PZA Boy Stories


Trevor's Traditions


The new neighbor has a cute son, but she is a horrible mother. Ken tries to make things better.

Publ. Dec 2016
Finished 16,500 words (33 pages)


Ken (25yo), Trevor (10-12yo), Hannah (Trevor's mother), and Trish (Trevor's sister)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons mast oral anal – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Trevor's Traditions in the subject line.


I moved into this duplex when I was twenty, and working my way through school. The owner was offering a discount on the rent to keep up the yard and maintenance. He lives out of town so it was a good deal for both of us. The other half of the duplex is occupied by a single mother and her two kids. I use the term 'mother' rather loosely here, because she isn't much of a mother.

You see, when they moved in, the daughter was 13 and the little boy was only 10. Over the last couple of years, both mother and daughter have offered themselves to me for a few bucks. No, I didn't accept the offer.

I had collected the rent from previous tenants and forwarded it to the owner, but before they moved in, I received a letter from the owner stating that I wouldn't be collecting from them. I figured she was on government assistance and they sent the check directly to him. No skin off my nose, I still get my discount for maintaining the place.

I had tried to be a good neighbor, and helped them when I saw them moving in. I unloaded most of their stuff out of the back of the rental truck, with a little help from Trevor, the son. Mom, Hannah, spent most of the day drinking beer and yelling at the kids. Trish, the daughter, helped some too, but only with her own stuff.

I learned that day, that both mother and daughter, were selfish, self centered, and self indulgent, bitches. Trevor, on the other hand, was a smart, eager to please, and rather effervescent kid.

It was only three days later when Hannah knocked on my door and asked me to watch after the kids. She had an 'important meeting' come up at the last minute. I didn't believe it for a minute, and that was confirmed later by Trish.

"You know she's out drinking don't you?" Trish said as I served them spaghetti.

"What your mother does is no concern of mine. But I'm not going to let a couple of kids starve to death either way.

By eleven o'clock, Trevor had fallen asleep with his head on my lap while watching tv. Hannah still had not returned, and I assumed it would be after the bars closed before she would show.

Trish came over to me and said "For ten bucks, I'll let you take me into your bedroom for an hour."

Now, I'm no saint by any standards, but I was no ass hole either. I grew up poor, but I was usually the kid who stood up to the bullies picking on someone smaller than them. I guess my dad just raised me to have principals. Fucking a thirteen year old slut was not on my agenda.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Trish," I explained, trying to defuse the situation.

"Come on. You don't know what you're missing," she said as she rubbed her hand between her legs.

"I would guess gonorrhea, herpes, maybe genital warts too."

She stormed off in a huff, slamming the door in her wake. I would have gone after her, but I heard her enter their part of the duplex.


Over the next few months, Trevor spent more time at my place than theirs. I fed the kids a lot of nights, and Trish would eat and leave. She rarely spoke to me, and if she did, she was usually snarky.

Some afternoons I would see a boy come home with Trish after school. Trevor would soon knock on my door, saying Trish told him to get lost. I tried to tell Hannah about it.

"What's the matter? Are you jealous?" she said bitchily.

"No, I just thought, as her mother, you might like to know."

"I don't need you to tell me how to raise my kids," and she slammed the door in my face.


About a week after this incident, was Trevor's birthday. I bought him a set of walkie talkies. I thought he might use them to talk covertly with his best friend or whatever boys his age do. There was a party next door, but I didn't see any kids his age. Mostly older boys and men. A few skanky looking women too.

By eight o'clock, it was getting pretty noisy over there, but I didn't say anything. After all, it was Trevor's birthday party. Then there came a knock at my door. I opened it to find Trevor standing there with a plate of food in his hand.

"One of Mom's boyfriends brought chicken from KFC. I thought you might like some. You always feed me. It's my turn to feed you," he said smiling up at me.

"Well, thank you Trevor. That was very thoughtful of you. Happy birthday, by the way. Come in."

"You remembered my birthday?" he asked in surprise.

"Of course. I didn't want to intrude on your party, but since you're here," I said handing him the gift.

I could see tears in his eyes as he said "You 3; you got me a present?"

"Sure, little buddy."

He threw his arms around my waist in a tight hug. "Thanks Ken."

Sitting on the sofa, with the unopened gift in his lap, Trevor just stared at it.

"You don't have to open it now. Take it with you and open it when you do the rest of your gifts," I told him.

"No, I just want to look at it a minute. You wrapped it so pretty, I hate to mess it up."

"Well if you don't like it, or someone else got it for you, we can take it back and get you something else."

"NO! 3; Uh 3; I'm sure no one else got me one," he said nervously.

"Is something wrong Trevor? Why aren't you with your friends at your party?"

"It's not 3;" He started crying.

"It's not what?" I asked hugging him me.

"It's 3; it's not my party. Mom just invited some friends over. They don't even know it's my birthday," he cried.

Fucking bitch. What kind of woman doesn't know her son's birthday?

I let him cry for a minute then I had an idea. "Hey, I was just about to bake your cake, now that you're here, you can help me with it."

I always heard you shouldn't go to the grocery store when you're hungry. I did about a month earlier. I bought a package of donuts, ice cream, a chocolate cake mix, and a can of chocolate frosting. I don't even eat that many sweets, so I kicked myself afterward for going on an empty stomach. Now I was glad I did. Of course it didn't stop me from eating the donuts for breakfast the next day. Something else I kicked myself for.

"Birthday cake? Really?"

"Sure. What's your favorite kind of cake?"

"Chocolate," he said.

"I knew you looked like a chocolate cake kind of guy. That is exactly what I got. Let's get started."

Trevor is usually a bubbly kid, but I had never seen him so excited. We got the cake in the oven and sat down to watch tv. Every five minutes Trevor would ask "Do you think it's ready yet?"

"Not quite. Soon though," I would say.

After about thirty minutes Trevor said, "Mmmm something smells good."

"I wonder what that could be," I smiled at him.

He wasn't real happy to discover we had to wait for it to cool before we put on the frosting. I found a candle that I keep in case the lights go out, and stuck it in the middle of the cake.

"That's a big candle," Trevor mentioned.

"It has to represent eleven. I was afraid we'd burn the house down with that many on it," I explained.

He opened his gift with more enthusiasm than I had ever seen him display. I told him to give one to his best friend and if they weren't too far apart, they could talk to each other.

Trevor threw his arms around my neck and about choked me, he squeezed me so tight. We checked to be sure the walkie talkies worked properly.

He went to the bathroom. "Ken, you there?" Came over the speaker, so I picked it up.

"Yes, reading you loud and clear," I answered.

"This is so neat, I can hear you like you're right next to me," he said.

I could clearly hear the sound of a little boy peeing as he spoke.

"Trevor, I can hear you peeing too. You might want to be careful what you do while talking on this thing."

I could hear him laughing in the bathroom, even without the walkie talkie.

"I love this. Could you really hear me peeing?"

"Yep. A very strong stream too, I might add."

He smiled real big, taking that as a testament to his growing up.

"Do you want to take the rest of the cake with you for Trish and your mom?"

"No. That's ours. They didn't help make it, so they don't get any. Here, you keep this too," he said handing me one of the walkie talkies. "You're my best friend," and he hugged me again.

I almost cried at that. Poor kid didn't have any friends except the twenty five year old college student next door.

At midnight I asked if he wanted to spend the night. It was obvious the party next door wasn't over yet, and it wouldn't be the first time he'd slept on my couch. He nods and starts to take off his shirt.

Trevor had spent many nights on my sofa, but he had always just fallen asleep while watching tv. Tonight was different as it was a conscious decision to sleep there. Being only eleven, he thought nothing of getting ready for bed as he normally would, and just as comfortable being in a place he had slept many times.

He removed his jeans, to reveal his white briefs beneath. I went to my closet and got a blanket and pillow for him. He was still standing there in his briefs when I returned. I arranged the blanket and pillow, and watched him lay down.

As I covered him, he grabbed my neck and kissed my cheek. "Good night little buddy," I said. He handed me my walkie talkie, and turned over to face the back of the couch.

I turned out the lights and went to my bedroom. Just as I got into bed, the walkie talkie crackled "Ken?"

"Yes, little buddy?"

"Thanks for making my birthday special."

"You're welcome, Trevor. Good night."

I lay there thinking about how messed up it was that his mother didn't acknowledge his birthday. Or his slut sister. Why didn't she remember it? You'd think at least one of them might, at some point, think "Oh shit. Trevor's birthday is coming up. I should get him a card or something."

The next day was Saturday, I woke early and began getting breakfast ready for Trevor. The smell of bacon cooking must have woken him, because I turned to find him standing in the doorway, rubbing his eyes, white briefs tented with his morning wood.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Go wash your face and have a seat at the table," I told him.

He was sitting at the table when I brought in two plates of bacon and eggs.

"So much?" he said eyeing the three eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and fruit.

"You're a growing young man. Need to keep up your strength," I said smiling at him.

He liked that a lot, and dug into breakfast. Afterward, he folded the blanket and brought it to me in the bedroom where I was getting dressed. Fortunately, I had just slipped into my boxers, or he would have walked in on me nude.

"Thank you my good man," I said with a bow.

"You're silly," he said.

I suppose my dislike of Trevor's mom springs from my own mother. She left me and Dad to be with some guy with a shiny new car, when I was about Trevor's age. Dad raised me on his own, and died just before I started at the university.

As I said earlier, I was going to school, and I do work some. His life insurance allows me to not push too hard, but I can only afford to take a few courses at a time. That's why I haven't finished school yet.

I truly dislike loose women, because of my mother. Hannah and Trish fall deeply into that category. Trevor, on the other hand, reminded me of myself at that age, though my father never forgot my birthday.


At Christmas, I made sure Trevor had at least a few gifts to unwrap. As I said, I'm just a college student on a limited budget, so I got him about a dozen small gifts instead of one big gift. I think kids enjoy the unwrapping of gifts almost as much at the gifts themselves.

I also blew a few dollars on the smallest cheapest tree, a string of lights, and some tinsel. It wasn't much, but it was something at least. I had no idea what Hannah had planned if anything. I would just have to do a couple of odd jobs to recoup.

True to form, Hannah went out Christmas eve, followed soon after by Trish. I expected Trevor to knock on my door, but after an hour, he hadn't come.

Knocking on their door was unusual for me, but I did it. Trevor answered, and I could see that he had been crying.

"Hey little buddy, you're late."

"Late? Late for what?"

"Our Christmas party."

His face lit up brighter than any Christmas Tree.

"Your tree is beautiful," Trevor said. I don't know if he was just being polite or so unaccustomed to having a tree that he actually believed it was. In reality, it was pretty pathetic.

We played checkers and go fish and other card games. Then we made cookies. Those kind that are premade, and you cut and bake them. I made him a sandwich before he could have cookies. And we left some on a saucer for Santa.

When I was sure he was asleep, I retrieved his gifts from my closet and placed them under the tree. I had a stocking ready too, which I lay in front of his gifts. I ate Santa's cookies, leaving one with just a bite out of it. I'll probably be diabetic before this kid is grown.

I finally got in bed around three. Only to be awaken at six by a very rambunctious eleven year old jumping on me.

"Ken 3; I don't still believe in Santa, but you come really close," he said as he kissed my cheek.

He was laying on top of me lengthways. I could feel his little boner against the tip of my own morning erection.

"Merry Christmas little buddy. Give me a minute, and I'll be right with you."

He got off me, and I thought he would leave the room, but instead he slipped under the covers with me. His head went to my chest, his arm around my stomach, and his knee went right on my cock. I could feel his underwear clad hard on against my hip.

"This is the best Christmas ever," he said dreamily.

We lay there a few minutes, basking in the closeness, until I finally patted him and said "Don't you want to see what Santa brought you?"

He jumped up and I watched his little butt jiggle as he ran from the room. I didn't want to keep him waiting, so I just put on my robe, and went to the living room. He was just sitting and staring at the tree.

"I'll make us some hot chocolate."

We drank hot chocolate as he opened his gifts. I had asked if he wanted to get dressed before starting, but he said "I never get to run around in my underwear at home. Can I stay like this?"

His erection hadn't abated in the least. I noticed that it now formed a dome in front of the waistband of his undies. It wasn't that big at his birthday celebration. When he stood close enough, I could actually make out the indention under his knob, and the slit at the top.

Each time he opened a gift, it was like it was the best thing he ever saw. "I've always wanted one of these," or "I love it. Thanks Ken," he took two torturous hours to open the few presents. I say torturous because he was in his underwear, and hard, the entire time. Which means I was hard the entire time as well. I told myself I was curious of Trevor's development, having not been around any preteens before. I would probably be just as hard watching a preteen girl walking around in her panties too.

Trevor finished with everything, and asked me "Did you get anything for Trish?"

I instantly felt somewhat bad, because I hadn't. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't."

He smiled really big, and threw himself into my arms, knocking me down onto the sofa. He gave me another kiss on my cheek, and settled onto my lap, trapping my cock under his butt.

I glanced down at his crotch, only to find that his position had caused his dick to push his underwear away from his body. There was a gap between the waistband, and his belly. It was about an inch wide right where his dick was. I couldn't see much, but I could see to the base of his dick attached to his body. The front of his underwear was obscenely tented, the material stretched tight across his glans.

Trevor giggled a bit. "What's so funny?" I asked

"Your dick just jumped a couple of times," he answered, then kissed my cheek again.

"Well, I haven't gone to pee yet," I explained.

"Me either," he giggled again. Then he used his thumb to push his erection downward, then let it spring back up again, slapping his belly.

This gave me a view of about half his cock starting midway down.

"Hehe 3; it jumped again," he said.

"You go pee 3; I'll get breakfast started."


Hannah's behavior didn't improve over the next year either. Trevor spent many nights at my place, and on the nights when he didn't sleepover, he would chat with me over the walkie talkies.

I had decided that Trish was already a lost cause, but Trevor was a good kid. I fed him most days, and if Trish happened to come with him, I fed her too. I would check up on Trevor's homework and make sure he ate at least once a day, usually more. I made no effort toward Trish, though.

Trevor's twelfth birthday was soon upon us. Over the last year, he had grown quite a bit. I had been marking his growth on the door frame of the kitchen. He was now at five feet one inch.

"My god Trevor, you've grown almost an inch since last month," I said as I made a pencil mark on the door frame.

"Really? Neat!" he said with a big smile.

"You're going to be pretty tall when you finish growing. Maybe taller than me."

"How tall are you?"

"Six foot one inch [1.85 m]. One foot [30 cm] taller than you. So what are your plans for your birthday?"

"Well, you know Mom and Trish always go out on Saturdays. So I thought 3; maybe 3; I could stay with you."

I had expected as much. I even had the cake mix, and candles this time.

"Sure big guy. Anything you want." Which brought another smile to him.

We did pretty much the same as last year. Baking the cake and watching tv. After it was frosted, Trevor only wanted one big candle again.

"We wouldn't want to start any fires," he smiled. "Besides, it's a tradition now."

I guess to a twelve year old, once makes it a tradition.

After our cake, I asked "Are you staying the night?"

"If you don't mind, I would like to."

"Sure little buddy. Go to the bedroom and get a blanket and pillow from the closet."

He would have to be blind not to see the bike with the big red bow on it.

"Oh my God!! Ken, Is this for me?" he yelled.

I had followed him in and was at the door with a camera. "Yep. All yours," I said from behind the camera. Next thing I see in the viewfinder is his face coming toward me rather quickly, and then my ass was hitting the floor.

"Thanks, Ken. You're the best," he said laying on top of me. He bent and kissed me on the cheek again. "Can I take it for a ride?"

"I think it's a little late for that tonight. How about in the morning."

"Whatever you say, Ken," he is such a good boy.

We watched tv. Then he got undressed to his briefs again.

As I climbed into bed, the walkie talkie crackled. "Thanks Ken. It really means alot to me that you care."

The next morning, I was again making his breakfast. Tradition, you know. Trevor appeared in the doorway, wiping his eyes. I immediately noticed that Trevor had grown elsewhere too. His morning wood was quite prominent in his tight briefs. To the point where it was lying to the side somewhat, not the straight up spike from last year.

He ate breakfast in his undies, just as he did the year before. Only this time there was an obvious bulge there, even after his morning piss.

I cautioned him to stay out of traffic, and not to go too fast, as he took his bike out for a spin. I cleaned up the kitchen and thought about how much he had grown.


It was four weeks later, Saturday morning, the walkie talkie crackled and woke me. "Ken. I'm scared. Can I come over?"

"Of course little buddy. What's wrong?"

"I'll be right there."

He must have run from his room to mine. I guess I had forgotten to lock the front door, because I was expecting to have to open it for him. I was getting out of bed when he came into my room.

I quickly sat back down and covered my own naked morning erection. "What's wrong, Trevor?" I said as I pulled the blanket over my lap.

"This," he said looking down.

It was then I noticed he was only wearing his white briefs, and the front of them was very wet.

"What's wrong with me?" He cried.

It took me a second to realize he'd obviously had a wet dream. A very wet dream. His briefs were quite soaked in his ejaculate. The thin material was almost transparent, and I could clearly see his hard dick.

"Uh 3; Trevor 3; you see 3; uh 3; Do you masturbate?"

"Do I what?"

"Okay 3; Let's see here 3; how do I explain this? Have you ever rubbed your dick and it felt good?"

He looked a little sheepish, but nodded.

"Did you rub it long enough to get a really nice feeling, and wanted to stop rubbing it?"

This time he just looked confused, then shook his head, no.

"Okay 3; hmm 3; Uh Trevor, you're growing up. All boys go through puberty. Some a little earlier than others. Have you ever heard of puberty?"

Trevor nodded.

"Ok 3; Do you know how babies are made?"

He blushed but nodded. I'm sure his knowledge was limited to school ground, boy talk.

"Well, as you probably know then, a boy puts his penis into a girl's vagina, and kinda moves it in and out until he shoots his sperm into the girl. A baby grows inside the girl for nine months and then is born."

"Okay 3; but that doesn't explain this," he cried.

"You had a wet dream. It means that you are producing sperm. That's what is in your underwear. Masturbation is when a boy strokes his dick until he shoots his sperm out. Most boys have wet dreams, but by masturbating, they tend to reduce the occurrence, and uh 3; volume of sperm ejected. You haven't been stroking your dick long enough to release your pent up sperm, and so you had a massive wet dream."

This was a bit of an understatement considering how wet his undies were.

"So this is normal?"

"Yes, big guy. Very normal. Nothing to worry about."

"Thanks Ken," he said and walked out. I got out of bed and was headed to the bathroom, when he came back in. This time I was standing in the middle of the room and had no blanket to cover myself.

"I can't go back over there like this. My mom might see it. Even worse, Trish. You know how boy crazy she is." Then he looked down at my eight inch [20 cm] erection.

The thought of Trish anywhere near Trevor made my skin crawl. Knowing he was looking at my cock, made it lurch. I haven't been in any kind of a relationship since they moved in. Haven't even had a date, for that matter.

"Uh 3; okay, we can wash your underwear," I said as I glanced around for something to put on. I grabbed my boxers off the floor, and started to put them on. I looked up to see Trevor take off his underwear. His five inch [12 cm] erection, which I had seen through wet cotton, was now only two feet from my face. I stumbled backward, and fell on my ass. My cock flapping against my stomach, my boxers on one ankle.

Trevor thought it was hysterical, and started laughing at me.

"Sure. Go ahead. Laugh at the guy lying on the floor in pain," I joked.

Trevor immediately got on the floor beside me. "Are you hurt?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"No, but you're going to be," I said as I grabbed him and started tickling him. I was on him like white on rice. Tickling him all over. He curled up in a ball laughing and trying to defend himself.

"Stop 3; you're going to make me pee," he said as he laughed.

"First you cum on yourself and now you're gonna piss yourself. What have you turned into?" I said, not letting up.

"Stop stop stop," he said grabbing his dick.

I backed off, and he jumped up and ran for the toilet. Well, at least I won that battle, I congratulated myself.

I found my boxers again, and was slipping them on as I sat on the floor still. I stood, and pulled them the rest of the way up as Trevor returned. I got to see him naked and soft. I had trouble tearing my eyes from him.

"Let's get those in the wash," I said, indicating to his undies on the floor. He picked them up and handed them to me. I was instantly aware that I had his cum in my hand. His first cum. I was suddenly hit with a stroke of pride, that my boy was growing up and can shoot a load. I guess it's like a parent seeing their child take its first steps.

He followed me to the machine, and watched as I added the detergent and threw in his briefs. I was having trouble concentrating while a nude twelve year old stood next to me.

"Are you going to run the machine with just one thing in there?"

"I did my laundry yesterday. I don't have anything else dirty," I explained.

He made a point of looking directly at my tented boxers, as if to say 'What about those?'

"Okay 3; you're right," I allowed, and stripped them off.

He smiled at me as I added them to his in the machine.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked, slamming the lid on the washer.

"Funny. I don't remember adopting a child," I said.

"You know you love me," he countered and hugged me.

I hugged him back, aware of my erection trapped between us. "Yeah, I do, you little shit."

He looked up at me and smiled. I felt his dick start to rise against my hip.

"Uh 3; Breakfast. Yes. Cereal okay with you?"

He followed me around the kitchen as I got us cereal. I remained nude so he wouldn't feel funny being nude. At least that is what I told myself.

"Is this gonna keep happening to me?" he asked between mouthfuls.

"It's not really a predictable thing. But as I said, you can reduce the occurrence and the amount by masturbating."

"I don't know how. Will you show me?"

I was dumbfounded. "I don't think that is a good idea," I finally said.

"Then one of us is going to be doing a lot of early morning laundry."

Shit. What have I gotten myself into?

"Okay, finish your breakfast."

We sat on the sofa, and I was trying to figure a way to approach this.

"Well, Trevor. There are several ways to do it. Every guy kinda finds what works best for him. The basics are to grasp your dick in your hand and stroke it up and down."

Trevor leaned back and grabbed his dick tightly and started to jerk it up and down, pulling his pubis up in the process.

"No, you're gonna hurt yourself that way. Don't grip it so tight. If you were not circumcised, the skin would slide easily over the head, but since you are, you need to let your fingers stimulate the head some. That's where it's most sensitive."

"What's circumcised?"

Shit 3; this kid didn't know anything. "See that darker ring below the head of your dick. There used to be skin there, that covered the head. It was cut off when you were a baby."

I really was trying to make this as clinical as possible. I tried to ignore how hot he looked leaning back against my sofa, stroking his beautiful young cock. I tried to ignore my own aching cock, as I kept trying to push it down so as not to be noticed by Trevor. I tried to ignore the temptation of reaching out and stroking his for him.

"Some guys prefer to use soap or lotion on it so the hand slides up and down the whole shaft easier. That's why a lot of boys take long showers at your age."

He still wasn't getting it. "No like this," I said and leaned back and grasped my own hard as nails cock. I stroked it a couple of times with Trevor's eyes glued to my actions.

"Yours is bigger, so you have more room to work with," he opined.

"No, look, like this," I said as I gave into temptation and reached for his dick.

I have never had a thrill as good as wrapping my hand around Trevor's dick. I stroked it for him, watching the expressions on his face change.

"Oh Crap. That feels good," he said laying his head on the back of the sofa. I looked back down at my hand working his dick. I could see just about four tiny hairs at its base.

"Oh 3; Oh 3; something's happening. Stop! I'm gonna pee."

"You're not gonna pee. Just relax and enjoy the feelings 3; Just go with it."

"Oh 3; .Sshhiitt 3; 3; Ungh," he grunted and shot a load out onto his belly.

His chest was heaving, as he collapsed. I continued to stroke him, until I was sure the feeling was over. Even then, every time my cummy fingers passed over his cock head, he grunted and his stomach tightened.

I finally stopped, but didn't let go of him. "Did you just say a bad word, young man?"

"I'm sorry Ken, but it felt so good," he answered, looking at me through glazed eyes.

"It's called an orgasm. Another great reason to masturbate."

"Do you masturbate?" he asked.

"All males masturbate their entire life. 3; Shoot, I have to stick those undies in the dryer," I said, leaving the room.

I reached into the washer to get our underwear, and noticed his cum on the back of my fingers. I had tasted my own before, but never anyone else's. I licked my fingers clean, marveling in his flavor.

I stopped at the bathroom to get a warm wet cloth. Returning to the living room, I found Trevor with his eyes still closed. His dick had softened some, but lay on his lower belly. I stood admiring him for a minute, then used the damp cloth to clean his belly and chest.

Trevor raised his head kinda wobbly. "Thanks Ken. You're always so nice to me."

I finished with his belly and picked up his dick. I wiped it off, and every time I passed over the sensitive head, Trevor trembled. I probably spent way too much time cleaning that part, because when I finished, he was hard again.

Twelve year old boys really recover quickly. I lay the cloth aside, and grasped his dick again. I stroked him slowly, trying not to disturb the moment. He just lay there, head back, eyes closed. Every so often, his hips would raise a bit, and he would let out a moan.

I was enjoying it too. I am very fond of Trevor, and was happy to be able to please him this way.

Trevor moved his hand, and because I was leaning toward him, he bumped my cock. His fingers closed around it, and he raised his head and looked at his hand. I felt him give it a tentative squeeze, then stroke it up and down a couple of times.

"Man Ken, you have a big dick. Will mine get that big?"

"Maybe," I answered, trying not to cum in his hand.

He lay his head back down, but didn't let go of my cock. I continued to pleasure his and soon he was bucking up into my stroking hand.

"I 3; Ken 3; Aahhh," he jettisoned another load.

I got him cleaned off again then went to get our underwear. I handed his to him and pulled mine up over my still very hard cock. I watched him putting his on, but he didn't seem to be in any hurry. Once up around his waist, he adjusted his dick downward, causing a nice bulge there.

"Can you make it back to your bedroom without being seen?"

"I sleep in the livingroom."

Damn. I should have known the two selfish bitches would take the bedrooms and let him sleep on the sofa. No wonder he feels at home on mine.

"You don't worry about them seeing you with an erection in the mornings?"

"I always wake up before they do. I usually have to wake up Trish or she'd miss school."

"You probably shouldn't mention this to them either," I told him.

"I won't. It's too embarrassing. I don't want anyone to know I had a wet dream."

"I know about it," I said, stating the obvious.

"That's different. I don't mind you knowing. I mean, you're my best friend. I know you won't tell anyone or torment me like Trish or even Mom would. You love me."

Suddenly I was sad again. The way he said it, implied his sister, and even his mother, would torment him, because they didn't love him. How fucking sad is that? Just the possibility of him thinking they didn't love him, made me want to cry.

As soon as he was gone, I stroked off twice in a row. A first for me since I was Trevor's age.


Later, I heard Hannah leave, and shortly after Trish did too. Trevor showed up in time for dinner. I had made a pot roast. I know he likes it.

"Mmm, something smells good," he said as he came in.

I was already setting two plates on the table. He always seems to know when I make pot roast. Maybe he can smell it through the vents or something.

"Guess what," he said halfway through the meal.

"Uh 3; the sky is blue."

"No 3; well yeah, but not that."

"Birds can fly."


"Okay. What?"

"I did it."

"You discovered the cure for cancer? Amazing. See, I told you you're smart," I said just to piss him off.

He slapped my arm. "No. I masturbated."

"You jerked off by yourself?" I was a little sad that I didn't get to see it.

"Is that what jerking off is?"

This boy had no street smarts for a poor kid.

"Yes. Jerk off, choke the chicken, flog the bone, beat the bishop, whip the wiener, wank, whack off, I could go on and on, it's all slang terms for masturbation.

He nodded, but I could tell there was something else on his mind. After dinner we were watching tv, and Trevor was quieter than usual.

"Is everything okay, big guy?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking."


"Michael Lennox said he got a blow job from his girlfriend Mary Patterson. I thought he was blowing the leaves off their driveway or something. Now I think it was something else. All the other guys were high fiving, and saying things like 'Way to go man.' and stuff like that."

Oh shit.

"Well 3; Uh 3; What I did to you this morning 3;"

"You choked my chicken," he laughed.

"Yes, well, when someone does it for you, it's referred to as a hand job."

"Okay," he followed.

"A blow job is like that, except instead of using my hand, I would have used my mouth."

"Oh 3; OH! 3; Really?" I could actually see the light go on in his head as he got a mental image of what I said.


"Have you ever had a blow job?" he asked.

"Uh 3; Yes."

My one foray into an adult video store, resulted in me getting head through a glory hole. My first and last blow job. My one and only sexual experience. But I wasn't going to share that with Trevor. It would be embarrassing for him to know I was about as virgin as he is. Actually more so. I had one blow job, he's had two hand jobs.

Trying to change the subject, I said "I have ice cream. Want some?"

"Is the sky blue?" the little smart ass said.

We got ice cream and slathered chocolate syrup on it. He was shivering by the time we finished it.

"Are you staying?"

"If you don't mind."

I went to get his blanket and pillow. It dawned on me that if he slept on the sofa at home, why hasn't Hannah ever noticed him gone. Surely, stumbling in, drunk probably, she would at some point sit down. Why hasn't she noticed he wasn't there? If she did notice, why hasn't she said anything?

Trevor had already undressed to his briefs. I fixed his bed, and he jumped under the blanket.

"It's pretty early, are you ready to go to sleep?"

"No, just cold from the ice cream."

I moved the pillow and sat down. He lay his head on my lap, and hugged my arm to his chest under the blanket. My mind drifted to that morning when I sat in this same spot and stroked his dick. I could almost feel his preteen dick in my hand. I remembered licking his semen from my fingers, and the taste on my tongue.



"You're hard. Why?"

"I 3; Uh was just thinking about this morning."

"Yeah. Me too," he said.

A moment later, "Ken, will you.," he started as he pushed my hand down to his underwear.

"I thought you knew how to do it now," I said as my fingers grasped him over his briefs.

"I do. I just like it better when you do it."

Slipping my hand under the waistband, I felt his cock jump as I came in contact with it. I stroked it a couple of times, and slid my hand down further to fondle his balls. I liked the way they felt in my hand.

"This is an awkward position," I told him.

He jumped up and whisked off his undies, then sat beside me. I chuckled at him, and reached for his dick.

"Do you mind doing it for me?" he asked sincerely.

"No, baby boy, I don't mind," I said as I began to stroke him.

"Wait. You're supposed to be naked too. It's tradition."

From just this morning, we had established a tradition.

"Okay, whatever you want," I stood and undressed. I had barely sat back down again when his fingers curled around my shaft.

"I suppose that is a tradition too?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded real big. "I like holding it."

His head went back, his eyes closed, I stroked. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful body as I pleasured him. So youthful and innocent looking.

I saw his stomach tense, and felt his urethra pulse, delivering his essence onto his belly.

I cleaned him and covered him as he lay down. I kissed his forehead. "Good night sweet boy."


Sunday morning I woke him with another hand job. He put his hands behind his head, and watched my face the whole time, which was a first. When it was over, he hugged me and whispered in my ear "That's the best way to wake up ever." Then he kissed my cheek, dressed, and left.

Around one o'clock there was a knock at my door. Trevor was standing there. "Mom says the toilet is blocked. Can you fix it?"

"Sure Trevor. Let me get my plunger and I'll be right with you." Women tend to throw their tampons in the toilet. I don't care what the box says, they are not flushable, and any plumber would agree.

Entering their side of the duplex for the first time in awhile, I noticed Hannah in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee. A cigarette hung from her lips, and she was wearing panties and bra. Nothing else.

I shook my head and headed to the toilet. It took a lot of plunging, but I finally got it open and flowing properly. As I returned to the living room, Hannah gets up in my face, yelling about I better have fixed it right. She was still in her panties and bra.

"If it stops up again, I'll snake the drain. But I think it's clear. Remember not to throw feminine products into the toilet though."

That was apparently the wrong thing to say. She blew up at me. I listened calmly as she ranted.

When she wound down, I said "Do you think you should be dressed like that in front of your son?" Again, the wrong thing to say.

"Don't tell me how to dress in my own home. Besides, he's just an eight year old little boy. At this point, what difference does it make? The boy don't know shit about nothing."

I looked at Trevor. His eyes filled with tears and he darted out the front door.

I turned on her, and through clenched teeth, very coldly said "That boy's name is Trevor, and he happens to be twelve years old. If you were any kind of a mother, you would know that."

It took every ounce of inner strength I possess to not grab her by the throat and punch her face completely flat.

The stupid bitch stood looking at me and said "Twelve? Really? Shit, when did that happen?"

I actually drew my hand back for the knockout blow. Only Trevor's feelings prevented me from striking her. I didn't want to hurt him by killing his mother. Though it would probably be for the best.

I had hoped he had gone to my place, but once outside, I noticed his bike gone. He usually had his walkie talkie in his pocket when he was home, so I grabbed mine and my car keys and went looking for him.

Driving in ever widening circles, I searched for him. Constantly calling for him over the walkie talkie. It was starting to get dark, I was about to give up and hope he had gone back home. I heard a crackle over the speaker, but no voice. I kept going in the same direction and calling for him.

Finally I hear "Ken. Are you there?"

"I'm here Big guy. Where are you?"

"I don't know. I'm on the swings in a park."

"Can you see anything around you. A landmark of any kind?"

"There's a tall building."

"Okay. Is it a glass building or brick?"

"It looks like brick with balconies."

Good, probably a high rise condo. "How far away is it?"

"Probably four or five blocks. Ken, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get lost."

"It's no problem, buddy I'll find you. Don't go anywhere."

I spotted the building, and turned when I was four blocks away, I turned again staying about four blocks away and didn't see a park. I went out another block and repeated the circle. I found the park, now just had to find the swings. I saw a man walking his dog.

"Excuse me sir. Is there a swingset in this park?"

"Uh yeah It's a little ways down there."


I parked and ran in the direction he indicated. I came up on Trevor from behind. "Want a hand job little boy?" I said trying to disguise my voice.

"Ken !"

I think he tried to squeeze the air from my lungs, he hugged me so tight. I got him and his bike into my car, and stopped at McDonald's for burgers.

Once home, eating our burgers, I said "Trevor, If you ever scare me like that again, I'll cut your big dick off and fry it up for you at breakfast."

He gave me a big smile.

"What are you smiling at? You scared the life out of me."

"Two reasons. One, you were scared of losing me."

"And the other reason?"

"You said I have a big dick."

I grinned at him. "Well, don't let it go to your head, you little shit. I'm still angry with you."

"Only because you love me," he said, rather pleased with himself.

"Go take a shower, you're all sweaty from peddling your bike all over town."

I was watching tv, when he came out. He was wearing a towel around his waist, and plopped down beside me, sitting on one foot.

"My mom thinks I'm an eight year old kid," he said sadly.

"Well, she's blind. You're obviously a very healthy twelve year old," I said, looking down at his exposed dick. It jumped a bit upon his hearing that.

I got his blanket and pillow. "Get some sleep. You have school tomorrow."

He stood and removed his towel. Almost daring me to say something about him sleeping nude. I didn't.

I had just fallen asleep when I felt the bed shake. Trevor climbed into bed with me, grabbing my hand and wrapping it around his chest.

"Hold me, Ken."

I could hear in his voice, that he'd been crying. "Are you okay baby boy?"

He nodded, then said "Why doesn't my mom love me like you do?"

I kissed the back of his neck. "Some people just aren't cut out to be good parents. Unfortunately, they don't have to pass a test before giving birth."

He held my hand to his chest, and I fell asleep.


I woke up feeling Trevor's lips around my cock. "Oh 3; God 3; Trevor 3; ?"

His mouth felt incredible on my rampant cock. I probably should have stopped him, I just couldn't. He must have been at it a while, because I only lasted a couple of minutes before cumming in his mouth. Trevor made some unusual sounds as he swallowed my load, but he didn't pull away.

When I had softened some, Trevor came out from under the blanket. He slid up my body, and pressed his lips to mine. A kiss I will never forget. Tender, loving, and cummy.

"Why did you do that?" I asked when we separated.

"I couldn't sleep, and I kept thinking about all the times you have shown me how much you care about me. I couldn't remember a single time my mom had. In fact, she probably hasn't noticed I've gone. When I had that wet dream 3; I was dreaming of you, I just didn't know what it meant. Then you were so worried about me, you said you were going to feed me my big dick for breakfast. I decided to have yours instead, and give you a wet dream about me."

"To me, you are a walking, talking, wet dream, baby boy," I told him, as I ducked under the covers.

Delving into, what was for me, unchartered territory, I decided to just go for it. It was Trevor's first time as well, and he did great. I should be able to give him as much pleasure as he gave me. I had already tasted his cum, so that wasn't an issue. I guess the stigma of being a 'cocksucker' was on my mind, but once I had taken this wonderful boycock into my mouth, I knew I would want to again. If not because it was a boycock, then because it was Trevor's boycock. I really did love the kid. Now I had another chance to show him how much.

From the moment it touched my lips, I was lost in it. I took it as deep as it would go, I tantalized the head. I cradled his balls. I made love to his dick. And I was rewarded with the moans of pleasure emanating from him. Then rewarded again with more of his cream.

I slid up face to face with him, and gave him a kiss. "Did you like that?" I asked.

"Mmhm 3; Now I know why Michael Lennox was bragging," he answered.

"Trevor, boys your age tend to exaggerate their sexual experience, so he may have lied about that. Secondly, you can't tell anyone about this. I could get into a lot of trouble. Besides, I don't need a line of boys at my door wanting blow jobs."

He laughed, then said. "I know not to tell anyone. I would never do anything to hurt you, Ken. You're the only person who cares about me, and loves me."

"Aw 3; baby boy, that's not true. I'm sure your mom and sister love you. They just don't know how to show it. What about your dad? I've never asked about him."

"I don't know who my dad is. To be honest, now that I'm finding out things, I doubt my mom does either. She's never mentioned him."

"Finding out things?" I asked.

"Stuff is starting to make sense to me. I had a lot of time to think when I ran away. My mom and sister are what the guys at school call sluts. I know that they both have tried to have sex with you. I know you could get into trouble because of what we've been doing. They warn us at school to not get into cars with strangers, and what to do if someone touches us in a bad way. I know you're not like that, because you have never touched me in all the times I've been here. You could have too. A couple of years ago, I wouldn't have known to stop you. You never would have, if I hadn't started it. I know the only reason you did is because you love me, not because you want to take advantage of me or hurt me.

"I really have thought about a lot of things. I used to wonder what would I do if my mom got hurt or died. I sat on that swing yesterday and realized I would be more upset if something happened to you. You say my mom loves me, because you don't want to hurt my feelings. I realized that every time I needed a friend or comforting, it was you I turned to, not my mom, or even Trish. It wasn't a conscious decision, I just knew I could count on you to make me feel better. It was you who came looking for me. It was you who made my birthdays special. It was always you that was there for me. Hell I would have starved to death if it wasn't for you, and Mom probably wouldn't even notice till my dead body started stinking."

I was stunned. I had hoped to protect him from such an epiphany. "You really have been doing a lot of thinking. You're not sorry we did these things?"

"No, as I lay here with you, and you were holding me, I felt the love you have for me. I thought about how my mom and sister would fuck a snake if someone held the head. I thought how sex should be between two people who love each other, like we do. Not like what they do."

He reached down and wrapped his hand around my cock. "And I really like what we do. I want to do it more. I mean, if you want to, that is."

"I definitely want more too," I said, pulling him closer.

"Will you teach me, like you taught me how to jerk off."

"Well, I'm afraid it will be a learning experience for both of us. I'm just as new at this as you are."

Trevor missed school that day. We heard their door slam around ten o'clock, and looked out to see Trish running to school. Late, because Trevor wasn't there to wake her.

We stayed in bed, exploring each other, A LOT. That boy is beyond belief. His body is to die for. His cock is beautiful and still growing. His appetite, now that it has been awakened, unquenchable. There wasn't an inch of his body that I didn't kiss or suck or tongue, and I believe he about covered mine as well.

I wrote a note to the school the next day for him, I signed her name, and he went. I was in class myself, or I would know when Trish left.

Wednesday, when Trevor got home, I blew him as soon as he came in. He returned the favor. Then we went out to eat.

He ordered the pot roast, later he said mine was better. I thanked him with another blow job.


Thursday afternoon I came home from class, and Hannah opened her door. "Do you know where my son is? I haven't seen him all day."

"All day? 3; Really? 3; Lady you haven't seen him since he ran away on Sunday," I said beginning to get pissed.

"What's today?"


"Damn, no wonder the house is such a mess," she giggled.

Then as an afterthought, "What do you mean he ran away?"

"He left because you pay no attention to him. You don't even know how old he is."

"Yeah I do. You said he was like ten or something."

"He's twelve as of last month."

"Twelve? Shit. Really? Why didn't he say something?"

"He shouldn't need to. You're his mother. You should remember his birthday. You were too busy drinking and carrying on. I gave him his last two birthday parties."

"He had a party and didn't invite me?"

What a stupid fucking cow. I almost lost it on her again. She wouldn't have even noticed him missing , except he wasn't there to clean up after her. She wasn't even upset that her son was missing for four days. But for her to miss a party 3; well, that was terrible.

It's a wonder Trevor isn't totally fucked up. As I had predicted, it was probably too late for Trish, but Trevor could turn out alright, given a chance.

I turned and entered my apartment. I was afraid I would kill the bitch if I stayed any longer.

Trevor must have parked his bike on the side of the house, because I hadn't seen it when I came home. He was sitting there with tears in his eyes. He had heard the whole conversation.

I took him into my arms and he collapsed against my chest. After a minute he asked "Why Ken? What did I do wrong?"

"I swear baby, it's not you. I think all the alcohol has fried her brain or something. You've done nothing wrong."

"But, I tried so hard to please her. I did everything she asked. Yet she still hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't know how to love you. You're not to blame for her shortcomings."


"I swear on my father's grave. No one could ask for a better son than you have been."

He cried on my chest for a long time. Then said "Fuck her. And her cunt daughter too."

I had never heard him talk like that. It was actually quite refreshing to see him have some resolve. To grow a pair, when it comes to his mother's treatment of him.

"Trevor, an intelligent, beautiful, young man as yourself doesn't need to use such language. I may have to wash your mouth out with soap," I kidded him.

"It would be better that letting her shit on me any longer. Can I stay with you?"

"Nothing would please me more than to have you with me. The problem is, she has legal control over you. I can't do anything for you without her permission."

"Like what? You already do everything for me now."

"Legal stuff. Like school and doctors, anything where you need a parent's signature."


I let that one slide. "Trevor, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for you, but we have to play nice with your mother."

"Okay, I'll be nice. I probably should go over there. Now that she knows I've been missing for four days, she might call the cops," he lamented.

"I think that is a wise decision."

We stood, and I walked him to the door. He stepped over to their door and opened it. I was just about to close mine, when I heard Trevor yell "I'm twelve years old, Bitch!" and slammed the door.

Well, so much for being nice.


I knew for sure I would never see him again. His mother was probably packing his stuff and shipping him off somewhere. I was heartbroken. How would I go the rest of my life without seeing my little boy again. Shit 3; I was thinking of him as being mine. He's not mine. He's that bitch's son.

A couple of hours passed, during which, I heard occasional shouting next door. I couldn't make out what was being said, just it didn't sound good.

Finally Trevor walked through my door.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"We sorta came to an agreement."

"Okay 3;?"

"I have to clean up after them and wake Trish up for school, but I'm staying here," he said with a smile.

My face must have glowed as bright as the sun just then. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

"How on earth did you manage that?" I asked in surprise.

"I explained to her that she obviously didn't care about me and that I was going to live with you."

"That's it? She just said okay to that?"

"Well, not exactly. She yelled at me, and said bad things about you, so I yelled back at her. It got pretty ugly."

"What bad things did she say?" I asked suspiciously.

"Uh 3; well, 3; she accused you of fucking me."

"Oh shit," I was in trouble now.

"I yelled back at her that you have never fucked me. Then Trish said that I have been sleeping on your couch for years, just like I do there, so what's the difference."

"Trish actually defended me?"

"Not really, she just confirmed I slept on the couch. I did, until this week," he said with a mischievous grin. "I kinda think she's glad to see me go."

"I'll have to thank her some day. How do you feel?"

"Like Cinderella."


"My evil mother only kept me around to clean for her. She doesn't want me to get in the way of her precious daughter. A prince came looking for me and saved me. Now, I hope I get the happy ending."

"Good analogy. Let me see if I can help with that happy ending," I said as I reached for the button on his jeans.

I love sucking him. His dick seems to be growing by the day too. With all that had gone on, I had forgotten to cook anything, so we ordered a pizza. We snuggled in front of the tv and ate pizza. I felt like I won the lottery. I couldn't stop smiling.

I noticed that Trevor had become quiet, and asked if he was ok.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about something."

"What were you thinking about?"

"How Mom accused you of fucking me."

"Why are you thinking about that? You didn't lie to her. I haven't been fucking you."

"So, guys can fuck?"

Oh shit.

"Well 3; yes 3; they can."

"Then why haven't you been fucking me?" He sounded concerned and angry.

"I 3; I 3; Well, I didn't think you wanted me to, and that is a whole different level of sex I wasn't sure you were ready for. Hell, I'm not sure I'm ready for it."

"Don't you love me?" His mother's problems was weighing on him. He still felt unloved.

"You know I do baby boy."

"Then we should be fucking."

"It's not that simple."

"You love me and I love you. That's all I need to know. So, how do we do this? I don't have a vagina."

"When two guys fuck, one puts his dick in the other's butt."

"Oh 3; ok 3; Wait 3; What?"

"See 3; I told you, it's a whole different ball of wax. Not something you want to just jump into."

"But people do it though, don't they?"

"Well, yes. Guys do it to girls and guys."

"A girl can take a big dick in her butt?"

"Yes some do. Some of them like it, some don't."

He didn't say much more the rest of the evening. About an hour later, I got a blanket and pillow and placed it on the couch. His head shot up and looked at me like I had slapped him.

"I have to sleep here?" he said with obvious hurt in his voice.

"No. But if your mom or sister come over, I want it to look like you do."

He smiled real big "Good thinking."

We went to bed and he snuggled into me, dragging my hand over his chest. "I love sleeping with you Ken. I feel so safe. I haven't felt safe for a long time."

"I love holding you too," I said kissing the back of his neck.

Trevor was very insecure, all of which stemmed from his mother's lack of motherly instincts. Feeling unloved, unsafe, unwanted, all his mother's fault.

He needed constant reassurance, and I was going to try my best to give it to him.


Friday, I woke up before the alarm went off. I decided to wake Trevor the way he liked best. Okay, it was my favorite too. Ducking under the cover, I found him hard, as all boys are in the morning. But not all boys get theirs sucked dry first thing in the morning.

He started responding in his sleep, but soon I felt his hands pushing down on my head, to meet the thrusts of his hips.

"Oh 3; Ken 3;"

He moaned a few more times before giving me my morning protein. Afterward, we held each other, kissing and whispering, until the alarm sounded.

Around noon, my walkie talkie crackled. "Ken, you there?"

"Yes, little buddy."

"I'm going to a friend's house after school. I didn't want you to worry."

"Okay 3; Uh 3; What time will you be home?"

"Not too late, maybe six."

This was not like Trevor at all. He's never mentioned any friends at school, or even playing with any kids from school.

As it got closer to seven, I started worrying, then he came in.

"Hey, Ken. Sorry I'm late. Mmm something smells good."

I had made fried chicken. He likes my fried chicken. I didn't want to intrude on his privacy, or dissuade him from having friends, so I didn't question his whereabouts.

He was quiet all through dinner, and didn't eat much. This is definitely not like Trevor.

"It's Friday night, Trish and Mom will be going out," he said as we finished dinner.

"I think I heard them leave already."

"Good. I need to go clean up over there. I don't want them around when I do it. I don't want to see them any more than I have to."

"Okay. Do you want my help?"

"No! 3; Uh 3; I can do it. You do enough already."

Trevor is not very good at hiding things. I didn't know what was up, but something was.

He was next door for over three hours, finally returning around eleven. "That place must have been a real mess," I remarked.

"Yeah, they're not the cleanest girls around. Can I take a shower, I feel filthy."

"If you are going to be living here, you need to treat it as your home. That means you don't need permission to take a shower, or get something from the fridge, or turn on the tv. If you need to use the bathroom, then do it. Feel free to do whatever you want here."

He had tears in his eyes as he came over and kissed me. "Thanks, Ken. I'll be out in a minute," he said as he went to shower.

Trevor returned wearing only a towel. He grabbed the blanket that we use as his cover story, and pulled it over us. I was only wearing loose basketball shorts. Once under the blanket, he removed the towel. I had a hard time concentrating on the tv, knowing he was naked under there. He made it worse by snuggling up to me and wrapping my arm around him.

"Are you really interested in this movie?" he asked after a minute.

"No. We can watch something else if you want."

"I was thinking more like going to bed," he whispered seductively in my ear.

"Sounds like a great idea," I said smiling down at him.

He jumped up, and I watched his bubble butt bounce into the bedroom. I locked the door, and turned off the lights and tv, and followed him in.

He was already in bed, so I pulled off my shorts and climbed in behind him. Feeling his naked body against mine meant instant erection time.

I ran my hands over his chest and belly as I kissed the back of his neck. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his very hard dick. I continued to kiss his neck and shoulder, and he reached behind himself and took my cock into his hand. He squeezed it, then I felt him rub it in his butt crack. He paused with the head at his pucker, and began pushing back on it.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I realized what was going on.

"I want you in me."

"I don't think 3;"

That was as far as I got before Trevor pushed back into me, and I popped into his ass. He let out a groan, and I was surprised at how easily it went in. I was so shocked, I didn't notice him push back more, and his butt seemed to swallow my cock. I was probably five inches [12 cm] into him instantly.

Now, I admit to being new at this, but it didn't add up for me. I was immediately suspicious, but I was also inside the very tight hole of a boy I loved.

"Oh Jesus, Trevor 3; what 3;"

"Shut up and fuck me," he moaned.

I wanted to pound him hard. I wanted to turn his little boy butt inside out. I wanted to fill him so full of cum, his pupils would turn white. But more than anything, I wanted our first time to be slow, passionate, love making. And that is what I did.

I held his dick and slid in and out of him slowly, causing him to moan and call out to god on several occasions. I worked my entire cock into him and he took it gratefully, cumming in my hand when I first bottomed out. I didn't let up, and pumped him deep and hard while stroking his still hard dick. His moans of pleasure and his gripping tunnel caused me to fill him with the biggest load of my life, and his cum soaked the bed.

As we lay there in the afterglow, my cock shrinking in his ass, I said "Trevor, you have some explaining to do."

I'm sure there was a bit of an edge to my voice, because Trevor turned around facing me, pulling my cock out of him in the process.

"Please don't be mad at me," he pleaded. "I love you, and I wanted you to make love to me."

"What did you do after school?" I have to say, I was a bit hurt and jealous. I suspected he let his friend from school, or somebody, fuck him. What else would explain how easily he had taken my cock.

"I told you. I went to a friend's house."

"You're not telling me everything though. Are you?"

He looked down and shook his head.

"I'm waiting."

"There's this kid at school named James. All the guys call him bad names and stuff. This morning I talked to him. I asked why they were so mean to him. I mean, I know what they said about him, but I didn't know why. At first he thought I was just going to be mean to him too, but then he figured out that I was trying to be nice. He eventually told me that just after school started this year, he invited a friend home with him, Tommy Bickers. They had been friends since first grade. He really liked Tommy, and when they got to his house, he sorta 3; well, he sucked him. The next day, Tommy told all the guys that James tried to suck him. Which was really mean of him, because he didn't stop him from sucking him, and didn't tell the guys that he let him do it.

"We had to go to lunch then. At lunch I sat with him and asked a bunch of questions. It seems he has been having sex with his uncle since he was ten. He likes it, but wanted to suck his friend. That's why he invited Tommy over. He was his friend, and he thought he could trust him. He started crying when he told me that. I said I would be his friend, but I didn't want to have sex with him. He smiled at me and invited me to his house after school. I was kinda afraid, because I really didn't want to have sex with him, but I wanted to talk to someone who had experience.

"At his house, he told me all the things he and his uncle do. He even showed me a video of them doing it. His uncle fucked him when he was eleven. He told me it hurt the first couple of times. He told me a bunch of stuff, like how his uncle used his fingers to stretch him and stuff like that. But now he likes it. Please don't be mad. I only wanted to be able to surprise you, and do it with you, and he's the only one I know that's done it."

I knew I still wasn't getting the whole story. "That doesn't explain how 3; smoothly and 3; easily this happened."

"I knew the whole finger thing wasn't going to work if I was to surprise you, so when I went to clean next door, I prepared myself. Mom and Trish have some 3; toys, so I used those to stretch me a little. But they aren't as big as you."

I was starting to believe him but I needed to be sure. "Why be so secretive about it?"

He looked at me sheepishly. "Because I knew you wouldn't do it. You don't want to hurt me. I did the painful part without you, so that we could enjoy the good part."

I knew he was telling the truth. "I believe you baby. But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll 3; I'll 3; I'll not fuck you for a week. If I can last that long."

He threw his arms around me. "I love you Ken."

"I love you too Trevor," I told him. And I showed I loved him again a few minutes later. It went even smoother. I guess my huge load in there helped with that.


Saturday morning, after Trevor woke me with his ass swallowing my cock again, he said "Can I borrow ten dollars?"

I had barely caught my breath, but said "Sure baby. What do you need it for?"

"Well, I uh sorta borrowed it from James."

"Okay. Wait. What do you mean by sorta borrowed it?"

"When James told me all I needed to do to prepare, I told him I had to go to the store but I didn't have any money. He said he'd give me ten dollars to let him suck me. I almost said yes, but then I thought, that is something Trish would do. I promised him I would pay him back today. He said okay, but if I don't, he gets to suck me. I don't want to be like Trish, and I don't want him sucking me, so can I borrow ten dollars?"

"And what do I get for lending you the money?" I asked with a kiss.

"If I don't pay you back in five minutes, you can suck me. If I don't pay you back in an hour, you can fuck me," he smiled.

"How long will it take you to go to his house?"

"If I ride my bike, thirty minutes, if I walk, at least an hour."

"I think I hear the air escaping from your bike's tires," I said with an evil grin.

"Oh darn. Looks like you'll have to fuck me when I get back. And since I don't have a job, I'll just have to keep paying the interest on that loan."

Trevor was gone for two hours. When he came home I was sweeping the kitchen floor. He kissed me and pulled my t-shirt off me, then reached for my basketball shorts, dragging them down and off in a second. I, of course, didn't stop him. Or when he took my cock in his mouth. Then he stood and said "I need you."

He was naked in bed in seconds, and I was on him like stink on shit. Trevor lay on his back with his legs in the air.

"Do it like this," he demanded. I wasn't about to say no.

"OH GOD," he moaned as I slid into him. He wrapped his arms and legs around me and thrust up at me. Neither of us lasted long, as he erupted on his stomach, and I in his butt.

"What did you and James do today that got you so excited?" I asked when I was able.

"Nothing really. He just showed me more videos of him and his uncle together. I think he was trying to get me to have sex with him. He even pulled out his dick and started 3; choking his chicken. His dick is smaller than mine, and he's a year older."

"That's it? Nothing else?"

"Well, I kinda let him see my dick. He did lend me the money, so I let him look at it while he 3; whacked off. He said his favorite way to do it is face to face, that's where I got the idea from. I kinda like it too. There was another way, I want to try tonight."

"Oh, and how is that?"

"He called it cowgirl, but there isn't any girls involved," he laughed.

"So, tonight you want to ride my pony?"

"Yep. You betcha pardner. Yee haw," he answered, twirling an imaginary rope in the air.

"I'll have to thank James someday."

"You're not allowed anywhere near James. He's a maneater, and you're my man," Trevor said with a kiss.

"We need to go to the grocery store for supplies. I think we're going to require a lot of nourishment to keep our strength up."

"Can I stay here and take a nap? Someone kept me up late last night, and woke me up early this morning. Besides, my butt is sore, and could use the rest."

"If I remember right, last night and this morning were your doing, not mine. But you can take a nap, because I plan on bucking a cowgirl all night," I said and kissed him goodbye.


I was thinking about how my whole world had been turned upside down by Trevor, as I walked from my car across the grocery store parking lot. I suddenly became aware of a large object in front of me, and realized it was a man.

"Excuse me," I said when I almost ran into him. I stepped aside, and he stepped in front of me again. Just then an arm went around my shoulder, and a large hand squeezed my neck.

"Ken, old buddy. We need to talk."

Beside me was another giant of a man, and his voice indicated it was not going to be a pleasant chat.

"Do I know you?" I asked nervously.

He didn't say anything else, but the giants stood on either side of me and escorted me to a black SUV. He opened the back door and shoved me in. The two giants got into the front seat. Inside was a very distinguished looking man of about sixty years old.

"Ken. A pleasure to meet you," he wore sunglasses so I couldn't see his eyes, and mostly he spoke looking out the window, not at me.

"How do you know me?"

"Doesn't matter. What does matter is that you know Hannah."

"My neighbor?"

"Hannah has caused me quite a bit of distress. A few associates will be visiting Hannah, so I need you to stay away from the house."

"What's this all about? Why should I stay away?"

"For your own good. My associates are expensive problem solvers. If you are going to be a problem, it's going to cost me more, and you might not like what they are going to do."

Oh Jesus. What the hell had that stupid bitch done? These guys are going to kill her.

"Don't go back to that house. Lay low for a few days," he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a wallet. "Mario, how long will clean up take?"

"Couple of days, Boss. By Tuesday, there'll be no trace of them," one of the giants answered.

He handed me a bunch of hundred dollar bills. "See, just a couple of days. I want you to check into a hotel. Order room service. Have a massage. Whatever you want. Just don't go near that house till Tuesday. They'll be gone, and you can get on with your life. Problem solved. Of course, you will forget you ever saw me too. You don't want to involve my associates further."

"What about 3; ?"

"Get out," he said, and one of the giants dragged me from the car.

"Stay away from that house, or else 3;" The giant reiterated.


They left me standing in the parking lot. My heart was racing. I had never been so scared in my life. I got into my car. Then it dawned on me. The giant said 'By Tuesday, there'll be no trace of them.' Them, not her. Even the boss said 'They'll be gone.' Not she will be.

Shit ! They're gonna kill the kids too. "Hannah, you stupid fucking bitch what have you done?" I said slamming my hand on the steering wheel.

I had to get to Trevor. Racing home, I kept looking for black SUVs. I found Trevor still napping.

"Baby, you got to get up. Now!"

"What's up, Ken?"

"Just get up and get dressed. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you."

"Then don't ask questions. Just get dressed."

When he was dressed, I grabbed a sheet, and put it over his head. I looked out the window, then threw him over my shoulder. I carried him to the car and tossed him into the back seat.


"Baby, please, just be quiet and trust me. Stay out of sight for a while."

Once we were on the highway, I told Trevor he could come out.

"What's going on, Ken?"

"I'm not sure myself. I just know we need to be gone for a few days."

"A few days? I get to miss school?"

"Sure baby boy. We'll just have ourselves a little vacation. Don't worry, we'll go back probably Tuesday, maybe Wednesday at the latest," I explained as I glanced into my rearview mirror.

The first motel I came to, once outside city limits, I pulled into. It was clean and not too expensive. There was a coffee shop next door, so we wouldn't starve.

We ordered burgers from the coffee shop, and I picked them up. Then we watched tv, for awhile. I was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, so I was pretty quiet. Then Trevor discovered the porn channel on tv.

"Oh look, Ken. She's riding him cowgirl style. Give you any ideas?"

That took my mind off our trouble for awhile.

I can highly recommend having a young boy ride your cock while you stroke his. And if he gets tired after he cums, just flip him over and fuck him some more. It works wonders for whatever is bothering you.

The next two days were spent pretty much the same. It was almost like a honeymoon, because we only left the room to eat, and most of the time we were in bed. I had a lot on my mind, but whenever it started weighing heavily, Trevor made it melt away.

I waited until Wednesday to return to the duplex, leaving Trevor in the motel. I told him that if I didn't return by four o'clock, he should go to the motel office and tell the clerk to call the police. That they would take care of him if something happened to me.

He was scared again, but he nodded, threw his arms around me, and kissed me.

At the duplex, I drove around the block to see if I could spot a black SUV. I didn't so I parked in the driveway and approached the steps cautiously. Nothing seemed afoul, so I used my key on Hannah's door.

I was shocked. The place was clean, and empty. Like no one had ever lived there. No furniture, clothes, dishes. Nothing. I looked in all the closets, bathroom, everywhere. Not even a hair left in the tub drain.

I locked up and went to my side of the duplex. Nothing seemed out of place in the living room, so I went to the bedroom. Again nothing looked out of place. I breathed a sigh of relief, and went to the bathroom.

Standing in the doorway, suddenly everything went black. A sack was pulled over my head, and two large arms grabbed me.


Next thing I know, I'm waking up tied to a chair, the bag still over my head.

"Ken, Ken, Ken. I warned you to stay away. But you had to turn into a problem. I don't like problems."

I recognised the voice from the SUV. Bossman.

"I'm not a patient man. I have less patience for problems. Mario, how many painful ways can you think of to make this problem go away?"

"A couple of hundred mildly painful, maybe a hundred really painful and slow ways to make problems disappear."

I recognised the giant's voice too.

"All you have to do is tell me where the boy is, Ken. Make it easy on yourself. You have one hour to think about it. If you tell me what I want to know within that hour, we will disappear, and later send someone to set you free. If you don't, I'm afraid Mario will just have to get the information his way. I don't much care, but Mario hasn't solved any problems this week. Well except of course Hannah, so he's pretty anxious."

"And don't forget that tight little bitch, Trina, Twat, Trish 3; something like that," Mario added.

"Oh yes 3; you rather enjoyed that one didn't you?" Bossman laughed. "You have one hour."

A large hand squeezed my jaw, and the giant growled in my ear "Please don't give in until I have a chance to earn my pay."

I didn't know how long I had been out before I woke up tied to this chair. Could have been minutes or hours. I couldn't even make out if it was still daylight outside. I only had to hold on until four, then Trevor would be safe.

It seemed forever before Bossman returned. But it was probably only an hour.

"So, Ken. What do you have to say?"

I strengthened my resolve, took a deep breath, sat up as straight as I could, and shook my head no.

"You look like a smart kid, Ken. Maybe I should sweeten the deal. Ten thousand dollars, and we let you go. Just tell me what I want to know. Mario, how will you proceed from here?"

"I think I'll start with the 'electrical testicle spectacle'."

"Remind me again what that is exactly," Bossman asked.

"You know. We get to watch him flop around when I use the taser on his nuts," Mario replied.

"Oh yes, that is fun. Well, at least for us. Not so much for you Ken. Ten grand and you save your nuts. Where's the boy?"

I shook my head.

"What's after the taser Mario?"

"Then I'd like to try that thing with razor blades. The last guy I tried it on only lasted through a few chunks cut out of his face before he gave up. I'm hoping Ken here will last a little longer," Mario added. I could actually hear a bit of an evil laugh in his voice as he said it.

"Last chance Ken. Where's the boy?"

I clenched my jaw and shook my head.

Hands at my pants quickly had them to my knees. I hear the crackle of a taser. Then silence.

Were they trying to make me sweat? Hoping I would give in? I didn't hear them leave. Were they just watching me sit here with my pants down.

Suddenly I hear the taser again, and a flash of light as the bag is jerked from my head. At first I thought I had been tased. If I wasn't tied down, I'm sure I would have jumped ten feet in the air.

Bossman was standing in front of me, Mario behind, untying my bonds. I realized we were in a very nice hotel suite.

"Nice set of balls you have there Ken. Yes, you need huge balls to defy me. I'm glad I don't have to burn them with the taser."

I must have looked as confused as I felt. I rubbed my sore hands, and reached for my pants.

"I don't have to tase you, because I already have Trevor."


"Yes, afraid so. Picked him up at a motel just outside of town."

"Where is he? If you hurt him, I'll kill you," I said, anger now boiling my blood.

"He's fine. I think he and I will have some fun before this is over."

I took a swing at him, but my fist was stopped mid flight by Mario.

"Not a good idea, Ken," Mario said.

"Let tell you a story. It's about a rather wealthy man who picked up a down on her luck woman. She was on the streets, and had a kid. This man feels sorry for her and tries to help. Then, after a drunken indiscretion, discovers she is pregnant.

"This man feels responsible, and had always wanted children, though he and his wife had none. Seems she was unable to bear children. This man is no fool though, and as soon as the child is born, has a DNA test done. He's the father. His wife wouldn't be so understanding of his brief indiscretion, so he keeps the relationship a secret. He continues to support the woman, visiting on occasion, and watching the child grow.

"Over the next decade, the woman's behavior becomes more erratic and problematic. She's drinking and carrying on improperly. She doesn't know the man is the father, but she knows he somehow feels responsible for her after so long, and takes advantage of that. Her behavior becomes so bad, he decides to send her away.

"As I said, the man is rather wealthy. He owns property all over the country. Over the previous couple of years he had a business relationship with a young man, who he had never met in person. He had come to trust the young man to the point where he sent the woman to live with him, after of course, investigating the young man completely."

Oh my god! I knew he had been talking about Hannah, now I see how I fit into the equation.

"You're Samuel Duncan?"

"I knew you were a smart kid. Yes. I own the duplex. It's actually one of my earliest acquisitions."

Now I was angry again. "How could you even consider hurting Trevor? What happened to Trish and Hannah? Why all this cloak and dagger bullshit?"

"I would never hurt Trevor. Hannah and Trish are fine. I just moved them to Chicago. There, her behavior won't impact me in the least. As far as the cloak and dagger bullshit, as you call it, I needed to know exactly how much I could trust you."

"Well, obviously I failed. I didn't give you the information you wanted."

"No, that's exactly how you passed, with flying colors I might add."

"What are you talking about? I know I didn't give you what you wanted."

"You showed me just how far you would go to protect Trevor. Torture and death is pretty far. Tell me about your relationship with Trevor."

"What do you mean. He's my neighbor and friend. Decent kid, considering his mother."

He turned to a laptop on the desk "Well, maybe this will jog your memory."

He pushed a button and from the laptop speaker came Trevor's voice.

"Shut up and fuck me."

I'm sure the color drained from my face. "How did you get that?"

"Do you remember the trip you took for extra credit in class the week before they moved in?"

"San Diego?"

"Yes. I arranged that, so my men would have time to install surveillance equipment in the house."

"You son of a bitch. You've seen how she treats Trevor, and did nothing?"

"I didn't have to do anything. You handled each situation perfectly. That doesn't answer my question though. Tell me about your relationship with him."

"You've been spying on us this whole time. You figure it out," I answered stubbornly.

"I already have. That is why you are here."

Shit. He's going to send me to jail.

"Hannah has graciously signed over custody of Trevor, for a monthly stipend of course. My wife still doesn't know about him, but I want to be near my son as much as I can. I know that you will give your own life to protect him, so I'm making you an offer. Move to Dallas, take care of Trevor, and I will take care of you. You can finish school, work for me, do whatever you want. Just make sure you're there for him, just as you have been these last couple of years."

"You want me to take care of your son, even though you know about us?"

"A father only wants happiness for his children. You make Trevor happy. He's going to do that with someone, why not someone who loves him?"

"And if I say no?"

"You won't. You love him. I'm counting on that to help persuade you."

"Does he know you're his father?"

"No. He thinks I'm just a friend of the family, he's known his whole life. It will be your decision when, and how he finds out. If not before, he'll find out when I die, through my attorney."

"Where in Dallas would we live? Not with you I assume," I asked.

"I have a really nice house ready for you to move in."

"Before I agree to this, I want you to take out all the surveillance equipment from the house in Dallas. I don't need you watching over my shoulder 24/7," I demanded.

Duncan looked at Mario, and nodded.

"Now where is Trevor?"

"Actually, he's out shopping with my other bodyguard, Frank. His name is really Francis, but only call him that when you want to piss him off."


"His days of being in her shadow are over. He needs clothes and stuff for his new life. And as I said, he and I are going to have fun. That part was true. We leave for L.A. tomorrow. We're going to Disneyland. Then do the whole Hollywood touristy stuff. Wanna come?"

I hesitated, trying to let it all sink in.

"You may as well come with us. All your stuff is already on it's way to Dallas. Nothing for you to go back to. I also had your transcripts sent to the university in Dallas. I know you don't have any parents or friends keeping you here."

"You're pretty sure of yourself," I stated.

"No. I'm pretty sure of you. Just as Trevor knew you would find him when he ran away, I know you will do whatever it takes to be with him. Just as he knew he could always turn to you for help and guidance, I know you will go the extra mile to be sure he has stability. You're more of a father figure than he has ever had. More than I could hope to be for him. I can provide the luxuries in life, but you provide what he needs emotionally."

Just then Trevor and the other giant came in.

He rushed into my arms "Ken!"

"Hey big guy."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Mr. Duncan?" Trevor asked.

"I didn't know that you knew him until recently."

"What happened? Are we still in trouble?"

"No, little buddy. I have to tell you something," I said leading him to the sofa. "You see, Mr. Duncan and I want nothing but the best for you. Once I discovered you knew him, he and I came to an agreement that we thought would be better, than staying with your mom. I took you to that motel, to give your mom a chance to move her stuff, without a big tearful goodbye. He has offered me a job in Dallas, and I want you to come with me."

Trevor seemed to soak it all in then said "Remember what I said about being more upset if something happened to you, than to my mom. I know it's true now. I don't care that she's gone. I only want to be with you. Here, or Dallas, makes no difference. But thanks for saying she would have a tearful goodbye. We both know it's not true."

"Perhaps y'all would like to freshen up before dinner. Frank, will you show them to their suite?"

Frank led the way to our room. As he opened the door he said, "I took the liberty of purchasing a few things for you, to last till we get back to Dallas. You'll find them in the closet. Oh, and I'm sorry about all that other stuff. Mr. Duncan insisted we be rather tough on you. We'll be seeing a lot of each other, so I hope we can be friends," he said holding out his hand.

"Thank you 3; Francis."

He smiled at me using his rather effeminate name. "I guess you owed me that. I'm in room 715, if you need anything."

As soon as the door closed behind Frank, Trevor was in my arms. "I need you in me."

"I would love to baby, but we don't have any lube," I said kissing him.

"Yes we do. In that bag by the bed. I bought it when we were shopping today."

"What made you think of that?" I asked.

"Frank has a really big cock. Well, all of Frank is really big."

I was stunned. Turn my back on him for a moment, and he's already fucking someone else.

Trevor noticed the shock and hurt on my face. "It's not what you're thinking. We were at the mall, I needed to pee. We both went to the restroom, and he was standing at the urinal next to me. I looked down and the damn thing is about an inch longer than yours and thicker too. The first thing I thought was 'Someone's going to need a lot of lube to take that monster.' Which reminded me, we wouldn't have any here. So I got some."

"Thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I really don't have any right to expect you to not want to try other people. I was just surprised that it might have happened," I explained.

"I don't want anyone else but you. If I change my mind, I'll let you know. In the meantime, don't worry. My entire body is for your use only," Trevor said and kissed my lips.

"Good to know 3; Now where's that lube?"

The End

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