PZA Boy Stories


Boarding School


Two very different brothers go to a boarding school where they learn that one group is completely dominated by the other. The brothers end up in different groups, much to the dismay of one and the happiness of the other.

Publ. Sept 2016
Finished 23,000 words (46 pages)


The Mice:
Thomas Fletcher (14yo), Ricky Combs (13yo), Tim Harlick (13yo), Colin West (10yo), Dylan and Darrin Becker (11yo), Jack Swan (12yo), Tom Knight (12yo)
The Crew:
Jared Stone (15yo), Edgar Combs (14yo), Carl Dunn (14yo), Kim Boyd (13yo), Scott Fletcher (13yo), Arron Pierce (12yo)

Category & Story codes

School story
tt tb – non-cons oral anal – tdom humil ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

I welcome comments directly to 2sarge(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Sarge: Boarding School in the subject line. I have written many other stories that are posted on another site under a different pen name, but here I am free to be a bit more aggressive with both language and content. I will not duplicate stories between the sites I submit stories to. I hope to have several new stories on this site in the future.


Chapter 1

"Welcome to the Boys and Girls Academic Middle School (BGAMS)" read the sign over the driveway as my dad's car pulled into the parking lot. The director of the school, Mr. Foster, pronounced it "Big Aims" during the pre-enrollment visit to our house last month. "It's the school that lets you aim big," he said. And he sounded very sincere during his visit.

"Well boys, we're here," my dad said as he parked. Mr. Foster was standing on the sidewalk waiting for us while we got our suitcases out of the trunk. "I hope you enjoy it here," dad said to me as we shook hands. I was too old for a hug, at least in public.

I was sure I was going to enjoy it. I had found the school while searching the web for a way to stay caught up in school while pursuing my life's dream, which is singing. I used to sing Treble but my voice started changing last year and now I'm a Soprano and working towards Alto. Because of that I'm very active in choir, but that activity means I travel almost all winter long. BGAMS is a boarding school designed specifically for kids between ten and fifteen who have other interests that keep them out of school for part of the year. If you're bright enough, it compresses the regular public school curriculum into about half a school year. Kids who go here score way above average on standardized tests yet still have time to structure their classes around some other activity.

I had just turned fourteen last month and I have a lot of catching up to do. But one advantage here is that kids study according to their ability, not their age. Mr. Foster warned that I would most likely end up in classes with kids younger than me. That was fine with me. I'm small for my age to start with and back at my old school I got teased a lot because I'm a singer. I ended up on the evening news one day and some kids from school saw it. My voice was so high that I got called a lot of stupid names.

My brother, on the other hand, is big for his age. He's thirteen, and he does not want to be here. He loved public school, but he always hung out with the wrong bunch of kids and frequently got into trouble. This fall he'll be playing soccer on a traveling team so he'll miss some school. But mostly my parents are hoping that here he will be removed from the bad apples and stay out of trouble. I guess all that matters is that my parents forked over a ton of money for us to come here and I can't wait to get caught up so that there is no problem with me missing school for three months in the winter.

"Welcome to Big Aims," Mr. Foster said. He had to help me with my bags while my brother was managing just fine on his own. "Let me show you to the dorm and get you settled. You're fortunate that we have several openings because it gives you a choice of beds. Do you two want bunks? Or beds next to each other?"

"I want to be as far away from him as possible," my brother said. "We've shared a room since I was born and that's long enough." My brother has told me several times that he's ashamed to be related to me. He thinks I'm a nerd and a wimp. He's probably right on both counts.

"Scott, why don't we wait until we see the dorm before you decide," I said to him. "Maybe 3;"

"Won't matter to me what it looks like. You can pick out your favorite spot and I'll take the one furthest away from that." My brother didn't want to be here and he was going to make everyone as uncomfortable as possible. It's his way of paying people back for making him do something he didn't want to, like being sent here.

When Mr. Foster had come to the house he had pictures of all the laboratories, the classrooms, the dining room, and the grounds outside the school. If he had any pictures of the other facilities he didn't show them and I didn't ask. I was picturing a room shared by two to four kids. But from Mr. Foster's question it sounded like my assumption was wrong.

Mr. Foster led us down a short hallway that opened into a large rectangular room. The room had no windows and was softly lit from above. There was a fireplace next to where we entered a long bookcase against the opposite wall. The shorter walls to our left and right had doors on them. The room was filled with comfortable-looking sofas and chairs and had an abundance of desks and tables. "This is the common room," Mr. Foster said. "Some kids like to do their homework here instead of the dorm or the library. Others just like to sit back and relax. The dorm is through here," he said, leading us through the door to the left.

The dorm was a bit of a shock. It was a big room with windows along the outside wall. There were about twenty or so beds and ten bunks. Next to each bed was a desk with a computer on it and in the back of the room was a line of wardroom closets with locks. About half of the beds were made, some better than others. The other beds had just a bare mattress. Six of the bunks were also made, but most of them just the top bunk. Only two had the top and bottom made. All of the beds, bunks, desks, and wardrooms had matching numbers on them.

"It's obvious which beds and bunks are claimed, so pick out the ones you want and put your bags on them," Mr. Foster directed.

I looked around trying to figure out how to decide. I noticed one end had five beds that were poorly made and had clothes laying on them. I'm neat and tidy, so I looked to the other direction and ended up taking bed number 18, which was next to the windows. The bed closest to the one I chose was also empty. I kind of hoped my brother might change his mind and take it but instead he headed right to the messy end of the dorm, which of course would attract him. We argued constantly about our room back home since he was the opposite of me. I'm neat and orderly, he's messy and chaotic.

Mr. Foster set my bag on the bed I had chosen and followed Scott with his eyes. He made a clicking noise with his mouth that sounded like disapproval when he saw were Scott was headed but he didn't say anything until Scott chose a bed number 24 which was right next to the messiest ones.

"I'll have to remember to remind Mr. Stone and his cohorts about dorm standards and rules," he said. "We expect you to make up your beds every morning and take care of your dirty laundry. Speaking of which," Mr. Foster opened my wardrobe closet and pulled out two large webbed bags with the number 18 on them. "These are your laundry bags. Dirty laundry is set in front of your wardrobe every Tuesday and Thursday. The staff will pick them up and wash them and return them to your bed on Wednesdays and Fridays. You have two bags – one for whites and one for darker clothes. If you don't sort them properly the staff won't wash them. When you run out of clean clothes you'll have to go to the laundry and sort them properly yourself."

"The bathroom and the shower room over there," he said, pointing to the opening. Scott and I looked into each room. The bathroom had five stalls and five urinals and twenty sinks. There weren't any dividers between the urinals but at least the stalls had doors.

The shower room was a tiled room with shower heads on three walls and drains in the middle. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable as I couldn't image myself in here naked with dozens of other boys. Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude. Sometimes when we were little my brother and I showered together, but I had not been seen naked by anyone other than him in years. And lately he had started to point out that his penis (he called it a dick of course) was already as big as mine. Since he hadn't seen mine recently I'm not sure how he knew. But I had seen his, and he was right.

Mr. Foster took us back to the dorm. "We're pretty liberal regarding clothing standards here. All classrooms and the dining hall require shirts and shoes to be worn. Short pants are acceptable, although some lab experiments require long pants, you'll be told which ones in advance. Other than that we allow you to make your own choices as long as you keep your bodies and your clothes clean. You are sharing living spaces with up to fifty other students and being clean is essential to good health. Also, when deciding what to wear outside the dorm room keep in mind that the common room is used by the female students too. And obviously, girls are not expected to be in the boy's dorm nor boys in the girl's dorm unless there is a very good reason."

"You two can start putting your stuff away while I go and get bedding for you. I'll get you locks for your wardrobes. We haven't had problems with theft, but it's a good idea to keep your valuables locked up just to avoid temptation."

Mr. Foster left and I opened my suitcase and began putting clothes into the wardrobe – hanging my shirts and pants on the hangers and organizing everything else in the four drawers. Scott was doing the same, but instead of hanging clothes neatly and grouping items like socks and underwear, shirts, and pants; he was just jamming his clothes in until a draw was filled. He finished first and came over to bother me.

"I can't wait to see how you handle changing clothes and taking showers," he said. "I'll bet the little kids here have bigger dicks than you do. And you don't have to worry about how to dress outside of the dorm since you never go anywhere without long pants and a shirt and a tee shirt. You must be shaking 3;"

"Shut up Scott!" I said. "I'm not afraid of changing clothes in front of other people." That was a lie and he knew it too. Even when I traveled with the choir I changed in the bathroom and not in the motel room I shared with two or three other boys.

"Then how come you never change in our bedroom back home? You even wear all your clothes into the bathroom when you go to take a shower."

"Because you always make comments about me and I don't like it," I said. That was true, he knew exactly what to say to embarrass me, so I changed in the bathroom with the door closed so he didn't get the chance. He, on the other hand, would waltz naked from our room to the bathroom. He didn't even close the door when he took a dump, let alone a shower.

The wardrobe closets were much bigger than I expected, large enough to stand up inside, and I had no trouble getting all my stuff inside. I didn't really have that much to put in there. We were told that nothing with external sound was allowed, which bothered Scott more than me. I had an MP3 player but he had to leave his stereo behind. I left my computer, but the school provided computers so that didn't matter.

Mr. Foster had a cart with him when he returned. He dropped a set of sheets and pillow cases and two pillows on each of our bunks and then handed us each a combination lock with the combination on a plastic ring. "I suggest you keep a copy of the combination someplace safe," he said to us. "I'll take the plastic back and keep it in the office along with your number so that if you forget you can come and ask."

I quickly memorized the combination, something I'm good at. It was one thing Scott and I shared – the ability to quickly and permanently figure out sequences and memorize numbers or text passages. I saw Scott look at my combination and knew he had memorized it so I tried to see his but he kept it closed up in his hand. He loved doing stuff like that, always wanting to have the upper hand on anything. I'm sure he was privately gloating that he knew the combination to my wardrobe but I didn't know the combination to his.

"The computers are all set up and have been tested. The log-in ID is BGAMS and the password is your bed number. You'll want to change that right away of course," Mr. Foster said. "We monitor your activities off the network. Of course, there are some computer experts enrolled here that try to stay one step ahead of us. But be warned, if we catch you downloading inappropriate content or images or going to banned sites you can be expelled. And your parent's money is NOT refunded if you get expelled. The definition of 'inappropriate' and the content of banned sites is in your handbook. I suggest you read it before wandering around the internet."

He gave us time to turn them on and change the password, and then we went on a tour of the school. We returned to the dorm and Mr. Foster gave us each a backpack from the cart. "Classes are about to let out, so let's meet your teachers and get the books you'll be using."

It was obvious that the teachers were prepared for the meeting because they were all gathered in one room. I ended up with about fifty pounds of books, schedules, times, and classrooms. I was disappointed to find out that Scott and I were both going to be in the same English and history classes. He smiled at me but didn't say anything. I knew what he was thinking though. Even though we were a year apart back in public school here they just made him my equal.

We went back to the dorm to put our books and other stuff away. The dorm was noisy and crowded with about twenty boys there. I noticed that most of the boys near my bed were younger; the two bunks were occupied by kids no more than ten years old. As I headed that way I saw a group of kids my age and older move in around Scott. I stopped to watch.

"Who said you could use this bed?" the biggest of the group said to him.

"I didn't ask anyone, I just took it," Scott said.

"Well, you can just untake it. We like things like they are. Go take a bed over there somewhere," the older kid said.

I knew Scott wouldn't back down. "It's my bed now and if you don't like it then maybe you need to move to a different bed."

"Clear out or I'll beat you to a pulp!"

"No! I claimed the bed and I'm not leaving."

"Do you think this is a joke? You think I won't beat the shit out of you?" The big kid was moving in closer to Scott.

"No, I don't think you're joking. And I'm sure you can beat the shit out of me – you're bigger, older, and stronger. But I'm not leaving. I like it here."

"So you'll fight me, even though you admit you can't win?"

Scott nodded his head. "Even if I can't win. And if you do beat me, I'll still keep coming back." Scott was being crazy. The kid challenging him was at least fourteen, and a big fourteen-year-old at that. Plus, he was backed up by two other big kids and three smaller ones. He was strong and knew how to fight, but this was stupid.

The leader looked around at the kids surrounding him and pointed at one of the younger ones. "What do you think Aaron, could he fit in around here with us?"

I'd seen the look before back at my old school. Aaron was trying to be a part of the leader's gang. A wrong answer here could get him sent back to our side of the room.

"Well, he sounds mean, and he isn't scared," Aaron began. He appeared to be studying the leaders face, probably hoping for a clue as to how his answer was being received. "But we need to try him out, see how he handles the mice."

"Okay, that seems like a fair test," the big kid said. He looked at my brother and said, "Let's see how you handle yourself. Go beat up that other new kid." He looked over at me.

"Him? That's my brother Tommy. If I hit him he'll cry." That little asshole – he knew how much I hated the name Tommy. My name was Thomas. Not Tom and definitely not Tommy.

"Then go make him cry," the big kid said to Scott.

The kids nearest me scattered back towards their beds as Scott came across the room followed by the big kid.

"If you'll just start crying now I won't have to hit you," he said to me.

"Go away and leave me alone Scott," I said.

"Hey everyone, this here is my big brother Tommy. He sucked his thumb until he was nine and he wet his bed until he was eleven. I'll bet he's too 3;"

He didn't need to tell everyone that! Besides, I stopped wetting the bed when I was ten. Except for that one time. And he was about to blab some other secrets so I threw a punch at him to shut him up.

He blocked my punch with one arm and punched back with the other, catching me right in the center of my rib cage. The pain was immediate and I felt like I couldn't breath as I collapsed to the floor.

Scott turned back to the group of older kids. "Yep, that's my brother Tommy. Two years ago he went out trick-or-treating dressed as a girl!" The group of kids laughed and pulled Scott back with them. He now was accepted by them.

I did dress as a girl, but only because we made a bet and I lost. I only had to go to two houses. But he wasn't going to tell them that part, or how it could have been him that lost.

"He just knocked the wind out of you, you'll be okay." One of the boys from my side of the room had come over and he was helping me stand up. "I'm Randy Combs." Randy looked about my age.

"The big kid over there is my Jared Stone. He's trouble; you need to avoid him as much as possible. My brother, Edgar, is part of his crew. Him and Carl Dunn are fourteen and you need to be careful around them too. The others are wannabe's. Jared allows them to hang around and he and Edgar and Carl use them to terrorize the rest of us. That's Kim Boyd, he's thirteen, and behind him is Aaron Pierce. He just turned twelve." Randy pointed out each of the kids.

"I'm thirteen," Randy said. He had the bed closest to mine. He pointed to the bed on the other side of his. "That's Tim Harlick, he's also thirteen."

He went around the group, pointed at each kid. "In the top bunk there is Colin West. He's ten and we try hard to help him. The other bunk contains Dylan and Darrin Becker. They're both eleven and only they can tell each other apart." I looked and saw the boys were identical twins. They looked familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place where I had seen them before.

"Behind us is Jack Swan and Tom Knight. They're both twelve." They all got out of their beds to come and meet me.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Thomas Fletcher, and I just turned fourteen. Please don't call me Tom or especially not Tommy." I pointed to Scott and said, "That's my brother Scott. He's thirteen."

"Just what they need, another one to pick on us," one of the twins said.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"Not really," Randy said. "Except for me. My brother loves to make me suffer. But mostly they make us do their chores, and sometimes their homework. Sometimes on the weekend they get a little wound up and it gets more serious. But for the most part if we just do what they say they don't hurt us and don't do stuff to us."

"But why don't you just tell Mr. Foster? Wouldn't he stop it?"

"I'm sure he'd like to. But Jared's father donates over a million dollars a year here while Jared is enrolled. For that kind of money, the trustees won't allow Mr. Foster to do anything serious to him. He could never get expelled. And if you tell, he'll just get back at you. So it's safer to try and avoid him and do what he says if you get caught."

The others all expressed their agreement.

"Don't worry, a little horseplay once in while and we do their share of the chores in addition to ours," Tim said.

They'll probably ride you hard for a few days since you're new here but then they'll get bored. Except for them the rest of the school is fantastic. And the best meals I've ever had."

I stared at the twins trying to remember where I might have met them before.

"Did you figure it out yet?" one of the asked.

"Who we are he means," the other one explained.

I shook my head and Tim explained. "They're movie stars," he said.

The twins both blushed. "Come on, we did one movie. And they were small parts," one of them said.

Then I remembered. "You played Johnny Walker in The Devil's Cut, didn't you?"

"Yep, that was us. Some days Dylan was on the set and some days it was me. The producer thought he could tell us apart, but we decided who was on when, not him."

"They're going to be on a television show," Colin said. "Double Trouble."

"We got the parts and they produced twelve shows. If enough people like it, they'll produce more. But we missed so much school that we had to come here to catch up."

"You can get their autographs later," Colin said, grabbing my hand. "But right now it's time for dinner. Come on, I want to sit next to you." He pulled me towards the door.

"Oh, isn't that cute?" I heard Carl say from across the room. "Colin's got somebody to hold hands with now."

Then Scott started singing "Tommy and Colin, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g," and the other members of the crew broke out laughing. Colin immediately let go of my hand. Randy, Tim, Colin, Dylan and Darrin, Jack, Tom, and me let the others pass us and followed them to the dining hall.

Chapter 2

The boys were right; the food was great. I looked around and my eyes locked in on a girl two tables over. She had shiny brown hair that hung down to her shoulders and the prettiest smile I'd ever seen.

Tim saw me staring and followed my gaze. "Forget about her," he said to me. "That's my sister Linda. And she likes Randy's brother Edgar."

"Yeah, she's almost as much trouble as Jared's crew," Jack said. "I'd look somewhere else if I were you."

"Too late," Colin said. "Edgar's already seen you looking at her. He's talking to your brother now. I bet they do something to you later."

"Whatever they tell you to do, do it," Randy said. "Even though they're beasts, you have to remember that it takes brains to get in here. They aren't stupid. They know we all like little Colin here and so they do stuff to him when we won't cooperate."

"Yeah, he and Randy always get the worst of it," one of the twins said. "I wish this was like our characters on our TV show where we're the ones who save the day. Here, we're just mice and they're the crew."

"Come on, there's eight of us and only six of them," I said. "We outnumber them. That ought to count for something."

"Not much," Randy said. "They're all jocks – football, basketball, stuff like that. And their average age is higher than ours."

"How about the staff – there must be somebody here who would help us. They can't all be scared of Jared's dad's money."

"You'd be surprised what a million or two can do in a place like this. Staff members aren't allowed to punish Jared, only Mr. Foster is allowed to. If they try they get fired. And Mr. Foster doesn't do anything to him – maybe detention or an extra chore, but that's the worst of it."

"Yeah, and last month when they hung me from the roof I told my dad," Colin said. "He tried to get Jared in trouble, but the crew all said they saw Randy do it. Randy nearly got kicked out. I had to tell my dad I was lying and I let Randy do it as a joke or he'd be gone."

"Why'd they hang you from the roof?" I asked.

"Because I wouldn't do something they told me to," Jack said. "They knew Colin was scared of heights, so they tied a rope around his ankles and hauled him up as high as they could. They scared the hell out of him because of me! And he's only ten years old."

Colin gave him a hug. I could see that Colin enjoyed close contact. "I told you, it was partly my fault too. If I hadn't cried when Aaron hit me then he wouldn't have got into trouble and then Jared wouldn't have been mad at me."

"The point is, don't start trouble with them" Tim said. "Just do what they tell you. If you don't, they'll pick one or two of us and make us do stuff until you submit to them. It's a ritual they invented. It's 3;"

"Don't tell him now. Let them explain it to him," Randy said.

I tried to get more out of them but they all clamed up and wouldn't answer any of my questions. With dinner over, they all had homework so we returned to the dorm.

It wasn't long before Jared and his crew showed up. They too had homework, some of which they worked on, but anything boring or that they didn't feel like doing they gave to one of my new friends.

Once the homework was done they gathered around. I had studied the behavior of wolves one time and it was kind of interesting to watch the bullies. Jared, the alpha male, stood in front with his arms folded over his chest. On either side of him stood Carl Dunn and Randy's brother Edgar, but they were each about six inches [15 cm] behind Jared. Apparently my brother understood the pack mentality for he stayed in the back. However, I noticed that he was in front of the two 'wannabe's', Kim and Aaron.

"I got assigned to clean the shower tonight because of you," Edgar said to Randy. "You forgot to put my clothes away this morning."

"I'm sorry," Randy said. "I'll clean the showers for you."

"You bet you will," Edgar said, but Jared had a different idea.

"No, Tommy will clean them. You guys will show him how to make sure the floor sparkles."

"My name is Thomas, not Tommy," I said.

Jared stared at me for a few seconds. Scott started to come around to deal with me, but Jared made a hand signal and Scott stopped where he was.

"Colin, go pee in the toilet and then give yourself a swirly. And keep your whole head in for at least a count of thirty," Jared said.

With his ears bright red, little Colin started slowly walking towards the bathroom. "Wait," I said. The trouble was, I didn't have a plan for what I was going to say next. Colin stopped and looked at me. His eyes were pleading with me to not make him go stick his head in a toilet filled with piss.

"I uh, guess it's okay if you call me Tommy though," I said.

"Keep moving Colin," Jared said.

Jared looked at me and said, "You don't give me or my crew permission. You don't tell us it's okay to do something. We tell you what you can do, not the other way around."

I could hear the sound of Colin peeing into one of the toilets. His stream tapered off, then stopped for a second. It restarted twice, then just the sound of the last drops as he shook them off his dick.

"Colin, hold up a second," Jared said, loud enough for him to hear.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

Now I had a problem. If I gave in this easily now, then I would give in every time in the future. But if I stood my ground, little Colin was going to stick his face in that toilet bowl and hold it there. Plus, all the other kids that had been nice to me would probably turn against me too.

"Tommy," I said in a soft voice.

"From now on, that's your name. If anyone here calls you Tom or Thomas, you will tell me. If a staff member or a teacher calls you Thomas, you will correct them. You will sign your papers and letters home as Tommy."

I nodded my head. I couldn't look at my brother because I knew he'd have a smile from one ear to the other.

"Go in there and tell Colin to give you a swirly," Jared said to me. "Scott will watch to make sure he does it right. When you're done you can start cleaning the showers. These guys will show you how to do it."

I walked meekly into the bathroom with Scott following right behind me. "This is so cool! My big brother is going to get a swirly from a little kid. I wish I had a camera." At least he was having fun.

The water in the bowl was a light yellow color with bubbles on the top. I fought bile that came up my throat and got down on my knees in front of the bowl.

"I'm sorry," Colin said.

"Me too." I took a deep breath and bent over and pushed my face in.

My ears were above the water line so I could hear Scott tell Colin to count to thirty. "And hold his head down so he can't lift it up," he told him. Colin's hand lightly pushed on the back of my head.

"Push his face down in there or I'll give you one when he's done," Scott said. Colin pushed hard, forcing my nose into the bottom of the bowl. Colin continued counting.

At twenty I was already near the end of how long I could hold my breath and I prayed that Colin would count faster. Then as he counted twenty-eight, somebody, probably Scott, poked me in the sides. All my breath came out and I tried to rise but Colin's hand held me down. I struggled and my feet slid on the floor as I fought to keep from breathing in the water and piss.

As soon as he said "thirty," Colin pulled my head up. I came up soaking wet and coughing from breathing in some of the water. Scott left, laughing as he walked out. Colin held on to me until I stopped coughing. I looked at him and saw he was crying.

I wanted to rinse out my mouth, hell, I wanted to brush my teeth, but Colin said "You've got to go clean the shower room now, and you have to be naked when you do it. And they'll watch you strip down too because they know nobody likes to strip naked while other people watch."

Jared's crew were all laughing as the foul water dripped down from my face and hair. Scott tossed me a towel and I started to use it to dry my hair when I realized it wasn't a towel. I looked over at my bed and saw my pillow case was missing. I dropped it from my hands, but I had already gotten it wet and knew I'd be sleeping on it later that night.

The wannabe's were slapping Scott on the back and telling him what a great job he was doing. I could see from his eyes that he had more in store for me.

"Now it's time to watch you strip down. Do it right here in front of everybody, and don't you dare turn your back or attempt to cover up," he said to me.

What Colin had told me was right. Whether Scott figured it out on his own or somebody told him, he was giving the right orders to complete my humiliation. Fearing what they might do to little Colin if I refused, I started to undress in front of them.

Then Scott made it even worse. "And sing while you do it. That stupid song you learned just before we came here."

I began to sing the song he wanted me to sing. It was a high-pitched song and I had to struggle to reach it. The other boys were all looking at me like I was from Mars. Scott explained to them that I enjoyed singing like a girl.

The crew moved around and pushed my friends to the front where they were going to be forced to watch. The crew moved in behind them.

I took off my shoes and socks first, followed by my shirt and undershirt, singing as I stripped. "Look at that white chest," Carl said. "Doesn't he ever take his shirt off outside?"

"He doesn't take anything at all. Even in the heart of summer he'll have long pants and a long-sleeved shirt on," Scott said. Then he added, "Till now."

Then it got more difficult as I had to remove my pants. I worked slowly but steadily on my belt and snap, then unzipped them and pulled them down. I was wearing standard white briefs under them.

"Shit, he's got piss stains on the front," Kim said, laughing at the yellow stain on the front of my underpants. I could feel my ears burning as I pulled my feet out of the pants legs.

"This is unacceptable Tommy," Jared said. "From now on, Colin will help you go to the bathroom. He will shake it off for you. If he isn't available, then one of the other mice will do it. You are not allowed to go to the bathroom without someone to help you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said without looking at him. How could I sink any lower than having a ten-year-old help me take a piss? I peeled the underpants off but it only got worse. The fear had made my balls rise up and my penis shrink. I'm not that well-endowed to start with, but like this I must have looked a bit like Colin. The crew made the comment and even my friends were laughing at the sight of my skinny body and undersized equipment. I started towards the shower room.

"Dirty clothes go in your ditty bag," Edgar said. "Especially ones covered in piss."

I gathered up my clothes and started towards my wardrobe closet when Scott said, "Hey, I can't see you. Hold your clothes over your head."

Raising my clothes over my head, I made my way to my ditty bag and sorted my light-colored clothes from the dark ones. Finally, they let me enter the shower room. A scrub brush and two plastic bottles were in there waiting for me.

Randy followed me to show me how to clean the room. "You spray this stuff here all over the tiles and let it run down the wall," he said, indicating which product to use. "Then you scrub the walls and rinse it off. You do the floor the same way. After doing the floor, you use the disinfectant on the floor so we don't get athlete's foot or something."

He left and I took a mental measurement. The room was roughly thirty feet [10 m] long and twenty feet [5 m] wide, with eight-foot-high [2 m] walls. The brush was less than a foot [30 cm] wide. This was going to take a while.

I decided I would only do the walls part way up and started spraying the cleaner around the room, wondering if it was safe to breath. I then started brushing, making just one pass as I worked my way around the room. Because I wasn't doing a good job, it wasn't taking too long.

As I started on the floor seven boys from my side of the room came in naked. As I bent over to start scrubbing the floor I felt a warm spray hit my back. I turned to look at who was behind me and saw Jack Swan peeing on me. I moved to my right only to move right into Colin West's stream. The other boys all moved forward to join in on targeting me and I crawled across the wet floor to the door only to be met by Jared Stone.

"Done already?" he asked.

"They were peeing on me!" I said angrily.

"Are you sure? Peeing isn't allowed in here. They could get in trouble for doing that." I thought I'd just made a mistake, but he ignored it.

"Let's see how you're doing," Jared said. He ran a finger along the wall higher than I had brushed. "This isn't done up here. You have to reach to get it all the way to the top." He picked my brush up from where I had dropped it and tossed it to Tim Harlick. "Tim, show him how the brush is used, would you?"

Tim caught the brush as Jared left. I sensed the other boys moving in behind me but I was too slow to get away from them. They grabbed me and pulled me to the floor. Then, while one held my head down the others slid my knees forward until my ass was in the air.

I didn't know what they were doing until the first hit from the brush on my back side. It didn't hurt that bad, but it made a loud slap that echoed off the walls. The next nine hits came quickly and by then my ass was on fire. Harlick may have been from my side of the room but he wasn't taking anything off his swing.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Edgar said. "Somebody get me the broom handle." Two boys left in a hurry and returned a moment later with the five-foot [1½ m] long broom handle.

"Should we use some of the cleaning solution as a lubricant?" Carl Dunn asked.

"Naw, he'll be fine. It'll slide right along.

I struggle as hard as I could but I couldn't get free. "Please don't," I said and immediately broke into tears. I didn't know how a piece of wood would feel up my ass hole, but I knew it would hurt. "Please let me go, please, I'll do anything," I blubbered.

Suddenly I was pulled to my feet. "Here, take this," Randy said, handing me the broom handle. Attached to the end with the screw on it was the brush. "Use this to reach all the way to the top of the wall," he said.

"Tommy thought we were going to rape him," my brother said as they boys all filed out.

"Yeah, well if he doesn't clean the room properly, maybe next time we will," Edgar said.

As the crew filed out, the other kids stayed and helped me. Tim came and told me he was sorry. "I had to do it, they were going to hurt Colin if I didn't," he said regarding the spanking he had just given me.

"They really have it in for you," one of the twins said.

"What else can they do?" I asked. We were all talking in whispers and had stationed Colin near the door to watch for them.

"They all beat off over your bed," he said. "And they made me, Randy, and Tom do it too. We're the only mice that can shoot. Your sheet is covered in cum."

"Man, there has to be some way to put a stop to this," I said. "We have to stand up to them."

"Like you did when they made Colin go pee?" Randy said. He was right though, I caved in right away. I couldn't expect them to stand up to the bullies when I gave in to the first command.

"Don't feel bad, we've all given up when they pick on Colin. That's why they call him out first, he's our weak spot," Randy said.

"And you have to give in," Tom said. "They really will hurt him if you don't. Nothing scares them because they can get away with anything. You did the right thing."

"Hang in there, we're behind you. Jared will pull the reigns back on your brother sooner or later and you'll be allowed be normal again. Just go with it for now."

"You don't know my brother," I said. "Now that he's tasted controlling me he'll never let up."

It looked like my three-month stay at BGAMS was going to be a lot less fun than I had thought. Maybe I could find a way out and leave my brother behind – that was the only hope I had. Of course, that would mean the mice would be at his mercy, so I'd have to get him out of here too I guess.

Chapter 3

After the shower room was clean Randy, Jack, Tom, and Tim invited me to go with them and shoot some baskets. But as I started pulling clothes out of my wardrobe Scott stopped me. "You're not getting dressed again Tommy. Just put on pajamas."

"And you're not in charge of me," I said, pulling a clean pair of underpants on.

"You just have to make me look bad in front of my new friends, don't you," he said. "Okay, you go out and have fun. I'll stay here with Colin and the twins."

I paused, fearing what he might do to them if I dared to defy him. Colin and the twins were too far away to hear the conversation. They had not dressed after helping me clean the shower room but had their pajamas. They were over by the bunk beds.

"Go ahead," he said. "We'll have fun. They'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

"Look, Scott, leave them alone. If you want something, deal with me."

"I am. I'm telling you, go and have fun. Shoot baskets, walk around and stay out for a while. Just go, I'm not going to hurt them."

I wasn't sure that I could trust him, but I reached for a shirt just to see what he would do.

"Uh, no, Tommy. I said go out and play. Just like you are."

All I had on was a pair of white briefs. "Okay, you win Scott. I'll stay here and put on pajamas." I started reaching for the drawer where my pajamas were but he grabbed my hand.

"You don't seem to understand. I said to go outside. You want me to leave them alone? Then do as I say. If you don't go right now I'll make you go without the underpants. And if you still refuse then I will find something to do with the twins."

Even as he said it he was smiling, knowing I was going to walk out the door in my underwear. "And if you see any girls out there, make sure you stop and introduce yourself," he said as I stepped back from the wardrobe.

The other boys were dressed and waiting for me. "Let's go," I said when I got over by them. They looked down at my underpants. "I have to or he'll go after the twins. Let's just get this over with," I said, leading the way to the common area.

There were girls there of course. Three of them, along with Jared and Edgar, who I hadn't even noticed weren't in the dorm. I had to walk over as they all snickered.

"Hi, I'm Thom – uh, Tommy Fletcher," I said. My face must have been bright red; I'd never been so embarrassed in my life. Just to make it worse, one of the girls was the girl I saw at dinner, Tim's sister. See was even cuter close up – but she had her arm around Edgar's shoulder.

"Hello. I'm Linda Harlick, Tim's sister. This is Samantha, better known as Sam, and that is Melissa," she said, never once looking me in the eye. Her gaze was at my groin.

"And where are your clothes?"

"Uh, my brother thought I might get them dirty and I've already put the clothes I wore today in the laundry bags. But I really wanted to go outside before it got too late. I don't mind being like this," I said. But my voice broke and they all must have known I was lying.

"Your brother must be smart. That's very good advice. Isn't it Tim?" She looked at her brother. "Why don't you just leave your clean clothes here and you can pick them up in the morning. That way they won't be all smelly and covered with sweat."

"Yeah, Randy," Jared said. "You should leave yours here too. You two as well," he said to Jack and Tom.

They didn't obey instantly, but they all did obey. All four of them had boxers on so it didn't look as embarrassing as it was for me.

"You know Tim," Linda said, comparing her brother to me, "I think briefs would be good for you, at least until you're older. I think I'll order some for you." The other two girls had their hands over their mouths to keep back the laughter.

I looked at Tim's face and saw it turn bright red.

"You know; I think all the mice should wear briefs. It can be what sets them apart from the rest of us," Jared said. "I'll figure out the right sizes and order some tonight. You guys carry on and have fun, and remember, your clothes will be right here when it's time to get dressed in the morning."

"Shit!" Randy said when we got away from them. "Every one of the girls will be out there to watch see us tomorrow. Jared almost never includes the girls when he picks on us."

"I'm really sorry guys," I said. "I don't know any way to stop this from happening."

"It was happening before you got here and as long as Jared is here it will keep on happening. You being here just got them stirred up. After they see that they own you they'll start ignoring you. But I sure hope he doesn't start bringing the girls into to this more often."

Instead of doing anything we just found a place where we would be out of sight should any girls walk by.

"At least here we can beat off," Jack said. "Even though we just did over Thomas's bed – we don't know when we'll get another chance."

"First off, I'm supposed to tell Jared if any of you call me anything except Tommy," I said. "But don't worry, I won't. Second, 3;"

"No, you'd better tell," Jack said. "If he makes one of us tell the truth and you didn't tell him it'll be a lot worse."

"Why would they, I mean how would they make you tell the truth?" I asked.

"They like to play a game called 'truth' sometimes when their picking on someone. I'm sure you'll get a chance to play. If they ask you a question and you're supposed to answer it truthfully. If you do, and if they believe you, then they leave you alone. If they catch you in a lie, then they do other stuff."

"Like what?"

"Sometimes a spanking, sometimes sick stuff like inviting the other mice to come and pee on you," Tom said. "Sometimes we have to suck one or two of them off."

"Once they used the broom handle to beat the bottom of Dylan's feet because his brother told a lie. Dylan cried most of the night and could hardly walk the next day. We were scared they broke something in his feet, but he got better," Tim said. "After that, we're afraid to lie."

"What kind of questions do they ask?" I asked.

"Mostly if we've been playing with ourselves. We're not allowed to without permission but we all do anyway. They don't punish us too bad for that."

"You mean you aren't allowed to beat off?" I had been playing with myself since I was ten, in the bathroom away from Scott of course. It was something I did nearly every day and didn't intend to stop.

"If we want to beat off we have to ask for permission. If they tell us we can, we have to strip completely naked and stand in front of everyone while we do it. And we can't cum until they tell us we can," Randy explained.

"Once I had to stand there for an hour and keep from cumming," Tom said. "My dick was so sore that when they told me to go ahead and cum I almost couldn't."

"So what happens if you tell them you did beat off without permission?"

"Then they make us do it again, in front of everyone. Only they make it take longer by not letting you cum. And you get paddled. They normally make Colin or the twins spank us," Tim said.

"Spankings last until you cry," Tim added. "Colin usually cries before the person he's giving a spanking to. But if he doesn't do it and hit hard then they give him one."

"How the hell do you guys stay here with it like that?" I asked. "I'm going to have my parents get me out of here tomorrow."

"No you're not," Jack said. "They make us show them all of our mail before we put it in the envelope. If they see a letter in the mail they didn't read, you'll be in trouble."

"And they'll make you tell them your password to the computers. They read all of our email. If you say anything except how much you love it here you get punished," Tom added.

"Face it buddy, you're stuck here until it's time for you to go to whatever activity you do that makes this school necessary," Randy said.

For me that was three months! I couldn't live here like that for three months. Especially not with Scott in charge of me. I had to figure something out, and soon.

We decided not to beat off. I kind of wanted to, but not with four other boys around. Maybe I'd be able to do it after everyone else fell asleep.

When we got back to the common area we saw the twins and Colin playing cards with the two wannabe's Kim and Aaron. They were playing for pennies and I noticed that Kim and Aaron's piles were three times as big as Colin's and the twin's.

Come and play cards with us," Colin pleaded.

There weren't any girls there at the moment, but none of us wanted to take a chance that one might show up.

"Not tonight Colin," Randy said. "Can they come with us?" he asked Kim.

"No, they want you guys to play. Sit down and play cards."

"Uh, no, it's late and I've 3;" I started, but Aaron cut me off.

"Sit down and play. Get a face card and you can go in. Get a number card and lose one article of clothing until tomorrow."

I realized that my saying no had just made this worse. We all sat down and joined the twins and Colin.

Aaron dealt the cards face up. Dylan (or Darrin, I couldn't tell which) got a Jack. He was done, but his brother got a three. He took off his pajama top.

Colin got a six and also took off his top. I was next and got an ace.

Randy got a queen, but Tim got a nine. He slid his boxers off.

Jack got a king. That left Tom. His card slid off the table but we all saw it was a number card. He looked like he was ready to cry as he slid his boxers off.

"I'll take those," Kim said to Tom as he grabbed the pajama tops and Tim's boxers.

"Can we get those back inside the dorm tomorrow?" Tim asked.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders as was about to answer when Kim asked, "Why? Tell the truth."

Tim pointed four piles of clothes. "Those are ours. We have to put them on out here tomorrow."

"Cool!" Kim said with a smile. He looked at Aaron, not sure how far to go.

"I'll tell you what," Aaron said. "I feel generous tonight. Play one more round. If you get a face card, you can have your boxers back now. But if you don't, then you have to pick a girl to dress you."

"No, we pick a girl to dress you," Kim said.

Tom and Tim looked at each other. Tom made up his mind first. "I'll do it." Aaron cut the deck in the middle and flipped the top card to Tom. It was a Jack.

"Lucky!" Aaron said as he passed Tom's boxers back to him. "How about you?" he said to Tim.

"Oh, what the hell," Tim said. Aaron shuffled the cards and let Tim cut the deck. Aaron then turned up the top card and flipped it over. It was a three.

"Oh, too bad!" Aaron said with a smile. "Double or nothing? You win you get them back now. But if you lose you have to pick someone to go through it with you."

I watched his face while he was considering the offer. I was scared to death that he was going to do it and lose and choose me.

"I'll do it," Tim said. "If I lose, Tommy will go with me." I knew it, but I had to admit to myself that I was the logical choice.

Aaron shuffled the cards again and this time let me cut the deck. He flipped up the next card. It was an ace! We were saved, at least for the night.

"Boy, are you lucky," Aaron said. He tossed Tim's boxers across the room. "What the hell, we don't need these either," he said, dropping the pajama tops. He and Kim got up and went into the dorm looking disgusted.

"I'm sorry Tom, I mean, Tommy. But I had to do it. None of the girls have ever seen any of us naked. I just, you know, I just couldn't. I'm really sorry I put you on the spot."

"Don't worry about it," I said. But my knees were actually shaking from how close we came to being out here naked in the morning. "I've had a long day and I just want to go to bed. I don't suppose there is any chance of getting a clean sheet tonight, is there?"

"The laundry is closed after five," Jack said. "But even if it were open, it wouldn't be a good idea to change it after what Jared and his crew did to it. Adam will be in first thing in the morning and he'll get you a new one."

"Adam?" I asked.

"He's like a helper. He's seventeen but done with high school. He wants to be on the staff here but they won't take him until he's graduated from college. He has a room in the staff house and works odd jobs while he goes to school. He comes in to wake us up in the morning."

"Okay," I said, resigned to having to sleep on a bunch of dried cum. "I'm going to take a leak and go to bed then."

"Then I have to help," Colin said.

"Oh, shit, I forgot about that." I let Colin lead me inside and into the bathroom. I stood off to the side of one of the urinals and pulled my dick through the fly of my briefs.

"I've never touched another boy's dick before," Colin said. But he didn't seem to mind as he grabbed it and aimed it at the urinal. It took me a few seconds to get the stream going with him hanging on but fortunately I really needed to pee and that overcame my modesty.

But as my stream ended and he shook it he leaned over to see the front. His hand slid up to the glans and he squeezed it to get the last few drops out. For some reason I started to get hard.

"Hey, you're getting a boner," Colin said.

"Shhh," I said, but too late.

"Let me see that," Scott said, coming up behind me. "You're right, he's got a boner. Hold on to it and go out there and show everybody Colin."

Instead of being upset, Colin was giggling as he pulled me out of the bathroom by my dick. Scott followed us out. "Look everybody; my brother got a boner when Colin touched it. He must enjoy having Colin touch it."

Colin finally caught on that while it was something new and different for him it was horribly embarrassing for me and he let go. After enduring a lot of laughs I started for bed but Jared called me back.

"You've got a boner Tommy. What are you going to do with it?"

"I, uh, nothing. I'm just going to go to bed."

"I don't think so. With a boner like that I'll bet you were planning to beat off as soon as you got under the sheets. Has anyone told you the rules here?"

"Uh, yeah, they told me. I'm not allowed to beat off unless I get permission. But I wasn't, I was just going to go to bed and 3;"

"I'm giving you permission," Jared said. "Take off your underpants so you can get a good grip. And stand right here," he said, pointing to a spot right in front of my bed.

"You should let Colin do it since he's the one who got Tommy hard in the first place," Scott said.

"That's a good idea. Colin, since you're too young to jerk off yourself, see if you can figure out how to make Tommy's work."

I still hadn't taken off my briefs while Colin looked at me. I don't know if he was checking to see if I minded or was wishing I would stop it. But it didn't matter as Scott jerked my underpants down around my knees.

"Jared told you to take these off. Now complete the job," he said. With my four-inch-long [10 cm] boner on display for all to see, it began to wilt as I stepped out of my underpants. Scott kicked them over towards my dirty laundry bags.

"Hey look," Aaron said, "That mouse has a mouse-sized dick!"

"Colin, it looks like you have your work cut out for you. He's gone soft on you and you'll have to get him hard again," Edgar said. To me he added, "And if it takes him so long that we get bored then we'll have to punish him."

The message was received, allow Colin to make me hard again and then let him jack me until I shot my sperm onto my own bunk. Colin's hand was already around my dick and I tried to picture Linda Harlick in my mind and pretend it was her hand on my dick.

It worked, my dick hardened almost immediately. I was almost there when Jared said, "Tell us before you shoot."

Those words brought me back to reality and I lost the feeling. But with my eyes closed I could picture Linda and it didn't take too long before I knew I was ready. "Okay, I'm gonna shoot," I said, and just in time as I could feel the pressure mounting. I put my hand over Colin's to get the speed up and pumped twice before my dick shot its watery load of cum. Three sprits and a little dribble and then I was done.

I went back to my wardrobe to put on pajamas. I bent over to pick up my underpants but Scott said, "You don't need to wear underpants with pajamas." I left them lay there while I put my pajamas on.

I tried to avoid the fresh cum spots I had just added to my bed. The crew was making noise but it was quiet over here in the mouse section, but I still couldn't sleep. I keep thinking about how I could get free of this hellhole. After the lights went out I could hear the sound of a bed squeaking from over by the crew side of the room and I knew that one of them was beating off. That made me realize that I had surrendered myself to their every rule. I couldn't go to the bathroom without someone to hold my dick. I couldn't beat off without permission. I wondered what else would change in the future. Finally, long after the room was quiet, I fell asleep.

Chapter 4

The next morning, I awoke to feel my bed shaking. Upon opening my eyes I realized the lights were on and most of the other boys were awake. There was an older teen shaking my bed and telling me to get up. I guessed it was Adam.

As soon as he saw my eyes were open and I was moving he asked me who I was.

When I told him my name he checked his chart and then looked over at my bed. "Get out of bed and I'll show you how to make it. He grabbed my sheet to pull it tight and then saw the stains from the other boys jacking off onto my bed.

"This is disgusting Fletcher. It's worse than that – look at the mess you made. Learn to control yourself. You must have been very busy last night – no wonder it took so long for me to wake you."

"But I didn't," I began. But one look from him and I shut up. He wasn't going to believe that I didn't spend the night in bed beating off. Or worse yet, he knew I didn't and didn't care.

"I need to pee," I said to him as he was stripping the sheets off my bed.

"I'm not surprised. Hurry up. You've got to take these down to the laundry for me and hurry back for breakfast. Here's a key to the laundry room," he said, handing me a key. "Get clean bedding and lock the key in the room. I'll get it later when it's open. Then hurry back here and get dressed so you're not late for breakfast."

"I'm not that hungry, maybe I'll just hang around here," I said. Actually, I was hoping to be able to take a shower by myself.

"Nonsense," he said. "Breakfast is important. And mandatory. Unless they are sick, all students are required to be in the dining hall for each meal. Your parents paid for it and the staff does an excellent job of cooking. Breakfast begins at seven, make sure you're there."

I saw Scott watching me from across the room and remembered I had to have Colin come with me. He was over at his wardrobe closet getting dressed and I had to wait a few seconds until he was done.

Having a ten-year-old hold my dick while I peed was degrading and humiliating. But like last night, as he squeezed and shook it I began to get hard again. He noticed and let go. I pushed my dick back inside the fly on the pajamas and turned around. Scott was standing there by the door making sure I used Colin as directed. He glanced down at the budge in my pajamas and said, "It looks like you really enjoy that. Don't get dressed first; just take your bedding to the laundry room like Adam told you. You can dress when you get back." He turned to back to the dorm room but paused and looked back at me and Colin.

"See you both at breakfast. Don't be late." He laughed and walked on ahead of us.

"He's going to do something at breakfast," Colin said.

"I think he's just out to get me," I said, feeling sorry for Colin. "I'll do what I can to keep him from picking on you."

The dorm was mostly empty as we entered. Then I remembered, Randy, Tim, Jack, and Tom all had to dress in the common area. I gathered up my bedding and the key Adam had given me and headed out. The girls were so interested in the four boys they didn't even notice me as I went past them in pajamas.

I exchanged the dirty bedding for clean ones and hurried back. I dumped the bedding on my bed and wondered if I should make the bed or leave it as it was. I glanced at my watch and saw that I only had five minutes before I was late for breakfast. I decided to leave it and went to get my clothes on. I spun the dial on my closet and pulled, but the lock didn't open. I tried again, and it still didn't work.

Then I had an idea. I went to Scott's wardrobe and tried my combination. The lock popped open on the first try. Scott had locked my clothes up and now I had no way to get to them. I tired one of his pair of pants but they didn't fit. Remembering his warning not to be late, I gave up and hurried to the dining hall.

Colin was standing outside and looked relieved when he saw me. "Thank god you made it, I thought we were both going to get in trouble," he said. He reached out and pulled my dick out.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pulling his hands free.

"Scott said I had to, just before you came in. Let me go, we only have a minute." I continued holding his hands until he said, "You promised, remember? You said you would keep him from picking on me. I have to do this or else." There were tears in his eyes as I let go of his hands so that he could fondle me to an erection.

Then with my pajamas tented out noticeable we made our way into the dining hall. I followed Colin towards the section where the mice sat but Carl Dunn called me over to the crew's area.

"Hey, Tommy, come sit with us this morning," he said, pointing to a chair, not a booth. I noticed the chair was right next to Linda. She didn't turn to look at me until I sat down next to her.

"Nice jamies Tommy," she said. Then she looked down. "You pervert! Can't you control yourself for even a few seconds?" The other girls leaned around to see what she was looking at. Linda reached down and unbuttoned on of the fly buttons and pulled it open, exposing the head of my dick. Then she got up and traded seats with Edgar, who also looked down at my groin. The head of my dick was still sticking out the opening and it was obvious I was erect.

"I can't believe you would do that around my girlfriend," Edgar said. "I'm going to have to tell Scott to discipline you tonight. Now get out of here and go sit with the other mice. And keep your hands to your sides until you're seated."

I had the feeling as I stood up that he knew all about what Scott had done and was just faking anger. I also knew that even if he was faking, he was going to let Scott have some more fun at my expense.

The mice were trying not to make it look like they were looking, but I could tell. A boy in baggy pajamas with a noticeable boner sticking out the front of his pajamas was not something your average pre-adolescent would ignore. I knew they felt sorry for me, but they still were curious. I didn't say a word as I joined them.

After breakfast my brother apologized for 'accidentally' getting the locks mixed up and took his lock off my closet so I could get dressed. I thought about asking Mr. Foster for a new one, but realized that if Scott wanted to know the combination he could just threaten Colin or the twins and I would tell him so there was no reason to replace the lock. Jared instructed all the mice to stand in front of me and watch while I changed. After all I'd been through since arriving here you'd think it wouldn't bother me, but it still did. And worse was the thought that the crew knew it bothered me, which was why they had the others stand and watch.

Chapter 5

Classes were interesting and moved quickly. The girls in my classes all giggled at me when they saw me, but they giggled at the other four older boys from the mouse side too. But nothing happened throughout the day until after dinner and homework. Apparently even the crew didn't interfere with homework. Maybe it was because they used the mice to do much of their homework.

Jared came in and said he had an announcement. "I'm going to be gone for a couple of days, and I want you mice to behave while I'm gone. I'm going to leave Scott in charge during my absence."

I looked over the crew. Edgar and Carl, who should have been next in line, didn't seem upset at all that my brother had just been promoted over them. But the wannabe's, Kim and Aaron, both looked shocked.

From our side of the room I could hear whispered sounds of dismay.

"While I'm packing, there is one item that has been brought to my attention. Tommy, come up here." I moved forward over to the crew's side of the room. "Stand up here where everyone can see you," Jared said, pointing at his bed.

I didn't know what was going to happen except that I was not likely to enjoy it. Even fully dressed I didn't like being the center of attention. He told me to take my shoes off before getting on his bed. Once I was standing on the bed Jared said the word that caused me the most pain.

"Strip," he said. I didn't move at first but I could see his lips moving as he counted silently. I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off and dropped it on the bed. I struggled with my socks while standing on the bed but got them off as well. My pants came next.

"Hold up right there for a second," Jared said. He looked at the front of my white briefs. "Colin, you've done a good job, keep it up while I'm gone." He turned back to me and nodded his head for me to continue. I put my thumbs in the waistband of my underpants and pulled them down and off.

Standing naked in front of the other boys still humiliated me. My ears were hot and I'm sure my face was red.

"Okay," Jared said. Now Tim; come up here and join him."

Tim's face immediately turned bright red. He kicked off his shoes and then joined me on the bed while he stripped. Once we were both naked Jared told us to put our arms behind our heads.

"Colin, what's different between these two?" Jared asked.

Colin's face was red now too. He wasn't staring at us but rather looking at the floor. "Tommy has hairs around his dick and Tim doesn't."

I hadn't noticed but I took a quick peek. Tim's dick was maybe slightly larger than mine but there was no hair visible anywhere on his groin or balls.

"And why doesn't Tim have any hair? He's almost the same age as Tommy so you'd think he'd have hair too. In fact, I'll bet Kim Boyd has hair, don't you Kim?"

Kim blushed, but said he did.

"How about you Randy, do you have hair?" Jared asked.

Randy also blushed, but said he did not have hair.

"So Kim is thirteen and has hair, but Tim and Randy, who are also thirteen, don't. Why not?" Jared asked.

"Because mice aren't allowed to have hair."

"And whose job is it to make sure they don't?"

"Mine," said Colin. "But I didn't have time – last night he 3;"

"I know all about last night so I won't punish you this time for Tommy. Just so that Tommy here knows, tell him what happens if I find body hair on a mouse."

"I get punished," Colin said.

Jared turned back to me and Tim. "Tommy, get down on your knees and look closely at Tim. Try and find a hair." I dropped to my knees and saw Tim's dick twitch slightly as I looked directly at it from just a few inches away.

"Don't just look, feel him. Check his legs, his balls, his pits, and his butt. Let me know if you find any hairs. And if you don't find any but I do, I'll double Colin's punishment."

I had never touched a boy before but I had to do what Jared said. I lifted Tim's dick and inspected under it. There was a small response as I touched him and I prayed that he wouldn't get a boner. At the bottom of his balls there was a single hair about half an inch long. I pointed it out to Jared.

"Finish checking him out," he told me. "And then check the rest of the mice too. You guys get ready for him to inspect you. Colin, you're slipping up. We can't have that."

Colin sobbed and I could see a single tear run down his cheeks. "I'm sorry Jared, I won't miss again," he said.

I hoped that Jared would back off, but he didn't. "You know the rules Colin. I can excuse you for Tommy since we did have him busy last night, but not the others. You'd better hope Tommy doesn't find any more."

I finished my inspection of Tim without finding any. The other boys, Randy, Jack, Tom, and the twins, had all stripped naked and were standing with red faces waiting for me to inspect them.

I knew how they must feel, yet the idea of making a close-up inspection of their privates was somehow erotic to me. It was exciting, something I had never experienced before. I began to notice stuff I had previously ignored.

Randy's dick was the same length as mine, between three and four inches [8-10 cm] soft, but it was thicker. There was a smell that was both disgusting and pleasant at the same time. His balls hung down lower than mine. There was a tiny amount of stubble just above his dick, clear evidence that he had been shaved. I decided not to mention it to Jared.

I moved next to Tom Knight. He was twelve but further behind in development. His dick was no more than three inches [7 cm] long and very thin and his balls were tightly packed under his dick. There was no evidence he had hair to remove.

Although he was twelve, the same age as my brother Scott, Jack Swan was as developed as me. His dick was slightly erect, sticking out at an angle from his balls. The left ball hung noticeably lower than the right ball. Unfortunately, there were several little hairs on the back side of his ball sack.

"I want you to do a very thorough inspection Tommy, so count them and don't miss any or I'll add to Colin's punishment," Jared said when I told him what I found.

His hair was a light brown and very fine so they were hard to see. I had to lift his balls and look closely, not wanting to miss one and have Colin suffer even more. Jack was getting a full erection as I lifted and stretched his sack. I finally decided there were nine hairs.

I moved on to the twins. They were eleven so I didn't expect to find any hair. I pushed them together so their hips were touching and inspected them together. Their dicks and balls were as identical as their faces but I did find one difference – one of them had a birth mark on the inside of his left thigh right behind his ball sack and the other one had the same mark but on the right side. Their balls were just tiny marbles inside a pure-white sack. Their dicks were small, two inches [5 cm] long, and thin.

That left Colin. Colin was sobbing as I started my inspection but as soon as I touched his dick to look behind it he laughed a little. "That tickles," he said. He was also getting hard. His dick was even smaller than the twin's and his sack felt empty – just a lump of skin behind his dick. Since he was ten I wasn't surprised when I didn't find any hair on him either.

"So Colin, not counting Tommy, how many mice had hair they aren't allowed to have?" Jared asked.

"Two," Colin said. "Please, can you just let it go this once? I've been very busy, but I won't slip up again, I promise."

"No Colin, you don't have that much to do and keeping the mice free of body hair is just about your only duty. You will be punished. I'll leave it up to Scott to decide your punishment."

"I'll take it," I said. "They got inspected because I had hair, so I'll take the punishment."

"I was going to tell Scott to make sure the punishment was geared towards a ten-year-old. It would have to be different for a fourteen-year-old," Jared said. "Do you still want to take it?"

"I guess it depends on 3;" I started to ask but Jared cut me off.

"Just answer the question. Do you want to take Colin's punishment for him or not?"

One look at Colin's face and my heart melted. He was the sweetest looking boy and the tears running down his face did me in. "I'll take it," I said.

"Then Colin will be spared. This time. But Colin, if you mess up again I won't allow anyone to take your punishment for you. Scott, since you're going to be in charge, you come with me, I want to hear the punishment you're going to select for your brother and then I have to be going."

While they were gone the other boys started getting dressed. Tim had picked up his clothes but Jack said that he, Tim, and I may as well stay naked as it was certain they would have to be shaved anyway. Tim dropped his clothes on his bed and stood there.

Scott came back about five minutes later and announced that Jared had left and he was now in charge. He looked at me with a smile. "I'll let you know your punishment in a few minutes," he said to me.

He looked at Colin and said, "We'll start Tommy's punishment after you take care of Tim and Jack."

Colin went to his locker and got a razor and shaving cream and started with Jack. Jack's dick was still mostly hard from my inspection and as Colin spread the shaving cream it returned being fully erect.

"Hold it Colin, it seems that Jack is having a good time. So go ahead and let him enjoy the moment. Start rubbing his dick. But if you make him cum without permission I'll make you both dress and undress in the common room until Jared gets back."

As Colin started stroking Jack's dick, Scott glanced at Jared's bed.

"Hey, Tommy, you left your dirty clothes on Jared's bed. I'll have to punish you for that now too."

Now I couldn't hold back the tears. "Please Scott," I said. I realized I sounded just like Colin, but it didn't matter. "Please, I'll clean them up and remake his bed, but please don't add any more."

"I'll think about it," he said. "Colin, keep stroking or I'll have you do all the mice." Then he turned his attention back to me.

"Clean up all of the clothes on Jared's bed," he said. Only, don't use your hands, just your mouth." I crawled over to Jared's bed and picked up my shirt with my mouth. Then I crawled on my knees back to my bed and dropped it. I got my pants on the next trip.

My third trip was interrupted by Jack saying, "I'm cumming." Everyone turned to look as he shot his seed onto the floor while Colin, with tears running down his cheeks, continued to stroke his dick until it was done.

"Well, I guess you two know where your changing room is for the next couple of days," Scott said with a satisfied expression. "Now hurry up and finish with him and Jack so that you can clean Tommy up. I want him bald before we start his punishment." He looked at me and pointed at the remaining clothes on Jared's bed.

I continued shuffling back and forth on my knees. I took both my socks in the next trip, but that left the one article I had been ignoring – my underpants.

"You can use your hands for this," Scott said. At first I thought he meant that I could carry them back in my hands, but I was wrong. "Stuff them inside your mouth. I don't want to see any white hanging out," he told me.

I pulled them to my mouth and almost gagged, but I managed to get them in. I crawled back to my bunk and pulled them out and dropped them.

Colin had finished with Jack and Tim didn't take long. It was now my turn. Colin returned to his wardrobe and got electric clippers out. Since I had half-inch long hairs, he used the electric clippers first to trim them down to stubble. I couldn't avoid getting hard as he spread the shaving cream around my groin and ball sack. I hoped and prayed that Scott wouldn't make Colin jack me off too.

Colin stretched the skin as he worked, being careful not to cut me and to not leave any hairs behind. I hadn't seen any hairs under my arm pits but he shaved them too. It had taken me thirteen years to grow that meager amount of hair, but now it was gone and I was officially a member of the hairless mice.

"Come here Tommy and let me see you," Scott said to me as soon as Colin was done. I avoided his eyes as I made my way to stand naked in front of him. "Wow; that really makes a difference. You look like you're ten years old now. Now it's time for your punishment to start. Starting right now your inspections will be done by any of the girls assigned by Linda, so go out there and tell her the good news and let her get girls to do your first inspection."

It was then that I decided I wasn't going to play any longer. I'd been shaved and humiliated and I'd had enough. I stood up and put the underpants back on.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Scott said, shocked at my defiance. I ignored him and sat down in my bed.

Randy and Tom came over immediately. "Come on man, you can't do this. He'll do something to Colin or the twins."

"He won't stop. Nothing will satisfy him. Every day will bring more humiliation and it won't end. And he knows he can only get through to me by hurting you guys. I'm sorry, but I can't defend them anymore. You need to stand with me – stand up for yourselves." I really was scared of what the outcome might be, but it had just gone too far.

Scott seemed dumbfounded. He looked to Edgar and Carl, probably looking for support. If so, he didn't get it.

"Don't look at me," Carl said. "You're in charge and they're in open rebellion. Take care of it." Carl looked at Edgar and said, "Let's go out and pick up Linda and Melissa and go for a walk." Linda was Edgar's girlfriend and Melissa was Carl's. Without a look back they left the dorm.

That just left the wannabee's, Kim and Aaron. And of course, Scott. It seemed that we had an interesting turn of events and I was thinking maybe now was the time to make the most of it.

"I know what you're thinking," Randy whispered in my ear, "but be careful. Jared will be back and he might not be too pissed at us for standing up to your brother. But if we try to do anything to Kim or Aaron he won't ignore that."

I considered his words carefully. On one hand, I was sure he was right. But on the other, this was the first chance we had to show any of the crew that we'd had enough. But I wasn't sure if anyone other than Randy and maybe Tom would stand with me. Actually, I was sure that Colin would, but in case this turned out bad I didn't want him to.

"Why don't you guys go for a walk too," I said to Kim and Aaron.

They both looked at Scott. "You don't take orders from him," Scott said to them. "I'm in charge and I say stay here."

"You didn't say that to Edgar and Carl," Kim said, but he didn't sound like he was sure of himself. He stood there for a few moments. I guess he was waiting to see which side of the fence Aaron was going to jump off on.

Aaron apparently made up his mind and moved over to stand next to, but slightly behind, Scott. Kim shrugged his shoulders and gave in, taking his place on the other side of Scott. I had really been hoping they would defect and walk out on my brother.

Scott must have really been feeling the pressure, something he never could handle well. I could count on him making a bad decision here and he didn't disappoint me.

"Colin, go give yourself a swirly," he said.

"No!" was all that Colin said. I was right; he would be the one most likely to stand beside me. But now I was worried because I didn't want him involved. I could predict Scott's next move and again he didn't surprise me.

"You guys go and help him," Scott said to Aaron and Kim. They took two steps forward and Tim moved towards them.

"Maybe it's time we gave you guys a swirly," Tim said.

"Yeah, let's get them," the twins said, coming off their beds.

Kim bolted first, moving towards the door. As soon as Aaron saw he was alone he followed Kim. That left all of the mice facing Scott.

"I think it's time to end this," I said, "but not like you guys are thinking. It's time we told someone outside of the school what's going on here."

"We can't," Jack said, "the crew controls our email. Maybe you hadn't tried yet but we can't send an email. If you try it goes into a storage account until the crew reads and approves it." I had been warned previously about this.

"They watch our email accounts, but do you think they monitor one of their own?" I sat at my desk and logged in using Scott's bed number. Now I had to get his password. "Let's try wojo," I said. I typed it in and it worked.

"How'd you know that?" Colin asked.

"It's his stuffed bear that he's had since he was a baby. He wanted to bring it but my mom talked him out of it. Too bad, he'd be the only member of the crew with a stuffed animal to protect him." Scott had told everyone stuff about me and now it was time to return the favor.

Scott was angry and took two steps towards me but Randy, Tim, and Tom stepped in front of him and he stopped. He might be tough but he wasn't prepared to take on three of us. I was kind of surprised that Jack was not supporting us.

It took me over a half an hour to type it all in, telling everything that was going on and how they controlled us. Everyone but Jack shared stories of what had been done to them and I put most of it in the letter. When it was done I asked the others for whom to send it to and Tom, Randy, and the twins gave me their parent's email addresses. In addition to them I sent it to my parents.

"Okay Scott, you're in charge," I said as soon as the email was on its way. "What do we do next? Or do you want to threaten Colin again to make me give up and recognize your supreme existence?"

"Do you really think I can't get to you without scaring a ten-year-old?" "I can break you, Tommy. I don't need them. I can break you directly. And when I do I'll make you beg me for more."

He turned his back to me and said, "Its bed time for the mice!" and then stormed off to his side of the room. The mice laughed as we ignored his order.

"First, my name is Thomas, and you'll use it from now on. Unless you want me to tell them about the time you pissed yourself in school." It was almost the only embarrassing thing I knew about my brother, but I was guessing he must have some other skeletons in the closet and he probably didn't know if I knew about them or not.

"Yeah, tell us," the twins said. "Tell us everything about him!"

"My advice is to leave him alone," Randy whispered to me. "Because eventually Jared will be back and the further this goes the worse it'll be for all of us. I just want to be sure you understand that what you're risking and that you think of Colin and the twins."

He was right – I was prepared to take Scott down as far as I could but I wasn't thinking about what would happen if I did. If I stopped now Jared might just make an example of me and let the others go. And Scott had already lost face. It was time to quit.

"Let's just go out and shoot some baskets or something," I said. "They're going to be pissed when they find out, but until then let's at least have some fun." We all got dressed and headed towards the common room. Well, almost all of us. I noticed Jack was hanging back.

"Come on Jack, what's the problem?" I asked.

"I, uh, I just don't feel like it," he said. He wouldn't look me in the eyes though.

"You all should stay here," Scott said. "If you leave you'll just make it worse for yourselves."

"Piss off!" Colin said. "You're through. You're a joke. And when 3;"

Randy put his hand over Colin's mouth to stop him from saying more. "Just let it go, okay?" he said to him. He looked at the rest of us and said, "If Jack wants to stay behind and play with Scott, let him. Let's just the rest of us get going."

We all headed out the door again, but we didn't get far. As soon as we entered the common area we came to a sudden halt.

The first thing that caught our attention was Aaron and Kim, standing in the corner kissing each other on the lips. They didn't look like they were enjoying it though. The second thing was that Edgar and Carl were sitting with three of the girls and reading from a printed paper.

"Oh, listen to this one, I'd forgotten all about this," Edgar said. He read from the paper, "And then Randy's brother made me use my toothbrush to wash my penis and then I had to use it to brush my teeth without even being allowed to rinse it off."

It was the email I had sent fifteen minutes ago. Tim had said "dick" but I typed "penis."

He looked up at us and said, "Oh, you guys are so screwed." Carl and the girls laughed out loud. "And we have a couple of new mice to add to the nest," he said, pointing at Aaron and Kim. "Take them with you when you go back in."

Kim and Aaron let go of each other and started moving towards us, but Edgar wasn't done yet. "And Colin, inspect them. Thoroughly!"

Defeat was written in the expression on each of us as we turned to go back into the dorm.

"Does 'inspect them' mean what I think it means?" Melissa asked. "Because if it does, I'd like to see it done. We're thinking of a mouse nest in our dorm too.

"I'm sure the boys would be way too embarrassed to want you to watch," Edgar said. "How old are you, Jo?" he asked the third girl.

"I'm eleven, but I'll be twelve in three months," she said.

"Well then, you're right between Aaron and Kim," Carl said. "Aaron's twelve and Kim's thirteen. Would you like to see them get inspected?

"Oh, yeah, that'd be really cool!" she said.

"Well then, I guess it's up to them then," Carl said.

"You guys don't mind if the girls come and watch while you're being inspected, do you?" Edgar said.

Both their faces were bright red. "Uh, no, Edgar, we'd like to have them there," Aaron said.

"Like we said, Edgar, we'll do anything, anything to make up for running from the mice," Kim added.

"Well then, as long as you don't mind, let's go," Edgar said.

"Uh, in your dorm?" Jo asked.

"Sure, why not? The mice won't care if you come in."

We all made our way into the boy's dorm. Jack met us at the door.

"Edgar, they sent an email," he began. Carl cut him off

"We know all about it. Come to think of it, there wasn't anything about you in the email. Why not?"

"You read it?" Jack was surprised. "I'm tired of being a mouse, not allowed to have hair, needing permission to jack 3;" he noticed the three girls for the first time and he froze for a few seconds. "Anyway, I didn't join in on the rebellion. I didn't help with the email. Can I hang with you guys?"

The traitor! But he continued pouring it on.

"Tommy was the leader; he talked the others into going along with him. And he's 3;"

"So you'd bust them just like that? These guys who've stood beside you, helped you, did favors for you? You'd screw them just to be one of us?" Carl asked.

"Yes!" Jack said without even thinking about it. "Who wouldn't?"

"Well, I don't think any of them would. Maybe you don't belong with them," Carl said. "What do you think?" he asked Edgar.

"I think we could give him a tryout, see how he does. As long as he knows his place."

"Yes sir," Jack said, "I won't disappoint you. I'll fit in with you right away, you'll see."

"You'd better, because if we kick you out you'll be mouse food!" Carl said with a laugh. "They sure as hell won't help or protect you!"

"And drop that damn 'sir' shit. If you're going to be one of us act like us," Edgar added. To us he said, "Aaron and Kim, line up for inspection. You too Tommy, starting now your inspections are done by the girls. The rest of you mice, except Colin, take a shower and get ready for bed."

"Jack, go with them and watch them. No boners, no beating off, you understand?"

"I understand," Jack said. He looked at the three girls and asked, "Should they undress in the shower room?"

"What?" Carl asked. "Why would they do a stupid thing like that? Maybe we're making a mistake treating you like one of us."

"No, I'm fine, I just wanted to make sure," Jack said. "You mice heard him, get undressed and hit the showers." Then he added, "Except for Colin, his changing room is the common room. Go and get undressed out there." He looked at Carl for acceptance and got it.

I had thought that getting undressed in front of the guys was humiliating, but now there were three girls in the room. There was no place to hide. The other mice weren't going to go against Edgar and Carl. The revolution was over. I stripped, unable to look anyone, especially the girls, in the eye. As I removed my underpants, Scott stepped right in front of me.

"You're mine, all mine. Everything that happens to you will come from me, Tommy. Just remember that. Put your hands to your sides and stand there."

Chapter 6

The three girls started with Kim and Arron, leaving me standing there, but just for a few minutes. Then Melissa noticed me and told Jo to go and get two more girls. Jo didn't want to leave, but Melissa assured her that we'd all still be here when she got back.

Jo came back a few seconds later with two other girls, both of whom looked to be about my age. Melissa assigned on of the three girls to each of us and told them what they were looking for. "And don't be afraid to touch them anywhere and as much as you want," she said to them.

There was no way the three of us wouldn't get hard, so it was no surprise when it happened. Scott was right there to tell the three of us to jack off until we shoot, but emphasized that we did not have permission to shoot.

Kim failed first, but Arron and I quickly shot too. Melissa took charge. "Find something to blindfold them with and take them across the hall. I'm sure there's twelve other girls over there who wish they could be here, so instead we'll move the show to our dorm."

Inspections and jacking off lasted the better part of another hour before we were escorted back to our dorm. The girls left, and Carl and Edgar followed them out into the common room. Scott was in charge again.

As soon as Carl and Edgar left the talk began. Tim came right to the point, calling Jack a turncoat. The rest of us were talking about what would happen with the email.

"You guys are screwed," Jack said. "I was smart enough to see it was a trap. As long as you guys are going to stick up for Colin and the twins, they were always going to win. But now that's not my problem."

"I seem to recall you crying because Colin got punished for something you wouldn't do," Tim said. "What are you going to do when they order you to hurt him on account of one of us?"

"Just shut up!" Jack said. "I'll do what I have to. If hurting him worries you so much then you'd better just follow instructions and then you won't have to worry about him."

We were all talking at once, arguing with Jack, when we heard Carl yell from the common room, "You mice had better quiet down. We can't even carry on a civil conversation because of all the noise you're making. Jack, you'd better be able to keep them quiet in there."

"Let's make a bunch of noise and get him in trouble," one of the twins said.

I shook my head. "How will that help us? Even if they kick him off the crew, it won't change things for us. We're better off just ignoring him."

"You won't be able to ignore me from now on," Jack said, but the rest of us did ignore him and didn't respond.

I returned to my wardrobe to get my pajamas but they weren't there. In their place I found a pair of Scott's gym shorts and a pair of his pajama tops with the sleeves cut off them.

"You'll be more comfortable in those," Scott said with a laugh. "Oh, and don't wear underpants with pajamas."

I pulled them on. They were tight in the waist but baggy around my legs. Made of cotton, they didn't hide much. The pajama top fit, but just barely. It didn't cover below my belly button and the buttons were in danger of popping so I left it unbuttoned. I got into bed since there was nothing else to do and because I was tired.

I woke up when the lights came back on in the dorm. Scott was standing right next to me. "Like I told you, I'm going to break you Tommy,"

I opened my eyes and stared at him. 'You can't do anything without using Colin," I said.

"We'll see about that. Right now, none of us know where he is. Edgar sent Jack to find him." He paused for a second before saying, "I'll let you wear clothes to breakfast if you tell me thank you."

I stared back at him. I didn't want to give in to him. "It's up to you, I understand how you feel. But I am going to break you in the end. The only question is how much you'll have to suffer before you give in." He waited to see if I'd say anything. When I didn't he added, "If you don't say it, I'll make you go to breakfast in your new pajamas. If you say it now, I'll let you take a quick shower and get dressed."

Our brotherly psyche kicked in then. "You're wondering what would happen if you just get up and get dressed without saying anything," he said, which was exactly what I was thinking about. "If you do, then you'll have to answer to me and Jared. I'm not afraid to tell lies to Adam to make him want to punish you too. And I've heard stories that Adam is a lot worse than Jared."

I hesitated.

"Come on, I'm getting hungry. Just say it and you can get up. There's nobody here to hear it except me."

But he was the one person I didn't want to say it to. But I was also getting hungry, and I needed to pee. I gave up. "Thank you," I said softly.

"You're welcome. I totally enjoyed it. Now you can get up." I didn't hesitate to jump out of bed and head towards the shower room. "But don't think this is over. Tonight Jared will be back and then I'm really going to work on getting you to submit to my orders."

After classes were over the mice worked on homework. The twins told us one of their teachers had said that Colin had gone to the infirmary early in the morning. "The nurse might let him stay the day, maybe the night," he said. We all hoped she would, he needed a break.

Then we had chores to do – ours plus the crew's chores. Aaron and Kim got assigned to the shower with Jack to watch them. I had the toilets to clean, which was bad enough except that first Scott and then Edgar came in and peed all over the sides of ones that I had already cleaned and I had to start over.

About the time we finished Jared returned and Scott told him how things had gone with him in charge.

"That doesn't surprise me, so don't worry about it. They'll be taught that your orders mean the same as mine or Carl's or Edgar's," Jared said. He asked Edgar "How's Jack working out?"

"He's doing okay. He's in charge of Aaron and Kim. They want back into the crew so they haven't argued with him and it hasn't been too much of a test for him." As an afterthought, Edgar added, "Colin checked himself into the infirmary early this morning without getting permission from any of us."

"Okay, I'll let that go for now. I'll check with the nurse later and find out if he's really sick or just faking it."

Jared looked at Jack and asked, "So how do you feel about being on this side of the room? Are you getting the respect you deserve?"

"I like it here," Jack said with a smile. "They never liked me all that much anyway."

"Well, I bet they just fucking love you now," Jared said.

Jared got a big paper bag out of his suitcase and set it on his bed. "I brought presents for some of the mice," he said. "Let's start with Tommy since he likes to be in charge. Scott, tell your brother to strip."

Scott immediately gave the order and I decided whatever was going to happen would happen whether or not I complied so I shed my clothes. Scott pointed to my bed and told me to lie down, so I did that too.

Scott stuck his face in front of mine and said, "I hope you enjoyed that boner you had last night 'cause it's the last one you're going to have for a while."

He stepped back and Jared held something up to my face and said, "This is "The Enforcer" Steel Chastity Belt. You're going to absolutely hate this." All I saw was a shiny steel plate that looked like a flattened nose. I could feel Scott's hands on my dick as it was pushed into the cold steel and bent down. The inside surface that pressed against my dick was rough and cold with sharp little points pressing against my dick. The same was true for the part that fit over my balls.

I was lifted slightly in order to allow them to slide a leather harness around me. The steel plate was fastened at the top and to straps that ran between my legs and up to the strap around my waist.

I was pulled to my feet and bent over forwards and held in place by Carl and Edgar.

"Just a little lube," Jared said. "You said he was a problem, so if it hurts a little going in it'll be okay. It won't cause any permanent damage." I felt something cold pressing against my anus and clenched my butt cheeks together.

"I'll drive it in with a paddle if I have to Tommy," Scott said. I felt hands prying my butt cheeks apart and the pushing against my anus increased. As it penetrated the first little bit it hurt and I stopped pushing back in order to suck air into my lungs. That was all Scott needed to push whatever it was a few inches into my butt. I felt it being attached to the strap that went around my waist and under my butt. Once it was inside me it didn't hurt, but it made me feel full and uncomfortable.

"And that is a vibrator," Jared said. To Scott he said, "Turn it on and see how he likes his gift." The vibrator began to shake, and it was pressing against my prostate. My dick immediately began to harden, only to feel the spikes.

"Ow, stop Scott, please," I called out.

"Wow, he didn't even last ten seconds," Scott said. "You're lucky, that can't stay in you all the time. But the Enforcer can stay on 24/7; you'll just have to pee sitting down. And it will stay on until you finally prove to me that you are mine to order around as I want. And when you're bad, I'll add the vibrator too."

I felt hands on my butt and then the vibrator was turned off but not removed. I was let go and reached down to try and pull the device off my groin but it wouldn't move. There was no part of my dick or balls that I could touch. The same with the vibrator – it was firmly attached and wasn't going to come out unless the straps were loosened. I tried to find a seam or buckle but couldn't.

"It's closed with two screws," Scott said. "And I've got the only wrench around." He held up an Allen wrench so that I could see it before dropping it in a pocket.

"Let's do Tim next," Jared said. Tim turned to run, but they cut him off. "That was a mistake," Jared said as they caught him. They didn't waste any time with him but simply held him while they pulled his pants and underpants down.

"For you we have the CB-6000," Jared said. All I could see was white plastic curved tube but Jared had more parts in his hand. They pulled him down to the ground.

"Here," Jared said to Jack as he handed him a part, "this goes around his balls and over his dick." Jack pushed his balls into a plastic ring, but Jared said it was too big. It took three tries to find the right sized ring, but finally Jared was satisfied. The top of the ring went over his dick and the clear plastic part fastened to the ring. Tim's dick was pushed into the plastic, which looped it down. The whole contraption was then fastened from behind with a plastic lock.

"This is for beating off without permission two days ago," Edgar said. "Jack told us about it. You also can wear this full time until we decide to remove it," Edgar said as they released him. Tim glared at Jack who just smiled back at him.

"Go ahead and try to run little brother," Edgar said to Randy. "Please give me an excuse to make your punishment even worse."

Randy stood still, even when his pants were pulled down. "For my little brother we have a nice little ball stretcher." He held out his hand and showed everybody a metal band with four short spikes screwed through the frame. The spikes pointed inward and were angled down; the ends looked pointed.

"I was hoping you'd run. These come in two sizes, and I'd have used the one that stretches your balls the most. But I guess this size will do. For now." Edgar and Jack bent over and Jack pulled Randy's balls down while Edgar fastened the band over the skin of his sack above his balls. This device also needed an Allen key to remove.

"The nice thing about his is that these spikes screw in," Jack said. He turned one with the Allen key and Randy whimpered. "And when they do they poke at the soft skin above your balls. That's just one spike turned in one turn. There are four spikes and they can turn about four or five turns each."

Scott turned back towards me. "I forgot to mention that the vibrator can be replaced with a little wand that gives some low-voltage shocks. It won't harm you but Jared says it hurts like hell. Guess what happens when you guys don't behave after this?"

"You guys decided to try your hand at being leaders," Scott said to me, Randy, and Tim. "Since you decided to try and take over and the twins and Colin really didn't do anything, we'll take our displeasure out the three of you. Keep that in mind next time one of you has an idea on getting out of here."

Jack spoke to the rest of the mice. "If there is a next time, and you guys don't rat on the leader, you'll all get the same treatment," he said to them.

"Scott told me that Tommy lead the rebellion," Jared said. My heart sank, I'd managed to forget about that. "We've come up with a suitable punishment for that. Tell him the good news Scott."

"He have to give four of the Crew a blowjob," Scott said proudly. "He gets to pick which four. The one he doesn't pick gets to paddle him." Scott moved close to me and beamed as he said, "And crying won't stop it, you're going to get paddled forty times."

"So who are you going to suck off tonight and who's going to paddle you?"

I was scared. This was getting way too far out of line. "Okay Scott, you win. You broke me, just like you wanted. I'll do anything you say."

"I don't think we've even started on breaking you yet, this is all about the punishment for starting a revolution. So answer the question or I'll have the other mice take turns paddling the twins until you're done."

I was trapped. There was no escape. I couldn't let the twins suffer because I was too chicken to take something I had caused. I looked at the crew. It was different now that Kim and Arron weren't there, I'd have chosen them first for a blowjob because of their age. I sure didn't want to do my brother or Jared, but I'd have to suck one of them. And the one I didn't suck would paddle me. I decided that might be the worst. Who would go the easiest on me became the central question. Of all the choices, I decided that perhaps it would be Tom Knight, the newest member of the Crew. I hoped I was right as I announced my decision.

"Have you ever given a blowjob to anyone before?" Carl asked. I shook my head. "Then I don't want him practicing on me until he's a pro at it. Let's have him do it a few times with Kim and Arron and maybe Tim, just until he knows how to do it."

"Good idea," Jared said. "Do that. Give each of those three a blowjob. When we feel that you've had enough practice we'll let you start on us."

Tears were starting to flow as I looked at the three boys I had to suck. Tim looked down, not eager to become part of my punishment, but Arron and Kim were both smiling. Arron whispered something to Kim and he nodded back. I decided to do Tim first.

I had a brief close-up look at Tim's dick during my inspection of the mice and he was slightly bigger than me. The lack of hair meant nothing, if he had any it had been shaved off. I knew he was going to shoot. The only thing that surprised me was how much he shot and how it tasted as it went down my throat.

I dreaded the next two even more. I went to Kim first. He was the oldest of the two. I wanted to get the cum part over with. He exposed himself and was already hard. From my limited level of experience, he appeared to be normal sized. About the same length as mine and he had the same amount of hair that I had before mine had been shaved off. He didn't produce as much cum as Tim had, but it still filled my mouth.

Kim was the real surprise. He looked more like one of the twins than a twelve-year-old. But he still shot cum. Not a thick as the other two, but it tasted the same.

"Now to help us decide, Kim, Arron, how'd he do?" Jared asked.

"A two, at best," Kim answered. "Only as one as far as I'm concerned," Arron said.

Do them again," Jared said. "All three of them."

The second time was no better than the first. Kim and Arron had both clearly enjoyed getting sucked, but they wanted back in the Crew and knew that it was up to them to extend my punishment.

"Again," Jared said.

I decided to go around in the same order. Tim wasn't even hard, so I had to spend some unpleasant time correcting that, but he didn't hold back and soon I had his cum in my mouth for the third time. Kim and Arron both did their best to extend the time I had my mouth around their dicks, but in the end they both succumbed.

This time Jared didn't ask how I'd done. "It's getting late and I want to finish this tonight. I'll let him have one more practice session on Tom this time, and after that we'll get to the main event.

So I was to suck off all five of the Crew and still get paddled. Tom Knight was all smiles as I approached him. He eagerly dropped his pants and boxers, displaying his still-immature dick. He moaned with pleasure as I worked on him, and he was so eager that it didn't take even a minute before he grabbed my head and drove his dick into my mouth at the right speed until he had a dry cum.

"Now us. As leader, I claim the first one," Jared said. He undressed, revealing a man-sized dick surrounded by so much hair his balls were hardly visible. I wanted to puke as I moved in front of him. He made me go slow, wanting it to last, and when he did shoot it filled my mouth faster than I could swallow and ran down my chin.

Edgar and Carl were the next two in line. Although neither of them were as big as Jared, they both had dicks that were bigger than mine and also produced more cum than I could swallow.

Then came the one I actually was dreading the most – my brother. The only good news was that he was so eager that he shot within seconds of me putting his dick in my mouth.

Now I was to suffer what promised to be a very painful paddling. But Jared saved me, at least temporarily. "It's late," he said. "We'll finish the punishment tomorrow. Mice – get to bed."

Scott woke me up early the next morning. Once my eyes were open he said, "Your punishment has been modified. This morning you'll go and wait out in the common room with nothing on but The Enforcer so that the girls can all see it. No paddling and no sucking off the other members of the crew."

"And when Jared finds out, what's he going to say?"

"He's already approved it. Go take a shower and make sure to run some soapy water down inside that thing around your dick," he said to me. "And then get out to the common room."

When I came out of the shower I looked around and noticed that Colin had returned. I kept waiting for them to do something to him, but the crew left him alone. While the rest of the mice were welcoming him back, I went out to the common room, followed by Scott.

Even though all of the girls had already seen me naked, I my dick still decided to get hard as I stood in the common room in nothing but the Enforcer. However, when my dick tried to grow I found myself in a lot of pain, but my dick just didn't want to go down. Scott found my suffering funny and made me spend as much time out there as he could.

The rest of the day they left all of us alone, except for Aaron and Kim, who were put to doing chores under Jack's supervision. Just before bed time, Edgar called for his brother and Jack summoned Tim. Both were asked to give a blowjob. Both refused. Again, I waited for them to use the younger kids to force them, but they didn't. The only one who suffered was Randy, who had another one of the spikes screwed in one turn on his ball stretcher.

The same thing happened the next night too. The next day Randy kept trying to pull at the ball stretcher, complaining that his balls now had constant pressure on them. He confessed he didn't know how long he could stand it. That night while I slept I must have had an erotic dream. All I know is that I woke up with my dick being forced against the sharp points on the enforcer while it tried to straighten out and get hard. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't touch any part of my dick. It took nearly an hour for it to pass so I could fall back asleep.

On the third night Randy gave in and sucked off his brother. He didn't get a screw turned in that night. But Jack decided to increase Tim's discomfort and with help from Jared the vibrator was inserted and turned on.

"You can wear that tonight," Jack said. "The batteries will only last four or five hours. It will be just so much easier if you just give up and show that we own you."

I couldn't understand why I was being ignored.

The next night Tim again refused. Tim was fitted with the vibrator and then he was made to stand and watch while Randy again gave in and sucked his brother off.

"Do you want that thing off your balls?" Edgar asked him when he was done.

Randy was red faced but defeated. "Yes, please," was all he said.

"Go and chose either Kim or Aaron and give him a blow job while I think about," Edgar said. Probably because Aaron was younger, Randy went to him. He didn't say anything but just dropped to his knees and pulled Aaron's dick out and began sucking on it.

When he was done, Edgar tossed him the wrench to remove the ball stretcher. "Remember, you do as you're told around here," Edgar said. "If you refuse, the next time the bigger one will go on and it will be harder to get it removed. Understand?"

Randy had tears rolling down his cheeks as he nodded his head and handed the wrench and the stretcher to his brother.

"I give up too," Tim suddenly said. My heart sank.

"Then come over here and prove it," Jack said to him. Tim looked like he was going to be sick, but he did what was expected of him. When he was done, Jack told him it was a good start, but he wasn't quite ready to take off the CB 600 yet. "I'll have to be sure you really have been broken first," he said. "But I think maybe you don't need the vibrator in tonight." Jack had been accepted by the crew and was now enjoying his new status.

The next night Randy and Tim both did as asked. Randy was given to Kim since he had chosen Aaron the night before and Tim did Aaron. "You really think you're ready to have that chastity belt removed tonight?" Jack asked Tim.

"Yes, please," Tim said. "I'll do anything."

"Then after we remove it you're going to go over to him and fuck him in the ass," Jack said, pointing to me. "We'll hold him down if we need to. And you don't apologize too him either. In fact, you tell him how good it feels, how much you are enjoying it."

"And make sure it lasts at least three minutes before you cum," Scott added. They removed the CB 600 from Tim. "If that gets put back on you, it won't come off again for at least a week, probably longer," Jack said.

I didn't want to be held down so I bent over and let him do it. He kept saying how much fun it was, but I could feel his tears dripping off his face and onto my back while he pumped in and out. I don't think he lasted the full three minutes but nobody complained.

"If he ever asks you if you want to do that again, your answer will always be yes," Scott told him. "The same goes for the rest of you."

I was on my own now.

Chapter 7

Jared issued two new rules the next morning. None of the mice were allowed to jack off. If they needed relief they were free to use my ass, but no other form of pleasure was to be permitted. If I refused they could ask the crew for help. When using my ass, no permission to shoot was needed, they could do it as often as they wanted.

The other rule was that Colin was no longer responsible for making sure that Tim and I didn't have any hair. For me, the reason was obvious, it couldn't be inspected or trimmed because of the chastity device. Tim quickly learned why he was excused.

"Tim's sister has agreed to have the girls inspect and trim Tim's pubes, starting this morning," Jared said. "And remember Tim, if you cum without permission the penalty will be severe. The girls selected for this morning's inspection are out there waiting on you now, so get going. You'll be inspected each morning until I change my mind."

Tim gave me a hateful stare as he left the safety of the dorm to go to the common room. I could tell he was blaming me for this new indignity. He was only gone a few minutes before he came running back, his dick rock hard. He ran right to me and told me to bend over. Again, I didn't want to be held, so I let him fuck me. He needed me for relief soon again after that before his inspection was over.

Other than that, no other bullying or punishments were done. Scott stared at me, but never called me to him or said or did anything to me or the other boys. After a few days Randy and Tim Knight both needed relief and used me for their pleasure. And Tim needed me at least once each morning as it became clear that the girls were to stroke him to the point of shooting during his daily inspections.

For me, not being able to touch my dick was becoming a real burden. Jacking off was constantly on my mind. My grades were starting to suffer. By the seventh night I knew I wasn't going to make it, but I didn't know what to do. The need for release was going stronger. Yet Scott still wasn't having anything to do with me.

By the tenth day I could no longer stand it. I went to Scott and told him that I was giving up. "I was wondering how long it would be before you came over on your own and said I had won." He smiled and ordered me to suck him off. After that, I was told to suck off Jack and then Carl. Then I was told to go ask Tim if he wanted to fuck me again. I did as instructed; again allowing Tim to cum in my butt, but the Enforcer stayed on.

The next night I again approached Scott. He had an even more devious plan for me. Instead of sucking him off, he told me to go to the twins. "Let them take turns poking their dicks in your ass," he said. "Just think, you'll be their first fuck. And you'll be the first boy here to be fucked by TV stars."

Dylan and Darrin wanted to refuse, but they were scarred of the crew. Once they started, they seemed to enjoy it. Because they weren't as big as Tim, I hardly felt them. But Scott and I both knew it was over, I had submitted to his rule. Once the twins were done with me I returned to him.

"I told you I could break you without using Colin," Scott said to me as he released me from the toys. But Scott was never satisfied with just defeating me, he wanted complete domination. The mice were still prohibited from playing with themselves, I was their only form of relief. But now Scott demanded that they use me at least twice a week. They were warned that if they got caught beating off they would suffer the same fate as me. And they were warned to report any hesitation on my part to suck them off or let them fuck me.

At first, all of the mice were reluctant, but they were scared of the crew. Colin cried the first time he asked me to suck him. But I did, knowing my brother would punish both of us if I didn't.

About two weeks into this time another boy's belongings were sitting on an empty bed in the dorm room when we returned from classes. The bed he had chosen was in the area used by the mice. We met him after his tour of the facilities.

The boy was short but well built, with short blond hair and dark blue eyes. He introduced himself as Noah. Jared, as always, took charge of the situation.

"Welcome Noah. I'm sure you've had a busy day and would like a chance to relax. Would you like a blow job? We have a boy here who does a super job and likes doing it."

Noah, as anyone would be, was caught off guard. I'm sure he didn't think it was meant to be taken literally but as a joke. "Yeah, sure, of course I'd like one," he said.

I didn't wait to be ordered to, I went to him and dropped to my knees in front of him and started working on his zipper.

"Hey, uh, hold it a sec," he said, taking a step back until he bumped into the bed.

"Don't worry about him, just enjoy it. The other mice will tell you all the rules after you're done. But don't try and stop him or he'll be real disappointed," Jared said. He and the rest of the crew filed out.

Noah moved his hands over his groin. "Hey, I didn't really mean it," he said.

"He's got to do it, please don't stop him," Tim said. "He'll get punished if he doesn't do it."

"What? That's insane! Nobody can 3;," he started, but the rest of the mice interrupted him and explained that they could. I moved his hands out of the way and went back to unzipping him. He didn't try and block me again.

His dick matched his body – it was relatively short, I mean it was longer than the twins or Colin, but shorter than Randy's. But it was thicker. He had a noticeable crop of light hair growing around the base. By now I was used to it and took it into my mouth. It took some effort to get him hard, but once I did it didn't take long for him to cum. And he shot four or five times into my mouth.

Once I was done I left without saying a word and went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and began to cry. I was now so completely dominated by my younger brother that I would give a blow job to a complete stranger without even hesitating.

While I was having my private crying session, the rest of the mice must have explained the way the system worked because when I came out he told me he was sure that would be my last blow job.

"I don't think you understand," I told him, "Jared runs this place. His dad is rich and is making the board of director's rich. Because of that, he is not allowed to be punished. He rules and there is nothing any of us can do about it."

"Sure there is," Noah said. "All I have to do is call my dad and tell him."

"Cell phones don't work out here," Randy said, "and they monitor and intercept all emails. Like Thomas said, you're trapped here."

"My dad eats rich bullies for lunch. He had trouble with a bully at boarding school when he was a kid and he knows how easy it is for them to get into control. So he sent me prepared." Noah opened his trunk and pulled out a device that looked like a cross between the world's largest cell phone and a TV remote.

"What the hell is that thing?" I asked.

"It's a satellite phone, and it will work anywhere," he said. "Now start telling me everything I need to know about this Jared kid."

He was wrong about one thing; his blow job wasn't the last one I gave. It took his dad three days and during that time the mice had to follow orders. But one day we came back and Jared's stuff was gone. Mr. Foster was waiting for us in the room.

"There has been a change in the board of directors recently," he began. He went on to explain that Mr. Stone, Jared's father, had suffered some rather extraordinary financial setbacks and was no longer able to afford to send his son here. There were apparently a few opening on the board, and that Noah's father had suggested a few replacements.

I hardly listened beyond that. I could see real fear on the faces of the crew – all of them except my brother of course. He was too stupid to understand the outcome of what Mr. Foster was saying.

After that, the system changed quickly. Edgar and his brother Randy left, although we get regular email from Randy. He has made a deal with his brother and now gets treated like royalty in exchange for keeping secret what had happened. The twin's TV series went into production, but they promise they will be back as soon as they are done shooting the season's shows. Linda and Melissa left together, making life bearable for the rest of the girls.

Carl Dunn is still here but none of us will talk to him and we now monitor his email and make sure he does his share of the chores. The wannabe's, Kim and Aaron, walk on egg shells, fearful that we will treat them like they treated us. But the remainder of the mice, with support from Noah, decided we would never treat others like the crew treated us.

There were two exceptions of course. Jack Swan, who had crossed over from being a member of the mice to the crew, got a chance to experience CB-600 that Tim had worn for several days. We all decided that he needed a chance to learn the finer points of dick sucking before we removed it.

And that left my brother Scott. He wore the Enforcer for nearly two weeks. After the third day he broke down and begged me to let him suck me off if only I would remove it. By the tenth day he was really ready and we threw a party for him. The twins had returned for a week long break in the shooting and they were horny as hell (we had told them our plans). I may have been their first fuck but they enjoyed Scott a lot more. They rode him as long as they could and laughed as he whimpered and cried.

The temptation was there to make him my personal sex slave, but I avoided it. Oh, he gave me a blowjob, don't misunderstand, but I only use him for that if I'm really, really, horny. Otherwise, I just beat off like any other normal kid.

And as for Noah, for what he did for me; no, for all the mice – we would do anything he asked. Fortunately for us, he just wanted for us to be friends he could trust.

The End

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