PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche

Sean's Story

Part One - Sold


Script for a film on the kidnapping of 9-year old Sean, sold as a slave in an Arab country

Publ. feb. 2008 (Lolibond Forum);; this site Dec 2016
Finished 30,000 words (60 pages)


Main character: SEAN [STARKILLER100] / SAIB (9yo)
Other characters in order of appearance:
ADAM, JOHNNY, MARTIN, BRAD, JAMES: Sean's elder brothers and their friends
JACK, SUSAN: Sean's parents
MATT [WHIZKID9] : Sean's friend
KARL, PARTNER: kidnappers
JAKE: pilot
MICHAEL: black English boy
SCRUFFY: kidnapper
JULIAN / IMAD: 9yo blond English boy
HEAD MAN: kidnapper
AMANDA / AMAYA: kidnapped American girl
TARIQ: Kazim's assistant
KAZIM: Sean's master
WASI: Kazim's 17yo head slave
AAZAD: 11yo slave
BAZIM: 10yo slave
FARAH: Kazim's 12yo wife
QADIR: a guest
YUSUF: Kazim's 12yo son
JAMAL: 14yo slave
ZEBA: Yusuf's mother

Category & Story codes

Slaveboy story/Boyfriends
Mb bb slave nosex


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Céladon's note

In the very early days of PZA I came in contact with Shakey Psyche. I had regular contact with him and he gave me permission to publish his stories, and he has sent several new stories to me for publication. After sending the last chapters of The Operative early 2011 correspondence stopped.

I have however still several stories written by him, several of them downloaded from sites no longer existing. Recently I cam across these stories again and decided that they are certainly worth publishing.

The first of the newly published 'old' stories is Sean's Story, written as a film script. It was send in 2008 by Shakey Psyche to the no longer existing Lolibond forum as "Sean's Story - Part One: Sold". Around the same time Shakey wrote me to hold the story since he was trying to interest people to make a movie. Obviously, that did not succeed.

I never heard from him about a part two, I don't think it is ever written - if somebody of you have part 2, please sent it to me. (use the feedback form then I give you my e-mail address).

Although it is a 'Part One' it is a complete story. I like it very much, although the story has no sex in it, and almost no nudity - you can hardly name it an erotic story. You be warned!

Converting it to html was quite a trouble. At the beginning stood "Note: Italic is Arabic with English subtitles" - however, sending it to the forum caused losing every format, including the italics. I didn't try to reconstruct. Further Shakey made several errors in the numbering of the scenes - his highest scene number was 96, while in fact there are 108 scenes.



It's a little dark inside Martin's parent's garage. Band gear is everywhere.

Where the hell are they?

Relax, man, they'll be here.

Hope so. Parents ain't gonna be gone forever, ya know?

JOHNNY (more emphatically)
they'll be here.

Just then a knock from the outside door, making Adam and Martin jump a little. Johnny opens it and James and Brad walk inside.

Where the hell've you two been?

Both are a little taken aback.

JAMES (recovering first)
I was working out, dipshit; if that's okay with you.

BRAD (following his older brother's lead)
And I was screwing Megan. Not that it's any of your business what either one of us were doing.

No kiddin'. At least we were doing something. What were you doing? Whacking off?

Adam stands up suddenly.

You might be the football star, but you're still 3;

JOHNNY (interrupting)
Uh, guys? (they stop and turn to him) we're here to talk about what we're gonna do about Sean.

Embarrassed, Adam sits back down. James scowls at Adam and he and Brad take a seat as well. Johnny moves to his seat and straddles it.

JOHNNY (cont)
So, what are we gonna do about him?

What about poison?

That might look a little fishy, stupid.

Adam stands up again. James does too.

Guys! Let's not loose our cool, here, alright? (scowling at each other, they sit back down). Okay, now, poison does have it's merits, but we can't exactly make that look like an accident.

What about pushing him into traffic?

Jeeze, guys, we're talking about a little kid, here, not to mention your brother.

No, we're not, Martin. we're talking about a little fucking demon. Forget the fact that Mom and Dad think the whole universe revolves around him, but last week, the little shit took some money out of my room.

Brad shifts uncomfortably at this, but it goes unnoticed by anyone.

JOHNNY (cont)
I told Mom and Dad about it, but they took his side when he told them he didn't do it.

BRAD (trying to change the subject and move on)
Let's not forget the party back in March, John.

Oh yeah, almost did.


You were gone on spring break. Mom and Dad left for the weekend. We had a small party with some of our friends and girlfriends.

Yeah; the beer, the grass, the fun with the girls.

BRAD (turning towards him)
Didn't you have two cheerleaders in Mom and Dad's room that night?

JAMES (chuckling to himself)
Yeah, I did. They couldn't get enough of me and my 3;

MARTIN (interrupting)
Alright, I get the point. So, what happened?

What do you think happened? The little shit told our parents everything. Our whole spring break was spent working at a homeless shelter (shudders at the thought). Never saw so many fuckin' losers in my life.

No kiddin'. That was the first time I wanted spring break to end.

Plus, I still owe him for this ((pointing to a scar on his jawline). I wouldn't have this if it wasn't for him.

Not to mention that I'll get his computer when I leave for college this next year.

ADAM (sarcastically)
Like you know how to even turn one on.

James vaults to a standing position. Brad holds him back. Johnny steps in front of Adam.

Listen, asshole, I suggest you keep your big mouth shut before I shut it for you.

Knock it off, will ya? How the hell are we gonna get this done if we're fighting with each other?

They ease up and take their seats again, but glaring at each other.

Okay, so you all wanna get rid of him for some reason, but anyone got a plan what to do about him?

I got an idea, but I don't know how we can pull it off, or even IF we can pull it off.

JOHNNY (motioning to him)
Okay, let's hear it.

I had a girlfriend once that told me about a story in her bible of some guys with the same problem.

Which girlfriend?

Stacy, I believe. I dumped her 'cause she wouldn't let me fuck her. Anyway, she told me 'bout some guys that hated their brother so much, that they sold him. They faked his death to their father so he wouldn't go looking for him. Why don't we do the same thing? We get rid of the little shit and make some money for us.

Oooo, I like it. In fact, I got a guy on the team that might be able to help us on that one. His father's a cop, and not exactly a clean one. He'll know someone we can sell him to.

I like it, too. Think he can get someone soon?

JAMES (shrugging)
I don't see why not.

What if the little shit escapes?

Good question. We need to find a way to make him want to stay away. Plus he's good with computers, so he might be able to find a way to contact Mom and Dad through email or something like that.

Maybe make your parents pissed at him?

Ain't gonna happen; Mom and Dad thinks he shits gold or somethin'.

But maybe we can make him think they are. Or better yet, make him think they don't want him around.


BRAD (shrugging)
Fake a recording, somehow.

It's gonna take some time, but I think I can get something ready in a couple a' weeks.

Good. That'll give me the time to get things set up with that cop.

Camera fades as the five look at each other.



The time has passed. The sun is just waking up the neighborhood.


Susan is enjoying a cup of coffee before leaving for school. The radio is playing 'Cecilia? by Simon and Garfunkle. Jack is just entering while tying his tie. While he's getting his morning coffee, he has to scramble out of the way as James almost runs him over while leaving.

Hey, son, watch where you're going.

Sorry, Dad. Gotta go. See ya later.

JACK (to Susan)
He's always in a hurry. Just never for his studies.

The door shuts as James leaves for school. The car starts and he backs out of the driveway. Meantime, a young boy of nine, Sean, walks in the room. He brushes his long, blond hair out of his eyes as he sits down for cereal. His blue eyes focusing intently on his game.

Well, you know he's leaving for college soon, Jack. He has to be his own person, now.

He's damn lucky to have gotten into college with his grades. If it wasn't for that football scholarship, he would never have made it in. Remember, he had to repeat the sixth grade due to his marks?

I remember, but he was never one to study, anyway. (to the boy) You want your usual cereal, honey?

Sean nods as he plays his new video game ((director's choice, circa 2001), but doesn't look up to his mother. Johnny skates in on his board while listening to his headphones. Brown hair, but poorly dyed black, is in his face.

How many times do I have to tell you, Johnny? No skateboards in the house. Also, you left your equipment on last night. Don't forget again, or I will take it away from you.
(boy ignores him as he's listening to his music)
(still ignores)
(now he takes the headphones off slightly and with an attitude looks at him)
Did you hear me?

Yeah, Dad. Turn off the equip. and no board in house. Got it.

Johnny grabs a toast and skateboards out to leave for school (possibly for school).

JACK (he shakes his head as the older boy leaves)
Never listens. (back to Susan) Where's Brad, by the way?

SUSAN (putting the bowl of cereal in front of the boy)
He's already gone. He had to pick up his girlfriend along the way.

The boy lays his game aside and digs into breakfast.

Oh? Who is it this week?

SUSAN (smiling)
I think he's back with Megan again.

And she's 3;

The short, thin one with wavy brown hair.

Oh, right. I guess I needed my chart to remember that. You know, growing up as an only child, I thought having a larger family would be kind of fun. I take it back.

Or, we could take them back.

We can do that?

Susan snickers.

JACK (cont)
Great. Start with Adam tomorrow. Brad after that.

SEAN (through a mouthful of milk and cereal)
What about me?

Oh, we can't give you back. You were too expensive to begin with. Unfortunately, we're stuck with you, bud.

He puts his arm around him and gives a quick hug. Sean smiles and then finishes his cereal, but before he can get another bowl, Jack turns to him.

How bout go getting your brother before your second bowl, eh?

Sure, Dad.

Sean grabs his game and leaves to get Adam from upstairs.

Playing the game, he heads upstairs and opens the door to his older brothers? (Adam and Johnny) room. Adam is lying face down on his bed, asleep, fully dressed and sloppy. Sean goes to him and shakes him awake.

Dad says its time for school, Adam.

Go away.

SEAN (a little more insistent)
Dad says that its time for school.

And I said, go away, you little shit.

He scowls at the younger boy and throws something at him. Sean ducks out of the way.

SEAN (with a rise in his voice)
I'm tellin? Da'ad.

A thick, heavy BOOK is then thrown at him and he scrambles out of the room and down the stairs.

SEAN (entering the kitchen)
Dad, Adam threw a book at me.

Jack slams the paper down that he was reading. The date: May, 2001.

Sean sits down to pour another bowl of cereal as Jack stalks out of the kitchen. He smiles with a mouthful of milk and cereal as he hears the noise of the older boy being yanked out of the bed and almost thrown down the stairs. Adam is chased down the steps and out the door by Jack. He enters the kitchen readjusting his tie.

I swear that kid will be the death of me, yet.

Remember your blood pressure, Jack.

HE's the reason I have a blood pressure problem, Suse.

Susan smiles but suddenly winces while covering her mouth and stomach. Jack looks at her.

You okay?

Yeah, I suppose so; just a little indigestion, I guess.

She reaches into the cabinet and gets two antacids for her stomach. She takes them and finishes getting everything ready for her to leave for work/school. Sean finishes his breakfast and heads to school as well.


Sean meets his friend, Matt, and they enjoy playing Sean's game together until school starts. Kids frantically get to classes and the day begins.


Later in the day, the two boys are in the computer lab. The teacher sets them a task fit for third-graders. Sean is working at his station when Matt comes up behind him.

MATT (right in Sean's ear)
What're you doin', Sean?

SEAN (hurriedly)
Ssshhh! Will you keep your voice down?

MATT (lowering his voice to a whisper)

Matt looks around the room to see everyone else busy with their assignment then back to Sean and what he's doing at the computer.

Now, what are you doing?

What's it look like?

It looks like you're hacking into the school's files.

Then that's what I must be doing. Now, shut up and keep watch. I'm just changing a few things.

MATT (straightening up and looking around again)
You're gonna get caught, man.

SEAN (glaring at him)
You wanna pass history or spend your time having fun in summer school?

No answer, but Sean knows the answer to the rhetorical question.

SEAN (cont)
I thought so. Here we go.

The screen shows Matt's school records and the 'U' in history is changed to a 'S'. His own grades are elevated as well.

SEAN (smiling evilly)
And I think Mr. Chambers is going to have a very hard time explaining his grades to his parents.

All the grades on a Sylvester Chambers are changed from 'S' to 'U' right before their eyes. Matt snickers as Sean logs out of the records. The two boys smile as the bell rings and they leave.


The day finally passes and Sean and Matt leave school together.

You know that if Sly finds out about that little prank, you're gonna be dead.

Yeah, but only you and I know about it. Besides, he deserves it for what he did to us last month. Remember those three days of suspension? It's justice, and you know that too.

A wicked smile crosses his lips as Matt shrugs his shoulders.

So, you comin' over tomorrow? We could play your new (director's choice) game on my box.

Sounds cool. See ya about nine or so. Later.


The two boys wave and Sean finishes his trek home.


The evening has only Jack, Susan and Sean. A pizza arrives and Susan takes it into the living room for the three to enjoy while watching a movie; Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

JACK (walks in the room and turns to Susan)
Where are the other demons?

SUSAN (smiling, she counts off on her fingers)
Well, James and Brad are out with dates. Johnny is practicing with his band at Martin's house. And Adam is at one of his friend's house playing video games. So, we get Sean all to ourselves tonight.

JACK (making it sound like a rhyme)
Sounds groovy to me.

He ruffles his son's hair as the boy takes a piece of pizza. They enjoy the evening together with the movie. As the evening winds down and Sean is heading to bed, he turns to Susan.

Mom, I'm going to Matt's house in the morning, okay?

Fine, honey, just be careful crossing the main road (a six lane road that always concerns her due to the traffic). Also, there have been a few things on the news about those dogs on the loose.

I'll be careful, Mom. Good night. Good night, Dad.

Susan Good night. (Susan adds, 'honey').


He enters his room. It's loaded with video games, toys, clothes, a computer, and some books. The bed is made with 'star Wars Episode I' covers. He slips into the chair at the computer desk and logs onto the internet. He clicks onto an icon and sees Matt is online.

What's up, Matt?

Nada. You comin over tomorrow?

Notta prob. Got somethin cool ta show ya.


You know that computer program I used in class?

Yeah. What about it?

There are other things it can be used for also.

Like what?

You'll see tomorrow.

Hate it when you do that.

LOL. See ya tom.



He logs off and heads to sleep.


Sean arrives at Matt's house and the two spend part of the morning playing either video games or computer games in Matt's bedroom. Finally, Matt remembers the conversation with Sean the previous night.

So, what you got to show me?

Sean smiles and heads to his computer. He pulls up a website and accesses a program from that site.

What's that?

It's that program I used in class. I stuck it on this website for safekeeping. They don't even know it's there.

How'd you do that?

It's easy if you understand the language.

He works the keys on the board like a musician plays the piano. The site for the FBI shows up and the program takes over. It infiltrates it easily and the two boys see things they shouldn't see.

Won't they know we're there?

Gimme some kinda credit, Matt, no one's found out about the grade changes at school, right?

Yeah, but that's school. This is the FBI we're talking about, here.

Doesn't matter, Matt. This program not only makes us invisible to their detection software, it also erases our footprints. Neither the school, or the FBI will know we've even been there. Cool, huh?

No, not cool; awesome.

The boys spend the afternoon looking into things they shouldn't and then log off just before dinner is served.


Sean begins to head home by the same route he always does. It takes him along the edge of a set of woods.

As he rides his bike along the trail, a hole in the ground makes his bike pitch forward, throwing him to the ground. As he hits the ground, someone runs up and turns him over onto his stomach and pins his arms behind his back.

Sean is picked up and practically dragged into the woods. He is then thrown against a thick tree trunk and his arms pulled back behind it. He looks up finally to see his brother, Johnny, standing in front of him, looking smug.

What're you doing, Johnny?

What's it look like, moron?

Sean is a little apprehensive now, and turns to see Adam to his right and Martin to his left. Both older boys are holding his arms behind his back and around the tree.

SEAN (a little whining, but also with a bit of a threat)
Lemme go! You're gonna get into big trouble, Johnny.

JOHNNY (smiling maliciously)
I don't think so. Mom and dad don't want you around anymore, Brat.

You're lying, Johnny.

No I'm not. (to his brother)


D'you bring the tape?

Right here.

Play it for the brat.

Not a problem.

Adam pulls out a small tape recorder and pushes the 'play' button. His parents? voices come out loud and clear.

That kid has just been so expensive, with these medical bills and all.

I know, Jack, but we can't do anything about it. Besides, he'll be out of here in a few years and then we'll be able to pay it all off.

Yeah, but not for another nine, though. Then there's college for him, too. If he makes it into college. You'd think I've got a whole bunch of unintelligent kids under my roof.

Our roof.

Right; our roof. Sorry, but still 3; I can't wait till they're all gone, to be honest.

Especially Sean.

Definitely him.

Johnny clicks the stop button to stop the playback tape.

Well, I think that should be enough to convince you.

SEAN (yelling at him)
You're lying, Johnny! That tape's a fake!!!

JOHNNY (turning to Adam)
Shut him up, will ya? I'm sick of listening to him talk. If he's not going to listen to the truth, then I don't wanna hear him.

Adam takes a filthy rag out of his hip pocket and shoves it into Sean's mouth.

That oughta shut you up.

JOHNNY (more to himself and with a smile)
Much better. (Now to Sean)
I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're all tired of hearing you talk, Sean.

I know I am; especially the tattling.

Well, no more of that. Not after tonight.

Another smile crosses his lips, but this one has a bit more maliciousness in it.

JOHNNY (cont) (To Adam and Martin, throwing them a rope)
Take his clothes, then tie him to the tree. Just leave him in his underpants until James and Brad get here.

Sean is struggling as best as he can to keep his clothes, but stops at the mention of his other brothers? names. Johnny's smile returns.

JOHNNY (cont)
Oh yeah, James and Brad are in on this as well. They hate you as much as we do. You thought they were out on dates last night, but they were actually getting this all lined up with some guys. They're gonna pay us big money for you, Brat. I can't imagine why they would want a brat like you, but they do. Anyway, I can't wait to see the green.

Sean is stripped to his underpants and the ropes are used to tie his arms and legs to the tree. He's still struggling, but by now it's totally useless.

JOHNNY (turns to Sean as he picks up Sean's shirt)
Dad gave you this last year for your birthday, right?

The boy cannot answer back, but glares at him.

JOHNNY (cont)
Well, we'll just have to give this to him as a present as well. He'll be glad to see the proof that you're finally gone.

ADAM (dusting the dirt from his hands)
Guess we ain't gonna be hearin' Mom and Dad gripe about you any more, huh?

ADAM (cont) (turning to Johnny)
Let's have some fun with the brat, John.

JOHNNY (looking at Sean and shrugs)
Fine with me. James didn't say he had to be in perfect shape.

Adam and Martin take to walking around the boy and slapping him in different areas of his body. Sean squeals each time he's hit, but can't say a word in protest.

The evening wanes into night and some people walk up the trail. Johnny leaves the two others with Sean to guide the newcomers to them. James, Brad, Johnny, and two men in their thirties turn the corner to the three in the small cove. The two men are carrying flashlights. One man turns to James.

You were right, Jim. The kid's perfect.

KARL (cont) (to Martin)
You there! (Martin turns to him) Rip the underpants off him.

As Martin complies, Karl digs into his pants pocket and pulls out a wad of money. He hands it to James. James begins to count the money while the man walks over to Sean. Sean tries to back away and backs into the tree fully.

Karl looks Sean over with the eye of someone inspecting a piece of meat at a market. As he completes his inspection, he kneels down to look Sean in the eye.

If you give me any trouble, I will make your time with me very uncomfortable, boy. Understand?

Sean just looks at him. A quick slap to the boy's face.

KARL (cont) (more forcefully)

Sean nods as tears are gathering in his eyes.

KARL (cont)

He stands and turns to his cohort.

Take him and get him ready to move. We gotta leave soon. (warningly) And keep your hands off him.

Karl's partner unties him from the tree, and reties the ropes to his wrists and ankles. Sean is shoved inside a duffle bag by the partner. The partner lifts him and carries him over his shoulder out of the area. James slaps Sean across the head for no real purpose as the partner walks by him. Karl turns to James.

Okay, you know what to do. Go find some dogs somewhere to tear into the kid's clothes. Make sure they really tear into them.

He then hands him a clear bag with some reddish liquid inside.

KARL (cont)
Then take this and douse his clothes with it, but not too much in one place. Spread it around on the clothes. I've made sure that the person in charge of the forensics matches it correctly to the kid's records.

You can do that?

Kid, I've been in the force for over ten years. I got allies everywhere. By this time next week, there'll be a funeral for him, and no one will be looking any more.

Karl turns to James.

Great doin' business with ya, kid. Let me know in the future if ya got any more brothers to get rid of.

JAMES (looking at a very cross Adam)
Will do.

The two shake hands and the two men leave with the cargo of a nine year old boy in a cloth sack.

Have fun, Sean. See ya soon.

The others guffaw coarsely at the joke.

The two men reach a van and Sean is unceremoniously dumped into the back. Sean lets out an 'umph' as he hits the floor of the van. He is rolled onto his side for the journey. The door is closed and the van drives off.

11 INT. | VAN | NIGHT 11

KARL (obviously pleased with the night's endeavor).
Slick and smooth; just the way I like it. Wanna get something to eat?

Sure thing. Should we get something for the kid? Gonna be a while till he eats again.

Good idea.

The two stop off at a drive thru fast food for some burgers. As they arrive at a warehouse, the van is backed to the door. The partner walks back and picks up the sack with Sean inside it and carries him into the warehouse after the door is opened by Karl.


The sack is opened and pulled off the boy. He is dirty and sore from being slammed around in the back of the van.

Karl picks him up and carries him to a support beam. His hands are untied and retied around the post. A dog collar is put around his neck and it is also tied to the post. The knots are tied tight, but not too tight to cut off circulation.

KARL (to the boy)
Okay, kid, I told you not to give us trouble and as long as you don't, then the worse that we'll do to you is tie you to this pole. But if you do, then a lot worse than this will happen, I guarantee it (he has a look that means business).

Sean nods that he understands him. He stares wide-eyed at him. His face is red from crying while in the van as well as streaks down it.

Karl stands up and turns away from him to see his cohort rubbing the crotch of his pants. Instantly, he's angry. He grabs the man by his shirt and forcefully throws him against the wall.

Let's get one thing straight, asshole. This was my idea. I got the connections. I'm the one in charge here. So let me explain it to you so your puny little brain can handle it. No one's going to want him if you so much as lay a finger on him like you want to. They will want him unspoiled. So, if your dick comes out of your pants at any time, I will cut the pathetic thing off. Got it?

Scared now, the man nods slowly.

Good. Now, feed the kid and keep your hands and eyes off him.

Karl lets go of his partner. The partner takes the food over to the scared boy. Karl walks off to use the phone. He turns to watch his partner in crime while talking on the phone.

Yeah, it's Karl. (pause) We got the package; no problem. (pause) Good; see ya then. (hangs up)

The gag is taken out of Sean's mouth.

SEAN (sobbing)
Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go.

Quiet, kid, or go hungry (his voice is hard; hard enough to make Sean stop crying). Good, kid, now eat or we put the gag back in.

Resolvedly, Sean accepts the food as the stranger feeds it to him. He doesn't like the look on the man's face and tries to stay away from him as much as possible. He eats and when he's done, the gag is replaced. The partner gets up and leaves the boy with one final glance down his body.

PARTNER (as he approaches Karl)
How long till they get here?

Tomorrow night. We sit tight till then.

The partner nods. He turns and heads towards a cot to lie down for the night. Karl waits till he hears some convincing snores before turning in. Sean sobs as Karl goes to lie down on his own cot. As he lays on his own cot, he falls asleep while keeping an eye on his companion.


The next evening the sun is setting. Karl looks at his watch and walks over to Sean.

Okay, kid, time to go.

Karl unties Sean from the post and takes off the dog collar as the two load the boy into the sack again and into the van again. The van drives to a small airstrip not far from the warehouse.

14 INT. | VAN | NIGHT 14

The radio in the van breaks to a news bulletin as they are pulling onto the small strip.

Radio The Amber alert has been canceled on nine year old Sean Heller as police have found traces of his clothing he was last wearing. They were torn and bloodied with canine saliva on them. And police now believe he was attacked by a large dog of some sort. They are still searching, but there is not much hope of finding the boy after this much time has lapsed. Further announcements will be made as they come available.

I have to give the kid credit; he did his job well. Hate to be in that family (he smiles as his partner snickers). They should be here any minute.


Just as he finished talking, an old cargo plane comes into view over the skyline. It lands and taxis to a spot on the side.

Karl and the partner get out of the van, anticipating someone. A man wearing typical pilot's gear gets out and walks to the two men.

You got him?

Karl nods and opens the side door to the van, then the sack to show him. The man whistles through his teeth. Sean looks up at him as the pilot's gazing down.

Niiiiiiice (with a smile). Here's your pay.

He hands a small manila envelope to Karl. Karl opens it and flips through the cash. He smiles and they shake hands. The pilot picks up the sack and carries Sean over his shoulder in a fireman's carry to the plane.


Again, Sean is dropped to the floor of the hold with another 'umph?. The pilot removes the sack and throws it to the side.

There is another child in the hold; a girl of about ten or so (ethnicity is left to director's discretion, but not black). Clad in panties and a nightshirt, she is tied to the bulkhead facing the door and gagged. Her hair is matted to the side of her face from crying.

Sean is tied to the bulkhead across from her by his wrists. The pilot then turns to him.

The girl is gagged because she wouldn't stop crying and shouting. If you will keep your mouth shut, I'll take this (pointing to his gag) out. Deal?

Sean wearily nods; he's resigned himself to his fate after hearing the news broadcast.


The gag is removed and thrown away.

SEAN (quietly)
Thank you.

JAKE (a little taken aback)
You're welcome.

What's gonna happen to me?

You're gonna be sold at an auction. Nothin? I can do about it, so don't ask. And any complaints, and I put the gag back in.

Sean shakes his head, no. The pilot rises and leaves the two children alone. The plane takes off for parts unknown to the boy. Sean looks at the girl and tries to grin, putting on a brave face for her. She doesn't reciprocate, but just sits there, crying. Sean gives up after a while and just sits there as well.

The plane lands and refuels. During the refueling, the pilot comes back to the hold to check on his cargo.

JAKE (squatting down to Sean's level and offering a sandwich of some sort)
You want some of this?

Sean nods and the pilot feeds him the sandwich, bite by bite. He wolfs it down. The girl watches, longingly, but the pilot refuses to offer her anything. Sean finishes the sandwich without much thought to the girl till he's done.

What about her?

I can't take the gag off; she'll scream. When I first got her on board, I tried to feed her. That was when she screamed and wouldn't stop.


He looks downcast. A tear wells up and runs down his cheek.

Hey, kiddo. You'll be fine.

He smiles and ruffles his blond hair. Sean tries to smile but fails in the attempt.

The pilot leaves to finish refueling the plane. The refueled plane takes off again. Some time into the flight, the pilot comes back to the hold again.

If I let you loose for a while will you behave yourself?

Sean smiles and nods his head, vigorously. The bonds are loosed and Sean stands and stretches his limber body out a little.

SEAN (holding his groin)
I gotta pee. (as an afterthought) Please.

The pilot smiles and leads him to the toilet.


Sean walks with his hands over his naked groin. As there's no way the boy can escape, the pilot lets him do his business solo. A flushing sound later and the boy emerges from the room.

SEAN (imploring eyes)
You got anything to wear, sir? Please?

Well, I might have something up in the cockpit. Come on. And you can call me Jake.

Sean nods and Jake leads him to the cockpit.


The pilot opens his bag and pulls out a t-shirt for the boy. It's long enough to cover his torso and buttocks, but it sags on his shoulders.


Sean nods and smiles a bit, feeling better after being clothed. He looks over the console to see nothing but blackness.

Where are we?

Over the Atlantic, heading to England. I got one to pick up there and then to North Africa for another stop.

Where are we going? I mean for this thing?

It's an auction, and it's being held in Istanbul, Turkey.

SEAN (with a little whine in his voice).
I don't wanna do this, Jake.

I understand, but you don't have a choice, kid. (looking at him fully) Look, I know you're scared; I would be too, but you can't get out of it, and I can't help you. They'd kill me if I did. In fact, you shouldn't even be up here right now.

Sean nods, but still looks a little downcast.

You wanna sit up here in the copilot's chair?

Sean nods vigorously again and he climbs into the seat. He can't see where they're headed, but Sean's satisfied just to be out of the back.

SEAN (after some time)
What're they gonna do to me, Jake? After this auction-thing, I mean.

I don't know, kid, and to be honest, I don't wanna know. All I do, is fly to the arranged site and either pick you up, or drop you off.


Sean goes back to looking out over the console, but soon drifts off to sleep. He wakes up as the dawn is creeping over the ocean.


A new day, kid. We'd better get you back to the back. Don't want to lose my job over you being up here.

Sean nods and as Jake leads him out to the cargo-hold.


Jake ties him back to the bulkhead and then his ankles again. Jake squats down again to look him in the eye.

Now, here's where we say goodbye. When I pick up in England, we won't have the time to talk again, so I wish you all the best, kid.

Thanks, Jake.

Jake ruffles his hair again and heads back to the cockpit. Sean feels the plane descend and has to equalize his ears as best as he can without his hands. After landing, Sean hears the outside door open and Jake leave.


A few minutes later, the plane lists slightly and the door opens with Jake carrying a young boy over his shoulder. He is dropped to the floor as well and tied to the wall next to Sean. Jake lowers himself to look at the boy as he did with Sean.

If you won't make any noise, I will take this out of your mouth.

The boy nods to him. The gag is removed and the boy glares at him but doesn't make a sound. Sean is not looking at him or Jake, but looking down at his legs sticking out from Jake's t-shirt. Jake rises and leaves by the same door.

The boy is about twelve. He is black, with short, black curly hair and brown eyes. He is of slight build, same as Sean. He's dressed in only a pair of briefs and a t-shirt. A slight bruise is under his left eye.

MICHAEL (more to himself than Sean)
Fucking, bloody Yank.

Sean shrugs.

MICHAEL (in a cross way, like he's pissed that he's there)
So, what's your story?

Sean just sort of looks at him with sad eyes and shrugs again.

MICHAEL (significantly softer)
I'm sorry. Didn't realize how I'd come across. I'm Michael. You?


MICHAEL (Michel realizes he's an American also)
Sorry bout the 'Yank' comment, too. Didn't know you were an American also. Mum always says my mouth'll get me into trouble a lot. Or, always did say.

Now he's a little deflated at that realization.

The seconds pass as the plane takes off again, presumably heading south to Africa. Sean is withdrawn again and Michael turns to smile at the girl. She doesn't do anything again and he gives her up as a bad investment. He turns back to Sean.

MICHAEL (a little softer; inquiringly)
So, how'd this happen to you?

SEAN (a tear falls down, and lands on the t-shirt).
My brothers gave me to them.

Your brothers? Oh God, Sean, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I mean 3; (he trials off, weakly).

It's alright.

No, it's not. I've got to start watching my mouth. It's what landed me here, really.

SEAN (with a hint of a smile)

MICHAEL (looking forlornly as well)

What happened?

Well, I was using the loo when this man walks in. He asked to see my willie, and I told him to bugger off. I suppose he didn't fancy that as the next thing I know is, he hits me hard across the face. I get back up and he hits me again. He pulls my arms behind me and drags me out of the loo. I scream and he shoves something in my mouth. I kick at him, but it does no good. Soon, I'm in this shack and he puts a rag over my nose. I wake up at that airport some time before this plane lands and that's it. I'm here.

What's a loo?

MICHAEL (snickers)
Oh, sorry; bathroom.

Oh. What about your mom?

What about her? She's never really been there. Shipped me to school the instant I turned ten. Never once worried 'bout me. Always telling me off and such. You?

SEAN (looking back down at his legs)
My parents think I'm dead.

MICHAEL (genuinely)
Really? That's awful. Why?

My brothers again. They put blood on my torn clothes. My parents think a pack of dogs killed me; not that it mattered anyway. They really didn't want me around.

Why d'you say that?

Adam played a tape with them saying that they wished I wasn't there.

I'm sorry, Sean.

Yeah, me too.

MICHAEL (trying to change the subject)
D'you know where he's taking us?

North Africa, then to Turkey. He told me on the way over to get you.

Wish he would loosen these ropes, though.

He squirms, trying to get a little more comfortable.

MICHAEL (motioning to the girl)
Know her story?

No. She was on here when I got here. The pilot says that she's too loud and cries too much when he takes the gag out, so he leaves it in.

MICHAEL (with a smile, trying to lighten the mood)
Most girls do.

Both boys share a small laugh together. The plane flies south over the Med and lands on a dusty field where it picks up three more kids.

Of the three, only one is black; a boy. The other two are girls with dark skin, presumably from a middle-eastern country.

Jake ties each to the bulkhead, but across the room from them, and gets back into the cockpit.

Wonder where they're from.

SEAN (shrugging)
Guess it doesn't matter. we're all in the same boat.

Too true.

The two watch the new three closely. All three are as scared as they are.

MICHAEL (nodding towards the two girls)
They look like sisters.

SEAN (shrugging again)
I guess so, but you never know.

Good point.

The plane takes off for Turkey. The two brown girls lean into each other as best as they could. Judging by their actions, they could actually be sisters.


It is early evening when the plane lands on a strip outside of Istanbul, where a small moving-style truck is waiting.

All six kids are untied and the bonds on their ankles are cut. Their hands are retied behind their backs. A single rope is tied to their necks in a chain. The African black boy is in the lead and then Michael is right behind him, followed by Sean. The girls bring up the rear. Jake brings them to a scruffy looking man next to the truck.

SCRUFFY (Australian accent in Turkey?)
Well done, mate. Here you go.

Scruffy hands Jake a similar manila envelope. Jake flips through it, quickly scanning the money. He smiles and they shake hands. As the kids are being loaded into the truck, Sean turns towards Jake. Jake smiles back and motions him forward. Sean turns back to follow. He knows he'll never see him again.

23 INT. | TRUCK 23

After loading, the scruffy man drives the truck away from the airstrip. The trip is made in silence; even Michael is quiet. Many miles later, they arrive and the door is opened again.


Scruffy takes the first girl off, and the rest follow off the truck until all are unloaded. He grabs the extra rope tied to the lead black boy's neck and takes them into a building. It looks like an old abandoned factory.


The room they are led into first looks like a small theatre with a stage to the right and seats in stadium-style to the left.

The 'merchandise' is led through it. On the other side, two cinderblock rooms face them. The doorway to each room has bar doors guarding it. Between both rooms is a set of shower nozzles pointing to the floor.

Scruffy ties the free end of the rope to a pole too high to be untied by the boys. The rope connecting the girls is cut and they are led to the room on the left. He unlocks the bars to the door and the new girls are untied and pushed into the room to join others. The boys go to the other room on the right and the process is repeated. Once inside and the door is locked, Sean and Michael look around the room.

26 INT. | BOYS' ROOM 26

Inside are more boys; ages 7 to 13 or so it would seem. All colors, and races. All the kids are in different states of dress or undress; some fully clothed, although not clothed well, some with only undergarments on, and others fully nude.

The only other blond boy is sitting against the wall to the right. He looks a little older than Sean and has wavy hair as opposed to Sean's straight.

Sean walks back to the doorway where the bars are blocking his escape. Michael joins him. Sean reaches up to test the bars. A voice from behind him causes him to turn.

Don't bother; It's locked.

It's the blond boy Sean just saw. He's got a British accent similar to Michael's. Michael and Sean look at each other and then back to the boy.

Sorry. I guess I had to check.

Understandable. Did the same thing myself when I got here. The name's Julian; Julian Montgomery.

JULIAN (cont) (addressing Sean)

Sean and (nodding to Michael) this is Michael.

Nice to meet you.

JULIAN (stunned)
You're English also? From where?

London. You?

Bristol. Wow; what're the odds?

Getting better daily, I'd say.

No kidding. Well, it's certainly great to meet you guys.

You too, I guess.

JULIAN (smiling)
I know what you mean, but I been here a while and no one in here speaks a lick of English. It's been quite dull till you got here.

How long you been here?

I dunno; a couple a weeks, I suppose. Hard to keep track of time in here.

I bet.

How'd you get here?

Well, I grew up in an orphanage and a guy came in to take me. Apparently, the head of the place owed him some money and a deal was made for me. To be honest, I'm glad to be out of there.

MICHAEL (surprised)
Even if it means going to someone who's going to kill you?

JULIAN (offhandedly)
Don't really care. My life was shit before this. At least I die while having an adventure. Not withering away in some orphanage waiting while everyone else gets adopted.

He has a look on his face that tells them he doesn't want to discuss it further, so they drop the subject. He takes a deep breath, though, and turns to Sean.

JULIAN (cont)
So, how 'bout you? How'd you get mixed up in all this?

Sean shrugs and looks downcast, but doesn't answer right away. Julian looks to Michael for an answer.

His brothers sold him off; told me so on the plane.

JULIAN (shocked and disgusted)
Oh god!

JULIAN (cont) (back to Sean, softer)
Look, it's alright if you don't want to talk about it. Alright?

Sean nods, thankful not to talk about it just now. The door opens and the light conversation that had filled the room stops. Scruffy brings in a cart with sandwiches and water. Each child is fed one sandwich (tuna) and one cup of water. Scruffy leaves. Scruffy doesn't talk. Sean looks disapprovingly at his meager meal.

JULIAN (to Sean)
Not much, is it?

Better than nothing, I suppose.


The meal is eaten and paper cups are thrown away. The light in the room is cut and it plunges the whole room into darkness. Quick, short yelps come from those who aren't used to the event. It's enough to stop all the conversations.

Well, that's that.

What's what?

Light's out means that it's time for sleep. Nothing to do about it. Good night.

Good night.

They lay down next to Julian. As Sean lays his head down and tries to sleep, tears come again. He wipes them off and then tries to get comfortable. Eventually he manages it and nods off for the night.

27 INT. | BOYS' ROOM | DAY 27

The morning comes and lights wake the boys. They begin waking up individually, until all are awake.

SEAN (holding his groin)
I gotta pee something fierce.

Julian points out a trough running along the back wall that Sean had missed the previous night.

There you go.

You've GOT to be kidding.

JULIAN (smiling)
Fire away, Mate.

Talk about uncivilized 3;

JULIAN (almost laughing)
Now, YOU've got to be kidding.

The boys walk to the trough and pee into it. As they finish their business, another man walks in with the morning breakfast; tuna sandwiches and water again.

SEAN (disappointedly surprised)

JULIAN (sighing, but smiling)
Were you expecting waffles?

SEAN (shrugging, but smiling too)
Well, it would be nice.

Not only that, it would definitely help in recommending them to all your friends back home, if they are wanting to be snatched.

Michael snickers at him. Sean joins in.

You could put together a pamphlet or something.

JULIAN (holding up his hands in signing a banner)
Sean 3; what's your last name?


3;Heller highly recommends you getting snatched by these particular perverts. They were ever so nice with the deluxe accommodations and quality meals.

Don't forget the luxury travel service, also.

JULIAN (in mock pompous voice)
I was just coming to that, thank you.

The kids laugh heartily, and the mood is lighter for all three. Michael turns to the other two as he's about to tear into his meal.

MICHAEL (looking at the two of them)
You know, you two could be brothers.

You're mental.

No, I'm serious. You look close enough alike that someone could think that, very easily.

No way; I'm much better looking.

Not to mention humble, too.

The three share another snicker and then dig in to their meals finally. As they finish, the door opens again and someone completely new walks in the room. He is dressed very well.

SEAN (to Julian)
Who's he?

Haven't the foggiest.

The man then speaks with a British dialect. (camera circles man from far off as he speaks).

HEAD MAN (addressing the whole group)
Good Morning to all of you. As my name is unimportant, I won't bother telling it to you. But what is important is why I am here.

Murmuring breaks out amongst the boys and then silence.

HEAD MAN (cont)
I know many of you will not understand this, but for those who do, listen closely. I am here to auction each of you off to the highest bidder. But first, you must get ready for it. So, very soon you will be taken in groups to the showers where you will be cleaned thoroughly. After that, you will be given a piece of clothing to wear for the remainder of your time here. This afternoon, the potential buyers will come by to inspect each of you in turn. They may look, but not touch. Obey them if they ask you to turn around, or one of my men will force you to do so.

HEAD MAN (cont)
The auction will begin when the sun sets. This will be the last time we see each other.

He finishes his little speech, bids them a good day and leaves the room.

Soon, four men walk in and take four boys close to the door out of the room. The boys don't return when the four men do for the next set. Sean, Julian, Michael, and a younger boy of about seven or so are last.


They're led out of the room and to the right to the showers. They're ordered to strip and get under them. Cold water pelts their bodies and each one yelps. They don't get out from the water, but they want to. They bathe quickly and leave the shower.

The piece of clothing is waiting for them. It is a set of two strings and a piece of cloth making a g-string bikini bottom. It covers their groins, but barely.

JULIAN (shivering, slyly to Sean)
These aren't clothes, they're strings with a gland problem.

Also shivering, Sean snickers as all four are then led past the others that had been cleaned before. There is a set of two bars running parallel to each other set up behind the seats of the auction setting. Another bar is perpendicular to these two, forming a long, tight 'U? shape.

The other boys are cuffed to the bar on the right by their wrists, shivering. The cuffs are held to the bar by chains.

Michael is cuffed to the end of the bar halfway down the line with a group of black boys about his age and size. The younger dark haired boy is cuffed to the end of the bar next to others his age. Sean and Julian are cuffed to the smaller bar at the end.

The girls are next. Squeals are heard each time the cold water hit their bodies. They're also given the thin bikinis to wear. The older ones are given thin tube-tops to put over their chests. They are cuffed to the bar facing the majority of the boys.

The last three girls to shower are two brown haired ones and a blond. All are about the same age; nine or ten. The two brunettes are led to the end with the girls. The blond is cuffed to the same bar with Julian and Sean. The four men leave the area. The three kids nod to each other.

JULIAN (still slightly shivering) (to the girl)
You alright?

AMANDA (shivering a lot)
Yeah, just cold. You two?

Well, I don't have any balls any more.

AMANDA (smirking, with teeth chattering)
Did you ever?

Sean bends over and grabs the bar in a fit of snickers.

JULIAN (with a sneer to Amanda)
Oh, you're a funny one.

AMANDA (smiling a little, trying calm herself down)
Only when I'm nervous.

AMANDA (cont) (turning serious while still shivering a little)
What do you think's gonna happen to us?

Guess we'll find out soon enough. The name's Julian, by the way.

JULIAN (cont) (nodding to Sean)
And the quiet one's Sean.

Amanda. I guess it's kinda strange to meet like this.

JULIAN (as Sean snorts a smile to himself)
No kiddin?. How'd you land here?

AMANDA (taking a deep breath)
Well, I went shopping with my mom and some man grabs me when I went to the bathroom. He takes me to a van, then an airplane brings me here. (now downcast) Wish I could see her again.

Wait; you're Amanda Walker?

Amanda nods, surprised at him.

You know her?

SEAN (nodding to Julian, then back to Amanda)
I heard about you on the news. They had an Amber Alert, but it was called off about a week or so ago when they couldn't find you. Now I recognize you.

She smiles and looks down, unable to change anything about it. Taking a deep breath, she looks back up to him.

AMANDA (to Sean)
So, you're American like me?

He nods.

AMANDA (cont)
Where you from?


You mean like cows and bulls and things like that?

SEAN (sarcastically rolling his eyes)
Uh huh, and everyone owns an oil rig, too.

Amanda snickers. Julian playfully chucks him in the arm with his elbow.

'Bout time you come 'round.

Smiling, he looks at the other kids down the aisle. He then turns back to the other two.

I wonder why we're separate from the others.

Isn't it obvious?

Sean shakes his head, no.

JULIAN (cont)
We're the only blond ones in the group, Sean.

So? Why should that matter?

Because we will probably be sold for more money; that's why.

Just 'cause we're blond?

Sort of makes you feel special, don't it?

SEAN (rolling his eyes)
Oh, definitely special.

A renewed fit of giggles comes over them, but it doesn't last long.

Soon, cars begin driving up to the outside of the factory walls. The kids hear doors opening and closing. Apprehension grows among the group. Even the laughing blond trio gets more serious. People begin filing into the factory.

The afternoon slips by with the bidders walking along the aisle between the rows of bars. Many of them stall when they get to the three blond ones.

By his dress and manner, one of them appears to be American. Most are European or Middle Eastern, though. The kids have to turn around repetitively to show their whole bodies to each of them. Many of them look once or twice, but don't return.

One Middle Eastern man looks them over for quite some time before continuing. He doesn't seem to be interested in any of the others. He is dressed in a well tailored suit and sports black hair with a matching goatee. He's slim, but firm; kind of statuesque, or regal.

As he walks away, Sean continues to watch him. The man never takes his eyes off the trio. He leaves the building.

That was weird.

Could you be more specific?

SEAN (ignoring the quip)
That man that took so long looking at us?

The Arabian looking one?

SEAN (nodding)
Him. He kept looking at us as he left.


He seemed interested in all three of us.

Don't be stupid, Sean. There's no way. We'll be extremely lucky if we get people that don't kill us. There's not a chance in hell of us ending up together.

SEAN (looking at him)
I thought you wanted to go with someone who would kill you.

Well, it wouldn't be my first choice, but it's still better than the orphanage. Not to mention the adventure of it.

SEAN (rolling his eyes again)
Why did I have to have blond hair and end up next to you?

JULIAN (smirking)
Just lucky, I suppose.

AMANDA (after snickering at the joke)
He's right, though, Sean. It's just wishful thinking.

SEAN (looking back behind them again)
I don't know 3; (fading).

The rest of the afternoon goes by with others looking at them, but not as noticeably.


The man that addressed the children that morning walks up on the stage.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I will speak in English only as I know each of you have interpreters if you need them. Some of you have been here before, others are new, so let me explain how this works. As each one of the stock is brought forward for sale, you will use the trigger to light up the light next to your seat to place your bid.

HEAD MAN (cont)
When the final price has been reached and there are no other bids, the winning bidder will come forward and either have the funds electronically wired to an account or pay in cash. All transactions are handled in American dollars. Also, all sales are final, so please make sure of your purchase before bidding.

HEAD MAN (cont)
All of you have had the opportunity to view the merchandise, so I will turn this over to my associate to begin the bidding.

During his speech, four men come down the row and retrieve two boys and two girls from the end, the farthest away from the blond trio. They are led away by the chain leading to the cuffs. They are led past them and to the left of the stage.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let us begin with our first item up for bidding.

The first boy is brought to the stage; a boy of about thirteen or so, white skin, brown hair, slender. He is bid on and goes for almost twelve thousand dollars. The next is a girl about the same age and sold for sixteen thousand.

Michael is taken with another black boy and the two brown-skinned girls they arrived with. As they walk by, he and Sean look forlornly at each other, knowing it would be the final time they would see each other. He is bid on first and goes for nine thousand dollars. He is pulled away by a distinguished white woman of about fifty or so and they leave the building.

The two girls are split up when the first is purchased and they scream for each other as they're separated.

And so it goes. As the last one is on the stage, the four men get four more kids to the side of the stage. Some buyers leave after the transaction is handled, others stay till the end.

Finally, the last three are unchained from the bar and taken to the side of the staging area. Sean is first, then Julian, with Amanda at the end. The auctioneer brings the proceedings to a halt as the small boy that was with Julian, Michael, and Sean in the shower is sold and the owner leaves with her purchase.

As many of you know, it is rare that we find a blond girl or boy. But tonight we have three such stock available. Please remember, these are rare and the bidding will begin higher than the others.

He walks over and takes the chain, pulling Sean to the center of the stage. Sean turns to Julian with tears in his eyes from seeing Michael leave, and he knows he's not going to see him again either. Sean is reluctantly pulled by the auctioneer and stands next to him on the stage, but not too close.

Sean looks out, but can only see darkness and some outlines, but no distinct people. The auctioneer keeps the leash, but allows the boy's hands to drop down.

Well, let's begin with ten thousand dollars.

Lights next to the chairs light up at once. He calls on just one of them.

Bidder #30 for 10. Do I hear 11?

Others lights up.

The bidding goes between several lights by a thousand dollars each until only one has bid on twenty-three thousand.

We have 23, do I hear 24?

(pause, as no one bids).
Come, come, ladies and gentlemen, he's in perfect health and a blond, as well.

(A new light lights up)
Ah, new bidder, #16 for 24. Do I hear 25?

Number 22 lights back up to take the 25 thousand dollar bid.

They go till #16 bids thirty thousand, and #22 backs down.

Thirty thousand. Do I hear more? Going once, going Twice 3;, Sold! For thirty thousand dollars to bidder # 16.

Sean looks up to see an older man with S/P hair in a smart, expensive business suit walk down from the #16 chair. But even though he is Middle Eastern in appearance, he's not the one from earlier in the day. Sean's visibly disappointed, but the man doesn't seem to look too bad 3;

The man walks to the computer and types in some numbers. Sean is led to the side while the transaction is being conducted electronically. He waits patiently as Julian walks by and onto the stage. The two lock eyes, and both are saddened even more as that time is getting closer.

The man finishes the transaction as the auction for Julian also begins at ten thousand. The boy's wrists are uncuffed and the man pulls out his own set of metal wrist shackles from a bag and locks them around Sean's wrists. They are lined with a small strip of leather. A leash is linked to the chain between the cuffs and Sean is led back to the man's seat by the leash.

He sits in the chair, and attaches the leash to the side of the chair. Sean is made to kneel down next to him and then sits back on his heels. The man turns to Sean.

I am Tariq, and if you value your life, you will not cause any trouble for me.

Sean shakes his head, nervously, no. The bidding for Julian has reached to twenty thousand dollars. As it slows to 25 again and only one bidder (#22 again) has the high bid, a bright light lights up above Sean to show #16 bidding again. Sean smiles and is excited, obviously, but trying to contain himself.

Ah, #16 bids again, so the bid is now 26.

#22 bids again and it goes between them until Tariq has bid thirty-two thousand dollars.

Come now, ladies and gentlemen, you're not going to let him walk away with both blond boys tonight, are you?

A slight snicker ripples through the crowd. Sean growls at the auctioneer. One other lights up to indicate a bid.

Another new bidder at 33.

Tariq bids again for 34, but no one goes higher.

AUCTIONEER (cont) (a little disappointed)
Sold! For thirty-four thousand dollars.

He turns again to Sean before heading up to the stage to pay for Julian.

I will return with your brother in a moment. You will be safe while I am momentarily gone.

Sean nods, in understanding. Tariq walks up and pays for Julian the same way. As Julian is led back to the seat, Sean stands. Julian rushes ahead and throws his arms around Sean's neck. Unable to reciprocate, Sean just leans against his friend.

Alright, boys, sit down, and be silent.

They obey, sitting down flat down on the floor. Sean's arms are still going towards the man's chair in chains. Julian has one arm around Sean's shoulders and the other around his own knees, holding himself in place. As the auctioneer addresses the crowd, Sean takes the opportunity to whisper in Julian's ear.

SEAN (right into his ear)
He thinks we're brothers.

JULIAN (mimicking the whisper)
Only until both of us talk.

Sean nods.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, the last item up for bid.

Amanda is now on stage, covering her chest with her hands, valiantly trying to protect her modesty. The auctioneer slaps her hands away and she drops them to her front. She's obviously embarrassed at being the center of attention on the stage.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is worth waiting for. We will start the bidding at twenty thousand dollars.

Lights are flashing across the room and the price for Amanda soon goes into the thirty thousand dollar range. It doesn't slow down till it hits forty and only two bidders are still at it (#22 again and #12).

Sean looks to the man sitting to his left, wondering if and when he's going to bid, but he doesn't move to ignite his light. Finally, it comes to a final bid.

The bid stands at 45 to #12. Do I hear any more bids? Going once, twice 3;, Sold! To #12 for forty-five thousand dollars. Would you please make your payment to the side?

#12 makes his way to the stage, and the boys see him; It's the other middle-eastern man Sean had noticed earlier in the day. Both look at each other stunned.

JULIAN (whispering to Sean)
I suppose he only wanted her.

SEAN (visibly disappointed; whispering back)
I guess so 3;

He pays for her electronically as well and leaves with his purchase. She is being led away by her hair, but not painfully so. She turns to see the boys and then is led off by her owner. Before they can respond, she and the man get lost in the crowd.

TARIQ (bending down to them)
Come, boys, let us go.

He turns and places a similar set of manacles around Julian's wrists. The leather loops to both leashes are gripped in his right hand. He then leads the two boys away.

The two try and get a glimpse of Amanda for one last time, but she is too far gone.


He leads them out of the building and to a long, black car. Tariq opens the door and ushers them inside.


He sits in the seat and they sit, kneeling on the floor. When the car doesn't drive away, the two boys look at each other then back to Tariq.

JULIAN (to Tariq)
Aren't we leaving?

TARIQ (smiling slightly)
I am waiting for someone. We will leave when they arrive.

More minutes pass and the door finally opens. Amanda is shown inside and her owner climbs in after her. The three kids are excited just at the prospect of seeing each other again.

The new man holds up his hand before the celebration gets out of control. All three kids sit on their heels, waiting, but antsy. The car begins to move as the man speaks to them in proper English.

First, you may call me, Kazim. And before we continue with anything else, I would ask your names and how each of you were brought here.

He motions to Amanda first.

JULIAN (catching on and surprised)
You mean we belong to you?

Slightly affronted, Kazim nods.

JULIAN (interrupting and confused)
But, I thought he (to Tariq) paid for us.

KAZIM (smiling cordially)
No, boy, I paid for you. I will explain it all later.

KAZIM (cont) (turning back to Amanda)
Now, please tell me your name and story.

She tells her short story. Then he motions to Julian and the boy relates his story as well.

KAZIM (motioning to the two boys)
So, you're not brothers?


Interesting. Well, you could be.

JULIAN (smiling to Sean)
Yeah, we know.

The car pulls up to the airport.

KAZIM (to Sean)
You will have to tell me your story when we get aboard the airplane.

Yes sir.


The door opens and Kazim takes Amanda, leading her to the jet. Tariq leads the boys by the leashes after Kazim and Amanda. The jet is already fueled and running.

33 INT. | JET - LOUNGE 33

Kazim leads the group into a small room with cushioned chairs and he sits in one, while Tariq sits in the one next to him. The children stand in front of them. The boys' leashes are dangling to the floor. Kazim turns to them.

Please sit in the chairs behind you. It is not safe to stand as the airplane takes off.

He motions to the chairs behind them and they sit. He then turns to Sean as the jet reaches for the skies.

KAZIM (cont)
Now, tell me your story, child.

Taking a deep breath, Sean relates his tale to the man. It takes a few minutes and then is over. Amanda is shocked at the point when he tells them of his brothers' actions.

Well, that is some story.

Kazim pauses for a few minutes thinking and pondering. Finally, he addresses them again.

KAZIM (cont)
Now, in my house, when I purchase a slave, it is customary for me to bestow an Arabic name to them. I believe we should call you 'Saib'. To you, (Julian) I think 'Imad' best fits you.

He takes a second or so to look at Amanda.

KAZIM (cont)
And I have always liked the name, 'Amaya'; it means 'night rain'. What do you think?

And she nods back.

Does your name mean something?

Yes; it is Arabic for 'restrainer of anger'. And it would behoove you to start calling me 'sir?, Imad. (Julian nods that he understands) Good.

KAZIM (cont) (addressing all three)
Now, Tariq will take care of your clothing needs and then we will speak again. I have some urgent business that needs to be taken care of at the present. But, there is much to discuss about your futures.

Karim leaves the room as Tariq leads them into another room of the plane.


He removes the manacles from the boys' wrists. He opens a drawer in a cabinet and pulls out two stacks of cloth; one black and one white, placing them on a table.

Two collars and belts are laid on the white stack while one of each on the black. The belt is a half-inch wide gold flat rope. The collars are simple stainless-steel collars about an inch wide and padded on the inside.

TARIQ (to all three)
This is the clothing that you are to wear at all times. The long cloth is to be used as a hanging breechcloth to cover your privates, with the belt to hold it in place. The collar goes around your neck and is to be worn at all times, unless bathing or swimming.

TARIQ (cont) (turning to Amaya)
You have two cloths, Amaya; use the second one for your chest. You will be given the rest of your clothes when we arrive in Saudi. Now, please put them on and then join me back out here.

They nod and he turns to leave the three to change.

Can you believe he actually did want all three of us?

Guess you were right, Sean.

Don't be so surprised, Julian. It does happen once in a while.

They snicker as they begin examining the clothing. Imad is the first to pick up a breechcloth. It is a strip of white, smooth cloth with gold around the rim, skipping a place in the middle.

And just how are these supposed to work?

Here, let me show you.

Unabashedly, she takes the black one and runs it out on the couch. She quickly takes the small g-string off and sits on the breech. She lies back, pulling the front of it with her. The belt is wrapped around her waist and tied, securing it to her body. She stands up and the free ends of the cloth and belt fall in front of her. The breech almost reaches the floor.

She shyly turns her back on the boys. After taking the 'tube-top' off, Amaya then picks up the extra black piece of cloth. She ties a knot in the middle and ties it around her chest. The knot keeping the ends together is turned to the back with the first knot in the front.

She walks to the full length mirror and makes some minor adjustments to the clothing. She turns to inspect the full effect, and sees how the sides of her buttocks are still showing, but it seemingly doesn't bother her.

The boys are amazed at her insight.

AMAYA (smiling shyly)
I saw it on a movie once. Your turn.

The boys copy her actions with their own breeches as she picks up the metal collar. She sits down as the boys are finishing up. They turn to see her still staring at the collar in her hands.

Is there a problem?

AMAYA (sighing at the collar, but not looking up)
This is for real, isn't it? I mean, he really owns us now.

Without a thing to say, the boys just stare at her. Quietly, Saib dons his collar, accepting his fate.

Amaya looks up and sees Saib's collar around his neck and smiles as she puts hers on as well. She stands as Imad's collar is going on. Wiping her tears away, she sees them in their breeches. She chokes down a snicker and smiles.

You guys look pretty good in those things, you know?

IMAD (with a little sarcasm)

The three share a laugh, clearing away the nervousness and then Saib speaks up.

Come on, guys, I think we're supposed to be out there, now.

Right. Let's go.

35 INT. | JET - LOUNGE 35

They enter the room and Tariq is waiting for them. They walk up and stand in a submissive pose.

Ah, very well done. Now, there are a few things to discuss before my employer enters. Although he allows you to call him by his personal name, you must use it with the utmost respect. Understand?

All three nod.

TARIQ (cont)
Good. Now, as you are new, you will have to start at the bottom, except for you, Amaya. You will serve Kazim's fourth wife; Farah.

Kazim enters the room and nods to Tariq. He returns the nod and leaves them alone. Kazim sits in the chair opposite them.

We will be landing in Jeddah soon and then driving to my home just outside the city. When we arrive, you two will be shown to your rooms and told of your duties. Amaya, you will stay with the other girls close to my wives? rooms.

KAZIM (cont) (sighing and smiling reassuredly)
Now, I am sure you have a few questions to ask. This is the time to do so.

Yes, sir, I have a question. What're we going to be doing when we get to your house?

Mainly household duties and serving duties at meals. Older slaves have the privilege of serving myself and/or my sons.

And if we don't do them?

KAZIM (lowering his eyes a little at him)
Discipline will be used, Imad.

SAIB (a little shocked)
What kind of discipline?

KAZIM (turning towards him)
Usually, it is just a few licks with a belt, but they will hurt. Do not give me a reason to do it, and I will not. Understand?

All three nod, emphatically.

SAIB (raising his hand a little)
Sir, I have another question.

Kazim motions for him to ask.

SAIB (cont)
Well, sir, I'm not complaining, but I thought that slaves were supposed to be abused and mistreated. You've been very nice to us, so far. Why?

KAZIM (smiling again)
Well, because I own you now, Saib. That means that I bought you, and for a lot of money, I must say. I expect a great deal from each of you as well as your loyalty. But I take very good care of my property, and that goes for my slaves as well. Just do not disappoint me.

We won't, sir.

IMAD (cautiously)
So, we're not going to get buggered?

KAZIM (laughing, slightly)
No, Imad, no one will do that to you at my house; I promise you that. Although it is illegal, some of my countrymen do enjoy themselves with young boys, I find the practice distasteful. Furthermore, I have found that when that is done, it causes irreparable damage to them. I may own boys as slaves, but I will not damage them unless some form of discipline is called for. Understood?

They nod again.

KAZIM (cont)
Good. And while we are on that subject, you must know how lucky you are that Tariq and I were at that auction.

What d'you mean?

The man that both Tariq and I were bidding against uses the children he buys in making sex films. Usually, they do not survive much past a year or so. We see him at the auctions every year, buying children for those purposes. He is an evil man and I wish I could shut him down some how. But we will have to leave that for another day.

SAIB (probably wanting to changing the subject)
Sir, may I ask, how come your English is so good?

KAZIM (smiling at him)
Tariq and I studied at Oxford some years ago. And each of you will have studies to do as well when we get to the house.

I was wondering; why'd you bid on only Amanda and not us?


IMAD (turning towards her; a little sarcastically)
My apologies.

KAZIM (smirking at the banter)
Because it is not normal to find 'property' such as yourselves at that market. I wanted Amaya the most, as Farah needs a slave, but I saw you together and decided to take the three of you. If I had bid on you as well, the price would have been even higher for Amaya, and I did not want that.

Why did you decide to take all three of us?

Within a year's time, I will lose two slaves and will need replacements for them.

What do you mean, 'lose??

They will leave my service for the university or some other way of life on their own.

Will we do that, someday?

In roughly ten year's time, you will leave my service. Where you go from there is up to you, Saib. If you wish to attend the university in Jeddah, then I will arrange it. If you wish to return to America, then I will arrange that as well. This is all conditional on how well you serve me over the next decade, young one.

And if we don't serve you well? (added as an afterthought real quick) Sir?

You will be sold for as much as I can get for you, Imad; no one wants a disobedient slave. But I will warn you, though, other slave owners are not as tolerant as myself. I have actually seen one beaten simply because he spilt some water at serving dinner. I am patient, (meant as a warning) but even I have limits.

Kazim glances at his watch.

KAZIM (cont)
Now, the time is late and I am sure that you are somewhat tired and hungry. So, go into the other room and get something to eat, then get some rest. We will be landing in Jeddah soon.

Amaya and Imad bow their heads slightly and leave. Saib stays behind.

Yes, Saib?

Saib looks nervously at Kazim and takes a deep breath to settle himself down before talking.

SAIB (as the door closes, leaving the two alone together)
I don't like being a slave, sir, but I promise I won't disappoint you.

KAZIM (smiling again)
Thank you, Saib, now go with the others.

He mimics his friends and joins them in the other room.


After a quick bite, they bed down for the night on the couches. As each of them are extremely tired, sleep comes quickly.


The sun is rising as the plane lands in Jeddah. They exit the plane with Kazim in the lead, followed by Tariq, then the kids. Another long, black car awaits them and they climb in the back. It heads north out of town.


When it turns off the main road and into a long drive, Saib is shocked and turns to the others.

KAZIM (noticing his shock)
Quite a sight, eh, Saib?

Yes sir.

The others agree.

They drive up a long drive to a three level house that is totally immaculate. Opulence does not begin to describe the three story house.

The sun is fully in the sky, but not at its zenith, yet.


The car stops at the stairs leading to the front door and the party gets out with Kazim in the lead. Tariq next followed by the kids. They look around in shock at everything and therefore lag behind a little. Kazim turns to notice this.

KAZIM (a little forceful)
Keep up, please. They hurry to keep with the two men. As they approach the door, an older boy of about seventeen, or so, greets them with a bow and opens the door.

He is wearing a white breech and black pants, with a brass collar as opposed to the stainless steel ones these three are wearing. He is taller, obviously Caucasian, but being in Saudi Arabia for many years has turned him darker skinned. He has light brown hair and brown eyes with a kind, but mature face.

Kazim returns the bow and keeps walking. Tariq copies Kazim. The three kids look at him and the boy smiles back. Once all of them are through, the older boy follows them inside.


House staff and other slaves are there to greet the returning master. About five of the slaves are blond. Another five are middle-eastern. There is one black boy in his mid-teens as well.

Four figures adorned in traditional Muslim Abayas and Hijabs wait for him at the end of the room with three female slaves behind them. Kazim greets each of the robed figures in turn.

Mais (she is the first and bows to her husband). Zeba (second and a little taller than the first wife, bows as well). Amal (third wife is shorter than the first one, but not by too much, bows in respect). And Farah (fourth wife is significantly shorter by a head of the first, but bows in finality). I am pleased to see each of you. And Farah, I have brought you your new servant. Her name is Amaya. (He motions for Amaya to approach and she does).

Amaya, not really sure what to do, bows her head to her new mistress. Apparently, it was the correct thing to do as Kazim smiles at her. Kazim then dismisses his wives and their servants. He then calls the older boy door to him. He stands regally before his master.

Wasi, this is Saib and Imad (motioning to each). They need to be shown to their quarters and then instructed. So, I will leave them in your capable hands.

Yes, sir.

Wasi motions for Saib and Imad to follow him, and they do.


Wasi takes them down a corridor to the right and they turn off to the left as the hall corners. As he's walking he turns to them to explain where they're going.

These are the servant's quarters. The two of you will share a room with Aazad; he's had his own room for way too long, now. Unfortunately, we don't have a spare bed, so until Aniq and I leave for school, you will have to share the only other bed in the room.

We don't mind sharing.

Saib nods in agreement.


Where do the girls sleep, sir?

WASI (smiling at the mistake)
Don't call me 'sir'. I'm Wasi and I'm a slave just like you.

Saib and Imad nod in understanding.

WASI (cont)
And to answer your question; they have a room they share on the third floor next to the wives. It keeps them close to their mistresses.

They reach the room and Wasi opens the door and they walk inside.


Only two beds, two trunks, and a dresser greet them. Some books and a lamp are on the dresser, but nothing else. The trunks are at the ends of the beds. He motions for them to sit on the unmade bed as he sits on Aazad's bed.

Here is the way things work around here. I am in charge of all the slaves, including the girls. That's what this brass collar means. If you do your jobs and do them well, you will be given privileges. If you don't; you will be given punishments. It's that simple. As you are just starting out new, you will be given the most tedious of jobs. Do them well, and you will not have to do them for long. Understand so far?

They nod, not really liking the sound of their job descriptions.

Good. Now, this will be pretty much your schedule for a while. We rise at about six or so in the morning. Make your bed and head to the kitchen to eat. After eating, you will take care of the dirty dishes in the kitchen and assist with preparations for dinner. After that, eat a quick lunch, then you may spend some time doing as you wish; either study, or spent some time relaxing. At about four o'clock, or so, eat, then you will begin assisting in the kitchen again for dinner. All the dishes are to be done before you turn in for the evening. The earlier you start, the earlier you get it done.

IMAD (a little surprised)
You mean we can do whatever we want in the afternoon?

WASI (smiling)
Yes, you can either relax or study, but I warn you; the master will not tolerate an ignorant servant for long. Your roommate, Aazad, for instance, needs to spend more time on his studies and less on his swimming or he'll find himself sold soon. I suggest you don't follow his example.

Oh, we won't. I actually don't mind school at all.

You're an odd bloke.

Saib ignores the quip as he turns back to Wasi.

What do we do for today, Wasi?

As today's your first day, you may do as you wish until it's time to eat. I suggest you watch what the slaves do in the kitchen as you will be doing it, starting tomorrow.

WASI (cont)
Now, there are some sheets in the bottom drawer of the dresser for your bed. You should go ahead and make your bed before doing anything else. Any questions about anything?

Saib nods.

What are these trunks for?

They are for your personal items. Until another room becomes available, I'm afraid you two will have to share that one. Keep it locked if you value what you put in there. Anything else?

They shake their heads, no.

WASI (cont)
Well, then, welcome.

Smiling, Wasi rises from the bed and leaves them alone. Wasi stops at the door and faces back to them.

WASI (cont)
I almost forgot. There is a party Kazim is hosting at the end of this week. I'll make sure you're ready for it by then.

They nod and Wasi leaves them alone. They look at each other for a second before Imad sighs and gets up to get the bed linens. They begin making the bed.

I guess this won't be so bad, Julian.

As loathed as I am to agree with Amaya, we'd better start calling each other by our Arabic names. (Saib nods). And I agree with you; It's not as bad as I feared it would be.

Better than being at home?

IMAD (pausing before answering to consider)
Well, I would have to say that it's kind of a 'give and take? thing. I don't care for manual labor, but I also didn't really have anything to keep me in Britain. What about you?

Saib pauses.

I'm sorry, Saib. I forgot 3;

It's okay. I miss them and all, I guess, except for my brothers, especially Adam. But I'm sort of starting to see this as sort of an adventure. Kind of like what you were talking about yesterday.

How so?

Well, think about it. we're safe here with Kazim. As long as we do what we're supposed to do, we'll be okay. I mean, no one back home has seen what we've seen so far, and we're only kids. Think about it.

I suppose so. Hadn't thought of it that way.

They just finish the bed when the door opens. Aazad stands in the doorway. He's eleven years old. He is only an inch or so taller than Saib, but stockier. He's of middle-eastern descent, obviously, with dark skin and black wavy hair that is cut short. And he is in a foul temper.

AAZAD (speaking with a middle-eastern accent)
So, you are my roommates? Do not get too comfortable. As soon as there is a room, you will be out of here.

He doesn't bother to comment on anything else, but goes to his locker, unlocks it, pulls out a brass wrist band and leaves while placing it around his left wrist. Not another word is spoken to the two blond boys.

Well, good to meet you, too.

IMAD (cont) (turning to Saib)
Nice chap. Perhaps I should introduce him to some of the people back at the orphanage.

Saib snickers at the joke as the two of them leave the room.

SAIB (looking up and down the hall)
What now?

Well, I'm hungry, so let's get something to eat and then scout the house.

SAIB (sounding like Jack)
Sounds groovy to me.

43 INT. | KITCHEN 43

The boys make their way to the kitchen and eat a bowl of fruit each. They watch the two cooks as they're getting things ready for the next meal. With the small meal complete, they leave to go exploring.


Later, they practically run into Amaya. She's wearing the black breech she was given, but also a white half-top and long white pants that bell out at the bottom. The boys were about to comment on her clothes when they see the look on her face.

AMAYA (crossly)
You're not going to believe this.

IMAD (furling his eyebrows back)

My 'mistress' is only twelve years old.

SAIB (naturally shocked)
You're joking.

AMAYA (her disgust is apparent as she talks)
No, I'm not. Apparently, this is normal for this country. Her family was extremely poor and they wed her to Kazim to get a dowry for her almost a year ago. And it's one of those 'temporary' marriages also.

Temporary Marriage?

AMAYA (nodding)
Yep. If he's not satisfied with her after a few years, he can just get rid of her if he wants.

No way.

AMAYA (looking back at him and nodding)
It's like the women in the country have no rights at all.

For the first time they've known him, Saib gets a real hard look on his face and turns around.

Where are you going?

To talk to Kazim.

Imad turns and heads him off quickly. Amaya is right with him.

No you're not, Sean.

I'm not Sh--

--Right now, you are. You can't piss him off on our first day, Sean.

Then what should I do, Julian? Just let him have sex with this girl every night?

Oh, come off it. You can't be this thick, can you?

What d'you mean by that?

Think about it! He can have us knocked off, Sean! Killed!

He's right, Sean. Although I don't think he would kill us, it's not a good idea to make him mad on our first day here. we're brand new, and as much as I don't like it; I guess this is the way things work around here.

He looks to his two friends, disbelievingly. Pausing, he comes to the same conclusion and sags under the weight of his circumstance. They're right, and he knows it.

IMAD (turning to Amaya)
We were just going out back. Wanna come?

Sure. Farah's released me for the afternoon, so I got time.


They venture out back and see that the backyard is quite large, ending with a staircase going down to the beach. As they look down, they see a number of boys swimming in the ocean. Imad turns to the others.

Looks like they're having fun. Let's join them.

I'm not really in the mood, guys.

Oh, come on, Saib. It'll probably take your mind off this whole thing.

Saib thinks about it and finally shrugs.


They descend the steps to find the younger five slaves skinny dipping and the older eight with shorts on. Two girls are sitting by a rock, sunbathing face down with only their breeches on.

A boy just older than them is getting out of the ocean and sees them. He's also of middle-eastern descent, but slim with straight black hair.

BAZIM (smiling as he approaches, holding out his hand)

IMAD (taking his hand and shaking it)
Hello. I'm Imad, and this is Saib and Amaya.

BAZIM (nodding to each as introduced)
Nice to meet you. I am Bazim. So, Kazim got you from the auction.

They nod, a not sure themselves or the whole circumstance yet.

Did he get you the same way?

No. He bought me from Qadir.

What was he like?


Imad nods in answer.

BAZIM (cont)
He was rough. He hit me every time I did not do what he wanted when he wanted. But Kazim saw me and bought me from him. Then he brought me here.

Where were you before?

Riyadh. Kazim was there seeing the king when I met him. Where are you from?

I'm from London. They're Americans.

BAZIM (smiling to Saib and Amaya)
I would like to visit there one day.

Well, your English is pretty good, so that won't hold you back.

BAZIM (smiling again)
I talk to Tariq and Wasi a lot. It has helped. I am still learning, though.

Sounds like you've mastered it.

BAZIM (smiling at him)
Care to join us for a swim? We do not have much time left before going back upstairs.

Imad and Saib look at each other and nod to Bazim. They strip off their breeches and collars and jump into the water. Amaya joins the other two girl slaves to lie out on the sand. She removes her top and lies down. They talk while the boys play.


The two boys go to bed with white breechcloths wrapped around them like diapers. Saib sleeps closest to the wall, but can't fall asleep readily. Homesickness sets in and the tears begin to fall.

Are you alright?

Thought you were asleep.

I almost was, until I heard you crying. Miss your parents?

SAIB (nodding and wiping his tears off)
And kinda worried about Michael. He's all alone, while I have you and Amaya.

Imad rolls to reach over and spoons in behind him. He whispers to him.

Don't worry, Sean. I'm sure he's doing okay. The woman that bought him didn't seem the dangerous type; probably needs a cheep house slave or something. And as far as your parents go, one day, you'll be able to return home and show them you're alive. Think of what that day will be like, hm?

Saib nods again, wiping the tears away.

IMAD (cont)
Besides, just think about Michael wowing all the girl slaves with the size of his knob.

Saib chokes down a laugh and dries his eyes more effectively.

IMAD (cont)

Saib nods again.

IMAD (cont)
Good. Then let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day, I think.

Will both of you shut up and go to sleep?

Both boys freeze. Saying nothing further, they curl up and fall asleep soon after.


They wake up as Wasi walks through to get them up.

I figured Aazad wouldn't wake you, so I came to do it.

Do you have an alarm clock or something?

Smiling, he hands them a round clock with a timer on it.

This was mine when I first got here. Soon, you won't need it as your bodies will adjust to waking up at the same time every morning. Now, you'd better get moving if you want something to eat.

They nod and he leaves. The boys make their bed and head to the kitchen. They learn their jobs during the course of the day.


That evening, Saib and Imad are doing the dishes.

Did you have to do anything like this back home?

Dishes or chores?

Either one.

Neither one. The only thing I had to do was like keep my room neat, sort of.

IMAD (shocked)
That's it?!

SAIB (smiling and holding up his hands)
Yep, and doing all these dishes is giving me prune-fingers.

IMAD (mockingly)
Oh my God; wrinkled fingers. We'd better call the doctor.

Saib splashes water on him in retaliation. Imad giggles and shoots the water at him out of the faucet. Within minutes, the area is soaked in water. Both have been giggling a little too loud. Wasi walks in from the dining room and gets a face full of water.

WASI (sputtering and wiping his face)
Just what the hell are you two doing in here?

He also sees the water everywhere, including all over the two boys. They're soaked to the bone. When they see Wasi, they realize what they just did and are both shocked and ashamed.

WASI (wiping his face off with a towel)
Get this cleaned up and then come see me in the library.

Wasi leaves, none too happy.

I think we're in trouble.

Ya think?

Saib giggles at himself and the two begin cleaning up the mess. Eventually, they get it cleaned up. They make their way to the library.


Wasi is sitting on the sofa, reading. They walk in and stand in front of him with their hands in front of them. Wasi lets them stew for a few minutes, wondering what he's going to do to them. Finally, Wasi lays the book aside and speaks to them.

Well, you two've made quite an impression on your first day.

The two boys look at each other, sheepishly, and don't answer back.

WASI (cont)
What should I do with the two of you? Hm?

They shrug as an answer.

WASI (cont)
Did you get it all cleaned up?

They nod, meekly.

WASI (cont) (smiling a little)
Well, no real harm done, so no punishment.

They brighten up.

WASI (cont)
THIS time. Just watch yourselves in the future. It could've easily been Kazim that walked in there instead of me. And you don't want that.

They both shake their heads, no.

WASI (cont)
Don't let this happen again.

We won't.



They turn and leave.

51 INT. | HALLWAY 51

Both look at each other and snicker uncontrollably as they walk down the hall to their room.

IMAD (controlling his giggles better)
Can you believe that?


That we didn't get punished for that.

You would have back home?

At school, we would have gotten a severe thrashing for that little bit of fun.

SAIB (whistles slightly)
Remind me not to go to England in the future.

Imad smiles and they slip into bed and crash heavily to sleep.


The next morning, they make their way to the kitchen. Amaya is there digging into a bowl of fruit.

Heard about your water fight last night.

IMAD/SAIB (surprised)
You did?

Everyone's heard about it.

They groan.

AMAYA (cont)
So, d?you get in trouble?

IMAD (offhandedly)
Oh yeah, we were heavily thrashed by cane and switch.

AMAYA (looking at his backside)
Yeah, I can see the marks from here.

Saib snickers. They eat breakfast together and begin the day's duties.


Aazad's not in the room when they turn in that Friday night. They jump when a painful scream is heard from upstairs. It's a young girl's scream and the two look at each other.


They run out of the room, heading towards the sound. As they round the corner, they, literally, run into Wasi.

Don't go up there.

But Amaya's in trouble.

It's not your friend; It's Farah.

Saib and Imad look at each other in disbelief

WASI (cont)
They're consummating their marriage.

Another groan of pain comes from upstairs. He motions for them to follow him. He leads them outside to the back patio. He doesn't talk until they arrive.


It's the way it goes here.

Yeah, Amaya explained it to us, but he's killing her, Wasi.

No, he's not. It's just painful the first time, Saib. Soon she will begin to enjoy it.

Doubt it.

WASI (getting a little angry with the boy)
Don't think you can come here and in one week you can judge anything. This is the way things are done here. This isn't England or America; this is Saudi Arabia, and things are done differently here.

IMAD (not in an accusatorial way, but simply)
Until someone changes them.

WASI (softening a little)
Change comes slowly in this part of the world, Imad. Get used to it, both of you, or Kazim will get tired of you quickly.

Both boys look at each other then back to Wasi. Saib nods, resigning to Wasi's experience. He sees the look on their faces and smiles down at them.

Just then Aazad walks onto the porch from the beach. He stops as he sees the small party. When Wasi sees him he shuts his mouth.

What is going on here?

WASI (crossly)
That is none of your concern, Aazad. Now, if you are going inside, then continue.

Aazad shrugs and after glancing at Saib and Imad, goes inside. When he's gone, Wasi turns back to the other two.

WASI (cont) (shaking his head about Aazad)
Look, about Kazim. You may think he's a monster or something along those lines, but he's actually very contemporary in his thinking. If he was a real devout man of the old ways, Farah would have undergone a horrible experience called female circumcision, but he made sure she was not to be harmed before they were married.

Temporarily married.

Not to Kazim. If I know him well enough, he'll be keeping each of them until they die or he dies. He loves them very much. As far as what's happening up there now, well, that has been too long coming.

What do you mean?

Didn't you know?

They both looked blankly at him.

WASI (cont) (sighing a little)
They've been married for a year now. Kazim was waiting for her to grow up a little more before doing this with her.

Both boys are stunned and a little ashamed of their compulsive attitudes.

Well, we knew about the marriage, but didn't know about that last part.

Wasi nods. As the three are waiting for the coupling to cease, Saib turns to Wasi.

Wasi, where are you from?

WASI (a little stunned at the question)
Why do you ask, Saib?

Just curious. You aren't Middle-eastern and your English is too good for being European.

WASI (smiling)
I was Canadian and my name was Patrick before I was bought by Kazim.

Were you kidnapped to be brought here?

Sort of. When I was ten, I was asleep one night and two men came in to rob my house. They killed my parents and older brother because they woke up to stop them. When I heard the noise, I hid under my bed. They found me before they left. I was with them for two months before they decided to sell me. (looking vacant) Two very long months 3;

A scream in his mind goes off, remembering his torment and he is lost to his audience momentarily. The two just watch him until Imad coughs, bringing Wasi back to them and out of his head.

WASI (cont) (shaking his head to clear the cobwebs)
Oh, right. I was taken to Marseilles and sold at a small auction there.

Kazim bought you there?

No. It was a man that needed a workhorse. I was made to work in his field for hours on end with no rest. Sun up to past sundown, I worked. But, he lost me in a card game to a bar owner in the city. My workload didn't lighten at all. Kazim was in town on business and stopped in the bar one night. He bought me from the barman, probably for a lot less than he paid for you.

Then what?

WASI (shrugging)
Then I came here. I worked my way up to the brass collar and have owned it for the past two years. One of you may own it one day also.

Are we the only ones from North America?

You've been here a week; I would have thought you had found the other one by now.

He's a bit slow.

SAIB (retorting to Imad)
And you're a bit ugly.

WASI (laughing at the banter)
Are you sure you two aren't brothers?

SAIB (glancing sideways at Imad, then back to Wasi)
Thank God, no. Anyway, I haven't had the time to meet everyone, Wasi. We've been busy in the kitchen.

Yeah, busy mopping up the water.

Saib snickers.

WASI (smiling)
I see. No, there is another one; Jamal. He's about fourteen or so, from California. You might introduce yourself when you get the chance.

Saib nods.

What about the others?

Two are German and the other two are Scandinavian. They only speak broken English, though.


WASI (turning back to him)

You're leaving next year, aren't you?

Wasi nods.

SAIB (cont)
I forget; who else is going to be leaving with you?

A Saudi named Aniq. He's been here since he was seven, so he's leaving a little younger than normal, but Kazim's gotten him into the university also.

Finally, a light goes out, and the consummation is over. Wasi leads them back inside the house.


Aazad is in his bed, lying face towards the wall, seemingly asleep. The two go to bed, also, but it isn't a peaceful sleep for either of them.


As the next day is Saturday, the morning duties are lighter, but breakfast is still a gathering. They're all in the dinning room when the wives and sons walk into the room.

When Farah walks in, she is downcast and walking slowly. Amaya is right beside her if she needs assistance.

But when Aazad sees her, he snickers at her gait. Saib is incensed. He takes his elbow and painfully rams it into Aazad's stomach.


He rounds on his roommate, but Aazad is able to recover faster as the smaller boy gets poised to strike again. Aazad swings with an upper cut which connects with Saib's chin. Saib staggers backward and barely catches his balance before Aazad hits him again. The blow is delivered to Saib's stomach, bowling him over, sending him to his knees.

Imad is about to help his friend, but Bazim holds him back with an arm and a shake of his head. Imad almost goes past him, but the boy steps in front to block his way fully. Imad steps back.

BAZIM (looking Imad in the eye)
You will only make matters worse if you help him.

Imad nods and steps back again; helplessly watching the fight. Bazim resumes his place.

Before Aazad can strike again, though, Saib knocks Aazad's feet out from under him and launches his whole body at the fallen boy.

They wrestle around on the floor like eels, each trying to do as much damage as possible to the other. Wasi enters the room with Kazim and breaks it up by grabbing both of them by the collars and pulling them apart. They're still trying to get at each other until Kazim walks over.

What is going on here?

AAZAD (pointing to Saib)
He started it, sir! He hit me for no reason!

Is this true?

No sir. He laughed at 3; (unsure of what to call her and decides on her name) Farah as she walked in the room.

KAZIM (rounding on Aazad with penetrating eyes)
Is this true?

AAZAD (slightly afraid)
No sir!


And Saib tries to hit and get at him again through Wasi when another voice speaks up.

BAZIM (letting Imad go)

Yes, Bazim?

I heard Aazad snickering also.

Aazad crumbles as Kazim's gaze turns back to him. When he speaks again, it is quietly.

Bring them, Wasi.

Kazim leads them out of the dinning hall and Wasi follows behind, holding the two apart by their collars still.


Wasi releases the two boys and closes the door behind him to close them in. Aazad is in tears, knowing what's coming. Saib is nursing his sore chin. Kazim turns to Saib first.

First, you, Saib. Being new here, you do not know all the rules, but one of my rules is, fighting amongst the slaves will not be tolerated. As you did not know this, I will be somewhat lenient in your discipline this time.

SAIB (interrupting)
But sir 3;

Kazim holds up a hand to stop him.

KAZIM (with significant force, but not maliciously)
Do not interrupt me again, Saib.

Saib sinks back away from him, but nods all the same.

I know you were standing up for Farah, but I cannot permit slaves to fight amongst themselves. You should have waited until the meal was over and then told me about it. I could have handled it from there.

But I didn't want to rat on him like that.

A snicker from Wasi. A quick smile from Kazim as well.

KAZIM (clearing his throat and trying not to smile)
Nevertheless, you will receive five swipes with a belt. Come here.

Shaking, Saib walks over and as Kazim indicates, he places both hands on a table. Kazim walks to his left and pulls the belt from his pants. It is looped and ready.

Hold the end of your breech, Saib.

His left hand reaches back and pulls the loose end around his body. He holds it as he holds onto the table. He closes his eyes as Kazim rears the belt backward. It lands across both almost bare cheeks with a loud *smack*.

Saib bites his lip to keep from screaming. He repositions himself as another lash from the leather makes contact. He is determined not to scream in front of Aazad. The remaining three hits cause the same amount of damage, but no scream escapes his lips. Tears do fall, though.

Now, Saib, leave us with Aazad.

Saib nods, shaking, and turns on unsteady legs, while dropping the end of the breech. Kazim turns to address Aazad as the younger boy is heading to the door.

KAZIM (cont) (significantly more stern)
To you, Aazad. You do not have the same luxury. You know the rules here. And although you did not start the fight, it is your complete lack of respect that concerns me most. Disrespecting my wife under any circumstances is bad enough, but under these circumstances is close to insolence and it will no longer be tolerated.

Saib makes it to and through the doorway by this time. He is closing the door as he hears the following.

KAZIM (cont)
For your lie and your disrespect, you will receive fifty. Come here and lean over the table. Wasi, hold his hands from the other side.


Not wanting to hear this, he speeds up leaving the area. Aazad begins to beg for leniency. Saib isn't fast enough and he hears the first lash of the belt hit Aazad. The sound is louder in the hall than it was in the room when Kazim hit him with it. A scream and more pleading come from the room. Saib quickens his pace.


He gets to the dinning hall as the third lash makes contact. The door is quickly yanked open and he is inside before the next one is heard.

As he turns, the whole room of people watch him. Bashfully, he walks through the room and to the kitchen without looking at any of them.

60 INT. | KITCHEN 60

After the door closes, he turns to check the damage; only some red lines and some pink skin is all.

SAIB (as he wipes his brow)

He leans back against a cabinet and touches his backside to it. He hisses and stands erect again, rubbing the place he just touched. A voice calls out.

Wouldn't do that again.

SAIB (startled)
Julian! Jesus, don't do that. Almost gave me a heart attack.

But Saib smiles that his friend's there.

How many d?you get?

Five, and not near as hard as Aazad's getting them right now. But it's the first time for it.

You've never been whipped or caned in school?

Saib shakes head, no.

IMAD (cont)
Nothing at home, either?

Again, a shake, no.

IMAD (cont) (shaking his head, disbelievingly)
No chores and no whippings. Hell, I'm moving to America when this is all over.

Saib snickers. The door opens again with Amaya and Bazim entering.

Are you alright?

Better than Aazad is right now.

How many is he getting anyway?


Imad whistles through his teeth.

It is not surprising that he is getting so many.

Why's that?

Because he is always getting into trouble. If he does not change soon, Kazim will return him to the streets.

The others nod, knowingly.

Anyway, may I see the marks the master left?

Don't you think that's a bit personal, mate?

It's alright, Imad.

He turns to the side and slides the breech out of the way so all three can see the five horizontal lines across his backside. They took a bit of time.

Now that we're all fascinated by my butt 3;

And a cute one, too.

Imad makes a retching noise from behind them, sending all them into a few fits of snickers. When the door opens again, Farah walks in. She goes straight to Saib. He straightens and turns to face her, dropping the breechcloth.

Thank you.

He bows his head in return to her.

FARAH (cont)
You had better get back in there before Kazim arrives, though.

They agree and leave the kitchen.


Kazim and Wasi return several minutes later. Kazim is wiping his face of perspiration. Aazad does not return to the room.

The meal is eaten and the boy slaves clear the table. As the last of the dishes are cleared, Kazim speaks up.

Saib, I want to see you in the library, please.

Saib bows, takes the dishes in his hands to the kitchen and returns to the dinning room. As they walk, Saib notices he is carrying the bracelet that Aazad had on his wrist earlier.

62 INT. | LIBRARY 62

Once in the library, Kazim takes his seat at the desk. He motions for Saib to sit down in the chair opposite him.

No offense, sir, but I'd like to stay standing right now.

KAZIM (smiling)
Understandable. How is your backside?

Stings a little, but I can handle it, sir.

You know I did not use my full strength on you as I did on Aazad.

The boy nods.

KAZIM (cont)
Well, this (holding up the bracelet to him) is now yours. Let me now take the time to explain them. These are given to the slaves for doing something particularly outstanding or for being here over the course of two years. They are taken away for severe disobedience or upon leaving the house completely. They are sort of a talisman of status in the house. You can only earn a total of four of them, but you must have four of them to earn the brass collar. Understand?

Yes sir, but why am I getting one?

KAZIM (a little surprised)
Isn't it obvious?

Saib shakes his head. Smiling, Kazim answers his own question.

For standing up for a wrong. The whipping I gave you was nothing. I had to make it look good to Aazad, as I was correct in stating that fighting will not be tolerated. If I did not do that, then fighting amongst the slaves would be viewed as acceptable. But what you did for Farah is commendable. And if I know my wife well enough, I think you've made a friend in her today.

I hope so, sir. What's going to happen to Aazad, now?

Well, for the next week, Aazad will be taking your spot in the kitchen and staying in the punishment room at night.

Punishment room?

Yes, it is the room at the far end of the slave's quarters. It is most unpleasant; you do not want to be in there.

SAIB (nodding back)
What about Imad?

What about him?

Can Aazad take his duties in there too?

KAZIM (smiling)
No, you are being rewarded. Only you, for doing something noble. Imad will have his chances in the future. Now, go finish in the kitchen. When you finish there, Wasi needs to get you ready for this evening. Then you may enjoy the rest of the day.

Saib bows out of the room, placing the bracelet on his right wrist as he went. He smiles at it and goes to the kitchen.

63 INT. | KITCHEN 63

Imad notices the bracelet.

What's that?

SAIB (smirking)
It's a bracelet.

I can see that. Why do you have one?

SAIB (skipping a retort)
It means I did something really good, apparently.

Actually, you did. And I don't think anyone's ever earned one this fast before. Good job.

Thanks, Wasi.

WASI (nodding)
Now, I do need to see both of you after you get done in here. We need to go over a few things for the party this evening and get your formal wear.

Both of them nod as he turns and leaves.


All the slaves are decked out in formal wear. The boys have black pants and black half-shirts. The white hanging breeches are worn on the outside of the pants. The shirts are held together by thick gold strings.

Girls wear the same clothes they normally do, but a bit more stylish.

The wives and children aren't present. As the wives won't need them, the girls assist with the dinner and serving.

The guests arrive close to sundown. The five younger boys are there to greet them as they arrive and lead them into the dinning room. One man in particular makes Bazim nervous and they eye each other as one of the other boys leads him away.

IMAD (as the man is gone and it's just them)
Who was that?

BAZIM (with a sneer)

He used to own you?

Bazim simply nods while staring daggers into the man's back.


When the table is filled to capacity, the five join the others serving the meal. The meal is festive and light. Plenty of conversation to go around for all the guests.

During the meal, Saib looks Qadir's way and the two lock eyes. Saib looks away quickly. It happens a few more times until Saib stops looking his direction entirely.

After the dinner, the men move the conversations to the library. Aazad and Imad are doing the dishes while Bazim, Saib and two others clear the table. The rest of the slaves are in the library.

Just as the other two boys leave to take some dishes into the kitchen, the door opens and Qadir walks into the room. Smiling, he walks straight to Saib.

QADIR (taking Saib's chin in his hand)
Kazim always manages to find the good ones.

Saib is unsure of what to do, but slightly pulls his head back to take his chin from the man's hand.

Leave him alone, Qadir!

QADIR (turning to him, angrily)
Go away, boy!

BAZIM (just as angrily)
If I leave, I leave to get Kazim.

Qadir snubs the boy and turns back to Saib. With a stroke of his hand along Saib's face, he turns around. As he leaves the room, he and Bazim glare at each other. Once he's gone, Bazim walks to Saib.

BAZIM (cont)
Are you alright?

Me? After the way you talked to him, aren't you afraid of what Kazim's going to do when he finds out?

BAZIM (smiling again)
Qadir will not tell Kazim anything. Kazim is more powerful and he knows what Qadir is like.

Then why does he invite the man to his dinner parties?

I think it is out of respect for his small status. The king appointed him to the committee the two share, but Kazim has the seniority.

Imad walks in the room.

Did I miss something?

The two boys look at each other and smirk a little.

SAIB (shrugging)
Not really. I'll tell you later.

He and Bazim join Imad and Aazad with the dishes.

66 EXT. | BEACH | NIGHT 66

They finish in good time and Saib hits the beach for a swim to relax. After the swim, he lies back on the beach for a few minutes, thinking. Soon, he stands and after picking up he breech, he looks out over the ocean.

SAIB (to himself)
I guess it's not so bad after all.


Monday arrives and Saib serves the meal with the others, taking Aazad's place with Kazim's son, Yusuf.

Yusuf is about twelve or so, looking a lot like a younger version of Kazim. Son to the second wife; Zeba. The son seems pleased with this also.

After the meal, he invites turns to Saib.

Would you like to see my room, Saib?

Saib nods enthusiastically.


It is orderly and clean. Books are on the shelf and a computer sits on his desk. Saib's yearning eyes go right to it.

YUSUF (noticing where he's looking)
Oh, you like that?

Yes sir. I had one back home.

You don't have to call me 'sir?, Saib. 'Yusuf' will do.

Yes sir 3; oops. Sorry.

To cover the slip, Yusuf invites Saib to sit at the computer. Everything is in Arabic, so he doesn't understand it. Yusuf connects to the internet for him, though.

Wish I could talk to my friends back home.

YUSUF (a little surprised)
Not your parents?

My parents don't want me.

Why would you think that?

I heard a tape of them talking. They said that I was too expensive and they didn't want me around anymore.

What about the rest of your family?

SAIB (shrugging)
Well, my brothers gave me to some guys to be brought over here and then made it look like I was dead so no one would ask any questions.

YUSUF (smirking)
That was clever of them.

Saib glares at him, deciding what to do about the comment.

I am sorry, my friend, that was uncalled for.

SAIB (shrugging)
It's alright. The funny thing is, that was probably the only smart thing they ever came up with on their own.

Not too smart, are they?

Well, let's just say that they get by on their looks and charm, not that they have much of that, either.

YUSUF (smiling)
Well, let me show you some things on here 3;

The boys play on the computer for a while until it's lunchtime. At lunch, Imad pulls him aside.

69 INT. | KITCHEN 69

Where have you been all morning?

With Kazim's son, Yusuf. Why?

Well, I've had to spend the morning with the arse that's our roommate. At least he's acting a little better. His bottom's still black all over. Not even a hint of pink anywhere.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, you'll have to spend the week with him in the kitchen. It's part of his punishment.

IMAD (sarcastically drawn out)
Great. I guess he's punishing me too, eh?

SAIB (smiling)
I suppose so, since you deserve it.

Imad backhands him in retaliation as both boys share a laugh.


The boys then walk out back. Bazim is there and walks up to them.

Care for a swim?

Actually, I've got to study, Bazim. Thanks, though.

I suppose that goes for me too.

BAZIM (a little disappointed)
Alright. See you at dinner.

Bazim leaves.

The two boys crack the books for the first time. Saib spends the week in study or with Yusuf during the day and Imad in the mornings and evenings. Friday arrives and Kazim calls him into his study off the library.


He swivels a computer screen to him as the boy walks in the door.

Do you know what this is, Saib?

Yes sir; It's a computer.

KAZIM (getting the joke, smiles)
Very amusing. I mean the website, Saib.

The boy looks harder at it.

It's the website for a computer company, sir.

Yusuf tells me you are very adept at computers.

The boy nods.

KAZIM (cont)
Can you tell me what software they are using?

Yes sir.

Saib goes to the computer and looks around the website for a few minutes, acquiring information personal to the company's site. He is done in a scant few minutes.

Well done. Okay, you may go. Thank you, Saib.

Yes sir.

He bows out of the room, wondering what that was all about.


He tells Imad about the experience that night.

Maybe he's testing you for something.

That's the only thing I can think of.

He rolls over and the two fall asleep.


A week later, he is called back into the study and Kazim has pulled up the database to the American FBI. He shows it to Saib.

Can you cripple this?

Saib takes a step back, thinking. Finally, he nods slightly.

KAZIM (firmly)
Then do it.

SAIB (after a few more minutes of thinking)
No sir.

KAZIM (a little threateningly)
What did you say to me?

SAIB (voice getting stronger as he talks to him)
If you want me to do something, anything, around here, I'll do it, sir. But I won't do something like that. That's my old country you're wanting to hurt and I won't do it.

KAZIM (getting a little angry)
This is your country now, and I own you. You will do as I say, boy. Cripple that database, now!

SAIB (shaking and crying a little, worried, but resolved)
No sir, I won't do it.

Kazim moves fast to him, causing him to cower before the man. He grabs the boy by the collar and roughly leads him to the desk. He puts him into the chair in front of the computer and takes the seat beside him. He gets into the boy's face a little, while still holding onto the collar.

KAZIM (gritting his teeth)
Last chance, Saib.

SAIB (sniffing and shaking, he nods)
Yes sir, I know, but, I won't do it.

Kazim releases him and turns around. When he turns back around, he is holding another brass bracelet. He places the bracelet in the boy's lap. Saib is stunned.

Good. That is what I needed to know, Saib. A person who will betray his country will betray anyone. I apologize for putting you through that, but I needed to know. I test each of my servants in different ways if they get close to my sons, so do not take it personally.

Saib sighs and wipes the tears fully from his face. After a few seconds, he's calmer.

I won't, sir, but you could have done it without scaring me like that.

When a person is scared with a threat to their lives, there is only truth. They do not have the time to make up lies. But I do need you to do two things. One, do not tell anyone about this, as it is a personal test that any of them may go through at one time or another.

Saib nods.

KAZIM (cont)
Second, can you erase my presence of being in their database?

SAIB (nodding)
Yes sir, but I won't show you how.

I understand, and I won't ask you to. Just that you do it.

Saib, nodding, turns to the computer. With the skill of a master conductor, he manipulates the keyboard here like he once did at Matt's house, erasing all evidence of them being there.

Thank you, Saib. Now, from here on, you can serve Yusuf at the meals. And you may continue your friendship with him if you like.

Saib nods.

KAZIM (cont)
Also, if he goes into town for something, you can go with him. You do not have to, but you can if you want. Any questions?

What about being in the kitchens?

Aazad and Imad are in the kitchens now and excluding one day a week, it is no longer your concern. Unless you wish to do more of it?

SAIB (after thinking about it)
As long as Imad's in there, I don't mind it, sir.

KAZIM (smiling)
Alright, then let's do this, then. You can assist in the kitchen before and after the meals. When it comes to serving them, move to the dining room. How is that?

I think I can do that, sir.

I thought you could.

Saib leaves, putting the second bracelet around his wrist. He smiles, but is also concerned as to the reasons for the test.


Later (a week or so) Saib is in the library. It is evening and he finishes his studies, closing his copy of the Qur'an. He looks in and sees Kazim's computer screen on. Looking around the room, no one is there. He slips quietly into the office.


Still looking around, he moves the mouse and the screensaver clears. A password prompt pops up and Saib clears that easily. He clicks onto the internet and easily accesses a previously visited chat room using Yusuf's ID. With nothing happening there, he switches to another and sees an ID he recognizes; Starkiller100. He freezes in shock.

SAIB (whispering to himself)

Still shocked but moving now, Saib quickly, with shaking hands, logs off and turns off the computer. He backs away, staring at the blank screen for a few minutes.


His brow furls and he walks away, sulking. As no one is there, he walks outside to stand at the edge of the backyard overlooking the ocean.


Wind whips his breech around as he gazes across the ocean. He crosses his arms and places them on the fence while looking out to the sun that has just set. A lone tear slips down his cheek. A voice breaks him out of his reverie.

Am I disturbing you, Saib?

SAIB (a little startled)
No sir.

He wipes his face of his tears and turns to face him. Kazim kneels down in front of him, taking the boy's elbows in his hands.

KAZIM (genuinely concerned)
What is wrong?

Nothing, sir, just miss my old life a little.

And what brought this on?

Saib decides the truth is best.

I logged onto the net using Yusuf's ID and saw a friend's ID in an old chat room just a few minutes ago.

Did you say anything to him?

No sir. I got scared and logged out and switched off the computer. I just didn't expect to see it; that's all. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

No, you did not do anything wrong, Saib. But if you wish to set up a new name for yourself, you may do so. The only thing I ask is that you do not let him know your real name.

Saib nods back while gaining a little more composure.

I understand sir, but I don't think he would believe it anyway. He thinks I'm dead also.

Well, for the time being, let him think that.

I will sir.

FF a month as Saib and Yusuf becoming closer friends, but the younger keeping his place. Saib has become more comfortable with his role in the house. Imad earns his way off permanent kitchen duty by now.


One afternoon, Imad enters the bedroom shared by the boys and Saib is making the bed that was Aazad's.

What's going on?

Wasi just told me that Aazad is back in the punishment room again.

IMAD (shocked)
Again? Christ; that's the second time in the past two months!

SAIB (smiling)
Yeah. You'd think that he'd learn by now.

Apparently not. How long did Wasi say he was going to be gone?

He didn't, but I'm assuming that it's going to be a while. He told me that I had his bed now.

Well, at least I won't get hit by your elbow anymore.

Or wake up to your snoring in my ear.

Both boys laugh at each other and Imad helps Saib make his bed.


Late one particular night 3;

SAIB (throwing his pillow down his body in frustration)


Can't sleep.

Know the feeling.

Get something to eat?

Sounds good.

They throw their covers off and grab their breeches.

79 INT. | KITCHEN 79

In the kitchen, they find a bowl of fruit and share it with two forks.

Nice to be in here and not have to work in it.

SAIB (smiling)
I know what you mean. At least now we only have to be in here once a week.

Tell me about it.

IMAD (cont) (changing the subject as he sees something is amiss with Saib)
Is something bothering you?

Not really, I was just thinking of the last night with my parents.

Good one?

Sort of. It was the night before my brothers did what they did. They were away planning it all, although I didn't know that. It was just me and my parents at home. We ate pizza and watched a movie. We had a good time. I never even knew 3;

What'd you watch?

The Phantom --

A noise outside in the hall causes both boys to stop what they are doing. They look at each other for a second, waiting to hear the noise again and it comes. Quietly they move to the door and Imad eases it open. Another noise; It's a door opening, but on the floor above them.

IMAD (whispering)
Want to check it out?

SAIB (shrugging)
Why not?


They ease out of the door and cross the dinning room. They open that door and look up. A shadow is sneaking up the stairs. Imad points upward and Saib nods.


They follow the shadow as quietly as possible. It moves up one more flight to the third floor and the two boys still follow it. Saib realizes where it's going as another door opens; Kazim's bedroom and communicates it quietly to Imad who nods.

They take the remaining steps two at a time to overtake the shadow.


They arrive at the top of the stairs to see into the room. The shadow is standing over the master bed with a knife. The two run into the room and Saib shouts.



The shadow turns and is delayed by the sudden shout. The boys are on it and jump it before the knife completes its purpose. All three are knocked to the ground in a heap of tumbling mass.

Kazim woke at the sound of the shout, but is unable to turn on the lamp until the boys hit the shadow to the ground.

As the lamp is turned on and light fills the room, the shadow is revealed to be Aazad. Imad has his legs down and Saib is wrestling with the knife in his hand.

Kazim throws off the covers and grabs the boy's wrist that has the knife. It is taken away and Aazad is yanked to his feet, tossing off the other two to the floor. His arms are restrained behind his back. He is struggling, uselessly.

Come to kill me, Aazad? Then let us make it a fight.

KAZIM (cont) (to the other two)
Boys, give us some room.

He releases the boy and hands him the knife. Saib and Imad move apart, giving the pair some space. The two separate, facing each other. Aazad hesitates.

What is the matter, Aazad? Are you afraid now that I am awake? Only cowards attack someone in their sleep, boy.

I am not a coward!

Then prove it. Attack me now.

The boy makes a stab move with the knife, but it is too wide and Kazim grabs his wrist. It is twisted and the wrist is broken quickly. Aazad screams, dropping the knife.

Clumsy attempt, Aazad; much too wide.

He pulls the boy towards him, driving his knee into his stomach simultaneously. The opportunity to finish the fight is in his reach, but the man lets it pass. The boy is lying on the ground cradling his broken wrist, crying and wracking his lungs to get air.

A noise at the door causes Kazim, Saib, Imad, and Mais (in the bed, covering her body with the sheets) to look towards it. It is Wasi coming to investigate.

What's happened, Kazim?

Only Aazad poorly attempting to murder me.


Kazim turns.

SAIB (cont)
What's going to happen to him now?

He will be eliminated, Saib.

Both Imad and Saib are shocked.

You mean killed off?

KAZIM (not angry)
He tried to kill me, Imad.

Yes sir, I know, but still 3;

Let him live, Master, please.

Why should I do that? It is what he deserves, Saib.

Yes sir, I know. But he won't learn anything if he's dead. Maybe he'll make something out of his life if you let him live. Besides, doesn't the Qur'an teach that forgiveness is better than revenge?

Smiling, Kazim pauses to think about it briefly.

KAZIM (to himself, but looking at Saib)
So, the student teaches the teacher. Very well.

Then Kazim turns to Wasi.

KAZIM (cont)
Call the doctor, Wasi.

Wasi nods and leaves.

Thank you, sir.

Kazim nods and kicks the knife slightly to get it out of the way. Aazad is still moaning and wailing on the floor over his broken wrist. A swift kick to his side by Kazim.

Shut up, boy, or I will really give you something to cry about.

Aazad quiets down as Wasi shows back up.

KAZIM (cont) (to Wasi again)
Take this thing downstairs to the entry hall, Wasi, and watch him until I arrive. The doctor should be here soon. Let him tend to the boy's wrist.

Yes sir.

He takes the wounded boy and leaves. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Kazim turns to Saib and Imad.

Okay, tell me.

Well, sir, neither of us could sleep and when we heard a noise from the kitchen, we decided to check it out. We saw him go upstairs and where he was headed to.

When we saw the knife, though, we jumped him. And you know the rest.

KAZIM (smiling)
Well done, then. You both will have a bracelet waiting for you in the morning. Now, go get some sleep, if you can.

The two nod and bow out of the room.


Excited, the two head downstairs and walk past the doors as the doctor arrives to tend to Aazad. They get to their room and hear a blood-curdling scream come from Aazad as his arm is reset.

SAIB (shocked)
They didn't give him anything for the pain?

Probably on Kazim's orders. Punishment, I suppose. I wonder what he's going to do with him now that you've asked Kazim to let him live.

I dunno. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

They call it a night and get into bed.


The next day. Aazad is not at breakfast assembly for the slaves. Saib walks to Wasi with Imad trailing behind him.

What happened to Aazad after last night?

Kazim had his arm set and he was released. He won't be back.


Ever; he's been banished from the house.

Wasi holds out two bracelets.

WASI (cont)
And these are for you two. Kazim would've given them to you personally this morning, but he had to run to the office very early on business matters.

IMAD (smiling and taking his first bracelet)

SAIB (to Imad)
I guess we get to keep the room to ourselves from now on.

I suppose so.

SAIB (back to Wasi)
Is Kazim going to replace him?

Not right now. Remember, thanks to you two we're a little overstaffed. Once Aniq and I leave, the house will roughly have the appropriate number of slaves.

WASI (cont) (to Saib)
And if you keep this up, you'll end up getting this brass collar when I leave.

IMAD (rolling his eyes)
Don't tell him that; It's hard enough living with him now.

Wasi laughs as Saib backhands him.


Time passes and one afternoon, Amaya, Saib, and Imad walk into the office. Wasi and Jamal are there as well.

SAIB (to Kazim)
You wanted to see us, sir?

Kazim shows them something on the small television. It is the World Trade Center in flames as the two planes have struck the towers.

Good Lord!

Oh my God!

SAIB (to Kazim)
What happened?

Apparently, two airplanes were flown into the buildings. Do you know anyone that lives there?

No sir. That's New York. All my family's in Texas.

Mine are in the south also, sir.

If the five of you wish to watch what is going on, then you may have the rest of today to yourselves.

Thank you sir. Do they know who did this?

Not yet, but knowing the American government, it will not take them long to figure it out.

Did you have anything do with this?

WASI (crossly)
Watch your tone, Imad.

IMAD (abashedly to Kazim)
I'm sorry, sir.

KAZIM (nodding)
Apology accepted, and, no, I did not have anything to do with this. I am not a party to anyone that will kill innocents for no reason. This is senseless and it will make the western countries hate us all the more.

SAIB (cautiously)
Do you know who did it?

I have heard some rumors, but nothing concrete. As I am the head of a multi-national company, I hear things, but I was not made aware of such plans as this. I know some unscrupulous people, and I have had dealings with some of them, but nothing close to this has touched my ears.

KAZIM (cont)
Now, I have some things to take care of, but if you wish to stay and see this, you may.

Kazim turns to the four former Americans.

KAZIM (cont)
I am deeply sorry that this has happened to your native country.

Thank you, sir.

Kazim leaves the children to the television.

What d'you think?

About what?

D'you think he's involved somehow?

No way, Imad.

Why? Because he's your master?

You need to watch your attitude, Imad.

I'm sorry, Wasi, but it's obvious that terrorists did this. And Kazim is a Muslim from the middle east.

Oh, don't be so narrow minded.

He's right, Imad. Kazim doesn't have the personality for this type of thing. Whoever did this, is cold-blooded. Kazim doesn't fit that type.

I agree; there's no way he could be in on this.

Suit yourselves.

The others look at each other, but let the argument drop. They all watch everything that happened that day. The whole ordeal is very stressful for the former American kids.


One morning Yusuf comes to Saib as he's on the beach with Imad and Amaya.

Father is letting me go into town for a while. Do you want to go?

SAIB (face lighting up)
Yes, please; I could use the break.

Let us go, then.

SAIB (to the other two)
See you guys later.

Have fun.

They leave.


They're in town and Saib is walking behind Yusuf.

It is only us, Saib. You can walk with me, you know.

I know, but I'm still your servant, right?

I have come to think of you as a friend, Saib.

SAIB (smiling sheepishly)
Me too, Yusuf, but we are in public.

I do not care what others think. Get up here.

Yes sir!

He dramatically jogs the short step to walk next to Yusuf and the two snicker.

They turn a corner, into trouble. There is a small gang of some street-youths sitting there, with one very familiar face in the back; Aazad.

Out of your territory, are you not, Yusuf? I knew my patience would pay off eventually and you would be here.

Then he sees Saib.

AAZAD (smiling broadly)
And Saib. Do you know, my wrist still hurts?

Yusuf glances around as Saib speaks.

Then you shouldn't have tried to kill Kazim in his sleep.

YUSUF (turning to Aazad)
So that is why Father returned you to the streets, Aazad.

Oh, you had not heard? Then you are most fortunate to come this way, as now you know.

The other youths begin closing in on the helpless two.

SAIB (scared, but resolved)
We don't want any trouble, Aazad. Just let us go. No one needs to get hurt here.

AAZAD (laughing)
You think you can hurt any of us, little American?

Maybe he can not, but I certainly can, Aazad.

AAZAD (still laughing; mockingly)
Stop it Yusuf, you are frightening me.

You owe me, Aazad. Let us go and we'd be even.

AAZAD (now serious and turning angry)
I owe you nothing, American!!

Both boys had been buying time as well as steadily backtracking out of the area. Aazad sees what they are doing. Before they get too far back, he yells.

AAZAD (to the rest of the youths)
Take them!

Both Yusuf and Saib turn to run, but two men have turned up behind them, blocking their escape path. Saib doesn't think; he kicks the man in front of him between the legs, sending him to the ground. As the second man looks to his partner, disbelieving, Saib and Yusuf take the opportunity to slip by them.

They turn the corner at full speed and begin outdistancing the others behind them. One block later, Yusuf trips and falls to the pavement. Saib doesn't hear it and doesn't notice Yusuf isn't with him for another hundred feet or so. He turns to go back for him.

Go, Saib, get away!

Saib pays no attention to the command and jumps on the back of one boy facing away from him.

SAIB (as he lands on the boy)
Leave him alone!

The boy is knocked to the ground with his head hitting the concrete. He doesn't get up.

AAZAD (in fury, towards him)
You will pay for that, American!

Yusuf turns to kicks Aazad in the groin, but the young Arab is ready and moves harmlessly out of the way. Another youth kicks Yusuf in the side when he misses Aazad. Aazad sees opportunity and joins in to help his cohort.

Meanwhile, another boy has grabbed Saib by the arms and pulls him upward. Another youth advances on Saib as he's being manhandled, but a lucky kick lands on the boy's face, sending him backward and tripping over the unconscious youth. He gets back up and maneuvers around Saib's wild kicks enough to land a punch across his face.

The other two boys have ganged up on Yusuf as the boy is unable to defend himself any longer.

SAIB (yelling at them)
Stop it! You're killing him!

The youth that had hit Saib turns and to punch him across the face again and then in the stomach to stop the yelling. The one holding Saib releases him, but pushes him to the pavement in the same move.


He begins kicking Saib also. Soon enough, the two men arrive. They don't bother talking to Aazad or the other three youths, but push them aside. The youth that had been holding Saib kicks him one more time, and it is enough to send him into unconsciousness.


When he wakes, he is tied with his hands behind his back to a post. His knees and ankles are also tied together. He groans due to his body's pain. Yusuf is tied in a similar fashion to the same post behind him.

Are you alright, Saib?

My whole body and head hurts, but yeah, I guess so. Where are we?

In a warehouse, I think.

Where's the others?

YUSUF (sighing, but fearful)
In the other room. They tied us here and left. I heard them talking about trying to get money from Father for us. This is my fault, Saib, I am sorry.

Your fault? Why do you say it's your fault?

YUSUF (fear now creeping steadily into his voice)
Because they wanted me.

But if I hadn't convinced your father to let Aazad go, they wouldn't have known about you in the first place.

YUSUF (getting a little panicky, now)
But it is me they want; not you.

Settle down, Yusuf. All we gotta do, is think of a way out of this.

Sorry, Saib, I have never been through anything like this before.

Yeah, well, it's becoming an everyday thing for me.

Yusuf snickers, and relaxes a little. Saib thinks for a second and then an idea hits him.

Hold still. I think I got an idea.


Hold on a sec.

He uses his right hand to unlock the bracelet on his left wrist. It unlocks and he slips it from his arm. He pulls it up to use the edge to work on sawing the ropes.

This might take some time, so hold still.

What are you doing?

When I got my second bracelet, I accidentally cut myself on one of the edges one time. It might be sharp enough to cut the ropes.

What if it is not sharp enough?

Then you might be meeting Allah sooner than you want to.

YUSUF (snorting)
It is not Allah that has me worried. It is what they have planned for us before then 3;

Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind, also.

The younger boy patiently begins to saw and hack at the ropes with the bracelet. Eventually, after hours of work, the rope snaps and his hands are freed. Saib sighs and smiles at his own genius. He reaches down and unties his knees and ankles.

YUSUF (sighing in relief)
Good job, Saib. Now, get me loose.

Saib is about to untie him, but he stops and 'perks' up his ears.

SAIB (listening intently)
Wait 3;

He hears someone approaching towards the door.

YUSUF (panicking, but whispering)

Saib knows that he can't untie Yusuf in time. He sees a board lying close to the door and grabs it. He pulls it back and nervously waits.

When the door is opened, he swings it as hard as he can, hitting the entering person in the gut. The man bowls over and Saib is ready for another hit that lands on the man's neck. A sickening crack is heard as his neck is broken. But it doesn't stop Saib. He keeps hitting the man over and over until he tires.

When the man is sufficiently dead, Saib sags to his knees. The man's blood has mixed with Saib's sweat and tears as he just sits there staring at the man he has just killed.

I'm not letting it happen again 3; Not again.

Um, Saib 3;?

SAIB (turning towards him)

Then he realizes his mistake that Yusuf needs to be freed as well.

SAIB (cont)
Oh, sorry.

He crawls to Yusuf and unties his friend. Once Yusuf is free, he sits back on his heels.

We have to get out of here, my friend. If we are still here, they will certainly kill us after seeing this.

Where're we gonna go?

Anywhere is better than here, Saib.

Saib nods and Yusuf helps him to his feet. They are about to leave the room to the other room, when the door to the outside opens. Another man and Aazad walk in the room together talking.

3;good, because I am getting tired of you doing it to me, Abdul.

Placing an arm around Aazad's shoulder, the man laughs.

Before either of them could adjust their eyes to see the pair of captives, Yusuf pulls Saib back into the room. He looks down and sees an automatic pistol in the holster of the dead man. He grabs it just before getting out of sight. Saib looks to Yusuf, wondering what he is going to do with the gun. Yusuf puts his finger to his lips. Saib nods.

Yusuf checks the pistol and gets it ready. The man with Aazad notices the body.

What is that?

Before he or Aazad could do anything else, Yusuf steps into the doorway and pulls the trigger. The first shot is wide left and he squeezes again. This one is on the mark and hits the man in the chest. Aazad has recovered enough to pull up an AK-47 and start to aim it at Yusuf.

Do not do it, Aazad.

Aazad lowers his gun to its original position.

YUSUF (cont)
Good. Now, lower it to the ground by the belt.

Aazad obeys.

You will not escape, Yusuf. There are people everywhere and we will find you. And your stupid American slave.

That is not your problem, Aazad. Come here.

Aazad walks over and Yusuf continues to hold the gun on him. He moves aside to let him into the room. Saib slips past him to go into the other room. Both boys eye each other as they pass. Yusuf has Aazad walk to the pole that he and Saib were just tied to. He throws Aazad a rope.

Tie your legs together, Aazad.

Unable to do anything otherwise, he complies.

YUSUF (when finished)
Hands behind the pole and if you try anything, I will kill you without a thought.

Regrettably, Aazad complies again and Yusuf ties the boy to the post. When finished, Yusuf turns away, but a shot rings out and blood flies from Aazad's chest. Aazad slumps forward; dead.

Yusuf dives out of the way and stands up, holding the pistol on Saib, holding the smoking AK-47. Saib is looking at Aazad; enraged.

I gave him a second chance, Yusuf. He won't get another one.

Shocked, Yusuf lowers his gun and walks over to Saib and moves his hand to lower the rifle. Yusuf takes it from him and lays the two weapons on the ground. He pulls Saib into an uncharacteristic embrace. Saib grabs him in a fierce hug as well, crying now that it is somewhat over. The crying subsides after some time.

We need to get out of here, my friend.

Saib nods and the two turn to the outside door again.

YUSUF (cont)
Shall we try this again?

SAIB (snickering as he wipes the tears away)
And I was just getting used to this place.

YUSUF (smiling)
You are around Imad too much.

SAIB (smiling back, but then turns serious)
Should we take the handgun?

Good idea. You never know.

He reaches down and takes it.


The two leave the building and make it to an alley close by. Saib spies a set of clothes; Abayas and Hijabs.

Let's put these on, Yusuf.

YUSUF (shocked)
What? These are women's clothes, Saib.

SAIB (mockingly)
Really? I wasn't aware of that!

Yusuf looks crossly at him.

SAIB (cont) (before he can retort)
I know they're women's clothing, Yusuf. But they'll be looking for two boys. If we cover ourselves with these, we can get home or to your father's building a lot safer.

Alright, but do not say a word of this to my brothers; I would never hear the end of it.

SAIB (sighing)
You Arabs and your pride 3;

Once dressed, they make sure the other is fully covered.

SAIB (looking Yusuf over)
You look good enough to kiss.

YUSUF (narrowing his eyes)
Just try it.

SAIB (smiling, then serious)
You do know which way to go, right?

YUSUF (looking serious also)
Well, I was hoping you would know, actually.

Now Saib narrows his eyes at him.

YUSUF (smiling back at him)
Yes, Saib, I know the general direction. Once we get to the business area, it will not be a problem finding Father's work. Do not worry, my friend.

SAIB (extremely sarcastic)
Worried? Who's worried? I got nothing to be worried about. Nothing at all.

YUSUF (shaking his head)
You definitely spend too much time with Imad.

The two don the Hijabs, Yusuf helping Saib with his, and set off, keeping in mind that they are women, or girls, now. They keep their heads bowed and subservient.

As it is night, fewer people are on the streets. After several blocks of walking, Yusuf ducks into an alley and leans against a wall. Even though it is night, he is still hot under the clothing.


I will never say another word against Mother about her complaints with her clothing again.

And it's night. Imagine if we were doing this in the daytime.

I am trying not to.

SAIB (smiling)
Let's go ahead and take a break, though, but not a long one.


They break and rest, then restart their journey. They take the journey in ten block increments, keeping as best as possible to the shadows.

Finally, after several breaks, Yusuf sees his Father's building. They make their way to it and hide in an alley across the street from it.


Should we get rid of the clothing?

As much as I want to, we had better keep it.

SAIB (smiling)
There's that pride again.

The two sit down on the sides of the alley to rest.

I wonder how long we'll have to wait.

Father usually arrives a few hours after dawn and after the walking we have done tonight, that cannot be that far off.

Really. I'm amazed we got here in one piece and without a problem.

I am too. Allah certainly smiled on us tonight.

Um, Yusuf?


How did you learn to handle that handgun so well?

Father taught me. He said that I had to learn to defend myself if I ever needed to.

I'm glad he did.

Me too.

They sit there till sunup. Dawn creeps over the buildings. Yusuf shakes Saib awake and the two edge to the end of the alley.


SAIB (rubbing his eyes awake)
When should we go?

Not until we see Father's car.

Saib nods.


They watch cars come and go until a long, black limousine pulls up to the building. The doors open, but only Tariq gets out and walks into the building.

Where is Father?

Maybe he's at home? Maybe he's waiting on the others to call him there. Besides, if my son was kidnapped, I wouldn't be going in to work.

You make a good point, Saib. Come on, let us go.

Looking both ways, they cross the street. As Tariq is walking up to the doors, a cry is heard from behind him.



He turns and is shocked to see both Saib and Yusuf running up to him in Abayas and Hijabs.

They run and grab him around his waist.

Still stunned, but only for a few seconds longer, he hugs both boys back. He breaks loose from them after a few minutes and kneels down.

How in Allah's name did you escape?

That was Saib's doing, and it is a long story, Tariq. Can we just go home, please?

Of course, of course. Let us go to the car.

He leads them to the car where an equally shocked driver is waiting for them as well. He opens the door for them and the three climb inside.


Tariq reaches for the car phone, but Saib stops him. He looks at the boy, puzzled.

We've been gone for over a day, Tariq. An hour longer won't matter. Besides, he can't do anything about it till we get home anyway.

He is right, Tariq. Let us get home before Father knows.

It is your choice, of course.

The two boys remove the women's clothing along the way and Tariq is stunned by the bruising and cuts on their bodies.

Saib has dried blood on him from the man he killed. He also has his own dried blood on his lip from a cut, both eyes are blackened, his skinned elbows and bruises cover his torso.

Dried blood is on Yusuf as well from skinned knees and elbows, cut on face and side. Bruises line Yusuf's side and jaw.


The car pulls up to the house. Tariq unloads the car first and leads the two boys into the house.


Kazim is walking across the entryway as the door is opened. Tariq steps out of the way and Kazim's son is in his sight. He drops everything in his hands and runs to the boy. He sinks into a kneeling slide as he reaches out to hug his son. The two embrace. After some time, Kazim pulls away.

KAZIM (wiping the tears away)
Are you alright, Yusuf?

I think so, Father.

Kazim embraces him again. Yusuf looks at him, painfully.

Saib is also hurt, Father.

Kazim looks at him as well.

Are you alright?

Yes sir, but Yusuf took it worse than I did.

Kazim embraces Saib as well. By this time, the whole house is aware of the arrivals. All wives, workers, and slaves appear from nowhere to see them. Yusuf is ambushed by his mother and siblings. Saib is done likewise by Imad, Amaya, Wasi, and Bazim. As the parties are separating, Kazim looks to Yusuf.

How did this happen?

We turned a corner and Aazad with some friends of his were waiting for us, Father. As there were four of them and two of us, we turned to run; sorry, Father.

Do not apologize for that, Yusuf. You were right in leaving. Go on.

YUSUF (a little stronger voice)
Well, we tried, but there were two men standing in our way. Saib kicked one of them between his legs and we ran past him. As we ran, I tripped. Saib didn't know, but when he found out, he came back. I told him not to, but he did anyway.

Kazim looks at him.

SAIB (shrugging)
I couldn't just leave him, Master.

And you have my eternal gratitude for doing that. How did you get out of it all?

Well, a fight started 3;

The story continues with both boys filling in the blanks until it is finished. For the sake of Yusuf's pride, they skip the part concerning the clothing, but the driver untimely brings them inside.

They were wearing these, sir.

Yusuf hits his face with his hand and covers it.

SAIB (snickering)
Perfect timing, of course.

Kazim looks to the clothing and back to his son.

SAIB (answering the unasked question)
They were used as a disguise to get to your work building unnoticed, sir.

Some snickering came from Yusuf's younger siblings and some of the slaves.

SAIB (cont) (shrugging defensively)
Well, it worked, Kazim.

KAZIM (smiling, but also trying not to laugh)
And that is all that matters. It was quick thinking on your part to use them.

KAZIM (cont) (he turns to the others)
I need to speak to these two alone for a few minutes. After that, they will need their rest, so please give them the space needed.

The gathered crowd nods and parts to let them through. Kazim takes them into the office off the library. He turns to Saib first.

99 INT. | LIBRARY 99

Give me your collar, Saib.

Surprised, Saib reaches up and unlocks his collar and hands it to Kazim.

KAZIM (cont) (taking the collar from him)
As you have given me my son back, I will give you a choice, Saib. You may leave and return to America with my blessing. Or you may stay and take Wasi's place when he leaves.

Shocked, Saib staggers backward. Unsure of what to do, he just looks at the man he has come to know as his master.

KAZIM (cont)
It is up to you, Saib.

SAIB (a little more himself, nods)
Thank you, sir 3; Can I think about it?

Of course, of course. Take your time and tell me when you have decided.

Saib nods and bows out of the room, leaving father and son alone.

100 EXT. | BACK PORCH 100

He limps away and to the back porch. No one is there and he is given some time to think. But the words of the song, 'Cecilia', are the only thing that come to his mind.

SAIB (to himself)
Cecilia 3; you're breaking my heart 3;

The door behind him opens and Amaya, Bazim, and Imad are there. Amaya walks up and hugs him.

Well, you've had quite a time in town. Mind if I go next time?

Saib smirks back at him.

AMAYA (kissing him on the cheek)
Well, I'm just glad you made it back okay, Saib.

She backs away.

SAIB (taken aback a little)
Uh, thanks, Amaya.

Hang on; where's your collar?

Kazim has it.


SAIB (taking a deep breath)
'Cause he's given me a choice; go back to the States or take the brass collar when Wasi leaves.

All three are naturally stunned. After a minute's silence, Amaya speaks.

So, what're you gonna do?

He's going home, of course.

To what, Julian? To brothers that sold me off? To parents that don't want me?

At least you wouldn't be a slave any longer.

SAIB (cont) (a little softer voice)
Yeah, well, I told Kazim I would have to think about it. He's given me the time. I just don't know what to do, though.

Well, whatever you decide, we'll be there for you, Sean.

With that, she hugs and kisses him again on the cheek. And with a swish of her blond hair and hanging breech, she turns and walks away.

IMAD (shaking his head)
Females are so emotional.

IMAD (cont) (looking to Saib)
Look, seriously Sean, make your decision for you, alright? Don't worry about us.

He also gives his friend a slight hug, minding his wounds. Saib nods to him and then Bazim. He walks off and hears Bazim talk to Imad.

And you said that the females are emotional 3;

Saib turns to see Imad backhand Bazim across the chest lightly. The two boys smile at each other and turn to Saib. Saib walks inside the house as he hears Imad from behind him.

I don't envy him right now.

101 INT. | LIBRARY 101

Closing the door, he looks around the room, staring at all the items he has come to be familiar with. As he enters the entryway, Zeba walks in the room.

102 INT. | ENTRYWAY 102

She bows to the boy.

Thank you for saving my son, Saib. I am in your debt.

SAIB (unsure of what exactly to say, stutters)
Your welcome, Zeba, I guess.

Yusuf told me of the choice that Kazim has given you. Before you decide, I think you should know that you will be missed by everyone here if you decide to leave. I know both Yusuf and Farah have come to enjoy having you here.

SAIB (nodding to her)
Thank you. I just don't know 3;

That is understandable. I hope you will stay, though.

Although it's taboo, she takes his face in her two hands and kisses him on both cheeks. She then walks away. Saib is left standing there, stunned. A tear traces his face again. He wipes it away and turns toward the kitchen.


That evening, Saib is lying on his bed with Imad gently snoring in his own. Flashes of what all has happened to him play across his mind. His room back in Texas first comes to mind. Matt is next. The night before the kidnap with pizza and the movie. He smiles at it all. Then the kidnap, the flight, Michael, and the auction. Gaining the bracelets and that day's events are last as he tries to rest his aching body. He rolls over and falls into a fitful sleep.


The next day, he wakes up before Imad and tracks down Wasi. He's in the kitchen, getting things ready for the day. He smiles as he sees the boy.

How are you this morning?

Still very sore, and I look like a raccoon.

WASI (smiling again)
You will for a while I suppose, but it'll heal.

Yeah, thanks.

SAIB (cont) (then, changing subjects)
I guess you know by now about my problem.

Wasi nods.

SAIB (cont)
What would you do if you had my choice?

WASI (sighs and puts down the knife that was in his hand)
If it were me, I would go back, but that's me. I still have some sort of family; an uncle and some cousins. But from what you've told me, your family isn't too keen on you. So, our decisions would be different as our circumstances are different.

Then why aren't you going home when the master frees you?

WASI (shrugging)
Simple; my school's paid for by Kazim and I have a future here, not to mention almost ten years of a history. But if I were your age, my decision would be different than it is right now. Yet again, though, we have different circumstances.

Saib flops down onto a stool. He covers his face up with his hands, then wipes off the tears before Wasi sees them.

I just don't know what to do, Wasi.

This is your choice, Saib, and no one can make it for you. But ask yourself this question; is your life better here or there? Then you'll have your answer.

Saib nods and leaves the older boy to his breakfast.

105 EXT. | BACK PORCH 105

He strolls out back and looks over the ocean once again, almost begging it to tell him what to do. Not able to get an answer, he descends the steps to the beach.

106 EXT. | BEACH | DAY 106

He watches the waves move the sand around.

BAZIM (from behind him)
How bout a swim? It might clear your head?

That 3; sounds great.

The breeches and bracelets are dropped to the sand and two boys run to the waves. Some time later, they emerge from the waves.

Have you made your decision?

While looking down at the sand, Saib nods, slyly.

And what have you decided?

I think I owe it to Kazim to know the answer first.

You are a most frustrating American, Saib.

SAIB (smiling)
No, not American. Not anymore.

He grabs the breeches and tosses Bazim one. The two boys mount the steps and are 'fully dressed' by the time they reach the top.

107 EXT. | BACK PORCH 107

Saib looks into the library and sees Kazim.

I'll see you later, Bazim.

Okay, my friend.

And Bazim?

The boy turns.

SAIB (cont) (smiling to him)

Smiling back, Bazim nods and walks away as Saib sighs and makes his way into the library.

108 INT. | LIBRARY 108


Kazim looks up and smiles at the boy. Saib walks to the couch and stands before him. Kazim hands him a brass collar.

I am honored that you are staying, Saib.

Unable to help himself, Saib is smiling, but nods to his master. He dons his brand new collar and looks back up with confidence.

[Camera moves in to a close-up of Saib's face as he is smiling to his master, but then fades to black].

Credits roll 3;

END of Part One

if somebody of you have part 2, please sent it to me.
(use the feedback form then I give you my e-mail address).

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