PZA Boy Stories


The Quality of Mercy

A Five Little Boy Slaves Story


Two boys perform a simple act of kindness, never realizing their society would consider them outlaws.

Publ. Jan.-Feb. 2013
Finished 23,500 words (47 pages)


Robbie (15yo); Seth (12yo); Marcus, their father; Meldarion (5 yo); Sir Robert, their solicitor; William III, King of the British Empire; Reginald Malstrom, Duke of Cornwall; Arnie Gunderson, Rancher; Theresa, Arnie's wife; Peder and Sven, their twin sons (14yo); Luke & Master Keldar; David Cameron, Prime-minister designate

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story
Mb slave analhumil spank bond


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

It features characters from Patrick's epic story, I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves and the author is very much in his debt for him permitting the 'borrowing' of his 'boys'.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at maiocxx(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Maiocxx - The Quality of Mercy in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. The Fugitives
  2. The Exile
  3. Life on the Ranch Has Its Moments
  4. The Return of the King?

Chapter 1
The Fugitives

"Did you hear that?" the young boy asked his older companion as they dug around through the mass of auto parts.

"Come on," chided his partner. "You know Dad doesn't like us rooting around here. If the owner finds us, he'll have fits and we'll be grounded for a month after he hauls us before Dad."

"No seriously! I hear something. Sort of like a child crying."

"Well, I don't hear anything, so let's get out of here."

"Wait! There it is again! It sounds like over there at that pile." And he began to dig through the mountain of trash, at last unearthing a small, tightly wrapped bundle. "It's alive!" he exclaimed, breaking open the wrappings.

Speechless, they both looked down on the naked body of what looked like an elf.

Before they could do more than gape, a bright light suddenly engulfed them, wielded by the trash-yard owner. "Here, watcha doin'! That's trash put out by an owner. Put it back and get out of here! Fore I turn the dogs on you!

They dropped the bundle like a hot rock and fled, running the whole six blocks to their home.


"Dad! You gotta help us!"

"What now?" I answered. The odor from them instantly told me where they had been. "I thought I told you not to go digging around in that trash-yard. There's too much harmful stuff there. Must I ground you to keep you out of it?" I asked, thoroughly annoyed at their disobedience.

"Dad, please listen!" responded Robbie. "There's child buried in the trash. And he's still alive!"

"I'm sure you are mistaken," I answered. "Now get yourselves cleaned up and off to bed. You're both grounded!"

The two ran up the steps to their rooms and the sound of showers told me they had decided not to contest their punishment.

I thought.

"Do you think we can find him again? We must or he'll die!"

"I'm listening, but I don't hear him. Wait! There I heard something. This way."

They soon unearthed the small bundle again and stood looking down at their 'prize'. It really was a little boy, not much beyond toddler. With his sharp features, thin body and black hair he really did look like an elf. He looked up at his saviors with his coal-black eyes and reached for them with his tiny arms.

Seth scooped him up and the arms flew about his neck.

"Wow! He's frightened to death!"

"Wouldn't you be if you were buried alive?" asked Robbie.

"Yeah, but it's like I can feel his fright and pain. Look at the welts on him."

"He's had a tough time, no doubt about it. We better get him home. Dad's gonna be real pissed!"

"Well, we sure just can't walk away from him. Come on, I have the wire cutters."


When I came down for breakfast the next morning, I was confronted by two sheepish, unhappy sons. I looked at them questioningly.

"Dad, we have something to show you," said Seth.

"You went back to the trash-yard, didn't you?" I guessed. They hung their heads. "All right you're grounded for a month!" It was very unlike either of them to be so deliberately defiant.

"Please come and look," begged a tearful Robbie.

I followed them upstairs to their room, fuming all the way.

There, in Seth's bed, lay a naked little boy!

Sound asleep. His hollow cheeks, sunken belly and stick-like arms and legs plainly showing the effects of long-term malnutrition.

"We had to go back and rescue him." wailed Robbie. "He would have died!"

All my anger suddenly fled and I was filled with shame. My God! They were not exaggerating! They told the truth and I had just blown them off!

The little boy stirred and opened his eyes. Hesitating for a moment he raised his scrawny arms toward me and looked up with a mixture of fright and longing. I picked him up and suddenly felt a wave of hope and love wash over me. "Thank you," he whispered as he snuggled down into my arms and drifted off to sleep again. I lay him back on the bed and shepherded my sons into my room.

"I apologize, guys," I told them. "I'm so very sorry and the grounding is lifted, but you must promise me you won't go back there unless I'm with you. Tell me exactly how you found him."

They nodded eagerly and gave me the whole story.

"We gave him a warm bath and put some lotion on his welts. Somebody took a whip to him all over." reported Seth.

"He told us his name is 'Meldarion'. His mom thought he looked like an elf so she gave him an elvish name." added his brother. "She died and the man who owned him just decided he didn't want him any more and put him out with the trash. He's says he's five years old but he's been a slave since he was two."

"The man beat him awful. Said he looked like a freak."

I sighed. "I guess we should notify the Slave Authority. I saw his tattoo on the inside of his thigh."

Two faces full of sorrow greeted me. "Please, Dad. They'll just do something horrible to him. Probably bury him again."

"Yeah!" his brother assured me. "He's such a cute little boy and so sad and hurt. Can't we just keep him? Who's to know?"

"No, we can't just keep him," I sighed. The brief time I had held him, I had found myself drawn toward him. "We don't have legal title to him. And, if his former owner put him down 3; I think I had better talk to Sir Robert. As our solicitor, he'll do what is best for us and the boy."

They nodded sadly.

"One of you needs to stay with him."

They both scurried off.

Over the phone, I gave Sir Robert as full a report as I could. With Robbie's help I had managed to read off the number on the boy's slave tattoo.

"I can certainly appreciate the boys' actions and understand their wanting to protect the little tyke. You've taught them well, Marcus and I salute you and them. Let me see what I can find out and what can be arranged. In the meantime, I'll send Dr. Knight over to check him out. Wouldn't want you to be suddenly faced with some hidden disease or condition. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

We spent most of the rest of that day cuddling and loving him and being overwhelmed by his love in return. We also managed to get some food into him. Even plain soft-boiled eggs and vanilla pudding were devoured like a feast, although we would have to limit his intake at first.

For some months, my sons and I had only shared my bed sporadically. After all, they were growing up and needed their 'space'. That night I slept alone 3; imagine my utter shock when I awakened in the morning to find three bodies plastered up against me. We still lay abed just holding and hugging, when Dr. Knight arrived.

Aided by Seth, the doctor gave our little 'elf' a thorough exam. He had disliked being called 'elf' at first, but soon understood it was a term of endearment. Truthfully, he did look like an elf! Except his ears were not pointed.

Dr. Knight emerged from his room with Seth in tow. "He's asleep," reported my son. "I gave him a little bell and told him we were close by and he could ring it if he wanted anything. He seemed OK with that."

"He seems to be in rather good health, considering," reported Dr. Knight. "But, your boys were right; he would have suffocated in another few hours in that landfill. I took blood samples and we'll run a full set of labs, just to be sure. Rather malnourished, but I gather you are going to correct that. None of the welts are infected and should heal without a trace. Just keep putting that lotion on him. What kind of bastards could beat a little boy like that? It's barbaric!"

"All too common, unfortunately," I said.

The Doctor nodded sorrowfully, "Thankfully, I don't believe he was sexually abused."

"Well that's a relief," observed Robbie.

'There is something you should know, however," continued the Doctor.

At that we all gave him fullest attention.

"I believe he may have empathic abilities."

"What's that?" asked Seth.

"He reads people's emotions 3; not their minds, their feelings. And he can broadcast his feelings to others. I've done some studying of the phenomena and it's real. He seems to be most 'connected' when there is bodily contact, so his powers aren't very strong."

"That would explain the burst of love I feel when I pick him up," said a plainly awed Robbie.

"And how he knew we were not going to hurt him," I added. "How he knew we loved him and would protect him." Years ago, in another land with my father, I had experienced similar feelings for another slave boy like me. He was called '87'.

"That makes him even more like an elf," declared Seth. "I've read about them and all the magical things they can do."

"But, let's not burden him with those ideas," I cautioned my sons.

"Yeah," said Seth. "He might really flip out if he thought he wasn't human."

"Probably so," agreed the Doctor. "Just consider him a gift 3; a gift from God. And if he is an empath, that's also a gift. I can see you already understand that."

After the Doctor left, the three of us simply sat there trying to understand this strange little boy who had been given to us. "He's a very special little boy!" I observed.

We spent the rest of the day making him welcome in our household. For his own part, Meldarion seemed instinctively to know we loved him and would keep him safe 3; safe from the terrors he had obviously lived through most of his young life. But he would not 3; or could not 3; tell us about them. I well remembered Seth's reluctance to be completely candid with me when we were first together.

It was late the next evening when Sir Robert arrived with the results of his research.

"First of all," he began once we had assembled in the living room, I with Meldarion sleeping in my lap, "his full name is Meldarion Djeordsevic and he is a Rom 3; a Gypsy. The Rom are widely believed to be descended from or at least have some connection with elves and elvish myth. Hence, his elvish name. It means 'beloved', by the way. He is five years old even though he looks much younger."

"His parents were killed when he was two-years-old during an attack by local thugs on their campsite. They seized him and sold him to the Slave Authority. The Authority, in turn, sold him to a man by the name of Edger Bergen."

"Bergen purchased him as a companion for his young son and it seemed he was going to be all right. But the son and his mother perished in the flu epidemic two years later and Bergen foolishly blamed the young slave. He began to mistreat and abuse the lad, culminating in his completely legal, but dishonest, attempt to put him down. He told the court the boy had died of the flu, too. He simply put him out with the trash and then drove off the M-25 Thames River Bridge."

"So we have a supposedly dead slave whose master took his own life. The Authority is in a quandary, but has demanded he be returned to them. The circuit court denied my request for an injunction and I have appealed to the chancery court where I am sure we will prevail. But in the meantime, the Authority will probably be here to pick him up on Monday."

At that statement, both my sons turned white.

"I intend to pursue this matter as far as you wish," our solicitor declared, looking directly at me.

"We'd like to keep him."

"Good! I thought you would, so I'll continue to that end. You may have to purchase him."

"No problem."

He nodded and took his leave. As soon as he was out of sight, Robbie and Seth both descended on me. "Dad! We won't let the slave people have him, will we? We saved him and he's ours! They will just hurt and terrify him."

"We may have no choice temporarily," I told them. That didn't seem to help much. I looked down at the little boy in my lap and shook my head. "We'll just have to be patient and give Sir Robert time to act. Now, why don't you take him with you for tonight." Seth picked him up from my lap and Meldarion snuggled down in my son's arms. I doubt if any of us slept very much that night.

When I came down for breakfast the next morning, the house was strangely quiet. On the table there was a note.

Dearest Father,

I know you will be sad and angry with me, but please try to understand.

I simply cannot bear to think of what will happen to Meldarion, if the Slave Authority gets him back. They will just put him back in the landfill or worse. He doesn't deserve that. I know he's a slave, but he's a dear little boy who needs to be loved and cared for. He's special, you said so yourself. You and Michael rescued me from sure death and that's what Seth and I hope to do for him. I just won't let them take him. Ever!

So we have taken him with us and we'll hide. I don't know where, but we'll keep him out of their hands if it is the last thing we ever do. I tried to convince Seth to stay with you, but he said he would go with me, that we were in this together 3; that we were brothers forever.

Dad, you and Michael taught me that I must do what my heart tells me is right, even if it against the law. I would not be the kind of boy you raised and set free if I let Meldarion die. Michael gave his life for me and Seth and I would do the same for this little boy if it came to that. Please don't try to follow us. We'll be all right.

Dad, we love you. Seth and I will always love you!


I sat there, stunned.

First there were feelings of panic! How could they possibly survive? But then, feelings of immense pride, tinged with sadness. "Oh Michael! What do I do now?" I asked my absent lover.

I looked in the car-port and both their cycles were gone along with the little trailer that Robbie often pulled with his. Also gone from their rooms was the money they had been saving to buy a motorcycle.

I immediately tried to phone Sir Robert, but he was in court and it was several hours until he returned my call. I told him what had come about and read him Robbie's note and was surprised when he said, "I thought they might try something like this. They appeared to be really frightened for him last night. I did get the injunction, so the Authority will not be looking for him. But, we don't want to report him missing or they will be considered fugitives. I need to find them a bit more protection before we can start searching. In the meantime, if you have any idea where they may be headed, make some subtle inquiries."

I agreed and sat there thinking, telephone still in my hand. A sudden idea occurred. If Meldarion was truly an empath, there was someone who might be able to help us find him and I rang up Sebastian.

After giving him a brief explanation, I asked him, "Do you still have psychic contact with Luke?"

"Yes! It's sort of like our private wireless network."

"Can he contact me, do you think?"

"No, but if you and I are together, he can talk to you through me."

"Fine! I'll come down to London. See you soonest." I left Sir Robert a message and took the next train to King's Cross.

I arrived at Sebastian and Amy's flat in Knightsbridge to find my friend busy with his young daughter. "Not to worry," he told me. "Amy's at work and this little bundle of squeals is about to go down for a nap, so we'll have complete privacy."

He made a connection with Luke somehow and explained that I needed his help. After that 3; to my complete awe 3; it was just like I was talking directly to Luke, but the words came out of Sebastian's mouth, even though he was in some sort of trance.

I 'told' Luke all about our little elf and how my boys had fled with him, believing they could keep him safe. "If he really has some empathic abilities, perhaps you could locate him."

"Possibly," he told me. "But it might better if I were able to direct them to come here to me."

"Oh, that would be brilliant!" I told him. "That way they would be safe and we can plan how to go from there."

"I'll get right on it, but it may take a few days just to locate them." He broke the connection and Sebastian awoke from the episode.

"I won't tell you what Luke is going to do," I told him. "It's better that you don't know. I don't want to get you or Amy into trouble." He understood and nodded his agreement.

Sir Robert arrived at that point with further news. "All three boys are now under the King's protection. That means anyone who has knowledge of their whereabouts must notify the Palace at once so they may be speedily taken there. His Majesty remembered you and sends his best wishes for quick reunion. A full-scale search will begin at dawn tomorrow."

[Robbie narrates]

The only problem we had after we stole out of the house that morning was clothing for our little companion. The weather was warm and he didn't mind being naked, but traveling with us in that state was bound to create curiosity and we didn't want that. I had found an old sweater of mine, but he was lost in it, so we parted with some of our meager cash for shirt and shorts. We had trouble finding any small enough. Thus reinforced, we could promote the fiction that we were taking our little brother on his first overnight camp.

I had wanted to head north toward Scotland 3; not for any particular reason, mind you. But Seth pointed out that was what the authorities would probably guess and search there first. For some reason he could not put words to, he wanted to head west 3; and Meldarion supported him 3; so west we went.

The first several days 'on the road' were a lark. The weather was fair and we kept to the

C-roads enjoying a part of England none of us had ever seen. We dined on food readily available in the small towns and villages we passed through and slept under the stars in my big sleeping bag, our little naked elf nestled between us. The love he showered upon us was more than enough to sustain us in our 'quest'.

The fourth day, it turned cold and rainy and we decided that being fleeing felons was not all it was cracked up to be. That night we huddled miserably in a makeshift tent. By the time it cleared four days later we were at the Irish Seacoast, near the small fishing village of Porthilly. We had made a concerted effort to skirt the great castle of Tintagel, home of the Duke of Cornwall.

"All right, you happy knuckleheads," I challenged them standing on the cliff overlooking the pounding seas, "this is as far west as we can. Where do we go now?"

"Why, to Ireland, of course," answered my smallest traveling companion, with a look that said I should have known.

"He's right!" interjected Seth.

I looked at them both like they were barmy. I had had all I wanted of traveling by whim.

"You don't understand," said Meldarion, beginning to cry. "Someone will meet us there and take care of us." He threw his arms around me which had the effect of making me feel absolutely wretched.

"And how do you propose we get there? It's a tad far to swim!"

Why I gave in, I don't know 3; yes I do, but let's not go into that.

We ended up selling our bikes and most of our other worldly possessions and managed to induce a local fisherman to take us across to Traymore, in County Cork. For some reason 3; I didn't want to know why 3; the skipper insisted we wait until new moon and leave at full darkness. Loaded with some unidentified cargo until we were low in the water, he made it a point to creep past the great castle with no lights and anchored in a small cove to the north, waiting for a favorable tide.

Historical note: In our world, the Duchy of Cornwall is held by the Crown, its Duke being the Prince of Wales who has no resident castle within the Duchy. The most historic of the castles within Cornwall is Tintagel, long associated with the Arthurian Legends, and now but a ruin. In Marcus's world, Cornwall has an independent Duke 3; a continual thorn in the side of the King, by all accounts 3; and his seat is at Tintagel, evidently in better repair than its historic namesake.]

Our small boat crept along close to the shore for a time until the castle was well out of sight. Finally we headed out into the Irish Sea and, almost immediately, ran into trouble. "Jesus, Mary and all the Saints!" exclaimed the skipper. "A revenue cutter!" He immediately backtracked into a small cove. "Quick! Overboard! The lot of you!"

"What?" I asked fearfully.

"Over the side and swim to shore. It's not deep. I can't outrun the cutter with the lot of you aboard. Hide in the trees and after I give him the slip, I'll come 'afore you. Now quick before I throw you over!"

We didn't appear to have much of a choice, so I quickly grabbed a life jacket for Meldarion and slipped him into it. Plunging into the water, I lost him, but when I surfaced, he was bobbing right beside me. The skipper's idea of 'not deep' left much to be desired; it was at least several meters to the bottom. Seth and I both started swim for the shore, towing our little elf behind and battling an off-shore current all the way.

Meldarion was frightened, but game and we finally crawled up onto the stony beach and collapsed out of breath. At a shout, I looked up to see a squad of militia bearing down on us, weapons at the ready.

"Fuck!" I thought. "We're busted! The cutter must have radioed for help!" The militiamen prodded us to our feet, made us strip and shackled our hands behind our backs. Then we set out down the beach toward the castle.

Meldarion was frightened and crying and both Seth and I were near to tears, too. Finally, I addressed the squad leader, "Please, Sir. Let me carry the little one. He's just about had it." My hands were unshackled, Meldarion placed in my arms and my hands were shackled again in front of me. I tried to comfort Seth, but was told to keep silent.

It must have been several kilometers to the castle, but finally we turned and climbed up a long, steep flight of stone steps. We passed several gates and both Seth and I had about reached our limit, when we were pushed through a small door leading into the castle proper.

Down a long stone corridor, they tossed us into a cell, unshackled us and left us in the dark. We were all thoroughly chilled and sat there huddled together trying to keep warm. "What do you think they'll do to us?" asked my brother.

"I don't know," I confessed, "but it probably won't be good." For his part, our little elf just clung to me sobbing softly. I could feel his fright and despair and it nearly did me in.

After what seemed like forever, we were rousted out and taken up several flights of stairs and into a room. There were three chairs to which we were securely bound. After a tad, several men entered including one self-important gent. One of the men carried what looked like a cattle prod.

"I am Reginald Malstrom, Duke of Cornwall," he informed us. "My guards apprehended the three of you trying to escape from a smuggling operation. Don't deny it, you were seen and reported by the crew of the cutter. Now, what were you smuggling?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

Turning to the man with the prod, the Duke commanded, "Corporal, see it you can loosen his tongue at bit." The man placed the prod against my chest and the world exploded into pain 3; pain like I had never felt in my life before. I screamed and shouted and tore at my bindings for quite some time and then just slumped.

"Now, I ask you again. What was your cargo?"

"I don't know!" I gasped. "Please don't hurt me again. I really don't know. He never told us."

"Give the little one a touch and see if that doesn't help his memory."

"Nooooooo!" .screamed Seth as the man touched the tip of Meldarion's prick with the prod.

His scream was instant and a wave of pain and terror rolled over all of us like an avalanche, staggering the Duke and his men as well as Seth and me. It continued until Meldarion passed out.

The Duke and his men were pale except for the one who had administered the prod. That sleazeball lay on the floor face up, his eyes staring. One of the other guards dropped to his side and then looked up at the Duke. "He's dead, your grace. The little bastard killed him!"

"Nonsense! Must have been his heart. But all of these miscreants will pay for their foul deeds."

"But sire, these are the boys the King is looking for and they are under his protection."

"The King does not rule here. I rule here. You may inform His Majesty that I have captured his runaway slaves and they will be dealt with under the laws of Cornwall. We will hang them in the morning."

I don't remember much after that!

[Marcus resumes the narrative]

The King received Cornwall's message in fury, and immediately sent for Major Harkins, the commander of his Household Guard.

"Major, three young boys are about to be illegally hanged at Cornwall 3; three young boys who are under my protection. Take whatever forces you require and stop that hanging. Use diplomacy if you can, but I want those boys brought safely here. The hanging is scheduled for sunrise tomorrow."

"Right, Your Majesty. I'm on it!" And he ran from the room to assemble his forces.

"Bloody bastard!" the King growled to his secretary.

"What shall I tell the boys' father?" asked Sir Stephen, his secretary.

The King sighed. "Tell him the boys have been found but are in some danger and we have sent forces."

I had accepted Sir Robert's invitation to lodge at his London town-house while awaiting word of the search. The King's message that they had been located did not offer much comfort.


Two Sea-King Troop Carriers settled in a cloud of dust before Tintagel Castle just before daybreak.

The Major demanded an immediate audience with the Duke and was refused. Thus thwarted in his attempt to use diplomacy, he deployed his troops and invested the castle.

The Cornwall guards swiftly surrendered. They were sworn to the Duke but their service did not extend to treason or getting unnecessarily killed. "If you expect to rescue those criminals from their fate," one of them told the Major," you had better hurry. They are being prepared for the gallows as we speak."

The squad swiftly blew the castle door and raced into the house. When the soldiers burst out into the courtyard, the saw how closely they had come to disaster.

Robbie was already on the scaffold. They had tied Meldarion in his arms and placed nooses around each of their necks. When the trap was sprung, he would take the little boy with him to their deaths. The drop would probably decapitate both of them. They were blindfolded and gagged and Robbie stood there with a whimpering little boy in his arms shaking so badly he almost fell 3; waiting for the act that would end his and Meldarion's lives. Seth was being prepared, his hands and feet strapped.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF THE KING!" thundered the Major. "You! Get away from that trap or I will put a bullet through your head." The man backed off. "Get them down off there," he ordered two of his troopers.

They gently did as ordered and sat with the three boys holding them while two of them sobbed with relief and the littlest one was simply 'out of it'.

The Duke came rushing into the yard. "By what right do you invade my household and give orders to my staff?" he raged at the Major.

"By the express orders of your King, Your Grace. These three boys are under his protection and will be taken to him."

"You have no right 3;" sputtered the Duke.

"You may argue that in Lords," snapped the Major. Turning to his sergeant, he asked, "Are there blankets in the Sea-King?"

"At once, sir," replied the sergeant and he went to fetch them.

"You will pay for this! You and that miserable excuse for a king," fumed Cornwall. "I will not permit 3;"

The Major cut him off, "If you or your people lift so much as one finger to impede us, I will have you all shot. I can tell you with certainty that, had those boys died at your hand, I would have put ten rounds through your balls and those of all your cohorts! Now stand back before I change my mind and just shoot the lot of you anyway!"

They wrapped the boys gently, carried them to their waiting craft and lifted off.

At last the call we had hoped for came. "They are on the way here and we are to go to the palace," Sir Robert informed me. Dashing to his car, we arrived at the south gate and were speedily admitted. Taken to a small sitting room, we were invited to make ourselves comfortable. But, I was anything but comfortable.

A few moments later, His Majesty entered and before either of us could properly bow, he motioned us to sit again and he took a seat across from us. "Well, Mr. Shay, we meet once again. I must tell you how sad I was to learn of Michael's death. The two of you deserved some happiness with your new son. But I am happy to tell you that all three boys are safe and here at Buckingham. The doctor is with them to be sure they haven't suffered any injuries. They have had a beastly time and I am anxious to hear their story."

"Please, Your Majesty, may I see them?"

"Yes, of course! How thoughtless of me. Steven," he turned and addressed his secretary who had also entered the room, "Please take Mr. Shay to his sons. I'll be along shortly as Sir Robert and I have some things to discuss."

"At once, Sire," replied Sir Steven and he led me to an upstairs suite. "Doctor is just finishing up. Please be patient for a few more minutes."

I stood there trying to breathe deeply and calm myself.

Shortly, a doctor in surgical scrubs emerged and greeted me. "Mr. Shay, I'm Doctor Hinshaw. The three boys are in rather good shape considering. The little one, however, had a nasty burn on the tip of his penis and I had to cut him."

My blood ran cold.

Seeing my distress, the doctor hastened to explain, "Circumcision! I did not have to maim him. Sorry if I distressed you."

"I'm OK, doctor. It's just been a pretty stressful time. May I?"

"Yes, of course," and I started toward the door. "One more thing," he cautioned me.


"The two older boys are pretty upset."

"I should imagine so, they've had a rather rough go of it."

"No, you misunderstand. They are both afraid you are angry with them for the mess they have gotten themselves into."

"Thanks for the 'heads-up'. I appreciate your telling me." And I opened the door and went in.

Two boys immediately sat up in their beds and began to cry. "You were right! We should have listened! We were foolish and nearly got ourselves and Meldarion killed! You have every right to be very angry with us!"

I sat down on Robbie's bed, gathered him into my arms and motioned for Seth to join us. "No, guys. I'm not angry, just very relieved you and our little friend are OK."

"Yes, at first, I was annoyed that you had been so foolish. But then I felt so proud of both of you! You were determined that this little boy was never going to suffer again and you did what your heart told you was right! Angry? No! Frightened? Yes! Proud? Very!" And the three of us just sat there in a tight hug, broken only when the King entered the room.

My sons scrambled out of bed 3; heedless they were still naked 3; and went to their knees.

"Well, I thank you for the courtesy, but you needn't do that. You are my guests and are like family while you are here."

"Thank you for rescuing us, Your Majesty," said Seth.

"And for saving our little elf, too," added his brother.

"My pleasure," replied the King. "I'm just sorry you had to go thru that ghastly experience in Cornwall. The man is an egotistical maniac." He rose and handed the boys two dressing gowns. "Here, you'll be more comfortable in these. Now, why don't we sit and I want you to tell me the whole story from start to finish. I've heard bits and pieces."

We sat on Robbie's bed 3; me between the two boys 3; and the King sat on Seth's bed.

And we told him the whole story: how Robbie and Seth had found Meldarion; our efforts to keep him safe. How they had fled trying to hide him and had been captured trying to cross to Ireland.

"Why Ireland?" asked the King.

"I don't know, Your Majesty." replied Seth. "I just knew we should go there. That someone would take care of us. And Meldarion agreed."

"Luke's intervention," I was sure. But I wasn't going to say anything more and I subtly let Seth know he shouldn't either. I would tell them about my request for help later.

Robbie told the King about their torture at Cornwall and how they came within a few minutes of being hanged. And their rescue by the soldiers. Both he and Seth shook with the telling and I held them a bit until they calmed down.

"Thank you, boys! I know that wasn't easy for you and I admire your bravery," the King told them. "Now, why don't we go and see your little elf."

With four of us hanging over the side of his bed, poor Meldarion didn't know who to reach for first. Robbie scooped him up and introduced him to the King. "Meldarion, this is His Majesty William III, King of the British Empire!" The little boy tried his best to bow.

The King held out his arms. "May I?" And Robbie handed him off.

Meldarion snuggled down into the royal arms and sighed, "Thank you for saving me and my best friends, Your Majesty."

The King looked down at the little burden in his arms and began to weep, "How could anyone have ever wanted to hurt this little boy? It's unthinkable!"

We visited for quite a while, but finally Seth asked, "Your Majesty, can we go home now?"

"I'm afraid not quite yet," answered the King. "You are still fugitives from the law even though you are under our protection. So, you are going to have to remain here until that is sorted out by the courts. But I promise you, you will be safe and well cared for."

The three boys reluctantly accepted the King's edict and Robert and I bade them good night and returned to his town-house.

After dinner we sat in his study and he told me about his conversation with the King. "He doesn't want it to concern you, but he is in a bit of a tangle because of his intervention in Cornwall. Lords is, of course, quite incensed that he moved against one of them. Their indignation is inversely proportional to the loathing they all have of Cornwall. Their concern is that he might move against one of them and there have been heated calls for his deposition."

"Commons, on the other hand, has their knickers in a twist because he acted without their approval. They prefer to ignore the fact that three young boys would be dead if he had not. Their ire is an ongoing ruckus about his role as a constitutional monarch. He has met several times with Prime Minister Blair and has been trying to ameliorate the situation. He is meeting with him again as we speak."

"My God! Have my boys caused this tumult? If they have, I am deeply sorry."

"No," he replied. "This has been going on ever since he took the throne. This current affront to their thin hides is only the latest. We're to go to the palace in the morning and we may know more then."

We arrived back at Buckingham about mid-morning and were immediately taken to the King. "I had breakfast with your boys this morning and two finer young men than Robbie and Seth are hard to imagine. You have done yourself proud, Marcus. And the little one! It breaks my heart to think that he nearly has lost his life twice. And I hope you are properly proud of what your boys have done to save him."

"You may be assured I am, Your Majesty," I replied.

"Having said all that," the King continued, "I must tell you in all truth, they have presented me with a considerable problem."

"For which you have my abject apologies," I assured him.

"None is necessary," he assured me. "As you may expect, Lords is in a frenzy with all kinds of dire warnings about my 'abuse of power' and Commons is equally agitated."

"I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am!"

"Don't be, Marcus. This is only the latest in a series of contretemps between us and Commons. I have made it my role as monarch to speak out about the problems facing our empire and that always raises their hackles. I am quite willing to cede the final power to them but I will never cede my right to admonish them when I believe they are wrong. Which has been most of the time with this government. I was entirely within my rights to do what I did to rescue your boys and they know it."

"But, they are determined to have the last word. While there was some sentiment for deposition 3; indeed a few of the more obstreperous ones would have me treated like Parliament did my ancestor Charles I 3; there is no Oliver Cromwell among them. So I have negotiated a settlement. And, unfortunately, it involves you and the boys, Marcus."

"Sire, I will do whatever I can to set this matter right."

"I know you would, Marcus, but hear me out. I am to go into exile somewhere outside Great Britain and the boys under my protection must go with me. 'Until such time as I shall be purged of undemocratic ideas', I believe the act reads. During the time I am exiled I will not participate in my role as monarch and will be allowed only visitors approved by the Minister of Justice."

That meant Robbie, Seth and Meldarion could not go home for the foreseeable future. "And, if I judge you correctly, Marcus, you will want to be with them and I shall grant you that privilege. I hope you will not judge me too harshly for treating your sons this way."

This was a huge blow, but I could appreciate what it meant to him and what the alternative could have been. "Sire, I would be honored to accompany you wherever your exile takes you and consider it my sacred duty to aid you in any way I am able," I said.

He sighed. "Edward wished to go with me also, but I dissuaded him. He will be resident at Balmoral and continue his education. He has sworn he will never accept the crown so long as I have life no matter what the politicians might offer in the way of inducements. His mother would be very proud of him as I am." It was one of the few times William spoke publicly of his beloved Kate who had died of leukemia when Edward was four.

"My brother Harry will hold here at Buckingham. There remains but to choose a place. Somewhere in North America, I think."

An inspiration suddenly burst upon me. "Your Majesty, if I am not being too impertinent, I can recommend a place which might be appropriate." And I told him about my sojourn at the Gunderson Ranch.

He was impressed. "Impertinent? Not at all, Marcus. Your suggestion has considerable to recommend it. Do you think they would accept me? Understand, I would wish to work to earn my way."

"With your permission, I will call them and ask."

He nodded and said to his secretary, "Stephen, please see to it."

I was taken to a small office and soon was speaking to Arnie. I told him what I had in mind and he was flabbergasted. Laughing heartily he replied, "Well Theresa always hoped you might visit us and bring your sons, but the King? Well, I know two young boys who will be insanely happy. The only conditions I would insist upon is that we be afforded a large measure of privacy. I do have a business to run."

And over the next two days, the details were hammered out including a complete press blackout. While the Gunderson's friends, the ranch hands and the normal tradespeople serving the ranch would have full access, the general public and, in particular, the press would not be permitted on the ranch under penalty of tar and feathering. Literally.

Royal marshals would patrol the ranch perimeters from the air. A few sight-seers were turned back, but one hapless reporter from the Examiner decided to test the bounds to his great chagrin. I'm told that tar is beastly difficult to get off your skin, particularly if you are the least bit hairy. After that, the gentlemen of the fourth estate decided to seek their stories elsewhere.

So, once again, I turned management of my enterprises over to Jan and Chris, bid the family farewell and prepared for a new adventure.

Chapter 2
The Exile

We were flown in comfort to the little town of Buena Vista where the marshals met us, transported us to the ranch and withdrew. Both Arnie and Theresa were on hand to greet the King properly and to welcome me and the three boys to our new home. Arnie bowed to the King and Theresa executed a perfect curtsey, before they both welcomed me with hugs. I proceeded to introduce Robbie and Seth and then presented Meldarion.

Theresa immediately scooped him up and beamed. "Such a sweet boy!"

But two twins were nowhere in sight and I asked after them.

"They were so completely wired about your visit," Arnie explained to me, "that I sent them out to ride fences. Actually, you are a bit earlier than we expected."

We stood about conversing like old friends and the King made his wishes known. "Whilst I am here with you, please no more 'your royal highness'. Just plain William will be quite sufficient," he told them to their surprise.

Suddenly two young riders came galloping into our midst, vaulted off their mounts and descended upon me. Enveloping me in their arms, they nearly bowled me over. "Oh Uncle Marcus! You've come back! We knew you would!"

Taller and some pounds [kilos] heavier, they had abandoned their signature Speedos for cut-off blue-jeans and calf-high, engineer-style boots. Stripped to the waist, they still resembled the exciting boys as I remembered them.

"Peder! Sven!" their father admonished them. "Where are your manners? Come and greet the King!"

The reluctantly turned me loose and fell on their knees in front of William. "Thank you, boys, for your greeting, but you need not bow to me any more. I am just plain William 3; or Sir William, if you must."

"Welcome to our home, Sir William," they both replied scrambling to their feet. At their father's nod, they returned to me to be properly introduced to my three. They shook hands with Robbie and Seth and I could see a bond of friendship already taking form. Peder picked up our little elf and gasped in surprise as two little arms went round his neck. "Wow! He's, he's wonderful!" And then he passed him over to Sven.

"I'm very happy to meet you!" Meldarion told them. "Master Marcus has told us all about you and how much you loved him when he was very sad. And I will love you, too."

And, with the introductions over, we all sat down to a picnic lunch under the great cottonwood tree. Arnie and Theresa took my three in charge, leaving me with her sons.

"Robbie and Seth are really cool!" Peder told me. "Yeah, I think we'll be good friends!" echoed his brother. "We're really glad you've come to stay with is. We've missed you."

I would shortly find out how much.

"But the little one is just amazing! When I picked him up, it was like waves of energy passed between us," said Peder.

"Me, too," agreed Sven. "I could feel at once he loved me and I could love him back. I've never felt anything like it."

"He does have that effect on people," I assured them.

We spent the rest of the day getting settled and soon it was time to enjoy the sunset 3; the first of many.

Arnie had wisely decided the five boys should have their own bunkhouse and that was welcomed by all of us. The 'big house' might have been a bit crowded. We did, after all, have the King in residence.

What took place in the bunkhouse at night I speculated but never asked. It was their lair! But you might get a hint after Robbie asked me one evening, "Dad, is it OK if we do 3; you know 3; things with Meldarion at night? He wants to very much, but we weren't sure it was proper."

"If he wants to, yes," I replied. "Just be gentle. And, remember, he's only six years old. How much did you know about sex when you were six?" I reflected later, that had been a foolish question in Robbie's case.

As for me, I was given a small 'cabin' next to the 'bunkhouse'. It had two rooms and would also serve as a guest house if we had any overnight visitors. It suited me fine, even if I was a bit lonely.

The first full day on the ranch Arnie and the King 3; or Sir William as he wished to be called 3; rode out on an inspection tour. William fully intended to be a working member of our party and he and our host wanted to find out where he might most profitably assist.

The twins had taken my two and Meldarion to the stables to begin to learn the finer points of horsemanship. They even found a small pony, named 'Little Star', that was just the right size for our 'elf' and Robbie and Seth would soon be quite comfortable on the ranch's quarter horses.

So, I spent much of that day with Teresa.

"Well, Marcus," she told me, "all of us certainly hoped you and your boys would visit one day, but we didn't quite think you would bring the King with you. It should be an experience for all of us," she chuckled.

"It wasn't exactly in our plans," I assured her. "But the ranch seemed like an ideal place for William andus."

"I think the English parliament must be out of its collective minds to send him into exile," she bridled. "Who is running the place, Basil Fawlty?"

[In our world, Basil Fawlty was the much derided principal character in the British Television Comedy, Fawlty Towers obviously enjoyed in their world, too.]

"I was never much for her, but I admire our Prime Minister Clinton for standing up to those bullies and declaring that William is still our sovereign no matter what they may do in their silly pique."

"I expect they will come to their senses and beg him to return one of these fine days," I replied, "but, in the meantime, William will have some experiences here that he would never have had if this whole sordid mess had not occurred. And he'll be a better monarch for it."

"I suppose you have noticed the twins have grown a bit since you were here last," she said sweetly.

"How could I not? I said, then, and I repeat, they are two very outstanding young men. And I really enjoyed my time with them. They were a big help in my quest to put Michael's death behind me and get on with life. You all were."

"You know, Marcus, they just adore you. The life you told them about 3; how you were brutally enslaved with your friends and then won your freedom and theirs too 3; that made a real impression on them. And how you found Robbie and saved him. Well, they didn't talk about anything else for weeks. And being able to help you through beginning to recover from your sorrow 3; well, that made them feel very grown up. You're a real hero to both of them."

I managed to blush a bit. "Yes, I must confess, it was their love and comfort that started me on the road to recovery and I will always treasure our time together."

"I've only just met Robbie and it is very hard to believe he was almost thrown away. Your Michael must have been very astute to recognize what Robbie could become," she continued.

"Yes he was," I replied with just a twinge of sorrow.

"I'm sure there must be a story about Seth as well. Am I right?" she asked.

And so I told her how we had met, how he had been rescued. How he had nearly lost his life trying to save his friends and how we had nursed him back to health.

"How terrible for all those boys!" she exclaimed. "And to think he was actually crucified?"

I nodded sadly. "He's just now fully regained the use of his hands."

"Well, I'm sure Sven and Peder will want to hear his story, too. Don't hold back, tell them all of it. They are growing up fast and need to learn about the evil in this world. You represent the good and that is wonderful, Marcus. They have just been so excited when they knew you were coming. I know they will do everything they can to make you and your sons happy while you are here. I think you'll find them a bit more, shall we say, 'worldly' too."

She gave me a knowing smile. What message was she trying to send me?

For reasons understood only by a mother, Teresa had kept all the twins outgrown clothes from the time they were very small. Freely sharing them, we were able to augment Meldarion's still somewhat meager wardrobe. Included were several pairs of small-sized Speedos. Alas, our little elf had neither the hips necessary to hold them up or the muscular build to show them off to their best advantage. Still, he considered them a priceless gift.

That night, just as I was about to retire, there was a knock at my cabin door. I opened to find Peder and Sven standing there with grins a mile wide on their faces. They had reverted to their dazzling Speedos which they had obviously not worn for a while. They were tight to the point they revealed every part of their boyish charms. "Hi, Uncle Marcus. May we come in?"

"Yes, certainly." And they entered and closed the door.

We stood and looked at each other for a while. I'm not sure what they saw, but I saw a vision from heaven 3; two of them. They were taller and heavier. Their chests were broader and their pecs now well-developed. Their nipples stood out invitingly. But they still retained many of their boyish curves that I remembered only too well.

Sven finally broke the silence. "After you left, we had a long talk with Dad. He had said you were a boy lover, but we didn't quite understand. He explained that you were a good kind, not like the terrible one that killed our brother. That you loved boys and would never, never hurt one."

"But we didn't quite understand why you didn't 3; you know 3; with us," Peder continued, embarrassed. "Dad said you didn't, 'cause you knew he wouldn't approve. We were too young, right?"

"Yes, there was that," I replied. "I knew he would not have approved and his trust was very important to me. But, as you came to know, I was just starting to recover from the loss of my mate, Michael. I wasn't ready to get involved with another person yet. You have no idea how much just holding you and having you hold me helped me along my recovery."

"We're glad we could help," said Sven, "'cause you are our most favorite person 3; after Mom and Dad, of course. We asked Dad if it would have been all right to share our bodies with you and he said to wait until we were fourteen."

"Yeah!" said his brother. "We didn't know if you would ever come back. But we prayed every night that you would."

"And we saved ourselves for you."

I was completely floored! These two lovely boys remained chaste 3; except with each other 3; all this time. Just for me?

"Well, you're here!"

"And we're fourteen. Our birthday was last month."

"And you like us, right?"


I was so choked up I couldn't utter a word.

"Don't you want us?" asked Peder, starting to look fearful.

If I had said, no, it would have crushed them both completely.

And it would have been completely dishonest.

"I've wanted you both from the very day I first set eyes on you," I confessed. "But I just could not. And you understood why and accepted it."

"Yeah, we were too young and you were in deep pain over Michael's death. But now is different," smirked Sven as his brother giggled. They were two little boys again as they shed their Speedos.

"What are we waiting for?" And they led me to the bed, undressed me and lay down with their bodies pressed against me.

I had gone to the Promised Land!

Don't misunderstand. I love my sons deeply. They are the most precious beings on this earth and I would freely give my life for them. We often show our love to each other with our bodies. And, now there was a third little boy who was quickly becoming a part of our family too.

But, why do these boys 3; Peder and Sven 3; attract me so?

Yes, they are physically two of the finest examples of young teens anywhere in the kingdom! Flawless skin, beautiful limbs and builds like that of Michelangelo's David. Indeed, I had never seen them completely naked before tonight and they were simply gorgeous! And, here they were offering their bodies to me 3; without any reservations! They were sweet and gentle and just looking at them gave me goosebumps!

But their allure went deeper than that. They had been willing to comfort a hurting man and start to bring him back to reality again. They had observed how their father sometimes was locked in sorrow for the loss of his first family and their mother's gentle devotion during Arnie's dark times. So, perhaps they could understand my sorrow over the loss of my mate, Michael. And they had been determined to help me overcome my sorrow and begin to live once more. I would always be in their debt for that.

We started just rubbing, kissing and stroking. I had noticed something unusual about them, and Peder caught it right away. "No we don't have any hair down there. When we first got some, it itched and it wasn't as nice when we were sucking each other. So, Mom had us collect some special plants out on the prairie and she made a paste from them. It took the hair right off and it doesn't grown back, so we put some on every month and we're both nice and smooth."

What other mother beside Theresa would have done that? That's why she made the remark about them being 'worldly'.

After a while, they rolled me onto my back. Peder straddled my chest and plunged his teen-sized pole into my waiting mouth while Sven worked on my rock-hard prick. They changed places after a bit and it was Peder who got my load as his brother was pumping into my mouth. After Peder rolled off me, I pulled him up and finished him off.

It took us all quite some time to come down from our 'highs' and we all lay there completely sated. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by their love and I began to weep.

"What's wrong?" two voices asked, full of concern.

"It's just that I owe the two of you so much. Your love and comfort when I was last here is what made me begin to want to live again. To live again for Robbie and, now, Seth. You have no idea how much that meant to me. I love the both of you just like my sons. I guess your mom and dad would be upset if I told them that but that is the truth. The two of you are very, very special to me and always will be."

"Thank you, Marcus," whispered Sven. "You are very special to us, too. You and your boys."

"Your boys are wizard!" Peder continued. "'Specially the little one. I hugged him and I could just feel the waves of love from him. And Robbie and Seth are cool, too."

"We know how you and your mate saved Robbie and trained him to be your son. Will you tell us how Seth came to you?"

Mindful of Teresa's suggestion, I told them the entire story, not leaving out a thing.

When I finished, they were both in tears. "You mean they put him on a cross and pounded nails into his hands?" Sven squeaked.

"Yes, they did. And only a miracle saved him from dying that way. It's been a painful recovery for him, but he has reserves of courage and determination you and I can only dream about. And they and the elf would have been hanged if Sir William had not intervened. Their crime? Rescuing Meldarion from being buried alive."

"Wow!" burst from two mouths.

"We've never had to be courageous like that," Peder sniffed. "I'm not sure we could," added his brother.

"Yes you could 3; you have 3; by accepting a grieving man like me, loving me and helping me to be healed from my sorrow. You didn't know a thing about me 3; maybe I would have tried to hurt you like that monster did to your brother, James. That shows real courage."

"And you know what? Hearing about some of these terrible things? Well, I hope they will help you to grow into manhood. I believe with all my being that you will one day be outstanding men."

They both snuggled in and I felt their tears on my chest. Tears of joy, I hoped.

We slept the rest of this night stacked like three spoons.

In the morning, they had another surprise for me. All five of the bunkhouse residents had agreed that one of them would be with me each night for sleep. And other activities.

Even Meldarion would take his turn, although with him it would be just hugging and talking as he recounted his day's adventures. I always took him for his shower. All he needed to do was put his arms about my neck and….. I did nothing to cause it, but his little pole always stuck straight out in front of him, like a small lance. And he would giggle and I could feel his contentment.

Quiet, gentle, Peder soon became Meldarion's best buddy. The two of them would sit together for hours… Meldarion in the older boy's lap… and he would read to the entranced little boy about King Arthur and his Knights, Alfred the Great and all the other great heroes of British History. And it was often Peder who would carry a sleepy little boy… tired from a long day in his little saddle riding fences… to his bed, tuck him in and sit holding his hand until he dropped off to sleep.

Their bond was fully demonstrated when, one afternoon, in a bit of tomfoolery, Sven and my two dumped Peder unceremoniously into one of the stock tanks. Meldarion immediately demanded he be treated likewise, so they obliged him. A potentially dangerous confrontation between a frightened little boy and an aroused prairie rattlesnake 3; averted by Peder's quick actions 3; only served to make their bond that much stronger.

Thereafter, Peder kept a constant eye out for the little shadow and his pony that seemed to follow him everywhere. If the day's work involved some exceptionally hard riding, he often pulled Meldarion up onto his saddle thoroughly thrilling our young elf.

We all chuckled at the actions of the two smitten boys; it was tender and beautiful beyond belief and Meldarion thrived. As Robbie put it, "He's got a bad case of hero worship!" It never even entered my sons' heads to be jealous; they admired both Peder and Sven and were just happy that our little elf was happy and content.

One evening, Arnie, Teresa and I sat on the porch enjoying our coffee. "Where is William?" I asked.

"I think I saw him go off with Meldarion a bit ago," ventured Teresa.

Hearing squeals and shouts from the pond down over the hill, the three of us went to investigate.

A serious game of water polo was in session 3; Robbie, Seth and Sven against the other team. But it was the third member of Meldarion's team that surprised. William III, King of England 3; yes he still was 3; had stripped down to his boxers and was helping our elf vainly guard his goal.

Later he told us, "That was the most fun I have ever had! I surely wish Harry and I had had playmates our own age. And we could have frolicked in a pond, too. We missed so much of a 'normal' childhood. And it's too late for Edward, but I hope I can encourage him to allow his children to be free 3; free to be just children, free to be themselves." And I noticed a tear in the corner of his eye.

Several nights later, Robbie was with me and we had just crawled into bed. We didn't feel like sex; it had been a long, very hard day, moving cattle from one range to another and we were dead tired.

Suddenly, I felt someone sitting on the bottom of our bed, and we both sat up.

Our shock was total!

"MICHAEL!" I screamed, frightening poor Robbie. He buried his head on my chest and refused to look at the apparition we were seeing. "How? What?" I managed to choke , holding my shaking son close.

"Don't be afraid, Marcus! Robbie! It's really me. How about a hug, Robbie? Just like you used to give me." And he held out his arms to our quaking son.

Robbie hesitated and then just melted into his embrace. With his free hand, Michael reached out and took my hand.

"But how can this be?" I asked incredulously.

"The Boss upstairs wanted me to assure you that I was OK. That I was with friends and will be waiting for you when your time comes many years from now. And He is very pleased you accepted his gift and are giving Seth the love of a family he needs. He knows that it has been painful for both you and Seth and He sends His comfort.

Holding Robbie at arm's length, he told him, And He looks with great favor on you and Seth for your rescue of Meldarion from an evil fate."

"He wants you to convey to William His blessing and His assurance that all will be well with both William and his people."

The three of us just sat there for a while hugging and crying.

Finally, he said, "I must leave you again, but I want you to have this. Removing a gold chain holding a slightly misshapen ring from around his neck, he slipped it gently over Robbie's head. "Keep this in memory of me and give it to your son one day."

"And always remember, both of you! God loves you and so do I!"

And suddenly he wasn't there!

A feeling of great exhaustion engulfed us both and we lay back and were asleep in seconds.

The next morning we were still too keyed up to even discuss what we had experienced. But we had a message for William, so I took Robbie by the hand and went in search of the King.

"Sire, we had a visitation last evening?"


"Yes, it was my dad," Robbie assured him, "and I held him and we hugged just like we did before 3; 3;"

The King looked disturbed. "Are you sure you didn't imagine it?" He obviously thought we had hallucinated.

"No, Your Majesty! It was my dad, Michael! I held him 3; we both did 3; and it was him!"

"Sire," I asked, "do you see that chain with the ring around Robbie's neck?" William nodded. "The ring was crushed when Michael fell atop Robbie to save him. We buried him with that chain around his neck. I put it there myself!"

William looked back and forth between us in astonishment.

"And he gave us a message for you," I continued. "He sends His blessing and His assurance that all will be well with both you and your people."

All three of us sat there for quite a while as William mulled this over. At last he said softly, "Marcus and Robbie, I think you should accept this as it happened. You are certainly not the first ones to have a visitor from beyond. And I am most gratified that you brought me His message. I think this is something that is very private among the three of us, although you may wish to tell Seth."

And later that day I did. He accepted it at once, never questioning.

Chapter 3
Life on the Ranch Has Its Moments

Life on the ranch was not easy; this was not a vacation and William had made it clear from the beginning that he expected to earn his place and my boys and I agreed completely. Four extra mouths to feed put a strain on Theresa, too.

Many days we were exhausted after eight to ten hours in the saddle moving cattle or chasing down strays 3; the seven of us and our little shadow. On his trusty pony, Little Star, Meldarion would go dashing off to chase a straying calf, cow or steer back to the herd. By the time the summer was half over, Robbie and Seth were experienced wranglers and our little elf could ride with the best of them. But we all agreed being together with these wonderful folks was compensation enough for any discomfort.

During one stretch in July, we had several weeks of scorching days, temperatures in the 110F [33°C] range and we were all beginning to wear down 3; and becoming cranky. All of us had been mending fences one morning and, by noon, the teens and our little one were looking rather wilted. We were almost done, so Arnie told them to take the afternoon off and hit the pond. The three adults could finish up. They needed no second invitation.

After a cooling several hours in the water, the five of them sat under the giant cottonwood tree which shaded the porch of the house.

A chance remark by Seth set Sven off and he lit into my son. A shoving match quickly escalated into a fist-fight. The other two teens, far from trying to quell the fight, went to the aid of their respective siblings.

Meldarion stood by and watched with mounting terror while the four boys pummeled the daylights out of each other. "HELP! HELP!" he screamed. "They are hurting each other! Oh, help!"

Theresa heard his cry and felt his distress and came running.

She separated the combatants, mopped up a bloody nose or two and consigned her sons to the bench at one end of the porch and Seth and Robbie to the one at the other end of the porch. Then she swept up the thoroughly frightened little boy and sat down on the steps with him in her arms.

"It's OK. It's over!" she comforted Meldarion. "Everything is going to be all right. They really didn't hurt each other."

"But why did they get into a fight, Mistress?"

"Young boys 3; and grownups, too 3; have disagreements sometimes. They just didn't settle theirs the right way. Now, why don't you come and help me prepare dinner?" Meldarion nodded and the two of them went back into the house.

Shortly, William, Arnie and I arrived on the scene to find two pairs of young teens glaring at each other from opposite ends of the porch. Theresa quickly told us what had happened. Arnie ordered his boys into the house and I followed suit with Robbie and Seth. After we had assembled in the living room, Theresa joined us carrying our little elf and Arnie asked, "Is one of you going to tell me what happened?"

It was silent for a minute and then Sven spoke up. "He called Meldarion a twit!"

"No, I called you a twit." asserted Seth. "For making fun of him."

"And was that so important that you wanted to punch each out?" I asked, softly.

"No," answered Sven, looking down at his feet.

"No, what!" Arnie snapped at his son.

"No, sir!" Sven replied.

"And I don't suppose it occurred to you" Arnie asked Robbie and Peder, "to try to stop the fight, did it?"

"No, sir." they answered in unison.

"Do you have any idea," I asked them all, "how badly you frightened poor Meldarion? He probably thought his world was coming to an end. His best friends trying to beat each other up!"

"No, sir."

"I'm sorry," added Peder. "I guess we acted like little spoiled babies." That remark set me to thinking about something I had read recently.

"Sorry won't cut it, Peder. You and Sven know better. And I'm sure you know better, too, Robbie and Seth." Their nods confirmed they knew better than to settle differences by physical violence. "You will be punished, all of you. Now go and clean up for dinner. I don't want you to say one word to each other, do you understand."

Dinner was rather grim and silent that evening.

After we all helped Theresa clean up, it was back to the living room. The four boys were plainly scared. None of them had ever seen Arnie angry like this and I knew I had to try to calm things down. "What should I do with you?" he demanded. "Brawling like a bunch of street urchins!"

"I think they need a good caning on their bare asses," interjected William.

"I'm inclined to agree," said Arnie. And Theresa nodded.

At that point I jumped in. "Could we talk together privately?" I asked the other three adults.

"All right." said Arnie. "Let's go to my office." Theresa put her burden down on an empty chair and he sat there looking sadly at his friends.

"I'm sorry, Arnie," I said, "but I won't allow you to cane my boys."

Arnie looked shocked. "Why not? This is a serious offense. I don't intend to injure them. Just put a few stripes on their rears."

"Doesn't matter. I won't permit it." From the looks on all their faces, I felt I had better explain. "When Robbie was in training one day I completely lost it. I beat him so badly his whole ass was a bloody mess. It was horrible and I was ashamed. I vowed then I would never again take a cane to any of my boys nor would anyone else, and I've promised them that. I won't break that promise. Caning a child is simply barbaric and only demonstrates that you can cause them pain."

"Then what do you propose? Just letting them kiss and makeup?"

"Here me out, Arnie."

Turning to the King, I asked, "Do you know Sir Robert Crowell?"

"Yes. The Earl of Chartwell. Good man!"

"You know about his efforts on behalf of young street boys?"

"Yes, he takes them off the streets, disciplines them, trains them and educates them and when they 'graduate' they are free citizens. And outstanding ones to be sure. But what does that have to do with us?"

"No one at Chartwell ever canes one of their boys," I replied.

"Well, how do they maintain discipline?" asked Theresa.

"There was an article in the Times recently. Their squad leaders may give a boy a bare bottom spanking for minor offenses. But for major offenses, like fighting, they have invented something called 'Naked Time.' And it is highly effective." I went on to explain what the article had said and they were astounded.

"Oh, my two little prudes! The won't ever forget this punishment," chortled Theresa. "I've been banned from the bathroom since they were eight-years-old."

"You really think this works?" asked the King.

"Positive! Especially with boys who are into puberty. Having to appear naked in public is about the worst thing they can imagine. According to the article, no boy has ever repeated and no boy of any age wants to go through it."

"All right," Arnie agreed. "Worth a try."

"I'll need something to cuff them with."

"I think we have some short straps with buckles. Will they do?" asked Theresa.

"Yes, I'm sure and we can fasten them together with 'D' rings."

"I'll go and get them and meet you back in the living room," she replied and left.

We rejoined the four culprits and our elf in the living room. Before I could say a word, Robbie spoke up. "I know you promised you would never cane me or Seth. But if that's what you all have decided, Seth and I are ready to take it."

"Robbie, I will not break my promise to you. You two will not feel the cane nor will Sven or Peder. Once you hear what we have decided to do, you may wish we had caned you."

At that statement, four teens turned pale and Meldarion looked like he was ready to cry again. "Be brave, little one! It's not going to hurt them and they will learn a lesson from it," I assured him with my arm about his shoulder. At that moment Theresa arrived back with the straps and rings and we could begin.

"Peder, you said you had acted like babies."

"Yes, sir," he replied puzzled.

"Stand in front of me all of you. Peder is right. You acted like babies, so for the next five days you will be treated like babies. Take off your clothes.

"Why? What?" came the chorus.

"Babies don't wear clothes and so you won't either."

"But, but 3;" complained Sven.

"Now!" Arnie interrupted. And four piles of clothes were deposited on the floor. They stood there in their underwear. "The whole way," ordered Arnie.

"But Mom's here. She'll see my, my, my parts!" lamented Sven.

"It's not the first time, dear," said Theresa.

"Yeah, but I was just a little boy," Sven added with rising panic.

"Come on, guys. All off, right now," I ordered. And the four stood in front of me just as God made them but, with their hands clasped over their genitals.

I had closely watched the faces of my two and Meldarion. Robbie and Seth were certainly not thrilled with the idea of having to be naked in public for five days, but they made no protest. They had both been naked in public before, although not for some years. Meldarion just sat there wide-eyed, obviously reading his friends varying degrees of distress.

"Come here, Seth," I ordered him. "Put your hands behind your neck." He hesitated for a moment, but then complied. Taking two of the short straps and one of the rings, I cuffed him.


"No, please don't do this to me. Please!" he wailed.

"Hands behind your neck"

"Please, no!"

I forced his hands together and cuffed him. "Well," teased his mother, "you certainly have grown a bit." And he began to cry while the other two were being similarly cuffed.

"Listen to me, guys. First of all, you all have very handsome young bodies and have nothing to be ashamed of. I know you don't want to display them for everyone to see, but you don't get to make that choice. That is part of the punishment."

They looked at me with varying degrees of distaste.

"You will be cuffed at all times, either behind the neck or behind the back."

"But how can we eat with our hands cuffed?" asked Robbie.

"And how can we even go to the toilet?" added Sven.

"Well," I answered, "one of us will have to feed you and take you to the toilet. After all, you're babies and can't do such things for yourself." The looks on four faces changed from distaste to outright horror. "Some of us will have to take care of our babies."

A little figure jumped up from his chair and announced, "I will take care of them by myself!"

I looked at Meldarion in surprise. "Are you sure, little one? That's a pretty big job for one person."

"But they are my best friends. They need me. They made a big mistake and are being punished for it. I want to help them thru their punishment."

Arnie looked thoughtful, but then he nodded and I decided to grant Meldarion's request. "OK. Your task starts right now. You'll have to put them to bed. Make sure you brush their teeth and that they pee. And don't forget to wipe their behinds." All of them shuddered at this last statement.

"I will, Master Marcus. You can count on me." And he reached up to grab Peder's arm and led the group out to their bunk-house.

"Five days! Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Theresa once they had departed. "I'm sure that will make quite an impression on them."

"But do you think our little elf can handle things?" asked the King.

"Yes, it's a lot to ask from a little boy," added Arnie.

"It's possible I may have to give him a hand; we'll have to see. I'll give him about two hours to get them all settled," I replied, "and then I'll check on them to be sure he has things in hand."

Letting myself quietly into the bunkhouse, I saw four bodies neatly tucked into their beds and one little boy about to crawl into his. Motioning for him to come with me, I led him to my cabin. "How did things go?" I asked.

"OK, I guess. They are not very happy but they all agreed to try to make the best of it and be as helpful as they could. I guess they won't be able to help with the ranch work, will they?"

"No, and I'll wager they will be bored to death by tomorrow evening. That's part of the punishment, too; knowing they can't help."

"Thank you for not caning them. I know how much that hurts and how angry I always felt when my master did that to me." he told me. I blanched, remembering the condition of his little body when Robbie and Seth had first rescued him. Then he grinned and said, "It's kind of funny seeing the looks on their faces when I have to help them. I had to hold their willies so they could pee and they all got real hard.

"What do you think will happen tomorrow when you have to give them their baths?" I asked.

In answer, he giggled. "Oh, that will be brilliant! Is it OK if I make them cum?"

"Yes," I managed to choke. There was evidently a lot more going on in the bunk house than I had supposed. "But you are not to make them do you. Babies don't know how to do such things."

He nodded. "I really like seeing them without their clothes. They are beautiful! Taking care of them is kind of fun, but I don't think they think so. May I sleep with you tonight?"

"No, my little friend," I answered. "You must stay with them all the time. I want you to promise me you'll come to me for help if anything happens that you don't know what to do."

"OK. 'Night."

By common consent, I was exempted from other chores on the ranch. My efforts for the next five days were to supervise the punishment and the punished.

The scene at breakfast the next morning was comical. Four nude and restrained boys being fed their baby-oatmeal. Afterward, I told them, "You may not be in the house during the day. You must be outside in the fresh air; babies need that. You can sit under the big tree or on the porch and take turns reading to Meldarion until it's time for him to give you your baths."

"But everyone will see us!" complained Sven.

"Precisely!" They all groaned, not seeing the little boy who had buried his head in my shirt to stifle his giggle.

Later that morning Theresa came to see me. "We may have a small problem," she told me.


"Grace Toth is coming out tomorrow to give Peder and Sven their school physicals. She'll probably want to do one for Robbie, too, since he will be in the same class as the twins."

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. She will just have less prep time."

"You don't quite understand, Marcus. Her daughter Alexis is coming along. She's supposed to interview me for the school newsletter. She will be in the boys' class in the fall. They have both met her and she's a lovely and very thoughtful girl, but 3;"

"You think they are not quite ready to bare all for her," I finished the sentence for her. She nodded. "Well, let me talk to them. If they think meeting with Alexis is going too far, we'll suspend the punishment while they're here."

"OK!" she answered. "Just let me know what to expect."

I joined the group under the tree and told them we had something important to discuss. "Tomorrow, your mom is having guests." I told Peder and Sven and all four immediately looked fearful. "Mrs. Toth is coming to give you your physicals for school this fall and she'll give you one, too, Robbie."

"We'd have to strip anyway for her," said Sven, "so I guess that's not too terrible. Could we at least have our hands free?"

"Wait a minute," said Robbie. "You said guests. Who else is coming?"

Before I could answer, Peder gasped. "She's bringing Alexis?"

"Oh my God!" burst out Sven.

"Who is Alexis?" croaked Robbie, fearing the worst.

"She's a girl who will be in our class," admitted Peder.

"Bloody hell! She'll see me! We'll all be the laughing stock of the whole school!"

"Robbie, watch your language," I chided him halfheartedly. "If this really too much for you to handle, I'll suspend the punishment while they're here," I offered. "Your mom is concerned that it might be too cruel."

All four seemed relieved, but then Peder spoke up. "Alexis is a wizard kid! I've talked to her many times and she is so mature, not like the other silly girls her age. I think we need to demonstrate that we are brave enough to face Alexis and her mom. The whole school will know about our punishment anyway. Someone from here will spill the beans. So we might as well get it out in the open."

"That's a terrible pun!"


"Well, it's not the first time a girl my age has seen me naked," offered Seth. "They used to invite them in to help torture us at that school in La Paz." That was something he hadn't shared with me before. "So, I can take it."

The twins nodded their ascent and Robbie found himself outnumbered. "OK. I just hope you know what you're getting us into."

Meldarion had watched all this with a puzzled look. "So they are going to be naked in front of a girl and her mother. What difference does that make?"

When I told Theresa their decision, she looked at me askance. "OK, mister wise guy."

When the guests arrived I made sure the boys were hidden in the kitchen. I had agreed to explain the whole situation to them.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Toth and you, too, Alexis. The twins speak very highly of you, young lady." She smiled and even blushed a bit.

"First, I regret to tell you that you will not be able to meet the King. He is not permitted to have visitors, so he and Mr. Gunderson are out tending the cattle." Alexis looked disappointed but her mother nodded her understanding.

"Second, four boys will be coming in here shortly. They are all being punished for acting like babies, so they are being treated like babies. The must be fed and bathed like babies and are dressed 3; or undressed in this case 3; like babies."

"You mean they don't have any clothes on?" Alexis picked right up on my statement.


"Alex, honey, if you want to be excused 3;"

"No, mother. If they are brave enough to greet us nude, then I can be brave enough to greet them, too."

Theresa rolled her eyes as I invited the four to join us.

They came trooping in in all their naked glory and stood in a line in front of us. "You have already met Peder and Sven and these are my two boys, Robbie and Seth." At the mention of their names, each turned a delightful shade of pink 3; all over.

"Well, I must say you are certainly a fine group of young men," Mrs.Toth observed. "It's been quite a while since I've seen you in this state, Sven," she chuckled.

"Yeah," he sighed, "but I was a little boy then."

Alexis just sat there drinking in the vision before her.

"My two boys are under the protection of the King and that is why we are here," I explained.

Greetings were exchanged and the situation had just settled down, when another much younger boy came bouncing into the room.

Naked, too!

"Meldarion! Where are your clothes?" asked Theresa. I could have bet on what was coming.

"Mistress, I know they are very brave to appear naked and I wanted to be just like them." Advancing, he bowed low and kissed the hands of both our guests. The four tried very hard to hide their giggles and so did Alex.

"Meldarion is the little boy whom the King saved," Theresa informed her guests.

"I'm certainly glad he did," said Alexis. "He's a cute and very brave boy. I admire you very much," she told my two, "for saving him. I hope I could be that brave."

Our little elf bowed low again and the room was silent for a few minutes, a tableau if you will.

Mrs.Toth finally broke the spell. "I'd better get started on the exams. And you had better get busy with Mrs. Gunderson, Alex."

"Yes, Mom, right away."

"I'll include all five boys, if you wish." I nodded. "Good! I'll begin with Peder."

"Fine. The rest will be out under the big tree when you are ready for them." I replied.

Several hours later, all five boys were given a clean bill of health and all the boys helped Theresa serve refreshments.

As Alexis and her mom were getting ready to leave, I noted that Alexis and Peder were talking quietly. I shamelessly hid where I could hear them.

"I, I, I" stammered Peder.

Alexis put her finger on his lips. "Peder, I think you are very brave to take your punishment without fussing. The dweebs in my class would all have had screaming fits if they were made to go naked in public. They boast about their bodies but are scared to show them. You and Sven are so different from them. So much nicer."


"Peder, you and your brother are drop-dead gorgeous!"

Peder nearly choked.

"And I am just thrilled that I could see all of you with nothing to hide anything. You are both like that statue of David. And your friends are pretty cute, too. Especially the little guy."

"Well, he's been taking care of us babies. And doing a wizard job, too."

"I know you both are not into girls," she said a little wistfully, "and I'm a little sad that you are not. Mom explained all about that and I respect you for who you are. We can all be friends, even so."

"Alex, if I ever change my mind, I hope we could be 3; 3;"

In answer, they both embraced. Then Alexis ran off to catch up to her mother. I almost wept at the tenderness.

I buckled the four back into their restraints and they all grinned like the proverbial cat.

When I released them that evening, they ganged up on me and hauled me off to their shower. Stripping me, they gave me an orgy of stroking and fondling. With Meldarion to guide them, they were careful to bring me to the brink dozens of times, before I finally begged for release. Afterward, we sat on my porch.

Peder had been chosen spokesman. "Thank you, Uncle Marcus, for teaching is a lesson we needed. Actually, once we got over our embarrassment, it wasn't too bad, even kind of fun. The worst part was having my ass wiped by a little boy. He was always gentle but thorough but it always gave me a hard-on. And then he would have to take care of that."

"I'm really, really good at that now," chirped our little elf.

The next morning, when Theresa and I told Arnie and the King what had happened the previous afternoon, Arnie just shook his head. The King laughed uproariously. I didn't think it necessary to tell them 3; or Theresa, either 3; about my 'punishment' the night before. So far as the four and Meldarion and I were concerned, the matter was closed. It was a few weeks later until Arnie grudgingly admitted all five boys seemed more animated and satisfied with their situations.

And our little elf? He was busy riding, roping, and just being a boy!

One morning I emerged from my cabin to find two figures sitting on the porch of the main house. I recognized the one immediately, but the other one was a stranger. "Luke!" I greeted one of them. "How on earth did you get here?" He grinned at me and I withdrew my question, "Oh, never mind!"

"Good morning, Cousin Marcus," Luke said. "I'd like you to meet Master Keldar." But his lips never moved; I heard him in my mind.

I shook hands with his companion, but asked, "Why are you here."

"Master Keldar is the person in our community who seeks out latent talents among young people 3; especially boys 3; and determines whether they might benefit from joining us," Luke explained. "It was his father who visited Mike and discovered my talents after I nearly got my brother killed. I'm just his transport today."

"From that which Luke has told me, it seems that you have a young boy with a paranormal talent with you and I would ask your leave to test him," said Master Keldar.

I looked at Luke who nodded his assurance, so I replied, "Yes, by all means. But let's go have some breakfast and you can meet the rest of our party. And please talk the 'normal' way or you will freak these people out." Luke looked a little sheepish as I led them into the house to meet Arnie, William and Theresa.

Keldar shook Arnie's hand, bowed and kissed Theresa's hand and then bowed to the King and said, "It is my great honor to meet you, Your Majesty. Our parliament is one which has repudiated the English parliament's hasty and ill-conceived action, so you are still very much my liege."

"Thank you for your kind words, Master Keldar," replied William. "Please sit at table with us and tell us of your mission."

"I wish to determine the extent of the child's powers and recommend any training which might be appropriate. Please be assured I am not here to simply whisk him away from you and off to our community."

At that moment, the five boys came bursting into the kitchen and more introductions were made. As soon as Keldar spied our little elf, his eyes lit up.

After a hearty breakfast, we adjourned to the living room and Keldar explained what he wished to do. "I should like very much to talk to you, Meldarion and also to you, Robbie and Seth, since you were the ones who found him and traveled with him." Meldarion looked a bit doubtful, so he tried to set him at ease. "Meldarion, if you do have some special gifts, they are gifts from God and He wishes you to use them thoughtfully and kindly. I'm here to help you discover what they may be and help you to honor God's wishes."

As I nodded, that seemed to satisfy Meldarion and we adjourned. Keldar asked to speak with Robbie and Seth, first, so I took Meldarion with me.

"Is he going to take me away from you?" Meldarion asked somewhat fearfully. "Please let me stay with you!"

"No he's not, little one. Not unless you have a gift that requires special training to use it so you won't harm yourself or others. And then, only if you wish to go. Luke has some very strong powers and he and his father decided they would be happiest living in a community where his powers could be carefully developed."

"Could Peder go with me?" he asked.

"That would be his choice. But let's not worry about that. You are a member of our family and will always be so for as long as you wish. We will never send you away unless you want to go. Just talk with Master Keldar and listen carefully to what he says. Luke says he is a good man."

Meldarion spent most of the rest of the day with Keldar, only pausing for lunch. That gave me an opportunity to spend some time with Luke. I had been present when his powers were identified to my father and his father.

"Dad's getting up in years," he told me, "but we have never regretted our decision to join the community." He looked down sadly. "We both wish Mom could have been with us, but that was not to be. I was always so thankful that I could help you regain your freedom and, of course, equally happy that freedom came to the others. I, too, grieve that Nico, Julian and Michael are gone, but you are here and your sons are just amazing. Sebastian has told me all about them. I just wish I could have been a bit more helpful when they needed me."

"You did what you could, my friend. Yes, it's been quite an interesting time. I never, for a moment, believed I would ever even meet the King, let alone be considered a close friend." And I went on to explain how we came to have our little elf, how William came to be involved and risked his throne to aid us and how we came to be here in North America.

"I know your taste for young boys," Luke said. "And I can see why you are attracted to Sven and Peder. They are just gorgeous! Don't worry, I have my own 'special friends' at our community 3; one of them is even a girl! Your boys are safe," he assured me.

We both chuckled.

But something puzzled me. "Why this sudden interest in our little boy?" I asked him.

"It's not sudden" replied Luke. "We've been talking about it for some time."

"Well, it's not as if he could possibly harm someone," I replied.

"I doubt it," said Luke. "But we have to be sure. Empaths 3; particularly if they are either not known or untrained 3; can and do hurt others. Moreover they can exert a powerful influence over others, particularly if they crave power. Most of history's despots were most likely empaths 3; Genghis Kahn, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, to name a few. On the other side, history's greatest probable empath was Jesus Christ and the Pharisees hated him because he could see through their sham and tell what they were really feeling."

"Well I hardly think Meldarion rises to that level," I scoffed.

"But he could still harm someone unintentionally just by being untrained."

I still didn't see the problem.

"Let me give you an example," Luke continued. "Several years ago we came across a situation in which a widower with two sons 3; ages 11 and 8 3; was an unknown empath. He was a sales rep for a drug company 3; very successful 3; how could he not be with his power to influence his clients. But he and his late wife had fought constantly and she had finally cracked under his psychic assault and killed herself. Nevertheless, he tried to raise the two boys very strictly."

"One day he caught the older boy masturbating and was determined to stop the boy from such a 'filthy practice."

"He stripped the lad, tied him face up on his bed, stretched tightly enough to be quite painful and proceeded to stimulate the boy both physically and psychically. Every time the boy was on the verge of orgasm, the father sent him a blast of pain. He kept this up for hours until the boy finally passed out."

"For the next several days he kept the boy from school and repeated the conditioning. Eleven-year-olds often experience the beginning of sexual pleasure and this boy was no exception. Even the slightest stimulation sent him into spasms of pain. Even urination was excruciating."

"So, one day, he cut off his penis and bled to death on the kitchen floor."

"When his little brother found him, he called the police and his father. Unknown to either party, the younger boy was a powerful empath as well. When the constables arrived, father and son were locked in a psychic battle which the boy was slowly losing. Three unarmed constables were killed trying to separate them before an armed sharp-shooter was called in to bring the father down."

"We were called in and found the younger son on his knees in a completely rigid and cataleptic state. Despite the efforts of all our community members, he remains that way to day. It's as if his life has been suspended."

"Now, I don't think there is any danger that Meldarion will prove hurtful," he concluded. "But you can understand our concern."

I nodded numbly. Meldarion just could not be some kind of monster, I was quite sure.

After supper that evening, we sat before the fireplace 3; I, with Meldarion in my lap 3; and waited expectantly for Master Keldar to reveal what he had learned.

"There is no doubt whatsoever," he began, "that Meldarion is an empath."

The little boy in my lap cringed and I wrapped my arms about him, feeling his fright

"I should explain," Keldar continued. "Almost all babies are born with some empathic abilities. That is how they bond with this huge person called 'Mother'. And that is how they can express their love before they learn to talk. By the time they are weans [toddlers] the power has usually faded. But you, my young friend, seem to have retained yours. It means that you can read the feelings of others 3; not their thoughts, mind you, but their feelings 3; and send your feelings to others like a wireless station broadcasting. You have taught yourself how to channel so that you send to only the person you choose if you wish. And you are a loving and very affectionate boy who only wants the best for all his friends."

"The power is not very strong but it is enhanced when you touch the other person. That is," he addressed the rest of us, "why you feel such a burst of love when you hold his hand or put your arms around him. Whether he will retain his gift throughout his life, I can only speculate, but my outside guess is that it will fade in time."

Focusing on Meldarion once more he said, "There is little I or the members of my community can offer you, so it is quite proper you should remain with your family." Meldarion relaxed, as did the rest of us. "This is a child who does not know the meaning of 'hate'. He certainly has every cause to, but he does not. He simply wants to be loved and cherished and is quite capable of returning that love tenfold. Just love him, cherish him and help Meldarion Djeordsevic grow into manhood. He is truly a gift from God and his gift is truly from God."

There was an excited buzz in the room and Keldar interrupted, "Two other things. The incident at Cornwall I believe was an anomaly, brought on by severe stress and pain and is not likely to be repeated."

"And I learned something interesting about you, Seth. You are what is called a 'sensitive'. By that I mean you can 'hear' the psychic messages sent by another person, but you can't broadcast. That probably is why you could hear Meldarion calling to you from the trash heap, but your brother could not. God surely does work in wondrous ways. That you were close-by when Meldarion needed you most!"

"And, now we should be returning to our people," he said. After a round of handshakes and hugs, he grasped Luke's hand.

And suddenly they simply were not there any more.

We all sat in wonder for a few minutes.

"How did they do that?" an awed Arnie asked.

"It's called 'teleportation' and it's just one of the gifts that Luke has. He was acting like transport vehicle for Master Keldar. And don't be alarmed that your defenses have been breached. There is no way I know of that they could have been stopped."

That night, I took Meldarion with me. "I'm really, really, really glad I'm going to stay with you," he told me, tears glistening in his eyes. "You all saved me from that trash heap and Robbie and Seth almost were killed trying to help me. And you gave me a home and loved me and took care of me. I don't want to ever, ever leave you. I love you very, very, very much!"

I just cuddled him to me. "For as long as you wish, little one!"

With the end of summer, we had to turn our attention to schooling for all the boys. With the aid of a teacher whom the local school committee provided three days a week, Theresa had home-schooled her twins, as well as the few children of ranch hands who lived there. Most of the hands with families lived in the nearby town of Buena Vista.

But, for the first time, her boys would go into town to upper school which our North American cousins called 'high school'. And Robbie would go with them. It would be the first experience any of them had with traditional schooling and, especially, coeducation. Theresa would home-school Seth and Meldarion.

So, each weekday, weather permitting, the three would saddle up and be off to school, returning late in the afternoon.

It was Meldarion's first taste of any kind of schooling and he proved to be an eager learner 3; a joy to teach, Theresa told me. And he was so proud when he was able to read to Peder.

As the season moved on, the weather largely dictated our work about the ranch, but that was the rhythm of life in this part of Colorado Province. The work was hard but rewarding, and I had never felt more content.

In January, we had had several days of heavy snow in our valley and public schools were closed. But the storm had broken intermittently and we needed to see how the cattle had fared on the open range. The young, weaned calves 3; which the locals call 'dogies' 3; sometimes stray away from the protection of the herd and must be led back or they will not survive. So all of us, including Meldarion, saddled up and headed out. (You surely didn't think he would accept being left behind, did you?)

We had gotten most of the herd reassembled in a sheltered area when the weather again began to close in on us. We immediately started back for the ranch 3; Meldarion and his trusty pony bringing up the rear. Little Star was quite content to allow his larger cousins to break trail through the waist-high drifts, but the storm had overtaken us, turning our world into a complete white-out full of stinging snow and sleet.

One by one we rode into the corral and led our mounts into the shelter of the barn. But it was soon apparent that not all of us had made it back to shelter 3; both Meldarion and Peder were missing. When they did not appear after ten minutes, Arnie, William and I saddled up again and went to look for them. The storm seemed at its height.

By the time we breasted the first hill, the storm had moved off again and we were confronted by a dazzlingly white landscape, broken here and there by a black rock or two sticking up out of the snow. Scanning the landscape before us with his field glasses, Arnie managed to spot one of the 'rocks' that seemed to be moving in our direction. "There they are," he pointed, "but Meldarion seems to be leading Peder's horse! Peder's barely in his saddle! Something's happened!" And we all urged our mounts toward the two boys.

"I must go on!" the little boy kept telling himself. "He'll die unless I get him back. It's sooooo cold!" He struggled onward, growing more and more alarmed 3; and more exhausted 3; by the minute.

His pony had slipped trying to climb up from one of the many arroyos now choked with snow and his mentor had turned back to assist him. His horse, in turn, had stumbled, pitching the older boy into a snowbank at the bottom of the arroyo and he lay there not moving.

Meldarion squealed, jumped off 'Little Star' and ran to where Peder lay. The snow bank had contained a good sized boulder and Peder had struck his head, a small pool of blood evidence of the force of the blow.

"Peder! Peder! Wake up. We must hurry or the others will leave us behind!"

Getting no response and no feelings from the teen, Meldarion suddenly realized that Peder was seriously hurt and it was up to him to save them both. Rolling him over on his back, the little boy managed to drag him up out of the arroyo where his mount stood waiting. Somehow he managed to get Peder up on his horse, but he nearly slid off again.

So, taking a lariat from Peder's saddlebags, he tied the teen securely on his mount. Then he led his pony up from the arroyo, climbed into his small saddle, grasped the lead of the horse and they continued on. The snow and wind had obliterated the track of the others and he had no idea where they were or which way to go. But he trusted 'Little Star' and simply hunched down and let the pony have his head.

He found himself losing focus. It was getting harder and harder to stay in his saddle. The wind seemed like a scythe cutting his face, although the storm had cleared. He was slipping into hypothermia; almost at his limits when he was dimly aware that he was surrounded by horses and riders.

A strong voice called, "Here! Let me have him." And strong arms lifted him off his mount and enveloped him in the warmth of a sheepskin jacket. He mumbled a few words of warning about Peder and, only then, did he allow himself to sink into unconsciousness.


It took us about ten minutes to reach them and only then did it become clear that Peder was tied in his saddle and our little elf had been leading the two of them to safety.

The King rode up beside the obviously half-frozen little boy, scooped him up off his pony and wrapped him in his coat. "He says Peder fell and hit his head!" William informed us. Arnie and I could see the bleeding wound on his son's head.

"We've found them!" Arnie reported to Theresa back at the ranch. "Peder's taken a fall, hit his head and is unconscious. Better call Dr. Nelson!"

"Right!" she replied. "And I'll get a warm bed ready with a couple of warm boys to help."

"Use my bed!" roared the King.

"Good idea. Meldarion seems OK except he's hypothermic."

We cut Peder loose and Arnie bundled his son into his arms and we headed back, me leading his horse all the way and William following with our little elf. The other two mounts 3; one large and one small 3; followed, seemingly content to have been relieved of their burdens.

Theresa immediately took charge of Peder and rushed him off to the boy-warmed bed where three naked boys waited ready to warm him with their bodies. "Get as much of your skin against him as you are able," they had been instructed and were eager to comply.

"It was like holding on to an icicle," Seth later told me.

Peder's head wound had stopped bleeding, but the doctor was on his way, Theresa reported.

I took Meldarion from the King, wrapped him in a blanket and quickly ran to my 'cabin'. Stripping both of us I soon had us under a warm shower. He was unresponsive at first, but the warm water worked its miracle and he began to shiver 3; a good sign. Shortly he regained consciousness and two little arms went about my neck. But I could vividly feel his fright even though he was mostly asleep, completely exhausted by the day.

Drying the two of us was an adventure. If you have never dried a wet and sleeping boy, well 3; I slipped him into my bed and he immediately fell asleep. I dressed and sat holding his hand. Watching his small chest rise and fall, I was acutely aware how close we had come to losing him.

It was fully dark when William stuck his head in to say that the doctor had been there to treat Peder. "The skin-to-skin contact did wonders. That's a treatment I never heard of, but Theresa says it's rather common. Doctor says there is no fracture, but likely a concussion. He'll need to stay abed for a few days, so I'll move in next to you."


"Now, why don't you allow me to watch over the little one and you go get something to eat."

"I'm not hungry," I replied. "I'm 3;"

"Go! Now!" he ordered.

I quickly downed a bowl of Theresa's chicken soup and ate some fresh-from-the-oven bread before returning to my post. Theresa may not be a Jewish grandmother, but she is well aware of the therapeutic properties of 'Jewish Penicillin'.

"Thank you for watching him, sire," I told William back in my room.

He chuckled. "Marcus, you never have accepted that I'm not king just now, have you?"

"Sire, I don't care what the stupid parliament does," I replied. "You will always be my king!"

He looked at me for a moment and then embraced me. "Thank you, Marcus," he said, his voice breaking. "I can't begin to tell you how much your trust and friendship has meant to me during this time." Wiping an eye, he withdrew.

Meldarion was still sleeping soundly and likely would do so until morning, so I stripped, crawled in beside him, cuddled him to me and settled down for the night. I could still feel a good bit of his distress and fright, but it gradually faded.

It was just after daybreak when I awoke. Managing to slip out of bed and dress without waking my little partner, I once more sat holding his hand. After a bit, he stirred and opened his eyes. Gazing up at me, he reached for me.

But, suddenly he sat bolt upright and I could feel an intense wave of fright and concern envelope him. "Where is Peder? Is he all right?" he cried. "He's hurt and it's my fault!"

I gathered the crying little boy into my arms and assured him, "He's OK. He had a bad fall but doctor says he will be fine. Just needs a few days' rest."

"But it's my fault. I was careless and he fell trying to help me!" he wailed.

Pulling him closer, I consoled him, "No Meldarion, it is not your fault. I'm sure it was an accident. Now, why don't you tell me exactly what happened?"

He sniffed a few times. "Little Star tried to climb out of an arroyo and began to slip back. Peder reached back to try to help and his horse slipped and threw him. He fell and hit his head and I could tell he was hurt bad! I could see the blood on the snow!"

"I got him back up on his horse and we started for home. I didn't know which way to go, but Little Star did. It was so cold and I could hardly hold on to the lead from Peder's horse, but I knew I had to keep going or we would die! And then you found us!"

"Sounds like you saved the both of you," I told him. "In fact, I'd say you're a hero for saving him!" He looked up at me astonished. "Now I don't want to hear any more 'It's my fault' from you," I admonished him.

"OK!" he agreed, teary-eyed. I could tell from his feelings, he wasn't quite ready to buy in completely, but he was much calmer.

Something disturbed me, however. How could a little boy like Meldarion, get Peder back onto his horse? Peder outweighed him by well over 50 pounds [27kg] and the saddle was well over Meldarion's head or even his reach. Does this child have some powers that Master Keldar did not detect? Powers that are triggered only when he is in great distress? I well remembered Robbie's account of what had happened in the dungeon at Cornwall!

I laid him back on the bed and told him, "Now just wait here while I get you some clothes and we'll go have some breakfast and, then, you can go to see Peder."

Fifteen minutes later, we stood in Theresa's warm kitchen. Robbie, Seth and Sven had just finished their breakfasts and were about to tackle their weekend schoolwork. Before they left, they each gave Meldarion a big hug. "Way to go, little elf! You saved him! You're a hero!"

Meldarion just stood with his mouth open. He didn't think he had done anything so wonderful. After all, Peder was his very, very best friend.

Theresa dropped to her knees and swept him into her arms. Hugging him tightly, she cried, "Oh thank you, thank you! You saved my son! Oh Meldarion, you were so brave! And he would have died if not for you." And she cried unashamedly.

"But, mistress," he began, "I didn't do 3; 3;" He sensed my glare and didn't continue, just hugged her back.

Hopping up onto his chair at the table, he dug into the large bowl before him with gusto. Theresa had made his very favorite: baked oatmeal with dried fruit and brown sugar. I had to admit it was pretty good stuff, too. After he had demolished two bowls of it, I took him to see our patient.

Pausing at the doorway, he looked fearfully at the figure in the bed.

"Meldarion!" Peder called to him and he needed no further invitation.

Flinging himself over the prostrate form of his special buddy, he bawled, "Oh Peder! You're hurt and it's all my doing!"

"No, little one," Peder replied. "It was an accident! And you saved my life! You were strong and brave when it counted most." The little boy simply put his head down on Peder's chest and cried his eyes out.

"Come, my little elf," I finally said, "you need to let him rest. And I believe you have some schoolwork that needs your attention. "If you work hard, you can help Peder with his lunch." He made a face; but, then kissed Peder and scampered off to the schoolroom.

Turning to the recuperating boy, I asked, "How do you feel?"

"Bloody bad headache. And a little fuzzy. Doctor says that's the concussion and will go away. But the little guy has had a really bad time too, hasn't he?"

"Yes, but nothing that knowing you are OK, a good night's sleep and your mom's good food won't cure." I replied.

"That's good to know. But I don't understand something. How did he ever get me back on my horse? Does he have super strength or something?"

"I don't have an answer for that," I said. "And maybe we'll never know for sure." I told him about what had happened at Cornwall. "That means twice, when he was under severe distress, he displayed abilities we don't think he is capable of. Maybe, too, that was how he was able to call to Seth from the trash heap; you've heard the story from my boys, I wager. We just don't know and Master Keldar didn't say anything about that. It's a puzzle."

"I guess I should just be thankful," he sighed.

"We all are," I agreed.

"There's something else that bothers me ….. a little."

"Would you like to share it?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I think maybe you would understand. Mom or Dad might not."

I nodded and he went on. "I love the little guy to pieces and I know he adores me. Do you think we're too close? Several times he's asked me if he could be my mate when he grows up."

He had put a subject on the table that had been my concern for some time. "What do you think?"

"It's been fun and I feel great when he's in my arms. But I'm certainly not ready to think about a mate yet. And I'm not sure he would be in the running, if I was. He's much too young! It's been great going to school with other kids and I have a lot of friends my own age there. And girls can be pretty nice, too."

"But I've kept him pretty much to myself and I guess that's not very fair to the rest of you. And another thing, sometime 3; maybe soon 3; he's going to have to go back to England. What then? He needs to understand you all love him too. Just as much as I do."

"Peder, have I ever told you that you are the most 'grown up' of all the boys? I should have, for you see things the others 3; and maybe we adults, too 3; miss. I think you're spot on about Meldarion. Perhaps you are a bit too close. But you need to be very careful. I know you would never want to hurt him. But I trust you, Peder, to do or say the right thing."

He nodded. "I'll have some time to think about it the next few days. He's a very special kid and I'll always be his friend no matter what."

"You're all very special, Peder," I reminded him.

Peder was the quiet thoughtful one, so very different from boisterous Sven. "But you are special in a way your brother is not 3; maybe, too, even my boys. You think things out very carefully where Sven just goes with the flow. He's great kid, but sometimes a bit impetuous. I know who the ringleader was when you and the elf got dumped into the stock tank that time."

"But once you have decided a certain course is the right one, you pursue it to the end, quite willing to take your lumps if it doesn't turn out quite the way you dreamed. And that, my young friend, is quite a feather in your cap."

"Well I think maybe I should encourage him to show the others how much he loves them. I'll be careful not to hurt him or crush his spirit."

"I know you will, Peder," I told him.

Later that afternoon I walked into the horse barn to take back some tack I had been repairing. As soon as I entered, I heard a little voice quietly conversing with one of the stock. Quietly walking the length of the stalls, I came to the final one where Meldarion was talking to 'Little Star.'

He had his arms about the little pony's neck and his head on the pony's flank. "Little Star, you are such a good and trusty friend," he told him softly. "You knew the right way home and you saved my life and Peder's, too." It wasn't hard to see his love for the little animal and evidently Little Star felt it, also as he nickered softly to the boy.

"My God!" I thought, "does this child speak to animals, too? Perhaps that's why they have made such a good team in the field." I quietly left without disturbing them. I would have to ask Luke about that.

Somehow Peder managed to convey the message he and I had thought important and our little elf decided he had lots more friends who loved him even if Peder was his best friend.

Chapter 4
The Return of the King?

Meanwhile, back in England, young Edward adamantly refused to take the crown holding that it was not yet rightfully his. With several of the largest and most important of the Commonwealth nations refusing to recognize Parliament's hasty action, things were rapidly coming undone.

There had been great public indignation when Parliament 3; at least Commons 3; had forced William into exile. The popular press both at home and abroad had a field day. After several stunning Tory losses in 'safe' by-elections, the nervous back-benchers revolted, sacked their leader and brought down the government.

The poll that followed was not conclusive and the Tories were forced into a coalition with the Liberals as the junior partners. The Liberal Prime Minister designate, David Cameron, with William's blessing, flew immediately to Buena Vista to confer with him.

"Your Majesty," he addressed him, "I have two questions. Do I have your leave to form a government? And, under what conditions would you be willing to return and take up your reign again? You never abdicated and Lords steadfastly refused to consider the Act of Exile, so you are, in fact, still our sovereign."

"Your visit is very heartening, Mr. Cameron and I thank you for coming and your kind words. You certainly have both my leave and my encouragement to form a government. As for conditions for my return, well 3;" And he went on to lay down several conditions that would have to be met for him to agree to return. Cameron was quite agreeable and the two of them shook hands. The shoe was quite firmly now on the other foot. "One other thing," added William. "I should like very much to see my son."

"I shall direct my Justice Minister," said Cameron, "to admit whatever visitors you may wish."

"Thank you," Mr. Prime Minister." True to his word, Cameron arranged for the Prince of Wales to fly to Buena Vista within a fortnight.

The Prince was a tall, gangly youth of 17, caught physically between teen-hood and manhood, with a shock of flaming red hair. Quiet and studious, yet self assertive, he had in him the making of a fine future monarch. I bunked in with the boys 3; no, we did not have an orgy 3; so William could spend the time with his son.

In the meantime, The English High Court, in a stunning reversal of precedent, held that young slaves were children and protected from bodily harm and abuse as were all children. The suit had been brought by a member of the small Abolitionist Party… with William's covert support… under a many centuries old law which defined a child as 'A person, bourne of woman, under the age of reason'. The 'age of reason' was defined as fourteen for boys and two years later for girls. It had been enacted to define when a child might be admitted to the Church, and had never been modified.

While it had generally been assumed that slaves were not 'people', that had never been codified anywhere in the Empire. The Court could hardly hold that young slave children were not 'bourne of woman' and were certainly 'under the age of reason' so they capitulated.

The Cameron parliament declined to take up that issue.

The ruling meant that runaway slaves below a certain age could no longer be summarily hanged 3; that was certainly 'bodily harm' 3; that unwanted or injured young slaves could no longer be simply 'put down' and sent the entire mining industry into deep shock. After all, young, easily disposable slaves were their principal source of labor.

Several of the more hide-bound Tories, proposed 'corrective' bills on behalf of their mining sponsors, but were hooted down. Machinery soon replaced young bodies in all the pits.

Children could still be 'put into care' or indentured by their parents and strictly, even cruelly disciplined by their masters, but the masters were held accountable for their well-being. The whole child slave situation suddenly became much more humane.

Now what, you may ask, had this to do with our situation?

It meant that neither Seth nor Meldarion would any longer have a sentence of death hanging over them. Meldarion could never again be put in the landfill nor could either he or Seth be flogged. It had less meaning for Robbie, since he was fifteen, but it was generally agreed by our counsel that it was more likely all charges against him, too, would 3; in due time 3; be quashed.

Not so secretly, we all rejoiced, William included. If only those conditions had been in force when six young boys had filched some apples years ago. But, at least the sentencing guidelines now protected other young scamps from the horrors we had had to bear.

A week after Cameron's visit, Prince Harry arrived with news that the conditions for William's return had been met including the removal of Cornwall. The Duchy would revert to the Crown with the Prince of Wales as duke.

We all received the news happily as it meant William could now go home and our going home was that much closer. The 'family' back in England had been apprised of these developments and could hardly contain themselves.

Later that morning, William asked me to meet with him to discuss Meldarion's future. The idea he presented was spot on! A perfect ending to what had started out as a very frightening and shameful episode.

But it would mean we would have to give our little elf up.

After lunch, I took Meldarion to see the King.

"Ah! Here's my little elf."

"Good afternoon, Sir," he replied, bowing low. "Oh, I forgot! Peder says you are to be King again, so I must call you 'Your Majesty'. Please forgive me."

"I'm going to miss being just plain William, I think. But come and sit with me"

Meldarion jumped up beside him as William put his arm around him and the King lit up like a Christmas tree. You could actually see the waves of love passing back and forth between them. "Meldarion, do you know what a 'page' is in a royal household?"

"Oh, yes, Your Majesty. Peder read me stories about kings and knights. Pages help the knights and squires with their armor and take care of their horses and sharpen their swords and go with them when they ride out to battle."

"Well, we don't ride out to battle in armor much any more," chuckled the King, "but pages are a very big help to the Royal Family. Boys usually begin their training about your age and serve until they are about twelve and, if they have been good pages, then they are made squires. There are about twenty in my household."

"How would you like to be one of them?"

For a moment Meldarion simply gazed up at William with his mouth wide open.

"Me! A page? In your house?" he squeaked. "Oh, Your Majesty, that would be wizard! I can't believe it. Oh, thank you! Thank you!" And the royal cheek was properly and repeatedly bussed.

"When you are not on duty, you'll go to school and have lots of time to have fun with the other pages. You'll have to learn court manners, but I'm sure you will do fine."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," the boy burbled his face aglow with happiness and anticipation. But, then he turned serious. "I can't go!" he wailed.

"Whyever is that?" asked an astonished King.

"I'll have to leave Master Marcus and my family. I won't get to be with my friends: Robbie and Seth and Sven and Peder will I?"

"I will make it a rule they may visit often and you will go to visit them, too. Now, how is that?"

"Brilliant!" And his tears ceased. "Will I be able to ride Little Star when I visit?" His world had been healed once more.

And, in truth, our annual 'reunion' at the Gunderson Ranch was a much looked-foward-to time. The King and his young page were always there. Well, later it was a squire royal who made the journey with William. And my boys and the twins renewed their companionship well into adulthood.

It would be our last evening together as William and Harry would fly out the next morning and our little elf would go with them into a new and exciting life. Late that afternoon I had witnessed an emotional farewell between a little boy and his pony.

We sat at dinner 3; one of Theresa's 'simple ranch meals' 3; more like a banquet 3; and lingered over coffee. Glancing over at Meldarion, I saw that he was curled up in his chair, sound asleep with his spoon still clutched in his hand, still full of blueberry tart. I gestured to Robbie and he started to get up to pack Meldarion off to bed.

The King waved him back and rose and took the little boy into his arms himself. "Let me tuck him in this day. You know they won't let me do it at Buckingham."

With the King on his way home, the ranch descended into its usual peaceful state once more. William had asked us to remain until the courts had sorted out the situation of me and my two sons. That way, we could all return home without a sentence hanging over our heads. He had been back in England about a week when he undertook to speak to all his subjects and we were advised to listen to the broadcast. It would be at noon our time and we took sandwiches into the living room to wait to see what he would have to say.

"Good evening to all my people," he began. "I cannot tell you how much I have appreciated the welcome you have afforded me. It is always good to come home, whether you are the monarch or the shepherd in the fields or the plowman or the worker in the factory. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"I wanted to share with you this evening a few thoughts about some very special people who have steadfastly supported me these past months."

"My son, Edward, who adamantly refused the offer of my crown saying it was not his. Many young men might have been tempted, but his mother would have been very proud of him and I am intensely proud of him, too."

"The little boy who has been at the center of all this controversy, my little elf, Meldarion. A little boy who, on several occasions, almost met a tragic and painful death because he could not receive justice. Well, justice has been done and will be seen to be done as he last week entered my household as a royal page."

"Two other boys 3; young men, really 3; who were determined to save Meldarion from his shameful and unjust fate even though they knew such an act might place them in jeopardy of their own lives. They had been taught that being true to one's self transcended the law and custom. The courts in due order will get around to quashing the charges brought against them, but they, like us, are anxious to return to home and family. So, I have this morning granted Robert North Shay-Lange and Seth Gordon Shay full pardons."

"We're free!" exclaimed Robbie as he and Seth embraced and danced about the room.

"A good and faithful friend in North America," the King went on, "who took me in, fed me, and protected me during my exile. And in his care and counsel we learned much that is valuable about the life of our people. Arnold Gunderson, I have today constituted you 'Knight of the British Empire and your beloved wife Theresa, 'Dame of the British Empire'. Your sons will, by special Act of Parliament, inherit your titles in due course."

"Now why did he do that?" groused Arnie. "I told him I didn't want any fuss!"

I could see Theresa looking both pleased and amused at her husband. "Well you wouldn't permit him to even pay for his board. How else can he reward you?" I asked. "Just sit back and enjoy it."

"And finally," The King said, "a man whom I had the good fortune to meet some years ago and who has been largely unseen throughout my exile but was instrumental in finding me a place of refuge. Let me tell you some things about him."

Oh, Lord! I thought, noting the broad grins on the faces of everyone else.

"While he was still a young boy, he and five of his playmates did what boys have been doing for millennia. They filched some apples from a greengrocer. Now if my brother and I had done similar at that age, we would have been swiftly turned over Grandmother's lap for a bare-bottom spanking 3; not something to be wished for, I assure you. But what was the penalty meted out to these children for this nefarious act? What did our justice require as recompense?"

"In a stunning miscarriage of justice, lifelong slavery!"

"To their ultimate good fortune, they were purchased by a man who was determined to keep them safe. To save them from horrible deaths in a mine or worse. He grieved deeply for their condition for they were neighborhood boys. Boys he had watched and encouraged for years. Indeed, one of them had often sat upon his lap and listened to the stories he read. He tried to prepare them to survive in the sad lives he and they believed they would all lead until death."

"One of the boys, the boy who was their leader, kept them from despair, rallying them many many times. An orphan, he was the rock the others clung to in the hope they might one day be free. But despair, despite his heroic efforts, claimed the lives of two of his friends. However, in the fullness of time, all the of them were freed and have become outstanding subjects of this realm. Not one person can say that we 3;all of us 3; have not been blessed by their presence among us. Oh, for a thousand thousand boys like them!"

"The man's name is Marcus Shay, and, since his freedom, he and his late partner made it their cause to bring other unfortunate children from out of the darkness of slavery into the light of freedom. It was they who taught Robert and Seth that justice and mercy are to be desired above slavish adherence to the law."

"He's laying it on a bit thick, I fear," I remarked

"Be quiet. We can't hear," I was promptly admonished. "He's the King; he's allowed to."

"He was willing to share exile with me and his sons, comforting them and me in our time of trial. And I learned much from his forthright counsel. So, I have this day, constituted him Baron Marcus of Richmond."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Baron?" I thought he might confer a knighthood. But never a peerage. And then I realized something. He was not just rewarding me. For the title was one I could pass on to my son.

"And, so I bid you all a good evening," His Majesty concluded. "God save this realm and all it's people."

I sat there in shock for a few more minutes. Both sons got up, came over to me and gave me a big hug. "Guess now," quipped Robbie, "we'll have to call you Sir Dad."

"Now cut that out!" I growled at him.

And we all burst into laughter.


And so, have we come full measure in these stories by Patrick and Maiocxx?

A young boy 3; snatched suddenly from childhood, victim of a vicious system that cannot forgive a childish prank 3; screaming his head off in pain and terror as a cruel master, with rack and whip, introduces him to what he believes will be life-long slavery for this child and his boyhood friends. The growing realization that he loves this sadistic man and, amazingly, that love is returned even with daily humiliation and cruelty for all of them. The sadness when one of them is taken by despair. The shock 3; for both the boy and the man 3; when they learn they are father and son. The father willing to risk everything to free his son, a risk that proves successful.

The boy's struggle to truly be free once more; to rescue his friends from their slavery as well. The sadness when another of them is taken by despair. A third one is seemingly denied freedom forever, but they become lovers. The varied careers they all pursue and the contribution he and his lover make to their society. The freedom that finally comes to his lover and their search for a son. And the sorrow that overtakes him when his lover is murdered just as they adopt the boy they have raised up from slavery.

But, at last comes healing and a second son. And the rescue of a little boy that leads to a new life 3; as a peer of the realm.

It's been a fascinating life for Marcus and those he loves. And now a new little boy once more begins the circle.

Perhaps Patrick will have a slightly different tale of the life Marcus leads as a free person. We shall wait eagerly to find out.

The end

Author's note

I hope you have enjoyed these stories based upon characters from Patrick's original I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves. I've been very honored to have been allowed to 'borrow, some of 'his boys' for my purposes. If you liked my stories, please let me know. You can reach me via the PZA feedback form with Maiocxx in the subject line.