StoTelAlexThe Adventures of Captain Steve JohnsonPart OneA Souvenir From Scotland |
SummaryCaptain Steve Johnson is ordered to go to battle in Scotland. Unfortunately he gets injured and is relieved of duty. On his way home he encounters two orphans who he takes as slaves. But are they really orphans?
Publ. Jul 2010-..
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CharactersSean (11yo) and Rob (10yo), Capt. Steve Johnson (adult) and his daughter Ellis (16yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/historicalMb fb – slave/cons mast oral anal – spank castr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteAny relation to real historical persons are circumstantial. This story does not pretend to be historically correct. It is a story that could have occurred, although there are no historical facts underlining this story. It's 100% fiction.Feel free to sent any suggestions or other feedback through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Capt Steve Johnson in the subject line. |
Table of Contents |
Early RetirementIt was the spring of 1705. Captain Johnson was ordered to fight with his troops under Colonel Stevens against the Scots. He had the command of over 100 men and they were now heading north to battle in the valley of the Clyde. The weather wasn't great. It had rained for four days now and everything was soaked. Almost ten percent of his men had a cold and the medics had to do everything to prevent them from developing pneumonia.When they arrived at the pre-arranged place the men made camp on the top of a hill and were trying to make the best of it. Tomorrow the battle would take place a mile downstream. Normally it would be a busy place but now most of the men stayed in their tents. The only ones who where outside were the ones on guard duty. Captain Johnson ordered his troops to set up their tents and then went to the officer's tent to let the Colonel know he and his troops had arrived. He was warmly welcomed and introduced to the other Captains. He was then quickly informed about the plans for tomorrow's battle. They studied the map of the area and looked for the best way to proceed with the least chance of an ambush. In the end they had finally made up their minds and went to their own tents to get some rest. The next day at dawn the Queen's army headed for the battlefield. It was an impressive sight. Four hundred men in bright red coats marching up the hills lead by five men on horses. By now it had stopped raining and the red of the coats contrasted with the fresh young green grass in the hills. When they finally arrived the men were welcomed by a group of a hundred Scotsmen. The battle began and after half an hour, it seemed that the end was almost there. Most of the Scotsmen were killed. There were only ten or fifteen left who still gave up a good fight. Unfortunately Steve hadn't noticed the Scotsman who was 45 feet [15 m] away. The man had a musket and aimed at the Captain sitting on his horse. Before a soldier could react, he shot at Steve. Immediately after the shot the man was beheaded with one stroke. For Steve that was too late. The shot had hit him. His horse was startled by the impact and almost threw him off. When the animal was calmed down Steve's injury was assessed. He wasn't killed but his knee was shattered. The soldiers immediately took him to the medics. They were able to clean the wound but they couldn't tell how the joint would heal. There was a big chance that his knee would no longer function properly. After a while the Colonel came to see his Captain. "It looks like they got you." "So it seems, Sir." "I wonder if you can stay." "What do you mean, Sir?" "Do you think the army can use a crippled man on the battlefield?" "No, Sir, you're right. But I don't know what else to do. I've never learned anything else." "That's up to you. I'll give you some recommendations. Maybe that'll help. But, if I'm well informed, your late wife wasn't without assets." "Correct Sir, I've inherited an estate with staff. But I now need to find a way to make money to maintain the house." "Well, you're a clever men. I've no doubt you'll come up with something." The Colonel rose up and started to leave. "Eh, sir, what was the outcome?" "We've won and lost." "What do you mean, sir?" "We've won the battle. We've defeated those hundred Scotsmen. But we've lost two hundred fifty of the four hundred men we had." "Sir, maybe you'll hate me for saying this but with these numbers I'm glad that I'm no longer participating." "Johnson, it's good that I've known you longer than today, or else I might have thought you got wounded on purpose. As soon as you are able you'll come and see me, okay? I'll give you your papers and an escort home." "Thank you sir." Steve laid back to get some rest. He tried to get some sleep but his financial problems got the best of him. How could he maintain the mansion without the constant cash flow from the army? Sure he had some savings. But they wouldn't last more than nine months. He had to think of something or he and his fifteen year old daughter would be homeless. But they would not be the only ones homeless. Their staff would also be out of a job. There was the head of the household, the head butler, James. He had worked for the family for over thirty years now. Then there was his daughter, the maid Sarah. Her mother had died giving birth to her twenty years a go. She was now the maid and help in the kitchen. There she helped the cook, Rosy, who'd worked about as long for the family as James. The last one was Jake, the gardener and stable-'boy'. He was the oldest of all but had 'only' worked for the family for fifteen years now. They all felt like family for Steve and he knew his daughter felt the same way. The entire household therefore consisted from six people. How could he provide for them? He had to find a way. Suddenly, he was reminded of his youth. He had always been a good trader with his friends. No matter what it was he always seemed to be able to make a profit out of it. Perhaps he could start a trading business. But in what? Then it came to him. He had always had an eye for good antiques and valuables. He could trade in them. He would specialize in furniture, jewellery, sculptures and paintings. He could sell from his mansion. He would take one of the rooms as sales room. Immediately he thought about the things he already had. Which of them could he put in the room to start his business with? After a while he already had the room filled in his head. From then he knew there wouldn't be a problem and he felt at ease. He calmed down and fell asleep. After a few days Steve was well enough to travel. He went to the Colonel to say goodbye. "Ah, Johnson, welcome. How is your knee now?" "Still stiff sir. I don't think it'll ever function like it used to." "Too bad. I've prepared your papers and arranged an escort of four men for you." "Thank you sir." "Have you already decided what to do with your life from now on?" "Yes sir, I've decide to give trading a go." "Trading? In what?" "Antiques sir. Furniture, sculptures, jewellery. I was always good in trading when I was younger. I think I'll see if I've still got it." "Well, good for you. I hope you'll be successful. And if you ever find a nice game table let me know." "I will, sir, thank you again for everything." "God's bless, Johnson." "God's bless, Sir." With that Steve left the tent and went to his horse. His escort was already waiting. Steve hoisted himself on his horse and the party went off heading south.
Two enemies?The party travelled through the valley on their way to Carlisle. From there Steve would go home to his mansion. It was located between York and Harrogate. Because the last few days had been very rainy the soil was sticky and they couldn't travel as quickly as they would have wanted.When they had just left the mountains south of Heart Fell they came through a place that once was a village. Every house was burned down to the ground. Steve looked at the devastated surroundings and sighed. How could his former colleagues do things like this? Okay, there was a war going on, but these were houses, not barracks. What happened to the people who lived there? Were they inside when it happened? Had they been warned and had they fled into the mountains? Suddenly one of the soldiers saw something move between the scorched wood and the ashes. He ran towards the place were the movement had been and pulled a small boy out from the bushes. He was brown haired and wearing a traditional Scottish kilt. The boy couldn't be much older then eleven or twelve years. Steve didn't like the soldier much who had spotted the boy. He even hated him more when the soldier made his remark. "Seems one of those barbarians survived. We'll soon fix that," the soldier said and pulled out his sword. Just as the blade would swing down Steve interfered. "No!" Steve said firmly holding his own sword up to protect the boy from the blow. To the party's surprise Captain Johnson wasn't the only one who had yelled. They quickly looked in the direction of the sound. There was another boy. The spitting image of the first one but smaller. He had the same hair and the same outfit. He was probably the younger brother of the first boy. Steve signed to one of the soldiers to grab the boy. When both boys were brought to him he could start his interrogation. "What happened here?" "You pigs burned it down!" The oldest boy said. Immediately the soldier closest to the boy slapped him across the face. "You'll address the Captain in an appropriate way. It's 'Sir' to you, understand?" The boy looked angrily at the soldier but remained calm. This gave Steve the opportunity to proceed the questioning. "What happened to the people?" "All killed except us, Sir." "Everyone?" "Yes, Sir." "How? What happened?" "First they locked the doors and then they burned everything down." "How come you two survived?" "We were in the mountains playing. We weren't inside when they locked the doors, Sir." "Who was in charge?" "A Captain. They called him Latimer." Steve knew him. He had heard of his ways of battle. He would lock the people in their houses and then set fire to the buildings. Steve always thought the stories were exaggerated, but apparently they weren't. Steve bowed his head. Then he descended from his horse and let the soldiers hold the boys. He now started to search the boys for weapons. He did this by feeling their clothes very thoroughly. He didn't feel any weapons on the youngest boy, but he did discover some other things about the boy. One thing was that the boy was very well built and the outside air had obviously done the boy good. Although he was small he had a good set of muscles. Steve discovered another thing when he felt the boys legs under his kilt. The boy dressed traditionally. In other words, Steve felt the small boyhood strike his hand. He took the opportunity to fondle the boy's parts a bit. He let the small balls go through his fingers and then started to fondle the little dickie. The boy was still bold. It felt nicely soft and silky. Last time Steve had felt something like that was two months ago. He had made his rounds over the estate and came to the orchard. Everything looked okay until he noticed a figure moving in the shadows. Steve had a sling with him and threw a pebble to the creature, thinking it was some kind of animal. But then he heard it say "ouch." He walked over to see a small, dirty little boy. "Who are you and what are you doing with those apples?" Steve said as he took hold of the boy. Immediately the boy started to cry. "Please, Sir," the boy said in a trembling voice. "Please don't say anything to the Master. I'll give those apples back. Just please let me go." "And why should I do that? I think I'd better turn you in to the authorities." "Oh, please, Sir not that. They'll put me in a work-house. I won't survive." "And your parents?" "I'm an orphan, Sir." Then a plan popped into Steve's head. "Do you still want those apples? If you want you can earn them." "How, Sir?" "By doing exactly what I tell you to." "Okay, Sir." "Okay, stand here and let me do what I want with you without any resistance." Then Steve started to strip the young lad. When he was naked he let the boy turn around so he could admire the boy's physique. He was a cute kid. He pulled the boy to him and pressed him against his own body. He could feel the nice bubble-butt pressing against his member. With his free hand Steve started to feel the boy all over and ended by playing with the smooth ball sac and small boy-member. The boy's tool was stiffening with so much attention and it didn't take long before the entire boy stiffened up. Then Steve let him go. Still breathing heavily the boy looked at the man with big eyes. Steve immediately knew this was the boy's first time. "I hope you liked it, I surely did. Here, take these apples and scram. I don't want to see you here any more." The boy quickly got dressed again, grabbed the apples and immediately ran off. Steve had not seen him since. Suddenly Steve snapped out of his flashback and focused on the other boy. When Steve searched the older brother he found the same things. A very well built body and a free hanging boy-member. Steve also investigated these body parts. This boy's family jewels were a bit bigger then his brother's, but not much. He also found a little patch of fur above the small boy-tool. This time Steve also found something else: a knife in the boy's sock. He took it off the boy and placed it in the pocket of his coat. Then he ordered his escort to tie the boys' hands and let them walk with the group as their prisoners. Just before it got dark the party had crossed the border with England. They decided to put up camp on top of a hill. The boys were tied with their backs to each other, with mouth gags on and placed on the outskirts of the camp. The soldiers themselves sat around the camp fire and passed time by playing with some dice. Steve walked up to the boys and sat down next to them. He wanted to know more about them. He pulled down the gag on one of them and started his interrogation. "What are your names?" "I'm Sean and he's Rob, Sir." "Brothers?" "Yes." "I guess your parents were among the victims?" "Yes." The youngest started sobbing and tears ran down his face. "Do you guys have any other relatives?" It took a while before Sean answered. Steve noticed it but he would not ask about it. Not yet anyway. "Not that we know of." "So you have no place to go?" "No." "How old are you?" "He's ten and I'm eleven." "Maybe I can find something for you." "Right, an English army-Captain helping a Scottish boy." "Yes. But if you don't want to 3;" Then Steve stood up, put the gag back in place and walked over to the fire. Behind his back he heard Rob whining but Sean shushed him. Steve lay down to sleep and to think of what he was going to do with these boys. They were nice kids. They were Scots, the enemy. But how could a small boy be an enemy? Steve laid his head to rest and would see if something would come to him in the calmness and rest of the night. The four soldiers held watch in turns. The boys had turned to one side and had also fallen asleep. They would need their rest. Tomorrow would be a long day for them. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Sean was woken up. Someone was touching him. He looked down and saw that the soldier who had guard duty was kneeling beside him. While the man was using one hand to jerk on his own member he used the other to fondle Sean's jewels. After a while the man came and pointed his member in such a way that it all went on the ground. He then looked at Sean and saw he was awake. "If you ever tell anyone 3;" the soldier threatened and squeezed Sean's balls forcefully. If he hadn't been gagged he would have woken up the whole camp. The soldier put Sean's kilt back in place and went back to the camp.
The DetourJust after dawn Captain Johnson woke up and walked out of the tent. The soldiers were already packing for the trip. The two boys were still sleeping. The Captain walked over to the centre of the camp side and picked up a bucket of water. Then he walked towards the boys and threw the cold water over the boys."Rise and shine," the Captain said while the boys came alive coughing. The soldiers were laughing out loud. They loved the sight of two Scottish boys trying to catch their breath. Then Steve turned to the soldiers. "I thought things through and these two are going to be my slaves. Therefore, we're going to make a detour to Newcastle. I have a friend there who I want to take care of them. When we're there you guys are free to go into town." The boys looked shocked. The stories they had heard about slave boys weren't very nice. The army used slave boys to walk in front of the troops to look for booby traps. Most of those slaves died in their first battle. Was this their destiny? Then the Captain walked over to his horse and climbed on. He ordered a soldier to bring the two boys to him so they could be tied to his horse. The soldier removed the gags and then grabbed the youngest boy under his arm and tried to pull him up. Because he had forgotten to untie the rope around the boy's feet the boy couldn't cooperate as he wanted to. This meant that his entire weight hung by his arm. Suddenly the boy screamed in pain. Captain Johnson came down from his horse and ran to the soldier. He slapped the man in his face and ordered him to return to his mates. In the meanwhile the boy was still screaming wildly. The tears rolled over his face. His brother was worried and wanted to know what had happened. Captain Johnson looked and found that the boy's arm had come out of its socket. With a firm and quick pull Steve reset the joint. Immediately the boy stopped screaming and went to sobbing. Captain Johnson looked at the boys and gave them an understanding look. "As long as you guys are my slaves and you do as I tell you, you will be under my protection, understand? The soldiers are not going to handle you guys any longer. I will do it myself, okay?" The boys silently nodded their heads. Then the Captain carefully helped the oldest to his feet and cut the rope around his ankles. He then took the younger one and, after binding the shoulder, the Captain carried the boy to his horse. While his older brother had to walk beside the horse the younger one was allowed to sit on it, in front of the Captain. "Are you okay?" the older boy asked his brother. The Captain saw that the soldier in the back made a move to punish the impertinence of the boy. Talking without permission. Luckily for the boy the Captain used his officer's cane to defend him from the blow. "If I want you to punish him I'll ask for it. I don't want to see you guys around these boys again understand?" "Yes Sir." The morale of the soldiers became very low. Putting the boys above them. After a walk of five hours the party reached the house of the Captain's friend. The Captain climbed off his horse and walked to the soldiers. "Okay, guys, here is some money. Go into town and have a nice time. I give you two days off and then you can go back to join your regiment." "Thank you, Sir. But shouldn't we escort you until you're home?" "No. We're out of Scotland and I don't think there'll be any trouble at all. Besides it releases you guys of the duty of babysitting an injured Captain. And I've noticed your reaction to my way of handling the boys and you." "If you're sure 3; thank you, Sir." And with that the soldiers left.
The OperationThe Captain and the boys were now at the house of his friend. He knocked on the door in a secret rhythm and it was opened by his friend."Steve, you old bastard, finally you come and see me. And who are these two?" "Andy, these are my new slaves. I have a job for you to do but let's talk inside, okay?" Andrew led his guests into the living room. The boys, still bound, were placed on a pair of chairs along the wall. Steve and Andrew sat down in some comfy chairs in front of the fireplace. From here the boys couldn't hear what was being said between the two men. Then Steve explained his intentions. "I want you to 'fix' them, so to say. I want to keep them as my personal slaves like I told you and you know what I mean by that. Can you help me?" "What do you mean by 'fix' them?" "I don't want Ellis to get into trouble because of them if you get my drift." "Ah, I see. You want me to really 'fix' them. I've developed a new way. I'd like to perform that on your boys. Is that okay?" "If it works. What is so special?" "Normally the operation consists of cutting the vas deferens. That's the tube that runs from the testes to the penis. In extreme cases they even remove parts of the production-system like removing the balls or cutting away the sac completely. The procedure I developed consists of folding the cords and tying them so tight nothing comes through any more. All the parts stay intact. That way, if you decide in the future to reverse the operation it's possible." "Okay, let's do that." "Fine. I'll make the preparations. But after the operation they can't travel for a week." "Doesn't matter. I have to write Ellis a letter anyway and explain everything to her so she wouldn't be too upset when she sees me like this." Andrew rang the table bell and a handsome young man entered the room. "Steve, this is John, my new apprentice. John prepare the OR. We're going to work on these boys." Suddenly the boys got scared. They didn't like the sound of that. John left the room to prepare the operating table in the doctor's lab. When he was done John returned and put a piece of cloth over Sean's mouth. Sean struggled but in a minute he passed out. "Sean, Sean, wake up!" Rob started shouting. Steve looked at his friend. Andrew knew what Steve wanted with the boys; he wouldn't kill them, would he? "It's soaked with a new substance I've been experimenting with. It's called ether. Don't worry, he isn't dead. He's just in a very deep sleep so he doesn't feel anything during surgery." After that Andrew left the room to prepare himself for the operation. In the meanwhile Steve had some time to spent with Rob. The boy was scared. Steve pulled Rob's quilt up and took a good look at the small boy-parts. He started to fondle the little balls. They felt nice to him. Then he investigated the little sausage. It was starting to harden. "Ellis is going to have a lot of fun with you." Steve thought to himself. "Please Sir, what is he doing to Sean?" "He's doing the same thing he's going to do to you, too." "But what is that? Is he going to hurt us?" "During the operation you won't feel a thing. He assured me. When you wake up afterwards it's possible that it will hurt in the beginning but that's just because of the surgery. When the wounds have healed you will not feel a thing." "But what is he going to do?" "I'll tell you afterwards." Then Steve stood up and walked over to the table. He picked up some paper and a writing set and started his letter to his daughter. In the meanwhile John and Andrew had undressed Sean and tied the naked boy to the operating table. While John sat down at the end where Sean's head was, so he could monitor the boy's breathing, Andrew had started to prepare the boy's privates. When everything was ready he started the operation. With a sharp knife he made a small incision. Then he took a very small hook and pulled the vas out. He folded the small tube and tied it up. Then he put it back and repeated the sequence on the other side. By now Steve had written his letter:
Dear Ellis,When Steve had ended the letter John entered the room. He walked over to Rob and put him to sleep as well. "Hey, John, how did it go?" Steve asked as the apprentice picked up the limp boy. "Everything went very well for as far we can see. We'll have to wait to see that there are no complications." "Good, very good. By the way John, if I want to sent a letter by courier, where do I get one?" "I'm going to get some things for the Master later on. I could take it into town if you want to." "Thank you. I appreciate that." John left and Steve folded the letter and sealed it with some wax. After an hour both John and Andrew returned. Andrew immediately poured some brandy and handed a glass to Steve. "You to, John?" "Maybe later, Sir. I was going to do some groceries and deliver the Captain's letter." "All right. We will see you later." After John had left, the Captain and his friend sat in front of the fireplace. "Where did you ever find such a wonderful young man?" Steve asked. "His parents were my neighbours. Unfortunately they were taken by the magistrate for not paying their taxes in full. He had no interest in John. At that time he was only eleven. His parents were hanged as an example to others. Then I decided to take him under my wings. I've never been sorry about that decision. He's a wonderful guy." "How old is he?" "Seventeen." "He looks great." "Just out of curiosity, how old is Ellis now?" "Sixteen." Steve answered laughing. "Why? Do you want to hook them up?" "Well, John is a good catch." Steve laughed. "Okay. Let's talk about the boys. What is the next step?" "First they have to rest to recover from surgery but the day after tomorrow we'll start testing whether the operation was a success." "How?" "We need to check whether they produce something when they cum. So we need to make them get an orgasm." Steve couldn't wait. He was looking forward to this test. Late that evening John returned from his trip to the town. Steve noticed that the boy was a bit nervous. "What's wrong, John?" "I like to ask you something, but I don't know if I could." "Just ask," Steve said, "Worst thing that can happen to you is that I say 'no'." John took a quick look at Andrew and after a encouraging 'go ahead' he turned back to Steve. "Normally I sleep with the master. But I have heard that you used to sleep together when you were younger. I was wondering if you would want to sleep with me tonight?" Steve was surprised and almost choked on his brandy. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sir. Please don't get mad." "I'm not. I'm just surprised. Why do you want to sleep with me? Don't you like girls?" By now John's face had turned red completely. "Of course I do, but they don't seem to like me." "I think that's also my fault. I have a reputation in town for being a freak and they know he lives with me." "Don't worry, some day the girls will see their mistake. In the meantime, why don't we go to bed all three of us? What do you say, Andrew? For good old times sake?" "Fine with me. I think we can teach John one or two things about making love, don't you think?" "Sure." The two men emptied their glasses and took the teenager to the master bedroom. Once there the men let him stand at the foot end of the bed. They got undressed and crawled in. Then they told John to strip. Steve didn't know what he saw. Andrew, who had seen John naked almost every night, just smiled. Underneath John's clothes was a young man who had an astonishingly beautiful body. Not too fat, not too muscular. Just perfect. When John dropped his trousers Steve got his second surprise. Although it was still soft, John's member was as big as Steve's in erect state. Then the men beckoned John to join them. They positioned John between them and while Andrew concentrated on John face and upper body, Steve was more interested in the huge hose between John's legs. He played with the guys balls and started to stroke the now hardening member. Andrew and John were passionately kissing as Steve started to take John's big member into his mouth and started to give the boy the best blow-job he ever had. After a few minutes John couldn't hold back. After a few big moans he started to shoot his juices into Steve's mouth. After that John insisted pleasing both men and they gladly let him.
John's confessionsThe next morning the two men woke up in the same bed. John however was not there any more. When they had washed up and got dressed, they found John in the kitchen. He had set the table for breakfast and was very cheerful."Thank you again for last night, Sir." "Pleasure was all mine," Steve replied. "You know, John was the guinea-pig I used for the procedure I used on your boys. And you had no problems did you?" "Well..." "What? What was wrong?" "I almost went mad. I had had the joy of a wet orgasm. I missed that feeling. I was glad it was reversed." "I didn't know that. Why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you might send me away. But don't worry, Sir. I'm convinced the boys won't feel that way since they haven't had a wet orgasm before. What you don't know about, you can't miss, can you?" The day went on as if nothing was wrong. Steve looked in on Sean and Rob but they were still sedated. Steve couldn't help it and with approval of John he was shown the wound that Andrew had made with the boys. "It's almost healed. We could probably test it for the first time tomorrow." "The first time?" "Yes. We first have to remove the old semen still trapped in the vas." "Oh." After that the day went on quietly. All went well until late at night. Andrew and Steve hadn't seen John after dinner. Andrew went to bed and fifteen minutes later Steve was getting ready to go himself. But Steve had a bad feeling about not seeing John any more. He went looking for him and found the teenager crying at the kitchen table. Steve walked up to the boy and sat down next to him. "What is it?" "I'm sorry, Sir. I don't want to offend you but I do all the work around here and now that you're here the work has only increased." Steve put an arm around John's shoulder and just as he tried to comfort him Andrew walked in. "What is going on here?" "Our friend here is a bit overworked." "John, we've talked about this before. We can't afford a slave." "But why? We're self-sufficient. It's not like he's going to cost for food or so." "I know. What I mean is that we don't have the money for the purchase." "Don't worry," Steve said to John, "Now that I know how you feel I'll help you out with some of your chores. I have nothing better to do during the day anyway." "Thank you, Sir, but I couldn't ask that of you." "You didn't, I volunteered." "Thank you, Sir." The rest of the day Steve helped John out and Steve could see the change in John's mood. The teen was getting more and more at ease. When night set in Steve asked John whether he wanted to repeat the last night. "Yes, Sir, I would really like that a lot." "Hmm, then why do I get the feeling that you're not completely telling the truth?" John became red. "Sorry, Sir, please forgive me." "Just tell me what's the matter." John looked at Andrew and got an encouraging nod. "Well... I would like to try something new. Would you help me with it?" "Anything to make you happy. What is it?" "I wanted to try a certain position." "Okay." The three of them left the living room and went to the bedroom. There John told what he wanted. Steve and Andrew looked at each other and smiled. "We'd love to help you with that." They all got undressed and crawled into bed. Steve prepared John for the position he wanted. His ass was being oiled. Meanwhile, while John prepared the two men by rubbing their members to full attention. Then the real action could start. Andrew rose and sat down on top of the headboard. Then John took hold of his Master's rod and took it into his mouth. Steve by now was rubbing John's pole and when he felt that the teen was excited enough, he started his role. He poured a bit more oil on John's bottom and on his own rampant prick. Then Steve placed the tip at John's back entrance and slowly entered the teen. After a few strokes Steve had found his rhythm and bounced away at the boy's ass. Meanwhile, Steve was jerking at John´s member. Because his hand was still oiled it was very slick on John´s rod. That gave John a sensation in his loins he loved. His Master loved to take him anally and sometimes his Master also jerked him with the oiled hand. But this was the first time that John was filled at both ends. It didn't took long for John to get so excited that he was at the point of no return. Steve knew it was near by the way John´s dick felt in his hand. John started to groan hard and immediately shot load after load onto the bed. Because of the orgasm John´s ass muscles tensed up. That pulled Steve over the edge and John felt the hot Captain´s juices fill his inside. The sight of his good friend coming inside his fateful assistant was the stimulant Andrew needed and he started to fill up John´s mouth. John wanted to hold it but it was too much. He had to swallow to prevent himself from choking. Afterwards they all enjoyed the afterglow and fell asleep.
The testing (1)The next morning John was up early and Andrew and Steve found him again making breakfast. As they entered the kitchen they found a very cheerful reborn teen. When he noticed that the two men had entered he ran towards them and hugged them."Thank you, Sirs." John said, but then immediately he let go. "Sorry for my impertinence, Sirs." "Don't worry, I like to wake up this way." Steve replied and he gave John a big kiss on the mouth. "So what are we going to do today?" Steve asked, thinking he had to help John. "It's time to test the results of the surgery. And I have to get some things for Master Andrew in town." "Why don't we all oversee the testing and then I'll go with you to town." said Steve. "That would be great, Sir, thank you." After breakfast the party of three went to the 'recovery room', actually just an extra bedroom next to the lab. There they found that both boys had woken up. The boys were tied to the bed, they had a sort of condom over their members that was connected to a hose which made it possible for the boys to pee with out going to the loo. They were gagged and looked frightened to the men entering the room. The men first went to Sean. Andrew removed the gag. "Hi, Sean, how are you today?" "Okay," Sean replied with his body-language filled of suspicion. "Nice. So you're not hurting here?" Andrew asked while he fondled the boy's sac. "No, why?" Sean asked, still suspicious about the men's reasons. "Because we have operated on those body-parts of you. And those of your brother." "What?" Sean said with big, scary eyes. "They have blocked the lines going from your nuts to your dickie." Steve said while he continued stroking the small boy-member. "Why?" "Because I wanted them to. I told you you are my new slaves. That means you are coming to live at my place. And as a father I have to protect my daughter from getting into trouble, don't I?" "But we will not shame your daughter. We promise." "It's not up to you to decide that. You have to do what my daughter and I tell you to. So this is to reduce the risk to a minimum." By now Sean was breathing heavily. Steve smiled at the boy and felt that the young one was getting close. It didn't take long before Sean was moaning hard and shooting his load on to his belly. Steve looked surprised at Andrew but then he remembered what he had been told about the old sperm. Andrew scraped the semen off the boy and put it on a small piece of glass. Then he left to his lab. A minute later he was back. "Don't worry, Steve, I didn't find any new sperm. It was just what he had left in his cords." Then they focused on Rob. He, too, told the men that he had no pain or a feeling that something was wrong in his lower regions. This time it was John's turn to jerk the boy off. Rob had never had an orgasm and afterwards he was a bit exhausted and disoriented because of the mind blowing feeling he just had. "Wow, what was that?" "That, my young friend, was an orgasm." John replied. The men checked Rob very closely to make sure that really nothing had come out. The operation was declared a success. John left the room for a while and then came back with some shackles. He untied the young boy's hands and then put them in the shackles. Then John did the same with Rob's feet. "That way you can sit or lie beside your brother." "Thank you, Sir." Rob said to John as he immediately climbed into bed with his brother. It was the first time anyone had called John 'Sir'. His head turned beet-red. Then the party left. Andrew went to his study to work on his research. John and Steve went to get some food and drinks for the boys. When they returned Rob was lying next to Sean. They looked scared towards the door as John and Steve entered. "Don't worry. We're not going to hurt you guys. We've brought you some breakfast." As they came closer Rob sat up. He quickly accepted the plate and within minutes he had eaten his porridge. Sean, meanwhile was fed by Steve and he ate at a very more civilized speed. Then John handed them both a cup of milk. When they were completely fed the boys were washed. Sean had to stay in bed all day and although Rob was allowed to go all over the room he kept his brother company in bed.
John's prayer heardSteve decided that he was going with John to town. He could do with the distraction. John went to the pharmacist and purchased the chemicals his Master needed. He was an old friend of Andrew was happy to supply him secretly. If the other citizens would find out he was supplying 'the freak' he would no longer have any customers at all.As John and Steve left the store they heard some commotion around the corner. Steve and John went to see what was happening. A small boy was caught stealing some bread and the baker was now beating him up. Steve immediately intervened. He was still wearing his Captain's coat so the baker didn't know better. "What is going on here? Why are you beating that boy up?" "I caught him stealing some bread." "Okay. You've punished him enough for now. I'll take him over from you to see that he will get the punishment he deserves." "Okay. Just make sure I won't see him here again or I wíll beat him to death." Steve picked up the boy and carried the little mess to John. "We'll take him with us. Andrew will check him over and heal his wounds." John was surprised about Steve. Why would he care so much for this 'thing'. Steve noticed John's puzzled look and decided to tell what he knew about the boy. "I know this boy. He once tried to steal some of my apples at my estate. He told me he was an orphan. I decided that I wouldn't press charge if he let me play with him. He complied and I let him go. Apparently, he's still on the streets. We'll question him when he's better. Don't get your hopes up, John, but if his situation is as horrible as I think it is, you now have a helping hand." John's face cleared up. He hadn't thought about that. This was going to become the best week ever. Once back home Andrew immediately started to check the boy over. He had bruises all over. And not only new ones. After treating the boy's wounds he slowly regained consciousness. "Where am I?" "At our place." Andrew said, pointing at him and John. "How did I get here? What happened?" "You don't remember?" John asked. "No." "According to the baker you stole some bread. He almost beat you to death over it." "Oh, yeah, Now I remember." "Who are you?" "I'm Paul." "And where are your parents?" "They were killed. My mum died of pneumonia. Then my dad started to drink and he walked in front of a runaway horse." "Then why aren't you in an orphanage or a foster home?" "No one wants me and in the orphanage the others pick on me because I'm so small. I have to please them or they enjoy kicking me where it hurts." All this time Steve had stayed out of sight. Now he walked in. "I thought I told you I didn't want to see you any more?" Immediately Paul went pale. "Please Sir, I will do anything, but please don't hurt me." Steve laughed. He always liked to scare the hell out of little boys like Paul. "Don't worry. Did I hurt you the last time?" "No Sir, you actually gave me the best feeling ever." Andrew didn't understand but John gave him an understanding smile. Steve walked up to the kid and sat down next to him on the bed. "Why don't you tell us your story?" "Okay. I'm Paul Stokes. I was born in Darlington ten years ago. When I was one year old my mum died of pneumonia. My dad never got over it he started to drink more and more. Two years ago he was so drunk that he walked in front of a runaway carriage. He was dead instantly. I was the only child and they put me in an orphanage. The others would never let me forget I was the son of a drunk. They were always telling me what to do. I had to do their chores and if I didn't do them right they would be punished. Then that evening they would punish me in the same way. But not only the one who had been punished but everybody would join in. I new I had to run away. I wouldn't survive." Now Paul broke down and was nothing more then a sorrowful little mess. He cried his heart out. Steve put his arm around the boy and gave him a kiss on his head. "Don't worry, you're now here. No one is going to hurt you any more." Paul looked up and through his eyes he saw three friendly faces. He didn't understand. Why were they so friendly? "You haven't done anything wrong in my eyes. I probably would have done the same thing." Steve said. "We want to offer you an opportunity." Paul dried his eyes and looked puzzled. "Listen, Paul," John said, "How would you like it to have a home and no longer roam the streets looking to survive?" "What do you mean?" Paul asked still not understanding what was being said. "Andrew owns this house. I'm his assistant but the work is becoming too much for me. What I'm offering is for you to come live here and become my assistant." "You mean you want me to live here? You really want that?" "Only if you want it. As my assistant, you have to do what I tell you to. Since you said you had such a trouble in the orphanage I can understand if you don't want to." "No, Sir, I would love to be your assistant. The reason I hated the orphanage was that they let me do ALL the work while they were playing." Steve and Andrew gave Paul a hug and left. John stayed and told Paul what was expected from him. By the following morning Paul started his new live as John's assistant. John had decided to start slowly with giving Paul chores. That way Paul could get used to his new place and John could get a sense of what Paul was capable of. The first job was to make breakfast. Paul tried his best to do the best job he could. All three men were getting soft-hearted as they saw Paul doing his job. Then John took Paul to the boys for their breakfast. Paul first was shocked. If he, a thief, was being treated like this what had these boys done to be shackled? John told him the story. Paul had mixed feelings. He was fascinated by the thought of slaves but also glad that he wasn't one of them. Then John left Paul to stay with the boys so they could play. Rob was happy to finally have someone else to play with again. Although they were still bound the boys liked the chance of having a play-mate. Paul was given permission to sleep in the same room as the boys. That evening John slept with Steve and John again. They all had had a busy day so soon all were fast asleep.
The Testing (2)The next morning Paul was showing very good potential of being a good asset to Andrew's household. The boy had made breakfast. During eating Andrew reminded Steve that it was time for the boys' second test. Actually Rob didn't need it but they didn't want him to feel left out. John explained everything to Paul and immediately he was excited about it as well. The four of them entered the boys' room and saw Rob lying in bed on top of Sean. The men pulled Rob off the bed and immediately John started to work on Steve's member. Soon the boy came but nothing came out of his little dickie.Then Paul did the same to Rob. Rob loved what his new friend did to him. It didn't take long until Rob had also had his orgasm. It was clear to all present that Paul had gotten excited himself about all of this. Steve stepped in and started to handle the boy in the same way as he did back home. That evening Steve decided it was time for him to go home. He told the boys and Paul immediately was sad. "What is it, Paul? Why the long face?" "Because I just met my new friends and now I have to say goodbye to them." "You know what? Why don't you sleep with them this night?" "I really can? Thank you, Sir!" Paul ran to the boys' room and he wasn't seen all evening. Steve slept that night with Andrew and John. It took two hours before they did sleep.
The Trip Back HomeThe next morning Steve and the boys left early. He wanted to make as much progress as possible before nightfall. It was going to be a two day trip. As they said their goodbyes the one who had it the hardest was Paul. He had finally found a home and some friends his age and now they were leaving. It took John almost all day to comfort the unfortunate little boy.Although they took a rest every now and then, Steve was pleasantly surprised about how much they had accomplished the first day. He sat on his horse while the two boys had to walk. He was impressed by their determination not to show him how tired they were. Just before nightfall Steve halted on an open spot in the woods. He decided it would be a good place to make camp. The boys gathered some wood while Steve supervised. Then he made a ring of some stones he found and made a fire inside. The boys sat down and Steve sat down on the other side of the fire. Soon the boys had fallen asleep and they had crawled together. Then Steve walked over and gagged them again. He stayed awake for another hour to think things over. What was he going to do with the boys? He wanted them but how would he train them? He decided it would be by punishment and rewards. Then he thought about the rules they had to obey. He made a short list, wrote them down and put it in his coat. Then Steve laid his head to rest and dozed off. In the night Steve was awakened by some noise. He carefully opened one eye and saw a scruffy looking man standing next to the boys. Seeing how Rob was lying Steve knew he had been hit in the stomach. He saw how the man pulled something out from underneath his clothes. Because it was shimmering in the moonlight, Steve immediately knew what it was. The man had pulled out a knife and was now going to stab the boys. In an instant Steve reacted. Silent as the night he loaded his sling and slang the pebble straight at the back of the head. It made him collapse immediately on top of the boys. Terrified for not knowing what had happened to the man the boys started to panic. But then they saw Steve standing there with the sling. Immediately they looked up at him with gratitude in their eyes. Steve walked up and checked the man's state. He was dead. He put the knife back under the man's clothes and dragged him to the bushes. There Steve found a natural ditch and threw the man in. The pebble had hit him at the back of his neck with such force that the stone had broken it. Steve reasoned that if the man was ever to be found the authorities would assume he had tripped and broken his neck in the fall. Then Steve went to the boys and removed the gags. "Are you guys okay?" "I am," Sean replied. "My stomach hurts," Rob said and immediately started crying. Rob was completely overwhelmed with his emotions. He was one sorry mess. Steve pulled him close and started to comfort him. Then he turned to Sean. "What happened?" "Rob and I were sleeping when we heard a twig snap. We immediately opened our eyes and there was this ugly man standing next to us. He said "Stupid Scotch" and then he kicked Rob in the stomach. By the way he talked I think he was completely drunk. Then he reached under his shirt and pulled a knife. "Only good Scotsman is a dead Scotsman." he said. Then he raised his knife but before he could stab us he collapsed. You hit him, didn't you?" Steve nodded. "It broke his neck; that's why he collapsed." "Thank you, Sir. That's the second time you saved our lives." "I've already told you. As long as you are my slaves you're under my protection." By now Rob was calming down. He looked up at Steve. "Are you going to let us look for booby-traps?" Steve looked puzzled but then it hit him. "Rob, you know I'm no longer in the army. No, I'm not going to put you on such a dangerous job. You and your brother are going to be servants or personal assistants. You will serve my sixteen year old daughter and Sean is going to serve me. That means that you'll have to do whatever we tell you to." "So you're not going to let us be killed?" "Why should I? Didn't I just help you with that stranger?" "Yeah, I guess so. Thank you, Sir." Steve decided to get a bit more sleep. He let the boys go back to sleep and he himself went back to his own place. By sunrise the party woke up and everything seemed to be back to normal. Steve saddled his horse and took the boys with him.
A Happy ReunionJust before noon the party of three reached the mansion. Sarah was just coming out the front door when she saw them. Immediately she ran back inside and came back out with Ellis and the rest of the employees behind her. Ellis ran towards her father and, as he descended from his horse, she hugged him."Oh dad, I was so afraid. I didn't know what to expect when you wrote me that you got injured." "Don't worry. I got hit in the knee and it's been stiff ever since. It's not life-threatening, but it did make me resign from the army." While Jake put the horse into the stable the household was looking at the boys and wondered what these two shackled boys were doing here. Steve took the whole group to the main hall and explained to them that Sean and Rob were to be the new personal servants for him and Ellis. They would always be in the close proximity of their Master and Mistress, unless ordered otherwise. But, for now, Steve would go to his study to get some work done. He would inventory what he could use as start for his business and he would make a list of rules for the boys to uphold. Meanwhile, Sarah was to help the boys to clean up. She helped them to undress and washed them. She was very impressed with what she saw on Sean. When the boy noticed she was looking, he got beet-red and Sarah couldn't help smirking. After the boys were cleaned they had to wear their own clothes. Steve had ordered this for a reason. When Steve was ready he ordered the entire household to gather in the main hall. They gathered and while Steve stood on the last two steps of the staircase he explained things to all present. "Okay, first let me introduce our two most recent residents. This is Sean and this is Rob. They're brothers and they are going to be slaves. Sean is to be my personal slave and Rob will serve Ellis. Sarah, you don't have to prepare a new room. They will sleep in our bedrooms on the floor. Sean and Rob, these are the other members of our household. Sarah you already know and she probably knows you by now as well." Sean and Rob became beet-red immediately, much to everyone's delight. "This is James, the head-butler and Sarah's father. That is Rosy, our cook. And last but not least we have Jake, our gardener and stable-boy. They are all above you. That means that if they tell you to do something you have to obey. If you don't, you'll be punished. But not by them but by your master or mistress. If you do something wrong they will report to me and I will set your punishment. I have also made a list of rules. I want you to memorize them and obey them at all times." Then Steve handed the boys a piece of paper on which Steve had put down the rules:
Ellis took the boy to her room and let him help her with sorting the threads of her needlepoint. "Miss, what is that? 'Standard position'?" "Rob, what was rule two?" Immediately Rob knew what she meant. "I'm sorry miss, please don't punish me." "Sorry Rob, I have no choice. You broke a rule, you get punished." Immediately Rob started crying. Ellis took Rob with her to Steve. "Dad, I think we'd better discuss the situation first. There are some things not really clear. For instance what did you mean with standard position?" "That," Steve said as he pointed to Sean who was standing by a wall. He was standing at attention. Over his cheeks were some tears running. "Why is he crying?" Rob asked with a scary voice. "I punished him for speaking without asking." "That's another thing. How should I punish Rob for things like this?" "You know I don't like abuse or torture. You will punish him by spanking. Sean has just received five blows with the flat hand." "Okay, Rob, you now know what is coming to you," Ellis said as she took Rob back to her own quarters. Rob had fear in his eyes and Steve saw the defiance in Sean's eyes. "Don't even think about it Sean. Listen, if you adjust to the rules I don't have to punish you anymore and trust me, living here is not going to be that bad. And just like you your brother has to learn it as well." This gave Sean something to think about. Steve was right, he was punished for breaking the rules. But asking permission for everything? He was thinking it all over. He would ask Steve later about it. In the meantime Ellis had sat down on a chair in her room and had ordered Rob to come to her. With tears in his eyes he walked up to her. She laid him on her lap and pulled up his kilt. "You'll get five for each mistake. So you're getting ten slaps." Slap! "Count them!" Ellis ordered Rob "One 3; ouch, two 3; thr 3; three 3; four 3; ouch, five 3; six 3; seven 3; eight 3; nine 3; ten." Then Ellis let him stand up and sent him to the side of the room to take his position. After a few minutes Ellis ordered him to come over and help her with her wool. Rob decided to make the best of it and that meant to just do as he was told. Ellis was impressed by Rob's quick understanding of his situation and the way he handled it. She wondered if Steve had more problems. In Steve's office Sean was still standing in his position. Then Steve order the boy to come closer. "Do you understand why I punished you?" "Because I spoke?" "No, because you did so without asking permission first. You must remember that you have to ask permission for everything, understand?" "Yes, Sir. May I ask why, Sir?" "Good. That shows that you're learning. If you keep this up I think we'll be getting along very well. The reason I put that rule in there is so that we know exactly what you and your brother are doing. You are our slaves now. That means you're our responsibility. And if you do something that gets you into trouble, that would get us into trouble. And we don't want that, do we?" "No, Sir." "Good." The rest of the day went on without major hiccups. By the time dinner was served they went to the dining room. Steve and Ellis took places at the table. Sean and Rob had to help James with the serving and weren't allowed to eat until Steve and Ellis were done. They had to eat with the rest of the staff. After dinner it was Sean and Rob's job to clear the table and do the dishes. They did a good job for the first time. They only dropped one plate. When Steve heard what had happened during the cleaning-up he had Ellis punish Rob for the breaking. After that they all went to their quarters. Once Ellis and Rob came to their room Ellis got undressed in front of Rob. He got beet-red and bowed his head. Ellis found it rather cute. Then she noticed that the color of his face wasn't the only reaction his body gave. The purse in front of his kilt was slowly pushed aside. She tilted Rob's face up and while she gave Rob a smile, she lifted his kilt. There she saw what she expected. Rob's little pecker was rising. She took hold of it and massaged the small, smooth shaft. Then she let go and pointed Rob the place where he could sleep that night. "But you can't sleep in your clothes," Ellis said while she sat on the bed. "Come over here and strip." Rob was very embarrassed about all of this, but he did as ordered. He slowly took his shoes and socks off, followed by his shirt. Then it was time for his kilt. He looked at Ellis but she signaled that it had to go as well. With his face as red as possible Rob took off the last piece of clothing and then stood naked in front of Ellis. She reached again and felt the hard shaft. She gave Rob a smile and then ordered him to go to sleep. Meanwhile, Steve spent another hour reading. All that time he had Sean stand at attention against the wall that he faced. "Are you tired, Sean?" "Yes, Sir." "Well," Steve said as he put his book on the night stand, "you can lie down now." "Thank you, Sir, but where?" "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. On that rug over there." Steve said pointing at a small rug at the foot end of the bed. Sean lay down and curled up. He was not really willing but he was waiting for his chance. Steve noticed. "I hope you're not going to defy me, Sean. That's very bad for your situation." Sean was shocked. How did he knew? He decided to be very careful. "By the way, you're not supposed to sleep in your clothes, take them off." Steve said. Sean looked at his Master with big eyes. Did he really mean that? That meant he would be sleeping naked. Sean was thinking about his options. In the end he decided not to provoke his new Master. After Sean had stripped Steve signaled to him to come closer and stand next to the bed. Steve took hold of Sean's member and massaged the rod and Sean's ball sac for a few seconds. Then he ordered Sean to lie down and go to sleep. In the meantime Rob was lying on the floor in Ellis' room. During the night she heard him sobbing. After a while she couldn't stand it any longer. "Rob, what is the problem?" "It's the first time I'm not sleeping in the same room as Sean, Miss." Ellis heart broke and she caved in. "Come here." Rob came over and was allowed to sleep in her bed. This made his situation somewhat better. He felt as if he had a big sister. But then something happened that made him forget that thought: she started to rub his little boy-member. She didn't stop this time but went on and gave him the same feeling that he had when Pauly had done it. It made him cry again. "What is it now? Didn't you like it?" "Oh, yes, Miss, I didn't mean to offend you, please don't be mad. But you gave me the same feeling as my new friend and it made me miss him." "Your friend?" "Yes, Miss, the new slave of Mr. Andrew. He gave me the same feeling as you just did." "And you liked that feeling, right?" "Oh, yes, Miss." "Then consider this as a reward for doing such a good job today. I'll have to talk to my dad about what you just told me. I need to know more about you. We'll talk tomorrow. For now, try to get some sleep." And with that she pulled him in her arms like a child clinging to her favorite teddy bear.
Getting The Situation StraightThe next morning Steve was the first to wake up. When he looked at Sean he smiled. The boy was no longer curled up but lay stretched out on his back. This gave Steve a full view of the boy's privates. That's when he noticed Sean's morning woody. Steve got out of bed and knelt next to Sean. He started to play with the boy's genitals. This didn't make Sean wake up but he did start to moan. Steve kept playing with the toys in front of him and gave Sean an orgasm. That gave Sean the boost to wake him up. Immediately Sean started to moan again."What is it, Sean?" "I'm sorry, Sir, but my body hurts all over." "Hmm, that's probably due to the fact that I let you stand at attention for so long. You know what, we'll change your standard position to 'At Ease'. That way you should be able to maintain it for a longer time." Then Steve decided to take their Master/Slave-relationship to the next level. He ordered Sean to help him get that same good feeling as well. It surprised Steve how eager Sean was to please his Master. The boy immediately started to rub his Master's member. "Sean, have you ever done this before?" "You mean playing with someone's dick, Sir?" "Yes." "Only with Rob's, Sir." "So never an adult one?" "No, Sir." Then Steve noticed that Sean had called him 'Sir' every time he answered. Apparently Sean had learned very quickly. "Have you ever done something else than rubbing it?" "Uh, no, Sir. Is there another way, Sir?" "Yes, several. And I'll teach them to you in the coming days." "Oh, okay Sir." "How about we start your education now? Sean, I want you to pull back my foreskin completely and keep it there for a while. And at the same time lick my dickhead." Sean first looked at Steve and hesitated a bit, but then he did as ordered. He started to lick the man's glans and traced the rim with the tip of his tongue. Although this was his first time, Sean succeeded to please Steve in exactly the way the Master had hoped. When he was about to cum Steve told this to Sean. But Sean didn't understand and kept licking. Then the throbbing member in Sean's hands erupted and the semen was all over Sean's face and hands. With a mixture of surprise and fear Sean looked at Steve. "Don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong. Actually you did very well. Now lick your hand and tell me what you think of it." Sean licked a fair amount of semen of his hand and let it go through his mouth before swallowing. "Tastes salty, Sir." "But do you like it?" "Yes, Sir, very much, Sir," Sean said with a smile on his face. "Good, very good." Then Steve started to lick all the semen of Sean's face. When it was clean he gave Sean a very big kiss and hug. "You did very well, Sean. Now let's get dressed for breakfast." At the breakfast table Steve and Sean encountered Ellis and Rob. He had already started to help James with the serving. Steve sat down and Sean started to help James and Rob. "Dad, we need to talk." "Sure, about what?" "About Sean and Rob and the new situation. I barely know anything that has happened with you three. Last night Rob was crying and when I asked him about it he said he missed his friend Paul. Why didn't you tell me about him?" "I didn't know Rob felt that way. But you're right, we need to talk. After breakfast we'll talk in the library." After breakfast Steve released the boys from their cleaning duty. The four of them went to the library. "Okay, boys, why don't you two tell Ellis what has happened from the day we met." The boys started to tell about the destruction of the village, their rescue by Steve, their visit with Andrew and their encounter with the drunk in the woods. "Okay, Ellis, now you know what happened. Any questions so far?" "No." "Good. Now I want to suggest a change in the situation. I want you, Ellis, to help me." "With what?" "Educating the boys about what they can do with their bodies. I want you to help me to teach them about sex." "Sir, may I ask something?" Rob said. "Yes, Rob?" "Does that mean playing with my balls and dicky, Sir?" "Yes." "She already did that last night, Sir." Immediately Ellis gave Rob a furious look. Rob crumbled down and was close to crying. He was terrified. She had already given him five for speaking without permission. What was she going to do, now that he had told something she wanted to keep a secret? Steve noticed the situation and immediately interfered. "Don't worry. I don't mind. Actually I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect for you to be so forward, Ellis. But I'm glad you are, because I want you do educate Rob and Sean about sex with women. I will teach them about male-loving. How about the first week we will each teach our own slave and after that we'll swap. Maybe then after that we can teach them about sex with more then two participants." Ellis was stunned. Her father had just given her permission to have sex with her slave-boy. But then immediately she thought of something. "But, dad, what about penetration? I know Rob hasn't developed enough yet to shoot his seed, but surely Sean can. What if I get pregnant?" "Haven't I told you? They were fixed, by Andrew. They can't shoot. Andrew has blocked the tubes going from their balls to their dicks." To prove that Steve was telling the truth the boys showed Ellis their scars. "I had planned this as soon as I decided they would become our slaves. I want them to satisfy all our needs. That includes going to bed with us." Ellis felt that she was getting a bit horny by all this talk about sex. Now that she knew what had happened to her father and the boys since they met, she understood Rob better. She agreed to the arrangement and took Rob to her room. Steve took Sean to his office and let him help with putting the merchandise in the correct place.
Some Extra Education for the BoysWhile Sean helped Steve, Ellis had ordered Rob to take his clothes off. She had decided to teach Rob everything she knew and as soon as possible. The first day she would teach Rob everything about sensual stroking. She took Rob to their room and started to strip him down. When the boy stood naked in front of her, Ellis let him lie down on the bed and she started to stroke his body very sensually.She started with his ears and hair. Her hand then slowly descended to his chest and while she played with his nipples she started to kiss him. While she kept kissing the sensual boy-lips Ellis' hand slowly glided to Rob's inner thighs. She kept stroking Rob's body without actually touching his genitals. She kept kissing him but suddenly Rob couldn't cope anymore. His breathing changed and he stiffened. Then Ellis knew she had accomplished her goal. "Did you like it?" "Oh, yes, Miss. A lot!" "Any idea why my stroking gave you that feeling?" "No." "Because those places I stroked are called the 'erogenous zones'. If you stimulate them enough you can get that wonderful feeling." "Oh." "Now I want you to do that to me. See if you can give me that feeling as well." Immediately Rob tried to give his Mistress the same pleasure she gave him. He started out very well, but had a little relapse in the middle. "Don't worry we have a whole week to practice." Rob looked a bit disappointed that he hadn't succeeded to give her that feeling. Ellis noticed and wanted to help boost his confidence. "Okay Rob, let's try something else. I've played with your dickie last night, right?" "Yes, Miss." "Did you like that?" "Yes, Miss, I really did. It gave me that same nice feeling that you gave me just now." "That's nice, very nice. Now, how about me teaching you how you can give me that feeling?" "Please, Miss, I would like that. You're very kind to me and I want to help you where I can." "Okay. You're a very nice boy, Rob. I think you will do great." Ellis climbed into bed and spread her legs. She then gave Rob instructions on what to do. She taught him about the structure of the female genitals and told him how to play with them. Rob rubbed her knob as if his life depended on it. "Slow down Rob, you're doing it too fast." "I'm sorry, Miss, please forgive me." "Don't worry, Rob, it's not like you are taking an exam. You're just very inexperienced. Just follow my instructions." With that said Rob slowed down and gave his Mistress the orgasm she longed for. In the meantime, Steve and Sean were very busy with the re-arrangement of the merchandise. By the end of the day they were tired but satisfied. They had accomplished a lot of work. "You've done a very good job, Sean." "Thank you, Sir." "Why don't you lie down and I'll give you a rub-down before diner." "Okay. Thank you, Sir." "You're welcome. You deserve it. You've helped me a lot today and you've learned to obey the rules very quickly." Sean wanted to lie down on the bed but Steve stopped him. Before Sean could lie down to receive his reward he had to let Steve strip him down. When Sean was completely naked he was ordered to lie down on the bed on his stomach. Immediately Steve started to stroke and massage the back of Sean's body. He started with the boy's neck. Then the shoulders and his back. Last were his legs and feet. Sean didn't know that Steve was concentrating on his erogenous zones. After Steve was done with Sean's back, he ordered Sean to turn around. With a red face Sean lay down on his back. Steve saw that his plan had worked. Sean's dickie was as stiff as never before. Steve continued to massage Sean without touching his stiffy. After stroking the boy's nipples and kissing him sensually Steve knew the boy was close. With just one stroke over Sean's thighs the boy came with more force than ever. After that Sean looked at Steve with fear. "I'm sorry, Sir. I just couldn't help it, Sir." "Don't worry, I knew you couldn't. You did very well. Exactly as I had expected." "Thank you, Sir. That was better then anything I've ever felt. Will you teach me to do that?" "Of course. I want you to do that to me in the future so, of course, I'm going to teach you how. But not now. We'll continue your education after dinner." During dinner Ellis and Steve exchanged their experiences with the boys. Both of them were very pleased with the results. After dinner they retreated to their quarters to continue the education. Ellis however had some other thoughts. She was planning on punishing Rob first for telling her father something that she didn't want him to. After letting Rob strip, she ordered him to get on the bed on all fours. Rob didn't understand first but then the first smack on his buttocks let him know what was going to happen. "One," Rob said with a trembling voice. "Any idea why I'm punishing you?" Ellis said while she hit him again. "Two. Because I told the Master something you didn't want me to tell, Miss." "That is correct." Rob counted till five, but then Ellis changed her position. Because of that the sixth and last slap hit Rob in a different way. Ellis smacked his ball sac with her stretched fingers and with full strength. Rob immediately collapsed and started to cry, holding his hurt nuts. Ellis now started to undress and took place on the bed. "Okay Rob whenever you're ready." Rob was still in a lot of pain, but he didn't want to upset his Mistress again. With tears in his eyes he started to play with Ellis' love-spot. Ellis started to moan and while she was on a fast track to her orgasm, she took Rob's balls in her hand. Immediately Rob started to sob again. When she heard this she looked down at the little boy. He tried his best to please his Mistress, but had a very hard job now that she was rubbing his hurtful sac. This sight immediately put Ellis off. "Stop it." Rob looked at his Mistress with fear in his eyes. This was something she didn't expect. "Why are you afraid?" "Because you told me to stop, Miss. Did I do it wrong, Miss? Oh please, Miss, don't punish me like that again. I'll do anything you say, please, Miss," Rob sniffed while he held his hands on his genitals. "Rob, what did I tell you about hiding your jewels?" Immediately Rob let his hands drop to the side and looked down while he bit his lower lip, being close to tears. Then Ellis reached out and caressed the painful sac. "Rob, you now know what I can do when I punish you. So I hope you will be more careful about your actions in the future." "I will, Miss." "The reason I let you stop is because you seem to be in very much pain where your balls are concerned. We'll call it a night, shall we?" "Thank you, Miss," Rob said, relieved that his Mistress wasn't going to slap his balls again. Rob lay down on his rug and Ellis crawled into her bed. The next morning she woke up first. She called Rob to her and immediately the boy stood next to her bed. She reached out and inspected his sac. "Does it still hurt?" she asked. "No, Miss." "Good. Come and help me to get dressed." Rob was very willing to please his Mistress. From then on he helped her so good that the punishment was reduced to a minimum. The same was with Steve and Sean. He was a great help to Steve. During the day he helped with the new company and at night he was educated by Steve in the secrets of male-love. Steve and Ellis used the same sequence of topics. After the first day on which the boys were taught about stroking without touching the genitals. The second day the touching of the genitals was discussed. On the third they concentrated on oral pleasuring. This was Sean's favorite He loved to lick and suck on his Master's adult member. He loved the taste of his cum. On the other side Steve loved the taste of Sean's beautiful boy-member. He loved to have that nice spongy like knob in his mouth and rim it with his tongue. Something Sean didn't object to. 'Soixant-Neuf' became their favorite position. On the fourth day the boys were educated in anal sex. Ellis found out that Rob was still a bit to small to actually make her feel him when he was inside. Therefore she taught him how to use his fingers for something like this. She did the same on him and soon Rob had had his first prostate massage. He thought he was going mad. Ellis gave him such a sensational feeling. She did it even so good that there was some clear liquid coming from Rob's now rigid member. Ellis found this a bit dangerous and would ask her father later on. In the meanwhile, Steve and Sean had also engaged in anal pleasures. Steve taught the boy by starting with the fingering and massaging of the prostate. He would do it first to Sean and then Sean would do it to Steve to show how well he had paid attention. After the fingers the man and boy changed to using their man- and boyhood. It took a while before Sean was comfortable with taking the big piece of meat that was now invading his ass. Steve was taking his time and gave Sean plenty of time to adjust. When he knew Sean was comfortable Steve started the fucking motion and soon found his rhythm. After fucking Sean's ass for fifteen minutes the boy felt a warm liquid being shot in his bowels. He immediately knew what it was and looked back to Steve in gratitude. Steve pulled out and started to kiss the boy. At the same time he fondled Sean's member until it was completely stiff. Then it was Sean's turn to fuck. Steve offered the boy his ass and Sean, being so much younger, had no problem getting in. After getting his rhythm the boy was climaxing in five minutes. Then he pulled back. "I'm sorry, Sir, but I couldn't hold it any longer." "Don't worry, Sean, you did great." They hugged and stayed in a passionate embrace until they fell asleep. The next day during breakfast, Ellis addressed the liquid issue to her father. "That's okay, Ellis. Like I told you, their cords are jammed between their balls and prick. Actually it's jammed around where they enter the body. That means that the way between their prostate and their dickies is not blocked. The only thing you saw coming out of Rob's member was prostate-fluid. Nothing to be worried about." That put Ellis at ease. She could now safely set the next step: teaching Rob about the real deal. After breakfast Ellis started her education of how to penetrate and make true love to a woman. In the quarters of Steve and Sean the Captain decided to test Sean by giving him an exam on the pleasuring he taught him the last few days. Sean had to pleasure Steve using as many different techniques as he could remember. After two hours Steve let Sean know that he was very pleased with how well Sean had picked up on things. The rest of the day they used to get Steve's business organized. Ellis had now taken Rob to her room. While she lay on the bed she beckoned Rob closer and to lie next to her. She started to massage the little boy-member to full stiffness and then pulled the boy on top of her. With her hand she guided the little prick to her entrance and felt how the small pole was entering her. Rob then started to move up and down. It took him a while before he got his rhythm but then he really got into it. After a few minutes he reached his climax and his member went soft. Ellis however had not yet had her orgasm. "I'm sorry, Miss, I just couldn't help it." "Don't worry. It's just because your too small. I can hardly feel you. It's because you're too young." They decide to use the rest of the day to test Rob's skills. Ellis was very pleased with Rob's development. He obviously had paid attention.
The SwapThe next period the boys were swapped between Ellis and Steve. During the day the roles were as usual, with Sean serving Steve and Rob serving Ellis. But in the evening they were swapped. Now Sean was going to be Ellis' student for five days and Rob had to learn from Steve. Steve and Ellis now started the same education as the previous five days, but with the other boy.The first day Ellis was pleasantly surprised by the size of Sean's member. She just knew that she was going to enjoy these five days. She was even more surprised when she managed to bring Sean's member to an excited state. He had a huge boner for his age. Steve, on the other hand, was handling Rob. He too got a pleasant surprise. Rob was a very good learner and by the end of the evening he had already given Steve a wonderful orgasm just by stroking his zones. Earlier Steve had stroke Rob and Steve had loved the way Rob had dealt with his climax. The boy had lain on his back with his eyes closed. He had moaned and gasped wildly until the fullness of the orgasm hit him. By then the boy lay with his eyes closed, his mouth wide open and completely silent, focusing on the pleasurable feeling soaring through his young body. Steve always loved the sight of boys who climaxed that way. Ellis had stroked Sean to his orgasm as well and now it was his turn. Ellis was loving the way Sean's hands worked her body. In contrast to Rob, Sean succeeded to give her an orgasm just by stroking. He even managed to give her two. Immediately Ellis was thankful for the swap. She was looking forward to the coming days. The next day it was time for the manual stimulation of the private parts. Steve loved the feeling of a young smooth prick in his hand. He liked handling the smooth skin. He also loved to feel those small, not fully grown boy-testicles. Steve immediately knew he was going to enjoy the coming days. Steve had ordered Rob to tell him when he got close. Every time the boy was getting close Steve would stop and let Rob play with his genitals. He loved how those small hands felt on his shaft and were caressing his big adult balls. When it was about ten Steve found it late enough and decided that it was time to call it a day. He started to rub Rob for the last time. This time he didn't stop when Rob warned him. Instead Steve used his hands to increase the intensity of Rob's tickles. Rob was getting hornier by the second and then, when he finally came, he really came. It was the best climax so far. He was thrashing his head left and right. Steve knew a prolonged orgasm was more intense but the way Rob experienced it was astonishing. After a full minute Rob finally calmed down. Steve just sat there in awe. "I guess you liked it?" "Yes! Oh yes, Sir. Thank you, thank you so much." Steve loved his reaction. He took the now spent boy in his arms and, while they cuddled up, they fell asleep. In Ellis' quarters it hadn't stayed quiet as well. She had done the same to Sean. Building up his tension and then leaving it alone again. During the intermezzo's she let Sean fondle her privates until he gave her her climax. Then she would start of on Sean again. By half past nine she thought it was time and she jerked Sean off. As with Rob, Sean too had a stronger orgasm then usual. "You liked it?" Ellis asked when Sean finally calmed. "Oh yes, Miss. It was more intense then usual." "That's because we've postponed so many before I let you go." While Sean was still lying on his back Ellis put her arms around him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Good night Sean." "Good night, Miss." After such a well spent evening it was a bit of a problem for the boys to get up the next day. Steve and Ellis found it very humorous when they compared notes after breakfast. Ellis also informed her father that she had really loved the amount of skills that Sean was showing. She could hardly wait for that evening, when they would discuss oral stimulation. That evening Steve had the chance of sucking on a beautiful little worm. He loved to take little boy-members into his mouth in whole. He then let his tongue tickle the boy's sac. After that Steve continued by pulling the foreskin back and caressing the exposed head with his tongue. By now Rob was going crazy. He never knew something could be this wonderful. He loved how his Master was playing with him. Rob even had several climaxes. He didn't know that was possible. After the third Steve stopped and it was Rob's turn to please Steve. Steve loved the sight of his member being swallowed by a small boy. Rob managed to please Steve so well that after fifteen minutes he climaxed and almost suffocated the poor boy with the amount of semen he shot into Rob's mouth. "Easy, Rob, easy. Are you okay?" "Yes, Sir, I'm sorry, Sir." "No, Rob, I'm sorry. I should have figured that you would have trouble with it. Come here, sweety." In the meantime, in Ellis' room, Sean was following orders from his Mistress. She told him how he could make the best use of that tongue of his. And just as with his hands he followed Ellis' orders to the letter. That's why he gave her a wonderful time. She was really impressed by the way he picked up on her instructions. By ten both were so exhausted that they fell asleep. The next day was the day of anal pleasure. Ellis wondered how it would feel, Sean's big member in her still rather tight ass. By eight that evening she got her answer. It felt great. She loved it. And when Sean found his rhythm she even loved it more. Sean and Ellis were completely into the ass-fucking. They were busy the entire evening. First Sean fucked Ellis, then she finger-fucked Sean's ass and they ended as they started: Sean forcefully fucking Ellis' ass. Steve was happy with Rob. He looked at the young, small boy. Rob knew what was wanted from him and that scared him. He was afraid that it would hurt a lot if Steve would put his adult member in his butt. Steve saw the fear in Rob's eyes. He turned the boy around and inspected the small boy-ass. He had mixed feelings about what he saw. It was a beautiful bubble-butt. But it was also very tight. If Steve forced himself on the boy, he would certainly rip the boy up. Steve decided to stick with fingers. Rob's dickie itself was too small to put in Steve's ass, so he would stick to his fingers and hands as well. Steve started by ordering Rob to get on to the bed on all fours. Rob still thought Steve was going to fuck him the real way. But first Steve took hold of Rob's little member and started to stroke the little pecker into a stiff state. Then Steve wet a few fingers and pushed one of them into Rob's tight ass. He started to wiggle a bit and stretch Rob's sphincter. When Steve thought it was wide enough he added another finger. Now that he had two fingers up Rob's ass Steve could start his real main action. He wanted to let Rob experience the longest and most intense prostate-massage ever. After five minutes Rob's member was already releasing the first drops of pre-cum. Steve had put a bowl under the boy to collect all the juices. Steve loved the way Rob was reacting to his pleasuring. The boy was moaning and breathing heavily. In the meantime, his dickie was spewing more and more pre-cum. After half an hour Rob was looking distressed at his Master. By then there was already a fair amount in the bowl. "What is it, Rob?" "I'm 3; I'm getting tired, Sir. I love what you are doing, Sir. I don't want you to stop, but I don't know how long I can keep this up." Steve was glad Rob was so honest. He immediately stopped and let Rob lie down on his back. He had now picked up two small spoons and the bowl and lay down next to Rob. Steve took one spoon, dipped it in Rob's juices and let the boy taste it. Then Steve took a full spoon of it himself. "Wow, that tastes great, Sir." "I think so too. You are very tasty," Steve said while he kissed Rob on the tip of his nose. Rob was now ordered to let Steve have the same feeling. Rob was a natural. Within fifteen minutes Steve had had his climax. Then Steve lay down on his back and held his arms open for Rob. As the boy snuggled up to his Master the boy remembered that Steve hadn't put his cock in him yet. "Good night, Rob." "Good night, Sir." The next morning Rob was awakened by his Master's movements. Steve was busy getting up. When he noticed Rob was waking up as well he walked over and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes, Sir. Thank you for asking. Did you like it yesterday, Sir? Did I do all right?" "You did perfect." Then Steve noticed that Rob was acting a bit tense. Or nervous. "Rob, what's wrong? You look nervous." Rob, who had now climbed out of bed and was standing in front of Steve, crumbled down a bit and dropped his head. "I'm just afraid, Sir." "Afraid? For what?" "That you're going to fuck me up the ass." "And why should I do that?" "Because you didn't last night, Sir. I thought you forgot and wanted to do it later on." "No Rob, I didn't forget. I just didn't want to do it because you are too young, too little. I looked at your back entrance and if I would take you there by force I might damage you for good." "So you're not going to fuck me?" "At least not until you've grown some." "Thank you, Sir. Thank you," Rob said while he threw himself around Steve's neck. "Okay, now get dressed and go help with breakfast." "Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. Thank you, Sir," Rob said as he left for the kitchen. Rob's reaction gave Steve a double feeling. He loved to see the young boy so happy. He felt bad however about the reason for it. That evening Rob was going to be tested by Steve on how well he had paid attention. But first Steve wanted to discuss Rob's outburst from this morning. "Rob, do you like me?" "Yes, Sir, I do. I think you are very nice. And so is the Mistress." "Than why did you react that way this morning? I was a bit hurt by your reaction." "I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just was relieved that you didn't fuck me." "Why? If you like me why don't you want me to fuck you?" "Because you're so big, Sir. I'm just afraid you would rip my hole open," Rob said with his head bowed. "And that's why you were so unhappy? Not because you didn't like me?" "No, Sir. I really like you. Please you have to believe me." Suddenly Rob crawled on the bed on all four and pointed his butt to Steve. "If it proves my love for you you can fuck me if you want," Rob said with tears in his eyes. "Because I do love you, Sir." Steve walked up behind Rob and took Rob's kilt off the boy. Rob thought Steve was now really going to fuck him. Suddenly he felt a smack on his cheeks, followed by a rubbing. "I told you why I didn't fuck you. Don't worry. I won't take you up on your offer until you're ready." Rob turned around and hugged Steve. "Thank you, Sir. I do love you and I now know you love me too," Rob said while he covered Steve with kisses. Rob was ordered, just like Sean earlier, to satisfy Steve using as many techniques as possible. Rob passed with flying colors He started with stroking. Then massaging and sucking Steve's privates. In the end Rob used his mouth and tongue on Steve adult member, one hand on his balls and the other hand inside Steve ass to massage the man's prostate. Steve was really in awe of the young boy. When Steve had finally came, it was the most intense orgasm Steve had had in years. "Wow. Thank you, Rob, that was perfect." "Thank you, Sir." Steve smiled at the boy. When he had finally gained his breath he started to chase Rob all over the bed and started to wrestle with the boy. When he finally got hold of Rob, Steve started to fondle the young boy's jewels. He wanted to give Rob the good feeling and after first getting the boy-member hard he laid the boy down on his back and gave the boy a wonderful blow-job. After that they were both exhausted and fell asleep. In Ellis' room the young ones had had some action of their own. Ellis was looking forward to this moment. She had done it with Rob, but he was too small. It had little to no effect. Sean however had a substantial member and she was wondering how it would feel if he would fuck her for real. That evening she got her answer. Ellis had stripped in front of Sean and ordered him to do the same. When Sean was naked he stood in front of her with a full-size boner. Ellis lay down on the bed and signaled Sean to crawl on top of her between her legs. When the boy was on top Ellis used a hand to guide Sean's member in the correct direction. Ellis kissed Sean's forehead and told him to go ahead. As Sean proceeded Ellis felt a short and small sting inside her womb. But it soon subsided as Sean had found his rhythm and was now moving in and out of Ellis' love-tunnel. She wrapped her legs around Sean's hips and pushed Sean's head to her breasts so he could suck on her nipples. It didn't take long before Ellis had her climax. The contraction of her muscles around his raging prick made that Sean immediately climaxed as well. When the feeling had subsided with both of them Sean rolled off of his Mistress. "Thank you, Sean, you were great." Ellis said, still catching her breath. "Thank you, Miss. It was my pleasure to please you, Miss." Sean replied, still gasping for air. "Let's call it a night, shall we?" "As you wish, Miss." Ellis looked at the boy next to her and found he was exhausted. As soon as he closed his eyes he was off to dreamland. She looked at her new lover. She put her hand on his chest and moved it to see whether he was sound asleep. He was gone. Ellis got a mischievous smile on her face and moved her hand down to Sean's groin. She took hold of the now spent cock and started to fondle it. It took a while but finally the boy-member was rising again. Ellis decided to massage it until it would go soft again. After a while Sean was breathing hard again and not long after he went soft. She then kissed Sean, pulled him close and with him in her arms she fell asleep. The next morning Sean was surprised by the way they lay in bed. He had his head on his Mistress breasts. As he looked up he saw two eyes looking down on him. Then the eyes moved down and noticed his morning-woody. Suddenly Sean was pushed on his back. Ellis climbed on top of him and before he knew what was happening she had lowered herself on his stiff prick and was riding him. Sean was completely astonished by the view he was given. Ellis was moving up and down and with that her breasts were moving too. Suddenly she took Sean's hands and placed them on her breasts to let him play with them. It really turned her on because five minutes later Sean felt her muscles tense up again. That made him come as well. Immediately after that Sean informed her that he had to pee. Ellis walked with him. She loved watching boys pee. After Sean was finished Ellis relieved herself and then, after they got dressed, they went to have breakfast.
A Last Lesson"I hope you two had fun last night? I know Rob and I did.""Yes, we did, dad." Ellis said with her head bowed to hide the redness of it. "I'm glad. Because the next two nights we will show the boys what group-sex means." Ellis looked at her dad in surprise. Did he really say that? That meant she would be naked in front of her dad. Even have sex with him in the same room. And the other way around. "Don't look so surprised Ellis. I know you would love it. After all, your my daughter." "I know dad. It's just that I didn't knew you felt the same way." After the boys had cleaned the breakfast table, Sean went on helping Steve. This time however Steve groped under Sean's kilt more than usual. He was looking forward to the evening. In the meantime, Ellis was doing the same with Rob. Rob helped her with her chores for today. Now and then she would lift his kilt up and slap him. She loved to give him playful taps on his smooth ass-cheeks. By the time it was ready to go have dinner Rob's cheeks were all warmed up. Steve and Ellis had a wonderful diner. Since they wanted to get started with the lessons immediately the boys were excused from their duty of doing the dishes. The boys went upstairs to Ellis' room and waited for instructions. After Steve and Ellis had pulled out some chairs and sat down, they ordered the boys to give a striptease. The boys complied and soon there were two naked boys in front of their Master and Mistress. The boys were ordered to get into the bed and help Ellis with stripping. After that the boys had to strip Steve. "Okay boys. This is what we're going to do." Steve gave them instructions and five minutes later the boys were in a very hot and steamy threesome with their Master. Rob was lying on the bed and was in a very wild Soixant-Neuf with Steve. In the meantime, Sean had taken a position behind Steve and had entered his Master from the rear. It didn't take long before all of the participants were climaxing. Rob loved the taste of Steve's semen. He swallowed as fast and as much as he could. He didn't succeed completely. After the three of them lay down enjoying the afterglow Steve turned to Rob and licked a drop of cum from the corner of his mouth. Steve then gave Rob a passionately French kiss, followed by one for Sean. After the boys had rested for half an hour Ellis was getting a bit impatient. She wanted the boys to help her getting her orgasm. Steve stood up from the bed and sat down in the chair. Now Ellis took his place and the boys quickly took their positions as well. Because they were still a bit spent, it took the boys longer to reach their orgasm than before. Ellis didn't mind. Not at all. She enjoyed every minute of the lesson and finally had a wonderful climax. After that the boys were allowed to sleep in the bed, along with their Master and Mistress. The next morning Steve and Ellis slept late. They didn't wake up until lunchtime. By then Sean and Rob had already awakened and had helped Sarah and Rosy with the preparations of lunch and diner. The entire day Ellis and Steve were a bit listless. They couldn't really concentrate on their jobs. They were much too distracted by what was going to happen that night. When diner was finished Steve and Ellis couldn't wait for the boys' last lesson. This time all four of them would make love. Sean would lie on the bed, with Ellis on top of him. While Rob would have his little pecker sucked by his Mistress, Steve would penetrate his daughter's ass and fuck her that way. Ellis had never imagined that it could be this hot and satisfying. Sean loved the feeling of Ellis' warmth around his stiff boyhood. Then suddenly Ellis increased the pace on sucking Rob. This was the signal for Steve that his daughter was getting close. And he wasn't wrong. Only minutes later, almost simultaneously with Rob's climax, Ellis started moaning loudly. Her cunt-muscles contracted around Sean's cock and that gave him the stimulant he needed to cum. The same happened to Steve when he felt how Ellis' ass-muscle was squeezing his big adult member. He couldn't hold back and filled his daughter's ass completely with his cum. The complete party was now exhausted and kept lying in bed until the next morning. Only after they had had a good breakfast they regained their strength. Both Ellis and Steve were completely satisfied by the way Rob and Sean had performed the last few days. Steve knew he had made a good decision by enslaving these boys.
A Terrible MishapAfter the first few weeks there was a very slow period for Steve and Ellis so Sean and Rob were detached to Jake to help him in the garden. They had to water the plants and collect the leaves and cut grass. After being on the job for a long time Rob got boyish, actually he was just acting his age. Instead of watering the plants he decided to water his brother. Sean was mad and ran after Rob with the leaf rake. They turned a corner around a hedge and suddenly there was a lot of noise.Jake quickly came over to see what had happened. When he rounded the corner his heart stopped. The boys just stood there and looked frightened at Jake. Sean had tried to hit Rob over the head with the rake. Rob had ducked away and that made Sean hit the statue that they were running around. It was the statue of an angel and the blow had knocked off the tip of one of the wings. "The master is going to kill you for this." Now Sean was terrified. He was trembling all over. "Come," Jake said as he grabbed both boys and pulled them back to the house. He planted them on two chairs in the hallway and then took Steve to see the damages. When they came back Steve was furious. "Ellis!" he shouted. After Ellis had appeared, he told her what had happened. "You punish Rob for provoking Sean. I'll deal with this one. The penalty is twenty slaps on the bottom and five on the sac. And they are not allowed to eat anything else than water and bread until the statue is repaired. Jake, go into town and ask Master Simpson to come and see what he can do." Then Steve took Sean to his quarters to punish the boy. He had the boy bend over and pulled the kilt away. "Count." "One 3; Two 3; three 3; " After twenty hard slaps on his bare bottom Sean was whining and snotting. His buttocks were on fire. But his ordeal wasn't over yet. Now came the five more painful blows. Steve repositioned himself and slapped Sean's sac for the first time. Sean gasped for air. His balls were stinging. But before he could react Steve had landed the second blow. By the third blow Sean collapsed to his knees and was in terrible pain. "Stand up!" Steve shouted. With a lot of difficulty Sean managed to get back on his feet. Immediately he got the fourth blow. Again Sean collapsed. He knew Steve was getting more angry if he didn't stand up. With all the strength he had left in him Sean pulled himself on his feet. Immediately he collapsed again due to the fifth blow. Sean lay down on the floor and crawled to his rug hoping that his ordeal was over. "Stay there and think of what you did." Steve said as he left the room to wait for Master Simpson, the town's mason. In the meanwhile, Ellis took the now frightened Rob to her quarters. When he looked at her he could she anger in her eyes he had never seen before. Ellis sat down on the bed and Rob was ordered to get undressed. When he was naked, the boy was draped over Ellis' lap. She then started to slap his bare ass like she had never done before. Rob was counting but by number six the tears and snot were making it difficult for him to shout the numbers. After the twentieth Rob was placed in front of a wall. He had to stand slightly bended forward, with his hands and feet spread. Rob was biting his lower lip when he felt the first blow to his sac. "O 3; One 3; Aah 3; Two." It took all of Rob's energy to count and accept the blows in the same time. After the fourth he felt a bit dizzy and after the fifth he collapsed and fainted because of the pain. Ellis was still mad. She just grabbed Rob by the ankles and dragged him to his rug. Then she left the room to join her father. He was in the garden with Master Simpson to assess the damage. "I think I can repair it. Probably take me a week." "Thank you for being here so quickly. You know what this statue means to us." "Yes, Sir, I do. I remember the day we put it here as if it was yesterday. I guess it never heals completely, does it?" "No, it still hurts. I guess that was my biggest motivation to stay in the army. Too get as many of those Scots as possible." "And now you have two of them living here?" "Yeah. They're just boys actually. Their village was burned to the ground and they had no-one left. I guess they're better of here." "Nice way of repaying your kindness." "They didn't know it was here and boys will be boys. I've punished them so they will not do this again." "Well I'll do my best to make it so you won't notice it." After that, the man said goodbye and Ellis and Steve went back inside. When Steve came back to his room he found that Sean was still in agony on his rug. Steve looked down and still felt some contempt for the boy. But now it was mixed with feelings of pity. When he had just climbed in bed he heard some noise. "Per 3; (ugh) 3; permission to speak, (ugh) Sir?" Sean asked still coughing. "What do you want?" "I'm very sorry, Sir, (ugh) for breaking the statue. But I didn't know it was there. Will you please tell me why it is of so much importance to you?(ugh)" "It's dedicated to my late wife. That's why I'm so mad at you." "I'm so sorry, Sir. (ugh) Good 3; (ugh) 3; Good night, Sir." "Good night." Steve turned over and fell asleep. Sean had more difficulty because of the pain in his balls and whined himself to sleep. In the meanwhile, Ellis had also crawled into bed. She lay there thinking about what had happened. She wondered why Rob was still quite. She crawled over to the foot end and looked down. The boy was still unconscious. Ellis got out of bed and knelt next to her boy-slave. She turned him on his back which made his knees fall to either side of his body. This meant that she had a full view on his privates. Then Ellis noticed something she hadn't seen before. On his sac was a clear red line. She bent over and took a closer look. Now she saw what it was. Apparently one of her nails had made a cut in his sac. It wasn't a deep cut, very superficial, but it had blood on it like a graze. Ellis spat on a tip of her nighty and cleaned the wound. Immediately Rob started to moan. His sac was obvious still very sore. "Please, Miss, no more, please." "Don't worry, I'm just cleaning you up." "May I ask you something, Miss?" "Sure, ask away." "What is so important about that statue that you and the Master reacted so strongly?" "It was erected in memory of my mother. So when you two broke it, you desecrated her memory." Immediately Rob was in tears. "I'm sorry, Miss, we didn't know. We didn't even know it existed. I know how important it is to have something to keep the memory of your mum alive. My mum died as well." "And you really loved her, didn't you?" "She was the best mother ever." Immediately Rob understood what he just said. "Not that your mother was bad, Miss." "Don't worry, Rob," Ellis said, "I think every kid thinks about his parents as being the best of the world." She left Rob to go to sleep and crawled back into bed herself. The next morning Rob was the first to wake up and by the time Ellis woke up he was already dressed. She soon got dressed herself and then they went downstairs to have breakfast. Ellis and Steve were having a normal big breakfast. Rob and Sean, on the other hand, were only having bread and water. Steve ordered them to undress. "You're not allowed to wear clothes as long as you eat bread and water, understood?" The boys took their clothes off and soon both Ellis and Steve saw what the consequence was of their punishment. Both boys had severly swollen sacs. When the boys brought the plates back to the kitchen the staff saw what had happened to the boys. They all felt sorry. They'd all loved Milady and agreed the boys should be punished for breaking the statue but this was very harsh. The boys were sent to continue their work for Jake and by noon they served lunch to their Mistress and Master. Just before dinner Sean and Rob were ready with their chores. They served dinner and at night they slept on their rugs instead of in the bed. After five days Master Simpson was ready with the repairs. He announced it to Steve and he and Ellis came to see the revealing of the statue. The statue looked like new. Sean and Rob were happy that Master Simpson had succeeded and continued to thank him until he was out of sight. Sean and Rob were now allowed to eat normally again and to wear their clothes again. The boys immediately cheered up. The next day the boys were still ordered to help Jake. Suddenly he lost them. He started to look around for them, but when he came back to the spot he lost them, they were there again like nothing had happened. Now that the boys were working like they were ordered to, Jake decided to go and have a look at the statue. When he came there he saw some carefully placed flowers at the socket. He decided to go and get the Master and the Mistress. Steve first thought what happened now? Did they damage it again? But when he saw the flowers he choked up. Ellis' eyes got wet. They immediately yelled for the boys. They came over with their heads bowed. "Is this your doing?" Steve asked the boys. "Yes, Sir." "Did you ask permission to do this?" "No, Sir." The boys immediately shrunk and were afraid for the beating they were going to get. Steve and Ellis looked at each other and then ordered their respective slave to them. After ordering them to bend over, they got one slap on their buttocks. Then the boys were pulled into a big hug. "We had to punish you for not asking, but we do love your little surprise." "We wanted to show you that we didn't mean to damage it. And that we know how important a thing like this is. We didn't want to soil her memory." "Thank you, guys. You just keep to amaze me." Steve said as he pulled both boys in a tight hug.
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