PZA Boy Stories


The Deal


Caleb's unfortunate accident is fortunate for me

Publ. May 2017
Finished 4,000 words (8 pages)


Caleb (13yo) and his adult friend

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt – cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


When I moved into the new subdivision, I was the first to occupy a house on my street. Soon afterward a young family moved into house next door. A man and wife and their nine year old son and four year old daughter.

We didn't become best friends, but still neighborly. Chatting on occasion, borrowing tools, that sort of thing.

The boy, Caleb, was a pistol. Very precocious, always doing something naughty. After three years of living there, he pretty much had free reign, coming and going, and I never saw or heard his parents reel him in.

I was just about to mow my yard one Saturday morning, when Caleb came over. "I'll mow your yard if you'll pay me."

"Running low on funds are you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sorta. I crashed my bike into Mr. Johnson's new Cadillac. My dad says I have to pay for the repairs and to get my bike fixed."

"I can see how that would be a problem. So, how much to mow my yard?"

"Twenty bucks. But I use your mower. If I use ours, I have to buy gas and stuff."

"Sounds reasonable. Deal," I said holding out my hand to shake.

I was all for this kid learning a lesson on the value of a dollar. And respecting other people's property. I don't know how much he was going to need, but repairs on a new Cadillac couldn't be cheap. He would probably have to mow my yard every week for the next couple of summers.

When he was through, he rang the doorbell. I made a big show of inspecting his work just to let him know that a job should be well done in order to earn one's pay.

"I guess it's satisfactory. Put the mower in the garage, and come in through the kitchen door."

When he entered, I pushed the button to close the garage door. "Would you like a Coke, to cool you off?"

"Sure. I got no place to be."

I got two out of the fridge and sat with him at the kitchen table. As we drank our Cokes I studied him for a moment. I noticed a light dusting of blond hair on his lip. I guess I hadn't really paid much attention to him lately, I hadn't noticed him growing up.

I thought I'd embarrass him some and said, "That fur on you lip is new. Pretty soon you'll be sprouting hair all over."

"I already am," he responded.

That wasn't what I was expecting him to say, so I just nodded. After a few more sips of our drinks, I reached for my wallet to pay him.

"For another five dollars, I'll show you," he volunteered.

I wasn't expecting that either. I pulled a twenty from my wallet, and looked at him a moment. He smiled at me, I pulled out a five, and laid them both on the table in front of him.

Caleb picked up the money and put it in his pocket. Then very casually unsnapped his jeans, slowly slid the zipper down, and put his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear. He knew he had my attention, and I couldn't help staring right where he wanted me to.

I watched as his thumbs pulled the waistband down agonizingly slow. At first I could only see his bare pubis, but as more was revealed, I finally see a few sparse hairs, and maybe an inch of the base of his dick. I couldn't really tell if it was soft or hard, it was flat down.

I know he could hear my heart throbbing in my chest, and maybe I swallowed hard, before he let his underwear snap back into place, and fastened his jeans.

A week later, very early Saturday morning Caleb rings my doorbell. "Want me to mow your yard?"

"Sure Caleb. Same price as last time?"


I opened the garage door and let him get the mower.

When he finished, he just came into the kitchen like before. "Want a Coke?"

He nodded and sat at the table. I got the drinks and sat with him.

"How much do you need to save for the repairs?" I asked him.

"A lot."

"Are you doing other lawns to get the money?"

"I haven't found any others to do. With my bike messed up I can't go very far to find any either."

"How much have you got so far?" I asked.

"Twenty five. Just what you gave me last week."

"It's gonna take you a long time at that rate," I replied.

"Yeah. I know. Do you 3; uh 3; Have another five?"

I could hardly believe my luck. I pulled out my wallet. Damn, no five dollar bill, only a ten.

"Sorry, I only have a ten."

"Can I earn that?"

"How?" I asked.

Caleb stood, undid his shorts, and let them drop. He was standing in front of me in just his white briefs. I could see his nice basket. That alone was worth the ten to me. Then he pulled his briefs down to his thighs. I was treated to the sight of his naked dick. About three inches [8 cm] soft, nicely thick, circumcised.

I know he saw me lick my lips. I might have even drooled a bit.

He stood there for what seemed forever, but probably less than a minute, and just as it started to rise a little, he pulled up his underwear, and his shorts.

"Was that worth ten?"

I couldn't answer, I just handed him the money. My mind was in a spin. I knew I was gay. I didn't know I liked young boys. I walked him to the door, my own cock threatening to rip through my pants. I jerked off three times that day with the image fresh in my memory.

I sleep late on Sundays. It's my one vice. I don't drink or smoke, but I do like to sleep. That Sunday, I was awakened by my doorbell. I'm also a bit grumpy when someone wakes me. So I stomped to the door in my boxers, ready to kick the shit out of whatever salesman was at my door.

I wasn't expecting to see the cute freckled face of Caleb to be the one at my door.

"Caleb 3; Is something wrong? What are you doing here?"

"My parents went to church. I told them I didn't feel like going."

"Uh 3; Ok."

He walked in, although I don't remember inviting him.

"I need to earn some money,' he said as I closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think my grass has grown much since yesterday."

"I know. I won't mow it again until Saturday. But I was thinking there must be another way to earn it."

"Like 3;?" I asked leadingly.

"Well, since you've already seen 3; it, I didn't think you would pay ten bucks just to see it again. So how about ten dollars for ten minutes."

"Ten minutes of what exactly?" I asked.

"You know 3; like play with it and stuff."

"That's sixty dollars an hour. That's more than most adults make," I pointed out.

"Ok 3; Ten dollars for twenty minutes," Caleb countered.


Caleb pulled off his tee shirt, and dropped his shorts. He wasn't wearing underwear, so he must have been pretty confident I would agree to a deal.

"Where do you want me?" he asked standing in my entry hall.

I dearly wanted to say the bedroom, but didn't want to scare him.

"How about the sofa?" I suggested.

He stepped out of his shorts that had puddled at his feet, and calmly strode to the sofa. I watched his cute bubble butt the whole way. By the time he sat down, I was hard as nails in my boxers. His eyes followed my tent until I stood in front of him.

I let him look for a moment as I gazed upon his perfect body. His dick now nearly five inches [12 cm] and hard as stone, throbbed with his heartbeat. He was bigger than I had expected.

"You're only twelve right?" I asked amazed.

"Thirteen three weeks ago. I crashed my bike on my birthday."

"Must have been an unlucky thirteen," I commented. Unlucky for him, but great for me.

I sat down beside him, still taking in his beauty. I couldn't believe I was this close to a naked boy. My cock now causing an obscenely huge tent in my lap.

"I said you could play with it," Caleb reminded me, breaking me out of my trance.

I reached out and took his dick in my hand. He let out a little moan. I can only guess that it was the first time anyone other than himself had touched it. I can't remember my dick ever being as hard as that one. The kind of hard you get only when you're that age.

I quickly leaned down and took it into my mouth. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, as Caleb let out a lusty groan. He put his hands on my head and pushed me further down on it. For such a young kid, he knew what he wanted.

"Shit that feels good," he said as he began to thrust his hips up at me too. I sucked, but he did all the work. Holding my head in place as he fucked my mouth.

After only a couple of minutes Caleb said, "Gonna cum."

It wasn't a warning so that I had a choice of pulling away. It was more of an announcement, because he held my head firmly in place as he fired his load as deep as he could.

He didn't let go of my head until his breathing slowed a bit. I licked around the head as I pulled away, just making sure I didn't miss any precious drops.

"I always thought that would feel good."

"I assume that was your first blow job."

"Yeah," Caleb said with a grin.

I slid off the sofa and onto the floor between his legs. "Ready for you second one?"

Not waiting for an answer, I started tongue bathing his celicious nut sack. His balls weren't as big as a grown man's, but they were obviously productive. His dick, which had on softened a little, soon regained its strength, and was ready for action.

He lasted a little longer this time, slumped down on the sofa, head laid back, eyes closed, really enjoying the sensations running through his young body.

He wasn't looking, so I took the liberty of extracting my cock from my boxers. As I sucked his beautiful dick, I stroked mine slowly. I was so close to the edge, I was afraid I might cum too soon. I could probably cum just from the experience of his dick in my mouth.

He would moan or arch his back or move his hips up and down, letting me know he appreciated my efforts. When he shot his wad this time, it set me off too. I unloaded down the front of the sofa, then tucked my cock away before saw it.

As he recovered, he looked at the clock on the mantle over the fireplace.

"It's been twenty minutes," he said, sitting up straighter.

"So I owe you ten dollars."


"I don't have anything smaller than a twenty. Do you have change?"

He smiled at me and leaned back again.

"Looks like you get another twenty minutes."

Even though it seemed his dick was exhausted, I managed to coax another load out of him. Three loads in forty minutes. What I wouldn't give to be that young again.

I watched him dress, and gave him the money, still marveling at my luck to have serviced this beautiful boy.

"How did you know I would be interested in doing something like this?" I asked.

"About six months ago mom wanted to invite you to dinner along with a single friend of hers. Dad said to not bother because he thought you were gay. Then last Saturday, you gave me the extra five, but you didn't try to touch me. So I still wasn't sure. Yesterday, I saw the way you looked at it. And I was thinking 'I sure hope Becky Johnson looks at it like that the first time she sees it.' You know, like a hungry person looks at a sandwich."

"Becky Johnson?" I asked.

"Yeah. It was her dad's car I smashed into. She's my girlfriend."

"Were you thinking about her when I was sucking your dick?"

"Not the first time. I was just too excited about getting my first blow job. The second time, yeah. I was thinking about fucking her then I was thinking about my teacher last year, Miss Miller. She's hot. I liked to fuck her too. But the third time I was thinking even Miss Miller or any girl, wouldn't be able to get me to cum again. But you sure did. Man that was great."

"If you like Becky, why did you let me?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I like her, I'm not married to her. I'm thirteen. You know what it was like at that age. I jerk off three times a day. Not usually in under an hour though. Besides, I need the money. You get what you want, I get what I want, Mr. Johnson gets what he wants, and Becky doesn't get pregnant. Everybody wins."

"So, you're only doing it for the money."

"No, I'm doing it because I like sex. But I need the money for Mr. Johnson."

"You don't mind having sex with a guy even though you like girls?"

"You're happy, I'm happy. What difference does it make? I mean it's not like you're fucking me. That would cost a whole lot more," he stated.

"You are one strange kid. Do your parents know you like sex so much?"

"Are you kidding? My mom thinks I'm still wearing diapers. They're more worried that my sister will have sex than they are about me."

"Well, you know what they say. If you have a son, you have to worry about his penis. If you have a daughter, you have to worry about all penises."

Caleb laugh at that. "That's funny. But I guess it's kinda true too."


Later I was headed to the grocery store, when I saw his parents return. I smiled and wave real friendly like. All the while, I was thinking Your son tastes great.

As I was carrying in my grocery's through the kitchen door, Caleb appeared behind me.

"Jesus, Caleb, you scared the life out of me."

He giggled then said "You got ten bucks? I'm horny again."

"Yeah I got some change at the store," I smiled.

He was naked before he reached the sofa. "If you want, you can get undressed too."

"You don't mind?"

Makes no difference to me. I mean it's your time, you're paying for it."

I stripped to my boxers, which were tented. I sat beside him and reached for his dick. As I toyed with his dick I glanced at his face. He was looking at my lap. I bent down and took his dick into my mouth eliciting a moan from him. While I slowly sucked him, I felt his hand on the head of my cock. At first it was very tentative, gradually he gripped it giving it a squeeze.

"You can take these off if you want," he said tugging at my boxers.

I raised up a bit, and he pulled them down. Once my cock was free, I took them the rest of the way off. I continued to blow him, and his hand went back to my cock.

After a few minutes, I raised up and just slowly stroked him. He had his hand around my cock and was staring at it.

"For five dollar more, I'll do you," he finally said.

"I don't have another five."

"You can owe me," he said and bent to take my cock into his mouth. I wasn't expecting that, and for a straight kid, he knew his way around a dick. It wasn't the best blow job, but the thought of a straight teen boy sucking my cock made it even better.

I turned us around into a sixty nine, and went to town on him. I didn't want him to cum yet, because I assumed he would quit sucking me once his horniness wore off. So, I licked and stroked and played with him until I got close, Then I took him into my throat. I managed to cum at the same time as Caleb did, and he was too worked up to pull away from my spurting cock.

With his head against the back of the sofa, and my cock in his throat, he had no choice but to take my full load. He coughed and sputtered a bit, but accepted his fate, swallowing it down.

I was still in his mouth when I swallowed his offering. Then I licked him clean when I pulled away. Caleb grabbed my still hard dick and pulled it out of his throat. He looked at the head a minute, squeezing the last drop from me, then licked the head clean.

"Man, you cum a lot more than I do," he said sitting up.

"For someone with a girlfriend, you sure seemed to enjoy that," I stated.

Caleb thought of a moment. "You know, I've tried lots of different ice creams. Strawberry is my favorite. That doesn't mean I turn down a chance at chocolate chip or caramel swirl."

"But will Becky mind you having caramel swirl?" I pointed out.

"Who's gonna tell? Not me, and I know you won't. Besides, who said she was the strawberry?"

This kid is off the scale for sure.

Monday when I pulled into my garage, Caleb followed my car in, then followed me into the house.

"I'll be right with you," I told him as I went to my bedroom.

He was waiting for me on the sofa, naked and stroking. I had removed my clothes in my room, so I was down to my boxers. When I got on the floor between his legs, he scooted down and lay his head on the back of the sofa.

I took him into my mouth and got him started. Then I put a lubricated finger against his pucker, and slowly penetrated him.

"Ungh 3; Mmmm," was all he said.

I sucked and worked his butt slowly. Then I pulled away from his dick. "You said it would cost a lot to fuck you. How much?" I asked still sawing my finger in and out of his butt.

"Mmm 3; Fifty," he moaned.

I went back to sucking him, and eased in a second finger.

"Ohh 3; Mmm."

My fingers slid in and out as I went on sucking him. Soon he was gainst them.

I twisted them in and out a little faster then said "That's a lot." I went back to suscking him, then pulled my fingers out.

I could see the disappointment on his face when I didn't replace my fingers.

After a minute he said "Okay, twenty five."

I dropped my boxers, and lined up my pre-lubed cock. I didn't give him a chance to change his mind. I pushed until my knob popped in.

"OH 3; Fuck! Take it easy. Go slow."

There was no denying he knew what was happening. He didn't tell me to stop, or even protest any more than that. I did as he asked though, and slowly worked my way in. Caleb moaned and grunted, even pulled back a couple of times, but soon I had my entire cock in him.

I slid in and out slowly a few times, then began harder strokes, banging into his butt cheeks on every thrust. I held his legs straight up in the air, and pounded into him.

"OH 3; GOD!" he said and reached for his dick.

Not sure if this would be a one time thing, I intended to make the best of it. I fucked him hard, watching his face through his legs. It was contorted with pleasure as he beat his meat rapidly. I instantly knew this was not going to be a one and done thing.

"Oh 3; Fuck," he called out.

His butt gripped me tighter, and I filled him with all I had stored. His load shot up to his chin.

"That was intense," he said looking down at the mess on his chest. He could feel my cock still in his ass. "Are you going again?"

"No, just enjoying the afterglow," I replied. "Did you like that?" I asked moving in and out slowly.

He nodded and smiled. "What's not to like? It's sex. We both shot our wads. Everybody wins again."

This kid had some very interesting views on sex.

I got my wallet from the bedroom. At the front door, I handed him the money. "How good is my credit?"

"Pretty good. Why?"

"Can we just run a tab so if I don't have the cash, we can still have some fun?"

"Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow."

Caleb was waiting on my porch Tuesday when I pulled into my driveway. He followed my car into the garage, and pushed the button to close the door, before I even got out of the car.

I expected to find him on the sofa when I entered the living room, but he wasn't there. I was delighted to find him naked on my bed waiting for me.

I was out of my clothes in an instant. His dick was in my mouth a moment later.

"If you let me fuck you this time, I won't put it on your tab," he offered.

Another win win for me. I reached for the lube in the bedside table.

Being inexperienced, Caleb entered me a little quickly. He' young, but his dick isn't tiny. I've known smaller grown men. Once seated, he wasted no time building to a frantic pace. His exuberance reflected his inexperience, as he pushed and pulled my hips rapidly. I could only hold on for dear life as he pounded me from the rear.

He must have not jerked off since we were together the day before, because he lasted about two minutes, shoved in hard, and flooded my chute.

Caleb stayed inside me, slowly sawing in and out for about a minute. Then he got serious again and went for round two. I wasn't complaining. I loved feeling his virile young cock in me. He energetically pumped me till he unleashed another load inside me.

We lay down and he saw my still hard cock, and realized I hadn't cum yet. He immediately went down on it, sucking me to orgasm and swallowing the cream.

"What did you think of that?" I asked him.

"You mean fucking? It was great. I like it as much as getting fucked."

Caleb is probably the most bi sexual person I ever met. Or maybe he's the most sexual person. I don't think anything was off limits for him. I guess it was like his ice cream analogy. He likes all kinds as long as it's ice cream.

Over the rest of the summer, my lawn looked great, and I never had a case of blue balls. I never even stroked one out by myself. Caleb made sure I go all the sex I wanted. He got all he wanted too. Another win win.

At the end of the summer, Caleb paid off his debt to Mr. Johnson, and bought a new bike.


The first Saturday after school resumed, Caleb showed up at my door. As soon as I closed the door, he started taking off his clothes.

"You know, I'll be getting my driver's license in a couple of years. I need to start saving for a car."

As horny as we are for each other, I have no doubt that I will buy him a brand new car, and he'll have earned every penny it will cost.

The End

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