PZA Boy Stories

Scrub aka Simon

Prisoner of the System


A bully, who is a prefect, bullies other schoolmates and encourages his gang to join in. He is taught a lesson, or several, before going to a new school.
Publ. 2000 (ANCGS); this site Nov 2008
Finished 9,500 words (19 pages)


a boy of 11yo

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mb tb bb tgMdom oral anal mast – humil spank ws med


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

These are old stories and published as is. Theyt were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.

Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:

  1. The official: Once I have set the scene the reader can complete his taste in his mind and this I cannot do for him.
  2. The real: get bored with the story which has been written for my fun.
If you shouldn’t be reading it, you shouldn’t be reading it but I can’t stop you so just ask your mum! But you better not show her.

If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!

Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author.

Thanks for reading.


I need to tell you a bit about me as I used to be. At the time I was just 11 and in my last year of my prep school (English meaning of the word = a boys private sector school, usually boarding taking boys up to the time they go to their public school). I was doing more or less OK but I liked to get my own way and was happy to cheat if it helped me get it. The masters knew I did that but my stepfather had both position and MONEY and was not afraid to use either or both – I was not afraid of the schoolmasters.

I also was a big shot as far as the other kids that lived near home. When my father died and my mother almost immediately remarried I had been a bit put out but when my stepfather allowed me to stay at the boarding school I had been at (although my stepbrothers went to a local state school) I decided it was all O.K.

I enjoyed being one of the older, and tougher kids at school. When this story started I had just become a dormitory prefect. This put me in charge of some twelve kids all younger than me and I intended to abuse that to the full. My assistant was a boy a couple of months younger than me but who was in the form below mine. Although I was just entering puberty and still had a small cock (it had got a nice bush in the previous couple of months), his was huge (in my eyes) with a large amount of hair when I first saw it. He was rather a shy kid and I would have been his match physically – even if I had fought fair. As it was he became my slave and there was nothing I enjoyed more than making him spunk (something I couldn't yet do myself) in front of the whole dormitory.

However my housemaster knew of my dormitory capers and had plans for me. One Saturday he asked me to come to his room just before afternoon games (when the area would be deserted.) He gave me a drink and I found I had to sit down. In moments I was slumped in the chair unable to move. A man I knew as he was the school doctor came in. They explained that they had decided I needed a lengthy lesson and David (my dormitory assistant) was going to help.

The housemaster was going to go to the head to report that I had been caught raping David. I was waiting outside the housemaster's study and the man was asking for instructions. When however the housemaster returned I would have run away. That evening I would be found but withdrawn from the school I would learn more of their plans for me later. I was given an injection and that was the end of life as I had known it.

I woke up in a small bare room without outside windows but with an awful headache. I shouted until I was could make any more noise but nothing happened. I tried to get off the bed I was on but I was tied down. Eventually I calmed down and looked around. I was naked and my hands were behind my back. I couldn't see how they were fixed up but they clearly were useless. I was on a plastic covered bed on my back with my feet pulled as wide apart as possible and tied with twine to the corners of the bed. There were mirrors around the room which was covered with while plastic. Walls, ceiling and floor. (Later I learnt that behind this was a sound proofing system.) I was thirsty but more important I needed to pee really badly. I called out again "Please someone help me. I need to go to the lavatory badly." I thought that as my crying and shouting hadn't worked maybe politeness might. I was right, the door opened and the doctor came in "Good you are awake. I hope you slept well."

I forgot all about being polite and when I started shouting, the man turned and left.

I tried again and again. Eventually the man returned. "Now if you are going to be a good boy I will stay. You must do EXACTLY as you are told and stop making a fuss. Now you may ask some questions and, IF you ask nicely, I will answer you unless they are questions that I feel are not your concern."

"Can you give me something for my headache please?"


"May I please make water?"


"How can I?"

"Just let it come out."

"But it will get all over me and everything?"


"Please 3;"

"I have said you can NOW do it or I will leave you again."

I took quite a few minutes to decide to but when the doctor refused to say anything and then got up to go, I let fly. He grabbed my cock and directed the stream over my face.

"Well that wasn't so bad was it?" he said "Now if you want me to answer more questions lick your lips NOW."

I was leaning and in spite of what I knew was on them did as he told me! I then feeling very unhappy continued "Why did I have to do all that?"

"Why not?"

"What is going to happen to me now?"

"Your stepfather is coming over and I will suggest a solution to his problem with you. He doesn't want it coming to court – you see."

"Can't I just go back to the school and accept my punishment?"

"You have been expelled – officially for running away."

"Could I please have something to drink my mouth is all dry?"

"Yes, of course. I will pee in this jug, like so. Now I will pour just a little pee into this cup. If you swallow it all down I will give you a large cup of warm milk – followed by a small further dose of my pee. When you have drunk that I will give you something for your headache."

I had no real choice but I tried to talk him round but he just sat there and said nothing. I was so afraid that he would leave me again. Anyhow I did exactly as he wanted.

He then left to collect my stepfather. He wasn't long and I was pleased to see him back! I was terrified of being left alone! The doctor undid me and, telling my stepfather that I had willing drunk he pee and so on, he let me shower (supervised) and still naked took me into his study.

This time he did the questioning, aided by my stepfather. They just barked out questions not giving me a chance to consider my answers. Every time I failed to answer a question fully and at once, I was bent over and given a couple of strokes. I felt I had few secrets left. Presently my ex housemaster and David arrived. The questioning altered slightly to what I liked doing to David and he was encouraged to call me a liar and for me to be punished. Once I had received thirty hard strokes (the doctor kept count) we all went to the soundproofed room and a video was brought in and a still camera. Now I was not just questioned but had to exhibit myself. The doctor gave me a capsule and soon I was very hard – down there. No one besides myself had even seen my cock all stiff as it was then – let alone watched me handle myself down there. The drug did its work however and, although it was the last thing I wanted, my hand stretched down and took hold of it. Then without them saying anything I started to rub. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was alone in my own bed. Not for long however. "Look at the camera", "Is that as big as it gets?", "Have you ever tried using the other hand?", "Answer when you are asked a question. "Look at me when I am talking to you" and so on kept me aware of them and of the cameras.

This was not enough they wanted to debase me further and They put a rubber covered b'olster under my rump. Now the cameras could see my reddened rump as well as my front. They then tied a cord from one ankle to the other. The cord was forced behind my neck pulling my legs wide apart and right up so my legs almost touched my shoulders. I could see my bum hole on the television. However the men didn't want me just to look. Soon I had a couple of fingers of my 'idle' hand stuck up there. Every couple of minutes I had to swap over hands.

In spite of all this, I was fast approaching my first real emission. The men had other ideas however. I now know of very many ways that my mentors can, and do, spoil my and other kids' cums. At that time I was innocent and the dousing of ice cold water was so unexpected that I was in tears again. It did the job that the men wanted and my cock became as small as if I had just come out of the pool after swimming. I watched as they recorded its small size and made comments about it.

The doctor then started to measure my cock and balls and so on – but not just a few measurements! I have had to made neat copies of the report many hundred of times – to improve my handwriting and I can easily reproduce it word for word:

  • AGE 11 (From his birthday he must be 10 years 11 months) Nice soprano voice. no body hair (a little fuzz on legs and a small tuft in the pubic area to be removed before he goes to his new school) and pale translucent skin. Dark blond hair blue green eyes.

  • Penis uncircumsized. Balls descended (but this will be rectified as eight is too young for this).

  • Penis length along top: soft: 1.9 inches [4.8 cm]; erect: 2.7 inches [6.8 cm] (This excludes the extra length of the foreskin.

  • Maximum length of foreskin which comes naturally right over the corona 0.9 inches [2.3 cm]. When tip is clipped together the foreskin can have 125 cc of liquid inserted at 25 millibar pressure.

  • Penis width soft – a size 00 ring will fit over the penis and can be forced right up under the balls. It seemed to be uncomfortable, and caused an erection which made it difficult to remove the ring (It took 40 minutes) but it is not judged dangerous – recommendation – He should wear this ring every night to train him. (Hard a size 05 ring can just be fitted.).
    When the foreskin was pealed back – difficult as there were adhesions (almost certainly the first time it had been skinned right back), a smaller ring fitted neatly below the corona, 4 tensing rods pushed these ring apart. These rods could be extended to 3.1 inches [7.9 cm] and the apparatus was left in situ overnight.

  • Skin of penis was very tender and he reacted verbally to pricking and the use of stinging nettles. To be tried later – emery paper, wasps etc. but develop his resistance SLOWLY.

  • A similar two rings with tensing rods was fitted over balls (These rings clipped together like handcuffs as they were far too small to go over the balls). The rods extended to 1.6 inches [4.1 cm] before causing 'undue' pain and were finally extended to 3.4 inches [8.6 cm].

  • The balls could fit though a size 17 measure – just (before the tensing of the scrotum). In the other direction – longways a size 24 was needed but was very painful. IT was possible to reseat the balls in the body cavity. It appeared to hurt for a little while and the subject was very worried but no explanation was offered. The balls were left in the body cavity for about 10 minutes.
This was the first evening's report but the tests continued over the next days. However for the first time in my life I found out that 'cocksucker' was not just an expression as both men forced me to suck them off before I was left to sleep(????) in the wet bed with my legs still folded over. The only other thing that was fixed to me was a sort of double figure eight of leather bands. The two outside smaller loops went round my wrists quite tightly then the larger inside loops went round my thighs locking together between my legs and with a small cord to my prick. my hands were thus on the outsides of my thighs and were locked there quite uselessly. It was a form of bondage I have got used to since then.

The bed was still wet but a warm heating system made it tolerable – except every so often another shower of ice cold water would pour over me without warning. I know now that I was left in the room for nearly 20 hours. It was an inside room and I had no idea of how time was passing. Once a masked man (I think now that it was the doctor but my imagination worked overtime then) came in and inserted a tube down my throat. I was aware that from time to time some mush went down the tube into me but I had no knowledge of what it was or its quantity. I know I lost control of my body functions which I found most upsetting.

Eventually I was 'woken up' and taken unwashed but untied – except for the 'double eight' – to my usual chair in the consulting room. The examination continued.

  • Further examination of testes and scrotum – the testes were pushed hard into the body cavity where they remained without being held. Moving them about there caused a fair degree of pain apparently but the general pressure of the new location was just uncomfortable (n.b. the boy is unable to do anything but give us full and complete information when questioned but unlike yesterday he is more aware of the complete loss of dignity in doing so. He is not drugged.)
    The scrotum was injected with saline solution. First resistance when 378 cc injected and in all 872 ccs were inserted. The scrotum was then the size of a large orange or a grapefruit and its skin looked highly polished. The whole area was very sensitive when touched.
    It took 39 hours before all the liquid was absorbed by the body. While the scrotum was inflated the boy was in an almost constant state of arousal.

  • The boy's bladder was tested next. Various sounds were tried (largest safe insertion size 23) It went in 2.2 inches [5.6 cm] before getting into the bladder, where it was fixed with a mini Bardex.

  • The top of the catheter had a measuring cylinder attached and saline solution added so that the surface remained at a fixed height above the bladder. At each height the average of 5 tests is given in the table below (Each test took 10 minutes so the liquid could settle down properly and the liquid was completely expelled between tests) he was given a high colonic irrigation before these tests so the bladder was free to expand.

    Height (cms) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
    Volume (ml) 46.4 49.1 50.7 51.6 53.8 54.5 55.5 56.2 Bowels empty
    Volume (ml) 44.1 47.3 48.9 49.8 51.6 52.4 54.8 55.9 1.5 litre enema
    Volume (ml) 42.8 45.6 46.9 48.1 49.8 51.4 53.1 55.1 3.4 litres (MAX)

    The 3.4 litres was the maximum we inserted without causing the subject 'undue' pain. He lost consciousness during 18 of the tests but recovered and the tests were able to be continued.

  • We then bathed the lad in hot (very) water and he revived a bit.

  • His anus was given a first examination. It was very sensitive even to my little finger. With a reasonable degree of difficulty, I punched a small candle in to a depth of 4 inches [10 cm]. It was about the limit for a rigid object. (Fucking is going to be fun.)

  • I used my finger to rub his prostrate gland. It took 2 minutes and 9 seconds for him to produce his first load of sperm (ever?) – 3.2 ccs. After 6 minutes 29 seconds he went into continuous climax mode. I kept him in that state until I was sure he had no ejaculate left (another 6 minutes). Total ejaculate 15.9 ccs. Sperm count 2 (Normal adult 300). The significance of the sperm count was explained to the lad (not including his age and inexperience).

This was the end of this part of the medical examination. However, after about half an hour, I was tied onto the kitchen table and the doctor started to give my whole body electrolysis. This removed all my body hair. It was not painless as when the system is used in a hair clinic but hurt like the devil. The doctor explained that he had turned the power up fully as that way it would take less sessions before the hair was gone for ever. He didn't work in any regular fashion but tended to jump about from place to place but concentrating on my left hand side first!

He then dressed me:

  • elastic waisted grey flannel shirt.
  • young school boy's tie, which came to the level of my nipples.
  • a blazer which had no pockets or buttons but had the crest of a local infants' school.
  • very short elasticated grey shorts which buttoned with large buttons to the shirt. They had no flies and were skin tight except for the short legs which allowed anyone to glimpse my prick.
  • long stockings.
  • polished Mary Jane type sandals.
He gave me nothing else – no underwear or belt. The shorts, blazer and shirt were split up the sides and held together with Velcro. Thus a pull left me in tie, stockings and shoes. More importantly I could be dressed – or undressed without the double eight being removed.

Although it was dusk, I was taken to the swing area of the local park (only 10 year olds and younger allowed to play there). I had to go on the bucket type swings. The doctor pointed out that each time the swing went up I showed all that I had "Which isn't much " he added.


It was Friday night and he then took me to watch a Disney film at the local cinema. It was crowded but I sat between the doctor and a man that obviously knew him well. As soon as the light went down the doctor undid the buttons and pulled the shorts right off. During the interval I was not redressed but a coat was put over my lap. However we were joined by my old housemaster and my erstwhile victim as well as my stepfather and two stepbrothers. When the lights went down I had too suck all of these people off and swallow their piss when they peed after coming. I suppose that I should be pleased that at least I had my shorts replaced before the end of the film.

That night I was allowed to sleep on my own. In the morning (still in the double eight) I felt distinctly off colour but the doctor was not concerned. He dressed me as before and quite early we left the house. This time I was taken to an old fashioned barber and the conversation went something like "What sort of hair cut does your young son want?" "I am not concerned with what he wants. I am paying and he needs a short back and sides (use a pudding basin if you like) to stress that he is still a little boy. Look how young he is!" The doctor said giving a tug to my clothes so they ended up in a pile round my feet. The shop had no other customers – Now think it hadn't yet opened but I was in tears of shame.

The clothes stayed on the floor as the barber got on with his work. He didn't even put the normal sheet type thing over me. "There are no clothes to keep free of hair," he remarked. He finished quite quickly but had me not facing the usual mirror so I could not see what he had done to my hair. I did watch in horror as he then honed his razor and soaped me down there but in the end it was his idea of a joke. When I was allowed to look at my hair, it was no joke – I looked like a little boy with very short hair in a smeared down short back and sides style.

My clothes were fixed back on and the doctor added a child's harness. We then went to a cafe which had a few tables outside. He had a coffee and I had a milk. I was not able to sit without my privates being public so I was allowed to stand at the side of the table while he feed me the milk through a straw. The cafe was in a shopping centre and there were many passers by every one of them seemed to stop and stare.

We then went to my home. Mum was away for the weekend but my two stepbrothers were there as was my stepfather. I had to shop the doctor around. He was very interested in my bedroom. It was nearly the same size as the main bedroom while the other boys shared a much smaller one. But, as I explained it was our home before Mum remarried and that had been my room. I also had much nicer clothing , toys etc. than they had – for the same reason. I also went to a posh boarding school (Or rather had until then) while they went to a tough comprehensive. The reasoning was the same but the doctor just said "I think you have been horribly spoilt but all that will change".

First my stepbrothers were allowed to help themselves to all my things. They took turns. Although one was nearly a year older than me and the other a year younger, we were all sufficiently the same size, and more importantly build that they could wear my clothes.

It wasn't only clothes that they were invited to help themselves to. Everything of mine was up for grabs. As all my possessions steadily disappeared I got more and more upset. However when everything else had gone my younger stepbrother did something which hurt more than the rest together. He got a album of photographs that I had and had the only photos I had of my parents together. I got a felt tip pen and I had to watch him draw moustaches and beards on the photos, He even drew genitals on my parents. I really broke down. This left the boys in hysteria.

However the doctor wanted more and spread a rubber sheet on my bed. He then pulled my clothes off yet again and gave the boys a guided tour of my more private areas. After a few minutes, to my relief the boys were sent shopping. The shops were quite near so they were gone for about a quarter of an hour. However that time was used to good effect. The doctor slipped on a rubber glove and pushed a finger up my backside. He felt around a bit then found a place which gave me a most funny feeling. My stepfather held my prick as it spurted what I hoped was real cum but didn't know. A moment later it spurted again and then again. After a bit it just dribbled out. All the liquid had been collected in a glass and I had to swallow it all down. It tasted curious – not too bad if I hadn't known where it had come from. The men cleaned me up just before the boys got back.

I was feeling very tired but I was not to be allowed to rest. As soon as the boys came upstairs I was given a series of enemas. I had not had any real food for days and it was not smelly but it was very embarrassing. The doctor them explained that my arse was too tight for an adult to fuck but on Tuesday I was to be fucked by several adults. The only way I could avoid being badly hurt then was to persuade my stepbrothers and other boys to fuck me. I should explain that I only had the vaguest idea of what fucking was all about and my stepbrothers were no wiser. I had to persuade the boys I hated to fuck me! The worst part was that the younger boy shot what felt a lot of cum up me and I was still unable to cum myself. When they came they were asked to pee up me to clean me out. This liquid spilt out on the rubber sheet and I had to lick it clean! The men were not idle and they fed me their cocks to suck and they both gave me several mouthfuls to swallow before they had done. I was then allowed to rest until the evening when I was taken to my father's room and allowed to watch a video of my younger stepbrother with my girl.

They were in my bedroom and it was recorded by a hidden camera. Although my stepbrother obviously knew it was there and he organised things to look good in the recording. At one point I had tried to shout out to Anne but my stepfather soon gagged me. He laid me on his bed and played with me. Anne had not let me do anything with her but now she was doing everything with my little brother! I wanted to think that she was drugged or something but I don't know to this day how he did it. He and she stripped COMPLETELY and he used her as he had used me. Once he had come he suggested they asked my other stepbrother to join them for a threesome. She actually giggled as she agreed.

In some ways the thing that made it the worst of all was that my stepfather kept playing with my cock and keeping it hard and I was actually turned on by it all! In the end he gave me my first real climax and I enjoyed it! Within seconds however I was back onto my feet dressed in the short shirt – only and bustled downstairs. He gave my bothers a bottle of a spray "If he shows any sign of getting turned on spray him down there – It will cure the problem". They used it repeatedly without reason once they found out it hurt. It seemed to freeze my cock.

We went into the living room and to my horror my girl (or ex girl to be more accurate) was still there. There was no way I could hide anything. My stepfather said that I was to be punished and asked if they would like to do it for him. Normally I would had got '12 of the best' but since they did not have adult strength they should each give me twelve. He watched each of them give the first three and made them repeat several strokes which he considered not hard enough. The so called nine that he watched was in fact fifteen and the ones that didn't count seemed just as painful as the others.

Once he left (to video the action secretly – I have seen the video and had to write a commentary as it was sold commercially with other extracts of my training.) the others made a game of it. For example they blindfolded me and I had to say which of them had just given me the stroke. If I got it wrong it wouldn't count. However the girl was far the worst with her ideas. At several points she peed over my arse "So the caning would hurt more". She also stripped as the boys did. Before she did she checked my blindfold carefully. She had me "Lick out your brothers' cum out of my cunny". She peed in my mouth as did the boys.

Anyhow all things end and a couple of hours after I had been brought downstairs she left. I was fed and watered and then a bar between two and three feet [60-90 cm] long was fixed between my ankles. Before I was put in the bath to sleep I had to phone David, my best friend, and ask him round for the day on Sunday. I was a complete prisoner with both my hands strapped to my thighs and my legs apart I couldn't even wriggle across the floor.

Surprising to say I slept well as I was completely exhausted. I remember being woken up by being peed over but I went straight back into a deep sleep. I was woken up finally when David arrived. I need to explain about David. He was fourteen but large for his age – in every way. He was too big to be a good athlete as far as most sports were concerned and he was a bit clumsy – to put a honest interpretation on it he was rather simple. I had adopted him as a sort of pet dog when I realised that I could get him to do my bidding even though I was his junior in age – as well as size. He was quite developed sexually and I loved watching his big cock force its way up an unwilling but defenceless arse. In my gang besides David there were about six (it varied) lads of eleven or twelve. These kids knew which side their bread was buttered and they knew that if there was any other boy that they wanted dealt with all they had to do was lure him along to the gang's hide out and he would be dealt with – usually fucked by David. Most of these victim's were David's age one was actually sixteen but the small kids even if small could subdue an older lad – many hands make light work. I was carried down and put on a plastic sheet in the centre of the room with my stepfather on one side and David on the other. My stepbrothers were not to be seen. A bowl of cold, over salted, porridge was put in front of me and I was so hungry that I wolfed it down making quite a mess while doing so.

This amused David and once I had finished I was gagged and my stepfather started. I am telling it as I remember but the speech is largely correct.

"Hear me out before you say anything David. I know a lot of what went on in the gang meetings would get both of you into serious trouble with the law and with certain parents such as ____. I do not want to put you through all that or my son. I am sending him away to a special boarding school and after the next few days you will never meet again. I could arrange for you to go to a similar place but I think I am going to propose a better solution. You will be able to take over the gang and carry on doing whatever turns you on – once my son has been properly dealt with. He liked to watch you doing things to the victim but he never did those things himself. As you see he is too small for that to be really effective. It seems to me that the best thing is if he has the same experiences as the victims.

"It is not enough for just you to fuck him here in private. The gang did not do just that. The were raped in front of other boys that knew them and their friends and might blab to them. I want you to try to get the other members of the gang along and work the boy over together. You could also invite some of the better hung victims over to get their revenge.

"I will get one of his stepbrothers to record some of the scenes as that will stop him being haughty in future but don't let that worry you. You have after all fucked them both in front of the gang several times."

The one sided conversation continued but nothing important was added David knew what answer he had to give and I think it was not a displeasing one as he said, "To tell the truth I enjoy fucking tight kids but not always the ones the gang presented to me. It has seemed to me for some time that your son ,who never fucks himself, needs to feel what it is like to be fucked. I am sure that I will enjoy showing him. I had never seem him nude before and I did not realise what a little kid he is."

I can still remember that day I think he contacted each of the ex-gang members and them came over and had a gang-bang with me as the victim. I know he got hold of six of the older lads we had done and they got their revenge! As you can imagine I was exhausted when the doctor picked me up at about 7pm. I had had little to eat and what I eat I had to lap up out of a dog's bowl. My hands had been tied to my sides for so long and my legs held apart all day. I thought that I had suffered all I could take but I was wrong – how wrong I was still to discover.

My first warning was when my stepfather came with us. I was given a hot bath which I needed and wanted a though series of enemas which I didn't. I was then put on a makeshift operating table and the men went through a series of procedures putting on operating gowns, scrubbing up. There was no explanation and I was just left to worry. The worry increased when then disinfected my cock and balls.

The doctor then said: "You look your new age but your cock is on the large size. It is easy to stop it growing but it is rather too large NOW. We have considered cutting it off but that can wait a bit. You have a foreskin which is quite long and a bit tight so we are going to circumcise you and make the join of the skin near the base of your cock. This will make 'hards on' painful but you will get used to it. It will pull down on your cock and make it quite a lot thinner and shorter – hard or soft. There is another simple operation which we will be doing but you will find out about that later."

That hardly quietened me and the lack of any anaesthetic preparations made me realise I was to be awake during the operation. It would be easy to spend pages describing the operation but the fear that I suffered and to some extent the pain has really blanked out the experience quite effectively. I do have nightmares about it about once a month but I will just say that my head was elevated so I could watch and the doctor paused whenever I was only to be aware of the pain. My cock soon looked a bloody mess and I really had no idea what it would end up like. Once he had bandaged the tip he explained that he would do the rest in a couple of days without telling me what that was.

The next couple of days went quite fast though I was left alone to recover. I had no chance to see under the bandages and my hands remained bound. I was fed quite well although the timing, quantity and contents of the meal was not a subject for my concern. The doctor seemed in fact to know exactly the things I most disliked and those I was fed on.

I had forgotten that the doctor was going to use my arse as was my stepfather and other adults. I was however reminded on morning and was prepared with no less rigour than when I was cleaned for the operation. I was enemaed, bathed, spayed and fed before the party. It is difficult to describe the feeling of being raped particularly since I am no longer the comparative virgin I was then. All I will say it hurt and it was embarrassing and I would have done anything for them to have stopped.

In many ways the rest of the evening was even worse. The bandages were removed and my cock looked minute. The skin was tightly pulled back all round making it look half hard. When the doctor handled it and I got an erection it really hurt I thought it was going to split. The doctor said "The stitches are holding it now but they will come out in about a week. I don't think the skin will split although it looks tight enough to."

He then spoke to the others "You will have noticed in common with most boys under 9 his balls are still in the body cavity. It is possible to get his down into his sack like this 3; He does not like it as moving them squeezes them. They really cannot be as effectively treated unless they have descended. I am going to do a small operation at the back of the scrotum. I will cut out from the back about a third of the spare skin. This will make the scrotum be of the correct size for his small cock 3;. and it will insure that the balls a squeezed there as well."

There was about as much pain as I could take without passing out but it was a different sort from the last time as soon the skin was stitched up. It was bandaged overnight. By the next morning all the bandages were removed and I could see my minuscule cock. That evening I was taken to my ex-school and to my old dormitory after lights out. The house master left me in the tender care of the other boys after showing them photos of me being fucked. I was pleased when at 3a.m. I was taken back to the doctor's house although I had to share his bed (for the first time) and he slept with his cock up me.

The doctor also started the series of experiments that he conducted on me with electricity. He would select two locations on my body. If I was lucky they would be far apart but normally they would be in the area of my cock balls and arse. He would apply two wires and measure the resistance between them when various voltages were applied and how the resistance altered over time. Sometimes he would have currents that kept altering and sometimes they would be steady. He was also interested in my reactions.

I soon learnt that it was definitely not a good idea to fake a reaction as he knew almost exactly what my reaction would be to any 'stimulus' and a faked reaction would lead to a more severe set of 'tests'.

He also started on a series of the effects of c.p. I would be sentenced to a particular punishment and one third given by one instrument and the second third with another. I had then to select which of the two instruments should be used for the rest.

Both the electrical and the c.p. tests are still going on today but I have learnt to take much more. I was and am by no means the only subject used in these tests and most of the kids at the school have been used. The doctor has told me to include the following tables. The first table give equivalent punishments by various instruments. Any italicised figures refer to me. The table alongside that one gives percentage increase in effect of various actions. Two pages on is a table of electrical treatments.

Instrument Mild Std Severe
standard cane 6 12 24
bare hand 36 72
leather gloved hand 18 30
heavy wicket-keeper gloved hand 12 24 42 50
12" [30 cm] ruler on palms 12 24
2'6" [76 cm] ditto 9 15 24 24
light tawse on palms 15 28 36 30
medium (3 tailed) ditto 12 24 24 30 28
heavy (5 tailed) 9 15 17 24 27
medium tawse /arse 15 24 24 30 36
heavy tawse /arse 11 14 24 28
light cane 12 24 40
senior cane 8 8 18 18
table tennis bat 8 18 20 24 28
light paddle 6 12 12
frat paddle 4 9 10 18 20
heavy holed paddle 6 8 12 14
ditto no holes 8 10 15 18
buggy whip 8 16 18
Isle of Man birch 12 14
Eton Birch 15 15
light cat 12 12
penis whip 15
In private 0 %
In front of dormitory 25 %
In front of class 20 %
In front of house 50 %
In school assembly 100 %
Trousers down 0 %
Trousers off 10 %
Stark naked in public 40 %
Strapped down 40 %
Naked 24 hours before 30 %
Naked 24 hours after 40 %
both of above 50 %
Enemaed before 50 %
Single prostrate massage before 40 %
Complete ditto 100 %
Public masturbation by junior 60 %
Ditto by teacher 40 %
Crotch shave 80 %
Complete body shave 200 %
Depravation techniques 25-250%

Electrical punishments

  • The terminals need to be both below the waist. This is essential for safety reasons, as we wish to continue to have fun.
  • It is not practical to convert 'normal' c.p. to an equivalent electrical punishment as there is far too much variation from boy to boy!
  • Each boy has a score of the standard shock (i.e. the shock which will case him a standard amount of pain.
  • The following determine the effectiveness of the punishment:
  • The locations of the 'probes.'
  • Nearness - the distance from tip to tip of the probe in inches. Doubling of distance decreases the severity by a factor of 2 (increasing it halves the severity by the same factor.
  • Using AC with a period of his heart rate does not alter the severity. However, a period increase or decrease of 20% increases it by a factor of 2. Watch the maximum.
  • Doubling the number of shocks add 50%.
  • Doubling the length of each shock add 25%.
  • Doubling the interval between shocks –50%

    Location Either Probe Percentage effect
    A) Wrapped round the scrotal sack +400
    B) Inserted into the urethra +200
    C) A and B +1000
    D) Just into the Anus +200
    E) Deep into the Anus +400
    F) To a Toe -75 but distance is greater
    G) Under the skin +100

  • Obey the limits that are set by the medical staff in general or for each boy
  • Have a member of the medical staff in attendance if over 400% of the standard and stop if he warns you. Note the punishment so far given is ignored and another punishment applied.
  • The crime that the boy is accused of works on a logaritmetic scale so while you might add a stoke you increase here you increase by a percentage.

The next day David and my stepbrothers came over and I had to pose for some still photographs with them. The good thing was at last all the bindings came off and the doctor carefully removed the stitches from my cock. He applied make up to hide the marks. I don't know what I would have done if I knew how the photos were to be used. I hope I would not have posed so willingly but I wanted to say thank you for not being bound!

The best twelve colour photos that resulted were

  1. Dressed in my 'normal clothes' with reins held out of the picture. Small boy under control
  2. A close up of my face in tears. No cock to suck
  3. A photo from the front from knees to top of head naked. I am still a little boy
  4. A close up of my prick. A typical baby prick small for a 9 year old.
  5. A view of my back above knees with me looking over my shoulder. My bum still shows marks of caning. A naughty boy needs more punishment than this.
  6. A close up of me licking David's cock. His favourite lollipop.
  7. Me being fucked by David close up of my arse and his cock. He can take it.
  8. A larger (even) adult cock just entering my backside. You can see my stretched hole. He will remember this.
  9. Same cock with shit stains spurting cum onto my tongue. There is plenty of marks around to show I had been sucking it. A good meal.
  10. Same scene moments later but he was pissing now. I was swallowing a lot but there was even more. A drink to follow.
  11. Me in the bath with a backside squatting on the sides over my head. A large turd is just about to leave his arse. Cleaning up?
  12. Me still in the bath which has piss round me and a number of turds on my body. I am rubbing two into my chest. No soap.
These were on a special notice board when I got to my new school with the italic entries below each and my new name and details above.


Before I left the doctor my operation 'wounds' had to heal. I was also trained. I was there another week or so and the double eight never came off again but there were plenty of visitors and I had to learn to offer my body rather than have them take it.

Anyhow without any warning I was suddenly bundled into the doctor's car and driven for hours. At one point the doctor put some drops into my eyes and I could no longer see where we were going. We stopped for lunch at a farm where I had to put on a show for the farmer's two little kids six and eight years old maybe.

It was late afternoon when we got to the school. It was called "___ Training School for troublesome boys". It was an imposing building surrounded by thick woods and a high wall with broken glass on the top. Once inside we drove up the long drive and entered the school. I was taken into the head's study. The head put on long rubber gloves then pushed a finger up my backside. He soon found a 'button' which gave me strange feeling and my cock spurted as I watched uninvolved. The finger was replaced with a small vibrating pencil shaped object and my cock dribbled repeatedly until there was no more to come. I was to find the was a twice daily process keeping me desexed unable to get an erection of my miniaturised prick. No other lads at the school knew of these milkings and just considered the official line that I was still too young to climax to be true.

I was redressed and the double figure of eight fixed back. Then I was taken into the hall which I was relieved to see was empty. However I saw a display on the walls of huge enlargements of the pictures that I mentioned earlier and my relief turned to horror. We went up a few steps and through a door. We were on the brightly lit stage of the school hall. I could not see the rest of the hall but I could hear there were many people there.

The headmaster addressed the unseen pupils: "This is a new boy and as you can see he is far younger than the rest of you. In fact he is not quite 9 years old so he is nearly three years younger than any of you. However he is a bully and you should show him no favours at all. In fact he may be bullied himself without you getting into trouble to teach him what it is like to be on the receiving end! He will not be put into a dormitory but will be an extra slave for the top dormitory each week. He is too young to gain from our lessons so he will have other things to do.

"Now some of you may wonder about his development but look as I pull off his clothes. You will see his equipment is that of a very little boy. It will be some time before he can come or even get hard so don't worry about him growing up too quickly you can all enjoy him for some time.

"You will notice his hands are locked to his sides with padlocks don't try to release them. I want to carry out an experiment and he will only have cum he has sucked out to eat and pee to drink. There are so many of you for him to suck and I don't want him to get fat so I would suggest you cum the first time by fucking him – then he will clean you up as he sucks you.

"His name is Bumboy Cocksucker if any of you find out any of his earlier names let me know and you will be allowed to whip him and have a good time with him."

I have been told to give a brief recap of the way the school functions as a few readers may not know the details of the school's set-up. There are eighteen houses each with sixteen boys in them. There is a long waiting list so the houses are always full. Each house share a dormitory and form a unit for all purposes. The houses are split up amongst the ages – there are one or two houses that are stronger and more efficient than others. Equally there are three or four houses that are always bottom. Each week the houses are put into order. The boys in the bottom two houses are punished. Each of the other houses starting from the top house selects a boy from each. The boy from the bottom house spends the week naked as a slave to the house that selected him. There are no limits on how he can be punished or used. The other boy can only be given a limited amount of punishment and normally can wear clothes – otherwise he is in as much trouble as the other. As you can imagine it is difficult for the boys in these houses to do well that week and if not they remain slaves.

I was situated below even the boys in the bottom house and I had no hope of my lot improving whatever I did. I attend various classes usually of the older lads and have to save the boys of a visit to the toilet or the problems of a stiff unsatisfied prick. I have been at the school for a long time but my prick has been kept small by several further reductions of its skin by injections into my balls of various anti male hormones – don't ask me the details – I just know it hurts and is effective. They have also reduced repeatedly the size of my sack . It now only just holds one of my balls the other is inside my body. They change them over regularly and that hurts! I have had ten tenth birthdays and I am still considered to be eleven. There is worse to relate. I am lent out to the doctor's and headmaster's friends and they have very very strange ideas. From time to time the head withdraws me from circulation for a week at the end he give me a real masturbation leading a normal real climax – "We don't want you forgetting what you are missing!"

There have been other boy visitors at the school on my level but they have only been there for a little while. I especially think of two brothers who came from a strict Catholic boarding school when their uncle became their guardian. They were 12 and 15 years old. I have been trained top use a video camera and was primed to use it in the head's study half an hour after they arrived. A senior boy bought the older lad into the room he was struggling hard. He had been asked to schedule which senior could fuck his brother each hour!

The head did not understand the boy's problem and the youngster was brought in. The head then asked "Are you a dog in the manger or just jealous? I dislike dog in the mangers and I will punish you very severely if that is your attitude but if you are just jealous you will just get 12 of the best."

There was a long pause and he whispered several answers but they were unacceptable and the head just said "Which?"

Eventually the boy said he was jealous. The senior boy was invited to bring in half a dozen of his friends. The brothers had to strip each other and they were given twelve each – very hard. The head then said "Now prove you were just jealous – FUCK HIM". As you can imagine it was a long video but both boys fulfilled the head's expectations. They spent some six months at the school. At the end of that time their catholic upbringing was forgotten.


Early this morning the head called me into his study. The doctor was there. He said: "You may not realise but today you are legally of age. This evening you are to be auctioned for 'Charity' – mine! There are a number of people who are interested of a legal aged boy who looks eleven! There are several pornographic video makers, a man who puts on S/M shows, one or two men who want valets and a psychologist who wants to experiment with some strange ideas and so on. You will go to the highest bidder and you are going to sign these forms to make it all legal.

"We will be putting on a show to make it clear that you are well trained but I will not give you more details as it would spoil the surprise. However we are giving you pen and paper and you will write 10,000 words on your life. You better not be short!

9082 words

Schedule of Special Weekend

Noon-4.00 pm Arrival and payment of fee previously agreed
4.00 pm Tea ands introductory remarks
5.00 pm Meet the boy who will read his life history aloud
8.00 pm Supper followed by show put on by 20 boys from the school and the boy entitled Bullying the Bully
10.00 pm onwards Half hour sessions awarded to each of you randomly alone with the boy. Extra donations may get more than one session or specific times
n.b. the boy will be busy all day with the half hour sessions
9.00 am Breakfast
10.00 am-6.00 pm Optional visit to the school. group 1
1.00 pm-8.00 pm ditto group 2
8.00 pm Dinner
9.00 pm-11.30 pm The boy will be given a public physical examination by a doctor. The doctor will carry out ALL requested examinations. No cameras please
midnight All outstanding punishments will be carried out in the main hall. Photographic licences may be bought.

note: the boy will be in no condition for further half hours sessions

8.30 am Breakfast
9.30 am (sharp) Coach to nearby church for
10.00 am-12.30 pm Special church service (only open to ticket holders. The boys choir will preform naked. After the service there will be a reception in the vestry. The choir will be the hosts
12.30 pm(sharp) Coach back. Choir boys may be invited to return to lunch. If so their clothes MUST be left outside the church so they can walk back the five miles [8 km] and collect them if the church is shut
1.00 pm Competition for best bondage of choir boy. After this the boys must leave the premises. The man who tied them up is the only one who may untie them IF he wishes. They will be dumped on various roads so they will make their way back to the village on their own. Corporal punishment is limited to 12 of the best for the winner 24 for the finalists but unlimited for the others
1.30 pm Lunch
2.30 pm Auction
3.30 pm All leave except the successful bidder and any guests he invites to stay
8.00 pm All leave
Good luck in the Auction.

There can be only one successful bidder but there will be other auctions MAKE SURE YOUR CONTACT ADDRESS HAS BEEN CHECKED.

The End