BmanMy Son David |
SummaryMy teen son discovers his penis and what he can do with it.
Publ. 2012 (Txtgasm); this site June 2016
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CharactersFather, narrator (adult), David (13-14yo) Category & Story codesConsensual storyMt – cons mast – first incest (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
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My son David was 7 when his mother died of a terminal illness. I think it was a lot less hard on him that it would have been if he were a little older. I tried to date again but many women just don't want a man with a 7 year old son to take care of. So I decided to raise him myself as a single parent. I thought he would a lot easier than a girl. I had no idea what was in store for me. I think it was around 10 when he became fascinated with his penis. I caught him around the house many time with it out in his hand. I explained that was not proper and was to be kept private. I didn't want him to think he had committed a deadly sin but I didn't want him running around with his penis hanging out either. I knew it would be a short time to puberty and then all the sexual lights would go off. He came into my bedroom naked one morning holding his penis. He wanted to know what that juice was that came out of his penis. It was sperm I told him, something that all men produce. Only natural. He was around 13 then, his fetish for the penis seemed to heightened after he was able to ejaculate. It was like he became addicted to that indescribable sensation called the orgasm. I even mentioned to my doctor but he laughed and said it was something all boys went through at that age. It thought it was funny because I didn't really go through that. Not to a point of a fixation on my penis or masturbation. It was then I began to believe David was gay. There was no other explanation. I caught he several times around the house masturbating. In the garage, the bathroom, the back yard, the garage again, in his bedroom several times. It was like I couldn't go anywhere without finding David playing with his penis. One day when he was school, I searched through his computer. I was astounded by what he had. Just about everything there was on the penis. Different sized, circumcised, uncircumcised, large glans, small glans, the corona, the frenulum, round heads, pointed heads, etc. In another folder I found pictures of naked men with erect penises some squirting semen, other giving oral sex. Along with that were pictures of testicles, many of large hanging ones. I had to accept the fact at that time, David was gay. I guess all sorts of emotions ran through me at first. I was really trying to think if it was anything I had done that made him gay. I guess everyone reacts to it differently. I decided the important thing was to not to say anything. When he felt comfortable with it, then he could tell me. Things were to take another turn. Friday evening I was taking a shower, mulling over events in my head. A picture of David crossed my mind, that day I caught him masturbating in the garage. By pure coincidence my penis became hard very quickly, standing up straight as a pole. It had been awhile since I relieved my sexual urges. I thought this would be as good a time as any. The shower curtain pulled back and there stood David. I was caught completely off guard. "David? David, what, what are you doing in here?" His eyes were very wide and a smile was on his lips. "That is a nice woody, dad! How do you jack off? I've never seen you. You've seen me plenty of times." I took a deep breath. "I don't think that would be appropriate, David." David stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed. "Then let me do it for you." Before I could reply with a yes, no or maybe, he grabbed my penis and slowly began rubbing the head. His other hand was under my testicles. "Listen to me, David. This is, its, I mean, awkward. Improper, David." I stopped as I felt his hands gliding up and down my shaft. I guess it was one of those moments I felt so mortified that I completely submitted to David. I closed my eyes, ashamed to watch him. I felt his fingers pinching my nipples while he stroked my penis. I concentrated on ejaculation, please let it happen quickly. I wanted it to be over and done. I felt his finger push into my rectum and that was all the stimulation I needed. I arched my back and gave out a loud moan. He was talking and milking at the same time. "WOW, dad! That was some huge load. Mega load!" I pulled his hands away. "Please, David. Enough. I've had enough. Please." His hand wrapped around my testicles. "You got some nice heavy balls, dad!" "Please, David. You should go." I lay in bed that night more confused than ever. It seemed as if David had no qualms about what he did or was doing. I wondered if he believed it was alright. I began to drift off to sleep never waking again until Saturday morning. I am a pretty sound sleeper and all I ever sleep in is my y-fronts. That morning I awoke completely nude. My y-fronts were on the dresser next to my bed. I realized David must have been in my room during the night and removed them. As I explored further I noticed a rubber band around my scrotum above my testicles. I knew I didn't go to bed like that and I didn't remove my y-fronts. I put on my robe and went to the kitchen. David was watching one of those adult cartoons, Beavis and Butthead I think. I thought about saying some thing to him about it, but he was 14 now and growing fast. I couldn't stop him from watching everything. He turned as I went by. "Hey, dad! Have a good night?" I nodded as I made my way to the kitchen. "I have no idea why you used the rubber band. Did you see that on Beavis and Butthead?" "No. But they do wank off a lot." I thought to myself, Great. Just what he needs. More masturbation cartoons. I made coffee and some breakfast for David and me. David sat silently at the table. I thought I better start. "So, how did I wind up this morning with a rubber band around my testicles?" David nodded as he smiled. "I woke up early this morning. I saw you were sleeping pretty hard. I thought it would be fun to play with you a little." I nodded my head. "I see. Just for, as you teens say, kicks?" Stuffing scrambled eggs into his mouth, David just nodded. I pushed my empty plate away and took my coffee cup. "Just for my curiosity, have you done this with other men?" David shook his head. "No. I kind of thought about it, but no." I knew I had to do something, right or wrong I had to step in. "I don't want you doing any such things with other men. I know this is going to sound strange, but anything you feel you have to do you can do with me. What we do here is private between us and nobody else. Agreed?" I saw a smile come across his face. "You mean that, dad?" I nodded. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." "You mean jacking you off? Playing with your cock and balls? All that kinds of stuff?" Reluctantly, I nodded my head affirmative. I knew I would probably regret it at a later date, but at least I would know who my son was sexually playing with. I put the dirty dishes in the sink. David was still at the table with a grin. "Great! Cause I feel like playing with your cock right now." I rolled my eyes. "Now? Right at this minute? I would like to clean things up first." David made a dash back to the television. "OK, I'll give you ten minutes." "OH, thanks! You're so generous." That Saturday was my initiation into the endless sex drive of a teenage boy. I gave David too much leeway and now I felt I had lost control. Now I had allowed him to play with two penises, his and mine. He seemed to get the most excitement from masturbating me. I'm not sure if it gave him pleasure or dominance. Unfortunately, I was only able to give him two ejaculations Saturday. I did come to the realization that David was very skilled in the art of masturbation. I guess it was the years of practice. As much as I disliked to admit it, he gave me some wonderful orgasms. His thumb rubbing over and over the frenulum gave me sensations I didn't know existed. In my weakness, David was finally able to bring me down to his level of sexual depravity. "Com'on, dad! I got a big woody on. Grab it and wank me off!" In the moment I was aroused and it was exciting. I took his hard penis, stroking and stroking until ejaculation. "WOW! Dad. That was great. You sure do know how to masturbate." I was ashamed at what I had done or even what I had become. However, I still felt better that I let my gay son experiment with me instead of a stranger. The End |
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