Chapter 1 The Gamekeeper
It was a boiling hot summer day as young Jamie skipped down the country lane. He was returning from his Grandmothers where he had just delivered some bread, and had already been travelling for some 30 minutes. He was tired, hot and thirsty. He had rather stupidly spent the last few minutes running after a butterfly, and when he had eventually given up the chase, sweat was trickling down his smooth forehead, and his thin clothes clung to his body. He still had a long walk ahead of him, and his young heart rose when he saw Mr Jones the blacksmith coming along the road behind him in his cart, his black horse Clover trotting quickly along. Jamie called out to the man when he was close, hoping that he might give him a lift to his home, since Mr Jones would surely be passing the farm where Jamie's family were tenants, on his way to town. However he did not even glance at the boy, the simply cart swept by without slowing down, and continued up the hill. Grumpy old devil, Jamie thought, he obviously felt there was better things to do then stop and help a tired child.
Jamie shrugged then continued up the road. After about 20 minutes he could see the Grange's Country Manor, which was about a half-mile from the lane. The Manor grounds stretched right down to the road, and were protected by a tall hedge that ran along it. He stood for a while and stared at the house, dreaming of what it would be like to live in such a grand place, with servants to perform all the chores for you. He had never seen inside it, but his father had described it to him since he was often summoned before the squire, when he gave his latest decrees to his tenants. He said that there was a wonderful wooden staircase, with animals carved into the sides. The walls were filled with paintings, many portraits of the earlier Granges that had kept the house in the ownership of the family for almost 300 years.
Jamie slowly turned away and carried on his way home. His throat was parched by now, as the sun continued to beat down. After a few minutes he noticed a small gap in the hedge. He left the road, and creeping up to it, he peered inside. On the other side was an orchard. He was about to continue on his way, when he spotted a small fountain about 100 yards inside the orchard. A light spring of water leapt in to the air in the centre, before descending into the bowl below. Jamie pushed his head in a little further and looked around. He could see no one. His throat ached for a drink, and the sight of that cool water cascading into the stone bowl made him yearn to taste it. He knew that it was forbidden for him to enter the squires' grounds, but he thought that just a quick visit to the fountain would do no one any harm. Other children might have been too fearful for such a dare, but not young Jamie. This child was not at all short of boyhood courage, and had a mischievous streak in him that had earned him many a sore behind. The gap in the hedge was very narrow, but Jamie was a small boy, and very slim. He pushed through and after a few seconds was inside. He glanced around him, but could see no sign of anyone, so he dashed to the fountain. The cool water tasted like honey to the boy, and he drank greedily from it. He cupped a handful of it and splashed it onto his face. It ran down his soft cheeks and then on to his slender neck. He drank a little more, then just as he was about to return back to the road, he heard voices, so he dropped down into the long grass. Two figures emerged from behind a clump of trees. He recognised the first as the squire's mean farm manager and gamekeeper Jack Greenall. The other person was young Robert Hill, the baker's son. He was thirteen years old, and used to play with Jamie when they was younger. These days he was too busy taking deliveries to the local gentry and other well off folk. He was a beautiful boy, with soft brown hair and a slim handsome face. He had grown a bit in the last year, but he was still a good head shorter than the gamekeeper. Jack had his hand on the boy's shoulder, and seemed to be leading him further into the orchard. When they got a little closer, Jamie could make out a little of their conversation.
3; but who would know lad, and it will definitely be worth your while" said Jack.
Jamie noticed that he was gently rubbing the boy's shoulder with one hand, while he flipped a coin in the air with his other.
3; I don't know Mr Greenall" stammered the boy, "I've got my deliveries to finish yet, and Dad would tan my hide if he finds out they were late."
Robert looked a little nervous, but Jamie could see that he kept his eyes firmly on the coin.
"Just a few minutes of your time precious, and you will be on yer way."
Jack's hand slipped from the boy's shoulder, and softly patted his bottom. Jamie had never heard Mr Greenall speak so softly, and it gave him the creeps. He had no idea what he wanted the boy for, but knowing the gamekeeper's reputation, he guessed the man was up to no good.
Jack and Robert eventually passed behind some trees further away and out of sight. Jamie waited for a few minutes until he could hear nothing, then slowly got to his feet and started to make his way back to the gap in the hedge. After he had gone only a few paces, he looked up and saw the fruit that was growing here. The tree in front of him was filled with green apples. He glanced round and saw that all the other trees were similarly laden. The apples were not yet ripe, but they still looked delicious to the boy. His family were only poor farmers, so he rarely got to eat fruit, and this was normally some rotten pears that his mother purchased from the market.
However Jamie had been brought up to be a good boy, and in his mind, he could hear the vicar roaring from his pulpit, that God would burn sinners, and theft was a sin. Yet when he looked around him and saw so many apples, he thought, how could one little apple be considered to be stealing, when the squire had so many, far more than he could possibly eat. He reached up to a low hanging branch, but the nearest apple was too far up for him to grasp. He jumped up, but still he could not reach it. Jamie scowled at the tree, and giving it a swift kick, he became more determined than ever that he would have an apple. He looked around him, and saw that the fountain was close to one of the trees. He could climb up on to the bowl, and grab an apple. He again listened carefully, but could hear nothing. So he walked back to the fountain and clambered on. He reached up and could touch the nearest apple with his fingertips. It was a particularly large apple, with a shiny green skin. Jamie stood on the edge of the bowl and reached up to get it.
Unknown to this little boy, was that the fountain had only recently been installed, and the main stone bowl had not yet been properly cemented to its base. Although he was very light, the bowl was top heavy, and required only a little pressure to topple over. As he grasped the apple, the fountain suddenly tipped over and crashed to the floor taking poor little Jamie down with it. Unluckily the tip of the basin hit another large stone that had been lying on the ground, and as it was quite delicately made, the stone bowl crack down the middle and a large chunk broke off. The Golden fish that formed the water sprout also came off and fell to the floor. The water feeding the fountain started to spray the surrounding trees. At first, Jamie just sat and stared in disbelief at what he had done, but then he remembered what a noise the crash had created, and knew he had to run. He got up and started to dash, but a sharp pain ran down his leg, and he was aware that he had banged his knee during the fall. Dismissing the pain he limped quickly to the hole in the hedge. It seemed like an age before he reached it, but when he did, he dived for the entrance and started to pull himself through. Luck was not on his side this day, and just as he had gotten half way through he felt a strong hand grab his leg from behind. A few seconds later he was dragged back through. The hand then seized him by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Jamie looked up, and he was staring directly into the face of the gamekeeper.
"Well who do we have here then? James Hemley, unless I'm mistaken" Jack growled. He turned and pointed towards the fountain, now a pretty sorry sight slumped over on its side. "Did you do that you little wretch?." He shook the boy whilst he spoke.
3; I
3; I'm sorry. I was only
3;" stammered Jamie as he stared helplessly at the gamekeeper.
"Only what!" Jack yelled, and then his glance fell on the shiny green apple still clutched in Jamie's left hand. In all his haste, the child had completely forgotten that he was still holding it.
"Oh I see" The gamekeeper said. "Not only are you a vandal, but you're a thief as well." Jamie simply shivered as it struck him what trouble he was now in.
At this time up walked young Robert, who for some reason had his shirt only partially tucked into his trousers, and his hair was ruffled. He looked rather alarmed when he saw the gamekeeper holding Jamie, and slowly started to back away.
"I'm sorry Sir, but I have to go and make my deliveries now" he said.
Without any further delay, the young teenager turned and ran away. Clearly whatever fate was to befall young Jamie, Robert wished to play no part.
"Come back you young scamp" Jack called "I've not finished with you yet." But it was too late, Robert had already disappeared from sight. "Damn and curse it" swore Jack. When he turned back to face Jamie, he did not look a happy man.
"So what are we going to do with you then?" he growled.
"Please sir, it was a mistake" Jamie said.
"Oh I see, so somehow you accidentally slipped off the road outside, into the squire's private land, knocked over his fountain, and an apple fell into your hand." In other circumstances Jamie would have laughed at this joke, but he saw nothing funny at the moment.
Jack took him by the ear and dragged him off back into the orchard. After they had gone a hundred yards or so he stopped. Jamie noticed some trees had been felled at this point. His eyes fell on a large axe stuck into one of the fallen trunks. He felt for sure that the gamekeeper was going to grab the axe and execute him on the spot.
"Have you any idea what the law does with thieves and vandals?" Jack growled. Jamie simply shook his head, his eyes had still not left the axe.
"Clap them in chains and send them off to Australia they do" he said. At this moment Jamie would have much rather been in Australia than standing in front the scowling gamekeeper.
"You have a long hard thrashing coming to you my boy. It will be on your bare bottom, so take off all your clothes"
Jamie was used to getting spanked on his naked rear, but normally he just had to lower his trousers and bend over. He was confused why he had to take everything off. All the same, considering what he had done, the thought that he was going to get away with naught but a well-deserved thrashing, raised the boy's spirits no end. He quickly removed his light summer shirt and his trousers. Since he was too poor to own underwear, he thus stood before the gamekeeper as naked as the day he was born.
Jack paused a while whilst he stared at the nude boy. His hair was very soft, the curly locks were a light blond colour, that covered the beautiful boy's head like a golden mane. His eyes were a brilliant blue, and despite the terror of the child's situation, a brave mischievous streak could be detected by looking into those deep pools. Jack thought the boy was very skinny, but that was not an unusual trait for youngsters from such a poor background. His slim undeveloped chest was unmarked and wonderfully smooth, and the skin was light brown, so clearly the boy had caught some sun this summer. Looking further down the boy's small genitals nestled within his hairless crotch, before this gave way to his long slim legs, Jack's eyes eventually stopping at the youngster's tiny, dirt smeared feet. All in all a nice little package, although Jack generally preferred slightly older boys. Still he could not stare all day long, he had a job to do, so Jack walked over to a pile of twigs and started searching for a suitable switch. Of course Jamie had been whipped before, which boy hadn't? However, previously it was either his father who used his hand, or his teacher who used a long wooden ruler. He stared fretfully at the ugly looking switches that Jack was sorting. He picked out one particularly long one, then looked at Jamie.
"Go and bend over that log" Jack commanded.
Jamie did as he was asked, keen to get this over with. He winced when he felt the rough bark against his bare skin. Jack walked over to him and felt his small bottom. He had to admit this boy had a lovely ass, with incredibly smooth and soft cheeks. Certainly it was smaller than Robert's, whose naked bottom he had been stroking only a few minutes before, when he was interrupted by the fountain falling. The memory of losing that particular body, who he had been chasing for some time now, suddenly brought a moment of rage to Jack. Without further delay he seized the switch swung it high above his head and brought it crashing down on Jamie's poor little bottom. The boy let out a loud yelp, and Jack stared at the ugly weal that was quickly swelling across Jamie's bum cheeks. It seemed a shame to spoil something that was so beautiful, so he tossed down the switch and sat on the log.
"OK, you're too young for the switch, come and lay over my knees."
Jamie slowly got up and lay himself across his knees. Jack could detect a slight look of relief that he would not have to face another stroke of the switch. Jack laid his hand on his bottom, and stroked the smooth skin, then let his hand slip between the boy's legs, so he could feel the incredibly soft skin on the child's upper thighs. As his finger's explored, the tips lightly brushed the boy's small round balls. Jack could feel his own cock stiffening under the child's light body. Well he thought, there's no way he was going to let this scamp get away with one stroke, so he lifted his hand and started to spank Jamie. He gave him a dozen relatively light spanks to start things off, then stopped to admire his handiwork. The boy's bottom was starting to turn slightly red, but he had only suffered a light punishment so far. Jack stroked the boy's lovely rump for a while, and realising that his own cock was very stiff, decided to shift the boy's position so he was not crushing the long pole.
Jack lifted the boy back on to his feet, intending to lay him over one leg rather than both. As he did this, he noticed that the little boy's own penis was also hard, and was sticking out like a thin pencil in front of him. Jamie had no idea why his little cock was in such a state, it had happened to him the last couple of times his father had spanked him, though his dad had made no comment about it. Jack on the other hand grinned at the sight, and reaching over started to gentle play with the small erection, pulling back the tight skin to reveal the tiny purple head hidden within. Young Jamie closed his eyes and shivered in pleasure. Like all boys, he played with his penis constantly, but the feel of another person's hand on his organ much intensified the pleasure.
Jack watched the boy's reaction to his toying, and he got an idea. Despite his tender age, maybe the youngster could do more than he had originally thought, and he could compensate Jack for the loss of Robert.
"You're enjoying this aren't you boy?"
"Yes sir", Jamie gasped.
"You ever played around with other boys?"
"I don't know what you mean, sir?"
"You know, done what I am doing to you now with other boys."
"No sir, never."
"Hmm, well everybody has to start one day. Tell you what, I will let you off the rest of the spanking if you agree to help me with a little problem I have at the moment."
"What do I have to do sir?"
"Oh nothing bad, boy, just similar to what I am doing to you now."
Jamie did not take long to decide. Whatever it was, it certainly sounded preferable to a hard spanking, as he was well aware that what his bare behind had endured so far was just a warm up. Besides, it was more than just this, the idea of continuing what Jack was doing at the moment was very attractive to the boy. It seemed naughty and forbidden, but still exciting at the same time. It was not just the thought that Jack was going to play with his little cock that Jamie was thinking about, but he had a good idea the man would want him to play with his adult tool as well. For a reason Jamie did not understand, he had always been fascinated by the idea of seeing a grown man naked, and he had even spied on his father taking a bath on occasions. Yet Jack was a much bigger, more powerfully built man than Jamie's dad, and although the youngster was more than a bit frightened of the man, the opportunity of seeing him without his clothes on was not one the plucky youngster intended to miss.
"Okay sir, what do I do?"
"Just do as I say, boy."
Jack let go of the boy's penis, and stood up. He pulled off his jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt. Jamie stood still watching, he was mesmerised by the sight of the man's powerful upper torso, and the thick matted hair that covered his chest and arms. Jack pulled off his boots, yanked down his trousers, stood before Jamie in his thin undergarment. Jamie could see the bulge of the man's cock where it stretched the thin material.
"Why don't you take these off me," Jack said to the boy.
Jamie was trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement, but he knew he wanted to do it. So stepping forward, he took hold of the top of Jack's underwear and pulled it slowly down. As it reached the top of his thighs the man's huge cock leapt out of its confines and almost slapped the boy in the face. Jamie stumbled back, and his young eyes went wide as saucers as he stared at the massive organ. He had never seem anything like it before, it was at least nine inches long, and very thick, bulging veins ran down the entire length, and the top was capped by a large purple head. There was a thick bush of hair at the base, and two large eggs swung underneath like heavy church bells.
Jack laughed when he saw the youngster's reaction.
"Like it, do you boy? Makes your own little thing seem rather pathetic and useless, eh?"
Jamie looked rather ashamedly at his own little cock, it would have fitted inside Jack's many times over.
Jack sat down on the grass, and told Jamie to come and sit beside him. After the boy had done this, Jack once more caressed the child's penis, and again Jamie shivered in pleasure.
"Now then, boy, you do to me, what I am doing to you"
Jamie desperately wanted to grab hold of the huge spear, but being just a bit scared at its dimensions, he hesitated until his curiosity overcame his fear. Reaching over, he took a firm hold of the man's rod, though his little hand only just wrapped round it. He could not believe how warm the thing was, and it sort of pulsated as if it had a life of its own. The youngster grinned up at the man, but Jack was not looking, he had his eyes closed, and was gently moaning as he enjoyed the feel of the boy's soft hand on his most sensitive organ.
"Now boy, keep a firm grip, then start moving yer hand up and down like I did," Jack mumbled.
The man still had his eyes closed, and had let go of the boy's own penis, but the plucky boy was too fascinated with playing with the adult's prick to care. As he slowly jacked the man, Jamie loved the way he made the skin covering the big object slip back and forth over the purple head. The rod was hardening even more as he worked, and the heat it emitted rose as well. Jamie stared mesmerised at the small slit at the top of the two huge glands, and without realising it, his head slowly sank towards it as he tried to get a closer look. When Jack finally did open his eyes, Jamie's head was just a few inches from the top of his prick.
"I see yer know more than yer letting on kid" Jack laughed, misinterpreting Jamie's intentions. "Hell, go on and suck it, I won't mind, as long as yer don't bite."
The thought of doing what Jack said had never occurred to the boy, and at first he was somewhat shocked at the suggestion. Then he started to wonder what it might taste like, and his natural boyhood daring soon overcame his initial reluctance to put his mouth on something he had previously thought was mostly for peeing with. Lowering his head some more, Jamie stuck his tongue out and took a quick lick of the big cock head. It had an unusual texture, smooth and springy, but the youngster did not think it tasted too bad. He licked it a bit more, running his tongue over the taut skin of the man's cock head, then licking the foreskin around the top a bit.
Jack was in heaven, the youngster's soft tongue felt unbelievable on his hot prick. He placed a hand on the boy's head, then roughed the kid's hair whilst he encouraged and instructed him.
"O yeh, that feels real nice, go on, lick down the whole length, then back up again."
Jamie was delighted, and more than a bit proud that the man seemed pleased with him, even though he knew nothing about what he was doing. Given the trouble he was in, the boy knew how important it was to make the man happy with him.
"Yer a natural at this lad, now open that pretty little mouth of yours, and take it inside."
It seemed so big, but the curious child was determined to try. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, Jamie let the monster prick slip into the open cavity. He barely got the head inside when he stopped, his cheeks were puffed out by the large object. Jack pushed steadily down on the boy's head and managed to sink an inch or two of his rod into the small mouth, but he knew there was no way the youngster could take him all in.
"Okay kid, keep yer teeth back, and start sucking like it was yer mother's teat. Swirl yer tongue round as you suck."
Jamie could barely move his tongue at all, his mouth was so full, but he was calm enough to realise he could still breath through his nose. The boy started to gently suck the man's big cock, and after some prompting from Jack, he began to pull his head back and forth, increasing the pleasure for the man.
"Heh, yer doing it great for a little kid, anyone ever told you that yer a born cocksucker?"
Certainly no one ever had, and he would not have known what it would have meant until now. Still a well of pride went through the boy's heart at the thought he was good at something. He was more used to being told by his father and teacher that his was useless at everything. He began trying harder, speeded up his actions, and letting a tiny bit more of the man's big prick slip into his mouth.
The huge swell of pleasure was slowly building within Jack, and he could feel his pole pulsating with every one of the boy's strokes. The child was a raw amateur, that much was sure, and even though Jack had had better blowjobs than this, he admired the daring boy's first attempt. He began rubbing Jamie's naked back, and then moved his hand further down until he was caressing the child's sort little bum. It was certainly a nice bottom, two round globes, jutting out like only a boy's does. All the same, he didn't think it was as nice as Robert's, whose bare rump he had been stroking just a short while before. The baker's son had a firmer, fuller bottom, that just begged to be fucked, something he had just about persuaded the young teenager let him do in exchange for a crown. Jack had never fucked a boy as young as the one sucking him now, and he was not sure he could do it.
Still he may have missed out on a fuck, but the younger kid's soft mouth was reasonable compensation for the gamekeeper. As the boy continued to work, Jack could feel the cum beginning to churn in his balls. Pulling Jamie off his cock he looked into the kid's face, and said.
"Right boy, I'm going to cum soon, that means a thick liquid will come shooting out the top of my cock. That's a man's cream, not piss, so you drink it all up, and that way you will grow big and strong like me, you want that don't you boy?"
Jamie nodded, he was excited by the idea that his little body would eventually look like that of Jack, and he was grateful for anything the man could give him to help him get there. Returning to blowing the man, Jamie did not really know what to expect, but soon could hear the gamekeeper's breathing starting to quicken, and then he started to moan and gasp like he was ill. The boy was a bit worried if he was hurting the man, but since Jack did not ask him to stop, Jamie continued.
Eventually the man's cries had reached fever pitch, and after pushing the boy further onto his erection, Jack's body went stiff, convulsed, then suddenly Jamie felt a warm sticky liquid being squirted into his mouth.
Although a bit surprised by this, the boy remembered what the man had said, and pulling his head slightly off the big pole, he managed to swallow down the first spurt. Still this was quickly followed by many more waves of cum, and the kid could not cope with the flood of it in his mouth. He tried to swallow what he could, but a fair amount dribbled out of his mouth, and down his chin. As Jack began to calm down, he pulled his prick out of the boy's mouth, and telling Jamie to keep it open, he squeezed the last few drops into the open cavity, then used his finger to push the cream that had leaked out back into the boy's mouth.
"That's a good boy, you drink it down and it will make you strong."
Jamie took a big gulp and swallowed down the last big mouthful of Jack's cum, his face grimacing as he did so. It was rather sour, and had a very unusual texture. Still, like the cod liver oil his mother insisted on feeding the boy on occasion, Jamie knew only too well that things that were good for you tended not to be very tasty.
With his orgasm over, Jack quickly dressed, and commanded Jamie to do he same. In a short time, the unusual friendliness that had taken over the man as the pair had indulged in their little games was discarded, and Jack returned to the same gruff tone as when he had first found the boy.
"Well then" he said, "Now that you've compensated for disturbing me, I had better decide what I will tell the squire about your crimes. I would not be surprised if he decides to throw your thieving self and the rest of your family out of your farm, and onto the street."
Jamie just gasped when he realised the consequences of what he had done.
"Oh no, please Mr Greenall, do not let that happen, it was just a big mistake, I am really a good boy" he said, and as he pleaded large tears started to weal up in the boy's eyes.
"Please sir, can't you punish me, whip me, spank me, anything but that."
"Hmm, well you seemed to rather enjoy my last attempt to punish you boy. You have to understand that destruction of an expensive fountain is a very serious crime. Do you really expect me to let you off with just a sore bum."
Jack looked down at the boy. He had such an incredibly cute face, his large blue eyes and little nose perfectly set in his fair face. He was still gorgeous, even now he was looking so distressed, the tears that were started to roll down those soft cheeks seemed to enhance the child's beauty. Suddenly a wonderful idea struck Jack like a hammer, and he smiled at Jamie for the first time.
"Since I am a kind man," he lied, "I will consider not telling the squire, on the condition that you return here, say twice a week, to help me with my chores. Remember that I expect hard work, and you will have to do anything I ask."
The thought of returning to face this man again was not what Jamie wanted, but the possibility of keeping his deeds from the squire's knowledge, and thus saving his family was an opportunity he could not miss.
"Oh yes, yes," he cried "I can work really hard, I will do anything that you ask, I can milk cows, feed the lambs and lots of other things."
It was precisely the other things that were upper most on Jack's mind. It really was turning out to be a good day he thought.
"All right, I want you here on Tuesdays and Fridays at nine sharp, if you're a minute late, then I will march straight to the squire and tell him the whole story."
"I will not be late," Jamie tried to assure him.
"Very well, now get off the squire's land."
Jamie started to head towards the hedge where he had come in, but heard a yell from behind him.
"Not that way, you scoundrel, I don't want you damaging the fence as well, go to the gate."
Jamie tried to run, but due to pain of his banged knee, he found that this was not possible, so he could only trot. Jack strode after him, his long legs easily keeping pace with the child. Within five minutes Jamie had reached the gate and passed swiftly through. As he started back up the lane towards his house, he heard a voice booming behind him.
"Remember now, Tuesday, that's three days from now, don't be late."
Jamie kept on going and did not look back. As he slowly walked home, he reached into his pocket, and there was the apple that had caused all his problems. He must have stuck it into his pocket when the man had led him into the orchid. He was about to throw it down and stomp on the thing for all the trouble it had caused, but stopped himself when he realised that it was his own stupidity that was to blame. So instead, he held it up and took a large bite. It was simply delicious, the sweet juices poured into his mouth and trickled down his throat. As he ate the apple, he thought back on what had just happened to him. Considering what he had done, and what may have happened to his family, it could have been much worse, and he had to admit some of it was real fun. Farmers' lads were certainly a hardy breed!
Chapter 2 Working at the Manor
When he woke up the next day, Jamie stretched out his thin arms, and pulled his young body taunt to bring himself out of his sleepy state. He turned over in bed, and pulled up his nightshirt, so he could see if there was still any signs of the spanking he had had the day before. His baby sister was still sleeping, so she would not disturb him. Jamie noticed that his cheeks had returned to their normal colour, but the weal caused by the switch was still visible as a red line running across both hillocks. That single red line was enough to assure the boy that the strange events of the day before had certainly not been a dream. He was a bit anxious when he thought that he would have to face Jack again, and wondered if he should not go. It occurred to him that he could easily deny that he had ever been inside the squire's grounds. This thought was quickly dismissed, after all, who would believe the word of a small child, when taken against that of a grown-up. In addition he was a rotten liar. Once, when he told his parents he was not responsible for leaving the meadow gate open and letting the cows run off, his father simply looked at him, and saw straight through his untruth. A hard spanking on this occasion had certainly taught him a lesson, and he realised no good could come through lying. No he would go and work up at the Manor, and would help atone for the damage he had done. He was not unused to some hard work, as his family took full advantage of his labour, even at his own tender age. Jamie thought about the things he had done with Jack, and wondered if the man would want to play the same games again. The idea both frightened and excited him, and his little cock went stiff when he once again pictured the naked body of the big man, and that huge prong that led off his body.
A short time later a shout from Jamie's mother came from downstairs for him to get up and get ready for church. There would be no lie in for him this Sunday, not that he ever got one, his mother considered laziness as the devil's work, and Jamie had to rise early each morning to help with chores around the farm. He got dressed in his Sunday best, then went downstairs. After a normal frugal breakfast of bread and milk, the family set off to church.
The Reverend Samuel Collins was in his normal sombre mood. Following a few hymns, and a reading from one of the village children, during which the vicar scowled after each mistake, the man made his way to his pulpit to begin the sermon. It was not long before he had the congregation trembling from his omens, as he described the fate awaiting all the world's sinners. His theme today was the importance of the family unit in guiding the young from the paths of sin. Then he went on, spouting about the evils of fornication. When Jamie asked his mother what fornication meant, she simply told him to be quiet and listen carefully to the good reverend, and not to question what he says.
By Monday Jamie had almost forgotten about Jack, as he played with one of the new kittens during a rare break from his work. He had had a close call Sunday evening during bath time, but had managed to slip quickly in and out without the weal on his bum being spotted.
He picked the small kitten up and hugged it, and saw his mother walking towards him.
"I have just spoken to Mr Greenall, the squire's farm manager, and he says they need a boy to help with the duties up in the Manor," she said. "So during the holidays you will work up there each Tuesday and Friday, for sixpence per day. He has even given me two days money in advance."
Jamie's mother looked very happy at the opportunity to supplement the family's low income, but Jamie returned with a look of apprehension.
"Now, now, there nothing to be afraid of, a little hard work will do you no harm, and it's only for two days a week."
She sat down beside her young son, hugged him gently and kissed him on the forehead.
"They are good folk up at the Manor, and Mr Greenall says that you will get a meal and some milk, he said he would personally make sure of the last point."
Jamie had a reasonable idea exactly what kind of milk the man was referring to. As Jamie's mother hugged the boy, she looked down at her son and gave him a slightly sterner look.
"I want you to behave when you're there, and make sure you do anything your asked to the best of your ability." With that she got up and returned to her work, "Don't forget to collect the eggs" she called from behind her.
Jamie now knew there would be no getting out of a fresh encounter with the gamekeeper, and he would have to make the best of the situation that he could. At least now he had a reason to be away on Tuesdays and Fridays, because up to now he had not even considered how he was going to disappear all day without his parents wanting to know where he was going. As he lightly stroked the kitten still cradled in his arms, he wondered thought about the kind of adventures that he might have up there.
The following morning Jamie was up early, and after a quick wash and breakfast, he starting walking to the Manor. It was another hot day, and he was sweating by the time he made his way up the long drive towards the house. Jamie was 15 minutes early, as he wanted to make sure he was not late on his first day. He could not see the gamekeeper anywhere, so he walked over to the cow shed in one of the old buildings. As he was walking though the door, he almost knocked over a milk girl as she made her way from another room.
"Well, Well what have we got here then" The girl said. "I do not recognise your little face."
The girl was quite portly, and looked to be about 18 or 19. She had a round friendly looking face.
3; I 'm Jamie Hemley, Ma'am," Jamie stammered. "Mr Greenall has hired me to help up here."
"Oh yes" The milk girl replied, "He mentioned that we were getting a new boy to come and help us two times a week." She looked Jamie up and down, then added. "Mind you, I was expecting somebody a bit bigger. How old are you child?"
"Nine, but I will be ten next month"
"Can you milk cows?" The girl asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
The milk girl smiled at the young boy's politeness. It certainly made a pleasant change from the coarse language that came from the stable lads, and other of the Manor's workers.
"I am just a servant like yourself, Jamie, so call me Helen, as that's me name."
Helen patted the boy on the head and smiled down on him. Jamie smiled back, at least some of the Manor's workers seemed a lot nicer than the rotten gamekeeper.
"Well come on, lad, there's work to be done."
Jamie worked with Helen most of the morning, and later was taken to the kitchens were most of the other Manor workers were having lunch. The bulk of the servants were men, with a number of boys between 13 and 17, who worked in the stables or the gardens. Apart from Helen, the other females mostly worked in the house. Jamie was by far the smallest of the servants present, and he was a bit disappointed that there were no children his age he could have some fun with. Since he was new, a lot of the other servants smiled at him, or made jokes about his small size. The lunch was simple but nice, consisting mostly of bread and honey. He also got one of the apples from the orchid, which made his grimace when it brought back the memories of why he was here.
In the afternoon Jamie was assigned to Joe Brackly, a grumpy old chap, who seemed to be the odd job man around the Manor. He took the boy into one of the old sheds, and started working on a broken wheel. He got Jamie running round fetching tools or bits of wood, or cleaning various bits of metal he had removed. Joe did not say much, but grumbled when Jamie was too slow at an assigned task. After a while, Joe had run out of things for him to do, so told him to go to one of the barns and clean some of the tools in there. The blond boy did as instructed, and after finding the metal instruments that Joe had meant, he sat down and started to clean them. After about a half-hour or so, he heard a noise behind him, and three lads walked into the barn. When they spotted the boy, they walked over to him and stared at him for a while, before the tallest of them spoke.
"Who are you then, boy? I ain't seen yer around before."
Jamie looked up at him, and replied. "I'm Jamie, I only started today."
Of the three boys around Jamie, one looked to about 16, and was quite tall, his other two companions were both quite a bit younger, around 13-14. Pulling up straw stacks to sit on, the boys started to examine the new boy.
"You're a bit young to be working here, ain't yer, I guess yer still school age."
"Yes, but the school holiday's are running now, so I can help out during the week," Jamie answered.
"I'd say he looks no more than 8, what yer think Matt?" one of the other lads added.
"I'm almost ten!" Jamie announced, somewhat annoyed at the guess.
"Well I'm pleased to make yer acquaintance, almost 10 Jamie," the older boy said with a laugh, "Me name is Matt, and me buddies here are Jeff and Mark."
With that he shook Jamie by the hand, and was rewarded with a big smile from the younger boy.
"Do you think he plays with himself yet?" Jeff asked his other mates.
"Hmmm, not sure about that" Matt said, "I don't imagine his cock is much of a size to pull on. Well then Jamie, do you touch yourself at night?"
Jamie went bright red at the rather intimate nature of the conversation, and although he had been playing with his little cock for a short while, he was not sure that he was prepared to tell anyone.
"That's none of your business," the young lad answered defiantly.
"Well, well, we can't have that" Matt replied, "look like we're going to have to be persuade him to talk, what you suggest boys?"
"I say we tickle his feet," Jeff suggested.
"Oh no, I can't stand that," Jamie, rather stupidly said.
"Then it's perfect," said Matt.
"You have to catch me first", little Jamie said, and jumping up, he dashed away from the three startled older boys. They immediately gave chase, but Jamie used his small size well, dodging under a plough which the other three had to clamber over. He then started to scale the stacked bales of straw, but Matt, pulling away two at the bottom of the pile caused a number to break off and coming crashing down, along with the blond haired lad. Matt caught him as he fell and, then placed him on his back on top of one of the fallen bales. Matt and Jeff were either side of him, holding his arms, with Mark holding his legs.
"Well my young friend, we asked you are question, are you prepared to talk?"
"No," Jamie answered. Matt was pleased to see that the lad had a grin on his face, and realised they were just playing a game.
"Then I propose a three pronged tickle attack, ready lads", and without further delay the two boys at Jamie's sides started to tickle his ribs, or under his arms, whilst Mark took his shoes off and started on the poor boy's feet. Of course he instantly burst out laughing, and pleaded with his tormentors to stop, but they continued.
"Will you talk?"
"Ha, Ha, Nooo," the child wailed in reply, so they doubled their efforts and soon tears were streaming down the boy's cute face as he tried to resist. Eventually he could stand it no longer, and said.
"I'll talk, I'll talk, just stop please."
"Well then Jamie, do you play with yourself?"
"Yes," he replied, as his laughter slowly subsided into giggles.
"Really, what do you do?" Mark asked.
"That's private," Jamie pleaded.
"Shall we start again then?" Matt said.
"No, No, I'll tell you," the blond boy answered. "I just rub myself, you know, down there."
"Hmmm, I'm not sure we do know, maybe you will have to show us," Mark giggled.
Yet poor Jamie was not going to get his chance, as at this time Jack walked into the barn and over to the four lads in the straw.
"What do you lot think yer doing? Did you create this mess?"
"Oh, we're sorry Jack, we were just getting to know the new boy," Matt stammered.
"Well you can just stop now, get this placed cleared up and go back to work." Jack leaned over and pulled Jamie to his feet.
"You're coming with me boy," he said, "and the rest of you, keep away from this kid, his mine ok?"
"We're sorry, we were just playing with him."
"Well play with something else, and do it in your own time," and with that Jack left pulling the hapless Jamie along with him.
"What a bastard Jack is, taking Jamie away when it might have been fun," Matt said.
"Why, what would you have done with him?" Mark enquired.
"Oh, nothing much, he was a bit young to go too far, I would not have done anything that he wouldn't have liked," Matt replied.
"Do you think Jack will fuck that young lad?" Jeff asked "He's got a big cock to use on such a small boy."
"I don't know," Matt answered, "Jack's certainly mean enough to do it, poor little thing, he shouldn't mess with them at that age."
"Well all I know is that Jack shoved his big pole up me last week, and he was so rough me poor hole was sore for the rest of the day. I wished he'd leave me alone," Mark said.
"Me too," Jeff agreed, "I don't like it when he fucks me."
"You're just a couple of young wimps," Matt said. "Personally speaking, Jack can fuck me anytime he likes, it takes a good sized prick to satisfy me."
"It's only because your huge uncle has been buggering you ever since you were a young whipper," Jeff said.
"It's true, me uncle is a blacksmith, and his cock is this big," Matt splayed his arms out fully to demonstrate its length, and the other two boys laughed at his blatant exaggeration.
"Well I can't offer you that," Jeff laughed. "But if you fancy fucking rather than being fucked, you can have this," and turning round he dropped his trousers giving the other boys a view of his soft round butt.
"We'd better not," Mark said. "Jack will kill us if he sees us having sex when we should be working."
"Jack will be busy for ages playing with poor Jamie. Anyway, all this sex talk has made be damn horny, look," and the other two followed his gaze to where his cock had made a tent in his trousers."
"OK then," Mark said. "But let's drop the preliminaries."
"Fine with me," Matt replied and rapidly started to strip off his clothes. When he was finished, Matt started to pull on his 6 inch erection whilst the other boys followed his lead, until a few moments later, all three of the young teens were naked. Matt had a fair quantity of soft pubic curls at the top of his crotch, but the rest of his body was still hairless. Mark had a handful of solitary hairs round his prick, whilst Jeff had none at all, the area over his crotch still as smooth as a babies. Both of the younger boys' organs had developed to a good 4-5 inches when erect, their balls having already dropped, and they could shoot sperm. Mark got on to his knees, and started sucking on Matt, whilst Jeff presented his tool to the eldest boy, who quickly gobbled it down.
After about two minutes of cock sucking, Jeff span round and presented his soft white globes to Matt, who gently prised them apart and admired the pink asshole within. Without delay he started licking the younger boy's hole, and was soon thrusting his tongue deep into the boy, which quickly had Jeff squirming in delight. Meanwhile Mark was busily sucking on Matt, whilst wanking his own tool into a reasonable erection. After a few minutes of being rimmed, Jeff could stand the wait no longer, as his ass was on fire, yearning to be filled. He laid belly down on a bale of straw, looked back at Matt, and yelled, "Fuck me now."
Matt was not one to ignore such a plea, and detaching from Mark, positioned himself behind the younger boy. Lining his hard member up against the target, he pushed into the lad in a single thrust, immediately beginning a steady fucking action. Mark, finding himself left out, went round to Jeff's head and presented him with his cock to suck. Jeff was happy to pop it inside, sucking his friend's erection deep into his mouth. When Mark was happy that it was sufficiently lubricated, he walked back round to Matt's pumping ass, and shoved his cock up the elder boy's well-used hole. Being sandwiched like this, soon drove Matt wild, and both boys started fucking at a crazy pace. Matt was the first to shoot, depositing his load up Jeff's young ass, with Mark following soon after. However, realising that Jeff was still frantically pulling his prick to get relief, Matt kept on pumping away until young Jeff sprayed the straw with his seed. The three boys collapsed in a heap and lay enjoying the post sex feeling, being in no hurry to recommence work.
Meanwhile Jamie had been led by Jack to an out building a small distance from the Manor. The man pushed the boy inside and Jamie looked around. It seemed to be a tool shed of some sort, being filled with all kinds of disorganised clutter. In the centre of the room was a small wash tub, about one-foot high. It was half filled with water.
"Right boy, as you got yourself in a mess, get undressed and get clean," Jack ordered. He handed Jamie a small bar of soap, and then sat down to watch. Jamie hesitated, then looked at Jack.
"What are you waiting for? I've seen your bare little body before, yer got nought to hide from me."
Fortunately Jamie was not the modest kind, being well used to having no privacy when he bathed in the kitchen at home. So he stripped off his clothes, and walked over to the tub. It was too small for him to sit in, so he had to wash himself standing up. Clearly this left nothing out of sight for Jack, and he had a good stare at the gorgeous view. Jack admired the boy's slender back and shoulders, especially the place where his back met the lovely curves of his bottom. He shuddered at the thought of what heavenly hole was hidden by those two fleshy globes. Jamie's skin was near perfect, it was soft and silky smooth, with hardly a single blemish to interrupt the uniformity of pink flesh. He smiled as he contrasted the child's clean back and bottom to the dirt-covered sections that were not covered by his clothes. After a few minutes of scrubbing, these parts too were restored to their former glory. Jack could barely contain himself, as he watched this beautiful child in his most natural state, and his cock was bursting to be freed. Wandering up to Jamie, he took the soap from the boy's hands.
"I had better make sure you did not miss anywhere, I know what dirty little things you farm children can be," he said.
Applying some soap to his hands, Jack started to rub them over Jamie's ravishing body. He started with the boy's back, but quickly moved down to caress his small bottom and the top of his slim thighs. Jamie's skin was delicious to touch, being soft and warm, the flesh firm, yet yielding easily when squeezed. Jack noticed that the weal he had caused with the switch a few days back had almost completely disappeared, the young flesh quickly healing. Jack ran a finger between Jamie's bum cheeks. Finding the asshole he so greatly desired, the man had no trouble inserting the tip of his index soap covered index finger.
"Tight in here I see", Jack laughed, and pulled his finger out.
Jamie had been rather startled as the man's finger had invaded his most intimate part, but for some reason it made his body quiver all over. Jack moved his hands to the child's front. He tweaked the pink nipples of that beautiful chest between his thumb and forefinger, and the boy shuddered. He moved on down, rubbing the belly, and finally his hand brushed across Jamie's little prick. He took the slender rod between his fingers and started to pull on it. Within seconds the soft flesh sprang to life, and was soon rock hard. Jack smiled, and gently prised the foreskin back, revealing the purple glands hidden beneath. As Jack gently started to wank the boy, Jamie shuddered with pleasure. When the man noticed the child's reaction, he laughed.
"You're enjoying this, you little monkey, well we're here to see to my needs, not yours."
With that said, Jack let go of Jamie's prick and stood back. He then told the boy to get out of the tub and wash his clothes. Jamie did as he was told, and tried to collect his thoughts together. He could not understand why it had felt so good when the man had run his rough hands over his little body. It had never felt like this when his mother bathed him, and the pleasure of the man pulling on his small penis had just been incredible. Yet it was all over so soon, the lovely feeling inside him had just started growing, when it was suddenly stopped. Perhaps, he thought, this was just another way the gamekeeper was punishing him. Whilst Jamie washed his clothes in the water, Jack positioned himself so that he was directly behind him. He was rewarded with the sight of a little pink asshole, and the smooth skin between that and the youngster's balls. All were revealed in great detail, as Jamie knelt in front of the tub, bending right over in order to scrub the clothes, his legs spread apart to improve his balance. It was all too much for Jack, and he quickly stripped off his clothes, then ordered the boy to hang up his clothes and come to him. Jamie was not surprised when he saw Jack naked, and once more admired the man's strong physique. His eyes locked on the large dick that stood out in front of the adult, and if anything it looked bigger than he had remembered. Jamie was not sure whether he should be frightened or excited.
"OK, Sweety," he said softly, "Take my willy into that mouth of yours just like you did last time."
"Are you going to give me some more of that milk to make me strong?" the boy asked.
"Hmmm, maybe, if you are a good boy."
Jamie's little heart was beating fast now, and although he did not understand why, he desperately wanted to suck that big pole once more. He knelt down and slipped the large uncapped head between his lips. As he sucked the man's cock for the first time, he could taste the piss still clinging to it since the adult had last relieved himself.
"Put your hand on the shaft," Jack ordered, "And move it up and down in time with your sucking. When he felt the child's soft hand wrap round the base of his cock, Jack threw back his head and let out a groan of ecstasy. Jamie had trouble getting his small hand round the thick rod, but he moved it up and down as he had been asked.
"Try opening you mouth a little bit more baby, I am sure we can get more in." With that he started to push his cock further into the young boy's mouth. Jamie choked as the rod started to invade deeper inside and tried to pull away, but Jack had his hand firmly behind his head.
"Relax, boy's mouths are designed to let a man's prick in deep," Jack said. With another heave Jamie felt the head hit the back of his throat, but there was still only half of the shaft inside. Breathing now exclusively through his nose, Jamie began to suck greedily on the huge prong filling his mouth. He lifted his eyes up and looked at Jack. The man had closed his own eyes now, and his face was tense. Jack started to quicken his thrusting in the boy's mouth, making it difficult for the boy to suck, so Jamie let the man dictate the pace.
After what seemed like ages for the boy, Jack suddenly spoke.
"That was very good precious, now go and lean over the tub like you did when washing yer clothes. I have something very special for you."
Jamie did not know what the man meant, and he was a bit disappointed that he had not been given his drink. Still he obeyed Jack, and made his way over to the wash tub, kneeling down in front of it.
"Okay, now lean right inside, and spread those pretty legs of yours real wide."
Jamie heard from behind him. The boy again did as he was told, his young heart beating so fast, he thought it would leap out of his chest. Jack knelt down behind the boy, spending a long time stroking the lovely bottom that was so completely exposed. Occasionally the man would lean down to plant a light kiss on one of the boy's glorious globes. Jack too was feeling nervous, he was unsure of what he was about to do next, but his own lust had taken over his good sense. He carefully prised apart the boy's buttocks, and once more admired the small virgin hole hidden inside. It was an object of beauty, clean and slightly wrinkled, and a mixture of dark pink and brown in colour. The hole was closed tight, clearly indicating that it was not ready for receiving visitors. Jack pushed slightly down on the small of Jamie's back, so that the boy's bum was thrust further up into the air, and dragged the kid's knees wider apart, so that the anus was further exposed. Pushing his face deep into the kid's ass, Jack breathed in the delicious boyhood scent, then started licking the puckered hole. He had hardly started, when he felt Jamie's body tense up, but the man continued to lap away at that small hole, lathering it with his own saliva. Pulling Jamie's lover body slightly into the air, he then licked at the delicious patch of soft sensitive skin between a boy's anus and the base of his balls, running his tongue in long lines along this and over the small pink hole.
Jamie's senses had gone wild, never had he ever felt such incredible feelings run through his young frame. The idea that the hole he pooed through could be the source of such pleasure was utterly bizarre. For a short while, as Jack lathered his hole, the youngster was lost to the world, his mind completely taken over by the lust in his body. Yet it was not to last, Jack, happy that he had lubricated the kid's hole sufficiently ceased his licking, and leaned up. He chuckled maliciously when he realised what a state the boy was now in, he could see only too well how much pleasure the youngster had had from his long wet tongue. How little the boy understood that the man's motives had little to do with the enjoyment of the boy, and were simply a preparation for the far greater pleasure he was intending to receive. Keeping Jamie in his exposed position, Jack shuffled up, and laid his now straining cock against the soft cheeks of the boy's rump. Grabbing hold of the two cheeks he pulled then roughly apart, stretching hard until the little hole popped slightly open. As Jack lined his huge cock head up against the small anus, he looked down at Jamie and smiled. The boy had still not recovered from the enjoyment of his ass licking, but he was going to receive a rude awaking as his pleasure would be rapidly turning to pain. Yet the man cared little, for him all that matter was his own feelings, his own intense pleasure, his own wish to plough deep into a virgin ass. He paused a second, as if savouring the moment of victory, then plunged down into the waiting hole.
Chapter 3 Bread and Milk
It was three days before Jamie's hole stopped hurting. He was still stunned how such incredible pleasure had turned into such searing pain in the space of a few moments. It seemed the man was determined to torture the boy with a mixture of the most exquisite pleasure, and the most horrible pain. Jack had both fascinated and frightened the boy at the start, but it was the latter emotion that now took precedence. Whenever he sighted the tall frame of the gamekeeper, the boy's heart started beating fast, the hair standing up at the back of his neck. That Friday he again returned to the Manor, and the day followed a similar pattern as his first, with Jamie working all day, then Jack leading him off to one of the many small buildings that were scattered around the large Manor grounds. He did not say much on this occasion and appeared to be in a foul mood for some reason. By the smell of his breath, Jamie knew that he had been drinking. After he had stripped, Jamie sucked him first like last time, but he quickly grew impatient and forcing the boy to the ground he shoved his cock up the child's ass. The pain was less than the first time, although the man had fucked him rather brutally. When it was over, Jamie reflected on the change in the way Jack treated related to him. At their first two encounters, Jack had possessed a kind of friendliness, which although rather creepy, had been enough to put the boy at ease. The man had even tried to ensure that Jamie had some pleasure from their games, but he had been allowed to get little from their third meeting, the man not even bothering to touch the youngster's little penis. Jamie could see that perhaps at the start, Jack had been putting on a kind of act to gain the boy's co-operation, but now his true colours were showing through, that of a selfish mean man.
Jamie had all weekend to recover from that experience, and fared somewhat better on the next Tuesday. This time after working most of the afternoon on his own in one of the Manor cellars, cleaning old bottles, Jack walked in. He seemed to be a big hurry, but was not brutal to the boy. He simply pulled down his breeches and demanded a blowjob. After just a few licks he was telling Jamie to be faster, and within five minutes flooded the boy's mouth with his spunk. Jamie drank the sour liquid down and Jack immediately left. The boy had not even removed his own clothes. Jamie did not mind sucking off Jack, it was far preferable to having it stuck up his bum. In fact the boy got excited as he sucked away at that long prong, and he still believed that the magically liquid would help him grow up to be strong. After Jack had left, perhaps as a combination of this fear and excitement, Jamie discovered his penis was rock hard, and he spent some time playing with it in some compensation that the man had not done this for him.
On his Friday visit, Jamie spent the morning with Helen milking the cows. It was hard work, but Jamie did not mind milking and Helen was always chatting away, telling stories and jokes about the other servants. He found out that nobody liked the gamekeeper, and he was always rude and mean to his charges. In a hushed voice, Helen whispered to her young helper, that she had heard rumours that Jack Greenall messed around with some of the young boys that worked here, but she did not go into any details. Jamie felt like saying, well he certainly plays with me, but decided to hold his tongue. After one encounter, the man had told Jamie that their little games would remain their secret, just like the secret that Jamie had destroyed the fountain. The boy was happy that this remained so, as he still feared the consequences of the squire finding out what he had done. Since Helen was the kind of girl that you could guarantee would quickly spread any rumours round the other workers, Jamie certainly wanted to keep her out of any secrets between him and the rotten farm manager. Instead Jamie asked Helen about the master, Mr Grange.
"Well I have had very little to do with him, I've only seen him on a few occasions. The family don't have much contact with us non-residential servants" she said. Helen was referring to the workers that did not live at the Manor, but travelled into work from neighbouring farms or villages. It appears this was the bulk of the staff, and all of the farm staff. Only a few household servants resided there permanently.
"Though I feel sorry for the squire, his wife died a number of years ago I heard, leaving him to bring up their three children on his own. Must be real lonesome for him, in that big house alone."
"He seems quite hard on my father, whenever he goes up to see him," Jamie said.
"Well he's no charity man, that's for sure," Helen agreed. "Still I suppose he would be a poor landlord if he did not probably attend to the running of the estate. The Granges would not have been in charge of this place all these years if they were soft. I have heard that he has little patience for tenants that do not pay the rent on time."
After a good lunch, Jamie was set to work with old Joe again. The old man spent most of the afternoon smoking his pipe, but got his young worker mending some sacks. It was around five in the afternoon, and Jamie had still not received a visit from the gamekeeper, and he was beginning to wonder if he might escape his attentions today. Suddenly a small head popped round the side of the door in the barn where Jamie was working. It was William, one of the stable lads.
"Heh Jamie, gamekeeper wants to see yer in tool shed, up yonder," the boy yelled. As quickly as the head had appeared, it promptly vanished again.
"Well get moving, yer young scamp," Joe shouted, "Mr Greenall does not like to be kept waiting."
Jamie leapt up and ran towards the tool shed, which was in a meadow close to the house. He was in no hurry to meet Jack, but did not want him to be in a bad mood, as he knew it would be worse for him. When he got to the door, he paused in order to give him some time to pluck up the courage to face another encounter with Jack. Unexpectantly, he heard voices within the shed, but as this did not change the fact that he had been summoned, Jamie walked straight in.
The sight that befell him was certainly not what he had expected. Jack was there, but next to him was young Robert, the baker's son, standing there naked in all his glory. Robert looked over at Jamie and turned bright red at being seen in such a compromising position. Jamie had seen Robert au naturel before, but that was two or three years ago, when the two children had played nude in one of the nearby streams. He had certainly grown since then, and had a healthy athletic body, although it was still very much that of a boy. His long legs were slender and supple, they had grown strong from the many miles he cycled each day. Jamie gazed at the boy, he really was beautiful, and his body very much complemented the handsome face that was all that could normally be seen. Finally his attention fell on the young teenager's crotch. Jamie whooped in surprise, since the boy's young rod stood rigidly to attention. He had seen Robert's penis before, but not in this state. Compared to Jack's it was quite small, less than four inches in length and very thin, and there was as yet still no hair curled around the base. Jamie thought that it was really cute and smiled, which caused Robert to blush even more. With Robert here, Jamie was hopeful that this encounter with Jack was going to be a lot more fun.
Jack had his hands all over the older boy, and one of them seemed to be permanently caressing his bottom. The other ran over his nipples and rubbed the lad's smooth, hairless chest and belly. Jack barely acknowledged Jamie's presence after the young child had entered. He simply gave the young boy a quick glance, then bent down his head and kissed Robert fully on the lips. Jamie noticed that the man's tongue shot out and inserted itself into the youth's mouth, exploring the contents. The kiss was a long deep one and seemed to last for ages. As it continued, Jack's hand slipped down and cupped Robert's prick, and the small sack dangling underneath it. When he broke away from the boy, the man's look was fully of tenderness and longing. It occurred to Jamie that Jack had never kissed him, and had not looked at him the way he was admiring this ravishing young teenager.
"Get undressed, Jamie, and come over here."
Not being very modest, Jamie had little embarrassment undressing in front of the man and boy, particularly since his former play chum was already naked. As he slipped off his trousers, he noticed Robert looking at him. The older boy smiled and said he thought Jamie looked smashing. This time it was the younger kid that blushed, but he was proud that someone as handsome as Robert had complemented his slim frame. Jack had also stripped off, and as always his prick stood out fiercely in front of him, dwarfing the sausage that stuck out from the older boy. Jamie was convinced that Jack's prick kept getting bigger each time he saw it. The boy was relieved that the man looked unusually happy today, and was hopefully that the gamekeeper would be gentle with him.
"OK, I want the pair of you to kneel in front of me and take turns to suck me," Jack ordered. The two boys approached the man, then knelt down before him, not knowing who had to go first.
"Robert, take my prick in your hand and guide it into this scamp's mouth."
Although hesitant at first, the young teenager did as he was told, and Jamie's mouth opened wide to accept the well-known intruder. Robert looked in fascination as he watched Jamie suck the head, then lick down the long shaft, the baker's son's own prick becoming even harder. He had never seen such a sight before, and shuffled closer to the boy to get a better view. This caused the bodies of the boys to come into contact along one side, and Jamie thrilled at the feel of the soft warm skin rubbing up against his own. He particularly liked it when Robert's firm buttocks brushed against his own small cheek. To improve his balance Robert had placed his free hand behind Jamie and was holding onto his hip. This caused the two bodies to come into closer contact, and Jamie felt the warmth of the boy flowing into him. Robert started to gentle stroke Jamie's bum, and the soft hand of the boy felt so much better than when Jack roughly handled him.
"Very good baby," Jack gasped. "Now take my tool in your little hand and place it between Robert's lips."
Robert looked a little scared, but his eager eyes betrayed that he was excited to try out what he had been watching. As Robert's mouth was larger than the younger boy's, Jack's cock slipped in easier and more of it was lodged inside. Robert started to suck the huge rod, and got his first ever taste of a man's cock. As he did so, Jamie expertly used his hand to move the skin up and down in time with the boy's sucks. Jamie looked into Robert's big brown eyes and was surprised to see how much that the boy seemed to be enjoying himself. He was pleased that he was not the only one that seemed to get excited when sucking another male's hard member.
"OOOh yes, this is what I call a real mouth," Jack moaned.
His hands gently ran through the soft brown hair on the youngster's head, and he tried to push his cock further in. After a good five minutes, Jack commanded the boys to swap tasks again, and he was thus back in to Jamie's mouth. This continued with the man thrusting his cock into one boy's mouth and then the next. Jamie noticed that Jack remained longer between Robert's lips, which he was happy enough about, but felt a bit left out. Finally Jack could keep going no longer, he pulled his prick from Robert's mouth and taking hold of the boy's shoulders, pulled him upright. He led him towards one of the workbenches in the tool shed, then moved some of the junk upon it to clear some space. He curled his hands around the boy and kissed him passionately, firstly all over his face, and then on his lips. Their embrace lingered and their hard cocks crushed against each other. Jamie could see Robert shivering in excitement, and he was a bit jealous, wondering what it would be like to be kissed in such a way.
"Lean over the bench my darling" Jack whispered.
Robert looked a bit apprehensive, though he knew enough to realise what was going to happen next. He had agreed to let Jack fuck him, though the boy had no experience in this matter, and had little idea what to expect. Still he was not going to back out now, and look like a coward in front of Jamie, so he lay himself down, leaving his lovely buttocks exposed to their fate. Jack knelt down and gently stroked and rubbed the boy's behind, then pushed his face into the soft, warm flesh and started to kiss them all over. After a few minutes of this he got up and pulled apart the youngster's cheeks. He then turned to Jamie.
"Over here, little devil," he shouted. Jamie approached the two figures, then looking down between the boys wide spread cheeks saw his small pink bumhole exposed to the air.
"Now lick his asshole, boy, and make sure you get it good and wet."
Jamie was not at all keen on licking the spot that Robert shat out of, but it looked clean and kind of cute. He also remembered how much pleasure he had received when Jack had licked him there, and he was curious to see if his old playmate would find this odd act equally pleasurable. So Jamie knelt down and got to work. He ran his soft tongue around the hole, and Robert gasped in utter pleasure. Jamie could see the boy's stiff pole bouncing up and down beneath the bench, and his buttocks started to squirm around. Seeing what an effect he was having on him, Jamie started to lick faster and harder, which soon drove the older boy into delirium. By pushing hard with his tongue, the little pink hole opened up, and Jamie could push a little of the way in. He found that the taste of the boy's ass was not as unpleasant as he had thought, and was thrilled with the effect he was having on his friend.
Jack could bear it no longer, he seized Jamie by the shoulders and pushed him roughly out of the way. The man's long prick was as stiff as ever, and still glistened from the sucking it had received from the two kids. He ran his hands down the teenager's back and across his bare bum. Positioning his prick so that it was aimed between Robert's cheeks he again roughly pulled then apart and exposed the target to its fate.
"I have waited a long time for this my lad," he said. "Bear it like a man, and remember the reward you will receive at the end."
With that, he placed his cock head up against the boy's bum hole. Jamie, who appeared to have been completely forgotten, had a full view of the proceedings. He stared in amazement at the totally disproportionate dimensions of the huge cock compared to the little hole it stood at the entrance off. He simply could not believe that it would be able to penetrate such a tiny opening, although he remembered that the big pole had successfully been pushed into him.
After a short pause, while Jack relished the feeling of his coming triumph, his prick leapt forward into the breach to press home the attack. In an instance the small hole was massively stretched and the swollen head lodged inside. Robert, who had been revelling in the feelings Jamie had just given him, was suddenly brought straight back to his senses and yelled out in pain.
"Ow,Ow, Mr Greenall Sir, that hurts," he cried.
Jack simply laughed. "Nothing is earned without a little pain. Just lie still and wait, the hurt will pass."
The man pressed his two great hands on the boy's shoulders, and had his legs pinning Robert's, so the lad's thrashing around failed to dislodge its attacker. Eventually the boy's movements slowed down, and he lay still. Jamie could see big fresh tears rolling down Robert's cheeks, as the boy quietly cried. Jamie did not like seeing his friend hurt like this, and half wished it was him lying down there being penetrated. Jack's face was set in totally ecstasy, and very slowly he began to push himself further in. Robert winced occasionally, but seemed to have overcome the worst when he was initially penetrated. Jamie could see that the older boy was coping better with his first time than he had. Although Jamie had been ass fucked two times already, this was the first time he was able to watch it happen. Despite his worry for Robert, he could not turn his eyes from the sight of the large log slowly moving into the boy. Suddenly Jack lunged forward and he was buried inside to the hilt. Jamie could now only see the man's abdomen pressing against the other boy's fleshy bottom, the huge rod completely hidden from sight, totally absorbed inside the prone teenager. Jack let out a long groan, held his position, then slowly started to withdraw, so that Jamie saw the shaft reappear. After only the head was still inside, the man again pushed back inside. This continued until slowly the pumping action started to get faster and faster. Jamie glanced over and looked at the boy's lovely face. It was set in a grimace showing that he was suffering considerable discomfort, but was not crying out, so Jamie hoped that he was not in a too much pain. Jack seemed blind to whatever the boy may be feeling, he simply kept thrusting and thrusting, his whole body tingling with the joy at the sensation of the kid's tight warm ass clinging to his swollen shaft. The man's shouts became louder and louder, and it was clear he could hold back no longer. His legs tensed, and his bottom cheeks clenched together, then the warm sticky fluid gushed from his prick and shot deep into the beautiful boy's ass. After one of the biggest discharges of his life, Jack slumped forward and lay panting on top of the trapped boy.
Jamie just stood there not knowing what to do next. He hoped the big man had expired after all that effort, but after a few minutes rest, Jack got up and pulled his now limp tool from Robert's ass.
"Time for your milk, kitten," Jack said to Jamie. "Kneel down and lick his ass again"
Jamie did as he was commanded, and surveyed the scene. Robert's asshole was now a large gaping opening, in complete contrast to the little pink bud it had been earlier. He also noticed that the boy's penis was still hard, so it seemed he had actually extracted some kind of pleasure from the buggering. Jamie began licking at stretched hole, but there were only traces of Jack's sperm round the opening. However Jack pulled the older boy upright and started to kneed his buttocks, and the hot sticky liquid oozed out of his ass and into the younger child's waiting mouth. Considering where it had been, this did not improve the flavour, and poor Jamie winced at the unpleasant taste. Even as the last of the liquid had come out, Jamie continued to lap at the boy's bumhole, and even pushed his tongue right in, which was a much easier task than it had been before. He moved his hand round to Robert's front and noticed that the boy's cock was starting to swell even more. Jamie took hold of the rod, and started to pull it with his fingers whilst speeding up the licking he was giving from behind.
"OK, now stop that," Jack said. "You've gotten all the milk now and I have finished with the pair of you so get dressed."
Jamie slowly got up and Robert rose from the bench. The elder boy had certainly not finished with his friend, and looked down helplessly at the rigid prick between his thighs.
"Thank you, Jamie," the boy said, and leaning over he gently roughed the young child's hair. Jamie blushed, then retreated back to get to his clothes. After he had dressed, he watched Robert slowly pulling on his breeches, then head for the exit. It appeared that he was having some difficulty moving fast, and winced when he walked. Jack walked over to the boy and laid his hands on his shoulders.
"Well then lad, did you enjoy your first ass fuck?"
"It hurt, you were too big," the boy answered.
"It always hurts at the start, but soon you will learn to enjoy the feeling of a large rod ramming into you, and you will crave after a prick as big as mine."
"Can I have my pay please, Sir."
"Yes of course my lovely, you deserve every penny." With that said, Jack pulled a crown from his pocket and handed it to the boy. Robert's eyes opened wide as he admired the coin, and started to dream of what he could do with it. He placed it in his pocket and walked out of the door. Poor Jamie got nothing, just a barked order from the mean man.
"Get back to your work now boy, then you can go home."
As he left the shed, Jamie could see Robert wheeling his bike up the Manor drive, the undelivered bread loaves poking out of the basket in front. Clearly riding the thing was out of the question at this moment.