Quantum FantasyImmortal Adventures 2Forever Wet |
SummarySequel to Tardies. Thirteen year old Randy is kidnapped and brought to an old man. This man keeps in prisoned and transmogrifying him
Publ. 2003 (ASSGM); this site Sept 2016
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CharactersRandy (13yo) and Dr. Serigan (174yo)Category & Story codesFantasy storyMt – non-cons anal oral – med cbt body-modification (Explanation) |
Author's DisclaimerThis is a text document which contains individual letters and spaces ordered in such a way that it may provoke feelings of an erotic nature in the hypothalamus of your brain. If you begin feeling a little strange while reading this, keep going because it can only get better. :) Also, this document is completely and totally fictional. It never happened. This work is the complete and total product of my imagination and a work of fantasy. I certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to Randy to happen to anyone in real life. However, should one day come that we ascend to our own personal universes, I would gladly put myself in the role of Randy to endure all I've written in these chapters. It is in that spirit that I write this story -- the spirit of fantasy. :-) Furthermore, I believe these works to be legal under current law allowing computer-generated pornography, which is my understanding. As has been pointed out in the past, many law-abiding authors write about grisly murders and the murderers that committed them, yet the authors themselves are upstanding citizens. I believe I fit into that category myself. Real is real. Fantasy is fantasy. Telling the difference between the two is sanity. |
Author's noteCheers! Conn Pierre (=Quantum Fantasy & Donkey Boy) |
Chapter 1: Old FartFollowing the old man, the four jocks led Randy into a separate chamber. What Randy saw was a lone table in the middle of the room surrounded by a host of frightening looking machines. Unlike the doctor's office or a hospital room, which were frightening enough, these machines were covered with peeling paint and rust, containing welds in various places. All the machines had a scattering of knobs, buttons, switches, hoses, wands, and various assortments of elongated objects, some slim and some thick. Some were filled with holes and some were smooth and shiny, though still covered with dust. Some had no attachments, while some had hoses, wires, or both attached to them. There were machines suspended from the ceiling and machines under the table. Randy eyed this scene with horror as he already knew who was about to be placed on the table. He, who had already been the subject of excruciating pain to both his jaws and his genitals, while the others had suffered nothing, imagined himself on the table, writhing in pain caused by excruciating and sadistic experimentation. He really had no idea what they were going to do to him, but he didn't really think he would enjoy it very much. The old man stayed behind as the four jocks pulled the struggling Randy toward the table. The boy struggled until he felt a sharp pain once again in his testicles as the hard-soled boot of the old man kicked him hard in the balls and perineum from behind, causing another loud, but deeper echo to crack through the air. With a loud, reactive scream, again, the boy tried to ball up to protect himself, but the jocks kept him upright. The old man whispered behind the boy's left ear, "Do not resist me, boy. You have no idea what I can do to you-the pain I can inflict on your body." The man slowly and roughly raked a sharp fingernail up the length of Randy's warm, deep butt crack, starting at his perineum, scraping across the boy's winking butt hole, entering it slightly, and stabbing at the top of the hole as the fingernail continued traveling up the boy's crack to the small of his back. Randy, though he was a strong boy, was unable to fight against the power of the four jocks holding him in a position that made him vulnerable to the sexual violations put forth by the creepy old man. The man knelt behind the boy, putting his face close to the boy's butt. "You have a very deep crack, and very warm," the man whispered as he shamelessly handled Randy's backside, squeezing the strong melons of muscular butt flesh. "I like that. It looks good on you. But it could be better," he said with a cackle as he stood and walked toward the crowd of machines encircling the table. Randy didn't resist this time as he was led the rest of the way to the table by the jocks. The college youths picked the boy up and put him on the one clean object in the room: the stainless steel table. The table was cold, but quickly heated to match the boy's body temperature. In all the horror movies he had seen with mad doctors and their subjects, Randy had always noticed the subjects were tied down. Notably missing from this scenario were table straps, ropes, or restraints of any kind. The table was simply bare. The only things available to hold him were the four jocks. "Okay," the old man said. "Hold him while I prepare him for the procedure." The jocks approached the boy and held his arms and legs. The doctor presented a syringe filled with a yellowish fluid. He stroked Randy's strong forearm. "You have very nice veins, boy. You must be so proud." Randy was too frightened to be proud at this point. The man tapped a vein and quickly inserted the needle and injected the yellowish fluid into the boy's bloodstream. At first, Randy felt no different. But soon the effects became apparent. He was losing his strength. He was still fully alert and able to understand all that was going on, but when he decided to struggle to see if he could free himself from the jocks, his muscles responded, but very weakly. He was able to put up about as much of a fight as an infant, and his strength was fading further. "Okay, I think you can release him now. He's not going anywhere for a while," the old man said. The jocks released Randy from their grip as one jock placed a comfortable, black, cushioned headrest under Randy's head. The boy's alert thoughts told him to jump up and run away. To run far away! And though he put that thought into action, his body absolutely refused to respond in any way. He was absolutely paralyzed, unable to even move his head or make facial expressions. He could move his eyes, but even that felt weird to him. Horror of his situation overtook him. There he was, stark naked on a metal table, completely paralyzed and in the company of a psychopath with an army of the meanest looking machines he'd ever seen, one belching out clouds of steam from the backside. Along with that were four jocks who so far had not hurt him directly, but aided the old man in getting him into this predicament. The gravity of his situation set in and tears welled up in his eyes. He was crying profusely inside, though his face remained completely relaxed, not contorted by the terror of his predicament. The only way of knowing his state of mind was to look at the tears in his eyes or the lack thereof. The mad man dismissed the four jocks as he walked toward the door to unlock it. "Okay, it's safe now. You may all leave now. I have him under my control." He stood there with the door open as the jocks quietly and obediently left the room. The doctor closed the door and locked it once again. He was finally alone with his subject. The old man walked back over to Randy, who was still paralyzed, his face wet from crying. "What are you crying for, boy? I haven't hurt you," he said. "Oh, well, the incident with your balls. That probably hurt, I would guess. You didn't seem to like that too much, did you? Well, you should have gotten over that by now, so if you're not hurting, there's no need to cry." The man picked up a vial of a transparent, red fluid from a chest full of other vials and fluids. Some were large and some were small. Some had droppers and some had membranes to be penetrated to fill syringes. Some had clear fluids and some were colored, dark, or even black. But none of them looked like anything Randy wanted injected into his body. Of course, he had no choice in the matter, so the doctor picked up the vial of red fluid and dropped two drops onto each eyeball. It didn't hurt, but it quickly dried up the boy's tears, though it did nothing for his terror. "That will stop the tears temporarily, at least until we can stop them permanently, that is unless there's a good reason to cry. Heh heh." The man walked to the end of the table and whipped himself around, sending the tails of his long coat flying beside him. Facing the naked, exposed boy and his marijuana-induced erection, which only twenty minutes ago was sitting in a gully enjoying the sexual effects of the inhalation of the intoxicating smoke of cannabis. "I am Dr. Serigan. I am 174 years old." 'You certainly look it,' Randy thought. "You're probably thinking, 'You certainly look it' and you'd be right. I do look my age, but as your balls have noticed, I still have quite a lot of spunk for a chap my age, or even for a chap your age. I can still even get a hard on. See?" The old man unzipped his trousers and dug an enormous, sticky erection out of his sagging underwear. The old man's penis was only shorter than Randy's ten inches [25 cm] by about half an inch [1 cm], but it definitely looked like a strong erection, though the skin was old and warted with liver spots and varicose veins. One notable disfigurement was a nasty looking scar running across his dickhead and about halfway down the bulge of his urethra, curving around to the base on the opposite side. The scar on the doctor's dickhead left a prominent indentation. The combination of all these factors made his penis look absolutely gross and disgusting. At the base of his cock erupted a tangled mass of wiry, grey pubic hair, which spread halfway up the shaft. It was damp from the old man's own sexual emissions caused by looking at the sexy, muscular, big-dicked, plump-balled boy lying naked on the table before him. Randy felt his penis deflate a little at the sight of the man's disgusting fuckstick, but the THC still in his system kept him from deflating completely. "Oh, boy, don't feel bad about not being able to keep it up for me. All that will change soon. But before we begin, I must fuck you, just for fun. Would you like that?" In his mind, Randy was screaming no! But being unable to respond or react to the man, he didn't resist at all when the old fart lifted the boy's legs and pressed them back against his shoulders. He placed the deformed head of his sick looking penis at Randy's butthole and pressed hard, popping the rough-skinned dick into the boy's anal canal. The 174-year-old doctor wasted no time in getting his full fucking motions into play. The old fart was full of sexual energy and used it to the max as he pistoned his flagrantly hard member in and out of the boy's paralyzed, unresisting butt hole. Randy, unable to control his limbs, laid there fully alert, yet as limp as a wet noodle, unable to protest as his butt hole was wantonly violated by the old man. Randy wanted to puke, but he had no choice as the man continued his relentless fucking of him. Randy could actually feel the hardened warts, callouses, and wads of varicose veins squishing around on the loathsome piece of disgusting pecker meat. He only wondered what kinds of horrible diseases might come of this encounter. The old man, began pumping himself faster and faster into the boy, jabbing at the kid's prostate and, though Randy didn't want to be in this place with this man, sending the boy into the heights of anal ecstasy. Randy wanted to shriek in horror when he felt his prick harden completely again, despite the fact that it was absolutely the grossest fuck of his lifetime. With an almost evil-sounding, ecstatic cry, the old man deposited a generous amount of sperm deep inside the boy's bowels. He continued fucking the unmoving boy until he was sure all the sperm had been ejected, and he yanked his cock roughly out, and pulled the boy's legs back down, straight out on the table, taking a moment to caress the young, muscled flesh in his wrinkled hands. "My, you're certainly nice looking for a mortal boy and you handled that fucking well." He stuck a long finger up the boy's ass and drew it out. "Look. No blood! That's very good! You must be very experienced at being fucked up the ass!" All the boy could do was lie there, observe, and think his answers back to himself. The doctor simply acted as if the boy was agreeing with everything that was happening, while the boy could imagine being in a million other places besides this room, one of them being a casket at a funeral home, which was one step above being in the room with the evil doctor. Randy couldn't imagine things getting much worse than they already had, but they did. The doctor climbed up on the table and pressed his rotten prick against the boy's unresisting lips, easily entering the boy's mouth where the man's gnarled-looking dick snaked toward the back of the boy's throat and down his neck. "I can't have my dick covered with your ass slime, now can I? We have much work to do. Yes, much work. So as soon as I'm done cleaning myself, we'll get to work." Randy wanted to vomit. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately given the weird dispositions of this doctor, he was unable to puke or even feel nausea. He never felt nausea due to the paralyzing action of the injected liquid even keeping his stomach settled. But the feeling of the warts and squishy veins running across his tongue would have normally made him spew his cookies to no end. But this time, his body simply accepted the ravishment without rejection, which, to Randy, was more than scary. He wondered what other horrible things were going to happen to him as he lay on the table. Chapter 2: PreparationThe doctor reached over to a tray and picked up two syringes and eyed the boy's crotch. Randy, with his head propped on the headrest, could see where the doctor was looking as he held the two long, thick needles in his hands. Dr. Serigan held the syringes against each other to check the fluid levels. He set one syringe down and lifting one of Randy's loose-hanging testicles, he jabbed the needle into the sensitive organ and carefully set the syringe on the table with the fluid still in it. Huge tears welled up in Randy's eyes and quickly ran down his cheeks. The boy was in very obvious pain as the thick needle tortured his right testicle. The doctor picked up the second syringe and stuck it unceremoniously into the boy's left testicle. He then left the syringes there lying on the table. He looked at Randy's face and the boy's eyes had rolled back into his head from the pain. The kid was drooling and his eyes were watering, but his body lay perfectly still, the boy's mind alert and fully aware, able to sense and feel what was happening to him. The hard prick was quickly deflating as the horrendous pain in his testicles overpowered the effect the marijuana was having on his sex organ. The doctor then picked up one last syringe. The twelve-inch [30 cm] needle on the syringe had perforations running the length of it. The doctor fully injected the needle into a bottle containing a black liquid and filled the syringe completely. Lifting the boy's now flaccid seven-and-a-half-inch [19 cm] penis, he inserted the tip of the needle into the boy's sensitive dick head just above the large piss slit. Holding the sex organ straight, he proceeded to force the entire twelve-inch [30 cm] needle down the whole length of the boy's cock flesh and past the pubic bone, where it finally crossed over the boy's urethra, stabbing the kid in his prostate gland. Randy's tear ducts were pumping out as much liquid as they possibly could as the still paralyzed boy laid there, unable to even make the slightest move to defend himself despite the lack of physical restraints. He had never felt so helpless before in his life as he did at that moment. The pain in his cock, prostate, and balls was immeasurable. Doctor Serigan, much to Randy's horror, presented one last horrifying syringe. This one was actually eight syringes in one, though the needles were much smaller and shorter than the others were. The eight syringes had already been filled with a murky greenish brown fluid that looked disgusting. With the other three still full syringes hanging out of the boy's sex glands, the doctor pulled down straps hanging from the ceiling and fastened them to the boy's ankles. The slightest movements of the needles Randy's cock and balls was excruciating and the doctor was making no effort to be careful as he accidentally bumped the syringe sticking out of his left nut. The tears were flowing like a waterful from the boy's beautiful eyes. Pushing a harmless looking button on a panel behind Randy's head, the straps pulled the boy's legs back and down, pressing the kid's knees back onto his chest in the same position he was in when he was fucked by the doctor. Serigan dabbed a small amount of cream from a canister on the tray and smeared it on the boy's butt hole. The hole quickly began relaxing until the prominent ring was relaxed and slightly gaping. Moving quickly, the doctor grabbed the eight-needle syringe assembly and aimed it at the boy's butthole. Randy saw this and began preparing his mind for what was sure to be a harrowing experience. Dr. Serigan turned some thumbscrews on the apparatus adjusting the radius of the circle of needles. When he was satisfied he had a match, he didn't hesitate to push it against the kid's anal ring, burying all eight 1-inch [2½ cm] needles into the kid's O-ring. Pain wasn't the word for what the boy felt. Agony was too mild a term, too. If terror could be felt as a physical sensation, that would probably describe the boy's torment. Despite the horrible tortures inflicted on the boy, the paralyzing injection kept the boy perfectly still. The doctor picked up one last instrument. This instrument was used to inject all the fluids in the syringes simultaneously and at a controlled level. Still not bothering to be careful with the syringes, the doctor carelessly attached each syringe to a set of movable bases on the injector. After finally attaching the syringes, he plugged in the injector and set the dosage rate. Dr. Serigan picked up an empty syringe and filled it once more with the same yellowish fluid that was used on Randy when he was first placed on the table. The doctor injected the fluid into the boy's arm, renewing the paralysis. "There. That should hold you for the length of the injection." With that, the doctor pressed a button on the injector to start the administration of the mysterious drugs. And with that, an even more excruciating pain befell the boy. The contact the drugs were making with the kid's inner fleshes was horribly hot, like the feeling of tabasco sauce poured on an open wound. His balls, cock, and asshole ring all felt like they were literally being deep-fried off his body, cooked from the inside out. The doctor's words were lost by the kid's mental haze of furious pain. "Well, this injection is going to take about eight or nine hours. It probably doesn't hurt that much right now, but by the time the injection is nearing its completion, you'll really be hurting. Oh, and I know you probably don't really like this that much, but you have a destiny to fulfill. You'll thank me for this later, I assure you. The doctor moved toward the door, unlocked it, then turned off the lights, leaving the boy in the painful pitch-blackness. With nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to taste, and nothing to smell, the only thing Randy's mind could focus on was the already intensifying pain in his gonads and butt hole.
Dr. Serigan made his way back to his study, walking slowly, but steadily. Though he moved slowly like a man nearing death, his sprightly actions against the boy now suffering in the dungeon-like examination room proved otherwise. Entering his office, Serigan sauntered toward his desk and seated himself in the worn leather chair. He picked up his pen and began writing in his journal: It has been many long years of searching and I think I've finally found the boy I've been looking for. This boy is very special. But his already distinguished sexual abilities go wasted on his peers and idiotic teachers. This boy needs training, and as the Divine Prophecy says, he needs to be transmogrified into a form in line with his physiospiritual composition if he is to withstand not only his mission, but even his mere training in the coming weeks. This boy is strong-willed. I can clearly see that in his eyes, as well as his body. But he is also submissive to the will of others, especially if it serves achieving a final goal. That submissiveness will serve us well. The boy was resistant to my advances, but that's understandable as this is probably the harshest treatment he's ever received. With some behavior modifications, he will fall in line perfectly. The boy already has a remarkable body, even for our own time. But 26,000 years in the future, there are many boys like him. To get the attention of The Masters, this boy must be transmogrified into something more fantastic than anyone has ever seen. His body, even before beginning the transmogrification process, shows traces of many of the characteristics that I will soon effectuate. Though these characteristics are now very rudimentary, once they're brought to full fruition, there is no way that The Masters will be able to resist him. After transmogrification, the training and acclimatization will begin. The doctor put his pen away in a holder on the desk and closed his journal, placing it in the middle drawer on top of skillful sketches of penises, testicles in scrotums, muscles, body parts and non-human anatomy, each with text scribbled in the margins and lines pointing to various parts of the drawings. He selected a human anatomy book from a small rack on his desk containing books he referenced often. The book was old, tattered and written in a strange language not born on Earth. It contained graphic, detailed drawings and photographs of human anatomical structures. Dr. Serigan studied this book for several hours before falling asleep at his desk.
Night had fallen by the time the doctor awoke. He checked his clock and saw that it was already 5am. With a start, he jumped out of his chair and ran toward the door, not even bothering to close it as he darted down the hallway like a marathon runner. It had been twelve hours since he'd left Randy in the examination room and the paralyzing serum had had plenty of time to wear off. Not sure what to expect, the doctor opened the door to find Randy stilll on the table and awake. The boy was sweating profusely as if he'd been struggling. His legs were still restrained, his knees pulled back tight against his shoulders. His cock was completely deflated as the pain of the needle kept him from becoming erect for the entire night. "Let me GO!" Randy screamed at the man. The doctor quickly moved around to the other side of the table and grabbed another syringe full of paralyzing serum. Randy quickly used his hand to knock the needle out of his hands, thankfully not stabbing himself with it as the other needles were still painfully inserted in his genitals and butthole. The doctor, never having been one to put up with any foolishness from boys, grabbed the whole assembly of syringes and shook them violently, causing a horrific scream to erupt from the boy's lungs as all eleven needles racked the insides of his cock, testicles, prostate and anal ring. "Now be still or I'll do it again." Easily defeated once again, Randy grew still, hoping the doctor wouldn't shake the needles again. The doctor made a motion and out of the darkness stepped the four jocks that had brought him to the mansion on the previous day. Randy eyed them with hatred. The jocks walked over to Randy and knowingly held him down as the doctor worked, carelessly removing the needles from Randy's body. Having the needles removed was almost as bad as having them inserted. His nuts were a little swollen, though as big as they were in their natural state, nobody would have noticed. Removing the straps from the boy's ankles, the doctor said to the jocks, "Turn him around on all fours and put his ass toward me." The jocks obeyed, and soon Randy found himself in exactly the position the doctor wanted. While the jocks held the teen boy in place, Serigan pulled out a nasty looking speculum and crammed it into the boy's backside, then quickly crankled the handle the dialated the boy's asshole to a four-inch [10 cm] diameter. Randy had been stretched to this size many times before, so the boy chuckled with satisfaction at the doctor's failure to cause him pain. The boy's haughtiness was quickly replaced by humbleness as the boy felt the jabbing pain of yet another syringe directly in the center of his prostate. The needle was completely full of an opaque, pearly white fluid that was fully injected directly into the boy's sensitive prostate. The kid groaned, as he was unable to contract his hole against the powerful speculum. Once the injection was complete, the doctor closed the speculum and removed it, then ordered the jocks to release the boy. Randy, somewhat exhausted from the ordeal, collapsed on the table. His soft cock snaked out behind his crotch and laid out upside down on the table. His balls were draped across the smooth, veined shaft, only lying gently on either side. The kid kept his legs spread apart, not caring how seductive he looked to all five males in his presence. His balls, butthole, cock, and prostate were all aching from his experiences over the last 15 hours and he was in no hurry to have anyone touch him in any of those places. Of course, the doctor didn't care what the boy was thinking. He quickly grabbed all the boy's bits in his large hand and pulled him backward across the table with a loud, high pitched squeak of the boy's skin rubbing the metal. Randy cried out in pain at the sudden punishment. Serigan leaned over Randy's shoulder and in a raspy voice, whispered, "Come back to see me when you 3; feel the need." The way the man said, 'feel the need', made Randy wonder what was just injected into his prostate. The boy would find out soon enough. Chapter 3: Home Bitter HomeSerigan released his grip from Randy's gonads and the boy quickly slid off the table and backed away from the men. He didn't dare turn his back to them for fear that one of them would kick him in his horribly sore balls again. "Don't forget your clothes," Serigan said pointing to the pile of crusty clothes still lying on the floor from when Randy had been stripped earlier. Randy picked up the pants and carefully put on the pissy smelling, cum-crusted pants, not taking much care to push his hard-on out of the way. He donned his shirt, followed by his socks and high-tops. He continued backing away until he reached the door, then he quickly turned and ran out of the room, down the hall, into the garage and out into the yard. He didn't care that his aching balls were taking another beating between his muscled thighs. He just wanted to get away from the house of horrors as quickly as he could where he could cradle and pet his balls until they were healed. The athletic boy ran down the concrete driveway and the iron gate was opening as he neared it. He ran through the gate and continued through the trees and around all the turns they had previously made until he was back out on the familiar highway running alongside his trailer park. Randy slowed to a trot and then a walk as he turned the corner to make his way up the pot-holed, oil dirt roadway. He had been at the doctor's mansion all night long and most of the morning. School had started at least a couple of hours earlier. After all the tardies he'd had Wednesday, starting Thursday with more tardies was not going to be good. And after all the needles he'd been jabbed with in his privates and butthole, he wasn't eager to endure any more punishments to his tender areas. The still erect but not horny boy walked up the rickety steps to the dumpy trailer in which he lived. As soon as he opened the door, Edward and Bobbie were both standing there looking down at him like they'd look at a dog who had just pissed on the bed. "Come here!" Edward ordered as he grabbed Randy by his shirt collar, which lifted his shirttail and revealed his ab muscles. Randy staggered sideways, trying to keep his balance as the man jerked him around the room. The boy hadn't thought of a good answer yet to the most likely question about where he'd been, but it didn't matter. The question never came. Instead, a strong hand unbuttoned Randy's pants and quickly yanked them down to his ankles. Edward pushed the boy down onto the filthy carpet and pulled the pants off his feet along with one of his shoes. The socks, which were tight around the boy's feet, were loose in the tube section and they were ruffled up around his slender ankles, accentuating the bulbous diamonds of hard calf muscle. The kid's hard dick protruded nastily from his crotch in a giant curve of fat, boyish cockflesh. Edward jerked the boy toward him, causing Randy's head to snap back. The kid was thrown over the arm of the couch and his face was buried in the pillow. His dick was being ground into the roughly textured arm cushion. "Spread your legs!" Edward hollered at the boy. Frightened, Randy did as he was told. Edward eyed the boy's perky butt cheeks and looked at the puffy butthole between the hard, bulbous globes. "What the hell is wrong with your butthole? Have you been letting somebody fuck you? Do you have any money for it?" Edward screamed as he brutally smacked the boy on his right ass cheek, sending a high-pitched clap through the air. "Answer me!" Edward said, delivering another powerful smack to the same cheek. "No, I wasn't fucked. I don't have any money!" the boy said loudly. The Purvall's next door heard and they were looking out their kitchen window into the open door of Edward and Bobbie's house trailer. They watched intently as the half naked boy received further punishment. "Are you lying, boy?" Edward asked again, hitting the boy a third time. "No! I'm not lying!" "Well, the school disagrees," Edward said with another butt smack on the right half. Randy was wishing his father would hit him on the left cheek to even things out and give his right one a rest. "I-I swear! Nobody has fucked me!" Randy insisted, knowing he was lying. He had been fucked, but he received no money for it. The Purvall's were leaning closer to their window to hear more of what was going on. They knew the boy was in trouble and there was talk of him having been fucked. This excited the perverted couple since they regularly had the boy over for their own enjoyment and they often punished him for no reason at all. Randy knew what he was facing every time he went to their house, but if he didn't go so his dad could get some money, then he'd be punished more harshly at home, and then he'd end up having to go see them anyway. One of their favorite things to do to Randy was to force him to suck Mr. Purvall off while Mrs. Purvall gave him a bare-handed spanking on his naked butt and scolded him about what filthy, slutty boy he was. Edward, having heard the full story from the school principal, knew Randy was lying and started smacking the kid wildly on his right butt cheek, raising his hand high in the air, only to bring it crashing down on the boy's smarting flesh. "Are you sure nobody fucked you? Is that your final answer?" Randy, breathing heavy, hesitated for a moment. He knew if he told the truth, he would be punished more for lying. He knew if he lied, he would be punished anyway. Randy finally fessed up, saying, "Yes, I was fucked, but I don't have any money." "So you gave it up for free, huh?" "Yes 3; No! It just happened. I mean, I didn't have a choice!" "Oh, so you allowed it to happen for free. You're a strong boy. You could have kicked all their asses, but instead, you acted like a pussy because you want your ass stuffed with a fat cock so bad, huh?" Randy's heart started pounding harder as the truth he'd always known was spoken so blatantly by his father. Yes, he loved having his ass stuffed with cock. Edward knelt on the couch and straddled Randy's torso, putting his butt over the back of Randy's head. He pulled Randy's right butt cheek to the side to allow better access to the boy's deep crevasse. Holding the boy's cheek with his left hand, Edward used his right hand to harshly punish the vulnerable right side of the boy's butt crack and bun. Bobbie was standing directly behind Randy's legs so she could get a good look at what was happening to the boy, and the Purvall's were next door still ogling the whole scene through their kitchen window. The kid's balls were laid out on the couch's armrest and they were rolling around as the boy struggled to get free of his father's punishment. Edward continued hitting Randy's muscled butt flesh with his open and finally stopped when the right cheek was glowing like a bright pink light bulb. Randy had not cried since he was used to his father's punishment, not to mention the corporal punishments given by the school. Edward stood the boy up and the youthful, non-aroused erection was still jutting out prominently from Randy's muscled crotch. The man grabbed his son's erection. "You better get rid of this hard on, boy. Nobody wants you for sex right now so you don't need it." With that, Edward reared his hand back and smacked the kid as hard as he could, barreling down on the tip of the helpless penis as if to drive it backward into the boy's crotch. A flash of pain coursed through the fat pecker and it flopped up and down and side to side madly as the kid backed off in obvious pain, both from the impact itself, and from the fact that his cock was still horribly sore from having a thick needle jabbed down the length of it by the cruel doctor back at the mansion. Mr. Purvall saw this and could stand no more. Standing at the kitchen sink, he pulled out his short, stubby cock and started masturbating wildly as he waited for more. Mrs. Purvall was standing next to him, already fingering her dripping pussy as she watched the boy's muscular ass cheeks contracting and relaxing. She imagined herself being fucked between the tits by the boy cock as she sucked greedily on the drooling head. Randy would have loved for his erection to subside since having a hard-on was more painful than not having one because of the internal injuries caused by the needle. But the drug-induced boner seemed to be permanently engorged with blood and refused to go down. This displeased Edward, so he ordered his young 13-year-old son to step forward. With a lump in his throat and fearing more punishment of his sensitive sex organ, he stepped forward. Edward drew his thick leather belt out of his denim belt loops and quickly moved to wrap it around the boy's thick and grossly protruding erection. He fastened the belt tightly around the middle of Randy's cock, making sure it wouldn't slip. He yanked firmly downward on the belt until the cock was pointing downward at a 45 degree angle. Using a ruler, Edward began smacking the top of the boy's cockhead and shaft with the edge of the ruler. He didn't realize the pain he was causing to the teenaged penis. He saw the small mark just above the kid's piss slit, but made no mind of it as he continued punishing the sinful tower of flesh. Randy gritted his teeth and danced on his toes, but he dared not try to step away as that would result in worse punishment. Instead the boy simply danced in place and allowed his father to spend the next several seconds continuing his administration of sexual punishment. For variety and extra cruelty, Edward turned the ruler and smacked the edge of it hard directly against the sensitive piss slit of the boy's penis. As a final course of punishment, Edward pulled down hard on the belt, bending his dick down, then he grabbed the head and the top three inches [7½ cm] of the hard shaft and bent them hard toward the ceiling. Then he whipped the belt backward between the boy's muscular legs and moved himself around, yanking up cruelly on the belt, forcing the kid's dick to nestle in his own ass crack. Purvall quickly ejaculated as he saw the boy's fat cockhead pop up between the kid's muscular ass cheeks. Then Mrs. Purvall creamed her panties when she saw Edward grab a nearby metal, cylindrical-shaped metal file and cram it down his son's piss slit, horribly punishing the inside of his dry cock. The boy screamed in pain, which finally satisfied Edward that he had made his point. Edward finished punishing the boy's cock and he removed the belt. The organ still remained completely hard as it flopped forward with the metal file still in it. "Take the file out completely and quickly and do it now or I'll shove it in deeper," Edward ordered. Randy immediately grabbed the exposed end of the file and pulled it out a couple of millimeters and stopped because the pain was too great because of the very coarse surface. Randy released the file. "I can't! It hurts!" Edward looked at the file and said, "Okay. Let me do it." With that he gripped the file, pulled it back about half and inch [1 cm], the suddenly lurched forward with it, burying four more inches [10 cm] into the boy's cock than had been in there before. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Randy grimaced in pain as his eyes actually did begin to water. Purvall was still next door with his wife. Both of them were still gaping at the drama being played out. Their mouths were hanging open in amazement at the punishment being given to the hunky young boy, and the fact that he had been able to take as much as he had without crying. Edward looked into his son's face and said, "Kid, you're a tough one to punish, but at least now I know how to make you cry again, which is the whole point. You've become too cocky lately and you're going to have to be put back in your place." Randy's father then got on his knees between the boy's legs and gripped the file, putting the bottom of his fist against the boy's dickhead, and then with an expert jacking motion, begain furiously raping the boy's cock repeatedly and rapidly with the rough metal file, then banging the plastic handle hard against the swollen dickhead. Randy's cock was on fire with pain as he actually screamed and cried just like a normal kid would cry and scream during a normal spanking. Edward continued administering his newfound punishment. "I'll rape your cock until you can't piss for a week!" he bellowed as he rammed the file in as far its own 12" [30 cm] length would allow, not counting the handle. The file drilled past the base of the boy's cock by two inches [5 cm], which, thankfully didn't hit Randy's prostate, which would have truly sent him over the edge. Forcing the file in as far as it would go, Edward left it there and looked up at his sobbing son. "This hurt me more than it hurt you, I want you to know. Now I'll leave it up to you to take it out, and you can have all the time you want." Randy pushed forth a new burst of tears as he thought of the pain he would have to inflict on himself to remove the cruel file. He looked down at the tip of his cock and saw that at least there was no blood, but his prick still felt like he was pissing acid. There was no precum either, and if there had been, the punishment might have actually been pleasurable. "Now come here and sit on the couch so you can pull the file out," Edward said, pointing toward the cushion that just happened to be right in front of the open door where the Purvall's were still watching. Randy sat down, kicked off his one remaining shoe and spread his legs wide. The flexing muscle definition in the boy's creamy-smooth legs as he spread them wide caused Mr. Purvall to ejaculate another healthy load into the sink onto three days worth of dirty dishes Randy would end up cleaning for them in the next few days. Purvall watched the young boy sitting on the couch with his young, ten-inch [25 cm] prick aiming straight up with the big, plasting handle pressed firmly against the boy's cockhead. Randy gripped the handle with his right hand, being careful not to move the file inside his cock any more than necessary. The teen boy pulled up on the handle, stretching the insides of his penis as the file tried to grip the inner urethra. It seemed lodged firmly in place. Edward had apparently used a lot of force and muscle to fuck the boy's cock. Randy pulled up on it with more strength and suddenly the file jerked out two inches [5 cm]. Randy yelped in pain and grimaced once again as his eyes began watering in pain. Randy drew his knees up and put his feet on the edge of the couch so he could use the insides of his thighs as a support for his forearms. He thought maybe using wrist action would be more controllable than using his arms and shoulders for power. His muscular calves were sensually accentuated as they pressed against the backs of Randy's thighs. Purvall loved Randy's legs, so seeing them in this provacative position was enough to cause his prick to lurch again, even though he'd already shot multiple times. This boy was just so damned hot that he'd make a corpse horny. Randy gripped the file handle with both fists and squeezed his thighs together as he tried pulling up on the metal shaved crammed down his cock. This time it budged more slowly, but steadily. Randy started panting heavily as the slow ascent continued. His eyes watered constantly. He still had eight inches [20 cm] of the file buried in him. Edward chimed in by saying, "Okay, now that you're on a steady move, if you stop pulling it out, I'm going to shove it back in all the way." As a reflex action, Randy immediately stopped pulling it out, dropped his legs to the floor and his arms to his side. "Dad! Unnh! That's not fair! You said I could 3; ." Randy wasn't able to get his sentence out before Edward grabbed the file and cruelly crammed it all the way back in, while corkscrewing it at the same time. "EEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Randy leaned forward and gripped the handle. With all his might, and in one quick motion he yanked all twelve inches [30 cm] of the metal file out of his cock and threw it across the room, then squeezed and rubbed his fat cock to try to negate the pain by pleasuring his phallus. The stimulation did help, but it also immediately started a rush of prefuck traveling the length of his cock. Already it was draining from the tip as Edward picked up the file and walked back toward Randy. "You're not going to do it like that. You're going to pull it out and then hand it to me!" With that Edward jabbed the tip of the file at Randy's boy dickhole and shoved. This time, the file slipped in easily all the way up to the handle. This time, instead of yelping in pain, Randy gasped in pleasure. The boy grabbed the handle of the file and held it up until only three inches [7½ cm] of the file was still buried in his cock. He then let go of the handle and his cock literally swallowed the whole file under its own gravity, accepting the instrusion with greed and pleasure. "Oh yeah?!" Edward said as he grabbed the file handle and pointed it upward against Randy's cock and lifted the boy off the couch. Randy had no choice but to follow because Edward was causing him real pain. Randy had to get on his toes, he thought, to keep from having his crotch ripped open. Edward led his son over to the table and slammed the boy's cock on the hard, wooden table with the file still buried in it. He picked up a heavy work boot on the floor and cruelly hammered the length of the boy's cock with it while the steel rod was still buried completely. The Purvall's next door couldn't see what was happening. All they saw was the erotic S&M scene of Randy being picked up by the rod in his cock and being lead off toward the kitchen. What happened to him next was a mystery to them, but they were both getting hornier again from the boyish screaming they were hearing. "Bobbie, get over here!" Edward ordered. Bobbie did as instructed, knowing that she'd get hers if she disobeyed her husband. "What do you want me to do?" "Hold this file deep inside his cock and don't let go of it. And push down as hard as you can here with the ball of your hand," he ordered as he pressed down on the base of Randy's hard, drooling cock. She did as instructed, enjoying the feeling of her son's hard meat beneath her small hand. Edward retrieved his belt again and started whacking Randy's ass wildly. Randy jumped around, then punishing his own cock as he tried to avoid the belt of his father. The file was moving in and out of the boy's cock. Randy tried to move away from the table, but his father pushed him back again, which caused the file to trill past the tight constriction created by his mother, punishing the boy even more. This went on for several minutes until both adults were exhausted. Randy, still bounding with energy, had a wild look in his eye as he darted for the door with the file still buried in his cock. It fell from his cock as he approached the open door where he tripped and fell down the unstable, wooden steps, driving several splinters into his cockhead and shaft. He screamed again as his face was mashed into the dirt and grass. Edward reached the door and grabbed his son's muscular calf which was still lying on the steps. He easily picked the boy up by one leg, holding him upside down. Randy, having snapped sometime during the wild session of sexual abuse, managed to haul off and box his father square in the balls. Edward dropped the boy, who would have landed on his head had his reaction not been swift enough to put his hands down to break his fall. The boy tumbled onto his back and he didn't hesitate to get up and run as hard and as fast as he could, which was far faster than either Bobbie or his father could run. By the time Edward could recover from the brutal punch he had delivered, Randy was already on the other end of the trailer park and running like crazy. He was half naked overall, but completely naked where it counted most. His cock bobbed and swayed madly and his balls flopped around as they bounced off his muscular thighs. Randy rounded the corner out of sight of his old man, then rounded another corner away from the road to sneak behind the park's old utility shed. No sooner than he rounded the corner than he went flying face first into the mud. He doubled over in a backbreaking position with his legs in a wide V over his shoulders and his face and chest planted squarely in the mud. He skidded to a halt, smacking his head hard against a tree, and his lower torso and legs came crashing down limp, falling on and bending his ever-hard cock back on itself. Randy didn't feel it, though. For he was unconscious and lying still in the mud, naked between his waist and his ankles. |
Author's noteEXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE – NOT THE SAME BULLSHIT – Okay, I've written stories in the past which contained blood and they weren't really that well accepted. Some people even discarded the entire chapter, breaking the storyline. The blood portrayed in that previous story was really in bad taste and if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have included such a scene. But this one chapter does have blood and guts, but I think it's done more tastefully as it is not the result of torture, but as the result of Randy's transmogrification, or 'transformation'. Hopefully this isn't a spoiler for you. I like to think that my earlier mention of Randy being transmogrified let you know early on that Randy was due to go through some sort of change. Well, this is the chapter where the change starts taking place, and I decided to be fairly graphic with it. I look at it this way. This story is about me. No, I'm nothing like Randy in practice. But it's about me in that I would gladly go through the things he's been through and will go through to get to where he's going in the story. In other words, I wouldn't do anything to Randy that I wouldn't be willing to go through myself, given the right outcome. And no, I don't want somebody beating my door down to do anything like this to me. I have large dogs who are very protective, guns, and I'm flexible enough to kick you in the face when you're standing twelve inches [30 cm] away from me. Anyway, I guess when you share a fantasy with the world, sometimes a little explanation is needed. Oh, and there's no sex in this chapter, but there are several references to genitals.
Chapter 4: ReturnRandy was out cold for six hours and nobody ever knew he was behind the utility shed. Edward and Bobbie figured he was long gone and would never return. Randy didn't know it, but they had been looking for him. They just never thought to check behind the shed. Randy was Edward's source of income, and Edward was Randy's pimp in the trailer park. That's basically all it amounted to, anyway, so perhaps the boy was better off without them. Slowly, the youth came to. His eyes were closed and the first thing he realized was that his asshole felt funny. At first he figured somebody had fucked him in the middle of the night while he was sleeping, and that was not unusual, so he didn't think much of it. Then he realized his cock was hurting and he remembered the events of his father's abuse on his sex organ. With a deep breath, Randy's alertness spiked and he realized he was all wet. Then he realized he was outside. He jumped up to his knees and squated back on his folded legs with using his socked feet as a support. But then leaned over in pain as his asshole drained something chunky that felt similar to diarrhea, but something was still hanging out of his ass. He reached behind and felt his asshole. Something was indeed hanging out of him. He pulled on whatever it was and he felt something squishy inside him move and something else fell out of his ass. He looked at it and it was a pale beige color and it had streaks of blood on it. "Oh my god!!!" The boy stood up and arched and twisted his back as he turned around to look down at his butthole. Something was definitely wrong back there. There were trickles of blood between his legs. He scraped the mud off his now completely flaccid cock that had coated it after it became buried in a deep, gooey pit of mire. About that time he felt a rumbling around his bladder and some small, discolored chunks oozed from his cock with a small amount of semen. Randy gasped. "That INJECTION! It's KILLING ME!!!!" Randy looked down at the puddle he'd been lying in and saw that while he was out, his body had ejected more of whatever it was he had examined earlier. There was enough there, it appeared, to fill a large bucket. Randy began to panic. Of all the things he'd been through in his life, nothing could match this. He was beside himself with terror as all the events of the last two days paled in comparison to this. He wished he could be back in the toilet being gang fucked by his schoolmates. He wished he could be in Mr. Chandis' class having his teacher's favorite ink pen shoved in and out of his cock. He would even go see his coach to take his medicine for being an alleged rapist of two teenaged girls at school, even if it was a lie. He wanted anything but to be standing here looking at what appeared to be his own innards lying on the ground before him in chunks. Randy looked down at himself. He seemed normal enough, but he thought it looked like he'd lost some weight. His already slim waist seemed even slimmer. He also noticed that there seemed to be either more muscle or a little less fat, not that he really had much fat to begin with. He looked down at his cock and felt an intense stretching behind the base. Then he felt something break inside him, followed by a rush of fluid down the length of his cock. His eyes zeroed in on the tip as he waited to see what was going to come out of his cock next. It seemed to take hours for the mysterious fluid to reach the end of his dick, and then it emerged. A large glob of white goo with red streaks of blood. A rush of pure blood follwed, then blood with white streaks, some gooey chunks, and then a large, solid, but gooey mass slowly oozed from his cock. The nasty creature had so far fallen out about twelve inches [30 cm], but Randy could still feel it hanging on tight deep inside him. Finally, something else snapped and the nasty mass, to disgusting to touch, fell toward the ground, followed by a generous amount of thickened blood, cum, and then more semen. Randy felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to die, but aside from a little abdominal discomfort and feeling the nearly constant need to crap, he didn't feel all that bad. He decided that the best place to start to find the answers to his questions was back at Dr. Serigan's mansion. Randy started out on his mini-trek. He would have normally broken into a run, but since he was scared to jiggle his insides too much, he walked carefully. Luckily it was nearing nighttime, the sun having set completely about fifteen or twenty minutes earlier. The only light left was the bluish glow from behind a spread of trees to the west. Crickets and katydids could be heard singing their nightly symphony of insect music. Randy walked gently along, his sinewy leg muscles strong and sure, but his guts still feeling rather loose. From time to time, material would fall out of his ass. He didn't want to see it. As long as he was still alive and not feeling like he was going to die, he didn't care to see it. But he was still worried. By dark he had made it down the oil dirt road, and nearly to the mansion. There were no lights on the deserted road and the moon was but a hair-thin crescent of glimmer in the night sky. He made one last turn and the driveway, he remembered, was only about half a mile. The trees were so thick that they blocked what little light was coming from the moonshine, leaving the boy in near pitch-blackness. He looked down at his arms and even they appeared to be faint, black, phantom-like silhouettes of his own arms. He continued walking, feeling fine. But out of nowhere, a massive rocket of pain shot from his chest to his butthole. He felt like he was going to faint. He crumbled to his knees, heaving for air, and then fell face-forward and blacked out for a moment. When he came to, he felt like his insides were scrambled. With a rather rude-sounding rumble and absolutely no shame, in the shroud of darkness the boy felt his butthole flap like flags in the wind and his entire torso involuntarily contract as it felt like everything from his chest down blew out of his ass and cock at full speed. He felt the spewing chunks splattering against his legs and calves, which were outstretched behind him as he lay prostrate on the dirt road. He felt something wet and chunky that felt like noodles and spaghetti with meat sauce evacuating from his cock, gathering in a puddle under his abdomen. He still felt bits and pieces of his innards squishing around inside his urethra. Another violent convulsion sent even more gunk out of his holes. Randy was glad it was dark enough that he couldn't see what was coming out of him. He was sure it would be horribly gross to look at, which made him thankful that it wasn't coming out of his mouth, too. He felt much better considering what had just happened to him. He was able to stand and after standing still and on his feet for a few minutes, he made sure he was okay and continued walking. Finally he barely made out the entrance to the doctor's mansion and started walking up the concrete driveway. Since it was so dark, he didn't see the iron gate and ran headlong into it. Fortunately it didn't do any damage. Randy pressed the button on the intercom system next to the gate at about the same time he felt something boiling up at the base of his cock. Something else he couldn't see that felt hot and thick blasted through his urethra and splattered on something several feet away. It didn't necessarily hurt, but it wasn't exactly pleasant, either, under the circumstances. A voice answered on the intercom. "Yes? May I help you?" It wasn't the doctor. Randy hoped he could get some help. "I-I need help!" "This isn't a charity house. Go away." "No! I mean, Dr. Serigan saw me yesterday. I think he did something to me. Please help me!!!" The gate opened immediately. "Come in now. Wait for the doctor at the door inside the garage. Randy now ran toward the opening gate and up the driveway. He could feel his insides sloshing around as he ran, which meant he was most certainly due for another case of whatever it was plaguing him. He arrived at the door where a small light was shining. Randy looked down at his skin. He looked very pale and his veins looked darker than usual. He was seriously worried. After about ten minutes of anguish on Randy's part, Serigan finally arrived at the door and saw Randy standing there half naked with blood running down his legs and dripping from his cock hole. "I told you you'd be back when you feel the need," Serigan said with a sneer. "What the fuck did you do to me, you bastard?" Randy screamed with all the energy he had left. "I did you a favor, boy. You'll appreciate this soon enough. Now come in." "What? You want me to come in there? What's next? Are you going to inject something into my brain to make it fall to pieces? Look at me? I'm fucking MELTING here!" "I said come in, boy. I'm you're only hope. If you stay out there, you will surely die," he lied. What had happened to Randy would have killed any human. Though Randy didn't realize this, he had very little inside anymore that even resembled human anatomy. He'd blown most of his intestines and internal organs out onto the road. Yet he was still alive. The doctor, not seeming very concerned, said, "Let's get you into the examination room. I'll be able to do more for you there." Feeling utterly defeated, Randy submitted to the doctor's will and followed him back into the house of horrors which had started this whole mess. He felt that if Serigan caused this, maybe he could fix it. But again, what needed fixed was gone forever, rotting on the road and in the mud by the old utility shed. Back in the examination room, Serigan picked Randy up and set him rather roughly on the table, not seeming to be concerned at all that the kid was in such a sad state. The boy was pale and had a clammy sweat going as he sat and waited for the doctor to tell him what was up. Okay, it's time for another injection. Oh, great, Randy thought. Here I am, suffering like this because of some injections, and now this idiot wants to give me more. How nice. Serigan picked up a syringe completely full of a very light green fluid. "Lay on your side, boy." Randy did as he was instructed and the doctor stuck the syringe into Randy's abdomen, quickly injected the fluid, then stood about twenty feet [6 m] away from the table. Within seconds, Randy started convulsing, and then in one foul sight and sound of horrendous disgust, the boy heaved bloody chunks of shit, intestines, bits of internal organs and who knows what else out of his mouth, anus and cock simultaneously, while involuntarily making low, gutteral noises that made him sound like some hellish demon from the underworld. The ejection lasted for about five seconds. The doctor moved closer and got a water hose to wash all the nastiness down a drain in the floor. Randy looked at him with wild eyes as the doctor stuck the hose up the boys ass and turned it on full-blast. Warm water started gushing out of the kid's cock and mouth along with remnants of what wasn't ejected in the mass three-way vomit festival that had just taken place seconds earlier. The doctor left the hose there running for several minutes while he walked over to a large tank, turned on some lights and began setting switches and turning knobs. Back on the table, Randy had started to panic, thinking he was going to drown like this. He was already in shock that something squirted up his ass could immediately leave his mouth. Then he realized he wasn't breathing. He wasn't breathing and yet he was alive. He realized he didn't have a heartbeat, and yet he was alive. He began to shiver at the thought. He suddenly felt like some undead vampire. He wondered if he would have to start eating body parts. He tried to sense a hunger for something like human blood, but still the thought of drinking blood disgusted him, so he couldn't be a vampire. The doctor finished calibrating the tank and he came back to where Randy was still lying on the table being flushed with water. Serigan turned off the water and laid the boy on his back. The kid's stomach, while still musclar, was sunken as he was hollow now and had nothing to support the muscle structure. His spine was still there, but with no intestines, liver, stomach, or pancreas, everything just fell. His ribcage kept the basic shape of his upper torso, though. He almost resembled a wasp as his muscles pulled his abdomen close enough to nearly hug his narrow spine. Randy tried to sit up, but having nothing inside him made sitting up rather awkward, and he fell back down, lying flat on the table again. "Never mind, boy. I'll carry you to the tank." "Tank? What's the tank for?" Randy asked, feeling oddly calm for someone with no vital organs anymore. He wondered if he was dead and in heaven. He felt unnaturally light and free of stress. The whole experience seemed rather surreal. He should have been terrified, like a victim in a bloody slash and gash horror movie, but he wasn't. In a weird way, he seemed to rather like Serigan now. He looked down and noticed his familiar cock between his legs, hanging innocent and flaccid, all 7½ inches [19 cm] of it. "That's such a beautiful penis," Randy said. "Do you have one?" "Um, yes, I do. Remember? I was grinding it into your prostate last night." "Oh," Randy said blankly as Serigan carried him toward the tank. The doctor put the boy in the tank, then pulled two tubes from the front side of tank on the inside. Each tube had a needle on it and they were promptly inserted into Randy's testicles. Randy looked down at his also familiar balls, considered the two needles planted firmly into them and with another blank expression, said, "That hurts." He then fell silent again and watched as the doctor continued working. A large probe with several wires coming out of it was inserted deeply into Randy's asshole. The doctor twisted a knob on the probe and it expanded inside Randy's butt. Normally this would have been an ass-splitting, horrific pain, but Randy only reacted with a long sigh, as if thinking of beautiful memories of long ago. There were no tears and no screaming, but there was pain. The boy's reactions were becoming misplaced. Ripping pain might be reacted upon with sighs of relief, or with a giggle. Tickles might be reacted upon with blood-curdling screams of horrific terror. A few more wires were attached to Randy's temples and a long, clear wire was attached to the boy's forehead between his eyebrows. After one final inspection, the doctor left the tank, closed the door and sealed it tightly. The tubes would feed the boy intravenously through his testicles. The electrical probe in the boy's ass would provide the electrical stimulus for growing the lad a new heart, and it would power the heart until his body could manufacture its own energy. Proteins, electrolytes, water and other mysterious elements not known to humans were pumped into the boy's body through his dangling balls. The youth lay in the tank and seemed completely content. In actuality, Randy felt great. He was receiving the perfectly designed nutrients for his body at each progressing moment. They were feeding him and stabilizing his mental state. The wires leading to Randy's temples were stimulating the boy's brain, in effect, reprogramming part of it, erasing some things, planting other things. The wire on the boy's Third Eye between his eyebrows was sending signals to his pineal gland, the seat of his soul. He would still remember parts of his old life, but to him, it would seem more like an extremely vivid dream. His old life was vanishing completely. His new life had yet to begin. Chapter 5: TransformationRandy found himself floating in a blackened void. There was absolutely nothing in existence. There was no sound, no air, no sense of touch, no light, no smells, and no taste in his mouth. Yet he remembered having sensed all these things before. He could imagine what it felt like to have someone touch his hand or his arm, or to have someone run their fingers through his hair. He could remember the feelings of getting whippings and having his balls kicked. He could imagine himself lying on the bed having an orgasm and feeling the hot spurts of gooey jizz land on his belly. But none of those things seemed possible in the black, lonely landscape. The boy continued thinking, since that's all there was to do. He thought about his teachers, his parents, his neighbors at the trailer park. He thought about his love of pot smoking and how it made his horny cock drool precum like a leaky faucet. He thought about his own body and how he knew he had a nice physique, but didn't go out of his way to flaunt it. He remembered that others seemed to like taking advantage of him because he did have the gift of an unusually sensuous and sexual physique. Memories flashed before his eyes of his many sexual experiences from a very young age. He remembered a neighbor's dickhead for the first time when he was seven years old. He remembered his father not being too happy about it. He remembered being beaten with a belt and hands when he was completely naked and how he was forced to go without clothes. He remembered that the neighbors threatened him with all kinds of horrible things should he ever say anything to anyone about what was going on, so he kept quiet and lied to his dad about his whereabouts. Randy remembered the day his father found him in his room with a bunch of porno pictures. Some were in magazines and some were pictures of other men and boys around the trailer park. He remembered Edward finding him with porno scattered all over the bed and lying in the middle of it frigging his leaky, prepubescent dick like a jackhammer while squirming like a whore in heat. His legs were spread very wide and his big balls were bouncing up and down as he snaked his ample foreskin up and down the hard shaft until finally erupting white jizz like a volcano. Even at eight years old, the boy made a huge amount of cum in his big balls and they were not shy about spewing it forcefully in any direction. Edward had stomped across the room and grabbed the boy's hand, yanking it off the youngster's cock while it was still spewing jizz all over the place. Edward had dragged the boy out of his room and into the living room, leaving several dripping slashes of cum along the walls of the hallway. Randy had tried to cover his shame, but Edward forced the boy to keep his hands to his sides, even though his cock was still slowly oozing fucksauce which was then stringing out and dropping onto the carpet. Randy remembered how Edward blamed him for all the sex that was going on and as a punishment, Edward forced him to stand with his back to a corner completely naked with a hard on. If his erection softened, he was beaten. For hours he would have to stand in the corner with a hard on. After four beatings, Randy had had enough and he started creating fantasies in his mind about himself and all the men who had fucked him in the park. Randy remembered that every day from when he was eight years old until he was ten, he had to stand in the corner like that, and Randy constantly had to come up with new and more exciting fantasies as older ones weren't keeping him hard. As the boy's hard cock grew to seven fleshy inches [18 cm] when he was eleven years old, Edward finally realized that the boy was a hopeless homosexual as the boy was about to keep his erection going every day for months. Edward had lost his low paying job, and seeing the opportunity, he decided that he was going to start charging the men in the trailer park to have sex with his young son, and so began Randy's life as a true trailer park boy whore. Randy thought of his proud organ, and how it had grown another three inches [7½ cm] by the time he turned thirteen, which made him a full ten inches [25 cm] long when hard. He remembered how much trouble he had trying to hide the size of his genitals with no underwear to support him. He had no choice but to let it hang, stick out, or bulge however it wanted. At first it caused the boy much embarrassment. But he later found that gay men liked him that way and he could pick up tricks more easily, which made it easier to earn money for his dad, which meant he was beaten less often. The boy thought again about how his long fuckstick had been such an intergral part of his growing up so far, and at that moment, he felt a twitching sensation in his prostate gland. His first sensation since entering the black void was in his prostate. He felt it twitch again. In actuality, he was feeling the formation of a new and larger, more sensitive prostate gland. The boy felt yet another twitch, but heavier and more forceful. Normally this would have sent a bolt of excitement through his chest, but the only sensations he was experiencing were through his prostate.
Randy lay in the tank, conscious on a certain level, but not really perceiving reality. His mind was in a state which allowed him to feel certain things, but he didn't know he was in a tank with needles in his balls, a probe up his butt, or wires attached to his head. The boy had been in the tank for several hours now and a new set of internal organs and special muscles were developing at an accelerated rate. Already his waist was filling out again. The boy's seemed very peaceful and content, despite what was happening to him.
Randy continued to feel twitches in his prostate with ever-increasing frequency until it developed a regular rhythm, a constant pulsing. The boy recognized and solidified in his mind that this was his prostate. The kid was in ecstasy. Something was grinding hard against his prostate, and it was all he could feel until he felt the pleasure spread forward and encompass an extension in front of the prostate. There was an intense stretching feeling from the prostate forward. The boy wanted to gasp for air, but there was none to gasp in this altered state. The stretching continued downward and he finally felt a flaring bulge of pressure, reminding him of his dick head. The boy was now aware of his prostate and cock.
In the tank, Randy's pecker had developed into a full erection. The long, fat shaft had skin like satin with several veins criss crossing all the way around. One very thick artery appeared on his hairless pubic region and curved outward to run along the top left side of his cock about two inches [5 cm] down down where it made a turn, snaking along the underside, over the bulging urethra. It arched downward a little more then curved back toward the urethra, this time disappearing behind it and popping up on the other side where it then spiraled around in the same direction completely encircling the boy's cock. The vein continued traveling downward and it disappeared just before it entered his cock head. The boy's skin was very pink and wet looking. He had developed a thin covering of a slimy substance as his transmogrification proceeded. His balls were hanging low in their sack. His muscles twitched and contracted involuntarily, sometimes twisting the kid into backbreaking positions. As the doctor witnessed the spectacle, Randy's penis began dripping a clear, thin fluid. It dripped lazily out of the tip of his erection and collected on the floor in an ever-growing puddle. In the boy's mental world, he was aware of the sensation. He could actually feel a fluid gently coursing through his penis, but since he was only aware of his genitals and not his limbs, he didn't even think to try to touch himself to see what it was leaking from his body. After several minutes, the fluid thickened and became slimy, but still crystal clear. Randy was reminded of semen. He wasn't sure why he suddenly knew semen was leaking from his cock, but he knew it nonetheless. In actuality, the doctor's wires he'd attached to Randy's head were delivering these messages to the boy's brain and mind. His balls suddenly popped into his mind and he could feel the weight of them hanging below his cock. Randy slowy became aware of more of his body. He slowly recognized the muscles in his arms and legs, and then his feet and hands, fingers and toes. Then he realized he had a face. His full body was in total awareness now, and yet he could not bring himself to move. His penis began leaking more quickly in a constant flow of semen. The puddle on the floor of the tank was the size of a large serving platter and it was growing quickly. As Randy's semen flow increased even more, white streaks began forming in the sexual fluids. Sperm was becoming visible and draining from, adding to the mix. The white streaks slowly moved outward in the puddle as they were displaced by fresh semen and sperm. It wasn't long before the flow coming from Randy's cock was completely white. It began coming out in such quantities that the puddle grew to an enormous size that soon reached the edges of the tank. Randy's skin had, by then, become translucent. His actual muscles, veins and tendons could be seen almost without blockage from the boy's skin. As the doctor watched, new veins were forming and old ones withered away. Muscles popped and bulged as if they were being pumped with air and then deflated. The kid's joints, ligaments and spine softened and became more pliable. His muscles worked his body, continuing to twist and mold it into the most extreme contortions. His back was bent backward so that his head was pressed resting against his butt. His legs then worked themselves around so that his feet were pressing against his chest. The ripples of the boy's ribs and serratus anterior muscles became more pronounced with these extreme motions. The boy sat up on his butt and without using his hands, his right leg rose into the air and went behind his head and to the middle of his back. He then raised his other leg and brought his left foot back to touch his right foot. He pressed them together like one would hold their palms together in prayer. To the doctor, it was a very sexy site as the kid's genitals were completely and totally exposed. The hard, leaking cock arched straight up into the air as a fountain of sperm shot about six inches [15 cm] into the air, then cascaded down in messy splatters, adding to the two inches [5 cm] of sperm that had already collected on the floor. In Randy's mind, the boy felt his body doing weird things, but they were not painful to him. They felt weird, though. It felt weird to him to have his legs come up and over his shoulders; to sit and do the splits, then to use his own leg muscles to bring his feet even higher than his shoulders. He was a true example of ultimate flexibility. The kid continued thrashing about. The needles in his balls were firmly planted and were remaining in place. The metallic probe up the boy's ass suddenly gave him an intense, but short shock. Immediately, the boy's new veins in his cock swelled to an immense size. The kid's dick was harder than it had ever been before and it felt like it would explode. He felt an intense sensation of something rubbing hard against his prostate in a constant rhythm. It sent his prostate and cock into intense waves of ecstasy. The pleasure was centered on his genitals and had not spread to the rest of him. But his cock reacted. What was once a steady stream of sperm became long, hard squirts as the kid's new heart pounded against the sensitive prostate, alternately blocking and releasing the flow of sperm. What had once been a full body orgasm became more intense as all the sensations were focused on a much smaller area. He was able to think clearly while his sex organs were racked with ecstasy. The kid felt no heart pounding in his chest. It was gone. The excitement from being stimulated caused his new heart to pound even harder, pushing him further into ecstatic bliss. Though he was able to think clearly and see things around him, the ecstasy he could not ignore. He sat in the deepening lake of sperm and watched in wide-eyed amazement. His eyes were clearly glazed over from the intense pleasure. But it continued. As Randy sat in the tank watching his cock, something snapped in the boy's crotch. His heavy balls suddenly fell to the bottom of their sack, dragging the silky flesh with them. His balls, which were tight against his crotch to eject their cargo suddenly became loose and heavy as the boy started shooting his sperm even more quickly and in longer jets. This sent the kid's mind over the edge. His body relaxed and his torso fell backwards, sending out a splash of pearly white cum in every direction. His head rested on the floor and the sperm came up to the top of his face. He lay there, unable to move as his cock continued blasting cum. His heart was absolutely racing at 240 beats per minute, so quickly that it really didn't have time to close the boy's urethra, so the sperm began flowing constantly again, now arching well over Randy's nearly covered head and quickly filling the tank. It was only a matter of seconds before Randy's head was completely buried in cum, and though the boy knew he was about to drown in it, the horrible pleasure now encompassing his whole body prevented it. He simply couldn't move. He laid there with his mouth slack and slighty open. Cum flowed into his mouth, then up his nose. He still had no working lungs. They were still developing in his chest, though not as actual necessities, but to give him a more realistic appearance of a living, breathing, mortal boy. After a couple more minutes, Randy's cock was also buried under the ocean of sperm, but still emptying itself dutifully. And by then, the rest of the changes to Randy's body began, hidden beneath the shroud of his own milky, sexual fluid. Chapter 6: EmergenceFor three weeks, Dr. Serigan spent time in the Bahamas sipping Pina Coladas and watching the young boys in their swim trunks playing in the clear waters of the Carribean. He had no concern for Randy who he had left back in the tank in his laboratory. The tank had long since filled with the boy's own live sperm a month before he left for his holiday and everything was going as planned. After the month was up, the boy had been used to living in, breathing, and eating sperm for nourishment and the needles used to deliver the boy's other vital nutrients had been removed with a hard yank. The boy's metal assplug was yanked out and the wires on his head were withdrawn. With all the thrashing around that went on inside the tank after that, it must have hurt the boy pretty badly, but he recovered quickly in his airless prison of sperm. The kid's lungs had started working and they were effortlessly inhaling and exhaling the sex liquid, which added to the boy's transformation progress. For all intents and purposes, the kid was on his own. He was not hungry. He was not thirsty. His own body had evolved in only a matter of weeks to live off its own surrounding of sperm, which had become the most substantial nutrient he could ingest. But the doctor was returning because by the end of his three week vacation, the boy had entered a stasis mode. His body had become still. His body was at rest. His new body was complete and ready for removal from the tank. Dr. Serigan pranced excitedly into his lab. He couldn't wait to see the results of the transmogrification process. He flipped a switch on one of his machines and the sperm in the tank quickly drained, leaving only a young, 13-year-old boy completely covered with a thick layer of his own sperm. The doctor flipped another switch and the tank was quickly flooded with hot, fresh, circulating water, sending plooms of steam into the air. A touchless agitator began vigorously sloshing the water around and the boy's body was swished around inside. Heavy thuds could be heard as his body banged against the inside of the tank. His limbs were flopping wildly around as were his genitalia. A generous amount of soap was introduced which broke up the thick sperm and it was backwashed into the sewer system along with the soapy water. Another flood of hot water entered the chamber, and there was more agitation to rinse the boy and the tank completely of soap and sperm. What was left behind was a very clean god-like boy the likes of which the world has never seen. Words like amazing, stupendous, mythological, magical, and enchanted seemed somehow too crude to describe the transmogrified boy. The boy was positioned on his back, lying in a contorted heap. His right leg was bent behind him and his foot rested beneath his shoulder. The other leg was pointing straight out to the side while the kid's arms simply looked like they were flopped out to the sides. Despite his uncomfortable and unnatural looking position, the boy seemed completely relaxed and peaceful. His penis had become completely flaccid and the fat head was covered by foreskin, but the curvaceous outline of it was clearly visible beneath its covering. It appeared to be very heavy as it stretched toward the floor where the shaft curved forward and the fat dickhead laid flat on the floor, seeming to slightly flatten itself on the bottom under its own weight. His penis appeared to be fleshier than before, and in fact it was. The flesh of his cock was more dense, and therefore it was indeed much heavier, stronger, and tougher. It would need to be all of these things to withstand the boy's destiny. His balls were also greatly enlarged. No, not to the size of tangerines or even oranges. They had become the size of lemons, and they, too, appeared heavier than before. The boy's position kept his butt raised slightly off the floor, but his very low-hanging balls gently touched the floor. His wet hair was plastered down against his head but was already beginning to dry. It started to stand up and lighten as the moisture disappeared. The boy's face resembled somewhat the structure it used to be. But though his face had become very strong and masculine, it still retained a certain angelic quality to it that might have left one wondering if the boy was a delicate flower used to daily herbal baths and gentle pampering, or a tough street kid used to the day to day challenges of survival in the city. It was this quality that Serigan was working for. He wanted a very strong, attractive and pretty boy with perfectly soft and satiny skin who exuded complete innocence, while harboring in himself a fiery sexuality and an aggressive offensive and defensive ability should he be required to engage in any fights on his quest. He looked wonderfully friendly and harmless, but one wouldn't want to fuck with this boy because of his secret ability to kill with his bare hands. Dr. Serigan walked into the cage and picked up the boy's ankle that was pinned under his shoulder. He lifted the boy's muscular leg and the boy's torso fell forward. The boy's head bounced off the floor and he was dragged by his leg out of the cage and dropped next to the table. The old doctor easily hefted the still unconscious boy up onto the examination table and laid him on his back, positioning his arms so they were running alongside his torso. Serigan walked to a small desk in the corner of the room and picked up an old, black, rotary style telephone. He dialed 713 on dialer and said, "Send them in now. The boy is ready." Serigan walked quickly back to the table and turned off the light, encasing the boy in complete darkness. Serigan had a light on just inside the door where he waited for his guests to arrive. After a few minutes, Serigan heard a small army of footsteps padding down the hallway. He dared not open the door before he heard the knock, for that would make him look too anxious, something the Council of Nine looked down upon. He waited, and after a few more seconds, he heard a knock at the door. He waited a few moments, then opened the door. He found the nine Council members dressed in robes of varying colors, each one printed with symbols and drawings that signified the facet of society they represented. The council members stood quietly and waited to be invited in. "Come in. You are welcome here," Serigan said solemly, but obviously barely able to contain his excitement. All nine Council members and their leader filed into the room and stood in a strict V-formation. The leader was the Hallowed One, Kronos. He is a leader who appeared on the scene many millennia ago and with great charisma and leadership managed to position himself above the Council of Nine, consisting of nine members, each representing a certain sphere of society. The plans of the Council of Nine to ascend mankind to the fifth dimension were not working as they'd hoped. Kronos had a plan that both guaranteed success and seemed plausible to the Council. The Council members consisted of one representative of War, Sex, Wealth, Power, Beauty, Nature, Spirituality, Politics, and the Astral. They seemed patient as they stood at attention, allowing the Kronos to walk about freely. Kronos spoke. "Do you have the boy you promised us?" "Indeed I do!" Serigan said excitedly, already realizing he was looking like a complete idiot in the presence of the awesome power of Kronos. When Kronos was not around, Serigan felt very powerful and in control. But when the Hallowed leader was present, Serigan felt like a naughty little girl who had just tee-teed in her little panties. "Come this way! He he he he he," he said quickly with a snort. Serigan walked quickly toward the foot of the table, eager to quickly please the awesome Kronos. He flipped on a light, finally revealing the magnificent youth. Serigan looked at The Hallowed One waiting for a reaction on the man's face. Kronos' face was absolutely stoic, even at the sight of the boy which was clearly causing some degree of heat in the nine council members. The representatives of Sex and Beauty, Sextus and Beauticus, were having a particularly hard time controlling themselves. Kronos turned around and looked at the council members. With an obvious effort, Sextus and Beauticus regained their composure, though both had tears in their eyes from the strain. Kronos turned back to Serigan. "I have given you the knowledge find the boy spoken of in the Sacred Prophecy, and the knowledge to facilitate his transmogrification. Show me that you have used my knowledge wisely," Kronos commanded in a deep and firm, yet somehow gentle voice. "Well, here he is, oh Hallowed One," Serigan said. "Is he what you expected?" "This boy is a corpse. He does not breathe. Does his heart beat?" Kronos asked, sounding somewhat impatient. "Yes, it will beat, and he will breathe! But I just took him out of the tank. He is in stasis now. I will now restart his heart!" Serigan picked up two metallic probes. One was slender and one was thick and both had thick wires leading to one of Serigan's many machines. "Oh, majestic Hallowed One, would you please lift the boy's sex organs so I can have access to his sex?" At first, Kronos just looked at Serigan, hardly believing the old man had the audacity to give him orders, but he retired to do as was requested, since it was requested in a most respectful manner. Kronos picked up the boy's large genitals in one hand, and though the man's hand was very large, even the boy's testicles spilled over his palm and dangled above the table. Using his other hand, he pinned the boy's cock and balls to his contoured abdomen. Kronos' face remained as emotionless as ever. He was clearly not affected by the boy. He handled the kid's genitals as he would a package of bacon at the supermarket should he ever be found delusional enough to walk through one. Serigan turned to work on one of his machines and said over his shoulder, "You should be able to release his genitals now. They should stay where they are. Just pull his balls up on the left side of his cock, cross them under then rest them on the right side and lay his cock on his belly. That will keep everything out of the way while I work." Serigan turned around and found the kid's genitals had already been arranged as he'd described. Serigan had made the mistake of insulting Kronos' intelligence. "Just show me what you've done, Serigan," Kronos ordered. Serigan nervously turned a light on at the foot of the table between the boy's feet. The light shined brightly into the boy's butt crack, revealing what had been deep and mysterious darkness. At the back of the crevasse, he could clearly see the boy's krinkled opening with a prominent ridge encircling it. "Do you want to see?" Serigan asked. Kronos stepped to the foot of the table and leaned down to look up between the boy's legs. He traced the boy's contoured leg muscles up the insides of his calves, knees and thighs. Then saw the parted way continued all the way up to the boy's currently inactive hole. Kronos said as stoically as his facial expression, "That is satisfactory. You have done well on this aspect. What else?" "Well, let me awaken him." Serigan carelessly rammed the thicker of the two probes up Randy's butt hole. He then picked up the boy's cock and rammed the other, slimmer and longer probe deeply into the kid's penis. Serigan quickly turned and pressed a button on his machine. The lights dimmed as a powerful electric current ripped through the boy's cock and butt hole. Instantly the veins in the boy's cock puffed as his heart began beating. Other veins in his body quickly followed suit as the boy's blood pressure normalized. The current remained active and coursed through the boy's motionless body for several seconds. I sizzling sound could be heard crackling through the air. "See, Kronos," Serigan said while watching the boy, "regular humans move their muscles with electrical signals from the brain. When you pump a human full of enough electricity, he will thrash about wildly since the power of the foreign electricity overpowers what normally controls his movements. But in this boy, it's not electrical signals that give him motion, but etheric energy! So he can be electrocuted without-" Serigan looked at Kronos and found Kronos staring back at him with disapproval of his explanation. "I designed this boy, you fool! Get out of the way. I will take over the demonstration for the council members." Kronos put his palm on Serigan's face and pushed him down on the floor. Serigan sat on his knees and covered his face, cowering in fear that he was going to have his life taken. But Kronos simply picked up where Serigan left off, explaining to the council members what maked the boy tick. The timed electrical current stopped. Kronos removed the probes just as the boy was stirring. The boy took a deep breath. His ribcage expanded, accentuating his ripped serratus anterior muscles and chiseled abs. He suddenly thought he was being fucked hard up the ass. He didn't know that his new heart was grinding against his prostate with every pump. With a loud moan he stretched his arms over his head and arched his back. He stretched further and further as he slowly awakened, then suddenly shouted in terror when he felt something against the back of his head and realized it was his own butt. He straightened up and curled up instantly into a fetal position while continuing to moan. He tried to look behind him to see who was fucking him and groaned again when he saw no one. The hairless teen boy then sat up on the side of the table and leaned forward, suddenly realizing he had to piss urgently. "Ahhhh!!! Oh, god I need to pee!!!" His bladder was indeed full, and the pumping action against his prostate wasn't helping matters. Much to the boy's agony, his heart was also jostling his bladder around, making the discomfort all the more unbearable. "Hello to you, too, boy," Kronos responded. "You don't need my permission to pee. Go ahead and do it." "Where's the bathroom? Where?!" The boy begged. "You don't need a bathroom, young one. Just let it go." "I can't! I'll make a huge mess! I've never had to piss so bad! And oh, what's going on in my ass! Ahhh! My butt is on fire!!!" He rocked up and down on the edge of the table, clenching his kegel muscles tightly to keep from going all over the place and trying to stop the relentless fucking sensation in his ass channel. The boy quickly reached for his cock to try to divert the piss need and to try to jerk himself to relief the sexual feelings from his backside. To his horror, he found he couldn't touch himself there. "Aaahh!! What the fuck!" He tried again. He moved his hand toward his dick to relieve the piss need and he simply couldn't get his hand around his cock. Kronos chimed in. "Well, now you've discovered one thing about yourself. You can't touch your penis. How do you like it?" "I THINK IT SUCKS!" the boy cried. "FUCK I HAVE TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!! AAAAAAAIIIEEEE!!!" The boy balled up his fist and tried to slam it down on his cock, but as if some magical force were present, his fist was directed away from his cock and right into his pubis. His own fist caused him even more agony in his distended bladder. He reached behind him and tried to claw at his butthole, but found he couldn't even get his fingers into his butt crack. "Ah, I see you've found out something else," Kronos said. In his anger, the boy tried clawing at his front and backside, and accidentally released his kegel muscles, feeling his bladder opening and his butthole relax. Suddenly realizing he'd done this, he sneered at Kronos, "I'M GONNA PISS ALL OVER YOU, FUCK WAD!" Nothing came out of his cock. And the fucking sensation in his ass continued at full force. The boy screamed, "AAAAAAUUUGHHH!!!" A flood of tears flowed from his eyes as he jumped up and down, trying to slam his butthole against the table to stop whatever it was that was fucking him silly since he couldn't get his fingers in to stop it. He was flexible enough to put half of his arm into his ass, but the the divine law inflicted upon him wouldn't allow it, therefore it was impossible, just as it was impossible for him to knowingly touch his own penis or testicles. A new sensation was introduced as the boy felt the beginnings of an intense stretching deep down in his urethra, a stretching that kept creeping up his urethra and into the base of his cock. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! What the FUCK have you DONE to me!?" the boy screamed. He needed to piss so badly and now he was trying and nothing was coming out. "Something is coming out. Just be patient, boy!" Kronos said. The boy sat on the table and waited, rocking back and forth and moaning in discomfort as he felt the stretching sensation creep further to the opening of his cock. He tried to tighten his kegel muscle to force out whatever was already gathered in his cock. His kegel muscles wouldn't respond. The boy's eyes blasted wide with terror. A look of sincere effort spread across his face as his mouth dropped in disbelief. Try though he might, he couldn't contract the kegel muscles he had only recently relaxed. Kronos, sensing the boy's thoughts, said, "And now I see you've discovered number three. When you were 'holding it' before, that was in the past. You will never experience that again. Your experience to 'hold it' is forever gone." Not believing Kronos, the boy tried with all his might to find the muscles that he would have normally used to make intermittent play squirts into the toilet, but his brain was unable to find any such muscles. His heart sank in terror as he thought about being unable to control himself anymore. How would he handle pissing his pants and the bed all the time, especially at his age. He would have to wear diapers for the rest of his life, he guessed. It was another idea that horrified him. The boy wanted so badly to pound on his cock to loosen whatever was creeping along so he could relief himself. He tried again to reach for his flaccid member, but found himself unable to even lightly touch any part of it. "It's hopeless, boy. Give it up. You will never touch your own penis again. Get used to it." About the time the boy felt a lump grow in his throat at the realization Kronos' words, he saw a white, lumpy glob peek out of the end of his cock. The mysterious white twig-like formation continued snaking out of the boy's dick, which wasn't unpleasurable to the boy, but his need to piss was much stronger and he quickly grew impatient again. "What the fuck is that? Take it out!" Kronos grasped the slowly escaping snake-like substance between his two fingers and pulled gently. It easily broke, however, and the boy was left to suffer through the rest of its exodus. The hardened whiteness began speeding its exit as it became coated in a clear slime. Then the last eighteen inches [45 cm] of it escaped quickly, carried by gravity itself, along with a healthy dose of more slime. The only thing draining from the boy's penis now was slime, coming forth steadily and in copious amounts. "I need to PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" the boy pleaded. Well, my boy. This is as good as it gets. You are peeing. This is peeing, at least for you. Only your bladder no longer contains piss. Your bladder only holds semen and it will leak from you forevermore. You will be forever wet.
This story is continued in the sequel, titled:
Which I haven't found (yet?) |