh started asking a bunch of questions. We ate real good for a couple of weeks though. When the money started to run out, I was back on that corner, and you showed up again. I was really glad to see you. You're nice and clean, and you didn't make me do anything I didn't want. Josh was glad I ran into you too. He asked me what I did with you and what were you like. After the third time I let it slip that you were interested in someone younger. He said he would do it, because you had been nice to me so far, he didn't think you would be mean to him. I didn't really want to let him do it, but he said he should help buy our food too." I couldn't believe it. I was crying because of this kid's story. I admit I'm a horny boy lover, I would take advantage and suck their dicks off their beautiful bodies, but I could never treat these kids like this. Their own parents beating and burning them and selling them for drugs. Jesus what a shitty world we live in. I started to hand him the money, then drew it back again. "Now what?" He asked. "This should pay for your time till after breakfast. Josh is already asleep anyway. Let him rest. You can have one of the guest rooms. There's a shower and tv in there." "Can't I share your room with him?" "I don't think he wants you to see him naked," I reminded him. "Oh yeah. Okay, but don't hurt him." I narrowed my eyes and frowned at him. Then handed him the money. "I know. I'm just worried. Okay? He's my little brother." I went into my room and took off my pants. I spooned in behind Josh, and was instantly aware of what happiness is. I awoke early, the morning sun streaming into my bedroom. Josh was toying with my morning wood. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just wanted to look at it some more." "No worries. Look all you want," I said. "I had fun last night. That was a blow job, right?" I laughed a little at his innocence. "Yeah, that was a blow job." He nodded. "I thought so. I've wondered what it would feel like." "Let me remind you then," I said and pushed him onto his back. I swooped down and took his boyhood into my mouth. Man, I could stay here all day with him, like this. It wasn't long before I was swallowing his juice again. Just as he finished cumming, we heard my bedroom door creak open. Josh grabbed the blankets and pulled them up over our nudity. Corey entered slowly, "Josh? You okay?" "Jesus, I'm fine, Corey. We're naked. Wait out there," Josh said dismissively. When he was gone, I said "Your brother is just worried about you." "I know. He's always looked after me. But I don't want him to see me naked." "You let me see you," I pointed out. "You're not my brother. And I like you. You're not like some of the other people who want to hurt me. You just want to love me. I can tell. Well, love me and have sex with me," he giggled. I kissed his neck and asked "What would you like for breakfast?" He got a mischievous grin on his face, "This" and he ducked under the blanket and took me into his mouth. We found Corey anxiously waiting for us when we came out of the bedroom. "You okay, little brother?" "Relax Corey, I'm fine. He's nice. I like him. He only 3; you know, sucked me a couple of times. It was great." For breakfast I gave them bacon and eggs, waffles, toast, orange juice and milk. Which they scarfed down quickly. The sleeves of Josh's robe kept getting in his way, so I tied them up with rubber bands. He gave me another angelic smile. While they were eating, I called my friend Robert. He and I shared an apartment beginning freshman year of college. Right up until he began law school. He was also the first guy I ever gave a blow job to. Yes, we were drunk, and no, it wasn't the last time I did it. But that isn't important. What is important is his contacts. He knows a lot of people and some rather shady ones at that. When I returned to the kitchen, they were washing the dishes by hand. They seemed to be having a good time doing it too. Of course water was splashing everywhere, but I didn't complain. I just watched them. I made myself an espresso and sat down while they destroyed my kitchen. They finished the dishes, and Josh came over and climbed upon my lap. He was careful not to let his robe separate, and expose himself to his brother. He is such a loving child, I still cringed at the thought of someone mistreating him. His brother, of course, was more callused and distrusting because of his years of abuse. I didn't blame him. It must have been horrible to live with. I had nothing but admiration for his efforts in his brother's behalf. "Where have you been sleeping?" I asked Corey. "There's an old abandoned warehouse a few blocks from where we met. It's kinda drafty, and there's a few bums that hang out there, but at least we aren't outside. Now we can get a room somewhere for a while," he answered, indicating where some of my money would be spent. "A room will eat up your money pretty fast, are you sure you want to do that?" I pointed out. "I figured if I earn enough on a day to day basis to pay for the room, the rest of this money will keep us in food for a long time." "That's an awful lot of blow jobs. Not to mention you could catch something, or get beat up etc…" "What? Someone might beat you, Corey?" Josh interrupted. "Don't worry about It Josh, I can take care of myself." "But Corey, what if it's more than one guy. Or maybe they have a gun." "He's got a point there Corey," I interjected. "Josh, we have to eat. We're not going back there." "Does Josh know about everything?" I asked Corey. Corey shook his head. Josh asked "What everything?" "Nothing, Josh," Corey told his brother. "Josh, why don't you go turn on the tv, and let your brother and I talk a minute?" I said as I pushed him off my lap. "Corey, I admire what you're doing for your brother. Self sacrifice is a heavy burden to bear. But every day that you two are on the streets, you're pushing the odds. Eventually something bad is going to happen. "How would you feel if you were on your knees sucking some stranger in a gas station restroom, while those bums you mentioned were raping your little brother?" His eyes flew open. "I guess I hadn't thought of that." "Or some pimp doesn't like you horning in on his turf, and shoots you. What's going to happen to Josh then. There's a million different scenarios that could happen, and none of them good for Josh, or you." He broke down then. Sobbing loudly. "We can't go back there. You know what they'll do to him. I can't let them. I just can't." I drew him to me, and let him cry it out a minute. "Why don't you stay with me for a few days?" I offered He looked at me suspiciously. "I promise I won't touch you without permission. And even then, I'll pay you. You can leave anytime you want, and you'll have quite a little nest egg when you do." He was still hesitant. "It beats blowing strangers on the street. At least you know me already. If we do anything you still earn the money. If we don't you still have a free place to stay that is safe. If not for yourself, do it for Josh. He doesn't need to be on the streets." He still hesitated, but said "Okay. We'll stay for a few days until I can figure out what to do." "I think the first thing we need to do is wash your clothes. They're disreputable. Mrs. Havisham won't be in until Monday, so let's do it now." "Mrs. Havisham? As in 'Great Expectations' ?" "Same name, different person. She's my housekeeper." "Does she have a snooty British accent? He laughed "Actually, she has a cockney accent. Think of, My Fair Lady, before the speech lessons." Corey took off his clothes and donned a robe like Josh and I were wearing. I was loading the washing machine, when Josh came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said "Thanks for washing my clothes, they really need it." Then he slipped his hand inside my robe and fondled my cock, which responded immediately. "I think your dick likes me," he laughed. "I know my dick likes you. So do I. But I don't think Corey would appreciate us doing this. You're off the clock now," I said as I reached behind me and fondled him too. "Corey is my brother, not my boss. I like what we did." "I do too. But we have an agreement that I plan to stick to," I said turning around and facing him. "What agreement?" he asked as I returned to the living room. Corey was on the sofa watching tv when we entered. "What agreement?" he repeated. Then looked at his brother. "Corey?" "Gary invited us to stay here a while." "We're staying here?" Josh repeated happily. "Only for a while. Until I can decide what to do." "So what's this agreement?" "He promised not to 3; you know 3; do stuff, without permission," Corey explained. Josh nodded in understanding. "Where did you sleep last night, Corey?" I asked the boy. "In the first bedroom on the right." "Okay. That will be your room while you are here. Josh, you can have the one next to it." He looked a little dejected but didn't say anything. When their clothes were clean, I suggested we go buy them some new ones. "You can't wear the same clothes every day," I defended when Cory complained. "Great. Are we going to Walmart or Target?" Josh asked. "Well, I was thinking more like 3;" I started. "Walmart will be fine," Corey said. Corey only wanted to get one change of clothes, and I insisted that he get at least a week's worth. I had to promise to pay for them, and not expect anything in return. I turned them loose in Walmart, and they went wild. Josh wanted everything, and even Corey had fun choosing exactly seven changes of clothes. We had a cart full of stuff by the time we made it to the checkout stand. All totaled, it was about as much as I spend on pair of slacks and a shirt. We had lunch at a fast food place, then went to a movie. I got the impression they didn't go to the movies often, so they enjoyed it. Josh held my hand throughout the film, which caused me to have an erection throughout the film. After the movie, I asked them what they would like for dinner. They were already full from lunch and popcorn at the movie, so they didn't want dinner. We got home, and I told them to unload their packages. It took all three of us to haul it up in the elevator. Then they spent the next thirty minutes in their rooms separating it all and putting it away. I was just sitting down with a little scotch on the rocks when Corey entered. He just looked at me funny and sat down. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No. I understand." "Understand? Understand what?" "My parents are drug addicts, too," he answered looking at my drink. "What do you mean, 'too'. This is just a little scotch." "Yeah, alcohol. The most abused drug on the planet. Do you know that over three million people die each year from alcohol use? Not to mention those killed by drunk drivers or abusives spouses. Ninety five per cent of teen suicides involve alcohol too. Ninety per cent of teen traffic fatalities, and thirty per cent of all hospital admissions are alcohol related. But go ahead and have a drink. I understand about drug abuse." Fucking teenagers know everything. I looked at the glass, then at Corey. I sighed heavily and went to the bar. I poured my drink in the sink, and washed it down. "I get your point. I guess it's not a good example to set for Josh either. I promise to not drink as long as you stay here. But you have to promise me that you won't leave here until you have a clear cut plan for your and your brother's survival. Like a real job, and a place to live. You want the statistics on the life span of a street kid? I dare say it's probably noticeably shorter than an alcoholic," I countered. "Deal," he answered. "Y'all making another deal? Does this one include my sex life too?" Josh said giving his brother a dirty look. "Not really, just a little on the fringe of it," I answered as I hugged him. I taught them how to play the card game 'Spades', and then asked if they were hungry. "I guess we're just not used to eating regularly," Corey said. "Well, how about a sandwich as we watch tv?" I asked. "Okay. Can we shower first?" Josh suggested. "Everybody hit the shower. I'll make us sandwiches and meet you in the living room later." I got out of the shower and put on my robe. As I was making the sandwiches, I heard the tv go on. I took out the folding tv tables and set one in front of each of the boys. Then took them plates of sandwiches and chips, and milk. I set my own table up and got a plate for myself. It felt kind of strange, sitting on the sofa between two teen boys, all of us wearing bathrobes, eating sandwiches in front of the tv. Strange, yet somehow homey. I'd never imagined myself as a homebody, but I liked this. When everyone had finished, the boys took the dishes to the kitchen without being told. I put away the tv tables, and we all sat back down to watch tv. I was at one end of the sofa, and Corey the other. Josh was in the middle. After a few minutes, Josh moved over and leaned against me. He took my arm and placed it around him. I smiled down at him then kiss the top of his head. I held him and patted his side occasionally, just enjoying his company. He put his foot up on the sofa, making sure the back of his robe blocked Corey's view, but the front was open and he was exposed. He wasn't wearing anything underneath, and his dick was there for me to see. I glanced at Corey, who was involved in the tv, then down at Josh. He was smiling up at me, then glanced down at his dick. I looked too, and he made his hard dick jump. I smiled at him, then glanced toward my own hard cock. He looked and I made it jump under my robe. He giggled. Josh looked at his brother to judge his line of vision, then reached for his dick. He stroked himself extremely slow. It was obvious he was teasing me with it. I watched his fingers slide up to the head and back down to the base as slow as possible. Then he cupped his nuts in his palm and jiggled them at me. He was driving me crazy and he knew it. He kept this up till the end of the movie. I had to get away from him, before I raped him right there on my sofa, with his brother watching. "It's midnight guys. Let's hit the hay," I said standing up and immediately stuck my hands into the pockets of my robe, to hide my raging boner. They went to their rooms, and I made sure the place was locked down and the lights off etc., before heading to my own room. I was too excited to sleep. I needed to relax. The thought of two teen boys just down the hall drove me nuts. I had seen both nude, I had sucked both, they had sucked me, and one had fucked me. I was quite familiar with their bodies. I wanted them. But I had promised. I considered jerking off, but wanted to test my resolve. I picked up the latest novel I was reading from the nightstand, and tried to read my way to relaxation. My cock eventually subsided. I turned off the light and lay down to sleep. Finally drifting off to a great dream of boy heaven, with all the beautiful lads cavorting nude of course. My wonderful dream was interrupted by someone getting into my bed. A naked body pressed up against my back, and a small hand reached over my hip and grasped my cock. I knew instantly who it was. "Josh, what are you doing in here?" "Duh… What does it look like?" "Corey would be really mad about this." "I'm not going to tell him. Are you?" he whispered to me. I turned to face him. His smile melted any resolve I had built. "You are going to be the end of me, you beautiful boy." I leaned in and kissed his lips. A kiss that was reciprocated, and welcomed. Having tasted his lips, I had to taste the rest of him. I pushed him onto his back and moved down between his legs. I needed to watch his face as I gave him pleasure. I started with his balls, making sure to not leave a single millimeter un licked. I cradled each in my mouth, then licked up to the crown of his boyhood. I took him into my mouth as deep as he could go, his dickhead tickling the back of my throat. A feeling I wanted to memorize. I would have stayed there an eternity, but his hips indicated his need. I wasn't going to disappoint him. I bobbed up and down on it and created suction that would maximize the pleasure for him. My tongue played on his glans, as my lips pulled on the shaft. His need must have been building since we were on the sofa. He only took a few minutes before giving me his cum. I swallowed his offering and milked his dick to be sure I got all he had. Crawling up beside him I said "Now go back to your bed before Corey notices you missing." "Okay. But first 3; " He went under the blanket to take my cock into his mouth. He didn't jerk me off first, he went right to it. He was learning fast too. He gave me a world class blow job that ended much quicker than I would have liked. When he felt the first surge in my cock, he took me into his throat, so that I deposited my load directly into his gullet. He didn't miss a drop as I fired volley after volley into him. Then he backed off a bit, and squeezed up my shaft, savoring the last of my load. He returned his head to the pillow, and opened his mouth, showing me it was empty. "Much less messy if I take it all straight down my throat. Don't need to wipe my mouth or anything." I kissed him again, tasting my cum on his tongue. "Go to bed young man, before I spank you." He smiled and said, "Promise?" Then climbed out and left my room. Jesus what an adorable child. Sunday I packed a picnic lunch and took them to the beach. I had insisted on them buying swimsuits on our shopping binge, and was very happy to see they both got speedos. I have to call the president of that company and personally thank him. The only trouble with seeing my boys in speedos is that everyone else on the beach could too. They got more than a few leering looks from teen girls, and probably a few guys too. Corey seemed to revel in the attention, and even appeared to be posing for maximum effect. Josh didn't seem fazed by it. In fact he ignored everyone but me. He seemed to take pride in parading his bulge right in front of my face. I wasn't complaining though. We were all pretty tired when we got home. I ordered a pizza for dinner, and we all showered while awaiting delivery. Again we were on the sofa later, in our robes, Josh climbed up in my lap. He snuggled his head up under my chin, and was soon asleep. I carried him to his bed, and bade Corey good night. I awoke Monday morning to screaming. Mrs. Havisham had discovered the boy's presence by walking in on Corey in his all together. "I'm sorry Mrs. Havisham. I guess I should have called you. These are my godsons. Corey, the naked one and the young one is Josh." " 'e bout scared the bejesus out me Guvna." "You probably didn't do his nerves any good either," I replied. "Well, you've got yourself a cup'le o right cute ones there 'avn't yer." "Yes, they'll be with me for a while, so if it's any extra trouble for you, I'll pay you more." "No botha Guvna. Tha one done give me 'nuff. In a fortnight, I'll be wantin' ta see th othuh in his nickers, at'll be nuff fur a while," she laughed. "What did she say?" Corey asked. "She said, seeing you naked was enough payment. In a couple of weeks, she'll want to see Josh in his underwear, that will take care of her extra work," I translated. The boys began to feel more comfortable in my home. Even Corey appeared more relaxed. Josh was sneaking into my room most nights, and the little time we had together was precious to me. By Thursday, I knew I was going to do everything I could to keep these boys off the street. Early Friday, I got a call from Robert. What I had to do was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I would rather walk through hot coals than this chore. "Corey, Josh, sit down. We need to talk about a few things." I sat beside them, and Josh assumed his usual seat in my lap. "In the past week, I have grown quite fond of you both," I started. "We like you too, Gary," Josh said giving me a peck on the cheek. "I need to be completely honest with you. Corey I admire you so much. The way you were willing to sacrifice to care for your brother, is just so heartwarming, and the things you had to do is heart wrenching. And Josh, you wanted to do your part to keep you and your brother fed. Even doing things with a complete stranger. I'm ashamed that I'm that stranger, and that I enlisted you for my own depravity. "And Corey, I owe you an apology. I'm afraid I have had dealings with Josh without your permission." "Hey. It's my body, and I'll decide who I let touch it, not Corey. You had my permission, that's all you needed." "That's true, but there was an implied understanding between Corey and I, which I broke, and I apologize for that." "Thanks Gary. I already knew about it, but thank you for being honest," Corey said. "As I was saying, I've come to love both of you. I also have some bad news for you. Your parents ran up quite a tab for their drugs, and when you weren't there to pay the tab, Clarence collected from them in the worse way." "You mean 3; they're…" Josh questioned. "Yes. I'm so sorry to have to tell you." "I hope you don't expect me to cry about it. I'm more relieved than sad," Corey stated. "I'm afraid there's more. Apparently Clarence thinks there's still payment due. He's looking for you. I don't think it would be a good idea for you two to be on the streets right now. "What are we gonna do?" Josh asked me. I looked at Corey. He was looking at me for answers too. "Well, I have done a few things, and there is still more to be done. But, with your permission, I will take certain actions that will make your lives a lot easier." "What actions?" Corey asked. "Getting documents and school records, changing your last name. Do you know how to drive Corey?" "No." "Well you need to learn, because you will have a driver's license. What I'm saying is some people I know will remove all records for the two of you, and make new ones with a different last name so that you can disappear. That is, if you agree." "What last name?" Josh asked. "You can have any name you want, but I was kind of hoping you would choose mine. We will make it appear that you are my sons. Also, we'll move out of L.A. I have a house in Florida too. Right on the beach, I think you would like it." "You want us to be your sons, and live with you in Florida?" Josh said excitedly, looking from me to his brother. "Yes. I'll sell this place and we'll move there. I don't think Clarence will find you there." Corey, always the suspicious one, stared at me for a long moment. "Corey, I won't promise to not have sex with Josh, I just love the boy. I will promise to never hurt you, to take care of you, and to treat you both the way you deserve to be treated. I honestly feel it would be best for you to get out of L.A. If you don't like Florida, we'll go someplace else. If you don't like being with me, you can leave anytime you want. You will have all that you need to get by on. New names, new life, you can start over. Stay with me, and you will have a great life, I promise. A life most kids can only dream of." "Say yes, Corey. I don't want to die here," Josh said laying it on pretty thick. "How is all this going to work? Why would you sell your penthouse and go to Florida? How do I know you're not just going to get tired of us and dump us somewhere?" "You have sacrificed for Josh. Selling this place isn't that big a sacrifice for me. Florida's a great place to live, so also not much of a sacrifice. As far as how it will work. I thought it would be fun if we rented one of those big motor homes and drive to Florida. Take a real family vacation, see all the sights between here and there. Grand Canyon, Vegas, Colorado, Roswell New Mexico where the UFO crashed. Everything. We have no real schedule, so whatever we want to do is good. By the time we get to Florida, you will officially be my sons. With new identities. "As for dumping you, I could never do that to anyone, especially not Josh, or you. But as a guarantee, when I pick up the motor home, I will get a prepaid credit card with a hundred thousand dollar balance. I will hand it to you before you get in the motor home. If at anytime you feel you or Josh are being mistreated, or if I dump you somewhere along the way, you will have enough money to keep you going for a long time. You can check available funds online. "Look, I know I'm asking you to trust me with a lot. That's why I'm willing to give you that credit card. I'm trusting you too. You could take the money and run. I know that you've had no reason to trust anyone your whole life, so I want to change that. I also know that if this is to work out for us, we both need to be able to trust each other." Corey was silent for a moment, then said with a grin, "Well, I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon." "Yea!! When do we leave?" Josh asked excitedly. "I'll go pick up the motor home, and get provisions. You boys pack up your clothes and whatever you need. We'll leave first thing in the morning." It took most of the day to get everything done. But at the end of it all, I had a nice big motor home that would sleep six comfortably, more if it was an all out orgy. Totally self contained, with all the comforts of home. I had food to last a week, maps, of course the beast (as I affectionately refer to the motor home) came with gps, I also managed to pick up a few things for the boys. Of course I got the credit card too. It was just after seven, when I returned home. Josh and Corey were sitting, and waiting for me. Josh ran and jumped into my arms, "Dad, what took you so long?" I had never been so moved in my life. I felt the tears coming. "Dad? I like that," I said. "I figured I ought to get used to it." Corey asked "Isn't traffic really bad in the morning?" "Dreadful during the week, weekends, it only makes one slightly homicidal. Why?" "I was just thinking, maybe it would be a good idea to leave tonight and avoid the traffic. We could be out of town before too late, and it seems so appropriate we should slip away at night to avoid the bad guys." "Yeah Dad, can we leave tonight?" I saw it as a good sign that the boys wanted to get on with their new lives as soon as possible. "Grab your suitcases, and I will show you to your new home for the next couple of weeks." "Ah Man! This is so cool!" Josh said when he saw the beast. "Awesome" was Corey's assessment. Then they saw the two laptops and cell phones sitting on the table. "Are these for us?" Josh asked. "Yes, son. Hey! I like the sound of that too. Yes son, they're for you." "Josh, help me with the rest of the stuff," Corey instructed his brother. "We packed your stuff too, Dad," Josh said. They returned with a couple of suitcases and a few boxes. I went with them for the last trip up to the penthouse, just to secure the place, and take a last look around. I will probably have to make a trip or two back to finalize things here. For now though, I was looking forward to a new life as well. We picked up burgers on the way out of town, then hit the freeway east. I saw the boys become more relaxed with each passing mile. We had the stereo going, and they even danced together a bit. They suddenly remembered their phones, and then began calling each other and texting and sending pictures back and forth. I knew it was just the beginning of their digital lives too. About eleven o'clock, Josh took a shower, and sat in the seat closest to me. When Corey went for his own shower, Josh made it his mission to distract me as much as possible, exposing and playing with his dick. Then he stood and gave me a hug, rubbing his erection against me. Then he whispered, "I love you Dad." I had to find a place to pull over before he caused me to crash the beast. I got parked, and left the boys to take a shower too. When I came out, they were sitting at the table with Cokes. I pulled out a map and unfolded it on the table. "We'll be in Vegas early tomorrow. We'll see the sights there then head out. Where would you like to go after that?" "We've talked about that. We don't really care. I mean, you decide where we go, you know more about the country than we do. Why not let it be a surprise?" Josh said. Corey reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out the credit card I had given him just a couple of hours earlier. Handing it to me he said "Dad, you're right. We need to trust each other, and having this only proves that I don't. So, take it. I do trust you." I hugged him "Thank you, Corey. That means a lot to me. But you keep the card anyway. I just won't give you an allowance for the next ten years. If you haven't used it all up by the time you graduate from college, use it for a downpayment on a house or something." "Okay, we need to get to bed, so we can get an early start in the morning." Josh followed me into the bedroom, casually took off his robe and climbed into my bed, naked. I hadn't expected that. "I told Corey I was going to sleep with you." "Okay," I said and took off my robe. "We had a long talk. I told him how I felt. He told me what he thought. It was pretty nice actually. We talked about what Clarence was doing and why we left." "I know he wanted to keep certain things from you. He must have had a good reason to tell you. He really is a good brother." "He didn't like doing those things, he only did it because he had to. He likes girls, so it was really hard for him." "He was doing it to protect you, so you wouldn't have to." Josh snuggled into my embrace. "I don't have to now, thanks to both of you." I kissed him. He returned my kiss. "I don't have to. But I want to. I want to belong to you, not just be your son. Will you make love to me?" It suddenly dawned on me that Josh's behavior in regards to his brother seeing him naked, wasn't just him being shy. It was more like a virgin bride on her wedding night. Modesty. Pure and simple. His chastity, his charms, his body, were to be shared with his chosen partner and no one else. And I was lucky enough to be the chosen one. "That is a big step, Josh. Are you sure." "Corey told me it would hurt, especially the first few times. I don't mind. I want you in me. I want to give you a part of me no one else will ever have. I love you. I love Corey too, but it's different than the way I feel about you." I was as gentle as I could be with him. He only cried out once at the initial penetration, then it was nothing but moans, sighs, and declarations of love. He also called out to god a couple of times when cumming. He woke me in the middle of the night to do it again. Do virgin brides do that? I wouldn't know. Then again in the morning. By then he had learned to take the initial penetration, and there was nothing but moans and calling out to god. Josh bounced out of the bedroom to sit at the table with his brother. "Well, someone is in a good mood this morning," Corey said. Josh just giggled and gave him a devilish grin. "Was it six 'Oh God's I heard?" Corey asked. "Seven," Josh corrected. "Could you really hear us?" "I had to jerk off four times listening to you," Corey admitted. "When we get to Florida, I want the bedroom furthest from your room." I had to laugh, but I agreed to the bedroom arrangement. Vegas was a blast. I had been there a few times, though this was the only time I was sober the entire visit. It's known as sin city, and I committed a few on this trip, all involving Josh. There is now a lot more for children to see and do there than there used to be. We got to Colorado, and found a nice RV park. It had a pool, and the boys went there first. Corey made a friend at the pool. A cute girl of about fifteen. I could see the attraction, she was very shapely, and flirty. Corey ate it up. Her name was Nicole or Natalie, something like that. He invited her to have dinner with us, we were grilling steaks. While Josh and I prepared dinner, Corey showed her the inside of our temporary home. Considering how long it took, he could have shown her the interior of Buckingham Palace. After dinner was cleared away, he escorted her to her RV which also took a long time. "Did you use a condom?" I asked when he returned. "Yes, well, three actually." He had the same expression that Josh had when he had told him seven 'Oh God's. Corey left after breakfast the next morning, and we didn't see him till after lunch. He seemed pissed about something, so I asked what was up. "Her parents knew I was fucking their daughter, and they didn't care. Then they asked me to stay for lunch, during which the father practically invited me to fuck his wife. Then for dessert, they sparked up a joint and started passing it around. To their daughter, then to me. I just stood up and left. I don't have to tolerate that shit anymore, and I don't intend to." I guess I'll never have to worry about him getting into drugs. We took our time going across country. Three weeks and two days to be exact. We saw much of the country in between, even places I had never been. It was great to see the boys experiencing new things too. Josh slept with me every night. It was definitely like a honeymoon. We couldn't seem to get enough of each other. Most nights I fucked him, a few he fucked me. Every night had lots of sucking too. Besides the sex, I just loved holding him at night. He was starved for the closeness too. Corey managed to get laid several times as well. He picked up girls along the way, for however long we stayed in that particular place, they were his girlfriend. Then we'd be gone, and a new girl was found. I always checked to be sure he was being cautious, he was. I kept him in a steady supply of condoms, not wanting any spur of the moment accidents. In New Braunfels Texas, Corey met a girl who was fifteen. She had a thirteen year old sister. Both were first class tramps from New York. The boys were invited to a party at their RV, and when Josh returned, he was really pissed off. It seems that while Corey was fucking the older sister, the younger one was trying to get into Josh's pants. To the point of even putting her hand down in them. That was the final straw for Josh. He told her he didn't want any of her smelly, stretched out, disease ridden, pussy, and made his exit. When Corey arrived an hour later he looked pretty upset with his brother. I thought I was going to have to break up a fight. Then Corey burst out laughing. "Did you really say her pussy was stretched out and disease ridden?" Corey asked between fits of laughter. "And smelly," Josh corrected, which sent Corey into another fit of laughter. When he could calm down enough, he dried his eyes and said "You're probably right bro. Her sister's was stretched and smelly too," and they both broke up laughing. We finally arrived at my house in Florida. It had been my parents' main residence since they built it ten years before. It was mine now along with all their other assets. I had only been there, maybe three times, since they passed six years ago. It's a fourteen thousand square foot behemoth on the beach. Six bedrooms not including the guest house and servants quarters. The staff of three, who'd had it easy since my parents died, were now actually going to have to work for a living. I had informed them I would be arriving, and when I showed up with two teen boys, the housekeeper, Maxine, about shit her panties. She said something about not being hired to clean up after teenagers. I called George, who was a long time employee of my parents and the only one I liked or trusted, and asked him to escort Maxine and her husband off the property. Maxine's husband, who's name escapes me and who was also on the payroll, didn't like having his life of leisure being upset. He begged to stay, but I stood firm. Josh and Corey were shocked at the size of the house. They took a long time exploring the grounds and beach. They were excited at finding out the cabin cruiser at the dock was ours. Corey did choose the bedroom furthest from the master bedroom. George came up with a solution to my employee problem too. He was dating a lady who was employed down the beach a ways. She had two kids and wanted a place they could all work. Elsa was a very personable lady, and her children Mark and Lila were delightful as well. Mark was twenty, and Lila nineteen. Elsa is a fabulous cook, and the kids helped wherever necessary. Between cleaning, groundskeeping, driving, serving, they always seemed to be busy, and the place was looking better too. They all took over the servant's house out back, with George and Elsa sharing a bed, I'm sure. The day after arriving, the documents for Josh and Corey came by courier. They now had a new life. When school started Josh and Corey were registered in a private school, which Mark drove them to. Corey had a license, and did learn to drive, but the school doesn't allow students to have cars on the premises. *** That has been our life now for the last three years. Though Corey has gone away to college, he manages to get home most weekends and holidays. He is dating a really sweet girl, whom I believe will eventually bear me grandchildren. Josh, still sleeps with me, except when he has friends over. During the day or around others, he is my son. He behaves like a regular boy. Plays sports, goes out with friends, and even has an occasional date. At night he becomes my wife. Very passionate and giving in bed. More affectionate than I can imagine a wife being. He has made no noise of ever leaving me, even saying he plans to go to a local college. He's grown quite a bit too, in every way. He's larger than his brother, both in height, and in cock size. I have no desire for anyone else in my life. It still pains me that I was so obsessed with young boys in my early years, though had it not been for that, I would never have met the two best people in my world. The End |
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