Oskar MDown and Dirty with Danny |
SummaryA new boy in the village disturbs the life of a horny teen.
Publ. Dec 2016
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CharactersCory (10yo), Jordan (12yo), Troy (17yo), Brothers (15/16yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storybb tb – coercion mast oral anal – interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis story was inspired by a well-endowed cute blond kid with a lovely high-pitched voice. He spent his childhood obsessed with fairies and Disney princesses. Recently as a young teen, he became a football jock and goes out with all the girls he wants, proving that I was wrong about his sexual orientation, although I will never admit it. You can send comments using this feedback form with Oskar M: Down and Dirty with Danny in the subject line. |
Already at the age of ten, Cory furiously masturbated. A charitable older cousin had taught him all about solitary pleasure. The scrawny blond student learned well. With great ease, he replicated the technique and practiced often. Throughout this period, his attraction to boys his age grew tenfold. Cory frequented kids with no modesty, those who did not hesitate to drop their shorts for a groping session in a discreet hideout. Much to his surprise, there were many. Even bashful boys suddenly turned into bold underwear explorers when they were away from the scrutinizing eyes of adults. Cory enjoyed these illicit encounters very much and sought them out. The thrill of doing forbidden things exhilarated him. However, one constant characterized the intimate meetings. Boys with whom he shared secret fun never became buddies. Aside from the huddles to touch their privates, they avoided his company, especially at school. Over time, the blatant ostracism he experienced transformed into outright hostility. Even at ten-years-old, Cory was smart enough to understand the requirements of social acceptability. The young boy knew that he would never attain the level of virility expected by his peers. He was also well aware of the image he projected. That he was radiating 'gay' brighter than a flashing neon sign. About that, Cory had no hopes of ever conforming to the masculine standards. His small stature and mid-length blond hair conferred him a feminine appearance. A single distinctive beauty mark – like the one of Marilyn Monroe – decorated his cheek near a dainty snub nose. He could not help but conduct himself gracefully, unable to restrain his hands from sweeping the air when he spoke passionately. He hated sports, preferring to dance and sing despite a whiny falsetto voice. Of course, these peculiarities did not go unnoticed by his parents. They kept to themselves their feelings on the obvious difference of their child compared to a normal boy. For them, the possibility that their darling son might be gay was a source of discord best dealt with in private. But one night, Cory heard his daddy confess his worries in the conjugal bedroom. "I think he's gonna be a queen! It's so clear! We have to do something before it's too late dammit 3; otherwise 3; otherwise he's gonna have pricks in his mouth his entire life! There, I said it. Is that what you want?" "Oh again 3;You're exaggerating," his mommy adopted a different tone. "Cory's just a child. He will grow up and change. Anyway, whatever happens we will still love him. Go to sleep. I don't want to talk about this anymore." Overwhelmed by all the commotion, Cory did not know what to think. He liked girls because they resembled him but he also liked boys because they were fearless and strong. In the midst of this identity crisis, a newcomer appeared in the neighborhood. His name was Jordan, a mature boy of twelve with dark curls on his head and an impish smile. Unlike the other kids, he did not reject Cory when the rare urge to play soccer in the street took him. Sometimes Jordan selected him early at the formation of the teams. A great honor for a lousy player like him accustomed to be the last one called out because he ran like a girl. During those improvised games, Cory's eyes were drawn to the area under Jordan's navel. Something was bouncing in his sport shorts, something meaty. Also, the slender body of the handsome boy on the cusp of adolescence fascinated him. Whenever he got caught admiring, Jordan just smiled. Soon, the taller boy was opening the door to his personal universe. In his bedroom, he showed Cory his stamp collection and comic books. Cory reciprocated, happy that a boy finally took interest in him Before Jordan's visits; the anxious youngster stashed in the closet his feminine possessions, the stuffed animals and pastel-colored drawings, anything that might reveal his true personality. As well, he knew his parents would never authorize a friendship with someone two years older. So he never mentioned the existence of Jordan. This secret excited Cory as much as the licentious questions of his new friend. "Have you ever seen porn?" They met up after school to play together in Cory's bedroom before his parents arrived. Those occasions quickly led to mutual masturbation. Cory enjoyed looking and touching Jordan's penis. His wiener was plump and swelled pretty big. Because Jordan was older, there were a few wispy hairs around it and whitish droplets came out in the end. Cory discerned that the curly-haired boy could perceive the childish adoration he had for him. And even though he suspected that Jordan exploited the situation to get hand jobs, he was in love, willing to do anything for his friend. Eventually, Jordan began to ask for more, a blow job at each of their meetings. The request was expressed without subtlety. Jordan pulled down the front of his shorts. Then, Cory felt his friend's fingers sneak up on the nape of his neck to apply pressure. "Suck my dick," Jordan said with the seductive smile on his lips he'd work on mastering for twelve years. "I really like it when you do it 3;I won't tell 3;" "You want me to do that every time!" Cory resisted, keeping his chest upright, but he always went down on him. As he performed oral sex, the smirk on Jordan's face betrayed his satisfaction of occupying the dominant position. Cory didn't mind. He loved having the older boy's penis in his mouth and hearing him repeat, "Ohhhh yeah 3;it feels so good 3;Ohhhh 3;go faster, Ohhhh yeah." After a while, they moved to a 69 position. Cory got on all four. Jordan scooted underneath him to lick his smooth little balls and suckle his stiffy. While his exposed crotch was serviced by his friend's mouth, Cory continued to bob his blond head, sliding his lips increasingly faster on Jordan's sturdy erection. His eagerness was motived by only one goal, sucking out the small dose of pubescent nectar and gobbling it up. *** Of all the benefits of their relationship, Cory cherished the most Jordan's kindness. The older boy did not judge him and never said disparaging remarks even when he did not behave like a boy, too often giggling like a groupie in front of a teen idol. Cory floated on cloud nine because he finally had a true friend. He also felt more mature because they were doing real sex together, not just touching stuff. Everything was going great until his father, sick as a dog, came back home unexpectedly. From the front door, the man saw immediately both children in the bedroom, completely naked. Cory was greedily sucking Jordan's dick for the umpteenth time. In two seconds, his dad was there, the veins on his neck threatening to burst. Jordan began to whimper as he was yanked out of bed. Cory's father had already forgotten all about his illness. "You, lil' bastard, get dressed and fuck off," the feverish man roared. "If I ever see you again with my son, I'll cut your balls off. Got that? You got that, uh?" "Daddy! No! Daddy!" Cory whined, jumping on his father's leg, fearing he would beat his boyfriend. "Shut up, faggot!" the man snapped, leaning down. He clenched Cory's puny arm and dragged him naked on the floor towards the bathroom. The next moment, his little blond head was plunging in the toilet bowl. "You disgust me! Wash your filthy mouth!" The man's right hand delivered the first slaps of a long spanking. The other hand grabbed a fistful of his hair to immerse his head in the water. Cory squirmed to make the task of punishing him more laborious, outraged to be treated like a toddler. When his head was pulled out of the bowl to spare him from drowning, his piercing shrieks echoed in the house. "Daddy! Ow! Stop Daddy! Owwww!" But his father did not bridle his furor. He shoved his son's head back into the toilet bowl and pursued the spanking. The lean globes of Cory's bum were not lined with a layer of fat that could have lessened the sting of the slaps. Pain shot up his spine again and again. Humiliation tied his guts in knots because he could glimpse sometimes from the corner of his eye, Jordan dressing up in a hurry, witnessing his correction. The sharp sound of the contact of the palm of his father's hand on his bottom resounded a long time. The burly factory worker walloped until his elbow was sore. Ending his demonstration of rage, he let out a grunt of satisfaction seeing Cory's buttocks glowing. They were a flamboyant red that could have guided ships lost at sea on a foggy night. *** After what his mother called the incident, Cory cried himself to sleep every night, mourning the loss of his only friend. His dad did not apologize, instead coming up with an idea to instill the seed of manliness inside him. The solution was simple: Boxing. Twice a week, Cory found himself in a smelly gym with padded gloves at the end of his bony arms that were larger than his head. The other members of the club were all between thirteen and nineteen. At ten-years-old, he was the youngest and most fragile, a defenseless blond angel amongst a gang of small-time street thugs. The coach obviously did not share his father's optimism to make of him a champion pugilist. The grizzled old man confined Cory to a corner, telling him to jump with a skipping rope. An activity the little boy did not consider masculine since he did it with the girls at school during recess. When the coach deigned to call him in the ring to face another boxer, it did not last long. A left hook flattened the little boy to the mat in thirty seconds. Despite the inability to coordinate his fists and being left out of the group, Cory enjoyed the imposed boxing lessons. All the muscular teenagers around him gave off a bad boy vibe, a blend of power and aggressiveness that disturbed him pleasantly. The parade of bare chiseled torsos made his balls tingle and his heart pound. Some of them had tattoos and piercings. He lingered in the showers, where he could quench his curiosity for the athletic boys' bodies. The open room allowed him to throw furtive glances towards their nakedness. To his young eyes, the long appendages hanging under hairy tufts seemed gigantic and made him dizzy. He could not believe he would have something like that between his legs, someday. One afternoon, the two black brothers of the club entered the shower room, naked. The elder was sixteen, the other fifteen. They lathered up under the spray talking loudly, indifferent to Cory's presence. Since they were laughing and having a lively conversation in Creole, he spied on them a lot. After all, it was the first time he could ogle at black boys, down there. Suddenly, the tall one stared at him straight in the eyes. With assured steps he approached. "Yo, is dis wat you wanna see, lil' worm?" the teen said, twirling his big flaccid penis with his hand. Cory lowered his chin in shame. The other brother sneaked quietly behind him. He was surrounded, frail, pale and naked between the two giants. His testicles shrank to the size of peas sensing that they were malicious. Oddly, at the same time, they were smiling at him, showing their sparkling white teeth. "I, I didn't do anything," Cory weakly defended himself. "Yeah, you were checkin' out my cock. Wanna get a closer look?" the tall teen asked. The young brother let go a swift kick behind Cory's leg joint. The blond boy fell to his knees. A wave of goosebumps raced on his skin. He avoided looking up so as to not show, unintentionally, a sign of defiance. "Are you a lil' homo, coming here, can't even throw a punch," the older boy said slapping Cory's face with his thick slab of meat. "No." "You should get a haircut," the other brother advised him. "You look like a girl." Everything was happening so fast. The older teen turned around and backed his round rump over his little nose. "D'ya like my ass?" he asked. "It's nice, uh? Go ahead, kiss it." Cory leaned obediently forward, depositing a peck on each brown buttock. The siblings laughed and spoke in Creole again. Then, the older one spread his ebony mounds obscenely. "Lick my asshole now," he ordered. "I'm sure you want to." Cory knew that if he fled they would catch him and give him a beating, if not this time, the next one, because he would never have the courage to quit the boxing lessons and disappoint his father. There was only one thing he could do. He leaned forward again, thrusting his tongue out to graze the wrinkled brown hole with the tip. "Betta than dat!" the boy behind him said, pushing his head and sending his nose in the crack. "Yeah, eat my ass!" the older brother cheered. "Don't be shy!" Cory began to lick in earnest. He lapped up and down much to the joy of his tormentors who were laughing. When he pulled away, the teenager's dark butthole contracted waiting for the return of the wet caress. Although the forced butt licking was degrading, Cory noticed his little penis had hardened and he blushed. The younger brother was still holding the back of his head, pushing it, urging him to continue. He stuck his tongue out as much as he could and licked the puckered ring. It was glistening now. "Hmm, yeah, go 'round it then in the middle," the recipient of the tongue bath said. "Get in there." he added, spreading his brown cheeks wide apart to give the little boy more access. Cory darted the tip of his tongue repeatedly at the orifice. Meanwhile, the younger brother was twisting his arm behind his back and slapping his head. "Dat's it! Slide it all the way in his asshole." he bellowed. The rising violence scared Cory. Tears welled up at the bottom of his eyes. Each smack to the back of his head made his ears ring. "Stop! Ow! Stop!" he complained in between frantic licks. At that point, he feared that the perverse hazing was going to end badly, especially when he heard, "You wanna be our girl, lil' homo?" Shaking with terror, the panicked boy attempted to escape the grasp of the teenagers. But they were much stronger and the slaps were raining down, preventing him from getting up. It was at that time that the Coach's son walked in to take a shower. Troy was taller than them. The seventeen-years-old hunk owned the gold belt for champion of the gym. Everyone said he had fists of steel. Not the type of young men who's born with the genes of a truck, just a cut kid with a compact body, a nimble boxer. His shaven head complimented the clean lines of his muscular chest. Everything was smooth about him. Yet, even with a simple white towel around his hips, he was intimidating. "What's going on?" the teenager said calmly approaching the scene. "You can't pick on smaller kids." "Yo man, we were just jokin' with him, dat's all!" the older brother said. When his arms were released, Cory wiped his reddened eyes with the back of his hand. He sniffled, still on his knees, naked. Troy patted his shoulder reassuringly. Then, the savior bent over to pick up his towel and hand it to him. A gracious gesture that Cory interpreted to mean he should forget what had happened. *** The appearance of the unexpected protector in the showers cleared up a lot of things in Cory's head. Now, he understood what his father wanted him to look like. He had a model – Troy, a manly hero. Without any of the skills to even begin to emulate the boxing star, Cory knew that he would need all the help he could get to climb to the pinnacle of masculinity. Who else than the champion himself would be better suited to teach him? Troy left the gym late in the afternoon. Cory raced on his thin legs to catch up to him, calling out, "Troy! Wait for me!" The young man accelerated, covering his shaven head with the hood of his jacket, sucking on a cigarette. Whenever Cory managed to get close, all he got was glaring eyes and a puff of smoke in the face. Sometimes, flattery worked a bit. "You're the best Troy! No one can beat you. Can you show me how?
The skinny blond boy tried all the approaches, from anger right down to weeping, staring at his sneakers in a pitiful way. Finally, he heard the glorious words he'd been waiting for, "Maybe we can work something out." From then on, every day after school, Cory headed to Troy's house for a boxing lesson. The teenager's bedroom was in the basement of an old bungalow. It occupied a large space with exposed metal beams from which hung a punching bag. The walls were plastered with posters of sports cars and women with large breasts spilling out of tiny bikinis. In one corner, a large unmade bed monopolized the floor near a dresser covered with stickers. In the other there was a sofa and worn-out armchairs. Cory stripped down to his briefs. For an hour, he executed the instructions of his mentor: a hundred push-ups, sit-ups and jabs on the sandbag. Once Troy got bored, he jumped in. The teenager grabbed him and bent his supple little body. Cory giggled at first then screamed when it got rough and hurt. Nonetheless, he liked the one-on-one battles. Troy kept his jeans and t-shirt on, but he could feel the vibrant strength of his arms and legs through the clothes. Troy slapped him around and punched him in the stomach, hoping he would defend himself, hoping to ignite an instinctive and primal violence inside him that unfortunately never surfaced. At the end of the lesson, Cory was sweating all over. The tips of his long blond bangs curled up. His tighty-whities were soaked. "Go take a shower and after you're gonna thank me." Troy stated candidly. Cory obeyed, soaped himself up in the shower stall upstairs and came back down naked to the teenager's bedroom. Every time, Troy was waiting, sitting in his favorite armchair, jeans and underpants around his ankles. "Come here," he said, smiling. The nature of the compensation required for his training services had been agreed at the first lesson. Troy never used the words 'pay him', always 'thank him'. Cory knew what it meant and knelt between the teen's hairy legs. Troy's cock was already erect and dripping, eight inches [20 cm] of swollen teen meat. He shaved his pubic area as bald as the top of his skull. Because it was circumcised, Troy's penis reminded Cory of the large mushrooms with a fleshy stem he'd seen in the woods. The little boy wrapped his fingers around the shaft. He licked up the underside to the head for a while. Then, he proceeded to get as much as he could in his mouth. But with his narrow jaw, he only took in a part. Nevertheless, his eagerness to thank Troy was not affected. He sucked the portion using an impetuous bobbing of his blond head. Troy watched him, moaning, obviously delighted. "Hmmm Yeah, squeeze your lips around it 3; Ohhhhh shit, you're good 3;" The raspy words of the teenager comforted Cory. He did not want to be the one to spoil their agreement. Sucking the big penis of a seventeen-years-old boy was not an exorbitant price to pay in order to perpetuate the hope of one day making his dad proud by becoming a boxer. Troy never shut his eyes. He watched continually like a hawk. The intense gaze embarrassed Cory and made him feel even smaller and naked than he was. Moreover, there was a mirror on the wall, next to the armchair. Cory could see his reflection, leaning over Troy's groin, his head going up and down. He couldn't have been in a more submissive position, on his knees, his little white bum sticking out. Ten minutes passed before Troy manifested signs of an impending orgasm. First, there were convulsions, then grunts, as he suppressed the pleasure. Soon, he was ranting hysterically, "Oh Suck it harder now! Yeah, suck my cock!" All of a sudden, the exalted youth leapt on his long feet. He fondled his erection, barely touching it with his fingertips, on the edge of ecstasy. "Get ready, come closer," he said. Cory opened wide. The first blast shot unexpectedly across his nose. The other thick jets of cream splashed at the back of his throat. "Swallow! Quick!" Troy said, clutching his balls. Cory gulped the sauce down and offered his mouth again. It was filled it up once more. At seventeen, the healthy young man was as fertile as he could be. He groaned and ejaculated at least ten times. Cory gobbled it all up. Afterwards, Troy stroked Cory's blond hair as if to show his appreciation, catching his breath. Then, the teenager gently slipped the head of his cock again between his student's lips. Cory used his tongue to clean the viscous film on the sensitive bulb. He didn't mind the funky taste anymore. Since he thanked his teacher every day, after only a few weeks of boxing lessons, he had already ingested a phenomenal amount of cum for a ten-year-old kid. *** Back home after Troy's private lessons, Cory dashed to brush his teeth afraid his dad would detect the smell of semen on his breath and give him another spanking. The degree of his voluntary servitude confused the young boy. He felt dirty. He wanted to escape the vicious circle in which he'd stepped into, but he could not find the strength to do so. Truth was he didn't dislike being with teenagers, almost men. His attraction to boys his age was extinguished. At night in bed, his fantasies were invaded by the sculpted bodies of athletic adolescents with big fat dicks. He slipped his little hand down his pajama pants and masturbated to a dry orgasm. And Troy's exercises were paying off. Cory could see biceps emerging on his otherwise flimsy arms. Nude in front of the bathroom mirror, he inspected his body. While still a skinny boy with a small pink penis, his abs were starting to show, his thighs had taken a bit of volume and his buttocks were firm as stale loaves of bread. He was ready for the first test, an inter-gym boxing competition. The day of the confrontation, Troy prepared him, "Keep on moving, guess where the next punch will come from and hit as hard as you can." The teacher showed confidence and even pride for the work he had accomplished with him. Cory was about to climb in the ring to face his thirteen-year-old adversary when Troy chose that moment to whisper something in his ear. Words said with a decisive tone, "If you lose, I get your butt 3;" Cory didn't fight beyond the first round, knocked out. At the end of Troy's next lesson, he thanked him again. But this time, the teenager rose from his armchair and said, "Get up here on the cushion, stick your butt out." Cory stopped sucking his cock and did as he was told. Despite the fact he was just ten-years-old, he had figured out what was going to happen next. Being the delicate boy of the school, the other kids had informed him many times of what faggots did with their butts. Nervously, he threw glances behind him. Troy's cock was jutting out of his groin as he smeared oil on it, rubbing the head a lot. Cory felt the teen's hand part his cheek. An oily index traced the outline of his anus. He shut his eyes. The finger pierced into his tight hole, moving in there. He winced with each painful probing. "Relax a little, open your hole, it will be easier." Troy said before inserting the middle one. Soon, there were two fingers dilating the passage. Cory gritted his teeth refusing to appear weak. When the tip of Troy's cock landed on his anus, he breathed heavily. The teenager started to push between his buns, with determination. The large glans sank in a bit and slipped out. This only made Troy more combative. Until the last second, Cory thought something that big would never fit into his tiny hole. His sphincter was guarding the entrance. Then suddenly, Troy's hardness burst inside him, wrenching a strident yelp out of him. The triumphant teen exhaled and grabbed him by his hips. Although his cock was moving gently in and out, Cory felt like a tree trunk was ramming in his butt. Gradually, the pace increased. With every passing moment, Cory squealed louder. Scrunching his face and his toes clenched, the young boy listened to the dim muttering, "Ohhh that's hot, yeah shit that's hot 3;" "It hurts Troy, it really hurts." he decided to say. Fortunately, the teenager did not give him his entire length nor use all of his vigor. He showed restraint for a horny seventeen-year-old deflowering a submissive kid. After five minutes, his arousal was unbearable. Cory let out a cry of relief feeling the pulsations of his cock spewing abundant hot cream inside him. *** Cory thought his rear would be safe for a long while. Another competition came, then another, with the same consequences. The number of boxing competitions on the schedule astounded him, practically one every week. Despite Troy's boxing lessons and his personal efforts, there was no improvement. The extent of his talent limited itself to hopping around in the ring and dodging punches. His opponents were all older and stronger. He was out of his league. The failures did not discourage Cory. His thirst to overcome his physical shortcomings remained unwavering, which meant he had to continue the private lessons and be the sex slave of his mentor. The day after a defeat, Troy now inserted a suppository into his butthole that triggered the emptying of his bowels. At the end of the lesson, Cory took a shower and thanked him with his mouth. But within a minute, Troy pushed his forehead away and said, "Let's do it in your butt." The restrained teenager of the first time did not show the same consideration anymore. Usually, Cory was on his back in the middle of the mattress. Troy pinned him down under the knees to maintain his short folded legs in the air. He was totally at his mercy. His small buttocks were parted exposing his puckered anus. Things went so fast that he had no time to brace himself. Troy snatched his lubricated erection and buried it in his butthole. The ploughing started immediately. The thrusts intensified from the onset. Cory's body tensed up. Grimaces contorted his face from the discomfort of having such a big mass shoved in his rectum. The athletic teenager dug his heels in the mattress and bucked his hips seemingly like he would never get tired. Cory stayed on his back, watching the large pole slide in and out of him again and again, faster, harder and deeper, until it disappeared entirely in the stretched donut of skin that used to be his tiny butthole. "Anngghh, Troy! Angggh! Annggh!" he moaned relentlessly. At the peak of the rutting, the blond boy reckoned it was not just Troy's fists that were made of steel. He lamented like a girl, no one hearing his plaintive wails. Troy's father came home from work late in the evening. The teenager could fuck him as hard as he wanted. For long minutes, Cory held on to the muscular boy, squealing. Troy's balls started to bounce off his firm little ass. Then with a long groan, the teen collapsed on top of him, pushing his cock inside his guts. Troy came so hard that he trembled. Cory shuddered also, from his own orgasm. Troy also started to invite gym buddies over, usually two. The chosen ones arrived with a wide grin on their faces. They were pumped up and arrogant. For them, it was another party. There was nothing gay about it. They were just going to show the wimp from the gym what it means to be a real man. But when Cory undressed, their pompous bravado deflated. They suddenly became reluctant to do it with a little kid. Their eyes turned away from his childish nakedness. "We lost because of him, he deserves it, right?" Troy reasoned. "Don't worry, he won't say anything." "Are you sure, man? We don't wanna to get in any trouble." "It's all part of the lessons. He knows that." Troy said, taking off his jeans. The boxing champion showed them how he trained his student to suck his huge erection right down to the balls. Seeing Cory's consent and ability, the guests perked up and jumped at the chance to have anal sex. They kicked theirs sneakers off, grinning again. Cory was soon encircled by the naked jocks. Big hard-ons were brandished at his face, shoved in his mouth. The horny teenagers mounted him one after the other, taking him from behind, or sometimes at both ends. Cory constantly had a cock down his throat or crammed into his butthole. The new boys fucked him aggressively, pulling his hair, talking dirty, "You feel it? You like that dick in your ass, uh? Yeah, lean back, here we go, all the way in. Wanna eat my wad? Troy, is he gonna eat my wad too?" The orgy lasted over an hour. Cory participated, twisting his little naked body in all the acrobatic positions that would please their lust. He did whatever they desired. The orders came again and again, "Lick my balls." – "Suck my dick." – "Spread your cheeks." – "Sit on my cock and ride it." The blond boy's popularity grew sharply among the members of the gym. Other boxers took part in the gang bangs, even the two black brothers. The group sex ravaged Cory every time. On the way home, his throat was sore and his anus felt like a burning coal. There was a pool of semen at the bottom of his undies. He limped a bit, disoriented, dumbfounded that he enjoyed the rough butt fucks and got multiple orgasms. After fourteen months and thirty seven defeats in the ring, his father ceased to believe that boxing would make him manly. It came as a shock to Cory that he could go back to his old peaceful little boy routines, just like that. He kept the secret of what he'd been through. It was easier than trying to explain very embarrassing things to his mommy and daddy. Most of all, he knew his dad would not appreciate the truth. That his wish to turn his ten-year-old son straight had in fact, forced him to be a cum dump for every teenage boy of a boxing club. The End |
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