Boy Prostitution StoriesStories of boys earning some money with prostitution, consensual or coercedThese stories are free for you to enjoy. However, the equipment and bandwidth costs for ASSTR are not cheap. Please help keep ASSTR running by making a donation (see website how to donate anonymously).
Updated 31 May 2017 |
2063 by Boy-writer
Mb – cons oral anal – interr drugs
| 10,000 words (20 pages) In 2063 the blacks are in control of the USA. White boys only can survive by selling themselves to men. This story tells 10-year-old Isaac's first experience with a client.
Agency Boys by John Stevens
Mtb – cons oral anal mast – prost first
| 19,500 words (39 pages) Paul rents two boy-escorts from the JoyBoy agency for some fun and games
Amsterdam, 2015 by Bill
M-boy-android – oral
| 3,000 words (6 pages) An American visits an Amsterdam boy-brothel in 2015. Everything can be done with the boys 3; but, it are no boys, but sexual androids.
The Arena by Paul Paris
Mtb – cons anal oral – prostitution
spank (reference only)
| 19,500 words (39 pages) A prison visitor "inherits" the function of boy-trainer in an Italian chateau, where twelve young boys are trained as companions to men
Beach Front Boy by Koos Smit
Mtb – cons oral anal mast – prost
incest spank
| 138,000 words (276 pages) A straight man with wife and children is for his business in Durban. Curious to know how it was to do 'it' with a guy, he picks up a street hustler. The boy appeared younger than expected, and he has an even younger brother...
Beginnings by Freebeer
Mt – cons anal oral – first prost
| 3,500 words (7 pages) Davey awakens to the fact that he is a hedonist and has strong desires to be fucked by other males. Age is not an issue. This is his first opportunity and since it does go rather well, he plans on finding more opportunities in the future.
Benji - Earning Money For Dad by Bill Jonners
Mb tb – cons mast oral anal – spank prost interr
| 41,500 words (83 pages) After discovering that his young son is gay, a man decides to make money by getting the boy into gay porn.
Benutzt by Knabenstories
Mt – coerc mast anal oral – prost
humil bond
| 12,000 words (24 pages) Ein Knabenbordell empfangt zwei neue 14-Jährige Jungs.
Boy Brothel by Joe Stevens
Mb – cons oral anal – prost
| 2,750 words (5½ pages) An account of a man's first visit to a boy brothel.
Boy For Hire by Bill W
tt Mt – cons/prost oral anal
| 39,000 words (78 pages) Trevor Wiley lived with a drunk for a father, a drunk who liked to physically abuse him. One night Trevor had enough and he fought back, after which he ran away, hoping to find something better.
The Boy Prostitute by Zzathras
Mb – oral mast – prost
| 7,000 words (14 pages) Man meets a 10-year-old boy prostitue. He offers him a long term contract.
Boy Sketches by Jason Masters
Mb – slave cons coerc mast – prost bond
| 24,000 words (48 pages) Short sketches about young boys
Boy Vacations Inc. by Deda
bb tb tt Mb Mt – cons
mast oral anal – first cbt humil tort
| 52,500 words (105 pages) Boy Vacations, Inc. caters to people who are willing to pay a small fortune on their vacations. These people spend weeks at Boy Vacation's various resorts, all over the world. They are all men, and although some bring their sons, none are coming for what you might call a "family holiday." These men are paying to have sex with boys. It is that simple. We bring them to a resort, they have boys at their disposal, and we bring them back. And they pay. They pay well.
Boys in Space by Hamilton Joyce
Mb – slave oral anal – prost
first interr
| 10,000 words (20 pages) Anything can be bought in Space Port on the planet The Mines. Clubs cater for every sexual taste, but the Unique Selling Proposition of the Spapo tourist industry is its boys! And across the sprawling city nine out of ten clubs were manned (if that is the right word!) by teenage or pre-teen boys. This is the story of how I came to Mina and how I eventually came to enjoy life there.
Boys in the King's Navy, 1807 by Bill
Mb tt tb – cons/slave anal oral mast – prost discipline humil castr
| 22,000 words (44 pages) Quite a number of boys served in the British Navy during the age of sail. Orphans and cast-offs, aged 11 to 14 served as "powder monkeys" for the cannon crews, but were also available to provide sexual relief to the sailors and marines aboard. Upper-class boys served as midshipmen, some as young as 14. They and the senior officers sometimes sampled the ship's boys as well.
The Boys Lounge by Verryevil
Mb – oral anal – prost
| 8,000 words (16 pages) An English consultant on a business trip in Japan is invited to visit the Bunny Boys Club.
Boys of Bamtene by Randy Craig
MF Mt – cons oral anal
– prost
spank toy
| 23,000 words (46 pages) In a small Asian country, a new member of the ruling party takes power and through mischance, removes virtually all laws governing sexual relationships. This story follows the deeds and misdeeds of some of the residents as well as visitors to this small nation- the entrepreneurs, politicians and the boys. Especially the boys. Will the opposition party regain some control of the situation?
The Boys of Thailand by Amador Pueri
Mb – prost
oral anal
mast – interr
| 19,000 words (38 pages) An American tourist describes his experiences with young boys in Bangkok
Brave Enough by ToolUser
Mt – cons anal –
| 11,500 words (23 pages) Ben has always loved boys; he could never harm one. He's read with horror the newspaper stories of boys butchered by monsters or forcing them, terrified, to fulfil unnatural lusts. Consequently he's avoided any sort of contact or closeness with boys. Then a chance encounter in a movie theater makes him think again.
Bren, the Slave Boy / Bren & Cat by Sid G
Mt tt – Slave oral anal – tort bdsm spank
| 4,500 words (9 pages) Two short stories: two vistis of a regular client to the back room Morgan's Leather Emporium, where you can do whatever you chose, short of murder, to the boy-slaves.
Brothel-Boy in Harlem by Bill
Mb bb – cons prost oral anal mast – interr
| 6,000 words (12 pages) DeShawn is the 11-year-old son of a crack-addicted whore, living in one of New York City's worst slums, where he is pimped out by his mother to pay for her drugs. When the owner of a brothel for beautiful young black boys makes a deal with the mother, DeShawn begins his new life as a highpriced brothel boy.
The Brotherhood by Pueros
Mtb – nc anal mast oral – bd electr humil prost spank tort toys – null castr
| 24,500 words (49 pages) The Brotherhood runs runs gay sex clubs, brothels and other concerns. Service are provided on the one hand by voluntary boy prostitutes in public brothels, who were all well looked after either in terms of good pay and conditions and/or meeting their sexual needs. On the other hand there were the voluntary 'Slaves', whose specialism would be catering for gay sadists. Furthermore there were the involuntary slaves, the main stock of the pleasurecentres, established to meet the most unlawful desires, although some very rich and important members were also permitted small personal harems as long as security could be guaranteed. The story follows five boys, Andrew and Pierre as volunteer slaves, Brad and Glen involunteery slaves and Simon as a more or less volunteer slave.
Charles Taken in Charge by Bill Underhill
Mb – prost cons mast oral anal
| 14,000 words (28 pages) An encounter in a shopping mall, two chickenhawks joining forces to enjoy a virgin little boy.
Charms by Damnd1
Mt – non-cons mast oral anal – prost
| 5,500 words (11 pages) A Thai youth has the best and worst day of his sexual life
Chesapeake Boy 2203 AD by Bill
Mb – cons Mdom anal mast
– interr prost spank
| 39,000 words (78 pages) 200 years after a terrorist-released virus nearly wiped out the human race. A 12-year old white boy is sold by his father to pay the tax money. The boy is bought to serve in a boy brothel.
The Clone Master by Josh
Mb – slave nosex
| 2,000 words (4 pages) This story started off as a sequel to Lester DelRay's Revenge but it has enough new ideas that I feel it represents a new story line. It deals with human cloning to create very beautiful boys for both fun and profit.
Confessions of a Boy Slut by Mich Boyle
bb Ft Mt – cons oral anal mast piv – prost
| 10,000 words (20 pages) The (some say true) story of a boy slut – his adventures and seductions.
Diary of a Shota Boy by Cosmo
Mtb – cons
./non-cons mast oral anal –
prost first cbt enem spank toys tort ws
| 199,500 words (399 pages) Verolino is the last remaining place in war-torn Europe where shota clubs are legal. Shota clubs are for men who like boys and Cloud is said to be the best of all the shota boys. Set against the backdrop of the breakdown of the fragile UN peacekeeping operation and the descent into all out war, Cloud embarks on a tumultuous flight across Verolino, experiencing all manner of sexual exploits and encountering many diverse personalities that help and hinder his journey, finding both love and adversity along the way.
The Documentary by Sam the Ham
Mb bb – references to cons oral anal bond spank
| 3,500 words (7 pages) Maxwell has made a name for himself making documentaries. His latest one is on the still relatively recently legalized child pornography industry. At the last minute is given permission to conduct three interviews with four of its young stars.
Elijah - A San Carlos Island Story by Josh
Mb – slave anal oral – bond diaper
| 12,000 words (24 pages) This story has some of the same people from the story 'The Love Boat'. Elijah gets a two week vacation from San Carlos Island. He is spending two weeks at home with his mother, younger brother Jiri and his wicked stepfather Homer. Later his brother Jiri comes to Summer Camp on San Carlos Island.
Entführt by Storyschreiber
Mt tt
tb – non-cons/coerc.cons mast oral anal – bond cbt
| 54,000 words (108 pages) Nachdem er sich befriedigt hat im Wald, wird der 14-jährige Florian entführt. Er wurde zu einer Insel transportiert und muß dort in der Knaben-Prostitution arbeiten.
For Money or Love by Ganymede
Mb – cons
anal oral mast – first prost interr
| 60,500 words (121 pages) Almost 12 year old Juan, the son of a whore mother, discovers he is gay at the same time his mother's pimp finds out he likes young boys. He is rented for the weekends to a local mafia boss.
From Vasia with Love by Boisterous
Mb – cons oral anal – prost
| 9,000 words (18 pages) American professor comes to Russia. The university wants him to have access to the best Russia has to offer. The professor is a boylover. Guess what he wants 3;
Gagnon Story by YoungFox
Mb tb tg – cons oral anal piv – prost
| 4,000 words (8 pages) A father and his teen son visit a club where the guest are served by young boys. At night the son tells what happed to his sister/girlfriend.
Geisha Boys by Bill
Mtb tt – cons anal mast oral – prost toys
| 5,500 words (11 pages) American and European boys in a Japanese internment camp are teached to serve the sexual desires of Japanese officers who appreciate the erotic appeal of boys in the 12 to 15 age range. The activities in the story are consensual, and there is no physical abuse of minors by adults.
Geisha jongens by Bill
Mtb tt – cons anal mast oral – prost toys
| 5,500 words (11 pages) Amerikaanse en Europese jongens in een Japans interneringskamp worden opgeleid om de seksuele verlangens van Japanse officieren te bevredigen, die vallen voor de erotische schoonheid van jongens tussen 12 en 15 jaar. De activiteiten in het verhaal zijn met wederzijdse goedkeuring en er is geen fysiek misbruik van minderjarigen door volwassenen.
Ginger Chicken by Debonair
Mb bb – cons oral anal mast – prost interr
| 6,000 words (12 pages) The story of tourist on vacation in Asia who ends up becoming friends with a man that will show him the underworld of Thailand.
Een Grand Tour in 1928 by Bill
Mb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim –
spank ws
| 45,000 words (90 pages)
(Dutch translation of Grand Tour, 1928).
Grand Tour, 1928 by Bill
Mb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim –
spank ws interr
| 45,000 words (90 pages) Ainsley Montgomery, an English gentleman in his twenties, introduces the American William Taylor into the European boy love world.
Home by Noone Special
Mb tb bb – coerc oral anal – first
interr spank
| 34,000 words (68 pages) Betrayed by his own drug addled mother, a young boy is thrust into the underground world of prostitution. With his life no longer in his control, the boy is forced to wait on fate and chance to save him from his predicament and deliver him home.
Hop Sing - A San Carlos Island Story by Paolo & Slammr
Mb tb –
slave anal oral –
prost castration & nullification
| 93,000 words (186 pages) A father who faces losing everything has only one way out financially - to sell his favorite son to brokers who are (or were) affiliated with San Carlos Island. Unbeknownst to the brokers, however, the boys father wrote the mainframe that runs San Carlos Island's security systems, and there is more to the boy than meets the eye.
How I Got Here by Anonymous
Mb – prost oral anal – incest bdsm spank ws
| 5,500 words (11 pages) English assignment of a boy who was used by his parents and his uncle to act in sex films.
Inn Boy by Zzathras
Mb – cons anal oral – prost
| 5,000 words (10 pages) After his car broke down near a Scottish village, Joe goes to the local inn, where 10yo orphan Jimmy works as servant. His services to male visitors are very special.
The Institution by Backwoodsman
tt tb Mt – Mdom cons nc mast oral anal – humil
prost bdsm cbt
| 142,000 words (284 pages) Thirteen-and-a-half-year-old Paul Gaston lives in a society where homosexuality is not publicly tolerated. When young Paul is caught engaging in exploratory sex play with age-mate Chris, he is immediately arrested and sent to The Institution, a strange reform school where homosexual practices are not only permitted, they are part of the curriculum for boys ages 11-18 incarcerated there. Sentenced to a six-month term, Paul learns also that he is expected to work as a homosexual prostitute once released - as are all inmates at the Institution. While still serving their terms, boys are also hired out to private clients with varying tastes and proclivities. Happily, Chris, Paul's first lover, joins him at The Institution and shares the experience.
The Island of the Boys by Huntinup
Mb – cons mast oral anal –
| 29,000 words (58 pages) TJ visits a very special nudist island resort, every guest gets three pleasure boys for his whole stay. "Just as we are always naked, there's no restrictions whatsoever on consensual sex here on the island either. It takes precedence over everything else. Anywhere, any time; and so long as its one of us boys, ALL sex is consensual. No one is going to turn you down at any time," TJ's pleasure boy explained to him. The story was altered and finished by Erastes, his version is here: The Island of the Boys .
The Island of the Boys by Erastes
Mb –
mast oral anal – prost
| 85,000 words (170 pages) TJ visits a very special nudist island resort, where every guest gets three pleasure boys for his whole stay. "Just as we are always naked, there's no restrictions whatsoever on consensual sex here on the island either. It takes precedence over everything else. Anywhere, any time; and so long as its one of us boys, ALL sex is consensual. No one is going to turn you down at any time," TJ's pleasure boy explained to him.
Just Like Old Times by Bill
Mt tb – cons oral anal – prost
| 30,000 words (60 pages) A married man finds sexual satisfaction with a 13-year-old hustler, and a romance develops between them. Things get more interesting when the boy seduces the man's 10-year-old son.
Der Kleine Dieb by Anonym
Mb – coerc
mast ref. to anal – ref. to prost
| 4,500 words (9 pages) Erwischt beim Ladendiebstahl erhalt der 11-jährige Sascha die Wahl: zum Polizei oder zum Haus der Ladendetektiv um sich fotografieren zu lassen 3; nackt
Knaben - Ferien by Likejunx
Mt – coerc mast anal
oral – prost incest
| 9,000 words (18 pages) Mark, ein dreizehnjähriger Bengel, durfte zum ersten Mal alleine verreisen und die Ferien bei seinem Onkel Karl und dessen Sohn Sebastian verbringen. Sebastian und Mark verstanden sich recht gut, zumal beide nur zwei Jahre Altersunterschied trennten.
Kyle - A San Carlos Island Story by Slammr
Mb bb – slave
mast anal oral – prost castration & nullification
| 18,500 words (37 pages) Kyle is surprised when his father sells him to become a San Carlos Island slave.
Lester DelRay's Revenge - A San Carlos Island Story by Josh
Mb – coerc anal
| 2,000 words (4 pages) Slave owner Ben Toeber has a soft spot, his eleven year old son Izzy. Ben's enemy Lester DelRay discovers young Izzy sequestered in luxury in the Swiss Alps. Will Lester be able to use Ben's love for Izzy to take control of San Carlos Island?
Letter from Siapan by Blackflag
Mb Mg bg – reluc oral anal –
interr ws diaper
| 6,000 words (12 pages) Transcription of a letter from far away Siapan where in our young correspondent tells of his experiences working at a house for gentlemen's pleasure.
Little Boy in The Big City by Cyberboy
Mb – cons
oral anal – prost
suggested BDSM
| 7,000 words (14 pages) This is a story where boy sexuality is legal but still not entirely well known and common. Certainly not for the young hero of the story, Danny. He is 8-years old and looking to understand his true boyhood. Fortunately, he meets a 10-year old named Kevin, who has a lot of experience to share.
London, 1892 by Bill
Mb tb – cons oral anal – prost
| 7,500 words (15 pages) Jonathan goes to a boy orphanage and learns what "bedtime fun" means.
The Love Boat - A San Carlos Island Story by Josh
Mb – cons anal
| 1,800 words (3½ pages) This is the story of an unlikely friendship between a San Carlos Island 'boy' and his first client. Don't let the title fool you. This is nothing like the 1970's TV sitcom.
The Making of a Slave: Paul's story by Sid G
Mt Mb tt tb – Non-cons/Slave oral anal – incest bdsm spank prost humil
| 19,000 words (38 pages) The story of a 13-year-old gay boy, how he was abused by his father and brothers, how he was brought to a whore house and finally how he became his master's slave.
Malchik 19 by Bingo
Mb – prost oral anal – spank bond
| 4,300 words (8½ pages) A young boy in a boy's home tells about his experiences as a street urchin.
Max: The Illustrated Boy - A San Carlos Island Story by Paolo
Mb – slave/cons mast oral anal – castr tattoo
| 44,000 words (88 pages) Maximillian was born different from other boys – he was born without male genitals, a naturally born eunuch, and has a fetish for tattoos and other body modifications from a young age. Raised by his Godfather, a retired eunuch from San Carlos Island, Max only wants one thing in life – acceptance from others about who and what he is. When he can't find it in his overly conservative hometown, however, his 'father' flees with him to San Carlos Island where he himself grew up with a very happy childhood of being a pampered slaveboy. Will Max find the same acceptance on the Island, or will he be rejected again because he was 'born a eunuch,' and not enslaved and cut?
Memorial Day Weekend 2012 by Bill Anderson
Mb – cons oral anal –
| 7,000 words (14 pages) Tom spends a happy Memorial Day weekend in a motel with a ten year old prostitute named Derrick. Tom only gets to have his weekend after some skillful maneuvering to get out of a weekend commitment his wife had already arranged.
Modern Love by Debonair
Mb – oral anal – prost
| 3,200 words (6½ pages) One of many stories dealing with prostitution. It's a short straightforward tale about a one on one with a melancholic undertone. Man picks up a 10-year-old boy whore and takes him to his house.
Moonglow by Debonair
bb tb – cons oral anal mast – spank bond interr
| 9,500 words (19 pages) A somewhat autobiographical piece with lots of spanking
Nate's Story - A San Carlos Island Story by Curious Guy
Mb bb – slave
mast anal – prost castration & nullification mutilation
| 11,000 words (22 pages) Eight-year-old Nate visits San Carlos Island and something unexpected happens.
Nicholas's Story by Herb Cat
Mb Mt MM MF – prost/slave oral anal – humil ws
| 12,000 words (24 pages) A boy undergoes sexual abuse by a series of male molesters and grows up to get his revenge.
Orgy Boys by Blackflag
Mb – cons oral – prost
| 8,000 words (16 pages) Two boyfriends are invited by two adults in their hotel room. They will earn $500 each but have to do enything.
Our Papa, Our Pimp by Antonio Green
Mb bb –
prost/coerc/non-cons anal oral – bdsm cbt enema ws
scat (mild, implied)
| 52,000 words (104 pages) Brothers Brayden (12) and Riley (9) 'help' their papa Bill Allred (30s) and uncle Tony Allred improve their quality of lives through prostitution. The boys are popular with their clients because they look much younger than their ages, perhaps by design. Brayden and Riley are not usually thrilled with their activities. In fact, they frequently hate them. But a boy's got to do what a boy's got to do, especially when forced by a sadistic father.
Out of the Frying Pan by Parrafan
Mb – nc/coerc mast anal oral – (implied ws, scat, spank)
| 15,500 words (31 pages) Vince has a secret desire, do whatever he could think of to satisfy his lusts with his 10 and 12 year old nephews. He has the boys sent to a boy brothel to teach them to be his sex toys. His plan seems to succeed, but then comes the frying pan 3;
Paradise by Ganymede
Mb –
mast oral
incest prost interr
| 84,000 words (168 pages) A retired detective and his 12-year son, more lovers than father and son, live a quiet life on the Bahama islands. But then a local hooker buy is found murdered.
Pimpr by Kent the Writer
Mb – cons mast oral anal – drugs prost
| 11,500 words (23 pages) KP Studios, the leading child porn producer in the U.S., has released a new app for smartphones called Pimpr. It allows daddies who are willing to pimp out their sons to connect with clients. Everybody wins!
Pleasure Island by Jeff Spencer
Mt – cons oral anal – ws
| 6,000 words (12 pages) An island full of willing teenage boys, what does a boylover wants more?
The Prague Dream by Jozzy
Mb – cons oral – prost
| 9,000 words (18 pages) A very lonely boy and a lonely adult find friends in each other.
Puppies by Damnd1
t-machine Mt – cons mast – petplay prost
| 11,000 words (22 pages) A teenage boy endures a much more pleasurable take on an ancient Roman torture, and discovers what it's like to become a human puppy.
Rent Me by Debonair
Mb – cons oral anal – prost
| 5,200 words (10½ pages) A man who had never sex with boys before meets a man who is renting boys for cash.
Rent-a-Kid by Shakey Psyche
Mb bb tb Fb Mg – cons nc
oral anal
prost bdsm
spank pierce elect
| 50,000 words (100 pages) 'Rent-a-kid' Scott tells the story about his life of sex and prostitution when he is ten. The story will tell in flashbacks how he came into the life and how it changed his life (for the better?).
Rules by Dillon
Mb – cons oral anal – prost
| 9,000 words (18 pages) A lonely man meets a boy prostitute and shares emotional comfort
Russian Boys by Bill
tb – cons oral anal mast
| 8,500 words (17 pages) Sasha, a naive 12-year-old living in the slums of Moscow, learns from an older boy how to make easy money by posing nude for a photographer. The older boy, 14-year-old Alexei, then introduces Sasha to the pleasures of sex, getting him ready for his next money-making venture – a boy-sex filming session at an isolated farmhouse
Sander & The Basket Case - A San Carlos Island Story by Paolo & Cutlass
tb – slave
(anal oral implied) – prost castration & nullification
| 17,500 words (35 pages) On San Carlos Island, an older teenage Sander, now working on Staff, recounts the arrival of a new boy who just drives him crazy, , while three other new boys are examined and treated.
Sander's Story - A San Carlos Island Story by Timothy, with Curious Guy and Slammr
Mb tb b-eunuch M-eunuch –
slave anal oral –
prost castration & nullification
| 50,000 words (100 pages) San Carlos is a resort like no other in the world. It is a place where wealthy men who like emasculated boys (castrated, penectomized, or nullified) may vacation to have their way with the boys. The boys, for the most part, are sold as slaves to Mr. Ben Toeber, the proprietor, who charges exorbitant fees for their sexual favors. Over time, however, Ben develops a soft spot for his young slaves, and actually pays them commissions, so that when they get older and retire, they are quite wealthy. The boys, however, have a hard time staying out of trouble! Especially Sander (our hero) and his friends Chris, Hop Sing, and several others.
The Sandman by Ben
Mtb –
slave mast oral anal –
| 35,000 words (70 pages) In some distant world orphans are automatically slaves. Many boy slave serve as 'bed partners' for a single master or in brothels. The bed partners have a lullaby song, "Hush hush hush, don't you cry, For one day we will say bye, because that will be the day we become free, When the Sandman rescues you and me." Is this Sandman a fairy tale or is he real?
Scout by Ruthless
Mb – prost oral anal – violence best
| 25,500 words (51 pages) The story of a young boy trying to survive in a harsh kind of post World War III world.
Silas und die drei Männer by Pieter van Bos
Mb – reluc mast anal oral – bond spank prost first
| 3,500 words (7 pages) Silas und Godik benötigen in der großen Stadt doch mehr Geld, als erwartet. Zum Glück bietet sich für Silas eine Möglichkeit, ein wenig dazu zu verdienen. Allerdings macht er dabei völlig neue Erfahrungen 3; – Eine Episode der Fernsehserie die nicht ausgestrahlt wurde.
A Slave is a Slave by Bill Underhill
Mb tb bb gb Mg –
slave mast oral anal – bond enem first electr humil rim mod
| 75,000 words (150 pages) In thousands of counties and major population centers across the U.S.A., each comfort complex stands as an oasis of pleasure for the deserving citizen, where submissive slaves are provided by a benevolent federal government to satisfy the carnal appetites of the millions who now freely exercise their normal and natural lust for pretty little boys. And (just for variety) the occasional woman, little girl, or adult male gigolo. These are the stories of one such comfort complex, in the heart of flyover country, where the free citizens of Hadley County and its environs - the salt of the earth, the very essence of American exceptionalism - explore the simple joys of sexual satisfaction upon the tender flesh of government property in human form.
Soldiers and Boys in Wartime by Bill
Mb Mt – cons anal oral mast – prost interr
| 26,500 words (53 pages) Multi-part series of short vignettes, set at various stages of history, when soldiers took their pleasure with boys during times of war.
Sommer by Herr der Ringe
Mt – coerc mast anal oral – prost humil spank incest
| 7,000 words (14 pages) Einige allein erziehende Väter hatten sich verabredet, die Sommerferien mit ihre Söhne zu verbringen in ein einsames, weit abgelegenes Ort. Die Söhne hätten in den Ferienzeit Geld zu verdienen, und nicht wenig.
Special Breed of Boys by Daniel Master
Mb – Slave anal oral – Part II: tort spank elect
| 5,500 words (11 pages) The story tells about a small village in the middle of the mountains where men pay a lot of money to enjoy the 'company' of the boy slaves. They do so because the boy slaves there are the best one can find in the world.
St. Petersburg Vacation by Justin Davis
Mt Mb – prost oral anal
| 18,500 words (37 pages) Boylover and porn-collector Jeffrey Mattson gets an intriguing e-mail with a photo of a beautiful boy and the message, "Is this what you like? If it is, arrangements can be made for the vacation of a lifetime. Although this photograph may not be the actual boy you will meet, it is very representative of what you can expect. We provide only the finest young men 11-16 for your enjoyment. If interested contact the e-mail link below." Guess what he does? But, it is not exactly what he expected.
Street Rat by David
Mb tb – cons
oral anal –
interr bond
| 21,500 words (43 pages) A twelve-year-old American boy has to survive on his own in Japan
Submissive Camp Counselor by Bill
Mt – cons mast oral anal – boy-domination
| 5,250 words (10½ pages) A young camp counselor is blackmailed into being the sex-slave of the boys he is supposed to supervise, and finds that loves being submissive to young boys!
A Suitable Candidate by Bill Anderson
Mb – cons oral
| 3,000 words (6 pages) Tim arrives at a party hosted by his wife's boss. The party itself proves to be very boring for Tim. But he encounters the boss' son, Tristan, who makes it a memorable experience.
Three Houses in Sydney by Sid G
Mb tt –
Slave oral anal – bdsm spank
| 14,500 words (29 pages) A boy is sold to a unique House by his father, where he spends the four years between the ages of 12 and 16 as a slave. He emerges 20 years later – chronologically if not biologically
Trade by Mark E. Dassad
Mt – prost anal
| 2,500 words (5 pages) A young boy into dope, selling his body in the video arcade.
Trash by Debonair
Mb – cons oral anal – spank bond ws
| 3,000 words (6 pages) A short story about a kid who wants to escape the sterile environment of his overbearing mother.
Travels With Nicolau Ribeiro by J.O. Dickingson
Mt tb tt – cons
slave prost mast anal oral – hist.fact (see codes at each individual chapter)
| 450,500 words (901 pages) The adventures of fourteen-year-old Nicolau Ribeiro with boys of various ages, set in Portugal, Africa and the Mediterranean of the late 15th century.
A Trucker and a Boy by Hamilton Joyce
Mb – prost oral anal – interr
| 6,500 words (13 pages) A trucker tells his girlieboy-whore the story of the best fuck he had with a runaway boy.
Unleashed in the East by Debonair
bb tb Mb – cons nc oral anal – prost bond spank interr
| 8,500 words (17 pages) A dad and his son have sexual experiences in a permissive Thailand and the notion of balance in the world. Warning: there is a non-consensual rape scene at the end.
Upstairs Downstairs at the Boyagio by Leonard
Mb tb bb – non-cons reluc cons oral mast anal –
prostitution slavery
role play of many types
| 56,500 words (113 pages) In an alternate world, children can be legally sold into slavery by their parents, with no restrictions on how they are treated. A family who has fallen on hard times sells their boy to a fancy resort that specializes in high-priced vacations featuring sex with boys, and the child must adapt to the challenging, sometimes brutal surroundings. The story aims to be thoughtful about the experience the boy has in addition to describing the many sexual situations that surround him. The boy is frequently forced into situations he does not enjoy; do not read this if you are looking for a warm and fuzzy consensual relationship.
White Slave Boy by Hamilton Joyce
Mb – prost oral anal – interr
| 6,000 words (12 pages) A boy whore thinks he's brought to a new customer. But it turns out different.
Winter Wonderland by Debonair
Mb – cons oral anal – prost
| 3,250 words (6½ pages) The short account of an encounter between a guy and a young hustler.
Zack - A San Carlos Island Story by Slammr
Mb bb – slave
anal oral – prost castration & nullification
| 16,500 words (33 pages) Young, poor 12-year old gay boy is spotted by a 'talent scout', who does him a offer for a position in San Carlos resort.
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