PZA Boy Stories

The India Story

a Fan Cha Phaw story


A tourist in India takes many photos of naked boys swimming and playing, but also in his hotel are willing boys.
Publ. June 1995 (alt.sex.stories); this site May 2008
Finished 7,000 words (14 pages)


Man and several Indian boys (9-12 yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb bbcons mast oral anal – interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

The following is a story from the archives of Fan Cha Phaw. This story involves sex between a man and a minor boy. If this sort of material offends you, exit now and do not continue.

This story was provided by Fan Cha Phaw., publisher of Private Dreams, and Young, Hung & Promiscuous, as well as anti-circumcision and sexual freedom and liberation materials. Fan Cha Phaw has been eliminated 4 February 1995. Internal problems, combined with increasing costs of electronic posts of Fan Cha Phaw materials have forced them to take these measures.

Ishmael Wilkins

This story may be distributed freely, as long as this header remains intact, and Fan Cha Phaw. is credited, along with the author.

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I was not sure if I should have ever accepted the invitation, especially considering the world-wide attitude towards boy-lovers, and all of the new laws designed for imprisoning boy-lovers for having sex outside of their own countries. I had to admit, however, that what the man had told me in the bar that night intrigued me to no end.

I had been in India for about a week, dropping out of my previous life, knowing that there was some place better in the world to live. Week after week, month after month, and year after year I sat by watching man after man be arrested for sex or pornography, and receiving sentenced which resembled telephone numbers. I had to get out. I could not stand living under such conditions. I just knew that somewhere there had to be better.

Chapter One

I arrived in Bombay knowing no one, and with my worldly possessions in my backpack and carry bag. I had read up enough to know that I was wise in carrying my passport and valuables in the waist-carrier that I had on. Clearing customs and immigration was a breeze, however, once I was finally on my own, I began to question my judgment.

I was not prepared for the hustle and bustle of people around me. I was also not prepared for the onslaught of beggars, touts, and guides which approached me when it was obvious that I did not have a clue about what I should do.

After turning countless offers for rides down, I was about to give up and book the next flight out of the country when I was approached by a boy of about twelve or thirteen and an old man. The boy asked me, in broken English, if I needed a taxi. Looking the pair over, I thought that there were the least threatening of the lot, and so sighing, ready for almost anything, I told them that I did.

The boy turned and babbled rapid fire to the old man in some exotic language, and then both man and boy reached for my arms and began to guide me through the maze of bodies. When we finally reached the outdoors, I once again questioned my judgment.

The boy quickly realized that I did not have a clue as to where I would be staying, and so he offered me a hotel which was nice and cheap. Perhaps, I thought, I was not dressed well enough as other tourists, and he noticed that.

Not wanting to offend my only way out of the madness of the airport, I agreed. I decided that if it were too bad, I could always move. I was escorted to an old car, protected from beggars and hoods by the pair, and whisked away from the airport at an alarming rate of speed.

Once we left the airport area, however, the old man slowed down and I began to relax. The boy leaned over the front seat now and then to ask a few questions or to inquire on my comfort. He would then relay his findings to the old man in their native tongue.

As we drove on, I began to notice country side, and decided that I might be able to snap a few photos along the way. The minute that I opened my back pack, the boy was back hanging over the seat, curious as to what I was up to. He smiled when he saw my camera and asked me if I wanted to take a picture of him. I told him that I did, and after fiddling with the adjustments for a while, I snapped a few of him. The old man wanted into the act as well, which almost ended all of our lives there, as he stopped paying attention to the road.

Just at the point that I was going to question as to where the hotel was, something outside of the car caught my attention. Off to the side of the road was a small river. On the edge of the river were about a dozen boys, from about infancy to early teens. The older boys were covered with sarongs, however, the younger were naked. I was able to fast focus and get a few shots of them as we passed by.

Several more times as we drove on, boys would appear on spots of the river in various stages of undress or naked, and I would be ready to snap their pictures. Each time the camera clicked, the boy in the front seat would turn, look at what I was shooting, and smile widely at me. He would then talk rapidly to the old man and both would giggle amongst themselves.

The boy announced that we were going to stop for a few minutes so that they could relieve their bladders. He told me that it would be a good time for me to do so as well, as they were heading back into a city area, and it would not be polite to stop for that then.

The car pulled over to the road side and we all got out to urinate. Almost as soon as I got out of the car I heard the sounds of children splashing and playing in the water. The river had gone down behind some land, and it had not been visible for a while. I realized, however, that children were close by.

I quickly finished pissing and began to casually walk towards the sounds of the children. The man and boy said nothing to stop me, and so I decided to check it out. I hoped that the children would be of the age which I enjoyed, and that they would be naked.

Once I reached the top of the embankment I was pleased on both counts. There were about six naked boys playing in the water. All of them were young, a few little more than toddlers. Two of them, however, were perfect. They were about eight or nine years old and beautiful. Without thinking I brought my camera up and began snapping pictures.

The sound of the camera alerted them to my presence. The boys stopped in their tracks when they saw a white man taking pictures of them. After a few moments, however, they seemed to relax some. I looked over to my side and saw that the boy from the car was standing next to me.

The boy smiled, almost knowingly, and turned to the children. He babbled to them in their language for a while, which seemed to work wonders on them. They began to splash and play again. It was obvious, however, that they were doing it then for my camera.

The boy talked to them again, and shyly, one by one then crawled up the small embankment to stand next to us. After a little more talk from the boy they began to clown around and wrestle with each other. Obviously this was done for my sake, and so I continued shooting my pictures.

The older boy, now accepted by the younger ones, talked to them again which produced giggles and a few outright laughs from the children. They almost seemed as if they blushed, but after looking around a bit, they scurried back down the embankment and stood at the edge of the river.

Looking up to the older boy, who nodded his head to them, they began to dance around in a childish, erotic way. My camera was ready, and I began to snap pictures. I almost was not ready when the children grabbed onto their genitals and began holding them out to me to photograph, or when they turned and bent over, parting their buttocks and showing their anuses, however, I quickly recovered and made up for lost time, photographing as fast as I could.

Running out of film, I reached into my back pack for a fresh roll. Meanwhile the older boy was chatting with the children. When my camera was ready again, I quickly began to shoot. Things had changed since I had taken my attention away from them to change the film.

The little boys all had erections. One was rubbing himself furiously with a smile on his face. The two older boys who had captured my attention were on their way towards erection. In a series of photos taken over the next few minutes, the two boys became totally hard like the younger boys. The younger boys began to wrestle around again upon command from the older boy, however, this time it was more erotic in nature. One of them would pin the other under him and begin to hump up and down on his buttocks. Every time that they would rise up a bit, their erections would show clearly. I shot film like a madman, only thinking once about how I could ever develop it.


Things calmed down after a while, and the boy's penises went soft again. I sat down on the bank with the older boy as he chatted with the lads. He told me that I should give each of them a coin for letting me take their pictures. I agreed, and the boy took coins from my hand to pass out to them.

When he reached to two older of the boys he talked to them for a bit. They giggled a little and looked at me. After what seemed like intense negotiation, they shook their heads in agreement. The older boy told me that the boys had said that if I gave them each what amounted to ten cents, they would show me something special over in a small grouping of bushes.

Not knowing what to expect, I agreed. I wondered if the man and boy were trying to get me away from the car so that they could steal my luggage, however, I decided that there was nothing worth stealing in it, and so I agreed.

The older boy took the coins from my hand once again and paid the two boys. They smiled and shook their heads up and down while the older boy instructed them. The boys headed off towards the clump of bushes and the older boy told me to follow them. The little boys obviously wanted to go as well, however, the older boy told them to stay there.

I followed the boys wondering what it would look like to anyone watching. Here I was heading into bushes with two naked little boys. I shook my head, realizing that I was in a different country, and especially one which was hard to shock.

The boys reached the bushes before me. When I entered they were there facing me. I looked at them for a moment and they stood there looking at me. I decided to break the ice by snapping a picture. They smiled as I did so. Feeling a little braver, I reached over and arranged them so that they were close together with their arms around each other. Once they were posed, I snapped a few more pictures.

I was erect at once when I felt their baby soft skin. I had only been around a naked child of their age once in my life, and so it was a real treat for me. Once the boys were posed together and the picture was taken, they seemed to relax. Looking shyly at me, one of the boys moved his hand down to the other's stomach. I responded with a photo. Both boys giggled. The boy then moved his hand down and wrapped it around his friend's penis. When I continued to take pictures, the second boy followed suit, and the two boys began to caress and then masturbate the other. It was only a matter of seconds before both boys were erect again. I was able to shoot their erections from up close, and I made sure that I got them from almost every angle.

The boys chattered to each other for a few minutes, and it seemed as if they were arguing on who was to go first. One boy finally agreed to what ever they were talking about, and dropped to his knees in front of his friend. I knew at once what they were discussing, and I moved so that I could have the best advantage when the action started. Sure enough a few seconds later the boy opened his mouth and took his friend's penis into it.

My camera did not miss one movement. It was obvious that the boy doing the sucking had experience with it. It was also obvious that the boy being sucked had been sucked before. After a few minutes of sucking the boys changed positions and the suckee became the sucker. I could not believe my luck. For thirty cents I was treated to two boys sucking each other.

I decided that it was time to arrange the boys a bit for my camera. They did not protest when I showed them that I wanted them to lie on the ground side by side. After a little difficulty I got them into a side by side sixty-nine position. They understood almost at once after that, and they began sucking each other at the same time. I doubted that they had ever done it that way before, and smiled to myself, knowing that they would be teaching that position to many other boys.

The boys willingly got onto their knees and parted their buttocks when I made it clear that I wanted to photograph that. After posing them mounting the other from the back, I watched as each tried to slip their hard-ons into each other's butts. What I would not have done at that time for a tube of KY and a camcorder.

Finally I posed the two boys laying on their backs side by side. I decided that if it were destined to happen it was then or never. After taking a photo or two of them in that position, I reached out with both hands and began caressing their chests. Both boys giggled, but neither made any movement to stop me.

I was ready to cum by the time that my hands were down past their stomachs at the top of their pubes. The moment of truth arrived and I wrapped a hand around each of their rapidly growing penises. Both boys gasped, but neither protested. For the next few minutes I felt, massaged, and masturbated the pair, taking a little time to feel their tiny testicles.

Both boys knew what was coming when I lowered my head to one's chest and began licking one of his nipples. I quickly sucked it into my mouth and sucked it for a minute or two before moving onto the other nipple and then onto the other boy. In that manner I worked my way down both boy's bodies.

They were totally hard when my tongue reached out for their penises. I had only sucked one other boy's penis in my life, and that had been the highlight of my life. Now in the middle of India, out in a clump of bushes off some road, I had two young boys laying before me naked and I was sucking both of their penises. I sucked those boys like they had never been sucked before. Both were quivering masses of jelly by the time that they reached their orgasms.

I knew that I had to cum. There was no way that I could last. When I pulled my penis out of my pants both boy's eyes grew wide, but they did not seem alarmed. I pulled my pants down a ways and moved over towards them. Slowly and gently I let my penis pass over their smooth stomachs and genitals. I had to stop for a moment to save from coming too fast .

I moved upwards between the two boys. I wanted to rub my penis on their chests and perhaps their faces. I was hoping that they would allow me that. I chose my favorite of the two to experiment on. He laid still watching me as I rubbed myself gently on his chest. I could feel his breathing growing heavier when I moved upwards more to reach his face. He did not turn his head or try to stop me when I rubbed my penis up against his face.

Becoming bolder, I rubbed my penis up against his lips. I stopped for a second, thinking that I could cum from the sensation. The boy must have taken my stopping as a command, for I felt his lips part, and then his mouth open. He reached up with his hands, took a hold of my penis, and lowered his mouth over it.

I had never been sucked before. The sensations going through my body were fantastic. Everything was short circuiting. The boy began to move his mouth up and down over my penis. I knew that I could not last. I pulled out of the boy's mouth and rolled over onto my back. The other boy babbled something to the boy who had been sucking me, and the boy quickly climbed beside me and took my penis back into his mouth.

I could not believe that the boy was sucking me again. The closer that I felt to cumming, the harder that the boy sucked. It seemed as if he knew I was ready to cum, and that he was trying to push me over the edge. I felt my cum rise, and I knew it would be a manner of seconds. I tried to pull the boy's head from my penis, but he would have nothing to do with it. I exploded in orgasm as I felt my cum shooting out of me with greater force then ever before, into the boy's mouth.


I was vaguely aware of swallowing sounds, and I could feel the boy's mouth tighten up against my penis as if he were trying to coax every last drop out of me. The boy kept me in his mouth long after I had stopped cumming, and even when I penis shrunk to its flaccid state. Only when I began to stir did he release it, sitting up smiling at me, wiping the excess cum from his lips with the back of his hand.

The two boys chattered again for a while and then the boy who had blew me so well, moved his groin up into my face and thrust his penis up against my lips. He was obviously horny, and so I sucked him once again to climax.

The two boys traded places, and the second boy came over closer to me and sat next to me. Smiling widely, he reached out and began fondling my penis. He moved himself so that his groin was in my face, and with a little push his penis went between my lips. The boy began to hump slightly, and so I held my lips firm and let him fuck my mouth. He developed quite a head of steam as he progressed, and by the time that he climaxed in my mouth, my nose was somewhat bruised.

I thought that they were through when the boy sat back down next to me, but I was mistaken. A few seconds later he lowered his head and took my, still soft, penis into his mouth. It did not remain soft for long, and the boy expertly sucked me off as his friend had done earlier. The second boy swallowed as eagerly as the first had done, and he also received a large, forceful load into his mouth for his efforts.

With my second cumming the boys seemed satisfied and made ready to leave. I pulled them both to me and hugged them, taking the opportunity to feel their soft buttocks. I wondered if they were as agreeable to being fucked as they were to sucking, but I knew that it was not the time nor place. I made a mental note to have the older boy bring me back there again, or better yet, bring the boys to me.

When we reached the embankment again the little boys were sitting with the older boy. Both boys smiled and jabbered to the others in their native tongue. Both boys also made exaggerated rubbings of their stomachs indicating that they were full. All of the boys, including the older guide boy laughed. The boys must have told the others that they had received a bonus from me, for their eyes opened wide when the two showed off their bank notes each worth fifty cents. I decided that two first class blow jobs was well worth a dollar thirty.

The little boys began jabbering as well, and I could only suspect that they wanted the same treatment, however, all of the other boys quieted them down. After saying our good-byes we went back to the car, woke up the old man and continued out journey.

I was more than surprised and pleased when we pulled off the road again in less than two minutes, the boy announcing that we had arrived. I was within walking distance from the spot at which I had had sex with the boys. My spirits rose considerably.

As could have been expected, the 'hotel' was owned by the man and boy's family, but I was not about to complain. The room I had was bungalow-style with my own door, and behind the property ran the river which I was so fond of.

The boy helped me with my luggage, and then he helped me make sure that the room was comfortable and set up. Before he left he told me that if I liked he would bring the two boys to my room the next day. I smiled and told him that I would like that. Reaching into my pocket I gave him a bill worth a little more than a dollar. He smiled, and was obviously pleased with the money that I gave him.

After unpacking and looking around a bit. I took a 'shower' in my room, throwing water over my body from a tub with a pail which I assumed was for that purpose. I dressed in a pair of short pants and a tee-shirt and laid back on my bed for a few minutes to rest and think about my afternoon.

I must have dozed off, because I was awoken by a sound and when I looked up the older boy was standing in front of me. He smiled and apologized for waking me. He had also obviously showered, his hair was still wet. He was dressed in only a sarong, and I had to admit, he was a very cute boy, even though he was older than I liked in boys.

The boy obviously wanted to talk and so I told him that he could sit down on my bed. He smiled happily and sat. We talked for a while, him chatting away, stopping now and then to find the English word that he wanted. I quickly learned that he was 12 3; almost 13. His grandfather, the man who had driven us, owned the place, and they were very happy that I came there.

The boy was pleasant, and fun to talk with. When he offered to give me a massage, I agreed. My body ached from travel and a massage would do good. I stripped off my shirt and rolled over onto my stomach. The boy sat on top of me and began massaging me. I had to admit that he was good at it. I felt relaxed after only a few minutes.

When the boy moved up to rub my neck again, I realized that he was excited. I felt his erection poking into my back. I began to get worried. The boy probably wanted to have sex. I had sort of an aversion to older boys, pubic hair, and cum. I figured that the boy rubbing his boner against me was all of the above. I liked the boy and did not want to hurt him, and so I hoped that he would not come on to me.

I had no such luck. He laid down beside me and began to run his hand over my back. I could feel his hard-on poking me in the side. I decided that I could probably jack him off to make him happy. Rolling over towards him, I began to caress his chest. I had to admit that for an older boy, he had very soft skin. He was almost as soft as the little boys from earlier.

His stomach proved to be as soft as his chest, and despite my feelings for older boys, I started to feel myself respond. The boy, who was up tight against me, must have felt it too, because he reached down and gave my half hard penis a gentle squeeze. He then reached around and began pulling his sarong from his body.

I was hoping that my penis would not wilt upon the sight of his mature penis and pubic hair. I was almost afraid to look when it was obvious that he was naked. I reached over and began sliding my hand down his stomach towards his pubes. When I had reached his penis and had not felt hair, I had to look. My eyes opened wide when I saw that he was completely hairless. His 'mature' penis was not mature at all. His erection was a little bigger than the younger boys, but not much. Nestled under the hard penis were a pair of fairly small eggs wrapped in a satin smooth pouch.

My penis responded the opposite of what I had expected at first. I became totally hard in seconds. The boy was pleased with my reaction and giggled. My shorts were tented out even further than his sarong had been earlier.

The boy laying naked on my bed next to me was beautiful. I decided that he was even more beautiful than the two younger boys that I had been with earlier. I could not believe that I was thinking that, but there was no mistaking his beauty.

Without batting an eye, I rose up and pulled my shorts from my body. The boy looked me over, smiled and then got up and went to the door. Quietly he locked the door and then returned to the bed. He was in my arms as soon as he hit the bed, and out lips were pressed together. We became lost in our kissing, four pairs of eager hands fondling and exploring the other's body.

Carefully I made love with tongue and mouth to every inch of the boy's body. Each step of the way I became hornier and hornier. I wanted to taste every square inch of him. I wanted to consume him.

Chapter Two


Long into the evening the boy and I laid awake, ready and eager to explore once more each others bodies. When I had sucked him to his first climax I found that in spite of his hairlessness appearance he could produce a little semen. The semen he produced, however, was thin and light and tasted of honey. I let it float around in my mouth long after he deposited it there with great force, savoring and totally enjoying his boy's offering. Many more times that night I took his boy nectar from him, each time him moaning, humping, and crying out as he gave of himself. I developed a taste for young boy semen that night, a taste that I never grew tired of. Virginal boy cum was like life blood to me. I thrived on it, and sought it out where ever I could.

The first time that the boy took my ejaculation into his mouth, it was obvious that he had not the experience with it as I had thought him to have. He gasped and sputtered at first, choking a little causing him to release my spurting erection, coating both of us with its fluid. He recovered quickly, however, and finished with style, later searching out and licking up every drop which he had spilled. The numerous times that he brought me to ejaculation inside of his mouth after that, he did not spill one drop, and he seemed as possessed with drinking my cum as I was with his.

It was with that 12-year-old boy that I finally fulfilled my greatest fantasy. Not was I able to orally love his anus, driving my tongue as deep into him as it were possible, I found that he was willing to let my penis follow, and I fucked my first boy in his ass. My one and only boy before India had always promised that I could fuck him in his bottom, however, that never happened.

I awoke the next day a new man. I could not believe how such a simple and loving thing could so change my life. I felt as if I were on top of the world. I also felt as if I were the luckiest man alive. As expected, the boy was gone when I woke up. H probably got up sometime during the night or early morning to go back to his family. I wondered, as I bathed and dressed, what the reaction of the family would be towards me now that I slept with their son.

Just as I finished dressing the boy appeared again with a smile on his face, and a cup of tea in his hands. He told me, after I had drank about half of the cup, that I was to come with him so that I could eat with his family. I am sure that they had postponed breakfast until I got up so that we could eat together, and so I set the cup down and followed him out into the family compound.

All of my reservations about seeing the family again were foundationless. I was met with smiles and friendliness all around. Once we were seated at the big table, the boy began to introduce everyone there. I was shocked at the number of people present, wondering if they all stayed at the little hotel.

There were several young females seated at the table, which I knew was unusual. I decided that since I had shown a preference towards boys on the way to, and during the first night at the hotel, the family figured that they would be 'safe' with me. They were right in that respect.

What interested me even more, however, were the boys seated at the table. I soon learned that two of them were younger brothers of my young friend. It was hard to determine their ages, but I took a guess at around eleven and nine. They resembled their older brother a great deal. They were extremely handsome lads.

The three other boys ranged in age from about six to ten, I guessed. They were introduced as 'cousins.' Whether or not they were really related to the family, or just 'found' children taken in by them I did not learn. All that mattered was that they were thought of as part of the family.

Looking over the five boys seated at the table, I wondered if anyone of them would be joining in with the adventures which their brother or cousin shared with me. Whenever my eyes would meet theirs, they would look away and blush. Every once in a while their would be a giggle or two when I would look at one of them longer than the rest. There was no mistake in my assumption that all of them knew my tastes.

After a rather pleasing breakfast, I told the boys that I would like to take a walk around. I knew that my older friend had duties at the hotel, and so I did not ask him to come along, although I would have liked to have him there for translation if the need arose. Just when I was about to suggest that one of the other boys come along, the boy told me that his brother would come with me so that I would not get lost.

I looked up to see that it was the one I figured to be about nine. I smiled to myself. It had not been lost on my older friend that I had stared at his younger brother longer than any of the others. He was a real doll.

Prior to heading out, the older brother took his brother aside and gave him instructions in their native tongue. What the boy told him I was dying to know, especially when watching the younger boy blush from head to foot several times over.

We headed out, and for a while the little boy was shy. After a while he began to relax. After we had walked a good ways away from the hotel, I motioned to him that I would like to sit and rest for a while. We found a nice area on the bank of the small river, and the boy sat down next to me.

I opened my camera and began to fiddle with it, making sure that all of the adjustments were set correctly and things like that. The younger boy could not contain himself after a while, and he moved closer to watch me.

When I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back, which was a big improvement. Previously he had only blushed and looked away. Moving back away from him a bit. I lifted the camera to my eye, and snapped a couple of close up pictures of his face. The boy smiled, pleased that I had taken his picture.

I decided to try to get more shots of him, wondering if he would be willing. I indicated that I wanted him to stand. Posing him with his back to the river, I took a few more shots, and then reposed him. In a few minutes the boy was looking like he had modeled all of his life.

Moving a little closer to him I unbuttoned his shirt about halfway down and spread it open a bit. I could feel him tense a little as I did this, however, he did not protest. I moved back away and took more photos. When I moved back to open his shirt the rest of the way, he did not tense, however, I could feel his heart racing in his chest as my hand brushed up against his smooth chest.

After a few more photos I moved back and removed his shirt completely. The boy smiled shyly in response, however, when the camera started clicking his full smile was blaring at the camera. Several more bare chest pictures were taken, some with his arms in the air, or over his head to show off his bare underarms.


I decided that it was time to move along with the photos. I wanted to shoot him naked more than anything. It looked as if I were going to have that chance. I had him sit back down again, and I posed him in various ways, each time taking care that his legs were spread wide.

In each photo I could see into his leg band. At first only the smooth skin of his legs was visible, but as we went along, his small penis and then testicles began to show. The last photo of the series was taken with one leg bent up and his genitals in full view.

Having the boy lay down on the ground, I took more photos, each of them showing various parts of his genitals and buttocks. I knew that he was well aware at that time of where things were going. I was sure that if I reached for his short pants and began pulling them down, he would help me, however, I decided that I wanted to do this slowly to capture him little by little on film.

Standing him back up, I arranged him in front of me. When he was ready I pulled down on his short pants a little, bringing them a little lower down on his body. When I stepped back to take more pictures, the boy reached for his pants. He was going to pull them down all the way, figuring that this is what I wanted him to do. I stopped him, readjusted them back to where I wanted them, and then snapped a few pictures. I then moved back to the boy, lowered his pants a little more and then moved away and snapped a few more pictures.

The boy got the idea, and smiled widely at me. When I was about to move back and pull his pants down a little more, the boy reached over and did it for me. He understood the game, and he was playing along. After about five or six more poses, his genitals finally popped into view. Once the pants were totally off of his lower body, and I had photographed his genitals from every possible angle, I had him pull them back up and then turned him around and reposed him so that the shorts were hanging just at the top of his buttocks. The boy smiled, knowing at once that we were going to repeat the same thing on his backside.

Finally my little friend was totally naked. He happily posed in every position which I set him into. When I showed him that I wanted to shoot him playing with his miniature penis, he happily complied, and I was rewarded with a series of photos which showed its progression as it went from totally flaccid to totally erect. One of my favorite shots of the boy was him on his hands and knees, legs spread wide, his little backside facing me. His young, soft buttocks were exposed, spread far enough apart to show his little opening. Hanging down under all of this beauty were his erection and little testicle sack. I knew that minute that the shutter snapped that the picture would be wonderful. If I had been living in another time and place, I would have had that photo made into a poster and hung it on my wall.

After that final photo, I heard my camera click, indicating that it was the last frame. The camera then came to life as it automatically rewound the film back into the little canister. I sat back and smiled, realizing that I had a full roll of my little friend. It would be one roll which I would treasure forever.

Setting the camera aside, I smiled at the little boy. Holding my arms open in invitation, I invited him to come over to me. He hesitated for a second, but then smiled and came over to me. He still had half an erection, which looked cute on his small brown body.

I pulled the little boy to me and hugged him. Turning him around, I sat him down onto my lap. As soon as he was settled, I began to explore his smooth skin. His little brown nipples were taunt, and a little bigger than I had expected. As I rubbed and tweaked them, the boy purred like a little kitten. I continued my explorations, and rubbed my hands down his chest, past his little ribs, down to his smooth little stomach.

It never stopped amazing me just how soft and smooth young boy skin was. It was if the boy's body was made of silk. I realized that I could orgasm by just rubbing myself up against his delightful body.

The little boy gasped as my hands found his genitals. He sighed loudly and spread his legs even further, melting in the process into my lap. Almost as soon as I touched him, he was fully erect again. I smiled as I fingered his thin little hard-on. Hard, we was just about three inches [7½ cm] in length. What amazed me the most was the width of his little tool. I was no expert on the size of boy erections, however, I certainly did not think that all of them in the world were as thin as his.

His little erection was no thicker than one of my fingers. It was almost comical looking at it, standing out proudly from his body. I had never played with such a small-looking tool before. The little boy purred again as I began to slowly masturbate him.

Finally I could not take it any longer. I had to taste that little organ. I picked the boy up from my lap and stood him in front of me. Without wasting a second, I moved my head towards his crotch. He looked down at me, watching as my mouth approached his genitals.

The little boy yelped with surprise and pleasure as my mouth encompassed him. Without stopping I took his entire erection and testicles into my mouth. I found that they fit nicely. Closing my mouth around him firmly, I began to lick and suck away at them.

The boy's eyes opened wide. I could hear his breathing increase, and I could feel his body shaking. I decided that he had never been sucked before, which surprised me. I was happy with the thought, however, that I was giving him his first real sexual pleasure.

After about a minute of sucking the child's genitals, I began to feel more and more of his weight up against me. I realized just in time that he was losing his legs. He was so caught up in pleasure that he could barely stand. Gathering him up into my arms, I lowered him to the ground, rearranged him, and spread his legs wide.

Lowering my head once again, I began to make serious love to his firm little erection and soft testicles. The boy trashed and cooed under me while I sucked him to his first climax. When he came, it was the most powerful that I had seen. I found myself wishing that he had some fluid to shoot into my mouth.

I let the boy lay beside me and relax after his first blow job. While he rested, I gently caressed his chest, belly, and genitals.

The End