AtillaThe Pleasant Surprise |
SummaryAdam finds out that not everything is what it is like.
Publ. JPP stories 1999; this site Dec 2015
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CharactersAdam (14yo) and 'Molly' (12yo)Category & Story codesBoyfriend storytb – cons oral anal – first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Orphan storyAtilla's story originally was published on Johnie's pages. This site disappeared and the e-mail address of the author is not listed.
Atilla, if you read this, I hope you agree I have "saved" your story by publishing it on this site. It is not changed at all (except that I gave the Greek boy a Greek name, not a Russian). If your want to contact me, please use this feedback form with Atilla in the subject line. |
The boy crashed loudly through the woods, running heedlessly, his bare arms whipped by branches, his bare feet cut by rocks, his overalls torn by thorns. But he is heedless to the pain; he just knew he had to keep running, running away from the brutal and loveless orphanage he had spent all of his 14 years. The whipping he had taken the night before was the straw that broke the camel's back. He knew then, as his bare behind was beat to a bloody pulp for no reason, that he would escape that night. He didn't care where he went as long as it was far away from the Eastern Kentucky Christian Orphanage. He made good that plan, quietly slipping out of the boy's dorm after midnight, orienting himself by the north star, and headed west as fast as his feet could carry him. He ran and ran, fear and desire propelling him beyond tiredness. His body was bathed in sweat, his hair matted and wet upon his scalp. While he ran, his mind wandered, wondering where he would end up? What would he do? Who would take him in? Finally, as dawn rose behind him, he collapsed beside a gurgling creek, gulped some water to slake his thirst, made himself a bed out of pine needles, and fell fast asleep. The boy awoke to the sound of childish laughter. He sat up, shook his groggy head, and opened his eyes in the direction of the sound. He couldn't see anything at first, the sun was so bright. When his eyes focused, he saw a girl, looking to be around his age, maybe a little younger, 12-13 mebbe, on the other side of the creek, chasing a butterfly. As she leaped and danced in the green grass amongst the yellow sunflowers, her long blonde hair flew around her face. The boy thought she was pretty, although obviously poor, as indicated by the dress, made from flour sack, which she wore. He watched her for awhile and, when he knew she was alone and there wasn't any danger about, he called out to her. "Hey, girlie! Whatcha doin'?" The startled girl froze and tried to figure out from where the shout came. She was frightened as normally there is never anyone near here. "W-wh-where are you?" she tentatively asked, her voice breaking in fright. The boy got up and waded across the creek towards her, the water cool on his feet, still cut and sore from the previous day's running. The girl stood still and watched the boy approach, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation. "Don't be 'fraid, girl," he said, quietly, "I won' hurtcha none." She looked at the strange new boy, his longish brown hair matted with leaves, his face open and guileless, she thought, his smile warming her to him, instantly. "Hi," she said, "my name's Molly Brittan. What's your'n?" The boy chuckled and said, "Adam. Adam Walsh, or so they tole me at the orphanage. Not rightly sure." "What's an orphanage?" Molly asked, knowing it wasn't a word she had ever heard her mammy use. "It's a place where kids what gots no mam 'n pap live," Adam replied, "and it ain't a nice place to live. That's why I run away. You live around here?" "Yup, just over yon," Molly answered, raising her arm and pointing off beyond the boy's left shoulder. He turned in the direction of where she pointed and saw turrets sticking up above the treetops. "Looks like a big house," he said, as he turned back to look at the girl. "You live there with your mam 'n pap?" "Just my mam," she shyly replied, "my pap ain't 'round and 'good riddance to 'um', my mam says. I never knew him. He left afore I was borned. Ain't got no brothers nor sisters, neither," she went on. "We live in that big ol' house all alone." The boy pondered what she said, and asked, "D'ya think your mam would let me stay awhile 3; at least 'till I figger out what I'm gonna do?" The girl widened her eyes and recoiled with horror. "Ohhh, nooo! My mam would skin me alive if'n she even thought I was talkin' to a boy. She hates all menfolk and won't allow me no truck with boys. She says menfolks are all bad, through and through. (pause) But 3; you don't seem so bad to me. In fact," she said, with a smile that lit up her blue eyes, "I kinda think you're nice." Adam was taken aback by what she said. "Well, don'cha see boys in school, or at church?" "Ohh, nooo, mam don't let me go anywheres. She teaches me to read and 'rite at home. Heck, I've never left our property in all my 12 years." Adam shook his head in wonder. "Wow, your mam's got a powerful hate of menfolk." His thoughts went back to the mistreatment he had received at the orphanage and couldn't really disagree with her. "Well, guess I'd better be movin' on then," he said. "NO! Wait!" Molly shouted. "D-don't go! I-I want you to stay. I can hide you in the smokehouse. It's empty and mam never goes out there. 'Sides, she's feelin' poorly and taken to her bed nowadays. She's sleepin', otherwise, I wouldn't be allowed out here. I can slip you food and nobody will know you're here. 'Cept me, of course," she said, looking at Adam with such yearning that he couldn't refuse. "Okay," he replied, "as long as you don't get into any trouble." "It'll be okay," Molly said, as she took his hand and led him off towards the house, "I'll take care of you." *** The smokehouse wasn't so bad, Adam realized after he had been there for a few days. Molly had brought some straw and blankets which made a right comfortable bed and had brought him food every morning and night. While she tended to her ma during the day, Adam scouted out the area. The house was big and foreboding and stuck out in the middle of nowhere in these woods. Whoever built it must have wanted to be alone real badly; it was miles to town and not another house around for miles, neither. Other than Molly, he hadn't seen nor talked to another livin' soul since he had left the orphanage. While he didn't miss the beatings, he did miss the sexin' around with the other boys. That was what made livin' there tolerable. Every night since he left, as he laid down to go to sleep, he'd think of the other boys – Josh, Pete, Jacob, Sam – and get hard with the memories. He'd lie there on that straw bed and slowly stoke his five inches [13 cm] of hard boyhood, the strokes slowly gaining in tempo until, with a shudder and a groan, he'd spurt his thin ejaculate all over his hairless chest and flat stomach. He'd then drop off into a deep sleep. Over the days, Adam and Molly had grown to really like each other. They both were lonely and had endured unbearable cruelty in their young lives. They would often talk for hours on end, only being brought back to reality by Molly's ma ringing the bell, calling her to some chore or another. Adam wondered if he was falling in love. He had never really been in love before, he was sure, although he had felt a special closeness to Pete. They had slept together almost every night the last month or so he was at the orphanage, their young naked bodies rubbing up against each other in Adam's bed. They had gradually explored every inch of each other's body, lickin', tastin', suckin', even cornholin' each other (which was the best, Adam remembered). He was feelin' those same feelings towards Molly – and felt she was havin' them, too. "Do you realize I've been here a whole week?" Adam said as he finished the plate of pork chops and potatoes that Molly had brought a few minutes earlier. "Gosh, it do seem like we've knowed each other forever, don't it?" Molly replied, sitting crosslegged at the end of the bed, watching Adam eat. Adam looked at her, as he put the empty plate on the floor beside the bed, noticing her slim hairless legs, which were browning in the summer sun. "Is your ma asleep?" he asked. "Yup, she's sawin' logs, fer sure. She always does after a big dinner," Molly replied, wondering why she was suddenly feeling so light headed and having a tingly feeling in her stomach. "Good," Adam said, as he moved down the bed to sit next to her, knowing that he just had to make some sort of move on her or die. His prick was hard in his overalls and he hoped she didn't notice. He blushed at the thought. He wasn't real sure what he was supposed to do. He had never felt this way about a girl before. "M-Molly, I-I like you a lot," he stammered. "I-I-I l-like y-you, too, Adam," Molly replied, looking into his brown eyes and yearning for 3; what? She didn't know. The two looked into each other's eyes for what seemed hours, their faces only inches apart. Then, as if by prearranged signal, they moved closer until their lips touched. It was an electrifying moment, shivers going down both of their backs, blood rushing through their loins, exciting them both. Their kiss lingered, their lips parted, and their tongues met. They kissed deeply and longingly, as if they were meant to be as one. Their hands, not knowing what else to do, groped the others' arms and back. Their breathing became labored as they lay down next to each other on the bed, their lips still locked. After what seemed an eternity, Molly broke the kiss and looked at Adam. "I-I-I've never done this before. You-you're the first boy I've ever even talked to 3; I-I think I, I love you." Adam huskily replied, "I think I love you, too, Molly. And, I don't know what to do either." At that admission, they both laughed and embraced, kissing each other again. Adam's put his right hand on Molly's knee and caressed it, slowly inching his hand up her thigh, pushing her sack dress higher. Her hands fumbled, unbuttoning the straps of his overalls, finally succeeding and pushing them off his body, her hands feeling his smooth buttocks as she pushed them down. At the same time, Adam was removing the sack dress over her head so that, now, they were both as naked as they day they were born. They broke their kiss and lovingly looked at each other's body. Neither had seen the other sex naked before. Adam looked at Molly and his eyes widened in shock and surprise, at the same time as Molly's; they were both speechless! For, jutting out from each of their hairless groins, was an erect penis, hard and drooling precum down the stalk and over a ballsac tight up under the penis! Neither could believe what each was seeing! They were the same sex! "Y-y-you're a boy!" gasped Adam. "I-I'm a boy?" 'Molly' exclaimed. "I-I thought you were a girl!" "Girls don't have peters," Adam snorted, pointing at 'Molly's' four inches [10 cm] of erect boyhood. "But, but mam 3;" 'she' started to say. "Your mam's tole you you're a girl 'cuz she hates menfolk so much," Adam managed to get out. "She must have wanted you to be a girl so bad, she raised you as one. But, you're a boy, that's for sure. And a mighty purty one, too." Tears ran down 'her' cheeks. "I-I still love you, whether I'm a boy or a girl," stammered 'Molly' as 'she' reached out to touch Adam's stiff prick with the finger of 'her' left hand. Adam cupped 'Molly's' face in his hands and licked the tears from 'her' face before kissing 'her' on the nose. "And I love you, too," he whispered, as he lowered 'Molly' to the bed. He slowly moved down 'her' body, licking every crevice, nibbling the erect nipples and drooled spit into 'Molly's' belly button, before licking the precum at the end of that beautiful penis. He flicked his tongue around the tip before taking it fully into his mouth. He lovingly sucked on that most unexpected, yet pleasant, surprise while lightly massaging the two balls in their tight hairless sac. 'Molly' was wild with unknown joy; 'she' had never felt this way before. 'She' tossed 'her' head left and right while spittle drooled from 'her' lips, 'her' tongue flicking in and out of 'her' mouth. Adam sucked harder and harder, his excitement exacerbated by the knowledge that he was giving his new friend his first blow job. Adam's prick was twitching with pleasure and dripping a long string of precum down from the end of his prick. As he sucked, he felt 'Molly's' back arch in ecstasy and 'her' virgin cock pulse; then, 'Molly' exploded in his mouth, 'her' cum splattering at the back of his throat, gagging him briefly until he could manage to swallow the sweet cream. 'Molly's' body was glistening in a sheen of perspiration as 'she' lay there panting, 'her' chest raising and lowering with each labored breath. Adam turned around and looked at 'Molly,' smiling, with the knowledge that he had brought such great joy to his new love. 'Her' cum mixed with his spit dribbled out of one side of his mouth and he knew now what he needed to do to consummate this love. Without a word, he maneuvered himself between 'her' legs and raised them up and over his shoulders. He lowered his head, kissed the balls on the way down (sending a shiver up 'Molly' in the process), and settled at 'her' asshole. He gently tongued the hole, slowly enlarging it while his tongue worked its magic. 'Molly' didn't know what was happening, other than 'she' had never this good before. If this was love, then 'she' wanted more of it. It felt funny, Adam tonguing 'that place'. But it felt good, too. 'Her' thingee ("peter," as Adam called it) was still stiff and 'she' slowly stroked it in time with Adam's tongue. Then, the tingly licking stopped and 'Molly' wondered if Adam was mad at 'her' or something. But, before 'she' could say anything, there was new feeling down there; something hard was pressing 'her' asshole. "Relax," Adam whispered, "and this won't hurt." 'Molly's' trust in Adam was complete, so 'she' relaxed 'her' sphincter and felt all of Adam's five inches [13 cm] slide in the warm cavity. 'She' felt a strange fullness, the opposite of the usual feeling down there, and then a slow in-and-out motion. As 'her' prostate gland was massaged, 'Molly' couldn't believe the blissful feeling all over 'her' body, from toes to hair. Goosebumps were raised and 'she' felt 'her' hips pump in rhythm with Adam's motion, enhancing the feeling for both young boys. In-and-out, in-and-out, slowly at first, then increasing in speed, they wordlessly worked their bodies in unison. Sweat dripped off Adam onto 'Molly's' hand instinctively pumping 'her' cock in the same tempo as Adam's rhythm. Adam grunted, his tongue between his teeth, his eyes half closed and glazed over in passion. 'Molly' could hardly stand the intense feeling and moved, instinctively. Both boys were panting and sweating profusely, bucking each other roughly, Adam's balls banging 'Molly's' crack, 'her' hand whipping 'her' cock, frantically. This went on for what seemed an eternity. Finally, 'Molly's' cock exploded for the second time in 'her' young life, thin cum splattering 'her' face, stringing across 'her' eyelashes, nose, mouth, and dripping off 'her' chin and down both sides of 'her' chest, puddling on the blanket. Then, seconds later, 'Molly' felt Adam ejaculate inside 'her,' a warm feeling of fullness enveloping 'her' throughout. Adam shouted out in ecstasy as he ejected spurt after spurt into the boy with whom he had fallen so in love. He collapsed on top of 'her' and gently licked the cum from 'Molly's' face before kissing 'her' fully on the lips. They rested a few minutes together, saying nothing, just content to be naked together, catching their breath. Adam roused himself and started to withdraw, feeling the cum dribble out along with his still partially stiff prick. 'Molly' reached down and grasped his buttocks with both hands and stopped him. "No 3; please 3; stay." Adam reinserted himself and slowly resumed a fucking motion, his desire no longer sated. "I love you, Adam," 'Molly' whispered into his ear, "and I never want to be separated from you. Ever." An hour later, the two exhausted boys lay naked, side by side, their bodies streaked with sweat and cum, their long hair wet and stringy. Both were sated and blissfully happy. "Well, we've got to get you a boy's name," said Adam, as he licked 'Molly's' ear. "What's your fancy?" 'Molly,' gently fondling Adam's balls, said, "I-I don't know. I feel like a newly borned babe. Your baby. You made me into a boy. You name me." Adam thought about it awhile before saying, "Peter. I think you should be known as Peter." 'Peter's' eyes twinkled as he looked at Adam, then at his erect peter, then back at Adam and said, "Peter. Yeah, I like that." The End |
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