John StevensAgency Boys |
SummaryPaul rents two boy-escorts from the JoyBoy agency for some fun and games.
Oct. 1998-Aug. 1999 (unknown); this site Apr 2010
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CharactersAshley (10y), Michael (14yo) and Paul (adult)Category & Story codesBoy Prostitution storyMtb – cons oral anal mast – prost first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story contains descriptions of sexual acts between two boys and a fully consenting adult male. If this is not to your tastes, or is illegal wherever you live, please leave now, unless you wish to be educated and/or have an open mind. "To the pure, all things are puer"This story is pure and total fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. The events related here happen in the future when hopefully the sexuality of youngsters is acknowledged – and all dangerous diseases eradicated. [I should live so long!!] This story tells you nothing about me or my tastes: except whether or not I can write an erotic story!
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the PZA-webmaster through this feedback form with John Stevens - Agency Boys in the subject line. |
"Hello 3; this is the JoyBoy Agency 3; how can I help you?" "Morning! Ummm 3; a friend suggested I get in touch with you 3; regarding a partner . a boy 3; for some fun and games! You know?" Paul giggled nervously, but, having gone this far, was now determined not to back down! "Of course sir 3; may we ask who gave you our details." "Yes, of course, John said you'd ask. His name is John Stevens, and your reference-number for him is 980-X8-116." "One moment sir 3; just enter that in the computer. Aah yes 3; Mr Stevens has used our services a few times! Sorry we have to ask but you know! Anyway, that means we'll be able to supply a suitable escort for you, but you realise this has to be rather discreet!" Mikki, like Paul, was well aware that although, some two years ago the age of consent had been lowered to ten, the work of an agency like JoyBoy wasn't especially legal when it came to their younger escorts! "Fine 3; what have you on your books then? For the coming Saturday." It was Wednesday, plenty of time for preparations. "Well," Mikki opened the appropriate data-file on his computer, "it more depends on what you want sir 3; we have a couple of dozen boys who might be available. How old would you like him?" He was as puzzled as always that someone like his caller could be interested in males under eighteen! Torn between the desire for a mature 14 year-old, or a willing 10 year-old, Paul hesitated. Then, he realized that he could perhaps have both – money was no object! "What about two boys? Is that possible?" "Of course 3; what have you in mind?" "Well, shall we say 3; one about fourteen and the other a ten year-old if you have one?" "Just look sir 3; yes 3; no problem with the older boy, we've about a dozen you might chose from 3; and 3; er 3; just the one ten year-old. He's relatively new to our books so the cost would be a bit higher than usual." "Ok 3; tell me about him." Paul was intrigued. "Well 3; he's called Ashley 3; ten years and 7 months 3; blond 3; circumcised! How does that all sound?" "Of course!" Paul would have preferred a boy with a foreskin to play with! "What about older boys 3; another blond perhaps? Long hair if possible!" "That's a bit easier sir 3; yes 3; we've two boys who might meet your requirements 3; Thomas or Michael 3; both fourteen and both available on Saturday. As far as I can see, Michael might be more to your taste, only just fourteen. He's got longish blond hair, Thomas has his cut very short." Mikki was almost interested in that boy himself, he was really good looking – although far too young for his tastes! "Ok 3; sounds like it 3; Ashley and Michael then!" "Right then sir 3; we need to know some details 3; credit card number, your address and so on. And what time would you like the boys? Afternoon or evening?" "Oh 3; afternoon 3; say about three?" "That's fine 3; now sir 3; your address?" Paul's interest in the phone-call waned as he gave the details of where he lived and gave his credit-card details. It came to £1250 [$1900/€1400] (cheaper than expected) and the boys could stay with him 10 o'clock!
Not sure if it all was really going to happen, not even sure why he had gone for paid for sex, Paul prepared for his little orgy with Ashley and Michael. Plenty of food that boys might like, plenty of soft drinks, lots of film, cassettes for his video-recorder, paper hankies easily to hand all round the flat and an extra tube of KY! Everything two hot youngsters might need, in or out of bed! Come three o'clock, he was feeling slightly nervous but was convinced that all was going to be well – after all, he was doing nothing illegal! This was, he told himself, going to be fun, even if slightly tainted by its commercial basis! Then the doorbell rang – things were about to happen! Outside his front-door stood a little boy – much smaller physically than Paul had expected. But the kid smiled and asked the discreet question that the Agency had given Paul for security purposes – too much cloak and dagger for his liking! "Hi 3; I'm Paul 3; you're Ashley?" The boy nodded, "Come on in." The boy nervously looked round but slid in past Paul, only smiling when the door was firmly closed behind him. At last, Paul could take in the boy's beauty – stunning wasn't the word! Ashley may have been short for his age, slim as well, but he more than made up for it in his looks. His skin was smooth, high cheek bones, piercing blue eyes, a nose liberally sprinkled in freckles, a slightly prognathous jaw, his pretty face crowned by a mop of blond hair, well styled and obviously freshly washed. Then again, he was well dressed – a pair of amazingly tight short corduroy shorts with a hooded sweatshirt. White trainers, but no socks. All in all, quite delightful, very much what Paul liked in boys – almost a pity he was expecting a second partner for the day's fun! "Well?" He asked the boy who was standing there looking at him in a most infuriating manner, "Do you 3; you know what's going to happen don't you?" "Course 3; Mikki told me 3; there's another boy coming as well 3; an' we're all," he giggled happily, "we're all gonna have some fun together!" "You done this much then?" Paul didn't want to pry but – well, all the boys he'd bedded in the past had been virgins! "I've been with a few men!" Ashley replied quite neutrally – six so far in fact! "And what have you done with them?" "Not much 3; wanking an' sucking 3; I like being sucked off!" He grinned impishly. "Course you do 3; do you do it to the men you go with? All the way?" Ashley nodded, "Yeah 3; the last man I sucked until he shot went really spaced out! It's fun!" He looked serious, "Do you want me to do that to you?" "If you want to!" By then, Paul's dick was uncomfortably hard inside his clothes: but if Ashley's young penis was responding to their talk, there was no sign of that in his tight fitting shorts. "Don't mind!" Ashley grinned impishly, "You got a big one?" "Dunno 3; what about yours?" The boy blushed, "Not all that big 3; I'm only ten!" "I know! Better let me see then 3; stand still!" As Ashley smirked wickedly, Paul slid to his knees in front of him. Reaching out, he grasped the clasp of the boy's shorts, undid it and pulled them open discovering that underneath, Ashley was wearing a pair of incredibly tight light-green underpants. There seemed to be no bulge in them at all and he was convinced that Ashley's cock might be a very small one indeed. "Ok?" He looked up, smiled, received a grin in reply and then looked back to the green boy-pants. Reaching for them, he brushed the back of his fingers over them, then gently stroked what he felt with one finger. Ashley giggled, but under his finger Paul could feel signs of penile excitation. Suddenly, whatever the boy actually had, it went very stiff and, from being almost non-existent when flaccid, produced a more than acceptable bulge in his pants, a bulge Paul's fingers were soon delicately stroking. "That's better 3; feels quite a big one!" he told the boy looking up to him once more. "Not really 3; I'm only ten 3; nearly eleven!" "Yes 3; but for a ten year-old, it's not bad!" Paul Looked back to the boy's pants, removing his hand so that he could take in the simple sexiness of the boy's cock outlined in the thin green cotton. There was only one thing to do, so, grasping the elastic waistband, Paul pulled it out then down. Suddenly, Ashley's cock stood up – or rather, stuck out, almost at right angles to his smooth belly! Paul was more than a little impressed! Although only about 6 or 7 centimetres [2½-3 inches] long and pencil slim, it was perhaps a little above average for a boy his age and looked quite big when his small frame was considered. Ok – it lacked that thin membrane of soft skin over the tip but Paul could cope with that! "Go on then 3; suck it!" Ordered Ashley, "I know you want to 3; all men want to suck my dick!" "Course we do 3; let me!" Paul leaned over and softly kissed the tip of Ashley's cock. Then as the boy moaned happily, Paul played his tongue all round before sucking all of the hard young boy-cock into his mouth. It was utterly delightful. And so was the warm smoothness of the boy's buttocks as Paul grasped them to hold the boy closer – it was a magical bum and despite Ashley's stature, Paul really wanted to get his dick into the hole in those tiny buttocks before the end of the day! "That's nice," sighed the young boy as he started rocking his cock in and out of Paul's mouth. "keep on sucking me 3; I love it!" Paul was happy enough to continue sucking such a wonderful young cock, happy enough for the boy to climax if he was that worked up. Being so young, having a quickie now wouldn't prevent him from enjoying several more orgasms during the hours ahead! However, he didn't want to suck him off just standing there in the hall so he lifted his head and stood up, running his hands up the boy's slim little body, under his shirt so that he could hold him just under the arm-pits. "Let's go in there," he indicated the lounge, "then I can suck you some more 3; don't forget there's another boy coming as well!" "Ok 3; how old is he?" "Fourteen 3; would you suck him off whilst I watch?" Ashley giggled, "If you want 3; as long as he sucks me as well!" "Up to him 3; or I'll do it for you!" Paul let go of the boy, "Pull your things up an' let's go into the lounge!" Ashley did as asked quickly following Paul, happy to let the man remove his sweat-shirt as his pants and shorts slithered back down to his ankles. Throwing the shirt aside – rather pleased with the boy's well shaped if slim body – Paul ordered, "Take those things right off – and your trainers 3; I want to see you really naked!" Giggling, Ashley stooped down to do as asked, quickly kicking his things away from him. Standing up he wiggled his hips, then did a quick twirl round, proudly showing off his skinny young body to the man who was his partner for the day. The money he got from being an 'escort' was nice, but he would be quite happy if he never got paid. The men who he'd been with so far had all shown him that being sexy was fun, much more fun than just wanking on his own. "Do you like me then?" He asked as he thrust out his hips, "An' me dick? Do you like it?" "Course I do 3; it's great 3; just like the rest of you!" Ashley squirmed inwardly as he always did when men complimented him. "An' me bum?" He turned and wiggled his bottom at Paul, well aware than he, like all the men he'd been with, wanted to stick his dick up his bum-hole! So far, he'd said no to that, the one thing Mikki had told him he could always refuse, but Ashley was increasingly intrigued with the idea and felt that he might, just might, let Paul screw him if he wanted to. His 13 year-old brother also worked for the JoyBoy agency and he said it only hurt the first time – after that, it was just fun! "Course I do 3; it's very pretty! Tell me, have you been fucked up the bum yet?" "No! But everyone I've been with has asked for it!" Ashley turned round and wiggled his rear-end at Paul. "You want to fuck me don't you Paul?" "Course I do!" Ashley's bottom was the tiniest-boy bum Paul had ever inspected, easily the cutest little rear he'd ever wanted to fuck, although he knew the agency rules about buggery. He had a plan though – perhaps Ashley wouldn't mind losing his virginity to Michael? Speaking of whom – where was his second boy-partner? Almost as if on cue, the doorbell rang again – Michael had finally arrived. However, just in case, Paul told Ashley, "Grab your clothes and go into my bedroom – it might not be who we're expecting!" The youngster understood and, as the bell rang once more, picked up his things and followed Paul out into the hall, then through the door he pointed out. Closing the bedroom door behind him, Paul turned to the front door – opening it, there as expected, stood his second JoyBoy escort. "Hi!" The boy smiled before he asked the same code-question Ashley had asked. Reassured, he introduced himself, "I'm Michael 3; you're Paul?" "Indeed 3; come in!" Slowly, Paul took in the appearance of his new partner. Michael wasn't all that tall for his age, but to say he was handsome would be an understatement! His blond hair was styled even better than Ashley's – quite short on top, but long at the back – a perfect feather-cut! Big brown eyes, a smooth complexion enhanced by the slightly pubertal greasiness of his nose! A stud in his left ear somehow emphasised his beauty although, sadly, he was dressed in a loose tracksuit, an item of boy-clothing Paul would ban with the full force of the law! But, clothes were easy to remove and then Paul would be able to inspect the boy's teenage body. Locking the door, he turned to Michael, slightly more embarrassed by the situation than the boy was. It had been so easy with Ashley, but Paul didn't know how to proceed – especially as the naked youngster was certain to emerge from his bedroom! So, smiling at the newcomer, he asked, "Well? I hope you're in the mood for some fun? You know I've booked two boys?" "Yeah 3; is he here yet? Michael smiled, amused at the idea of having a threesome. Like all the boys from JoyBoy, he enjoyed his sexy games with men, but he much preferred boys his own age or younger, well knowing that he wasn't just gay, but a paedophile, even though he was only fourteen! "Yes 3; a little while ago." As Paul spoke, the bedroom door opened and out popped his first guest. "Hi!" He greeted the newcomer, "I'm Ashley." He had put his pants back on, but was obviously still very hard inside them. "Michael!" He held out his hand, suddenly very aroused at seeing so pretty a kid dressed in those attractive underpants! This was going to be fun – much more so than usual! Paul looked at the older boy and said, "Come on 3; let's go in here!" In the bedroom, Ashley threw himself onto the bed, pulled his pants down and, grasping his rigid young dick, started some furious masturbation. "Come on you two 3; get undressed 3; then we can do each other!" "Slow down 3; no hurry!" Paul ordered, rather amused by the boy's actions. Michael though was a little surprised by the sheer sexiness of the youngster – already, he was interested to do everything with the kid! He wanted to fuck his mouth and shoot a load down Ashley's throat and then, later perhaps, shoot his second load up his arse! He just hoped Paul would allow both things to happen, he didn't mind putting on a show like that for a customer! "Ok 3; let me help you undress then Michael!" Paul stood in front of the boy and, grinning at him, grasped the zip of his tracksuit top and slid it down. Under it, the boy had on a rather skimpy T-shirt, tight enough to show that he was really quite solidly built. With a little fumbling, the pair of them managed to remove the boy's top, then his shirt was pulled off, Michael proudly showing off his chest to Paul and Ashley. "Go on then 3; show us your dick!" demanded the youngster as he continued his rapid wank of his very rigid young dick. Paul wanted to see it as well, so, not wasting any time, he grasped the elasticated waistband of Michael's trousers, pulled it out from his body so that he could pull that piece of clothing down to the boy's knees. Underneath, the boy had on a pair of white underpants and finally, Paul saw that the boy was already aroused – very! "That looks nice 3; let's have a look then!" Without hesitating, he grasped the white pants and carefully pulled them out then down. Up sprang a hard boy-erection – Paul's heart skipped a beat! Suddenly on display was a magnificent boy-cock – stiff and ready for action. It wasn't all that big, Paul had once played with a dick as big on a boy just a little older than Ashley! But, it was one of those rare penises that are more beautiful than average, Michael having the right amount of soft dark pubic hair at the base, a foreskin just parted slightly to show a ring of purple, his more than adequate size balls hanging loosely in their hairless suede pouch. "Well? Do you like me?" Michael was well aware that men approved of his dick, but his question was really aimed at young Ashley! "Wonderful 3; let me!" Paul reached out and grasped the boy, exploring him enthusiastically and causing Michael to suck in his breath in delight. "There 3; what a fabulous cock! It's just right for what we all want to do this afternoon!" "Yeah 3; let me?" Ashley giggled as he sprang up and perched his pert little bum on the edge of the bed. Paul let go. "Do what you want!" "Yeah 3; go on then 3; you toss me!" Michael demanded But to his amazement, the youngster didn't grasp his offered cock with his hand, but leaned over so that he could take it into his mouth! "Wow! Oh suck it then!" Michael murmured as his hips pushed his cock deeper into the boy's mouth. Being sucked was his passion – of course – but Ashley was the first boy who'd ever done it to him! All he wanted was to come off in the kid's mouth – anything else that might happen that day would be irrelevant compared with that special act of love. "That looks sexy!" Paul squatted down by Ashley who somehow managed to grin at him without letting go of Michael's erection. "Let me do it though!" "Spoilsport!" Ashley released the hard cock, giggling at Paul happily as the man moved his face closer! As Michael turned slightly, Paul allowed the boy to guide his erection into his mouth. If sucking Ashley's cock had been fun, working on this more mature specimen was even more exciting! What's more, Michael had some curls of soft fluffy pubic-hair and as Paul's nose brushed against it, he could take in that special odour of puberty coming from the boy, an aphrodisiac beyond belief! His own erection was more than a little uncomfortable – he would soon have to stop sucking this wonderful boy-cock in order take his own clothes off! All he could do for the moment though was to nod his head up and down as he excited this prize specimen, certainly one of the hottest cocks he'd sucked for a long time. All too soon though, Ashley gently pushed him out of the way. "Stop it Paul 3; get undressed and show us your dick now! We wanna see it!" Paul sat back on his heels and looked up to the two boys. "Ok 3; better get the rest of your things off then Michael!" As the boy started to do that, Paul stood up and started to undress. Michael had few things now to remove and was quickly stark-naked. As he kicked off his trainers, he smirked broadly at his audience before falling onto the bed. Pulling Ashley close, he moved the youngster so that they were lying side-by-side stretched out, two hard cocks sticking up from two amazingly beautiful boy bodies. They were watching Paul closely, keen to see what their latest customer had in his clothes! Finally standing up from taking off his socks, Paul stood there in just his pants, the bulge in which gave the boys some idea of just what he had, Ashley's eyes in particular wide open as he took in the sexiness off what he was seeing. "Well? Who wants to see it then?" Paul moved closer to the bed, hands on his hips, ready to show what he had but much more interested in the two firm boy-cock so prettily on display on his bed! Both boys knew what Paul wanted but as he was closer to Paul, Ashley was the one who reached up and started to grope the front of the well-filled underpants. He had been with enough men to know what to do, but this time, he was somehow much more interested in feeling, then seeing his customer's cock! "Go on 3; pull his pants down!" Michael ordered "Ok!" Ashley giggled and without hesitating, pulled the front of Paul's pants down enough to free his cock! He whistled, this was a much bigger one than he'd ever seen before! "Wow! That's a big one!" He looked round to Michael, "You had one as big as this before?" "Never! It's really big Paul 3; makes us both look really small!" He blushed slightly, looking down to his cock as he nervously slid his foreskin up and down. "Not really!" Paul wiggled his hips, his pants slithering down to his ankles, "You're both quite big enough for me and the sexy games we can enjoy together!" Stepping out of his pants, he pushed out his hips towards Ashley. "Well? What do you want to do with it?" "This!" The boy grinned before turning his head sideways so that he could plant a big wet kiss on the side of Paul's cock – then another! Then, as Paul held it out from his body, the willing boy opened his mouth and took as much of it between his lips as he could manage! "Wicked 3; is he any good?" Michael asked. Releasing his cock he tensed his muscles to make it sway about, shy of asking Paul to suck it for him. "Really great!" Paul replied quite truthfully – the youngster had quickly shown that he really knew what to do! Stunned by it, he grasped the boy's shoulders to hold him in place, not quite realising that Ashley was quite enjoying what he was doing and would have been more than happy to continue until Paul filled his mouth with sperm! Nice as it was though, Paul soon decided that he wanted his other paid partner to suck him – before he sucked Michael's beautiful penis. So, he eased Ashley away, the boy obviously reluctant to let go. "That's wonderful you sexy thing 3; let me see if Michael's as good at it as you are." He looked to the other boy, "You want to try it?" He knew that as he was paying for the boy's company, he could simply demand to be sucked, but he was content to let them decide what they wanted to do! Happily, Michael was keen on fellatio! "Ok 3; as long as you then suck me!" "My pleasure!" "Ok!" The boy moved into position so that the man's cock was bobbing about in front of his face. As with Ashley, this was easily the biggest dick he'd ever seen, let alone had in his mouth! And that was where it quickly was! With no hesitation he opened his lips and allowed the man to slide his dick between them. Like Ashley before him, he quickly proved that he knew what to do, his head soon nodding up and down as he wanked the man with his lips whilst sucking strongly and using his tongue all round the sensitive glans. Paul just loved it! "Wow 3; Michael 3; that's wonderful!" He sighed as he surrendered to what the boy was doing. "That's fantastic! Really fantastic!" Without thinking about it, his hands gently grasped the back of the boy's head as his hips started moving his cock in and out of this fantastic mouth! He'd never been sucked so skilfully before – this boy alone was well worth his fee! "Yeah 3; that looks wicked!" muttered Ashley as he moved into a better position to watch what Michael was doing. His own dick needed sucking and his sexy young mind had worked out that in some way, it was Michael's turn to suck him! He rather liked the idea of that, quite attracted to this gorgeous 14 year-old! But for the moment, all that Paul could do was to slowly fuck Michael's mouth, amazed that a boy could be so skilled at fellatio, even though he was in some way, almost a professional at it! He wondered how many men had been sucked by the boy – lucky them! However, it was almost too much and Paul soon had to pull his dick from the boy's highly skilled mouth – it was far too early in their afternoon of sex games for him to enjoy an orgasm! "Wow Michael 3; that's really sexy 3; you suck really great!" The boy looked up with a wicked smirk on his pretty face. "It's fun 3; never sucked one as big as yours before!" "Suck me now!" Ashley demanded, falling back onto the bed and holding his erection out from his body. "Yeah 3; go on then Michael, show me how sexy you can do it for him!" Paul urged, keen to watch two boys having fun together. After all, that was one of the reasons he had booked two boys from the JoyBoy agency. "Ok!" Michael was more than happy to suck his new friend and quickly got down between Ashley's legs. Lowering his head, he gave Paul a quick smile but was quickly at work on the youngster's firm young erection. To start with, he licked all round it, playing his tongue round the kid's amazingly tiny balls, all around where his pubes would one day grow, up and down the sides of the slim hard shaft then all round the sensitive tip. Enjoying what he was doing, he then took the whole of Ashley's penis into his mouth and started work seriously on it. Sucking Paul's dick had been fun, but he really wanted to suck Ashley until he came! There was one slightly ulterior motive for that – he felt that the more pleasure he gave Ashley, the greater his chances of being allowed to screw his little bum later that afternoon! Paul was amazed by the sheer sexiness of what he was seeing, realising that Michael wasn't just sucking Ashley because he had been told to do so – he was doing it with gusto, obviously wanting to give his partner as much erotic pleasure as he could. Squatting down, he grasped Ashley's hand and stared into his eyes. "Well? Does that feel nice?" The boy nodded. "Ok 3; let Michael do it all the way! First though!" Paul grasped Michael's shoulder and gently eased him from the youngster. "Roll on your side a little then I can suck you as you do Ashley? Ok?" Michael understood and grinned wickedly, "Great 3; you want me to spunk up?" "Course I do!" Paul was keen to taste some fresh pubescent sperm! "Ok 3; let's try it!" "Yeah, but get on with it 3; I wanna come as well!" Ashley demanded. With a little rearrangement on the bed, Paul was able to move his head close to Michael's genitals and so, with Michael's head once more nodding up and down Ashley's erection, he was able to start sucking the older boy once more. Grasping the firm pubescent erection, he tugged Michael's foreskin back so that he could play his tongue round the exposed glans. The boy shuddered, but didn't stop what he was doing, overwhelmed to have both a hard cock in his mouth whilst being sucked at the same time. This was more exciting than anything he'd done in the past. Paul sucked hungrily, the smell of puberty coming from the boy's crisp pubic curls spurring him to work away even more erotically on this prime specimen of boy-cock. All he wanted was to bring Michael to orgasm, make it as exciting as he could for him, so that he could savour that special flavour of freshly shot boy-spunk! Like Michael, Ashley was really enjoying the rapidly growing feelings in his dick, those special feelings that were always much more exciting than those he got from a solitary wank. The first time he'd been blown, it had felt a bit weird, but amazingly sexy: now, he really loved it and couldn't enjoy it often enough. Sucking cocks was fun and he didn't mind (all that much) a mouthful of man-sperm, but all in all, he knew that being sucked off was just wonderful, the main reason he worked for the agency! Like many youngsters, his tension rose quickly and he was soon there. Suddenly sucking in his breath, he started to writhe about on the bed as his hips pushed his throbbing cock into Michael's mouth. Yelping loudly, he was once more able to enjoy what he loved most, the feelings this time perhaps even more intense, even more sexy than usual – perhaps because he was being sucked by another boy. Michael was pleased to feel those so obvious throbs in his new friend's penis and as the orgasm overwhelmed his partner, he was very pleased at what he was able to do for Ashley, slightly saddened in a way that there was no hot boy-sperm spurting onto his tongue. So exciting was it and so exciting was the way Paul was working on his cock, all he could do was to try not to bite Michael's cock as he too climaxed. Paul heard the younger boy's grunts of delight, but as delightful as the young boy's orgasm sounded, he was for the moment, more concerned with the hard cock sliding in and out of his mouth. It was quite fantastic, a prime boy-cock that he would love to suck every day – at least once! Suddenly, between his lips, Michael's penis began to swell, then throbbed powerfully and suddenly, he could taste that ineffable flavour of boy-sperm as it was shot into his mouth. Several more powerful throbs have even him even more of that wonderful substance, very much appreciated by him! Wonderfully tasty, utterly delicious and, as always, not enough! Paul couldn't understand why he loved the flavour of fresh boy-sperm, but of course, what was important was the pleasure he was giving his boy partner by bringing him to this state. Michael of course had his mouth full of cock so was unable to express his pleasure vocally, but he was writhing about on the bed quite uncontrollably, his hips firmly pushing his dick deeper into Paul's mouth as he really enjoyed himself. It was easily the sexiest thing he'd ever enjoyed, spunking up in a wet sucking mouth whilst sucking the still jerking cock of a young boy. Ashley was first to be still and, unable to take any more of the amazing sensations Michael's mouth was giving him, pulled his dick from his friend's wet mouth. Slumping back, he lay there with eyes closed, heart beating rapidly and breathing deeply as he slowly recovered from what had easily been the best orgasm he'd ever enjoyed! If Michael could do that to him, he wanted sex with him again! As for Michael, he was too lost to do anything but lie there, also panting for breath as he slowly calmed down from what had just happened. Like his younger partner, he too had to pull his cock from a wet sucking mouth – what Paul was doing to him was now almost unbearable, his cock always acutely sensitive after he'd enjoyed being sucked off! Understanding, Paul sat up slightly and, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, swallowed hard, determined not to waste a drop of the tasty load Michael had given him. He stared at the freshly-sucked cock, Michael's silky soft foreskin now slowly sliding up to cover most of his glans, a final cloudy tear of sperm emerging from the tiny hole in the tip – wonderfully sexy! Like most young boys, Ashley quickly recovered from his orgasm: sitting up slightly, he grinned at Paul. "Wow!" he sighed, "That was amazing!" He gave a more rueful grin, "Did he shoot much?" "Plenty enough for me!" Paul smiled happily as the boy he had just sucked off opened his eyes and gave an amazing smile of thanks. "That was good wasn't it? Did I suck you as good as the other men who've done it to you?" "Much better!" Michael looked very content, "The best I've ever been blown!" "An' me!" Ashley blushed, "That's the best I've ever been sucked off as well 3; thanks Michael!" "It was fun!" the older boy told him, unable to say what he felt about the youngster, nor even understanding why he felt that way. "Well 3; as long as you both enjoyed it 3; I did!" Paul told them, "Come on 3; let's have a cuddle together!" His partners understood and with a little scrambling round, all three were stretched out on the bed, Paul in the middle with a boy on either side, both hot kids snuggling up to him as he hugged them closely. Like him, they enjoyed the simple pleasure of such close bodily contact and, both very relaxed after their much enjoyed orgasms, were happy to stay like that for as long as he wanted. So nice was it that for the moment, Paul didn't mind that he hadn't yet come off though he was already wondering which boy he should ask to suck him, or wank him, or which bum might be available for screwing! He didn't have long to wait though for Michael soon closed his fingers round his erection and started some incredibly lascivious masturbation. Noticing that, Ashley lifted his body slightly so that he could watch, grinning at Paul before looking back to what Michael was doing. "Let me!" He insisted, pulling the older boy's hand away and replacing it with his own. "This is nice 3; am I doing it right?" "Perfectly 3; as good as Michael!" "Better than him!" Ashley insisted, grinning at his older friend. "Go on then 3; suck his dick!" Michael insisted, keen to watch Ashley sucking Paul all the way! "Ok!" Ashley looked up to Paul, "You gonna be quick?" "Probably! You two have got me really worked up now!" Paul didn't need to ask the next question – Ashley was obviously more than willing to suck him off and of course, he would certainly know just what to do with a mouthful of sperm! Ashley moved into position and as he stared at the man's dick, fascinated as always by a man sized penis, he grasped it and tugged back Paul's foreskin. Then, he flicked out his little pointed tongue, playing it all round the exposed glans, causing Paul to wince in delight. Then, the kid opened his mouth fully and took as much of Paul's dick as he could between his lips. It was the biggest he'd ever sucked, but that just made him even keener to do it! As the boy tightened his lips round him, it was so exciting that Paul almost shot his load, his hips already working against the youngster as Ashley started sucking. It was wonderful, much more than he could have imagined! He knew that this exquisite treatment could never last long enough – he was going to be quick! Michael sat up so that he could watch, grinning at Paul as Ashley's head started to no up and down the man's hard shaft. "That looks fun 3; is he doing it right?" "What do you think!" Paul told him as he reached out for the boy's cock, "Let me play with your lovely dick! " Quite happy for that, Michael moved a little closer – his turn to sigh in delight as the man's hand closed round him. But Paul didn't want to wank him off, he merely wanted a hard cock to play with whilst being sucked! The youngster was doing it amazingly well for a boy his age, one advantage Paul realised of having sex with a paid, experienced partner. But whatever his relationship with the boy, all he now cared about was the increasing tension in his body as the youngster sucked away: even Michael's penis temporarily lost its attraction as his orgasm drew closer. Letting go of him, Paul slumped back as his hips started to push his cock increasingly urgently up into Ashley's skilled sucking mouth. Michael could well see what was happening and sat up more, a wry grin on his face as he waited for the chance to watch man coming off. He had seldom in fact just watched as that happened, as he usually had his mouth round his adult partner's hard cock, or was on his belly with it up his arse! Now though, he was going to see just how Paul enjoyed his orgasm. Of course, his own hand had to take over what Paul had been doing for him, his fingers slowly sliding his foreskin up and down as he watched this amazing spectacle. "Go on Ashley 3; make him come!" he urged, quite unnecessarily! It became too much and Paul couldn't hold back any further. Moaning loudly, his hips pushed his cock firmly up into the boy's mouth and with that thrust there shot the first thick spurt of sperm onto Ashley's tongue. Then as Paul moaned even more loudly, quivering about on his bed even more uncontrollably, he shot further thick jets into the boy's mouth, quite stunned by way the boy was continuing to work on him, Ashley once more showing how experienced he was at cock-sucking! "Wicked!" whispered Michael, very impressed with what he was seeing – amazed by the obvious power of Paul's orgasm and just as surprised that a boy as young as Ashley was obviously more than happy to have a man-sized cock filling his mouth with hot sticky sperm! He couldn't have done it when he was Ashley's age! Ashley was well used to the bitter flavour of man-spunk and, as best as he could, swallowed hard, as always a little scared that if he didn't swallow all that was shot into his mouth, his client might be annoyed with him! On the other hand, it was nice really and he, like most boys his age, was looking forwards to the day when he finally started producing the stuff! He well realised that once he could spunk up, men would be even keener to suck his cock and being sucked was his idea of heaven! Paul was quite overwhelmed, never having been given so powerful an orgasm by so young a boy before – especially in the boy's mouth! He slowly became still, breathing deeply as he gradually recovered from this amazing experience – Ashley was worth his fee, well worth it! Realising that the orgasm was over, the youngster swallowed once more and closing his lips round the hard shaft a bit more tightly, lifted his head, finally allowing Paul's cock to slip from his lips. He was satisfied with what he had done, certain that his customer had really enjoyed it. Looking up to Michael, he was not at all surprised to see him, busily wanking his beautiful cock, a penis he wanted to make love to! "That was wicked!" Michael whispered as he reached over and tried to grasp his friend's cock. "You like doing that don't you?" "Suppose so!" the youngster giggled, "Let me wank you! I like your cock as well!" "Course you can." Michael allowed the youngster to close his slim little fingers round his dick but sexy as his little fingers felt, he was really just interested in watching Paul as he waited for him to open his eyes after the amazing blowjob he had just enjoyed. "Do you like spunk then?" Michael asked his new young friend. "It's not that bad really is it?" "Suppose not 3; wish I could spunk up!" He blushed. "Dirty sod!" Michael smiled. "Just a fantastic boy!" Paul finally whispered. Opening his eyes, he saw that the boy who had just so skilfully sucked him off was already busy wanking his other boy-partner: the boy it seemed, was insatiable! "Come here you!" He raised himself slightly and grasped him, easily able to pull Ashley on top of him. "It was fun sucking you 3; was I any good?" The boy asked looking down at Paul as he wriggled about happily on top of the man's warm body, a wet penis rubbing against his belly. "Fantastic!" Paul gently slapped his tiny little buttocks, "That was the best I've ever been sucked off! You're fantastic!" "Good 3; it's fun!" He was well pleased with the compliment. "That's why people do it 3; no matter how old they are or what sex they are!" "Suppose so 3; except girls!" Ashley pulled a face before asking, "Do you ever fuck girls Paul!" "No way 3; sexy boys like you two are what I like!" He patted Ashley's little buttocks once more, "Especially boys with hard cocks an' hot little bums like this!" "You want to bum-fuck him don't you!" Michael rather knowingly muttered. "If he wanted me to!" Paul told him. "Do you want me to do it sexy bum?" "Dunno 3; I've never been screwed before!" "Well 3; maybe later if you want me to 3; or perhaps you'd let Michael do it?" "Perhaps!" The youngster looked at his new friend, "Do you want to do it?" "Can I?" Michael tried not to sound too interested! "Dunno," The youngster looked a little nervous, but then smiled, "maybe 3; I suppose you can if you wanted to!" "Course he wants to!" Paul told him, keen to see his two young partners having sex that way, although he would be very jealous if Michael ended up with his dick up Ashley's little arse and he didn't! "Later maybe!" Ashley muttered, not all that keen to be buggered, but – perhaps – just about willing to give his anal virginity to Michael if that was what he wanted. "Show me your arse then!" Michael leaned over Ashley as the boy sprawled out on top of Paul and grasped his little buttocks. The youngster giggled as the bigger boy pulled his cheeks apart, wriggling about even more on top of Paul as he showed off his arse to his new friend. "Have a good look then!" Paul told Michael, "Maybe he'll let you put your cock in there later!" "Hope so!" He was almost desperate to bugger the little boy although he didn't understand why he wanted to do it. He remembered the first time he'd been fucked – when he was just 12 – it had hurt badly and he didn't want to hurt young Ashley, just have a really sexy time with him. His little hole looked rather strange, but curiously exciting – his dick kicked at the thought of what might happen. "We'll see then 3; later maybe." Paul pulled both boys' hands from Ashley's little bum and grasped both smooth, soft cheeks with his own hands. "Why don't we have something to eat? You both hungry? Or do you want to just carry on having fun like this?" "Let's eat something!" Ashley realised he was hungry for things other than hard cocks! "Yeah! Then we can have some more fun!" Michael smirked wickedly at Paul, his meaning quite obvious! "Ok 3; some food and then some more fun an' games." The boys were in full agreement! "Ok 3; you two find your pants and put them on," Paul eased Ashley off him, "I'll wear my dressing gown!" "Yeah 3; I feel quite hungry!" As if on cue, Ashley's stomach rumbled – both boys laughed happily – sex was, for the moment at least – quite forgotten. Neither boy was shy about being naked with a man – or partially so once they had pulled on their underpants. Dressed like that, they were happy to follow Paul's suggestion and cuddle up closely, rubbing their dicks together through two thin layers of cotton: it amused Paul, but they found it more than just a playful act put on for his enjoyment! In the kitchen, some pizzas were quickly micro-waved, their impromptu meal washed down with copious amounts of Coke. As they ate, the boys became quite chatty, though Paul was careful to keep the conversation away from sex. Not that he wasn't planning how the rest of the day's fun and games was going to go! He had already decided that he was going to fuck one of them: that would have to be Michael of course, but Ashley as well if the boy was ready for that! Certainly he knew he wouldn't be allowed to take the youngster's virginity, but perhaps after he'd screwed Michael, that boy might bugger Ashley and then, with his arse stretched by a teenager's dick, he might – might – allow Paul's cock up his pretty little rear-end! His musings were interrupted by Michael. "Right 3; where's your loo?" He climbed from his stool, "Must have a piss!" With a grin, he pulled the front of his pants down and thrust his hips out at the man. "Then you can do something else to it!" "Sounds fine by me!" "Me too 3; I need a piss as well!" "Come on then 3; let me show you!" Paul led his two escorts from the kitchen into the bathroom, delighting as always in that simple pleasure of watching a boy – or two – urinating! He too needed to relieve himself, but there was no room round the loo until the boys had finished! Then, by the time he'd pissed, the boys had scampered off: surprisingly, not into the bedroom but into the lounge. They had thrown themselves onto the sofa although sitting slightly apart as they waited for Paul to join them. Standing in front of them, Paul smiled down at his two partners, surprised at how innocent they looked even though they were dressed only in their underpants. Innocent as it may have looked, Paul was ready for more erotic games so he grinned at them and told them to stand up. They did so. "Move closer and face each other." They understood and needed no more prompting. Both boys' hands slid onto the other's bottom as they started to rub the fronts of their pants together. Michael had to stoop slightly, Ashley was on tip-toe, but they were having fun. And not just for Paul's sake as both boys felt that as yet unstated attraction to the other and they would be more than happy to do this with each other without their appreciative audience! Paul really appreciated what he was seeing, tempted to find his video-recorder and record their sexiness. That was a possibility and he was sure the boys would be more than willing, but he was much more interested in having sex with them! A plan of events formed in his mind – he was going to wank Michael off, then do the same to Ashley, then he was going to suggest that they fuck and then – then – he would try to have his second orgasm of the day up Ashley's tight little bum! To start with then, he moved closer to them and removed their hands from each other's bums, replacing them quickly with his own. He always loved stroking boys' bottoms, even if covered in the thin cotton of their underpants. "What a lovely pair of bums!" he told them, "Just right for stroking!" The boys turned their heads to him and gave some devastating grins – Paul's cock which up to that moment had only been starting to rise, went instantly as stiff as he'd ever known it! His dressing gown suddenly stuck out from his body, something neither boy failed to notice. "You're as hard as we are!" Michael laughed: easing away from his young friend. He indicated the front of his pants which all too obviously held his erection in what was a most uncomfortable way – Ashley's pants hung round his body in the same way, but, both boys knew that they shouldn't try to lower them until their 'client' allowed them to do so. "Course 3; let me have a feel then!" His hands slid round from the boy's warm bums to the front of their pants where he started to explore as sexily as he knew how. "That feels nice!" Michael soon whispered – he always loved having his dick played with and what Paul was doing certainly felt good! "Course it does 3; and yours as well Ashley 3; a lovely pair of dicks on a pair of lovely boys!" "An' yours!" The youngster reached out and pulled open the front of Paul's dressing-gown, allowing him access to the man's erection. "Wicked!" he sighed when he saw the man's cock, once more impressed with it! His fingers reached out to hold it: despite the way Paul was fondling his cock through his pants, he enjoyed even more this chance to play with a man-sized penis. Michael though was too busy enjoying the way Paul was playing with him. "That's really nice 3; go on then 3; take me pants down and do it properly!" "Course!" Paul smiled at Ashley, "That's really good .. You're really sexy for you age you know!" "I know!" The boy smirked back, pleased with the man's compliment. "Now then 3; let's see shall we?" Paul turned a little more to Michael and with both hands, carefully pulled the boy's pants out from his body, then down slightly. As the boy's erection sprung up into view, he allowed the waist-band to snap back just under the his balls – all in all a very erotic sight! "Now then 3; let's see how sexy I can make it for you!" "Go on then," urged Ashley as he lasciviously played with Paul's cock, "wank him off and make him spunk up!" "That's what I want to do!" He didn't bother to ask if that was what Michael wanted, Paul knew that the sexy youth would appreciate anything he did to bring him to his second orgasm of the afternoon. Moving slightly, Paul slid an arm round the boy's slim waist and hugged him a little closer, his fingers now sliding the boy's foreskin to and fro over his sensitive glans at a slow, steady and very lascivious rate. "There 3; how does that feel?" "Great 3; really sexy! You wank good!" He managed a smile, but was already getting lost in the wonderful feelings Paul was giving him. "Why don't you give his dick a kiss?" Paul suggested to Ashley, "Go on 3; leave me a moment 3; kneel down and help make it sexier for Michael." The boy understood! Releasing the man's dick, he crouched down in front of Michael and watched closely as Paul's hand slid up and down Michael's erection. Then, he leaned forward and, timing his movement carefully, planted a wet kiss on the tip of Michael's cock, then moving away so that he wasn't accidentally punched in the face by the Paul's hand! "That's it!" Paul told him, "Watch closely then 3; I think Michael's nearly there!" He smiled at the boy, "Let's see if he can shoot all over your face!" "Wicked!" Ashley approved of such a game – after all, he rather liked Michael and wanted the chance to taste his spunk. If Paul had asked, he would have sucked the teenager all the way – that'd be even more fun! In the mean time though, he could watch, rubbing his own cock in unison with Paul's movements. "Is it nice? You nearly there?" Paul didn't really want the boy to come too quickly, as always relishing the warmth of a hard boy-cock as he slowly rubbed it. But at the same time, he was looking forwards to seeing the boy's hot sperm shooting out, hopefully to go all over young Ashley's face. That would be a sight he'd like to take a picture of! It had been fun sucking him off, but somehow, Paul always appreciated being able to wank a boy off, to be able to see as his sperm shot from his throbbing cock, even to be able to kiss his partner whilst he enjoyed his orgasm. So, almost imperceptibly, he speeded up his action, trying as hard as he could to increase the pleasure he was now so obviously giving to Michael. On the floor, Ashley had sat up slightly, watching closely as Paul tossed away, keen to see Michael spunking up (like Michael, he seldom actually saw the men he went with spunking up as more often than not, it happened in his mouth) and very keen that the boy's load would go all over his face according to Paul's plan. He didn't really mind the taste of sperm, but he was sure that Michael's would be very tasty! "Keep on 3; nearly there!" Michael soon whispered his body now working against Paul's wanking movements as he strove to reach his orgasm. "It's coming 3; nearly!" "Come on then, spunk up big boy!" Paul whispered in the boy's ear. As he stared down at what he was doing, he could see Ashley's wicked smirk as he moved even closer to the now rapid wank – he was quite determined, Paul was sure, to have Michael's juice all over his pretty face! A few more rapid strokes and Michael was there, whimpering distantly as his cock started to throb powerfully in Paul's fingers. As he stared down, he saw the spurts of warm white boy-spunk, but as much as they all wanted it to go over Ashley's face, the first shot was so powerfully ejaculated that it shot over the top of the boy's head and landed somewhere behind him! "There 3; there's a good sexy boy!" Paul whispered in the boy's ear as he slowed right down and milked out all that Michael had in the way of hot school-boy spunk – a lot more than he would have expected! Those next warm spurts from Michael's jerking dick went, as planned, over Ashley's face, he moving even closer to ensure just that. By then, he was rubbing his stiff young cock very rapidly – exciting enough, but the warm spunk now on his face got him even more aroused! He was determined that once Paul had finished with Michael, he would have to do him as well! Michael though was quite lost in the pleasure flooding his body. Resting against Paul for support, he groaned loudly as his cock continued to throb in the man's amazingly skilled fingers – never had a wank felt like this before, it was almost as good as being sucked off! Without even looking at his load, he could feel it was a lot – his cock throbbed at least seven times, then as the wonderful feelings began to fade there were a few final weak jerks as Paul squeezed out the last dribbles of his load. Very impressed, Paul worked away carefully as Michael's cock slowly became still. Glancing down to Ashley, he could see the boy's face quite covered in boy-sperm and a lot more had landed on his chest or on the floor – and that didn't include that first amazing spurt! Happy to hold the boys warm body in his arms, the hard prick in his hand, Paul was determined that next time he booked Michael, the first orgasm he gave him would be a simple wank, standing up so that they could discover just how far the boy could actually shoot! "Well? Was that nice? Sexy enough for you?" He finally whispered through the boy's soft hair, "What a spunker you are Michael." "Yeah 3; that was great!" Now able to stand more on his own two feet, he smiled wanly at Paul, "That was the best I've ever been tossed off!" "Great 3; just what I wanted!" "That was wicked!" Ashley looked up to them both, his tongue out, catlike trying to lap up Michael's sperm as it trickled down over his face. He discovered that he rather liked the taste – it was quite different to that he'd tasted in the past. "It was fucking great!" Michael grinned down at him, amused by the sight of the kid's face covered in his spunk! Feeling that Michael's orgasm was over, the hot penis wilting slightly as Paul continued to fondle it, he eased away from the boy. Squeezing his fingers upwards, he milked out a final tear of sperm, "Lick it up then!" he suggested down to Ashley, the boy more than willing to do so. "Ok stand up then!" He reached for the boy's shoulder – finding it wet with a drop or two of Michael's sperm – and gently pulled him to his feet. Ashley stood with his head on one side, looking so amazingly sexy that Paul could do only one thing. Lowering his head, he lapped up as much of Michael's hot sperm as he could (very tasty!) before placing his lips firmly over Ashley's for a kiss. He was willing and with Paul's tongue working round inside his mouth, virtually climbed onto him, wrapping his legs round him so that he could rub his very aroused dick against his body. Kissing was alright, but he needed an orgasm. So with that in mind, he pulled his mouth from Paul's and almost shyly asked, "Will you wank me off now? Please?" "Ok 3; whatever you want!" Somehow getting the boy off him, Paul managed to turn Ashley round and pulled his slim young body back against his own, making sure that his erection was firmly pressed against the boy's tiny buttocks. "Now then young Ashley," he whispered into the boy's ear, "let me give you the best wank you've ever had!" His hand was already holding the boy's erection, quite a small thing compared with the lovely hot penis he had just wanked to a spunky climax, but it was lovely in its own way! "That's nice," sighed the youngster as he snuggled back into Paul's embrace, "do it faster 3; harder 3; go on 3; do it harder!" He knew just how he wanted/needed to be wanked – Paul knew just how to do it. "Come on then 3; be quick!" Michael had now recovered from his own much enjoyed orgasm, his cock now wilting slightly, but sticking out at right-angles to his body, a sight that almost sent Paul even wilder with lust! Michael was amazed at how sexy it was to watch the younger boy being tossed off by their 'customer' – Paul was wanking so fast – it looked almost painful but he could see that it was just what Ashley wanted. As for him, what he needed was to stick his dick up the boy's rear – despite having just come off, he was ready for more, straight away if possible. And, he knew that Paul would soon be needing another orgasm: if he wanted, well, then his own arse would be available, even though it would be the biggest dick he'd ever had up there! "N 3;nearly 3; almost 3; coming!" Ashley panted as he began to feel the tremors of pleasure that flooded his body when he came. Then he yelped loudly, collapsing into Paul's arms as his orgasm overwhelmed him. "Good boy!" Paul whispered as in his fingers he felt the boy's cock pulsing strongly, very powerful really, especially considering his age. "Sexy, sexy little boy!" Perhaps the power of Ashley's orgasm was understandable – this was no virgin being brought to orgasm for the first time – this was an experienced kid, a rent-boy, who knew how to give pleasure to men, but also knew how to enjoy his young genitals to the full! "Dirty sod!" Michael muttered, unheard by Paul or Ashley. His fingers had closed round his cock and he was gently sliding his foreskin up and down over the purple tip. He had been surprised when told he was booked for such a threesome, but now they were all having sex together, he was really enjoying it and was already looking forwards to another orgy – perhaps with even more boys! "Stop it 3; let go!" Ashley suddenly demanded, pulling Paul's hand from his dick – now far too sensitive for the man to continue, even gently. "Ok 3; that was good wasn't it!" Paul understood the nature of young-boy-orgasms and was content simply to close his hand flat over the boy's scaphoid belly and hug him even closer. His dick was tightly held between Ashley's little buttocks and even more than ever, he wanted to fuck the boy, although he knew that he was really too big for such a little kid. "Wow!" Ashley squirmed in the man's embrace and, looking up, whispered, "That's the best it's ever been 3; fucking amazing!" "Great 3; that's what being sexy's all about 3; just enjoying your body 3; best of all with someone else." Paul was content – Ashley may not have been able to spray his carpet with hot sticky cream, but the power of his orgasm had made it well worth it. "Yeah 3; fucking sexy," Michael smirked, "an' talking of fucking, you gonna let me do it to you? Can I?" It was what Ashley had expected to hear, what Paul would have suggested. "Dunno!" He looked up once more, "Should I let him do it?" "It's up to you 3; you can do what you like 3; it's your bum and if you don't want to, you know you can just say no." "Let me 3; please!" Michael fell to his knees in front of the youngster and started to kiss his still rigid dick. He wanted badly to fuck the boy, although he knew that if asked why, he couldn't explain. "Why don't you let him?" Paul whispered, "Go on 3; you're old enough 3; an' big enough for Michael." And me as well, he thought. The boy looked at him strangely as he thought about it. He wanted to let Michael do it – after all, he knew that one day he'd have to say yes 3; might as well be now. "Ok then 3; suppose you can!" "You sure?" Michael looked up a broad smile spreading over his face. "Suppose so 3; as long as you don't hurt me!" "Promise!" Michael sprang to his feet, his dick jerking visibly as he realised that he was going to get his wish. "You done it before?" "No! But I've been fucked lots of times an' I wanna see what it's like doing it!" He looked seriously at Paul, "You wanna fuck me after I've done him?" "Course 3; if you'll let me!" "Yeah .only after I've done him though!" He looked at Ashley, his look quite loving. "It's gonna be fun 3; I'll try not to hurt you though 3; it'll just be sexy 3; promise!" "Ok!" The youngster was almost looking forward to it now. "Got some KY?" Michael asked. "Course I have 3; in the bedroom 3; we'd better go back in there." "Ok!" The boys giggled at each other, then after Ashley had wriggled out of Paul's embrace, ran off. For a moment, Paul inspected the pool of Michael's spunk on his carpet – tempted to squat down and lap it all up! But, it would be another special souvenir or the day's fun and games – he hoped that on other occasions, Michael might leave some more white-stains round his flat! Now though, he was about to watch two boys fucking, something he'd only ever previously seen on video. Following the boys, he found them on the bed, hugging each other tightly as they rolled about, mouths already firmly joined in what was obviously a passionate kiss. Perhaps it was only then that Paul realised that his two paid escorts had discovered something in each other – had they discovered that there was more to sex than just the purely physical pleasures, delightful though they might be? So for a moment or two, he stood there watching them, Ashley and Michael quite lost in their kiss. Soon though, they were still with Ashley on top of Michael. No longer kissing, their eyes were closed as they hugged each other, Ashley's little arms round the older boy's chest, whilst Michael's hands were caressing the youngster's firm little buttocks. Inevitably, he pulled them apart and slid his fingers between them, obviously searching for the hole he was soon going to penetrate with his dick. Moving closer, Paul knelt down and whispered, "Don't stop!" The boys started but apart from looking round to him, did nothing other than grin at him. "That looks sexy 3; you gonna fuck him then Michael?" "Can I? He once more asked his partner. At the same time, his finger had found Ashley's hole and with no hesitation, he started to push it into the boy. "If you want to 3; I don't mind!" He giggled, "Might be fun I suppose!" "Course it will be!" Paul told them, still hopeful that he might be allowed to bugger the younger boy after Michael had taken his virginity. Suddenly, the youngster winced – obviously Michael's probing finger had found its way in! But instantly, he relaxed and gave his partner a knowing grin. "Shall we do it then 3; bum-fuck me if you want to!" "Course I want to!" Michael murmured, blushing slightly as he looked round to Paul. "Can I? Do you want to watch me doing it?" The man was paying so in a way, he was in charge, his permission needed for every sexual act he committed. "Course I do 3; it'll be really sexy 3; especially with a sexy boy like Ashley!" The younger boy smirked, pleased with that compliment. But looking more seriously at Michael, he whispered, "Let's do it then shall we? Your finger's nice up me!" Paul could see that by then Michael's middle finger was buried deeply up Ashley's arse – he wanted to replace it with his, then his almost painfully stiff erection. All he did though was to reach out and gently pull Michael's hand from Ashley's bum. "Can I try that?" He didn't waste any time, parting the boy's cheeks with both hands before placing a finger tip on the tight little hole. "Go on then 3; I don't care!" the youngster giggled before lowering his head once more to Michael's shoulder. In fact, it was easy, Paul's finger slid into the boy without any problem, one of the hottest arses he'd ever fingered. "There? How's that feel?" he asked as he started to move his finger slowly in and out. "It's nice 3; quite sexy!" Ashley told him as he started to wriggle about more on top of Michael. Lifting his head, he smiled down at his friend but then looked back to Paul, "Kiss me there then!" He'd once allowed another man to do that to him once: then, it had initially been amusing but he quickly discovered that it was really quite pleasurable, although he knew he could never stick his tongue up anyone's arse! "Ok!" Paul withdrew his finger and without hesitating, lowered his head to the boy's rear end, kissing him a few times before pushing his tongue between the warm cheeks. Anilingus was something Michael had yet to experience – he was puzzled at the idea, disgusted initially, but then, intrigued. "Get off me first!" he whispered to Ashley, moving the boy off him so that he could sit up. "That's wicked!" he told Paul "No 3; just sexy!" He grinned but then returned to the youngster who was now face-down on the bed with his legs spread, his hands reaching behind to hold his cheeks apart, his impish face grinning sexily over his shoulder as he waited for Paul to tongue his anus once more. "Let me kiss your lovely little arse!" Paul whispered as he once more lowered his head. His tongue flicked out and started to lap between the boy's cheeks before circling his the tight rose-bud of his anus. Wonderfully sexy and he was already finding it difficult to hold back his orgasm – even without anyone playing with his dick. Carefully, he began to push his tongue into the youngster, slightly surprised at how easy it actually was – and how exciting to do to such an amazing boy like Ashley. "Dirty sod!" Michael muttered, "Got any KY?" Paul waved his hand – somehow, the boy realised what he meant, so he looked round to the bedside table on which lay the brand new tube of the well known lubricant. Fascinated by what Paul was doing, he watched what he was doing as he grabbed the tube, unscrewed the cap and squeezed some of the jelly onto his fingers. He'd once pinched a tube from a man who'd booked him and well knew how sexy it was to wank off with his cock covered in the slippery stuff: but now, he was going to use it to do to a another boy what his customers often did to him! It was going to be just great! As for Paul, he hardly knew what Michael was doing, his tongue working away hungrily all round the youngster's anus. He tasted to clean, so sweet, so utterly sexy. What's more, the boy was already squirming about happily, what he was doing was so obviously being enjoyed by his young partner. Michael though was getting a little impatient – despite the wonderful wank Paul had given him not a quarter of an hour ago, his body needed more relief, the slow KY lubricated wank he was enjoying inexorably increasing his arousal. "Can I do it now?" he asked plaintively, unwilling to demand access to the Ashley's arse. Paul understood, but reluctantly lifted his head from between the young boy's buttocks: it was the sweetest little arse he'd ever kissed, the youngest as well! "Ok then 3; do you want to do it still Ashley?" "Course 3; I said I would!" The boy rolled onto his back, his neatly circumcised penis now standing up rigidly from his satin-smooth belly. "As long as I can have another wank after!" He blushed, "You don't have to I suppose!" "Course I will 3; that or a nice sexy blowjob 3; whatever you want!" Paul looked round to Michael, "Give me the KY then 3; let's get Ashley ready for you!" He took the tube and looked back to the younger boy, "Now then 3; lift your legs so Michael can do it that way." Ashley understood and, giggling happily, lifted his legs to allow Paul access to his bum once more. This time, it was not so that he could be kissed there, but have it coated in KY, ready for Michael's penis. He was a apprehensive, not much though, certain that the boy wouldn't hurt him, or, if he did, quite unintentionally. Squeezing out some of the jelly, Paul got behind the boy and smiled at him through his uplifted legs. The sight of his little balls hanging loosely in their soft suede sac and his already dilated anus was very exciting – more than ever he wanted to screw this boy! Sadly, he felt that that was not possible, but he was at least going to watch another boy enjoying a fuck, that would be memorable enough! "This is cold 3; but you need lots of it if Michael's going to get his dick into you!" He leaned over and carefully applied the stuff to the boy's opening – a shiver ran through his body, but Paul simply carried on rubbing the stuff well in, taking advantage of course to have a good feel of the boy's hot young arse, soon able to slide two fingers into the boy's body. "That should be enough!" Michael was getting a bit impatient and, forgetting that the customer was in charge, demanded, "Let me fuck him then!" "Ok!" Paul didn't mind, very much looking forwards to seeing two boys make love on his bed! So, moving out of the way, he let Michael take his place. "Come on then 3; show me how sexy you can be having fun up his bum!" Michael knelt up behind the body of his new young friend – Ashley was grinning at him, by then more than happy to be buggered and, given that he was fundamentally there as a paid escort, ready to put on a display for Paul, no matter what it was like losing his virginity! "Tell me if it hurts!" The hot teenager muttered as he leaned over, pulled his foreskin right back and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to Ashley's body. "Just go slow!" Paul told him, "Get in a little then stay still to let him get used to you!" He wasn't sure how much instruction the boy needed – after all, he had been fucked enough times by other men to know, at least from the receiving end, just what to do. Michael hardly heard him, far too busy concentrating on getting his dick into Ashley's anus. At first there was some resistance, but suddenly, he felt the boy give in to him and as that tight circle of muscle relaxed, he was able to push his cock a little way in. He may not have heard Paul's instructions, but he knew what to do, it had been explained to him by the man who took his virginity who had been very careful not to hurt him, giving a running commentary as he pushed his cock home, only falling silent when he was deeply embedded up Michael's arse! Holding back , he looked up to Ashley, "Is that all right? Am I hurting you?" "A bit 3; not much," the boy started to say, quickly adding, "not really 3; it's Ok." He tried not to show the pain he was feeling, really keen to have his new friend's cock up his bum and then to give Michael an exciting time as they fucked. He grinned at Paul, already wondering if, when Michael had shot his load up his arse, he might just manage Paul's cock up there as well! Paul leaned over and kissed the youngster on the nose, "Try to relax as much as you can 3; push your bum back at him as if you're having a crap 3; don't worry if it hurts a bit 3; once he's in it won't be so bad." "It's not too bad 3; ouch!" He suddenly yelped as Michael pushed a bit more firmly at his arse. "Ok 3; go on!" He managed a smile, but it was hurting! "Go slowly!" Paul told Michael, "Plenty of time 3; the slower the better!" Michael knew that, but at the same time, he was desperate to get his cock fully into Ashley. He was by then very excited and he knew he could come off very quickly! However, he wanted this, his first fuck, to last as long as possible! So, as slowly as possible, he pushed his cock into Ashley: moving forwards slightly, with his erection now bent down a bit more, he found it suddenly a bit easier and then – wow – Ashley totally relaxed and Michael felt his cock almost being sucked into the boy's body. Watching closely, Paul saw his forward movement and realised that Michael was fully home – lucky boy! But Ashley was no longer complaining, even smiling wickedly as he wriggled about under his older lover. This was all so much more exciting than Paul could ever have thought – there on his bed were two handsome blonds, one a hot 14 year old, the other an amazingly pretty 10 year-old, the pair making love with no care in the world. "That looks good 3; really sexy!" He sat up more and leaned over to Michael, "Let me feel!" Somehow, he slid his fingers between their coupled bodies and managed to find the base of the boy's cock, his pubic curls pressing tightly against Ashley's satin smooth buttocks. "All the way in 3; really sexy!" Michael managed a distant grin, "Yeah 3; it's great!" Unable to do anything else though, he started to fuck properly, quickly discovering just how to move his solid erection in and out of Ashley's arse. He had been fucked often enough, but now was discovering just why the men he went with wanted to do it to him – this was amazing! Removing his hand, Paul leaned over more and once more kissed Ashley, "Let him have a good fuck 3; you're wonderful you know 3; really sexy!" He kissed him once more, "Does it hurt?" "Not really!" And Ashley was surprised to find that in fact it didn't hurt – it just felt sexy! "Good 3; fucking shouldn't hurt, it should just be sexy!" "It is!" He looked up to Michael, "Is it nice 3; do you like me?" "Fantastic!" Michael grunted distantly, now getting so worked up he knew he could hardly hold back for much longer. His fucking speed had increased and he was ramming his cock in and out of Ashley quite rapidly now, unable to stifle his grunts of pleasure – especially when the boy squeezed him with his sphincter. Of course, Paul couldn't see that added feature of this passionate boy-fuck, but it was wild enough – easily the sexiest thing he'd ever seen, far better than the videos he had of boys making love this way. When watching them, he couldn't smell the pure sexiness of the situation, he couldn't reach out to touch the boys concerned, or hear their sighs of delight as they enjoyed what they were doing! And he could see that it was no passive thing on Ashley's part – he was moving about under Michael actively, trying in his own way to excite his new friend as much as possible. And of course he succeeded – so much so that Michael was quickly there. Paul saw his movements suddenly come a lot more frantic, his buttocks clenching tightly (why hadn't he kissed the boy there yet?), then, as Michael moaned loudly, his body thrust forwards powerfully and, in a way, he was almost still on top of Ashley. But Paul knew that inside the youngster, Michael's cock was now throbbing powerfully as he shot his second load of the afternoon into Ashley's arse. He was whining loudly, panting for breath as he clung to the boy he was lying on. The sight and sounds of this boy-orgasm were almost too much for Paul and even though he had been trying to keep his hand away from his own cock, he knew he was very much on the point of his own orgasm. Trying hard to hold back, he watched in utter amazement as the 14 year-old enjoyed – so loudly – his wonderful orgasm. This alone would have made the cost of the day well worth it as far as Paul was concerned, even given the wonderful things they'd all enjoyed with each other before this special act of sex. What's more, Ashley was taking it all quite happily, smirking at him whilst Michael lay on top of him quite lost in the erotic pleasures surging through his body. What Paul couldn't know though was that as he lay there, Ashley was more than just thinking about what was happening in his bum – could he take Paul's cock up there once Michael had finished? He was a bit scared, but he was discovering that being buggered wasn't as bad as he had thought – Michael's cock hadn't really hurt and now, as it continued to pump boy-sperm into his bum, all that he really worried about was the weight of the boy on top of him. Gradually, the feelings in Michael's body subsided and his breathing became more regular: his first fuck was over. But he could hardly move – inside Ashley's arse, his cock was still twitching slightly and he knew that, despite the orgasms he'd enjoyed earlier, he'd shot a lot into little Ashley. He lay still, but finally though, he lifted his head and managed to grin down at the youngster. "Wow! That was awesome 3; fantastic!" "Dirty sod!" Ashley told him, "You liked screwing me didn't you?" "Course he did!" Paul told them, "It looked utterly amazing to me!" "That was really great!" Balancing more on one arm, Michael looked down to where his body was joined to Ashley's as he slowly pulled his dick from the boy's arse. It slid out – though with some difficulty as Ashley playfully clenched his muscles to try to keep Michael in him. However, the boy was then able to sit back on his ankles and survey the mess he had made. He knew what to expect from having been fucked by several men in the past – but his cock was really disgusting, covered in KY, traces of Ashley's shit and of course the last dribbles of his spunk! With the quick recovery of a boy his age, he looked round to Paul and asked, "Can I go an' wash?" "Go ahead 3; you know where to go!" Michael climbed from the bed and quickly ran off. "Well? What about you?" Paul sat on the bed by Ashley, the boy now lying with his feet on the bed, but his bottom still raised slightly – he knew he should try to keep his messy bum off the man's duvet. "Dunno!" Ashley blushed as he looked up to Paul, "Do you want to do it? To me?" He was still nervous about being buggered by a man, but was willing to try it – Michael hadn't really hurt him, but then again, Paul had a very much bigger cock than the 14 year-old! "Do you mean it?" Paul was overwhelmed: the idea of fucking young Ashley had been in his mind since he had opened the door to the beautiful boy, but he'd never expected to be granted that privilege. But there, lying on his bed was the kid, asking to be fucked – Paul had to say yes! "I don't mind 3; it wasn't too bad with Michael!" "Can I? You really sure?" Paul still couldn't believe his god luck! "Course 3; I know you want to," he sniggered, "all the men I've been with want to!" "Course they do." Paul placed his hand over the boy's bottom and squeezed. Then, as his finger found the gaping anus, he whispered, "Who wouldn't love to get their dick right up here!" He pushed his finger in – so easy – Michael's dick had really opened the boy up! "Don't do that 3; put your dick up there instead!!" Came Ashley's order. Paul could tell that the boy's mind was made up – so there was only one thing to and that was to screw him soundly! "Ok 3; it's gonna be just great!" Paul found the KY and began to apply it to his already throbbing erection. He knew that he'd hardly manage to get into the kid before he climaxed, but, no matter how quick it was, he'd enjoy it! Ashley, lifted his legs once more, waiting for Paul to climb onto him. "Better use lots of that stuff 3; your dick's much bigger than Michael's!" "Too true!" Paul hesitated, "You sure you want me to do it?" "Course I am 3; get on with it!" He sounded almost exasperated – now that he had decided to let the man bugger him, he was keen to do it, even if it did hurt! "Ok 3; let's try it!" Not certain if the boy could take his weight doing it in this position, Paul nevertheless knelt behind the waiting boy and, leaning over slightly, placed the tip of his erection against the waiting arsehole. He hesitated as he realised that he would be too heavy for the boy – in almost whatever position he chose to bugger him in! At that moment, Michael returned, a little surprised to see Paul kneeling over his new young friend, obviously about to screw him soundly! Perhaps not so surprising and of course, it saved him from having to lie down and have Paul's cock up his arse – although, he rather liked the idea of that in some way – it'd be the biggest he'd ever had! "You gonna screw him then?" He asked as he walked over to the bed. Paul looked round, not at all surprised to see the boy's beautiful penis hanging down prettily between his well built legs. "Sure 3; Ashley wants me to, don't you sexy bum?" The youngster looked round, "Yeah 3; it was fun with you up me Michael!" "It was great!" The boy sat on the bed and grasped the younger boy's hand. "Let him do it then 3; it'll be really wicked to watch you two at it!" "Yeah!" Ashley looked back to Paul, "Go on then 3; put it in me!" "Like this? In this position? Will I be too heavy for you?" Paul held back, despite the amazing feelings he was getting from rubbing the tip of his cock round the boy's arse. "Dunno," Ashley realised that a man would be much heavier than Michael when on top of him, "can we do it another way? Shall I lie on me belly?" "No 3; I'd still be the same weight on you!" Paul eased back slightly, "You can lay on your side, with me behind you 3; let's try it!" Sitting up, he eased the boy's legs down and moved Ashley onto his side. "That's it 3; now lift your right leg up 3; further!" Gently pushing Michael out of the way, he moved to lie on his side by the boy, wriggling closer so that his dick was once more touching Ashley's waiting arse. "Let's try it then." "Yeah 3; go on 3; never done it that way before!" Michael told them as he climbed over the bed into a better position to watch their fuck. "Tell me if I'm hurting you then!" Paul whispered as he started to push his cock into Ashley's bum. "Go on 3; it's Ok!" muttered the boy, trying to open his bum to the man's thrusting penis, trying to stifle the pain – or rather uncomfortable feeling – in his bum. Suddenly overwhelmed with sheer lust, Paul pushed his cock harder into the boy – happily, at the same time, Ashley managed to relax his arse as he pushed back at Paul's dick – it suddenly entered him, completely, deeply, almost instantly embedded fully in him. "Wow 3; darling 3; sexy boy!" Paul wrapped his arms round the youngster's skinny body, "I'm in you 3; is it all right? Does it hurt?" Surprisingly, it didn't! "Not really 3; does it feel nice!" Inwardly, the boy felt very proud – losing his virginity to Michael hadn't been too bad and now, he really had a man up his bum. It was lovely! Paul snuggled up to the boy even more, Ashley's slim frame fitting into his perfectly, their bodies joined by the man's hard penis. Reaching round for the boy's penis, Paul started to fondle it as he slowly began to move about, almost imperceptibly moving his dick in and out of the boy. He was going slow, for Ashley's sake, but principally for his own: if he fucked too hard, he would come very quickly and he wanted this fuck to last as long as it possibly could. Michael was enthralled – too often he'd been on the receiving end of a man's dick, but to watch a fuck taking place in front of him was amazing. His dick had stiffened up once more, so stiff that he knew that before he left Paul's flat, he'd have to enjoy another orgasm! His fingers started so slide his foreskin to and fro – slowly, for at the moment, he was much more interested in watching Paul's fuck as it slowly built up its momentum. Paul couldn't help his bodily movements as his hips began to push his cock harder into the boy at an increasingly rapid rate. As expected, this fuck was proving to be almost overwhelming and he was surprised that he hadn't yet come off in the boy's arse. "Oh 3; Ashley 3; Ashley 3; you're wonderful!" He whispered in the boy's ear as he held him tightly to him, "You're fantastic!" "It's fun 3; go on then 3; just enjoy it 3; spunk up in me then!" He was now more than enjoying himself, not so much the movements of a man's cock in and out of his arse, but a purely psychological pleasure as he realised he was doing something very special for a man, a man who he now thought of as a friend rather than just a customer. "Nearly there 3; nearly!" Paul panted as the tension in his body suddenly rose to almost unbearable levels. At the same time, what Michael was seeing and what he was doing to his cock, suddenly brought him close to another orgasm! He could hardly believe how sexy it was to see the boy he had just buggered being soundly fucked by a man – he let go of his cock – it was already throbbing! Unable to hold back any more, Paul's hips suddenly pushed his dick harder up the youngster's bum as, deep inside the youngster, his cock started to throb. Moaning loudly, Paul allowed his orgasm to wash over him, unable to do anything but hold the boy tightly to him as he shot spurt after spurt into Ashley's tightly sucking rectum. Despite his earlier orgasm, the whole experience had excited him so much that he knew – and could feel – that he was shooting an amazing load. Each throb in his dick produced another squirt, each throb accompanied by another loud moan of pure ecstasy. It was all too exciting to watch – Michael grasped his cock and, kneeling up slightly, milked out his next load of the day over the tightly coupled pair of man and boy. Spattered by this load of boy-milk, Paul was almost too far lost in his own orgasmic pleasure to appreciate what was happening – although most of it went over Ashley, who, especially remembering earlier when Michael had shot all over his face, was rather enjoying it! As for the pressure up his arse – well, that was Ok really! He could feel the man's cock throbbing inside him, certain he could also feel the load of sperm he was being given! Made a change to have it up his arse rather than in his stomach! Quite lost in his slowly fading pleasures, Paul clung to the skinny body of the youngster, amazed at how easily Ashley had in fact accepted his dick, very pleased that he hadn't hurt the boy and that Ashley seemed to have enjoyed being fucked! For a moment or so, it was only Ashley who was able to think straight: Paul had just shot his load up his bum, his new friend Michael had just shot a load over them both – all rather amusing really! Why did people have problems with sex, he wondered, here he was in the middle of it all just having fun. It was great, even Paul's cock up his arse didn't really hurt and he was almost a bit annoyed that he had been told that it would! If he'd been told the truth, he thought, he would have let lots of his previous men-partners fuck him – why not? "Oh 3; Ashley 3; that was fantastic!" Paul muttered when he was finally still, "You're really fantastic you know 3; really amazing!" Words could not be adequate – he didn't know enough to express how he felt, it had been a fuck beyond his wildest dreams. All he could so really was to savour the fading physical pleasures in his body and the gradually registering thought that he had just buggered a very willing 10 year-old. "That was pure magic," he whispered, "you're just wonderful you know!" Isn't he just! Michael thought as he leaned more over the tightly coupled pair and with a firm upward squeeze on his cock, milked out the final dribbles of sperm, making sure it went over Ashley! "It was fun!" Ashley wriggled about happily, quite unaware that his movements were giving Paul even more pleasure! "You finished though?" His meaning was clear. "Ok 3; be still!" Carefully, Paul eased his body back from the boy's sliding his erection from the kid's tight young arse. It was only then that he fully comprehended the fact that Michael had shot off over their coupled bodies! Looking up, he asked, "Did it look really sexy then? You couldn't wait could you?" "That was wicked!" It had been the first time he'd ever watched two people fucking – before that, he seen school-friends wanking each other, or even sucking each other off, but never fucking! "Was it good up him?" He smirked, "It was great when I did it!" Ashley wriggled away and climbed off the bed, his skinny little body so appealing to Paul – and Michael! Mostly because he was a pretty little boy, but for both his admirers, because his young dick was standing out rigidly from his body, obviously in need of attention once more! "It was fun 3; an' why did you wank off over me?" Ashley reached round and managed to wipe up his friend's spunk as it trickled down his body, "I was gonna suck you off!" He giggled, "Did you want me to?" "Course he did!" Paul told him, "Do you want to be sucked off now?" Usually after fucking a boy, he simply wanted to cuddle him closely for as long as possible, but that wasn't really possible with two boys, even ones as willing as these two. Besides, his dick was perhaps messier than usual after fucking and he knew without looking that Ashley's rear-end would be very messy! "In a minute 3; can I use your loo?" He suddenly sounded shy, the well-trained escort who knew who was in charge! "Course you can 3; go on then 3; I need to wash my dick as well!" Hardly had he spoken then the youngster turned and ran off: Paul looked at Michael, "Pity you had to have that wank 3; I'd have loved to suck you off again! Do you think you can manage another go?" He was hopeful, but was certain that the boy's body at least, had had enough for the day! "Maybe 3; let's go and join Ashley first though!" He blushed, enough to make Paul realise the boy's thoughts about the youngster. "You like him 3; don't you?" Michael nodded, "Thought so 3; more than a little I rather think!" "Yeah 3; I'm gay like you so 3; you know!" He looked away, a little embarrassed by his admission. "Who cares what you are 3; you're just a sexy boy 3; so's Ashley 3; no wonder you like him!" "Yeah 3; but I want 3; you know!" He looked up, more confidant now. "I know 3; and I think he likes you a lot as well!" Paul smiled, "Otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't have let you fuck him! And thanks to you doing that, he let me screw him as well. I'm sure he wouldn't have let me do it otherwise!" "Suppose so!" Michael smirked, "I really want to do it again to him though!" "So do I 3; you'll both have to come round next Saturday 3; maybe I'll make a video of you two having fun? Do you want to? An' can I?" "Course you can 3; as far as I'm concerned!" He was amused, keen really to be recorded fucking young Ashley. He'd been photographed (naked, wanking and spunk-wet), by previous clients but never filmed having fun! "I'm sure he'd agree 3; anyway 3; better go an' join him 3; I need a wash 3; and it looks like your cock needs another go 3; an' I'm gonna suck Ashley off as well!" "Ok 3; come on then!" But instead of turning, he moved closer to Paul and grasped the man's hand pulling it onto his cock, sighing when his fingers closed round him. "That's nice 3; I just love being played with," he sniggered, "that's why I go with men I suppose!" "With a cock like yours no wonder other men like playing with it 3; it's the best I've ever played with Michael!" Quite the truth, as it happened, but all boys respond to such flattery! "And yours as well!" Michael felt himself already sufficiently experienced with other penises to be able to judge, "I like big ones like yours 3; will mine be as big when I'm older?" " Maybe 3; size doesn't matter really!" Paul leaned over and kissed him, "Come on 3; let's find Ashley. I can wash, then I'll suck you both off!" In the bathroom they found Ashley cleaning up as best as he could after what had obviously been a much needed crap! "Am I clean?" The young imp turned, leaned over and pulled his buttocks wide apart for Paul and Michael to inspect. Both found the sight very appealing, both amazed to think that within the last half hour, they had buried their erections in that part of the boy's anatomy! "Enough 3; let me have a piss 3; and I can wash my cock as well!" Paul grasped the boy, spun him round and lowered his head so that he could kiss him, his tongue soon deep in Ashley's mouth. The boy squirmed happily, almost reluctant to let him go when he finally pulled his mouth away. "That's just to say thanks for a wonderful fuck!" "Wicked!" the boy giggled happily. Then, looking at Michael, he ordered, "Carry me back to bed then!" "Ok!" Michael blushed but was very happy when the youngster climbed onto him, wrapping his legs round his body and making sure that his erection was pressing against his big friend's belly. "Go on you two 3; I shan't be long!" With his light burden hanging on him, Michael turned and shuffled off back to the bedroom, leaving Paul to have a piss and as quickly as he could, clean up after that fantastic fuck. Returning to the bedroom, he was not at all surprised to see the two boys standing there, hugging each other tightly, their mouths locked in what was obviously a very passionate kiss. Paul couldn't see, but he knew that both were making sure their erections were pressing tightly together. What a sight! So intent were they on what they were doing that Paul could but watch them, amazed at how much his two paid escorts had fallen for each other. After some while, the boys pulled their mouths from one another, and as they fell down to sit on the edge of the bed, they suddenly realised that Paul had been watching them. They merely grinned wickedly, Ashley giggling as, moving slightly away from his friend, thrust his hips out at Paul. "Do you wanna suck it then?" "Do you want me to?" Much as Paul wanted to, he added, "Or do you want Michael to do it?" The boy hesitated, looked round to Michael and then back to Paul, "You do it 3; please!" He sounded almost desperate! All Paul could do was to move over to the bed, kneel on the floor and move his head in close to the boy's crutch. "Ok," he looked up, "let's see how exciting I can make it for you!" Without hesitating, he stuck out his tongue and began to work it all round the boy's immature genitals. The taste was wonderful, but best of all for Paul were Ashley's soft whimpers of pleasure. So, opening his lips, Paul took the boy's wonderful young cock into his mouth, quickly setting to work sucking it, licking it all round whilst masturbating Ashley with his lips. Then, quite suddenly, the boy's noises ceased – at the same time, he started to writhe about a bit more, his hips pushing his cock increasingly urgently into Paul's mouth! He knew what was happening – the hot pair were kissing once more. That was fine by Paul who was more than happy with what he was doing. With his hands now under the boy, he gently caressed his wonderful little bum – dreams come true. Slowly, the boy's movements increased in their urgency, his hips pushing his cock harder into Paul's mouth: his tension was rising rapidly and – too quickly for Paul – he was quickly there. Suddenly, Paul almost gagged as the boy pushed his cock hard into his mouth and at the same moment, he felt it starting to jerk powerfully. The boy was suddenly writhing about, quite out of control as his orgasm surged through his young body. Unable to vocalise his feelings – with Michael's tongue in his mouth – all he could do was to surrender to what was easily the most intense orgasm he'd ever enjoyed. Paul was enjoying it as well! However, like most young boy orgasms, this one, as strong and enjoyable as it had been, quickly passed. Paul knew he'd have to let go of the boy's cock – now almost too sensitive for him to keep it in his mouth. But he waited for a precious few seconds until Ashley gently pushed him away. "Wow!" breathed the youngster, "I've never come like that before!" "That's because Michael was kissing you!" Paul told him as he looked from the boy's cock – vibrating with every heart-beat – to his radiant smile. Michael blushed, slightly embarrassed that Paul had understood what was developing between him and the younger boy – not that he understood it himself, but Ashley – well, Ashley was just wonderful! Before the boy could say anything, Paul looked at him, smiled and asked, "Well? Do you want a blowjob then?" He knew the boy was ready for another orgasm and what better way could there be to give him the pleasure he deserved? "Yeah 3; please!" He blushed once more realising that as a paid escort, it wasn't up to him to ask for anything! But Paul didn't care, all he wanted was to get his mouth round the boy's hot dick and suck it – thirsty for some more fresh boy-sperm. It was easy to move from kneeling between Ashley's legs to between Michael's, the boy edging forwards slightly so that Paul had complete access to his genitals. "Go on then 3; I know you wanted to suck it for me!" He grasped his cock and bent it downwards slightly, playfully brushing it against the man's face, something Paul was more than happy to encourage. Better still, with his head between the boy's well-built legs, he could really inhale that special smell of puberty coming from Michael's genitals, a smell that always made him mad with lust! So, rather than let the boy continue to rub his dick against his face, Paul flicked out his tongue and started to play it round the hard young boy-cock. At that, he heard a distant sigh – the boy was very much in need of another orgasm! Paul wanted this to last so just continued working on the boy with his tongue, licking him all round, over his balls, round the sides of his hard shaft, across the small patch of pubic hair – everywhere. But what he wouldn't do for the moment was to take this wonderful boy-cock directly into his mouth – Michael would have to wait a bit longer for that. Besides, the boy's moans of pleasure had ceased – he and Ashley were kissing once more. Now, Paul slipped his hands under the older boy so that he could now caress his warm buttocks. All felt simply fantastic – it was simply unbelievably erotic to be nuzzling so sexy a boy as Michael. Perhaps without thinking about it, his fingers had retracted Michael's foreskin and his tongue had started to play all round the boy's glans – just for a few seconds though as Paul suddenly found the boy's penis in his mouth with his nose brushing against those so fragrant pubic curls. The boy started to writhe about even more, almost violently as his hips started to push his cock firmly up into the sucking mouth – Paul could hardly believe how aroused he was. So, concentrating on sucking as sexily as he knew how, he held Michael even closer as he tried to bring him off. His hands worked the boy's body to and fro – unnecessary as he was already fucking Paul's mouth quite soundly. Paul heard the boy panting once more – clearly too aroused now to carry on kissing young Ashley. He did hear one thing though, a muttered comment that included the word 'love' – these two boys were clearly going to be more than just good friends or sex partners! Such thoughts though quickly left Paul's mind – all he could think about was the hot boy-cock sliding in and out of his mouth and the special attention he was giving that part of Michael's body. That was all that mattered for the moment – that and the expectation that soon he would be tasting the boy's hot cream – directly from the source and as fresh as boy-spunk could ever be! Given that this orgasm wouldn't be his first of the day, Paul knew that Michael would not be quick – that was fine by him for it meant that he could keep his mouth round the boy a lot longer than usual! How much would he produce when he finally got there, thought Paul, momentarily forgetting how many times Michael had orgasmed so far that day! For Michael, the feelings in his dick were almost unbearable – never had he had so much sex as this in one day and his cock almost hurt! But at the same time, it felt lovely and also, it felt lovely to hold Ashley's skinny young body close, to stroke him, to be caressed by him and then, to have his tongue back in the boy's mouth once more. Too quickly for Paul, the boy was there. In his mouth he felt the boy's penis swell slightly, then start to throb as a few warm dribbles of boy-sperm were spat onto his tongue. Only a little, but that wasn't surprising! With one thing in mind though, he tried not to swallow that boy's offering! Given the number of times he'd come off that afternoon, it quickly proved too much for Michael. It felt great to have a wet sucking mouth round his cock, it felt great to be squirting some sperm into a warm wet mouth and it was great to be kissing Ashley – but his cock was now more than a little sore from all the sex he'd enjoyed so far that day. So, without thinking, he jerked his hips back from Paul's mouth, pulling his oversensitive dick away. At the same time, he pulled away from Ashley and slumped back on the bed, utterly stunned by all that was happening. Paul sat up, well understanding how Michael was now feeling, so, turning to Ashley, he beckoned closer and as the boy leaned forwards, Paul stuck out his tongue and showed him the droplets of sperm lying there. Ashley knew what he wanted and with a giggle moved even closer so that Paul could kiss him, more than happy to taste Michael's sperm that way! Quickly though, Paul pulled his tongue from the boy's mouth and looked back to Michael as he lay slumped back on the bed. The boy looked as if far away, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to recover – not just from the orgasm he'd just enjoyed in Paul's mouth but from the rest of what had been an amazing afternoon of sex. Never had it been like this with his other men customers, perhaps because Paul was good at what they had all done together, but also because he had met young Ashley. Perhaps not surprisingly, Paul saw that the boy's cock was now totally flaccid, looking quite small now – although as beautiful as the moment he had first seen it earlier that afternoon. Sex was certainly over for the day as far as Michael was concerned, although Paul had a shrewd idea that young Ashley would be more than willing – and capable – of further fun and games. But somehow, Paul was content to let things finish there – his first afternoon ever of paid-for sex with young boys was already making his mind whirl – but then, it had been whirling since Ashley turned up at just after three! Michael lifted his shoulders and looked at Paul, an incredible smile slowly spreading across his face. "Wow 3; that was fantastic 3; I've really had it now!" "I know!" Paul told him, "I think your body's had enough!" He looked at Ashley, "what about you?" "Dunno!" he replied, moving slightly as if trying to hide his rigidly aroused state from Paul's gaze. He looked at Michael, "What happens now?" Paul took charge – he was paying after all! "Right then 3; let's all get dressed 3; then we can sort out our next session together!" The boys agreed and, with no further thought, sex was forgotten as all three searched for their clothes. Dressed, the boys went into Paul's lounge whilst he made some coffee, keen to give them some time alone, bemused by the relationship that had sprung up between his two paid escorts. Taking his time, he eventually took the three mugs into the lounge where, he found the boys sitting on the sofa, turned slightly to face each other, their noses touching as they stared into each other's eyes. Paul was even more amazed – he had brought two boys together by chance and they had fallen in love. What a magical thing to have done. Realising he had returned, the boys moved apart blushing as they sat back on the sofa; taking their mugs allowed them to act normally as if nothing had been happening! "Now then you two," Paul squatted on the floor in front of them, "what about next Saturday? Are you both going to come round here again?" They looked at each other as if to confirm that they were interested. Looking back to Paul they both agreed to his plan. "Great 3; an' it doesn't have to be arranged through the JoyBoy Agency does it?" "No 3; an' you don't have to pay us either!" Michael told him quite seriously. He looked to his new young lover, "We'll not work for them any more 3; I don't want to now I've got you!" He blushed, "What about it?" Ashley looked serious, though briefly, then nodded, "No 3; I don't need to work for them as long as we can see each other and have fun!" He giggled and looked round to Paul, "An' you as well 3; no other men though!" Just what Paul had wanted to hear! "Thought so 3; I'm happy that I booked you both 3; you're gonna be more than just good friends aren't you?" He could hardly express what he knew was the case, the boys still yet a bit shy of actually declaring their newly found love for each other. "Yeah 3; an'," Michael looked back to Ashley, "Paul wants to make a video of us having fun 3; do you want to?" "Course!" The younger boy's eyes lit up before he once more gave a girlish giggle, "I've never been filmed before 3; you?" "No 3; some men I've been with have taken pictures of me though!" Paul was pleased that both boys were looking forwards to having their games recorded by him, but as much as he wanted to get his camera out then and there, that could wait until next time. For the moment, all that they had to do was to make a definite plan for the next Saturday, both boys insisting they'd come round in the morning – early. "Good 3; and in the mean time 3; are you two going to get together somewhere and . you know 3; have some more fun with each other?" The boys looked to each other, Michael telling his friend that he could come and visit him on the following Wednesday. "Great 3; where do you live?" Ashley was keen! Addresses were swapped, Paul giving each boy paper on which to write the information down. That done and coffee drunk, he felt it was time to let them go: given the special relationship that now existed between them all, they were able to accept his offer of a lift, normally something the JoyBoy agency frowned upon, as clients weren't suppose to discover where their escorts lived. Michael and Ashley were more than that now, once more confirming that they were giving up working as escorts for Mikki – neither really needed the money, both had worked for JoyBoy almost purely for the physical pleasures they got from having sex with men! So, they set off, but before they left Paul's flat, he stopped them and insisted that both boys produce their dicks for one last kiss! They found that amusing but were happy enough to let him do so: perhaps not surprisingly, they too insisted that Paul produce his dick so that they could kiss him, a nice touch he felt as it showed how happy they were with their relationship. Outside, they were all quickly in his car, where Paul decided to drop Michael first, even though Ashley lived a little closer. That way, he was able to show the younger boy where his new lover lived, ready for their planned meeting during the coming week. Eventually though, Paul was back home, finally able to start taking in all that had happened. John had told him that JoyBoy escorts were good value, but he had never envisaged an afternoon as he'd just enjoyed. He could hardly wait to get Michael and Ashley back into bed – a week was going to be a very long wait! In the mean time, he was very tempted to ring Mikki once more and book another Agency Boy for some fun and games!
The End |